Followin: Ajman University O Science Dtechnology Networ Faculty of P Armacy Health Sciences Semester 2008-9
Followin: Ajman University O Science Dtechnology Networ Faculty of P Armacy Health Sciences Semester 2008-9
Followin: Ajman University O Science Dtechnology Networ Faculty of P Armacy Health Sciences Semester 2008-9
Ajman University of Science a71dTechnology Network
Faculty of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Biochemistry / Dentistry (700236) 1st Exam. - Semester 2008-9
k~ Student!D: MoM
Q 1: a Name the followin
I Compound # 1 Compound#3 Compound # 4
15 k",GUI
Compound # 12
r- I
-_.--- "-/
,-~1o.P~ ~_,
Compound # 16
b Use the above chemical structures to Com lete the followin table:
Compound # I) and Compound # ( ~) Compound # I ) and Compound ~ ( /0 )
are air of imers /'Y\ 0...\'\\1\'; '. ~ V\ c' . . ar paIr anome tt)'A """"'I,,. '-, P.l~
3) The name of one of the amino acids likely to be fo~t~tside o:-:~em - e globular protein is:
.. ~poLAA-'~~ <iL~
4) The end product ofc~digestlOn ofam,~ICliSe~yamyJas
.. e is: ;r~~
6? ~
(;1':-l ~7'
Hef/f-!oO (7:::; N-r'
-+ ~A--
Y ~. f!.:::.1-~ _
Q 3: Answer the following True o~se. r--)
.... ~ .. 1) Glycogen has an a,(1-4/andlh,66-likages
.....+-. .,2 n.lactose the ic bond is f9rmed wi~ of glucose .
......F- ..., I:=a II se an .: lucose are anomers '--
...... .;:::...'::4J· -e bond in celTulose is a, ~ .
.. .q-::: 5) Sucrose is a nonreducing sugar
....F 6) Galactose and mannose are epimers
F 7) Mannonic has a carboxyl group on C-6 f
....F 8) Gluc~d F~e are enan!i~mers
.... \:;-::' .. .,9) fructose IS a k~ose ~~ .
.....T.... 10) The reduction of glucose wi I produce sorbitol
Give the name of the [o])owing amino acids and classify each as nonpolar, polar with no charge, polar
with negative or sitive charge
. ~,i
. ~
f1? _,
All-! --CI,j-Cc:a/_J
s=-2.. I,
C. i"-c 001 2- \
( <:-112)
o ., \
All ' I., '3
CD:f"~-, tl7-.JV /c.~tV H
po {Q)L / fIIo C
It Al-c:.H -<::.s::JoH
(?~~lA/o ci
<f.e.- r\~ ,
~J L.. H 3. I,,::;
--ntJLitJ. ~ ~
\ .
Study questions - First Quiz-
- c
l'" ",0
i\' -.
f .N\-\~
c, ~
cM-3 H'!c
: '+- 5- Draw the structures of the following: l_Alc}.\M.v.~. b- p,~"'\\r..~,
~,_.., a) hemiacetal ~l'l '> _ -'"., ~ (( LYUUfY\.\QC'
A •
c) hemiketal ~. J
e) formation of a ~lycosidic bond 0\1
__Q;) Why the number of sterioisomers is different in open and ring structure
~ / Give evidence that glucose is in a ring structure m lvtoJ 1"'0t-o....·h 0'"
~Draw the equation of hydrolysIs of sucrose usmg chemIcal structures +- a~~~c ~"'<>I.l..r \-<.,'\'~\CJ,
15) Draw the structure of O-glycosidic bond and N-glycosidic bond in glycoproteins l-1 •
5...- 16) Give the structural difference between 0, A, B and AB blood groups
/v ....-' ~
_ y--- e:,
,17YFrom the study of :d4~t~'
Ui~s_~ennst;Y f
o:sugar~} . __ ..
/'different compounds that can be used as natural sweetners for diabetic patients.
