Classroom Management
Classroom Management
Classroom Management
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This is a free additional chapter for Evidence Based Teaching by Geoff Petty (2006) Nelson Thornes. It can be downloaded from The book as a whole combines and summarises research on which teaching methods and strategies work best, and explains these strategies with examples. See the notes at the end of this chapter for more detail.
Comparing the effectiveness of aspects of classroom management Summary of experimental data from Marzano (2003) Rules and procedures
Strategies to clearly and simply express rules and other expectations of student behaviour. Also to justify these persuasively from the teachers and students point of view. For greatest effect the rules are negotiated with students
Average effect-size
Number of studies
Teacher-student relationships
Strategies to improve the rapport, and mutual respect between teacher and student
Disciplinary interventions
The effective use of sticks and carrots to enforce the rules described above
Mental set
Strategies to develop your awareness of what is going on in your classroom and why. A conscious control over your thoughts and feelings when you respond to a disruption.
Marzano grouped high quality research studies on classroom management into the four categories above, and then calculated an average effect size for each. Effect size is explained in chapter 4, they are a measure of how effective a strategy is. If you dont know about effect sizes look instead at the last column in the tables: percentage reduction in the number of disruptions. For example, in experiments on strategies that involve teachers in devising rules and procedures the number of disruptions in the classroom was reduced by 28% on average. This is in comparison with not devising explicit rules and procedures. In experiments, only one strategy can be used at a time. (If two were used, we would not know which caused any positive effects.) However, you can obviously use strategies in all these categories at once. This will have a greater effect than using strategies in one category alone. However, it is not statistically valid to add the effect sizes or the percentages in the table to find their combined effect. If you find this a bit bewildering, just remember that the strategies that teachers made work best are those with a large percentage in the last column in the tables. 2
However you are unique! You might not get the same results as an average teacher. So the best results will probably come from concentrating on the category that you or your students have most difficulty with, or that you have considered least in your teaching. The final test is what works in your classroom, try the methods for a few weeks and see what happens! I will now look at the strategies that have been found to work best in each of Marzanos four categories. I will only outline these, and if you want more detail please read the following chapters in my Teaching Today, which have more strategies and more detail. I am relieved to say these Chapters in Teaching Today that might be helpful: 7 The teacher learner relationship and equal opportunities page 77 8 Classroom management page 96 9 Discipline and problem solving page 108 chapters are very much in line with the Marzano findings. Alternatively follow up one of the references at the end of the chapter.
Some teachers think a well-planned, interesting lesson will by itself prevent disruption. Or that if the teacher is entirely benign and respectful of students, conflict will simply melt away. This isnt the case. We often start our teaching careers with these assumptions, but enlightenment usually doesnt take long. All teachers experience problems with behaviour, its just that some are better at preventing it, and dealing with it. But how? The strategies that teachers have made work best in experiments are explained below, with the theory outlined. However, if you are only interested in the strategies themselves look for the strategy icon in the margin:
Create rules: Decide for yourself what rules and procedures will maximise learning, and would create a good atmosphere in your class. Alternatively adapt the rules in the box on page 4. Express these rules positively rather than as a list of donts. There should be a 3
maximum of about 8 rules at secondary level, some say less at the elementary level. 2. Justify rules. Work out to your own satisfaction a persuasive case for each of these rules, however obvious this is. Im afraid because I say so is not a persuasive justification! Very early on, perhaps in your first meeting with the class, explain that you want an effective, fair and happy classroom, and a set of rules and procedures to achieve this. There are two main ways to do this, set out in 3 and 4 below. 3. Discuss rules with the class. Discuss why we have laws, rules and procedures in football, families, and in society. Ask for examples. (Avoid the off-side rule even if you understand it!) What would happen if we didnt have rules? Explain that the purpose of class rules is not to pump your megalomania, but to improve learning, and to ensure people enjoy the class.
4. Negotiate to get commitment. Suggest your set of rules as a start, asking for deletions, additions and suggestions. Be prepared to justify and compromise. (Alternatively ask the class to devise their own set of rules as described in 5 below.) Consider asking students to work in small groups to make sticky note responses to your rules. Then display and discuss these as a class. Consider asking each group to design a poster to illustrate one of the rules, and display these on the notice board. These can then be used as a reminder in subsequent lessons. Students could literally sign up to the rules as political leaders sign treaties. Refer to the rules as our rules not as mine. 5. Get the class to devise their own rules. Especially with older or more responsible groups you could ask them to come up with their own class rules. It may help to start this process off if you give them issues such as how can we make sure everyone gets the help they need?. Or you could ask them what has worked in other classrooms. Students can work in groups to devise rules on different aspects of class management, e.g. bringing materials; talking; attendance and punctuality, etc The class can then discuss and then vote on suggestions Then you go away and finalise the set of rules. You have every right to the last say of course. If you reject a popular suggestion explain why.
