by Daniel Starnowski
About me
Daniel Starnowski Network administrator since 2000 MikroTik user since 2008 MikroTik Trainer since 2011 From Krakw, Poland
RADIUS make life easier 2
Introduction FreeRADIUS quick install Example: login management Connecting do SQL database Short example: wireless Example: DHCP (and modifying SQL query) Hotspot: MAC authorization & HTML redirection How to create a management platform in PHP
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More devices = more problems Inconsistent login configuration Authorization and queueing for customers on the nearest router very problematic and hard to manage
Remote Authentication Dial In User Service RFC 2865 uses UDP ports 1812 and 1813 AAA concept
User (a computer) tries to connect to the gateway (ppp, hotspot, etc.) using username and password Client (MikroTik) looks for the user in local database and if it fails asks RADIUS server Server tell the client whether it should accept or reject the user
Code, Identifier, Length Authenticator Type, Length, Value Type, Length, Value ...
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Installation of FreeRADIUS is really easy! Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install freeradius /etc/freeradius directory with the settings clients.conf the only file we need to edit: client { secret shortname = $3CR3T$TR1NG = MikroTik }
RADIUS dictionaries
User username with password password will be accepted by the router, with default group
username Cleartext-Password := password Mikrotik-Group := write, Another-Attr := a_value
We can specify, what attributes the RADIUS server will give in the response
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Service-Type = Login-User User-Name = (name entered by user) User-Password = (encrypted password) Calling-Station-Id = (IP address of the user) NAS-Identifier = (system identity of client) NAS-IP-Address = (IP address of the client)
Access-Accept If there was no configured parameters, the accept packet has no attribute-value fields example: Mikrotik-Group = write
/etc/freeradius/sql/mysql/ - here are configuration files for Radius to work with SQL
mysql> CREATE DATABASE radius;
We import schema.sql (or just simply paste the commands from the file) to MySQL database
Back to radiusd.conf in the modules section we enable (uncomment) the SQL module: # $INCLUDE sql.conf In the sql.conf file:
database = "mysql" server = "localhost" login = "db_user" password = "his_password" radius_db = "radius"
radcheck radreply
They look exactly the same! In radcheck the conditions to be checked In radreply the attributes sent with the reply packet
INSERT INTO radcheck (username, attribute, op, value) VALUES ('user','Cleartext-Password',':=','pass'); INSERT INTO radreply (username, attribute, op, value) VALUES ('user','Mikrotik-Group',':=','write');
For wireless RADIUS works similar to Access List and Connect List - decides, which stations can get to the registration table Configured in the Security Profile Default Authenticate stops working!
INSERT INTO radcheck (username, attribute, op, value) VALUES ('00:0C:42:01:02:03', 'Auth-Type',':=','Accept'); INSERT INTO radreply (username, attribute, op, value) VALUES ('00:0C:42:01:02:03', 'Mikrotik-Wireless-PSK',':=','PSKstring');
Example: DHCP
MAC authorized and has Framed-IP-Address in the reply: it will get the specific address MAC is authorized but without reserved IP: it will get it from the pool MAC not authorized: won't get any address!
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Example: DHCP
INSERT INTO radcheck (username, attribute, op, value) VALUES ('00:0C:42:01:02:03', 'Auth-Type',':=','Accept');
Example: DHCP
We have the same MAC address for wireless and for DHCP services! RADIUS will reply with all attributes to every service Wireless will get Mikrotik-Wireless-PSK, but ignore Framed-IP-Address DHCP will get Framed-IP-Address, but ignore Mikrotik-Wireless-PSK
Example: DHCP
If a MAC address is not in the RADIUS database (it is not authorized) it will not get a DHCP lease!! What can we do to prevent it?
In dialup.conf file we have the exact SQL query used to get the data from database:
authorize_check_query = "SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op \ FROM ${authcheck_table} \ WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' \ ORDER BY id"
We can modify it, so that for every request from DHCP server it will give Auth-Type := Accept
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authorize_check_query = "SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op \ FROM ${authcheck_table} \ WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' \ UNION \ SELECT DISTINCT 0, '%{SQL-User-Name}', 'Auth-Type', 'Accept', ':=' \ FROM ${authcheck_table} \ WHERE '%{Called-Station-Id}' like 'dhcp%' \ ORDER BY id" Now every MAC will get an IP address from the DHCP!
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If a user (MAC address) is not present in the Users list of the hotspot, it will be checked in the RADIUS database Only authorized users will access the network, unauthorized will get the login.html page
The MAC address will be authorized, if it will pass the radcheck query (i.e. will be present as username in the radcheck table) Additional reply attributes possible, like limits for the up/down/total bytes or connection time Mikrotik-Rate-Limit := 256k/512k Rate Limit will create a dynamic simple queue with the max-limit restrictions.
If both DHCP and Hotspot services get data from the same RADIUS database the queue will be created twice! It can be avoided by modifying the reply SQL query
For $(link-redirect) hotspot puts: http:// We modify the rlogin.html page Instead of $(link-redirect) we put: http://$(mac) our PHP/MySQL server For $(mac) hotspot will put user's MAC address The http server needs to be added to Hotspot's Walled Garden
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Management platform
New SQL table customers: +----------+------------------+ | Field | Type | +----------+------------------+ | id | int(11) unsigned | | username | varchar(64) | | password | varchar(64) | +----------+------------------+ Tables radcheck and radreply get additional field customer (integer)
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You can connect to the live demo platform! SSID = StarTik All the settings from DHCP server Try to open any webpage
Any questions?
Thank you!
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