Boyd's Harrisburg-Steelton City Directory 1902 (Pennsylvania) OCR

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New Map and Street Guide,




(TRADE MAl'''.)







Compilers and Publishers.

Membu of the Association of American Directory Publishers.

FLEMING, BOOKSELLER, Room 8, No. 32 North Third Street.

PRICE, - - - $4.00.
tintc:red according to Act of Congress, In the year I 'W2, by GUY

office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.

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Table of Contents,

"'"' CI c.:a Bands and..Musical Organization. Banks. ........... ... ........

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Table of Contents,
Alllerl('an Mechanics ................ ~a~ Map ........................... oPP.~ffi: 32 Market HOusel..... ..... ........... 38 83 Masonic 80eletlea .................... 41 B'nal B'rlth...... ......... 42 Medical 80eletlea .,. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. as Board of Trade. . .. ..... ........... 83 Military Organizations ............... SII Bulldlng,Loan and Saving Institutions (0 MilIeeli&neous 80eletiell .. .......... 49 Busilless Directory...... ............. 57 Newlpapera........................... 39 Churcbes........ .. ..... ... ..... 84, Odd Fellows ...................... 44 Daupbln County Officers . .......... 17 ' Paaenger RaIlways............... .fO Fire Alarm BOXell and IAlCationa ... SO 1 Penll8Jlvanla State Government ..... 26 Fire Department.. ................... 211, Public Halls................. .. .. 2.~ G. A. R.......... ....... ..... (2 I Red Men..... ..... ....... ..... ........ 4.~ ('rand United Order of Odd Fellows.. 42' Royal Arcanum. ... .. ... .... ... 45 HarrlsbuJ'll City Government....... 28 Scbools ..................... ......... 30 Harrisburg General Dinctory ....... 95 Socletln .......................... 41 HOIpltals ..... .... ...... .. ... ... .. ... .. 87 i Sons of America ............. .. .... 41i Improved Order of Heptuopbs...... 43 Steelton Directory...... .... ... . . 695 KnIgbts of Golden Eagle ............ , 48 Streets and Avenuell...... ....... ..... 14 Kllights of Malta.. ............ ....... 4S Temperance Socletlea ................ 46 Knillht@ofP)thlaa............... ... ~~, I Trust Companies ..................... 83 Labor Organizations... .. ... ........


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Alphabetical Business Directories


Principal Towns in Dauphin County.

Benvenue ............ ~t Berrysburg............ 801 Centre View.......... SOl _ CUrtin............... SOl Dauphin ............... fIOl ~ Deadate ............... 802 ~ Derry Church ......... 802 z: East Harrisburg (see .. Penbrookl ........... 809 a.. Eli7.abethvl1Je... . ... 802 Ellendale Forge (see Dauphin) ............ SOl Enterline...... .... .., 802 U Fisherville ............ 802


I Grantville .............~B~ IP&Zton ............. ~~ Fort Hunter ........ 80S , Penbrook .............. ~
Gratz .................. Halifax .............. Highspire ............. Hummelstown ........ Ungll'Stown .......... Loyalton ............ Lykens ................ Mananda Hill ....... Matamoras ........... Middletown ........... Millersburg ........... Oberlin ............... 803 Pillow... .... ........ h03 Powell's Valley ...... sos ProKI'eIIII ............... 804 RocKville (ee For t IlOIi Hunter) ............ IlOIi Swatara Station ...... SOli Union DePOBIt ........ fI07 WaynesvH1e..... .... 807 Welt Hanover .. .. .. 807 WlooDiRco .......... 80S Williamstown.. .. .... 809 810 810 810 80S 810 810 811 811 811 811

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tal number of changes in 1002 Directory . . . 15,86Z population in the Directory circuit (Steelton not in1902.
108 N.8e..oad where OBERTS will goon your bond. Bell 'Phone 8&: X,81or6848 X. bonda are executed.
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Index to Advertisements.

Index to Advertisements.
Special Notice Is called to the following Index to Advertisements of


Whom we respectfully recommend to publJc patronage. LittleG. Frank AI Co.. fumlture .... ~ Lyme I. R. AI Co. plumben ....... 417 McClune Thomu R., picture frames. a McClure W. F. L., ~'ranklln Houae .. ...... ... lide line front cover and 488 McKalllp Robert W., Part Hotel .. 448 McLean-Bowman Co., People's De partment Store ............. front cover McNell Medlclue Co ............ top lines Merchants' National Bank.......... Ii Montgomery J. B.. ooa1 and wood .... 467 Montgomel')" AI Co., Pelpher line .... 468 Montgomery .It Co., storage ware hOusel .............................. 469 M\lIIIIel" Frank E.. photographer... 478 Neeley James M. II very ............. 683 poaIt Co......... .................... Ii New York Life Ins. Co.... . ..... 46Ii Central Iron and Steel Co............ . 2 Nilsley Harry K. slate roofer .... 481 Commerelal Bank ........... opp 501 NUll Plating Co., electroplaters.. .... 489 Common wealth Trult Co. . .. . . .. . . 51 Ober BI'OI., Uvery............ . ....... 4110 Conklin Job J . lawyer............. 190 Orr Harry B., Insurance. .. .. .. 498 Coo.,.,r E. N. AI 00. 1 Iron founden ... 193 I Orth Henry C., insurance ...... side lines Cowden M. B civil engint'Cr, &c .... 197 Page '" Zerbe, Inluranoo. &c .... 496 Cozzoll 8eba.ltlan, .lit. Pleuant Hotel 198 Patriot. (The), newspaper ....... opp 500 Cumminp W. H.,laundl'J' ..... 200 Paztang Cemetery AlIOClation ....... 501 Dauphin Depoldt Bank ........ ,. 8 Pennsylvania Steel Co., Steelton .... Diener P. G. jeweler ................ 219 ........................... back cover Elder Herbert, electrical 8Upp\l.. 988 Plack AI Keller, planing mill... . . '" 509 FInk's Henry SoUl, brewers. ......... ~luackenbush Edward W., Insurance. 517 .................... backcover and 8 Redmond A., bicycles ........ bottom lines Firat National Bank................... 5 Rempnls W1l11am F. Co., wrought Iron FIsher C., contractor ................. 26.5 works ................... fronS cover Flah ..r E. A (st), wan paper, painter. IIi6 Rettew C. V., Insurance, Alc .... slde lines FlemiDg S. W., bookseller. PrInter, Rhoads J. E., coal,sand, &c ......... 1180 Ale ... covers, backbone and side lines Roberts Edw'd G., Insurance. bottom \lnes FrBIIch Frederick C.. Ice cream ........ 269 t!aul M. F ,plum her. . .. ...... . .... 550 Gable H. A., hardware ............... 275 Scheffer T. F., (eat). books, printer, Galbraith B. G., paving .............. 276, &c ................... 1152 George Charles T.! druqlst .... ... 3 ~ Schmidt Bernard, bater ............. 5M Grms Edward Z., aruggiat......... ... 8[ ~hmldt C. 1.., 1I0rlst, .tc ............. 5M Handler Barnhart, upholsterer ...... 808 Shoemaker S. Woo paving ... '" ...... 576 Hanlen Bros., Uquors. ........ front cover I Sleg W. H. H . put); .steelton Reporter 778 Hantzman Charles F.,ooa1 ............ 809 Simms E., upholsterer ............... 583 Hantzman Fred H., lumber......... 109 Snyder Euaene, lawyer ............ 597 Harris J. P. '" Son. uphollterers ... 812 Spitler B. Y. AI Son, painters .......... 604 Harrisburg National Bank ..... ,. .. I Spotz Allen U:l, hroker .............. 605 Harrilburg Savings and Loan ..uao... 81~ Stanley A. G. lIr., South American InHarrisburg Telegraph................ 94 dian Bitters......................... 806 Harrisburg Trult Co.................. 2 Star Carpet Cleoanlng and Hot Hickok W. O. Mfg. Co ............ _.. 4 Naphtha Cleauslng Works ........ 608 Hoeter Adam W., penlion attorney . 843 StarIndependent. ................... 98 Hutter FraDk 1.., bookblnder........ 3 Steelton PlanlnR MI11 Co ............ 783 Jackson Mfg. 00., llteel barroWI, &c .. lI55 1 Sweetser S. (i. El~ctrlc Co ..... 626 Keel,. Institute ........................ 368 Tack A. B., paperhanger,.toe .... top \lnes Kelley H. M. & 00.. coal.. ... top lines Towsen Thomas F., Ilate roofer...... 8116 Keystone Bott\lng Works ........... S77 United Ice and Coal Co., Ice, coal and Klfne Cycle and Automobile Co ...... S83 contractors................ side linN Knerr _IUmy, contractor ...... 885 Wilson W. G., KeYltone Carpet Clean Lebo E. N., contractor ............... 400 Ing Works.................... 675 Lewla F.dward W., marble ............ 406 Ylnpt J. CharlN AI Bon, furniture .... 686 Co .............. ~ A.I8OClatiOIl of American Dlrectol'J' PubUBhen .................. ...... 7 AqblDbaugh C. B., bookbinder ..... 107 Beck Thomas J. 00., bottlers .......... 128 Bennett-Bretz Plano Co................ ...................... top line front cover Bemhelael P. AI Son, architects .... 180 Black John, Harrisburg Stone Worb, 136 I &.B C. RoM, watchmaker, &c ....... 140: Boyd W. H. Co.,dlrectorypubllshers.. 6 'I Boyer Edward, carriages, .c....... , 149 Buck Chester, Insurance ............ 163 Butler Wll1tam T., National Parcel Co 169 Cue E. Wallace. Ice cream mfr ..... 177 Central Guarantee Trug and liafe De-

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-To lind a name you must mow how to spell it."

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McNeW. Pain exterminator cures Cholera Morblll. Dysentery. Cramps, D1arrbma. Colds, Quinsy. Rheumalbm. Toothache. Sore Throat, Allue. DY'repel., ae. ,_ ./Ild.



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Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.




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Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.




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:: First Ward-Bounded on the South by the southern city line, on the West by the western shore of the Sus que0= hanna River, on the North by the center line of Paxton .. Street, and on the East by the eastern city line. ~ Second Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of Paxton Street. on the West by the western shore of the Susquehanna River, on the North by the center line of Mulberry and Derry Streets, and on the East by the eastern city line. Third Ward-Bounded on the South-east by the center line ~ of Mulberry Street, on the South-west by the western shore line of the Susquehanna River, on the North-west bv the center line of \Valnut Street, and on the Northeast bv the center line of Fourth Street. the ~ Fourth Ward-Bounded onWestSouth by the center line of \Valnut Street, on the by the western shore line of the Susquehanna River, on the North by the center line of Forster Street, and on the East by the center line of Fourth and Sixth Streets. Fifth Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of Forster Street, on the West by the western shore line of the Susquehanna River, on the North by the center line of Verbeke Street, and on the East by the center line of Sixth Street. Sixth Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of Verbeke Street, on the West by the western shore line of the Susquehanna River, on the north by the center line of ~laclay Street, and on the East by the center line of Sixth Street. Seventh Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of Forster Street, on the \Vest by the center line of Sixth Street, on the North by the centre line of Maclay Street, and also the northern city line, and on the East by the eastern city lines. Eighth Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of \Valnut street, on the West bv the center lines of Fourth and Sixth Streets, on the North by the center line of For~ter Street and on the East bv' the eastern city lines.


for ACCIDENT INliURANCE. 103 Nor.1o l!Iet'Ond Sireel. Bell 'Pbone 851 X, or 6843 X.
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Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.


Kinth 'Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of Mulberry and Derry Streets, on the West by the center line of Fourth Street, on the ~orth by the center line of Walnut Street, and on the East by the eastern city lines. Tenth \Vard-Bounded on the South by the center line of Maclay Street, on the West by the western shore line of the Susquehanna River, on the North by the northern city lines, and on the East by the eastern city lines. Aberdeen av N from 420 Market to Walnut. Academy av E from 405 ~ Front to Shanklin avo Adams av N' from 118 State to Liberty. Angle av E from 119 Short to South. Ann av E from 815 S Front to Race. Apple av N from 608 Cumberland to Verbeke. Apricot av E from Juniper to 18th bet State and Elm. !!. Argyle st S E from Uth to Catharine, bet Berryhill and i!' Brookwood. _ Ash av N from 520 Primrose av to Boas. g Ash st E from S 13th to 18th and Paxton, bet Manada and ~

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Aspen st E from S 14th to city limits, bet Sycamore and Shaonis (unopened). Atlas av K from Maclay ab 4th to Emerald. Austin av \\. from Wih to city limits, bet Chestnut and Hildrup. Bailev st N from 14 N 12th to 14th. Balm st K from 1230 Bailey to State. Barbara av E from 313 N Front to South. Bartine av K from 108 Forster to Sayford avo Basin av E from 1421 N 2d to 7th. Vacated from 3d to Fulton. Battis al N from Kelker av to Boyd av, bet Fulton and N 5th. Beech st W from Walnut to State nr 18th. Berrvhill st E from 452 S 9th to city limits. Birch st E from S Cameron to efty limits, bet Cedar and Poplar. Blackberry av E from 14 S Front to Grace avo Bluebird av E from S 13th to city limits, bet Sycamore and Aspen (unopened). Boas st E from 1000 N Front to city limits (unopened from N Cameron to 15th). Bombaugh av E from 41 N 14th to 16th. Boyd av E from N 2d ab Reily to 7th. Brady av N from 1312 Market to State. Brakespeare av nr State Arsenal. Brensinger av N from Forrest ab 5th to Schuylkill. Briggs av E from 800 N Front to N 2d (unopened).




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-To find a name you must !mow how to speD it."

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H M KELLEY CCO'S ..... ---......- {'10thd 141 Itrwt.. t. I I . . _ .......... __


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Boyd'. Harrisburg street Guide .

l!:! Briggs st E from 8011




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~ !!d to city limits (unopened from 10th to 15th). Broad st, see Verbeke st . Brook av K from 15:!5 Swatara to Drummond avo Brookwood st E from t!OO S 1:;th to city limits (unopened from 15th to 19th). Brown av E from 815 East to city limits (unopened from Cowden to 15th). Buckthorn av S from 1:U6 Kittatinny to Berryhill. Buttonwood av N from 106 State to North. Calamus av N from 128 N Cameron to 13th. Calder st E from 1400 N Front to city limits (unopened from 7th to 8th). Calumet st from S Front to city limits. Cameron av at Lochiel Iron Co.'s Works. Camp st E from 2300 N 5th to N 7th. Canal st from Walnut to North. Capital st N from :~ao North to Verbeke. Carnation av E from 73 N ] 6th to 18th. Carson av from State to South avo Cascade av from Front to city limits. Catharine 5t E from 15th ab Naudain to city limits. Cayuga 5t from Fronfto city limits. Cedar av ~ from 118 Liberty to ~orth. Cedar 5t E from S Front to' city limits, bet Hawthorn and Birch. Centre av N from 1150 Herr to Verbeke. Charles av E from 1210 N Front to Susquehanna. Chayne av S from ]423 Shoop to Crabapple avo Cherry av E from 115 S Front to 4th . Chesapeake av \V froni Chesapeake Nail Works to river. Chestnut st E from lOO S Front to P. R. R. and from P. & R. R. R. to Cameron, and from Summit to 13th, and from 15th to city limits. Chiques st from Front to city limits. Christian st E from 165 Crescent to Mulberry. Christianna st E from Cameron to Hancock, bet Walnut and State. Christie's av S from 422 Cranberry av to rear 420 Walnut. Church av N from 206 State to North. Clinton av E from ~ Front, ab Harris, to 7th. Codorus st from Cameron to 27th. Colder st at Lochiel Iron Co.'s Works. Cole av from North to North avo Coleman st at Lochiellron Co.'s Works. Commerce st N from North to Cumberland, Qet 7th and the P. R. R. Compas av E from 418 S 14th to S 17th.

ANDREW REDMOND, J::::':::;d~:::=. {3d and Reily Sts.

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Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.


.conestoga st from Front to 27th. Conewago st from Front to 27th. Conoy st E from 569 S Front to Race. .cowden st N from 514 Market to Verbeke. Cox av from 2d to the R. R. .Crabapple av E from Chayne to city limits, bet Market and Regina. Cranberry av E from 213 N Front to 3d and from 4th to Short. Cream av E from 325 S 16th to S 17th. Crescent st S from 1125 Derry to Berryhill. Crooked av S from 1311 Market to Thompson's avo Cumberland st E from 1200 N Front to city limits. Currant av N from 639 Herr to Basin avo Curtin st E from 2500 N Front to city limits. Daisy av S from 1422 Kittatinny to Berryhill. Dauphin av E from N 2d, ab Kelker, to 12th. Delaware av E from N Front, ab Muench, to the Asylum (unopened from 7th to 8th). Derry st E from 101 S Cameron to city limits. Dewey st E from 17th ab Rush to city limits. Diven av N from 1034 Herr to Cumberland. Division st E from 3000 N Front to city limits. Dock st E from 900 S Front to Race. Dogwood av E from S 13th to city limits, bet Ash and Sycamore. Drummond av E (rom 1422 Kittatinny to S 16th. 'Dubbs av E from N 2d to N 3d, bet Forster and Briggs. East st N from 444 North to Forster. Eaton av S from 1404 Mayflower av to Vernon. Ei~hth st N from P. R. R. and North to city limits. Elder st, see Capital. Eleven-and-one-half st N from 1130 State to Reily (unopened from State to Herr). Eleventh st, see Cameron. . Elizabeth av E from S 10th to S Cameron, bet Hemlock and Elm, also Elizabeth av N from 610 Reily to city limits. Elm st E from 1049 S 9th to Cameron, also Elm st E from 16th to 18th, bet State and Walnut. Emerald st E from 2400 N Front to city limits. Ethel av W from 16th to city limits bet Park av and Market. Evergreen st S from 1223 Market to Derry. Fahnestock av N from Strawberry to Walnut, bet River av and 3d. Fahnestock st f: from 6th ab Seneca to 7th. Filbert st N from 607 Walnut to North. Fir av E from 1513 Walnut to Bombaugh avo Florence av N from 1106 Herr to Verbeke.

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To find a name you must know how to

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IIcUIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. :~.~~~~d(~~:!e~~~&1~I~: {306 Broal

18 Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide. Forrest av S from Howard to Vernon. Forrest ~t E from 21tlO N 5th to N 6th. Forster st E from 900 N Front to city limits (unopened from 11th to 15th). Fourteen-and-a-half st N from 1420 Walnut to State. Fox av N from Primrose av to Herr, bet 7th and P. R. R. Fridley av from 207 Chestnut to Cherry avo Fulton st N from 458 Cumberland to city limits. Geiger av E from N Front ab Peffer to N 5th. George st N from Kelker ab Cameron to Muench. German av from 'v"'" of :!d to Cherry avo Gooseberry av from 4th to util. Grace av S from 409 ~Iarket to Chestnut. lirand st ~ from 414 Forster to Boas. Granite av from ~ 2d ab Hamilton to 13th. Grape av ~ from 6t16 Herr to Cumberland. Green st N from 235 ~orth to city limits . Guy's av bel Lochiel Iron \Vorks. Haehnlen av E from 227 Crescent to S 13th. Hage st N from X Front to junction of 4th and Maclay. Hamilton st E from lillO N Front to city limits . Hancock st N from \Valnut to Christiana, bet Cameron and' 12th. Hanna st E from ~()O S Front to. city limits. Hanover st E from 13114 S Cameron to city limits. Harris st E from 1600 N Front to 12th. . Harry av at Lochiel Iron Co.'s \V0rks. Harvest st from 12th to citv limits. Hawthorn st E from S Canleron to city limits, bet Magnolia and Cedar. Hay av E from 1218 James av to Fulton. Hazel av from 637 Herr to Boas. Helen av W from 16th to city limits bet Regina and Park avo Hemlock st E from 1001 S 9th to Cameron. Herr st E from 1100 X Front to city limits. Hickorv av ~ from 704 Herr to Verbeke and from 710Kelker to Maclay. Highland st from Jes'samine to Prospect. Hildrup st W from 16th to city limits, bet Austin av anet Mulberry. Hill av E from Hummel to 13th, bet Berryhill and L. V.

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Hoerner st ~ from Walnut to State bel 15th. Hogan av S from Derry to Crescent. Hollv st E fr0111 400 S 17th to city limits. Hon~y av S from 'Market to Thompson's avo Hop av from Mayflower av to Vernon.

will goon loa EDW G ROBERTS bonds are your oond. Bell 'Phone

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A. B. TACK =tt~-:t 1011 PDOOr DOd 11111101 . . ;~~~

Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.
19 Howard av X from 564 Forrest to Schuylkill. Howard st E from 15 S 13th to 14th. Hoyer av S irom IGj Paxton to Indian avo Hummel st S from 1233 Mulberry to Hill avo Hunter av E from 430 Crescent to S 18th. Hunter st, see Forrest. Indian av E from 5:!5 Race to S 2d. Iron av S from 140 Dock .to Chesapeake Kail Works. Ivy av W from Moltke av to 7th, bet Maclay and Woodbine. James av N from 316 Briggs to Verbeke. James st N from 312 Verbeke to Reily. Jessamine st from 21st to 22d. Jonestown rd E from 1\ Cameron to city limits. Julia av from Verbeke to city limits, bet 10th and ~ Cameron. Juniata st from Front to 13th. Juniper st E from GUO N 13th ab State. Kelker av \V from 1512 N 5th to Fulton. Kelker st E from 1800 N Front to 12th. Kelly av E from 223 Pine to Cranberry avo Kensington E from 4~O S 19th to city limits. Kirbv av, see Rose avo Kittatinny st E from 1421 Vine to Derry. Kline av N from 124 Locust to Cranberry avo Kunkle av E from 1012 James av to near 6th. Lemon av E from Brensinger av ab Camp to Howard avo Liberty st E from 600 N Front to 3d. Linden av S from l:!.")O Bailey to 1110mpson's av Linden st"N from 1250 Bailey to State. Locust st E from 200 N Front to 3d. Logan av W from 320 Reily to Emerald. Love av N from 208 North to Briggs. Lynn N from 1925 Walnut to Herr. Maclav st E from :noo N Front to Penna. Insane Asylum. Magnolia st E fro', S Front to city limits, bet Hanover and Hawthorn. Mahantongo st E from 2900 N Front to city limits. Manada st E from 2d to city limits, bet Dock and Hemlock. Manada av, see Fulton. Maple av N from 622 Verbeke to Reily. Margaret st. see N 4th. Marigold av E from S 13th to city limits, bet Aspen and Shaonis. Marion st N from 400 Ver~eke to Reily. Market st from 1 N Front to city limits. Market is the N and S division line. Market House av S from 411 State to South. Mary's av E from 215 S Front to ~Ieadow lao

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MTo find a name you must know how to spell it."

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M. KELLEY & CO. n,:r:~\~~1f

Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.

::3 Mavflower av E from 35 Crooked av to S 16th.


E!! Mifflin av, see Susquehanna.

Meadow la E from 300 S 2d to Mulberry.

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Minnie av E from 2()26 Elizabeth av to Moltke avo Moltke av N from 6:12 ~Juench to Maclav. Montgomery st N from 436 Herr to Cumberland. Moore st N from 520 Maclav to Forrest. Muench st E from 1900 N Front to city limits. Mulberry st E from 200 S Front to 13th, and from 17th to city limits. Myers av N from 435 Delaware av to Maclay. Myrtle av N from 234 South to Herr. Nagle st E from 700 S Front to Paxton. Naudain st E from 520 S 14th to city limits. Nectarine av S from 1217 Mulberry to Swatara. North av E from 513 N 4th to Poplar lao North st E from 700 N Front to city limits. North Cameron st from 1100 Market to city limits. North Court av N from 216 l'darket to South . North Dewberrv av N from 318 Market to Walnut. North Eighteenth st N from 1800 Market to city limits. North Fifteenth st K from 15110 Market to city limits. North Fifth st N from 500 Market to Walnut, and from 442 South to North, and from 5011 Reily to city limits. North Fourteenth st ?\ from 1400 Market to city limits (unopened from 'Walnut to Herr). North Fourth st N from 400 Market to N or~h and from :138 Verbeke to city limits. North Front st K from'l :Market to city limits. North Nineteenth st ~ from 1900 Market to city limits. North Ninth st X from HtlO ::\farket to city limits (unopened to Herr). North River av N from 118 ~Market to South. and from Maclay to Emerald. North Second st N from 200 Market to city limits. North Seventeenth st ~ from 1700 Market to city limits. North Seventh st X from 700 North to city iimits. North Sixteenth st N from 1600 Market to city limits. North Sixth st N from 600 North to city limits. North Summit st N from 1212 Market to State. North 10th st N from 1000 Market to cit\' limits. North Third st N from 300 Market to cit". limits. North Thirteenth st !'\ from 1aoo Market to city Emits (unopened from State to Herr). North Twelfth st N from 1200 Market to Muench. North Twentieth st X from 2000 Market to Hamilton. North Twenty-first st ~ from 2100 Market to Hamilton. North Twenty-second st N from 2200 Market to limits.

~':R:~':J.~:!~~~:~ ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d aDd Rel~ SfL

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ltll6 JEmplQJI noll. but nl'llk'l_ warkmen. baeeOlll" ..... N. 3d St. lticuuo ..",.tand IllJIu .... 1t Wort doueIn aD1.,.rlolBiat.e.

21 Korth Twenty-second-and-one-half st X from :!230 Market to limits. l'iorth Twentv-third st X from 2aOO :'.Iarket to limits. North Twent)-third-and-one-haif st ~ from ::;\:111 ~larket to rl limits. , Korth Twenty-fourth st X from :!40fl ~rarket to limits. Korth Twenty-fourth-and-a-half st X irnlll :!-t:Ul ~Iarket to limits. North Twentv-fifth st X from 2500 Marktt to :imits. Korth Twentv-fifth-and-a-half st K from :!53f1 ~larket to ft limits. " Korth Twenty-sixth st X from 2600 1[ark~t ,0 limits. Korth Twentv-sixth-and-a-half st N lr0111 :!4i:m Market to limits. Korth Twenty-seventh st ~ from :!7UfI ~[arket to !imit3. Korth Twent)'-seventh-and-a-half t N from :!no Market to limits. Korth Twenty-eighth st X from 281111 ~[arkct to :imits. Oak av from Hickory av to P. R R, and from Six-and-ahalf to Seventh. bet Maclay and \\'oodbine. Oil av from 6th to 7th ab Woodbine. Oliver av E from 709 Green to 3d. Omega st S from Cameron ab State to Boas. Orange a" K from Maclay, bel 4th, to Emerald. Ott av \V from 503 Race to S Front. Park la, see Division, Park st E from 25 N 16th to city limits. Paxton st E from 400 5 Front to city limits. Pear av W from 910 N 6th to Capital. Peffer st E from :!Ilflll N Front to Penna, I mane As\'lum. Penn st N from 218 Briggs to city limits. . Pennsylvania av, see N 7th. II Pequa st from Front to city limits. Pigeon av from Paxton S to Hanna, and from Hanover 5 0 I~ to Hawthorn. Pine st E from 300 N Front to 3d. Pleasant av \\' from Summit to l:~th. bet ~larket and Chest-

Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.





PJov(:r av 5 from Turtle av to 10th. Plum at N from 416 Briggs to Forster. Plum av 5 from 415 Cumberland to Boas. Poplar av N from 703 South to North. Poplar st E from S Front to city limits, bet Birch and city line. Poppy av from Cameron to 13th. Primrose av E from 707 East to N 7th and from 15th to city limits.



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To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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CLARI'S ::::: DRU6 AID PATEl r MEDICINE STORE. {= (:-::f:~

Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide,

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EDW G ROBERTS ....,Id'. 108

Prospect st from junction of Whitehall and Highland to Market. Prune av S from 1247 Mulberry to Swatara. Race st S from 117 Paxton to Hanna. Reel's av E from Paxton Creek to S Cameron, bet Aspen and Hemlock. Reel's la E from 2800 N Front to city limits. Reese av E from 328 Crescent to S 15th. Regina st E from 14 N 14th to the city limits. Reily st E from 1500 N Front to city limits, Roberts st S from Hill to Paxton nr Catholic Cemetery. Rose av S from 430 Boas to Pear avo Rosemary av, see Hildrup. Rudy st E from 300 S 18th to city limits. Rural av E from S Cameron to 15th, bet Hawthorn andCedar. Rush st E from 15th ab Brookwood av to city limits. Salmon av from Paxton to Sycamore. Sarah av from 601 Herr to York avo Sassafras av E from 1124 N Front to Susquehanna. Savford av E from 1316 N Front to 7th, and from 8th to Cameron. Schaefer av S from Berryhill to Paxton, bet 9th and 10th. Schuylkill st from Front to city limits. Seneca st E from 2600 N Front to city limits. Seven-and-a-half st, see Commerce. Shamokin st from Front to 13th. Shanklin av N from 120 South to State. Shannon st av E from 815 S 10th to Cameron. Shaonis st E from S Front to Cameron, bet Aspen and Arch. Sharon st, see 15th. Shoop st E from 51 X 14th to 15th. Short st :K from 430 Walnut to South. Showers av S from 120 Conoy to Hanna. . Shrub av E from 39 N 12th to 14th (unopened from 12th to 13th). Simon a\' at Lochiel Iron Co.'s \Vorks . Singer av, see Fridley avo Six-and-a-half st N from li3:3 :Maclav to cit\, !imits. Smith av from 108 Boas to Herr. , South av E from West av to Poplar la, bet State and South South st E from 400 N Front to R. R. SOllth Cameron st S from 1101 ~..Iarket to city limits. South Court av S from 215 Market to R. R. South Dewbcrty av S from :119 ~larket to C. Y. R. R. South Eighteenth st S from 180} ~larket to city limits. South Fifteenth st S from 15111 ~larket to cih' limits. SOl1t1~ Fifth st S frolll 5111 ~larket to P. R.




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d ., ..... Boller 188l1ra._. Bell 'Phone 801 X. or61M8 X;;

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Wall Paper and Window Shadts. {l.::~:r:~~~


Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.

South Fourteenth st S from 1401 to (unopened from Zarker to Vernon, and from l:('rrvhill to Paxton). . South Fourth st S from 401 Market to C. V. R. R. South Front st S from Market to city limits. So~th Nineteenth st S from 1901 Market to limits (unopened from lHarket to Rudy). South Nineteen-and-a-half st S from 1931 11arket to P. & R. R. R. (unopened from Market to Derry). ...I South Kinth st S from 901 Market to Kittatinny, and trum , V ine to Shaonis. South River av S from 115 Market to Paxton and from .. Hanna to Chesapeake avo South Second st S from :Wl Market to city limits. .south Seventeenth st S from 1701 Market to cit\" limits. i f' South Sixteenth st S from 1601 Market to city liinits. South Summit st S from 1213 Market to Mulberry. "'" iii South Tenth st S from 1001 Market to Paxton {unopened !" from Mulberry to Berryhill). !: South Tnird st S from 301 Market to P. R. R. "'" South Thirteenth st S from 1301 Market to city limits. Va- !" ~ cated from Sycamore to Hanover. "' South Twelfth st S from 1201 Market to Cedar (unopened ~ from Market to Paxton. Vacated from Ash to H "la- ~ over). South Twentieth st S from 2001 ~Iarket to P. & R. R. R. -. (unopened from Market to Rudy). g .South Twenty-first st S from 2101 Market to P. & R. R. R. is (unopened from Market to Swatara). :; South Twenty-first-and-a-half st S from 2131 Market to P. ..... iii & R. R. R. (unopened from ~larket to Derry). M South Twenty-second st S from 22tH Market to P. & R. R. g;; R. (unopened from Market to Berryhill). South Twenty-second-and-a-half st S from 2231 Market to ~ P. & R. R. R. (unopened from Market to Brookwood). _ South Twenty-third st S from 2301 Market to P. & R. R. R. ..... (unopened from Market to Berryhill). South Twentv-third-and-a-'half st S from 2331 Market to P. & R. R."R. (unopened from Market to Brookwood). South Twentv-fourth st S from 2401 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened). -t South Twentv-fourth-and-a-half st S from 2431 Market to r:r P. & R. R. R. (unopened). South Twenty-fifth st S from 2501 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened). South Twentv-fifth-and-a-half st S from 2531 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened) .



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know- how-to speIliL"

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~UR MOTTO........ CoAL. . . . . Wapt.

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M KELLEY & CO .1JIlO1ll1lld Ittat. stt. fltrlII3d Sir....


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::::: South Twenty-sixth st S from 2601 ~larket to P. & R. R. R. (unopened). _ South Twenty-sixth-and-a-half st S from 2631 Market to P. !! & R. R. R. (unopened). :: South Twentv-seventh st S from 2701 Market to P. & R. R. R. (open' from Brookwood to Derry). South Twentv-seventh-and-a-half st S from 2731 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened). ~ South Twenty-eighth st S from 2801 Market to P. & R. R. R. (open from Brookwood to Derry). Sprague av E from Brensinger av ab Forrest to Howard avo Spring av N from 208 South to State. Spruce st, see 5th. I&J State st E from 500 N Front to city limits. Strawberry av E from 17 N Front to P. R. R. Susquehanna st N from 268 Herr to Emerald. I&J Swatara st E from 356 Crescent to city limits. Sweetbrier av 16th to city line. Sycamore st E from 1106 S 9th to city limits. Svlvau ter from 11;j1l :'lnlberrv to Derry. Tanner's av N from 406 Walnut to South. Tansey a.J from Pequa to Harvest. Thomas st at Lochiel Iron Co.'s Works. Thompson's av E from 126 Summit to S 17th. from S 13th to S 17th, bet I&J Tulip av E N from Peffer to city limits.Manada and Ash. Turner av Turtle av from Hemlock to Elm. Tuscarora st E from 600 S Front to R. R. Union av E from 912 N Front to 3d. Verbeke st E from 1300 N Front to city limits. :5 Vernon st E from 43 S 13th to S lith: >II: Vine st E from junction of S Front, Race and Paxton to c:t junction with Kittatinny. ~ Violet av E from S Cameron to 14th, bet Hanna and Fultonr &&I also Violet av E from 2010 Wood av to Turner avo \VallaCl~ st X from 621 Herr to Hamilton. \Valnut st E from 27 X Front tu city limits (unopened from P. R. R. to Cameron). Wa~hington ct bel Lochiel Iron Works. Vv'ashing-ton st E from 3110 S Front to 2d. \\iest av X from 418 South to Briggs. J!! \"'harlon av E from ;jth. ab Wuodbine. to 7th. &&I Wiconisco st E from X Front to P. R. R. :: \\iiiliam st X from 324 Yerbeke to Reily. ;=: WilIis av X from 235 South to State. ~ Willow av X from 214 State to :'\orth. c:t Wood av X from 518 Hamilton to Maclay. C3 ~ Woodbine st E from 2!Wfl ::-.J Front to city limits.

...: 2.

Boya's Harrisburg Street Guiae

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REDMOND.13d Ind R.I~ SfI.

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I. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,

Harrisburg Halla.


Wyeth av N from 4;)8 Verbeke to Reily. York av E from 917 X 6th to 7th, and from 15th ttl city limits. You sling av N from 514 Peffer to ~laclay. Zarker st E from 9 S 14th to 16th. Ziegler av S from 207 Cherry av to ~Iulberry.


Assembly, 1114 Capital Association, 114 N 2d Chestnut St. Market, Chestnut c Court City Gray's Armory, 2d c Forster Dauphin Building, 15 S 2d Dressel's, 207 Chestnut Dunkle & Ewing's, 19361 Derry Ensminger's, 3d c Cumberland Fackler's, 1310 Derry Foerster's,540 Race G. A. R., 26 N 3d, 305 Verbeke, 120 Cowden Golden Eagle, 4th c Market Good Samaritan, 109 Cowden Grand Opera House, Walnut c 3d Gully's, 25 S 13th Heffelfinger, 13th c Derry Harrisburg Board of Trade, 112-114-116 Market Hibernian Hall, 13 N 3d Hoffman's, 1531 Derry

Kelkc'r St. ~Iarket, Kelker c 4th' Kinnard's, 305 Verbeke Knights of Pythias, 214,! Locust ~larket HOllse Hall, Verbeke c Capital ~Iasonic, 222 ~Iarket ~Iasonic, (Scottish Rite), ~ 3:!4 North }Iasonic (col), 502 South -'lauk'!>, (ith c Kelker X ational, State c 4th Odd Fellows', :104 N 2d, 321 ~larket, 412 Walnut and 4:12 South Red Men's, 1300 Fulton Russ Building, 15 N 2d Segelbaum's, ~15 Market Sible & Clark's, 1200 N 3d .0 Sible's, 1127 N 3d ~ Cnion, Margaret c llasin av Cninn Square, Howard ab 14th \Vveth's,2 N Court av Zarker's, 13th c Market

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DirectOrleS, Cal Standard Or "READING, PA.~ !

.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."
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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~il~;o~~a':e=t~~~l. {~'1..!::...

Pennlylvania State Government.

..: 26


Pennsylvania State .Government.


Governor-William A. Stone. Lieutenant Governor-J. P. S. Gobin. Private Secretary--Edgar C. Gerwig. _ Secretary of the Commonwealth-William W. Griest. Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth-Lewis E. Beitler. Chief Clerk-George D. .(J) Attorney General-John Thorn . P. Elkin. Deputy Attorney General-Frederic W . Fleit1.. l&J Auditor General-Edwin B. Hardenbergh . ..I Deputy Auditor General-Sam Matt Fridy. .C( Chief Clerk-N. E . Hause . l&J Secretary of Internal Affairs-James W.Latta. Deputy Secretary Internal Affairs-Isaac B. Brown. 0 Chief Bureau Industrial Statistics-James :\1. Clark. State Treasurer-Frank G. Harris. Cashier-To Stewart Pearce. Commissioner of Banking-Frank Reecler. Deputy Commissioner of Banking-John W. \-lorrison. Superintendent of Public Instruction-i\'atl1an C. Schaeffer. Deputy Superintendents of Public lnstruction-H.!nry Houck and John Q . Stewart. Adjutant General-Thomas J. Stewart. Chief Clerk-G. C. Kelly. State Librarian-Dr. George E. Reed. State Printer-William Stanlev Ra\. Superintendent of Public GrO'unds and Buildings-T. Larry Eyre. Superintendent of Public Printing-ThonJas G. Sample. Commissioner of Insurance-Israel W . Durham. Deputy Commissioner of Insurance-Samuel \V. McCulloch. Commissioners of Soldiers' Orphan Schools-Hon. William A. Stone, pres; Hon. John D . Patterson, chief dk. Secretarv Board of Public Charities-Cadwalader Biddle. Secretary Department of AgricuIture-] ohn Hamiit'Jn. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture-Algernon L . Martin.






Til. A",erl".D BODdl (:.",p y, Baltimore, Md. EOW, G . KOBSRTS. General Agent central Penna. District. 108 Lf , t, Bell 'Phone 851 X, or 68U X.
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Dauphin County Omeerl.

U!18 IOrlb Bird I.


Chief Clerk-Marcellus D. Lichliter. Dairy and Food Commissioner-Jesse K. Cope. Economic Zoologist-Benjamin F. MacCartney. Commissioner of Forestry-Dr. J. T. H.othrock. State Veterinarian-Dr. Leonard Pearson. Secretary of Board of Health-Benjamin Lee, M. D. Factory Inspector-James Campbell. Bureau of Mines-James E. Roderick, chief. Secretary of Game Commission-Dr. Joseph Kalbfus. STATE PHARMACEUTICAL EXAMINING BOARD. President-George W. Kennedy, Pottsville. Secretary-Charles T. George, 1306 N 3d, Harrisburg. Treasurer-Henry C. Porter, Towanda. F. A. Boericke, Philadelphia. \\'. G. Minnick, Allegheny.
DAUPHI1f COUliTY OFFICERS. President Judge-John W. Simonton. Additional Law Judge-John H. Weiss. Sheriff-John S. Reiff. Deputy Sheriffs-Edgar C. Hummel, Geo. W. Mcilhenny. . Prothonotary-Jonah G. Diffenderfer. Deputy Prothonotary-Henry F. Holler. Treasurer-Archibald G. Knisely. Register-Bayard T. Dickinson. Deputy Register-J. Harry Stroup. Recorder-Edward Z. Gross. Deputy Recorder-William A. McIlhenny. Clerks to Recorder-Charles H. Small, Wilson F. Charles, Frank L. Jefferson. District Attorney-Albert Millar. County Detective-James T. Walter. Countv Commissioners-Charles H. Smith, John W. Deibler, 'Patrick H. Meehan. County Auditors-H. R. Shirk, E. F. Eisely, W. H. Ettele. Countv Solicitor-R. Sherman Care. Count~ Surveyor-Christian H. Hoffer. Commissioners' Oerk-John H. Strock. Coroner-George C. Krause. Warden County Prison-John H. Mcilhenny. Directors of the Poor-W. Scott Stroh, Joseph Earley, Isaac S. Hoffman. Clerk. George A. L. Row. Steward Almshouse-William Look. Prison Physician-Freaerick W. Coover.

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-ToW a name you must

know how to spell it."

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H. M. KELLEY &, CO COAL AND WOOD {OIllCes: ~o~o:a~~=:

+.". 28 Harrisburg City Oftlcers.
Board of Prison Inspectors-Lane S. Hart, pres; William Longenecker. Reservoir Park Commission-John Hoffer, pres; W. K. Alricks, treas; Geo. G. Kennedy, sec; Jno. A. Affleck, W. K. g; Alricks, W. J. Calder, George Doehne, Mrs. C. R. Haldez: man, John Hoffer, George J. Hutton, H. M. Kelley, E. ~ Mather. Court of O)cr and Terminer-Quarter Sessions-Jan- uar)", March, Junc and Septemucr. Cummon Pleas-Jan uary, Febr4ary, April, 1Iay, October and November .

~ H. ulrich, sec; Samuel S. :\filler, Henry Cordes, John S.



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HARRISBURG CITY OFFICERS. Incorporated as a Oity in 1860. Mayor-Vance C. McCormick. Treasurer-John K. Royal. Controller-Henry W. Gough. Solicitor-Daniel S. Seitz. City Engineer-:Nl. B. Cowden. City Assessors-Albert B. Tack, Harry F. Oves, George W. Liesmann. Water Commissioners-Edmund Mather, pres; George J. Hutton, John A. Affleck, George G. Kennedy, sec. Board of Revision of Taxes and Appeals-Martin G. Stoner, pres; D. M. Beck, Franklin E. Bubb, Edward Moeslein, William H. Moody, Charles A. Miller, clerk. Sanitary Dcpartment-Martin G. Stoner, chairman; Chas . .A. Miller, sec; William D. Block and David H. EIlinger, l'anitar)" ofticers. Citv Clerk-Charles A. }liller. Superintendent Police and Fire Alarm-Clark E. Diehl. Delinquent Tax Collectors-Harvey T. Smith, Charles F. Spicer, John McDonough, John ~I. Jacobs, Martin L. Solomon, Oliver C. Bender, Oliver F. Ferree . Highway COlllmissioner-Thomas T. \Vierman. Building Inspector-Thomas Ferree. Supervisor-First District, Lewis Tress. Supervisor-Second District, George W. Kautz. Chief of Police-Joseph B. Hutchison. Lieutenant of Police-Charres S. Keefer. Sergeants of Police-J. Edward Warden, Charles J. O'Donnell, Joseph P. Thompson. Select Council-First Ward. William H. Shertzer. Second Ward-Charles H. Bernheisel. Third Ward-Richard V. Fox, pres . Fourth Ward-Theodore G. Calder. Fifth Ward-Morris H. Craiglow.

ANDREW REDMOND, Hc:.;:.~~flra::d ~~!!,';::.. {3d'lld Rilly Sts~

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I B TICK ,PNeCO'nc Public BulldlnKs In0 ' " -Tints. {'211 ... 3G It. -flAKE' A ,,.ECIALTT , A PlaIn "',1_ ,IN_.
Harriaburg Fire Department.

Sixth Ward-Benjamin F. Umberger. Seventh Ward-Martin G. Stoner. Eighth Ward-Harry G. Walter. Ninth Ward-George A. Hoverter. Tenth \Vard-William H. Moodv. Clerk of Select Council-J. Henilan Knisely. Common Council-First Ward-DeWitt A. Fry, Franklin E. Bubb. Second Ward-Charles E. Murray, Charles E. Pass. Third vVard-John N. ~lcCulloch, J. Rowe Fletcher, pres. Fourth Ward-William Jennings, Augustus H. Kreidk~ Fifth Ward-Adam G. Krieg, Daniel W. Brubaker. Sixth Ward-William M. Slentz, Jacob E. Wagner. Seventh Ward-Oliver P. Keller, Charles Birch. Eighth Ward-John E. Peters, Charles C. Steiner. Ninth Ward-Edwin C. Thompson, James McC. Foose . Tenth Ward-Oliver F. Ferree, Alexander H. Roberts. Clerk of Common Council-Charles A. Miller.

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FlU DEPART.EXT. Chief Engineer-George W. Lutz. Assistant Engineer, John C. Kindler. Superintendent Fire Alarm, Clark E. Diehl. Harrisburg Volunteer Firemen's Beneficial Association meets fourth Wednesday of every month at the different en- gine houses. C. D. Kramer, pres; Marion Verbeke, rec sec. Firemen's Union, composed of three representatives from ft each company and the chief and assistant engineers of the " fire department. Col. H. C. Demming, pres; Charles E ... Ripper, sec. II Harrisburg Firemen's Relief Association, represented by three delegates from each company, meets second Wednes- 0 day of every month at the different engine houses. George I w. Lutz, pres; Charles \V. Scout, sec. Mount Vernon Hook and Ladder Co., No.1, org. 1858, 519 N 4th. Harry Q. Black, sec. ., Friendship Steam Engine Co., No.1, 3d c Cherry av; org. IV prior to 1801. Charles E. Murray, sec. Hope Steam Engine Co., No.2, 2d bet State and ~orth. John P. Rupley, sec. Citizen Steam Engine Co .. No. a, loa x 4th. Joseph F. O'Leary. sec. Q. Washington Hose and Chemical Co., No.4; org. Feb. 22, 1841; Chestnut nr 2d. Charles E. Ripper, sec. Paxton Steam Fire Engine Co., No.6, 2d bet Washington reand Vine; org. Nov. 22,1859. John A. Snyder, sec.

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"To find a name you must know how to spell iL"

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McNeil'. Pala Ellter.laator eures Cbo\era Morbul, DYfl'Ulery. Cram~ lliarrbcre. Qulusy, Rbeum.tiam. Toothacbe. Sore Throat, AIIlI!, D~JI8Ia, ~~. III ......

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Good Will Steam Engine Co., No.7, org. 1860; 6th c Calder. C. Maurice Shoop, sec. "C .a Mount Pleasant Fire Co., No.8; org.1877; S 13th c HowI ard. Cyrus E. Benson, sec. c.:. Susquehanna Fire Co., No.9, 1128 S Cameron; re-arg. :; Dec. 1899. Theodore Young, sec. c.:. Reily Hose and Chemical Co., No. 10; org. July 11th, 1885; 4th c Dauphin avo Harry Stroh, sec. ~ Shamrock Fire Co., No. 11, Herr c 1IIth. Harry R. Nace, sec.



Haniaburg School Department.

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FlU ALAR. BOXES AND LOCATIONS. Third and Market. 41 P. &. R. Depot. 42 Second and Mulberry. State and Cowden. Second and North. 43 Third and :\leadow la. Thirteenth and Mar45 Seventh and Maclay. keto 51 Cameron and Herr. 8 Sixteenth and Wal52 Sixth and Forster. nut. 53 Ninth and SYcamore. 9 Fourteenth and Swa54 Second and Harris. tara. 61 Second and Cran12 Front and Dock. berr\' av. 13 Race and Paxton. 62 Fourth and Hamil14 Cameron and Paxton. ton. 15 Second and Verbeke. 6:J North and Poplar 16 Cameron and MagAve. nolia. 112 Second and Straw21 Sixth and Dauphin. berry Ave . 121 Third and Reel's 23 P. R. R. Shops. 24 Sixth and CumberLane. land. 123 Sixth and Mahan25 Hummel and Multongo. berry. 124 Sixth and Woodbine. 26 Third and Muench. 131 Fourth and Walnut. 31 Third and Reily. 134 Tenth and Market. 32 Third and Boas. 141 Third and Woodbine. 34 Sixteenth and Derry. 142 Reily and Wallace. 35 Seventh and Boas. 232 Fourth and State. Three times two taps (2-2-2) after an alarm signifies that the whole department shall respond immediately. Three taps (1-1-1) after an alarm signifies that the fire is under control.
4 5 6 7

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SCHOOL DEPART.ENT. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Schools consist of 1 High, 49 Grammar and 128 Primary Schools. --- - - - ------~

f.r ACCIDBNT 'N"1JIlAN(~B. J08 N.rrh

8 _ " Btreet.

Bell 'Phoue 8M X. or 8843 X.

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~=.~ IOU POOOr ODd DdOI SbO~S lrom A. B. TACK. N,llJ\t.

Barriaburg School Department. 31 City Superintendent, L. O. Foose. Secretary of the Board, D. D. Hammelbaugh. Directors, 1st Ward, Wil- liam K. Hamer, John T. Cope and Ellsworth E. DaUer; 2d Ward, Frank K. Binnix and Elias E. Fry; 3d Ward, Henry C. Orth. George Doehne and T. Jefferson Scheffer; 4th \Vard, Paul A. Hartman, M. D.; Charles B. Fager, M. D., and Geo. E. Etter; 5th Ward, George C. Fager, J. Landis Seitz, M. D., and William H. Smith; 6th Ward, 'II James H. Collins, Wm. Pentz and B. F. Snavely; 7th Ward, III J~mes H. \~ orden, . ~dam D. Houtz and Christia~ M. Fager: Rth Ward, WIlham H. Jones. :\1. D., and A. Wilson Black; 9th Ward John C. Hanson, JGhn H. Bolton and William M. Hoerner; 10th Ward, Joseph P. Luce and John. R. Hutter. ~

I 0 0 -I I


High School Building, Forster c Capital, Prof. Samuel A.


Lochiel Building. 12th c :M:agnolia, W. E. Kirk. Harris Building, Front c Paxton, S. P. Stambaugh. Paxtang Building, S Cameron, Linda M. Snavely. Stevens Building, Chestnut nr 2d, Mary G. Edwards. Fager Building. Walnut c River av, Clara L. :\Ieredith . Willard Building, State c Myrtle av, Lile George. Boas Building, Green c Forster, Calvin F. Martz. Verbeke Building, Verbeke c Susquehanna, Emily J. Adams. Reily Building, Reily c Susquehanna, Isaac Lloyd. Hamilton Building, 6th c.Hamilton, George S ..Machen. Penn Building, 7th c Cumberland, Amanda L. Crowe. Dewitt Building, Walnut nr 4th, Fannie L. Johnson. Calder Building, Calder c Marion, W H MCl-rshalL Downey Building, 11i nr Calder, J. S. Heiges. Maclay Building, 4th c Peffer, W. A. Hipple. Allison Building, 14th c Shoop, Anna Marshbank. Lincoln Building, 5th c North, Morris H. Layton. Webster Building, 13th c Kittatinny, Findlay I. Thomas. Springdale Building, Walnut c 18th, Mary H. Frantz. Vernon Building, Vernon c 15th. Blanche L. Swope. Curtin Building. 5th c Seneca, Martin S. Taylor. CUlleron Building, Green c Muench, John J. Brehm. Forney Building, 18th c Chestnut, Helen Breininger. Wickersham Building, Briggs c Cowden, Anna V. Crowl. PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. Commercial Academy, B. E. Staley, 304 N 2d. Cottage Ridge Kindergarten, Miss Elizabeth B. Coover, 1926 ~ 3d. Harrisburg Academy, 405 N Front, Jacob F: ~!Ie!.

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-TofiDd a name you must know how to


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H MKELLEY &CO '8 Bl k 01. . . .order... {'10th In41 141 ..... . . . .11_ Marti! State 8... ....
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Harrisburg Bands and









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Harrisburg Business College, John E. Garner, 322 Market. Harrisburg School of Engineering, 14 S 2d. Hebrew Schools. H. Kadish, teacher,::;05 Walnut, and H. L. Meyerowitz, teacher, 712 South . Allison Hill Kindergarten, Miss Mabel C. Stites, 118 S 13th. International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, 122 Market, Wilson R. Houser, supervisor. Kindergarten and School, Miss Evelyn Barrington, 2d c State. Kindergarten School, Susan Seiler, 401 N Front. Kindergarten School, Mabel C. Stites, U8 S 13th. North Harrisburg Kindergarten, 1102 Herr, Eliza .McCormick, sec. St. Genevieve's Convent of the Sisters' of Mercy, 500 Maclay. Pro-Cathedral School, Liberty c Church av, charge of the Sisters of Mercy. St. Lawrence Parochial School, charge of the Sisters of Christian Charity, 107 Short. School of Commerce, J. Calvin Shumberger and George S. McOure, 24-26 S 2d.

Harrisburg Band meets every Monday and Friday eves., 201 Chestnut. James Morrisey, pres. Ideal Band meets every Tuesday eve. at 138 Short. H. - ]. Kurzenknabe, mgr. ~Kurzenknabe's Orchestra meets Monday eve. at 1010 N ::> Ideal Brass Orchestra meets Tuesday eve. at 138 Short. l&I W. H. Fountain, mgr. I- 3d. F. W. Froehlich, leader; H. J. Kurzenknabe, mgr. ~ Weber's Orchestra meets at 136 S 2d. Wm. F. Weber, l&I conductor. Opera House Orchestra, Max Blumenfeld, conductor. Commonwealth Band meets at 1 S 4th every Tuesday and Z Friday eves. W. K. Osborne, musical director. Commonwealth Band Orchestra, 1 S 4th. W. K. Osborne, leader. Z Harrisburg Maennerchor meets 121 Walnut every Sunday. l&I Camp 15, S. V., Drum Corps meets every Wednesday eve. at 1507 N 3d. W. F. Raysor, mgr. Keystone Cornet Band meets every Monday and Friday eves., Cowden c Short. C. E. Scott, leader.


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ANDREW REDMOND, ~::rr:~:-~':::d::. {3d and Rell, SII.

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Wan Pa_. Tbebel&aa4Io....,pda.. l!I~a._ complete wltJa nztanl &lid I'rt.a&eI for...

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Harrisburg Board of Trade. BAlIXS, TRUST COKPdIES, &C.

Commercial Bank, 1217 N 3d. Capital, '200,000; inc. 1901. D. W. Sohn, cashier. Dauphin Deposit Bank, 213 Market. Capital, '300,000; inc. 1834. W. K. Alricks, cashier. First National Bank, 222 Market, Lane S. Hart, pres; James Brady, cashier. Capital, '100,000; surplus, ,3:!5,000; undivided profits, ,25,000; discount day, Wednesday. Harrisburg National Bank, 16 S 2d. Capital and surplus, $500,000; inc. 1814. Pres, Edward Bailey; cashier, William L. Gorgas. Mechanics' Bank, Market c 3d. Capital and surplus, $200,000. Cashier, C. A. Kunkel; assistant cashier, Sam~~hl



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~OO; surplus, '59,000. Hamilton D. Hemler, pres; H. O.

Miller, cashier. Harrisburg Trust Co., 16 S 2d. Authorized capital, f400,OOO; capital paid in, '250,000; surplus, ,185,000. Edward Bailey, pres; W. L. Gorgas, sec and treas. Central Guarantee, Trust and Sale Deposit Co., H. D. Hemler, pres; H. O. Miller, sec and treas, 1230 X 3d. Capital, '250,000; authorized, '125,000 paid up. Conunonwealth Trust Co., 222 Market. Capital, $250,-000; surplus, '325,000; undivided profits, ,21,3!jO. Lane:: S. Hart, pres; W. H. Metzger, sec and treas. Dime Savings Fund, 223 Market, James McCormick, treas. Exchange Banking Co., 3 N 2d. W. J. Lescure and W. J. Snavely, mgrs.

Merchants' National Bank, 1230 N 3d.

Capital, $100,-

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Harrisburg Board of Trade, 112-114-116 Market. Regular meetings of the Board, second Tuesday in every month at 8 p. m. Pres, George A. Gorgas; vice pres, S. C. Gilbert, B. F. Meyers, E. Z. Wallower, Robert Snodgrass, H. J. Beatty, W. L. Gorgas, Charles S. Boll, John T. Ensminger, J. c. Harlacker, W. L. Powell, Frank R. Leib, :\iaurice C. Eby; sec, '1\'. A. Hiester; asst sec, Harry B. Orr; treas, W. L.' Gorgas; trustees, J. C. Harlacker, chairman; E. Z. Wal1ower, W. R. Fleming, Robert Snodgrass, Clark E. Diehl, Charles A. Kunkel, Charles S. Boll, Herman P. Miller; John F. Kerper, David E. Tracy, John P. Melick, S. W. Fleming, W. L. Powell, E. Z. Gross, S. C. Gilbert. Auditors-H. C. Ross, R. G. Cox, A. D. Bacon.


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To fbi a name you must know bow to spell it."

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McNEIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. :.Ij~~~~n~=ral~t!: {306 Brol'









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Harriaburg Churohes. Manufactures-Edward Bailey, chairman; B. F. Meyers. William Jennings, E. Z. Wallower, Donald C. Haldenian, E. B. Mitchell, D. Bailey Brandt. Real Estate-Hon. Vance C. McCormick, chairman; John A. Affleck, George Doehne, E . ..\ioeslein. Levi Bw Alricks. Legislation-E. E. Beidleman, chairman; D. W. Cox, Dr. Charles B. Fager, jr., A. L. Groff, Charles T. George. Transportation-Edward S. Herman. chairman; W. H. Bennethum, Samuel Bowman, John Black, George W. Meily. Municipal-J. V. W. Reynders. chairman: C. H. Backenstoe. R. C. Neal, George R. Bentley, H. A. Hoopes. Statistics-Major Joseph c. Smith, chairman; Rev. E. N. Kremer, H. H. Freeburn, James M. Lamberton, J. Grant Schwarz. Publication-E. L. Rinkenbach, chairman; E. M. Ensminger, John T. Brady, Howard :M. Bird. H. W. Fishel. Arbitration--D. P. Jerauld. chairman; Herman Tausig,. Haldeman O'Connor. :\Iembership--J. H. Spicer, chairman: Benjamin Strouse, Joseph Kahn, S. S. Eberts. D. H. Heisey. Reception and Entertainment-W. B. l\iiller, chairman; W. S. Hurlock, Milton M. Lerner, John P. Gohl, Jesse J. Lybarger.. I Office of Board is open daily at 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Use of rooms for business meetings or entertainments can be arranged for at the building by application to secretary.


CHURCHES. All Saints Mission, under auspices of St. Stephen's~ E Episcopal Church, 540 Race. Services every Sunday at 6.30 p. m. u A. M. E . State c West. Rev. T. A. Smythe. pastor. Asbury M. E. Church. Hi c Herr, Rev. , pastor . c Augsburg Lutheran Church, 5th c Muench, Rev. ,. u pastor. and evenBaptist Mission meets o ing in Mauk's Hall. Rev. every Sunday morning pastor. Willis W. Clippinger. ~ Bethany Presbyterian Chapel, Cameron c Cumberland,.. W Rev. Henry Cunningham. pastor. U Bethlehem Lutheran. Green c Cumberland. Rev. J. Henry Harms, pastor. Calvary Evangelical Lutheran, 332 S 13th, Rev. Edward' H. Paar, pastor. Calvary Presbyterian Chapel, S Cameron c Sycamore,.. Rev. H. B. King, pastor.



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A. B. TACK :::c':.=.-:t II Plll8r 01li1lDll0i _

Harrisburg Oh1l1'ohea.


Capital Street Presbyterian, Capital c Forster, Rev. Eugene Johnson, pastor. Chisuk Emuna, Uewish}, Congregation, Filbert c North av, Rev. David Goldberg, rabbi. Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, 13th c Thompson's av, Rev. M. H. Stine, pastor. Church of God, N 4th nr Walnut, Rev. Peter H. Hershey, pastor. QlUrch of God, North c Lynn, Rev. W. Miller, pastor. Church of God, ab Cumberland, Rev. Marshall Walker, pastor. Covenant Presbyterian, 5th c Peffer, Rev. Curtis O. Bosserman, pastor. Covenant Presbyterian Mission, 6l c Diamond, John B . Corl, supt. Cuttain Heights, (Methodist), 6th c Wharton av, Rev. C. M. Barnitz, pastor. Derry Street United Brethren, Derry c 15th, Rev. J. A. Lyter, pastor. Epworth Methodist, Derry c 21st, Rev. Henry A. Straub, pastor. Fifth Street l\Iethodist, (Episcopal), 5th c Granite, Rev. Barnard H. Hart, pastor. First Baptist, 2d c Pine, Rev. Isaac W. Bagley, pastor. First Free Baptist, State c 4th, Rev. , pastor. Fourth Reformed, Market c 16th, Rev. Milton H. Sangree, pastor. Fourth Street Church of Christ, 4th c Delaware av, Rev. C. W. Harvey, pastor. German Baptist Brethren, Hummel c Haehnlen av, Abraham B. Martin, pastor. German Evangelical Lutheran Zion's Church, Rev. H. F. F. Lisse, pastor. German Lutheran, (St. Michael), 321 S 2d nr Meadow la, Rev. J. G. Pfuhl, pastor. Gospel Mission Sunday School meets every Sunday afternoon at 1216 N 3d. Grace Methodist Episcopal, State bet 2d and 3d, Rev. J. Wesley Hill, pastor. I Harris A. M. E. Zion, Marion or Calder, R,ev. Lewis G. Mitchell, pastor. Harris Street United Evangelical, Harris c Mifflin. Rev. H. Franklin Schlegel, pastor. Kelker Street Church of God Mission, Kelker Street Market Hall, Rev. J. W. Ault, pastor. Lafayette Hall Rescue Mission, 512 State, J. M. Curwin, supl

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M. KELLEY &. CO. {t'::~~ta~:1f'

Lochiel Mission, 39 Lochiel4th Row. Founded by Jac:oO .... Fritz. Services conducted by Charles L. Boyer. Market Square Presbyterian, Rev. J. Ritchie Smitbr ..... pastor. Memorial Evangelical Lutheran, 15th c Shoop, Rev. D~ Upton Bair, pastor ;:; Memorial United Brethren, Boas c Myrtle, Rev. Grant : D. Batdorf, pastor. =!! .Messiah Lutheran, 6th c Forster. Rev. Luther DeYoe.. pastor. en Messiah Rescue and Benevolent Home, 1185 Bailey, Sam~ uel Brehm, pres; A. B. Musser, treas; S. R. Smith, sec. Methodist Episcopal, Herr ab Cameron, Rev. L. A. ':::i Carter, pastor. => Nagle Street Church of God, Nagle nr Race, Rev. G. R. L&I Hoverter, pastor. Ohev Sholom, (Lovers of Peace), Congregation, 2d.c South, Samuel Friedman, rabbi. . L&I Otterbein Church of the U. B. in Christ, Reily c 4th, .Rev. E. S. Bowman, pastor. Olivet Presbyterian, Derry c Kittatinny, Rev. Joseph Stockton Roddy, pastor. Park Street United Evangelical Chapel, Park c 16th, Rev. Edgar E. Stauffer, pastor. People's Mission Church, Calder c William, Rev. George H. Schreiner, pastor. Pine Street Presbyterian, 3d c Pine, Rev. George S. L&I Chambers, pastor. . Reformed Zwingli, North c Church, Rev. Robert F. Reed, pastor. (,) Ridge Avenue M. E., 6th c Herr, Rev. B. C. Conner, ;;: pastor. _ Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Cameron bel Paxton _ Rev. Francis J. \Velsh. rector. :3 Salem Reformed, Chestnut c 3d, Rev. Ellis N. Kremer, ~ pastor. S Salvation Army, Verbeke c Capital. Services every ~ evening at 8 p. m.: Sunday School, 11 a. m. and 3 p. m., !:i David L. Lewis. captain. :5 Second Baptist Church, Cameron ab :\larket, Rev. D. ~ Augustine Reed, pastor. == Second Church of God, Green c Calder, Rev. William J. ~ Schaner, pastor. ~ Second Reformed, Verbeke c Green, Rev. A. H. Hibs~ ~ man, pastor. ~ Seventh Day A<;Iventists, 3d c Cumberland, Rev. William ~ H. Smith, pastor.

ti ~


Xaniaburg Churches.




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:AR:~-:.::!~r~:a! ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d lAd Reily Sh.

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N. 3d St. daat_tud lDaurea It WorIlQODew&Il)'par\oIS....

1.18 {EmPlO)'"' Done but Ilnlrcl...... workmeD. hence OBly j/rtII-

Harrisburg Hospitals.


St. Francis Roman Catholic, Market nr 15th, Rev. James McGrath, rector. St. Genevieve's Roman Catholic, 5th c ~Iaclay, Rev. Maurice M. Hassett, rector. St. John's Reformed, Kelker Street Market Hall, Rev. J. , Rauch Stein, pastor. :III St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal, Front nr Pine, Rev. _ Ernest F. Smith, rector; Rev. H. S. Hastings, asst. St. Lawrence German Catholic, Walnut nr 5th, Rev. Stephen M. Wiest, rector. ft St. Luke's Methodist, 11i c Cumberland, Rev. Lewis G. V Mitchell, pastor. .. St. Patrick's Pro-Cathedral, State c Church, Rev. Mau- ;:;: rice ~L Hassett, rector; Rev. William F. Boyle, asst. :II~ St. Paul's Baptist, Cameron nr Herr, Rev. W. J. Smith, ~r; pastor. ~: St. Paul's Episcopal, 6th c Forster, Rev. Leroy F. Baker, 1'1(") rector. _~ St. Paul's Methodist, Vine nr Paxton, Rev. Charles V. Hartzell, pastor. Tabernacle Baptist, Forster nr 6th, Rev. - - - , pastor. . . Thirteenth }f. E., 13th c Vernon, Rev. Samuel D. WiI- N son. pastor. _ Trinity Mission Chapel of Zion Evangcl.ical Lutheran Church, 1038 S 9th, Rev. R. L. Meisenhelder, pastor. ...I Union Gospel Mission, Walnut nr 15th. , Welsh Union Church, Division c 6i, Rev. Thomas D. _ Reese, pastor. . Wesleyan Union, South c Tanner's av, Rev. Francis H Hill, pastor. Westminster, (Presbyterian), Reily c Green, Rev. William .. McNally, p a s t o r . . II Zion Baptist. ~farion bel Calder, Rev. W. Toliver, pastor. 0 Zion Lutheran, S 4th nr Market, Rev. D. ~I. Gilbert, pastor. 13 Salem Bible Class meets every Sunday at 1.30 p. m., 6i N u 2d, 3d floor, under the care of R. F. Kelker, Esq. VI

11 r PI


State Lunatic Hospital, Maclay nr Cameron; opened 1851. F. Asbury Awl, treas; H. L. Orth, M. D., supt. The Harrisburg Hospital, Front c Mulberry; chartered; property owned by the corporation; a membership $30; supported by voluntary contributions. Henry B. McCormick, pres; Edward Z. Gross, sec: William L. Gorgas, treas.


" .. ,,, VI

"To find. name



mow bow to spell it."

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CLARI'S :::::~~ DR06 AID PATEIT MEDICIIE STORE. {:::f:=-:'-~.



Harrisburg Ki1itary.

1! ~
is : :.


Maternity, 226 Liberty; opened 1892. Mrs. A. B. Black, pres; Mrs. T. McCamant, treas; Miss R. Pollock, sec. _.Keeley Institute; opened June, 1892. John M. J. Raun_ ick, physician in charge; C. W. Rank. mgr. 4th c ~orth.


o KEDICAL SOCIETIES. ~ o meets at callCounty sec. Jacob H. Knouse, pres: org. Jacob Dauphin Pharmaceutical Association; C of the Dr.


KAllOT HOUSES. Chestnut Street Market Co., Chestnut c Court, William J. Lescure, sec and treas. East Harrisburg Farmers' ~Iarket House Co., Market c 14th, Andrew Co Zarker, pres; D. ~l. Dull. sec. Kelker Street Market, Kelker c 4th, E. 'N. S. Parthemore, sec. State Street Market House, 4th c State, Augustus H. Frankem, supt. West Harrisburg ~larket House Co .. Verbeke c 3d, John N. Kinnard, supt and treas.

A. Miller, sec. Harrisburg Academy of :\Iedicine meets last Friday of ~ each month, except July and August. at :WI ~ :!d. Hugh-Hamilton, M. D., pres; J. Walter Park. ~l. D., 1st vice pres: D. S. Funk. ~I. D., 2d vice pres; T. S. Blair, ~L D., treas. O sec: E. H. James, M. D., Examining Board, 1306 N 3d. State Pharmaceutical ~ G. W. Kennedy, pres; C. T. George, sec: H. C. Porter, _ treas: F. A. Boericke. W. G. Minnick. ~ The Dauphin County Medical Society; org. 1866; meets IE at the Harrisburg Academy of Medicine Hall, 319 N 2d, quarterly: professional meetings monthly. \Villiam H. U Jones, M. D., pres: Paul A. Hartman. ~I. D .. sec.


KILITARY. Co. D .. 8th Reg.. N. G. P., armory, 2d c Forster; Captain, J. Barclay Fisher; 1st Lieut.. Frank H. ~Hkle, 2d Lieut., Jerry J. Hartman. Co. 1., 8th Regt., N. G. P., armory, 2d c Forster; Captain, Maurice E. Finney; 1st Lieut., :\'icholas Tack; 2d Lieut., Harrv C. Houtz. Governor's Troop, 3d Brigade, ~. G. P . armory, Russ Bldg, 15 N 2d, Captain. Fred M. Ott: 1st Lieut., Charles P. Meck: 2d Lieut . John l\. )bjor.


"'"",Id.&. LI.~IlI&~ .......... Bell.r l .......~



103 .......


Bell Phone 8M X. or 684 L

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A. B. TACI. WaD Paper and Window Shada.



Harrilburg 5'eWlpaperl.

The Patriot Daily and Weekly, published at 320 Market st by The Patriot Co. Daily, published every morning, (Sunday excepted): delivered in the city by carriers at 6 cents a week: by mail, $3.00 a year. Weekly, published every Tuesday evening; an eight-page fifty-six column paper; sent by mail to subscribers, $1.00 a year. The Telegrap'h is published every evening (Sunday excepted) by the Harrisburg Publishing Co., 3d c :\Iarket. The Daily Telegraph is served to subscribers in the city ~t 6 cents per week. Yearly subscriptions will be charged $3.00, or 75 cents for three months, postage prepaid. '1 he SemiWeekly Telegraph is published every Tuesday and Friday mornings and is furnished subscribers at the following cash Tate: Single copies, semi-weekly, $1.00; 5 copies to one post office, $4.00; 10 copies to one post office, $8.50; 20 copies to one post office, $15.00. Star-Independent, published daily (except Sunday), 18 S 3d, by Benjamin F. Meyers. Terms, yearly, $.1.:!5, or 6 cents pet' week. Weekly Star-Independent is published every Saturday by Benjamin F. Meyers at 18 S :!d. Single l"o;)ies >1.00 lllr

0 I ..I , I


;;.... ;: "'
z: z:

Pennsylvania Staats-Zeitung and Dauphin County Journal, published every Thursday by F. W. Liesmann, 5.14 Race. Subscription, $1.60 by mail. The Pennsylvania Methodist (weeki,,). :!U X :!rI. Organ of the Central Pennsvlvania :\1. E. C~nference. Silas C. Swallow, D. D., editor. The Evangelical, puhlished weekly. 201 ~ :!J. Rev. Samuel L. Wiest, mgr; Harry B. Hartzler, editor. Evangelical Bible Quarterly, published quarterly at 201 N 2d, Rev. Samuel L. Wiest, mgr; Rev. J. D. Woodring,

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Evangelical Bible Teacher. published n\onthly at 201 N !" 2<1, Rev. Samuel L. Wiest, mgr: Rev. J. D. Woodring. _ ~itor. ..... Evangelische Zeitschrift, published weekly, 201 N 2d. S. en L. Wiest, mgr; Bishop R. Dubs. editor. g The Sun, published every Saturday morning by James : ; H. Musser, 209 Walnut. Terms, $1.00 per annum. -. Sunday School Evangelical, published weekly at 201 N 2d, Rev. Samuel L. Wiest, mgr and editor, Thespian, published weekly, at 3:!U :\Iarket, by :\Iartin]. en O'Toole. Terms, $1.00 per year in advance. Dauphin County Reporter is published every Saturday by fD Warren O. Foster. Terms, $5.00 per annum. ~

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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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_ 40 Harrisburg Building, Loan and Savings Instit.tiona.

The Advocate of Labor is published every Saturday by Advocate Publishing Co. at 1209 1\ Front. Terms~ ID $1.00 per annum in advance. ~ Patriotic Gleaner (monthly), :W X 2(1. A. 11. Hamer~ _ editor. :c Pennsylvania Endeavor, published monthly by The Endeavor CG. at 18 S 3d. Sent by mail to single subscribers~ - at 40 cents per year; to clubs, 25 cents per y..'ar. ~ Keystone League Journal, published monthly at 201 N :: 2d, Rev. Samuel L. Wiest, mgr; Rev. W. H. Fouke. editor.

t; .the





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"PASSENGER RAILWAYS. Citizens' Passenger Railway Co., 12 S 2d. B. F. Meyers~ pres; W. J. Calder, sec and treas. Harrisburg City Passenger Railway Co., ;!7 S 2d. H. A. Kelker, pres; W. L. Gorgas, treas; Alexander Roberts, sec. East Harrisburg City Passenger Railway Co., office, 12 S 2d. Edward Bailey, pres; W. J. Calder, sec and treas. Harrisburg Traction Co., 12 S :!d. Edward Bailey, pres~ W. J. Calder, sec and tteas. BUILDING, LOAN AND SAVINGS INSTITUTIONS. American Building and Loan Asso. meets every Monday eve., 314 Broad. Gottlieb Dapp, sec. Baker Building and Loan Asso. meets every Thursday eve., 429 E State. Robert Washington, sec. Capital City Building and Savings Asso. meets every Wednesday night, 314 Broad. G. Dapp, sec. Citizens' Building and Loan Asso. meets every Monday eve., 421 Walnut. Wendell Fackler, sec. City Building and Loan Asso. meets every third Friday eve. of each month at Board of Tracie bldg, 112 1larket. A. l\I. Bowman. sec. Commonwealth Building and Loan Asso. meets every Monday eve., 12 N 3d. J. T. W. McLaughlin, sec. East Harrisburg Building and Loan Asso. meets every Friday eve., Zarker's Hall. S. P. Stambaugh, sec. Franklin Building and Loan Asso, meets every fourth Thursday of each month, 209 Walnut. J. H. Musser, sec. Friendship Building and Loan Asso. meets every Thursday eve., 421 \II/alnut. Charles A. Klemm, sec. Germania Building and Loan Asso. meets every Tuesday eve., Dressel's Hall. F. W. Liesmann, sec. Harris Building and Loan Asso. meets every third Monday eve. of each month at Sible & Oark's Hall, 1200 N 3d. Sharon Stephens, sec.

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B.C~~~:~~-:'RE.} ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d ID' Belly Sts.

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A. B. TACK. Practical Paper Hanger, {'21:'::" a;~~~rn...

Harrisburg Societies. 41

Harrisburg Bau und Spar-Verein meets every Friday eve., Dressel's Hall. William A. Wiesemann, sec. Home German Bau und Spar-Verein meets every Tuesday eve., at 401 Market. Charles A. Klemm, sec. Keystone Loan Asso., No.3, meets every Thursday eve., , 937 N 3d. Ferdinand Engel, sec. ~ Mount Pleasant Building and Loan Asso. meets every . Tuesday eve., Derry c 14th. C. E. Aughinbaugh, sec. Mutual Guarantee Building and Loan Asso., 3:!1 Mar keto D. H. Burwell, dist mgr. Mutual Saving and Loan Asso. meets every Wednesday. eve., 937 N 3d. Ferdinand Engel, sec. Pennsylvania Building and Loan Asso. meets every fourth Monday of each month at 111 :\farket. F. I. Thomas, sec. Provident Building and Loan Asso. meets every Wednesday eve .. 1219 N 3d. E. W. S. Parthemore, sec. Safe Deposit Building and Loan Asso. meets every Friday . . eve., rear 1700 N 6th. Milton G. Potts, sec. ,. State Capital Savings and Loan Asso., 2 S 2d. John P . Melick, sec. Washington Building and Savings Asso., Ko. 3, meets _ every Monday eve., Dressel's Hall. Conrad Miller, sec. William Penn Building and Savings Asso., No.2, meets ., every Wednesday eve .. 559 Race. F. W. Liesmann, sec.

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MASONIC. Harrisburg Sovereign Consistory, A. A. S. R., meets at Scottish Rite Temple, 324 North, second Frida\' of each . month. Jacob P. Barringer, sec. Harrisburg Council, No.7, Royal and Select Masters, meets every third Monday eve. in eaC'h month in :\Iasonic Hall. W. H. Smith, rec. Pilgrim Commandery, No. 11, (Knights Templar), meets Masonic Hall third Thursday of each month. A. W. Bergstresser, ree. Perseverance Chapter, No. 21, R. A. M., meets Masonic Hall first Monday eve. of each month. William H. Smith, sec. Perseverance Lodge, No. 21, F. and A. M., meets Ma..sonic Hall second Monday eve. of each month. William H. Smith, sec. Lily of the Valley Lodge. No. 34, Lady Masons, meets every Wednesday eve. at Kinnard's Hall. Victoria McClure, sec.

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-To find a name you must mow how to spell it."

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MclEIL'S PAil EXTERMIIATOR ~iiWo~~~a~'!,=~~~l. {aoo"'l.~.

Robert Burns Lodge, No. 464, F. and A. M., meets Masonic Hall third Thursday of each month. Charles C. Schriver, sec. Chosen Friends Lodge, No. 43, F. and A. M., (colored), meets at 4:~2 South every second and fourth Thursday of ... each month. James M. Auter, sec. ! Consistory of the Scottish Rite, No.8, (colored), meets 3 at 502 South every first Tuesday eve. of each month. Cassius M. Brown, sec. St. James Commandery, K. T., (colored), meets 502 South third Tuesday of each month. James H. W. HowS ard, rec . .Ii Harris Chapter, R A. M., (colored), meets 5t1:! South second Tuesday of each month. William H. Jones, sec. ' iii B'NAI B'RITH.


Harriaburg Societies.

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.(/) South every other Sunday morning at 10


II: td ..J

Salem Lodge, No. 26, I. O. B. B., (Israelites), meets 2d c 0 clock. Solomon Kuhn, sec. G. A. R.


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Post No. 58, G. A. R, meets College Block every Friday eve. l':oah A. Walmer, P. C. Seneca G. Simmons Post, No. 116, G. A. R, meets Kinnard's Hall every Thursday eve. Henry L. Burnell, P. C. David R. Stevens Post, No. 520, G. A. R., meets at 120 Cowden every Wednesday eve. James Auter, P. C. Cnion Veterans' Union. Command No. 12, meets last Thursday eve. of every month, Union Hall, :\largaret c Basin avo C. W. Scout, adjutant. Gen. John F. Hartranft Camp, No. 15, S. of V., meets every third Tuesday eve. of every month, College Block. C. Day Rudy, captain. Ladies' Circle, G.A. R, No. 17, meets every Tuesday eve., Kinnard's Hall. Mrs. Victoria McClure, sec. Ladies' Circle, G. A. R, No. 20, meets every Saturday eve .. College Block. Mary A. Phillips, sec. Ladies' Circle, G. A. R., No. 35, Lydia Williams, pres; Aurie Imes, sec. Women's Veteran Relief Fnion. No.6. meets everv vVednesdav afternoon, Kinnard's Hall. :\frs. Victoria Clure, sec: GRAND UNITED ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS.


Brotherly Love Lodge, No. 896, G. U. O. O. F., meets at ~Iondav eve. Henrv Herbert. sec. 1.1.1 Past Grand Masters' COuncil, No. 7,G. U. O. O. F., meets ~ z : at 4:l2 South first Wednesday eve. of each month. Henry =:I Herbert, sec.
4!l2 South every

Tbe .6._..,,,,, . . . . . . , Cemp... y. Baltimore. Md. BOW. Q. ROBBR..., General Arent Central Penna. District. l08 ..... St. Bell Phone 851 X. _ _ X.

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Harrilburg Societiel.

{lf18 IOrll1blllllJ.

Harrisburg Patriarchie, No.5, G. U. O. O. F., meets at i3t South second and fourth Wedne!>dav eves. of each . month. Henry Herbert, W. R Armstead Roman Lodge, No. 3468, G. U. O. O. F., meets at 4at South every Friday eve. James Anderson, sec. Miriam Household of Ruth, No.1, meets first and third Thursday eves. at 4a:! South. :\1rs. Hannah Jones, sec. . IMPROVED ORDER OF HEPTASOPHS. Harrisburg Conclave, No. 42, meets every first and third Wednesday eves. of each month, Sible's Hall. J. T. W. McLaughlin. sec. Dauphin Condave, No. 96, meets every first and third .. Monday eves. of each month, Odd Fellow!>' Hall, 321 Mar- _ keto W. W. Britsch, sec. Paxtang Conclave, No. 131, meets every second and ! iourth Tuesdav eves. of each month, Sible's Hall. Thomas _ D. MacAvov, sec. ~ East Harrisburg Conclave, No. 150, meets every first and a. third Tuesday eves. of each month, Zarker's Hall. S. P. Stambaugh, sec. "' KNIGHTS OF GOLDEN EAGLE. ;; Harmony Commandery, No. 39, K. G. E., meets every .: alternate Sunday eve. of earn month, Sible & Clark's Hall. Albert McGann, sec. Capital City Castle, No. 40, K. G. E., meets every Thurs- ! : day eve., 7.30 o'clock, in G. A. R Hall, College Block. M.' ~ of R., George H. Sechrist. ii Harmony Castle, No. 53, K. G. E., meets every Tuesday eve., Sible & Dark's Hall. M. of R, H. E. Stoner. : Dauphin Castle, No. 250, K. G. E., meets every Monday I: eve., Fnion Square Hall. M. of R., E. C. Duncan. "' Herculean Castle, No. 480, K. G. E., meets every Monday g eve. at 1:100 Fulton. ~I. of R.. Frank C. Hoffman. .: Union Temple, No. 40, Ladies of the Golden Eagle, meets ~ _ every Friday eve. at Fackler's Hall. Mrs. Anna Ger- ::< lock, guardian of records. ::::; Capital City Temple, No. 50, Ladies of the Golden Eagle, (b meets ever v Saturdav eve. at Sible & Clark's Hall. Mrs. 0 1. B. Solomon, guardian of records. ~ ::r KNIGHTS OF l\-IALTA. -4 Cincinnatus Commandery, No. 96, meets every :: day eve. at K. of P. Hall, 214i Locust. John H. Hoffman, CL recorder. u> Star of America Commandery, No. 113, meets every Tues- :: day eve. at G. A. R Hall, 26 N 3d. George H. Sponsler, tD recorder. ~

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-To find a name you must mow how to speIIlt."

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Harrisburg Societies.

Egyptian Commandery, No. 114, meets every Fridayeve., Sible & Clark's Hall C. E. Hambright, recorder. Nazareth Commandery, No. 125, meets every Friday eve., Fackler's Hall. Harry M. Askin, recorder. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS.



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Phoenix Lodge, No. 5U, K. of P., 11leet~ every Tue~day eve. at K. of P. Hall, 214:1 Locust. G. C. Zeigler, K. of R. and S. Bayard Lodge, No. 150, K. of P., meets College Block every Wednesday eve. James L. Baker, K. of R. and S. EndoV\lment Rank, K. of P., Section 289, G. W. Jackson, sec. John Harris Lodge, Ko. 193, K. of P., meets every \Vednesday eve. at Union Square Hall, Howard c Forrest avo Jonas M. Rudy, K. of R. and S. Uniform Rank, K. of P., Capital City Co., No. 50, meets every first and third Friday at 214! Locust. Charles Dunifer, captain. ODD FELLOWS. City Lodge, No. 301, 1. O. O. F., meets K. of P. Hall, 214j Locust every Monday eve. J. M. Reighter, sec. Dauphin Encampment, No. 10, 1. O. O. F., meets 321 Market, first and third Friday eves. of each month. George W. Jackson, scribe. Dauphin Lodge, No. 160, 1. O. O. F., meets 321 Market every Thursday eve. George W. Jackson, sec. Fountain Lodge, No. 1120, 1. O. O. F., meets every Tuesday eve. at Mauk's Hall. George J. Buser, sec. Harrisburg Encampment, No. 301, 1. O. O. F., meets first and third Thursday eves. of each month, Sible & aark's Hall. J. K. Swindells, scribe. Harrisburg Lodge, No. 68, 1. O. O. F., meets 321 Market every Monday eve. George V. Corl, sec. Miriam Rebekah Lodge, No. 12, D. of R., meets 321 Market the second and fourth Fridays of each month. Mrs. Elizabeth Cunkle, sec. Olive Encampment, No. 56, 1. O. O. F., meets Odd Fel- . lows' Hall first and third Wednesday eves. of each month. C. E. Hambright, scribe. Peace and Plenty Lodge, No. 69, meets every Monday night, Sible & aark's Hall. Charles Hennig, jr., sec. State Capital Lodge, No. 70, 1. O. O. F., meets Odd Fellows' Hall every Tuesday eve. C. E. Hambright, sec. Susannah Rebekah Lodge, No. 247, meets the second and fourth Thursday eves. of each month, Sible & Clark's Hall. G. A. Hollinger, sec .



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HarTk!?burg Sc:?c:?ietic:?c:? HEDMEH.


Cornplanter Haymakers' Ac:?so., No. 61!, mc:?c:?s fic:?st c:?nd third 'ghurrday evc:?, Umon Square Hall. C. of 5., A. lEi Jer~uld. .~ . . '" Lomp\aner nf.'c:?, , I. O. l{. lIleets e,en' Thursday eve.. C l1ion Square Hall C oi R, .\. K.

i PI


~~o~~~~:~~,. at Red Men's


Ee-shah-ko-nee Tribe, No 22, I. O. R M., meetr evary :l05 c:?rbeSe. of R, H.


Octar()):'a Htwsmakers' Asr!?,., Nu. 9h!, I. M., meets Tuesday eve. at Red Men's Hall, 305 Verbeh, C of R, Charb, C. Keelc:? Octarora Tribe, No. 91, L O. R \1., meets Red 11en's Hall, ;l05 h'erkeke. evuy eve. R., Clyde Smith. POhf,SOl' Comlcil, No. 66, of R, meekf at d15 ::Vlarhet. F. F. Wagoner, K. of R Poh,son Tdhe, Ho. O. H., m?2ets nt 2hh Mar-

ke~~~~r~vS~!a~':i~~, No.o~~:, R S. ?~tw~reetf every Wednesday eve. at Red Men's Hall, 1300 Fulton. C of R, _
evn., Bn>ad Fulton. C. of d., 1 . S. danzierson. Weuwafnem Tribu, Ho. O. R. n1eet1 evnry Friday eve. at Mauk's Hall. of R, John Rodgers. Ocinrma C,nncil. Nez. 50, P., meetr every eve. at Red Men's Hall, 305 Verbeke. K. of R., :'IIrs. Vicuria Ie1cCbre. Warrior Eagle Council No. 63, meets every Friday d"d ben\ H"ll, 1:'100 Fu\toc:? of., ~\frs dmma H,,Jlagher. ROYAL ARCANUM. D:mphiu COl,ncil, No. 11012, :meets Rhrs ,mzl khih Tuesdays of each month. Sible's Hall. George W. Cunkle, sec. H:'u1sbueg Coundl, Ko. A., meeks On th,? secezud and fourth Friday eves. of each month. at K. of P. Hall, 2141 !ohn M. , ~c:? SCNd OF AMFRICA. Wushinokon Cazup, 8, P. S. of n1eets 'hiblr & C1arHs HaJ.l every Thursday eve. john W. Moyer, sec. Wmhinh?ROn :atnp, 1z1. P. S. of nlzets C-OUeFe every honday eve. Aquilla B. Shearer, R S.

~'arri~i~:~le Haymakers' Asso., No. 3401, meets every

I Z =I








find a ruamn yo- must I-;now bow ...



McNeil's Pal. Exler_lnator eu,," Cholera lIIorbUl, DyRDtery, Cramp', IJlarrbO!a, Colds, QuiDay, RheumadllD, TootlIaebe, ~re Throat, Alne, DylpeJll\a..te. :_ ......

TEMPERANCE. W. C. T. Prohibition Union meets every other Thursday afternoon at the homes of members. Mrs. W. B. Sloan, rec sec. Women's Christian Temperance Union meets second and 3 fourth Tuesday of each month at 7.30 p. m., at Hoffman's ~ Hall, Mrs. Frank Myers, sec. j!! Y. W. C. T. Union meets third and fourth Monday eves. of each month at the homes of the members. ~Hss ElizaII beth Scott, pres; Miss Clara S. Straw, sec. ! Young V\'omen's Christian Temperance Union meets _ every Friday at 7,30 p. m., at Hoffman's Hall. Mrs. Mary .. Hamilton, cor sec. :. The Pennsylvania Anti-Saloon League, Rev. H. A. Tucker, supt, 15 S 2da Good Samaritan Council, No.1, Daughters of Temperance (colored), meets 432 South. Mrs. Martha F. Saunders, scribe. L Howard Bishop Lodge, No.7, I. O. of Good Samaritans r- and Daughters of Samaria, meets every Tuesday eve. 109 Cowden. Mrs. Hannah Jones, rec sec. C[ Bethlehem Lodge, No.4, Juvenile Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria, meets every Tuesday eve., 109 ~ Cowden. Ida Ford, P. G. Preston Tuesday, Z 4.30 p. m., Loyal Temperance Legion meets everysec. at Hoffman's Hall. Walter Stine, cor Grand Council, I. O. of Daughters of Temperance, meets first Thursday of each month, 432 South. Anna E. Amos, .. grand scribe. ;; UNITED AMERICAN MECHANICS.

" i..

Jlarrisburg Societie.,

en a:

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America Council, No.3, O. U. A. M., meets every Friday

E eve., 303 Broad. J. D. Saltsman, sec. C) Pride of the City Council, No.6, O. U. A. M., meets every u Friday eve. in Odd Fellows' Hall, 321 Market. George W.
Straw, sec. Enola Council, No. 39, Daughters of America, meets every Tuesday eve. at Basin c 4th. Ellen Milligan, sec. Fulton Council, No. 35, O. U. A. M., meets at Kinnard's HaIl every Monday eve. H. O. Holstein, sec. Allison Hill Coundl, No. 82, O. U. A. M., meets every Thursday eve. at Heffelfinger's Hall. Amos C. Mumma, sec. Harrisburg Council, No. 106, O. U. A. M., meets at Sible & Clark's Hall every Tuesday eve. A. G. Lehman, sec. Susquehanna Loyal League of the Junior O. U. A. M., meets monthly at the different Councils. \Valter B. Miller, sec. .


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Harriaburg Labor OrganilatioDl.


John Harris Council, No. 174, Junior O. U. A. M., meets 15 S 2d every Tuesday eve. Albert M. Hamer, sec. Capital City Council. Xo. :;:!7. Junior O. L. A. M., meets every \Vednesday eve., 321 Market. Charles H. Rich, sec. Harrisburg Council, No. 328, Junior O. U. A. M., meets every Wednesday eve., Sible & Clark's Hall. C. H. Hambright, sec. Mt. Vernon Council, No. 333, Junior O. U. A. M., meets every Tuesday eve .. L'nion Square Hall, Howard c Forrest avo George \V. Straw. sec. Camp Curtin Council, No. 629, Junior O. U. A. M., meets every :\londay eye. at Mallk's Hall. (;eorge A. Saltsman sec. Robert Tippett Council, No. 736, Junior O. U. A. M., meets every Monday eve. at :!15 :\1arket. J.P. Zellers, sec. Melrose Council, No. 928, Junior O. U. A. M., meets every Friday eve. at Dunkle & Ewing's Hall. G. B. Sprout, sec. Lady Alpha Council, Ko. 15, Daughters of America, meets every Friday eve. at Dauphin bldg, 15 S 2d. Albert M. Hamer, sec. Perseverance Council, No. 72, Daughters of Liberty, meets eyery Thursda\" eve. at ~lal1k's Hall. Mi~s Carrie Miller, sec: . Lady Harris Council, No. 100, Daughters of Liberty, meets every Wednesday eve. in Odd Fellows' Hall, 321 ~farket. Harry W. Newman, sec. Silver Star Council, No. 130, Daughters of Liberty, meets every Thursday eve. in Kinnard's Hall. J. W. Magaha, sec. Mt. Vernon Council, No. 150, Daughters of Liberty. meets every Saturday eve., Derry c 13th. John Shuster, sec.

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Bricklavers' and Masons' International Union, Ko. !!6, iii: meets first and third Monda)' of each month in Hibernian Hall. T. Shannon Pike, sec. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. No. 74. meet~ ~ first Sunday afternoon and third 'vVednesdav in Kinnard's ~ Hall. M. G. Stoner, sec. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, 1\0. 459, meets en s('c('ncl and fourth Sunday of each month in Kinnard'~ Hall. \V. H. Smith, sec. . Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. No. 174. meets second and fourth Sundav of each month in Mauk's Hall. J.L.Fe~x,sec. .

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-To find a name you must lmow how to spell it."

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~:, H. M. KELLEY" CO. 'S ~.~::::;!-.~ {to~~\1...~

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Harrisburg Labor OrganizatioDJ.



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Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America, Xo. 25, meets first and third Tuesdav of each month in Schutzenbach's Hall. A. S. Fox, sec: Brotherhood of Railway Trackmen of America. Xo, 108, meets every Saturday eve. in Kinnard's Hall. J. R. Smith, sec. Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, ~o. 127, meets second and fourth Tuesday and third Tuesday, p. m., in Schutzenbach's Hall. A. D. Flickinger, sec. Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, No. 383, meets first and third Sunda\' of each month in :\Iauk's Hall. H. G. J Peaters, sec. Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, ~o. 574, meets first and fourth Sundav of each month at 321 Market. E. L. Fields, sec. Carpenters' and Joiners', ~o. 287, meets every Friday eye. in Sible & Clark's Hall. 1. R. Smith, sec. Cigarmakers' Gnion, Xo. 244, meet~ fourth Thursday of each month at 148 S 3d. R. E. Spayd, sec. Dorcas Lodge, Ladies' Auxiliary to Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. meets first and third Thursdav of each month in :\Iauk's Hall. :\frs. J. L. Yeater. sec .. Harrishurg- Typographical Cnion. No. 14, meets first Friday of each month in Hibernian Hall. C. E. Ripper, sec . Hod Carriers' Union. !'I;o. 2, meets every Friday eve. at South c Cowden. Samuel Tillison, sec. International Asso. of Machinists. No. 16, meets second Thursday and last Sunday of each month in Hibernian Hall. George H. Black, sec. Iron Molders' Union, No. 312, meets in Hibernian Hall, 13 N 3d. W. C. Fishel, sec. Keystone Division, No. 47, Ladies' Auxiliary to Order Railway Conductors, meets first and third \Vednesrlay of each month in i\Iauk's Hall. ~lrs.}1. H. Adams, sec. Keystone Lodge, No. 42, Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, meets second and fourth Sunday of each month in Schutzenbach's Hall. , sec. Ladies' Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen meets second and fourth Thursdav of each month in Mauk's Hall. Madge Hofstott, sec. . Ladies' Societv to Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, meets second a~d fourth Wednesday of each month in Mauk's Hall. Mav Bless, sec. Order Railwa v . Conductors, ~ o. 143, meets first and third Sunday of each month in Schutzenbach's Hall. Georg'e I. ,\iood, sec.

ANDREW REDMOND, J:..r::'::::;d'::::~. {3d and Rell, Sts.

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Harrisburg KiioellaneoUl Sooieties.



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Order Railway Telegraphers, No.3, meets first Thursday morning of each month in Mauk's Hall, and the third Thursday of each month at some point 011 the ~Iiddle Division. S. D. Howard, sec. Paperhangers and Painters of America, Xo. 411, meets .every Wednesday eve. in Sible & Oark's Hall. C. L. Wallower, sec. Plasterers' Union meets every Thursday e\e. in Sible & Clark's Hall. G. W. Kirk, sec. Printing Pressman's Union, ~o. 1:!:~, meets last Saturday eve. of each month in Hibernian Hall. Elmer ~IcCormick, sec. .


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Admiral Dewey Chamber, No. 10, Companions of Friendship, meets every Friday eve. at Kinnard's Hall. Mrs. Jane A. Dyblie, sec. .. AnClent Order Knights of Mystic Chain, Xo. :!la. meets ,. every Thursday eve. at Mauk's Hall. James D. Burch- Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division No.2, meets 13 N 3d the third Sunday of each month. Joseph E. Kearns, sec. Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division No.5, meets 5 S 3d the second Sunday of each month. J. E. Morrissey, sec. Andrew and Philip Society of U. B. Church meets first .and third Monday eves. of each month at church. Harry T. Bayles, sec. Arbeiter Kranken Unterstuetzungs Verein meets first Saturday of each month at Dressel's Hall. Joseph Steckley, sec. Artisan Order.of Mutual Protection, Harrisburg Assembly, No. 25. meets every first and third Friday of each month at 304 N 2d. John G. Parthemore, recorder. Baptist Young People's Union of Second Baptist Church meets every Sunday eve. at church, Cameron ab Market. Gertrude Boston, sec. Beneficial Association of the Pine St. Presbvterian Church meets every first Friday of each month at the church. C. Gould, pres; G. V. Corl, sec; James McCormick, treas,. Capital City Gun Club meets first and third Tuesday eve. of each month at Mauk's Hall. Harry Ream, sec. Central Lodge, No. 19, A. O. U. W., meets 321 Market every Saturday eve. John Young, financier; George \V. McIlhenny, recorder. Capital City Beneficial Society meets third Monday eve. of every month in Y. M. C. A. parlors. Central Pennsylvania Asso. of Life Insurance Underwriters meets at Board of Trade bldg. \Y. K. Schick, sec.

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"To find a name you must know how to.speU It..

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McNEIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. :.~I::;J~d (~~D~~I~::'~.I~I~: {386 Brol'



Harrisburg Kiscellaneous Societies.

11 Central Pennsylvania Conference Historical Society meets : :W:\ :!d. Rev. B. F. Stevens, pres. Century Cluh meets first Friday eve. of each month at _ 1 N :!d. Dr. Galen Hain. pres; William Breitinger, sec. ': Chesapeake Beneficial Society meets first Saturday of ! each month at Foerster's Hall. (;eorge E. Kraber, rec sec. 3 Children's Industrial Home, 19th c Swatara. Mrs. Chas. B. Fager, pres; ~liss Rachel Briggs, cor sec; Miss Agnes 1! Felix, treas. ~ Christian Endeavor Society of Calvary Presbyterian _ C11apel meets at church even' Sunday at p. m. R. W. u Green, sec. . g Christian Endeavor Society of ()Iivet Presbyterian -= Church meets at church even' Sunda\, e\'e. at (i.a(). ~Iiss :I Rose Vnger, sec, ., Christopher Columbus Club meets 408 Market. Lewis S. Simonetti, pres; Charles Dinelli, sec. (/) Court Royal, Xo. 5. Order of the C;olden Sceptre, meets even' Wednesday eve. at Kinnard's Hall. ~lrs. T. A. 1.&.1 DYI>lie. HC. -J 'Dauphin County Bar Association meets second Friday C(. of January. ~rarch. June and October; annual meeting first Fridav of Februarv at Court House. Hon. Robert Snod1.&.1 srass: pres; Eugen~ Snyder, treas; W. M. Hargest, sec. C DeLoss Everett Division, No. 459, B. of L. E., meets 1.&1 every second and fourth Sunday, 1.30 p. m., Kinnard's Hall. William H. Smith, sec. Dorcas Lodge, No. 40, meets every second and fourth Thursday, !! p. m . at Schutzenbach's Hall. l\Iadge Hoff~- stot, sec. Epworth League Curtin Heights Methodist Church meets ~ Sunday eve. at church. ~Iiss Louise Harlan, sec. Epworth League of Epworth Methodist C1lUrch meets at church every Sunday at 7.tH) p. m. John Ensminger, pres: Epworth League of M. E. Church meets every Sunday ~ eve. at church. Frankie Feeman, sec. Epworth League of Ridge Av. ~L E. Church meets at U church every Sunday eve. at 6.:30. l\larion Seibert, sec. Q Farmers' :-'\lIiance: Ko. 1, meets at Durbin's Farm Houf'P r nr State Arsenal, Herr nr 18th. Col. H. C. Demmin2". pres; Mrs. J. Dyblie, sec. ~ Father Koppernagel Council, 1\0. 462, C. B. L., meetssecond and fourth Friday of each month at 113 Short. EdQ ward '''' eiss, sec. ~ Fraternal Order of Eagles, Harrisburg Aerie, No. 122, Z meets Sunday at :! p. m. at ,~18 ~1arket. Robert Stucker, sec.



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Harriaburg XiacellaDeoul Societiel.

German \Vorkmen's Beneficial Asso. meets first Saturday eve. of each month, Dressel's Hall. Joseph Steckley, sec. Harrisburg Benevolent Asso. meets at :!ft5 South at call of president. C. L. Kunkel, pres; W. K. Alricks, treas; D. :\lcCormick. sec. Harris Lodge, No. 98.'1, Knights and Ladies of Honor, meets second and fourth Thursday eves. of each month, 148 S 3d. G. M. Harvey, sec. Harrisburg Athletic Club meets second ~lollday of each month at Board oi Trade bldg. D. M. Gilhert, jr., sec. Harrisburg Branch, No. 500, National Asso. of Letter Carriers, meets Post Office bldg the first Tuesday of each month. T. F. Mumma, pres; Thomas J. Carpenter, sec; Harry C;;. Young, treas; A. Hummel Buehler, sergt-at-arms. Harrisburg Camp, No. 5250, Modem Woodmen of America, meets every Thursday eve., K. of P. Hall, 214~ Locust. I George A. Saltsman, clerk. Harrisburg Camp, No. 14, Spanish-American \Var Veter~ns, meets at G. A. R., 26 N 3d, first Friday of each month. Commander, Mark Anthony; Adjutant, William P . .\Iesevery l\londay eve., lath c Derry. J. G. Parthemore, R. S. Hanisburg Chamber. ~o. ~, O. C. F., meets e,'ery Thursday eve. at Ensminger's Hall. '\lrs. Susan ~Iiller. sec. Harrisburg Club, Front c Market. R C. Neal, pres. Harrisburg Coal Exchange meets third Tuesday of each month at Board of Trade bldg. Harrisburg Foundry and Machine Works Beneficial Soeiety meets at the office of the company the second Monday of each month. David E. Johnson, sec. Harrisburg Lodge, Xo. 74, B. of L. E., meets first Sunday morning and third Wednesday of each month at Kinnard's Hall. .\1. G. Stoner, sec. Harrisburg Lodge, No. 174, B. of L. F., meets every second and fourth Sunday of each month at ~Iauk's Hall. . John L. Felix, sec. Harrisburg Lodge, No. 383, Brotherhood of R. R. T., meets even' first and third Sunday at .\Iauks Hall. Henry G. Peters. ~ec. . Harrisburg Mask and Wig Club meets Tuesday of every week at 11 X 3d. W. F. Yeager, sec. Harrisburg Ministers' Asso. meets second and fourth Mondays of each month. Y. M. C. A. parlors. Rev. Peter Hershey, sec.

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~~ Harrisburg Castle, No. 70, A. O. K. of the M. c., meets "" rI ....


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44To find a name you must know how to speU it."

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Harrisburg Kiscellaneous Societies.

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Harrisburg Nest, Uncle Sam's Eagles, No.2, meets fourth Tuesday of each month, Sible & Oark's Hall. A. H. Snyder, sec. Harrisburg Underwriters' Asso. meets second Tuesday of each month at Board of Trade bldg. W. C. Armor, sec and treas. Harrisburg Wheel Club meets first Monday eve. of each month, 107 N 2d. Harry F. Oves, sec. Harrisburg White Block Lodge, No. 127, Brotherhood of R. R. T., meets second and fourth Tuesday at 7.30 p. m. and third Tuesday at 1.30 p. m. at Schutzenbach's Hall. A. D. Flickinger, sec. Harrisburg Workingmen's Beneficial Society meets first Saturday eve. of each month at 207 Chestnut. 'William Kuhn, recorder. . Helping Hand Institution, for men only, open every day, 2415 South. James K. P. Dumars, supt. Herculean Lodge, Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen :\0. 574, meets second and fourth Sunday of each month at :\21 ~[arket at 1.311 p. nt. E. L. Fields', sec. Historical Society of Dauphin County, chartered, supported by elective membership at $3.00 a year. Office and library, Court House. Hon. John W. Simonton, pres; W. C. Armor, sec; W. A. Kelker, librarian. Holy Name Society meets first Mondav of each month at Parish Hall, :no State. Dr. L. K. Graber, pres; Otarles G. ~1cAvov, sec. Home for the Friendless, 5th c Muench, meets at the Home last Thursday in each month. :\Jrs. Elizabeth C. Kunkel, pres; H. t. Demming, sec; ~Irs. Margaret B. Reed, treas . John Harris Circle, No. 24, Brotherhood Union, meets every Saturday eve. at 1300 Fulton. John R. Smith, H. S. K. . John Harris Memorial Committee meets first Monday of each month at Board of Trade bldg at 8.30 p. m. H. J. Beatty, pres; \Vellington G. Jones, sec. Keystone Camp, No. 60, Woodmen of the World, meets every Saturday eye. at 15 S 2d. C. H. Hambright, clerk. Keystone Lodge, No. 42, B. R. R. T., meets every second and fourth Sunday, 1.30 p. m., Red Men's Hall. Henry S. Trout, sec. King's Daughters' Circle, No.2, of Wesleyan Union meets second Wednesday of each month at South c Tanner's avo ~1rs. Lydia Williams, pres; IHrs. :\Iaude Douglass, sec. . Knights of Fidelity, No.4. meets first and third Sunday of eaC'h month at 306 Market. Jesse Hedrick, rec.

:':R:~~8~!~j'~:r;! ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d and Rell, Stl.

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Wor~ C10UI: IliaD,. partol8late.

Harrisburg Kiscellaneous Societies.


