Couchbase SDK Net 1.2 PDF
Couchbase SDK Net 1.2 PDF
Couchbase SDK Net 1.2 PDF
All Features
Table of Contents
1. Getting Started ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Get a Server ................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2. Get a Client Library ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.3. Try it Out! .................................................................................................................................. 1 1.3.1. Project Setup ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.3.2. Adding Configuration ......................................................................................................... 1 1.3.3. Instantiating the Client ........................................................................................................ 1 1.3.4. CRUD Operations .............................................................................................................. 2 1.3.5. Storing JSON Documents .................................................................................................... 3 1.3.6. CouchbaseClient JSON Extension Methods ............................................................................ 3 1.3.7. Working with Views .......................................................................................................... 5 2. Couchbase and ASP.NET MVC ................................................................................................................ 7 2.1. Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................ 7 2.2. Visual Studio Project Setup ............................................................................................................ 7 2.3. Working with Models ................................................................................................................... 7 2.4. Encapsulating Data Access ............................................................................................................. 8 2.5. Working with Views ..................................................................................................................... 9 2.6. The Views and Controller ............................................................................................................ 11 2.7. Brewery CRUD .......................................................................................................................... 12 2.8. Brewery Forms .......................................................................................................................... 14 2.9. Collated Views ........................................................................................................................... 16 2.10. Paging ..................................................................................................................................... 18 2.11. Spatial Indexes ......................................................................................................................... 23 2.12. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 25 3. .NET Method Summary .......................................................................................................................... 26 4. .Net Connection Operations ..................................................................................................................... 29 5. Store Operations ................................................................................................................................... 30 5.1. Store Methods ............................................................................................................................ 30 6. Retrieve Operations ............................................................................................................................... 32 6.1. Get Methods .............................................................................................................................. 32 7. Update Operations ................................................................................................................................. 34 7.1. Append Methods ........................................................................................................................ 36 7.2. Decrement Methods .................................................................................................................... 37 7.3. Remove Methods ........................................................................................................................ 39 7.4. Increment Methods ..................................................................................................................... 39 7.5. Prepend Methods ........................................................................................................................ 41 7.6. Touch Methods .......................................................................................................................... 42 7.7. Sync Methods ............................................................................................................................ 43 8. View/Query Interface ............................................................................................................................. 44 A. Configuring Logging ............................................................................................................................. 46 B. Configuring the .NET CLient Library ....................................................................................................... 48 C. Release Notes ...................................................................................................................................... 49 C.1. Release Notes for 1.2.0 Couchbase Client Library .NET BA (12 December 2012) .................................. 49 C.2. Release Notes for 1.2.0-BETA-3 Couchbase Client Library .NET Beta (28 November 2012) ..................... 49 C.3. Release Notes for 1.2.0-DP4 Couchbase Client Library .NET Alpha (27 August 2012) ............................ 50 C.4. Release Notes for 1.2.0-DP3 Couchbase Client Library .NET Alpha (27 August 2012) ............................ 51 C.5. Release Notes for 1.2.0-DP2 Couchbase Client Library .NET Alpha (25 July 2012) ................................ 51 C.6. Release Notes for 1.2-DP Couchbase Client Library .NET Alpha (27 March 2012) ................................. 51 D. Licenses .............................................................................................................................................. 52 D.1. Documentation License ............................................................................................................... 52
List of Figures
2.1. Figure 1, New Project. .......................................................................................................................... 7 2.2. Figure 2, Select Empty Template. ........................................................................................................... 7 2.3. Figure 3, CouchbaseNetClient NuGet Package ........................................................................................... 7 2.4. Figure 4, CouchbaseModelViews NuGet Package ...................................................................................... 9 2.5. Figure 5, Couchbase web console Views tab ........................................................................................... 10 2.6. Figure 6, inflector_extensions NuGet package .......................................................................................... 10 2.7. Figure 7, Create the BreweriesController ................................................................................................ 11 2.8. Figure 8, Index view with list scaffolding ............................................................................................... 11 2.9. Figure 9, List breweries page ................................................................................................................ 12 2.10. Figure 10, Create the Edit view ........................................................................................................... 14 2.11. Figure 11, Create the Edit view ........................................................................................................... 14 2.12. Figure 12, Create the Details view ....................................................................................................... 15 2.13. Figure 13, Create the details view ........................................................................................................ 15 2.14. Figure 14, Paging .............................................................................................................................. 19 2.15. Figure 15, Add CountriesController ...................................................................................................... 20 2.16. Figure 16, Add Countries Index view ................................................................................................... 20 2.17. Figure 17, Brewery counts by country .................................................................................................. 21 2.18. Figure 18, Brewery counts by province ................................................................................................. 21 2.19. Figure 19, Brewery counts by city ....................................................................................................... 22 2.20. Figure 20, Brewery counts by poastal code ............................................................................................ 22 2.21. Figure 21, Breweries by poastal code ................................................................................................... 22 2.22. Figure 22, Mapped breweries .............................................................................................................. 25
List of Tables
1. Product Compatibility for Couchbase SDK .NET .......................................................................................... 2 3.1. .NET Client Library ............................................................................................................................ 26 4.1. .Net Client Library Connection Methods ................................................................................................. 29 5.1. .NET Client Library Store Methods ........................................................................................................ 30 6.1. .NET Client Library Retrieve Methods ................................................................................................... 32 7.1. .NET Client Library Update Methods ..................................................................................................... 34
Note Note that the current NuGet release is compatible with Couchbase Server 1.8.x. When the 1.2 client library is released, the NuGet package will be refreshed.
The URIs in the servers list are used by the client to obtain information about the cluster configuration. If you're running on your local dev machine, include only a single URI using as the address. The default Couchbase Server installation creates a bucket named "default" without a password, therefore the bucket and bucketPassword attributes are optional. If you created an authenticated bucket, you should specify those values in place of the default settings above.
Getting Started
Couchbase is the namespace containing the client and configuration classes with which you'll work. Enyim.Caching.Memcached contains supporting infrastructure. Recall that Couchbase supports the Memcached protocol and is therefore able to make use of the popular Enyim Memcached client for many of its core key/value operations. Next create an instance of the client in the Main method. Use the default constructor, which depends on the configuration from app.config.
var client = new CouchbaseClient();
In practice, it's expensive to create clients. The client incurs overhead as it creates connection pools and sets up the thread to get cluster configuration. Therefore, the best practice is to create a single client instance, per bucket, per AppDomain. Creating a static property on a class works well for this purpose. For example:
public static class CouchbaseManager { private readonly static CouchbaseClient _instance; static CouchbaseClient() { _instance = new CouchbaseClient(); } public static CouchbaseClient Instance { get { return _instance; } } }
However, for the purpose of this getting started guide the locally scoped client variable created above is sufficient.
"name": "Sundog", "abv": 5.25, "ibu": 0, "srm": 0, "upc": 0, "type": "beer", "brewery_id": "110f1bb0ee", "updated": "2010-07-22 20:00:20", "description": "Sundog is an amber ale as deep as the copper glow of a Lake Michigan sunset. Its biscuit malt give Sundog a t "style": "American-Style Amber/Red Ale", "category": "North American Ale" }
To retrieve this document, you simply call the Get method of the client.
var savedBeer = client.Get("110fc0f765");
If you add a line to print the savedBeer to the console, you should see a JSON string that contains the data above. If you add a line to print the savedBeer to the console, you should see a JSON string that contains the data above.
var savedBeer = client.Get("110fc0f765"); Console.WriteLine(savedBeer);
In this example, savedBeer would be of type Object. To get a string back instead and avoid having to cast, simply use the generic version of Get.
var savedBeer = client.Get<string>("110fc0f765");
Getting Started
var newBeer = @"{ ""name"": ""Old Yankee Ale"", ""abv"": 5.00, ""ibu"": 0, ""srm"": 0, ""upc"": 0, ""type"": ""beer"", ""brewery_id"": ""110a45622a"", ""updated"": ""2012-08-30 20:00:20"", ""description"": "".A medium-bodied Amber Ale"", ""style"": ""American-Style Amber"", ""category"": ""North American Ale"" }";
For a key, we'll simply compute a SHA-1 hash of our document and then grab the first 10 characters, formatted to lowercase and without dashes. The exact mechanism by which you create your keys need only be consistent. If you are going to query documents by key (not just through views) you should choose predictable keys (e.g., beer_Old_Yankee_Ale).
var key = BitConverter.ToString(HashAlgorithm.Create("SHA1") .ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(newBeer))) .Replace("-", "").Substring(0, 10).ToLower();
With this new key, the JSON document may easily be stored.
var result = client.Store(StoreMode.Add, "5c26a734c9", newBeer);
There are three arguments to Store. The first is the store mode. Use StoreMode.Add for new keys, StoreMode.Replace to update existing keys and StoreMode.Set to add when a key doesnt exist or to replace it when it does. Store will fail if Add is used with an existing key or Replace is used with a non-existent key. The second and third arguments are the key and value, respectively. The return value, assigned to the result variable, is a Boolean indicating whether the operation succeeded. Removing a document simply entails calling the Remove method with the key to be removed. Like the other methods we've seen so far, Remove returns a Boolean indicating operation success.
var result = client.Remove("5c26a734c9");
Getting Started
public class Beer { [JsonProperty("name")] public string Name { get; set; } [JsonProperty("abv")] public float ABV { get; set; } [JsonProperty("type")] public string Type { get { return "beer"; } } [JsonProperty("brewery_id")] public string BreweryId { get; set; } [JsonProperty("style")] public string Style { get; set; } [JsonProperty("category")] public string Category { get; set; } }
By default, Json.NET will serialize the properties of your class in the case you created them. Because we want our properties to match the casing of the documents in the beer-sample bucket, we're going to set JSON property names in JsonProperty attributes (in the Newtonsoft.Json namespace). Again, we could store instances of this Beer class without converting them first to JSON (requires marking the class with a Serializable attribute), but that would prevent those documents from being indexed in views. Persisting an instance as JSON is similar to how we persisted the JSON document string above. Replace the code where a JSON string was created with the code below.
