Vegetable Juice DR Norman Walker
Vegetable Juice DR Norman Walker
Vegetable Juice DR Norman Walker
i=1635703#i Fresh Veg & Juices by water01 Excerpts from the book: Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices 1978- What's Missing in the Body (Norman Walker) CARROT JUICE MOLECULE---LIKE BLOOD MOLECULE By means of the latest super-microscopes, it has been possible to determine that the carrot juice molecule is exactly analogous to that of the blood molecule, a most interesting and revealing fact. No wonder we have found the juice of carrots so extremely beneficial. CELERY JUICE The greatest value of raw celery lies in the fact that it contains an exceptionally high percentage of vital organic sodium. It is one of the chemical properties of sodium to maintain calcium in solution. This is particularly the case in the human system, as we will presently see. Raw celery contains more than four times as much vital organic sodium as it does calcium. This fact makes it one of the most valuable juices for people who have used concentrated sugars and starches more or less consistently all their lives. Bread, biscuits, cakes, cereals, doughnuts, spaghetti, ricein fact every food and food product containing flourcomes under the classification of concentrated starch. White, brown, and every kind of sugar which has been manufactured or processed, and every food product containing any of it (including candies, "soft drinks," commercial ice creams, etc.), come very definitely under the classification of concentrated carbohydrates. Experience has definitely taught us, however, that such foods are destructive; and their continued use results in a nourishment deficiency. What follows is an alarming number of ailments. We have found that such concentrated carbohydrates are without question among the most destructive of our "civilized" foods. The human digestive processes were never intended by Nature to be called upon to convert these so-called foods into nourishment for the cells and tissues of the body. Even from before adolescence, the results of such food are apparent in the degeneration of the human system. To consider the brief span of two or three score years as constituting oldage is nothing less than a downright insult to Nature and to our Creator. It is a shameful admission that we do not know how to live and have not taken the trouble to learn the first principles of regenerating our body. It is a confession that we eat ourselves into the grave by catering to our appetites. In the first place, calcium is one of the most essential elements in our diet; but it must be consumed organically, and through vitally ORGANIC atoms. When any calcium-containing food is cooked or processed, as in any of the above mentioned carbohydrate foods, the calcium is automatically converted into INORGANIC atoms. As such, they are not soluble in water and they cannot furnish the nourishment which the cells in our body require for regeneration. Furthermore, enzymes, destroyed at temperatures of I30F and above, convert the atoms into dead matter. The result is that such foods literally clog up the system resulting in conditions as arthritis, diabetes, coronary (heart) disturbances, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, gall and kidney stones. In the second place, these deposits of inorganic calcium, being void of life, increase cumulatively when nothing is done to rid the body of them. In the presence of vital organic sodium, however, and with the assistance of other elements and processes described later in this book, they can be dislodged and maintained in solution until they have been eliminated from the system. These processes are set forth in greater detail in our discussion of Arthritis in this book. Sodium plays a very important part in the physiological processes of the body. One of the most important being the maintenance of the fluidity of the blood and lymph in preventing their becoming too thick. The only sodium that is of any value in this respect, however, is the vital ORGANIC sodium which is derived from fresh vegetables and some fruits.CELERY IS RICH IN SALT (SODIUM) The "regular" Table Salt is composed of insoluble inorganic elements. Varicose veins, hardening of the arteries and other ailments have been traced to the excessive use of this type of salt. Salt is necessary in the generation and functions of digestive fluids in the system. Without salt good digestion is virtually impossible, but such salt must be entirely soluble in water. Every cell in the body is constantly bathed in a solution of saline water, and if this is not maintained at its required level dehydration sets in. In the commercial production of TABLE SALT extremely high temperatures are used running around 1500F to solidify the salt with additives and adulterants to coat the salt crystals to cause the salt to pour readily under nearly all conditions. Such salt is not completely water soluble. To overcome this handicap, whenever we need to use salt, we use ROCK SALT, the pure Rock Salt used in water purifiers. Rock Salt is obtained from soil sodium rock formations and is not subjected to heat. This salt we have found to be soluble in water and its use, in moderation of course, is found to be compatible and satisfactory. In order to use it, we grind it to the fineness we desire, in a small nut or coffee-grinder, such as the Moulinex or any of the similar grinders sold by Health Food Stores. Such Rock Salt is a natural catalyst which the enzyme's in the body can cause to be utilized constructively. Rock Salt will usually be found to contain the following elements: Sodium Chloride 90% to 95% Calcium Sulphate .05% to 1% Magnesium Sulphate .05% to 1% Magnesium Chloride .05%tol% The moisture content may run from 2Vi% to 6%, while occasionally there is a trace of "insoluble matter."
