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A.I. Maskalik Deputy Director General JSC Technologies & Transport K.V. Rozhdestvensky Saint-Peterburg State Marine Technical University 3, Lotsmanskaya, 190008 Saint-Petersburg D.N. Sinitsyn Director General and Principal Designer JSC Technologies & Transport la, Sormovskoye shosse, Sormovo 603603 Nizhniy Novgorod Russia



can be found in (Ref. 11-14). Discussed are the problems of aerodynamics, hydrodynamics and dynamics of ekranoplans with particular attention to the matters related to use of power augmentation and pecularities of static and dynamic stability.

conceived under quidance of R.E Alekseev and served as a basis in development of ekranoplans Ekranoplans as a novel very high-speed craft is Orlyonok and Lun, comprisesmain wing of modone of the promising transportation alternatives of erate aspect ratio X = 2-3 with a special foil section the next millenium. The paper presents a viewpoint and one sided endplates, and a sizable lifting highly upon present state of research relevant to developmounted horizontal tail unit. An inseparable part ment ojekranoplans with focus on Russian achieveof this configuration was a lift-off power augmenments in this field. More information on the cortation system, designed for the purpose of blowing responding developments on the international scene the engine exhaust under the main wing.


1. INTRODUCTION Development and construction of ekranoplans necessitated solution of challenging problems of aerodynamics of vehicles, advancing near interface of two media : water (snow, ice, ground) and air. During the period of development of practical prototypes of ekranoplans Orlyonok, Lun, Amphistar( Ref. l-5) in Russia there were created basics of theory of motion of these vehicles as well as experimental facilities and installations for the purpose of solution of principal problems of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics of ekranoplans. At present time, when the first Russian commercial ekranoplan Amphistar ( principal designer D.N. Sinitsyn ) has been built (Ref. 5 ) , the state of the art in aero- and hydrodynamics of this high-speed craft can be characterized in the following way 2. AERO-HYDRODYNAMIC URATION ( AHC) CONFIGFig. 1 Aerodynamic configuration of ekranoplan of the 1st generation

Aero-hydrodynamic configuration of ekranoplans Implementation of this AHC secured the followof the first generation ( Figure 1 ), which was ing principal features of ekranoplan:

Paper presented at the RTO AVT Symposium on Fluid Dynamics Problems of Vehicles Operating near or in the Air-Sea Interface, held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5-8 October 1998, and published in RTO MP-1.5.

Detachment with further

from water ( snow, ice, ground ) acceleration into a cruise flight;

Stable ( without use of automatic control systern ) cruise flight in ground effect; Lift-to-drag ratio L/D = 15 - 17;

Seaworthiness ( as capacity to take-off and land in conditions of rough seas) up to h,s% =

2.5 - 3.0 m;

In the eighties D.N. Sinitsyn proposed an AHC of an ekranoplan of the first stage of the second generation (Ref. 1,4), see Figure 4. This AHC employs a scheme of a composite wingwith functional subdivision of wing area into a lifting and power augmented parts. Introduction of such a concept enabled to considerably reduce the area of horizontal stabilizer (tail) as compared to the ekranoplans of the first generation, increase lift-to-drag ratio up to 20, improve seagoing and amphibious properties of the craft.

Good characteristics of steerability and manouverability in all modes of motion; Amphibious capacity, in particular, capability of climbing onto a beach, as well as moving and basing on it, and returning to water.


I6 FrD


Fig. 3 Alekseevs flying wing configuration.