Here is a typical set of rules at secondary or college level. It is of course best to devise your own: 1. Treat others as you want to be treated yourself. Be positive and helpful. Try to help two other people every day. 2. Treat other peoples property at least as well as you would treat your own. 3. Hands up if you want to say something when the teacher, or another student is talking. 4. Dont distract others from their work. Only talk to neighbours, and only about work. 4 5. If you are stuck ask neighbours for help first, then ask Mr Petty.
The aim here is to get students to buy into the rules and to see them as their own, and as worth keeping and enforcing.
Treat others as you want to be treated yourself Hands up if you want to say something when the teacher is talking Dont distract others from their work Etc.. Improvement since my last self assessment: What I need to work on most is:
If you use self-assessment consider the following: Asking students to remind themselves of their self-assessed targets at the beginning of a class (see the last row in the self assessment form above). Tell them you will ask them to self-assess any improvement at the end of the same class. Allow students to reward themselves with a sticky blob against their name on your notice board if they have improved, say, twice running in these self-assessments. Yes I know this sounds toe-curlingly naff, but the less mature students often love this.
What is the nature of good teacher-student relations? Marzano (2003) quotes internationally renowned research by Theo Wubbels, whose findings remind me of the old staffroom adage be 6
strict but fair. Wubbels has found that the most effective teachers are both dominant (strong leaders) and cooperative (helpful, friendly and fair), but they are neither to extreme. This is shown diagrammatically below.
Too dominant
Too controlling Lack of concern for students Teacher student relations
Ideal Opposition
Treats students as the enemy Expresses anger and irritation Need to win if there is a disagreement between teacher and students
Too cooperative
Too understanding and accepting of apologies Waits for students to be ready Too desirous to be accepted
Lack of clarity of purpose Keeps a low profile Tendency to submit to the will of the class Entirely unassertive, rather glum and apologetic
The diagram tries to show that the most effective teachers have found an optimal balance between cooperation and dominance. They are not so dominant that they fail to cooperate, nor so cooperative that they fail to lead. The precise approach will of course depend on the nature of the class; some need more dominance or more cooperation than others. Research has also shown that students prefer the dominant-cooperative mix about twice as much as 8
Wubbels has found that teachers new to the profession tend to start too cooperatively and with insufficient dominance. However after 6 to 10 years they often become too dominant. To improve student-teacher relations experiment with some or all of the following strategies which other teachers have made work well. Are you better at dominance or cooperation? Ideally you should strengthen your weakest style, even if you also work on your strongest. Many students are coping with stress, difficult home circumstances and worry about abuse, depression, eating disorders and so on. If your students experience such social and psychological strains you will need to attend to these as well trying the strategies that follow. This goes beyond the scope of this chapter. The FATE approach in Teaching Today may help, as will Marzano (2003).
1. Ground Rules If you negotiate ground rules with students, and consequences for not keeping them as described on page ???, then you have already shown this attribute to some considerable extent.
2. Orientation Clarify the purpose and the key points in each topic before it is taught, including a persuasive reason for studying it. If you have read chapter 16 you will remember that these methods had very high effect sizes. (An effect size of 0.5 for a strategy means that if it is done well students learn the topic about a grade better. An effect size of 1.0 gives a twograde improvement. By grade I mean an improvement equivalent to a GCSE or A level grade, but just for that topic of course.)
Strategy Goal setting before introducing a new topic. E.g. your goal is to use the information in this topic to solve this problem in the case study.
Goals which the students are involved in designing Advance organisers (summary in advance of what is about to be learned along with a persuasive case for studying it) Highly specific behavioural objectives At the end of this lesson you should be able to
1.21 0.48 for easy topics 0.78 for more demanding topics 0.12
Another way of setting goals is to discuss with students the assessment criteria for the task they will do, as long as they really understand these.
