BEDA Afetr Midterms
BEDA Afetr Midterms
BEDA Afetr Midterms
CHAPTER TWO: MALFEASANCE AND MISFEASANCE IN OFFICE (ARTS. 204-212) SECTION ONE: DERELICTION OF DUTY Misfeasance improper performance of some act which might lawfully be done Malfeasance the performance of some act which ought not to be done Nonfeasance omission of some act which ought to be performed ARTICLE 204 KNOWINGLY RENDERING UNJUST JUDGMENT
Procurador judicial a person who had some practical knowledge of law and procedure, but not a lawyer, and was permitted to represent a party in a case before an inferior court SECTION TWO: BRIBERY ARTICLE 210 DIRECT BRIBERY Acts Punished 1. By agreeing to perform, or by performing in consideration of any offer, promise, gift or present, an act constituting a crime, in connection with the performance of official duties. The acceptance of the offer or promise is enough to consummate the crime. Absent such acceptance, only the person making the offer or promise is liable for Attempted Corruption of a Public Officer. 2. By accepting a gift in consideration of the execution of an act which does not constitute a crime, in connection with the performance of his official duty. The gift must be accepted by the public officer. The act must be unjust.
As to consideration In both crimes the public officer receives gift. As to existence of agreement There is agreement between the public officer and the giver of gift or present. No such exists agreement
3. By agreeing to refrain, or by refraining, from doing something which it is his official duty to do, in consideration of a gift or promise. The third form of direct bribery differs from prevaricacion in that in bribery, the offender refrained from doing his official duty in consideration of a gift received or promised. This element is not necessary in the crime of prevaricacion. Elements of direct bribery: 1. That the offender be a public officer; 2. That the offender accepts an offer or a promise or receives a gift or present by
As to necessity of the performance of the act The offender agrees to perform or performs an act or refrains from doing something, because of the gift or promise. It is not necessary that the officer should do any particular act or even promise to do an act, as it is enough that he accepts gifts offered to him by reason of his office.
There is no attempted or frustrated indirect bribery because it is committed by accepting gifts offered to the public officer by reason of his office. If he does not accept the gifts, he does not commit the
Note: PD 46 punishes: 1. Any public official or employee who receives, directly or indirectly; and 2. Any private person who gives, or offers to give: Any gift, present or other valuable thing to any occasion, when such gift, present or other valuable thing is given by reason of the formers official position, whether the same is for past favors or the giver hopes or expects to receive a favor or better treatment in the future from the public official or employee concerned in the discharge of his official functions Included within the prohibition is the throwing of parties or entertainments in honor of the official or employees or his immediate relatives. ARTICLE 211-A QUALIFIED BRIBERY Elements: 1. That the offender is a public officer entrusted with law enforcement; 2. That the offender refrains from arresting or prosecuting an offender who has committed a crime punishable by reclusin perpetua and/or death; Note: If the crime committed is punishable by a penalty less than reclusion perpetua, the public officer is liable under Article 208 and direct bribery. 3. That the offender refrains from arresting or prosecuting the offender in consideration of any promise, gift or present. The guilt of the offender is a prejudicial question to the liability of the officer charged under this provision. ARTICLE 212 CORRUPTION OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS Elements: 1. That the offender makes, offers or promises or gives gifts or presents to a
Section 5. Prohibition on certain relatives The spouse or any relative, by RD consanguinity or affinity, within the 3 CIVIL DEGREE, of the President, the Vice-President, Senate President, or the Speaker of the House of Representatives is prohibited to intervene directly or indirectly, in any business, transaction, contract or application with the government. Exceptions to the provisions: a. Any person who prior to the assumption of office of any of those officials to whom he is related, has been already dealing with the government along the same line of business, nor to any transaction, contract or application already existing or pending at the time of such assumption of public office b. Any application filed by him, the approval of which is not discretionary on the part of the official or officials concerned but depends upon compliance with the requisites provided by law, or rules or regulations issued pursuant to law c. Any act lawfully performed in an official capacity or in the exercise of a profession Section 6. Prohibition on Members of Congress Members of Congress during their term are prohibited to acquire or receive any personal pecuniary interest in any specific business enterprise which will be directly and particularly favored or benefited by any law or resolution authored by them. The prohibition shall also apply to any public officer who recommended the initiation in Congress of the enactment or adoption of any law or resolution and acquires or receives any such interest during his incumbency. The member of Congress or other public officer, who, having such interest prior to the approval of a law or resolution authored or recommended by him,
10. Knowingly approving or granting any license, permit, privilege or benefit in favor of any person not qualified for or not legally entitled to such license, permit, privilege or advantage, or of a mere representative or dummy of one who is not qualified or entitled. 11. Divulging valuable information of a confidential character, acquired by his office or by him on account of his official position to unauthorized persons, or releasing such information in advance of its authorized date If damage was caused, Article 229 (revelation of secrets by an officer) under the RPC is committed. Section 4. Prohibition on Private Individuals 1. Taking advantage of family or close personal relation with public official is punished Family relation- include the spouse or relatives by consanguinity or affinity in the third civil degree
Section 2. Definition of the Crime of Plunder; Penalties Plunder a crime committed by any public officer, by himself , or in connivance with his family, relatives by affinity or consanguinity, business associates, subordinates or other persons, by amassing, accumulating or acquiring ill-gotten wealth in the aggregate amount or total value of at least 50 million pesos. Penalty: Reclusion Perpetua to Death Mitigating and extenuating circumstances shall be considered by the courts in the imposition of penalty. Section 4. Rule of Evidence It is NOT necessary to prove each and every criminal act done. A pattern of overt or criminal acts indicative of the over-all unlawful scheme or conspiracy shall be sufficient. Section 6. Prescription of Crimes The crime punishable under this Act shall prescribe in 20 years. However, the right of the State to recover properties unlawfully acquired by public officers from them or from their nominees or transferees shall not be barred by prescription or laches or estoppel. Plunder is a crime malum in se because the constitutive crimes are mala in se. The elements of mens rea must be proven in a prosecution for plunder. (Estrada vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 148560, November 21, 2001)
Malversation may be committed by private individuals in the following cases: 1. Those in conspiracy with public officers guilty of malversation 2. Those who are accessory or accomplice to a public officer 3. Custodian of public funds or property in whatever capacity 4. Depositary or administrator of public funds or property Presumption When demand is made to the accountable officer to account for the funds and property and the same is not forthcoming, this shall be
The offenders are accountable public officers in both crimes. The offender does not The offender in certain derive any personal gain cases profits from the or profit. proceeds of the crime. The public fund or The public fund or property is applied to property is applied to the personal use and benefit another public use. of the offender or of another person.
ARTICLE 221 FAILURE TO MAKE DELIVERY OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR PROPERTY Acts Punished 1. By failing to make payment by a public officer who is under obligation to make such payment from Government funds in his possession. Elements: a. Public officer has government funds in his possession. b. He is under obligation to make payment from such funds. c. He fails to make the payment, maliciously. 2. By refusing to make delivery by a public officer who has been ordered by competent authority to deliver any property in his custody or under his administration
Liability of escaping prisoner: 1. If the fugitive is serving sentence by reason of final judgment, he is liable for evasion of the service of sentence under Art. 157. 2. If the fugitive is only a detention prisoner, he does not incur criminal liability. ARTICLE 225 ESCAPE OF PRISONER UNDER THE CUSTODY OF A PERSON NOT A PUBLIC OFFICER Elements: 1. That the offender is a private person; 2. That the conveyance or custody of a prisoner or person under arrest is confided to him; 3. That the prisoner or person under arrest escapes; 4. That the offender consents to the escape of the prisoner or person under arrest, or that the escape takes place through his negligence. Art. 225 is NOT applicable if a private person was the one who made the arrest and he consented to the escape of the person he arrested. ARTICLE 226 REMOVAL, CONCEALMENT, OR DESTRUCTION OF DOCUMENTS Elements: 1. That the offender be a public officer; Note: If the offender is a private individual, estafa is committed if there is damage caused. If there is no damage, the crime is malicious mischief. 2. That he removes, conceals or destroys documents or papers; Papers include checks, promissory notes, and paper money. 3. That the said documents or papers should have been entrusted to such public officer by reason of his office;
Damage in this article may consist in mere alarm to the public or in the alienation of its confidence in any branch of the government service. ARTICLE 227 OFFICER BREAKING SEAL
Elements: 1. That the offender is a public officer; 2. That he is charged with the custody of papers or property; 3. That these papers or property are sealed by proper authority; 4. That he breaks the seals or permits them to be broken. Damage or intent to damage is not necessary. ARTICLE 228 OPENING OF CLOSED DOCUMENTS Elements: 1. That the offender is a public officer. 2. That any closed papers, documents, or objects are entrusted to his custody. 3. That he opens or permits to be opened said closed papers, documents, or objects. 4. That he does not have the proper authority. The closed document must be entrusted to the custody of the accused by reason of his office. If in opening closed papers or objects, the public officer broke the seal, the offense would be breaking seal under Art. 227 and not the crime of opening a closed document, because the offender must be a public officer not included in the preceding article.
Elements of No. 2: 1. That the offender is a public officer; 2. That he has charge of papers; 3. That those papers should not be published; 4. That he delivers those papers or copies thereof to a third person; 5. That the delivery is wrongful; and 6. That damage be caused to public interest Charge here means control or custody. If the public officer is merely entrusted with the papers but not with the custody, he is not liable under this provision. Damage is an element of the offenses defined in Art. 229. A higher penalty is provided if serious damage is caused otherwise a lower penalty is imposed. This indicates that the lesser penalty refers to causing damage which is not serious.
Elements: 1. That the offender is a public officer; 2. That an order is issued by his superior for execution; uld not be published, and the public officer having charge thereof removes and delivers them wrongfully to a third person. 3. That he has for any reason suspended the removal is for an illicit purpose. execution of such order; ARTICLE 230 4. That his superior disapproves the PUBLIC OFFICER REVEALING suspension of the execution of the order; SECRETS OF PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL 5. That the offender disobeys his superior despite the disapproval of the suspension. Elements: 1. That the offender is a public officer; This article does NOT apply if the order of 2. That he knows of the secrets of a private the superior is illegal. individual by reason of his office; 3. That he reveals such secrets without ARTICLE 233 authority or justifiable reason. REFUSAL OF ASSISTANCE If the offender is a lawyer, the crime under Article 209 is committed. If the offender is a private individual, the crime under Article 290 or 291 is committed. Revelation to one person is necessary and sufficient, for public revelation is not required. It is NOT necessary that damage is suffered by the private individual. The reason for this provision is to uphold faith and trust in public service. CHAPTER SIX: OTHER OFFENSES OR IRREGULARITIES BY PUBLIC OFFICERS (ARTS. 231-245) SECTION ONE: DISOBEDIENCE, REFUSAL OF ASSISTANCE AND MALTREATMENT OF PRISONERS ARTICLE 231 OPEN DISOBEDIENCE Elements: 1. That the offender is a judicial or executive officer; 2. That there is a judgment, decision or order of a superior authority; 3. That such judgment, decision or order was made within the scope of the jurisdiction of the superior authority and issued with all legal formalities; 4. That the offender without any legal justification openly refuses to execute said judgment, decision or order, which he is Elements: 1. That the offender is a public officer. 2. That a competent authority demands from the offender that he lends his cooperation towards the administration of justice or other public service. 3. That the offender fails to do so maliciously. There must be damage to the public interest or to a third party. If the offender is a private individual, he may be held liable for contempt. ARTICLE 234 REFUSAL TO DISCHARGE ELECTIVE OFFICE Elements: 1. That the offender is elected by popular election to a public office; 2. That he refuses to be sworn in or to discharge the duties of said office; and 3. That there is no legal motive for such refusal to be sworn in or to discharge the duties of said office. ARTICLE 235 MALTREATMENT OF PRISONERS Elements: 1. That the offender is a public officer or employee; 2. That he has under his charge a prisoner convicted by final judgment or a detention prisoner; 3. That he maltreats such prisoner in either
Qualifying circumstance when the abandonment of the office has for its purpose to evade the discharge of the duties of preventing, prosecuting or punishing any of the crimes falling within Title 1 and Chapter 1 Committed by any public officer Committed only by public officers who have the duty Title 3 of Book 2 of this Code to institute prosecution for the punishment of violations of the The public officer or employee must have The public officer abandons his office to evade the discharge of his duty. actual charge of the prisoner. Offender may also be held liable for physical injuries or damage caused. There is no complex crime of maltreatment of prisoners with serious or less serious physical injuries, as defined in Art. 48.