On the basis of the aforementionned AHC the Joint-Stock Company Technology and Transport developed a scale series of commercial ekranoplans Fig. 2 Characteristic drag curve of ekranoplan of with technical parameters as presented in Table 1. the 1st generation ( I - floating, II - planing, III - One can seefrom this table that the ekranoplan of flaring in ground effect, IV - intermediate regimes ) the second generation MPE-400, comparable in its main dimensions to the ekranoplan of the first generation Lun at a similar cruise speed of 500 km/h Figure 2 presents characteristic drag curve of will have range about 6000 Icm ( against 2000 km an ekranoplan of the first generation plotted versus of Lun) and (take-off) seaworthiness of 2.5-3.0 m displacement Froude number Fro. wave height (against 2 m of Lun). In the seventies R.E. Alekseev proposed an aerohydrodynamic configuration of ekranoplan of the second generation (Ref. 1) of the flying wing 3. AERODYNAMICS type, see Figure 3. Due to increase of the aspect ratio up to X = 4 - 6 and use of S-shaped wing sec- Developed as a result of large effort of Russian and tions lift-to-drag ratio of such a configuration can foreign researchers(Ya. M. Serebriysky, R.E. Alekbe augmented up to Ii = L/D = 25. Therewith the seev, Ya. I. Voitkunsky, G.A. Pavlovets, V.K. Treshekranoplan based on such a configuration can oper- kov, A.N. Panchenkov, V.N. Treschevsky, L.D. Volate far from the underlying surface ( out-of-ground kov, K.V. Rozhdestvensky, V.P. Shadrin, T. Nishieffect) still retaining sufficiently high lift-to-drag ra- yama, S. Widnall el al.) the theory of wing motion tios of 10-12. During development of the flying in ground proximity enables ( at conceptual and wing configuration there were encountered serious preliminary stagesof design) to solve practical tasks problems of hydrodynamics and take off (landing) of choice of the geometry and reciprocal location of which still await their solutions. lifting elements of the AHC of ekranoplan as well as


other tasks related to determination of aerodynamic characteristics of these wing elements.




0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 T-i1.0

Fig. 4 Aerodynamic configuration of ekranoplan of the first stage of 2d generation ( MPE-400) Oftentimes, use of very simple close form expressions can provide sufficient information at first stages of design. For example, an estimate of the influence of the ground upon lift coefficient of a wing can be made with acceptable accuracy using the formula (Ref. 6), Cy = 2 (a + Aa - Aa,),

5 Parameters B,,B, and 06 versus Fig. height of the foil above the ground.


where cr, angle of zero lift of the foil in unbounded fluid, Aa, correction to oy, accounting for the influence of the ground, Ao, = o,@,(h), h relative ground clearance, defined as the ratio of the ground clearance to the chord of the main wing, function B,(h) characterizes variation of cy, due to the curvature of the foil, see Figure 5. With account of thickness and curvature of the foil

Second approximation is usually obtained on the basis of experimental investigation with use of facilities for physical modelling of the ground effect. Among those developed in Russia, one can mention wind tunnels with reproduction of ground effect by means of different reverse flow technique (mirror image, still ground board, still ground board with suction of boundary layer, moving ground (belt) ) as well as test facilities realizing direct motion of the wing (in a hydrochannel, above a dry track or by means of a catapult ). Among the most important results, obtained on the basis of theoretical and experimental research of aerodynamics of the wing in ground proximity one can list the following

= (1, da





where Aa, = B&)$ + q+o


The influence of the ground features considerable increase of its lift and litf-to-drag ratio with almost no variation of total drag versus ground clearance Among geometrical parameters, the aspect ratio has the most significant influence upon aerodynamic characteristics of a wing in ground effect; decrease of the aspect ratio results in decrease of the lift and lift-to-drag ratio, this decrease being more pronounced than for a wing in unbounded fluid. Putting lower onesided endplates on the tips of the wing considerably enlarges effective aspect ratio by way of reducing lateral leakage of the flow from under the wing ( so called end losses are reduced).

and 6 is relative thickness of the foil, 06(h) corresponding thickness junction Many practical analytical results, relating aerodynamic performance of a wing in close proximity to an underlying surface with its geometry and kinematics, have been obtained with use of the theory of a lifting system in extreme ground effect (Ref. 7). These formulae are useful as the first approximation when carrying out preliminary design of the vehicle.


wing in ground effect is a function of the aspect ratio and the angle pep of installation of lower endplates. For example, for A = 2 and pep = 0 the derivatives c; are practically the same for a flat and curved foil. With increase of p the derivative cy diminishes. When pep = 90 the derivative cy*of a curved foil is much smaller than that of a flat one. For X = 1 the curvature of the wing section has but insignificant influence upon CF. The magnitude of the derivative ci decreases with increase of curvature of the lower side of the wing.

0 0.5





Fig. 6 Lift-to-drag ratio of a rectangular wing versus Mach number (A = 2).


