Sector Specific Commitments Sector or Sub-Sector Limitations On Market Access Limitations On National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes

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Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes


01.A. Professional Services

a) 1) Legal Services: 1) Services must be supplied by a 1) In-state or US residency is required for
practice as or through a natural person licensure in: Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas,
qualified US lawyer Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota (or
An in-state office must be maintained maintain an office in Minnesota),
for licensure in: District of Columbia, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New
Indiana (or an affiliate with an office Hampshire, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South
and with other attorneys in the state), Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, Wyoming.
Michigan, Minnesota (or maintain
individual residency in Minnesota),
Mississippi, New Jersey, Ohio, South
Dakota and Tennessee.

2) Services must be supplied by a 2) In-state or US residency is required for

natural person licensure in: Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota (or
An in-state office must be maintained maintain an office in Minnesota),
for licensure in: District of Columbia, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New
Indiana (or an affiliate with an office Hampshire, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South
and with other attorneys in the state), Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, Wyoming.
Michigan, Minnesota (or maintain
individual residency in Minnesota),
Mississippi, New Jersey, Ohio, South
Dakota and Tennessee.

3) Services must be supplied by a 3) None

natural person

Partnership in law firms is limited to

persons licenced as lawyers

US citizenship is required to practice

before the US Patent and Trademark
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
4) Services must be supplied by a 4) In-state or US residency is required for
natural person licensure in: Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota (or
An in-state office must be maintained maintain an office in Minnesota),
for licensure in: District of Columbia, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New
Indiana (or an affiliate with an office Hampshire, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South
and with other attorneys in the state), Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, Wyoming.
Michigan, Minnesota (or maintain
individual residency in Minnesota),
Mississippi, New Jersey, Ohio, South
Dakota and Tennessee.

US Citizenship is required to practice

before the US Patent and Trademark

a) 2) Legal Services: 1) None 1) None a) Practice of international law:

consultancy on law of permitted, provided foreign *2) The following information is provided
jurisdiction where service legal consultant (FLC) is for transparency purposes only. A
supplier is qualified as a competent. supplier regularly providing services in the
lawyer (such consultancy b) Practice of 3rd-country law: jurisdiction is required to be licenced as a
excludes the following: i) permitted provided that FLC foreign legal consultant (FLC) in Alaska.
appearing for a person obtains written legal advice Licensure is subject to meeting
other than himself or herself from an attorney licenced in requirements of registration, an
as attorney in any court, or that jurisdiction. experience requirement (5 of the 7 years
before any magistrate or c) Practice of host-country law: preceding registration must have been
other judicial officer, in this permitted provided that FLC spent practising law), certification of
state (other than upon obtains written legal advice registration and good standing with
admission pro haec vice); ii) from an attorney licenced to home-country bar, meeting the
preparing any instrument practice in that jurisdiction. professional liability insurance
effecting the transfer or d) Association with local requirement, and agreement to be bound
registration of title to real lawyers: partnerships with by the Rules of Disciplinary Enforcement,
estate located in the United local lawyers permitted. Ethics Opinions adopted by the Board of
States of America; iii) e) Employment of local Governors of the Alaska Bar Association,
preparing any will or trust lawyers: permitted. and the Code of Professional
instrument effecting the f) Use of firm name: permitted. Responsibility. Professional privileges
disposition on death of any g) Other: n/a. apply to all foreign lawyers.
property located in the
United States of America
and owned by a resident
thereof, or any instrument
relating to the
administration of a
decedent's estate in the
United States of America;
and iv) preparing any
instrument in respect of the
marital or parental relations,
rights or duties of a resident
of the United States of
America, or the custody or
care of the children of such
a resident.)
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

1) None 1) None a) Practice of international law:

permitted to the extent *3) The following information is provided
incorporated in home-country for transparency purposes only. A
law. supplier regularly providing services is
b) Practice of 3rd-country law: required to be licenced as a foreign legal
not permitted. consultant in California. Licensure is
c) Practice of host-country law: subject to meeting requirements of
not permitted. registration, an experience requirement (4
d) Association with local of the 6 years preceding registration must
lawyers: partnership with local have been spent practising law),
lawyers permitted. certification of registration and good
e) Employment of local standing with home-country bar, meeting
lawyers: permitted. the professional liability insurance
f) Use of firm name: permitted. requirement, and agreement to be bound
g) Other: n/a. by the requirements of the State Bar of
California. Professional privileges apply to
all foreign lawyers.

