DOCUMENT ID: DC37791-01-1150-01 LAST REVISED: September 2008 Copyright 2008 by Sybase, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication pertains to Sybase software and to any subsequent release until otherwise indicated in new editions or technical notes. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software described herein is furnished under a license agreement, and it may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of that agreement. To order additional documents, U.S. and Canadian customers should call Customer Fulfillment at (800) 685-8225, fax (617) 229-9845. Customers in other countries with a U.S. license agreement may contact Customer Fulfillment via the above fax number. All other international customers should contact their Sybase subsidiary or local distributor. Upgrades are provided only at regularly scheduled software release dates. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or translated in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, optical, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Sybase, Inc. Sybase trademarks can be viewed at the Sybase trademarks page at Sybase and the marks listed are trademarks of Sybase, Inc. indicates registration in the United States of America. Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc. All other company and product names mentioned may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to the restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 52.227-7013 for the DOD and as set forth in FAR 52.227-19(a)-(d) for civilian agencies. Sybase, Inc., One Sybase Drive, Dublin, CA 94568.
INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE CONNECTIONS Understanding Data Connections ................................................. 3 How to find the information you need............................................... 3 Accessing data in InfoMaker ............................................................ 4 Accessing the EAS Demo DB .......................................................... 5 Using database profiles.................................................................... 6 About creating database profiles............................................... 6 Creating a database profile ....................................................... 9 What to do next .............................................................................. 10 WORKING WITH STANDARD DATABASE INTERFACES Using the ODBC Interface ............................................................ About the ODBC interface.............................................................. What is ODBC? ....................................................................... Using ODBC in InfoMaker ....................................................... Components of an ODBC connection ..................................... Types of ODBC drivers ........................................................... Ensuring the proper ODBC driver conformance levels ........... Obtaining ODBC drivers .......................................................... Getting help with ODBC drivers .............................................. Preparing ODBC data sources....................................................... Defining ODBC data sources ......................................................... How InfoMaker accesses the data source .............................. Defining multiple data sources for the same data ................... Displaying Help for ODBC drivers ........................................... Selecting an ODBC translator ................................................. Defining the ODBC interface .......................................................... Sybase SQL Anywhere .................................................................. 13
13 14 15 15 17 19 20 20 21 22 22 25 25 26 26 27
Supported versions for SQL Anywhere ................................... Basic software components for SQL Anywhere ...................... Preparing to use the SQL Anywhere data source ................... Defining the SQL Anywhere data source ................................ Support for Transact-SQL special timestamp columns ........... What to do next .......................................................................
27 27 28 29 31 32
Using the JDBC Interface.............................................................. 33 About the JDBC interface............................................................... 33 What is JDBC? ........................................................................ 33 Components of a JDBC connection ........................................ 34 JDBC registry entries .............................................................. 36 Supported versions for JDBC.................................................. 37 Supported JDBC datatypes..................................................... 37 Preparing to use the JDBC interface.............................................. 37 Defining the JDBC interface ........................................................... 39 Using the OLE DB Interface.......................................................... 41 About the OLE DB interface ........................................................... 41 What is OLE DB? .................................................................... 42 Components of an OLE DB connection .................................. 44 Obtaining OLE DB data providers ........................................... 44 Supported versions for OLE DB .............................................. 45 Preparing to use the OLE DB interface.......................................... 45 Defining the OLE DB interface ....................................................... 47 WORKING WITH NATIVE DATABASE INTERFACES Using Native Database Interfaces ................................................ 51 About native database interfaces................................................... 51 Components of a database interface connection........................... 52 Using a native database interface .................................................. 53 Using Adaptive Server Enterprise................................................ 55 Supported versions for Adaptive Server ........................................ 55 Supported Adaptive Server datatypes ........................................... 56 Basic software components for Adaptive Server ........................... 58 Preparing to use the Adaptive Server database ............................ 59 Defining the Adaptive Server database interface........................... 61 Using Open Client security services .............................................. 62 What are Open Client security services? ................................ 62
Requirements for using Open Client security services............ 62 Security services DBParm parameters ................................... 63 Using Open Client directory services ............................................. 64 What are Open Client directory services? ............................... 64 Requirements for using Open Client directory services .......... 65 Specifying the server name with Open Client directory services 66 Directory services DBParm parameters .................................. 67 Using PRINT statements in Adaptive Server stored procedures ... 67 Creating a report based on a cross-database join ......................... 67 Installing stored procedures in Adaptive Server databases ........... 68 What are the InfoMaker stored procedure scripts? ................. 68 How to run the scripts.............................................................. 71
Using Informix ............................................................................... Supported versions for Informix ..................................................... Supported Informix datatypes ........................................................ Informix DateTime datatype .................................................... Informix Time datatype ............................................................ Informix Interval datatype ........................................................ Features supported by the I10 interface ........................................ Accessing Unicode data .......................................................... Assigning an owner to the InfoMaker catalog tables............... Support for long object names ................................................ Renaming an index ................................................................. SQL statement caching ........................................................... Creating and dropping indexes without locking ....................... Column-level encryption .......................................................... Using multiple OUT parameters in user-defined routines ....... Basic software components for Informix ........................................ Preparing to use the Informix database ......................................... Defining the Informix database interface........................................ Specifying the server name ..................................................... Using Microsoft SQL Server ........................................................ Supported versions for SQL Server ............................................... Supported SQL Server datatypes .................................................. Basic software components for Microsoft SQL Server................... Preparing to use the SQL Server database ................................... Defining the SQL Server database interface.................................. Migrating from the MSS or OLE DB database interfaces............... SQL Server 2005 features ............................................................. SQL Server 2008 features ............................................................. New database parameters ......................................................
75 76 76 77 77 77 77 79 79 79 79 80 81 81 82 82 84 84
87 88 89 89 91 92 95 95 96
Support for new datatypes in SQL Server 2008...................... 97 T-SQL enhancements ........................................................... 101 Unsupported SQL Server 2008 features ............................... 103 Notes on using the SNC interface ................................................ 103
Using Oracle................................................................................. Supported versions for Oracle ..................................................... Supported Oracle datatypes ........................................................ Basic software components for Oracle ........................................ Preparing to use the Oracle database ......................................... Defining the Oracle database interface........................................ Specifying the Oracle server connect descriptor................... Using Oracle stored procedures as a data source ....................... What is an Oracle stored procedure?.................................... What you can do with Oracle stored procedures .................. Using Oracle stored procedures with result sets................... Using a large-object output parameter .................................. Using Oracle user-defined types .................................................. ORA driver support for Oracle 11g features.................................
105 106 108 109 113 113 114 114 114 115 118 118 120
Using DirectConnect ................................................................... 123 Using the DirectConnect interface ............................................... 123 Connecting through the DirectConnect middleware product. 124 Connecting through the Open ServerConnect middleware product 124 Selecting the type of connection ........................................... 125 Supported versions for the DirectConnect interface .................... 125 Supported DirectConnect interface datatypes ............................. 126 Basic software components for the DirectConnect interface ....... 127 Preparing to use the database with DirectConnect ...................... 128 Defining the DirectConnect interface ........................................... 131 Creating the extended attribute system tables in DB2 databases 132 Creating the extended attribute system tables ...................... 132 Using the DB2SYSPB.SQL script ......................................... 133 WORKING WITH DATABASE CONNECTIONS Managing Database Connections .............................................. About database connections........................................................ When database connections occur ....................................... Using database profiles......................................................... Connecting to a database ............................................................ 137
137 138 139 140
Selecting a database profile .................................................. What happens when you connect ......................................... Specifying passwords in database profiles ........................... Maintaining database profiles ...................................................... Sharing database profiles ............................................................ About shared database profiles............................................. Setting up shared database profiles...................................... Using shared database profiles to connect ........................... Making local changes to shared database profiles ............... Maintaining shared database profiles.................................... Importing and exporting database profiles ................................... About the InfoMaker extended attribute system tables ................ Logging in to your database for the first time ........................ Displaying the InfoMaker extended attribute system tables .. Contents of the extended attribute system tables ................. Controlling system table access............................................
140 141 142 143 143 143 144 145 146 147 147 148 149 149 151 152
Setting Additional Connection Parameters .............................. 155 Basic steps for setting connection parameters ............................ 155 About the Database Profile Setup dialog box .............................. 156 Setting database parameters ....................................................... 157 Setting database parameters in the development environment 157 Setting database preferences ...................................................... 158 Setting database preferences in the development environment .. 158 Troubleshooting Your Connection............................................ Overview of troubleshooting tools ................................................ Using the Database Trace tool..................................................... About the Database Trace tool.............................................. Starting the Database Trace tool........................................... Stopping the Database Trace tool......................................... Using the Database Trace log............................................... Sample Database Trace output............................................. Using the ODBC Driver Manager Trace tool................................ About ODBC Driver Manager Trace...................................... Starting ODBC Driver Manager Trace................................... Stopping ODBC Driver Manager Trace ................................. Viewing the ODBC Driver Manager Trace log....................... Sample ODBC Driver Manager Trace output ........................ Using the JDBC Driver Manager Trace tool................................. About JDBC Driver Manager Trace....................................... Starting JDBC Driver Manager Trace.................................... 163 163 164 164 168 169 169 171 173 173 174 175 176 176 177 177 178
Stopping JDBC Driver Manager Trace.................................. 179 Viewing the JDBC Driver Manager Trace log........................ 180
APPENDIX Adding Functions to the PBODB115 Initialization File ............ About the PBODB115 initialization file ......................................... Adding functions to PBODB115.INI ............................................. Adding functions to an existing section in the file.................. Adding functions to a new section in the file ......................... 183
183 184 184 187
This book is for anyone who uses InfoMaker to connect to a database. It assumes that you are familiar with the database you are using and have installed the server and client software required to access the data. This book describes how to connect to a database in InfoMaker by using a standard or native database interface. It gives procedures for preparing, defining, establishing, maintaining, and troubleshooting your database connections. For an overview of the steps you need to take, see Basic connection procedure on page 3. For detailed information about supported database interfaces, DBParm parameters, and database preferences, see the Database Connectivity section in the online Help. For a complete list of InfoMaker documentation, see InfoMaker Getting Started. Use the Sybase Getting Started CD, the SyBooks CD, and the Sybase Product Manuals Web site to learn more about your product: The Getting Started CD contains release bulletins and installation guides in PDF format, and may also contain other documents or updated information not included on the SyBooks CD. It is included with your software. To read or print documents on the Getting Started CD, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you can download at no charge from the Adobe Web site using a link provided on the CD. The SyBooks CD contains product manuals and is included with your software. The Eclipse-based SyBooks browser allows you to access the manuals in an easy-to-use, HTML-based format. Some documentation may be provided in PDF format, which you can access through the PDF directory on the SyBooks CD. To read or print the PDF files, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader. Refer to the SyBooks Installation Guide on the Getting Started CD, or the README.txt file on the SyBooks CD for instructions on installing and starting SyBooks.
Related documents
The Sybase Product Manuals Web site is an online version of the SyBooks CD that you can access using a standard Web browser. In addition to product manuals, you will find links to EBFs/Maintenance, Technical Documents, Case Management, Solved Cases, newsgroups, and the Sybase Developer Network. To access the Sybase Product Manuals Web site, go to Product Manuals at
Indicates When used in descriptive text, this font indicates: Command, function, and method names Keywords such as true, false, and null Datatypes such as integer and char Database column names such as emp_id and
When used in descriptive text and syntax descriptions, oblique font indicates: Variables, such as myCounter Parts of input text that must be substituted, such as pblname.pbd
File and path names Menu names and menu items are displayed in plain text. The greater than symbol (>) shows you how to navigate menu selections. For example, File>Save indicates select Save from the File menu. Monospace font indicates: Information that you enter in a dialog box or on a command line Sample script fragments Sample output fragments
Each Sybase installation that has purchased a support contract has one or more designated people who are authorized to contact Sybase Technical Support. If you cannot resolve a problem using the manuals or online help, please have the designated person contact Sybase Technical Support or the Sybase subsidiary in your area.
This part introduces data connections in InfoMaker. It helps you understand how to connect to a database in the InfoMaker development environment.
This chapter gives an overview of the concepts and procedures for connecting to a database in the InfoMaker development environment.
Topic How to find the information you need Accessing data in InfoMaker Accessing the EAS Demo DB Using database profiles What to do next Page 3 4 5 6 10
The following table gives an overview of the connection procedure and indicates where you can find detailed information about each step.
Table 1-1: Basic connection procedure Details If necessary, learn more about how InfoMaker connects to a database Install the required network, database server, and database client software and verify that you can connect to the database See Chapter 1 (this chapter)
Step 1
Action (Optional) Get an introduction to database connections in InfoMaker Prepare to use the data source or database before connecting to it for the first time in InfoMaker
For ODBC data sources: Chapter 2, Using the ODBC Interface For JDBC data sources: Chapter 3, Using the JDBC Interface For OLE DB data sources: Chapter 4, Using the OLE DB Interface For native database interfaces: Chapter 5, Using Native Database Interfaces
Step 3
Action Install the driver, database provider, or native database interface required to access your data Define the data source (ODBC connections and some OLE DB drivers) Define the database interface
Details Install the ODBC driver, OLE DB data provider, or native database interface Create the required configuration for a data source accessed through ODBC Create the database profile
See For a list of what is supported on your platform: Supported Database Interfaces in online Help For ODBC data sources: Chapter 2, Using the ODBC Interface For ODBC data sources: Chapter 2, Using the ODBC Interface For JDBC data sources: Chapter 3, Using the JDBC Interface For OLE DB data sources: Chapter 4, Using the OLE DB Interface For native database interfaces: Chapter 5, Using Native Database Interfaces
6 7
Connect to the data source or database (Optional) Set additional connection parameters
Access the data in InfoMaker If necessary, set database parameters and database preferences to fine-tune your database connection and take advantage of DBMS-specific features that your interface supports If necessary, use the trace tools to troubleshoot problems with your connection
Chapter 11, Managing Database Connections For procedures: Chapter 12, Setting Additional Connection Parameters For database parameter and preference descriptions: online Help Chapter 13, Troubleshooting Your Connection
A standard database interface communicates with a database through a standard-compliant driver (in the case of ODBC and JDBC) or data provider (in the case of OLE DB). The standard-compliant driver or data provider translates the abstract function calls defined by the standards API into calls that are understood by a specific database. To use a standard interface, you need to install the standards API and a suitable driver or data provider. Then, install the standard database interface you want to use to access your DBMS by selecting the interface in the InfoMaker Setup program. InfoMaker currently supports the following standard interfaces: Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Microsofts Universal Data Access Component OLE DB
A native database interface communicates with a database through a direct connection. It communicates to a database using that databases native API. To access data through one of the native database interfaces, you must first install the appropriate database software on the server and client workstations at your site. Then, install the native database interface that accesses your DBMS by selecting the interface in the InfoMaker Setup program. For example, if you have the appropriate Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise server and client software installed, you can access the database by installing the Adaptive Server Enterprise database interface.
If your version of InfoMaker was provided with another Sybase product, see the Help for that product for information about database connectivity features.
A database profile is a named set of parameters stored in your system registry that defines a connection to a particular database in the InfoMaker development environment. You must create a database profile for each data connection. Using database profiles is the easiest way to manage data connections in the InfoMaker development environment. For example, you can: Select a database profile to connect to or switch between databases Edit a database profile to customize a connection Delete a database profile if you no longer need to access that data Import and export database profiles to share connection parameters quickly
For instructions on using database profiles, see Chapter 11, Managing Database Connections.
The Database painter is an optional InfoMaker painter. If the Database painter is installed, you can also create database profiles from the Database painters Objects view. However, opening the Database painter to define profiles and/or connect to a database uses more system resources than using the Database Profiles dialog box.
The Database Profiles dialog box uses an easy-to-navigate tree control format to display your installed database interfaces and defined database profiles. You can create, edit, and delete database profiles from this dialog box.
When you run the InfoMaker Setup program, it updates the Vendors list in the PowerBuilder section in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry key with the interfaces you install. The Database Profiles dialog box displays the same interfaces that appear in the Vendors list.
Where the Vendors list is stored
The Sybase\PowerBuilder\11.5\Vendors key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE is used for InfoMaker as well as PowerBuilder. For detailed instructions on using the Database Profiles dialog box to connect to a database and manage your profiles, see Chapter 11, Managing Database Connections.
Database Profile Setup dialog box
Each database interface has its own Database Profile Setup dialog box where you can set interface-specific connection parameters. For example, if you install the Adaptive Server Enterprise ASE interface and then select it and click New in the Database Profiles dialog box, the Database Profile Setup - Adaptive Server Enterprise dialog box displays, containing settings for the connection options that apply to this interface.
PowerScript connection syntax does not apply to InfoMaker. Therefore, the Database Profile Setup dialog box in InfoMaker does not include a Preview tab for copying PowerScript connection syntax into a script.
The Database Profile Setup dialog box groups similar connection parameters on the same tab page and lets you easily set their values by using check boxes, drop-down lists, and text boxes. Basic (required) connection parameters are on the Connection tab page, and additional connection options (DBParm parameters and SQLCA properties) are on the other tab pages.
Supplying sufficient information in the Database Profile Setup dialog box
For some database interfaces, you might not need to supply values for all boxes in the Database Profile Setup dialog box. If you supply the profile name and click OK, InfoMaker displays a series of dialog boxes to prompt you for additional information when you connect to the database.
This information can include: User ID or login ID Password or login password Database name Server name For some databases, supplying only the profile name does not give InfoMaker enough information to prompt you for additional connection values. For these interfaces, you must supply values for all applicable boxes in the Database Profile Setup dialog box. For information about the values you should supply for your connection, click Help in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for your interface.
Click the Database Profile button in the PowerBar. The Database Profiles dialog box displays, listing your installed database interfaces. To see a list of database profiles defined for a particular interface, click the plus sign to the left of the interface name or double-click the interface name to expand the list.
Highlight an interface name and click New. The Database Profile Setup dialog box for the selected interface displays. For example, if you select the SYC interface, the Database Profile Setup Adaptive Server Enterprise dialog box displays.
Client software and interface must be installed
To display the Database Profile Setup dialog box for your interface, the required client software and native database interface must be properly installed and configured. For specific instructions for your database interface, see the chapter on using the interface.
What to do next
On the Connection tab page, type the profile name and supply values for any other basic parameters your interface requires to connect. For information about the basic connection parameters for your interface and the values you should supply, click Help.
About the DBMS identifier
You do not need to specify the DBMS identifier in a database profile. When you create a new profile for any installed database interface, InfoMaker generates the correct DBMS connection syntax for you. 4 (Optional) On the other tab pages, supply values for any additional connection options (DBParm parameters and SQLCA properties) to take advantage of DBMS-specific features that your interface supports. For information about the additional connection parameters for your interface and the values you should supply, click Help. 5 Click OK to save your changes and close the Database Profile Setup dialog box. (To save your changes on a particular tab page without closing the dialog box, click Apply.) The Database Profiles dialog box displays, with the new profile name highlighted under the appropriate interface. The database profile values are saved in the system registry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sybase\PowerBuilder\11.5\ DatabaseProfiles\PowerBuilder. You can look at the registry entry or export the profile as described in Importing and exporting database profiles on page 147 to see the settings you made. The NewLogic parameter is set to True by default. This setting specifies that the password is encrypted using Unicode encoding.
What to do next
For instructions on preparing to use and then defining an ODBC data source, see Chapter 2, Using the ODBC Interface. For instructions on preparing to use and then defining a JDBC database interface, see Chapter 3, Using the JDBC Interface. For instructions on preparing to use and then defining an OLE DB data provider, see Chapter 4, Using the OLE DB Interface. For instructions on preparing to use and then defining a native database interface, see Chapter 5, Using Native Database Interfaces.
This part describes how to set up and define database connections accessed through one of the standard database interfaces.
This chapter gives an introduction to the ODBC interface and then describes how to prepare to use the data source, how to define the data source, and how to define the ODBC database profile. It also describes how to use the Sybase SQL Anywhere ODBC driver.
Topic About the ODBC interface Preparing ODBC data sources Defining ODBC data sources Defining the ODBC interface Sybase SQL Anywhere Page 13 21 22 26 27
This chapter gives general information about preparing to use and defining each ODBC data source. For more detailed information: Use the online Help provided by the driver vendor, as described in Displaying Help for ODBC drivers on page 25. This Help provides important details about using the data source. Check to see if there is a technical document that describes how to connect to your ODBC data source. Any updated information about connectivity issues is available from the Sybase Support and Downloads Web site at
What is ODBC?
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard application programming interface (API) developed by Microsoft. It allows a single application to access a variety of data sources for which ODBC-compliant drivers exist. The application uses Structured Query Language (SQL) as the standard data access language. The ODBC API defines the following: A library of ODBC function calls that connect to the data source, execute SQL statements, and retrieve results A standard way to connect and log in to a DBMS SQL syntax based on the X/Open and SQL Access Group (SAG) CAE specification (1992) A standard representation for datatypes A standard set of error codes
Applications that provide an ODBC interface, like InfoMaker, can access data sources for which an ODBC driver exists. An ODBC data source driver is a dynamic link library (DLL) that implements ODBC function calls. The application invokes the ODBC driver to access a particular data source. Using the ODBC interface, InfoMaker can connect, save, and retrieve data in both ANSI/DBCS and Unicode databases but does not convert data between Unicode and ANSI/DBCS. When character data or command text is sent to the database, InfoMaker sends a Unicode string. The driver must guarantee that the data is saved as Unicode data correctly. When InfoMaker retrieves character data, it assumes the data is Unicode. A Unicode database is a database whose character set is set to a Unicode format, such as UTF-8, UTF-16, UCS-2, or UCS-4. All data must be in Unicode format, and any data saved to the database must be converted to Unicode data implicitly or explicitly. A database that uses ANSI (or DBCS) as its character set might use special datatypes to store Unicode data. Columns with these datatypes can store only Unicode data. Any data saved into such a column must be converted to Unicode explicitly. This conversion must be handled by the database server or client.
