Wood Drying Chap 1
Wood Drying Chap 1
Wood Drying Chap 1
Properties of Wood
Related to Drying
Commercial wood species 1 Lumber drying is one of the most time- and energy-
Hardwoods and softwoods 2 consuming steps in processing wood products. The
Structural features of wood 2 anatomical structure of wood limits how rapidly wa-
Sapwood and heartwood 4 ter can move through and out of wood. In addition,
Pith 4 the sensitivity of the structure to stresses set up in dry-
Annual growth rings 4 ing limits the drying rate; rapid drying causes defects
Wood rays 4 such as surface and internal checks, collapse, splits,
Grain and texture 5 and warp. Drying time and susceptibility to many dry-
Color 5 ing defects increase at a rate that is more than pro-
Variations in structure 5 portional to wood thickness. The variability of wood
Commercial lumber grades 6 properties further complicates drying. Each species has
Hardwood lumber grades 6 different properties, and even within species, variability
Softwood lumber grades 6 in drying rate and sensitivity to drying defects impose
Wood-moisture relations 7 limitations on the development of standard drying pro-
Free and bound water 8 cedures. The interactions of wood, water, heat, and
Fiber saturation point 8 stress during drying are complex. The purpose of this
Equilibrium moisture content 8 chapter is to describe some of the fundamental prop-
How wood dries 9 erties of wood that are relevant to lumber drying. We
Forces that move water 9 will discuss commercial wood species, wood structure,
Factors that influence drying rate 10 lumber grades, water movement in wood, how wood
Lumber thickness 10 dries, specific gravity and weight of wood, wood shrink-
Specific gravity and weight of wood 10 age, stress development during drying, and electrical
Shrinkage of wood 11 and thermal properties of wood.
Average shrinkage values 12
Shrinkage variability 12
Drying stresses 12
Commercial Wood Species
Electrical properties 13
More than 100 commercially important species of trees
Thermal properties 15
grow in the United States. A similar number of species
Specific heat 15
are imported into the United States, and the potential
Thermal conductivity 15
for additional imported species grows. The lumber pro-
Thermal expansion 16
duced from all of these species varies greatly in drying
Literature cited 16
characteristics. The most commonly used commercial
Sources of additional information 16
names for lumber and the corresponding species names
Tables 17
accepted by the Forest Service for the trees from which
Appendix-Equations for relating
the lumber is cut are given in table 1-1 for domestic
temperature, humidity, and
species and table 1-2 for tropical species. Table 1-1 was
moisture content 39
adapted from the standard nomenclature of domestic
Wet-bulb temperature and relative
hardwoods and softwoods developed by the Ameri-
humidity 39
can Society for Testing and Materials (1981). Tropi-
Relative humidity and equilibrium
cal species follow the nomenclature used by Chudnoff
moisture content 40
(1984). While the commonly used lumber names are
Psychrometric charts 41
generally satisfactory for the buying and selling of lum-
ber, they sometimes refer to lumber from a number of
Chapter 1 was revised by William T. Simpson, species that differ in green moisture content, shrinkage,
Supervisory Research Forest Products Technologist. or drying characteristics. In the tables and indexes of
physical properties and drying schedules given in this
and other chapters, the woods are arranged alphabet-
ically by the common species names accepted by the
Forest Service.
Hardwoods and Softwoods Structural Features of Wood
Trees can be divided into two classes, hardwoods and The structure of wood and the location and amount
softwoods. The hardwoods, such as birch, maple, and of water in wood influence its drying characteristics.
oak, have broad leaves. Some softwoods or conifers, Wood is composed of bark, sapwood, heartwood, and
such as the cedars, have scalelike leaves, while others, pith (fig. 1-1). Each wood cell has a cavity (lumen)
such as pine, Douglas-fir, and spruce, have needlelike and walls composed of several layers arranged in differ-
leaves. ent ways (fig. 1-2). The cell wall constituents are cel-
lulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin. Most of the tubelike
The terms hardwood and softwood are not directly as- cells are oriented parallel to the long axis of the tree
sociated with the hardness or softness of the wood. In and are termed fibers, tracheids, or vessels, depending
fact, such hardwood trees as cottonwood, basswood, on their particular anatomical characteristics and func-
and yellow-poplar have softer wood than such soft- tion. Another type of cell, the wood ray, lies on radial
woods as longleaf pine and Douglas-fir. lines from the center of the tree outward and perpen-
dicular to the length of the tree. Figures 1-3 and 1-4 il-
lustrate the arrangement of cells in softwoods and hard-
woods, which have a similar but not identical anatomy.