The "regular Table Salt" is likely to contain in addition to the above elements in quite different proportions: Potassium Chloride Sodium Sulphate Potassium Sulphate Barium Chloride Magnesium Bromide Strontium Chloride Calcium Chloride Most of these elements tend to inhibit the dissolving of the salt in water. During hot, dry weather, we have found it most soothing and comforting to drink a tumblerful of fresh-raw celery juice during the morning, and another in the afternoon between meals. This has the effect of normalizing the body temperature, with the result that we are perfectly comfortable while those around us are drenched in perspiration and sweltering in discomfort. Sodium is one of the important elements in the elimination of carbon dioxide from the system. Deficiency of vital organic sodium results in bronchial and lung troubles, which are aggravated by the presence of extraneous matter in the lungs, such as tobacco smoke. Such deficiency is one of the concomitant causes of premature aging, particularly in women. As a matter of fact, women who smoke age about 15 years during every 5 years in which they smoke. Nicotine is to a great extent the cause of so-called "frayed nerves." Smoking does not in any way alleviate, but rather aggravates this condition. The use of tobacco creates only a temporary state of mental well-being at the cost of more or less permanent degeneration of tissues, though of course, advertising speaks falsely to the contrary. Tobacco smoke has the effect of inhibiting the taste buds. The combination of celery with other juices is generally beneficial, and certain formulas have been used to help clear up deficiency and other conditions in the body, with almost phenomenal results. When combined with other juices, the proportion of the elements in each individual juice is of course changed to correspond to the sum total of the similar elements in the other juices. Thus we get a totally different formula when juices are combined than we have in any one of the juices individually. It is the discovery of the effect of these combinations and formulas that has proved of such immeasurable benefit to ailing humanity from the cradle to the grave. In the case of nervous afflictions resulting from the degeneration of the sheathing of the nerves, the abundant use of carrot and celery juice has helped to restore these to their normal condition and thus alleviate or remove the affliction. Celery is very high in magnesium and iron content, a combination which is invaluable as a food for the blood cells. Many diseases of the nervous and blood system are due chiefly to the inorganic mineral elements and salts taken into the body by means of devitalized foods and sedatives. If there is an inadequate supply of sulphur, iron, and calcium in the diet, or even if there is an abundant supply of these, but in devitalized inorganic form, then asthma, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, and other disturbances may result. Unbalanced proportions of sulphur and phosphorus in the diet may create conditions of mental irritability, neurasthenia, and even insanity. Also, many diseases hitherto ascribed to excessive uric acid in the system may really be caused by the consumption of foods too rich in phosphoric acid and deficient in sulphur. The combination of carrot and celery juices furnishes a balance of these organic minerals in excellent combination to combat tendencies toward these diseases and help to restore the body to normalcy where these afflictions have started or taken root. CUCUMBER JUICE Cucumber is probably the best natural diuretic known, secreting and promoting the flow of urine. It has, however, many other valuable properties, for example, as the promotion of hair growth, due to its high silicon and sulphur content, particularly when mixed with carrot, lettuce, and spinach juice. It contains more than 40% potassium, 10% sodium, 1XA% calcium, 20% phosphorus, and 7% chlorine. The addition of cucumber juice to carrot juice has a very beneficial effect on rheumatic ailments which result from an excessive retention of uric acid in the system. The addition of some beet juice to this combination speeds up the general process. The high potassium content of the cucumber makes this juice very valuable in helping conditions of high and low blood pressure. It is equally helpful in afflictions of the teeth and gums, such as in pyorrhea. Our nails and our hair need particularly the combination of elements which fresh vital cucumber juice furnishes, helping to prevent the splitting of the nails and falling out of the hair. Skin eruptions of many kinds have been helped by drinking cucumber juice to which the juices of carrot and lettuce have been added. The addition of a little alfalfa juice in some cases has helped to speed up their efficiency. DANDELION JUICE This juice is one of our most valuable tonics. It is useful to counteract hyperacidity and to help normalize the alkalinity of the system. While exceedingly high in potassium, calcium, and sodium, it is our richest food in magnesium and iron content. Magnesium is essential for giving firmness to the skeleton and preventing softness of the bones. A sufficient quantity of vital organic magnesium and calcium in the food during pregnancy will help prevent the loss or degeneration of teeth due to childbirth, and give firmness and strength to the bones of the child. Vital organic magnesium in proper combination with calcium, iron, and sulphur, is essential in the formation of certain ingredients of the blood. Such magnesium has great vitalizing powers and is a constituent as builder of body cells, particularly the tissues of the lungs and the nervous system.
Vital organic magnesium can be obtained only from live, fresh plants and must be used fresh and raw. It must not be confused with manufactured magnesium preparations which, as inorganic minerals, interfere with the proper healthy functions of the body. All chemical magnesium preparations, whether powdered or in so-called milk form, result in deposits of inorganic waste matter in the system. While they may give the more or less immediate results claimed for them, such results are purely temporary. The after effects of the deposit of such inorganic matter in the body may have repercussions of a more or less devastating nature in the future. We prefer to follow in the footsteps of the sage whose principle was to be safe now rather than to be sorry later. Vital organic magnesium, as obtained raw from vegetable juices, is a nourishing element of inestimable value to the human system. Raw dandelion juice obtained from the leaves as well as the root, and combined with carrot and turnip leaves juice, will assist in remedying spinal and other bone ailments, as well as give strength and firmness to the teeth, thus helping to prevent pyorrhea and decay. ENDIVE JUICE Endive is the curly vegetable resembling lettuce, and known also as escarole and chicory. In our east coast markets the curly endive is usually known as chicory, the word endive being usually reserved for the winter-grown heads of the Witloff or Brussels Chicory, which consists of only the long, more or less straight, thick creamy-white leaves, 5 to 6 inches long by one or two inches wide, pressed closely together. This is not as rich as the green varieties of endive, as its large leaves are cut off and the roots set in cellars in sand to bleach them. Thus, this type is deficient in chlorophyll and in some of the essential minerals of which the full-grown vegetable is so rich. Endive is closely allied to the dandelion plant, and their chemical constituents are more or less alike. Endive however, has food elements of which the optic system is constantly in need. The addition of endive juice to that of carrot, celery, and parsley, we furnish nourishment to the optic nerve and muscular system, which bring amazing results in correcting many eye defects. One or two pints daily of this combination has frequently corrected eye trouble in the course of a few months to the extent that normal vision was regained, making the use of glasses unnecessary. One of the most outstanding cases which has come to our attention is that of a lady whose home was in West Virginia, south of Pittsburgh. Cataracts took away her eyesight completely, and for nearly three years no hope whatever was given to her that she could ever see again. She heard that in Pittsburgh there was a very efficient plant in operation that made fresh juices daily from a large Triturating and Hydraulic press. It had been said that miracles were happening as a result of fresh, raw vegetable juice therapy and she decided to give it a try. She followed rigidly the necessary cleansing regime of colonic irrigations and enemas to remove all interference by waste matter in the body; she ate only raw vegetables and fruits with no concentrated starches or sugars; she drank daily: One pint of carrot, celery, parsley, and endive juice, One pint of carrot juice, One pint of carrot, celery, parsley, and spinach juice, One pint of carrot and spinach juice. She recovered her eyesight sufficiently in less than one year's time so that she could read newspapers and magazines with the aid of a magnifying glass! Endive is one of the richest sources of Vitamin A among the green vegetables. Carrot, celery, and endive juices combined, are most helpful in asthma and hay fever, provided the cause of these conditions has been permanently removed from the diet. The cause, naturally, is usually milk and the concentrated starches and sugars. In combination with celery and parsley, endive is very helpful in anemia and in functional heart trouble (when this is not the result of gas in the intestines), and as a blood tonic. It is also very beneficial in conditions involving the spleen. Endive juice in almost any combination promotes the secretion of bile and is, therefore, very good for both liver and gall bladder disfunctions. FENNEL (Finocchio) JUICE There are two varieties of fennelthe common garden or sweet fennel, which is used mostly as condiment and flavoring, and Florence Fennel usually known as Finocchio and used on a very large scale by Italians and other Latin races. The former is classified mainly as an herb and is not suitable for use in juice form except under the care of an expert on the use of herbs. The Florence variety, however, makes an excellent juice. The plant belongs to the celery family, but its juice is much sweeter and more aromatic than celery juice. In fact, the plant is sometimes known erroneously as anise celery, but the Italian name, Finocchio (pronounced Finokkio), is more generally used. Fennel juice is a very valuable blood builder and is, therefore, of the utmost benefit in menstrual disorders. It has been used successfully alone or in combination with carrot and beet juice in this connection. GARLIC JUICE Metaphorically speaking, garlic itself is bad enough but garlic juice by itself may cause devastating social ostracism for the one who drinks it. It is very beneficial, if one has the mental fortitude to overcome social handicaps, and the intestinal fortitude to endure the general discomfort which accompanies the more or less rapid house cleaning of one's system.
