Sector Specific Commitments Sector or Sub-Sector Limitations On Market Access Limitations On National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
Sector Specific Commitments Sector or Sub-Sector Limitations On Market Access Limitations On National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
Sector Specific Commitments Sector or Sub-Sector Limitations On Market Access Limitations On National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section
02.C.o. Other
Telecommunication Services
2.C.c. Circuit-switched
data transmission services
2.C.o. Other
Mobile Services
Analogue/Digital cellular
PCS (Personal
Communications services)
Paging services
Indirect: None
2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section
2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section
2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section
2) None 2) None
3) A single company or firm is prohibited 3) None
from owning a combination of
newspapers, radio and/or TV
broadcast stations serving the same
local market. Radio and television
licences may not be held by: a foreign
government; a corporation chartered
under the law of a foreign country or
which has a non-US citizen as an
officer or director or more than 20 per
cent of the capital stock of which is
owned or voted by non-US citizens; a
corporation chartered under the laws
of the United States that is directly or
indirectly controlled by a corporation
more than 25 per cent of whose
capital stock is owned by non-US
citizens or a foreign government or a
corporation of which any officer or
more than 25 per cent of the directors
are non-US citizens.
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section. In addition, US
citizenship is required to obtain radio
and television licences.
2) None 2) None
3) None 3) None
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the 4) None
horizontal section