Sapwood and Heartwood
Sapwood and heartwood (fig. 1-1) affect the drying of
wood. The sapwood layer next to the bark contains
living cells that actively transport fluids necessary to
the life of the tree. As the tree grows and increases in
diameter by adding new layers of sapwood, the inner
layers die. This inner wood, called heartwood, becomes
infiltrated with gums, resins, and other material. Sap-
wood of softwood species is usually higher in moisture
content than heartwood; sapwood moisture content in
hardwood species is usually somewhat higher than or
about equal to that of heartwood. The infiltration of
gums and other material in heartwood make it more re-
sistant to moisture flow (less permeable) than sapwood,
and thus heartwood usually requires longer drying time.
The lower permeability of heartwood also makes it
more susceptible to certain drying defects (ch. 8), and
so it requires milder drying conditions. Heartwood is
usually darker than sapwood. However, because the
change in color may occur slowly over a period of sev-
era1 years, a band of heartwood may be indistinguish-
able from adjacent sapwood; nevertheless, the heart- Figure 1-6—Annual growth rings. Quartersawn board
wood will not dry easily because it is less permeable. (left) shows edge of annual rings on its broad face;
Heartwood is also usually more resistant to decay and flatsawn board (right) shows side of rings. (M 554)
.some stains than sapwood.
wood varies with species and occurs in the first 5 to Standard thicknesses for rough and surfaced-two-sides
20 years of growth. The structural and physical proper- (S2S) lumber are given in table 1-4.
ties of juvenile wood are considered inferior. From the
standpoint of drying, the main problem is that juvenile This brief summary of grades is not complete and is
wood shrinks more along the grain than mature wood, only intended to offer a general view of how hardwood
and warp is likely to occur during drying. Juvenile lumber is graded. The official grading rules of the Na-
wood is more prevalent in fast-grown plantation trees tional Hardwood Lumber Association should be con-
than in slower grown stands. Species that are grown in sulted for complete details. There are also grading rules
volume in plantations, such as southern pine, present for dimension stock and special finished products such
warp problems in drying. as flooring.
When a log is sawed into lumber, the quality of the Softwood lumber grades can be divided into two cate-
boards varies. The objective of grading is to catego- gories based on use: for construction and for remanu-
rize each board by quality so that it meets the require- facture. Construction lumber is expected to function
ments of the intended end uses. The grade of a board as graded and sized after the primary processing steps
is usually based on the number, character, and location of sawing, drying, and planing. Lumber for remanufac-
of features that may lower its strength, utility, appear- ture is further modified in size and/or shape before use.
ance, or durability. Common visible features that affect There are many individual grading rules for different
grade are knots, checks, pitch pockets, shake, warp, and softwood species. The U.S. Department of Commerce
stain. Some of these features are a natural part of the has published the American Softwood Lumber Stan-
tree and some can be caused by poor drying and stor- dard PS-20-70, which is an optional standard, in an
age practices. attempt to reduce the differences in grading rules.
to onsite fitting and cutting. Typical products are trim, weight. Moisture content on dry and wet basis is de-
siding, flooring, casing, and steps. Most appearance fined as follows:
grades are described by combinations of letters such as
B&BTR and C&BTR, although such terms as select On dry basis,
and clear are used for some species. The upper grades
allow a few minor imperfections such as small planer Moisture content (percent)
skips, checks, stain, and pin knots. The number and Weight of water in wood
size of imperfections increase as the grade drops. = × 100
Weight of totally dry wood
Free and Bound Water
sion column and (2) follow this column downward until
it intersects the 150 °F dry-bulb temperature line. The
EMC value, 8 percent, is the underscored value. Note
that the relative humidity value (not underscored),
57 percent, is given directly above the EMC value.
Wet- and dry-bulb temperatures, EMC, and psychro-
metric relations are further discussed in the appendix
to this chapter.