Garlic is rich in mustard oils and this, in conjunction with the combination of cleansing elements composing it, has a most beneficial effect on the entire system, from stimulating the appetite and the secretion of gastric juices, to the promotion of peristalsis and diuretic action. The ethers in garlic juice are so potent and penetrating that they help to dissolve accumulations of mucus in the sinus cavities, in the bronchial tubes, and in the lungs. They help the exudation of poisons from the body through the pores of the skin, until we wonder whether the effluvium of the fragrance is any better than the dormant poisons within us. Garlic juice has proved very effective in helping to eliminate intestinal parasites. Dysentery can be most effectively helped withthis juice, and Amoebic Dysentery responds to it no less than other kinds. Parasites and germs, however, whether amoeba or any other kind cannot live unless there is nourishment for them to thrive on. If the eliminative organs are filled with putrefactive waste matter naturally germs will be present by the million, and if more waste matter is added cumulatively by the daily ingestion of meat, other inorganic foods, and drugs, such germs and parasites are in their element, and they propagate and multiply. This is wonderful for the germs, but disconcerting to the victim. Thus, garlic juice helps to eliminate much of this condition, but to remove the cause we find that we have to go much farther. Intestinal bathings by means of colon irrigations and enemas have been found to be essential until the waste matter has been thoroughly cleaned out. The diet then has been so planned that the food was assimilated as completely as possible with the least liability of waste retention in the body. This has been successfully achieved with an ample supply and sufficient variety of fresh-raw vegetable juices supplementing a wellbalanced raw food diet. To make garlic juice, however, almost precludes the use of the juice machine for any other juices, because once the machine has been so used, it is almost impossible to eradicate the aroma for several days, and any juices subsequently made on that machine may be flavored with that bouquet! HORSERADISH SAUCE We do not use the juice of horseradish, it's ethers are quite potent and powerful enough when the horseradish is finely ground or triturated (pulverized). The effect of taking one half a teaspoonful of the triturated (pulverized) horseradish will leave an indelible impression on the memory and a dissolving reaction on the mucus in the sinus cavities. Once this has been tried in pulp form, this impression and this reaction will no doubt solve the question of why we do not use it in juice form. The pulp from freshly triturated (pulverized) horseradish mixed immediately with lemon juice and taken twice a day at a dose of onehalf teaspoon between meals, has effectively helped to dissolve mucous. This is true not only in the sinus cavities but also throughout the body and without damage to the mucous membranes themselves. It acts as a solvent and cleanser of abnormal mucus in the human system.Used judiciously, as indicated, mixed only with lemon juice, we have found that it does not irritate the kidneys, the bladder, nor the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. In addition to the value of the ethers in dissolving mucus, horseradish sauce is a valuable diuretic, particularly beneficial in dropsical conditions. The horseradish sauce should be prepared fresh and should not be used when it is more than one week old. It must be kept cold in a closed bottle or jar although its potency is increased if allowed to warm up to room temperature when using it. It should be moistened with plenty of lemon juice. Horseradish sauce when taken as suggested, one-half teaspoonful in the course of the morning and one-half teaspoonful during the afternoon, daily, may at first cause a copious overflowing of tears, depending on how much mucus is packed in the sinus cavities and other parts of the system. Except for the lemon juice mixed with it, nothing else should be taken to dilute it, nor should anything be taken to drink for a few moments after eating it. This procedure has been followed for weeks or months if necessary, until the horseradish sauce could be eaten without any sensation resulting from it. It then indicated the practically complete dissolution of the mucus. For any condition of sinus mucus, this has been found a very effective natural means to help remove the CAUSE of this annoyance. As a rule, the most satisfactory results are obtained when the mixture is comprised of the juice of two or three lemons to one-fourth pint of triturated (pulverized) horseradish, making the mixture the consistency of a thick sauce. (See the section covering Radish Juice.) JERUSALEM ARTICHOKE JUICE This vegetable, when properly triturated (pulverized) and pressed, can furnish 3 pints of juice from 4 pounds of the vegetable itself. It is rich in alkaline mineral elements, particularly potassium, which represents more than 50% of all the rest of the mineral elements combined. The artichoke is derived from a species of sunflower. It is the tuber (a swelling or knob-like growth on a plant) of a species of sunflower that grows extensively in Italy and is known there as Carciofo orArchicioffo-Girasole.The word Girasole has been slithered into the Anglicized Jerusalem, it's definition being simply sunflower.When raw, this vegetable contains the enzyme inulase and a large amount of inulin. Inulin is a substance resembling starch and is converted into levulose by the enzyme inulase. It is therefore, a tuber which diabetics can eat with impunity. Its juice is very beneficial and palatable, whether taken alone or with carrot juice. KALE JUICE Kale has much the same chemical analysis as cabbage and may be used in the same manner. (See Cabbage Juice). KELP For millions of years, rains have washed layer after layer of soil and all other earthly composed materials from all of land, mountains, and hills. All this has gone down to the bottom of the sea, thus giving to the bed of the oceans the most fertile soil in the world.
