Super Bowl FCC Complaints

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Consumer Information Management System ( C1MS00003569101)

DJfl7Euiwriiwii Control ID : C1MS00003569101 Level One: Super Bowl 2013 Owner Rep Number TSRO9 IC Number: Submission Method : Status:


Level Two: Commercials Creator email.reder Level Three:


Assigned Code Acronym:

problem Submitted Time 2/5/2pi3 3:45:57PM

Date Closed

Consumer Personal Information Omitted

Email Subject Super Bowl show and connerqals
2/5/2013 4:20:01 PM Eiail AcknowIedgemert sent to


wrote on/5/2013 3:45:57 FM: To Whom It Concerns at he Federal Coipnunieations Conmission,

I am writmg to inform you that I was mcredibly offended y commercials allowed to air on national television during the Super Bowl, February 3, 013. My frien1, family and I were shocked and disgustd. I have spoken to many who share my concern Commercials wreentirely inappropriate, inclu4ing the Go Daddy commrcial with a lengthy sloppy kissmg scene and the Gildan commercial 31th kinicy hardcuff sex, to list just a few If I choose tp watch a PG- 13 or R- rated movie, I knowingly subject myseltoThat type of material. However, it is unacceptable that I, or anyone else, woul4 be unknowingly subjected to this type of rpatrial while viewing the largest sporting event of the year on national television! It should, without question, be a very pleasant family-friendly viewing experience Seriously, what do you say to your ten year old son or daugiter7 o ycu make tim leave th rooni9 Do yoi rush to cover tieir ye7 Entirely unacceptable! The ialf time show wtis just s jsque thceyonces V4tori1 Secrets tire and diceovs, which would even scandalize sqme couples jght 1 thq privacy of tlir own be4rooi I want p reflerat that I, an4 many others, are upset and would pn their weddp apprecite better 4pcisioi mlmg in next year's Super Bvl I expt th next year will e cleaner If I want sloppiness, I'll dig through my ........................................................... 1cereIy,

(I will be mailing

cppy of this letter sevral places, nich,dmg Federal Communications' Headquarters)

All e-mail corrsppn4epce t and from this address

is subject to tl Nprth Caroima Public Records Law, wjuch srjlt !ti orntoring aud disclQsure to third pqrts, rn1udmg law enforcement

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

Page 1 of I

Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003569101)

ra7JI77lJMnnsIwi Control ID : C1MS00003569101


IC Number: 13-R3569101 Level Two: Commercials Creator: ernail.reder

Submission Method : Email Level Three:

Status: Open Assigned Code Acronym:

Level One: Super Bowl 2013 Owner Rep Number: TSRO9

rob1em Submitted Time 2/5/2p13 3:45:57PM

Date Closed:


Consumer Personal Information Omitted

Email subject: Super Bowl show and coiuercjals 2/5/2013 4:20:01 PM EIiaiJ Acknowledgemert sent to

wrote on/5/20l3 3:45:57PM:

To Whom It Concerns at he Federal Coippiunications Copimission,

I am writing to inform yoi that I was mcredibly offended y commercials allowed to air on national televisjon during the Super Bowl, February 3, 0 13 My frien, family and I were shocked and disgusted I have spoken to many who share my concern Commercials wreentirely inappropriate, mclu4ing the Go Daddy commercial with a lengthy sloppy kissing scene and the Gildan commercial 'ith kinky hdcuff sex to list just a few If I choose tp watch a PG-13 or R- rated movie, I knowingly subject myself to that type of material However, it is unacceptable that I, or anyone else, woul4 be unknowingly subjected to this type of rpatrial while viewing the largest sporting event of the year on national television! It should, without question, be a very pleasant family-friendly viewing experience Seriously, what do you say to your ten year old son or daugiter7 Do yu make t!lcm leave th room2 Do yol3 rush to cover 4ieir yes7 Entirely unacceptable' The ialf time show wtis just as rjsque with lIeyonce's V4ton. Secrets attire and dicepioves, which would even scandal jze some couples pq their weddjn ght u th9 privacy of th,ir own bedrooj I want p reerate that I, an4 many others, are upset and would apprecite better 4ecisioi-mlcug in next ear' Super B'l I expet that next year will @e cleaner If I want slpppmess, Fil dig icerofy,

(I will be mailin

eppy of this letter several places, incll44ing Federal Communications' Headquarters)

dl e-mail corjespon4ence to and from this address js subject to ti North Carolina Public Records Law, which ay.resl4t p monitoring and disclosure to third patis including Jaw enforcement.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003584907)

fWJI7hJMnlww: Control ID : C1MS00003584907 Level One: Owner Rep Number: HOLDO1 IC Number: 13-R3584907 Level Two: Creator: email.reader Submission Method : Email Level Three:


Status: Pending Analyst Review Assigned Code Acronym:

Problem Submitted Time : 2/8/2013 1:25:36PM

Date Closed:

Consumer Personal Information Omitted
Email Subject: Fwd: Inappropriate language and visuals on TV wrote on 2/8/2013 1:25:36PM:

Original MessaneFrom: To: SentFn'Feb 8, 2013 12:14 pm Subject: Re: Inappropriate language and visuals on TV


An additional complaint was the half-time show. Our 7 & 8 year olds now think all that exposure of the human body and the sexy girations are indicative of how girls should behave. The boys think that makes it appropriate for them to oogle and disrespect women. We had to flip channels for something less revealing and missed Beyonce' singing the National Anthem because her half-time performance was too indecent for our small children to watch. It may be football and traditionally a man's sport, but we don't need smut on TV. We have even stopped watching regular TV and are taping the shows we want to see so that we do not have to listen to the overt attempts to corrupt our youth through bad language, sexual innuendos, and outright expsure to inappropriate behavior. This not only includes the TV shows but the racy commercials that accompany them. Most sitcoms are no longer funny. The laugh tracks give the impression that some situations are funny when they are just plain sad. Do not show these programs during Prime Time. By the way, I refuse to buy the products promoted by the commercials of these shows nor ones that have questionable content on other shows. CLEAN IT UP! Please. Original Message ----From: contact <[email protected]> To: fccinfo <> Cc: Sent: FriTeb 8, 2013 9:59 am Subject: Inappropriate language and visuals on TV To: [email protected] Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St, S.W. Print Date: 2/28/2013 Page 1 of 2

Consumer Information Management System (C1M500003584907) Complaints and Political Programming Branch Enforcement Division, Mass Media Bureau Washington, DC 20554 This is a formal COMPLAINT of indecency on broadcast television. My complaint concerns the PROGRAM ON: Network: CBS Program Title: 2013 Super Bowl XLVII Broadcast Date: 2/3/20 13 7:45 PM PT Documentation of the indecent material on which my COMPLAINT is based i provided below. Documentation Ravens players with live microphones can be heard talking to each other after the game. Flacco says 'Tucking awesome!" COMPLAINANT also believes that such material is: (a.) Clearly offensive according to the standards of my community; and (b.) Especially offensive because it was broadcast at an hour when millions of children were watching. For the reasons above stated, COMPLAINANT urges the FCC to exercise its responsibility to enforce the existing law against indecency on broadcast TV between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. (Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1464) by levying severe sanctions against the broadcasters of this program. End Documentation COMPLAINANT RESPECTFULLY REQUESTS THAT THE FCC ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THIS COMPLAINT, AND THAT THE FCC KEEP ME INFORMED OF THE PROGRESS AND RESULTS OF YOUR iNVESTIGATION INTO THIS MATTER. Sincerely,



Print Date: 2/28/20 13

Page 2 of 2

Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003587652) rwI&!zIrmiwiinswn

Control ID : C1MS00003587652
Level One: IC Number: Submission Method : Status:


Level Two: Level Three:


Pending Analyst Review

Assigned Code Acronym:

