Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

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Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

Can you Survive

We do not know what the future will bring, we can only study the facts at hand and come to some
intelligent conclusions.
Today, in my opinion we are at the very brink of disaster. The economy of the world has started to
crumble. Several nations, like South Korea, Taiwan and Russia , have gone belly up with others like
Japan have ground to a halt. Our own country is over extended, the stock market is in trouble and bank
failure and personnel bankruptcies at an all time high. We could wake up tomorrow and see a depression
worse then that of 1929.
In our modern industrialized world, life revolves around the computer. Banking, transportation,
communications, energy, manufacturing etc. are all dependent on computers for their every day function
and record keeping. As of January 1, 2000 many of these systems will fail. The degree of chaos that will
be caused is not known but most experts agree that there will be disruptions of service.
On the political side we but have to read a newspaper or listen to the news. The entire world is on
the brink of war. Terrorist activities are at an all time high.
Our own government has declared war on it’s citizens. Our military over the past few years has been
conducting urban warfare maneuvers in our cities. The National Guard, The Army Reserve have been
practicing for house to house gun confiscation. The courts have all but burned the constitution. And to
make matters worse, there are large numbers of foreign troops on our soil. Foreigners have been placed
on duty with local police around the country.
The weather in recent years has been all but friendly! There have been floods, hurricanes, droughts,
earth quakes etc. Thousands of people have been left without food, shelter, clothing, water and medical
attention. In many cases they have had to depend on the government for hand outs.
We may also have our own little disaster such as a car breaking down in the middle of no where in
the middle of the night in 10 degree weather, the lose of electric power for day or weeks because of
storm or the injury of a friend or loved one without the benefit of immediate medical attention.
We will attempt in this issue and the following editions of the “Newsroom” to give some hints for
survival and protection in many of these situations. But remember that we can only point you in the right
direction. There are hundreds of books written on the subject and we a limited to a few pages. We are
including sources for information and supplies. These are for your convenience. There are others that
will give the same service, may offer better products and even at a lesser cost, but these are the sources
that we have come across.
Without water you can live 3 to 5 days, in cold temperatures frostbite can set in a matter of a few
minutes to hours, without food you can survive from 30 to forty days. Simple medical supplies like
peroxide may save life or limb form infection. In the Civil War most of the deaths were the result of
infection not gun shot.
As a parent or grandparent it is your duty to prepare, protect an inform your loved ones and we with
this publication will try to be just a little help. (1 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:12 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

As people send additional information on this subject we will keep you updated in the

Why Prepare and Store?

Because of Events That Can Not Be Controlled

When we understand the importance of self-reliance and being prepared, it's as if we hear the "wake up
call" and begin taking responsibility for managing our own lives. In so doing, we understand
(paradoxically) that there are many facets of our lives which cannot be managed or "controlled."

Natural Disasters
Consider a partial list of major disasters which occurred in the U.S. since 1989. Even the most
responsible among us could not control these events:
1989--Charlotte NC, Charleston SC, and other inland areas devastated by Hurricane Hugo.
1989--Bay Area of San Francisco rocked by an earthquake during World Series playoff.
1991--California residential areas suffer severe fire losses.
1992--Southern Florida suffers worst damage ever from Hurricane Andrew as it destroys public and
private property.
1992-Hawaiian islands pounded by vicious wind and water and suffer heavy property damages due to
Hurricane Iniki.
199--California homes ravaged by fires again and losses exceed previous years.
1993--The Great Flood inundates 8 million acres in 9 states along the Mississippi River. causing $12
billion in damage.
1994--January, several major calamities happen concurrently in the U.S.: ·
· Los Angeles earthquake (6.8 on the Richter Scale), which disrupts the entire city. kills 60 people, and
ultimately costs more than $6.5 billion.
· 24 North Central, Midwest, and Northeastern states are paralyzed by extremely cold and bitter winter
weather during the "storm of the century." ·
· natural gas explosion in Kentucky destroys property and disrupts many communities. ·
· frozen water distribution system in Atlanta, Georgia, leaves part of city without water for days.
· extreme winter conditions disrupt businesses and federal government offices in many Eastern
seaboard cities and towns, including Washington, D.C. (2 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:12 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

199--November, Hurricane Gordon rips through southern Florida, destroying winter vegetable crops
estimated in excess of $200 million, then proceeds up the Eastern shore to the Carolinas, causing
additional losses
1995--the sheer volume of tropical storms and hurricanes during the Summer alone exhausted the entire
1998--The great ice storm in New England and Montreal Canada--Millions without out power for
weeks. Most left without the ability to survive without the help of government.