var newBeer = new Beer { Name = "Old Yankee Ale", ABV = 5.00f, BreweryId = "110a45622a", Style = "American-Style Amber", Category = "North American Ale" };
And to store the new instance, simply use the extension method. Result will return a Boolean indicating operation success.
var result = client.StoreJson(StoreMode.Set, key, newBeer);
Retrieving the Beer instance is also similar to retrieving a document as was demonstrated above.
var savedBeer = client.GetJson<beer><Beer>(key);</beer>
At this point, your simple Program.cs file should look something like the following:
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var client = new CouchbaseClient(); var key = "110fc0f765"; var newBeer = new Beer { Name = "Old Yankee Ale", ABV = 5.00f, BreweryId = "110a45622a", Style = "American-Style Amber", Category = "North American Ale" }; var result = client.StoreJson(StoreMode.Set, key, newBeer); if (result)
Getting Started
Querying a view through the .NET Client Library requires calling the GetView method and providing the name of the design document and the name of the view.
var view = client.GetView("beer", "by_name");
The return type of GetView is an enumerable IView, where each enumerated value is an IViewRow. The actual view query isn't run until you enumerate over the view. For example, if you wanted to print out each of the keys that have been indexed, you could use the IViewRow instance's Info dictionary. This particular view emits null as the value, so that will be empty when this snippet runs.
foreach (var row in view) { Console.WriteLine("Key: {0}, Value: {1}", row.Info["key"], row.Info["value"]); }
The code above should give you a list of beer names for all beer documents that exist in the beer-sample bucket. If you want to filter that list, there are fluent methods that may be chained off of the IView instance before iterating over it. Modifying the GetView call above as follows will find all beers whose names start with "A" and limits the results to 50 rows. See the API reference for other fluent methods. Please note that these methods return an IView instance, which is an IEnumerable, but is not an IQueryable. Therefore, using LINQ extension methods on the IView will not reduce the results in the query. Only the IView fluent methods will affect the query before it is run.
var view = client.GetView("beer", "by_name").StartKey("A").EndKey("B").Limit(50);
Also included in the IViewRow instance, is the original ID (the key from the k/v pair) of the document. It is accessible by way of the IViewRow's ItemId property. Taking that ID, it is possible to retrieve the original document. Using the JSON extension methods, it's also possible to get a Beer instance for each row. If it seems expensive to perform these lookups, recall that Couchbase Server has a Memcached layer built in and these queries are unlikely to be pulling data from disk. The documents are likely to be found in memory.
foreach (var row in view) { var doc = client.GetJson<Beer>(row.ItemId); Console.WriteLine(doc.Name); }
Finally, there is a generic version of GetView which encapsulates the details of the view row data structures. To retrieve Beer instances automatically by ID as you iterate over the view, you need to add the generic parameter to GetView along with the third Boolean argument to tell the client to perform the by ID lookup. If you omit the third parameter, the client
Getting Started
will attempt to deserialize the value emitted by the index into an instance of the specified generic type. Again, in this example the value was null. Therefore, deserialization must be done by way of ID lookup.
var view = client.GetView<Beer>("beer", "by_name", true).StartKey("A").EndKey("B").Limit(50); foreach (var beer in view) { Console.WriteLine(beer.Name); }
2.1. Prerequisites
This tutorial assumes that you have Visual Studio 2010 installed, along with ASP.NET MVC 4. You may use any edition of Visual Studio or you may use Visual Web Developer. Visual Studio 2012 will also work for this tutorial, but the screenshots included will be from Visual Studio 2012 Professional. You will also need to have an installation of Couchbase Server 2.0 and have obtained the latest Couchbase .NET Client Library, version 1.2 or higher. See Getting Started for more information on client installation. You also may use an older version of ASP.NET MVC if you do not have MVC 4 installed, but as with using Visual Web Developer or Visual Studio 2012, the templates shown in the screenshots will vary from what you see. You should also have installed the beer-sample database on your Couchbase Server. If you haven't, simply open the web console and navigate to the Settings tab. There, you'll find an option to add a sample bucket to your cluster.
Start with an Empty application using the Razor view engine for the MVC template. Figure 2.2. Figure 2, Select Empty Template.
Next you'll need to add a reference to the Couchbase .NET Client Library. You could either download the assemblies from the getting started pageor obtain them using the NuGet package manager. When you install via Nuget, your project will automatically get references to Couchbase.dll, Enyim.Caching.dll and the dependencies Newtonsoft.Json.dll and Hammock.dll. These assemblies are also found in the zip file and should be referenced in your project if not using Nuget. Figure 2.3. Figure 3, CouchbaseNetClient NuGet Package
As a JSON document database, Couchbase supports a natural mapping of domain objects to data items. In other words, there's very little difference between the representation of your data as a class in C# and the representation of your data as a document in Couchbase. Your object becomes the schema defined in the JSON document. When working with domain objects that will map to documents in Couchbase, it's useful, but not required, to define a base class from which your model classes will derive. This base class will be abstract and contain two properties, Id and Type. Right click on the Models directory and add a new class named ModelBase and include the following code.
public abstract class ModelBase { public virtual string Id { get; set; } public abstract string Type { get; } }
Note that the Type method is abstract and readonly. It will be implemented by subclasses simply by returning a hard-coded string, typically matching the class name, lower-cased. The purpose of the Type property is to provide taxonomy to the JSON documents stored in your Couchbase bucket. The utility will be more obvious when creating views. Next, create a new class named in the Models directory of your project. This class will be a plain old CLR object (POCO) that simply has properties mapping to the properties of brewery documents in the beer-sample bucket. It will also extend ModelBase.
public class Brewery : ModelBase { public string Name { get; set; } public string City { get; set; } public string State { get; set; } public string Code { get; set; } public string Country { get; set; } public string Phone { get; set; } public string Website { get; set; } public DateTime Updated { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public IList<string> Addresses { get; set; } public IDictionary<string, object> Geo { get; set; } public override string Type { get { return "brewery"; } } } { "name": "Thomas Hooker Brewing", "city": "Bloomfield", "state": "Connecticut", "code": "6002", "country": "United States", "phone": "860-242-3111", "website": "", "type": "brewery", "updated": "2010-07-22 20:00:20", "description": "Tastings every Saturday from 12-6pm, and 1st and 3rd Friday of every month from 5-8.", "address": [ "16 Tobey Road" ], "geo": { "accuracy": "RANGE_INTERPOLATED", "lat": 41.8087, "lng": -72.7108 } }
ryBase. This will be an abstract class, generically constrained to work with ModelBase instances. Note the `1 suffix on the file name is a convention used for generic classes in C# projects.
public abstract class RepositoryBase<T> where T : ModelBase { //CRUD methods }
The process of creating an instance of a CouchbaseClient is expensive. There is a fair amount of overhead as the client establishes connections to the cluster. It is therefore recommended to minimize the number of times that a client instance is created in your application. The simplest approach is to create a static property or singleton that may be accessed from data access code. Using the RepositoryBase, setting up a protected static property will provide access for subclasses.
public abstract class RepositoryBase<T> where T : ModelBase { protected static CouchbaseClient _Client { get; set; } static RepositoryBase() { _Client = new CouchbaseClient(); } }
The code above requires setting configuration in web.config. It is of course equally valid to define the configuration in code if that is your preference. See getting started for more details.
<configSections> <section name="couchbase" type="Couchbase.Configuration.CouchbaseClientSection, Couchbase"/> </configSections> <couchbase> <servers bucket="beer-sample"> <add uri=""/> </servers> </couchbase>
A null-key index still provides access to each of the document's keys when the view is queried. Note however that range queries on keys would not be supported with this view. You could create the all view above by creating a new design document in the Couchbase web console or you could use the CouchbaseCluster API found in Couchbase.dll to create and to save a design document. However, an easier approach is to use the CouchbaseLabs project Couchbase Model Views. The Couchbase Model Views project is not part of the Client Library, but makes use of its design doc management API to create views from attributes placed on model classes. Using NuGet, add a reference to the CouchbaseModelViews package. Figure 2.4. Figure 4, CouchbaseModelViews NuGet Package
Once installed, modify the Brewery class definition to have two class level attributes, CouchbaseDesignDoc and CouchbaseAllView.
[CouchbaseDesignDoc("breweries")] [CouchbaseAllView] public class Brewery : ModelBase { //props omitted for brevity }
The CouchbaseDesignDoc attribute instructs the Model Views framework to create a design document with the given name. The CouchbaseAllView will create the all view as shown previously. To get the Model Views framework to create the design doc and view, you'll need to register the assembly containing the models with the framework. In Global.asax, create a static RegisterModelViews method for this purpose.
public static void RegisterModelViews(IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies) { var builder = new ViewBuilder(); builder.AddAssemblies(assemblies.ToList()); var designDocs = builder.Build(); var ddManager = new DesignDocManager(); ddManager.Create(designDocs); }
Then in the existing Application_Start method, add a line to register the current assembly.
RegisterModelViews(new Assembly[] { Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() });
Note that in production, you will likely not want to recreate design docs each time your app starts, since that will retrigger index creation. An alternative would be to place this code in an admin controller of some sort. To test that the Model Views framework is working, simply run the application (Ctrl + F5). If all went well, you should be able to navigate to the Views tab in the Couchbase web console and see the new design doc and view in the Production Views tab (as shown below). Figure 2.5. Figure 5, Couchbase web console Views tab
If you click the link next to the Filter Results button, you will see the JSON that is returned to the CouchbaseClient when querying a view. Notice the id property found in each row. That is the key that was used to store the document.
