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Student Reg. No.

Max. Marks: 80

Course Code: DMGT-516 Course Title: Labour Legislation Time Allowed: 3 Hours 1. This paper contains 10 questions divided in two parts on 2 pages. 2. Part A is compulsory. 3. In Part B (Questions 2 to 10), attempt any 6 questions out of 9. Attempt all parts of the questions chosen. 4. The marks assigned to each question are shown at the end of each question in square brackets. 5. Answer all questions in serial order.

Part- A Q1: All the questions are compulsory. Each question carries 2 marks. a) What is meant by Check-off as per Trade union act, 1926? b) What are recommendations and conventions? c) Define the term collective bargaining? d) Discuss the powers of inspecting officer as per factories act, 1947. e) Differentiate between strikes and lock outs. f) Define the term Voluntary arbitration. g) Define the term Principal Employer. h) What do you mean by superannuation? i) State any four occupations where child labour is prohibited. j) Discuss the concept of "arising out of and in course of employment" as per workmen compensation act, 1923. Part B Q2: Discuss the various objectives, coverage, benefits and main provisions of Industrial Employment (standing order) Act, 1946. [10 marks] [2*10=20]

Q3: What are the different levels of collective bargaining? Discuss the various hurdles to collective bargaining in India. [10 marks]

Q4: What are the salient features of Child Labour (Prohibition and regulation) Act 1986? Discuss its various provisions in details. [10 marks]

Q5: Discuss briefly the object, coverage and dispute handling mechanism in The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. [10 marks]

Q6: What is meant by ILO? Define its organization structure and major activities in details. Q7: Critically appraise the Employee State Insurance Act, 1948. [10 marks] [10 marks]

Q8: Ram and Ravi were discussing the role of employers organisations in Industrial Relations. Ram argued that employers organisation do not play important role in industrial relations .Ravi had a contrary view point but he was unable to think of any example of employers organisations and its role. Can you quote some examples of the employers organisations and its role in IR that Ravi could have quoted? [10 marks]
Q9: A dispute arose between the management of X & Co. and its workmen in respect

of compensation. The workers forwarded a copy of their demand to the Assistant Labour Commissioner requesting him to commence the conciliation proceedings at an early date. The conciliation proceedings were initiated but proved futile. The conciliator made his failure report under Section 12(4) of the I.D. Act. On receipt of the report, the government refused to refer the dispute for adjudication under Section 12(5) of the Act on the ground that workmen had adopted go-slow tactics. In the light of these facts, discuss the following issues: (a) Can a reference be made only under Section 12(5) independently of Section 10(1) of the Act? (b) Can the court direct the government to refer the dispute for adjudication? [10 marks] Q10: What are the salient features of Payment of Gratuity act, 1965? Discuss its various provisions in details. [10 marks]

-- End of Question Paper --

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