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Grameenphone was offered a cellular license in Bangladesh by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications on November 28, 1996 the company launched its service on the Independence Day of Bangladesh in 1997. After 10 years of operation it achieved to serve 10 million subscribers. Now it is the leading telecommunications service provider in the country with more than 23 million subscribers as of December 2009. At present approximately it has more than 24.8 million customers. Other than Grameenphone five other cellular companies are operating in the local market. During marketing research course at North South University the topic was chosen Grameenphone as a brand and its customer satisfaction. Thus a brief survey was conducted to find out the satisfaction level of Grameenphone customers on the basis of the topic considering the brand, its image, loyalty to the brand, usage of its different services, expectation of customers, service available currently, tariff promotions given, after sales services, corporate social responsibility etc. Afterwards it has been evaluated by SPSS.

Company Background
Over the years, it has always been a pioneer in introducing new products and services in the local market. It was the first company to introduce GSM technology in Bangladesh when it launched its services in March 1997. The technological knowhow and managerial expertise of Telenor has been instrumental in setting up such an international standard mobile phone operation in Bangladesh. Being one of the pioneers in developing the GSM service in Europe, Telenor has also helped to transfer this knowledge to the local employees over the years. Company Vision: Company Mission: Company Values: Make it Easy Keep Promises Be Inspiring Be respectful Knowing customer Expectations Knowing us Organizing us WE ARE HERE TO HELP

Investment & Network Coverage:

The company has so far invested more than BDT 10,700 crore (USD 1.6 billion) to build the network infrastructure since its inception in 1997. It has invested over BDT 3,100 crore (USD 450 million) during the first three quarters of 2007 while BDT 2,100 crore (USD 310 million) was invested in 2006 alone. Grameenphone is also one the largest taxpayers in the country, having contributed nearly BDT 7000 crore in direct and indirect taxes to the Government Exchequer over the years. Of this amount, over BDT 2000 crore was paid in 2006 alone. Since its inception in March 1997, Grameenphone has built the largest cellular network in the country with over 12,000 base stations in more than 6300 locations. Presently, nearly 99 percent of the country's population is within the coverage area of the Grameenphone network.

Share Holders:
Grameenphone has come a long way. It is a joint venture enterprise between Telenor (55.8%), the largest telecommunications service provider in Norway with mobile phone operations in 12 other countries, and Grameen Telecom Corporation (34.2% ), a non-profit sister concern of the internationally acclaimed micro-credit pioneer Grameen Bank. The other 10% shares belong to 10% to general retail and institutional investors.

Telenor Grameen Telecom General Retail & Institutional Investors

Introducing Value Added Services:
Grameenphone was also the first operator to introduce the pre-paid service in September 1999. It established the first 24-hour Call Center, introduced value-added services such as VMS, SMS, fax and data transmission services, international roaming service, WAP, SMS-based push-pull services, EDGE, personal ring back tone and many other products and services.

The entire Grameenphone network is also EDGE/GPRS enabled, allowing access to high-speed Internet and data services from anywhere within the coverage area. There are currently nearly 3 million EDGE/GPRS users in the Grameenphone network.

Growing Customer Base:

Grameenphone nearly doubled its subscriber base during the initial years while the growth was much faster during the later years. It ended the inaugural year with 18,000 customers, 30,000 by the end of 1998, 60,000 in 1999, 193,000 in 2000, 471,000 in 2001, 775,000 in 2002, 1.16 million in 2003, 2.4 million in 2004, 5.5 million in 2005, 11.3 million in 2006, and it ended 2007 with 16.5 million customers. At present approximately it has more than 24.8 million customers.

Dedicated After Sales Service:

From the very beginning, Grameenphone placed emphasis on providing good after-sales services. In recent years, the focus has been to provide after-sales within a short distance from where the customers live. There are now more than 600 GP Service Desks across the country covering nearly all upazilas of 61 districts. In addition, there are 72 Grameenphone Centers in all the divisional cities and they remain open from 9am-7pm every day including all holidays. GP has generated direct and indirect employment for a large number of people over the years. The company presently has more than 5,000 full and temporary employees. Another 100,000 people are directly dependent on Grameenphone for their livelihood, working for the Grameenphone dealers, retailers, scratch card outlets, suppliers, vendors, contractors and others.

Concern for Rural development:

In addition, the Village Phone Program, also started in 1997, provides a good income-earning opportunity to more than 210,000 mostly women Village Phone operators living in rural areas. The Village Phone Program is a unique initiative to provide universal access to telecommunications service in remote, rural areas. Administered by Grameen Telecom Corporation, it enables rural people who normally cannot afford to own a telephone to avail the service while providing the VP operators an opportunity to earn a living. The Village Phone initiative was given the "GSM in the Community" award at the global GSM Congress held in Cannes, France in February 2000. Grameenphone was also adjudged the Best Joint Venture Enterprise of the Year at the Bangladesh Business Awards in 2002. Grameenphone was presented with the GSM Association's Global Mobile Award for Best use of Mobile for Social and Economic Development' at the 3GSM World Congress held in Singapore, in October

2006, for its Community Information Center (CIC) project, and for its Health Line Service project at the 3GSM World Congress held in Barcelona, Spain, in February 2007.

Problem statement
Now-a-days because of increased accountability making a survey and being conclusive about it has become more of a challenge. People are more authoritarians and maintain their privacy strictly. So being flexible and candid conversation along with the survey takes a dare. The general problems that the survey indicates to are: The company or any organizations are only concerned about the profit maximization but they hardly think about the customer satisfaction Lack of competency in the customer service department. Less involvement of the customer service department with the business strategy. Training and development are not taken place in a regular basis, which affects the performance to provide service. Proper market research should be taken place in order to make the packages more attractive & fruitful.

Project objective
Keeping Inconsideration these problems we were aimed with our projects on Motivation to meet the following objective: Finding out the key problems within the GP customers level of satisfaction To find out how GP would be able to provide its services more efficiently to make the customers more satisfied. To identify the key issues that GP is facing regarding Customers level of satisfaction and recommends them any possible solution.

The Significance and Objective of the Research

The significance and objective of the topic is to find out the satisfaction level of the customers of GrameenPhone. There are some important variables like Network of GP, Internet services of GP, Different value added services of GP, Customer care services of GP, Brand image of GP and how much they are related with the satisfaction level of the customers were our prime concern throughout the project. We are tried to finding out this relation between the dependent and independent variable. The main thing is reliability between the variable which is directly related to the customers satisfaction, we are going to find out this things very significantly. Each of the variables we mentioned, each comprises the significant value which should practice makes the company very profitable and the employees will be aware of the strategy. Understanding the business strategy as well as customers need is good motivational factor for any organization in order to make the customers more satisfied. The practice is not widely used in our country.

Sampling Plan
Sampling Plan a scheme outlining the group (or groups) to be surveyed in a marketing research study, how many individuals within the group are to be chosen, and on what basis that choice is to be made. The sampling frame is the pool from which the interviewees are chosen. In designing the research study, one should consider the potential errors. Two sources of errors are random sampling error and non-sampling error. Sampling errors are those due to the fact that there is a non-zero confidence interval of the results because of the sample size being less than the population being studied. Non-sampling errors are those caused by faulty coding, untruthful responses, respondent fatigue, etc. A larger sample size may reduce sampling error; it actually may increase the total error. There are two reasons for this effect. First, a larger sample size may reduce the ability to follow up on non-responses. Second, even if there are a sufficient number of interviewers for follow-ups, a larger number of interviewers may result in a less uniform interview process. For our research we have chosen the sampling unit and the sample size by the subsequent way:

Sampling Unit: Both the urban and rural GP users along with 50 students and 50 job holders or self employed. Sample size: The given sample size of the survey is 150 respondents by our course instructor among them men 75 and female 75.

Contact Methods
The actual data collection process will introduce additional errors, In addition to the intrinsic sampling error. These errors are called non-sampling errors. Some non-sampling errors may be intentional on the part of the interviewer, who may introduce a bias by leading the respondent to provide a certain response. The interviewer also may introduce unintentional errors, for example, due to not having a clear understanding of the interview process or due to fatigue. Respondents also may introduce errors. A respondent may introduce intentional errors by lying or simply by not responding to a question. A respondent may introduce unintentional errors by not understanding the question, guessing, not paying close attention, and being fatigued or distracted. So to reduce these errors in our data collection process we have developed our contract method based on Intercept Interviews Intercept Interviews: It has to be happened by stopping people and request them for the interview. Some time people felt angry about it and sometime people felt eager about it. Our contract method was totally bias free and we are 100% confident that we had gathered genuine data.