Owner Rep Number: HOLDO 1

Creator: email.reader

Problem Submitted Time : 2/10/2013 4:31:13PM

Date Closed:

We 77ffNDI77hJa;wiFflY7 '

Consumer Personal Information Omitted

Email Subject: Superbowl SundayYour Subject Line Here] irote on 2/10/2013 4:31:13 PM
To: [email protected] Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St, S.W. Complaints and Political Programming Branch Enforcement Division, Mass Media Bureau Washington, DC 20554 This is a formal COMPLAINT of indecency on broadcast television. My complaint concerns the PROGRAM ON: Network: CBS Program Title: 2013 Super Bowl XLVII Broadcast Date: 2/3/20 13 7:45 PM PT Documentation of the indecent material on which my COMPLAINT is based is provided below. Documentation Ravens players with live microphones can be heard talking to each other after the game. Flacco says 'Tucking awesome!" COMPLAiNANT also believes that such material is: (a.) Clearly offensive according to the standards of my community; and (b.) Especially offensive because it was broadcast at an hour when millions of children were watching. For the reasons above stated, COMPLAiNANT urges the FCC to exercise its responsibility to enforce the existing law against indecency on broadcast TV between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. (Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1464) by levying severe sanctions against the broadcasters of this program. End Documentation I am disappointed but not surprised at the lack of care and attention paid to the Superb owl broadcast. My family watched the game and began to watch the halftime show, but quickly stopped as Beyonce put on a show completely lacking in taste and good judgment. We again watched the game after halftime. The foul language later in the program is not a surprise as societal and cultural standards have fallen to an all-time low, and CBS television is leading the way with its choice of programming. Print Date: 2/28/2013 Page 1 of 2

Consumer Information Management System (CIMS 00003566713)

iNDECENCY Complaint

D!I!JflThiwmwn Control ID : C1MS00003566713 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: PCCO1 N7T11T4IThja,ua1ffl7

______________________ IC Number: 13-WB 15107956 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475

Submission Method : Web Level Three: Content Criticism Problem Submitted Time : 2/3/2013 9:19:00PM

Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: PCCR Date Closed: 2/26/2013

Consumer Personal Information Omitted

y/Ste/ZipCo: WIR G 30680

Date of Program:


Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

46 Winder, GA TV

Time of Program: 08:30 PM



Name of ProgranilDJ/Personality/SongIFilm: Beyonce/Super Bowl Halftime

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau HiD - Investigation & Hearings 2/26/20 13

EB/IHD Exported Case:

I was completely appalled at the Super Bowl Halftime Show performed by Beyonce. For almost the entire show, she danced around like a stripper, wore incredibly skimpy outfits, and gyrated her hips as if simulating sexual moves on stage. At one point, even laid down on the stage and sprawled out. This is NOT appropriate for a network television channel and after the halftime show a few years ago with Janet Jackson, I would think these shows would be overseen a little more closely. This was not entertainment and completely inappropriate. I know Fm far from the only person that feels this strongly and I do hope to see a response regarding this complete lack of family values shown during the show.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003566709)

fW7R7JI7ThJIwffi-w Control ID : CJMS00003566709 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: PCCO1 IC Number: 13-WB15107947 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475 Submission Method : Web Level Three: Content Criticism Problem Submitted Time : 2/3/2013 8:37:41PM


Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: PCCR Date Closed: 2/26/2013


Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: CHURCHLAND VA 23703 Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: 4 Portsmouth TV

Date of Program: Time of Program: Network:

02/03/20 13 08:26 CBS

Name of ProgramlDJIPersonality/Song/Film: Half Time Show with Beyonce

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD - Investigation & Hearings 2/26/2013

EB/IHD Exported Case:

The Half-time show with Beyonce was demeaning to women and not family friendly at all. I was surprised her bottom end didnt fall ot of her outfit. Why does the FCC and CBS allow role mqdels to appear trashy on TV? What message does iat send to the young girls/women of Ameica7 That its okay to appear with 'ittle clothing ad behave m a way that attracts the sexpal attention of men. turned off te Super Bowl I-alf Time show after the little yonce chose tq represent women m the bit that I did see I am thsapppmted that negativ fashion she dispIaycI on the Halftime Show.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003566705)


Control ID : C1MS00003566705 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: PCCO1 7JT17iI7ThJM,wilffl1 IC Number: 13-WB15107930 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475 Submission Method : Web Level Three: Indecent Problem Submitted Time : 2/3/2013 8:16:38PM Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: [NDE Date Closed: 2/27/2013

Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: CEL1NA Date of Program: Network: 02/03/20 13 FOX TX

Call Sign/ChannellFrequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: KTVT 11 Celina, Texas TV

Time of Program: 07:05 PM Name of Program/DJfPersonality/Song/Film: Superbowl halftime show

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD - Investigation & Hearings 2/27/2013

EB/IHD Exported Case:

Beyonce and her backup singers/dancers dancing in clothes that are barely there (way too revealing) and dancing in a way that is way too provocative for the general population. There is NO REASON wliatoever for pqlvic thrust dancing on national television ever, much less by scantily clad womn.

Print Date: 2/28/2013

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Consumer Information Management System ( C1MS00003569651)

Control ID : IC Number: Submission Method :



Level One:

Level Two: Level Three:

Web Indecent
Problem Submitted Time :

Assigned Code Acronym:

Owner Rep Number:

Programming Issues

Date Closed:

CIMSESC WnTamsflThJi,wsrffll


2/4/2013 10:55:19PM


Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/Zip Code: NEWTOWN PA 18940 Date of Program: 02/03/2013 Call Sign/ChanneL/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: 3 Newtown, PA

Time of Program: 06:30 PM




Name of Program/DJ/Personality/Song/Film: Superbowl

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau DID - Investigation & Hearings 2/12/2013 2/22/2013

EB/IHD Exported Case:

Ld7Th7tT7VJ77fl7Thn For the second year in a row, you have broadcasted a rated "R" Superbowl program. It should not be shown at a time when children are up. If you insist on broadcasting gyrating vaginas, nearly bare breasts, hypersexualized commercials, sexual innuendo, and violent language, you need to broadcast this after 11pm. This is totally ridiculous. Beyonce's performance was beyond sexually explicit and is what most normal people consider indecent exposure. Last year you chose to broadcast David Becitham's genitalia front and center, which among many other ads was totally outrageous. You are a joke of a regulatory agency and you obviously do not have the courage or decency to do the right thing. Show some leadership and morality for once and broadcast a game that the whole family can watch together without censoring.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003569647)

1}.DECBNCY Complaint

Control ID : C1MS00003569647 Level One:

IC Number: 13-WB15108515 Level Two:

Submission Method Web Level Three:

Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym:

Owner Rep Number: CIMSESC N*iJTT1TNDflTb,aiimIt7 '

Creator: cgb.475

Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 10:03:12PM

Date Closed: 2/13/2013

Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: SEVERN I777?al Date of Program: Network: 2/3/2013 CBS Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: 513 Severn, MD MD 21144

Time of Program: 7:30 pm Name of Program/DJ/Personality/Song/Film: Super Bowl XLVII

Half time show during the Super Bowl XLVII was indecent and as a mother, I feel I have a right to be told prior to a "Family" friendly showing that material presented at half time is indecent for children. But most especially, the Super Bowl happens at a time when children and teenagers are watching T.V. If CBS can be fined for Flacco's vocabulary then someone needs to be fined for the halftime profane and indecent show such as Beyonce's.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003569637)

Control ID : C1MS00003569637 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: TSR42

ThIDECENCY Complaint

IC Number: 13-WB15108478 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475

Submission Method : Web Level Three: Indecent Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 7:22:57PM

Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: [NDE Date Closed: 2/13/2013

Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: FLUSHING Date of Program: Network: 02/03/20 13 CBS

MI 48433
Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: 5 Flushing, MI Unknown

Time of Program: 06:3OPM Name of Program/DJ/Personality/Song/Film: Superbowl halftime show

Case Referral Agency :

Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau
DID - Investigation & Hearings 2/13/20 13 2/22/2013 -

EB/IHD Exported Case:

I7,7!VJ7flThn The superbowl halftime show with Beyonce was overtly sexual and not family friendly! Many sexual gestures and crotch shots. Sb innapropiate for families with children watching!