Ladies' Aid Societv Otterbein U. B. Church meets last Wednesday eve. of ~ach month at church, Reilv c 4th. Mrs. Emn~a Negley, sec. Ladies' Aid Society Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church meets first and third Thursday of each month at , homes of members. Mrs. Mary Keever, sec. ~ Ladies' Aid Society Curtin Heights :\lethodist Church. Mrs. Emma Friese, pres; 11rs. C. M. Rarnitz, sec. Ladies' Aid Societv Memorial U. B. Church meets last ft Saturday of each m~nth at church. ::\irs. A. H. Bald- V win, sec. II ,,-4 Ladies' Home Communion, Xo. 40. meets every \Ved- ...... nesdav eve. in Mauk's Hall. :-'Irs. Susan Skeen, sec. a'" Lotus Oub meets every Tuesday eve., 121 Cowden. ~; James Hunter, sec. ~g Mt. Vernon Circle. No.6;. Brotherhood of the union, PIg meets every :\londay eve. at Fackler's Hall. \Y. S. Reed, sec. Namon Tabernacle, No. 79, G. U. O. of Galilee Fisherman, meets Monday eve. at 120 Cowden. Mrs. Harriet E. Troy, sec. Natural Science Asso. of Harrisburg meets first Thursday of each month at 17 N 3d. B. W. Demming, sec. Order of O. R. c., No. 143, meets first and third Sundays of each month, 1300 Fulton. G. I. Wood, sec. Patriarch Grange, No. 42, P. of H., meets Penbrook first Monday of each month. Mrs. E. O. Hassler, sec. Pennsylvania Railroad Young Men's Christian Asso. meets first Tuesday of each month, 1128 N 6th. Frank H. Gregory, genl sec. Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society, 4 N 3d. Hiram II Young, pres; J. P. Nissley, sec. Pennsylvania State Stenographers' Asso .. 1i :\ 3d. Col. 0 Henry C. Demming. pres: Samuel B. Foight, sec. I~ Pilgrim Encampment, No. 8a, Knights of St. John and U Malta meets every Wednesday eve. at Mauk's Hall. John W W. Fusselman, sec. Retail Grocers' Asso. meets first Monda,- of each month at 8 p. m. at Board of Trade bldg. H. B. ()rr, sec. St. John's Castle, No. 17, A. O. K. of the M. C., meets every Tuesday eve., 321 Market. F. I. Thomas, R. S. St. Michael's German Lutheran Beneficial Society meets II) last Sunday afternoon of each month at the church. Julius Q. Haberstroh, sec. St. Vincent de Paul Society meets every Sunday at 6.30 I,. p. m. at St. Patrick's Cathedral, State c Church. Louis Dellone, pres. IT e





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.. T o-&;d-;~~e -you m~st- know ~-~t~speU it.';

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St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Lawrence Catholic John Egenrieder, pres; John Becker, sec. .. Simon Cameron Circle, No. 70, Brotherhood of the ~ l:nion, meets every Thursday eve. at !{:!1 ~larket. D. C. :5 Sickel, sec. ~ Sisters of Christian Charity, 107 Short. Social Club. :m:! Market. Thomas ~l. Jones. sec. Sons and Daughters of Zion of Wesley A. M. E. Zion Church meets every Tuesday evening at houses of members. Maggie Phillips, pres; Fanny Green, sec. i5 Star of Dauphin Lodge, No. 21, Shepherds of Bethlehem, : meets Thursday eve. of each week at Schutzenbach's Hall. :. Mrs. Jane A. Dyblie, sec. State Capital Lodge, Knights of Honor, No. 2030, meets first and third Thursdays in each month, 321 Market. Richard Miles, sec. State Pharmaceutical Asso. meets every June different parts of the State. Dr. Jacob A. Miller. sec. .... SusCJuehanna Social Club, tl41i S Cameron. Theodore Young, sec. c( Typographical L~nion. :-\0. 14. meets the first Friday ot each month at Hibernian Hall. Charles E. Ripper, sec. \Vest End Social Cluh meets last Sunda\" of each 1I10nth .... at lS1!l :\ itd. George A. Gehrett. sec. . Willing Workers' Society of Derry Stred L. B. Church meets at church first Tuesday of each month at ~ p. m. Mrs. George Gilbert, sec. Woman's Aid Society of the Harrisburg Hospital meets ..: first Thursday afternoon of each month at the Hospital. z Mrs. W. P. Denehey, pres; Mrs. Lyman D. Gilbert, sec; ~ .\Iiss Carrie \Veiss. treas. E Woman's Missionary Society of Calvary Presbyterian Chapel meets in church last Tuesday of the month at 7.30 "'" p. m. 1\1ay Sparrow, sec. -' \\'oman's }lissionarv Societ\ of Derry Street C. B. ~ Church meets first Tliursdav ~f each month at church. "'" Kate Runkle, sec. e Woman's }lissionarv Society of Memorial L'. B. Church Z meets first Tuesdav of each month at church. ~Irs. De4E Witt Fry. sec. . ~ y oung ~Ien's Christian . \sso.: Free Reatling Room. :!:!l'i K :~d. Hon. Charles A. Kunkel. pres: Homer Black, e genl sec: I I. B. ~lcCorl1lick. treas: l;corgc S. ~[cCiure, ~ librarian. Young ~Ien's Cnion League meets first ~Ionday of each ~ month at 14 h' :!d. W. A. DeHaven, sec.



Harrisburg Kiacellaneoua Societies.

~ Church meets every Sunday at 113 Short.


a: o o a:
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A .."lda.I, LI.ltUIl~ DDd U.U ..r I r ...ce, 108 Nonlt ..._ 1. Bell 'Phone 851 X. or 684.'1 L
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Goog Ie

A. B. TACK, Wall Paper and Window Shades,


Harrisburg Kiscellaneous Societies.

Young People's Christian Endeavor Cnion of Derry Street U. B. Church meets at church even' Sunday eve. at 6.30. Edith Walmer, sec. .. Young People's Society Christian Endeavor of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church meets every Sunday eve., 6.30, at church, 13th c Thompson. Blanche Bickel, sec. Young People's Society Christian Endeavor of Augsburg Lutheran Church, 5th c Muench. Miss Grace Lusk, sec. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of Messiah Lutheran Church meets every Sunday eve. at 6.15. Miss Dora Baker, cor sec. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of Fourth St. Church of God meets every Sunday eve. at the church. Mrs. P. H. Hershey, cor sec. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of Memorial l7. B. Church meets every Sunday at (j.:~11 p. m. A. Gertrude Miller, sec. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of Second Reformed Church meets every Sunday eve. at 6.!lll. Florence Oeckner, sec. Young Women's Christian Asso., 1102 N 3d. Emma B. Moore, genl sec. Yc>ung Women's Missionary Society of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church meets at church first Monday of each month at 7.30 p. m. Iva C. Weirick, sec.

0 I


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~~EADIN(i, PA.~

.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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the Pretense of Borrowing ,


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Adt'erti$ing Dtpartment.


Star Independent


20 and 22 South Third




WILME.R CROW. Bu.ine Mgr.


The Only Daily Newspapu in Harrisburg with a Guaranteed Circulation.

Circulation larger than that of any other Daily in Central Pennsylvania, and larger than the combined circulation of all other Harrisburg Dailies. !'ucceu in business is the result of ncw.parer advertising. The STAR~hrD.p.ND.JIT hal an actua averace circulatioD of over 1 0 . 0 0 0 daily.

No Better Advutising Medium in Central Pennsylvania.

Columns are cenain to brine quick and satiofl'ctory relults - usually three times as many rrpUes or inquiries a. all other Harrisburg pa. pers together.

The easiest way to Rent a House, Rooms, Cottage or Farm, is to adverrise iD the STAR~IND.PIlNDBNT Want Column.. Good tenants are looking every day to see your ad.

Seller and buyer are introduced to mutual ad,,-anrqes through the STAJI.~INDl!p"'DaJIT For Sale Col. IUIlDS. If you bave anything for IAle, the MAK-htDEPENDDT will fiDd a customer for ,OQ.

Loot Columna-<:bance. are you will get inside a few hours. If you have found IOmething, seek the owner tbrougb the FouDd advertisements in tbe STARINDBPBNnEJrrIT.

tise :!:~tU i~a;heIs,.tA~I~~:~a:~;=-; it

By Carrier in tbe City, tko. per Week; br 1\1ail, .8.00 per Year, in ad"anco; Wee-kly, .1.00 per Year, in advance. Sample Copies sent on application.

First-Oass Job Printing and Electrotyping.

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Advertising Department.

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Harris burg Telegraph '



Only Republican Newspaper



Editor And

DAILY, ltI ltI ltI

The t;reater Ilarrishurg movement was inau gurated by the TF.l. <;!!AI H and its circulation has increased during the last year mure tban one hundred per cent. I t is the bome paper of the ci ty and its advertising patrons realize this fact. It makes legitimate claims not only to quantity but to quality in circulation. It reaches a\l the tuwns within a radius of fifty miles.

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Telegraph Job Printing ..and Binding Departments

Have Long Been Recognized as Among


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the Best in Central Pennsylvania. ..,


- - -- - - -- -- ~--------------------.

~:=-;=:: 1OI_1II1bldO'_8 IrOi A. B. JACI. N!l\t.

lIo74'. llarriaburg (A) City DirecWy.



Harrisburg Directory. ~
A.UKVIATIOlfB UIBD Df 'l'B11 aboft; al av . aftDue; beL. below; bet. be&_; bId. bulldiDlr; bookJIpr. ~lr.eeper; I!llr...


clerk; e~ corner; do. ditto; Eo, eut; ft.. foot; h . home; 101 luJ~ee; 111.. _ laDe; mfr.~; -l1l8I'., JIIIIIII&eI'; mr. __er; Dr. . . . . . ; N IlOIth; . . Pa., PeDDBJlnDla; rd . road; R. 8.. I'IIllroad; sq sql1&ft; 8., lOuth; W weat; wid widow. _

Abbott Mary S. Mrs., dressmkr, h 1834 N 6th Abbott Minerva A. :M rs . h 1~2il Derry Abbott William S. c., engineer, h 301 Calder Abel F. Hampton, fireman, h 1113 N 2d Abel Lewis, confectioner, h 1113 N 2d 'I Abel Lewis ,:\1., linotype operator Telegraph, h 1113 N 2d :. Abel Warren L., brakeman, h 1113 N 2d Abel, see also Ebel ]I. Abell Harriet N., widow William W., h 2016 Briggs ., Abraham Edward, h 1407 S 12th Abraham Griffith, laborer, h HOi S 12th Abromson Abram, (;\licholvitz & Abromson), h 624 North

... I 'I

ACllE GROCERY, F. C. Benitz, propr, 438-4:40 Walnut

Acri Amedeo, (Hbg Boot, Shoemaking and Repairing Co.), h 208 Hamilton Acri Marino, elk, h 208 Hamilton Acrison Martin, laborer, h ;~ N 4th s Acv Charles. laborer, h 1140 Cumberland .: Acy Mary E., laun.dress, h 257 Kelly av Adair Elizabeth, wid John, h 259 Briggs Adams Albert L., patent medicine, h H34 Walnut Adams Asher J.. fireman, h 1116 X ith Adams Boneta, housekeeper, 1611 Swatara Adams Carrie L., h 121 Pine Adams Catharine J.. wid George W., h 337 Chestnut Adams C11arles, railroader, h HlI5 N 4th Adams Charles c., elk C. I. & S. Co., h 557 Race Adams Charles E., laborer, h 563 Race Adams Christian 0., car inspector, h 2031 N 5th Adams Christina S., seamstress, h 108 S Court

-To fiad a name you know how to spcI1.Jt."

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"TrJ. ToD of

H M KELLEY CIII. IS a,.01..._ ......... {''0111 IIId 3d Streit. f. CO ",11 .. wit Narth a_' State SIlo
Boyd's Harrisburg (A) City Directory .



~ Adams Cora A, teacher. h 14:!:! X :!d ;;) Adams David, blacksmith, h a:n Chestnut ~ Adams Edward, driver, h 11th nr Mulberry li;: Adams Edward L., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do It- Adams Elvira, domestic, 3.'m ~Iuench Adams Emily]., teacher, h 121 Pine o Adams Emma K., student, h 2li S :!d :IE Adams Ernst T., paperhanger, h 1121 Grape av Q) Adams Ettie, domestic, 45 N 14th ADOS E~RESS CO., 401 Chestnut, 1116 N 3d and 305 1Iarket Adams Frank, laborer, h 319 S River av ;::: Adams George E., laborer, 563 Race ADOS GEORGE W., furniture, carpets and bedding, 108 II and 108 S 2d, h 217 do Adams Harriet B., wid William J., h 217 S 2d =. Adams Jacob H., plumber, h 1225 N 11i -Adams James c., blacksmith, h 1028 S Cameron a:: Adams John, brakeman, h 1203 N 6th _ Adams John F., weighmaster, h 217 Forster == Adams John Q., junk, 1147 Cumberland, h do - Adams John Q. Rev., genl missionary, h 102 Cherry av Adams Lillie, cigarmkr, h :w:n N 5th Adams Margaret, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Adams :\1arjorie J., h 217 Forster a:: Adams Martha, cook, 1526 N 2d :i Adams Mary, wid William, h 1841 Swatara !! Adams Mary E., wid Edward 0., h 628 Calder Adams Mary M., buncher, h 563 Race Adams Nathaniel, dep col int rev, P.O. bldg, h 24 S 4th .::;; Adams Perry, laborer, h 1115 Florence av :=- Adams Peter J., laborer, h 2031 N 5th l&J Adams Richard L., student, h 217 S 2d I- Adams Robert E., student, h 217 S 2d Robert 1940 Fulton I- Adams Robert J., packer, h h Cumberland nr 10th 1.1 Adams ,"V., laborer, ... Adams S. Elizabeth, teacher, h 121 Pine Adams Susan A., wid Richard, h 217 Forster Theresa, av Z Adams Thomas, ironer. h 319 Strawberry 1422 N 2d Adams supt S. H. and P. Co., h Adams Thomas J., laborer, h 330 Muench Z Adams William, laborer, h 116t Liberty Adams William A., blacksmith, Mary's av c Meadow 1a. h 235 Hummel 1&J Adams William A., laundryman, h 1923i N 7th Adams \iIlilliam A., switchman, h 532 Peffer Adams William H., laborer, h 408 N 5th Adams William H., laborer, h 1018 S Cameron

':2 t -= t






ANDREW REDMOND, ::::!::~.'::::r::. {3d lid RIll, Sis.

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, !!I......

W.II P...... The best and.lowMt pricel. W ........ { ,.,., eoaaplete wIth nuu- and FrtDpl tor Itio. N. 3.

Boyd'i Harrilburg (A) City Directory.

at. 97.

Adams William S., elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 4:!4 :Market Adams \Vilson A., machinist, h 151 Paxton Addams Charles P., additional law elk attorney genl's dept, Capitol, h Carlisle Addams Sl!San, wid John A., h 132 Walnut ADLER CHARLES, illlurance and real eatate, 703 N 3d, h 1620 Penn Adlf'Y David A, laborer, h 140H X 111 Adley Hezekiah A.. porter'p. R. R., h 343 Muench Adley Margaret Mrs., domestic, 105 N Front Adley Peter, laborer, h 14:0U ); 11i Adley Peter X., laborer, h 14:119 K 11~ Adley William H., stenographer, h 402 Filbert Adriance, Platt & Co., E. C Lynch, mgr, agrl impIts, 10th c Market ADVOCATE OF LABOR, Advocate Publilhing Co., publ, 1209 N Front ADVOCATE PUBLISHING CO., publilhen The Advoeate .f Labor, 1209 N Front Aeri Albert, pipe bender, h 208 Hamilton Affleck John A., trcas Hbg Boot and Shoe Co., pres and mgr Hbg Mfg. and Boiler Co., h ;J2 N 16th Agnew Atchison R., brakeman, h 514 Filbert Agri Frank. laborer, h 113 Dock Aikens Alfred C., helper, h 1611 Logan av Aikens Andrew J., boarding, 40:~ Walnut, h do Aikens Theresa, saleslady, 36 N 3d. h 403 Walnut Aker Arrian S., inspector water dept, h 224 Liberty Aker Eva, telephone operator, 227 Walnut, h :!:!4 Liberty Albany Dental Association, 215 Market Alberson Mary, wid George, h 222 Verbeke Albert Catharine F., dressmkr, h 634 Harris Albert Charles M., plumber, h 634 Harris Albert Lydia, wid George W., h 5031 Muench Albert Melanchton F., postal elk, h 634 Harris A!bf'rt Sherman J., laborer, h 1937 North Albert William H., conductor, h 512 Calder Albright Albert, conductor, h 1932 N 4th Albright Alice J. Mrs., h 603 State Albright Annie, h 111 N 4th Albright Annie S., wid James, h 1421 Penn Albright Benjamin R., carpenter, h 337 Hamilton Albright Bertha, dressmkr, h 530 Cowden Albright Charles, hostler, h 530 Cowden Albright Charles F., laborer, h 337 Clinton av Albright Charles C., tinworker, h 1932 Logan av Albright Glarles W., steelworker, h 607 Showers av Albright Clarence M., butcher, h 337 Hamilton




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., To find a name you must know -ho-w-to-spe----:::el1 it."

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."EIL'S ClMPLEXIlI PillS, :,~~=~&:"~~ {3GBlr

98 Boyd's Harriaburg (A) Oity Directory.

,11 Albright Clyde, fireman, h 2l.!!(j



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Albright Cora, h 309 Walnut Albright Daniel A., laborer, h 1932 ~ 4th Albright David, ironworker, h Cowden nr North Albright David, janitor, h 301 Dauphin av Albright David E., roller, h 1721 N 4th Albright Edward D., laborer, h 1721 N 4th Albright Ella M., seamstress, h 603 State Albright Elmer G., carpenter, h 607 Dauphin av Albright George M., laborer, h 516 Hamilton Albright George W., h 338 ~ 15th Albright Heury A., helper, h 1721 N 4th Albright Jennie H., wid Edward C., h 1915 ~Ioltke av Albright John, brakeman, h 924 N 7th Albright John, engineer, h 329 Reily Albright John H., boilermkr, h 2015 Fulton Albright John J., cooper, h 541 Race Albright John S., brakeman, h 337 Hamilton Albright John W., tinworker, h 1308 N 6th Albright Lulu M., forelady, h 1633 N 5th Albright Malinda, wid Henry C., h 1633 N 5th Albright Maude P. Mrs., saleslady, 312 ~.farket, h 1113 Kittatinny Albright Morris R., tin worker, h 510 North Albright Myr.on, tailor, h 530 Cowden Albright Permelia, wid John, h 167 S Summit Albright Samuel D., plumber, h 2124 6i Albright Samuel H., craneman, h la27 Kittatinny Albright Sarah, wid Harry, h 1421 Penn Albright Walter, boil<:rmkr, h 12:!:1 Wallace Albright William, agt,21;j Walnut, h 28 Evergreen Albright William, car inspector, h 45 N Summit Albright William H., engineer, h 3211 Chestnut Alcorn Tames B., baker, h 1412 Korth Alcorn 'Robert L., molder, h 1412 North Alcorn Robert R.. driver. h 1412 North Alcorn Roy, bartender, 207 Chestnut, h do Aldinger Andrew, h 1815 N 7th Aldinger Frederick B., foreman, h 312 Crescent Aldinger George. molder, h 715 Cowden ALDINGER 10HN 0., propr The Oentral, 311 Market, h doAldinger John P., baker, h 2108 N 4th Alding-er \\'illiam C. Capital City Cafe, 2 S 4th, h do Aldrich Catharine E., wid Otis. h :no ~orth ALDRICH lAY C., hats and men's furnishings, 1117 N 3d, h 708 do Aldridge l\'frtry L .. wifi William T .. h 554 Primrose av Alexander Anthony, waiter Comwlth, h 2 Aberdeen av
will go on 101 8e_ w. . E W G R BE RTS bond. are your bond, Bell 'Phone 81)1......,8IN8 X. ' 0 0 ezeouted. X, or
Digitized by


A. B. TACII:&~arc.~ III PlIler ODd 11111111 _

Blttritbvg (A) City Directol'J.

;n~ 3-X

Alexander Benjamin F., jr., bottler, 933 Rose av, h 927 do Alexander Carrie B., watchwoman Lunatic Hospital, It do Alexander David C, conductor, h 1520 Penn Alexander Jacob A., laborer, h 1280 Christian Alexander James, laborer, h 21 Lochiel 2d Row Alexander John, laborer, h 24~ S 14th Alexander John, laborer, h 515 South Alexander Margaret E., domestic, 12~ Walnut Alexander Samuel C, doubler, h 2127 Herr [l\laple av Alexander Samuel H., asst sec People's Ice Co., h 1310 Allaway John, helper, h 12117 Bailey Allegrini Caesar, cook, 1101 Market, h do Allegrini Giuseppe, cook, 437 Market, h do Alleman Ann E., wid Samuel, h ~06 N 6th Alleman Edna. saleslady, :-134 Market, h Ob~r;in Alleman Ella M., domestic, 922 S 9th AT.tEM'Alll0D S., lawyer, 21 3d, h 800 6th Alleman Manmirtus F., machinist, h 14:-l.~ Shoop Alleman Pearl c., saleslady, 318 Market, h 122!} Derry Allen Alice, charwoman, h 1119 Tanner's av Allen Austin C, fireman, h 1~1 Penn Allen Benjamin T., mech eng F. and M. Wks, h 1115 X lath Allen Charles E., planer, h 119 S Cameron Allen Charles W., cooper, h 1201 Bailey Allen Edward, laborer, h 1528 Wallace Allen Edward, laborer. h 306 M11lberry Allen Eliza J., wid George. h 217 Briggs Allen Frank, h 107 ~ 13th Allen Frank W., repairsman, h 536 Violet a\' Allen George M., printer Patriot, It 1032 S !tth Allen Harry T., elk, h 1O:l2 S 9th Allen Hiram, driver, h 28 N 5th Allen Jacob, laborer, h 946 N 7th Allen John, switchman, h 536 Violet av Allen John H., molder, h 1408 Zarker Allen John Y., machinist, h 1528 Wallace Allen Mabel C, domestic, 2011 N :ld Allen Mary, domestic, 4 Paxton Cottage Row Allen Mary Mrs., h 1104 Grape av Allen Mary J. Mrs., domestic. 5()~ X 2d Allen Nannie E., domestic, 2011 ~ :~d Allen Robert P., messenger, h 527 Maclay fMarket Allen Samuel M., watchmkr. 12M ~.fl1lberry, h Holley nr Allen Susan, wid Jacob, h 109 Tanner's av Allen Susan V., wid Thomas. It 1114 Filbert Allen William, cooper. h 11132 S nth Allen William P., machinist. h 527 1[aclay Allison Adaline. cigarmkr. h 177 Paxton

I 0 0, I





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"To In" a name you must know how to spell it."

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D~~~ ~~,} H.

M. KELLEY &. CO. {1C::~~taf~Tt::

= ==


Boyd'. Harrilburr (A) City Directory.

~ Allison Eben, clk aud gent's dept, h 641 Maclay ..... Allison Eugene B., c1k, h 641 Maclay Allison Florence, housekeeper, 177 Paxton ~ ALLI8011 HILL LA1JlI])RY, (Br. Ella D. and Layton L. c Howard), 308 8 16th :;; Allison Joseph B., engineer, h 1715 Green Allison Louise, waitress U. S. Hotel - Allison Sallie E., wid Harry H., h 177 Paxton ~. Allitto Gaitono, fruit, 130 S 2d, h 318 S River av ;;; Alloy Samuel W., leather, 101! N 4th, h 9 Grace av at Allwine Ida, h 1116 N 6th ... ..\Iricks Clara B., h 215 N Front -_ Alricks John H., lawyer, 207 Walnut, h 121 State :::. ALlUCXS LEVI B., lawyer, 207 Walnut, h 121 State Alricks )Iartha 0., h 215 N Front ... .ALB.ICXS WILLIAB X., cashier Dauphin Deposit Bank, h. I215 II Front I- Alter John H., conductor, h 512 Reily 1&.1 ALTHOUSE FRAlIX 1., druggist, 1276 lIarket c 13th, h . 11 13th ALTHOUSE HAllRY B., druggist, 1525 II 3d, h do .\lthol1se Harry E., brakeman, h 1509 Wallace Althouse Joseph L., elk, h 1408 Market Althouse R. Edward, conductor, h 1408 ~Iarket Althouse Reuben H .. janitor. h 1408 :'vIarket Altland Jennie E., saleslady, 312 Mkt, h 106 Cumberland 1.1 Altland Jeremiah H., over, h P. R. R. nr Walnut Altland) ohn, foreman: 4f11 Chestnut,h 7aS S 21st Altmaier Amelia, music teacher, 130 S 2d, h do Altmaier Henry J., lockmkr, h 130 S 2d O Altmaier Peter A., h 131l S 2d .It' Altman Emma J., housekeeper, 517 N 5th _ Altman Harry E., tailor. h 517 Cowden Altman Reuben G.. switchman, h 517 Cowden en Altman William H., artist. h 517 Cowden ~ Ambrose Jacob, carpenter, h 14~ Sylvan ter =:i Amhrose Jacoh. fireman, h 1:316 Howard :f :\mbros(? \~rm. E .. ncws agt P. & R. d\?pot, h 116 Sylvan ter :II: A1IERICAII BONDING CO., BALTIJ[ORE, liD., (CEBTBAL ~ PENN'A DISTRICT), E. G. Roberts, renl agt, 103 N 2d ~ American Harrow Co .. agrl implts. 1)27 Walnut AlIERICAN TELEPHONE AlID TELEGRAPH CO., Elmer G. lIarkley, mgr, 210 Walnut liE Amich ~Jay, bonnetmkr, h 1fi25 Logan av ~ Ammon John L., cigars, 1307 N 3d, h 611 Dauphin g Ammon Stella M., cigarmkr, h 621 Muench c Amos Annie E. Mrs., h 4a~ South av At11!'den Frank F .. mgr Paxton I. and S. Co .. h 215 S Front



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:'::R.~~~:!n'~:~ ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d .Id R.I~ Sts.

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1.18 {BIIIPlo71 DODe ooe 1Inc.e1au workmen. heDN ODly" N. 3d St. daliwOrJ:and lDI1mIlt. Work done ID anJpa!1oniace.

Boyd'. Harrilburg (A) City Directory.


Anderson Abraham S., foreman Eagle \Vorks, h 123 ~agle Anderson Amanda, chanvoman, h 1126 S 9th Anderson Amos M., policeman, h 1225 Derry Anderson Annetta M., matron, 1102 Herr, h do Anderson Bertha, dressmkr, h 216 Otestnut Anderson Carl, telephone inspector, h 46 X Summit Anderson Charles B., peddler, h 1002 Fox av Anderson Charles E., grocer, 401 Herr, h 1729 N 3d Anderson Charles H., brakeman, h 1329 Fulton Anderson Otarles R., peddler, h 1002 Fox av Anderson Otarles R., jr., candymkr, h 1252 ~Iarket Anderson Charles S., barber, 26 X 4th, h 1i34 Boas Anderson Donald C, elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 332 S 2d Anderson Earl, laborer, h 332 S 2d Anderson Edward H., laborer, It 309 Hummel Anderson Eleanor A., h 209 State Anderson Elizabeth Mrs., housekeeper, 227 Pine Anderson Ella M., cigarmkr, h 826 S Cameron Anderson Elmer, machinist, h 1153 Derry Anderson Emanuel T., laborer, h 1153 Derry Anderson Emma J. Mrs., h 14115 James Anduson Evan G., elk P. S. Co., h 332 S 2d Anderson Frank, waiter, h 120 Liberty Anderson Frank B., machinist, h 332 S 2d Anderson Franklin S., agt, h 24 X 5th Anderson George H., puddler, h 3!lS S 2d Anderson George 0., checkman P. R. R., h lW(i ~Iontgy Anderson George 0., plumber, h !/!6 X 7th Anderson George \V., laborer, h 1929 Wood av Anderson Harry A., telegrapher, h 1449 Regina Anderson Harry J., elk, h 1946 North Anderson Harry R., stenographer, h 624 Muench II Anderson Harry W., machinist, h 2288 X 6th 0 Anderson Hattie Mrs., h Hi23 N 3d Anderson Howard, machinist. h 2288 N 6th 13 Anderson Tames, barber, 1403 N 4th. h do Anderson james, laborer, h 438 Boyd av Andt'rson Jennie A., h 209 State Anderson John 0 .. foreman. h 1436 Regina Anderson John P., carpenter, h 322 Strawberry av Anderson Joseph, laborer, h 1133 X 6th Anderson Lawrence J .. laborer. h 413 Strawherry av Anderson Levi J., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Anderson Lizzie, charwoman, h 1322 Marion Anderson Mary C. Mrs., h 413 Strawberry av Anderson Olh'er c., h 1436 Regina Anderson Oscar B.. brakeman, h 1622 Fulton IfAnderson Park T., elk, 431 ~farket. h 1534 N 6th






W 0-


To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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DR.8, AID' PATEIJ.IfEIICtH STORE. {=1:-~11;..

Anderson Paul A., laborer, h 1436 Regina Anderson Robert C., painter, h 331 Harris' Anderson Russell W., driver, h 320 Verbeke _ Anderson Samuel, blacksmith, h 1325 Green Anderson Samuel, machinist, h 509 Race ~ .-\nderson Samuel, tracklayer, h 1153 Derry ~ .\ndersoll Samuel J., mgr Anderson's Detectiv~ Agency, 15 N 2d, h 1729 N :~d Anderson Thos. \V., wall paper, 700 Race, h 705 Showers :r av Anderson Viola, mailer, 201 ~ 2d. h 1106 Montgomery _ Anderson Wilbur H., elk, 440 ~larket, h 11112 Herr . . Anderson William H., foreman, h 546 Race _ Anderson William H., laborer, h 826 S Cameron Anderson \Villiam H., roller, h 546 Race Anderson William J., machinist, h 309 Hummel Anderson \Villiam W., brakeman, h 1331 Fulton Anderson \Villiam \Y., engineer, h 1Hlli :'.lontgomery William Z., carpenter, 1!)!6 X urth I- Anderson Willis, agt, 2110 Walnut, hh 1620 Green Anderson O Anderson 'Vilson F., machinist, h 309 Hummel C AlfDEBSO!f'S DETECTIVE AGENCY, Samuel 1. Andenon, mgr, BUBB bldg, 15 N 2d I- Andreini Fabio, cook, .ta7 ~larket, h do Andreini Luigi, lunch bar elk, 437 Market, h do Andrews Arthur H., h 113 Calder .-\ndrews Chas E., telegrapher P. R. R., h 1411 Currant av Andrews Harry, mason, h Hl47 Swatara ..: Andrews Henry R., engineer, h 422 Harris . . Andrews James H., riveter, h 585 av ~ Andrews Mary, charwoman, h 511 S 2d Andrews Samuel J., machinist, h 2005 Kensington Andrews S. Grant, engineer, h 1626 Fulton U Andrews William M., engineer, h 1502 N 5th ~ Angell Clara, wid Thomas B., h 812 1\ 2d Angle William, flagman, h 1302 Wallace U Angstadt Horace E., helper, h 1319 S 12th CI Ansbacher Barney, peddler, h 125 Olestllut Anspaugh Frank B., telegrapher, h 7f1l1 Green Anthony Charles W., driver, h 941 ~ 7th ~ Anthony Ellen, wid H. William, h 260 Herr - .\mhony George, brakeman, h 1432 X 6th c:I Anthony George, brakeman, h 6!-J4 Yerbekc ~ . \nthony Jane, wid Joseph, h 260 Herr Anthony Margaretta R., wid Edward, h 217 S Front ~ ANTHONY 1tAllK" civil engineer, 222 .arket~ h 260 Herr



~'. HarrDbnrg- (A) Oity Dfrector.y.'



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AGOId ... l, Lt...I..,,. d e ... Beller .....r~ 108 .orUI 8 _ d 8,. Bell 'Pbone 861 X, or ti8I8 x:

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A. 8.'TAH, WaR 'Apii' Ind Mildew ShacIu.

h.:t:...~=_ BoJd'. Rani.bug (A) City Dinetol'J. 108

ABTRRAClTE WAGON CO., A. R. Ege, pres; H. W. s-. pal; MCl, treaa and gtId mwr, 1019-1016 JlaJket !lie aciv Antony Louisa ~., twister, h 7UG Green Antony Sarah, twister. 11 71K' Green Antony Sophia, wid Amonc.l. it 706 Green Antony Theodore, elk, it 708 Green Anwyll Harry L., traY freight agt, 401 Chestnut, h 114 Herr Anwyll ~Iary ]., h 114: Herr Anwyll \-\'m. E., chief elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 140:J N Front Apparel Mfg. Co., Dr. Harry Stites, pres: Alonzo G. Lehman, sec and treas, wearing apparel, 464 \' erbeke Appell Adolph, merchant tailor, 11 S 3d, h :!:m Boas Appell Laura R., music teacher. h 2211 Boas Appell Nathan, (Markley & Appell), office, 9 S 3d, h 229 Boas Apple Maria, wid Benjamin. h 450 S 14th Appleberry Daniel, laborer, h 11:!6 N Cameron Appleberry George H., laborer, h 1126 N Cameron Appleberry William, laborer, h 1126 N Cameron Appleton James, machinist, h Il:!7 Cowden Arandale William c., fireman, h 2022 X 5th Arbaugh Annie, cigarmkr, h 1!)41 Kensington Arbaugh Carrie, cigarmkr, h 1!141 Kensington Arbaugh George, helper. h 1!141 Kensington Arbaugh Henry, blacksmith. It 11)41 Kensington Arbogast Sophia, wid John, h 510 Reily Archie Fannie, domestic, I:;:! State Ard Charles S., ins sol, II S :!d. h 17:lS X 3d Ard ~Iargaret Mrs., h lias N ad Arment Anna M., student, h 222 \' erbekc Arment Edward S., watchman, h 1i57 130as Arment Eva, weaver, h 657 Boas Arment Florence A., dressmkr, h 22!! Verbeke Annent Harry R., elk, a:~11 Yerbekt-, h l:n2 N 2(\ Amlent ~linnie P., bookkpr, h 657 Boas Arment ~ellie Mrs., dressmkr, 222 Verbeke, h do





The Anthracite Wagon Co.,





1019-21-23-25 MARKET STREET. "To finci a name you must know how to spell,'it."
Digitized by


-OUR MOTTO:HaaaI Coal. HaaaI "'. .&t.

lH M KELLEY &. CO .1JttOUlad 3d Street. N,rth r. lit&t, sta.

Arment Walter J., elk, h 222 Verbeke WILLIAll C., notary, antiquarian bookseller, 4 li _ Court av, h 128 State :: Armour Bertha J., moccasinmkr, h 15:!1j-i K 4th ~ Armour Franklin G., laborer, h 152l'q ~ 4th Armour John C, laborer, h 1528i N 4th ~ Armour John J., laborer, h 1528t ~ 4th _ Armpriester Barton A., baggagemaster P. R. R, h 1604. Regina Armpriester George W., supt, h 801 N 6th Armpriester G. Warren, h 1637 N Gth ~ Armpriester S. Raymond, conductor, h 205 ~orth l&J Armstrong Abraham, laborer, h 8 Paxton Cottage Row Armstrong Alice, saleslady, 326 Market, h 1205 N Front Armstrong Aurelia, domestic, 40 Lochid 4th Row Armstrong Gabriel, waiter Hotel Columbus l&J Armstrong Ida, h 1016 Green Armstrong Irvin E., helper, h 2162 N 7th Armstrong Sarah A., h IOU; Green Army and Navy Record Co., (Thomas M. Sykes and T~ Ingham Taylor), 14 S 2d Arndt John H., laborer, h 181!) K 7th Arndt May C, seamstress, h 18H) N 7th Arndt Susan, wid Kunkle, h ]Sl!I X 7th I&J Arnold Ada M., wid John A .. h 1740 N 3d Arnold Alfred, laborer, h 1328 ~Iaple av Arnold Amanda H., domestic, 443 S 13th Arnold Andrew, brakeman, h 34:{ S ]4th Arnold Annie M., housekeeper, h l:~:~S Penn Arnold Annie T., seamstress, h ]:14() Fulton ~ Arnold Arthur A., barber, 15!1t 1\ 4th, h do ~ Arnold Calvin M., druggist, 1601 ~ fith, h do _ Arnold Charles, painter, h 136() :\layHower av ~ Arnold Charles L., teacher, h 2]3 Herr ~ Arnold Daniel H., welder, h 4LO Cumberland Arnold David, carpenter, h 229 South _ Arnold Dorah \V., brakeman, h 1~()4 \Valnut ..... \rnold Edward, cigar mfr, ];t;~8 Penn, h do Arnold Edward. painter, h 1313 Susquehanna ~ Arnold Edwin 1\1., car cleaner, h 1927 Swatara ..... Arnold Emma 0., wid Joshua, h 1504 Walnut Arnold Ephraim,h 410 Cumberland _ ;\rnold George E., packer, h 100 Conoy ::: Arnold George W., repairsman, h 1841 X 7th ~ Arnold Ger!rude ~., music teacher, h 11ill1 N 6th ~ Arnold Henry L., carpenter, h 1629 Derry : Arnold Jacob, fireman, h 1:-340 Fulton Arnold J. Frank, barber, 1427 X lith, h 2121 do


~ ....


Boyd" Harriaburg (A) Cit)' Direoto1'J.

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REDMOND. {3d .Id Rell, Sts.

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A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,

105 . .

Boyd" Harritburg (A) Cit}' Directo1'1.

Arnold John, (Arnold & Dockens), h 450 Hay av Arnold John D., heater, h 419 S 14th Arnold John F., laborer, h 73 :\ 16th Arnold John H., baggagemaster, h Hotel Royal Arnold John S., foreman, h 237 S 2d Arnold John S., mgr, ltll Market, h Duncannon Arnold Joseph D., h Hotel Royal Arnold Laura Mrs., h 317 :\larket Arnold Laura M., match coverer, h 1841 ~ 7th Arnold Lewis W.,laborer, h 1841 N 7th Arnold Lizzie B., seamstress, h 1340 Fulton Arnold Lizzie M. Mrs., grocer, 20t; South, h do Amold Lloyd R., conductor, h 1514 Walnut Arnold Margaret A., wid William, h 1411 N 2d Arnold Mary .F., packer, h 11.0 Conoy Arnold :\felchor M., laborer. h 11.03 X 7th Arnold Morris, fireman, h 2121 ~ 6th ~ Arnold M. Stella, dressmkr, h 1629 Derry Arnold Philip J., machinist, h 100 Conoy Arnold Russell B., elk, h Hotel Royal Arnold Samuel F., electrical eng, h 430 Buckthorn av Arnold Samuel L., engineer, h 216 Calder Arnold Samuel P., laborer, h 18nl N 7th Arnold Samuel S., engineer, h 254 Calder Arnold Walter, barber, h 1328 Fulton Amold William E., beclmkr, h 1:129 Susquehanna II Arnold William H., flagman, h 620 Camp 0 Arnold \VilIiam H., watchman Lunatic Hosj)ital. h do Arnold William H., jr., h 625 Camp 13 Arnold William K., laborer, h 1002 Berryhill Arnold & Dockens, Oohn Arnold and Noah H. Dockens), restaurant, 601 Cumberlan<1 Arnsberger Martha ~lrs., domestic, {i34 Reily Arntz Barbara A., wid John, h 1642 ~ 4th Aronson Jennie Mrs., h \Vest av nr State Aronson Joseph, grocer, 1423 N 4th, h do Aronson Meyer, grocer, 504 vValnut, h do ARROWSKITlI ELECTBIC CO., C. Harry Hill, mgr, 10 S 2d Arter Charles H., brakeman, h 329 Hamilton It Arter Fleming L., laborer, h 277 Hamilton Arter Harry E., h 15 Lochiel2d Row Arter William H., laborer, h 15 Lochiel 2d Row Arthur Edith S., housekeeper, h 1809 X 5th Arthur Kate S., 1809 N 5th Q. Arthur Mary E., bonnetmkr, h 326 Reily Arthur Samuel G., flagman, h :12(; Reily Artley Maggie, rlomestic 1311 Vernon It Asey Charles. laborer. h 1145 Cumberland


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To find a name you _ must know how to spell it."

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lIelEIL'S PAil EXTERIlIIATOR ~ft~~.-:e~~~l {~~~



Boyd" Harriaburg (A) City Direotol'J'.

= ..i



Ash Forrest B., real estate, h 222 Locust Ash Paul B.. elk, h 2:?'2 Locust Ashby Otarles. driver. h :l19 Calder ~ Ashenfelter Jennie, domestic, 210 N 3d .c,;t Ashenfelter Mary, wid George. h 1410' N 4th i Ashton Flora E. l\lrs . h 227 ~I ulberrv .i Askew Hannah, wid David, h 5:10 S Cameron Askin Harry M., elk Peipher Line, h 223 S 13th "'l! Askin Herman 0 .. elk. 1:~:la Derry ~ Askin Robert Y., elk. h :!:!:l S l!lth Askin Reynolds B .. elk, 117 S 2d, h 1!l;~ Derry Asper Carrie, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do C5 Asper Clarence. laborer, h 2162 N 7th _ A:;per Sallluel J., laborer, h 1106 S Cameron ~ Asseln Emil, draftsman; h 209 Harris AS30ciated Press, 2(j ~ ;M ASTRICH HEBJlAlf, millinery, cloaka, luits, &c., 34-38 3d, h lfew York IE Astrlch Louis, mgr, 36 N :.ld. h 1H34 do 'bi Asure Edwin, engineer. h 1911 Fulton ...J Atchley Isaac N., laborer. h 1324 Vernon C Atchley Isaac W., driver, 2:!2 Mulberry, h 13:!4 VernOR 'LLI Atkins Charles, engineer, h !l13 Verbeke Q Atkins l\[aude E., liner, h Paxton ab 1:1th Atkills Robert, asst storekeeper, h Paxton ab 13th 1&1 Atkins Robert, jr., driver. h Paxton ab l:lth Atkinson Cora, dressmkr. h :!:!(i 01estnut _ Atkinson Cornelia G., wid Benjamin F., h 1327 N 6th .. Atkinson Edwin S., tinner, h 537 Peffer Atkinson George H., ins sol, :!1 X :Jd, h G15 N :!d Atkinson J. Earl, lelegrapher P. R. R.. h 426 Boas a.. Atkinson Louisa Mrs., grocer, 515 X :!d, h do E Atkinson Maude G., h la27 N 6th ATLABTIC lI.EFIlfING CO., Edwin M. Singer, mgr, mfn of -U all products of petroleum, 2207 If 7th .... Attick Daniel J., farmer, h HI4 Verbeke ~ Attick M. Maggie, domestic, :W7 Harris. u ATTICK OLIVER, carriagel, Cameron ab Market, h 118 Briggs Attick Sarah, wid Georgc, h 1:!:'!:3 Green C Attick William J . brakeman. h 427 Cumberland ..... Atticks George M .. pressman. h :.!Ij:~ Sayford av -U Attic-ks John, h 1:l21 Penn - Atticks Walter 'N., (Atticks & :\Ietzger). h 217 Verbeke Atticks & :Metzger, (Walter W. :\tticks and William A. .... Metzger), bahrs, 217 Verbeke - Auar Lewis, laborer, h 3:~4 S 2d Auar Maggie, wid \Villiam R., h 334 S 2d





Tile A_erie........... C_p:r. Baltimore, Md. &DW. Q. ROBBa.... . General Apm Central Penna. DIIIrlet, loe II . . . .,. Bell 'Phone 8M X, X.


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A..,. TACK

,-D&OOBATIlIO ...aLf.LTY.-


{11II16 t.

IIIb lDlrd ... II


yel'l Hanilburg (A.) City Directo1'J.


Auar William, carpenter, h 36 Lochiel 3d Row Auchinvole Charlotte A., wid David, h 5t1U X 4th Auchinvole Hiram W., plumber, h 509 1\ 4th Aucker Charles H., laborer, h 2114 Turner av Aucker Harry E., car repairer, h 1965 Moltke av Aucker Isuphena M. Mrs., h 2114 Turner av Aucker Jacob S., laborer, h 1963 Moltke av Aughinbaugh Bessie L., ruler, 4 N 3d, h 410 North AUGlIIlOAUGH CHARLES E., Telegraph Binde1'J, 4 3d, h 410 :North lee adv Aughinbaugh Henry E., tailor, h :W5 Sassafras av Anghillbaugh Louisa 0., wid Charles A., h :!i S 3d Aughinbaugh Mary M., book sewer, 4 N 3d. h 410 ~orth Aughinbaugh 1\cllie L., dressmkr, h 239 State Ault H. Elizabeth, wid Henry, h 607 Walnut Ault Howard :VI., fireman, h 615 Harris Ault John W. Rev., h 2000 N 5th Ault Margaret, wid Frank, h 2140 N 7th Aultman, Miller & Co., agrl implts, 627 Walnut Aumiller Austin E., warehouseman, It :!lH ).Iulberry Aumiller Laura B., wid Edward, h 218 l\lulberry Aune!" Bird, bookkpr, 17 N :!d, h 221') Forster Auner Kate L., saleslady, 334 Market. h :!:!~ Forster Auner Mary A., wid Ephraim D., h 228 Forster Aurand Edward L., laborer, h 16:!5 Logan av Aurandt Harry H., brakeman, h 12111 :.\lulberry Ausberry Charles, hostler, h 616 Church av Ausberry James, hostler, h 616 Church av Austin Harrison R., milk, 543 Woodbine, h do Austin Samuel, helper, h 1400 S 13th Allston Albert J., painter, h 1735 N 7th Auter James 1\., messenger executive dept, h 245 S 14th Auter 1\lilton H., student, h 245 S 14th Auxer Sarah L., dressmkr, h 40T Boas Auxt Jacob, laborer, h 1232 Herr Avery John, laborer, h 911 S 111th Awl Fanny, h 230 State Awl F. Asbury, treas Hbg Gas Co., 27 N 3d, h 2:U State Awl Francis A., U. S. A., h :!34 State ---------- - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - -

= i!.


.: c:
c :: rr-

:D c -, c-,





6eneral Bookbindlni i.., AdYertlslng Noyeltles a SpeCialty. Building.

Cor. BDvanee.Market Bts......SUeet. 3d and " North ThUd th Floor.

:< ::::i en o c




.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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H. M. KELLEY" CO .. COAL AND WOOD {OlllCes: :olt.~.L"1::

108 Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directol'J'. Awl J. Wesley, jr., elk Hbg Nat. Bank, h 234 State Ayars Edwin, conductor, h 1H08 Penn Ayars Sidney, cooper;h 1075 S 9th Ayle Hl:gh W., elk P. R. R., h 637 ~Iuench Ayle Lizzie A., wid Harry lJ., h 637 :\Iuench Ayres Annie E., domestic, 1607 N 2d Ayres Charles E., (Koontz & Ayres), h 133 S 14th Ayres Wilmot Dr., druggist, 1839 N (ith, h do

Bach Harry A., h 1109! Montgomery ...., B~ch George W., laborer, h 1325 Bartine av ::: Bach Newton U., watchman Court House, It 1109! Montgy ...., Bach Tillman H., letter carrier, h 1520 Penn lIZ: Bacharach Saul A., elk executive dept, h 2(1 ~ 4th z: Bachman Abram G., baroer, 1127 Mulberry, h 1439 Market ~ BAClIJIAB H. F. & CO., Louis S. lUte, mgr, banken and lIZ: broken, 211 Market ..... Backenstoe Ambrose G., repairsman, h 1828 North > JaACXEIfSTOE CLAYTOIf H., lawyer, 14 If 3d, h 1528 If 2d c..;; Backenstoe Fannie, wid George M., h 1951 State z:: Backenstoe J. Miles, conductor, h 1951 State c:;:, Backenstoe John H., h 1528 ~ 2d ;:: Backenstoss Clarence 0., policeman, h 1426 Zarker ~ Backenstoss Clifton D., barber, 307 Reily, h 2010 Green ~ Backenstoss Edmund D., painter, h 506 Kelker - Backenstoss Nellie M., laundress, h 46tJi S Cameron .S: Backenstoss Rebecca J.. h 4601 S Cameron : . Backenstoss Ross E., barber, 317 Market, h 259 Briggs ~ Backenstoss Stella M., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 506 Kelker ca.. Backenstoss William R., driver, h 460t S Cameron ~ Bacon Anna E., wid Daniel. h 216 North i:i:i Bacon Arthur D., (The D. Ba~on Co.), h 216 North fi3 BACON D. CO., (THE), (Arthur D. Bacon), wholesale cona::: fectioners, 438 and 440 Market ~ Bacon Maria A., wid George N., h 453 S 13th ffi Badorf Garfield. teacher, h 1847 Berryhill Badorf Harry A., carpenter. It 18.t7 Berryhill c:;:, Badorf Harry S., engineer, h 1111 X 7th Badorf Ida, wid Charles, h 2126 Greenwood ZJ Badorf Kate A., domestic, 916 S 201 0- Badorf Michael S., carpenter, h 916 S 20! IC Badorf Nathaniel S., carpenter, h 18.t7 Berryhill II Badorf, see Batdorf Baer Andrew J., postal elk, h 131 S 14th ~D Baer Anna Mae, milliner, 6 S 2d, h 1213 Chestnut IIIZ Baer Cameron L., wire chief, 227 Walnut, h 211 do .. C Baer Charles 1'.1., painter. h 1943 Boas


= ilia

ANDREW REDMOND, R~':::~':.W:::d ~~~:~. {3d aid R.I~ Sts.

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---IIAICEI A '''EOIAL'' ( W . {12Ui It. 3. St. PrMcoI Patillo aDllclln.. ID Pial. TID'" f.U. . . .


Boyd'. Harrisburg CB) City Directory.



Baer Clara Y., wid John H.,- h 1199 Bailey Baer Cyrenius S., carpenter, h 12S1 Bailey Baer Daniel A., elk Post Office, h 1um Bailey Baer Daniel A., conductor, h 528 Maclay Baer Edith M., weaver, h 1199 Bailey Baer George J., machinist, h 1:U8 Maple av Baer George W., laborer, h :U3 Verbeke Baer Harry D., hostler, h 421 S 14th Baer Harry H., buyer, 334 Market, h la24 Penn Baer Hayes, hodcarrier, h 1239 N 111 Baer H. Praul, mgr W. L. Bear & Co., h 310 N 2d Baer Isaac, h 421 S 14th Baer Jessie c., weaver, h 1199 Bailey Baer John H., conductor, h 1237 K 7th Baer John S., fireman. h Hamilton nr 5th Baer Katie, closer, h 1251 Bailey Baer Levi, pruner, h 1150 S Cameron . Baer Oscar P .. machinist, h 1150 S Cameron BAD SAJlUEL A. PROF., sup prin RiCh School, h 406 Briggs Bacr S. Clayton, conductor, h 1251 Bailey Baer Stella M., teacher, h 406 Briggs Baer Susan, wid David, h 210 Herr Baer William A., barber, 624 Verbeke, h 1328 Green Baer \Villiam H., painter, h 1921 Herr Baer, see Bair also Bear Bagley Isaac W. Rev., h 216 Pine Bailets Charles S., elk, 210 Market, h 713 S Front Bailets Jacob A., h 121 Nagle Bailets Rankin, grocer, 713 ~ Front, h do Bailets William, laborer, h 626 North Bailey Arthur H., mgr, 618 North, h Paxtang Bailey Blanche E., seamstress, h 1203 N Hh Bailey Carrie L. Mrs., h 1228 Herr Bailey Cecil A., machinist, h 1203 N 7th Bailey Charles E., elk, h 1203 N 7th Bailey Charles L., (estate), 14 S 2d Bailey Charles L., jr., (Wolfe & Bailey), h 119 S Front Bailey Charles L. & Co., Incorporated, James B. Bailey, pres; E. Bailey, v-pres; J. C. Harvey, sec and treas; Chesapeake Nail Works; office and works bet P. R. R. and Front bel Dock BAILEY EDWAlLD, (Hammond & :aalley), pres Harri.burg :National Bank, Harrisburg Trost Co., Harrisburg Traction Co. and Central Iron and Steel Co., h 11517 :N Front Bailev Emma H., wid Charles L., h 31 S Front Bailey George, h 222 Locust .

"'1'1 :'1'1


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To find a name you must know how to spell It."

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Hamilton, (Eureka <.::oal Wagon Works), h 126 Locust JI I~ailt'y Harry n.. brakeman, h 2(}22 N 5th BAILEY lA11ES B.~ pres Che.peake lIail Works _d Lack now Iron and Steel Co. and genl mgr and treu C. I ... S ..: Co., h 6 S Front 3 1! Bailey Joel, elk, h 222 Locust of!! Bailey John, supt construction, 20~ Walnut, h 131 State nailey Louisa Mrs., h 19 S 4th :: Bailey Orleans J., elk Post Office, h 222 Locust ~ Bailey Vanetta !vL, dressmkr, 1203 N 7th, h do _ llailey Walter J., florist, h 214 South . . Bailey William M., fireman, h 1714 Penn ' . Bailey William T., conductor, h 1203 N 7th Bailor Charles M., brakeman, h 203! Hummel Bainbridge Jane, wid J"hn, h 2009 N 3d G: Baine Bertha C, buyer, 334 Market, h lOIS Hemlock Baine Edward, h lln 8 Hemlock ... Baine Edward F., bricklayer, h 1018 Hemlock Baine Flora J., saleslady, 334 Market, h 10U~ Hemlock Baine George P., h 1018 Hemlock cC Baine James V., printer, h 1018 Hemlock Bair Annie E., domestic, 707 State ... Bair Charles E., (c. E. Bair & Sons). h Goldsboro (c. E. & H. Z Bair Charles E. & Sons, 1311 WalnutB.), cigar mfrs, 21 N 3d Bair D. Upton Rev., h Bair Harry W., carpenter, h 1203 N ll-l (.) Bair Han'ey B., (c. E. Bair & Sons), h 271 Hamilton .. Bair Horace E., barber, h 1413 N 4th ~ Bair John, fireman, h 333 HamiltOIl : ; Bair Sarah, wid Jacob, h 2100 Forster a.. Bair Saint D., conductor, h 21Ul N Gth E Bail' Sylvester B., barber, 412! Verbeke, h 707 State Bair, see Baer, also Bear .u Baish James C, ho~t1er, h 1714 N 3d .... Haish Minnie, domestic. 2~4 Chestnut .~ Bakala l\Iichael, laborer, h 49 Lochiel 5th Row ' " Baker Abner, baker, h 644 Verbeke Q Baker Albert T., student. h 159 Paxton Z Baker Alexander, waiter, h 510 West av C Baker Annie, wid John P., h 123 Strawberry av ...... Baker Annie B.. milliner, 710 N 3d, h do U Baker Augustus. laborer, h 1U35 S 9th Baker Benjamin F., brakeman, h 1625 Susquehanna Q Baker Benjamin F., waiter, h 18 N Cameron ~ Baker Carrie. h 604 Church av Baker Catharine, buncher. h Boas nr Cowden Baker Charles, baker, h 58 N 13th



1oJd'. Barrilhurg (B) City Direet.ory.


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r ...... _ _ .....,. or EoW. G ROBERTS , 8 ACCID T Bell 'Phone .1 X.108 e8U X.

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Hani.barg. (B) City. Director}'.


Baker l1iarlc& A., taborer, 11 14)25 Susquehanna Baker Charles E., h 2140 Atlas av Baker Charles H., houseman, h l:.m Short Baker Charlotte J., h no ~ ad Baker Clarence E., salesman, 21i S 3d, h 1207 Market Baker Cora A., domestic, 117 Washington Baker Daniel, motorman, h u~a4 N 6th Baker David H., molder, h 1465 Regina Baker Edward, laborer, h 418 Market Baker Elizabeth Mrs., h 1100 N 6th Baker Elizabeth Mrs., housekeeper, 701 Herr Baker Elizabeth S., teacher, h 159 Paxton Baker Ella. domestic, 1115 N :td Bakel' Ella, weaver, h Boas nr Cowden Baker Emma, seamstress, h 418 Forster Baker Emma E., wid George W., h 1404 ~ 6th Baker George, .brakeman, h 1711 K 4th Baker George M., laborer, 11 SIl}, S Front Baker George T., foreman, h 1illS Green Baker George W., conductor. h :129 Muench Baker George \V., painter, h 194!1 State Baker George W., jr., painter, h 1949 State Baker Harry A., salesman, 19 ~ :;d, h 420 S 17th Baker Harry E., assembler, h 123 Strawberry av Baker Harrv E., laborer. h 4Hi S River av Baker Harry E., machinist, h 652 Boas Baker Harry H., elk P. R. R .. h 1806 X 3d Baker Harry H., shoe opr, h 1404 N 6th Baker Harry R., carpenter, h 2140 Atlas av Baker Henry, engineer, h 1933 N 6th Baker Henry, laborer. h 320 Kelker Baker Herbert c., fireman, h 2120 6! Baker Howard \V., decorator, 26 ~ Court av, h 209 Boas Baker Jacob L., screws man, h 1249 ~Iarket Baker Jacob L., jr., laborer, h 1249 Market Baker James, roller, h 159 Paxton Baker James, steward Children's Industrial Home, h do Baker James c., conductor, h 1609 Hunter av Baker James L., printer, h 425 State Raker John D., brakeman, h 1724 Penn Raker John H., houseman, h 18 N Cameron Baker lohn R., tinsmith, h 131!) Green Baker John W., bricklayer, h 17lJi-~ N 4th Baker Joseph c., laborer, ~ 624 Walnut Baker Joseph 'lv'., blacksmith, 741 S 19th, h 1901 Derry Baker Laura V., wid Adam H., h 1465 Regina Baker Leander F . salesman, 13U) ~ 6th. h Riverton Baker Leonard c., shirt cutter, h 1226 Green

:I -t. :t
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" you must. mow how to speIl. itl'

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TrJ. Toll 01

H M KELLEY a l l . Blaell Bla._ wIIea {f10th Ind 3d StNIt. IP. CO'S North I I ,.e., ."'_.. Stat. St..


Boyd'i Harrisburg (B) City Directory.

~ Dake-r LerO\' F. Rc\ .. h ~l:! X lith U) Bahr Lewis B . agt, h 1~4H ~ 4th "'CI Daker Lucy A .. h 14m:; Regina ~ Baker Luke, laborer. h 1ill :--I 4th .... Baker Margaret, wid Simon, h lill X 4th ..c Baker Mary, domestic, 313 :'.Iarket ~ o Baker Mary, wid Jacob F., h l(1IJ S 3d :IE Baker Mary E., wid Peter, h :n:! :'Iiorth CD BAKER lIATTHIAS G., house and lign painter, 26 I Court av, h 1001 I 2d Baker Minni~, cigamlkr, h 106:! S 9th 1: BAKER OLIVER F., pianol, organa and all mUlical roods, t= 1319 N' 6th, h do ~ Baker Oscar B., oiler, h 352 Crescent Baker Otto M., foreman Star-Independent, h 1IJ S 3d Baker Pearl, domestic, 1015 Green ~ -- Baker Peter A., carpenter, h 1625 Susquehanna Baker Rachel E. Mrs., h rear 510 SlOth Baker Richard, laborer, h 201 S Front __ Baker Samuel B., special police Capitol, h 710 N 3d == Baker Sarah, h 2031) N 5th - Baker Sarah E., wid Ferdinand, h 10i Cowtlen Raker Solomon, h 1066 S 9th Baker Stella c., dl'essmkr, h 123 Short Baker Theophilus, conductor, h 1630 N 6th ~ Baker Thomas J., watchman, h 624 Walnut :: Baker W. Harry, asst elk Senate, h 205 Harris ! Baker William F., dentist, 1404 N 6th, h do ;: Baker William II., brakeman, h ] 536 N 4th oS Baker William H. H., elk ins dept, h 1604 Green .::; Baker William T., elk, h 120i Apple av :> Baker, see Baehker, also Becker I.&J Baldwin Alpheus H., conductor, h 202 Hamilton t- Baldwin Annie E., wid Frederick, h 128 S 2d H., salesman, h 1530 N 2d I- Baldwin AubreyH., teacher, h 202 Hamilton I_I Baldwin Edith ... Baldwin Jesse H., brakeman, h 1it6 ~ 5th II: Baldwin John C, conductor, h 1513 N 6th Baldwin :\.aud E., teacher, h 2n2 Hamilton Baldwin Morris, shoe cutter, h 51 N Summit Baidwin vVarren H., elk, 413 Market, h Wormleysburg Bale John H., wareholtseman, h 208 S Court av Bale Mary, wid John. h 204 S Court av Bale Robert L., driver, h :W4 S Court av I.&J Bale Thomas S., hottler, h 204 S Court av Ralentine Sarah A., wid William, h 1205 Mulberry Ball Joseph, carpenter, 23:! Cranberry av, h 127 Pine Ball Martha, domestic. 104 South





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ANDREW REDMOND, J:::!:::d':::'~:Q. {3d aid Reily Sts.

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Ball William G., contractor, 215 Pine, h tlo Ball "Nilson, laborer, h" 1~ T,L1lner's B,Jmer Bnnjnmin F, pla~ten;r, h l:lll ~Iarket Brimer Benjemin F"jr., policeman, h 406 Chestnut Balmer Bertha C., saleslady, h 1311 Market Balmer Charles E., fireman, h 16::!2 \\lailace Balnler K. Bert, bookfoltler, h 1311 ~tlaiket BEilmer Meude S, seametrass, h 630 Herri~ Balmer Samu:l A.. , eng-ineer: h mm Harris Balsbaugh Blanch, seamstress, h 1'1 S lath w Balsbaugh E. Catharine, wid Edward, It jO'1J l"~orth Balsbaugh Hemy, alesmen, h :;~~ S 17th BALC:tBAUGH HIRllI W" gelll agt Union Central Life

r PI S


Bals~~:;~~:I~~~161.:2:~,2~o hI\H~~e~:t~~~t lok B:n.lser Jesee H., h H;31 Snsqiehnnna Belsf:r I.elvis, real estate, HOO !\ lith, h do Balser WiHiam L., elk, h 1700 X 6th Balsley George, grocef, 210 ttd, h l~:; do BEilsley \Y., eng1Teet, h :!:!4) Curnbedand Bnlsky Helen M" elk, 272 North, h :,!~O Cumberland Balsley John, tinsmith, h 13 S Court av Bals;~~~'l~~~sdl W., IOU Market, h Kew Cum-

2 Q Ii
_ -

'PI ~


Balsley Wilmer H., div operator P. R. R., h 30 N 5th Balso Edward A., linotype operator, 10th bel :Market, h II n "Mnnhnnb:bur9 . . C naitna"er Damel U" harmiss, 1301 Wyeth av h 901 Capital '0 ~alt~aser ~eorg~, levern:tan, h 70~ S,21st ', ' """ 13 Haltnaser Grace v., cashier, 33tt Market, h 4(h'l Yellrt Balthaic.r Jennie K, domfcstie, 126 V c.tbeke

~:i~~::~~ ~=~~~l <i:,l~~~~~~~;, l~:~~~~~~~: ~r~~~~ Penn

Balthaser Sarah, wid John, Ii 1401 Penn E., heeter, h 12,1 Dock Baltimore Fn"deI'ick R, porter P. R. R., h 814 Capital Baltimore Garfield, laborer, h 407 N 5th Baltimore George VI., laborer, h :~57 S Cameron Baltimore huskier, h 520 North

, "

~:l~;~~~: f!~~~:~~~oe:!~~,: 3~~O S~C~~~e~~1l

:Ai~~~~A~i~~;si riJ~ ~~.: David

Baltimore Life Ins. Co., ]. A. Marshall, supt, 1. S 2d

Kaufman, treaa and genl mgr, department store, 4 and 6 S 2d

c.; ~


ULmORE ONE-PRICE, clothierl, ttfihrll ond forn:ic.hh'1, 364"308 l!![aoket Baltimooe Robert, laborer. h 357 S Cameron


"Tt4 find a naJi1e. ye,,;~~st hl~V:;hn~-"-~ it"if

iii_L'S COMPLEXIOI PILLS. :.~l:,J~d~~~I~~aI~l~ {301 Bred .



h l:CQyh 12th Baltimore Thomas D., laborer, h 1143 S !)th Baltosser George \V., fireman, h 2112 Moore JI Baltozt'r Taylor Z., painter, h 1801 N 3d Bamford M., mi1lillf:: 623 S Bamford C, h 62:~ font Bamford lahofe: 612 av '5' Bamford Robert heater, h 623 S Front .: Hanford James R, motorman, h 54:J Race . Banford Mary L., wid James K., h :!11 Calder zanford E., paintel !)32 S Bange laborer, Kelker Bangert John A, labol. 106 \V Bangert Martin, driver, 301 Otestnut, h :!53 S Cameron Banghart Amanda, domestic, 1208 Eartine av Banghart Sarah, wid Thomas, h 120~ Bartine av Bankard , laborer 11 0 N on B~ lian~~r;' of New R. F. mgr.

D: Haltimorr Thomas Do,


is t;~~~::



Bankes Anna N., elk, h !jOG N 6th Hankes Caroline A., wid John, h 1813 N 5th

Edward . : N Bankes W., laboo:,r h 142 eV Bankes llamB W., h1 :l:an av W Bankes Jacob H., laborer, h 1104 Walnut t,'\. Bankes Norman S., springmkr, h 173 S Summit ::!, Bankes Roy E., springmkr, h 1104 Walnut Bankes W., cal h \Voodbine liankes C, elk nr 1706 N ll't:: 33ankes H., c::: :r::.y:::ctor, h N 6th ~ Bankes William H., jr., brakeman, h 1210 Wallace II Bankler Elizabeth, wid :'I{otos, h 1204 N Cameron Bankler Frank P., driver, h 2138 N 7th Zankler la bore: y:k3 M vrtle 10 N' Cameron sankler . laborer nankler E., dresrmkl 823 Myri h do Bankler Martin M., laborer, h 823 Myrtle av Q Banks A. Bruce, printer, h 108 Balm :IE TIanks Alfred R, laborer, h 1843 N 7th

~ ~~~~~::.:~~~t~r ~~~:!





h 13fi


~ n:~~: Georgf:~~~~~;.er: h 7Lfl~a~~

Hanks telegraphr .

Zanks 11., hu::::d:l'eper, III :anks D:::::l .. , dispaf . R R, 13:12 Walnut Banks Edward C. tinsmith, h 15:15 Fulton Hanks Eliza, wid Dallas, h 1120 Cumberland


h 1557


'A. I. TAel ~~~? 'I par and '1M _lIte~~3~:

Boyd'. HarrUburg (B) City 'Directory.

Banks Lawrence D., motorman, It 428 Hamilton Banks Lewis, hostler, h 12 Cowden Banks Lewis L., dispatcher p. R. R., h 108 Balm Banks Lizzie Mrs., h 403 N 5th Banks Mary J., elk, 103 )J' :ld, h 109 Xorth Banks Thomas L., telegrapher P. R. R., h 1316 State Banks Urias P., laborer, h 15a5 Fulton Banks William, waiter, h 450 Hay av Banks William F., brakeman, h 1226 Cowden Banmiller John, baker, h 644 Verbeke Banmiller Peter, baker, 20:n N 7th and 644 Yerbeke, h do Bannan George, painter, 124 Strawberry av, h ~08 Green Bannan George c., painter, h ~fl8 tireen Bannan George K., bookbinder, It 113 Love av Bannan John H., plumber, 213 K 2d, h 113 Love av Bannan Samuel T., painter, h 1213 N 7th Baptisti Eugene, bookkpr, :U)1 Chestnut. h 12112 do Baptisti Peter G., (Gardner & Baptisti), It 12112 Chestnut Baptisti W. Arthur, elk, h 12112 Chestnut Barber Asphalt Paving Co., Forster nr P. R. R. Barber George S., upholsterer, 321 ~Ikt, h \\' ormleysburg Barber William, cooper, h 129 Hanna Barbour Alexander E., butler, h 400 X 3d Barbour Charles A., carpenter, h 613 State Barbour Charles F., elk. 117 N :~d, h 61:l State Barbour Foster, car inspector, h 1429l Regina Barbour Wilbert J., laborer, h 613 State Barbour WilIiam T., car inspector, h 142H! Regina Barbush Gito, mattressmkr, h 311 S River av Bard Albert H .. conductor, h 616 Muench Bard John Q., mgr circulation Patriot, h 102 State Bard Sylvanus M., state sec, 16 X 2d, h 1253 Market Bard Thomas J., salesman, 30 N 3d, h 616 :\-Iuench Bardo Edward P., chief sol. 227 Walnut, h 1253 Kittatinny Bare David E., h 1933 N 5th Bare John S., laborer, h 173.Q N Hth Bare Sarah ]., wid Ulysses T., h 1733 N Hth Barendt Julia, domestic, 313 Verbeke Barger Anna B., wid William. h 1521 N 6th Barger Anna H., telephone opr P. R. R., h 264 Verbeke Barger William H., brakeman. h 1515 ~ 4th Barget Lizzie, milliner, 1225 ~ Gth. h do Barker D. Carleton, typewriter inspector. h 1~20 State Barker George B., trimmer. h 1350 Vernon Barker William, h 1348 Vernon Barklev Alexander, laborer, h 120!) Bartine a, Barkley John E., laborer, h 120!) Bartine av Barkley Mayme E., milliner. f;1I5 X 3rl. h do
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'"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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D~JdN<=kfl~ ~~J H.

M. KELLEY & CO. {lo':::'\1.f:=: .

Barkley Sarah, wid John, h 132 Hanna .... Barksdale Kathaniel, laborer, h 622 Briggs Barley Adam, lather, h 1100 ~ 7th ~ Barley J Frank, (Barley & Smith), h 1310 Swatara C Barley Maude C., teacher, h 1310 Swatara ;; Barley Ralph c., draftsman, h 1310 Swatara _ Barley Yensie c., elk, h 1310 Swatara Barley & Smith, (J. F. Barley and J. F. Smith), plasterers, ~ 1402 Fulton ~ Barlow Clara, h 912 N 6th Barmont Peter T., carpenter, h 562 Forrest ::: Barnard Henry A.. postal elk, h 1008 Regina _ Barner Collinson, brakeman, h 1906 Moltke av ~ Barner Henry W., bartender, 401 Verbeke, h do Barner Irvin W., engineer, h 1513 Hunter 1&1... Barner John A., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Barnes Annie. charwoman, h 1;t!:.! Marion ... Barnes Cora L. )Irs., domestic, li04! Walnut 1&1 Barnes Cyrus C, car inspector, h 211119 ~ 5th Barnes Emory B., laborer, h 2122 61 Hmnes George A., laborer, h 1:J:.!2 )-Iarion Barnes George F., messenger Dept Agriculture, h 506 Mkt Barnes George H., boarding, 918 N 6th, h do Barnes (;eorge H .. laborer, h 1158 Cumberland Barnes George ~., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 233 Verbeke Barnes George \Y., court crier, h 110 South 1&1 Barnes Harry M., elk Peipher Line, h Hbg Cemetery Barnes' Jeremiah S., supt 11bg Cemetery, h do Barnes Malinda D., dome,tic, 20:!1 ~ 6th Barnes Orval 0 .. elk P. R. R., h 918 N 6th O Harnes Rebecca H., wid William E., h 233 Verbeke ~ Darnes R. Eliwood, printer, h 134 Linden 3! Barnes Stephen, hod carrier, h 1410 William Barnes William H., machini!'l, h :.!a3 Verbe~e _ Barnet Florence, saleslady, 334 Market, h Steelton ~ Barnett Ellen, wid Jacob, h 508 South ::::; Barnett Emma S., tailoress 3:l4 Market, h :WO Pine = Barnett t;eorge R.. lawyer. 2117 Walnut, It 118 S 13th D.. :z Barnett Joseph H., fireman. h 2f10i'i ~ 7th ~ Barnett l\hry 0., stengr State Treasury, Capitol, h 222 ~ Pine _ Barnett Richard. agent. h 23 S 2d :; Barnett Robert, laborer. h 135 Short Barnhard Samuel W., shoemkr, 306 Reily, h do ~ Barnhardt Harry 1., tip painter, h 502 Lynn g Barnhart Benjamin F., switchman, h 2147 N 4th c Barnhart Caroline, h 224 Hummel Barnhart Caroline, wid Paul, h 224 Hummel

ti ~


BOJd'. Harriaburg (B) City Directory.



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:;-::R:~~"~c:.~~~:~ ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d aDd Reily Sis.

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B ft.. TACK,

N. 3d

1.18 {BmP~ DOlle bus ftDt.cta. wmkmeD. beDN 01117 lIN-


cfaIj tIIiri and lDs1lreI

t" Work dODe 10 an7,.not BtaCe.

Boyd'. lIarri.burg (B) City" Directol'1.


Barnhart Cyrus R., milk, 1430 Derry, h do Barnhart Harry, h 1922 State Barnhart Harry E., flagman, h 633 Camp Barnhart Howard L., paperhanger, h 1196 Chri:;tian Barnhart Howard M., carpenter, h 1923 North Barnhart John F., carpenter, 1923 North, h do Barnhart John R., brakeman, h 1935 N 5th Barnhart Le!>lie L., laborer, h 221 Mulberry Barnhart Matilda, wid Benjamin F., h 19!15 N 5th Barnhart N eonetta, helper, h 1935 N 5th Barnhart Samuel S., laborer, It 221 Mulberry Barnhart William B., buyer, 3.'14 Market, h 1613 Swatara Barnhart William V., flagman, h 1804 Elizabeth av Barnhart, see Bernhardt Barnhill Charles H., elk, 1219 N 3d, h 307 Verbeke Barnholt John S., telegrapher, 15 N 2d, h 11 :K 4th Barnholt, Welchans & Co., brokers, 15 N 2d Barnitz Callie, elk, 210 Walnut, h 433 Market Barnitz Charles M. Rev., h 556 Woodbine Barnitz George P., flagman, h 100!) Green Barnitz Jerome T., h 433 Nlarket Barnitz LaTrobe 1\1., student. h 433 Market Bamitz Margaret J., h 3d c Locust Barnum David A., laborer, h 1832 State Barr Daisy A., elk, h 321 Cumberland Barr Daniel \Y . ticket examiner P. R. R., h 41)8 Olestnut Barr Harry H .. machinist, h 316 Reily Barr Herbert S., brakeman, 11 1114 N Front Barr Howard S., machinist, h 321 Cumberland Barr John, driver, h 1213 Fulton Poarr John, laborer, h S09 Green Barr Mary J. Mrs., h 321 Cumberland II Barr Samuel H., jr., brakeman, h 1736 Logan av 0 10 Barrett James, roller, h 1307 S 12th Barrick Dennis L., motorman, h 1415 N 3d 13 Barrick George, laborer, h 1622 Fulton Cal Barrick Samuel W., brakeman, h 638 Woodbine Barrick William H., brakeman. h 638 Woodbine Barringer Aaron H., ironwkr, h 314 Chestnut Barringer George F., drug elk, 449 State, h 18411 Derry Barringer Herbert F., pressman, h 1201 Green Barringer Jacob P., h 919 Green Barringer John A., conductor, h 314 Chestnut Cal Barringer Mary, wid Michael ]., h ~32 Forster Barrington E. Hatch, foreman, 138 Short, h Paxtang Banington Evelyn, kindergarten, 2d c State, h Paxtang Barry James E., elk, h 946 X 7th It !arry James E., supt, h 1i):~ X 4th





.. To find a name you ~ust- krlow how to-spell it."

Digitized by

Coog Ie



_ Beyd's Harrisburg tB) City Directory.

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Barry :\Iary B., wid John, h 721 X 6th Barry W. Foster, (Lochiel Merchandise Co.), h 4UCJ S 16th Bartds Kate M., housekeeper, 13:!O N 4th Barth Edward, houseman, h 516 South Barth Mary, wid John G., h 1331 James Bartholomew John, civil engineer, h 500 N 3d Bartley Annie M., wid William P., h 1336 N 7th Bartley Edith, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Bartley Flora, tobacco stripper, h 1336 ~ 7th Bartley George, laborer, h rear 1028 State Hartley J. Reilley, brakeman, h 16:t! Park llartley Maude, housekeeper, 13:Jfi X 7th Bartley Xora C, packer, h l:mti ?\ 7th F.artolet Adam F., conductor, h 7 S 1:1th Bartolet Beulah E., press feeder, h 7 S 13th Bartolet Olarles E., shoe operator, h 7 S 13th Bartolet Harry T., shoemkr, h 7 S 13th Hartolet William D., brakeman, h 7 S 13th Barton Charles \V., repairsman, h 182:1 X 4th Barton Ephraim H., driver, h Cranberry av nr Tanner's av Barton George, adv agt, h 217 Xorth . Barton George, laborer, h 5th nr Short Barton George C, waiter, h 321 ?\ River av Barton George \V., puddler, h 1090 K 15th Harton John H., waiter, h 163 Indian av r:ase George S., shoe operator, h 1222 Derry Basehore Coral F., inspector, h 4:JU CtlIubcrland Bashore Clinton D., fireman, h 1513 Wallace I;ashore Ferdinand D., cigars. &c., 512 Jiarket, h 422 do B.. shore Harry, helper, -h 106 Dock Bashore John H., machinist, h 1225 X 7th F:~lshore John "V., sawyer, h 1922 State Bashore Kate A., wid Harry, h 141 Balm J:askin Charles E., laborer, h 1510 \Yallace B;;,skin Ira D., messenger, h 1613 Fulton Baskin Louisa, wid Leonard J., h 161:l Fulton Haskin Mae, domestic, 5 S Front Baskin ~Iary A., wic! Robert, h 211 State Haskin Mary J., saleslady, 13110 N 3d, h lUlll X 7th Haskin Oliver S., laborer, h 1001 N 7th Haskind Aaron, grocer, 411) Cranberry av, h do Haskins Josiah C, flagman, h 319 Dauphin av Haskins Walter c., laborer, h 319 Dauphin av Bassh Jacob, peddler, h 50!) ~orth av Bassh James, peddler, h 50n Xorth av J:assh Joseph, peddler, h 51:t Cowden Bassh Minnie, cigarmkr, h 5119 North a\' Hatdorf Grant ~ R~,,-., h 258 Herr


Aoel't La..... , . . . . S ...... Beller . _.... - . loa rl .. lie t. Bell 'Phon 861 X. or 81143 X.

Digitized by


..a. I. lICI. Wall Paper Iftd Window Shacks.

{l.::~-=J8c. Boyd'. HarrUbflrg (B) City DireotoI'J. 119

Batdorf. see Badorf , Bateman Alice, domestic. 208 Pine Bateman David M., roller, h 115 Dock Bateman George R., craneman, h 115 Dock Bateman John T., fireman, h 4~6 Kelker Bateman Joseph M., h 1:34 Dock Bateman Maggie C, press feeder. h 115 Dock Bateman Theodore" puddler, h 115 Dock Bateman William 0., puddler, h 134 Dock Bates Annie Mrs., h 23H State Bates Charles E., puddler, h 349 Hummel Bates Edward F., grocer, 1;24 ~ 5th, h do Bates Edward F., jr., elk, lit4 ~ 5th, h do Bates Howard U., machinist, h 204 S 2d BATES 100 L, alderman, 200 Walnut, h IU8 Borth Bates Joseph E., bottler, h 204 S 2d Bates Julia M., wid Jacob, h 622 Harris Bates Katharine A., saleslady, 308 ~larket, h 1618 N 5th Bates Maria, wid Samuel, h 204 S 2d Bates Mary A., dressmkr, h 204 S 2d Bates Mary E., wid William H., h 1561 Walnut Bates Mina Mrs., h 106 Locust Bates Robert E., trucker, h Front ab Seneca Bates Samuel H., molder, h 1411 N 2d Bates Susan, wid Abram, h 1618 X 5th Bates \Villiam M., (Bates & Vance). h :W8 Briggs .BATES & VANCE, (W. II. Bates and R. H. Vance), wllolesale fruits and produce, 15 and 17 :R fad Batten George W., tool dresser, It 515 Maelay Battis Frisby C, pool, 13H Short. pawnbroker, 141 Short, h do Battis Frisby C., jr., s. storekeeper, h 141 Short Battis John Q., laborer, h 1322 William Baturin Lewis, rags. h 121 S Cameron Baturin Morris, rags, :llll S Cameron. h (,39 Boas Baturin Myer, grocer, 1018 N jth, h do Bauchmoyer Christian H., laborer, h H48 Paxton Bauder David F., agt, h 435 State Bauer Caroline, wid Nicholas, h 907 N 2d Bauer Marg2ret, h 907 N 2d Bauule Amla M., wid rohn. h 216 Cherry av Bauerle John U .. laborer, 11 216 Cherry av' Baughman Edward H., laborer, It 12;\ Balm Baughman Harry. motorman, h 1002 N jth Baughman Mae H .. saleslady. 6 S 2d. h 123 Balm .BAQ ADA)( H., journalillt, h 1338 Fulton B.. um Catharine. wid Michael, h H2j N 6th Baum David H . elk, h 808 X 3<1

o o




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4'To find

an~ y~--musi Im~w how to spell-h."

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...: 120

M. KELLEY & CO.{lo~~~u!==



Boyd'. Harriaburg

City Direotory.


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Baum Edward F., adv mgr Star-Independent, h 147 Sylvan ter Baum Ella, saleslady, 312 Market, h 92i ~ 6th Baum Frank L., salesman, 334 Market. h 921 N 6th Baum Harry C, mgr tel office P. R. R., h 125 Sylvan ter Baum Ida }I., dressmkr, h 927 N lith Baum Jacob S., floor walker, 334 ~larket, h 92i ~ 6th Baum James W., coremkr, h 432 Riley Baum J. Lauer, student, h 141 Sylvan ter Baum Lewis, window dresser, 6 S 2d, h 329 Chestnut Baum Wellington W .. wheelwright, h 2146 ~ 6th Baum \\'ilIiam R., checkman P. R. R .. h 12:; Sylvan ter Baumgardner Charles, laborer, h !l42 S 19th Baumgardner Edith, vamper, h 1518 Hunter Baumgardner Franklin. mason, h tri18 Hunter Baumgardner Joseph. mason, h 1518 Hunter Baumgardner Lena C .. h 1518 Hunter Baumgartner :Martin, tailor, h 942 S l!lth Batts William, laborer, h 11u1 Cumberland Bausher Carmi I., civil engineer, h 136 ~ 13th Bausman Abraham, helper, h u02 X 1:1th Bausman Benjamin, watchman, h u!l2 ~orth Bausman, see Bowsman Bax Adam, carpenter, h 1706 Fulton Bax Adam C. tinworker. h 425 ~Iuench Bax George F., shoemkr, h 425 :Muench Bax Harry J., roller, h 425 l'!uench Bax LOllis J., shearsman. h Seneca nr 6th Baxter Alfred C, elk, 1322 Marion, h 1426 X 4th Baxter Edward C, messenger sec comm'th, h !Il2 Greet} Baxter Lulu R., printer, h 12111 Mulberry Baxter :Mary E., wid Levi, h l:no Mulberry Baxter Sarah E . wid William H .. h 1421; N 4th Baxter William H., laborer, h 1426 X 4th Baxtresser Jacob H., clk Co. treas. C H., h ~liddletown Bay Charles E., elk, h 405 Filbert Bav Frank E . lahorer, h 111115 Cowden Bay James G. ~I.. pres Bay Shoe Co .. h H :\ 5th Bay Maggie Mrs., h 4115 Filbert nay Robert, ioreman, 116 State, h 1128 \\'allace Bav Shoe Co., 716 State nay Thomas F., brakeman, It 2111 }Ioore Hay William H., carpenter, h IOU;) Cowden nay William J., fireman. h 264 North av Hayler Angeline, wid \\'illiam A., hInt; Verbeke Hayles Ha.ry T., wall paper, 12i4 :\!arkct, h 1540 Derry Bayles John \V., plumber. 1130 N lith, h do Baymiller Clara E., cigarmkr ~~,y)~~~ Ber!~~~ ____ ~__


REDMOND. {3d aDd Reily Sts.

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,

{'2Ir::~ -;~~~'fn.t.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (B) City Directory.

BaymiIler Harriet E., wid John H., h 1004 Berryhill Bl'ach Anna, wid Peter W., h 619 Boas Beach George c., lawyer, 7 N ad, h 3d cReel's la Beachler Henry c., laborer, h 1520 Green Beachler John H., baggagemaster, h 1~13 Chestnut Beadle Florence l\f., winder, h 1:!O Sylvan ter Beales Georgia E., tailoress, 26 S 3d, h 1307} Wallace Bealor Alvin M., laborer, h 546 Forrest Bealor Frank S., caller P. R. R., h 621 Reily Bealor James E., wall paper, 171111 X 6th, h 54G Forrest Bealor J. Henry, painter, h 546 Forrest Bealor Joseph, watchman, h ;j46 Forrest Bealor J. William, engineer, h (;21 Reily Bealor Kate, wid Bernard P., h IH:!1 X 5th Bealor Lydia A., h 419 Walnut Balor Mae E., music teacher, h 621 Rt'ily Bealor :Martha, dressmkr, 419 Walnut, h do ~ Beam Frank P., ins agt, 9 S 2d, h 823 X 6th Bam Isaac G., laborer, h 187} N 15th Beam Samuel, brakeman, h 512 Reily Beam Samuel H., laborer, h 232 Sayford av Beamer Charles C., ironworker, h 104 Ann av Beamer Charles W., brakeman, h 711 S 21i Deamer Harry F., brak~man, h 425 Dauphin av Beamer Mary E., wid Jacob, h 711 S 211 Beamer ~lilton E., laborer, h 104 Ann av Beaner G. Ambrose, laborer, h 608 Xorth av Beancr Mary Mrs., layer out of the dead, 424 State, h do 0 . Bear Ella D., dressmkr, h 1835 N 7th 13 Bear Frank, machinist, h 422 S 16th Bear Harry A, laborer, h 1718 Fulton Bear Harry A. painter, 209 South, h 17112 Green Bear Hiram, peddler, h 633 Walnut Bear Horal~e, barber, h 1413 N 4th Bear Jennie, wid Abner S., h 1835 N 7th B( ar Samuel 1\1., engineer, h 1835 N 7th Bear Wm. L. & Co., (II. P. Bear), brokers. Bolton House B(ar, sec Baer, also Bair Beard Alice B., printer, 20 N 2d, h 1304 N Front Beard Bessie M., warper, h 1304 N Front Beard Cyrus A, carpenter, h 1304 X Front B('ard Daniel M., h 1411 X 3d Btard Gideon, laborer, h 12S Ann av Deard Hannah Mrs .. notions. 11115 N 3u, h do Oa Beard Harry B., (Hbg Harness and Saddlery Co.). h York Beard Margaret, janitress, h 225 Briggs Beard }Iary E., warper, h 1:W4 N Front It Beard Maurice c., telegrapher. h 20 N 14th


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.. r 0 find a name you inust know how to spell it."



lIeIEIL'S PAil EITERIIII'TOR ~~W~ou~=':ied~;~l {808~.



:8o,.d'. Harri.burg (B) City Direotol'J'.



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Beard William W., laborer, h 1215 S 9th Beasley Edward, laborer, h 14~4 Fulton Beasley Lewis, laborer, h 1334 Mayflower av Reasor Howard, engineer, h 526 Woodbine Beascr Irvin c., engineer, h 5~8 \\'oodbinc Beatty Alfred M., conductor, h 1907 N 6th Beatty Anna M., wid Robert J., h 1907 ~ 6th Beatty Annie. h 239 State Beatty Catharine, wid John, h :!3 S 4th Beatty Catharine, wid Robert T., It 512 N 3d Beatty Catharine S., h 207 N Front Beatty GlarIes, driver, 401 Glestnut, h 23 S 4th Beatty Charles R., conductor, h 1219 Mulberry Beatty Emma F., teacher, h 107 Paxton Beatty G. Irwin, h 303 N :.!d Beatty Henry J., h 207 N Front Beatty James E., letter carrier, h 626 Harris Beatty James H., marble, Cameron nr State, h 23 S 4th Beatty Jane. wid Archibald, h 624 Harris . Beatty John, (Beatty & Bro.), h 23 S 4th Beatty Margaret A., seamstress Lunatic Hospital, h do Beatty Mary A., wid Joshua, h 6:!2 Korth Beatty Mary E., bookkpr. h 23 S 4th Beatty Samuel E., laborer, h 1818 Cameron Beatty Samuel K., expressman, 15 N 3d, h 1118 Kittatinny Beatty Sarah H .. h 107 Paxton Beatty William, (Beatty & Bro.), h 700 ~ 3d Beatty William J.o carpenter, h 1117 Paxton BEATTY & BRO., propn Keystone J[arble and Gnmite Works, Cameron nr State Beaumont Harvey L., cigars. 1846 Green. h do Beaver Annie, cigarmkr, h 1548 Fulton Beaver Charles. fruit. &c., 805 N 3d, h do Beaver Harrv P., laborer. h 11114 Bernhill Beaver Irvin: barber, h 12:JfI X 7th . Beaver Mary, h 1408 Regina Beaver Thomas W., salesman. h 132 Locust Beaver, see Biever Beaverson Grace c., salesla<h'. 22!l ~Iarket. h 335 Walnut Bechtel Annie, seamstress. h '!l1 Balm Bechtel Charles H., laborer, h 4!ll'i Walnut Bechtel Harrv A.. riverman. h l'ifil S Front Bechtel John' A .. heater, h 14:l Hanna Bechtel Joseph F., contractor. h 2136 N 5th Bechtel Lucy B.. housekeeper. 405 N 2d Beck Andrew J., expressman. 401 Chestnut. h 234 S 14th Beck David M., flour. 14th c Regina. h 1400 Regina Beck Elizabeth J.. wid Benjamin F .. h 213 Forster
Til. A .....e Bo '"_ (lo_,., BalUmore,
Agent Central

Penna. DIstrict, 108 . . . . .c. Bell 'Phone 851 K. or 6IMI X.

Digitized by

Md. IIInw. G. aOaB'll......


BOld', Harrisburg (B) Cit,.. Directory.


Beck Ellen, cigarmkr, h 320 Strawberry av Beck Elmer, cooper, h 825 S Front Beck Flavius A. J., cabinetmkr, h 22 N Summit Beck Florence E., student, h 213 Forster I Beck George W., insurance, 1440 Derry, h do Beck Harry M., blacksmith, h 1332 N 4th Beck H. Augustus, laborer, h 1219 Bailey Beck Howard L., salesman, 321 Market, h Mechanicsburg Beck Ida, weaver, h 530 Reily ~ Beck Irene, seamstress, h 623 Kelker , Beck J. Augustus, artist, 26/S Boas, h do Beck Jacob F., engineer, h 623 Kelker Beck John c., laborer, h 742 S 21st CD. Beck Louisa H. Mrs., dressmkr, h 239 State Beck Marian, artist, h 265 Boas !!l Beck Martha T., bookkpr, 12 N 3d, h 213 Forster ... Beck Martin F., laborer, h 33 N 12th Beck Martin L., laborer, h 33 N 12th ~ Beck Martin S., carpenter, h 1212 Bailey ~ Beck Mervin, salesman, 326 Market, h Mechanicsburg ~. Bt-ck Onesimus H., express, 214 Strawberry av, h 320 do c: Bf:ck Perry L., bottler, h 1251 Market :t Beck Peter S., plumber, h 1219 Bailey ~ Beck Solomon, packer, h 1425 Derry ~ Beck Thomas J., mgr, 1000 Market, h 1251 do ~ BECK THOJIAS 1. CO., T. 1. Beck, mgr, mineral water ,... ;:;;bottlen, 1000 Market c 10th lee adv Beck Wilkes G., bookkpr, 1000 Market, h 1251 do .. Beck William, foreman, h 127 Hanna Beck William, shoe cutter, h 1227 Bailey Beck William H., carpenter, h 1925 Briggs Beck William J., brakeman, h 1745 N Cameron rft Beck Zacharias, pipe bender h li45 N Cameron :B(;ck, see B u e c k ' ~ Beckenbaugh Edgar L., foreman, 1402 Vernon, h234 S 13th. Beckenbaugh Lillian E., wid John J., h 1425 Shoop =-=Becker Charles P., rope splicer, h 1609 Susquehanna :::l Becker Henry, employee Arsenal, h 207 Meadow la UJ

0 I I




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:r :r
"'I ~ " 'I

BoHlers and Shippers of Hlgb-Grade Beyerages -+ _.


RI..II, Ir.B Ale IDd .. CI.mdale" ArtesllD UtIIII Wlter,

Nature s t(I Health ~ Restorer. 1000 lIutet, Tent~ Street, HARRISBUR6, PA,
"Ta:fbl yoo must



how to spell it."

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H. M. KELLEY" ,CO., COAL AND WOOD {OlllCes: 1~-:.rJ:J;::


_ 124

Boyd'. Jlarrisburg (B) City Directory.

Becker John c., linotype operator Independent, h 1736 Walnut Bccker Mary, wid John, h 1740 Walnut : ; Becker William U., transfer agt, h 544 Race Becker. see Baker c= Beckley Ellie M., wid Daniel A., h 251 North iiC Beckley Jane M., h 251 North ~ Beckley Morris J., (Soper & Mann), h 418 S 13th :: Beckley Oscar P., photographer, h 1257 Kittatinny Beckwith Charles \""., dairyman, h Send S Cameron S- Beckwith Edward J., stamper, h 211117 N 7th &.I BeckwIth Frederick, laborer, h 2007 N jth Beckwith Sarah A., housekeeper, 20th c Brookwood ...., Beecher John ),1., draftsman, h 218 Hamilton a: Beecher Robert S., draftsman, h 218 Hamilton z Beekman Christopher, laborer Capitol, h 307 Walnut C Beelman Carson S .. carpenter. h 1533 ~ 6th Beelman Christian H . carpenter, h 153:l N 6th L&.I Beers Blanch, (Beers & Bice), h 605 Forster Beers Myrtle. E., tucker, 506 Forster c.J Beers & Bice, (B. Beers & I. Bice), dressmkrs, 605 Forster Beetem Minnie L. Mrs., stenographer, h 118 South ~ Behm Jacob c., h 207 Harris ~ Behm Samuel S., planer, h 1611 Wallace ::i Behney Elvina. wid Henry, h 1109 Green Behney Ira L., elk, 1119 N 3d, h 70 N 12th Behney John H., grocer, 329 S 14th, h do Ii: Behringer Abraham E .. carpenter, h 1105 ~ Front 2 Behrmon George, bottler, h 420 Walnut ~ Bcible Andrew, laborer, h 1t130 Fulton a.. Beidelman Joseph B., cigar mfr, 1310 )'Iarket, h do ~ Beidelman Scott B., pressman, h 1310 Market i:i::i Beidleman Bertha A., bookkpr, h 22 S 13th ::;:: Beidleman Edward B., molder, h 218 Crescent ac: BEIDLEllA:R EDWARD E., lawyer, 18 :N 2d, h 29 Evergreen ..... Beidleman Emma B., h 1200 Chestnut ffi Beidleman Newlin D., molder, h 163:l Regina ~ Beidleman Thomas D., h 22 S 13th c= Beidleman \Villiam, h 218 Crescent ... Beidleman William, salesman, 440 ~:larkct, h 218 Crescent ZJ Beirlleman William c., elk P.O., h 1200 Chestnut 0- Beidler Frances, domestic The Bolton Beidler Philip, laborer, h 419 Hamilton I Beidler Theresa, cook, h 109 S Front ~ Beigh Susan, wid Henry, h 512 Cowden JQ Beil Jacob. warehouseman P. R. R., h 1229 Swatara .. Z Beinhauer Otto, laborer, h 1134 Jonestown rd toe Beinhaur Catharine, wid Jacob,_ ~ 1014 ~e_rr_y_h_il_l_ _ __






ANDREW REDMOND, Hc:.;:a:~a.~::d ~~or;~. {3d aid Rellr Sts.

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-MAItE. A ."EDIAL.,., ( W {1216 II. 'cllt. .......... .,.ltIIc 8.lldl. . . . . P .... TI.ta.

E." ..... .,...

125 Beinhaur William A., laborer, h 1014 Berryhill Beisser William, printer, tOI ~ td, h 1804 Penn Beistline Florence J" wid Joseph, h 1411 Wallace Beistline G. Morris, foreman P. & R., h 1639 :\larket Beistline Ivy, forelady, h 16:l9 ~1arket Beistline John c., ins sol, 21 N 3d, h 1233 Derry Beistline ~lyrtle A., weaver, h 1639 Market BEITLER LEWIS E., dep sec Commonwealth, Capitol, h liarnsburg Club Belford Eliza A., wid George \V., h 182~ Hickory av Belford George T., laborer, h 1822 Hickory av Belford James K., laborer, h 182t Hickory av Belford Margaret R., charwoman, h 18:!"..! Hickory av Belford William ,"V., laborer, h 1~:Ui Hickory av Bell Abraham, laborer, h 1135 Market Bell Abram, salesman, h 124 Chestnut Bell Amos A., puddler, h 913 5 Front Bell Anna M., h 428 Herr Bell Bessie, domestic, 1418 N 2d Bell B. Frank, sawyer, h 700 Race Bell Catharine, h 204 Chestnut Bell Charles F., barber, h 443 State Bell Daniel W., laborer, h 1329 Wyeth ave Bell Edward F., laborer, h 700 Race Bell Elizabeth, h 204 Chestnut Bell Frank E., laborer, h 1213 ~ 11i Bell Frank H., painter, h 820 N 3d Bell George H., confectioner, 33 5 2d, h 200 Chestnut Bell Irvin G., carpenter, h 556 Forrest Bell Isaac 5., laborer, h 50uth av nr Filbert Bell James W., machinist, h 428 Herr . BELL 100, lumber, 7th c York av, h 261 Briggs II Bell John A., elk, h 413 Woodbine 0 Bell Joseph L., laborer, h 121 Dock Bell Lawrence M., car inspector, h 556 Forrest 13 Bell Lottie M., candymkr, h 700 Race Cal Bell Louisa G., domestic, 1329 Wyeth av Bell Mary R., saleslady, 225 Market, h 913 5 Front Bell ~ina, h 146 5 3d Bell Rhoda N., dressmkr, h 913 5 Front Bell Roy, laborer, h 428 Cumberland Bell Sabra M., wid William A.. h 1600 ~ 3d Bell Shelley K., brakeman, h 423 Dauphin av Cal Bdl Sibyl B., h 120 Chestnut Bm molUS 1., elk supt public printing, h 1437 Xarket Bell Thomas J., painter, h 820 N 3d Bell Thomas \V., machinist, h 428 Herr Bnt mOUTON A., painter, 819 Xyrtle av, h 820 N 3d ~

Boyd's Jlarrisburg (B) City Direotory.




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"To find a name you must know how to spell it"

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BoJWlI Ha.rriaburg (B) City Direoto!}'.


. . Bell Tryphena, Sl'amstrcss, h 507 South .!!!. Hell Clvsses S., driver, 17 X 2d, h 5 X 9th Hell Vi~la, collarmkr, It 91;3 ~ Front B Bell Warren R., student, It ~51 Briggs Hell \Vayne S., student, It 251 Briggs Bell William A" laborer, h 700 Race - Bell William B., brakeman, h 1319 Marion Bell. William c., conductor, h 4~1 Muench Bellevue Nurseries, (L. F. Haehnlen), Holly bel limits a Bellevue Wine Co., (L. F. Haehnlen), Holly bel limits Bellman Francis, brakeman, h 426 Muench Bellman Helen I., wid John H., h 2112 N 4th :. Bellman Margaret E., wid Jackson, h 426 Muench a Bellman Martha M., folder, h 426 Muench Bellman Pamela, folder, h 426 Muench Bellman William, salesman, h 130 Balm Belmont Emma, ciomestic, 107 Filbert Beltz Percy I., elk, 4H1 :Market, h 1246 do John bookkpr, h I- Bendall Anna H., saleslady, 30S Market, 11 314 Herr Bender F., 312 Market, 2122 6i Bender Anna M . teacher, h 1013 Green c( Bender Benjamin S., h 1223 N Front It Bender Bess V., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do I- Bender Charles A., machinist, h 43 N 16th Bender Clewell, laborer, h 1901 Derry Z Bender Daniel, fireman, h 619 Dauphin Bender Elizabeth, wid Adam, h 5th nr Harris U Bender Emma M., seamstress, h 1223 N Front Bender Florence, domestic, 120 S 2d .,: Bender Frederick, barbers' chairs, supplies, &c., 520 Walnut, h 302 Boas A. Bender George, salesman, 334 ~Iarket, h Steelton Bender George B., painter, h 640 Woodbine Bender George K., conductor, h 1113 N 2d U Bender Herbert c., machinist, h 1013 Green ..... Bender John H., car inspector, h 1013 Green ~ Bender J. Oscar, U. S. gauger, P. O. bldg, h 7 N 13th u Bender Laura, wid Irwin, It 5 X 13th Bender Maria, h 1217 N 6th Bender Mary, h 1013 Green c Bender Mary Mrs., housekeeper, 266 Cumberland u.& Bender Oliver c., P. O. messenger P. R R, h 1606 Regina u Bender Reuben, policeman, h 1013 Green Bender Robert S., laborer, h 2638 61 Bender Samuel U., laborer, h 1519 Fulton .... Bender Susan G., wid Isaac, h 1613 N 5th - Benedetti Egisto, h S 5th c P. R R. ~ Benedict Catharine E., wid :Matthias, h 522 State


III a: o



r.. A.VOID.ltT Ilt"VRAltV. . loa ..... , 8_.d 8Ueel. Bell 'Pbone Ii. X. 01' . . . X.
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";=";=: IOU POOOr III 1I0dOl_1 ffom A. B. TACK, I.t\..

Boyd's lIarriaburg (B) City Directory.


Benedict Horace, bar clk, 3:!5 Walnut, h 1604 Penn Benedict Lisle, laborer, h 121:! Apple av Benedict Matthias, molder, h Cumberland nr 6th Benedict Robert, bartender, 501 State, h 520 do Benesh Hermine, h 704 N 6th Benfer John c., ironworker, h 12 N 13th Benfer Joseph H., (Stapf & Benfer), h 958 S 21st Bengel Ann E., wid Jacob, h 415 Calder Benion Harry, machinist, h 3d c Seneca Benion M. William, boilermkr, h 3d c Seneca Benitz Constantine, h 440 Walnut Benitz Frederick C., propr Acme Grocery, 438 Walnut, h 101 Short Benjamin Elizabetll. H., h 810 X 2d Benner Abraham S., conductor, h 2216 N 6th Benner Annie M., boxmkr, h 1~ Paxton Benner Arthur J., real estate. 1404 Derry, h do Benner Charles P., brakeman. h 645 Maclay Benner Cloyd E., laborer, h 21H S 15th Benner Cora, domestic. 412 Strawberry av Benner Fanny E., boxmkr, h 18.~ Paxton Benner Frank, carpenter, h 565 Forrest Benner George E., h 32 N 5th Benner Harry, laborer, h 213 S 15th Benner Jerome E., laborer. h m~1I Woodbine Benner Joseph, laborer, h 913 S Front Benner Linley c., carpenter, h 1943 N 7th Benner Minnie, cigarmkr, h 21111 X 7th Benner Peter, car inspector, h 1321 Howard Benner William, laborer, h 1321 Howard Benner William, laborer, h 183 Paxton Benner \ViIliam E., watchman, h 3!l Balm Benner William K., salesman, h 311 Chestnut Bennethum Claude G. student, h 2009 N 3d BDBETlIUlt wu.LUV H., mgr, 834 Market, h 2009 II 8d Bennett Annie L., wid David E., h rear 512 N 5th Bennett Annie M. Mrs., dressmkr, h 2128 Moore Bennett Anselm W., foreman P. R. R., h 214 Hamilton Bennett Brainard H .. crane tender, h 2017 Penn BElOETTBRETZ PIA1IO CO., W. Curtia Bennett, pres and gen! mgr; Charles E. Bretz, treas; piano mfrs and dealers, 118-110 Market see adv front cover Bennett Calvin F., watchman, h 201 Harris Bennett Charles, repairsman. h 11 N Cameron Bennett Charles F., laborer, h 1312 Wallace Bennett Emma Mrs., domestic. 24 Grace av Bennett George, laborer. h 140 S Cameron Bennett George W., brakeman, h 2027 N 5th

I 0 0 " I


i i iii







"""1 ~

"To find a name you must !mow how to spe1lJt."

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'Try Ton of

H M KELLEY CJI CO'S BI... D I " - "er... o. ...I I I ~. ____ ....

JI lid atate .... llOth lid 3d .......

~ ~


Boyd'. Harrisburg (B) City Directory.


Bennett George \V .. elk. UII:! \'ernon, h l:ennett Henry L., baggagemaster, h


U) Bennctt Harry, laborer. h 1411 S Cameron

n:n X :!d

;c Bennett Hester Mrs., housekeeper, h l11li


z: ~

i= _




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a:: >

~ Cameron Bennett Horace B., janitor 1'. 0., h 215 Cranberry av Bennett John, laborer, h 11:!:~ !\ tith Dmnett John F., brakeman. h :WH: Penn Bennett John F., laborer. h 1411 S Cameron Bennett John N., watchman, h 11:!3 X lith Bennett John T., engineer. h :n; :\Iaelay Eennett John \V., brakeman, h 1:!21 Currant av Bennett Martin L., painter, h 18:!0 Logan av Bennett ~lary C, wid John, h 11'\:!1I Logan av J:ennett Numa 0., machinist, h 1~14 l~lln Bennett Oliver L. C, laborer, h :!lG Cranberry av Bennett Thomas, laborer, h ~:!4 K 6th Dennett Thomas E., fireman, h 18211 Logan av Bennett W. Curtis, pres and genl mgr, 118 Market, h The Bolton Bennett \Villiam, drivcr, h 140 S Cameron B('nnett William, watchman, h 5(18 \Valnut Bennett William B., brakeman, h 201 Harris Benson Annie M., winder, h 120; N !)th Henson Charles, ironworker. h 121)1 ~ 6th Denson Cyrus F., packer, h 1:!1i!) \Va1 nut Benson Harry R., barber, 1211U K 6th, h 1112 Penn Benson Harry G., watchman P. R. R., h 1201 ~ 6th Bent George c., chief elk supt's office P. R. R., h 7 S Front Bent ~lary K., teacher, h :n S Front Bentley Abram H., machinist, h 112 \'inc Bentley George R., genl supt C. I. & S. Co., h 121 S 2d Bt.ntley J. Frank, screwsman, h 1:!1 S 2d Bentley \Valter S., elk C. I. & S. Co., h 121 S 2d Bentz Emma, laundress, h 1H; Fulton Bentz Joseph, laborer, h 10:!1I S :!1~ Bentz William A., brakeman, h 624 Hamilton Bentzel Carrie E., elk, 414 State, h 927 N 2d Bentzel Daniel S., elk, 201 S 2d, h New Cumberland Bentzel D. Edward. brakeman, h 1112 Plum av Bentzel Edith 11., h H:!1 N :!d Bentzel Elmer D., fireman, 140:! Vernon, h 31 N 16th Bentzel Flora n., teacher, h 927 N :!d Bentzel Hattie H., elk, h 9:!; X :!d Bentzel John E., grocer, 2111 S 2d, h 51'14 Showers av Bentzel Sarah E., wid William, h 927 :'J :!d Benzinger Carrie :\'l.. weaver. h 907 Capital Benzinger Charles 1\1., painter, h 2021 Swatara Benzinger George B., driver, h 907 Capital

ANDREW REDMOND, ::::!:::;.'::::i::. {3d 18d Reily Sts.

