Navy Electronics Technician 1 Safety

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The document discusses safety procedures and responsibilities for working with hazardous materials and around electricity. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of different roles in the chain of command to ensure safety.

The typical chain of command, from the commanding officer down to individual workers, have responsibilities to discuss methods for preventing mishaps, identify safety hazards, and ensure safety procedures are followed.

Hazardous materials labels are required to list the minimum information including contents, hazards, handling instructions, and contact information in case of emergency.


July 1997

Electronics Technician
Volume 1—Safety

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Although the words “he,” “him,” and
“his” are used sparingly in this course to
enhance communication, they are not
intended to be gender driven or to affront or
discriminate against anyone.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

By enrolling in this self-study course, you have demonstrated a desire to improve yourself and the Navy.
Remember, however, this self-study course is only one part of the total Navy training program. Practical
experience, schools, selected reading, and your desire to succeed are also necessary to successfully round
out a fully meaningful training program.

COURSE OVERVIEW: After completing this course, you should be able to: Discuss the primary causes
of mishaps and methods for preventing mishaps; Identify the safety related responsibilities of the typical
chain of command, from the commanding officer down to the individual worker; State the minimum
information required to be listed on a hazardous materials label; Explain the general requirements and
restrictions associated with purchasing, storing, handling, using, and disposing of hazardous materials; State
specific requirements and restrictions associated with purchasing, storing, handling, using, and disposing of
solvents, aerosol containers, PCBs, batteries, vacuum tubes, and cathode-ray tubes; Explain the effects of
electric shock on the human body and state the methods of preventing electric shock; Identify the primary
sources of hazardous electromagnetic radiation and effects on the human body; State the purpose of the tag-
out bill and the personnel responsibilities, documents, and procedures associated with tag-out; and Identify
and state the purpose of the primary safety equipment associated with Electronics Technicians.

THE COURSE: This self-study course is organized into subject matter areas, each containing learning
objectives to help you determine what you should learn along with text and illustrations to help you
understand the information. The subject matter reflects day-to-day requirements and experiences of
personnel in the rating or skill area. It also reflects guidance provided by Enlisted Community Managers
(ECMs) and other senior personnel, technical references, instructions, etc., and either the occupational or
naval standards, which are listed in the Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower Personnel Classifications
and Occupational Standards, NAVPERS 18068.

THE QUESTIONS: The questions that appear in this course are designed to help you understand the
material in the text.

VALUE: In completing this course, you will improve your military and professional knowledge.
Importantly, it can also help you study for the Navy-wide advancement in rate examination. If you are
studying and discover a reference in the text to another publication for further information, look it up.

1997 Edition Prepared by

GSEC Steve Wheeler

Published by

NAVSUP Logistics Tracking Number


Sailor’s Creed

“I am a United States Sailor.

I will support and defend the

Constitution of the United States of
America and I will obey the orders
of those appointed over me.

I represent the fighting spirit of the

Navy and those who have gone
before me to defend freedom and
democracy around the world.

I proudly serve my country’s Navy

combat team with honor, courage
and commitment.

I am committed to excellence and

the fair treatment of all.”


1 . Naval Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
2 . Hazardous Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
3 . Electronics Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
I . References Used to Develop The TRAMAN. . . . . . . . . . . . AI-1
INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INDEX–1



This series of training manuals was developed to replace the Electronics

Technician 3 & 2 TRAMAN.
The nine volumes in the series are based on major topic areas with which the
ET2 should be familiar. Volume 1, Safety, provides an introduction to general safety
as it relates to the ET rating. It also provides both general and specific information on
electronic tag-out procedures, man-aloft procedures, hazardous materials (i.e.,
solvents, batteries, and vacuum tubes), and radiation hazards. Volume 2,
Administration, discusses COSAL updates, 3-M documentation, supply paperwork,
and other associated administrative topics. Volume 3, Communication Systems,
provides a basic introduction to shipboard and shore-based communication
systems. Systems covered include man-pat radios (i.e., PRC- 104, PSC-3) in the hf,
vhf, uhf, SATCOM, and shf ranges. Also provided is an introduction to the
Communications Link Interoperability System (CLIPS). Volume 4,Radar Systems,
is a basic introduction to air search, surface search, ground controlled approach, and
carrier controlled approach radar systems. Volume 5, Navigation Systems, is a basic
introduction to navigation systems, such as OMEGA, SATNAV, TACAN, and
man-pac systems. Volume 6, Digital Data Systems, is a basic introduction to digital
data systems and includes discussions about SNAP II, laptop computers, and
desktop computers. Volume 7, Antennas and Wave Propagation, is an introduction
to wave propagation, as it pertains to Electronics Technicians, and shipboard and
shore-based antennas. Volume 8, Support Systems, discusses system interfaces,
troubleshooting, sub-systems, dry air, cooling, and power systems. Volume 9,
Electro-Optics, is an introduction to night vision equipment, lasers, thermal
imaging, and fiber optics.


ASSIGNMENTS assignments. To submit your assignment

answers via the Internet, go to:
The text pages that you are to study are listed at
the beginning of each assignment. Study these
pages carefully before attempting to answer the
questions. Pay close attention to tables and Grading by Mail: When you submit answer
illustrations and read the learning objectives. sheets by mail, send all of your assignments at
The learning objectives state what you should be one time. Do NOT submit individual answer
able to do after studying the material. Answering sheets for grading. Mail all of your assignments
the questions correctly helps you accomplish the in an envelope, which you either provide
objectives. yourself or obtain from your nearest Educational
Services Officer (ESO). Submit answer sheets

Read each question carefully, then select the COMMANDING OFFICER

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• you may submit your answers as soon as COMPLETION TIME

you complete an assignment, and
• you get your results faster; usually by the Courses must be completed within 12 months
next working day (approximately 24 hours). from the date of enrollment. This includes time
required to resubmit failed assignments.
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Student Comments
Course Title: Electronics Technician, Volume 1—Safety

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HISTORY OF NAVAL SAFETY resulted in the creation of the Submarine Safety

Program (SUBSAFE). Its purpose was to
Safety awareness in the Navy can be traced back to impose high standards of quality control on
1818. The old saying “hindsight is 20/20” probably submarine construction and operations. In
came from a gunner who, in 1817, lit a candle in the 1964, the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)
powder magazine. His action not only sent him and his established the Submarine Safety Center at the
crew into orbit, but also helped introduce the first naval Submarine Base in New London, Connecticut,
safety regulation. That regulation dealt with fire and the to examine and coordinate all matters of
handling of black powder aboard ships. Since then, submarine safety.
experience has played the major role in developing the
safety programs of today’s Navy. Here is a brief listing 1966-1967—The SECNAV tasked CNO to
of some major milestones in the history of naval safety: review the entire Navy Safety Program after a
series of fires, collisions, and other mishaps
1917—Safety engineers were assigned to each involving surface ships resulted in over 200
major naval shipyard. deaths and more than 100 million dollars in
1922—Safety programs for civilian employees damage. On 3 May 1968, as a result of CNO’s
were introduced at all naval activities. findings, the SECNAV established the Naval
Safety Center.
1929—Enlisted personnel on shore duty were
included in safety programs. 1970—The Occupational Safety and Health
Act (OSHA) of 1970 became law. Insofar as
1947—The Navy Department Safety Council possible, this law assures safe and healthful
was organized under the Director of Safety of working conditions for every working person in
the Office of Industrial Relations (OIR). Its the nation.
original mission was to coordinate safety
procedures and to provide communications 1971—The Naval Safety Center assumed the
between the bureau safety engineers and the responsibility for the Navy’s Defensive Driver
technical staff of the OIR safety branch. In Education Program.
1957, the council’s mission was expanded to
include the development and maintenance of 1972—The Navy implemented its Motorcycle
the U.S. Navy Safety Precautions Manual, Training Course.
OPNAV 34P1 (superseded by OPNAVINST
1973—The Commander, Naval Safety Center,
5100.23, Navy Occupational Safety and Health
was designated as the CNO Safety Coordinator
[NAVOSH] Program Manual ).
(OP-09F), reporting directly to the Vice Chief
1951—The transition from propeller to jet of Naval Operations. This designation made the
aircraft helped the Secretary of the Navy Naval Safety Center’s mission more specific
(SECNAV) to establish the Naval Aviation and all-encompassing.
Safety Council. In 1955, the title was changed to
Naval Aviation Safety Center. Now refer to the Navy Occupational Safety and
Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual for Forces Afloat
1963—The Navy was shaken by the loss of the (OPNAVINST 5100.19), chapter A2. Also read the
USS THRESHER (SSN-593), in which 129 Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S.
sailors were lost. A court inquiry was convened Navy (OPNAVINST 3120.32), chapter 7. The
to examine the circumstances leading to and information in these chapters will enhance your
surrounding the incident. The court’s findings knowledge of the NAVOSH program organization and

responsibilities and the naval safety program. When Commanders are responsible for ensuring that their
you have finished these reading assignments, return commanders, commanding officers, and officer in
here and continue with this chapter. charge:

Conduct and maintain an aggressive and

OVERALL NAVY PROGRAM comprehensive NAVOSH program.

The Assistant Secretary of the Navy Assign safety responsibilities to qualified

(Installations and Environment): The assistant personnel as a primary duty billet where
Secretary of the Navy (Installations and Environment) feasible, otherwise as a collateral duty billet
is the designated occupational safety and health (OSH) with appropriate training provided. Where
official for the Department of the Navy (DON) and possible, assigned safety officers should remain
establishes, maintains, and updates the occupational in these positions for at least 1 year.
safety and health program that implements the
Develop a NAVOSH management evaluation
requirements of the Department of Defense (DoD) OSH
mechanism for afloat commands that is to the
policy issuances to provide protection for both civilian
extent feasible integrated with the command
employees and the military personnel.
inspection program and conducted by the chain
Chief of Naval Operations (CNO): The CNO is of command.
responsible for implementation and management of the
Type Commanders: Oversight of subordinate
NAVOSH Program and, in coordination with the
commands’ NAVOSH Programs and coordination
Commandant of the Marine Corps, for mutual concern:
of matters of mutual concern are the primary
Provides appropriate NAVOSH policy and responsibilities of Type Commanders. Accordingly,
standards for all commanders. Type Commanders will:

Establishes appropriate planning, program- Ensure that subordinate afloat commands im-
ming, qualified staffing, and budgeting for the plement the NAVOSH Afloat Program.
NAVOSH Program.
Conduct periodic NAVOSH inspections
Issues the requirements for records mainte- of group commands and conduct or assist
nance. in NAVOSH inspections of squadrons
Conducts research and development to preclude and afloat commands. Inspectors at a minimum,
occupational hazards or exposures from caus- should complete the Afloat Safety Officer
ing physical injury or degrading health status or Course (A-4J-0020) at the Surface Warfare Of-
work performance. ficers School (SWOS) or the Submarine Safety
Officer Course (F-4J-0020), as appropriate. Ap-
Develops a program of periodic formal inspec- propriately trained civilian safety specialists
tions of workplaces. may assist in these inspections.
Provides for job-related medical support.
Coordinate and promote those aspects of the
Develops procedures for prompt investigation NAVOSH Program of mutual concern to forces
of reports of unsafe or unhealthy working con- afloat.
ditions and ensures corrective action is taken
within appropriate time periods. Coordinate industrial hygiene support.
Group Commanders will:
Ensures personnel receive thorough and con-
tinuing training on NAVOSH matters. Conduct or assist in the conduct of periodic
Adopts, develops, and reviews proposed alter- NAVOSH inspections of subordinate
nate standards and promulgates NAVOSH stan- commands. Afloat units with industrial hygiene
dards. officers (IHOs) assigned should be inspected
by the next higher echelon command having a
Fleet Commanders in Chief: Because safety is an
professional NAVOSH representative.
inherent responsibility of command, all aspects of the
Navy Occupational Safety and Health Program shall be Assist afloat commanders and squadrons
implemented through the chain of command. Fleet to ensure that afloat workplace NAVOSH

discrepancies beyond shipboard capability are 2. A mishap stops or interrupts work.
identified in the Workload Availability
3. A mishap involves contact that causes injury or
property damage.
Establish uniform guidance for small ships to Here is an example that illustrates the three basic
implement NAVOSH Program management re- elements of a mishap:
quirements, as appropriate.
You’re trying to loosen a large nut with a
Ensure that the group safety officer attends the wrench. The nut is rusted tight. As you apply
Afloat Safety Officer Course, as appropriate, extra pressure to the wrench, the wrench slips.
prior to or within 6 months of assignment. You stagger backward and strike your head on
a stanchion behind you.
Squadron Commanders will:
In this example, there were three distinct
Conduct or assist in the conduct of periodic unexpected happenings: (l) the wrench slipped; (2) you
NAVOSH inspections of afloat commands. staggered backward; and (3) you hit your head on a
Afloat units with IHOs assigned should be stanchion behind you. The last happening fits the
inspected by the next higher echelon command definition of a mishap. It was unexpected; it interrupted
having a professional NAVOSH representative. your work; and, as you would agree, you made contact
that caused personnel injury or property damage.
Provide or coordinate NAVOSH assistance for
subordinate afloat commands.