When green wood starts to dry, evaporation of water Lumber Thickness
from the surface cells sets up capillary forces that exert
a pull on the free water in the zones of wood beneath Drying rate is also affected by thickness. Drying time
the surface, and a flow results. This is similar to the increases with thickness and at a rate that is more than
movement of water in a wick. Much free water in sap- proportional to thickness. For example, if thickness is
wood moves in this way. In comparison to diffusion, doubled, drying time is more than doubled. Theoreti-
capillary movement is fast. cally, if drying were controlled completely by diffusion,
drying time would increase by a factor of four if thick-
Longitudinal diffusion is about 10 to 15 times faster ness were doubled. But because of the other mecha-
than lateral (radial or tangential) diffusion. Radial dif- nisms involved in drying, drying time increases between
fusion, perpendicular to the growth rings, is somewhat three and four times. Thickness variation in lumber
faster than tangential diffusion, parallel to the rings. caused by poor sawing can lead to excessive moisture
This explains why flatsawn lumber dries faster than content variation after drying or excessive kiln time to
quartersawn lumber. Although longitudinal diffusion is equalize the variation. For example, the kiln-drying
10 to 15 times faster than lateral diffusion, it is of prac- time for l-in-thick red oak will vary by about 4 percent
tical importance only in short items. Common lumber for each 1/32-in variation in thickness.
is so much longer than it is thick that most of the wa-
ter removed during drying does so through the thick- Specific Gravity and Weight of Wood
ness direction, leaving from the wide face of a board.
In lumber where width and thickness are not greatly Specific gravity is a physical property of wood that is
different, such as in squares, significant drying occurs in a guide to ease of drying as well as an index of weight
both the thickness and width directions. (table 1-8). In general, the heavier the wood, the slower
the drying rate and the greater the likelihood of devel-
The rate ‘of diffusion depends to a large extent upon oping defects during drying. Specific gravity is defined
the permeability of the cell walls and their thickness. as the ratio of the weight of a body to the weight of an
Thus permeable species dry faster than impermeable equal volume of water. The specific gravity of wood is
ones, and the rate of diffusion decreases as the specific usually based on the volume of the wood at some speci-
gravity increases. fied moisture content and its weight when ovendry:
65.5 lb, the ovendry weight 37.4 lb, and the weight of Table 1-9 does not have a column for 75 percent mois-
water 28.1 lb. Thus, there are 9.4 lb more water at a ture content, so the correction factor in column 2 must
specific gravity of 0.6 than at 0.4. be used. The weight at 60 percent moisture content
in table 1-9 is 4,666 lb. Using the correction factor of
As the above formula indicates, weight of wood de- 29.1 lb per 1 percent moisture content, the weight of
pends on its specific gravity and moisture content. Cal- 1,000 fbm, actual, is
culated weights for lumber are given in table 1-9. The
values for weights per thousand board feet apply to a
thousand feet, surface measure, of boards exactly 1 in (75 – 60) × 29.1 + 4,666 = 5,103 lb
thick (actual board feet) and not to a thousand board
feet lumber scale. These weights were determined in
the way described by Panshin and de Zeeuw (1980) and And with the upward adjustment factor, the weight of
the nominal 4/4 lumber is
the resulting weight per cubic foot at the given mois-
ture content multiplied by 83.3, the number of cubic
5,103 × 1.156 = 5,899 lb
feet in a thousand board feet. Note that two correction
factors are given for calculating weights at moisture
contents not shown in table 1-9. These factors are sim-
ply added to table values to calculate weights between Shrinkage of wood
table values. The correction factor for below 30 per-
cent moisture content takes into account the volumet- Shrinkage of wood is the basic cause of many prob-
ric shrinkage that occurs below 30 percent moisture lems that occur in wood during drying and also in ser-
content. The correction factor above 30 percent mois- vice. When water begins to leave the cell walls at 25 to
ture content does not require a shrinkage correction 30 percent moisture content, the walls begin to shrink.
component. Even after drying, wood will shrink and swell in service
as relative humidity varies (table 1-6). Drying stresses
Since the weights in table 1-9 are based on actual board develop because wood shrinks by different amounts in
feet-a thousand lineal feet of lumber exactly 1 in thick the radial, tangential, and longitudinal directions and
and 12 in wide-they must be adjusted upward for because during drying, shrinkage starts in the outer
rough lumber greater than 1 in thick and downward fibers before it starts in the inner fibers. These stresses
for surfaced lumber less than 1 in thick. can cause cracks and warp to develop.