The public officer does not abandon his office but he fails to prosecute an offense by dereliction of duty or by malicio
SECTION TWO: ANTICIPATION, PROLONGATION AND ABANDONMENT OF THE DUTIES AND POWERS OF PUBLIC OFFICE ARTICLE 236 ANTICIPATION OF DUTIES OF A PUBLIC OFFICE Elements: 1. That the offender is entitled to hold a public office or employment, either by election or appointment; 2. That the law requires that he should first be sworn in and/or should first give a bond; 3. That he assumes the performance of the duties and powers of such office; 4. That he has not taken his oath of office and/or given the bond required by law. ARTICLE 237 PROLONGING PERFORMANCE OF DUTIES AND POWERS Elements: 1. That the offender is holding a public office; 2. That the period provided by law, regulations or special provisions for holding such office, has already expired; 3. That he continues to exercise the duties and powers of such office. ARTICLE 238 ABANDONMENT OF OFFICE Elements: 1. That the offender is a public officer;
SECTION THREE: USURPATION OF POWERS AND UNLAWFUL APPOINTMENT ARTICLE 239 USURPATION OF LEGISLATIVE POWER Elements: 1. That the offender is an executive or judicial officer; 2. That he: a. Makes general rules or regulations beyond the scope of his authority or b. Attempts to repeal a law or c. Suspends the execution thereof. ARTICLE 240 USURPATION OF EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS Elements: 1. That the offender is a judge; 2. That he: a. Assumes a power pertaining to the executive authorities; or b. Obstructs the executive authorities in the lawful exercise of their powers.
Note: See also RA 7877, the Anti-Sexual Harrassment Act of 1995 which applies where the accused demands, requests or otherwise requires any sexual favors from the victim in a
TITLE EIGHT: CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS SECTION ONE: PARRICIDE, MURDER, HOMICIDE ARTICLE 246 PARRICIDE Elements: 1. That a person is killed; 2. That the deceased is killed by the accused; and 3. That the deceased is the father, mother, or child, whether legitimate or illegitimate, or a legitimate other ascendant or other descendant, or the legitimate spouse, of the accused. Cases of parricide when the penalty shall NOT be reclusion perpetua to death: 1. Parricide through negligence (Art. 365). 2. Parricide by mistake (Art. 249). 3. Parricide under exceptional circumstances (Art. 247). The child should not be less than 3 days old; otherwise the crime is infanticide (Art. 255) Relationship of the offender with the victim is the essential element of the crime. Hence: If a person wanted to kill a stranger but by mistake killed his own father, he will be held liable for parricide BUT Art. 49 will apply as regards the proper penalty to be imposed, that is, the penalty for the lesser offense in its maximum period. A stranger who cooperates and takes part in the commission of the crime of parricide is not guilty of parricide but only of homicide or murder, as the case may be. The key element in parricide is the relationship of the offender with the victim. (People vs. Dalag, G.R. No. 129895, April 30, 2003) The relationship between the offender and the victim must be alleged. The law does NOT require knowledge of relationship, thus, a person who killed another not knowing that the latter was his son will still be held guilty of parricide. The fact that the husband only intended to maltreat his wife does not exempt him
Justification for Art. 247: The law considers the spouse or parent as acting in a justified burst of passion. ARTICLE 248 MURDER Murder unlawful killing of any person which is not parricide or infanticide, provided that any of the following circumstances is present: 1. With treachery, taking advantage of superior strength, with the aid of armed men, or employs means to weaken the defense, or of means or persons to insure or afford impunity; 2. In consideration of a price, reward or promise; 3. By means of inundation, fire, poison, shipwreck, stranding of a vessel, derailment or assault upon a railroad, fall of an airship, by means of motor vehicles, or with the use of any other means involving great waste and ruin; 4. On occasion of any calamities enumerated in the preceding paragraph, or of an earthquake, eruption of a volcano, destructive cyclone, epidemic, or any other public calamity; 5. With evident premeditation; or 6. With cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly augmenting the suffering of the victim, or outraging or scoffing at his person or corpse. (As amended by RA No. 7659) Elements: 1. That a person was killed; 2. That the accused killed him; 3. That the killing was attended by any of the qualifying circumstances mentioned in Art. 248; and 4. That the killing is not parricide or infanticide.
When there is no way of determining how the attack was committed, treachery cannot be considered and the accused is guilty of homicide only. (People vs. Dela Cruz, G.R. No. 152176, October 1, 2003) There is no such crime as frustrated homicide through imprudence. ARTICLE 250 PENALTY FOR FRUSTRATED PARRICIDE, MURDER, OR HOMICIDE Courts may impose a penalty two degrees lower for frustrated parricide, murder or homicide. Courts may impose a penalty three degrees lower for attempted parricide, murder or homicide. This provision is permissive NOT MANDATORY. An attempt on or conspiracy against the life of the Chief Executive, member of his family, any member of his cabinet or members of latters family is punishable by death. (PD 1110-A) ARTICLE 251 DEATH CAUSED IN A TUMULTUOUS AFFRAY Elements: 1. That there be several persons; 2. That they did not compose groups organized for the common purpose of assaulting and attacking each other reciprocally, otherwise, they may be held liable as co-conspirators; 3. That these several persons quarreled and
Euthanasia or Mercy-Killing - is a practice of painlessly putting to death a person suffering from some incurable disease. A doctor who resorted to euthanasia may be held liable for murder under Art. 248 since euthanasia is not giving assistance to suicide BUT doing the killing himself. In euthanasia, the person killed does not want to die. ARTICLE 254 DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS Elements: 1. That the offender discharges a firearm against or at another person; and 2. That the offender has no intention to kill that person. It is not applicable to police officers in the performance of their duties. The PURPOSE of the offender is only to intimidate or frighten the offended party. If in the discharge of firearm, the offended party is hit and wounded, there is a complex crime of discharge of firearm with serious or less serious physical injuries; BUT if only slight physical injuries were inflicted, there is no complex crime (BUT two separate crimes) since such physical injuries constitutes a light felony. The crime is discharge of firearm even if the gun was not pointed at the offended party when it was fired, as long as it was initially aimed by the accused at or against
Elements: 1. That there is a pregnant woman; 2. That violence is exerted, or drugs or beverages administered, or that the accused otherwise acts upon such pregnant woman; 3. That as a result of the use of violence or drugs or beverages upon her, or any other act of the accused, the fetus dies, either in the womb or after having been expelled therefrom; and 4. That the abortion is intended. Person liable in Intentional Abortion: 1. The person who intentionally caused the abortion under Art. 256; 2. The pregnant woman if she consented under Art. 258. As long as the fetus dies as a result of the violence used or the drugs administered, the crime of abortion exists, even if the fetus is over or less than 6 months, or is full term. If the fetus could sustain an independent life (the fetus must have an intrauterine life of not less than 7 months) after its separation from the maternal womb, and it is killed, the crime is infanticide, not abortion. Fetus must die in consummated abortion. If it is intentional abortion and the fetus does not die, it is frustrated intentional abortion when all the acts of execution have been performed by the offender. If the abortion is not intended and the fetus does not die, in spite of the violence intentionally exerted, the crime may only be physical injuries. There is no crime of frustrated unintentional abortion, in view of the lack of intention to cause an abortion. If there is no intention to cause abortion and no violence, there is no abortion of any kind. ARTICLE 257 UNINTENTIONAL ABORTION Elements: 1. That there is a pregnant woman; 2. That violence is used upon such pregnant woman without intending an abortion; 3. That the violence is intentionally exerted; and 4. That as a result of the violence, the fetus dies, either in the womb or after having been expelled therefrom. Violence refers to actual physical force.
ARTICLE 258 ABORTION PRACTICED BY THE WOMAN HERSELF OR HER PARENTS Elements: 1. That there is a pregnant woman who has suffered an abortion; 2. That the abortion is intended; and 3. That the abortion is caused by a. The pregnant woman herself; b. Any other person, with her consent; or c. Any of her parents, with her consent, for the purpose of concealing her dishonor. Under a and c above, the woman is liable under Art. 258; while the third person under b is liable under Art. 256. If the purpose is other than to conceal the womans dishonor, abortion by any of her parents falls under Art. 256. Liability of the pregnant woman is mitigated if her (not including the maternal grandparents) purpose is to conceal her dishonor.
As to PHARMACISTS, the ELEMENTS are: 1. That the offender is a pharmacist; 2. That there is no proper prescription from a physician; and 3. That the offender dispenses any abortive. As to pharmacists, crime is consummated by dispensing abortive without proper prescription from a physician. It is not necessary that the abortive was actually used. It is immaterial that the pharmacist knows that the abortive would be used for abortion. Otherwise, he shall be liable as an accomplice in the crime of abortion should abortion result from the use thereof. SECTION THREE: DUEL ARTICLE 260 RESPONSIBILITY OF PARTICIPANTS IN A DUEL Acts punished: 1. By killing ones adversary in a duel; 2. By inflicting upon such adversary physical injuries; and 3. By making a combat although no physical injuries have been inflicted. Persons liable: 1. The person who killed or inflicted physical injuries upon his adversary or both combatants in any other case, as principals. 2. The seconds, as accomplices. Duel a formal or regular combat previously concerted between two parties in the presence
In paragraphs 2 and 3, the offended party must have a vocation or work at the time of the injury. Work includes studies or preparation for a profession. Requisites of deformity: 1. Physical ugliness; 2. Permanent and definite abnormality; and 3. Must be conspicuous and visible.
Paragraph 4 speaks of incapacity for any kind of labor. Note: Hospitalization for more than 30 days may mean either illness or incapacity for labor for more than 30 days. Physical Injuries
The offender physical injuries. Attempted or
inflicts Attempted homicide may be committed, even if no physical injuries are inflicted.
Offender has no intent to The offender has an kill the offended party. intent to kill the offended party.
Qualifying Circumstances: 1. Offense committed against persons enumerated in the crime of parricide. 2. With the attendance of circumstance which qualify the crime to murder. HOWEVER, the qualified penalties are NOT applicable to parents who inflict serious physical injuries upon their children by excessive chastisement. ARTICLE 264 ADMINISTERING INJURIOUS SUBSTANCE OR BEVERAGES Elements: 1. That the offender inflicted upon another any serious physical injury; 2. That it was done by knowingly administering to him any injurious substances or beverages or by taking advantage of his weakness of mind or credulity; and 3. That he had no intent to kill. It is frustrated murder if there was intent to kill. Administering injurious substance means introducing into the body the substance. It does not apply when the physical injuries that result are less serious or light, they will be treated under Art 265 or 266, as the case may be.