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Pa_. The l1li4 loweR pricel. W''''_{ AB TACK , wan__plaw with &sm. &lid J'rlDpI fOl' 160. I.,.,. ,. U 8t.


Boyd" Harrilburg (B) City Directory.



Benzip-ger Laura, weaver, h H07 Capital . Bereghy Julius von, music teacher, 211 Verbeke, h do Berge George J., puddler, h 11113 S Cameron Berge John A .. boilcrmkr, It 1u33 Swatara , Bergengrcn Fritz, (Stu len Co), It 107 Chestnut Bergengrcn George, civil engineer, h 1117 Chestnut ~ Brrger Bessie E., trimmer, h 1714 ~ 6th Berger Harry, mill hand, h 127 Hanna Berger Louis, mill hand, h 127 Hanna Berger William, bartender, 2101 ~ 6th, h HI6 ~ ad Berger, see Burger Berg-haus Mary E., h The Commonwealth BERGHAUS V. lIUlOIEL, JR., reporter Independent, h 222 Chestnut BERGBER CHARLES H., lawyer, 4 Ii 3d, h 3 S Front Bergner Elizabeth, wid George, h :!25 ~larket Bergner William S .. law student, 4 ~ ad, h 3 S Front BERGSTRESSER AI.J;XANDER W., wall papen, windOW. shadel, &c., 1201 Ii 8th, h 106 S Front Bergstresser Alick W., paperhanger, h 1432 N 6th Bergstresser Edwin R., ore sampler, h 105 S Front Bergstresser Effie J., finisher, h 120 Nagle Bergstresser Elizabeth Mrs., h 113 Washington Bergstresser Jesse Rev., h 120 Nagle Bergstresser William E., painter, 118 S Court av, h 207 S River a v . . II Berkheimer Ada. waitress, III S 2d, h do Berkheimer Laura, waitress, 111 S 2d, h do 0 Berkheimer Raymond E., brakeman, h 628 Herr I~ Berkheiser Charles H., laborer. h 1220 N 6th Berkley Margaret Mrs., h 1120 Market Berman Max, jeweler, 705 N 3d, h 712 Cowden Bernhardt Annie, stripper, h 5ul SlOth Bernhardt Charles, molder, h 551 SlOth Bernhardt Emma, packer, h 551 SlOth Bernhardt Jacob F., shearsman, h 310 S River av Bernhardt John, laborer, h 151:J N 4th :Bernhardt Lewis, h 551 SlOth Bernhardt Lewis H., laborer, h 551 SlOth II' Bernhardt Lillie, bunchmkr, h 310 S River av ~ Bernhardt Samuel D., laborer, h 310 S River av Bernhardt, see Barnhart, also Bernhart Bernhart Elizabeth B., bookkpr, 334 Market, h 116 Locust CIt Bernheisel Bessie, housekeeper. 1416 Derry Do Bernheisel Charles H., (P. Bernheisel & Son), h 1319 Derry Bernheisel James S., blacksmith, h 114 S 13th Bernheisel Lewis c., elk, h :J36 S l!lth II' Bernheisel Luther, merchant tailor. 1001 Green, h do

r PI

0 0

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Z o .,

~ To find a name you must know

how to spell it."

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MelEIL'S COMPLEXIOI PIUS. :,~Pc:iJ~~D~=--..l;It!: {306 Brl.'



Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City


i= II = 3

BEJI.l'lIBI8BL P. & 8011, (p. and C. H.). architects, Ii II Id see adv Bernheisel Peter, (P. Bernheisel & Son), h 1319 Derrv Bernheisel Robert N., printer, 213 N 2d, h 1024 Market _ Bernheisel Valentine H., bricklayer, h 1416 Derry Berrier Harry J., pumpmkr, h 1204 N Front Berrier Joseph, elk, 2; N 2d, h 1204 N Front 1!! Berrier Joseph, jr., pumpmkr, h 1210 N Front t! Berrier Mary A., wid Joseph, h 1210 N Front Berringer Abraham E., carpenter, h 1105 N Front :: Berry Benjamin A., ironworker, h 1846 State Berry Bertha A., stenographer, 6 S 2d, h 421 Peffer _ Berry Bertha M., cigarmkr, h 353 Hummel .. Berry Bessie B., charwoman, h 242 Liberty :II Berry Carrie, nurse Harrisburg Hospital, h do Berry Cecelia, charwoman, h 112 Angle av (/) Berry Charles B., machinist. h 124 Vine Berry Daniel H., elk, h 812 S Cameron Berry Elizabeth Mrs., h 430 North av ... Berry Elizabeth c., h 421 Peffer ..J Berry Emily A. Mrs., h 60 N 16th C Berry FranJ< H., policeman, h 225 S 2d I&J Berry Jane P., wid John, h 242 Liberty C Berry Jasper, engineer, h 421 Peffer Berry John B., elk, h 452 SlOth I&J Berry John c., helper, h 1222 Swatara Berry John c., na~ler. h 452 SlOth _ Berry Joseph F., machinist, h 242 Hamilton Berry Levi T., puddler, h 1003 Paxton ~ Berry Maude M., nurse, h 242 Libertv Berry Newton, hostler, h 2011 N 3d . A. Berry Page, carter, h 1407 N 4th IE Berry Rachel, h 353 Hummel c ) Berry Theodore, machinist, h 353 Hummel U Berry Thomas C, machinist, h 812 S Cameron - ' Berry Thomas W., laborer, h 2640 6! ~ Berry William, coachman, h 130 Liberty U Berrv William B.. letter carrier, h 225 S 2d CI Berryhill Annie E., tailoress, 334 Market, h 1108 Montgy



-= ...,

P. BRB.RBI.a...

CRA R. BJUlNREI811:....


~ Architects

and Superintendents,
O ....... O E : - - -

~ No. 5 North Second Street,



wlllgoon),our bond. lO Ihc>e I . . . . . . bondJ are ezecuted. Bell 'Phone 861 X. or _ X.

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I. TACK =~-:t II PODer 0IId 110Il0l_ fI,~~~:

Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory. 131

0 0 :II

Berryhill Joseph A., machinist, h 110H l\lontgomery Berryhill Sarah, shirtmkr, h 1108 lMontgomery Berthel Charles, laborer, h 345 Crescent Berthel Frederick 0., pressman, h 345 Crescent Berthel Henry W., pressman, h 345 Crescent Berthold Marie, domestic, 215 5 Front Bertnet AIda, domestic, 1202 N 2d Bertolani Victor, steward Hotel Russ, h do Bertolucci Augusto, fruit, 503 Market, h do Bertram Sarah C, wid Peter R., h 170:! X 7th Bertram Simon C, carpenter, h 106 S Court av Beseelli Charles-, laborer, h US S ~\l Beshore Andrew F., (A. F. Beshore & Son), h 1601 N 3d Beshore A. F. & 50n, (A. F. and T.), fruit, Hill1 !\ 3d Beshore Charles, huckster, h 1605 N 5th Beshore Theodore, (A. F. Beshore & Son), h 15aa X 4th Beshore William H., laborer, h 4as Muench Best Albert T., grocer, 223 5 2d, h do Be!>t Alice G.. seamstress, h 1531 Logan av Best Austin, druggist, 723 5 19th, h do B(st Carrie M., book !>ewer, h 209 Riley Be!>t Charles N., ins agt, 14 5 2d, h Steelton Best Daniel C, laborer, h 15:11 Logan av Best Daniel C, jr., laborer, h 1531 Logan av Best 5adie Mrs., h 1417 N 4th Best Susan Mrs., boarding, 207 )J 2d, h do Best Warren A., postal elk, h 1518 Penn Best William H., baker, h 1330 N Front Betser E. Benjamin, foreman, h 1329 5 Cameron Betz Alice, saleslady, 6 5 2d, h 412 Market Bevard Wilbur W., elk, h 571 Race Beveridge William Rev., h 1721 Penn Beverly Alice Mrs., h 1172 5 Cameron Beverly Charles, shearsman, h 3:!:~ 5 15th Be"itch Barnabas, laborer, h 4JI Lochiel 5th Row Bice Ida, (Beers & Bice), h 605 Forster Bickel Adda F., finisher, h 13]0 N 7th Bickel Anna, domestic, 1707 Green Bickel Blanche E., music teacher, h 1337 Derry Bickel Celia. bonnetmkr, h ] 721 Logan av Bickel Della M., stitcher, h 1311l N 7th Bickel Florence E., domestic, 220 Pine Bickel George W., painter, h 1310 N 7th Bickel Henry M., salesman, 615 Walnut, h 1337 Derry Bickel Jennie A., 9I1leslady, 213 5 2d, h do Bickel John A., h 28 Linden Bickel john E., foreman, h 70t N 6th Bickel Lydia. wid Henry. h 1721 Logan av


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.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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D~~ ~~.l H.

M. KELLEY &. CO. {lc:.:r~\~f!Tt!

CD) City Directory.



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Bickel Martin, brakeman, h 343 Kelker Bickel Minnie, finisher, h 1721 Logan av Hickel Oscar C, salesman, 334 Market, h Steelton Bickel William, foreman, h 213 S 2d Bickel William, foreman, h 1852 Derry Bickert Kate, wid Christian, h li12 Fulton Bickett Mary A., wid Samuel, h 430 S 2d Bickle George Wo, brakeman, h (;:J5 Boas Bickley Kate. wid George Wo, h 446 Delaware av Bickley Minnie, h 446 Delaware av Bickley William Ho, engineer, h 1425 N 3d Bickley William H. Ho, machinist, h 1629 N 3d Bidaman Charles Ho, elk, 1520 N :ld, h 436 Cumberland llidaman Charles K, conductor, h 436 Cumberland Ridaman Georgianna, h 436 Cumberland Bidaman Kate, drcssmkr, h 43(; Cumberland llidaman Ross Eo, painter, h 43ti Cumberland Bidaman Walter Go, laborer, h 436 Cumberland Biddaman James Bo, foreman, 627 Walnut, h 523 N 4th Biddle Thomas C, conductor, h 1244 Market Bieble Andrew E., car inspector, h 1930 Fulton Bierbower Anna So, saleslady, 326 Mkt, h 209 Cumberland Bierbower Annie :\1., cigarmkr, h 228 Cherry av Bierbower Edward Mo. printer Patriot, h fl6 Tuscarora Bierbower Ellsworth E., foreman, :!O1 N 2d, h 111 North Bicrbower Elmer Eo, laborer. h 228 Cherry av Bierbower Emory. produce. 107 S 3d, h 246 11cadow la Rierbower J. "iesley, laborer. h 244 Meadow la Bierbower Lewis H., h :!:!R Cherry av Bicrbower :\Iargarette J .. saleslady, 3:W l\Iarket, h 209 Cumberland Bierbower :YIinnie 1\., gold layer, h 259 Korth Bierbower Shelh' Eo. elk, 308 ~larket, h 201) Cumberland Bierbower Wasliington, janitor, h 259 North Bierman Charles. elk, 5411 Race, h 1407 Market Bierv Frederick, baker. h 5l'l N l:lth Biester Charles '\0, blacksmith, h 1744 Logan av Biester Henrv Po, elk, 5:!1I Walnut, h 1510 i\ 4th Biester Mary', wid George Wo. h :{:~8 S 16th Biever Jonathan Do, carpenter, h 412 Cumberland Biever William Ho, elk, :!8 S 2d, h 1242 Walnut Biever, see Beaver Biggan Catharine, wid James, h 635 Forster Riggan James F .. brakeman, h 6:35 Forster Biggan Mary, book sewer, h 635 Forst~r Biggan Timothy, bar elk. 501 State, h 6:15 Forster Biggan William, brakeman, h 635 Forster Biggs George \V .. warehol1seman~~~:, h 1407 N 6th

&tt~:~~~~:!~:~:": AND R EW

RED M N {3d 0 D.
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.1' Rilly Sis.


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B TAel,

1118 {BIIlploJll DOne bat ftm.e~ workmen. ~ GDlY . . . N. 3d IIII4IM1uwIt.. WorildcaelnaorPM'GllJiII&e.

at. ......

Boyd'. lIarriaburg (B) Oity Directory. 133 Biggs Harvey, h 1407 N 6th Bigler Annie E. Mrs., h The Commonwealth Bigler Carrie, h The Commonwealth Bigler Casper S., (Samuel L. Bigler & Co.), lawyer. ~22 Market, h 1011 N Front Bigler Gertrude F., domestic, 1210 Chestnut Bigler Ira E., salesman, :-l.'J4 Market, h Camp Hill Bigler John A., h 1011 N Front Bigler Samuel L. & Co., (Casper S. Bigler and J. M. Rhoads), brick mfrs, Cameron bel Paxton Bihl Albert W., butcher, h 1~{3 Rudy Bihl Victor H., pipemkr, h 1409 Regina Bikle Daniel B., laborer, h 1234 Walnut Bikle Elsie, cigarmkr, h 12:~ Walnut Bikle Walter D., elk, 615 Walnut, h 1234 do . Bikle William F., patternmkr, h 425 Briggs BILL GEORGE E., phyaician, 17 S 3d, h 256 Borth j oillce honn, 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 and 7 to 9 p. m., telephone connection Bill Sarah P. Mrs., vocal teacher. 255 North, h do Billet Cyrus S . brakeman, h 4!lS Peffer Billet F~ank S., (Niemeyer.& Billet), h 12211 Bailey Billet Harry, shoe operator, h 1221! Bailey Billets Emma, silk picker. h 1424 Green Billett John, puddler, h 119 Dock Billett John, jr., feeder, h 119 Dock Billett ~Iary J., h 119 Dock Billett Samuel. laborer. h 119 Dock Billig Earl, steward. 14 N 2d, h 64 N 16th Billig Lafayette. laborer, h G4 ~ 16th Billman George W., elk ins dept, Capitol, h The Lochiel Billm\'er Anna. domestic. 811 N Front Billow Emma ]., picker, h Green nr Riley Bindle Herman. h 1422 ~larion Bingaman Bessie, wid Charles, h Q16 N 6th Bingaman (]larles H . ins solicitor, I;') ;-..; 2d. h 7 S 1mh Bingaman Emma G., h 44 S Court av Bingaman Ephraim, screwsman, h 44 S Court av Bingaman Esther ~f.. vampcr. h 44 S Court av Bingaman George W., shearsman, h 106 Hanna Bingaman Jacob H . laborer. h 7 S 16th Bingaman Sophia. hOllsekeeper, h 1207 Wallace Bingaman \ViIliam, shoe clltter. h 7 S 16th Bingham Caroline. wid Solomon. h 624 Delaware av Bingham John, salesman. 1500 !\ ad, h 1!129 Logan av Bingham Sadie. cashier. 1401 K 2d. h 1929 Logan av Bink Frank W .. hlacksmith. h !l27 Kelker Bink Harry G . elk. h 4a2 Cmnberland


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'" To find a name you must kno~ how to spell it."

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Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory.







en~ o



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Bink Henry, meat, 228 Cranberry av, h do Binnix Frank K., supt Universal Mill C. 1. and S. Co., h 109 Washington Bil1llix Joseph L., helper, h 313 S Front llinnix i\Iary. wid John N., h lOU Washington Birch Charles, laborer, h 1038 Herr Birch Mary, seamstress, h 1226 Bailey Bird Arthur, potter, h 656 Sayford Bird Eliza A., wid James, h 32 ~ 5th llird G Edwin, boarding, 2O:U X 7th, h do BmD HOWARD I., supt Ietropolitan Life Insurance Co., 15 and 17 If ttl, h 621 do llird Jeremiah M., teamster, h 1:U2 Currant a\' Bird Martha, wid Adam. h 656 Sayford av Bird Mary, weaver, h 656 Say ford av Bird Myra, domestic. 5 S Front Bird William B., brakeman, h 1957 Moltke av Bird, see Burd, also Byrd Bireley I ya S., domestic, 1HOt) K 7th Birkinbine Sara L. H., elk, h 2110 Derry Birmingham Annie, h 1103 Capital Birmingham Annie. elk. h ;{26 Strawberry a\' Birmingham Bridget. wid Edward, h :-t!6 Strawberry av BIBJfi:RGHAlI ROBERT C., propr lackson House, 1308 :R' 7th,h do Bishop Aaron L., student, h 16:11 N !!d Bishop Annie, domestic, 27:~ Herr Bishop B. Frank, salesman, h 318 Crcsl'cnt Bishop Charles, laborer, h 126 Ann av Bishop Charles, laborer, h 1714 N 4th Bishop Clarance B., installer, 210 Walnut. h 1631 N 2d Bishop Edgar, car cleaner, h 1121 N 6th Bishop Eliza A., teacher, h 211 Pine Bishop Ernest, bar elk, 314 Market. h do Bishop Grant, laborcr, h 649 Maelay Bishop Ira N., embosser, h 1611 Swatara Bishop Jacob, brakeman, h 612 Verbeke Bishop Jennie F., boxmkr, h 939 N 7th Bishop John H., blacksmith, h 939 X 7th Bi~hop Julia, music teacher, h 211 Pine Bishop Maggie, wid Adam, h 126 Ann av Bishop }Olary L., boxmkr, h l:!fl Ann av Bishop Maude S., boxmkr, h 126 Ann av Bishop 1\1. Elizabeth, elk, 32 !\ 3d, h 318 Crescent eishop Steila. boxmkr, h 12{i Ann ay Bishop William H., tray salesman. h 2:n Hamilton BISHOP WJLLTAI 0., real estate and general insurance, 1302 William, h 1631 If lad



AoeldeB', Llalllllt,. . .d lI.eam Beller 1.~Br~ 108 a.rlll 8--.1 Ill. Bell 'Phone 8&1 X. or 68a L
Digitized by


A. B. TA"CK,. Wall Paper and Window Shacla,


Boyd'. Harrisburg (B) City Directol'J.

BISHOP WILLIAll T., II. D., medical examiner Penna. B.. B.. Voluntary Relief Dept, otllce, Derry Station, West- moreland Co., Pa., h 211 Pine Eissel O1illed Plow Works, agrl implts, 6~i Walnut Bi~singer Charles, conductor, h 1303 Fulton Bissinger John A., fireman, h 1320 Fulton Bistline James E., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Bistline Minnie, centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Bistline Solomon, attendant Lunatic Hospitai, h do Bistline William H., driller, h 1626 Park Bitner Annie. cigar roller, h a!l Balm Bitner Edward, baker, h 2l11i S Court av Bitner Edward, carriagemkr, h 311 Balm Bitner Edward S., car repairer, h 240 Hummel Bitner Frederick, actor, h 12() Short Bitner Harry B., carriagemkr, h 39 Balm Bitner Harry c., brakeman. h 116 Sylvan ter Bitner Harry H., jr., carriage painter, h 21 Forrest av Bitner Harry W., lineman, h a2:l Granite av Bitner Herman, U. S. N., h 120 Short Bitner Ida I., weaver, h 420t Reily Bitner Joseph M., flagman, h 1431 N 2d Bitner :Mary E., wid Nicholas, h 1539 N 6th Bitner Michael c., carpenter, h :l23 Granite av Bitner Samuel L., carpenter. h 118 Hoerner Bitner Stephen, shoemkr, 12(1 Short, h do Bitnt:r Stephen A., ironworker, h l~O Short Bitner William H., laborer, h J 151) Cumberland Bitnt.r, see also Bittner Bitterman William, molder, h li47 Boas Bitting ~lartha, h it9 Capital Bitting \Yilliam G., ins agt, 14 S 2d. h 1236 Bailey Bitting William H., repairsman, h n:n Delaware av :Bittinger John H., laborer, h 2004 Berryhill Bittner Eva, wid Adam, h 4~2 North Bittner, see also Bitner Bixler Alice, domestic. 132 Walnut Bixler Edward, conductor, h 1146 Market Bixler Gibson, brakeman, h 446 SlOth Bixler Harry W., barber, h 122 Strawberry av Bixler Ira B., brakeman, h 614 Cumberland Bixler Isaac P., elk, h 20 Evergreen Bixler Jennie c., dressmkr, h 1417 Market Bixler John c., brakeman, h 2120 6i Bixler Minnie, stengr, 210 Walnut. h 1n S 4th Bixler Robert A., h 416 Hamilton Black Alfred T., elk, h 934 ~ 2d Black Alice, domestic, 1304 Wallace

I -I .I

~0 find a name you m~~~~; -how~t~-;peft it."

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M. KELLEY & CO.{lc:::.~dJ.~


e: -= "'..,

m~4 K 2d Black A. Wilson, conductor, h 139 !\ lath Black Bertha, elk, h :!2 ?\ 5th II: :;: Black Caroline H., saleslady, :U8 Market, h 1414 Green . Black Charles N., pressman, h 1735 N 5th - Black Clinton B., tinner, h 125 State -= Black Daniel, laborer, h 526 Brown av == BLACK EDWARD B., artist and art store, 117 Karket, h 211: :! Pine Black George B. Mc., brakeman, h 14;J Balm Black George L., flagman, h 9 S 14th Black George W., (Gruber & Black), h un4 State 1&.1 Black George W., machinist, h 1au Wallace Black Harry, elk, h :!.16 S 14th Black Harry Q., salesman, 401 Market, h :!:! ~ 5th BLACK HOKEll, gen! sec Y. K. C. A., h 218 Fonter 1&.1 Black James, laborer. h 1410 James Black James, paver. h 125 N 10th BLACK 10HN, Harrisburg Stone Works, 17th nr Vernon, h211 Harris see adv . Black John R., cook. h 510 Brown av Black Joseph M., It 12:3 State Black Josie E., h 424 Market Black Kate R, shoe operator. h Boas c Plum av 1&.1 Black Katharine L.. plate tipper, h 4:!1 Verbeke Black Mary F., wid T. Jefferson, h 125 State Black Marv M. Mrs., h Wallace nr Verbeke Black Racllel A., wid :Matthew B .. h 421 Verbeke Black Ramsey S., elk P. R R, h Im4 ~ :!d II: Black Rebecca 1., wid Andrew K., h 1:n State :5 Black Robert, waiter The Bolton, h 1418 ~larioll >II: Black Rosanna. wid William. h 3:!:1 Walnut -= Black Thomas P .. machinist, h 216 X 2d :t: Black Walter, brakeman, h 62a Calder ~ Black William C, fireman, h 647 Verbeke - Black William R .. elk P. R R. depot, h :!:36 S 14th Black William H .. inspector, h 1416 Zarker UoI Black William S .. jr., timekeeper, h 1414 Green Blackburn George P., elk Bureau of Statistics, h 212 Cum'd

e; -=

~ Black Andrew K., jr. stengr, h UoI

Boyd's Harrisburg OJ} City Directol'1.






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_ _ ~ _ _ _ __


JOHN BLACK, Proprietor,
17th Dear lernon Street, IIARRISBIJR6, PA.
EBtimatft furnlahed -for _ _ given of STONI: WORK. _ all kinds to all work. ___ Penonl 8upervWon

-= c:;


T:':-:Io::"~::.~~!.. - ~ -

Residence. 2tt lIarrls St. B.C~:t:~~-:,RB.} ANDREW REDMOND. {3d .Id Reily Sts.


Digitized by


A. B. TACK. Practical Paper Hanger,

{'2I1r:.~ ry~::,te.t.

Boyd'. Harriaburg (B) City Directory.

Blacker George F., machinist, h 313 S 2d Blacker James S., h :-n:~ S 2d Blacker Wilhelmina, wid James, h 313 S 2d Blackman Frank E., draftsman E. & H. B. T. Co., h 1251 S l:~th , Blacksmith Aug. F., printer Telegraph, h Hll X 3d ~ Blacksmith Frederica, wid Theodore, h 610 Race Blacksmith William A., sub elk P.O., h 911 N 3d Blackwell Jennie, stengr, It 18117 N 6th Blade Bridget, wid james, h 110 Short Blade james, jr., fireman, h n2tJ S 19th Blade Patrick, watertender, h 115 Hanna Blades Thomas, waiter, h :1211 S 15th Blaikie julia B., h 17 X Front Blair Alexander G., shearsman, h 4115 S 14th Blair Charles E., butcher, h :J:!1 Hamilton Blair Cornelius J., (c. J. Blair & Son). h 1;14 (;rcen ~ Blair C. J. & Son, (c. J. & S. M.), printers, 112. :...: 3d Blair Frank S .. printer, h 266 North Blair George M., meat, 319 Hamilton, h 1625 X ad Blair G. Irene, bonnetmkr, h 1625 K :ld Blair Harry J., engineer, h 307 \' erbeke Blair Harry M., hostler, h 1516 Wallace Blair John F., elk. 7th c York av, h 26n :"':orth Blair S. Morris, (c. J. Blair & Son), h lill X 3d Blair Thomas S., physician. 218 Locust, h do Blair William A., meat, 516 Kelker, h 1~02 X 6th Blamer John, lampman, h 1924 Elizabeth av 0 Blanchfield Thomas J., machinist. h 150 N 15th 13 Bland Abraham. driver, 1011 S 2d, h 121 Cherry av Blanham John, driver, h 525 Brown av Blank Edward F., salesman, It :m N 2d Blank Sarah A. Mrs., boarding, 30 N 2d, h do Blankenhorn Anna c., h :{OO S 2d Blankenhorn Harry, molder, h 507 Reily Blankenhorn John, foreman, h 60n Rare Bkttenberger Daisy, domestIc, 52:! Calder B1attenberger :\1. Lillian, wid Horace. h 24 S 3d Blecher Edwin A., po!'tal elk, h 426 S l:nh II' Bless John G., fireman, h 620 CaMer Blessing Anna. wid Valentine, h 40 S Court av Blessing Annie ~f., candymkr, h 410 S River av Blessing Charles D., driver, h iO S Court av Blessing Charles E .. plumber. h 101 South B1t>ssing David S., elk. HI ~ ad, h 1211 do llIessing Elizabeth :\Irs., housekeeper. 127 Yine B1t>ssing Frank G., paperhanger, h 1111'1 South II' Blessing Frederick F., paperhanger, h tIlS South





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.. To Bnd a name you must mow how to spelI it."

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lIeIEIL'S PAil mERIII~ATOR ~~rlo~~ha~="'ll {.:... ...!~.



Boyd'i Harrilburr CB) City Directory.

.. Blessing Isabella, wid Jonas, h 158 :N 15th ~ Blessing Jeremiah, puddler, h 410 S River av _ Blessing John A., driver, h 334: Hummel Blessing John W., plumber, h 1O~ South ~ Blessing ].:>seph, spices, 107 Cherry av, h do :. BI("ssing Marion B., car repairer, h 330 Hamilton Blessing Mary A., wid Alexander, h 1211 N 3d -- Blessing Mary E., domestic, 701 Green 1!!!' Blessing ~ellie E., student, h 108 South ~ Blessing Sallie S., domestic, 1619 Green Blessing Sarah, wid D. Frederick, h 108 South == Blessing Susan, wid William, h 4:!2 Reily . Blessley James W., huckster, h 924 :N 6th _ Blessley Levi, h 909 S Front ~ . Bleyer Agnes, milliner, h 257 Xorth Bleyer Robert E., foreman, 153 N 4th, h 257 ~orth .en" Blizzard Helen, wid Isaac, jr., h 115 North Biizzard Helen M., weaver, h lUi North Blizzard Isaac M., loom fixer, h 215 Boas ..... Blizzard Ora, motorman, It 10 S Cameron ..J Blocher Kate Mrs., domestic, 80!t N 2d C Block Harry, brakeman, h 1204 N 3d 1&1 Block Stella, h 25 N ;)th


Q BLOCK WILLIAJI: D., sanitary ollcer, Court House, h 1231




U .... .:




Bloom l\Iichael H., laborer, h 1223 N 7th Bloser Clemen, laborer, h 440 SlOth Bloser Erlward G., miller, h 42!- N Summit Bloser Henry, laborer, h 440 S lIIth Bloser Herman, helper, h 4:!i N Summit Bloser Joseph E., painter, h 42~ N Summit Blosser Alfred, warehouseman, h 21S S 2d Blosser Alfred c., grocer, HiOo N 6th, h do Blosser A. Lincoln, brakeman. h H20 Cumberland Blosser Chas. W., pressman Telt-graph, h 620 Cumberland Blosser Edward D., laborer, h 15:j9 N 4th Blosser Elizabeth, wid Peter, h 11)05 N 6th Blosser George H., motorman, h 334 Reily Blosser May, housekeeper. 1539 X 4th Blosser Robert :l\J., brakeman, h lSll ~ 6th Blosser Ross, bookbinder, h 70n X ad Blosser \VilIiam, conductor, h l:i:m N 4th Blottenberger Amos G., laburer, h 439 Boyd av Blottenberger Harriet, wid John, h 439 Boyd av Blottenberger John M., laborer, h 429 Kelker Blouch Abraham H., watchman, h 1427 Vernon Blouch Cora M .. folder, h 1427 Vernon Blouch Edwin C, laborer. h 1~36 Korth

General Agent Oontral Penna. DIatrlct,

A_rl..._ ....dID .. VampAD)', Baltimore. Md.

loa II .... I,.

Bell 'Phone 851 X. erll8C8 X.

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{l216 IOrllllDlrd II.


Boyd'. Harrisburg (B) City Direotory.

Blouch Gertrude J., shoe operator, h 14:!i Yernon Bleuch Henry A., car repairer, h 1936 State Blouch Minnie M., cigarmkr, h 1836 North Blouch Sarah. wid Henry, h 1836 North Blough Bert F., (Blough Mfg. Co.), h HOI Green Blough Coleman, elk, 334 Market, h 330 Blackberry av Blough David, patternmkr, h 220 S 17th Blough Forest J., conductor, h 1930 Elizabeth av Blough Jacob, peddler, h 330 Blackberry av ..J Blough Joseph, shoemkr, 1913 Derry, h 1847 Swatara , BLOUGH JD'G. CO., (B. F. and W. R. Blough), mfn IU bonnets, oftlce, 1701 N 3d; factory, 302 to 318 Hamilton .. Blough Violet, stengr, 1701 N 3d, h 1704 Green Blough Wilson R., (Blough Mfg. Co.), h li04 Green Blowers Samuel F., salesman, 223 Market, h iOS N 6th i!. Blumenfeld Max, musician, h 521 N 4th Blumenstein Anna M., operator, h 1529 :'.J 4th Blumenstein Carrie W., dressmkr, h 14a8 Derry Blumenstein Conrad, grocer, 1438 Derry, h do .... Blumenstein Edna M., saleslady, 3:l4 Market. h 1529 :'.J 4th ~ Blumenstein Elizabeth, operator, h 1529 X 4th !=: Blumenstein Elizabeth, wid Henry, h 14HS Derry ~ Blumenstein Frederick, laborer, h 1529 K 4th E Blumenstein Frederick c., elk, h 1411 N Front Blumenstein J. George, carpenter, h 1411 N Front i!= Blumenstein Mary, dressmkr, h 1438 Derry !=: Blumenstein Peter, laborer. h 49 N Cameron ~ Blumenstein Samuel A., plumber, h 1411 N Front Blumenstein \Villiam H., elk, 2 N 2d, h 1411 :'.J Front B1umenstine \Villiam, cooper, h 1227 Swatara Blundall Harrv, elk store room The Lochiel, h do Blust Barbara' A., saleslady, a34 Market, h 1324 Susq Blust Catharine, housekeeper, h 1324 Susquehanna Bluste Adam, conductor, h 1909 V\T ood av Bluste Harry, laborer, h 1909 \\Tood av Blyler William, carpenter, h 615 Harris Blymire George, bricklayer, h 1327 James ::::; Blymire Jacob, laborer, h 1327 James Blymire Michael, laborer, h 1226 Bartine av : Boak Abraham, livery and odorless excavator, 1235 N 7th, So h 121 Verbeke :r 'Boak Albert, painter, h 552 Race -t Boak Charles L. B., cigars, 1222 N 3d, h 121 Verbeke :. Boak Daisy, seamstress, h 1223 Fulton Boak Ella M., cigarmkr, h 552 Race rn Boak Emma, h 1223 Fulton :: Boak George R.. laborer, h 552 Race Boak Jacob S., tinsmith, h 29 Balm ~

0 I I

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;;'0 find a name you must know

how to speD it."

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H. M. KELLEY" CO .. COAL AND WOOD {OUlCa: :0:.-':'11..."'1::

v. Boak Jennie M., seamstress, h :!H Balm ~ Boak John, heater, h 55:! Race Boak Robert N., machinist, h 121 Verbeke ~ Boak William A., elk, 1007 N 3d, h 121 Verbeke Board of Public Works, Spencer C Gilbert, pres; A. Carc:::. son Stamm, sec, and \Villiam L. Gorgas, com missioners, 27 S 2d ~ BOARD OF REVISION OF TAXES AND APPEALS, Court House - . Boardman George P., draftsman, h 4:l5 \Vall1ut : . BOAS C. ROSS, watchmaker and jeweler, 214-218 Karket, h ..... 404 If 2d lee adv BOAS DANIEL D., .(est), Harrisburg Planing Ifill, 2d nr Vine ..... Boas Emma E., h 213 Pine a: Boas Henry D., mgr, :!d nr Vine, h 21:~ N Front 2 Boas John S., elk, 12 S 2d, h 124 Walnut (:) Boas Margaret I., h :!13 Pine 2 Boas Mary M., wid Irvin S., h 124 Walnut Boas Murray K., policeman, h 1634 Park Boas Sadie R., h 404 N 2d c.J Bockius Frank E., salesman, 4 S 2d, h U. S. Hotel Bockus John R., conductor, h 1636 N :ld ~ Boden Charles J., molder, h 1114 Linden i= Boden John, shoe operator, h 1258 Market ~ Boden Julius, machinist. h 1258 Market ~ Boden William H., coachman Lunatic Hospital, h do _ Bodenhorn Harry 0., painter. h 18.15 Logan av :;: Bodley Charles W., brakeman, h 140H Green 2 Bodley William C. carpenter, h 1409 Green ~ Bodmer Clarence F., elk, 4 S 4th, h 41 X Summit A.. Bodmer Edward W., ins agt, 14 S 2d, h 41 N Summit ..... Bodmer Hillorius A.. wall paper, 819 1\ ad. h 109 N 14th ~ Bodmer Israel C, paperhanger, h 13 Linden ~ Bodmer Justina, seamstress, h 41 N Summit ~ Bodmer William H., mason. h 41 N Summit C'-t Boe Albert, elk Harrisburg Club, It 4:l:l South ffi Bogar George W., elk, 12 N 2d. h 317 S Front c:::::II Bogar John A., brakeman. h 1413 N 6th ~ Bogar Lydia E. Mrs., housekeeper.ll:l S 3d 1111.. Boggs Benjamin D., elk. 227 Walnut. h 115 Chestnut



B01d'. Harrisburg (D) Cit)' Directol"J'.

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II - - - - - - . -


- - ----.---

ICSTA._L.IS ... ICD l a s s .






~D Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry


A N D SILVEA~AAE 2'4 and 216 Market Street. HARRISBURG, PA.



Hc:.':!:~"fr::d ~k,~o';:~. {3d IDd R.I~ SII.

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I .II.

BTl", flU

,~a. . . .bllc

-IIA.E' A '''EOIALn Q F . {1216 M. 34 St. aalldlnp la Plaia TllIU. f.II..... fll_.

Boyd'. Harriaburg (B) City Direotory.


BOGGS BUIAJDB :aABDOLPH, div freight agt Phila. ct Reading Ry, 18 If 2d, h 238 do Boggs James, h 1837 North Bogner Agnes M., domestic. 2'2:!a ~ ad , Bogner George W., flagman. h laW! N 4th :. Bogner Susan E., wid Samp"on, h ;')07 Cumberland Boher J. Heck, druggist, 209 :\tlarket, h 4111 N 2d Bohl Andrew J., elk, 311 S 2d j h 17t5 Market Bold Catharine, wid William H., h 2:n S Hth Bohl Charles A., molder, h 17:!5 \larket Bohl l\lary, tajlores;;, h 221 ~ 14th Bohlen Charles T., steelworker, h :-n2 Boyd av Bohlen l\Hnnie, wid Jehn, h 229 Liberty Bohner William H., carpenter, h 22:! Peffer Holan Elizabeth Mrs., h 1405 ~ Cameron Rol<!n Ida V. Mrs., h 1456 Regina Bolan Louisa, stitcher. h 1456 Regina Bolan Marv, weaver. h 140l) i\ Cameron Bolan Thomas, laborer, h 14Ul. N Cameron Bolan 'Vilson. elk. 4114 Market, h 721 X nth Boland John. engineer, h 1610 ~ !)th Boland John, jr., brakeman, h 2Xl Kelker Boland Margaret, wid Thomas, h llH Short Holds Frank. laborer. h 2:14 N Court av Bolds Frank, jr., waiter, h 2:H :\ Court av Bolen Cornelius, laborer, h 120~ Cowden Bolen John T., machinist, h 1206 Cowden Bolen Joseph, h rear 1122 N 2d Bolen Nora, tailoress, h 1208 Cowden Bolen Pierce J., shoemkr, 21a Barbara av, h do Bolen Wilson E .. salesman, 4()4 }Jarket, h 721 ~ 6th Boll Bros. Mfg. Co., C. S. Boll, pres; W. A. Boll, treasj mat- II tresses, spring cots, &c., 10th c Mulberry Boll Charles S., pres Commercial Bank and Boll Bros. Mfg., ~ Co., h 715 N 3d ~ Boll William A., treas Boll Bros. Mfg. Co., h 326 North U Bollendorf Matthias, grocer, 26 N 17th, h do W Bolles Benjamin, waiter, 204 State Bolling Abraham L., porter. 320 Market, h 114 Liberty Bollinger Avaline, wid Jacob, h 529 Filbert Bollinger Bertha. laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do Rollinger Caroline A., housekeeper. 406 Harris U Bollinger Charles V., laborer, h 1017 N 7th W Bollinger Cornelius, carpenter, h 271 Briggs Bollinger Dick W., floor walker, !l34 Market. h 1319 N ad Bollinger Elizabeth. wid John. h 108 South Bollinger Estella, trimmer, 6 S 2d. h 214 Chestnut Bollinger Harvey, laborer, h 529 Filbert --

11 r PI

11 I Z -I Z





,. To find a name you must mow how to spell It!'

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McNeil'. Pal. exter_l.ater CIInIB Cholera Morbua, DJtentery. Colds, Quinsy. Rheum.tlam. T~baebe. ~re Throat. Alne, DJ8pepe1a,

Cram,.. Dlarrbc:ea. "e. _ .......



Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory.

.. Bollinger John, h 214 Chestnut ~ Uolt Charles, baker. 121 Short, h do Holt Felix S., buyer, :134 Market. h 121 Short _ Bolton Annie E., wid Joseph K., h 1107 N 2d ~ ..: Bolton Edwin G., laborer, h 228 N 15th Bolton Eva 1\1., bunchmkr, h 1&12 Derry ~ Bolton Gertrude ;\1., elk, h 18::2 Derry Bolton John H., elk, h 117 S 14th ~ Bolton Levi, farmer, h 2001 State II BOLTON, (THE), 1. H. & M. S. Butterworth, 2d 0 Straw~ berry av Bolton Thomas J., carpenter, h 1832 Derry : Bolton William H., carpenter, h 123 N Cameron :II Bomberger Agnes L., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 303 Briggs Bomberger Catharine, wid Jacob, h 1423 Zarker (/) Bomberger Harry c., conductor, h 1461 :\Iarket II: Bomberger Philip L., carpenter. h 120 Hanna Bomgardner Abraham, shoemkr, 1260 ~larket, h 1427 L Regina r Bomgardner Alfred, machinist, h 640 Harris Bomgardner Benjamin F., helper, h 4:15 S 13th c:[ Bomgardn<:r Clara Mrs., h 17 N 15th II: Bomgardner Emma E., dressmkr, h 1427 Regina ~ Bomgardner Frank H., mason, h 450 S 17th bar elk, Z Bomgardner George, laborer, h441 Market, h do Bomgardner Harry, 1427 Regina Bomgardner Harry, machinist, h 604 Boas Bomgardner Jacob M., h 11 N 4th _ Bomgardner Jane E., wid Thomas, h 11 Evergreen ~ Bomgardner John W., lather, h 1936 Derry BOMGARDNER 10HN W., plumber, gas and steam fitter, 29 a. S 2d, h do E Bomgardner Joseph E., machinist, h 120 Chestnut Q Bc.mgardner Kate, h 1427 Regina U Bomgardnf'r Margaret, shoe operator. h 1427 Regina ~ Bomgardner Raymond G .. laborer, h 1427 Regina ~ Bomgardner Wilson F., shoemkr, h 1400} Regina U Bonawitz Jonathan G., warehouseman P. R. R., h 1947 Swatara ~ Bonbright Cecelia H. Mrs., h The Bolton C Bonbright John Miller, student, h The Bolton ..... B(lnd James, cutter, h 432 State U Bond Laura L. Mrs., dressmkr, 500} South, h do Bond Lawrence, stone cutter, h 1214 Wallace CI Bond Michael, coremkr, h 1214 Wallace ~ Bond William, blacksmith, h 432 State Bond William, jr., printer Patriot, h 432 State Rand William H., h 5001 South

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for "'OOIDE.T I.SUR....CE. 188 ...... Bell 'Phone 8111 X. or 880 X.

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Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directol'1.


Bond William H., jr., sub letter carrier, h 500! South Bongart Charles A., driver. h 1506 Thumpson av Bongart Philip, driver, h W13 Derry Bonholtzer Lydia A., wid Peter C, h 635 Peffer Bonner Harry B., conductor, h 1917 Fulton Bonsall Charles D., varieties, 1:!36 N 7th, h do Bonsall Orlando, engine inspector. h 1236 ~ 7th Boob John E., wagonmkr, h 1207 :Market Boob Julia M., elk, h 1207 Market Boob Warren W., warehouseman, h 1207 Market Boody Lizzie .M., warper, h 111 South Booher Asberry C, carpenter, h ll:10 :\laclay Booher Eathilda R., wid John E., h 5ao :\1aelay Booher, see Bucher Book Edgar S., brakeman, h Hi:!5 X 5th Book Edward 1., salesman, h 17:!7 N 6th Book George, laborer, h ;; rear 1028 State Book J. Thaddeus, conductor, h 1522 ~ 6th Book 1'Iabel G., h 152:! K 6th Booker Gertrude, domestic. 711 Xorth av Booker James, driver. h 711 Xorth av Bookman Samuel, special police Capitol, h do Books Catharine. saleslady, 2:!a ~Iarket, h 438 Cumberland Books Charles, elk, 7i N 3d, h Penbrook Books Della Mrs., h 115 1\Iulberrv Books Elias R, brakeman, h 1640 :Market Books Frank, laborer, h 426 i\orth av Books Harry T., laborer, h 1iOa X 5th Books Jeremiah G. laborer, h 615 Delaware av Books Sarah J., wid Jeremiah, h 615 Delaware av Books Solomon, lumber, h 438 Cumberland Books Thomas C, laborer, h 2006 Berryhill Books Thomas S., h 1640 Market Books William J., salesman, 318 ~Iarket. h Penbrook Boone Annie Mrs., boarding. 313 Chestnut, h do Boone Annie Mrs., cook, h 409 N 5th Boone Bessie Mrs., h 1109 Grape av Boone Clarence H., brakeman, h 2015 :\Ioltke av Boone Gawin H., blacksmith. h 308 Cherry av Boone John D., car inspector, h 1105 Cowden Boone John H., barber, h 436 South av Boone John Y., molder, h 611 State Boone Maggie, charwoman, h 436 South av Boone Margaret, wid Joseph, h 436 South av Boone Samuel, laborer, h 409 N 5th Boone Thomas. boilermkr. h 319 S Cameron Boone William E . blacksmith, h 1414 Maple av Boone William H., waiter, h 408 N 5th

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"To find a name you must know how to spell it.n

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'I.'rJ. Toll of

H,. KEUEY CIII. BI ___...... . . D. CO'S ...III 01. . . . .




JI North Stale Ita. llOtlllJld 3d StrMt.

Boose Charles H., motorman. h 19:?1 Xorth Boose Edwin C, carpenter, h 19:?1 Xorth "'CI Boose Harry D., laborer. It 1921 Xorth ~ Boose Thomas V., elk, 1401 K 2d, It do .... Booser Blaine A., salesman, 311 S 2d, It j(J ~ 13th .c BooseI' Charles E., elk, 210 \Valnut, h 70 ~ 13th BooseI' Eden H., baggage agt P. & R. depot, It 148 Balm Z BooseI' Harry W., salesman, 336 Chestnut, h 28 N 13th 2! BooseI' Henry, elk, 7 S 2d, h 70 X 13th Booth \Villiam H., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Boothe Clarence E., collector, 1516 X 3d, It 1727 Fulton 1J Boothe John W., elk, 8:.!7 Green, h 1727 Fulton i= Boothe Rebecca, wid John, h 1727 Fulton ~ BOOVA FRUIT CO., (P. Boova, J. Demma, F. Bariana and . and S. Mercurio), wholesale fruita and produce, 1M Market ~ _.. Boova Philip, (Boova Fruit Co.), It 122 S 3d Booz Charles H., flagman, h 1833 N 3d .;; Boozer Nora H., wid Harry F., h 261 N 2d Bope George E., elk, 1125 Mulberry, h 1104 Walnut - Border Benjamin F., driver, 1600 N 4th, h 1231 Fulton -! Border Charles H., foreman, h 1715 Market 1Iii Border Ella Mrs., domestic, 133 N 13th ~ .. Border Frank R., paper cutter, h 116 Balm .;; Bordlr George M., bookbinder, h 136 Balm .. Bordner George F., elk The Central, h 1323 Fulton :I Bordner Harris c., brakeman, h 629 Harris :! Bordner Lillie J. Mrs., dressmkr, 1323 Fulton, h do Bordner Tilon D. 5., postal elk, h 436 Market - Boreman Ella, domestic, 513 N 4th ~ Boring John H., agt, h 1405 N 2d :::- Borland John A., pres M<;Lean-Bowman Co., Inc., h South Ia.I Sharon -I- Boschelli Antonio, (Boschelli & Magaro), h 208 Hamilton I- Boschelli Antonio A., (Hbg Boot, Shoemaking and RepairIa.I ing Co.), h 208 Hamilton Boschelli Lewis, pipe bender, h 208 Hamilton 0: Boschelli & Magaro, (Antonio Boschelli and ~Iichael fruit, 42 N Z BoseMagaro),E., molder, h3d S21i 922 Harvey Bose Lewis, warehouseman P. R. R., h 9225201 Z Bosler David c., conductor, h 1000 N 7th 0: - Bosley Harry c., mgr, h 223 Pine 1.1 Bosner Annie 1\l., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1315 N 3d ... Bosner Arthur R., tallyman P. R. R. frt depot, h 123 Herr Bosner Catharine, wid Charles, h 1315 N 3d Bosserman Curtis O. Rev., h 1937 N 3d Bostick Frank G., laborer, h 622 Maclay

.w 144 Ct

Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory.

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w.n_._r. Tbe beotFIxSwee and FrIo,_ for 150. { ..,."e P .. aDd lowest prices. Wi...."" II~ pieCe with 34 8t.

Boyd'. Harriaburg (B) City Directory.

Bostick William F., laborer, h 313 Cherry av Boston Daniel, laborer, h 516 North av Boswell James, waiter Hotel Columbus Boteler Mary, h 908 Capital Bothwell Maude H., public stengr, 14 S 2d, h 1231 N 7th Bothwell William A., laborer, h 1231 N 7th Botteiger George, elevator operator, h 35 N 12th Botts Jennie, wid Felix 0., h 239 S 14th Botts Joseph, laborer, h 517 State Botts Mahlon L., postal elk, h 1637 Wallace Botts Martha L. Mrs., dry goods, 1647 N 6th, h 1637 Wallace Bottz Lizzie B., h 411 Market Boude Samuel B., sec C. I. & S. Co., h Ingle Nook Boughter Annie B. Mrs., h 1114 N Cameron Boughter George M., tile setter, h 652 Verbeke Boughter James M., laborer, h 619 Mahantongo Boughter John, laborer, h 226 S 2d Boughter Thomas J., catcher, h 619 Mahantongo Boush J. Frank, fire insurance, 107 N 2d, h 920 Penn Boush John W., carpenter, h 407 Kelker Boush Sherman M., acting eng, 208 Walnut, h 1333 Green Bousum David H., salesman, 334 Market, h 129 Sylvan ter Bousum William R., conductor, h 129 Sylvan ter Boward John W., plumber, 1115 James av, h do Bowdren Annie M., wid Gary, h 906 Hemlock Bowen William, brakeman, h 407 Market Bowens Roland, waiter, h 108 Liberty Bower Aaron W., barber, 1815! N 7th, h 601 Peffer Bower Annie c., tailoress, h 1834 N 6th Bower Emma B., bookkpr, 330 Verbeke, h 1412 Wallace Bower Emma J., wid John A., h 2017 Fulton Bower Giles H., barber, h 2017 Fulton Bower Jennie E., dressmkr, 1115 N. 6th, h do Bower John, elk, 421 N 2d, h 2017 Fulton Bower Katie, weaver, h 246 North Bower Theodore, carpenter, h 1412 Wallace Bowermaster Benjamin, bricklayer, h 708 Race Bowermaster Chambers, laborer, h 708 Race Bowermaster Jessie M., h 708 Race Bowermaster Lawrence, electrician, h 708 Race Bow~rs Ada, matron P. R. R. depot, h 931 N 6th Bowers Anna L., housekeeper, 634 Verbeke Bowers Anna M., wid Abraham, h 111 N 13th Bowers Archie T., laborer, h 1304 Susquehanna av Bowers Benjamin H., undertaker, h 304 Cumberland Bowers Charles M., paperhanger, h 218 S 15th "Bowers David D., laborer, h 634 Verbeke

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find a name you must know how t~spell it."

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.. Bowers Edgar, mattressmkr, h 1933 Briggs .!! Bowers Edwin, h 318 Cumberland _.= Bowers Elijah, shoemkr, 1624 N 4th, h 620 Peffer Bowers Ezra, puddler, h 1015 Hemlock Bowers Forrest E., brakeman, h 16441 Fulton Bowers Frank, helper, h 1822 Derry a Bowers George, laborer, h 2640 61 ~ Bowers George W., contractor, rear 1520 N 3d, h 313 Peffer~ Bowers Gertrude E., domestic, 905 N 3d Bowers Harry T., brakeman, h 634 Verbeke _ Bowers Hattie L., cigarmkr, h 634 Verbeke COl Ii Bowers Henry L., bookkpr, 117 S2d, h 1322 Vernon Bowers Herbert L., bridge builder, h 1322 Vernon -! Bowers Jennie, dressmkr, h 563 SlOth Bowers J. Leroy, car cleaner, h 428 S 2d Bowers fohn E., laborer, h 1i34 N ith II) Bowers john F., brakeman, h 1330 Penn Bowers John H., carpenter, h 1228 Bailey Rowers John H., cigars, 1!J02 State, h HI:{3 Briggs 1&1 Bowers John H., jr., salesman, h 1228 Bailey .J Bowers John W., special ofilcer, h 1:130 Penn c:( Bowers Joseph C, engineer. h li34 N ith 1&1 R0wers Lillian C, packer, h 1465 Regina Q Bowers Lucetta, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Bowers Maggie 1., housekeeper, 100i N 7th .... Bowers Mary Mrs., h 220 Cumberland Rowers Mary A. Mrs., boarding, 6:14 Verbeke, h do _ Bowers Mary E. Mrs .. h 2:19 State . Bowers Michael, tinsmith, h 1312 State ~ Bowers Nettie G. Mrs., h 668 Calder Bowers Oren E., salesman, h 1330 Penn a.. Bowers Gtho ~I., driver. h 1513 Derry E Bowers Paul, heelmkr. h 1933 Briggs Bowers Ralph W., stude~t, h 1322 Vernon U Bowers Reuben, blacksmith, 19011 State, h 1933 Briggs ...... Bowers Samuel, helper, h 442 S 2d Bowers Sarah Mrs., h 116 Ann av U Bowers Sarah, weaver, h 1330 Penn Q Bowers Scott, leveler, h 1933 Briggs z: Rowers William, puddler, h 2117 Brookwood C Bowers William A., policeman, h 1213 Wallace "" Bowers \Villiam D., fireman. h 1!l45 N 7th !:! Rowers William G .. fireman, h 11115 N nh Bowersox Ethel, domestic. 408! Walnut ~ B()\\'ersox Luella :tvl.. pal'ker, h 1!120 Elizabeth av .... Bowie Henrv, coachman. h 245 N River av Z Bowling Abraham L .. porter, h 114 Liberty Bowman Addison 11., elk, 401 Chestnut, h Camp Hill



Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory.



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wlllKoonJOllrbond. 108 11_", EOW. G ROBERTS bondl are executed. Bell 'PboDe 861 X..w.... or . . X.
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A. B. TACK ~~::t 101 POPer and 1lIIII018II0deS :fl~~:v.:

Boyd'. Harri.burg CB) City Direotory.


Bowman Albert T., laborer, h 1231 X Hi Bowman Benjamin H., yardmaster, h 656 Verbeke Bowman Christian E., salesman, a17 Chestnut, h 316 ~ 2d Bowman Claude C, tinner, h 504 Emeralrl Bowman Clifton, laborer, h 353 S Cameron Bowman C. Raymond, sec and treas McLean-Bowman Co., Inc . h 266 Briggs Bowman David G., solicitor, 27 N 3d, h 1246 Derry Bowman David W., plasterer, h 172to1 X 4th Bowman Dora A., housekeeper, 1416 S 13th Bowman Edward C. doubler, h 504 Emerald Bowman Edward S., machinist, h :m6 Crescent Bowman Edward S. Rev., h :t43 Reily CD Bowman Emanuel, laborer, h 1416 S 13th I Bowman Ephraim C, machinist, h 1804 N 6th !l. Bowman F. Myrle, elk, 211 Chestnut, h 316 K :!d Bowman George, machininst, h 2120 6! Bowman Harry E., conductor, h 5114 Emerald Bowman Harry E., trav salesman, h 612 State Bowman Harry F., foreman F. and M. Wks, h 13U6 Vemon if Bowman Harry H., salesman, h 805 ~ :.!d Bowman Henry, h 1416 S 13th Bowman Henry c., conductor, h 504 Emerald Bowman Herbert L., janitor P. R. R., h 3:~:! :.\Iuench Bowman Hildah V., h 504 Emerald . K 1I0WKAN IRVIlf P., lawyer, 2 11 Court av, h 220 Hamilton ~ Bowman Isaac, brakeman, h 1704 ~ 5th Bowman Isaiah T., plasterer, 1728 X 4th. h do Bowman Jessie c., bookkpr, 20 S3d, h 1728 X 4th S; Bowman John c., laborer, h 1416 S 13th ron Bowman John K., (Bowman & Co.), h 8U5 X 2d Bowman John W., molder, h 1503 Derry Bowman J. William, buyer, :U8 ~Iarket, h 805 K 2d BO~:~rvLawrence E., asst yardmaster P. & R., h 1503 ~

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Bowman "Lewis H., policeman, h 1011 Hanna Bowman Martha K., h 458 Cumberland Bowman Mary C, wid John c., h 316 N 2d Bowman Mary E., wid Charles L.. h liS Paxton Bowman Maynard J. F., cashier. 14 S :.!d, h 18m'! Green Bowman Peter, carpenter, h 1505 Derry Bowman Rebecca, charwoman. h ;{27 :.\Iuench Bowman Samuel, (Bowman & Co.), grocer. :!11 Chestnut,


Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman

S. Ort, elk, 211 Chestnut. h 316 ~ 2d William, laborer. h :na Briggs William A., conductor. h ;-jUt Emerald William H .. laborer. h toq Hanna

a rn



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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."


D~~~ ~~J H.

M. KELLEY & CO. {l~~~taf:=:

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Boyd's Harriaburg (B) City Directory.

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C) Q.,


BOWllAN & CO (S. and 'J. X. Bowman), Department Store, 318 Market Bowsman George, janitor, h 52 ~ 10th Bowsman Harriet, wid George W., h 1828 Wood av Bowsman John, laborer, h 1227 Currant av Bowsman, see Bausman Boyd Albert B., elk, 117 S 3d, h 246 Crescent Boyd Annie E., wid William B. c., h 1728 Logan av Boyd Caroline E., wid Peter K., h 200 N 3d Boyd D. Truman, elk P. R. R. ticket office, h 709 N 2d Boyd Elizabeth c., wid J. Brisben, h 111 S Front Boyd Frederick J., elk, 1801 N 6th, h 1615 N 3d Boyd George W., fireman, h 1714 N 4th Boyd George "V., laborer, h 421 Boyd av Boyd Harry M., salesman, h 110 Conoy Boyd Henrietta, wid George W .. h 222 Chestnut Boyd Howard A., brakeman, h a:n Granite <tv Boyd Hugh S., roll turner, h 47 ~ 17th Boyd Jacob H., laborer, h 337 Granite av BOYD 'JA1IES, ('James Boyd & Co. and Boyd, Stickney & Co.), h 211 N Front and Boyd Station BOYD 'JAKES & CO., wholesale coal shippers, Trust Ce. bldg, 222 Karket Boyd Jennie H ., seamstress, h 46 S Court av Boyd John H .. laborer. h lIaq Fulton Rovd Tohn H .. steward The Bolton BOYD 'JOHN Y., ('James Boyd & Co. and Boyd, Stickney & Co.), h 124 Pine Boyd Joseph, laborer, h 1714 ~ 3d Boyd Mary J.. wid John (; .. h 424) State Boyd Peter K, (est), furniaure, 31 S 2d Bovd Rebecca. wid Tacob ~l., h :316 Boas BO~'d Samuel II., erigineer, h 161G ~ 3d BOYD, STICKNEY & CO., wholesale coal shippen, Trust Co. bldg, 222 Market

C3 :::;

== ~ oC ...., ==



BOYD W. H. CO., Guy M. Boyd, mgr. publishers Harrisburg City and other standard directories, 82 11 3d i home office, 21 and 29 Reed c Court, Reading, Pa,


Boyd \Villiam, laborer. h 416 South Boyer Abraham, h Hj ~ 16th Boyer Abraham F., laborer. h~Hl Ha~is

_ __

&~R:~~.~~~i'~:-:;! ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d aid Rilly Sta.

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bat ftJn.el _ _JaDeD, htDee OIl"'" AB TACK, N.ute {BlDploJII_IIIIura I&. WorkdoaeIDaDJJlU&ofll__ I' 3d at. dGlltlliriaDd

Boyer Anna, dressmkr, h Green nr C~lder Boyer Annie L., elk Soldiers' Orphans' Comn. h ~1!1 ~ 2d Boyer Charles E., caller P. R. R. frt depot, h at1 S 15th Boyer Charles I., shirt mfr, h 212 S 13th Boyer Charles J., brakeman, h 1014 Fox av Boyer Charles L., lineman, h 1205 Bailey Boyer Charles R., hostler, h 1409 James av Boyer Chester W., laborer, h 1409 James Boyer David, foreman Calder's Livery, h 1441 Derry Boyer David C, carpenter, h S 13th nr Cemetery Boyer David M., laborer, h 263 Delaware av Boyer Edith M., h 310 Harris BOYEB. EDWARD, carriagel and Springfield rubber tirea, 1017 Karket, h 128 Walnut lee adv Doyer Edward .B., stengr, 10th c Mulberry, h 1tf) Walnut Boyer Edward M., butcher, h 1948 Swatara Boyer Elias, bartender, 1101 Market, h 53 N Cameron Boyer Elizabeth, wid John W., h 915 S 19th Boyer Frank C, brakeman. h 2019 Moltke a\' Boyer Frank D., upholsterer, h 261 Herr Boyer Frank E., attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do Boyer Frederick W., machinist, h 208 Liberty Boyer George, brakeman, h 617 Harris Boyer George G. Capt., h 1l0~ Market Boyer George :\'1., butcher, h S 13th nr cemetery Bover Harry A., machinist, h 304 S 15th Boyer Harry A., molder. h 1625 Fulton Boyer Harry F., elk, h 19 S 3d Boyer Harry J .. salesman. S34 l\Iarket, h :!5z:i} Boas Boyer Harvey, molder, h 417 State Boyer Harvey C. bridge builder, h 1301 Market Boyer Harvey M., v-pres McLean-Bowman Co., Inc . h 200 Pine Bover Harvey R., ins agt, 14 S 2d, h Lemoyne Bover Herbert, laborer, h 218 S 2d BO\'er Isaiah, driver. h 319 S 15th Boyer Jacob L., plasterer. h 412 Herr Boyer Jesse M., cigarmkr. h 110 Linden Boyer John E., foreman, h 151S! N 4th

Boyd'i Harrilburg (B) City Directory.



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EDWARD BOYER. - Proprietor,
1017 M A R K E T . T R E E T .


",:Manufacturer of and Dealer in Carriages. Burreys, Runabouts. 1ft Btanhope Phaetons, Buggies and BuaiDeB8 Wagons. Repairing Ilnd VI Remodeling of Carriages a specialty. Genuine Springfield Rubber ,.. Tire put on at Lowest Prices.

"To find a name yo~- must -kn~w -h~wto-spen it.';Digitized by





Boyd's Harrisburg tB) City Directory.

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Boyer) ohn H., machinist, h 1111 Linden Boyer) ohn J., foreman, h 249 North Boyer John M., bookkpr, all S :M, h 316 Hummel Boyer John S., brakeman, h 150!) \ Vallace Boyer ) ulia E., h 20~ Liberty Boyer Laura E., dressmkr, h 53 l\ Cameron Boyer Linn H., laborer, h 263 Delaware av Boyer Lowry \-V., laborer, h 263 Delaware av Hoyer Margaret, wid John, h 322 North Boyer Mary E., h 90~ Green Boyer Mary)., cigarmkr, h 263 Delaware av Iroyer May, domestic, lOO~ X :ld Boyer Melda E. Mrs., domestic, rear lUI Short lloyer Mina \-V., dressmkr, h 20~ Liberty Boyer Paul M., telegrapher P. & R., h t;J8 State Boyer Ray, laborer, h 310 Harris Boyer Samuel Y., painter, h 114 :\' lath Boyer Scott, driver, h 53 N Cameron Boyer Simon c., elk, 223 l\1arket, h 1il1 Sylvan ter BB oyer VS.imon ~d" b\:~lkl~manE' hl1~40(): Ds' e1r'~YI oyer esta, Wlv I lam '., 1 0 "t 1 Boyer Walter L., shirt mfr, h t12 S 1:1th Boyer William, driver, h 319 S 15th Boyer \-Villiam F., shoe cutter, h 53 l\ Cameron Boyle Agnes M., dressmkr, h 253 Briggs Boyle Charles S., bottler, h 1120 Cowden Boyle Daniel F., carpenter, h 1120 Cowden Boyle Edward )., rougher, h 1at2 l\ Front Boyle Elizabeth ~I., saleslady, 6 S 2<1. it (iOa X 2d Boyle Elizabeth M., shirtmkr, h H20 Cowden Boyle Harry, machinist, h 518 Hamilton Boyle Henry L., machinist, h 1108 Wallace Boyle John, track walker, h 701 State Boyle John A., brakeman, h 225 Reily Boyle John c., car cleaner, h 1108 Wallace Boyle John F., stone mason, h 518 ~\larket Boyle Josephine 1\lrs., h 240 Harris Boyle Julia A., tailoress, h 1120 Cowden Boyle Lizzie, domestic The Commonwealth Boyle Maggie Mrs., h 1322 N Front Boyle Mary H., wid Alexander, h 1201 Wallace Boyle William F. Rev., h 212 State Boyles Amy Nl., weaver, h 1531 N 4th J~ov)es i\tchinson G., elk, h 1415 Currant av Bovles Herman, laborer, h 6:tn Woodbine Boyles Howard E., laborer, h 1531 N 4th Boyles John. car cleaner. h 15;n N 4th Boyles John ~ .. laborer. h 1531 ~ 4th EDW G ROBERTS A.eeWenf. LI IUl,. - ,.n .. B.II.... ' __ rae_.
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.or," __ .l.

Bell 'Phone 861 X. or 684., X.

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GoogI e


Wall Paper and Window Shacks, {1.~:"~~!:".


Boyd's Harrisburr (B) City Direotory.


Boyles Reuben E., painter, h 1116 Grape av Boyles Robert ~L, huckster, h 206 S River av .Boyles W. Blair, caller P. R. R., h 1722 N 3d Boyles William B., caller, h 1722 N 3d Boyson. Andrew, machinist, h 2618 6l Boyson Andrew 0., boilermkr, h 2618 6l . Brackbill Lemuel c., agt, h 1914 N 7th Bracken George J., scientist, h 415 State Bracken Matthew N., bartender, 300 Verbeke, h 107 Calder BRACXEBRIDGE ALFRED, notary public and real estate, 126 Washinrton, h 300 S 2d Brackenridge John G., h 300 S 2d Brackenridge V. Hummel, printer Telegraph, h 37 N 17th Brackney Harry J., blacksmith, h 4:12 Herr Brackney Mary, wid Henry, h 432 Herr Bradbury George E., C. S. A., h 314 Market Braddock Harry, coachman, h 1924 N 3d Bradigan Emma R., wid Henry, h 131 N 10th Bradigan Harry W., laborer, h 131 N 10th Bradigan Mabel R., boxmkr, h 131 N 10th Bradley Eliza c., wid William H., h Front eState Bradley Fannie Mrs., h 1155 Cumberland Bradley Florence M., teacher, h 802 Capital Bradley James, jr., laborer, h 1430 N 4th Bradley Joseph F., student, h 4~~ Boas Bradley Mary E., teacher. h 4:!.'l Boas Bradley Pierce, blacksmith, h 4:!a Boas Bradley Pierce J., plumber. a41 Reily, h 4:11 Boas Bradley Samuel, laborer, h 1247 1'\ Hi Bradley Susan, wid Henry. h 8112 Capital Bradley William, laborer, h 423 Hoas Bradle\' William H .. barher, h 1a:~6 Fulton Brady Alonzo E., elk, h 129 S 3d Brady Benjamin, fireman, h 424 Kunkle av Brady Benjamin, shirtmkr, h 416 South Brady Edward H., 'elk sec <::omwlth. Capitol, h 251 North Brady Edwin G., stengr P. R. R. depot, h 211 S Front nrady Frank J., salesman, 2207 N 7th. h 1001 X Front Brady George T., inspector, h 5:-l8 Violet av TIraely James. cashier 1st XatlOnal Bank, h 510 X 2d Brady James J., engineer, h 1732 Green Brady John R., car inspector, h 1429! Susquehanna BUDY 10HB T., lawyer and notary public, 222 J(ar~et, h 211 S Front Brady Joseph J., sale,;man, 3:14 11arht. h 1 j:~2 Green Brady]. Stewart. stengr, h 1um X front Brarh' Man' F .. salesladY. ;J34 :\lar\.;:{'t. h 1732 Green Brad~' Patrick. ptt<\cller. 'il 13()6 ~ Can1 cron

31 ...I , I




hTo find -~- name y~~ -m~st know-how -to spen -it."
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~ Coal.


I. CO 11 Nertll3d S.,... 'IV""". lH M KELLEY or.. 110t11and lltata StI. r..

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Boyd'. Harrisburg (B) City Directory.

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Brady Sarah A .. wid John, h 1001 :-.; Front Brady Sidney, laborer, h 16~f) Walnut Brady William E., insurance, h 1001 N Front Brady William H., blacksmith, h fBO Willow av Brady William L., bookkpr, h 53S Violet av Brame Carl \V., laborer, h a2!:! Peffer Branch Massey, wid John, h 107 Tanner's av Brandane Collie Kennels, (John Black), 17th nr Vernon Brandon A. Jas., salesman, f;2i Walnut, h Hershey House Brandt Aaron E., Ja\vyer, 222 ~larket, 11 ~'liddletown Brandt Albert F., physician, 111 ~ 4th, h do Brandt Arthur D., salesman, 110 Market, h :\Iechanicsburg Brandt B. Lloyd, warehouseman P. R. R, h 22 ~ 14th Brandt Charles E., postal elk, h 29 S Summit Brandt Daniel H .. salesman, h 1364 Mavj-Jower av Brandt D. Bailey, (paxfon Flour and Feed Co.), h 116 Chestnut Brandt J. Austin, (Paxton Flour and Feed Co.), h 603 N Front BRANDT LEVI, (Paxton Flour and Feed Co.), h 118 Chestnut Brandt Thomas, fireman, h 13114 Wallace Branut, see Brvant Branford Lillie B., wid W. Fletcher, h 12011 ~ :~d Brank Amedeo, tailor, h 202 Charles av Brannen John c., boltmkr, h ISIIO Walnut Brant George H., molder, h so;:; East Bram'an Tohn S., elk P. R. R.. h 'iUS Hoas Bran);an Levinia Mrs., boarding, 412 Strawberry av, h do Braselmann John P., t:ngraver, h a2H S 14th Brattan Margaret G., wid Samuel W .. h 921 Green Bratten AIda P., forelady silk mill, h 923 ~ 6th Bratten Carlton P., salesman, h 314 :'\orth Bratten Ellwood K., cigarmkr, h HillS Penn Bratten Frank D., warehouseman. h 266 ::\orth Bratten James S., collector, h !l21 Green Bratten Landis, grocer, !)!!1 K Gth, h 9:!a do I,ratten Mary, sakslaciy, 15 S :!d. h 1124 ~ 6th I1ratten Sarah, stengr. 14 :\ ~M. h 15118 Penn Bratten Sarah 11., picker, h 1124 ?'\ 6th Bratten Susan ~d .. teacher, h 1~U8 Penn Bratton Bertha. asst cook Lunatic Hospital, h do Bratton Howard c., conductor, h Ii!:!. Reily Bratton Sarah B .. h 6!!i Reilv . Brauch Bella Mrs .. h rear i:;12 X ;,th Brauch Franklin R .. candymkr. h rear 1:;12 N 5th Braun Conrad, sexton. h alii S :!d Braun John M . grocer. 223 South. h do Braun Maria Mrs., layer ont of the dead. 315 S 2d, h do


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Digitized by



A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,

{t2l1r:.:. ~VtN.I.

Boyd'. Harri.burg (B) City Directory.

Braun. see Brown Braunagle Irvin L., laborer, h 121 N Cameron Braunagle John, laborer, h 121 ~ Cameron Braunagle Sarah, wid Lewis, h 253 S Cameron Braxton Elijah, brickmkr, h 107 Tanner's av Braxton ~lartha A. ?\irs., h 42'2 Cranberry av Bray Thomas, h 1340 N 7th Breach Albert E., laborer, h 210 Charles av Breach Alfred 0., florist, :~d nr Seneca. h do Breach Raymonrl, brakeman, h 2013 ~Ioltke av Breach Thomas W., waiter, h 1838 N 6th Bready James S., laborer, h 14111 !\' Cameron Brechbill Lee D., mgr, h Canal ab Division Brecht Constantina, domestic, 1223i N 6th Brec kbill Cora ~i., shirtlllkr, h 1430 \\" alnut Breckbill Jennie M., packer, h U!lO Walnut Breckenmaker Abraham K., hantess, :!4 S Dewberry av, h ~ 1401 Vernon Breckenridge Mary E., wirl John E., h li1l X Sth Breese Seymour A., bookkpr, h 27 Evergreen Brehany Catharine, domestic, 1517 ~ Front Brehany Ella, domestic,'5 S Front Brt:hm Harry B., laborer, h 1819 Berryhill Brehm John J., sup prin, Green c Muench, h 810 Green Bl'eidegan Elizabeth, wid Daniel, h 5!l6 Race Breininger Bertha 1. Mrs., h 913 Capital Breininger Helen F., teacher, h 1208 ~Iarket 0 Breininger Louis, bartender, 423 Market. h 1:.!08 do I~ Breininger Louis C, machinist, h 1208 Market Breitinger Edith L., stenw.: Hbg Trust Co., h !118 Green Breitinger Sophia, wid WIlliam H .. h 918 Green Brcitinger William M .. elk C. 1. & S. Co., h !118 Green BBELSFOBD PACXIB'G CO., wholesale provisions, 7th c lforth Breneman Annie B., candymkr, h 606 Peffer Brmeman Benjamin C, telegrapher P. R. R., h 606 Peffer Bn'nemCln Harry S., barber, h 606 Peffer Brent'man ~fargaret J., wid Christian. h 606 Peffer It Breneman Victor L., tinsmith, h 606 Peffer Brenisholtz Charles \\':, flagman, h 6:!7 Herr Brenisholtz Irvin ]., h 627 Herr Cal Brenisholtz Marie, ruler. h !lll Marht Brenizer Elizabeth Mrs., h 217 Forster Brenizer J. Charles. real estate, 814 X :M. h 17117 ~ 2<1 Brenneman Adam H .. ins sol. 14 S 21. h 210 X 15th Brenneman Amos, engineer. h 19!19 K 4th It Brenneman Edgar W . baker. h 45 N 14th


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.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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lIeIEIL'S PAil EXTERMllnOR ~uWo~':a::e=':i-ed~;~l. {1I06"'lr~



Boyd'. lIarri.burg (B) City Direotory.

.. _ =-

Edward 5., ice cream mince meat, 108 = Brennemanh do E., stengr, 129 and4th, h Penbrook S 13th, =- Brenneman Fannie X Brenneman Frederick, fireman, h 2020 X 6th

-- BRENlIEJrIAlflACOB D., toriat, 11th c Reily and 321 Wal n~h~ .

5; Brenneman Joseph, switchman, h 243 Korth .- Brenneman Lizzie, h 159 N 4th 1!!' Brenneman l\label, saleslady, 334 Market, h 210 N 15th Brenneman Margaret :\1., dressmkr, h 210 N 15th Brenneman Oscar G., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h :no N 15th Brenrier Benjamin, (B. Brenner & Son), h 516 Walnut Brenner B. & Son, (Benjamin and James), clothiers, 339 _ Market :iI Brenner Israel, wrapper, 6 5 2<1, h 559 SlOth Brenner James, (B. Brenner & Son), h 512 Filbert Kathan, 426 'Walnut, h .f/) Brenner Solomon,furniture,559 SlOth. h do do Brenner grocer, Brensinger Clara M., bookbinder, h 16tH N 5th ,W Brensinger Mabel V., teacher, h 610 Reily .J Brensinger Margaret M., tailoress, h 1601 K 5th H., C Brensinger l\lary, wid Moses 615 h 610 Reily Bretz Charles E., laborer, h Harris W Bretz Charles E., treas, 118 l\1arket, h \Vest Fairview .Q Bretz Charles H., shoe operator. h 1:~54 Vernon Bretz Edward, nail feeder. h 1224 Cowden Bretz Edward C, driver, h 1825 ~ 7th Bretz Gertrude E., saleslady. h 1354 Vernon BRETZ lIARRY M., lawyer, 222 Market, h 224 Reily Bretz John J., watchman, h 4:36 South Bretz John T., salesman. 38 ?\ 3d, h 1354 Vernon Bretz John ~L, foreman, 227 Walnut, h 34 5 13th Bretz Mary, vamper, h 1354 Vernon Bretz Niles 0., electrician. h ]:l54 Vernon Bretz Norman \V., shoe operator. h 623 Calder ...... Bretz Samuel C, conductor, h 623 CaMer C Bretz Thomas J., ins sol, 15 X 2d, h 1354 Vernon Bretz Warren B., shoe operator. h 4)23 Calder Bretz William, laborer, h 54 X 14th Bretz William, laborer. h 24i Crescent Bretz \Villiam H .. driver, h 33 X Cameron IY.I Breu Henrv H., harncssmkr. h j' S 4th Breuninger' Gottlieb, elevatorman, h 630 Herr Brew Michael. madlinist, h mn X Cameron Brewster Emma M .. stengr E. & H. H. T. Co., h Oakville Brewster William E., telegrapher P. & R., h ]205 Chestnut Brice James A., engineer, 621 z Bricker Alice. cigarmkr. hh 1604Kelker X ad


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Til. "mart.... "8.lIn. " ......". Baltimore. Md.

General Agent Central Penna. DIstrict.

loa .... B,.

BnW. G. KOBBRTIIt. Bell 'Phone 851 X. or 68t8 X.

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A. 8. TACI,


{l216 lonb mini St.


Boyd's Barrisburg (B) Cit)' Directory.

Hricker Benjamin, laborer, h 2124 X 7th Bricker Charles D., cigarmkr, h 1U04 N 3d Bricker David, carpenter, h 1325 Fulton Bricker Edward c., elk, h li34 N 6th Bricker Emma B., buncher, h 1604 N 3d Bricker Esther, wid Albert, h 109 South Bricker George, electrician Lunatic Hospital, h do Bricker George W., brakeman, h 638 Hamilton Bricker Ida J. Mrs., h 25 Lochiel 3d Row Bricker Jennie, wid Henry, h 1604 N 3d Bricker John K., hardware, 1732 K {;th, h 1734 do Bricker Mattie, cigarmkr, h 625 Muench Bricker Victoria Mrs., h 522 Basin av Bricker William H., grocer, 2100 X 6th, h do Brickey Calvert, helper, h 1304 S Cameron Bridge George W., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Bridge Harry, laborer, h 218 S 2d Bridget John, laborer, h U36 Briggs Bridget Joseph, janitor, h Howard ab Forrest av Bridget Lizzie, ~id Thomas, h 1(;02 Elm Briggins Samuel, engineer, h 50U State Briggins Samuel, jr., warehouseman, h 288 S Cameron Briggles Barzellus, h 134 Vine Briggles George B., fireman, h l:nt> Green Briggs Abby S. Mrs., h 810 N :!d Briggs Anna Mrs., h 342 Muench Briggs Julia A., wid John H., h 17 N Front Briggs Paul, barber, h 1430 Fulton Briggs Rachel T., h 17 N Front Bright Chloe, domestic, 1632 N 2d Bright David J., bookkpr, 3:3 N 3d, h 225 S 13th Bright Elizabeth, wid Washington, h 1100 Market Bright George H., laborer, h 47 N Cameron Bright Harry H., shoe cutter, h 1100 Market Bright U. Grant, bricklayer, h 225 Hummel Brightbill Bertha, dressmkr, h 1:U9 Vernon Brightbill Charles, steelworker, h 101 N 4th Brightbill Charles H., laborer, h 1319 Vernon Brightbill Clara L., saleslady, 412 Market, h 326 S 16th Brightbill Edgar B., pressman, 329 Market, h 1155 Derry Brightbill George B., engineer, h 918 Capital BRIGHTBILL IA.DS D., grocer, 1800 State, h do Brightbill James D., jr., elk, 601 State, h 1308 do Brightbill James H., elk, h 413 Kelker Brightbill John, pressman, 201 N 2d, h 1155 Derry Brightbill John c., carpenter, h 525 N 4th Brightbill Kate, wid Peter, h 1155 Derry Brightbill Leah, nurse, h 239 State

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To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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H. I. KELLEY" CO. , COAL AND WOOD {.e&: :~~rJ:J::


Boyd" Harrilbur (B) City Directory.


~ Brightbill William E., express messenger, h 326 S 11th Brightfull Joseph, hostler, h 235 Blackberry av : ; Brightfull Sarah, charwoman, h rear 516 Strawberry !lv Brightly William F., laborer, h 329 S 15th C ) Brighton Charles W., cigars, 1300 ~ 7th, h do en Brim Harry, laborer, h 218 S 2d _ Brimler William, laborer, h 24th nr Poor House ::: Brimmer Ralph B., foreman, h 1621 Penn ~ Brindle Carl L., drug elk, 1255 Mulberry, h do ::. Brindle E. Mae, stengr, 14 S 2d, h 185 Paxton ~ Brindle Mary Mrs., h 185 Paxton .... Brindle Peter B., salesman, 400 Market, h 134 Sylvan ter LI.I Brine Alfred, policeman, h 1815 Berryhill a: Brmer Grace A., laundress, h 6:57 Dauphin z: Bringman Cora, seamstress, h 1609! N 3d ~ Brininger Hiram McG., checkman P. R. R., h 1315 William a: Brininger John W., molder, h 1315 William ..... Brininger Louis K., elk, 30 S 3d, h 146 Sylvan ter Brink Daniel, molder, h 120!} Market c.J Brink Edward, fireman, h 162U ~ 6th Brinser Alberta, tailoress, h 725 S 21st c:::t Brinser Burlingame G., brakeman, h 1723 N 4th Brinser Caroline M., housekeeper, 7:!5 S 21st ...., Brinser Christian L., mgr, h 1(01) N ad Brinser Clarence \Y., ins solicitor, h 72J S 21st Brinser Claude E., planer, h 1409 N :!d Ii: Brinser C Wilber, elk, h 915 S 20i 2 Brinser Eva A, copyholder, h 1213 Derry ~ Brinser George W., linotype sawyer, h 121:~ Dern' a.. Brinser Harry L., U. S. N., h 1600 N 3d . ~ Brinser Jesse, steelworker, h 725 S 21st i:iJ Brinser Vincent B., brakeman, h 1833 Fulton ~ Brinton Charles L., asst engineer of tests C. 1. & S. Co., It a: 12 N 16th Brinton Everett 0., car inspector, h UH8 ~orth ...., Brinton Frank S., bookkpr, Canal c State, h 313 S River av ~ Brinton George, h 17a5 X 4th . c:::t Brinton George W., elk, h 12 N 16th III~ Brinton Harry A, grocer, 1408 Regina, h 12 N 16th ZJ Brinton John c., collector, :!26 Chestnut, h 12 N 6th 0- Brinton Sarah M., wid Caleb, h 211 Herr IC Brinton William A., driller, h 138 S Cameron II Brisco Sarah, wid George W., h 1332 Mayflower av III Briscoe Annie, domestic, 500 N 3d JD Briscoe Harry S., butler, h 424 Cranberry av IIIZ Briscoe John F., coachman, h 434 S 2d toC Briscoe John F., watchman, h 503 K 1IIth

t; Brightbill Mary A, wid Benjamin, h 1319 Vernon


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ANDREW REDMOND, H~;!:~a.a::d ~::wc:;:~. {3dlDd Rilly Sk. Digitized CoogIe


A B TAC" ""

PnMeI Pallilc a.lldl... I. P .... TI.... f.II. . . . .,..".

--IIAKE' A 'I'EOIALrr 0'"-

{121C5 II. 3d St-

157 Britsch George W., laborer, h 1512 X 4th Britsch \'iola M., saleslady, :n~ Market, h 71 .N 10th Britsch William W" elk P.O., h 71 .N 10th Brittain Malinda, wid Samuel, h 141 N 13th Britten Oeaver c., elk, h 1009 N 3d Britten Francis M., roller, h 637 Herr Broadbelt Abigail F., seamstress, h 65 N 14th Broadus Dudley, laborer, h 357 S Cameron Brock Sallie, domestic, 472 S Cameron Brodbeck William E., janitor, 2:!2 Market, h do Brode Philip, meat, 523 South, grocer, 514 N 5th, h do Bronk Benjamin, laborer, h 117 Mulberry Bronk Emelio, laborer, h 117 Mulberry Brooke Bella 1. Mrs., h 638 Herr Brooke Frank A., carpenter, h 1635 Susquehanna Brookens Charles G., carpenter, h 1120 Cumberland Brookens Jennie, domestic, 802 Green Brookman Anna, wid Michael, h 427 Boas Brooks Balaam C, laborer, h 1256 Swatara Brooks Charles H., elk, 432 South, h 644 Briggs Brooks Charles W., draftsman, h 124 Chestnut Brooks Emily D., wid George A., h 21 S. 2d Brooks Frank, machinist, h 644 Briggs Brooks Henry, laborer, h 113 Tanner's av Brooks Hezekiah, laborer, h 205 Nectarine av Brooks Jeremiah, laborer, h 1328 Mayflower av Brooks John \V., plasterer, h 236 Liberty Brooks Joshua B., plumber, h 117 Vine Brooks Margaret, h Home for the Friendless Brooks Marshall, laborer, h 713 Ash av Brooks Smith, laborer, h 110 Christie av Brooks Susan Mrs., housekeeper, 110 Liberty II Brooks Virginia J., dressmkr, h 1130 l\lontgomery 0 Brooks William, buggy puller, h 807 SlOth Brookwood Improvement Assn, A. C. McKee, genl agt, I ~ 14th and Argyle and 222 Market Cal Broomall Ulysses G., engineer, h 218 Harris Broomhead Robert, boilermkr, h 1025 S 9th Broomhead Robert, jr., laborer, h 1025 S 9th Broomhead William, laborer, h 607 N Cameron Bross Emma M" h 231 N 2d Brough Hattie, student nurse Hbg Hospital, h do U Brough John S., printer Patriot, h 761 S 19th W Brougher Catharine A., wid Jacob S., h 1607 N 3d Q. BROUGHER 100 A., Washington House, 617 Walnut. h do ,,, Brougher Mary G. Mrs., h 817 Green VI Brougher Minnie E., h 817 Green ,.. Brought Eliza, h 559 Camp

Boyd's Harrisburr (D) City Directory.



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uTo find a name you must know how to spell it.,t

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ColdJ, QuinB)" Rbeum&tl1lJll, TootbllCbe, Sore Throat, Ague. DJipepeIa, ac. _

McNeW. PaIn Pllt.r..l .....r ewell Cbolera MorbuI, Dyaen1ery. Cram ... Dlantlrea,


_ ..: a
~ ~


Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory.

Brought Rebecca, wid John, h 559 Camp Brought Sarah, dressmkr, h 559 Camp Brouse Charles H., ins sol, 14 S 2d, h Park Hotel Browman Thomas, bricklayer, h 216 Crescent Brown A. C. Mrs., hairdresser, 414 Walnut, h do Brown A. Laura. s~leslady, 406 Market, h 354 Crescent Brown Albert M., painter, h 2:l9 State Brown Alice, domestic, 515 S 2d Brown Alice c., domestic, 163 Indian av Brown Allen, laborer, h 163 Indian av Brown Allison, laborer, h 127 Cranberry av Brown Amy M., cook Park Hotel Brown Anna M., h 345 Kelker Brown Belle, charwoman, h 712 N 7th Brown Belle M., nurse Hbg Hospital, h do Brown Benjamin S., draftsman, h 39 N 16th Brown Bernhart, baker, h 4~0 Reily Brown Bertha M., teacher, h 915 N 6th Brown Byrd H., waiter Com'wealth, h (iOn South av Brown Calvin S., laborer, h 1155 S Cameron Brown Calvin S., laborer, h 51 N Summit Brown Cassius M., barber, h 414 Walnut Brown Cassius M., jr., elk, 17 S 2d, h 414 Walnut Brown Catharine E. Mrs., h 1148 Cumberland Brown Charles, laborer, h Mulberry nr Canal Brown Charles, laborer, h 125 Short Brown Charles, laborer, h 171 Indian av Brown Charles, laborer, h 327 Basin av Brown Charles, waiter, h 634 Briggs Brown Qlarks. waiter, h 5141 N 5th Brown Charles E., blacksmith, h 1117 Plum av Brown Charles E., stable boss, 401 Chestnut, h 313 Strawberryav Brown Charles E., teamster, h 716 Korth av Brown Charles H., laborer, h 175 Indian av Brown Charles H., salesman, 3 N 2d, It Grand Hotel. Brown Charles H., stable boss. h 303 Blackberry av Brown Charles W., hostler, h 331 Blackberry av Brown Christian S., laborer, h 18 N 13th Brown Cornelia S., hairdresser, h 414 Walnut Brown C. Sumner, barber, 419 Walnut, h 414 do Brown Cyrus G., engineer, h 1327 Derry Brown Daniel, laborer, h 1530 Logan av Brown D. Howard, elk. 108 Market. h 1302 N 3d Brown Dingley F. C. 0., organist, h 309 N Front Brown Dove E., houseman, 314 Market, h 605 South av Brown Eleanora E., wid Clark M., h 601 North Brown Eliza, domestic, 9 N Front



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I ACCIDENT 15111JRA.NCB. 108 5 .... , 8 _ _ Inel. Bell 'Phone 861 X, 01 8M3 X.

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T;=~c:ro:: lOU

Par IBId IIDdOI s.a IrOI A. B. TACK. N.t\..


Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory.

Brown Elizabeth, cook, 202 State Brown Emma Mrs., laundress, h 431 South Brown Frank, laborer, h 640 \Valnut Brown Franklin P., e1evatorman, C. H., h 1530 Logan av Brown Frederick, houseman, h 640 Briggs Brown George F., baker, 1334 Vernon, h do Brown George G., laborer, h State nr 10th Brown George K., carpenter, h 144 S Court av Brown George W., engineer, h 162!) Logan av Brown George W., laborer, h 1Ii22 Walnut Brown Grace B., domestic, 428 Cranberry av Brown Harry, laborer, h 911 S 1lJth Brown Howard, mgr, 32 N 3d, h 116 Locust Brown Howard M., brakeman, h 512 Reily Brown Hugh T., cooper, h 121 \'ine Brown Ida, wid Frederick, h Hillo Apricot av Brown Ida E., teacher, h 414 Walnut Brown Ira M., tinsmith, h 181121 N oth BllOWW ISAAC B., dep sec Internal Hain, .upt Bureau llailways, Capitol, h 408 North Brown Jacob, laborer, h 257 S Cameron Brown Jacob, laborer, h 1816 \Vood av Brown Jacob F., cigars, 1744 ~ 4th, h 345 Kelker Brown Jacob V., laborer, h 1f11(i Fox av Brown James, laborer, h 1il Indian av Brown james, laborer, h 514 Primrose av Brown James A, elk, 14 N 2d, h 1414 K 4th Erown Jame~ E., engineer, h 410 Chestnut BllOWW lA1lES X., X, D., medical examiner P. ll. ll. Vol untary :Belief Dept, 413 Xarket, h Xaple Grove Botel Brown Jane E., wid George, h ~25 S Front Brown Jesse H., grocer, 1317 \Villiam, h do Brown Jesse J., laborer, h lS16 Wood av Brown John, driver, 11 251 S 14th Brown John, laborer, h 409 K 5th Brown John A., coach painter, h 414 Forster Brown John C, laborer, h 1138 S 9th Brown John E., driver, h 52 N 10th Brown John W., laborer, h 426 South Brown Joseph A. G., elk, h 915 N 6th Brown Joseph S., laborer, h 11241 N 11i Brown Judge D., sales and exchange stable, 505-507 Straw berry av, h 1508 ~ 4th Brown Julia ~irs., h 623 Kelker Brown Julia Mrs., grocer, 632 Briggs, h do Brown Tulia A., wid William, h 1118 N Cameron Brown Kate Mrs., h 163 Indian av Brown Katharine ~frs., h 1200 X 12th


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"To find a name you must !mow how to speD it."

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TrJ Ton of

H M KELLEY ClII CO'S B._II D___.a. ea {I10th ucI 3d SbIIL D. North Slate .... eJli .........
I I I ~

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Boyd's Rarrisburg (B) City Directory.









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Brown Katharine M., domestic. :!:W Hamilton Biown Laura :\lrs., domestic, 1:!7 Cranberry av llrown Laura C, domestic, 1:!05 ~ llJ B:-own Levinia, wid George W., h lU4I~~ X :ttl Brown Lewis J., laborer, h 1:!07 X 111 Brown Lizzie Mrs., h 1t:! Short Brown Lona M., milliner, a:l4 Market, h 1327 Derry Brown Lucretia, wid Hcnry, h 71U Xorth a\" Brown Lucy Mrs., h Ilt1~ N 12th Brown Lucy ~lrs.J dresstnkr, h 104 r"ilbert Brown Lucy S. Mrs., charwoman, h 431 S 2d Brown Martha Mrs., h 1:J33 N 6th Brown Mary, domestic, 117 Cowden Brown Mary A., wid John W., h 210 ~ 2d Brown Mary E., domestic, :!Us S Court av Brown Mary E., wid Emanuel, h 414 Forster Brown Mary I. Mrs., h 109 Filbert Brown Mary M. L., wid Harry c., h 1238 N Cameron Brown Maud M., charwoman, h 1200 N 12th . Brown Nancy A., wid Sylvester, h 121 Paxton Brown Peter, laborer, h 507 South av Brown Rachel A. Mrs., h 1205 N 11i Brown Rebccca E., domestic, 1620 Green Brown Richard, hostler, h 217 D1ackberry av Brown Roy. warehouseman, P. R. R, h 52 N 10th Brown Sadie E., seamstress, h 1816 \Vood av Brown Samuel E., puddler, h 6l:! Showers av Brown Samuel J., bricklayer, h 1!1:~8 Derry Brown Sarah, h 1530 Logan av Brown Sarah A. :Mrs., dining room, 4111 Chestnut, It do Brown Sarah E., domestic, 806 l\' 2d BlOwn Singleton G., barber, 21} S 4th, h 269 Briggs Brown Smiley, fireman, h 607 Cumberland Brown Stephen L., waiter Hotel Russ, h 634 Briggs Brown Susan :Vf., wid Rev. John D., h 1809 N 3d Brown Taylor Z. Rev., h 127 Cranberry av Brown Thomas, student, h 118 Liberty Brown Thomas F., laborer, h 125 Mulberry Brown Turner, laborer, h 4 Paxton Cottage Row Brown Walter T., civil engineer, h 3d cReel's la Brown \Vilbur C, fireman, h 1a27 Derry Brown William, lahorer. h 1724 Walnut Brown William, laborer, h :!(l35 Kensington Brown William. mason. h 2207 Berryhill Brown vViIliam, waiter. h 2 Aberdeen av Brown William C, brakeman, h 519 State Brown William C., paperhanger, h 601 North Brown William G., repairsman, h 2012 N 7th

ANDREW REDMOND, J:::!:::':;d'::::~::. {3d lId Rell, Sts.

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Boyd's Harrisburg (B) City Directory.

Brown William H., hostler, h 1414 ~ 4th Brown "Villiam H., mgr, ;~30 Verbeke, h 160:j Green Brown William H., packer, 406 Market, h Pen brook Brown William J., elk, 224' Harris, h 345 Kelker Brown William 1\., janitor, 32 N ad, h do Brown, see also Braun Brownawell George "V., machinist, h 2007 Penn Brownawcll Joseph carpenter, h 2t1:H Logan Brownawell Kiner, laborer, h 20:37 Logan Brownawell ~lilton E., barber, h 2012 Penn Brownewell Florence, picker, h 427 Verbeke Brownewell John Q. A., assembler, h 737 S 211 Brownewell Simon, salesman, 325 ~larket, h 114 Verbeke Brownewell Walter M., laborer, h 427 Verbeke Brownewell William H., paperhanger, h 427 Verbeke Browning Orville H., mgr, 813 Market, h 228 N 2d Bruaw Harry, foreman, 3()5 Strawberry av, h 1631 Wallace Bruaw Michael, engineer, h 5311\ Cameron Brubaker Charles, brakeman, h 1716 Susquehanna Brubaker Charles M., machinist, h 1405 Green Brubaker Daniel W., elk, 421 N 2d, h 1101i Capital Brubaker David, fireman, h 1835 Fulton Brubaker David, roller, h 911 S Front Brubaker David H., salesman, 219 Market, h 226 Locust Brubaker Elizabeth, wid Daniel, h 1405 Green Brubaker Frank, lather, h 235 Kelker Brubaker Henry M., machinist, h 1405 Green Brubaker Isaac W., helper, h 132 Vine Brubaker Jacob E., painter, h 120 S 14th Brubaker James M., machinist, h 1205 N 3d Brubaker John H., U. S. A., h 2022 Wood av Brubaker Joseph E., machinist, h 11011 Capital Brubaker Mary, wid Christian, h 235 Kelker Brubaker Millard F., bridger, h 31 N 12th Brubaker William L., brakeman, h 235 Kelker Bruce Bertha B., bookkpr, 1219 N 3d, h Wormleysburg Bruce Charles P., waiter, h 56 N 14th Bruce John H., brakeman, h 1910 N 5th Bruce Maggie, wid Andrew, h 232 N Court av Bruckart Burchard H., liner, h 908 S 9th Bruckart Charles W., conductor, h :UO Hummel Bruckart W. Dahlgrin, chipper, h 612 South av Bruehl Herman, laborer, h 1522 Walnut Bruehl Oscar E., baggage transfer, h 21 N 15th Bruehl Paul F., brakeman, h 1924 N 4th Bruehl Walter B., carpenter, h 1522 Walnut Bruker Francis F., carpenter, h 2007 Swatara Brumbach Ella E., wid Charles, h 202 Mary's av

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Coog Ie


To find a name you must -know how to spell it."

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leIEIL'S COMPLEXIOI PILLS. :.~~:iid~n~I~';t!: {30& Brl.'

:;; 162 Brumbaugh Annie, h 1185 Bailey - Brumbaugh John W., h 318 IVlulberry ,.... Bruner Alice Mrs., h 817 Myrtle av Bruner Calder, h 229 S 14th . ~ Bruner Edward A., brakeman, h 18:n Susquehanna Bruner Elijah, brakeman, It 170! ~ 5th Bruner Iber L. A., baker, h 341 Harris 1! Bruner James M., waiter, h 422 Cranberry av :f! Bruner Stewart L., brakeman, h 172:1 Fulton Brunner Charles D. F., driver, h 1122 Herr _ Brunner Charles E., restaurant, 112!1 ~ 111, h 1122 Herr Brunner Edward J., laborer, h 1639 N 7th Brunner Eugene, engineer, h 1628 Susquehanna : Brunner Howard W., laborer, h 1628 Susquehanna Brunner Joseph, laborer. h 1122 Herr Brunner May C., domestic, 1619 N 6th (/) Brunner William B., mgr, 1647 N 6th. h 1637 Wallace Bryan Alvin P .. elk, h 101 ~ 4th Bryan Anna M., saleslady, 312 Market, h 54 N 12th LLI Bryan C Carroll, brakeman. h 54 1\ 12th ...I Bryan Dempsey D., merchant tailor, 18 S 4th, h 205 HumCI: mel LLI Bryan Edwin C. hutcher, h il4 N 12th C Bryan Harry C, cigarmkr, h 1737 N 3d Bryan Levi S., stone mason. h 1017 S 9th LLI Br)'an Robert. laborer, h 510 Cowden Bryan Samuel M., conductor, h 2001 N 6th _ Bryan William C., shoemkr, h 177 N 15th .. Bryant John H., brakeman, h 121!1 S !Ith ~ Brvant, see Brandt Br)'mcser Frank B.. laborer, h 2022 Brookwood ~ Bryson Isaac M., flagman, h 1824 Logan av E Bryson Joseph J.. flagman, h 1505 Wallace C) Bryson Kate E., cigarmkr. h 1824 Logan av U Bubb Franklin E., nailer. h 597 S Front - ' Bubb Margaret A .. wid Franklin. h 595 S Front C Bubb Ralph E., draftsman, It 597 S Front Buch Addison C, paver. h 1:~20 N 4th Buch Henry, cigars, 2002 N 6th, h 2038 Fulton ~ Buchanan Albert H., shoemkr, 12571 Derry, h 215 S 15th c Buchanan Harry L., salesman, 30 N 3d, h 4th c North ..., Bucher Annie T. Mrs., domestic, 1105 N 3d u Bucher Bertha, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Rucher Charles. laborer, h 105 Tuscarora CI Rucher E. May, wid Edward H., h 1631 N 2d ~ Bucher Herman J., saloon. 451 State, h do - Bucher Jared C, pres. 306 Market. h Boiling Springs Bucher John H., molder, h 1825 Briggs


Boyd's Rarrisburg (ll) City Directory.

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toa x. S_ EDW G ROBERTS will goon your bond. Bell 'Pbone 861 8'".-' bond. are executed. X. or 180 X.
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A. B. TACK ::.=~ 1011 Par and ImdOl _

Boyd's Harriaburg (B) City Directory.


0 . 0 I ~ I

Bucher Julius, mason, h 1414 Derry Bucher Richard C., mason, h 1414 Derry Bucher & Gibbs Plow Co., agrl implts, 62i Walnut Bucher, see Booher Buchignani Angelo, chef P. R. R. dining rooms, h do Buchignani Egisto, hostler, h 423 Market Buchter H. Augustus, bartender, 111340 K 3d Buck Charles F., laborer, h 629 Reily BUCK CHESTER, diat supt Connecticut )(utual Life Insurance Co., 400 Briggs, h do see adv Buck Frank McC., engineer, h 1126 Wallace Buck Hattie E., music teacher, It 19:111 State Buck James, engineer, h 1719 l\ 3d Buck John c., machinist, h 6~!I Reily Buck John c., jr., boilermkr, h 629 Reily Buck Robert, piano tuner, h 341 Kelker Buck Solomon J., laborer, h 1930 State Buck Walter S., student, h 400 Briggs Buck William A., laborer, h 1155 Cumberland Buck William 0., fireman, h 623 Cumberland Buck William P., salesman, h 131 Linden Buck William R., brakeman, h 2214 N 6th Buckalew Edmund B., railroad sec, 16 K 2d, h 229 S 13th Buckalew Frank H., brakeman, h :~46 S 14th Buckingham Albert A., fbreman. h 1532 Green Buckingham Sarah c.. wid Louis, h 131 Cranberry av Buckley L. Jennie, milliner, 211S Market, h Reading . Buckwalter John H., mail elk, h 2019 N 6th Bucrieri Joseph, laborer, h 316 S River av Buehler Agnes L., wid Samuel, h 1125 Cowden Buehler A. Hummel, letter carrier, h 601 Boas Buehler Annie E., wid William H .. h 1824 State Buehler Charles 0., carpenter, h 1729.Fulton Buehler Clara. boarding, 113 l\Iarket. h do ]tUEHLEB. DAVID A., druggist, 916 If 3d, h 1621 Green Buehler Edgar, fireman, h 1125 Cowden Buehler Elizabeth H., cigarmkr, h 1125 Cowden Buehler Henry B. Dr., insurance, 200 Walnut. h 227 N 2d ]tonER lACOB, leather and shoe findings, 104 If 2d, h



""" a

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Mutual Life Insurance Company. ~

GllESlER leI. DlSI. SUOI. 01 Agencies lor PennSYlvania and Delowore.
Arents Wanted. Liberal Contracts to Experienced Men.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - ~---

.. To find a name you


HARRISBURG, PA . - -- -_.~

n. .....


know how to spell it."

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nFv~l~ ~~J H.

M. KELLEY & CO. {lC:~r:'\1.t~

Buehler ~Iartha W., h 232 N 2d ... Buffington Annie, weaver, h 203 Verbeke Buffington Charles J., brakeman, h 618 N 6th ... Buffington Ella, h 246 Hummel - Buffington Ellis F., elk P. R. R., h 635 Dauphin ;; :euffington Frank S., conductor, h 635 Dauphin Buffington Harry, stone mason, h 319 Hay av : Buffington Henry F., elk commrs, C. H., h The Central ~ Buffington John M., brakeman, h 634 Peffer ~ Buffington Lillie Mrs., domestic, 264 Forster en Buffington Mary, charwoman, h 427 Strawberry av :: Buffington MurI E., elk, 35 N 3d, h 30 N 2d Buffington Roy W., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 635 Dauphin -::; Buffington William W., printer Independent, h 1320 N 2d __ Bulger John j., elk. 3:~~ Verbeke, h 110M Plum av ad Bulger Mary, h 908 Capital I- Bulger William, carpenter, h 13 N 5th I- Bulick Thomas M., physician, 317 N 2d, h do ad Buller Irvin, coremkr, h 1212 Wallace Charles Eo, feeder, II Bumbaugh Cornelius, engineer,hh114 Ann av Bumbaugh 114 Ann av Bumbaugh Harry, nail feeder, h 114 Ann av Isaac, O Bumbaugh James foreman pipe line, hN28 N 14th Bumbaugh R.. painter, h 1711~ 3d Bumbaugh John A., laster, h 156 K 15th II Bumbaugh Mo Lillie, elk, 7th c North. h 1708 ~ 3d 1.1 Bumbaugh William K., plumber, :a Brady av, h 28 N 14th ... Bumberger Cyrus, brakeman, h 6611 Sayford av Bumgardner Anna Eo, wid Edward, h 614 Race Bumgardner LU9 J., wid (;eorge A., It 444> S Cameron Bumgardner Samuel, driver, h 4118 S River av 1/l;' Bupp Jacob Eo. laborer, h 21:W Greenwood _ Bupp Joseph Wo, carpenter, h la12 Shrub av Burch Catharine Eo, h Ill) South en Burchfield Edna. housekeeper, 1603 :-..r 6th ~ Burchfield James Bo, carpenter, h lfi1l:l N 6th :; Burchfield James Do. helper. h 16(m N 6th ~ Burchfield John B., foreman. h 424 Hamilton Burchfield ~lartha, weaver. h 1515 C;reen ~ Burchfield l\'ial1d, weaver, h 1515 Green ~ Burchfield Sarah E. l\lrs., h 1515 Green Burd Abraham. laborer. h 18(10 N Cameron - Burd Andrew Eo, foreman. h 2011 ~ 7th Burd CUIlli, tailoress, 2117 Locust. h 116 Evergreen c::a Burd Edward, bookbinder, h 162:~ Green g Burd George \VO, tinsmith, h 12115 Wallace - Burd James, engineer, h 1623 Green Burd John 'V., fireman, h 1315 Penn

ti ~


Bo),el'. Barrilburg (B) City Directory.

== -=






ANDREW REDMOND. {3d la. Reily Sis.

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1.18 but ftnt.el_ warkmea. bene. 011= A B TACK , 1I.3dSt. {Jl:mPIOJll u4 ...arwl.. Wor&dGIlemllDJpllnei .......

Boyel's Barrilburg (B) City Directory.