• -' f·'
Answer the following True or False. IX!. \-G
f: .1) Glycogen has ana, 1-4 and ~,1-6likages ~c.-<4
....... F. 2) In lactose the glycosidic bond is formed with 9'(of glucose .
....... E 3) L-Glucose and D-glucosi are an-pmefs eJv\.c.'-\A.~\~(Y\..~5 .
3. Cellobiose: ,1\ (~ )
"'t ?-
5. Sucrose
r,i.~[I ~- Z.)} .•
8~vtcv.s:..r- -
{YVI. c.
2_ Pi (A."J ( S\-~'\(c-h < co'·"'-fo~.L ut- 0\.C1l0S~· (\nY{
A V\;\NV,-'\ \()~.
o~) CU
, 1- - r-V\{ ~ eL
a e.()\-~uV\
, ,""
.\'I\~~ ("
~.~~~\\ \",\-~~l~ -
8 Why the procesS of starc~ digestion continGS ilit'he small intestine :J '\~\e,.y.J.i1\.{;
11. Where thebulk of the dietary sugars is ,absorbed J. ~o'~ & Vf(2& \J.D U I.MII IIV\ j
12. What are the possi?le ause O.f-I estive enzyme deficien~ies~ ~'<>-_ ilA.~SL;\l(lll\ I' .
List events associated With Lactose mtolerance ~ ~\..~.
What is the~eaSJfo~ Lactose lntoler?nce
How do you diagnose, for the deficiency of a specific
enz~e_ ~
Chapter ~ ~~ ~ i~
_ Amino acids study the overview of the chapter and you should be able to list the
_ in the ~iologi~al system. .
1- You need to recognize all ammo aCids and to be able to clasSIfy each amino acid
as non-polar, polar without charge, polar with charge ( - or +).
2- Know how to write the structure of one example from each class.
3- Know which amino acids are located on the surface and interior of proteins
soluble in water and in the case of membrane proteins (Fig. f4).
4- Know how to compare between imino group of proline and amino groups of
other amino acids (Fig. 1.5)' ./"
5- Know how to form a hydrogen b?nd between phenolic hydroxyl group and
another teriary /7~" , ,
6- Know the structure of sul:fi!ydyl group of cysteine all i hew te feRB ~ S eeBd
~y the QKigatigQ e+-2 e)steiftes t8 feHB eys~iRi, (gi;ve ~l:Nshgcm feaelt). ' .
7- Know the structure of the amide group in glutamine and aspargine
8- Know how to write D & L enantiomers of amino acids
. H 10 H
~' ~,d),l
Q 1: Give the coIn lete ·~ameof the folio· .
( J)
yL~ H
c- .
(6} '.
g: Name the following amino acids a classify each one as non-polar,
::>Iarwith no
charge, polar with negatj e charge and polar with positive
~- \ \
HS CH~-CH coo-
4 j' vtl~1J
\ 0 --;rcii-z. -~H -c.o6-
'- ~ Jvt~~
:d pl-o p~Y\. Lc:'J
rite the names of the following amiD.
cids ~ 8~v-e- ~. ~Jy~d\i~.~6n-
lcu1- W'l /""k.(-) etuv~e.. ~Pc.lo...h __/"Ul;U",
_ _ cA~ J. po lo---'1... L-U~_:t.f,.. '1i.c\ ~--'L)
_ r-.r-) ~-€-)
/ ~ -coo
1 +.
~ •..
. I)nd~,,"1.v
.. ,
NH) +
H1N-C-CH,- CH,~lH-COO-.
o NH 3 +
'- ." 0 \
I . /'~- /-C(-coo-
ti)N+ -CHz-CH-CH j'\
. OH I. NH)+
H H \\
. \l~
O''J''"- I J yTJ
~ll-L) "
j llA.L0.5.C + -t-V..•.c.. \-'6(..-
~\A~ ?I
(3 t i -i.1) <1 cllc\.c..k.:, c -/0 \v....c--->";' C
-: -*. l, s+ ~ct y-bO~j d rex 'h<2f\dA '5 l' h c>t oJ" cqL ~~ "St~m :
// (j) 0- s\~ "'~; "-"-"'\- ~'r\l"-U 0'" ,,~ eJzIIfj,j .'hcli.l- ~ ;"oS±--"~«ht",,,,, .
