Animal Wise by Virginia Morell - Excerpt
Animal Wise by Virginia Morell - Excerpt
Animal Wise by Virginia Morell - Excerpt
Some of the material in this work was adapted from the following: “Minds of
Their Own” in National Geographic (March 2008); “Going to the Dogs” in
Science (August 2009); “Watching as Ants Go Marching—and Deciding—
One by One; Profile of Nigel Franks” in Science (March 2009); “Why
Do Parrots Talk? Venezuelan Site Offers Clues” in Science (July 2011);
and “Inside the Minds of Cats and Dogs” in National Geographic Special
Edition: Cats and Dogs (Spring 2012).
QL.785.M655 2013
ISBN 978-0-307-46144-5
eISBN 978-0-307-46146-9
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
First Edition
stephen walker
Animals have minds. They have brains, and use them, as we do: for experi-
encing the world, for thinking and feeling, and for solving the problems of life
every creature faces. Like us, they have personalities, moods, and emotions;
they laugh and they play. Some show grief and empathy and are self-aware
and very likely conscious of their actions and intents.
Not so long ago, I would have hedged these statements, because the pre-
vailing notion held that animals are more like zombies or robotic machines,
capable of responding with only simple, reflexive behaviors. And indeed there
are still researchers who insist that animals are moving through life like the
half dead, but they’re so . . . 1950s. They’ve been left behind as a flood of new
research from biologists, animal behaviorists, evolutionary and ecological bi-
ologists, comparative psychologists, cognitive ethologists, and neuroscientists
sweeps away old ideas that block the exploration of animal minds. The ques-
tion now is not “Do animals think?” It’s “How and what do they think?”
Hardly a week goes by that doesn’t see a study announcing a new dis-
covery about animal minds: “Whales Have Accents and Regional Dialects,”
“Fish Use Tools,” “Squirrels Adopt Orphans,” “Honeybees Make Plans,”
“Sheep Don’t Forget a Face,” “Rats Feel Each Other’s Pain,” “Elephants See
Themselves in Mirrors,” “Crows Able to Invent Tools,” and (for me, as a dog
lover, a favorite) “Dog Has Vocabulary of 1,022 Words.”
How do scientists know that a dog has such an impressive vocabulary,
that moths remember they were once caterpillars, that blue jays regard other
jays as thieves, or that not only whales but cows, too, have regional accents?
How can we prove that animals think? Once we have done so, what does
that tell us about our relationships with them, and what does it tell us about
Many of us have had some experience—playing with a pet or watching
wildlife—that made us think an animal was planning something, or feeling
joyful or sad. My husband and I are sure that our dog smiles, especially when
he’s playing with us, or when we give him a promised bone, or when we all
are reunited after one of our business trips. We laugh with delight to see his
joy and say things like “Look at how happy Buck is. He’s really excited about
getting his treat.” But is he? Without language, is there any way to rule out
what else he might be thinking about? Maybe he just caught a whiff of a
squirrel’s scent, or some of our old socks, or maybe he’s not smiling at all but
simply doing his best to imitate an expression he often sees on our faces and
perhaps associates with bones or walks but doesn’t fathom in the slightest.
Although, like many pet owners, I’ve often had the gut feeling that my
dog and cats have mental and emotional lives, I’ve never tried to prove this—
I’m a science writer, not a scientist. The only “proof” I can offer is that my
pets’ behaviors, activities, and facial expressions all suggest thoughts and
emotions. Isn’t that one reason, perhaps the main reason, we have pets in our
homes? We want the company of lively, expressive creatures, beings that can
be fun and loving, grumpy and bored, and that relate to and respond to us
as only another living being can. In short, we want to be around something
more than pet rocks.
I don’t think I’ve ever met a pet owner who didn’t have a story about his or
her smart dog or clever cat. Probably we like having smart pets because, like
smart people, they’re interesting and entertaining. And sometimes our smart
pets make us think.