{"total_rows":1412,"rows":[ {"id":"21st_amendment_brewery_cafe","key":null,"value":null}, {"id":"357","key":null,"value":null}, {"id":"3_fonteinen_brouwerij_ambachtelijke_geuzestekerij","key":null,"value":null}, {"id":"512_brewing_company","key":null,"value":null}, {"id":"aass_brewery","key":null,"value":null}, {"id":"abbaye_de_leffe","key":null,"value":null}, {"id":"abbaye_de_maredsous","key":null,"value":null}, {"id":"abbaye_notre_dame_du_st_remy","key":null,"value":null}, {"id":"abbey_wright_brewing_valley_inn","key":null,"value":null}, {"id":"aberdeen_brewing","key":null,"value":null} ] }
With the view created, the next step is to modify the RepositoryBase to have a GetAll method. This method will use some conventions to allow for reuse across subclasses. One of those conventions is that queries will be made to design docs with camel-cased and pluralized names (e.g., Brewery to breweries). To aid in the pluralization process, create a reference to inflector_extension using NuGet. Note that in .NET 4.5, there is a PluralizationService class that will provide some of the same support. Figure 2.6. Figure 6, inflector_extensions NuGet package
To the RepositoryBase class, add a readonly private field and initialize it to the inflected and pluralized name of the type of T. The inflector extension methods will require an additional using statement.
using inflector_extension; private readonly string _designDoc; public RepositoryBase() { _designDoc = typeof(T).Name.ToLower().InflectTo().Pluralized; }
The initial implementation of GetAll will simply return all breweries using the generic GetView<T> method of CouchbaseClient. The third parameter instructs CouchbaseClient to retrieve the original document rather than deserialize the value of the view row.
public virtual IEnumerable<T> GetAll() { return _Client.GetView<T>(_designDoc, "all", true); }
RepositoryBase is a generic and abstract class, so obviously it cannot be used directly. Create a new class in Models named BreweryRepository. The code for this class is very minimal, as it will rely on its base class for most functionality.
public class BreweryRepository : RepositoryBase<Brewery> { }
The Index method of the BreweriesController will be used to display the list of breweries. To allow the new controller to access brewery data, it will need an instance of a BreweryRepository. Create a public property of type BreweryRepository and instantiate it in the default constructor.
public BreweryRepository BreweryRepository { get; set; } public BreweriesController() { BreweryRepository = new BreweryRepository(); }
Then inside of the Index method, add a call to BreweryRepository's GetAll method and pass its results to the view as its model.
public ActionResult Index() { var breweries = BreweryRepository.GetAll(); return View(breweries); }
The last step to displaying the list of breweries is to create the Razor view (as in MVC views, not Couchbase views). In the Views directory, create a new directory named Breweries. Right click on that new directory and select Add -> View. Name the view Index and create it as a strongly typed (to the Brewery class) view with List scaffolding. This template will create a Razor view that loops over the brewery results, displaying each as a row in an HTML table. Figure 2.8. Figure 8, Index view with list scaffolding
At this point, you should build your application and navigate to the Breweries path (e.g., If all went well, you should see a list of breweries.
There are quite a few breweries being displayed in this list. Paging will be an eventual improvement, but for now limiting the results by modifying the defaults of the GetAll method will be sufficient.
//in RepositoryBase public IEnumerable<T> GetAll(int limit = 0) { var view = _Client.GetView<T>(_designDoc, "all", true); if (limit > 0) view.Limit(limit); return view; } //in BreweriesController public ActionResult Index() { var breweries = BreweryRepository.GetAll(50); return View(breweries); }
There are other implementation details that need to be considered when implementing these methods, namely key creation and JSON serialization. CRUD operations in Couchbase are performed using a key/value API. The key that is used for these operations may be either meaningful (i.e., human readable) or arbitrary (e.g., a GUID). When made human readable, your application may be able to make use of predictable keys to perform key/value get operations (as opposed to secondary indexes by way of view operations). A common pattern for creating readable keys is to take a unique property, such as Brewery.Name, and replace its spaces, possibly normalizing to lowercase. So Thomas Hooker Brewery becomes thomas_hooker_brewery. Add the following BuildKey method to the RepositoryBase to allow for default key creation based on the Id property.
protected virtual string BuildKey(T model) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Id)) { return Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } return model.Id.InflectTo().Underscored; }
BuildKey will default to a GUID string when no Id is provided. It's also virtual so that subclasses are able to override the default behavior. The BreweryRepository needs to override the default behavior to provide a key based on brewery name.
When storing a Brewery instance in Couchbase Server, it first has to be serialized into a JSON string. An important consideration is how to map the properties of the Brewery to properties of the JSON document. JSON.NET (from Newtonsoft.Json) will by default serialize all properties. However, ModelBase objects all have an Id property that shouldn't be serialized into the stored JSON. That Id is already being used as the document's key (in the key/ value operations), so it would be redundant to store it in the JSON. JSON.NET supports various serialization settings, including which properties should be included in serialization. In RepositoryBase, create a serializAndIgnoreId method and a private DocumentIdContractResolver class as shown below.
private string serializeAndIgnoreId(T obj) { var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, new JsonSerializerSettings() { ContractResolver = new DocumentIdContractResolver(), }); return json; } private class DocumentIdContractResolver : CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver { protected override List<MemberInfo> GetSerializableMembers(Type objectType) { return base.GetSerializableMembers(objectType).Where(o => o.Name != "Id").ToList(); } }
The DocumentIdContractResolver will prevent the Id property from being saved into the JSON. It also extends CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver to provide camel-cased properties in the JSON output. Note that there is a JsonIgnore attribute that could be added to properties that should be omitted from the serialized JSON, however it is less global in its application. For example, if a class overrides the Id property of ModelBase, it would have to add the attribute. With this new plumbing in place, it's now possible to complete the Create, Update and Save methods.
public virtual Tuple<bool, string> Create(T value) { var result = _Client.ExecuteStore(StoreMode.Add, BuildKey(value), serializeAndIgnoreId(value)); return Tuple.Create (result.Success, result.Message); } public virtual Tuple<bool, string> Update(T value) { var result = _Client.ExecuteStore(StoreMode.Replace, value.Id, serializeAndIgnoreId(value)); return Tuple.Create (result.Success, result.Message); } public virtual Tuple<bool, string>Save(T value) { var key = string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.Id) ? BuildKey(value) : value.Id; var result = _Client.ExecuteStore(StoreMode.Set, key, serializeAndIgnoreId(value)); return Tuple.Create (result.Success, result.Message); }
The Get method of RepositoryBase requires similar considerations. CouchbaseClient.ExecuteGet returns an IGetOperationResult. To be consistent with the goal of not exposing Couchbase SDK plumbing to the app, Get will also return a Tuple. Notice also that the Id property of the model is set to the value of the key, since it's not being stored in the JSON.
public virtual Tuple<T, bool, string> Get(string key) { var result = _Client.ExecuteGet<string>(key); if (result.Value == null)
{ return Tuple.Create(default(T), result.Success, result.Message); } var model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(result.Value); model.Id = key; return Tuple.Create(model, result.Success, result.Message); }
Completing the CRUD operations is the Delete method. Delete will also hide its SDK result data structure (IRemoveOperationResult).
public virtual Tuple<bool, string> Delete(string key) { var result = _Client.ExecuteRemove(key); return Tuple.Create(result.Success, result.Message); }
Update the Edit method that handles POSTs as shown below. Validation and error handling are intentionally being omitted for brevity.
[HttpPost] public ActionResult Edit(string id, Brewery brewery) { BreweryRepository.Update(brewery); return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
The edit form will be created using scaffolding, as was the case with the listing page. Right click on the Breweries folder in the Views directory and click Add -> View. Name the view Edit and strongly type it to a Brewery with Edit scaffolding. Figure 2.10. Figure 10, Create the Edit view
Rebuild the application and return to the brewery listing page. Click on an Edit link and you should see the edit form loaded with the details for that brewery. Edit some values on the form and click save. You should see your changes persisted on the listing page. Figure 2.11. Figure 11, Create the Edit view
The Details action looks very much like Edit. Get the Brewery and provide it as the model for the view.
public ActionResult Details(string id) { var brewery = BreweryRepository.Get(id).Item1; return View(brewery); }
Create a scaffolding form for Details using the same process as was used with Edit. Figure 2.12. Figure 12, Create the Details view
Rebuild and return to the list page. Click on a "Details" link. You should see a page listing the data for that brewery. Figure 2.13. Figure 13, Create the details view
The Create and Edit actions of the BreweriesController are quite similar, save for the fact that Create's GET method doesn't provide a model to the view. Again, error handling and validation are being omitted for brevity's sake.
public ActionResult Create() { return View(); } [HttpPost] public ActionResult Create(Brewery brewery) { BreweryRepository.Create(brewery); return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
Go through the scaffolding process again to add a create view for the Create action. Rebuild and click the Create New link on the list page to test the new form. Breweries (for now) are sorted by key and limited to 50, so you might not see yours in the list. If you want to verify your create action worked, use brewery name that starts with a numeric value (e.g., 123 Brewery). Another reason you wouldn't see your new brewery appear in the list of breweries is that the view is set to allow stale (eventually consistent) results. In other words, the incremental update to the all index would be performed after the query. If you refresh, you should see your brewery in the list. Allowing the breweries to be sorted by key is convenient, since the key is based on the breweries name. However, if casesensitivity is important in sorting or the key creation strategy changes, then explicitly sorting on the brewery's name is a better idea. To that end, creating a new view indexed on the Brewery name is the right approach. The new map function will look similar to the all map function, but will add tests on and will emit the as the key.
function(doc, meta) { if (doc.type == "brewery" && { emit(, null); } }
If you are using the web console to manage your design documents, save the map function above as by_name in the breweries design document. If you are using the Model Views framework, add an attribute to the Name property of Brewery>. Then compile and run your application. Adding the CouchbaseViewKey attribute will create the view above. The first argument is the name of the view. The second is the name of the JSON document property to emit as key.