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

1) None 1) None a) Practice of international law:

permitted to the extent
incorporated in home-country *4) The following information is provided
law. for transparency purposes only. A
b) Practice of 3rd-country law: supplier regularly providing services is
permitted provided FLC first required to be licenced as a foreign legal
obtains advice from an consultant in Connecticut. Licensure is
attorney licenced in that subject to meeting requirements of
jurisdiction. registration, a minimum age of 26 years,
c) Practice of host-country law: an experience requirement (5 of the 7
not permitted. years preceding registration must have
d) Association with local been spent practising law), certification of
lawyers: partnership with local registration, meeting the professional
attorneys permitted. liability insurance requirement, an
e) Employment of local overdraft notification, good standing with
lawyers: permitted. home-country bar, and a written
f) Use of firm name: permitted. commitment to observe the Connecticut
g) Other: n/a. Rules of Professional Conduct.
Professional privileges apply to all foreign
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

2) None 2) None
3) In-state office required 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section. Additionally, an
in-state office is required.

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

2) None 2) None
1) None 1) None a) Practice of international law:
permitted, provided FLC is *5) The following information is provided
competent. for transparency purposes only. A
b) Practice of 3rd-country law: supplier regularly providing services in the
permitted, provided FLC is jurisdiction is required to be licenced as a
competent. foreign legal consultant in the District of
c) Practice of host-country law: Columbia. Licensure is subject to meeting
permitted provided FLC first requirements of registration, a minimum
obtains advice from an age of 26 years, an experience
attorney licenced in that requirement (5 of the 8 years preceding
jurisdiction and identifies the registration must have been spent
person to the client. practising law), certification of registration
d) Association with local and good standing with home-country
lawyers: partnership with local bar, meeting the professional liability
lawyers permitted. insurance requirement, and a written
e) Employment of local commitment to be bound by the Code of
lawyers: permitted. Professional Responsibility of the
f) Use of firm name: permitted. American Bar Association. Professional
g) Other: n/a. privileges apply to all foreign lawyers.
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
1) None 1) None a) Practice of international law:
permitted to the extent *6) The following information is provided
incorporated in home-country for transparency purposes only. A
law. supplier regularly providing services in the
b) Practice of 3rd-country law: jurisdiction is required to be licenced as a
not permitted. foreign legal consultant in Florida.
c) Practice of host-country law: Licensure is subject to meeting
not permitted. requirements of registration, a minimum
d) Association with local age of 26 years, an experience
lawyers: partnerships with requirement (5 of the 7 years preceding
local lawyers permitted. registration must have been spent
e) Employment of local practising law), certification of registration
lawyers: permitted. and good standing with home-country
f) Use of firm name: permitted. bar, and a sworn statement to abide by
g) Other: n/a. the Rules of Professional Conduct.
Professional privileges apply to all foreign

1) None 1) None a) Practice of international law:

permitted to the extent *7) The following information is provided
incorporated in home-country for transparency purposes only. A
law. supplier regularly providing services in the
b) Practice of 3rd-country law: jurisdiction is required to be licenced as a
not permitted. foreign legal consultant in Georgia.
c) Practice of host-country law: Licensure is subject to meeting
not permitted. requirements of registration, an
d) Association with local experience requirement (5 of the 7 years
lawyers: partnership with local preceding registration must have been
lawyers permitted. spent practising law), certification of
e) Employment of local registration and good standing with
lawyers: permitted. home-country bar, and a commitment to
f) Use of firm name: permitted. observe the Rules of Professional
g) Other: n/a Responsibility and Disciplinary Rules
applicable to members of the State Bar of
Georgia. Professional privileges apply to
all foreign lawyers.
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
1) None 1) None a) Practice of international law:
permitted, provided FLC is *8) The following information is provided
competent. for transparency purposes only. A
b) Practice of 3rd-country law: supplier regularly providing services in the
permitted provided FLC obtains jurisdiction is required to be licenced as a
advice from an attorney foreign legal consultant in Hawaii.
licenced in that jurisdiction and Licensure is subject to meeting
identifies that person to the requirements of registration, a minimum
client. age of 26 years, an experience
c) Practice of host-country law: requirement (5 of the 7 years preceding
permitted provided FLC obtains registration must have been spent
advice from an attorney practising law), and certification of
licenced in that jurisdiction and registration and good standing with
identifies that person to the home-country bar. Professional privileges
client. apply to all foreign lawyers.
d) Association with local
lawyers: partnership with local
lawyers permitted.
e) Employment of local
lawyers: permitted.
f) Use of firm name: permitted.
g) Other: n/a.

