The Daily Part10
The Daily Part10
The Daily Part10
Volume 22, Number 12 December 2007
The Seventh-day Sabbath Christ Our Righteousness The Immutable Law of God
The Non-Immortality of the Soul The Three Angels’ Messages The Sanctuary
The Cross
Why Smoke
Jo e n
in the Temple?
O ls o
temple fill with smoke and no one when suddenly it seemed to be unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved
was able to enter it, not until the blotted out.” Ibid. thee with an everlasting love: there-
seven last plagues were fulfilled: God would not, could not, let fore with lovingkindness have I
“…no man was able to enter into His Son be seen during His last drawn thee.” Jeremiah 31:3.
the temple, till the seven plagues suffering hours. God used the
of the seven angels were fulfilled.” darkness to veil His Son.
Revelation 15:8 (last part). Now we have a new scene in Joe Olson serves as the
As I considered what the mean- which the Father has to finally let executive director and
ing was for the smoke, my mind go of His children, those that have chairman of the board
went to Jesus during His cruci- refused, after every evidence has of Hope International.
fixion. Remember when He was been given, to yield to Him and He also travels as an
hanging upon the cross and the come home. Now the punishments international speaker.
darkness came? God brought the of the seven last plagues are about
Executive Director: Joe Olson
[email protected]
Editor: Heidi Heiks
Our Besetting Sins
[email protected] Elle n G . W hite
Bookstore Manager: Kaye Olson “Seeing nothing but deformity in ourselves, we shall fix our
[email protected]
Hope For Health Center: Heather Olson, R.N.
eyes in faith upon Jesus.”
[email protected]
Understanding Aright the “Daily,”
Layout & Design: Paul & Mihaela Williams Scripturally and Historically – Part 11
Our Firm Foundation is published monthly by: He idi He ik s
In this final segment, Daniel’s two Hebrew words
Hope International
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Email: [email protected] Jean Handwe rk
and operated by Seventh-day Adventists to assist God’s
Church in the proclamation of the Everlasting Gospel in
To Eat Meat or Not to Eat Meat:
every way that is consistent with the principles of God THAT is the Question — Part Two
as revealed in Inspiration.
Heath e r Olson, R . N., C . H.
Invitation to Writers
We are accepting article-length manuscripts (1850 to 2250
words) for possible publication in Our Firm Foundation.
We prefer that submissions be submitted in Word .doc
format as a computer file. Include a digital picture News Watch page 26
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Historical Footnotes page 28
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Content credited in this publication is the property of its respective owner(s), and is licensed or used
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Cover Photo: © Paul Williams (clouds); Higher Clips CD (cross) Letters to the Editor page 31
Background Photo - page 3: © Paul Williams
The Cross
Peter Laurin
have missed by reading the Scrip- infinite in wisdom, power, and love, love that withheld nothing is the
tures to discover some theory, to He must reveal Himself in many cross. For this reason the cross is
find the reason for some doctrine aspects in order that we may get a the central point in the revelation
or to find evidence just to prove true perception of what He is. There of God to man and also in the plan
some argument. Even when we do isn’t a book in the Bible that doesn’t of redemption.
find something interesting, it seems reveal Christ. Some are simple and As we study the Bible to get a
to be speculative, and doesn’t have easy to understand; others are mys- better knowledge of the type of
the life-giving power we find when terious, and require thoughtful person Christ is, it will be noticed
we read the Bible as we should, study and meditation. that the writers are continually
finding that the truth is Jesus. We are nothing but imperfect pointing us toward the cross. It is
Didn’t Jesus tell us that the creatures and will never in this life by this that we come to understand
which His Son endured, witnessed the most ● Verse 8, The Worship:
-“And when he had taken the
inspirational moral act of the universe. book, the four beasts and four and
twenty elders fell down before the
had been jealous of the Son of God. challenge. Isn’t there any angel Lamb, having every one of them
This being was determined to pro- standing high in the counsels of harps, and golden vials full of
mote himself and take the place be- God that is able to open the scroll? odours, which are the prayers of the
Photos: © Paul Williams (background); Higher Clips CD (prophet)
longing to the Son alone. When he All voices are quiet; there are no be- saints.”
was cast out of heaven, he intro- ings that presume to step into that How fitting it is that they, who
duced the same sinful, rebellious realm. The suspense is too much for through the atoning sacrifice of
spirit to the occupants of this world. John, a mortal, trembling in the Christ had entered into the joys of
God’s Son came to this world to live midst of the heavenly host. He feels heaven, should bow down before
a sinless life and to die to redeem that the destiny of his fellow men is the Lamb in grateful adoration.