The following ODBC connectivity features are available in InfoMaker: Connect to a SQL Anywhere standalone database (including the EAS Demo DB) using the SQL Anywhere ODBC driver and the ODBC interface Create and delete local SQL Anywhere databases For instructions, see the Users Guide. Use Level 1 or later ODBC-compliant drivers to access your data See Obtaining ODBC drivers on page 20. Use Microsofts ODBC Data Source Administrator to define ODBC data sources See Defining ODBC data sources on page 22.
When you access an ODBC data source in InfoMaker, your connection goes through several layers before reaching the data source. It is important to understand that each layer represents a separate component of the connection, and that each component might come from a different vendor. Because ODBC is a standard API, InfoMaker uses the same interface to access every ODBC data source. As long as a driver is ODBC compliant, InfoMaker can access it through the ODBC interface to the ODBC Driver Manager. The development environment and the ODBC interface work together as the application component. Figure 2-1 shows the general components of an ODBC connection.
Component descriptions
Table 2-1 gives the provider and a brief description of each ODBC component shown in the diagram.
Table 2-1: Provider and function of ODBC connection components Component Application Provider Sybase What it does Calls ODBC functions to submit SQL statements, catalog requests, and retrieve results from a data source. InfoMaker uses the same ODBC interface to access all ODBC data sources. ODBC Driver Manager Driver Microsoft Driver vendor Installs, loads, and unloads drivers for an application. Processes ODBC function calls, submits SQL requests to a particular data source, and returns results to an application. If necessary, translates an applications request so that it conforms to the SQL syntax supported by the back-end database. See Types of ODBC drivers next.
What it does Stores and manages data for an application. Consists of the data to be accessed and its associated DBMS, operating system, and (if present) network software that accesses the DBMS.
A single-tier ODBC driver processes both ODBC functions and SQL statements. In other words, a single-tier driver includes the data access software required to manage the data source file and catalog tables. An example of a single-tier ODBC driver is the Microsoft Access driver.
Figure 2-2: Single-tier ODBC driver
Multiple-tier driver
A multiple-tier ODBC driver processes ODBC functions, but sends SQL statements to the database engine for processing. Unlike the single-tier driver, a multiple-tier driver does not include the data access software required to manage the data directly. An example of a multiple-tier ODBC driver is the Sybase SQL Anywhere driver.
Figure 2-3: Multi-tier ODBC driver
Deals with supported ODBC function calls Deals with supported SQL statements and SQL
SQL grammar
datatypes ODBC defines three API conformance levels, in order of increasing functionality:
Core A set of core API functions that corresponds to the functions in the ISO Call Level Interface (CLI) and X/Open CLI specification Level 1 Includes all Core API functions and several extended functions usually available in an OLTP relational DBMS Level 2 Includes all Core and Level 1 API functions and additional extended functions
Sybase recommends that the ODBC drivers you use with InfoMaker meet Level 1 or higher API conformance requirements. However, InfoMaker might also work with drivers that meet Core level API conformance requirements.
ODBC defines three SQL grammar conformance levels, in order of increasing functionality:
Minimum A set of SQL statements and datatypes that meets a basic level of ODBC conformance
and datatypes that roughly correspond to the X/Open and SAG CAE specification (1992)
Extended Includes all Minimum and Core SQL grammar and an extended set of statements and datatypes that support common DBMS extensions to SQL
Sybase recommends that the ODBC drivers you use with InfoMaker meet Core or higher SQL conformance requirements. However, InfoMaker might also work with drivers that meet Minimum level SQL conformance requirements.
Check for a technical document that describes how to connect to your ODBC data source. Updated information about connectivity issues is available on the Sybase Support and Downloads Web site at
If network software is required to access the data source, make sure it is properly installed and configured at your site and on the client workstation. If database software is required, make sure it is properly installed and configured on your computer or network server. Make sure the required data files are present on your computer or network server. Make sure the names of tables and columns you want to access follow standard SQL naming conventions. Avoid using blank spaces or database-specific reserved words in table and column names. Be aware of the case-sensitivity options of the DBMS. It is safest to use all uppercase characters when naming tables and columns that you want to access in InfoMaker.
2 3 4
5 6
If your database requires it, make sure the tables you want to access have unique indexes. Install both of the following using the InfoMaker Setup program: The ODBC driver that accesses your data source The ODBC interface
PBODB115.INI is installed in the Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder directory. The first time the user opens InfoMaker, the file is copied to Local Settings\Application Data\Sybase\InfoMaker 11.5 in the users profile folder (for example, under C:\Documents and Settings\username). This copy is used when running InfoMaker.InfoMaker uses PBODB115.INI to maintain access to extended functionality in the back-end DBMS, for which ODBC does not provide an API call. Examples of extended functionality are SQL syntax or DBMS-specific function calls. In most cases, you do not need to edit PBODB115.INI. In certain situations, however, you might need to add functions to PBODB115.INI for your back-end DBMS. Be sure to edit the copy in your user profile folder, not the original copy. For instructions, see the Appendix, Adding Functions to the PBODB115 Initialization File.
The ODBCINST initialization information is located in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI registry key. When you install an ODBC-compliant driver, ODBCINST.INI is automatically updated with a description of the driver. This description includes: The DBMS or data source associated with the driver The drive and directory of the driver and setup DLLs (for some data sources, the driver and setup DLLs are the same) Other driver-specific connection parameters
You do not need to edit the registry key directly to modify connection information. If your driver uses the information in the ODBCINST.INI registry key, the key is automatically updated when you install the driver. This is true whether the driver is supplied by Sybase or another vendor.
ODBC initialization information is located in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI registry key. When you define a data source for a particular ODBC driver, the driver writes the values you specify in the ODBC setup dialog box to the ODBC.INI registry key. The ODBC.INI key contains subkeys named for each defined data source. Each subkey contains the values specified for that data source in the ODBC setup dialog box. The values might vary for each data source but generally include the following: Database Driver Optional description DBMS-specific connection parameters
Do not edit the ODBC subkey directly to modify connection information. Instead, use a tool designed to define ODBC data sources and the ODBC configuration automatically, such as the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
Database profiles for all data sources are stored in the registry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Sybase\PowerBuilder\11.5\ DatabaseProfiles. You should not need to edit the profiles directly to modify connection information. These files are updated automatically when InfoMaker creates the database profile as part of the ODBC data source definition. You can also edit the profile in the Database Profile Setup dialog box or complete the Database Preferences dialog box in InfoMaker to specify other connection parameters stored in the registry. (For instructions, see Chapter 12, Setting Additional Connection Parameters.)
The following example shows a portion of the database profile for an EAS Demo DB data source:
DBMS=ODBC DBParm=ConnectString='DSN=EAS Demo DB V115 DB;UID=dba;PWD=00c61737' Prompt=0
This registry entry example shows the two most important values in a database profile for an ODBC data source:
DBMS The DBMS value (ODBC) indicates that you are using the ODBC
interface to connect to the data source. The ConnectString DBParm parameter controls your ODBC data source connection. The connect string must specify the DSN (data source name) value, which tells ODBC which data source you want to connect to. When you select a database profile to connect to a data source, ODBC looks in the ODBC.INI registry key for a subkey that corresponds to the data source name in your profile. ODBC then uses the information in the subkey to load the required libraries to connect to the data source. The connect string can also contain the UID (user ID) and PWD (password) values needed to access the data source.
Click the Help button in the ODBC setup dialog box for your driver. A Help window displays, describing features in the setup dialog box.
Some ODBC drivers allow you to specify a translator when you define the data source. An ODBC translator is a DLL that translates data passing between an application and a data source. Typically, translators are used to translate data from one character set to another. Follow these steps to select a translator for your ODBC driver.
To select a translator when using an ODBC driver:
What you do
In the ODBC setup dialog box for your driver, display the Select Translator dialog box. The way you display the Select Translator dialog box depends on the driver and Windows platform you are using. Click Help in your drivers setup dialog box for instructions on displaying the Select Translator dialog box. In the Select Translator dialog box, the translators listed are determined by the values in your ODBCINST.INI registry key.
From the Installed Translators list, select a translator to use. If you need help using the Select Translator dialog box, click Help.
Click OK. The Select Translator dialog box closes and the driver performs the translation.
For versions 6 through 9, the SQL Anywhere database server was called Adaptive Server Anywhere (ASA). SQL Anywhere includes two database serversa personal database server and a network database server. For information about using Sybase SQL Anywhere, see the SQL Anywhere documentation.
Make sure the database file for the SQL Anywhere data source already exists. You can create a new database by: Launching the Create SQL Anywhere Database utility. You can access this utility from the Utilities folder for the ODBC interface in the Database profile or Database painter when InfoMaker is running on your computer.
This method creates a local SQL Anywhere database on your computer, and also creates the data source definition and database profile for this connection. (For instructions, see the Users Guide.) Creating the database some other way, such as with InfoMaker running on another users computer or by using SQL Anywhere outside InfoMaker. (For instructions, see the SQL Anywhere documentation.)
Make sure you have the log file associated with the SQL Anywhere database so that you can fully recover the database if it becomes corrupted. If the log file for the SQL Anywhere database does not exist, the SQL Anywhere database engine creates it. However, if you are copying or moving a database from another computer or directory, you should copy or move the log file with it.
1 2 3
Select Create ODBC Data Source from the list of ODBC utilities in the Database Profiles dialog box or the Database painter. Select User Data Source and click Next. On the Create New Data Source page, select the SQL Anywhere driver and click Finish.
You must supply the following values: Data source name on the ODBC tab page User ID and password on the Login tab page Database file on the Database tab page
Use the Help button to get information about fields in the dialog box. 5 (Optional) To select an ODBC translator to translate your data from one character set to another, click the Select button on the ODBC tab. See Selecting an ODBC translator on page 26. 6
Specifying a Start Line value
When the SQL Anywhere ODBC driver cannot find a running personal or network database server using the PATH variable and Database Name setting, it uses the commands specified in the Start Line field to start the database servers.
Specify one of the following commands in the Start Line field on the Database tab page, where n is the version of SQL Anywhere you are using.
Specify this command
dbengn.exe rtengn.exe
To Start the personal database server and the database specified in the Database File box Start the restricted runtime database server and the database specified in the Database File box
For information on completing the ODBC Configuration For SQL Anywhere dialog box, see the SQL Anywhere documentation.
You can create a Transact-SQL special timestamp column in a SQL Anywhere table.
To create a Transact-SQL special timestamp column in a SQL Anywhere table in InfoMaker:
Give the name timestamp to any column having a timestamp datatype that you want treated as a Transact-SQL special timestamp column. Do this in one of the following ways: In the painter Select timestamp as the column name. (For instructions, see the Users Guide.) In a SQL CREATE TABLE statement Follow the CREATE TABLE example next.
Specify timestamp as the default value for the column. Do this in one of the following ways: In the painter Select timestamp as the default value for the column. (For instructions, see the Users Guide.) In a SQL CREATE TABLE statement Follow the CREATE TABLE example next.
If you are working with the table in the Data Pipeline painter, select the initial value exclude for the special timestamp column from the drop-down list in the Initial Value column of the workspace. You must select exclude as the initial value to exclude the special timestamp column from INSERT or UPDATE statements. For instructions, see the Users Guide.
The following CREATE TABLE statement defines a SQL Anywhere table named timesheet containing three columns: employee_ID (integer datatype), hours (decimal datatype), and timestamp (timestamp datatype and timestamp default value):
CREATE TABLE timesheet ( employee_ID INTEGER, hours DECIMAL, timestamp TIMESTAMP default timestamp )
If you want to change the default behavior, you can specify that InfoMaker not treat SQL Anywhere columns named timestamp as Transact-SQL special timestamp columns.
To specify that InfoMaker not treat columns named timestamp as a Transact-SQL special timestamp column:
Edit the Sybase SQL Anywhere section of the PBODB115 initialization file to change the value of SQLSrvrTSName from 'Yes' to 'No'. After making changes in the initialization file, you must reconnect to the database to have them take effect. See the Appendix, Adding Functions to the PBODB115 Initialization File.
What to do next
For instructions on connecting to the ODBC data source, see Connecting to a database on page 140.
This chapter describes the JDBC interface and explains how to prepare to use this interface and how to define the JDBC database profile.
Topic About the JDBC interface Preparing to use the JDBC interface Defining the JDBC interface Page 33 37 39
For more detailed information about JDBC, go to the Java Web site at
What is JDBC?
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is a standard application programming interface (API) that allows a Java application to access any database that supports Structured Query Language (SQL) as its standard data access language. The JDBC API includes classes for common SQL database activities that allow you to open connections to databases, execute SQL commands, and process results. Consequently, Java programs have the capability to use the familiar SQL programming model of issuing SQL statements and processing the resulting data. The JDBC classes are included in Java 1.1+ and Java 2 as the java.sql package.
A library of JDBC function calls that connect to a database, execute SQL statements, and retrieve results A standard way to connect and log in to a DBMS SQL syntax based on the X/Open SQL Call Level Interface or X/Open and SQL Access Group (SAG) CAE specification (1992) A standard representation for datatypes A standard set of error codes
JDBC API implementations fall into two broad categories: those that communicate with an existing ODBC driver (a JDBC-ODBC bridge) and those that communicate with a native database API (a JDBC driver that converts JDBC calls into the communications protocol used by the specific database vendor). The InfoMaker implementation of the JDBC interface can be used to connect to any database for which a JDBC-compliant driver exists. A Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is required to interpret and execute the bytecode of a Java program. The InfoMaker JDB interface supports the Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) versions 1.2 and later.
In InfoMaker when you access a database through the JDBC interface, your connection goes through several layers before reaching the database. It is important to understand that each layer represents a separate component of the connection, and that each component might come from a different vendor. Because JDBC is a standard API, InfoMaker uses the same interface to access every JDBC-compliant database driver. Figure 3-1 shows the general components of a JDBC connection.
InfoMaker provides the pbjdb115.dll. This DLL runs with the Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) versions 1.1 and later. InfoMaker includes a small package of Java classes that gives the JDBC interface the level of error-checking and efficiency (SQLException catching) found in other InfoMaker interfaces. The package is called pbjdbc12115.jar and is found in Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a component of Java development software. When you install InfoMaker, the Sun Java Development Kit (JDK), including the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), is installed on your system in Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder. For InfoMaker 11.5, JDK 1.5 is installed. This version of the JVM is started when you use a JDBC connection or any other process that requires a JVM and is used throughout the InfoMaker session. If you need to use a different JVM, see the instructions in Preparing to use the JDBC interface on page 37. For more information about how the JVM is started, see the chapter on deploying your application in the Users Guide.
The JDBC interface can communicate with any JDBC-compliant driver including Sybase jConnect for JDBC and the Oracle and IBM Informix JDBC drivers. These drivers are native-protocol, all-Java driversthat is, they convert JDBC calls into the SQL syntax supported by the databases. Using the ODBC interface, InfoMaker can connect, save, and retrieve data in both ANSI/DBCS and Unicode databases but does not convert data between Unicode and ANSI/DBCS. When character data or command text is sent to the database, InfoMaker sends a Unicode string. The driver must guarantee that the data is saved as Unicode data correctly. When InfoMaker retrieves character data, it assumes the data is Unicode. A Unicode database is a database whose character set is set to a Unicode format, such as UTF-8, UTF-16, UCS-2, or UCS-4. All data must be in Unicode format, and any data saved to the database must be converted to Unicode data implicitly or explicitly. A database that uses ANSI (or DBCS) as its character set might use special datatypes to store Unicode data. Columns with these datatypes can store only Unicode data. Any data saved into such a column must be converted to Unicode explicitly. This conversion must be handled by the database server or client.
Configure the database server for its JDBC connection and install its JDBC-compliant driver and network software. Install the JDBC driver. Set or verify the settings in the CLASSPATH environment variable.
You must configure the database server to make JDBC connections as well as install the JDBC driver and network software.
1 2
Make sure the database server is configured to make JDBC connections. For configuration instructions, see your database vendors documentation. Make sure the appropriate JDBC driver software is installed and running on the database server. The driver vendors documentation should provide the driver name, URL format, and any driver-specific properties you need to specify in the database profile. For notes about the jConnect driver, see Configuring the jConnect driver on page 38.
Make sure the required network software (such as TCP/IP) is installed and running on your computer and is properly configured so that you can connect to the database server at your site. You must install the network communication driver that supports the network protocol and operating system platform you are using. For installation and configuration instructions, see your network or database administrator.
Step 2: Install the JDBC driver Step 3: Verify or set the settings in the CLASSPATH variable and Java tab
In the InfoMaker Setup program, select the Typical install, or select the Custom install and select the JDBC driver. Verify that the settings in the PATH and CLASSPATH environment variables point to the appropriate, fully qualified file names, or set them. If you are using the JDK installed with InfoMaker, you do not need to make any changes to these environment variables. If you are using JDK 1.2 or later, you do not need to include any Sun Java VM packages in your CLASSPATH variable, but your PATH environment variable must include an entry for the Sun Java VM library, jvm.dll (for example, path\ JDK15\JRE\bin\client).
If you are using the Sybase jConnect driver, make sure to complete the required configuration steps such as installing the JDBC stored procedures in Adaptive Server databases. Also, verify that the CLASSPATH environment variable on your computer includes an entry pointing to the location of the jConnect driver. For example, if you are using jConnect 6.05, you should include an entry similar to the following:
C:\Program Files\Sybase\jConnect-6.05\classes\jconn3.jar
For more information about configuring jConnect, see the jConnect for JDBC documentation.
To define a connection through the JDBC interface, you must create a database profile by supplying values for at least the basic connection parameters in the Database Profile Setup - JDBC dialog box. You can then select this profile at any time to connect to your database in the development environment. For information on how to define a database profile, see Using database profiles on page 6.
To provide maximum flexibility (as provided in the JDBC API), the JDBC interface supports database connections made with different combinations of connection parameters:
Driver name, URL, and Properties
You should specify values for this combination of connection parameters if you need to define driver-specific properties. When properties are defined, you must also define the user ID and password in the properties field. For example, when connecting to the jConnect driver, enter the following values in the Driver-Specific Properties field:
SQLINITSTRING=set TextSize 32000; user=system;password=manager;
You should specify values for this combination of connection parameters if you do not need to define any driver-specific properties.
Driver Name: com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver URL: jdbc:sybase:Tds:localhost:2638 Login ID: dba Password: sql
You should specify values for this combination of connection parameters when the user ID and password are included as part of the URL. For example, when connecting to the Oracle JDBC driver, the URL can include the user ID and password:
If you plan to use the blob datatype in InfoMaker, you should be aware that jConnect imposes a restriction on blob size. Consequently, before you make your database connection from InfoMaker, you might want to reset the blob size to a value greater than the maximum size you plan to use. To set blob size, define the jConnect property SQLINITSTRING in the Driver-Specific Properties box on the Connection page. The SQLINITSTRING property is used to define commands to be passed to the back-end database server:
SQLINITSTRING=set TextSize 32000;
Remember that if you define a property in the Driver-Specific Properties box, you must also define the user ID and password in this box.
This chapter describes the OLE DB interface and explains how to prepare to use this interface and how to define the OLE DB database profile.
Topic About the OLE DB interface Preparing to use the OLE DB interface Defining the OLE DB interface Page 41 45 47
This chapter gives general information about using the OLE DB interface. For more detailed information: See the OLE DB Programmers Guide in the Microsoft MSDN library at Use the online Help provided by the data provider vendor. Check to see if there is a technical document that describes how to connect to your OLE DB data provider. Any updated information about connectivity issues is available from Sybase Support and Downloads Web site at
For a complete list of the OLE DB data providers supplied with InfoMaker and the data they access, see Supported Database Interfaces in the online Help.
OLE DB is a standard application programming interface (API) developed by Microsoft. It is a component of Microsofts Data Access Components software. OLE DB allows an application to access a variety of data for which OLE DB data providers exist. It provides an application with uniform access to data stored in diverse formats, such as indexed-sequential files like Btrieve, personal databases like Paradox, productivity tools such as spreadsheets and electronic mail, and SQL-based DBMSs. The OLE DB interface supports direct connections to SQL-based databases.
Applications like InfoMaker that provide an OLE DB interface can access data for which an OLE DB data provider exists. An OLE DB data provider is a dynamic link library (DLL) that implements OLE DB function calls to access a particular data source. The InfoMaker OLE DB interface can connect to any OLE DB data provider that supports the OLE DB object interfaces listed in Table 4-1. An OLE DB data provider must support these interfaces in order to adhere to the Microsoft OLE DB 2.0 specification.
Table 4-1: Required OLE DB interfaces IAccessor IColumnsInfo ICommand ICommandProperties ICommandText IDBCreateCommand IDBCreateSession IDBInitialize IDBProperties IOpenRowset IRowset IRowsetInfo IDBSchemaRowset ISourcesRowset
In addition to the required OLE DB interfaces, InfoMaker also uses the OLE DB interfaces listed in Table 4-2 to provide further functionality.
Table 4-2: Additional OLE DB interfaces OLE DB interface ICommandPrepare IDBInfo Use in InfoMaker Preparing commands and retrieving column information. Querying the data provider for its properties. If this interface is not supported, database connections might fail. Querying the data provider for parameters. Providing error information. Providing error information.
Use in InfoMaker Creating indexes for the extended attribute system tables. Also creating indexes in the Database painter. If this interface is not supported, InfoMaker looks for index definition syntax in the pbodb115.ini file. Providing information. Populating the extended attribute system tables when they are created. Also, for updating blobs. Creating the extended attribute system tables. Providing error information. Providing error information. Creating the extended attribute system tables and also for creating tables in the Database painter. If this interface is not supported, the following behavior results: InfoMaker looks for table definition syntax in the pbodb115.ini file InfoMaker catalog tables cannot be used DDL and DML operations, like modifying columns or editing data in the database painter, do not function properly
Supporting transactions. If this interface is not supported, InfoMaker defaults to AutoCommit mode.
Using the OLE DB interface, InfoMaker can connect, save, and retrieve data in both ANSI/DBCS and Unicode databases but does not convert data between Unicode and ANSI/DBCS. When character data or command text is sent to the database, InfoMaker sends a Unicode string. The data provider must guarantee that the data is saved as Unicode data correctly. When InfoMaker retrieves character data, it assumes the data is Unicode. A Unicode database is a database whose character set is set to a Unicode format, such as UTF-8, UTF-16, UCS-2, or UCS-4. All data must be in Unicode format, and any data saved to the database must be converted to Unicode data implicitly or explicitly. A database that uses ANSI (or DBCS) as its character set might use special datatypes to store Unicode data. Columns with these datatypes can store only Unicode data. Any data saved into such a column must be converted to Unicode explicitly. This conversion must be handled by the database server or client.