Limitation of the Study

Lack of sufficient time
Time was a big limitation. Other than this report we have other courses reports which have to be finished and submitted on time. So we could not give enough time to this report which it deserves.

Lack of support from the target group

Our target group for sample was both the urban and rural GP users along with 50 students and 50 job
holders or self employed. For our research to be bias free we have to embrace people from

dissimilar background. For this we really had to work hard to choose specific people for our research and also we had to face a lot of problem when we asked to fill my questionnaire because they sometimes had misinterpreted our research objective.

Lack of secondary Source

Another limitation of our research paper is lack of secondary sources. There are not many articles in the internet about GP customers satisfaction. Furthermore, the more we have unruffled information from the secondary sources the more it made me confused. Last of all, there are no books available in the North South University on this topic. So it was really hard to find relevant information.

Language barrier
Language was a big hurdle for us to embrace people from uneducated background. As we had to prepare our questionnaire in English for academic requirements, a lot of respondents such as rickshaw pullers, housemaids had to face difficulties to answer the questions. We had to translate the whole survey into Bengali to them which was too much tedious for us.

As we have assigned the topic of Grameenphone as a brand & its customer satisfaction for our course requirement, we have gathered information from the websites, books, and journals about Grameen phone and its customers. In our primary research we have collected information through survey. We also visit the company several times for collecting information too. We also take an interview of the top level management for identify the position of the company about the topics. After gathering all the information and experience, we prepared our term paper. After
collecting all the probable information concerning my research theme we have implemented the

subsequent configuration in order to come out with appropriate findings.


In this case, we consider five factors as Independent variables (GP Internet, GP Network, Value added services of GP, Customer Care Services of GP, and Brand Image of GP) and Customer Satisfaction of GP as Dependent variables. We use a degree of measurement scale (5- highly agree, 4-moderately agree, 3- neutral, 2- moderately disagree and 1- highly disagree). Besides to justify the actual impact of both independent and dependent variables on Organizational achievement we use different reliable statistical model like Correlation coefficient and ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) Moreover, In case of Hypothesis we assume Alternative Hypothesis-that there is a positive relationship between two variables against Null- There is no relationship or negative relationship between two variables. According to the perspective of Hypothesis we think there is a cause and effect relationship between Independent Variables- GP Internet, GP Network, and Value added services of GP, Customer Care Services of GP, Brand Image of GP and Dependent VariablesCustomer Satisfaction of GP.

Organization of research
The present study has been designed to examine the existing degree of Customer satisfaction at GrameenPhone. We took a survey of 150 respondents of GP users to understand their view about our topics.

The study aimed to

Understand how customer satisfaction can be achieved through providing various services. The role of customer care manager in the customer care centers of GP in order to give unique services to maintain good customer relationships. How different service components affects the customers satisfaction level. Ways to increase customer loyalty by providing unique customer service through customer satisfaction.

Areas of work
The primary data was not satisfactory to make the research as informative as possible. Therefore, to get to the core of this research paper we have used several secondary data. The research was carried out through:

The use of sample questionnaire Direct Interview Phone calls Weighting and estimation Use of auxiliary information collected from the companys report prepared by different department of the company.

In addition to these, other information on the companys background and its objective and vision were collected from various trusted and relevant sources:

Internet Books Journals Other official documents of Hall Mark Group.

We collected responses from 150 respondents of GP users. Our respondents include both the
urban and rural GP users along with 50 students and 50 job holders or self employed. They were of

different age and from different educational background. As technical instruments to prepare and analyze the information of our project, the followings were used: Microsoft Word SPSS for Windows

This information helped us to draw a picture of the satisfaction level of GP customers.

Research Results and Discussion

Variables such as GP as a Brand & its Customer Satisfaction, GPs Network, GP Customer Care, Value Added Services of GP, GP as a brand were measured by using a 1 to 5 scale (5 = highly agree, 4 = moderately agree, 3 = neutral, 2 = moderately disagree, 1 =highly disagree). The value of each statement enabled us to measure the data for our hypothesis.

H= no relationship or negatively relationship between two variables. Ha= has relationship or positively relationship between two variables In hypothesis 1, it is predicted that the strong brand image of GP has a positive relationship with its customers level of satisfaction. In hypothesis 2, it is forecasted that customer care services of GP are positively related with its customers level of satisfaction. In hypothesis 3, it is anticipated that GPs different value added services has a positive relationship with its customer satisfaction level. In hypothesis 4, it is predicted that GPs unique internet services are positively related with its customers level of satisfaction. In hypothesis 5, it is anticipated that the network of GP has a positive relationship with its customer satisfaction level.

Descriptive Statistics

Correlations GP as a Brand and its customer satisfaction GP as a Brand and its customer satisfaction Pearson Correlation Sig. (2tailed) N GP as a Brand Pearson Correlation Sig. (2tailed) N GP valu added services Pearson Correlation Sig. (2tailed) N GP Customer care Pearson Correlation Sig. (2tailed) N GP network Pearson Correlation Sig. (2tailed) N GP Internet Pearson Correlation Sig. (2tailed) N **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). 150 150 150 150 150 2.E2 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 150 .691** 150 .419** 150 .849** 150 .287** 150 .354** 2.E2 1 .000 .010 .000 .304 .000 150 .421

GP valu added GP as a Brand 1 .697


GP Customer care

services .801

GP network GP Internet


.421** .000 150 .210* .010 150 .427


.691** .000 2.E2 .419** .000 2.E2 .849** .000 2.E2 .287** .000 2.E2 .354**

.000 150 .697** .000 150 .801


.000 150 .412** .000

.000 150 .424** .000 150 .426


150 1

150 .412

150 1

.000 150 .780** .000

.000 150 .424** .000 150 .210


.000 150 .426** .000 150 .427


.000 150 .084 .304

150 1

150 .084

150 1

We know -1 r +1 If r = -1, that means perfect negative correlation. If r = +1, that means perfect positive correlation. If r >0.5, that means close to perfect positive correlation or strongly correlated.

Here ** means the correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2 tailed). So there is 1 chance in 100 that we would reject the true null hypothesis when it should be accepted. Again we can say we are 99% confident that we have made the right choice. Here * means the correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2 tailed). So there is 1 chance in 100 that we would reject the true null hypothesis when it should be accepted. Again we can say we are 95% confident that we have made the right choice.

The correlation between GP customers satisfaction and brand image of GP

From the above correlation table we have seen that the correlation between GP customers satisfaction and brand image of GP is 0.697 ** and its greater than .01. So we can say that, GP customers satisfaction and brand image of GP has positive correlation or positively correlated. GP customers satisfaction level is very high because of the high brand image of GP & most of the respondents settled that GPs strong brand image influence them while choosing a mobile connection and they feel safe or convinced about performance or quality while using GP connection.

The correlation between GP customers satisfaction and value added services of GP

From the above correlation table we have seen that the correlation between GP customers satisfaction and value added services of GP is 0.801 ** and its greater than .01. So we can say that, GP customers satisfaction and value added services of GP have positive correlation or positively correlated. GP used to provide multiple values added services like study line for higher education information, Emergency Health Line operated by the trained doctors, Bill Pay which enables you to pay your electricity, Gas & Water bill, Mobitaka enables you to buy intercity train

ticket from home. These bunches of value added services has also given GP a basis of competitive advantage over its competitors. Moreover, GP always pioneers Value Added Services and has the widest range among the industry (Fnf, Missed Call Alert, Welcome Tune, Call Block, Balance Transfer, Music Radio, Health Line, Study Line, News & Sports Alerts etc) which help GP to have more satisfied customers. GP has the widest range of mobile services offered to different segments like Consumer, Youth, Business, SME, SOHO and Retail along with different type of data call services such as Different internet packages for mobile & computers, Mobile back up, Bull services for share market, Mobile TV, Black-Berry secured services etc. again, these value added services had already a huge impact over its customers satisfaction. The customers are very much satisfied because of these value added services of GP.

The correlation between GP customers satisfaction and GP Customer care.

From the above correlation table we have seen that the correlation between GP customers satisfaction and GP Customer care service is 0.780** and its greater than .01. So we can say that, GP customers satisfaction and GP Customer care has positive correlation or positively correlated. Because of the various Customer care services provided by GP, the satisfaction levels of the customers are also very high. GP used to provide multiple customer care services by 121 hotline, GPC, GPCF, CIC, STP on a continuous basis along with most efficient and professional customer care managers.

The correlation between GP customers satisfaction and GP Network.

From the above correlation table we have seen that the correlation between GP customers satisfaction and GP Network is 0.421** and its greater than .01. So we can say that, GP customers satisfaction and GP Network has positive correlation or positively correlated.