Example: What is the weight of 1,000 fbm of nominal When wood is dried to 15 percent moisture content,
1 by 8 ponderosa pine lumber at 6 percent moisture about one-half of the total possible shrinkage has oc-
content dressed to 25/32 in thick by 7-1/2 in wide? curred; when dried to 8 percent, nearly three-fourths
of the possible shrinkage has occurred. Figure 1-9 il-
The downward adjustment factor is calculated as lustrates how Douglas-fir shrinks with loss of moisture.
follows: While these curves are not straight, the relationship
between moisture content and shrinkage is generally
approximated a a straight-line relationship.
Average Shrinkage Values
Shrinkage (percent)
Green dimension – Dry dimension
= × 100
Green dimension
Figure 1-11—End view of board showing development
of drying stresses early (a) and later (b) in drying.
(ML88 5574)
ward collapse of the cell wall. The danger of collapse Figure 1-12—Moisture–stress relationship during six
is greatest early in drying when many cell cavities are stages of kiln drying 2-in red oak. (ML88 5575)
full of water, and if the temperature is high, collapse is
more likely to occur.
Differential shrinkage caused by differences in radial,
Differential shrinkage between the shell and core of tangential, and longitudinal shrinkage is a major cause
lumber also causes drying defects. Early in the dry- of warp. The distortions shown in figure 1-10 are due
ing process, the fibers in the shell (the outer portion to differential shrinkage. When juvenile or reaction
of the board) dry first and begin to shrink. However, wood is present on one side or face of a board and nor-
the core has not yet begun to dry and shrink, and con- mal wood is present on the opposite face, the difference
sequently the core prevents the shell from shrinking. in their longitudinal shrinkage will also cause warp.
Thus, the shell goes into tension and the core into com-
pression, as illustrated in figure 1-11. If the shell dries
Electrical Properties
too rapidly, it is stressed beyond the elastic limit and
dries in a permanently stretched (set) condition with-
Electrical properties of wood vary enough with mois-
out attaining full shrinkage. Sometimes surface checks
ture content that they can be used to measure mois-
occur during this early stage of drying, and they can be
ture content reasonably accurately and very quickly.
a serious defect for many uses. As drying progresses,
Those electrical properties of wood that indicate level
the core begins to dry and attempts to shrink. How-
of moisture content are resistance to the flow of electri-
ever, the shell is set in a permanently expanded condi-
cal current and dielectric properties. These properties
tion and prevents normal shrinkage of the core. This
are utilized in electric moisture meters to estimate the
causes the stresses to reverse-the core goes into ten-
moisture content of wood (James 1988).
sion and the shell into compression. The change in the
shell and core stresses and moisture content during
The direct current electrical resistance of wood varies
drying is shown in figure 1-12. These internal tension
greatly with moisture content, especially below the
stresses may be severe enough to cause internal cracks
fiber saturation point. It decreases greatly as mois-
(honeycomb) to occur.
ture content increases (table 1-11). Resistance also
varies with species, is greater across the grain than
Figure 1-13—Temperature corrections for reading of calibration temperatures near 70 °F, adequate correc-
resistance-type moisture meters, based on combined tions can be obtained simply by shifting the tempera-
data from several investigators. Find meter reading on ture scale so that the true calibration temperature coin-
vertical axis, follow horizontally to vertical line corre- cides with 70 °F on the percent scale. For example, for
spending to the temperature of the wood, and inter- meters calibrated at 80 °F, add 10 °F to each point on
polate corrected reading from family of curves. Exam- the temperature scale (shift the scale 10 °F toward the
ple: If meter indicated 18 percent on wood at 120 °F, left), and use the chart as before. After temperature
corrected reading would be 14 percent. This chart is correction, apply the appropriate species correction.
based on a calibration temperature of 70 °F. For other (ML88 5576)
along it, and is affected by temperature. Resistance Example: Estimate the energy in British thermal units
is not greatly affected by specific gravity. Commercial (Btu) required to raise the temperature of 50,000 fbm
resistance moisture meters are often calibrated for one of nominal 4/4 northern red oak at 75 percent moisture
species, but are supplied with a species correction table. content from 60 to 110 °F.
