Serial Sonar6
Serial Sonar6
Serial Sonar6
(Windows XP)
README.RTF Copyright 2006 Twelve Tone Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cakewalk is a registered trademark, and SONAR is a trademark of Twelve Tone Systems, Inc. This file contains supplemental information on SONAR, Version 6.0. It was prepared on September 11, 2006.
ACT MIDI Controller Issues...................................................................................................... Session Drummer 2 Issues.......................................................................................................... QuickTime Issues........................................................................................................................ Audio Metronome Issues............................................................................................................ VST(i) May Lose Sync When Looping Alongside a DX(i)....................................................... Enabling Mono on a Bus/Main Will Affect Upstream Meters................................................... Mono Audio Clips May be Increased by 3dB in Certain Scenarios........................................... Adding MIDI Device May Break Control Surface Support and MIDI Key Bindings............... High-Resolution Audio Boosted by 6dB when Stretched Using MPEX.................................... ReWire Tracks Silent When Using Metronome Record Count-in............................................. MP3 Files With 256K Bit Rate May Not Play in SONAR 6...................................................... TTS-1 DXi Does Not Support 88.2 kHz Sample Rate................................................................ Using Cakewalk Kinetic Groove Synth in SONAR 6................................................................ Importing MPEG 2 Files in SONAR 6....................................................................................... Do not Intercept NRPNs Option for VST Plug-ins is not Persisted Between Sessions.......... Successive Snapshots Do Not Update Envelope Node Values................................................... Potential Pops When Using Surround Automation (SONAR Producer Edition Only)........... Mono Plug-Ins on Surround Buses............................................................................................. Staff View Font May Require Reboot After SONAR is Installed.............................................. Exporting Audio with Waves Plug-ins and Multiprocessing Engine......................................... Digidesign Mbox and Multiprocessing Engine........................................................................... Digidesign Digi 002 and Multiprocessing Engine...................................................................... Mono UAD-1/TC PowerCore Plug-ins Do Not Sum Audio on Stereo Tracks.......................... UAD-1 Error When 64-bit Double Precision Engine Enabled................................................ M-Audio Midisport 8x8 Compatibility....................................................................................... M-Audio Delta 1010 Distortion With 5.8ms Latency................................................................ Frontier/Tascam ASIO Drivers................................................................................................... Frontier Design TranzPort Issues................................................................................................ E-MU 1820 Compatibility.......................................................................................................... SONAR Only Supports GigaStudio Sample Rate When Using WDM Drivers......................... Can't Print if Staff View is Floating............................................................................................ RIFF/MID Will Not Launch SONAR When Double-clicked..................................................... AutoTune 4 (Graphic Mode) as Clip Effect................................................................................ iZotope Plug-ins Hang x64 VST Scan........................................................................................ MIDI Note Will Continue to Play If Now Time is Moved......................................................... Arpeggiator MFX With Low Rate May Affect Playback........................................................... Muted MIDI Ranges are Not Distinguished Visually................................................................. Standard AVI Audio Codecs Do Not Support Multichannel Audio........................................... No MTC Sync within 1 Minute of Midnight Roll-over.............................................................. Dual Video Monitors Set to Different Color Bit Depths May Affect Performance................... Video Pauses on Playback When Using Creative ASIO Driver.................................................