If I were to eat flesh foods, I would choose fish. As fish feed on the contents of seas and rivers, their flesh naturally contains more elements minerals and trace elements than any other flesh. As for vegetation, seaweed is one of our most valuable food supplements. Its roots are sometimes as much as 29,000 to 30,000 feet below the surface of the oceans, with tentacles floating to the surface where, with the help of its enzymes and the rays of the sun, it bursts forth into nodules and leaves. The leaves are known as sea-lettuce and dulse. Dulse is an important additive to meals in Scotland, Ireland and many other nations. In the United States and Canada, dulse is used extensively as a dietary health food supplement in the form of dried seaweed leaves. The seaweed with large leaves is usually dried, crushed or ground and is used in powdered or granule form as KELP. Seaweed in any of these varieties is an excellent source of organic iodine, because of the mineral and the trace elements which are not readily obtainable in our most common vegetables. The combination of the earthy elements, soil, and seawater at the bottom of our oceans contain more than 59 of the elements in nature. Thus, we can appreciate the value of seafood to our nutritional programs.The following are these 59 elements: Actinium Copper Neptunium Silicon Aluminum Erbium Nitrogen Silver Argon Fluorine Osmium Sodium Arsenic Gold Oxygen Strontium Barium Hydrogen Phosphorus Sulfur Bismuth Indium Platinum Tantalum Boron Iodine Plutonium Thallium Bromine Iridium Potassium Thorium Calcium Iron Radium Thulium Carbon Lanthanum Rhenium Tin Caesium Lead Rubidium Uranium Cerium Lithium Ruthenium Yttrium Chlorine Magnesium Samarium Zinc Chromium Manganese Selenium Zinconium Cobalt Mercury Scandium Using Kelp and Dulse in moderation as food supplements, we can be fairly sure of furnishing our system with at least some of the trace elements so necessary for our well-being, which are not available in vegetables and fruits. In our home we usually have a salt shaker on our table, filled with Kelp Granules and a dish of Dulse which we use freely with our salads and with our juices. Adding some Kelp to the Potassium Combination (carrot-celeryparsley and spinach juice) we enrich the benefit derived from this valuable mixture, and find it very beneficial for the glandular system, particularly for the thyroid gland. Dulse and Kelp are obtainable from your Health Food Store. Do not use any of the Iodine dispensed by the drug stores on your food. LEEK JUICE The juice of leeks is milder than that of onions and garlic. The information on garlic juice applies to a great extent to that of leeks. LETTUCE JUICE Lettuce juice has many essential values to the human body. It has great quantities of iron and magnesium. Iron is the most active element in the body, and it is necessary that it be renewed more frequently than any other. The liver and spleen are the storage places of iron, where it is stored for any sudden demand that may be made upon the body, for example, the rapid formation of red blood corpuscles in the case of a heavy loss of blood. The iron is stored in the liver for the particular purpose, among others, of furnishing mineral elements to any part of the body in an emergency, as in the case of a hemorrhage; also in the event that the food eaten does not contain the necessary quantity of this element in vital organic form. The storage of iron in the spleen acts as an electric storage battery where the blood is recharged with the necessary electricity for its proper functions.The magnesium in lettuce has exceptional vitalizing powers, particularly in the muscular tissues, brain, and nerves. Vital organic salts of magnesium are cell builders, especially of the nerve system and of the tissues of the lungs. They also assist in maintaining the normal fluidity of the blood and other functions without which it would be impossible for metabolism to operate properly.
As magnesium salts can operate efficiently only if there is sufficient calcium present, the combination of these elements in the lettuce makes this food exceedingly valuable. When combined with carrot juice, the properties of lettuce juice are intensified by the addition of Vitamin A in the carrot and also the valuable sodium therein which assists in maintaining the calcium in the lettuce in constant solution until utilized by the body. Lettuce contains more than 38% potassium, 15% calcium, more than 5% iron, and about 6% magnesium. Lettuce also contains more than 9% phosphorus, which is one of the principle constituents of the brain, and an ample supply of sulphur, which is one of the component parts of the hemoglobin of the blood, acting therein as an oxidizing agent. Many nervous afflictions are due chiefly to these two elements, sulphur and phosphorus, taken in inorganic form as in cereals and meat. Together with silicon, which lettuce contains more than 8%, sulphur and phosphorus are essential in the proper maintenance and development of the skin, the sinews, and the hair. When one consumes excessive amount of these elements in an inorganic form, i.e. cereals and devitalized foods, the roots of the hair do not obtain their proper nourishment: hence one of the reasons for hair loss. Drinking a daily abundance of juice composed of carrot, lettuce, and spinach, will furnish food to the roots and nerves of the hair, thereby stimulating growth. Hair tonics in this respect are of little or no value except that they furnish massaging for the scalp.They cannot feed the hair but merely stimulate the action of the nerves and blood vessels and so assist the proper food in reaching the hair roots through the blood stream. Another efficient juice combination to help the growth of hair and restore it to its natural color is carrot, lettuce, green pepper, and fresh alfalfa juice. (See preceding section on alfalfa juice.) When making juice from lettuce for definite therapeutic purposes, it is best to use the leaves that are of the darker shade of green, omitting those which are inside the head of lettuce and have remained white, as the former are much richer in chlorophyll and other vital important elements than the latter. The juice of lettuce leaves has been a great boon and relief to those suffering from tuberculosis and from gastric disturbances. It is also a valuable diuretic. Because of its richness in iron and other valuable vital elements, lettuce juice has been given to infants with carrot juice, with highly satisfactory results whether they were breast or bottle-fed. COS or ROMAINE LETTUCE JUICE Although a member of the lettuce family, Romaine Lettuce has an entirely different chemical composition from that of Head lettuce. It originated in the Island of Cos, in the Greek Archipelago, and in Great Britain it is known as Cos Lettuce. The juice of Romaine Lettuce, with the addition of a small amount of kelp (seaweed) has been found to contain properties conducive to helping the activity of the Adrenal Cortex in its function of secreting its hormone, Adrenaline, to keep the body in balance. Its particular value is in its rich sodium content which is 60% higher than its potassium content. This makes it one of the most beneficial juices for conditions affecting the Adrenal Glands. For instance a person with Addison's Disease requires the maximum amount of vital organic sodium with a relatively low percentage of potassium to compensate for Adrenal Cortex hormone deficiency. This specifically proportioned juice is therefore essentially very relative to just such a person's needs. In the treatment of Addison's Disease, we have seen some remarkable results when an ample supply of fresh-raw juices was used daily in which this chemical composition more or less prevailed. The diet was held rigidly to the elimination of all concentrated starches and sugars, all meat of every kind, and all vegetables containing an excess of potassium over sodium. This narrowed the choice of vegetables and their juices to: beets, celery, Romaine lettuce, spinach, and Swiss chard. Also included in the diet were fresh pomegranate, strawberries, tomatoes, and figs, honey, almonds, and beechnuts. Fresh-raw carrot juice was added to all or any of the above juices with much benefit. In some extreme cases, some fresh-raw goat s milk with carrot juice was found helpful. On this basis, with a regular cleansing program by means of colonic irrigations and enemas excellent results were obtained. MUSTARD GREENS JUICE Mustard greens are valuable in salads. The high content of mustard oil, when the greens are made into juice, may be irritating to the alimentary tract and to the kidneys. Mustard greens contain a high percentage of oxalic acid. They should therefore never be eaten when cooked. Read the chapter on Oxalic Acid. Although the juice of mustard greens, by themselves, may cause some discomfort, nevertheless, a small quantity in combination with carrot, spinach and turnip juice has been used with much benefit to help dissolve hemorrhoids. As in watercress, the sulphur and phosphorus percentage is very high in the mustard greens, and their effect on the system is almost identical to that of watercress. (See Watercress). ONION JUICE Somewhat milder than garlic, with a less pungent aroma, onions and their juices do, without question, build us up physically to a remarkable degree, while at one and the same time they tear us down socially.
