Final Report On Job Description

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Submitted to: University of Pune, Pune In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Post Graduate Degree in Master in Business Administration Submitted by: Aniket Vinod Shete. Under the guidance of: Prof. Swati Joshi.

Submitted Through:Sinhgad Technical Education Societys Sinhgad Institute Of Management Vadgaon (BK), Pune 2010- 2012

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the Project Report entitled Study of Job Description in Sansera Engineering Pvt. Ltd. written and submitted by me to the University of Pune, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration under the guidance of Prof. Swati Joshi is my original work and the conclusions drawn therein are based on the material collected by myself.

Place: Pune Date: Signature of Student

certificate by company


It is said that without theory, practice is blind and without practice theory is meaningless. Any class room coaching can be made effective if it is supplemented by practical exposure in an organization. Training gives opportunity to relate theory with practical. The training gives excellent opportunity to a student to apply and prove his ability, intellect, knowledge, judgment, reasoning by giving solution to assigned problem which reflects his caliber. I had the privilege to do my Summer Internship at Sansera Engineering Pvt. Ltd., which is an automobile component manufacturing company. It provides an ideal and congenial atmosphere for learning. My attempt would be successful and grateful if my project report serves the need of the organization.

On the successful completion of my summer training project on

JOB DESCRIPTION I am grateful to the Almighty God for providing me the courage and wisdom and my parents who are in the form of God on earth and were the constant source of motivation for me during the project. It gives me immense pleasure to express my deep sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to Mr. Jayakara Shetty (Plant Head- HR) for rendering me his valuable suggestions. My deepest thanks to Mrs. Meenal Kulkarni (Assistant Manager- HR), who guided me during the entire training period in Sansera Engineering Pvt. Ltd. I am also thankful to all the respondents of the organization who helped me in my training. It is my privilege to express my deep sense of appreciation to my lecturers, at Sinhgad Institute of Management for their valuable guidance, inspiration and encouragement to make this project report successful. Their help in revising the text is invaluable.


INDEX Sr.No. 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Executive Summary Introduction Company Profile Research Methodology Data Analysis And Data Interpretation Findings And Observation Recommendations and Suggestions Conclusion Bibliography Annexure


Preparation of project report is an inseparable part of management studies. It gives a thorough insight and proper understanding to the student of intricacies of the business situation. The title of the project is Study of Job Description in Sansera Engineering Pvt. Ltd.. The project was conducted in Sansera Engineering Pvt. Ltd, Pune. My training period was for two months. Under this project I was supposed to prepare Job Description for various designations across the organisation.

Under this project following parts are covered: Importance of Job Description How the Job Descriptions are prepared Conceptual background of job Description Job Descriptions for various designations.

Taking above points into account, it was important to make an explanatory study of project and for that several interviews were conducted with the employees of the organisation. Objective of the project is to prepare Job Description for Sansera Engineering Pvt. Ltd. This project mainly relies on primary data that is collected through interviews and observation.



Realistically speaking, many jobs are subject to change due either to personal growth, organizational development, and/or the evolution of new technologies. Variety of jobs means vacancy in the organization which needs to be filled but again according to the organizations requirements. The organizations requirement is reflected by job description of the organisation.An accurate job description is very useful when an employee, applicant, or government agency challenges a hiring or other employment decision. Job descriptions may even be requested by agencies investigating disputes that are not resolved internally. A job is a collection of tasks and responsibilities that an employee is responsible to conduct. Jobs have titles. A task is a typically defined as a unit of work, that is, a set of activities needed to produce some result, e.g., vacuuming a carpet, writing a memo, sorting the mail, etc. Complex positions in the organization may include a large number of tasks, which are sometimes referred to as functions. Job descriptions are lists of the general tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of a position. Job descriptions are usually developed by conducting a job analysis, which includes examining the tasks and sequences of tasks necessary to perform the job. The analysis looks at the areas of knowledge and skills needed by the job. Note that a role is the set of responsibilities or expected results associated with a job. A job usually includes several roles. In other words job descriptions are written statements that describe the duties, responsibilities, required qualifications, and reporting relationships of a particular job. They are based on objective information obtained through job analysis, an understanding of the competencies and skills required to accomplish needed tasks, and the needs of the organization to produce work. Job descriptions clearly identify and spell out the responsibilities of a specific job. Job descriptions also include information about working conditions, tools, equipment used, knowledge and skills needed, and relationships with other positions. Flexible job descriptions will encourage the employees to grow within their positions and learn how to make larger contributions to the company


Whether its a small business or a large, multi-site organization, well-written job descriptions will help to align employee direction. Alignment of the people to be employ with your goals, vision, and mission spells success for your organization.