[CouchbaseViewKey("by_name", name)] public string Name { get; set; }
The next step is to replace the GetAll call with a call to the new view. First, add a protected method in RepositoryBase that returns a typed view instance, set with the design doc for that model type. The isProjection flag is set when the type of T does not properties of the JSON to properties of the class. It must be used with explicit JSON.NET mappings.
protected IView<T> GetView(string name, bool isProjection = false) {
Then in BreweryRepository, implement GetAllByName as shown below. This new method simply returns the view, optionally allowing a limit and stale results.
public IEnumerable<Brewery> GetAllByName(int limit = 0, bool allowStale = false) { var view = GetView("by_name"); if (limit > 0) view.Limit(limit); if (! allowStale) view.Stale(StaleMode.False); return view; }
Next, modify the BreweriesController so that the Index action calls the new GetAllByName method.
public ActionResult Index() { var breweries = BreweryRepository.GetAllByName(50); return View(breweries); }
Compile and run your application. The list page might be ordered a little differently as the sample database did scrub some keys of punctuation and other non-word or non-digit characters. Also now (because of the stale setting), if you create a new Brewery, it should appear after a redirect and should not require a refresh. Note that it is still possible that the view didn't consider the new Brewery when it was executed with state set to false. If the document hadn't persisted to disk before the index was updated, it wouldn't have been included. If that level of consistency is important to your application, you should use an overload of ExecuteStore that includes durability requirements. See the documentation on ExecuteStore for more information. The last piece required to complete the CRUD functionality for breweries is to implement the delete form. Update the Delete actions in BreweriesController as shown below.
public ActionResult Delete(string id) { var brewery = BreweryRepository.Get(id).Item1; return View(brewery); } [HttpPost] public ActionResult Delete(string id, Brewery brewery) { BreweryRepository.Delete(id); return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
To create the delete form, simply go through the Add View process again and choose scaffolding for delete (don't forget to choose the Brewery model).
"updated": "2010-07-22 20:00:20", "description": "", "style": "Old Ale", "category": "British Ale" }
Note the brewery_id property. This is the key of a brewery document and can be thought of as a foreign key. Note that this type of document foreign key relationship is not enforced by Couchbase. The basic idea behind a collated view is to produce an index in which the keys are ordered so that a parent id appears first, followed by its children. In the beer-sample case that means a brewery appears in a row followed by rows of beers. The basic algorithm for the map function is to check the doc.type. If a brewery is found, emit its key ( If a child is found, emit its parent id (brewery_id). The map function for the view all_with_beers is shown below.
function(doc, meta) { switch(doc.type) { case "brewery": emit([, 0]); break; case "beer": if ( && doc.brewery_id) { emit([, doc.brewery_id, 1], null); } } }
The trick to ordering properly the parent/child keys is to use a composite key in the index. Parent ids are paired with a 0 and children with a 1. The collated order of the view results is shown conceptually below.
A A A B B Brewery, Brewery, Brewery, Brewery, Brewery, 0 1 1 0 1
To use Model Views to create this view, simply add an attribute to an overridden Id property on the Brewery class.
[CouchbaseCollatedViewKey("all_with_beers", "beer", "brewery_id", "name")] public override string Id { get; set; }
This is a good time to introduce a simple Beer class, of which Brewery will have a collection. Create a new model class named "Beer." For now, include only the Name property.
public class Beer : ModelBase { public string Name { get; set; } public override string Type { get { return "beer"; } } }
Then add a Beer list property to Brewery. This property shouldn't be serialized into the doc, so add the JsonIgnore attribute.
private IList<Beer> _beers = new List<Beer>(); [JsonIgnore] public IList<Beer> Beers { get { return _beers; } set { _beers = value; } }
Since the collated view has a mix of beers and breweries, the generic GetView<T> method won't work well for deserializing rows. Instead, we'll use the GetView method that returns IViewRow instances. First add a new GetViewRaw method to RepositoryBase.
protected IView<IViewRow> GetViewRaw(string name)
Then in BreweryRepository, add a GetWithBeers method to build the object graph. This new method performs a range query on the view, starting with the brewery id and including all possible beer names for that brewery.
public Tuple<Brewery, bool, string> GetWithBeers(string id) { var rows = GetViewRaw("all_with_beers") .StartKey(new object[] { id, 0 }) .EndKey(new object[] { id, "\uefff", 1 }) .ToArray(); var result = Get(rows[0].ItemId); result.Item1.Beers = rows.Skip(1) .Select(r => new Beer { Id = r.ItemId, Name = r.ViewKey[1].ToString() }) .ToList(); return result; }
Before the closing fieldset tag in details template, add a block of Razor code to display the beers.
<div class="display-field">Beers</div> <div> @foreach (var item in Model.Beers) { <div style="margin-left:10px;">- @item.Name</div> } </div>
2.10. Paging
The final feature to implement on the brewery CRUD forms is paging. It's important to state up front that paging in Couchbase does not work like paging in a typical RDBMS. Though views have skip and limit filters that could be used create the standard paging experience, it's not advisable to take this approach. The skip filter still results in a read of index data starting with the first row of the index. For example, if an index has 5000 rows and skip is set to 500 and limit is set to 50, 500 records are read and 50 returned. Instead, linked-list style pagination is the recommended approach. Paging should also consider the document ids because keys may collide. However, in the breweries example, paging on name is safe because name is the source of the unique key. First add an HTML footer to the list table in the Index view, right before the final closing table tag. There is a link back to the first page and links to the previous and next pages. A default page size of 10 is also used. Each time the page is rendered, it sets the previous key to the start key of the previous page. The next key will be explained shortly.
<td colspan="4"> @Html.ActionLink("List", "Index", new { pagesize = 10 }) @Html.ActionLink("< Previous", "Index", new { startKey = Request["previousKey"], pagesize = Request["pagesize"] ?? "10 @Html.ActionLink("Next >", "Index", new { startKey = ViewBag.NextStartKey, previousKey = ViewBag.StartKey, pagesize = </td> </tr>
Modify the GetAllByName method in BreweryRepository to be able to handle range queries (startkey, endkey).
public IEnumerable<Brewery> GetAllByName(string startKey = null, string endKey = null, int limit = 0, bool allowStale = false) { var view = GetView("by_name"); if (limit > 0) view.Limit(limit); if (! allowStale) view.Stale(StaleMode.False);
For the actual paging, modify the BreweryController's Index method to keep track of pages. The trick is to select page size + 1 from the view. The last element is not rendered, but its key is used as the start key of the next page. In simpler terms, the start key of the current page is the next page's previous key. The last element's key is not displayed, but is used as the next page's start key.
public ActionResult Index(string startKey, string nextKey, int pageSize = 25) { var breweries = BreweryRepository.GetAllByName(startKey: startKey, limit: pageSize+1); ViewBag.StartKey = breweries.ElementAt(0).Name; ViewBag.NextStartKey = breweries.ElementAt(breweries.Count()-1).Name; return View(breweries.Take(pageSize)); }
At this point, breweries may be created, detailed (with Children), listed, updated and deleted. The next step is to look at the brewery data from a different perspective, namely location. Brewery documents have multiple properties related to their location. There are state and city properties, as well as detailed geospatial data. The first question to ask of the data is how many breweries exist for a given country. Then within each country, the counts can be refined to see how many breweries are in a given state, then city and finally zip code. All of these questions will be answered by the same view. Create a view named by_country with the code below. This view will not consider documents that dont have all location properties. The reason for this restriction is so that counts are accurate as you drill into the data.
function (doc, meta) { if ( && doc.state && && doc.code) { emit([, doc.state,, doc.code], null); } }
For this view, youll also want a reduce function, which will count the number of rows for a particular grouping by counting how many rows appear for that grouping. So for example, when the group_level parameter is set to 2 brewery counts will be returned by city and state. For an analogy, think of a SQL statement selecting a COUNT(*) and having a GROUP BY clause with city and state columns. Couchbase has three built in reduce functions - _count, _sum and _stats. For this view, _count and _sum will perform the same duties. Emitting a 1 as a value means that _sum would sum the 1s for a grouping. _count would simply count 1 for each row, even with a null value. If you are using Model Views, then simply add CouchbaseViewKeyCount attributes to each of the properties that should be produced in the view.
[CouchbaseViewKeyCount("by_country", "country", 0, null)] public string Country { get; set; } [CouchbaseViewKeyCount("by_country", "state", 1)] public string State { get; set; } [CouchbaseViewKeyCount("by_country", "city", 2)] public string City { get; set; } [CouchbaseViewKeyCount("by_country", "code", 3)] public string Code { get; set; }
This view demonstrates how to create ordered, composite keys from domain object properties using the Model Views framework.