3. Authoritative body language Appear absolutely confident and in control, especially when you are not. When interacting with students, especially if dealing with misbehaviour, your dominance is conveyed by body language. This includes proximity, confident posture, and tone of voice (not shrill or angry, but authoritative.) In Teaching Today I describe the PEP approach, which stands for: Proximity: dominance is increased by walking closer to the student. Walk around the classroom, if you notice students about to misbehave stand by their desk. When you talk to students stand a little too close for comfort but dont invade personal space. This is not an easy judgement. Eye contact: Holding eye contact expresses dominance, especially if you hold it for some time. What you say will be taken more seriously if you hold eye contact first for a few seconds, then say it maintaining the eye contact, then maintain eye-contact for a few seconds more. Posing questions. Rather than telling a student off for not working, ask questions such as Why have you not started? Do this with proximity and eye contact. This has much more effect than getting angry or raising your voice, and will make you appear much more in control. The combined effect of close proximity and sustained eye contact can be very powerful indeed, so dont over do it.
Breaking this cycle is hard, but it can be done. If you succeed it ensures the student behaves better, learns better, but it also makes your life much easier. You will need to have negotiated clear rules with your students as described earlier, then you can start to break this cycle. This requires a great deal of emotional generosity and/or patience and restraint. If you cannot muster the generosity, try acting! Probably the only part of the cycle you can break is: You are less positive, friendly and fair towards the student here are some strategies that break the cycle here:
1. Catch them doing something right. Keep an eye on them, and when you notice they are doing something right, even by accident, comment on this positively in private. Well done, youve made a start. Many students who misbehave are attention seekers, and if they earn attention for behaving well, they are less likely to steal attention by misbehaving. You can even bribe such students: Thats an interesting start, when youve finished the question let me know and I will have a look at it A promise of attention like this will often motivate students, but do keep your promise. See Madsen et al (1968)
2. Put the student into intensive care. There is a violent method to do this, which in your darkest moments often appeals! Here is a legal way. As well as catching them doing something right: Smile, use their name positively, ask for their opinion in class 11
discussion, try to find something positive to say about their response. Make a point of looking at their work, and comment favourably about any genuine effort or achievement. Talk to them about it. Thats an interesting point, what made you think of that?. Keep high expectations however: I know you can do this. Be patient and helpful. If you react like this it shows you are not rattled by their misbehaviour. Warning! The above advice can be overdone. Dont try too hard with intensive care especially, as you will be disliked if you appear desperate to be liked. The trick is to make your behaviour seem very natural, and the way you teach everyone. So you must give this same attention to at least some well-behaved students nearby too. More general advice about increasing cooperation includes other ways of showing that you value students as individuals: 3. Learn and use their names 4. Communicate informally with students, Dont just talk about learning issues. When they are coming into, or going out of the classroom ask their opinion: Do you think your haircut would suit me?. What do you think of the new library?. Ask about hobbies, attitudes and opinions, 5. Use eye contact and proximity to spread your influence about the whole room. 6. Negotiate difficulties with the class. I am having problems with students not giving in work, whats the problem? What can we do about this? The strategies on page 17 and 18 also help with cooperation.
Average effect-size
Number of studies
Mild punishments
Strategies that reward students for appropriate behaviour including recognition, praise, symbols etc.
Many teachers are reactive, waiting for disruption and then responding to it, yet reminding students of the ground-rules for a forthcoming activity is a very positive and quite effective strategy. If you 13
have agreed class rules, and students have designed posters to illustrate them, gather students round the posters to discuss the rules, and ask questions about why we have them. This need not take long, yet has reduced the number of disruptions in experiments by almost a quarter on average.
1. Tokens or symbols Here is an example. A teacher asks each student to start off the lesson with five behaviour points. Or they might only do this with two or three problematical students. The students write five 1s on a piece of paper on their desk. During the class the teacher places an extra 1 if the student is working well, and crosses one off when they are not. Students often dont need an explanation for the removal of a point if the class rules are clear. Simply praising good behaviour also works remarkably well, Madsen et al (1968). At the end of the class the student records how many behaviour points they have on a proforma. This might ask them to set targets for improvement. They might also be able to exchange these points for privileges such as sitting where they want, or giving out materials etc. It is important to explain the system you use and why: to help you become better and more mature learners. It should not be seen as a bribe even when privileges are given.