Augmentation of thickness of the foil, moving near the ground at small angles of attack, leads to reduction of lift coefficient cy and its derivative with respect to ground clearance ci, and to increase of derivative of the lift coefficient with respect to ngle of attack. Simultaneously, parasite drag increases. Increment of curvature of the foil out of ground effect entails augmentation of lift coefficient cY,, corresponding to zero angle of attack, with almost no variation of ct. In ground effect the increment of cy, is more noticeable, although magnitude of c: diminishes. Drag of the wing at CYO varies insignificantly when closer to the ground, although with large curvature c > 9% the ground exerts favourable influence upon flowfield, the wings drag being reduced. Displacement of maximum thickness of the foil in chordwise direction serves to change lifting properties of the wing in ground effect. Maximum magnitudes of derivatives ci and cy* are associated with location of maximum thickness, close to the leading edge (R 20% of the chord). The same location corresponds to maximum lift-to-drag ratio. Prevailing contribution to lifting capacity in ground effect is due to lower surface of the wing, whereas the upper one plays insignificant role. Character of dependence of derivative cy on the form of the lower side of the

Influence of the ground proximity upon unsteady characteristics of a wing displays itself in the following way. Aspect ratio A has similar effect upon all rotatory derivatives, namely with increase of X these derivatives increase in magnitude. Form of the foil, operating near the ground, essentually influences derivatives with respect to parameter h and have lesseffeet upon.derivatives with respect to speed of rotation 8. Derivatives in parameters h and 4 are close in magnitude. Rotatory derivative ch is dominated by added mass, which con.y siderably increases as the wing approaches to the ground. Other derivatives with respect to parameters i and i are small. Derivatives c& and rnb grow in magnitude when the wing comes closer to the ground, but to lesserdegree than positional derivatives. Derivative ci increases near the ground more rapidly for wings of small aspect ratios. Rotatory derivative of the moment grows more intensively for wings of large aspect ratio. When the wing is moving above wavy underlying surface, the magnitudes its aerodynamic characteristics are oscillating near their average values cY, , mzO,m, = 0, corresponding to the wings motion above flat ground. For a fixed relative ground clearance h the amplitudes of these oscillations increases with growth of the wave amplitude. For a fixed wave amplitude decrease of h entails growth of increments of c,,, and mzo. Favourable influence of the ground upon aerodynamic characteristics is maintained up to Mach numbers M M 0.7 (see Figure 6). Then its lift-to-drag ratio decreasesquite considerably


The influence of the angle of attack o, at large pg ratio of momentum of gaz blown under the wing distances from the ground has but a weak ef- to that in the jets under the wing. fect upon derivatives ci and rnf ; for smaller ground clearances, augmentation of CY, results in reduction of ci ; derivative rnt increases with increase of (Y,, for wings of large aspect ratio and diminishes for wings of small aspect ratio.

PAR lift
4. HYDRODYNAMICS On the basis of research, conducted by Russian researchers (R.E. Alekseev, A.I. Maskalik, V.K. Dyachenko, E.A. Kramarev, E.I. Privalov et al.) there was created theoretical and experimental knowledge base relevant to modes of motion of ekranoplan in contact with water, which can be assignedto hydrodynamics of wing-in-ground effect craft. As a matter of fact, according to the concept of motion of the developed ekranoplans, power augmentation Fig. 7 Scheme of generation of lift force in power (blowing under the wing) is enabled before they augmentation mode. start to move, i.e. at zero speed. Presence of jets of the engines under the wing Using the above formulae one can evaluate the changes the character of interaction of the ekraefficiency of power augmentation as a function of noplan with the underlying surface. Among the most important results, obtained from theoretical the geometry of the wing (I, a), angle of inclination and experimental investigations of ekranoplans mode of the wing with respect to the hull (cp), position of motion in contact with water, one can single out of the engines (0,) bg), location of the flap above the ground (h), number of functioning engines n the following Generation of considerable lift upon the wing and mode of their operation (T, u), pitch angle of subject to power augmentation by meansof blowing ekranoplan cp. Magnitude of real lift-to-drag ratio the exhaust of the engines underneath (Figure 7) is in PAR mode of the developed ekranoplans is K = largely due by stagnation of the engine jets, blown Y/X = 16 - 17. between the wing and the ground. Development of mathematical models of motion Figure 8 shows dependence of nondimensional of an ekranoplan in this mode requires knowledge magnitude of average pressureunder the wing p/pu of its hydrodynamic characteristics with account of (u velocity of gaz at the engine nozzle exit) upon blowing (H + B) relative (equivalent) ground clearance heq = 0.42; [; + 1.89. 10-4$ + y] (3)
%HW =

pI/2s c

2HW = p1/2s 7


where AS excess of the area of cross section under the leading edge of the wing over the area of the jets of the engines. Total forces, acting upon ekranoplan in power augmentation mode, with account of engine thrust can be expressed by the formulae Y =Tsin8,(1-Pg)+pIb x = Tcos&[l(1 - E)PS] (4)

m *HW =



(5) where T is total thrust of engines, 8, angle of inclination of the engine axis with respect to horizon,

