Guide To ISO50001 PDF
Guide To ISO50001 PDF
Guide To ISO50001 PDF
to ISO 50001
Established in 1947
What is ISO
International Organization for Standardization ISO is the world largest standards developing organization.
ISO has published more than 18,500 International Standards
( Ranging from standards for activities such as agriculture and construction, through mechanical engineering, to medical devices, to the newest information technology developments )
An acronym "ISO" was chosen deriving from the Greek isos, meaning "equal" ( Whatever the country, whatever the language, the
short form of the organization's name is always ISO)
Summary of ISO was referenced from ISO website, page Discover ISO:
ISO standards are voluntary: ISO itself does not regulate or legislate
ISO only develops standards for which there is a market requirement
ISO standards are based on international consensus by requiring a periodic review of its standards at least every five years
Globally relevant
ISO standards are technical agreements which provide the framework for compatible technology worldwide
10 subscriber members (countries with very small economies wishing to maintain contact)
technical base for health, safety and environmental legislation, and conformity assessment
For businesses
For customers
development, manufacturing and supply of products and services more efficient, safer and cleaner facilitates trade between countries and make it fairer shares technological advances and good management practice a broader choice of offers world-wide, and benefitting from competition assurance of quality, environmental friendliness, safety, efficiency and interchangeability at an economical cost wherever in the world you are quality of life in general by ensuring that the transport, machinery and tools we use are safe and cleaner quality of air, water and soil, reducing emissions of gases/radiation and promoting green products for preserving the environment
For consumers
For everyone
Technical Committee (TC)
Sub Committee (SC) CD
Intl Standard
Standard Development
review comments
review comments
review comments
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Having organisations in more than one country, a single, harmonized standard for implementation across the organization
ISO 50001
Differentiation Factors to
Have the strong top management involvement & leadership in EnMS operation Have the top management to appoint a management representative from higher management level to manage cross over organisation Encourages organizations to better utilize existing energy consuming facilities, thus reducing operational costs and/or expanding business capacity Have a framework to encourage suppliers and customer to better manage their energy, thus promoting energy efficiency throughout the supply chain
ISO 50001
ISO 14001
Proclamation of Independence !!
Energy management has always been a part of ISO 14001 Improve energy performance has always been positive environmental aspects
Inevitable birth of ISO 50001 due to market needs EnMS that generates data for measuring PERFORMANCES
EnMS audit examines if energy performance improved, and objectives and targets achieved To ensure sustainable business development for a long range survival Energy management as a component of carbon emission reduction projects Recognition of PDCA ensuring continual improvement Most businesses are to generate energy or some sorts of energy for clients, thus energy management is being recognised as business management
Generate the best quality energy for clients on account of least energy consumption
Energy management: nothing to lose, only to gain ISO 50001 certification is not about nonconformity prevention but to demonstrate superiority of your business
EnMS Performance
Energy Performance Management Performance
ISO 9001 Generic ISO 14001
(3) Practicality
Regardless of the size and type of organisation, regardless of if you are subscribing to the national or local requirements, data and performance based management method can be properly blended into your operation.
Working Draft Approved Winter 2008 Committee Draft Approved Summer 2009 Draft International Standard version Approved Summer 2010 Final Draft International Standard version Approved Spring 2011
ISO 50001
Contents Forward Introduction 1. Scope 2. Normative references 3. Terms and definitions 4. EnMS Requirements
4.1 General requirements 4.2 Management responsibilities 4.3 Energy Policy 4.4 Energy Planning 4.5 Implementation and operation 4.6 Checking (performance) 4.7 Management Review
About ISO and positioning of the document Summary of the standard in this document Scope: Specifying requirements for EnMS
Any references to make this document valid Terms and definitions used in this document
Defining the requirements of ISO 50001
Establish Define
How it will meet the requirements to achieve continual improvement of energy performance Implement Maintain
Strictly informative guide to ensure a proper understanding and appreciation of the contents in Clause 4
Management review
Verify if you operate business under established EnMS in conformance to ISO 50001 report the result of verification at Management review
Clause 4, Sub-clause 4.7 Clause 4, Sub-clause 4.6
Verification is done by actual result written in reports and records as evidences against written guidelines and provisions, procedures and plans Therefore, documentation is the most important aspect to consider when one seeks efficient operation of EnMS compatible to ISO 50001
Fair evaluation
Energy Policy
Planning initiative
EnPI assessment
Provide resources
Disseminate EnMS
Management Review
Reports performance
Management rep.