Man-Caused Disasters
There are many instances of man-caused disasters--business disasters, political upheavals, nuclear
detonations, war, and terrorist acts:
1992--Los Angeles barrios engulfed by civil riots and fires, looting, and vandalism.
1993--World Trade Center bombed by terrorists, killing six people.
1995--April, terrorist bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
1995-1996 continuing saga of elected officials straining to pass legislation on a balanced budget
ultimately disrupts the lives and fiscal security of thousands of federal employees during the Christmas


In- Home Storage “Building Block” Categories

1. Water---emergency supplies & treatment · 2nd in importance only to the air we breathe ·
· we can survive only a few days without it ·
· simplest basic category to store
2. Wheat, other whole grains, flours, & beans · considered an essential item for any food storage
· assumes family will have other Basic foods in
3. powdered milk, dairy products, & eggs · stored as whole dried milk or skim (nonfat)
4. Sweeteners-honey sugar, & syrup · essential sugars for many food preparations
5. Cooking catalysts · salt, oil, & leaveners essential to food preparation
· category essential to body development ~ least
expensive category to store
6. Sprouting seeds & supplies · fresh, green, live whole foods--any time of the
year--for pennies per day (3 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:12 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

7. Medical care, medications, & first aid kits · medications without which a person's life or
health is in jeopardy
· 30-day supply of all essential medications in
emergency kit
· first aid supplies for emergencies or in the event
of a disaster
8. Basic supplementation, vitamin, mineral, and · essential for storage diet to maintain adequate
herbal supplements nutrition
· processed foods are depleted in vitamins and
· additional nutritional losses are incurred from
long-term storage of foods
· necessary to support the body during stressful
times generally accompanying a food storage diet
9. Fuels, energy, a camping gear · when there are no available public utilities, these
commodities will provide the means for cooking
your food, as well as heating and lighting your living
· emergency commodities, such as bedding,
cooking equipment, other necessities for away
from-home living, if required
10. Personal, family infant, & pet care essentials · clothing, personal items, and body care items
· necessities for individual special needs
· necessities for babies, infants, or children ·
· food and care items for any pets
11. Canned & dried fruits, vegetables & soups · selection of the family's favorite and familiar
fruits, vegetables, and soups in quantities adequate to
provide regular meals
12. Kitchen staples--condiments & seasonings · all the meal accessories the family needs to make
meals as tasty and normal as possible
13. Masts & seafoods · selection of meats--fresh, frozen, or canned
14. Domestic maintenance & preparedness · items needed to maintain the home. yard,
garden--all the important things needed for
continuing repair and maintenance
15. pleasure foods-snacks, beverages, sweets, & · morale-lifting, familiar, and convenient foods that
treats would give the family a "lift" when all else seems to
be going awry

Basics Self-Assessment Quiz (4 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:12 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

For just a moment, make these assumptions:

· You want to be able to live in a near-normal manner from your own personal resources for up to one
year regardless of external conditions.
· One of your family's four basic goals is to have a one-year, in-home supply of food and nonfood items.
· You have the means to acquire what you need for your family's in-home food storage.

Let's begin your in-home storage preparation with these questions:

1. To what potential natural, man-caused, or personal disasters are you vulnerable? How can you
eliminate or mitigate their negative impact on your family's life and lifestyle?
2. What if there were no water available from your faucets? · How much drinking water is "hidden"
inside and outside your house? ·What are those sources? Could you treat water to make it safe for
drinking and cooking?
3. Take an inventory of your refrigerator, freezer, pantry, kitchen cabinets, cupboards, closets, or
wherever you put your food. What do you have on hand in these categories:
o canned foods o packaged foods o dried & preserved foods
What's there that's nutritious? How long could your family eat if the food in your pantry, refrigerator
or freezer were the only food available?
o l day ol week ol month olonger
4. If you need life-preserving medication, how long will your current supply last if it's no longer
available? What vitamin, mineral, and herbal supplements do you have on hand? · In what way do they
support your health? · How long would they last if not replenished?
o l day ol week ol month
5. Do you know what foods and nonfoods to buy for storage, in which order of priority, how much of
each to buy, and where to buy them?
6. Could you prepare the stored foods, maximizing their shelf life and nutritional qualities?
7. Do you know how to sprout seeds to provide "live" foods for essential vitamins and minerals when
there's a shortage of vegetables?
8. Given your current situation, if you could no longer obtain water, food, vitamins, medication and
money in a routine manner, how long could you sustain yourself and your family?
The answers to these questions are in the Family Preparedness Handbookl If these questions, or rather,
the answers to them, make you uncomfortable, then this is an opportunity for you to start to work on the
solutions. If you've prepared for your family's security with emergency and long-term provisions through
an in-home storage program, you can turn what might have been a life·threatening situation into a
manageable problem! (5 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:12 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

There are no emergencies for those who are truly prepared!

Water the staff of life

Sunday, October 25th, “Thirst” was the feature presentation on Prime Time T.V. Was this story a look
into the future? The National Guard was employed to distribute water to an area that had problems in the
purifying plant. No one was allowed to get the water without I.D. Was this portion to prepare for
acceptance of the National I.D. card that is around the corner?