@ tJllUJ ~ st rdJt //1 oev- 6013 '
~.3 \ .#
l;;V S-\;,~-VC\-U\f'ot G\>v\?<OLlt\~\I\J G~ .~"r\aJfl~ a\-'dO\!rl\<:)~~ t'hC u dit:J
1. Bact, (elllJjtt~·
'~- c -
'- ' Q
01-1 l-
i I
C Hz.. 1+
Cft'20 H
c\t '2..0 H·
~ D~~\h e.:
h ciIr\ d. €.
\ ~\~ \~ "'S~~~
- \
"1G \'Y\ G f t 8 "S, ~
0 cc ". \JO ~ 'Sa.C c:.:~'-J..t -' ~\:Q. N-IA \- 'S~c~ re
(tM. ~Q\.~ ~c \"\c <s <3\ c..\-o.rt ck J k+ ~ ~
-j ~l~~ 'S ~ l ~s\d ll-e.. ': \uJ-1l\~lj ~i5'
tr""cl.~(o~ {Q
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i *JG\\j~ ~'S\d~!r\c~ \\~ ca(~C9S~ IS \\f\ Q \f'\\AJ ~\--\nIJ~-\-\l\r~,
becd-\JSE: 0 ~ WlAI..Wt rowie"" .
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t~~~c~\\ *cH2.o~\~h~1r
, l-l
C H 'LoH
I So ""'-d \ +os. e : ~ 'U Csl se + d' \I CbS ~
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J, ~JroXJ ~ns r)
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Gv- bo h <l. k ~'\
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-t. . J ~i.JY\. S ~ t S Cl ?-e ) \ t- t ~ CJ"'9'\.Vy. __
\ 6) b reA VJ -\\'\iL ~~\) ~\) \r-'~
I '-((-'C
\\.....,...-- r' I.,., .,
Ajman University of Science and Technology Network
Faculty of Pharmacy & Heath Sciences
Fi rst Exam BiochemistrylDentistry - (700236) 151 Semester 2007-8
80 rb ,~ioI IP'
{ &~ fOil J
COOl..( ~ooH
::' X lt~.
V\ "CJ" A..-0 n
\..0 ~- n 1 ,4 \ o..u'c! I
F(L'(O?LlC r I . I
v/ UCA. cl !
@- The function of carbohydrates in the ~t is: ~ o~~
etttwJY ~'a
(V The glycosidic (~s ir(§nyJopectii1)are:
~, 1-4 ~ ~-G,
@The glycosidic bond in@lulQS"? is:
(3, , -l+
(§) The complete digestion of amyl os with amylase \vi II produce:: rnal-toge
C r
~~~.-= ~
~ 10-l-l- 3.. _
Mannuronic acid
--- C (!) 0 1-1
~- .i
• The rate of the reaction is directly proportional to the eJ;gyme concentration at all
substr.].kconcentr" ---
• Noncompetitive inhibitio~s "Yl1eJl!~einhibitor a~QJ;E..!?~tr'!te
bindat different sites
• Cells can also regulate the amount of enzyme present, usually by altering the rate of :: \\';,~~~
enzyme synthesis. \ \~~s..e:>..
• The presence of elevated enzyme activity in the plasma may indicate tissue damage
accompanied by increased release of intracellular enzymes. [Note: Plasma is the fluid,
noncellular part of blood. Laborat()ry assays of enzyme activity most often use serum,
which is obtained by centrifugation of whole blood after it has been allowed to coagulate.
Alteration of plasma enzyme levels in disease diagnosis
_ ~""- ye-- 0...
