1.aptitude 2.technical 3. HR 1. APTITUDE (50 Questions in 60 Min)
1.aptitude 2.technical 3. HR 1. APTITUDE (50 Questions in 60 Min)
1.aptitude 2.technical 3. HR 1. APTITUDE (50 Questions in 60 Min)
TECHNICAL 20 questions (little bit difficult for me, as I am from mech.side) VERBAL: Verbal part will be very easy for the people who are good in communication. I dint go through any book for verbal part. It consisted of a passage and 4 questions were asked from that passage. It will be easy only for those who good in grammar. Two or three fill in the blanks, Antonyms, Meaning of a phrase or an Idiom.. It will be easy QUANTI + LOGICAL (15 QUESTIONS) LOOK FROM 15 PROBLEMS I GOT 8 EXACTLY WRITE, & DONT KNOW ABOUT REMAINING 7 QUES. AS THERE IS SECTIONAL CUT OF DONT WASTE TIME TO SOLVE ALL 15, JUST SOLVE 8 TO 9 PROB. EXACTLY WRITE , I DONT KNOW EXACT CUT OF BUT IT WONT BE GREATER THAN 8. Problems will consume time to solve, so dont lose hopes.. Its best if you have a lot of practice in solving various types of questions. Even if you havent, dont worry too much. Just believe in yourself, stick to the basic. TECHNICAL: For comp. & IT students: All my friends from comp. said that 6 to 7 ques were very easy. I cant tell u more about Tech. as I am from mechanical side.ur cutoff was 12. for this section Mech /prod/ECT/CIVIL guys : Dont worry, tech. cut off for us is 5 to 6.so if u r good at c,c++,unix,DS..then its ok, if not its ur responsibility to got 5 ques right. So No Need to worry about technical section. After crossing the barrier of written test there was Technical Interview, Around 5 panels were there. The second session that is tech interview really required very much care from us...because most of them are eliminated here, do worry all the things depend upon the panel that u get..... thank god ....mine was a cool panel....i was the in 3rd panel.. Following are some tips for technical interview , go through it , it will really help u to clear this round. 1. All boys (specially mech/prod), In wipro PROJECT is considered one of the major factor to clear tech. round. Look , during tech. round , ur interviewer will have one form in which there are 3 columns, one of them is project , he write 10 ( marks ) in that column after explaining
project to him , I know that many of mech / prod boys had not done any project until now, as its not in our syllabus in 3 rd year, but u will have to make fake project in front of him, & dont forget to right something about ur project. I said that I made one car model of chesis 20*20 & it works on 12 v c moter blab la bla for 15 min. ( impressed with my project.) So be prepared with ur project explanations . Dont take it lightly 2. for CSE/IT students : BE PREAPRED WITH UR TECH. KNOWLEDGE for NON IT STUD. : JUST GO THROUGH ALL BASIC KNOWLEDGE..OF UR BRANCH.& LITTLE ABOUT C . SPECIALLY MECH ROD GUYS : 1 THERMODYNAMICS( 4 LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS ..1ST , 2 ND , 3 RD & ZEROTH LAW).HE ASKED ME ALL 4 LAWS THOUGH HE WAS FROM CSE SIDE. 2 ANY CURRENT YEAR SUB. 3. IC INGINES ( ONLY 2 STROKE & 4 STROKE , NO NEED TO GO IN DEEP) 4. TOM 5. READY WITH ANS. WHAT DO U KNOW ABOUT C OR C ++ ?TELL HIM ALL BASICS LIKE WHAT IS FUNCTION OF 1.COMPILER 2. WHAT IS USE OF ARRAY 3. USE OF FUNTIONS , STUCTURES FOR EX. ABOUT ARRAY TOLD HIM THAT ARRAY CAN STORE MULTIPLE VALUES OF SAME DATA TYPETHEN GO FOR STRUC.& THEN POINTER. 3 ITS VERY IMP FOR ALL BRANCH GUYS : FOR TECH. INTE. AT LEAST THEIR WILL BE 5 PANELS, SO ASK ALL BOYS About their experience , and also very imp . which panel interviewer is very friendly..? & taking most of boys ? Because at our campus,their were 5 panels, out of which interviewer taking inter. In 1 st panel not even selected 1 student for HR . i asked about 10 to 15 guys before my int. about their experience, and on that basis I convinced volunteer , that I want to go in 3 rd panel . ,first he (volunteer) said that its not in my hand to send u in 3 rd panel (as interviewer in that panel selected almost all boys..), but actually it s not like that , all depends on volunteer he can easily send to u as per ur convenience , so convince him , as I did. Dont worry , am not very good at technical.....being an avg student i gave answers but not perfect one. though i told those things with confidence and without any tension.....Finally he gave me the HR form and gave me marks in the interview. After tech. int. u will have to fill HR FORM. FILL IT VERY PROPERLY & MINDFULLY, BECAUSE HR WILL ASK U QUES ON THE BASIS OF THAT FORM, Following are some common ques. , be prered with ans. Of these que., its time to imperess HR MAN.
1. Tell us about yourself, your family background. 2. Why should WIPRO hire you? 3. UR HOBBIES ? 4 STRENGHS & WEAKNESS . ? in this HR will ask u to give me exact situation ex in strengths I had written 1 . fast Lerner so she asked me to exact situ. & same with my weakness ? so prepare it well. HR MAY ASK WHAT U R DOING TO CONVERT UR WEAKNESS TO STRENGTH. ? FOR NON IT ( SPEC. FOR MECH ) 5. WHY U WANTS TO COME IN THIS FIELD ? WHILE ANSWERING THIS QUES I told that from child hood I was having interest in comp. field. But didnt got comp. because of more compition ? My 2 nd preference was mechanical ..bla bla bla .. Also told her that these days it is booming so their r lots of opportunities r their in this field .bla bla bla . 6 career objective ?( tell as it is what u had written in resume ) 7.she also asked me why uptill now u have not got placed.in any other company ? dont fake that its my first company.. 8. how do u see urself 5 yrs 4m now. ?( ur ans should be in way that hr will feel that u wants to make long relations with company. ) .because she knows that how many company Up till now had taken campus.. in ur college so I told her that I had given appti test of 2 congni. & m& m But not even cracked appti . Test .. She asked me why? I said that I have not prepared for aptti. Test, & felt that I will clear it .. This time I prepared for appti. So cracked this time. & said that to see stars u will have to go in dark first impressed with my ans. Look these r some common ques .so prepare it well.. Its totally depend on this ques. Whether to select u r not? They are not looking at ur ans.they wants see how u r ans these ques. Wants to check ur confidence level. Tip: Jus prepare ur resume strictly...they will try u mingle..bt b staright forward n dnt write ne thing u dnt knw.. So you see...all that matter in the end in how well we present ourselves n tackle the questions....cos each interview's thinking is different...we can anticipate what q's they'll ask...whatever it may be ans in cool n confident way....success will be yours.. After 1 hrs results were announced at night 12 o clock and 35 out of 132 got selected and i was 1 of them.....I hope my contribution be of some help 2 u............. also see all papers to know more .
ALL THE BEST TO U ALL...JUST A LITTLE BIT OF PATIENCE IS REQUIRED TILL U HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY..... So you see...all that matter in the end in how well we present ourselves n tackle the questions....cos each interview's thinking is different...we can anticipate what q's they'll ask...whatever it may be ans in cool n confident way....success will be yours.. So all future WIPROITES. Best of luck
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