Because of the GPs strongest Network the satisfaction level of the customers is quite high. GPs network coverage is the best in the country and customers feel safe and confident enough, that they will be never out of network while travelling across the country.

The correlation between GP customers satisfaction and GP internet.

From the above correlation table we have seen that the correlation between GP customers satisfaction and GP internet is 0.691** and its greater than .01. So we can say that, GP customers satisfaction and GP internet has positive correlation or positively correlated. Because of the unique Internet services provided by GP, the satisfaction level of the customers is also very high. GP used to provide Ranges of Internet Packages like daily based, monthly based, night plan, mini-pack & unlimited plans serves all segments of customers.

The correlation between brand image of GP and value added services of GP.

From the above correlation table we have seen that the correlation between brand image of GP and value added services of GP is 0.412 ** and its greater than .01. So we can say that, brand image of GP and value added services of GP have positive correlation or positively correlated. GP used to provide multiple values added services like study line for higher education information, Emergency Health Line operated by the trained doctors, Bill Pay which enables you to pay your electricity, Gas & Water bill, Mobitaka enables you to buy intercity train ticket from home. These bunches of value added services has also given GP a basis of competitive advantage over its competitors. Moreover, GP always pioneers Value Added Services and has the widest range among the industry (Fnf, Missed Call Alert, Welcome Tune, Call Block, Balance Transfer, Music Radio, Health Line, Study Line, News & Sports Alerts etc) which help GP to improve the brand image. GP has the widest range of mobile services offered to different segments like Consumer, Youth, Business, SME, SOHO and Retail along with different type of data call services such as Different internet packages for mobile & computers, Mobile back up, Bull services for share market, Mobile TV, Black-Berry secured services etc. again, these value added services had already a huge impact over its brand image.

The correlation between brand image of GP and GP Customer care.

From the above correlation table we have seen that the correlation between brand image of GP and GP Customer care is 0.424 ** and its greater than .01. So we can say that, brand image of GP and a customer care service of GP has positive correlation or positively correlated. GP used to provide multiple customer care services by 121 hotline, GPC, GPCF, CIC, STP on a continuous basis along with most efficient and professional customer care managers which has increased the brand image of GP as well.

The correlation between brand image of GP and GP Network.

From the above correlation table we have seen that the correlation between brand image of GP and GP Network is 0.210 ** and its greater than .01. So we can say that, brand image of GP and GP Network has positive correlation or positively correlated. GPs network coverage is the best in the country and customers feel safe and confident enough, that they will be never out of network while travelling across the country which has helped GP to improve the brand image.

The correlation between brand image of GP and GP Internet.

From the above correlation table we have seen that the correlation between brand image of GP and GP Internet is 0.419 ** and its greater than .01. So we can say that, brand image of GP and GP Network has positive correlation or positively correlated. GP used to provide Ranges of Internet Packages like daily based, monthly based, night plan, mini-pack & unlimited plans serves all segments of customers which has increased the brand image of GP.

The correlation between value added services of GP and customer care services of GP.

From the above correlation table we have seen that the correlation between value added services of GP and customer care services of GP is 0.426** and its greater than .01. So we can say that, value added services of GP and a customer care service has positive correlation or positively correlated. The customer care services like 121 hotline, GPC, GPCF, CIC, STP along with most efficient and professional customer care managers has given GP a source of added vale which ultimately made the customers more satisfied and more loyal.

The correlation between values added services of GP and GP Network.

From the above correlation table we have seen that the correlation between value added services of GP and GP Network is 0.427** and its greater than .01. So we can say that, value added services of GP and GP Network e has positive correlation or positively correlated. GPs network coverage is the best in the country and customers feel safe and confident enough, that they will be never out of network while travelling across the country which has given GP a source of added value.

The correlation between values added services of GP and GP internet.

From the above correlation table we have seen that the correlation between value added services of GP and GP internet is 0.849** and its greater than .01. So we can say that, value added services of GP and GP internet has positive correlation or positively correlated. GP used to provide Ranges of Internet Packages like daily based, monthly based, night plan, mini-pack & unlimited plans serves all segments of customers which has also given GP a source of added value.

The correlation between customer care services of GP and GP network.

From the above correlation table we have seen that the correlation between customer care services of GP and GP network is 0.084** and its greater than .01. So we can say that, customer care services of GP and GP network has positive correlation or positively correlated. The network coverage of GP is the best in the country and customers feel safe and confident enough, that they will be never out of network while travelling across the country which has made the job of the customer care manager easier.

The correlation between customer care services of GP and GP internet.

From the above correlation table we have seen that the correlation between customer care services of GP and GP internet is 0.287** and its greater than .01. So we can say that, customer care services of GP and GP internet has positive correlation or positively correlated. GP used to provide Ranges of Internet Packages like daily based, monthly based, night plan, mini-pack & unlimited plans serves all segments of customers which has also made the job of the customer care manager easier and the customer care managers mostly deal with internet problems from the customers.

The correlation between GP network and GP internet.

From the above correlation table we have seen that the correlation between GP network and GP internet is 0.354** and its greater than .01. So we can say that, GP network and GP internet has positive correlation or positively correlated. The network coverage of GP is the best in the country and customers feel safe and confident enough, that they will be never out of network while travelling across the country and GP used to provide Ranges of Internet Packages like daily based, monthly based, night plan, mini-pack & unlimited plans serve all segments of customers. These internet facilities greatly depend upon the strong network of GP and if there is no network then there is any internet service too. So we can say from the above interpretation of the correlations of the various variables that, each of the components is strongly correlated with the other one. For example, GP customers satisfaction is strongly correlated with the network, internet facilities, and customer care services, different value added services and strong brand image of GP. Each of the variables are very sensitive, and if GP fail to provide one of the variables to its customers then its customers level of satisfaction is likely to go down. Again, the variable like value added services have

strong correlation with variables like internet services, network, customer care services, and brand image of GP. If GP fail to provide one of the variables to its customers then the satisfaction level of customers come from the value added services were likely to go down.

Frequency distribution Frequency analysis of male of female respondents

male or female respondents Cumulative Frequency Valid male female Total 87 63 150 Percent 58.0 42.0 100.0 Valid Percent 58.0 42.0 100.0 Percent 58.0 100.0

From the above frequency table & pie-chart we can see that, the number of male respondents participated for the survey are 87 which 58% of the total respondents and the number of female respondents are 63 which is 42% of the total respondents.

Frequency analysis of income of the respondents

income of the respondents Cumulative Frequency Valid 5000 or less below 20000 below 40000 41000 or more Total 49 52 37 12 150 Percent 32.7 34.7 24.7 8.0 100.0 Valid Percent 32.7 34.7 24.7 8.0 100.0 Percent 32.7 67.3 92.0 100.0

From the above frequency table we can see that, the number of respondents participated for the survey on the basis of (5000 or less) income are 49 which is 33% of the total respondents , (below 20000) income are 52 which is 35% of the total respondents ,(below 40000) income are 37 which is 25% of the total respondents, (41000 or more) income are 12 which is 8% of the total respondents.

Frequency analysis of age of the respondents

age of the respondents Cumulative Frequency Valid below 18 19-29 30-45 46-above Total 5 100 35 10 150 Percent 3.3 66.7 23.3 6.7 100.0 Valid Percent 3.3 66.7 23.3 6.7 100.0 Percent 3.3 70.0 93.3 100.0

From the above frequency table we can see that, the number of respondents participated for the survey on the basis of (Below 18) age are 5 which is 3% of the total respondents , (19-29) age are 100 which is 67% of the total respondents ,(30-45) age are 35 which is 23% of the total respondents, (46-above) age are 10 which is 7% of the total respondents.

Frequency analysis of education status of the respondents

education status of the respondents Cumulative Frequency Percent 8 8 14 119 1 150 5.3 5.3 9.3 79.3 .7 100.0 Valid Percent 5.3 5.3 9.3 79.3 .7 100.0 Percent 5.3 10.7 20.0 99.3 100.0


no education primary education secondary education bachelors degree or more 31.00 Total

From the above frequency table we can see that, the number of respondents participated for the survey on the basis of no education are 8 which is 5% of the total respondents , primary education are 8 which is 5% of the total respondents ,secondary education are 14 which is 9% of the total respondents, bachelors degreee and more are 119 which is 79% of the total respondents,31.00 is 1 which is 1%of the total respondents.

