1 Denial of Service
1 Denial of Service
1 Denial of Service
Abdul Baqi*
Computer Engineering Department, Salaman Bin Abdul Azizi University, Saudi Arabia
During the past decade, the speed and reliability of communication over wireless network has been increased drastically. One area of great interest in distributed system is wireless ad-hoc network (WANETs) that allows collaboration in real time. Wireless ad hoc networks are formed by a set of hosts that communicate with each other over a wireless channel. Denials of Service attacks are real threat to wireless systems such as WANETs. This paper provides a survey of these attacks in WANETs.
A wireless ad hoc network (WANET) is a collection of self configuring autonomous mobile radio nodes that communicate with each other over a wireless channel. The nodes cooperate with each other in order to manage the network such as medium access control, routing each others' packets, election of a coordinator. In recent years, MANETs have become more popular due to low prices and their ability to be deployed under normal and harsh conditions while supporting high data rates. They can be easily deployed in situations where no infrastructure exists and where it would be impractical to deploy infrastructure such as in rescue operations or seminars.
The material presented by the authors does not necessarily portray the viewpoint of the editors and the management of the Institute of Business and Technology (Biztek) or Yala Islamic University, Thailand, Yanbu University College, Saudi Arabia, University of Sindh, Pakistan & Salaman Bin Abdul Azizi University, Saudi Arabia
Soomro : [email protected] Soomro : [email protected] * Abdul Ghafoor Memon : [email protected] * Abdul Baqi : [email protected]
* Sajjad Ahmed
* Safdar Ali
JICT is published by the Institute of Business and Technology (Biztek). Ibrahim Hydri Road, Korangi Creek, Karachi-75190, Pakistan.
Safdar Ali Soomro, Sajjad Ahmed Soomro, Abdul Ghafoor Memon, Abdul Baqi
Due to the absence of a central trusted router in WANETs, nodes have to trust each other when routing data packets. The required mutual trust makes WANETs vulnerable to misbehaviors that may arise for several reasons: 1. Faulty nodes may misbehave due to configuration errors or some hardware errors. 2. Selfish nodes may not cooperate in network protocols in order to save energy. 3. Malicious nodes mount attacks with the intent of damaging the network or extracting valuable information from the network. Regardless of misbehavior type, it may cause a performance degradation of the whole network. Therefore, there is a need to secure network protocols in WANETs. A Security is an important issue for ad hoc networks, especially for those security-sensitive applications. To secure an ad hoc network, we consider the following attributes: availability, confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation. Availability ensures the survivability of network services despite denial of service attacks. A denial of service attack could be launched at any layer of an ad hoc network. On the physical and media access control layers, an adversary could employ jamming to interfere with communication on physical channels. On the network layer, an adversary could disrupt the routing protocol and disconnect the network. On the higher layers, an adversary could bring down high-level services. One such target is the key management service, an essential service for any security framework. Confidentiality ensures that certain information is never disclosed to unauthorized entities. Network transmission of sensitive information, such as strategic or tactical military information, requires confidentiality. Leakage of such information to enemies could have devastating consequences. Routing information must also remain confidential in certain cases, because the information might be valuable for enemies to identify and to locate their targets in a battlefield. Integrity guarantees that a message being transferred is never corrupted. A message could be corrupted because of benign failures, such as radio propagation impairment, or because of malicious attacks on the network. Authentication enables a node to ensure the identity of the peer node it is communicating with. Without authentication, an adversary could masquerade a node, thus gaining unauthorized access to resource and sensitive information and interfering with the operation of other nodes. Finally, non-repudiation ensures that the origin of a message cannot deny having sent the message. No repudiation is useful for detection and isolation of compromised nodes. When a node A receives an erroneous message from a node B, non-repudiation allows A to accuse B using this message and to convince other nodes that B is compromised. In this paper we focus on DOS attacks in wireless ad hoc networks. An attacker causes congestion in the network by either generating an excessive amount of traffic by itself, or by having other nodes generate excessive amounts of traffic. In wireless networks, DOS attacks are difficult to prevent and protect against. They can cause a severe degradation of network performance in terms of the achieved throughput and latency.
In general, two kinds of attacks are launched against wireless networks, passive and active attacks. Passive attacks achieve their goals without disrupting the operation of the communication. They include eavesdropping on packet exchange within the wireless
channel to achieve different goals such as launching offline attacks to find out a secret key, e.g. [2, 3] exploit a well known vulnerability in IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol that uses wired equivalent privacy (WEP) algorithm for data encryption. The attacker needs only to capture a certain amount of encrypted packets in order to launch a probabilistic attack to find out the encryption key within some seconds. An attacker can also know more about the network topology by analyzing routing packets. For example, when a specific node is requested more frequently, then the attacker may anticipate that this node plays an important role in the network and may launch a denial of service (DoS) attack on it. Jellyfish attacks are also passive attacks, as they conform to all protocol specifications and do not inject any packet in the network. Detecting passive attacks is a hard task. In active attacks, Goals are achieved by disrupting the normal functionality of the communications. Active attacks include modification of packets, creation of false packets and continuous channel access.
