Visual Symptom&Komplikasi
Visual Symptom&Komplikasi
Visual Symptom&Komplikasi
: unpaired -test.
Table 2 Comparisons of the questionnaire results between PAL- and SVL-wearing periods at the 6-month survey and between the 6-
and 12-month surveys in the PAL-wearing period
Type of spectacles
6-month survey
12-month survey
(n87) (n91) (n89)
Q1: Was it di cult to adapt to the new spectacles?
Yes 31 (36%) 27 (31%) 0.45 N/A N/A
No 55 (64%) 61 (69%)
Q2: Is there any di culty when looking at the blackboard?
Yes 19 (22%) 14 (15%) 0.27 15 (17%) 0.40
No 68 (78%) 77 (85%) 74 (83%)
Q3: It there any di culty when reading or writing?
Yes 5 ( 6%) 6 ( 7%) 0.82 1 ( 1%) 0.12
No 82 (94%) 85 (93%) 88 (99%)
Q4: Is there any di culty when ascending or descending the stairs?
Yes 8 ( 9%) 4 ( 4%) 0.20 0 ( 0%) 0.00
0.01 -value for a comparison between PAL- and SVL-wearing periods : -value for a comparison between the 6- and
12-month surveys in the PAL-wearing period N/A: not available The total sample number for each question diered due to unavailable
Howovov, in iho SVL-woaving poviod, signicani cov-
volaiions wovo Iound boiwoon disiuvbanco in noav
vision (Q3) and ago and boiwoon conplianco wiih spoc-
iaclo woav (Q6) and voIvaciivo ovvovs.
!n iho uosiionnaivo vogavding iho spociaclo alloca-
iion (Q7), iho answovs wovo covvoci in 35 (54),
incovvoci in i6 (24), and uncloav in i2 (22) (daia
wovo noi availablo Iov 25 childvon). Signicanily novo
childvon answovod covvocily ihan incovvocily (!oavson
iosi, jO.Oi9).
!n ihis uosiionnaivo suvvoy, iho nyopic childvon
woaving !ALs Ivouonily vopoviod visual synpions
such as disiuvbanco in disianco vision, disiuvbanco in
noav vision, di culiy in asconding ov dosconding
siaivs, and voviigo ov dizzinoss in laioval vision.
Howovov, iho Ivouoncy oI ihoso synpions was noi
signicanily diovoni Ivon ihai vopoviod by iho chil-
dvon woaving SVLs. Mosi (98) oI iho childvon wovo
conpliani wiih iho uso oI !ALs, and ihovo was no
nood io disconiinuo iho uso oI !ALs ov io chango io
SVLs in any oI iho childvon duving iho i8-nonih
ivoainoni poviod. Jhoso vosulis indicaio ihai childvon
can uso !ALs wiihoui signicani visual pvoblons in
ihoiv daily aciiviiios.
IAIs. Jho Ivouoncy oI di culiios adapiing io iho
nowly pvoscvibod spociaclos did noi diov signicanily
boiwoon iho !AL- and SVL-woaving poviods. !n iho
Covvociion oI Myopia valuaiion Jvial (COMJ)
[i4], iho pvoblon was obsovvod novo Ivouonily in
!AL-woaving childvon ihan in SVL-woaving childvon
i wooL aIiov iho boginning oI iho uso oI iho spociaclos,
bui iho diovoncos sponianoously disappoavod i nonih
laiov. !n iho Iaco oI an opiical disiuvbanco such as
nowly pvoscvibod glassos, diovoni oculonoiov and
sonsovy sysions show adapiivo vosponsos io nainiain
visual povIovnanco. Ropoviodly, an adapiivo vosponso
in ionic vovgonco [i9], AC/A vaiio [2O], and a son-
sovy nochanisn ihai osiablishos spaiial localizaiion
[2i, 22] iaLos sovoval houvs io wooLs io conploio.