These are often laughed off by teachers, but they really work and are greatly underused Tokens and symbols can include: A thumbs up sign, wink, smile, praise etc to a student working well. It works especially well with problematical students Official Pat On The Back, this can be public or private. It is fun to say this with capital letters and administer it with mock ceremony, but not sarcastically Recognition in class notices, bulletins or notice-boards Round of applause or even standing ovation! Encouraging words Open microphone. The student is asked to speak to the class to explain how they succeeded, or, if you are brave, to make any point they like. Smiley faces, points, or stickers on a privately held record card, that you can ask to see and use as the basis for discussion on behaviour improvement. Smiley faces, points or stickers on a publicly displayed class list Badges: e.g. Im an improver The gal done good Displaying work Letters home saying that behaviour is good or has improved. Most students regard this as very significant and it doesnt cost that much. You could also use e-mail, text message, or phone message, but letters are permanent and you dont even need to put a stamp on as students will be keen to take them home. They can be used to earn: Privileges such as sitting where you choose, helping to give out materials, leading groups, being allowed to present to the class, etc Class pressure points which the class can spend to persuade you not to set homework one particular week, or to allow more time to prepare for a test etc. The opportunity to choose the work they do or the way they work. E.g. be able to write up their work on a classroom computer. Letters, e-mails or text messages home, after say three weekly improvements
2. Self-assessment Students can use the self-assessment process described on page 5 to award themselves points or stickers etc.
3. Contingent rewards: These makes use of peer pressure to improve behaviour: a. Class carrots if the whole class behaves or improves. E.g. If the whole class reduces calling out instead of putting their hands up, then the whole class earn pressure points (described in the above box), or are allowed to go and see the Art Departments final show of work. Success needs to be defined carefully, for 15
example no more than three people calling out in each class for at least one week. b. Class carrots if a specific individual or group of students behaves well or improves. This needs to be treated with caution. E.g. We are all going to help to keep Philip in his seat. If you are next to him remind him if he moves. If he does move, dont talk to him. If Philip doesnt get out of his place inappropriately for a week, the whole class gets five Team Player Points and Philip gets ten.
Case studies with the use of rewards and punishments. TES 16th June 2006 Duncan Harper, Head of a Special school says many children are miss-labelled as autistic or having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). He believes their poor attention span etc is due to being too tired to work after spending four to five hours a night watching TV or playing computer games. 20% of his 58 children are diagnosed autistic, and 50% ADHD. But Harper thinks non are autistic, and only 2 have ADHD! He develops excellent relationships with the parents, who are contacted by phone every two weeks. He arranges with them to remove TVs and computer games from bedrooms if the students behaviour/tiredness does not improve. Harper himself made seven such removals that year. A recent inspection graded the school as outstanding in all categories. Consistency and assertiveness The punishment itself seems less important than your consistency in expecting a rule to be obeyed, and your assertiveness when talking to students or punishing them when you have to. Assertiveness is not the same as hostility. It is linked with dominance mentioned earlier and means that when you deal with class management you are firm, unemotional, matter of fact, unapologetic, confident and business like. It often includes a reminder to the student that you are implementing agreed class rules, not personal dictats. Being hostile angry or very strict is less effective, and may suggest to students that you are losing control.
Be assertive
Imagine you are dealing with a student who has been persistently talking. You have warned her that if she talks inappropriately again, you will move her. Despite this, she continues to talk. You could get angry, sarcastic and over-strict at this point. But it is more effective to be assertive: 16
1. Proximity and eye contact. Walk up to the student (proximity), with a firm upright posture, and fix them with eye contact . There should be little emotion in your voice or face. Just a business like confidence.
2. Ask for what you want in a decisive manner, act as if you mean it, and expect to be obeyed. The pitch of your voice should not be shrill, only slightly raised. I want you to move next to John now. But Pete started it
3. Listen, but use the broken record. Listen to such legitimate objections. It sometimes helps to repeat the objection to show you have listened as below. However do not accept denials, blaming or other arguing unless a genuinely strong case is made. It is the students duty to keep the class rules despite difficulties. Repeat what you want. Even if Pete did start it, you should not have talked again. Please move now. But thats not fair (This process of listening, perhaps acknowledging what was said, but then repeating what you want continues as long as necessary. This is sometimes called the broken record.) You remain firm unruffled and business like. We all agreed our class rules are fair. Please move.
4. Defer discussion but require obedience. If the student persists tell them that they are wasting valuable class time, and must continue this conversation after the class. In the meantime they must move. Repeat this once if necessary very firmly.