1) None 1) None a) Practice of international law:

permitted to the extent *9) The following information is provided
incorporated in home-country for transparency purposes only. A
law. supplier regularly providing services in the
b) Practice of 3rd-country law: jurisdiction is required to be licenced as a
not permitted. foreign legal consultant in Illinois.
c) Practice of host-country law: Licensure is subject to meeting
not permitted. requirements of registration, an
d) Association with local experience requirement (5 of the 7 years
lawyers: partnership with local preceding registration must have been
lawyers permitted. spent practising law), meeting the
e) Employment of local professional liability insurance
lawyers: permitted. requirement, a written commitment to
f) Use of firm name: permitted. observe the Rules of Professional Conduct,
g) Other: n/a and certification of registration and good
standing with home-country bar.
Professional privileges apply to all foreign

3) None 3) None
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section
1) None 1) None a) Practice of international law:
permitted to the extent *10) The following information is provided
incorporated in home-country for transparency purposes only. A
law. supplier regularly providing services in the
b) Practice of 3rd-country law: jurisdiction is required to be licenced as a
not permitted. foreign legal consultant in Michigan.
c) Practice of host-country law: Licensure is subject to meeting
not permitted. requirements of registration, a minimum
d) Association with local age of 18 years, an experience
lawyers: partnership with local requirement (3 of the 5 years preceding
lawyers permitted. registration must have been spent
e) Employment of local practising law), and certification of
lawyers: permitted. registration and good standing with
f) Use of firm name: permitted. home-country bar. Professional privileges
g) Other: n/a. apply to all foreign lawyers.

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) In-state residency required
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) In-state residency required
horizontal section

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

01.F. Other Business


a) Advertising (except aerial 1) None 1) None

advertising and skywriting)

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

b) Market Research and 1) None 1) None

Public Opinion Polling

2) None 2) None
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
1) None 1) None a) Practice of international law:
permitted to the extent *11) The following information is provided
incorporated in home-country for transparency purposes only. A
law. supplier regularly providing services in the
b) Practice of 3rd-country law: jurisdiction is required to be licenced as a
not permitted. foreign legal consultant in Minnesota.
c) Practice of host-country law: Licensure is subject to meeting
not permitted. requirements of registration, a minimum
d) Association with local age of 26 years, an experience
lawyers: partnership with local requirement (5 of the 7 years preceding
lawyers permitted. registration must have been spent
e) Employment of local practising law), certification of registration
lawyers: permitted. and good standing with home-country
f) Use of firm name: permitted. bar, and are subject to the Minnesota
g) Other: n/a. Rules of Professional Conduct.
Professional privileges apply to all foreign

2) None 2) None
3) In-state office required 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section. Additionally, an
in-state office is required.

1) None 1) None a) Practice of international law:

permitted to the extent *12) The following information is provided
incorporated in home-country for transparency purposes only. A
law. supplier regularly providing services in the
b) Practice of 3rd-country law: jurisdiction is required to be licenced as a
permitted provided FLC obtains foreign legal consultant in New Jersey.
advice from an attorney Licensure is subject to meeting
licenced in that jurisdiction and requirements of registration, an
identifies that person to the experience requirement (5 of the 7 years
client. preceding registration must have been
c) Practice of host-country law: spent practising law), meeting the
permitted provided FLC obtains professional liability insurance
advice from an attorney requirement, certification of registration
licenced in that jurisdiction and and good standing with home-country
identifies that person to the bar, and shall observe the Rules of
client. Professional Conduct of the American Bar
d) Association with local Association. Professional privileges apply
lawyers: partnership with local to all foreign lawyers.
lawyers permitted.
e) Employment of local
lawyers: permitted.
f) Use of firm name: permitted.
g) Other: n/a.
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
2) None 2) None
3) In-state office required 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section. Additionally, an
in-state office is required.

1) None 1) None a) Practice of international law:

permitted, provided FLC is *13) The following information is provided
competent. for transparency purposes only. A
b) Practice of 3rd-country law: supplier regularly providing services in the
permitted, provided FLC is jurisdiction is required to be licenced as a
competent. foreign legal consultant in New York.
c) Practice of host-country law: Licensure is subject to meeting
permitted to practice NY and requirements of registration, a minimum
federal law provided FLC relies age of 26 years, an experience
on advice from a person duly requirement (3 of the 5 years preceding
qualified and entitled to render registration must have been spent
professional legal advice on NY practising law), certification of registration
or US law. Permitted to and good standing with home-country
practice law of other US states, bar, meeting the professional liability
provided FLC is competent. insurance requirement, and agreement to
d) Association with local be bound by the New York Bar Code of
lawyers: partnership with local Ethics. Professional privileges apply to all
lawyers permitted. foreign lawyers.
e) Employment of local
lawyers: permitted.
f) Use of firm name:
g) Other: n/a.

