Assignment 7 Answers Math 130 Linear Algebra

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Assignment 7 answers Math 130 Linear Algebra

D Joyce, Fall 2012

3. Let T : R2 R3 be dened by T (a1 , a2 ) = (a1 + a2 , 0, 2a1 a2 ). Prove that T is linear, nd bases for the null space and the image of T , and compute the rank and nullity of T . To show T is linear, its enough to prove the identity T (c(a1 , a2 ) + (b1 , b2 )) = cT (a1 , a2 ) + T (b1 , b2 ).

Exercises from section 2.1, page 74, exercises 13, Heres the proof. First 10, 12, 18, 20, 37, 38. T (c(a1 , a2 ) + (b1 , b2 )) = T (ca1 + b1 , ca2 + b2 ) 1. True/false. For these statements V and W are by the denition of operations in R2 . That equals nite dimensional vector spaces over a eld F , and T is a function (not necessarily a linear transfor(ca1 + b1 + ca2 + b2 , 0, 2(ca1 + b1 ) (ca2 + b2 )) mation) from V to W . by the denition of T . That equals a. If T is linear, then T preserves sums and c(a1 + a2 , 0, 2a1 a2 ) + (b1 + b2 , 0, 2b1 b2 ) scalar products. True. Thats the denition of linear transformation. by the denition of operations in R3 . And nally b. If T (x + y) = T (x) + T (y), then T is linear. that equals False. In exercise 37 youll show its true in the cT (a1 , a2 ) + T (b1 , b2 ) special case that F is the eld of rational numbers Q, but in exercise 38 youll nd a counterexample by the denition of T again. to the general statement. The null space, or kernel, of T is the set c. The function T is one-to-one if and only if ker(T ) = {(x1 , x2 ) | T (x1 , x2 ) = (0, 0, 0)}. the only vector x such that T (x) = 0 is x = 0. False. Its true when T is a linear transformation, To nd it, solve the vector equation but false in general. (x1 + x2 , 0, 2x1 x2 ) = (0, 0, 0). d. If T is linear, then T (0) = 0. True. That follows from the denition of linear transformations. This equation only has a trivial solution (x , x ) = 1 2 e. If T is linear, then nullity(T ) + rank(T ) = (0, 0), so ker(T ) = 0. Its basis is empty, and dim(W ). False. No, it equals dim(V ). nullity(T ) = 0 The image of T is the set f. If T is linear, then T carries linearly independent subsets of V onto linearly independent subsets im(T ) = {T (x1 , x2 ) | x1 , x2 R}. of W . False. For example, the 0 transformation doesnt. It is spanned by the images of the standard basis g. If T, U : V W are both linear and agree on elements. a basis for V , then T = W . True. A linear transT (e1 ) = T (1, 0) = (1, 0, 2). formation is determined by its values on a basis. T (e2 ) = T (0, 1) = (1, 0, 1). h. Given x1 , x2 V and y1 , y2 W , there ex- These are evidently independent, so together they ists a linear transformation T : V W such that form a basis, so rank(T ) = 2. T (x1 ) = y1 and T (x2 ) = y2 . False. If x1 and x2 Since 0 + 2 = 2, therefore nullity(T ) + rank(T ) = are linearly independent, then its true, but false in dim(R2 ), which veries the dimension theorem for general. this T . 1

10. Suppose that T : R2 R2 is linear, T (1, 0) = V1 where c is any scalar, so T (v1 ) + cT (v2 ), which (1, 4), and T (1, 1) = (2, 5). What is T (2, 3)? Is T equals T (v1 + cv2 ), is also in the image. one-to-one? Thus the image T (V1 ) of V1 is a subspace of W . Second part. Well show that the inverse image of Since (2, 3) = (1, 0) + 3(1, 1), therefore W1 is a subspace of V . T (2, 3) = T (1, 0) + 3T (1, 1) Since 0 W1 , and T (0) = 0, therefore 0 1 T (W1 ). = (1, 4) + 3(2, 5) = (5, 11). Now suppose that v1 and v2 lie in T 1 (W1 ). T is indeed one-to-one, and you can explain why Then T (v1 ) and T (v2 ) lie in W1 . Then for any in various ways. Heres just one reason: Since (1, 4) scalar c, T (v1 ) + cT (v2 ) lies in W1 . But that vecand (2, 5) are two vectors in T s image, and theyre tor is equal to T (v1 + cv2 ), so v1 + cv2 is a vector independent, therefore the rank of T is 2, hence its in T 1 (W1 ). nullity is 2 2 = 0, so its one-to one. Thus the inverse image of W1 is a subspace of V. q.e.d. 3 2 12. Is there a linear transformation T : R R such that T (1, 0, 3) = (1, 1) and T (2, 0, 6) = 37. A function T : V W between two vectors (2, 1)? spaces V and W is called additive if No, since T (2, 0 6) would have to equal T (x + y) = T (x) + T (y) (2)T (1, 0, 3) = (2, 2) according to the rst equation, not (2, 1) as given in the second one. for all x, y V . Prove that if V and W are vector spaces over the eld of rational numbers Q, then 18. Give an example of a linear transformation any additive function from V to W is a linear transT : R2 R2 such that nullity(T ) = rank(T ). formation. Since the nullity plus the rank has to be 2, the What has to be shown here is that for any ratiodimension of R2 , they both have to be 1. Any linear nal number c and vector x, T (cx) = cT (x). Every transformation with them equal to 1 will do. For rational number c is of the form m where m and n n example, T (x1 , x2 ) = (x1 , 0). are integers, and n is a positive integer. You can do this in four steps (in some order). First show T (mx) = mT (x) when m is a positive 20. Let V and W be vector spaces with subspaces V1 and W1 , respectively. If T : V W is linear, integer. 1 1 Second show T ( n x) = n T (x) when n is a postive prove that T (V1 ) is a subspace of W and that integer. T 1 (W ) = {x V | T (x) W1 } Together, the rst and second steps take care of the cases when c = m when m is positive. The next n is a subspace of V . two cases take care of the case when m is zero or Note that the space T (V1 ) is called the image negative. of V1 , and the space T 1 (W ) is called the inverse Third show T (0) = 0. image of W1 . Fourth show T (x) = T (x). First part. Well show that the image of V1 is a Heres the rst step. Since mx is just x added subspace of W . to itself the right number of times, and T preIt includes 0 since 0 = T (0. serves addition, therefore T (mx) = mT (x). (This If both T (v1 ) and T (v2 ) are both elements of the is not a completely rigorous proof, that would reimage with v1 and v2 in V1 , then v1 + cv2 is also in quire mathematical induction.) 2

1 1 The second step. To show that T ( n x) = n T (x), 1 let y = n x. Then by the previous step we know that T (ny) = nT (y). Writing that equation in 1 terms of x we nd that it says T (x) = nT ( n x). 1 Multiplying through by n gives us the desired result 1 1 T (x) = T ( n x). n The third step. Since 0+0 = 0, therefore T (0)+ T (0) = T (0). Subtracting T (0) from each side of the equation, we get the result T (0) = 0. The fourth step. To show T (x) = T (x). Since T (x) + T (x)) = T (x + (x)) = T (0), which equals 0 by the preceding step, subtracting T (x) from each side the equation yields the result T (x) = T (x)). q.e.d.

38. Let T : C C be complex conjugation, that is, T (z) = z. Prove that T is additive, but not linear. T is additive because complex conjugation respects addition: T (z + w) = z + w = z + w = T (z) + T (w) For T to be linear, we would need T (zw) = zT (w), that is, zw = z w, but that isnt the case. q.e.d. Instead zw = z w. Math 130 Home Page at

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