The job description is a formal method of communicating work planning and feedback. This can help an organization identify areas of weakness of an incumbent and focus training efforts in these areas. Its a definite asset for wrongful termination lawsuits or claims of prejudice and/or discrimination. This is particularly valuable for recruiting as potential employees can obtain a clear understanding of the job during the interview. The job description is important for an effective performance evaluation process


This project will explain the benefits of job descriptions and the basic elements of a job description. It will also provide useful help on how to write job descriptions including a process for their review and acceptance. Each position in an office should have a job description. Although it is time-consuming to create them, the overall benefit of having job description for each job outweighs the effort it takes to develop them.

On the part of the employer, it can clarify the expectations for the job, and on the part of the employee, it will identify the employees responsibilities. It serves as the major basis for outlining job training. It supports objective performance evaluations since it identifies the responsibilities and tasks of the job against which the employee is judged. It is especially valuable to use in performance evaluations when employees are not meeting the job requirements as outlined in the job description. Job descriptions are especially useful in advertising to fill an open position.




Primary Objective:
To study the process of preparation of Job Description To know the legal ins and outs of writing job descriptions To determine the usefulness and importance in writing new job descriptions. To determine the mechanism that needs to be adopted by organizations for making a review and making the new job description

Secondary Objective:
To determine the reason behind high attrition rate To describe the duties and responsibilities of employees or workers


Scope of the Study:

The geographical scope of the project is limited to Chakan plant of Sansera Engineering Pvt. Ltd. Only. In this project following designations from hierarchy are considered. Managers and Above Senior Executive and Above Assistant and Above Trainees


Limitation of the Study:

The scope of the study is limited due to the following reasons: 1) Time Constraint: Since time span of thesis is only two months an in depth study and analysis will become a little difficult. 2) Understanding of Technical Terms: As it is being an automobile sector many technical terms were above my understanding and hence it was difficult to write their job description. 3) Applicability: It is applicable only to the Chakan plant of Sansera Engineering Pvt. Ltd. as the hierarchy of other plants might be different hence accordingly their job descriptions might differ.





Sansera Engineering Pvt. Limited manufactures precision forged and machined components for the automobiles industries in India. With its manufacturing facilities at Bangalore, Manesar (New Delhi), Pune and Pathnagar, it has employed manpower of 2900 people working with it. Sansera Engineering Pvt. Ltd manufactures various automobile components like Connecting Rod- Split, Crankshaft Assembly, Connecting Rods, Gear Shaft Forks, Rocker Arms- Sintered Tip, Rocker Shaft, and Sprocket. It is the second largest company in Asia to manufacture Rocker Arms.



SANSERA- ENGINEERING: Activity In-house Design and development of Tools & Fixtures.

In-house conceptualization and development of Special Purpose Machines Forging process flow simulation using FEA techniques.

Project management & Document management using customized PDLM software. Tools Unigraphics for 3D modeling and tool path generation. Mechanical Desktop for machine design. AutoCAD / Inventor for tool & fixture design and 2D drafting Wrench Collab

Sansera Die- Milling Die Milling on machining centers on pre-heat treated Dies for forging & coining. Tool Path using Unigraphics. No polishing of the die cavity-ready to forge.














SANSERA HOW IT GROWS? Sansera Yearly Turnover shows the following pattern









At Sansera we consider Corporate Social Responsibility as an effort to influence the society in a manner that earns the trust and respect of society and the stake holders. CSR in Sansera mainly consists of corporate donations, Partnerships and employee engagement focusing in the area of Education health and Environment. Corporate donations have been given to promote health and environment awareness. In partnership, Sansera has constructed school buildings in the rural areas. Through employee engagement, Blood donation camps are conducted and Cultural programmed in Kannada "Hasire Usiru" i.e Green is Life are organized to bring in environmental awareness. Sansera Foundation a charitable trust of Sansera is involved in promotion of education by awarding scholarships to poor rural students and creation of educational facilities in semiurban and rural areas.




