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Project 5th SEM - HRM

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Report 1 Introduction About Study Statement of the Problem Objectives of the study Scope of the Study Limitation of the Study Research Methodology

Report 2 Introduction of the Company Background Company Profile Vision and Value SWOT Analysis Objectives of the UPT BOD of the UPT Product Profile Competitors of the UPT

Report 3

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Departmental Analysis Organizational Chart Finance Dept. Production Dept. Marketing Dept. HRD Dept. Report 4 Human Resource Department Introduction of H.R Management. Objectives of H.R Mgt Brief Role of Personnel or H.R mgt Manpower planning Recruitment Selection Training Wages and Salary Welfare Facilities

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Report 5 Findings Suggestion Conclusion Bibliography

Report 1

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Statement of the problem: The Title of the Project EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION at UPT Pvt. Ltd. The topic is selected to analyses employees satisfaction at United Precision Tooltech Pvt.ltd Dharwad. Which is being showing good performance and turnover since its inception this study is conducted to evaluated the level of employees satisfaction in the company in order to give a better scope to the members, shareholders and the management themselves about the rating of the company and its performance in the market this analyses is necessary.

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The Following are the main Objectives of the Study To study the employees satisfaction in Private ltd. To calculate the satisfaction level to the employees towards different facilities provided for employee Motivation. To understand the reasons to the dissatisfaction towards monitory and non monitory Schemes. To suggest remedial measure for increasing employee. Satisfaction in UPT.

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SCOPE OF THE STUDY The scope of the study is that it is in depth study of human nature. It requires along with term research and study to trap the right satisfaction level among employees. Here by it require constant observation interaction and study alone the person his attitude perception and personal life many times and persons personal life highly affects his professional life. Job satisfaction cannot be checked just using the questionnaire hence personal interaction is must which is very time consuming.

LIMITATION OF THE STUDY The good report sells the result of the study but every project has its own limitation. The study is based on sample method hence limitation of sample method are applicable. As the study has been conducted during short period (only for 1 month) therefore there was wile deficiency for collection of data. Since the work is purely explanatory the study is subjective. An attempt has been made to collect the relevant information from the primary and secondary sources but the extent of relevance is entirely dependent on the data given by the company so this becomes another limitation of the study.

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RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The methods use to conduct this study are short term nature the various data collections methods are as follows: Primary data Collection Secondary data Collection

PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION Primary data is the data collected by wary of face to face communication that is collection the data by way of discussing with the managerial personal of the organization and through Observation. Following are the Sources of Primary Data Collected. Primary source is through question to the employee working in UPT around 40 workers have been Interviewed personally on satisfied random sampling method. Interaction with different department Head.

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SECONDARY DATA COLLECTION Secondary data is the data which is not collected through face to face discussion this type of data is collected from the papers and books, which is provided by Organization. In other words secondary data is data which is already collected by someone else. Following are the sources of Secondary data Collected. From company Profile From Text Books The analysis to the data is made with the help of Percentile method.


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UNITED PRECISION TOOTECH PVT.LTD started production in the year 2006

Company has transformed themselves from a humble manufacturing unit to a multi dimensional industrial engineering tool manufacturing conglomerate. By meeting the needs of burgeoning industrial sector and catering to its every demand, they have been growing and evolving in new direction. Their manufacturing prowess covers a wide range of cutting tools and precise engineering tools. UPT Industries is a leading manufacturer and suppliers of high quality engineering tools and have been supplying to over 500 companies since 2006 to 2012. It is known as time series analysis. It gives the indication of direction of change and reflects whether the firms financial performance has improved, deteriorated or remained constant over time. The company should determine these changes, but more importantly understand why ratios they have changed. Liquidity ratios demonstrate a company's ability to pay its current obligations. A class of financial metrics is used to determine a company's ability to pay off its short term debt obligations. Instead of finding the ratio, maintaining physical records of all transactions Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software could be effectively used to manage all such time consuming work. The latent potential of this sector and its inherent strengths lent credence to the belief that the Indian machine tool industry can become a significant global player and carve a niche for itself in the high technology sunrise segment of NC/CNC machine tools. However, towards achieving this status, the industry does need to adopt a visionary approach and aim at a stretched goal of exponential growth, which must essentially be export-driven.


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United Precision Toolings Pvt.Ltd Name of the Company Year of Establishment M.D and Chairman 2006 Yashkaran Laully - Chairman. Jasbinder Singh- M.D Opp.4th Cross ,Near GIP Kalyan Nagar Dharwad580007 Karnataka-India.