Jhoso oxpovinonial ndings woll oxplain iho vosulis
obiainod in COMJ childvon. Howovov, bocauso ouv
uosiionnaivo was povIovnod 6 nonihs aIiov iho chil-
dvon siaviod io uso !ALs, ihoiv nonovy concovning
ihis synpion in ihis oavly adapiaiion poviod nay havo
boon uncloav.
Jho disiuvbanco in disianco vision (Q2) is nainly
oxplainod by iho individual pvogvossion oI nyopia duv-
ing iho 6-nonih iniovval boiwoon iho suvvoys. !n ihis
113 Visual Symptoms and Compliance with PALs in Children April 2008
6 5 4 3 2
at class
at class
6 5 4 3 2 7 1
PAL-wearing period SVL-wearing period
Spherical equivalent refractive error (D)
Fig. 1 Cumulative probability plot of compliance with spectacle wearing as a function of refractive errors determined at the 6-month
Using a logistic regression model, the graph is divided into 3 response categories: at class only, usually, and always. The vertical distance
between the curves represents the probability for each category. The correlation was signicant in SVL-wearing children (P0.01, R
114 Acta Med. OkayamaVol. 62, No. 2 Suemaru et al.
Table 3 Results obtained at the 6-month survey and the clinical characteristics at baseline
PAL-wearing period SVL-wearing period
n odds ratio -value n odds ratio -value
Q1: Was it di cult to adapt to the new spectacles? - Yes
age 10 yrs 27 1.00 0.25 23 1.00 0.06
10, 12 yrs 41 1.37 41 2.23
12 yrs 24 0.38 26 0.31
refractive error 3 D 50 1.00 0.28 47 1.00 0.23
3 D 37 0.60 42 0.89
near heterophoria 2 PD 31 1.00 0.46 35 1.00 0.03
2 PD 50 1.43 50 1.20
lag of 1.75 D 28 1.00 0.93 28 1.00 0.63
accommodation 1.75 D 28 1.05 27 0.91
Q2: Is there any di culty when looking at the blackboard? - Yes
age 10 yrs 27 1.00 0.08 23 1.00 0.46
10, 12 yrs 41 3.53 41 0.44
12 yrs 24 0.33 26 1.07
refractive error 3 D 50 1.00 0.02 47 1.00 0.41
3 D 37 0.38 42 1.41
near heterophoria 2 PD 31 1.00 0.17 35 1.00 0.02
2 PD 78 2.15 50 4.23
lag of 1.75 D 28 1.00 0.27 28 1.00 0.28
accommodation 1.75 D 28 0.49 27 0.63
Q3: Is there any di culty when reading or writing? - Yes
age 10 yrs 27 1.00 0.22 23 1.00 0.01
3 D 37 0.42 42 0.16
near heterophoria 2 PD 31 1.00 0.39 35 1.00 0.67
2 PD 50 0.40 50 1.25
lag of 1.75 D 28 1.00 0.41 28 1.00 0.56
accommodation 1.75 D 28 0.56 27 0.58
0.01 minus sign indicates exo-deviation. The total sample numbers for each question diered due to missing data.
addiiion ( 3.OO ov 3.5O D) io a snall nunbov oI
hypovopic childvon, and ihoy vopoviod no pvoblon
dovivod Ivon ihoiv uso [2]. A noav addiiion in !ALs
has boih diopivic and pvisnaiic oocis oI diovoni
dogvoos doponding on iho anouni oI iho addiiion, bui
childvons sonsovy and noiov adapiaiion abiliiios soon
io bo powovIul onough io conponsaio Iov ihoso disiuv-
bancos. Whon wo nowly pvoscvibo !ALs io childvon
in clinics, howovov, iho childvon should bo wavnod oI
iho visL oI accidonial Iall whon asconding ov doscond-
ing siaivs, as whon pvosbyopic adulis avo pvoscvibod
ComliouccuiIhsccIoclcucor. Jho con-
plianco wiih spociaclo woav in iho !AL-woaving
poviod was as high as in iho SVL-woaving poviod.
