Marriage Contract: TH ND
Marriage Contract: TH ND
Marriage Contract: TH ND
Marriage Contract
Receipt No 72/97/65 Registered .. Dated .. Marriages Record No . Transcribed under No .. On .
Praise be to God Alone, By virtue of the authorization to notarize the marriage issued by the family judge in charge of marriages, File No 09/2557, dated 26/05/2009, file of marriage deeds No 09/2557 lodged at the family division of the Court of First Instance of Kenitra, On Wednesday May 27 2009 (corresponding to the 2 day of Jumada II, 1430 AH) at 11:45 am, we the undersigned Mr. Bourdan Abdellah and Mr. Habi Abdelouahed, two Aduls (notaries of Islamic law) appointed to testify at the abovementioned court, received the testimony entered on the record notebook No 28 held by the first Adul under No 87, folio 82 the text of which is as follows: Praise be to God alone, With the blessing of God, Mr born in Rabat, District yakoub Mansour, Morocco, on 11/10/1984, son of Mohamed son of Belaid and Zehra daughter of Idriss holding an identity card No . issued by Moroccan authorities on 04/01/2009 and valid until 03/01/2016, Moroccan, employee, bachelor according to his statement and the abovementioned authorization, residing in Douar Bendaoud Ouled Melouk -commune Dar BelAmari Sidi Slimane, province of Kenitra Morocco Enters into marriage with Mrs. born in Melsen in Belgium on 27/05/1987 daughter of ..and of Belgian nationality and Moroccan origin, holder of a Moroccan identity card No .. issued on .. and valid until .and a National Belgian identity card No issued on 19/02/2008 and valid until, employee and divorced according to her statement and the abovementioned authorization; her address in Morocco is ..and in Belgium .., fit for marriage and free from any impediments thereto, The dowry was fixed at an amount of MAD 10.000 which she acknowledges she has received in full and thus exempts the bridegroom who marries her in accordance with the precepts of Quran and Sunna (Prophets tradition) The bride contracts this marriage (gives herself in marriage) with the abovementioned bridegroom. The spouses agree to the present contract, after proposal of the bridegroom and acceptance of the bride, while being sound of mind and memory and legally competent as testified by the two Adul.
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The spouses have been informed by the two Aduls that they can set the way to invest and distribute their marital properties in a separate document. The spouses perfectly know the content and legal importance of the present contract while being sound in mind and memory (and legally competent). Done in . on
There follow the signatures of the bride, the bridegroom, the two Aduls, the signature and seal of the notary Judge and the seal of the Ministry of foreign affairs.