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Da Pam 600-3-35 - Intelligence

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Department of the Army

Pamphlet 600–3–35

Branch Code 35


Department of the Army
Washington, DC
1 August 1987

DA PAM 600–3–35
Military Intelligence

Not applicable.

Headquarters *Department of the Army
Department of the Army Pamphlet 600–3–35
Washington, DC
1 August 1987

Branch Code 35

Military Intelligence

Army electronic publishing database. No

content has been changed.
Summary. Not applicable.
Applicability. Not applicable.
Proponent and exception authority.
Not applicable.
Suggested Improvements. For further
information, write:
US Army Intelligence School
Fort Huachuca , AZ 85613–7000

History. This publication has been

reorganized to make it compatible with the Distribution. Not applicable.

Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number)

What is It? • 1, page 1
Why Military Intelligence? • 2, page 3
Where Might You Serve As a Military Intelligence Officer? • 3, page 3
What Kinds of Jobs (assignments) Can You Expect? • 4, page 5
What About Opportunities For Formal Military or Civilian Education? • 5, page 6
How Might You Join the Military Intelligence Corps? • 6, page 7

Figure List

Figure 2: Strategic Intelligence, page 1

Figure 3: Imagery Intelligence, page 1
Figure 4: Intelligence is For the Commander, page 2
Figure 5: The Human Intelligence, page 3
Figure 6: Where Might You Serve As a Military Intelligence Officer?, page 4
Figure 7: MI position requirements by AOC at major activities, page 4
Figure 8: Jobs listing, page 6
Figure 9: Opportunities For Formal Military or Civilian Education, page 7

*This pamphlet supersedes DA Pam 600–3–35, April 1982, DA Pam 600–3–36, April 1982 and DA Pam 600–3–37, April 1987

DA PAM 600–3–35 • 1 August 1987 i

1. What is It?
a. Military Intelligence (MI), Branch Code 35 includes six areas of concentration (AOC) in which officers may be
trained, and several specific skills. Each AOC involves intelligence discipline training (imagery, human, or signals
intelligence) or approaches the entire intelligence process from a tactical or strategic vantage point. Approximately 60
percent of MI positions are found within CONUS; the remaining 40 percent are located overseas.
b. Strategic Intelligence (35B) officers are trained in the operations and structure of the national intelligence system
and will use their knowledge of all source intelligence collection and analysis to support strategic planning and policy

Figure 2. Strategic Intelligence

c. Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) officers receive AOC 35C training to plan airborne reconnaissance and surveillance
operations and to exploit the resultant photo, radar, infrared, or electro–optical product. IMINT platforms are found at
tactical and strategic levels and belong to several services, so IMINT officers may be assigned to joint or single–ser-
vice jobs at all levels.

Figure 3. Imagery Intelligence

DA PAM 600–3–35 • 1 August 1987 1

d. Of all MI AOCs, 35D, Tactical Intelligence, represents the baseline training all newly branched officers receive.
The MI Corps expects all its officers to possess a solid understanding of the maneuver commander’s intelligence
requirements and how to task collection resources and to analyze their products in support of those requirements.
Although 35D positions are concentrated at Echelons Corps and Below (ECB), tactical intelligence knowledge and
expertise are essential on some non–tactical staffs as well.

Figure 4. Intelligence is For the Commander

e. The Human Intelligence (HUMINT) AOC are 35E and 35F, Counterintelligence (CI) and sensitive Human Source
Intelligence Collection. CI officers are trained to serve at tactical, non–tactical, and strategic levels, neutralizing hostile
foreign intelligence efforts to conduct espionage, sabotage, and subversive activities against the U. S. Army.
f. HUMINT collection or Area Intelligence officers receive intensive training to prepare them for non–tactical and
strategic duties involving the development, conduct, and supervision of sensitive collection operations to satisfy
national and theater–level intelligence requirements.

2 DA PAM 600–3–35 • 1 August 1987

Figure 5. The Human Intelligence

g. Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) officers are awarded AOC 35G upon completion of technical training in the
acquisition and analysis of enemy radio/radar transmissions and emissions and in the tactics of Electronic Warfare
(EW). SIGINT skills are highly technical in nature, with assignment opportunities from the lowest tactical echelon to
the highest strategic decision making level.

2. Why Military Intelligence?

a. The ultimate goal of MI is the acquisition and analysis of information on the enemy’s plans and intentions, his
combat capabilities and limitations, and his own intelligence collection apparatus.
b. The MI needs of today’s defense establishment are enormously complex and require the skills of all intelligence
disciplines. In tactical units, combat intelligence permits the commander to “see the battlefield” — to grasp the
significance of terrain, weather, and the enemy situation. At the national level, strategic intelligence provides a basis
for plans and strategy and is a critical component of foreign policy. All disciplines provide indications and warning
intelligence and serve as effective deterrents to actual hostilities. Whether they collect and analyze images of enemy
formations, listen to command communications channels, or investigate potential espionage attempts, intelligence
officers use their training in daily defense of national security.