The next step is to modify the BreweryRepository to include methods that will return aggregated results grouped at the appropriate levels. This new method will return key value pairs where the key is the lowest grouped part of the key and the value is the count. Also add an enum for group levels.
public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, int>> GetGroupedByLocation(BreweryGroupLevels groupLevel, string[] keys = null) { var view = GetViewRaw("by_country") .Group(true) .GroupAt((int)groupLevel); if (keys != null) { view.StartKey(keys); view.EndKey(keys.Concat(new string[] { "\uefff" })); } foreach (var item in view) { var key = item.ViewKey[(int)groupLevel-1].ToString(); var value = Convert.ToInt32(item.Info["value"]); yield return new KeyValuePair<string, int>(key, value); } }
Create a new controller named "CountriesController" to contain the actions for the new grouped queries. Use the empty controller template. Figure 2.15. Figure 15, Add CountriesController
Modify the new controller to include the code below, which sets up the BreweryRepositoryReference and loads sends the view results to the MVC View.
public class CountriesController : Controller { public BreweryRepository BreweryRepository { get; set; } public CountriesController() { BreweryRepository = new BreweryRepository(); } public ActionResult Index() { var grouped = BreweryRepository.GetGroupedByLocation(BreweryGroupLevels.Country); return View(grouped); } }
Next create a new directory under Views named Countries. Add a view named Index that is not strongly typed. Figure 2.16. Figure 16, Add Countries Index view
To the new view, add the Razor code below, which will simply display the keys and values as a list. It also links to the Provinces action, which youll create next.
@model dynamic <h2>Brewery counts by country</h2> <ul> @foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> item in Model) { <li> @Html.ActionLink(item.Key, "Provinces", new { country = item.Key}) (@item.Value) </li> } </ul>
Build and run your application and you should see a page like below.
Next, add the Provinces action to the CountriesController. This action will reuse the repository method, but will change the group level to Province (2) and pass the selected country to be used as a key to limit the query results.
public ActionResult Provinces(string country) { var grouped = BreweryRepository.GetGroupedByLocation( BreweryGroupLevels.Province, new string[] { country } ); return View(grouped); }
Create another empty view named Provinces in the Countries directory under the Views directory. Include the content below, which is similar to the index content.
@model dynamic <h2>Brewery counts by province in @Request["country"]</h2> <ul> @foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> item in Model) { <li> @Html.ActionLink(item.Key, "Cities", new { country = Request["country"], province = item.Key}) (@item.Value) </li> } </ul>
Compile and run the app. You should see the Provinces page below. Figure 2.18. Figure 18, Brewery counts by province
Creating the actions and views for cities and codes is a similar process. Modify CountriesController to include new action methods as shown below.
public ActionResult Cities(string country, string province) { var grouped = BreweryRepository.GetGroupedByLocation( BreweryGroupLevels.City, new string[] { country, province }); return View(grouped); } public ActionResult Codes(string country, string province, string city) { var grouped = BreweryRepository.GetGroupedByLocation( BreweryGroupLevels.PostalCode, new string[] { country, province, city }); return View(grouped); }
Then add a view named "Cities" with the Razor code below.
@model dynamic <h2>Breweries counts by city in @Request["province"], @Request["country"]</h2> <ul> @foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> item in Model) { <li> @Html.ActionLink(item.Key, "Codes", new { country = Request["country"], province = Request["province"], city = item.Key}) (@item.Value) </li> } </ul>
Then add a view named "Codes" with the Razor code below.
@model dynamic <h2>Brewery counts by postal code in @Request["city"], @Request["province"], @Request["country"]</h2> <ul> @foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> item in Model) { <li> @Html.ActionLink(item.Key, "Details", new { country = Request["country"], province = Request["province"], city = Request["city"], code = item.Key}) (@item.Value) </li> } </ul> @Html.ActionLink("Back to Country List", "Index")
Compile and run the app. Navigate through the country and province listings to the cities listing. You should see the page below. Figure 2.19. Figure 19, Brewery counts by city
Click through to the codes page and you should see the page below. Figure 2.20. Figure 20, Brewery counts by poastal code
The last step for this feature is to display the list of breweries for a given zip code. To implement this page, you need to add a new method to BreweryRepository named GetByLocation. This method will use the same view that weve been using, except it wont execute the reduce step. Not executing the reduce step means that the results come back ungrouped and individual items are returned.
public IEnumerable<Brewery> GetByLocation(string country, string province, string city, string code) { return GetView("by_country").Key(new string[] { country, province, city, code }).Reduce(false); }
Then add a Details action method to the BreweriesController that calls this method and returns its results to the view.
public ActionResult Details(string country, string province, string city, string code) { var breweries = BreweryRepository.GetByLocation(country, province, city, code); return View(breweries); }
Create a Details view in the Countries folder with the Razor code below.
@model IEnumerable<CouchbaseBeersWeb.Models.Brewery> <h2>Breweries in @Request["code"], @Request["city"], @Request["province"], @Request["country"]</h2> <ul> @foreach (var item in Model) { <li> @Html.ActionLink(item.Name, "Details", "Breweries", new { id = item.Id }, new { }) </li> } </ul> @Html.ActionLink("Back to Country List", "Index")
Compile and run the app. Click through country, province and state on to the Codes view. The code above already has a link to this new Details page. When you click on a postal code, you should see a list of breweries as below. Figure 2.21. Figure 21, Breweries by poastal code
If you are using Model Views, then youll need to modify the Brewery class. Currently, the Model Views framework doesnt support object graph navigation, so youll need to flatten the geo property of the JSON document into the Brewery as shown below. These flattened properties provide Model Views with a way to build the spatial index.
[JsonIgnore] public string GeoAccuracy { get { return Geo != null && Geo.ContainsKey("accuracy") ? Geo["accuracy"] as string : ""; } } [CouchbaseSpatialViewKey("points", "geo.lng", 0)] [JsonIgnore] public float Longitude { get { return Geo != null && Geo.ContainsKey("lng") ? Convert.ToSingle(Geo["lng"]) : 0f; } } [CouchbaseSpatialViewKey("points", "", 1)] [JsonIgnore] public float Latitude { get { return Geo != null && Geo.ContainsKey("lat") ? Convert.ToSingle(Geo["lat"]) : 0f; } }
Next, RepositoryBase should be modified to provide support for generic views. As with GetView and GetViewRaw, these new methods are to provide some code reuse to subclasses.
protected virtual ISpatialView<T> GetSpatialView(string name, bool isProjection = false) { return _Client.GetSpatialView<T>(_designDoc, name, !isProjection); } protected virtual ISpatialView<ISpatialViewRow> GetSpatialViewRaw(string name) { return _Client.GetSpatialView(_designDoc, name); }
Then update BreweryRepository with a method to call the new points view. Spatial views expect a bounding box with lower left and upper right coordinates, ordered longitude then latitude. The UI will work with a delimited string, so those points must be parsed and parsed as floats.
public IEnumerable<Brewery> GetByPoints(string boundingBox) { var points = boundingBox.Split(',').Select(s => float.Parse(s)).ToArray(); return GetSpatialView("points").BoundingBox(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]); }
Then add a new class named LocationsController to the Controllers folder using the code below.
public class LocationsController : Controller { public BreweryRepository BreweryRepository { get; set; } public LocationsController() { BreweryRepository = new BreweryRepository(); } [HttpGet] public ActionResult Details() { return View(); } [HttpPost] public ActionResult Details(string bbox) { var breweriesByPoints = BreweryRepository.GetByPoints(bbox) .Select(b => new { id = b.Id, name = b.Name, geo = new float[] { b.Longitude, b.Latitude } }); return Json(breweriesByPoints); } }
Most of the code above is boilerplate. A BreweryRepository is declared and initialized in the default constructor. The Details action that handles GET requests simply returns the view. The Details request that handles POST requests calls the new BreweryRepository method and renders a JSON array of brewery projections that will be used in the view. Next create a new Views folder called Locations and add a new view named Details to it. This new view will make use of Nokias HERE location services API. You can register for free at Add the Razor and JavaScript code below to your view.
@model CouchbaseBeersWeb.Models.Brewery <style type="text/css"> #mapContainer { width: 80%; height: 768px; margin-left:10%; margin-right:10%; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src=""></script> <h2>View Breweries</h2> <div id="mapContainer"></div> <script type="text/ecmascript"> nokia.Settings.set("appId", "<YOUR APP ID>"); nokia.Settings.set("authenticationToken", "<YOUR TOKEN>"); var mapContainer = document.getElementById("mapContainer"); var map = new, { center: [41.763309, -72.67408], zoomLevel: 8, components: [ new ] }); $().ready(function () { var loadBreweries = function () { var mapBoundingBox = map.getViewBounds(); var queryBoundingBox = mapBoundingBox.topLeft.longitude + "," + mapBoundingBox.bottomRight.longitude + "," + mapBoundingBox.topLeft.latitude; $.post("@Url.Action("Details")", { bbox: queryBoundingBox }, function (data) { var coordinates = new Array(); $.each(data, function (idx, item) { var coordinate = new nokia.maps.geo.Coordinate(item.geo[1], item.geo[0]); var standardMarker = new; map.objects.add(standardMarker); }); }); };
The details of the HERE API are beyond the scope of this tutorial. The basic idea though is that when the map is rendered, the bounding box coordinates are obtained and passed (via AJAX) to the Details POST method on the LocationsController. The coordinates that come back are used to render points on the map via a standard marker. Compile and run these last changes. Navigate to /locations/details and you should see a map such as the one shown below. Figure 2.22. Figure 22, Mapped breweries
2.12. Conclusion
At this point, the brewery features are complete. Creating a set of pages for the beer documents is a similar exercise that is left to the reader. Using scaffolding and reusing the patterns from working with breweries, it shouldnt take much effort to build those features. The code for this sample app is on GitHub at It contains all the code from this tutorial, plus the beer pages. It also contains some very minor style and navigation improvements (such as a home page). Finally, a single tutorial can address only so many concerns. Clearly some shortcuts were taken with validation, exception handling and the like. Certain architectural patterns, such as dependency injection and MVVM were also omitted for the sake of brevity. The intent of this tutorial was to provide an intermediate introduction to Couchbase development with .NET. Your app should be able to make use of some or all of the patterns described.