The meters are usually calibrated for 70 °F and also
require a temperature correction chart (fig. 1-13). Re- This is a continuation of the earlier example on weight
sistance meters use probes that must be driven into the of wood, where the weight of 1,000 fbm of 4/4 northern
wood for measurement. red oak at 75 percent was 5,103 lb. Thus 50,000 fbm
weigh 255,150 lb. The specific heat over the interval
Meters that use the dielectric properties of wood are between 60 and 110 °F can be approximated by using
classified as one of two types-capacitance and power- the average temperature as follows:
loss (James 1988). With these instruments, electrodes
are pressed against the wood, and high-frequency elec-
tric energy is applied. The electrodes do not penetrate 6 0 + 110
T = = 85°F
the wood. The amount of power absorbed depends on 2
the moisture content of the wood. Species correction
tables and temperature correction charts (figs. 1-14 and Thus, the specific heat is
l-15) are also necessary.
Thermal Properties
The energy required is the product of the weight, the
Thermal properties are relevant to wood drying because
specific heat, and the temperature rise as follows:
they are related to energy requirements and the time
required to heat wood to drying temperature. Specific
heat of a material is the ratio of the heat capacity of
the material to that of water. It is a measure of the en-
ergy required to raise the temperature of the material.
Thermal conductivity is a measure of the rate of heat
flow through a material. The coefficient of thermal ex-
pansion is a measure of the change of dimension caused
by temperature change.
Thermal Conductivity
Specific Heat The thermal conductivity of wood is affected by den-
sity, moisture content, extractive content, grain direc-
The specific heat of wood depends on the temperature tion, temperature, and structural irregularities such as
and moisture content of the wood, but is practically knots. It is nearly the same in the radial and tangen-
independent of density or species. Specific heat of dry tial directions but two to three times greater parallel to
wood can be approximately related to temperature T, the grain. It increases as the density, moisture content,
in degrees Fahrenheit, by the following formula: temperature, and extractive content increase. Thermal
conductivity below 40 percent moisture content can be
approximated by
Specific heat = 0.25 + 0.0006T
0.25 + 0.0006T+ m
Specific heat =
1 +m where k is thermal conductivity in Btu·in/h·ft2. °F
and G is specific gravity based on volume at M percent
moisture content and ovendry weight.
Thermal Expansion Literature Cited
The thermal expansion of wood is so small that it is American Society for Testing and Materials. 1981.
overshadowed by shrinkage and swelling. It is far less Standard nomenclature of domestic hardwoods and
than dimensional changes associated with changes in softwoods. ASTM D 1165-80. Philadelphia, PA: Ameri-
moisture content, and conditions that would cause can Society for Testing and Materials: 388-398.
thermal expansion would also cause moisture-related
shrinkage. The coefficient of thermal expansion is de- Chudnoff, Martin. 1984. Tropical timbers of the world.
fined as the unit increase in dimension per degree in- Agric. Handb. 607. Washington, DC: U.S. Department
crease in temperature. The coefficient of ovendry wood of Agriculture. 466 p.
in the longitudinal direction is apparently independent
of specific gravity and species. In both hardwoods and Hawkins, G. A. 1978. Thermal properties of substances
softwoods, it ranges from 0.0000017 to 0.0000025 inch and thermodynamics. In: Mark’s standard handbook
per inch per degree Fahrenheit. for mechanical engineers. 8th ed. New York: McGraw-
Hill: 4-28 to 4-40.
The coefficients of thermal expansion in the radial and
tangential directions are 5 to 10 times greater than in James, William L. 1988. Electric moisture meters for
the longitudinal direction and are thus of more practi- wood. Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL 6. Madison, WI: U.S.
cal interest. They depend on specific gravity, and for Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Prod-
ovendry wood can be approximated by the following ucts Laboratory. 17 p.
equations over the specific gravity range of 0.1 to 0.8:
Panshin, A. J.; de Zeeuw, Carl. 1980. Textbook of
wood technology. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Radial coefficient 722 p.
Table 1-1—Commercial species grown in the United States
Red alder red alder Alnus rubra
Apple apple Malus spp.
