Mater Amabilis Level 2, Year 2 Syllabus
Mater Amabilis Level 2, Year 2 Syllabus
Mater Amabilis Level 2, Year 2 Syllabus
Religious Education
! ! ! ! ! ! WEEKLY
___St. Thomas Becket of Canterbury! ___St. Francis de Sales ___Our Lady of Czestochowa
One-of-a-Kind Friends!
___Dorothy Day!! !
! ! !
___Ita Ford ___Jean Donovan ! ! ! ___Blessed Gianna Molla ___Dr. Thomas Dooley ___Jean Vanier
___Caryll Houselander!!
___Mother Teresa of Calcutta! ___Archbishop Oscar Romero! ___Dorothy Kazel! ___Maura Clarke!! ! ! ! !
Recommended Reading
One saints biography to be read as independent reading each term.
Faith and Life books, as assigned in CCD class Prove It! God (Amy Welborn) Prove It! Jesus (Amy Welborn)
! ! ! Term 1: Prove It! God, Chapters 1 -10 Term 2: Chapters 11 - Epilogue; Prove It! Jesus, Chapters 1- 5 Term 3: Chapters 6 - Epilogue
Saxon Math 76
Study next lesson in text book. Try solving the example problems, only looking at the solutions as needed. Solve a few of the practice problems (different types); if you have trouble with any, go back and study the lesson again. If you still dont understand, ask Mom for help. Then do the assigned problems for that lesson and bring to Mom to check.
Five minutes of daily drill in math facts, particularly multiplication tables. Recommended Extras " Mathematical reading and activities from How Math Works " Calculadder " Math-related le-folder or board games " Flashcards
__ Caddie Woodlawn (Brink) " " __ Behind Rebel Lines (Relt)" "
__ Eagle of the Ninth (Sutcliff) __ The Treasure Seekers (Nesbitt)" " " " __ Good Master (Seredy) __ Homer Price (McCloskey) __ Hank the Cowdog series (Erickson) __ Phoenix and the Carpet (Nesbitt)
__ Five Children and It (Nesbitt) " __ Redwall (series, Jacques) " __ Winged Watchman (Stockum) __ Legend of the Cid (Goldston)"
__ Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow (French) __ Freckles (Porter) __ Swallows and AmazonsSeries (Ransome) __ Olga De Polga series (Bond) __ Tales From the Arabian Nights (Lang) __ The Outlaws of Ravenhurst (Wallace) __ My Father's Dragon (Gannett) __ Rabbit Hill (Lawson) __ The Librarian and the Robbers (Mahy) __ Tales From Troy and Greece (Lang) __ Peter Pan (Barrie) __ The Borrowers (Norton) __ Tough Winter (Lawson) __The Half-A-Moon Inn (Fleischman)
__ The Great Piratical Rumbustication (Mahy) __ Twenty and Ten (Bishop) __ Humbug Mountain (Fleischman) __ Madeleine Takes Command __ Soup Ahoy (Robert Peck) __ The Tunnel of Hugsy Goode (Estes) __ The Alley (Estes) __ The White Stag (Seredy) __ Warrior Cat Series (Hunter, Erin) __ Guardians of GaHoule (Lasky) " __ By the Great Horn Spoon(Fleischman) __ The Twenty One Balloons __ Soup and Me (Robert Peck) __ The Witch Family (Estes) __ The Moffat Series (Estes) __ Philomena (Seredy) __ Rowan of Rin Series (Rodda, Emily) __ Marco Polo(Landmark) __ The Aventures of Ulysses (Ldmk)
Reading time is also to be used for the books on the various reading lists for this year (history, religion, geography, literature, & science).
Copy two lines daily from favourite poems, prayers, Bible passages, or the Shakespeare play being studied. Composition " " " " " " " (10-20 min. daily)
Written narrations from the book youre currently reading for history, religion, geography, literature, and science.
Studied Dictation! !
(twice weekly)
Paragraphs or passages to be dictated from a section (two or three paragraphs) of a history, literature, geography or religion book that has been studied in advance.
__ p.17 nomen/nominis" _ p.31 dens/dentis" _ __ p.18 pro"" __ p.19 prae" __ p.20 ad "" " " " __ p.32 corpus/corporis " __ p.33 unus" __ p.34 duo " __ p.35 tres __ p.36 quattuor " __ p.37 quinque __ p.38 sex __ p.39 septem __ p.40 octo __ p.41 novem __ p.42 decem
__ p.21 jacio/jactum"
__ p.14 video/visum"
__Week 4: Prepositions! __Week 5: Verbs! ! __Week 6: Adverbs! ! Term 2: __Week __Week __Week __Week __Week __Week Term 3: __Week __Week __Week __Week __Week __Week
! ! !
__Week 10: Common & Proper Nouns __Week 11: Gender of Nouns __Week 12: Nominative Case
Weeks 13-24 13: Possessive Case! __Week 19: Verb Phrase! 14: Objective Case!__Week 20: Innitives 15: Predicate Nominative! _Week 21: Clauses _ 16: Gerunds! ! ! __Week 22: Advective Clause 17: Appositives! ! __Week 23: Predicate Adjective 18: Review of Unit 2! __Week 24: Adverb Clause Weeks 25-36 25: Noun Clause! ! __Week 31: Interrogative Pronouns! 26: Kinds of Sentences __Week 32: Degrees of Adj. & Adverbs 27: Review of Unit 3! __Week 33: Building Descriptive Writing 28: Personal Pronouns! __Week 34: Synonyms 29: Relative Pronouns! __Week 35: Figurative Writing 30: Adjective Pronoun! __Week 36: Review of Unit 4 & the Course
MYTHOLOGY! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! WEEKLY
The Harp and the Laurel Wreath (Laura Berquist) Other poetry books from our home library
Work on memorizing at least 6-8 lines of poetry each week.