object.Cas(storemode, key, value, valid- Compare and set the specified key with expiry time for, casunique) object.ExecuteCas(storemode, key, value) Store a value using the specified key and return a store operation result object.ExecuteCas(storemode, key, value, Compare and set a value using the specified key and return casunique) a store operation result object.ExecuteCas(storemode, key, value, Compare and set a value using the specified key with a speexpiresat, casunique) cific expiry time and return a store operation result object.ExecuteCas(storemode, key, value, Compare and set a value using the specified key with expiry validfor, casunique) time and return a store operation result CouchbaseClient([ url ] [, username ] [, password ]) Create connection to Couchbase Server
object.Decrement(key, defaultvalue, off- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key set) object.Decrement(key, defaultvalue, off- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key set, casunique) object.Decrement(key, defaultvalue, off- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key set, expiresat, casunique) object.Decrement(key, defaultvalue, off- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key set, validfor, casunique) object.Decrement(key, defaultvalue, off- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key set, expiresat) object.Decrement(key, defaultvalue, off- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key set, validfor) object.ExecuteDecrement(key, defaultval- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset) object.ExecuteDecrement(key, defaultval- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, casunique)
object.ExecuteDecrement(key, defaultval- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, expiresat, casunique) object.ExecuteDecrement(key, defaultval- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, validfor, casunique) object.ExecuteDecrement(key, defaultval- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, expiresat) object.ExecuteDecrement(key, defaultval- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, validfor) object.ExecuteRemove(key) object.Remove(key) object.ExecuteGet(key, expiry) object.Get(key, expiry) object.ExecuteGet(key) object.ExecuteGet(keyarray) object.Get(key) object.Get(keyarray) object.GetWithCas(key) Delete a key/value and return a remove operation result Delete a key/value Get a get operation result and update the expiration time for a given key Get a value and update the expiration time for a given key Get a single value and return a get operation result Get multiple get operation result values Get a single value Get multiple values Get a single value with Cas
object.ExecuteIncrement(key, defaultval- Increment the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset) object.ExecuteIncrement(key, defaultval- Increment the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, casunique) object.ExecuteIncrement(key, defaultval- Increment the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, expiresat, casunique) object.ExecuteIncrement(key, defaultval- Increment the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, validfor, casunique) object.ExecuteIncrement(key, defaultval- Increment the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, expiresat) object.ExecuteIncrement(key, defaultval- Increment the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, validfor) object.Increment(key, defaultvalue, off- Increment the value of an existing numeric key set) object.Increment(key, defaultvalue, off- Increment the value of an existing numeric key set, casunique) object.Increment(key, defaultvalue, off- Increment the value of an existing numeric key set, expiresat, casunique) object.Increment(key, defaultvalue, off- Increment the value of an existing numeric key set, validfor, casunique) object.Increment(key, defaultvalue, off- Increment the value of an existing numeric key set, expiresat) object.Increment(key, defaultvalue, off- Increment the value of an existing numeric key set, validfor)
Method object.ExecutePrepend(key, value) object.ExecutePrepend(key, casunique, value) object.Prepend(key, value) object.Prepend(key, casunique, value)
Title Prepend a value to an existing key and return a concat operation result Prepend a value to an existing key and return a concat operation result Prepend a value to an existing key Prepend a value to an existing key
object.ExecuteStore(storemode, key, val- Store a value using the specified key and return a store opue) eration result object.ExecuteStore(storemode, key, val- Store a value using the specified key with a specific expiry ue, expiresat) time and return a store operation result object.ExecuteStore(storemode, key, val- Store a value using the specified key with expiry time and ue, validfor) return a store operation result object.Store(storemode, key, value) object.Store(storemode, key, value, expiresat) object.Store(storemode, key, value, validfor) object.Touch(key, expiry) Store a value using the specified key Store a value using the specified key with a specific expiry time Store a value using the specified key with expiry time Update the expiry time of an item
28 CouchbaseClient([ url ] [, username ] [, password ]) Create a connection to Couchbase Server with given parameters, such as node URL. Most SDKs accept a list of possible URL's to avoid an error in case one node is down. After initial connection a Couchbase Client uses node topology provided by Couchbase Server to reconnect after failover or rebalance. (none) URL for Couchbase Server Instance, or node. Username for Couchbase bucket. Password for Couchbase bucket.
The easiest way to specify a connection, or a pool of connections is to provide it in the App.config file of your .Net project. By doing so, you can change the connection information without having to recompile. You can update App.config in Visual Studio as follows:
<servers bucket="private" bucketPassword="private"> <add uri=""/> <add uri=""/> </servers>
You should change the URI above to point at your server by replacing with the IP address or hostname of your Couchbase server machine. Be sure you set your bucket name and password. You can also set the connection to use the default bucket, by setting the bucket attribute to default and leaving the bucketPassword attribute empty. In this case we have configured the server with a bucket named 'private' and with a password 'private.' Connections that you create with the .Net SDK are also thread-safe objects; for persisted connections, you can use a connection pool which contains multiple connection objects. You should create only a single static instance of a Couchbase client per bucket, in accordance with .Net framework. The persistent client will maintain connection pools per server node. For more information, see MSDN: AppDomain Class
object.ExecuteStore(storemode, key, val- Store a value using the specified key and return a store opue) eration result object.ExecuteStore(storemode, key, val- Store a value using the specified key with a specific expiry ue, expiresat) time and return a store operation result object.ExecuteStore(storemode, key, val- Store a value using the specified key with expiry time and ue, validfor) return a store operation result object.Store(storemode, key, value) object.Store(storemode, key, value, expiresat) object.Store(storemode, key, value, validfor) Store a value using the specified key Store a value using the specified key with a specific expiry time Store a value using the specified key with expiry time
object.Store(storemode, key, value) Store a value using the specified key, whether the key already exists or not. Will overwrite a value if the given key/value already exists. Boolean ( Boolean (true/false) )
API Call
Store Operations
Store a value using the specified key, whether the key already exists or not. Will overwrite a value if the given key/value already exists. Boolean ( Boolean (true/false) )
StoreMode storemode Storage mode for a given key/value pair string key object value TimeSpan validfor Document ID used to identify the value Value to be stored Expiry time (in seconds) for key
client.Store(StoreMode.Set, "beer", new Beer() { Brewer = "Peak Organic Brewing Company", Name = "IPA" }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
object.Store(storemode, key, value, expiresat) Store a value using the specified key, whether the key already exists or not. Will overwrite a value if the given key/value already exists. Boolean ( Boolean (true/false) )
StoreMode storemode Storage mode for a given key/value pair string key object value DateTime expiresat Document ID used to identify the value Value to be stored Explicit expiry time for key
client.Store(StoreMode.Replace, "beer", new Beer() { Brewer = "Six Point Craft Ales", Name = "Righteous Rye" }, DateTime.Now.Addhours(1));
The generic form of the Get method allows for retrieval without the need to cast. If the stored type cannot be serialized to the generic type provided, an InvalidCastException will be thrown.
var beer = client.Get<Beer>("beer");
object.Get(keyarray) Get one or more key values Object ( Binary object ) Array of keys used to reference one or more values.
Calling Get() with multiple keys returns a dictionary with the associated values.
client.Store(StoreMode.Set, "brewer", "Cottrell Brewing Co."); client.Store(StoreMode.Set, "beer", "Old Yankee Ale"); var dict = client.Get(new string[] { "brewer", "beer" }); Console.WriteLine(dict["brewer"]); Console.WriteLine(dict["beer"]);
API Call
object.Get(key, expiry)
Retrieve Operations
Get a value and update the expiration time for a given key (none) Document ID used to identify the value Expiry time for key. Values larger than 30*24*60*60 seconds (30 days) are interpreted as absolute times (from the epoch).
Calling the Get() method with a key and a new expiration value will cause get and touch operations to be performed.
var val = client.Get("beer", DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5));
object.Cas(storemode, key, value, valid- Compare and set the specified key with expiry time for, casunique) object.ExecuteCas(storemode, key, value) Store a value using the specified key and return a store operation result object.ExecuteCas(storemode, key, value, Compare and set a value using the specified key and return casunique) a store operation result object.ExecuteCas(storemode, key, value, Compare and set a value using the specified key with a speexpiresat, casunique) cific expiry time and return a store operation result object.ExecuteCas(storemode, key, value, Compare and set a value using the specified key with expiry validfor, casunique) time and return a store operation result object.Decrement(key, defaultvalue, off- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key set) object.Decrement(key, defaultvalue, off- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key set, casunique) object.Decrement(key, defaultvalue, off- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key set, expiresat, casunique) object.Decrement(key, defaultvalue, off- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key set, validfor, casunique) object.Decrement(key, defaultvalue, off- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key set, expiresat) object.Decrement(key, defaultvalue, off- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key set, validfor) object.ExecuteDecrement(key, defaultval- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset) object.ExecuteDecrement(key, defaultval- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, casunique)
Update Operations
object.ExecuteDecrement(key, defaultval- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, expiresat, casunique) object.ExecuteDecrement(key, defaultval- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, validfor, casunique) object.ExecuteDecrement(key, defaultval- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, expiresat) object.ExecuteDecrement(key, defaultval- Decrement the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, validfor) object.ExecuteRemove(key) object.Remove(key) Delete a key/value and return a remove operation result Delete a key/value
object.ExecuteIncrement(key, defaultval- Increment the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset) object.ExecuteIncrement(key, defaultval- Increment the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, casunique) object.ExecuteIncrement(key, defaultval- Increment the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, expiresat, casunique) object.ExecuteIncrement(key, defaultval- Increment the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, validfor, casunique) object.ExecuteIncrement(key, defaultval- Increment the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, expiresat) object.ExecuteIncrement(key, defaultval- Increment the value of an existing numeric key ue, offset, validfor) object.Increment(key, defaultvalue, off- Increment the value of an existing numeric key set) object.Increment(key, defaultvalue, off- Increment the value of an existing numeric key set, casunique) object.Increment(key, defaultvalue, off- Increment the value of an existing numeric key set, expiresat, casunique) object.Increment(key, defaultvalue, off- Increment the value of an existing numeric key set, validfor, casunique) object.Increment(key, defaultvalue, off- Increment the value of an existing numeric key set, expiresat) object.Increment(key, defaultvalue, off- Increment the value of an existing numeric key set, validfor) object.ExecutePrepend(key, value) object.ExecutePrepend(key, casunique, value) object.Prepend(key, value) object.Prepend(key, casunique, value) object.Touch(key, expiry) Prepend a value to an existing key and return a concat operation result Prepend a value to an existing key and return a concat operation result Prepend a value to an existing key Prepend a value to an existing key Update the expiry time of an item
Update Operations
The Append() method appends information to the end of an existing key/value pair. The sample below demonstrates how to create a csv string by appending new values.