The law includes 2 subdivisions, to wit: 1. The inability for work; and 2. The necessity for medical attendance Therefore, although the wound required medical attendance for only 2 days, yet, if the injured party was prevented from attending to his ordinary labor for a period of 29 days, the physical injuries sustained are denominated as less serious. In the absence of proof as to the period of the offended partys incapacity for labor or of required medical attendance, offense committed is only slight physical injuries. ARTICLE 266 SLIGHT PHYSICAL INJURIES AND MALTREATMENT Kinds : 1. Physical injuries which incapacitated the offended party from one to nine days, or required medical attendance during the same period; 2. Physical injuries which did not prevent the
Considered aggravating
circumstance of ignominy 2011 CENTRALIZED in case of offended party from engaging in his habitual work or which did not require serious physical injuries medical attendance; and 3. Ill-treatment of another by deed without causing any injury. When there is no evidence of actual injury, it is only slight physical injuries. Supervening event converting the crime into serious physical injuries after the filing of the information for slight physical injuries can still be the subject of a new charge
If physical injuries were inflicted with an intent to insult or humiliate the injured person, the intent to insult or humiliate shall be:
Considered in increasing the penalty and qualifying the crime in case of less serious physical injuries Separate crime of slander by deed in case of slight physical injuries. ANTI-HAZING LAW (R.A. No. 8049)
Hazing is an initiation rite or practice as a prerequisite for admission into membership in a fraternity, sorority or organization by placing the recruit, neophyte or applicant in some embarrassing or humiliating situations such as forcing him to do menial, silly, foolish, and similar activities or otherwise subjecting him to physical or psychological suffering or injury. Allowed Initiation Rites (Section 2) Those that have prior written notice to the school authorities or head of organization 7 days before the conduct of such initiation. The written notice shall contain the following: 1. Period of the initiation activities which shall not exceed 3 days 2. Names of those to be subjected to such activities 3. Undertaking that no physical violence be employed by anybody What acts are punishable: All acts so long as it caused physical injuries at the very least. Persons liable: 1. Officers and members of the fraternity, sorority or organization who actually participated in the infliction of physical harm shall be liable as principals if the person subjected to hazing suffers any physical injury or dies as a result thereof. 2. Owner of the place where the hazing is
Under R.A. 8353, the crime of rape can now be committed by a male or a female. To be CONSUMMATED, it is not essential that there be a complete penetration of the female organ, neither is it essential that there be a rupture of the hymen. However, there must be sufficient and convincing proof that the penis indeed touched the labias or slid into the female organ, and not merely stroked the external surface thereof, for the accused to be convicted of consummated rape. Absent of any showing of the slightest penetration of the female organ, it can only be attempted rape, if not acts of lasciviousness. (People vs. Campuhan, 329 SCRA 270 [2000]) For a charge for rape by sexual assault with the use of ones fingers or any other object to be consummated, there should be evidence of at least the slightest penetration of the sexual organ and not merely a brush or graze of its surface. (People v. Dela Cruz, GR No. 180501, December 24, 2008) There is NO crime of FRUSTRATED RAPE. The slightest penetration or mere touching of the genitals consummates the crime of rape. There is ATTEMPTED RAPE when there is no penetration of the female organ because not all the acts of execution were performed. However, there must be an intention to have carnal knowledge of the woman against her will. Acknowledgment of the consummated act is not considered giving of consent. In Statutory Rape, the offenders knowledge of the victims age is IMMATERIAL. Force employed against the victim of rape need not be of such character as could not be resisted. It is enough that the force used is sufficient to consummate the culprits purpose of copulating with the victim. If the woman contributed in some way to the consummation of the act, this may constitute an offense other than rape. Intimidation includes the moral kind. Having sex with a deaf-mute is not rape in
9. 10.
Since rape is now a crime against persons, marriage extinguishes that penal action only as to the principal, i.e. the husband, but not as to the accomplices and accessories. The principle does not apply where MULTIPLE RAPE was committed because while marriage with one defendant, extinguishes the criminal liability, its benefits cannot be extended to the acts committed by the others of which he is a co-principal. Prior to RA No. 8353, a husband cannot be guilty of rape committed upon his wife because of the matrimonial consent which she gave when she assumed the marriage relation. However, under Art 266-C of RA No. 8353, a husband may be guilty of rape of his wife if it is the legal husband who is the offender. ARTICLE 266-D PRESUMPTIONS Evidence which may be accepted in the prosecution of rape: 1. Any physical overt act manifesting resistance against the act of rape in any degree from the offended party; or 2. Where the offended party is so situated as to render him/her incapable of giving his/her consent
Kidnapping with Rape Forcible Abduction with Rape Lewd design came after At the outset, there is the intent to kidnap the already lewd design. victim. It is a special complex It is a complex crime crime. under Article 48 since forcible abduction is a necessary means of committing the crime of rape. If there is an attempted If there is an attempted the crime rape, it shall be rape, is only considered a separate committed forcible abduction, the crime. former being an expression of the lewd design. If there are multiple rapes, there is only one special complex crime of Kidnapping with Rape. If there are multiple rapes, only one is complexed with forcible abduction and the rest shall be considered as separate crimes.
ARTICLE 268 SLIGHT ILLEGAL DETENTION Elements: (PIKO) 1. That the offender is a private individual; 2. That he kidnaps or detains another, or in any manner deprives him of his liberty; 3. That the act of kidnapping or detention is illegal; 4. That the crime is committed without the attendance of the circumstances enumerated in Art. 267.
Unlawful Arrest (Art. when Liability is mitigated 269) the following Unlawful Arrest (Art. circumstances concur: (VOB) 269) 1. Offender voluntarily releases the person Other detained within three so kidnapped or Illegal Detention days from the commencement of the detention attained the purpose Detention2. Without havingground is for some legal up or detaining the isintended; and victim is to deliver by law the proper authorities, Detention not authorized him to 3. Before the institution of criminal proceedings against him. When the victim is female, the detention is under Art 267; voluntary release is not mitigating there. The same penalty of reclusion temporal shall be incurred by anyone who shall furnish the place for the perpetration of the crime. His participation is raised to that of a real coprincipal. If the crime is under Article 267, he is a mere accomplice unless there was conspiracy. ARTICLE 269 UNLAWFUL ARREST Elements: (ADU) 1. That the offender arrests detains another person 2. That the purpose of the offender is deliver him to the proper authorities 3. That the arrest or detention unauthorized by law or there is reasonable ground therefor. or to is no
ARTICLE 270 FAILURE TO RETURN A MINOR Elements: (EF) 1. That the offender is entrusted with the custody of a minor person (less than 18 years old); 2. That he deliberately fails to restore the said minor to his parents or guardian; This may also be committed by the mother or father of the child. When committed by either parent, penalty is only arresto mayor. Kidnapping and failure to return a minor (Art. 270) is necessarily included in Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention of Minor (Par. 4 of Art. 267), but what differentiates them are the following:
Art. 267 Offender is not entrusted with the custody of the victim Illegally detaining or kidnapping the minor. Art. 270 Offender is entrusted with the custody of the minor What is punished is the deliberate failure of the offender having the custody of the minor to restore him to his parents or guardian
The offender is any person, whether a public officer or a private individual. However, the public officer must not be vested with the authority to arrest or detain a person or must not act in his official capacity. Otherwise, Art. 124 is applicable and not Art. 269
ARTICLE 271 INDUCING A MINOR TO ABANDON HIS HOME Elements: (LI) 1. That a minor (less than 18 years old) is living in the home of his parents or guardian or the person entrusted with his custody; 2. That the offender induces said minor to abandon such home. Inducement must be (a) actual, (b) committed with criminal intent and (c) determined by a will to cause damage. The crime committed may be exploitation of minors depending on the purpose of the inducement. To induce means to influence; to prevail on; to move by persuasion; or to incite by
No period of detention is fixed by law under Art. 269 but the motive of the offender is controlling.
motives. Art. 273 Father or mother may commit crimes under Arts. 270 & 271- where they are Art. 274 living separately and the custody of the minor children has been given to one a minor Victim is of them Does not distinguish whether the victim is a minor or not It is not necessary that the minor actually Minor is compelled to render services for the supposed debt of his parent or guar abandons the home.
Debtor himself is the one compelled to work for the offender.
SECTION THREE: SLAVERYService of minor is not limited to household and farm work. AND SERVITUDE Limited to household and farm work. ARTICLE 272 SLAVERY
If in other capacities, crime committed may be coercion.
Elements: (PE) 1. That the offender purchases, sells, kidnaps or detains a human being; 2. That the purpose of the offender is to enslave such human being. Qualifying circumstance: When the purpose of the offender is to assign the offended party to some immoral traffic. If the victim is female, the crime committed may be that under Article 341 or white slave trade. The purpose must be determined, if the purpose is to enslave the victim, it is slavery; otherwise, it is kidnapping or illegal detention. ARTICLE 273 EXPLOITATION OF CHILD LABOR Elements: (RAR-age) 1. That the offender retains a minor in his service; 2. That it is against the will of the minor; 3. That it is under pretext of reimbursing himself of a debt incurred by an ascendant, guardian or person entrusted with the custody of such minor. ARTICLE 274 SERVICES RENDERED UNDER COMPULSION IN PAYMENT Elements: (CAP) 1. That the offender compels a debtor to work for him, either as household servant or farm laborer; 2. That it is against the debtors will; 3. That the purpose is to require or enforce the payment of a debt. Note: Creditor-Debtor relationship between the offender and the offended party must exist, otherwise, the crime committed is coercion.
CHAPTER TWO: CRIMES AGAINST SECURITY (ARTS. 275-289) SECTION ONE: ABANDONMENT OF HELPLESS PERSONS AND EXPLOITATION OF MINORS ARTICLE 275 ABANDONMENT OF PERSONS IN DANGER AND ABANDONMENT OF ONES OWN VICTIM Acts punished: 1. By failing to render assistance to any person whom the offender finds in an uninhabited place wounded or in danger of dying when he can render such assistance without detriment to himself, unless such omission shall constitute a more serious offense. Elements: (UWOF) a. The place is uninhabited; b. The accused found there a person wounded or in danger of dying; c. The accused can render assistance without detriment to himself; d. The accused fails to render assistance. 2. By failing to help or render assistance to another whom the offender has accidentally wounded or injured. By failing to deliver a child under seven years of age whom the offender has found abandoned, to the authorities or to his family, or by failing to take him to a safe place. Uninhabited place is determined by possibility of person receiving assistance from another. The place may still be considered uninhabited in legal
2011 CENTRALIZED one, without the consent of the proper authorities. By neglecting his (offenders) children by not giving them the education which their station in life requires and financial condition permits.
Elements of Abandonment of Minor: 1. That the offender has charge of the rearing or education of a minor; 2. That he delivers said minor to a public institution or other persons; 3. That the one who entrusted such child to the offender has not consented to such act, or if the one who entrusted such child to the offender is absent, the proper authorities have not consented to it. Elements of Indifference of Parents: (PNP) 1. That the offender is a parent; 2. That he neglects his children by not giving them education; 3. That his station in life requires such education and his financial condition permits it. Failure to give education must be due to deliberate desire to evade such obligation. The "neglect of child" punished under
The custody of the The custody of the offender is specific, that offender is stated in is, the custody for the general rearing or education of the minor Minor is under 18 yrs. Minor is under 7 years of age of age Minor is delivered to a Minor is abandoned in public institution or such a way as to other person deprive him of the care and protection that his tender years need
ARTICLE 278 EXPLOITATION OF MINORS Prohibited Acts: 1. Causing any boy or girl under 16 years of age to perform any dangerous feat of balancing, physical strength, or contortion,
Qualifying Circumstance: Delivery of the child is made in consideration of any price, compensation or promise
Exploitation of Minors (Art 278, par. 5) The purpose of inducing the minor to abandon the home is to follow any person engaged in any of the callings mentioned Victim is under years of age 16 Inducing A Minor to Abandon his Home (Art. 271) No such purpose
R.A. 7610 punishes abuse, exploitation and discrimination of minors ARTICLE 279 ADDITIONAL PENALTIES FOR OTHER OFFENSES
Imposition of the penalties prescribed in the preceding articles (Art 275-278) shall not prevent the imposition upon the same person of the penalty provided for any other felonies defined and punished under the Code.