the lost race. He returned to His wrapped in that scroll, and fearing
place at the right hand of God. Now that the contents of the scroll will ● Verse 9, The Song:
the Father is giving the whole un- not be revealed, he bursts into tears. -“And they sung a new song, say-
fallen universe a lesson on the ex- ing, Thou art worthy to take the
alted position held by His victorious ● Verse 5, The Assurance: book, and to open the seals thereof:
Son, who is honored and adored -“And one of the elders saith unto for thou wast slain, and hast
● Verse 11 and 12, The Angels: If we, today, would live with an understanding
-“And I beheld, and I heard the
voice of many angels round about of the cross as the early disciples did,
the throne and the beasts and the
elders: and the number of them we would have a much deeper spiritual
was ten thousand times ten thou-
sand, and thousands of thousands;
experience both individually and as a church.
Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is
the Lamb that was slain to receive stand how what Jesus has done for upon the sufferings which His Son
power, and riches, and wisdom, us affects the inhabitants of heaven endured, witnessed the most inspi-
and strength, and honour, and glo- and of the millions of unfallen rational moral act of the universe. It
ry, and blessing.” worlds. marked the focal point of eternity
After hearing the song of the re- The sympathy awakened by Lu- past and future. That hour when
deemed, it made the angels so hap- cifer in his rebellion in heaven the dying Son of God cried out
py to hear earthlings glorify their brought perplexity and misunder- with a voice which seemed to re-
Supreme Leader, the focus of all standing, but through His Blood sound through all creation, “It is
their existence, that they broke into Jesus reconciled the whole universe, finished,” was not only the greatest
praise to the Lamb that was slain. tying them forever to the heart hour for the human race, but also
Notice that as this was going on, of God. the most moving moment for the
the amazing drama was caught up When Jesus gave His life on the whole universe.
in an ever-widening circle. As we cross of Calvary for rebellious, de- Don’t you think that we, as the
continue into verse thirteen: “And graded, degenerate men and wom- ones in whose places Jesus went to
every creature which is in heaven, en, He showed to the universe the the cross, should look upon the
and on the earth, and under the true character of His Father. It not cross as the rest of the universe
earth, and such as are in the sea, only proved that Satan’s accusa- does?
and all that are in them, heard I tions were false, selfish, and arbi-
saying, “Blessing, and honour, and trary, but it showed God’s infinite “Christ Crucified”
glory, and power, be unto him that compassion, love, and self-denial. Appeals to Hearts
Photos: © Paul Williams (background); (nebula)
sitteth upon the throne, and unto From the beginning of creation,
the Lamb for ever and ever.” God looked forward to that hour 1 Corinthians starts off with
when, through the voluntary sacri- Paul reprimanding the Corinthians
Unfallen Beings fice of His Son, all the created intel- for arguing about whom they
Also Rejoice
This is the theme of heaven’s
song and the purpose of heaven’s
activities—THE LAMB THAT WAS
SLAIN. This shows how fully
Christ occupies the center of all
those breathtaking and awe-inspir-
Ellen G. White
on our guard. If we could under- the heart is cleansed from its moral erred from the faith, and pierced
stand how deeply we injure our impurity. There must be a forsaking themselves through with many sor-
own souls and cause unhappiness of the sins the Lord has reproved, rows. But thou, O man of God, flee
to those around us by giving loose before the soul can stand acquitted these things; and follow after right-
rein to unsanctified thoughts and before God, humbled and repentant, eousness, godliness, faith, love, pa-
unholy actions, we would strive to realizing that he has served Satan, tience, meekness. Fight the good
put them away. We would co-op- pleased him, glorified him, and dis- fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life,
erate with God in working out our honored his Lord. whereunto thou art also called.”
own salvation.
Godliness with Treasure Here or
Excusing, Not Contentment in Heaven?
Forsaking, Sin
The love of money is the beset- The length and happiness of our
It is the inclination to excuse our ting sin of many. Men and women lives consists not in the amount of
moral defects that leads to the cul- who profess to worship the true God our earthly possessions. The foolish
tivation of sin. We must never for- become so deceived in their pursuit rich man, in his supreme selfishness,
the ministry, for the edifying of the grace unto the humble. The servants place your feet in Satan’s steps, and
body of Christ.” But there are some of Christ are to consecrate their this power of argument will come
who are never able to come to a lives to His service, revealing His to you, and you will be powerless
knowledge of the truth. Filled with character in the beauty of holiness. to resist it.