Appoint a collateral duty safety officer.

Establish uniform guidance for small ships to

implement NAVOSH Program management re-
quirements, as appropriate.

Ensure that the squadron safety officer attends

the Afloat Safety Officer Course of Submarine
Safety Officer Course, as appropriate, prior to
or within 6 months of assignment.
Primary Program and Specified Support Areas:
The higher the echelon administration and management
of the Occupational Safety and Health Program is
divided into primary program areas and specified
support areas.
The Commander, Naval Safety Center (COM-
NAVSAFECEN): Monitors safety and occupational
health statistics and provides direct support and
assistance to fleet units in safety matters upon request.

MISHAP CAUSES Mishaps are a pain! This is especially true when,

after a mishtip has occurred, you look back and say “If
Although there are many definitions of a mishap,
only I” and finish with a “had,” had not,” or “did not.”
we chose this one as a starting point: A mishap is any
unplanned or unintentional event, no matter how With that in mind, it’s important for you to understand
serious, that stops or interrupts your work and results in that you are both the number one cause and the number
personnel injury and/or property damage. one cure for mishaps.
There are three basic elements of a mishap: We know you want to do the best job you can.
1. A mishap is an unplanned or unintentional However, do you associate safest with best? If not,
event. you’d better start right now!

Two facts that form the basis of mishap prevention “Most accidents are preventable. However, through
are (1) mishaps are caused, and (2) the only way to stop ignorance or misunderstanding, there is a common
them is to prevent or eliminate the causes. The more you belief that they are the inevitable result of unchangeable
know about the causes of mishaps, the better equipped circumstances or fate. This belief is untrue because it
you will be to prevent them. fails to consider the basic law of “cause and effect” to
which accidents are subject. In other words, accidents
A practical definition of a mishap cause is anything
do not occur without a cause; most accidents are the
and everything that contributed to the mishap. The most
direct result of some deviation from prescribed safe
common causes of mishaps are (1) you, and (2) your
operating procedures.
environment. They could include:
A preventable accident may be traced to causes as
Your unsafe actions or the unsafe actions of basic as the heredity and early environment of the
your coworkers individual. These causes may be revealed in the form of
personal characteristics which permit the individual to
An impaired physical or mental condition of
perform an unsafe actor permit a hazardous condition to
the people who caused or influenced the unsafe
exist; when an accident results, the cause and effect
sequence is completed.
Any defective or otherwise unsafe tools, equip- One purpose of safety rules is to remind the
ment, machines, materials, buildings, compart- individual of the dangers inherent in the work. Training
ments, or other aspects of the work environment in the observance of safety precautions can be
Studies reveal that the cause of at least two of every instrumental in avoiding preventable accidents and in
three Navy mishaps are caused by either a worker’s maintaining a work environment which is conducive to
failure to do (or not to do) something, or a worker’s accident-free operation. Operating procedures and
taking short cuts when performing a task. We call this work methods adopted with hazard prevention as a
“human error.” See figure 1-1. In other words, YOU specific criteria do not expose personnel unnecessarily
cause most of your own mishaps. to injury or occupational health hazards. Accidents
which are about to happen can be prevented if the
The following are some of the many factors that can “cause” is detected and appropriate remedial action is
lead you to mishaps: taken.”
Inadequate training and lack of job experience
Inadequate or outdated procedures in technical EXPERIENCE
Many mishaps occur because of inadequate
Inadequate posting or listing of the safety training and lack of job experience. You may find
precautions you should observe when yourself assigned a task that is clearly beyond your skill
performing a task level. This may be because of an operational
requirement or an emergency that requires prompt
Behavioral factors, especially negative types of
motivation action. Or, your supervisor may not be aware of your
Medically related factors that reduce your These situations may cause you to misread
ability to work safely instructions, take short cuts, or make other errors that
Communication problems caused by a break- could result in a mishap. Also, your chances of a mishap
down in passing, receiving, or understanding increase when you are not aware of the hazards
information associated with a particular task. It’s this lack of
awareness that can keep you from taking the necessary
Poorly designed equipment, such as improperly precautions.
placed controls In simple English—(1) DON’T TAKE SHORT
Refer to the following excerpt from Electronics CUTS, and (2) ASK FOR HELP. If you think a task is
Installation and Maintenance Book (EIMB), General, too hazardous, it probably is. And before you attempt to
section 3, paragraph 3-1.1, for a brief discussion of the do it, seek guidance and become familiar with its
causes and effects of mishaps. associated hazards.

Figure 1-1.—Mishap causes.

INADEQUATE OR OUTDATED unfavorable. Attitudes that do not support safe behavior
PROCEDURES hamper mishap prevention. And, they can also actually
cause mishaps.
When a mishap occurs, examine the procedures you
followed just before the mishap. They may be in error or Motivations. Motivations are incentives for spe-
they may not provide enough detailed “how-to” cific acts. Your behavior is based on your motivation,
information. Or, perhaps the technical manual was not and your motivation is shaped by your attitudes. Ensur-
updated when a piece of equipment was upgraded or ing that you have positive motivations toward job safety
replaced. As a result, you could inadvertently be using is clearly a very complex problem. It’s complicated be-
the wrong procedures for a particular task. If this is the cause you do not simply react to the basic needs of com-
case, take the initiative to complete the required fort, security, affiliation, and self-fulfillment. Your
paperwork to update the technical manual. motivations on and off the job are also greatly affected
by the attitudes, feeling, tensions, and emotions of the
INADEQUATE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS world around you. The following are some undesirable
motivations that can lead you to mishaps in the work-
You must be aware of the safety precautions place:
associated with the job or task you are performing. They — Motivation to save time and effort
must either be posted in your work area or listed in the
technical manual you’re using. If they aren’t available, — Motivation to maintain personal comfort
you could be attempting something hazardous and not
— Motivation to gain approval and attract
even know it. Make sure you read ALL applicable
precautions. Even if you performed the task before and
are familiar with it, it’s possible that new or revised — Motivation to express resentment
precautions exist.

BEHAVIORAL FACTORS THAT CAUSE Motivation to Save Time and Effort


Your behavior is much more complex than the You may sometimes be more concerned about
equipment you operate and maintain. Equipment, doing a job quickly than you are about doing it safely.
regardless of how it’s designed and powered, is You may believe that saving time and effort will leave
predictable in its response to certain cues or signals. If a extra time for “shooting the breeze” or taking a break.
piece of equipment quits working, you can isolate the Or, you may just find satisfaction in being the first to
fault to a specific part with the use of test equipment and finish.
schematics. This isn’t true for you. Your behavior while
Motivations like these can cause incorrectly
performing a task is based on a combination of factors
dissembled parts, jury-rigged equipment, incorrect use
that come from your
of tools, improper procedures, equipment damage,
unique experiences, and injury. Sometimes a command’s operational
commitments or a supervisor’s demands, if excessive,
knowledge, will lead to unsafe actions that you normally wouldn’t
consider doing.
attitude, and

motivation. Motivation to Maintain Personal Comfort

Each of the above factors can affect your behavior
regarding safety. Behavior that leads to a mishap Sometimes you perform a job incorrectly because
is usually caused by undesirable attitudes a n d some of the actions required to perform the job properly
motivations. cause you discomfort. For example, when a task calls
for safety goggles, you may decide not to wear them
Attitudes. Attitudes are complex mental states because they’re uncomfortable. The same can apply to
that affect your reaction toward some object, event, or hearing protection, safety shoes, and safety harnesses.
state of affairs. They cause you to form opinions and act You may believe you aren’t susceptible to injury—but
in certain predictable ways, some favorable and others you are.

Motivation to Gain Approval and Attract you more susceptible to mishaps. Mishaps can also stem
Attention from visual and hearing defects. Common visual
problems include color blindness, faulty depth
Even though you’re normally cautious, you may preception, farsightedness, and nearsightedness.
use hazardous practices if you find the people around Hearing defects cause mishaps if they prevent you from
you use and approve of such practices. Some of your hearing instructions or a warning signal.
coworkers may do this because of a need for recognition
and status. This is especially true if they are the type Alcohol Abuse
who receive more criticism than praise because their
normal work habits are poor and hazardous. Such Some people think alcohol is a stimulant. Nothing
people may seek recognition by driving recklessly, is farther from the truth. Alcohol is a chemical
drinking excessively, ignoring standard operating depressant. It acts as a general anesthetic for the parts of
procedures, acting impulsively, disobeying orders, and the brain that suppress, control, and inhibit thoughts,
showing off. While these actions may satisfy their feelings, and actions. Alcohol typically impairs your
immediate need for recognition, they also threaten judgment, gives you unrealistic confidence, slows your
mishap prevention efforts, and maybe your life. coordination, and degrades your performance. These
effects are present whether you feel them or not. It’s
Motivation to Express Resentment these effects that cause the risk-taking type of behavior
that can lead you to unsafe acts that cause mishaps.
Many mishaps occur because of immature,
irresponsible, or insubordinate behavior. This happens Fatigue
if you or a coworker becomes angry or resentful, and try
to strike out at or get even with someone, such as your Fatigue is not an all-or-nothing factor. It begins
supervisor. when you start a task, and it increases as you continue to
perform the task. At some point during the task, fatigue
MEDICAL FACTORS THAT CAUSE can become great enough to impair your performance. It
MISHAPS can decrease your work output, change your attitude,
and reduce your motivation to observe safety
Medical factors such as illness, physical precautions. But long before this happens, fatigue will
impairment, alcohol abuse, fatigue, and motion decrease your awareness and reflex actions. It’s at this
sickness, can cause mishaps. These factors are point where mishaps can occur. The following are some
frequently associated with either a high tempo of symptoms of fatigue:
operations that prevents proper rest and nourishment or
with events carried over from a recent return from leave Lower quality of performance
or liberty.
Your ability to work safely is sometimes affected Forgetfulness
by illness or the side effects of medicine. Temporary
illness like colds, flu, dizziness, heat stress, and nausea Confusion
can weaken your physical abilities.
Higher number of errors
They can either reduce your strength, stamina, and
coordination, or disrupt your concentration, mental The following are some frequent causes of fatigue:
alertness, memory, and reasoning ability. These side Hard work, long hours, and lack of sleep.
effects of medication, such as drowsiness, sluggishness,
and lack of coordination, can sometimes lead to Environmental stress, such as heat, cold, noise,
mishaps. inadequate lighting, and vibration.
Boredom and monotony.
Physical Impairments
Change in routine. Suppose, for example,
Any pre-existing physical impairment, such as a you’re accustomed to working days and sleep-
lower back injury, a slipped disc, or a hernia, may make ing nights. If you switch to working nights and

