Teaching Is A Two-Way Process
Teaching Is A Two-Way Process
Teaching Is A Two-Way Process
The process of learning is doomed to failure unless: the student can question the teacher to resolve ambiguities or clarify difficulties the teacher is given some feedback about the students understanding
If teaching is one-way process, we will only learn properly from video and functions open and teachers do not become a necessity again. Students communicate directly with teachers and teachers check students' work as well as some feedback from teachers. This is because of the feedback teachers can understand and know there is learning going on there. Communication and learning requires that the following chain works perfectly: what I mean understand what I say what they hear what they
Rather like a game of Chinese whispers, the message does not arrive in the chain. The message sent and message received that is not what is taught is not what they have learned. That's why feedback is so important. Learning is a mental process that is hidden and teachers do not have direct control. Students develop a personal understanding based on the materials and the ability to be taken. During the process of teaching and learning, students correct misconceptions and increase understanding and to achieve an approximation to the ideal outcome. This process is not enough teachers to correct students' work, but students also need to be involved in correcting their own understanding. Learning is also a process of solving their own problems and the problem of students to the skills and knowledge to solve the problem.
Communication blocks
To achieve two-way communication is not easy. In practice, a number of barriers present themselves, preventing or inhibiting effective
communication. The barriers to learning will depend on the teaching situation, a situation commonly experienced is shown below.
value and recognition of learning outcomes they have achieved. This can be overcome by asking friends experienced teachers and see how the teachers were in the course of teaching and learning process.
Teachers have difficulty using any term or keyword of unexplained meaning. Therefore, teachers should be aware of the special vocabulary used every day in order to avoid confusion in the students. Preferably before the start of teaching of the language and terminology confusion, teachers need to test the students' understanding in advance to ensure that students who want to be taught to understand the term.
Environmental factors
Does teaching situation disturbing or noisy? is it the last lesson on a Friday afternoon? In this situation, teachers need to consider factors like your plan for the preparation and teaching. Students in a tired, hungry or thirsty would complicate the learning process implemented.
breaking their problem in group or personal (alone with alone) and should be done privately if necessary. Ask them questions about their motives, fears and worries. Only by knowing their problems you can acted reasonably in solution and can also develop good relationships and motivate them.
'Unapproachable' Teacher.
We have seen in this chapter that "students ask the question" is part of the learning process. But the students, especially the shy, they do not ask questions to the teachers who are too formal and fierce. How does a teacher's easy to be approached? This is not just about having a personality and dedication but there are techniques and skills essential to help teachers easily to be approached by the student. During the beginning of the new class, we have to try to find out students' attitudes and expectations of the class they occupied. What they want and what they fear. This helps teachers to plan the course and students interested in learning plan will be made by the teacher.