Safdar Ali Soomro, Sajjad Ahmed Soomro, Abdul Ghafoor Memon, Abdul Baqi
MAC Layer MAC layer incorporates functionality uniquely designed to WMN as stated in draft 3.0 released in March, 2009 [4]. In particular, this includes the ability to discover networks, join and leave networks, and coordinate access to the radio medium. Possible DoS attacks are given below [6]: 1) MAC Misbehavior: DoS attack can be implemented via corrupting CTS / RTS frames by following steps: a) Unprompted CTS Attack: An attacker transmits a CTS message with a long message duration causing all recipients to halt transmission for this duration. b) Reactive RTS Jamming Attack: Whenever a node detects an RTS message, it disrupts these messages by immediately initiating a transmission. The effects of this attack are exacerbated by the exponential back-off scheme. c) CTS Corrupt Jamming: Upon receipt of a RTS message, an attacker transmits noise during the CTS response. 2) Selfish attack: The selfish nodes will reduce the resource of Wireless channel which can be used by legitimate nodes, thereby affect the network performance, and even interrupt the network service. There are two categories of selfish nodes in WMN, selfish client nodes and selfish router nodes. Selfish client nodes access WMN with selfish strategy to achieve greater throughput, reduce power consumption and improve QoS. Selfish router nodes use selfish strategy top result in the congestion of network or even the denial of service. With the characteristics of multi-hop and public access, it is more vulnerable for WMN to selfish client nodes attack. The selfish attacks in router nodes will also have significantly impact on the entire network performance. Routing Layer According to Draft 3.0 released in March, 2009 [3], RA-OLSR routing protocol has been eliminated and HWMP exists. Various DoS attacks are listed below [7]. 1) Blackhole Attack: In this attack, the malicious nodes broadcast itself as most optimal node for data forwarding. The malicious nodes then drop packets and hence deny the service. 2) Greyhole attack: This attack is a small variation from the Blackhole attack. In opposition to the Blackhole attack, Greyhole routers (malicious nodes) do not drop all the packets just drop selective packets. 3) Wormhole attack: In a wormhole attack, an attacker receives packets at one point in the network, "tunnels"them to another point in the network in order to create a shortcut (or wormhole) [8] in the network through use of a single long-range directional wireless link or through a direct wired link to a colluding attacker, and then replays them into the network from that point. The malicious node can use this position to maliciously drop packets in order to deny the services in the WMN. 4) Jellyfish attack: It is done by complying protocols for packet dropping in malicious way to deny the services. 5) Byzantine attack: Attacks where the adversary has full control of an authenticated device and can perform arbitrary behavior to disrupt the system are referred to as Byzantine
04 Journal of Information & Communication Technology
attacks [9]. 6) Sybil attack: A Sybil attack [10] is essentially an impersonation attack, in which a malicious device illegitimately fabricates multiple identities, behaving as if it were a larger number of nodes (instead of just one). Malicious device additional identities are referred to as Sybil identities or Sybil nodes. 7) Flooding attack: The attacker transmits a flood of packets toward a target node or to congest the network and degrade its performance. A flooding DOS attacks are difficult to handle. Attacker may use any type of packets to congest the network.
Safdar Ali Soomro, Sajjad Ahmed Soomro, Abdul Ghafoor Memon, Abdul Baqi
erroneous address, preventing the victim from ever receiving the ACK packet it needs to proceed. In RFC 2267, Ferguson and Senie described network ingress filtering that can prevent attackers from using forged source addresses to launch a DOS attack [12]. Strengths: Effectively stops attackers within the originating network from forging source addresses that do not conform to ingress filtering rules. Weaknesses: This technique does nothing to address flooding attacks that originate from valid IP addresses, and may negatively affect mobile IP services [12].
Weaknesses: Server response time may be slower due to the larger "connection pending" data structure it needs to search [17].
4.3.1 Cookies
Cookie-based approaches change in the TCP signaling behavior by using one-way hash functions to verify the authenticity of connection requests. Bernstein and Bona suggested a stateless cookie approach. When a client sends a SYN packet, the server calculates a one-way hash of the sender's sequence number, ports, the server's secret key, and a counter that changes every minute. The server sends the result of the one-way hash to the client, and the connection is not established. When the client replies with an ACK packet, the server recalculates the same hash function and throws away the packet if it fails to authenticate with the server. Otherwise, set up the Transmission Control Block, if it doesn't already exist [20, 21]. Strengths: Memory is never exhausted by SYN flood DOS attacks, as CPU time is used to calculate hash values.