sleeping days, you will probably experience fa- MISHAP PREVENTION
Why is mishap prevention necessary? Because
The results of fatigue vary from person to person,
the product of the Navy is national defense, the quality
but fatigue always reduces your mental alertness,
of your performance must be far superior to that
increasing the chances of a mishap occurring.
of any potential adversary. The Navy’s business
is deadly serious. It’s conducted by professionals, re-
Motion Sickness stricted to limited resources, and allows no room
for waste. Mishaps produce waste. Therefore, when
mishaps are reduced, waste is reduced, and readiness is
Anything that hinders your normal alert behavior improved.
can cause a mishap. Motion sickness can weaken, The Navy also considers your safety to be as
distract, disorient, and cause you severe nausea. In the important as productivity. Unlike most civilian
early stages of motion sickness, you may experience a businesses whose safety efforts are directed at reducing
decrease in responsiveness and mental alertness. These on-the-job mishaps, Navy mishap prevention efforts
symptoms may increase carelessness, which can lead to give you complete coverage, both on and off the job,
a mishap. Your reduced mental alertness will degrade regardless of your duty status, location, or mission.
your decision-making abilities. This, in turn, can Mishap prevention is a vital part of your job. By
increase your chances of having a mishap. As motion preventing mishaps, you avoid injury to yourself and
sickness progresses, you may be drowsy and have cold damage to your equipment. When you think of mishaps,
sweats and nausea. you probably think of deaths. But in 1991, aboard ships
and submarines and ashore, for every death, there were
111 mishaps that resulted in equipment damage or
personal injury.
Mishap prevention is the process of eliminating
mishap-producing causes. The goal of the Navy’s
Mishaps can occur when there is a breakdown in the mishap prevention program is to prevent mishaps from
passing, receiving, or understanding of information. occurring or, once they have occurred, to prevent them
The most common communication problem is from recurring, The Navy’s mishap prevention program
misunderstanding the message being sent to you. Your consists of activities directed to eliminate (1) unsafe
brain reacts to what it thinks it hears, not necessarily acts of persons, and (2) unsafe mechanical, physical, or
what it hears. Mishaps can also stem from language chemical working conditions.
barriers. You can’t understand a message if the person
The best way to prevent mishaps is to eliminate the
sending the message doesn’t speak clearly enough.
factors that lead to mishaps. This can involve anything
from a minute of extra effort by you that costs nothing to
EQUIPMENT DESIGN FACTORS THAT lengthy planning and work by many people at
CAUSE MISHAPS considerable cost. It all depends on the nature of the
unsafe condition.
Poorly designed equipment and improperly placed The authority to correct an unsafe condition may
controls can cause mishaps. Controls that can’t be involve any level of the chain of command. The
reached quickly and easily, emergency controls pro- following four avenues are available to you.
tected by cumbersome interlocks, and displays that are
1. Order correction where authority permits. If
difficult to read are examples of design problems that
you have the authority to do so, don’t delay ordering
can cause mishaps. Now, refer to the Navy Occupa-
unsafe conditions corrected. Delay means exposure of
tional Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual
other people to the unsafe condition. If you’re uncertain
for Forces Afloat, OPNAVINST 5100.19, and read
about the best correction method, talk to your
chapter A6.
supervisor immediately.
Also read enclosure (4) Afloat Safety Program
(OPNAVINST 5100.21). The information contained in 2. Report conditions to higher authority. If you
these publications will enhance your knowledge of the don’t have the authority to correct the unsafe
overall Mishap Prevention Program. conditions, then promptly report the hazardous or

potentially hazardous conditions to you supervisor. Be
ready to offer some suggestions about how to correct the
unsafe condition. Your ideas may help to speed the
3. Correct the problem at the source. Don’t stop
with just correcting the unsafe condition. Find its source
and begin your corrective actions there. If you have the
authority to correct the problem at the source, then do
so. If the problem involves people, then point out the
unsafe condition and correct the workers causing it.
Hold on-the-spot training if needed. If you don’t, you’re
inviting repetition of the unsafe practice.
4. Take temporary precautions. You may need to
delay correcting an unsafe condition because of a
shortage of funds, personnel, or equipment. If this
happens, take whatever temporary precautions you
need to protect both yourself and your coworkers from
the unsafe condition until it can be corrected. These
precautions may include

securing the hazardous areas,

disconnecting power sources,

posting warning signs, and COMMANDING OFFICER

giving verbal warning to workers.

Whatever precautions are necessary, take them Commanding officers are directly responsible for
promptly to reduce the exposure of any hazardous the safety of all personnel under their command. They
condition to all personnel. cannot delegate this responsibility. However, they can
give all officers and petty officers under their command
Here is an important final word about your
enough authority to make sure everyone understands
responsibility to correct unsafe conditions. Sometimes
and follows all prescribed safety precautions.
an unsafe condition may arise that needs
IMMEDIATE corrective action. This is especially true
in situations that pose an immediate hazard to life or COMMAND SAFETY OFFICER
health. Don’t delay because you may not have the
authority to correct such an unsafe condition. In
emergencies, YOU HAVE IT! Just be sure you don’t The command safety officer is responsible to the
put yourself or others in danger of being hurt. And, if commanding officer for coordinating a complete safety
you can’t SAFELY correct the problem, inform your program based on the objectives established by the
supervisor about it immediately. commanding officer. Specifically, he or she performs
the following safety related functions:
Acts as principal advisor to the commanding
From the commanding officer on down the chain of officer on all internal safety matters
command to each individual, safety is everyone’s
Coordinates the commandwide safety program
business. Even though the safety program is ultimately
the responsibility of the commanding officer, everyone Promotes maximum cooperation for safety
must take part in the program for it to be successful. The matters at all levels
following paragraphs briefly describe the specific
responsibilities of the key individuals in a command’s Ensures widest dissemination of all safety
safety program. information

Monitors submission of required safety and Designates a senior petty officer, E-5 or above,
mishap reports to ensure accuracy and as the division safety petty officer
Investigates the division’s mishaps and near-
Maintains appropriate safety records and mishaps
mishap statistics
Makes sure that corrective action is taken on
Serves as a member of the commmand’s safety hazardous situations revealed by mishap and
council and senior member of the enlisted hazard reports and on recommendations made
safety committee in mishap reports

Serves as the safety council recorder on aircraft Ensures that all division personnel receive
carriers mishap prevention training


The division safety petty officer reports directly to
the division safety officer in all safety matters. In
Safety officers for each department support their
performing his or- her duties, the division safety petty
department head’s responsibilities in all safety matters.
officer should
In doing this, each department safety officer performs
the following functions: Become thoroughly familiar with all safety
directives and precautions concerning the
Keeps the department head informed of the
status of the safety program within the
department Conduct the division’s mishap prevention
training and maintain the related records
Performs mishap prevention functions as
assigned by the department head Assist in mishap investigations as directed
Acts as the department’s point of contact in Make recommendations regarding the safety
coordinating and evaluating the ship’s safety program to the division safety officer
Assist the division safety officer in performing
Ensures that all hazardous conditions revealed division safety duties
through hazard reports are corrected
Act as technical adviser on mishap prevention
Maintains a record of mishap and hazard reports within the division
Maintains direct liaison with the ship’s safety Serve on the command safety committee
MAA/Safety force personnel shall:
The safety officer for each division is the division
officer. On some small ships where the division officer Be roving inspectors for hazards that could
is the department head, the division safety officer may result in jury to personnel or damage to equip-
be a senior enlisted member. ln performing his or her ment. All roving security patrols will have this
duties, the division safety officer additional duty.

Keeps the department safety officer advised of Assist the Safety Officer in keeping the Safety
the status of the safety program within the Program visible to all personnel.
Carry out a system of internal reporting to focus
. Acts as the division’s point-of-contact in command attention on material deficiencies and
coordinating and evaluating the ship’s safety operating practices that jeopardize personnel
program and equipment.

PERSONAL SAFETY RESPONSIBILITIES 4. Report any injury or ill health to your
supervisor. A splinter in your finger or a scratch on your
So far, we’ve discussed the responsibilities of key leg, if treated immediately, will usually not cause any
personnel within your command’s safety program. more trouble. But if left untreated, it may become
You may now be asking yourself “Where do I fit into infected, and what would normally be a 10-minute trip
the picture?” Remember, safety is everyone’s to sick call, may turn into a 10-day hospital stay.
business. Here are your specific responsibilities for
safety— follow them wherever you are and no matter 5. Wear protective clothing whenever appropriate
what you are doing: or required. If you’re issued electrical safety shoes,
1. Observe all the safety precautions related to wear them. It’s cheaper and easier to replace a $50 pair
your work or duty. You may have gotten by with being of shoes than it is to treat your injuries.
careless with safety rules in the past, but your luck will
not hold out forever. If you continually cross a street 6. Be safety conscious. Always remain alert to
without looking, eventually you'll get hit by a car. dangers that may exist.

2. Report any unsafe conditions or any equipment

7. Always inspect equipment and associated
or material you think might be unsafe. Don’t just walk
attachments for damage before you use them. Make
by an open manhole or turn in a broken tool without
sure the equipment you are using is suited for the job.
saying anything about it. Report it! Remember, if you
Check the safety precautions that pertain to each piece
think it’s unsafe, then it probably is.
of equipment.
3. Warn others of hazards that exist. If you see
someone knowingly, or unknowingly, place himself or Remember, SAFETY should be your first thought
herself or others in danger, say something. If necessary, before you begin a task and throughout the task,
report the situation to your supervisor. throughout the day.



I am more powerful than the combined armies of the world. I have destroyed more men than all the
wars of all the nations. I massacre thousands of people every year. I am more deadly than bullets, and I have
wrecked more homes than the deadliest guns.
In the United States alone, I steal over 150 million dollars each year. I spare no one, and I find my
victims among the rich and the poor alike, the young and the old, the strong and the weak. Widows and
widowers know me to their everlasting sorrow. I loom up in such proportions that I cast my shadow over
every field of labor.
I lurk in unseen places and do most of my work silently. You are warned against me, yet you heed me
not. I am relentless, merciless, and cruel. I am everywhere: in the home, on the streets, in the factory, at the
railroad crossing, on the land, in the air, and on the sea.
I bring sickness, degradation, and death, yet few seek me out to destroy me. I crush, I maim, I
devastate—I will give you nothing and rob you of all you have.
I am your worst enemy I AM CARELESSNESS.



What are hazardous materials? They are substances Theses symbols are used on outer packaging, and are
which, depending on their concentration, chemical or also found on trucks and railway cars transporting
physical characteristics, or quantity, pose a threat to those materials.
human health or the environment. Any flammable Types of materials that are either Dangerous,
material, compressed gas, aerosol, toxic material or Flammable or Combustible are indicated by a
corrosive is a hazardous material. Cleaning solvents, diamond with applicable nomenclature that is red in
paints, batteries, and floor wax are all examples of color. Materials that are Explosive by nature are
hazardous materials. To do our job, and maintain indicated by a diamond with applicable nomenclature
equipment and areas, we must use hazardous materials. and red coloring.
Whether we use hazardous materials daily or Types of materials that are either oxidizing
infrequently, we need to know how to identify them and agents, organic peroxide, or radioactive a r e
to understand their use, storage, and disposal. indicated by a diamond with applicable nomenclature
with yellow coloring. Materials that are either
poisonous gas, poison, or corrosive are indicated by a
RECOGNIZING HAZARDOUS diamond with applicable nomenclature and all black
MATERIALS and white coloring. Non-flammable gases are
indicated by a diamond with applicable nomenclature
All hazardous materials and hazardous material and green coloring. Flammable solid materials are
containers must be labeled. Manufacturers of hazard- indicated by a diamond with applicable nomenclature
ous materials must follow strict OSHA regulations on and red, blue, and white coloring.
labeling. Each label must contain, at least: You must read the labels on the hazardous
1. The name of the material materials you use. The label may also contain some
handling precautions or other warnings that help you
2. The name and address of the manufacturer use the product safely.
3. The nature of the hazard
Hazardous materials we receive from the stock HAZARDOUS MATERIAL
system, and even open purchase materials, must meet INFORMATION
these requirements. You are not authorized to relabel
properly labeled hazardous materials. If you dispense a Many hazardous materials, if not used properly,
hazardous material into an unlabeled container, you can be hazardous to your health. They can burn or
must indicate on the new container the same label irritate your skin, cause internal damage if you inhale
information shown on the original container. them, or poison you if you ingest them. You must be
The Department of Defense (DOD) has a standard aware of and follow safe handling, storage, and
label for marking hazardous materials dispensed or disposal procedures for the hazardous materials you
produced by DOD agencies. You may also use this work with.
label to mark unlabeled containers. The label is called OSHA regulations require employers to provide
the Hazardous Chemical Warning Label, DD Form every employee with safety information on the hazard-
2522, and is shown in figure 2-1. The information for ous materials they deal with at work. This law also per-
this label is printed directly from the Hazardous tains to federal civilian and military personnel.
Material Information System (HMIS) computer Manufacturers must provide hazardous material infor-
database. mation for all hazardous materials they produce and
You may also see Department of Transportation must make a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) avail
(DOT) shipping symbols on the outside of some able to the user for each hazardous material. In the
hazardous material containers. These symbols, shown Navy, MSDSs are provided in a computer database on
in figure 2-2 depict the hazard category of the material. compact disk-read only memory (CD-ROM) system

Figure 2-1.—Department of Defense Hazardous Chemical Warning Label, DD Form 2522 (1C).

called Hazardous Material Control and Management users on the hazards and precautions of that material.
(HMC&M). This database contains several publica- MSDs contain:
tions and a system called the Hazardous Material Infor-
mation System (HMIS). The HMIS provides over 1. General information, including an emergency
70,000 MSDSs for materials used within the Depart- phone number
ment of Defense. 2. Ingredients and identity information
The MSDS must be available to any user of 3. Physical/chemical characteristics
hazardous material. CD-ROM systems with the
4. Fire and explosion hazard data
HMC&M are provided on board every ship and shore
station. The MSDS is used to train hazardous material 5. Health and hazard data, including first aid

Figure 2-2.—Department of Transportation hazarous material shipping symbols.