3. Where Might You Serve As a Military Intelligence Officer?

a. There are approximately 4,900 MI Branch duty position requirements worldwide, to which trained intelligence
officers may be assigned. The Combat Electronic Warfare Intelligence (CEWI) structure provides MI officers tactical
troop time, while national level agencies offer strategic staff experience.

DA PAM 600–3–35 • 1 August 1987 3

Figure 6. Where Might You Serve As a Military Intelligence Officer?

b. The following chart depicts the current MI position requirements by AOC at major activities:

Figure 7. MI position requirements by AOC at major activities

4 DA PAM 600–3–35 • 1 August 1987

4. What Kinds of Jobs (assignments) Can You Expect?
a. To better understand the answer to this question, you should first know something about the professional
development goals which apply to all officers managed within the Officer Professional Management System (OPMS).
Your assignment manager and professional development advisor at the U. S. Army Military Personnel Center (MIL-
PERCEN) will help you develop your career within the following professional development goals:
• From the beginning of year 1 through the end of year 8: full qualification in tactical intelligence (AOC 35D) and
training and assignment in another MI AOC, at tactical and/or non–tactical levels. Primacy designation between your
AOCs will play a major role in your serving repetitive tours of increasing responsibility.
• By the end of year 8: May be designated a functional area (depending on the needs of the Army and the MI Corps,
your qualifications, preferences, etc.).
• From the beginning of year 9 through year 20 and beyond: full qualification in your MI AOCs and, as required, your
functional area, through a series of assignments in each.

b. As you progress through your career “phases” (lieutenant to colonel), you may qualify for and be selected to
serve in the following jobs (the listing is not all–inclusive):

DA PAM 600–3–35 • 1 August 1987 5

Figure 8. Jobs listing

5. What About Opportunities For Formal Military or Civilian Education?

a. Selection for military or civilian schooling for the qualified MI officer is a function of the officer’s career phase,
his/her performance and demonstrated potential for advancement, the professional development path set by the branch
proponent and managed by the officer with assistance from branch assignment officers, and the needs of the Army.
b. Not all MI officers follow the same post–commissioning educational pattern (based upon AOC selection), and
Army education requirements are exceedingly diverse. Since space limitations in this pamphlet preclude description of
the many educational programs for which you may qualify during your career, it is essential that you review DA Pam
600–3 and that you maintain close coordination with your MILPERCEN advisors. Career development news is also
highlighted in the proponency newsletters and articles in the MI Magazine. Generally, think of the educational
opportunities for which you may qualify in the following three categories:
• Those for which you need not (and in some instances cannot) apply. You will be considered for selection as a result
of normal career development, e.g., MIOBC, MIOAC, CAS3, et al.
• Those for which you may be selected, whether or not you formally apply, e. g., Defense Language Institute, certain
NSA courses, advanced imagery training, et al.

6 DA PAM 600–3–35 • 1 August 1987

• Those for which consideration for selection is fully contingent upon receipt of your formal application, e. g.,
advanced degree programs, the Defense Intelligence College’s Post–graduate Intelligence Program, the Army Great
Skills Program, et al.

Figure 9. Opportunities For Formal Military or Civilian Education

c. A new education initiative is the Technological Enrichment Program (TEP). Cadets in the senior ROTC program
or in OCS may apply for fully funded masters–level degrees in emerging technologies required by the Army (e. g.,
electronic engineering, artificial intelligence, robotics, et al.). MI Corps requirements for TEP–trained officers are
growing. For more detailed information, consult AR 621–1, Training of Military Personnel at Civilian Institutions.

6. How Might You Join the Military Intelligence Corps?

a. All USMA, ROTC, and OCS cadets who are approaching their commissioning date into the Army are given an
opportunity to formally state their preferences for an Army branch. Depending on the needs of the Army (the current
annual accession ceiling for newly commissioned officers into MI is approximately 215), the cadet’s academic
discipline, and his/her preference, the cadet may be accepted into the MI Corps. Although there are currently no
restrictions on types of academic degrees considered applicable for MI officers, a language, area studies, computer
science, and/or electrical engineering background is highly valuable.
b. Officers commissioned into combat arms branches who compete for indefinite status at the 3.5 year point in their
career, may be rebranched into the MI Corps based on the needs of the Army. These officers will be trained in both
tactical intelligence (AOC 35D) and in another AOC and will be assigned according to the career development
principles described.

DA PAM 600–3–35 • 1 August 1987 7

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