Works and Office Address

Registered Office Tele - fax Email/ Website

Hill View , Attikolla Dharwad 580007 0836- 2748264 Email:- [email protected] Website:- www.upt.co.in United Precision Tooltech Pvt.Ltd.

Renamed Trademark


Nature of the Activity

Its Manufacturing tool holding Like: Collets, Chuck, Adopters, Fixtures, Micro, Boring head, Air Chuckles, and Sockets 50 including Staff State bank Of Mysore.

No. of Employees Banker

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Turn Over 2.50 Crore Per year

OBJECTIVES OF THE UPT Every industry and company has its own set off objectives. The basic objectives of every industry is to earn profit and its fund by the expansion of business customers orientation meeting with the heard of customer etc.

The UPT Pvt. Ltd have the following Objectives To bring the light product at the light price and developing on organization which is customer oriented and customer Driven. To maintain good quality product in the market available at affordable price. To become a key player in economy to fast trade. Creating employment opportunity, increasing industrial production and accelerating the process of substantial development. To modernize the organization culture through the introduction of new ideas. To use modern technology in maintaining quality and increasing production. To develop team of managers capable of meeting the future needs of the productivity. To faster a climate in which individual can grow realize these full potential.


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W-WEAKNESSES O- OPPORTUNITY T- THREATS 1. STRENGTHS A firm's strengths are its resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for developing a competitive advantage.

22 years experience of staff Willingness to take challenges good reputation among customers cost advantages from proprietary know-how manufacture import substitute products special products manufactured with the expertise of in house design and research

2. WEAKNESSES The absence of certain strengths may be viewed as a weakness.

lack of patent protection Inconsistency in accuracy. a weak brand name & marketing strategies training and up gradation of staff knowledge Poor after sales service lack of access to resources nearby raw materials bought from distant places company is not in industrial area so less government facilities

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3. OPPORTUNITIES The external environmental analysis may reveal certain new opportunities for profit and growth. Some examples of such opportunities include

arrival of new SEZ in Belgaum loosening of regulations willingness of workers to grow situated in dharwad workers are available for less wages compared to industrial areas nearby.

there are many industries which are still unaware of the company in Karnataka region as they concentrate more on large scale industries

4. THREATS Changes in the external environmental also may present threats to the firm. Some examples of such threats include:

Competition from international players manufacturing in India. competitors are rising day by day in their business. new manufacturers sell products at lower price to get large orders new regulations by government. technology improvement reduces the life cycle of the product which is only 3yr now.

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VISION AND MISSIONS VISIONS:1.The co. will be continue to all the over cos in India to continue in future of the business will be the all conditions to control in the market field in store combination of the co. 2.The co. will help to order of the any Indian co. to permit the order in programme of an co. 3.The co.s provide all the condition to use and provide to all the cos private ltd and it is all the co. to procedure will be the particular area of any combination. 4.The particular to produce all the material like CNC machining tools in the 5 year performance of the co. 5.The investment of all the combines like in stock statement and all the overall measurement of the particular organization.

MISSION:1.The co. will be the passion of an the conditioning through all the organized co. 2.The co. will be the in the stock of the raw material will be the cooperation of all the co. in last 5 year experience staff . 3.To all the particular statement in condition to prisons in term of all the material transaction will be all over in conditions. 4.To procedure in condition to introduce to all over co. organization of an particular virtual to perfect to in term of all the manufactured in business. 5.To product of an co. to introduce all over procedure to visual lateral mode in mission.

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UPT Pvt. Ltd ACCESSORIES MAN POWER Consists of the Following

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Shri. Yashkaran Laully Shri. Jasbinder Singh Shri. Gurumeet Singh MANAGEMENT TEAM
Mr. Gurumeet Singh - Director Mr. B.K. Datta Marketing / Sales Engineer Mr. S.V. Jayaramnavar Sales Engineer Mr. Sukhwinder Singh Maintainer of CNC Machines And Director. Mr. Sawanthwadi - Sales / Marketing. Mr. B.S. Hiremath Store Keeper Mrs. Geeta Ambrose Clerk Mr. Pachange Supervisor (Milling) Mr. Shankar Madanbhavi Supervisor (Grinding) Mr. Kattimani Supervisor (Turning)