What we have said about garlic applies quite fully to the onion and its juice, bearing in mind that what may be termed the repellent atmosphere of the garlic and its juice is somewhat subdued in the case of the onion. PAPAYA JUICE While papaya is definitely a fruit and not a vegetable, it is pertinent to refer to it here because of its remarkable therapeutic qualities. Until recently this fruit was practically unknown in the North as it is strictly a tropical fruit. Like a melon or a squash in shape, it matures in many sizes from less than one pound to as much as 20 and more pounds each. Its particular qualification for our attention is its juice. When the green fruit is triturated (pulverized) and pressed it is found to contain a principle known as papain, which has much the same digestive effect as pepsin in our digestive processes. It also contains fibrin, a principle rarely found except in the body of man and animals. This fruit is readily digestible in gastric and pancreatic juices and is especially valuable in the coagulation or clotting of blood, either superficial or internal. The green, unripe papaya has much more active papain enzymes than the ripe (this activity being somewhat dissipated in the ripening processes). The juice of the green papaya has helped correct intestinal disorders, including ulcerous and more serious conditions in an incredibly short time. We have frequently seen the crushed pulp, including the skin, of the green papaya applied as a poultice to serious lacerations and the following day hardly more than the scar was apparent. We had a finger seriously crushed in a machine, and the application of a similar poultice left the finger usable within two or three days. As a juice, both the green and the ripe papaya are unsurpassed as a remedy to help most afflictions of the body. Truly, Nature has given us in this fruit the most comprehensive means of first-aid in both internal and external ills. PARSLEY JUICE Parsley is an herb. Raw parsley juice is one of the most potent of the juices. It should never be taken alone in quantities of more than one or two ounces at a time unless mixed with a sufficient quantity of carrot or other raw vegetable juices such as celery, lettuce, or spinach, and even then, in not too great a proportion in relation to the volume of other juices. Raw parsley juice has properties which are essential to oxygen metabolism in maintaining the normal action of the adrenal and thyroid glands. The elements in parsley are proportioned in such a manner that they help to maintain the blood vessels, particularly the capillaries and arterioles in a healthy condition. It is an excellent food for the genitourinary tract, being of great assistance in conditions of calculi in the kidneys and bladder, albuminuria, nephritis, and other kidney troubles. It has been used effectively in dropsy. It is also efficient in every ailment connected with the eyes and optic nerve system. Weak eyes, ulceration of the cornea, cataracts. conjunctivitis, ophthalmia in all of its stages or laziness of the pupils have been effectively treated by drinking raw parsley juice mixed with carrot juice and with carrot, celery, and endive juices. Never drink too great a quantity of raw parsley juice by itself, as its high concentration may result in a disarrangement of the nervous system. Taken with other juices properly mixed, it is extremely beneficial. Strictly speaking, parsley belongs to the herbs classification; hence, its highly concentrated effect. It is used effectively to help promote menstrual discharge, particularly in conjunction with beet juice or with beet, carrot, and cucumber juices. Cramps as a result of menstrual irregularities have been relieved and frequently corrected entirely by the regular use of these juices when concentrated starch and sugar foods have been omitted from the diet. RAW POTASSIUM BROTH There are many vegetables rich in potassium, the outstanding of which are carrot, celery, parsley, and spinach. To obtain the full value of this potassium element, it should be taken as a drink in its raw, undiluted state so that the body may absorb and assimilate it completely in its natural form. The organic minerals and salts in this combination of raw potassium "broth" embrace practically the entire range of those required by the body. Its effect in reducing excessive acidity in the stomach has been truly remarkable. There is probably no food more complete in every respect than this for the human organism. When the sick are unable to assimilate other food, it has been found that raw potassium broth has usually furnished the nourishment to bring the patient back to normal. In the case of convalescents, raw potassium broth is invaluable, and it is astonishing that all hospitals and sanitoria have not adopted this food as a regular part of their daily diet. Some people do not find Potassium as palatable as the straight carrot juice or some of the other juice combinations. We must bear in mind, however, that when the body is starved for the live atoms of food so essential for the regeneration of the cells and tissues of the body, the time has passed when the matter of taste has any bearing whatever on the choice of the juices we need. As we have previously stated no drug in the entire Pharmacoepia will supply the body with the live organic food atoms, vitamins, and hormones essential for the regeneration of the wear and tear that results in sickness and disease. Such food is most quickly obtained by the body when we drink fresh-raw vegetable juices. The atoms that make up the cells and tissues of our anatomy are mineral and chemical elements. Our glands, organs, and in fact, every part of the systems represent combinations of such atoms in certain definite patterns. It is therefore why we are able to determine that
certain combinations of chemical and live mineral elements in our food, and particularly in our juices, can nourish corresponding parts of our body. PARSNIP JUICE This juice has a very low calcium content and much less sodium, but is very rich in potassium, phosphorus, sulphur, silicon, and chlorine. Because of the low calcium-sodium content, the all-around food value of this vegetable is not as great as that of some of the other tubers, but the therapeutic value of the juice of its leaves and root place it high on the list of beneficial juices. The rich silicon-sulphur content is most helpful in correcting the condition of brittle nails. The phosphorus-chlorine elements are of particular benefit to the lungs and the bronchial system. Thus making this juice an excellent food for tubercular and pneumonia victims, and those afflicted with emphysema. The high potassium content is of such excellent value to the brain that this juice has been effectively used in many mental disorders. WARNING:The foregoing applies only to the cultivated parsnips. The wild variety must not be used in juices because it contains some poisonous ingredients. PEPPER JUICE (GREEN) This juice has an abundance of silicon which is greatly needed by the nails and the hair. The tear-ducts and sebaceous glands also benefit greatly from the use of this juice. In combination with carrot juice, in the proportion of one-quarter to one-half of green pepper juice to the rest of carrot juice, it is an excellent aid in clearing up skin blemishes, particularly if colonic irrigations and enemas are taken with sufficient regularity to remove waste matter from the colon while the cleansing processes within the body are progressing. Those bothered with gas or wind in the alimentary canal, and those suffering from colic or flatulence, have found significant relief from drinking one pint of this juice combination every day. In addition, one should also drink a pint of carrot and spinach juice per day as well. Of course, these juices need not be taken at one time. In fact, drinking them at the rate of one tumblerful at a time with intervals of one, two, or three hours in between, have given better results. We prefer to drink them before and between meals. POTATO JUICE The raw potato contains easily digestible natural sugars which, upon cooking, are converted into starch. Potatoes should be omitted from the diet of those suffering from venereal diseases and those afflicted with aphrodisiac tendencies. The combination of cooked meat and potatoes intensifies the solanine poison of the potato (an alkaloid poison more particularly prevalent in potatoes too green in color), which has