Black ash1 black ash Fraxinus nigra
Oregon ash Oregon ash F. latifolia
White ash blue ash F. quadrangulata
green ash F. pennsylvanica
white ash F. americana
Aspen2 bigtooth aspen Populus grandidentata
quaking aspen P. tremuloides
Basswood3 American basswood Tilia americana
white basswood T. heterophylle
Beech beech, American Fagus grandifolia
Birch4 gray birch Betula populifolia
paper birch B. papyrifera
river birch B. nigra
sweet birch B. lenta
yellow birch B. alleghaniensis
Box elder boxelder Acer negundo
Buckeye Ohio buckeye Aesculus glabra
yellow buckeye A. octandra
Butternut butternut Juglans cinerea
Cherry black cherry Prunus serotina
Chestnut American chestnut Castanea dentata
balsam poplar Populus balsamifera
Cottonwood black cottonwood P. trichocarpa
eastern cottonwood P. deltoides
plains cottonwood P. sargentii
swamp cottonwood P. heterophylla
Dogwood flowering dogwood Cornus florida
Pacific dogwood C. nuttallii
Elder, see Box elder
Rock elm cedar elm Ulmus crassifolia
rock elm U. thomasii
September elm U. serotina
winged elm U. alata
Soft elm5 American elm U. americana
slippery elm U. rubra
Gum 6 sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua
Hackberry hackberry Celtis occidentalis
sugarberry C. laevigata
Hickory7 mockernut hickory Carya tomentosa
pignut hickory C. glabra
sand hickory C. pallida
shagbark hickory C. ovata
shellbark hickory C. laciniosa
Holly American holly Ilex opaca
lronwood eastern hophornbeam Ostyra virginiana
Locust black locust Robinia pseudoacacia
honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthos
Madrone Pacific madrone Arbutus menziesii
Magnolia southern magnolia Magnolia grandiflora
sweetbay M. virginiana
cucumber tree M. acuminata
Hard maple8 black maple Acer nigrum
sugar maple A. saccharum
Oregon maple bigleaf maple A. macrophyllum
Soft maple8 red maple A. rubrum
silver maple A. saccharinum
Table 1-1—Commercial species grown in the United States—continued
Myrtle, see Oregon myrtle
Red oak black oak Quercus velutina
blackjack oak Q. marilandica
California black oak Q. kellogii
cherrybark oak Q. falcata var. pagodaefolia
laurel oak Q. laurifolia
northern pin oak Q. ellipsoidalis
northern red oak Q. rubra
Nuttall oak Q. nuttalli
pin oak Q. palustris
scarlet oak Q. coccinea
shingle oak Q. imbricaria
Shumard oak Q. shumardii
southern red oak Q. falcata
turkey oak Q. laevis
willow oak Q. phellos
White oak Arizona white oak Q. arizonica
blue oak Q. douglasii
bur oak Q. macrocarpa
California white oak Q. lobata
chestnut oak Q. prinus
chinkapin oak Q. muehlenbergii
Emory oak Q. emoryi
Gambel oak Q. gambelii
Mexican blue oak Q. oblongifolia
live oak Q. virginiana
Oregon white oak Q. garryana
overcup oak Q. lyrata
post oak Q. stellata
swamp chestnut oak Q. michauxii
swamp white oak Q. bicolor
white oak Q. alba
Oregon myrtle California-laurel Umbellularia californica
Osage orange Osage-orange Maclura pomifera
Pecan7 bitternut hickory Carya cordiformis
nutmeg hickory C. myristicaeformis
water hickory C. aquatica
pecan C. illinoensis
Persimmon common persimmon Diospyros virginiana
Sassafras sassafras Sassafras albidum
Sycamore American sycamore Platanus occidentalis
Tanoak tanoak Lithocarpus densiflorus
Tupelo9 black tupelo Nyssa sylvatica
Ogeechee tupelo N. ogeche
swamp tupelo N. silvatica var. biflora
water tupelo N. aquatica
Walnut black walnut Juglans nigra
Willow black willow Salix nigra
peachleaf willow S. amygdaloides
Yellow poplar yellow-poplar Liriodendron tulipifera
Alaska cedar Alaska-cedar Chamaecyparis nootkatensis
Incense cedar incense-cedar Libocedrus decurrens
Port Orford cedar Port-Orford-cedar Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
Eastern red cedar eastern redcedar Juniperus virginiana
southern redcedar J. silicicola
Western red cedar western redcedar Thuja plicata
Northern white cedar northern white-cedar T. occidentalis
Southern white cedar Atlantic white-cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides
Cypress10 baldcypress Taxodium distichum
pondcypress T. distichum var. nutans
Balsam fir11 balsam fir Abies balsamea
Fraser fir A. fraseri
Douglas fir Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii
Inland Douglas-fir P. menziesii var. glauca
Noble fir noble fir Abies procera