In many ways, it was because of our first very smart dog, Quincie, a
mixed-breed collie, that I began thinking about writing this book. When she
was a puppy, Quincie liked to carry a pine cone in her mouth on our daily
mountain hikes. I don’t know why she enjoyed this, but at the trailhead she
always searched among the cones and picked out one to take with her. One
day, as we hiked up a steep path, she suddenly stopped, set her cone down,
and nudged it over the side of the trail with her nose. She watched intently
as the pine cone tumbled down the slope, and when it reached a certain
momentum raced after it as if she were chasing a rabbit. She had imagined
a game, invented it, and she played it almost every time we hiked that trail.
“She has an imagination!” I remember saying to my husband the first
time Quincie did this. I was surprised, even though, of course, she also played
imaginary games with us, as most dogs do, barking and pretending to be a
“mean” dog when we chased her—though all the while she was also wag-
ging her tail and giving us other signs that this was just for fun. My cats,
too, delight in chasing balls, fabric mice, feathers or bits of cardboard on a
string—all of which they are able to imagine as living prey. But it’s not just
the movement of the toy they enjoy. What they really seem to want is for me
to play the game with them; and they have their methods—a certain cry and
way of looking at me—to let me know this is what we should be doing.
So why was I surprised when our pup invented a game? I think because
at that time, in the late 1980s—not so very long ago—scientists were still stuck
on the question “Do animals have minds?” A cautious search was under
way for the answer, and the researchers’ caution had spilled over to society
at large. In those days, if you suggested that dogs had imaginations or that
rats laughed or had some degree of empathy for another’s pain, certain other
people (and not just scientists) were likely to sneer at you and accuse you of
being sentimental and of anthropomorphizing—interpreting an animal’s be-
havior as if the creature were a human dressed up in furs or feathers. My story
about Quincie remained that: a story, an anecdote I shared only with close,
dog-loving friends. Although I puzzled over Quincie’s inventiveness, I didn’t
know how to interpret her pine cone game or whether to discuss it with the
scientists I often interviewed about animals and animal behavior.
Shortly before watching Quincie invent her game, I had another thinking-
animal experience—this time with a wild animal, an orphaned chimpanzee,
and I was in the company of Jane Goodall, the world’s most famous etholo-
gist, a scientist who studies animals as they go about their lives in the natural
I had traveled to Goodall’s study site in Tanzania, Gombe Stream Na-
tional Park, to interview her for a biography I was writing about her mentor,
Louis Leakey, the renowned fossil hunter who had helped launch her study.
While at Gombe I hoped to have some time to watch the chimpanzees, and
Goodall thought I should as well. She suggested that I join one of her lead
researchers, David Gilagiza, a slender Tanzanian who was then collecting
data on mother-and-infant relationships. He would be concentrating on Fifi,
a much-revered female in the so-called F-family, and her toddler, Fanni, and
infant, Flossi.
Nothing—not the books and articles I had read, or the TV specials I’d
watched—had prepared me for my first encounter with wild chimpanzees.
Gilagiza and I left the park’s guesthouse shortly after dawn and hiked up a
narrow trail that led away from the misty shores of Lake Tanganyika and into
the woods that sheltered the chimpanzees. It was cool and quiet beneath the
forest canopy, and we walked at a steady pace, with Gilagiza stopping now
and then to point out plants of interest or places the chimpanzees favored.
The Gombe forest seemed like paradise. Blue butterflies the size of
my hand fluttered among the flowers and ferns lining the path, while a tin-
kling stream sparkled below the trail. I was just about to ask Gilagiza where
in these happy woods we would find Fifi when two dark, furry shapes—
chimpanzees!—suddenly raced past us. The second one paused just long
enough to slap my legs. “That was Frodo, Fifi’s son,” Gilagiza said, a worried
look on his face. “You must watch out for him!”
Frodo, then in his late teens, would eventually become Gombe’s domi-
nant male. But when I met him, he was simply an ambitious and frustrated
adolescent working his way up the chimpanzee social ladder. Frodo wasn’t
the smartest or most diplomatic of chimpanzees, but he was strong, and as
part of his climb to power he had already beaten up most of the females.
Lately he’d begun testing his prowess against human females. He had at-
tacked some of the women researchers—even Goodall—and I should do my
best to stay out of his way, Gilagiza said. I nodded, although I wasn’t sure how
to keep an eye out for this particular chimpanzee. I’d barely caught a glimpse
of him and didn’t know what I should do if I encountered him again. I also
wondered if he would remember me. And if he did, would he try again to
impress the other males by hitting me? Were chimpanzees capable of that
kind of plotting and planning?