The lack of tissue specificity limits the diagnostic value of many plasma enzymes. ~:~~~
Many isoenzymes contain different subunits in various combinations. -:::.
'\ l~ ~,-~::5 .
The appearance of the hybrid isoenzyme, CK2, in plasma is virtually specific for
infarction of the myocardium.
Following an acute myocardial infarction, CK2 isoenzyme appears in plasma
approximately 4 to 8 hours following onset of chest pain, and reaches a peak in activity at
approximately 24 hours.
Troponin concentration is also elevated in plasma following an infarction, eakint~ 3 . L.
days after the onset 0 f symptoms. ~ I ~
,It- ~
r rj f'
e '"
n.\.W''\l- J ~ 'L
k-.p~ 'l
' r1C\chVO'J1D"\
I.A r'\.e' i . ~
pr-o<;i ,
The quatem~ structurlof the enz me
()) p1>!'" ,-...1\~
'D eJ ~
\Act'\ i
_\ -,~-
<t~ .J rr (}' "J _. - '<>' \
D - :
i.. ~':f
.,q)~-.?r"Yl'· D
( '" yv-
e:n.7--et~«r<>o'll~ ,~lJtV.t
\~ S
V\.,'\:>.; ~
.J01b_ u
, \~ - /~,~,:-_~~;t;
True or false Michaelis constant, KIn, is:
v::: 1- numerically t:gua1te> 1/2 Vm~ D(
F2- Dependent on the enzyme concen~r~tion·X
,3- characteristic of an enzyme anQa particular substrate ~
7' 4- the rat~ of ~ e'?zyIDe-catalyzed reaction mea~ured~~lc~_~i.~ Independent of enzyme
concentratIOn. ~ - ---
OH 0
.1 A
Qll\.JlM... d ~
•••• 0
.' 0 ~~ .'
HOCrg20 .OH
Uy ~c\\v\'€- H~~QH2 H H
H H I'
~ - r-n en
rf~ H
H 3'
u.Yt·~ t ~H
-----~~- -----_.-
!-"" _.~ . h..e. G h.::,~
l-:C f\ N H ',r ot~Y{0 pI 'O'-J V rr ,/ 'C»' '\.:J:.S~
2- rRrJA C r~ bbSorn~R.JVft:)~ I~~h
. lAG ~v
VI\" "
PC{ 0 (
3- rYI R f\I A(yYl e..-55 t:N\...C1e.rl ~ 1\.10..-.\~ C:~ .- "5~~s ~"\- "-vr-. ovJ.~},'\.'e...~ 'f"'\.-6\.e...6~
, - Using Diagrams define therollowmg: bN'A ReplIcatIOn,TranscnptIOn,and TrlfnslatiO¥l::rv"e..s~~
\ ~ Draw the structure: of guanosine-5'-triphosphate . ~ ~ ~~ .•O\.••..
I-The base pairs AT & GC .
2- Any dinucleotide
3- Nucleoside
~1: ~ ivt.. ~c:;.o""~
-~-<::>-¥V"l--«---o~r~-e.;-v.-~-~---q=-:(;::J:\-\~· --6:rf--b?'.
'\J:-:-"(.-:'~~~(90=--'-:-6 \is••.
4.~ '.
l:>\: Su,'-1SW,,'\-< - - SC> I ["' ••""- c.o\'W\(>\-; \\'\lI-<... \\1\ \,.\, '0 \ \ oV' S ci.e.C.V~~Co. -\"-' " ••••4~ ~
oc. Y-c.C\~\c\~"".
o t-', -\\.-. e.."'~c.!. ~""c::."",> ""c.. ~ ......•\~ '''' ~,{"<'S~V\<"~ O'r 'l'c;:)~~",<.~
1 0~ ~bV\."'c...O"""¥c.~~'VC ,\.\ "', 't)\~Y' ?