Table 1-1—Commercial species grown In the United States—concluded
Fir (continued)
White fir California red fir A. magnifica
grand fir A. grandis
noble fir A. procera
Pacific silver fir A. amabilis
subalpine fir A. lasiocarpa
white fir A. concolor
Eastern hemlock Carolina hemlock Tsuga caroliniana
eastern hemlock T. canadensis
Mountain hemlock mountain hemlock T. medensiana
West coast hemlock western hemlock T. heterophylla
Western juniper alligator juniper Juniperus deppeana
Rocky Mountain juniper J. scopulorum
Utah juniper J. osteosperma
western juniper J. occidentalis
Western larch western larch Larix occidentalis
Jack pine jack pine Pinus banksiana
Lodgepole pine lodgepole pine P. contorta
Norway pine red pine P. resinosa
Ponderosa pine ponderosa pine P. ponderosa
Sugar pine sugar pine P. lambertiana
Idaho white pine western white pine P. monticola
Northern white pine eastern white pine P. strobus
Longleaf pine13 longleaf pine P. palustris
slash pine P. elliottii
Southern pine loblobbly pine Pinus taeda
longleaf pine P. palustris
pitch pine P. rigida
pond pine P. serotina
shortleaf pine P. echinata
slash pine P. elliottii
Virginia pine P. virginiana
Redwood redwood Sequoia sempervirens
Eastern spruce black spruce Picea mariana
red spruce P. rubens
white spruce P. glauca
Engelmann spruce blue spruce P. pungens
Engelmann spruce P. engelmannii
Sitka spruce Sitka spruce P. sitchensis
Tamarack tamarack Larix laricina
Pacific yew Pacific yew Taxus brevifolia
Black ash is known commercially in some consuming centers as brown ash, and is also sometimes designated as such in specifications.
Aspen lumber is sometimes designated as poppIe.
For some commercial uses where a white appearance is required, the sapwood of American basswood ( Tilia americana) is specified under the designation
“white basswood.” This commercial-use designation should not be confused with the species (T. heterophylla) having the common name white basswood.
The principal lumber species is yellow birch. It may be designated either sap birch (all sapwood) or red birch (all hardwood) or it may be unselected. Sweet birch
is sold without distinction from yellow birch. Paper birch is a softer wood used principally for turnings and novelties and is widely know as white birch. The remaining
birches are of minor commercial importance.
Soft elm lumber is sometimes designated as white elm. A special type of slowly grown material is sometimes designated commercially as gray elm. Slippery elm
is called red elm in some localities, although that term is also used for two other elms.
Usually designated either as red gum or as sap gum, as the case may be, or as gum or sweetgum when not selected for color. (For black gum, see tupelo,
footnote 9.)
The impossibility of distinguishing between hickory ad pecan lumber for accurate species identification is recognized. Three of the four major Carya species in
the pecan group have the word “hickory” in their name.
When hard maple or soft maple is specified to be white, the specification generally is interpreted as being a requirement for sapwood, although it sometimes
may take on the special meaning of being all sapwood with a minimum of natural color.
The impossibility of distinguishing between black tupelo (blackgum), swamp tupelo, and water tupelo lumber for accurate species identification is recognized.
Cypress includes types designated as red cypress, white cypress, and yellow cypress. Red cypress is frequently classified and sold separately from the other
Balsam fir lumber is sometimes designated either as eastern fir or as balsam.
Douglas fir may be specified either as Coast Region Douglas for or as Inland Region Douglas for, but if the particular type is not so specified or is not otherwise
indicated through the grade specifications, either or both types will be allowed.
The commercial requirements for longleaf pine lumber are that not only must it be produced from trees of the botanical species of Pinus elliottii and P. palustris,
but each piece in addition must average either on one end or the other not less than six annual rings per inch and not less than one-third summerwood. Longleaf pine
lumber is sometimes designated as pitch pine in the export trade.