Burd John W., labOler, h 1814 Wood av Burd Mary L., wid Jeremiah..R., h 240 Cranberry av Burd Milton J.,laborer, h 1950 N 7th Burd Percival N., ironwkr, h 240 Cranberry av Burd, see Bird, also Byrd Burg Charles H., telegrapher P. R. R., h 562 Camp Burg Edwin, brakeman, h 407 Market Burg Oliver c., fireman, h 612 Reily Burganstock Edwin, finisher, h 1110 Montgomery Burgard Oscar A., fireman, h 2126 N 5th Burger Arthur M., teiegrapher Bolton House, h York Burger Charles E., brakeman, h 6th nr Camp Burger Charles W., salesman, 6 S 2d, h 228 Peffer Burger Edna R., saleslady, 1015 N 3d, h 228 Peffer Burger Jacob E., engineer, h 1810 N 6th Burger William E., machinist, h 1714 N 6th Burger William F., laborer, h 1228 N 3d Burger William P., salesman, 334 Market, h :?:?8 Peffer Burger, see .Berger Burgies Mary E. Mrs. h 1238 N Cameron Burgner Ellen Mrs., h 709 State Burgner Elmer A . laborer, h 709 State Burgoon Herbert c., grocer, 1407 N 6th, h do Burgoon Sarah c., housekeeper, 1407 N 6th Burgoon William D., elk, 37 N 3d, h 2110 Turner av Burgoon William F., flagman, h 2110 Turner ave Burk Catharine J. Mrs., h 239 State Burk John, shoemkr, 1638 Walnut, h do Burk Joseph E .. fireman, h 1282 S Cameron Burke Edward. driver. h 516 South Burke Helen, wid David, h 709 North Burke Isaiah, laborer, h 1622 Elm Burke Jane, wid Henry, h 313 Blackberry av Burke J. Harvey, (Cleckner & Burke), h 1528 Green Burke John D .. inspector, h 709 North Burke Martin, laborer, h 13 N 5th Burke MaH.lda, wid John, h 1528 Green Burke Nicholas j., helper, h 248 :Meadow la Burke Thomas F., telegrapher, h 709 North Burke Tillte A., salesladv, 334 ~'larket, h 709 ~orth Burkepile Benjamin F..-laborer, h 441 SlOth Burkepile James R., laborer, h 441 SlOth Burkett )'larv, domestic, HI17 Green Burkey Benjamin,lahorer. h 1109 Calder Burkey Qark H . blacksmith, h 1240 N Cameron Burkey Harry, laborer, h 14113 N Cameron Burkey Samuel. carpenter, h 1403 ~ Cameron Burkey Samuel. jr.. laborer. h 14()3 ~ Cameron


II ,0 0


II) Q.


To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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Harrissbussb (H) Citb bissuctory. Burkhart H., motorman, h 3m.b CHuton av :::: burkhart ,GlJ1SSa, wid Essssssmus, h rear Cherry av .: Burkholder Albert E., printer Independent, h 522 Peffer == Burkholder Anna M., tel opr, 210 Walnut, h !/25 N 6th c.,:, Burkholduu A, Zena, milS'::, h 219 N hurkhol:lrr C::rroll W' R R, BurkhokBr :l:arles 1., 1::I:mar, h 1U4 av I;;::: Burkholder Eleanor B., saleslady, 1206 ~ h 417 Herr :ii _ Burkholder Elizabeth, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Burkholder Howard L., brakeman, h 1225 S 9th Burkhold::G lKob c., 1OlfCapital Burkhol:lz:: E., Godbine Burkhol:ler I lacob, ae:,:t master R.. h .ab lurkhol:!er )ohn E., telegrapher P. h41:3 err Burkholder Samuel A., salesman, h 1~1t) N :!d Burkholder Wahl ?\lcc., elk, h 417 Herr (/) Burkholdr: William S. dk, 630 Wl.r)dbioe ter 'i., h 1U8 Zurlew Burlew 1., laborer Sylven [~] Burlington llarah, cigar packer, h 101 Btlm Christian ~I., h 1403 N 6th Burn Henry, salesman, h 14():~ N 6th Hurn Herbut A., elk p, R. R. depot, iT 1:>:>0 ).Iarket :-~ ;um Liee::: h 1220 Burn , seamstlr:l:l, 1220 lurn William. conducwr, hli9 N 17ih Burnard George, coachman, h 320 Calder Burnell Henry L., (Burnell-Spencer Co.), stenographer, 21-:3 N 2d, h :'11 Boas Hurnell r (Bun:CLSpT'ncer Co 211 Boas lumell "I., (Btu Iiell~:lpencer 211 BoT'S lumell-bp:'lIITer Co., L. S. and, .. ),1. Burne I, and F. W. Spencer), printers, 213 N 2d A. E Burnite David C, student, h 1420 N :!d Burnite John T., student, h 1420 N 2d Burnite kbry '" wid c., h 14YH HIi Burn!' AOn, 'SamuT'1 2016 gums F., Co.), h ;;0 X :~d Burns Charles A., bookkpr, 28 S 2d. h :!Ul (i K :ld Burns Clara E., cigarmkr, h 115 Mulberry Burns Edward, laborer, h 115 Mulbern' :urns Elienh'rth M. 017 N ' Ilums FI::ll: ,salesb:: h :1;t4 \[arkT't. h:54 Rae!: lurns F'H ~., boohkpI, :';l:t Walnut, h 057 S Front lJurns Frances. nurse, h !Ith c Reily llums Frank, baggagcmaster. h 1~2 Evergreen Burns Genevieve. teacher, h 9th and Reil\' Burns HI'l'll:all L., laboll'l 15:!:l N lIlablllly lllST' O:5ffil_ Beller 8 _ Sf. T'llE 'Pbone 861


o z


i .,



Wan Paper and Window Shada. {l.::~~t~~::

Boyel's Harrisburg (B) City Directory.


Burns James :M., salesman, h 224 Verbeke Burns John, laborer, h 115 Mulberry Burns John c., laborer, h 1027 Fulton Burns Joseph F., inspector, h 1814 Susquehanna Burns ~1arie V., elk, h 224 Verbeke Burns Patrick F., blacksmith, h 224 Verbeke Burns Robert E., heater, h 554 Race Burns Robert M., brickmkr, h 1764 N Cameron Burns Rose E., h 123 Say ford av ..J Burns Thomas F., foreman, h 9th c Reily , Burns William, driver, h 44:1 State Burns Winifred, wid Thomas R., h 4:14 SlOth BUDS & CO., (B. F. BUl'DI), furniture and carpets, instal ment, 24-28 S 2d Burr John c., brakeman, h 2119 ~[oore Burrell John A., conductor, h 1825 N 4th cr Burrell :Martha, domestic, 21:1 N Front Burris David, bell boy Harrisburg Club, h 1420 William ;; Burris Lawrence A., fireman, h 1616 N 5th !" Burris Rf!becca, domestic, 13as ~layfiower !: Burris Sylvester E., waiter Hbg Club, h 1420 William ~ Burris William, laborer, h 1420 William ~ Burris William H., engineer, h 1723 Green ~ Burris Jane, wid Thomas, h 245 N River av !:4 Burris John T., laborer, h 24'1 X River av Burrow Rebecca, wid William. h 1117 Paxton :. Burrows Bessie A., telephone opr. 210 \Valnut. h 1526 Green _ g Burrows Charles A., engineer, h 1526 Green Burrows Frances S . wid Jesse, h 6:l2 Herr i Burrs Charles, laborer, h :laa Calder Burrs Edward, laborer. h rear 1421 ~Iarion _ Burrs Edward J., laborer, h 13:lS ~fayflower a\' Burrs Ellen, domestic, 133 State ;: Burrs George, laborer. h 143(1 Fulton ~ Burrs George, jr., laborer, h 1430 Fulton !" Burrs Harry, messenger Capitol, h 14an Fulton _ Burrs John, laborer, h 1406 Marion -... Burrs Kate, wid John, jr., h 1325 N 4th rn Burrs Sanderson. laborer, h 1423 Marion Burrs Stephen, laborer, h 1414 ~[arion Burruss Charles H .. cutter, h 1716 \Valnut ' Burruss Jordan W .. laborer, h 17lfi \\'alnut .;! Burth Edward H., front houseman, It 516 South ~ BUrtner A. Tennyson, stenographer, 14 S 2d, h 922 Green BUrtner Blanche, domestic, 266 B r i g g s . en Burtner Jefferson. elk aud genl's dept, h 922 Green ::: Burtnett Charles \V .. (Evans, Foo!'e & Burtnett), h 2023 (D ~ 6th ~

I O. 0 I I



"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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-ouR a - Coal.MOTTO:- r. t-.. WI!cbt. tH

M KELLEY & CO 1 tOtil ud 3d 8trStI. jl flertII .....





z a: >.

Ct Burtnett Sadie Mrs., h 506 Strawberry av :: Burton Charles, hostler, h 1122 Green ~ Burton Elizabeth Mrs., h 1164 S Cameron Buser George C. B., elk Dauphin Dep Bank, h 1946 N 6th Buser George J., butcher, h 1946 N 6th Bush Annie Mrs., h 520 Basin av ~ Bush Bertrand, stenographer, h t07 North :: Bush Caroline, wid Samuel A., h 207 North Bush Charles J., machinist, h 1403 Regina Bush Charles V., painter, h 1202 N Front Bush Clarence A., laborer, h 108 Liberty ad Bush George F., draftsman, h 1221 N Front Bush John E., laborer, h 1221 N Front Bush John T., bellman, h 108 Liberty ad Bush John T., foreman, h 518 Walnut Bush William H., laborer, h 1401 N Cameron Bush William T., engineer, h 1340 N 3d Bushey Charles M., restaurant, 1420 N 3d, h 324 Hamilton Bushey Fillmore, carpenter, h 609 ~belay Bushman Arthur W., patternmkr, h 2003 State Bushman W. Theodore, carpenter, h 62 K 14th Bushnell Walter D., student, h 414 Briggs Bushnell William F .. asst supt, 14 S 2d, h 414 Briggs ad BUSHNELL WILLIAX H., supt Prudential Insurance Co.,. 14 S 2d, h 414 Briggs Buss Edward S., fireman, h 344 Hamilton Bussard Charles S., postal elk, h 12m Derry Buterbaugh Ulysses S., elk, h 114 Calder ~ Butler Aaron, h 1510 Vernon l1li: Butler Alonzo, coachman, h 2()07 ~ 3d Butler Anna, dressmkr. h 418 Market ~ Butler Annie, cook,1617 N 2d ..... Butler Blanche E .. copyist. h 1itS ~ :~d ~ - Butler Charles, hostler, h 1230 Cowden >-- Butler Charles A .. laborer, h 1413 N Cameron Ct ..... Butler Cora J., elk, h 418 ~Jarket Butler Edward, teamster, h 234 S 15th l1li: Butler Elsie L., teacher, h 1716 K ad ~ Butler Elsie R., wid Tohn W .. h 1716 1\ 3d en Butler Emma M., domestic, 511 S :!d Butler George, laborer, h 1151 Cumberland ~ Butler Henry, laborer, h 507 ~ 5th ~ Butler Henry, jr., laborer, h 507 N 5th :i BUTLER lAKES, (Killer & Butler), Star Carpet CleaningWorks, 28 If Cameron, h 1301 If 2d ~ Bt1tler James, laborer, h nOR Cowden

E Burtnett John B., elk, 6 N 3d, h 1447 Vernon

~ Burtnett Harvey 0., salesman, h 1447 Vernon .....


Boyd's Harrisburg OJ) City Directory.



BIC~:~:~~c;,RE.} ANDREW





REDMOND. -: 3~ ln~ Reily Sts~

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A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,

{'2Ir:'~h a;~~~~
169 ...

B014's Harrisburg (B) City Directory.

Butler James J., elk, 26 Grace av, h 817 N 3d Butler Jennie, domestic, 8U6 N 6th Butler John, laborer, h 1108 Cowden Butler John H., waiter, h 420 Cranberry av



BUTLER IOD L., lawyer, 929 N 3d, h do Butler Kate R. Mrs., h 533 Race Butler Lewis L., contractor. h 1726 \Valnut Butler :Mary, wid Hiram, h :.!34 S 15th Butler Nicholas L., barber, 51:! South, h do Butler Robert, laborer, h 1 Paxton Cottage Row Butler Sarah A., musician, h 507 N 5th Butler Sarah E., wid William E .. h 515 Primrose av Butler Sarah K., nurse, h 418 2I.larket Butler, Sheldon & Co., William Albright, agt. book pubs, 213 Walnut Butler Thomas, bricklayer, h 261.1 Sassafras av Butler T. Robert, elk, 227 Walnut, h 1716 N 3d Butler Walter, laborer, h 717 Race Butler William, carter, h 1726 Walnut Butler William C, elevator opr Commonwealth, h 712 N 7th Butler William H., laborer. h 1330 :\Iayflower av BUTLER WILLIAM H., Windsor House, 418 Market, h do BUTLER WILLIAM T., propr National Parcel Co., 438 Market, h 28 N 5th see adv Butterworth John H., (J. H. & :\1. S. Butterworth). h The Bolton BUTTERWORTH 1. H. & M. S., (lohn H. and Mordecai S.), proprs The Bolton, 2d c Strawberry av Butterworth :\lordecai S., (J . H. & M. ~. Butterworth), h The Bolton






Gl O 0


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"To find a name you must !mow how to spell it."
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Coog Ie


McNEIL'S PAil EXTERMIIUDR ~~:~=~~~l {~'l...::..



Boyd'. Harriabvg (C) City Directory.


~ .c.:t

1! t!!

I.. -! =-.

1&.1 1&.1


BUTTORFF HARVEY Y., wholesale confectioner, 39 td, h 1818 Green Butts James A., puddler, h 1112 S 9th Bux Charles S., agt F. A. Poth & Sons, 820 Market. h 1~10 State Buyer Henry, fireman, h 11:!:! ~lontgomery Byerly !vey, domestic, 13UO ::\ 7th Byerly William H., elk The Lochiel, h do Byers Ellis :\1., bar elk. :!9 S Dewberry av, h 13 X 5th Byers Jennie Mrs., h :!53 North Byers William M., postal elk, h 4:!S S 14th Byler Cyrus A., flagman, h 1333 N 6th Byrd Annie, charwoman. h 118 Liberty Byrem Edwin c., laborer, h 1967 Moltke av Byrem Harry T., barber, h 410 Strawberry av Byrem Laura M., h 141 N 4th Bvrem Mary S., wid Levi, h 1967 Moltke av Byrem Samuel, linotype opr Telegraph, h 1703 Penn Byrem Sylvester, huckster. h 141 ~ 4th Byrem William W., linotype opr. h lW S 14th Byrnes Clara L., notions, 241:!4 X 5th, h do Byrnes James M., flagman. h 2025 !\ 5th Byrnes Rachel, wid john, h :!1I25 X 5th

Cadiz Charles H., salesman, h 43S Cumberland Cadow Josiah C. cigars, 411U Walnut, h 419 do Cadow ~ora Mrs., domestic, 411i X Front Cadow Richard P., plumber, h l:n6! james Cadwallader David R., inspector P. R. R., h 26 S 13th Cadwallader John P., elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 26 S 13th Cager John \V.,.huckster, h :l51 S Cameron CHger Rosa, wid )loses. h 351 S Cameron Cahaley William T., chief elk, Hi X 2d. h 422 ~larket Cahill Ellen, h 1:!ti Sadord av Cahill Julia, h 12fJ Sa):ford a\' Cahoe Lydia A., wid Daniel F., h 10 X Cameron Cail Amos, ironwkr, h 134 Hanlla Cail Catharine, wid :\latthew, h 1:{4 Hanna Cail Frederick, piler, h 1:14 Hanna Cail Sophia, vamper, h l:t4 Hanna Cail, see Kail, also Kahl Cain Albert, conductor, It Uta:! \\'ood av Cain Charles c., brakeman, h 519 Kelker Cain James, laborer, h 1411 james Cain Jessie :\1., domestic, Ht:t! \\' ood av Cain John, laborer. h 169 Indian av Cain John D., painter, h 542 Woodbine


- .. A.


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Tille A.merl ..... ae.dl Cemp.. Baltimore. M.d. RDW. Q. ROBBR...... General Agent Central Penna. District, 108 1'1. ad 81. Bell 'Phone !!lit X. er88U X.


Digitized by


A. 8. TACK,


{lf16 lonn Third II.


Boyd's Rarrisburg (C) City Directory.

0 0 I ..J , I

Cain J ohn ~:L, laborer, h 501 State Cain Samuel, machinist, h 542 \V oodbine Cain, see also Kane Cairo ~1ichael, elk, 323 S River av Cairus Lizabelle, domestic, 1531 N Front Calder Alice V., h 15161 N 5th Calder Bldg, 16 N 2d . Calder Elizabeth, wid John, h 1516i X uth Calder Margaret C, wid William, h 1262 \Valnut Calder Mary K., h 319 N Front Calder TheOdore G., (Calder Transfer Co.), h :n9 N Front CALDER TRABSFER CO., (W. 1. and T. G. Calder), pagenger and baggage traufer and boarding stables, Strawberry av c River av, oftlce, 16 2d CALDER wnT.TAX 1., (Calder Transfer Co.), sec and treu Rarrisburg Traction Co., h 503 N Front Calderwood George L., brakeman, h 232 S 2d Caldwell James W., butcher, h 1108 N mh Caldwell John K .. h 235 Sayforu av Caldwell Lillian C, public stenographer, 14 S 2d, h 1309 Penn Caldwell Lyle M. Mrs., h 1911 Wood av Caldwell Ralph E., laborer, h 259 Sayford av Caldwell Samuel G., h 1309 Penn CaMwell Sarah, wid William W .. h 501 Calder Caldw,ell Thomas D., employee Arsenal, h 1309 Penn Caldwell Thomas D., jr., tinsmith, h 501 Calder Caldwell William W., bricklayer, h 1319 N 2d Caley D. Ashmore, elk The Bolton, h do Calfee Robert G., machinist, h 418 Market Calhoon George D., laborer, h 1924 Berryhill Calhoun Alice A., dressmkr, h 212 Kelker Calhoun Anna M., dressmkr, h 212 Kelker Calhoun Banks H., operator, h 611t Calder Calhoun Mary A., wid John M., h 512 Cowden Callahan Daniel, laborer, h 1212! N 7th Callen ~latthew, fireman, h 420 Kelker Callender George S., molder, h 554 Forrest Callender Korman, cigarmkr, h 400 Boas Caiman Harry A.; laborer, h 815 S Front Caiman Mary, h 815 S Front Calmon Dora, charwoman, h 1111 Grape av Calmon Grafton, laborer, h 1111 Grape av Calvert Herbert G., wall paper, 212 S 2d, h do Cameron C Duncan, pianos, 1109 N 3d, It 2112 do Cameron Cora M., milliner, 1109 N 3d, h 2112 do Cameron Eliza, h 214 Briggs ~mcron James :\1., pres Paxton 1. & S. Co., h Front c State







~ ~



iii en





..... :. ::


.. To find a name you must know how to

spen it."
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H. M. KELLEY" CO COAL AND WOOD {OnlCes: ~o:l.~LhJ::

C) City


ameron J elk Ex. Cu 4 Brigg., Cameron J. Donald, h Front c State Cameron Peter B., supt open hearth plant C. 1. & S. Co., h 1l1l South ;ntendam .;;natic h do C;l;neron's 105 N C~mpbell wid John ., h H2o ;ont ~ Campbell Alice, Abraham, h 1314 :\ 11~ : : Campbell Annie R, h 713 State Campbell Eenjomin \V., appa;:'4 S Couat h 324 Hut C;;r;;pbell J., DyeinC Oeaninc h 1512 t.I.I Campbell Catharine, wid John R., h 138 Yine a: Campbell Clyde E., brakeman, h 2:!4 Hamilton Z Campbell David. driver, h 5W Cowden L;;;;pbell ~lrs.. lUi C ;;;.tnut l.ampbell ~Irs., h , Campbell .Mrs., dO11"stic, 514 Campbell George, laborer, h 424 South av c.J Campbell Grant, laborer, h 17115 Elm Campbell Harry helper, h l~~() S Cameron Campbell V .. brakn;;;m. h 140<; ;lrket C;;;;pbell \Y., for'malL 10th c , h ~ 4th Campbell H. Ellsworth, brakeman, h 2105 Greenwood Campbell Henry, laborer, h 711 North a\' Campbell Hugh. molder. h 521 North ;;;;;pbell domestic, ~ 3d Campbell J conc\uct)r 1947 X kCLCBELL CkibffiS, fact;;nk iorpector, h 200 ~ Campbell James, plumber. h 15i'i2 Fulton i:i:i Campbell James A., machinist, h 2()~(i X Hth ~ Campbell James C, laborer. h ~026 X Hth Campbell J laborer, X 4th Caupbell luhn ., labor;;; 9:m~ ;i\" ~ Campbell Jno. draftsm;m nt Affair;, h54 ~ Campbell Lawrence H., switch planer. h :~:H S 14th c:::: Campbell Lillian J., dressmkr, h 118 Locust


~~ c~~~~:n

;'fartiJ\t, (~~~ineer.



I; ~:~~~:g RobertLB.~;:!~~~~,


h W Campbell Robinson R., fireman. h

2iii'l' ~Atlas av 6tl~V



Thoma\J:: ~~~orer. h helper


- - _.. _--

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---IIAIlEtI A tlf'EOIALrr 0'"{'Zit I. 3. StPnMoIq Paltllc 8atldl .... la PI... T...... 1.11. . . . " ....

Boyd'. Harrisburg (C) City Directory.



Campbell William, laborer, h l:j~ Yine William A., pressman, h 5:!1 ~orth Campbell 'William L., laborer, h 20:!6 ~ 6th Campbell Winfield 5., conductor, h Ui:!5 Wallace Campion Elizabeth, stengr aud genl's dept, h 317 N 2d Candel Lillie, domestic, 621 Hamilton Cann Joseph B., waiter Commonwealth, h 120 Liberty Cann Ralph, attendant, h l:W Libt:rty Canning George 5., elk Bureau Railways, h 411i Walnut Cannon Carrie M., domestic, 1:!:30 Cowdl'l1 Cannon David K., butcher. h :!(H 5 l:{th Cannon Ellen, wid Michael, h 1113 Cowden Cannon George R., laborer, h l:!:W Cowden Cannon Hugh, laborer, h 111a Cowden Cannon Jesse, carpenter, h 554 Primrose av Cannon John J., marbleworker, 1535 X 3d, h do Cannon Lewis H., puddler, h 1113 Cowden Cannon Loui!>e C. Mrs., h l!'!;.JO Cowden Cannon Michael H., laborer, h 1113 Cowden Capella John, cigar elk The Lochiel, h :!:!9 5 River av Capin Abraham, tailor, 103 X 2d, h 511 Cowden Capin Hyman, tailor, h 503 Cowden Capin Jane Mrs., h 47 Balm Capin Louis, tailor. :n K 13th, h do Capin ~lichael, foreman, h 1:!12 :\larkct Capin Moses, tailor, h 714 South Capin 5amuel, tailor, h 46 Lindeh Capital City Cigar Co., (M. G. Wagner), 45 4th Capital City Quarries. (George S. :\Iish), Cameron c Paxton Capital City Repair Co., (\'V. H. Waterbury), lock and gunsmiths, 411-1 Market Capital City Steam Laundry, :\1. T. :\Iaguire, mgr, 3115 Market Capp Lewis, laborer, h 1074 5 Cameron Carbaugh Edward W., I everman , h 1050 5 Cameron Carbaugh Emma Mrs., laundress, h 2 Lochiel 1st Row Carberry Bertha A., saleslady, 308 Market, h 117 North' Carberry David J., stable boss, h 42 N 10th Carberry Jesse, tiler, h 28.Linden Carberry John J., driver, h 37 Balm CarberrY Pearl, folder, h 37 Balm CarberrY W. Harry, painter, h 117 North Careat Frank, fruit, h 113 Dock Care Minta, saleslady, 909 N '3d, h do CAlLE 11. SJlERXA'R, lawyer, county solicitor and notary,



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Court HOUle Annex, 11, Linglestown Carey Carrie Mrs., h 109 Filbert Carey John, bellman The Bolton.


-To find a name


must know how to spelllL"

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McNeil'. POID ElIter_lnotor C1lI'S Choler8 MorbUl,l>J8eDterT. Cram ... Dlarrilma, Colds, Quinsy. RbeumaUlm. Tpothoche.lSOreThroat, AsUe. DJSpeJl8ID, <te. ta. .....

Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory,

_ Care\' Li1m. domestic, 1i i Jlillian av ~ Carey Lizette F. l\.frs., h 1726 N 6th I Carey Theoll<,re P., machinist, :25 ~ 3d, h 11-109 Market .. Care\' William W., laborer, h Cumberland bel 9th Cargill Jerc>miah G., car repairer, h 2012 N 12th :: Carington Frederick, waiter, h 114 Angle av 1! Carl Charles E., laborer, h 131 j North ~ Carl David B., clk, 9th c Shaonis, h 121 Strawberryav Carl Elmira, wid John, h 1638 Fulton B Carl Emanuel J., barber, h :207 :\ 2d ~ Carl George A., machinist, h 1949 Swatara Carl Henry L., bookkpr Paxton 1. & S. Co., h 1618 Hun' iii ter av ~ Carl James E., laborer, h rear 306 S Court .av Carl Kate, dressmkr, It 16:;S Fulton Carl Mary, cook The Commonwealth Carl Mettie, housekeeper The Bolton CARL ROBERT A., real estate and insurance, 29 N 2d, coal L and wood, c S 9th and Shaonis, h 121 Strawberry av Carl S~mon, steelwkr, h 120 Chestnut Carl Stewart, laborer, h 131 Short C Carl William W., engineer, h 617 North Carlile Alexander \V., (Pa. A. and F. Works), h 413 Maclay Carlin Calvin. laborer. h 15:13 Vernon Z Carlin James, watchman, h 1421 Derry Carlisle George A., laborer, h 110 Hanna Carlisle Hannah J., cigar roller, h 60~ Showers av .. Carlisle John H., nail header, h 608 Showers av . . Carlisle Sarah, wid John A., h 608 Showers av Carlisle Thomas E., nail feeder, h 608 Showers av a. C~rlisle Water Co . J. C. Bucher, pres; J. A. Herman, sec, E ll06 Market Carmany Charles A., h 223 Briggs U Carmany Edmond R., baker, h 1631 N 6th ..... Carmany Frances N., wid John E., h 223 Briggs ~ Carmany J. Levan, solicitor, 208 Walnut, h 1128 Montgy U Carmany John A . elk, 318 :~\'Iarket, h 1128 Montgomery CI Carn Antoinette, nurse, h 128 Market 2: Carn Grace A .. nurse. h 128 Market C Carnahan David, plumber, h 318 Harris loW Carnahan Madison A .. engineer. h 501 Reily !:::! Carnes Fred B., grocer, 1100 N 7th, h 581 Front Carney Mary, cook, 4flj X Front CI Carothers Josephine, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do ~ Carpenter Barton J., blacksmith, h 1:131 Penn Ca1;penter Bertha V. Mrs., h rear 109 Tanner's av Carpenter Charles, laborer, h 1249 N 11i

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'0.. . . 81,,"1. 11I8(1RAlICB. or 11_10 EDW. G. ROBERTS , Be.,.AClClIDBlIT Bell 'Phoue 8111 X.loa 8MI X.
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.yd's Harrisburg (e) City Directory.


Carpenter Charles J. W., genl agt Opera House, h 28 S 3d Carpenter Charles \V., leverman P. R R., h 521 Cowden Carpenter Daniel \V., laborer, h 1010 Fox av Carpenter David H., elk, HI!I Market. h 418 Herr Carpenter Duncan, h 2019 Fulton Carpenter Edgar H., agt, h 3()3 Cumberland Carpenter Elizabeth Mrs., dyer, 303 Cumberland, h do Carpenter Elmer L., laborer, h 1010 Fox av Carpenter Emma J., dressmkr, 558 Race, h do Carpenter Frank B., laborer, h 1331 Penn Carpenter George R, pipe bender, h 1315 Maple av Carpenter Harry A., stenographer, h 521 Cowden Carpenter Harry E., ball player, h l:l:n Penn Carpenter Hattie, domestic, 401 Verbeke Carpenter Ira ]., laborer, h 1315 ~Iaple av Carpenter James E . carpenter. h ~55 Sassafras av Carpenter James S., hauler, h !1fl8 S 201 Carpenter Lewis H., salesman. :136 Chestnut, h 226 Crescent Carpenter Mamie, domestic. 1:!4!1 N 11i Carpenter Mary C. ~Irs., h lOll) Fox av Carpenter ~1ary L., weaver, h 13:U Penn Carpenter Priscilla, \o\id Israel, h 426 :North av Carpenter Stephen H., laborer, h a49i S Cameron Carpenter Theodosia, wid Amamlus, h 1512 Drummond av Carpenter Thomas B., pilot, h 2019 Fulton Carpenter Thomas B., jr., brakeman, h 2019 Fulton Carpenter Thomas J., letter carrier, h 918 S 9th Carpenter William, butcher, h 2::19 North Carpenter \Vitliam B., asst supervisor P. R R, h 118 South Carpenter William B.. puddler, h 1418 Susquehanna Carpenter William H., carpenter, h 558 Race Carpenter 'William H., laborer, h 426 North av Carr Alice, charwoman, h 239 State Carr Charles B., molder, h 425 Forster Carr Edward L., bricklayer, h 1217 N Front Carr Edward T., janitor, h 210 Verbeke Carr Emily M .. bookkpr. 214 Locust. h 1102 N 3d Carr George W., carpenter, h 209 N 15th Carr James F., presser, h 105 S 2d ' Carr Lily, weaver, h 823 N 3d Carr Marv, wid Harrv. h 1217 N Front Carr Mary, wid William. h 823 N 3d Carr ~{yron H., machinist, h 425 Forster Carr William F., bricklayer. h 1217 N Front Carr William Q., blacksmith, h 400 Filbert Carrigan Thomas A . laborer, h Paxton ab 13th Carrin,;on Frederick. waiter. h 114 Angle av

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"To find a name you must know how to spell it.H

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Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory.


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Carrington Robert. laborcr, h 1517 Derry Carroll Annie c., stenographer, h 6;33 Briggs Carroll Annie ~l., wid Peter, forelady, h 1416 X 3d Carroll Bridget G., saleslady, 31~ ~darket, h 709 East Carroll Elizabeth L., saleslady, 1:3(10 X 3d, h 6:33 Briggs Carroll Frank c., elk F. and ~1. \-Vks, h 1437 Vernon Carroll Gilbert J., bookkpr F. and M.'Wks, h 1124 Market Carroll Grace 1\L Mrs., dressmkr, h 2038 N 5th Carroll Harry M., machinist, h rear 1212 Market Carroll James, machinist, h 1124 Market Carroll James L., telegrapher P. R. R., h 30 K 5th Carroll Lulu, milliner, 13UO N 3d, h 633 Briggs Carroll Mansfield c., justice, Walnut nr 18th, h do Carroll Marion, h 14:J7 Vernon Carroll Michael, laborer, h 408 Filbert Carroll Michael F., laborer, h 1:J21 \V allace Carroll Patrick, laborer, h 6;m Briggs (arroll Prisdlla Mrs., drcssmkr, 1437 Vernon, h do Carroll Raymond "V., brakeman, it 1413 Currant av Carroll William H , puddler, h :i1:3 Race Carr~ er Henry E., fireman, h lO1O Berryhill Carskadden John \V., barber, h 257 Briggs I:arson Edward, screwsman, h :!II2 Herr Carson Eveline E., wid Franklin, h 202 Herr Carson Jamcs, conductor, h 1013 N 7th Carson James H., engineer, h 1420 )J 6th Carson John, painter, h 1313 Penn Carson John H., flagman, h 1907 X 7th Carson John H., jr., laborer, h Hl07 ~ 7th Carson Joseph S., laborer, h 41 Balm Carson Nellie E., milliner, 223 l\larket, h 202 Herr Carson Oscar "V., laborer, h 2U3i Sassafras av Carson William F., janitor, h 2114 \"erbeke Carson William S., conductor, h lilti State Carst Edgar, shoemkr, h 933 N 7th Carst Jesse, machinist. h 515 Kelker Carst Lydia A. Mrs., h rear HIlII X 3d Carst Mary, domestic, Hi:!! X 4th Carst Matilda, wid Joseph, h 515 Kelker Carter Benjamin. waiter, h 243 N River av Carter Bertha A., hOl1!ieke\.'per, 1217 Apple av Carter Charle!> H., laborer, h 711 North av Carter Charles W., civil engineer. h 418 Market Carter Clemm L., janitor, h 723 State Carter Ellen, domestic, 21:J S Front Carter Ezekiel T., laborer, h 41~ Cranberry av Carter Gilbert c., draftsman, 409 Market, h 421 Walnut Carter Harry, h illG South

ANDREW REDMOND, ::::::::.':i::=:. {3d II~ Reily Sts.

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...... The best and lowat pricel. -Wi1' IIio. " - A B TACK I w.u_ _pie", wltb lIaCGna &Ild FrlDpI '0...... { N.I 34 8t. ..

Boyd'. Harrisburg (C) City Directory.


Carter Henry, laborer, h 1il! Walnut Carter Herbert, laborer, h 306 .\lulberry Carter Leander A. Rev., h 49 X 14th Carter Lewis S., stengr Slate Arsenal, h 4:.n Walnut Carter Mary A., wid Lewis L., h 111i Wallace Carter Mary H. Mrs., h M Paxton Furnace Row Carter MaY, h 421 \Valnut Carter SanlUcl, laborer, h 40~ Cranberry av Carter \ViIliam, laborer, h 110 Christie av Carter William, laborer, h 443 State Carter \YilIiam A., sub letter carrier, h rear 3241 Xorth. .cARTER W. roSTIB, lawyer, 17 S 2d, h 527 Kaclay Cartwright Catharine, cigarmkr, h 135 S :!d Cartwright Dyamy D. ~lrs., dermatologist, 213 Walnut, h ~S~ Cartwright Jacub, umbrella mfr, 1:13 S :!d, h do Cartwright William A., cigars, &c., 1323 ~ 3d, h do Cartzcr Carrie, domestic, :!1H S :!d Carver D. :\lonroe, ironworker, h 1110 State ;(lASE E. WALLACE, ice cream mfr, 909 N 3d, h do see adv Case William R., laborer, h 1i35 X ith Casey Arthur, laborer, h 554 Primrose av Casey Edward, machinist, h 4:!5 State Casey Ellen, h 425 State Casey Frank, waiter, 309 Market, h do Casey Marne, tel operator, 227 Walnut, h 1311 ~ Front Casey Maria, wid John, h 425 State II Casey Mary Mrs., h Cowden c Strawberry 0 Casey Michael, laborer, h 903 Simonis I~ Casey Michael, policeman, h 629 Forster Casey William, salesman, 400 ~larket, h 629 Forster Cash Harry, laborer, h 1624 Walnut Cash John W., laborer, h 1624 Walnut Cashman Charles W., laborer, h 1227 Derry Cashman John, engineer, h 305 Crescent Casner Edmund, conductor, h 824 ~ !{d Cass Harry, brakeman, h Fulton n1' Sayiord av Cass Marion F., elk dept Public Instruction, h Carlisle Cassatt :\1ilton, dairyman Lunatic Hospital, h do It Cassel Abner, h 933 N 3d



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To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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lIeIEIL'S COIIPLEXIOI PILLS. :.Ij:::icl~dCKU::~I~~I;.: {306 Brl.'



Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City. Directory.

.. Cassel Alfred, laborer, h 2028 Boas ~ Cassel Amos, carpenter, h 1635 Park Cassel Carrie M., h 114 S 14th _ Cassel Edward, laborer, h 1919 Forster ... Cassel Emma, domestic, 118.1) Bailey Cassel Frank B., carpenter, h 1635 Park .lii Cassel Franklin H., driver, h 171 N 15th _ 1! Cassel Harry W., brakeman, h 1722 N 5th ~ Cassel Isaac R, cutter, 114 S 14th, It do Cassel Jessie, stitcher, h 114 S 14th :: Cassel John c., carpenter, h 1313 Fulton S Cassel Lizzie J., wid Jonas A., h 1102 N 7th -= Cassel Mary, cigarmkr, h 1635 Park 'iii Cassel Mary E. Mrs., h 1521 Vernon 8 Cassel Maude M., stenographer W. O. Hickok Mfg. Co., b Camp Hill UJ Cassel :Minnie, h 134 S 3d Cassel Rebecca E. Mrs~h 312 Cherry av Cassel Samuel B., watchman Dauphin Co. Prison, h PenLa.I brook ~ Cassell Irwin, barber, 1421 Regina, h do C( Cassell John J., laborer. h State ab 21st La.I Cassell Mary c., cigarmkr, h State ab 21st C Cassell Minnie E., h ;~42 S lith Cassell Oscar, repairsman, h 1720! ~ :;th La.I Cassell Sadie c., h H12 Cherry av Cassell Simon D., electrician, h 16 N 15th _ Cassell William E., elk Post Office, h 1645 N 6th .. Cassell William H., carpenter, h 1637 Market . . Cassell William H., farmer, h State ab 21st Cathcart Bessie, artist. h 106 N 2d a.. Cathcart M. Elizabeth, wid William A., h 106 N 2d E Catherman Harrv L .. machinist, h 1617 Penn Caton John, blacksmith, h 130 Charles av Co.) Caton Samuel 0., (Caton & Co.), h 112 Cumberland ~ Caton Thomas, salesman, 460 Verbeke, h 203 do ~ Caton & Co., (S. O. Caton and H. W. Fishel), shoes, 121& Co.) N3d Q Caufman Emma R, charwoman, h 306 S Court av z: Caufman Mary L., seamstress, h 306 S Court av C Cauln Edward L., master mechanic P. R R, h 1012 N 7th .... Cau111 Leonard E., machinist, h 1012 N 7th Co.) Cavel Thornton, laborer, h 1405 William Caven\' Arina E. Mrs., h 1709 ~ 3d C Caven,. Charles, elk, h 422 l\larket ~ Caveny R Frank, printer, h 338 S 17th - CAVEn S. BRADY, insurance and alderman, 237 Sid, h 338 S 17th



ED w G ROBERTswmgoon)'ourbond. Bell 'Phone 8IIl X. or . . X. II. boner. are ezeeutecl.

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100 I1_ t " . . .


A. B. TACK ~'=::t II POPer ond IbldOi Sa. ::1:~~:Yt:

Boyd's Jlarriaburg (C) City Directory.


Caveny S. Brady, jr., elk P. & R frt depot, h 338 S 17th Caylor Edward, laster, h 2008 Forster Cence Thomas J., leverman P. R R, h 1300 N 7th CERTBAL BOOXSTOJI.E, G. W. Cover, supt, 328 Market Central Coal Co., (Charles E. Covert), 25 N 3d CEBTllAL GUARAITEE TRUST AIm SAFE DEPOSIT CO., 1230 N 3d see adv CENTRAL mON AIm STEEL CO., Edward Bailey, pres; lames B. Bailey, treas and gen! mgr; min boiler plate and tank iron, office and works, bet Front and P. R. R. bel Dock see adv page 2 CENTRAL mON' WORKS, mfn boiler plate and tank iron, Edward-Bailey, v-pres; S. B. Boude, sec; oSee and works, Front bel Pock Central Lyceum Bureau, John S. Arnold, mgr. 101 :\-larket CEBTRAL KILL AIm LUKBER CO., B. H Engle. supt, all kinds of mill work and lumber, 1702 Susquehanna CENTRAL PBDTIliG AIm PUBLISHIBa HOUSE, W. A. Laverty, mgr, 329 Karket CEBTRAL, (TlIE), lohn C. Aldinger, 3U Karket Cephas Lucinda, cook, 535 Primrose av Chadwick Kate B., wid William B., h 908 Green Chadwick Mary E., stenographer, 208 Walnut, h 908 Green Chadwick Nellie B., bookkpr, 119 Market. h 1108 Green Chadwick William P., adv writer, h 629 Harris Challenger David, constable, 1 S 4th, h 64 X 14th Challenger Oliver, printer, h 64 N 14th Challenger Sarah, wid William, h 144 Balm Challenger Sarah V., saleslady, 412 ~1arket. h 64 N 14th Chamberlain Albert L., barber, 331 Muench, h do Chamberlain Clinton E., dispatcher, h 1435 :\larket CJ[A)[BERT.AIW 10HN 1., cigar mfr, 1219 N 3d, h 304 CumChamberlin James I., lawyer, 222 Market. h 323 N' Front Chamberlin Mary H., wid Horace, h 1928 N 3d Chamberlin Rollin S., genl supt, 208 Walnut, h 1928 N 3d Chambers Charles H., molder, h 1425 Shoop Chambers George R., watchman Capitol. h do c!HAJoERS GEORGE S., pastor Pine Street Presbyterian Church, h 218 State Chambers Jchannah A., domestic, 11 ~ Front Chambers Joseph H., asst baggagcmaster, h U25 Shoop Chambers Mary M., domestic. 11 X Front Chambers Thomas, laborer, h 1:!t1 Charll's av Chamber., \Villiam A.. elk. h H:!;; Shoop Champ Carrie Mrs., laundress. h 110 Olristie's av Champion Robert ]., driver, h 173 Paxton Champlain Alfred B., marker. h 1!3:!7 S Cameron

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- find a name you must know how to spell it." :=. "To
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~~t:~~.}H. M. KELLEY '""~..t:

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Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory.

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Champlain Henry L., sec, 14 S 2d. h 1327 S Cameron Champlain William R, student, h 1327 S Cameron Chance Mary C, laundress, h 6:l!) Briggs Chandler Charles B., bar elk The Lochiel, h do Chandler George P., baggage agt P. R R, h 310 Crescent Chandler Henrietta, wid William G., h 1625 Penn Chandler Walter R, laborer, h 919 S 20! Chandler William R., brakeman, h 1613 ~ 6th Chaney Charles C, conductor, h 2(107 Penn Chapin Frank S., elk Economic Zoologist, h 106 State Chapman John G., laborer, h 1336 Mayflower av ('hard Stephen A., conductor, h 1425 N 6th Charlen Benjamin, shoemkr, 1541 N 6th, h Steelton Charles Ada, teacher, h 37 S 13th Charles Arthur H., press feeder, h 15(16 Wallace Charles Charles C, electrical engineer, h 52:3 N 4th Charles David, laborer, h 129 Hanna Charles Ella V., wid Steriger H., h l:!O Chestnut C:harles George L., lahorer. h 1~(I~ S l~th Charles Grace, attendant LunatIC HospItal, h do Charles Harrv B .. elk, h 52:! 1\ 4th Charles HeleiI J.. teacher, h H02 N 3d Charles Jacob 0., repairsman, h 524 Maclay Charles John F., meat, i N 14th, h do Charles Lillie, wid John D., h 1514 Wallace Charles Luther, attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do . Charles Mabel A., h 1:>23 N 2d Glarles Margaret 1., student, h ] 1112 N 3d Charles Mary E., wid Jacob, h lu06 Wallace Charles Ross I., blacksmith, h 150fi Wallace Charles William C, puddler. h 140!l S 12th Charles \Villiam F., laborer, h 1409 S 12th Charles William J., shipper, h 12H Hanna Charles Wilson F., elk recorder C. H., h Lykens Charters Annie, dressmkr, h U9 Yine . Charters Charles T., elk Chesapeake ~ail Works, h 227 S 2d Charters Elizabeth, wid \Villiam, h 119 Vine Charters Emilie N., telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 119 Vin.e Charters F. Salome, dressmkr, h 111) Vine Charters George W., constable. 2:37 S 2d. h 227 do Charters Harvey F., actor, h !!27 S 2<1 Glarters Horace T., salesman, h 2:.!i S td Charters John A., nail feeder, h 11n Vine Charters \Villiam H., bar elk The Com'wlth, h 227 S 2d O1auncev Frederick C, actor, h 120 Short CHAUNCEY WILLIAM 11., sewing machines and supplies, 712 N 3d, h do Chayne Catharine, wid Augustine L., h 31 N 2d

:~::~~.~!ii~:-W ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d IDd R.I~ S1l.

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A B TA" N.UH {"pJop_.b1RIInH~ - -...ann*tof1!la&e. .~. 3d.t. eIaai viriud IDIureI tL Work doae ta - - c a J y....
Boyd'. Harriaburg (C) City Direetol'J. 181 Chayne Horace A., bookkpr, 2d nr Vine. h 407 ~ 2d Chayne Sarah B., artist. 117 Market, h :n X 2<1 Chellew George, roll hand, h 1022 S Cameron Cheilew Richard S .. employee Arsenal, h HI:!2 S Cameron Chellew Robert, laborer, h 1022 S Cameron Chenoweth Arthur T., laborer, h 5~ Showers av Cllenoweth George F., foreman, h 20 ~ 5th Chenoweth George M., elk, h 20 N 5th Chester Frank M., U. S. A., h 1115 Kittatinny Chester James, shoe operator, h 233 Hamilton Chester James \V., conductor, h 233 Hamilton Chester Louis P., timekeeper P. R. R., h 1115 Kittatinny C11esterman Sarah E.. wid John. h 270 Calder Children's Industrial Home, 1900 Swatara Childrey Benjamin D., sheet metalwkr, h 923 X 2d Childs Albert P., postal elk. h 1512 Walnut Chiles Charles M., mgr, 214 Chestnut, h 216 do Chisholm Clinton D., repairsman, h 523 Dauphin. av Chisholm Wilhelmina, wid Jesse, h 611 Walnut Olism Simon, laborer. h 511~ South Chisolm Simon. laborer, h 5118 South Chrisman Annie L., milliner. h 261 Xorth Chrisman :\1. Bertha. teacher, h 261 Xorth Morgan B .. h 261 Xorth Chrismer Julia E., wid Calvin c., h 414 Reily Chril'more Harry, warehouseman, h :W2 S 2d Christ Annie R.. wid Bertram, h 50 Lochiel 6th Row Christley John.O., postal elk. h 13:l S :~d Christman Laura E., tailoress, h 1335 Derry Christman Maria, wid Parker, h 1:J35 Derry Christman William P., paperhanger, h 1335 Derry Christy Jane E., charwoman, h 207 :\1arket House av Chritzman Frank :\1., tray salesman, h 121 ~Iarket Chronister Carrie B., housekeeper, 1607 Logan ;tV Chronister Frank S., bookkpr, 27 N 3d, h 119 S 2d Chronister Harry W" fireman. h 1534i N 4th Chronister Mary G. Mrs., h 1517 ~ 3d Chronister \V. Curtis. motorman, h 3116 Muench Chronister William R .. laborer. h 160; Logan av Chubb Abraham L .. driver. h rear 1114 Capital Chubb Chester N., engineer. h 210 Pine -Chubb Frank B., leather. 1734 N 4th, h New Cnmb Chubb Jacob. laborer. h !}21 Rartine av Chubb John J., janitor, h 1111 Bartine av Chubb Phoebe, weaver, h 1111 Bartine av Chubb William A., bricklayer. h 1113 Bartine av Chubbuck :\-lanlev T., salesman, !!20; N jth. h 1622 Penn Chulitz Andro. laborer, h 4ft Lochiel 5th Row





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.. T~fmda-nme you must know how -tospdlit."

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CoogI e !




Boyd's Harrisburg (C)




~ Church Edith M., wid Robert, h 412 Muench

Chum Robert, laborer, h 562 5 10th

en o o

Church Elmer Eo, laborer, h 1:!4t1 Market Llmrch John Bo, h 412 :\Iuench - Church John G., fireman, h 2010 N 5th =:; Church ~artin B., train dispatcher P. R. R, h 212 Chestnut - Church Susan Mrs., h 1249 ~Iarket 1! Church William, machinist, h 329 Clinton av ~ Churchill George vVo, laborer, h 1414 Marion Churchill Nelson, laborer, h 1403 N 4th II Churchman Daniel, laborer, h 644 Briggs 'Cilley Charles A., constable, h 125 Chestnut : Cilley Harry M., molder, h 37 S Court av _ Cilley John, bar elk, 314 Market, h 924 )J 2d Cilley William, molder, h 924 N td Cinelli Olin to, porter, 231 Strawberry av, h do Citizens' Passenger Railway Co, 12 S 2d 0: City Gray's Armory, 2d c Forster CITY STAR LAUNDRY, (Klemm & Orth), 414-418 State; L branch office, 1224 N 3d r Clagett James, laborer, h 14116 X 4th Claggett Joseph L., hostler, h 312 Blackberry av c( Clancy B. Regina, saleslady, 31S Market, h Steelton 0: Clancy James P., pileI', h ~44 S Cameron t- Clare Charles L., brakeman, h 12:J7 K 7th Clare Charles L., machinist, h 432 Market Clare Jonas P., fireman, h 12:~7 N 7th Clare l\lother Mary, superioress St. Genev4e\,e's Convent Clark Abbie, wid James Wo, h 810 James av _ Clark Anna E., stripper, h 909 S 20t . . Clark Arthur A., (Lochiel Mdse Co.), h 109 Reily Clark Charles, brakeman, h 2115 Greenwood a.. Clark Charles L., shoe operator, h 1825 ~orth E Clark Emory V., fireman, h 1116 N 6th Clark Florence, stripper, h 909 5 20l U Clark Frederick Bo, patent medicines, 18:l6 :\ 7th, h do ~ Clark George Wo, foreman, h 1947 Kensington " Clark Herbert Bo, stengr, 113 N 2d, h 22t1 :\' ad U CLARX lAMES, genl agt C. V, R. R. Co., 401 Chestnut, h 218 C State 2: Clark James H., laborer, h 1632 Green C CLARX lAMES M., chief Bureau of Statistics, Capitol, h 801 ~ N 8th Clark Jay Ho, elk R ~L 50, h 14::13 :\larket CI Clark Jennie Mrs., h 818 James av ~ CLARK 1. NElSON, physician and druggist, 308 Verbeke, h. 1111 N 3d Clark John Eo, brakeman, h 16091 X 4th EDW 6 ROBERTS A.,.," L'."III&~ . . . ., . . . . . .n.1' .........

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Bell 'Pbon. 851 X. or 61M3 X.

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A. 8. TACK. Wall Paper and WindoW Shada.


Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Dinoto!')'.


Clark John]., laborer, h 1338 S 13th Clark Joseph N., jr., elk, 306 Verbeke, h 1111 X ad Clark Julia, domestic, 2U6 Walnut Clark Lanah, stripper, h 9U9 S :!lI4 Clark Laura, domestic, 426 Korth av Clark Mary E. ~Irs., h Ht!5 North Clark Mary L., wid Luke, h 909 S :!lJi Clark Robert H., laborer, h 1963 Moltke av Clark Rose, h 34 N 15th Clark Samuel D., buYer, a:{4 Market, h :!29 Crescent Clark Sarah A., domestic, 17 ~ Front Clark Thomas H., laborer, h 1:;:!5 North Clark William G., drug elk, a06 Verbeke, h 1111 N 3d Clark William P., dentist, 1600 N 3d, h do Clarke Sarah E., h The Bolton Claster Henry C, pawnbroker, 3~H Market, liquors, 600 . State, h 1015 Green Claster Sarah D., wid Hayman, h 1015 Green Clauer William, laborer, h 506 Market Clawson Eugene, tallyman P. R. R., h 19 S 4th Clay Alfred M., conductor, h :!30 Xorth Clay Alice, charwoman, 327 Basin av Clay Alivian, wid John, h 8111 James av Clay Ann, wid \Villiam, h 17:!5 Green Clay Edward W., carpenter. h ill3 X 18th Clay Harriet Mrs., h 998 Cowden Clay Henry S., conductor, h ina S 2(1i Clay Jacob, laborer. h 998 Cowden Clay Jacob M., brakeman, h 15:ll'! ~ 6th Clay James F., carpenter. h 21116 Driggs Clay Joseph D., laborer, h 162 :\ 15th Clay Katie, shoe operator, h 5(131 ~luench Clay Linford, conductor. h 1725 Green Clay Milton c., boots and shoes. a s 13th, h do Clay N. Virginia, nurse, h 230 t-Jorth . Clay Samuel H., brakeman, h 2628 6t Clay Sarah Mrs., h 1417 Marion Clay William S., steam fitter, h 162 N 15th Claybaugh Sarah A .. vestmkr. h 517 South Cleary Mary, h 1813 Susquehanna Cleary Mary, wid James, h 18Ui Susquehanna Cleary Sarah, saleslady, 1300 N 3d. h 1813 Sl1S4Uehanna Cleckner Frederick, (Cleckner & Burke). h 1530 Green Cleckner Frederick F .. theatri"cal mgr. h 309 S 2d Cleckner John ~L printer Independent. h 101:; Green Cleckner Kate M., dressmkr. h 1530 Green Cleckner Lizzie, shoe operator, h 319 S lilth Cleckner Sarah G., h 308 S 2d

:II -4 .I

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To find a n~m~~y~~ m~st~~oW~ hOW to~ spelfIi"



..: .... 184



Boyd'. Harrisburg (C) City Directory.

~ Cleckner Thomas A. H., po!'tal elk, h 30S S 2d .t; CLECXNER WILLIA)( H., hardware, 408 llarket, h 40& c:a Boas ;S Cleckner & Burke, (F. Cleckner and J. H. Burke), stovesr ttinware, housefurnishing goods, &c., 1226 N 3d Clelaml Annie, domestic, 11 N 5th Cleland Edward H., brakeman, h mm Reily .. Cleland Harry B .. iaster, h 636 Reily ~ Cleland :\laggie E., wid David. h ti;-m Rei!y Clem \ViIliam A., laborcr, h 1114 Cnrrant av '::i Clen1l'ns \Vesley E., riagmau, h HUH (iranite av ::> Clemens William J. H .. laborer, h 1421 ~Iarion I.&J Clements Charles W .. coremkr, h 1932 ~ fith ... Clements George M., feeder, h 537 Woodbinc ... Clemm Blair D . conductor, h 414 Boas I.&J Clemm Edward, laborer, h 1:J;l8 Fulton Clemm Tohn L., brakeman. h 19118 X 5th 1;1: Clemmens John H., conductor, h (iO:! State Calder, P. R.. h Z Clemson L.Lucinda, asst foreman S., R 214 S 2152 N 6thClendenin wid Cosmos h l:-~th Cless Charles H., brakeman, h 511i Peffer Z C1ess Clarence W., letter carrier, h 2111 ~Ioore Cless Daniel, laborer, h 516 P~ffer Cless George W., brakeman, h 11125 ?\ i)th I.&J C1ess Harry F., fireman. h 511) Pefft:r Cless Russell C, upholsterer, h filfi Peffer Cless Thaddeus S .. laborer, h oW Peffer Cleveland Alfred ~L, h Hcr~hey House filii Cleveland Jennie F. B. ~Irs., h US ("he1'tl111t _ Cline Annie, wid T0110 C, h 4ClM Boas ~ Cline Emma, h iHi South :; Cline Ralph M., coach trimmer, h 40R Boas w Cline William, janitor, 125 Locust, It 11/j S011th ~ Cline, see Klein, also Kline ~ Clingan George, laborer. h.75n S 19th >= Clinton Franklin S .. flagman, h 6a6 Herr Clinton George 11.. C. S. No, h 111m; N 7th ... Clinton Howard \\' . brakeman, h l~lf) S11squehanna t- Clippinger Willis W. Rev., h a4i Harris :; Cloud Charles R, teacher, h 202 Kelker u.. Clouse Samuel J., elk. 1(105 i\ 3d, h l:ll Sylvan ter Clouser Claude L., cutter, h 74 X 14th w Clonser Daniel \V., carpenter, h 1~:!2 Xorth ~ Clouser Dayid L., cabinetmkr. h i4 X 14th Clouser Earl U., cutter. h 1822 Xorth ... Clonser Jacob, laborer. h 17()7 X 4th :: Clouser Je!'se A., shoe cutter, h 1822 North ~ Clouser Joh~ ~~r~!~~ h~~25 Log_a~_~~ __________

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REDMOND. {3d I.~ Reily Sts.

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A. B. TACK. Practical Paper Hanger,

{t21r:.:.-r-::v ...

Boy.'s Harriaburg (C) City Directory.

Clouser Mary E,. dressmkr, h 219 Herr -Clonser Simon \V" h HOi ~ 4th Gouser Thompson R., carpenter, h 1928 N 6th Cloyd Maude J., domestic, 21a N Front Cluck Adeline, wid Simon, h 320 Woodbine Cluck Edward, h :i:,W Woodbine Cluck Martha A. Mrs., h l:tW Susquehanna Cluck Mary S., nurse, h 320 Woodbine Cluck Simon N., upholsterer, :J:!O \Voodbine, h do Gush John F., laborer, h 21105 N 7th Clute Horace E., student, h 313 N 2d Clute Mary A., wid Horace A., h 313 N 2d Coart James H., m.achinist, h 1001 N ith Coates Catharine M., wid Charles F., h 216 Briggs Coates Charles H., printer Independent, h 110 Boas Coates Frank P., stenographer, 413 Market, h 216 Briggs Coates John C, Hotel Royal, 217 Market, h do Coates Mary C, shoe operator, h IOU Linden Coates William A., mason, h 109 Linden Cobaugh Charles E., (Peerless Portrait Co.), h 118 S 2d . Cobaugh George A., patternmkr, h 509! Muench Cobaugh George H., machinist, h 509! Muench Cobaugh Joseph B., engineer. h 923 N :~d Cobaugh Samuel S .. engineer, h 426 Hamilton Cobey Sarah A., domestic, ;j54 Primrose av Coble Abraham, blacksmith, h Seneca nr 6th Coble Carrie E., dressmkr, h Seqeca nr 6th Coble Charles T., shoemkr, h 613 Boas Coble Emanuel W., laborer, h l:n Vine Coble Harry, cutter, h 138 Indian av Coble H. Baker, fireman, h 1723 N 4th Coble Henry U., marble dealt'r, h 12fi S 13th Coble Iva, cigar roller, It 12fH S 13th Coble John D., foreman, h 1405 Market Coble John W., laborer. h 1114 Dock Coble ~larv. wid Henr", h 1:l8 Indian av Cobler, see- also Kobler Cochlin David \V., carpenter, h HI Delaware av Cochran R. Howard. salesman. 22 N 3d, h U!I South Cocklin Andrew R., driver, h 906 Penn COCKLIli CHARLES C., physician, 28 N 3d, h 1612 do Cocklin I. James, conductor, h 529! ~1aclay Cocklin James 0., baker, h 1633! N 4th Cocklin John B.o laborer. h 302 North Cocklin Lavinia, wid Peter, h 121 Nagle Cocklin Orlando L., brakeman. h l~W \VaInt1t COCklin William H . letter carrier. h IW3 Green C(){klin William L.. brakeman. h 110r; Wallace

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-------------------------------------------"10 tind a name you must know how to spell i~."

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lIeIEIL'S PAil EXTERILIIATOR ~iiWo:~=~~;~l. {808"'lr~.

186 Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Direotory.

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Cocklin William R., elk, 323 Verbeke, h 1804 N 6th Coder John G., contractor, 251 North, h do Coe Frank M., laborer, h 20m; ~ 4th Coe Joshua c., bricklayer, h 1517 Penn Coeyman George T., brakeman, h 662 Calder Coeyman Jacob, conductor, h 622 Verbeke Coeyman John E., elk P. R. R., h 1616 N 4th Coeyman Samuel P., conductor, h 314 Reily Coff James M., hod carrier, h 1206 Apple av Coffee M. Ellen, ice cream, 129 N 4th, h do Coffman Charles W., molder, h 1064 S Cameron Coffman George M., engineer, h 1325 N 6th Coffman Samud, carpenter, h 1064 S Cameron Coffman, see Kauffman Cohen Abel, h 10 S 4th Cohen Abraham, shoemkr, 123 Cowden, h do Cohen Albert, c1k, 600 State, h 501 Cowden Cohen David B., tailor, 229 Mulberry, h 610 State Cohen Emma, grocer, 8U1 S Front, h do Cohen Eva Mrs., h 5~7 West av Cohen Frank, furniture, 403 N 5th, h do Cohen Frederick W., mechanical engineer, h 9 K Front Cohen Hannah, weaver, It 801 S Front Cohen Harris, notions, 202 Market, h 20 S 4th Cohen Harry 1., (Pruss & Cohen), h 5:!7 South Cohen Hyman, tailor, 41i Walnut, h do Cohen Hyman J., elothing,.5:.!2 Walnut, h 102 Cowden Cohen Israel, peddler, h 604 State Cohen Jacob, tailor, h 516 Walnut Cohen Lewis, furniture, 114 Short, It do Cohen Louis, tailor, lUI Short, h do Cohen Marks, driver, h 512 N 5th Cohen Moses, peddler, h 52i South Cohen Myer, driver, h i'i:W Brown av Cohen Nathan. shoes, 445 and clothier, 446 Walnut, h do Cohen Rosa; shirtmkr, h 527 South Cohen Sarah E., (Cohen & Son), h 10 S 4th Cohen Solomon G., (Cohen & Son), h 4:31 :\Iarket Cohen & Son, (S. E. and S. G.), pawnbrokers, 4:31 Market, clothiers, 434 do Cohn David, elk, h 1101 N 7th Cohn Jennie, domestic, 718 l\ ith Cohn Levin, (L. Cohn & Bru.), h 718 ~ 7th Cohn Levin & Bro., (Meyer), hides, r,:u Primrose av Cohn Meyer, (L. Cohn & Bro.), h Lancaster Cohr Charles H., fiyman, h 13 N 5th Cohr Frederick, carpenter, h 1427 Shoop Cohr George F., h 1427 Shoop
Til. AIDerl.... Bo.dln. (:......:r. Baltimore, Md. BOW. G. ItOBBRTM. General ApntCentral Penna. DIstrict, 108 IN 8t. Bell 'Phone 851 X, or 6M3 X:.
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{ll16 lonb lBlni 31.


Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City Directory.

Coken Harry, laborer, h 1332 Penn Colbert Amelia Mrs., charwoman, h 40~ :.\ :Jth Colbert Charles W., cigarmkr, h 116 Charles av Colbert Harriet Mrs., h 305 Chestnut Colbert James, laborer, h 323 Hay av Colbert James, laborer, h 1322 N 7th Colbert John, laborer, h 1210 N 7th Colbert Thomas }., mgr, h 24 N 5th Colburn Sidney, domestic, 512 South av Colder Alfred, agt, 204 S 2d, h U. S. Hotel Colder, see Calder Coldren Lyman, fireman, h 436 S 14th Coldren Martha, wid Jesse, h 254 Cumberland Coldren Thomas H., laborer, h 436 S 14th Coldsmith Samuel G., steelworker, h 585 Showers av Cole Anna M., saleslady, 326 Market, h 1331 N 6th Cole Charles A., blacksmith, h 654 Sayford av Cole Charles L., butcher, h 1331 N 6th Cole Clara Mrs., cook, 541 Primrose av Cole Jemima, laundress, h 515 South Cole John c., h 1331 N 6th Cole Lillie M. Mrs., dressmkr, 622 Calder, h do Cole Margaret, domestic, 515 South Cole Rachel S., domestic, 713 N 6th Cole R. Leslie, elevator opr, 324 Market, h 410 South Cole Ruth, domestic, 1439 Derry Cole Samuel G. W., waiter Com'wIth, h 721 State Cole Samuel J., machinist, h 622 Calder Coleman Alice L. Mrs., h 56 Linden Coleman David, hooker, h 58 N 16th Coleman Edward, watchman, h 58 N 16th Coleman Ellen, wid James, h 816 James av Coleman George W., printer, h 522 North Coleman Isaac, laborer, h 1427 Marion Coleman James, laborer, h rear 104 Filbert Coleman J. Daniel, rougher, h 442 S 2d Coleman Jennie, cook The Commonwealth Coleman Jennie V., bonnetmkr, h 1614 N 4th Coleman Jesse, hostler, h 30 S Dewberry av Coleman John E., fireman, h 1515 Wallace ~oleman John W., driver, h 129 Short Coleman Joseph, agt, h 1056 S Cameron Coleman Joseph D., jr., laborer, h 442 S 2d Coleman Katherine L., teacher, h 222 Harris Coleman Mary E., wid Benjamin, h 1300 N 11i CColeman Patrick, rags, 1301 N 11I, h do oleman R. Emma, teacher, h 222 Harris Coleman Sarah Mrs., h 222 Harris


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~ a name you must know how .to"

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Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory.

. . Coleman Sarah J., teacher, h 1056 S Cameron ~ Coleman Thomas, h 1056 S Cameron Coleman William, laborer, h 104 Short : ; Coleman \Villiam, laborer, h rear 110 Filbert Coleman William W., elk, 518 Market. h do c:::t Colestock Annie E., seamstress, h ~la Reily :IE Colestock A. Ramsey, switch repairsman, h 1237 Chestnut ~ Colestock C. Ross, salesman, :~:n ~Iarkct, h 1~:j7 Chestnut ;:: Colestock Edward R, machinist, h 624 Calder Colestock Elizabeth, wid Henry, h 213 Reily Colest':>ek Emory J., carpenter, h 2003 X 7th ..., Colestock Henry H., carpenter, h ~13 Reily Colestock Jesse B., frdght handler, h 12::H Chestnut L&.I Colestock John W., baker, 1!119 Derry, h do a: Colestock Mary, h 122 South z Colestock Minnie M., saleslady, 406 ~lkt, h 1237 Chestnut C Colestock Samuel H., carpenter, h 213 Reily Colestock William M., salesman, a04 )'Ikt, h 273 Verbeke L&.I Collier George, tin finisher, h :J06 Emerald Collier John, laborer, h 213 S River av cJ Collier Mary E., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 335 Crescent z: Collier Nora M., dressmkr, h :J35 Crescent Collier William A., laborer, h G07 S Front ;:: Collingwood Thomas D., paper ruler, h 2:{2 S 14th ~ Collins Alba K., salesman, h 720 N 6th ; : Collins Alice, domestic, 19 N Front - Collins Annie Mrs., h 13 S Court av Collins Catharine Mrs., h 1627 Susquehanna 2 Collins CI;uence R, painter, h 417 Pear av ~ Collins David W .. painter, h 1806 Elizabeth av A.. COLLINS EDWARD S., mgr People's Credit Clothing Co., 18 ~ S 3d, h 313 Chestnut u::i Collins George, confectioner, 1:J23 ~Iarket and 1425 Derry. fd h do a: Collins Grant, laborer, h 1108 X 12th . . Collins James, laborer, h 603 Race f5 Collins Tames H., brakeman, h 14:37 X 2d ~ Collins John H., engineer, h U08 Kelker Collins Katharine R, telephone operator, ~10 Walnut. h III~ 1627 Susquehanna ZJ CoIlins Maggie E., saleslady, 308 ~Iarket, h 603 Race Collins Maude, h 218 Harris Collins Kora H. Mrs., dressmkr. 417 Pear av, h do Collins Plow Co., agrl implts, 627 Walnut Collins Sarah ~lrs., h 708 South ~D Collins Sarah. wid Leonard, h 507 Filbert IIIZ Collins Thomas, engineer, h 523 Cowden Collins Th~!llaS lV~ conductor, h Hi27 Susquehanna




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ANDREW REDMOND, H~'::;:~IIJ.W:!d ~::WO~:-.. {3. an. Rillt Sts. CoogIe

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'.C., JI 8 T ........ Ptrilltc aalldillp la0 ' - -Tlau. {1216 . .'41 It. ,,1\, -IIAICE. A ."EO'ALrr Plaia f.U. . """'.
Boyd" Hani,burg (C) City Direotory.
189 , . Coilins William, laborer, h 1J46 ~ 7th Collins William c., hotel, 20~ S ~d, h do 'Collins William E., h ~14 S ~d Collins William E., jr., fireman, h 1J:!6 S :!O! Colsher S. Cameron, plumber, h 1:.!4 Verbeke Colsher William H., helper, h 1:!4 \'erbeke Colsten Jacob, laborer, h 151:! Vemon Colt Margaret, wid Alexander, h :!5U ~orth Colt Sarah, h 1483 .Market Colyer Irvin, draftsman, h Harris nr Green Comfort Annie M. Mrs., boarding, :.!4 S 4th, h do COKFOBT 100 C., lawyer and patent ,olicitor, 4 I 3d, h The Lochiel Comfort Laura, wid Henry D., h 1:!11 Bailey Commercial Academy, B. E. Staley, prin, ~04 N 2d COKJIEBCIAL BANX, 1217 If 3d see adv . Commings Burton E., elk, 14 .N 4th, h do Commings Charles B., watchmkr, 411 )'lkt, h 318 Chestnut Commings Emma c., wid Charles R., h 1118 N 6th Commings Frank .E., watchmkr, 411 :Ylarket and 14 N 4th, h do Commings Harvey R., salesman, h 1210 ~ 2d Commings Jesse E., elk, 14 N 4th, h do Commings, see Cummings COJOlOlfWEALTH, (THE), lame, BUll, Market 0 S 2cl .cOlDlOIfWEALTH TBUST CO., 222 Market see adv Comp Amos, brakeman, h 430 Kelker Comp Daniel A., carpenter, h 422 Hamilton Comp George W., brakeman, h 1931 ~ 4th Comp Harry, laborer, h 1831 Susquehanna Comp Henry, h 1825 N 4th Comp John W., repairsman, h 2008 Wood av II Comp Mary A., wid Daniel, h 342 Hamilton 0 Comp Sarah E., domestic, 411 Cumberland Comp Wilson, brakeman, h 2120 61 13 Compton Emma F., bookkpr, 22 N 2d, h 308 do II) Compton George W., laborer, h 524 West av Compton James, waiter The Bolton Compton John N., elk, 22 N 2d, h HI do. Compton May, charwoman, h 416 N 3d COXPTOIf SA.XUEL B., hardware, 22 If 2d, h 308 do .cOKPTOI WALTEB, dyer, 1006 If 3d, h do II) Condo Mollie, laundress, h 1514 N 4th Condran Agnes. stitcher, h 19 Linden .., Condran Daniel J., lather, h rear 1:!1 X Cameron Condran Henry, laborer, h 154 N 15th Condran Mary Mrs., h 335 Reily It Condran Mary F., lacquerer, h 19 Linden

:II Z -I Z






To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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Colds, QUID8Y. Rheumatllm, Toothache. Sore Throat, Arue. D)'Jpepe\a, Ae. .......

McNeil'. Pain Ext.rmlnator cures Cholera Morbus. DyRD1ery. Crampe, Dlarrh<ra,

_ _


Boyd's Rarrisburg (C) City Directory.

Sarah. wid Linden = Condran WilliamM.,c.,hCHUS, h5 19 13th, h do Comlran Sarah 629 Harris j Condran barber, S Condren William F., fireman,


~ Condren William G., student, h 335 Reily ..:

h 335 Reily

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... ,... :;

o o



Coningsby Robert, assembler, h 2131 Derry Coninsby Frederick, machinist, h 2113 Derry Conklin Ezra W ., brakeman, h 238 North CONKLIB lOB I" lawyer, Calder bldg, 16 N 2d, h 238 Borth aee adv Conklin Robert S., elk Com'mr Forestry, h National Hotel Conkling John, h 1926 N 6th Conkling Ruth S., music teacher, h 1926 N 6th Conley Anna, domestic, 1700 N 2d Conley Edward, fireman, h 415 Cumberland Conley Katie, domestic, 146 N 13th Conn Jesse R, salesman, 334 Market, h 119 S 2d Conn Mary E., domestic, 1703 Elm CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., Cheater Buck, dist supt, 400 Briggs Connell Joseph B., steel inspector, h 160;) Susquehanna ConncIly Bridget c., tailoress. h 1416 ~ 3d ConnelIy John F .; tree agt, h 123 Liberty Connelly Lillie, binder, h 815 Green ConnelIy Myra, teacher, h 815 Green Connelly Sarah, wid Michael, h 1416 K 3d Connelly Sarah, wid William R, h 815 Green Connelly William E., elk Hbg Trust Co., h 815 Green Conner Benjamin C. Rev., h 1000 N 6th Conner Edith P., milliner, h 1320 N Front Conner George W., shoemkr, h 927 Grand Conner Henry W ., laborer, h 1620 Hunter av Conner Ida 1\1., dressmkr, h 1312 Susquehanna Conner Jennie, domestic, 1303 N 3d Conner John M., molder, h 927 Grand Conner John R, machinist, h 205 Briggs



Mercantile Reports, Adjustments and Collections.
General Counsel.
Ben Telepe.




- 16 North Second Street, -=




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for ACCIDElIIT 11II"UJU.lIICB. 108 1II01't. , 8ee d .'ree', Bell 'Phone 861 X. OC" 6 . X ..

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Digitized by


y~=~== lOB POIMlr IDIlIDdOl abOis KOII A. B. TACK.ILt\..

Boyd" Harriaburg (C) City Direotory.
191 Conner Joseph, engineer. h 1:;51 Vernon Conner Joseph H" h Ifi:!O Hunter av Conner Mary A., wid William S., h 12~2 Walnut Conner Mary M., music teacher, h 1232 Walnut Conner O. Fitzallan, shoemkr, 13261 N 3d, h 1312 Susquehanna Conner Robert. engineer, h 205 Briggs Conner Scott E., blacksmith, h 1:-l211 X Front Conner Solomon L., laborer, h 1066 S !Ith Conner William. laborer, h 205 Briggs Conners John, U. S. A., h 314 Market Conners Margaret, domestic, 11111 Berryhill Connor Anna M., nurse. h 1620 Hunter av Connor James, laborer, h 5th c Woodbine Connor Julia M . cigarmkr, h :n60 N 7th Connor Margaret E., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Connor Thomas, watchman, h 1800 N Cameron Conover Elmer J., telegrapher, 7i N 3d, h 905 N 2d Conover Harry F., stenographer, h 1207 N 3d Conover Jane, wid Elias, h 117 South Conrad Anna. wid Michael. h 14341 Susquehanna Conrad Charles. barber, h 121 1 ~ 7th Conrad Daisy M., knitter, h 18.'-l0 Derry Conrad Edward, brakeman, h 632 Calder Conrad Edward E .. carpenter. h 410 Harris Conrad Edwin c., conductor, h 1624 X 5th Conrad Frank ~l., brakeman. h !l~1 Dauphin av Conrad George S .. fireman, h li!l4 Fulton Conrad George W .. laborer, h 436 SlOth Conrad Harry, painter. h 14 Cowden Conrad Jacob c., bar elk, 231 Walnut, h 310 S River av Conrad James S., nailer, h 225 S 2d Conrad John C .. brakeman, h 1514 ~ 4th Conrad Joseph A., laborer, h 436 SlOth Conrad Laura, stenographer, h 1808 N 5th Conrad Lillie M., laundress, h 106 S Court av Conrad Oli\-er, conductor, h 1808 N 5th Conrad Sarah J., wid Thomas, h 916 Cowden Conrad William A., flagman, h 1821 N 5th Conrad William C, engineer, h 632 Reily Conrad William E., engineer, h 632 Reily Conrad William H., brakeman, h 551 SlOth Conrad Winfield S., peddler, h 926 Penn Conradi William F., flagman, h 22 N 15th Constiano John, candymkr, h 433 State Consylman Frank J., salesman, 334 Market, h 721 S 19th Consvlman Harvey A., baker, h 1916 ~ 6th Consylman Lydia A., seamstress, 318 Market, h 1916 N 6th

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"To fiDei a name you must know how to spell it."





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H M KELLEY aCO'S .....k DI. . . ._ er... {'10th I11III 3d......... D. .11_ Nertil , t. .. S s...
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Boyd'. Harrisburg (C) Cit)' Direotory. ..; 192 CD ~ Consylman XeIIie G .. telephone operator. :!:!j \Valnut, h ll1l1i ~ 6th -a Consylman vVilliam, conductor, h HHI) ~ lith Consylman William C, dk, 1117 :\ ad, h l!Hli N 6th ... Contee James H., coachman, h Front, Reily Convent of Mercy, Maclay c 5th o Conyis Frank, paperhanger, h 12 X Cameron z: Conway Bridget, seamstress, h 1)54 Cumberland CD Conway James, laborer, h (iu4 Cumberland Cl~nway J. Ross, sporting goods, 7 N 4th, h 24 N 10th Conway Michael, laborer, h 654 Cumberland Conway Michael, jr., laborer, h (iij4 Cumberland ::. Conway Thomas J., laborer, it 654 Cumberland . . Cook Abraham E., cigarmkr, h :ms Boas Cook Albert T., laborer, h 627 ~Iahantongu .; Cook A. Myrtle, vamper, I~ 211:! :Vloore Cook Charles E., laborer, h tllHi Berryhill .; Cook Curtis E., student, h 4:16 Xorth . - Cook Edward W., cook, h H27 Mahantongo II: Cook Edwin, elk P. R. R. frt depot, h :!O S lath Cook Frank L., mgr, am~ Market, h do - Cook Franklin E., engine cleaner, h 2112 :\loore Cook George D., mgr, 3U8 Market, h do Cook George F., brakeman, h lIi:la Fulton :: Cook Grant W., laborer, h 1174 S Cameron II: Cook Hannah B., cook, 334 Hamilton : Cook Harry H., helper, h 12M Derry ! Cook Harry W., shoemkr, h 51:! Reilv Cook Henry, h 257 Cumberland .!! Cook H. Oscar, elk P. R. R., h 2112 ~Ioore -::; Cook James M., h 1:~1I7 Market :::> Cook J. Emory, laborer, h 627 :viahantongo W Cook John, laborer, h 1020 Paxton I- Cook John :\1., cabinetmkr, h 500 :\ 13th l'i151 312 I- Cook John W .. photographer, N ad. N 3d, h N 2dHerr Cook Joseph H., tailor, 1:!IJ5 h 9:J5 ... Cook Joseph \'1., laburer, h 1i27 ~lahantongo Cook Lula C, h 512 Reilv Z COOK L W., dry goods, carpets, cloab and suits, 308 llarket, h Williamsport Cook Mahala. wid William B .. h 2112 Moore Z Cook Margaret. wid Josiah, h HOO N 3d Cook Mary A . wid John W .. nurse. h 1201; N 6th Cook Men-ine A .. buyer. :::H ~Iarkct. h 14:!~ Walnut W COOK ROBERT F., mgr Banken' Life Insurance Co., 107 2d, h 1624 Wallace Cook Samuel W.o conductor, h 512 Reily Cook Sarah T.. wid I. Elmer, h 436 North






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ANDREW REDMOND, ~:::!::::;.':=:~::. {3d .Id Rill, SII.

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and low.t Jlrieea. WI . . A B TACK I W.II P...... The beltFUtuzw auil I'rlIlPl . .IGo. { J.,8 ....... complete wlUa 34 at.

Bord's Harrisburg (C) City Directory.

Cook Sophia, wid William, h 341 Reily Cook Stewart, laborer, h 1162 S Cameron Cook Theodore W., brakeman, h :!120 K 6th Cooke George S., supt, :122 Market, h 1:38 N 1:~th Cooke VI,'. Emmett, salesman, 4 S 2d, h 2a do Cookley Charles E., U. S. A., h 704 State Cooley Daniel. laborer. h 11a5 S nth Cooley Rebecca E., wid Nelson, h n:m S 9th Cooley Shedrick, laborer, h 11:15 59th Coomans Diana, artist, h 209 State Coomans Heva, artist, h 20H State Coombs Robert D., draftsman, h 9 :\ Front Coombs Robert D., jr., civil engineer, h 3d cReel's la Cooney Peter, brakeman, h 41H Herr Coons George M., telegrapher, 15 X 2d, h 219 Boas Cooper Abraham, peddler, h 152~ Fulton Cooper Albert, foreman Eagle Works, h 6:n Briggs Cooper Alex. S., elk R. M. 5., P. O. bldg, h 17114 N 3d Cooper Alford L., cigars, 1259 Derry, h 1141 do Cooper Annie M., domestic. :l:~7 Chestnut Cooper Bessie M., saleslady, a26 Market, h 1141 Derry Cooper Carrie H., teacher, h 621 Briggs Cooper Catharine, seamstress, h 5a3 Peffer Cooper Catharine M., wid Charles A., h 142~ Regina Cooper Charles, laborer, h 1141 Derry Cooper Daniel B., butler, h 17111 Walnut /1 Cooper David, junk, 411 Verbeke, h 1240 Cowden Cooper David R., elk Lochiel Mdse Co., h Enhaut 0 Cooper David S., salesman, 313 ~'larket, h l:!tI Tanner's av 13 Cooper Edward N., (E. N. Cooper & Co.), h Camp Hill Cooper Edward N., elk, h 621 Briggs Cooper Eliza Mrs., h 525 Brown av Cooper Elmer E., cigarmkr, h 1216 Kittatinny COOPER E. N. & CO., (Edward N. and lohn D. Cooper), iron founders and machinists, 130 Short c ~outh see adv COOPER GEORGE E., aut resident clerk H. of R., h 1707 Green Cooper George P., mgr, 130 Short. h 203 Pine Cooper Gertrude, domestic, 703 North It Cooper James T., conductor, h 1R33 N 4th

II o o

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--------------J. D. COOPBR.


. , - - - -.... ON A N D . . . . A S _ - - -

Foundry and Machine Works m rt


7 W D.

... To find a name you must know how to spe1I it."

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McNEIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. :.~~~:nd~D~~:::-al':t!: {30& Bro'



Boyd's Harrisburg (C) City' DireotoJ')'.

11 Cooper Jeremiah Rev., h 1i12 Penn - Cooper John D., (E. N. Cooper & Co.), h Camp Hill Cooper John M., brakeman, h 1124 Hickory av Cooper John W., boilermkr, h 1141 Derry -:: Cooper Joseph, junk, 1520 Fulton, h 1528 do ! Cooper Lillie, laundress, h 510 North av a Cooper Nancy Mrs., h 5.~5 Primrose av - Cooper Samuel c., h 23 S 4th ~ Cooper Sarah E., domestic, 25 N Front Cooper Simon, peddler, h 120 Tanner's av II Cooper Thomas, bottler, 114 S Dewberry, h 432 Market Cooper Thomas, coachman, h 321 S River av Cooper Turner, waiter, h 1610 Elm : Coover Amos, carpenter, h 118 Mulberry Coover Carson, student, h 214 N 2d COOVER ELI H., physician, 213 Locust, h do Coover Eliza, wid Solomon, h 259 Herr Coover Elizabeth B., kindergarten, h 1926 N 3d Coover Francis R, steam fitter, h 1925 Wood av 1.&1 Coover Frank E., bookkpr Hbg Trust Co. h Cumb'd -I Coover Frederick W., physician, 214 N 2d, h do C Coover Harry J., sand, 935 N 3d, h 216 Herr 1.&1 Coover H. Ross, physician, 1623 N 6th, h do C Coover John D., plumber, 412 Spring av, h do Coover Rehecca A., wid William H., h 3d nr .Muench 1.&1 Coover Sarah R Mrs., h 1623 N 6th Coover William J., heater, h 1259 S 13th _ Cope Edward M., fireman, h 1306 ~Iaple av Cope Jennie Mrs., h 125 Evergreen ..,: COPE JESSE X., daiJ')' and food commiuioner, Capitol, hill :IE N2d ;! Cope John T., laborer, h 1401 S 12th IE Cope Martin, laborer, h 1605 Swatara Q Cope Mary L., wid John. h 1401 S 12th U Cope William, helper. h 420 S 16th - ' Copeland Benjamin F., watchman, h 468 S Cameron ~ Copeland Benjamin F., jr., laborer, h 454 S Cameron U Copeland Gertrude E., cigarmkr, h 471 S Cameron Q Copeland Harry F., laborer, h 471 S Cameron :IE Copeland Harvey R, hostler, h 471 S Cameron c Copeland Lucius F., lecturer, h 214 Pine ..., Copelin Owen M., elk, 222 Market, h 111 Reily U Coplinky Abram, driver. 36 N 3ct, h 118 Short - Coplinky Joseph. bookbinder, h 118 Short Q Coptinky Samuel. pedctler, h 118 Short ~ Copolcvitz Nathan, tailor, h 133 N 10th - Corbett James T .. lahorer. h 1130 Wallace Corbett William B.. chief dispatcher P. R R., h 1435 N 2d





wlllgooD 10111. S - ...... EDW G ROBERTS boada an! your bond. Bell 'Pbone 851 X.8t.,eea X. executed. or

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A. B. TACK t::&~::t 100 POOer ODd IIDdOl_ ;1~~aTs1:

195 Corbin Arthur, laborer, h 503 North av Corbin Willis G., laborer, h 1746 Logan av Corcoran Edward, laborer, h 917 Grand Corcoran Edward J., laborer, h 929 Rose av Corcoran John, policeman, h 928 Penn Corcoran Kate E., feeder Independent, h 917 Grand Corcoran Michael, laborer, h 1111 N 7th Corcoran William, molder, h 917 Grand Cordes Warren R, fireman, h 1617 Wallace Corish Blanche, domestic, 56 Lochiel Cottage Row Corish Mary, domestic, 203 S Front Corish William ]., engineer, h 5i Lochiel Cottage Row Corish William J., jr., laborer, h 56 Lochiel Cottage Row Corkle Bertha R, prooireader. h a27 Crescent Cork Ie Oyde L., pressman, h :n N 17th Corkle Elmer. laborer, h H16 S Court av Corkle John D., helper Independent, h :11 ~ 17th Corkle Louisa L., wid Challes, h 31(; S Court av Corkle Sarah D., wid Benjamin N., h 329 Crescent Cork Ie William D., elk P. & R. frt depot, h ;tW Cre;;cent Corkle William H., brakeman, h 31 N 17th Corl Charles R, machinist, h 11 Evergreen Corl Daniel B.. salesman. 3!J N :!d. h tI18 S 21st Corl George V.. blacksmith, !)(IO Market, h 11 Evergreen Corl John B., elk Dauphin DepOSIt Bank, h 185:~ Fulton Corl John H .. car inipcctor, h 1853 Fulton Corl Minnie V., dressmkr. h 11 Evergreen Corl Uriah \V .. baker. h 1:n4 Green Cornelius Charles E., brakeman, h 505 Muench Cornelius John, shoe cutter, h 505 Muench Cornelius Scott, conductor, h 505 1'Iuench Cornell CJi.ester C, elk, 7 N 3d, h 410 Walnut Cornell Warren W., elk, 319 Market, h 410 Walnut Cornell W. Edward, conductor, h 410 Walnut Cornman Charles S., engineer, h 4!~2 Harris Cornman Clarence A., driver, h 1206 Bailey Cornman Parker E., watchman, h 173 N 15th COB.lOlAB WILSON S., mgr The Commonwealth, hili S 3d Cornpropst Joseph E., laborer. h ~~!! Harris Cornpropst Mary, domestic, 217 Calder Cornwall Harry C, conductor, h 254 Verbeke Corpman Winfield S .. awnings. 11Hii ~Iarket, h do Corse v Chloe Mrs., h 1410 William Corsey Ointon, hod carrier, h 51:! Brown av Corsn'itz Nathaniel P .. laborer. h Hoo S 20! Corter Osie, h 238 Cranberry av Coslow Annie Mrs., h 503 N 10th Coslow Charles. bootblack, h !!:l:! :\ Court av
- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --- ------

Boyd'. Harrisburg (C) City Directory.

I -I .I

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To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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City D:i:reciury.





Codow Elmin. dz)mz:stic. ~O()7 N :~d Coslow Joseph M., porter P. R. R., h :t~~ ~'Iuench Co)low \Vilbm ., j:mito) P. R. h :~;~4 ~\luenuh Coss Benjamin F . IJrakeman, h 1:m3 Fnlton Co.tdlo lam"" C. Illsz .. hini.t I, Eil') For''er Co~t~1I0 ~far~: wid r;;trick, 'hG27- Forst~r COJ'Ztdlo basz?J'ZmizT,3] MUlket h H2 Halnn Costley Elizabeth W., \~id Byron J . h 3117 S Front Cot ner 10 agCie, )Hz N ]?? Cotner Sarah, wid David, h 515 N atlt CollZ?nb?Zm DJizabeth. bomcstic, 817 N Front

::: COTTEREL DAVID W., bookseller and stationer, 16 S 2d, h b17 Doal Cotterel Emma, wid John, It 417 Boas l&J Conz'rel Jamz.'S K., phowg,,,phszr. 111 S h :;!qsth DezTy ...., COTTEREL 10HllTW., druggist, 1704 N 6th, h do


... Cotterel Mary M . sale,lady. 1G :!d. h 4 Boas Cottingham Annie, dressmkr, h :!:nJ South l&JI COlting/z?Zm Faura. dressmkr, lJ 2:1 ~ South Cottingham 3Iary A., wid Thom,.s, :!:H S, .,th

f~~~~ I~'{z~~~~r~r:;~ t:::~iz~~i~~l~ O ~~~:::~~ Clara, domestic, :!L08 ~ 3d ~m'. Cculter Z Conlter Hm,ad E., h,ak"il?an, h G:!%i RZ"ily
Coulter Katharine, h 1316 l\ 2d 1.1 Coulter \1)Ttle \. v.::a C;nsq?Whamla IooW COUNTY C01i.MlShIOhhERS, office, Court HOUle \Villiam \V brilkemzm, 1:N:! \Vallaz,' Court loouse, Market c Court av Cmuter lohi? c., h PZg k Hotel .:- CouJ'Zter ~~ophia rs., h 50() State __ Cover Alonzo I., fireman, h 2118 N hth ;; Coner . Earl, barber, 111. Brady a\' '" Cover Edward C. cuthr, h 16!J :-.; t:-;th ~ Cooer \\., laborer, h %;9 1uth ::::; Cover George W sUpt, :L'!} Market. h Highz.pir,' CI A.. Coai.. r IOwziTd ., salesman, ;-;4 larket, h Highspire :z: Cover Joseph C, laborer, h 16H N l;:)th !:i CO?Z"r bl,'ro" A h 'ZEl17 6 i f. ; Cov~r \~filli~;ll ., helper, h 1:,"3:1 S 13tl~ __ Covarthadzs \Centnl CUill Co.), bl:l Walnut Covert (;eorge \\r w, huckster, h 6n:> Statz" COVERd 1. WILbhN, 2b N 4th ~ Cowan J Frank, elk, 401 Chestnut, h 11:-; Washiagtoo 8 Cowden Ed ....ard L, mgr, ;WH :'Iarket, a~;p Chestnut C Cowden Elbridge \V studellt. h 2~8 Boas Cowden En?,,?a 1 . NIl fOo, tzi.che?, h :;:;;fi Dorth ~ ------------


a: >



but ftnl.clau wormeD. benee A B 'TACK , 1.1. {JDalpIuJI_.IuDreI It.. WorltdODelDU17par&oI . 3d 8t. dalllliriud


Boyd'. Harriaburg (C) City Directory.


Cowden Frederick H" (F. H. Cowden & Son), h 223 Forster Cowden Frederick H., jr., student, h 22:1 Forster COWDElI F. H. & SOB', (1. W.), .ewer pipe and stoneware, P. :a. :a. ud Cumberland Cowden John W., (F. H. Cowden & Son). h 146 ~ l:Jth Cowden Josephine W., nurse, h 22M Boas . Cowden Mabel B., teacher, h 223 Forster COWDElI KATTHEW B., civil engineer and city engineer, Truat bldg, 222 Itarket, h 201 Kerr see adv Cowden Myrtle, dressmkr, a08 Market. h :~26 ~orth Cowden Sarah E., elk, 1405 Derrv, h :!:~4 Harris Cowen Benjamin, warehouseman P. R. R., h 412 Strawberryav Cowen Charles H., artist, h 642 Walnut Cowen Frank E., elk. 935 N ad, h a26 Kelker Cowen John c., canvasser, h :l26 Kelker COX COAL CO., E. W. Cox, mgr, 701 N 3d, 411 S 2d and 222 Itarket Cox Daniel W., (D. W. Cox & Co.), h 101:1 X Front Cox David E . brakeman, h 614 Kelker Cox D. \V. & Co., coal shippers, 222 Market Cox Earl W., mgr, 222 Market, 411 S :!d and 7111 ~ ad, h 1013 N Front Cox Ethel M., h 614 Kelker Cox Katharine H., h :l07 N Front Cox Louis B., caller P. R. R., h 904 Cowden Cox Rebecca H .. h 307 N Front Cox Roy G . asst treas Hbg Trust Co .. h lil:l X 2d Cox \\'iIIiam W .. brakeman. h 614 Kelker Coxen Fannie. domestic, :!O5 Chestnut Coxen Jonathan. laborer. h :114 S River av Coxeter Frank E . laborer, h 1509 N 5th Coxeter Henrv. conductor. h 1509 ~ 5th Cov Charles D., brakeman. h 107 Mulberry Coy Stewart E., laborer, h 107 Mulberry . Coyle Daniel. machinist. h 647 Cumberland Coyle James, machinist. h ao~ S 2d Coyle Mary F., housekeeper. 1117 \Vallace




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--AND SURVEVOR.-II'I'IcI. ~ Udl". 222 .arket Strrlsllurt. P. If To find a name you must mow how to spell it."

Civil + Engineer m ~
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Coyle Miles, watchman P. R. R., h 1117 Wallace Coyle Miles L., engineer, h 1117 Wallace .: Cozzoli Adelino, dishwasher Hotel Columbus I Cozzoli Guglielmo, engineer P. R. R. dining rooms, h do ~ COZZOLI SEBASTIAN, J(ount Pleasant Hotel, 1101 J(arbt, ==i h do lee adv ~ Cozzoli William J., elk, 1101 Market, h do - Crabbe Charles F., plumber, h 42 N 13th t!!! Crabbe Frank, baker. h 1256 Walnut _ Crabbe George \Y., artist, h 1256 \Valnut .. Crabbe Lloyd G., upholsterer, It 1256 Walnut ~ Crabhe Louise M . teacher, h 8:W X :~d - Crabbe Rachd C. wid Henry A.. h 12:;4; \Valnut 'iii Craddick Allen, h 9;n Rose av Craddock C W. P., insurance, 6i N 2d, h 208 do Craig Albert H., laborer, h 142 Linden (/) Craig Albert H., laborer, h 1401) ~Iarion Craig BeUe, h 626 Walnut Craig Catharine, saleslady, 3:;4 Market. h 33;) Walnut L- Craig Cnarles. driver. h 524 Filbert r- Craig Charles. laborer, h 520 State (,) Craig Charles E .. signalman, h 626 ~hlench C Craig Edward, laborer, h 5 SlOth Craig Elizabeth Mrs .. h 113 Christie av ... Craig Elizabeth M .. saleslady, 334 Market. h 126 Balm Craig Ella. saleslady, 334 l\larket. h 3:m Walnut Craig George N . machinist. h 524 Filhert Craig Jane. domestic, 712 Xorth av (,) Craig Jennie, charwoman, h 1206 Apple av .. Craig Jesse B., teacher, h 208 Harris ~ Craig John J., signal foreman P. R. R., 413 ~Iarket, It 208 Harris A. Craig John T., laborer, h 1170 S Cameron E Craig John W .. conductor, h Ift!2 Green Craig Lettie, stitcher. h 1517 Walnut U Craig Martha T., h 126 Balm ~ Craig ~ancy, domestic, 24 Lochiel 2d I{ow Craig Pearl C. elk. 1402 Vernon, h 805 East c;.) Craig Richard H., laborer, h 1630 Elm



Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Direotory.


a:: o



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. - - - - - - ------.



: ; Cor. nth and Market Sts Harrlsburll. Pa.


A.,.,' " L' lIIt,. . . . . . . . . . Bell.r I ~ 108 W.rc. 8 _ 8c. Bell 'PboD.861 X. or 6841 X.
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WaD Paper and Window Shadu. {1.::~:r~~~.: Boyd'. Harrisburg (C) City Direotory. 199


Craig William D., laborer, h 1307 Wallace Craig William K., driver, h 1307 Wallace Craig, see Krieg Craiger Benjamin F., puddlt:r, h lil:l Showers av Craiglow lHorris H., elk, 41a Market, h 257 Cumberland Crain Talbert, shearsman, h 114 Linden Crall Eugene A., bridgeman, h 3!!9 Qlestnut Crall Willis, foreman, h 123.~ Derry Cramer Clara B. Mrs .. dressmkr, 1064 S 9th, h do Cramer Clarence G.. machinist, h 1064 S !hh Cramer David \V., laborer, h 15U4 Howard av Cramer Ernest R.. bookkpr, 21) Grace av, h 206 Kelker Cramer George H . fireman, h lOU4 S 9th Cramt'r George T., blacksmith~ h 421 Kelker Cramer Harry W., fireman. h 1117 Cowden Cramer Isabella, h 277 CaHer Cramer Jennie, charwoman, h 277 Calder Cramer John C, laborer. h 1469 Regina Cramer Naomi, hemmer. i1 1064 S 9th Cramer Pearl V., h 517 Maclay Crar.ner S. Blair, asst trainmaster, h lStH !\ 2d Cramer, see Creamer, also Kramer Cramp Edward A., molder. h 516 State Cramp Elizabeth, wid Jacob, h 516 State Cramp Jacob W .. contractor. h 516 State Cramp Lillie. h 516 State Cramp Stella I. E., milliner. h iiHi State Crampton Charles H., student, h 214 Pine Crampton Cpton B., butler, 21HIl N 3d Crane Albert L., carpenter. h 152:~ Wallace Crane Benjamin F., fireman, h 152:1 Wallace Crane Harry G .. vardmaster P. R. R., h 333 Peffer Crane Irvin ]., h' 527 ~I uench Crane Richard L., sl1pplyman. h :;27 M l1ench Crane Robert M., engineer, h 1918 X 7th Crane Thomas D .. fireman, h 1926 ~ 5th Cranford Horace. laborer, h 1232 Cowden Cranston Florence L . warper, h 249 Xorth Cranston Georgia ~I.. teacher. h 249 Xorth Cranston Ida M. ~lrs., h 249 North Cranston John P .. elk, h 249 North Cranston Una, teacher, h 249 North Cratern Edwar~; laborer, h 1000 S Cameron Cratzer George W .. mgr. !lU7 Market, h 1014 Green Craver Emerv. roller, h :l:l4 S 2rl Craver George .M., laborer, h 1U08 Fox av Craver John \lv'., h 15:1 Paxton Craver John W .. jr., lahorer, h 4:m ~ 21




iii' ....


"'To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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--OUR MOTTO:..... Coal. ..... 1'1~.

lH M KELLEY~ CO 110tll ud !Stat. Sta. r.. "'. JI Nortll3d St,...

...: 200
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Boyd" Harrilburg (C) City Directory.

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_ .....

Craver ;\[ary C., cigarmkr, h lim Paxton Craver Sarah]., wid Augustus P ., h 1068 S 9th Craver Walter N., laborer. h lCIH8 S Hth Crawford Albert, shoe cutter. h 14:! Cranberry av Crawford Albert B., elk R. M. S., P. O . bldg, h Mechanicsburg Crawford Charles, student, h 513 N 4th Crawford Charles G., brakeman. h :W:!8 N 5th Crawford Charles V., baker, h li28 Walnut Crawford Ella J., laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do Crawford Ella]., wid John, h 628 Walnut Crawford Emma J., domestic, 2Hem N ;~d Crawford Fannie R. , wid Dr. George, h ;H:~ ~ 4th Crawford George H., hostler, h 634 Briggs Crawford Gertrude L .. telephone operator. :!1f) 'Valnut, h 7111 Race Crawford Hiram S., switchman, It 1l:!3 X lith Crawford Lizzie Mrs., h 1409 Wyeth av Crawford Marion, shoemkr, h 14:! Cranberry av Crawford Philip 5., brakeman. h 712 Race Crawford Robert 'V., hoilermkr, h 7141 Race Crawford Samuel C, painter, h 712 Race Crawford Susan Mrs., boarding, 142 Cranberry av, h do Crawford Waiter u., heater. h :;1~ Peffer Crawshaw Eiizabeth, housekeeper, 1)15 State Craybill Martin , laborer, h HI:!!! Forster Creamer Harry T. . elk aud genJ's dept , h fil!) Briggs Creamer, see Cramer, also Kramer Creek Cyrus, laborer, h 71() South Creek C~'rus N. , elk. 443 Market. h do Creep Harry B., foreman, h 181 ~ 15th Crego Curtis J. , salesman. :!:!:l Market. h 2GB Herr Creider John W ., elk banking dept Capitol, h l':1l:! N 6th Crelier W . Harry, baker, h 3115 l'IIarket CRESCENT LAUNDRY, Walter H. Cummings. propr, 46-48 N Cameron; branch office, 1405 Derry Bee adv Cressler Clarence C, cornicemkr. h :~1l Cumberland Cressler Elva ;\1., weaver, h :n 1 Cumberland

--- --------- --- --- . -.-- - ----.

....d C....,.n It.. HARRISBURG _'A. a".Ch Offic
..0"',..1 TO_
1405 De'17 Str..t.



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Telephone Conn.Cllo".

Fancy Wa.shlng an<l Ironing by Ha.nd at Fair PrIeN.

B.C~~t:~c:,RE.} ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d .Id aellr Sis.

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,


Bord'. Hanilburg (C) City Directory.

Cressler Henrietta, wid George \V., h 311 Cumberland Cressler Myrtle V., cigarmkr, h 311 Cumberland Cressman John L., postal elk, h 342 S 13th Cresswell Dale l\lrs., hairdresser, 128 Market, h do Cresswell Jesse W., employee State Arsenal, h 92:1 Boas Crew Richard, hostler, h 818 James av Crichton Celia, wid Thomas, h 601 Briggs Crick Samuel, bookbinder, h 716 South Crider Joseph B., driver, h 16:U N 4th Crilly William, cooper, h 626 Race Cripple Charles E., boilermkr, h 2015 Logan av Cripple William H., laborer, h 2015 Logan av Crist Charles, motorman, It 1617 N 3d Crist Charles W., cashier, 311 S 2d, h 212 Reilv Crist Cyrus B., laborer, h U:!1 )oJ Cameron Crist Frank H., helper, h 1~21! N 5th Crist George E., painter, h 236 Kelker ~ Crist Harry, conductor, h 1506 Penn Crist Harrv C, brakeman, h 1111 Cowden Crist John'H., fireman, h 1103 N Front Crist Livingston, salesman, 334 Market, h Btl S 2d Crist Louis E., laborer, h 1515! N 4th Crist Mary B., saleslady, 1206 N 3d, h 303 Dauphin av Crist Mary F., tailoress, h 236 Kelker Crist Miranda K., wid George W., h :m:l Dauphin av Crist Orris G., telegraphpr P. R. R.. h :n1 ~luench II Crist Rachel D., dressmkr, h 303 Dauphin av 0 Crist Ralph S., elevator operator, 6 S :!d, h 510 Walnut 13 Crist Sallie E. Mrs., h 1417 "Vveth av Crist Samuel C, engine hostler: h 317 Peffer Crist lJriah S., shoemkr, 210 Strawberry av, h 510 Walnut Criswell Andrew, plasterer. h 11!J5 Dailey Criswell Ft'ank F., agt, h ~17 East Criswell George l\1., carpenter, h 11115 Bailey Criswell Hanuah C. wid J. \" ance, h :!:~ ~ Front Criswell Jacob H., carpenter, h 1~ N 15th Criswell James P., elk, h 23 N Front Criswell John E., heater, h 315 Dauphin It Criswell John L., laborer, h Front ab Seneca Criswell John M., foreman Paxton fumace, h :!:l X Front Criswell Samuel F., h 817 East Criswell Samuel J., car repairer, h 11:: X Summit Critchley Estella V., cashier, h 529 Race Q. Croft Charles G., ironworker, h 41H Cranberr" av Croft John Z .. tinner. h 1314 N 2d ' Croft Joseph L., brakeman,.h 1466 Zarker Croft Wm. A., expressman, 401 Chestnut, h 250 Meadow la It Croll Eugene, bridge builder. h 329 Chestnut -- .-





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.. To 8nd a name you must mow how to spell it."




IIcIEIL'S PAil mERlillnOR grtT'lo~ba~~~~l{..,!;~.

-= ._


Boyd's Harrisburg (e) City Directory.



Croll Oscar, bridge builder, It 329 Chestnut Cromer William, laborer, h 1074 S Cameron Cromleigh George 'AT., forelnan P. R. R., h 612 Reily Cromleigh Harry H., molder, h 1321 James av ~ Crommus Amanda, domestic, 222 Qlestnut i Cromwell Harriet, wid laDles, h 712 N 7th .:: Crone Christian, hostler, h 1316 N 6th Crone Daniel S., conductor, h !Jl7 Capital ~ Crone Emma A., trimmer, h 1334 N 7th '1- Crone Emma S., teacher, h 1:!25 ~ 6th Clone Harriet, wid Charles, h 1334 N 7th II Crone John, brakeman, h 611 ),lahantongo .~ Crone John, helper, h 1051 S 9th _ Crone Marion 0., h 705 North av :JI Crone Sarah A. Mrs., h 7()5 North av Cronise Martha M., wid Charles, h 823 ~ 2d Crook Arthur W., rougher, h 1214 Mulberry Crook Charles E., laborer, h 1607 N 4th Crook Ellsworth J., puddler, h 50 Lochicl 1.&1 Crook Ernest H., foreman, h 835 SlOth .oJ Crook Florence, waitress. 4UI )..-Iarket. h 8:!9 S Front C Crook Gabriel A., foreman, h 437 S 14th 1.&1 Crook Harris, laborer, h 51 Lochiel 5th Row Q CCrookk HHarry S'lbbrakemahn'8ho1S71CO! Wood roo erman, a orer, il ameron 1.&1 Crook John, fireman, h 9:!O S !Jth Crook John F., foreman, Division nr 6th, h 236 Harris _ Crook John H., nail feeder, h 707 Showers av Crook John W., laborer, h 317 Reily ..: Crook l\Iargaret A., moccasinmkr, h 317 Reily Crook Pearl, cigarmkr, h 418 Market Go. Crook Samuel, watchman, h 920 S 9th E Crook Susan]., wid George W., h 707 Showers av Crook Tressa, operator, h 920 S 9th U Crook \Valter, laborer, h 605 South av - ' Crook William, laborer, h 51 Lochiel 5th Row ~ Crook William H., special police Capitol, h 1417 Green u Crooks Orlando G., laborer, h li03 N 4th C Crooks Samuel H., laborer, h 1703 ~ 4th Crosby Harry L., brakeman. h H9 Sassafras av c Crosby John, laborer, h 1619 Regina t.I.I Crosby William L.. brakeman. h 1116 Penn





CI Cross Alexander c., painter. h 1117 N 6th ~ Cross Blanche, saleslady, h 1117 N 6th - Cross Carl, elk, Herr clOth, h 1117 N 6th ~ Crossley Charles B., inspector, h 265 Delaware av TIle A._erl_a . . .dl c ....p y. BaIUmore. lid. BOW. G. ROBBRTS,
General Agent Oantral Penna. Dlltrtct. 108 III. Id

CllOSlrtAB 1. HERON, m., sec and treas Pa. Tel. Co., 110 Walnut, h 202 State


Bell 'Phone 851 X. erl8Cl X.

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P~':~~~:t!;.~~~.!.." {ll16 10rlb Boyd'. Hani.burg (C) City Directory.

mini I.