To use the OLE DB interface to access an OLE DB database, you must connect through an OLE DB data provider that supports OLE DB version 2.0 or later. For information on OLE DB specifications, see the Microsoft documentation at
Install and configure the database server, network, and client software. Install the OLE DB interface and the OLE DB data provider that accesses your data source. Install Microsofts Data Access Components software on your machine. If required, define the OLE DB data source.
You must install and configure the database server and install the network software and client software.
To install and configure the database server, network, and client software:
Make sure the appropriate database software is installed and running on its server. You must obtain the database server software from your database vendor. For installation instructions, see your database vendors documentation.
Make sure the required network software (such as TCP/IP) is installed and running on your computer and is properly configured so that you can connect to the data server at your site. You must install the network communication driver that supports the network protocol and operating system platform you are using. For installation and configuration instructions, see your network or data source administrator.
If required, install the appropriate client software on each client computer on which InfoMaker is installed.
Client software requirements
In the InfoMaker Setup program, select the Custom install and select the OLE DB provider that accesses your database. You can install one or more of the OLE DB data providers shipped with InfoMaker, or you can install data providers from another vendor later. The InfoMaker OLE DB interface requires the functionality of the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.8 or higher software. Version 2.8 is distributed with Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2003. To check the version of MDAC on your computer, you can download and run the MDAC Component Checker utility from the MDAC Downloads page at On the Windows Vista operating system, Windows Data Access Components (DAC) 6.0 includes some changes to work with Vista but is otherwise functionally equivalent to MDAC 2.8.
OLE DB data providers installed with MDAC
Several Microsoft OLE DB data providers are automatically installed with MDAC, including the providers for SQL Server (SQLOLEDB) and ODBC (MSDASQL).
Step 4: Define the OLE DB data source
Once the OLE DB data provider is installed, you might have to define the OLE DB data source the data provider will access. How you define the data source depends on the OLE DB data provider you are using and the vendor who provided it. If you are connecting to an ODBC data provider (such as Microsofts OLE DB Provider for ODBC), you must define the ODBC data source as you would if you were using a direct ODBC connection. To define an ODBC data source, use Microsofts ODBC Data Source Administrator. You can access this utility from the Control Panel in Windows or from the Database painter or Database Profile Setup dialog box in InfoMaker.
To define a connection through the OLE DB interface, you must create a database profile by supplying values for at least the basic connection parameters in the Database Profile Setup OLE DB dialog box. You can then select this profile anytime to connect to your data in the development environment. For information on how to define a database profile, see Using database profiles on page 6.
You must supply values for the Provider and Data Source connection parameters. Select a data provider from the list of installed data providers in the Provider drop-down list. The Data Source value varies depending on the type of data source connection you are making. For example: If you are using Microsofts OLE DB Provider for ODBC to connect to the EAS Demo DB, you select MSDASQL as the Provider value and enter the actual ODBC data source name (for example, EAS Demo DB) as the Data Source value. If you are using Microsofts OLE DB Provider for SQL Server, you select SQLOLEDB as the Provider value and enter the actual server name as the Data Source value. You must also use the Extended Properties field to provide the database name (for example, Database=Pubs) since you can have multiple instances of a database.
The Data Link option allows you to access Microsofts Data Link API, which allows you to define a file or use an existing file that contains your OLE DB connection information. A Data Link file is identified with the suffix .udl. If you use a Data Link file to connect to your data source, all other settings you make in the OLE DB Database Profile Setup dialog box are ignored. To launch this option, select the File Name check box on the Connection tab and double-click on the button next to the File Name box. (You can also launch the Data Link API in the Database painter by double-clicking on the Manage Data Links utility included with the OLE DB interface in the list of Installed Database Interfaces.) For more information on using the Data Link API, see the OLE DB Programmers Guide in the Microsoft MSDN library at
This part describes how to set up and define database connections accessed through one of the native database interfaces.
This chapter describes native database interfaces. The following chapters explain how to prepare to use the database and define any unique database interface parameters so that you can access your data.
Topic About native database interfaces Components of a database interface connection Using a native database interface Page 51 52 53
For diagrams showing the specific components of your connection, see Basic software components in the chapter for your native database interface.
The first step in connecting to a database through a native database interface is to prepare to use the database. Preparing the database ensures that you will be able to access and use your data in InfoMaker. You must prepare the database outside InfoMaker before you start the product, then define the database interface and connect to it. The requirements differ for each databasebut in general, preparing a database involves four basic steps.
To prepare to use your database with InfoMaker:
1 2
Make sure the required database server software is properly installed and configured at your site. If network software is required, make sure it is properly installed and configured at your site and on the client computer so that you can connect to the database server. Make sure the required database client software is properly installed and configured on the client computer. (Typically, the client computer is the one running InfoMaker.) You must obtain the client software from your database vendor and make sure that the version you install supports all of the following: The operating system running on the client computer The version of the database that you want to access The version of InfoMaker that you are running
Verify that you can connect to the server and database you want to access outside InfoMaker.
For specific instructions to use with your database, see Preparing to use the database in the chapter for your native database interface.
About installing native database interfaces
After you prepare to use the database, you must install the native database interface that accesses the database. See the instructions for each interface for more information. Once you are ready to access the database, you start InfoMaker and define the database interface. To define a database interface, you must create a database profile by completing the Database Profile Setup dialog box for that interface.
For general instructions, see About creating database profiles on page 6. For instructions about defining database interface parameters unique to a particular database, see Preparing to use the database in the chapter for your database interface.
For more information
The following chapters give general information about using each native database interface. For more detailed information: Check to see if there is a technical document that describes how to connect to your database. Any updated information about connectivity issues is available from the Sybase Support and Downloads Web site at Ask your network or system administrator for assistance when installing and setting up the database server and client software at your site.
This section describes how to use the Adaptive Server Enterprise database interfaces in InfoMaker.
Topic Supported versions for Adaptive Server Supported Adaptive Server datatypes Basic software components for Adaptive Server Preparing to use the Adaptive Server database Defining the Adaptive Server database interface Using Open Client security services Using Open Client directory services Using PRINT statements in Adaptive Server stored procedures Creating a report based on a cross-database join Installing stored procedures in Adaptive Server databases Page 55 56 58 59 61 62 64 67 67 68
The Adaptive Server database interfaces use the Open Client CT-Library (CT-Lib) application programming interface (API) to access the database. When you connect to an Adaptive Server database, InfoMaker makes the required calls to the API. Therefore, you do not need to know anything about CT-Lib to use the database interface.
In Adaptive Server 15.0 and later, InfoMaker supports unsigned as well as signed bigint, int, and smallint datatypes. You can also use the following datatypes as identity columns in Adaptive Server 15.0 and later: bigint, int, numeric, smallint, tinyint, unsigned bigint, unsigned int, and unsigned smallint.
InfoMaker can connect, save, and retrieve data in both ANSI/DBCS and Unicode databases. When character data or command text is sent to the database, InfoMaker sends a DBCS string if the UTF8 database parameter is set to 0 (the default). If UTF8 is set to 1, InfoMaker sends a UTF-8 string. The database server must be configured correctly to accept UTF-8 strings. See the description of the UTF8 database parameter in the online Help for more information. The character set used by an Adaptive Server database server applies to all databases on that server. The nchar and nvarchar datatypes can store UTF-8 data if the server character set is UTF-8. The Unicode datatypes unichar and univarchar were introduced in Adaptive Server 12.5 to support Unicode data. Columns with these datatypes can store only Unicode data. Any data saved into such a column must be converted to Unicode explicitly. This conversion must be handled by the database server or client. In Adaptive Server 12.5.1 and later, additional support for Unicode data has been added. For more information, see the documentation for your version of Adaptive Server.
The unichar and univarchar datatypes support UTF-16 encoding, therefore each unichar or univarchar character requires two bytes of storage. The following example creates a table with one unichar column holding 10 Unicode characters:
create table unitbl (unicol unichar(10))
In the Database painter, the column displays as unichar(20)because the column requires 20 bytes of storage. This is consistent with the way the column displays in Sybase Central. However, the mapping between the Type in the Column Specifications view in the Report painter and the column datatype of a table in the database is not oneto-one. The Type in the Column Specifications view shows the DataWindow column datatype and DataWindow column length. The column length is the number of characters, therefore an Adaptive Server unichar(20)column displays as char(10) in the Column Specifications view.
Column-length limits
Adaptive Server 12.0 and earlier have a column-length limit of 255 bytes. Adaptive Server 12.5.x and later support wider columns for Char, VarChar, Binary, and VarBinary datatypes, depending on the logical page size and the locking scheme used by the server. In InfoMaker, you can use these wider columns for Char and VarChar datatypes with Adaptive Server 12.5.x when the following conditions apply: The Release database parameter is set to 12.5 or higher.
You are accessing the database using Open Client 12.5.x or later.
The database must be configured to use a larger page size to take full advantage of the widest limits. For detailed information about wide columns and configuration issues, see the Adaptive Server documentation on the Product Manuals Web site at For more information about the Release database parameter, see the online Help.
Preparing an Adaptive Server database for use with InfoMaker involves these four basic tasks.
Step 1: Install and configure the database server
You must install and configure the database server, network, and client software for Adaptive Server.
To install and configure the database server, network, and client software:
Make sure the Adaptive Server database software is installed on the server specified in your database profile. You must obtain the database server software from Sybase. For installation instructions, see your Adaptive Server documentation.
Make sure the supported network software (for example, TCP/IP) is installed and running on your computer and is properly configured so that you can connect to the database server at your site. You must install the network communication driver that supports the network protocol and operating system platform you are using. The driver is installed as part of the Net-Library client software. For installation and configuration instructions, see your network or database administrator.
Install the required Open Client CT-Library (CT-Lib) software on each client computer on which InfoMaker is installed. You must obtain the Open Client software from Sybase. Make sure the version of Open Client you install supports all of the following: The operating system running on the client computer The version of Adaptive Server that you want to access The version of InfoMaker that you are running
Required client software versions
To use the ASE Adaptive Server interface, you must install Open Client version 15.x or later. To use the SYC Adaptive Server interface, you must install Open Client version 11.x or later. 4 Make sure the Open Client software is properly configured so that you can connect to the database at your site. Installing the Open Client software places the SQL.INI configuration file in the Adaptive Server directory on your computer. SQL.INI provides information that Adaptive Server needs to find and connect to the database server at your site. You can enter and modify information in SQL.INI by using the configuration utility that comes with the Open Client software. For information about setting up the SQL.INI or other required configuration file, see your Adaptive Server documentation. 5 6 If required by your operating system, make sure the directory containing the Open Client software is in your system path. Make sure only one copy of each of the following files is installed on your client computer:
Step 2: Install the database interface
Adaptive Server interface DLL Network communication DLL (for example, NLWNSCK.DLL for Windows Sockets-compliant TCP/IP) Database vendor DLL (for example, LIBCT.DLL)
In the InfoMaker Setup program, select the Typical install, or select the Custom install and select the Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE or SYC) database interface.
Make sure you can connect to the Adaptive Server database server and log in to the database you want to access from outside InfoMaker. Some possible ways to verify the connection are by running the following tools:
Accessing the database server Tools such as the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility (or any Ping utility) check whether you can reach the database server from your computer. Accessing the database Tools such as ISQL (interactive SQL utility)
check whether you can log in to the database and perform database operations. It is a good idea to specify the same connection parameters you plan to use in your InfoMaker database profile to access the database.
Step 4: Install the InfoMaker stored procedures
InfoMaker requires you to install certain stored procedures in the sybsystemprocs database before you connect to an Adaptive Server database for the first time. InfoMaker uses these stored procedures to get information about tables and columns from the DBMS system catalog. Run the SQL script or scripts required to install the InfoMaker stored procedures in the sybsystemprocs database. For instructions, see Installing stored procedures in Adaptive Server databases on page 68.
To verify the connection, use a tool such as ISQL or SQL Advantage to make sure you can connect to the server and log in to the database with the same connection parameters and security options you plan to use in your InfoMaker application. You are using a database interface. You are using the ASE or SYC Adaptive Server interface to access the database. The Release DBParm parameter is set to the appropriate value for your database. You have set the Release DBParm parameter to 11or higher to specify that your application should use the appropriate version of the Open Client CT-Lib software. For instructions, see Release in the online Help. Your security mechanism and driver support the requested service. The security mechanism and driver you are using must support the service requested by the DBParm parameter.
The following login authentication DBParm parameters correspond to Open Client 11.1.x or later connection properties that allow an application to establish a secure connection. Sec_Channel_Bind Sec_Cred_Timeout Sec_Delegation Sec_Keytab_File Sec_Mechanism Sec_Mutual_Auth Sec_Network_Auth Sec_Server_Principal Sec_Sess_Timeout
For instructions on setting these DBParm parameters, see their descriptions in the online Help.
Per-packet security DBParms
The following per-packet security DBParm parameters correspond to Open Client 11.1.x or later connection properties that protect each packet of data transmitted across a network. Using per-packet security services might create extra overhead for communications between the client and server. Sec_Confidential Sec_Data_Integrity Sec_Data_Origin Sec_Replay_Detection Sec_Seq_Detection For instructions on setting these DBParm parameters, see their descriptions in the online Help.
This example shows typical server name syntax if your directory service provider is the Windows registry.
Node name: SALES:software\sybase\server\SYS12 DIT base: SALES:software\sybase\server Server name: SYS12 To specify the server name in a database profile:
Type the following in the Server box on the Connection tab in the Database Profile Setup dialog box. Do not start the server name with a backslash (\).
This example shows typical server name syntax if your directory service provider is Distributed Computing Environment Cell Directory Services (DCE/CDS).
Node name: /.../boston.sales/dataservers/sybase/SYS12 DIT base: /../boston.sales/dataservers Server name: sybase/SYS12 To specify the server name in a database profile:
Type the following in the Server box on the Connection tab in the Database Profile Setup dialog box. Do not start the server name with a slash (/).
In order to work with an Adaptive Server database in InfoMaker, you or your system administrator should install certain stored procedures in the database before you connect to Adaptive Server from InfoMaker for the first time. You must run the InfoMaker stored procedure scripts only once per database server, and not before each InfoMaker session. If you have already installed the InfoMaker stored procedures in your Adaptive Server database before connecting in InfoMaker on any supported platform, you need not install the stored procedures again before connecting in InfoMaker on a different platform.
A stored procedure is a group of precompiled and preoptimized SQL statements that performs some database operation. Stored procedures reside on the database server where they can be accessed as needed. InfoMaker uses these stored procedures to get information about tables and columns from the Adaptive Server system catalog. (The InfoMaker stored procedures are different from the stored procedures you might create in your database.)
SQL scripts
InfoMaker provides SQL script files for installing the required stored procedures in the sybsystemprocs database:
Script PBSYC.SQL PBSYC2.SQL Use for Adaptive Server databases Adaptive Server databases to restrict the Select Tables list
The stored procedure scripts are located in the Server directory on the InfoMaker CD-ROM. The Server directory contains server-side installation components that are not installed with InfoMaker on your computer.
PBSYC.SQL script
What it does
The PBSYC.SQL script contains SQL code that overwrites stored procedures that correspond to the same version of InfoMaker in the Adaptive Server sybsystemprocs database and then re-creates them. The PBSYC.SQL script uses the sybsystemprocs database to hold the InfoMaker stored procedures. This database is created when you install Adaptive Server.
When to run it
Before you connect to an Adaptive Server database in InfoMaker for the first time using the ASE or SYC DBMS identifier, you or your database administrator must run the PBSYC.SQL script once per database server into the sybsystemprocs database. Run PBSYC.SQL if the server at your site will be accessed by anyone using the InfoMaker or by deployment machines. If you or your database administrator have already run the current version of PBSYC.SQL to install InfoMaker stored procedures in the sybsystemprocs database on your server, you need not rerun the script to install the stored procedures again. For instructions on running PBSYC.SQL, see How to run the scripts on page 71.
The PBSYC.SQL script creates the following InfoMaker stored procedures in the Adaptive Server sybsystemprocs database. The procedures are listed in the order in which the script creates them.
PBSYC.SQL stored procedure
sp_pb115column sp_pb115pkcheck sp_pb115fktable sp_pb115procdesc
What it does Lists the columns in a table. Determines whether a table has a primary key. Lists the tables that reference the current table. Retrieves a description of the argument list for a specified stored procedure.
What it does Lists available stored procedures and extended stored procedures. If the SystemProcs DBParm parameter is set to 1 or Yes (the default), sp_pb115proclist displays both system stored procedures and user-defined stored procedures. If SystemProcs is set to 0 or No, sp_pb115proclist displays only user-defined stored procedures. Retrieves the text of a stored procedure from the SYSCOMMENTS table. Retrieves information about all tables in a database, including those for which the current user has no permissions. PBSYC.SQL contains the default version of sp_pb115table. If you want to replace the default version of sp_pb115table with a version that restricts the table list to those tables for which the user has SELECT permission, you can run the PBSYC2.SQL script, described in PBSYC2.SQL script next. Retrieves information about all indexes for a specified table.
sp_pb115text sp_pb115table
PBSYC2.SQL script
What it does
The PBSYC2.SQL script contains SQL code that drops and re-creates one InfoMaker stored procedure in the Adaptive Server sybsystemprocs database: a replacement version of sp_pb115table. The default version of sp_pb115table is installed by the PBSYC.SQL script. InfoMaker uses the sp_pb115table procedure to build a list of all tables in the database, including those for which the current user has no permissions. This list displays in the Select Tables dialog box in InfoMaker. For security reasons, you or your database administrator might want to restrict the table list to display only those tables for which a user has permissions. To do this, you can run the PBSYC2.SQL script after you run PBSYC.SQL. PBSYC2.SQL replaces the default version of sp_pb115table with a new version that displays a restricted table list including only tables and views: Owned by the current user For which the current user has SELECT authority For which the current users group has SELECT authority For which SELECT authority was granted to PUBLIC
When to run it
If you are accessing an Adaptive Server database using the ASE or SYC DBMS identifier in InfoMaker, you must first run PBSYC.SQL once per database server to install the required InfoMaker stored procedures in the sybsystemprocs database. After you run PBSYC.SQL, you can optionally run PBSYC2.SQL if you want to replace sp_pb115table with a version that restricts the table list to those tables for which the user has SELECT permission. If you do not want to restrict the table list, there is no need to run PBSYC2.SQL. For instructions on running PBSYC2.SQL, see How to run the scripts on page 71.
The PBSYC2.SQL script creates the following InfoMaker stored procedure in the Adaptive Server sybsystemprocs database:
PBSYC2.SQL stored procedure
What it does Retrieves information about those tables in the database for which the current user has SELECT permission. This version of sp_pb115table replaces the default version of sp_pb115table installed by the PBSYC.SQL script.
1 2
Connect to the sybsystemprocs Adaptive Server database as the system administrator. Open one of the following files containing the InfoMaker stored procedure script you want to run: PBSYC.SQL PBSYC2.SQL
Issue the appropriate ISQL command to run the SQL script with the user ID, server name, and (optionally) password you specify. Make sure you specify uppercase and lowercase exactly as shown:
isql /U sa /S SERVERNAME /i pathname /P { password } Parameter
Description The user ID for the system administrator. Do not change this user ID. The name of the computer running the Adaptive Server database. The drive and directory containing the SQL script you want to run. (Optional) The password for the sa (system administrator) user ID. The default Adaptive Server installation creates the sa user ID without a password. If you changed the password for sa during the installation, replace password with your new password.
For example, if you are using InfoMaker and are accessing the stored procedure scripts from the product CD-ROM, type either of the following (assuming D is your CD-ROM drive):
isql /U sa /S TESTDB /i d:\server\pbsyb.sql /P isql /U sa /S SALES /i d:\server\pbsyc.sql /P adminpwd
1 2 3
Start the SQL Advantage utility. Open a connection to the sybsystemprocs Adaptive Server database as the system administrator. Open one of the following files containing the InfoMaker stored procedure script you want to run: PBSYC.SQL PBSYC2.SQL
Delete the use sybsystemprocs command and the go command at the beginning of each script. SQL Advantage requires that you issue the use sybsystemprocs command by itself, with no other SQL commands following it. When you open a connection to the sybsystemprocs database in step 2, you are in effect issuing the use sybsystemprocs command. This command should not be issued again as part of the stored procedure script. Therefore, to successfully install the stored procedures, you must delete the lines shown in the following table from the beginning of the InfoMaker stored procedure script before executing the script.
Before executing this script PBSYC.SQL PBSYC2.SQL Delete these lines
use sybsystemprocs go use sybsystemprocs go
5 6
Execute all of the statements in the SQL script. Exit the SQL Advantage session.
Using Informix
This chapter describes how to use the native IBM Informix database interfaces in InfoMaker.
Topic Supported versions for Informix Supported Informix datatypes Features supported by the I10 interface Basic software components for Informix Preparing to use the Informix database Defining the Informix database interface Page 75 76 77 82 82 84
You cannot use both the IN9 and I10 interfaces in a single InfoMaker session. For the latest information on using InfoMaker with Informix databases, see the Sybase Support Web site at
InfoMaker defaults to Year TO Fraction(5). For a list of qualifiers, see your Informix documentation.
To create your own variation of the DateTime datatype:
In the Database painter, create a table with a DateTime column. For instructions on creating a table, see the Users Guide.
In the Columns view, select Pending Syntax from the Objects or pop-up menu. The Columns view displays the pending changes to the table definition. These changes execute only when you click the Save button to save the table definition.
Using Informix
Select Copy from the Edit or pop-up menu or click the Copy button. The SQL syntax (or the portion you selected) is copied to the clipboard.
In the ISQL view, modify the DateTime syntax and execute the CREATE TABLE statement. For instructions on using the ISQL view, see the Users Guide.
InfoMaker defaults to Day(3) TO Day. For more about interval datatypes, see your Informix documentation.
