Financial Ratios
Financial Ratios
Financial Ratios
Accounting Economics Finance Management Marketing Operations Statistics Strategy Finance > Financial Ratios
Financial Ratios
Financial ratios are useful indicators of a firm's performance and financial situation. Most ratios can be calculated from information provided by the financial statements. Financial ratios can be used to analyze trends and to compare the firm's financials to those of other firms. In some cases, ratio analysis can predict future bankruptcy. Financial ratios can be classified according to the information they provide. The following types of ratios frequently are used: Liquidity ratios Asset turnover ratios Financial leverage ratios Profitability ratios Dividend policy ratios
Liquidity Ratios
Liquidity ratios provide information about a firm's ability to meet its short-term financial obligations. They are of particular interest to those extending short-term credit to the firm. Two frequently-used liquidity ratios are the current ratio (or working capital ratio) and the quick ratio. The current ratio is the ratio of current assets to current liabilities: Current Assets Current Ratio
Current Liabilities
Short-term creditors prefer a high current ratio since it reduces their risk. Shareholders may prefer a lower current ratio so that more of the firm's assets are working to grow the business. Typical values for the current ratio vary by firm and industry. For example, firms in cyclical industries may maintain a higher current ratio in order to remain solvent during downturns. One drawback of the current ratio is that inventory may include many items that are difficult to liquidate quickly and that have uncertain liquidation values. The quick ratio is an alternative measure of liquidity that does not include inventory in the current assets. The quick ratio is defined as follows: Current Assets - Inventory Quick Ratio
Current Liabilities
The current assets used in the quick ratio are cash, accounts receivable, and notes receivable. These assets essentially are current assets less inventory. The quick ratio often is referred to as the acid test. Finally, the cash ratio is the most conservative liquidity ratio. It excludes all current assets except the most liquid: cash and cash equivalents. The cash ratio is defined as follows: Cash + Marketable Securities Cash Ratio
Current Liabilities
The cash ratio is an indication of the firm's ability to pay off its current liabilities if for some reason immediate payment were demanded.
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Financial Ratios
Accounts Receivable
The receivables turnover often is reported in terms of the number of days that credit sales remain in accounts receivable before they are collected. This number is known as the collection period. It is the accounts receivable balance divided by the average daily credit sales, calculated as follows: Accounts Receivable Average Collection Period
The collection period also can be written as: 365 Average Collection Period
Receivables Turnover
Another major asset turnover ratio is inventory turnover. It is the cost of goods sold in a time period divided by the average inventory level during that period: Cost of Goods Sold Inventory Turnover
Average Inventory
The inventory turnover often is reported as the inventory period, which is the number of days worth of inventory on hand, calculated by dividing the inventory by the average daily cost of goods sold: Average Inventory Inventory Period
The inventory period also can be written as: 365 Inventory Period
Inventory Turnover
Other asset turnover ratios include fixed asset turnover and total asset turnover.
Total Assets
The debt-to-equity ratio is total debt divided by total equity: Total Debt
Debt-to-Equity Ratio
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Financial Ratios
Total Equity Debt ratios depend on the classification of long-term leases and on the classification of some items as long-term debt or equity. The times interest earned ratio indicates how well the firm's earnings can cover the interest payments on its debt. This ratio also is known as the interest coverage and is calculated as follows: EBIT Interest Coverage
Interest Charges
Profitability Ratios
Profitability ratios offer several different measures of the success of the firm at generating profits. The gross profit margin is a measure of the gross profit earned on sales. The gross profit margin considers the firm's cost of goods sold, but does not include other costs. It is defined as follows: Sales - Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Margin
Return on assets is a measure of how effectively the firm's assets are being used to generate profits. It is defined as: Net Income Return on Assets
Total Assets
Return on equity is the bottom line measure for the shareholders, measuring the profits earned for each dollar invested in the firm's stock. Return on equity is defined as follows: Net Income Return on Equity
Shareholder Equity
Share Price
A high dividend yield does not necessarily translate into a high future rate of return. It is important to consider the prospects for continuing and increasing the dividend in the future. The dividend payout ratio is helpful in this regard, and is defined as follows: Dividends Per Share Payout Ratio
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Financial Ratios
A reference point is needed. To to be meaningful, most ratios must be compared to historical values of the same firm, the firm's forecasts, or ratios of similar firms. Most ratios by themselves are not highly meaningful. They should be viewed as indicators, with several of them combined to paint a picture of the firm's situation. Year-end values may not be representative. Certain account balances that are used to calculate ratios may increase or decrease at the end of the accounting period because of seasonal factors. Such changes may distort the value of the ratio. Average values should be used when they are available. Ratios are subject to the limitations of accounting methods. Different accounting choices may result in significantly different ratio values.
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