Research Work: Ma. Christina Julia de Guzman VI-Charity
Research Work: Ma. Christina Julia de Guzman VI-Charity
Research Work: Ma. Christina Julia de Guzman VI-Charity
Tropical Forest
It is an ecosystem type that occurs roughly within the latitudes 28 degrees north or south of the equator (in the equatorial zone between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn). This ecosystem experiences high average temperatures and a significant amount of rainfall. Rainforests can be found in Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico and on many of the Pacific, Caribbean, and Indian Oceanislands. Within the World Wildlife Fund's biome classification, tropical rainforests are thought to be a type of tropical wet forest (or tropical moist broadleaf forest) and may also be referred to as lowland equatorial evergreen rainforest.
spring out from the trunks and branches of the tree it grows on. The jackfruit is yellow or green in color, and covered in lumps.
Tropical Grassland
Tropical grasslands are the areas that are in the north and south of the tropical rainforests on the equator. These areas are also referred to as savannas. Many areas beyond the savannas are deserts while some savannas contain mountains, seas and dense forests. Tropical grasslands typically have more trees as compared to the temperate grasslands, but they do not have the colorful flowering plants found in the temperate grasslands. The trees in tropical grasslands are usually low growing and are scattered in the area.
Tropical Desert
Tropical deserts are among the hottest and driest locations on the planet. The deserts of Baja California, such as the Senora, and the interior deserts of Mexico are considered tropical desert climates. Despite the harsh conditions that sometimes result in triple-digit temperatures and some years with only a trace of rainfall or less, there are plants and animals that survive here. These species are specially equipped to handle the environment the tropical desert provides.
Temperate Forest
Most people associate rainforests with jungles and tropical climates. This type of rainforest is most common in Africa, South and Central America and Asia. However, rainforests exist at non-tropical latitudes as well. Called temperate rainforests, these biomes can be found in North America, along the Pacific Northwest coastline and along the western edge of South America. Some temperate rainforests may also be found in the United Kingdom. According to World Builders, these forests receive between 60 and 200 inches of rain per year and are home to many species of animals.
fronds grow to lengths of 3 feet when it fully matures. Although the lady fern's primary habitat is temperate woodlands, it also grows in swamps and areas with rocky soils.
Temperate Grassland
Grasslands are large areas where there are almost no trees or shrubs. According to Enchanted Learning, an educational website, the main plant life in such an area is grass, with less than one tree per acre. Known by names such as pampas, steppes and plains in various parts of the world, in North America temperate grasslands are referred to as prairies. Animals living in grasslands have adapted to the dry, windy conditions that exist there.
One of the most common native grasses of the North American temperate grassland is little bluestem grass. This hardy, deep-rooted grass is often found in areas that are dry and often of low fertility. It grows from 18 to 36 inches tall, depending on soil quality. This is a preferred grazing grass for many native species such as elk and bison. It puts out large seed clusters in the fall, providing a source of nutrition for small animals such as mice and voles, as well as for many species of birds.
Temperate Desert
Though situated in the temperate zone, the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts with their interesting Joshua trees, saguaros and sotols are classified as subtropical deserts. The temperate deserts are further north in the Great Basin of Nevada and Utah. Other major temperate deserts are the Gobi Desert and Patagonia. Like the plants in hot dry regions, the flora of temperate deserts possess structures that help them cope with the scarce water supply.
*Choose the place in the item above which you find more interesting. I like to choose the tropical forest. Because I am used to that climate. Here in our country there is only two seasons. But I also like to explore the things that is usually found in a tropical forest. Because there are animals and plants in the forest that I havent seen yet. Like the Toucan. Even though it wasnt found usually in the Philippines. I was interested about it. To learn more about this type of animal. I also want to explore around a tropical country. The plants, to see what is the difference of it to the plants that live with a different weather. I find it more interesting because I like to see some animals living on it. The wild animals, I like to see one of them in that forest.. I also like the weather there. There was a wet and dry season there. It fits the plants and animals that live there.