A holy life is accessible to every Signs of the Times, December 13, 1899.
repenting, believing child of God.
We are to work out that which Christ
works in. Then work, Christian
brethren and sisters, “work out your
own salvation with fear and trem- Ellen G. White,
bling; for it is God which worketh 1827-1915, received the
in you both to will and to do of His spiritual gift of proph-
good-pleasure.” Every provision ecy, and the fruits of
has been made that you shall come her life and work accord
off more than conquerors. Satan is with the biblical tests of
Photo: ©
Understanding Aright
sion”? From the book Doctrinal
Discussions, published by the
Review and Herald, we have a
compilation of articles prepared by
the Ministerial Association of the
the “Daily,”
General Conference of Seventh-day
Adventists, originally appearing in
The Ministry, June 1960 through
July 1961, in answer to Walter R.
Martin’s book The Truth About
Seventh-day Adventism. On pages
evening and morning (verse 26). Peters, we will bring to light some impression that what came to be
“When the angel Gabriel, ‘whom of his scholarly work for the benefit called ‘the new view’ began with
I [Daniel] had seen in the vision of our readers. Along with Brother Conradi. This is historically incor-
(chazon) at the beginning’ (Dan. Pfandl, we have no personal issues rect. The ‘new view’ did not origi-
9:21), returned to complete his ex- with Brother Peters. Our sole pur- nate with Conradi, though he was
erally teach that the little horn (pa- form with the little horn as subject “‘It is suggested that “the daily”
pacy) took the tamid (intercessory (In the second line the little horn is must be carefully defined as a
ministry) away from the Prince of understood to be the one who takes principle, namely the self exalting
the host (Christ). Peters claims that away the daily). character of paganism, inherent
on the basis of grammatical near- “As Proebstle has indicated, in mankind, of which Arianism
ness ‘the antecedent of “from him” there are at least two arguments became integrated’ (p. 27). Peters
is the one exalting himself or pa- that the pronominal suffix in mi- attempts to prove this with the fol-
gan Rome’ (p. 15). After outlining mennu (from him) refers to the lowing OT texts:
the inverted syntax of verse 11 he Prince of the host. First, both ‘unto Ps 74:23 ‘The tumult of those
concludes, ‘This internal reflection the Prince of the host’ and ‘from [God’s enemies] who rise up against
most people’s remembrance by a most universally acknowledged as Priest’s “yearly” ministration during
blasphemous system that laid bold the vicegerent of God on each, en- the antitypical Day of Atonement.
claim to heaven’s divine prerogative dowed with authority over church For example, evangelical teaching
to hear confessions, forgive sin and and state. has the atonement accomplished in
command obedience. This is con- “The detector of error having been full at the cross. So does a “social”
firmed by the following: removed, Satan worked according or ecumenical gospel, which fails
“. . . Faith was transferred from Christ, to his will. . . .” Great Controversy, 51. to stress the necessity of growth
the true foundation, to the pope of Rome. Through the Protestant in sanctification. Other churches
Instead of trusting in the Son of God Reformation, God returned to true whose highest goal is an external
for forgiveness of sins and for eter- believers the understanding that experience have no need of Christ’s
nal salvation, the people looked to “the just are saved by faith,” not by heavenly ministry when they think
the pope, and to the priests and prel- penitential or beneficent works; the they already have the outpouring of
ates to whom he delegated authority. necessity of “sola scriptura;” and the Holy Spirit. Surely we must seek
. . . Thus the minds of the people were the privilege of appealing directly heavenly wisdom, to anticipate and
turned away from God to fallible, err- to Jesus without a human media- discern diversions from truth.