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System ( C1MS00003569626)

I*7JflTImuw,wn Control ID : C1MS00003569626 Level One: IC Number: 13-WB15108435 Level Two: Submission Method : Web Level Three:

Closed Assigned Code Acronym:

Owner Rep Number: CIMSESC N* mnrQ.Tiiinru#YT

Creator: cgb.475

Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 3:38:01PM

Date Closed: 2/13/2013

Consumer Personal Information Omitted i/Stae/Zie: NEW BRAUNFELS TX 78130

Date of Program: Network: 02/03/20 13 CBS Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: CBS Texas

Time of Program: 09:30 pm Name of ProgramfDJfPersonality/SongfFilm: Super Bowl

W771777iJfl77w, At the end of the Super Bowl Joe Flacco dropped the F bomb to describe his experience. This is a national event with lots of families watching. I feel the NFL needs to be fmed a tremendous amount of money for this type of behavior where kids are watching. Beyonce's costume would be better suited for a strip joint than on national TV during a sporting event. No wonder the youth of today misbehave.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System ( C1MS00003569607)

Control ID : C1MS00003569607 Level One: IC Number: 13-WB15108394 Level Two: Submission Method : Web Level Three:


Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym:

Owner Rep Number: CIMSESC

Creator: cgb.475

Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 1:22:15PM

Date Closed: 2/13/2013


Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: NEW YORK NY 10014 WCBS New York, NY

Date of Program: Network:

02/03/2013 CBS

Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

Time of Program: 9:00 PM Name of ProgramlDj/Personality/SongfFilm: Superbowl WY1YFI?17J7Y7mi

Something must be done to protect our children, our culture, our nation from despicable ads and halftime shows. The horribly suggestive ad of Godaddy and the sexual Beyonce show was appalling and should NOT be aired on network TV at any time slot. If this was a film, the rating would be approaching R. Think about it, the Superbowl has a mixed age audience, many of whom are children. This has gone on for much too long and it is NOW time to stop it. Thank you.

Print Date: 2/28/2&i3

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Consumer Information Management System ( C1MS00003569606)

Control ID : C1MS00003569606 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: TSR42 7Th WIII Thi 11ftilffl7 IC Number: 13-WB15108391 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475 Submission Method : Web Level Three: Indecent Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 1:22:27PM


Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym:

Date Closed: 2/13/2013

Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: HILTON NY 14468

Date of Program: Network:

02/03/20 13 CBS

Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

Hilton, NY Unknown

Time of Program: 06:30 PM Name of ProgramlDJfPersonality/SongIFilm: Superbowl

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD - Investigation & Hearings 2/13/2013 2/22/2013

EBIfflD Exported Case:

I have two complaints about the broadcast of the 2013 Superbowl that was aired by CBS on 2/3/13. The first complaint centers around the Go Daddy commercial. It was completely inappropriate and never should have been shown. The Superbowl is supposed to be family entertainment. This commercial was not appropriate for young children. I had to change the channel because of the filth CBS allowed to be aired in the form of this commercial. I would also like to point out that the Go Daddy commercials get worse and worse every year. At the rate they are going, the networks will be showing soft core porn in a matter of years. My second complaint revolves around the halftime show performed by Beyonce. As I said in my first complaint, this is family entertainment. There is no need for an artist to be on stage performing wearing next to nothing and gyrating all over the place. There are more tasteful ways to put on a show and Beyonce failed to do so last night. At some point, our culture needs to take a stand at indeceny. If you are going to put on an event that is "family" entertainment, then there needs to be greater care taken in the content that is delivered to the nation.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System ( C1MS00003569587)


Control ID : C1MS00003569587 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: CIMSESC IC Number: 13-WB15108326 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475 Submission Method : Web Level Three: Indecent Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 11:22:50AM Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: INDE Date Closed: 2/13/2013


Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: CEDAR PARK

TX 78613
Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: CBS

Date of Program: Time of Program: Network:

2/3/2013 7 pm CBS

Cedar Park, TX TV

Name of Program/DJ/Personality/Song/Film: Superbowl half time show

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD - Investigation & Hearings 2/11/2013 2/22/2013

EB/ifiD Exported Case: hYllhIS17iflnn

The halftime show allowed by CBS and e NFL with Byonce dancing iike a stipper an4 wearing flext to othig was complqtely inappropriate for families and hildjen Not t4mention the f4ct that it is a teiible reprentation an4 example to young women The only thm missmg ware poles and d1ar bills Ho is this type of rogranimipg allowed9 Where is the mteity and morality of ur culture7

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003569578)

Control ID : C1MS00003569578 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: CIMSESC IC Number: 13-WB15108309 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475 Submission Method : Web Level Three: Indecent Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 11:01:42AM


Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: 1NDE Date Closed: 2/13/2013


Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: BURLINGTON m7r,rI
Date of Program: 02/03/20 13 Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

NC 27215 1002
Burlington, NC TV

Time of Program: 8:30 PM



Name of ProgramfDj/Personality/Song/Film: Beyonce and half-time show

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau IRD - Investigation & Hearings 2/11/2013 2/22/2013

EB/IHD Exported Case:

7,7IIS12I77nn Beyonce's perfonnance was extremely inappropriate for the Super Bowl where millions of young children would be watching. She was dancing in a stripper-like provocative way in erotica fashion, opening her legs multiple times right in the cameras so we could see her crotch in tight leather undergarments. I dontt understand why there is no standard for what is allowed for half time anymore. This is not right and I believe the networklNFL/Pepsi should be fmed because this defmitely qualifies as being obscene/indecent for young viewers.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System ( C1MS00003569551)

Control ID :
C1MS00003569551 Level One: IC Number: 13-WB15108225 Level Two: Submission Method : Web Level Three:

iNDECENCY Complaint
Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym:

Owner Rep Number:

Programming Issues

Content Criticism
Problem Submitted Time :

Date Closed:

TSR42 N*JJTPNII3TEmmnsfffl7 y/St,te/zipCode: BERLIN WImtwn

Date of Program: Network: 02/03/2013 abc


2/4/2013 8:42:12AM


Consumer Personal Information Omitted MD 21811

Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: 805 Berlin MD Unknown

Time of Program: 6:30PM Name of ProgramfiDJ/Personality/Song/Film: SUPERBOWL

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau 1HD - Investigation & Hearings 2/13/2013 2/22/20 13

EB/IHD Exported Case:

I am writing to express my complete disgust in the ad content during this year's SuperBowl. You have managed to allow advertisers to take what could be a nice family opportunity to enjoy a sporting event, into a freak show of nudity, violence and exploitation of women. How can you allow such distasteful content during a family event? Not only the advertising, but also the half time show as well? Since when is Beyonce wearing lingerie on national television while opening her legs so that her crotch area is right in the camera acceptable entertainment for the entire family? How pitiful that I can no longer allow my children to enjoy a major sporting event anymore because you have allowed these advertisers and broadcasters to throw distateful displays of "entertainment" in our faces. How can the FCC allow this to go on? Allowing this is a direct statement of your own morality and ethical philosophies. You want us to help shape the future? If you think this kind of material is appropriate during family events there is no helping you shape anyone's future. The children of the nation are watching these events and this is how you want to "shape" them? Pathetic! The media has spiraled out of control and you are allowing it to happen. What are you going to do about this?