2) None 2) None
3) In-state office required 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section. Additionally, an
in-state office is required.
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
1) None 1) None a) Practice of international law:
permitted. *14) The following information is provided
b) Practice of 3rd-country law: for transparency purposes only. A
permitted if FLC obtains advice supplier regularly providing services in the
from an attorney licenced in jurisdiction is required to be licenced as a
that jurisdiction and identifies foreign legal consultant in Ohio. Licensure
that person to the client. is subject to meeting requirements of
c) Practice of host-country law: registration, a minimum age of 21 years,
permitted if FLC obtains advice an experience requirement (4 of the 6
from an attorney licenced in years preceding registration must have
that jurisdiction and identifies been spent practising law), certification of
that person to the client. registration and good standing with
d) Association with local home-country bar, meeting the
lawyers: partnership with local professional liability insurance
lawyers not permitted. requirement, and being subject to the
e) Employment of local Ohio Code of Professional Responsibility
lawyers: permitted. and the disciplinary procedural rules set
f) Use of firm name: permitted. forth in Gov. Bar R.V. Professional
g) Other: n/a. privileges apply to all foreign lawyers.

2) None 2) None
3) In-state office required 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section. Additionally, an
in-state office is required.

1) None 1) None a) Practice of international law:

permitted to the extent *15) The following information is provided
incorporated in home-country for transparency purposes only. A
law. supplier regularly providing services in the
b) Practice of 3rd-country law: jurisdiction is required to be licenced as a
permitted if FLC obtains advice foreign legal consultant in Oregon.
from an attorney licenced in Licensure is subject to meeting
that jurisdiction and identifies requirements of registration, a minimum
that person to the client. age of 18 years, an experience
c) Practice of host-country law: requirement (5 of the 7 years preceding
permitted if FLC obtains advice registration must have been spent
from an attorney licenced in practising law), and certification of
that jurisdiction and identifies registration and good standing with
that person to the client. home-country bar, meeting the
d) Association with local professional liability insurance
lawyers: partnership with local requirement, and agreement to comply
lawyer permitted. with ORS Chapter 9, the Oregon Code of
e) Employment of local Professional Responsibility and the Oregon
lawyers: permitted State Bar's Rules of Procedure.
f) Use of firm name: permitted. Professional privileges apply to all foreign
g) Other: n/a. lawyers.
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

1) None 1) None a) Practice of international law:

permitted to the extent *16) The following information is provided
incorporated in home-country for transparency purposes only. A
law. supplier regularly providing services in the
b) Practice of 3rd-country law: jurisdiction is required to be licenced as a
not permitted. foreign legal consultant in Texas.
c) Practice of host-country law: Licensure is subject to meeting
not permitted. requirements of registration, a minimum
d) Association with local age of 26 years, an experience
lawyers: partnership with local requirement (5 of the 7 years preceding
lawyers permitted. registration must have been spent
e) Employment of local practising law), meeting the professional
lawyers: permitted. liability insurance requirement,
f) Use of firm name: permitted. certification of registration and good
g) Other: n/a. standing with home-country bar, and
taking an oath to abide by the State Bar
Act, the State Bar Rules, and the Texas
Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct.
Professional privileges apply to all foreign

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) In-state residency required
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) In-state residency required
horizontal section

1) None 1) None a) Practice of international law:

permitted to the extent *17) The following information is provided
incorporated in home-country for transparency purposes only. A
law. supplier regularly providing services in the
b) Practice of 3rd-country law: jurisdiction is required to be licenced as a
not permitted. foreign legal consultant in Washington.
c) Practice of host-country law: Licensure is subject to meeting
not permitted. requirements of registration, an
d) Association with local experience requirement (5 of the 7 years
lawyers: partnerships with preceding registration must have been
local lawyers permitted. spent practising law), and certification of
e) Employment of local registration and good standing with
lawyers: permitted. home-country bar, and agreement to be
f) Use of firm name: permitted. bound by the Discipline Rules for Lawyers
g) Other: n/a. and the Rules of Professional Conduct.
Professional privileges apply to all foreign
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
2) None 2) None
3) None 3) In-state residency required at time admitted

4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) In-state residency required at time admitted

horizontal section

1) None 1) None
2) None 2) None
3) Unbound for Alabama, Arizona, 3) None
Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho,
Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Maine, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri,
Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New
Hampshire, New Mexico, North
Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South
Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee,
Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West
Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.

