Board Minutes: October 14 2008
Board Minutes: October 14 2008
Board Minutes: October 14 2008
G Castore, Stream Inventory: He spoke with Dave Legvold from Cannon River
Watershed Partnership, who mentioned that some counties are now
stepping up to enforce buffer zones along waterways. The Township to look
into cost share with the landowner to create the necessary buffer zones.
L Knecht: Possible road upgrades on Coe, Cabot, 140th Street East, and
Dahle. These are all roads leading directly to the landfill. Possible upgrades
to include higher quality material and more dust control material.
Bring to the next work session more ideas, priorities and percentages of
where the funds should be allocated. Choose what will best serve the
residents of the township.
Three building permits issued through Oct. 12, 2008. See attached packet.
Treasurer’s Report, B Pfahning. Balance on hand $25,731.64.
PERA update: The Township could only go back three years. The Township
portion is 6.5%, employee contribution is 6%. Effective Jan. 2009 the
employee percentage is 6.75%.
The minutes from the September 16, and 30th meetings were approved with
2 changes which are now reflected in those minutes. Motion to approve
made by G Castore, second by L Knecht, MCU.
Notice on website and posted on bulletin board that the supervisors may all
be in attendance at the next Planning Commission meeting on Oct. 29, 2008.
It was also noted that the supervisors may attend the Dundas Planning
Commission meeting on Thurs. Oct. 16. This was posted on the bulletin board
and the web site.
HWY 19 and right of way and NW Corridor Study. That committee is looking
for input into the Decker, Garrett, 19 intersections.