New in SONAR 6
The following enhancements have been introduced in SONAR 6:
AudioSnap MIDI Controller and Control Surface Enhancements New Synth Automation and Synth Rack Preset Management Organizing Plug-ins Enhanced Plug-in Manager Customizable Menus Customizable Toolbars New Console View Streamlined and Configurable Track View Redesigned Large Transport Clip Handles Clip Lock Absolute-Time-Based Clips Enhanced Time Ruler Automation Controls Enhanced Mouse Wheel Function Enhanced Staff View File Versioning Import 64-bit Audio Friendly Audio Driver Names Lasso Selects Touched Clips Default Settings Changes New Export/Bounce Options V-Vocal Key Bindings New Snap to Grid Dialog
SONAR 5 was the first DAW application to provide a 64-bit audio engine in a 64-bit binary application. Both a 32-bit and a 64-bit version of SONAR 6 are included on the SONAR 6 DVD. The following features are not supported in SONAR x64 at this time:
ReWire support for 32-bit clients like Project 5 V2, Reason 2, and Fruity Loops 32-bit DirectX plug-ins Receiving MIDI output from VSTi plug-ins DreamStation DXi2 MPEX time/pitch stretching. A 64-bit library is not available for the MPEX time/pitch stretching algorithm, so this feature is not supported in SONAR x64. Use iZotope Radius or SONARs internal time/pitch stretching instead. Microsoft has yet to provide x64 codecs for the following formats, so they are not yet supported: o MP3 import o Windows Media Video import/export Apple has yet to release QuickTime for Windows x64, so QuickTime import/export is not yet supported. Note: MPG 1 movie files can be imported.
Backwards Compatibility
SONAR 6 can load SONAR 1.x/2.x/3.x/4.x/5.x projects, but projects that are saved in SONAR 6 cannot be re-opened in SONAR 1.x or SONAR 2.x. In case you need to open a pre-SONAR 6 project in an earlier version of SONAR, it is recommended that you always create a backup copy of the original project before you re-save the project in SONAR 6. Project files saved in SONAR 6 will not open in SONAR 4 if they reference or include any of the following types of data or information:
32-bit and 64-bit audio clips, including clips and tracks that have been frozen or rendered as 32-bit or 64-bit data. Audio clips that are not all of the same bit depth
Project files saved in SONAR 6 will not open in SONAR 5 if they reference 64-bit audio clips. SONAR 6 project files may contain new features that will be missing if opened in SONAR 5 and earlier, including:
Automation Read Enable States Clip lock properties Preserve mix between gang members setting Synth Rack Assignable Controls Synth Rack Automation
SONAR 6 project files may contain new features that will be missing if opened in SONAR 4, including:
Clip effects and clip automation o Effects are removed o Automation envelopes are orphaned Groups o SONAR 6 groups are preserved but will not be completely functional in SONAR 4 o Controls may be removed from groups o Groups cant be added to or changed o Group names will be truncated. o SONAR 4 may add extra groups to the project.
Re-saving a SONAR 6 project file in an older version may permanently remove the project data described above.
VST plug-ins during playback. This variable should be set in the [WinCake] section. For example: [WinCake] EnablePluginCancelButton=1
The following topics cover general issues in SONAR.
ADS Pyro A/V Link DV transcoder Canopus ADVC-100 DV transcoder Canon ZR-85 miniDV camcorder
Note: when using DV AVI movies, the transcoding unit must be set to the same format (NTSC or PAL) as the video file, or Preview to Firewire and Print to Tape will fail to work properly. Also, CPU consumption will be lower when the source material is in DV format, since the format is native to the Firewire device and doesnt incur a CPU hit for transcoding video.
In SONAR 4.0.0, the Scrub function would automatically scrub at unity gain. This has changed in version 4.0.1 and later, where audio scrubbing is performed at the mix level (volume and pan settings are applied). You can also scrub at unity gain by holding down the Alt key while scrubbing.
Specifies the horizontal space, in pixels, between controls. The default spacing is 3 pixels. TVControlSpacingY=<number of pixels>, default = 3 Specifies the vertical space, in pixels, between controls. The default spacing is 3 pixels. TVSpacingXInCluster=<number of pixels>, default = 2 Specifies the horizontal space between each button in a cluster. The default value is 2 pixels. The following controls are grouped into clusters:
Mute, Solo, Arm for Recording (MSR) Automation Read, Automation Write Phase, Interleave (mono/stereo)
TVBoldStripNames=<0 or 1>, default = 1 Specifies whether track/bus names use bold (value=1) or regular (value=0) font style. TVLargeStripNames=<0 or 1>, default = 1 Specifies the size of track/bus names. The default size is large (value=1).