I fell in behind Gilagiza and stayed close—as female chimps often do,
joining males that may protect them from other male attackers.
Frodo was my first encounter with a wild chimpanzee, and I wasn’t sure
what to make of what had happened—or of him. Despite all that I’d read,
I had not expected to so quickly meet a thinking chimpanzee. To see that
type of behavior, I thought, required weeks and months, even years, of care-
ful watching and note taking. Frodo’s slap opened up a host of questions for
which I had no answers. Over the next few days, my questions only grew as we
spent time watching the chimpanzees, most of whom seemed to ignore us.
But that didn’t mean that we were like rocks or bushes to them.
Once Gilagiza and I sat near two chimps who were busily stripping the
leaves from long, skinny twigs—making tools. When they’d readied these
instruments, the chimps took turns dipping them into a small crevice in the
earthy mound of a termites’ nest and deftly extracting the insects—which
they then nibbled as we would peanuts or potato chips. Goodall’s studies had
shown that this termite fishing requires experience, dexterity, and skill. Why
didn’t the chimpanzees merely spend their days collecting easy-to-gather
fruits? That would be the sensible, machinelike response for any animal
hunting food in the wild. I’d rarely thought about how food might taste to
wild animals, yet here were two chimpanzees smacking their lips with de-
light. Could it be that they bothered to fish for termites because they enjoyed
this snack? Why wouldn’t animals seek out pleasure and fun, just as we do?
On another morning, we watched from a greater distance as two male
chimpanzees (neither of them Frodo) brawled through the woods, screaming
and slapping at each other. They puffed up their hair to supersize their bod-
ies and uprooted small trees that they shook at each other like spears. I wasn’t
sure who won or lost this match, but at the end, their wrath spent, one held
out his hand to the other—a gesture so easily understood that Gilagiza didn’t
bother to explain. The two chimps briefly touched, while whimpering, and
went their separate ways. Gilagiza didn’t know what they had been fighting
about, but at the end they patched up their quarrel, just as we do when we
know it’s better to remain friends with someone than to have an enemy.
We also spent time every day with Fifi’s family, usually in picniclike set-
tings under shady fig trees. To my dismay, Frodo, who was Fifi’s eldest son,
was often with them, but he never looked my way. Had he forgotten our
first encounter, or was there no need to put on a show in his family’s pres-
ence? Whatever the reason, he seemed an entirely different chimpanzee. He
feasted quietly with his mother on the sweet fruits or sat with his back to her
so she could groom him, while the young Flossi, pink-faced and bright-eyed,
swung and tumbled among the vines, as playful as any toddler. We spied on
Fifi’s family at dusk, too, as they gathered in the treetops and bent the twigs
and boughs into leafy beds for the night, then snuggled in together—yet an-
other scene that needed no translating.
Although wonderful to watch, none of these were surprising chimpanzee
behaviors. Goodall had thoroughly documented and reported them all. What
I didn’t expect to witness—just as I hadn’t anticipated Frodo’s decision to
involve me in his social ambitions—was one chimpanzee deceiving another.
Goodall had gone to the “station,” a small shed at Gombe, where she had
long provided bananas to the chimpanzees to accustom (or habituate) them
to people. She handed the fruit to the chimps through a barred window. One
afternoon, I watched the proceedings from an adjacent building.
Beethoven, a big male with glossy black fur, was the first visitor. With
him was a young female chimpanzee, Dilly, whose mother had disappeared
when Dilly was a toddler, leaving her an orphan. As a rule, chimpanzees are
raised by their mother, and any orphaned youngsters are cared for by one of
their sisters or aunts. But in this case, it was the male, Beethoven, who’d ad-
opted Dilly, Goodall told me later.* Beethoven was both Dilly’s benefactor,
seeing to it that she had enough to eat from the fruiting trees, and her protec-
tor, keeping her safe during any of the group’s altercations. But Beethoven’s
generosity did not extend to sharing bananas.