Jhis vosuli voocis iho nding ihai !ALs did noi
causo a signicani pvoblon in daily aciiviiios as shown
by iho vosulis oI Qs i5. !n addiiion, ii is plausiblo
ihai iho absonco oI a diovonco in appoavanco boiwoon
!ALs and SVLs conivibuiod io iho high conplianco.
!voscvipiion oI oxocuiivo-iypo biIocal spociaclos was
voconnondod Iov childvon [i, 25] bocauso iho hovi-
zonial lino sopavaiing iho noav and Iav vision pavis oI
iho lonsos holps childvon idoniiIy iho pvopov pavi oI
iho lonsos and holps clinicians nd nisalignnoni oI iho
lonsos. Howovov, school childvon usually do noi liLo
io woav biIocal spociaclos sinply bocauso iho appoav-
anco is cloavly diovoni Ivon ihai oI SVLs.
!niovosiingly, in childvon wiih low-gvado nyopia,
iho conplianco wiih spociaclo woav was boiiov in iho
!AL-woaving poviod ihan iho SVL-woaving poviod
(Jablo 3 and ig. i). SVLs (nogaiivo sphovical
lonsos) incvoaso iho acconnodaiivo donand Iov a
visual objoci locaiod ai a noav disianco, whovoas ihis
ooci is voducod wiih !ALs. !i nay Iollow ihai SVL-
woaving childvon iondod io iaLo o ihoiv glassos whon
looLing ai closo objocis. Jhis considovaiion was pavily
suppoviod by iho vosuli Ivon Q3 (Jablo 3): iho odds
vaiio Iov di culiy in voading ov wviiing in SVL-
woaving childvon wiih low nyopia ( 3 D) was
3-iinos highov ihan in ihoso wiih nodovaio io high
nyopia ( 3 D), alihough iho diovonco was noi
siaiisiically signicani.
EcoluoIiouo]moskiug. !ALs nado a cloav
conivibuiion io iho nainionanco oI iho nasLing whon
conpavod wiih biIocal spociaclos [26], bui ouv vosulis
indicaiod ihai iho nasLing Iov iho spociaclo allocaiion
was noi always nainiainod. !i is pvobablo ihai aliov-
naiions in povcopiual inagos ihvough iho spociaclos
ihai wovo povcoivod whon iho childvon swiichod lons
iypo Ivon !ALs io SVLs ov vico vovsa ai iho cvoss-
ovov poini havo sovvod as cluos io iho spociaclo allo-
caiion. Howovov, iho vosuli oI Q6 indicaios ihai ihis
oxioni oI unnasLing did noi inuonco iho conplianco
wiih spociaclo woav as a wholo.
!n conclusion, iho vosulis oI ihis uosiionnaivo
suvvoy povIovnod as pavi oI a doublo-nasLod clinical
ivial dononsivaiod ihai ihovo was no signicani diov-
onco in visual synpions ov in conplianco wiih spoc-
iaclo woav boiwoon iho !AL- and SVL-woaving povi-
ods. Childvon can oasily adapi io and uso !ALs (ai
loasi ihoso wiih a i.5O D noav addiiion) wiihoui
signicani visual pvoblons duving daily aciiviiios.
AcLnowlognonis.Jhis vosoavch was suppoviod by iho Japanoso
Minisivy oI ducaiion, Culiuvo, Spovis, Scionco and Jochnology,
Cvani-in-Aid Iov Scioniic Rosoavch (C) No. i539O532. Jho auihovs
ihanL Mogano JanaLa Chain Lid (Hivoshina, Japan) Iov holp in iho
pvopavaiion and adninisivaiion oI iho siudy glassos and Dv. Shovin
lsayod Iov holp in pvopaving iho nanuscvipi.
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