Chairman. Managing Director Technical Director

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Boring Head

Boring Tool



Coolant Series


Drill Chuck





Milling Chuck

Straight Shank Series

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PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS Micro Boring and facing head for boring machine, jig bores, milling machine radial drilling machines and lathe. Hardened and ground collets of all size with various rangers. Air operated and heating treatment processes. Pneumatics cylinder of various size lever operated collets chucks. Muting adopters and adjustable adopters. Jig grinder attachments. Hardened and ground collets Clare chucks and collets. Flash chine tool holders. Auto grip adopters. Micro boring bars. Adjustable adopters. No 1 2 Product Collets Collets holder Range Application

3 4

Reduction Sockets CNC Toolings

Gripping size 3mm to Used to hold cutting tools 60mm like chills and mill etc. ---------------Use to hold collets normally used on milling Machines Mt 1 to Mt 2 Use to hold taper Shank Drills. ---------------Used to CNC Milling machines.

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5 Stub Arbors 160 600 Used to hold side and Face Cutters and face mill Cutters

Micro boring Facing Heads

1000 to 12000

Used for finishes forcing of per drilled holes and also used for facing. Used to lathe work pieces pressure. Used to lathe work pieces pressure.0 to hold by air to hold by air

Pneumatics Chucks

160 to 3150

Jaw Cell Centering Chucks Micro Boring Bars

1000 to 3500

500 to 2000


Milling Indexing Fixture


Used on CNC milling machines to finish per drilled hold but individual sitting of boring range will be very less as compared to boring heads. Used to hold work Piece and for index milling of the same.

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COMPETITORS OF UPT This co.s compitator are :Like :-Elmeca works pvt.ltd co. in it is competitors of this co. since from 6 year and Like to tell in conditioning are Secniu precision Ram Precision Mac turn Co. Pvt. Ltd. To produce of an to control the conditions to provide in all material in cheapest material in position of all over controlling unit prisons.

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It is the branch of personnel department, time office is the key to the personnel department. It performs the basic function of the personnel departments it maintains the record of the arrival & departure time of all the staff members including the managerial staff. the person who looks after the record of the time office is called time keeper. The company issues a digital ID card which is used to sign in as well as security purpose of the company with fingerprint scanner which is later analyzed at the time of paying the salary to the individual. The workers are also required to sign in the attendance register to avoid manipulation or escaping tricks, later the data is sent to finance department for allocation of the salary.

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The main aim of the production department is the optimum utilization of available resources and to supply the products on time .this dept aims at the attainment of the objective To plan and meet the production requirements as per customer specification through continual improvement in planning, procuring, processing and optimum utilization of resource. FUNCTIONS:1).The main function of this dept is to organize material procurement, design, production planning and periodic review with all concerned heads. 2).To plan for manpower and equipment for production control purpose. 3).To plan and organize the layout of RPO and assembly for effective operations. 4).To co-ordinate and arrange for the preventive break down maintenance of machinery and equipment.

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THE MAIN PRODUCT OF THE ORGANISATION ARE: Collets Boring Heads Boring Bars Sockets Milling Chuck Coolant Series Drilling Chuck.

C. MARKETING DEPARTMENT This department manages the sales of the tools as well as the advertisement. It sells the goods directly to another business and government entities using the brand name UPT.



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D. FINANCE DEPARTMENT This department takes Care of all the normal calculations and maintenance of their ledgers with the help of accountant and a casher and also takes care all government requirements which even include pollution, labor, sales & income tax departments etc.




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Report 4
INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human Resource Management is that of the process of management specifically concerned with the people employed in an organization. Its purpose it to establish and maintain sound relation at all levels of the organization and to secure the effective use of personnel by ensuring such conditions of employment as well as to attain for these personnel, Social satisfaction which they tend naturally to seek within working environment. Objectives of Human Resource Management This topic leads us to the question : What are the objectives of an Organization Peter Ducker has correctly stated that the primary objectives of an Organization is survival. In fact this objective is primary to all existing institutions as well as organisms. The rest of the function flow from this Objective, if an Organization needs profits, for Survival, it has to concentrate on growth. Broadly speaking, the objectives of an organization, the key role of personnel management lies in guiding the organization to contribute its optimum in the area of human resources for achieving the objectives. Apart from this there are certain fundamental objectives of personnel management which flow from its concern for the human being and which should be uppermost in the minds of personnel men, namely. 1. Due concern for the dignity of human Labor. 2. Ensuring equity and justice.