4) Unbound for Alabama, Arizona, 4) None

Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho,
Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Maine, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri,
Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New
Hampshire, New Mexico, North
Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South
Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee,
Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West
Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.

b) Accounting, Auditing and 1) None 1) None

Bookkeeping Services

2) None 2) None
3) Sole proprietorships or partnerships 3) None
are limited to persons licenced as
accountants, except in Iowa where
accounting firms must incorporate
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) In-state residency is required for licensure
horizontal section. In addition, an in: Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, District
in-state office must be maintained for of Columbia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
licensure in: Arkansas, Connecticut, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan,
Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska,
Minnesota, Nebraska, New New Hampshire, New Mexico, North
Hampshire, New Mexico, Ohio, Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Vermont, and Wyoming. Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee,
and West Virginia.
US citizenship is required for licensure
in North Carolina.

c) Taxation Services 1) None 1) None

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

d) Architectural Services 1) None 1) None

2) None 2) None
3) Two-thirds of the officers, partners, 3) None
and/or directors of an architectural
firm in Michigan must be licenced in
Michigan as architects, professional
engineers and/or land surveyors.

4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None

horizontal section

e) Engineering Services 1) None 1) None

f) Integrated Engineering

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) In-state residency is required for licensure
horizontal section. In addition, US in: Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi,
citizenship is required for licensure in Nevada, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South
the District of Columbia. Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and West

g) Urban Planning & 1) None 1) None

Landscape Services

2) None 2) None
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
3) Two-thirds of the officers, partners, 3) None
and/or directors of an architectural
firm in Michigan must be licenced in
Michigan as architects, professional
engineers and/or land surveyors

4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None

horizontal section.

01. Business Services

B. COMPUTER AND 1) None 1) None
(MTN.GNS/W/120 a) - e),
except airline computer
reservation systems)

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

D. REAL ESTATE SERVICES 1) None 1) Corporations that own real estate in Florida
must maintain an office and registered
agent in Florida

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) In-state residency or US citizenship is
horizontal section. In addition, US required for licensure as a real estate
citizenship is required for licensure as broker in South Dakota
a real estate broker in: Mississippi
and New York.

01.E. Rental/Leasing
Services without Operators

c) Relating to Other 1) None 1) None

Transport Equipment

d) Relating to Other
Machinery and Equipment

e) Other (except Harbour


3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

c) Management Consulting 1) None 1) None

2) None 2) None
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

d) Services Related to 1) None 1) None

Management Consulting

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

f) Services Incidental to 1) None 1) None

Agriculture, Hunting and
Forestry (except provision of
agricultural machinery with
drivers and crew, harvesting
and related services,
services of farm labour
contractors, and aerial fire

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

g) Services Incidental to 1) None 1) None


2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

h) Services Incidental to 1) None 1) None


2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

j) Services Incidental to 1) None 1) None

Energy Distribution

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

k) Placement and Supply 1) None 1) None

Services of Personnel
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
2) None 2) None
3) US citizenship is required for 3) None
ownership of employment agencies in

4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None

horizontal section. In addition, US
citizenship is required for licensure as
an employment agent, employment
agency counsellor and employment
agency manager in Arkansas.

l) Investigation and Security 1) None 1) None


2) None 2) None
3) Permanent resident alien status or US 3) None
citizenship is required to own contract
security companies in Maine

4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) In-state residency is required for private

horizontal section. In addition, detectives in Michigan
permanent resident alien status or US
citizenship is required for private
investigators and security guards in:
Maine and New York.

m) Related Scientific & 1) None 1) None *18 *18) For those functions where an
Technical Consulting (except engineering degree is required, the US
land surveying for the limitations on engineering also apply.
purpose of establishing legal
boundaries, aerial surveying
and aerial map-making)

2) None 2) None*18
3) None 3) None*18
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

n) Maintenance & Repair of 1) None 1) None

Equipment (except maritime
vessels, aircraft, and other
transport equipment)

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section
o) Building-Cleaning 1) Unbound* 1) Unbound*

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

p) Photographic Services 1) None 1) None

(except aerial photographic

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

q) Packaging Services 1) None 1) None

2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

r) Publishing (Only part of 1) None 1) None

MTN.GNS/W/120 category:
"r) Printing, Publishing")

2) None 2) None
3) A single company or firm is not 3) None
permitted to own a combination of
newspaper, radio and/or TV broadcast
stations serving the same local market

4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None

horizontal section

s) Convention Services 1) None 1) None

2) None 2) Unbound with respect to tax deductions
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section

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