Crossley David E., veterinarian, 441 Verbeke, h do Crossley David W. E., cleaner, h 1342 N 7th Crossley George B., conductor, h 430 Harris Crossley Sarah A., wid John B., h 1342 N 7th Crossley Susan L., wid James, h 621 Herr Crossman Annie, domestic, 300 Verbeke Crossman Edward A., bill poster, h 208 S ad Crosson Victor E., brakeman, h 2028 N 5th Crothers James H., bartender, 523 State, h 521 do Crotty Laura E., wid Michael, h 4 S 4th Crouse Qinton, machinist, h 1605 Derry Crouse Daniel W., carpenter, h 1605 Derry Crouse Harry W., assembler, h 1605 Derry Crouse Samuel, upholsterer, 209 Locust, h 501 Cowden Crouse, see Krause, also Krouse Crow George W., laborer, h 216 :\'Ieadow la Crow Patrick, laborer, h 936 Fox av Crow Ruth E. Mrs., housekeeper, 10 S 2d CROW WILllER, buaineu mgr Star-Independent, h 1511 G~n Crowe Amanda L., teacher, h 446 Cumberland Crowell Ida M., domestic, 225 S 2d Crowl Anna V., teacher, h 629 Boas Crowl Charles A., train dispatcher P. R R, h 1630 N 3d Crowl Harvey, fireman, h 651 Calder Crowl John A., molder, h 629 Boas Crowl Raymond D., butcher, h 1412 N 3d Crown Jacob S., fireman, h 722 Race CROWlf DG. CO., C. It. Chiles, mgr, agricultural implements, 114 Chestnut Crownover Ada, dressmkr, 1335 N 2d, h do Crownover Mollie, dressmkr, h 1335 N 2d Crownover William, laborer, h 1719 Fulton Crownshield B. Frank, brakeman, h 1608 N 6th Crownshie1d E. Grace, stf!ngr, 17 N 3d, h 1608 N 6th Crownshield Elizabeth A.. wid Jeremiah, h 1608 N 6th Crownshield Horace E., grocer, 1532 ~ 6th, h do Crown shield Ross L., elk, HHS N 6th, h 1608 do CROZIER DA.VID E., teacher of piano and organ, studio, 30 If Id, h 102 State Crozier George M., bartender, 1303 N 3d, h 1702 do Crozier Lanra E., wid John T., h 16 S Dewberry av Crozier William B., clk, h 16 S Dewberry av Cntger Theodore G., laborer, h 1223 Cowden Cntikshank William, engraver, 214 Market, h 1504 Green Crull Charles E., asst foreman P. R R., h 252 Verbeke Crull Elwood N., engine timer P. R. R., h 1426 Green Crull Elwood R., machinist, h 2039 Fulton

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.. To find a name you must know how to speD it."

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H. M. KELLEY" CO .. COAL AND WOOD {onlCeS: :ot=.L"I::

Boyd" Harriaburg Directory. :;; Crull Francis P., checkman P. (C)R.,City-15:1 S 13th R. h


~ !:5 Crull Gertrude, saleslady, h 24() North

; : Crull Jacob M., asst baggage agt P. R. R., h :m4 North :z: Crull Jennie E., dressmkr, h ~55 Cumherland t: Crull John P., h 1402 Green ~ Crull Lydia, wid John, h ~15 Reily CD Crull Margaret E., h ~55 Cumberland _ Crull Mary L. :\Irs., dresslllkr, ~55 Cumberland, h do : : Crull Reba, h ~03!.1 Fulton .. Crull Samuel H., check man 1'. R. R., h 141!.1 Shoop . . Crull William, foreman, 10th c Mulberry, h 1~3:J Derry ~ Crull William :\1., engine inspector, h ~55 Cumberland ~ Crull Wilmer J., student, h 3114 ~orth W Crull, see Kroll CC Crum Catharine, h 11115 N lith Z Crum Daniel, gunsmith, 14:!2 Margaret, h do ~ Crum Daniel, jr., shoe finisher, h 5~6 Brown av CC Crum Franklin E., laborer, h nn5 N 6th W Crum George \V., carpenter, h ~() Aberdeen av Crum Louisa, saleslady, 334 Market, h Progress c,j Crum Mary, h :l06 Cherry av . :z Crum Priscilla E., wid John H., h ito N (;th c::: Crum Reuben E., engineer, h 1105 N mh Crum Sarah A., wid Samuel, h 1:311 Fulton ..... Crumlick John J., laborer, h 13 S Court av Crumlick Rosa Mrs., housekeeper, :1~!1 Chestnut Crummel Sarah, h ~1O Mary's av Crummel Thomas, driver, it 251 S 14th :E Crump Charlotte A. Mrs., charwoman, h 1118 Montgomery :i Crumrine Grant, carpenter, h :n~3 Moore a.. Crumrine James, laborer, h 18:l0 Fulton ~ Crutchley Asher L., upholsterer, h 4:!3 Muench y::; Crutchley Daniel, laborer, h 1418 S 13th ~ Crutchley Henry, lahorer, h HIS S 13th a: Crutchley Henry, jr., laborer, h 141l:o! S 1:~th Crutchley John M., templetmkr, h 42:~ ~luench ..... Crutchley Josiah, laborer, h 1418 S 1:~th ~ Crutchley William, puddler, h 1332 S 13th c::: Cuddy Lizzie, waitress, 329 Chestnut, h do Cuff Charlotte E., charwoman, h 126 Liberty ZJ Cuff Rebecca Mrs .. laundress The Commonwealth Culhane Michael, machinist, h 1945 l\ ith Culhane Thomas P., bar elk Commonwealth. h 154 Linden Cu1\an Bridget Mrs., varieties, 610 Church av, h do III Cullison Asa c., laborer, h 606 Church av JD Cull merry Cora E .. shoe operator, h 1421) Derry IIIZ Cullmerry Gilbert L., stengr, 222 Market, h 1429 Derry I-C Cu1\merry H~r,!_G .. ~l~a_~hi~~t. __~ 142!) Eerry_ _ _ __


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ANDREW REDMOND, Hc:.~!:~"W::d ':io~or;:~, {3d Ind Rilly Sts.

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ffi"iIWc:;:ofililiffi" ::~~: :ilili~~~':.':7ilili O~gililil. TlLr.a. U:i~!ilili~" B,pyd Hfik'Tipb1TZrg (C) City Directory. 205w


Cullmerry Isaac D., molder, h 14:m Derry 1'cJellie V., (\ressmkr. h 142!I Derry Culp salesledy, 1:504& ~~ Hd, h 1H:!ti Fuiton CulpAds F., 4;i8 S 16th Clllp Anna rvL, h IHIH N 6th Culp Archis C, laborer. h 1()~ii Fulton Culp George A" conductor. h 48 N 1:~Eh Cuip Harry M .. draftsman, 15 S ~d. h :!5!1 Xorth Culp Heister c., butcher, h 609 Herr Culp Jennie E., saleslady. all ;\" 3d, h 11:! Walnut Culp John h Ll:! \Valnuf CULP 10101 I'" physiciau> 211 Lofiust, h ds Culp \laude, cigsrmh I> 626 Race Cuip Noah, nailer, h Il:!(j Race Culp \ViHiam H .. postal elk, It :s21 Chestnut C>illberland EctwaEd. waiter. h :;:16 Cuurt av, Cmnlierland \' alley R. Paiis. OCP/if, ft Chest nut, entrance. 41:{ Mcrkd. fJ'eighf depot. ft :1d Cumbler Melvin Il. h :!12 ~ 2<1 Cummings Carrie :\~lrs., h :!Iil Liberty Cummings Charles E .. warehouseman, h 40 X Summit Cummings Homcr If., miichinist, h 228 Crescent Cummings Homer H .. jo, IHaiihinisp, h 2:!i-l CreSccfit Cummings H ubertis 1\ L. bODkkp" h 2:!H Creiic>cnt Cummings James, elk, h 2Hl Liberty Cummings James B., laborer, h 506 :'\ Cameron CUlllnings Jemes tobacconist, :501" i\ ~d, h do Cummings Jiiiiephine \1.. teacher. h 2:;;'; Creccent Cummizigs Thomas R. flagman. h ~O~9 '~ 5th ClJ1IJlU.NGS WALTER H'i propr CnefLeel"at :l.acmdry, 46 and 48 11 Cameron, branch office. 1405 Derry, h 228 Cr~cent see adv CumnningfL :08 North Cummi1g~. \ViHiam linemaL IH61 \Valnut Cummings. see Commings Cumptor. Jacob E., waiter. h 311R S Court av Cunkle Alphells D .. bricklayer, h 411 Herr Cunkle B. Frank, zi~,lIer . R. R., h 406 Reily CurTkle Clara M. 310 Merket Cunkle Daaic! L, h 310 Markict Cunkle Edgar 0., machinifLt, h 411 Hen Cunkle Eliza. wid Georlle, h :no Market Cunkle Elmer J.. foreman F. and 1\1. Works. h 1930 N 6th Cunkle George T., meS0itnge" P. R. R. h 179 N 15th Cunkle George "V., solicitor, ~27 h 265 Briggs Curak!e H;Rar,! D., laborer, h 406 Reil ... Cunkle Harry K., sub letter carrier P: O. h W ormlevsbuililig Cunkle Leonard, jr., driver, h 179 N 15th


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Cal Q,

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McNeil', PaiD Ea'erDlIDa'or CUJ'eII Cholera Morbua,I>JIeD!erJ, Cram.., D1arrhC2&, CoIdB, QuiDsy. Rheumatism. Toothache, tIoJ'e ThroM, Aaue, DyspeJlll&, &e. t- .....


..: .::


Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory.

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Cunkle Ll'onard G., warehouseman, h 123 North Cunkle Samuel C, machinist, h 166 N 15th Cunkle Thomas B., warehouseman, h 1835 N 4th Cunkle William S., marble, 1133 Market, h 179 N 15th Cunkle, see Kunkle Cunningham Arthur B., elk, h 1109 Montgomery Cunningham Felix, saloon, 137 N 4th, h do Cunningham George, machinist, h 1930 N 5th Cunningham Henry Rev., h 411 Walnut Cunningham James A., laborer, h 119 S Cameron Cunningham John, barber, 702 State, h 700 do Cunningham John, waiter, h 712 N 7th Cunningham Lizzie, housekeeper, 700 State Cunningham Margaret P., wid Moses, h 1911 Fulton Cunningham William, machinist, h 522 Muench Cunningham Wm. P., asst cashier P. R. R., h 522 Muench Cupp George, polisher, h 231 Liberty Cupples Annie M., ironer, h 106 Short Cupples Catharine E., wid William, h 1123 Grape av Cupples Dollie, housekeeper Hotel Columbus Cupples George W., conductor, h 1316 Fulton Cupples James T . laborer, h 1123 Grape av Cupples Maggie F., domestic The Central Cupples S. Harry, steam fitter, h 1123 Grape av Cupples Stephen F., laborer, h 106 Short Cupples Susan, ironer, h 106 Short Cupples William, h 1123 Grape av Curley Joseph F., messenger, h 1320 S 13th Curley Julia A., wid John, h 1320 S 13th Curley William, laborer, h 2 Paxton Furnace Row Curley William J., catcher, h 1320 S 13th Curns Henry F., brakeman, h 1337 Fulton Currand E. Harry, elk, 19 N 2d, h 508 North Currand John E., printer, 201 N 2d, h 508 North Currand Mary A., vestmkr. h 263 Forster Currand William T., machinist, h 263 Forster Curry Claude, laborer, h 1213 N 11i Curry Curtis, canvassman, h 1844 Hickory av Curry George C, canvasser, h 300 Boyd av Curry Joseph, conductor, h 1601 N 3d Curry Rachel Mrs., cook, h 1213 N 11i Curtis Adam K., machinist, h 515 Hamilton Curtis Charles E., engineer, h 1614 N 6th Curtis Charles E., jr., brakeman, h 1614: N 6th Curtis David K., laborer, h 1614 N 6th Curtis Jennie. wid Isaac, h 1112 Florence av Curtis Mary E., housekeeper, 1604 N 6th Curtis Robert, waiter, 11 129 Short


lor ACCIDBlIIT .lII8tlRAlIICR. loa lII_1t 8e..... 81nel. Bell 'PhoDe l1li1 X. or 88lI,iX.

Digitized by


Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory.

7(., 17(horer, h 640 Fulton Curtis R(,hert Curtis William N.,'blacksmith, h 1604 !\ 6th CurciH (li;1T!es, laborer, h is Cowcit:n CurviH Elieabeth, wid h CDwden unin Eugene, machini::.t, h 18 Cowden Curwin J"mer A., tlagzr;"n, :!1:~h r\: 7th CUTwin Joseph M., supt, 512 State, h do CusHck ,;1wanJ J.. laborer, 930 Jam;;s ae Cusack Mary. domestic, 930 James av 6th Custce ::\1 orric H., ;;;rpenter. h 2,10 Custer Samuel W., carpenter, h :!14li Howard av CH1;;; Albert labor;'r, h 1HZ!. Cvrus Amanda Mrs., h 426 S~outh Cyr;;;; ':\hcy dO;i;esi, SOHth


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n n

Dabncy Lillian, domestic, a 1 ?\ 3d Caghett , h 74:! X Dagnell Agnes Y., housekeepcr, ~105 6! Cahe Henry" Lbore] h h4:! C;;;;;en;;, Dailey Cornelius, laborer, h 167 S Summit DaiLy w;;!chn;;;n, 551 S H7th Dailey John ~I., elk Post Office. h 4:!5 Herr Dailcy Joseph S., machi::ist h VB bfarle;t Dailey Julia 1\., h 42:3 Herr Daile,' Kcte, \vid ich"d, hie:!;) lere Da.!le.y M~ry A., w!d Pa~ric~~ h H42 :\ ,1th Dalley ~fH::had, hdper. n 1H S;;;lt Dailey Rosa :'1., ;Jressmkr, h 1811 ~larket Dail"e S"wucl. nwldee h Ih11 ?:lark;;t Dailey 5amuel F., machinist, h 110 S 1:Jth Dail"y \Villiarn H,. labmer, h 13470 l\l;;yflm.;;er cv lYaily Ellen, wid Patrick. h f?42 N 7th Dailo John, lHborer. h 1)42 ~ 7th Daily J. Dbom;;s, pipe cutter. h H!I ~ l1t Dailv Patrick laborer, h 1alO \Valbe Daily TImmas. laborer, II t:.;k3 111' DailH see Dailey. also Dab!, abo D;;ly Dabky Feedenick ., engineer, 12iJ~i S lath Dales John, h 130H Market Da};;teom Osc"r ., dz;':fts;nan, h 2::b Boas Daly Rachel Mrs. h 1426 Marin;; Darrmmao Sarah ,., h 40b Vemon !?ampmarm David B., salesman. 222 =~Ia~~at, .h 919 N 6th R Jlanr;arfiaxd . sI(;dw(;;ke" h ..mO ::,outo Daniel Tames, laborer. h 715 North Danid j(;hn E., tdegr;;phm P. h 002 Daniel Leroy L., student, h 1002 N 6th
_M - _ - - -


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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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'l'rJ. Toll of

H I 1\ wELLEY aCO'S 81a_ D1.eal ltOth ....3d 8b11tr o. t . ,._ ...... w.ea JI Ntrth State 811.
Boyd'. Harrisburg (D) City Directory.


~ Daniell Frank W., insurance, :!1 X 3d, h 1118 Green U) DANIELL IOHN F., district gen! agt Jlichigan lIutual Life ~ Insurance Co. of Detroit, 21 If 3d, h 1118 Green .; Daniels Albert, motonnan, h 322 Harris to- Daniels Charles H., brakeman, h 1tr~9 S 9th ~ Daniels Edna, milliner, :U:! Market, h 1509 Wallace o Daniels Joanna, wid Lewis P., h 908 S 19th z: Daniels John 5., conductor, h 15(19 Wallace ~ Daniels Rebecca, seamstress, h 1715 N 5th - Danley Mattie, cigar packer, h 3:!:! Herr Danner Clay, fireman, h 330 5 13th u Danner Elias, laborer, h 1324 N 4th i= Danner George, fireman, h 1001 Berryhill ..e- Danner George D., laborer, It Ut~j Rudy II Danner George J., driver, 432 Market, h 1404 William Danner John K., fireman, h 634 Verbeke ;;; Danner Marguerite, stenograp\Jer, h 717 N 2d ~ Danner Mary Mrs., h 1404 William Danner Rachel, bookkpr, 1516 N 3d, h itj N 2d Danner William H., candymkr, h 607 Herr 1: Danner William W., driver, h 1324 N 4th _ ~ Dapp Charles F., student, h 314 Verbeke _ Dapp Conrad, baker, h 1509t Logan av &.a.I Dapp Gottlieb, hotel. 314 Verbeke, h do Dapp John F., h 458 'Cumberland a: Dapp John ~lartin, boots, 424 Reily, h do :i Dapp Louis G., boxmkr, h 424 Reily ! Dapp William A., telegrapher, It 314 Verbeke ;: Darby Frank, blacksmith, h 446 Cumberland .!! Darby George W., mech eng, h 446 Cumberland -::; Darby L. Wayne, collector, h 446.Cumberland :::- Dare Albert V., tinplater, h 1934 N 4th I&J Dare Anson P., (E. O. Dare & Son), h 1527 Green ~ Dare Charles K., eating house, 1217 Penn, h do L.. Dare Elizabeth ~Irs., h 163:! N ad C Dare Emery A., tinplater, h 1943 N 4th ... Dare Emery E., Hagman, h 1943 N 4th DARE E. O. & SON, (Anson P. Dare, surviving partner), insurance, 19 If 3d Z Dare Erasmus J., grocer, 428 Reily, h do Dare George \V., laborer, h 2120 Boas Z Dare John E., painter, 65 N 16th, h do Dare Joseph G., trucker, h 2120 Boas Dare Joseph H .. elk, 406 Market, h 1821 North I&J Dare Mary C. ~lrs., h 266 Herr Dare Richard L.. milkman, h 1458 Market Daron Addison P., laborer, h 815 5 Front Daron Edward, h 4H N 13th

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ANDREW REDMOND, J:rr::::d':::'~::;. {3d .Id Rilly Sts.

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B T'".CKJ ....lUll. _pie'" wt~ Ux&unl and FriD" for IIio. { I.,e WaI' Pa.-r. The best and lowst W'''_ 3d st.

Boyd" Harrisburg CD) City Directory.


Darow Frederick W., barber, 437 State, restaurant, 445 State, h do . Darr Anna, wid John K., h 710 East III Darr Charles H., driver, h 1418 William .-. Darr David A., carpenter, h :!O05 Penn , Darr Henry, carpenter, h 1520 ~ 4th :. Darr Marion E.. h 1528 Derry Darr Mary E . domestic, 628 Reily Darrah A. John, machinist, h 1443 Yernon Darrah George J., machinist, h 1443 Vernoll Darrah Susan E., dressmkr. h 144:{ Vernon Dase Amanda, wid Frederick, h 1626 Green Dase Arthur G . electrician. h 1218 Cowden Dase Dora A., teacher. h 1(i:!6 (;reen Dase Florence M., housekeeper, 1218 Cowden Dase Jennie E .. teacher. it 16:!6 (ireen Dase John F. C, h l:!lS Cowden ~ Dasher Anna, John J .. h 12:! South Dasher Edward R, elk C. I. & S. Co., h 122 South Dasher Emma F., dresslllkr, h 2:~2 Harris Dasher Fred'k K., bookkpr C. I. & S. Co., h 1702 Market _ Dasher Harvey R, salesman, 1001 N 3d, h 1460 Regina Dasber Samuel F., elk, h 718 Capital Dashiell Julius T., -dentist, h 113 Market , Datesman ~Iary, wid \Villiam P., h 129 Evergreen .. Dauer Andrew, laborer, h 435 Walnut IJ Daugherty D. Dale, machinist, h 1537 Fulton 0 Daugherty Frank H., hostler, h 15:17 Fulton ~O Daugherty George W., elk State Treasury, h 1803 N 6th 13 Daugherty Hamlet, foreman P. R. R., h 1011 N 2d Daugherty Hugh A., laborer, h 624 Walnut Daugherty Levan, engineer, h 1016 Green Daugherty Lydia C Mrs., notions, 1803 ~ 6th, h do Daugherty Lynn, collector, 215 Chestnut, h 1803 N 6th Daugherty Reil, assembler, h 2009 Logan av Daugherty 'William, hostler, h 1904 N 5th Daugherty William M., laborer, h 1904 ~ 5th Daugherty, see Dougherty , Daum William, puddler. h 12;;3 S 13th ,.. Daum William, repairsman, h 1108 N Cameron DAUPHIB COUBTY LAW LIBRARY, W. H. Wyant, librarian, Court House .U Dauphin County Prison. 223 Walnut W Dauphin County Reporter, \\'. O. Foster, pub, 213 Walnut Q. DAUPHIN DEPOSIT BAR, 213 Karket see adv Davenport Matilda, wid Frederick, h 12th ab Kelker Davenport !vIoses. laborer. h 12th ab Kelker .... Davidson Charles W., car repairer, h 633 Herr



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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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lieN ElL'S COII.PLEXION PILLS. :"~~~d(:I:n~~~~\!: {306 Brl.'



Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory.





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Davidson David E., car inspector, h 648 Verbeke Davidson Helen, knitter, h 253 S Cameron Davidson Henry Rev., steward, 1185 Bailey, h do Davidson Jennie M., wid David F., h 1148 Cumberland Davidson John H., elk, h 118 Evergreen Davidson John W., salesman, 428 Market, h Newville Davidson Kate Mrs., matron, 1185 Bailey, h do Davidson Merril 0., motorman, h 1~5 Sayford av Davidson Ralph, caller P. R. R., h 705 East Davidson Sephario\1s c., machinist, h 16:!5 ~ 6th Davidson Sepharious c., jr., shoe cutter, h 1625 N 6th Davidson William, baker, 1129 N 7th, h do Davidson William Yl., yardmaster, h 1512 N 6th Davies Anna E., wid Newton H., h 106 Walnut DAVIES GUY H., chief clerk attorney general, Capitol, h 100 :N3d Davies Mary E. Mrs., h 161S! Fulton Davies Mary E., stengr city elk's office, h 106 Walnut Davies Rawn V., elk, h 106 Walnut Davies William H., ins sol, 15 N 2d, h Steelton Davies William J., roller, h 26 S 3d DAVIES WILLIAM T., physician, 5OO:N 3d, h do Davies William V., telegrapher, 71 N 3d, h 106 Walnut Davis Albert W., confectioner, h 1718 Green Davis Alfred S., laborer, It 1629 Logan av Davis Alice V., dome&tic, 114 Evergreen Davis Amos R., laborer, h Hill Logan av Davis Amos R., machinist, h 1916 State Davis Benjamin F., motonnan, h 816 S Cameron Davis Benjamin F., waiter, h 426 Cranberry av Davis Bertha Mrs., h III Angle av Davis Blanche R., elk, 407 S 2d, h 185 Paxton Davis Catharine A., wid John c., h 13n5 N 3d Davis Charles, waiter, h 410 Cowden Davis Charles A., sexton, h 1629 Logan av Davis Charles c., elk Post Office, h 250 Liberty Davis Charles E., flagman, h 185 Paxton Davis Charles H., laborer, h 22 N 13th Davis Cbarles M., machinist, h 1327 Green Davis Charles W., cigars, 1305 N 3d, h do Davis Charles W., teamster, h 554 Primrose av Davis Cora, domestic, 217 Verbeke Davis Eleazar T., machinist, h 609 Cedar av Davis Eliza, wid John. h 413 Cranberry av Davis Emily A., wid David F., h 1512 Green Davis Felix M., asst supt Hbg Traction Co., h 1831 N 4th Davis Florence, nurse, 1702 N 2d Davis Frederick H:, mgr, 313 S 2d, h Lucknow
wtllgoonrourbond. loa 11-EDW G ROBERTS boner, are uecutecL Bell 'Phone 85: X,I, where 01''' X.
Digitized by


A. B. TACK t:&~~ II POPer and 1mb _

Boyd'. Harrisburg CD) City Directory.


Davis George, huckster, h 3d cReel's lao Davis G.::orge W., bookbinder, h 25 S 4th Davis Grace, domestic, 503 North av Davis Hamilton A., pressman, h 16:!9 Logan av Davis Harry B., laborer, h 415 Pear av Davis Harry P., laborer, h 203 N 15th Davis Harry S., trucker. h Front c Division Davis Harry W., machinist, h lUll; State Davis Israel, saratoga chips, 173fi Log-an av, h do Davis James, laborer, h 511 South av Davis James A., laborer, h 1122 Cumberland Da~is James G., boilermkr, h H40 S UHh Davis James H., cigars, &c., 2107 Greenwood, h do Davis James W., laborer, h 741 S 21! Davis Jane Mrs., h 503 North av Davis J. Carter, fireman, h 428 Cumberland Davis John, waiter, h 426 Cranberry av Davis John H., brakeman, h 1815 Susquehanna Davis John N., barber The Commonwealth. h 41S South Davis John W., driver, h Maclay bel 3d Davis Josephine, wid Elisha W., h 1932 N 3d Davis Kate L., mailer, 201 N 2d, h 540 Xorth Davis Linneas M., dispatcher, 12 S 2d, h 3115 Dauphin av Davis Lizzie, domestic, 1101 Market Davis Logan B., helper, h 29 Lochiel 3d Row Davis Mark T., estimator, h 1114 N Cameron Davis Mary A., wid Harry, h 426 Cranberry av Davis Mary C. Mrs., h 436 North av Davis Mary c., wid William H., h 1818 N 6th Davis Mina c., domestic, 607 N 2d Davis Oliver P., watchmkr, 23 N 3d, h 113 Market Davis Robert, bellman The Bolton Da~is Samuel W., laborer, h Verbeke c 16th Davis Sarah E., c1k, 23 N 3d, h 131 Evergreen Davis Violet G., domestic, 426 Cranberry av Davis William A., confectioner, h 1718 Green Davis William c., trucker, h Front c Division Davis Winter, blacksmith, h 1824 N Cameron Davisson William M., laborer. h 1314 Kittatinnv Dawson Earnest, laborer, h 220 S Court av . Dawson Herbert, laborer, h 1!l.36 Mayflower av Dawson Ida, domestic, 220 S Court av Dawson Jane E., h 1409 N 6th Dawson John L., machinist, h 1409 ~ 6th Dawson Kate A. Mrs., dressmkr. 15:l9! N 5th, h do Dawson Valley, domestic, 220 S Court av Dawson Walter, laborer, h 322 Blackberry ay Dawson William, elk banking dept. Capitol. h 804 N 6th

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To find a name you must know how. to spell it."

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Day Christian H.; elk, 434 Market, h 16g8 N 5th ..., Day Oaude S., shoe cutter, h 660 Say ford av i!: Day Guy E., laborer, h 1117 Plum av ~ Day Harry C., carpenter, h 1638 N 5th - Day Lida, cook, 518 Market, h 210 Mary's av :;; Day Nursery and Free Kindergarten, Jennie Rutherford, matron, 615 State ~ Deabler Maria, wid George, h 1338 N 7th t! Deal Catharine, h 1185 Bailey Deal George W., engineer, h 2108 N 6th .:!! Deal Harriet, housekeeper, 1::t22 Margaret :: Deam Edward M., artist, h 105 Market - Dean Benjamin F., laborer, h 1219 N Cameron Dean Cassius M .. shoemkr, h 1!149 Rudy 1.1 Dean Edmund. h 232 Liberty ... Dean Erastus F., elk, h 455 S 13th ~ Dean George A., laborer, h ltIiO S Cameron ~ Dean Harrison L . watchman, h 6fi5 Btiggs LaJ Dean Harry, engineer. h 44 Lochiel 4th Row Dean James L., elk, h 1!14H Rudy Dean James R., shoemkr. h 121!) N Cameron Z Dean James W., meat. l\lulberry c Prune av, h 2:12 S 1:Uh James O Deanav, h do\V., shoemkr. Hno lUarket and 307 Strawberry Z Dean John, laborer, h 611 Cumberland Dean John H., shoemkr, 2117 Verbeke, h do I&J Dean Joseph F., blacksmith, h 39 N 17th Dean Katharine, teacher, h 39 N 17th Dean L. ~Jinnie, weaver. h l!)49 Rudy Dean Mary, wid Christian, h 124i Mulberry O Dean Rosa Mrs., dressmkr, 4 N 2d, h do ~ Dean Samuel c., express messenger, h 1949 Rudy :!! Dean Sarah A. Mrs., h ]228 Bartine av Dean 'Thomas, pilcr, lfIill S Cameron M Dean William, laborer. h Lochiel Farm c; Dean, see Deen, also Doehne :::; Deaner Philip S., conductor. h 415 Cumberland c:::t A.. Deaner Samuel E., flagman, h 1812 N 6th ::a: Deardorf Bruce S., postal elk, h 436 ~larket ~ Deardorf John, tinsmith, h ]203 N mh ~ Deardorf John F., postal elk, h 142 N 13th .. Deardorf Samuel G., repairsman, h 919 S 20-1 Deardorff Ada, dOluestic, 1~06 N !ld Ii; Deardorff Annie, housekeeper, 116 Angle av ~ Deardorff Annie L., domestic, 107 Reily C; Deardorff James C, driver, h 115 S Cameron ~ Deardorff Lewis. brakeman. h 6.17 Woodbine Deardorff Rebecca Mrs.. h :!71 Hamilton

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BOld'. Harriaburg CD) City Directory.



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&~::~~.~~"~:t;! ANDREW



REDMOND. {3d .Id Rilly Sis.

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- - - - - - ------------ - -------.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

Dearing Alexander, laborer, h 414 \\"est a\' Dearing Ellwood, student, h 414 West av Dearing Ernest, laborer, h 2 Haehnlen av DeCarlton Lillie H., dressmkr, h 221 Briggs DeCarlton Margaret H., dressmkr, h 221 Briggs DeCarlton Sarah, wid Lewis, h 221 Briggs Decevee Alice K., wid Edwin J., h 607 N 2d DECBVBB BDWD' 1., conaenatory of music, 80'1 Ii 2d, h do Dechant Harry, laborer, h :!1:10 Greenwood Dechant Jacob, foreman, 1701 N 3d, h 1713 do Deckard <...1ara C. Mrs., h 607 N Cameron Deckard Laura, laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do Deckard Lottie, domestic, 1632 ~ 5th Decker Annie :\Irs .. domestic, 4:!2 Market Decker Annie c., wid Peter A., h 1318 Fulton Decker Charlotte, rag sorter, h 1424 Marion Decker Jacob, broker, h 15 S 2d Decker John, student, It 609 N Cameron Decker Laura, domestic, 13 N 4th Decker Sarah l\Irs., (Decker & McIlvain), h l!};H ~ 6th Decker William, plumber, h 12115 ~ 3d Decker & McIlvain, (Mrs. Sarah Decker and C. K. McIlvain), cigars, 1937 N 6th Deckert George W., laborer, h 1730t Wood Deckman Frank B., laborer, h 59 Lochiel Cottage Row Deckman George. baker, h 1512 Derry Deeds Joseph, peddler, h 118 Washington Deem Mary L., dressmkr, h :!()2 Charles av Deem Sophia, wid <...11arles, h 202 01arles a v Dt-em William A., laborer, It 1319 James Deen Carl K., salesman, 6J5 Walnut, h 430 Boas Deen Corda T., wid G. Howard, h 2152 N" 7th Deen Darwin c., elk P. R R depot, h 430 Boas Deen Darwin E., asst P. O. messgr P. R R, h 430 Boas Deen Ira]., painter, h 2122 N 6th Deen Jacob H., engineer, h 533 Filbert Deen John C, draftsman, h 2122 K 6th Dt-en Myrtle L., milliner, h 212!:! 1\ 6th Deen Robert A., engineer, h 2122 N 6th Decn William A., driver, h 1:119 James Deen, see Dean, also Doehne D<:ering Archie, laborer, h 11;3 Indian av Deering Harvester Co., J. G. Young, genl agt, agrl implts, 619 Walnut Dees Edward B., bricklayer, h 1407 N 3d Dees Jacob, shoemkr, 214 Cherry av, h do Deeter Frank E .. salesman, 110 S 2d. h 1274 State Deeter George E., salesman. :l6 ::\ 2d. h 123 Linden

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Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory.



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Deeter J. X ewton, salesman, 36 N !!u, h ;\lechanicsburg Deeter l\Iary A., wid Ephraim, h 123 Linden Ddfenbaugh Isabella. wid Samuel, h 118 Hanna Defibaugh Chester, laborer, h 1440 Zarker Defibaugh David F., blacksmith, h 1440 Zarker Defibaugh Minnie M., tailoress, h 1440 Zarker Defibaugh Roy F., pressman Independent, h lao Zarker Defibaugh Watson C., carpenter, h 1440 Zarker Degler E. John, baggage transfer, h Hotel Royal DeGrant Wm. L., asst yardmaster P. R R., h 1519 Green DeHart Clarence E., salesman. :334 ~Iarket, h 906 S 19! DeHart David, basketmkr, h 3:l Lochiel ad Row DeHart Edwin E., fireman, h 413 S 1Hth DeHart Edwin E., nailer, h 818 S Cameron DeHart Elmer E., electrician, 334 Market, h 1UII5 X 4th DeHart George D., laborer, h 121 Mary's av DeHart Grafton F., driver, h 807 East DeHart John D., laborer, h 121 ~Iary's av DeHart John W., nailer, h 822 S Cameron DeHart Margaret, cigarmkr, h 818 S Cameron DeHart Mary E., cigar roller, h 413 S 16th DeHart MIlton R., engineer, h 1612 K 4th De Hart William E., heater, h !.lOG S 191 DeHart William F., nailer, h 818 S Cameron DeHart William T., molder, h 822 S Cameron DeHaven E. Jennie, candymkr, h 252 Liberty DeHaven Esther M., h 252 Liberty DeHaven George P., patternmkr, it 2::;2 Liberty D(' Hayen Isabella, h 109 South DeHaven Sarah, wid Frederick H., h 715 ~ :!d DeHaven William A., elk, 909 N 3d, h 923 do De Hayen William H., turner, h 252 Liberty Dehner Otto, brewmaster, h 910 Capital DeHuff Annie, wid Jesse D., h 707 ~ 2d DeHuff Dessie, h 116 Washington Deibler Emerson, barber, h 1624 N fith Deibler James M., blacksmith, h 1342 State DEIBLER 10HN W., county commissioner, Court House, h Berrysburg . Deichler Emma J. Mrs., h 1309 N 3d Deichler Mary M., housekeeper, 1309 X 3d Deihl Frank E., teacher, h 1600 Regina DEIHL GEORGE A' 1 grocer, 1600 Regina, h do Deihl John D., detective, h 404 Forster Deihl Ralph I., elk, 1600 Regina, h do Deihl Samuel B., h 53 N 10th Deihl, see Diehl Deiker Ella, wid Charles F., h 147 Paxton


A ....1t1e.r. Lialtlll'~ . - B,eR_ . . .Ier 1 _.....loa .orll, Be. . . B.. Bell 'Pboue 8111 X. or 6843 X.

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WaD Paper and Window Shacks, {l.::-::~~~J


Boyd" Harri,burg (D) City Directory.


Deikcr Ella R., saleslady, 334 Market, h 404 Chestnut Deiker George W., elk, 401 Chestnut, h 404 do Deiker John S., bartender, 404 Chestnut, h 903 S 20t Dciker ~1arie E. Mrs., hotel, 404 Chestnut, h do Deimler Philip H., painter, h 1615 Penn Deimler Raymond E., painter, h 1830 Derry Deimler Richard R., painter, 1830 Derry, h do Deiner Edwin M., car inspector, h 33 N lith Deininger James c., elk sec. commonwealth, h 20 N 4th Deisher Helena A., milliner, 334 ~Iarket, h' 206 N 2d Deisroth Edward, rougher, h 584 Showers av Deisroth George \V., rougher, h 141 Hanna Deisroth Martin c., roller, h 942 Paxton ])EISS WILLIAII, druggist, 4th c Walnut, h 920 N 2d Deitch Celia, domestic, 600 N 3d Deitz Albert E., puddler, h 1340 S 13th Deitz Harry, puddler, h 1400 S 13th Deitz, see Deets, also Dietz Deitzel Emma S. Mrs., h 824 James av Deitzler Amanda, wid Philip M., h 30 S Cameron Deitzler Kate E., h 30 S Cameron Deitzler Martin L. Rev., h 631 S Front ~ Delancey David A., shoemkr, l:mo ~ 4th, It Fairview ~ DeLaney Edward R., brakeman, h 1023 N 7th !:i Delaney James K., elk sec commonwealth, h 713 Capital DELANEY .TOD C., h 224 Pine It Delaney John M., teller Hbg Trust Co., It 221 X 2d _ ~ Delaughter VVilliam, hostler, It Tanner's av nr South ~ DELAWARE IIERCANTILE CO., (Harvard C. Zachariu), ~ room 26 Harrisburg Nat. Bank bldg, 14 S 2d Dell Annie, laundress, h 329 Harris Dell Isabella, wid Henry, h 127 S 3d Dell William H., k.reman gas works, h 127 S 3d Deller George, steam titter, It 52:: l{ace Deller John, steam fitter, h u21 Race Dellinger Henry K., coachmkr, h 11i:!1 Swatara Dellinger John E., laborer, h 1621 Swatara Dellinger John S., driver, h lillS Fulton Dellinger Margaret, stripper, h 1621 Swatara Dellinger Mary E., elk, h 1621 Swatara Dellone Andrew J., lineman, h 11111 Cowden Dellone Francis X .. engraver, h 9:!1l X 3d Dellone Louis, h 920 N 3d Dellone Louis S., student, It 920 X :ld DeLong John A., steel plate printer, h 11 X 5th DeLozier James \\'" inspector. h 1;;:~:1 "ernon Delvey Arthur M .. salesman, It 2014 X :~d Demain Edw. R .. weather bureau. P. O. bldg, h :lOS X 2d 4'To find a name~yo~- m;:'st-kn~-how-to- SpdI-iL"




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M. KELLEY & CO.Hc:..-:dt'.J:'=:

Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory.

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Demay David B., laborer, h IHO Regina Demay Oscar, laborer, h 1470 Regina Demery Thomas R., steel plate printer, h 1:?13 Market Deming John H., conductor, h 5117 :\luench Demma Joseph, (Boova Fruit Co.), h :?32 Cherry av Demming Benjamin W., stengr adj gent's dept, h 1152 Mulberry DEJOIING lIElOLY C. COL, stenographer, geologist, mineralogist and chemist, 15 and 17 N 3d (3d and 4th loon), h 1152 Mulberry Demming Viola 1\'i., teacher, h 1152 ~Iulberry Demmy David S., postal elk, h 31 ~ 1(;th Demmy Edward F., carpenter, h 1458 l\larket Demmy Jeremiah, h l.J.5~ Market Demmy Kate A., h lU:.!1 Park Demmy Lavina, housekeeper, 254 Xorth Democratic State Headquarters, 1 S :3d DeMoss Benjamin F., helper, h 25 Lochiel 3d Row Dempsey Bridget A., wid Andrew, h GII7 Korth Dempsey Catharine, cigarmkr, h 607 North Dempsey James A., ironworker, h IiCl7 Xorth Dempsey John, laborer, h Ii07 Xorth Dlmpsey Mary A., dressmkr, h fi07 Xorth Dempsey Peter 1\1., ironworker, h G07 Xorth Dempsey Thomas A., lahorer, h 4H1 State Denehey William P., jeweler, :?Ilfi ~larkt't. h lU7 Reily Dcnehey William R., asst chief elk P. R. R.. h 142:l N Front Denig Robert G., Lieut. Com. C. S. X., h 115 Locust Denk Harry. plasterer, h 1201 X 11~ Denk :\1aggie )'lrs .. h l:?OI N ll~ Denk \Villiam. laborer, h 125:l Centre av Oennee Alexander W., barber, 4~O ~Iarket. h 100 N 10th:. Denney Oifton S., roller, II 5:J1i Race . Denne ... Thomas H .. elk, h 71:? X 6th Denney Washington I., machinist. h 1200 Derry Dennick Benson L., repairsman, h l:no X 6th Dennie Mary]. l\lrs .. dressmkr, 2:?3 Meadow la, h do Dennin Bernard ]., waiter, 309 Market. h 1407 Green Dennis Caroline B., shoe operator, hUla Regina Dennis Charles H., janitor, h 1413 Rt'gina Dennis Estella G., book sewer. h 141::\ Regina Dennis Frank E., laborer. h 141~ Regina Dennis Gertrude, nurse. 161:l N 2d Dennis Mary, domestic, 2:1 ~ Front Denny Jehu, fireman, h 110~ N Front Dent James E., laborer, h 125 N 16th Deppen Irvin E., elk, 1801 N 6th. h do DePuy P~arson~V., ~l1achinis~, h 52~_~5th _______



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A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,


Boyd'. Harriaburg (D) City Directory.

DePuy Thomas E., patternmkr, h 15:Jtl N 6th Derflinger Alberta, cigarmkr, h 1064 S Cameron Derflinger Annie, cigarmkr, h 1064 S Cameron Derflinger George \V., cooper, h 1010 S 9th Derflinger Leonard, cooper, h 1010 S 9th Derflinger Mollie, cigarmkr, h 1064 S Cameron Derheath Richard, laborer, h Canal c Reily Derick Christian, machinist, h 1202 1\ Cameron Derick Joseph M. H., laborer,h 664 Woodbine Derick Samuel H., brakeman, h 639 Woodbine Derickson John C., electrician, h 156 Sylvan ter Derickson \Villiam W., baggagemaster, h 156 Sylvan ter Derosa Emma, wid Antoine, h 107 S River av Derr Anthony L., ticket examiner P. R. R., h :!:!4 Forster Derr Catharine, wid Anthony, h 1122 1\ :!d Derr Josephine, h 1122 N 2d Derr L. Franklin, brakeman, h 2151 Atlas av Derry Archibald, laborer, h 163 Indian av Derry Coal and Coke Co., A. S. McCreath, sec, :!:!3 ~farket Derstine George H., hostler, h 1408 X 6th DeSantis Gennarino, shoemkr, 211 S Court av, h 117 Mulberry Deshong Edward A., elk, 1402 N 3d, h do Deshong John c., fireman, h 1309 N 2d DeSilvey Miles A., engine oiler, h 631 Hamilton Dessanno Edward J., laborer, h 904 James av Destaffie James, laborer, h 117 Mulberry Detter Amanda c., nurse Home for the Friendless, h do Dettling Amos, steelworker, h 1014 Hemlock Dettling Annie, stitcher, h 1600 \\'"alnut Dettling August, bartender, h 824 S Cameron Dettling Clayton, molder, h 1937 State Dettling Edward, laborer, h lOla SlOth Dettling Harry, painter, h 1013 SlOth Dettling John, laborer, h 613 Race Dettling John, jr., painter, h 1013 S Il1th Dettling Joseph, biacksmith, h 8:!4 S Cameron Dettling Levi, molder, h 1600 Walnut Dettling Peter, carpenter, h 1600 Walnut DETWEILER JlEADE D., lawyer, 18 If 3d, h 23 S Front Detweiler R. 1.. & Co., (R. 1.. Detweiler). stables, 6th c Madav Detweiler Robert L., (R. 1.. Detweiler & Co.), h 1720 N 6th Detweiler Samuel, h 1::?3 S 2d Detweiler Welles W .. elk, h 1!!.~ S 2d Devan \Villiam, coachman, h 2:t2 N Court av DeVenney John Coo physician, 1501 N 3d, h do Devennie Robert, driver, h 511 S 2d

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.. To find a name you must lmow how to spell it:'

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II.IEIL'S PAil OOERIiIIATOR ~r~:o:~:e=t::ied~;~l {aoe"'l~.



Boyd's Harrisburg CD) City Directory.

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DeVictor James c., conductor, h 1317 Kittatinny De Victor Oliver J., machinist, It 1;U7 Kittatinny Devine Francis A., wiper, h 615 Herr Devine James B., filler, h 615 Herr Devine John c., helper, h 615 Herr Devine Laura Mrs., h 6051 State Devine Mary, picker, h 615 Herr Devine Patrick, laborer, h 615 Herr Devine Thomas ]., foreman, 140j Yernon, h 1635 Market Devlin John, marker, h 1a7 S 3d Devor Harry c., grocer, h :!24 K.elker, h do Devor ~lary S., wid Edwin, h U,:!6 N 6th DeVout Anson S., bookkpr, 7th c North, h 12t?0 Chestnut DeVout Bartholomcw B., car inspector, h 208 Hummel DeVout Carrie L., bookkpr, 81:J Market, h t08 Hummel DeWald Rose c., elk, 210 Walnut, h 219 N 2d Dewalt Charles, bridge builder, h 1942 State Dewalt Harry H., inspector, h 105 Cherry av Dewalt Harvey E., h 120 Calder Dewalt John S., engineer, h 1:!59 Kittatinny DeWees]. Milton, engineer, h 218 Verbeke DeWees William L., gateman P. R. R. depot, h 420 Market Dewhirst Abraham J., cigars The Bolten, h 107 South Dewhirst Anna E., stenographer, 4 N 3d, h 107 South Dewhirst Elizabeth A., wid Stephen, h 107 South deWontersz Bernard. chiei cook. h 315 Clinton av Dexter Stella. h 1166 S Cameron Deyoe Luther Rev., h 4112 Briggs Dibeler Demas H., cngineer, h :!1:~5 Moore Dibeler George \V., flagman, h fi24 Harris Dice Jennie, wid Georgc, h :!(I~ l.11arles a\' Dice Weslev, brakcman, h 617 Harris Dick John L, watchman. h 116 :\Iulberry Dick Regina c., housckeeper. lHi Mulberry Dickert Harry B., dining- rooms, 1H S 2d, h do Dickey Charles A., laborer, h 579 Showers av Dickey Charles F., laborer, h 1411 N Cameron Dickey Clarence. flurist, h 1411 ~ Cameron Dickey Edward T., plumber. h \'crbeke nr Susquehanna Dickey G. Calvin, painter, h 1411 ~ Cameron Dickey George, cigarmkr. h :!:~:I S :!d Dickev Henr\' H .. laborer, h 4!1 Hahn Dickey John L, cigarmkr, h 2:l3 S 2d Dickey John L., painter, h 126 Vine Dickey Mary J., wid Samuel, h :!3:\ S :!d Dickey Maude S., bunchmkr, h :!33 S 2d Dickey Robert :\1., molder. h 311 Hamilton
T ... A...rl. . . . . . .dln.

General Age1ll Central Penna. DIstrict.

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loa .....c. Bell 'Pbone 8M X, or 68C8 X.

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Baltimore, Md. BOW. G. KOBBRTtIl.


Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory.


Dickey Ross R., bottler, h 311 Hamilton Dickey William H., collector, h 126 Vine Dickinson Bayard T., register, Court House, h Steelton Dickinson Charles, waiter, 21 Cowden Dickinson Henrietta, wid John H., h 414 South Dickinson J. Edward, physician, 230 S 2d, h do Dickman Theodore, boat builder, h 125 Cranberry av Dickson Eva H., dressmkr, h 219 Meadow la Dickson Marshall, barber, h 702 N 7th Diehl Hertha Y., h 1201 Green Diehl Catharine, h l1S5 Bailev DIEHL CLABX E., mgr Postal Telegraph-Cable Co. and supt Fire Alarm. and Police Patrol Telegraph, h 226 BrilJl Diehl Edward c., carpenter, h 634 Delaware av Diehl John A., laborer, h 1607 Green Diehl Luther S., engineer, h 1607 Green Diehl Reuben, fireman, h 306 N Court av Diehl Sevilla, wid Jackson, h 1:!48 Bailey Diehl William, inspector, 210 Walnut, h !!Cli ~ 2d Diehl, see Deihl Diener Alba, domestic, 301 S 2d Diener Edwin M., car inspector, h 33 N lith Diener John M., conductor, h 326 S 15th DIENER PETEB G., jeweler and optician, 410 Market, h 721 11 8th see adv Diener Robert E., machinist, h 33 N 17th Dieter Henry W., fireman, h 935 S 21st Dietrich Albert B., (Dietrich & Son), h 1013 N 3d Dietrich Annie E. Mrs., boarding, 11)22 Green, h do Dietrich Frank P., carpenter, h 1414 North Dietrich George W., laborer, h 1414 North Dietrich Harry, carpenter, h 6 N 5th Dietrich Philip E., (Dietrich & Son), h 1013 N' 3d Dietrich Walter E., mgr,:!3 N 3d, h 226 Verbeke DIETRICH &: SOB, (P. E. and A. B.), confectioners and caterers, 1016 B 3d and 226 Market Dietz Frederick S., postal elk, h 27 N 13th Dietz George S., h 1906 Moltke av Dietz Harry, puddler, h 1400 S 13th Dietz, see Deets, also Deitz

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Jeweler'lI Optician ~


HARRISBURG. PA. No. 410 Market Street. "To find a name you must mow how to spell it."
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H. M. KELLEY .. CO COAL AND WOOD {Des: :0:.-:'\1.=

220 +010

Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory.


~ Diffenderfer Clarence E., laborer, h li11 Green

Diffenderfer Charles B., machinist, It 1511 Wallace

Diffenderfer Frank W., templetmkr, h 1719 Susq av : ; Diffenderfer George L., blacksmith, h 1711 Green Diffenderfer George T., fireman, h 1:{~6 Fulton C ) DIFFEBDERFER JOBAH G., prothonotary, Court House, h :. Steelton ~ Diffenderfer ~larv Mrs., h 609 North - Diffenderfer ~1il&ed C, housekeeper, 1114 X 6th - . Diffenderfer \Villiam H., engineer, h !ill Green Diggs .-\lbert, laborer, h 406 Hay av ~ Diggs Charles, laborer, h 1638 Walnut ~ Diggs Charles, waiter, h 511 North av L&.I Dill George W., brakeman, h 14t6 Wyeth av a: Dill Harry A., elk, 408 Market, h 610 Briggs Dill Irvin W., (1. W. Dill Carriage and Automobile Work!'>. Q and Harrisburg Rubber Tire Works), h 300 Crescent DILL I. W. CARRIAGE AND AUTOKOBILE WOllltS, (I. W. L&.I Dill), carriages and automobiles, Kulberry c Crescent Dill Thomas J., sand flatter, h 5t Lochiel Dill William F., brakeman, h 1827 N 5th : . Dillen Edward D., flagman, h 1930 N 7th C ) Diller Benjamin E., elk, 401 Chestnut, h Camp Hill t= Diller Benjamin P., carpenter, h 1131 N 6th ::::i Diller Luther 0., baker, h 1512 Derry Diller Mary L., mgr, 208 )larket, h I=!4 Chestnut - Diller Newton W., laborer, h 1615 Green Ii: Dillman Bessie, domestic, 211 Cumberland 2: Dillon Edward, cooper, h 1221 S 9th ~ Dillon Lincoln, polisher, h 1940 Briggs Q,., Dillon Michael K., boilermkr, h 334 Cherry av ~ Dillsworth Cornelia, domestic, 123 South u:i Dillsworth Fannie, wid Marshall, h 514 ~orth av ffi Dillworth Patrick, driver, h 807 SlOth a: Diltz Cyrus, laborer, h Front cReel's la 010 Dime Saving Receipt Co., (Doorly & Co.), trading stamps, ffi 215 Chestnut ~ DIllE SAVIBGS FUND, James KcCormick, treas, 223 Market C ) Dimm Ida, laundress Lunatic Hospital. h do III. Dimm Lewis G., grocer, 345 Muench, h :~:n Kelker ZJ Dimm Minnie B., domestic, 16 N 4th 0- Dimm T. Benton, repairsman, h 508 Woodbine . IC Dinclli Charles J., janitor, 16 N 2d. h 321 Strawberry av 1.1 Dinger Anna, wid George, h 1418 Penn III Dinger Anna M., dressmkr, h 106 Cherry av JQ Dinger Anna M., wid John G., h 106 Cherry av IIIZ Dinger Annie. saleslady, 223 Market, h 1510 Penn foC Dinger_ Fred~ric~ bricklayer, h 1224 N Front

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ANDREW REDMOND, H~;:.:~.a::d ~k,~oi:~. {3. an. R.11y Sis. CoogIe

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B t'lel,p,......M E ' a.lldl... I.fPial. TlIItS. {121' II. 3d It. -li A 'HOIAL" I' A PaItIIc E8U_ ......
Boyd'. HarrUburg (D) City Directol'J'. 221

Dinger George B., engineer, h lulU Penn Dinger James B., bricklayer, h 1332 X Front Dinger John D., frog builder, h 218 :\lulberry Dinger John H., bricklayer, h 1321 X 2d Dingler Martin, puddler, h 1016 S Cameron Dinsmore Annie B., housekeeper, 212 ~ :~d Dintaman Anna E., weaver, h 1122 l\ Front Dintaman Arlanda P., patternmkr, h 11:!2 X Front Dintaman Harvey, engineer, It 1:!20 Cowden Dintaman John. driver, It 1122 N 6th Dintaman Joseph, fireman, h 1122 N 6th Dipner Charles D., elk, h 207 Kelker DIRECTOBS OF THE POOR, Court House DIRECTORY OFFICE, (BOYD'S), room 8, 32 N 3d Disbrow Charles A., mgr Hbg Boot and Shoe Co., h 1815 N Front Disney Benjamin F., laborer. h 111 Ann av Dissinger Bessie V., tailoress, h 39 N Summit Dissinger Daniel M., conductor, It 1812 Stale Dissinger Edward W., brakeman, h HOi; ~ 7th Dissinger Fannie c., wid John H., h 3H N Summit Dissinger Joseph :\1., lelegrapher P. H. R., h 61i Delaware av Ditlow Blanche, shoe operator, h 17 Linden DitIow John, laborer, It 2215 Brookwood Ditlow Lizzie, domestic, 124 "Valnut DitIow Maggie, wid David M., h 1i Linden Ditmer Annie, wid Daniel, h 27 ~ 5th Ditmer Elizabeth Mrs., boarding, 1205 Chestnut, h do Ditmer Frederick, laborer. h 27 X 5th Ditmer George, grocer, 1730 N 3d h do Ditmer Harry G., mattressmkr, h Reel's la ab 3d Ditmer John H., fireman, h 616 Granite av Ditzel Charles. cooper, h 241 Crescent Divel Frederick W., huckster, h 917 S 211i Divel Samuel, laborer, h 911 S 2l~ Divel Thomas. laborer, h !Ill S 211! Diveley David M., painter, h 1131 N Cameron Diveley Isabella, wid William c., h 1131 N Cameron Diveley William W., laborer, h 1131 ~ Cameron Diven Charles A . bookkpr Lunatic Hospital, h do Diven Edward B .. elk dept int affairs. h 32 S 3d Diven Gertrude, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Diven James, h 722 Capital Diven Jessie, shoe operator, h 26 Linden Diven Joseph A., car inspector, h 434 S 14th Dives Josiah, (Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart), h Reading, Pa.

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"To find a name you must know how to spell iL"

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McNeil'. PaIn Esler.lnnor CUret Cholera Morbus, DJRDter)'. Crampa. Dlarrbc:ea, Colds, QUIDI)', RheumallllD. Tootbaehe. Bore Throat, .laue. DJipepe\a,.tc. _




Boyd's Harrilburg (D) City Direotol")'.



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DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART, (losiah Dives and George S. Pomeroy), "Great Department Stores," 332 to MO Market and 2 to 12 N 4th Dixon Annie ~l., cook. h 6:18 Briggs Dixon Eveline. seamstress, h 219 Meadow la Dixon Georgiana, charwoman, h 1418 Marion Dixon Henry So, porter, 6 S 2d, h 219 Meadow la Dixon James, laboer. h 1603 Apricot av Dixon Maria, wid William, h 1418 Marion Dixon Mary, domestic, 47 Lochiel 4th Row Dixon Minnie, dressmkr, h 7(12 N 7th Dixon Reuben, laborer, h 157 Indian av Dixon Robert, laborer, h 1605 Elm Dixon William, laborer, h 638 Briggs Dixun William H., laborer, h 508 South av Dixon William T., laborer. h 1427 Marion Doan Elizabeth, h 428 State Doan Jessie, ironer, h 428 State Doan Margaret, cigar packer, h 428 State Doan Samuel V., puddler, h 428 State Doan Vincent, laborer, h 428 State Dobson George M., engineer, h 1338 N 6th Dock Clara S., wid George, h 223 N Front Dock Emily Go, h 1427 N Front Dock Jacob B., policeman Capitol, h 236 Hummel Dock Laura Do, h 1427 N Front Dock Margaret, h 1427 N Front Dock Mira L., h 1427 N Front Dockens Noah H., (Arnold & Dockens), h 406 Hay av Dockey C. Mo, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Dodge George V., elk, 19 N 3d, h 25 N Cameron DODGE HARRY C., hatter and furrier, 19 If 3d, h 2S If CaJneron Dodge Stanton W., fruit, 1266 Market, h 25 N Cameron Dodge Susan, wid Andrew, h 132 Verbeke Dodge Susan, wid Harry, h 25 N Cameron Dodge William, foreman, 10th c Mulberry, h 127 S 14th Dodson George W., salesman, h 418 Market Doede Harry F., fireman, h 1118 Cowden Doehne Charles A., brewmaster, h322 Chestnut DOEHlfE GEORGE, brewer, 29 S Dewbel'l')' av; bottler, 28 do, h 322 Chestnut Doehne George L., bookkpr, 29 S Dewberry av, h 322 Chestnut Doehne, see Dean, also Deen Doelker Addie, wid George W., h 1320 Green Doherty EUen, domestic. 212 State Doherty Robert M., machinist, h 339 Peffer


f.r ACCIDZ.T I."VRA.C . . 108 . . . . . 8 _ _.......,. Bell 'PboDe 1111 X. 01' 8Rd X.
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y;=~v;c:: IOU PODer IIIld DdOI ShillS from A. B. TACK...E\..

Boyd'. Rani.burg (D) City Directol'J.
223 Dohoney Annie, h 623 Forster Dohoney Dennis P., driver, h 619 Forster Dohonev Edward, molder, h 617 Forster Dohoney John P., journalist, h 1110 ~ 2d Dohoney Margaret, wid Patrick, h 619 Forster Dohoney Thomas, h 623 Forster Dohoney Thomas, jr., molder, h 623 Forster Dolbin Goodman, carpenter, h 1922 X 6th Dolbin William, car repairer, h 565 Forrest Dolby Harry J., fireman, h 427 Maclay DOLD lACOB PAOXIBG CO., Frank X. )IcFall, mgr, pork and beef, 317 Che.tnut Doleman John, laborer, h 1176 S Cameron Doler John W., laborer, h 11:~ Linden Doll Albert, laborer, h 18,'JU North Doll Charles 1., laborer, h lS:~O North Doll James F., laborer, h 2012 Briggs Doll William H., laborer, h 18.'lO North Doll, see Dull Dollar John, janitor, h 1ita N ad Dolman Tames T., lahorer, h 424 State Donachc' Samuel B., engineer. h 18116 Penn Donahue Charles, laborer, h 1124 :\larket Donahue Elsie, h 1124 ~larket Donahue George, laborer, h 1124 Market Donahue Joseph, machinist, h Walnut ab 13th Donaldson Jennie B., h 2(1()5 ~ 3d Donaldson William :M., (Johnston & Co.), h 2005 N 3d . Donelly John, fireman, h 3u N 12th Donleay Ida, seamstress, h 1415 ~ 2d Donley Charles, engine wiper, h 213 l'Iulberry Donlev Elias, laborer, h 522 Filbert Donnelly C:ltharine, wid Patrick, h 1320 Susquehanna Donnelly George, molder, h 123 Mulberry Donnelly James F., brakeman, h 456 Cumberland Donnelly John M., telegrapher, h 1225 N 3d Dc.nnelly John T., laborer, h 1320 Susquehanna Donnelly Mary c., domestic, 108 N 2d Donner Frederick \V., bartender, h 430 Herr Donohoe Annie M., boxmkr, h 504 Cowden Donohoe David W., brakeman, h 1911 Moltke av Donohoe Joseph, machinist, h 1559 Walnut Donohoe Thomas, watchman, h 504 Cowden Donohoe William J., steelworker, h 504 Cowden Donohue James A., laborer, h l:no \Vallace Donohue John E., laborer, h 1310 Wallace Donovan Daniel A., fireman, h 1928 N 5th Donovan Emma ]., housekeeper, HI13 N 3d

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"To BncI a name you must


mow how to spell it."

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Tl'1. ToIr of

H KELLEY . . . .,llm.........U D. CO'S " .,.t ..........

11 NartII Ii........ lI01111114 Id .......

..; 224

lI8yd's Harrisburg CD) City Directory.

DOllsen Ella V., domestic, 5111 Emerald :;; Donsol1 Lillie ~l., saleslady, :';:14 l\larket, h 15; K 15th ~ Donson Lydia, wid John, h 157 N 15th Doorly Frederick C, (Doorly & Co.), h 215 Chestnut ~ DOORLY & CO., (F. C. Doorly), Dime Saving Receipt Co., ~ trading stamps, 215 Chestnut o Doran Thomas, laborer, h 1117 S Hth ~ Dorman Isaiah, laborer. h 1124 Cumberland S! Dorman Samuel C, fireman, h :1:;5 Granite av Dom Effie V., music teacher, 121 S 1!lth, h do Dom George M., barber, a S 4th, h 121 S 13th .. Dombach Alice S., stengr, au x :M, h Mechanicsburg i= Dombach Edwin F., draftsman. h 21114 N 4th Dorsey Charles H., polisher, h rear 1 N 9th Ii Dorsey Florence, domestic, Hi2:! Elm ~ norsey George, brakeman, h H07 Plum av Dorsey Herbert, laborer, h 1:-136 Mayflower av ~ Dorsey John, shearsman. h 10:-14 S Cameron Dorsey John W., carter, h 1622 Elm Dorsey Mary S. ~l'Irs., laundress, h 511 South Dorsey Melvin, laborer, h 1111 Liberty - Dorsev R. Matilda, domestic. 221 State Dorsey Samuel, laborer, h 115 S River av Dorsey William, laborer, h 8 N 9th Dorwart James C, machinist. h 211 Hamilton IE Dorwart John S., helper, h 668 Calder Dorwart Mamie C., milliner. :~:J4 l\Iarket. h 1739 N 6th ! Dorwart William A., machinist, h 17:39 N 6th Dostman Catharine, wid Jonas, h 619 North Dostman George, laborer, h 2013 Swatara .::; Dottrow Harry C, brakeman, h 7th c Boas ::> Doubler Warren H., foreman. h 11103 S 9th I&J Dougherty Alexander, boilermkr, h 33 S Summit ... Dougherty Annie, domestic. ~ HI8 Market L- Dougherty Charles E., cutter, h 133 S 2d C Dougherty Daniel A., steelworker. h 133 S 2d ... Dougherty David P .. laborer, h 1412 S 13th Dougherty Edward. laborer, h UI56 N 7th Dougherty Howard. engineer, h 1717 Green Dougherty Hugh, laborer. h 624 Walnut Dougherty James F., foreman. h 1412 S 13th Z Dougherty John, puddler. h 767 S 19th Dougherty John A., huckster, h 2122 N 7th Dougherty John E., stengr C 1. & S. Co., h 1412 S 13th I&J Dougherty John P .. shoes, 445 Verbeke, h 132:J N 2d Dougherty Levi, oiler. h 1950 Swatara Dougherty Mary, wid John. h 1324 N 7th Dougherty Mary A., wid Philip. h 133 S 2d



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ANDREW REDMOND, ;::':::-.;..,::::r::. {3~ II~ R.II, Sis.

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.. BriCK, ........ OOIIlple'" wI&h FlxlUnl ua J'rlDpI for lie. { I.'.'41 W.II The beU and 10'11'_ Jlrieel. WI...... , " 14 It.


Boyd'. Harri.burg CD) City Directory. 226 .. Dougherty Robert W., janitor, h 42 Linden -. Dougherty Samuel D., boilermkr, h 42 Linden Dougherty Susan, domestic, 121 Locust Dougherty Thomas F., laborer, h 2122 N 7th Dougherty, see Daugherty , Doughty Lillie, housekeeper, 925 Rose av Doughty Sallie, wid William, h 2015 Logan av Douglas Samuel McC., elk, 401 Chestnut, h 119 Cumberland Douglas \Villiam R, student, h 125a Derry . Douglas W. Wesley, heater, h 1253 Derry Douglass Annie, wid Michael, h 120:~ Chestnut Douglass Benjamin J. H., h 1606 Green Douglass Carrie, wid Benjamin P., h 11:-17 Derry Douglass James E., waiter Commonwealth, h 640 Briggs Douglass James W., carter, h 247 S 14th Douglass J. Vinton, carpenter, h Hmo Wood Douglass Mabel G., dressmkr, h 247 S 14th Dcuglass Mary Mrs., laundress, h 512 South av Douglass Robert L., cigars, &c., 51~ Walnut, h do Douglass Thomas, laborer, h 11i4 Indian av Douglass \Villiam F., laborer, h 10al"l S Cameron Douglass William T., physician, l1a7 Derry, h do Dovel Hiram, laborer, h 1120 Herr Dovel Silva, wid Charles, h 1408 Fulton Dowhouer Stephen S., brakeman, h 414 Harris Dowhower Lillie, domestic, 10!) S Front II Dowling John H., mgr, 35 N 3d, h 220 Locust Downey Charles E., laborer, h 712 North av 0 Downev Daniel, laborer, h 1278 S Cameron 13 Downey Daniel W., laborer, h 1278 S Cameron Downey David, laborer, h 1628 Elm Downev Frank H., huckster, h 1278 S Cameron Downey Frank R, mgr, 1124 Montgomery, h do Downey Harry, machinist, h 601 Cumherland Downev Ida, nurse, h 1628 Elm Downe;' John W., laborer, h 1278 S Cameron Downey Mary Mrs., h 131 Cranberry av Downey Samuel, laborer, h 1628 Elm Downie Catharine E., wid James A., h 1422 K 6th Downie Harry S., templetmkr, h 1316 ~ 6th Downie James R. roll tumer, h 1422 X fith Downie Seth R. Rev., h 1422 N 6th Cal Doyle Comelius, watchman, h l;~52 Vernon Doyle Edward, conductor, h 12:31 N 6th Doyle Harry C, salesman, 14 S 2d. h 413 Verbeke Doyle Henry, car inspector, h 1427 William Doyle James W., laborer, h 501 Hamilton If' Doyle Mary, wid James, h 13 S River av


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To fiDeI a name you must know how to spell it."


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Me. ElL'S COMPLEXIO. PILLS. ~.~l::J~d~:.r~J;.tx;,:: {30& Brl.' 226 Boyd'. Harri.burg CD) City Directory.

Doyle Mary L., h 2206 ~ 6th Doyle M. \,irginia, milliner, 334 Market, h 1:l52 Vernon Drabenstadt Amos, policeman S. S. Co., h 829 S Front c!: Drabenstadt Clifton, nail feeder, h 805 S Front __ Drabenstadt John, piler, h 106 Ann av ! Drahenstadt Mary E., forelady, h 805 S Front 3 Drabenstadt Oscar, laborer, h 805 S Front Drabenstadt Simon, laborer, h 805 S Front (!!! Drabenstadt William, laborer, h 805 S Front Drabenstadt, see Dravenstot :: Drake Benjamin F., electrician, h 109 Hanna ~ Drake Charles H., ins agi, 9 S 2d, h 109 Hanna _ Drake Dehla, bookkpr, :!10 Walnut, h 109 Hanna 'ii Drake Graffius N., engineer, h 1326 N :3d :. Drakt! Henry, engineer, h 1617 Swatara Drake James A., laborer, h 2016 N 6th In Drake James B., engineer, h 1328 Susquehanna Drake John L., fireman, h 11011 N 7th Drake Robert, laborer, h 139 Hanna bJ Drake Sarah, h 1011 N 7th -I Drake William F., tray salesman, h 139 Hanna Drake William K., engineer, h 2016 N 6th bJ Drake William T., draftsman, Herr clOth, h 701 N 6th C Draper Nathaniel, laborer, h 1444 Derry Draubach John,h 924 Ash av 1&1 Dravenstot Alfred S., cigars, 318} Reily, h 318 do Dravenstot Emma c., wid Alfred A., h 318 Reily _ Dravenstot, see Drabenstadt Drawbaugh Clara C. :\lrs., layer out of the dead, 113 Ann av, h do Drawbaugh David H., carpenter, h 1929 N 4th a.. Drawbaugh Elmer, laster, h 1434 Derry IE Drawbaugh Harry c., bartender, 21 Cowden, h 1233 N 7th Drawbaugh John c., blacksmith, h 113 Ann av U Drawbaugh Joseph E., laborer, h 1122 Market - ' Drawbaugh Sarah J. Mrs., h 1122 Market ~ Dreese Arthur, laborer, b 428 Cumberland u Dreese Ira, laborer, h 1209 \Vallace o Dreese William, laborer, h 413 S Cameron Dreher Mabel I., h 111 North C Dreher Mary A., wid George, h 251 Hummel .... Dreher Webster D., checker P. & R., h 251 Hummel u Dreher William G., elk P. & R. frt depot, h 251 Hummel Dreibelbis Christianna P .. domestic, 2221 N 3d o Drennan Edwin, stengr P. I. & S. Co., h 1322 Kittatinny ~ Dress Harry L., student, h 233 Briggs Dress Julia, wid John. h 2,'l3 Briggs ~ Dress Louisa, h 233 Briggs






loa EDW G ROBERTS will goon your bond. Bell 'Phone l1li1 X,.._w..... bondl are uecuRd. or X.

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Boyd'il Harriaburg

='=::1 I.

POOOr and IlndOiI. fIl~~aTs1:

City Directory. 227


-Dressel Christopher A., h 121 Washington Drew Henry, waiter, h 124 Libertv Drewett Catharine S., housekeepe'r, 1:18 Vine Drewett David H., laborer, h 138 Vine Drewett George W., laborer, h 16::?::? Fulton Drewett James A., watchman, h 1336 Penn Drewett J. Calvin, printer, h 1a8 Vine Drewett Louisa E., shirtmkr, h 138 Vine Drewett Olivia, wid James, h 1806 Elizabeth av Drewett Walter A., plumbe.r, h 133fi Penn Drexel James E., conductor, h 517 \Valnllt Drexler John S., driver, h 1301 X 3d Drinkwater Edward, cIk C. 1. & S. Co., h 536 Race Drinkwater Tamson, wid Edward, h sa6 Race Drinkwater William H., elk C. 1. & S. Co., h 536 Race Driscoll Patrick, tray salesman, h 11:W :\ mh Drum Bartholomew B., elk, h 1604 Hunter av Drum John M., fireman, h 1610 Penn Drumheller Charles H., student, h a:m ~-Iarket Drumheller Hoyd D., student. h 3:m Market Drumheller Louis A., piano tuner, h 335 ~brket Drummons Melinda, wid Henry, h 405 Walnut Dubbs Alonzo, laborer, h 1251 Centre av Dubbs Annie, wid Joseph. h 11111 :iii Cameron Dubbs Arthur, bar elk. 729 State. h 1244 X Cameron Dubbs Bessie A., bookkpr, 118 S 2d. h ~Oll X 3d Dubbs Charles, laborer, h 1221 N Cameron Dubbs Charles c., fruit, &c., 800 N 3d, h do Dubbs Frank, laborer, h 1221 N Cameron Dubbs Frank R., (Peerless Portrait Co.), h 118 S 2d Dubbs John H., huckster, h 1244 N Cameron Dubbs John W. J., broker, h 237 Kelker i Dubbs William. huckster, h 9th ab MacIa... :. Dubois Frank E., engineer, h 440 Peffer . ~ Dubs Rudolph, bishop and editor, ::?01 ~ 2d, h Green c ~ Harris ~ Duck Ella, domestic, 12::?3 Cowden Duck George H., brakeman. h 1::?23 Cowden Dudley Albert. driver. h 1530 Fulton Dudley John, locktender, h Canal nr Walnut Duey C. Raymond, hats. &c., ;lll::? \'erheke, h do Duev George S .. cabinetmkr, h It'27 :\orth Due~' Jacob P., blacksmith. h' n02 Verbeke Duey John W., laborcr. h 1732 X 7th Duey Mary J.. wid Frank A .. h 2113~~ X 5th DUEY smON, h 104 S 13th Duev William H., carpcnter. h 203-1 Kensington Duff Edmund L.. machinist. h Ei23 X 4th

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., To find name you must know how to spell it."

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~~~&7,'}H. M. KELLEY




~ Duff William L., physician, 930 N 6th, h do .....


Boyd'. Harrisburg (D) City Dire~ory.

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Duffan Alfred H., messenger, 222 Mkt, h 1206 Capital Duffan Edward B., waiter Hotel Columbus, h 1206 Capital Duffan John, hod !=arrier, h 1314 Marion Duffan Joseph c. Rev., h 518 Brown av Duffield William, roller, h 2218 N 6th Duffin Garfield c., waiter, ~08 Pine Duffin Henson, waiter, h 2~7 N River av Duffin Thomas W., mason, h 1124 Cumberland Duffins Helen, charwoman, h 515 Primrose av Duffins Joshua, laborer, h 515 Primrose av Quffins Manzilla, wid Joseph H., h 515 Primrose av DUFFY CHARLES, propr The Lochiel, Market c 3d, and aut lupt public grounds and buildings, Capitol, h The Lochiel Dugans Dora Mrs., h all Briggs Duke Mollie E., h 114 Mulberry Duke WilIiam F., brakeman, h 2:12 N 3d Dukes Edgar S., packer, h 36 Linden Dukes William H., foreman, 130 Short, h 407 Filhert Duley Lawrence G., foreman E. & H. B. T. Co., h 1318 Kittatinny DulI Albert, laborer, h 817 Myrtle av DulI Andrew J., h 101 S Front Dull Casper, lawyer, 26 N 3d, h 227 N Front Dun Daniel M., h 227 1\ Front Dull Emory, switchman, h 561 Forrest Dull Guy A., machinist, h 1:10 Linden Dun Helen ~'Irs., h 211 N Front Dull James J., h 227 N Front Dun John W., cabinetmkr, h U58 Regina Dull Mattie E., cigarmkr, h 621 Muench Dull Wm. H., steward P. R. R. dining rooms, h 130 Linden Dull, see Doll DuMars Anna M., seamstress, h 206 Locust DuMars Cornelius K., watertender, h 53 Balm DuMars Elizabeth J., seamstress, h 206 Locust DuMars James K. P., supt, 205 South, h 206 Locust Dumbrowa Augustus. laborer, h 1126 S Cameron Dumbrowa Bertha, weaver, h 1126 S Cameron Dumbrowa Theodore, laborer, h san Race Dumm Elizabeth A., teacher, h 19:15 N 4th Dumm Frances P., elk, h 1935 N 4th Dumm John A., motorman, h 1935 N 4th Dumm William H., laborer, h 1935 N 4th Dumm William W., elk. 11 1935 N 4th DUN B.. G. & CO., mercantile agency, E. C. Baker, mgr, o1llce at Reading, Pa. Dunavan Sarah J., wid Samuel c., 11 1324 Penn

:-:~~~:!ii~:": ANDREW REDMOID. {3 RIIII Sts. Coog e

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I L TIl'" Ule {BIIIPJo,a JlGDe bat ftnt,.clW.ltdODelD..,l*"oI ..... _ _1DDeD. 01117"" AU Ult. . . . . .

Boyd'. Harriaburg (D) City Directory.


Dunbar Catharine S., wid Henry P., h 21M N 2d Dunbar Charles 0., helper Independent, h W Fairview Dunbar Harry M., baggageman, h 1333 N 2d Dunbar lIarry P., jr., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 23 DUDbar Sarah J., wid Thomas A., h 616 Muench Dunbar William E., student, h 218 N 2d DOCAli ARCHIBAI.J) L., cenJ. art Equitable Lif~ lDIurallce Co. of Iowa, roOIlll 18-19, 222 Market, la 127 Pille Duncan Edith Mrs., h 263 Boas Duncan Edward C, driller, h 1425 Vernon Duncan George H., laborer, h 712 N 7th Duncan John F., h 316 Herr Duncan John H., brakeman, h 1312 Wallace Duncan Samuel L., inspector P. R. R., h 1601 Penn Duncan William, hostler, h 1432 Fulton Dunick Benison L., repairsman, h 1310 N 6th Dunkel Cornelius, h 2626 6i Dunkel Daniel E., laborer, h 2026 Kensington Dunkel Frank C, laborer, h 2626 6i Dunkel Harvey B., laborer, h 2013 Kensington Dunkel Joseph H., laborer, h 2013 Kensington Dunkel Lillie, shoe operator, h 2013 Kensington Dunkel Michael H., laborer, h 1837 George Dunkel Pauline H., wid Aaron K., h 1316 Derry DunkeJburger Irvin H., caterer, 309 Market, h do Dunkle Frank P., repairsman, h Penn nr Calder Dunkle George 0., driver, h 18.'J7 George Dunkle Samuel F., v-pres Hbg Mfg. and Boiler Co., h 19th c Derry Dunkle WiiIialll, conductor. h 1734i N 5th Dunkle William B., brakeman, h 441 Peffer Dunkle & Ewing, (J. A. Dunkle est and 1\'1. J. K. Ewing est), Eastmere Land Co., 222 Market and 1922 Derry DURlap Alice M., seam~tre!;s, h 1829 N 7th Dunlap Charles R., painter, h 323 Hamilton Dunlap Charles W., engineer, h 510 Woodbine Dunlap David, h 1829 N 7th Dunlap David, jr., h 635 Verbeke Dunlap Emory B., painter, h 323 Hamilton Dunlap Fanny A., teacher, h 817 Green Dunlap James, engineer. h 635 Verbeke Dunlap James G., plasterer, h 1127 Grape av Dunlap Kathryn J., saleslady, !t!6 Market. h 1829 N 7th Dunlap Robert, attendant State Hospital. h 637 Verbeke Dunlap Robert B., elk, h 641 Verbeke Dunlap Samuel A., painter, h fi41 Verbeke Dunlap WiJJiam, fireman State Hospital, h 641 Verbeke Dunlap William J., machiniH. h WII8 N 6th

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"To fbi. name you must know bow to spell it."

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Dunlevy Margaret, wid William, h 1062 S Cameron Dunmire Florence G., h 1619 N 3d .: Dunmire John W., engineer, h 1619 N 3d . Dunmore William B., laborer, h 1334 Thompson av ..: Dunn Alfred L., telegraph foreman P. R. R.. h 112 S 13th ~ Dunn Alfred L., jr., U. S. A., h 112 S 13th - Dunn Bridget, wid William, h 1340 N 7th ~ t= Dunn Catharine, shoe operator, h 1203 Chestnut Dunn Catharine, wid Edward J., h 1112 Calder Dunn Catharine T., cigarmkr, h 1112 Calder !E; Dunn Edward J., laborer, h 1112 Calder is Dunn Edward L., lineman, h 112 S 13th : Dunn Eliza, wid James, h 531 Filbert 2 Dunn Ellen, wid Dennis, h 1203 Chestllut DUlln Frances P., elk, 201 N 2d, h 1935 N 4th ." Dunn Frank S., laborer, h 1112 Calder VI Dunn .Harriet E., elk, h 810 Cowden Dunn John A., fireman, h 227 North Dunn John M., laborer, h 1340 N' 7th I- Dunn John T., flagman, h 946 N 7th flagman, h O Dunn John W.,mason. h 810946 N' 7th Dunn Joseph, Cowden C DUlln Laura M. Mrs., ribbonmkr, h 256 Calder Dunn Mary, shoe operator, h 1203 Chestnut Dunn Mary C, domestic, 227 N' Front Dunn Rosalie, laundress, h rear 512 ~ ath !!!!3 It I:W:: Chestnut O Dunn Sophia G., milliner,callerMarket.R.. It 21:~4 Boas Dunsmore Benjamin A., P. R. Dunsmore Rachel E., wid James L.. h 142H :Marion _ Dupee Ellen E., wid Joseph, h 1428 Marion ~ Dupee Mary E., dressmkr, h 1428 :\1arion ..: Dupee, see Jupee . D- DURBIN lAKES C., lawyer, 6 N Court av, h 717 N 8th E Durborow Frank W., brakeman, h 2140 ~ 7th Dl1rborow George \V., brakeman, h 3!!3 Granite av - ' Durborow Henry M., printer, h 1338 S 1:~th _ Dllrborow Jacob A., flagman, h 2140 ~ 7th Dllrborrow John, helper, h Lochiel nr river bank U Durborrow John J., pUddler. h Lochiel nrriver bank CI Durborrow \ViIliam, bookkpr, h Lochie1 nr river bank ;IE DURHAM ISRAEL W., insurance commissioner, Capitol, h ..: The Lochiel ~ Dl1rkees :Margaret J., wid John D .. h 314 S 2d Durnlan :\Ian' Mrs., h 406 Hay av CI Dllrnbaugh Benjamin, nail feeder. h 179 Paxton ~ Dl1rnbaugh Ellie Mrs., housekeeper. lil:!!) ~ :!d Dl1rnbaugh Martin, cooper. h 179 Paxton ~ Dl1rnbaugh '''illiam, shoemkr. h 179 Paxton



Boyd's Harrisburg CD) City Directory.

a: o

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101 _.rllt . , . . . . 81. Bell 'Pholle 861 X. or 6IWI X.

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AeClldeal. L'.~III',.

BI Beller 1 . ._ - .

WaD Papu and Window Shada. {l.::~:'~~":.t. Boyd's Harri.burg (E) City Directory. 231 Durr Elizabeth J., buncher, h 1623 Swatara Durr Margaret J., saleslady, 223 Market, h Oberlin Dustman Lydia, h 1322 N 6th Dutrow Joseph D., pipe bender, h 1101 X 6th Duttenhofer A. Bertha, salesladv, 226 ~larket, h 1424 Penn Duttenhoer A. Rosanna, wid Gottloeb, h 1424 Penn Duttenhoer Charles E . nailer, h 126 Hoyer av Duttenhofer Christian J., tobacconist, 1520 N 6th. h do Duttenhofer Edw. c., packer. 326 Market, h 126 Hoyer av Duttenhofer Frederick A .. (Phila. Shoe Store). h 1424 Penn Duttenhoer George \V., laborer, h 1728 Logan av Duttenhofer Jacob F., conductor. h 1712 Green Duttenhofer John W., engineer. h 1424 Penn Duttinger Irvin L.. brakeman, h 41(1 Harris Dutton Frances R., wid J. Elwood, h 1463 Market Dutton john A., inspector, h 18;~3 N 4th Dutton Lizzie Mrs., h 1:-l32 ~ 7th Duvall Annie, wid George W., h 1218l Derry Duvall Georgt! 0., planer, h 1218! Derry Duvall George \V., laborer. h (i23 Race Dwyer Daniel J . machinist. h 238 S 14th Dwvt'r Francis B., h 12 N 15th Dwyer James, puddler, h 27 Lochiel ad Row DW\'er John H., elk, h 12 ~ 15th DW~'er Mary, wid John. h 51lS SlOth Dwver l\Iarv A., dressmkr. h G08 SlOth Dw)'er Michael F., printer Telegraph. h 12 X 15th Dyblie Emil E., pipe bender. h 11 14 ~ Cameron Dye John S., engineer, h 1240 Herr Dye Juniatta. cigarmkr, h 1240 Herr Dyer Aaron, h.307 Crescent Dver Bertha, h 512 Strawbern' av D~er Catharine F. Mrs., h 51i Hamilton D~er Franklin H., foreman P. R. R.. h 227 Reilv D)'er Harry H., engineer, h riO:ll :\Iuench . Dyer Harvey G., boilermkr, h 227 Reily Dver Paris E., laborer, h 312 Clinton av D)'er Ross L., (Dyer & Smiley), h 511 Hamilton Dyer Viola M., bookkpr. 213 N 2d. h 511 Hamilton Dyer & Smiley, (R. L. Dyt'r and H. F. Smiley). ice cream, 1719 ~ 6th Dykeman Harvey M., conductor. h 121:~ Bailey Dysinger Sarah, laundress, h 1217 X 6th



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S. :r ;!

EAGLE WORKS, (W. O. Hickok .fg. Co.), Canal c North (D see adv ~ Eakle Ervin S . bookbinder, h 7 ~ 5th

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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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M. KELLEY &. CO.~~~~~~

I _

~ Earhart Edgar H., fireman, h 181~ N 6th


Be,.i'. HarriJburg (E) cUr Direetol'J.

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Earhart Samuel, laborer, h 18~4 N mh Earhart Samuel Y., engineer, h U!~4 N 6th Earisman Bessie E., shirtmkr, h 230 Cherry av Earisman Kate E., wid Jat::ob E., h 2all Cherry av Earley Carrie J., housekeeper, 30!) Boas Earley Grant, laborer LU!latic Hospital, h do Earley Harry L., brakeman, h 4Of; Boas Earley Jamt."s "V., postal elk, h 321 Maclay Earlt!y John B., salesman, 104 N 2d, h 220 Locust Earley Joseph, director of the poor, C. H., h West Hanover Earley Morri-; L., paver, h 220 Locust Earley Stella S., teacher, h 3:n Maclay Early Augustus A., elevatorman, h 4~3 Herr Early Daniel S., antique dealer, 17:1U N 5th, h 1740 N 6th Early John H., policeman, h 912 Green Early John J., laster, h 19a5 State Early Minerva J., dressmkr, h 1740 N 6th Early Robert S., conductor, h 1421 Shoop Early Winfield S., clk, h 1935 State Earnest Gertrude M. Mrs., h 3113 Briggs Earnest James D., bridge builder. h ~06 Locust Earnest Laura Mrs., stenographer Patriot, h 1422 N 3d Earnest Mary E., wid George, h 229 North Earnest Mary L., wid William D., h ~O(i Locust Earnest Oliver D., painter, h 22!1 North Earnest Pearl M.. saleslady, 4116 Market, h 229 North EARNEST WlLLIAK E., lawyer and notary public, 1 N 2d,. h Hummelstown Earnshaw Carrie. housekeeper, h 14~~ N 4th Earp Benjamin M., flagman, h a50 S 1:~th . Earp Edna B.. saleslady, :JOS Market, h 109 Paxton Earp Edward E., laborer, h 1436 Vernon Earp Harry E., printer, !!Ul N 2d, h Ion Paxton Earp James E., nail feeder, h lOll Paxton East Alfred, laborer, h 6 Paxton Cottage Row East Harrisburg Cemetery Co . Herr beyond limits East Harrisburg Passenger Railway Co., 12 S 2d Easterday John. plumber, :W~ N ~d. h 6111 Cedar av Eastern Milling and Export Co., John Hoffer, mgr, P. R~ R. c Sycamore Eastman Frank M., lawyer, W2 N 2d. h do Eastmere Land Co., (Dunkle & Ewing), real estate, 222:Market and 1!I~2 Derry Eastright Alexander H .. conductor. h r.:n Peffer Eastright Ralph H., caller, h 5:n Peffer Eaton Frank S., postal elk, h In;') Market Eaton Harry, helper, h 1400 S 1:~th

BIC~:~:~~c;,BB.} ANDREW

REDMOND. ~ 3.1 Rilly Sts.

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A. I. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger, {12Ir:.:.'T=?tri.I.

Boyd'. Rarrisburg

CE) City Directory.


EATOB lOU P .. gen! art Borthwbtern .utual Life Insur- ... &Dee Co., 228 N' 3d, h do DEL nED W., BationalRotel, State c 4th, h do Ebc1 Walter M., newspaper correspondent, h National



Eberle Amanda, wid Benjamin F:, h 1:U9 Maple av ~ Eberle Daisy M., winder, h 1319 Maple av -Eberle Elmer E., brakeman, h 650 Cumberland Eberle Harry, packer, h l:un Maple av Eberly Carrie A., seamstress. h :!:M Liberty Eberly Charles, brakeman, h 10111 Berryhill Eberly Glaries E., conductor, h 1:12:1 Kittatinny Eberly Daisy, winder, h 1319 Maple av Eberly Emory L., brakeman, h 4th ab Maclay Eberly George F., boilermkr, h 1:~56 \'ernon Eberly Mary C, wid Christopher, h !IUS Cowden Eberly Weir B., salesman. :-JU4 Market, h ~Iechanicsburg Eberly William E., tinsmith, h 1:U7 X nth ~ Eberly William H., blacksmith, h l~(I:! N :Id Ebersol Charles S., carpenter, h 1815 Wood av Ebersol Frank, plumber, h :!26 S 15th Ebersol George A, hostler, h 1915 Fulton Ebersol Minnie C, wid Franklin, h :!:.m S 15th Ebersol Samuel M., machinist, h 191!l Fulton Ebersol William J., machinist, h 226 S 15th Ebersole Annie W., wid Xewton S., h ~5 S Summit Ebersole Ephraim, warehollseman, :!:!:! ~Iulberry, h New


I o

Ebersole George, elk, 440 Market, h :!5 S Summit ", ~ Ebersole George H., carpenter, h 19!1~ Berryhill ;J Ebersole Juliann, wid John H., h 161:! Swatara 1..1. Ebersole William P., laborer, h 744 S 21st .. Ebert Edgar E., printer Patriot. h 404 Market Ebert Jacob, tinsmith, h 1511!l ~ 6th Ebert William, stoves. &c., 411'q ReilYl h do Eberts David A . machinist. h :-J!l2 Hummel Eberts Harry H., laborer, h 1260 Juniper Eberts James, shoemkr, 13 S Court avo h do ., DDTS SBYK01JB. 8., mgr Penna. Tel. Co., 110 Walnut, h ,.. 332 Hummel .... Ebner George F., flagman, h 615 Muench ~ Ebner Mary C. teacher, h 615 Muench U Ebright Emma M., domestic. 111 State W Ebright John W., barber, 606 Maclay. h do Q. Ebright William 0., switchman. h 606 :\rlaclay Eby Arthur F., piano tuner, 9 S 2d, h 1321 Derry Eby Benjamin F., real estate, 1922 Derry, h 13:n do Eby Fannie M., h 2030 N 3d ~



" ., 'I

To Dnd a name you must mow how to speII it."

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IIcNEIL'S PAIN EXTERIlINATOR ~"r.o~~:e~~~l {~'l..!~.



Boyd" Harrisburg (E) City Directory.

Eby George W., h 218 N 15th .- Eby Harry, machinist, h 1246 :\larket i Eby Harry, shoe operator, h 1119 Calder Eby Harry .- Eby Henry, B., elk, h 916 S :!Ol N 5th blacksmith, h 1900 1!! Eby Irene, h 2030 N 3d t= Eby John A., hostler, h 6.12 Boas Eby John W., salesman, 384 ~larket, h 218 N 15th j Eby J. Walter, mattressmkr, h 218 N 15th o Eby Laura B., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 632 Boas _ EBY ItAUBlCE C., grocer, 443 ](arket, h 2030 Ii 3d :I Eby Samuel, repairsman, h 1119 Calder Eby Samuel C., laborer, h 1910 Hickory av ." Eby William H., h 239 State 'VI Eccleston Robert, heater, h 1267 S 13th II: Eckard Sylvester M., flagman, h 1634 N 6th t&.I Eckelman Frank H., cigars, 505 Market. h 48 N 10th ...J Eckelman Frank H., jr., roller, h 48 N l~th <I: Eckelman Jennie F., saleslady,h 48 N 10th 1&1 Eckels Anna c., domestic. 313 Clinton av Q Eckels Carrie U. Mrs., h 629 Harris Eckels Charles, plumber, h 313 Clinton av UI Eckels Leroy, messenger P. R. R., h 6.12 Calder Mary A., wid William, O Eckels Marv Z. wid William Bh.. 7h N 5th 2d _ Eckels a15 X .. Eckels \,yilliam, .ir.. laborer, h 1at Linden . . Eckenrod George VV., driller, h 10u5 S 9th Eckenrode John F . engineer. h 1:!15 Cowden a.. ECKEDODE 100 W., genl mgr Penn ](utual Life InlurE ance Co. of Philadelphia, 103 Ii Id, h Lancalter Q Eckenrode Joseph A .. insurance. 103 X 2d. h 101 do c..:t Echnrode Kannie A., stengr. lila K 2d. h 1118 ~Iontgy - I Eckenroth Bessie L.. finisher. h :H:~ S Front : Eckenroth M. Alice Mrs., h 313 S Front u Ecker Jennie. dOI11t:stic, 228 ~ 2d Q Eckerd William B.. switchman. h 615 Harris "z Eckert Aaron 1\1., laborer, h 1:!24 Bartine av c Eckert A. Elizabeth, stengr, 2111 Walnut, h Wormleysburg ...., Eckert Clarence W., shoe cutter, h 840 S Cameron c..:t Eckert Cora 1\1., stcngr W. O. Hickok :\1fg. Co., h Wormleyshurg Q Eckert David W .. roller, h 14.:15 Zarker ..... ~ Eckert Frances E . elk, 3:!2 ?\Iarket, h \Vormleyshurg Eckert Harry :M .. laborer, h 3:!S N 15th ~ Eckert John A.. sale:n..2.a_~ ~~ ~.~_f;n5 Fo_rs_t_er _ _ __ _

916 S = Eby Fannie M., mattressmkr, hMarket,201 18a8 Korth Eby Frank, helper, h 434 Hamilton 'is Eby George L., salesman, 334 h


Tile &_.1_. BeII4I1 C .......,.. Baltimore; lid.

General Agent Central Penna. District. loa N . . . B,. Bell 'Phone Ml X, er81M8 X.
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{lll6 lonD miMI.


Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory.

Eckert Myra A. ~Irs., nurse, h 11 S:!d Eckert Samuel B., brakeman, h 1520 Walnut Eckert William L., carpenter, h 328 1\ 15th Eckinger Charles, sand, 200 S 3d, h 203 S Front Eckinger Harry F., hotel, 200 S 3d, h do Eckinger Jacob, propr Lancaster House, 21 Cowden, h do Eckman Rosa B., wid Charles T., h 40 ~ 13th Eckrich Annie M., roller, h 1138 S Cameron Eckrich Conrad, engineer, h 1138 S Cameron Eddinger Charles, machinist, h 1:,01 N 12th Edens Paul J., warehouseman P. R. R., h ~ ~ 5th Edge Thomas J., h 701 ~ 6th Edgerton Ralph W., draftsman, h :;no ~ :!d Edison Ralph, draftsman, It 210 1\ 2d Edmonds Arthur, laborer, h 514 Strawberry av Edmondson James M., postal elk, h 14H1 Regina Edmondson William P., student, h 1461 Regina Edmonson Annie 1irs., h 284 S Cameron Edmonson George \V., laborer, h :!84 S Cameron Edmunds William T., grinder, h 1854 Derry Edwards Caradoc, engineer, h 1604 Logan av Edwards Charles \V., fireman, h 416 Crescent Edwards Ellsworth E., brakeman, h 611 :'IIuench c: -t Edwards Emily, weaver, h 819 ~ 3d c:: Edwards Ernest A., barber, 61 1\ 13th, h 181 ~ 15th rEdwards George L., planer, h 348 S 13th Edwards George M., h 117 S Dewberry av Edwards Gertrude, saleslady, 815 N 3d, h 819 do Edwards Harry M., driver, h 201 Mulberry Edwards James 5., timekeeper, h 819 N 3d Edwards John, shoemkr, 32! S 2d, h 223 t:"nion av Edwards John, jr., driver, h 267 Forster Edwards John c., crossing builder, h 348 S 13th Edwards Josephine H., h Hi37! N 3d Edwards Lizzie A., dressmkr. h 819 N 3d Edwards Maggie, domestic, 217 Mulberry Edwards Martha Mrs . h 319 S Cameron =:i. Edwards Mary A. Mrs., h rear 209 Verbeke UJ Edwards Mary G., teacher, h 223 N 2d C> c Edwards Mary L., domestic, 25 5 Front :r Edwards Oscar J., laborer, h 1112 N 12th Edwards Sarah B. Mrs., h 348 Hamilton Edwards Sophia, wid Joseph, h 416 Crescent Edwards Theodore, laborer, h 523 State Ege Alexander H., pres Anthracite Wagon Co., h Mechan- en icsburg ::: Egenrieder Annie, elk, h 1811 N 3d < Egenrieder August, candymkr, h 324 Reily ~

o o






To find a name you must lmow how to spell it."

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Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Direotol'f.

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Egenrieder Augustus, bartender Harris House, h do Egenricder John, baker, 3~4 Reily, h do Egenrieder John, jr., baker, h 324 Reily Egenrieder John No, baker, h 820 Cowden Egenrieder Joseph, baker, h 324 Reily Egenrieder Mary A., teacher, h 1811 N 3d Egenrieder Thomas, baker, 1M11 N 3d, h do Egert Frederick, paperhanger, h M24 Cowden Egle Adelaide;h 346 S 13th Egle Clarence, baker, h 58 N 13th Egle Ehza, wid William H., h aU5 N 2d Egolf Adam D., contractor, h 21M Cumberland Egolf David P., carpenter, h 51M Forrest EGOLF EDGAR L., eyesight specialist and mfg optioiu, 807809 11 3d, h 503 Reily Egolf Lewis A., timekpr, Herr c 1Uth, h 518 Forrest Egolf Optical Co., E. L. Egolf, mgr, 807 N 3d Egolf Samuel J., foreman P. R. R., h 1619 N 5th Ehlen S. Fannie :Mrs., dressmkr, h 171 Paxton Ehler Elmer W., elk, 716 State, h 13U5 Fulton Ehler George B., lineman, h mH Myrtle av Ehler George L., collector Telegraph, h 1305 Fulton Ehler George W., laborer, h 13115 Fulton Ehler Harrv, driver, h 602 .church av Ehler Mary A., wid George W., h 562 Showers av Ehling Harvey M., brakeman, h 8 S 4th Ehling Henry, cigars, 203 Chestnut, h 2 Chesapeake av Ehlman Albert W., cooper, h 616 Peffer Ehrisman Murray. laborer, h 943 Paxton Ehrisman Robert, wiper, h 943 Paxton Eichel Joseph H .. brakeman, h 307 Clinton av Eichelberger A. Scott, brakeman, h 2008 Green Eichelberger Elizabeth, wid Josiah. h 1!l!l3 Penn Eichelberger Elmer R., heater, h 224 S 15th Eichelberger Franklin P .. repairsman, h 1721} N 4th Eichelberger George B.. foreman. h rear 349 Reily Eichelberger Grant, car cleaner. h 148 S 3d Eichelberger Harry F .. repairsman, h 1721 Fulton Eichelberger John, h 1440 Derry Eichelberger Josiah M., molder, h 1333 Penn Eichelberger Mary c., wid Jacob, h 327 Hamilton Eichelberger Mina B.. weaver. h 1721} N 4th Eichelberger Pearl V., cigarmkr. h 1721} N 4th Eichelberger Sylvester. switchman. h 2008 Green Eichelberger. see Ikelberger Eichholtz George W., car inspector. h 599 Emerald Eicholtz Ira, fireman. h ll!U Capital Eiler :\Iargaret, domestic, 209 Locust

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I B TIC" ........... P.bllc a.1141... ,.IPial.-n.u. {.2Ui II. ,1IIw -#lAICEI A 'NO/At" I ' A 1\, '.11.... t.
lloyd'. Harriaburg. (E) City Directory. 237

Einstein Celia M., h 1122 N :Jd Einstein Edgar V., (Edgar V. Einstein & Co.), h 226 Herr EmSTEIB EDGAR V. " CO., department .tores, 221 and 223 lIarket . Einstein Joseph V., h 1932 N :1(} Einstein Morris G., salesman, h 1!t:-l2 N 3d Einzig Anthony J., laborer, h 422 Cumberland Einzig Frank L., basketmkr, h 1:U6 William Einzig Harman, basketmkr, 1316 William, h do Eisely Edward F., cir mgr Telegraph, h 1:1U1 Berryhill Eisenberg Samuel W., tray salesman, h 1561 Walnut Eisenberg, see Isenberg Eisenberger Barbara, bunchmkr, h Milt; S Cameron Eisenberger Grant. bricklayer, h !'lilt; S Cameron Eisenberger Harry, cooper, h 81U S Cameron Eisenberger Jacob B., fireman, h 13:-lH Fulton Eisenberger John H., laborer, h 16119 N 5th Eisenberger Mary M., h 806 S Cameron Eisenberger Nettie V., bunchmkr, h 806 S Cameron Eisenberger Samuel, bricklaver, h 806 S Cameron Eisenhart Harry P., drug elk, 16 N 3d, h 213 Briggs Eisenhart Katie, saleslady, 312 Market, h Steeltan Eisenhart Lizzie, domestic, 1237 N 7th Eisenhart Maggie C, domestic, 1237 N 7th Eisenhouer Daisey C, cigarmkr, h 2113 S 3d Eisenhour Charles W., tinner, h 422 Boas Eisenhower Esther, wid Simon, h 37 N 16th Eisenhower John, laborer, h 203 S:ld Eisenhower Samuel B., elk, 128 S 2d. h 203 S 3d Eisenhower Warren j., caller P. R R, h 203 S 3d Eisenhower \Villiam E., laborer. h U3 Paxton Eissner Harry, student, h 3 S 4th II Eissner Peter, ladies' tailor, 3 S 4th, h do .0 Eitnier Samuel, laborer, h 2016 Kensington Elberti Arthur N., laborer, h 1708 N 5th I~ Elberti John W., caller P. R R, h 1708 N 5th Elden Mary A, wid Charles D., h 407 Market Cal ELDER CHARLES B., livery and boarding stable, 233 Black berry av, h 25th nr Derry Elder Charles M., engineer. h 509 Camp Elder David R, collector P. R. R frt depot, h 2::\4 Harris Elder Edna L., teacher, h 1631 N 3d Elder Eleanor S . organist. h 2:~4 Harris Cal ELDER HERBERT, electrical supplies, 204 :N 2d, h 1104 do Q. see adv next page Elder Ida M. Mrs., h 421 Strawberry av Elder John, dairyman, h 24th ab Derry It Elder Margaret C, nurse, h 1631 N 3d

, r


1 I Z

-I Z



.. To find a name you must' know how to spell ft."



McNeil'. PaiD EzterlDlnator eUreII Cbolera MorbUl, D,IeDtery, cr&mJll, Dlarrbc:ea, Cold., QulDI" Rheumatism, Toothaehe,l!ore Throat, Aaue, DJBpe)llla, cleo 1".,



Boyd'i Barrisburg


City Directory,



o I-

Elder ~Iary, wid James, h 509 Camp Elder Mary A., wid Jacob, h 1631 N 3d Elder Matthew B., plumber, 224 N 2d, h Derry bel 23d Elder Perry G., fireman, h 17 N 17th Elder Samuel c., fireman, h 1624 Fulton Elder William c., elk, 303 Market, h 234 Harris Eldred Harry, laborer, h 1406 Vernon 1! Eldred Lee, laborer, h 1406 Vernon t= Eldridge George T., cashier, 27 N 3d, h 2i1 Herr Eldridge T. Romeyn B., elk, 16 S 2d, h 700 N 3d :I Eleanor Iron Co., R. C. Neal, pres, Lochiel Elicker Charles L., conductor, h 2115 N 6th _ Elicker G. Edwin, watchmkr, 1804 N 6th, h 2117 do ::I Elicker George W., wagonmkr, h 2117 N 6th Elicker J. Calvin, elk, 222 Mulberry, h 904 Capital Elicker Lewis E., doubler, h 2141 Atlas av Elicker Ralph K., checkman P. R. R., h 2117 N 6th Elicker Roy, fireman, h 2115 N 6th Elicker William c., brakeman, h 1514 Wallace Elicker William E., motorman, h 826 S Cameron

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o ELKIN lOBNCharles A., teacher, hCapitol, 13th Lochiel P., attorney general, h The Ellenberger 147 N
Ellenberger Harry L., flagman, h 631 Dauphin av Ellenberger Israel, furniture, 233 State, h 204 Harris Ellenberger John A., brakeman, h 1920 Elizabeth av Ellenberger J. Wesley, physician, 922 N 3d, h 924 do Ellenberger Margaret, wid Samuel B., h 922 N 3d Ellenberger Samuel E., boots and shoes, 303 Verbeke, h 307 do .. Ellenberger Weston ]., brakeman, h 643 Woodbine : ; ELLI1I"GER DAVID B., sanitary ofticer, Court Bouse, h 403


.... .. ..

Ellinger Elizabeth, wid William, h 1201i- Derry Ellinger George W., telegrapher P. R. R.,h 514 Emerald u Ellinger Harry, laborer, h 414 S River av Ellinger J. Harry, telegrapher, 11 N 3d, h 1332 Susq Ellinger Joseph H., laborer, h 218 S River av c::t Ellinger Nathaniel, laborer, h 414 S River av U Ellinger Robert, laborer, h 406 S River av CI Ellington Pierce, laborer, h 1213 N lli







- Electrical Contractor, ~
204 North Scconcl Street, HARRISBURG, P A1\8(1



I ACOID DafTRA.C EDW G ROBERTS , ....... 81reel.T Bell 'PhODe IlIIl X,loa ...... or x.

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Boyd" Harrisburg (E) City Directory.


Elliott Finley A., collector, h 264 Herr Elliott James, machinist, h 810 East Elliott James W.,laborer, h 407 N 5th Elliott John G., bartender Hotel Columbus, h 518 Filbert Elliott Joseph L., machinist, h 810 East Elliott Mary A., wid Daniel. h 816 N 3d Elliott Patrick, laborer, h 810 East Elliott & Hatch Book Typewriter Co., William A. Murray, supt, Send S Cameron Ellis Alberta, domestic, 219 State Ellis Bessie. domestic, 1629 N 2d Ellis Edward K., laborer, h 1112 Cowden Ellis Frank F., machinist, h 1105 N 7th Ellis Frederick G., machinist, h 1856 Walnut Ellis George D., laborer, h 1111;) X 7th Ellis Howard. artist, h 65 Linden Ellis John, blacksmith, h 65 Linden Ellis Kate. waist operator, h 6:) Linden Ellis William H., helper, h 1al4 Susquehanna Ellis William H., machinist, 65 Linden Ellis William M. C, glazier, h 1314 Susquehanna Ellis William W., blacksmith, h 1:~26 Vernon Ellis William W .. jr. blacksmith, h 213 Hummel Elm Paris. elk. :~m Verbeke, h 264 Herr Elmer Bridget. wid Frank. h :n8 ~ Court av EIscheid Augustus K., saloon, Court av c Cherry av, h do EIscheid John R.. baker. h 3a4 Strawberry av Elworthy Sarah F., nurse, 124 Pine Ely Leander, laborer, h 23d bel Derry Ely Lvdia X. ~lrs .. h 528 West av El~ samuel, laborer. h 520 S l~th Emanuel Annie T., wid Solomon, h 624 Forster Emanuel A. Solomon. molder, h 531 Cowden Emanuel Daniel, molder, h 624 Forster Emanuel Harry J .. constable. h 706 State Emanuel Joseph D., molder, h 624 Forster Emanuel Kate, elk 1 N 3d, h 519 State Emerick Benjamin F., repairsman. h 411 Filbert Emerick Calvin L.. laborer, h 1849 N 6th Emerick Clara J. B., domestic, 1849 N 7th Emerick George W., brakeman. h 233 Crescent Emerick John. laborer. h Whitehall nr Walnut Emerick ~fartha M .. matchmkr. h 1849 N 7th 'Emerick Mary. wid Levi, h 118 Dock Emerick Morris, elk Dauphin Dep. Bank, h 35 Evergreen Emerick William. laborer. h 1849 N 7th Emerick 'Villi am H . shaver. h 68 N Hth Emer-ick 'Villiam K.. boilermkr. h 11~ Dock

o o

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' -I


"To find a name



must know how to speU it."