5. Withdraw. If they still dont move remind them that defiance is a very serious offence and that they must see you after the class. Walk away to signal the dialogue is now over. The student might now move. If not, seek guidance from tutors and class managers; defiance is a health and safety issue as they might not even stop doing something dangerous There is a list of responses to inappropriate behaviour in Teaching Today 3rd edition, pages 117-8 when you tell them to.
6. Use Discipline Plans. If a student does not respond to assertive behaviour like this and problems persist, consult tutors and managers. Sit down with the student in a private one to one situation, and draw up a Discipline Plan Allen. T (1996) State the relevant class rules and explain why they help everybody learn and help create 17
a happy classroom Ask the student why they have a problem keeping the rule(s) and what would help them keep it better. Stress that the rule must be kept despite the stated difficulties. Ask them to become a team player so they are accepted by the team. Stress that they have choices and set these out: If someone talks to you at an inappropriate time, you can either respond or you can ignore them. Which is best?.... What is hard about ignoring them? What could we do to ensure you do ignore them?.... If it helps you or them, state how their behaviour makes you feel, and how it affects others students. Ask for a detailed solution, and listen. If a solution is not forthcoming suggest your own. I think it would be better if you sat up at the front with Jackie and Peter. Set a target in concrete terms with consequences if it is not met, but also with an incentive if it is met. Okay so you sit with Jackie and Peter and if you cant stop talking out of turn, I will sit you by yourself. If you do stop talking for two weeks, I will let you choose where you sit. Put the plan in writing, consider asking the student to sign it and signing it yourself. Let the student have a carbon copy. Monitor the plan every lesson however briefly. Give the student credit for any improvement, even if they dont meet goals, however reluctant you might be to do this.
See the FATE approach in Teaching Today p 523-4 which might help.
Class meetings Some writers have suggested that difficulties with classroom management should be raised democratically at class meetings. See Marzano (2004) page 81. Teachers can call meetings, but students can also ask for them Everyone sits in a circle Names are not used, the purpose is to discuss issues not people The teacher or a student acts as chair to ensures the meeting keeps to the topic under discussion Minutes are written and posted on the board Class meetings are sometimes held in conjunction with students keeping a journal. Here they record the behaviour of the class in general, and their own behaviour in particular.
Mental set
On page 2 of this chapter we saw that your mental set has more effect on reducing disruptions than agreeing class rules; dealing with disturbances directly; or using carrots and sticks. There is only a small number of studies to guide us, but these reduced classroom disruptions by 40% on average. Mental set is closely related to the common sense notions of having eyes in the back of your head and keeping your cool. There are specific strategies below, which are fairly easy to implement. Mental set describes an attitude or approach to classroom management that falls into two parts: withitness and emotional objectivity. Effect sizes are from Marzano (2003) Mental set consists of: Withitness
Having a heightened awareness of what is going on in your classroom and responding very quickly to actual and possible disruptions. Average effect-size Number of studies Average Decrease in number of disruptions
Emotional objectivity
Keeping an emotional distance between you and classroom events, and thinking about your emotional response to them.
This is a term coined by Kounin (1970) meaning awareness of what is going on in every part of your classroom, and a quick response to disruption. This is important as it deals with another vicious cycle.
In your direct control Misbehaviour in the class increases Vicious cycle The class notices this behaviour is not dealt with. So they realise they could get away with it too. 19
Withitness strategies nip this cycle in the bud. This stops misbehaviour spreading, and makes it more likely you correctly determine and deal with who started it. It also prevents students gaining any prolonged satisfaction from misbehaviour. For example when students talk out of turn, if you usually step in before they have even completed their first sentence, then they get little out of their misdemeanour, so it is less likely to be repeated. If however students can often enjoy talk for a minute or so before you do anything about it, then talking becomes worth the telling off.
Withitness strategies
1. Scanning When working with small groups or even individuals, orientate yourself so you face the rest of the class. Periodically scan the class. Try to get eye contact with as many students as you can. This is easier to do from the edges of the classroom than from the middle. To begin with you might need briefly to stop what you are doing with the group or individual to scan. But very soon you will be able to scan and help students at the same time.
2. Intervene promptly The moment you notice a disruption , or better something that might escalate into one, make your attention known. Fix the offending students with eye contact, and if necessary walk over to them. Stay near them a bit (but keep scanning the rest of the class from time to time). Proximity and eye contact are often enough to stop disruptive behaviour in its tracks. Sitting on, or at a students desk and looking at them stops almost any disruption!