The Girl Scout Handbook copyright date of 1953/55

Some ways to purify water (1) boil water for ten minutes (today Y2K Women suggest boiling 20
minutes) (2) dissolve one Halazone tablet in a pint of water (3) Add 10 drops of chlorine bleach to a
gallon of water.
(Army surplus, sporting goods and hunting supply stores would carry the Halazone)

No Such Thing As Doomsday by Philip L. Hoag copyrighted 1996 and published by Yellowstone River
The need for an adequate supply of pure water is second only to the need for air in
importance......There are several problems associated with water storage. One problem is to keep the
water from freezing. Having the shelter buried deep enough, (below frost level), solves the problem.
The second problem is preventing bacterial growth in the water. Adding one teaspoon of Clorox for
every five gallons of water will prevent the growth of algae and bacteria. The water tank or containers
should be emptied and refilled with fresh re-chlorinated water at least once every six months. The thrid
problem is storage space for the water. The following gives an estimate of minimal water usage for ten
people. At 70 degrees, each person needs .5 gallons of water to drink daily For cooking and minimal
sponge bathing, approximately another .75 gallons per person per day will be needed. The total daily
need would be 1.25 gallons of water per person.


Ground water would be unaffected by radioactive fallout as long as the well casing was not open at the
top allowing contaminates to get into the water source. Eighteen inches of earth will filter all radioactive
dust particles our of rain and surface water penetrating into the ground. If stored water is enclosed in
sealed containers, any fallout which is settled on the container can be cleaned off before opening. The
water in any such container can be safely drunk. (6 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:12 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

If water is exposed to radioactive fallout, it does not necessarily make the water itself radioactive.
Even if the container is open and has been contaminated with radioactive fallout dust particles, the
water can be filtered and safely used. The fall out does not contaminate the water chemically, but only
through the presence of particulate material which can be removed by filtering. Any material capable of
filtering out dust particles such as milk filters, multiple layers of paper towels or layers of cloth from a
bed sheet will work as an expedient water filter. A conventional water filter or purification system is
obviously the best instrument to use.
In war , more civilians die from bad water than from bullets. (emphasis mine)this is due to the
breakdown in sanitation and normal water systems. Civilians resort to drinking contaminated surface
water. Even during times of peace municipal water systems can become contaminated. In 1993 in
Milwaukee, 4,000 people were treated and 100 died from cryptosporidium cyst in the city water system.
Chlorine has no effect on cryptosporidium cyst. (situation similar to movie version)

Storing Water

by Byron Kirkwood

Mother Mary has asked us to store water and food for two weeks. The following are the basics for
storing water A few good choices made in the beginning will save you grief when an emergency
The first consideration is, what kind of water should you store. tap water or commercially available
bottled water? Bottled spring, drinking, or distilled water is great for emergency storage, but t can be
expensive. I suggest you have some commercially bottled water in your cache. However, the bulk of
your stored water will probably be tap water.
How much water should be stored? We each need a minimum of a gallon of water for drinking, and
a gallon of water for cooking and washing per day. Thus, we need to store two gallons of water, per day,
per person. As an example, we need to store a minimum of 56 gallons of water for two people for two
weeks. Or, 1 12 gallons for four people. Although this is no small amount it isn't enough for your daily
Choosing tile proper containers to store water is a major consideration. There are commercial
containers available for water storage. Be very sure they are for water storage. An improper container
will leach' chemicals into the water. Your camping thermos jug is OK, and should be your starting
container to fill with water. There are 5-gallon "collapsible" water carrier (containers) available through
camping supply stores. A 2- or 3-liter disposable plastic soft drink bottle makes an excellent container for
water storage. They are readily available, flexible, and made for storing liquids. Be sure and wash the
empty containers very well. then let them completely air dry before using. A 2-Liter soft drink container
holds about two quarts of water (one Liter equals 1.0567 US liquid quarts), or about 1/2 gallon of water
Glass bottles won't leach, but may be broken if they fall during an earthquake, tornado, wind storm, etc. (7 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:12 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