The I10 native interface uses the Informix GLS (Global Language Support) API for global language support. The native interface uses three DBParms to help you set up the locale used in the current connection: Client_Locale DB_Locale StrByCharset
These parameters are available on the Regional Settings tab page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Client_Locale specifies the value of the Informix environment variable CLIENT_LOCALE. The format is language_territory.codeset. For example:
Client_Locale='en_us.1252' Client_Locale='en_us.utf8'
The I10 interface uses this setting to access string data in an Informix database and to process SQL statements. If you do not set the DBParm, the default locale value is based on the OS locale.
DB_Locale specifies the value of the Informix environment variable DB_LOCALE. The format is language_territory.codeset. For example:
DB_Locale='en_us.1252' DB_Locale='en_us.utf8'
DB_LOCALE specifies the language, territory, and code set that the database server needs to correctly interpret locale-sensitive datatypes such as NChar and NVarChar in a specific database. The code set specified in DB_LOCALE determines which characters are valid in any character column, as well as in the names of database objects such as databases, tables, columns, and views. If you do not set the DBParm, the I10 interface assumes that the DB_LOCALE value is the same as the CLIENT_LOCALE value. You can set the CLIENT_LOCALE and DB_LOCALE environment variables directly using the Informix Setnet32 utility, available in the Utilities folder for the Informix database interfaces in the Objects view in the Database painter or the Database Profiles dialog box. For more information about the Informix CLIENT_LOCALE and DB_LOCALE environment variables, see the IBM Informix GLS User's Guide, currently available at the Informix library Web site at
Using Informix
The StrByCharset DBParm specifies how to convert string data between InfoMaker Unicode strings and Informix client multibyte strings. By default, string conversion for UTF-8 code sets is based on the UTF-8 code set, and string conversion for non-UTF-8 code sets is based on the current OS code page. If StrByCharset is set to 1 (true), string conversion is based on the code set specified in the DBParm Client_Locale.
Renaming an index
With IDS 9.2.1 and later, you can change the name of an index in the Database painter when you are connected using the I10 interface. The I10 interface uses the IDS RENAME INDEX statement to change the name of the index. You need only drop and recreate the index if you want to make other changes.
There are several ways to configure caching on the server. The SET STATEMENT CACHE statement takes precedence over the STMT_CACHE environment variable and the STMT_CACHE configuration parameter. You must enable the SQL statement cache, either by setting the STMT_CACHE configuration parameter or by using the Informix onmode utility, before the SET STATEMENT CACHE statement can execute successfully. You can set the StmtCache DBParm on the System tab page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for I10 connections to turn SQL statement caching on or off on the client. However, the server must be configured to support SQL statement caching before you can access the cache from the client. For more information about Informix SQL statement caching, see the IBM
Informix Dynamic Server Performance Guide at
You cannot create a clustered index using online mode because it is not supported by IDS.
Using Informix
Column-level encryption
In IDS 10.0 and later, the SQL statement SET ENCRYPTION PASSWORD can improve the confidentiality of data and support data integrity by defining or resetting a password for encryption and decryption of data at the column level. You can set the EncryptionPass and Hint static DBParms on the System tab page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for I10 connections to specify a password and a hint to help you remember the password. The application uses built-in Informix functions to encrypt and decrypt character data.
Using Informix
Step 1: Install and configure the database server
Verify that you can connect to the Informix server and database outside InfoMaker.
You must install and configure the required database server, network, and client software for Informix.
To install and configure the required database server, network, and client software:
Make sure the Informix database server software and database network software is installed and running on the server specified in your database profile. You must obtain the database server and database network software from Informix. For installation instructions, see your Informix documentation.
Install the required Informix client software on each client computer on which InfoMaker is installed. Install Informix Connect or the Informix Client SDK (which includes Informix Connect). You must obtain the Informix client software from IBM. Make sure the version of the client software you install supports all of the following: The operating system running on the client computer The version of the database that you want to access The version of InfoMaker that you are running For installation instructions, see your Informix documentation.
Make sure the Informix client software is properly configured so that you can connect to the Informix database server at your site. Run the SetNet32 utility to configure the client registry settings. When you configure Informix Connect client software, it creates a registry entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Informix\SqlHosts. The registry entry contains parameters that define your network configuration, network protocol, and environment variables. If you omit these values from the database profile when you define the native Informix database interface, they default to the values specified in the registry entry. For instructions on configuring your Informix client software, see your Informix documentation.
If required by your operating system, make sure the directory containing the Informix client software is in your system path.
In the InfoMaker Setup program, select the Typical install, or select the native Informix database interface in the Custom install. Make sure you can connect to the Informix server and database you want to access from outside InfoMaker. To verify the connection, use any Windows-based utility (such as the Informix ilogin.exe program) that connects to the database. When connecting, be sure to specify the same parameters you plan to use in your InfoMaker database profile to access the database. For instructions on using ilogin.exe, see your Informix documentation.
Using Informix
For example, to use the a native interface to connect to an Informix database server named server01 running on a host machine named sales, type the host name (sales) in the Host Name box and the server name (server01) in the Server box on the Connection tab in the Database Profile Setup dialog box. InfoMaker saves this server name as sales@server01 in the database profile entry in the system registry.
This chapter describes how to use the Microsoft SQL Server Native Client database interface in InfoMaker.
Topic Supported versions for SQL Server Supported SQL Server datatypes Basic software components for Microsoft SQL Server Preparing to use the SQL Server database Defining the SQL Server database interface Migrating from the MSS or OLE DB database interfaces SQL Server 2005 features SQL Server 2008 features Notes on using the SNC interface Page 87 88 89 89 91 92 95 95 103
Connections made directly through OLE DB use the PBODB initialization file to set some parameters, but connections made using the SNC interface do not depend on the PBODB initialization file.
The XML datatype is a built-in datatype in SQL Server 2005 that enables you to store XML documents and fragments in a SQL Server database. You can use this datatype as a column type when you create a table. Additional datatypes are supported for SQL Server 2008. For more information, see Support for new datatypes in SQL Server 2008 on page 97. In SQL Server 2005, the VarChar(max), NVarChar(max), and VarBinary(max) datatypes store very large values (up to 2^31 bytes). You can use these datatypes to obtain metadata, define new columns, and query data from the columns. You can also use them to pipeline data.
1 2 3
Step 1: Install and configure the database server
Install and configure the required database server, network, and client software. Install the SQL Native Client database interface. Verify that you can connect to the Microsoft SQL Server server and database outside InfoMaker.
You must install and configure the database server, network, and client software for SQL Server.
To install and configure the database server, network, and client software:
Make sure the Microsoft SQL Server database software is installed and running on the server specified in your database profile. You must obtain the database server software and required licenses from Microsoft Corporation. For installation instructions, see your Microsoft SQL Server documentation.
Upgrading from an earlier version of SQL Server
For instructions on upgrading to a later version of SQL Server or installing it alongside an earlier version, see your Microsoft SQL Server documentation. 2 If you are accessing a remote SQL Server database, make sure the required network software (for example, TCP/IP) is installed and running on your computer and is properly configured so that you can connect to the SQL Server database server at your site. For installation and configuration instructions, see your network or database administrator. 3 Install the required Microsoft SQL Native Client software on each client computer on which InfoMaker is installed. You must obtain the SQL Native Client software from Microsoft. Make sure the version of the client software you install supports all of the following: The operating system running on the client computer The version of the database that you want to access The version of InfoMaker that you are running For installation instructions, see your Microsoft SQL Server documentation.
Make sure the SQL Native Client client software is properly configured so that you can connect to the SQL Server database server at your site. For configuration instructions, see your Microsoft SQL Server documentation.
5 6
Step 2: Install the database interface Step 3: Verify the connection
Make sure the directory containing the SQL Native Client software is in your system path. Make sure only one copy of the Sqlncli.dll file is installed on your computer.
In the InfoMaker Setup program, select the Custom install and select the SQL Native Client database interface. Make sure you can connect to the SQL Server server and database you want to access from outside InfoMaker. To verify the connection, use any Windows-based utility that connects to the database. When connecting, be sure to specify the same parameters you plan to use in your InfoMaker database profile to access the database.
Table 8-2 shows the database parameters and preferences that could be set in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for the discontinued MSS native database interface for Microsoft SQL Server, and indicates whether they are supported by the SNC interface. The column on the left shows the tab page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for MSS. The parameters and preferences may be on different tab pages in the SNC profile.
Table 8-2: MSS parameters supported by SNC MSS Connection tab: Language Lock AutoCommit CommitOnDisconnect System tab: Log SystemProcs PBCatalogOwner Transaction tab: Async DBGetTime CursorLock CursorScroll StaticBind SNC Not supported Supported (Transaction tab) Supported Supported Not supported Not supported Supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Supported
MSS MaxConnect Syntax tab: DBTextLimit DateTimeAllowed OptSelectBlob Network tab: AppName Host PacketSize Secure OLE DB database parameters supported by SNC
SNC Not supported Supported (as PBMaxTextSize on Transaction tab) Not supported Not supported Supported (System tab) Supported (System tab) Supported (System tab) Supported (as TrustedConnection on General tab)
Table 8-3 shows the database parameters and preferences that can be set in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for the OLE DB standard interface for Microsoft SQL Server, and indicates whether they are supported by the SNC interface. The column on the left shows the tab page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for OLE DB. The parameters and preferences may be on different tab pages in the SNC profile.
Table 8-3: OLE DB parameters supported by SNC OLE DB Connection tab: Provider DataSource DataLink Location ProviderString System tab: PBCatalogOwner ServiceComponents AutoCommit CommitOnDisconnect StaticBind DisableBind Init_Prompt TimeOut LCID SNC Not supported Supported at runtime (as SQLCA.ServerName) Supported Not supported Supported Supported Not supported Supported (General tab) Supported (General tab) Supported (Transaction tab) Supported (Transaction tab) Not supported Supported Not supported
OLE DB Transaction tab: Block PBMaxBlobSize Mode Lock Syntax tab: DelimitIdentifier IdentifierQuoteChar DateFormat TimeFormat DecimalSeparator OJSyntax Security tab: EncryptPassword CacheAuthentication PersistSensitive MaskPassword PersistEncrypted IntegratedSecurity ImpersonationLevel ProtectionLevel Additional database parameters
SNC Supported Supported Not supported Supported Supported Not supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Supported (TrustedConnection on General tab) Not supported Not supported
The SNC interface also supports the Encrypt, TrustServerCertificate, and SPCache parameters (on the System tab page) and the Identity parameter (on the Syntax tab page). You can control how many stored procedures are cached with parameter information by modifying the setting of the SPCache database parameter. The default is 100 procedures. To turn off caching of stored procedures, set SPCache to 0. For more information about database parameters supported by the SNC interface, see the Connection Reference in the online Help.
The SNC interface supports Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS), which enable applications to have multiple default result sets open and to interleave reading from them. Applications can also execute statements such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE and stored procedure calls while default result sets are open. SQL Server 2005 always encrypts network packets associated with logging. If no certificate is provided on the server when it starts up, SQL Server generates a self-signed certificate that is used to encrypt login packets. The SQL Native Client supports encrypting data sent to the server without validating the certificate. The TrustServerCertificate database parameter, available on the System page of the database connection profile dialog box, allows you to control this feature.
Snapshot isolation
The snapshot isolation level is designed to enhance concurrency for online transaction processing applications. Transactions that start under snapshot isolation read a database snapshot taken at start up time. Keyset, dynamic, and static server cursors in this context behave like static cursors opened within serializable transactions, but locks are not taken, which can reduce blocking on the server. The SQLCA.Lock value for snapshot isolation is SS. You can set this value in the Isolation Level field on the Transaction page of the database connection profile dialog box.
The Provider DBParm parameter for the SQL Native Client (SNC) interface allows you to select the SQL Server version that you want to connect to. You can set this parameter in script to SQLNCLI (for the SNC 9.0 driver that connect to SQL Server 2005) or to SQLNCLI10 (for the SNC 10.0 driver that connects to SQL Server 2008). Otherwise, you can select one of these providers on the Connection tab of the Database Profile Setup dialog box for the SNC interface. If you do not set or select a provider, the default selection is SQLNCLI (SNC 9.0 for SQL Server 2005). This allows existing SNC interface users to be able to migrate to InfoMaker 11.5 without any modifications. If InfoMaker fails to connect with the SQLNCLI provider, it will attempt to connect to SQLNCLI10 provider. However, if you explicitly set the provider and the connection fails, InfoMaker displays an error message.
Failover parameter
The FailoverPartner DBParm parameter allows you to set the name of a mirror server, thereby maintaining database availability if a failover event occurs. You can also set the name of the mirror server on the System tab of the Database Profile Setup dialog box for the SNC interface. When failover occurs, the existing InfoMaker connection to SQL Server is lost. The SNC driver releases the existing connection and tries to reopen it. If reconnection succeeds, InfoMaker triggers the failover event. The following conditions must be satisfied for InfoMaker to trigger the failover event: The FailoverPartner DBParm is supplied at connect time The SQL Server database is configured for mirroring InfoMaker is able to reconnect successfully when the existing connection is lost
When failover occurs: InfoMaker returns an error code (998) and triggers the failover event Existing cursors cannot be used and should be closed Any failed database operation can be tried again Any uncommitted transaction is lost. New transactions must be started
The following table lists new SQL Server 2008 date and time datatypes and the PowerScript datatypes that they map to:
SQL Server datatype DATE TIME PowerScript datatype Date Time (Supports only up to 6 fractional seconds precision although SQL Server datatype supports up to 7 fractional seconds precision.) DateTime (Supports only up to 6 fractional seconds precision although SQL Server datatype supports up to 7 fractional seconds precision.)
The SQL Server 2008 DATETIMEOFFSET datatype is not supported in InfoMaker 11.5.
Precision settings When you map to a table column in a SQL Server 2008 database, InfoMaker includes a column labeled Dec in the Column Specifications view of the Report painter, and a text box labeled Fractional Seconds Precision in the Column (Object Details) view of the Database painter. These fields allow you to list the precision that you want for the TIME and DATETIME2 columns..
The precision setting is for table creation only. When retrieving or updating the data in a column, InfoMaker uses only up to six decimal places precision for fractional seconds, even if you enter a higher precision value for the column.
Filestream datatype
The FILESTREAM datatype allows large binary data to be stored directly in an NTFS file system. Transact-SQL statements can insert, update, query, search, and back up FILESTREAM data. The SQL Server Database Engine implements FILESTREAM as a Varbinary(max) datatype. The InfoMaker SNC interface maps the Varbinary(max) datatype to a BLOB datatype, so to retrieve or update filestream data, use the SelectBlob or UpdateBlob SQL statements, respectively. To specify that a column should store data on the file system, you must include the FILESTREAM attribute in the Varbinary(max) column definition. For example:
CREATE TABLE FSTest ( GuidCol1 uniqueidentifier ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL UNIQUE DEFAULT NEWID(), IntCol2 int, varbinaryCol3 varbinary(max) FILESTREAM);
You can access FILESTREAM data by declaring and using the Win32 API functions directly in InfoMaker applications. However, existing InfoMaker file access functions cannot be used to access FILESTREAM files. For more information about accessing FILESTREAM data using Win32 APIs, see the
MSDN SQL Server Developer Center Web site at
The binary values of the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) datatypes can be retrieved from a SQL Server database as blobs that you could use in InfoMaker applications to update other columns in the database. If their return values are compatible with InfoMaker datatypes, you can use CLR datatype methods in PowerScript, dynamic SQL, embedded SQL or in report objects, because the SQL script is executed on the SQL Server side. The CLR datatypes can also be mapped to Strings in PowerScript, but the retrieved data is a hexadecimal string representation of binary data. You can use the ToString method to work with all datatypes that are implemented as CLR datatypes, such as the HierarchyID datatype, Spatial datatypes, and User-defined types.
HierarchyID datatype
HierarchyID is a variable length, system datatype that can store values representing nodes in a hierarchical tree, such as an organizational structure. A value of this datatype represents a position in the tree hierarchy.
ISQL Usage You can use HierarchyID columns with CREATE TABLE, SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements in the ISQL painter. For example: CREATE TABLE Emp ( EmpId int NOT NULL, EmpName varchar(20) NOT NULL, EmpNode hierarchyid NULL);
To insert HierarchyID data, you can use the canonical string representation of HierarchyID or any of the methods associated with the HierarchyID datatype as shown below.
INSERT into Emp VALUES (1, 'Scott', hierarchyid::GetRoot()); INSERT into Emp VALUES (2, 'Tom' , '/1/'); DECLARE @Manager hierarchyid SELECT @Manager = hierarchyid::GetRoot() FROM Emp INSERT into Emp VALUES (2, 'Tom',
@Manager.GetDescendant(NULL,NULL)); DECLARE @Employee hierarchyid SELECT @Employee = CAST('/1/2/3/4/' AS hierarchyid) INSERT into Emp VALUES (2, 'Jim' , @Employee);
You cannot select the HierarchyID column directly since it has binary data, and the ISQL painter Results view does not display binary columns. However, you can retrieve the HierarchyID data as a string value using the ToString method of HierarchyID. For example:
Select EmpId, EmpName, EmpNode.ToString() from Emp;
You can also use the following methods on HierarchyID columns to retrieve its data: GetAncestor, GetDescendant, GetLevel, GetRoot, IsDescendant, Parse, and Reparent. If one of these methods returns a HierarchyID node, then use ToString to convert the data to a string. For example:
Select EmpId, EmpName, EmpNode.GetLevel() from Emp; Select EmpId, EmpName, EmpNode.GetAncestor(1).ToString() from Emp;
You can use HierarchyID columns in embedded SQL statements for SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations. HierarchyID data can be retrieved either as a String or as a Binary(Blob) datatype using the SelectBlob statement.
When using a String datatype to retrieve HierarchyID data, use the ToString method. Otherwise the data will be a hexadecimal representation of the binary HierarchyID value. The following example shows how you can use HierarchyID methods in embedded SQL:
long id String hid,name Select EmpId, EmpName, EmpNode.ToString() into :id, :name, :hid from Emp where EmpId=3; Select EmpId, EmpName, EmpNode.GetLevel() into :id, :name, :hid from Emp where EmpId=3; Blob b Selectblob EmpNode into :b from Emp where EmpId =2;
DataWindow Usage Reports do not directly support the HierarchyID datatype. But you can convert the HierarchyID to a string using the ToString method or an associated HierarchyID method in the data source SQL. For example: SELECT EmpId, EmpName, EmpNode.ToString() FROM Emp; SELECT EmpId, EmpName, EmpNode.GetLevel() FROM Emp; Spatial datatypes
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 supports two spatial datatypes: the geometry datatype and the geography datatype. In SQL Server, these datatypes are implemented as .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) datatypes. Although the InfoMaker SNC interface does not work with CLR datatypes, you can convert the spatial datatypes into strings (with the ToString function) and use them in PowerScript, in the ISQL painter, in embedded SQL, and in reports. This is similar to the way you use the HierarchyID datatype. The SelectBlob SQL statement also lets you retrieve binary values for these datatypes. The geography and geometry datatypes support eleven different data objects, or instance types, but only seven of these types are instantiable: Points, LineStrings, Polygons, and the objects in an instantiable GeometryCollection (MultiPoints, MultiLineStrings, and MultiPolygons). You can create and work with these objects in a database, calling methods associated with them, such as STAsText, STArea, STGeometryType, and so on. For example:
CREATE TABLE SpatialTable (id int IDENTITY (1,1), GeomCol geometry); INSERT INTO SpatialTable (GeomCol) VALUES ( geometry::STGeomFromText( 'LINESTRING (100 100,20 180,180 180)',0)); select id, GeomCol.ToString() from SpatialTable; select id, GeomCol.STAsText(), GeomCol.STGeometryType(), GeomCol.STArea() from SpatialTable;
User-defined types
User-defined types (UDTs) are implemented in SQL Server as CLR types and integrated with .NET. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 eliminates the 8 KB limit for UDTs, enabling the size of UDT data to expand dramatically. Although the InfoMaker SNC interface does not directly support UDT datatypes, you can use the ToString method to retrieve data for UDTs in the same way as for other CLR datatypes such as HierarchyId or the spatial datatypes. However, if a UDT datatype is mapped to a String datatype in PowerScript, UDT binary values will be retrieved as hexadecimal strings. To retrieve or update data in binary form (blob) from a UDT, you can use the SelectBlob or UpdateBlob SQL statements, respectively.
You can use any of the associated methods of UDT or CLR datatypes that return compatible data (such as String, Long, Decimal, and so on) for InfoMaker applications.
T-SQL enhancements
MERGE statement
The MERGE Transact-SQL statement performs INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations on a target table or view based on the results of a join with a source table. You can use MERGE statement in the ISQL painter and in PowerScript using dynamic SQL. For example
String mySQL mySQL = "MERGE INTO a USING b ON a.keycol = b.keycol " & + "WHEN MATCHED THEN "& + "UPDATE SET col1 = b.col1,col2 = b.col2 " & + "WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN " & + "INSERT (keycol, col1, col2, col3)" & + "VALUES (b.keycol, b.col1, b.col2, b.col3) " & + "WHEN SOURCE NOT MATCHED THEN " & + "DELETE;" EXECUTE IMMEDIATE :Mysql; Using the MERGE statement in ISQL
A MERGE statement must be terminated by a semicolon. By default the ISQL painter uses a semicolon as a SQL terminating character, so to use a MERGE statement in ISQL, the terminating character must be changed to a colon (:), a forward slash (/), or some other special character.
Grouping sets
GROUPING SETS is an extension of the GROUP BY clause that lets you define multiple groupings in the same query. GROUPING SETS produce a single result set, making aggregate querying and reporting easier and faster. It is equivalent to a UNION ALL operation for differently grouped rows. The GROUPING SETS, ROLLUP, and CUBE operators are added to the GROUP BY clause. A new function, GROUPING_ID, returns more grouping-level information than the existing GROUPING function. (The WITH ROLLUP, WITH CUBE, and ALL syntax is not ISO compliant and is therefore deprecated.) The following example uses the GROUPING SETS operator and the GROUPING_ID function:
SELECT EmpId, Month, Yr, SUM(Sales) AS Sales FROM Sales
You can use the GROUPING SETS operator in the ISQL painter, in PowerScript (embedded SQL and dynamic SQL) and in reports (syntax mode).
