Pmgsy Nit 1 PDF

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No. 2788 /22/D-12/MPRRDA/2013

Bhopal, Dated


Chief General Manager, on behalf of M.P. Rural Road Development Authority invites online sealed percentage rate tenders from Contractors registered in appropriate class with MPPWD or Contractors of equivalent categories registered with other State/Central Government department, institutions, undertakings and authorities on Standard Schedule of Rate given below for each of the following works of Construction/Upgradation of Rural Road under Integrated Action Plan Including maintenance for Five Year after construction. IAP is fully funded by the

Ministry of the Rural Development, Govt. of India. 1. SSR applicable - SSR issued by M.P. Rural Road Development Authority, effective from 15.06.2011 and
amended up to issue date of NIT. PAC in Lakhs S. No. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Name of District 2 Dindori Seoni Seoni Seoni Seoni Shahdol Shahdol Shahdol Umaria Name of PIU 3 Dindori-1 Seoni-1 Seoni-1 Seoni-1 Seoni-1 Shahdol-1 Shahdol-1 Shahdol-2 Umaria 2 Package No. 4 MP 12-I-45 MP36-I-118 MP36-I-119 MP36-I-123 MP36-I-125 MP 38-I-86 MP 38-I- 88 MP 38-I-94 MP44-I-41 No. of Roads 5 3 2 4 5 2 6 9 4 3 Length (in Km) 6 16.33 12.60 20.30 9.75 10.40 19.80 16.09 16.38 8.475 Construction Cost 7 473.82 398.15 626.01 283.37 320.32 498.17 446.79 520.99 265.58 Maintenance Cost 8 23.83 18.38 29.62 14.23 15.18 28.90 23.47 23.89 12.38 Total Cost 9 497.65 416.53 655.63 297.60 335.50 527.07 470.26 544.88 277.96 Cost of tender document 10 14400 14400 19400 14400 14400 19400 14400 19400 14400

NOTE:Performance Security to be deposited at the time of agreement is 2.5% only.

1. The amount of earnest money is 1% of PAC rounded off to the nearest thousand rupees. Original Earnest Money Deposit Instrument should reach either in the Office of the concerned PIU or Head office, Bhopal by 12.03.2013 upto 15:00 pm. Scanned copy of the E.M.D. instrument is to be uploaded online along with the bid documents. Affidavit as required in para4.4 B (a) (ii) of SBD (ITB) should be submitted in original with EMD. 2. Time allowed for completion of each package PAC upto Rs.10.00 crore is 12 months and for packages with PAC more than Rs.10.00 crore is 18 months including rainy season. 3 4. The site for the work is available. Bid documents consisting of qualification information and eligibility criterion of bidders, plans, specifications, drawings, the schedule of quantities of the various classes of work to be done and the set of terms & conditions of contract to be complied with by the Contractor can be seen online on the website Tender documents will be issued online from as per time schedule mentioned in Key Dates after making online payment of service charges Rs. 606/- through Debit Card/Cash Card or Internet Banking. Technical bids will be opened

online as per time schedule mentioned in Key Dates in the office of concerned General Manager, Project Implementation Unit . If the office happens to be closed on the date of opening of the bids as specified, the bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time and venue. Contractors submitting Tender online, if awarded work, will have to sign agreement on the authentic copy of the tender document, available in the office of GM PIU concerned. 5 Technical bids will be opened online as per time schedule mentioned in Key Dates in the office of concerned General Manager, Project Implementation Unit. If the office happens to be closed on the date of opening of the bids as specified, the bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time and venue. Financial bid shall be opened online as per time schedule mentioned in Key Dates. To qualify for award of the Contract, each bidder should have in the last five years: a. achieved in any one year during last 5 years a minimum financial turnover (as certified by CA and atleast 50% of which is from civil engineering construction works only) volume of construction work of at least 75% of estimated cost of works (in case of packages less than 2 Cr. this is 60% ) excluding maintenance cost for five years, for which bid has been invited. The turnover will be indexed at the rate of 8 percent for a year, b. and satisfactorily completed, as prime Contractor, at least one similar work equal in value to one-third of the estimated cost of work (excluding maintenance cost for five years) for which the bid is invited. If any contractor has satisfactory completed work in which the cost of the following individual items or combination thereof constitutes to one-third of the amount put to tender, he shall be treated to have satisfied the requirement of similar work qualification laid down in Clause 4.4.A (b) of I.T.B. i. Earthwork has been carried out with compaction at optimum moisture content and/or

6 7

ii. Construction of granular sub-base, water bound macadam sub- base course or base course, wet mix macadam base course, bituminous base course or surface course. iii. Masonry/ concrete work as are required for construction of rigid pavement or CD works in PMGSY road. c. he should also fulfil qualifying criterion laid down in Para 4.4 to 4.7 of (ITB) of tender document. 8 Bids must be accompanied by the earnest money of the required amount. The earnest money will have to be in any one of the forms as specified in the bidding documents. The bid for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of ninety days from the date of opening of bids. If any bidder/ tenderer withdraws his bid/ tender before the said period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid, the said earnest money shall stand forfeited.