These coefficients are determined by means of towing tank tests of models of ekranoplan, equipped with special power augmentation devices, in the towing tank or with use of special aerohydrodynamic testbeds.



mode. Research covered wide range of thrust-to weight ratios (T/G = 0.15 - 0.25) and relative distances of the wings leading edge from the ground (h/d = 0.25 - 0.6).

0.8 ,

0.00 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12


Fig. 8 Average pressure cushion versus equivalent

p/p? in PAR generated ground clearance beg of these coefficients

-1.2 I 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 jy 0.14

Hydrodynamic components can be written as

CyH = CyH+B PB

. Ct


(1 (IO) where

Fig. 9 Dependence of hydrodynamic coefficients upon relative height ground clearance ( 1 - (p = lo, 2 - p = 2, 3 - p = 5; G,,,ode, = 4.8kg, ct = 1, 6nozzle = 22)

A4 MZB = -$$=

The methodology of research enables to devise an optimal power augmentation system for an ekranoplan in each particular case. The efficiency of power augmentation is, to a considerable extent, determined by achievable minimum speed of detachment of the ekranoplan from water. Reduction of the speed of detachment of the craft from water brings about reduction of maximum external loads acting upon an ekranoplan, i.e. eventually the vehicles economic efficiency and seaworthiness. Figure 10 presents dependence of detachment speed of ekranoplan on its take-off mass for different efficiencies of power augmentation. It can be seen that more efficient blowing (at 6/ = 10 - 15) reduces magnitude of the speed of detachment from water.

are correspondingly nondimensional drag, lift and longitudinal moment due to power augmentation, 2T Ct = g2s (12)

coefficient of thrust (7) of the engine. Figure 8 shows nondimensional hydrodynamic coefficients versus clearance. With increase of the ground clearance h magnitudes of hydrodynamic forces vanish. The factors influencing cyH, cZH, m,, are parameters h and p which determine the wetted area of the ekranoplan. Investigated in the wide range of variation were the influence of position of the nozzles of PAR engines, aspect ratio of the wing and loading of the power augmented area of the wing upon efficiency of the blowing under the wing, in particular, upon lift-to-drag ratio in PAR


of longitudinal static stability of ekranoplan in height was obtained (Ref. 8) ?A,=0,6*=const Fe - 21.
=C R"Fe ~FH

> 0



In order to secure longitudinal static stability of ekranoplan in pitch and in height it is necessary to fulfil the following inequalities
ZFe > FT, "Fe > "Fn


which basically meansthat for a statically stable vehicle the aerodynamic center in height should be located upstream of the aerodynamic center in pitch. Note, that here the z-axis is directed downstream. The following conditions stipulate longitudinal static stability of ekranoplan as a flying craft
300 350 400 450 500 G, t 550



A2 > 0; A4 > 0;

A3 > 0;


10 Speed of detachment of ekranoplan from

A5 > 0,


water versus take of weight G (1 - 6,r = 6 - lo, 2 - 6jl = 10 - 157

AlAz - A3 > 0


- As)~ > 0.


The boundary of oscillatory stability is determined by the equality Rs = 0. The boundary of aperiodic Based on results of research of Russian scientists stability is determined by equality A5 = 0. The (R.E. Alekseev, A.I. Maskalik, D.N. Sinitsyn, V.I. requirement of aperiodic stability for an ekranoplan Zhukov, G.V. Aleksandrov and others) there are es(As > 0) has the form (Ref. 8) tablished at present time fundamentals of the theory of stability and controllability of ekranoplans (Ref. 8 ). Principal pecularity of ekranoplan consists in dependence of its aerodynamic characteristics not only on pitch angle but also on ground clearance. Therewith these dependenceshave quite (1% pronounced nonlinear character. That is why development of a theory of stability of ekranoplan required application of new approaches.

