Lymphatic System Exam
Lymphatic System Exam
Lymphatic System Exam
______1. It is a lymphoid tissue which filters blood, located in the left hypochondriac region of the abdomen and extends and curls around the anterior aspect of the stomach. A. Tonsils C. Spleen B. Peyers patches D. Lymph nodes ______2. These are small masses of lymphatic tissue that ring the pharynx, where they are found in the mucosa. A. Tonsils C. Spleen B. Peyers patches D. Lymph nodes ______3. This is the term used to describe an accumulation of fluid in the tissues. A. Anasarca C. Tumor B. Lymphatics D. Edema ______4. This is a one-way system which picks up excess tissue fluid that escapes from the vascular system and returns it to the bloodstream. A. Lymphoid tissues C. Lymphocytes B. Lymphatics D. Lymph nodes ______5. This is a resulting highly specific resistance to disease or infection. A. Immune system C. Specific defense B. Immunity D. Nonspecific defense ______6. It is an iron-bearing protein that transports the bulk of the oxygen that is carried in the blood. A. Hematocrit C. Albumin B. Hemoglobin D. Hematopoiesis ______7. These cells are part of the formed elements in blood which are crucial to body defense against disease. A. Leukocytes C. Thrombocytes B. Erythrocytes D. Lymphocytes ______8. This is the fluid matrix of blood which is composed of approximately 90% water. A. Plasma C. Albumin B. Globulin D. Erythrocytes ______9. This is a plasma protein which contributes to the osmotic pressure of blood, and acts to keep water in the bloodstream. A. Hematocrit C. Albumin B. Hemoglobin D. Globulin ______10. These cells are one type of leukocytes that are active phagocytes and become macrophages in the tissues. They increase in number during chronic infections such as tuberculosis. A. Monocytes C. Basophils B. Neutrophils D. Eosinophils ______11. These are lymphoid organs which are more related to the immune system and help protect the body by removing foreign material such as bacteria and tumor cells from the lymphatic stream. A. Thymus C. Lymphatic vessels B. Lymph nodes D. Peyers patches ______12. This is a lymphoid organ which functions at its peak only during youth. It is found low in the throat overlying the heart. A. Tonsils C. thymus gland B. Lymph nodes D. Spleen ______13. These are collections of small lymphoid tissues found in the wall of the small intestines and are part of mucosaassociated lymphatic tissue (MALT). A. Peyers patches C. Spleen B. Tonsils D. Lymph nodes ______14. This is the first line of defense of the body against invading microorganisms. A. Inflammatory response C. Skin and mucous membranes B. Immune response D. Fever ______15. It is a nonspecific response that is triggered whenever body tissues are injured. A. Fever C. Immune response B. Inflammatory response D. Phagocytes MATCHING TYPE: ______1. Phagocytes ______2. Rubor ______3. Leukocytosis A. Universal donor B. Heat C. Lymphocytes that mature In the thymus
______4. Humoral immunity ______5. Antibody ______6. Functionalaesa ______7. Calor ______8. Blood group AB ______9. Neutrophils ______10. Dolor ______11. Blood group O ______12. Immune response ______13. T-cells ______14. Hematopoiesis ______15. Erythrocytes ______16. Antigen ______17. Tumor ______18. Thrombocytes ______19. B-cells ______20. Hematocrit ENUMERATION: A. TYPES OF HYPERSENSITIVITY REACTIONS 1. _______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________ 4. _______________________________________ B. TYPES OF T-LYMPHOCYTES OR T-CELLS 1. _______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________ C. 5 CLASSES OF IMMUNOGLOBULINS / ANTIBODIES 1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. __________________ 4. __________________ 5. __________________
D. Third line of defense E. Redness F. Blood cell formation G. Red Blood Cells (RBCs) H. Lymphocytes that mature in the bone marrow I. Antibody-mediated immunity J. Cells that engulf and digest a foreign particle K. Percentage of formed elements in blood L. Swelling M. Platelets N. Increases in number during acute infections O. Universal receiver P. Immunoglobulins Q. Temporary loss of function R. Substance capable of provoking an immune response S. Increase in the number of WBCs T. Pain
CHARACTERISTICS / FUNCTION Fastest, largest, first immunoglobulin to increase in number during infection No function The only immunoglobulin that crosses the placenta Exists in all body fluids Increases in number during parasitic worm infections and allergic reactions