\,""c.Y~~'1'."'O"'_c..:. ..•.•..•
"c.'l,;,\"\V<.. \ ",,-,,, '\)'~V- \;\C>~ \",,\e.y-r~\("c.. W\\'-' ..\;;:\..........
'o\""O\"'~ ot Sv.. \:::/,\Vo.\:-c.· -V- eM~~Wl""""\'
J1 It 'f-""", d.o~ \!\C)-t \I~'("'1 c.v ~-t~ ~. ~v\ C.~""'~\lCl'" e...~:z:,~cS J
") Jf -~vy K..~ ~"\c.F\~~\ ~ ~{='fi'-\'~ ~J'~",~.....,c.) r-llY- Sv.'.?5>\-Yb.-\- .
- S~\.\ ~ 3> N ~ ",''':J'-'\ IV ~ ~
. /0 di:C .CJucJ/ J ~J CJ
Cells pro~UCII~&pYt;Iv~t~reqUlres the presence of:'
J!:e< U i C 6t CXCA
[\ '5U
') )'
\ r r'Pc
(! I ;J. 2
h YV'C»/<'-t
2- -
The number of molecules ofNADH produced with pyruvate formation from glucose: 2 !~
AT[/) ,4/Jr
Give the reaction catalyzed by hexokinase: G !t..«c-3f _ G- fE-fiery "'-..2_> 6-f f:jU!f' g. /2
Write the reaction of isomerization of glucose 6-phosphate including the naIne of the enzyme: 00{1))
The reaction catalyzed by aconitase is as follows:
The number of moles ofGTP produced by the metabolism of AcetylCoA in Kreb's cycle
is: and is produced by the following reactions , . ,,-It-
The reaction c~talyzed by isocitric dehyqrogenase is as follows: t 'jeo/fic .l U ri _k6/-0
The number of moles of CO2 produced by the metabolism of Acetyl CoA in Kreb's cycle
is: and is produced by the following reactions
12- The reaction catalyzed by alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase is as follows:
13- The number of moles of ATP produced by the metabolism of Pyruvic in Kreb's cycle is: 15
;'"~ and is calculated as follows: fit ,~e T(,'? c e1l
1 1,/II;r4J-l-, ~ ~4 II c ce.J
+ l' lQ), .~ - -:)'
r \ \) 14- The reaction catalyzed by S"ucc~n~lthiokinase IS as .follows:'----- ~--(p..
,r, '2 J2J
1, \ 15- The reaction catalyzed by succmIC dehydrogenase ISas follows --.:.- ~(A.[C/n...J-~ri:' fL-tJ t ~
16- The reaction catalyzed by malic deh~drogenase is ~s follow~ AJI t'.J-, '1tU.( u, t
17- The reaction catalyzed by fumarase IS as follows t"Lf.tYlUJcJf',~ /VI&-{c. e "
18- Give.the key enzymes and their reactions that regulates the TCA cycle It4 (9 ·9 )
,'-1 ',t
r' ~ ((t.....
" r:· ~<,
. ~ /.,"
Review Questions on ...