Row constructors
Transact-SQL now allows multiple value inserts within a single INSERT statement. You can use the enhanced INSERT statement in the ISQL painter and in PowerScript (embedded SQL and dynamic SQL). For example:
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES ('tom', 25, 5), ('jerry', 30, 6), ('bok', 25, 3);
When including multiple values in a single INSERT statement with host variables, you must set the DisableBind DBParm to 1. If you use literal values as in the above example, you can insert multiple rows in a single INSERT statement regardless of the binding setting.
Compatibility level
In SQL Server 2008, the ALTER DATABASE statement allows you to set the database compatibility level (SQL Server version), replacing the sp_dbcmptlevel procedure. You can use this syntax in the ISQL painter and in PowerScript (dynamic SQL). For example:
ALTER DATABASE <database_name> SET COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL = {80 | 90 | 100} 80 = SQL Server 2000 90 = SQL Server 2005 100 = SQL Server 2008
Compatibility level affects behaviors for the specified database only, not for the entire database server. It provides only partial backward compatibility with earlier versions of SQL Server. You can use the database compatibility level as an interim migration aid to work around differences in the behaviors of different versions of the database.
Table hints
The FORCESEEK table hint overrides the default behavior of the query optimizer. It provides advanced performance tuning options, instructing the query optimizer to use an index seek operation as the only access path to the data in the table or view that is referenced by the query. You can use the FORCESEEK table hint in the ISQL painter, in PowerScript (embedded SQL and dynamic SQL), and in reports (syntax mode).
For example:
Select ProductID, OrderQty from SalesOrderDetail with (FORCESEEK);
The SNC interface supports SQL batch statements. However, they must be enclosed in a BEGIN...END block or start with the keyword DECLARE: Enclosed in a BEGIN...END block:
BEGIN INSERT INSERT SELECT SELECT END INTO t_1 values(1, 'sfdfs') INTO t_2 values(1, 'sfdfs') * FROM t_1 * FROM t_2
You can run the batch of SQL statements in the Database painter. For example:
String batchSQL //contains a batch of SQL statements DECLARE my_cursor DYNAMIC CURSOR FOR SQLSA ; PREPARE SQLSA FROM :batchSQL ; OPEN DYNAMIC my_cursor ; //first result set FETCH my_cursor INTO . . . //second result set FETCH my_cursor INTO . . . . . CLOSE my_cursor ;
Connection pooling
The SNC interface pools connections automatically using OLE DB pooling. To disable OLE DB pooling, type the following in the Extended Properties box on the Connection tab page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
OLE DB Services=-4
In the Objects view for SNC profiles in the Database painter, triggers display for tables in the Tables folder and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 synonyms display for tables and views.
Using Oracle
This chapter describes how to use the native Oracle database interfaces in InfoMaker.
Topic Supported versions for Oracle Supported Oracle datatypes Basic software components for Oracle Preparing to use the Oracle database Defining the Oracle database interface Using Oracle stored procedures as a data source Using Oracle user-defined types ORA driver support for Oracle 11g features Page 105 106 108 109 113 114 118 120
Updated information about supported versions of Oracle might be available electronically on the Sybase Support and Downloads Web site at or in the InfoMaker Release Bulletin.
The ORA database interface allows you to connect to Oracle 11g servers using Oracle 11g Database Client or Oracle 11g Instant Client. It includes partial support for the XMLType datatype that it maps to the InfoMaker String datatype. It also supports session and connection pooling, load balancing, the Oracle Client Cache, setting of an application driver name, and access through a proxy. Oracle 11g clients can also connect to Oracle9i or Oracle 10g servers. The O10 database interface allows you to connect to Oracle 10g servers using Oracle 10g Database Client or Oracle 10g Instant Client. It supports BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE datatypes and increased size limits for CLOB and NCLOB datatypes. Oracle 10g clients can connect to Oracle9i or Oracle 10g servers; they cannot connect to Oracle8i or earlier servers.
The ORA driver adds support for the XMLType datatype that was introduced with Oracle 9i. However, you cannot use this datatype with embedded SQL statements or in a report.
Accessing Unicode data
InfoMaker can connect, save, and retrieve data in both ANSI/DBCS and Unicode databases, but it does not convert data between Unicode and ANSI/DBCS. When character data or command text is sent to the database, InfoMaker sends a Unicode string. The driver must guarantee that the data is saved as Unicode data correctly. When InfoMaker retrieves character data, it assumes the data is Unicode.
Using Oracle
A Unicode database is a database whose character set is set to a Unicode format, such as UTF-8, UTF-16, UCS-2, or UCS-4. All data must be in Unicode format, and any data saved to the database must be converted to Unicode data implicitly or explicitly. A database that uses ANSI (or DBCS) as its character set might use special datatypes to store Unicode data. These datatypes are NCHAR and NVARCHAR2. Columns with this datatype can store only Unicode data. Any data saved into such a column must be converted to Unicode explicitly. This conversion must be handled by the database server or client. A constant string is regarded as a char type by Oracle and its character set is NLS_CHARACTERSET. However, if the datatype in the database is NCHAR and its character set is NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET, Oracle performs a conversion from NLS_CHARACTERSET to NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET. This can cause loss of data. For example, if NLS_CHARACTERSET is WE8ISO8859P1 and NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET is UTF8, when the Unicode data is mapped to WE8ISO8859P1, the Unicode data is corrupted. By default, the Oracle database interfaces bind all string data to internal variables as the Oracle CHAR datatype to avoid downgrading performance. To ensure that NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 columns are handled as such on the server, set the NCharBind database parameter to 1 to have the drivers bind string data as the Oracle NCHAR datatype. If an Oracle stored procedure has an NCHAR or NVARCHAR2 input parameter and the input data is a Unicode string, set the BindSPInput database parameter to 1 to force the Oracle database to bind the input data. The Oracle database interfaces are able to describe the procedure to determine its parameters, therefore you do not need to set the NCharBind database parameter. For a report to access NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 columns and retrieve data correctly, set both DisableBind and StaticBind to 0. Setting StaticBind to 0 ensures that InfoMaker gets an accurate datatype before retrieving.
TimeStamp datatype
The TimeStamp datatype in Oracle9i and later is an extension of the Date datatype. It stores the year, month, and day of the Date value plus hours, minutes, and seconds:
The fractional_seconds_precision value is optional and provides the number of digits for indicating seconds. The range of valid values for use with InfoMaker is 0-6.
Using Oracle
Preparing an Oracle database for use with InfoMaker involves these basic tasks.
Step 1: Install and configure the database server
You must install and configure the database server, network, and client software for Oracle.
To install and configure the database server, network, and client software:
Make sure the Oracle database software is installed on your computer or on the server specified in your database profile. For example, with the Oracle O90 interface you can access an Oracle9i or Oracle 10g database server. You must obtain the database server software from Oracle Corporation. For installation instructions, see your Oracle documentation.
Make sure the supported network software (such as TCP/IP) is installed and running on your computer and is properly configured so that you can connect to the Oracle database server at your site. The Hosts and Services files must be present on your computer and properly configured for your environment. You must obtain the network software from your network vendor or database vendor. For installation and configuration instructions, see your network or database administrator.
Install the required Oracle client software on each client computer on which InfoMaker is installed. You must obtain the client software from Oracle Corporation. Make sure the client software version you install supports all of the following: The operating system running on the client computer The version of the database that you want to access The version of InfoMaker that you are running Oracle 10g Instant Client is free client software that lets you run applications without installing the standard Oracle client software. It has a small footprint and can be freely redistributed.
Make sure the Oracle client software is properly configured so that you can connect to the Oracle database server at your site. For information about setting up Oracle configuration files, see your Oracle Net documentation.
Step 2: Install the database interface
If required by your operating system, make sure the directory containing the Oracle client software is in your system path.
In the InfoMaker Setup program, select the Typical install or select the Custom install and select the Oracle database interfaces you require. For a list of the Oracle database interfaces available, see Supported versions for Oracle on page 105.
Make sure you can connect to the Oracle database server and log in to the database you want to access from outside InfoMaker. Some possible ways to verify the connection are by running the following Oracle tools:
Accessing the database server Tools such as Oracle TNSPING (or any other ping utility) check whether you can reach the database server from your computer. Accessing the database
Tools such as Oracle SQL*Plus check whether you can log in to the Oracle database you want to access and perform database operations. It is a good idea to specify the same connection parameters you plan to use in your InfoMaker database profile to access the database.
Using Oracle
Oracle client interface (OCI) pooling for InfoMaker applications is created when you connect to an Oracle server for the first time. The pooling is identified by the server name and character set which are passed in the DBPARM parameters SQLCA.ServerName and NLS_Charset, respectively. If two Oracle connections are connected to the same Oracle server but use different character sets, the connections must reside in different connection or session pools. All pooling-related DBPARM parameters must be set before the initial database connection from InfoMaker. Session pooling means that the application creates and maintains a group of stateless sessions to the database. These sessions are passed to thin clients as requested. If no session is available, a new one is created. When the client is done with the session, the client releases it to the pool. With session pooling, the number of sessions in the pool can increase dynamically. Session pooling does not support external authentication using an OS account. If a Login ID is not specified in a database connection using an existing session pool, the Login ID of the session pooling creator is used for the connection.
CNNPool parameter maintained for backward compatibiity
The O90 and O10 database drivers that you can use in InfoMaker to connect to the 9.x and 10.x versions of the Oracle DBMS support connection pooling with the DBPARM parameter CNNPool. For backward compatibility purposes, this parameter is also supported by the ORA driver that you use with Oracle 11g. However, if the Pooling parameter is used with this driver, the CNNPool parameter is ignored.
Deciding on pooling type
Table 9-3 describes the circumstances under which you should make your pooling selection.
Table 9-3: Pooling types and when or when not to use them Choose Session pooling When database sessions are Stateless (reusable by middle tier threads) and the number of back-end server processes can cause database scaling problems. Stateful (not reusable by middle tier threads) and the number of back-end server processes can cause database scaling problems. The number of physical connections and back-end server processes is reduced by using connection pooling. Therefore many more database sessions can be utilized for the same back-end server configuration.
Connection pooling
Choose No pooling
When database sessions are Stateful (not reusable by middle tier threads) and the number of back-end server processes will never be large enough to cause scaling issues for the database. EAServer components and MTS components do not support either type of pooling for Oracle databases.
Setting pooling parameters The database profile dialog box for an Oracle
11g connection includes a Pooling tab that lets you select the pooling parameters listed in Table 9-4.
Table 9-4: Pooling parameters for the ORA driver Pooling parameter Pooling Type Runtime Connection Load Balancing Homogeneous Session Description You can select Session Pooling, Connection Pooling, or None (default). Sets the Pooling DBPARM. This check box selected by default. It is ignored when you select Connection Pooling or None for the Pooling Type. Sets the RTConnBalancing DBPARM. This check box is not selected by default and is valid for session pooling only. When selected, all sessions in the pool are authenticated with the user name and password in effect when the session pool was created. The user name and password in later connection requests are ignored. Proxy sessions cannot be created in homogeneous sessioon mode. Sets the SessionHomogeneous DBPARM. Integer for the minimum number of database connection sessions; value is 1 by default. Sets the CSMin DBPARM. This value is ignored when the SessionHomogeneous DBPARM is set to false. Integer for the maximum number of database connection sessions; value is 100 by default. Sets the CSMax DBPARM. Integer for database connection increments per session; value is 1 by default. Sets the CSIncr DBPARM. This value is ignored when the SessionHomogeneous DBPARM is set to false. User name used to create the connection or session pool when the pool is not already created. Sets the PoolCreator DBParm to a string for the user name prior to the database connection. If you do not provide a value for the PoolCreator DBParm, the Transaction objects LogID and LogPass properties are used to create the pooling.
Pool Creator
Using Oracle
Description Password used to create the connection or session pool when the pool is not already created. Sets the PoolPwd DBParm to a string for the password for the pool creator.
The syntax of the connect descriptor depends on the Oracle client software you are using. If you are using Net9 or later, the syntax is:
Description The at ( @ ) sign is required The identifier for the Oracle Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) technology
Description The colon ( : ) is required The service name assigned to your server in the Oracle configuration file for your platform
Net9 example
To use Net9 client software to connect to the service named ORA9, type the following connect descriptor in the Server box on the Connection tab of the Database Profile Setup dialog box for Oracle9i and later: ORA9.
In your InfoMaker application, you can use an Oracle stored procedure as a data source for reports.
Procedures with a single result set You can use stored procedures that return a single result set in reports, but not when using the RPCFUNC keyword to declare a stored procedure as an external function or subroutine.
Using Oracle
The following procedure assumes you are creating the stored procedure in the ISQL view of the Database painter in InfoMaker.
To use an Oracle stored procedure with a result set:
1 2 3
Setting up the Database painter
Set up the ISQL view of the Database painter to create the stored procedure. Create the stored procedure with a result set as an IN OUT (reference) parameter. Create reports that use the stored procedure as a data source.
When you create a stored procedure in the ISQL view of the Database painter, you must change the default SQL statement terminator character to one that you do not plan to use in your stored procedure syntax. The default SQL terminator character for the Database painter is a semicolon (;). If you plan to use a semicolon in your Oracle stored procedure syntax, you must change the painters terminator character to something other than a semicolon to avoid conflicts. A good choice is the backquote ( ` ) character.
To change the default SQL terminator character in the Database painter:
Connect to your Oracle database in InfoMaker as the System user. For instructions, see Defining the Oracle database interface on page 113.
2 3
Open the Database painter. Select Design>Options from the menu bar. The Database Preferences dialog box displays. If necessary, click the General tab to display the General property page.
4 5
Type the character you want (for example, a backquote) in the SQL Terminator Character box. Click Apply or OK. The SQL Terminator Character setting is applied to the current connection and all future connections (until you change it).
After setting up the Database painter, you can create an Oracle stored procedure that has a result set as an IN OUT (reference) parameter. InfoMaker retrieves the result set to populate a report.
There are many ways to create stored procedures with result sets. The following procedure describes one possible method that you can use. For information about when you can use stored procedures with single and multiple result sets, see What you can do with Oracle stored procedures on page 114.
To create Oracle stored procedures with result sets:
Make sure your Oracle user account has the necessary database access and privileges to access Oracle objects (such as tables and procedures). Without the appropriate access and privileges, you will be unable to create Oracle stored procedures.
Create an Oracle package that holds the result set type and stored procedure. The result type must match your table definition. For example, the following statement creates an Oracle package named spm that holds a result set type named rctl and a stored procedure named proc1. The tt%ROWTYPE attribute defines rctl to contain all of the columns in table tt. The procedure proc1 takes one parameter, a cursor variable named rc1 that is an IN OUT parameter of type rctl.
Create the Oracle stored procedure separately from the package you defined. The following example shows how to create a stored procedure named spm_proc 1 that returns a single result set. The IN OUT specification means that InfoMaker passes the cursor variable (rc1 or rc2) by reference to the Oracle procedure and expects the procedure to open the cursor. After the procedure call, InfoMaker fetches the result set from the cursor and then closes the cursor.
Using Oracle
spm_proc1 example for reports The following statements create spm_proc1 which returns one result set. You can use this procedure as the
Error checking
If necessary, check the Oracle system table public.user_errors for a list of errors.
Creating the report
After you create the stored procedure, you can define the report that uses the stored procedure as a data source. You can use Oracle stored procedures that return a single result set in a report. The following procedure assumes that your Oracle stored procedure returns only a single result set.
To create a report using an Oracle stored procedure with a result set:
1 2
Select a presentation style on the DataWindow page of the New dialog box and click OK. Select the Stored Procedure icon and click OK. The Select Stored Procedure wizard page displays, listing the stored procedures available in your database.
3 4
Select the stored procedure you want to use as a data source, and click Next. Complete the wizard to define the report. When you preview the report, InfoMaker fetches the result set from the cursor in order to populate the report. If you selected Retrieve on Preview on the Choose Data Source page in the wizard, the result set displays in the Preview view when the DataWindow opens.
Here is a simple example that shows how you might create and use Oracle user-defined types in InfoMaker. For more information about Oracle user-defined types, see your Oracle documentation.
Using Oracle
In the ISQL view of the Database painter, create two Oracle user-defined types: ball_stats_type and player_type. Here is the Oracle syntax to create ball_stats_type. Notice that the ball_stats object of type ball_stats_type has a method associated with it called get_avg.
Here is the Oracle SQL syntax to create player_type. Player_type references the user-defined type ball_stats_type. InfoMaker supports such nesting graphically in the Database, Report, and Table painters (see step 3).
CREATE TYPE player_type AS OBJECT (player_no NUMBER(2),player_name VARCHAR2(30),ball_stats ball_stats_type);
In the Database painter, create a table named lineup that references these user-defined types. Here is the Oracle SQL syntax to create the lineup table and insert a row. Lineup references the player_type user-defined type.
CREATE TABLE lineup (position NUMBER(2) NOT NULL, player player_type); INSERT INTO lineup VALUES (1,player_type (15, 'Dustin Pedroia', ball_stats_type (0.317, 50)));
Display the lineup table in the Database or Report painter. InfoMaker uses the following structure->member notation to display the table:
lineup ====== position player->player_no player->player_name
player->ball_stats->bat_avg player->ball_stats->rbi
To access the get_avg method of the object ball_stats contained in the object column player, use the following structure->member notation when defining a computed column for the report. For example, when working in the Report painter, you could use this notation on the Compute tab in the SQL Toolbox:
The InfoMaker ORA driver supports Oracle Client Cache, however this feature depends on your Oracle Server and Client configuration. You can configure the Oracle Client Cache with an init.ora or sqlnet.ora file. Cached queries are annotated with /*+ result_cache */ hints to indicate that results are stored in the query result cache. You enable OCI statement caching from InfoMaker applications with the StatementCache DBPARM parameter. An OCI application can choose its own name and set it as a diagnostic aid. The AppDriverName DPBARM parameter allows you to set your own client driver name for the InfoMaker ORA interface. The maximum length of the name is 8 characters. You can display the client driver name with the V$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO or GV$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO dynamic performance view queries. The InfoMaker ORA driver supports the proxy authentication feature that was introduced in Oracle 10.2. With proxy authentication, the end user typically authenticates to a middle tier (such as a firewall), that in turn logs into the database on the user's behalfas a proxy user. After logging into the database, the proxy user can switch to the end user's identity and perform operations using the authorization accorded to that user. The ConnectAs DBParm parameter allows you to take advantage of this proxy connection feature. For example, if the users Transaction object LogID is Scott and you set the ConnectAs DBParm parameter to John, the OCI client logs in to database as the proxy user (Scott), then switches to the end user identity (John).
Using Oracle
If you are using connection or session pooling, the proxy user name is the connection or session pooling creator (which you can provide in the PoolCreator and PoolPwd DBParm parameters), and the Transaction objects LogID is ignored. No proxy session can be created if pooling is set to HomogeneousSession mode.
Limitation on proxy connection without pooling
When using a proxy connection without pooling, you must set the NLS_Charset DBPARM to Local or to another non-Unicode character set. If you do not change the Unicode default value for this DBPARM, the connection fails because the Oracle Client Interface does not accept a Unicode name string for its proxy client attribute.
Load balancing
The Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) database option allows a single database to be hosted in multiple instances on multiple nodes of the database server. This adds high availability and failover capacity to the database. Availability is improved since, if one node fails, another node can assume its workload. All instances have access to the whole database. The shared disk method of clustering databases used by the RAC option increases scalability because nodes can be added or freed as required. In RAC environments, session pools can use service metrics received from the RAC load balancing advisory to balance application session requests. The work requests coming into the session pool can then be distributed across the instances of RAC based on current service performance.
Connect time load balancing Balancing of work requests occur at two different times: connect time and runtime. Connect time load balancing occurs when a session is first created by the application. This ensures that sessions that are part of the pool are well distributed across RAC instances, and that sessions on each of the instances get a chance to execute work.
For session pools that support services at one instance only, the first available session in the pool is adequate. When the pool supports services that span multiple instances, there is a need to distribute the work requests across instances so that the instances that are providing better service or have greater capacity get more requests.
Runtime connection load balancing Runtime connection load balancing basically routs work requests to the sessions in a session pool that best serve the work. Runtime connection load balancing is enabled by default when an Oracle 11.1 or higher client is connected to a 10.2 or higher Oracle server using OCI session pooling.
The DBPARM parameter, RTConnBalancing, supports the runtime connection load balancing feature. It is available only when the Pooling parameter is set to Session Pooling, and it can be set before connection only. By default, when you select Session Pooling for the pooling type, the RTConnBalancing value is true.
1 0
Using DirectConnect
InfoMaker can connect, save, and retrieve data in both ANSI/DBCS and Unicode databases. When character data or command text is sent to the database, InfoMaker sends a DBCS string if the UTF8 database parameter is set to 0 (the default). If UTF8 is set to 1, InfoMaker sends a UTF-8 string. The database server must have the UTF-8 character set installed. See the description of the UTF-8 database parameter in the online Help for more information. A Unicode database is a database whose character set is set to a Unicode format, such as UTF-8, UTF-16, UCS-2, or UCS-4. All data must be in Unicode format, and any data saved to the database must be converted to Unicode data implicitly or explicitly.
A database that uses ANSI (or DBCS) as its character set might use special datatypes to store Unicode data. Columns with these datatypes can store only Unicode data. Any data saved into such a column must be converted to Unicode explicitly. This conversion must be handled by the database server or client.
Using DirectConnect
To access DB2 data on an IBM mainframe through Open ServerConnect, you can use the DirectConnect interface to connect through Open ServerConnect for IMS and MVS.
All the DBParm parameters defined for the DirectConnect interface are applicable to all three connections except the following: HostReqOwner applies to Access Service and Gatewayless only Request, ShowWarnings, and SystemOwner apply to Access Service only UseProcSyntax applies to Gatewayless only
See the online help for the complete list of DBParm parameters applicable to the DirectConnect interface.