Dwelling place means any building or structure exclusively devoted for rest and comfort. It is not necessary that it be the permanent dwelling of the person. Determining factor of whether a building is a dwelling depends upon the use to which it is put. In general, all members of a household must be presumed to have authority to extend an invitation to enter the house. To commit trespass, the entrance by the accused should be against the presumed/implied or express prohibition of the occupant. Lack of permission does not amount to prohibition. There is an implied prohibition when entrance is made through means not intended for ingress. Rule: Whoever enters the dwelling of another at late hour of the night after the inmates have retired and closed their doors does so against their will. Prohibition in this case is presumed. If a person was killed after trespass by the offender, the following crimes are committed: If there was no intent to kill when he entered - separate crimes of homicide or murder and qualified trespass to dwelling If there was intent to kill when he entered the crime of homicide/murder with dwelling as an aggravating circumstance
Threats Coercion San Beda College of Law Intimidation is essential 2011 CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS Grave Threats Intimidation or Violence is the essence of the crime
Prohibition must be inexistence prior to or Intimidation is future and conditional. Offender enters a Offender enters closed at the time of entrance. premises or fenced dwelling house. be imminent, actual and immediate. Light Threats Force or Violence must estate. Prohibition is not necessary when Act threatened amounts to a crime violence or intimidation is employed by Place threatened doesPlaceamount to a crime entered is not entered is Act the offender inhabited. uninhabited. (qualified trespass). Act constituting the It is the entering the Violence/Intimidation may be the method crime is entering the closed premises or the by which one may pass the threshold of dwelling against the will fenced estate without the dwelling of another or the conduct of the owner. securing the permission immediately after the entrance of the of the owner or offender. caretaker thereof. Normally, all trespassers have intention to commit another crime HOWEVER, if there Prohibition to enter is Prohibition to enter must is no overt act of crime intended to be express or implied. be manifest. done, what is committed is trespass to dwelling. Premises signifies distinct and definite Trespass may be committed by the owner locality. It may mean a room, shop, building or of a dwelling (i.e. lessor enters the house definite area, but in either case, locality is leased to another against the latter's will) fixed. If the offender is a public officer or employee, the crime committed is SECTION THREE: THREATS AND violation of domicile. COERCION ARTICLE 282 GRAVE THREATS Acts punished: 1. By threatening another with the infliction upon his person, honor, or property or that of his family of any wrong amounting to a crime and demanding money or imposing any other condition even though not unlawful, and the offender attained his purpose. (with condition) 2. By making such threat without the offender attaining his purpose. (with condition; elements for this act are the same with the first except that the purpose is not attained.) 3. By threatening another with the infliction upon his person, honor or property or that of his family of any wrong amounting to a crime, the threat not being subject to a condition. (without condition)
Cases to which the provision of this article is NOT applicable: 1. If the entrance to anothers dwelling is made for the purpose of preventing some serious harm to himself, the occupants of the dwelling or a third person. 2. If the purpose is to render some service to humanity or justice. 3. If the place where entrance is made is a caf, tavern, inn and other public house, while the same are open. Note: A person who believes that a crime has been committed against him has every right to go after the culprit and arrest him without any warrant even if in the process he enters the house of another against the latters will. (Sec. 6, Rule 113, Rules of Court) ARTICLE 281 OTHER FORMS OF TRESPASS Elements: (CUMN) 1. That the offender enters the closed premises or the fenced estate of another 2. That the entrance is made while either of them is uninhabited; 3. That the prohibition to enter be manifest; 4. That the trespasser has not secured the permission of the owner or the caretaker thereof.
Qualified Trespass to Dwelling (Art. 280) Offender is a private person. Other Forms of Trespass (Art. 281) The offender person. is any
Art. 284
Art. or immediate member 35 members of his family or; b. Imposing a condition, whether lawful or unlawful. In order to prevent such person from appearing in the investigation of, or official proceedings in, criminal cases is punishable under PD 1829.
made applicable to any particular case icable only to cases of grave threats and light threats Elements of Grave Threats where the a distinct penalty offender attained his purpose: (TCDA)
1. That the offender threatens another an additional penalty ARTICLE 283 person with he infliction upon the latters e offender fails to give the bond, the shall be detained for a period not exceeding 6 months (if prosecuted for grave/less grave felo LIGHT THREATS person, honor or property, or upon that of shall fail to give bail, he shall be sentenced to destierro the latters family, of any wrong; 2. That such wrong amounts to a crime; 3. That there is a demand for money or that any other condition is imposed, even though not unlawful; 4. That the offender attains his purpose. Elements of Grave Threats NOT subject to a condition: (TCN) 1. That the offender threatens another person with the infliction upon the latters person, honor, or property, or upon that of the latters family, of any wrong. 2. That such wrong amounts to a crime. 3. That the threat is not subject to a condition. The third form of grave threats must be serious in the sense that it is deliberate and that the offender persists in the idea involved in his threats. Intimidation (promise of future harm or injury) is the essence of the crime The crime of threats is consummated the moment the threat comes to the knowledge of the person threatened. If there is another crime actually committed or the objective of the offender is another crime, and the threat is only a means to commit it or a mere incident to its commission, the threat is absorbed by the other crime. If the threat was made with the deliberate purpose of creating in the mind of the person threatened the belief that the threat would be carried into effect, the crime committed is grave threat, and the minor crime which accompanied it should be disregarded. When the offender demands the money or property on the spot, the crime is not grave threats BUT robbery with intimidation. Elements: (TNDA/N) 1. That the offender makes a threat to commit a wrong; 2. That the wrong does not constitute a crime; 3. That there is a demand for money or that other condition is imposed even though not unlawful; 4. That the offender has attained his purpose or, that he has not attained his purpose. Note: Blackmailing may be punished under Art. 283. ARTICLE 284 BOND FOR GOOD BEHAVIOR When a person is required to give bail bond: 1. When he threatens another under the circumstances mentioned in Art. 282. 2. When he threatens another under the circumstances mentioned in Art. 283.
Note: a. Threatening directly or indirectly another with the infliction of any wrong upon his person, honor or property or that of any
Grave Coercion
Intent to deprive the offended party of his liberty is not clear (i.e. may freely leave the house but i 2011 CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS Unjust Vexation
The is present. act of preventing by force must his made at theor meetings, expressing be opinions time the offended party washis vote through to do the act prevented. casting doing or about the use of force or
Prohibited Acts: (TOO) 1. Threatening another with a weapon, or drawing such weapon in a quarrel, unless it be in lawful self-defense. 2. Orally threatening another, in the heat of anger, with some harm constituting a crime, without persisting in the idea involved in his threat. 3. Orally threatening to do another any harm not constituting a felony. Where the threats are directed to a person who is absent and uttered in a temporary fit of anger, the offense is only other light threats.
Art. 285 No demand for money. Art. 282 and Art. 283 In certain cases, demand for money is material. In certain cases, imposed condition is material. Threat is deliberate.
intimidation. The act was already done when the violence was exerted. When COMPELLING is not considered Coercion: Under Art. 127: When a public officer compels a person to change his residence. Under Art. 267: When a person kidnaps his debtor to compel him to pay. Elements: (PCVN) 1. That a person prevented another from doing something not prohibited by law, or by compelling him to do something against his will, be it right or wrong; 2. That the prevention or compulsion be effected by violence, threats or intimidation. 3. That the person that restrained the will and liberty of another has no right to do so, or in other words, that the restraint is not made under authority of law or in the exercise of any lawful right. When PRISION MAYOR shall be imposed: (VCP) 1. If the coercion is committed in violation of the exercise of the right of suffrage. 2. If the coercion is committed to compel another to perform any religious act. 3. If the coercion is committed to prevent another from performing any religious act.
No condition imposed.
ARTICLE 286 GRAVE COERCION Two Ways of Committing Grave Coercion: (PC) 1. By preventing another by means of violence, threats or intimidation, from doing something not prohibited by law. (Preventive) 2. By compelling another, by means of violence, threats or intimidation, to do something against his will, whether it be right or wrong. (Compulsive)
Preventive The act prevented to be done must not be prohibited by law Compulsive The act compelled to be done by another against his will may or may not be prohibited by law
When PREVENTING is not considered Prisoners Coercion: Grave Coercion Under Art. 132: When a public officer prevents the ceremonies of a religious group. Under Art. 143: When a person prevents the meeting of a legislative assembly. Under Art. 145: When a person prevents a member of Congress the offended party is not a prisoner, extracting information using force or intimidation If from attending
Maltreatment of
ARTICLE 290 Elements: (MLR) DISCOVERING SECRETS THROUGH 1. That the offender is a manager, employee SEIZURE OF CORRESPONDENCE or comes to know the secret of any private individual by reason of his office. servant; 2. That he learns the secrets of his principal dual or master in such capacity; not necessarily Elements: (PSID) contained in papers or letters. 1. That the papers or letters of another to discover 3. That heof the latter. secrets. y that the offender seizes the offender is a private individual the secret reveals such or even a public officer not in the exercise secret without justifiable reason. of his necessary that Damage is not necessary. ecret discovered, it is not official function; it be revealed. 2. secretshe the officer by reason ofletters That by seizes the papers or his office. is the revelation of of is the seizure of correspondence so as to discover the secrets of the offended party. ARTICLE 292 another; REVELATION OF INDUSTRIAL SECRETS 3. That the purpose is to discover the secrets of such other person; Elements: (MSRP) 4. That the offender is informed of the 1. That the offender is a person in charge, contents of the papers or letters seized. employee or workman of a manufacturing or industrial establishment; Qualifying Circumstance: Offender reveals 2. That the manufacturing/industrial the contents of such paper or letter of another establishment has a secret of the industry to a third person. which the offender has learned; Prejudice is not an element of this offense. 3. That the offender reveals such secrets; 4. That prejudice is caused to the owner. There must be taking possession of papers or letters of another even for a short time. Secrets must relate to manufacturing process. If the purpose of seizure is to cause damage, estafa is committed. Prejudice is an element in this offense If the purpose is to harass or annoy, the crime is unjust vexation. TITLE TEN: CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY ARTICLE 293 WHO ARE GUILTY OF ROBBERY Robbery is the taking of personal property belonging to another, with intent to gain, by means of violence against, or intimidation of any person, or using force upon anything. Classification of Robbery: 1. Robbery with violence against, or intimidation of persons (Arts. 294, 297 and 298). 2. Robbery by use of force upon things (Arts. 299 and 302). Elements of Robbery in general: 1. That there be personal property (bienes muebles) belonging to another; 2. That there is unlawful taking (apoderamiento or asportacion) of that property; 3. That the taking must be with intent to gain (animus lucrandi); 4. That there is violence against or intimidation of any person or force used upon things.
Article 290 NOT applicable to: 1. Parents, guardians, or persons entrusted with the custody of minors with respect to the papers or letters of the children or minors placed under their care or study; 2. Spouses with respect to the papers or letters of either of them.
SECTION ONE: ROBBERY WITH VIOLENCE AGAINST OR INTIMIDATION OF PERSONS ARTICLE 294 ROBBERY WITH VIOLENCE AGAINST OR INTIMIDATION OF PERSONS Acts Punished under this Article: 1. (a) When by reason or on occasion of the robbery, the crime of homicide is committed; (b) or when the robbery is accompanied by rape or intentional
3. When by reason or on occasion of robbery, any of the physical injuries penalized in subdivision 2 of Art. 263 is inflicted. When the person injured a. Loses the use of speech or the power to hear or to smell, or loses an eye, a hand, a foot, an arm, or a leg; b. Loses the use of any such member; or c. Becomes incapacitated for the work in which he was therefore habitually engaged, in consequence of the physical injuries inflicted; 4. (a) If the violence or intimidation employed in the commission of the robbery is carried to a degree clearly unnecessary for the commission of the crime; or (b) When in the course of its execution, the offender shall have inflicted upon ANY PERSON NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS COMMISSION physical injuries covered by subdivisions 3 and 4 of Art. 263. When the person injured a. Becomes deformed, or b. Loses any other member of his body, or c. Loses the use thereof, or d. Becomes ill or incapacitated for the performance of the work in which he was habitually engaged for more than 90 days, in consequence of the physical injuries inflicted. When the injured person becomes ill or incapacitated for labor for more than 30 days (but must not be more than 90 days), as a result of the physical injuries inflicted. 5. If the violence employed by the offender does not cause any of the serious physical injuries defined in Art. 263, or if the offender employs intimidation only. (simple robbery)
These offenses are known as SPECIAL COMPLEX CRIMES. Crimes defined under this article are the following: 1. Robbery with homicide 2. Robbery with rape 3. Robbery with intentional mutilation 4. Robbery with arson
Note: There is no crime of Robbery with Multiple Homicide or Robbery with Multiple Counts of Rape. Although there be more than one instance of homicide/murder or rape, they shall be considered as embraced under one special complex crime of either Robbery with Homicide or Robbery with Rape. Neither shall the additional rape/s or homicide/s be considered aggravating. Unless and until a law is passed providing that the additional rape/s (or homicide/s) may be considered aggravating, the Court must construe the penal law in favor of the offender as no person may be brought within its terms if he is not clearly made so by the statute. (People vs. Sultan, G. R. No. 132470, April, 27, 2000). Robbery with Arson In the case of robbery with arson, it is essential that the robbery precedes the arson. There must be an intent to commit robbery and no killing, rape or intentional mutilation should be committed in the course of the robbery, or else, arson will only be considered an aggravating circumstance of the crime actually committed. Robbery with Serious Physical Injuries Par 2 and par. 3 of this article also apply even when the serious physical injuries referred to therein are inflicted upon a corobber. th Under the 4 act punishable, clause A, the violence need not result in serious physical injuries. The first clause in Art 294 par 4 requires only that the violence be unnecessary for the commission of the crime. To be considered as robbery with physical injuries, the injuries inflicted must be serious; otherwise, they shall be absorbed in the robbery. However, if the less serious or slight physical injuries were committed after the robbery was consummated, that would constitute a separate offense. Under clause B, it is required that the
BAR gain of the culprit is The gain of the culprit is OPERATIONS The
not immediate. Robbery The victim is deprived of his money, property by force or intimidation. Robbery With intent to gain immediate. Bribery He parts money, in voluntarily. with his a sense,
ARTICLE 295 ROBBERY WITH PHYSICAL INJURIES, COMMITTED IN AN UNINHABITED PLACE BY A BAND OR WITH THE USE OF FIREARM ON A STREET, ROAD OR ALLEY Qualified Robbery with Violence Against or Intimidation of Persons: Nos. 3, 4, and 5 of Article 294 if committed: 1. In an uninhabited place (despoblado); or 2. By a band (en cuadrilla); or 3. By attacking a moving train, street car, motor vehicle, or airship; or 4. By entering the passengers compartments in a train, or in any manner
Intimidation is personal.