1. Give one of the tissues that require a continuous supply 9f glucose ~ a metabolic fuel. / ',A-e\~'
' I -. ? ',""'i - " / • ./1 ' J J ~ , I" J "'11
2. WhatarethePl!curs2!"~ fiorguconeogenesI.s.
G;~gf~e~''.J''~ __ Ci~lI~e~ r;;, ..•.f~fr(i.'J CAC,N:•.4 - 'ch-'c.Jf"
3. During pro,longed faA~mg, what organ( s) IS the SIte of the newly synthesIzed glucose ~ c~ If [of
I J[,{,{J;to molecules? !-I/JnYT- ---0 v(f ~"",' , U . '7
'rrf'm"S,'~f:4. DiagrammaticallyshowthefunctionofC.oricycle JiJf;.,M' Ie';, (ifS). . efCdi"\~
h'1fUre 5. Why Acetyl CoA and compo~ds that~Ive ~se ~o!i~;~I/~oA .~annot gIve rIse to a net Ol U C-
o fl 'synthesis of glucose. 11IYCDI~,h' 1((..1 V",; ,Alf It''lffl '-..t [" t( ?" ~ /nf'lflfl ~{(
')l.-i( 6.How many reversible atld UI.eversible reactions are in glycolysisY
PI h 1/ y 7. Show how i~ible reactions in glycolysis c~ be reversed du~~g glu7?neo~enesis ,/ / t) b
/Cf (Jc...[Jf'
':i'8'. Where in the ce.l1the enzy~es of gluconeogenesIs are loc~ted. M,'fIJ[ }1"'-'(,LI{) ~€P c;7t9;!d:. 1
b'(j Jr'G.L.}.;' r eO.,-j--,\i-".
I , v Ii 1\
"I -" :
' (...'~l
rY .tn
. nWVY
f..-- . {;/
; -fJ.
ilt- '. u.---e \ \ I-€ :.1.2. 'n J''Vf " ;Vl~ r:6 ro",{ u ¥. (HO '/'v4 h <vi ~
cJ-Y-- . ."
" ~.~_,J-J: _e::-~~~I./ ~ {}! 'j,~/;:-:!-'''f I i1 i26 (j11ccr-..Rc<rf'r""f, er VI. Cor
n I('-J.,·LL+ •..•
Answer the following true or false and correct the false statement
\fi 1. The iron in heme is ferric ion (Fe3+) F
\..r, 2. In heme the iron is held in the center of the heme molecule by bonds to the two nitrogen
atoms of the porphyrin ring. r--
l\)3. Myoglobin, a hemeprotein present in heart and skeletal muscles,
F ~. Myoglobin consists of two polypeptide chains.
1...\)5. Hemoglobin is found exclusively in red blood cells \
F --6. ' Hemoglobin A, is composed of one single polypeptide
\) 7. The hemoglobin is tetramer T <. 'o(CI ..\l~ 'J06'~ '" ".) flll.lY ~ \'"oh .•."'- ,"",0 \u~\t.\\
\..~ ') 8. (a~) dimer are held tightly together, primarily by hydrophobic interactions (t)
l~ ) 9. Ionic and hydrogen bonds do not occur between the members of the dimer. lV')
~ ) 10. The two dimers are held together primarily by ionic bonds . .,-
\.'Tl 11. The deoxy form of hemoglobin is called the "T," form. '\
\.r., 12. The T form is the high oxygen-affinity form ofhemoglobin.f
\...\) 13. The binding of oxygen to hemoglobin causes the rupture of some of the ionic bonds and
hydrogen bonds between the a~ dimers. -'\
\..~ '\14. "R," or relaxed form, which is the low oxygen-affinity form ofhemoglobin.r-
\..r) 15. Myoglobin can bind only two molecules of oxygen (02), because it contains two heme
\.~) 16. Hemoglobin can bind four oxygen molecules, one at each of its four-heme groups. '\
\...f) 17. Myoglobin has a lower oxygen affinity than does hemoglobin. ~
(\) 18. The oxygen dissociation curve for myoglobin has a hyperbolic shapeT (.0 ••••
t r) 19. Myoglobin is designed to bind oxygen released by hemoglobin at the ~ p02 found in
muscle. Myoglobin, in turn, releases oxygen within the muscle cell in response to oxygen
demand. t="
\T;20. The oxygen dissociation curve for hemoglobin is sigmoidal in shapw
r; 21. the subunits of hemoglobin do not cooperate in binding oxygen. ~
~ '122. Cooperative binding of oxygen by the four subupits of hemoglobin means that the
\. ~ '''' l..••.