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System ( C1MS00003569545)


Th4DECENCY Complaint
Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: INDE Date Closed: 2/7/2013

Control ID : C1MS00003569545 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number:

IC Number: 13-WB15108207 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475

Submission Method : Web Level Three: Indecent Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 7:43:09AM


weryrgr.mhIMnmhlrn '

Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: OAKLAND NJ Imr(rur4
Date of Program: Network: 2/3/13 CBS Time of Program: 9pm Name of ProgramfDJfPersonality/SonglFilm: Super Bowl 1/2 Time Show

Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: CBS NJ Unknown

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD - Investigation & Hearings 2/7/2013 2/11/2013

EB/IIIID Exported Case:

PYff!7T1I17flY7mi How is Beyonce's outfit at the Super Bowl appropriate? I was watching the program with my 3-1/2 year old daughter. This is the United States most watched program of the year. A little forethought (a pair of tight leather shorts?) and decency is called for.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003569541)

Control ID : C1MS00003569541 Level One: IC Number: 13-WB15108193 Level Two: Submission Method : Web Level Three:


Status: Pending Analyst Review Assigned Code Acronym:

Owner Rep Number: PCCO1


Problem Submitted Time :

Date Closed:


2/4/2013 5:24:20AM

Consumer Personal Information Omitted
City/State/ZipCode: OAKDALE PA 15071 2 oakdale pa

Date of Program:

02/03/20 13

Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

Time of Program: 6:30 pm



Name of Program/DJ/Personality/Song/Film: super bowl

PY1t777S17flflw, Joe Flacco said clear as a bell "this is fcking awesome." The halfhalftime show contains sexuality explicit dancing. Multiple crotch shots of beyonce.

Print Date: 2/28/2013

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003569534)



Control lID : C1MS00003569534 Level One:

IC Number: 13-WB15108174 Level Two:

Submission Method : Web Level Three:

Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym:

Owner Rep Number:

Programming Issues

Problem Submitted Time :

Date Closed:



2/4/2013 2:00:07AM


Consumer Personal Infonnation Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: HTJNTSVILLE TX 77340

Date of Program:


Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

na Huntsville TX Unknown

Time of Program: 07:15 PM Name of ProgramfDj/Personality/Song/Film: Half Time Show

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD - Investigation & Hearings 2/7/2013 2/11/2013

EB/IHD Exported Case: y,I7,71p,Jy717n(IJ'

In tonights Super Bowl half time show Beyonce came out wearing a black one piece outfit that looked like it came out of a sex shop or porn video. Her breasts protruded out, her butt almost completely showed, the middle of her front torso barely hidden, she wore hooker boots and the entire time she was on stage danced like she was in a strip club! She had accomplice dancers too looking and dancing just like her! If I wanted my kids to love sluts, learn how to be sluts I'd take them to places so they can learn slut culture. However I wanted them to enjoy american culture of football. My husband and I were horrified at it and turned the tv off getting them outside. Please express to these networks and shows to properly rate these shows, warn parents about the content of whats coming on, or do not show it at all (preferred).

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

Page 1 of 1

Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003567693)

r*7x!717Th1M,w,w,: Control ID : C1MS00003567693 Level One: IC Number: Submission Method : Web Level Three:

Pending Analyst Review Assigned Code Acronym:

13-WB15 108533
Level Two:

Owner Rep Number: PCCO1

Creator: cgb.475

Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 11:44:10PM

Date Closed:


Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: HUMBLE TX 77346 Call SignlChannellFrequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: Humble, TX

Date of Program:


Time of Program: 07:00 PM Network: CBS

Name of ProgramlDJ/Personality/SonglFilm: Beyonce'

Beyonce's wardrobe and choreography was indescent. Examples: ripping off her clothing overtly depicts sexual behavior. Her clevage was in plain view down to her waist - often exposing 3/4 of her breast several times during her performance (example: one of the last close up shots of her face, was 1/3 clevage in the tv screen - the suit did not adhere to her body and when she moved, it would show a lot more than when she was still). Fm not exaggerating that her gloves on her hands and forearms, probably had as much material as the front of her outfit, sadly. Her clothing amounted to a g-string with a bra, covered by some black see through lace. This is entirely inappropriate for the viewing hours - impressionable young children and teens do not need to see this behavior. At times her crotch was almost in full view, only hidden by what looked like 1-3" of fabric. It did not help that her choreography was almost shoving it in your face. Even though she had skin colored cloth from her navel up to her cleavage when she was still, again when she moved, her breasts came into view several times. In short - the appearance is something akin to a pole dancer in a strip club (again, I'm not trying to be dramatic - this is exactly how offended I was). The only reason I am providing these nauseating details is to illustrate what was offensive, specifically (rather than just accusatory in a vague manner). The choreography and dress were not "value added" and would not be required for the performance. Beyonce has enough talent she does not need to add sexually explicit choreography or wardrobe designs. I have also written the NFL to ask them to adhere to the same rules on visual content, that they do for verbal content. I consider Beyonce's performance to dropping the f-bomb, visually. The NFL has attempted to take hold of these issues in the past, but they still are way too far inside the gray area. Clevage and mostly bare exposed or skin color wardrobes to simulate nudity, should not be permitted. Anything from the top of a woman's clevage, to the area between her knees and upper thighs should be covered - including not using skin colored fabric. Pretend nudity has the same sexual effect as actual nudity on young impressionable children and teens (ok, and adults). I'm sure you'd agree that you'd probably be blocking out a guy who dances on the Superbowl stage in a g string with outlines of his privates. A woman's behavior and dress on the Superbowl should be no different. Thank you for your time.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003567692)

iNDECENCY Complaint

Control ID : C1MS00003567692 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: TSR42 IC Number: 13-WB15108525 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475 Submission Method : Web Level Three: Indecent Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 10:55:19PM Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: ThDE Date Closed: 2/13/2013


Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: NEWTOWN PA 18940 Call Sign/ChaunellFrequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: 3 Newtown, PA Unknown

Date of Program: Time of Program: Network:

02/03/2013 06:30 PM CBS

Name of ProgramfDJ/Personality/Song/Film: Superbowl -j;77 Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date : FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD - Investigation & Hearings 2/13/2013 2/22/20 13

EB/IHD Exported Case: WJTJ,7,fl7,171mr,j,

For the second year in a row, you have broadcasted a rated "R" Superbowl program. It should not be shown at a time when children are up. If you insist on broadcasting gyrating vaginas, nearly bare breasts, hypersexualized commercials, sexual innuendo, and violent language, you need to broadcast this after 11pm. This is totally ridiculous. Beyonc&s performance was beyond sexually explicit and is what most normal people consider indecent exposure. Last year you chose to broadcast David Beckham's genitalia front and center, which among many other ads was totally outrageous. You are a joke of a regulatory agency and you obviously do not have the courage or decency to do the right thing. Show some leadership and morality for once and broadcast a game that the whole family can watch together without censoring.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003567688)

Control ID : C1MS00003567688 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: IC Number: 13-WB15108515 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475 Submission Method : Web Level Three: Indecent Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 10:03:12PM


Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym:

Date Closed: 2/12/2013


Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: SEVERN 2/3/20 13 MD 21144 Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

Date of Program:

513 Severn, MD TV

Time of Program: 7:30 pm



Name of Program/DJ/Personality/Song/Film: Super Bowl XLVII

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD Investigation & Hearings 2/12/2013 2/22/2013

EB/IHD Exported Case:

Half time show during the Super Bowl XLVII was indecent and as a mother, I feel I have a right to be told prior to a "Family" friendly showing that material presented at half time is indecent for children. But most especially, the Super Bowl happens at a time when children and teenagers are watching T.V. If CBS can be fined for Flacco's vocabulary then someone needs to be fined for the half time profane and indecent show such as Beyonce's.

