Excel 97/2000: Charts: Help - Unc.edu
Excel 97/2000: Charts: Help - Unc.edu
Excel 97/2000: Charts: Help - Unc.edu
You've probably heard the adage, a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes a chart or a graph can say more than a thousand numbers; Excel has the ability to create these visual aids. Before you start a chart, you must first input the data from which the chart will be drawn. Do this just as you would for creating any Excel worksheet. To create the chart, Excel will plot sets of data from your worksheet called data series. In the worksheet example above, the columns for median house prices for the U.S. and for Chapel Hill are two data series which could be plotted in a chart. In this example, the data in the first column, the years between 1985 and 1993, will be category labels in your chart.
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Once you start the creation process, the ChartWizard will walk you through the following four steps.
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First, click on the Chart Wizard tool button on the right side of Formatting Toolbar, or choose Chart under the Insert menu option.
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In this step you will be asked to define the area or range to be included in the chart. To assist you in this, you can minimize the dialogue box by clicking on the tool button located in the far right of the Data Range Box. If you selected the data you wanted to chart prior to starting the ChartWizard, that area will appear highlighted in the Data Range. From here you can select the Next button to move on to the next step. The 2nd tab, Series, allows you to add a series of data to act as your X-axis. The other options in this tab are not necessary if you specified the correct data ranges, names, and labels. However, if you wish to change any of these values this is where you would come. This is most helpful after you have already created your chart and you want or need to come change the data. See also the later section Modifying a
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Data Series.
The Chart Wizard will display a sample chart based upon the selections you made in the previous steps. If you don't like the chart type or format that you've selected, you may change these by using the Back button to return to the previous dialog boxes. There are 6 options for your manipulation under step three: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Title: Allows you to give the chart and both axes titles. Axes: Allows you to choose if you want values on both the X and Y axes. Gridlines: Allows you to place gridlines (major and minor) on both the X and Y axes. Legend: Allows you choose if and where a legend should be placed. Data Labels: Allows you to put the Y values as labels above the X series (or vice versa) within the plot area. Data Table: Allows you to affix a data table to the chart.
If at any time later you want to change the selections you made, just select the Chart Wizard tool button or Chart under the Insert menu option.
Chart Location
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The final Chart Wizard step lets you decide if you wish to place your newly created chart on its own sheet or as an object in a pre-existing sheet. If you choose As new sheet, you can name it thusly, or anything else for that matter.
Parts of a Chart
The following diagram points out basic elements of a chart. Use this diagram as a reference for understanding the following sections on chart modifications.
Anything you see in an Excel chart can be modified. Listed below are four different methods for modifying items within a chart. 1. 2. Double-click on the item in the chart you wish to modify. This will bring up a formatting dialog box for the item chosen and will allow you to make all modifications to the item at once. Select the chart item with a single-click. You may then use the menus to make your changes.
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Use the drop down menu from the chart toolbar and click on the tool button directly to the right of this box. This button is called the Format whatever (Whatever depends on what option in chosen in the adjoining drop down menu.). This tool button look very similar to the MS Properties tool button. Point to the item you wish to modify and click the right mouse button to display the shortcut menu options for that item.
Remember that if you are working with a embedded chart, before you start making changes, you must double-click on the chart to edit it.
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If you wish to add a legend to your chart, the easiest way to do this is to use the Legend tool on the Chart Toolbar. This Legend icon is a toggle button which can be used to either create or remove the legend. The legend is generally built from the information stored in the first column or row, depending on the shape of the selected area to be charted, unless you specify otherwise. The chart is reduced in size to accommodate the legend, so this may sometimes not be an acceptable choice. You can format the legend by double-clicking on it and making the necessary or appropriate changes to the font, placement, or pattern selections
If you wish to add a data table below your chart, select this button from the Chart Toolbar. You can also excise this option under step 3 of the Chart Wizard.
If you wish to view your data series by rows rather than columns (or again, vice versa), you can toggle between the next two buttons found on the Chart Toolbar.
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The last two buttons on the Chart Toolbar angle the text found on the axes. You must first select an axis in the chart area or choose the appropriate axis from the drop down menu on the Chart Toolbar to use these buttons. Each button is a toggle unto itself (on or off) unlike the Data Series tool buttons.
Closing Thoughts
Modifying a Data Series
It is easy to add a new data series to you chart, delete an existing series or format one or more series.
Deleting a Series First select the series and then either hit the Delete key or choose Clear and Series from the Edit menu. Formatting Data Series
As with other chart modifications, you may double-click on a chart series or single-click with the right mouse to bring up formatting options for data series. The Format Data Series dialog box will provide you with options to redefine the data series names and values, data labels, patterns, axis, X values and Y error bars.
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To add arrows or other drawing objects to your chart, you will need to activate the Drawing Toolbar. To do this, select Toolbars from the View menu and then choose Drawing. To add an arrow click the Arrow icon and then drag with the mouse until the arrow is in the correct position and is the desired length.