Holy Priest Healing Guide
Holy Priest Healing Guide
Holy Priest Healing Guide
This guide only works for Molten, dont post it somewhere else, otherwise u gonna be trolled hard. Acronyms FoH - Flash of Heal PoH - Prayer of Heal PoM - Prayer of Mending GH - Greater Heal 1. Basic Healing Rotation 2. Builds for 10 and 25 Man and Glyphs 3. Stats and gemming
1. Basic Healing Rotation -Spam Circle of Healing and Prayer Of Mending on every CD (MDPS Preferable) -Spam Renew on maximum possible targets
-Use Flash Heal if there is no other good 1 target healer, otherwise only when Surge of Light procs cause it' will be instant and 0 manacost. -Prayer of Healing or Greater Heal only when x3 *Serendipity* or don't use it at all.
-Make Macro
2. Builds for 10 and 25 Man and Glyphs There is only one option with glyph on molten: -Glyph of Guardian Spirit -Glyph of Renew -Glyph of Circle of Healing Since VDW is bugged and u can apply Guardian Spirit on It, u just start to spam it on her on every CD after u get 30+ stacks. Valitria Healing is simple: Just spam Renew on her, and Empowered Renew Talent Will heal her better than any other direct spell.
On 10 man mode we dont have mana problem with spaming renew, so it better to power up Flash, Binding and Greater Heal. Its only mode where we can spam binding and greater a lot. No need to use Prayer of Mending on CD here, it will have like 2% of total Healing it doesnt really worth mana spent on it. 25 Man Build For normal and HC runs and healing rotation
There no Greater Heal in rotation at all, dont spam much Prayer of Healing also. Our work now just spam renew and cast circle of healing on CD. Also u Can spam Prayer of Mending on tanks. 3. Here I will explain which Gear to Roll with stats priority.
Haste + Spirit better than Crit + spirit Haste + Spirit better than Haste + crit Haste + Crit better than Spirit + Crit +Spirit +Crit almost useless, unless there no anything better and Spell Power with Intellect Exceed more than 10 points and you have big Out Of Mana issues. Gemming: -Red Socket Runed prefix (+spell power) or Reckless prefix (+spell power +haste) -Yellow Socket Reckless Prefix (+spell power +haste) or Quick prefix (+haste) -Blue Socket - Sparkling prefix (+spirit) or Reckless prefix (+spell power + haste), only if spell power bonus less than 7 Caps: No sp and crit caps, u will be satisfied with those that u get from u current gear There are 2 haste caps for priest: 1200 haste to achieve 1 sec GCD 1400 haste to achieve 1 sec cast Flash Heal Note: I didnt give other optional specs and gemming, cause mostly this guide for our alts and some people who just joined the guild. Experienced HPriest will change his spec/gemming to his rotation/priority himself. FAQ: 1. I'm losing mana really fast, what should I do? -The main problem of mana depleting in raid - is wrong heal rotation. After 5man instances many people heal through Flash of Heal and Prayer Of Healing. But in raid the situation is much more different cause there are other healers, so u need to change ur rotation from spaming FoH to Spaming Renew + Circle of Healing. -Other reason can be ur mana regen and spirit low, change ur gems from +Haste and +Sp to +Int +Spirit 2. If u use this rotation u can't heal some who got large amount of damage at the moment? Actually u can. If target below 20% - u use Guardian Spirit - it will saved his ass for sure, and if target won't get DeadShot it will have only 1 min cd cause of glyph. Also u keep x3 serendipity most of the fight, cause u will use FoH on each Surge of Light Proc, so if target below 50% Hp -> /cast Greater Heal 3. Anyway in my raid there is nab who always get too much damage, and I need heal tank also, I always fear some of them will die. U can't take responsibility for everything - learn to rely on other raid healer too. I know one druid who use only Wild Growth and Rejuvination in 25 man mode and he don't *care* if some1 has 10, 50 or 75% HP he will continue to spam these 2 HoTs. After few raid u will learn which spell to use in which situation. 4. Which addon to use? I'm on HealBot + MicScrollBattle Text. I use 9 Buttons in my Heal Bot, and MSBT to see with big text when CoH, PoM and Guardian Spirit off CD. (note in MSBT all other options and triggers off, except show cooldowns). And about Spirit: Many Skillful priests managed to spend their mana wisely enough not to lose it during middle of encounter, and 900-1000 spirit is more than enough. Use ShadowFiend on 50% Mana Pool, Use Mana Pots, Use Shield+Hymn Of Hope, and u won't have mana problems.