- The document provides guidance for fire chiefs to assess, prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism through a checklist and guide. It urges fire chiefs to take terrorism preparedness seriously and use the resource to evaluate their department's capabilities.
- Key areas addressed include evaluating risks, infrastructure, relationships, response capabilities, communications, and developing plans for operations, security, training, response and recovery.
- Completing the checklist and guides would help ensure a fire department is prepared to handle a terrorist attack when coordination and readiness are critical.
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Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide For Fire Chiefs
- The document provides guidance for fire chiefs to assess, prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism through a checklist and guide. It urges fire chiefs to take terrorism preparedness seriously and use the resource to evaluate their department's capabilities.
- Key areas addressed include evaluating risks, infrastructure, relationships, response capabilities, communications, and developing plans for operations, security, training, response and recovery.
- Completing the checklist and guides would help ensure a fire department is prepared to handle a terrorist attack when coordination and readiness are critical.
- The document provides guidance for fire chiefs to assess, prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism through a checklist and guide. It urges fire chiefs to take terrorism preparedness seriously and use the resource to evaluate their department's capabilities.
- Key areas addressed include evaluating risks, infrastructure, relationships, response capabilities, communications, and developing plans for operations, security, training, response and recovery.
- Completing the checklist and guides would help ensure a fire department is prepared to handle a terrorist attack when coordination and readiness are critical.
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Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide For Fire Chiefs
- The document provides guidance for fire chiefs to assess, prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism through a checklist and guide. It urges fire chiefs to take terrorism preparedness seriously and use the resource to evaluate their department's capabilities.
- Key areas addressed include evaluating risks, infrastructure, relationships, response capabilities, communications, and developing plans for operations, security, training, response and recovery.
- Completing the checklist and guides would help ensure a fire department is prepared to handle a terrorist attack when coordination and readiness are critical.
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Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n 1
A CheCklist And Guide
for fire Chiefs i n t e r n A t i o n A l A s s o C i A t i o n o f f i r e C h i e f s DEDICATION In memory of those who lost their lives as a result of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n 1 INTBUDUUTIUN In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, The International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) issued a number of resources to help fre chiefs to better prepare for the threat of terrorism. Six years later, the national homeland security enterprise has changed dramatically. While some fre departments have made great strides in preparedness and response, many struggle to improve further, and some struggle to just to keep the pace. Some have become complacent, and many are overwhelmed. The IAFC issues Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs to help fre chiefs of all size departments revitalize and re-focus their efforts to prepare for, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism. Federal intelligence experts continue to warn that future terrorist attacks are not a matter of if, but a matter of when, and big cities are not the only targets. Every town is at risk because every town has critical infrastructure such as agriculture, transportation, water, or public gathering places, or simply the potential, if attacked, to instill fear in the American public. The IAFC urges fre chiefs to adhere to homeland-security assessment, prevention, preparedness, response and recovery conceptsthe fve key concepts in this guideas part of your departments standard operating procedures. Doing so will not only improve your departments response; it will send a clear message within your community that your department is a leader in all-hazards public safety. Even more, it will go a long way toward making your community safer by reducing the potential devastation that terrorists seek to cause. A fre departments response to a terrorist attack requires thorough coordination and preparedness before the event occurs. This Checklist and Guide is meant to help you prepare for such a response, either in your own or a neighboring community, by providing recommended actions that are applicable and adaptable to every fre department. The focus is not on spending money, but on spending the time to understand what you have and how best to utilize it, as well as what you are missing and how best to fll those gaps. While this document talks specifcally about a terrorist threat, it will support all-hazards prevention and response capabilities once all of the items are in place. This is a document for fre chiefs by fre chiefs. My thanks to the IAFC sections and committees who contributed to this document, and particularly to those who gave their time and effort on the Homeland Security Summit Team. The IAFC will continue to work with the federal government to ensure that the fre service is well-equipped to carry out its homeland security role, and for laws and policies that will help the fre service in its mission. However, all response is local. Terrorism can happen in your community, and you must be prepared. Please use this guide to your best advantage. Respectfully, Steven P. Westermann, CFO IAFC President
n International Association of Fire Chiefs 8UBBWUBD Since that fateful day of September 11, 2001, much has been done to better prepare for acts of terrorism. Government leaders, state and local offcials and private concerns have acted to better prepare for what some experts say is not a question of if another terrorist attack will occur, but more a matter of when and where. Many fre chiefs, like many Americans, have focused on other critical issues and become complacent about terrorist attacks in the U.S. Perhaps even more disconcerting is the perception that an act of terrorism would never happen in some communities because they are too small, too remote or seemingly inconsequential when compared to large population or business centers. We gratefully acknowledge the vision of the IAFCs executive board to reenergize the fre service about terrorism preparedness by convening the Homeland Security Summit. The Summit participants, IAFC members representing all segments of Americas fre service, came to this consensus: n Create a tool worth using. n focus on terrorism. n keep it on target. n Provide useful references. 1 What follows is that tool: Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs. It is designed to enable fre chiefs to assess, prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from a terrorist attack in a methodical, clear and comprehensive manner. For the welfare of our citizens and the safety of our frefghters, fre chiefs need to seek out this tool, use it to completion and then revisit it periodically to maintain readiness. We believe that before a fre chief can say, My department is prepared, completion of Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs is imperative. We urge you to act today America is depending on you! the iAfC homeland security summit team 1 References are intended to supply additional background or educational resources to support department efforts. They do not represent an IAFC endorsement of any entitys product or services. Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n TABLB U8 UUNTBNT Introduction by the iAfC President ....................................................................................... 1 foreword ..................................................................................................................................2 table of Contents ....................................................................................................................3 instructions ..............................................................................................................................4 summary Checklist .................................................................................................................5 Guides: how to Assess Your departments Capabilities ................................................................ 8 how to help Prevent a terrorist Attack ............................................................................ 13 how to Prepare Your department to respond to a terrorist Attack .............................. 16 how to respond to a terrorist Attack .............................................................................. 27 how to recover from a terrorist Attack ........................................................................... 