Planetary Dignities and Relationships

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Compiled by Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer Copyright SJC and Gauranga Das

6.1. Names and Ownership of the 12 Ris Definitions: The Zodiac, or bhcakra is divided into 12 sidereal signs, called ris. Each ri ocuppies 30 degrees out of the 360 (30 x 12 = 360). The overlord of all the 12 signs is the Sun, because the zodiac marks one yearly cycle of motion (savatsara) for the Sun, while he spends one solar month in each sign. The days when the Sun moves from one ri to another are called sakrnti days, and are generally not good for any auspicious activities, because the Suns energies become disturbed on those days. It is like someone moving from one house to another is not a good subject to play chess for example, as he is too disturbed. Also, if someone is born on the sakrnti day, then certain remedial measures should be applied, otherwise he will suffer a lot during his life. The zodiac may also be divided into two halves, starting out from the junction point of the signs Cancer and Leo. The only planets in the zodiac which actually own one sign, are the luminaries, i.e. the Sun owns Leo, and the Moon owns Cancer. The rest of the signs will be owned by one planet in pairs, i.e. starting from the Cancer-Leo pair we have Gemini and Virgo owned by Mercury, Taurus and Libra owned by Venus, Aries and Scorpio owned by Mars, Pisces and Sagittarius owned by Jupiter, and finally Aquarius and Capricorn owned by Saturn. Ther following table gives the symbolic representation of the bhcakra and the lords of each sign. Although in one sense we consider the Moon to be the overlord of the upper half, i.e. from Aquarius to Cacer, and the Sun the overlord of the lower half, i.e. from Leo to Capricorn, most of the time the odd signs (i.e. Aries, Gemini, and so on, every second) are considered to be under the lordship of the Sun, while the even signs (the remaining six) are considered to be under the lordship of the Moon. So each of the five planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn own one odd and one even sign.




Saturn/ Moon Rahu

Cancer Aquarius




Mars/ Ketu




The above table is very descriptive because we see that the sign pairs beginning from each side of Cancer and Leo, are owned by the same planet, and that also in the increasing order of distance from the Sun (i.e. Mercury is the closest while Saturn is the most distant). The shadowy planets Rhu and Ketu become co-owners of the signs Aquarius and Scorpio respectively. Note: Generally the above chart format will be used, which is called the South Indian style, where the places of the signs are fixed.

6.2. Exaltation and debilitation signs Definitions: Planets indicate animate beings, while the ris indicate inanimate objects or situations. Thus the signs are like the expansions of the qualities represented by their lords, one in a masculine way (odd sign) and one in a feminine way (even sign). The planets own sign is like its home, and it will represent features typical to that planet. Each of the planets also has an exaltation sign, where it behaves even more strongly and favourably than in its own house, and a debilitation sign in the 7th from the exaltation, where it is very depressed and usually gives meager or bad results. Exaltation us called uccha while debilitation is nca. The following are the exaltation signs for the different planets (the debilitation signs are not marked, as they are always exactly the opposite to exaltation.

Moon Venus Sun Rhu Jupiter

Rhu (funct)

Mars Ketu Ketu (funct) Saturn

Mercur y

Exaltation signs are like the favourite places of the planets. For example if you want to spend your holidays, you usually go to some nice place and dont stay at home. Or if you go to a party, etc. you feel much better than at home. So the Sun is exalted in Aries, because Aries is the sign of new beginnings, and is very productive. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, because it is the second sign, representing the parental affection, and a sign owned by Venus, hence emotional. It also gives the feeling of security. Mars is exalted in Capricorn, the 10th sign of hard work, for which he gives a strong impetus. Mercury is the only planet exalted in his own house, Virgo. This is because he is so witty, that he wont

feel himself completely satisfied in any other place. Jupiter is exalted in the 4 sign of Cancer, which is the sign of the heart and that of God. So Jupiter indicating divine wisdom is naturally good there. Venus is exalted in the 12th sign of Pisces, indicating moka, or liberation. This is because the ultimate form of liberation is bhakti, or devotion towards the Supreme Lord, as it is coonfirmed by r Ka in the Bhagavad-gt (7.19)

Saturn is exalted in the 7th sign of love and relationships, because although he is eunuch, he has very much desire for conjugal happiness. Rhu and Ketu are generally considered to be naturally exalted in Taurus and Scorpio respectively. However we should note that this will be correct ony for yu matters like longevity, health etc. where falling into these signs they will increase it. But for phalita matters like fortune, success, etc., their functional exaltation places should be considered, which are Gemini and Sagittarius respectively. The 9th sign Sagittarius is vary favourable for dharma, or religious activities, so as Ketu, the moka-kraka. Rhu is excited for fight and using of weapons, poisons etc., which come to the 3rd house of the natural zodiac, Gemini. Debilitation sign should be similarly understood. There are certain degrees within the exaltation/debilitation signs which constitute the points of highest exaltation or deepest debilitation. These degrees are given in the table below the next section.

