Study Guide For ESC1000 Exam 1

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Study Guide for ESC1000 Exam 1

1. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune 2. Gases of the plants: Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen 3. 4. 5. Fusion: When multiple particles collide to fuse together in order to create a particle with a heavier nucleus. Great amount of energy is released or absorbed. 6. Fission: The splitting of atoms by collision. Atoms split into smaller nuclei and essentially become separate particles. 7. Atom: Smallest subdivision of the element 8. Atomic number:The # of protons and electrons in a neutral atom 9. Mass number: The sum total of protons and neutrons 10. Elements: The natural building blocks of all matter 11. Isotopes: Different forms of the same elements (different neutron#) 12. Ionic compound: A chemical compound in which ions are held together by ionic bonds. 13. Covalent bonds: A molecule formed by covalent bonds in which the atoms share valence electrons 14. Molecule: The smallest physical unit of an element or compound. 15. Electrons: Particles with a negative electrical charge 16. Electron rings or orbits: Electron shells around an atoms nucleus. There could be multiple shells or rings and each contains a fixed number of electrons. 17. Protons: Particles with a positive electrical charge 18. Neutrons: Particles without any charge


20. a) Ocean crust: Basalt composition, 3mile thickness b) Continental crust: Granite composition, 20 mile thickness 21. Mantle: Upper, solid mantle & Lower, plastic mantle. 1800 miles thick 22. Lithospere: Crust + Upper solid mantle. 40 to 60 miles thick 23. Plates of the earth: Moving pieces of lithosphere 24. a) outer liquid core, 1300 miles thick b) Inner solid core 700 miles thick; solid due to superheated solid 25. Superheated solids: A solid with a temp above its normal melting temp 26. Superheated liquids: A liquid with a temp above normal boiling temp 27. Crystal forms: The geometric form of a well-developed crystal 28. Crystal faces: The relatively flat surfaces by which a crystal is bounded 29. Mineral: Naturally occurring, inorganically formed substance with a fixed chemical composition and a limited molecular structure 30. Molecular structure: The 3-d arrangement of the atoms that constitute a molecule 31. Chemical composition: The arrangements and ratio of atoms in molecules or substances. 32. Streak:The color of a powdered mineral 33. Cleavage: The controlled fracture of a mineral producing flat high luster surface 34. cleavage plane: The flat, high luster surfaces produced by the fractures 35. One-directional cleavage: Graphite 36. Two-directional cleavage: Feldspar 37. Five-directional cleavage: Diamond 38. The hardness of the minerals: The resistance of a mineral toward scratching 39. Specific gravity of a mineral: The relative weight of a mineral compared to an equal volume of water

40. luster of the mineral: The ability of a mineral to reflect light 41. Mineral color is called.. 42. Based on silicone, makes up 90% of minerals. (SiO4)


(SiO4) silicon-oxygen tetrahedron

44. Aluminum substitutes for silicone 45. Oxide mineral group: Consists of a metal and oxygen. Ex. Hematite (Fe2O3) 46. Sulfide mineral group: Consists of a metal and sulfur. Ex. Pyrite (FeS2) 47. Sulfate mineral group: Class of minerals containing the sulfate ion (SO4-2) in their structure 48. Carbonate mineral group: Class of minerals containing the carbonate ion (CO32) in their structure 49. Native metals or native elements: Native gold (gold dust/gold nugget), Native silver, Native mercury 50. Develoment of magma (plate collision) Created as a high density ocean plate collides with a low density continental plate and moves under it as it pushes the continental plate upwards.

51. Less dense magma rises as its less dense than the surrounding rocks and structural zone allows movement. 52. Batholiths: Largest type of magma chambers (40< sq.miles area) 53. Stock: Smaller type of magma chamber (40> sq. miles area) 54. Dikes: An elongated intrusion trending across the intruded layers of rock. 55. sills: An elongated intrusion trending parallel to the intruded rock layer. 56. Laccolith: Domed magma chamber created by lifting & separating of crustal rock.

57. Bowen's reaction series: Observation of different mineral formation from the same powdered rock material but heated to different temperatures. 58. Very slow rates of cooling and mineral formation, composed of large visible minerals. 59. Lava in contact with air & water. Instantaneous cooling, resulting in rock composed of glass. 60. Granite: Intrusive, light colors, large visible crystals 61. Diorite: intrusive, intermediate colors, large crystals 62. Gabbro: Intrusive, dark colors, large crystals 63. Rhyolite: Extrusive, Light colors, Small crystals 64. andesite: Extrusive, Intermediate color, Small crystals 65. basalt: Extrusive, Dark color, Small crystals 66. Pumice: Extrusive, Light color, glass 67. Onsidian: Extrusive, intermediate color, glass 68. scoria: Extrusive, Dark color, glass 69. Feather stone:Same as lava rock 70. Prophyritic rock: Igneous rock with different groups of crystals, large and small visible 71. Phenocrysts: Large visible crystals, larger then the groundmass of the igneous rock. 72. Matrix or ground mass: The finer grained mass of material in igneous rock where crystals are embedded. 73. Intrusive activity: Activity below the earths surface 74. extrusive activity: Activity above the earths surface 75. Lava: Molten rock on the surface 76. Vent: Opening in earths crust where molten lava and volcanic gases escape 77. Crater: Circular depression in the ground caused by volcanic activity 78. Caldera: Large depression in the summit of a volcano created by a collapse of volcano and/or major expression. 79. Shield volcano: Largest type of volcano by volume of lava. Fluid lava

80. Cinder cone volcano: Smallest volcanoes with very violent eruptions, pasty lava 81. Composite volcano: Volcanoes built from layer on layer of hardened lava. Also called strato volcano many create pyroclastic clouds. 82. Pahoehoe is another term for fluid lava which forms a smooth and ropy lava flow 83. aa lava another term for pasty lava which forms blocks of lava. 84. Lava plateau: Flat, wide surface that is formed when lava comes out of ground and spreads out very quicky. 85. Pyro clastic debris: Fragments blown out by explosive volcani eruptions containing ash,cinders,blocks etc. 86. Pyroclasti flow or cloud: Fast moving current or cloud of hot gas with ash and cinder emitted during highly explosive volcanic eruption. 87. Crystal settling: The separation of minerals in a magma chamber based on the specific gravity of each mineral

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