32 APPendiCes: emergency Contact lists .................................................................................................. 35 terrorism and Assessment Matrix .................................................................................... 38 Glossary and Acronyms .................................................................................................... 39 About the Authors .............................................................................................................. 41 About the iAfC ...................................................................................................................42 1st Edition10.07 4 n International Association of Fire Chiefs INTBUUTIUN THE SUMMARy CHECklIST AT THE bEGInnInG OF THIS DOCUMEnT PROvIDES An OvERvIEW OF THE MOST CRITICAl STEPS nECESSARy TO ASSESS, PREvEnT, PREPARE FOR, RESPOnD TO AnD RECOvER FROM A TERRORIST ATTACk. The Summary Checklist is followed by detailed and specifc How-To Guides, which provide instructions on how to complete the checklist. bEGIn by REvIEWInG THE SUMMARy CHECklIST AnD THEn THE HOW-TO GUIDES. Check off each item in the Summary Checklist only when the details are complete. Some elements of the How-To Guides require periodic or ongoing efforts, such as training and updating procedures. In those cases, a check-off may be appropriate when frm plans for such efforts are in place. A COMPlETED CHECklIST MEAnS yOUR DEPARTMEnT HAS TAkEn CRITICAl STEPS TO bE PREPARED. Please note that the steps are not necessarily listed in the order they need to be taken. 1
Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n
UMMABY UBBUBLIT how to Assess Your departments Capabilities o Target Hazards / Critical Infrastructure Protection o Community Risks / Special Events o Relationships / Partnerships / Mutual Aid / Automatic Aid o Intelligence-Sharing / Fusion Center Participation o Response Capabilities for Weapons of Mass Destruction / Chemical, biological, Radiological, nuclear and Explosive (CbRnE) Attacks o Cyber-Attack o Communication Plan (Interoperability) o Gap Analysis / Action Plan o Continuity of Operations / Continuity of Government Plan how to help PreVent a terrorist Attack o Terrorism Awareness / Recognition Training o Reporting Procedures / Information-Sharing o Security Clearances o Fire Department Personnel / Facility Security / Critical Infrastructure Protection o Cyber-Security
n International Association of Fire Chiefs UMMABY UBBUBLIT ccnt how to PrePAre Your department to respond to a terrorist Attack o Training / Drills / Exercises o Equipment o Standard Operating Procedures o Mutual Aid / Automatic Aid o national Incident Management System (nIMS) Adoption and Training o Emergency Operations Plan o Continuity of Operations / Continuity of Government Plans o 24x7 Contacts / Resource list o Community notifcation Plans o Evacuation / Shelter-in-Place Plans o Points of Distribution Plan o Citizen Involvement / Community Emergency Response Teams / Fire Corps / Reserve Medical Corps / USAOnWatch o Technical Rescue Response Sustainment o Fire Department Member / Family Preparedness o Incident Access Control o victim Care and Management / Mass Casualty Plan / Medical Surge Procedure o Mass Fatality Management Plans o Crime Scene Guidelines Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n 7 how to resPond to a terrorist Attack o Situational Awareness / Frequent Updates o national Incident Management System (nIMS) o Respond According to Standard Operating Procedures o Mutual Aid Agreements o Force Protection (Responder Safety) / Perimeter Security o notifcations o Media / Crisis Communication o Evacuation / Shelter-in-Place Management o Continued Service Delivery o Responder Safety and Wellness o Technical Response o victim Care and Management / Mass Casualty Plan / Medical Surge Procedure o Citizen / Community Responders o Crime Scene Guidelines how to reCoVer from a terrorist Attack o Medical Screening Program for Responders o Documentation / Reporting o Fire Department Resource Assessment o Post-Incident Analysis o Community Recovery o Media Relations
n International Association of Fire Chiefs Uutde tc ABINU Tbreats and UapabtItttes o target hazards / Critical infrastructure Protection o IDEnTIFy TARGET HAzARDS WITHIn THE COMMUnITy. For homeland security purposes, target hazards include the communitys critical infrastructure and key resources, which if attacked would cause a large disruption in daily life, cripple public services and instill fear in local residents and the nation as a whole. Emergency-services agencies, including fre departments and communication centers, are part of the critical infrastructure. o Private facilities such as chemical and nuclear plants, company headquarters, shopping malls, fnancial institutions, privately run healthcare facilities, sports venues, places of worship and private colleges and universities o Public facilities such as post offces, emergency-services agencies, national monuments and icons, publicly run healthcare facilities and state or community colleges and universities o Utilities such as water sources, including dams, reservoirs and water treatment plants; power generation and distribution facilities; and communication frms (including their transmission towers) o Transportation modes such as highways and shipping facilities, bus depots, railway lines and stations, waterways and ports, and airports, with particular attention to portions where access and rescue will be most diffcult (e.g., trestles over water and tunnels) o Pipelines and bulk storage facilities such as natural gas lines, petroleum lines and tank farms o Community risks / special events o IDEnTIFy OTHER COMMUnITy RISkS UnIqUE TO yOUR AREA, InClUDInG lOCAl SPECIAl EvEnTS: o Athletic events o Ceremonies and parades o State and local fairs o Other annual or semi-annual events Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n 9 o relationships / Partnerships / Mutual Aid / Automatic Aid o ESTAblISH RElATIOnSHIPS AnD PARTnERSHIPS WITH OTHER PUblIC-SERvICE AGEnCIES particularly emergency management, law enforcement and non-fre-based EMS and government leaders to learn what everyones assets and capabilities are. Train and exercise together on a regular basis to enhance everyones response capabilities. Participants should be: o local, state and federal law enforcement agencies o Military response partners o Public health agencies o Mutual aid consortia o Public works agencies o local and state elected offcials o Utilities such as electricity, water, sewer and gas o Other regional resources that would respond to a terrorist attack o intelligence sharing / fusion Center Participation o EnGAGE In InTEllIGEnCE SHARInG WITH lAW EnFORCEMEnT AGEnCIES TO ASSESS AnD COMMUnICATE lOCAl RISkS On An OnGOInG bASIS. o Establish a secure system for receiving threat information from local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. o Participate in local fusion center activities to facilitate communication with other public safety agencies on a regular basis. If your department does not have the resources to participate directly, build a relationship and communicate regularly with another fre and emergency service representative in the fusion center. o Communicate with the FbI via your local FbI weapons of mass destruction (WMD) coordinator and the FbIs Joint Terrorism Task Force. 10 n International Association of Fire Chiefs Uutde tc ABINU Tbreats and UapabtItttes ccnt o response Capabilities for WMd / Chemical, Biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBrne) Attacks o ASSESS yOUR DEPARTMEnTS AbIlITy TO RESPOnD TO THE POSSIblE TyPES OF TERRORIST ATTACk, E.G., WEAPOnS OF MASS DESTRUCTIOn (I.E., CbRnE). o Assess your departments ability to identify the type of attack as well as your ability to mitigate it. o Factor into your assessment the number of personnel available, as well as their training levels for such a response, the types of equipment your department has available and your response procedures. o Assess your ability to maintain a response to a CbRnE attack for more than one operational period (e.g., 12, 24, 48, 72 hours). o Cyber-Attack o DEFInE WHAT COUlD HAPPEn TO yOUR DEPARTMEnT AnD yOUR COMMUnITy DURInG A CybER-ATTACk, and assess your departments ability to withstand such an attack. Decide how you will communicate information if a cyber-attack occurs. o Communication Plan (interoperability) o CREATE AnD IMPlEMEnT An EFFECTIvE COMMUnICATIOn PlAn, InClUDInG THE OPERAbIlITy OF yOUR SySTEM AnD THE InTEROPERAbIlITy OF yOUR SySTEMS WITH THOSE OF OTHER AGEnCIES. o Decide how you will alert your members, other agencies, government offcials and the general public about a terrorist attack. o Decide how you will communicate information on a local, regional, state and federal basis. o Decide who will communicate such information, how it will be communicated (e.g., voice, data, or audio), to whom and why. o Assess your departments wireless voice and data system to make sure it will continue to function properly. o Work with service providers to build contingency plans. Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n 11 o Gap Analysis / Action Plan o DEvElOP A GAP AnAlySIS THAT MEASURES THE COMMUnITyS RISk AGAInST yOUR DEPARTMEnTS AbIlITy TO RESPOnD. Determine which gaps your department will need to fll and which you will need to work around. o Develop an action plan to fll necessary gaps either internally or through mutual aid and to accommodate gaps that will not be flled. o Develop a system to update this analysis and plan on an annual basis. o Continuity of operations / Continuity of Government Plan o ASSESS yOUR DEPARTMEnTS COnTInUITy OF OPERATIOnS PlAn AS WEll AS yOUR COMMUnITyS COnTInUITy OF GOvERnMEnT PlAn, IF SUCH PlAnS ExIST, TO MAkE SURE THEy WIll SECURE A COnTInUITy OF ESSEnTIAl FUnCTIOnS IF Any SECTIOn, InClUDInG lEADERSHIP, bECOMES DISAblED AFTER A TERRORIST ATTACk. note: For states to obtain federal funding for terrorism responseand for the states to pass that money to the localitiesthe states must comply with programs established under Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 8. HSPD-8 directs the federal government to establish and achieve an all-hazards national-preparedness goal. When preparing to respond to a terrorist attack, measure your departments capabilities against these requirements. (See the references for relevant websites.) o The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has created a Target Capabilities list, which delineates the various capabilities that each state and locality must have or work to have. o DHS also created the Universal Task list, which delineates the tasks required during a response to a terrorist attack. o DHS measures capabilities against 15 national planning scenarios. 1 n International Association of Fire Chiefs o Chemical, Biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive Attacks o www.mipt.org The Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism provides access to descriptions of various types of terrorist attacks. A password is required but available free of charge to public-safety personnel. o Critical infrastructure Protection o Emergency Management and Response Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EMR ISAC) www.usfa.dhs.gov/freservice/subjects/emr-isac/ index.shtm o national Infrastructure Protection Plan www.dhs.gov/xprevprot/programs/editorial_0827.shtm o DHS national Infrastructure Coordinating Center (nICC) E-Mail: [email protected] Part of the national Operations Center, the nICC monitors the nations critical infrastructure and key resources on an ongoing basis. During an incident, the nICC provides a coordinating forum to share information across infrastructure and key resources sectors through appropriate information-sharing entities. o Continuity of operations Plans o FEMA Continuity of Operations Programs www.fema.gov/government/coop/index.shtm o federal Bureau of investigation o Field Offce locator www.fbi.gov/contact/fo/fo.htm Once you begin to work with your FbI WMD coordinator, you will gain access to law enforcement information on the FbIs website, including intelligence bulletins and investigator guides. o Gap Analysis o Emergency Management Accreditation Program (national Fire Protection Association 1600) www.emaponline.org o national Planning Guides o 15 national Planning Scenarios www.llis.gov A password is necessary but available free of charge to public safety agencies. o Target Capabilities list www.llis.gov o Universal Task list www.llis.gov Beferences fcr ABINU Tbreats and UapabtItttes Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n 1 Uutde tc BeIptng EBBVBNT a Terrcrtst Attack o terrorism Awareness / recognition training o ADOPT AnD PROvIDE A TERRORISM-AWAREnESS TRAInInG PROGRAM FOR FIRE DEPARTMEnT MEMbERS AnD THE PUblIC On HOW TO RECOGnIzE POTEnTIAl TERRORIST ACTIvITy WITHIn THE COMMUnITy. o TRAIn MEMbERS TO UnDERSTAnD THE TERRORIST THREAT TO THE COMMUnITy AnD WHAT IMPACT THAT THREAT HAS On yOUR PERSOnnEl In TERMS OF bEInG bOTH RESPOnDERS AnD POTEnTIAl vICTIMS. o Make sure members understand they are potential targets of primary and secondary (or further) attacks. Train them to look for secondary explosive devices or other terrorist threats on scene. o Educate members to be aware of and to report suspicious activity within the community (or within the department) during day-to-day operations and when off duty, as they are in a unique position to observe community activities on a daily basis. o Work with local law enforcement agencies to train the public on observing and reporting suspicious activity within the community. o Collaborate with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies; non-fre-based EMS systems; public health agencies; hospitals; public works departments; and other relevant community groups to understand and expand each others roles in preventing a terrorist attack. o reporting Procedures / information-sharing o DEvElOP AnD IMPlEMEnT PROTOCOlS FOR RECEIvInG AnD REPORTInG TERRORIST THREAT InFORMATIOn. o Establish a protocol for receiving terrorist threat information from local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. Make sure the information will be secure, so law enforcement offcials are comfortable sharing information with you. o Distribute appropriate threat information to department members on an as-needed basis. o Consider notifying mutual aid partners of appropriate threat information. o Establish a standard operating procedure for vetting and reporting information on suspicious activity department members observe in the community and within your department to law-enforcement agencies at all levels, including your local/regional FbI offce. o Work with local law enforcement agencies to establish a community reporting system, such as a dedicated phone number, for the public to report suspicious activity. 14 n International Association of Fire Chiefs Uutde tc BeIptng EBBVBNT a Terrcrtst Attack o security Clearances o COORDInATE WITH lOCAl lAW EnFORCEMEnT AGEnCIES AnD THE FbI TO ObTAIn APPROPRIATE SECURITy ClEARAnCES FOR DESIGnATED STAFF. o fire department Personnel / facility security / Critical infrastructure Protection o DEvElOP AnD IMPlEMEnT PROTOCOlS FOR SECURInG DEPARTMEnTAl PERSOnnEl, FACIlITIES, InFRASTRUCTURE AnD OPERATIOnS. o Conduct background checks on all personnel according to applicable law. o Issue and require the use of identifcation cards for all personnel. o Properly secure all facilities, dispatch areas and radio towers. o Establish and implement a visitor policy. o Secure all uniforms, badges, communications equipment and gear. o Ensure the security of all secondary areas, such as fuel and other supplies, warehouses and repair shops. o Ensure sensitive fles are locked. o Secure intelligence information received from law enforcement sources. Security should extend to receiving, storing, and disposal of information. o Cyber-security o STREnGTHEn yOUR DEPARTMEnTS AbIlITy TO WITHSTAnD A CybER-ATTACk: o Adhere to IT standards, including the use of personal passwords. o Do not post more information on your departments website or on other sites than is necessary. In particular, do not post pictures of or specifc information about critical structures within your community. o Ensure sensitive electronic fles are locked. o Secure intelligence information received from law enforcement sources. Security should extend to receiving, storing, and disposal of information. o Develop a means of communication that does not require information technology or mass-communication methods, such as a messenger service. Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n 1 o information technology standards o national Institute of Standards and Technologys Information Technology laboratory www.itl.nist.gov/index.html o Model fire, Building, life safety and Associated Codes and standards (nationally recognized) o national Fire Protection Association www.nfpa.org o International Code Council www.iccsafe.org o ready.gov o www.ready.gov o state and local fusion Centers o www.dhs.gov/xinfoshare/programs/gc_ 1156877184684.shtm Beferences fcr BeIptng EBBVBNT a Terrcrtst Attack 1 n International Association of Fire Chiefs Uutde tc EBBEABINU Ycur Department tc Bespcnd tc a Terrcrtst Attack o training / drills / exercises o CREATE PlAnS TO COORDInATE AnD PARTICIPATE In TRAInInG, DRIllS AnD ExERCISES On A REGUlAR bASIS. USE THE RESUlTS TO MODIFy DEPARTMEnTAl AnD COMMUnITy PlAnS AS nECESSARy. o Conduct these activities within your department and with stakeholders at the local, regional and federal levels (including the military and FbI). o Conduct them as a combination of tabletop, functional and full-scale exercises, depending on the time and resources available. o Relate these activities to the terrorist threats facing your community. o keep them in line with appropriate federal guidelines for responding to a terrorist attack. (See the references for more information.) o equipment o PROCURE OR MAkE SURE yOUR DEPARTMEnT HAS ACCESS TO THE PROPER EqUIPMEnT TO RESPOnD TO A CbRnE ATTACk. Sustain this equipment by testing, maintaining and replacing the equipment as necessary. o Ensure equipment is appropriate for responding to WMDs and hazardous materials emergencies. o Ensure equipment is available to protect responders from WMDs and secondary attacks; respiratory protection is of particular importance. o Ensure communications equipment is available to allow for operability within the department and interoperability with other agencies and government offcials. o Pursue grant funding from local, state and federal government sources or private sources to procure and sustain terrorism-response equipment. Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n 17 o standard operating Procedures (soPs) o IMPlEMEnT STAnDARD OPERATInG PROCEDURES FOR yOUR DEPARTMEnT TO RESPOnD TO A TERRORIST ATTACk. o Target your SOPs to a CbRnE attack, including detecting the hazard and determining its strength and location, decontamination, management of multiple casualties and victim care and management. o Implement SOPs on exposure reporting for frst responders. o Implement specifc and comprehensive SOPs for voice, data and video communications, including alternate methods in the event mainstream communications capabilities are lost. o Implement specifc and comprehensive SOPs for maintaining responder safety, including action regarding improvised explosive devices and other secondary attacks meant to harm responders. o Implement specifc and comprehensive SOPS for interacting with the media, including appointing a public information offcer (PIO) and participating with other public safety agencies in a joint information center (JIC). o Implement an SOP for the protection of sensitive information during verbal communications. 1 n International Association of Fire Chiefs Uutde tc EBBEABINU Ycur Department tc Bespcnd tc a Terrcrtst Attack ccnt o Mutual Aid / Automatic Aid o EnTER InTO MUTUAl AID AnD AUTOMATIC AID AGREEMEnTS WITH OTHER FIRE DEPARTMEnTS In THE REGIOn TO MAkE SURE yOUR DEPARTMEnT HAS ACCESS TO Any EqUIPMEnT, PERSOnnEl OR FACIlITIES yOU MIGHT nEED (AS IDEnTIFIED In yOUR GAP AnAlySIS). o Put all agreements in writing. o Defne a trigger point for requesting mutual aid. o Consider using a standardized request system to identify the type of equipment needed, the location and other relevant information. o Interoperable communication is an essential element in effective mutual aid. Governance is the key. o learn the local, state and federal reimbursement policies. o Train and exercise with mutual aid partners on a regular basis. o UnDERSTAnD THE RESOURCES TO WHICH STATE GOvERnORS HAvE ACCESS. o Coordinate with your state governors homeland security coordinator as well as with the states national Guard (nG) adjutant general. o Coordinate with the state fre marshals association. o Understand the role of the federal government. If the president declares a disaster or emergency (at the request of a state governor), the national Response Framework dictates the federal government response. (See the references for more information.) Note: Governors may request aid from other states through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC). The EMAC is a structured mutual-aid system among the states that is meant to provide quick and effcient response. It encourages participation by resolving the issues of liability and reimbursement. (See the references for more information.) Governors also have access to their own NG and may request assistance from the NG in other states. In addition, governors may request logistical and other resource support from U.S. Northern Command, a branch of the U.S. military. Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n 19 o national incident Management system (niMs) Adoption and training o ADOPT AnD TRAIn All PERSOnnEl In USE OF THE nIMS AnD USE IT FOR EACH AnD EvERy RESPOnSE. o be prepared to expand incident command into unifed command (UC). Emphasize the use of UC in actual incidents, training and exercises. (See the nIMS for more detail.) o Develop a mechanism within your department to sustain your own command (e.g., relieving the incident commander after a specifed period of time or providing a succession plan if the incident commander becomes disabled). o Explore the availability and capability of an incident management team (IMT) within your community and develop plans as appropriate. (See the references for more information on IMTs). o Encourage and assist with training of all city/community agencies, including hospitals, in the nIMS. your fre department needs to be the center of preparedness for your community. Note: Relationship-building prior to an incident is critical to a well-functioning unifed command. Of particular importance is deciding ahead of time who will be in charge at each step of the response the frst among equalsto avoid confict over authority at the scene. o emergency operations Plan (eoP) o UnDERSTAnD yOUR DEPARTMEnTS ROlE In THE lOCAl (TOWn/CITy/COUnTy), REGIOnAl AnD STATE EOPS. Governments at each of these levels should have an EOP to coordinate their response to a terrorist attack. your department should be involved in crafting these EOPs to make sure they accurately refect your departments abilities. 0 n International Association of Fire Chiefs Uutde tc EBBEABINU Ycur Department tc Bespcnd tc a Terrcrtst Attack ccnt o Continuity of operations (CooP) / Continuity of Government Plans o DEvElOP A COOP PlAn In THE EvEnT Any SECTIOn OF yOUR DEPARTMEnT, InClUDInG ITS lEADERSHIP, bECOMES DISAblED, TO EnSURE A COnTInUITy OF ESSEnTIAl DEPARTMEnT FUnCTIOnS. o Review each of your purchase agreements prior to an event to make sure they will meet your needs, and arrange for appropriate backup vendors. o Establish an emergency procurement policy in case you need to purchase or lease additional or replacement equipment or apparatus. Determine what the triggers will be for using the policy and for returning to your departments standard procurement system. o Arrange to have a number of different vendors available for any equipment or apparatus you might need. o Create a succession plan for the leadership of your department. Consider arranging for leaders of other community agencies to step in on a temporary basis. o Chart the staffng levels necessary for each critical function of your department and the skill sets your members possess. Determine how you would be able to assign some members to cover different functions if necessary. o Prepare to adjust shift schedules to accommodate a long-term response (e.g., moving from 24-hour shifts to 12-hour shifts or making other shift changes as appropriate). o Create a list of your departments service priorities so you can curtail or temporarily suspend certain functions as necessary. For example, when responding to a terrorist attack, your department most likely will suspend non-emergency fre prevention and training activities. Also, consider establishing additional screening and response procedures to modify routine EMS responses, such as transportation for minor illnesses and injuries. o Arrange for alternate locations for any displaced operations. o Work with private and public utility companies to determine how your department will have continued access to water and power. o STORE COPIES OF yOUR COOP PlAn In A SAFE PlACE (OR SAFE PlACES) OUTSIDE OF THE FIRE DEPARTMEnT, In CASE yOUR FACIlITIES bECOME DISAblED. o FAMIlIARIzE yOUR DEPARTMEnTS lEADERSHIP AnD THE lEADERSHIP OF OTHER AGEnCIES WITH THE lOCAl GOvERnMEnT HIERARCHy AS WEll AS THE GOvERnMEnTS COnTInUITy OF GOvERnMEnT PlAn, WHICH SHOUlD EnSURE THE COnTInUATIOn OF ESSEnTIAl GOvERnMEnT FUnCTIOnS IF Any PART OF THE lEADERSHIP bECOMES DISAblED. Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n 1 o 24x7 Contacts / resource list o MAInTAIn A lIST OF COnTACTS AnD RESOURCES THAT yOUR DEPARTMEnT MAy COnTACT 24 HOURS A DAy, 7 DAyS A WEEk AFTER A TERRORIST ATTACk. o Include government leaders, heads of other public safety agencies, other community partners and resources such as vendors. o Update this list on a regular basis or use an automated system (e.g., the water-utility representative at the emergency operations center). (See Appendix A for sample contact lists.) o Community Notifcation Plans o WORk WITH lOCAl lAW EnFORCEMEnT AGEnCIES, lOCAl GOvERnMEnT lEADERS AnD lOCAl MEDIA OUTlETS TO ESTAblISH A COMMUnITy nOTIFICATIOn SySTEM On TERRORIST THREATS (e.g., reverse 9-1-1, television and radio alerts via the Emergency broadcast System, Amber alerts). o Assess the technology that is available to distribute such notifcations, including private cell-phone companies. o Factor in any potential language or other communications barriers (e.g., those who do not speak fuent English or those who are deaf). o Consider using pre-worded messages. o evacuation / shelter-in-Place Plan o DEvElOP An EvACUATIOn PlAn WITH lOCAl lAW EnFORCEMEnT AnD OTHER APPROPRIATE AGEnCIES, InClUDInG lOCAl/REGIOnAl PUblIC TRAnSPORTATIOn DEPARTMEnTS. o Consider who will need to be evacuated, including those who will require assistance. Plan to check all occupancies in areas that are likely to be affected by the terrorist attack (e.g., those who are downwind of an attack). o Identify in advance special-needs individuals and facilities (e.g., convalescent homes). o Plan how to evacuate them (e.g., personal vehicles, buses or other transportation modes). o Designate shelters to house the evacuees and plan to identify building wardens. o Determine when sheltering-in-place would be appropriate and how to communicate with those who are doing so. o Practice formulating evacuation notices and sheltering procedures. o Work with other public safety agencies to educate the public about evacuations and sheltering-in-place. o Work with appropriate animal-welfare agencies on procedures for evacuating or sheltering large animals and house pets.