6. Precautions for safe handling and use Safety information on hazardous materials is also
7. Control measures, including protective available in chapter C23 of Navy Occupational Safety
equipment and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual for Forces
Afloat, OPNAVINST 5100.19.
8. Transportation data
Your Hazardous Material Control Program You must follow the prescribed safety precautions
Manager, Hazardous Material/Hazardous Waste for the hazardous materials you use or handle in your
Coordinator, or Safety Officer can provide you with workplace. There are requirements for personal
MSDSs upon request. Ashore, the MSDSs for a work protective equipment, spill response, and disposal of
center will be located within that work area. Aboard waste that you need to know. This section will cover
ship, the MSDSs are available through your supervisor. safety precautions for the following types of materials

commonly used or handled by Electronics Technicians: 10. Do Not breathe the vapors of any cleaning
solvents, aerosol containers, polychlorinated solvent for prolonged periods. If you don‘t
biphenyls, batteries, and vacuum tubes. have proper ventilation, use a respirator.
11. Do Not spray cleaning solvents on electrical
windings or insulation.
12. Do Not apply cleaning solvents to heated
equipment, since this could cause a fire.
Varnishes, lacquers, cleaning fluids, and some
paints contain solvents that can ignite at relatively low
temperatures. Such materials pose a serious fire hazard. AEROSOL CONTAINERS
Some solvents give off toxic vapors that are harmful if
you inhale them. Some will also cause serious problems
Aerosol containers are everywhere. You use them
if they come in contact with your skin.
to groom your hair, to clean and freshen your living
Many solvents are used in the day-to-day quarters, and to paint parts of the equipment you work
maintenance of electronic equipment. The safest on. When properly used, aerosol containers will
solvents are those that dissolve in water (water-based). dispense their chemicals quickly and effectively. But if
If water-based solvents won’t work, the two most they’re misused, they can hurt you and cause damage
popular non-water-based solvents are trichloroethane to your surroundings. To prevent this, you must be
and methyl alcohol. Both of these are EXTREMELY aware of the dangers of aerosol containers and how to
flammable. Use these only when you have adequate protect yourself from them.
ventilation. Before using any aerosol container, read the label
on the container. It usually has instructions on how to
When you use hazardous paints or solvents, always use, store, and dispose of the container safely. Do Not
follow these safety precautions: ignore these instructions. If you do, you may become
1 . If you spill them, wipe them up immediately. sick from the toxic effects of the chemicals in the
container. Or, even worse, you may be seriously
2 . Place rags or other items you use to clean them
injured if the container explodes.
up in a separate, covered container.
Here are some basic rules to follow when using
3 . Use protective clothing, goggles, gloves, or aerosol containers:
other appropriate safeguards to prevent the
1 . Make sure you have plenty of ventilation when
paints or solvents from getting on your skin or
you use aerosols that contain dangerous or toxic
in your eyes.
gases. If you must use such aerosols when
4 . Have accessible fire-fighting equipment ventilation is not adequate, wear the appropriate
nearby. respiratory equipment.
5 . Have adequate ventilation. 2 . Dispose of the containers according to the
instructions of your supervisor. Some aerosol
6 . Dispose of the paints and solvents when you no
containers are considered hazardous waste.
longer need them. Make sure you dispose of
them properly. If you are unsure of the disposal 3 . Keep all aerosol containers away from open
procedures, check with the safety officer. flames, sunlight, heaters, and other possible
sources of heat.
7 . Store flammable solvents in approved
flammable storage lockers. Make sure you 4 . Do Not spray paint or other protective coatings
store flammable and corrosive materials on warm or energized equipment. You may
separately. cause a fire.
8 . Do Not use carbon tetrachloride. This is a 5 . Do Not spray any paints or solvents on your
highly toxic compound and is banned from skin. Some liquids in aerosol containers may
use. Use trichloroethane instead. burn you, while others may cause a skin rash.
9 . Do Not smoke or use an open flame or allow 6 . Do Not dent or puncture these containers. They
anyone else to do so in areas where paint, are pressurized and can explode if dented or
varnishes, lacquers, or solvents are being used. punctured.

7 Do Not store these containers in heated areas concentrations of PCB vapors or liquids include eye,
where temperatures can exceed the nose, and throat irritation, headaches, and a skin rash
recommended storage temperature on their known as chloracne. Repeated exposure can result in
labels. Aboard ship, all aerosols are considered severe skin irritation, respiratory irritation, digestive
flammables and must be stored in a flammable tract damage, and damage to the liver. Systemic
liquid storage compartment or cabinet. intoxication, that is, an adverse effect to your entire
bodily system, can result from severe overexposure.
8 Do Not discard these containers in wastebaskets
Systemic intoxication is indicated by nausea, vomiting,
that will be emptied into an incinerator; they
weight loss, jaundice, and abdominal pain, and can be
could explode.
To protect all personnel, all equipment and cabinets
containing in-service small and large PCB capacitors
should be marked with the label shown in figure 2-3.
You can find additional information on PCBS in the
Shipboard Management Guide for Polychlorinated
Biphenyls (PCBs), NAVSEA S9593-A1-MAN-010.
Although we do not require that you read this
publication, we highly recommend that you do so.


A battery consists of a group of cells that provide a

source of direct-current electrical power. Batteries are
used in automobiles, boats, aircraft, ships, submarines,
lighting equipment, and portable and stationary
electrical and electronic equipment. They can be used as
main power sources or as secondary or backup power
sources. Some batteries are rechargeable and some are
Batteries can be dangerous. If used or handled
improperly, they can explode, release toxic gases, or
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are toxic
leak hazardous chemicals. This section gives you the
chemicals belonging to the chlorinated hydrocarbon
group of substances. They range in form and
appearance from oily liquids to crystalline solids and
hard transparent resins. These chemicals exhibit many
favorable physical and chemical properties, including
high heat capacity, chemical stability, noncorrosivity to
metals, low flammability, low vapor pressure, and low
electrical conductivity. They have, therefore, been used
extensively as insulators and coolants in electrical
Any PCBs in use aboard ship will typically function
as insulating fluids or coolants within electrical
equipment. (The chemicals might occasionally be
found in totally-enclosed hydraulic and heat transfer
Remember, these chemicals are toxic. That means
they can be harmful to your health or even deadly. Their
adverse effects can result from either brief or repeated
exposure. The effects from short-term contact with high Figure 2-3.—Sample 4" x4" EPA-required label.

safety precautions for the following six types of equipment, cameras, hearing aids, periscope cameras,
batteries ETs are most likely to see: missiles, cryptographic equipment, and sonar devices.
1. Carbon-zinc Mercury cells are safe when used properly. But, if
they’re misused, BOOM!, they could explode. Use the
2. Manganese-dioxide alkaline-zinc
following safety precautions for mercury batteries:
3. Mercuric-oxide
1 . Do Not place a direct “short circuit” on a
4. Lithium mercury cell.
5. Lead-acid 2 . Do Not discharge a mercury cell after its voltage
falls below 70 percent of its original voltage, or
6. Nickel-cadmium
after it fails to operate the equipment it is in.
3 . Do Not leave the battery switch on when the
Carbon-Zinc Dry Cell Battery equipment isn’t in use, or after the mercury cell
fails to operate the equipment.

This is a very common battery in the Navy. It has a 4 . Do Not expose mercury cells to temperatures
zinc outer container, a carbon center electrode, and a over 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
chemical paste for the electrolyte. It is usually sealed in 5 . Do Not keep exhausted mercury cells. Discard
a cardboard or plastic casing. them as soon as possible. If you’re at sea, store
There are three important safety precautions them temporarily under water in a steel
concerning using, storing, or disposing of carbon-zinc container until you can dispose of them properly
batteries: ashore. When you store exhausted mercury
cells, never purposely puncture their jackets.
1. Do Not store carbon-zinc batteries in electronic
equipment for extended periods. The corrosive
Lithium Cell Batteries
electrolyte could leak out of the battery and
damage the equipment.
Lithium batteries are high-energy, long-lasting bat-
2. Do Not throw carbon-zinc batteries into a fire; teries with a longer shelf life than most other batteries.
they could explode. Keep them away from They are making their way into electronic equipments.
incinerators. They’re used in computers, communications and cryp-
3. Do Not throw carbon-zinc batteries overboard tographic equipments, torpedoes, and missiles. Unfor-
while at sea. These batteries contain metal tunately, lithium batteries can be very dangerous.
pollutants. Store them on board (in a steel They’ve been known to release toxic gases or to ex-
container) until you can properly dispose of plode. If you handle lithium batteries, observe the fol-
them ashore. lowing safety precautions to prevent injury to yourself
and damage to your equipment:
Manganese-Dioxide Alkaline-Zinc Cell Battery
1 . Use only lithium batteries that are approved for
use in your equipment.
Commonly called an alkaline battery, this type of
battery is similar to the carbon-zinc battery. The only 2 . Store them in cool, well-ventilated areas away
difference is the type of electrolyte used. You’ll find from flammable items.
these batteries in portable electronic equipment. The
3 . Always observe polarity when you install
safety precautions for alkaline batteries are identical to
the safety precautions for carbon-zinc batteries.
4 . Do Not pierce, short-circuit, recharge, crush,
Mercuric-Oxide Zinc Cell Batteries cut, burn, drop, dismantle, modify, or otherwise
carelessly handle them.
Commonly called mercury cells, these batteries are
5 . Do Not leave them in equipment that won’t be
small and powerful. They have longer shelf life than the
used for long periods.
two previous types of batteries. They were first used to
power miniature equipments of the space program. 6 . Do Not throw them away with daily trash.
Today these batteries are used in electronic test Dispose of them properly. See the

Environmental and Natural Resources 7 . Do Not operate lead-acid batteries in
Program Manual, (OPNAVINST 5090.1), for temperatures over 125 degrees Fahrenheit (52
more disposal information on lithium batteries. degrees Celsius).
8 . Do Not connect or disconnect charging
connections when charging current is flowing.
9 . Do Not short-circuit lead-acid battery
10. Do Not pour water into battery acid; always
pour the acid into the water. And, make sure
you wear appropriate skin and eye protection
whenever you handle battery acid.
11. Do Not put or allow salt water into a lead-acid
battery. It will create an extremely toxic
If you use lithium batteries on a daily basis, we chlorine gas.
recommend that you get a copy of the Technical Manual
for Batteries, Navy Lithium Safety Program
Responsibilities and Procedures, NAVSEA S9310- Nickel-Cadmium Cell Batteries
AQ-SAF-010, and read through it.
Commonly known as NICADs, nickel-cadmium
batteries are used in most cordless, rechargeable
Lead-Acid Cell Batteries
equipment, such as flashlights, cordless drills, and
soldering irons, and in portable stereos.
This is the most widely used wet-cell battery. It is The following safety precautions for NICADs are
also one of the most dangerous batteries to use and relatively simple:
maintain. Lead-acid batteries use sulfuric acid, and their
1 . Charge NICADs in series, never in parallel.
battery gases (mainly hydrogen) are extremely
explosive. You’ll see this battery in automobiles and 2 . Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions
large backup power systems. for charging NICADs.

Remember, lead-acid batteries are very dangerous. 3 . Do Not expose NICADs to temperatures over
To prevent injury to yourself, you should use the 113 degrees Fahrenheit (45 degrees Celsius).
following safety precautions: 4 . Do Not short-circuit NICADs.
1 . Always keep open flames and sparks of all 5 . Do Not store NICADs and lead-acid batteries in
kinds away from lead-acid batteries. the same container or in the same area.
2 . Be sure to have proper ventilation when you 6 . Do Not dispose of NICADs by throwing them
charge lead-acid batteries to prevent the build- overboard. Temporarily store exhausted cells in
up of hydrogen gas. a steel container until you can dispose of them
3 . Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when properly ashore.
charging lead-acid batteries.
4 . Handle battery acid (electrolyte) V E R Y VACUUM TUBES
carefully. This material is highly corrosive to
the skin and eyes and requires full body
protection. There are basically two categories of vacuum tubes:
(1) electron tubes, and (2) cathode-ray tubes. There are
5 . Keep the battery acid above the tops of the
certain safety precautions you need to follow when
working with or handling vacuum tubes. The following
6 . Use only pure, distilled water when adding paragraphs provide a brief discussion on the safety
liquid to lead-acid batteries. precautions for each category of tube.