6.3. Mlatrikona Signs Definition: The mlatrikona place for a planet is usually a part of its own house (for the exception of the Moon), where it behaves almost as favourably as in exaltation. It is like the office or workplace of the planet. The following table gives the mlatrikona signs for the different planets (the exact degrees of the portions are listed in a table below this section.





Sun Mercur y Rhu Rhu and Ketu again form an exception here, because they have their mlatrikonas neither in their own, nor in their exaltation houses. Rhus mlatrikona is in the 6th house of the natural zodiac, indicating that his official duty is to create enmity. Ketu on the other hand, has its mlatrikona in the 12th sign of Pisces, as his official duty is to give liberation. Mercurys mlatrikona forms a part of his own/exaltation house, Virgo; and finally the Moons mlatrikona falls into her exaltation sign, Taurus.



6.4. Overview of lordship, exaltation and mlatrikona The following table contains all information regarding The planets own houses, exaltation/debilitation points and mlatrikona portions. The Sanskrit names for the signs will be explained in a subsequent lesson on the signs. Planet Sun Moon Mars Scorpio Gemini Mercury Virgo Jupiter Pisces Sagittarius Taurus Venus Libra Aquarius Saturn Capricorn Taurus (nat) Rhu Aquarius Gemini (func) Scorpio (nat) Ketu Scorpio Sagittarius (f) Gemini (func) Sagittarius (f) Taurus (nat) Pisces Scorpio (nat) Virgo Libra Aries 20 Aquarius 0 - 20 Pisces Virgo 27 Libra 0 15 Cancer Capricorn 5 Sagittarius 0 - 10 Virgo Pisces 15 Virgo 15 20 Own signs Leo Cancer Aries Capricorn Cancer 28 Aries 0 12 Exaltation Aries Taurus Debilitation Libra Scorpio Ex/deb Mlatrikona degr 10 3 Leo Taurus MT degrees 0 20 3 30

6.5. Natural Relationships of the Planets Definition: As we have mentioned, the planets will indicate animate beings. These beings, besides living at home, going to job and having fun, also have some relationship with each other, which may be either friandly, inimical or neutral. These relationships are based on the natural characteristics of the planets, and their blood-relationship also according to the Puric descriptions. However, more research is required in this area. Mahri Parara gives the following rule for establishing natural relationships between the planets: i}akae<aaTa( SvaTa( Sau% SvaNTYaDaqDaMaaRYau" SvTauPaa" )

Sauh*dae irPavXcaNYae SaMaaXcae>aYaLa+a<aa" )) 55 )) trikot svt-sukha-svntya-dh-dharmyu sva-tugap suhdo ripavacnye samcobhayalaka "The lords of the signs which are the 4th, 2nd, 12th, 5th, 9th and the 8th from the mlatrikoa sing of a planet and the lords of the exalted sign of each planet are the friend of a particular planet. Lords of the signs other than these are his enemies. The planets which have got the features of both (of a friend and of an enemy) are neutral to the said planet. These should be taken as the natural relationships of the planets." (BPHS. 3.55.) If we apply the above priciple to all the planets, then the result will emerge as follows: Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rhu Ketu Friends Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Ketu Sun, Mercury Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Ketu Sun, Venus, Rhu Enemies Venus, Saturn, Rhu (Rhu, Ketu) Mercury, Rhu Moon, Ketu Neutrals Mercury Mars, Jupiter, Vanus, Saturn Venus, Saturn Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Saturn Mars, Jupiter

Sun, Moon, Mars, Ketu Mercury, Venus, Rhu Mercury, Saturn, Rhu, Ketu Mercury, Venus, Rhu Moon, Sun

Sun, Moon, Mars, Ketu Jupiter Mars, Sat, Jup, Merc (natural exaltation) Sat, Ven, Merc, Jup (natural exaltation)

Venus, Sun, Mercury Ketu, Moon (functional exaltation) Mars, Rhu, Jupiter Sun (functional exaltation)

In the case of Rhu and Ketu Mercury becomes a friend if we consider that Gemini is the sign for Rahus functional exaltation, whereas it remains neutral if we take Taurus as the sign of natural exaltation. Similarly, for Ketu Jupiter is a friend if we consider to be his sign of functional exaltation, while he becomes neutral if we take the sign of natural exaltation, Scorpio. Therefore for phalita matters the finrst relationship should be used, whereas for yu matters, the second is more suitable. I have added the relationships Rhu and Ketu make for other planets based on their ownership of Aquarius and Scorpio respectively.