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Role of Personnel or Human Resource Manager in an Organization Success of a personnel manager depends on the degree of Contribution to solve management problems in dealing with human resources in the Organization, yet the personnel manager as a special role to play. Some of the important roles of personnel manager in an Organization in addition to the Managerial and Operative functions are discussed below. a) Policy Initiation: Policy initiation and formulation is one of the important tasks of a personnel manager. It is with a view to overcome problems of recurring nature , or to prevent anticipated problems in the area of human resource management that company policies are framed to communicate to the employ basic ground rules under which the organization function and thus avoid discrimination inconsistency , aphorism, and Confusion.

b) Advisory Role: The advisory role of personnel manager is of crucial importance. Line managers are generally confronted with a variety of problems me their day to day operations. These problems may include grievance over distribution of overtime work annual increase in pay, transfer, promotion, disciplinary action, and so on. In all such matters the personal manager can offer useful advice because he is familiar with personnel policies and practices, of bulletins report, and procedural guidelines for the interpretation and implementation of policies. .

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c) Linking Pin Role: The personnel manager attempts to achieve and maintain good industrial relations in the Organization. He is responsible for setting up various committees on discipline, labor welfare, safety, grievance etc. he helps in laying down the grievance procedure to redress the grievance of the employees. He gives authentic information to the trade union leaders regarding the personnel policies and programmers of the enterprise. He also conveys the view of the trade union leaders to the higher management. Thus he acts as a linking point between the management and the workers.

d) Representative Role: The personnel manager generally acts as a spokesman of the top management or representative of the company and communicates management policies and decision. The personnel manager generally acts as a spokesman of the top management policies and decision that affect people in the organization. It is because he has better understanding and overall picture of the companys operations. Sometimes, he also as workers representative to put forward their problems to management, particularly in non unionized organization.

e) Decision - Making Role: The personnel manager also plays an effective role in decision making on issues related to human resources. He formulates and designs objectives, policies, and programmes of human resource management. For instruct, he decides about the contents and duration of training programmers for various categories of workers and executives.

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f) Mediator Role: The personnel manager often acts as mediators in the event of conflict between employees, or group of employees, superior and Subordinates, and even between management and employees. Thus he attempts to maintain industrial peace and harmony the organization.

g) Leadership Role: The personnel manager provides leadership and guidance to the workers and their groups. He ensures effective communication, in the organization and influences the workers for extending their co operation in the organizational objectives. He also acts as a counselor by providing advice to workers on their work and personal problems.

h) Welfare Role: The personnel manager acts as a welfare officer in the organization, as welfare officer, he is concerned with provision of canteen, crches, transport, hospital and other welfare services for the benefit for the benefit of workers and their family members. MANPOWER PLANNING According to Geisler, Manpower planning is the process including forecasting, developing and controlling by which a firm ensures that it has right number of and the right kind of people at the right place at right time doing work for which they are economically most useful. Thus man power consists of projecting future manpower requirements and developing man power plans for the implementation of Projections.

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Benefits of Manpower Planning Manpower planning is the important tool of human resource management as it helps in the Following ways. Manpower planning results in reduced labor costs as it helps the management to anticipated shortage and / or surpluses of manpower and corrects these imbalances before they became unmanageable and expensive. It is better basis for planning employee development that is designed to make optimum use of the workers skills within the organization. It enables identification of the existing manpower so that corrective training would me imparted. Thus the training programmers become effective. It leads to improvement in the overall business planning process. Problem in the Human Resource Planning Human resource planning is not always successful. Some of the major stumbling blocks are described below. Identity Crisis: There is an identity crisis and many managers well as human process. Support of Top Managements: The Support from the top management is essential to ensure the necessary, cooperation and support of the success of the human resource planning. Size of the Essential Effort: Human resource planning fails because of lack of sufficient initial effort./ to be successful, human resource planning should start slowly and expand gradually.

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Co- Ordination with other Management Function: To be effective, human resource planning must be co- ordination with other management function. Integration with Organizational Plan: In many Organizations, such a communication is lacking and the human resource plans are prepared in isolation of the fundamental organization plans. Involvement of Operating Managers: The Successful human planning requires a co ordinates effort on the part of personnel department and the Operating Managers.