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i:.:'H.I. KELLEY ,. CO". 'S ~.::"':':=:~ {tO~-:'\~'1::

Emerick William W., L". S. A., h li~ X 14th Emery EII!.'n M. ~Irs . h 2!1 S 2d ~ Emery Frank \V., cook, 1l"!~~ X Hth ~ Emery John H., telegrapher, h 55!f Forrest ... Emig Elizaheth, housekeeper. 4:U State ..II: Emmett John E., brakeman. h 518 ~Iarket Emminger Cloyd W., laborer, h 2;) ~ 15th Emminger Ella ~., shoe operator, h 25 N 16th ~ Emminger Frank P., shoe operator, h 25 ~ Wth - Emminger George W., electrician. h :319 Cumherland Emminger James P., lineman, h 25 1\ 15th u" Emminger John H., h 319 Cumberland ~ Emminger Robert ]., helper, h :!5 X 15th ::S' Emminger "Warren D., lineman, h 342 Boyd av ;; Enck Crayton H., baker, 45 N 14th, h do Enck Henry T., ins sol, h 1821) State ;; Enck John C, driver, h 1438 Vernon zi Endeavor Co., publishers Penna. Endeavor, 18 S 3d Enders Alice C. Mrs., h 1210 Wallace Enders Amos E., grocer, 71) X l:~th, h do Enders Annie E., wid William, h 912 X lith - Enders Arthur F., collector, 151li ~ 3d, h !li04 Hunter Enders Della M., saleslady, :318 Market, h !li02 Hunter av ..... Enders Emma E., domestic. 2!1 X 2d Enders Frank, carpenter, h :!1;J2 N 7th Enders Isaiah T., h 1801 X lith :: Enders John H., fruit, 1250 :Market, h do ! Enders Kate, domestic, :!!I S 2d Enders Mason G., fireman, h Ul:> Harris Fnders Nelson, watchman, h lli02 Hunter av -:::; Enders Nora, domestic, 208 Pine ::::- Enders Robert A., grocer, 18111 X (ah, h do IIJ Enders Salome, domestic, 705 N (jth I- Enders S. Katharine ~Irs., h :n 7 Strawberry av Enders \Varren, laborer, h :>44 \Voodbine Endress Henry, foreman, h 1224 Herr 1.&1 Endress Theodore, conductor, h 1073 S 9th Endress Zacharias, laborer, h 1209 ~ Cameron Endy Hattie B., domestic, 214 ~Iulberry Engel Catharine M., bookkpr, h 43:! Boas Engel Ferdinand, tailor, 4:t! Boas, h do Z Engel Rena ~I., elk, 1IIth c Mulberry, h 432 Boas 1702 Susquehanna, h Middletown II: Engle Bcnjamin H., supt,Liberty Engle Charles A., h 214 1.&1 Engle Ephraim, h 1185 Bailey Engle William, brakeman, h 632 Calder Englert :\Iary F., elk, h 602 Showers av Englert Sarah]. :\lrs., h 602 Showers av


Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory.

_ it

i i






ANDREW REDMOND, .f::::::-';d'::::::. {3d .Id Rilly Sts.

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B ft.. TAC"

1\, 1lI1I1UI. . OOIIIplete wllll Uamn. &lid

Wall Paper. The beat and Iow_ price&. WI. . .", { 'IU8 ~ fez IIie. II. II at.

. English B. Miller, conductor, h 607 Reily

Boyd'. Harriaburg (E) City Directory.

241 ,

.English Emma E., music teacher, h 430 Peffer English George W., fireman, h 470 S Cameron English Harry T., brakeman, h 411 Harris English Isaac L., grocer, 430 Peffer, h do English John B., helper. h 629 Hamilton English John J., conductor, h 6~! Hamilton English Nellie G., shoe operator, h 611 Peffer English Sarah J., wid John. h 607 Reily Enney George \V., h 1323 :Maple av Enney William F., machinist. h 1113 X Front Ennis Bridget, wid Patrick. h 1336 S 13th Ennis John J., paperhanger. h 211J Reily Ennis Walter G., paperhanger, h 211J Reily Enright Anne, saleslady. 334 :\Iarket, h 344 S 14th Enright Catharine E., dressmkr, h 344 S 14th Enright Mary E., saleslady, 334 ~Iarket, h 344 S 14th Enright Mary E., wid James, h 344 S 14th Ensinger A. Leigh, draftsman, h 600 Race Ensinger Mary c., wid William H., h 4:35 Kelker Ensinger Samuel D., stoves, tinware, &c., 600 Race, h do _ Ensinger William H., fireman, h 1123 Capital Ensminger Calvin A., laborer, h 1805 Berryhill Ensminger E. Charles, elk, 100 S 2d, h 131 Chestnut ., Ensminger Eugene M., lumber, 17th c Derry, h 1901 Derry" Ensminger George H., elk, 100 S 2d, h 131 Chestnut II Ensminger Hannah A., wid Samuel, h 1316 Wallace 0 Ensminger John M., contractor. h 1839 Berryhill DSlIIliGEB. lOHN T., auctioneer, furniture, 100-1M SId, I ~ h 131 Chestnut Ensminger John T., jr., elk, 100 S 2d, h 131 Chestnut Cal Ensminger John W., laborer, h 1837 Berryhill ., Ensminger Joseph, contractor, h 1901 Derry IV Ensminger Joseph, tinner. h 1316 Wallace Ensminger Maggie, housekeeper, 1901 Derry Ensminger Oliver F., roller, h 604 Race Enterline Clara, domestic, 518 Market Enterline Gertrude L . h 411 Market ., Enterline Salome L . h 718 N 6th IIEntrekin W. Frank, engineer, h 1644 N" 3d Entrikin Edith M., h 801 East Eppes Mary Mrs., h 514 South av U Eppinger Oscar L., agt. 1922 Derry, h Steelton W Eppison William, laborer, h 2 Paxton Cottage Row Q. Eppleman George J., ironworker. h 143 Ann av Eppler Harriet E., wid Herman J., h 330 S 14th Eppley Arthur, telegrapher, Division c P. R. R., h Marys- IIville

0 0


PI ~



To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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McNEIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. ::.ljl~~d~~D~&l:~~: { 306 Br'

11 Eppley David R., carpenter, h 619 Calder
Eppley Fannie, housekeeper, 526 Race Eppley H. Emma, h 1705 N Front 11 Epstein Fannie Mrs., dressmkr, h 429 Strawberry av _ -::: Equitable Life Assurance Society, U. S., Henry D. Under! wood, mgr, 14 S Market sq 3 EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF IOWA, A. L Dun~ can, gem agt, rooms lS.19, 222 lIarket ~ Erb Charles W., elk Star-Independent, h 228 Verbeke Erb Elmer, bookbinder, 10th bel Market, h W Fairview :: Erb Emma H. Mrs., nurse, h 1327 Kittatinny SErb Emory E., laborer, h 1024 Herr Erb George H., laborer, h 213 Crescent : Erb Henry, laborer, h 809i S Front :. Erb Isaac S., repairsman, h 2031 ~ 7th Erb John M., laborer, h 238 Charles av (/) Erb Theodore C., machinist, h 273 Briggs Erb Theodore D., fireman, h 325 Crescent Erion Lewis, laborer, h 1406 Green IIJ Erisman George, caller P. R. R., h 1130 Mont~omery .J Ernest Charles S., brakeman, h Park Hotel Ernest Herman L., brakeman, h 621 Calder IIJ Ernest Jacob N., brakeman, h 1724 Susquehanna av C Ernest James G., lamp roomman, h Park Hotel Ernest John c., conductor, h 2119 X 6th IIJ Errickson Edward, foreman P. 1. and S. Co., h 901 ShaonisEschelman Jacob F., mail agt, h 1624 Penn _ Eschenbach Fannie R., bunchmkr, h 40 S Court av Eshbach Horace W., elk aud gent's dept, h 119 S 2d ..: Eshelman Adeline Mrs., h 604 Cumberland Eshelman Harry N., conductor, h 654 Verbeke ~ Eshelman Joseph c., postal elk, h 340 S 14th E Eshelman Sarah M., wid Allen H., h 1:l2 Sylvan ter Q Eshelman William, engineer, h 914 Capital U Eshenauer Joseph, janitor, h 1631 Derry - ' Eshenauer Laura J., packer, h 1631 Derry Eshenawer E. Lizzie, wid Addison A., h 1314 James U Eshenawer Levi, fence builder, h 1314 James Q Eshenour Elmer E., collector Independent, h 1623 SwataraIE Eshenower Edwin E., grinder, h 900 S 20i C Eshleman J. Clayton, brakeman, h 1122 Cowden &&.I Eslinger Annie, h Home for the Friendless U Espenshade Ella, cook, 328 North Espenshacie Ira B.. painter, h 2022 Kensington ~ Espenshade \VilIiam H., bookkpr, h 254 North .... Espenship R. Grace, steng-r treasury, Capitol, h 308 N 2d Esposito Andrew, cook Lunatic Hospital, h do Espy Helen E., h 213 N Front



Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory.

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will gOOD 108 1I.1I~ w. . ED 'u G ROBERTS bonda are your bond. Bell 'Phone 811: X.IllIG X. II. exeeutecl. or
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A. B. TACKI:~":111 PUDer and IIndOl_ ;,a~3rsl

Boyd's Harrisburg (E) City Directory.


Espy Mary H., wid James S., h 321 ~ Front Espy Rectina, wid William K., h 321 X Front Essex William H., stone cutter, h :!UI!I X Cameron Essig Fredlfick, butcher, h 92:~ Sarah av Essig J. George, molder, h 711 State Essig' John L., elk, 17 N 2d, h 8:~2 S Cameron Essig John W., elk, 19 N 2d, h 8.1:! S Cameron Estep Bertha, cigarmkr, h 10115 Hemlock Estep Jesse T., laborer, h 10115 Hemlock Esterline Maude, domestic, 14;:; N 4th Esworthy D. Milton, electrician, h 1:!1I X River av Esworthy Rebecca, wid Thomas, h :!:~u ~outh Esworthy Robert W., plasterer, h 1211 X River av Esworthy Romulus W., plasterer, h 1:!1I X H.iver av Etka Maud G., seamstress, h fil5 Calder Etnoyer Catharine, elk, Utl2 Vernon, h PenLrook Etnoyer Elizabeth Mrs., tailoress, h 9:!4 Penll Etnoyer William, stable boss, 222 ~lulberry. h Xcw Benton Etsweiler Jennie, attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do ETTER BD1Al1Ili F., lawyer, IUS Walnut, h 208 Pine Etter Calvin, (Calvin Etter & Son), h :!51 Boas ETTER CALVIN" SON, (Calvin and C. Ross), grocen,801

31 -I I

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::!! ~ C

Etter Carrie, wid Daniel, h fl31 Sayford av Etter Charles. F., paying teller 1st Nat. Bank. h 904 N 2d Etter C. Ross, (Calvin Etter & Son), h 251 Boas Etter Elizabeth, shoe operator, h 1845 Derry Etter George, h 411 Market Etter George, asst supt, 14 S 2d, h Steelton Etter George E., real estate, &c., ::n:-~ Walnut, h 209 Pine Etter George W., catcher, h 1014 S 9th Etter Harry H., helper, h 1315 N Front Etter Helen M. Mrs., h rear H35 N 3d Etter Isaac M., boarding, 26 S 3d, h do Etter James H., lunch bar elk, h 217 Crescent Etter Jennie M., housekeeper, h ::W S 3d Etter Margaretta F., tel opr, 210 Walnut, h rear 935 N 3d Etter Samuel S., elk, 443 Market, h 1159 Derry Etter Sarah J., shoe operator, h 411 Market Etter Susanna Mrs., h Home for the Friendless Etter \Vashington J., laborer, h :!2H ~Iulberry Etter William G., warehouseman. h 30a Briggs Etter William H., driver, h 303 Briggs Ettinger Elmer E., telegrapher P. R. R., h 1103 Capital Ettinger William, puddler. h 511 Lochie1 6th Row Ettinger William J., hostler, h 11113 Capital Ettla Anna C, h 517 N 2d Ettla Joseph L., elk H. of R .. h 2:31 Liberty



"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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~~tro ~J H.

M. KELLEY &. CO. nc:r:..Ya=

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Boyd'. Harrisburg (E) City Directory.




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Eureka Coal Wagon Works, (H. Bailey), 614-618 North EUlI.EXA. HAlO) LAUBDRY, George T. Wallace, propr, lOt Cherry European Hotel, Joseph Sehastian, 507 Market Eutzy Joseph, laborer, h ~09i S Front Evangelical, (The), Samuel L. Wiest, mgr, 201 N 2d Evangelical Bible Quarterly. Sam'l L. Wiest, mgr, 201 N 2d Evangelical Bible Teacher. Rev. S. L. Wiest, mgr, 201 K 2d Evangelische Zeitschrift, Samuel L. Wiest, mgr, 201 N 2d Evans Ann, wid John J., h 306 Boas Evans Barton D., h 2113 S Front Evans Celista A., laundress, h 1024 Herr Evans David, blacksmith, h 516 Filbert Evans David, heater, h 318 Curtin Evans Ebenezer. tin assortcr, h 2120 N 7th Evans Edward S .. coachman, i1 a1:! X 5th' Evans Elizabeth B.. h 211:1 S Front Evans, Foose & Burtnett, (\1ahlon Evans, Albert E. Foose! and Charles W. Burtnett), wholesale grocers, 334-338 Chestnut Evans Frank J .. butcher. h 267 Sassafras av Evans John, machinist. h 516 Fill)ert Evans Lorena G.. teacher, h 916 N 6th Evans Mahlon. (Evans. Foosl' & Burtnett), h.412 N 2J Evans \Villiam C, foreman, h :l26 Chestnut Evans William H., huckster, h 267 Sassafras av Evans \VilIiam J., catcher, h 2120 N 7th Ev(-rett Frank G.. laborer, h 1:121 S 12th Everett :'I1ichael S., laborer. h 1321 S 12th Everett Moses, laborer. h :n5 ~ectarine Everhart Henry. molder. h 202 i\ 2d Everhart Thomas. painter, h 202 N 2d Eves Howard E., postal elk. h 1223 Derry Ewing Cicero ~L. (Ewing & Holmes), h 716 N 6th Ewing Edward E .. engineer, h 1208 ~ 2d Ewing George W .. engineer, h 427 Maclay Ewing John R., engineer. h :!1U9 ~loore Ewing Joseph G.. mgr. h 107 S Front Ewing May, cigarmkr. h 429 S 2<1 Ewing Philadelphia 1\1., teacher, h 266 North EWING &: HOLlIES. (C.. Ewing and R. E. Holmea), physicians and surgeons, 718 N 8th EXCHANGE BANKING CO., W. 1. uscure and W. 1. Snavely, mgn, 3 N 2d EYer Edward D., conductor, h 1116 Green Eyler Anna M., wid Andrew J.. h 321 Hummel Eyler Frank A., foreman, Crescent c Mulberry, h 112 N 13th

~~::J:t,-:!~~~:-~ ANDREW


REDMOND. {3d .Id R.I~ Sts.

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A, 8. TAlI N.~l:t. {='~J:=.=~=:w~~,*~

Boyd's Harritburg (F) City Dil'eetory.


bl)ler blentrude, seamstress, 1441 Regina Epler Jay A., ;nshia\, h ;321 Hummel Fyler John Q., hrakeman, h tH1 Fwatara Epnon Thomar, draflsma;;, h 819 N 3;1 Eyre Fr;l;'kP, db sec commonwealth, h 183G State EYRE T. T,ARBY, pabli\ grOkHlds Hndbaildiligl, Fapit%%l, Th%% !.ochiel Evster Alice H., wid Alf;\d E., h ~27 Boas Eysta;, Be\tha ., music teacher, :':27 Haas, h do E~'ster Elizabeth, h 306 Cald"r E)'st;,:n Lcl:lie, r"amstress, h :i06 Calder Etster Rosa, wid Edwa"d C. h 306 Calde" Ityst;;;r, sea OY,;ker ~ ~


1J I

Face Han's', labarer, h 42 Strawbarry "v '~D F"ckIer Daniel" elk P. ~. R. frt depot, h, 1,844 Stat,~ . FACKLER E. L, furnltu"", carpetr, ana iuna"al alrecllr, F' 'sb12 Derry, 'sb14 do Fackh"r Elias I mws aut P. R. d"not 101 !\{;;rket Fackler Ellis, "~I1Oe oper~tor, h 414 S 19th Fackkr EI!'ie \-1., dFarmkr, 19ttb State . ;;ckDr Emma E. ?;fi-s., housekeeper, 1:;15 N 6 t h - . , Fackkr Emma I., wid Muses F., I; 19H Sl"le .;i;. F"ckler J. ;ak"ljeld, elk ~\ler. Nat. Bank, h 1844 State ..J Fackler Juhn L lahore" h 12:n Fultf;;; , Fackkr Minnie B., pad,er, 1844 State Fackkr P;;arl P .. h 1429 Market Fackl"r S"muel S., carpenter, h 1614 Park Fackler \V"ndd), n."Ws P. R. R. dapot ;;gaa Elmer Eo, flagman, h 714 Dogan av Fagan Frank, kborar, h 1714 LOb;;n I Ida M. :\frs., h N I;th Ma!v _~.' h 116 ~outh .~JJ ALBEwT 1., altterman, 9aa N h do J:a~er An~ie K, h]05.~;)curt i';;g"" Bena F., h \::;;2 \'valnut PAGER ClI ARl.ES B., phbsician, 120 Waln;;t, h d;,; agen Chades jr.. physician. 1::::0 V;/alnut. h do PAGER CHRISTIAN lL ](. D, draggi;;t, 1307 N 8th; h dn ng\; Edwin ., engin;';'", h ~L1 '!'\ ;jd Fager Edwin J, ins solicitor h 117 R;'ily Eug"n;' F .. plumber. 1:~1 N :ld Fager Frank H., bookkpr. ~19 ~farkut. h 9~2 ~ 2d Fagar Geuage Eo, (Dag;"a & ~lae:tr). HI; Locust Fager George C, jr, elk. 10~ )Iaaket h 2~:i Vnbeh Fagaa H\rrY h :%:':2 ~ :':d PAGER;roU H., l,;hysician. 1234 N 6th, h do






T~ find .' n~eyo~ must IID'ow' how to-spell it."




Fager John jr., student, h = Fager Lillie, H.,122 Walnut N 120 Walnut Fager h '5 Lucy, masseuse, 1234 6th, h do _



Boyd's Harrisburg tF) City Directory.








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Fager Margaret J.. trimmer, h 922 N 2d Fager Martin W., bookkpr, 219 Market, h 133 State Fager Norman A., molder, h 1314 N 3d Fager Samuel, tinsmith, h 105 Locust Fager Suie E., h 1314 N 3d Fager V. Hummel, physician, 120 Walnut and 410 ~ 2<1, h do Fager William C., jeweler, 1215 N 3d. h 225 Verbeke FAGER & JlAEYER, (G. C. Fager and D..Kaeyer), stoves, &c., 108 Karket Fagin John A., laborer, h 1072 S 9th Fagley Louisa, domestic, 208 Reily Fahnestock Blanch B., eyelet operator, h 109 N Summit Fahnestock Frank G., civil engineer, h 106 South Fahnt'stock Harry, elk, 200 Market, h 109 ~ Summit Fahnestock]. Harvey, student, h 1735 N 3d Fahnestock Lena, wid William E., h 803 ~ 2d Fahnestock Louisa C, wid Walter F., h 106 South Fahnestock Louise C, student, h 1735 N 3d Fahnestock Maria, wid Derrick G., h 112 Nagle Fahnestock William M., teacher,h 1735 N 3d Fahrney Frances Mrs., h 1453 Regina Fahs Harry A., bookbinder, h 231 Hummel Fahs Henry, laborer, h 1221 Fulton Fahs Philip, laborer, h 231 Hummel Failey Elizabeth G., housekeeper, h 524 ~orth Failey James, watchman P. R R, h 634 Woodbine Failey Mary A., wid Thomas, h 524 North Failey William B., telegrapher P. R. R., h 634 Woodbine Failey, see Faley Failor Frank, coremkr, h 1612 N 5th Failor Frederick, blacksmith, h 1612 N 5th Failor Julia A., h 1612 N 5th Failor Mary, wid Wilson, h 1612 N 5th Fair Ida, weaver. h 422 Harris Fair John, carpenter, h 702 East Fair Pearl, domestic, 329 Chestnut Fairchild Eliza, domestic, 814 N 3d Fairhurst Robert, inspector P. & R, h aa2 Chestnut F AI1lLAllB ROBERT V., tobacconist, 210 Karket, h Steelton Fairman Clarence C, elk P. R R frt depot. h 1212 l'Iulberry Faley Ida Mrs., dressmkr, 313 ~luench, h do Faley Thomas, postal elk, h :313 :\f ut'l1ch Faley, see Failey Faling Rachel E., wid Michael, h 63; Briggs


108 .ord,

A.",,14 ,.


ae-. Ie.

Bell 'PboDe 8111 X. or 6843 X.


1,-. Beller 1_1"11_. Digitized CoogIe

Wall P..- And Window ShAw. {l.=~~~": Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory. 247 Falk Charles A., bartender, h 601 Race Falk Charles A., jr., laborer, h 601 Race Falk John c., elk, 305 Strawberry av, h 601 Race Falter Annie M., wid George B., h 707 Race Falter Edward, barber, 707 Race, h do Famous John S., laborer, h 1928i N 5th Famous Rachel A., wid John. h 1716 Susquehanna .. Famous William H., warehouseman, 336 Chestnut, h Wormleysburg . ..J Fardy Edward ]., puddler, h 1312 S 12th , Fardy Mary G., domestic, 2119 S Front Fardy William M., laborer, h H08 Iron av Faries Carrie L., teacher, h 312 X 2d Farleman Joseph T., repairsman. h 2026 N 7th" Farley Michael E., patent medicine, 225 S 15th, h do Farling John, flagman, h 1907 North Farling John, stoneman, h 1858 Walnut Farling Lydia, wid David, h 1332 Penn Farling Mabel, domestic, 612 State r:;; Farling Obadiah J. Rev., h 1858 Walnut !" Farmer John H., machinist, h 1227 Fulton Farmer William H., boilermkr, h "517 };orth Farner David A., driver, h 333 Reily Farner Nora M., weaver, h 4-14 SlOth Farner William, mgr, 1516 N 3d, h 333 Reily Farner William E., laborer, h 444 SlOth Farnsworth Anna, dressmkr, h 1H2!) Swatara g


.. ....

l'AR:NSWORTH WILLIAJI C., lawyer, :N 3d c Barket, h 21 ~ S Front Farr William D., lunch bar elk Hotel Columbus, h do iii Farrell Elizabeth, nurse, h 119 S Front c:: ::III Farrell James H., foreman P. R R, h 1632 Green Farrell William F., engineer, h 336 Boyd av C":. Farver Frank W., brakeman, h 1107 Plum av !" Farver Lydia A., cigar packer, h 100:! S 9th Fasick Charles H., laborer, h 1836 Fulton Fasick James W., brakeman, h 1836 Fulton Fasick William E., telegrapher P. R R, h 1254 Walnut Fasnacht Alvin E., printer, h 1231 Derry Fasnacht Charles H., elk dept Int Affairs, h Lancaster Fasnacht John F., photographer, 814 ~Iarket, h 1234 Bailey Fasnacht, see Fosnaught Fassett "William, laborer, h 501 State Fast Jesse B., postal elk. h 27 X 17th Faster George \V . molder, h 421 State Faster John, laborer, h 11 N 5th Faster John G., cabinetmkr, h 53a ~Iaclay



To find a name you must know how to -~ it."

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t; c:a I

~ Faster John H., bartender, 200 S 3d, h Friendship Engine

House Faster William c., loom fixer, h 11 N 5th Fauber James B., planer, h 601 Clinton av I - Fauber Margaret, dressmkr. h 19 S 4th Fauber Priscilla, dining, 19 S 4th, h do Fauble Jennie M., stengr exec dept, Capitol, h 131 State .. Faucett William, laborer, h 501 State ~ . Faughender M~ry Mrs., h 1110 James av ""'" Faught Cathanne, hemmer, h 1422 N 3d , . Faulds Mary E., wid WiII.iam H., h 237 Harris Faulkner James, laborer, h 1530 Vernon IIJ Faulkner Sallie, domestic, 504 Strawberry av I- Faunce Joseph J., h 1701 Penn .. I- Faunce Lawrence A N jeweler, 1314 N 3d, h 1701 Penn Faus Jacob, h 1628 5th I&J Faus Jacob. jr., milk dealer, 707 S 21st, h do Faust Annie, domestic, 272 Briggs Faust Harvey J., hostler. h 5:!O Peffer Faust William, laborer. h 125 Libertv Favin~er Charles ~., pl~sterer, It :12i 0ranite.. a! Favonte Charles \\I., (Fmton & Favorite), h .,2, Peffer Fawber Arllos, laborer, nHI:t~ State II: Fawbcr Annie E., domestic, :lOl S Front IIJ Fawber George, watchman, 1835 Swatara Fax Peter, lahorer, h Hickory av nr ~luench Fay Franci~, laborer, h 40~! \Valnut Fay William, laborer, It G01-Herr Fayman George F., checkman P. R. R.. h ,I:,.. S Hith == Favman Thomas \V., macltini5t. h 4!lfj S 16th ~ Feagley Charles W., printer, h 34 SlOth :; Feaser Alice :M., domestic, 101 S Front _ Feass Harry, jr., elk. h 1127 )oJ 7th u.I Feass Ross H., brakeman, h 1127 N 7th Feaster James E., attt'ndant Lunatic Hospital, h do >= Febles Raymond. foreman. h :t:!9 Chestnut ;I Fee Jessati,ine, wid Seth H., h 25:1 North u.I Feehrer A. Rav, machinist. h na4 S Cameron Feehrer John A., tailor, h 110 Locust -= Feehrer Simon B.. laborer, h 100i Hemlock ~ Feeman Frank. laborer, h UiOO Hunter av 1M Feeman Ida ?vIrs., h 421 North t:i Feeman John A., elk Post Office. h 441 S 16th _ ~ Feeman Percival C. steam fitter. h 421 Xorth I - Feeser James. teacher. h 1!14:! State :i Feeser J. Henry. laborer, h rear 4]:J State ::: Feeser John F .. salesman, 4:!4 )oJ nd. h Pcnbrook Feeser ~oshua B.. car~enter. h Vi:!1 ~'t1lton_~ __ ~ _____


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ilc~~t:~~RJII.} ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d.6 Reily Stl.

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A. 8. TACI, Practical Paper Han~er,

a {12t1


Boyd'. Baniaburg (F) City DinctorJ.

Feeser Roy, hostler, h 13 S Court av Feeser William H., carpenter, h 1518 Fulton Feevey Augustus A., heater, h 318 Hummel Feevey Harry, upholsterer, 202 N 2d, h 306 S Rh'er av Fegan James E., warehouseman P. R. R., h 432 Market Feger Robert, polisher, h 231 Liberty Fegley Francis F., steelworker, h 244 Liberty Fegley Harry, car builder, h 34: SlOth Fegley Henry, driver, h 1536 Thompson av Fegley J. Henry, cleaner, h 1:J:!8 ~ 7th Fehl John C, caller P. R. R., h 314 Clinton av Fehl Kate 5., weaver, h 1333 Eartine av Fehl Nicholas, tailor, h 13:13 Eartine av Fehleisen Gertrude E., clk, h 5:!:! Filbert Fehleisen Herman L., printer, 0117 State, h do Fehleisen John B., fireman, h Ill!) ~ Cameron Fehleisen Theodore, h 132 Balm Feig George J., huckster, h 23 5 2d Feinclt Lizzie. domestic, 214 Reilv Feindt William F., ba~gagemaster, h 121:! Derry Feister Charity A., h 1301 Market Feite Julia. bookkpr, 36 N 3d, h.1266 State Feldman Max. tailor, h 604 State Feldser Lena Mrs., grocer, 1100 Herr, h do Felix Adelaide H., h 10 X 2d Felix Agnes E., h 10 K 2d Felix Daniel F., laborer, h 2114 Turner av Felix George McC, brakeman, h 1911 Elizabeth av Felix Harry H., patternmkr, h 2406 N 6th Felix Henry K., stenographer, 14 S 2d. h 125 Herr Felix John L., laborer, h 2031 Logan av Felix Maria Mrs., nurse, h 125 Herr Felix Marv B.. h 10 N 2d Felker Daniel W., brakeman. h 444 Boyd av Felker Harry C, brakeman. h 1422 Silsquehanna Felker John. printer, 201 N 2d, h 410 Strawberry av Fellabaum Henry J., laborer. h :n9 Reily Fellers William H., laborer, h 912 Hemlock Fellows Frank J.. machinist. h 144 Balm Fellows Joseph, blacksmith, h 128 Linden Fells Augustus H .. painter, h 2008 Forster Fells Barhara 0 ... wid Henry. h 57 Balm Fells Bessie. rlomestic, llH S Front Fells Charles M .. sign painter. h 57 Balm Fells Della, cashier. al:! Market. h m Balm Fells George F., conductor, h 614 Muench FeJ)s George F., jr., plumber, h 614 :\Iuench Fells Mary, cashier, 312 Market, h 57 Balm
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1l.11ne vuu ll1u~t Know HOW lO s~ell U.. '

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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~~~:~~:e =~~fed~;Yl. {S06""lr~,



Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directol')'.


.. Felsinger John, cigarmkr, h 1339 Howard == Feltenbergcr Harry J., brakeman, h 1507 Wallace .a Felty Catharine Mrs., h 452 Hay av e .. Felty John G., salesman, 428 :Market. h Fort Hunter ~ Felty J. Solomon, machinist, h 1485 Regina :. Felty Mary E., laundress, h 452 Ilay av Fencil Calvin G., office sec, 16 N 2d, h 37 S Summit Fendrick Eliza H., h 1117 S Front ~ Fendrick Ellen R., h Hl7 S Front :a Fenical Charles E., foreman, l41J2 \'ernon, h 1348 do Fenical Ella E., shoe operator, h 1339 Vernon I': Fenical George F., elk Post Office, h 1139 Derry ~ Fellical George \tV., brakeman, h 1102 Wallace _ Fenical Mary A., dressmkr, 1339 Vernon, h do .. Fenical William, florist, 1339 Vernon, h do 2 Fenical \rVilliam A., jr., shoe operator. h 133!} Vernon Feniele Harry E., teamster Lunatic Hospital, h do Fenn Julia E., saleslady, a:-l4 Market, h 28 5 3d Fenstermacher Anna, saleslady, h 403 ~Talnut IIJ Fenstermacher Charles \V., printer, h 1a5 N 4th .J Fenstermacher George 5., wall paper, 107 S 2d, h 329 Kelker Fenstermacher Harry \\'., elk The Lochi'el, h 329. Kelker IIJ Fenstermacher Lydia A., saleslady, 318 Mkt, h 335 Walnut Q Fenstermacher \\'illiam H .. paperhanger, h :J:!9 Kelker Fenstermacher William 1., laborer, h 329 Kelker 1.&1 Fenstermacher William K., brakeman, h 1635 N 3d Fenton Elizabeth, housekeeper, 931 N 3d Fenzel Louisa, h Home for the Friendless Ferguson A. Elizabeth, wid John W., h 710 Race Ferguson Agnes E., seamstress, h 325 N Front Ferguson Andrew 1\1., tray salesman, h 231 Forster Ferguson Anna, domestic, 1501 N Front Ferguson Charles W., laborer, h 1206 \Vallace Ferguson Gertrude, domestic, 1:!:~7 N 7th Ferguson H. Frank, bookbinder, h 56 Linden Ferguson Joseph F., printer Telegraph, h 8 N 2d Ferguson Mary B., h 325 N Front Ferguson Mary St. C. Mrs., h 1621 ~ 2d Ferguson Myron S., elk, h 82:1 ~ 3d Ferguson, see also Furgason Fernsler George S., conductor. h 120 Hoerner Fernsler Sallie A., dressmkr. h 1220 N 6th Ferree Catharine Mrs., h 2148 N 6th c:::::I Ferree Cora, shirtmkr, h 2148 N 6th Ferree t- Ferree Edwin S., bar elk, 231 Strawberry av, h 411 :Market Lawrence L., electrician, h 411 Market z : Ferree Oliver F., contractor, 529 Camp, h do



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Tko Amerlc. . . . . . . In. (10.....,.. Baltimore, Md. BOW. G. KOBBRT'-. General AgeDCC8Dtral Penna. District, 103 IN ." Bell 'PbODIl8M X, or 68C3 X.
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PlN':~:'~I:::'!c.~~.!.." {l216 IOnh Boyd's Harrisburg (In City Directory.

lDlrd II.

Ferree Thomas, building inspector, 4 N 3d, h 502 Camp Ferree Uriah D., civil engineer, boarding, 411 :\Iarket, h do 'Ferrell Joseph, laborer, h 1622 Walnut FERRIDAY A. REEDER, paper box mfr and commercial printing, 101107 Ii Cameron, h 316 Ii 2d Ferry Charles E., plasterer, h 348 Hamilton Ferry George U., elk, 630 Walnut, h 61 Linden Ferry John B., plasterer, h 348 Hamilton Ferry Rachel c., wid JohnM., h 348 Hamilton Ferry Sherwood E., mgr, h 617 N 18th Ferst Esther R., saleslady, 36 N 3d, h 515 Walnut Ferst Isaac, instalment, 516 State, h 515 'Walnut Fesler Annie, nurse, h 542 Maelay Fesler Elizabeth H., saleslady, 334 Market, h 542 :\Iaelay Fesler James, h 542 Maelay ;: Fesler James G., (Loser & Fesler), h 255 Korth Fesler William V., flagman, h 18341 N 6th . Fessler James M., yardmaster C. V. R. R, h 1508 Hunter av Fessler ~fargaret E., saleslady, 334 Mkt, h 1508 Hunter av Fessler, see Fesler, also Festler Festler William F., laborer, h 39 S Court av Festler, see Fesler, also Fessler Fetrow Amos E., sexton, h 112 Barbara av Fetrow Annie M., domestic, 1017 N 3d Fetrow Charles M., brakeman, h 1715 N 7th Fetrow Ellie, wid William, h 1311 Penn Fetrow Frank S., mailer, 201 N 2d, h 112 Barbara av Fetrow Ida, domestic, 13 S Front Fetrow Martha, wid Daniel, h 215 Barbara av c: Fetter Effie Mrs., h 55 N 13th Fetterhoff Charles F., elk, 117 S 2d, h 1150 Market c -, ,.,. Fetterhoff George, elk, h 714 N 3d Fetterhoff Jacob, milk, 1817 N Cameron, h do Fetterhoff L. Alfred, brakeman, h 543 Maelay Fetterhoff Mary A., wid Samuel L.h 543 Maelay Fetterhoff Michael S., repairsman, h 639 Dauphin Fetterhoff Urban E., foreman, h 1814 N Cameron :::; Fetterman George, elk, 402 Verbeke, h 1207 Bartine av (b Fetterman John J., boilermkr, h 1921 N 6th o II: Fetterman Joseph, h 1207 Bartine av : :r Fetterman Katie E., cigarmkr, h 501 Cumberland Fetterman Maggie S. Mrs., h 501 Cumberland ~ ::r Fetzer William E., elk, 432 l\Iarket, h Mechanicsburg Fickes Andrew J., (Fickes & Sanderson), h 2289 N 7th c. Fickes Charles R, engineer, h 656 Boas (I) Fickes Dollie W. Mrs., h 1320 N 7th CD Fickes Elsie c., wid Jacob, h 1435 Shoop CD Fickes Frank, laborer, h P. R R nr Walnut

o o :a



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To find a name you must lmow

how to


spell it."
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H.I. KEllEY ,. CO COAL AID WOOOtllCeS: :o:.-:"~"1::

1;;; Fickes Howard, laborer, h P. R. R. nr Walnut
.Fickes Jane, wid Benjamin, h 1732 Elizabeth av Fickes John A., car builder, h 152".! Green Fickes John E., mason, h 34 N 15th Fickes John S., engineer; h 258 Verbeke Fickes M. Della, stengr, 331 Market, h P. R. R. nr Walnut Fickes William, foreman, h P. R. R. nr Walnut Fickes William E., conductor, h 143;:; Shoop Fickes William H., asst yardmaster P. R. R., h 1320 N 7th Fickes William ~I., jr., stengr, 7 N 3d, h 1112 Bartine av Fickes Willis c., laborer, h 17:1~ Elizabeth av FICKES & SANDERSOB, (Anclrew 1. Fickea anel 1. F. San elenon), grain .elevator, 7th c Emeralel Fickets Lulu, domestic, 111 Evergreen Fickinger George F., molder, h 1519 Vernon Fickle Curtis c., brakeman, h 432 Kelker av Fickle Ella, wid Elmer E., h 1113 Montgomery Ficklin Marshall, laborer, h 1409 Marion Ficklin Marshall, jr., bellman, h 1328 William Ficklin Mary, charwoman, h 1409 Marion Fiddinger Jessie, weaver, h 602 Church av Fidler Annie A., bonnetmkr, h 1632 N 6th Fidler Ella Mrs., h 1431 Marion Fidler Laura, cook Children's Industrial Home Fieg David, brakeman, h 1210 Susquehanna FF!elldds EEldlwadrd L., J:>raHkemahn, hH1318 State Ie s a, omesbc ers ey ouse Fields Emanuel, laborer, h 514 Primrose av Fields George W., laborer, h 1229 N 11! Fields George W., roller, h 1301 S Cameron Fields Henry, bellboy Commonwealth, h 712 N 7th Fields John W., engineer, h 1059 S 9th Fields Lewis, laborer, h 12~9 !'IT 11i Fields Parker, porter, h 1157 Cumberland Fields Sandy, laborer, h 1116 Hickory av Fields William J., laborer, h 167 Indian av Filbey Amelia ~[rs., h 1:12 Locust Filbey Bessie Mrs., boarding, 1:l::! Locust. h do Filbev Thomas G., potter, h 1!l:! Locust Filbey William W., h ~1:!2 til File Amos D., laborer, h 1127 X Cameron File Harry I., pastry cook The Bolton, h H1S S 21st File John B., h 1114 Calder File Samuel )., coachman Lunatic Hospital, h do Filling Frank E., cafe, 1H:!8 X 4th. h lli09 Logan av Filling Frederick. soap hoiler, h Boas ab 21st Filling John W .. warehouselllan, h 30;) Cumberland Filling \\:iIli~m engineer, h 51U Calder



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Boyel" lIarriaburg (F) City Direotol'J'.




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ANDREW REDMOND, Hc:.;:.:~...rr:::d ~~o';~. {3d 1M Rilly Sis.

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ya... ...............Ic 8A..........OF'-n-. {121' If. "It.. ".ft. .fIO'*,-" AVA, PI... f.u..t/lN . . . .
BoJd'. Ram.burg (F) Oity
253 ,

Filling William H., jr., ins sol, 21 X 3d, h 513 Calder Fillmore Jacob A., laborer, h ]:!a2 X 7th Fillmore John, barber, 131 S 2d, h Progrt:ss Fillmore Mary, domestic, 125 Short Filson John S., gasmkr, h 925 S 20! Filson Margaret M., dressmkr, h 917 S 20! Filson Robert, lineman, 210 Walnut, h \ \" ormleysburg Filson Samuel, engineer, h 1126 Market Filson Seba R., machinist, h 1126 xlarket PIBDLEY lAllES D. reporter Patriot. h Steelton Findley John T., engineer, h 23l'1 Hamilton Findley Laura, milliner, h 1521! N 3d Fiedley Milton H., engineer, h 64(; :\lucnch Findley Minnie M. Mrs., h 1611 X 3d Findley Percy A., elk, h 654 Verbeke .Findley Rachel c., wid John W., h flo4 \'erbeke Finegan Elmer E., elk F. and M. Works, h 631 :\Iahantongo Finegan Grace, packer, It 631 Mahantongo Finegan John P., foreman, h 1128 S Cameron Finfrock l.narles c., pipe cutter, h 1303 Wallace Finfrock Edwin W., brakeman, h 636 \" erbeke Finfrock I va, h 327 Reily Finfrock Lewis, watchman, It 1'103 \Vallace Finfrock Lewis, jr., brakeman, h 1328 ~ Front Finicle Joshua S., hostler, h Front ab Seneca Fink Andrew, conductor, h 52:! Basin av Fink Dale, laundryman Lunatic Hospital, h do Fink David A., fireman, h 115 N Summit Fink Eliza, wid Jacob F., h 1545 Swatara Fink Harry H., engineer, h 334 Hamilton Fink Henry c., (Henry Fink's Sons), h 928 N 3d Fink John W., cabinetmkr, it 111 S 2d Fink Killian 0., grocer, 1545 Swatara, h do 0 Fink ~lary, weaver, h 115 N Summit Fink Minnie H., bookkpr, 101 Market, h Camp Hill 13 Fink Robert B., (Henry Fink's Sons). h 928 N 3d Fink \Villiam c., elk, 210 Walnut, h Camp Hill FINK'S HENRY SOBS, (Henry C. and Robert B.), ale, porter and beer brewen, 312 to 320 Fonter lee adv Finkenbinder Anna Mrs., h 229 S ::!d Finkenbinder Carrie M .. saleslady, (; S 2d, h 229 do Finley Clara D., h ~.!3 N Front Finlev Ella A., dressmkr, 1207 Mulberrv. h do Finley Hannah J. Mrs., h 335 Calder . Finley James P., brakeman, h 428 Muench Finley John M., bridge builder, h 1510 Walnut Finley Lottie D., bonnetmkr, h 422 Reily It Finley Patrick, coachman, h 407 N Front

PI ~


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"To find a name you must know how to spell it.,t




McNeWa PaiD ester.laator eure8 Cholera Morbus. DJ'1eIl'ery. Cram... Dlurba!a, Colds, Qulnay. RheumaUIIDI. Toothache. Sore ThroM, Ape. D7Ipepala, ~e. _ .......



Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory.

11 Finley \Villiam H . salesman. 6:H Walnut, h 218 Chestnut

Finn James. laborer. h 16(18 N 5th _ Finn John, brakeman, h 341 Reily -..: Finnen Daniel, laborer, h 478 S Cameron 3 Finnen Ellen, wid Michael, h 478 S Cameron Finnen Harry E., caller, h 446 S Cameron Finnen James, brickmkr, h 1412 Susquehanna Finnen James, laborer, h 478 S Cameron :: Finnen James E., fireman, h 446 S Cameron Ii Finnen John W., laborer, h 446 S Cameron Finnen William, hostler. h 448 S Cameron i ii Finney Elmer E., nail feeder, h 125 Dock Finney George, laborer, h 125 Dock Finney Jacob E., laborer, h 605 S Front (/) Finney John E., laborer, h 125 Dock Finney John W., laborer, h 175 Paxton Finney John W., jr., fireman, h 1050 S Cameron h 419 Herr I- Finney Joseph, brakeman, 125 Dock Finney Luther, laborer, h Finney Maurice E., paying teller Hbg Xat. Bank, h 1407 N C Front Finney Walter, tinsmith, h 645 Boas I- Finton John W., (Finton & Favorite), h 1632 N 6th Finton May, domestic, 1015 N Front Z Finton & Favorite, (J. W. Finton and C. W. Favorite), shoes, 1632 N 6th Firestine George D., painter, h 2624 61 Firestine Samuel, carpenter, h 2624 6i ~ Firestine William F., carpenter, h 2624 61 Firestone John B., salesman, 318 Market, h 231 South a... Firing Elmer E., die fitter, h 1312 N 7th E Firing Harrison H., puddler, h 1312 ~ 7th Firing Olive, stripper, h 1312 N 7th U First Abraham F., pressman, h 628 Boas ..... First Charles A., laborer, h 129 Sayford av ~ First Charles A., laborer, h 1115 S 9th U First Charles B., fireman, h 120 Boas First Edward, brakeman, h 415 Reily ~ First Edward c., elk, 401 Chestnut, h 202 Mulberry c First George W., helper, h 1115 S 9th ..., First George W., jr., laborer, h 1115 S 9th u First Grace, domestic The Commonwealth - First Grace, folder, h 127 Dock ~ First Levi, laborer, h 336 S 2d .- FIRST BATIOBAL BABKJ 222 lIarket see ad.,. ;;: First Nellie R, saleslady, 334 Market, h 202 Mulberry First Samuel, conductor, h 612 Peifer

-I! Finn Abbie. domestic Hershey House


a:: o



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f.r A.VVID T 1."UIlA..V 1_ . . . . . Seet ....t. Bell 'Pbone 8111 X. or eM. X.


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y;=~c:::: Ion PODer OOd DdOI SbolMSlrom A. B. TACI...t\.. Boyd'. Hani.burg (F) City Directory. 255
First Sarah E., saleslady, 3:;4 Market, h 2112 Mulberry First Spencer S., elk, 222 :Mulberry, h !H6 N 3d First Theodore, messenger C. V. R R., h 202 ~Iulberry First William, sheari>man, h 127 Dock First William W., brakeman, h 1428 Green Firstbrook Margaret M. Mrs., h 226 ~ 15th Firth Mary Mrs., boarding, 4:t! :Market, h do Fiscel Mary M., h 123a Bailey Fischer Charles F., mason, h 1337 Howard 'Fischer Sedonia, domestic, 411) N 2d Fish Caroline, wid Lewis, h 108 Tanner's av Fish Harry, fireman, h 108 Tanner's av Fishburn Edward, laborer, h 324 S 15th Fishburn Joseph, laborer, h 324 S 15th Fishel George W., laborer, h 1607 N 5th Fishel Henry W., (R L. :Myers & Co. and Caton & Co.), h :H6 S 13th Fishel Martin A., watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Fishel Walter S., elk, 15 S 2d, h 216 S 13th Fisher Amanda M. ~lrs., shirtmkr, h 514 North Fisher Ammon C, laborer, h 1114 Penn Fisher Bessie J., cigarmkr, h 514 North Fisher Brenneman, barber, 507 Race, h do Fisher Bros., (Curtis W.), plumbers, 1001 Capital Fisher Calvin G., laborer, h l:i2a Penn Fisher Catharine Mrs., h 1922 N 4th Fisher Catharine, wid David, h 141 Sylvan ter Fisher Cecelia C. housekeeper, 520 S lath FISHER CHARLES, bricklayer and contractor, 1323 B Front, h doaeeadv Fisher Charles, brickmkr, h 5211 S 13th Fisher Charles S., brakeman, h 1615 Regina Fisher Charles T., brakeman, h 410 Boas Fisher Oara Mrs., h rear :n6 Verbeke Fisher Clara :\1., teacher. h 621 S Front Fisher Clinton S., card writer, h 514 North Fisher Curtis W., (Fisher Bros.), h 1527 N 3d Fisher Daniel, hod carrier. h 1231 N 11} Fisher Daniel, laborer, h 505 Hamilton Fisher David F., ~lk, 413 Market, h 324 S 13th

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Bricklayer. and Contractor, ~

1828 North Front Street.
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.ay u_ .......~ Work

"To fiDel a name you must know bow to spell it."

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~:, H. I. KELLEY ,. CO. 'S ~.~;:.~~.~ {:O~\1J."=:


Fisher David W., timler, h 21i N 4th Fisher Della. shirtmkr. h 1'j X 15th ..., Fisher Elmer, conductor, h li:!4 Showers av Fisher Emma, donlestic, au;) N Front ,... Fisher Emma M .. teacher, h :!lIl~ ~ :3d ~ FISHER DOllY A., (eat), painting, wall paper and window shades, 1017 :R 3d see adv IE Fisher Frank C, variety, 1~18 Swatara, h do !! Fisher Frank D., bookbinder, h 141 Sylvan tcr Fisher Fulmer F., laster, h 317 Sayford av Fisher George W., laborer, h 416 S River av JI Fisher George W., yardmaster P. R. R., h 1~1I~ N 3d ::. Fisher George W., jr., lineman. h 1~08 N 3d _ Fisher Gertrude, book sewer, h 1:1115 Market Fisher Harry W., brakeman, h 511 N 4th .. Fisher Henry, laborer, h 1~:!1 X Cameron i!i Fisher Jacob, laborer, h 424 State - Fisher Jacob G., steelworker, h 1305 Market Fisher James B., h IH:!:! N 4th -= Fisher J. Barclay, elk P. R R depot, h 114 Sylvan ter Fisher Jennie G., h 1)17 Briggs .. Fisher John A., conductor. h 251': North Fisher John B., steelworker, h 1:W5 Market _ Fisher John B., tinsmith. h 410 Strawberry av ... Fisher John F., (Fisher & \\'ciser), h 1114 :\ 6th Fisher John W., driver. h 1~45 Swatara _ Fisher Joseph, barber. 44;~ State. h do Fisher Joseph H., SCrC\VSlllan, It 517 Race $; Fi!'her Joseph H., jr., draftsman. h 517 Race Fisher Kate E., dressmkr, h 1:18 S 3d .. Fisher Lila R., elk, 1017 N 3d. h do ~ Fisher Lottie M., bunchmkr. h 517 Race Fisher Lottie V . h UI:!2 N 4th 111- Fisher ~largaret Mrs .. charwoman. h 1813 Briggs Fisher :\IarshalI, shearsman. h :14!1 S Cameron I- Fi:,:her l\Iartin, laborer. h fil8 Boas I&J Fisher Mary E., wid Albert S . h 4410 Boas Fisher Mary R, h 18111'\ N :ld Fisher 1\lilton C, elk, h 1523 Penn




Boyd's Harrisburg (}-') City Directory.








~ Painting, Wall Paper and Window Shades

Dealer In Pall1tp", SUPpIlC8. Wall Pop!'r. Palnt8. Oils, \'amlshea .ltc. Wall Papers of choice p.ttern~ and lah'st d('8lgns. Prlees very low. Good. work gIlarantpe.\' PRper HRnglllg and lIe('orating. All kinds of work in both br.... cht's promptly attended to.

Z-o E. A.

--EPITAULI"'HHD 1872.--


StOre. 101, North Third.

Residence. 1516 N. 2d. St. Harrisburg. P.


ANDREW REDMOND, :::::':::';d~::~i:':. {3d Ind Rell, Sta.

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HSim.bnrg (F) Citb

bi~:he: Mb;;ie M:., b08 Fisher Oliver A., laborer, h UH2 N 5th Fi;,her bremSin, 16bi S;;squsham::: Fisher Rebecca, h 617 Briggs H:her Rebecc::, wid Joh;;, 5Of) Ra(: Fisher Richard, conductor, h 328 Hummel :;:he;; Sadie, t 11 Dewb(;;ry Fisher Samuel H., foreman F. and ~1. Wks, h 2106 N 6th Fisher Samuel., ;;;pai: smSiH, 181;1 N h \ Fisher Sarah, wid George, h 160~ Green " hsher Sa;;::h, wid J;sseph. h UOl He:nlock Fisher Susan, wid Georie, h 606 Forster Fisher Su:::;n wid EillOrv A., 1m i 3d Fisher Wesley urocer, 1:'8 bock h do Fi:her \Villiam. lah;;rer, h 5d1 So::th Fisher \v~lliam c., solicitor, :?2i \\"alnut, h 617 Briggs F::her WIlham H., ;:ngmeer, 6d] S ronl Fisher \Villiam H., laborer, h :H Cowden II Fi:her William ., sardmas;:;; P R., h 180,1 N Fisher William ]., sticker, h 1001 Hemlock Fi~,he; William L., dk, 23U K:'lker Fisher William S., salesman, ~~4 l\larket, h 217 Boas Fi;:her & Heirrr, (Joh;; F. Fishrr Si;;d Wallz:;r W grocers, 1114 N 6th '5 Fi::hin;~er lz:;bon't, h d13 as Fishinger Harry, salesman, ,~, :Wl Blackberry av F::;hm;;n Sz:;mu;;l, te:iol', 6;~? Boz:;s Fisler Charles B., laborer, h 1016 Fox av Fi;ler ,evin F, wat::hm::tl, 121;1 N dth Fisler Luther, painter, h 1511 Vernon Fisrel Char;;ls H, U, S. :U4 blaehet Fissel Daniel F., driver, h 1624 Susquehanna Firsel Cliaz:; J., macbmist h CHlO 6th Fissel ~eorge, machinist, h l~OO N,6th F;z:;sel '-:ylv;:ster snFmee: h ?;:1 S I_a:::z:;ro:: Fissel Sylvester, jr, foreman, h 1624 Susquehanna Fi;e l\hbel, laundress, h ~22h N Fro;;; Fitting Annie, wid Leon, h 808 East Da:id, nickdllial ,h 1854 W::I::ut Fitting George "IV., shoe operator, h 225 Crescent Fillin? oh;; '\\' caq:ent:'r, 221' Crn::cenl Fitz Emma. domestic. 32 N 2d Fil:: Gz:;nrg:', lahnre:: h Paxton I'un:::ce how Fitz John, laborer, h 6 Paxton Furnace Row Fil::gerSild H:tharin:' D., wid Sil1le:: K., 41 S Fiver av Fitzgerald Charles B .. engineer. h IH20 \Vallace Fit:gerald dhar;;ls, laborer h k,15 ;;eS:Tnt Fitzgerald Clara, warper. h 522 Filbert _ __



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'" T 0 ftnd a name you m~t know hoT:

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IIc~EIL'S COIIPLEXION PILLS. ~.Pjl~~d~n~~~t;t!: {306 Br

Fitzgerald David ~L, sign painter, h 621 Xorth Fitzgerald Ella, wid Michael, h 522 Filbert Fitzgerald Eugene, boilermkr, h 1806 ~ 4th _ Fitzgerald George S., laborer, h 1621 N 6th ~ Fitzgerald John, elk, h 215 S 2d E Fitzgerald John F., laborer, h 1012 Fox av ~ Fitzgerald Joseph, foreman, h 654 Calder ~ Fitzgerald Patrick, laborer, h 654 Calder ~ Fitzgerald Ross E., elk P. & R. depot, h 1621 N 6th Fitzgerald Samuel W., mgr, h 1621 N 6th Fitzgerald Wallace W., steward, 302 Market, h 322 Calder =: E Fitzgerald William, laborer, h 223 Mulberry - Fitzimons Lillian, teacher, h 1726 N 6th : Fitzimons Lizette, wid Thomas, h 1726 N 6th Fitzkee Harry F., laborer, h 2131 Moore Fitzpatrick John, laborer, h 23 S 2d "' Fitzpatrick John T., foreman P. R. R., h 1113 Green VI Fitzpatrick Joseph c., salesman, 330 Market, h 309 Briggs. Fitzpatrick Mary, domestic, 315 N Front I.&J Fitzpatrick Nora F., domestic, 206 Walnut ..I Fitzpatrick Peter, machinist, h 108 Cowden Fitzpatrick Thomas. machinist, h 1841 N 4th I.&J Fitzpatrick W. Righter, electrician, h 441 Walnut C Flanagan Cyril c., tailor, h 105 Hanna Flanagan Felix ]., riverman, h 105 Hanna I.&J Flanagan Matthew, riverman, h 105 Hanna Flanders Lucinda, wid James M., h 119 Chestnut _ Flanders Renee M., teacher, h 119 Chestnut Fleck Adam, coremkr, h 1945 Rudy Fleck A. Murray, brakeman, h 1619 N 5th Fleck Charles L., foreman, h 1465 Regina ~ Fleck Charles T., brakeman, h 640 Peffer :IE Fleck Charles T., policeman, h 132 Verbeke C) Fleck George E., driver, h 640 Peffer U Fleck George W., engineer, h 1316 N 7th .... Fleck Harry B., fireman, h 1100 N 6th ~ Fleck Henry P., driver, h 418 Reily U Fleck Jacob T., flagman, h 1422 Penn CI Fleck John H., engineer, h 275 Cumberland Fleck John J., brakeman, h 2128 6i C Fleck John J., gasmkr, h 1307 N 2d ..., Fleck Nancy A., wid Alexander M . h 1606 Penn U Fleck Samuel, conductor, h 640 Peffer Fleck Susan, weaver, h 1316 N 7th CI Fleck William c., brakeman, h 1519 N 5th ~ Fleet Joseph A., machinist, h 2 S 4th - Fleet Laurence H., brakeman, h 827 SlOth ~ Flegeal Forster F., asst foreman P. R. R., h 1516 Penn _



Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory.

i i







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A. 8. TACK t:&~::t IDB PODer 0lI1l DdOl_ ;w.~:

259 Flegeal Sarah A., wid David B., h 1516 Penn :PLEISClDU.Bli & CO., compressed yeast, 703 12 Ii 3d Fleisher Hiram H., elk dept Public Instruction, h 22 N 4th Fleisher John J., brakeman. h 182U! N ad Fleisher Margaret S., milliner, (; S 2d, h Steelton Fleishman Regina, wid Abraham S., h 711 Capital :PLE!TZ J'BEDERICX W., deputy attorney general, Capitol, h The Lochiel Fleming Abraham H., machinist, h 21~m ~ 4th Fleming Bertha M., shoe operator, h 1211 Derry Fleming Daniel, hostler, h lUi Strawberry av Fleming David, (est), D. Fleming, executor, 16 N 2d Fleming David, treas F. and M. Wks, h :t25 1\ Front Fleming Grant W. S., brakeman, h 7th c Maclay Fleming Harry c., warehouseman, h 462 S Cameron Fleming Jeanette S., wid Dr. James, h ;'05 :\ Front _Fleming Jennie M., wid Millard F., h 271 Briggs Fleming Joseph M., carpenter, h 482 S Cameron Fleming Leila R., wid George R., h 111 State Fleming Millard F., car cleaner, h 1211 Derry Fleming Nannie B., cashier, 6 S 2d, h 1211 Derry Fleming Kannie V., buncher, h 462 S Cameron Fleming Robert, laborer, h 106 Filbert Fleming Samuel, clk, hIS Front "J'LEJrIIliG SOUEL W., bookseller, steel and copper plate printing, also notary public, 32 Ii 3d, room 8; aut post master, P. O. bldg, h 104 South see adv front cover Fleming LJ. S. Grant, brakeman, h 20:n N 7th Fleming William R., pres and genl mgr F. and M. Works, h 505 N Front Fleming Wilson I., clk sec commonwealth, h 1 S Front Flesh Katie Mrs., h 654 Sayford av PLESBYAIi 1. B. & CO., T. . eloy, mgr, broken, 28 Ii 3d Fletcher Daniel, conductor, h I-t2 Sylvan ter Fletcher Ernest, laborer, h 1116 Hickory av Fletcher Frederick W., flagman, h 142 Sylvan ter Fletcher George W., steelworker. h 128 Sylvan ter Fletcher James, caller P. R. R., h 1217 Wallace Fletcher J. Rowe, bookkpr, h al S 3d Flickinger Aaron D . brakeman. h 415 Harris Flickinger Amy M., elk, 1520 Derry, h 1518 do Flickinger Anna, domestic, 309 Market Flickinger Anna S., teacher, h 21)1 Briggs Flickinger B. Franklin, flagman, h 120'1 N 3d Flickinger Oara M., domestic, 111 N Front Flickinget Edmond B., elk, h 1335 Derry Flickinger Elizabeth, wid Samuel, h 2fi1 Briggs Flickinger G. Clair, brakeman, h ~102 N 4th
- ---------------M

Boyd'. Harriaburg (F) City Directory.

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To find a name you must lmow how to spell it."

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~~ ~~.} H.
~ 2~O en

M. KELLEY &. CO. nC:::'Yta=

Boyd'. Harriaburg (F) City Directory.

~ Flickinger George H., machinist, h 1518 Derry !:I:! Flickinger Gilbert M., elk, 37 N 3d, h 261 Briggs ~ Flickinger Harry H., dispatcher P. & R, h 228 N 3d ~ Flickinger John, (Strominger & Flickinger), h 261 Briggs C Flickinger John W., flagman, h 21o-~ N 4th Flickinger Josiah B., variety, 1520 Derry, h 1518 do Flickinger Phamie S., domestic, 17 S Front : Fiickinger Richard J., telegrapher, h 22S N 3d _ Flickinger Sophia E., wid Benjamin F., h 415 Harris ~ Flickinger William, brakeman, h 113~ Market CIt Flickinger William J., brakeman, h 1534 N 4th .:: Flinder William S., solicitor, 227 Walnut, h 314 Market Flood Albert B., janitor, h i13 N lith Florence Crittenton Home, 213 Verbeke Flory Andrew, machinist. h 6:15 Boas I&J Flory Emanuel, ironworker, h 2126 Boas Flowerfield Grace E., domestic, 25 S 3d Flowers Benjamin G., machinist, h 1:316 N Front I&J Flowers Oarence G., sub elk P.O., h 13lti N Front Flowers Claude J. B., stengr P. R. R.. h 1316 N Front Flowers Elmer, elk Post Office, h I:HU N Front Flowers Emanuel W., baker, h a32 Reily Flowers Harriet, h :J32 Reily Flowers Hiram, baker, h 613 Harris Flowers Maggie 1\1.. binder, h :l32 Reily Flowers Marv L., wid Milton Y., h 12 N 5th Flowers Ralph J., plumber, h 1316 N Front I&J Floyd Elizabeth, wid Samuel, h 2112 S 13th Floyd George A., machinist, h 508 Emerald Floyd Helen T., h 436 Xorth Floyd l\lichael A., patternmkr, h 235 Briggs ]; Floyd Olive, saleslady, aa4 Market, h 508 Emerald :& FLOYD SAKUEL A., wholesale confectioner, 110 S 2cl, h iOI S 13th ~ Flurie William H., brickmkr, h 418 Cumberland _ Fluss Julius, druggist, h :3113 S 2d :::::i Flvnn Albt>rt H., laborer, h 1~37 Swatara ~ Flynn Annie Mrs., boarding. 13 N 5th, h do z: Flynn Harry J., bar elk, h u15 N 5th ~ Flynn James. driver, h 183i Swatara -= Flynn William. pipe cutter, h 320 Sayford av 'I Focht George H., bottler. h 415 Strawberry av Foerster George, h 5:~0 Race Foerster Geo., jr., grocer, 540 Race, h 11i Washington av ~ Foesel George, fireman, h 1136 S Cameron Ii Fogarty Catharine A. Mrs., h la06 N 2d C Fogarty Edward, laborer. h H15 Grand Fe-garty Edward, jr., brakeman, h ,115 Grand




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:~::;'::!ii~:-.;! ANDREW REDMOND. {3d lid IIIIt Sts.

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I TAl'. 1818 {BmploJ'l DODe bu& ftJD.cl_ worImIea, 0II1lC: . 3d8" claliwrirtllDdlJllllre.l" WorkdclllelDlUI~JIU'of
lloyd'. Haniaburg (F) City Directory.


Fogarty Eugene B., plumber, h 915 Grand Fohl Charles S., harnessmkr, 1012 Market, h 2:3 N 10th Foley Bridget, wid Lawler, h 1309 N Cameron Foley Edmund J., h 668 Boas Foley James V., laborer, h 5]8 Maclay Foley John T., asst foreman P. R. R., h 518 Maclay Foley Kate, milliner, h 449 State Foley Loretta H., h 668 Boas Foley Maria, wid John, h 518 Maclay Foley Michael, laborer, h 1309 N Cameron Foley Michael C, fireman, h 1319 William Foley Sarah, shoe operator, h 1635 Market Foley Susan E., proofreader, h 518 Maclay Folk Isaac M., laborer, h 16 Lochiel2d Row Folk Jane Mrs., housekeeper, 16 Lochiel 2d Row Folk Rosa, domestic (:ommomvealth, h 1333 N 4th Follett William H., laborer, h 941 S 19i Foltz Andrew B., h 114 South Foltz Augustus C, dcp rev collector, P. O. bldg, h 4111 Walnut Foltz Catharine A., wid Samuel, h 1823 N 7th Foltz Catharine G., h 222 N 2d Foltz Charles F., c1k P. R. R. frt depot, h 411 Walnut Foltz Clarence, repairsman, h 2136 N 7th Foltz Elizabeth B., h 2124 N 3d Foltz Frank, laborer, h 1823 N 7th Foltz John A., laborer, h 1321 Maple av FOLTZ 100 B., clruggist, 2027 N 6th, h do Foltz Rebecca, cigarmkr, h 1321 Maple av Foltz Wesley, laborer, h 1321 Maple av Foltz William, h 411 Walnut Foltz William G., brakeman, h 507 Calder Foltz, see Foultz, also Fultz Foos Mfg. Co., agrl implts, 627 Walnut Foose Albert E., (Evans, Foose & Burtnett), h 1156 Mulberry Foose Eleanor, music teacher, 7115 N 2d, h do Foose Ellen M., wid David H., h 342 S 13th Foose Emma J., h 2122 Turner av Foose Frank C, c1k, 121 Chestnut, h 705 N 2d Foose Jacob A., foreman, h 1616 Hunter av Foose James McC, horseshoer, 111 Filbert, h 407 Market Foose James 0., machinist, h 318 Muench Foose Lemuel 0., city supt. 123 Chestnut, h 705 N 2d Foose Samuel A., c1k, h 511 N 4th Foote Anna M., domestic, 1406 N 4th Foote Daniel B., watchman Arsenal, h 1804 State Foot'! E. Louise. dressmkr, h 1406 N 4th






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"To Bad name



mow how to spell it."

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:;; 262

Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory.

a:: o

Foote George B., janitor, h 1207 N 11! FOOTE lOHli II., special pension euminer, P. O. bldg, h 411 12 Walnut _ Foote Stella L., stengr dept Int Affairs, h 1804 State Forbes Abraham, laborer, h 1089 N Cameron ..: 3 Forbes HarrY, machinist, h 1089 N Cameron Forbes John: foreman, h 1007 N 7th ~ Forbes J. Watson, engine preparer, h 1011 N 7th - Forbes Rush W., laborer, h 1208 N 7th Forbes William H., saloon, 501 State, h 1007 Cowden == Ford Carrie Mrs., laundress, h 107 Tanner's ay Ford Daniel, laborer, h 128 Indian ay :: Ford Edgar. laborer, h 517 Walnut Ford Edward, laborer, h 167 Indian av Ford Ellis W., grocer, 1826 N 6th, h do Ford Frank, fireman, h 1116 N 6th (/) Ford Frederick W., brakeman, h 1621 Wallace Ford George, molder, h 624 Walnut Ford Ida M., wid' Robert, h 636 Briggs Ford James, hostler, a:!4 Blackberry av, h do Ford James, laborer, h 2HI Meadow la Ford James c., laborer Lunatic Hospital c( Ford John F., shearsman, h 1~24 Swatara Ford Lucinda, domestic, 5:!a Brown av Ford Martin J.. inspector, 210 Walnut, h (j21 Briggs Ford ~lary, wid ~lartin. h fi27 Briggs Z Ford Mary E., cook, 1022 Green Ford Robert H., hostler, 813 S Hlth Ford William, flagman, h 412 Reily .. Fordney Grace E., milliner, 36 N 3d. h 1221 X 7th >- Fordney Philip, engine inspector, h 1:!21 K 7th Foreman Carrie B., seamstress, h 264 North , A. FOREIIU lACOB H., sec and treas United Ice and Coal Co., :IE h Carlisle FOREIIU ItAlILON S., propr Keystone Bottling Works, 114 S Dewberry av, h 210 Liberty see adv ~ Foreman Sallie E., wid Robert c., h 1~17 Berryhill C) Forey Harvey, laborer, h 28 N 5th U Forey John, inspector, h 28 N 5th CI Forman Jacob, furniture, 4U4 Walnut and 1101 1\ 7th, h do Fc,rman John, waiter, h 500! South Formwalt Harvey J., salesman, 325 Market, h lao Verbeke ~ Formwalt, see Fornwalt Forney Amanda S., wid William W., it 501; \Voodbinc CI Forner Annie, domestic, 11 S Front ~ FORNEY BROS., (C. H. and C. C. Forney), wholesale boot and shoe mfn, 428 lIarket . . Forney Caroline, wid John c., h 1:l34 Derry





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8 Be.1er I_. . .~



Wall Paper and Window Shades. {u::~:,~~~,:"c. Boyel's Ham.bug (F) City Directory. 263

Fornev Charles, h 229 N 2d Forney Charles M., (Forney & Knouse), h Paxtang Forney C. Harvey, (Forney Bros.), pres People's Ice Co., h 1332 Derry Forney Christian H. Rev., editor, h 1336 Derry Forney Clayton c., (Forney Bros. and I. R. Lyme & Co.), treas People's Ice Co., h Paxtang Forney Clinton ]., florist, h 20S Strawberry av Forney Frances, domestic. 441 Market Forney Harry G., brakeman. h 1413 Penn Forney Henry J., treas Hbg ~Hg. and Boiler Co., h Penbrook Forney J. Charles, elk, 615 Walnut. h 522 Emerald Forney Jeremiah c., laborer, h 38 Linden Forney J. Griffith, machinist, h 229 N 2d Forney John H., conductor. h 1'>254 N 3d Forney Lydia A., editor, h 1;~36 Derry Forney Mabel E., stengr, 1400 N" 6th, h 506 Woodbine Forney Mary E., wid George, h 126 Nagle Forney May c., bookkpr, 3411 Chestnut. h 506 Woodbine Forney ~liehael W., ticket agt P. R. R., h 522 Emerald Forney Sadie, wid John W., h 2(12 S 13th Forney William C. I., elk, 18(11 N Gth, h 506 Woodbine POllNEY & DOUSE, (Charles X. Forney anel lacob H. Knouse), druggists, 426 Xarket FORNEY & STEWART, (1. C. Forney (est) and Henry 1. Stewart), boots anel shoes, 7 S 2el FOllNWALD 10SEPH, carpets, oil cloths, ruga, &c., 1406 N 8th, h 630 Verbeke Fornwald Wilftam F .. salesman. HW, ~ 6th, h 6:m Verbeke Fornwalt Anna M., laundress. h 1620 N 4th Fornwalt Dawson A., machinist. h 24 S 4th Fornwalt Ellsworth L., conductor, h 1(1211 N 4th Fornwalt Frank E .. foreman P. 1<. R.. h HlO:! Green Fornwalt. see Formwalt Forrer Clarence L., catcher, h 442 Muench Forrer Julia A., wid Tempest L.. h 1704 N 3d Forrer V. Grant, foreman, Division nr 6th, h 336 Peffer Forrer Warren E., salesman, h 442 Muench Forrer Winfield S., motorman, h 442 Muench Forre~t Abner B .. carpenter. h ;n:~ Hamilton Forrest Charles H. Rev., h :n:~ Hamilton Forrest Harn" A., lahorer, h :n:~ I-iamiltoll Forrester Liz~ie. housekeeper. 12;;11 \\"alnut Forrey Wesley L., salesman, 324 Market Forrv Harve,. machinist. h 21101 X lith Forster Arthitr G., elk, h ~69 Herr Forster Benjamin L.. lawyer, 32 ~ :~d. h 7 S Front

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Forster Eleanor R, sign writer, 223 Market, h l1~O Green Forster Elizabeth E., artist, h 1205 N 2d Forster J. Douglas, engineer. h 121 State Forster J. Montgoomery, h 3113 S Front Forster Joanna R, wid Robert H., h 12115 N 2d Forster Lydia, wid Thomas W., h 11211 Green Forster Maud H., h 1120 Green Forster Olivia, saleslady, 22:J Market, h 11~0 Green Forster, see Foster Forsyth Charles, laborer, h UI41 Swatara Forsyth Charles ~., foreman, h 10111'1 Berryhill Forsyth Gertruue, polisher, h 1401 Zarker Forsyth John 1.> tinsmith, h 14tH Zark(r Forsyth William H., stoves, 1319 Market, h 1401 Zarker Forsythe Joseph c., lahorer, h 17a2 Fulton Fortenbaugh Anna E., dressmkr, 1511 N 3d, h do Fortenbaugh Harry W., tinner, h 1511 N :1d Fortenbaugh John, cigars, 1721 N 6th, h 17:15 N 4th Fortenbaugh John B., huckster, h 12112 N 6th Fortenbaugh Katherine F., elk, 1016 Market, h 2204 N 6tlr Fortenbaugh Mary J., wid James P .. h 1806 N 3d Fortenbaugh Phoebe, wid Peter W .. h 1511 N ad Fortenbaugh Steahley L., wall paper. 11102 N' 6th. h 2204 d<> Fortenbaugh Sue M.. elk, 111112 1\ 6th, h 2204 do Fortenbal1gh William E., mgr. 225 ~larket. h 1930 N 6th Fortenbal1gh William S., fruits, &c., 112~ 1\ 6th, h do Fortenbaugh William W., foreman. h 2(;5 North Fortna Caroline R, forelady. h 417 S 14th Fortna Charles A., letter carrier. h 1211 :\lulberry Fortna David H . engineer, h 433 S 17th Fortna Rudolph K., letter carrier, h 611H N Front Fortney Charles H., motorman, h 17a1) N 3d Fortney Edward, laborer, h 727 S 19th Fortney Ella, domestic, 116 Pine Fortney Ella, shoe operator, h 727 S 19th Fortney Ella V., saleslady, 6 S 2d, h 925 N ad Fortney Ira F., gardener Lunatic Hospital, h do Fortney Isaac, carter, h 727 S 19th Fortney John W., machinist, h 2:-l2 )'luench Fortnev Laura A., dressmkr, h 925 N ad Fortne)' Lizzie, dressmkr, h 925 N ~ld Fortney Margaret, wid Edward F., h 727 S 19th Fortney Minerva R., wid George. h 1110 Cowden Fortney Sylvester T . salesman, 222 Mulberry, h 1616 N 8<1 Fortney William H .. brakeman, h 910 S 9th Fosnaught E. Gertrude, teacher, h 429 ~laclay Fosnaught John R, yardmaster P. R R.. h 429 Maclay Fosnaught. see Fasnacht


ANDREW REDMOND. {3d aid 1.11y Sts.

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A. 8. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,


{t2Ir::- "'~~r....
. 265

BOJd Harriaburr (F) Oity Direetol'1.

Fosnot Bertie J., domestic, 1801 N 3d Fosnot Edward M., conductor, h 315 Kelker Fosnot Elizabeth, shirtmkr, h 1411 N 3d Fosnot George A., loom fixer, h 1801 N 3d Fosnot Joseph, fireman, h 1411 N 3d Fosnot Lola, toer, h 1801 N 3d Fosnot Maggie, weaver, h U~Ol N 3d Fosnot Maggie A., wid Joshua V., h 1801 N 3d Fosnot William, carpenter, h 1801 N 3d Foster Charles G., machinist, h 6~6 Peffer Foster Charles H., conductor, h 437 Reily Foster Charles W., elk, :!:!3 Market, h l1:J Washington Foster Edward L. t brakeman, h 1004 Green Foster Eliza J., wid Wesley M., h 6~6 Peffer Foster Harry R, elk P. R R depot, h W7 Washington Foster Henry, laborer, h a:l4 S 15th Foster Jennie L., domestic, 110 N ~d ~ Foster J. Frank, pumpman, h 206 Locust Foster Leah J., wid Alfred B., h 1004 Green Foster Leona R, saleslady, h 1004 Green Foster Mary E., domestic, 110 N 2d Foster Mary E., wid Erastus, h 52:J Dauphin av Foster Mary F., cigar packer, h 626 Peffer Foster M. Emma, h 1~:! Locust roster Thomas c., salesman, h 59 N lath Foster \Varren 0., Dauphin Co. Reporter,:?1:J Walnut, h do II' Foster Wesley E., fireman, h 6~1 Dauphin Foster, see also Forster .0 Fought Emma, wid Henry B., h 1509 Penn IJ Fought Miles A., salesman, :19 N 2d, h 217 North Fought Orian L., laborer, h 6:15 Mahantongo Fought Robert R, laborer, h l39! S 3d Foulk Amos, carpenter Lunatic Hospital. h 20~:J 1'\ 5th Foulk Charles H., upholsterer, 1115 Market, h 202.1 N 5th Foulk George, engineer, h 1421 Susquehanna Foulk Lillie M., cashier, 3111 Market, h 1:l1~ Howard Foulk Maggie M., quiller, h 223 Reily Foulk Rosa,. charwoman, h 1333 N 4th Foulk William H' t conductor, h 223 Reily Foulk William H., jr., laborer, h 223 Reily Foulke Mary L., domestic, ~19 N 2d Foultz John B., cigarmkr, h 26 Balm Foultz, see Foltz, also Fultz Fountain Carrie I., booker, h 1412 North Fountain Elizabeth, cigarmkr, h 593 S Front Fountain Elizabeth, wid Oliver, h 91 Tuscarora Fountain James, cook, h 227 N River av Fountain Nelson, electrician. h 1732 N 5th .



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"To BocI name you must know how to spell it."


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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~tiWo~~~v~=~~~;~l {808"'l.~.



Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directol'1.

... Fountain Oliver, laborer, h 112 Nagle .. Fountain Sallie, wid Nelson, h 206 S 2d _ == Fountain Willis H., nailer, h 593 S Front E ,. Foust Bessie A., elk, 703 N 3d, h 15 Linden ~ Foust Samuel c., boilermkr, h 15 Linden :. Fox Adelaide, wid Richard, h 129 Walnut Fox Agnes Mrs., h 163 Paxton Fox Amos R., flagman, h 1518 Wallace Fox Dale E., polisher, h 1440 Derry ,t= Fox David, laborer, h 6U6 South Fox David H., art dealer, 1012 N 3d, h 1617 Green B Fox Ella, wid Wilson c., h 1440 Derry ~ Fox Elmer, laborer, h 117 Ann av Fox Elmira, wid Emanuel. h 347 S 13th .. Fox Frank, helper, h 18 N 4th 8 Fox Hannah P., wid James T., h 65 N 14th Fox Harry c., student, h State ab 21st (/) Fox Irvin, conductor, h 319 Reily Fox James M., engineer, h 220 Verbeke '1.&1 Fox Jennie, cigar roller, h 163 Paxton -I FOX lOHN E., lawyer, 1 N 2d, h 322 do <E Fox John H., laborer, h 6U6 South 1.&1 Fox John S., hostler, 4()7 N Front , Fox John T., laborer, h 422 Muench ,Q Fox Joseph B., tinsmith, h 418 Clinton av 1.&1 Fox Lawrence. driver, h 18119! N 5th , Fox Lieuetta A., cigarmkr. h 1809! N 5th Fox Otto, policeman, h 1531 N 3d Fox Richard M., painter, h 422 ~Iuench . : Fox Richard V., h 129 Walnut Z Fox Sarah E., domestic, 1309 N 3d ~ Fox Uriah, conductor, h 18n9! K 5th :E Fox Wallace c., pressman, h 6116 South o Fox William H., laborer, h 1809! N 5th .c." Fox W. Stewart, flagman, h 527 Emerald ....I Fay Alice J. Mrs., h 661 Verbeke C; Fraelich Anna H., seamstress. h 1524 Susquehanna u Fraelich Emlin F., engineer, h 618 Reily Fraelich Henry, 'engineer, h 269 Calder ~ Fraelich Sherman W., flagman. h 1524 Susquehanna . . Fraelich Walter, laborer, h 269 Calder ~ Fraelich William H., laborer, h 21m Calder .c." Fraelich, see Fralich, also Fralick, also Froelich - Fraim Alvin H., barber, 2024 N 6th, h do Q Fraim Charles W., student, h 2229 N 6th ~ FRADI HARRY S., contractor and builder, 814 Camp, h 2_ N8th ~ Fraim William A., gas fixtures, 1208! N 3d, h 1603 N 2d Til. A. rlca. . . . . .1 c ........". Baltimore. MeL BDW. G. ROaBa.....




General ApDt Central PennA, District. 108 N . . . .,. Bell 'Phone 861 X. er8!M8 X.
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{1216 IOIlD mlrlllJ.


Boyd'e Harrieburg (F) City Directory. Fraim W. Leroy, elk, 120Si N 3d, li 16(13 N 2d Fraley Daniel S., engineer, h 1645 N 6th Fraley Isabella, wid Henry, h 268 Herr Fraley John S., engineer, h 1645 N 6th Fraley William H., h 268 Herr Fralich George, conductor, h 634 Calder Fralich George, laborer, h 636 Calder Fralich John H., flagman, h 2034 Fulton Fralich Levi B., conductor, h 652 Calder Fralich Lewis, salesman, 308 Market, h 636 Calder Fralich Lewis L., conductor, h 636 Calder Fralich Samuel K., flagman, h 521 Kelker Fralich Sarah M., wid Jacob, h 634 Calder Fralich, see Fraelich, also Fralick, also Froelich Fralick Daniel R., baggagemaster, h 913 N 6th Fralick, see Fraelich, also Fralich, also Froelich Francis Edyth, saleslady, 312 Market, h 1534 Wallace Franck George J., heater, h 1046 S 9th Franck Jacob J., laborer, h 131 Dock Frank Alice, wid Irvin, h 1233 N 7th Frank Annie, weaver, h 1324 N 3d Frank Barbara, domestic, 517 South Frank Charles, A 107 S 2d Frank Charles H., brakeman, h 642 Calder Frank Charles R., bricklayer, h 1927 N 5th Frank Charles W., h 1927 N 5th Frank Charles W., huckster, h 114 Nagle Frank Emily M., wid John, h 1324 N 3d Frank Francis, laborer, h 1016 Berryhill Frank G. Elmer, barber, h 1987 N 7th Frank Harry E., brakeman, h 624 Dauphin Frank Harry E., clk, 333 S Front, h 114 Nagle Frank Harry G., salesman, 6 S 2d, h 30 N 2d Frank Harry M., policeman, h 1214 N 7th Frank Ida M., wid Robert c., h 1987 N 7th Frank Jacob, furniture, 1222 N Cameron, h do Frank Jacob W., conductor, h 1987 N 7th Frank James L., brakeman, h 626 Dauphin Frank John, draftsman, h 1324 N 3d Frank John W., baker Lunatic Hospital, h do Frank Leslie E., cleaner, h 511 Cumberland Frank Lorenzo L., brakeman, h 548 Forrest Frank Lotta, domestic,751 S lSi Frank Louie, grocer, 400 Filbert, h do Frank Max, h 507 Walnut Frank Myrtle A., domestic, 436 Market Frank R. Bertram, laborer, h 751 S lSi Frank Rebecca, wid Michael, h 1214 N 7th

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To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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H. I. KELLEY .. CO COAL AND WOOD {onlCeS: :o:.or:.L--r.:

Frank Samuel S., postal elk, h 21:J8 Moore Frank Simon, fumiture, 810 Market and 14ot) Marion, h 1400 Marion ~ Frank William E., elk, 1228 N 3d, h 546 Forrest Frank William G., engineer, h 652 Cumberland ~ Frankem Augustus H., supt, h 608 North 2: Frankem Ciara, milliner, h 6 S 4th ~ Frankem E. Lawrence, levelman, 222 Market, h 6 S 4th - Frankem Lillie, retoucher, h 60l':! North - Frankem Mary, h 6 S 4th Frankem Sarah A., wid Edward L., h 6 S 4th ~ Franklin Benjamin, laborer, h 1121 N 111 .... Franklin Caroline, wid Samuel, h 206 Locust Franklin Charles H., hostler, h 331 Blackberry av .a: Franklin Charlotte, wid Albert, h 1407 Marion z: Franklin Christopher c., porter P. R. R., h 514 Brown av C Franklin Elizabeth, wid :Ylathew, h 1409 N 6th z: Franklin Esten, laborer, h 1121 N 11i Franklin Frank, h 1121 N 11i :=- Franklin George c., carpenter, h 306 Harris U Franklin Harvey, laborer, h 606 Showers av FB.AN'KLIli HOUSE, W. F. L IIcClure, 217 WalD..t .ee adv ~ Franklin John, waiter, h 201 Nectarine av Franklin Lulu, domestic, 721 Capital YoI FRANKLIN PRESS, (Burnell.Spencer Co.), printen, 213 !i2d - Franklin W. DeWitt, elk, h 241 South 1;: Franklin William, laborer, h 12 Haehnlen av 2 Franklin William E., elk, 1516 N 3d, h :J1l6 Harris ~ Frantz Anna N., stengr aud gent's dept, h 229 N 2d a.. Frantz Charles 0., laborer, h 1618 Park ~ . Frantz Ezra W., engineer, h 1602 Green ~ Frantz George, blacksmith, h 1420 Walnut c:t Frantz Harvev, carpenter, h 26 N Summit ~ Frantz Josepl; Ho, grocer, 17112 K 3d, h 2:l0 Hamilton ~ Frantz Mary B., bookkpr, 1702 N' 3d, h 1602 Green ffi Frantz Mar v Ho, teacher. h 1420 Walnut ~ Frantz ~latilda, wid John. h 161~ Park c:::a Frantz Susan, boarding, 624 Walnut. h do 111_ Frantz William S .. stone cutter, h 1524 Derry zj Frasch Frederick. h 227 Crescent 0- FRASCH FREDERICK C., ice cre&m, 1428 M:arket and 319 Walnut, h do aee adv opp page c Frasch Frederick D., bar elk, 11()~ ~Iarket, h do alii: Frasch \Villiam F., baker. h lil17 Vemon ~O Frawley John B., molder. h 627 Forster wZ Fray Benjamin S .. elk, 119 :\Iarket. h 5fi Balm foe Fray Charles A., printer, 2111 X 2d, h lfi25 Regina



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Boyd'. Harrilburg (F) City Directory.




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ANDREW REDMOND, HC;;~::~~"fJ~::d ~~or;:~. {3d and Rill, Sts. Goog Ie

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I B -IIAItE8 A 8HOIALTY N . ... St. ..... TAC" p-a_. PItbIIc 8.lIlIla. . . .(PI...-TIBU. {1216 _ . 311 '" hu fl

Boyd'. Harriaburg (F) City Directory.


Fray Sarah G., wid Simon G., h 56 Balm Frazer Edgar K., lumber, h 15:.m N :!d Frazer Robert, elk, h 15:!9 N :!d Frazier Edward c., puddler, h l:W7 S l:!th Freaner Elizabeth, h 6114 N :3d Freaner \Villiam, huckster, h :!;m State Frederick Charles, brakeman, h Swatara nr lath Frederick Charles T., laborer, h U:I:3 N :!d Frederick Clara B., dressmkr, h lJ:!:3 N :!d Frederick Mary E., wid George N., h tI:I:3 N :!u Free Albert ]., optician, ~OlJ N ad, h 416 Herr Free Anna, milliner, :31:! .Market, h l:!oa Mulberry Free Anna G., seamstress Children's Industrial Home, h do Free Benjamin F., machinist, h :!:!1 S l:3th F ree Bessie L., 5aleslady, in:! Market, h New Cumberland Free Charles B., plasterer, h 91l~ Penn Free Daniel, elk, 4:35 ?vlarket, h l:!(Ja Mulberry Free Edward W., checkman P . R. R., h :!:!1 S l:3th Free Elmer, timekeeper, h 1:!0:3 Mulberry Free George H., conductor, h 1641 N 6th Free Harry S., engineer, h 11:.m N :3d Free Kate, wid Benjamin F., h :!:!1 S lath Free Kate, housekeeper, :!:21 S l;{th Free :\lahala, wid George W ., h 1i:!5 Peffer Free Samuel M., paperhanger, h 416 Herr Free Warren B., h :!:!1 S l;lth Freeburn Alice M. 1\[rs., boarding, 1:!5 S :ld, h do Freeburn Charles \V., engineer, h 1fi:!;lt N ;{d Freeburn Christian E., pressman Patriof, h 5:!7 Cowden FREEBURN EDWIN M., real estate, insurance, rents and notary public, 16 N 2d, h 1236 Walnut FREEBURN HARRY H., real estate, insurance and notary public, 1400 N 3d, h 1408 N 2d Freeburn John C, machinist, h t:!:{7 N 7th Freeburn Laura M .. saleslady, aa4 Market, h Steelton Freeburn Richard H., engineer, h 16:!at N :~d Freeburn Richard H., jr., paperhang-er, h :2011 Logan av Freeburn Robert, engineer, h ant Boyd av Freed George \V., laborer, h 14:1 Hanna

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Telephone Connection,

No. 319 Walnut and 1428 Market Sts" Harrisburg, Pa, ,..

.. To find a name you must know how to spell It.''

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McNeil'. Pal. Ell.erml.a.or cures Cbolera MorbUl, Dylentel')', CramPl, Diarrb(M, Cold., QuinB)" RbeumadllD, Tootbaebe, t!oreTbroat, AaUe,l'spepela, lie........




Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory.


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Freed Isaac, agt, h 1:l:J7 ~ Front Freed Jonathan D., boarding, 143 Hanna, h do Freedman Abraham, junk, h 504 N 5th Freedman Dora, cigarmkr, h 114 Short Freedman Henry, grocer, 641 Briggs, h do Freedman James, agt, h 114 Short Freedman Joseph, salesman, 400 Market, h 641 Briggs Freedman Wolf, (Williams & Freedman), h 506 N 5th Freeland Eugenia, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Freeland J. Herbert, stenographer, 222 Market, h Fairview Freeland Katherine M., header, h 1225 Mulberry Freeland Lola E., teacher, h 1344 Vernon Freeland Lottie M., elk, 1402 Vernon, h 1344 do Freeland Pearl, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Freeland William, carpenter, h 1225 Mulberry Freeman Winnifred, wid Henry, h 177 Indian av Frees Anna, wid Isaac ~I., h 1405 Vernon Freese Edward, machinist, h 1521 Swatara Freese Elsie L., stenographer, 9 S 3d, h 262 North Freese Jos. B., ticket exam'r P. R. R. depot, h :!62 North Freese Theodore. laborer, h UUIl S 1:~th Freeston Harry F., elk sec commonwealth, h 608 Forster Frehn Jacob E., laborer, h 1423 Zarker Freiberger Moses F., shoemkr. 1421 Wallace, h do Freidberg Nathan, (Standard Bottling Wks), furniture, 420 Walnut, h 422 do Freigh Carrie M., wid Charles, h Capital bel Cumberland Fremell Carrie A., ~id Theodore, h 1520 N 5th French Harry B., elk, h H26 Regina French J. Smith, foreman, h 1426 Regina . FRENCH IIICHAEL W., cigar mfr and tobacconist, 418 1tIarket, h do Frenie Anthony, barber, h 2:17 Harris Frenscel Hans, machinist, h 117 Conoy Frey Anna M., milliner, 223 Market, h !l24 North Frey Caroline Mrs., h 324 North Frey Eugene, telegrapher, 11 N 3d, h 32 S 3d Frey Jacou G., machinist, h 1432 Vernon Frey Jerome F., brakeman, h 1310 Susquehanna Frey Mercer \V., laborer, h 554 Primrose av Frey Rebecca, wid Joseph, h 115 Linden Frey, see Fry Freysinger Jacob, craneman, h 41 S Court av Frick Charles A., elk; h 426 Reily Frick Louis H., trackman, h 426 Reily Frick Mary, wid Augustus, h 426 Reily Frick William L., stereotyper, h 38l N Summit Frick & Co., J. E. Sheibley, genl agt, agrl implts, 21 N 3d
'or A.CCIDBl'IT 11'I8URAl'ICB. 1'1..... EDW G ROBERTS, ee-.. 81....t. Bell 'Phone 851 X.loa 8IMI X. or
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Y;=~lonPOOOr ItIl1DdOISboOOS IromA. B. TACK.

Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directol'J.


Frickman Henry, h 1725 Susquehanna . FBlDY SAll lIATT, deputy auditor general, Capitol, h lIountville Friedman Samuel Rev., h 204 Harris Friedrichson Cbristian, driver, h 1272 State Fries Harry, brakeman, h 60:! Delaware av Friese Anna L., domestic, 111 State Friese David A., car inspector, h 533 Violet av Friese Frederick 0., boilermkr, h :!:!O Berryhill ..J Fric:!se Margaret, wid Samuel, h 220H Berryhill , Frishkorn William F., cooper, h 218 S 15th Fritcher Charles E., stengr sec commonwealth, h 131 State Fritcher C. Raymond, sec, N 3d c Market, h 221 N 2d _ Fritchey A. Viola, hUll:! N :3cl '= Fritchey Charles A., physician, 002 N 3d, h do a Fritchey Elmer E., foreman, h ~21 N 2d if Fritchey Genevra, teacher, h 9112 N ad FBITCHEY 10HN A' I physician, 902 li 3d, h do !!. Fritchey John F., h 902 N 3d Fritchey Ross H., student, h 9()2 N 3d .... Fritz Albert J., helper, h 11 Lochiel 1st Row == Fritz Augustus, laborer, h 12th or Muench Fritz Charles, puddler, h 11 Lochiel1st Row J: Fritz CbarIes M., painter, h 1346 Vernon ID Fritz Christiana Mrs., h 1241 N 111 ;: Fritz Frank A., molder, h 1346 Vernon g.. Fritz Harry C, agt, h 906 Cowden Fritz Jacob, puddler, h 917 S 19th Fritz John, laborer, h 12th nr Hamilton Fritz Joseph, basketmkr, h 12th nr Hamilton Fritz Maggie, wid Charles L., h 1221 Derry if Fritz May. h 906 Cowden Fritz William H., brakeman, h 135 Balm E" Fritz William L., machinist, h 1221 Derry .Froehlich Albert, elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 910 N 3d ;;: Froehlich Charles M., plumber, 1121 Market, h 1113 do :Froehlich F. William, Froehlich & Son), h 300 Forst~r S Froehlich John, Froehlich & Son), h 910 N 3d PROBBLICH 100 H., artist, Calder bldg, 16 241, h 1600 .~ Green ~ PllOEBLICH 1. & SOli, (lohn and P. William Froehlich), '''''; merchant tailors, 901li 3d ... Froehlich Martin L., student, h 910 N 3d ~ Froehlich Minnie Mrs., h 2102 N 6th _ Froehlich Paul, student, h 910 N 3d Froehlich, see Fraelich, also Fralich; also :Fralick "'" Fromm William H., baker, 1627 Swatara, h do Q. Frost George L., nail feeder, h 511 Race ~

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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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.,.". H 1\ "EUEY CO'S ..aM ToD. al ..


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Jt North Id SbwIt. ..._... lIOth ...........



Boyd's Harrisburg (F) City Directory.


Frost Hattie J., domestic, h 511 Race Frost Howard V., laborer, h fill Race -a Frost John L.. bartender Park Hotel, h 511 Race ~ Frost John W., puddler, h 511 Race t- Frost John W., jr., bar elk Park Hotel, h i30 ~1ulberry ~ Frost Mary E., cook, h 511 Race ~ Frost Robert G., roller, h 714 Showers av Z Frowert Lucretia H., seamstress. h 624 Maclay 0) Frowert Spencer G., car repairer, h 624 Maclay - Frownfelter Effie V., cigarmkr, h 1519 N 5th Frownfelter Luther, repairsman, h Ht!3 N 4th it Fry A. Addessa, cashier, :!:!3 Market, h 139 Paxton t= Fry Aaron, laborer, h 235 North Fry Albert 0., laborer, h 625 Delaware av II Fry Alberta A. Mrs., lodging, 32 S 3d, h do Fry Alice M., cigar roller, h 1000 Berryhill -.. Fry Amos F., auctioneer, 2tl5 S River av, h do Fry Amos F., jr., mattressmkr, h 944 Paxton Fry Anna E., tailoress, 6 S 2d. h 635 Herr _ Fry Annie, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do := Fry Arthur F., fireman, h :!1l5 S River av - Fry Charles G., flagman, h 644 Woodbine :; Fry Charles N., ironworker, h 119 Washington .... Fry Clarence F., laborer, h 107 Hanna Fry Clarence L., student, h 1511:1 N :!d a:: Fry Curtis, grocer, 921 S 19th, h do Fry Daniel W., engineer, h 438 S 2d :! Fry David R., shoemkr, 1:~:3 S 2d, It 6:35 Herr ;: Fry DeWitt A., asst supt C. I. & S. Co., h 1303 S Cameron .= Fry Edward H., salesman. 4HI :\Iarket, h 1719! N 4th .:::; Frv Edwin L., heater. h 51 X 17th . ::> Fry Elias E., stamp elk P.O .. h :!1:! Crescent ..... Fry Ella .:\1., housekeeper, 1IIS Dock Fry George W., barber, h IHOII Berryhill Fry G. Washington. !lagman, h Ii:!:l Peffer Fry Harrison, screwsman, It W~ Dock l&I Fry Harrison, jr.. ironworker, h WI' Dock Frv Harn' M .. ironworker. It 115 Dock Fry Harve~' L.. laborer. h 1117 Hanna Fry Hattie H .. cigarlllkr, II 4a:-; S :!d Fry Howard. helper, h ~:!4 S Cameron Fry Howard C. registry elk P.O., h 111 Evergreen Fry Howard W., elk sec commonwealth, hIS Front Fry James, laborer. h ~2 Elm l&I Fry Ja~lles B.. tester C. 1. & S. Co.. h 119 Washington Fry Jennie Mrs .. laundress, h :~:~:! S 15th Fry Jennie. wid William C .. h 152:3 X 6th Fry Jeremiah. laborer. h 911 S lIIth








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ANDREW REDMOND, :=:!::~d'::::::. {3d and Rell, SfI.

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Wall P.per. The bel, and lowl!llt prlcea. WI. . . M........ eomplec.. wl\h nltmn. aDd FrID&eI for ilia. N. U 8t.



Boyd's Harriaburg (F) City Directory.

Fry John, repairsman, h t):!9 Camp Fry John L., ironworker, h 107 Hanna Fry John P., brakeman, h 2123 N 6th Fry Joseph H., brakeman, h 19~5 Fulton av Fry Levi S., fireman, h :W:.J6 Fulton Fry Luella, stripper, h 3;12 S 15th Fry Lydia, wid John, h 151l~ Howard Fry ~lalcolm A., postal c1k R. M. S., h 8~5 Green Fry Mary A., wid Jacob B., h 1000 Berryhill Fry Miles D., tobacconist, :W K 3d, h 3:!0 Chestnut Fry !\ellie P., h :!40 N 15th Fry Peter, weighmaster, h 139 Paxton Fry Phoebe C, cigarmkr, h U11 S 1IIth Fry Raymond W., pipe cutter, h 1328 K 7th Fry Sophia, domestic, 426 South Fry Susanna, wid George N., h 111 Evergreen Fry Thomas F., yard master P. & R., h 1008 Hemlock Fry William F., car cleaner, h lia5 Herr Fry William H., bookkpT, 222 Market. h !!05 State Fry William H., brakeman, h Hll SlOth




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l'JI.Y WU,LTAX L., freight agent P. R, R., N, C. Ryand C, _ V. R. R, and agent Empire, Union and Anchor Transportation Linea, P, R. R. freight depot, h 1503 Ii Id

Fry, see Frey, also Frye 'I Frye Julia A., wid George, h 717 Cowden Frve Theodore S., barber, h 717 Cowden II Frye William M., janitor, h 717 Cowden Frymire Cora, domestic, 1216 \Vallace 0 Frymire Martha, domestic, 121H Wallace 13 Fuertes James H., consulting engineer, 27 S 2d, h New York . Fuget Maude, domestic, 1839 Berryhill Fuhrman Aaron, brakeman, h 2:W S 15th Fuhrman Henry, laborer, h :m2 Boyd av Fuhrman Reuben,laborer, h 1240 Cowden Fuhnnann Amelia, wid Ernst, h 1318 N 2d Fuhrmann Emil E., machinist, h 1318 N 2ct . Fuld Samuel L., salesman, 6 S 2d, h 329 Chestnut Fuller Albe1t, fireman, h 1a64 VernOll Fuller Burt. H" bar elk, h 32 S 2d Fuller Charles E .. flagman, 11 1211 Bailey Fuller Frank C, supt, h 1816 State Fuller'Valton B., draftsman. h 1207 N ad Fullerton Capitola, wid John F., h 2G9 Sassafras av Fullman Mattie Mrs., h 5:54 Primrose av Fulmer Bertie M., stengr. 15 S 2d, h Mechanicsburg Fulmer Helen, h 20 Cownen Fulmer Henry, carpenter Arsenal, h 65 N 14th I


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To find a name you must !mow how to spell it."


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McNEil'S COMPLEXION PillS. ~.~I~~d~~n~~&~::'tasX:.!: {306 Bro.'

Boyd'i Harrilburg (G) City Directory.

..: 274












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Fulton Ross A., fireman, h 318 Clinton av Fulton \\iilliam M., brakeman, h 2014i- ~ 5th Fultz ;\iinnie, domestic, 1923 N 6th Fultz, see Foltz, also Foultz Funk Alfred J., engineer, h 1100 \\iallace Funk Alfred M., civil engineer, h 1419 N 6th Funk Alice V., saleslady, 308 Market, h 24 S 3d Funk Amos, laborer, h 1816 N 5th Funk Benjamin F., laborer, h 316 Cumberland Funk Christian S., h 24 S 3d FUNK DAVID S., phYlician, 300 N 2d, h do Funk George, rivet counter, h :U6 Cumberland Funk George K., engineer, h 927 N 3d Funk Grac(' Mrs., h 401 Boas Funk Howard 0., blacksmith, h 1419 N 6th Funk Jacob, flagman, h 1304 N 7th Funk J. Clarence, student. h :)00 N 2d Funk Jennie E. Mrs., h 927 X 3d Funk John A., engineer, h 612 Reily Funk Laura P., saleslady, 308 rvlarket, h 24 S 3d Funk Mabel B., housekeeper, 612 Reily Funk Margaret A., wid Erasmus, h :l43 Reily Funk Margaret M. Mrs., teacher, h 1419 N 6th Funk Robert R., machinist, h 271 Briggs Funk William If., puddler, h 660 Sayford av Funk William S., driver, h 5th c Woodbine Funkhouser Orville C., storekeeper P. R. R., h 1843 North Funston Emma E., dressmkr. h 406 Filbert Fuqua John, laborer, h 1125 N 11i FURBER IGNATZ, hotel, 642 North, h do Furgason Richard, h !Ito N 6th Furman Samuel K., postal elk, h 27 N 16th Furst Emanuel, warehouseman, h 822 Cowden Fusselman John W., s\\ilChman, h 1627 \Vallace Fyler David, laborer, h !J66 S 21st Fyler John A., mason, h 966 S 21st Fyler William, laborer, h 966 S 21st

U H c:a Gable Albert, brakeman, h 19 S 3d :IE


. . Gable Annie S., starcher, h 238 Meadow la ..., Gable Catharine, dressmkr, h 3d nr Harris U Gable Florence P. G . milliner, h 611 Calder Gable Harry C. jr., elk F. and M. Works, h 611 Calder Q GABLE HENRY A., hardware, 113-115-117 S 2d and UOO .. ~ 3d c Cumberland, h 104 Cheltnut lee adv opp page - Gable Henry C .. shoemkr, 643 Verbeke, h 611 Calder Gable William T., carpenter, h 2022 Derry
188 11_'" wh_ ED 'u G ROBERTS 1f1ll goon your bond. Bell 'Phone 8IIl X. 01''' X. R. banda are executed.
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A. B. TACK t::&~::t II PODer ODd 1101101

;:Irr~: Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory. 275


Gabriel Evan, laborer, h 119 Washington Gabriel George, laborer, h 1249 Centre av Gabriel William, lauorer, h 1!!4H Centre av Gaddis Harriet, wid Thornton, h Send S Cameron Gaebler John M., laborer, h 1311 Bartine av Gaeckler Charles A., brakeman, h 1116 N fith Gaeta Cash mer, tailor, :!~15 Walnut. h :lllO Boas Gaff Charles W., postal elk, h HIll Green Gaff John E., laborer, h 1005 N 7th Gaff Nancy E., h 321 Calder Gaffney Alice G., saleslady, 44 N 3d, h 950 Paxton Gaffnev Celia, wid Charles, h mill Pa xtOIl Gaffney Charles A., brakeman, h n:n4 ~lyrtle av Gaffney Frank, assembler, h 4117 Market Gaffney James P., steel inspector, h 71:~ !\ lith Gaines Elizabeth Mrs., laundress, h 341 Calder Gaines Henry A., barber, h 607 State Gaines Robert, barber, h 607 State Gaitor Amelia Mrs., charwoman, h :!:~5 Cranllcrrv av Gaitor Benjamin B., porter, Hi 1\ 3d, h 1114 Tanner's av Gaitor John A., barber. Hlt Tanner's av, h do Gaitor Joseph H., caterer, h 414 South Gaitor Sarah M., domestic, Ill! Tanner's av Gaitor Viola L.. housekeeper, <114 South GALBRAITH BERTllAltI G" granolithic paver, 1530 Ii !ad; yard and R. R. siding, 7th c Curtin and 7th c Fonter, h 1630 If !ad l8e adv next page Galbraith George, assessor, h (1)2 Filbert Galbraith James W . driver, h 109 S Cameron Galbraith }..lary A.. elk, 1015 K :M. h 109 S Cameron Gale Mfg. Co .. agrl iroplts, 1)27 Walnut Gallagher Charles M . laborer. h 2007 Kensington Gallagher Charles M. K., laborer, h 20117 Kensiqgton Gallagher Eliza, wid Samuel, It 1:!:!4 X 7th Gallagher Emma, h Home for the Friendless Gallagher J. Korton, foreman P. R. R., h :!O!I Hamilton Gallagher John, engineer, h 1511) K 6th Gallagher Mary E., shoe operator, h 2007 Kensington Gallagher Mary W., wid Jacob, h 1105 Capital Gallagher Samuel D., laster, 11 2007 Kensington

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r-I. A. E 3 A B L E ..
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113-115-1111. 2~ a. I. 3tI Cor. C llerlalld Sis., Harril~ar" 'a.

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MTo find a name you must know how to spell it."

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Boyd'. Harrisburg (6) City Directol'J.