This may not be the problem in preparing for a winter freeze, but should be considered for long term
storage. Store the water in a place where it can’t freeze. Frozen water will expand and break the container
The ideal place to store water is away from direct sunlight, in a place where the temperature is moderate,
and away from chemicals (like gasoline, pesticides, etc.).
To insure safe drinking water you should add about ten drops of liquid chlorine bleach (Clorox) per
gallon of stored water This will kill most microorganisms in the water Then fill the water completely to
the top of the bottle, to force out all air When you use this water, a slight chlorine smell is acceptable.
If you have to use the water (an emergency happens), use the commercially bottled water first for
drinking (human consumption). Use the tap water for cooking and washing. If you run out of the bottled
water and are concerned about the stored tap water boil the water (assuming you have cooking heat
available via gas, wood, etc.).
Another thing to consider when an emergency occurs; you may have several other sources of water
available to use Water from a hot tub, water bed, or pond can be used for commode flushing (assuming
the plumbing still works). Water from the commode tank (not the bowl) and your hot water heater can be
used for washing or possibly drinking. And if you suspect a water shortage (as an example, before an
on-coming freeze) you should fill your bath tubs and empty :containers with water while it is available.
A couple of other things you should know are. stored water doesn't keep forever. Rotate your stored
tap water about every six months Pour it out clean the containers, and refill them with fresh water. And,
although food is very important water is even more important. You can live longer without food, than
you can without water.
I realize that most of this is common stuff and I apologize if it insults anyone. Hopefully, it won't
even be needed. But if it saves one life, I will consider it worth the time and effort
Y2K For Women Only, [email protected] Chlorine & iodine treated water may taste or smell, store
powdered drink mixes, Kool-Aid or lemonade.


by Gary Marbut, president Montana Shooters Sportsmen Association

Some people have asked, “How much food should I store for an emergency (hurricane, blizzard,
Y2K, etc.) ?”
The answer has three primary variables. How many people will you feed, how long do you
anticipate you will need to feed them, and how generous will the diet be.
Concerning how many people you will need to feed, you may choose to ask the question, how many
people could I not possibly turn away if they came to me hungry and asked to be fed indefinitely? The
answer to this question probably includes near or extended and nearby family members, and maybe a
selected few close friends. Your planning number should probably also include strangers who wander by (8 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:12 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

and need to be fed occasionally.

How long you need to feed them depends entirely on your analysis of how long an emergency may
last. A weather emergency could last for days, but probably not more than a week or two at the most.
An economic collapse or Y2K crash could have nutritional implications for months or more. The
Mormons have traditionally advocated storing a year’s supply of food.
Concerning the generosity of the proposed diet, 1,000 to 1,200 calories per day will prevent
starvation, but will not allow an average-sized adult to do much work. To do heavy, physical work,
especially in cold weather, may take as much as 3,5000 calories per day. For planning purposes, you
may want to pick a target calorie intake of 2,000 or 2,500 calories per person per day for the duration of
the emergency. (Depends on whether you are just waiting out the emergency, or are physically active
with gardening, hunting, gathering, etc.)
To offer a better grasp of how this calorie intake might be apportioned among various foods, see
the following prepared by friend Dennis.

Using the tables in Joy of Cooking:

Rice, a half of a cup =100 calories

1 pound raw rice = 6 cups cooked rice =1,200 calories, 22 grams protein
Beans, kidney or navy, ( pinto similar) half cup cooked, =115 calories
1 pound dried beans = 2- 2 and a half cups =5 - 6 cups cooked

1 pound dried beans = 1,200 calories, 80 grams protein

Vegetable Oil, 1 TBS. or 1/128 gal. 110 calories

Skim milk, reconstituted, 1 cup 82 calories 8.2 gm protein

2 cups skim milk 164 cal 16.4 gm protein

1/4 pound oatmeal (sub faria?) 290 cal 15 gm protein (9 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:12 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

(Costco sells a box that makes 160 cups - don’t remember

Instant Mashed Potatoes, Trio brand, 1 -1 1/2 cup prepared 1/4 cup dry (1/47 can) 180 calories 3 gm

Cream of Wheat, (farina) cereal 1 cup cooked 107 calories

3 gm protein. 1 cup dry = 6 -7 cups
cooked (don’t have weight equiv.)

Oatmeal, old - fashioned 1 lb. = 5 1/3 cups uncooked = 9 cups cooked

1 cup uncooked = 130 calories, 6.8 gm protein
1 pound = 1170 calories, 61.2 gm protein

Sugar, granulated, 1 TBS. = 48 calories

1 pound = 2 cups = 32 TB = 1536 calories

Possible daily adult survival diet, moderate

physical labor:
1 pond rice 1200 calories 22 gm protein
1/4 pound beans 300 cal 20 gm protein
4 TB (1/4 cup) vegetable oil 440 cal
2 TB sugar (1.16 lb.) 96 calories

1/47 can instant potatoes 180 calories 3 gm protein

Total 2670 calories 76.4 gm protein

Per person-year with some Costco prices, based on

above: (10 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:12 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

365 pounds rice $ 84 91.25 lb. beans $26

91.25 lb. oatmeal or wheat cereal $24 730 cups / 45.6 gal reconstituted skim milk (4.5 boxes) $72
22. 8lb. sugar $9
8 #10 cans (44 lb.) instant potatoes $29
5.7 gal vegetable oil $20?