n International Association of Fire Chiefs Uutde tc EBBEABINU Ycur Department tc Bespcnd tc a Terrcrtst Attack ccnt o Points of distribution (Pod) Plan o COORDInATE WITH lOCAl PUblIC HEAlTH OFFICIAlS TO ESTAblISH PODS FOR MASS PROPHylAxIS. o Work with local law enforcement agencies to establish force protection in POD areas. o Work with public health offcials to establish a system of distributing prophylaxis to fre department families. o Citizen involvement / Community emergency response teams (Cert) / fire Corps / Medical reserve Corps / usAonWatch o COORDInATE CITIzEn InvOlvEMEnT In DEPARTMEnTAl ACTIvITIES THROUGH lOCAl CITIzEn GROUPS, CERT PROGRAMS, THE FIRE CORPS, THE MEDICAl RESERvE CORPS AnD USAOnWATCH. o Members of these groups may assist your department in public education, preparedness and response. o Provide adequate training and regularly scheduled exercises. o technical rescue response sustainment o PlAn TO InCORPORATE THE TECHnICAl RESPOnSE THAT WIll bE nECESSARy. o Plan to obtain any needed specialty responses (e.g., heavy equipment, steel workers, search cameras, urban search and rescue teams). o Plan to manage convergent volunteers (volunteers who spontaneously offer their help in the wake of a disaster). Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n o fire department Member / family Preparedness o EnSURE THAT FIRE DEPARTMEnT MEMbERS AnD THEIR FAMIlIES ARE PREPARED FOR A TERRORIST ATTACk. o Prepare members for what they will witness in the aftermath of a terrorist attack. o Make sure members are physically prepared to respond to a terrorist attack by implementing appropriate wellness/ftness programs. o Implement a critical incident stress management (CISM) program. (See the references for more information on CISM). o Determine how to provide appropriate information to the families of department members who are responding to a terrorist attack or who may be victims. Consider establishing dedicated telephone numbers for family members to call for information. Also consider partnering with a sister fre department that would act as a clearinghouse for family information. o Teach members the circumstances under which they would need to evacuate (including why, how and to where) or shelter-in-place (including why and for how long). Teach them how to prepare their homes for sheltering-in-place (e.g., stocking adequate food, water and medical supplies to last for one week). o incident Access Control o PREPARE TO COnTROl ACCESS TO THE InCIDEnT SCEnE. o Determine and implement the credentials your department will require of anyone responding to the scene. Some states defne the credentials required for frefghting and other rescue activities. learn and follow your states law in this area. If your state does not have specifc requirements, determine what your departments requirements will be. o Work with local law enforcement agencies to prepare for perimeter control and responder security. 4 n International Association of Fire Chiefs Uutde tc EBBEABINU Ycur Department tc Bespcnd tc a Terrcrtst Attack ccnt o Victim Care and Management / Mass Casualty Plan / Medical surge Procedure o PlAn TO MAnAGE AnD CARE FOR MASS CASUAlTIES AnD EMPlOy PROCEDURES TO IMPlEMEnT MASS DECOnTAMInATIOn AnD ADMInISTER MASS PROPHylAxIS. o Work with law enforcement offcials, your local medical director and other local health offcers on a plan to keep victims within the area of the attack, if necessary. o Work with public health offcials on a plan to collect, quarantine, isolate and assess victims. o Consider using patient tracking technology. o Work with law enforcement agencies on a plan to keep treatment areas secure. o Work with law enforcement and other agencies on a plan to connect family members, particularly children who become separated from their parents. o Mass fatality Management Plans o PREPARE TO MAnAGE MASS FATAlITIES. o Understand the priorities of your local medical examiner and plan accordingly. Discuss possible use of the Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team (DMORT) program for assistance. Also discuss the need to have suffcient refrigeration units on hand. o Arrange for your local ministerial alliance to be available. o Include local funeral directors, along with their state associations, in planning. o Crime scene Guidelines o ESTAblISH SOPS FOR RESPOnDInG TO A CRIME SCEnE. o The scene of a terrorist attack will be a crime scene, requiring evidence-handling protocols and other special considerations. o Work with law enforcement agencies to develop appropriate procedures for your department.
Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n Beferences fcr EBBEABINU Ycur Department tc Bespcnd tc a Terrcrtst Attack o Citizen involvement o Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program www.citizencorps.gov/cert/ o Fire Corps www.frecorps.org o Medical Reserve Corps www.medicalreservecorps.gov o USAOnWatch www.usaonwatch.org o Community readiness o www.ready.gov o Continuity of operations Plans o FEMA Continuity of Operations (COOP) Programs www.fema.gov/government/coop/index.shtm o disaster Mortuary operational response teams o www.dmort.org o exposure reporting o International Association of Fire Fighters www.iaff.org/HS/Resi/infdis/How_should_exposures_ be_reported.htm o family support Planning o www.fema.gov/government/coop/index.shtm (part of FEMAs COOP planning) o Member and family Preparedness o Federal Emergency Management Agency www.fema.gov o www.disasterhelp.gov o Ready.gov www.ready.gov o Mutual Aid o Guidance and Sample Agreements International Association of Fire Chiefs www.iafc.org/displaycommon.cfm?an= 1&subarticlenbr=370 o national incident Management system o background on the Incident Command System www.osha.gov/SlTC/etools/ics/about.html o background on Unifed Command www.osha.gov/SlTC/etools/ics/what_is_uc.html o Guidance www.fema.gov/emergency/nims/index.shtm o national Fire Academy Courses www.usfa.dhs.gov/nfa/ Courses in incident command include A462 and q463. o national fire Academy emergency response to terrorism Curriculum o www.usfa.dhs.gov/nfa/ Terrorism response courses include q534, F549 and W549. o national response framework o www.fema.gov/emergency/nrf/mainindex.htm# o Patient tracking technology o Seattle Fire Department Case Study www.intermec.com/learning/content_library/ case_studies/cs1940.aspx o responder safety o Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Emergency Preparedness and Response www.osha.gov/SlTC/emergencypreparedness/ responder.html#First o RAnD Science and Technology Policy Institute, Protecting Emergency Responders: lessons learned from Terrorist Attacks, conference report issued 2002 www.rand.org/pubs/conf_proceedings/ 2006/CF176.pdf o national Fire Fighter near Miss Reporting System www.frefghternearmiss.com
n International Association of Fire Chiefs Beferences fcr EBBEABINU Ycur Department tc Bespcnd tc a Terrcrtst Attack o standards, training and Grant information for emergency responders o Responder knowledge base www.rkb.mipt.org A login name and password are required but are available free of charge to public safety agencies. o state and federal resources o Emergency Management Assistance Compact www.emacweb.org o national Guard Chemical, biological, Radiological, nuclear, and Explosive (CbRnE) Enhanced Response Force Package (CERFP) www.ngb.army.mil/features/HomelandDefense/cerfp/ factsheet.html o national Guard Civil Support Team www.ngb.army.mil/features/HomelandDefense/ cst/factsheet.html o national Response Framework www.fema.gov/emergency/nrf/mainindex.htm# o U.S. northern Command www.northcom.mil o U.S. Fire Administration AHIMT Technical Assistance Program www.usfa.dhs.gov/freservice/subjects/incident/ imt/index.shtm o training o Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program https://hseep.dhs.gov o Improvised Explosive Devices - Suicide bombing: The new Chaos www.iafc.org/displaycommon.cfm?an= 1&subarticlenbr=365 Online video download available online only to IAFC members due to the IAFCs agreement with DHS, which funded the videos production. non-members may request a copy of the video for fre department use by contacing the IAFC o Wellness/fitness o Guide to Implementing the IAFC/IAFF Fire Service Joint labor Management Wellness/Fitness Initiative, Specially Designed for Small and Medium-Sized Fire Departments www.iafc.org/associations/4685/fles/wellness_ ftness_smfd.pdf o Health and Wellness Guide for the volunteer Fire Service www.usfa.dhs.gov/downloads/pdf/publications/ fa-267.pdf Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n 7 Uutde tc BBEUNDINU tc a Terrcrtst Attack This guide represents tasks that your department should be prepared to do during a response to a terrorist attack. As such, they closely mirror the guide to preparedness. You must have adequate procedures in place for each of these items before an attack hits. o situational Awareness / frequent updates o ESTAblISH SITUATIOnAl