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RECRUITMENT According to Edwin B. Flippo, Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates (or employment and stimulating them) to apply for the job in the organization. It is the linking activity that brings together those offering jobs and those seeking jobs. Internal Sources 1. Transfer 2. Promotion External Sources 1. Recruitment at factory Gate 2. Casual Callers 3. Advertisements 4. Employment agencies 5. Management Consultants 6. Education Institution 7. Recommendations 8. Labor Contractors 9. Telecasting

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Internal Sources 1. Transfer: It involves the shifting of an employee from one job to another, one department to another or from one shift to another. Transfer is a good source of filling vacancies employees from overstaffed department or shifts.

2. Promotion: It leads to shifting of an employee to higher position, carrying higher responsibilities, facilities, status and pay. Many companies follow the practice of filling higher jobs by promoting employee who is considered fit for such positions.

External Sources 1. Direct Recruitments: An important source of recruitment is direct recruitment by placing a notice board of the enterprise specifying the details of the job available. It is also known as recruitment at factory gate. 2. Media Advertisements: The advantage of advertising is that more information about the organization, job description and job specifications can be given in advertisement to allow self screening by the prospective candidates. 3. Management Consultants: A management consultancy firm helps the organization to recruit technical, professional and managerial personal. They specialized in middle level and top level executive placements. 4. Educational Institution: Recruitment from Educational institutions is a well established practice of thousands of business and other organizations. It is also known as campus recruitments.

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5. Recommendations: Applications introduced by friends and relatives may prove to be a good source of recruitments. In fact, many employers prefer to take such persons because something about their background is known. 6. Labor Contract: Labor contract is an important source of recruitment in some of industries in India. Workers are recruited though labor contracts who are themselves employees of the Organization. 7. Telecasting: The practices of telecasting of vacant post over T.V is gaining importance these days. Special programmers like job \ Watch, Youth pulse, Employment news Etc.

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SELECTION Meaning of Selection Selection involves a series of steps by which the candidates are screened for choosing the most suitable persons for vacant posts. The process of selection leads to employment of persons who possess the ability and qualification to perform the jobs which have fallen vacant in an organization. Purpose of Selection and Recruitment: The basic purpose of selection process is to choose right type of candidates to man various position in the organizations. In order to achieve this purpose as well as organized selection procedure involves many steps and at each step, unsuitable candidates are rejected. In other words the aim of selection process is to reject the unusable candidates. But recruitment, on the other hand, is positive process. Its aim is to attract applicant for vacant jobs in the organizations, various sources of recruitments are used for this purpose. Selection Process The procedure of selection will vary from organization to organization and even from department to department within the same organization according to kinds of jobs to be filled. The number of steps in procedure and the sequence of steps also vary. For instance, some organizations do not hold preliminary interviews, test or screening, whereas in other organization such as commercial banks, preliminary tests are given to eliminate a large number of applicants. Similarly in some cases, medical examination is given before final selection and in others medical follows final selection. Thus , every

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organization will design a selection procedure that suits its requirements. However the main steps could be incorporated in the selection procedure are as under. 1. Preliminary Interview 2. Receiving Applications 3. Screening of Application 4. Employment Tests 5. Employment Interview 6. Final Selection 1) Preliminary Interview: The preliminary interview is generally brief and the job of eliminating the totally unsuitable candidates. Preliminary interview offers advantages not only to the organization, but also to the applicants if an applicant is eliminated at this stage, the organization will be saved from the expenses of processing him through the remaining steps of selection procedure and the unsuitable candidates will be saved from the trouble of passing through the long procedure.

2) Receiving Applications: Whether there is a vacancy, it is advertised or enquiries are made from the suitable sources, and applications are received from the candidates, standard application forms may be drawn up for different jobs and supplied to the candidates on request.

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3) Screening Application: After applications are received, they are screened by screening committee and a list is prepared of the candidates to be interviewed. Applicants may be called for interview on some specific criteria like sex, desired are group, experience and qualifications.

4) Employment Tests: Individuals differ in almost all aspects one can think off. They differ with respects to physical characteristics, capacity, level of mental ability, their likes and dislikes and also with respect to personality traits.

5) Employment Interview: 1. The main purposes of an employment interview. 2. To find out the suitability of the candidates; 3. To seek more information about the candidates; and 4. To give him an accurate picture of the job with details of terms and conditions and some idea of organizations policies.

6) Checking References: Prior to final selection, the prospective employer normally makes an investigation on the references supplied by the applicant and undertakes more or less a through search into the candidate past employment education personal reputation condition, police record, etc.