Literature Review: Job Description and Its Relevance to an Organization:

Job descriptions are normally used in order to propel campaigns pertaining to recruitment, set new expectations for workers, assist in establishing salary grade level for different job categories, align goals of individuals and activities in the organizations with their strategic objectives (Mader-Clark, 2008; Far ham, 2000 and Gan and Kleiner, 2005). According to Dessler (2008), a job description typically contains the following sections: Job identification:Job title Preparation data Preparer Job summary:General nature of the job Major functions/activities Responsibilities and duties Major responsibilities and duties (essential functions) Decision-making authority Direct supervision Budgetary limitations Relationships Reports to: Supervises: Works with: Outside the company Standards of performance & Working condition What it takes to do the job successfully?

Many organizations regard the writing of a job description as of importance only when it concerns the creation of a new position. This is a myopic view. Job descriptions have many uses. Possession of a job description would effectively make the job of looking for the right person, interviewing the right person and hiring the right person much easier. Job descriptions are capable of communicating the companys expectations and permit the employees to understand what it takes in order to be capable of excelling in the job. Gan and Kleiner (2005) and Mader-Clark (2008) believe that job descriptions when formulated properly, are capable of affording the organization with the following benefits: Improving morale of employees. Enhancing communication between employer and



Being able to measure future performance. Setting the stage for the fair and legal discipline or terminating the employees that are unable to meet expectations. Enhancing the ability to retain stellar employees. Assisting in planning for the future.

Need for Writing New Job Descriptions and Updating Existing Ones Organizations could undergo restructuring, expansion, downsizing or relocation. Companies, departments and teams change and also business priorities as well as technologies. This could result in the job functions of employees changing to accommodate the changes in their organizations. Employee might assume new responsibilities or leave out tasks that were not working very well. Such changes should not be ignored and strict adherence to the old job descriptions would be counterproductive to organizational well being. In the event that the job functions of the employees change, it is imperative that their job description change as well. In essence, after writing initial, job descriptions, there are a number of good reasons to update them in accordance with the changes taking place in the job functions of the employees (Mader-Clark, 2008). The bottom line is that just as it is important to write new job descriptions when an employer is planning to hire new employees, it is equally important to continually update job descriptions to keep them relevant with the real job functions of employees in the organization ( Mader-Clark, 2008) and (Gan and Kleiner, 2005). Apart from specifying job functions to employees, job descriptions are used by employers in performance management. Performance Management is an integrated approach to ensuring that an employees performance supports and contributes to the organizations strategic aims (Dessler, 2008). It consolidates goal setting, performance appraisal and development into a single common system, the aim of which to ensure that the employees performance is supporting the companys strategic aims.

The building blocks of performance management according to Dessler (2008) are: Direction sharing Role clarification Goal setting Developmental goal setting On-going performance monitoring On-going feedback Coaching and support Performance appraisal Rewards, recognition and compensation Work flow, process control and return on investment management


Many of these activities are based on job descriptions. It is not possible to successfully manage performance via the use of outdated job description that does not list the real functions of the job in question. European Journal of Social Sciences Volume 12, Number 2 (2009) Another compelling reason for updating job description is the hiring process would suffer if one were to hire new employees based on obsolete job descriptions. One of the important factors determining effective recruiting is successful prescreening of applicants. This involves listing of jobs requirement in the advertisement or providing realistic preview of the job during initial call. Job postings using obsolete job descriptions will not attract the right candidate for the job. Job interviews are used to select the candidates for the job. Questions that are asked during selection interviews are structural, behavioral and job related. In order to have predictive validity the questions have to base on authentic job descriptions. Job analysis has to be carried out and job description written on the actual job duties is truly based on job analysis. Management could encounter legal problems if job offers and employment contracts are prepared on job descriptions that have not been prepared and accordingly updated (Roberts, 1997; Mader-Clark, 2008). Freeman (1996) and Mader-Clark (2008) have specified a number of reasons to update a job description and these are listed below: 1. Where a function is added or deleted from the job. 2. Where someone that is hired possesses new skills that does not track the old description. 3. Where a higher level of contribution from a position is required, such as a new skill or a body of knowledge. 4. Where there has been a change in the requirements of the job, like a special certificate to carry out the job. This is not an exhaustive list of reasons to change the job description and a good rule of thumb here is to make a review of the job description with the employee on a very regular basis in order to ensure that it still essentially reflects the work that the employee is doing. In this context, regular basis varies from one decision to another. Where a company is well-established, once a year might be sufficient but where the company is fast moving, quarterly might be appropriate and in some cases, ad-hoc updates might be in order. What can be said here is that a regular review period must not be delayed too much and the job description has to be updated as and they go (Mader-Clark, 2008; Roberts, 1997).


