Selection Sort

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Let us have a list containing n elements in unsorted order and we want to sort the list by applying the selection sort algorithm. In selection sort technique, the first element is compared with all remaining (n -1) elements. The smallest element is placed at the first location. Again, the second element is compared with the remaining (n -2) elements and pick out the smallest element from the list and placed in the second location and so on until the largest element of the list. Let A is an array with n elements A[0], A[1], ...... A[N -1]. First you will search the position of smallest element from A[0]......A[N -1]. Then you will interchange that smallest element with A[0]. Now you will search the position of the second smallest element (because the A[0] is the first smallest element) from A[1]........A[N -1], then interchange that smallest element with A[1]. Similarly the process will be for A[2]........A[N -1]. The whole process will be as Pass 1 Search the smallest element from A[0], A[1], ... A[N -1] Interchange A[0] with the smallest element Result : A[0] is sorted. Pass 2 Search the smallest element from A[1], A[2], ... A[N -1] Interchange A[1] with the smallest element Result : A[0], A[1] is sorted. ................................................................................ ................................................................................. Pass N -1 Search the smallest element from A[N -2], A[N -1] Interchange A[N -2] with the smallest element Result : A[0], A[1],..............A[N -2], A[N -1] is sorted. Thus A is sorted after N -1 passes. Let us take an example of the following elements

BUBBLE SORT: Bubble sort is a commonly used sorting algorithm. In this algorithm, two successive elements are compared and interchanging is done if the first element is grearter than the second one. The elements are sorted in ascending order.

Let A is an array with n elements A[0], A[1], ...... A[N -1]. The bubble sort algorithm works as follows : Step 1 :First compare A[0] and A[1] and arrange them so that A[0] < A[1] . Then compare A[1] and A[2] and arrange them so that A[1] < A[2]. Then compare A[2] and A[3] and arrange them so that A[2] < A[3]. Continue until we compare A[N -2] and A[N -1] and arrange them int the desired order so that A[N -2] < A[N -1] Observe that Step 1 involves n -1 comparisions. During the Step 1, the largest element is bubbled up to the nth position or sinks to the nth position. When Step 1 is completed, A[N -1] will contain the largest element. Step 2 :Repeat Step 1 and finally the second largest element will occupy A[N -2]. In this step there will be n -2 comparisons. Step 3 :Repeat Step 1 and finally the third largest element will occupy A[N -3]. In this step there will be n 3 comparisons. ...................................................................... ...................................................................... Step N -1: Compare A[1] and A[2] and arrange them so that A[1] < A[2] After n -1 steps, the list will be sorted in ascending order. LINEAR SEARCH: Linear search, also known as sequential search, means starting at the beginning of the data and checking each item in turn until either the desired item is found or the end of the data is reached. This is the most natural searching method. Though, it is simple and straightforward, it has some limitations. It consumes more time andreduces the retrieval rate of the system. The linear or sequential name implies that the items are stored in systematic manner. The linear search can be applied on sorted or unsorted linear data structure. Algorithm of linear search Let us start with an array or list, L which may have the item in question. Step 1: If the list L is empty, then the list has nothing. The list does not have the item in question. Stop here. Step 2: Otherwise, look at all the elements in the list L. Step 3: For each element: If the element equals the item in question, the list contains the item in question. Stop here. Otherwise, go onto next element. Step 4: The list does not have the item in question.

Binary Search:
The binary search is based on the divide-and-conquer approach. We compare the element with middle element of the array or list. If it is less than the middle element then we search it in the left portion of the array and if it is greater than the middle element then search will be in the right portion of the list. Now we will take that portion only for search and compare with the middle element of that portion. This process will be in iteration until we find the element or middle element has no left or right portion to search. Let us take an sorted array of 11 elements and they are shown in fig 7.2(a). Let us assume that we want to search the element 56 from the list of elements.