Frequency analysis of Q-1

Cumulative Frequency Percent 30.7 48.0 17.3 2.7 1.3 100.0 Valid Percent 30.7 48.0 17.3 2.7 1.3 100.0 Percent 30.7 78.7 96.0 98.7 100.0

do you think brand is an important thing while choosing a mobile phone connection?


very important important neutral unimportant totally unnecessary Total

46 72 26 4 2 150

From the above frequency table & bar-chart we can see that 72 respondents out of 150 which mean 48% of the respondents think that, brand is an important thing while choosing a mobile phone connection and 31% of the respondents think that brand is very important. On the other hand, 2 of the respondents which mean 1.3% of the respondents stated that it is unnecessary while choosing a mobile phone connection. So we can state that, brand is an important thing while choosing a mobile phone connection.

Frequency analysis of Q-2

does the brand GP influence you while choosing a mobile connection for you and your family? Cumulative Frequency Valid surely it does it does up to some extent no it does not Total 51 67 32 150 Percent 34.0 44.7 21.3 100.0 Valid Percent 34.0 44.7 21.3 100.0 Percent 34.0 78.7 100.0

From the above frequency table & bar-chart we can see that 51 respondents out of 150 which mean 34% of the respondents think that, GP surely influences them while choosing a mobile connection for them and their family and 45% of the respondents think that it does up to some extent. On the other hand, 32 of the respondents which mean 21% of the respondents stated that it does not influence while they choose a mobile connection for them or their family. So we can state that, GP influence them while choosing a mobile connection for them and their family up to some extent.

Frequency analysis of Q-3

do you fill convinced abput the quality when you see a GP branded product in the shelf ( mobile phones, internet modems)? Cumulative Frequency Valid strongly agree agree neutral dis agree strongly disagree Total 37 61 43 8 1 150 Percent 24.7 40.7 28.7 5.3 .7 100.0 Valid Percent 24.7 40.7 28.7 5.3 .7 100.0 Percent 24.7 65.3 94.0 99.3 100.0

From the above frequency table & bar-chart we can see that 37 respondents out of 150 which mean 25% of the respondents strongly agree and fill convinced about the quality when they see a GP branded product in the shelf. 41% of the respondents agree with it. On the other hand, 1 of the respondents which mean 1% of the respondents strongly disagreed with it. So we can state that, people fill convinced about the quality when they see a GP branded product in the shelf.

Frequency analysis of Q-4

Do you fill safe or convinced about performance or quality when you find out that GP is sponsoring something (concert, events) Cumulative Frequency Valid strongly agree agree neutral dis agree Total 31 75 35 9 150 Percent 20.7 50.0 23.3 6.0 100.0 Valid Percent 20.7 50.0 23.3 6.0 100.0 Percent 20.7 70.7 94.0 100.0

From the above frequency table & bar-chart we can see that 31 respondents out of 150 which mean 21% of the respondents strongly agree and fill safe or convinced about performance or quality when they find out that GP is sponsoring something. 50% of the respondents agree with it. On the other hand, 9 of the respondents which mean 6% of the respondents strongly disagreed with it. So we can state that, people fill safe or convinced about performance or quality when they find out that GP is sponsoring something

Frequency analysis of Q-5

For how long you are using the GP connection? Cumulative Frequency Valid few months only less than three years for last 5 years for last 8 years from the begining of GP (Last 11 years) Total 150 100.0 100.0 29 34 44 28 15 Percent 19.3 22.7 29.3 18.7 10.0 Valid Percent 19.3 22.7 29.3 18.7 10.0 Percent 19.3 42.0 71.3 90.0 100.0

From the above frequency table & histogram we can see that 44 respondents out of 150 which mean 29% of the respondents are using GP for last 5 years.. 10% of the respondents are using GP from the beginning of GP.

Frequency analysis of Q-7

Do you hink GP'S network coverage is the best in the country? Frequency Valid strongly agree agree neutral dis agree Total 69 68 10 3 150 Percent 46.0 45.3 6.7 2.0 100.0 Valid Percent 46.0 45.3 6.7 2.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 46.0 91.3 98.0 100.0

From the above frequency table & bar-chart we can see that 69 respondents out of 150 which mean 46% of the respondents strongly agree that GPs network coverage is the best in the country where as 2% disagree with that. So we can state that, people fill safe or convinced about performance or quality of GP network coverage.

Frequency analysis of Q-8

GP claims they have the strongest network. Do you feel safe and confident enough, that you will be never out of network while travelling across the country? Frequency Valid strongly agree agree neutral dis agree strongly disagree Total 44 80 19 6 1 150 Percent 29.3 53.3 12.7 4.0 .7 100.0 Valid Percent 29.3 53.3 12.7 4.0 .7 100.0 Cumulative Percent 29.3 82.7 95.3 99.3 100.0

From the above frequency table & bar-chart we can see that 80 respondents out of 150 which mean 53% of the respondents feel safe and confident enough, that they will be never out of network while traveling across the country but 1% strongly disagrees with it.

Frequency analysis of Q-9

Do you think GP's tariff is a bit higher than others but that helps them to provide quality and up to date services? Cumulative Frequency Valid strongly agree agree neutral dis agree Total 56 64 24 6 150 Percent 37.3 42.7 16.0 4.0 100.0 Valid Percent 37.3 42.7 16.0 4.0 100.0 Percent 37.3 80.0 96.0 100.0

From the above frequency table & bar-chart we can see that 56 respondents out of 150 which mean 37% of the respondents strongly agree that, GP's tariff are a bit higher than others but that helps them to provide quality and up to date services, where 43% agree with it and 6% disagree with it . So we can state that, GP's tariffs are a bit higher than others but that helps them to provide quality and up to date services.

Frequency analysis of Q-10

GP has the widest range of mobile services offered to different segments like consumers, youth, business, sme, soho and retail? Cumulative Frequency Valid strongly agree agree neutral dis agree Total 50 75 24 1 150 Percent 33.3 50.0 16.0 .7 100.0 Valid Percent 33.3 50.0 16.0 .7 100.0 Percent 33.3 83.3 99.3 100.0

The above frequency table and pie chart says that, 33% of total respondents are strongly agreed that GP has the widest range of mobile services offered to different segments like consumers, youth, business, sme, soho and retail and the respondents number is 50. 50% are agree, 16% are neutral. Finally 1 person is disagree which accounts for .7% of total respondents.

Frequency analysis of Q-11

Recharging or paying bills of your mobile is a big problem but finding a GP flexi-load point is a... Frequency Valid Big deal, its very rare 9 Percent 6.0 17.3 Valid Percent 6.0 17.3 Cumulative Percent 6.0 23.3

It can be found only in the major 26 places of importance Not at all a problem, its 106




everywhere I do not know Total 9 150 6.0 100.0 6.0 100.0 100.0

From the above frequency table & bar-chart we can see that 106 respondents out of 150 which mean 71% of the respondents agree that, Recharging or paying bills of your mobile is a big problem but finding a GP flexi-load point is Not at all a problem, its everywhere...where 17% says It can be found only in the major places of importance and 6% said I dont know. So we can say that GP flexi load point is everywhere.

Frequency analysis of Q-12

GP has different type of data call services, which one you use the most? Frequency Valid Different internet packages for 95 mobile & computers Mobile back up Bull services for share market Mobile TV Black-Berry secured services Total 32 7 5 11 150 21.3 4.7 3.3 7.3 100.0 21.3 4.7 3.3 7.3 100.0 84.7 89.3 92.7 100.0 Percent 63.3 Valid Percent 63.3 Cumulative Percent 63.3

From the above frequency table & bar-chart we can see that 95 respondents out of 150 which mean 63% of the respondents strongly agree that, they use most of the Different internet packages for mobile & computers, where 21% use mobile back up and 7% use Black-Berry secured services.

Frequency analysis of Q-13

Ranges of Internet Packages like daily based, monthly based, night plan, mini-pack & unlimited plans serves all segments of customers? Frequency Valid strongly agree agree neutral dis agree Total 46 66 28 10 150 Percent 30.7 44.0 18.7 6.7 100.0 Valid Percent 30.7 44.0 18.7 6.7 100.0 Cumulative Percent 30.7 74.7 93.3 100.0

From the above frequency table & bar-chart we can see that 66 respondents out of 150 which mean 44% of the respondents agree that, Ranges of Internet Packages like daily based, monthly based, night plan, mini-pack & unlimited plans serves all segments of customers, where 31% strongly agree with it and 7% disagree with it. So we can say that, Ranges of Internet Packages like daily based, monthly based, night plan, mini-pack & unlimited plans serves all segments of customers.