ing, and cruel men, nay, more, to the tor. Yet even the Reformation and
prince of darkness himself, who ex- the Bible in the common languages
ercised his power through them. . . .” had not caused the ministrations in Three Purifications
Photo: © Paul Williams; (Vector Art)
Great Controversy, 55, italics added. the heavenly sanctuary to return to Before Understanding Given
The Catholic system’s centuries human memory. In William Miller’s
of denial of access to the Scriptures time, you recall, earnest students of
under penalty of death prevented the Bible knew nothing of a heav- The time period of the 1830s and
many people from reading of the enly sanctuary and Jesus’ ministry 40s was the time of the Philadelphia
sanctuary work for themselves. there on their behalf. church of Revelation 3. It is before
“Satan well knew that the Holy What God would have us know, that church that our Lord set “an
Scriptures would enable men to dis- Satan would obscure, remove, or open door, and no man can shut
cern his deceptions and withstand distort. “When Adam and his it. . . .” That open door was into the
his power. . . . In order for Satan to sons began to offer the ceremonial second apartment, the Most Holy
rified group remained—a scattered and later on, in consequence, from that only strengthens the reasons for
band who mistook the event but the emperor of Eastern Rome, that our existence as a denomination.”
who were convicted that God had church did away with the true sanc- Indeed, our High Priest has now
surely led thus far—not until then tuary service of God so completely left the first apartment in heaven,
did our holy God restore the un- that its true meaning was entirely where for centuries after His ascen-
derstanding of Jesus’ high priestly lost on the earth. The church estab- sion He faithfully administered the
work in heaven. That incomparable lished its own sanctuary service, its “daily” services for us, as we can
truth was revealed and entrusted to own priesthood, even professing to read in Hebrews. The events of 1844
those tested, dedicated saints, and continue the Levitical, and establish and beyond, the three angels’ mes-
we are their spiritual descendants, its own sacrifice in the mass; and to sages, the investigative judgment—
entrusted with the same precious show how completely the knowl- all reveal a critical development in
understanding. That is no small edge of the true sanctuary service the plan of salvation. We are now to
“daily” from Jesus. In his institution pose ourselves to a worldly claim to Europe’s “Christian heritage,”
of a church-state alliance, Catholic that our faith is based on historical which she wants acknowledged
Clovis caused a false mediation to
be “set” before mankind in place of
the true “daily” ministration.
And what scholarly evidence
justifies the viewpoint that the
Heidi Heiks has supplied for Adventist readership, both scholarly and lay, the historical and
legislative documentation from primary sources that describes what really happened in AD
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P ick
n H a nd w erk
she had a chance to fix things and Jesus!” she called softly to heaven showed her a sleeping cat—his
she wouldn’t?” (Pickle said “she” as she raced toward the house. best carving so far. “It’s really nice!”
so Mom wouldn’t suspect she was Up the stairs Pickle hurried she exclaimed.
talking about Jason.) and found Jason in his room. She “And so are you,” he said, “for
Mom answered as Pickle ex- shut the door so Mom couldn’t helping me be honest. I should
pected she would. “Well, what hear. Then she said, “Jason, I have have asked Jesus what to do, like
does the Bible say if you see some- an idea. You know it was wrong to you did. Next time I will. Thanks,
one in danger of keeping his sin? In steal that figurine. It was a sin, and Pickle. I’m glad you’re my sister.”
loving kindness, you go to that per- you should’ve asked Jesus to help By the way, Mom loved the
son to try to get him to change his you find a way to give Mom a gift carved cat Jason gave her—and so
ways. But if that person won’t listen in an honest way. Anyway, Jesus did Pickle, because he surprised
to you, then you are to take another just gave me an idea for you.” her with one, too!
THAT Is the Question
e r Ols
ast month I wrote about strong growth in meat production chicken nugget, or any other meaty
what the Bible and the and consumption continues de- dish, do you think of where it came
Spirit of Prophecy have spite mounting evidence that meat- from and what it took to get it in
to say about meat in the based diets are completely un- your hands? Not usually.
diet. Today I’d like to delve further healthy, and that just about every Processed meats like fish sticks,
into how choosing to eat a diet that aspect of meat production—from chicken nuggets, sandwich meats,
includes meat products not only grazing-related loss of cropland and the like seem to be an easy fix
affects your health, but also the and open space, to the inefficiencies for a quick meal. But in reality, it
entire world around you. You see, of feeding vast quantities of wa- is just another way we are adding
the more we comprehend just how ter and grain to cattle in a hungry more meat to our diets. So is meat-
damaging the effects of meat are, world, to pollution from “factory eating really all that bad? What
the more we will understand why farms”—is an environmental disas- happens as a result of eating meat?