For bare survival, quantities could be cut in half. Other grains, flours, and pasta could be substituted
pound for pound I think, except corn must be prepared with lime for proper digestion. If soybeans or any
source of animal protein were included milk could be reduced, it is included more for its protein and
other nutrients than its calories, and is probably the most extensive part. The oil could be increased by
50% for a calorie boost, or replaced by other fats. Children under 12, and women who are not pregnant
or nursing, could use 2/3 the above, except that children should not have the milk ration reduced. Nursing
mothers should have the milk ration doubled. And don’t forget the salt. Rice, beans, and cereals are
plenty blah without salt. 5 -10 lb. per person per year ought to be plenty. If wheat is for bread is included,
yeast/baking powder/soda also. Add Vitamin C, or some multi-vitamin even, and it should be a fairly
well balanced diet. The protein requirement is met, there should be adequate calcium and phosphorous,
and essential fatty acids.
If you are beginning to think about preparedness, don’t forget to think about drinkable water, shelter,
heat, light, protection, and other needs (and maybe other basic human needs such as beer, books and
sympathetic others with whom to share the emergency).
Also, if you don’t already have a food storage program, and wish to begin one, do it soon. Some
kinds of storable foods, like military surplus MREs, are getting hard to find, as are some auxiliary
implements, such as grain grinders. The time may come when the amount of food you are allowed to buy
at the stores will be rations because of shortages (Costco recently rationed “Furbie” dolls when they had
a limited supplies).
Whether or not you believe there will be a Y2K crisis, there will very likely be a food-buying panic (
and shortages) precipitated in 1999 by the talk of a pending Y2K crisis. If you think food storage is
useful and affordable insurance, get yours before the panic

Best Wishes,

Suggested Non-food Preparedness Items (11 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:12 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

Adhesive Tape
Alcohol, rubbing
baby Needs
baby oil & powder
Bandages & gauze squares
Bar B Que, portable
Battery radio & extra batteries
device for recharging
Blankets & bedding
Rubber sheets, etc.
Boric acid
Camp stove
Candles & candleholders
or gas lantern & fuel)
Canning supplies (jars, lids,
Chemical toilet
or receptacle for human
Cleaning supplies
Cleanser (12 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:12 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

Clorox for disinfecting &

water purification
Lysol disinfectant
Clothing (extra)
Play clothes
shoes & extra laces
Extra yardage, etc.
Cold remedies
Cooking needs
Can opener (manual)
Canned heat (or
cook stove & fuel)
Any camping equipment is
ideal to have around.
Cotton balls
Disposable diapers (useful (13 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:12 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

even if no baby)
Dish rags & towels
Dish washing soap
Epsom salts
Egg beater (manual)
Extra fuses
Feminine hygiene items
(Kotex would make a
useful bandage pad)
First Aid book & First Aid
Kits ( for car and home)
Flashlight (that works & extra
Foil, wax paper, etc.
Large garbage can with lid
( many use new cans for
Grinder for wheat and grains
Halazone or Iodine water
purification tablets
Hand lotion
Hot Water Bottle & Ice Bag
Kleenex (14 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:13 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

Light bulbs
Matches(in sealed metal
container or water proof)
Milk of Magnesia
Morale Builders (books, games)
Mouse traps
Necessary drugs, etc.
Paper (grocery bags, newspapers &
Towels for sanitary use)
Paper cups ,napkins & plates
Pencils & pens
Personal needs for men & women
Rags (clean, for bandages, etc.)
Sewing Supplies
Pins (safety & straight)
Scissors (15 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:13 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

Sewing machine needles

Snaps & hooks
Zippers, etc.
(old ones can be used for bandages)
Shaving supplies
Tea (for tanic acid)
Toilet tissue
Special diet foods
Screwdriver screws
Toothbrushes & toothpaste
(powder keeps better, or use mixture of 1\4 salt and 3\4 soda
Towels & wash rags
Vaseline (16 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:13 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

Vitamins & vitamin C

Water (for emergency)
Wax paper Writing paper
Foods with medicinal uses:
Backing powder
backing soda

Heat and Light

If Y2K is a reality and power is interrupted January 1, 1998, you could be left without electricity and no
heat. Depending on weather conditions temperatures in your house could reach dangerous lows in a
matter of hours. Many homes have fire places which people may try to heat their home. The problem is
that most fireplaces have been designed for decoration and not heating or efficiency. We will attempt in
the limited space that we have to give some information and hints that could make you comfortable or
even save your life in sub zero weather.
Today there are several choices for alternate methods of heating. In space heaters there are fireplace
inserts, pellet stoves, air tight stoves, kerosene heaters and wood/coal central heat furnaces. Remember
when sizing a stove that 1) in an emergency it is not necessary to heat the entire house, only the area that
you will be living in. 2) the BTU rating of a space heater is a constant where as your furnace only runs
part time. As an example If your furnace has an out up of 80,000 BTUs and runs 25% of the time, a
kerosene heater with an output of 20,000 BTU’s will be able to heat your living quarters and maintain the
same temperature.
You will also want to look at the availability of fuel and/or your ability to store the fuel required for
a long period of time.
Two grades of fuel oil--paraffin .and gas oilier are common in domestic use. Both are a fire risk and
should be treated with respect. Both produce carbon monoxide when burning. If a fire starts the result
may be the spillage of burning liquid--which is extremely dangerous. Use a fire extinguisher-a dry
extinguisher is suitable-aimed at the base of the fire and into the appliance. (17 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:13 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