Frequency analysis of Q-14

Do you think data transfer rate of GP internet service is ok & better than any other operator? Frequency Valid strongly agree agree neutral dis agree strongly disagree Total 34 52 48 12 4 150 Percent 22.7 34.7 32.0 8.0 2.7 100.0 Valid Percent 22.7 34.7 32.0 8.0 2.7 100.0 Cumulative Percent 22.7 57.3 89.3 97.3 100.0

From the above frequency table & bar-chart we can see that 52 respondents out of 150 which mean 35% of the respondents agree that, data transfer rate of GP internet service is ok & better than any other operator , where 32% are neutral about it.

Frequency analysis of Q-15

GP always pioneers Value Added Services and has the widest range among the industry (Fnf, Missed Call Alert, Welcome Tune, Call Block, Balance Transfer, Music Radio, Health Line, Study Line, News & Sports Alerts etc)? Frequency Valid strongly agree agree neutral dis agree Total 55 62 29 4 150 Percent 36.7 41.3 19.3 2.7 100.0 Valid Percent 36.7 41.3 19.3 2.7 100.0 Cumulative Percent 36.7 78.0 97.3 100.0

From the above frequency table & bar-chart we can see that 62 respondents out of 150 which mean 41% of the respondents agree that, GP always pioneers Value Added Services and has the widest range among the industry. 37% strongly agree with it and 3% disagree with it.

Frequency analysis of Q-16

Value Added Services like Study Line for higher Education Information, Emergency Health Line operated by trained Doctors, Bill Pay which enables you to pay your Electricity, Gas & Water Bill and Mobitaka enables you to buy Intercity Train ticket, Frequency Valid strongly agree agree neutral dis agree Total 48 72 27 3 150 Percent 32.0 48.0 18.0 2.0 100.0 Valid Percent 32.0 48.0 18.0 2.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 32.0 80.0 98.0 100.0

From the above frequency table & bar-chart we can see that 72 respondents out of 150 which mean 48% of the respondents agree that, Value Added Services like Study Line for higher Education Information, Emergency Health Line operated by trained Doctors, Bill Pay which enables them to pay your Electricity, Gas & Water Bill and Mobitaka enables you to buy Intercity Train ticket.32%strongly agree with it and 2% disagree with it.

Frequency analysis of Q-17

Have you ever called 121 GP Hotline? Frequency Valid YES NO I cannot remember 102 38 4 Percent 68.0 25.3 2.7 2.7 Valid Percent 68.0 25.3 2.7 2.7 Cumulative Percent 68.0 93.3 96.0 98.7

I do not know what is 121 or GP 4 hotline 5.00 Total 2 150

1.3 100.0

1.3 100.0


The high number of people who called 121 is 102 and its account for 68% of total respondents. 25% dont call in 121. 3 % respondents can remember whether they call or not and dont know what is 121. Finally 1 % is in 5.00.

Frequency analysis of Q-18

Regarding what problem you did called 121 Hotline? Frequency Valid Billing bar/unbar After sales query Value added services Special roaming) I did not make a call till now. Total 33 150 22.0 100.0 22.0 100.0 100.0 service 40 38 27 Percent 26.7 25.3 18.0 8.0 Valid Percent 26.7 25.3 18.0 8.0 Cumulative Percent 26.7 52.0 70.0 78.0

(international 12

The high number of people who called 121 about Billing-bar/unbar is 40 and its account for 27% of total respondents. 25% call after sales query and 22% still did not make a call till now.

Frequency analysis of Q-19

Were customer managers able to solve your problem promptly? Frequency Valid strongly agree agree neutral dis agree strongly disagree Total 25 66 50 3 6 150 Percent 16.7 44.0 33.3 2.0 4.0 100.0 Valid Percent 16.7 44.0 33.3 2.0 4.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 16.7 60.7 94.0 96.0 100.0

From the above frequency table and pie chart we get that, 17% respondents think that customer can solve the problem strongly and the number is 25. 44% agree, 33% are neutral, 3% are disagreed. Lastly 4% respondents are strongly disagreed and the number of strongly disagreed people is 6.

Frequency analysis of Q-20

Do you think agents over the phone talked to you were professional, friendly, caring to you? Frequency Valid strongly agree agree neutral dis agree Total 49 55 42 4 150 Percent 32.7 36.7 28.0 2.7 100.0 Valid Percent 32.7 36.7 28.0 2.7 100.0 Cumulative Percent 32.7 69.3 97.3 100.0

From the above frequency table we get, 37% respondents agree that agents over the phone talked to them were professional, friendly, caring. 33% strongly agree and 3% strongly disagree.

Frequency analysis of Q-21

While purchasing or consulting for a problem in the GPC what impression Agents and Environment created on you? Frequency Valid It was highly organized and 77 agents were very helpful I was confused, where to go , 27 whom to talk It was somehow ok. Total 46 150 30.7 100.0 30.7 100.0 100.0 18.0 18.0 69.3 Percent 51.3 Valid Percent 51.3 Cumulative Percent 51.3

Above table and chart shows that 51% respondents think that GPC are highly organized agents were very helpful and the number of the respondents is 77% respondents are confused. Lastly 46 respondents think that it is somehow and its accounts for 30% of total respondents.

Frequency analysis of Q-22

GP is very sincere on providing quality service via its affiliates (GPC, GPCF, CIC, STP & Hotline) on a continuous basis? Frequency Valid YES NO DON'T KNOW 5.00 Total 88 16 44 2 150 Percent 58.7 10.7 29.3 1.3 100.0 Valid Percent 58.7 10.7 29.3 1.3 100.0 Cumulative Percent 58.7 69.3 98.7 100.0

From the frequency table we can see that 59% thinks that GP is very sincere on providing quality service via its affiliates (GPC, GPCF, CIC, STP & Hotline) on a continuous basis, and 11% dont think this is true, where 20% dont know about it.

Frequency analysis of Q-23

Which one of the customer services should be more developed for enhancing customer satisfaction? Frequency Valid 24 Hour Hotline Customer Care Outlets 34 44 Percent 22.7 29.3 26.7 Valid Percent 22.7 29.3 26.7 Cumulative Percent 22.7 52.0 78.7

Community Information Centers in 40 Villages Online Help Desk Not required, Everything is OK Total 24 8 150

16.0 5.3 100.0

16.0 5.3 100.0

94.7 100.0

From the above frequency table and pie chart we can see that, 23% of total respondents think that 24 hour hotline service is needed most and the number of respondent is 34, 29% support for customer care outlets, 26% support for community information centers, 16% support for online help desk. Finally, 5% respondents think that everything is ok and their number is 8.

Frequency analysis of Q-24

You might face problems while using a mobile connection. How likely is, you will switch from Grameenphone to another Operator? Frequency Valid I will definitely switch I might switch I do not know Probably I will not switch Definitely I will not switch Total 32 46 27 32 13 150 Percent 21.3 30.7 18.0 21.3 8.7 100.0 Valid Percent 21.3 30.7 18.0 21.3 8.7 100.0 Cumulative Percent 21.3 52.0 70.0 91.3 100.0

From the above frequency analysis we can see that, 31% might switch and 21% will definitely switch and 9% will definitely not switch while face problems using a mobile connection of Grameenphone.

Cross tabulation

Q-1 VS Q-2
Do you think brand is an important thing while choosing a mobile phone connection? * does the brand GP influence you while choosing a mobile connection for you and your family? Cross tabulation Does the brand GP influence you while choosing a mobile connection for you and your family? it does up to surely it does Do you think brand is an important thing while choosing a mobile phone connection? Total very important important neutral unimportant totally unnecessary 24 24 3 0 0 51 some extent 15 46 3 2 1 67 no it does not 7 2 20 2 1 32 Total 46 72 26 4 2 150

Interpretation: 46 of the respondents, who think brand is an important thing while choosing a mobile phone connection, think that brand has also influenced them up to some extent while choosing mobile phone connections for them and their family as well and 24 of the respondents think it surely does. Again, 24 of the respondents who believe brand are a very important thing while choosing a mobile phone connection also think it surely influence them while choosing a mobile phone connection for them and for their family as well. 15 of the respondents from the same category stated that brand influence them up to some extent. So we can say from the above interpretation that, people who believe brand is an important thing while choosing a mobile phone connection also being influenced by it.

