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Seminar Abstract

Name of Topic - Application of Mobile Agent Name of Student- Rajnish Kumar Roll No.- 30. Class-B.E (Comp-2) Seminar Guide Prof. C.P.Sonawane. Abstract:
Mobile agent technology facilitates intelligent operation in software system with less human interaction. Major challenge to deployment of mobile agents and preventing unauthorized access to resources between interacting systems, as either hosts, or agents, or both can act maliciously. Mobile agents reduce the network traffic, provides an effective means of overcoming network latency, and perhaps most importantly, through their ability to operate asynchronously and autonomously of the process that created them, helps you to construct more robust and fault-tolerant. Secure mobile agent systems handle the transmission and secure management of mobile agents in a heterogeneous distributed computing environment. It provides users with the option of incorporating their security managers. Security infrastructure is critical for any system for providing the end-user the quality of service. The need for security in mobile paradigm is overwhelming because of its various application in commercial world. We consider a study of various policies and issues regarding the security architecture that are to be considered in the design of mobile systems so that they can be visualized in the commercial area. In mobile agent systems the mobile agent has its runtime environment under the full control of hosts. Therefore the agent must somehow restrict the host from analyzing the unauthorized information. It is known that the agents state is dependent on the runtime environment so one of the approaches for securing the agent is to design a policy

such that the environment in which the agent executes provides the required key with which the agent can start its execution. The Agent pattern introduces several benefits in designing and building agent-based applications, mainly in open, dynamic and distributed contexts such as the Internet. However, at the same time, its adoption raises some challenges and difficulties. This also presents the Agent pattern, a design pattern useful to develop dynamic and distributed applications. The Agent pattern provides a clean and easy way to develop agent-based applications, mainly in open and large-scale distributed environments such as the Internet and application areas such as Electronic Commerce. Among some of the application domains that benefits from mobile agent technology are: personal assistance, secure brokering, distributed information retrieval, telecommunication networks services, workflow applications and groupware, monitoring and notification, information dissemination, and parallel processing.

REFERENCES/ BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] [2] [3] [4] Ulrich Pinsdorf, Jan Peters, Mario Hoffmann and Piklu Gupta, Context-Aware Services based on secure Mobile Agents , Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, Germany , Fraunhofer for Secure Telecooperation. [5] Alberto Silva, Jose Delgado, The Agent Pattern for Mobile Agent Systems,INESC & IST Technical University of Lisbon. [6] Meduri Kiran Kumar ,Policies and Issues of Security in Mobile Agent Systems, University of Southern Califormia,USA.

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