Wan The Italian 10
Wan The Italian 10
Wan The Italian 10
a tiny silk hat on his head and a tiny gold-headed cane under his wing
and send him walking into my room at night. It would make no
impression on me. I would not shout, "Good god almighty, the birds
are in charge!" But you could send an owl into my room, dressed only
in the feathers it was born with, and no monkey business, and I would
pull the covers over my head and scream.
James Thurber
One makes oneself a visionary by a long immense and reasoned disordering of the
Chapter 1………………………………………………………….I
Chapter 2…………………………………………………………N
Chapter 3…………………………………………………………F
Chapter 4…………………………………………………………O
Chapter 5…………………………………………………………R
Chapter 6……………………………………………………...…M
Chapter 7……………………………………………………..….A
Chapter 8……………………………………………………;…..T
Chapter 9……………………………………………………..….I 9
Chapter 10…………………………………………………….…O
Chapter 11……………………………………………………….N1
Chapter 12……………………………………………………….C
Chapter 13……………………………………………...………..I
Chapter 14……………………………………………...……….G
Chapter 15…………………………………………...………….A
Chapter 16………………………………………………..……..R
Chapter 17……………………………………………….……...S
Chapter 18………………………………………………………T mm
Two winged shapes struggle to maintain their course beneath giant clouds the color of
rocks. The brutal Arctic wind chases and kicks the birds, a pair of pigeons. They fly close
to each other. Below them, the endless avant garde of an army of waves rush toward the
fjords. The stinging air from the Southwest tastes like wet birch trees, swollen rivers and
melting snow. There is the distant stench of frozen corpses thawing.
The wind retreats. The scene changes immediately, magically becoming an aria. The
afternoon sun sparkles on the water. Unseen mountains, the pine forests, magnetic fields,
saltwater and lilacs and meadow flowers all harmonize and guide the birds. After two
hundred miles of flying, home is near and soon there will be the togetherness of rest, food
and dreaming.
Falcon claws,sharp beneath black lightning. A muffled ripping snap. The fierce bird
gallops away clutching my mother’s uselessly flapping body. Her blood leaves her
feathers. My father’s heart breaks and his body falls like a rag.
Truffles Marina, where lawyers swim in circular pools. Mistresses look at chocolate
things. White yachts wait for wrinkled fat tanned Europeans. Palm trees and haze. There
will be a lovely wedding reception today and the Pilipino staff are hanging hearts about
the place. The white wedding cake looks fabulous. A bridge to another country is nearby,
tall above the water. Yesterday, while his wife did yoga, a funds manager was in the gym.
One section of his brain commanded his muscles to lift weights repeatedly. Other sections
of his brain recreated many memories. An hour later, he cried as he showered.
Now his body is heavy with seawater and empty of blood. Tiny fish nibble his wrists.
The yacht drifts towards a pillar beneath the bridge. The blood of his wife: lots of reddish
coffee spilled on the bed. Her jewelry flashes in the spacious, airy bedroom. “Don’t you
think this is rather more depressing than not?” were her last words.
Two brothers cut themselves while climbing over the barbed wire that tops a long
floating fence. Invisible men on patrol boats aim searchlights at them unsuccessfully.
Soaked with exhaustion, they slowly climb onto the fenced shore as if crawling into a
cage. The area is covered with freshly cut grass. If the grass were not cut, the place would
quickly become a jungle.
Di mana bumi dipijak, di situ langit dijunjung" ("You should hold up the sky of the land
where you live").[4]
He waits by the shore, waits by the jetty as the sun sets. He cries when it becomes dark
and as he sobs when he sees a couple making out in a car with wings painted on it. When
he speaks to himself we realize that the man perceives of himself as a bird, a social bird.
The society of birds which he was a member of was a loft on a ship. The loft was over a
hundred years old, though several ships had carried it.
A few birds from Malta had been kept by XXXX, a sailor who traveled around the coast
of Africa in the years following the Second World War. Those birds had been come from
Italian and Dutch stock.
I think now it would be 10% being a social bird, 30% being lost and 60% the frustration
of not having a mate.
WOW World of Wings. There had been that logo on the ship. In fact he was hatched
beneath it.
Pigeons will feed any young pigeons and they fed me.
Alas, I am a pigeon.