* In 1999, genetic tests showed that Beethoven was Dilly’s father, which suggests that the
male chimpanzees somehow do recognize their offspring.
Frans de Waal, who had written extensively about the chimpanzees’ political
machinations, had already established that these apes shared many of the
attributes and abilities of humans. The chimpanzees were so similar to us,
especially in their expressions and gestures, that at the end of each day, after
returning to the guesthouse, I often referred to them as “people” when telling
other tourists all that I’d seen.
Goodall nodded. “Yes, it doesn’t make much sense to say they aren’t
thinking or don’t have emotions,” she said. “Most of us studying animals in
the wild see things like this [Dilly’s deception] all the time. But we’ve learned
to be careful. We can say, ‘If Dilly were a human, we would say she was acting
deceitfully.’ ” To say that Dilly—or any animal—had what we would call sub-
jective or personal experiences would be considered unscientific. Although
some animals might have an inner, mental life, we had no way of asking them
about it and so could not study it.
I asked Goodall how scientists could possibly get around this dilemma.
The rules of the game seemed stacked in such a way as to forever preclude
knowing what was in the mind of another creature. Goodall agreed but added
that because so many researchers were witnessing similar behaviors (and in a
variety of species, not just chimpanzees), she thought the science—the study
of animal cognition and emotions—would change. “It has to,” she said. “It’s
just a matter of time.”
As I listened to Goodall, I realized how little I knew about animal cogni-
tion, how scientists define it or study it. Why didn’t scientists think it possible
to study the thoughts and emotions of animals, particularly one as closely
related to us as a chimpanzee? Weren’t the chimpanzees (not to mention the
baboons that lingered near the guesthouse) thinking? And if they weren’t
thinking, what were they doing? One look at the baboons, which sometimes
hung on the guesthouse’s grated windows while surveying my provisions, and
I knew what was on their minds: They were waiting for me to make a mis-
take—to leave a window or the door unlatched—so they could dash inside
and steal my food. Simple, common sense, and the baboons’ crafty, calculat-
ing eyes told me as much. Why did scientists struggle to explain—or simply
deny—what seemed so obvious to me?
In fact, we have been wrestling with the question of what goes on inside
the minds of animals at least since the time of the Greek philosophers, and
surely long before that.*
* This short history is by no means meant as a comprehensive discussion of all the thinkers
and scientists who in the past have puzzled over the problem of how or if animals think. For
the sake of brevity, I’ve mentioned only a handful of the many people who have explored
these questions.
gested, self-aware and conscious. Griffin called his new approach “cognitive
For a field of science to succeed, researchers need a coherent frame-
work—an overarching theory—to guide their questions. Griffin provided that,
urging his readers to turn to Darwin and seek an understanding of animal
minds through the “evolutionary continuity of mental experience.” Without
evolution as a guide, the cognitive skills of people do not make sense biologi-
cally. What, after all, are the biological roots and history of our cognition?
How have evolutionary processes shaped the ability to think and experience
emotions? What are the mental experiences of other animals? In short, how
and what do animals think?
Griffin, with Darwin in hand, opened a door to these once-forbidden
questions, and by the end of the twentieth century, scientists were rushing
after watching dilly’s deception at Gombe, I’d left with many ques-
tions about what we know and don’t know about animal minds. I added more
questions as the magazines I most often write for, Science and National Geo-
graphic, sent me on assignments to join ethologists and biologists studying a
wildlife lover’s dream list of animals: elephants, lions and cheetahs, hump-
back whales, Ethiopian wolves, pink river dolphins, gelada baboons, howler
monkeys, golden marmosets, poison dart frogs, and a good half-dozen species
of bowerbirds. Each journey was like a crash course in animal behavior—in
learning how to watch and think as the scientists do, with an open mind,
patience, and an alertness to details.
The elephant watchers I joined in Kenya, for instance, recorded every
ear flap of an elephant matriarch and her kin; those subtle movements held
the clues to the decisions the elephants were making and wordlessly told the
other elephants how they were feeling and what they were about to do.