Print Date: 2/28/2013

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Consumer Information Management System ( C1MS00003567687)

fJI7hiwimmn Control ID : C1MS00003567687 Level One: IC Number: 13-WB15108513 Level Two:

iNDECENCY Complaint

Submission Method : Web Level Three:

Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym:

Owner Rep Number: CIMSESC

Creator: cgb.475

Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 9:37:01PM

Date Closed: 2/13/2013

Consumer Personal Infomiation Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: BROOKLYN NflThaiini Date of Program: Time of Program: 02/02/2013 9:45 Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: 2 Brooklyn NY 11224

Network: cbs Name of ProgramlDJ/Personality/SongfFilm:

This was after the superbowl when the commercial showed a women kissing a nerd. It was disgusting!! !My grandchildren was watching that! I had to huny up and grab the control!!! mY grandson is going to play peewee football he is 11 and I found that disturbing that you allowed that type of commercial to be aired when i thought football is a family sport and also that raunchy beyonce girating her vagina in front of the cameras and that is entertainment!

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

Page 1 of 1

Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003567678)


r2mthMll((swn '
Control ID : C1MS00003567678 Level One: IC Number: 13-WB15108478 Level Two: Submission Method : Web Level Three: Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym:

Owner Rep Number: CIMSESC iJ7TPThJflTh,iiamIffl

Creator: cgb.475

Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 7:22:57PM

Date Closed: 2/13/2013

Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: FLUSHING MI 48433

Date of Program:


Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

5 Flushing, MI

Time of Program: 06:3OPM



Name of ProgramfDJ/Personality/Song/Film: Superb owl halftime show

The superbowl halftime show with Beyonce was overtly sexual and not family friendly! Many sexual gestures and crotch shots. So innapropiate for families with children watching!

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003567667)

Control ID : CIMS00003 567667 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: TSR29 *7TrnWtI7Th,auwsFffl7 IC Number: 13-WB 15108435 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475 Submission Method : Web Level Three: Profane Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 3:38:01PM


Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: PROF Date Closed: 2/12/2013

Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: NEW BRAUNFELS Date of Program: Network: 02/03/20 13 CBS TX 78130 Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: CBS Texas TV

Time of Program: 09:30 pm Name of ProgramfDJ/Personality/Song/Film: Super Bowl

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau 1111) - Investigation & Hearings 2/12/2013 2/22/2013

EB/IHD Exported Case: WPTh71277Pi1flflwi

At the end of the Super Bowl Joe Flacco dropped the F bomb to describe his experience. This is a national event with lots of families watching. I feel the NFL needs to be fined a tremendous amount of money for this type of behavior where kids are watching. Beyonce's costume would be better suited for a strip joint than on national TV during a sporting event. No wonder the youth of today misbehave.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

Page 1 of 1

Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003567662) fWt J177iawuwi ' - Control ID : C1MS00003567662
Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: TSR42 IC Number: Submission Method :


Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475 Level Three: Indecent


Assigned Code Acronym: INDE Date Closed: 2/13/2013

Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 2:34:29PM

*77rPT1!t177bJain'(I#7 Consumer Personal Information Omitted City/State/ZipCode: DOVER DE 19901

Date of Program: Network: 02/03/20 13 ABC Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: dover Dover de Unknown

Time of Program: 6pm Name of ProgramfDJfPersonality/Son g/Film: Beyonce half time show

Case Referral Agency Referral Division/Dept.

FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD - Investigation & Hearings

Referral Date yyI7t7r1aJ7Im(n

2/13/20 13 2/22/2013

EB/IIJD Exported Case:

Beyonce s show showed her vaginal area to all at the world My self and children are Christians! Unacceptable She should be fmed

Print Date: 2/28/2013

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003567655)

Control ID : IC Number: Submission Method :


Status: Closed
Assigned Code Acronym:

Level One:

Level Two: Level Three:

Web Indecent
Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 1:22:15PM

Owner Rep Number: TSR29

Programming Issues

Date Closed: 2/12/2013



Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: NEW YORK NY 10014
Date of Program: Network: 02/03/20 13 CBS Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: WCBS New York, NY

Time of Program: 9:00 PM Name of ProgramlDj/Personality/Song/Film: Superbowl


Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD - Investigation & Hearings 2/12/20 13 2/22/2013

EB/ifiD Exported Case:

W7FIi1Yi77wi Something must be done to protect our children, our culture, our nation from despicable ads and halftime shows. The horribly suggestive ad of Godaddy and the sexual Beyonce show was appalling and should NOT be aired on network TV at any time slot. If this was a film, the rating would be approaching R. Think about it, the Superbowl has a mixed age audience, many of whom are children. This has gone on for much too long and it is NOW time to stop it. Thank you.

Print Date: 2/28/2013

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003567654)

Control ID : IC Number: Submission Method :


Status: Closed
Assigned Code Acronym:

Level One:

Level Two: Level Three:


Owner Rep Number: CIMSESC

Creator: cgb.475

Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 1:22:27PM

Date Closed: 2/13/20 13

Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: HILTON -lT7,rf'1 .4,1(ji, Date of Program: 02/03/2013 Call SignlChannellFrequency City/State of Program: Program Type: NY 14468

Hilton, NY

Time of Program: 06:30 PM



Name of Program/DJ/Personality/Song/Film: Superbowl

wk1y,7F7TIa11rnwa I have two complaints about the broadcast of the 2013 Superbowl that was aired by CBS on 2/3/13. The first complaint centers around the Go Daddy commercial. It was completely inappropriate and never should have been shown. The Superbowl is supposed to be family entertainment. This commercial was not appropriate for young children. I had to change the channel because of the filth CBS allowed to be aired in the form of this commercial. I would also like to point out that the Go Daddy commercials get worse and worse every year. At the rate they are going, the networks will be showing soft core porn in a matter of years. My second complaint revolves around the halftime show performed by Beyonce. As I said in my first complaint, this is family entertainment. There is no need for an artist to be on stage performing wearing next to nothing and gyrating all over the place. There are more tasteful ways to put on a show and Beyonce failed to do so last night.
At some point, our culture needs to take a stand at indeceny. If you are going to put on an event that is "family" entertainment, then there needs to be greater care taken in the content that is delivered to the nation.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

Page 1 of 1

Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003567653)

rwr7!J177El)MIwIIw, ' Control ID : C1MS00003567653 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: TSR42 IC Number: Submission Method :

iNDECENCY Complaint


Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475 Level Three: Indecent


Assigned Code Acronym: JNDE Date Closed: 2/13/2013

Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 1:14:53PM

Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: YPSILANTI ME 48197 Irn,,roi
Date of Program: Network: 02/03/2013 CBS Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: 262 detroit Ypsilanti Mi Unknown Time of Program: 06:30 PM Name of ProgramfDJfPersonality/Song/Film: Superbowl

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau DID - Investigation & Hearings 2/13/20 13 2/22/2013

EB/IHD Exported Case:

Y,7,T',J7,7,7nh, Godaddy commercial close up kissing, 2 Broke Girls doing pole dance, Beyonce during half time show gyrating her pelvis and licking her finger seductively

Print Date: 2/28/2013

Page 1 of 1

Consumer Information Management System ( C1MS00003567640)

Control ID : C1MS00003567640 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: TSR29 IC Number: 13-WB15108347 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475 Submission Method : Web Level Three: Indecent Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 12:01:20PM


Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym:

Date Closed: 2/11/2013

*iiTiii17hj',wii17 ' Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: MAPLE VALLEY WA 98038 Call Sign/ChannellFrequency City/State of Program Program Type:

Date of Program: Network:

02/03/2013 Superbowl

Nationwide TV

Time of Program: 03:00 pm Name of Program/.DJ/Personality/Song/Film: Superbowl halftime+commercials

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD - Investigation & Hearings 2/11/2013 2/22/2013

EB/IIID Exported Case:

The Superbowl should generally be a family event that brings together dads, moms, and children with friends. The GoDaddy commercials (especially the 1st) were obscene - that's not even PG kissing.