binding of an oxygen molecule at one heme group decreases the oxygen affinity of the
remaining heme groups in the same hemoglobin molecule d=.,
(\) 23. The sigmoidal oxygen-binding curve reflects specific structural changes that are
initiated at one heme group and transmitted to other heme groups in the hemoglobin
tetramer.' 30C
\..~) 24. The affinity of hemoglobin for the last oxygen bound is approximately 3 times greater
than its affinity for the first oxygen boundt
l 25. The cooperative binding ofJ.xxgen allows hemoglobin to deliver more oxygen to the tis-
'- sues in response to relatively l~rg~r changes in the partial pressure of oxygen. ~
,26. In the lung, the concentration of oxygen is high and hemoglobin becomes virtually
saturated (or "loaded") with oxygen. '\
'" 27. In the peripheral tissues, oxyhemoglobin releases (or "unloads") much of its oxygen for
use in the oxidative metabolism of the tissues "'\
\" 28. Most of the carbon dioxide produced in metabolism is hydrated and transported as
bicarbonate ion '\
-r 29. Carbon monoxide (CO) binds tightly (but reversibly) to the hemoglobin iron, forming
carbon monoxyhemoglobin (HbCO). T
~ 30. When carbon monoxide binds to one \or more of the four-heme sites, causing the
remaining heme sites to bind oxygen with l~ci affini~ ~
r 31. Carbon monoxide poisoning is treated with 10 p~~cent oxygen therapy, which facilitates
the dissociation of CO from the hemoglobin. ~
\" 32. HbF, ~e normally synthesized only during fetal development. "'
r 33. The lo~~'~xygen affinity of HbF facilitates the transfer of oxygen from the maternal
circulation across the placenta to the red blood cells of the fetus. ~
'\ 34. Increa~d amounts of HbAlc are found in red blood cells of patients with diabetes
mellitus. \ ":je"'~c...
~ 35. Sickle cell disease (also called sickle cell anemia) is a nongenetic disorder of the bloodt=
r 36. Sickle cell disease is caused by a single nucleotide alteration (a point mutation) in the {£
globin gene.
\" 37. An infant does not begin showing symptoms of the disease until sufficient HbF has been
replaced by HbS':\
T 38. Sickle cell disease is characterized by chronic hemolytic anemia, and increased suscepti-
bility to infections, usually beginning in early childhood. ""'\ c!9
[; 39. The lifetime of an erythrocyte homozygous for HbS is approximately 90 days, compared
with 120 days for normal red blood cells.
"'\"40. Amino acid substitution in HbS P chains in which glutamate at position six has been
replaced with valine
'\41. Sickling causes tissue anoxia T
'\ 42. At low oxygen tension, HbS polymerizes inside the red blood cells, first forming a gel,
then subsequently assembling into a network of fibrous polymers that stiffen and distort the
cell, producing rigid, misshapen erythrocytes.
143. Such sickle cells frequently block the flow of blood in the narrow capillaries. ---c
=( 44. This interruption in the supply-of oxygen leads to localized anoxia (oxygen deprivation)
in the tissue, causing pain and eventually death (infarction) of cells in the vicinity of the
blockage. "
T45. HbC is a hemoglobin v~t that has a single amino acid substitution in the sixth
position of the p-globin chain 1
'"t"46. In this case ofHbC a lysine is substituted for the glutamate-:-\
':::-47. Patients homozygous for hemoglobin C generally db>silltsufferfrom infarctive cri~'
\48. Oxidation of the heme component of hemoglobin to the ferric (Fe3+) state forms
\ 49. methemoglobin cannot bind oxygen:\,
~ 50. In p-Thalassemias the synthesis of a-globin chains is decreased or absent,
\51. a -Globin chains cannot form stable tetramers and, therefore, precipitate, causing the
premature death of cells initially destined to become mature red blood cells~
'\ 52. a- Thalassemias are defects in which the synthesis of a-globin chains is decreased or
abseIif:'1""" ~
\53. In a-Thalassemias the subunits show no heme-heme interaction. I
_ 54. In a-Thalassemias Tetramers have very high oxygen affinities. This makes them
~ essentially useless as oxygen deliverers to the tissues. \'
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