Where an employee is currently performing his or her job that is being described, it needs to be understood that his or her input has to be obtained concerning the accuracy of the job description. It might not be necessary to have the employee sign the new description but it needs to be recorded when the employee has reviewed it. When both the employer and employee are in agreement in relation to the job requirements, difficulties can be avoided in the future (Mader-Clark, 2008; Freeman, 1996).

Process of Developing a Set of Thorough and Current Job Descriptions

According to Heneman and Judge (2009), as far as the process of writing new job description or updating existing ones is concerned, it should encompass the following elements: 1. Defining the need to revise job description format. 2. Job analysis. 3. Updating or creating new job descriptions for every classification and making sure that they are premised on current and proper information. 4. Making an assurance that the description meets all legal standards for every position. 5. Job evaluation. 6. Updating. The first step here normally concerns making a comprehensive definition of the need to revise the job description format and this is done while using pre-existing information and format as much as possible in order to minimize costs and time as well. Job analysis can be described as the process of making study of jobs for the purposes of collecting, analyzing, synthesizing and reporting information concerning job requirements. Job evaluation can be described as the process of systematically making a determination of the relative value of jobs within the organization. Here, the ranking method is the most appropriate and simple to administer. In essence, the worth of the job is normally based on judgment of skills, responsibility, effort and also working conditions.




Job description as a document serves a many very important functions in an organization, if written properly and constantly updated; it provides the employees with the structure they need to carry out their jobs. When taken together, job descriptions reflect the challenges facing the organization as well as its aspirations. Job descriptions are written statements that describe elements address both important practical aspects and employment law issues. These elements are: Position summary Job responsibilities Qualifications Physical requirements Performance expectations Employee signature There are additional elements that a job description should include: The title of the job, The date it was written, The person to whom the person holding the job reports, If the job is of exempt or non-exempt status, Job location, and May include the salary range.

DETAIL OF HEADS: Position Summary:

The summary is just a one- or two-sentence overview of the jobs key tasks and responsibilities. For example, for a front desk person, the summary may say, The front desk person will greet patients, schedule appointments, and provide a variety of clerical and secretarial functions.

Job Responsibilities:
Create a thorough list of specific duties required to fulfill the responsibilities of the position. For example, for an assistant or nurse, it may include: assist the provider while treating patients; prepare operatory for the patient; greet patients and review medical history, medications, etc.; complete paperwork at conclusion of treatment; clean room following treatment, etc.


It is important to develop your own list of responsibilities based on the practice needs and job tasks required. The most valuable cornerstone of a job description begins with the job analysis by the person currently holding the job. Conducting interviews with employees who work with the person and whose jobs intertwine with the job being analyzed is valuable. Observing performance of certain tasks and asking employees to fill out questionnaires and worksheets assists in getting a total picture of the job. These are ways of collecting information about a job from secondary sources. More will be said about the job analysis process later in this article. Every job description should contain, as part of the positions duties, an open-ended statement such as performs other services deemed reasonable by the supervisor.

This section outlines the education, experience, knowledge and abilities needed for the position. Describe any specific diplomas, certifications, degrees required .Also, include any experience requirements such as OSHA training, CPR training, HIPAA compliance knowledge, etc. If you are using the job description as a hiring tool, these listed qualifications help identify candidates and objectively screen out the unqualified ones. An example for a dental hygienist may include: must hold current hygiene license from the State of Wisconsin, have five (5) years experience, have administrative ability, can do public speaking, etc. An example for a secretary may include: must have skill in using a personal computer, have knowledge of various (could enumerate) software packages, possesses skill to type 50 words a minute, etc. Some jobs may have special requirements like periodically working weekends, or putting in overtime at peak work periods, etc. These facts should be included in the job description qualifications.