A pigeon is first and foremost, a social yet monogamous creature that lives for dreaming,
dreaming in pairs Thus when Wan reaches land , the ‘alas’ likely refers to the fact that he
is now alone in a land he does not know. Because dreaming is dependent upon knowing
where you are, he cannot dream.
Bird-chicken food
Bird Orchard towers
Aurait-il quelqu'un qui serait au courant du phénomène Ovni à l'île de la Réunion ? Ils en auraient
parlé sur RFO3....
Chapter 2…………………………………………………………N
I, 1
Noah and Thunder
Chocolate and red wine
A bicycle is so much like a skeleton.
I believe I now know what men and women do in hotels.
Wan asks why so few gulls are in this place, Ed answers that it takes
most pigeons many lifetimes to become ready to seek perfection.
The Elder Pigeon, who is almost ready to move to the next world,
tells Wan that there is no such place as heaven, that heaven is
merely attaining perfection. He tells Wan he must master perfect
literature, which is the same thing as having a piece written before
you start writing. If a pigeon puts aside writing to attain perfection, the
pigeon can write in any place or any time simply by thinking it.
Under the Elder Pigeon’s tutelage, Wan masters this technique.
The real trick is to know you’ve already written, as pigeons are
limitless in their writing technique. After mastering perfect writing
technique, the Elder says that one must become ready to elocute
kindness and love.
The Elder Pigeon turns bright and disappears, theoretically into the
next world, and Wan again heads out. Hoping to find his old loft he
supposes there must be other outcasts like himself, awaiting writing
instruction. Wan finds the recently outcast LuAnn Watercress and
begins to teach her. In a month, Wan has seven students.
Wan decides to take them all back to the loft to teach them the
limitlessness of writing. They hold writing practice on the roof until all
the others join. Wan is alternately accused of being the Son of the
Great Pigeon and the Devil as writing miracles occur. Once the flock
is all practicing, Wan leaves his flock to teach other flocks.
Watercress is left behind to continue writing instruction.
This simple tale can be interpreted in many ways. The most obvious
is that the tale is an allegory for Buddhism and the Bodhisattva who
decides to teach instead of ascending to Nirvana.
Chapter 3…………………………………………………………F
The mysterious hills of the forest
Turbines West North Education Centre lots of twins 21, 26 in 1995
Block 140 Turbines Street 12 21 twins 4-6 years old Principal Andromeda Yeo
1 pair of twins every three blocks
railroad track to the northern country Bukit Lamah station
Blackmore Drive
Garden rd 7 near Ayer lamah Jalan Town hall Rd.
Hey Singers vhs bars and tone
Solitary Stevens rd grave Teo Chew-because of the characters
The body is behind the headstone
Mountains and water make a good resting point
About 100 years old lions mean status or government official relatives from the northern
country clean it
Regal Air terminal
There you go. Heavy traffic. The Flying Dutchman. Canned laughter. I am surprised he
didn’t break up with his wife earlier.
Cable cars
I also receive this signal: The Flyer’s spinning again. The paper signals confuse me. In
this case I can explain why easily: a flyer does not spin, regardless of the wind
conditions. Even a bird with a brain disease does not say it is flying if it goes in circles. I
must check my human songs. Even if I only eat a worm for breakfast, I can fly over the
ground life for hours. In human songs, on this island, a body is a flyer if one enters a cage
and moves at barely different altitudes at a slow pace. As I fly by the Flyer, I see they are
smiling. Perhaps they have eaten fermented worms or maybe they are ones with weak
wings and this moving cage gives them the feeling of flying.
I ask the wind these questions and I ask the Earth these questions and I ask others like me
in the air. They all tell me that the human songs are untrue. As I slowfly away from the
circular cage I am confused.
It is difficult to understand how some birds can be happy while they are caged. Freedom
terrifies them. The salesgirl from the Singing Company giggled when the farmer
mentioned freedom.
A bell opens and closes the doors to a room with a wall of glass. The room flies! Nearby
are the lines and glass of the other parts of the building and then there is the street and
then there are other buildings. I have never heard the others talk about flying rooms!
The bell makes the door open and there is so much to see! The colors of the roofs.
The tops of the cars, the people as big as crumbs.