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7) Medical Examination: The pre- Employment physical examination or medical test of a candidate is an important step in the selection procedure. Through in the suggested selection procedure, medical test is located near the end , but this sequence need not be rigid.

8) Final Selection and Appointment Letter: After selection has cleared all the hurdles in the selection procedure, he is formally appointed letter or by concluding with him a service agreement.

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INTRODUCTION The candidate selected is issued the appointment latter and is requested to join the organization within a specified period. The introduction function follows this step in generally considered to be part of hiring procedure. Introduction is concerned with introducing or orienting a new employee to the organization and its procedures, rules and regulations.

OBJECTIVE OF TRAINING For devising adequate training programmers for individuals , it is necessary to conduct accurate analysis of the individuals aptitude and performance level. This must then be compared with the requirements of the job that he is required to perform, the object of training is thus to bridge the gap between the present performance and the desired performance.

WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION Wages: Wages may be defined as the aggregate earning of an employee for a given period time such as a day or a week or a month. Wages are basically the price paid for the service of the labor in the process of production. They are composed of two parts the basic wage and other allowances. The allowances include DA, CA, OT pay, Medical Allowances, etc.

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Salary: It is the compensation to the employee for service rendered on a weekly, monthly or annual basis. It is usually associated with office staff, supervisors, researchers, managers, etc. whose performance cant be measured Directly.

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND SERVICES Meaning and Definition: Employee benefits and services include any benefits that the employee receives in addition to direct remuneration. A formal definition is Fringes embrace a board range of benefits and services that the employee receives as part of their total compensation packages, pay or direct compensation is based on critical gob factors and performances.

COMMUNICATION STRATEGY Every organization must have a communication strategy. The first step in the formulating strategy is to identify areas of communication. It is too well known that all human activities in an organization are covered by communication.

Broadly 3 areas of communication are universal: 1) Management 2) Internal and 3) External. The well known downward, upward and horizontal and diagonal flows of communication come under first category. Internal communication takes place when two or more people exchange thoughts . they are sharing information, providing feedback , or Simply maintaining social relationship. The third area comprises the receipt and analysis of information from outside which effects the companys interest. It also includes presentation of information about the company and its products to the government, customer and the public at large. Employee motivation is mainly affected by managerial and internal communications. Although external communication is an additional source of information.

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HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT IN UNITED PRECISION TOOLTECH PVT.LTD. HRD is a process of organizing and increasing the physical, mental and emotional capabilities of individuals for productive work.HRD is as systematic of improving the Quality of Human life. The HRD is covered with organization of manpower, planning, training, performance appraisal and organization development. The main idea of which is to develop certain capabilities of people concerned to help them to perform the present job in a better way and accept future job challenges.

The UPT Pvt. Ltd. have the following objectives of HRD in these Group. To optimum the utilization of resources for the achievements of individual or organizational goals so its help to increase the productivity. To improve the employee moral i.e., to develop constructive mind and an overall personality of the employee. To identify talents and develop theme, it means to provide an opportunity and comprehensive framework for the development of human resources in an organization for fuel expression of their talent and manifest potential. To create right organizational environment. It means to develop the organizational health, culture and effectiveness. To development the sense of spirit, team work and inter team collaboration and also feeling of belonging of employees with the organization.

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Introduction to the Human Resource Department of UPT Pvt. Ltd. It is one of the inseparable organs of industrial organization. This Department is managed by Gurumeet Singh. Unit Consists of 52 Employees and labors , to have better bargaining capacity and to know utilize their rights and power of labors have organized trade union. Here training facilities are available to train the under trained labors. The period for training about 3- 6 Months under the supervision of Shankar Madanbhavi. The reward for the employees are as well as labor on the average salary of Rs. 4000 per month. The unit provides leave about 8 to 10 casual leaves per year. Labour welfare programs are essential in every organizations because labours are important aspects to the factory or any organizations. If the labour are happy there production are also increase and cost of unit will be decreases for this purpose UPT pvt. Ltd provides following welfare programmes. 1. Canteen Facilities. 2. Uniforms. 3. Educational Recreation facilities. 4. Medical Facilities. Recruitment Recruitment forms the first stage in the process that continues with selection and ceases with the placement of candidates. Recruiting is a discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated organizations vacancies. For the purpose of recruitment the advertisement is placed in news paper. Recruitment is based on qualification and experience.