AWAREnESS On SCEnE AnD COMMUnICATE FREqUEnT UPDATES TO THE DISPATCH/COMMAnD CEnTER. o Identify the hazard in the emergency situation at hand. o Initiate on-scene assessments in coordination with local law enforcement agencies, emergency management offcials and other experts to ensure scene security and responder safety, including that no secondary devices or contaminants are on site. o Coordinate the incident command post with the local emergency operations center by sharing up-to-date information on a regular basis. o Conduct on-scene briefngs frequently (throughout multiple operational periods) to communicate the common operating picture to responders. o Share and compare information from the local scene with state and federal partners, establishing local, regional and national awareness based on the specifc attack and intelligence/information that is available from other areas. o national incident Management system o UTIlIzE nIMS. yOUR DEPARTMEnT SHOUlD bE USInG nIMS On DAy-TO-DAy EvEnTS. USInG nIMS DURInG A RESPOnSE TO A TERRORIST ATTACk WIll COORDInATE THE MAny RESOURCES yOU WIll nEED. o RESPOnD ACCORDInG TO yOUR DEPARTMEnTS SOPS. o The type of response will depend on the type of incident: chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or explosive, or a combination thereof. o Prepare for multiple operational periods. After responding to the initial attack, your department may need to sustain its service delivery at the scene over a long period of time. o Adjust on-scene resource levels as circumstances change. o Consider a temporary change in shift lengths (e.g., from 24 to 12 hours) or other changes that are appropriate to meet the needs of the incident and continuity of operations for your department.
n International Association of Fire Chiefs Uutde tc BBEUNDINU tc a Terrcrtst Attack ccnt o Mutual Aid Agreements o UTIlIzE yOUR MUTUAl AID AGREEMEnTS. o Activate local, regional, state and interstate agreements. o Request a suffcient number of resources to ensure an adequate response to the incident. Do not hesitate. o Assign a department member or offcer to each mutual aid crew to act as a guide. o Coordinate and control mutual aid resources. o Manage self-dispatched resources as appropriate. o force Protection (responder safety) / Perimeter security o WORk WITH lAW EnFORCEMEnT AGEnCIES TO EnSURE FORCE PROTECTIOn (RESPOnDER SAFETy) AnD PERIMETER SECURITy. o Establish entry points to the scene. o Enforce your predetermined credentialing system. o Erect fencing or other barriers with assistance from public works personnel. o Assign lookouts for potential secondary devices or attacks. o Control and maintain ingress and egress routes to and from the scene. o Establish airspace restrictions over the scene. o Manage convergent volunteers. o Notifcations o MAkE nECESSARy nOTIFICATIOnS TO: o local, state and regional law enforcement offcials o Federal offcials through your local/regional FbI offce o local elected offcials o Fire department members o All partner agencies o All municipal services Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n 9 o Media / Crisis Communication o UTIlIzE yOUR MEDIA AnD CRISIS COMMUnICATIOnS PlAnS. o Appoint a PIO as soon as possible. o Participate in the activities of the JIC, if one is established. o Use your community notifcation system as necessary in conjunction with emergency management offcials. Include instructions on whether to evacuate (why, how and to where) or shelter-in-place (why and for how long). o Establish an off-site family assistance center to provide information on responders to their families and vice versa. o Consider establishing a public assistance center in coordination with community partners. o evacuation / shelter-in-Place Management o MAnAGE EvACUATIOnS In COnJUnCTIOn WITH lAW EnFORCEMEnT AGEnCIES. o Check all occupancies in areas that are likely to be affected by the terrorist attack (e.g., those that are downwind of the attack). o Select evacuation sites. Consider how evacuees would get to those sites and any potential barriers they would face (e.g., traffc congestion or exposure to other high-risk targets of attack). o Identify building wardens for evacuation centers. o If citizens are sheltering-in-place, communicate with them regularly and make sure your department or another agency checks on them on a regular basis. o Continued service delivery o MAkE PROvISIOnS FOR COnTInUED SERvICE FOR DAy-TO-DAy EMERGEnCIES (E.G., STRUCTURAl FIRES AnD EMS CAllS). o Plan for an extended period of time. o Consider recall of off-duty personnel. o Utilize your mutual aid plans to make sure you have enough personnel, equipment and apparatus in reserve. o Assign personnel to act as guides for mutual aid teams. 0 n International Association of Fire Chiefs Uutde tc BBEUNDINU tc a Terrcrtst Attack ccnt o responder safety and Wellness o MAInTAIn RESPOnDER SAFETy AnD WEllnESS. o Enforce the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). o Provide appropriate decontamination. o Implement a medical monitoring system. o Provide proper relief, rehabilitation, counseling and after-action evaluations (or hot washes). o Implement your CISM program. o Provide wellness and support resources to family members through the family assistance center. o technical response o COORDInATE THE TECHnICAl RESPOnSE THAT WIll bE nECESSARy. o Obtain any needed specialty responses. o Manage convergent volunteers. o Victim Care and Management / Mass Casualty Plan / Medical surge Procedure o UTIlIzE yOUR DEPARTMEnTS SOPS FOR vICTIM CARE AnD MAnAGEMEnT, InClUDInG MAnAGInG MASS CASUAlTIES AnD MEDICAl SURGE. o UTIlIzE yOUR DEPARTMEnTS SOPS FOR MASS FATAlITy MAnAGEMEnT. o Citizen / Community responders o ACTIvATE yOUR nETWORk OF CITIzEn AnD COMMUnITy vOlUnTEERS (E.G., CERT, MEDICAl RESERvE CORPS). o Crime scene Guidelines o UTIlIzE yOUR DEPARTMEnTS SOPS FOR RESPOnDInG TO A CRIME SCEnE. Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n 1 o federal emergency Management Agency report: responding to incidents of national Consequence: recommendations for Americas fire and emergency services Based on the events of september 11, 2001, and other similar incidents o www.usfa.dhs.gov/downloads/pdf/ publications/fa-282.pdf o national Memorial institute for the Prevention of terrorism report: oklahoma City seven Years later: lessons for other Communities o www.mipt.org/pdf/MIPT-OkC7yearslater.pdf Beferences fcr BBEUNDINU tc a Terrcrtst Attack
n International Association of Fire Chiefs A Uutde tc BBUUVBBINU frcm a Terrcrtst Attack o Medical-screening Program for responders o ESTAblISH A MEDICAl SCREEnInG PROGRAM FOR RESPOnDERS. o Document which personnel were involved in the response. o Consult with medical experts and provide medical education and follow-up, including long-term monitoring. o Provide initial and continuing stress-management counseling. o Provide timely advice and support to responders family members. o documentation / reporting o DOCUMEnT AnD REPORT All RElEvAnT InFORMATIOn. o Employ special accounting procedures to ensure accurate loss fgures for the fre department. o File for reimbursement of appropriate expenses from FEMA and other federal agencies, state agencies and insurance companies. o Prepare after-action reports for review and post-incident analysis. Draw from incident documents, reports submitted by response personnel and offces, and witnesses. o Implement your departments SOPs on personnel-exposure reporting. o fire department resource Assessment o ASSESS FIRE DEPARTMEnT RESOURCES. o Assign a single point of contact to ensure appropriate testing for reliability of equipment and structural integrity of frehouses and other department facilities and to arrange for needed repairs and replacement. Consider borrowing or leasing needed facilities, equipment or apparatus until the repair/ replacement process is complete. o Utilize your predetermined alternate location for displaced operations and alert personnel where to report for duty. Consider asking law enforcement agencies to provide security if necessary. o Continue using mutual aid agreements as needed, including sharing personnel, equipment and facilities. (If your needs will be long-term, consider resources beyond these agreements.) Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n o Post-incident Analysis o PREPARE A POST-InCIDEnT AnAlySIS FOR yOUR DEPARTMEnT. (COnSIDER USInG OUTSIDE RESOURCES FOR yOUR AnAlySIS.) PARTICIPATE In COMMUnITy-WIDE POST-InCIDEnT AnAlySES AS yOUR RESOURCES AllOW. o Use incident documentation and reports. o Evaluate and modify fre department homeland security plans and SOPs as necessary. o Coordinate any modifcations and upgrades with community response partners and local emergency managers. o Consider sharing this analysis with the public (e.g., posting it on the Internet). o Community recovery o PARTICIPATE In THE COMMUnITyS RECOvERy. o brief local government offcials on the fre departments status and advise them of the departments recovery plans and needs. o Once the fre department has taken all appropriate steps to recover internally, reach out to other agencies to offer assistance consistent with the departments recovery needs. o Participate in community events to honor responders and victims. o be attentive to community needs the department may be able to meet. o Media relations o MAInTAIn COMMUnICATIOn WITH MEDIA OUTlETS AbOUT THE RECOvERy OF yOUR DEPARTMEnT AnD THE COMMUnITy. 