Intimidation may refer to Intimidation is directed person, honor or only to the person of the property of the offended victim. party or of his family.
firearm in murder and homicide is now considered not as a separate crime but merely a special aggravating circumstance. Use of unlicensed firearm by a band in the commission of robbery with physical injuries cannot be offset by a generic mitigating circumstance. Requisites for liability for the acts of other members of the band: 1. He was a member of the band; 2. He was present at the commission of a robbery by that band; 3. The other members of that band committed an assault; 4. He did not attempt to prevent the assault. Proof of conspiracy is not necessary when four or more armed persons committed robbery. The circumstance that the robbery was committed by a band would only be appreciated as an ordinary aggravating circumstance in Robbery with Homicide. No such crime as robbery with homicide in band. (People vs. Apduhan, Jr., G.R. No. L-19491, August 30, 1968)
If the crime committed is robbery with homicide, rape, mutilation or arson (Par. 1) or with physical injuries under subdivision 1 of Art. 263 (Par. 2), despoblado and cuadrilla will each be considered only as a generic aggravating circumstance. ARTICLE 296 DEFINITION OF A BAND AND PENALTY INCURRED BY THE MEMBERS THEREOF Outline: 1. When at least four armed malefactors take part in the commission of a robbery, it is deemed committed by a band. 2. When any of the arms used in the commission of robbery is not licensed, the penalty upon all malefactors shall be the maximum of the corresponding penalty provided by law without prejudice to the criminal liability for illegal possession of firearms. 3. Any member by a band who was present at the commission of a robbery by the band, shall be punished as principal of any assaults committed by the band, unless it be shown that he attempted to prevent the same. Art. 296, just like Art. 295, also applies only to robbery under pars. 3, 4 and 5 of Art. 294, and not to robbery with homicide, rape, intentional mutilation, arson or the physical injuries in par. 1 of Art. 263. PD 1866 penalizes illegal possession of firearm in addition to criminal liability for robbery by a band. Under R.A. No. 8294, the use of unlawful
ARTICLE 297 ATTEMPTED AND FRUSTRATED ROBBERY COMMITTED UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES Special Complex Crime: When by reason or on occasion of an attempted or frustrated robbery, a homicide is committed. Homicide under this article is also used in its generic sense - to include any other unlawful killing. However, if the killing legally constituted murder or parricide, the offense will continue to be covered by Art. 297 with the technical name stated therein, but the penalty shall be for murder or parricide because Art. 297 states, unless the homicide (killing) committed shall deserve a higher penalty under this Code. The penalty is the same whether the robbery is attempted or frustrated. If homicide is not consummated, the crimes of robbery and attempted or frustrated homicide: 1. May be complexed (Article 48), or 2. Considered as separate crimes, or 3. Considered as one crime, one absorbing the other.
Elements: (Subdivision B) 1. Offender is inside a dwelling house, public building or edifice devoted to religious worship, regardless of the circumstances under which he entered it. 2. The offender takes personal property belonging to another with intent to gain under any of the following circumstances: a. by the breaking of internal doors, wardrobes, chests, or any other kind of sealed furniture or receptacle b. by taking such furniture or objects away to be broken open outside the place of the robbery Entrance into the building by any means mentioned in subdivision (a) of Article 299 is not required in robbery under subdivision (b) of the same article. The term door under this subdivision refers only to doors lids or opening sheets
The palay must be kept by the owner as seedling or taken for that purpose by the robbers.
Elements: 1. That the offender has in his possession picklocks or similar tools; 2. That such picklocks or similar toolsthe offense of brigandage is not punishable (presupposes that acts de are Mere conspiracy to constitute specially adoptedofto band commission of indicated in the law is punishable or seizure of any the for any purpose Piracy any attack upon Mere formation a robbery; vessel, or the taking away of the whole or part 3. That the offender does not have lawful thereof or its cargo, equipment, or the cause for such possession. personal belongings of its complement or passengers, irrespective of the value thereof, Actual use of picklocks or similar tools is by means of violence against or intimidation of not necessary in illegal possession persons or force upon things committed by thereof. any person, including a passenger or member of the complement of said vessel, in Philippine ARTICLE 305 waters, shall be considered as piracy and FALSE KEYS offenders shall be considered as pirates Inclusions: 1. Tools not mentioned in the next preceding article 2. Genuine keys stolen from the owner 3. Any keys other than those intended by the owner for use in the lock forcibly opened by the offender. A master key is a picklock and its possession is punishable. A lost or misplaced key found by another and not returned to its rightful owner is considered as a genuine key stolen from the owner. CHAPTER TWO: BRIGANDAGE (ARTS. 306-307) PRESIDENTIAL DECREE 532 Modified Arts. 306 & 307 Definition of Terms (Section 2) Philippine waters refer to all bodies of water, such as but not limited to seas, gulfs, bays around, between and connecting each of the Islands of the Philippine Archipelago, irrespective of its depth, breadth, length or dimension, and all other waters belonging to the Philippines by historic or legal title, including territorial sea, the sea-bed, the insular shelves, and other submarine areas over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction Vessel any vessel or watercraft used for transport of passengers and cargo from one place to another through Philippine waters and includes all kinds and types of vessels or boats used in fishing Highway robbery/brigandage seizure of any person for ransom, extortion or other unlawful purposes, or the taking away of the property of another by means of violence against or intimidation of persons or force upon things or other unlawful means, committed by any person on any Philippine highway Elements: 1. The robbery should take place along the Philippine highway. 2. The act of robbery must be indiscriminate. It should not be an isolated case. 3. The victim was not predetermined. The robbery must be directed not only against specific, intended or perceived victims, but against any and all prospective victims. Any person who aids or protects highway robbers or abets the commission of highway robbery or brigandage shall be considered as an ACCOMPLICE.
Punishable Acts 1. Piracy (Section 3) 2. Highway robbery/brigandage (Section 3) 3. Aiding pirates or highway robbers/ brigands or abetting piracy or highway robbery/ brigandage (Section 4)
ARTICLE 307 Offenders need not Offenders must be AIDING OR ABETTING A constitute a band. One a band of robbers bery in highway; or to kidnap person for ransom; or any other purpose attained by force OF BRIGANDS BAND and violence person can commit the crime. highways bery, not necessarily in ARTICLE 306 BRIGANDAG E
Elements : 1. There be at least four armed persons 2. They formed a band of robbers 3. The purpose is any of the following: a. To commit robbery in a highway; or b. To kidnap persons for the purpose of extortion or to obtain ransom; or c. To attain by means of force or violence any other purpose Presumption of law as to brigandage: All are presumed to be highway robbers or brigands, if any of them carry unlicensed firearm. Brigandage may be committed without the use of firearms. The term armed covers arms and weapons in general, not necessarily firearms. The only things to prove are: 1. That there is an organization of more than three armed persons forming a band of robbers; 2. That the purpose of the band is any of those enumerated in Art. 306; 3. That they went upon the highway or roamed upon the country for that purpose; 4. That the accused is a member of such band.
Elements: 1. That there is a band of brigands; 2. That the offender knows the band to be of brigands; 3. That the offender does any of the following acts: a. That he aids, abets, or protects such band of brigands; b. That he gives them information on the movements of the police or other peace officers of the government; or c. That he acquires or receives property taken by such brigands. It shall be presumed that the person performing any of the acts provided in this article has performed them knowingly, unless the contrary is proven.
CHAPTER THREE: THEFT (ARTS. 308-311) ARTICLE 308 WHO ARE LIABLE FOR THEFT Theft is committed by any person who, with intent to gain but without violence or intimidation of persons nor force upon things, shall take the personal property of another without the latters consent. Elements: 1. That there be taking of personal property; 2. That said property belongs to another; 3. That the taking be done with intent to gain; 4. That the taking be done without the consent of the owner; 5. That the taking be accomplished without the use of violence against or intimidation of persons or force upon things. Theft is likewise committed by: 1. Any person who, having found lost property, shall fail to deliver the same to the local authorities or to its owner; It is necessary to prove: a. The time of the seizure of the thing; b. That it was a lost property belonging to another; and c. That the accused having had the opportunity to return or deliver the lost property to its owner or to the local authorities, refrained from doing so. The term lost property embraces loss by stealing. The finder in law can also be held
From the moment the offender gained possession of the thing, even if the culprit had no opportunity to dispose of the same, the unlawful taking is complete (People vs. Salvilla, GR. No. 86163, April 26, 1990). The ability of the offender to freely dispose of the property stolen is not a constitutive element of the crime of theft. It finds no support or extension in Article 308, whether as a descriptive or operative element of theft or as the mens rea or actus reus of the felony (Valenzuela vs. People of the Philippines, G. R. No. 160188, June 21, 2007). Theft is not limited to an actual finder of lost
Qualified Theft only: If material or physical possession was given to the offender Estafa only: If material plus juridical possession were given to the offender CATTLE RUSTLING LAW of 1974 (P.D. 533) Cattle Rustling is defined as the taking away by means, method or scheme, without the consent of the owner/raiser, of any large cattle whether or not for profit or gain, or whether committed with or without violence against or intimidation of persons or force upon things. It includes the killing of large cattle or taking it as meat or hide without the consent of the owner/raiser. Large Cattle shall include the cow, carabao, horse, mule, ass, or other domesticated member of the bovine family. Goats are not large cattle. Presumption of Cattle Rustling: Failure to exhibit the required documents by any person having in his possession, control, or custody of large cattle, upon demand by competent
Fencing the act of any person who, with intent to gain for himself or for another, shall buy, receive, possess, keep, acquire, conceal, sell, or dispose of, or shall buy and sell, or in any other manner deal any article, item, object or anything of value which he knows, or should be known to him, to have been derived from the proceeds of the crime of robbery or theft. Section 5. Presumption of Fencing. Mere possession of any good, article, item, object, or anything of value which has been the subject of robbery or thievery shall be prima facie evidence of fencing. Section 6. Clearance/Permit to Sell Used/ Second Hand Articles. All stores, establishments or entities dealing in the buy and sell of any good, article, item, object or anything of value shall, before offering the same for sale to the public, secure the necessary clearance or permit from the station commander of the Integrated National Police in the town or city where such store, establishment or entity is located. Any person who fails to secure the required clearance/permit shall also be punished as a fence. Notes: Fencing is not a continuing offense. The court of the place where fencing was committed has jurisdiction over the case. The place where robbery or theft took place is insignificant. An accessory to the crime of robbery or theft may also be held liable for fencing. PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 401 Penalizing the Unauthorized Installation of Water, Electrical or Telephone Connections, the Use of Tampered Water or Electrical Meters, and other Acts (March 1, 1974) Acts punished: 1. The use of tampered water or electrical meters to steal water or electricity; 2. The stealing or pilfering of water and/or electrical meters, electric and/or telephone wires; 3. Knowingly possessing stolen or pilfered
P.D. NO. 705 REVISING PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 389, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE FORESTRY REFORM CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES Acts punished: 1. Cutting, gathering and/or collecting timber or other products without license from any forest land or timber from alienable and disposable public lands or from private lands shall be guilty of qualified theft under Art 309 and 310 of the RPC; 2. Entering and occupying or possessing, or making kaingin for his own private use or for others any forest land without authority or destroying in any manner such forest land or part thereof, or causing any damage to the timber stand and other products and forest growths found therein; 3. Grazing or causing to graze without authority livestock in forest lands, grazing lands and alienable and disposable lands which have not as yet been disposed of in accordance with Public Land Act; 4. Occupying for any length of time without permit any portion of the national parks system or cutting, destroying, damaging, or removing timber or any species of vegetation or forest cover and other
ARTICLE 313 ALTERING BOUNDARIES OR LANDMARK Elements: 1. That there be boundary marks or monuments of towns, provinces, or estates, or any other marks intended to designate the boundaries of the same; 2. That the offender alters said boundary marks. Altering is understood in its general and indefinite meaning. Any alteration is enough to constitute the material element of the crime.