Paraffin is also known as kerosene. It is used for portable heaters and blow lamps although many
people still use old paraffin lamps (oil lamps). In some appliances--heaters and on lamps--the fuel soaks
up a wick. Blow lamps and storm lanterns require the paraffin to be pressurized by pumping air into the
sealed paraffin reservoir.
Paraffin heaters
Paraffin heaters are safe when used properly, but are the cause of many fires The heater must be
placed on a level surface-away from draughts If you set it in a fireplace partially block the chimney to
reduce drafts. Check the flame is burning blue (not yellow or orange) and not flickering in a draft.
It's not advisable to bug secondhand heaters They may be dangerous New ones supply a special
trimmer for the wick. Use it every time you fill the reservoir.
Make sure there is plenty of air coming into the room. Paraffin heaters will produce deadly carbon
monoxide is well as water vapor, which can lead to condensation problems.

Refilling tank
Always use paraffin--NEVER petrol (gasoline or alcohol). If reservoir is removable take it outdoors
to refill. Use a funnel and wipe any spillage’s from reservoir before replacing.

Oil tanks
The tank for the oil most be well maintained. The main problem with these tanks is that any water that
enters, sinks to the bottom and can cause rusting.. Imagine the problems you will incur if the tank is not
well looked after and the base of the tank suddenly gives away! There is a drain-off cock on some tanks
at the bottom, to let any accumulated water out.

Solid fuels
Once upon a time open fires were the only source of heating. They are inefficient and wasteful. A lot
of the heat goes up the chimney-polluting the atmosphere with several harmful by-products. In some
areas only special smokeless fuels may he used to reduce atmospheric pollution.
Closed stoves and cooking ranges are more efficient, radiating more of the heat into the room and
making a possible to burn fuel more slowly.
All solid fuels produce ash, dust and soot, acids and tars when they burn. Some of this material
collects in the chimney, reducing it’s efficiency-which could be a very serious fire hazard. An inefficient
chimney will also allow smoke and gases to fill the room where the fire is burning. This is very
dangerous. One of these gases will be carbon monoxide--inhalation of which, even for a short amount of (18 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:13 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

time, can be FATAL.

The chimney should be swept annually, and once during the burning season. Apart from the risk of
blockage and fire, acids in the soot and tar will attack the lining of the chimney during the summer

Burning Wood
Wet or unseasoned wood is no good for burning--if you can get it to light it will be smoky and
possibly cause dangerous sparks. Seasoning takes about two years--at the end of which time the wood
looks drier and will have drying spats in the ends.
Provided they are well guarded and no flammable materials are left close by, stoves and heaters can
be left burning slowly overnight but get a good blare going in the morning to warm up the chimney.

Apart from making sure the chimney is clean and efficient check all flues and stoves for signs of
smoke leakage. Firebacks in open fires may need attention. They protect the chimney from the intense
heat of the fire, so don't allow large cracks to go unattended. Renew any fire cement as it deteriorates.

There are few choices when it come to lighting. If the power is out we have light by battery power,
candles and fuel lamps, either gas (Coleman type) or kerosene. The following charts are provided to
assist in determining the amount of fuel or candles required.

Two Mantle Gas Lantern Fuel Consumption

Light Output Is Equal To A 200 Watt Bulb
Period Fuel Consumption per 5 Hr’s
Day 1 pt.
Week 1 gal.
Month 4 gal.
Year 50 gals

A 2 mantel Coleman lantern also produces about 5500 BTU’s of heat

Kerosene Lantern Fuel Consumption

Light Output Is Equal To A 40 to 60 Watt Bulb (19 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:13 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

Period Fuel Consumption per 5 Hr’s

Day 1/4 pt.
Week 1 qt.
Month 1 gal.
Year 12 gals

Life of Conventional “D” Cell Dry Batteries

Type of Use Battery Approximate Battery Life
Condition in Hours
Continuos new 5-6
us old 3-4
Intermittent new 7-8
old 4-5

Tallow Candle Burning Rate

Height Diameter Approximate Burning Time in
6” 1/2” 3
6” 1” 8
9” 2” 48


the following list “threat scenario” is overnight in the car in the snow/ice with wife and child.
It assumes that you will not be “that” far from rescue, that is to say you expect to be rescued the next day.
The goods should be keep in a surplus ammo can