For this we will take 3 variables Start, End and Middle, which will keep track of the status of Start, End and Middle value of the portion of the array, in which we will search the element.

The value of the middle will be as :

Initially, Start =1, End = 11 and the Middle = (1+11) / 2 = 6. The value at index 6 is 41 and it is smaller than the target value i.e (56). The steps are as follows: Step 1: The element 2 and 99 are at Start and End positions respectively. Step 2: Calculate the middle index which is as MIDDLE = (Start + End)/2 MIDDLE = (1+11)/2 MIDDLE= 6 Step 3: The key element 56 is to be comapred with the MIDDLE value. If the key is less than the value at MIDDLE then the key element is present in the first half else in other half; in our case, the key is on the right half. Now we have to search only on right half. Hence, now Start = MIDDLE + 1 = 6+1 =7. End will be same as earlier. Step 4: Calculate the middle index of the second half MIDDLE = (Start + End) / 2 MIDDLE = (7+11) / 2 MIDDlE = 9 Step 5: Again, the middle divides the second half into the two parts, which is shown in fig 7.2(b).

Step 6: The key element 56 is lesser than the value at MIDDLE which is 72, hence it is present in the left half i.e., towards the left of 72. Hence now, End = MIDDLE -1 = 8. Start will remain 7. Step 7: At last, the middle is calculated as MIDDLE = (Start + End) / 2 MIDDLE = (7+8) / 2 MIDDLE = 7

Step 8: Now if we compare our key element 56 with the value at MIDDLE, then we see that they are equal. The key element is searched successfully and it is in 7th location.

A binary tree T is defined as a finite set of elements, called nodes, such that : (a) T is empty ( called the null tree or empty tree ), or (b) T contains a distinguished node R, called the root of T, and the remaining nodes of T form an ordered pair of disjoint binary trees T1 and T2. If T does contain a root R , then the two trees T1 and T2 are called, respectively, the left and right sub trees of R. If T1 is nonempty, then its root is called the left successor of R ; similarly, If T2 is nonempty, then its root is called the right successor of R.

In the above figure2 a binary tree T is frequently presented by means of a diagram. Here from the binary tree T we have (i) T consists of 11 nodes, represented by the letter A through K (ii) The root of T is the node A at the top of the diagram. (iii) B is a left successor and C is the right successor of the node A. (iv) The left subtree of the root A consists of the nodes B,D,E, and F and the right subtree of A consists of the nodes C,G,H,I,J and K
Binary tree can be represented by two ways : i) Array representation ii) Linked representation i) Array representation In any type of data structure array representation plays an important role. The nodes of trees can be stored in an array. The nodes can be accessed in sequence one after another. In array, elements counting starts from zero to n-1 where n is the maximum number of nodes. For example, for an integer array declaration : int tree [n] The root node of the tree always starts at index zero. Then successive memory locations are used for storing left and right child nodes. Consider the following :

tree[0] x tree[1] y tree[3] z

ii) Linked representation Consider a binary tree T. T will be maintained in memory by means of a linked representation which uses three parallel arrays INFO, LEFT and RIGHT, and a pointer variable ROOT as follows : (1) INFO [K] contains the data at the node N. (2) LEFT[K] contains the location of the left child of node N. (3) RIGHT[K] contains the location of thr right child of node N. ROOT will contain the location of the root R of T. If any sub tree empty, then the corresponding pointer will contain the null value. If the tree T itself is empty, then ROOT will contain the null value. TREE TRAVERSAL ALGORITHMS: Traverse a binary tree means to pass through the tree, enumerating each of its nodes once. There are three standard methods of traversing a binary tree T with root R. These methods are all defined recursively, so that traversing a binary tree involves visiting the root and traversing its left and right subtree. The only difference among the methods is the order in which these three operations are performed. No methods are applicable in case of an empty binary tree. These traversal methods are : a) Preorder traversal b) Inorder traversal c) Postorder traversal

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