And in Australia, scientists studying the greater bowerbirds mapped and
tabulated the thousands of stones, glass shards, and other decorative bits the
male birds use to ornament their bowers—which are like theatrical stages
where the males sing and dance to attract females. I felt a surge of pity for the
scientist as she knelt next to one bower and showed me the code she’d written
on each little stone and piece of glass—there were hundreds, if not thousands,
of these, and this was only one bower. Yet the dull, time-consuming work
led to the discovery that the bowerbirds aren’t just randomly setting out their
piles of decorations but arranging them to create the illusion of perspective, a
technique often used by artists when painting landscapes. For their illusions,
the birds place the largest ornaments farthest away from the opening of their
twiggy corridors and the smallest ones closest to it. Thus a female bowerbird
standing inside the corridor and looking out would perceive all the items
to be about the same size. The researchers proved that the males intention-
ally create this illusion by rearranging the birds’ displays. The birds quickly
restored every item to its proper place. Bowerbirds, the scientists concluded,
are artists—the first animal, other than humans, that is fully recognized as
having an artistic sense.
Over the years, I noticed that many scientists were increasingly at ease
talking about the likely mental states and experiences of the animals they
were watching—just as Goodall had predicted. Some scientists, such as el-
ephant researcher Joyce Poole, evidenced an almost complete indifference
about anthropomorphizing or earlier ideas that denied animals their minds.
As we drove through Kenya’s Amboseli National Park, Poole addressed the
elephants that came up to her Land Rover’s window as old friends. When
they reached their trunks inside the car to sniff her, she laughed, “Yes, it really
is me. And, yes, I know. I’ve been gone a long time.” From her time among
the elephants, she knew (and had the data to show) that they had long-term
memories and recalled individual elephant friends. They remembered hu-
mans, too, distinguishing between those who had never harmed them and
those who had heaved spears their way.
In Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park, ethologist Sultana Bashir spoke
with sorrow about what fate surely lay in store for a male cheetah we were
watching. Several months prior to my visit, she and other members of the
Serengeti Cheetah Project had placed a radio collar on this sleek cat. We’d
driven long hours over the plains, while tracking the collar’s ping, before
Bashir spotted the cheetah among the grasses. He was standing at the base
* Animals and humans are known to develop health issues from stress; they may even die,
particularly after losing a mate. There is also increasing acceptance of the idea that social
species are badly affected by the loss of a friend or mate. For instance, Laysan albatrosses
are monogamous. They nest on Midway Atoll and don’t breed until they are eight or nine
years old. If they lose their mate, they “go through a year or two of a mourning period,” says
John Klavitter, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist at Midway. “After that, they will
do a courtship dance to try to find another mate.”
Austria, and Kenya—to meet researchers and their animals. At each lab or
field site, I watched raptly as scientists unveiled some aspect of the minds of
insects, parrots, crows, blue jays, fish, rats, elephants, dolphins, chimpanzees,
wolves, and dogs—and what the animals were thinking.
it’s probably best at this point to explain what I mean by thinking. First,
it is an activity that takes place in a physical place, the brain. And second,
to borrow from Richard Dawkins and Steven Pinker, the ultimate goal of
thinking is to help ensure that the individual with the brain successfully re-
produces, thereby making as many copies of the genes that created that brain
as possible. What does an animal need to do in order to replicate? It needs to
eat, so it must be able to find food. It needs some type of territory or home,
so it must be able to find its way through the forest, waters, deserts, or skies,
while avoiding hazards. Often an animal will have to elude predators, defend
its home turf, or compete with others for a mate. And many animals must
raise their young after they are hatched or born.
Animals must learn how to do many of these tasks, and this learning re-
quires them to have memories and the ability to respond to new experiences
and new information. The main purpose of learning and memories, and of
cognition overall, is to reduce the uncertainties of life and to help an animal
predict what may happen in the future.
Thinking in its simplest form may be something like information process-
ing, as scientists such as Alan Turing, one of the key thinkers in the cognitive
revolution, suggested in 1950. A brain takes in information via the senses—
eyes, tongue, ears, skin, feather, scales, electrically sensitive whiskers, and so
on—processes it, and produces a decision in the form of an action or behav-
ior. The action, of course, leads to more information and to another behavior,
so that a loop is created between senses, thoughts, and behaviors. Or, as a
pair of biologists wrote, thinking “tempers the raw sensory information and
prepares new electrical signals to further influence thought and behavior.”