2 candles and holders (light and minor heat source)

Matches (waterproof)
Water (or juice boxes)
Cloth gloves (for working in cold weather)
Alcohol (for minor injuries)
First aid kit (20 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:13 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

Ice scraper
rubber gloves (to assist someone else who is injured)
Pocket knife
Wire or string
3 space blankets
Flashlight-- don’t buy a “cheap” flashlight. They can’t take the abuse. Buy a better grade waterproof
flashlight, moisture and dirt won’t ruin the switch.
$10.00 in quarters (for phone calls)
Flares (3)
Paper, pencil, pen (to leave messages)
Toilet paper
Acetaminophen or ibuprofin
Duct tape (to seal any air leaks; repair a radiator hose, ect.)
3 rain ponchos (in case we have to walk in precipitation)

An extended list might include (out of the ammo can)

Blankets, coats, boots, large “overpants” (prob. cammos), the summer list might include bug spray,
sunscreen, sunglasses.
Automobile Emergency Kit
Local maps
Waterproof notebook
Fire Extinguisher (2A10BC)
Water (1/2 gal)
Extra oil & antifreeze Basic tools (vise-grips,
screwdrivers, small
socket set)
Hard candy (to quite the stomach and soothe the throat)
Carry candy bars, breakfast bars, dried fruit, etc. You will need more than hard
candy for overnight in subzero conditions (21 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:13 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

WD-40 starting fluid /

A Tow rope or chain /
Gravel or kitty litter.
Cell phone or CB radio for
emergency communications

Know your limits and STAY CALM. It is amazing how little some people think in emergencies.

Items to keep maintenance

If we see a shutdown of the economy for a period of time these items may come in handy. In an
emergency it could be week or months before these items are available

One set of air and oil filters for each vehicle

One set of belts for each vehicle
A case of oil
Two cans of radiator seal
Two gal’s of anti-freeze
A couple cans of tire sealant
A spare set of tires and rims I have been
told that there is a company in Detroit that foam fills tires so as to give them a run flat .In wind storm
nails on the pavement will stop a vehicle in a matter of blocks. For the Car. Additional info to follow.

Wild Foods
During one season or another, nearly every scrap of the common cattail--found in almost every temperate
section of the world --is edible. The plant can be consumed in so many different ways, in fact, the
experienced wild-food foragers call it the “supermarket of the swamps”.
From earliest spring to latest fall, any stand of cattails should yield you a bucketful of “Cossack
asparagus” in minutes. This vegetable is the white, tender, inner portion of the plant’s stem. It can be
harvested merely by grabbing the inside leaves of a stalk and pulling. The stem should break off crisply (22 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:13 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

down inside the outer leaves...exposing a white, celery-like piece of mild-tasting stem that is any where
from one inch to one foot long. Wash it in clean water and chop it up raw for salads. It’s also good
cooked in stews. Cossack asparagus is at its absolute prime when taken in the spring from plants no
more than two feet tall.
A little later in the year, the green spikes on top of a stand of cattails can be boiled in salted water
and eaten like roasted ears. They’re a little dry but, when doused in butter and eaten piping hot, have a
definite “corny” taste that is quite satisfying.
Later still (in early and mid-summer cattail pollen can be collected and if stored in glass jars--kept
for months. For a new taste treat, try mixing the bright yellow powder half and half with flour for baking
purposes at any time you make pancakes.
Cattail roots can be pulled up, dried, ground and used as a starchy flour for baking purposes at any
time of the year and the potato-like bulbs on the roots are especially good in the spring. Harvest the
knobs, boil ‘em and serve ‘em with butter....or cook a batch with the next roast you prepare. You’re sure
to like their nutty-potato flavor

“I sincerely believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberty than standing armies.
The issuing power should be taken from the banks, and restored to the people to whom it belongs.”
Thomas Jefferson
Supplies Reference Material
Wilcox Saw Mill Emmett’s Energy
7429 Willis Rd Clean Burning wood & gas Stoves
Brown City Mich. 70790 Van Dyke
Slab wood for the wood Burner Romeo, Michigan 48065
(810) 752-2075
First Aid, Survival Supplies D &G Tool Co.
Mister Medic 34447 Ford Road Westland, Michigan 48185
H. H. Goldstein (734) 722-2800 after 3 PM
P.O. Box 760490 Solar Power, Storage Drums (Food Grade),
Generators (Gas, Diesel, Bi-Fuel, Tri-Fuel & 16#
Lathrup village Mich. 48076 Portables) Wind Generators, Survival Food and
(248) 968-9865 Water), Magazines, Videos and Radios
Look us up at the gun show
BOOKS (23 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:13 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