God has instructed His people to ter with wide and sometimes cata- Well, for one, it takes abundance,
abstain from meat products. strophic consequences. According then reduces it to scarcity. Take
At this point in our Earth’s histo- to the Worldwatch Institute, global the amount of natural resources
ry, meat consumption has reached livestock population has increased needed to raise the animals, for
an all-time high worldwide (qua- 60 percent just since 1961, with the instance. On average, you need
drupling in just the last 50 years). number of fowl being raised for 16 pounds of grain to produce 1
In order to keep up with this grow- human dinner tables nearly qua- pound of feedlot beef, 6 pounds of
ing demand, we now have about 20 drupling in the same time period. grain to produce 1 pound of pork,
billion head of livestock taking up In addition, U.S. beef and pork con- and 3 pounds of grain to produce
valuable space on Earth. And with sumption has tripled since 1970, one pound of chicken.
only about 6.5 billion people, that during which time it has more than And what about the water? The
means we have 3 times more live- doubled in Asia. How has this hap- most widely accepted water esti-
stock than we have people! And pened so quickly?! mate to produce a pound of beef
With fast food chains is 2500 gallons. That’s enough, but
popping up on every corner you can’t just produce a pound of
and now with most of them beef, you have to raise a whole cow!
even accepting credit cards By this estimate, in order to raise a
right through the window, 1000-pound steer, you would use
it’s easier than ever to in- approximately 2.5 million gallons
dulge in meat-filled meals. of water! To put that into perspec-
In his best-selling book Fast tive, that’s enough water to float a
Food Nation, Eric Schlosser destroyer! In comparison to the 2500
noted “Americans now gallons it takes to produce a pound
spend more money on fast of beef, it takes roughly only 60 gal-
food—$110 billion a year— lons of water to produce a pound of
than they do on higher edu- grain. Do you see how this repre-
cation. They spend more on sents such a colossal waste?
fast food than on movies, All this comes at a time when
books, magazines, newspa- the world is teeming with people
pers, videos and recorded who suffer from profound hunger
Photo: ©
not showering for 6 months. die each day by simply changing pages.
Think of all the suffering in the your diet, would you? What if it BEPJ-1VEG $6.99
Photo: ©
ply by changing our diets. There Read more about the detrimental
the military for law enforcement. precede the great day of God.
Martial Law When President But on September 30, 2006, …the Everything in the world is in an
Decides; Congress Sidestepped Congress modified the Insurrection unsettled state.” LDE 20.
Act as part of the 2007 Defense
“…Pres. Bush signed National Authorization Bill. Section 1076 of Some Parents “Use” Religion
Security and Homeland Security
Presidential Directive NSPD-51/
the new law… allows the President
to deploy troops as a police
to Avoid Vaccinations
HSPD-20 which grants the Federal force… when [he] determines that Some non-religious parents,
Government comprehensive the authorities of the state are concerned about childhood vacci-
powers in the event of ‘Catastrophic incapable of maintaining public nations’ safety, are claiming reli-
Emergency.’ The document says it is order. The bill also… [gives] the gious exemptions. They say they’re
intended to provide for ‘State, local, President authority to order the being forced to lie because state
territorial, and tribal governments, dispersal of either insurgents or vaccination laws allow few options
and private sector organizations’ in ‘those obstructing the enforcement for avoidance. Twenty-eight states
the event of an emergency, but some of the laws.’” Dan Wilson, bestsyn- currently allow exemptions for
civil libertarians call the executive, June 22, 2007. medical or religious reasons only;
order a threat to our freedom. twenty others also allow personal
“The directive defines a End-time perspective: or philosophical reasons. Two al-
catastrophic emergency as any “… When so great power is placed low only medical reasons.
incident, regardless of location, in the hands of a few persons, Satan Four Arkansas families success-
that results in extraordinary levels will make determined efforts to fully challenged the state’s religious
of mass casualties, damage, or pervert the judgment, to insinuate exemption which required mem-
disruption severely affection the wrong principles of action, to bring bership in a recognized religion
U.S. population, infrastructure, in a wrong policy; in so doing he prohibiting vaccinations. After the
environment, economy, or can not only pervert one institution, state began allowing philosophical
government functions. but through this can gain control exemptions also, those exemptions
“Basically if the President of others and give a wrong mold increased while religious ones de-
believes there is a national crisis to the work in distant parts. Thus creased.
he can declare martial law. … the influence for evil becomes Public health officials say only
Some worry that the powers could widespread….” 7T 173. a few [unvaccinated] people can
be similar to a dictator, with no cause an outbreak. One doctor
oversight from the congress or France Bankrupt said a choice not to get a vaccine
the judicial branch. ‘The President also makes a choice for the person
shall lead the activities of the France is bankrupt due to nearby. Steve LeBlanc, Asso. Press,
Federal Government for ensuring chronic budget deficits, the Yahoo!News, Oct. 18, 2007.
constitutional government.’” country’s PM said…. “…I am the
Photos: © (globe & background); (flag)
The National Emergency Act of head of a state that is in… bank- End-time perspective:
1976 enables Congress to ‘modify, ruptcy due to its financing plan, … “All parents [may] learn much
rescind, or render dormant such that has been in chronic deficit concerning the care and prevention,
delegated emergency authority,’ if for 15 years, …that hasn’t voted a and even the treatment, of disease.”