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Gallagher William R., flagman, h 1613 N 4th Gallagher William W., laborer, h 516 Hamilton Gallaher Sarah E., h 120 Mulberry Gamber Harry F., mattressmkr, h 55 N 10th Gamber Mabel M., saleslady, 6 S 2<1, h 429 Verbeke Gamber M. Virginia, seamstress, h 429 Verbeke Gamber W. Frank, carpenter, h 506 Filbert Gamber W. Harry, elk, 431 Verbeke, h 429 do Gamber William H., puddler, h 429 Verbeke Gamble Jennie S., wid Hugh A., h 607 Peffer Gamble Luella M., saleslady, 1012 N 3d, h 607 Peffer Gamble Maud I., teacher, h 607 Peffer Gamble Robert, checkman P. R. R., h 1719 N 4th Gamble William L., laborer, h 1000 State Gamrode Andrew, laborer, h 1811 Berryhill Ganges Kate I., dressmkr, h 123 Short Ganoe John E., laborer, h 1112 S 9th Gantt Amos L., brakeman, h 617 Dauphin Gantt Forest B.. brakeman, h 626 Dauphin Garber Elizabeth B. Mrs., h 1843 Swatara Garber Frank S., elk, 330 Market, h 309 Briggs Garber Harrv K., brakeman, h 1901 N 7th Garber )\fary E., elk, H4 N 3d, h 275 Cumberland Garber Sadie N., wid Samuel I., h 275 Cumberland Garberich Charles H., machinist, h 135 Herr Garberich John E., shoemkr, 2022 Wood av, h do Garberich Warren, laborer, h 413 Hamilton Garberich. see also Garverich Garbrick Ella, boxmkr. h 435 Kelker Gardiner Laura, wid Thomas. h 1814 Susquehanna Gardner Alfred B., (Gardner & Baptisti). h 37 Evergreen Gardner Andrew J., engineer, h 2149 N 4th Gardner Benjamin F., carpenter. h 1311 N 6th Gardner Caroline, dressmkr, h 627 Camp Gardner Charles E., laborer, h 1501! Derry GARDNER CHARLES H., machinery and supplies, 627 Walnut, h 1814 State Gardner Charles H . upholsterer, 209 Locust, h 105 North Gardner Clarence E., laborer, h 1826 N Cameron
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i Granolithic, Artificial Stona Pavin,



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Office: 1538 Pt. Second St.. Ramsbu.... PI.

Dealer In Portland Cement. Sewer Pipe, Ume. Vltrllled Brick and Aaphal& Block. Yards. Seventh and CurtIn. Seventh and Forster.


REDMOND. {3d .Id Rill, S1I.

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B TAC" N.U18 {Bmp1oJa DODe_ _ I" Wor&doDelDu7J1U&ofll. . . bat tI1De~ waft:meII, JIM1\, 3d st. claliuOrtud

]loyd's Harrisburg (6) City Directory.


Gardner David L., car inspector, h 1701} N 4th Gardner David R., craneman, h 1212 N 7th Gardner Edith, h 1701! N 4th Gardner Edith P., h 112 Mulberry Gardner Edwin, feeder, h 1302 N Front Gardner Elizabeth, dressmkr, h 214 Forster Gardner Fannie 1., saleslady, 1542 N 6th, h 1631 do Gardner Francis F., laborer, h 17011 N 4th Gardner George M., elk The Lochiel, h 111 S 14th Gardner George V., postal elk, h 61 N 14th Gardner George W., laborer, h 170l! N 4th Gardner Harry E., brakeman, h 1509 Wallace Gardner Helen 1\1., dressmkr, h 121 Balm Gardner Irvin G., helper, h 1613 Logan av Gardner Irwin B., huckster, h 1311 N 3d Gardner James F., conductor, h 1302 N Front Gardner John A., expressman. h 1417 William Gardner John S., fireman, h 2032 N 4th Gardner John W., nailer, h 112 Mulberry Gardner Peter, h l730 Wood av Gardner Regina F., dressmkr. h 214 Forster Gardner Reuben, baker, h 1417 William Gardner Samuel, fruit, 1309-1311 N .3d, h do Gardner S. Lizzie, h 548 Woodbine Gardner William H., engineer, h 414} Harris Gardner William H . huckster, h 1913 Wood av Gardner William J., foreman. h 257 Crescent Gardner William L., meat, 1542 N 6th, h 1631 N 5th Gardner William M. coremkr, h 121 Balm Gardner William S., huckster. h 1322! James Gardner Woodbill, laborer, h 306 S Court av Gardner & Baptisti, (Alfred B. Gardner and Peter G. Baptisti), produce. 301 Chestnut .0 Garis Amanda, h 1185 Bailev Garland Samuel H., grocer, 2000 X 5th, h do I~ Garman Alfretta, bonnetmkr, h 514 Hamilton Garman Allen A., salesman, 2ml X 2d. h 306 Chestnut Garman David, elk, 601 Walnut, h 1827 Rudy Garman Dillie E . h 1841 North Garman George P . repairsman, h 337 Kelker Garman H. Bnlce, elk, X 3d c ~Iarket, h 1156 1\1 ulberry Garman Henry A., (Hoffer & Garman), h 70 N 12th Garman Jacob D., carpenter, h 1425 Regina Garman John M., carpenter, h 1933 State Garman Katie, h 1425 Regina Garman Laura J., h 1841 Korth Garman Louisa C. wid Vriah B.. h 620 Hamilton tlGarman Morris A .. fireman. h 1505 N 5th I

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. "To find a name you must-~ow how to spell it."

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278 Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory. ..: . . Garman Stewart F., car inspector, h 514 Hamilton :: Garman Theodore G., laborer, h 217 S 15th ~ .a Garman William F., conductor, h 1606 Penn I: Garman William H., laborer, h 1827 Rudy -..; Garman William H., teamster, h 1905 Wood av 3 Garman William M., salesman, 407 Market, h 1246 do Garmhausen Alfred D., painter, h 329 Dauphin av .-: Garmhausen Fred c., variety, 1730 N 4th, h 329 Dauphin av - Garner Alfred, porter, h 511 South av Garner Henr\', laborer, h 20 Lochie1 2d Row :& GABBER 100 E., HarriBburg BUBiness College, 322 lIarg ket, h 1112 Green : Gamer Kettie, wid Joseph, h rear 14!!4 \Vyeth a,Garner \Villiam T., potter, h Cumberland bel !lth Garnett Richard, laborer, It j(l~ X 7th Garonzik David, salesman, h 411H Cumberland (/) l;aronzik ~lichad, express, 52:! Brown avo h do Garonzik Michael, laborer, h 15:!5 Fulton Garrecht Michael, machinist, h Seneca Ilr lith L.. Garrett David K., carpenter, h Hotel Roval r- Garrett Hiram, laborer. h 141:! K lith Garrett James. driver. l1iOIl ~ 4th, h 23H State C[ Garrett John F., hrak~man, h 108 Linden Garrett Morris, laborer, h Hi09 N 4th ... Garrett Samuel S., machinist. h 2(;22 6! Garrow Edwin E., heel scotlrer, h 1429- Susquehanna Hospital, O Garver Jane K., physician Lunatic Locust h du Garver Mary E., seamstress, h 121 Garvcrich Charles A., patternmkr, h 1:311(i \'ernon .. Garverich Elizabeth, wid HenrY, h all; Clinton av Garverich Ella J., wid WilIiam"E., h 1717 Hunter av . . Garverich Fannie, wid Harry. h ]536 Derry a.. Garverich Frank H., physician, 1622 N 3d, h do E Garverich George D., laborer, h aUi Clinton av Garverich Harry M., machinist, Ii 124 S 1:1th .... Garverich John E., asst baggage agt, h 524 Forrest . . Garverich Mabel N., pairer, h 505 Hamilton Garverich Mabel S., seamstress, h UBi:) ~Iarket U Garverich Melinda. dornestic, 19 S 4th Q Garverich Morris P., expressman, h 415 Briggs Z Carverich Nellie P., saleslad,', :~34 :\1arket, 11 UIi;:) do . . Garverich Ross E., roHer, h '524 Forrest ~ Garverich Susan, wid George, h 415 Briggs - Garverich 'William E., laborer, h 511;) Hamilton Q Garverick Ahner D., dri1ler, h U:!U Dauphin ~ Garverick Frank L., car repairer, h 2:!IIS :\ lith Garverick George F., carpenter, h 1i:!7 Dauphin ~ Ganerick John :\L, foreman P. R. R., h li:!!1 Dauphin


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Acelde.l. L, ,llu . - .te BeUer I ...rae_. 108 lIerd_ _ .,. Bell 'PhoDe 861 X. or 68CS X.

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Wall Paper and Window Shadu. {l.::-:~.:~-:~J"t.


Boyd's Harrisburg (f}) City Directory.

Garverick Sallie A.; seamstress, h 629 Dauphin Garverick, sec Garberich Garvin Morris H . florist Capitol. h 300 Chestnut GARVIN THOXAS H., chief clerk H. of R., h Hotel RUII Gaskin James, laborer, h 3:!i Basin av Gaskins Charles, h 200 S 3d Gaskins Max, driver, h Christie's av bel Cranberry av Gassner Arthur C, supt, 414 State, It 1:!05 N Front Gastrock Albert E., elk F. and M. Works, h 404 State Gastrock Albert G., assembll'r, h 717 Ash av Gastrock Anna M., weaver, h ili Ash av Gastrock Benjamin, molder, h .JO.J State Gastrock Charles, varieties, li.J. 7 Driggs, h ili Ash av Gastrock Elizabeth S., h 41J-.l State Gastrock Emma R., telephone operator. h 325 Herr Gartrock Frederick J., confectioner, h 325 Herr Gastrock John, purchasing agt F. and M. Wks, h 415 North Gastrock Joseph K, draftsman, h 19ao N 5th Gastrock Lewis, cigars, 4Ll North, h 41u do Gastrock ~fartin \\~., Dlachinist, h 40J Slate Gastrock Mary A., wid Levi, h 717 Ash av Gastrock Mary C, elk, h 325 Herr Gastrock Rosa, wid Barthold, h 415 North Gaslrock William A., elk, a:n Walnut, h do Gastrock \VilIiam B., molder, It Hi Ash av Gastrock William E., steam fitter Capitol, h 325 Herr Gastrock William J., merchant tailor. 3:n Walnut, h do Gastrock \\ iIliam ~L. picture frames, 4114 State, h do Gately & Fitzgerald, Frank R. Downey, mg.., installment house, 1l:!-.l Montgomery Gates James H., waiter, 314 Market, h 517 State Gates Joseph P., elk aud genl's dept, h 232 Harris Gates Lincoln, driver. h :~:l:l Reily Gates William H., laoorer, h 45 Lochiel 4th Row Gaugler E. Kurtz, photographer, 408 :\Iarket, h do Gauker Adam A., brakeman, h 613 Peffer Gaul Georg~ D., farmer, h Send S Cameron Gaul Ross 0., elk, h Send S Cameron (Jault Edwin R., student, h 1202 Penn Gault Emma V., ruler, h 1202 Penn Gault John S., electroplater, h 12112 Penn Gault William S., mgr Steelton Ice and Coal Co., h 1202 Penn Gaupp Dora, domestic, 711 N 6th Gause Brinton C, fireman, h 1-121 Green Gause Laura, librarian. 125 Locust, h 122 Calder Gal1se Lewis H., h 122 Calder Gayman Lewis, laborer. h HIll Forster

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. - . . CoaI.'-" WIIIrht.


lH M KELLEY WCO1JIIOtilud3d ItnIIt. R. North r.. .. IState Ita.

...: 280

Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory.

~ Gearhert Mary E., wid Jacob]., h 1012 James av

t; Gearhart, see Gerhard, also Gerhart

_ Geary Alexander, bricklayer, h 429 S 17th :: Geary Alexander, jr., bricklayer, h 429 S lith .... Geary Alice V., milliner,~h 1825 Fulton Geary Clara M., tipper, h 14113 N ad _ Geary Daisy, h 332 Blackberry av e n Gcary Edith M., stcngr Lutlatic Hospital, h 1513 Penn ~ Geary Edward, bricklaver, h 429 S 17th - Geary Edward, bricklaycr, h 2l1H Boas '!:i Geary Edward L, jr., barber, h IS:!5 Fulton ::> Geary Jane, book gatherer, h 1403 N :M I&J Geary John G., postal elk, h 151:1 Penn ~ Geary 1\1. Anna, weaver. h 1403 N 3d L Geary Nellie, music teacher, h 151:1 Penn r- Geary Thomas J., stenographer, h 1513 Penn I&J Geary W. Edward. telegrapher, h 255 Crescent Gebhard William B., woodworker, h 151la Wallace Gebhardt Carrie D., t~acher. h 4:m S 13th Gebhardt Henry c., barber, 11)13 N 3d, h 4:l0 S 13th Gebhart Andrew]., warehouseman P. R. R.. h 911 S 19th' Gebhart Charles E., laborer, h 1230 Herr Gebhart Charles W., laborer, h l):~ N 10th Gebhart George, brewer, h 12:W Herr I&J Gebhart John, laborer, h 622 Showers av Gebhart John, mason, fl27 S 19th Gebhart John F., feeder, h 1i:!2 Showers av Gebhart l\lary, wid Jacob, h !Ill S 19th eti Geedy Ralph, baker, h 2:!!l S 14th c Gel.!dy Thomas, repairsman, h 1422 Herr ~ Geering Frederick, foreman, h 16:n Fulton ~ Geering Mamit: A., bonnetmkr, h 1fj:U Fulton _ Geering Sadie A., bonnetmkr, h W:31 Fulton t:: Geesev Ira W., fireman, h 1401i N Hth Geesey John H., laborer, h 120 Dock Gegg Charles W., engineer, h 20 Cowden _ Gehr John, engineer, h 1251 IVIulherry ~ Gehrett Amon, car inspector. h 51:1 Emerald Gehrett George A., brakeman. h 1!IOS Elizabeth av ~ Gehrett George A., car inspector. h !H4 S 9th u.. Gehrett John W., cigars, WOH N 6th. h 1!l08 Elizabeth av ,." Gehrett Lulu Mrs .. h 17110 N Hth t::i Gehrett Sarah H .. wid John J.. h 1!){)8 Elizabeth av _ ~ Gehrett \VilIiam B.. car inspector. h 405 Woodbine .... Geiger Addie L., domestic. 7113 Showers av :i Geiger Allison. laborer. h :U5 Cherry av : Geiger Ann, wid Peter. h ()15 S Front ~ Geiger Christian. laborer. h 17111 Fulton

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REDMOND. {3d .Id Ren, S1I.

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A. 8. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,


B9yd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory.

Geiger ErJith, cigarmkr, h (i15 S Front Geiger Elias K., roller, h 70a Sho\\ers av Gtiger Elias K., jr., elk, h i03 Showers av Geiger Elvia H., saleslady, h 7113 Showers av Geiger George B., h 1:l:!9 Thompson av Geiger George G., pipe fitter, h :n 7 Cherry av Geiger Harry P., engineer, h lOti SlOth Geiger Harvey C, laborer, h filS S Front Geiger Herman E., candymkr, h til5 S Front Geiger James, puddler, h 6lu S Front Geiger James W., helper, h :!:l1 S 14th Geiger John A., letter carrier, h :!:!:! Crescent Geiger John W., mgr, :!5 N :~d, h ~lechanicsburg Geiger Simon, conductor, h :n:; Cherry av Geiger William A., car repairer, h 31~ alerry av Geiger William G., elk, :!3:5 Crescent, hall! S 14th Geisel August G., hostler, h 1928 ~ 4th GEISEL DRY, planing mill, 7th c Emerald, h 1818 N 3d Geisel Henry, jr., mgr, 213 Walnut, h The Bolton Geisel John F., driver, h 1818 N 3d Geisel John F., gardener, h 2162 K 7th Geisel Lillian M. Mrs., h 422 ~Iarket Geisel Roy J., elk, h 1931 N 4th Geiser J. Lewis, painter, h 13110 N 2d Geisking Charles, genl foreman P. R R, h 536 :\laelay Geisking Harry W., machinist, h 1710 Green Geisking J. Leroy, drug elk, 133 State. h 1710 Green Geisking William, jr., machinist, h 1710 Green Geissinger William M., switchman, h 631 Camp Geist Charles M., inspector, h 2041 N 5th Geist Mary, seamstress, h 1324 N 7th Geist Maude, domestic, 113 Ann av Geistwhite Benjamin F .. laborer. h 632 Calder Geistwhite Mary E., h 610 Buttonwood av Geistwite George W., salesman, 304 Market. h 611 Boas GeJballgh Annie, wid George, h 412 Strawberry av Gelballgh Charles W., laborer, h 1731 N 5th Gembe Christian C, driver, h 330 Cherry av Gembe Frank M., paperhanger, h 37 S Court av Gemmill John. h rear 326 Cherry av Gemmill John W., warehouseman P. R. R, h rear 326 Cherry Gemmi1l Walter, bricklayer, h 564 Showers av Gemmi1l \Valter S . wa'rehouseman P. R R, h rear 326 Cherry Gemperling Albert R, conductor, h 2(14 Hamilton Gemperling Frank, flagman, h 1738 N 5th Gelllj)t"rling Frank A., conductor. h 1738 N 5th


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To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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lIelEIL'S PAil EXTERIiIIATOR ~rtT:o:~:e=~~rg;yl. {1108"'1.r~.



Boyd'. Harri.burg (G) City Directory.


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Gemperling Mary E., moccasinmkr, h 204 Hamilton Gemperling Robert R., laborer, h 1738 N 5th Gemperling William, laster, h 1738 N 5th Gensemer Agnes, wid Abraham, h 102 S 4th Gensemer Elizabeth F., tailoress, 334 Market. h 102 S 4th Gensler Annie, \\'id Elias, h 13~9 Derry Gensler Elizabeth, dressmkr, h 1329 Derry Gensler Joseph, shoemkr, 1512 Drummond av, h do Gentslider Benjamin, baker, h 1416 William Gentslider Frederick, laborer, h 1416 William Gentslider Jacob J., coremkr, h 123 Sayford av Gentslider Mary A., shoe operator, h 333 Dauphin av Gentslider Rosa.. wid Adam, h 123 Sayford av Geohringer Charles, laborer, h 122 Hanna George Annie M., seamstress, h 1311 Maple av GEORGE CHARLES T., druggi.t, 1306 N 3d, h do see aIIv George David P., laborer, h 436 SlOth George Elia's, ins agt, 14 S 2d, h W Fairview George Harriet, housekeeper, h 41 Balm George H. Howard, weighmaster, h 1631 Regina George H. Melvin, cutter, h 338 Hamilton George John c., conductor, h 16!U Regina George John H .. laborer, h 338 Hamilton George Lile, teacher, h 250 North George Robert A., laborer, h :!9 Sassafras av George Samuel A .. fireman, h 1924 N 5th George Thomas G.. agt, h 111111 N !!d George William j., agt. h 1U01 N 2d Gerber George. painter, h 13 N :)th Gerberich Frank H., col Star-Independent, h 1407 Zarker Gerberich Freeman c.. elk aud gelll's dept, h Hershey House Gerberich Samuel F., elk Independent. h Hummelstown Gerdes Anna, wid Bernard. h 120 Cumberland Gerdes Augustus H . machinist. h 2212 N nth Gerdes Bernard J., jr. elk, 'j X !!d. h 116 Boas Gerdes Charles L., bookhinder, h 120 Cumberland Gerdes Elizabeth L., bookkpr Silk Mill, h 120 Cumberland Gerdes Harry B., elk, 400 Walnut, h 120 Cumberland Gerdes Mary, domestic. Front cReel's la Gerdes William F., brakeman, h 911 Penn Gerdie Walter. laborer. h ::W(l S :ld GERHARD lEROJ4E Z., physician, 29 S 3d, h do Gerhard, see Gearhart, also Gerhart Gerhardt Reginalrl B., electrician, h z:m Brigg!> Gerhart Elizabeth, matron, h 1iUS Penn Gerhart George. huckster, h 52! \\"ooclbine Gerhart Lewis. puddler, h 50 Lochiel lith Row
BDW. G. ItOBBRTlil. General AgeDtCentral Penna. District. 103 . . . . St. Bell 'Phone 831 X. or 6IMS X.
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Til. Amarlee. a..dln. C . . . . .:r. Baltimore. Md.




{l216 10Rb mlrd XI.


Bold's Rarrisburg (G) City DirectolJ.

Gerhart Peter, laborer, h 443 Delaware av Gerhart P. Frank, foreman, h 71 N 16tl1 Gerhart, see Gearhart, also Gerhard Gerlock Charles E., paperhanger, h 11 N Summit Gerlock Frank G., (Gerlock & Lutz), h 113 S 13th GERLOCK lAllES A., reporter Patriot, h 113 S 13th GERLOCK &; LUTZ, (P. G. Gerlock and R. L. Lutz), stone, lime and builden' supplies, 812 Jlarket German Caroline J., h 816 N 3d German Emanuel S., printer, 213t Chestnut, h 1013 N 2d German Jennie F., stengr, 227 Walnut, h 25 N 4th German John W., agt Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N. Y., 8 S 2d, h 1IHI5 N Front German Philip, bookseller, 213t Chestnut, h 25 N 4th German William H., bookkpr, 27 N 3d, h 613 Boas Germania Life Ins. Co., 7 N ~d Germer Christopher, jr., blacksmith, h 428 Reily Germer George W., printer Independent. h 33 S Court av Germer Harry D., operator P. R. R., h 1531 N 6th Germer J. A. Christopher, car inspector, h 1531 N 6th Germer Kate A., twister, h 1531 N 6th Germer Mary, wid George, h 125 )Iulberry Germer Maud I., h 1531 ~ (jth Germer William, laborer, h 125 Mulberry Germeyer Edward 1-1., fireman, h 1222 Bailey GERWIG EDGAR C., sec to the Governor, Capitol, h 110 Wamut Gettys Arthur E., carpenter, h 182:1 Susquehanna Gettys Malcom II., (Gettys & Sechrist), h 1704 Penn Gettys & Sechrist, (Malcom H. Gettys and George H. Sechrist), contractors, 272 Hamilton Getz Dorothea. wid Henry, h 226 Peffer Getz John, printer, h 54 N 12th Geyer Albert L., brakeman, h 600 Dauphin Gever OJarles F., laborer, h 104.1 S 9th Ge~'er Frank K., painter, h 1043 S 9th Geyer Harry, typewriter adjuster, h 668 Calder Geyer John R., student, 1 N 2d, h Royalton Geyer \VilIiam E., painter, h 1043 S 9th Geyer, see Guyer Giannelli John, cook Hotel Columbus Giannelli Louis, cook Hotel Columbus Gibbins Alexander, puddler, h 831 S Front Gibbins Bertha M., housekeeper, 613 S Front Gibbins Charles E., shipper, h 613 S Front Gibbins Clarence P., laborer, h 613 S Front Gibbins George C., pUddler, h 613 S Front Gibbins George G., laborer, h 613 S Front

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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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H.I. KELLEY" CO" COAL AND WOOD {OIllCes: :o:.~,~~

_ 284

Boyd'. Harrisburg (G) City Directory.

t_. Gibbins Harvey, laborer, h 8:n S Front

~ :;: .:; :;:

Gibbins James, h 111 Ann av Gibbins John S., puddler, h 1217 Derry Gibbons Catharine Mrs., h 206 Charles av Gibbons Edith M., laundress, h 1230 N Cameron c:::t Gibbons Harry D., elk, 19 N 2d, h 290 S Cameron - Gibbons Joseph E . carpet cleaner. h 12S N Cameron .~ Gibbons Olive F. Mrs., h 1230 ~ Cameron ~ Gibbons Victor c., fireman, h 622 Peffer Gibbons William B., conductor, h 622 Peffer ~ Gibbs Alexander, carter, h 527 South .~ ~!bbs Elizabeth, ":Jusic teach~r. 415 Kelker, h do ~ (Jlbbs Henry, glazier, h :n3 \ erbeke IW Gibbs James M., watchman sec commonwealth, h Steelton .a:: Gibbs John R., tinworker, h 415 Kelker Gibbs Joseph c., driver. h 428 ~orth av C Gibbs Luc\' E., domestic. 42S ~ orth av Gibbs Margaret. stengr. 10th c Mulberry. h 415 Kelker ..., Gibbs William H., motorman, h 17a6 N 6th Gibson Andrew, coachman, h 247 ~ River av c.:i Gibson Charles A., laborer, h 10:1 Ann av Gibson Edith ~lrs., h 1219 N 11i ~ Gibson Elsie l\Irs., nurse, h 115 Nagle .j: Gibson Frank A., mgr, 11 N 4th. h 1525 N 2d ~ Gibson George, laborer, h 4:~S S Cameron 1= Gibson Hester A., cook, h 1421.1 Fulton C Gibson l\Jary 1\1. Mrs., h 70:1 ~orth ~ Gibson ~ancy Mrs., h 142fi Fulton Gibson Ora. pianist, 212 ~larkct, h 1;'25 N 2d ~ Gibson Reuben, plumber, h 1215 Apple av Do. Giddens Lewis, laborer, h 122:l ~ 11} 1.1.1 Giddens Lewis. jr., laborer, h 1245 K 11~ Giddens William H .. laborer. h 122:3 K 11i c:.:I Giede Christian, h 21iO \. erbeke ~ Giede Frederick \V . student, h 21iO \" erbeke ~ Giede George W., printer Independent. h Hi12 Green ffi Giede John c., ins agt, 9 S 2d, h 622 Reilv ICII Giffin Charles F., laborer, h 1331 Bartine av ~ Giffin Frank E., laborer, h l:l~1 Bartine av 111_ Gilberg Mary E., wid Benjamin, h 507! Muench Z Gilbert Blair W., baker, h 1409 N 3d OJ Gilbert Carlton P., conductor, h 1922 ~ 5th C Gilbert Charles, florist, h 132 Locust J~ Gilbert David M. Rev., h 311 Walnut GILBERT DAVID JIIcC., city editor Star.Independent, h 311 Walnut Gilbert Edgar, brakeman, h Susquehanna ab Kelker I-C Gilbert ~d~ard~ ~re~l~n--, ~ ~29~~squeh~n_n_a_ _ _ _ __









ANDREW REDMOND, Hc:.;:;:~ara:d ~k,~or;:.. {3d .Id R.lty Sts.

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.,..11c aalldl... la Plaia TIlda. .,.",.. .....

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285 Gilbert Frederick M., elk Dauphin Deposit Bank, h 311 Walnut Gilbert George-E., machinist, h 325 S 16th Gilbert George E., salesman, 4 S 2d, h Grand Hotel Gilbert George M., plumber, h 1922 N 5th , Gilbert George T., bartender, 1232 N 6th, h 125 Verbeke ;:. Gilbert G. Raymond, machinist, h 341 S 16th Gilbert Harry c., brakeman, h 636 Reily Gilbert Harvey E., brakeman, h 1802 N 5th Gilbert Henderson, elk, 219 Market, h lU7 N Front Gilbert Henry D., student, h 311 Walnut GILBERT lIDRY & SON, (Henry Gilbert'. e.t and Spencer C.), hardware and Oill, 219 llarket Gilbert Jacob S., painter, h 1414 William -Gilbert Jacob Z., elk, 19 N 3d, h 720 N 6th Gilbert John, laborer, h 1121 Grape av GILBERT lOHN G., lawyer, 4 N 3d, h 311 Walnut -Gilbert Lillie Mrs., dressmkr, 132 Liberty, h do GILBERT LYltIAN D., lawyer, 219 llarket, h 203 N Front Gilbert Marion R., elk, 12 S 2d, h 311 Walnut Gilbert :\lilton J., laborer, h 37 Sassafras av Gilbert Naomi, domestic, 618 N 2d Gilbert Peter, candymkr, h 433 State Gilbert Spencer c., (H. Gilbert & Son), h 107 N Front Gilchrist Charles W., paperhanger, h 609i North Gilchrist Lydia M., liner, h 609i North Gilchrist :Margaret, wid Robert M., h 609! North Gilchrist Robert M., laster, h 609i North Gilchrist Thomas \Y., pressman, h 528 Filbert Giles Benjamin, driver, h 523 Brown av Giles Ellen, wid John, h rear 412 South Gill Hayes W., fireman, h 340 S 17th Gill John, machinist, h 1402 Market Gill John, tentmkr State Arsenal, h Herr ab 18th Gill John U., draftsman Dept Int Affairs, h 1611 Green Gillan Lee E., laborer, h 343 S Cameron Gillen Emma Mrs., h 13 Grace av Gillet Joseph, laborer, h 1222 Currant av Gillette Claude W., physician Lunatic Hospital, h do Gilliland Annie, wid Thomas B., h 614 Reily Gilliland Frank P., brakeman, h 1716 Penn Gilliland Howard A .. conductor. h 1:129 Green Gilliland Lila. housekeeper. 6,lf) Boas Gilliland \\'illiam ~I.. conductor, h 6tH Boas Gillis \\'alter A .. laborer. h 1519 Hunter Gillums Ellwood T., conductor. h fi:llj ~luench Gillums George, driver, h 935 N 7th Gillums Harry W., fireman, h 635 Muench

Boyd'. Harri.burg (G) City Directory.



11 I Z -I

.. To find a name you must know how to spell ft."

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McNeil'. PaIn !:llt.rmlnator CUret! Cbolt!la Morbus. J)yBeu1ery. CramJlll. Dlarrbc:ea, Colds, Quinsy. Rbeumatmm, Toothache. Sore Tbroat, Ape.l>JIpepsla, Ae. _ ......



Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

11 Gillums John, conductor, h 1004 N 7th == Giltums Margaret T., wid Harry M., h 1416 Susquehanna Gillums William H., conductor, h 935 N 7th _ Gilman Helen M., booksewer, h 308 Crescent ..: Gilman Mary L., wid Thomas J., h 715 N 2d 3 Gilman Mifflin F., engineer, h 1610 N 3d 1! Gilman Reuben H., baggagemaster, h 308 Crescent - Gilman Samuel M., express messenger, h 141 N 13th t= Gilmer Charles G., plumber, 618 Walnut, h do Gilmer Charles R., baggagemaster, h 1009 N 2d ~ Gilmer Clara F., h 1713! N 3d - Gilmer Frank B., plumber, h 1617 Fulton : Gilmer George W., brakeman, h 1009 N 2d a Gilmore George, cook, h 115 Tanner's av Gilmore James A., h 302 Chestnut fI) Gilmore John A., machinist, h 302 Chestnut Gilmore Marshall W., collector, h Hotel Columbus Gilner James, carpenter, h 413 State L Gilner Mary A., h 413 State r- Gilner Patrick, laborer, h 413 State Gingher Alice E., elk, 10th c Mulberry, h 201 S Front c( Gingher Bertha M., gold layer, h 201 S Frqnt Gingher Harry R., tester C. I. & S. Co., h 823 S Front ~ Gingher John R., machinist, h 201 S Front Gingher Lizzie, wid James H., h 823 S Front Gingher Pamelia, wid David, h 201 S Front Gingher Ralph R., roller, h 20 Cowden Gingher Sara E., stengr, 122 Market, h 201 S Front .. Gingrich Charles, telegrapher P. R. R., h 1158 Mulberry >- Gingrich Charles A., grocer, 1800 N 5th, h do Gingrich Elias S., agt, h 1831 N 4th A. Gingrich Fannie V., weaver, h 427 Kelker E Gingrich G. Howard, brakeman, h 1716 Fulton Q Gingrich Greely H., brakeman, h 529 Muench U Gingrich Henry N., laborer, h 1342 Penn ..... Gingrich Howard M., laborer, h 631 Peffer ~ Gingrich James A., brakeman, h 416 Harris ~ Gingrich James H., telegrapher, 7! N 3d, h 1158 Mulberry CI Gingrich Louisa c., wid Jacob S., h 1800 N 5th z: Gingrich Luella K., saleslady, 318 l\1arket, h 1831 N 4th C Gin:!"rich Nellie D., weaver, h 427 Kelker w Gingrich Samuel, elk E. & H. B. T. Co., h 329 S 14th !:! Gingrich Sarah, wid John, h 411 Delaware av Gingrich William M., brakeman, h 427 Kelker CI Ginsburg Louis, peddler, h 1506 Howard ~ Ginter Laura G., domestic, 1423 N Front Ginther Emma Mrs., h 110 Herr ~ Gioyanniello Aurelio, tailor, h 300 Boas

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f.r ACCIDBNT INIi11RANCB. loa Narr .. Seea.d .tNet. BeU 'Pbone 8111 X, or 88d X.

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Y;=V;C:: lOB POPer ODd IIndO. SbOdeS KOlA. B. TACK.N.'lJ\..

287 Gipe B. Franklin, painter, 1:!3 Cranberry av, h do Gipe Fannie M., wid Cyrus ~L, h 948 Paxton Gipe Harvey A., brakeman, h !J48 Paxton Gipe Mary A., polisher, h 1:!3 Cranberry av Gipe Xaomi, domestic, 609 Forster Gipple Albert N., dispatcher P. R. R, h :!:!25 N 6th GIPPLE 10D E., real estate and insurance, Walnut Dr 13th, h 132 Linden Gipple Samuel H., carpenter, h 13:! Linden Girvin Charles P., elk, h 224 Hamilton Girvin Ovid R, grocer, 224 Hamilton, h do Gise Annie Mrs., h 505 Kelker Gise William E., car inspector, h 15a7 Swatara Gise \Villiam H., helper, h 15:n Swatara Gitt Edward c., brakeman, h 1:0;04 N 3d Gitt Margaret, h 805 N 3d Gitt Robert S., jeweler. 1:~1I4 Market, h do Gitt Rosanna, wid Thomas W .. h ll'1414 ~ 3d Given David E., laborer, h 9:l4 S 19th Given Eliza R., wid James J .. h 7 X 4th Given Elizabeth T., elk, 10th bel Market, h 7 ~ 4th Given Erma, dressmkr, h 2008 ~ tith Given Harry R, engineer, h 2008 N 6th Given Louisa, stenographer, 222 :Market, h 7 N 4th Given Minnie M., moccasinmkr, h 211 Mulberry Given William, brakeman, h 648 Calder Givler Adam, usher P. R. R depot, h 525 Muench Givler G. Hursh, press feeder Telegraph, h 525 Muench Givler John B., brakeman, h 5:!5 :\;luench Givler Theodore, laborer, h l1:!li Cowden Givler William, laborer. h Walnut nr P. R. R Givler William F., elk P. & R. frt depot, h 518 Market Glace George, .carpcnter, h 2013 Fulton Glace Isaac M., flagman, h 606 Boas Glace Raymond \V., carpenter, h 2013 Fulton Gladfelter Homer L., lunch, Market c 9th, h 339 Harris Glancey Edward J., elk 1st Nat. Bank, h 105 Washington Glancey James A., roller, h 105 Washington Glancey Mary M., wid Michael J., h 105 Washington Glancy Annie, vestmkr, h 133 N 4th Gland Enoch S., engineer, h 819 N 3d Gland Laura Mrs., h 1411 N 3d Gland Lizzie, domestic, 113 Locl1st GIant Claire, milliner, h 41:l Harris GIant Clyde R., elk, 302 Verb~ke, h 413 Harris GIant Eber :M., laborer, h 1148 S Cameron GIant Harry M., puddler, h 116 Ann av GIant Jacob M., laborer, h 1148 S Cameron

Boyd's Ramsburg (G) City Directory

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"To ftncI a name you must lmow how to spell it."



Try a Ton of

H ,. KELLEY all CO'S BI...k D,..._de ..."'- {tt01ll1llll Id ....... o. NertII State Silo
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Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory.

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GIant James H., engineer. h n:~ Harris Glaser John, tailor. I7!!1I X 4th, It do Glaser John :\1., elk, :;111 \'crbeke, h 1720 N 4th Glaser Margaret, tailoress, h 1720 N 4th Glaser Walter, engineer, h 1720 Susquehanna Glasgow Alice C, dres'>mkr. h !!!!6 Chestnut Glasgow Minnie, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Glass Alice A., dressmkr, h ~23 S Front Glass Annie M., dressmkr. h 25 N 17th Glass Benjamin, planer, h 6:!2 Race Glass Bessie, cigar roller, h 823 S Front Glass Charles E., postal elk, h 25 N 17th Glass Delana, wid Pettr, h ~23 S Front Glass D. Webster, laborer, h 1243 Kittatinny Glass Eva, housekeeper, 25 N 17th Glass Martha j., wid John H., It Hj;15 N 7th Glass Mary, milliner, a12 :\Iarket. h 25 N 17th Glass Raymond E., conductor, h 25 N 17th Glasser Charles, 'messenger, h 422 Briggs Glassmyer Martin L., laborer, It 460 S CamerOll Glatt Morris, elk, 445 Walnut, h 608 State Glazer Daniel E., laundry, 1117 N 3ll, It 1:m3 N 2d G len Mfg. Co., (c. M. Thomson), infants' shoes, 414 State Glenn Archy D., elk dept public instruction, h 221 N 2d Glenn Chauncey D., elk, 14 S 2d, It 110 Evergreen Glenn Emma, cook, 112 State Glenn Frank W., elk, It 110 Evergreen GLEn 100 A., corp dep aud genl, Capitol, h 212 Chestnut Glenn Ora 1\1., cashier, 324 Market, h Mechanicsburg Glennen Mary, trained nurse, It 11112 Green Glennen Nellie G.; teacher, h 1012 Green Glennen Philip. blacksmith, h 1012 Green Glenney Susan Mrs., h 804 Capital (jlerkler Evo. brewer, h 327 Crescent Glessner Charles H . blacksmith, h :l:!I) S 15th Glessner Henry. h 216 Verbeke GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE, (W. & B. Strouse), 322-324 Market Gloss Franklin, shoemkr, 444 S 2d, h do Glover Beverly W., tailor, h 223 Pine (;Iover John \V .. merchant tailor, 3 ~ 3d, h 223 Pine Glover Morris E .. merchant tailor, :l ;\i 3d, h 112 Locust GOBIN' 1. P. S., Lieutenant Governor, Capitol, h The Lochiel Gochenour, see Kochenour Godscharle-; Catharine D., wid Charles D., h 1220 Derry Godshall Syl\'ester E . engineer. h 21:n N 4th Godshall, see Gottschall, also Gutshall Goetz Lena A. E., hOllsekt'eper, 1820 N 3d

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ANDREW REDMOND, ::r":!:::"~.'::::i':. {3d lId R.", Sts.

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8 TACK , ...IUI.. completoe with ft&kuw ana Wall Pa... The bee, an41o.- Prl-.

W'''_{ fOI' lie. .. 3d It.


Bold', Harri,burg (G) Cit)" Directol'J'.


Goetze Barbara E., wid Theodore C. H., h 1320 N 3d Goetze Gustave T., painter, h 262 CaltIer -Gofus John, laborer, h 11 Paxton Furnace Row Gohl Charles H., baker, h 219 S 2d -Gohl Christian F., flour, 3 Cowden, h 912 N 2d Gohl Edgar F., bookkpr, 3 Cowden, h !H2 ~ 2d Gohl Frederick Mrs., baker, 219 S 2d, h do Gohl George, baker, h 412l Spring av -Gohl Harry E., optician, h 912 N 2d Gohl Harry W., painter, h 219 S 2d -GOKL10llN P., painters' supplies, 306 Strawberry av; muter painter, 307 do, h 1418 N 2d. Gohl Mary V., bookkpr, 305 Strawberry av, h 219 S 2d Gohn Edward G., carpenter, h 23 Balm Gohn Rebecca J., domestic, 107 S Front Gcho Stephen 0., books, ~o~ X nth, h do Goldberg David Rev . h 614 State -Goldberg Edith, saleslady, 3:l4 Market, h 614 State Golden George B., agt, h 1014 James av Golden Geo. F., (Hbg C. & c. Co.), variety, 720 Race, h do Golden John, laborer, h 397 S 15th Golden ~fartin L., agt, h 1116 Green Golden Mary E., polisher, h 307 S 15th Golden Ora, charwoman, h 1720 Fulton -GOLDSJIITH ABRAHAM, clothier and gents' furnisher, 224 Jlark~t, h 708 N 8th Goldsmith Bertha M., h 310 Mulberry Gold~mith Elizabeth F., teacher, h 2fj4 Calder Goldsmith Hassinger, driver, h 2f,4 Calder OOLDSKITlI 10SEPH, upholstering and furniture, 209 Locust, h do Goldsmith Mary A. H., wid William, h 264 Calder Goldsmith Meyer, salesman, 224 Market, h 706 N 6th Goldstein Eli, shoes, 460 Verbeke, h 626 Herr Gonnella Pietro, (Rovai & Gonnella), h Harris House Good Catharine, h 1185 Bailey Good Edmund G., elk, h 43 N 17th Good George, grocer, 431 Verbeke, h do Good Jacob M., engineer, h 607 Forster Good Mary S.;nurse, 105 N Front Good Mary W. ~Irs., h 134 Linden Good Maude, stenographer, h 607 Forster Good Walter S., printer Patriot, h 326 Hamilton Good William F., bartentIer, 217 Market, h do Good William G., brakeman, h 523 Kelker Good William W., assembler, h 134 Linden Goodale Edward, adjuster, h 127 Pine Goodall George W., janitor, h (j30 Calder

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To ~ a name you must know bow to spell it."

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MoNElL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. ~.~~~:iid<jg~n~~I~:~~I~: {30S Brl.t



Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory.

11 Goodall l\laggie, wid John, h rear 5tiO SlOth ~ Goodermuth Mary Mrs., h 643 Dauphin - Goodfellow Geor!!e, mechanical engineer, h 335 11 Goodman Annie " Mrs., dressmkr, 1437 Susq, hPeffer _ K. do ~ ... Goodman Christ, baker Lunatic Hospital, h do E Goodman Eliza, wid Hiram, h 1114 Currant av :: Goodman Ephraim H., elk, 41~ Market, h iO!l N 6th Goodman Esther, h i09 N 6th t= Goodman George, brakeman, h 1112 Currant av Goodman Harry I., elk banking dept, Capitol, h 804 N 6th - Goodman Jacob, laborer, h 1437 Susquehanna ~ Goodman John A., grocer, 1::?47 ~lulberry, h ~43 Hummel Goodman Julia, wid George, h 611 Peffer : Goodman Latimer 0., brakeman, h f.ill Peffer ~ Goodman Oscar, notions, 6~ N ~d, h 408 North Goodman Rose S., bookkpr, h 611 Peffer Goodman Simon, hatter, 418 Market, It i09 N Hth Goodman William E., conductor, h 119 Balm Goodwin Dolbin, carpenter, h 1922 N 6th I&J Goodwin John F., laborer, h 140 Dock -I Goodwin Mary, bunchmkr, 140 Dock c( Goodwin Sarah, wid Thomas, h 140 Dock I&J (;oodwin Thomas L., conductor, h 211 Eyergreen C Goodwin William, machinist. h 140 Dock Goodyear Adam G., bookkpr, 7! N :ld, h 1909 do wid 1213 . I&J GGooddyear AAnna , M F:edHerick Al\:: hh 0 N ~d d 00 year una ., \VI(l arry '1.., HI H .. , 3 _ Goodyear Annie B., wid Marcus E., h 216 Reily GOODYEAR BROS., (C. JII. and 1. H.), wall paper and paint.: ing, 1249 Market Goodyear Charles ~L, (Goodyear Bros.). h 1H3 Regina a.. Goodyear Clarence H., repairsman, h 1115 S Cameron E Goodyear Clyde R., elk P. R. R., h 216 Reily C) Goodyear Daisy, waitress, 23 S 2d U Goodyear Ella, shoe operator, h 1213 N 2d - ' Goodyear Florence B., cigarmkr. h 1909 N 3d : : Goodyear Frank J., labor~r, h 17:m N ith u Goodyear George W., puddler, h 105 S Cameron Goodyear Harry J.. salesman, !l36 Che"tnut, h 407 Walnut z Goodyear John H., (Goodyear Bros.), h 1400 Market c Goodyear Lizzie, domestic, 120 Walnut .... Goodyear Martha M., wid William, h 1473 Regina U Goodyear Rowena M., cigarmkr, h 105 S Cameron Goodyear Sadie, domestic Franklin House Q Goodyear Simon \V., laborer, h 621 Mahantongo ~ Goodyear William A., special ins agt, 21 N 3d, h Paxtang Goodyear William H., ins sol, 21 N 3d, h Paxtang :;. Goodyear William J., watchman, h 1334 Maple av





lOIIlf.8_ wbent ED w G ROBERTS will goon your bond. Bell 'Phone 851.... 8or eeca:x. " bondll are ueeuted. JG.,
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A. B. TACK t:a~ 1011 POPer IIIId IIndOl_ m~~aWt:

Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directol')'. 2tl1 Goodyear William M., repairsman, h 1u5 S Cameron Gordon Edith M., boxmkr, h 439 Herr Gordon Francis H., supt, 414 State, h 118 S 14th Gordon Ira L., elk, h 1229 Wallace Gordon Joseph, cigar box mfr, 441 Herr, h 439 do OORDON DG. CO., rubber collars and cufti, 4l4Al8 State Gordon William A., salesman, 3:14 Market, h liUO Boas Gordon WilliJlm H., optician, ~:~~ Market. h 2011 Pine Gore Charles, laborer, h 133:.! Ma\'flower av {lore Frederick C, chief elk R. 1\1. S., P. O. bldg, h 1519 N 2d Gore Georgia, domestic, 21 Cowden Gore James, laborer, h 204 Mary's ay (iorey Peter, laborer, h 200 S 3d Gorgas Albert H , coffillmkr, h 60! Herr .. Gorgas Benjamin F., machinist, h 41 N 14th Gorgas E. Dale, molder, h 4.1 N 14th GORGAS GEORGE A., druggist, 16 N 3d, h 262 Forster Gorgas Jacob P., carPenter, h 130 S 13th Gorgas John E., machinist, hIS=!3 N 4th Gorgas Mary C, elk, 10th c Mulberry, h 1:!3;:; Kittatinny Gorgas Mary E., liner, h 1358 Vernon Gorgas Mary L., wid Adam B., h 1:.!35 Kittatinny Gorgas Wm. F., bookkpr P. & R. depot, h 1:.!:l5 Kittatinny Gorgas William L., cashier Hug Nat. Bank and treas Hug Trust Co., h 90! 1\ 3d Gorkes Charles, foreman carpenter P. & R. depot, h 1119 NU Gorley Charles W., cook, 23 S 2d, h do Gorman John F., blacksmith, h 87 ~ 16th Goronzik Harry, furniture, 1401 Marion, h 1321 N 4th Gorsick Evan, laborer, h 49 Lochiel 5th Row Gorsick Stephen, laborer,h 49 Lochiel 5th Row Goshorn Edward S., telegrapher, 26 X 3d. h 1231 Kittatinny Gosney James K., policeman, h 700 Race Gosney Thomas J., laborer, h 10:,!~ S 9th Goss Ida E., bookkpr, 23 N 3d, h 1431 Shoop Gothard Agnes, wid William, h 1849 Fulton Gotta Emma J., wid Solomon D., h l:t:{2 N 3d Gotta Minnie E., teacher, h 133:.! X 3d Gottschall Amos H., patent medicine. 250 Hummel, h do Gottschall Edwin H., telegrapher P. R. R., h 1317 Derry Gottschall Minnie, h 600 South Gottschall, see Godshall, also Gutshall Gottshall Elmer F., molder. h 112 Conoy Gottshall Frank E., photographer. h 408' :\Iarket Gottshall Harvey C .. machinist. h l:n j' Green Gotwals David elk adj genl's dept. Capitol, h 119 S 13th

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.. To find a name you mUst, know how to spell it."

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D~~ ~~J H.

M. KELLEY &. CO. nO,::r.'!.~ta':~

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Boyd'. Harrilburg (G) City Directory.




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Goudy Alice M., tacker, h 1602 Regina Goudy Annie K., lacer, h 1602 Regina Goudy John H., polisher, h 1U02 Regina Goudy John R., carpenter, h 1602 Regina Goudy Louisa, wid Henry E., h 1475 Regina Goudy William, laborer, h 1409 Susquehanna GoudY'William C, carpenter, h 1845 ~orth Goudy William E., puddler, h 1 Chesapeake av GOUGH HElmY W., (H.W. Gough & Co.), city controller, Tru.t Co. bldg, 222 Market, h 1401 S Cameron GOUGH H. W. & CO., carpet. and furniture, 109-111 Karket Gough Martin, conductor, h 1519 Wallace Gougler Benjamin T., baggagemaster, h 1244 Walnut Gould Christopher, grocer, 160 Sylvan ter, h do Gould George W., elk, h 160 Sylvan ter Gourlay Clarence A., aligner, h 163 N 15th Gourlay David H., assembler, h 1463 Regina Gourlay William E., aligner, h 1463 Regina Gourley.Christie, h 306 S 2d Gourley Nellie, ruler, 4 N 3d, h 124 S 3d Gourley Reuben H., salesman, h 124 S 3d Gove Nora. milliner, 312 Market, h 436 North Gower Irvin E., brakeman, h 1200 Christian Graber Jacob, laborer, h 239 State Graber Leon K., physician, 926 N 3d, h do Grady Annie, domestic, 301 N Front Graeff Herman R., shoe operator, h 1820 Derry Graeff James, carpenter, h 1229 Cowden Graf Richard E., artist, h 217 South Graff Charles, laborer, h 1910 Hickory av Graff Elizabeth R., wid Richard, h 502 N 2d Graffius Martin V., watchman, h 1226 N 6th Graham Amanda, wid Harry, h 659 Sayford av Graham B. Franklin, fireman, h 1218 Wallace Graham Charles, brakeman, h 659 Sayford av Graham Daniel H., laborer, h 1826 Swatara Graham David, huckster, h 239 State Graham Franklin 1\1., peddler, h 239 State Graham Harry H., laborer, h 601! Peffer Graham Hiram M., carter, h 1013 Hemlock Graham Hiram M., jr., catcher, h 98 Tuscarora Graham Howard C, machinist, h 804 S Cameron Graham John, watchman, h 8 S 4th Graham John C, carpenter, h Sayford av nr Cowden Graham J. Oscar, porter, 28 S 2d, h 6011 Peffer Graham Marv, wid David, h 1218 Wallace Graham Mau'de, h 104 Cowden Graham Minzie, as~t mach'st Lun Hosp, h 2023 N Cameron

~~.::S~::!~:~:'a! ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d Ind Rill, Sts.

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la18 {BID~ DOD. but fllkJaa woUmeD. beaetl 0111), JItIW 3d'" ..........SSIllIl_1'"*$of8W&

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Graham Robert, florist, 2013 N Cameron, h do Graham Samuel, porter, 22 N 3d, h 601i Peffer Graham Theodore T., repairsman, h 6 N 9th Graham William C., car inspector, h 1329 ~laple av Graham William C, engineer, h 1307i Wallace Graham William ]., h 1329 Maple av Gramberg Kate Mrs., boarding, 273 Herr, h do Gramm Calvin F., pattemmkr, h 1466 Regina Gramm Edward K., bookkpr, h 1611 N 3d 'Gramm Elizabeth W., wid Jacob H., h 1611 N 3d Gramm Elmira, wid Jacob S., h 1825 Derry Gramm George D., engineer, h 313 Verbeke Gramm Harry F., paver, h 1521 Green Gramm Harry M., machinist, h 1466 Regina Gramm Jacob A., stenographer Hbg Rolling ~1i11 Co., h 1825 Derry Gramm John H., cigarmkr, h 1611 N 3d Gramm Mabel, cigarmkr, h 2110 Moore Gramm :Mary A., wid John A., h 1019 N 7th Gramm Muriel, cigarmkr, h 2110 Moore Gramm Samuel S., conductor, h 1934 N 4th Gramm William F., baker, h 48 N Summit Gramm William G., conductor, h 2110 Moore GRAJOt'S HOTEL, George Kobler, propr, 1023 N 7th Grand Abraham. tailor, 509 Cowden, h do Grand Army RepUblic Hall, 26 N ,3d Grand Hotel, (John P. Sidle), 314 Market Grand Opera House, \Valnut c 3d GRAND UNION TEA CO., 1. H. Dowling, mgr, 35 N 3d Grandon James, elk lunch bar the Com'wlth, h do Granger Samuel, laborer, h 1630 N 5th Granger William, laborer, h 1901 Derry II Grannison Charles, teamster, h 1106 Kittatinny Grannison Edward. driver, h 436 S Cameron .0 Grannison George C, waiter, h 422 Cranberry av 13 Grannison John C. waiter, h ] 106 Kittatinny Grannison William C, driver, h 11(16 Kittatinny Cal Grant Clarence, waiter, h 322 Calder ft) Grant Edward, assembler, h :n 7 Chestnut Grant George. laborer, h 406 Cowden Grant James W., messenger. 413 1farket. h 704 N 7th Grant William, furniture, 349 Reily, h Phila. Grass Edna M., housekeeper, h 1710 N 4th Grass Henry, carpenter, h 1016 N 7th Grass John W., laborer. h 1016 N 7th Grass Maggie, wid John F . h 1710 N 4th Grass Mary H. :\irs. boarding. 414 Boas, h do It Grass Peter A.. brakeman. h 1306 \Vallace





To ftnd name you must know how to spell it."

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. Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

Grass Ralph M., plasterer, h 1710 N 4th Grass William c., fireman, h 647 Dauphin av "i: -E- Gratz John W., bookkpr, 615 Walnut, h 1228 Market _ Gratz Lizzie Mrs., h 1116 N 6th c.:a Grau Mary A., wid Paulus, h 1410 Green Grauer Blanche N., h 1839 N 6th Grauer Leon W., shoe cutter, h 1839 N 6th ~ Graul William B., hatter, h 606 South t!! Graupner Marie L., treas Hbg C. B. and B. Co., h 1005 Market == Graupner Robert, pres Hbg C. B. and B. Co., h 1005 Mkt ~ Graver Jacob, laborer, h 239 State : Gray Andrew c., janitor executive dept, h 217 Meadow la' ~ Gray Benjamin F., laborer, h 1926 Berryhill Gray Benjamin J., carpenter, h 1926 Berryhill Gray Clarence, waiter Hbg Club, h 217 Meadow la (/) Gray George Z., fireman, h 1827 N 4th Gray Ida M., cigarmkr, h 1926 Berryhill Gray Ida M. Mrs., charwoman, h 151:! Vernon ~ Gray Ira C., elk, 813 Market, h ~Iechanicsburg Gray James c., boilermkr, h 1827 N 4th Gray John 1.1., laborer, h 1926 Berryhill Gray John W., cigars, 1338 N 4th, h do Gray Katharine T., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1827 N 4th ~ Gray Mabel S., domestic, 116 Pine Z Gray Margaret, wid Charles H., h 105 K lath Gray Mary A., h 1115 N 13th Gray Mary J., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Gray i\orman D., 2d asst State Librarian, Capitol, h 202 ~ .. 2d >- Gray Philip c., fireman, h 1827 N 4th Gray Robert, waiter, h 1 Haehnlen av A. Gray Samuel, repair shop, 12 S Court av. h do E Gray Thomas A .. laborer, h IH26 [Jerryhill Gray Thompson W., canvasser, h 934 Rose av U Gray William H., laborer, h 1319 Wallace ~ Gray William H., laborer, h rear 1119 Tanner's av Gray William l\I., coat room Com'wlth, h 42:! Herr U Gray, see Grey CI Graybill Elizabeth Mrs., teacher, h 264 Forster Craybill Jacob F., driver, h 1208 Bailey Graybill John W., draftsman F. and M. Wks, h 264 Forster ~ 'Graybill Lillian, h 333 Dauphin av t;raybill Margaret, wid Jacob. h U:!(j Regina CI l;raybill Rebecca A., wid '1110mas, h 421 Herr .... Graybill, see Krayhill !:: Graydon Sarah 5 .. wid H. :\Iurrav, h :!1tI Chestnul f;rayson Anna \Y., wid John H., it l:!~ S 2d


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A .... lde.'. Lt._lilt,. . . . . . . . . "II. . I ..._~ 108 Rort_ S - 8t. Bell 'Pholle 861 X. or 6IUI L
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Wall Paper and Window Shada. {u::~~~::... Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory. 29;)

Grayson Maud P., teacher, h 125 S 2d Grayson :r-;athaniel G., c. S. N., h 12{, S :!d .. Grayson Rebecca .M nurse. h 125 S 2d Grayson William C, laborer, h 125 S 2d Greager Minnie E., h 402 N 3d GREAT ATLANTIC AIm PACIFIC TEA CO., Sherwood E. Ferry, mgr, teas, butter, &c., 1014 N 3d Great China and Japan Tea Co., 72:i ~ 6th GREAT SOUTlIEU DESPATCH, 401 Chestnut ..J Greek Mary, wid Linus, h Front ab Seneca , Greek Otis C. conductor, h 644 Peffer Green Alfred. laborer, h 1704 E Walnut Green Ahl'l' A. ~lrs., stengT. 27 S 2d, h Shepherdstown .. Green Ananias. houseman, h 5U5 South Green Andrew, laborer, h 1828 Hickory av a Green Anna. h 56:3 Forrest aGreen Arthur, laborer, h 213 Cranberry av ... Green Augustus, laborer, h 12 Cowden ;: Green C Anderson, coal, It 440 South !" Green Cecelia J., wid Wilson T., h 1521 Swatara !:: Green Charles, laborer, h 140-1 James ;:;:I Green Charles, window cleaner, aa4 Mkt, h 1704 Walnut :r: Green Charles A" laborer. h :n3 Cranberry av ~ Green Charles H. A., waiter, h 426 S t a t e ! : i Green Clara, wid Charles, It -128 Cranberry av :r: Green Clarence L., laborer, h 1;46 York av Green Columbus \V., laborer, h lion Cumberland :.Green Daniel W., musician, h 1842 Hickory av g Green David. laborer, h 213 Cranberry av ::;:: Green Ella M., bunchmkr, h 1110 K 1th Green Eltv, laundress. h 117 Cowden _ Green Fannie Mrs" laundress, h 124 Liberty _ Green Florence E., drcssmkr, h Hilli Derry :iii :.Green Florence V. E., waitress, h 124 Liberty _ Green Francis L., h 1842 State ~ Green Francis L., jr., elk, 330 Market, h 1842 State _ Green Frank ~I., draftsman, h 10:!; S Cameron " Green Gabriel \-V., carpenter State Arsenal, h 1845 Herr en Green Harriet, domestic, l1:n N lU 9 Green Havs, laborer, h 21!o' S 2d :=. Green Heiuy, laborer, h 1238 Cowden ::r Green Hoover H., painter, h Hal \Valnut """4 Green Isaac, laborer, h rear 109 Tanner's av Green James, laborer, It 213 Cranberry av Green James, painter, h 1229 Cowden en Green John A., molder, h 1468 Zarker .... Green John B., fireman. h 211 ~ lath Green John C, janitor, hI::!::! S 1-1th

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'"To find a name you must know how to speD it!'

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--OUR a..t c-J.MOTTO_ r. ...........

lH M KELLEY & CO .118111 11"... ata. Nort!l3d It,....


~ Green John D., laborer, h 122 Short ...,



BOJd'a Harriabug (G) City Directol'J'.

Green Joseph, bellman, h 512 Brown av Green Joshua, laborer, h l:m Liberty -= Green Josiah W., laborer, It 345 S Cameron Green Kate, domestic, 518 Market Green Katie E. Mrs., h 228 Charles av -= Green Laura D., skiver, h 1H42 State Green Levi, oysterman, 314 Market, h 437 State :! Green Lillie 1\1., forelady, h 1842 State :: Green Magdalena, wid George, h 656 Cumberland Green Mary, laundress, h 117 Cowden Green Mary :Mrs., h 514 Brown av Grecn Mary E., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1842 State I&J Green Mary 1., wid Christ, h 122 Short Green ~ancy A., wid Charles, h 604 South av Green Xelson T., musician, h 1844 Hickoryav Robert B., S Cameron I&J Green Robert \V., elk, h 10"26102ti S Cameron Green laborer, h Green Rolland c., waiter, h 514 ~ 5th Green Ruie, h 512 Brown av Green Samuel, laborer, h 3:!7 S 14th Green Samuel B., laborer, h 646 York av Green Sarah :M., domestic, ;j54 Primrose av Green Susan, wid Lexington, h 11'i44 Hickory av Green William, foreman, h Hershey House I&J Green William, laborer, h 1131 N ill Green William F., paperhanger. h 1156 Derry Green \\-'illiam \V., waiter, h 640 Primrose av Greenabaum George B., laborer, h 6:!4 Delaware av Grcenabaum George W., yardmaster P. R R.. h 1728 N 6t& i:::5 Greenawalt Annie 2\1., wid Lorenzo L.. h ]23:5 Kittatinny >- Greenawalt Edwin J., money order elk P.O., h 130 Walnut :; Greenawalt Harry J., engineer. h 16]8 Green _ Greenawalt Jeremiah K, h 130 Walnut ~ Greenawalt Jeremiall K., jr., sec and treas Harrisburg ~ Steam Heat and Power Co., h 130 \Valnut ~ Greenawalt Julia A . wid Jacob, h :!:!4 Locust - Greenawalt Mary F., trimmer, "27 S :!d. h 1618 Green ~ Greenawalt M. Howard, draftsman. h 114 Locust .... Greenawalt Regina c., h 130 Walnut :; Greenawalt Samuel \V., engineer, h 185ti Swatara ~ en Greenawalt Thomas A., conductor, h 435 S 16th t:i Greene Charles A., laster, h 217 Herr :: Greene Frank J., salesman, 326 :l\1arket, h 219 S 13th ~ Greene John R., cigarmkr, h 217 Herr Greene Samuel A., painter. 217 Herr, h do c:a Greenewalt Harry c., elk State Treasury, h 14 S 4th c:; c,:, .::ireenfield Charles R., pipe tester, h 1120 N 6th ------------ ----------


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ANDREW REDMOND. {3d ud Rilly Stl.

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A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger, {I21r::.. ay=~trMt.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (G) City Directory. 297

Greenfield Frank H., baker, h 217 Verbeke Greenfield Lillie, wid Irwin, h 606 Boas Greenour Emma L., wid John, h 1421 James Greenour George, molder, h 2001 Penn Greensleigh Samuel, laborer, h Whitehall nr Walnut Greenstreet William, mgr, 622 Maclay, h do Greenwald Francis c., inspector, 227 Walnut, h 1618 Green Greenwood Ralph H., engineer, h 1535 N 6th Greer Cyrus G., h 2021 Swatara Gregor Harry, ironworker, h 108 Nagle Gregory Frank B., sec P. R. R. Y. M. C. A., h 1806 N 5th Gregory Henry, h 1019 Green Gregory William H., salesman, h 1019 Green Gregory William S., adv agt, h 1019 Green Greider Christian S., buyer, 19th bel Derry, h 1 S Front Greiner Sarah, domestic, 1101 Market Gremisholtz Mary J., press feeder, h The Central ~ Grey Benjamin F., head waiter Com'wlth, h 424 Herr Grey Eli, barber, 405 State, h 414 Walnut Grey Lewis, machinist, h 32 S 2d Grey Robert, waiter The Com'wlth, h 1 Haehnlen av Grey, see Gray Gribbins Bertha, domestic, 211 Locust Gribbins John H., !aborer, h 1106 S 9th Gribbins Mary A., wid Hugh, h 1106 S 9th Gribbins William, laborer, h 1088 S 9th II Gribble Jennie, domestic, 407 N 2d .,0 Grier Annie L., press feeder, h 250 Liberty 0 Grier Charles H., painter, h 1811 N 5th 13 Grier Emma, cigarmkr, h 1811 N 5th Grier ~farv, waitress, 23 S 2d Grieshaber Emma, h 915 N 6th Grieshaber Johanna. wid ~Iax, h 915 N 6th Grieshaber Joseph A., elk Dauphin Dep Bank, h 915 N 6th Griest Frank S., upholsterer, 212 Mulberry, h 316 Chestnut GlUBST W1LLIAJ[ W., Sec Commonwealth, Capitol~ h TIre Lochiel Grieves Leroy S., laborer, h 1439 Vernon Grieves Robert, laborer, h 1439 Vernon It Grieves Roscoe. laborer, h 1439 Vernon Griffee Catharine L., bookfolder, 4 N :ld. h 614 Boas Griffee George J., pipe bender, h 1611 Fulton Cal Griffev Ada C, twister, h 1115 Bartine av Griffe~ Charles, shearsman, h 715 Showers av Griffe)' Lillie M., quiller, h 1115 Bartine av Griffev William, laborer, h 1115 Bartine av Griffin George F., blacksmith, h 834 S Cameron .. It Griffin Harry P., fireman, h 1614 Susquehanna

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"To find a name you must mow how to spell it."

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McIEIL'S PAil EXTERMINATOR ~uWo:~~~~:recs~l {~'\.!'.:..


Griffin Henrietta, wid Alexander, h 126 Liberty ::; Griffin John T., caller P. R. R., h 411 Muench :. Griffin Sarah, wid John, h 418 l\larket --;; Griffith Alice 1\1:., milliner, h 633 Woodbine =.~ Griffith Annie, domestic, 904 N 2d :. Griffith John 0., bridge builder, h 23 N 5th Griggs D. Henry, boilermkr, h 129 S 2d c.:J Griggs Gertrude E., cigarmkr, h 104 Dock 1! Grigsby Lillian K., wid Edward, h 230 Muench .(!!! Grim Elijah L., (Reliable Art Co.), h U. S. Hotel Grimes Daisy M., teacher, h 147 Balm II Grimes Dora V .. shoe operator, h 147 Balm , Grimes George W., laborer, h 1627 Park l Grimes Gertrude 1., coater, h 147 Balm :; Grimes Henrietta, wid James S., h 147 Balm Grimes James L., machinist, h 147 Balm Grimes W. Lloyd, barber, h 147 Balm (/) Grimm Martha A., wid William 0., h 27 S Summit Grimm N. Lester, elk, 153 N 4th, h 27 S Summit I&J Grimm Sarah c.. stengr, 101 Market, h 27 S Summit .....I Grimm Stella M., teacher, h 27 S Summit . Grimwood Sarah c., wid William H., h 228 Liberty I&J Grimwood William H., brakeman, h 39 N 12th Grinage Thomas 1160 S Cameron Q Grissinger Annie,W., laborer,hh1204 Penn dressmkr, I&J Grissinger Daniel H .. boilermkr, h 1432 Green Grissinger Jennie, nurse, h 1204 Penn Grissinger John D., watchman, h 1400 Penn Grissinger John W., elk, 11 N 3d, h 26 SlOth _ .. Grissinger Rankin c., baker, h 211 Herr z: Grissinger Samuel c., postal elk. h 1412 Derry ~ Grissinger Susan, wid Levi, h 26 SlOth E Grissinger William B., boilermkr, h 26 SlOth Griswold John K., molder, h 1249 Bailey ~ Groce James E., carpenter, h 116 Linden ..... Grodske Harry, salesman, 510 :\Iarket, h Lansford -c Groeszlin Adolph, butcher, h 120 Sayford av Groff Abram L., sec F. and M. Works, h Derry c 27th .c:::a Groff Christian c., repairsman, h 1505 Penn z: Groff Edna E., music teacher, h Derry c 27th -c Groff Edward, cigarmkr, h 1118 ~Iontgomery .... Groff Edward L., elk, 222 Market, h 202 Reily ~ Groff Emma C, housekeeper. 9H4 S 21st Groff George E., barber, 103 S Cameron, h do CI Groff George M., h 256 North ~ Groff George W., student, h Derry c 27th - Groff Helen E., saleslady, 223 Market. h 1118 Montgomery ~ Groff Jacob B., carpenter, h 503 Cumberland


BOJd's Harrisburg (G) City Directol'J.




Tile ADlert............ CempRDJ'. Baltimore. Md.

Jl:OW. 8. aOBBa... . General Agent Central Penna. Dlatrict. 108 II SI. Bell' Phone 851 X. er IlKS X.
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{lfl6 Ronb miMI.


Boyd's Harrisburg (G) City Directory.

Groff Jacob G., patternmkr, h 1143 Derry I Groff John. bricklayer, h 1~25 N Camerun Groff Katherine E., trimmer, 6 S 2d, h 94 Tuscarora Groff Leander L., grocer, !J:!4 S 21st h do I Groff Maggie, wid William D., h 1523 N 6th Groff Peter, laborer, h 94 Tuscarora Groff Peter J . brakeman, h 94 Tuscarora Groft William, fireman, h 439 SlOth Groh Sarah]., wid Simon, h 1416 Wyeth av Groner Martha A., wid John, h 3:n Calder Groninger Charles E., brakeman, h 1511 N 6th Groninger Edna c., telephone operator, 210 Walnut, h 1511 N 6th 1ft. Groninger Edna J., weaver, h 412 Herr Groninger Josephine, watchwoman Lunatic Hospital, h do Groninger Mary, domestic, 1925 ~ 6th Groninger Rose A., wid Stewart, h 1511 N 6th Groninger Sarah, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Grosh Alice E., wid Charles R., h :Wi \ erbeke Gros;; Alice, h 32.3 Kelker Gross Charles F., civil engineer, h 13;;0 State Gross Charles W., elk, 222 :\lulberry, h 119 S 2d GROSS EDWABJ) Z., recorder, Court RouBe, also druggist, 119 Karket, h 23 N Front Bee adv ~ Gross Harry, driver, h 120 :\lary's av ~ Gross John W., laborer, h 29 Lochiel 3d Row Gross Margaret J., wid Jacob, h 228 Chestnut .. Gross Morris, grocer, 4aO Walnut, h 428 do Gross Samuel, mgr, 3 N 2d, h Grand H o t e l : : Gross, see Groce ~ Grove Abram, (A. Grove & Sons), h 1314 N 6th ~ Grove Andrew, laborer, h 2:}9 State ~ Grove A.& Sons, (A., ]. K. and M. M.), cigar mfrs, 458 g Verbeke !5. Grove Bertha, dressmkr, 616 Calder, h do Grove Catharine, forelad), h 401 Kelker ~ Grove Charles, laborer, h 1605 S Cameron 'i Grove Daniel J., baker, h 135 Evergreen en Grove Edgar G., conductor, h 2030 N 4th 0 GROVE GEORGE H., architect, 213 Walnut, h Hummelstown S Grove Howard M., fireman, h 220 Harris =r Grove Irwin c., fireman, h 523 Peffer -t :r Grove Jacob F., salesman, 460 Verbeke, h 401 Kelker Grove James H., janitor, h 424 Muench Grove John K., (A. Grove & Sons), h 1314 N 6th Grove Lizzie, domestic, 1519 N 6th Grove Martin A., teacher, h 229 Briggs Grove Mary A., wid John, h 2030 N 4th


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"To find a name you must know how to speD it."

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H. II. KELLEY & CO .. COAL AND WOOD {OUlcea: :c::.L-:



Boyd'. Harrisburg (G) City Directory.

~ Grove Michael M., h :Maple Grove Hotel

~ ~

~ Grove Morgan M., (A. Grove & Sons), h la14 N 6th

Grove Sarah, wid William, h rear 4.1:1 State

:::c Grove Simon H., engineer, h 510 Filbert

Grove 'C. Grant, machinist, h 5;!9 ~Iaclay Grove Wells C, leverman, h 1508 N 5th Grove William, bartender, 21 Cowden, h 14.08 N 3d CD - Grove William E., trucker, h ~130 K 4th :: Grove William H., cigarmkr. h 42U ~orth ~ Grove William \V .. baker, 135 Evergreen. h do .~ Groves Lucv 1\1., domestic. 111a K :M . ~. Groves Wiliiam, laborer, h 205 ~ectarine ~ Grozz Martin, brewer. h 26 Lochie1 3d Row .w Grubb Anna, domestic. ~()1 K 2d a:: Grubb Edward R.. brakeman. h 6:l4 Verbeke ~ Grubb Elizabeth V., dressmkr, h 324 Crescent C Gruhb George C, elk, h 512 Hamilton ~ Grubb Ida, dressmkr, h 324 Crescent W Grubb John D., brakeman, h 62G Calder .> Grubb Leonard L., conductor, h 113 Capital c..:i Gruhb Nancy J., wid Perry, h 626 Calder _ Grubb Percy L., teacher, h 713 Capital .c::a . Grubb Sue A., wid Foster, h 512 Hamilton ~ Grubb William H., laborer, h II!);! ~ 7th ..... Gruber Andrew, brakeman, h 2140 ~ 6th Gruber Catharine, waitress, 19 S 2d, h do C Gruber Edwin, laborer, h 122T ~ 7th t: Gruber Fannie S., trimmer, h 8t.I8 East 2 Gruber George M., (Gruber & Black), h 1944 Korth ~ Gruber John, laborer, h 2 N 9th A. Gruber John H., shoemkr, 1639 Fulton. h 1116 Bartine av ~ Gruber Joseph, h 11118 Fox av ~ Gruber Katie Mrs., h 1075 S 9th ~ Gruber Mary, wid Michael, h 2140 N 13th a: Gruber l\Iary A., wid John G., h 808 East ~ Gruber Raymond C, laborer, It 2 N 9th ffi Gruber William, laborer, h rear 560 SlOth ~ Gruber & Black, (G. 11. Gruber and G. W. Black), contrac~ tors, 1914 State II! Grumbein Elizabeth A., milliner, 334 Market, h 918 N 6th ZJ Grumbine James C, ironworker, h 15 X Cameron Grunden Mary, domestic, 34 N 2d Grunden Percival E., elk, 119 Market, h 352 S 13th 1.1 Gruver Ellen, domestic, 26 S 3d II Gruver Harry c., elk, h Chestnut nr 13th JD Guarin Edward P., foreman, h 1205 N 6th .,Z Guenther Emil. foreman. h 202 Verbeke ~C Guenther Pauline ]., wid \Vi11iam, h 202 Verbeke


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ANDREW REDMOND, Hc;.;:;r;,~"W::d ~io~'i:~. {3d .Id Rilly SfI.

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B T'lel,~ Public aalldla.. I.IPial.-TI.... {lIlt". 3d11M. -IIAICE. A 'NOIAL" N II '.11.... '1 StBoyd'. Haniaburg (G) City Directory. SOl

Guessler Glarles, bridge builder, h 5114 Xorth Guier Lula B., domestic, 16111 N 3d Guiesinger Walter, mgr, 300 .Market, h 327 Chestnut Guiles Catharine, wid Ulysses B., h 215 Hummel Guiles Charles H., pressman, h 1102 N 2d Guiles Christiann, housekeeper, 215 Hummel Guiles Eva 0., saleslady, 35 ~ :!d, h 215 Hummel Guiles Isaac W., h 215 Hummel Guilfoyle Patrick, laborer, h 646 Woodbine Guinnivan Daniel, foreman, h 705 X tl'lth Guinnivan Guy A., machinist, h 705 X 1Hth Guinnivan Thomas W., machinist. h 705 X 18th Guise Clara C, housekeeper, 241 Muench Guise Harry A., painter, h 1917 Elizabeth av Guise Jacob, laborer, h 1730 Fulton Guise John B., laborer, h 628 Delaware av Guise Mary A., wid William E., h 241 Muench Guise William E., painter, h 411 Woodbine Guistwhite Andrew C, conductor, h 236 ~luench Guistwhite Frank M., salesman, 330 Mkt, h 116 Cumberland Guistwhite Lizzie E., h 23 N 5th Guistwhite Luther, boarding, 3 ~ 4th, h do Guistwhite Marion F., stenographer, 236 :Muench Gully Ecward E . laborer, h 435 Kcl~ er Gully James R, laborer, h 4::5 Kelkt:r Gully John H., laborer, h 435 Kelker Gully Nadel D., flagman, h 2:) S lath Gully Thomas R, molder, h 435 Keiker Gum Morgan T., h 228 N 3d Gummo Edward W., ironworker, h 1011 Hemlock Gummo Edward W., jr., laborer, h 1011 Hemlock Gumpert Charles R, conductor, h 417 Kelker Gumpert Charles W., actor, h 417 Kelker Gumpert Harry S., engineer, h 408 Strawberry av Gumpert Harvey M., actor, h 417 Kelker Gumpert William B., salesman, 440 Market, h 1720 Green Gumpher Esther, hemmer, h 1635 Susquehanna Gumpher H. Wesley, bra~eman, h lS!{2 N 7th Gunderman Lawrence, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Gunderman Lulu, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Gundrum Eliza, domestic. ;~09 Walnut Gushard Harry. brakeman, h 4~2 :\farket GtI~S Effie K.: circssmkr. h lil:> Harris Gutelius Ellen L .. saleslady, 28 N 2d, h do Gutelitts S. lennic, notions. 2R N 2<1, h do Guthrie James ~L. jr.. woodworker, h I!)!).! X 6th Gutshall Alice M., domestic, 928 N 3d Gutshall Charles, car cleaner, h 622 Calder




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To Bod a name you must mow how to spell it."

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McNeW. Pain Estermln.tor eUreII Cholera Morbilli, Dyaentery, Cram.., Dlarrhooa, Colds, QuinBY, Rheumatism, Toothache, tloreThroat, Alue, DYBpepala, &e. ........


Gutshall Daniel C, salesman. 3:!4 ~Iarket, h 1400 N 6th Gutshall George F., blacksmith, h 1400 N 6th _.- Gutshall William ~1., laborer, h 161H N 4th =- Gutshall Wilson, blacksmith, h ufln N 6th - Gutshall, see Gottschall, also Gottshall, also Godshall i Guy Hunter D., car inspector, h 633 Mahantango Guy \VilIiam, fireman, h :!0311 Fulton ~ Guyer Jacob H., ins agt, 9 S 2d, h 266 Calder f!! Guyer Ralph c., elk, h 266 Calder Guyer Walter L., bookkpr, h 266 Calder Guyer, see Geyer



Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.






~ Haak William. mason, h lO:~9 S 22~ Haas Albert, laborer, h 1613 Regina Haas Bertha L., weaver, h 1325 Susquehanna av Haas Charles A., brakeman, h 2133 N 4th Haas Conrad, h 925 S 19l ~ Haas Cora V., milliner, h 1313 North Haas Emma L., weaver, h 1325 Susquehanna c( Haas George E., expressman, 15 N 3d, h 1805 Market Haas Harry, brakeman, h 1519 Penn L Haas Harry A., brakeman, It 1318 Penn Haas Harry J., baker, h 1325 Susquehanna Haas Harry W., laborer, It 1614 Hunter av Haas Henry M., basketmkr. 1315 ~ 3d, h 1325 Susq Haas Horace E., cab driver, h 510 North .. lIaas Janles A., veterinary surgeon, 230 South, h 115 do >- HAAS 1. FREDERICK, Grape Hotel, 559 Race, h do : ; Haas J. Frederick, jr., plumber, h 559 Race a. Haas John A., letter carrier, h 909 N 2<1 E Haas Samuel B., watchman, h 1313 ~orth Haas William F., dyer, h 1006 N 3d U Haberstroh Helen, housekeeper, 228 South ..... Haberstroh Julius, nurseryman, h 228 South ~ Haberstroh Katharine, bookkpr, 1300 N 3d, h 228 South u Hackenberger G. Alfred, brakeman, h 1979 N 7th Q Hackenberger George H., foreman, h 651 Dauphin 2 Hackett George E., h 1115 N 3d . : Hackley Amelia, wid Fred, h 814 James av ...., Hac-hnlen David V., frog planer, h 605 Boas U Haehnll!n Edward W., upholsterer, 106 S 2d, h 1905 N 4th Haehnlen Frederick A., salesman, 615 Walnut~ h 1140 Q Jonestown rd ~ Haehnlen James W., elk, 29 N 3d, h 150 Linden Haehnlen John R., motorman, h 1340 Penn ~ Haehnlen Lottie R.. teacher, h 1l~ S 2d


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Par ODd IIndOl a.a Irora A. B. TACK....t\r.

303 Haehnlen Louis F., Delle \"tte Graper)" Belle Vue Wine Co. and Belle Vue Xurseries. Hollv bcvond limits Haehnlcn :Mary, wid William P., h i1:! S :!d Haehnlen Sophia, h 1108 K :!d Haehnlen William H., laborer, h 150 Linden Haerter Harry U. G., bookkpr, :!22 Mulberry, h 103 Filbert Hafer Edward E., V. S. N., h 144!t Vernon Hafer John lJ., laborer, h 1H 7 N 4th Hafer William E., engineer, h l.J.4H Vernon Hafer William E., jr. turner, h 144!t \'ernon Haffley J. Homer, elk P. R. R., h !n~ X lith Haffner, see Heffner Hagan James, messenger insurance dept, h 10 N 2d Hage G. ~Iarie, h 605 X Front Hage Hother B., (Litch & Hagc), h 605 ~ Front Hagen Lizzie, h 1:!1I Conoy . Hager William, laborer, h 111:3 S !tth Hagerman George F., bookkpr. !I S :!d, h New Cumberland Hagerman William. salesman. 11114 N 3d, h New Cumb Hagey ~latilda. domestic. :!:!4 Reily Hag)' Hattie, domestic, 1201 X :!d Hagy Joseph M., fireman, h 442 SlOth Hag}' Morris W., brakeman, h 474 S Cameron Hahn Annie il., domestic, 104 Verbeke Hahn Christina. wid Frederick, h 248 Crescent Hahn Elizabeth, wid Frederick, h 1850 Swatara Hahn Herman F., elk, 20~ Walnut, h 2221 N 3d Hahn Mary M., h 248 Crescent Hahn M. ~1atilda, h 915 N ~d Hahn Sophia, wid Thomas, h 9:!5 Bartine av Haifleigh Anna M., h 1115 Green Haifleigh Caroline B., stengr, 210 Walnut, h 1337 Penn Haifleigh Elizabeth. wid Rev. Jesse, h 1115 Green Haifleigh Isaac, watchman, h 1337 Penn Haifleigh Kate E., teacher, h 1115 Green Haifleigh Katherine G., stengr, 14 S 2d, h 1337 Penn Haigh Joseph W., brakeman, h 1330 N 6th Hain Annie L., wid Henry F., h 1833 Derry Hain David, ironworker, h 152 N 15th Hain Galen, dentist, 701 N 6th, h 703 do Hain George, carpenter, h 431 S 13th Hain Grace M., tel operator, 227 Walnut. h 431 S 13th Hain Harry B., stengr Court HOllse Annex, h Progress Hain Jacob, teamster, h 185~ Berryhill Hain John L., postal elk, h 19 N 17th Hain Landis, elk, h 431 S l~th

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.





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RAm WUJTAX ., lawyer and pres Highspire Water Co., 306 Karket, h 808 N 2d


e: a. en


"To find a name you must mow how to spell it."

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~:r H.II. KELLEY & CO. 'S ~~~:!=~.:~.~ Uo':r.:.\~"=:



Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

Haines Augustus, puddler, h 132 Dock Haines Augustus, jr.. laborer, h 1at Dock "'a Haines Charles, engineer, h 255 Liberty "- Haines Charles C, barber, 5 ~ 3d, h 113 South ~ Haines Charlotte, wid Harvey, h 160ai N 3d .c Haines John, blacksmith, h 107 Tuscarora Haines Joseph, laborer, h 132 Dock z Haines Laura J. Mrs., dressmkr, 113 South, h do m Haines Lewis So, engineer, h 1937 N 7th Haines Lydia, wid William, h 1241 N 11i J!!.- Haines Margaret, wid Richard, h 1510 Logan av _ Haines Patrick, lineman, h 435 Walnut ~ Haines Thomas, laborer, h 1510 Logan av .. Hake Alfred, cigarmkr, h 10 S Cameron Hake Bertha M., music teacher, 10 S Cameron .. Hake Erma, housekeeper, 10 S Cameron c! Hake Harry, elk, h 440 North ~ Hake Oscar, news agt P. R R depot, h 10 S Cameron .. Hake W. Eugene, salesman, 1300 N 3d, h 440 North Halbert Edward, elk, 6 N 3d, h 206 Herr Halbert Ellen, wid Robert S., h 924 N 2d Halbert Harry, laborer, h 621 Herr Halbert William C, elk, 3d c Walnut, h 924 N 2d &&.I Halbleib Caroline K., wid John Jo, h 1315 James Halbleib Harry Ao, flagman, h 17:l3 Fulton Haldeman Albert G., foreman, h 1014 S Cameron :i Haldeman Caroline R, wid Jacob, h The Commonwealth ! HALDEIIAlI DONALD Co, lawyer, Trust Co. bldg, 222 lIar=: ket, h 219 S Front oS Haldeman Edward M., lawyer and notary, 222 Market, h ... 107 N :ld Haldeman Edward So, laborer, h 112 Dock Front I&J Haldeman Elise E., h 219 S h 112 Dock Haldeman Filmore, helper, l- Haldeman Margaretta C, wid Richard J., h 219 S Front I- Haldeman Robert R. h 207 Hummel l&I Halderman Daniel Ho, engineer, h 1304 Wallace It Hale B. Frank, paperhanger, h 129 S 3d Hale Claude, laborer, h 320 Verbeke Hale George L.. tinsmith. h 22 Balm Hale Lewis Ho. butcher, h 129 S 3d Hale Mamie, domestic Hershey House Hale Nora, domestic, 1612 Green It Haley Francis Ho, puddler, h 33 Lochiel3d Row l&I Haley John To, laborer, h 1611 Derry Haley Thomas, laborer, h 1611 Derry Haley Timothy]., conductor, h 1611 Derry Halfey Albert. cutter, h 715 Cowden


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> o

ANDREW REDMOND, .f:""!!::::d':::::. {3d .Id Reily Sts.

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B ylCK ,!tll"d... complete with Fl&SUIea and 1'rlD&eB for.IIiG. { N.lel8 Wall P"per. The bee$and loweat WI. . . " 34 at.

Boyd'. Ram.burg (H) City Directory.

Halfpenny William, conductor, h 624 Boas Hall Allen, h 58 Balm Hall Amanda, wid Samuel S., h 205 Calder Hall Annie E., laundress, h 122 Cowden Hall Annie M., charwoman, h 507 South av Hall Bertha M., clk, 7 N 3d, h 205 Calder Hall Blanche E., stengr, 7 N 3d, h 205 Calder Hall Cfiarles H., h 1202 Market Hall Charles H" laborer, h 58 Balm Hall Clifford c., laborer, h 1808 Elizabeth av Hall Damel W., milk, 37 N 16th, h do Hall Edward, laborer, h 1152 S Cameron Hall Ellen, wid Henry, h 1239 N 11} Hall Frances Mrs., h 616 Dauphin Hall Frank, stengr dept Int Affairs, h 108 Walnut Hall Frank J., clk Hbg Trust Co., h 324 N 2d Hall George F., janitor, h 313 Forster Hall Harry, laborer, h 35 N 5th Hall Harry F., conductor, h 205 Calder Hall Harvey, laborer, h 234 S 15th Hall H. Newman, foreman, 1402 Vernon, h 154 N 15th Hall Jnin, helper, h 2002 N 4th Hall Jsaac c., porter, h 122 Cowden Hall Jacob R., cleaner, h 616 Dauphin Hall John A., engineer, h 1805 N 5th Hall Tohn F., cab driver, h 37 N 16th Hall John P., laborer, h 12.1) Short Hall John T., bill poster, h 58 Balm Hall J. Porter, flagman, h 1202 Market Hall Leonard, waiter, h 320 Calder Hall Mary A., dressmkr, h 125 Short Hall Mary E., domestic, 125 Short Hall M. Grace, h 324 N 2d Hall Nancy J., wid Ralph. h .u3 Filbert Hall Nelson, driver, h 175 Indian av . Hall Percv, lahorer, h 58 Balm Hall Robert, brakeman, h 2012 N 7th Hall Robert, driver, h 424 State Hall Robert, driver, h 1115 N 11} Hall Samuel F., laborer, h 122 Cowden Hall S. Rav. cleaner, h 535 Peffer Hall Thomas, barber, h 122 Cowden Hall Viola. domestic, 320 Calder Hall W. Herbert, laborer, h 94a Paxton Hall William H., hostler. h 535 Maclay Hall William I., cleaner, h 2002 N 4th Hall, see Haul Haller Daniel, laborer, h 8 N 9th



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" To find. a name you must !mow how to speIllt.C

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Boyd" Harrisburg (H) City Directory. ..: 306 .. Hallcr Edgar M., machinist, h 30S S 2d ~ Haller John E., laborer, h 1209 N 11i Hallman Henry T., elk aud genl's dept, h 820 ~ 6th =- Hallman John P., salesman, 1014 N 3d, h 138 Balm ~ Hallman Levi, laborer, h 138 Balm ! Hallowell Harry, laborer, h 35 N 5th a Halpern Henry E., mgr, 4:14 ~Iarket, h 515 Cowden 1! Halsey Harry, steelworker, h 1119 Wallace :: Halter Fiania Mrs., (Hartzell & Halter and Stevick & Co.),. h 1313 N 3d 21 Halterman John II., engineer, h 1620 N 4th I Hamacher J. Irwin, electrician, h 1215 N 6th Hamacher Sue M., wid Abraham, h 1215 N 6th : Hamaker Fannie E. Mrs., h 21IS Kelker ~ Hamaker Harrison H., laborer, h 650 Woodbine Hamaker Jennie, domestit;, 725 State Hamaker John R., brakeman, h 650 Woodbine Hamaker Kate, wid Jacob, h 312 Hummel Hamaker Laura P., nurse, h 650 Woodbine I&J Hamaker, see Hammaker .J Hambright Charles E . elk P. R. R., h 50il Calder C( Hambright C. Howard, elk P. R. R., h 624 Peffer I&J Hambright C. Keesey, h 1712 N 5th C Hambright Horace K., fireman, h 1811 Penn Hambright Walter n., brakeman, h 1712 X 5th I&J Hambright Walter R.. oiler, h 505 Calder Hamer Albert At, mgr, 20 N 2d, h 1212 cia _ Hamer Allison C. hostler, h rear 1411 N 3d Hamer Carrie, domestic, 421 Bvas . : Hamer Della W. Mrs., seamstress, h 137 S 3d : : Hamer George \V., foreman, h 421 B<.'as A. Ham('r Mary J., housekeeper, 421 Boas E Hamcr William K., (W. Hamer & Son), h 149 Paxton c:a Hamer William 1\1.. (\V. I-lamer & Son), h 1100 N 2d U lIAItER W. & SON, (William . and William X.), meat market, Indian av cRace ~ Hamersly William H., physician. 225 N 2d, h do u Hamill Andrew J., fireman. h MO Boas CI Hamill Edward J., helper, h 209 Reily ;IE Hamill Grace, ciganukr, h 139 Ann av C Hamill Harry E., elk P. R. R., h 264 Cumberland &w Hamill James R.. nail feeder, h IJ!I Ann av U Hamill Kate, wid Madison, h G4fl Boas Hamill Marne G., saleslady. :tW l\1arket, h 623 Boas Q Hamill ~lartin. nail feeder, h 139 Ann av ~ Hamill Pearl B., saleslady, 326 Market, h 623 Boas Hamill Robert S., conductor, h 623 Boas ~ Hamill Roy B., draftsman, h 208 Reily

lIe.EIL'S COIIPLEXIO. PILLS. :"i:l:iJ~d1c~~~&~~~ {306 Broa'

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wmgoon)'ourbond. lC18 EDW G ROBERTs bond. are ezeeuted. Bell 'Phone 85: X, or . . L


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A. B. TACK t:.~::t II PODer and 11nd0i

sa. ;W:Yt:

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

Hamill Sylvester F., conductor. h 208 Reily Hamill William S . elk P. R. R.. h 208 Reilv XAKU.TON A. BOYD, JR., city editor Telerlaph, h 315 Walnut Hamilton Albertus A., h 30 SlOth Hamilton Alexander, fireman, h :m SlOth Hamilton Alice M., domestic., 211) Pine Hamilton Amanda. wid William, h 111;{ Cherry av Hamilton Arthur 0., bookkpr, l!1th c Derry. 11 Pen brook Hamilton B. Wallace, physician. 315 Walnut. h do Hamilton George W .. driver. h Hi311 :\ 4th Hamilton Harry C. mgr. 14 K 2d. h 1Ii41) ~ 3d Hamilton Harry Q., hostler, h 2:m State Hamilton Harry S., salesman, :l26 :\Ikt. h :\Iechanicsburg XA'MU,TON HUGH, physician and surgeon, 3U; Walnut, h do Hamilton Isabella, wid John, h j1l3 Korth Hamilton Isabella M . wid A. Boyd. h The Bolton XA'MU.TON 10D, sec Department of Agriculture, Capitol, h 206 Locust Hamilton John A., conductor, h Uill-t \\'allace Hamilton John R., painter, h 321 Kelker Hamilton John R., jr.. elk, h :~21 Kelker Hami.1ton John \V . driver. :n~ 1Iarket, h :l:!O Strawberry av Hamilton Lizzie ~I., student. It a!!1 Kelker Hamilton Louis, laborer. h :n1 Briggs Hamilton Louis J .. laborer, h 1:~116 Currant av Hamilton Mary W., h :W8 K 2d lIAIlILTON NAUDAIN, real estate, 222 IIarket and 1401 Naudain, h 3 N Front Hamilton Xelson C, conductor, h 1m3 Dauphin av RAMIT.TON TROnS H., architect, 409 Market, h 103 Evergreen RAMIJ,TON THOnS P., reporter Telegraph, h 208 N 2d Hamilton Thomas W., salesman, 222 Market, h 2ns N 2d Hamilton William, engineer, h 118 Hanna Hamilton William, laborer, h 554 Primrose av Hamilton William B., machinist, h 559 Woodbine Hamilton William 8., postal elk. h 11 j S 13th Hamlett Julia. waitress, h 624 Briggs Hamlin Kate H., wid James F .. h 2128 N 6th Hamlin LuRhette, optician, l'Il1l X :{d, h jlln do Hamlin Ralph, draftsman, h 214 Pine . Hammaker D. Edward, blacksmith. h 20n9 N 7th Hammaker Jacob, laborer. h 1f1{i!} Moltke av Hammaker Jacob C, packer. h 211111 Forster Hammaker James A., brakeman. h 641 \Voodbine Hammaker Joseph A .. warehouseman, h 2100 Forster Hammaker William S., h 61:l Forster ----------------

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'"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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M. KELLEY & CO. {lct'~t.f.'1:'

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i ~~~~ml ~~MI~t~mr , ~~m~t~

1212 North 3d Street, Harrisburg, Pa.
~~R:~~~~~~i~:-W ANDREW
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Hammaker, see Hamaker Hammelbach Daniel, machinist, h 606 Forster Hammelbaugh Charles F., bar elk The Lochiel, h 134 S 3d .... HAJDlELBAUGH D. DANIEL, sec School Board, 123 Chest. nut, h 1437 B 2d ..: Hammelbaugh George B., elk, 208 Walnut, h 1423 N 2d '" Hammelbaugh Katharine G., teacher, h 1437 N 2d ~ Hammelbaugh Mary A., wid Philip J., h 1437 N 2d t! Hammer George H., flagman, h 607 Walnut _ Hammersla Qyde L., baker, h 226 South : . Hammersla Joseph, salesman, 117 S 2d, h Lamoyne :: Hammond Edward W., cashier, 227 Walnut, h 619 N 18th - Hammond John W., expressman, h 216 North ~ Hammond Lydia A., wid Isaac, h 263 Briggs ::> HAJDlOND WILLIAM B., (Hammond & Bailey), h 180911 1&1 F-ront ~ HAMMOND & BAILEY, (W. B. Hammond and Edward L.. Bailey), general insurance, 22 B 2d L Hamor Robert F., 'car inspector, h 135 Linden ... Hamp Margaret, housekeeper, 507 Calder Hampton Charles, laborer, h 1323 Bartine av Hampton Charles Z Hamsher Ella M., S., laborer, h 1323 Bartine av housekeeper, h 434 Peffer Hamsher John W., foreman, h 434 Peffer Hamsher Mary E., teacher, Z Han Maria, h 1533 N 6th h 434 Peffer Hanawalt Catharine M., dressmkr, h 523 Muench I&J Hanawalt Edgar A., machinist, h 523 Muench Hanawalt Elizabeth M., h 523 Muench Hanbert Harry ]., fireman Lunatic Hospital, h do Hancock Emma c., h 1001 Berryhill Hancock Ora, charwoman, h 624 Briggs ;; Hand Charles B., foreman, h 28 N 10th .. Hand Lydia, wid Harry H., h 26 N 10th :: Handiboe Edward, laborer, h 215 Barbara av &&I Handiboe Elizabeth, wid John, h 215 Barbara av ::: Handiboe Helen, candymkr, h 215 Barbara av ~ Handiboe William, helper, h 215 Barbara av :z: HUDLER BARNHART, upholsterer and carpets, 121211 3d, !:j h do see adv

= ==


Boyd'. Harriaburg (H) City Directory.




REDMOND. {3d aDd Reily Sts.






Cor. Briggs In~ COlden Sfs. ~ To find a name you must know how to spell ft."
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Hantzman Grace C, dressi'llaker, h 631 Forster Hantzman John, molder, h 1521 Derry '.- Happersett \Varren D., fireman, h 1113 Montgomery I Happle Charles W., laborer, h 1997 N 7th ~ Happle Elliott E., brakeman, h 512 Maclay :;; Happold Joshua, salesman, h 138 S 2d ~ Harbold Alfred, ins sol, h 1714 N 3d l! Harbold Ella, wid William, h 424 Kunkel av Harbold Jesse, blacksmith, h 640 Calder Harbold John M., laborer, h 2(131 Kensington Harbold Lillie C. Mrs., h 1308 Market . Harbson Frank, watchman, h 549 S 1Uth :; Harden David W., laborer, h 218 S Court av ~ Harden George, laborer, h 218 S Court av Harden Minnie Mrs., housekeeper, 524 West av Hardenbergh Charles H., messenger aud genl, h 304 Boas (/) HARDENBERGH EDWIN B., auditor general, Capitol, h II: The Lochiel Harder Frederick G., machinist, h 617 X 2d Harder Isaac, watchman, h 5:n Violet av Harder John E., knitter, h 5:n Violet av Harder William D., repairsman, h 5:n Violet av c( Harder William P., salesman, I:JOO N 3d. h 422 Hamilton II: Harding John E., repairSt11an, h 725 State Harding Simon J., salesman, h 17N l:lth Hardt Charles W., civil engineer, h 125 Pine Hardy Andrew, molder, h 1225 Cowden Hardy Annie ::\1., wid John, h 23 S 2d Hardy Francis M., laborer, h 1132 S 9th _ Hardy L~lcetta R., h t 18 State ~ Hare Glarles W., brakeman. h 1:104 \\"allace, c Hare Charles W .. laborer, h 1137 :Vlarket ~ HARE HENRY M., Hotel Hare, 421 Walnut, h do E Hare William F" cooper, h ~u S Cameron Hargest John J., trucker, h Front c Division ..... Hargest Thomas S., (l-Iargest & Hargest). h 1:!:!6 Derry c Hargest William 1\L. (Bargest & Hargest), h 113 Reily HARGEST & HAllGEST, (Thomas S. and William M.), u lawyers,222 Market Q Hargleroad Cam W., machinist, h :12:1 Hummel Harkelrode Elizabeth, wid Benjamin, h 426 North .... Harkinson Frank S., carp~nter, h 2141 ~ 4th u Harkness Harn'. elk, Hotel Russ, h do - Harlacher J. \,'"i11iam, layer out, h lItHH S 11th Q Harlacher Leila 1\1.. trained Ilnrsc, h If):j Fiib,rt ~ Harlacher l\Iargaret A., wid Charles, h If)5 Filbert Harlal'ller :\Ian' (>" h til;) Filbert Harlal'ller l\linilie :\Irs .. ice cream. 1211:1 Cowden. h dtl




Boyd's Harriaburg (H) City Directory.






-= = EDW


Afleldenl, LI III'~ B..... Bnller I 108 lIor,1I B - " B,. Bell 'Phone 851 X, or 684S X.
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Wall Paper and Window Shada. {l.~:..:~t~J.h 311

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.


Harlacker John C. grocer, 17 ?\ :ld, h ~m K 2d Harlacker Ralph B., electrician, h 801 N 2d Harlan Frames. wid \\illiam, h 5HU Camp Ha'rlan Louisa M.. saleslady, :l:!fl :yrarket. h ;;1;0 Camp Harland Michael A., blacksmith, h :n8 Briggs Harley Josephine ~Irs., h 711! ~orth av Harling I"~lward F .. repairer. h 21!l7 ~roore Harling Frederick A .. car impector, h li:lO Woodbine Harling Percy. fireman. h 1410 K mh Harling Samuel D .. repairs man. h 1:!24 Wallace Harm Amelia A., h :!:!7 Crescent Harm Barbara, wid Leonard, h 12:~:1 Bailey lIAlUI BROS., (Herman and Frederick 1.), coal, wood and sand, 286 S Cameron Harm Frederica l\lrs .. h 2:!7 Crescent Harm Frederick J., (Harm Bros.), h 43 Balm Harm Herman, (Harm Bros), h 114 Balm Harm Paul, elk, 440 Market. h 2:!7 Crescent Harm William, laborer, h 17M :\Iarket Harman Curtis F . brakeman, h :!4115 ~ lith Harman David W., foreman. 211) Walnut, h 1829 N 3d Harman Ella, domestic, 215 Verbeke Harman Harry E., brakeman, h 1!j28 Wood av Harman H. Wilson, barlJer, 14:!7 1'\ Gth, h 1501 do Harman Jacob, carpenter, h 15:1II Derry Harman Morris G., engineer. h un5 Hunter av Harman Oscar J., conductor. h lIn7 Huntt:r av Harman vViliiam H . adv agt, h :1111'< Boyd av Harms J. Henry Rev., h 15:!5 t;reen Harner Amy R.. stengr, 2!1 ~ :!d. h 118 Evergreen Harner Charles M.. fireman. h liill Boas . Harner Florence, saleslady, a:{4 Market, h 118 Evergreen Harner John. court crier. h 1417 N !ld Harner john B., salesman. h 1411 Green Harner John l\rs . notions. 1417 ~ ad, h do Harner John T., carpenter, h 60S ~I uench Harner Ruth, domestic. 1611 Susquehanna Harner Sarah M., wid William H., h 118 Evergreen Harner, see Horner Harnish Amm., coachmkr, h 211S 1'\ 15th Harold Alfred A., laborer, h 118 Muench Harp Frederick, laborer, h 1905 ~ Cameron Harp Henry, laborer, h Hth ab ~laclay Harper Alfred J., switchman, h 170:l~ ~ 4th Harper Edwin, patternmkr, h 11!l Cumherland Harper George H., coremkr, h 11:l Cumherland Harver Georg'e VV .. lahorer. h 1!l4S Kensing-ton Harper John H . cabinetmkr. h 11!l Cumberland

:II , I


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-. To find a name you must know how to spell iL"

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-OUR a..tCoal.MOTTO_ tbutWeIPt.


lH M KELLEY~' CO ,l1Ot11ud 3d alnlt. Jl Nerth r.. Ufo lila.. a.


Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

~ Harper John H., plumber, h 1:U1 !\ 2d a: t; Harper Sadie A., forelady, h 1703! ?\ 4th c::a Harper William E., laborer, h 300 Boyd av a: Harrington Elizabeth B., wid 1-Iordaunt L., h 111 S Front Z Harrington John, carpenter, h 218 S :!d ~ ::z:: Harrington Mary, h 234 Cranberry av c::a Harris Abraham, bricklayer, h 467 S Cameron Harris Alexander E., laborer, h 1:n5 Howard en Harris Benjamin, laborer, It 716 Aortlt av _ Harris Charles, driver, h 404 Cranberry av _ Harris Charles E., brakeman, h 1408 N 7th ::> Harris Charles L., hostler, h 671 Briggs Harris Dallas T.,_laborer, h 1104 S Cameron ... Harris Edward F., cigarmkr, h 600 Showers av Harris Edward H., driver, h 600 Showers av Harris Ella 1\1., quiller, h 17ao Logan av LLI Harris Ellen C, wid J. Porter, h Hi:!8 Green Harris Francis, laborer, h ]~25 William HARRIS FRANK G., state treasurer, Capitol, h 723 N 6th Harris George, fireman, h 1211:1 Cowden Harris George J., cook, 21 S Front Harris George W., laborer, h 1730 Logan av Harris Harriet, wid Charles, h (;71 Briggs Harris Harry B., real estate, 14111 Derry, h 150~ Vernon LLI HARRIS HERBERT F., lawyer, N 3d c Karket, h 1158 Kulberry lIARRIS HOUSE, Rovai & Gonnella, propn, 20 N 3d Harris Jacob R .. conductor. It ;;:l~ Maclay Harris Tames, laborer, h 12118 N 12th DE Harris Jane R., shirtmkr, h 1104 S Cameron :5 Harris Jesse, waiter, h 104 Christie's av ~ Harris Tohn, laborer, h 24 N llth :; HARRis 1. PORTER & SON, (W. Domer), upholsterers, 17 ~ S 2d Bee adv ..... Harris Katherine E., wid Wiiliam. It l:l S Front :. Harris Leo F., upholsterer, h t'23 ~ 6th ~ Harris Lewis, drh'er, h Briggs nr 7th c::a Harris Lizzie. d<"I1It'stic. 1(;11 X 2d ~ Harris Minnie. domestic, 221 State ~ a: Harris Minnie c., dressmkr, h 519 South





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& SON, UPHOLSTERERSAI' llfIetlrln If Anl.p, al.dl." P.r1lr SUIIs, DIt.... ellena, c:..In, Ie. No. 17 SOUTH SIitCON D STREET.
..... Dealen In B.... and Enameled Bedsteads, Cribs, Bed-Springs and Featben and Down, carpets and Matting&.




REDMOND. {3d I.~ Reily Sis.




A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger J

{12Ir::.. a;~:~tMe.

Boyd'. Harrilburg (H) City Directory.