4 n International Association of Fire Chiefs Beferences fcr BBUUVBBINU frcm a Terrcrtst Attack o fire department recovery o City of new Orleans Fire Department Report: Recovery and Reconstitution Planning Process after Hurricane katrina www.iafc.org/associations/4685/fles/downloads/ DOC_DlS/HOME_SEC_nTl_RESP/nOFD_ RecoveryandReconstitutionProcess.pdf o incident Analysis o Arlington County After-Action Report on the Response to the September 11 Terrorist Attack on the Pentagon www.arlingtonva.us/Departments/Fire/edu/about/ FireEduAboutAfterReport.aspx Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n AEEBNDI2 A Emergency Contact List I: Government Offcials Mayor/City Manager ___________________________________________________________________________________ Police Chief/sheriff ____________________________________________________________________________________ Public health _________________________________________________________________________________________ Public Works _________________________________________________________________________________________ state fire Marshal _____________________________________________________________________________________ emergency Manager, local _____________________________________________________________________________ emergency Manager, state _____________________________________________________________________________ state emergency operations Center ______________________________________________________________________ local emergency Planning Committee ____________________________________________________________________ local Chapter, American red Cross ______________________________________________________________________ Critical incident stress Management Program ______________________________________________________________ FBI Counter-Terrorism Field Offcer ______________________________________________________________________ other _______________________________________________________________________________________________
n International Association of Fire Chiefs emergency Contact list ii: federal emergency support functions (esfs) esf 1: transportation __________________________________________________________________________________ esf 2: Communications ________________________________________________________________________________ esf 3: Public Works and engineering ____________________________________________________________________ ESF 4: Firefghting ____________________________________________________________________________________ esf 5: emergency Management _________________________________________________________________________ esf 6: Mass Care, emergency Assistance, housing, and human services _____________________________________ esf 7: resources support ______________________________________________________________________________ esf 8: Public health and Medical services ________________________________________________________________ esf 9: search and rescue ______________________________________________________________________________ esf 10: oil and hazardous Materials response ____________________________________________________________ esf 11: Agriculture and natural resources _______________________________________________________________ esf 12: energy _______________________________________________________________________________________ esf 13: Public safety and security ______________________________________________________________________ esf 14: long-term Community recovery _________________________________________________________________ esf 15: external Affairs ________________________________________________________________________________ Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n 7 emergency Contact list iii: local subject-Matter experts Animal issues ________________________________________________________________________________________ Biological Attack ______________________________________________________________________________________ Blackouts/Brownouts __________________________________________________________________________________ Chemical Attack _______________________________________________________________________________________ Continuity of Government ______________________________________________________________________________ Cyber Attack _________________________________________________________________________________________ emergency Management _______________________________________________________________________________ explosions/explosives _________________________________________________________________________________ finance _____________________________________________________________________________________________ hazardous Materials ___________________________________________________________________________________ intelligence/information-sharing _________________________________________________________________________ Media relations ______________________________________________________________________________________ nuclear Attack ________________________________________________________________________________________ Pandemic ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Power supply _________________________________________________________________________________________ radiological Attack ____________________________________________________________________________________ riots ________________________________________________________________________________________________ special operations ____________________________________________________________________________________ structural stability _____________________________________________________________________________________ Traffc _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Water supply _________________________________________________________________________________________
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l e v e l O p t i m u m
l e v e l Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n 9 Appendtz U UIcssary and Acrcnyms In the interest of space, the information listed in this Appendix is limited to select terms. Except where noted, defnitions are drawn directly from the U.S. Department of Homeland Securitys National Response Framework. For a more complete list of homeland security-related terms and acronyms, please visit the National Response Framework Resource Center at http://www.fema.gov/emergency/nrf/glossary.htm. ASSESSMEnT: The evaluation and interpretation of measurements and other information to provide a basis for decision making. COnTInUITy OF GOvERnMEnT (COG): Activities that address the continuance of constitutional governance. COG planning aims to preserve and/or reconstitute the institution of government and ensure that a department or agencys constitutional, legislative, and/or administrative responsibilities are maintained. This is accomplished through succession of leadership, the predelegation of emergency authority, and active command and control during response and recovery operations. COnTInUITy OF OPERATIOnS (COOP) PlAnS: Procedures to ensure the continued performance of core capabilities and/or critical government operations during any potential incident. CRITICAl InFRASTRUCTURE: Systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the United States that the incapacity or destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination of those matters. (Often paired with key resources) EMERGEnCy MAnAGEMEnT ASSISTAnCE COMPACT (EMAC): A congressionally ratifed organization that provides form and structure to interstate mutual aid. Through EMAC, a disaster-affected State can request and receive assistance from other member States quickly and effciently, resolving two key issues upfront: liability and reimbursement. EMERGEnCy OPERATIOnS PlAn: The ongoing plan maintained by various jurisdictional levels for responding to a wide variety of potential hazards. FUSIOn CEnTERS 1 - Fusion Centers blend relevant law enforcement and intelligence information analysis and coordinate security measures in order to reduce threats in local communities. Fusion Centers provide critical sources of unique law enforcement and threat information, facilitate sharing information across jurisdictions and function, provide a conduit between local communities and state and federal agencies. HSPD-8: Homeland Security Presidential Directive 8, national Preparedness InCIDEnT MAnAGEMEnT TEAM (IMT): An incident command organization made up of the Command and General Staff members and appropriate functional units of an Incident Command System (ICS) organization. The level of training and experience of the IMT members, coupled with the identifed formal response requirements and responsibilities of the IMT, are factors in determining the type, or level, of IMT. IMTs are generally grouped in fve types. Types I and II are national teams, Type III are State or regional, Type Iv are discipline- or large jurisdiction-specifc, and Type v are ad hoc incident command organizations typically used by smaller jurisdictions. JOInT InFORMATIOn CEnTER (JIC): A facility established to coordinate all incident-related public information activities. The JIC is a physical location from which external affairs professionals from all the organizations involved in an incident work together to provide emergency information, media response, and public affairs functions. The JIC serves as a focal point for a coordinated and timely release of incident-related prevention, preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation information to the public. It is the central point of contact for all news media. 