Table 1-2—Tropical wood species
Table 1-3—Standard hardwood cutting grades1
Table 1-4—Standard thickness for rough and surfaced (S2S) hardwood lumber
Nominal rough thickness (in) S2S thickness (in) Nominal rough thickness (in) S2S thickness (in)
Based on ovendry weight.
Table 1-6—Relative humidity and equilibrium moisture content at various dry-bulb temperatures and wet-bulb depressions
below 212°F.
Table 1-6—Relative humidity and equilibrium moisture content at various dry-bulb
temperatures and wet-bulb depressions below 212°F—continued
Table 1-6—Relative humidity and equilibrium moisture content at various dry-bulb temperatures and wet-bulb depressions
below 212°F—continued
Table 1-6—Relative humidity and equilibrium moisture content at various dry-bulb temperatures
and wet-bulb depressions below 212°F—concluded
Relativehumidity values not italic.
Equilibrium moisture content values italic.
Table 1-7—Relative humidity and equilibrium moisture content at various dry-bulb temperatures and
wet-bulb depressions above 212°F.
Table 1-7—Relative humidity and equilibrium moisture content at various dry-bulb temperatures and
wet-bulb depressions above 212o F—concluded
Table 1-8—Specific gravity of wood
Average Average
specific specific
Species gravity Species gravity’
Table 1-8—Specific gravity of wood-concluded
Average Average
specific specific
Species gravity1 Species gravity1
Table 1-9—Calculated weights of wood per thousand board feet actual measure
correction factor
per 1,000 board feet
for each 1 percent
moisture content change
Below Above
30 percent 30 percent Weight (lb) per 1,000 actual board feet of various moisture content levels
moisture moisture
Species content content 6% 15% 25% 40% 60% 80%
Table 1-9—Calculated weights of wood per thousand board feet actual measure-continued
correction factor
per 1,000 board feet
for each 1 percent
moisture content change
Below Above
30 percent 30 percent Weight (lb) per 1,000 actual board feet of various moisture content levels
moisture moisture
Species content content. 8% 15% 25% 40% 60% 80%
Table 1-9—Calculated weights of wood per thousand board feet actual measure—continued
correction factor
per 1,000 board feet
for each 1 percent
moisture content change
Below Above
30 percent 30 percent Weight (lb) per 1,000 actual board feet of various moisture content levels
moisture moisture
Species content content 6% 15% 25% 40% 60% 80%
Table 1-9—Calculated weights of wood per thousand board feet actual measure—concluded
correction factor
per 1,000 board feet
for each 1 percent
moisture content change
Below Above
30 percent 30 percent Weight (lb) per 1,000 actual board feet of various moisture content levels
moisture moisture
Species content content 6% 15% 25% 40% 60% 80%
Table 1-10—Shrinkage values of wood, based on its dimensions when green
Shrinkage (percent)
Table 1-10—Shrinkage values of wood, based on its dimensions when green—continued
Shrinkage (percent)
Table 1-10—Shrinkage values of wood, based on its dimensions when green—continued
Shrinkage (percent)
Table 1-10—Shrinkage values of wood, based on its dimensions when green-concluded
Shrinkage (percent)
Table 1-11—Average electrical resistance along the grain, for selected species, as measured at 80°F between two pairs of needle
electrodes 1-1/4 inches apart and driven to a depth of 5/16 inch
Species 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Appendix— (Hawkins 1978). By writing energy and mass balances
Equations for Relating for the process of adiabatic saturation
Temperature, Humidity,
and Moisture Content (1)
Step 1: Find the specific humidity at Y s from equation Relative Humidity and
(2). To do this we need to know the ρs of water at Ts. Equilibrium Moisture Content
From table 1-A-1, ρs at 120°F is 3.446 inHg.
The EMC and RH temperature relationships of tables
Thus, from equation (2) 1-6 and 1-7 can be expressed in equation form, which
is sometimes more convenient than table form. Useful
equations can be derived from theories for the adsorp-
tion of water on hygroscopic materials. One such equa-
tion that works particularly well is
Step 2: Calculate Y at Tdb = 140°F. From
equation (1)
M is moisture content (percent),
h relative vapor pressure, and
Figure 1-A-1—Psychrometric chart. (ML88 5580) Figure 1-A-2—Lines of constant equilibrium moisture
content. (ML88 5577)
Psychrometric Charts