Electron Tubes Cathode-Ray Tubes

Electron tubes are fairly rugged devices. Most of Cathode-ray tubes (CRTs) are everywhere. They’re
them can handle the shocks and knocks of everyday use. used in televisions, desktop computers, radars, and
However, they are not indestructible. Most electron electronic warfare systems. You’ll probably maintain
tubes contain a near vacuum enclosed by glass. Any electronic systems that use CRTs. So, it’s important for
excessive stress, like dropping the tube, may cause the you to know about their hazards, and how to handle and
glass to shatter, causing an IMPLOSION. A n dispose of them.
implosion is the opposite of an explosion. When the
CRT hazards: CRTs can be extremely hazard-
glass shatters, the outside air rushes into the tube to fill
ous. A CRT consists of a large glass envelope that main-
the vacuum. As the air rushes into the tube, it carries the
tains a high vacuum inside. It also has a toxic phosphor
glass fragments with it, right on through the center of
coating on its face. CRTs are under great atmospheric
the tube and out the other side. If you’re in the path of
pressure. For example, a 10-inch CRT is subject to
these flying fragments, you could be seriously injured.
nearly 2,000 pounds of force. Of that, 1,000 pounds is
So, handle ALL electron tubes with care.
felt on the tube’s face alone. Therefore, if you break the
Some electron tubes contain radioactive material. glass envelope, it will cause a violent implosion.
These must be handled with EXTRA care. Radioactive
When a CRT breaks, high external pressure causes
material is added to some electron tubes to aid
it to implode (burst inward). As a result, all the glass
ionization. Unbroken, the radioactive tubes are as safe
fragments, metal parts, and toxic phosphor are expelled
as other electron tubes. This is because the tube’s
radioactive material emits slow-moving particles that
are contained within the tube’s thick glass envelope. A CRT can also be hazardous when it’s energized.
But breaking the tube will expose the hazardous This is because it carries a very high voltage and emits
radioactive material. X-rays.
To prevent injury to yourself or others, use the CRT handling: To protect yourself from serious
following safety precautions when handling either injury, you must never do anything that would cause the
regular or radioactive tubes: CRT’s glass envelope to break and cause an implosion.
When handling CTRs, follow these precautions:
1. Handle A L L election tubes, whether
radioactive or not, with EXTREME care. 1. Always follow the manufacturer’s handling
2. Immediately put any electron tube that has just instructions.
been removed, whether radioactive or not, into a 2. Keep a new CRT in its shipping carton until
protective container, such as its shipping you’re ready to use it.
3. When you remove a defective CRT, place it in a
3. Let your supervisor know immediately if a shipping carton immediately.
radioactive electron tube is broken.
4. Wear gloves and goggles.
4. Seal off a radioactive-contaminated area
5. Do Not remove a CRT until the high-voltage
immediately so no other personnel are exposed
anode has been discharged.
to the radioactive material.
6. Do Not strike or scratch the surface of a CRT’s
5. Treat all bad or damaged radioactive electron
glass envelope.
tubes as radioactive waste and dispose of them
accordingly. 7. Do Not stand in front of a CRT when you install
it. If the CRT should implode, the electron gun
6. Do Not remove a radioactive tube from its
in its neck could be propelled at a very high
shipping container until you’re ready to install
velocity through the face of the tube and into
your body.
7. Do Not let your skin come in contact with any
8. Do Not carry a CRT by its neck.
radioactive fragments. If it does, wash yourself
thoroughly with soap and water and get medical 9. Do Not come in contact with phosphor coating;
attention. it is extremely toxic. If a CRT should break,

clean up the glass fragments very carefully. 1 . Subcategory A—Likely to occur immediately
And, if you touch the phosphor, go to medical. or within a short period of time.
CRT disposal: CRTs are disposed of by ship- 2 . Subcategory B—Probably will occur in time.
ping them back to the manufacturer, or by discarding
3 . Subcategory C—May occur in time.
them locally. If you ship a CRT back to the manufac-
turer, put it in the shipping container intact. If you dis- 4 . Subcategory D—Unlikely to occur.
pose of it locally, follow the procedure that has been
prescribed by your safety officer.

The reporting of unsafe or unhealthful conditions in Proper stowage of hazardous material is essential to
the work place is extremely important. Each ship and personnel safety. The supply department and
identified/validated hazard shall be assigned a Risk individual work center personnel are responsible for
Assessment Code (RAC) by the activity safety office. proper stowage of hazardous material in areas under
The RAC represents the degree of risk associated with their cognizance. For answers to your questions
the deficiency. Hazard severity categories shall be concerning hazardous material stowage, consult your
assigned by Roman numeral according to the following supervisor, supply officer, or your hazardous
criteria. material/hazardous waste coordinator.
1. Category l—Catastrophic: The hazard may Hazardous materials aboard ship are typically
cause death, or loss of a facility. packaged in cases or allotments of individual
2 . Category II—Critical: May cause severe containers.
injury, severe occupational illness, or major Do not store hazardous materials in heat producing
property damage. areas, or near heat-producing items. Shield hazardous
3 . Category III—Marginal: May cause minor material stored on the weather deck or in exposed areas
injury, minor occupational illness, or minor from direct sunlight.
property damage. Temporary stowage of hazardous material in work
4 . Category IV—Negligible: Probably would not spaces should be limited to the quantity necessary for
affect personnel safety or health, but is one work shift.
nevertheless in violation of a NAVOSH We recommend that you get a copy of Naval Ships’
standard. Technical Manual, Chapter 670, “Stowage, Handling,
Mishap Probability is the term used to describe the and Disposal of General Use Consumables,” and read
probability that a hazard will result in a mishap, based sections 3 through 6 to enhance your knowledge on
on an assessment of such factors as location, exposure stowage of the material covered in this chapter.
in terms of cycles or hours of operation, and affected Additional informational is also provided in chapter
population. Mishap probability shall be assigned an C23, of the NAVOSH Program Manual for Forces
Arabic letter according to the following criteria: Afloat, (OPNAVINST 5100.19).



ELECTRIC SHOCK connection entered the ET3’s thumb and

forearm before finding its way to ground.

Ninety-nine percent of what you do, you’ll do The ET3 went to medical and the corpsman
around electricity. This makes you extremely sent him to the naval hospital for evaluation and
susceptible to electric shock. It’s very important for you observation. The technician was released the
to know these four things about electric shock: next day.
1. What it is.
2. What factors affect how severe it can be.
3. How to avoid it.
4. What to do if you see someone being shocked.


Electric shock is the sensation and muscular spasm

caused when electric current passes through the body.
Note that the word current is bold in the last sentence.
This is to emphasize that it is current and NOT the
voltage that causes electric shock. No matter how much
voltage is present, you’ll only get shocked if you
provide a ground-path for the electric current.
Here is an example taken from a mishap report:

While trying to align the RF turret

assembly of a high frequency transmitter, a
Third Class Electronics Technician (ET3) SEVERITY OF ELECTRIC SHOCK
received a shock from 1,000 volts of direct
current (dc).
The following factors determine the severity of the
While doing preventive maintenance, the effect electric shock has on your body:
technician discovered the high frequency (HF)
transmitter did not meet the performance The amount of current that is flowing through
specifications required by the Maintenance your body.
Requirements Card (MRC) of the Planned The path the current takes through your body.
Maintenance System (PMS). After trying to
The amount of body resistance you have to the
tune the transmitter using the front panel meter,
current flow.
the technician determined the turret assembly
was faulty. The length of time the current flows through
your body.
The ET3 removed a high voltage insulation
cover to get into the transmitter turret assembly Path of Current Flow
adjustment fitting. While adjusting the turret,
his thumb brushed a power amplifier tube plate The two most dangerous paths that current can take
connection. The 1,000 volts dc at the plate through your body are from (1) hand to hand, or (2) from

your left hand to either foot. The second path is the Table 3-1.—Electric Shock Effects
MOST dangerous path since the current will flow
through both your heart and your vital organs.

Amount of Body Resistance

Your body resistance varies greatly in different

parts of your body. A value of 1500 ohms is commonly
used as the resistance between major extremities of an
average human body: hand to hand, or hand to foot.
Let’s use Ohm’s Law to figure how much current would
flow through your body if you accidentally grabbed a
wire carrying 120 volts alternating current (vac).

milliamps of current! That’s 15 milliamps beyond what

could be fatal. It’s also 70 milliamps beyond the can’t-
let-go threshold, and 62 milliamps beyond what is
needed to cause you to stop breathing.
It’s important to remember that the 1500 ohms is
just an average value. Body resistance varies from
person to person and may often be LESS than 1500
ohms. When your skin is moist, your body resistance
could be as low as 300 ohms. Also, breaks in your skin
at the point of contact reduce your skin resistance to
nearly zero.
Skin resistance is only important when you’re
handling voltages of less than 240 volts. If you get
shocked by more than 240 volts, the voltage arc will
burn through your skin and leave deep third-degree
Ohm’s Law for figuring current is I = E/R. bums where it enters your body.

Let E = 120 VAC—The voltage you grabbed

Time of Current Flow
Let R = 1500 Ohms—Your (average) body
resistance The longer you’re being shocked, the more chance
Now let’s compute it. there is for your heart to begin fibrillation. Fibrillation is
the shocking of your heart into a useless flutter. Most
I = 120/1500 people who die from electric shock die from fibrillation.
I = .080 Fibrillation in a normal adult is unlikely if the current in
milliamperes is less than 116/t, where t is the shock
I = 80 milliamperes duration in seconds. The longer you are shocked, the
So if you grabbed a 120-vac wire, 80 milliamperes less current is needed to cause heart fibrillation. Here
of current would flow through your body. Now use are some examples of shock current levels and
durations that would cause fibrillation:
table 3–1 to determine the effect of 80 milliamperes of
electric shock. You can see that you may not be around 21 milliamperes for 30 seconds
long enough to grab any more wires. You grabbed 80 44 milliamperes for 7 seconds

67 milliamperes for 3 seconds current, voltage, and the duration of the electric shock.
It’s hard to know exactly how a victim of electric
shock has been affected. More than likely, the victim
will be very pale or bluish in color and unconscious.

The three basic ways to prevent yourself from

receiving an electric shock can be summed up in three
words: isolate, insulate, and ground.
1. Isolate: Isolate yourself from the source of ENERGIZED EQUIPMENT
electric shock. Make sure you secure the power to
equipment before you attempt to remove it. And, make
As an ET, you’ll work on energized equipment.
sure all electrical equipment covers, doors, and
You will be troubleshooting a piece of electrical or
enclosures are kept in place when you’re not actually
electronic equipment, and the technical manual will
working on the equipment. If you must leave live
instruct you to measure voltages or to check signal
circuitry exposed, rope off the area, post appropriate
waveforms while the equipment is energized. But,
signs, and warn your fellow workers of the danger.
before you hook up the multimeter or oscilloscope,
2. Insulate: Make sure the electrical tools and there are certain safety precautions and procedures
equipment you use are properly insulated. Use only you MUST follow. They’re designed to protect you
insulated hand and portable electric power tools. from electric shock. These precautions and procedures
Frequently check power and extension cords for are divided into two basic categories: (1) voltage
deterioration, cracks, or breaks. Breaks in the insulation measurements below 300 volts, and (2) voltage meas-
of power and extension cords cause many electrical urements above 300 volts.
3. Ground: Electric current always follows the MEASURING VOLTAGE BELOW
path of least resistance. To prevent yourself from being 300 VOLTS
the unintentional path to ground, make sure your
equipment is well grounded. This will direct any stray Most of the voltage measurements that you will
electric current to ground, thereby protecting you from make will be below 300 volts. Almost all of the newer
electric shock. A good ground could also protect your electronic systems use voltages that are less than 28
equipment from excessive voltage spikes or lightning. volts, except for the main input ac power. Here are
For further information on equipment grounding, see some safety procedures you should follow when you
Shipboard Bonding, Grounding, and Other Techniques need to measure voltages below 300 volts:
for Electromagnetic Compatibility and Safety, MIL- 1. Notify and obtain permission from the
STD-1310 (NAVY). commanding officer (afloat) or your supervisor
(ashore) to work on energized equipment. Some
commands require you to complete a checklist before
doing this.
The first thing to do when you see someone being 2. Study the schematic and wiring diagrams of the
shocked is to secure the power. DO NOT touch a vic- equipment on which you’ll be working. Note the
tim who is in contact with a live circuit, or you’ll be location of the points you will be measuring and, also,
shocked too. If you cannot secure the power, use a dry the location of any other high-voltage points you should
insulating material like a rope, a belt (without the be careful not to measure or touch.
buckle), or a wooden cane to remove the victim (by
3. Remove all metal watches, belt buckles, rings
pulling, pushing, or rolling) from the live circuit or
(even wedding bands), and any other items that have
wire. Then, immediately call for medical personnel.
exposed metal. If you’re wearing a security badge, put it
If the victim is unconscious AND you are certified in your pocket.
toadminister cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR),
4. Make sure you’re wearing electrical safety
begin to do so.
shoes, if they were issued, and that you’re standing on
The effects of the electric shock can range from insulating rubber matting. If you must insert your hand
mild surprise to death. It depends on the amount of into the enclosure of the energized equipment, wear a