3. Use names If you cant get eye-contact use their name: Paul?. When Paul turns round sustain eye contact for a few seconds. If he knows what his is doing wrong, then an explanation is unnecessary, even if he says what? in that innocent tone. Very early in the year you may not know all their names, if so say Oi! sharply. However it really helps with this strategy to know names.
4. Stop instruction Suppose you are talking to the class and one student starts talking. You could use their name as described above. However, another strategy is to wait for complete silence before starting teacher talk. The moment a student starts talking, stop talking yourself and look at the student. This is pretty startling for the student and they usually stop right away. Wait for complete silence again, and then continue from the beginning of the sentence in which you were interrupted. If you do this for a few lessons students usually tire of trying to talk when you are.
5. Use non-verbal reminders and commands Once you have attention and eye contact with an offending student you can: Stand to attention with your hands on your hips to signal displeasure Put your finger to your lips to ask for quiet Shake your head slowly to signal disapproval Wave your hand in a hello-like gesture but with a frown to signal stop it. Point while clicking your fingers or with a stage cough to signal stop it. Point with a straight arm and a stare to show greater displeasure Try combinations of the above! My favourite is the straight-armed point and the slowly shaking head. That nearly always got a satisfactory response! If all this seems strange behaviour, arrange a visit to the classroom of someone who is good at classroom management, perhaps someone with a coaching role in your institution. They will almost certainly use such strategies. Remember the aim is to stop misbehaviour almost before it has started, so long-distance communication like this is vital, or you end up sprinting round the classroom like Linford Christie.
6. Avoidance Consider the activities that can potentially lead to disruptions in your classes, for example: Students collecting materials from the back of the room A transition from group discussion to teacher talk (students tend to continue talking) The former may be avoided by arranging to have the materials given out. Alternatively the disruptions may be reduced if you stand by the equipment, or if you let only one student per group collect them etc. It may not be possible to avoid the transition from group discussion to teacher talk, however a little thought might lead to a better way of managing it.
7. Reminders and warnings Before a potentially disruptive activity remind students of the relevant rules. Remember, while Im explaining listen, no talking, and hands up for questions. 21
Setting goals before teacher talk really encourages students to listen as explained in chapter 16 and on page 7.
8. Walk around Walk round the whole classroom, using plenty of eye contact, and verbal interaction with students. Keep to the edges rather than the middle of the room as explained under scanning above.
Emotional Objectivity
This approaches attends to the following possible vicious cycle. In your direct control Students misbehave You express anger, and may overreact, and so appear less in control
Vicious cycle
Students feel angry, and resentful. They are less respectful of you. They may even enjoy your anger
Many teachers take misbehaviour as a personal attack upon them and so get angry or depressed. But the students who misbehave in your classroom probably misbehave in everyone elses. What has worked better than anger in experiments is for the teacher to remain unemotional and matter of fact, especially when dealing with disruptions. This does not mean aloof or distant. You should be alert, businesslike, firm and unapologetic. But you must avoid showing anger or frustration even when you feel it. This makes you appear more in control, and makes you impossible to wind up. Monitoring your thoughts about students Remember that students may well be dealing with difficulties at home, and be tussling with negative attitudes towards education due to a poor experience in the past. 22
It is important to recognise your own anger and frustration, so seek solace in talking things over with colleagues, friends or family, and get plenty of exercise. This helps rid the blood of "stress hormones" which makes you feel much better. So does laughing, so take a break to watch The Simpsons. If a day has been particularly difficult, seek out someone to talk to about it, and give yourself a reward in some way. See Chapter 50 of Teaching Today How to teach and remain sane. Discipline is not your sole responsibility, if there are persistent problems get the matter raised in meetings. If course teams or institutions can agree a consistent approach to these issues, this can help greatly. It is certainly not reasonable to expect you to suffer alone. 1. Dont take the behaviour personally. The students probably misbehave in other peoples classes too. Poor behaviour is often due to influences such as poor parenting, alienation from education due to a curriculum that does not allow the student to shine etc. unfair treatment by other teachers etc. None of these are the students fault. 2. Dont hold grudges. When misbehaviour of any kind occurs, deal with it in a calm, straightforward firm but fair manner. Remind the student that you are just sticking to the agreed class rules. Then wipe the slate clean. Refuse to bear grudges. Treat the student exactly like everyone else, or even better by using strategies 2 and 3.