And into a room with more books than I have ever seen at one time and windows as tall
as cliffs. A circle far away and before that two spiky eggs by the water. And the room
where I heard my mother. A young female pecked a metal stick and a window opened on
the box in front of her. My mother was singing.
A black and white with a tennis court and a swimming pool. From his exercise bike on
the second floor a man watches a group of mynah birds as they pick up ants, then rub
them against their feathers again and again. There are parasites on the birds. When the
ants are crushed, they release formic acid, which kills the parasites and cleans the
The old man on the bicycle first observed this forty years ago. He harvested the same
ants, crushed them and used them to clean the feathers of his birds.He told none of the
other pigeon racers about this technique, considering it as one of his many secret
As nest prices fall, a huge amount of financial folly is being exposed. You only learn who
has been swimming naked when the tide goes out - and now the tide is out and all we see
are fat naked bodies screaming for food."
Businesses are run by people and the best people are not necessarily the ones with the
flashiest CVs. Wan singles out Mancy Mackenzie, managing director of his jewellery
retailer Ringland. "Mancy came to Ringland 30 years ago as a $3.75-an-hour
saleswoman. She's smart, she loves the business and she loves the people she works with.
That beats having an MBA degree any time."
The Singing Company Charlie Chaplin, Cat woman, and a Marilyn Monroe
on some sort of growth pills. The grave on Thompson Rd.
Bird’s eye view. Square nests make it difficult to dream. “Don’t you think it’s rather more
depressing than not?”
A black and white with a tennis court and a pool. In tennis, love means nothing.
’l’oeuf..the egg. Oh are you a pgeon person? I could show you my tare
pigeon ring collection. Um how do they get the rings off?
Chop ‘em off course. How else, silly?
Best Old Bird.
It’s not a question of the dirds flying home-you want the birds to race home. You can do
that by terror, If a parent thinks the chicks are in trouble, she’ll nearly kill herself to
getback as fast as she can. You can do it with lust and frustration. If a cock knows he’s
gonna rub tailfeathers with the hottest hen in the loft,
This past young bird season, I flew the birds on the light system. I will bet that the 500
miles surrounding your home was largely peaceful. Basically the youngsters are weaned at
24 days old and put on 20 hours of light. Here in my lifetime, on this tiny island my fellow
citizens were taken to the beach and shot by invaders. The lights go on at sunrise and go
off 20 hours later. The government of the large country bordering us to the south killed
about half a million of its citizens. You have to keep adjusting the timer as the sunrise gets
earlier, but the 20 hours of light always starts at sunrise. The country to the north was full
of revolutionaries and chaos. I continue this until June 21st, the longest day of the year. As
you know, countries from around the world fought a poisonous war in another
neighboring country to the north. Then the birds are on normal daylight hours for the
remainder of the season.Now you see peace and prosperity. We consistently place in the
top ten.I cannot deny that I am a rich man nor can I deny that I made mistakes. The
charges against us are made up by jealous opponents. I know how to use words and I am
the best singer/songwriter. The people here enjoy my songs.
Grandson explanation Do you fly to the perch? Do you fly widowhood or natural?
My old bird team is flown on the natural system. The old birds raise one young bird
before the races start and for the remainder of
June 29.1997
Worst day in racing pigeon history. Tens of thousands of birds were lost. The Concord has
pushedall of the sound so far into their ears that they became insane and lost.
Bird singing contests
Chapter 4…………………………………………………………O
These birds somehow knew they were different from their ancestors. Every bird before
them lived on the land, acknowledged the land as being the best place to dream. But the
birds of XXXX knew that their land moved, that there was no firmament in their life.
Though they were still and dreaming at night, when they woke up the sun was in a
different position and the magnetic fields were different and the air contained always
different smells. Humans have a story about a man named Noah who lived on a boat with
animals-that was the only story that could compare with theirs.
The people in charge don't really believe they'll get 8pc, but pretending they will means
they can contribute less and thus boost their reported profits. "If they are wrong, the
chickens won't come home to roost until long after they retire."
You tell that you've got ev'rything you want,
And your bird can sing,
But you don't get me,
You don't get me.
Chapter 5…………………………………………………………R
. Sunday girl by Blondie.
Pigeons do not have breasts.
Cars= beaks with wind.
