Weeklyagreport Weeklyagreport Weeklyagreport Weeklyagreport: Week Ended On Feb. 28, 2013
Weeklyagreport Weeklyagreport Weeklyagreport Weeklyagreport: Week Ended On Feb. 28, 2013
Weeklyagreport Weeklyagreport Weeklyagreport Weeklyagreport: Week Ended On Feb. 28, 2013
Although there was a good volume of precipitations in most of the agricultural region during the last fifteen days, there are still some areas that have not recovered their moisture level. In addition, the rains arrived late on the north provinces, and consequently, the yields were significantly affected in the NW area; while in the neighboring NE region the soybean crop is still capable of recovering its condition even if partially, since it is passing through its vegetative stage. Therefore the chances of a good harvest yield might be improved. As we mentioned earlier, most of the central strip of the agricultural area has also suffered potential yield losses due to the pod abortions registered during the extended dry, high temperature period, which began at the beginning of January and ceased in mid-February. Most of these plots are now at their grain filling stage, with slim chances of offsetting the losses suffered.
Likewise, the harvest expectations for first seeding plots vary from region to region. In some parts of the north belt area, besides the yield losses for pod abortions, there were uneven births as a consequence of the water excesses accumulated during the seeding/emergence period of the crop. Conversely, the outlook is different in the south areas of Cordoba, north of La Pampa and west of Buenos Aires, where the early seeding plots were sown with good hydric supplies and environment conditions, unlike second or late first seeding plots. Finally, after assessing the response of the crop to the hydric recovery registered since the second half of February, we are forced to adjust the productivity estimation to 48,500,000 tons. The current figure describes a cut by 1.5 M TN (-3%) as compared to the previous report, but it is still around 21.6 % above the volume obtained during the cycle of 11/12 (Production of season 2011/12: 39.9 M TN). Nevertheless, this new projection is subject to the weather conditions of the near future in each region.
The hydric stress that affected part of the national corn producing belt has been softened by precipitations accumulated during the last seven days, coupled with low temperature registers for this period of the year. The plots that were sown during the month of September and early October in the central region of the national agricultural area have not been affected by the drought of January, since they evolved through the critical period of the cycle with good hydric supply. Therefore only the grain filling stage was impacted and the loss of yield should be minimum. However, the area covered at the end of October hit the critical stage at the time of minimum hydric influx and highest temperatures, which produced an irreversible loss of yield. Finally, although the surface sown at later dates also suffered a period of scarce humidity, the area is now at its full critical phase (flowering and fruit set) with good humidity levels and moderate temperatures, which is likely to bring out good yields. On the other hand, these precipitations are delaying the harvest in the areas of Crdoba, Santa Fe, Entre Ros and the north of Buenos Aires. It is important to mention that the first early corn plots were recently collected in the south of Cordoba. The productivity results are so far ranging from regular to very good. Up to date, the harvest of commercial corn registers an increase of 6 %, which represents an overall surface of 225 thousand hectares collected. The yields obtained and the continuous precipitations accumulated over wide areas of the agricultural region for the last 3 weeks allow us to maintain our production estimate of 25,000,000 tons. If such volume is obtained, we will have a record harvest, which will be 16.3 % above the result obtained in the previous cycle (2011/12; 21.5 M TN).
The harvest is in progress over the sunflower belts of Buenos Aires and La Pampa, although it is delayed by the accumulated rains of the last seven days. So far, 35.9 % of the suitable surface was collected, yielding an average of 1.77 TN/HA. In total, more than 620 thousand hectares have been harvested, obtaining a productivity volume of 1.1 MTN. The main sunflower producing area, the southeast of Buenos Aires, has started the harvest. Although a few plots were collected so far, the yields obtained are already in excess of the local historical averages. At the same time, the harvest is progressing in the west, center and southwest of Buenos Aires, and in the north and south of La Pampa. Just like the region mentioned above, the sunflower crop has good prospects today, thanks to the generous hydric supply during the whole cycle. These results allow us to maintain our productivity projection at 3.2 MTN, which if accomplished, it will be 11.1 % below the volume obtained in the previous cycle (3.6 MTN).
2012/13 SEASON As of: Feb. 28, 2013
Zone I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV NOA NEA Ctro N Cba S Cba Ctro N SFe Ncleo Norte Ncleo Sur Ctro E ER N LP-OBA Ctro BA SO BA-S LP SE BA SL Cuenca Sal Otras TOTAL Yield Hectareage (Ha) Percentage Hectares Harvested Harvested (qq/Ha) Sown Lost Harvestable 370.000 15.000 355.000 100 355.000 16,5 3.000 400 2.600 95 2.470 18,0 22.000 700 21.300 32 6.816 17,0 195.000 4.000 191.000 100 191.000 19,0 7.500 120 7.380 48 3.542 24,0 7.000 200 6.800 21 1.428 20,0 9.500 700 8.800 29 2.552 16,0 115.000 14.000 101.000 14 14.140 22,0 27.000 3.000 24.000 12 2.880 20,0 460.000 11.000 449.000 4 15.715 18,0 475.000 13.500 461.500 3 11.538 23,3 32.000 2.000 30.000 17 5.100 14,0 73.000 3.000 70.000 13 9.100 25,0 4.000 250 3.750 16 600 15,0 1.800.000 67.870 1.732.130 35,9 621.881 17,7 Production (Tn) 585.750 4.446 11.587 362.900 8.502 2.856 4.083 31.108 5.760 28.287 26.882 7.140 22.750 900 1.102.952
The harvest of commercial grain sorghum has started in the mid-north region of Santa Fe, yielding results ranging from 4 to 8 TN/HA. The collection covered around 2% of the suitable area. The hydric recovery registered during the last two weeks has helped improve the conditions of the plots sown in most of the agricultural area. The bulk of these plots are currently evolving through reproductive stages that range from mid-flowering to grain filling, with improved harvest yield expectations after the rains. The NE region is the only area with plots mostly passing through vegetative stages (leaf differentiation), aided by precipitations of moderate intensity registered at the start of the week. Therefore, after seeding 1.1 M Has nationwide, our productivity estimation for the ongoing cycle climbs to 5,400,000 tons, which represents a YOY increase near to 32 % compared to the previous season (Cycle 11/12: final production estimated in 4.1 M TN).