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Selection Applications received from prospective candidates are called for personal interviews. This personal department selects the appropriate candidates however; board of directors gives the final approval. Performance Appraisal In UPT Pvt. Ltd supervisors prepare daily reports with respect to the performance of his sub ordinates. Based on this suitable candidates are given incentives. Grievance Handling Whenever there is a dispute between employees, head of the personnel department settles it. Whenever there is a dispute between employer and employees, the dispute is referred to labor welfare officer for settlement. Disciplinary Measures There a certain standing order, violation of which may lead to punishment. If any employee is found guilty, a notice containing charges against him is sent and enquiries are conducted. The employee is given maximum opportunity to express his feelings. If he is found guilty necessary actions are taken.

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Welfare Measures Provided to Employee at UPT Safety Conditions:- UPT is a manufacturing organization and safety conditions of the employees assumes pre dominant importance. As industrial safety ensure safe working conditions for employees. Accident may be caused in the manufacturing process and the material used in the manufacturing process may also cause it. To protect the employees from the hazardous of the industry. The company has taken the measures in this area by implementing the companies act 1948 and providing safety working condition. Rest Rooms:- The Company has provided adequate and suitable rest rooms for the use of employees. There are two rest rooms within the company premises. Drinking Water:- The management of UPT has made arrangement for sufficient supply of drinking water ate suitable point. Medical Facility :- UPT provides medical facility to its employees. There is an official doctor appointed by the UPT. First Aid are provided and maintain at proper location. Leave Facility:- The company provides annual leaves , casual leave and sick leaves with pay for its employees. The policy covers all the employees of the company. Incentives:-The company pays incentives in the form of bonus. Production incentives will be issued on basis of production.

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FINDINGS Sale of products is increased. The company maintains all accounts and documents in traditional manner instead of using the in-house computers. Due to Lack of training institutions and increase in demand for skilled labours in near by manufacturing industries ,the UPT is facing shortage of skilled labours. Problem of raw material because they are purchased from distant places like Miraj, Pune, Mumbai which is increasing their production cost. They have more debtors which has blocked their funds leaving less short term capital to operate on. They have created new products which stand apart from others in market for Crompton greaves and their subcontractors, which are not patented. They are not updated with the recent technologies which could help them for inventory management such as using software.

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SUGGESTIONS The company should take precautionary measure for investing & controlling funds. The company can increase its turnover by efficient and effective use of resources. Operating costs should be minimized by using ERP software or by provided excel programs which save time. Based on the ratio analysis the liquidity position should improve more by concentrating on recovery of . As cash ratio is marginally good they should avoid blocking up of funds in form of credit. Marketing of the products should be more aggressive than before. Payroll management should be implemented to avoid salary conflicts within company. In house training should be done as they have facility as well as space or go for ITI freshers instead of hiring an experienced worker. Co-ordination and communication between different departments should improve more to work more effectively. Flexibility in work time should not be allowed as it effects the other employees. Website is used for only displaying their products it can also be effectively used for other sales related work like quotations, order forwarding etc. Office work should be done using the existing computers instead of using type writer and hand written invoices. New SEZ has been commissioned in Belgaum they should prepare for the new products for the aeronautics industry. Participation in major trade shows must be done which will help to get industry people know about the brand and organization. Optimal utilization of the given software and excel programs will help them to save major part of their office expenses

Anjuman Institute of Information Science and Management Dharwad.


CONCLUSION EMPLOYEES SATISFACTION is one of the basic objectives of UPT Pvt.ltd. The organization is reaching the expected level of satisfaction. Overall the employees are happy with facilities provided by the organization. During the survey it was found that 42% of workers who are technically qualified and 58% are of workers either below. SSLC or PUC Qualified.

To overcome this problems requirement process should be encouraged and the technical training should be given to the workers. I got the opportunity to visit and involve in the actual work of all the department in the organization. I was inspired to know about an organization which would probably give me sense of duty in future prospects, in plant training also helped to know how different employees/ workers have different skills, talents, abilities, attitudes, etc and how they are being co ordinates and up to maximum extent in achieving the organizational goals. Al together it was good learning Experience.

Anjuman Institute of Information Science and Management Dharwad.


BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Principles of Management -By Gordon and Enrich (Mc Graw hill Publications) 2. Human Resource Management By S.S. Khanka and Koontz and O donell. 3. International Business Management By P. Subbarao. 4. www.managementstudyguide.com 5. www.managementparadise.com 6. www.ehow.com

Anjuman Institute of Information Science and Management Dharwad.

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