Table 3-2.—Rubber Gloves

All the safety procedures for measuring voltages

below 300 volts apply when you are measuring voltages
above 300 volts. But, the big difference when
measuring voltages above 300 volts is that you must
NOT hold the test probe in your hand while the
equipment is energized. Instead, you’ll attach the test
pair of electrical safety rubber gloves rated for the probes while the equipment is de-energized. Here are
appropriate voltage (see table 3-2). the safety procedures you should follow:
5. Have a co-worker stand by; don’t work alone. 1 . Follow all the preliminary safety procedures for
Make sure your co-worker knows where to secure the measuring voltage below 300 volts before
power in case of emergency. beginning your measurements.
Follow these four safety precautions whenever you 2 . Make sure the equipment you are working on is
take measurements on energized equipment: DE-ENERGIZED. Follow the required tag-out
1. Always use test probes with safety guards or
barriers on the probe tips. This will prevent your hand 3 . With a shorting probe, discharge all high-
from in advertently touching the probe tip. voltage capacitors.
2. Always used insulated alligator clips. 4 . Attach the ground probe of the measuring
device first.
3. Always keep your body clear of any metal parts
of the equipment on which you’re working. 5 . Secure the other probe of the measuring device
to the test point to be measured.
4. Try and keep one hand in your pocket or behind
your back when taking the measurement. This will 6 . Make sure the measuring device is setup for the
prevent you from creating a ground path for electric voltage level and polarity to be measured.
current flow through your body from hand to hand.
7 . Energize the equipment under test, make the
Here is an excerpt from a mishap report that will measurement, and then de-energize the
show the importance of following the above equipment.
8 . Discharge all high-voltage capacitors.
Member could not get alligator clip on test 9 . Remove the probes from the equipment.
lead to stay on probe so he held clip to probe with
right hand. Member violated safety precautions ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE
by continuing to hold clip and probe while PRECAUTIONS
energizing the test lead with 1200 volts. Soon
thereafter, the member touched the ground lead Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can destroy or
and received serious shock. The member was damage many electronic components including
treated for minor burns on the palm. integrated circuits (ICs) and discrete semiconductor
devices. Certain devices are more susceptible to ESD
damage than others. Because of this, warning symbols
are now used to identify ESD-sensitive (ESDS) items
(fig. 3–1).
Certified 2M technicians are trained in procedures
for reducing the causes of ESD damage. The procedures
are similar for all levels of maintenance. Some of the
protective measures you should follow to prevent ESD
damage are:
Ground the work benches where ESDS devices
will be handled.

Figure 3-1.—Warning symbols for ESDS devices

Be sure you are grounded. When moving an ESDS device or assembly,

Check packaging and equipment technical always touch (with bare skin) the surface on
manuals for ESD warnings and instructions. which it rests for at least one second before
picking it up.
Before opening an electrostatic unit package of
an ESDS device or assembly, ground the pack- When servicing ESDS devices, do not touch or
age. handle materials that create static charges, or,
be sure to repeat the grounding action.
Minimize the handling of ESDS devices or as
semblies. When possible, avoid repairs that require
soldering at the equipment level.
Avoid unnecessary physical movement.
When removing or replacing an ESDS device or Ground the leads of test equipment before ener-
gizing test equipment and before probing ESDS
assembly in the equipment, hold the device or
assembly through the electrostatic free wrap if
possible. Remember, although many sources of electrostatic
charge are of little consequence during most daily
Do not permit ESDS devices or assemblies to activities, they become extremely important when you
come in contact with ungrounded materials. work with ESD material. For further information, refer

to NEETS, Module 14, Introduction to Micro- voltages induced in conductive objects. The current
electronics. produces heat as it passes through the resistance of the
skin. The effect of the heat on a person ranges from
warmth to painful burns.

The electromagnetic spectrum encompasses The word laser is an acronym for Light
everyday-use items from commercial power to medical Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A
x-rays, as shown in figure 3-2. In this area we will laser is basically a concentrated beam of optical
discuss radio frequency radiation and optical radiation. radiation. As technology increases, the use of laser
equipment will increase for purposes ranging from
R-F HAZARDS TO PERSONNEL industrial to medical to military (both offensive and
Radiation from antennas fed by high powered rf
The effects that lasers can have on your eyes range
transmitters has the potential for injuring personnel who
from inflammation of the cornea to corneal burn and on
happen to be near the radiating antennas. Transmitters
your skin from accelerated skin aging to skin burn.
aboard ships, on aircraft, at shore stations, and
microwave ovens found both aboard ships and ashore If you are involved with the use of lasers at your
are potential sources of harmful radiation. At some command, be sure to follow all safety precautions for
frequencies, exposure to excessive levels of rf radiation the class of laser in use and all directions given to you by
will not produce a noticeable sensation of pain or your command’s Laser Safety Officer. Lasers will be
discomfort to give warning that injury may be discussed in greater detail in volume 9 of this series.
occurring. Radiated rf energy can also result in rf burns
We recommend that you become familiar with the
when metal objects with induced high rf voltage levels
contents of NAVSEA OP 3565/NAVAIR 16-1-529,
are touched.
Technical Manual, Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards
An rf burn is the result of current flowing through (U), (Hazards to Personnel, Fuel, and Other
the body when parts of the body are in contact with rf Flammable Material) (U). We also recommend that you

Figure 3-2.—Electromagnetic spectrum.

read chapter 22 of the Navy Occupational Safety and LIFT SAFETY VALVES WHILE PERSONNEL
5100.23) for shore operations, and chapter B9 of the
NAVOSH Program Manual for Forces Afloat Inform ships in the vicinity that personnel will be
(OPNAVINST 5100.19). working aloft to ensure they take appropriate action on
operation of electrical or electronic equipment.

TAG-OUT BILL Departments concerned shall ensure that all ra-

dio transmitters and radars that pose radiation hazards
The tag-out bill is a system of documents used to are placed in the STANDBY position and a sign placed
save lives and to prevent unnecessary damage to on the equipment that reads:
equipment. It uses CAUTION tags and DANGER tags,
out-of-calibration labels, and out-of-commission labels
to let you know when a specific switch, circuit breaker,
piece of equipment, electronic system, or plumbing Position a safety observer on deck near the work
valve should be either operated with extra care or being performed. Outfit the safety observer with a
completely left alone. safety harness, lanyards, and climber safety sleeve to
As an ET, you won’t be securing many plumbing permit rapid emergency assistance aloft if required. The
valves. But, you will be securing a lot of power switches safety observer shall keep the deck area beneath the
and circuit breakers to do preventive and corrective work aloft free of unnecessary personnel.
maintenance on electronic systems and equipments. It’s Now, refer to Navy Occupational Safety and Health
not possible in this topic to identify all situations (NAVOSH) Program Manual for Forces Afloat,
requiring tag-out. However, here are a few situations (OPNAVINST 5100.19), and read Chapter C8. Then
that do require you to tag out the equipment: return to this manual.
Working Aloft or Over the Side: Since many Corrective Maintenance: When you’re working
areas on the exterior of a ship are inaccessible from on equipment that must have its power secured, and
decks or built-in work platforms, it becomes necessary there’s a chance someone else could inadvertently
to go aloft or over the side to reach these areas. reapply power while you are still working on it.
The greatest hazard associated with working aloft Preventive Maintenance: When planned
or over the side is the danger of a fall. Other hazards maintenance system (PMS) maintenance requirement
include the dropping of objects on (or by) personnel, cards (MRCs) or equipment technical manuals direct
radiation burns, and asphyxiation. When working aloft, you to secure electrical power.
the following must be observed:
Danger Exists: When you are operating an
Do not go aloft on masts, maces, stacks, or king equipment that could endanger someone’s life. This
posts or be suspended over the side by a crane without could apply to both mechanical and electrical faults.
first obtaining written permission from the O.O.D. in
the form of a working aloft checklist. TAG-OUT RESPONSIBILITIES

Wear supplied air respirators when working near Commanding officers are responsible for the well-
stacks or exhaust which are actively discharging gases. being of their people and the operational readiness of
Use a climber sleeve assembly in conjunction their equipments. They are ultimately responsible for
with the safety harness when going aloft where a making sure their personnel follow the appropriate tag-
climber safety rail is installed. out procedures. To help do this, they assign authorizing
officers who have authority to sign, issue, and clear tags
Before commencement of work and every 15 and labels. There is usually one authorizing officer for
minutes thereafter, pass a verbal warning over the 1 each department. The authorizing officer can be a
MC, DO NOT ROTATE ANTENNAS, ENERGIZE commissioned officer, chief petty officer, or petty
OR RADIATE ANY ELECTRICAL OR ELEC- officer. When the affected system will be rendered out-
TRONIC EQUIPMENT WHILE PERSONNEL ARE of-commission as a result of the tag out action, the
WORKING ALOFT. If personnel aloft are in the vicin- Authorizing Officer shall obtain permission of the CO
ity of the stacks add, DO NOT BLOW TUBES OR when appropriate and the cognizant Department Head

before effecting the tag-out. In addition, the three-ring binder and has five sections that contain the
Authorizing Officer shall notify the cognizant Division following:
Officer of the requirement for the tag-out.
Section 1. A copy of the Equipment Tag-Out Bill,
Your department’s authorizing officer will: chapter 6, OPNAVINST 3120.32; and a copy of the
command’s amplifying instruction on equipment tag-
Make sure you are qualified to do the work you out.
are about to do.
Section 2. DANGER/CAUTION Tag-Out Index
Maintain the tag-out log(s). and Record of Audits (OPNAV 3120/4). (See figure
3–3.) The authorizing officer uses this form to assign
Sign and issue tag(s) and tag-out record
and track all of the issued DANGER/CAUTION tags.
Note that the blocks on figure 3-3 are labeled (A)
Clear the record sheet(s) from the tag-out log(s) through (E). Here is an explanation of each block:
and destroy the tag(s) when the work is
completed. (A) LOG SERIAL: The sequential log serial
number issued for tag-out actions.
TAG-OUT DOCUMENTS (B) DATE ISSUE: The date the log serial number
was issued.
Tag-out documents consist of:
(C) TYPE: The type of tags used, either DANGER
A tag-out log or CAUTION.
(D) DESCRIPTION: A description of the system
CAUTION Tags (NAVSHIPS 9890/5) (yellow)
or component that will be tagged-out and any
DANGER Tags (NAVSHIPS 9890/8) (red) amplifying information.
(E) DATE CLEARED: The date that ALL the tags
Out-of-Calibration Labels (NAVSEA 92 10/6)
were cleared.
Out-of-Commission Labels (NAVSHIPS
Section 3. DANGER/CAUTION Tag-out record
9890/7) sheets (NAVSEA 9210/9) that are still in effect. Figures
We will discuss the first three items in depth. The 3-4 and 3-5 show the front and back sides of this form.
last two items are labels used to identify test equipment Note that the items on the form are labeled (A)
that is either out of calibration or out of commission. through (R). When you tag out equipment, you must
complete items (A) through (J) and item (M) on the
Tag-Out Log
form. Here’s an item-by-item explanation of the form:
A tag-out log is a permanent log of the (A) DATE/TIME TAG-OUT ISSUED: Enter the
authorizations given for all tag-out actions. It’s kept in a date and time the authorizing officer issued

Figure 3-3.—DANGER/CAUTION Tag-Out Index and Record of Audits (OPNAV 3120/4).

Figure 3-4.—DANGER/CAUTION Tag-Out Record Sheet NAVSEA 9210/9 (Front).

you a log serial number from the DANGER (D) REASON FOR TAG-OUT: Briefly describe
CAUTION Tag-Out Index and Record of the reason for the tag-out (example, “Pre-
Audit sheet. ventive maintenance”).


official nomenclature of the system or INVOLVED: Briefly describe any hazards
equipment you are tagging-out (example, that may exist (examples, “Shock hazard” or
AN/WSC-3[V]). “Operation would damage equipment”).

(C) LOG SERIAL NO.: Enter the number assigned (F) AMPLIFYING INSTRUCTIONS: Briefly
by the authorizing officer. describe any other instructions that may apply.

Figure 3-5.—DANGER/CAUTION Tag-Out Record Sheet NAVSEA 9210/9 (Back).