client.Store(StoreMode.Set, "beers", "Abbey Ale"); Func<string, byte[]> stringToBytes = (s) => Encoding.Default.GetBytes(s); client.Append("beers", new ArraySegment<byte>(stringToBytes(",Three Philosophers"))); client.Append("beers", new ArraySegment<byte>(stringToBytes(",Witte")));
You can check if the Append operation succeeded by using the checking the return value.
var result = client.Append("beers", new ArraySegment<byte>(stringToBytes(",Hennepin"))); if (result) { Console.WriteLine("Append succeeded"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Append failed"); }
API Call Description Returns Arguments string key ulong casunique object value
object.Append(key, casunique, value) Append a value to an existing key Object ( Binary object ) Document ID used to identify the value Unique value used to verify a key/value combination Value to be stored
Append() may also be used with a CAS value. With this overload, the return value is a CasResult, where success is determined by examining the CasResult's Result property.
var casv = client.GetWithCas("beers"); var casResult = client.Append("beers", casv.Cas, new ArraySegment<byte>(stringToBytes(",Adoration"))); if (casResult.Result) { Console.WriteLine("Append succeeded"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Append failed"); }
Update Operations
Decrement the inventory counter by 1, defaulting to 100 if the key doesn't exist.
client.Decrement("inventory", 100, 1);
object.Decrement(key, defaultvalue, offset, validfor) Decrement the value of an existing numeric key. The Couchbase Server stores numbers as unsigned values. Therefore the lowest you can decrement is to zero. CasResult<ulong> ( Cas result of bool ) Document ID used to identify the value Integer offset value to increment/decrement (default 1) Expiry time (in seconds) for key
object defaultvalue Value to be stored if key does not already exist Integer offset TimeSpan validfor
Decrement the inventory counter by 1, defaulting to 100 if the key doesn't exist and set an expiry of 60 seconds.
client.Decrement("inventory", 100, 1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
object.Decrement(key, defaultvalue, offset, expiresat) Decrement the value of an existing numeric key. The Couchbase Server stores numbers as unsigned values. Therefore the lowest you can decrement is to zero. CasResult<ulong> ( Cas result of bool ) Document ID used to identify the value Integer offset value to increment/decrement (default 1) Explicit expiry time for key
object defaultvalue Value to be stored if key does not already exist Integer offset DateTime expiresat
Decrement the inventory counter by 1, defaulting to 100 if the key doesn't exist and set an expiry of 5 minutes.
client.Decrement("inventory", 100, 1, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5));
Update Operations
object.Decrement(key, defaultvalue, offset, casunique) Decrement the value of an existing numeric key. The Couchbase Server stores numbers as unsigned values. Therefore the lowest you can decrement is to zero. CasResult<ulong> ( Cas result of bool ) Document ID used to identify the value Integer offset value to increment/decrement (default 1) Unique value used to verify a key/value combination
object defaultvalue Value to be stored if key does not already exist Integer offset ulong casunique
Decrement the inventory counter by 1, defaulting to 100 if the key doesn't exist.
var casv = client.GetWithCas("inventory"); client.Decrement("inventory", 100, 1, cas.Cas);
object.Decrement(key, defaultvalue, offset, validfor, casunique) Decrement the value of an existing numeric key. The Couchbase Server stores numbers as unsigned values. Therefore the lowest you can decrement is to zero. CasResult<ulong> ( Cas result of bool ) Document ID used to identify the value Integer offset value to increment/decrement (default 1) Expiry time (in seconds) for key Unique value used to verify a key/value combination
object defaultvalue Value to be stored if key does not already exist Integer offset TimeSpan validfor ulong casunique
Decrement the inventory counter by 1, defaulting to 100 if the key doesn't exist and set an expiry of 60 seconds.
var casv = client.GetWithCas("inventory"); client.Decrement("inventory", 100, 1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60), cas.Cas);
object.Decrement(key, defaultvalue, offset, expiresat, casunique) Decrement the value of an existing numeric key. The Couchbase Server stores numbers as unsigned values. Therefore the lowest you can decrement is to zero. CasResult<ulong> ( Cas result of bool ) Document ID used to identify the value Integer offset value to increment/decrement (default 1) Explicit expiry time for key Unique value used to verify a key/value combination
object defaultvalue Value to be stored if key does not already exist Integer offset DateTime expiresat ulong casunique
Decrement the inventory counter by 1, defaulting to 100 if the key doesn't exist and set an expiry of 5 minutes.
var casv = client.GetWithCas("inventory");
Update Operations
The Remove() method deletes an item in the database with the specified key. Remove the item with a specified key
object defaultvalue Value to be stored if key does not already exist Integer offset
Increment the inventory counter by 1, defaulting to 100 if the key doesn't exist.
client.Increment("inventory", 100, 1);
object.Increment(key, defaultvalue, offset, validfor) Increment the value of an existing numeric key. Couchbase Server stores numbers as unsigned numbers, therefore if you try to increment an existing negative number, it will cause an integer overflow and return a non-logical numeric result. If a key does not exist, this method will initialize it with the zero or a specified value. CasResult<ulong> ( Cas result of bool ) Document ID used to identify the value Integer offset value to increment/decrement (default 1)
object defaultvalue Value to be stored if key does not already exist Integer offset
Update Operations
TimeSpan validfor
Increment the inventory counter by 1, defaulting to 100 if the key doesn't exist and set an expiry of 60 seconds.
client.Increment("inventory", 100, 1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
object.Increment(key, defaultvalue, offset, expiresat) Increment the value of an existing numeric key. Couchbase Server stores numbers as unsigned numbers, therefore if you try to increment an existing negative number, it will cause an integer overflow and return a non-logical numeric result. If a key does not exist, this method will initialize it with the zero or a specified value. CasResult<ulong> ( Cas result of bool ) Document ID used to identify the value Integer offset value to increment/decrement (default 1) Explicit expiry time for key
object defaultvalue Value to be stored if key does not already exist Integer offset DateTime expiresat
Increment the inventory counter by 1, defaulting to 100 if the key doesn't exist and set an expiry of 5 minutes.
client.Increment("inventory", 100, 1, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5));
object.Increment(key, defaultvalue, offset, casunique) Increment the value of an existing numeric key. Couchbase Server stores numbers as unsigned numbers, therefore if you try to increment an existing negative number, it will cause an integer overflow and return a non-logical numeric result. If a key does not exist, this method will initialize it with the zero or a specified value. CasResult<ulong> ( Cas result of bool ) Document ID used to identify the value Integer offset value to increment/decrement (default 1) Unique value used to verify a key/value combination
object defaultvalue Value to be stored if key does not already exist Integer offset ulong casunique
Increment the inventory counter by 1, defaulting to 100 if the key doesn't exist.
var casv = client.GetWithCas("inventory"); client.Increment("inventory", 100, 1, cas.Cas);
object.Increment(key, defaultvalue, offset, validfor, casunique) Increment the value of an existing numeric key. Couchbase Server stores numbers as unsigned numbers, therefore if you try to increment an existing negative number, it will cause an integer overflow and return a non-logical numeric result. If a key does not exist, this method will initialize it with the zero or a specified value. CasResult<ulong> ( Cas result of bool ) Document ID used to identify the value
Update Operations
object defaultvalue Value to be stored if key does not already exist Integer offset TimeSpan validfor ulong casunique Integer offset value to increment/decrement (default 1) Expiry time (in seconds) for key Unique value used to verify a key/value combination
Increment the inventory counter by 1, defaulting to 100 if the key doesn't exist and set an expiry of 60 seconds.
var casv = client.GetWithCas("inventory"); client.Increment("inventory", 100, 1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60), cas.Cas);
object.Increment(key, defaultvalue, offset, expiresat, casunique) Increment the value of an existing numeric key. Couchbase Server stores numbers as unsigned numbers, therefore if you try to increment an existing negative number, it will cause an integer overflow and return a non-logical numeric result. If a key does not exist, this method will initialize it with the zero or a specified value. CasResult<ulong> ( Cas result of bool ) Document ID used to identify the value Integer offset value to increment/decrement (default 1) Explicit expiry time for key Unique value used to verify a key/value combination
object defaultvalue Value to be stored if key does not already exist Integer offset DateTime expiresat ulong casunique
Increment the inventory counter by 1, defaulting to 100 if the key doesn't exist and set an expiry of 5 minutes.
var casv = client.GetWithCas("inventory"); client.Increment("inventory", 100, 1, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5), cas.Cas);
The Prepend() method prepends information to the end of an existing key/value pair.