To access a DB2/MVS database through the access service, it is strongly recommended that you use DirectConnect for MVS access service version 11.1.1p4 or later. To access a DB2/MVS database through TRS, it is strongly recommended that you use DirectConnect TRS version 11.1.1p4 or later. For information on DirectConnect for MVS and TRS, see your DirectConnect documentation.
To access a DB2/MVS database through Open ServerConnect, it is strongly recommended that you use Open ServerConnect IMS and MVS version 4.0 or later. For information on Open ServerConnect for MVS, see your Open ServerConnect documentation.
Using DirectConnect
Figure 10-2 shows the basic software components required to access a database using the DirectConnect interface and the Open ServerConnect middleware data access product.
Figure 10-2: Components of a DirectConnect connection using Open ServerConnect middleware
Using DirectConnect
2 3 4
Step 1: Install and configure the Sybase middleware product
Install the DirectConnect interface. Verify that you can connect to your middleware product and your database outside InfoMaker. Create the extended attribute system tables outside InfoMaker.
You must install and configure the Sybase middleware data access product, network, and client software.
To install and configure the Sybase middleware data access product, network, and client software:
Make sure the appropriate database software is installed and running on its server. You must obtain the database server software from your database vendor. For installation instructions, see your database vendors documentation.
Make sure the appropriate DirectConnect access service software is installed and running on the DirectConnect server specified in your database profile or Make sure the appropriate Open ServerConnect software is installed and running on the mainframe specified in your database profile. Make sure the required network software (such as TCP/IP) is installed and running on your computer and is properly configured so you that can connect to the DirectConnect server or mainframe at your site. You must install the network communication driver that supports the network protocol and operating system platform you are using. For installation and configuration instructions, see your network or database administrator.
Install the required Open Client CT-Library (CT-Lib) software on each client computer on which InfoMaker is installed. You must obtain the Open Client software from Sybase. Make sure the version of Open Client you install supports both of the following: The operating system running on the client computer The version of InfoMaker that you are running
Open Client required
For information about Open Client, see your Open Client documentation. 5 Make sure the Open Client software is properly configured so you can connect to the middleware data access product at your site. Installing the Open Client software places the SQL.INI configuration file in the SQL Server directory on your computer. SQL.INI provides information that SQL Server uses to find and connect to the middleware product at your site. You can enter and modify information in SQL.INI with the configuration utility or editor that comes with the Open Client software. For information about editing the SQL.INI file, see Editing the SQL.INI file on page 131. For more information about setting up SQL.INI or any other required configuration file, see your SQL Server documentation. 6 7 If required by your operating system, make sure the directory containing the Open Client software is in your system path. Make sure only one copy of each of the following files is installed on your client computer:
Step 2: Install the interface Step 3: Verify the connection
DirectConnect interface DLL Network communication DLL (such as NLWNSCK.DLL for Windows Sockets-compliant TCP/IP) Open Client DLLs (such as LIBCT.DLL and LIBCS.DLL)
In the InfoMaker Setup program, select the Typical install, or select the Custom install and select the Direct Connect Interface (DIR). Make sure you can connect to your middleware product and your database and log in to the database you want to access from outside InfoMaker. Some possible ways to verify the connection are by running the following tools:
Accessing the database server Tools such as the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility (or any Ping utility) check whether you can reach the database server from your computer. Accessing the database
Tools such as ISQL or SQL Advantage (interactive SQL utilities) check whether you can log in to the database and perform database operations. It is a good idea to specify the same connection parameters you plan to use in your InfoMaker database profile to access the database.
Using DirectConnect
InfoMaker uses a collection of five system tables to store extended attribute information. When using the DirectConnect interface, you must create the extended attribute system tables outside InfoMaker to control the access rights and location of these tables. Run the DB2SYSPB.SQL script outside InfoMaker using the SQL tool of your choice. For instructions, see Creating the extended attribute system tables in DB2 databases on page 132.
Make sure the SQL.INI file provides an entry about either the access service being used and the DirectConnect server on which it resides or the Open ServerConnect program being used and the mainframe on which it resides. For the server object name, you need to provide the exact access service name as it is defined in the access service library configuration file on the DirectConnect server. You must also specify the network communication DLL being used, the TCP/IP address or alias used for the DirectConnect server on which the access service resides, and the port on which the DirectConnect server listens for requests:
[access_service_name] query=network_dll,server_alias,server_port_no
InfoMaker users must also specify the access service name in the SQLCA.ServerName property of the Transaction object.
When you use the DirectConnect interface, the extended attribute system tables are not created automatically. You must run the DB2SYSPB.SQL script to create the system tables as described in Using the DB2SYSPB.SQL script on page 133.
To ensure that the extended attribute system tables are created with the proper access rights:
Make sure the first person to connect to the database with InfoMaker has sufficient authority to create tables and grant permissions to PUBLIC. This means that the first person to connect to the database should log in as the database owner, database administrator, system user, system administrator, or system owner, as specified by your DBMS.
Using DirectConnect
If you are a system administrator at a DB2 site, you might prefer to create the extended attribute system tables outside InfoMaker for two reasons: The first user to connect to the DB2 database using InfoMaker might not have the proper authority to create tables. When InfoMaker creates the extended attribute system tables, it places them in the default tablespace. This might not be appropriate for your needs.
You must create the extended attribute system tables outside InfoMaker if you are using the DirectConnect interface. You need to decide which database and tablespace should store the system tables. You might also want to grant update privileges only to specific developers or groups.
What you do
To create the extended attribute system tables, you run the DB2SYSPB.SQL script outside InfoMaker. This script contains SQL commands that create and initialize the system tables with the table owner and tablespace you specify. The DB2SYSPB.SQL script is in the Server directory on the InfoMaker CD-ROM. This directory contains server-side installation components and is not installed with InfoMaker on your computer. You can access the DB2SYSPB.SQL script directly from your computers CD-ROM drive or you can copy it to your computer. Use the following procedure from the database server to create the extended attribute system tables in a DB2 database outside InfoMaker. This procedure assumes you are accessing the DB2SYSPB.SQL script from the product CD in your computers CD-ROM drive and the drive letter is Z.
To create the extended attribute system tables in a DB2 database outside InfoMaker:
1 2
Log in to the database server or gateway as the system administrator. Insert the InfoMaker CD-ROM into the computers CD-ROM drive.
Use any text editor to modify Z:\Server\DB2SYSPB.SQL for your environment. You can do any of the following: Change all instances of PBOwner to another name.
Specifying SYSIBM is prohibited You cannot specify SYSIBM as the table owner. This is prohibited by
DB2. Change all instances of database.tablespace to the appropriate value. Add appropriate SQL statement delimiters for the tool you are using to run the script. Remove comments and blank lines if necessary.
If you changed PBOwner to another name in the DB2SYSPB.SQL script, you must specify the new owner name as the value for the PBCatalogOwner DBParm parameter in your database profile. For instructions, see PBCatalogOwner in the online Help. 4 5 Save any changes you made to the DB2SYSPB.SQL script. Execute the DB2SYSPB.SQL script from the database server or gateway using the SQL tool of your choice.
This part describes how to establish, manage, and troubleshoot database connections.
After you install the necessary database software and define the database interface, you can connect to the database from InfoMaker. Once you connect to the database, you can work with the tables and views stored in that database. This chapter describes how to connect to a database in InfoMaker, maintain database profiles, and share database profiles.
Topic About database connections Connecting to a database Maintaining database profiles Sharing database profiles Importing and exporting database profiles About the InfoMaker extended attribute system tables
In this chapter, the term database refers to both of the following unless otherwise specified: A database or DBMS that you access with a standard database interface and appropriate driver A database or DBMS that you access with the appropriate native database interface
In the development environment, the setting of the Automatically Connect to Database system option controls whether InfoMaker connects to the database when you open a painter requiring a connection (the default) or automatically when you start InfoMaker. The Automatically Connect to Database option has no effect in InfoMaker applications at runtime. Like PowerBuilder, InfoMaker connects to your database when you run an application that accesses the database.
To set the Automatically Connect to Database option in InfoMaker:
Select Tools>System Options from the menu bar. The System Options dialog box displays.
On the General tab page, select or clear the Automatically Connect to Database check box as follows:
Select the check box The next time you start InfoMaker, it automatically connects to the database at startup and stays connected throughout the session until you exit. Clear the check box (Default) The next time you start InfoMaker, it connects to the database only when you open one of the following painters requiring a connection: Database, Report, Form, Data Pipeline, or Query. It does not connect to the database automatically at startup.
InfoMaker connects to the database you used last when you open a painter that accesses the database. InfoMaker determines which database you used last by reading a setting in the registry. This book describes how to connect to your database when you are working in the InfoMaker development environment.
A database profile is a named set of parameters stored in the registry that defines a connection to a particular database in the InfoMaker development environment. Creating and using database profiles is the easiest way to manage your database connections in InfoMaker because you can: Select a database profile to establish or change database connections. You can easily connect to another database anytime during an InfoMaker session. This is particularly useful if you often switch between different database connections. Edit a database profile to modify or supply additional connection parameters. Delete a database profile if you no longer need to access that data. Import and export profiles.
Because database profiles are created when you define your data and are stored in the registry, they have the following benefits: They are always available to you. Connection parameters supplied in a database profile are saved until you edit or delete the database profile.
Connecting to a database
Connecting to a database
To establish or change a database connection in InfoMaker, use a database profile. You can select the database profile for the database you want to access in the Database Profiles dialog box For how to create a database profile, see Creating a database profile on page 9.
Using the Database painter to select a database profile
The Database painter is an optional InfoMaker painter. If the Database painter is installed, you can select the database profile for the database you want to access from the Database painters Objects view. However, this method uses more system resources than using the Database Profiles dialog box.
Click the Database Profile button in the PowerBar or select Tools>Database Profile from the menu bar.
Database Profile button
If your PowerBar does not include the Database Profile button, use the customize feature to add the button to the PowerBar. Having the Database Profile button on your PowerBar is useful if you frequently switch connections between different databases. For instructions on customizing toolbars, see the Users Guide. The Database Profiles dialog box displays, listing your installed database interfaces.
Where the interface list comes from
When you run the Setup program, it updates the Vendors list in the registry with the interfaces you install. The Database Profiles dialog box displays the same interfaces that appear in the Vendors list. 2 Click the plus sign (+) to the left of the interface you are using or double-click the name. The list expands to display the database profiles defined for your interface.
Select the name of the database profile you want to access and click Connect or display the pop-up menu for a database profile and select Connect. InfoMaker connects to the specified database and returns you to the painter workspace.
You can select a database profile from the Database painter Objects view.
To connect to a database using the Database painter:
Click the Database painter button in the PowerBar. The Database painter displays. The Objects view lists your installed database interfaces.
Where the interface list comes from
When you run the Setup program, it updates the Vendors list in the registry with the interfaces you install. The Database painter Objects view displays the same interfaces that appear in the Vendors list. 2 Click the plus sign (+) to the left of the interface you are using or double-click the name. The list expands to display the database profiles defined for your interface. 3 Select the name of the database profile you want to access and click the Connect button, or display the pop-up menu for a database profile and select Connect.
Connecting to a database
The three-letter abbreviation for the database interface followed by the name of the database profile displays in InfoMaker's main title bar. If you are working with a report or form, this visual cue makes it easier to check that you are using the right connection. For example, if you open the tutorial PBL and connect to the EAS Demo database, the title bar displays tutor_im.pbl - ODB [EAS Demo DB V115 IM] - InfoMaker.
To suppress password display in the profile registry entry, do the following when you create a database profile.
To suppress password display in the profile registry entry:
Select the Prompt For Database Information check box on the Connection tab in the Database Profile Setup dialog box. This tells InfoMaker to prompt for any missing information when you select this profile to connect to the database.
Leave the Password box blank. Instead, specify the password in the dialog box that displays to prompt you for additional information when you connect to the database.
What happens
When you specify the password in response to a prompt instead of in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, the password does not display in the registry entry for this profile. For example, if you do not supply a password in the Database Profile Setup Adaptive Server Enterprise dialog box when creating a database profile, the Client Library Login dialog box displays to prompt you for the missing information.
When you edit or delete a database profile, InfoMaker either updates the database profile entry in the registry or removes it.
Deleting a profile for an ODBC data source
If you delete a database profile that connects to an ODBC data source, InfoMaker does not delete the corresponding data source definition from the ODBC initialization file. This lets you re-create the database profile later if necessary without having to redefine the data source.
Since the database profiles used by PowerBuilder and InfoMaker are stored in a common registry location, database profiles you create in any of these tools are automatically available for use by the others, if the tools are running on the same computer. This section describes what you need to know to set up, use, and maintain shared database profiles in InfoMaker.
To share database profiles among all InfoMaker users at your site, store a profile file on a network file server accessible to all users. When you share database profiles, InfoMaker displays shared database profiles from the file you specify as well as those from your registry. Shared database profiles are read-only. You can select a shared profile to connect to a databasebut you cannot edit, save, or delete profiles that are shared. (You can, however, make changes to a shared profile and save it on your computer, as described in Making local changes to shared database profiles on page 146.)
1 2
In the Database painter, select Design>Options from the menu bar to display the Database Preferences dialog box. In the Shared Database Profiles box on the General tab page, specify the location of the file containing the database profiles you want to share. Do this in either of the following ways: Type the location (path name) in the Shared Database Profiles box. Click the Browse button to navigate to the file location and display it in the Shared Database Profiles box.
In the following example, c:\work\share.ini is the location of the file containing the database profiles to be shared:
Click OK. InfoMaker applies the Shared Database Profiles setting to the current connection and all future connections and saves the setting in the registry.
You can select and connect to a shared database profile in the Database Profiles dialog box.
To select a shared database profile in the Database Profiles dialog box:
Click the Database Profile button in the PowerBar or select Tools>Database Profile from the menu bar.
The Database Profiles dialog box displays, listing both shared and local profiles. Shared profiles are denoted by a network icon and the word (Shared).
Select the name of the shared profile you want to access and click Connect. InfoMaker connects to the selected database and returns you to the painter workspace.
1 2
In the Database Profiles dialog box, select the shared profile you want to edit and click the Edit button. In the Database Profile Setup dialog box that displays, edit the profile values as needed and click OK. A message box displays, asking if you want to save a copy of the modified profile to your computer.
Click Yes. InfoMaker saves the modified profile in your computers registry.
Make and save required changes to the shared profiles on your own computer. These changes are saved in your registry. For instructions, see Making local changes to shared database profiles on page 146.
Export the updated profile entries from your registry to the existing file containing shared profiles. For instructions, see Importing and exporting database profiles on page 147.
If they have not already done so, have users specify the location of the new profiles file in the Database Preferences property sheet so that they can access the updated shared profiles on their computer. For instructions, see Setting up shared database profiles on page 144.
To import a profile:
Highlight a database interface and select Import Profile(s) from the pop-up menu. (In the Database painter, select Import Profile(s) from the File or pop-up menu.) From the Select Profile File dialog box, select the file whose profiles you want to import and click Save. Select the profile(s) you want to import from the Import Profile(s) dialog box and click OK. The profiles are copied into your registry. If a profile with the same name already exists, you are asked if you want to overwrite it.
2 3
To export a profile:
Highlight a database interface and select Export Profile(s) from the pop-up menu. (In the Database painter, select Export Profile(s) from the File or pop-up menu.) Select the profile(s) you want to export from the Export Profile(s) dialog box and click OK. The Export Profile(s) dialog box lists all profiles defined in your registry regardless of the database interface for which they were defined. By default, the profiles defined for the selected database interface are marked for export.
From the Select Profile File dialog box, select a directory and a file in which to save the exported profile(s) and click Save. The exported profiles can be saved to a new or existing file. If saved to an existing file, the profile(s) are added to the existing profiles. If a profile with the same name already exists, you are asked if you want to overwrite it.
Make sure the InfoMaker extended attribute system tables are created with the proper access rights when you log in to your database for the first time Display and open an InfoMaker extended attribute system table Understand the kind of information stored in the InfoMaker extended attribute system tables Control extended attribute system table access
Make sure the first person to connect to the database with InfoMaker has sufficient authority to create tables and grant permissions to PUBLIC. This means that the first person to connect to the database should log in as the database owner, database administrator, system user, system administrator, or system owner, as specified by your DBMS.
Creating the extended attribute system tables when using the DirectConnect interface
When you are using the DirectConnect interface, the InfoMaker extended attribute system tables are not created automatically the first time you connect to a database. You must run the DB2SYSPB.SQL script to create the system tables, as described in Using the DB2SYSPB.SQL script on page 133.
You can display and open InfoMaker extended attribute system tables in the Database painter just like other tables.
To display the InfoMaker extended attribute system tables:
In the Database painter, highlight Tables in the list of database objects for the active connection and select Show System Tables from the pop-up menu.
The InfoMaker extended attribute system tables and DBMS system tables display in the tables list, as follows:
InfoMaker system tables The five system tables are: pbcatcol, pbcatedt, pbcatfmt, pbcattbl, and pbcatvld.
The system tables supplied by the DBMS usually have a DBMS-specific prefix (such as sys or dbo).
Display the contents of an InfoMaker system table in the Object Layout, Object Details, and/or Columns views. For instructions, see the Users Guide.
Do not edit the extended attribute system tables
Do not change the values in the InfoMaker extended attribute system tables.
Attributes Names, comments, headers, labels, case, initial value, and justification Edit style names and definitions Display format names and definitions
System table
pbcattbl pbcatvld
Attributes Name, owner, default fonts (for data, headings and labels), and comments Validation rule names and definitions
For more about the InfoMaker system tables, see the Appendix in the Users Guide.
Prefixes in system table names
For some databases, InfoMaker precedes the name of the system table with a default DBMS-specific prefix. For example, the names of InfoMaker system tables have the prefix DBO in a SQL Server database (such as DBO.pbcatcol), or SYSTEM in an Oracle database (such as SYSTEM.pbcatfmt). The preceding table gives the base name of each system table without the DBMS-specific prefix.
Set the Use Extended Attributes database preference in the Database Preferences dialog box in the Database painter.
Setting Read Only Set the Read Only database preference in the Database Preferences dialog box in the Database painter. Granting permissions on the system tables Grant explicit permissions on the system tables to users or groups at your site.
Select Design>Options from the menu bar to display the Database Preferences dialog box.
Preference Use Extended Attributes
On the General page, set values for Use Extended Attributes or Read Only as follows:
What you do Clear the check box Effect Does not create the InfoMaker system tables if they do not exist. Instead, the painter uses the appropriate default values for extended attributes (such as headers, labels, and text color). If the InfoMaker system tables already exist, InfoMaker does not use them when you create a new report or form.
Read Only
If the InfoMaker system tables already exist, InfoMaker uses them when you create a new report or form, but does not update them. You cannot modify (update) information in the system tables or any other database tables in the Report painter or Form painter when the Read Only check box is selected.
Click OK. InfoMaker applies the preference settings to the current connection and all future connections and saves them in the registry.
After the system tables are created, you can (for example) control access to them by granting SELECT authority to end users and SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE authority to developers. This technique offers security and flexibility that is enforced by the DBMS itself.
1 2
To fine-tune your database connection and take advantage of DBMS-specific features that your interface supports, you can set additional connection parameters at any time. These additional connection parameters include: Database parameters Database preferences
These connection parameters are described in the Database Connectivity section in the online Help. This chapter describes how to set database parameters and database preferences in InfoMaker.
Contents Topic Basic steps for setting connection parameters About the Database Profile Setup dialog box Setting database parameters Setting database preferences Page 155 156 157 158
Learn how to set database parameters in the development environment. See Setting database parameters on page 157.
Determine the database parameters you can set for your database interface. For a table listing each supported database interface and the database parameters you can use with that interface, see Database parameters and supported database interfaces in the online Help.
3 4
Read the description of the database parameter you want to set in the online Help. Set the database parameter for your database connection.
Learn how to set database preferences in the development environment. See Setting database preferences on page 158.
Determine the database preferences you can set for your DBMS. For a table listing each supported database interface and the database preferences you can use with that interface, see Database parameters and supported database interfaces in the online Help.
3 4
Read the description of the database preference you want to set in the online Help. Set the database preference for your database connection.
Easily set additional connection parameters in the development environment You can specify additional connection parameters (database parameters and transaction object properties) with easy-to-use check boxes, dropdown lists, and text boxes. InfoMaker generates the proper syntax automatically when it saves your database profile in the system registry.
To set database parameters for a database connection in the InfoMaker development environment, you must edit the database profile for that connection. Strings containing database parameters that you specify in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for your connection can be up to 999 characters in length. This limit applies only to database parameters that you set in a database profile in the development environment. Database strings specified in code as properties of the Transaction object are not limited to a specified length.
The way you set connection-related database preferences in InfoMaker varies, as summarized in the following table.
Table 12-1: Database preferences and where they can be set Database preference AutoCommit Lock Shared Database Profiles Connect DB at Startup Connect to Default Profile Read Only Keep Connection Open Use Extended Attributes SQL Terminator Character Set in development environment by editing Database Profile Setup dialog box for your connection Database Profile Setup dialog box for your connection Database Preferences dialog box Database Preferences dialog box Database Preferences dialog box Database Preferences dialog box Database Preferences dialog box Database Preferences dialog box Database Preferences dialog box
The following sections give the steps for setting database preferences in the development environment.
For more information
For information about using a specific database preference, see its description in the online Help.
To set AutoCommit and Lock before InfoMaker connects to your database, you specify their values in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for your connection.
To set AutoCommit and Lock (Isolation Level) in a database profile:
1 2
Display the Database Profiles dialog box. Click the plus sign (+) to the left of the interface you are using or double-click the interface name. The list expands to display the database profiles defined for your interface.
Select the name of the profile you want and click Edit. The Database Profile Setup dialog box for the selected profile displays.
On the Connection tab page, supply values for one or both of the following:
Isolation Level
If your database supports the use of locking and isolation levels, select the isolation level you want to use for this connection from the Isolation Level drop-down list. (The Isolation Level drop-down list contains valid lock values for your interface.)
AutoCommit Mode
The setting of AutoCommit controls whether InfoMaker issues SQL statements outside (True) or inside (False) the scope of a transaction. If your database supports it, select the AutoCommit Mode check box to set AutoCommit to True or clear the AutoCommit Mode check box (the default) to set AutoCommit to False.