an affinity for the nerves controlling the sexua| organs; this, together with presence of uric acid crystals resulting from the ingestion of meat, may cause excessive irritation of these organs. The juice of raw potatoes, however, has proved very beneficial in clearing up skin blemishes. This cleansing is due to the high content of potassium, sulphur, phosphorus, and chlorine in the potato. These elements, however, are only of value when the potato is raw, in which state they are composed of live organic atoms. When the potato is cooked, these are converted into inorganic atoms and, as such, they are of little or no value for constructive purposes. Fresh-raw organically grown potatoes are very palatable to eat, many people do like them and they are unquestionably a good food. Raw potato juice has proved to be a healthy cleanser of the system and to be very beneficial, particularly in combination with carrot juice. The juice of raw potatoes, combined with that of carrot and celery, is a boon to those suffering from gastric, nerve, and muscle disturbances, such as gout and sciatica. In such cases, one pint of this combination in addition to one pint of carrot, beet, and cucumber juice daily, has often given complete relief from these discomforts in a surprisingly short time, provided that meat, fowl, and fish were eliminated completely from the diet. Some emphysema victims have been helped and found relief in using a combination of carrot, parsley and raw potato juices. SWEET POTATO, botanically, is not in any way related to the ordinary or "Irish" potato. It contains one-third more carbohydrate; in the form of natural sugars than the Irish potato, three times as much calcium, twice as much sodium, more than twice as much silicon, and more than four times as much chlorine. The juice of sweet potatoes has, therefore, more general beneficial value than that of the Irish potato. Care must be exercised in choosing them, as they are more readily spoiled by bruises and decayed spots, which quickly affect the whole tuber, than the Irish potatoes, which will stand rougher and careless handling with impunity. RADISH JUICE This juice is extracted from the leaves and the roots, but should never be taken alone, as it is too strong in its reaction if taken by itself. In conjunction with carrot juice, the combined elements help to restore the tone of the mucous membranes in the body. It is used most effectively about one hour after taking horseradish as described in the section covering that subject. It has had the effect of soothing and healing the membranes and cleansing the body of the mucus which the horseradish sauce has dissolved. It has at the same time helped to regenerate and restore the mucous membranes to their normal state. Nearly one-third of the natural content of radishes is potassium, while of the remaining two-thirds, more than one-third is sodium.
The iron and magnesium content are both high, and it is from these that the healing and soothing qualities to the mucous membranes have been found. It is usually unnecessary in most cases to undergo surgical operations for the removal of the mucus which causes sinus troubles. While such operations remove some of the mucus, the after effects eventually may be devastating. The horseradish sauce on the other hand, has repeatedly given lasting benefits. Mucus is the result of drinking too much milk and eating concentrated starches, bread, and cereals in excess. RHUBARB JUICE Rhubarb is probably responsible for more kidney trouble among children than any other single factor. Few if any other plants have such a high concentration of oxalic acid as rhubarb. When cooked, this acid is converted into an inorganic chemical which, when eaten, deposits vast amounts of oxalic acid crystals in the body. Innumerable cases of rheumatism and rheumatic fever could be traced to the ingestion of cooked rhubarb. No example could be more vivid than this to prove the fallacy of eating s o r a food or food product because of certain individual particular merit without regard to the disastrous effect of other elements it may contain. Because of its supposedly laxative properties, rhubarb is used extensively for children as well as by adults. Because the laxative results are more or less immediately apparent, no further thought is given to the other end product the oxalic acid crystals deposited in the body. As these deposits do not cause immediate irritation and their effect is insidious and slow in manifesting, the consequences are rarely if ever attributed to the proper causethe eating of rhubarb. The subject of oxalic acid is so very important that we have covered it fairly extensively in a separate chapter under that heading. Some benefit can be derived from fresh-raw rhubarb juice, provided that it is used sparingly, and only in combination with other juices such as carrot, celery, or fruit, and their combinations. In this manner it can help stimulate the peristaltic action of the intestines. Never sweeten rhubarb with sugar, use honey. SAUERKRAUT JUICE Sauerkraut is a preparation of pickled cabbage, finely cut and fermented in brine composed of a great deal of salt. This pickling and fermentation is exceedingly injurious to the mucous membranes of the alimentary canal and affects adversely the texture of the skin, tending to coarsen it. Its stimulating effect on the digestive organs is very detrimental because of the presence of so much inorganic salt solution. SORREL JUICE The juice of the broad-leafed French Sorrel is excellent in helping the sluggish and prolapsed intestines to reestablish their normal functions, when such necessary steps as colonic irrigations and enemas are taken to eliminate the accumulation of waste matter collected therein. This vegetable is rich in potassium oxalate which is valuable for the human system only in its vital organic raw state. It should never be eaten when cooked. It contains a particularly large percentage of iron and magnesium which the blood needs constantly, and vast amounts of the cleansing elements phosphorus, sulphur, and silicon which are used by every part of the system from head to foot. The combination of these rich elements makes this juice most valuable for nourishing all the glands in the body. SPINACH JUICE Spinach is the most vital food for the entire digestive tract, both the alimentary section of the body (the stomach, duodenum, and small intestines) and for the large intestine or colon, and it has been so recognized from time immemorial. In raw spinach, Nature has furnished man with the finest organic material for the cleansing, reconstruction, and regeneration of the intestinal tract. Raw spinach juice properly prepared, taken at the rate of about one pint daily, has often corrected the most aggravated case of constipation within a few days or weeks. Unfortunately, the use of purgatives for the cleansing of the intestinal tract is practiced without an understanding of exactly what takes place. Every manufactured chemical, inorganic purgative or laxative acts as an irritant, stimulating the muscles of the intestines to expel it. With the expulsion of this irritant, other matter lodged therein may also be expelled. It is obvious and in practice it is proved to be a fact, that the habit of taking laxatives necessitates stronger and stronger irritants. The result is not a cure for constipation, but a chronic condition of inactivity of the local tissues, muscles, and nerves. Cathartics are merely irritants and while they remove some of the waste matter, they cannot possibly cause anything other than progressive degeneration of the intestines. Furthermore, such methods of cleansing the intestinal tract are solely temporary in their effect and furnish no material for the regeneration and rebuilding of the weakened or degenerated tissues, muscles, and nerves. It is imperative that following the lymphatic expulsion of acid, toxins, or poisons, the system be replaced by an organic alkaline solution such as natural raw fruit juices to prevent an inevitable water deficiency in the body. Also, if such a replacement of alkaline is not taken care of, one runs the risk of repetition. The remaining poisons in the intestinal track can then be reabsorbed, find their way into the lymph stream, and again aggravate the condition the individual was trying to correct. On the other hand, raw spinach juice effectively cleanses and helps to heal not only the lower bowels but the entire intestinal tract.