Hattie and Marzanos Effect sizes Classroom behaviour The influence of appropriate student behaviour on achievement Marzano: Effect of experimenting with improved classroom management techniques on student achievement
Allen T. (1996) Elements of a discipline plan download from: Madsen et al (1968) Rules, Praise, and ignoring: elements of elementary classroom control Journal of Applied Behaviour Analysis. No2, 1, 139-150 This can be downloaded free, just Google the title, or use artid=1310990&blobtype=pdf Accessed September 2006. Marzano, R. et al (2003) Classroom Management that Works Alexandria: ASCD Petty G. (2004) Teaching Today 3rd Edition, Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Petty, G. (2006) Evidence Based Teaching: a practical approach. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Wubbels, T. et al (1999) Interpersonal relationships between teachers and students in the classroom. In H. C. Waxman and H. J. Walberg (Eds) New directions for teaching practice and research (pp151-170). Berkeley, CA: McCutchan. Wubbels, Th., Brekelmans, M., Brok, P. den, & Tartwijk, J. van (2006). An interpersonal perspective on classroom management in secondary classrooms in the Netherlands. In. C. Evertson & C. S. Weinstein (Eds.), Handbook of classroom management: research, practice and contemporary issues (pp.1161-1191). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
This is a free chapter from Evidence Based Teaching by Geoff Petty (2006) published by Nelson Thornes. The book describes teaching methods that experiments have shown greatly increase students attainment. What follows describes the book in more detail. Teaching is about to embark on a revolution, and like medicine, abandon both custom and practice, and fashions and fads, to become evidence-based. Half a million experiments in real classrooms have uncovered the teaching methods that work best. These can improve students attainment by two grades compared to conventional practice. The fifty or more methods some old, some new: - can each raise pass rates by 20% to 30% - are creative, challenging, and greatly enjoyed by students - require the learner to do more in class . and the teacher less! - equip students for progression, by teaching intelligence. Petty argues that only teachers can lead the evidence-based revolution, and they must do so at their own pace, using as a guide the ultimate evidence what works best in their own classrooms. Teachers have as much to gain as students in meeting this professional challenge. The methods make teaching less draining, and more interesting, as well as more effective. This book is a road map into this exciting new territory.
1 2 3
We need evidence-based practice, not custom and practice How We Learn: qualitative research on learning Motivation
What methods work best? In which we find out what teaching methods work best and how we know this - and that teachers make the difference, not their bosses or policy makers. 4 5 6 7 Effect size studies John Hatties table of effect sizes Marzanos theory based meta-study Extracting general principles
The top teaching methods: In which we look closely at the best teaching methods, to see how to use them, and what we can learn from them. 8 9 10 11 12 13 Feedback Whole class interactive teaching Visual methods and graphic organisers Decisions-decisions Cooperative learning Reciprocal teaching
Seven Principles for evidence based teaching In which we extract from the research Seven General Principles that seem to explain what makes teaching methods work, and use them to improve our teaching 14 General teaching principles and the Present Apply Review model of a lesson
Choosing and using teaching methods: In which we look in detail at an ideal plan to teach a topic, looking at alternative teaching methods and how to use them 15 Feedback through interactive dialogue: the self-correcting classroom 16 Teaching Methods for the Orientation phase: setting he scene 17 Methods for the Present phase including teaching without talking methods 18 Methods for the Apply phase 19 Methods that provide Feedback to teacher and students 20 Methods for the Review and homework phases Teaching Intelligence In which we see that intelligence is a range of skills that can be taught, and consider strategies to teach them. 21 Teaching Intelligence: Analysis and Productive Thinking skills
What do the best teachers schools and colleges do? In which we see how expert teachers and the best schools get their incredible pass rates. 22 What do the best teachers schools and colleges do? Your Own Evidence In which we see how to improve our teaching, and find its a bit scary, but fun 23. Your own evidence: reflection and experimentation The Rational Curriculum: In which we see what they ought to tell us to teach, and find that if we teach it anyway, students do much better. But we find teachers have an awesome responsibility. You create the future. 24 Rational curriculum Management and leadership: In which we find out how to improve the teaching of others in our team. 25 Management and leadership And on 26. Evidence Based Classroom Management and Discipline: (This can only be downloaded from