Physical Requirements:
Some jobs require specific physical ability and strength to perform. For example, if an assistant is required to assist in lifting patients out of a wheelchair and onto an examination table, the job description should indicate that strength and/or other physical ability is needed to fulfill the job. By mentioning it, you are on the right side of antidiscrimination laws.

Performance Expectations:
Defining the benchmarks by which the job performance will be judged helps the employee understand what it takes to do the job and how management will measure it. For example, one performance standard for a nurse assistant could be to have a fiveminute turnaround time in preparing an examination room for the next patient. That can be measured against a time log. Another standard for a billing secretary could be submitting all claims electronically by the end of each day. 38

Inclusion of these standards is one step beyond the traditional job requirements and shows employees how they will be evaluated. Employee

Any new hire, after a thorough review of the job description, will be asked to sign and date each sheet of the job description. Provide a copy to the employee and add the document to the employees personal file. The employee will then understand what is expected of them and hopefully, a long employment relationship will begin.

Additional Elements:
Of course, the title of the job should be clearly stated at the top of the description, as well as the effective date. It would be wise to include somewhere on the description the date when that particular description was written. As time passes and different persons hold that particular job and responsibilities expand, it is important to update the job description. The date of the last review of the document may stimulate a fresh review and revision. Clearly identify the person to whom the employee reports. This takes away any ambiguity as to the line of responsibility. Indicate the job status, either exempt or non-exempt, the working location within the office, and finally, if you wish, the salary range.


STEPS TO DEVELOP JOB DESCRIPTION 1. Gather the appropriate people for the task. The manager to whom the
position will report takes the lead to develop a job description, but other employees who are performing similar jobs can contribute to the development of the job description. Additionally, if the position is new and will relieve current employees of work load, they should be part of the discussion. A first position? The manager or company owner can develop the job description on his or her own.

2. Perform a job analysis. You need as much data as possible to develop a job
description. The job analysis may include: The job responsibilities of current employees, Internet research and sample job descriptions online or offline highlighting similar jobs, An analysis of the work duties, tasks, and responsibilities that need to be accomplished by the employee filling the position, research and sharing with other companies that have similar jobs, and Articulation of the most important outcomes or contributions needed from the position.

The more information is gathered, the easier the actual task to develop the job description will be.

3. Write the job description. A company may have a format for job descriptions so
check with Human Resources. Often, however, all Human Resources expects is a list of the responsibilities and they prefer to develop the final format congruent with job descriptions across the company. These are the normal components of the job description: Overall position description with general areas of responsibility listed, Essential functions of the job described with a couple of examples of each, Required knowledge, skills, and abilities, Required education and experience, A description of the physical demands, and A description of the work environment.

4. Review the job description periodically: to make sure it accurately reflects

what the employee is doing and your expectations of results from the employee.


5. Use the job description as a basis for the employee development plan:
An employee's job description is integral in the development of his or her quarterly employee development plan. An effective job description establishes a base so that an employee can clearly understand what they need to develop personally, and contribute within your organization. Develop job descriptions to provide employees with a compass and clear direction.

Job Analysis
Job descriptions take time to develop and are not usually part of the everyday activities of a practicing professional. So, a technique that can be used to assist in writing job descriptions is to conduct a job analysis of the job under consideration. A job analysis is an in-depth study of a job that provides the information upon which the job description is based. Job descriptions are the most visible output from a job analysis. Depending upon the size of the office, the office manager may serve as the job analyst. In larger offices, a separate person can serve as job analyst. Comprehensive job descriptions developed from job analysis are used in selection, training, performance appraisals, and compensation of the person holding that position.

Analysis Process
It is important to identify for all those participating in the process the method by which the new job description(s) will be accepted. Here are a few suggestions that can be used as a guide for the office manager, provider, or business owner to outline the approval process. 1. The incumbent completes the analysis. 2. Their written findings and data are presented to the job analyst. 3. Together they will discuss the material. 4. The documentation is then presented to the incumbents supervisor for review (often the incumbents supervisor is the job analyst). 5. The supervisor (office manager) may add, delete or modify duties, knowledge, skills, abilities, training requirements and other characteristics. 6. It will then be put in the proper format previously developed for the office and standard for all job descriptions. 7. The supervisor approvals the document. 8. It is forwarded to the designated person (generally the provider/business owner) for final approval. 9. The new or revised job description is presented to the person holding the job to sign and date.


10. This job description becomes the official record for this particular job, held by that particular person. 11. Include the date of the final review and acceptance.


