John Mattone's Presentations On Leadership

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Intelligent Leadership:
What You Need to Know to Unlock Your Full Potential
"What separates truly great leaders from the rest is their passionate and diligent focus on the singular pursuit of becoming
the absolute best they can beeveryday. It is only through the realization of this singular pursuit that great leaders cultivate the same in the people they lead. Great leaders and great companies possess the disciplined pursuit of less, not more". John Mattone

"John Mattone taps into his years of experience to help leaders become the best leaders they can be." Marshall Goldsmith, author of 31 books including The New York Times bestsellers MOJO and What Got You Here Wont Get You There

This powerful program is based on John's Mattone's hot new book release (March, 2013). John Mattone will teach you the principles that make him the man current and future Fortune 500 leaders turn to for game-changing insights on how to overcome their self-imposed limiting thoughts and habits. He reveals his key insights for unlocking and unleashing greatness in yourself and your teams. The ideal audience for this program are current successful leaders, high-potential leaders, and the vast number of Gen X and Y'ers who must strengthen themselves as leaders, regardless of their own aspirations to become a manager or not. Ultimately, this program is for leaders and future leaders at all levels who desire to become the best they can be. John Mattone utilizes his proprietary "Leadership Maturity Model" as the foundation for teaching leaders and emerging leaders the predictive components that unlock and unleash their full potential. These components include: (1) the core of achieving emotional maturity--possessing a strong self-awareness, self-concept, values, and optimistic belief system; (2) positive thinking; (3) positive emotions that empower both the leader and others; and (4) possessing the skills to execute mature leadership behaviors and competencies that drive leadership success. Available as a Keynote; Half-Day or One-Day Session _____________________________

Talent Leadership:
A Proven Method for Identifying and Developing High-Potential Employees
There is more due diligence done by companies when operating decisions are made than when talent decisions are made, yet the most critical variable in driving breakthrough operating performance is talenthow its deployed, measured, developed, and rewarded. John Mattone

"John Mattone has developed a fool-proof method for identifying and developing leaders and prospective leaders" Marshall Goldsmith, author of 31 books including The New York Times bestsellers MOJO and What Got You Here Wont Get You There

This powerful program is based on John Mattones new Book by the same title. This program is geared for HR professionals and operations leaders who are charged with designing, implementing and/or conducting talent assessment and development processes and practices. Mattones proprietary Stealth Leadership Model provides the foundation for attendees to learn about the critical leadership assessment and coaching elements that drive operating success. These elements include: Isolating target leadership competencies Utilizing a variety of objective assessments to calibrate performance, potential and readiness Integrating assessment results to identify strengths and development needs Creating compelling IDPs that guide and motivate Coaching leaders and future leaders from the inside-out Available as a Keynote; Half-Day or One-Day Session _____________________________

Future Trends of Leadership Development & Talent Management

This engaging and insightful program is based on John Mattones Trends in Executive Development research published by Pearson, the worlds leading education company. Professor Mattones research is widely regarded as one of the most authoritative and respected global research studies in the field of leadership development. Mattone surveyed and interviewed over 100 global organizations to isolate the cutting edge executive development and talent management practices and processes they use to drive operating success. In this dynamic presentation, Mattone will: show you how leading edge companies develop their talent; show you how your organization's efforts compare to the "best of the best";

discuss the critical competency gaps of the next generation of leaders; pinpoint the processes companies use to identify high-potential and emerging leaders; discuss the implications of the impending baby boomer exit; equip you with ideas and strategies for accurately identifying and developing your future leaders; and show you how to prepare your leaders and emerging leaders for the future

John Mattones Twenty 2020 concept offers a powerful and compelling look at the future of talent management and executive development. The Twenty 2020 concept identifies the critical 20 leadership development and talent management practices that must be implemented and executed immediately by any organization to successfully mitigate their operating risk and ensure their survival and viability-through the year 2020 and beyond. Available as a Keynote; Half-Day or One-Day Session _____________________________

Succession Planning & Management

This engaging program is designed to enable attendees to understand and develop a succession management process, including: Building a Succession Management Value Proposition (SMVP) Benchmarking your organizations succession management program using Mattones Succession Management Index (SMI) Applying state-of-the-art bench strength analyses Conducting formal succession reviews Planning and executing development activities Integrating succession programs with other HR programs Measuring the ROI of your organizations succession management program Available as a Keynote; Half-Day or One-Day Session _____________________________

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Additional Books & Topics by John Mattone

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