Soaked and ruined
Same statement interpreted too different ways economical bee hoon
The paper signals: Student pilot who crashed in Johor is part of the Elite Flying Club.
But surely it is not for poems to perform the socially-useful or a "nation-building" function
of spurring creativity. Descarte's own project was a lesson in how not to use poems.
Engineering a poetry of public relevance is neither realistic nor plausible. In her 1998
collection of essays, "Living in Hope and History", the South African writer and Nobel-Prize
winner for literature Nadine Gordimer makes this distinction very clearly, almost poetically:
Nor should we make the mistake of assuming that creativity is undifferentiated and all of a
breed. Risk-taking innovation and profiteering creativity is of a different order from the
handicraft skills used to compose sonnets, free verse, rhyming couplets or pantuns. Some
may maintain that one can never really be too sure. Granted, the wellsprings of inventiveness
are notoriously difficult to fathom. But it is merely common-sense to recognise the limits of
the poem as an art-form and look beyond it.
In the same collection, Gordimer asks a key question on the relationship between poetry and
the new forces of communication:
"…people engage in cultural exchange of a kind, in the contradictory isolation, alone with a
screen, through texts and graphics conjured up on the Internet. There is even a lyricism of
international Internet jargon - its basic procedure is known by the poetic verbal imagery
'surfing the Net'. Is this a globalisation of poetry on a scale previously unimaginable, or a
sign of the global subsumption of arts in the unquestionable, already achieved globalisation
of electronics?'
When banding birds, band goes on right leg and upside down. Judge holds the head of the
bird to his chest.
Only the law leading to freedom is valid, Wan proclaims.
Dove someone who loves peace.
This story flies where it is supposed to fly, like the Neil Diamond song about the page
that aches for a word that speaks of a theme which is timeless
Chapter 6……………………………………………………...…M
The Cumulet of Antwerp is a high flying endurance pigeon that was known to fly so high
that it would disappear from sight. The Smerle or Liege, is a known for rapid flight over
short distances.
The Giant Homer is a show or squabbing bird. They weigh from 30 to 40 oz.
The Philadelphia Blacks
550 mile long race
Chapter 7……………………………………………………..….A
As the crow flies like a self learning robot. pecking order. Happy Wings loft. Aim High
Fly High
When you know you're the best, you can afford to tell it like it is.
Quark Clay
3. Old Porter Rd
4. A pigeon was eaten whole by a vulture. The pigeon survived but its wings were
broken. It was able to speak to the vulture and soon asked about the altitude.
The vulture replied. “We’re 100 feet above ground”.
This relieved the pigeon. After a while, however, the pigeon again was concerned about
the altitude. Vultures are poor flyers compared to pigeons. “Mr. Vulture, “the pigeon
asked, “How high are we?”
The answer was 500 feet.
Time passed. Another question. This time the answer was 1000 feet.
More time passed, another question. 2000 feet
Eventually the answer was 5000 feet. This terrified the pigeon. There was no chance of
surviving a fall from this height. He asked another question: Mr. Vulture…5000 feet!
You’re not shitting me, are you?”
5. Shard Rd.
Wan confuses wrist watches with the bands on pigeons’ legs.
Best story 3
The words above are the only words which left the dreamteller’s
mouth. However, nearly every syllable was enhanced with self-
generational magnetic fields.
He used his wings for percussion and bass and of course he sang those
words. His glands had been trained and they performed perfectly,
creating the scents of the story on cue. Discretely, he pulled
dreamparticles from the audience, and placed them between the
dolphins and the birds. He moved his hat subtly and quickly so that his
face resembled a monkey’s. Twisting his body against the spotlight he
seemed to be speaking to us during a morning chat, an afternoon tea
and a moonlit stroll.
When the applause finally died down hours later, we were all full and rested. To
this day, some pigeons swear that they vacationed on a tropical island where
they learned the mythology of dolphins and were served fermented mango juice
by cheerful monkeys. Several of the chicks from the next season of hatches were
given the storyteller’s name.
The first toss was organized by the M.R.P. C, in 1945 from a point known as I-Ahrax tal
–Mellieha. The Times of Malta and Il-Berqa were present with their photographers. for
the occasion.