Citizen Soldier Making the Best of Basics

A Manual of Community Based Defense Family Preparedness Handbook
by Robert Bradley by James Talmage Stevens
Reliance Publications Gold Leaf Press Carson City, Nevada
Lehman’s Non-electric Catalog Do-It Yourself Medicine
Serving the Amish and others without electricity How to find and use the most effective antibiotics,
with products for simple, self-sufficient living painkillers, anesthetics and other miracle drugs
without costly doctors’ prescriptions or hospitals
One Lehman Circle, P.O. Box 41
An update of Survivalist’s Medicine Chest
Kidron, Ohio, 44636
By Ragnar Benson
(330) 857-577 fax (330) 857-5785
Paladin Press
P.O. Box 1307 Boulder, Colorado 80306
Don’t get Caught with Your Pantry Down The SAS Urban Survival Handbook
How to find preparedness resources for the How to protect yourself from domestic accidents,
UNEXPECTED and EXPECTED! muggings, burglary and attack
by James Talmage Stevens
Historical Publications, Inc. SAS Survival Guide
15705 Hilcroft COVE Complete pocket survival guide
Austin Tx 78717 Harper-Collins Publishers
Helpful HINTS
How’s that again? You just opened the kitchen cupboard and found a whole army of little red ants
running all over.

Take heart the sweet tooth that brought the little pests into the house in the first place can also help you
get ‘em out. Mix a solution of sugar or honey and water, dip sponges in the syrup, squeeze out the
excess moisture and leave these home made ant traps around where the invaders are the thickest. When
your lures are swarming with the hungry insects, drop the sponges into a pail of boiling water and start
Or, if you don’t want to snare the ants, you can try repelling them. Clean the area thoroughly and
cover the area with fine salt. Just leave it there for a while and the little pests will go away
Wrap an axe handle with fine wire for the first three inches back from the axe head and it will last many
times as long before splitting.
Small metal parts are harder than the dickens to solder because- as you heat them up to make the joint (24 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:13 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

”take”-they become too blamed hot to hold in position by hand. Burned fingers and sloppy soldering are
the usual result....unless you’re clever enough to keep a few small magnets on hand to temporarily but
securely anchor the small items in question exactly where you want them during the job.
Replacing a broken windowpane isn’t difficult at all...once you’ve removed the tough, caked putty that
holds the old piece of glass in place. That job is a downright cussful undertaking, too, unless you know
the trick of brushing a little lacquer thinner or muriatic acid on the congealed putty and letting it set a few
minutes to soften. From there on , the task is a breeze.
An apple, cut in half and put inside an airtight container with bread or cake, will keep the baked goods
moist and flavorful for days
Try putting a bay leaf in your barrel or sack of flour. Its pungent aroma should help keep out the creepie
Instead of smashing your fingers the next time you drive a batch of small nails or brads, split the end of a
pencil eraser and use the improvised tool as a holder while you start the little rascals. A bobby pin also
makes a good brad holder
The next time the tip comes off one of your shoelaces, dip the unprotected end of the string in melted
paraffin and shape it to a point before the wax hardens
Broken glass--It’s easy to sweep up the big pieces of glass when a bottle or tumbler is broken on the
kitchen floor...and just as easy to overlook the smaller slivers
You can get tar off your hands by rubbing the spots with a piece of orange or lemon peel and wiping
The information in this booklet have been compiled by the St. Clair County Citizens Militia. We hope
that you have enjoyed the reading and that the information has been helpful

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

FOOD Needed
STORAGE Rounded to nearest 5 pounds For Family
ITEM 13-15 years 16-20 years
1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 Girl Boy Girl Boy
Male Fem
Wheat 300 200 70 100 160 210 220 280 200 335
Nonfat dried
85 65 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Sugar and/or
45 30 15 20 25 30 30 40 30 50
Salt 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Vitamins Check with your physician for advice on this storage item (25 of 26) [4/27/2002 3:58:13 PM]

Primary Priority—Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year

shorting and 30 25 25 20 20 30 30 40 25 45
salad oils
Variety of
grains, rice oats,
90 75 55 45 68 85 90 115 85 140
corn, barely
millet, ect.
Variety of dried
beans, peas, soy 25 20 5 10 20 25 25 35 25 45
beans lentils, ect.
Peanut butter 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Variety of
vegetables (fresh 35 30 20 25 25 35 35 45 35 55
Potatoes (fresh
50 50 25 25 50 50 50 75 75 100
Variety of
canned fruit
juice 25 20 15 20 20 25 25 35 25 30
Variety of fruits
(fresh 100 100 50 75 75 100 100 100 100 150
Variety of
gelatin, , butter
15 10 5 10 10 10 10 15 10 20
banana flakes,
,jello, powdered
eggs, etc.
Variety of
20 15 5 5 10 15 15 20 15 25
canned meats
(emergency use 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

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