Zero Controllers When Play Stops Is Not Applied When Freezing Synths
Please note that the global Zero Controllers when Play Stops setting is not applied when freezing soft synths. This means that the current state of a continuous controller when play is stopped can cause unexpected results when freezing a synth. If you experience this issue, rewind the project before freezing the synth.
Note: if you are using SONAR 6 Studio Edition, substitute Producer with Studio. The Value is: AccessibilityMode It is a DWORD. Value can be 0, 1, 2 or 3: 0 - no accessibility (default) 1 - put the access string in the TrackView Cview's caption 2 - put the access string in the CWACCESS window 3 - put the access string in the CWACCESS window and make this window visible
SONAR 3 (color presets): HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR Producer\3.0\Presets\{6B0298E5-C4B7-4AAF-90EF-B214D18F7654} SONAR 3 (current colors): HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR Producer\3.0\Colors SONAR 2 (current colors): HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR\2.0\Colors SONAR 1 (current colors): HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR\1.0\Colors [2] Open the exported registry file in a text editor (to use Notepad, right-click the .REG file and choose Edit). [3] Change the path to reflect SONAR 6: If you exported all color presets from SONAR 4, enter the following path: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR Producer\4.0\Presets\ {6B0298E5-C4B7-4AAF-90EF-B214D18F7654}] If you exported the current/default colors from SONAR 1/2/3, enter the following path: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR Producer\3.0\Colors] Note: if you are using SONAR 6 Studio Edition, substitute Producer with Studio. [4] Save and then close the .REG file, then double-click the REG file to add the information to the registry. Your old color settings should then be available in SONAR 6.
Known Issues
The following topics cover known issues in SONAR that may be addressed in the future.
As a result, MIDI data transmitted from the knobs/sliders/buttons may also be recorded if you move the controls while recording a MIDI track. Also, if Input Echo is enabled on a MIDI tack, MIDI data transmitted from the knobs/sliders/buttons will echo even if you are using ACT to control other track/bus/effect/synth parameters. We plan to address this issue in the near future in a free maintenance update, so the MIDI messages that are mapped to the ACT MIDI Controller plug-in are filtered out when recording MIDI data. As a temporary workaround, you can configure your MIDI controller such that the keys/pads and other controls are transmitting on at least two different MIDI channels, then use SONARs MIDI input filter to filter out the MIDI channel(s) that is assigned to the knob/slider/button controls. Please see your MIDI controllers documentation for information on how to configure the knobs/sliders/buttons. To configure SONARs MIDI input filter, click the small down arrow in a MIDI tracks Input control, and choose Manage Presets. Next, disable the MIDI channel(s) that are assigned to your MIDI controllers knobs/sliders/buttons. Another temporary workaround is to simply not adjust any of the sliders/knobs/buttons while recording MIDI data.
while you seek in the SONAR time ruler. If you are affected by this issue, the solution is to enable "Set Now Time with Full Reset". Session Drummer 2 Transport Keeps Unsteady Beat at Higher Latencies If SONAR's mixing latency is set very high (for instance, above 50 milliseconds), Session Drummer 2 may keep an unsteady beat when previewing a pattern indefinitely. You may notice a lurch in timing as the pattern loop restarts. The higher the latency, the more noticeable the lurch may be. When using Session Drummer 2 at high latencies, we recommend using it as a synth/sound module, and send it data from a MIDI track. RPN Events Stop Session Drummer 2 Audio Output If a MIDI track that is routed to Session Drummer 2 is transmitting RPN events, Session Drummer 2 will no longer output audio. To fix this, launch the Cakewalk Plug-in Manager (Tools-Cakewalk Plug-in Manager), select the VST Instruments (VSTi) category, then select Session Drummer 2. Next, click the Plugin Properties button, then enable Do not intercept NRPNs. Note: The Do not intercept NRPNs option is currently not persisted between sessions, and must be set at the beginning of every session.