Halftime, performed by Beyonce, was also lewd - while she was "sensitive" about her breast exposure, enough croch-centered girating can make a wedding gown obscene. While parents will endure a quick movement or two, three strikes is OUT, and this went on for a LONG time. Later, towards the end, a show promotion with pole dancing. ..really? Family hour for my 12 year old girl who's just now trying to set her standards for decency? Maybe "decent" in a bedroom or night club, but this is my friend's livingroom, with a croud of friends - who shall I embarrass? My friend? Her husband? My girl? Or myself. Pitifull! I feel we were emotionally raped!

Print Date: 2/28/2013

Page 1 of 1

Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003567635)

11t77717Thmnmiwi Control ID : IC Number: 13-WB15108326 Level Two: Submission Method : Web Level Three:

iNDECENCY Complaint

Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym:

Level One:

Owner Rep Number:

Programming Issues
Creator: cgb.475

Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 11:22:50AM

Date Closed: 2/13/2013


Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: CEDAR PARK TX 78613 frnrqw
Date of Program: Time of Program: 2/3/2013 7 pm Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

CBS Cedar Park, TX TV



Name of ProgramlDJ/Personality/Song/Film: Superbowl half time show

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD - Investigation & Hearings 2/13/2013 2/22/2013

EB/IHD Exported Case:

The half time show allowed by CBS and the NFL with Beyonce dancing like a stipper and wearing next to nothing was completely inappropriate for families and children. Not to mention the fact that it is a terrible representation and example to young women. The only thing missing were poles and dollar bills! How is this type of programming allowed? Where is the integrity and morality of our culture?

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

Page 1 of 1

Consumer Information Management System ( C1MS00003567629)

Control ID : C1MS00003567629 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: TSR42 IC Number: 13-WB15108309 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: Submission Method : Web Level Three: Indecent Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 11:01:42AM


Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: INDE Date Closed: 2/11/2013



Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: BURL[NGTON NC 27215

Date of Program: Network:

02/03/20 13 CBS

Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

1002 Burlington, NC Unknown

Time of Program: 8:30 PM Name of Program/DJfPersonality/SongIFilm: Beyonce and half-time show

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD - Investigation & Hearings 2/11/2013 2/11/2013

EBIIHD Exported Case:

Beyonce's performance was extremely inappropriate for the Super Bowl where millions of young children would be watching. She was dancing in a stripper-like provocative way in erotica fashion, opening her legs multiple times right in the cameras so we could see her crotch in tight leather undergannents. I don't understand why there is no standard for what is allowed for half time anymore. This is not right and I believe the network/NFL/Pepsi should be fined because this defmitely qualifies as being obscene/indecent for young viewers.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

Page 1 of 1

Consumer Information Management System(C1MS00003567613)


Control ID : C1MS00003567613 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number:

IC Number: 13-WB15108264 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator:

Submission Method : Web Level Three: Indecent Problem Submitted Time :

Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: INDE Date Closed:

TSR29 W77m7iI77hJa,nmIl7 '

City/State/ZipCode: HOUSTON


2/4/2013 9:44:08AM


Consumer Personal Information Omitted

TX 77070 KHOU Houston, Texas

Date of Program: Time of Program: Netvork:

02/03/20 13 05:00 PM CBS

Call SignlChannelJFrequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:


Name of Program/DJ/Personality/Sog/Film: Superbowl XLVII

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD - Investigation & Hearings 2/8/2013 2/11/2013

EB/HID Exported Case:

Beyonce's halftime performance is already quoted in news articles with descriptions such as "sexual heat", sexually charged", "barely there outfits", "pelvic thrusts", and I am pretty sure I saw more sexual gyrations and motions than I see in most rated R movies. I would like to watch the superbowl with my son in the future. Can you please do something about these halftime shows pushing the envelope with sexual dancing and nearly naked ladies?

Print Date: 2/28/2013

Page 1 of 1

Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003567603)

Control ID : C1MS00003567603 Level One: IC Number: 13-WB15 108225 Level Two: Submission Method : Web Level Three:

Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym:

Owner Rep Number: CIMSESC

Creator: cgb.475

Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 8:42:12AM

Date Closed: 2/13/2013


Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: BERLIN Ml) 21811

Date of Program: Network:

02/03/2013 abc

Call SignlChannellFrequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

805 Berlin MD

Time of Program: 6:30PM Name of ProgramfDJ/Personality/Song/Film: SUPERBOWL

I am writing to express my complete disgust in the ad content during this year's SuperBowl. You have managed to allow advertisers to take what could be a nice family opportunity to enjoy a sporting event, into a freak show of nudity, violence and exploitation of women. How can you allow such distasteful content during a family event? Not only the advertising, but also the halftime show as well? Since when is Beyonce wearing lingerie on national television while opening her legs so that her crotch area is right in the camera acceptable entertainment for the entire family? How pitiful that I can no longer allow my children to enjoy a major sporting event anymore because you have allowed these advertisers and broadcasters to throw distateful displays of "entertainment" in our faces. How can the FCC allow this to go on? Allowing this is a direct statement of your own morality and ethical philosophies. You want us to help shape the future? If you think this kind of material is appropriate during family events there is no helping you shape anyone's future. The children of the nation are watching these events and this is how you want to "shape" them? Pathetic! The media has spiraled out of control and you are allowing it to happen. What are you going to do about this?

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

Page 1 of 1

Consumer Information Management System ( C1MS00003567597) re77nhiiitim,

Control ID : IC Number: Submission Method : Web Level Three:


Closed Assigned Code Acronym:

Level One:

Level Two:

Owner Rep Number:


Problem Submitted Time :

Date Closed:



2/4/2013 7:43:09AM



Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: OAKLAND NJ 07436

Date of Program: Network: 2/3/13 CBS Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: CBS NJ Time of Program: 9pm Name of ProgramlDJ/Personality/Song/Film: Super Bowl 1/2 Time Show

How is Beyonce's outfit at the Super Bowl appropriate? I was watching the program with my 3-1/2 year old daughter. This is the United States most watched program of the year. A little forethought (a pair of tight leather shorts?) and decency is called for.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

Page 1 of 1

Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003567593)

Control ID : C1MS00003567593 Level One: IC Number: 13-WB15108193 Level Two: Submission Method : Web Level Three:


Status: Pending Analyst Review Assigned Code Acronym:

Owner Rep Number:

Creator: cgb.475

Problem Submitted Time :

Date Closed:


2/4/2013 5:24:20AM

Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: OAKDALE PA 15071 Date of Program: 02/03/2013 Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: 2 oakdale pa

Time of Program: 6:30 pm

Network: cbs Name of ProgramfDJ/Personality/Song/Film: super bowl

WY7fl7fr77flflon Joe Flacco said clear as a bell "this is f*cking awesome." The halfhalftime show contains sexuality explicit dancing. Multiple crotch shots of beyonce.

Print Date: 2/28/2013

Page 1 of 1

Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003567588)

Control ID : C1MS00003567588 Level One: IC Number: 13-WB15108174 Level Two: Submission Method : Web Level Three:

Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym:

Owner Rep Number:


Problem Submitted Time :

Date Closed:

CIMSESC W*' 77Th7DfJThja,,will77


2/4/2013 2:00:07AM


Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: HUNTSVILLE TX 77340
Date of Program: Network: 02/03/20 13 Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: na Huntsville TX

Time of Program: 07:15 PM CBS

Name of ProgramIDj/Personality/Song/Film: Half Time Show In tonights Super Bowl half time show Beyonce came out wearing a black one piece ouffit that looked like it came out of a sex shop or porn video. Her breasts protruded out, her butt almost completely showed, the middle of her front torso barely hidden, she wore hooker boots and the entire time she was on stage danced like she was in a strip club! She had accomplice dancers too looking and dancing just like her! If I wanted my kids to love sluts, learn how to be sluts I'd take them to places so they can learn slut culture. However I wanted them to enjoy american culture of football. My husband and I were horrified at it and turned the tv off getting them outside. Please express to these networks and shows to properly rate these shows, warn parents about the content of whats coming on, or do not show it at all (preferred).