10 A bidder shall not be permitted to bid for works in the Project Implementation Unit responsible for award and execution of contracts in which his or his spouses near relative(s) (defined as first blood relations, and their spouses) is/are posted as Accountant/Accounts Officer or as an officer in any capacity between the grades of General Manager and Sub-Engineer (both inclusive). 11 No Engineer of gazetted rank or other Gazetted officer employed in Engineering or Administrative duties in an Engineering Department of the State Government is allowed to work as a Contractor for a period of two years after his retirement from Government service, without Government permission. If the contractor or any of his employees is found at any time to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of the Government as aforesaid, before submission of the tender or engaged in the Contractors service. His contract is liable to be cancelled and earnest money will be forfeited, ( Conditions of Para 12 to 16 are applicable to packages with PAC Rs. 10 crore or more.)

12. Clause 3.1 of ITB (Tender document) is replaced by the following: 3.1 This Invitation for Bids is open to all eligible bidders meeting the eligibility criteria as defined in ITB. The applicant should be a private or government-owned legal entity or any combination of them with a formal intent to enter into an agreement of a Joint Venture (JV). In case of a JV, a) all partners to the JV shall be jointly and severally liable; and b) a JV shall nominate a representative who shall have the authority to conduct all business for and on behalf of any and all the partners of the JV during the pre-qualification process and, in the event the JV is pre-qualified, during the bidding process, and in the event the JV is awarded the Contract, during contract execution. 13. Clause 4.3 of ITB is replaced by; 4.3 Joint Ventures are allowed. Bids submitted by a Joint Venture (JV) of not more than three firms as partners shall comply with the following requirements: a) There shall be a Joint Venture Agreement (Refer Annexure I attached) specific for these contract packages between the constituent firms, indicating clearly, amongst other things, the proposed distribution of responsibilities both financial as well as technical for execution of the work amongst them. For the purpose of this clause, the most experienced lead partner will be the one defined. A copy of the Joint Venture agreement in accordance with requirements mentioned in Annexure -1 shall be submitted with the technical bid. b) The bid, and in the case of the successful bidder, the Form of Agreement, etc., shall be signed and / or executed in such a manner as may be required for making it legally binding on all partners (including operative parts of the ensuing Contract in respect of Agreement of Arbitration, etc.). On award of work, the Form of Agreement and Contract Documents shall be signed by all partners of the Joint Venture to conclude Contract Agreement. c) Lead partner shall be nominated as being partner-in-charge; and this authorization shall be evidenced by submitting a power of attorney signed by the legally authorized signatories of all the partners. d) The partner-in-charge shall be authorized to incur liabilities and to receive instructions for and on behalf of the partners of the Joint Venture, whether jointly or severally, and entire execution of the Contract (including payment) shall be carried out exclusively through the partner-in-charge. A copy of the said authorization shall be furnished in this Bid. e) All partners of the Joint Venture shall be liable jointly and severally for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the Contract terms, and a relevant statement to this effect shall be included in the authorization mentioned under sub clause (c) above as well as in the Form of Tender and the Form of Agreement (in case of a successful bidder). f) In the event of default by any partner, in the execution of his part of the Contract, the Employer shall be so notified within 30 days by the partner-in-charge, or in the case of the partner-in-charge being the defaulter, by the partner nominated as partner-in-charge of the remaining Joint Venture. The partner-in-charge shall, within 30 days of the said notice, assign the work of the defaulting partner to any other equally competent party acceptable to the Employer to ensure the execution of that part of the Contract, as envisaged at the time of bid. Failure to comply with the above provisions will make the Contractor liable for action by the Employer under .the Conditions of Contract. If the Most Experienced i.e. Lead Partner defined as such in the Communication approving the qualification defaults, it shall be construed as default of the Contractor and Employer will take action under the Conditions of Contract.

g) Notwithstanding the permission to assigning the responsibilities of the defaulting partner to any other equally competent party acceptable to the Employer as mentioned in sub clause (f) above, all the partners of the Joint Venture will retain the full and undivided responsibility for the performance of their obligations under the Contract and/ or for satisfactory completion of the Works. h) The bid submitted shall include all the relevant information as required under the provisions of Sub-Clause 4.4 of ITB and furnished separately for each partner. 14. Clause 4.4A(a) of ITB is replaced by: 4.4A To qualify for award of the contract, each bidder should have in the last five years:


achieved in any one year during last 5 years a minimum financial turnover (in all cases of civil engineering construction works only) equal to the amount put to tender. The turnover will be indexed at the rate of 8 percent for a year.