(20) (21)




of ekranoplan

Characteristic equation, corresponding to a system and ct is thrust coefficient, of differential equations, describing longitudinal moyj = !!I tion of ekranoplan, has the form


F(X) = X5 + A1X4 + A2X3+

A3X2 + A5 = 0 (13)

ordinate of thrust axis. Condition of oscillatory stability of ekranoplan

Rs > 0:

where the coefficients Ai, i = 1 . . .5 are expressed in terms of concrete aerodynamic characteristics of ekranoplan and their derivatives, depending upon relative ground clearance. The following condition


These equations can be used when solving practical problems of lateral dynamics of ekranoplan. A distinguished feature of ekranoplan as compared Conditions of lateral stability of ekranoplan at small to the airplane in lateral motion is considerable de- relative ground clearances have the form pendence of lateral moment coefficient m, on ground rn!j < 0 (26) clearance h, see Figure 11.
5.2 Lateral motion of ekranoplan

condition of oscillatory course stability %I F+$<o condition of oscillatory stability in slipping m7-m=CY<0 I + 2P condition of static stability in heel rn:= < 0 (28)





When in design stage, the problems, related to stability of motion of ekranoplan, are solved with application of both theoretical and experimental methods.

Principle of natural lateral stability of ekranoplan in heel when moving near the underlying surface ( a - without heel, b - with heel)
Fig. 11


As a consequence, ekranoplan, differently from the airplane, has natural self-stabilization capability near the ground. The following expression was obtained for the derivative rnz

Equations of lateral motion of ekranoplan have the following form

0.3 0.2 0.1

0 2 4 6 6 t. s O

Fig. 12 Transitional processesdue to perturbation of longitudinal motion of an ekranoplan of 120 t.

Among experimental methods of investigation of stability those making use of radio controlled and piloted self-propelled models as well as full-size tests are viewed as the most reliable. Radio controlled models provide an opportunity of collecting necessary data without endangering the lives of test pilots. When making use of such models, controlled


from accompanying cutters, for different positions 8. REFERENCES of the center of gravity and parameters of motions in the process of testing are excited perturbations [l] Maskalik, AI. ed., Prot. 1st International Conthrough channels of longitudinal and lateral motion ference on Ekranoplans, St. Petersburg, Sudostroe(by means of height rudder, course rudder, flap, en- nie, 1993. gine thrust, etc.). Corresponding perturbed motion [2] Rozhdestvensky, K.V., Sinitsyn,D.N.,State of the ekranoplan is registered versus time. of the Art and Perspectives of Development of EkUsing the time history data of perturbed motion ranoplans in Russia,in Proc. FAST 93, Vol. 2, of the ekranoplan, corresponding to different chan- 1993, pp. 1657 - 1670. nels ( pitch, heel, ground clearance, eic), one can [3] Kirillovikh, V.N., Russian Ekranoplans, in evaluate parameters of stability. Proc. of the International Workshop on TwentyThe same methods are employed when investiFirst Century Flying Ships, The University of New gating stability and controllability on self-propelSouth Wales, Sydney, Australia, 7-9 November 1995, led models and full size ekranoplans. Only after pp. 71-117. formal determination of characteristics of stability [4] Sinitsyn, D.N., Maskalik, AI., Litinsky, L.O., and controllability of the ekranoplan by the crew a The Present Day State and Prospect for the Develconclusion is made on acceptability of these char- opment of Commercial Ekranoplans , in Proceedacteristics from viewpoint of comfort of passengers ing Workshop EKRANOPLANS & VERY FAST and crew. CRAFT, The University of New South Wales, SydFigure 12 gives dependences of parameters of ney, Australia, 5-6 December, 1996, pp. 163-176. longitudinal perturbed motion of ekranoplan of mass [5] Sinitsyn, D.N., Summary of the Construc120 t after excitation by means of a height rudder. tion of the First Commercial Ekranoplan AmphisFor comparison, in the same Figure there are plottar , in Proceedings of the International Workted results of mathematical modelling of this per- shop EKRANOPLANS & VERY FAST CRAFT, turbed motion of ekranoplan. The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 5-6 December, 1996, pp 146-151. [6] Basin, M.A., Shadrin, V.P., Hydrodynam7. CERTIFICATION OF EKRANOPLANS ics of a Wing near Interface, St. Petersburg, Sudostroenie, 1980, 304 p. [7] Rozhdestvensky, K.V., Method of Matched During several years a team of Russian scientists Asymptotic Expansions in Hydrodynamics of a Wiand engineers (D.N. Sinitsyn, A.I. Maskalik, AI. Bogdanov, V.I. Evenko, A.N. Novichenko et al) has ng, St. Petersburg, Sudostroenie, 1979, 213 p. [8] Zhukov, V.I., Pecularities of Aerodynamics, been working on development of a Safety Code for Stability and Steerability of an Ekranoplan, IzdaEkranoplans (Ref. 9, 10) Main results of this work have been released as a Draft of such a Code and telskiy Otdel Tsentralnogo Aerogidrodinami chesdiscussed, preliminarily, in Committees and Sub- kogo Instituta im. N.E. Zhukovskogo, Moscow, 1997, Committees of the International Maritime Organi- 81 p. [9] Bogdanov, AI., Sinitsyn, D.N., New IMO zation (IMO) In the year 2000 it is envisaged to consider the draft of this Code at the General As- High-Speed Craft Code and the Problems of Ekrasembly of the IMO. Keeping in mind that the draft noplans Certification, in Proc. FAST93, Vol. 2, of the Safety Code of Ekranoplans is based upon pp. 1457-1465. [lo] Bogdanov, A.1, Maskalik, AI., Some ReHigh-Speed Craft Safety Code and operational exsults on the Civil Ekranoplans Certification Works, perience of Russian ekranoplans, one can be sure in Proc. of a Workshop EKRANOPLANS & VERY that the Code will be approved by the Assembly. Simultaneously, the same team of experts has FAST CRAFT, The University of New South Wales, developed Temporary Rules of Classification of Pro- Sydney, Australia, pp. 177-185. vision of Safety of Small A-Type Ekranoplans , considered and endorsed by the Russian Register of BIBLIOGRAPHY Shipping in 1998. On the basis of these Rules the 9. ADDITIONAL Russian Register of Shipping has released certificates for the worlds first passengerekranoplans of [ll] Prandolini, L., ed., Proc. of a Workshop on CENTURY FLYING SHIPS, The Amphistar type which are at present undergoing TWENTY-FIRST University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, operational testing. November 7 and 8, 1995, 244 p.