Congress believes the president has balanced budget in 25 years.” Asso. MH 385.
acted beyond his delegated powers, Press, Sept. 21, 2007.
but Bush’s executive order does not
mention of any such oversight. End-time perspective: Speedier Executions
“The Posse Comitatus Act of “Strange and eventful history “Since capital punishment was
1878 and the Insurrection Act of is being recorded in the books reinstated in the United States three
1807 substantially limit the powers of heaven--events which it decades ago, 124 people awaiting
of the Federal government to use was declared should shortly execution have been exonerated.
Source: Eric Syme, A History of SDA Church-State Relations in the United States. Pacific Press: 1973.
b. Albert Forester of Religious Liberty 5:a; 6:a; 7:c; 8:b; 9:d; 10:d.
c. Joshua Himes Answers: 1:a; 2:d; 3:c; 4:d
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I am a youth aged 25 from Kenya. by the quality of the articles and to preserve them in. Everything is
I thank the team behind Our Firm would like to thank you for the at one’s fingertips; all the research
Foundation magazine in abundance spiritual food you are providing to and documentation has already
for the work they are doing for us God’s people the world over. been done. All we have to do is just
readers. I read your past magazine I am interested in receiving the read it.
and I was very happy with the way DVDs and CDs that you have been JP
you addressed issues in reference sending out. I believe they would be
to health. Please send me the fol- a great help to me and others in my Thank you for sending the DVD
lowing books to understand more area. I have a DVD and CD record- on the “daily” by Heidi Heiks. It’s
the health and diseases that our er and would not have a problem nice to see the author of the book!
fellows suffer from. May your work duplicating them for those inter- MC, Ontario, Canada
prosper in our Father’s name. ested. Please also send us whatever
MM, Kenya printed material you deem worthy I just found you on the web. I’m
of sharing for inreach and outreach. amazed at the truth in Our Firm
I just started reading the 508 We are in a spiritual drought here, Foundation. It’s awesome. We’ve
book. I’m enjoying it, but I think I with very little material available, been Adventist for three years
need to get the beginning issues especially Ellen White’s books. and can’t find anyone else actually
of the “daily” series to start from May God bless you for your preaching the three angels’ mes-
there. faithful work. sages. Our Sabbath school lessons
CH, Kentucky BS, Botswana are in serious error.
JM, Michigan
I am really enjoying the “daily” Please pray for our church. We
articles. Do you have this in book never get present truth—only love I am enclosing an offering for
form yet? and unity and peace and safety. the DVD sermons. I’m also a bit
JF Thanks to Hope International for tardy in thanking you for them. We
[Not yet, but it’s coming! --Ed.] standing up for the truth. appreciate them very much.
AD, Michigan KC
Enclosed is a donation to help
you with the increase in postage. Please send me the June issue. We’re sending our tithe to you.
I believe Satan wants you to stop I never received it, and I need to Thank you so much for Heidi’s
mailing the truth and this is just read part five! I have his book as teaching on the “daily.” Finally
Photo: © Paul Williams (Historical Village - Eureka, MT)
one of his evil ways. There will well, but I want to read every detail someone has come up with the
no doubt be others. But with God I can. Thank you so much! correct teaching on it. I came to
there are no obstacles that He can’t the same conclusion in 1978 when
overcome. I see in your Letters to the Edi- reading Daniel. It is very self-ex-
NP, North Carolina tor section that you are going to planatory. All you need is Daniel
put the “daily” articles into book to learn this. I never used any other
I have been reading the online form. That’s an excellent idea. books but the Bible. Thank God for
version of your Good News news- Don’t let that project slide through using Heidi to explain it to people.
letter and Our Firm Foundation the cracks. Those articles are a real Praise God.
magazine. I am greatly impressed resource and deserve a nice book RM, Colorado
Hope International
P.O. Box 220
Knoxville, IL 61448