Q-1 VS Q-5

Do you think brand is an important thing while choosing a mobile phone connection? * For how long you are using the GP connection? For how long you are using the GP connection? from the beginning of less than three few months only Do you think brand very important is an important thing important neutral while choosing a mobile phone connection? Total totally unnecessary 29 34 44 28 15 150 5 5 15 2 2 years 6 24 3 1 0 for last 5 years for last 8 years 14 25 5 0 0 10 16 2 0 0 GP (Last 11 years) 11 2 1 1 0 Total 46 72 26 4 2


Interpretation: 14 of the respondents who think brand are an very important thing while choosing a mobile phone connection have been using GP connections for last 5 years, 10 of the respondents who think brand are an very important thing while choosing a mobile phone connection have been using GP connections for last 8 years, 5 of the respondents who think brand are an very important thing while choosing a mobile phone connection have been using GP connections for few months only, 11 of the respondents who think brand are an very important thing while choosing a mobile phone connection have been using GP connections for last 11 years and 6 of the respondents who think brand are an very important thing while choosing a mobile phone connection have been using GP connections for less than three years only. 24 of the respondents who also think that brand are an important thing while choosing a mobile phone connection have been using GP connections for less than three years, 25 of respondents who think that brand are an important thing while choosing a mobile phone connection have been using GP connections for last 5 years. And only 2 respondents, who are using GP connection for last 11 years, think brand is as important component while choosing mobile phone connections.

Only 2 people using GP connections for a few months only, think that brand is totally unnecessary for choosing a mobile phone connection. So we can say from the above interpretation that, brand is important for people who are using the mobile phone connection of GP for longer time.

Q-17 VS Q-24
Have you ever called 121 GP Hotline? * You might face problems while using a mobile connection. How likely is, you will switch from Grameenphone to another Operator? You might face problems while using a mobile connection. How likely is, you will switch from Grameenphone to another Operator? I will definitely switch Have you ever called 121 GP Hotline? YES NO I cannot remember I do not know what is 121 or GP hotline Total 32 46 27 32 13 150 0 1 2 0 1 4 25 6 0 I might switch 30 14 1 I do not know 10 11 3 Probably I Definitely I will not switch 27 5 0 will not switch 10 2 0 Total 102 38 4

Interpretation: 30 of the respondents, who have called 121 GP Hotline, have a tendency to switch from Grameenphone to another Operator and 25 of the respondents, who have also called 121 GP Hotline, have a tendency to

switch from Grameenphone. Again, in the same category, 27 of the respondents probably will not switch and 10 of them are not sure about switching brand. Conversely, 14 of the respondents, who have not called 121 GP Hotline, have a tendency to switch from Grameenphone to another Operator and 6 of the respondents, who also have not called 121 GP Hotline, have a tendency to switch from Grameenphone. Again, in the same category, 5 of the respondents probably will not switch and 11 of them are not sure about switching brand. So, from the above interpretation, we can say that, most of the respondents may switch the brand if they face problems while using GP connection regardless of the fact of having an experience with 121 GP Hotline or not.

Q-13 VS Q-14

Ranges of Internet Packages like daily based, monthly based, night plan, mini-pack & unlimited plans serves all segments of customers? * Do you think data transfer rate of GP internet service is ok & better than any other operator? Do you think data transfer rate of GP internet service is ok & better than any other operator? strongly strongly agree Ranges of Internet Packages like daily based, monthly based, night plan, mini-pack & unlimited plans serves all segments of customers? Total strongly agree agree neutral disagree 9 2 1 27 3 0 24 20 3 4 3 4 2 0 2 66 28 10 22 agree 22 neutral 1 disagree 1 disagree 0 Total 46






Interpretation: 22 of the respondents who strongly agree that the wide range of Internet Packages serve all segments of customers, also strongly agree that data transfer rate of GP internet service is ok & better than any other operator. Again, 27 of the respondents who agree that the wide range of Internet Packages serve all segments of customers, also agree that data transfer rate of GP internet service is better than others. Conversely, 3 of the respondents who are neutral/disagree with the fact that the wide range of GP Internet Packages serve all segments of customers, also disagree that data transfer rate of GP internet service is better than others. So, from the above interpretation, we can say that, most of the respondents who believe that GP Internet Packages cover almost all segments of the potential consumers, also agree with the fact that GPs data transfer rate is better than other mobile phone operators.

Q-15 VS. Q-16

GP always pioneers Value Added Services and has the widest range among the industry (Fnf, Missed Call Alert, Welcome Tune, Call Block, Balance Transfer, Music Radio, Health Line, Study Line, News & Sports Alerts etc)? * Value Added Services like Study Line for higher Education Information, Emergency Health Line operated by trained Doctors, Bill Pay which enables you to pay your Electricity, Gas & Water Bill and Mobitaka enables you to buy Intercity Train ticket, Value Added Services like Study Line for higher Education Information, Emergency Health Line operated by trained Doctors, Bill Pay which enables you to pay your Electricity, Gas & Water Bill and Mobitaka enables you to buy Intercity Train ticket, strongly agree GP always pioneers Value strongly agree Added Services and has the widest range among the industry (Fnf, Missed Call Alert, Welcome Tune, Call Block, Balance Transfer, Music Radio, Health Line, Study Line, News & Sports Alerts etc)? Total 48 72 27 3 150 agree neutral disagree 35 8 5 0 agree 15 47 8 2 neutral 4 7 15 1 disagree 1 0 1 1 Total 55 62 29 4

Interpretation: 35 of the respondents who strongly agree that GP has always pioneered the Value Added Services in the telecom industry of Bangladesh, also strongly agree with the fact that several GP VAS enables consumers to pay their Electricity, Gas & Water Bill and to buy Intercity Train ticket. Again, 47 of the respondents who agree that GP has always pioneered the Value Added Services in the telecom industry of Bangladesh also agree with the fact that several GP VAS enables consumers to pay their Electricity, Gas & Water Bill and to buy Intercity Train ticket. Conversely, 15 of the respondents who are neutral about the fact that GP has always pioneered the Value Added Services in the telecom industry of Bangladesh are also neutral regarding the

fact that several GP VAS enables consumers to pay their Electricity, Gas & Water Bill and to buy Intercity Train ticket. So, from the above interpretation, we can say that, most of the respondents who believe that GP has always pioneered the Value Added Services in the telecom industry of Bangladesh also think that several GP VAS enable them to pay their Electricity, Gas & Water Bill and to buy Intercity Train ticket.

Q- 20 VS. Q-23
Do you think agents over the phone talked to you were professional, friendly, caring to you? * Which one of the customer services should be more developed for enhancing customer satisfaction? Which one of the following customer services should be more developed for enhancing customer satisfaction? Community Information 24 Hour Hotline Do you think agents over the phone talked to you were professional, friendly, caring to you? Total strongly agree agree neutral disagree 11 10 12 1 34 Customer Care Outlets 10 14 18 2 44 Centers in Villages 20 14 6 0 40 Online Help Desk 6 15 2 1 24 Not required, Everything is OK 2 2 4 0 8 Total 49 55 42 4 150

Interpretation: 20 of the respondents who strongly agree that GP Customer Care personnel were professional, friendly, caring to them, also think that GP Community Information Centers in the remote Villages should be more developed for enhancing customer satisfaction. Again, 15 of the respondents who agree that GP Customer Care personnel were professional, friendly, caring to them, also think that GP Online Help Desk should be more developed for enhancing customer satisfaction.

Conversely, 18 of the respondents who are neutral about the fact that GP Customer Care personnel were professional, friendly, caring to them, also think that GP Customer Care Outlets should be more developed for enhancing customer satisfaction. And only 2 of the respondents who disagree that GP Customer Care personnel were professional, friendly, caring to them, also think that GP Customer Care Outlets should be more developed for enhancing customer satisfaction. So, from the above interpretation, we can say that, most of the respondents think that at least some of the GP customer services should be more developed for enhancing customer satisfaction regardless of the fact that whether they agree or disagree about the professionalism / friendliness / caring of the GP Customer Care personnel.

Q- 7 VS. Q- 8
Do you think GP'S network coverage is the best in the country? * GP claims they have the strongest network. Do you feel safe and confident enough, that you will be never out of network while travelling across the country? GP claims they have the strongest network. Do you feel safe and confident enough, that you will be never out of network while travelling across the country? strongly strongly agree Do you think GP'S network coverage is the best in the country? strongly agree agree neutral disagree Total 1 0 0 44 58 2 0 80 6 7 1 19 3 1 2 6 0 0 0 1 68 10 3 150 43 agree 20 neutral 5 disagree 0 disagree 1 Total 69

Interpretation: 43 of the respondents who strongly agree that GPs network coverage is the best in the country, also feel safe and confident enough, that they will be never out of network while travelling across the country. Again, 58 of the respondents who agree that GPs network coverage is the best in the country, also feel safe and confident enough, that they will be never out of network while travelling across the country. Conversely, 7 of the respondents who are neutral about the fact that GPs network coverage is the best in the country are also neutral about the fact that they will be never out of network while travelling across the country.