Often simple cognition is compared to the set of instructions that directs
a computer as it processes data. Of course, that is only a metaphor for how
a mind works. In most organisms, the instruction set is much more compli-
cated. Learning, memory, hormones, emotions, gender, age, personality, and
social factors—all the messiness of biology—come into play, too.
In human psychology, there’s no longer a question about whether cogni-
tion operates separately from the emotions. It doesn’t. There aren’t separate
pathways in the brain for thinking and for emotional feelings; they work to-
gether on a single track. The same is probably true for all vertebrates, possibly
even some invertebrates—even though animals’ emotional states are seldom
studied. We know less about the emotional side of animal cognition than any
other aspect. Comparative psychologists and cognitive ethologists don’t deny
that animals have emotions, but, as Frans de Waal has pointed out, they have
not discovered how to study them.
Many researchers shy from the problem of animal emotions because they
worry that such “inner states” cannot be studied—basically, the same argu-
ment behaviorists once used as the reason not to study cognition. I’ve also
heard it argued that animal emotions are likely very simple and/or vastly dif-
ferent, even “alien,” from those of humans (as if species other than us came
from another planet). There is simply no evidence to back up such state-
ments. Because evolution is conservative (for instance, human brains and
those of all vertebrates, including fish and amphibians, use the same set of
chemicals to transmit signals), it’s more likely that many of our emotions
are similar to those of other animals, as de Waal notes. Why, after all, rein-
vent sensations, such as fear, pain, or love, and the internal states or mental
representations that accompany these? Emotions most likely help animals to
survive and reproduce.
When I use the term thinking, I’m not implying that animals have lan-
guage, because thinking does not require language. Thoughts can come as
vivid mental images. For instance, the poetry of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
often appeared to him in a visual way, and Albert Einstein wrote that his
insights typically came as a result of picturing himself doing something like
riding a beam of light. Scientists don’t know how thoughts are represented
in the minds of animals, but some speculate that other animals also think
graphically, perhaps in pictures, possibly even animation.
Thinking may or may not require being conscious, depending on how
consciousness is defined; it’s a term that scientists have yet to agree on. In
the past, only philosophers studied consciousness. But in recent years, neuro-
scientists and evolutionary biologists have entered this debate, arguing that
because the mind is based in biology, consciousness must be as well—and
it must have evolved. “Consciousness does not belong only to humans; it
belongs to probably all forms of life that have a nervous system,” the distin-
guished neuroscientist Rodolfo Llinas commented in a 2001 interview for
NOVA. He explained, “This is basically what consciousness is about—putting
all this relevant stuff there is outside one’s head inside, making an image
with it, and deciding what to do.” Scientists do not yet know how conscious-
ness emerges from the neurons and organization of the brain, but they are
making good progress, gaining insights both from neurological patients who
have suffered some type of altered consciousness and from monkeys and rats
whose brains are scanned while they are making decisions. Several leading
cognitive neuroscientists and neuroanatomists are now so confident about
the biological basis of consciousness and the idea that other animals are con-
scious that they wrote a declaration on the subject at a University of Cam-
bridge conference in 2012. It declares, in part, that “humans are not unique
in possessing the neurological substrates that generate consciousness. Non-
human animals, including all mammals and birds, and many other creatures,
including octopuses also possess” these—and therefore, they must be con-
scious. Other mental abilities may be linked to consciousness—such as self-
awareness, empathy, insight, and something called “theory of mind,” which
is the ability to attribute mental beliefs, desires, and intentions to both oneself
and others. These, too, must be “evolved, emergent qualities of brains,” as the
evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has described consciousness. And,
as such, it is most likely that there are degrees of each one of these abilities
in various species throughout the animal kingdom, with the most advanced
found in species possessing complex nervous systems and the biology for con-
there is one more point to be made about animal minds and evolution.