15. Clause 4.4A(b) to ITB is not applicable in case of package more than Rs. 10.00 crore.: 16. Clause 4.4D to ITB is added: 4.4D - If bidder is a Joint Venture, the partners would be limited to three (including lead partner). Joint Venture firm shall jointly and severally responsible for completion of the project. Joint Venture must fulfill the following minimum qualification requirement. 1. 2. The lead partner shall meet not less than 50% of qualification criteria given in sub-clause 4.4 A (a) of ITB above. Each of the remaining partners shall meet not less than 25% of all the qualifying criteria given in sub-clause 4.4 A (a) of ITB above. 3. The Joint Venture must also collectively satisfy the subject of the criteria of Clause 4.4 B and 4.4 C of ITB for this purpose the relevant figures for each of the partners shall be added together to arrive at the Joint Venture total capacity which shall be 100% of more. 4. In the event that the Employer has caused to disqualify under Clause 4.7 of ITB all of the Joint Venture partners will be disqualified. 5. Joint Venture Applicants shall provide a certified copy of the Joint Venture Agreement in demonstration of the partners undertaking joint and several liabilities for the performance of any contract entered into before award of work. 6. The available bid capacity of the JV as required under Clause 4.6 of ITB will be applied for each partner to the extent of his proposed participation in the execution of the work. The total bid capacity available shall be more than estimated contract value. 17. Contractors who are debarred by MPRRDA are not allowed to participate in the tenders unless otherwise decided by MPRRDA. 18. For maintenance there is lump sum per km/per year provision in the tender document, therefore contactor need not to quote the rates for the same in their offer. Rate for maintenance, if any, quoted by the contractor will be of no consequence. 19. Conditions given in this NIT will prevail over the conditions given in the tender document if they are inconsistent with the conditions of NIT. 20. Information relating to work in hand should be given showing the name of department agreement no. etc. 21. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents. Key Dates

S. No 1 2 3 4

MPRRDA Stage Tender Preparation And Release of NIT -

Contractor Stage Tender Purchase - Online Tender Download Submit of Bid - Hash

Start Date & Time Expiry Date & Time 15.02.2013 10:30 20.02.2013 10:30 20.02.2013 10:30 20.02.2013 10:30 19.02.2013 22:00 05.03.2013 17:30 06.03.2013 17:30 07.03.2013 17:30

Online 5 6 7 8 Close for Bidding Generation of Super Hash Open EMD & Technical Bid Open Financial / Price-Bid Submit Bids Online - Reencryption 08.03.2013 10:30 09.03.2013 10:30 12.03.2013 15:30 15.03.2013 10:30 08.03.2013 23:00 11.03.2013 17:30 13.03.2013 17:30 15.03.2013 17:30

Note:- Last date for submission of EMD, cost of bid document and original affidavit upto 15:00 P.M. on dated 12.03.2013.
Chief General Manager Madhya Pradesh Rural Road Development Authority, Bhopal Bhopal, Dated: 13 /02/2013

Endt No. 2789 /22/D-12/MPRRDA/2013 Copy to:-

1. Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, Rural Development Departments Govt. of India Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. 2. Secretary, Public Works Departments / Agriculture Department / Finance Department Mantralaya Bhopal 3. Commissioners Public Relation, Ban Ganga Bhopal. 4. Engineer in Chief Public Works Departments, Satpura Bhawan, Bhopal. 5. Chief Engineer, Public Works Departments, Jabalpur/ Gwalior / Indore/ Bhopal /National Highway / Bridge. 6. Managing Director Rajya Setu Nigam, Arera Hills, Bhopal. 7. Chief Engineer, Central Public Works Departments, Nirman Sadan, Arera Hills, Bhopal. 8. All Divisional Commissioners 9. All Collectors 10. Chief Executive Officers, Zilla Panchayat (all). 11. Chief General Manager, MPRRDA, Indore, Rewa & Jabalpur. 12. General Manager Programme Implementation Units (All).

Chief General Manager Madhya Pradesh Rural Road Development Authority, Bhopal

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