Update Operations
The sample below demonstrates how to create a csv string by prepending new values.
client.Store(StoreMode.Set, "beers", "Abbey Ale"); Func<string, byte[]> stringToBytes = (s) => Encoding.Default.GetBytes(s); client.Prepend("beers", new ArraySegment<byte>(stringToBytes("Three Philosophers,"))); client.Prepend("beers", new ArraySegment<byte>(stringToBytes("Witte,")));
You can check if the Prepend operation succeeded by using the checking the return value.
var result = client.Prepend("beers", new ArraySegment<byte>(stringToBytes("Hennepin,"))); if (result) { Console.WriteLine("Prepend succeeded"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Prepend failed"); }
API Call Description Returns Arguments string key ulong casunique object value
object.Prepend(key, casunique, value) Prepend a value to an existing key Object ( Binary object ) Document ID used to identify the value Unique value used to verify a key/value combination Value to be stored
Prepend() may also be used with a CAS value. With this overload, the return value is a CasResult, where success is determined by examining the CasResult's Result property.
var casv = client.GetWithCas("beers"); var casResult = client.Prepend("beers", casv.Cas, new ArraySegment<byte>(stringToBytes("Adoration,"))); if (casResult.Result) { Console.WriteLine("Prepend succeeded"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Prepend failed"); }
The Touch method provides a simple key/expiry call to update the expiry time on a given key. For example, to update the expiry time on a session for another 60 seconds:
client.Touch("session", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
Update Operations
client.Touch("session", DateTime.Now.AddDays(1));
GetView takes a designName Design document name. viewName View name. There is also a generic version of GetView, which returns view items that are stongly typed.
GetData<T>(designName, viewName)
Both versions of GetView return an IView, which implements IEnumerable. Therefore, when you query for the items in a view, you can iterate over the returned collection as folows:
var beersByNameAndABV = client.GetView<Beer>("beers", "by_name_and_abv"); foreach(var beer in beersByNameAndABV) { Console.WriteLine(beer.Name); }
As you can see, when you iterate over a strongly typed view each item is of the type you specified. If you use the nongeneric version, each item you enumerate over will be of type IViewRow. IViewRow provides methods for accessing details of the row that are not present when using strongly typed views. To get the original document from the datastore:
Before iterating over the view results, you can modify the query that is sent to the server by using the fluent methods of IView. Refer to the sample document and view below when exploring the IView API.
//map function function(doc) {
View/Query Interface
if (doc.type == "beer") { emit([, doc.abv], doc); } } //sample json document { "_id" : "beer_harpoon_ipa", "name" : "Harpoon IPA", "brewery" : "brewery_harpoon", "abv" : 5.9 }
To find beers with names starting with "H" and an ABV of at least 5:
var beersByNameAndABV = client.GetView("beers", "by_name_and_abv") .StartKey(new object[] { "H", 5 });
IView API methods may be chained. To limit the number of results to 5 and order the results descending:
var beersByNameAndABV = client.GetView("beers", "by_name_and_abv") .Limit(5).Descending(true);
You'll also need to initialize (only once in your app) log4net in your code with the standard log4net initializer.
NLog configuration requires setting the log factory to NLogAdapter and including the appropriate NLog configuration section.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <configSections> <sectionGroup name=""> <section name="log" type="Enyim.Caching.Configuration.LoggerSection, Enyim.Caching" /> </sectionGroup> <section name="nlog" type="NLog.Config.ConfigSectionHandler, NLog" /> </configSections> <> <log factory="Enyim.Caching.NLogFactory, Enyim.Caching.NLogAdapter" /> </> <nlog> <targets> <target name="logfile" type="File" fileName="c:\temp\error-log.txt" />
Configuring Logging
</targets> <rules> <logger name="*" minlevel="Info" writeTo="logfile" /> </rules> </nlog> <startup> <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0" /> </startup> </configuration>
The minimum configuration options are to include a couchbase section with a servers element with at least one URI, which is used to bootstrap the client. At least two node URIs should be provided, so that in the event that the client can't reach the first, it will try the second.
<couchbase> <servers> <add uri=""/> </servers> </couchbase>
The "bucket" and "bucketPassword" attributes of the servers element default to "default" and an empty string respectively.
<couchbase> <servers bucket="beers" bucketPassword="H0p$"> <add uri=""/> </servers> </couchbase>
The client will periodically check the health of its connection to the cluster by performing a heartbeat check. By default, this test is done every 10 seconds against the bootstrap URI defined in the servers element. The "uri", "enabled" and "interval" attributes are all optional. The "interval" is specified in milliseconds. Setting "enabled" to false will cause other settings to be ignored and the heartbeat will not be checked.
<heartbeatMonitor uri="" interval="60000" enabled="true" />
C.1. Release Notes for 1.2.0 Couchbase Client Library .NET BA (12 December 2012)
Couchbase Client 1.2 GA is the first GA release to support Couchbase Server 2.0. 1.2 is backwards compatible with Couchbase Server 1.8. In addition to support for new features of Couchbase Server 2.0, the Couchbase .NET Client Library 1.2 adds stability improvements to iteself and its dependent Enyim.Caching library. Fixes in 1.2.0 NCBC-161: Run views only on nodes in cluster supporting couchApiBase (Couchbase nodes) NCBC-168: Socket errors were previously being swallowed and did not bubble up through ExecuteXXX method return values. Known Issues in 1.2.0 NCBC-170: If an exception occurs before data are read, the PooledSocket may be returned to the pool marked still alive and with a dirty buffer. In some situations, a wrong magic value error may result. NCBC-176: Flushing of buckets is not yet supported in Couchbase.Management API NCBC-172: During a rebalance or fail over, view queries may result in an unhandled NullReferenceException. This exception is raised by a thread in the dependency Hammock.
C.2. Release Notes for 1.2.0-BETA-3 Couchbase Client Library .NET Beta (28 November 2012)
New Features and Behaviour Changes in 1.2.0-BETA-3 New CouchbaseCluster GetItemCount method (NCBC-92) View timeout is now configuragble (NCBC-158) Implemented remove with observe (NCBC-163) ListBucket object graph now matches full server JSON (NCBC-142) New UpdateBucket method on CouchbaseCluster (NCBC-143) New CouchbaseCluster GetBucket and TryGetBucket methods to get single bucket (NCBC-72) ICouchbaseClient interface completed to match CouchbaseClient public methods (NCBC-151) Debug now supported as view parameter (NCBC-159) Add support to build under Mono (NCBC-132) (Experimental) support for spatial views (NCBC-47).
Release Notes
Auto-map Id property to "id" field in view rows on generic view queries (NCBC-154) Fixes in 1.2.0-BETA-3 Don't swallow pooled socket errors (NCBC-168) Null reference exceptions now longer (occasionally) thrown during rebalancing (NCBC-121). Pre-fetch views to cache network pools for view requests (NCBC-149) ExecuteGet no longer reports "failed to locate node" on cache misses (NCBC-130) No longer disposing Timer in heartbeat check when it's disabled (NCBC-136) View requests are now made to a randomly selected node from cluster (NCBC-146) Client now handles correctly -1 vbucket indexes in cluster config (NCBC-148) Updated Enyim submodule reference to latest commit (NCBC-167) Null reference exceptions now longer (occasionally) thrown during rebalancing. Deleted keys return null during generic view queries with non-stale iterations (NCBC-157) Failed bootstrap node no longer puts client in invalid state (NCBC-134). HTTP and connection timeouts are now separate (NCBC-34) Observe reliability fixes (NCBC-129, NCBC-128, NCBC-124, NCBC-127) Delete bucket handles 500 error from server (NCBC-119) Known Issues in 1.2.0-BETA-3 Delete bucket request succeeds but exception is thrown.
C.3. Release Notes for 1.2.0-DP4 Couchbase Client Library .NET Alpha (27 August 2012)
New Features and Behaviour Changes in 1.2.0-DP4 New, basic JSON conversion extension methods for serializing objects to and from JSON. Methods use Newtonsoft.Json for JSON conversions.
using Couchbase.Extensions; var result = client.StoreJson<Beer>(StoreMode.Set, "foo", new Beer { ... }); var beer = client.GetJson<Beer>("foo");
Release Notes
cluster.DeleteDesignDocument("bucketname", "designdocname");
1.2.0 specific configuration elements (HttpClientFactory and DocumentNameTransformer) now have defaults and 1.1 configuration will work with 1.2.0.
using Couchbase.Extensions; var result = client.StoreJson<Beer>(StoreMode.Set, "foo", new Beer { ... }); var beer = client.GetJson<Beer>("foo");
C.4. Release Notes for 1.2.0-DP3 Couchbase Client Library .NET Alpha (27 August 2012)
New Features and Behaviour Changes in 1.2.0-DP3 Initial implementation of Observe and Store with durability checks.
//check for master persistence var result = client.ExecuteStore(StoreMode.Set, "foo", "bar", PersistTo.One); //check for master persistence with replication to 2 nodes var result = client.ExecuteStore(StoreMode.Set, "foo", "bar", PersistTo.One, ReplicateTo.Two);
C.5. Release Notes for 1.2.0-DP2 Couchbase Client Library .NET Alpha (25 July 2012)
Fixes in 1.2.0-DP2 Generic view requests no longer emitting the original document as value. Client Get method is used instead to retrieve original document. Reduced views no longer break from missing "id" field in row. Paging no longer breaks. DevelopmentModeNameTransformer now correctly prepends dev_ on view requests.
C.6. Release Notes for 1.2-DP Couchbase Client Library .NET Alpha (27 March 2012)
New Features and Behaviour Changes in 1.2-DP Initial support for Couchbase Server 2.0 view API.
var view = client.GetView("designdoc", "viewname"); foreach(var item in view) { Console.WriteLine(item.ItemId); }
Appendix D. Licenses
This documentation and associated software is subject to the following licenses.