For example, in addition to values for basic connection parameters (Server, Login ID, Password, and Database), the Connection tab page for the following Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise profile named Sales shows nondefault settings for Isolation Level and AutoCommit Mode. 5 Click OK to close the Database Profile Setup dialog box. InfoMaker saves your settings in the database profile entry in the registry.
The Database Preferences dialog box also lets you set other database preferences that affect the behavior of the Database painter itself. For information about the other preferences you can set in the Database Preferences dialog box, see the Users Guide.
1 2
Open the Database painter. Select Design>Options from the menu bar. The Database Preferences dialog box displays. If necessary, click the General tab to display the General property page.
Specify values for one or more of the connection-related database preferences in the following table.
Table 12-2: Connection-related database preferences Preference Shared Database Profiles Description Specifies the pathname of the file containing the database profiles you want to share. You can type the pathname or click Browse to display it. Specifies when InfoMaker connects to the database. Select or clear the check box as follows: Select the check box The next time you start InfoMaker, it automatically connects to the database at startup and stays connected throughout the session until you exit. Clear the check box (Default) The next time you start InfoMaker, it connects to the database only when you open a painter requiring a connection. Controls whether the Database painter establishes a connection to a database using a default profile when the painter is invoked. If not selected, the Database painter opens without establishing a connection to a database. Specifies whether InfoMaker should update the extended attribute system tables and any other tables in your database. Select or clear the Read Only check box as follows: Select the check box Does not update the extended attribute system tables or any other tables in your database. You cannot modify (update) information in the extended attribute system tables or any other database tables from the Report and Form painters when the Read Only check box is selected. Clear the check box (Default) Updates the extended attribute system tables and any other tables in your database. When you connect to a database in InfoMaker without using a database profile, specifies when InfoMaker closes the connection. Select or clear the Keep Connection Open check box as follows: Select the check box (Default) Stays connected to the database during your session and closes the connection when you exit Clear the check box Opens the connection only when a painter requests it and closes the connection when you close a painter or finish compiling a script
PowerBuilder only
For details, see Sharing database profiles on page 143 Connect DB at Startup in the online Help
Connect to Default Profile in online Help Read Only in the online Help
Read Only
Description Specifies whether InfoMaker should create and use the extended attribute system tables. Select or clear the Use Extended Attributes check box as follows: Select the check box (Default) Creates and uses the extended attribute system tables Clear the check box Does not create the extended attribute system tables Specify the number of table columns to be displayed when InfoMaker displays a table graphically. The default is eight. Specifies the SQL statement terminator character used in the ISQL view in the Database painter in InfoMaker. The default terminator character is a semicolon (;). If you are creating stored procedures and triggers in the ISQL view of the database painter, change the terminator to a character that you do not expect to use in the stored procedure or trigger for your DBMS. A good choice is the backquote (`) character.
Specify how frequently you want the table list to be refreshed from the database. The default is 30 minutes.
Do one of the following: Click Apply to apply the preference settings to the current connection without closing the Database Preferences dialog box. Click OK to apply the preference settings to the current connection and close the Database Preferences dialog box.
1 3
This chapter describes how to troubleshoot your database connection in InfoMaker by using the following tools: Database Trace ODBC Driver Manager Trace JDBC Driver Manager Trace
Topic Overview of troubleshooting tools Using the Database Trace tool Using the ODBC Driver Manager Trace tool Using the JDBC Driver Manager Trace tool Page 163 164 173 177
You can use the Database Trace tool for only one DBMS at a time and for one database connection at a time. For example, if your application connects to both an ODBC data source and an Adaptive Server Enterprise database, you can trace either the ODBC connection or the Adaptive Server Enterprise connection, but not both connections at the same time.
If you are familiar with InfoMaker and your DBMS, you can use the information in the log to help troubleshoot connection problems on your own. If you are less experienced or need help, run the Database Trace tool before you call Technical Support. You can then report or send the results of the trace to the Technical Support representative who takes your call.
By default, the Database Trace tool records the following information in the log file when you trace a database connection: Parameters used to connect to the database Time to perform each database operation (in microseconds) The internal commands executed to retrieve and display table and column information from your database. Examples include: Preparing and executing SQL statements such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE Getting column descriptions Fetching table rows Binding user-supplied values to columns (if your database supports bind variables) Committing and rolling back database changes
You can opt to include the names of DBI commands and the time elapsed from the last database connection to the completion of processing for each log entry. You can exclude binding and timing information as well as the data from all fetch requests.
Database Trace dialog box selections
The Database Trace dialog box lets you select the following items for inclusion in or exclusion from a database trace file:
Bind variables Metadata about the result set columns obtained from the
Fetch buffers
DBI names Database interface commands that are processed Time to implement request Time required to process DBI commands; the interval is measured in thousandths of milliseconds (microseconds) Cumulative time
Cumulative total of timings since the database connection began; the timing measurement is in thousandths of milliseconds
The selections made in the Database Trace dialog box are saved to the registry. Windows registry settings for the database trace utility configuration are stored under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sybase\InfoMaker\11.5\ DBTrace key. Registry strings under this key are: ShowBindings, FetchBuffers, ShowDBINames, Timing, SumTiming, LogFileName, and ShowDialog. Except for the LogFileName string to which you can assign a full file name for the trace output file, all strings can be set to either 0 or 1. The ShowDialog registry string can be set to prevent display of the Database Trace dialog box when a database connection is made with tracing enabled. This is the only one of the trace registry strings that you cannot change from the Database Trace dialog box. You must set ShowDialog to 0 in the registry to keep the configuration dialog box from displaying.
If you do not have access to the registry, you can use IM.INI to store trace file settings. Add a [DbTrace] section to the INI file with at least one of the following values set, then restart InfoMaker:
[DbTrace] ShowDBINames=0 FetchBuffers=1 ShowBindings=1 SumTiming=1 Timing=1 ShowDialog=1 LogFileName=dbtrace.log
The keywords are the same as in the registry and have the same meaning. When you connect to the database again, the initial settings are taken from the INI file, and when you modify them, the changes are written to the INI file. If the file name for LogFileName does not include an absolute path, the log file is written to the following path, where <username> is your login ID: Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\InfoMaker11.5. If there are no DbTrace settings in the INI file, the registry settings are used.
Error messages
If the database trace utility cannot open the trace output file with write access, an error message lets you know that the specified trace file could not be created or opened. If the trace utility driver cannot be loaded successfully, a message box informs you that the selected Trace DBMS is not supported in your current installation.
The following portion of the log file shows the commands InfoMaker executes to fetch two rows from a SQL Anywhere database table:
FETCH NEXT: COLUMN=400 FETCH NEXT: COLUMN=500 (0.479 MS) COLUMN=Marketing COLUMN=Evans (0.001 MS) COLUMN=Shipping COLUMN=Martinez
If you opt to include DBI Names and Sum Time information in the trace log file, the log for the same two rows might look like this:
FETCH NEXT:(DBI_FETCHNEXT) (1.459 MS / 3858.556 MS) COLUMN=400 COLUMN=Marketing COLUMN=Evans FETCH NEXT:(DBI_FETCHNEXT) (0.001 MS / 3858.557 MS) COLUMN=500 COLUMN=Shipping COLUMN=Martinez
For a more complete example of Database Trace output, see Sample Database Trace output on page 171.
1 2
Open the Database Profile Setup dialog box for the connection you want to trace. On the Connection tab, select the Generate Trace check box and click OK or Apply. (The Generate Trace check box is located on the System tab in the OLE DB Database Profile Setup dialog box.) The Database Profiles dialog box displays with the name of the edited profile highlighted. For example, here is the relevant portion of a database profile entry for Adaptive Server 12.5 Test. The setting that starts Database Trace is DBMS:
[Default] [value not set] AutoCommit "FALSE" Database "qadata" DatabasePassword "00" DBMS "TRACE SYC Adaptive Server Enterprise" DbParm "Release='12.5'" Lock "" LogId "qalogin" LogPassword "00171717171717" Prompt "FALSE" ServerName "Host125" UserID ""
Click Connect in the Database Profiles dialog box to connect to the database. The Database Trace dialog box displays, indicating that database tracing is enabled. You can enter the file location where InfoMaker writes the trace output. By default, InfoMaker writes Database Trace output to a log file named DBTRACE.LOG. You can change the log file name and location in the Database Trace dialog box. The Database Trace dialog box also lets you select the level of trace information that you want in the database trace file.
Select the types of items you want to include in the trace file and click OK. InfoMaker connects to the database and starts tracing the connection.
Reconnect to the same database with tracing stopped Connect to another database for which you have not enabled tracing
1 2
In the Database Profile Setup dialog box for the database you are tracing, clear the Generate Trace check box on the Connection tab. Click OK in the Database Profile Setup dialog box. The Database Profiles dialog box displays with the name of the edited profile highlighted.
Right-click on the connected database and select Re-connect from the drop-down menu in the Database Profiles dialog box. InfoMaker connects to the database and stops tracing the connection.
Open the log file in one of the following ways: Use the File Editor in InfoMaker. (For instructions, see the Users Guide.) Use any text editor outside InfoMaker.
If you leave the log file open as you work in InfoMaker, the Database Trace tool does not update the log.
Open the DBTRACE.LOG file in one of the following ways: Use the File Editor in InfoMaker. (For instructions, see the Users Guide.) Use any text editor outside InfoMaker.
2 3
Edit the log file with your comments. Save your changes to the log file.
Do either of the following periodically: Open the log file, clear its contents, and save the empty file. Provided that you use the default DBTRACE.LOG or the same nondefault file the next time you connect to a database with tracing enabled, InfoMaker will write to this empty file. Delete the log file. InfoMaker will automatically create a new log file the next time you connect to a database with tracing enabled.
DESCRIBE: (0.021 MS / 20.370 MS) name=au_id,len=12,type=CHAR,pbt=1,dbt=1,ct=0,prec=0, scale=0 name=au_lname,len=41,type=CHAR,pbt=1,dbt=1,ct=0, prec=0,scale=0 name=state,len=3,type=CHAR,pbt=1,dbt=1,ct=0,prec=0, scale=0 BIND SELECT OUTPUT BUFFER (DataWindow): (0.007 MS / 20.377 MS) name=au_id,len=12,type=CHAR,pbt=1,dbt=1,ct=0,prec=0, scale=0 name=au_lname,len=41,type=CHAR,pbt=1,dbt=1,ct=0, prec=0,scale=0 name=state,len=3,type=CHAR,pbt=1,dbt=1,ct=0,prec=0, scale=0 EXECUTE: (0.001 MS / 20.378 MS) FETCH NEXT: (0.028 MS / 20.406 MS) au_id=648-92-1872 au_lname=Blotchet-Hall state=OR FETCH NEXT: (0.012 MS / 20.418 MS) au_id=722-51-5454 au_lname=DeFrance state=IN ... FETCH NEXT: (0.010 MS / 20.478 MS) au_id=341-22-1782 au_lname=Smith state=KS FETCH NEXT: (0.025 MS / 20.503 MS) *** DBI_FETCHEND *** (rc 100) PREPARE: UPDATE authors SET state = 'NM' WHERE au_id = '648-92-1872' AND au_lname = 'BlotchetHalls' AND state = 'OR' (3.284 MS / 23.787 MS) EXECUTE: (0.001 MS / 23.788 MS) GET AFFECTED ROWS: (0.001 MS / 23.789 MS) ^ 1 Rows Affected COMMIT: (1.259 MS / 25.048 MS) DISCONNECT: (0.764 MS / 25.812 MS) SHUTDOWN DATABASE INTERFACE: (0.001 MS / 25.813 MS)
ODBC Driver Manager Trace records information about ODBC API calls (such as SQLDriverConnect, SQLGetInfo, and SQLFetch) made by InfoMaker while connected to an ODBC data source. It writes this information to a default log file named SQL.LOG or to a log file that you specify. The information from ODBC Driver Manager Trace, like Database Trace, can help you: Understand what InfoMaker is doing internally while connected to an ODBC data source Identify and resolve problems with your ODBC connection Provide useful information to Technical Support if you call them for help with your database connection
Use ODBC Driver Manager Trace instead of the Database Trace tool if you want more detailed information about the ODBC API calls made by InfoMaker.
Performance considerations
Turning on ODBC Driver Manager Trace can slow your performance while working in InfoMaker. Therefore, use ODBC Driver Manager Trace for debugging purposes only and keep it turned off when you are not debugging.
SQL.LOG file
InfoMaker writes ODBC Driver Manager Trace output to a default log file named SQL.LOG or to a log file that you specify. The default location of SQL.LOG is in your root directory.
1 2 3
Open the Database Profile Setup-ODBC dialog box for the ODBC connection you want to trace. On the Options tab, select the Trace ODBC API Calls check box. (Optional) To specify a log file where you want InfoMaker to write the output of ODBC Driver Manager Trace, type the path name in the Trace File box or (Optional) Click Browse to display the pathname of an existing log file in the Trace File box. By default, if the Trace ODBC API Calls check box is selected and no trace file is specified, InfoMaker sends ODBC Driver Manager Trace output to the default SQL.LOG file.
Click OK or Apply or Right-click on the connected database and select Re-connect from the drop-down menu in the Database Profiles dialog box. The Database Profiles dialog box displays with the name of the edited profile highlighted. InfoMaker saves your settings in the database profile entry in the registry in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sybase\11.5\ DatabaseProfiles key.
For example, here is the relevant portion of a database profile entry for an ODBC data source named Employee. The settings that start ODBC Driver Manager Trace (corresponding to the ConnectOption DBParm parameter) are emphasized.
DBMS "ODBC" ... DbParm "ConnectString='DSN=Emloyee;UID=dba; PWD=00c61737',ConnectOption='SQL_OPT_TRACE,SQL_OPT_ TRACE_ON;SQL_OPT_TRACEFILE,C:\Temp\odbctrce.log'
Click Connect in the Database Profiles dialog box to connect to the database or Right-click on the connected database and select Re-connect from the drop-down menu in the Database Profiles dialog box. InfoMaker connects to the database, starts tracing the ODBC connection, and writes output to the log file you specified.
Open the Database Profile Setup - ODBC dialog box for the connection you are tracing. For instructions, see Starting ODBC Driver Manager Trace on page 174.
On the Options tab, clear the Trace ODBC API Calls check box. If you supplied the pathname of a log file in the Trace File box, you can leave it specified in case you want to restart tracing later.
Click OK in the Database Profile Setup - ODBC dialog box. The Database Profiles dialog box displays, with the name of the edited profile highlighted.
Click Connect in the Database Profiles dialog box or right-click on the connected database and select Re-connect from the drop-down menu in the Database Profiles dialog box. InfoMaker connects to the database and stops tracing the connection.
For information about where to find the default SQL.LOG file, see About ODBC Driver Manager Trace on page 173.
To view the contents of the log file:
Open SQL.LOG or the log file you specified in one of the following ways: Use the File Editor in InfoMaker. (For instructions, see the Users Guide.) Use any text editor outside InfoMaker.
If you leave the log file open as you work in InfoMaker, ODBC Driver Manager Trace does not update it.
IM115 e58-a58EXIT SQLSetConnectAttrW with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS) SQLHDBC 021E1590 SQLINTEGER 104 <SQL_ATTR_TRACE> SQLPOINTER 0x00000001 (BADMEM) SQLINTEGER 0
JDBC Driver Manager Trace logs errors and informational messages originating from the Driver object currently loaded (such as Sybases jConnect JDBC driver) when InfoMaker connects to a database through the JDBC interface. It writes this information to a default log file named JDBC.LOG or to a log file that you specify. The amount of trace output varies depending on the JDBC driver being used. The information from JDBC Driver Manager Trace, like Database Trace, can help you: Understand what InfoMaker is doing internally while connected to a database through the JDBC interface Identify and resolve problems with your JDBC connection Provide useful information to Technical Support if you call them for help with your database connection
Use JDBC Driver Manager Trace instead of the Database Trace tool if you want more detailed information about the JDBC driver.
Performance considerations
Turning on JDBC Driver Manager Trace can slow your performance while working in InfoMaker. Therefore, use JDBC Driver Manager Trace for debugging purposes only and keep it turned off when you are not debugging.
InfoMaker writes JDBC Driver Manager Trace output to a default log file named JDBC.LOG or to a log file that you specify. The default location of JDBC.LOG is a temp directory.
1 2 3
Open the Database Profile Setup - JDBC dialog box for the JDB connection you want to trace. On the Options tab, select the Trace JDBC Calls check box. (Optional) To specify a log file where you want InfoMaker to write the output of JDBC Driver Manager Trace, type the path name in the Trace File box, or click Browse to display the path name of an existing log file in the Trace File box. By default, if the Trace JDBC Calls check box is selected and no alternative trace file is specified, InfoMaker sends JDBC Driver Manager Trace output to the default JDBC.LOG file.
Click OK or Apply. The Database Profiles dialog box displays with the name of the edited profile highlighted. InfoMaker saves your settings in the database profile entry in the registry. For example, here are the DBMS and DBParm string values of a database profile entry for a database named Employee. The settings that start JDBC Driver Manager Trace (corresponding to the TraceFile DBParm parameter) are emphasized.
DBMS DbParm "TRACE JDBC" "Driver='com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver', URL='jdbc:sybase:Tds: 5007/tsdata',TraceFile='c:\temp\jdbc.log'"
Click Connect in the Database Profiles dialog box to connect to the database or Right-click on the connected database and select Re-connect from the drop-down menu in the Database Profiles dialog box. InfoMaker connects to the database, starts tracing the JDBC connection, and writes output to the log file you specified.
Open the Database Profile Setup - JDBC dialog box for the connection you are tracing. For instructions, see Starting JDBC Driver Manager Trace on page 178.
On the Options tab, clear the Trace JDBC Calls check box. If you supplied the path name of a log file in the Trace File box, you can leave it specified in case you want to restart tracing later.
Click OK in the Database Profile Setup - JDBC dialog box. The Database Profiles dialog box displays, with the name of the edited profile highlighted.
Click Connect in the Database Profiles dialog box or right click on the connected database and select Re-connect from the drop-down menu in the Database Profiles dialog box. InfoMaker connects to the database and stops tracing the connection.
For information about where to find the default JDBC.LOG file, see About JDBC Driver Manager Trace on page 177.
To view the contents of the log file:
Open JDBC.LOG or the log file you specified in one of the following ways: Use the File Editor in InfoMaker. (For instructions, see the Users Guide.) Use any text editor outside InfoMaker.
If you leave the log file open as you work in InfoMaker, JDBC Driver Manager Trace does not update the log.
Usually, you do not need to modify the PBODB115 initialization file. In certain situations, however, you might need to add functions to the PBODB115 initialization file for connections to your back-end DBMS through the ODBC or OLE DB interface in InfoMaker. This appendix describes how to add functions to the PBODB115 initialization file if necessary.
When you access data through the ODBC interface, InfoMaker uses the PBODB115 initialization file (PBODB115.INI) to maintain access to extended functionality in the back-end DBMS for which ODBC does not provide an API call. Examples of extended functionality are SQL syntax or function calls specific to a particular DBMS. In most cases, you do not need to modify PBODB115.INI. Changes to this file can adversely affect InfoMaker. Change PBODB115.INI only if you are asked to do so by a Technical Support representative. However, you can edit PBODB115.INI if you need to add functions for your back-end DBMS. If you modify PBODB115.INI, first make a copy of the existing file. Then keep a record of all changes you make. If you call Technical Support after modifying PBODB115.INI, tell the representative that you changed the file and describe the changes you made.
Editing PBODB115.INI
PBODB115.INI and add the function to the newly created Functions section.
Open PBODB115.INI in one of the following ways: Use the File Editor in InfoMaker. (For instructions, see the Users Guide.) Use any text editor outside InfoMaker.
Locate the entry for your back-end DBMS in the DBMS Driver/DBMS Settings section of PBODB115.INI. For example, here is thePBODB115.INI entry for SQL Anywhere:
;********************************************* ;DBMS Driver/DBMS Settings see comments at end ;of file ;********************************************* ... [SQL Anywhere] PBSyntax='WATCOM50_SYNTAX' PBDateTime='STANDARD_DATETIME' PBFunctions='ASA_FUNCTIONS' PBDefaultValues='autoincrement,current date, current time,current timestamp,timestamp, null,user' PBDefaultCreate='YES' PBDefaultAlter='YES' PBDefaultExpressions='YES'
DelimitIdentifier='YES' PBDateTimeInvalidInSearch='NO' PBTimeInvalidInSearch='YES' PBQualifierIsOwner='NO' PBSpecialDataTypes='WATCOM_SPECIALDATATYPES' IdentifierQuoteChar='"' PBSystemOwner='sys,dbo' PBUseProcOwner='YES' SQLSrvrTSName='YES' SQLSrvrTSQuote='YES' SQLSrvrTSDelimit='YES' ForeignKeyDeleteRule='Disallow if Dependent Rows Exist (RESTRICT),Delete any Dependent Rows (CASCADE),Set Dependent Columns to NULL (SET NULL)' TableListType=GLOBAL TEMPORARY
Find the name of the section in PBODB115.INI that contains function information for your back-end DBMS. To find this section, look for a line similar to the following in the DBMS Driver/DBMS Settings entry:
For example, the following line in the DBMS Driver/DBMS Settings entry for SQL Anywhere indicates that the name of the Functions section is ASA_FUNCTIONS:
Find the Functions section for your back-end DBMS in PBODB115.INI. For example, here is the Functions section for SQL Anywhere:
;********************************************* ;Functions ;********************************************* [ASA_FUNCTIONS] AggrFuncs=avg(x),avg(distinct x),count(x), count(distinct x),count(*),list(x), list(distinct x),max(x),max(distinct x), min(x),min(distinct x),sum(x),sum(distinct x) Functions=abs(x),acos(x),asin(x),atan(x), atan2(x,y),ceiling(x),cos(x),cot(x),degrees(x), exp(x),floor(x),log(x),log10(x), mod(dividend,divisor),pi(*),power(x,y), radians(x),rand(),rand(x), remainder(dividend,divisor),round(x,y),
sign(x),sin(x),sqrt(x),tan(x), "truncate"(x,y),ascii(x),byte_length(x), byte_substr(x,y,z),char(x),char_length(x), charindex(x,y),difference(x,y)insertstr(x,y,z), lcase(x),left(x,y),length(x), locate(x,y,z), lower(x),ltrim(x),patindex('x',y),repeat(x,y), replicate(x,y),right(x,y),rtrim(x), similar(x,y),soundex(x),space(x),str(x,y,z), string(x,...),stuff(w,x,y,z),substr(x,y,z), trim(x),ucase(x),upper(x),date(x), dateformat(x,y),datename(x,y),day(x), dayname(x),days(x),dow(x),hour(x),hours(x), minute(x),minutes(x),minutes(x,y),month(x), monthname(x),months(x),months(x,y),now(*), quarter(x),second(x),seconds(x),seconds(x,y), today(*),weeks(x),weeks(x,y),year(x),years(x), years(x,y),ymd(x,y,z),dateadd(x,y,z), datediff(x,y,z),datename(x,y),datepart(x,y), getdate(),cast(x as y),convert(x,y,z), hextoint(x),inttohex(x), connection_property(x,...),datalength(x), db_id(x),db_name(x),db_property(x), next_connection(x),next_database(x), property(x),property_name(x), property_number(x),property_description(x), argn(x,y,...),coalesce(x,...), estimate(x,y,z),estimate_source(x,y,z), experience_estimate(x,y,z),ifnull(x,y,z), index_estimate(x,y,z),isnull(x,...), number(*),plan(x),traceback(*)
To add a new function, type a comma followed by the function name at the end of the appropriate function list, as follows:
Aggregate functions
AggrFuncs list.
