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Bulletin For March 17, 2013

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Marys Catholic Church

March 17, 2013 P.O. Box 70 Malta, MT 59538 Email: [email protected] www.SaintMarysMalta.org Fr. Cory StichaAdministrator Office: (406) 654-1446 RE Center: (406) 654-1311 Fax: (406)654-1467

Mass Schedule and Intentions

Mar. 18: No Mass (Chrism Mass at St. Anns, Great Falls @ 7 PM) Mar. 19: Malta - 5:30 PM: For Julie Howell r/b Anne Henderson Mar. 20: Malta - 8:30 AM: For Pope Francis r/b Anne Henderson Mar. 21: Hi-Line - 10:00 AM: For Glen Williamson r/b KofC Council 2124 Malta (Holy Hour) - 7:00 PM: For priests intention Mar. 22: Malta - 8:30 AM: For the repose of the soul of Fr. Emmett Hoffman Mar. 23: Malta - 5:30 PM: For Kenny Jensen r/b KofC Council 2124 Mar. 24: Dodson - 8:30 AM: For Jack Munsinger r/b KofC Council 2124 Malta - 10:00 AM: For the parishioners Saco - 12:15 PM: For the Hank DeNoma family r/b Helen DePuydt

St. Marys Ministers

Saturday, March 23 - 5:30 PM Lectors: Servers: Music: EMHCs: Gift Bearers: Hospitality: Sacristan: Wilma Mavencamp & Brenda Rummel Cathy Salsbery Mike Ereaux & Julie Howell Lynne Nevrivy Sunday, March 24 - 10:00 AM Meghan Johnson & Terry Stiles Turk & Devyn Salsbery Kerri Morton Jan LaFond, Jim & Mary Brady Denny Salsbery Family Jerry Depute & Jack Stenswick

Sacred Heart Ministers

March 24, 2013 Lector: Bonnie EMHCs: Ryan & Ken Gift Bearers: Ron Kienenberger Church Cleaning for March: Connie Wilkes & Kathleen Hughes Ministers: Please come early to serve as greeters! Any announcements for next Sundays bulletin need to be in by 11:00 a.m. on Thursday.

Stations of the Cross

St. Marys: Friday evenings at 7:00 PM (immediately following the KofC fish fries on those weeks) Sacred Heart: Monday evenings during Lent at 6:00 pm. We will be serving soup and bread on the following nights: March 4th, and March 18th. Everyone is welcome to join us for Stations AND for soup and bread.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

9 AM to 6 PM Join us on April 5th!

Scriptural Rosary
Will be held on April 14, 2013 at 5:00 PM at St. Marys Church.

Can you not spend one hour with me? (Mt 26:40)

Holy Fathers Prayer Intentions for March 2013

General Intention: Respect for Nature. That respect for nature may grow with the awareness that all creation is God's work entrusted to human responsibility. Missionary Intention: Clergy. That bishops, priests, and deacons may be tireless messengers of the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

Please keep in your prayers:

Loretta Patrick, Jack Munsinger, Jeanie Engebretson, Kathy (Hould) Iannacchione, Don Kuszmaul, Loretta Bebee, repose of the soul of Frank Bebee, Marilyn Metz, Jerry Hickey, Scotty Moore, those from our local area serving in the military, and the Poor Souls in Purgatory. Anyone who needs to have prayers said for someone can call: Madaline Itcaina at 654-2584; Jean Niebur at 654-2822; or Doris Nicholson at 654-2692. Names will be listed in the bulletin for one month unless specified.

Stewardship and Development

Stewardship Thought: The subject of conversion is present in todays Scripture passages. The prophet Isaiah describes images of deliverance from evils and dangers. An imprisoned St. Paul writes to the Philippi community, For his sake I have accepted the loss of all things and I consider them so much rubbish. St. Paul has transformed his former life of sin, including the persecution of Christians, to a new life in which he proclaims the Lords salvation message to the Gentiles. In the Gospel, Jesus does not condemn the woman accused of adultery, but asks her to sin no more to convert her life to one free of this sin. We, as Christian stewards, acknowledge that conversion from sin produces a change of heart and mind, and brings us closer to discipleship in the Lord.

Holy Week and Easter Schedule

Palm Sunday: Normal weekend schedule Holy Thursday: 7:00 PM, St. Marys Good Friday: Noon, St. Marys Easter Vigil: 8:30 PM, St. Marys Easter Sunday: 8:30 AM, Sacred Heart 10:00 AM, St. Marys 12:15 PM, St. Francis Drinking Clean Water in Pakistan This week we focus our prayers, fasting and almsgiving on Pakistan, where poor communities often do not have access to clean water. CRS helps communities build water pumps so they can have clean water nearby for use at home and on their farms. This week, consider fasting from all beverages except for water, and donate what you saved to your Rice Bowl.

