ST Augustine's Primary School Bulletin 18 March 2013: TH TH ND TH

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St Augustines Primary School Bulletin 18th March 2013

Blue Box Library Loans Boxes will be collected on 27th March. Please ensure all boxes are in the Infant or Junior reception areas on the afternoon of 26th March. Requests for next terms loans can be made online via Redbridgei. Please submit your loan request by Friday 22nd March so that your new loan books can also be delivered on 27th March. P60: If you have moved home in the last year, please ensure you inform either payroll directly at LBR or Mary Brogan. P60 are due to be sent out by the end of May and will be posted to the home address. Teachers Pension Presentation, Tuesday 19th March, 3.30pm, The Ursuline Academy, Ilford. Presentation delivered by Allan Downing, Employer Relationship Manager, Teachers Pensions. The presentation will last approximately 1 hour followed by an opportunity for a questions and answer session. Please let Mary Brogan know if you wish to attend in advance. There is no on site parking available. SEF: All staff should read though our SEFs on Fronter. These are the self evaluation pro-formas that OFSTED will read and it is important that you are all aware of our strengths and areas for development. OFSTED inspectors are likely to speak to teachers, LSAs and other support staff to check that this information is available and that you are all aware of it, and the valuable contribution you make. Just in case anyone wants to come in over the Easter Holidays The school will be open from 9 4pm, apart from Bank Holidays and weekends. Monday 18th PDSA Veterinary Nurse to visit Nursery to Year 4 KS1 Hall out of use all day Separate timetable previously circulated Mr Jan Choeanec (Guitar Teacher) in school

10.30am 3.00pm 3.30pm 3.30pm 3.30pm

No KS1 Headteacher Assembly KS2 Headteacher Assembly Spanish Classes Mrs Neale Staff Meeting Time given for medium term planning Mrs Doyle and Mr Hatzar Pupil Progress Meeting Tuesday 19th Mrs Hickman in school to assess year 4 pupil Mr Roca-Mas to observe teachers in Numeracy Mrs Frew PPA / PPA payback cover arranged (all day)

10.30am 12.50 1.20pm

KS1 Hymn Practice Dance Club Yrs 3 - 6 Mrs Ranjan to attend SENCO Cluster Group, Station Road


Speech Therapist in school

2 3pm 3pm 3.30pm 3.30pm 4.30pm

Mrs Doyle teaching KS2 Hymn Practice Netball Year 5 & 6 Mrs Doyle & Miss McCusker Pupil Progress Meeting Mrs McCartney & Mrs Doyle Pupil Progress Meeting Wednesday 20th

LSA Performance Review Mr Roca-Mas and Mrs Anthony to carry out Numeracy lesson observations 9.00 3.45pm 9.00am 9.15am 9.30am Violin Teacher in school. Year 4 Drumming No KS1 Deputy Headteacher Assembly Mrs Doyle teaching Booster Class 6b

10am Leadership Team Meeting 11.30am 1.00 3.30pm 2pm Mrs Doyle and Mrs Holden Pupil Progress Meeting No Cello Teacher in Youth Hall.

Mrs Doyle and Mrs Lucey Pupil Progress Meeting KS2 Assistant Headteacher Assembly No instrumental Ensemble KS2 Hall Film Club (Year 5 & 6 pupils) in Class 6a Mrs Doyle and Miss Bergin Pupil Progress Meeting French Club in Infant ICT Suite Mrs Doyle and Miss Gilligan Pupil Progress Meeting Thursday 21st Mrs Doyle away Mr Roca-Mas and Mrs Anthony to carry out Numeracy lesson observations

3.00pm 3:30 4:30 3.30 4.30 3.30pm 3.15 4.15pm 4.15pm

9.30am 11am

2a to visit Gants Hill Library 2b to visit Gants Hill Library Mrs Alex away at Midday

12.30 1.15am pm 1.20pm 1.30 - 2pm 1.30 2.30pm 2.30 4pm 3.30pm 3.30pm

Mr Junor-Sheppard to meet with teachers in Mrs Ranjans Office last session School council to feedback to classes Mr Tim Eaton (Woodwind Teacher) in school Sponsored Silence KS1 Sponsored Silence KS2 EMA Cluster Group Meeting, Goodmayes Primary Mrs Ranjan to attend Spanish Classes Mrs Neale Staff Meeting - time given for Medium Term Plans Friday 22nd LSA Performance Reviews Mrs Doyle to attend Pupil Premium Course, Holborn

9.15am 9.15am AM 2.45pm 3.00pm 3.30 4.30pm

2b Class Assembly Mrs Christou to lead Mrs Anthony to attend PEP Meeting, SMT Room + outside agencies Mr Firman, Guitar teacher in school 4a Class Assembly Mrs Holden to lead Mrs Anthony and Miss Bergin to meet with parent Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Football Training KS2 Playground

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