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Term 1: __Chp. 1 - OIS! ! __Chp. 2 - OIS! ! __Chp. 3 - OIS! ! __Chp. 4 - OIS! ! __Chp. 5 - OIS! ! me! __Chp. 1 - OLD! ! __Chp. 6 - OIS! ! __Chp. 7 - OIS! ! __Chp. 2 - OLD! ! ! ! ! ! __Chp. 13- OIS! ! __Chp. 3 - OLD! ! __Chp. 4 - see me! __Chp. 14 - OIS! ! ! ! ! ! __Chp. 15 - OIS! __Chp. 16 - OIS! __Chp. 17 - OIS! ! ! ! ! ! __Chp. 8 - OIS! ! __Chp. 9 - OIS! ! __Chp. 10- OIS! ! __Chp. 11- OIS! ! __Chp. 12- OIS! ! ! ! ! ! ! __Chp. 5- see me __Chp. 6 - see me __Chp. 7 - OLD! __Chp. 8- OLD! __Chp. 9- see
Term 2: __Chp. 10 - OLD! ! __Chp. 18 - OIS! ! __Chp. 19 - OIS! ! __Chp. 20 - OIS! ! __Chp. 21 - OIS! ! __Chp. 11 - see me! __Chp. 22 - OIS! ! __Chp. 23- OIS! ! __Chp. 24 - OLD! ! __Chp. 25 - OIS! ! __Chp. 26 - OIS! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! __Chp. 27 - OIS! ! __Chp. 28 - OIS! ! __Chp. 12- OLD! ! __Chp. 13- OLD! ! __Chp. 29- OIS! ! __Chp. 30 - OIS! ! __Chp. 31 - OIS! ! __Chp. 14 - OLD! ! __Chp. 32 - OIS! ! __Chp. 33 - OIS! ! __Chp. 34 - OIS! ! __Chp. 15 - OLD! __Chp. 35 - OIS! ! __Chp. 36 - OIS! ! __Chp. 16 - OLD! __Chp. 17 - OLD! __Chp. 18- OLD __Chp. 37 - OIS! __Chp. 38 - OIS! __Chp. 39 - OIS! __Chp. 19 - OLD! __Chp. 40- OIS
Term 3: __Chp. 41 - OIS! ! __Chp. 42 - OIS! ! __Chp. 43 - OIS! ! __Chp. 44 - OIS! ! __Chp. 45 - OIS! ! __Chp. 46 - OIS! ! __Chp. 47 - OIS! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! __Chp. 50 - OIS! ! __Chp. 20- OLD! ! __Chp. 10- OIS! ! __Chp. 11- OIS! ! __Chp. 12- OIS! ! __Chp. 13- OIS! ! __Chp. 3 - OLD! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! __Chp. 5- OLD! __Chp. 6 - OLD! __Chp. 7 - OLD! __Chp. 8- OLD! __Chp. 9- OLD! __Chp. 15 - OIS! __Chp. 16 - OIS!
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Twice Weekly
The Story of Greece by Mary Macgregor Ancient Times Timeline, Usborne Encyclopedia of the Ancient World
Optional Extras Usborne Encyclopedia of the Ancient World
Take at least one nature walk each week. Keep a nature notebook (make at least one entry each week).
Twice Weekly
All Ye Lands
Term 1 __Pgs. 1-8" " Reading Maps __Pgs. 8-14" Geography and Human Life __Pgs. 14-16" Climate and Human Life __Chp. 1 TEST __Pgs. 17-25" Infancy of Man __Pgs. 26-31" Sumer __Pgs. 31-42" Egypt __Chp. 2 TEST __Pgs. 43-50" Beginnings __Pgs. 51-55" The Kingdom __Pgs. 56-61" The Prophets __Chp. 3 TEST __Pgs. 63-70" The City-States __Pgs. 70-78" War with Persia Term 2 __Pgs. 79-84" Age of Alexander __Chp. 4 TEST __Pgs. 85-90 " Geography and the Beginnings of Rome __Pgs. 90-97 " Extension of Empire __Pgs. 97-100 " Persecution of Christians and Decline of Rome __Chp. 5 TEST __Pgs. 103-107" The Life of Christ __Pgs. 107-113" Apostolic Age __Pgs. 113-121" Persecution __Pgs. 121-129" Early Middle Ages __Chp. 6 TEST Term 3 __Pgs. 131-135" Byzantine Empire and the Church __Pgs. 136-142" Muslims __Pgs. 142-150" Spread of Islam __Chp. 7 TEST __Review of European Geography __Pgs. 151-158" The Dark Ages __Pgs. 158-167" The Middle Ages __Pgs. 167-172" England in the Middle Ages __Pgs. 172-178" Saints and Scholars __Pgs. 178-180" Plague and Nation States
Weekly class plus homework
Twice Weekly
Spanish clss (Senor Ortega/ Senora Olga Frederick) Rosetta Stone PICTURE STUDY !
(Impressionists)!! ! ! ! ! Weekly
The Usborne Book of Art Skills by Fiona Watt Draw Squad by Mark Kistler PRACTICAL WORK !!
! ! ! ! ! ! Daily
(1) Help in house and yard/ garden. (2) Work on learning a practical craft or skill of your choice. (ie. drawing, woodworking projects, home repair and renovation ! ! projects, cake decorating) (3) Master the art of doing laundry this school year