Collection Totals for Last Week

Malta: Dodson: Saco: Collected $1,386.00 $372.00 $195.00 Needed $2,758.26 $440.37 $183.05

Sacred Heart PCCW Meeting

1st Sunday of each month immediately after Mass.

Knights of Columbus
Mar. 22 - Last Lenten Fish Fry Apr. 9 - Knights fun night, 6 PM Burgers, fries and games All Knights - come one, come all! Bring yourself and favorite game April 14 - Coffee and rolls April 19, 20 - State convention in Libby April 14 or 23 - Rally for Life

St. Marys PCCW

March 18-23 - Spring Cleaning (Balcony, Kitchen & Dining Room, for bands to clean) April 7 - Pot Luck (in place of Spring ling). Raffle tickets will be available soon.
Name: Address: Telephone:

New to the Parish? Please fill out this form and drop it into the collection basket, or bring it to the Church Office during the week. You may also use this to give us a new address or phone number.

Good Friday Collection

Christians around the world are united in a special way during Lent, Holy Week and Easter. Our hearts, minds and prayers are also especially aware of the Holy Land. Our parish, once a year on Good Friday, is called on to support Christians in the Holy Land. Many Christians in the Holy Land depend on the collection for their lives. As a pontifical collection requested by Pope Benedict XVI, the annual Good Friday Collection offers a direct link for parishioners to be witnesses of peace and to help protect the Holy Places. When you donate on Good Friday, you are supporting Christians in the Holy Land. Franciscans and others in the Holy Land are housing and feeding the poor, providing religious formation and education, maintaining shrines and parishes, and conducting pastoral ministry. For more information, visit www.myfranciscan.org.

Job Opening
St. Marys Catholic Church has an immediate opening in the position of Director of Religious Education. This is a part-time paid position organizing the religious education program at St. Marys and affiliated missions, as well as ensuring compliance with diocesan child protection policies for all involved in the RE program. If youre interested or would like more information, please contact Fr. Cory or Lana in the St. Marys Parish Office. A full job description is available at the office.

DCCW Scholarship
The Great Falls-Billings Diocesan Council of Catholic Women are once again offering a $300.00 Scholarship to a High School Catholic young lady, 2013 graduate, and to a non-traditional Catholic woman student within the Diocese who is currently enrolled in a college, university or vocational school. Applications are available through your local parish office. You may also contact your Parish Council of Catholic Women President for further details. Deadline to apply is April 1, 2013. You may also contact Wilma Mavencamp, DCCW Scholarship Chairperson, PO Box 445, Malta, MT 59538 or call 654-1346. Her email address is [email protected]

Four Wheeler Raffle Drawing

Knights of Columbus Council 2124 is once again raffling off the winners choice of a Honda Rancher 4 wheeler or a Yamaha Golf Cart. Tickets are available now at $20 each, with only 500 tickets sold, so get yours today! Contact a KofC member to buy your tickets or for more information.

Thieltges Lay Ministry Grant

Attention Lay Ministers: Are you interested in attending a workshop or seminar to improve your ministry? As a member of our parish, you may be eligible to receive financial assistance for participation in a workshop or conference that assists you in ministry. Thieltges Lay Ministry Grants are available for continuing education during the calendar year of June 1, 2013 through May 31, 2014. Contact Lana at the parish office for further information. Applications for grants must be submitted before April 1, 2013. Confessions: Saturdays 4 - 5 p.m., 1/2 hour before daily Mass (Mon.- Fri.) or by appointment Anointing of the Sick: Please contact Father Cory as soon as possible for anointing. Baptism: Normally celebrated at Sunday Mass. Parental sessions are required. Marriages: Six month couple preparation period required. Please contact Fr. Cory before scheduling marriage date.

Faithful Citizenship Quote

"A Catholic politician or a Catholic voter can not separate himself or herself from his or her moral responsibility. You cannot choose when and where to be Catholic and that includes political life and voter responsibility." -- Cardinal Renato Martino, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Vatican City

Mass Intentions
As Catholics, we have a long tradition of having Masses celebrated for those we wish to offer up in prayer. The Mass is the ultimate form of prayer, and each Mass is celebrated for an intention. Please consider having Masses celebrated for family and friends on special occasions and anniversaries, as well as those who are in need of prayers. Masses are also encouraged in memory of those loved ones who have died, especially on the anniversaries of their deaths. Contact Fr. Cory for more information!

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