CHAPTER FIVE: CULPABLE INSOLVENCY (ART. 314) ARTICLE 314 FRAUDULENT INSOLVENCY Elements: 1. That the offender is a debtor, that is, he has obligations due and demandable; 2. That he absconds with his property;
Unlike in the Insolvency Law, Art. 314 does not require for its application that the criminal act should have been committed after the institution of insolvency proceedings. CHAPTER SIX: SWINDLING AND OTHER DECEITS (ARTS. 315-318) ARTICLE 315 SWINDLING/ESTAFA Elements in general: 1. That the accused defrauded another by abuse of confidence, or by means of deceit; 2. That the damage or prejudice capable of pecuniary estimation is caused to the offended party or third persons. Damage or prejudice may consist of: 1. Offended party being deprived of his money or property as a result of the defraudation; 2. Disturbance in property rights; 3. Temporary prejudice. Note: Profit or gain must be obtained by the accused personally and mere negligence in allowing another to benefit from the transaction is not estafa. I. Estafa with Unfaithfulness or Abuse of Confidence A. Estafa with unfaithfulness (Article 315, No. 1-A) Elements: 1. That the offender has an onerous obligation to deliver something of value; 2. That he alters its substance, quantity or quality; 3. That damage or prejudice capable of pecuniary estimation is caused to the offended party or third persons. It is estafa even if the obligation be based on an immoral or illegal obligation. When there is no agreement as to the quality of thing to be delivered, the delivery of the thing not acceptable to the complainant is
between them. 5. Ownership (O) There is ownership of the personal property when there is no Malversation obligation to return exactly the same property given Offenders are entrusted with funds or property or lent to the possessor. Considered as continuing offenses
The funds or property are private Take Note: Usually public funds or property 1. If or offender has been given Offender is a private individualthe even a public officer who is not accountable for public funds or property. Material of the Offender who is usually a public officerPossession is accountable for public funds or HOWEVER, where such novation, occurs property personal property and he There is no estafa BEFORE the criminal liability for Estafa Misappropriates the same, he is through negligence has been incurred, that is when not all the liable for the crime of THEFT. Malversation can be committed through abandonment or negligence elements therefore are present, then no Crime is committed by misappropriating, converting or denying having receivedliability attaches. or other personal property criminal money, goods, MP + M = Theft Crime is committed by appropriating taking or misappropriating or consenting, or through abandonment or negligence, permitti Theft Estafa 2. If the offender has been given The offender takes The offender receives Juridical Possession and Material the thing without the the thing from the Possession of the personal owners consent offended party. property and he Misappropriates The offender acquires The offender acquires the same, he is liable for the only the material or also the juridical physical possession possession of the crime of ESTAFA. of the thing thing and the offender misappropriates it JP + MP + M = Estafa
If the person has been given the Ownership, Juridical Possession, and Material Possession of the personal property and he Misappropriates the same, he is NOT criminally liable and incurs only a CIVIL LIABILITY. O + JP + MP + M = NO CRIME
Note: If an object was received to be sold, but instead it was pledged, estafa is committed. If an object was to be pledged, but instead it was sold, theft is committed.
The contracts of deposit, commodatum, and lease, quasicontract of solutio indebiti and trust receipt transactions are examples of obligations involving the duty to return or make delivery. The thing to be delivered or returned by the offender must be the very object which he received. The person prejudiced need not necessarily be the owner of the property. General Rule: There must be a formal demand on the offender to comply with his obligation before he can be charged with estafa. Exceptions: 1. When the offenders obligation to comply is subject to a period, and 2. When the accused cannot be located despite due diligence.
Ways of commission: A. Art. 315 No. 2 (A): 1. By using a fictitious name. 2. By falsely pretending to possess
Prosecution under BP 22 shall be Take Note: The 90 day period stated without prejudice to any liability for any above is NOT an element of the violation violation in theBP 22 RPC. of BP 22 by failing to keep sufficient Estafa (RPC) funds. As such, the maker, drawer or The fine under BP 22 is based on the Endorser is not liable issuer of the check is not discharged amount of the check will is without Endorser who acted with deceit knowing that the check is worthless and be criminally liable from his duty to maintain a sufficient regard to the amount of damage Malum prohibitum balance in Malum in se his account for a caused. reasonable Issuance of check is for value or on account time even beyond the 90 day period. AItreasonable timeobtain the valuable consideration from the payee (debt isfor the is the means to according The accused will be liable not preexisting) to current banking practice is 6 months orelements of Deceit and damage are not dishonor of the check even if it was the crime; the gravamen of the offense is the issuance payment of a preexisting of the 180 days, after which the check becomes issued in unfunded check stale. legal obligation as he issued that False pretenses or deceit and damage, check to apply on account. or at least presented beyond pretenses Thus, where a check is intent to cause damage, are essential and the false must be prior to or simultaneous with the damage caused the 90 day period, but within 180 days The drawer is given from the date indicated therein, and it is 5 days after receiving notice of dishonor within which to pay or make arrangements for payment dishonored due to a3failure to maintain a notice of Given days after receiving sufficient balance, the maker, drawer or dishonor issuer shall still be there areviolation ofor no sufficient funds at the time of issuance or at the time of presentme That liable for no funds BP 22. (Wong there are no funds or there are insufficient funds at the time of issuance CA, GR No. That v. 117857, February 2, 2001). Gravamen of BP 22 is the issuance of a worthless or bum check. Evidence of Knowledge of Insufficient Funds: Refusal of drawee bank to pay the check due to insufficiency of funds when presented within 90 days from the date of the check shall be prima facie knowledge of insufficiency of funds, unless the drawer or maker pays the holder the amount due thereon or makes arrangements for the payment thereof by the drawee within five (5) banking days after receipt of notice that the check was dishonored. Under SC Administrative Circular 12-2000, as clarified by A.C. 132001: Where the circumstances of both the offense and the offender clearly indicate good faith or a clear mistake of fact without taint of intelligence, the imposition of fine alone should be considered as the more appropriate penalty. The Administrative Circular merely lays down a RULE OF PREFERENCE in the application of the penalties provided for in B.P. 22. The circular
Estafa (RPC)
Not necessary that the drawer should know at the time that he issued the check that the funds deposited in the bank were not sufficient to cover the amount of the check Mere issuance of a No presumption of check that is knowledge arises dishonored gives rise to the presumption of knowledge of insufficiency of funds
B. Estafa by resorting to some fraudulent practice to insure success in gambling (Article 315 No. 3B) C. Estafa by removing, concealing or destroying documents (Article 315 No. 3C) Elements: 1. That there be court record, office files, documents or any other papers; 2. That the offender removed, concealed or destroyed any of them; 3. That the offender had intent to defraud another.
Infidelity in Custody of Document (Art. 226)
E. Art. 315, No. 2(E) 1. By obtaining food, refreshment or accommodation at hotel, inn, restaurant, boarding house, lodging house or apartment house without paying thereof, with intent to defraud the proprietor or manager thereof 2. By obtaining credit at any of the said establishments by the use of any false pretense 3. By abandoning or surreptitiously removing any part of his baggage from any of the said establishment after obtaining credit, food, refreshment or accommodation therein, without paying therefor. III. Estafa Through the Following Means A. Estafa by inducing another to sign any document (Article 315 No. 3A) Elements: 1. That the offender induced the offended party to sign a document; 2. That deceit be employed to make him sign the document; 3. That the offended party personally signed the document; 4. That prejudice be caused. Note: If offended party willingly signed the document and there was deceit as to the character or contents of the document, the crime committed is falsification. BUT where the accused made representation as to mislead the complainant as to the character of the documents, it is considered estafa.
Same manner of committing the crime Offender is a public The offender is a officer who is private individual or officially entrusted public officer who is with the document. not officially entrusted with the documents Intent to defraud is There is intent to not necessary. defraud.
ARTICLE 316 OTHER FORMS OF SWINDLING Persons liable: 1. Any person who, pretending to be the owner of any real property, shall convey, sell, encumber or mortgage the same. Elements: a. That the thing be immovable, such as a parcel of land or a building; (property must actually exist) b. That the offender who is not the owner of said property should represent that he is the owner thereof; c. That the offender should have executed an act of ownership (selling, leasing, encumbering or mortgaging the real property); d. That the act be made to the prejudice of the owner or a third person.
The owner of any personal property who shall wrongfully take it from its lawful possessor, to the prejudice of the latter or any third person. Elements: a. That the offender is the owner of personal property; b. That said personal property is in the lawful possession of another; c. That the offender wrongfully takes it from its lawful possessor; (if from unlawful possessor, Article 429 of the Civil Code applies) d. That prejudice is thereby caused to the possessor or third person. Note: The crime will still be estafa even if the owner takes the personalty from the lawful possessor under the modes of taking in theft or robbery which latter crimes cannot be committed by the owner on his property (Regalado).
Any person who, to the prejudice of another, shall execute any fictitious contract.
5. Any person who shall accept any compensation for services not rendered or for labor not performed. This act requires fraud as an essential element. If there is no fraud, it only
Presumption and prima facie evidence of intent to defraud (Section 14) The mere possession, control or custody of: a. An access device, without permission of the owner or without any lawful authority; b. A counterfeit access device; c. Access device fraudulently applied for; d. Any device-making or altering equipment by any person whose business or employment does not lawfully deal with the manufacture, issuance, or distribution of access device; e. An access device or medium on which an access device is written, not in the ordinary course of the possessor's trade or business; or f. A genuine access device, not in the name of the possessor, or not in the ordinary course of the possessor's trade or business, shall be prima facie evidence that such device or equipment is intended to be used to defraud. A cardholder who abandons or surreptitiously leaves the place of employment, business or residence stated in his application or credit card, without informing the credit card company of the place where he could actually be found, if at the time of such abandonment or surreptitious leaving, the outstanding and unpaid balance is past due for at least ninety (90) days and is more than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00), shall be prima facie presumed to have used his credit card with intent to defraud.
CHAPTER SEVEN: CHATTEL MORTGAGE (ARTS. 319) ARTICLE 319 REMOVAL, SALE OR PLEDGE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTY Acts punishable: A. By knowingly removing any personal property mortgaged under the Chattel Mortgage Law to any province or city other than the one in which it is located at the time of execution of the mortgage, without the written consent of the mortgagee or his executors, administrators or assigns.
Art. 319
The property involved is personal property. Removal of Mortgaged Property Art. 319 Distinguished from Estafa (Art. The property involved is real property. Elements: 316) Selling or pledging of personal property already by Disposing of Encumbered Property pledged or 1. That personal property is mortgaged mortgaged is committed by the mere failure to obtain the consent of the mortgagee in writing, under Chattel offender should inform the purchaser that the thing even if the Mortgage Law; 2. That the offender knows that such sold is mortgaged. property is so mortgaged; is To constitute estafa, it 3. That he removes real mortgaged be sold as free, even though the vendor may have obtained the consen sufficient that the such mortgaged personal property to any province or protect The purpose of the law is to the mortgagee. city other than the one in which it was The purpose is located at the time of theto protect of execution the purchaser, whether the the mortgage; first or the second. 4. That the removal is permanent; 5. That there is no written consent of mortgagee, executors, administrators, or assigns to such removal.
The removal of the mortgaged personal property must be coupled with intent to defraud. A third person, other than mortgagor, may be held liable the CHAPTER EIGHT: ARSON AND OTHER CRIMES INVOLVING DESTRUCTIONS (ARTS. 320-326B) ARTICLE 320-326-B REPEALED BY PD 1613 PD 1613-AMENDING THE LAW ON ARSON Kinds of Arson: 1. Arson (Sec. 1, PD No. 1613) 2. Destructive arson (Art. 320, as amended by RA No. 7659) 3. Other cases of arson (Sec. 3, PD No. 1613) Arson when any person burns or sets fire to the property of another, or his own property under circumstance which expose to danger the life or property of another. (Sec. 1, PD 1613) Destructive Arson (Art. 320, RPC) Burning of: 1. One (1) or more buildings or edifices, consequent to one single act of burning, or as a result of simultaneous burnings, committed on several or different occasions. 2. Any building of public or private ownership, devoted to the public in general or where people usually gather or congregate for a definite purpose such as, but not limited to, official governmental function or business, private transaction, commerce, trade workshop, meetings and conferences, or merely incidental to a definite purpose such as but not limited to hotels, motels, transient dwellings, public conveyances or stops or terminals,
If the mortgagee elected to file a suit for collection, not foreclosure, thereby abandoning the mortgage as basis for relief, the removal of the property is not a violation of par 1 of Art 319. Chattel mortgage must be valid and subsisting.
