Alternate Endings To Dead Stars
Alternate Endings To Dead Stars
Alternate Endings To Dead Stars
Twisted Endings
Thursday, February 28, 13
Alfredo told Esperanza that he loves Julia very much but Esperanza said she wouldn't allow their love for each other. Alfredo and Esperanza had a ght and then Alfredo accidentally stabbed her with a knife. He buried her in their backyard and never told anyone about the unfortunate accident. He courted Julia and they were married. Julia knew nothing about what his husband did and Esperanza.
One day, a maid confronted her and told her everything she saw that night. The night of the ght, the night of Esperanza's death. Julia grew afraid of her husband and confronted him one night. They fought about it and Julia said that she would leave him. Alfredo grew mad and shot her wife in the head before she even had the chance to go out.
He became crazy. Throwing stuffs to the walls. He took the gun he used to kill Julia and ended his life on earth. It is called dead stars because theyre...well...dead.
Alfredo went home even if he wants to stop Julia Salas from going. But after a year of hoping that she would come back for him, Alfredo realized that he just had an infatuation on Julia, it wasn't love. He realized that it was Ezparanza who he loves. He explained this to Esperanza and she was relieved. They married and lived happily until one day, Julia Salas visited them. She proclaimed that she was madly in love with Alfredo.
But she told her that he is already married with Esperanza and he doesn't love her back. Julia Salas gave up because she knows that there's no chance to be together. She then realized that if she didn't leave before, she could've spent more time with Alfredo. And now, his love for her is same with a dead star. It is not-existent anymore.
Alfredo is conicted to whether stay with Esperanza or to have a new relationship with Julia. He becomes insane due to the insane pressure and tries to kill the two that make his life so complicated. He killed Esperanza rst, thinking that he loved Julia more, but in the end, realized he didnt so he also killed Julia.
But he also realizes he loves Julia, but knowing he killed her, he kills himself. The story is called Dead Stars because, just like how we see stars when they are already dead, Alfredo saw his love for both women when they were not alive anymore.