Gehman Mennonite Church: March 3, 2013
Gehman Mennonite Church: March 3, 2013
Gehman Mennonite Church: March 3, 2013
Physical address: 127 Witmer Road, Reinholds, PA 17569 Mailing address: PO Box 842, Adamstown, PA 19501
717-484-4548 Ministry Team Phil Horning - Lead Pastor - (church: 717-484-4548) (home:717-484-0998) Glen Martin - Associate Pastor- 717-484-2162 Steve McCosby - Deacon - 717-336-8275
Prelude Call to Worship Dakota Leid Hymn of Praise Tom Martin Offering Paul McCosby Worship in Song Worship Team Message: Matthew 25:1-13 "Making the Most of Every Opportunity" Phil Horning Hymn of Response Tom Martin Sharing Time/Pastoral Prayer Benediction Today: Greeters Nelson & Dianne Gehman Sunday School Michelle & Kelly Church Nursery Roxanne & Marlene Fellowship Meal provided by the Bible Quiz Team-All are welcome!!! Next Week: Greeters Mary Ellen Musser Scripture Reading Paul McCosby Song Leader Doug Musselman Offering Autumn Sauder Message Steve McCosby Sunday School Nursery Dianne & Shelby Church Nursery Tamarah & Maria Offerings: The offering for March is for Gehmans, Lancaster, & Lititz Area Mennonite Schools and other budgeted items. Attendance for last week was 123. Offering for last week was $3,639. Mar. 5, Tues.-"WHEN PAPA GOES TO PRISON" is the address title by Anne Myers the former lead Chaplain of the Camp Hill State Prison. Conestoga Mennonite auditorium. For info: 610-777-2222. Mar. 6, Wed.-7:30pm -Community Lenten Services-Series (Pastor Mike Roney speaking @ St. John's United Church of Christ-659 South Fourth Street Denver) Worship services are normally followed by snacks & fellowship. Consider this
opportunity to worship our Lord in a special way during this season leading up to Holy Week and to meet and worship with other followers of Christ in our community. Mar. 6, Wed.-Youth Bible Study at the church, 7 p.m. Mar. 12, Tues.-Marie Dick, communications professor at St. Cloud State University, presents Speaking Peace: The Rhetoric of Lawrence Hart, Southern Cheyenne Peace Chief and Mennonite Minister at 7:30 p.m., at Elizabethtown Colleges Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies. In her talk, Dick will discuss Harts life and work as well as the strategies he uses in his peace speeches. For more information about the lecture, call 717-361-1470 or visit Mar. 12, Tues.-LAMS will be hosting the community event Mission: Possible: Preparing Your Kids for Public High School. The guest speaker is Mike Wenger director of TNT Youth Ministries. See the flyer on the bulletin board for more info. Mar. 13, Wed.-7:30 p.m.-Community Lent Services-Series (Pastor Craig Snow speaking @ Gehman Mennonite Church). This is the last of five consecutive Wed. evening services. Mar. 16, Sat.-Auction and Chicken BBQ begins at 9 a.m. on Sat. at Ephrata Mennonite Church(Alive Church), to benefit TNT Ministry. All Proceeds benefit TNT Ministries in Ephrata, Akron, Bowmansville and Lititz. Food, Baked Goods and Gift Cards will be on sale before and during the Auction. Call Doreen Horning for more information: 717-951-0550. All Gifts are tax-deductible. Mar. 28, Thurs.-6:30pm - Our annual Maundy Thursday service will be held in the Fellowship Hall. The meal will be followed by a worship time that includes communion and feet washing. Child care will be provided (which will include a meal for the children). Apr. 18, Thurs.-"Ladies Night Out" at 6 p.m., will be held at Woodcrest Retreat. Enjoy a delightful evening with a delicious light buffet. Carol Cool, Akron, PA will creatively present "Spring Cleaning for the Soul." Cost: $15 Call 717-738-2233 by April 8 for reservations. -You are invited to encourage our Bible Quiz teams this evening at Hinkletown Mennonite Church. Quizzing begins at 6:30 p.m. Thanks for your continued support! -A mentoring program was started several years ago here at church, and a number of mentoring relationships have been set-up. Lena Brown helped to launch this ministry. Because of lack of energy due to here cancer treatments, she understandably is looking to pass this ministry onto others. If youre interested in helping to arrange, develop, and encourage mentoring relationships or would like to suggest someone you see as being gifted in this area, please talk to Pastor Phil. Happy Birthday! Margaret Gockley on Mon., Rachel Musselman on Tues., Lamar Gockley and Lena Brown on Wed., and Tom Martin on Sat.