Now Wan understands. In the loft Mario had somehow made the young hens act like old
hens.The instability of youth occasionally produced a brilliantly fast, desperately lovesick
female that would win a race, but most of the time the immaturity led to the hen getting
lost, attacked or finding a new mate.
Some will get blown off course and end up in mainland China or even the Philippines, while
others will succumb to the squall and be swallowed by the roaring sea.
"What did it feel like? Write the story of the first person (not a member of your family)
you ever kissed.
Kubit Harem
Fort Jarring
east coast
Sceptre hotel
Chapter 8……………………………………………………;…..T
Little India
I was very happy to learn about Facenest
Alphabet buildings
Chapter 9……………………………………………………..….I 9
Legal- somehow this order exists though often the executors are exempt
Best story 4
"We were hatched here on the Flonest, had terrific parents who saw that we got good
educations, have enjoyed wonderful families and great health, and came equipped with a
'business' gene that allows us to prosper in a manner hugely disproportionate to that
experienced by many people who contribute as much or more to our society's well-
Despite (or perhaps because of) that grounded approach to life, Wan has enjoyed
stratospheric investment success.
In 43 years, Wan has failed to beat the market on only six occasions.
Invest this way and you don't need to constantly look for the next "new" thing, with all
the risk that necessarily entails.
Only four things really count when making an investment - "a business you understand,
favourable long-term economics, able and trustworthy management, and a sensible price
tag". That's investment, everything else is speculation.
Remember my name is Wan, not Want. Funny that they call them “shares”.
Wan believes incentivisation of managers on the basis of earnings per share encourages
disingenuous, if not downright dishonest, behaviour.
Wan has not lost his eye for witty one-liners which, as usual, make his letters a joy to
read. Here he quotes David Carson, chief executive of Barrier Delivery, on the behaviour
of lenders: "It is interesting that the industry has invented new ways to lose money when
the old ways seemed to work just fine."
He can see the joke, but Want also knows that there is something profoundly wrong.
You only know who’s a good flyer when the winds are strong.
As long as these imbalances continue, foreigners will continue to buy up Flonest on the
cheap. "This is our doing, not some nefarious plot by foreign lofts."
Wan is a remarkable bird, a legendary investor with a rock-solid moral compass and
buckets of humility. When he shared his information, we felt wisdom seep into us and his
experiences coded themselves into our behaviors. We became better pigeons, not because
we had learned how to invest our time and wheat seeds wisely, but because we had
experienced paternal wisdom in the most beneficial and caring way possible
"This was what she said, and we assented; whereon we could see her working on
her great web all day long, but at night she would unpick the stitches again by
torchlight. She fooled us in this way for three years and we never found her out,
but as time wore on and she was now in her fourth year, one of her maids who
knew what she was doing told us, and we caught her in the act of undoing her
work, so she had to finish it whether she would or no. The suitors, therefore,
make you this answer, that both you and the pigeons may understand-'Send your
mother away, and bid her marry the man of her own and of her father's choice';
for I do not know what will happen if she goes on plaguing us much longer with
the airs she gives herself on the score of the accomplishments Minerva has
taught her, and because she is so clever. We never yet heard of such a woman;
we know all about Tyro, Alcmena, Mycene, and the famous women of old, but
they were nothing to your mother, any one of them. It was not fair of her to treat
us in that way, and as long as she continues in the mind with which heaven has
now endowed her, so long shall we go on eating up your estate; and I do not see
why she should change, for she gets all the honour and glory, and it is you who
pay for it, not she. Understand, then, that we will not go back to our lands,
neither here nor elsewhere, till she has made her choice and married some one
or other of us."
For at least the next three generation
ZEUS: "Ah me, this a man beloved whom now my eyes watch
being chased around the wall; my heart is mourning for Hektor
who has burned in my honor many thigh pieces of oxen
on the peaks of Ida 5 with all her folds, or again on the uttermost
part of the citadel, but now the brilliant Achilleus
drives him in speed of his feet around the city of Priam.
Come then, you immortals, take thought and take counsel, whether
to rescue this man or whether to make him, for all his valor,
go down under the hands of Achilleus, the son of Peleus."
The Noise Rating Index is a partially-objective measurement of pager and handphone
blasts, 9pm and 10pm watch beeps, coughing-during-the-pianissimo-bits, intra-audience
conversation and other mind-bogglingly inept noises emitted in the concert hall during
actual performance of music. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 5, in increasing annoyance.