Evolution is not a progressive force. Although it was once thought that there
was a scale of nature or a Great Chain of Being, with all the forms of life as-
cending in some orderly, preordained fashion—from jellyfish to fish to birds
to dogs and cats to us—this is not the case. We are not the culmination of
all these “lesser” beings; they are not lesser and we are not the pinnacle of
evolution. We are not more highly evolved—either physically or mentally—
than our closest genetic ancestor, the chimpanzee.* Nor, despite the belief of
many cat owners, are cats more evolved than dogs. Evolution is not linear. It
is divergent—which means that we all sit on the limbs of a bushy tree, each
species as evolved as the next, the anatomical differences largely a result of
ecology and behavior.
The processes of natural selection have shaped every organism on the
tree of life in response to the challenges its ancestors faced. Species that
haven’t succeeded are no longer on the bush; they are extinct. That’s why
sharks, which have been on earth more than four hundred million years,
are considered one of the most successful animals. In comparison, our spe-
cies, Homo sapiens, has been present for only about two hundred thousand
years, and it remains to be seen how long we will last. Our human brains
are undeniably more complex anatomically than those of sharks. But sharks
have survived throughout the ages because they have evolved brains perfectly
designed for how they hunt, find mates, and reproduce in their environment.
Although there is no scale of nature and no Great Chain of Being, I’ve
nevertheless organized my book beginning with animals whose brain anat-
omy is relatively simple and progressing to those that are more complex. I’ve
not attempted to summarize everything that researchers now know about a
given animal’s cognition. Instead, I’ve selected specific discoveries that illus-
trate something new about animal minds and that show how scientists study-
ing animal cognition go about their pursuit and why these researchers are
* In 1992, the leading neuroscience journal Brain, Behavior and Evolution officially an-
nounced the end of the use of the scale of nature in articles discussing the evolution of the
brain. It declared that “vague, subjective descriptors such as ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ should be
avoided” when referring to animal groups.
drawn to their subjects. The book opens with a visit to an ant lab to illustrate
how little neural tissue is required for impressive feats of cognitive processing;
and it ends with my meetings with wolf and dog researchers, who are trying to
tease apart why some of the cognitive abilities of our canine friends are more
similar to those of humans than are those of our closest genetic cousins, the
chimpanzees. I had also hoped to visit scientists investigating cats’ mental tal-
ents, but unfortunately very few researchers have looked into the feline mind.
Those I spoke with emphasized that cats are bright—they’re quick observa-
tional learners, for instance—but because cats are independent creatures, get-
ting them to repeat experiments (as is typically required in cognitive studies)
is extraordinarily difficult. Immanuel Birmelin, an ethologist at the Society
of Animal Behavior Research in Germany, explained how patient he’d had to
be in order to run a test to see if cats can count: “One of the cats would do the
test once in the morning—only!” he recalled. “Another would do it once in
the afternoon—only!” It had taken him four years to show that cats can count
to four. Nevertheless, I’ve added descriptions of studies about cats and how
they think wherever possible.
As I wrote the book, I struggled with the use of pronouns, specifically
whether to use “who” or “that” to identify an animal. It is standard practice
to refer to an animal as “that” but I found myself unable to do this. Alex,
the gray parrot, was not a “that”—a thing or an object—any more than was
Frodo, the chimpanzee, or Betsy, the language-proficient smart dog. In the
end, I settled for a halfway measure, using “who” when writing about known
individual animals, and “that” for more general cases. It is not a perfect solu-
tion, but it does illustrate the larger question and issues we face as we begin to
recognize fully the cognitive and emotional natures of animals.
if you’re most interested in why our human minds are unique, you’ll
need to read a different book. I went in search of the minds of animals to
better grasp how the other creatures around us perceive and understand the
world. What do they think about and how do we know this? Why does it mat-
ter? I don’t know if knowing more about animal minds will help improve the
spite of the difference in their sizes, our two dogs decided they wanted to
meet. They were somewhat wary at first, giving each other sideways glances.
Then Buck started slowly wagging his tail, as did the Chihuahua. Watching
the two, the Chihuahua’s owner asked, “I wonder what they’re thinking?”
It’s a question many of us have surely asked, and it’s the question that
drives the scientists in these pages. With new ideas and techniques, they’re
finally fully exploring what was once one of the most forbidden realms on
earth: the animal mind.