Vol. 4, No. 2, (Fall 2010) 07
Safdar Ali Soomro, Sajjad Ahmed Soomro, Abdul Ghafoor Memon, Abdul Baqi
Weaknesses: In case of packet loss, the server is prevented from sending SYN+ACK packets, breaking TCP semantics [17]
to usage policies, virus activity, and pre-attack probes, and other malicious hacking activities. Thus, ID capabilities transcend DOS detection. Weaknesses: In 1998, Ptacek and Newsham described ways to evade ID systems using insertion attacks, evasion attacks, and DOS attacks. The authors of the paper found serious weaknesses in four 1996 versions of popular products (RealSecure, NetRanger, SessionWall, and Network Flight Recorder). Insertion and evasion attacks disrupt reassembly of packets, causing ID systems to accept packets that hosts should reject. They also claimed that the "fail-open" nature of ID systems doesn't deny a hacker's access to the victim network when a monitor system becomes unresponsive due to a DOS attack. For ID systems that are capable of retaliatory attacks, the ID system may be tricked into retaliating a host that has not perpetrated any attacks [27]. Many of these vulnerabilities have been addressed in recent versions of ID systems. Many ID systems rely on rule-based algorithms and these rules need to be updated as new attacks are discovered. ID systems need to be maintained to keep these rules up to date. In April 2000, Securityfocus.org reported that RealSecure uses a Microsoft Jet database to store data collected from detectors at the console. The size of this MDB file cannot exceed 1 Gigabyte, and must be frequently purged [26].
[1] http://embassyinvestigations.org/2011/06/05/securing-ad-hoc-networks/ [2] Andrea Bittau, Wi-Fi Exposed, Crossroad-The ACM Student Magazine, Vol. 11, no.1, September 2004. [3] Mohammed, L.A., Issac B., "DoS Attacks and Defense Mechanisms in Wireless Networks", In 2nd International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems, 2005 [4] IEEE 802.11s Draft 3.0 released in March, 2009. [5] Jeremy J. Blum, Andrew Neiswender and Azim Eskandarian,"Denial of Service Attacks on Inter-Vehicle Communication Networks" in 11th IEEE conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2008, pp 797-802. [6] John Bellardo and Stefan Savage, "802.11 Denial-of-Service Attacks: Real Vulnerabilities and Practical Solutions" in Proceedings of the 12th Conference on USENIX Security Symposium - Volume 12, pp 2-2. [7] Imad Aad, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, and Edward W. Knightly, "Denial of Service Resilience in Ad Hoc Networks" in Proceedings of the 10th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking ,2004, pp 202-215. [8] Yih-Chun Hu, Adrian Perrig and David B. Johnson, "Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Networks" in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 24(2), February 2006, pp 370-380. [9] Kai Han1, Binoy Ravindran1, and E. Douglas Jensen, "Byzantine-Tolerant, Point To-Point Information Propagation in Untrustworthy and Unreliable Networks" in International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, 2007. [10] Douceur, J.R., Donath, J.S. "The sybil attack". In: Proceedings for the 1st International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems, 2002, pp 251-260. [11] C. Schuba, I. Krsul, M. Kuhn, E. Spafford, A. Sundaram, D. Zamboni, "Analysis of a Denial of Service Attack on TCP", Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. [12] P. Ferguson, D. Senie, "Network Ingress Filtering: Defeating Denial of Service Attacks which employ IP Source Address Spoofing" RFC 2267, January 1998. [13] "Egress Filtering v 0.2" GIAC Special Notice, SANS Institute Resources, February 2000. [14] D. Senie, "Changing the Default for Directed Broadcasts in Routers", RFC 2644, August 1999. [15] CIAC, "K-032: DDoS Mediation Action List", Information Bulletin, April 2000.
Safdar Ali Soomro, Sajjad Ahmed Soomro, Abdul Ghafoor Memon, Abdul Baqi
[16] CIAC, "H-02: SUN's TCP SYN Flooding Solutions", Information Bulletin, October 1996. [17] L Ricciulli, P. Lincoln, P. Kakkar, "TCP SYN Flooding Defense", CNDS 1999. [18] A. Cox, "Linux TCP Changes for protection against the SYN attack", September 1996. [19] O. Spatscheck, L. Peterson, "Defending Against Denial of Service Attacks in Scout" [20] D. J. Bernstein, "Syn floods - a solution" [21] R. Bona, "TCP SYN attacks - a simple solution" [22] T. Aura, P. Nikander, ICICS '97, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1334, November 1997, P. 87-97, Springer 1997 [23] C. Dwork, M. Naor, "Pricing via Processing or Combating Junk Mail" [24] A. Juel, J. Brainard, "Client Puzzles: A Cryptographic Countermeasure Against Connection Depletion Attacks", NDSS '99, Proceedings of the 1999 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium [25] C. Meadows, "A Formal Framework and Evaluation Method for Network Denial of Service" [26] "Deploying ISS Realsecure in a Large Scale Environment" [27] T. Ptacek, T. Newsham, "Insertion, Evasion, and Denial of Service: Eluding Network Intrusion Detection" [28] http://faculty.lasierra.edu/~dlin/classes/cpsc433/cpsc433.htm [29] http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/denial_of_service.html [30] http://www.denialinfo.com/dos.html