All other functions Add all other functions to the end of the
Functions list.
Case sensitivity
If the back-end DBMS you are using is case sensitive, be sure to use the required case when you add the function name.
The following example shows a new function for SQL Anywhere added at the end of the Functions list:
;********************************************* ;Functions ;********************************************* [ASA_FUNCTIONS] AggrFuncs=avg(x),avg(distinct x),count(x), count(distinct x),count(*),list(x), list(distinct x),max(x),max(distinct x), min(x),min(distinct x),sum(x),sum(distinct x) Functions=abs(x),acos(x),asin(x),atan(x), atan2(x,y),ceiling(x),cos(x),cot(x),degrees(x), exp(x),floor(x),log(x),log10(x), mod(dividend,divisor),pi(*),power(x,y), radians(x),rand(),rand(x), ... number(*),plan(x),traceback(*),newfunction()
For more about the settings to supply for your back-end DBMS in PBODB115.INI, read the comments at the end of the file.
To add functions to a new section in PBODB115.INI:
Open PBODB115.INI in one of the following ways: Use the File Editor in InfoMaker. (For instructions, see the Users Guide.) Use any text editor outside InfoMaker.
Edit the DBMS Driver/DBMS Settings section of the PBODB115 initialization file to add an entry for your back-end DBMS.
The name required to identify the entry for your back-end DBMS in the DBMS Driver/DBMS Settings section is in PBODB115.INI. Make sure that you: Follow the instructions in the comments at the end of PBODB115.INI. Use the same syntax as existing entries in the DBMS Driver/DBMS Settings section of PBODB115.INI. Include a section name for PBFunctions.
For example, here is the relevant portion of an entry for a DB2/2 database:
;*********************************************** ;DBMS Driver/DBMS Settings ;*********************************************** [DB2/2] ... PBFunctions='DB22_FUNCTIONS' ...
Edit the Functions section of PBODB115.INI to add an entry for your back-end DBMS. Make sure that you: Follow the instructions in the comments at the end of PBODB115.INI. Use the same syntax as existing entries in the Functions section of PBODB115.INI. Give the Functions section the name that you specified for PBFunctions in the DBMS Driver/DBMS Settings entry.
For example:
;*********************************************** ;Functions ;*********************************************** [DB22_FUNCTIONS] AggrFuncs=avg(),count(),list(),max(),min(),sum() Functions=curdate(),curtime(),hour(), ...
Type a comma followed by the function name at the end of the appropriate function list, as follows:
Aggregate functions
AggrFuncs list.
Functions list.
Case sensitivity
If the back-end DBMS you are using is case sensitive, be sure to use the required case when you add the function name. The following example shows (in bold) a new DB2/2 function named substr() added at the end of the Functions list:
;*********************************************** ;Functions ;*********************************************** [DB22_FUNCTIONS] AggrFuncs=avg(),count(),list(),max(),min(),sum() Functions=curdate(),curtime(),hour(), substr()
accessing databases ODBC data sources 22 troubleshooting any connection 164 troubleshooting JDBC connections 177 troubleshooting ODBC connections 173 API conformance levels for ODBC 19 applications in database interface connections 52 in ODBC connections 15 ASE DBMS identifier 55 AutoCommit database preference setting in database profile 158 AutoConnect setting in InfoMaker initialization file 139 Automatically Connect to Database system option 138
case sensitivity, in PBODB115 initialization file 186, 189 client software DirectConnect 129 Informix 75, 83 Microsoft SQL Server 90 Oracle 109 Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 59 columns identity, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 56 in extended attribute system tables 151 special timestamp, in Sybase SQL Anywhere 31 SQL naming conventions 21 conformance levels for ODBC drivers 19 Connect DB at Startup database preference 160 connect descriptors ODBC 24 Oracle 113 connecting to databases about 10, 137, 141 and extended attribute system tables creation 149 at startup or from a painter 139 Automatically Connect to Database system option 138 by selecting a database profile 140 in InfoMaker with other Sybase products 5 troubleshooting any connection 164 troubleshooting JDBC connections 177 troubleshooting ODBC connections 173 using database profiles 139 ConnectString DBParm in ODBC connections 24 conventions x CT-Library client software for DirectConnect 129 for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 55, 59 for Sybase Systems 45
basic procedures defining database interfaces 53 editing database profiles 143 importing and exporting database profiles 147 preparing ODBC data sources 21 selecting a database profile to connect 140 setting database parameters 155 setting database preferences 158 setting DBParm parameters 157 sharing database profiles 143 stopping Database Trace 169 stopping JDBC Driver Manager Trace 179 stopping ODBC Driver Manager Trace 175
data providers and OLE DB interface 42 obtaining 44 database interfaces about 51 connecting to databases 140 connection components 52 creating database profiles 22 defining 53 DirectConnect 123 editing database profiles 143 importing and exporting database profiles 147 Informix 75 JDBC 34 Microsoft SQL Server 87 Oracle 105 preparing databases 53 sharing database profiles 143 Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 55 troubleshooting 164 Database painter, changing SQL terminator character 115 database parameters character limit for strings in database profiles 157 ConnectString 24 for Sybase Open Client directory services 67 how to set 155 in ODBC connections 24 database preferences AutoCommit 158 Connect DB at Startup 160 how to set 155 Keep Connection Open 160 Lock 158 Read Only 153, 160 setting in Database Preferences dialog box 160 setting in database profiles 8, 158 Shared Database Profiles 144, 160 SQL Terminator Character 160 Use Extended Attributes 153, 160 Database Preferences dialog box about 160 General page, values for 160 SQL Terminator Character box 115 Database Preferences property sheet General property page, values for 144
Database Profile button 140 Database Profile Setup dialog box Auto Commit Mode check box 158 character limit for DBParm strings 157 editing profiles 143 Generate Trace check box 169 Isolation Level box 158 JDBC Driver Manager Trace, stopping 179 ODBC Driver Manager Trace, stopping 175 supplying sufficient information to connect 9 Trace File box 178 Trace JDBC Calls check box 178 Trace ODBC API Calls check box 174 database profiles about 6, 139 character limit for DBParm strings 157 connect string for ODBC data sources 24 DBMS value for ODBC data sources 24 editing 143 importing and exporting 147 JDBC Driver Manager Trace, starting 178 JDBC Driver Manager Trace, stopping 179 Microsoft SQL Native Client database interface ODBC Driver Manager Trace, starting 174 ODBC Driver Manager Trace, stopping 175 Oracle database interfaces 113 selecting in Database Profiles dialog box 140 server name for Sybase Open Client directory services 66 setting Isolation Level and AutoCommit Mode 158 shared 143, 145, 147 suppressing password display 142 Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise database interface 61 Sybase DirectConnect interface 131 Database Profiles dialog box about 140 displaying shared profiles 145 Database section in initialization files 141 Database Trace about 164 annotating the log 170 deleting or clearing the log 170 log file contents 165 log file format 167
sample output 171 viewing the log 169 databases accessing 22 connecting at startup in InfoMaker 138 connecting at startup or from a painter 139 connecting with database profiles 139, 140 in database interface connections 52 logging on for the first time 149 datatypes Adaptive Server 56 DirectConnect 126 Informix 76 Microsoft SQL Server 88 Oracle 106 special timestamp, Transact-SQL 31 SQL Server 88 Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 56 DateTime datatype, Informix 76 DB2/CS, IBM, DB2SYSPB.SQL script, using 132 DB2/MVS, IBM accessing through DirectConnect 123 accessing through Open ServerConnect 123 DB2SYSPB.SQL script, using 132 DB2SYSPB.SQL script 133 DBMS back end, adding ODBC functions for 184 entries in PBODB115 initialization file 184, 187 system tables, displaying 149 value in database profiles 24 DBMS identifier ASE 55 DIR 123 I10 75 IN9 75 O10 105 O90 105 ORA 105 SNC 87 SYC 55 DBParm parameters for Sybase Open Client security services 63 PBCatalogOwner 134 DBTRACE.LOG file about 164 annotating 170 contents 165 deleting or clearing 170 format 167 leaving open 169 sample output 171 viewing 169 defining database interfaces about 53 DirectConnect 131 editing database profiles 143 importing and exporting database profiles 147 Microsoft SQL Server 91 Oracle 113 sharing database profiles 143 Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 61 defining ODBC data sources about 22 creating configurations and database profiles 22 editing database profiles 143 multiple data sources 25 sharing database profiles 143 Sybase SQL Anywhere 29 DIR DBMS identifier 123 DirectConnect interface. See Sybase DirectConnect interface directory services, Sybase Open Client. See Sybase Open Client directory services display formats, in extended attribute system tables 151 DIT base for Sybase Open Client directory services 66 DLL files in database interface connections 52 in JDBC connections 35 in ODBC connections 15 ODBC.DLL 15 ODBC32.DLL 15 PBODB115.DLL 15 DSN (data source name) value, in ODBC connect strings 24
EAS Demo DB 15 edit styles, in extended attribute system tables 151
editing database profiles 143 PBODB115 initialization file 183 shared database profiles 146 exporting a database profile 148 extended attribute system tables about 132, 148 contents 151 controlling creation with Use Extended Attributes database preference 153 controlling permissions 154 controlling updates with Read Only database preference 153 creating in DB2 databases 132 displaying 149 ensuring proper creation 149 PBOwner in DB2SYSPB.SQL script 134 Extended SQL conformance level for ODBC 20
Java Web site 33 JDBC Driver Manager Trace, using 177 JDBC Web site 33 Microsoft Universal Data Access 41 ODBC Driver Manager Trace, using 173 online Help, using 13, 20 Sybase Web site 41 heterogeneous cross-database joins 67
I10 DBMS identifier 75 IBM database interface, DB2SYSPB.SQL script, using 132 identity columns and datatype, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 56 importing a database profile 148 IN9 DBMS identifier 75 InfoMaker Automatically Connect to Database system option 138 connectivity with other Sybase products 5 Preview tab unavailable 8 InfoMaker initialization file about 143 AutoConnect setting 139 locating when sharing database profiles 143 saving shared database profiles locally 146 setting Shared Database Profiles database preference 144 suppressing password display 142 Informix client software 75, 83 Informix database interface client software required 83 connection components 82 databases supported 75 datatypes supported 76 features supported by I10 77 installing 84 preparing the database 82 verifying the connection 84 initialization files AutoConnect setting in InfoMaker 139 DBMS_PROFILES section 147 in ODBC connections 22
functions, ODBC adding to existing section in PBODB115 initialization file 184 adding to new section in PBODB115 initialization file 187
General page in Database Preferences dialog box 160 General property page in Database Preferences property sheet 144 Generate Trace check box in Database Profile Setup dialog box 169 granting permissions on extended attribute system tables 154
help 20 data source 13 Database Trace, using 164 for ODBC drivers 20, 25
locating when sharing database profiles 143 ODBC 23 ODBCINST 23 PBODB115 adding functions to 183 storing connection parameters 10, 141 suppressing password display 142 installing Java virtual machines 35 interval datatype, Informix 77 isolation levels and lock values, setting in database profiles 158 ISQL, using to install stored procedures 71 using nondefault log file instead viewing 180 178
Keep Connection Open database preference 160
large object, as output parameter in Oracle stored procedure 118 Level 1 API conformance level for ODBC 19 Lock database preference setting in database profiles 158 lock values and isolation levels, setting in database profiles 158 LOG files JDBC.LOG 177, 180 PBTRACE.LOG 164, 169 specifying nondefault for JDBC Driver Manager Trace 178 SQL.LOG 173, 176 logging in to databases for the first time 149
Java virtual machines, installing 35 Java Web site 33 JDBC connections, troubleshooting 177 JDBC database interface, troubleshooting 177 JDBC Driver Manager Trace about 177 availability on different platforms 178 performance considerations 177 specifying a nondefault log file 178 starting 178 stopping 179 viewing the log 180 JDBC drivers, troubleshooting 177 JDBC interface about 33 components 34 data types supported 37 database server configuration 38 DLL files required 35 drivers 36 Java classes package 35 Java virtual machines 35 PBJDB115.DLL 37 registry entries 36 specifying connection parameters 39 JDBC Web site 33 JDBC.LOG file about 177 leaving open 180 performance considerations 177
maintaining shared database profiles 147 Microsoft Data Link, using with OLE DB interface Microsoft SQL Native Client database interface client software required 90 connection components 89 datatypes supported 88 defining 91 installing 91 preparing the database 89 verifying the connection 91 versions supported 87 Microsoft Universal Data Access Web site 41 Minimum SQL conformance level for ODBC 19 multiple ODBC data sources, defining 25 multiple-tier ODBC drivers 18 47
naming conventions, tables and columns NewLogic, database profile setting 10 21
O10 DBMS identifier 105 O10 Oracle 10g Driver 105 O90 DBMS identifier 105 O90 Oracle 9i Driver 105 ODBC 20 ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) about 14 components 15 defining data sources 22 defining multiple data sources 25 driver conformance levels 19 ODBC initialization file 23 ODBCINST initialization file 23 preparing data sources 21 translators, selecting for drivers 26 ODBC connect strings 24 ODBC data sources accessing 22 creating configurations and database profiles defining 22 defining multiple 25 editing database profiles 143 in ODBC connections 15 in ODBC initialization file 23 in ODBCINST initialization file 23 PBODB115 initialization file 183 preparing 21 sharing database profiles 143 Sybase SQL Anywhere 27 translators, selecting for drivers 26 troubleshooting 164, 173 ODBC Driver Manager 15 ODBC Driver Manager Trace about 173 performance considerations 173 sample output 176 starting 174 viewing the log 176
ODBC drivers about 14 API conformance levels 19 conformance levels, recommendations for 19 displaying Help 13, 20, 25 in ODBC connections 15 multiple-tier 18 PBODB115 initialization file 183 SQL conformance levels 19 Sybase SQL Anywhere 27 translators, selecting 26 troubleshooting 164, 173 using 15 ODBC functions adding to existing section in PBODB115 initialization file 184 adding to new section in PBODB115 initialization file 187 ODBC initialization file about 23 and PBODB115 initialization file 187 ODBC interface about 14 connecting to data sources 140 DLL files required 15 initialization files required 22 ODBC initialization file 23 PBODB115 initialization file 183 troubleshooting 164, 173 using 15 ODBCINST initialization file 23 OLE DB interface 42 components 44 data provider 42 getting help 41 installing data providers 46 object interfaces supported 42 obtaining data providers, from other vendors 44 PBOLE115.DLL 45 specifying connection parameters 47 using Data Link 47 Open Client software, Sybase 45, 59, 129 ORA DBMS identifier 105 ORA Oracle 11g Driver 105 Oracle database interfaces client software required 109
connect strings or descriptors, specifying connection components 108 datatypes supported 106 defining 113 preparing the database 109 using Oracle stored procedures 114 verifying the connection 110 versions supported 105 Oracle SQL*Net client software 109 Oracle stored procedure, using LOB output parameter 118 113 PBSYC2.SQL script about 70 compared to PBSYC.SQL script 71 finding 69 running with ISQL 71 running with WISQL 72 when to run 70 permissions, granting on system tables 154 preparing databases for use with database interfaces about 53 DirectConnect 128 Informix 82 Microsoft SQL Server 89 Oracle 109 Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 45, 59 preparing ODBC data sources about 21 Sybase SQL Anywhere 28 Preview tab, unavailable in InfoMaker 8 PRINT statements in SQL Server stored procedures 67 procedures, basic setting DBParm parameters 157 Prompt for Database Information check box 142
passwords, suppressing display 142 PBCatalogOwner DBParm parameter, and DB2SYSPB.SQL script 134 pbcatcol table 151 pbcatedt table 151 pbcatfmt table 151 pbcattbl table 151 pbcatvld table 151 PBIN9115.DLL file 82 PBJDB115.DLL 37 PBO10115.DLL file 105 PBO90115.DLL file 105 PBODB115 initialization file about 183 adding functions to existing section 184 adding functions to new section 187 case sensitivity 186, 189 finding DBMS section names in ODBC initialization file 187 special timestamp column support 32 PBODB115.DLL file 15 PBOLE115.DLL file 45 PBORA115.DLL file 105 PBSNC115.DLL file 89 PBSYC.SQL script about 69 compared to PBSYC2.SQL script 71 finding 69 running with ISQL 71 running with WISQL 72 when to run 69
Read Only database preference 153, 160 registry, Windows connection parameters in 10, 141 ODBC initialization file 23 ODBCINST initialization file 23 result sets, using Oracle stored procedures 115
security services, Sybase Open Client. See Sybase Open Client security services Select Tables dialog box, Show system tables check box 149 Select Translator dialog box 26 semicolons, as default SQL terminator character 115 SERVER directory files for creating repository in DB2 databases 133
for installing stored procedures in Adaptive Server Enterprise databases 69 server name, specifying for Sybase Open Client directory services 66 shared database profiles maintaining 147 saving in local initialization file 146 setting up 144 Show system tables check box 149 SNC DBMS identifier 87 sp_pb115table stored procedure in PBSYC.SQL script 69 in PBSYC2.SQL script 71 SQL Anywhere ODBC Configuration dialog box 29 SQL conformance levels for ODBC 19 SQL files DB2SYSPB.SQL 133 PBSYC.SQL 69 PBSYC2.SQL 70 SQL naming conventions for tables and columns 21 SQL terminator character, changing in Database painter 115, 160 SQL*Net client software, Oracle 109 SQL.LOG file about 173 leaving open 176 performance considerations 173 sample output 176 viewing 176 stored procedures about 68 created by PBSYC.SQL script 69 created by PBSYC2.SQL script 71 installing in Adaptive Server Enterprise databases 68 ISQL, using to install 71 not required for Microsoft SQL Server database interface 68 running scripts 71 where to find scripts 69 WISQL, using to install 72 stored procedures, Oracle about 114 changing SQL terminator character 115, 160 creating DataWindows and reports 117 how to use 114 with result sets, examples 115
with result sets, using 115 stored procedures, SQL Server, using PRINT statements 67 Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere. See Sybase SQL Anywhere Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise database interface client software required 45, 59 creating a DW based on a heterogeneous crossdatabase join 67 datatypes supported 56 defining 61 directory services, using 64 identity columns 56 installing 60 installing stored procedures 68 platforms supported 55 preparing the database 45, 59 security services, using 62 verifying the connection 61 versions supported 55 Sybase DirectConnect interface client software required 129 data types supported 126 DB2SYSPB.SQL script, using 132 defining 131 platforms supported 125 preparing the database 128 using DirectConnect middleware 124 using Open ServerConnect middleware 124 verifying the connection 130 versions supported 125 Sybase Open Client directory services about 64 DBParm parameters 67 requirements for using 65 specifying the server name 66 Sybase Open Client security services about 62 DBParm parameters, login authentication 63 DBParm parameters, per-packet security 64 requirements for using 62 Sybase Open Client software 45 about 59, 129 Sybase SQL Anywhere accessing remote databases 27
adding functions to PBODB115 initialization file 184 connection components 27 creating configurations and database profiles 22 defining the data source 29 LOG files 29 network server, not included 27 platforms supported 27 preparing to use 28 special timestamp columns 31 startup options, specifying 30 using 15 versions supported 27 Sybase, getting help from 20 sybsystemprocs database, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 72, 73 SYC DBMS identifier 55 SYSIBM, prohibited as DB2 table owner 134 System Options dialog box 138 system tables, displaying 149 sample output, Database Trace 171 sample output, ODBC Driver Manager Trace Transact-SQL special timestamp in Sybase SQL Anywhere 31 translators, ODBC 26 troubleshooting database connections about 163 Database Trace 164 JDBC Driver Manager Trace 177 ODBC Driver Manager Trace 173 typographical conventions x
Unicode Adaptive Server 57 database password encryption 10 DirectConnect 123 ODBC 14, 36 OLE DB 43 Oracle9i, Oracle 10g 106 support 14, 36 Use Extended Attributes database preference
tables extended attribute, creating in DB2 databases 132 in extended attributes 151 PBOwner in DB2SYSPB.SQL script 134 SQL naming conventions 21 system, displaying 149 technical documents, Sybase, getting help from 13, 54 time datatype, Informix 77 timestamp, Transact-SQL special 31 Trace File box in Database Profile Setup dialog box 178 Trace JDBC Calls check box in Database Profile Setup dialog box 178 Trace ODBC API Calls check box in Database Profile Setup dialog box 174 tracing database connections about 163 Database Trace 164 JDBC Driver Manager Trace 177 ODBC Driver Manager Trace 173
153, 160
validation rules, in extended attribute system tables 151
WISQL, for installing stored procedures 72