The spinach works by natural means to repair the most essential damage first; it is not always apparent to the individual where in his body the work of regeneration is progressing. Results may not be noticeable sometimes for as long as six weeks or two months after daily consumption of this juice. It has been found essential at all times, however, that the bowels be cleared at least once every twenty-four hours, although the normal, healthy condition calls for two or three movements a day. The colon can be washed out with colonic irrigations or enemas, or both if necessary everyday. This has been found most effective in the long run. Another valuable feature of raw spinach juice is its effect on the teeth and gums in helping to prevent pyorrhea. This disease is a mild form of scurvy and results from a deficiency in the body of the elements found particularly in the combination of carrot and spinach juices. Bleeding gums and fibroid degeneration of the pulp of the teeth has become a common defect due to the habitual use of devitalized cereals, refined sugar, and other deficiency foods. It is due to a Vitamin C deficiency. A permanent aid for this affliction has been found in the use of natural raw foods and, more particularly, by drinking an ample quantity of carrot and spinach juice. Other derangements of the body such as duodenal and other ulcers, pernicious anemia, convulsions, degeneration of various nerves, deficiency in adrenal secretions and those of the thyroid, neuritis, arthritis, abscesses and boils, pains in the region of 'the gonads, swelling of limbs, tendency to hemorrhage, loss of vigor, rheumatic and other pains, impaired functions of the heart, low and high blood pressure, eye troubles, and headaches, including those of a migraine character, are due primarily to the cumulative volume of waste matter in the lower intestine. This is also due to the deficiency of the elements contained in raw carrot and spinach. The quickest and most effective way in which the body can obtain and assimilate these elements is by drinking daily at least one pint of the fresh-raw vegetable juices. Spinach, lettuce, and watercress together with carrots and green peppers, are among the vegetables containing the best supply of Vitamins C and E. The lack of a sufficient quantity of Vitamin E in the system is a contributing factor responsible for miscarriages, impotence and sterility in both sexes. Many forms of paralysis are due to a lack of Vitamin E which is responsible for general lack of well-being and impaired metabolism. When spinach is the subject matter of discussion, one generally associates it with its effectiveness as a laxative. The underlying cause for this effectiveness is the high oxalic acid content in this vegetable. This is such an important element involved in the activities of our intestines that it is worthy of very special attention, and we have given a whole chapter to the subject of oxalic acid. Spinach should never be eaten when cooked unless we are particularly anxious to accumulate oxalic acid crystals in our kidneys with the consequent pain and kidney trouble. When spinach is cooked or canned, the oxalic acid atoms become inorganic as a result of excessive heat and may form oxalic acid crystals in the kidneys. OXALIC ACID One of the mysteries of the human anatomy is that function which is known as peristaltic motion. This motion, or action, takes place in the alimentary canal, in the circulating and generative tubes, and in the eliminative channels in successive wavelike motions, forcing whatever matter is present therein, onward on its course. It is a series of contracting and relaxing of the nerves and muscles successively a function which takes place involuntarily so far as our own voluntary controlling powers are concerned, and apparently is entirely automatic. The efficiency of this peristaltic action, however, is very naturally dependent on the tone and healthy vigorous condition of the nerves and muscles of these channels. Organic oxalic acid is one of the important elements needed to maintain the tone of, and to stimulate peristalsis. It is perfectly obvious, of course, that any motion of the body which takes place by the "involuntary" action of its organs is predicated on there being life in the cells and tissues of such organs. Life is active, magnetic; whereas there is no action in death nor in dead matter, and this applies definitely to cells and tissues of our anatomy. If the important organs comprising the alimentary and eliminative departments of our system, or any parts of them, are moribund or dead, the efficiency of their function is impaired, to say the least. This condition can result only from a lack or deficiency of live atoms in the food nourishing the cells and tissues concerned. Live food means that food which contains live organic atoms and enzymes found only in our raw foods. We have in previous chapters, covered this important question of organic versus inorganic atoms in our food. It is very vital to stress this matter in regard to oxalic acid. When the food is raw, whether whole or in the form of juice, every atom in such food is vital ORGANIC and is replete with enzymes. Therefore, the oxalic acid in our raw vegetables and their juices is organic, and as such is not only beneficial but essential for the physiological functions of the body. The oxalic acid in cooked and processed foods, however, is definitely dead, or INORGANIC, and as such is both pernicious and destructive. Oxalic acid readily combines with calcium. If these are both organic, the result is a beneficial constructive combination, as the former helps the digestive assimilation of the latter, at the same time stimulating the peristaltic functions in the body. When the oxalic acid has become INORGANIC by cooking or processing the foods that contain it, then this acid forms an interlocking compound with the calcium even combining with the calcium in other foods eaten during the same meal, destroying the nourishing value of both. This results in such a serious deficiency of calcium that it has been known to cause decomposition of the bones. This is the reason I never eat cooked or canned spinach.