(G) WORK NECESSARY TO CLEAR TAG(S): person sign after he or she verifies that (1)
Briefly describe any work that must be done you are using the right type and number of
before the tag(s) can be cleared. tags, and (2) you are tagging out the correct
IN TAG-OUT: Fill in this part of the form as Only qualified ship’s force personnel shall
follows: perform the second check of tag installation.
The second person shall not accompany the
1. List the jobs to which this tag-out applies. If
the tag-out is for an outside repair activity, person initially installing the tag(s).
list the job order number and title. 4 . Next, have the authorizing officer and the
2. Record the tag numbers used and the date repair activity representative, if applicable,
and time they were issued. sign in the spaces provided.
3. You, as the “petty officer in charge,” sign in 5. After the work is completed and the tag-out
the designated block. Then have a second tags are removed, have the authorizing

officer and the repair activity representative, (O) CLEARANCE AUTHORIZED: After you’ve
if applicable, certify the work completed completed the work, the authorizing officer
and the tags cleared by signing and dating in and the outside repair activity authorize you,
the blocks provided. by signing here, to clear the tags.
(I) TAG NO. (back side of form): List each (P) DATE/TIME CLEARED: The person who
tag separately. An example tag number is removes the tag enters the date and time the tag
“76-3. ” The “76” is the issue log serial is removed.
number. The “-3” indicates that the tag is the
(Q) CLEARED BY: The person who removes the
third one used. tag initials here.
panel identification number and breaker OFFICER and DATE/TIME: The authorizing
identification number. If the tag-out action is officer signs and dates the form here to certify
on board a ship or submarine, also give the that all switches, circuit breakers, etc., are
frame number. If the action is ashore, also give returned to their normal operating position/
the building and room number. condition.
(K) TAGGED POSITION/CONDITION: State Section 4: Instrument Log (NAVSHIPS 9890/10).
the position in which the tagged item should This log is the record of all of the out-of-commission
remain (examples; ON, OFF, OPEN, or and out-of-calibration labels issued.
Section 5: DANGER/CAUTION Tag-out Record
(L) POSTED BY (INITIAL): The person who Sheets that have been cleared and are no longer in
actually hangs the tag, initials here. effect.
(M) POSTING CHECKED BY: A second person, CAUTION Tags (NAVSHIPS 9890/5)
after checking to make sure the tag was
attached correctly, initials here. A CAUTION tag is a yellow-colored tag used only
as a precautionary measure to give temporary special
(N) CLEARANCE/POSITION/CONDITION: instructions, or to indicate that unusual caution must be
State the position each tagged item should be in exercised when operating the equipment to which the
when the tag is cleared. tag is attached (fig. 3-6).

Figure 3-6.—CAUTION Tag (yellow in color).

The instructions you write on the tag must state the PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT
specific reason the tag was attached. Do not use a
CAUTION tag if there is a chance someone could be
hurt or equipment could be damaged when operated Wearing the correct protective equipment is
using normal operating procedures. Use a DANGER essential to all persons in the Navy. It is especially
tag instead. important for the safety of electronics personnel. In the
following paragraphs, we will discuss this equipment.


A DANGER tag is a red -colored tag used to You may be issued a pair of electrical safety shoes
prohibit operation of equipment that, if operated, could when you report to your first duty station. You should
jeopardize the safety of personnel or damage wear them whenever you work on or around energized
equipment. Under NO circumstances may equipment equipment for your own safety.
be operated or removed when tagged with a DANGER Take care of your electrical safety shoes. You can
tag (fig. 3-7). clean and shine them just like regular safety shoes. And
when they become worn out or damaged, turn them into
your supply petty officer for a new pair.
Before you tag out apiece of equipment, make sure Electrical safety shoes do not have any exposed
you get your supervisor’s permission. If the equipment metal parts like you might find on regular safety shoes.
is mission-critical, you may even need your division They do have special non-conducting soles designed to
officer or department head’s permission to tag out the protect you from electric shock. The soles are rated to
equipment. insulate you from a maximum of 600 volts.
Now go to the Standard Organization and Electrical safety shoes are stocked in the Naval
Regulations of the U.S. Navy, (OPNAVINST 3120.32), Supply System under the National Stock Number
and read chapter 6, section 630.17.6, “Standard Tag- (NSN) 8430-00-611-XXXX. The “XXXX” part of the
Out Procedures,” and return to this manual. NSN specifies the shoe size.

Figure 3-7.—DANGER Tag (red in color).

RUBBER GLOVES hazardous operations. In other words, whenever
you’re doing something that could damage your eyes,
There are four classes of rubber insulating gloves, WEAR EYE PROTECTION. Some of the things
the primary features being the wall thickness of the you’ll do that fall into this category are:
gloves and their maximum safe voltage rating. The
Using an electric drill
classes and the maximum safe voltage for which the
gloves can be used are listed in table 3-2. Soldering
Class 0 gloves are available in half-sizes from size Maintaining batteries
9 through size 12.
Cleaning and maintaining equipment using haz-
SAFETY SHORTING PROBE ardous materials
Here are a few things to remember about eye
Some of the electronic equipment you’ll work on protection:
will use large capacitors to filter the electrical power.
You must discharge these capacitors before you can Eye protection isn’t an option; it’s a requirement.
begin any work on the equipment. To do this you will If you’re doing something that calls for eye protection,
need to get a safety shorting probe and follow these take the time to get it and wear it. You can replace a
procedures: scratched pair of goggles, but you can’t replace a
scratched eye.
1. Make sure input power to the equipment has
been secured. Use the appropriate tag-out procedures, if Wear eye protection even when you are just
necessary. “walking around” hazardous activities.
2. Open the equipment to gain access to the After you are through using eye protection
capacitors that need to be discharged. BE CAREFUL equipment, clean it and store it properly.
not to touch any exposed terminals. Large filter
capacitors can store a lot of energy. And if you touch the HEARING PROTECTION
exposed terminals. . . .ZAP!!
3. Connect the flexible ground strap of the safety Hearing loss is a problem in the Navy. Every day,
shorting probe to the metal chassis of the equipment. you’ll be working with and around many noisy
Make sure there is a good metal-to-metal connection. equipments and machinery that could damage your
hearing. And, in most cases, the damage won’t happen
4. While holding the safety shorting probe by its
overnight; it will happen slowly. Your hearing will
plastic handle, touch the metal probe tip to the
degrade until you will not be able to hear the softer
appropriate terminals to be grounded. BE CAREFUL
sounds as well as you could have if you’d worn hearing
not to touch the metal probe tip or the flexible ground
protection. This is commonly called a hearing
strap while the probe is in contact with the terminals of
threshold shift. It simply means that the more you are
the capacitor. Repeat this step two or three times to
exposed to damaging levels of noise, the louder normal
ensure the capacitor is completely discharged.
sounds must be for you to hear them.
Approved safety shorting probes are stocked by the
You must start NOW to protect yourself from
Naval Stock System.
hearing loss. OPNAVINST 5100.23 states that
“hearing protective devices shall be worn by all
personnel when they must enter or work in an area
As an Electronics Technician, you depend heavily where the operations generate noise levels of greater
on your sense of sight in performing your job. To help than 84 decibels.”
protect your eyesight, you should know (1) when to
wear eye protection, and (2) which eye protection to
Recall from chapter 2 the discussion of hazardous
The Navy Occupational Safety and Health paints, solvents, and other materials associated with the
(NAVOSH) Program Manual (OPNAVINST 5100.23), cleaning and maintenance of electronic equipment and
states that you are required to wear appropriate eye antennas. We cannot emphasize too strongly the
protective equipment when performing eye importance of using the proper respiratory protection

when you use these materials. Be sure to ask your must be installed in one continuous run, at least 36"
supervisor about the need for respiratory protection wide, and must extend at least 24" past each end of the
whenever you: workbench. If you must work on energized equipment
located in an area where rubber matting is not installed,
Chip lead or chromate based paints while re- protect yourself from electrical shock by using a 6-foot
moving corrosion. piece of rubber matting as a portable safety deck. When
Prime and paint the bases of antennas. you’re done, roll it up and store it for the next job.
Clean circuits with spray solvents and alcohol. Rubber matting does a great job of protecting you
from electric shock. But, it won’t do it for long if you
Whenever you perform these operations, be sure don’t take care of it. Here area couple of tips for keeping
the work area has good ventilation. This will help the insulating properties of rubber matting intact:
prevent you from inhaling hazardous vapors and dusts.
1. Always keep rubber matting clean and free of
DECK INSULATING MATERIAL any excess dirt, oils, or oil-based products. When you
clean rubber matting, don’t use any abrasive cleaners or
electric buffers. If you do, you will ruin its insulating
Your working environment should have deck
insulating material (more commonly called rubber
matting) to protect you and your shipmates from 2. Periodically inspect the rubber matting for cuts,
electric shock. It must be installed wherever work is cracks, or excessive wear. If you notice any of these
done on energized electrical and electronic equipment, conditions, replace the entire piece of rubber matting.
This includes electronic repair shops that have Throughout this volume we have discussed safety
workbenches to work on electronic equipment. issues that are important to Electronics Technicians.
The rubber matting should be rated for use in areas Now, you must take this knowledge and apply it to your
where the maximum voltage won’t exceed 3000 volts. It everyday job. Remember, SAFETY FIRST.



Afloat Safety Program, OPNAVINST 5100.21A, Chief Naval Ships’ Technical Manual, Chapter 670, Stowage,
of Naval Operations, Washington, DC, 1991. Handling, and Disposal of Hazardous General Use
Consumables, NAVSEA S9086-WK-STM-010/
Cryptologic Technician Training Series, Module 14, CH-670, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washing-
CTM Safety, NAVEDTRA A95-14-44-89, Naval ton, DC, 1987.
Education and Training Program Management
Protection of DOD Personnel from Exposure to Radio
Support Activity, Pensacola, FL, 1989. Frequency Radiation, DODINST 6055.11, Depart-
Electronics Installation and Maintenance Book, Gen- ment of Defense, Washington, DC, 1986.
eral, NAVSEA SE000-00-EIM-100, Naval Sea Radiation Health Protection Manual, NAVMED
Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1983. P–5055, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Wash-
ington, DC, 1990.
Electronics Installation and Maintenance Book, Ra-
diac, NAVSEA 097-LP-000-0050, Naval Sea Sys- Shipboard Management Guide for Polychlorinated Bi-
phenyls (PCBs), NAVSEA S9593-A1-MAN-010,
tems Command, Washington, DC, 1971.
Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC,
Military Standard Marking for Shipment and Storage, 1986.
MIL-STD-129L, U.S. Army Material Command Standard Organization and Regulations Manual
Packaging, Storage, and Containerization Center, (SORM) of the U.S. Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32B,
Tobyhanna, PA, 1990. Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC, 1986.
Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Pro- Technical Manual for Batteries, Navy Lithium Safety
gram Manual, OPNAVINST 5100.23B, Chief of Program Responsibilities and Procedures,
Naval Operations, Washington, DC, 1991. NAVSEA S9310-AQ-SAF-010, Naval Sea Sys-
tems Command, Washington, DC, 1988.
Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Pro-
Technical Manual, Electromagnetic Radiation Haz-
gram Manual for Forces Afloat, OPNAVINST
ards (U) (Hazards to Personnel, Fuel, and other
5100.19B, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, Flammable Materials) (U), Volume I, NAVSEA
DC, 1989. OP-3565, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washing-
Naval Ships’ Technical Manual, Chapter 300, Electric ton, DC, 1989.
Plant General, NAVSEA S9086-KC-STM-000/ Technical Manual, Electromagnetic Radiation Haz-
CH-300, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washing- ards (U) (Hazards to Ordnance) (U), Volume II,
NAVSEA OP-3565, Naval Sea Systems Com-
ton, DC, 1989.
mand, Washington, DC, 1989.
Naval Ships’ Technical Marual, Chapter 400, Elec-
Technical Manual, LASER Safety, SPAWAR E0410-
tronics, NAVSEA S9086-ND-STM-000/CH-400, BA-GYD-010\7034 LASER, Space and Naval
Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, Warfare Systems Command, Washington, DC,
1981. 1988.