[12] Prandolini, L.J., ed., Proc. of a Workshop EKRANOPLANS & VERY FAST CRAFT, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 5 and 6 December, 1996, 300 p. [13] Prandolini, L.J., ed., Proc. of a Workshop WISE up to ekranoplan GEMS, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 15 and 16 June, 1998. [14] Proc. International Conference on WINGIN-GROUND EFFECT CRAFT (WIGS), Royal Institution of Naval Architects, London, 4 and 5 December 1997.


Table 1: Second generation

of ekranoplans


Aerodynamic configuration

Take off mass (t) Number passengers Main


1 Amphistar low set lifting wing of small aspect ratio 2.1 4 10.5 x 5.9 x 3.4


composite wing

9-10 18 21 x 15 x7

--I-MPE-23 MPE-55


composite wing

composite wing

composite wing




450-500 460 73 x53 x21

LxBxH mxmxrn Area of the wingSsq.m Aspect ratio Maximum wing loading kg/sq.m Power plant PAR engine

43.5 0.8 48

50 4.5 200




624 4.5 800

Mercedes Benz 240 hp PAR+


AI-25TL thlst 1.9 t

2x MK86 l-49 2.4 t

NK-8-2U 10.5 tof

2xD30 2 x 6.8 t

2 x NK-87 2x 13.5 t

4 x NK-87 4x 13.5 t

6 xNK-87 6 x 13.5 thnlst

Cruise engines


TVD-1500 2x1300 4

2x 2.42 t

MK21-22 2 x 4550

2x D27 14t thrnst

2 x NK-15 2x 15 t

2 x NK-15 2x 15t

2xNK-15 2xl5t

cruisespeed km/hNW



250 ( 135 1


320 ( 173 1

(wave height h3%,m) Take off /landing


0.3 0.5 I400

0.8-l 1.25 1000

-T0.8 1.25

400-430 (216 233)

450 ( 243)

500 ( 270 )

1.2 2.0

1.3-1.5 3.5 1800

1.8-2.0 3.5 1 3000

2.0-2.5 6.0 1 4500

2.5-3 6.0 6000


1 1500

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