As to the oxalic acid itself, when converted into an inorganic acid by cooking or processing the food, it often results in causing inorganic oxalic acid crystals to form in the kidneys. It is worthy to notice that the minerals in our foods iron, for example frequently cannot be assimilated and used completely if they have become inorganic through cooking, and often prevent the utilizing of other elements through chemical and other action. Thus, the iron in fresh-raw spinach juice may be utilized 100%, but only one-fifth of that, or less, would be usable in cooked spinach. It is well to bear in mind, therefore, that as the organic oxalic acid is so vital to our well-being, the fresh-raw juice of the vegetable containing it should be used daily to supplement the eating of these raw vegetables included in our daily salads. The most abundant supply of organic oxalic acid is found in fresh raw spinach (both the common variety and the New Zealand spinach) Swiss chard, beet greens, turnip and mustard greens, kale and collards, and the broad-leafed French sorrel. TOMATO JUICE This is probably one of the most widely used juicesout of cans. Fresh-raw tomato juice is most beneficial and has an alkaline reaction if digested when no starches or sugars are present in concentrated form; but if these are present and eaten or drunk during the same meal, then the reaction is definitely acid. Tomatoes have a fairly high citric and malic acid content, and some oxalic acid. These acids are all needed and beneficial in the processes of metabolism, provided that they are vital organic. When tomatoes are cooked or canned, these acids become inorganic and, as such they are detrimental to the system, although their injurious effect is insidious and may not manifest immediately. Some instances of kidney and bladder stones are the result of taking cooked or canned tomato or its juice, particularly with starches and sugars. Fresh-raw tomato juice is rich in sodium, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. There are innumerable varieties of tomatoes, all of which, if used fresh and raw, make excellent and beneficial juices. STRING BEAN JUICE This juice is of particular benefit to diabetics. Diabetes is a dietary disease resulting from the excessive consumption of concentrated starches and sugars, and is aggravated by the consumption of meat. It is definitely conceded that the hypodermic injection of Insulin does not furnish a cure for this disease. Diabetes is not a hereditary disease. It may, however be caused by the hereditary habit of the excessive use of concentrated carbohydrates. The feeding of inorganic, cooked flour and grain products and pasteurized or boiled cow's milk to infants is the contributing factor in the development of diabetes in children and adolescents primarily and in adults eventually. Insulin is a substance that the pancreatic gland secretes to enable the body to properly utilize natural sugars (not the manufactured sugars) as fuel for energy to carry on its activities. As we have previously pointed out, the body can only use, constructively, the natural vital organic sugars which fresh-raw vegetables and fruits furnish in abundance. It cannot use starch nor manufactured sugars as such, but must reconvert them into "primary" sugars. Starch is an inorganic product and the sugars which are converted from it in the body are, of course, also inorganic. Inorganic elements have no enzyme life or vitality. The pancreas therefore works overtime in this reconversion process, only to receive lifeless atoms in return, which have no regenerative or constructive quality whatsoever. This results in what is known as diabetes. The fact that excessive adipose tissues accumulates in diabetics is the result of the false inorganic Insulin stimulus, which not only does not burn up the waste matter, but actually helps it to accumulate. It has been found that string beans and brussels sprouts when made into juice, contain elements which furnish the ingredients for the natural insulin for the pancreatic functions of the digestive organism. In cases of diabetes, the entire elimination of all concentrated starches and sugars of every nature whatsoever, and the drinking of a combination of the juices of carrot, lettuce, string beans, and Brussels sprouts at the rate of about two pints daily, besides one pint daily of carrot and spinach juice, gave results which were satisfactory and beneficial. Of course, colonic irrigations and enemas were used regularly and liberally. TURNIP JUICE No vegetable contains as high a percentage of calcium as the juice of turnip leaves, the calcium being more than one-half of all the other minerals and salts combined. It is therefore a most excellent food for growing children and for anyone having softening of the bones in any shape or form, including the teeth. By combining turnip leaf juice with carrot and dandelion juice, we obtain one of the most effective means of helping the hardening of the teeth as well as the entire bone structure of the body. The very high magnesium content of the dandelion together with calcium in the turnip leaves and the elements in the carrot combine to give the bone structure firmness and strength. The potassium content is also very high in turnip leaves, which results in this being a strong alkalinizer, particularly when combined with celery and carrot juices. It is therefore excellent to reduce hyperacidity. Turnip leaves also contain much sodium and iron. Calcium deficiency, strange as it may sound to the uninformed, results very frequently from drinking pasteurized cows milk. Of course, the constant use of concentrated flour, grain, and sugar products also results in calcium deficiency because, although these products have an exceedingly high calcium content, this type of calcium is just as inorganic as that used in making cement.
The cells and tissues of the body cannot use these types of inorganic calcium atoms for constructive purposes. In fact the blood stream (as a result) must move them out of the way so they will not interfere with its operations and activities. Just as we brush things aside that interfere with our own freedom of action, so the blood sweeps many of these inorganic atoms into the terminal ends of blood vessels. As the most convenient of these are located in the rectum, they receive a gradual accumulation of this debris until they enlarge enough to be uncomfortable, when their name is changed to Hemorrhoids. As most people include an excessive amount of devitalized, inorganic food in their daily meals, it is only natural to find that probably onehalf of them have hemorrhoids, and know it, while the remainder may have them and do not know it. We have not known of a single case of hemorrhoids among the many adults of all ages who have been lifelong abstainers from these inorganic foods. On the other hand, we have seen an unending procession of people victimized by attempts to cure this natural affliction by means of injections, electric coagulation, and surgery. We had one very typical case come to our attention. It was a prominent lawyer. His protruding hemorrhoids were painful, distressing, and embarrassing. He suffered to such a degree that he could not walk many blocks without having to stop in the first inconspicuous place to propel them back into place. This gentleman had been drinking a variety of juices daily for many months without telling anyone of his main trouble. He modified his diet slightly, still eating his meat and potatoes, bread, doughnuts, and other injurious foods, with little or no apparent effect on his affliction. One day he wagered the owner of the juice bar, where he had become a regular customer, that no juice could help hemorrhoids. The owner asked that he drink two pints of a combination of carrot, spinach, turnip, and watercress juice daily, and follow a rigid raw vegetable and fruit diet and watch the results. In less than one month, this lawyer came to the juice bar, jubilant, after having been carefully examined by his physician who declared that there was no indication whatever of his erstwhile hemorrhoids. This is not one isolated instance. This combination of juices has helped innumerable sufferers when they did in fact adhere rigidly to natural foods and natural methods. WATERCRESS JUICE This juice is exceedingly rich in sulphur, which represents more than one-third of all the other mineral elements and salts combined in the watercress. Nearly 45% of the elements in watercress are acid forming, including sulphur, phosphorus, and chlorine. As it is a very powerful intestinal cleanser, it should never be taken alone, but should always be used with other juices, mixing it, for example, with carrot or celery. Of the alkaline elements, potassium predominates, being slightly more than 20%; calcium is about 18%; sodium, 8%; magnesium, 5%; and iron about one-fourth of one per cent. A combination of carrot and spinach juice with some lettuce, turnip leaves, and watercress juice, contains the components essential for the normal regeneration of the blood and particularly for increasing oxygen transmission in the blood stream. For anemia, low blood pressure, and low weight, this forms an excellent food combination. A combination of carrot, spinach, turnip leaf and watercress juice, has the properties that help to dissolve the coagulated blood fibrin in hemorrhoids or piles, and many kinds of tumors. Two pints of this combination taken daily, when all flour and sugar products and preferably also meat, have been eliminated from the diet, have been found to dissolve these conditions in from one to six months in a perfectly natural manner, provided that there has been no surgical interference, in which event it may take longer. Read the section coveringTurnip Juice, in which the question of hemorrhoids has been gone into more fully. Watercress Juice is a valuable adjunct to carrot, parsley and potato j u i c e s , as a combination to help emphysema victims. The predominance of phosphorus and chlorine has thereby proved to be beneficial.