B. By selling or pledging personal property already pledged, or any part thereof, under the terms of the Chattel Mortgage Law, without the consent of the mortgagee written on the back of the mortgage and noted on the record thereof in the office of the register of deeds of the province where such property is located. Sale or Pledge of Mortgaged Property Elements: 1. Personal property is pledged under Chattel Mortgage Law; 2. Offender, who is the mortgagor, sells or pledges the same property or any part thereof; 3. No consent of mortgagee written on the back of the mortgage and noted on the record thereof in the Office of the Register of Deeds. Damage to the mortgagee is not essential.
Attempted, frustrated or consummated arson: 1. A person, intending to burn a wooden structure, collects some rags, soaks them in gasoline and places them beside the wooden wall of the building. When he is about to light a match to set fire to the rags, he is discovered by another who chases him away. The crime committed is attempted arson, because the offender commences the commission of the crime directly by overt acts (placing the rags soaked in gasoline beside the wooden wall of the building and lighting a match) but he does not perform all the acts of execution (the
2. Any charring of the wood of a building, whereby the fiber of the wood is destroyed, is sufficient. It is necessary that the wood should be ablazed. And the mere fact that a building is scorched or discolored by heat is not sufficient to constitute consummated arson. 3. Setting fire to the contents of a building constitutes the consummated crime of setting fire of a building, even if no part of the building was burned. The offense is committed by a syndicate if it is planned or carried out by a group of three or more persons. If a part of the building commences to burn, the crime is consummated arson, however small is the portion burned. When there is fire, the crime committed is either frustrated (e.g. set fire to the blankets but fire was put out before any part of the building was burned) or consummated arson, never attempted. There is no complex crime of arson with homicide. The crime of homicide is absorbed. CHAPTER NINE: MALICIOUS MISCHIEF (ARTS. 327-331) Malicious Mischief is the willful damaging of anothers property for the sake of causing damage due to hate, revenge or other evil motive. ARTICLE 327 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF Elements: 1. That the offender deliberately caused damage to the property of another; 2. That such act does not constitute arson or other crimes involving destruction; 3. That the act of damaging anothers property be committed merely for the sake of damaging it.
Attempted Rape
A married Acts who does not know of man of Lasciviousness Scandal consists in any reprehensible the married status of the woman may word or deed that offends public be liable for concubinage, if he conscience, redounds to the detriment of appears to be guilty of any of the acts the feelings of honest persons, and gives defined in The acts performed by offender clearly indicate that his purpose was to spiritual the offended w Art. 334. occasion to the neighbors lie with There is no intent to have sexual intercourse. or ruin. damage Requirements of pardon: 1. Must come before the institution of the Cohabit means to dwell together, in the criminal prosecution; manner of husband and wife, for some 2. Both offenders must be pardoned. period of time, as distinguished from occasional transient interviews for unlawful There is an implied pardon: intercourse. Act of intercourse with offending spouse subsequent to the adulterous conduct Adultery is more severely punished than concubinage. When there is consent, whether implied or expressed, of the husband, he cannot Reason: Because adultery makes institute a criminal complaint for adultery. possible the introduction of another mans Under the law there can be no accomplice blood into the family so that the offended in the crime of adultery, although in fact husband may have another mans son there can be such an accomplice. bearing his (husbands) name and receiving support from him. Recrimination husbands illicit relationship does not absolve but may mitigate wifes Art. 335 has been repealed by RA No. liability for adultery. 8353 (Anti-Rape Law of 1997) effective Oct. 22, 1997. Provisions on Rape are ARTICLE 334 found in Arts. 266-A to 266-D under CONCUBINAGE Crimes Against Persons. Who are liable? 1. The married man 2. The woman who knew that the man was married. Elements: 1. That the man must be married; 2. That he committed any of the following acts: a. Keeping a mistress in the conjugal dwelling (mistress must live therein as such); b. Having sexual intercourse under scandalous circumstances with a woman who is not his wife (proof of actual sexual relations not required as long as it can be inferred); c. Cohabiting with her in any other place (as husband and wife); 3. As regards to the woman, she must know him to be married. Conjugal dwelling means the home of the husband and wife even if the wife happens to be temporarily absent on any account. Scandalous circumstances are not necessary to make a husband guilty of concubinage by keeping a mistress in the conjugal dwelling. CHAPTER TWO: ACTS OF LASCIVIOUSNESS (ART. 336) ARTICLE 336 ACTS OF LASCIVIOUSNESS Elements: 1. That the offender commits any act of lasciviousness or lewdness; 2. That the act of lasciviousness is committed against a person of either sex; 3. That it is done under any of the following circumstances: a. By using force or intimidation b. When the offended party is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious c. By means of fraudulent machination or grave abuse of authority d. When the offended party is under 12 years of age or is demented. The crime is unjust vexation in the absence of any of the above-mentioned circumstances (circumstances of rape).
c. Teacher
The lascivious acts are The lascivious acts are but the preparatory acts the final objective sought to the commission of by the offender. rape. Manner of commission is the same. The performance of lascivious character is common to both.
Person who, in any capacity, is 4. That there is abuse of authority, confidence or relationship on the part of the offender. with the education entrusted or Virgin refers to a woman of chaste character or a woman of good reputation. Virginity in this custody of the woman seduced sense does NOT mean physical virginity. Virginity is presumed if the woman is unmarried and of good reputation. The following are the OFFENDERS: 1. Those who abused their authority:
What constitutes lewd or lascivious conduct must be determined from the circumstances of each case. The presence or absence of the lewd designs is inferred from the nature of the acts themselves and the environmental circumstances. There can be no attempted and frustrated acts of lasciviousness. In People v. Jalosjos (GR No. 132876279, Nov. 16, 2001), the SC adopted the definition of lascivious conduct in Sec. 32, Art. XIII of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 7610, which reads as follows: The intentional touching, either directly or through clothing, of the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh or buttocks; or the introduction of any object into the genitalia, anus or mouth of any person, whether of the same or opposite sex, with an intent to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person; bestiality, masturbation, lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of a person. CHAPTER THREE: SEDUCTION, CORRUPTION OF MINORS, AND WHITE SLAVE TRADE (ARTS. 337-341) ARTICLE 337 QUALIFIED SEDUCTION
Those who abused confidence reposed in them: e. Priest f. House servant g. Domestic
Two classes: 1. Seduction of a virgin over 12 years and under 18 years of age by persons who abuse their authority or the confidence reposed. 2. Seduction of a sister by her brother or descendant by her ascendant, regardless of her age and reputation. Elements: 1. That the offended party is a virgin; 2. She must be over 12 and under 18 years of age; 3. That the offender had sexual intercourse with her;
3. Those who abused their relationship: h. Brother who seduced his sister i. Ascendant who seduced his descendant j. A domestic is different from a house servant, it means any person living under the same roof as a member of the same household, and includes boarders or house-guests but not transients or visitors. k. The fact that the girl gave her consent to the sexual intercourse is no defense. In the same way, lack of consent of the girl is not an element of the offense. l. The seduction of a sister or descendant is known as incest. Virginity of the sister or descendant is not required and she may be over 18 years of age. Relationship must be by consanguinity. The relationship need not be legitimate. ARTICLE 338 SIMPLE SEDUCTION Elements: 1. That the offended party is over 12 and under 18 years of age; 2. That she must be of good reputation, single or widow; 3. That the offender has sexual intercourse with her; 4. That it is committed by means of deceit. Deceit generally takes the form of
in a work, environment.
Prohibited acts: Demanding, requesting, or otherwise requiring any sexual favor from the other, regardless of whether the demand, request, or requirement is accepted by the object of the act. ARTICLE 340 CORRUPTION OF MINORS (AS AMENDED BY BP 92) Prohibited acts to promote or facilitate the prostitution or corruption of persons under age to satisfy the lust of another. Under age means under 18 years of age. The victim must be of good reputation and not a prostitute or corrupted person. It is not necessary that the unchaste acts shall have been done since what is being punished is mere act of promotion or facilitation. Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse Act (R.A. 7610) Child prostitution and attempt to commit child prostitution are punished under this Act. Sec. 5. Child Prostitution and other Sexual Abuse Children whether male or female, who for money, profit or other consideration or due to the coercion or influence of any adult syndicate or group, indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct are deemed to be children exploited in prostitution and other sexual abuse. Persons liable: 1. Those who engage in or promote, facilitate or induce child prostitution which include, but are not limited to the following: a. Acting as a procurer of a child prostitute; b. Inducing a person to be a client of a child prostitute by means of written or oral advertisements or other similar means; c. Taking advantage of influence or relationship to procure a child as a prostitute; d. Threatening or using violence towards a child to engage him/her as a prostitute; e. Giving monetary consideration, goods or other pecuniary benefit to a child with the intent to engage such child in prostitution. 2. Those who commit the act of sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct with a
There is an oversight in the law where the victim is exactly 12 years of age. If the victim is below 12, the crime will be rape, or unconsented acts of lasciviousness or forcible abduction. Hence Art. 339 stating over 12 years of age should be construed as twelve years of age and over, thus construing the doubt in favor of the accused. ANTI-SEXUAL HARRASMENT ACT (R.A. No. 7877)
Persons penalized: Employer, employee, manager, supervisor, teacher, professor, instructor, coach, trainor, or any other person having authority, influence, or moral ascendancy over another
profit motive is not required. (Regalado) White slave trade may be with or without the consent of the woman, while slavery for the purpose of assigning the woman to immoral traffic (Art. 272) is committed against her will.
CHAPTER FOUR: ABDUCTION ARTS. 342343 Abduction is meant the taking away of a woman from her house or the place where she may be for the purpose of carrying her to another place with intent to marry or corrupt her. Two Kinds of Abduction: 1. Forcible abduction (Art. 342) 2. Consented abduction (Art. 343) ARTICLE 342 FORCIBLE ABDUCTION Elements: 1. That the person abducted is a woman; regardless of her age, civil status, or reputation; 2. That the abduction is against her will; 3. That the abduction is with lewd design.
Forcible Abduction With Lewd design There is no deprivation of liberty. Grave Coercion/ No lewd design There is deprivation of liberty.
Conviction of acts of lasciviousness is not a bar to conviction of forcible abduction Attempted Rape is absorbed by Forcible Abduction as the former constitutes the element of lewd design. If girl is under 12 crime is ALWAYS FORCIBLE ABDUCTION even if she voluntarily goes with her abductor. Sexual intercourse is not necessary in forcible abduction. The intent to seduce the girl is sufficient. ARTICLE 343 CONSENTED ABDUCTION
The first two modes require the element of profit and habituality. In the third mode, the
Elements: 1. That the offended party must be a virgin; 2. That she must be over 12 and under 18 years if age; 3. That the taking away of the offended party must be with her consent, after solicitation or cajolery from the offender; 4. That the taking away of the offended party
Pardon by the offended party who is a minor must have the concurrence of parents except when the offended party has no parents. Marriage of the offender with the offended party in seduction, abduction and acts of lasciviousness extinguishes criminal action or remits the penalty already imposed, and it benefits the co-principals, accomplices and accessories. In rape, it extends only as to the principal.
ARTICLE 345 CIVIL LIABILITY OF PERSONS GUILTY OF CRIMES AGAINST CHASTITY Persons who are guilty of rape, seduction or abduction shall also be sentenced: 1. To indemnify the offended woman; 2. To acknowledge the offspring, EXCEPT: a. In adultery and concubinage since only a natural child may be acknowledged b. Where either the offended party or the accused is married c. When paternity cannot be determined as in multiple rape d. Other instances where the law should prevent the offender from doing so; In every case to support the offspring. Note: Under the Family Code, children are classified as only either legitimate or illegitimate, with no further positive act required from the parent, as the law itself provides the childs status. Natural children under the Civil Code fall within the classification of illegitimate children under the Family Code. Art. 176 of the Family Code confers parental authority over illegitimate children on the mother and provides their entitlement to support in conformity with the Family Code.