Electric shock, 3-1 Protective equipments, 3-12
avoiding, 3-3 deck insulating material, 3-12
definition, 3-1 electrical safety shoes, 3-13
rescuing victims, 3-3 eye protection, 3-13
severity, 3-1 hearing protection, 3-13
Electromagnetic radiation hazards, 3-6 rubber gloves, 3-13
laser hazards to personnel, 3-6 safety shorting probe, 3-13
rf hazards to personnel, 3-6
Electrostatic discharge precautions, 3-4 S

H Safety responsibilities, 1-9

command safety officer, 1-9
Hazardous materials, 2-1 commanding officer, 1-9
information, 2-1 department safety officer, 1-10
recognizing, 2-1 division safety officer, 1-10
safety precautions, 2-3 division safety petty officer, 1-10
stowage requirements, 2-9 personal safety, 1-11
types, 2-1
Tag–out bill, 3-7
Measuring voltage on energized equipments, 3-3 caution tag, 3-11
voltage above 300 volts, 3-4 danger tag, 3-12
voltage below 300 volts, 3-3 tag–out documents, 3-8
Mishap causes, 1-3 tag–out procedures, 3-12
behavioral factors, 1-6 tag–out responsibilities, 3-7
communications problems, 1-8
Types of hazardous materials, 2-1
equipment design factors, 1-8
aerosol containers, 2-4
inadequate or outdated procedures, 1-6
batteries, 2-5
inadequate safety precautions, 1-6
cathode–ray tubes, 2-8
inadequate training and experience, 1-4
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 2-5
medical factors, 1-7
solvents, 2-4
Mishap prevention, 1-8 vacuum tubes, 2-7

Assignment Questions

Information: The text pages that you are to study are

provided at the beginning of the assignment questions.
Textbook Assignment: "Naval Safety," chapter 1, pages 1-1 through 1-9; “Hazardous
Materials," chapter 2, pages 2-1 through 2-9; and “Electronic
Safety," chapter 3, pages 3-1 through 3-13.

1-1. Which of the following occurrences 1-7. Of the following factors, which
is/are basic to a mishap? forms the basis of mishap
1. A planned or intentional event
2. Contact that causes injury or 1. Mishaps are caused
property damage 2. Tools are unsafe
3. Stops or interrupts work 3. Training is inadequate
4. Both 2 and 3 above 4. Equipment is designed
1-2. In what year were safety engineers
assigned to each major shipyard? 1-8. MAA/Safety Force personnel are
roving inspectors for hazards that
1. 1917 could result in injury to
2. 1929 personnel or damage to equipment.
3. 1947
4. 1951 1. True
2. False
1-3. What is/are the number one cause
of mishaps? 1-9. Hazards that may cause severe
injury, severe occupational
1. Equipment illness, or major property damage
2. Weather are assigned what category?
3. Personnel
4. Broken tools 1. I
2. II
1-4. Who is the designated occupational 3. III
safety and health (OSH) official 4. IV
for the Department of the Navy?
1-10. If you are assigned a task that is
1. Chief of Naval Operations beyond your skill level, you
2. Vice Chief of Naval Operations should take which of the following
3. Secretary of the Navy actions?
4. Assistant Secretary of the
Navy 1. Skim over the technical
documents before starting
1–5. Who monitors safety and 2. Take shortcuts to finish the
occupational health statistics and task and look good to your
provides direct support and supervisor
assistance to fleet units in 3. Tell your supervisor and ask
safety matters? for assistance
4. Refuse to do the work
1. Chief, Bureau of Medicine and
Surgery 1-11. There is no need to review all
2. Chief, Naval Education and precautions for a task you have
Training preformed many times before.
3. Commander,Naval Sea Systems
Command 1. True
4. Commander,Naval Safety Center 2. False
1-6. Which of the following OPNAV 1-12. Behavior that leads to a mishap is
instructions covers the Navy usually caused by which of the
Occupational Safety and Health following problems?
1. Undesirable attitudes
1. 5100.12 2. Lack of knowledge
2. 5100.19 3. Undesirable motivations
3. 5100.21 4. Both 1 and 3 above
4. 5100.23

1-13. What type of motivation can cause 1-20. When you need to delay correcting
“jury-rigged” equipment? an unsafe condition, which of the
following actions should you take?
1. Motivation to gain approval
2. Motivation to save time 1. Take whatever temporary
3. Motivation to maintain precaution you need to protect
personal comfort yourself
2. Take whatever temporary
1-14. Which of the following are precautions you need to
incentives for specific acts? protect yourself and your
1. Attitudes 3. Send a memo to your supervisor
2. Unique past experiences 4. Send a memo to your division
3. Motivations officer
1-15. Which of the following is NOT a 1-21. Commanding officers can delegate
symptom of fatigue? their responsibilities for safety
of all personnel under their
1. Boredom command to the executive officer.
2. Confusion
3. Impatience 1. True
4. Irritability 2. False
1-16. Which of the following statements 1-22. Factors that can contribute to
pertains to a mishap probability worker caused mishaps include
assigned subcategory B?
1. lack of experience, outdated
1. It is likely to occur procedures
immediately 2. negative motivation
2. It will probably occur in time 3. medical and communication
3. It is unlikely to occur problems
4. all of the above
1-17. Which of the following problems
can cause a communication problem 1-23. The quantity of hazardous material
and lead to a mishap? stored in the work space should be
limited to what amount?
1. A breakdown in the passing of
information 1. Enough for one work shift
2. Misunderstanding information 2. Enough for one week
3. Language weakness 3. Enough for one month
4. All of the above
1-18. What law assures safe and
healthful working conditions for A. CARBON-ZINC DRY-CELL BATTERY
every worker in the United States?
1. The Navy Safety Program
2. The Occupational Safety and C. MANGANESE-DIOXIDE ALKALINE-ZINC
3. The Congressional Act on Safe
Working Conditions D. LEAD-ACID CELL BATTERY
4. The Consolidated Labor Union
1-19. What is the objective of the F. NICKEL-CADMIUM CELL BATTERY
Navy’s mishap prevention program?
1. To investigate all mishaps Figure 1-A.—Types of batteries
2. To prevent mishaps from
3. To prevent mishaps from
4. Both 2 and 3

IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1-24 THROUGH 1-29, 1-30. What group is responsible for the
REFER TO FIGURE 1-A. MATCH THE TYPE OF proper stowage of hazardous
BATTERY IN FIGURE 1-A WITH ITS MOST material in an area under their
CORRECT CHARACTERISTIC(S) AND HAZARD(S) cognizance on board ships?
1. The supply department
1-24. Used in most cordless, recharge- 2. Individual work center
able equipment; should not be personnel
stored in an area where lead-acid 3. Both 1 and 2 above
batteries are stored.
1-31. You should never remove a cathode-
1. A ray tube unless its high voltage
2. C anode has been charged.
3. D
4. F 1. True
2. False
1-25. Commonly called mercury cells;
small and powerful; should not be 1-32. The form and appearance of PCBs
exposed to heat over 400 can range from oily liquids to
degrees F. crystalline solids.
1. A 1. True
2. B 2. False
3. D
4. E 1-33. All hazardous material and
hazardous material containers do
1-26. Most widely used wet-cell battery; not have to be labeled.
battery gases are extremely
explosive; contains sulfuric acid. 1. True
2. False
1. B
2. C 1-34. If you dispense a hazardous
3. D material into an unlabeled
4. F container, what must you do?
1-27. Has high energy; is long lasting; 1. Place a large red “X” on the
could release toxic gases or outside of the container
explode. 2. Use all of the dispensed
material within 1 hour and
1. A then dispose of the container
2. B 3. Both 1 and 2 above
3. C 4. Indicate on the new container
4. D the same label information
shown on the original
1-28. Commonly called an alkaline container
battery; used in portable radios;
safety precautions same as for 1-35. Which of the following items must
carbon-zinc batteries. manufacturers of hazardous
materials provide for users?
1. B
2. C 1. Information sheets on all
3. E hazardous materials they
4. F produce
2. A material safety data sheet
1-29. Most common battery in the Navy; (MSDS) to the user for each
could explode if put into a fire. hazardous material
3. Both 1 and 2 above
1. A 4. Protective clothing
2. D
3. E 1-36. Where are the MSDSs for a work
4. F center located at shore stations?
1. At the main supply center
2. Within the work center
3. The Safety Officer’s files
4. At public works

1-37. What is the background color of 1-44. Which of the following is a label
the DOT hazardous material used by the Navy on hazardous
shipping symbols for non-flammable material?
1. Department of Defense
1. Red Hazardous Chemical Warning
2. Orange Label
3. Yellow 2. Supply Corps Identification
4. Green Label
3. Department of the Navy
1-38. You have the authority to relabel Identification Label
properly labeled hazardous 4. Supply Department Hazardous
material. Warning Label
1. True 1-45. In which section of the Tag-Out
2. False Log will you find DANGER/CAUTION
tag-out record sheets that have
1-39. Which of the following actions been cleared and are no longer in
should you take when using effect?
hazardous solvents?
1. 2
1. Spray solvents on electrical 2. 3
windings only 3. 4
2. Apply cleaning solvents to 4. 5
heated elements only
3. Ensure there is adequate 1-46. The instrument log is found in
ventilation which section of the Tag-Out Log?
4. Place all rags used with the
solvents in an open container 1. 1
outside of the workspace 2. 2
3. 3
1-40. Which types of solvents are the 4. 4
1-47. DANGER/CAUTION tag-out record
1. Oil-based sheets that are still in effect
2. Petrolatum-based are kept in which section of the
3. Ammonia-based Tag-Out Log?
4. Water-based
1. 1
1-41. What should you do before using an 2. 2
aerosol container? 3. 3
4. 5
1. Clear the area of all
personnel 1-48. Which of the following is the
2. Read the label greatest hazard associated with
3. Point the can away from you working aloft?
and test it
4. Remove the label 1. The danger of a fall
2. The dropping of objects
1-42. Which of the following information 3. Radiation burns
is contained on an MSDS? 4. Asphyxiation
1. Ingredients and identity 1-49. An RF burn is the result of RF
information voltages passing through the body.
2. Transportation data
3. An emergency phone number 1. True
4. All of the above 2. False
1-43. All equipment and cabinets 1-50. Which of the following is the best
containing in-service PCB basic description of a laser beam?
capacitors must be marked with a
label similar to the one shown in 1. A concentrated beam of
figure 2-3 of the text. infrared light
2. A concentrated beam of medical
1. True X-rays
2. False 3. A concentrated beam of optical
4. A concentrated beam of

1-51. When removing or replacing an ESDS IN ANSWERING QUESTION 1-56, REFER TO
device, which of the following TABLE 3-1 OF THE TEXT.
actions should you take?
1-56. What is the “can’t let go” current
1. Ensure that you are grounded in milliamperes for a person
2. Move around, so you don't weighing 175 pounds?
build up a static charge
3. Hold the device through 1. 10.0
electrostatic-free wrap if 2. 16.0
possible 3. 18.0
4. Both 1 and 3 above 4. 65.0
1-52. When measuring voltage above 300 1-57. Voltages over 240 volts will burn
volts, you should attach the test through the skin and leave deep
probe while the equipment is de- third-degree burns where the
energized. charge enters the body.
1. True 1. True
2. False 2. False
1-53. What is the first action that you 1-58. What is the resistance, in ohms,
should take if you see someone between major extremities of an
being shocked? average human body?
1. Call for medical personnel 1. 500
2. Secure the area 2. 1000
3. Remove the victim from the 3. 1500
live circuit 4. 2000
4. Secure the power
1-59. Of the following, which is the
1-54. Information on equipment grounding most dangerous path current can
can be found in which of the take through the body?
following publications?
1. Hand to hand
1. NAVEDTRA 12052 2. Left hand to either foot
2. SECNAVINST 5216.5C 3. Right hand to either foot
3. MIL-STD-1310 4. Foot to foot
4. SPCCINST 4441.170
1-60. Which of the following factors
1-55 . How much time, in seconds, is cause(s) electric shock?
required for 44 milliamperes to
cause your heart to begin 1. Current
fibrillation? 2. Voltage
3. Low body resistance
1. 3 4. Both 2 and 3 above
2. 7
3. 14 1-61. When personnel work aloft, a
4. 30 verbal warning must be passed over
the 1MC prior to commencement of
the work and at what time
intervals,in minutes, until the
work is completed?
1. 5
2. 10
3. 15
4. 20
1-62. Whose permission is required to
work aloft?
1. Officer of the Deck
2. Commanding officer
3. Operations officer
4. Engineer officer

1-63. Only qualified ship’s force 1-65. When tag requirements have been
personnel may perform the second identified and the affected
check of tag installation. system will be rendered out-of-
commission as a result of the
1. True tag-out, the authorizing officer
2. False must obtain permission from which
of the following individuals prior
1-64. The number “70” in tag number to effecting the tag-out?
70-16 represents which of the
following information? 1. Commanding officer
2. Operations officer
1. The last two digits of the 3. Cognizant Department head
Julian date 4. Both 1 and 3 above
2. The log serial number
3. The tag number

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