So, from the above interpretation, we can say that, most of the respondents who somewhat agree that GPs network coverage is the best in the country, also feel safe and confident enough, that they will be never out of network while travelling across the country.

Q- 3 VS. Q- 4
Do you fill convinced about the quality when you see a GP branded product in the shelf (mobile phones, internet modems)? * Do you fill safe or convinced about performance or quality when you find out that GP is sponsoring something (concert, events) Do you feel safe or convinced about performance or quality when you find out that GP is sponsoring something (concert, events)? strongly agree Do you feel convinced about the quality when you see a GP branded product in the shelf (mobile phones, internet modems)? Total strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree 21 6 3 0 1 agree 15 45 14 1 0 neutral 1 10 24 0 0 disagree 0 0 2 7 0 Total 37 61 43 8 1





Interpretation: 21 of the respondents who strongly feel convinced about the quality when they see a GP branded product in the shelf (mobile phones, internet modems), also strongly feel convinced about performance or quality when they find out that GP is sponsoring something (concert, events). Again, 45 of the respondents who feel convinced about the quality when they see a GP branded product in the shelf, also feel convinced about performance or quality when they find out that GP is sponsoring some events. Conversely, 24 of the respondents who are neutral about the quality of GP branded products are also neutral about the performance or quality when they find out that GP is sponsoring some events.

So, from the above interpretation, we can say that, people who are already convinced about the quality of the GP branded products, also feel convinced about the performance level of the GP sponsored events.

Education status vs. Q-7

Education status of the respondents * Do you Think GP'S network coverage is the best in the country? Do you think GP'S network coverage is the best in the country? strongly agree education status of the respondents no education primary education secondary education bachelors degree or more Total 5 2 7 54 1 69 agree 0 3 7 58 0 68 neutral 3 2 0 5 0 10 disagree 0 1 0 2 0 3 Total 8 8 14 119 1 150

Interpretation: 5 of the respondents, who have zero education level, strongly agree that GP'S network coverage is the best in the country. Again, 3 of the respondents, who have only primary education, agree that GP'S network coverage is the best in the country. And 7 of the respondents, who have up to secondary education, agree that GP'S network coverage is the best in the country. Lastly, 58 of the respondents, who have bachelors degree or more, agree that GP'S network coverage is the best in the country. So, from the above interpretation, we can say that, most of the people think that GP'S network coverage is the best in the country regardless of the fact that whether they are educated or not.

Income status vs. Q-9

Income of the respondents * Do you think GP's tariff are a bit higher than others but that helps them to provide quality and up to date services? Cross tabulation Count Do you think GP's tariffs are a bit higher than others but that helps them to provide quality and up to date services? strongly agree income of the respondents 5000 or less below 20000 below 40000 41000 or more Total 14 12 25 5 56 agree 17 31 11 5 64 neutral 16 6 1 1 24 disagree 2 3 0 1 6 Total 49 52 37 12 150

Interpretation: 17 of the respondents whose monthly income level are TK 5,000 or less, agree that GP's tariffs are a bit higher than others but that helps them to provide quality / up to date services. Again, 31 of the respondents whose monthly income level are below TK 20,000 also agree that GP's tariffs are a bit higher than others. And, 25 of the respondents whose monthly income level are below TK 40,000 strongly agree with the fact that GP's tariffs are a bit higher than others. Conversely, only 5 of the respondents whose monthly income level are TK 41,000 or more, agree that GP's tariffs are a bit higher than others. So, from the above interpretation, we can say that, most of the people think that GP's tariffs are a bit higher than others regardless of the monthly income level of the consumers.


age of the respondents * Ranges of Internet Packages like daily based, monthly based, night plan, minipack & unlimited plans serves all segments of customers? Cross tabulation Count Ranges of Internet Packages like daily based, monthly based, night plan, mini-pack & unlimited plans serves all segments of customers? strongly agree age of the respondents below 18 19-29 30-45 46-above Total 1 33 9 3 46 agree 1 40 20 5 66 neutral 0 20 6 2 28 disagree 3 7 0 0 10 Total 5 100 35 10 150

Interpretation: 3 of the respondents, who are below 18 years old, disagree that the ranges of GP Internet Packages serve all segments of customers. 40 of the respondents, who have the age between the ranges of 19-29, agree that the ranges of GP Internet Packages serve all segments of customers. 20 of the respondents, who have the age between the ranges of 30-45, agree that the ranges of GP Internet Packages serve all segments of customers. And only 5 of the respondents, who are 46 and above, agree that the ranges of GP Internet Packages serve all segments of customers. So, from the above interpretation, we can say that, most of the people think that GP Internet Packages serve all segments of customers regardless of the age of the respondents.


Education status of the respondents * Which one of the customer services should be more developed for enhancing customer satisfaction? Cross tabulation Count Which one of the customer services should be more developed for enhancing customer satisfaction? Community Customer Information 24 Hour Hotline education status of the respondents no education primary education secondary education bachelors degree or more 31 28 34 19 7 119 2 8 1 3 0 14 0 5 2 1 0 8 1 Care Outlets 3 Centers in Villages 2 Online Help Desk 1 Not required, Everything is OK 1 Total 8







Interpretation: 3 of the respondents, who have zero education level, think that GP Customer Care Outlets should be more developed for enhancing customer satisfaction. Again, 5 of the respondents, who have only primary education level, also think that GP Customer Care Outlets should be more developed for enhancing customer satisfaction. And, 8 of the respondents, who have up to secondary education level, also think that GP Customer Care Outlets should be more developed for enhancing customer satisfaction. Lastly, 34 of the respondents, who have bachelors degree or more, think that GP Community Information Centers in Villages should be more developed for enhancing customer satisfaction. So, from the above interpretation, we can say that, most of the people think that GP Customer Care Outlets should be more developed for enhancing customer satisfaction regardless of the education level of the respondents.

Linear & Curve regression

In linear regression, from ANOVA table, if we find the F value > significant value then we reject null hypothesis. In contrast, if we find F value < significant value then we can say that we accept null hypothesis.

In curve regression, we get b0 & b1 values. The b1 value tell us to what extent Y changes when X changes by 1 assuming Y is the dependent variable and X is the independent variable. GP as a brand and its Customer Satisfaction vs. GP as a Brand
ANOVAb Model 1 Regression Residual Total Sum of Squares 9.922 10.530 20.452 df 1 148 149 Mean Square 9.922 .071 F 139.457 Sig. .000a

a. Predictors: (Constant), GP as a Brand b. Dependent Variable: GP as a Brand and its customer satisfaction

Model Summary and Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable:GP as a Brand and its customer satisfaction Model Summary Equation Linear R Square .485 F 139.457 df1 1 df2 148 Sig. .000 Parameter Estimates Constant .890 b1 .567

The independent variable is GP as a Brand.

From linear regression, we got, F value = 139.457> significant value= .000 So, we accept alternative hypothesis means has positive relationship between Customer Satisfaction & Brand image of GP Again, from curve regression, the b1 value is required for the effectiveness of the GP Customer satisfaction is

which indicates that Brand image of GP has huge impact over the GP

Customer satisfaction. +ve b1 value indicates the positive correlation between the GP Customer satisfaction and Brand image of GP. However, the relationship between two variable is reliable because of significant value is greater than F value. Last of all; figure shows that there is upward slope which indicates a positive relationship between GPs Brand image & GP customers satisfaction level. So we can see from the above interpretation that, GP customers satisfaction level is very high because of the high brand image of GP & most of the respondents settled that GPs strong brand

image influence them while choosing a mobile connection and they feel safe or convinced about performance or quality while using GP connection. GP as a brand and its Customer Satisfaction vs. GP Customer Care
ANOVAb Model 1 Regression Residual Total Sum of Squares 12.447 8.005 20.452 df 1 148 149 Mean Square 12.447 .054 F 230.140 Sig. .000a

a. Predictors: (Constant), GP Customer care b. Dependent Variable: GP as a Brand and its customer satisfaction

Model Summary and Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable:GP as a Brand and its customer satisfaction Model Summary Equation Linear R Square .609 F 230.140 df1 1 df2 148 Sig. .000 Parameter Estimates Constant .859 b1 .571

The independent variable is GP Customer care.