Chapter 10…………………………………………………….…O
Story 2
She had round wings and knew about the Malibuy Pigeon Club. Flatness
across the breast. Long flight feathers and a round head. She was as
beautiful and gloossy as a 23 day old female.
Flyingdancing beneath the moon over the mountains of the north where the small night
stalls leave the sweetest, most wholesome things outside. The mountains hide a hill and,
on the hill, there is a path. The path curves around tables lit by candlelight and the trees
nearby are full of fruits and scents. Flowers have been planted among the lovely weeds.
The flowers were chosen because of their nocturnal properties. Some are softly shiny like
mirrors and what a delight it is to watch the moon and clouds dance in their reflections!
The garden also features several varieties of phosphorescent roses, from the pale pink
glow of the Lips of Venus hybrid to the tiny variety known as the Poet’s Candle and even
the rarely seen Illuminati, which, between you and me, is a bit overrated.
The centerpiece is an open stall, probably not much to look at in the daytime, but at night
it is a festival of colorful lights and artistic tiny neon advertisements. An old radio plays
romantic songs of all types in languages that no one really knows, though sometimes
someone hums along or mimics a chorus.
The graceful, nonchalance of the motherly woman behind the bar is not disturbed when
we, two pigeons, walk in. She serves only one type of local wine, one which almost
glows. We hold our glasses before us like torches and they refract and magnify every
drop of light in the vicinity, from the towering firework bamboo trees to the glowing
bouquets of violets on the tables. Near an empty couch two large moths circle each other.
We sit and watch the moving pictures on their wings as they fly off into the trees.
how we ended up in this square nest. Downstairs an old rooster yells out Kopi! Kopi !Te Ping at
the sunrise. She is sleeps and I realize my blessings; her beauty, her grace. How her feathers are
different from nine. Delicately kiss her mouth and then the soft brown beaks on her soft breasts.
They taste of the warmth of all that is good. Her stomach too, is soft I brush my beak gently
against the wet nest between her warm branches. We shiver and fly together in our sleep.
Dreaming, we are.
I wake again and determine our position from the sun. We are a short flight from Shard Rd. the
tower of nests where we met. She was singsinging beautifully. There were rainbows and clouds
with her. Many males were displaying for her, but I waited. The noisiest males fell down or started
beakfighting and were carried out. MONEY WITH BIRD ON IT. And she became receptive and I
sensed her opening. In the moving nest we rubbed beaks and it was as though she were feeding
me regurgitated sweet fermented berries.
And she made little stars in the room and our expensive costumes went on the floor. We dreamed
together and shivered and fell asleep in each other’s wings. And now she sleeps in the soft light
of the sky and her wings are gracefully still.
Before my eyes she shifts from dreaming to not dreaming.
“What time is it baby?”
I have no idea what that means and smile. It is a beautiful song to hear in this blue square nest
on a bright day with a delicious breeze coming in.
She moves her wing against her hairfeathers and looks for the metal stick. She finger pecks it.
Nessie..yeah. I just woke up, just saw your message. Three hundred baby. Yeah. OK. I’ll see you
at 4. I love you baby.
She puts down her metal talkstick and looks at me and I am the happiest pigeon in the world.
“You OK baby?” she sings to me. I nearly cry with joy. I have found my mate! We will dream
together forever.
Chapter 11……………………………………………………….N1
Thai Complex
Thai Complex
I don’t cut or pull flights but I do pull the tail feathers according to the John
Sampson tape. The birds complete their molt before the races start on this
The Indian guy who served us I remember wore a bonny-tail. I could not grade
his roti-prata to be the best but to me it was certainly affordable! My mother only
gave me 40 cents for the Saturday outing. 10 cents each way for my
transportation fare by bus from Thomson Road all the way to Hill Street. It was
the good old STC Number 1 bus. Looking back it was a memorable time when
we all would crowd round his stall to enjoy a morning tea break under the cool
shading of those trees. I have the feeling that those trees were probably the
primary jungle the Singapore had since its founding in 1819 by Stamford Raffles.
By the way the back of the National Library was just across the Fort Canning
Road to the cemetery!