1 From the DHS website (www.dhs.gov) discussion on state and local fusion centers. At the time of print of this document, the nRF glossary did not contain a defnition of fusion centers. 40 n International Association of Fire Chiefs kEy RESOURCES: Any publicly or privately controlled resources essential to the minimal operations of the economy and government. nATIOnAl InCIDEnT MAnAGEMEnT SySTEM (nIMS): Provides a systematic, proactive approach guiding government agencies at all levels, the private sector, and nongovernmental organizations to work seamlessly to prepare for, prevent, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the effects of incidents, regardless of cause, size, location, or complexity, in order to reduce the loss of life or property and harm to the environment. nIMS codifed emergency management discipline in six areas, including incident command and management structures, core preparedness activities, resource management, communications, supporting technologies, and the maintenance for these systems over time. PREPAREDnESS: A continuous cycle of planning, organizing, training, equipping, exercising, evaluating, and improving in an effort to ensure effective coordination during incident response. RECOvERy: The development, coordination, and execution of service- and site-restoration plans; the reconstitution of government operations and services; individual, private-sector, nongovernmental, and public-assistance programs to provide housing and to promote restoration; long-term care and treatment of affected persons; additional measures for social, political, environmental, and economic restoration; evaluation of the incident to identify lessons learned; postincident reporting; and development of initiatives to mitigate the effects of future incidents. TERRORISM: Under the Homeland Security Act of 2002, terrorism is defned as activity that involves an act dangerous to human life or potentially destructive of critical infrastructure or key resources; is a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State or other subdivision of the United States in which it occurs; and is intended to intimidate or coerce the civilian population, or infuence or affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping. See Section 2 (15), Homeland Security Act of 2002, Public law 107296, 116 Stat. 2135 (2002). CBrne ........................ Chemical, Biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive Cert ........................... Community emergency response team CisM ............................ Critical incident stress Management CooP .......................... Continuity of operations Plan dhs ............................. u.s. department of homeland security dMort ....................... disaster Mortuary operational response team eMAC .......................... emergency Management Assistance Compact eoP ............................. emergency operations Plan feMA .......................... federal emergency Management Agency fBi ............................... federal Bureau of investigation hsPd........................... homeland security Presidential directive iCs............................... incident Command system ied............................... improvised explosive device iMt .............................. incident Management team it ................................. information technology JiC ............................... Joint information Center Jttf ............................ Joint terrorism task force nG ............................... national Guard niCC ........................... national infrastructure Coordination Center niMs ............................ national incident Management system Pio .............................. Public Information Offcer Pod ............................. Point of distribution PPe ............................. Personal Protective equipment soP ............................. standard operating Procedure tCl .............................. target Capabilities list uC ............................... Unifed Command usnorthCoM .......... u.s. northern Command utl .............................. universal task list WMd ............................ Weapons of Mass destruction Acrcnyms Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n 41 Appendtz D Abcut tbe Autbcrs In the spring of 2007, the IAFC Board of Directors envisioned a unifed national strategy, in which the fre and emergency service self-defnes its role and responsibilities in homeland security. It was requested that a team of members representing various iAfC sections and committees convene at a homeland security summit to create an overarching framework centered on core concepts that is adaptable to the whole of fre and emergency service community. The authors of this guide are fre chiefs representing a cross-section of the IAFCs membership, fre-service expertise, and geographic diversity. They were selected to represent the following IAFC sections and committees: eMerGenCY MAnAGeMent CoMMittee Chief Jerry Rhodes, Cunningham (Colo.) Fire Protection District, Committee Chair Chief Gerard Dio, Worcester (Mass.) Fire Department eMerGenCY MediCAl serViCes seCtion Chief John Sinclair, kittitas valley (Wash.) Fire & Rescue, IAFC board Member Chief Dan Hermes, Pleasantview (Ill.) Fire Protection District hAzArdous MAteriAls CoMMittee Assistant Chief Tim butters, City of Fairfax (va.) Fire Department, Committee Chair Chief Ron kanterman, Merck Emergency Services, Rahway, n.J. MetroPolitAn fire Chiefs seCtion Chief keith b. Richter, Contra Costa County (Calif.) Fire Protection District, Section President Russell Sanders, national Fire Protection Association, Section Executive Secretary sAfetY, heAlth And surViVAl seCtion Deputy Director Ricky brockman, U.S. navy Fire & Emergency Services, Washington, DC, Section Organizational liaison Commissioner David H. Fischler, Ret., Suffolk County (n.y.) Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services, Section Director At-large terrorisM And hoMelAnd seCuritY CoMMittee Chief P. Michael Freeman, los Angeles County (Calif.) Fire Department, Committee Chair Chief James H. Schwartz, Arlington County (va.) Fire Department Volunteer And CoMBinAtion offiCers seCtion Chief Timothy S. Wall, north Farms (Conn.) volunteer Fire Department, Section Chair Chief Michael varney, Ellington (Conn.) volunteer Fire Department 4 n International Association of Fire Chiefs Appendtz B Abcut tbe IA8U overview Established in 1873, the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) is a powerful network of more than 13,000 chief fre and emergency offcers. The organization represents and strives to serve the needs of all fre and emergency service leaders and the millions of frefghters they lead. Our members are the worlds leading experts in fre fghting, emergency medical services, terrorism response, hazardous materials spills, natural disasters, search and rescue, and public safety legislation. Mission To provide leadership to career and volunteer chiefs, chief fre offcers and managers of emergency service organizations throughout the international community through vision, information, education, services and representation to enhance their professionalism and capabilities. Terrorism Response: A Checklist and Guide for Fire Chiefs n 4 Nctes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 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__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Photo credits go to Photo Contest Photos from the 2006 Photo Contest, the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority, and the national Sheriffs Association international Association of fire Chiefs 4025 Fire Ridge Drive, Suite 300 Fairfax, vA 22033 703-273-0911 www.iafc.org