NATURALFRIENDSANDENEMIES Sun Sun Moon F Moon F Mars F N Mercury Jupiter Venus N F F N E N Saturn E N Rhu E E Ketu F E








Mercury F Jupiter Venus Saturn Rhu Ketu F E E F E

E F F F (N) N N N N F (N)


6.6. Temporary Relationships of the Planets Definition: The previously mentioned relationships are fixed on the basis of planetary lordship, mlatrikona, and exaltation, so they are fixed in any chart, and are called naisargika sambandha. However the planets also form relationships on the basis of their position in the different houses of a certain birth chart. This is called temporary relationship or tatklika sambandha. The rule for this is given by Parara as follows: dXabNDVaaYa SahJa SVaaNTYaSQaaSTae ParSParMa( ) TaTkaLae iMa}aTaa& YaaiNTa irPaVaae_NYa}a Sa&SQaTaa" )) 56 )) daabandhvya sahaja svntyasthste parasparam tatkle mitrat ynti ripavo nyatra sasthit The planets Sun etc. situated in the 10th, 4th, 11th, 3rd, 2nd or the 12th from another are mutual friends to each other. If they are situated other than these places, they act as enemies." (BPHS 3.56.) In other words if we calculate the houses from one planet to another, and then from the other to the first, we will get the following pairs of distances: Distance of the two planets 1. house (conjunction) 2-12. house 3-11. house 4-10. house 5-9. house 6-8. house 7. house (opposition) Temporary relationship Enemy Friend Friend Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy

Lets analyse the temporary relationships between the planets in the chart of Rabindranath Tagore:

TEMPORARYFRIENDSANDENEMIES Sun Sun Moon Mars F F F F E F E F F F F F F E E F E E E F F F E F E E F E F E Moon F Mars F F Mercury Jupiter Venus E F F F E F F E F F E F Saturn E E F E F E Rhu E F E E E E E Ketu F F E F F F F E

Mercury E Jupiter Venus Saturn Rhu Ketu F E E E F

6.7. Compound Relationship of Planets Definition: While judging the relationship between the planets, both the natural and temporary relationship should be taken into consideration in the system called compound or five-fold relationship, which adds up according to the following table:

FIVEFOLD Natural Relationship Friend Neutral Friend Enemy Neutral Enemy

R E L A T I O N S H I PS Temporary Relationship Friend Friend Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy



Compound Relationship Good Friend (Atimitra) Friend (Mitra) Neutral (Sama) Neutral (Sama) Enemy (Satru) Great Enemy (Atisatru)

If we would like to add up the natural and temporary relationships in the case of our example chart, we arrive to the following results: COMPOUND Sun Sun Moon Mars GF GF GF N N N GE N F F GF F N E N N N N N (E) F F F E GF (F) N N F E F N Moon GF R E L A T I O N S H I PS Mars GF F OF PLANETS Saturn GE E F E F N Rhu GE N GE N GE N N Ketu GF N N N GF GF N GE

Mercury Jupiter Venus E GF N GF E GF F GE F F N N

Mercury N Jupiter Venus Saturn Rhu Ketu GF GE GE N N

6.8. Effects Based on Placement Then Parara goes on to state that planets in exaltation give fully good effects, and when in fall, fully bad effects. In between the ratio changes proportionately. This is also shown in the following table: BENEFIC Placement Exaltation Mlatrikona Own sign AND MALEFIC EFFECTS Malefic Effect 0% 12.5% 25%

Benefic Effect 100% 75% 50%

Friendly sign Neutral sign Debilitation or Enemys sign

25% 12.5% 0%

50% 75% 100%

If we analyse our chart according to the above guidelines, we get the following results: Panet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rhu Ketu Placement Exaltation sign Enemys sign Neutral sign Friendly sign Exaltation sign Friendly sign Great enemys sign Debilitation sign Debilitation sign Benefic Effect 100% 0% 12.5% 25% 100% 25% 0% 0% 0% Malefic Effect 0% 100% 75% 50% 0% 50% 100% 100% 100%

Of course we should note here that the proportion of benefic/malefic effects caused by a planet is in fact influenced my many other factors like their natural qualities, placement in and lordship of houses from lagna and other points, the different sources of strength etc. Therefore the above gradation is just one aspect of judging a planets effects in the chart.

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