Any organizations goal in hiring is to find the brightest, most competent, flexible, reliable, multifaceted employees. A job description, if not viewed as a straight jacket, helps in successful recruiting in several ways. A job description: causes the manager of the position and any other employees already performing the job to agree on the responsibilities and scope of the position, helps Human Resources know the knowledge, skills, education, experience, and capabilities which it seeks in new employee, so an effective recruiting plan is formulated, informs candidates about the duties and responsibilities of the position for which they are applying, informs employees who are assisting with the interview process about the questions to ask candidates and what the organization seeks in the new employee, and may protect legally when the organization can demonstrate why the candidate is selected for a position was the most qualified and culturally suited applicant.

As organizations grow in response to changing business environment, job descriptions must be updated to address the current requirements of the jobs. In spite of its importance, job descriptions are often outdated, overlooked and under-considered. Many organizations these days seem to overlook the importance of updating and writing new job descriptions. In most cases, companies tend to make job descriptions but totally forget to update them. They often ignore the importance of updating job descriptions, believing that it is sufficient to leave the job descriptions as they were initially made. Little do they realize that the updating and writing of new job descriptions is very important and keeping job descriptions relevant is very crucial for the competitiveness and well-being of the entire organization. What is apparent here is that the updating of job descriptions and the writing of new job descriptions bring about a number of strategic benefits to the organizations that adopt proper mechanisms to ensure that job descriptions are constantly updated and new ones written where needed.




Research Methodology Data collection:Primary Data:The methods for data collection can be broadly classified as given below:1. Observation method: - An individuals working environment is observed and relevant points are noted. This method is helpful in making detailed profile of the department and the job profile. 2. Individual interview method: - The interview of employees is a source of information and helped to obtain effective information in structured form. Certain steps involved in doing personal interview. Select the people who are experienced and expertise in the respective field. Perform personal interview. List the answer down. Secondary Data:All the job related information is gathered from the experts- managers and plant heads and also collected from the existing records, articles, news papers, management books, and the internet.

Sample Description:
Sampling Technique: Purposeful sampling technique is used. It is a non random method of sampling where researcher selects cases from which one can learn a great deal about issue of central importance to the purpose of research. Sample Size: Sample size is 21.




The interviews of incumbent were carried out in order to know their nature of job and then it was processed in order to create a proper job description. Hence there were no graphs involved in this project. The Data Analysis and Interpretation is done by preparing a proper format for job descriptions. These job descriptions are mentioned below:


























During my study in the organization the following things were observed: 1. The employees in the organization were motivated as they were asked about their jobs and responsibilities. 2. The employees from the technical background were not very clear about their duties. 3. The employees were little hesitating to tell about their job description as they were thinking that they will be replaced by new incumbent. 4. Earlier the employees were hesitating to mark the 360 degree Assessment Form as they thought this is related to any promotion or increment but once they were cleared about the motive behind 360 degree Assessment form they started giving genuine feedback.




1) Displaying the role of employees or workers in detail and steps to be followed in proper sequence at shop floor by means of charts or by giving them handouts mentioning their duties and responsibilities. 2) Supervisors shall make sure that their subordinates are following the given set of guidelines. 3) Organization shall conduct recruitment process well in advance in order to attract right talent for right designation as soon as the vacancy is created 4) Introducing Employee referral scheme. Employee referral is an internal recruitment method employed by organizations to identify potential candidates from their existing employees' social networks. An employee referral scheme encourages a company's existing employees to select and recruit the suitable candidates from their social networks. As a reward, the employer typically pays the referring employee a referral bonus. This scheme can be introduced in order to curb the attrition rate. 5) Giving bonus to contractors if the workers stays with organization for certain span of time e.g. 6months or 1 year.




The nature of 21st century business organizations is highly unpredictable and hence the demand of the organization changes fast, making it necessary for hiring employees that posses additional skill or certain special kind of skills in order to satisfy the changing requirements in the organization. It is only with a proper mechanism to ensure new job description are written as well as the updating of the existing ones , so that the organization is able to attract the right person for the right job, possessing the competencies required by the job in the organization. The study has drawn a clear picture about the critical positions within the organization which needs a support of job description for its initial smooth working.





Aswathappa.K. -Human Resource Management Kothari .C.R.- Research Methodology


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