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

Page 1 of 1

Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003566759)

r*7n71inrriwn Control ID : C1MS00003566759
Level One: IC Number: 13-WB151081 12 Level Two: Submission Method : Web Level Three:

iNDECENCY Complaint

Status: Pending Analyst Review Assigned Code Acronym:

Owner Rep Number: PCCO 1


Creator: cgb.475

Problem Submitted Time : 2/4/2013 12:02:07AM

Date Closed:

Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: ORL 11 FL 32828

Date of Program:


Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

6 Orlando

Time of Program: 8:00 pm



Name of ProgramfDJ/Personality/SongIFilm: Super Bowl half time show

The Beyonce halftime show was basically dancing semi nude women,imitating sexual movements. And all this in the middle of the biggest show of the year with a "family" audience. Why in the world does the FCC, CBS, the NFL and Pepsi allow and even promotethis kind of kinky program?

Print Date: 2/28/2013

Page 1 of 1

Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003569682)

Control ID : C1MS00003569682 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: TSR29 IC Number: 13-WB15108662 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475 Submission Method : Web Level Three: Indecent Problem Submitted Time : 2/5/2013 8:55:35PM

1Th.DECENCY Complaint

Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: 1NDE Date Closed: 2/13/2013


Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: HONEOYE FALLS NY Date of Program: Network: 02/03/3 CBS

Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: WHEC Rochester, N.Y.

Time of Program: 06:00 PM Name of ProgramlDJfiPersonality/SongfFilm: Beyonce


Case Referral Agency :
Referral Divisiqn/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau
hID - Investigation & Hearings 2/13/20 13 /22/20 13

EB/IHD Exported Case: V2Th7I7IJ7J7flw,

During he halftime show, Byonce's perfnnance was too. suggestive for family viewing.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System ( C1MS00003569677) raJfl7iunmum ' Control ID : C1MS00003569677 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: TSR42 *JT17TFrDI7ThJIfl(4IFt;77 IC Number:


Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475

Submission Method : Web Level Three: Indecent Problem Submitted Time : 2/5/2013 7:31:24PM

Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: INDE Date Closed: 2/13/2013

Consumer Personal Information Omitted City/State/ZipCode: LADSON

Date of Program: Time of Program: 2/03/20 13 6:00 pm


Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

WCsC Ladson!SC Unknown



Name of Program/DJ/Personality/SonglFilm: Super Bowl 7X7i Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date : FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD - Investigation & Hearings 2/13/2013 2/22/20 13

EB/ifiD Exported Case: W277tm7V7T/w,

Beyonce and her girls were just about naked! they should have had a pole with all the profane moves she was doing. I had to turn the TV off and just forget about looking at the rest of the game. The blackout should have stayed off,this is not appropriate. Last year Madonna tried,then Janet Jackson showed herself, when is this pushing it to the limit going to end. This isn't the oniy thing going on with TV. Two and a half men is nasty and just about every 30 minute show feels the need to talk about sex and swering. Two Broke girls talks about men's body parts. I don't let my children watch TV unless I screen it first. If this was cable I would not be sending this, but this is regular TV. Most of the shows that come on has flit or sex in it, it has become worst than cable. Please clean up the TV Stations. Sincerely, Teresa I put the Superbowl in the space above due to the fact that this draws the line, It was worst than Victoria Secrets fashion show, which needs to be taken off the air. Sex and profanity does not belong on TV.

Print Date: 2/28/2013

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Consumer Information Management System ( C1MS00003569666)

Control ID : C1MS00003569666 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: PCCO1 V77TflT1Ttflbh1nmfl7 IC Number: 13-WB15108587 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475 Submission Method : Web Level Three: Content Criticism Problem Submitted Time : 2/5/2013 10:45:39AM


Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: PCCR Date Closed: 2/26/2013

Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: LOUISVILLE 17Th"4"f'JIrI Date of Program: 02/03/2013 Call SignlChannel/Frequency: 32 KY 40206

Time of Program: 08:30 PM Network: CBS

City/State of Program:
Program Type:

Louisville TV

Name of ProgramfDJlPersonality/Song/Film: Beyonce

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau DID - Investigation & Hearings 2/26/2013

EB/ifiD Exported Case:

PQ7Y,7!7771J7flflw: I am wondering why Beyonce's Superbowl performance is not considered obscene material? Even if you got past the way she was dressed, she spread her legs open, gyrated and spanked herself. This was very vulgar and was basically a peep show broadcast into the entire nation.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003569660)

rviJI7mJM,Irs,tl,, Control ID : C1MS00003569660 Level One: IC Number: 13-WB 15108567 Level Two: Submission Method : Web Level Three:


Pending Analyst Review Assigned Code Acronym:

Owner Rep Number: PCCO1

Creator: cgb.475

Problem Submitted Time : 2/5/2013 9:13:46AM

Date Closed:

Nwi77rnT,mt#,int,#rn '

Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: SALT LAKE CITY UT 84109

Date of Program: Network:

2/3/13 CBS

Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

Channel 2 Salt Lake City, Utah

Time of Program: 6:30 pm

Name of ProgramfDJ/Personality/Song/Film: Super Bowl There is no better sport than football. Football is far and away the most entertaining sport in the world. Furthennore, with so much of the entertainment industry's reliance on woton sexuality and violence to attract viewers, sports in general are typically the last family-friendly option within the mass media. As a father of four young children, I'm deeply concerned about wholesome entertainment options for my family. Consequently, we had to turn off the television during the halftime show as my nine-year-old son was watching the game with me. Between Janet Jackson's infamous wardrobe malfunction and BeyonceTs prostitue/dominatrix portrayal, the halftime show has gone beyond entertainment to wallow in the dregs of carnality by appealing only to the basest of human desire. There is no creativity or entertainment value in sexualized gyration and hefting cleavage. Where we had to turn off the television for the halftime show, we greatly wished we would have turned it off prior to hearing Joe Flacco's f-bomb with all four of our small children in the room. Yes it's fun to hear the play calls at the line of scrimmage, but hearing profane and course language isn't worth it I'm sure the language on e field is terrible, but please leave it there. I do not want to have it in my home. Yes, one day my kids will learn all about the nature of sexual relations as well as all the base and crude language mankind has yet to invent. However, please let them learn it in the proper time and place rather than subjecting them to it prematurely simply because they watched a football game with their dad. The NFL and CBS owe the fans an apology for providing such filth. Please clan up your act or there will be one less family watching Super Bowls in the future.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003569658)

Control ID : C1MS00003569658 Level One: IC Number: 13-WB15108560 Level Two: Submission Method : Web Level Three:


Status: Pending Analyst Review Assigned Code Acronym:

Owner Rep Number: PCCO1

Creator: cgb.475

Problem Submitted Time : 2/5/2013 8:22:10AM

Date Closed:

*' 77TPTilti7h,,m,Il7 ' Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: JACKSONVILLE FL 32259

Date of Program: Network:

02/03/2013 cbs

Call SignlChannel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

WTEV Saint Johns, FL

Time of Program: 6:30 pm Name of Program/DJ/Personality/Song/Film: Super Bowl

y,,7,n7,J;i;nftJ, I am appalled at Beyonc&s performance during the half time show of the Super Bowl. She basically humped the air, simulating sex for 13 minutes. Completely inappropriate as family entertainment. I was shocked this was acceptable and sent my 10 and 17 year old sons outsideso they would not be exposed to that garbage. Also, Joe Flacco's use of the word 'Puck" after the game was also incredibly inappropriate. Until the FCC holds the NFL to the same standards as everyone else, I am afraid they will continue to air obscene halftime shows.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003567695)