Art. 276 Art. 347 Crime against security. San Beda College of Law Crime against the civil status of a person. 2011 CENTRALIZED BAR offender must be the one who has the The OPERATIONS custody of the child. ARTICLE 346 The births as the pretending parents own. offender is any person. LIABILITY OF ASCENDANTS, GUARDIANS, The The simulation the offender is to avoid the purpose of which is a crime is that obligation altersrearing and caring for the TEACHERS, OR OTHER PERSONS which of the civil status of person. child. ENTRUSTED WITH THE CUSTODY OF THE The woman who simulates birth and the The purpose is to cause the child to lose OFFENDED PARTY one who furnishes the child are both liable its civil status.
Persons who cooperate as accomplices but are punished as principals in rape, seduction, abduction, acts of lasciviousness, acts of lasciviousness with the consent of the offended party, corruption of minors, white slave trade: 1. Ascendants, 2. Guardians, 3. Curators, teachers, and 4. Any person, who cooperates as accomplice with abuse of authority or confidential relationship. Persons who act as accomplices in crimes against chastity (EXCEPT adultery and concubinage where there can be no accomplices or accessories), shall be punished as principals. In addition, teachers or persons entrusted with education and guidance of the youth are penalized with disqualification. Furthermore, all those falling within the terms of this article shall be punished with special disqualification from the office of guardian. TITLE TWELVE: CRIMES AGAISNT THE CIVIL STATUS OF PERSONS CHAPTER ONE: SIMULATION OF BIRTHS AND USURPATION OF CIVIL STATUS ARTICLE 347 SIMULATION OF BIRTHS, SUBSTITUTION OF ONE CHILD FOR ANOTHER, CONCEALMENT OR ABANDONMENT OF A LEGITIMATE CHILD Acts punished: 1. Simulation of births; 2. Substitution of one child for another; and 3. Concealing or abandoning any legitimate child with intent to cause such child to lose its civil status. Object of the crime under Art. 347 is the creation of false or the causing of the loss of civil status. Simulation of births take place when the woman pretends to be pregnant when in fact she is not, and on the day of the supposed delivery, takes the child of another as her own. The operative act in the simulation is the registration of the child in the registry of
as principals.
The unlawful sale of the child by its father was held to be not punishable under this Code (US vs. Capillo et. al., 30 Phil 349). Now, it is punishable under PD 603, with its Art. 59(3) which imposes 2-6 months imprisonment and/or P500.00 fine. Furthermore, if the accused shall engage in trading and dealing with children, including the act of buying and selling of child, that crime of child trafficking is punished with reclusin temporal to reclusin perpetua under Sec 7, R.A. No. 7610. In the third way of committing this crime, three requisites must be present, namely: 1. The child must be legitimate; 2. The offender conceals or abandons such child; and 3. The offender has the intent to cause such child to lose its civil status. Note: Abandoning means to leave a child in a public place where other people may find the child. Art. 276 (Abandoning distinguished from Art. 347 a Minor)
ARTICLE 348 USURPATION OF CIVIL STATUS Usurping the civil status of another is committed by assuming the filiation, or the parental or conjugal rights of another with intent to enjoy the rights arising from the civil status of the latter. Crime is qualified if the purpose is to defraud offended parties and heirs. It is absolutely necessary in order to constitute this crime that the intent of the offender is to enjoy the rights arising from the civil status of the person impersonated. Otherwise, the case will
Since the purpose of this article is to avoid cases of doubtful paternity, the woman will not be liable thereunder if: (a) she has already delivered; and (b) she has conclusive proof that she was not pregnant by her first spouse since he was permanently sterile (People vs. Masinsin, CA, 49 OG 3908).
Priests or ministers of any religious denomination or sect, or civil authorities who shall perform or authorize any legal marriage ceremony shall be punished under the Marriage Law. Art. 352 presuppose that the priest or minister or civil authority is authorized to solemnize marriages. If the accused is not authorized to solemnize marriage and he performs an illegal marriage ceremony, he is liable under Art. 177 (usurpation of authority or public function).
The solemnizing officer of any of the foregoing illegal marriages who performs or authorizes the same, despite his knowledge of the illegality, shall be punishable under Sec. 39 of Act No. 3613. TITLE THIRTEEN: CRIMES AGAINST HONOR CHAPTER ONE: LIBEL (ARTS. 353-362) SECTION ONE DEFINITIONS, FORMS, AND PUNISHMENT OF THIS CRIME ARTICLE 353 LIBEL Elements: 1. That, there must be an imputation of a crime, or a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status or circumstance; 2. That the imputation must be made publicly; 3. That it must be malicious; 4. That the imputation must be directed at a natural person or a juridical person, or one who is dead; 5. That the imputation must tend to cause the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of the person defamed. Test of defamatory imputation: A charge is sufficient if the words are calculated to induce the hearers to suppose and understand that the person against whom they were uttered was guilty of certain offenses, or are sufficient to impeach the honesty, virtue or reputation, or to hold him up to public ridicule.
Requisites of the second kind of privileged communication: 1. That it is fair and true report of a judicial, legislative, or other official
Any recording, communication or spoken word obtained in violation of the provisions of this Act INADMISSIBLE IN EVIDENCE in any judicial, quasi-judicial or administrative hearing or investigation. ARTICLE 355 LIBEL BY MEANS OF WRITINGS OR SIMILAR MEANS Committed by means of: 1. Writing
If defamatory remarks are made in the heat of passion which culminated in a threat, the derogatory statements will not constitute an independent crime of libel but a part of the more serious crime of threats. Administrative Circular No. 08-2008, issued on January 25, 2008, laid down a rule of preference for the imposition of a fine only rather than imprisonment in libel cases. The Administrative Circular provides that: 1. It does not remove imprisonment as an alternative penalty for the crime of libel under Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code; 2. The Judges may, in the exercise of sound discretion, and taking into consideration the peculiar circumstances of each case, determine whether the imposition of a fine alone would best serve the interests of justice or whether forbearing to impose imprisonment would depreciate the seriousness of the offense, work violence on the social order, or otherwise be contrary to the imperatives of justice; 3. Should only a fine be imposed and the accused be unable to pay the fine, there is no legal obstacle to the application of the Revised Penal Code provisions on subsidiary imprisonment. ARTICLE 356 THREATENING TO PUBLISH AND OFFER TO PREVENT SUCH PUBLICATION FOR A COMPENSATION Acts punished: 1. Threatening another to publish a libel concerning him, or his parents, spouse, child or other members of the family. 2. Offering to prevent the publication of such libel for compensation or money consideration This is also known as blackmail. Art. 283 regarding light threats is another form of blackmail. Blackmail may be defined as any lawful
Under Republic Act No. 1477: A newspaper reporter cannot be compelled to reveal the source of the news report he made, unless the court or a House or committee of Congress finds that such revelation is demanded by the security of the state. ARTICLE 358 SLANDER (oral defamation) Kinds: 1. Simple slander 2. Grave slander, when it is of a serious and insulting nature Factors that determine the gravity of the oral defamation: 1. Expressions used; 2. Personal relations of the accused and the offended party; 3. Circumstances surrounding the case; 4. Social standing and position of the offended party.
Notes: Gossiping is considered as oral defamation if a defamatory fact is imputed or intriguing against honor if there is no imputation. Self-defense in slander may only be invoked if his reply is made in good faith, without malice, is not necessarily defamatory to his assailant and is necessary for his explanation or defense. ARTICLE 359 SLANDER BY DEED Slander by Deed is a crime committed by performing any act which casts dishonor, discredit or contempt upon another person. Elements: 1. That the offender performs any act not included in any other crime against honor; 2. That such act is performed in the presence of other persons; 3. That such act cast dishonor, discredit, or contempt upon the offended party. If there is no intent to dishonor the offended party, the crime is maltreatment by deed under Article 266. Slander by deed is of two kinds: 1. Simple slander by deed, 2. Grave slander by deed, that is, which is of a serious nature. Common Element of Slander by deed and Unjust Vexation: Irritation or Annoyance; without any other concurring factor, it is only Unjust Vexation; if the purpose is to shame or humiliate, Slander by deed. SECTION TWO: GENERAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE 360 PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR LIBEL 1. The person who publishes, exhibits or causes the publication or exhibition of any defamation in writing or similar means. 2. The author or editor of a book or pamphlet. 3. The editor or business manager of a daily newspaper magazine or serial publication. 4. The owner of the printing plant which publishes a libelous article with his consent and all other persons who in any way participate in or have connection with its publication.
Defense in Defamation: 1. It appears that the matters charged as libelous is true; 2. It was published with good motives; AND 3. For a justifiable end.
Incriminating Innocent Offender does not avail himself of written or spoken word in besmirching the victims reputation. Defamation Imputation is public and malicious calculated to cause dishonor, discredit, or contempt upon the offended party.
ARTICLE 362 LIBELOUS REMARKS Libelous remarks or comments connected with the matter privileged under the provisions of Art. 354, if made with malice, shall not exempt the author thereof nor the editor or managing editor of a newspaper from criminal liability. CHAPTER TWO: INCRIMINATORY MACHINATIONS (ART. 363-364) ARTICLE 363 INCRIMINATING INNOCENT PERSONS Elements: 1. That the offender performs an act; 2. That by such act he directly incriminates or imputes to an innocent person the commission of a crime;
less grave felony or light felony; By committing through simple imprudence or negligence an act which would otherwise constitute of grave liability. They are not crimes. They merely determine a lower degree a criminal or less They are mean serious felony; Deficiency of action 3. By causing damage to the property of Deficiency of perception another through reckless imprudence or Failure in precaution Failure in advertence simple imprudence or negligence; vidence and the like in order to To avoid wrongful acts: one must take4. By causing precaution once imprudence or incriminate an innocent person. the necessary through simple they are foreseen er oath or making a false affidavit, avoid wrongful the person the commission of and using due diligence in foreseeing them To imputing to acts: paying proper attention a crime. negligence some wrong which, if done an act by which the offender directly incriminates or imputes to an innocent person the commission of a crime. light maliciously, would have constituted a putation was falsely made before an officer. felony 2.
2011 CENTRALIZED Incriminating Imprudence Innocent Negligence That such act does not constitute Persons
ARTICLE 364 INTRIGUING AGAINST HONOR Committed by any person who shall make any intrigue which has for its principal purpose to blemish the honor or reputation of another. This refers to such intrigues against a persons honor or reputation which are not otherwise punished under other articles of the code. It differs from defamation in that it consists of tricky or secret plots and may be committed without using written or spoken words which are defamatory
Intriguing Against Source of derogatory statements cannot be determined Consists of some tricky and secret plot Passes such utterances without subscribing to the truth of the remarks Defamation Source is known
Reckless Imprudence consists in voluntarily but without malice, doing or failing to do an act from which material damage results by reason of inexcusable lack of precaution on the part of the person performing or failing to perform such act, taking into consideration his employment or occupation, degree of intelligence, physical condition and other circumstances regarding persons, time and place. Elements: 1. That the offender does or fails to do an act. 2. That the doing of or the failure to do that act is voluntary. 3. That it be without malice. 4. That material damage results. 5. That there is inexcusable lack of precaution on the part of the person performing or failing to perform such act taking into consideration a. Employment or occupation. b. Degree of intelligence, physical condition. and c. Other circumstances regarding persons, time and place. Test of negligence: Would a prudent man, in the position of the person to whom negligence is attributed, foresee harm to the person injured as a reasonable consequence of the course about to be pursued? If so, the law imposes a duty on the actor to refrain from that course or to take precaution against its
Committed in a public and malicious manner The remarks made are claimed to be true
TITLE FOURTEEN: QUASI-OFFENSES SOLE CHAPTER: CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE (ART. 365) ARTICLE 365 IMPRUDENCE AND NEGLIGENCE Four ways of committing quasi- offenses under Art 365: 1. By committing through reckless imprudence any act which, had it been intentional, would constitute a grave or
Doctrine of Last Clear Chance: The contributory negligence of the party injured will not defeat the action if it be shown that the accused might, by the exercise of reasonable care and prudence, have avoided the consequences of the negligence of the injured party. Emergency Rule: An automobile driver who, by the negligence of another and not by his own negligence, is