From linear regression, we got, F value = 230.140> significant value= .000

So, we accept alternative hypothesis means has positive relationship between Customer Satisfaction & Customer care service of GP. Again, from curve regression, the b1 value is required for the effectiveness of the GP Customer satisfaction is .571 which indicates that Customer care service of GP has huge impact over the GP Customer satisfaction. +ve b1 value also indicates the positive correlation between the GP Customer satisfaction and Customer care service of GP. However, the relationship between two variable is reliable because of significant value is greater than F value. Last of all; figure shows that there is upward slope which indicates a positive relationship between Customer care services of GP & GP customers satisfaction level. So we can see from the above interpretation that, because of the various Customer care services provided by GP, the satisfaction level of the customers are also very high. GP used to provide multiple customer care services by 121 hotline, GPC, GPCF, CIC, STP on a continuous basis along with most efficient and professional customer care managers. GP as a brand and its Customer Satisfaction vs. GP Value added Services
ANOVAb Model 1 Regression Residual Total Sum of Squares 13.113 7.339 20.452 df 1 148 149 Mean Square 13.113 .050 F 264.453 Sig. .000a

a. Predictors: (Constant), GP valu added services b. Dependent Variable: GP as a Brand and its customer satisfaction

Model Summary and Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable:GP as a Brand and its customer satisfaction Model Summary Equation Linear R Square .641 F 264.453 df1 1 df2 148 Sig. .000 Parameter Estimates Constant 1.073 b1 .555

The independent variable is GP valu added services.

From linear regression, we got, F value = 264.453> significant value= .000 So, we accept alternative hypothesis means has positive relationship between Customer Satisfaction & Value added services of GP. Again, from curve regression, the b1 value is required for the effectiveness of the GP Customer satisfaction is

which indicates that Value added services of GP has vast impact over the GP

Customers satisfaction level. +ve b1 value also indicates the positive correlation between the GP Customer satisfaction and Value added services of GP. However, the relationship between two variable is reliable because of significant value is greater than F value. Last of all; figure shows that there is upward slope which indicates a positive relationship between Values added services of GP & GP customers satisfaction level. So we can see from the above interpretation that, because of the various values added services provided by GP, the satisfaction level of the customers are also very high. GP used to provide multiple values added services like study line for higher education information, Emergency

Health Line operated by the trained doctors, Bill Pay which enables you to pay your electricity, Gas & Water bill, Mobitaka enables you to buy intercity train ticket from home. These bunches of value added services has also given GP a basis of competitive advantage over its competitors. Moreover, GP always pioneers Value Added Services and has the widest range among the industry (Fnf, Missed Call Alert, Welcome Tune, Call Block, Balance Transfer, Music Radio, Health Line, Study Line, News & Sports Alerts etc) which make the customers more satisfied. GP has the widest range of mobile services offered to different segments like Consumer, Youth, Business, SME, SOHO and Retail along with different type of data call services such as Different internet packages for mobile & computers, Mobile back up, Bull services for share market, Mobile TV, Black-Berry secured services etc. these value added services had already a huge impact over its customers. GP as a brand and its Customer Satisfaction vs. GP Internet
ANOVAb Model 1 Regression Residual Total Sum of Squares 9.765 10.687 20.452 df 1 148 149 Mean Square 9.765 .072 F 135.235 Sig. .000a

a. Predictors: (Constant), GP internet b. Dependent Variable: GP as a Brand and its customer satisfaction

Model Summary and Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable:GP as a Brand and its customer satisfaction Model Summary Equation Linear R Square .477 F 135.235 df1 1 df2 148 Sig. .000 Parameter Estimates Constant 1.369 b1 .357

The independent variable is GPinternet.

From linear regression, we got, F value = 135.235 > significant value= .000 So, we accept alternative hypothesis means has positive relationship between Customer Satisfaction & GP Internet services. Again, from curve regression, the b1 value is required for the effectiveness of the GP Customer satisfaction is

which indicates that GP Internet services has reasonable impact over the GP

Customer satisfaction. +ve b1 value also indicates the positive correlation between the GP Customer satisfaction and GP Internet services. Still, the relationship between two variable is reliable because of significant value is greater than F value. Last of all; figure shows that there is upward slope which indicates a positive relationship between GP Internet services & GP customers satisfaction level. So we can see from the above interpretation that, because of the unique Internet services provided by GP, the satisfaction level of the customers is also very high. GP used to provide Ranges of Internet Packages like daily based, monthly based, night plan, mini-pack & unlimited

plans serves all segments of customers. These different types of internet packages have also given GP a competitive edge over its competitors. GP as a brand and its Customer Satisfaction vs. GP Network.
ANOVAb Model 1 Regression Residual Total Sum of Squares 3.629 16.823 20.452 df 1 148 149 Mean Square 3.629 .114 F 31.922 Sig. .000a

a. Predictors: (Constant), GP network b. Dependent Variable: GP as a Brand and its customer satisfaction

Model Summary and Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable:GP as a Brand and its customer satisfaction Model Summary Equation Linear R Square .177 F 31.922 df1 1 df2 148 Sig. .000 Parameter Estimates Constant 1.334 b1 .367

The independent variable is GP network.

From linear regression, we got, F value = 31.922> significant value= .000 So, we accept alternative hypothesis means has positive relationship between Customer Satisfaction & GP Network. Again, from curve regression, the b1 value is required for the effectiveness of the GP Customer satisfaction is

which indicates that GPs strong Network has reasonable impact over the GP

Customer satisfaction. +ve b1 value also indicates the positive correlation between the GP Customer satisfaction and GPs strong Network. Nevertheless, the relationship between two variable is reliable because of significant value is greater than F value. Last of all; figure shows that there is upward slope which indicates a positive relationship between GPs strong Network & GP customers levels of satisfaction. So we can see from the above interpretation that, the satisfaction level of the customers is quite high because of the GPs strongest Network. GPs network coverage is the best in the country

and customers feel safe and confident enough, that they will be never out of network while travelling across the country.

By processing the data from the survey a positive result came out. Considering brand, its image, loyalty to the brand, usage of its different services, expectation of customers, service available currently, tariff promotions given, after sales services, corporate social responsibility etc.

Few things like the tariff seem to be a bit higher than other operator in some cases. Though some respondents had a negative impression on that but the analysis says that they are actually not giving that much importance on that. As Grameenphone has a large customer base now, they could revise some tariff & Charges.

The customers who are loyal to Grameenphone mostly they seek for an uninterrupted network. Still there are some places which do not fall under any cellular network and some places which have poor network.

After sales services also has a greater impact on customers mind which is already being provided by Grameenphone and its affiliates like GPC, GPSD, and Hotline etc. Quality should not fall here.

Analysis shows that Grameenphone has a very positive brand Image which can be considered as the most important thing. Thus most of the campaign is successful. Grameenphone needs to hold it for the future by delivering consistent quality service. A minor mistake can hamper the image.

Ranges of value added services and internet packages fulfill all type of customer requirements. As Grameenphone is the pioneer in this sector customer are not aware of their needs though they are satisfied with the current packages and services. Still Grameenphone has the opportunity to cover new segments by introducing more low cost packages.

Know how about some data call services like Mobile back up, Bull services for share market, Mobile TV, Black-Berry secured services are very low. Grameenphone needs more promotion on this sector. Customers tend to have 24 hours customer support in case of any emergency or in case of any query.

Paying electricity, gas and water bill via recharging point also have an impact in retaining customers. That means utility means a lot to the customers.

According to the recommendation we need following implementation Grameenphone needs to revise its tariff & charges for regular post-paid & pre-paid numbers. A flat rate can be offered for both of the packages. Grameenphone needs to explore the uncovered zones as soon as possible. Service desks needs to be brought up in all point of importance.

Data call services other than internet packages needs more promotion and education. Because many of the people does not know how and why to use it.

To hold the current brand image Grameenphone should come up with more socially responsible works. Like Ekattoreer Chithi or helping to build up school in rural areas.

24 hour customer service is still there but the night time (12am-07am) is served by IVR under Governments order. But human interaction is more convinced than IVR. Thus Grameenphone should re-introduce it.

Bill paying utilities needs to be introduced in all places of importance.

New Value added services has to be brought up in a regular basis.

Loyal customer must fall under some benefit program. May be by offering discounts in monthly bill or by offering a free service.

The research has not involved any participant who might not be able to give fully informed consent for example children, vulnerable adults, employees, those with pre-existing relationship with the researcher. This research would not involve the administration of any substances like, food substances, addictives, alcohol etc. No invasive producers, like blood sampling, temperature probes would be part of the research. No physical, social, psychological, emotional or financial risk to the participant of the research. No confidential or sensitive data was used. No unlawful activity has been done. Dhaka Metropolitan city was considered as population and 150 samples were chosen based on the proposal.

In the beginning we had an assumption that people will not be that much helpful and conducting 150 surveys with along questionnaire will be hard. Though it was a bit difficult but there are many things to learn from real time experience. Unaware of the survey was done and analysis shows that most of Grameenphone subscribers are satisfied on their current services.


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