Control ID : C1MS00003567695 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: TSR42 IC Number: 13-WB15108543 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475 Submission Method : Web Level Three: Indecent Problem Submitted Time : 2/5/2013 12:12:43AM


Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: INDE Date Closed: 2/13/2013


Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: HICKORY NC 28601

Date of Program: Network:

02/03/20 13 CBS

Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

2 Hickory, NC Unknown

Time of Program: 8:00 PM Name of ProgramfDJlPersonality/Song/Film: Super Bowl 2013

Case Referral Agency : Referral DivisionlDept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau JBD - Investigation & Hearings 2/13/2013

2/22/20 13

EB/IHD Exported Case: WlflTIlflTh-iii

Go Daddy commercial,and Beyonce' was way too PROVOCATIVE for "family viewing. This is a sports event viewed by church groups and CHILDREN! This event is should not be a halftime striptease for the male viewers. Consider rating the half time performances and sexy ads.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003597343)



Control ID : C1MS00003597343 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number:

IC Number: 13-WB15109428 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator:

Submission Method : Web Level Three: Content Criticism Problem Submitted Time :

Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: PCCR Date Closed:



2/14/2013 2:33:06PM


Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: LYNDONVILLE NY 14098 Call Sign/ChanneL/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type: CBS Lyndonville, NY TV

Date of Program: Network:

02/03/20 13 CBS

Time of Program: 06:3 0 pm Name of ProgramlDJ/Personality/SongfFilm: some commericals, 1/2 time show

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD - Investigation & Hearings 2/20/2013 2/22/2013

EB/IHD Exported Case:

W77PI17i7flrni For the little bit of the Superbowl I saw thjs past year, I fqund some commericals and imes from the halftIme show very offensive. The 2 Broke Girls pole dancing commerical ws R rated. Stripping clothes of and doing a pole dance was enough for me to turn the channel. The cQmmerical with the old people making out & th old guy p1asterirg his chest on the window of the resturant was unconfortabl - anpther chael changer. I did not watch all of BeyonceTs halftime show because of her smutwear clothes By theictures on the ipternet her dancing was very suggestive & disgusting Shame on the NFL & CBS! This is notfmily friei4y.

Print Date: 2/28/2013

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003586475)

Control ID : C1MS00003586475 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: TSR29 IC Number: 13-WB15109053 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator; cgb.475


Submission Method : Web Level Three: Indecent Problem Submitted Time : 2/9/2013 7:28:08PM

Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: INDE Date Closed: 2/13/2013


Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: DUBLIN OH 43016

Date of Program:


Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

WBNS Dublin Ohiio

Time of Program: 6:30PM




Name of Program/DJ/Personality/Song/Film: Super Bowl HalfTime Show

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD - Investigation & Hearings 2/13/20 13 2/22/2013

EB/IHD Exported Case:

P,7ITi17flThn For a family event I was shocked and extremely disappointed at the lewd and promiscuous half time antics performed by Beyonce. She obviously can sing, but this show did not highlight her musical abilities. Instead, her adult "moves" and lack of clothing would have been more appropriate in a strip club or gentleman's club. This lewdness was every bit as pronounced and out-of-place as a prior year's super bowl haiffime "wardrobe malfunction". It is ridiculous to have to send children out of the room during family-advertised events such as the super bowl.

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003570652)


Control ID : C1MS00003570652 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: PCCO1


IC Number: 13-WB15108742 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475

Submission Method : Web Level Three: Content Criticism Problem Submitted Time : 2/6/2013 2:14:32PM

Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: PCCR Date Closed: 2/26/2013

Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: MARYSVILLE OH 43040

Date of Program: Network:


Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

WBNS 1 OTV Dublin, OH TV

Time of Program: 06:30 PM CBS Name of Program/DJ/Personality/Song/Film: Super Bowl Half-time Show

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.: Referral Date :

FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD - Investigation & Hearings 2/26/2013

EB/ifiD Exported Case:

wyy!thTp,J1m During Beyonce's Super Bowl Half-time Show, I was forced to turn off the television. As this was aired as a family event, I was dismayed to see Beyonc&s performance uncensored. She was wearing a leather bustier with strategic cutouts and, at times, grinding on stage in front of the cameras. She was rolling on the ground and spreading her legs like a stripper. She and the other dancers continued to grind, gyrate, and pose in sexual, almost pornographic manners. This sexually-charged performance was not what I would deem family-friendly in the slightest. All that was missing from being in a strip-bar was someone actually putting dollar bills in her bustier, followed by the removal of a portion of her barely-there costume. If this performance was family-friendly, why not allow it for the Presidential Inauguration festivities?

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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Consumer Information Management System ( C1M500003570655)

iNDECENCY Complaint

Control ID : C1MS00003570655 Level One: Broadcast Owner Rep Number: PCCO1 1TflTIi7ThJMmailY7

IC Number: 13-WB15108763 Level Two: Programming Issues Creator: cgb.475

Submission Method : Web Level Three: Content Criticism Problem Submitted Time : 2/6/2013 8:11:53PM

Status: Closed Assigned Code Acronym: PCCR Date Closed: 2/26/2013

Consumer Personal Information Omitted

City/State/ZipCode: WICHITA KS 67201 Date of Program: Network: 02/03/20 13 CBS

Call Sign/Channel/Frequency: City/State of Program: Program Type:

KWCH Wichita, KS TV

Time of Program: 06:00 PM Name of ProgramfDJ/Personality/Song/Film: Super Bowl 2013

Case Referral Agency : Referral Division/Dept.:

FCC/Enforcement Bureau IHD - Investigation & Hearings

Referral Date

2/26/20 13

EB/ifiD Exported Case:

This complaint is in regards to the Commercials aired during the Super Bowl, 2013. Many of the commercials naked supermodels, Go Daddy's french kissing commercial, and Beyonce' dancing provocatively on stage as millions of families, including children and impressionable teens. Obscene and indecent commercials are NOT acceptable 'family entertainment or material' and it put a dark cloud over the kind of material the FCC now allows to be viewed during prime/family time. So embarrassing! !PLEASE raise the standard for the material families are allowed to see during prime time viewing.

Print Date: 2/28/2013

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Consumer Information Management System (C1MS00003568073)


Control ID : CIMS00003 568073

Level One: Broadcast Cable Satellite Owner Rep Number: TSRO9 *i17TPTtf7ThjiiiiniIffl7

IC Number: 1 3-R3568073

Submission Method : Email

Status: Closed

Level Three: Assigned Code Acronym: Level Two: Indecency / Obscenity Broadcast __________________________ __________________________________ _____________________________ Creator: Date Closed: Problem Submitted Time : email.reader 2/12/2013 10:02:10AM 2/5/2013

Consumer Personal Information Omitted


Email Subject: The Super Bowl halftime entertainment

2/5/20 13 10:43:28 AM

Email Acknowledgement sent to wroteon2/5/2013 10:02:10AM:

I am very disappointed that the entertainment wasn't more family friendly. How many families with kids had to sit through Beyonce's strip tease and very inappropriate dancing, and song choices. I will never get use to the fact that adults don't think about the children that will be watching. I also wish something could be done about all the inappropriate half dressed woman on commercials - The women in sexy underwear such as in the Victoria Secret is very offensive. If woman in a household or their adult daughters don't walk around there house in front of the men in the house in there underwear then why is it alright to be exposed to other women in very seductive under garments. Lets clean up the things that we are being exposed to. Please


Sent from my iPhone

Print Date: 2/28/20 13

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