I could not afford to treat myself to the Waterloo Street Indian rojak though they
all looked very tempting to me each time I walked past them. As said 20 cents
was all I could afford back then. But of course when we went to the Cub Mistress’
home I would only need to spend 5 cents for my bus fare home by riding the Tay
Koh Yat bus at the then Rex Cinema along Bukit Timah Road (Opposite to the
TekKa market ) [竹脚巴刹 ] Can’t remember what number it was.
Like you take the ground for granted, you think it is not there..we crap on you
because you are not there
Talking of the Rex Cinema, some of us will remember the chendol stall behind
the Cinema building lined with food stalls and this chendol was located right at
the very first beside the Bukit Timah Road. I could treat myself with an icy cold
glass of chendol, of course. What stays in my memorythough, is not the tasty
chendol, but the person who dished out the chendol. He was a short, stocky
fellow, which gave me the impression that he was a weight lifter. I used to marvel
how he managed to accumulate all those muscles.
The heavy metals in the environment enter the feather and remain even after
they are shed.
Chapter 12……………………………………………………….C
Emerald H
Chapter 13……………………………………………...………..I
"What would your name be? 'Dances with Wolves' was a character name given by the
Native Americans in a book then a movie. The Native Americans gave him that name
because that's what he appeared to be doing when he was observed
Many schools in Singapore are named after the place in which they are located. Whitley
Secondary, River Valley, Dunearn, Naval Base, Bukit Merah are just a few examples. The
strange thing is that, many of these schools have been relocated to other places, so much
so that their names no longer reflect their geographical locations. Whitley Secondary
School is a good example. It used to be located at the junction of Whitley Road and
Dunearn Road. However, it was shifted to Bishan some years back and the land is now
occupied by the Singapore Chinese Girls School. Another example is its neighbour, Swiss
Cottage Secondary School which was shifted to Bukit Batok.
Chapter 14……………………………………………...……….G
Boon Lay
Now first punched in clock is first in race.
Prisoners of war released from Changi prison camp were evacuated from Singapore by
the Australian hospital ship Manunda, the first Australian ship to arrive at Singapore after
the surrender of the Japanese. Shown, Gunner T. Hussey, 2/10 Field Regiment waiting on
a stretcher to board the Manunda. His ventriloquist doll "Joey" is the last of three he
made while in Changi camp.
Chapter 15…………………………………………...………….A
That would be the sun rising from the west.
The velocity system
Chapter 16………………………………………………..……..R
Chapter 17……………………………………………….……...S
At first, races were organized from Marfa and from San Lawrenz I Gozo.
For anyone who has read to this point, thank you.. Do check back as this document will
grow into something neither of us will recognize.
Wan the Italian tends to look for places where magnets are stored because of the iron
containing structures in his beak. helps analyze Earth’s magnetic fields for navigation
Chapter 18………………………………………………………T m
The grass is full of litter, dogshit and glass. The morning is cloudy and waiting to rain.
We are eating soggy crumbs of stale white bread near a bus stop full of sleepy , lifeless
people. My dreammate stretches her neck.
There was a silence that cannot be imagined and then the youngest and the eldest in the
room began crying, A wave of sobbing moved through the room. The competition
dissolved, the food packet prizes remained on the judges table and we began to huddle
together, everyone sobbing tears of joy. No one ate for days.
"What is luck anyway? Write how someone you knew in childhood seemed to be luckier than
Changi: the prison, the hotel, the hospital and the sea Turbines twins.
Swim to a boat at sunset. Watching the white birds fly away. Mistake and only the sound
of the surface of the ocean. Surprising the different temperatures and thicknesses of the
water. Floating in a long push; pushing against an immense pull. Floating.
I hope you will be ready to own publicly, whenever you shall be called to it, that by your
great and frequent urgency you prevailed on me to publish a very loose and uncorrect
account of my travels, with directions to hire some young gentleman of either university
to put them in order, and correct the style, as my cousin Dampier did, by my advice, in
his book called "A Voyage round the world." But I do not remember I gave you power to
consent that any thing should be omitted, and much less that any thing should be inserted;
therefore, as to the latter, I do here renounce every thing of that kind; particularly a
paragraph about her majesty Queen Anne, of most pious and glorious memory; although I
did reverence and esteem her more than any of human species.
ensened disordering of the senses.