EnMS Champion
Commitment to comply with applicable legal and other requirements Supports the purchase of energy efficient products and services Documented, communicated, and understood within the organization Periodically reviewed, and updated as necessary Name of Top Management
b) Based on energy use analysis, identify the areas of significant energy use and consumption
Fig. Sample-2 c) Identify, prioritize, and record opportunities for improving energy performance, including, where applicable, potential energy sources, use of renewables, or alternative energy sources
Fig. Sample-1
Excerpt form Energy Review Report Guidebook+t (EnMS-EnRev.Rep-M01E) EnMS Energy Review Report Guidebook+t (EnMS-EnRev.Rep-M01E)
The energy review shall be updated at defined intervals and in response to major changes in facilities, equipment, systems or processes.
EnMS Energy Review Report Guidebook+t (EnMS-EnRev.Rep-M01E)
Fig. Sample-1
4.4.6 Energy objectives, energy targets and energy management action plans
From the energy review, objectives, targets and action plan shall be consolidated in a plan Action name
Close the comp. air valve Review washing cycle Reduce detergent for shorter rinse Fig. Sample-2
Reduce power by 720,000kWh Cost red. 3.3 % CO2 emit. Red. 400 t-CO2
By who
Prod.#1 Manager
By when
End March, 2012
EnMS shall identify training needs associated with the control of its significant energy uses and its operation
Workshop External training Internal training Seminar Etc.
EnMS ensures that persons working for or on its behalf are and remain aware of:
1) The importance of conformity with the energy policy, procedures and with the requirements of the EnMS 2) Their roles, responsibilities and authorities in achieving the requirements of the EnMS 3) The benefits of improved energy performance 4) The importance of achieving energy objectives and targets, and the consequences of departure from specified procedures
Examples can be
EnMS site and monitoring system links from company portal site
EnMS proprietary bulletin boards Suggestion Box Morning meetings Training sessions
Energy Policy
Plan to achieve EnMS targets Guideline for creating documents Procedure for documents after released
. and any other documents considered necessary for ensure proper operation of EnMS
Energy review plan & report Energy Policy Audit plan & report Training plan & report Facility-Equipment List Monitoring & Action Guideline Continual Improvement Guideline Procurement Guideline Communication Guideline
and other documents considered necessary
Document Management Management Review Lighting Continual Improvement Monitoring & action Pumps Fan/Blower Packing Line operation Compressed Air operation Chiller operation Material Handling Line operation Power Substation operation Cooling Tower operation Preparation Line operation Heating Line operation Boiler operation Water Treatment operation Service Water Facility Packaged AC Power Generator operation
and other documents considered necessary
Management Review
- Service availability in case of contingency situations Energy efficiency assessment Life cycle energy cost vs. maintenance cost assessment Service flexibility assessment especially in the time of contingency
EnMS is to stay alert and at planned interval evaluate compliance with legal and other requirements to which EnMS subscribes that are relevant to its energy uses.
The updates and results of evaluation can be consolidated as records in a document containing following information:
a) List of legal and other requirements to which it subscribes that are relevant to its energy uses
Recorded information can be presented during management review to serve EnMS purpose.
EnMS Legal & Requirements Compliance Status Report Guidebook+t (EnMS-LRC.Status.Rep-M01E) 32
Actions for correction, corrective, and preventive as well as actions to counter nonconformities
Defining logistics
Purpose Frequency
Participants Procedure
.Introduction Clause 1 Scope Clause 2 Normative reference Clause 3 Terms and definitions
QM general requirements Management responsibility Resource management Product realization Measurement, analysis and improvement
ISO 50001
7.2.1 Determination of requirements 6.2.2 Competence, training and 4.2 Documentation requirements 5.5.3 Internal communication 7.4 Purchasing 8.2.3 Monitoring, measurement .. 5.6 Management review
ISO 9001
ISO 22000 follows ISO 9001 clause structure, with difference of putting emphasis on safety quality.
Informative Annex in ISO/DIS 50001(E) but was removed from ISO 50001:2011(E)
Although Annex B was removed, it is worthwhile to note that Energy Review is ranked as a subject of high importance in EnMS.
2. Change Management
Ensuring operation is in line with the changes
4. Risk Management
Ensuring risk factors are evaluated to secure position for continual improvement
6. Document Management
Ensuring key documents are identified, maintain, updated and available when in need
Summary of Documentation
Documentation is key to the success of EnMS operation
Energy Policy
Procedure Documents
Procurement Guideline
Communication Guideline
Audit Plan
Final notes This guide is to acknowledge the good feeling about how EnMS can brighten up your organisation on account of energy efficient operation, and at the same time gaining ISO 50001 certification. Documentation is the key to disseminate guidelines and provisions for people to move into the right direction for continual improvement. With ISO 50001 class documentation, your EnMS operation is on a global scale at your own language. Thank you
[email protected] Permission to use extracts from ISO 50001 was provided by Standards Council of Canada. No further reproduction is permitted without prior written approval from Standards Council of Canada.