QuickTime Issues
In order to import/export QuickTime files in SONAR 6, you must install both the filters AND QuickTime. Below are some other known QuickTime issues:
QuickTime Import/Export requires version 6.5.1 or higher of the QuickTime Player to be installed. The QuickTime Player is not included with SONAR, but can be downloaded separately from Apples web site ( Audio mixdown to QuickTime must be set to 16 bits stereo or mono, or the resulting export will create a unusable file or abort with an error. Audio mixdown to QuickTime must be set to 48 KHz or less or the resulting export will create a file that plays back incorrectly. When exporting to QuickTime, the frame rate of the QuickTime video compressor will default to "best possible." Since not all movies in a SONAR video project correctly report their frame rate, the best practice is manually enter the desired frame rate. This is done in the video settings of the QuickTime video compressor. Exports to QuickTime from a SONAR video project created from an AVI using the Indeo video compressor will create a movie with white frames. Exports to QuickTime may have an extra white frame on the last frame of the movie. This extra frame can be removed with the QuickTime Pro Player or another QuickTime
editing application. Many of these limitations will be addressed in a future update to SONAR.
Adding MIDI Device May Break Control Surface Support and MIDI Key Bindings
When adding a new MIDI Device in Options-MIDI Devices, control surface support and MIDI key bindings may no longer work properly. Restarting SONAR will solve this problem.
MP3 Files With 256K Bit Rate May Not Play in SONAR 6
MP3 files that are created in Cakewalk MediaWorks version 1.0 with a setting of 256K, may play back as silence when imported into SONAR 6. This may also apply to MP3 files that are authored in SONAR 6 at 44.1kHz, 16-bit, 256K joint stereo. Other bit rates should be fine.
(or MediaWorks) is installed, SONAR may crash when attempting to import MPEG 2 files.
Do not Intercept NRPNs Option for VST Plug-ins is not Persisted Between Sessions
In the Cakewalk Plug-in Manager, the "Do Not Intercept NRPN" option for VST plug-ins is not persisted between sessions, and must be set at the beginning of each session in order to take effect. This will be fixed in a future update.
Potential Pops When Using Surround Automation (SONAR Producer Edition Only)
If you record Angle surround pan automation, please note that a pop may occur as the angle parameter jumps from 0 degrees to 180 degrees. This may occur if the jump is not instantaneous, and can be easily solved by zooming in the envelope automation and moving the top and bottom nodes so they are aligned in time (tip: enable Snap to make it easier to align the envelope nodes).
When using the M-Audio Delta 1010 set at 128 sample buffer size (configured in M-Audio Delta control panel), setting the mixing latency in SONAR to 5.8 milliseconds may results in distortion if either or both of the following is true: 1. An effect is patched into a track and the track is armed for recording. 2. An effect is patched into a track and Input Echo is enabled on that track.
ASIO Panel If the E-MU ASIO Panel is open, a crash may occur if you try to launch the SONAR online Help from the Audio Options dialog (Options-Audio). To address this, you must first manually close the E-MU ASIO panel. A host application has no way of knowing if the ASIO panel is open or closed.
SONAR Only Supports GigaStudio Sample Rate When Using WDM Drivers
When using GigaStudio and SONAR with WDM drivers, SONAR must use the same sample rate as GigaStudio is using.
behavior with the Set Now Time with Full Restart option in Options-Global-General. Note: moving a MIDI note event during playback is affected by this same issue.
Dual Video Monitors Set to Different Color Bit Depths May Affect Performance
If you are using a dual monitor system and experience sluggish performance when selecting and dragging clips in the Clips pane, confirm that both monitors are set to the same Color Quality bit depth.