Harris Xathan N., helper, h 1223 Bailey Harris Philip E., laborer, h 133 S 2d Harris Rose A., ironer, h 600 Showers av Harris Sallie L., h 117 S Front Harris Samuel H., boots and shoes. 1909 X 6th, h do Harris Samuel M., brakeman. h 2118 K 7th Harris Samuel R., elk, 1923 }; mit, h do Harris Sarah R., wid Robert, h 207 Hummel Harris Sdena, domestic. 2111 X Front ft Harris Stella S., domestic, 5U~ X 2d ., Harris W. Domer, (J. Po'rter Harris & Son), h 1(;28 Green .. Harris William, attendant, 4th c Xorth, h do Harris William, grocer, 1923 }; (jth, h do Harris William, laborer, h 333 Calder Harris \\"illiam, laborer, h 1104 S Cameron Harri~ William H., bellman, h 418 Cranberry av Harris William H., laborer, h 1aU, Howard Harrisburg Academy, J. F. Seiler, princ.ipal, 405 ~ Front I Harrisburg Academy of ~ledicine, 319 X 2d Harrisburg Advertising Co., Arthur C. Young. mgr, 9 S 3d lIARRISBURG AlO) STEELTON COAL AlO) LUKBER CO., _ Henry Geisel, jr., mgr, rooms 3-4-5, 213 Walnut Harrisburg Auxiliary Fire Alarm Co., George Roberts, sec and mgr, 15 S River av ., lIARRISBURG BOARD OF TRADE, W. A. Hiester, sec, 112- .. 114-116 Karket II: HARRISBURG BOOT AlO) SHOE MFG. CO., LTD., 1402 to 1428 Vernon, C. A. Disbrow, pres and mgr; 1. A. Heck, ,,: treas ~ Harrisburg Boot, Shoemaking and Repairing Co .. (A. Bos'-': chelli and A. Acri) , 923 ~ 3d Harrisburg Bottling Works, (Max P. Johnson), 26 Grace av .., Harrisburg Bridge Co., Willard S. Young, sec. 22:l Market Harrisburg- Brokerage Co" ~F. A. and A. S. Smith), mdse brokers. 229 Pine Harrisburg Burial Case Co., 10th bel ~Iarket lIAllRISBURG BUSINESS COLLEGE, (lohn E. Garner), 322 )[arket ., HARRISBURG CARPET CO., (H. G. Heyd), 321 Market II' Harrisburg Cemetery Association, room 8, 32 N 3d ... Harrisburg Cigar Co., P. A. Keppel, supt. 5011 Race ~ Harrisburg Cit~' Passenger Railway Co., William L. Gor- ,-" gas. treas, 27 S 2d .., Harrisburg Cleansing and Dyeing Co .. 105 S 2d ~ HARRISBURG CLUB, R. C. Neal, pres; Edward 1. Bilton, supt, Front c Market Harrisburg Collar and Cuff Co., (W. G. Starry and G. F . ' Golden), 720 Race



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To find a n.lme you must know how to spell it."

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McNEIL'S PAil EXTERMIIATOR ~fi~lor:':::e=~~~;~l. {808"'l..!~d.



Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Direotory.

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Harrisburg Conservatory of Music, 607"}'; 2d HARRISBURG CONSUllERS' BREWING AND BOTTLING CO., Robert H. Graupner, pres and genl mgr; Marie L. Graupner, treas; George R. Koenig, v-pres and see, Market, 10th and Chestnut HARRISBURG CUSTOM SHIRT CO., lohn R. Rote, pres; F. L Padgett, v-pres, 322 Market HARRISBURG CYCLE AND TYPEWRITER CO., Harry C. Ross, pres: Charles E. Covert, treas; W. R. Denehey, see; typewriters and supplies, 25 N 3d Harrisburg Dairy Co., J. H. Ziegler, mgr, 1004 N 3d HARRISBURG DIRECTORY OFFICE, (W. H. BOYD CO.), 32 N 3d, room 8 HARRISBURG FLOUR SACK J(FY., (J(. H. Hartman). 461 Verbeke HARRISBURG FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, 7th 0 Curtin Harrisburg Gas Co., F. Asbury Awl, treas, office, 27 N 3d HARRISBURG GROCERY AND PRODUCE CO., W. L. Powell, mgr, wholesale grocers, 222 to 230 Mulberry Harrislmrg- Harness and Saddlery Co., (Harry B. Beard), !l07 l\f arket HARRISBURG HOSPITAL, E. Z. Gross, seo, Front 0 Mul~ berry Harrishurg Knitting :Mill, (W. H. Shaefer and P. H. Lame\'), mfrs men's half hose, 2145 K 7th HARRISBURG, LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER CO., E. Z. Wallower, pres; offioe, 153 N 4th; stations, 4th c South, 9th 0 Walnut . HARRISBURG J(ANUFACTURING AND BOILER CO., 1. A. A1Ileok, pres and mgr; S. F. Dunkle, v-pres; H.1. Forney, treas; R. G. Cox, seo, 19th 0 Derry Harrishurg Match Co., Edward Moeslein, pres; B. F. Eby, sec and treas, 7th c ~chuvlkill Harrishurg Metal Works, (Samuel O. and \ViIliam S. Reel), hrass founders, ~l-5 Chesapeake av Harrisburg Kail Works, (Paxton Iron and Steel Co.), 223 Market HARRISBURG NATIONAL BANK, 16 S 2d see adv HARRISBURG NEWS AGENCY, (C. A, Steinbright and Frank L. Krause), all daily and Sunday Philadelphia, New York, Pittsburg and Baltimore newspapers, retail, 422 Market; wholesale, 226 Chestnut Harrisburg Oil \Vorks, \Vm. :\lc.\doo, mgr, Paxton c 9th Harrisbltrg Optical Co., Harry C. Ibach, mgr, 26 N 3d HARRISBURG PAPER CO., (Robert H. Swartz), 114 S 2d
Til. Amerl".n Bondi (1_ ;" Baltimore. Md. BOW. G. KOBBaTH, General Agentt:entral Penna. District. 103 S. lid .,. Bell 'Phone 851 X. or 61M3 X.
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Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

HARRISBURG PIPE AND PIPE BENDING CO., 1. Hervey Patton, pres; W. T. Hildrup, jr., IeC and treas; D. E. Tracy, genlsuptj pipe and coil mfn, Herr clOth HARRISBURG PLANING lIILL, (Daniel D. Boas est), 2d nr Vine Harrisburg Public Library Asso., Hon. J. W. Simonton, pres; L. O. Foose, sec; W. K. Alricks, treas, 1:!5 Locust HARRISBURG PUBLISHING CO., 8 N 3d see adv Harrisburg Pure Food Co., T. E. Stephenson, mgr, grocers, 268 Verbeke Harrisburg Real Estate Agency, (K. K. Oyster). 33 N ~d Harrisburg Roll Grinding and Corrugating Co., T. F. Newby, mgr, 42:~ South HARRISBURG ROLLIliG KILL CO., R. C. Neal, pres and treas j C. E. Covert, sec j mfn of skelp iron, Lochiel HARRISBURG RUBBER TIRE WORKS, (I. W. Dill), rubber vehicle tires, Mulberry c Crescent HARRISBURG SAVIliGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, 10hn C. Wensell, genl mgr, 12 N 3d see adv HARRISBURG SCHOOL DISTRICT, offices, 121 and 123 Chestnut Harrisburg School of Engineering, 14 S 2d HARRISBURG SILK: KILLS, (Pelgram & Meyer), Charles Soleliac, mgr, North c 2d HARRISBURG STEAM HEAT AND POWER CO., William lennings, pres; 1. X. Greenawalt, jr., sec and treasj T. Adams, supt, 126-128 Short Harrisburg Stock Yard, H. W. Spahr, supt, 2139 ~ 7th HARRISBURG STONE WORKS, (lohn Black), 17th c Mulberry see adv Harrisburg Storage and Transfer Co., opp P. R. R. freight depot, T. L. Wallace, mgr HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH, Harrisburg Publishing Co., 8 N 3d see adv HARRISBURG TITLE CO., real estate, 222 Market, room 4 HARRISBURG TRACTION CO., Edward Bailey, pres j Wile liam 1. Calder, sec and treas, 12 S 2d HARRISBURG TRADING STAIIP CO., Frederick W. Yingst, gen! mgr, 101 N 2d c Walnut

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Operating under State Banking Department. Shares sold ~ under a Definite Contract. New ~ Series iesued each month.


Hom~ Offloe. No. 12 North Third Street.

Full information at the Office.


GUnol C. FORIEY, Presids.t.

J. C. WEiSELl, 8. .11 luapr. ~ "To find a name you must know how to spell it."


H. M. KELLEY" CO COAL AND WOOD {OIleS: :o:.-='L"'=:

316 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

t; BARRISBURG TR.AISFER CO., T. L. Wallace, mgr, P. R R.



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freight depot HARRISBURG TRUST CO., 16 S 2d lee adv BARRISBURG UNDERWRITEB.S' ASSOCIATION, W. C;' Armour, sec, 4: N Court av HAJUUSBURG WATER AND LIGHTING DEPT, Edmund ](ather, pres, Court House Harrisburg Wheel Club, 107 N 2d Harrison Albert, laborer, h 424 State Harrison Annie Mrs., h 3U4 ~Iulberry Harrison Edward D., laborer, h 1618 Walnut Harrison Elmer S., elk, h 119 S Dewberry av Harrison Ida, cigarmkr, h 515 Cowden Harmon Jacob, h 515 Cowden Harrison Joseph F., salesman, 434 Market, h 515 Cowden Harrison Lewis I., elk, 6! N 2d, h 502 Cowden Harrison Ralph F., laborer, h 1618 Walnut Harrison William H., car inspector, h 1629 Wallace Harrison William H., jr., candymkr, h 1629 Wallace Harro Albert, repairsman, h 634 Calder Harro David, laborer, h 2209 Berryhill Harro Frank J., repairsman, h 1529 Wallace Harro Howard H., foreman, h 664 Calder Harro Salinda, nurse, h 152 Sylvan ter BARRY D. D., cigan and tobacco, 3d c Walnut, h 1517 N 2d Harry George M., mgr,3d c Walnut, h 1517 N 2d Harry James B., music teacher, h 1602 N 5th Hart Anne E., wid Franklin, h IOU S Cameron Hart Annie, domestic, 530 Peffer Hart Bernard H. Rev., h 419 Maclay Hart Charles 0., driver, h 312 Cherry av Hart Cornelius H . laborer, h 1078 S Cameron Hart Ella L., h 807 N 2d Hart Emma, cook, 117 Reily Hart Ethel M., seamstress, h 1629 Regina Hart Harry N., laborer, h 1076 S Cameron Hart James, laborer, h 1234 N Cameron Hart Job, elevatorman Capitol. h 1629 Regina Hart John. laborer, h 1234 N Cameron HART LANE S., pres Fint National Bank, pres Commonwealth Trust Co., h 400 N 3d Hart Lane S., jr.. h 809 N 2d Hart Mary Mrs., domestic, 44 Lochiel 4th Row Hart Peter, laborer, h 416 Cranberrv av Hart Salome. wid William B., h 807-N 2d Hart William F., blacksmith, h 1118 S Cameron Harter Aaron H., engineer, h 49 N 16th Harter LeRoy,~~ndycto~~~ h 4~ ~ !~t~_ ~

ANDREW REDMOND, 1I.~;:'~W:!d ~::'~oi::.. {3d Ind Rilly Sts. CoogIe

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Boyd'. Harriabnrg eH) City Diredory.


Harter 'Nallar4:l lahorrr"h,t9 N J6th Hartman Bnrbar~% E r,Irs" h 1312 Fnlton Hartman Carroll E" firemarL h 315 Kelker Hartman Charles R', laborer, h 1080 S 9th Hartman Charles B., upholsterer, h 447 S 13th Hartman Cornelius W., craneman, h Seneca nr 6th Hak"tI%laa E~:Jward 11., h 14 N Cameron Hartman Frank B., baker, h 1067 S Htll Hartman Grace, teacher, h 447 S 13th Hartmaa Gurney L., laborer, h 1031 S 9th lIARTllllUl G, WILLIS, physitJian and surgeon, 1207 B 3d, h da Hartman Harry A" motllrman, h 11144 S Cam<SZl'on Hartman Jacob R., (Morsch & Hartman), h 803 N 3d Hartman Jerry J., painter, h 513 Xluench 1hz-tIlian Jrssie R., teacher, h 447 S 13th Hartman John E., baker, 1067 S h do Hartman John H., agt, liyery, Blaakberry nv, h 442 Walnut Hartman John H., machinist, h 14 N Camenm Hartman John M., tanner, h 135 N, lOth Hnrtrnan IVlaurice H., (IIbg Flour Sack :\Hy.), h Middletnwn HertmaH Pnrker, bllker, ];;;11 N 3d HARTl4A1!T PAUL A., pbysi<sian, 514 l\T 3d, h da Hartman Rufus A., grocer, 1729 N 4th, h do Hartman William E., brakeman, h 1506 N 4th Hartmisr J. FraHk, pressman Patriot, h rear 1114 Capital Hart!lett Jnhn, brakeman, h 42..9 Hnrf Hartranft H. Hnward, slllecsman, It 2:30 N 2d Hartranft Tacob R, fireman, h 53 N l:Jth Hartranft Wiison H., h 230 N 2d RARTSWICK HOWARD D., first ust state li~rarian, Capitol, h 601 BrigglS Hartwkk ~A,nnin A,~ snle!lady, 225 h 102 Tu~;c~krora HlSrtvdck Chnrl<ss VI., gauger~ h 119 Ccmoy Hartwick Edward, operator, h 102 TUlclcrrora Hartz Adam, bartender, 324 Verbeke, h 1411 Penn Hartz Adam, laborer, h 1417 Wyeth av ~;~~ 1:liccs. 'l'~.I.~rvid. ::119 ~tr2a~~;b~r~~1 av Hartz Hartz Hartz Harta Harta Fietta. Wl'aver. h 11:' Cllades as Francis, laver out. h ~18 S 2d Frank, sand Ratter. h U~:?2 Eartine av l'rederick, plumber, h 1230 ~, Front J:ac<lb, lahor<sr, h 1417 vVydh aa

~~~~:: ~i~;:~~= ~:: J~:z~~~~'9 t-i~~,S 1:1~ S 13th


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"To find a name you must know how to spell ito"

igil ed I ' r' U

Colds, Quins" Rbeumatlsm, Toothache, Bore ThroM, Ape, D"pe.... Ac. _ 1I11III.

McNeil'. Pain P.xlermlnator euree Cbolera Morbup, Dyaen1ery, Cramp!!. Dlarrbcea,



Boyd'. Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

11 Hartz l.ewis. sand flatter, h 112 Olarles av ~ Hartz :\larv R., clrc!-.slIlkr, h 1411 Penn Hartz Sam'uel. engineer, h 21~ S 2d .. Hartz Samuel, laborer, h 1322 Bartine av ~ Hartz William, laborer, h 1510 N :Jth ..: - Hartzel }Iahalon, conductor, h 1400 Yemon ~ Hartzell Amanda ~lrs., (Hartzel! & Halter and Stevick & l! Co.), h 131:J N 3d tf! Hartzell Annie, watchwolllan Lunatic Hospital, h do _ Hartzell Charles, brakeman. h 645 Woodbine ~ Hartzell Charles \', Rev., h 116 Vine iii Hartzell Christ, laborer, h 112:; Wallace : Hartzell Clara E., cigarmkr, II 451 S !!d ~ Hartzell Daniel B., labVl'er, h 1313 Maple av Hartzell Jacob S., urakeman, h IUS1 :'\ 7th (/) HartzeH John H., fireman, h 236 S 14th Hartzell Lort:'nzo F., hrakeman, h 15t1U \Vallace Hartzell wid George O Hartzell Martha J., brakeman, hL., h 1501i N 6th \V.' Elton, 1414 Wallace Hartzell \Villiam B., urakeman, h 13W Wallace Hartzell & Halter, (A, Hartzell and F. Halter), milliners, c( 1:-U:{ N ~ld Hartzler Henry B., editor, 201 N 2d, h 1701 do field I- Harvey Charles W., Rev" sec, 16 N 2d, h 1463 l\1arket Harvey Charles W. h 2143 N 4th Harvey George W., laborer, h 725 Showers av Harvey Gwin lVI., elk aud genl's dept, Capitol, h 619 Briggs Harvey Jennie B., wid Frank c., h 619 Briggs Harvey John c., sec and treas Charles L. Bailey & Co" Inc., ~h 106 South z: Harvey John ]., h 2143 N 4th ~ Harvey Mason 1'.1., brakeman, h 280 Union av E Harvey Thomas J., laborer, h 1930 Kensington Harvie J. Donald, laborer, h 121 Cranberry av U Harvie Ronald N., laborer, h 121 Cranberryav - ' Htfrvson Frank P., switchman, h 549 SlOth ~ Haselet John S., hostler, h 302 Muench u Hassenbacher Minnie ~Irs" h Herr nr 15th Q HASSETT 1lAURICE ]1[. REV., St. Patrick's Catheclral, h 21t z State c Hassler David B., laborer, h 1827 Logan av ...., Hassler Eli M., snpt Reservoir Park, h do u Hassler Elmer, printer. it The Central - Hassler Gilbert H., elk sec com'wlth, Capitol, h 810 N 2d Q Hassler Hervey G., repairsman, h 110 Tuscarora ~ Hassler Ida S., music teacher. h Reservoir Park Hassler Jacob E., carpenter. h Reservoir Park ~ Hassler J. Elmer, bookbinder, h 311 Market

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fer ACCIDBNT UrliURANCB. 108 N ..... 8 __ d Itreet. Bell 'Pbone 8111 X, or 88d X.
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~;=~IOIP\JD8r OIldDdOISb.IrOIA. 8. TACK, ..'Il\..

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory 319 BASSLER SAlIUEL F., physician, 22 If 4th, h do; oSee houn, 7 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. Hasson Elizabeth, h 1301 Wallace Hasson Harry M., flagman, h 1301 Wallace Hasson Samuel A., flagman, h 607 Cumberland Hasson William H., conductor, h 1301 Wallace Hastings Herbert S. Rev., h 309 N Front Hastings H. "V., teamster Lunatic Hospital, h do Hatcher Catharine, wid Thomas \f., h 3Hi Boas Hatchett Bruce, waiter, 826 N 3d Hatfield Annie, wid William R., h 1311 N Cameron Hatfield Emma, dressmkr, h 230 !\ C9urt av Hatfield George W., laborer, h HIM Herr Hatfield Joh~ D., laborer, h 605 N Cameron Hatfield William D., fireman, h l;n N Cameron Hatpole Charles, s.tone cutter, h 138 S 2d Hatter Hamilton, waiter, 314 Market, h 605 South av Hatton John M., salesman, 3nH Market, h 320 Crescent Hatton William H. D. Rev., h 1602 N 5th Hauck Alfred B., fon-man, h 1209 Mulberry Hauck George J., puddler, h 1019 S 9th Hauck Harrison H., heater, h 436 Market Hauck John G., cooper, h 2139 Greenwood Hauer Alice M., domestic, 587 Showers av Hauer Annie E., wid John ~L. h 113 N 4th Hauer Ellen M .. dressmkr, 43 N 13th, h do Hauer George W'o h 113 N 4th Hauer Harry W., fireman, h n:J :-..r 4th Hauer J. Edward, plumber, h 603 North Hauer Marie c., stenographer, 227 Walnut, h Lebanon Hauer Mary E., elk, 4 N Court av, h 113 N 4th Hauf John T., machinist. h 2:~4 Muench Hauk John R.. barber, 932 N 6th, h !lIS do Haul Robert H., driver, h 1115 N 111 Haul, see Hall Haupt Charles. laborer, h 1104 N 6th Haupt Harry H., barber, 662 Verbeke, h 1230 N 7th Haupt Lester A., brakeman, h 125 Chestnut JlAUSE NATHAN E., chief clerk Auditor General's Dept, Capitol, h 1111 Green Havens John B., fireman, h 634 Verbeke Haverstick Mary L., wid Benjamin L., h 719 N 2d Haverstock Annie, domestic, 228 Harris Haviland Clarence S., elk, 1226 N 3d, h 1608 do Haviland Edward, brakeman, h 1104 N 6th Haviland George M., elk, 1226 N 3d, h 1608 do Haviland Miles B., engineer, h 1608 N 3d Hawk Clarence R., shoe cutter, h 3:17 Harris



"TQ fiDel a name you must know how to spell it."

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H MKELLEY GIl. BI 01....... w __ {',0111_ Id....... D. CO'S ...k Mirth s .......


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Boyd's Harrilburg (H) City Directory. ..; 320 CD ~ Hawk David B., carpenter, h 1129 Capital Hawk Frank M., shoemkr, h 1510 Drummond av "a Hawk Isaac, laborer, h 345 Harris Hawk James B., carpenter, h 337 Harris to- Hawk Mary E., cigarmkr, h :~37 Harris ..c Hawk Robert, laborer, h 4~ Linden ~ o Hawk Sarah B., cigarmkr, h 337 Harris Z Hawk William J., plasterer, h 1331 Howard C Hawkins Ear.:>, domestic, 1;':!4 \" ernon Hawkins Harriet, wid James, h 1524 Vernon HAwxms lAKES D., funeral director, 300 Cumberland, h 1: 251 do i= Hawkins Nancy, wid Archibald A., h 1107 Capital .:- Hawkins Phoebe H., h 1107 Capital ;; Hawkins William, driver, h 94:1 Paxton Hawman Charles H., fireman, h 1736 N 3d -- Hawn Alfred M., postal elk, h 140 N 13th Haworth Hannah J., wid Jolm, It 2110 N 4th _ Haworth James 0., mgr, au N ~d, h t110 N 4th IE: _ Hawthorn Ferney It, painter, h 601 Herr Hawthorn Franklin ]., salesman, 334 Market, h 601 Herr - Hawthorn Harry J., brakeman, h 1711 Green Hawthorne James W., baggage master, h 121 Cumberland ..... Hay Charles L., machinist, h 421 Harris Hay John ,"V., physician and druggist, 1402 N 3d, h do IE: Hay Luther P., salesman, 1:l011 N 3d, 11 1402 do Ii Ha'yberger Charles, laborer, h 946 N 7th ! Haybourn David E., engineer, h a34 Peffer Hayes <.-narles E., jobber Lunatic Hospital, h do ~ Hayes Eliza Mrs., domestic, 3:J7 S Cameron .::;; Hayes ElJen, wid Joseph, h 1i);~7 Hunter av ==- Hayes Franklin H., elk, h 1537 Hunter av I&J Hayes Harry F., (Ziegler & Hayes), h 1527 Swatara ... Hayes John, laborer, h 622 Briggs Hayes John Ro, huckster, h 1119 ~ llt I- Hayes Margaret, housekeeper. t08 N :M 1.1 ... Hayes Margaret, wid William, h 1226 Herr Hayes Michael, electrician Lunatic Hospital, h do Hayes William P., tinner, h 706 State Hayman John W., car inspector, It 6:~7 Dauphin av Hayman Lewis, picture frames, Ion Short, h do Z Hayne William W., umbrellamkr, h 339 Walnut ,.,. Haynes 1. \Varren, car agt. h 131U Derry ... Hays Blanche, domestic, 328 North I&J Hayward Maggie T., housekeeper, 1416 N 7th Hayward Richard W., employee Arsenal, h 1416 N 7th Hayward Richard \Y., jr., paperhanger, It 1416 N 7th Hazel John, laborer, It 326 Peffer








ANDREW REDMOND, :::::::;.'::::i':. {3~ .Id Rilly SII.

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WIIMI_ A B l " ,Ill...... compie&e with I'rIDpI for lie. { I.,.,e aCK w.n P.per. The bell, and 10,,_ U at.

321 Hazen John F., brakeman, h 273 Calder Hazzard Anna E., wid John H., h 1416 N 6th Hazzard Edward E., laborer, h 181 Paxton Hazzard John Y., laborer, h 1255 S 13th Hazzard .Miller, watchman P. & R., h 1416 N 6th Heacock Vv'i11iam H., machinist, h 1226 N 7th Head Thaddeus, laborer, h 10 Paxton Cottage Row Head William, steelworker, h 668 Boas Heagy Abram L., engineer, h Hi16! N 4th Heagy Clark G., elk, h 1833 Derry Heagy Frank P., bar elk, 729 State, h 727 do Heagy George H., sawyer, h 1737 Market Heagy George W., h 18:-J3 Derry Heagy John, blacksmith, h 1425 Wyeth av Heagy Levi, carpenter, h 1516t N 4th Heagy Mary E., milliner, 6 S 2d, h 1833 Derry Heagy Mattie, winder, h 1516t N 4th ~ Heagy Mina S., saleslady, 6 S 2d, h 1833 Derry lIEAGY .ORRIS A., hotel, 727 and 729 State, h do Heagy Rebecca, notions, 1516 N 4th, h do Heagy Robert M., warehouseman, h 1833 Derry Heagy Sadie S., bonnetmkr, h 1516t .-1 4th Heagy William A.,laborer, h 422 S 16th Heagy William H., engineer, h 1516 N 4th Heaps Robert G., brakeman, h 432 Market Hearn Mary E., domestic, 2116 N 6th II Heart Kate L., wid Milton, h 1118 N 3d 0 10 Hebeisen Jacob, laborer, h 1332 N 4th Heberlig George Z., carpenter, h 107 N 4th 13 Hebron Spriggs, bellman The Bolton Heck John, laborer, h 135 Hanna II) Heck John F., elk Hbg Trust Co., h W Fairview Heck John N., conductor, h 608 Peffer Heck Louise, bookkpr, 1014 Market, h 1314 Howard Heck Pemli1la J., press feeder, h 231 S 14th Heckard Frank W., conductor, h 1944 N Cameron Heckard Samuel R., laborer, h 2013 N 7th Heckendorn L. Kate Mrs., dressmkr,1261 Walnut, h do BECXERDORN WILlJA'M H., chief clerk factory inspector, It Capitol, h 720 N 6th Heckert Elmer E., brakeman, h 408 Reily Heckert Grant, switchman, h 1913 Moltke av II) Heckert Jacob F., blacksmith, h 14191 Regina Heckman Harry A., conductor, h 1521 N 3d Heckman J. Warren, installer, 210 Walnut, h 1521 N 3d Heckman Mary, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Hedrick Elizabeth Mrs., h 1263 Bailey It Hedrick Jesse, propr U. S. Hotel, 520 Market, h do

Boyd's Rarrisburg (H) City Directory.


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To find a name you must know bow to speJI it!'

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Hedrick Phoebe, 1263 Bailey Hedricks John W., laborer, h 1075 S 9th . Hedricks Sarah A Mrs., boarding, 10i5 S 9th, h do Heefner Carl, elk Peipher Line, h 506 Reily ~ Heefner Marion A., dk P. R R. depot, h 506 Reily Heefner Oscar, laborer, h 585 Showers av ~ :: Heeter William S., lineman, 227 Walnut, h 69 N 10th Heffelbower Harry, carpenter, h 226 S 15th 1 HEFFELFINGER EDWARD A.. (HeifeUlnger & Koak),. ~ grocer, 13th c Derry, h 120 S 13th Heffelfinger E. Gertrude, elk, 13th c Derry, h 120 S 13th II Heffelfinger Ellis E., cooper, h 9 S 16th Ii Heffelfinger & Hoak, (E. A. Heffelfinger and J. F. Hoak),. : printers, 13th c Derry :. Heffken Anna E., housekeeper, 1129 N 6th Heffiefinger T. Milton, cooper, h 1020 S Cameron Heffner Anna M., h 711 N 2d (/) HEFFNER DANIEL F., (Peerless Hand Laundry), 206 II: Chestnut, h 711 N 2d LaJ Heffner, see Haffner ~ Hefkin Hoyt H., elk, 2026 N 5th, h do c( Hefkin Samuel P., grocer, 2026 N 5th, h do LaJ Heicher Harry H., printer, h 425 Cumberland Heicher Marion V., masseuse, h 409 Herr C Heicher Michael u., fmit, 19 N 2d, h -l09 Herr LaJ Heidlebach Henry c., brakeman, h 2020 N 6th Heiges Frank, flagman, h 24 Linden Heiges Harry R, car repairer, h 267 North - Heiges Jesse S., teacher, h 927 N 6th ..: Heiges John c., salesman, h 706 Race z: Heiges Leo, laborer, h 135 Vine ~ HeikeJ Elizabeth, wid Christian, h 147 N 13th E Heikes Edward, piano tuner, 9 S 2d, h Carlisle Heikes Emma, domestic, 1513 N 6th U Heikes George D., tinner, h 222 Boas -" Heiland Jonas F., foreman, h 326 Crescent ~ Heiland William F., foreman, h 1630 Park Heilbronner Ida, h 1017 Green CI Heilman Susan, housekeeper, 205 Pine z: Heim Albert, lineman, 227 Walnut, h 435 do c Heim George W., warehouseman P. R R, h 216 Mulberry ..., Heim John H., driver, h 216 Mulberry U Heim Levi, street cleaner,'h 216 :\1ulberry Heim Matilda M., shirtmkr, h 216 Mulberry CI Heim Oscar A., postal elk, h 29 S Summit ~ Heim Oscar S., laborer, h 809 East - Heim Serena L. Mrs., dressmkr, h 12 Aberdeen av ~ Heinbach Edward D., brakeman, h 2043 N 5th


McIEIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. :,Pj~::J~d~n~~~aI~.!: {306 Brl.' 322 Boyd's Harrisburg eH) City Directory,




10 " ..... EDW G ROBERTS "U1JQonyourbond. lIell 8 _.......eea.;x. boncll are u_ted. 'Pbone861 X. or
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A. B. TACK t:&~::: II PUIIr 0III1I0d0I_ ;~:Vt:

Boyd'e Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

Heinbach Thomas, engineer, h 330 S 16th Heinbach Wilfred F., machinist, h 439 S 16th Heiner John c., brakeman, h 425 Dauphin av Heiner Susan, wid Frederick, h 425 Dauphin av Heiney Emlin F., engineer. h 443 S 13th Heinly Benneville, h 337 S 14th Heinly Mary A., dressmkr, h 337 S 14th Heinly William S., driver, h 39 S 13th Heintzman Mary, domestic, 1111 N Front Heiser James E., ironworker, h 1316 S 12th Heisey Annie, h 1185 Bailey Heisey Christiana ~lrs . h 8 S 1lith Heisey Daniel H., school tax collector, h ;:)()4 N :ld Heisey John M., painter, h fi211 Forster Heisey Levi T., telegrapher, h 1117 1\ :!J !! Heisey Lvdia S., h 11~5 Bailey Heisey Mary E., wid Jacob S., h 1812 Fulton Heisey Noah, telegrapher, It 107 i\ 2d Heisler George W., puddler, h 1326 S 13th Heisler Martin L.. insurance, 14 S :!d. h 1211 Kittatinny lIeisler Newton, elk, 14/S 2d, h Wormleysburg Heist Charles, laborer, h 613 Race Heist Charles H., jr., Eagle Hotel, (i25 Race, h do Heist Frederick J . barber, 1)1:1 Race, h do Heist George C. ,h 50fi S 13th Heist Harry c., bartender, h 625 Race . Heist William, bartender, 55!' Race, h 613 do Heister Bella, nurse, h 123 S 2d Helem Benjamin F., brakeman. h 1510t 1\ 5th !:: DLFENSTEIli WU.LIAII L, diet lupt United Telephone ~ and Telegraph Co., 227 Walnut, h 1721 N 2d Helfrich Harry, laborer, h 1511 N 5th Helfrich Henry R., conductor, h lull ~ 5th Helfrich Margaret, wid John, h 2H3 S River av Heller Barbara A., wid Edward L., h 5;:)3 Race Heller Edward L., h 237 Boas . Heller George W., payn\aster Pa. Canal, h 237 Boas Heller Jacob, variety, 140L William, h do Heller Jane, wid Abraham S., h 1206 Derry Heller John c., laborer, h 1206 Derry -: . brakeman, h 2136 N 7th Heller Lizzie, domestic, 1421 !\ 6th Heller Martin, laborer, h H22 Marion Heller William R.. operator. h 1:!llfi Derry Hellerman Emory G., turner. h 15113 Penn Hellerman Hiram, h 1127 ~ Hth Hellenllan Joseph 1., elk F. R. R., h 1127 N 6th Hellerman Sallie E., teacher. h 112i X Hth

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To find a name you must know how to spell ft."

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~~~ ~&1,'} H.

M. KELLEY & CO. {1C::~Ytaf.~





Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.




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Helman Eli K., machinist, h 1445 Vernon Helman Josephine M., cigannkr, h 165 Paxton Helman Luther M., postal elk, h 1517 Green Helman Samuel P., engineer, h 165 Paxton Helms Martha E., dum.stic, 1405 N 4th Helping Hand, James K. P. Dumars, supt, 205 South Heltzel George, painter, h 1824 State Hemerly Charles E., printer, :W1 N 2d, h 611 Herr lIEIILER HAvu,TO:N D., prea Merchants' :National ~ pres Central Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co., h 91& :N 3d Hemler ~lay A., dODlestic, 208 South Hemminger John, grocer, 670 Calder, h do Hempel Ernest, carpenter, h 35 N 13th Hempel Minnie, cigar mfr, 35 N 13th, h do Hemperley Ella V., housekeeper, 21 N 13th Hemperley Julius A., laborer, h G~G Peffer Hemperly Cyrus, stable boss, h 1114 Capital Hemperly George W., traY salesman, h 1626 Green Hemperly John E., h 31m Kelker JIElIPERLY lOU M., notionB, wholesale, 1001 :N 3d, h 1900 do Hemperly ,"T. Scott, conductor, It ~1 1\ 13th Hence William W .. warehouseman P. R. R.. h 1149 Bailey Hench Charles F., car builder P. R. R., h 309 Hamilton Hench C. Menga, carpenter, h 1302 \Vallace Hench Frank tI., elk, 310 Market, h 1412 Green Hench Harry F .. (Hench & Wilson), h 209 North Hench Hugh H., brakeman, h l(':!3 N 7th Hench McClellan T., engineer, h 612 Kelker Hench Nicholas I., (N. I. Hench & Co.), h 1015 N Front HE:NCH:N. I. & CO., (:N. I. and :N. P. Hench est), notiou, wholeBale. 14 S 2d Hench Samm:1 A.. h ~n7 Green Hench S. Ross. ~tl1del1t. h i-07 Green Hench & Wilson, (H. F. Hench and H. B. Wilson), notions, ;-{25 Market . Henderson Albert, hostler, h 217 Blackberry av Henderson Andrew, salesman, 412 Market, h 819 SlOth Henderson Anna, h 111 S Front Henderson Benjamin F .. contractor, 1410 Market, h do Henc1erson Bertha S., charwoman, h 132~ ~larion Henderson Edith, domestic, 37 Evergreen Henderson Edward, laborer, h South av nr Short Henderson Elizabeth ~1rs., h 1322 Marion Henderson Ellen, wid X'athan, h ::;3ii Hamilton Henderson Fannie Mrs., h 13:; N 10th Henderson George S., brakeman, h 11 ~ 4th

:-:'::~:!ii~:~ ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d I Rell, Star

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1.18 {BmploJl DODe but ftnt.e1aM workmen. henee 0017'" N. 34 8t. . . tllirhlllllDlunllL Wor. dODeln enJ pan of IItate.

Boyd'. Harriaburg (H) City Directol'J.


Henderson Harry c., linotype opr Independent, h 129 S 2d Henderson Hopkins L., h 424 Market Henderson Jacob R., brakeman, h 618 Peffer Henderson John c., brakeman, h 244 ~orth Henderson Margaret, weav~r, h 335 Hamilton Henderson Minnie M., h 1442 Vernon Henderson Minnie M., domestic, 214 Forster Henderson Viola, press feeder, h 335 Hamilton Henderson William, elk, 219 Market, h 25 N Front Henderson William H., laborer, h 1322 Marion Henderson William H., ticket agt P. R. R., h 111 S Front Henderson William M., draftsman, h 1410 :Market Hendricks Charles, barrel dealer, h 72 N 10th Hendricks Otarles E., salesman, 8 N 2d, h 1933 Swatara Hendricks ~lary l'lrs., h 118;; Bailey Hendricks ).latilda E., bookfolder, h 72 N 10th Hendricks Sadie E., bookfolder, h 72 X 10th Henery Harry, laborer, h 608 Dauphin Hennecke Frederick L., huckster, h 720 Capital Hennecke John A., produce, 1!l!l9 James, h 13a7 do Hennecke :Michael. h 1522 Penn Ht:nnig Anna, music teacher, 203 Harris, h do Hennig Charles, foreman silk mill, h 20~~ Harris Hennig John, loom repairer, h 2113 Harris Henning Bertha E., cigarmkr. h 924 Penn Henning Elmer, laborer, h 924 Penn Henning John H., laborer, h l!lS Indian av Henning Joseph, hooker, h 138 Indian av Henning Pearl ),1.. cigar roller, h 138 Indian av Henning William H., laborer, h 239 State Henrie George B., foreman, It 403 \Valnut Henry Aaron J., elk auditor gent's dept, h 716 Capital Henry Amanda E., cook Franklin House Henry Amos F., repairsman, h 1918 State Henry Bertie, wid John, h 1G07 Apricot av Henry Brine D., laborer, h 1825 X Cameron Henry Catharine Mrs., h 619 Camp Henry Christian C, laborer, h 414 Hamilton Henn' C. Mabel, h 414 Hamilton Henry Edward, laborer, h 1901 Derry Henry Flora, centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Henry G. DuBree, laborer, h 1918 State Henry George, laborer, h 231 X River a\' Henry George E., laster, h 156 N 15th Henry George H., carpenter, h 239 State Henrv Ida, nurse. 313 N Front Henr)' John K., ins sol, 15 X 2d, h Royalton Henry Margaret 1\1.. millim'r. 3(j X 3d, h 1835 Derry

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.. To fbi uame you must know how to speIllt."

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Boyd'. Harriaburg (H) City Directory.

11 Henry Owen, oils, 1835 Derry, h do

-=._ Henry Patrick, salesman, h 239 State


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Henry Reuben c., leveler, h 76 N 14th Henry Thomas, oils, h 1835 Derry Henschen George K. c., teachCC', h 721 Capital Hensel John, conductor, h 1617 ~ 3d Hensel Philip K., (W. H. Kennedy & Co.), h 1:!4 Chestnut Henson Lucretia, cook, 515 S 2d Hentsch Irvin, laborer, h 411 S 14th Hentschel Frederick, laborer, h 431 Kelker av Hepford Alice R., elk, 10th c 11ulberry, h :!01:! N 5th Hepford Charles W., brakeman, h 18115 K 6th Hepford David, hostlt:r, h 2012 N 5th Hepford David G., trucker. h Front nr Seneca Hepford Herbert P., laborer, h 2012 N 5th Hepford John E., elk, h 1805 ~ 6th Hepford John W., fireman, h :!(;34 Hi Hepford Julia. wid John, h 10:10 Herr Hepford Matilda, wid Samuel, h 1805 ~ l)th Hepford M. Gertrude, teacher, h 2012 ~ 5th Hepford Minerva S., teacher, h :!012 N ;)th Hepford Nellie I., milliner, 6 S 2d, h 201:! N 5th Hepford Samuel G., brakeman, h 1805 N 6th Hepkins Ella, milliner, 116 S 2d, h do Hepkins Jacob, elk, 424 N 3d, h 116 S:!d Hepler Irvin F., draftsman, h 2f)9 Herr Hepler WiIIiam H., laborer, h 1513 Vernon Heppensteel Joseph H., laborer, h If):!:! S 9th Hepperle Barbara, wid George, h 565 Race Hepperle John, meat, 532 S Cameron, h do Herald Charles M., bricklayer, h 216 Cre5cent Herald Lizzie. wid john, h 541 Maclay Herb J. Newton, postal elk, h 28 S 13th Herbert Edgar J., leverman P. R. R., h 1107 N 6th Herbert George, laborer, h 160i Aprkot av HERBERT GEORGE D., managing editor Star-Independent, h 323 lttaclay Herbert Granville S., inspector. :!2i Walnut, h 32:~ )'Iaclay Herbert' Henry. driver, 113 ~ 2<1, It ilH Co\\den Herbert John. mgr, 1:J26 Marioll. h :~:!a Maclay Herbert Katherine E.. teacher, h :~23 :Mac1ay Herbert Nelson, laborer, h lU)() S Cameron Herbert Paul E., laborer, h 11117 N 6th Herbert William A., machinist; h 425 Maclay Herbert William E., foreman, 2:!i \Valnul, h 116 S Court av H.erbst Charles P .. dri'ier, h :~1I8 S River av Herman Catharine B., nurse, h 1629 N 5th Herman Edwin S., (J. C. Herman & Co.), h 801 N 3d


AeeW_t. L .-lIt,. . . . 8 "'I_I_~ loa rt~ 8-.1 8t_ Bell 'PhoIIe 861 X. or . . L
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Wall Paper and Window Shadu. {l.::~~~J~&. Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory. 327


Herman Elina ~I., wid Christian, h 1731 N 3d Herman Elizabeth M., printer, h 504 S 13th Herman Ettie, housekeeper, 1108 N 7th Herman Frances J., (J. C. Herman & Co.), h 713 N 3d Herman Frederick P., laborer, h llj~9 ~ 5th Herman George W., iaborer, h W2!) N 5th Herman Harry B., page. h 504 S 13th Herman Harry G., ice cream mfr, 1214 N Cameron, h do Herman Jacob W., conductor, h U04 S l:Uh Herm211 James H.., warehouseman, h -ill Market HEB.lIAN 10HN ADSTBOBO, lawyer, 308 Jhrket, treaa Highspire Water Co., h 8 B Front Herman John c., policeman, h 1i30 Susquehanna HEB.lIAN 10HN C. & CO., (F. 1. and E. S. Herman), cigar mfn and wholesale tobacco, 22 B 3d Herman Lena, cook Home for the Friendless . Hemlan Lizzie, boxmkr, h 16:ri N 7th Hemlan Lizzie ~I., housekeeper, 1629 ;\ 5th HERMAB It. & SOB, (ltanuaeh and )(anuaeh H.), lour, feed, hay, &c., 340 Verbeke (Broad) lIERltAli JlACHIlfE SHOP, )(. P. Herman, mgr, repair work of printing oftlce machinery, automobiles and bicycles; lock and gun smithing, &c., a specialty, rear 320 )(arket Herman ~lanasseh, (~I. Herman & Son), h 2~8 Harris Hemlan Manasseh H., (M. Herman & Son), h 335 Kelker Herman Melvin P., mgr, rear 3:!O Market, h White HiU Herman Paul, driver, h 32 N' 3d Herman Sarah A., h 7th c Mahantungo Herman William F., laborer, h 5 Aberdeen av Herman William H., conductor, h 1:U:! Howard Hermansderfer Elizabeth, h !j~3 Rac~ Herr A. Jackson, (est), U: S :!d Herr A. Jackson. painter, h 2.., SlOth Herr Annie c., wid John B., h 1847 Fulton Herr Clara ~Jrs., dressmkr, 1235 Bailey, h do Herr Daniel c., lawyer, 14 S 2d, h 19 N Front Herr Edwin C, farmer, h Verbeke c 1-1th Herr Elizabeth E., 11 525 N 4th Herr Emma, domestic, un Paxton Herr Isaac W., blacksmith, h 22U~ Brookwood Herr John S., hostler, h U09 ~ Cameron Herr John W., h 1~08 N 5th Herr John W., checkman P. R. R .. h 1~41 Fulton Herr Joseph. laborer. h 1:!:t5 Bailey Herr Manton M., painter. h 21-1 SlOth Herr ~annic G .. wid Andrew J., h Ht X Front Herr Ross, book sewer, h 28 S tilth

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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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--OUR MOTTO_ JI Nerth a..e Co.I."-at VI...... lH M KELLEY & CO ,llOtlll1ld 3d Streit. r. , titate Sti. 328 Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directol'J.

tt: Herr Sadie E., wid Daniel B., h 28 SlOth

t; Herr Sarah A., wid David S., h 219 Pine

1:1 Herr Sarah G., elk, 440 Market, h 28 SlOth :: Herre Lewis, laborer, h 536 Forrest ..... Herring Annie L., wid Harry, h 1314 X 7th Herring Bertha B., teacher, h 1102 ?\ 3d :; Herrmann Augustus W., molder, h 36 Balm Herrmann Frank H., cutter, h 36 Balm Herrmann Harry, laster, h 36 Balm ... Herrmann l\largaret F., houseke~per, 36 Bahn - Herrmann William F., laborer, h 7 Aberdeen av Herschley Winfield S .. laborer, h 111 S River av l&J HERSHBERGER 1. IRVIN, supt Patriot, h 203 Hamilton Hershey Co.), h I- Hershey Anna D., (D. U. h 1087 !\ &Cameron1110 N 3d Ht:Tshev Catharine Mrs., I- Hershey Christian \iV., tH. E. Hershey & Son), h 309 Mkt l&J Hershey Clinton M., civil engr, 1113 N 3d, h 1336 N 2d Hershey David V., (D. U. Hershey & Co.), h Hershey House Her~hey De\\'itt, laborer, h 122 Dock HERSHEY D. U. & CO., (David U. and Anna lIenhey), propn Henhey lIouse, 327328 Market Hershey Elizabeth E., saleslady. !la4 :\Iarket, h 1838 North Hershey Frank, electrician, h 1110 ~ 3d l&J Hershey Harry E., (H. E. Hershey & Son), h 1110 N 3d Hershey Harry L., col int rev, P. O. bldg, h 322 N 2d HERSHEY H. E. & SOB, (H. E. and C. W. Henhey)p Henhey Cafe and Hotel, 308 Market Hershey House, D. U. Hershey & Co., proprs, 327 Market Hershey Peter H. Rev., h 109 Evergreen ~ Hershey Peter S., carpenter, h 122 Dock a: Hershman Luther F., polisher, h 51 N Cameron 1:1 Hertz Josephine, domestic, 542 North ~ Hertz Roy, machinist, h 412 Forster "" Hertz William H., engineer, h 412 Forster ~ - Hertz William K., machinist, h 1517 N 5th ~ a Hertzler Albert A., fireman, h 644 Verbeke "" Hertzler Davis, flagman, h 321 Herr Hertzler Howard D., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 1401 N 6th a: Hertzler Paul 1\1., salesman, 326 :\farket, h Mechanicsburg ff Hertzler Samuel M., engineer, h 1401 N 6th en Hertzog J. William, postal elk, h 411 Maelay ; Herzog Harry J., expressman. h 410 Chestnut ::: Hess Annie, housekeeper, 1639 N 4th ..... Hess Benjamin B .. roller, h 1325 Maple av ~ Hess Charles K.. laborer, h 8 Chesapeake av :: Hess Christian, baker. h 1225 Bailey ~ c Hess Oarence, tinsmith, h 607 Cumberland _ _____



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REDMOND. {3d .Id R.I~ Sts.

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A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger, {I2Ir:.!:. 'T=~-:'"

Boyd'. Harriaburg (H) City Directory.

329 ...

Hess David, Hess & Bro.), h 1614 N 3d BESS DAVID L., alderman, 1308 N 8th, h do Hess Delilah, wid John, h 8 Chesapeake av Hess Edna E., wid Samuel C., h 1232 N Cameron Hess Edward P., elk, h 620 Muench Hess Edwin H., druggist, 1530 N 6th, h do Hess Eleanor L. Mrs., milliner, 14 N 3d, h 1006 N 6th Hess Ellsworth, shoe operator, h 29 N 16th Hess Emma, h 1321 N 6th Hess Frank ]., h 1006 N 6th Hess Frank T., brakeman, h 823 Green Hess George, motorman, h 607 Cumberland Hess George B., stone cutter, h 137 Balm Hess George E., brakeman, h 12301 N 6th Hess Hannah, wid Amos, h 1321 N 6th Hess Harry, heeler, h 29 N 15th Hess Henry, mason, h 29 N 15th Hess Howard, bricklayer, h 1840 Logan av Hess Ida, domestic, 1416 N 2d Hess & Bro.), h 1008 N 3d Hess Jacob, Hess James c., car inspector, h 2005 N 5th Hess James T. B., laborer, h 413 S Cameron Hess John J., engineer, h 206 Calder Hess John W., laborer, h 8 Chesapeake av Hess J. & Bro., (Jacob and David), grocers, 1008 N 3d Hess Lillian M., milliner, 334 Market, h Marysville Hess Mary c., wid William, h 1319 Penn Hess Mary J., domestic, 1317 Howard Hess Nannie J., wid Philip, h 620 Muench Hess Sarah, wid Simon, h Home for the Friendless Hess S. Irvin, foreman, h 1551 Walnut Hess Susan Mrs., umbrellas, 339 Walnut, h do Hess William R., cutter, h 1555 Walnut Hess Winfield S., telegrapher P. R. R. depot, h 224 N 15th Hessenberger Charles F., salesman, 27 N 2d, h 311 Herr Hessenberger Emily M., milliner, 223 lVIarket, h 311 Herr Hessenberger Mary, wid Charles F., h 311 Herr Hesser Annie E., elk, 2031 N 7th, h 1116 Montgomery Hesser Frank S., buyer, 334 Market, h 221 Crescent Hession Martin, laborer, h 113 Hanna Hession Martin R., laborer, h 1i3 Hanna Hession Michael J.,laborer, h 113 Hanna Hesson Edward F., brakeman, h 628 Reily Hetrick Aaron, carpenter. h 1430 Walnut Hetrick Charles D .. h 1459 Regina Hetrick Charles E., machinist, h 1323 Wallace Hetrick Clemenceau Mrs., h 916 Capital Hetrick David H., carpenter. h 1459 Regina



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.. To Bod a name you must

mow how to speII it."

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McIEIL'S PAil EXTERMINATOR ~~Wor.~:V~=~~~~l. {808"'l.~.

HETRICK DAVID 1., physician, 54 :N 13th, h do; oftlce hours, until lOa. m., 2 to 4 and 8 to 8 p. m. "C JI Hetrick Dora, elk, 1402 Vernon, h 1459 Re.nna 0' E Hetrick Edward N., laster, h 1501 North ~ Hetrick Frank F., elk, h 1459 Regina .... Hetrick Grace V., domestic, 10114 N 7th e HETRICK lBROIIB I., grocer, 1400 lIartet, h 14M Regina ~ Hetrick Lawrence A., salesman, 304 Market, h Progress 1! Hetrick Mary A., wid John, h 21 Cowden - Hetrick Miley A., laborer, h 314 Clinton av .t! Hetrick Sarah, wid William, h 1454 Regina :: Hetrick William A., salesman, 615 Walnut, h 1627 Regina .is Hetrick William H., student, h 1459 Regina Hetrick William S., carpenter, h 1501 North : Hetterman John, driver, h 1120 N Cameron Hettinger Elizabeth, domestic, 410 Market Hetts Harry, laborer, h 713 State Hetts John, laborer, h 1213 N Cameron Hetts John E., laborer, h 1213 N Cameron .La.I Hetzel Lawrence, bricklaver, h 331 Crescent Hetzel Tillie, domestic The Bolton .-1 Heuser George, gardener, h 1939 Boas C Hevener Bessie M., h 137 Cranberry av I&J Heverling Morris S., cigarmkr, h 1928 North .0 Hewley Andrew S., bootblack, h 1339 Fulton Hey Walter, (G. F. Little & Co.), h 116 State I&J Heyd Coover W., salesman, :~21 Market, h Camp Hill 0 Heyd Henry G., (Hbg Carpet Co.), h Mechanicsburg Heyd Matthew, laborer Capitol, h 30 N Dewberry av . : Heyer Annie, cigarmkr, h 1040 Herr Heyer John M., blacksmith, h 1040 Herr . . Hibshman Albert H. Rev., h 12:?5 Greten ~ Hibshman Anna E., weaver, h 13:H Penn . Hibshman Hannah H., wid Lewis R., h 1009 Market .. y Hibshman Harrv H .. machinist, h 1201 ~ Front .... Hibshman Le~is R., jr.. machinist, h 149 Sylvan \er . . Hibshman Sarah C. saleslady, 326 Mkt, h 107 Washington C Hibshman Thomas J., auctioneer. h 1009 Market ~ Hickernell John S., toolmkr. h :t! N :~d .Q Hickernell Latimer, patternmkr, It 2:m S 14th . : Hickernell Mary E., stenographer. h 233 S 14th Hickey James F., salesman, 4 S 2d. h 408 Filbert .~ Hickey James H . machinist. h !l46 N 7th Hickey John, laborer. h 408 Filbert Q Hickey Mary, saleslady, 4 S 2d. h 408 Filbert .&1.1 Hickman William S., brakeman. h 511 Cumberland != Hickok Caroline L., wid William 0., h 115 S Front .2: Hickok Lester E., h 120 Cnestnut .~ -------------------------

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Boyd'. Jlarriaburg (II) City Directol'J.


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Tile A. .......,. . . . ., Compan,.. BaltImore. M.d. IIIOW. Q. ROBRaTII, General Agent Central Penna. District. loa l .... 8,. Bell' Phone 851 X, 81' IllIG X.
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U216 IOrlb mlrllll..


Boyd'i Harrilburg (H) City Direotory.

Hickok Louisa, wid William 0., jr., h 50~ K 2d Hickok Ross A, elk W. O. Hickok Mfg. Co., h 221 State Hickok William 0., 3d, sec W. O. Hickok Mfg. Co., h 508 X2d HICKOK W. O. ID'G. CO., Chriltian W. Lynoh, prel; W. O. Hickok, 3d, seo; S. Schriver, treaa, Canal 0 North lee adv Hicks Elizabeth M., nurse, h 1230 Walnut Hicks Fannie, stenographer, 440 Market, h 931 N 3d Hicks John W., foreman, 1402 Vernon, h Penbrook Hicks Margaret R., supervison, 210 Walnut, h 1230 do Hicks ~laurice, hostler, h 234 N Court av Hicks William ]., foreman, h 12311 \\"alnut Hicks \ViIliam L., employee State Arsenal, h 1:!;10 Walnut Hiester Gabriel, h Estherton P.O., Harrisburg Hiester WiJliam A, sec Board of Trade, h X13 N 2d Hiester \Villiam S .. electrical engineer, h 813 N 2d Higginbothem William, laborer, h 431 State Higgins Josiah, watchman Senate, h 321 Muench Higgins Josiah, jr., barber, h 321 Muench High William L., printer, 2111 N 2<1. h 221 'Boas Highland Jonas. foreman, h 112 Sylvan ter Highlands Charles A., laborer, h 1712 Briggs Highlands Frank \\T. A, foreman, h 1619 Logan av Highlands Harriet E., wid William A .. h 1712 Briggs Highlands John W. B., printer, h 1722 Walnut Highspire Water Co., \V. ~'l. Hain, pres; J. A. Herman, treas, :306 Market Hight James c., laborer, h ()U4 Cumberland Hikes Alice, asst cook Lunatic Hospital, h do Hikes Edward, watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Hilbish John E., flagman, h 2003 N 5th Hildebrand' Annie Mrs., h 48 N Summit Hildebrand Franklin G., coremkr, h 420 l\Iuench Hildebrand James A, coremkr, h 420 Muench Hildebrand John F., elk, 901 N 3d, h 420 Muench Hildrup Martha S., h 1249 Kittatinny HILDRUP WUJTAM' T., lB.., sec and treaa Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe Bending Co., h 109 S Front Hile David B., machinist, h 435 Walnut Hile William ]., brakeman, h 345 Boyd av Hilgaertner Lewis H., salesman, 326 Market, h 235 S 14th Hill Cnarles E., conductor, h 1727 Green Hill Charles H., cementer, h 511 N 5th Hill C. Harry, mgr, 10 S 2d, h 55 N 13th Hill Clarence, driver, h 323 Hay av Hill Francis H. Rev., h 413 Filbert Hill Frank B., machinist, h 2010 N 7th Hill Harriet A, (Thomas & Hill), h Steelton







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.. To find a name you must mow how to speD it."

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H. M. KELLEY" CO .. COAL AND WOOD {onlCea: :~L"'=:

: : Hill Harry, molder, h 1629 Park a:: Hill James A., porter P. R. R., h 114 Liberty Hill John E., carpenter, h 2146 N 6th ~ Hill John F., watchman dept Int Affairs, Capitol, h do .... Hill Joseph, laborer, h 53 Lochiel fjth Row ~ HILL 1. WESLEY REV., pastor Grace Methodist Epiaoopal Church, h 212 Pine . ~ Hill Lydia Mrs., h 512 Walnut _ Hill Moses, hostler, rear !H4 N 3d - Hill Nathaniel A. G., laborer, h 53 Lochie1 6th Row Hill Robert, laborer, h 4 Paxton Cottage Row LI.I Hill Salem, laborer, h 40 Lochie1 4th Row ~ Hill Sarah, wid Lewis, h 18111 Hickoryav. ~ Hill Thomas, resident agt, 222 Market. h 1834 State a:: Hill William, laborer, h 406 Hay av ;IE Hillegas Frank R.. laborer, h 1:30i Wallace Ct Hillegas Lydia, wid Francis, h 324 Kelker ;IE Hillegass Louisa, wid Josiah, h 1206 N 6th Hiller George J., meat, 239 North, h do Hilmer George, driver, h 306 Boyd av c.:i Hilmer Henry, laborer, h 1533 Logan av Hilmer John, laborer, h 335 Dauphin av ~ Hilner Alfred C, laborer, h 2212 61 i= Hilner George, laborer, h 5th c Woodbine Hilton Charles H., warehouseman, h 1327 Howard E; Hilton Edward J., supt Hbg Gub, h :W:l Liberty _ Hilton Harry D., bartender, h 263 Liberty t: Hilton Sallie, domestic, 219 S Front : . Himes C Edward, coachman, 232 N 2d. h 1408 N 4th ~ Himes Charles D., driver, h 1221 Green g: Himes Charles T., salesman, 324 Market, h 313.Reily ...., Himes Cloyd, brakeman, h 1627 Fulton :> Himes Frank M., laborer, h 1:108 Maple av ~ Himes George W . (Kline & Himes), h W Fairview ...., Himes Harry M., laborer, h 2142 Atlas av : : Himes Mary C. Mrs., h 1408 N 4th a:: Himes Mary E., milliner, h 505! Muench ~ Himes Sadie, wid George A., h 5051 Muench ~ Himmelberger Warren U. B., postal elk, h 118 Sylvan ter IIIL. Himmelrich Elizabeth M., wid John, h 825 Green Himmelwright Frank, elk The Bolton, h do ZJ Hina Charles H., h 1736 N 4th 0:( Hina William H., laborer, h 1736 N 4th I Hinds Alexander M., h 1844 Green II Hinds Susanna E., restaurant, Broad St Mkt, h 1720 N 6th 1110 Hine Elizabeth, wid Emanuel, h 939 S 19th ~Z Hiner Martin M., machinist, h 1622 N 3d toe Hiner Samuel, stack inspec~~r-,-h 2108 N 6th



Boyd's Harriaburg

eH) City Directory.



ffi =....,

ANDREW REDMOND, Hc:.,:::r;~"'W:::d ~k.~r;:~. {3. ane'ly Sts. CoogIe

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B ft.. TACK


--IIAICE. A '#'EClAt"

Pallalc BaUdln.. la Plaia TI.... E.U_ II,"".


{'ZI6 II. 34 It.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (H) City Directory.


Hiney Elmer M., laborer, h 140i !'i Cameron Hiney Horace H., craneman, h 611 S Front Hiney John W., laborer, h 1313 N Cameron Hiney Leah Mrs., domestic, 405 Verbeke Hinkel Euyle T., houseman, h 1108 :\'larket Hinkle Anna G., cigarmkr, h 468 S Cameron Hinkle Charles B., steelworker, h 1618 Fulton Hinkle James, laborer, h 604 North Hinkle John, mattressmkr, h 5:12 Race Hinkle John H., brakeman, h 1506 N 5th Hinkle Joseph H., molder, h 526 Filbert Hinkle Margaret Mrs., ironer, h 1116 N Cameron Hinkle Mary A. Mrs., h 725 State Hinkle Samuel B., elevatorman, h 424 S Cameron Hinkle Warren F., upholsterer, h 526 Filbert Hinkley William H., conductor, h 1219 Market Hinnenkamp Bernard, laborer, h 2:n N 15th Hinnenkamp Joseph, baker, h 221 N 15th Hinnenkamp Mary K., weaver, h 221 N 15th Hinton Charles E., porter P. R. R., h 1115 N Cameron Hinton Otho c., porter P. R. R., h 1115 N Cameron Hippensteel Bessie 0., bunch breaker, h 1109 S 9th Hippensteel Charles E., fireman, h 511 S Front Hippensteel Denton R., laborer, h 1109 S 9th Hippensteel Elmer, ironworker, h 138 Dock Hippensteel George W., car repairer, h 1728 Susquehanna Hippensteel James, laborer, h 511 S Front Hippensteel Joseph, fireman, h 1022 S 9th Hippensteel Sherman A., laborer, h 300 S River av Hipple Benjamin, cupola tender, h 1206 Bartine av Hipple G. Clifford, brakeman, h 1129 Cumberland Hipple Harry, laborer, h 211 Mary av Hipple Horace, carpenter, h 284 Union av Hipple Jacob A., helper, h 1226 Herr Hipple Lewis, packer, h 343 S River av Hipple Mary A., dressmkr, h 923 N 3d Hipple Rena, seamstress, h 239 State Hipple Samuel R., drayman, h 923 N 3d Hipple Wesley A., teacher, h 415 Briggs Hipple William, painter, h 1410 Wallace Hirschler August, (Solomon Kuhn & Co.), h 29 N 2d Hirsh ~imon. (The Hub). h HBi N 2d Hirt Frnnklin E .. salesman. :3:t4 :\larket. h lO:lj S !Ith Hirtlev Charles :\1., helper. h 8:!CI S Cameron Hirtlev Tohn. h ~:li SlOth Hirtle)" john. jr., heater. h 8:!1I S Hirtlev William F., h 837 SlOth Hite ?\faxwell, electrician, h 101 N 4th





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To Bod a name you must mow how to spell It."

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McNeil'. Pal. Ester.lnat., eurea Cholera Morbu., DJaeDterJ, enuu.., Diarrhea, Colds, QuiDBY, Rheumatlam. Toothache. IlOre ThroaS, Ape, DJlpeIJlla. &c. _ .......


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Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

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Hite Rachel ~lrs., domestic, t':!3 :\IyrtIc av Hitz Adam. h UR5 nailey Hitz Charles, machinist. h 1111 Capitol Hitz Clara, weaver, h 1317 N Front Hitz Jacob, jr., bookbinder. h l:aj N Front Hivner Edward, brakeman, h 1913 N 7th Hoagland Deborah W., wid Richard, h 1401 N Front Hoagland Fannie G., h 1.1(11 :\l Front Hoagland Virginia, teacher, h 1401 N Front Hoak Andrew A., contractor, H30 Regina, h do Hoak Ella J., h 1430 Regina Hoak Jacob D., car inspt'etor, h 1311 Howard Hoak Jacob F., (Heffelfinger & Hoak), h 1430 Regina Hoak Lillian B., h 1311 Howard Hoak, see Hoke Hoar Charles H . brakeman, h 1~137 Susquehanna Hoar Harry E., flagman, h 1422 Green Hobbs Alice. tobacco stripper, h 320 S River av Hobbs Amos, feeder, 320 S River av Hobbs Levi, leverman. h 320 S River av Hobbs Mary, stripper, h 320 S River av Hobbs Mina Mrs., h 62:! Race Hobbs Ross, leverman, h 320 S River av Hoch Edward ]., canvasser, h 612 Church av Hoch Frank K., dairyman Lunatic Hospital, h do Hoeh R. D., dairyman Lunatic liospital, h do Hochenbrock Carrie, dressmkr, h 268 North Hochschild Otto. stonemason, h 1304 )J 2d Hockensmith Calvin, painter. h 1156 Derry Ho.:ker Adam, laborer, h 2636 6f Hocker Albert c., carpenter, h 1041 S 221Hocker Anna, wid Levi, h 927 S 21st Hocker Annie 1\1., domestic, 641 Calder Hocker Cl1arles, laborer. h 92.~ S 19th Hocker Daniel, molder, h 923 S 19th Hocker Daniel G., engineer. h 140S Zarker Hocker David, baker, h 16.17 N 7th Hocker Frank C, baker. It 16:~7 N jth Hocker George, barber, h 923 S Hlth Hocker George L., brickmkr, h 92~~ S 19th Hocker George L., laborer, h 30 N 13th Hocker Harry A., boiIermkr, h 102'i Paxton Hocker H. Hershey, salesman, 128 Dock, h 927 S 21st Hocker John A., foreman, h 1027 Paxton Hocker John C, brickmkr, h 1027 Paxton Hocker John W., driver, h 129 S 2d Hocker ~I'fary E., wid Daniel, h 4~ S Cam:!ron Hocker Murray W., brickJayer, h 1027 Paxton


fer AOOIDRlWT 11I8URAII"R. - . - . 8l1'eer. Bell 'PhoDe 861 X. or e8U X.

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't=~IIPar IIlIllltlOl_SII'OIA. 8. TACI, ..1:\..

Boyd'. Harri.burg (H) City Directory. 335

Hockt>r \Villiam A, puddler, h 1331 Thompson av HocKer William n., laborer, h 41'-4 S Cameron Hockley Adam J., janitor, h 5lJ5 Cumberland Hockley Arthur E., engineer, h 1640 Wallace Hockley Catharine A, forelady, 620 Harris, h 610 do Hockley Charles W., machinist, h 505 Cumberland Hockley Jess. V., stengr, Howard ab Forrest av, h 610 Harri!' Hockley Samuel S., driver, h 622 Dauphin Hockley Thomas, machinist, h 1112 Grape av Hockley Thomas Z., laundry, 620 Harris, h 610 do Hodge Archiba1d, foreman P. R. R., h HOI N 5th ~ Hodge Archibald, jr., barber, 130:!! N 6th, h do Hodge Oara c., charwoman, h 1427 N 4th '= !So Hodge David H., barber, 1401 N 3d, h 14011 Green it Hodge Edgar, cigar mfr, 17111 ~ 5th, h do ~ Hodge Elizabeth, charwoman, h 142i N 4th ft !!. Hodge Phylis Mrs., h rear 1111 Filbert Hodge Robert L . waiter, h 5t1!J S 2d Hodge William, barber, h lill1 ~ 5th i' Hoel Glenn E., fireman, h 1411 S 2d HoeIle G. Roy, laborer, h 229 :\lulberry ft HoeIle Lucas A, laborer, h 229 Mulberry ~ Hoelle Lucas A, jr., warehouseman, h 229 Mulberry III Hoepfcr Christopher, tailor, 14a5 Derry, h do ft Hoepfer Elfreda E., saleslady, a:t4 Market, h 1435 Derry Hoepfer Frederick, student, h 14a5 Derry Hoerner Alfred, dry goods, :1l6 Verbeke, h 130!' N 3d Hoerner Andrew, milk, h 41 :-.: 13th S. Hoerner David S., machinist, h 231 S 2d iF Hoerner Elmer E., laborer, h 231 S 2d Hoerner Frank H., salesman, 308 Market, h 1417 Zarker 'Hoerner George A, laborer, h 553 S Front Hoerner ]. Earle, printer Independent, h 1330 Susquehanna Hoerner Lillian G., dressmkr, h Susquehanna nr Calder Hoerner lIoIarcus D., foreman Independent, h 1312 Green Hoerner Oscar D., laborer, h 231 S 2d Hoerner William M., (Zarker & Hoerner), h 1401 Market f t Hoerner, see Horner Hoffa Helen M., h 1342 N 6th !D HOFFA 1. wnsON, pharmaoilt, 3d 0 Walnut and 1M2 11 8th 0 Calder, h do Hoffenbcrger Augustus, tailor. h 239 State en Hoffer Aaron H., carpenter, h 609 Calder -t Hoffer Addison A., (Hoffer & Garman), h 89 N 16th 1:1' Hoffer Christian H., county surveyor, C. H., h Middletown Hoffer John, mgr Eastern Milling and Export Co., Syca- Po more bet P. R. R. and canal,h 24 N 2d !!l

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"To find a name you must

mow how to spell It."

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~:, H. M. KELLEY &CO. 'S ~~;:.D!:::::::~ Uo~\~f.~



Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

: Hoffer John, jr., elk, h 24 ~ 2d .... Ci) Hoffer Josiah H., carpenter, h 623 ~Iahantongo "'C' Hoffer Louisa E., bonnetmkr, h 417 North .... HOFFER & GAR)lAN, (A. A. Hoifer and H. A. Garman), ~ iour, feed and grain, Howard ab 14th .z:. Hoffert Nass K., solicitor, 122 Market, h 20:! Locust Hoffman Alice Mrs., h 428 Cumberland z Hoffman Amanda, domestic, 624 \Valnut ~ Hoffman Anna L., cigarmkr, h UI38 Fulton _ Hoffman Annie, forelady, Mulberry c Crescent, h 8 S L8th _._ Hoffman Annie, housekeeper, 1109 Wallace .- Hoffman Annie Mrs., nurse, h 288 S Cameron ::. Hoffman Benjamin, elk, 320 Market, h 1008 N 7th _ Hoffman Bertha M., cashier, 400 Mkt, h 114 Cumberland Hoffman Bessie, press feeder, h 8 S 18th .! Hoffman Bessie M., h 589 S Front _ Hoffman B. Franklin, laborer, h 1419 Green J!.- Hoffman Calvin J., conductor, h 1204 Chestnut Hoffman Charles, laborer, h 2d nr Mulberry a: Hoffman Charles c., bookkpr, 113 N 2d, h 1520 N 5th i HOFFKAN CHARLES H., supt letter carriers, P.O., 3d 0 _ Walnut, h 245 Hummel Hoffman Charles N., laborer, h 1419 Green ..... Hoffman Charles P., laborer, h 1813 N 5th Hoffman Clarence S., laborer, h 640 Herr a: Hoffman Daniel, huckster, 1838 Fulton, h do :: Hoffman David H., student, h 1529 Derry ! Hoffman Edgar G., trav salesman, h 210 Hamilton - Hoffman Edward, carpenter, h 1526 Penn .! Hoffman Edward c., warehouseman, h 138 Balm - Hoffman Edward G., bartender, 441 Market, h do Hoffman Edward R., foreman mason P. R. R., 413 Market, bJ h 1416 Zarker Hoffman Edwin, finisher, h 8 S 18th ... Hoffman Eli K.,laborer, h 1401 Zarker I- Hoffman Emma J. Mrs., (Hoffman & McFalls), h 1901 N 3d bJ Hoffman Erastus B., foreman P. R. R., h 1223 Green Hoffman Fannie, saleslady, h 1006 N 7th Hoffman Frank c., proof reader, h 1230i Derry Z Hoffman Frank E., electrician, h 1609 Penn Hoffman Frank H., machinist, h 300i Reily GALEN Z HOFFJU.N h do H., Pennsylvania Railroad House, 1237 N 7th, Hoffman George, contractor, h The Central bJ HOFFJU.N GEORGE D., travelling salesman for Lutz & Schramm Co., pickles, preserves, &c., h 63 N 17th Hoffman George M., Ragman, h 212 Kelker Hoffman George W., h 1234 Bailey






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ANDREW REDMOND, :::::.::~d'::::::. {3d lid R.I~ Sts.

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W.II Paper. ThebeHIIIl4Io".U _ WI. . . . A B TACK , !!l....... comple'" with I'lDuIW aDd....I'rIDpI for... { .,.,e U at.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (H) City Directory.


Hoffman George W., toolmkr, h 22 S 4th Hoffman Gertrude M., teacher, h 216 Boas Hoffman Harris W., fireman, h 615 Dauphin Hoffman Harry, machinist, h 701 S Front Hoffman Harry c., warehouseman, h 1928 Kensington Hoffman Harry c., physical director Y. M. C. A., h 23 S 4th Hoffman Harry E., fireman, h 30 SlOth Hoffman Henry W., elk, h 1742 N 3d Hoffman Isaac S., director of the poor, C. H., h Millersburg Hoffman Jacob B., newsdealer, 438 Market, h 921 Penn Hoffman Jacob 0., baggagemaster, h 140 Sylvan ter Hoffman Jennie, dressmkr, 1112 Plum av, h do Hoffman J. Grant, bartender, 1306 N 7th, h 1705 N 5th Hoffman James L., laborer, h 1838 Fulton Hoffman John, elk, h 1901 N 3d Hoffman John c., brakeman, h 1838 Fulton Hoffman John G., boilermkr, h 1401 Zarker Hoffman John H., cigars, 701l N 3d, h 114 Cumberland Hoffman John H., painter, 1538 N 6th, h do Hoffman John P., elk, 701l N 3d, h 114 Cumberland Hoffman Joseph H., laborer, h 1109 Wallace Hoffman Joseph H., salesman, 2 S 2d, h 1109 Wallace Hoffman Lavina, wid William, h 1233 Fulton Hoffman Lillian, book folder, h 1230i Derry Hoffman Louis, shoemkr, 1422 N 6t.h, h 1006 N 7th Hoffman Maggie F., wid William B., h 210 Verbeke Hoffman Mary E., dressmkr, 1529 Derry, h do Hoffman Mary E., telephone operator, h 605 Peffer Hoffman Mary L., dressmkr, h 1401 Zarker Hoffman Michael B., laborer, h 1811 Briggs Hoffman Moses, tailor, 1423i N 3d, h 921 Penn Hoffman Nellie V., saleslady, 312 Market, h 1914 N 5th Hoffman Nelson. cashier P. R. R. freight depot, h 114 Vine Hoffman Peter, baker, 420 Reily, h do Hoffman Philip M., conductor, h 1914 N 5th Hoffman Rebecca, h 214 State Hoffman Russell H., student, h 210 Verbeke Hoffman Samuel, fireman. h 1609 Penn Hoffman Samuel, shoemkr, h 8 S 18th Hoffman Sarah, milliner, h 1109 N 3d Hoffman Victor, conductor, h 411 Market Hoffman WiUiam, bed trimmer. h 320 Verbeke Hoffman William, elk, 325 Market, h 1006 N 7th Hoffman William, laborer, h 430 South av Hoffman William, molder, h 8 S 18th Hoffman William B., engineer, h 589 S Front Hoffman William D., laborer, h 645 Calder Hoffman William E., fireman, h 2004 State

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IIdEIL'S COIIPLEXIOI PILLS. :.~l:iJ~{~:';~~: {306 Br

338 Boyd's Barriaburr (II) City Directory. ~ 11 HOFFJIAN WILLIAJI H., boots, shoes and groceries, 1111 Derry, h 1629 do "C Hoffman William H., laborer, h 124 Ann av _ Hoffman William L., shoe operator, h 12301 Derry - Hoffman William R, laster, h 1939 Briggs Hoffman William R, machinist, h j'(Il S Front ~ Hoffman William S., machinist, h 114 Cumberland Hoffman & McFalls, (Mrs. Emma J. Hoffman and Mary J. 1! McFalls), grocers, 1901 N 3d :. Hoffman, see Huffman _ Hoffnagle Jerome E., elk, 6111 State, 11 1409 Wyeth av :: Hoffnagle J. Frank, brakeman, h 525 \'v'oodbine ii. Hoffnagle Mary, wid Jacob W., h 42 X 10th -= Hofinagle P. Gertrude, stripper, h 42 N 10th Hoffnagle Winfield S., barber, 1256 l\Iarket, h do Hoffstot Harvey, flagman, h 1~09 N 5th Hogan Mary H., teacher, h 111 Vine UJ Hogan Rebecca, wid Richard, hIll Vine Hogcntogler Bertha V., cigar roller, h 1024 S Cameron I.&J Hcgentogler Chalmers c., hardware, 1000 ;..; 3d, h 1::!01 Green -I Hogcntogler Edith, tobacco stripper, h 1(124 S Cameron CIt Hogentogler Edward 0., catcher, h 121i Hanna bJ Hogentogler Harry G., laundry, 21113 Logan av, h 1201 C Green 1.1 Hogentogler Joseph F., shearsman, h 1024 S Cameron 1M Hogentogler Lena, shoe operator, h 41 Balm Hogentogler Oswell, laborer, h 1024 S Cameron HohensheIt Annie, forelady silk mill, h 512 Maclay ...: Hohenshelt Annie, wid Harry, h 1421 N 4th :IE Hohenshelt H. Hayes, brakeman, h 512 Maclay . . Hohcnshelt Kurtz G., brakeman, h 512 Maclay ~ Hohenshelt William A., fireman, h 512 Maclay C) Hohl Annie, wid Henry, h 5 N 5th u Hohmann Frederick, watchman P. R R, h 110 Mary's av ~ Hohn Lewis ]., laborer, h 1105 S 9th . . Hoke Adam, laborer P.O., h 236 S 2d Hoke Charles A., casemkr, h 1229 N 6th U Hoke Christian, laborer, h 1220 Cowden c:::::t Hoke Clifton, molder, h 12:W Cowden Hoke Edward, car inspector, h 1703 N 7th Hoke G. McClellan, laborer, h 1912 Elizabeth av .... Hoke Godfrev, laborer, h 1229 N 6th !:I! Hoke Howard A., machinist, h 1323 North c:::::t Hoke Howard M., stengr atty genl's dept, h 806 N 2d ~ Hoke Joel, car inspector. h 55S SlOth - Hoke John W., laborer, h 2138 Atlas av Hoke Margaret E., clk, h 1229 N 6th

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1011 111-" , .... EDW G ROBERTS wUlFlOD)'OUrbond. Bell 'Phone llil X..or." . X. bond!! are aeeuted.

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A. B. TACII::&~-:t IUD PUDer 01Id 110Il0l_ ;,H~aTs't

Boyel's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.


Hoke Myrtle M., teacher, h 1621 N 7th Hoke Philip, laborer, h 1743 Susquehanna Hoke Robert, rivet heater, h 1408 Susquehanna Hoke Sarah A. Mrs., h 12~0 Cowden Hoke William G., foreman, h 11j21 r\ 7th Hoke William G., laborer, h 1229 N 6th Hoke William H., laborer, h 1226 Swatara Hoke, see Hoak Holahan H. Thomas, plumber, :343 PetIer, h do Holahan James R., conductor, h 1942 ~ 5th Holbert Elmer E., asst foreman P. R R, h 1837 N 6th Holbert Jacob c., foreman P. R R., h 163;) N 7th Holbert Jacob c., jr., grocer, 621 Hamilton, h do Holbert John T., baker, 226 Hamilton. h do Holby Annie F., collarmkr, h 118 Nagle Holcombe Geo. B., steel inspector, h Chestnut Holding Robert, foreman E. & H. B. T. Co., h New Cumb Holferty Rebecca, domestic, 2:1 S Front Hollam Morris D., tailor, h 506 Cowden Holland George R, elk P. R R, h 21:36 ?\ 7th Holland Irving, trav salesman, h 1402 State Holland William M., yardmaster P. R R, h Juniata Bridge Hollar Edward B., adjuster, h 413 S 14th Hollar Lizzie, domestic. :;21 State Hollar Martha E., wid Joseph. h UiU5 S Cameron Hollern Lewis, laborer, h J2:~3 Co.vden Hollern Sarah, wid Moses, h 12:~ Cowden Hollenbaugh Benjamin To, brakeman. h 1715 Fulton Hollenbaugh Charles Do, fireman, h 517 ~lucnch Hollenbaugh Willard So Mo, fireman, h 1iO!)! N 7th Holler Henry F., dep prothonotary, C. H., h Hummelstown Holley David Fo, hostler Hershey House Hollinberger Harry Wo, telg'r, 401 Chestnut, h 121 S 14th Hollinger Charles H., elk sec commonwealth, h 225 Pine Hollinger Edward, molder, h 1848 Swatara Hollinger Eli, carpenter, h 416 M uench Hollinger Elmer J., fireman, h 269 Reily Hollinger George Ao, letter carrier, h 1337 N 2d Hollinger Rachel, bookkpr, 322 !Harket, h 2'25 Pine Hollinger Rebecca, wid EFas. h 22:; Pine Hollinger Sallie Ao, wid Eli Do, h 948 S 21st Hollingsworth Curtin E., engineer, h 1627 Derry Holly Arah L., .carpenter, h 2004 Wood av Hotly Dennis c., elk, 1127 N :1d, h HI::7 N 4th Holly John I., postal elk. h tH3, N 4th Holman Horace Fo, painter, Sl~ ylarket, h European Hotcl Holman John, baker, h 6:14 Verbeke Holman, see Rullman

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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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~ Holmes Emma E. Mrs., h 1424 N 4th ..... HOLlIES lIAlUI.Y L., seednnan, 101 and 103 S 2d, h Putang Holmes Henry, porter, h 1408 Fulton ~ Holmes Isaiah S., boarding, 1624 N 6th, h do Holmes James, annealer, h 1719 N 7th :; Holmes John. salesman, h 127 Balm .__ Holmes Lloyd R., laborer, h 127 Balm Holmes Mary, housekeeper, 1318 Kittatinny 4! Holmes Nancy,. cook Commonwealth, h 1408 Fulton Hol!!,es Robert E., (Ewing & Holmes). h 1806 State Holmes Robert J., asst yardmaster P. R R, h 1616 N 2d ~ Holsberg Luther H., sub letter carrier, h 1422 N 3d _ Holsberger John H., elk, 223 Market, h 1812 N Cameron !:> Holsberger William, blacksmith, h 1812 N Cameron Holsberger William H .. laborer, h 1~1:l N Cameron ... HOLSTEIN HOWAllD 0., hotel, 1303 Ii 3d, h do ~ Holstine Gertntde Y., shirtmkr, h IH07 Moltke av ~ Holstine Harry M., blacksmith, 117 Verbeke, h 126 do I.&J Holstine John H., car inspector, h 1907 Moltke av Holstine Samuel L., helper, h 1907 }\foltke av Holthaus F. Theodore, elk F. and M. Works, h 2039 N 5th Holton Ointon, porter, 313 Verbeke, h do Holtry Samuel1L, fireman, h 614 Dauphin av Holtz Emanuel, h 546 Forrest Holtz Hannah S., wid John, h 813 East Holtz Mabel 0., ?ressmkr, I~ 328 Ha~ilton . I&J Holtz Samuel A., lOS agt, 14 S 2d, h 3:"1; Hanlllton Holtz Savilla, book folder, h 813 East Holtz William W., elk P. R R frt depot, h 328 Hamilton Holtzapple Elmer J., machinist, h 435 Walnut Holtzbergf>r William H., foreman, 10th c ~Iulberry, h 12M JS" Christian __ Holtzendollar Frederick, engine hostler, h 11051 Cowden :: Holtzendollar John H., laborer, h 637 Walnut _ Holtzendollar l\Iary A.. wid John I.. h 637 Walnut ~ HOLTZINGER 100 H., publisher, h 810 Ii 8th :::::i Holtzman Alice, h 129 Balm IL Holtzman Annie E . bOllnetmkr, h 1703 Green :z: Holtzman Charles F., driver, h 1247 Bailey ; Holtzman David K., ins sol, h 1227 Bailey ~ Holtzman Frank J., butcher, h 1123 N Cameron, h do __ Holtzman George M., cigars, 315 Market, h 714 N 6th Holtzman Ottilia C, music teacher, h 1227 Bailey :; Home Art Studio, Samuel Gross, mgr, 3 N 2d ~ Home for the Friendless, 5th c Muench ~ Honan Harry, elk bureau statistics, h 801 N 6th Hong Hon & Co., restaurant, 28 S 3d Honnafous Charles E:~~l~l!>e~~ ~ 3:!~ ~~u_~~n a~ _ _ _


~fJ~ ~~J H.

M. KELLEY &. CO. {'C::~\1.f.t;::

Boyd's Harriaburg CD) City Directol'J'




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:~::~~~"~~ ANDREW

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bat IIDH~ "",. A B TACI I N.D18 {BlaJlkJJl!.- .IDIanIISt. waI'kIIIeD. lMDee ~.... 3d 8t. . . . . . 1UId

Boyd's Harrisburg (D) City Directory.


Honnafous John H., laborer, h 3:!3 Dauphin av Hood Carl, elk, h 1336 N 3d Hood Emily B., elk, h 1336 N 3d Hood Grant, molder, h 141 N 4th Hood James W., engineer, h 1336 N 3d Hood John, brakeman, h 253 Sassafras av Hood Ruth A. Mrs., h 1315 Marion Hood WiUiam W., puddler, h 253 Sassafras av Hood William W., jr., railmkr, It :!53 Sassafras av Hook John F., engineer, h 1714 Green Hooper Martha M., wid Henry, h 1504 N 6th Hoopes C. Alfred, bookkpr, 502 Market, h 917 N 3d Hoopes Dora, domestic, 329 S 14th Hoopes Effie, bonnetmkr, h 311 Hamilton Hoopes Emma, wid Isaac, h 626 Maelay Hoopes Harry A., mantels, 502-504 Market, h 917 1\ 3d Hoopes Jacob B., tobacconist, 1021 N 3d, h do Hoopes Walter c., car inspector, h 626 Maclay . Hoot Charles T., brakeman, h 500 Ointon av Hoover Adam J., laborer. h 1239 Bailey Hoover Albert, fitter, h 26 N 13th Hoover Albert W., foreman, 1702 Susq, h 1921 Derry Hoover Alice Mrs., h 919 Rose av Hoover Alice C. Mrs., h 111 N 4th Hoover Alice J., stengr, 424 Market, h 1323 Green Hoover Andrew J., inspector, 227 Walnut, h 22 S 4th Hoover Anna, wid Jacob F., h 1216 Derry Hoover Annie F., lacquerer, h 222 N River av Hoover Benjamin F., foreman, h 110 Sylvan ter Hoover Benjamin W., coachman, h 222 ~ River av Hoover Bessie M., bookkpr, h 1524 N 5th Hoover Catharine, wid Benjamin, h 311 Boas HOOVER CHARLES F., carpets, furniture, &c., 1417 and 1419 Ii 2d, h do 0 Hoover Clarence, laborer, h 1224 N Cameron 13 Hoover Cyrus, brick burner, h 933 S 19th Hoover David M., laborer, h 1952 Boas Hoover Edna, stengr Commonwealth, h 1921 Derry Hoover Edward. laborer, h 1700 Herr Hoover Effie E., bookkpr, 14 S 2d. h 1523 Swatara HOOVERELLSWORm G., jeweler, 23 Ii 3d, h 131 Evergreen Hoover Emma E., press feeder. h 107 Evergreen Hoover Frank E., painter, 1952 Swatara, h do Hoover G. Elmer, salesman. 311 S 2d, h Lochiel Hotel Hoover George, laborer, h 218 S 2d Hoover Har!!', laborer, h 1224 N Cameron Hoover Harry. laborer, h 1021 Hemlock fir Hoover Harry F. Re\',. h 1~07 N 5th


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Boyd's Harrisburg tH) City Directory.

,. Hoovt'r Harry W., asst yardmaster P. R. R., h 2118 Moore Hoover Howard c., brakeman, h 1810 Elizabeth av .: Hoover Ida M., vamper, h 1216 Derry .1 Hoover Isaac W., assessor, h 14~n Shoop - Hoover Jacob, tinsmith, h 1807 N 5th =i Hoover Jacob G., laborer, h 1700 Herr Hoover John, meat, :322 S 16th, h do 1!!' Hoover John A., repairsman, h 1239 Bailey t!f! Hoover John H., conductor, h 605 Walnut Hoover John W., blacksmith, h 1524 N 5th :: Hoover Joseph A., blacksmith, 657 Verbeke, h 934 Penn ~ Hoover Joseph W., furniture, 334 Verbeke, h 1323 Green .; Hoover J. Wesley, elk, h 1523 Swatara Hoover J. Wf.sley, shoe operator, h 26 X 13th Hoover Lawrence, electrician, h 1068 S Cameron Hoover Louis A., machinist, h 934 Penn (/) Hoover Martha J., wid William 0., h 244 Liberty I [ Hoover Mary A., wid Joel, h 1400 N 3d Hoover Merlow, h 933 S 19th Hoover Myrtle, weaver, h 934 Penn I- Hoover Olive A., tailoress, h 206 S 13th Hoover Otto N . U. S. N., h 933 S 19th C Hoover Sarah, domestic, 919 Rose av I [ Hoover Sophia, wid John, nurse, h 219 Boas I- Hoover Uriah, foreman, h 908 S 19th Hoover William A., h 1952 Swatara Hoover William E., fireman. h 1:U5 N 3d Hoover William E., laborer, h 21146 Kensington Hoover \ViIliam F., steelworker, h 257 Liberty .. Hoover William G., elk, 23 N 3d, h 1431 Shoop Hoover Willis P., photographer, h 410 Briggs _ Hopkins Abraham L., laborer, h 1519 Hunter a.. Hopkins Annie E. Mrs., h 554 Primrose av E Hopkins Harry, machine tender, h 624 Walnut Hopkins John, laborer, h 421 Dauphin av ..... Hopkins John, laborer, h 1619 Fulton _ Hopper Sarah E., wid Samuel, h 112 Calder c:t Hopple Edna, cigarmkr, h 128 Balm U Hopple Edward L., bricklayer, h 630 Forster CI Hopple Elsie, watch woman Lunatic Hospital, h do : : Hopple John. laborer, h 128 Balm .... Hopple Michael H., engineer, h 630 Forster U Hopple Trubin c., cutter, h 630 Forster Hopton Mary ~lrs., dressmkr. h 135 S 2d CI Horchler John, bricklayer, h 1461 Regina ~ Hom Alexander D., steam fitter, 4 N 2<1, h 303 Cumberland Horn David. jr.. salesman, h The Co~monwealth ~ Hornafius VVilliam. brakeman. h 11 K 4th






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. B,ell. B.n.... l EDW , 8, ROBERTS , AeeltlleDI, Ltaltlltll'B... .Bell'PboDe 851 X,_ r...... loa _.rllt B_.d or 61M3 L

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Wall Paper and Window Shaclu. {l.~~~.t. Boyd'. Hani.burg (H) City Directory. 343

Horner America M., wid John W., h 1330 Susquehanna Horner Andrew H., laborer, h 747 S 19! Horner Eli 5 .. laborer, h 1124 :\lontgomery Horner John H., foreman E. & H. B. T. Co., h 1244 Bailey Horner Joseph, shearsman, h 341 S Cameron Horner Paris L., gauger, h 1124 Montgomery Horner William H., linotype opr Independent, h Oberlin Horner, see Harner, also Hoerner Horning James P., collector, 27 N 3d, It 1131 do Horning John H., conductor, h li31 N 3d Horning John H., jr., flagman. h 6118 Dauphin av Horning Maggie, h 268 Calder Horning Martin, laborer. h 1225 S 9th Horning Rebecca, h 268 Calder Horning William J., laundryman Lunatic Hospital, h do Horst Annie, domestic, lill" ?\ Front Horst Charles F., steelworker, h 854 S Cameron Horst Emma E., wid Cyrus, h 1838 State Horst Jacob Y., elk, h lS40 N ith Horst James L.. ironworker, h 1)11 \Valnut Horst John, engineer, h 854. ~ Cameron Horst Laura C. cigarmkr. h 1~:8 State Horst Luther M., elk, 812 Market, h 1828 State Horst Marjory, book sewer, h ~i)4 S Camt:ron Horstick George W .. checkmall P. R. R. h :'UO Crescent Horting Anne K., music teacher. h 604 Forster Horting Harry C, engineer. h 604 Forster Horting Martin L., car repairer. h 1121 Wallace, Horting Matilda, wid David. h 181i N Cameron Horton Albert }'l.. conductl)r. h :n:: Dauphin av Horton Isaac N., laborer. h la06 Currant av Horton Mary C, wid Oliver G .. h 1 S Front Horwitz Joseph, peddler. h 520 Filhert Horwitz Michael, tailor. 1:1211 N 6th. h do Horworth Evan. laborer. h ~fI Lochiel iith Row Hosan Lydia A., wid Henry, h 1300 N Cameron HOSTER ADAJI W., pension, claim and patent attorney, 1848 Swatara c 19th& h do see adv Hoster Adam W., jr.. laborer. h ISi8 Swatara Hoo;ter Frank C. molder. h 1848 Swatara
Notar~ ~ubllo.

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A. VV. HOSTBR, Pension and Claim Attorney

...... .&11 .... Hili




To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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a=::~,=!~JH. M. KELLEY
...: 344

& CO.H':"-::'~dtaf.'=:

Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

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Hostetter Chester D., checkman P. R. H.. h 1843 Fulton Hostetter Elizabeth, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Hostetter Gract:, cook Lunatic Hospital. h do Hostetter]. Melvin, elk P. R. R. depot, h 1843 Fulton Hostetter Laura E., shoe operator, h 1843 Fulton Hostetter Maud N., h 1~43 Fulton Hostetter Sarah J., wid Jacob C, h UH3 Fulton HOTEL COLUXBUS, (Russ & Run), 229-233 Walnut Hotel Hare. (Henry ~1. Hare), 421 Walnut Hotel Rife, \\illiam H. Rife, propr, 3:!5 Walnut HOTEL ROYAL, lohn C. Coates, propr, 217 Market HOTEL RUSS, (P. Ruu), 423 Jlarket Hotz Arnold, loom fixer, h 611 Cedar av Hotz Jlary A., tailoress, 4 S 2d, h 253 North Houck Aaron D., bricklayer, h 307 Crescent Houck Bros., (David and Philip). shoes, 335 Market Houck Charles A., brakeman, h 1322 Fulton Houck David, (Houck Bros.), h 720 ~ 7th HOUCK HENRY, deputy supt public instruction, h LebanoD Houck Joseph, laborer. h 2U! S 2d Houck LeRoy S., window trimmer, 312 Mkt, h Pen brook HOlick Philip, (Houck Bros.), h 720 N 7th Houck Samuel 1\1., bricklayer, h 307 Crescent Houdenshield Jacob, laborer, h 171~ X 4th Houdeshel Daniel F .. flagman, h 1702! ~ 5th Houghton Harry, laborer, h 279 Hamilton Houghton Harry L., engineer, h 279 Hamilton HOl1\tzburger Susan, dressmkr, 12114 Christian, h do Houltzburger William G., bedmkr, h 1204 Christian Hounstine Edward C, brakeman, h 1533 X 5th House George, laborer, h 117 Indian av Houseal Louis ]., tailor, 21 N 3d, h 407 Boas Houseal Sallie A. J1rs., h 610 Showers av Householder Albert, elk P. R. R .. h 803 Ea50t Householder Annie, forelady, h 803 East Householder Ella, wid Samuel, h ~O::J East Householder Frederick, bricklayer. h 1317 Bartine av Householder William T., h rear33:~ Market Householder, see Housholder Houseman Christian, grocer, 1726 K 3d.' h do Houser Andrew, car inspector, h 19::JO Fulton Houser Carrie J., domestic, 3113 S Front Houser Catharine, domestic. 211 State Honser Clark V., laborer, h 1"ear :~06 S Court av Houser Cornelius, laborer. h 1084 S 9th Houser Cornelius, jr., laborer, h 1084 S 9th Houser Frank L.. beamer, h 419 Boas Houser G('O~~}~ ~.-,~eater, h 43 ~ l~th_____________


REDMOND. {3d .Id Rell, Sts.

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Coog Ie.

A. B. tACK, Practical Paper Hanger,


Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

Houser George H., assessor, h 216 Chestnut Houser Grace, domestic, :!11 State Houser Harry c., Ironworker, h 1016 S 9th Houser Henry, driver, h 127i Paxton Houser Isaac, repairsman, h 113 Linden Houser Jacob, asst foreman P. R R, h 1309 Green Houser James H., painter, h :319 Boas Houser John G., painter, h 18411 Berryhill Houser Lizzie, wid Henry, h 11116 S 9th Houser Mabel, saleslady, h 1309 Green Houser Maggie c., domestic, 303 S Front Houser :Maria, nurse, h 528 \Yest av Houser Mary, h 1930 Fulton Houser Mary E., cigarmkr, h WIn S lith Houser Mary E., wid John, h 667 Briggs Houser Minnie 1\1., wid Frank M., h 1126 Cowden Houser Robert M., stock sorter, h 420 Herr Houser Sarah F., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1;~09 Green Houser \ViIliam c., delinquent tax collector, h 5:~8 Race Houser \Villiam S., carpenter, h 419 Boas Houser \\"ilson R, supervisor, 122 Markt't, h :n3 Chestnut Housholder Arthur G., bkkpr, 7th c Emerald, h 412 Mkt Housholder Charles F., carpenter, h 415 Pear Housholder Edwin M., policeman Capitol, h 412 Boas Housholder Ella J. Mrs., boarding, 41:! ~Iarket, h do Housholder Elmer E., carpenter, h 412 Boas. Housholder John c., carpenter, h 405 Yerbeke Housholder William, carpenter, h 412 Boas Housholder William 0., 50team fitter, h 412 ~Iarket Housholder, see Householder Housman Joseph, laborer, h 12th nr Hamilton Housman Joseph, jr., laborer. h 12th nr Hamilton Houston Hugh Me., carpenter, h 643 Calder Houston Ralph, elk, h 643 Calder Houston 'Wllliam A., civil ellgineer, h 19 X -Ith Houtz Adam D., cutter. :UO \'erbeke, h 1629 X 6th Houtz Etta L.. wid Oscar S., h 248 ~orth Houtz Harry c., stenographer, 7 N 3d, h 248 il:orth Houtz Joseph C. elk. 21H Market, h 24S ~orth Houtz William H., tailor, 310 Verbeke. h do Hoverter Abner B.. coach painter, h L44i Regina Hoverter Annie. wid George \Y . h :l:! Everg-reen Hoverter Arthur J., ins solicitor, 15 K :!d, h 1631 Green Hoverter Charles A .. painter, h 1257 :\Iulberry Hoverter Elizabeth B.. bkkpr, 1311 N ad. h 1257 ~Iulberry Hoverter George A., cashier The Lochiel, h a2 Evergreen Hoverter George R Rev., 1257 Mulberry Hoverter Grace H., saleslady. 334 ~1arket, h 1257 ~lulberry

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.. To find a name you m\1st know how to spell it."

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lIeIEIL'S PAil EXTERIIIIUOR ~UWO:~:e~~~Yl. {.. ~.

,. Hoverter Harry R., bar elk The Lochiel, h 1152i Market Hoverter John fl., h 12;;7 .\lulberry Hoverter John P:, elk silk mill, h 1257 Mulberry 11 H9verter Ross W., messenger P. R. R., h 131 S 3d ~ Hoverter Samuel .M., driver, h l:n S 3d Hoverter Sarah, wid Aaron, It 1631 Grt:en ~ Howanstiile John P., urakeman, h 316 Muench .3 Howard Alexander W., agt, h una N 7th - Howard Benjamin D., grocer, 1515 Derry, h 229 S 15th ~ Howard Dwight L., fireman, h 1912 N 7th Howard Ella D. Mrs., (Allison Hill Laundry), h J06 S 15th _ Howard Fannie, wid Benjamin, h 1516 :\ 5th ~ Howard James A., shoe operator, h :!:!9 S 15th Howard James H. W., notary puulic and ins, 3U6 S 15th, h do ':11 Howard Laura A., h 1915 N 7th Howard Layton L., (Allison Hill Laundry), h 306 S 15th (I) Howard Lillie M., h 229 S 15th Howard Morris H., laborer, h 1915 N 7th I&J Howard Prudence, wid Mahlon, h 304 Calder Howard Samuel D., telegrapher P. R. R., h 304 Calder ..J Howard Sarah A., forelady, h 229 S 15th <C Howard Tabitha, wid Hamilton, h 604 South av 11 Howard Taylor, laborer, h 1332 Mayflower Q Howard William J., h 1529 Logan av Howard William T., salesman, h 1411 Market I&J Howe Jesse K., mgr telegraph P. R. R., h 145 Sylvan ter Howe Lavina j., wid Jesse, h 145 Sylvan ter Howe Mary, nurse, h 324 N 2d ~ Howe Percy W., laborer, h 125 S 13th 1IIE Howerter Susan, h 1409 N 2d C Hoy Francis H., h 902 Green ~ Hoy Francis H., jr., barber, h 223 Briggs C Hoy George K., electrician, h 103 South c." Hoy Nora, domestic, 11 S Front ~ Hoy Robert W., electrician, h 902 Green .c Hoy William A., brakeman, h 50S! Camp C Hoyer George R., elk, 401 Chestnut, h 113 do c." Hoyer Justina M., wid George, h 113 Chestnut CI Hoyert Annie, housekeeper, h 2025 Fulton Hoyert John, laborer, h 2025 Fulton Hoyert Margaret, wid Lawrence, h 2025 Fulton ~ Hoyler Andrew, laborer, h 602 Race Hoyler Dorothea M., wid John lid., h 601 Race CI Hoyler Frederick J., miller, h 109 Tuscarora ~ Hoyler John G., laborer, h 582 Showers av - Hoyler Rose, cigarmkr, h 317 S Front ~ Hoyt Mattie A., domestic, 314 Market



Boyd'. Harrisburg (H) City Direotol'J'.

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Til. AIDerlea. BDndln. (:......". Baltimore, Md. BOW. Q. KGB ...... General ApD&!:entral Penna. DIItrlct, 108 ..... Bell 'Phone 851 X, or 8lM8 X.


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PIN,:~~~.,:,::r~~:r..!!.." {l216 10rIIJ Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

lDlld II.

Hoyt William, brakeman, h 543 Maelay HUB, (loaeph Nachman and Simon Hinh) , clothien and furnishen, 400 Karket c 4th Hubbs Anna M., saleslady, 334 Market, h 641 Calder Hubbs Emma ]., wid George, h 2017 Kensington Hubbs Lewis B., brakeman, h 641 Calder Hubbs William E., laborer, h 641 Calder Huber Annie E., packer, h 224 Hummel Huber Benjamin F., engineer, h 1716 N 5th Huber Charles, foreman silk mill, h 1610 Green Huber Charles A., laborer, h 127 Vine Huber Chester G., brakeman, h 1716 N 5th Huber Clayton R, toolmkr, h 1305 S Cameron Huber Daniel P., bookbinder, 4 N 3d, h 224 Hummel Huber Dayid, carpenter, h 1214 N 6th Huber Edward M., polisher, h 224 Hummel Huber Edwin T., laborer, h 129 Vine Huber Eva M., bunchmkr, h 129 Vine Huber Frank B., rougher, h 137 Hanna Huber Harry A, brakeman, h 1221 N 6th Huber Harry B., brakeman, h 430 Hamilton Huber Henry, elk, 235 Crescent, h do Huber Howard M., stereotyper Patriot, h 1435! Regina Huber Ivy E., bookkpr, 716 State, h 1221 N 6th Huber Joseph 0., feeder, h 129 Vine Huber Katharine F., teacher, h 224 Hummel Huber Louisa 1., dressmkr, 1610 Green, h do Huber Lydia 0, wid George 11.1., h 1435! Regina Huber Mary E., beader, h 1441 Vernon Huber Maud E., warper, h 136 Balm Huber Minnie L., shirtmkr, h 1716 Fairview Huber Minnie M., shoe packer, h 224 Hummel Huber Susan, wid Daniel P., h 224 Hummel Huber U. Grant, laborer, h 224 Hummel Huber Washington, laborer, h 1221 N 6th Huber William H., elk, 616 Herr, h 127 Vine Huber William H., nailer, h 1441 Vernon Hubert Charles, brakeman, h 11 N 4th RUBERTIS STEPHEN, bookbinder, Patriot bldg, 3d :loor front, 320 llarket, h 228 Boas Hubler Harry 0., fireman, h 2036 N 4th Hubler Ida, saleslady,406 Market, h 2036 N 4th Hubler Joseph M., conductor, h 2036 N 4th Httblev Alpheus T., (Weaver & Hubley), h 508 N 3d Hubley Alpheus T., jr., engr of tests C. I. and S. Co., h 1010 Green Hubley Eleanora, wid Thomas, h 1102 N 7th ~ttbley Lila A, milliner,223 Market, h Middletown

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To 8nc:l anamc you must mow how to spell it."

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H. M. KELLEY" CO COAL AND WOOD {Of.: Iou."':.L"1::

_ 348
Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Directory.

t; Hubley Thomas H., painter, h 1102 N 7th

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Hubrosky Joseph, engineer, h 12 Paxton Furnace Row : ; Hudgins Charles R., h 1426 Green Hudgins Harry M., beamer, h 1435 Susquehanna C ) Hudgins John D., laborer, h 1435 Susquehanna all: Hudgins Rachel, winder, h 1435 Susquehanna ~ Hudgins Thomas J., bricklayer, h 1415 ~ 2d :: Hudson Archibald, laborer, h 520 S 13th .. Hueber Frank, brassworker, h 1231 Mulberry Hueber Paul ~L, foreman, 10th c ~Iulberry, h 1231 Mul...., berrv :::- Huff Emma J., wid Elias, h1814 N 5th .... Huffer Clarence Z., elk, 228 Verbeke a: Huffman Mary J., cook, h 255 Kelly av Huffman, see Hoffman c:t Huffnagle George W., painter, h 919 S 20! Huggins Edward J., tailor, h 116 Evergreen .... Huggins Joseph, steelworker, h 343 Kelker HUGGmS wnLTAx, merchant tailor, 207 Locust, h 118 c.:i Evergreen all: Hughes Aaron, brakeman, h 1514 Logan av C) Hughes Albert, carpenter, h 2221 N 3d ;:::: Hughes Benjamin B., huckster, h 3 Lochiel1st Row all: ..... Hughes David, laborer, h 1439 Shoop ~ Hughes Ellis M., laborer, h 614 Church av - Hughes James, laborer, h 508 South av Ii: Hughes James, livery. 416 Strawberry av, h 415 Walnut :E Hughes John 0 . C"onfectioner, 347 S 13th, h d.) ~ Hughes Mary, wid Thomas, h 614 Church av A.. Hughel'; Otto. houseman European Hotel ~ Hughes Robert, Hbg Pipe and Pipe Bending Co., h i:i::i li31 Boas ::;3 Hughes ll. Grant, laborer, h 1409 Susquehanna a:: Hughes William, elk, h 317 Hummel ..... Hughes William, veterinarian, 416 Strawberry av, h 415 ffi Walnut ~ Hughes William B . architect, h 232 N 3d C) llUGOS W. IONSE, restaurant, 231 Strawberry av, h do w~ Hull Charles G., collector, 226 (bestnut, h 222 do ZJ Hull Edward, baker, h 513 State 0- Hull Ella S .. milliner, 334 Market, h ~ew Cumberland Hull Frank W . engineer, h 1728 Penn II Hull Jacob T., laborer, h ]924 Elizabeth av W Hull John K., elk, 1407 N 6th, h do JD Hullman Allison M., salesman. 321 Mkt, h Mechanicsburg wZ Hullman, see Holman I-e Humhert Annie M., domestic. 514 ~ 5th


~ Hubrosky Andrew, laborer, h 12 Paxton Furnace Row




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.- I I Pabllc A ,nOlALrr Pial. A B TAC" PIWCIIII A n , B.lldl... I.0 " -TI.... {IZI'.II.. S'St. 1\, f.U. . .....
Boyd's Harrisburg (H) City Direotory.

349 ,

Humbert Emma, wid George, h 514 X 5th Humbert Randolph D., laborer, h ~16 S Court av Humburg Andrew H., laborer, h 436t S Cameron Humburg Jane, domestic, 704 State Hume Ada M., stripper, h 429 S 2d Humelstein Aaron, conductor, h 1516 Susquehanna Humelstein Harry, laborer, h 1516 Susquehanna Humelstein Harry, molder, h 1427 Susquehanna Humer Carson S., carpenter, h 1408 Vernon Humer Edwin C., salesman, 334 Market, h 1456 Regina Humer Eleanor A., crimper, h 1456 Regina Humer John F., telegrapher, 11 N 3d, h 1408 Derry Humer Mary, domestic, 228 Forster Humes James W., warehouseman P. R. R.. h 1411 Regina Humes Laura E., wid Lyman, h 141114- Green Humes Lyman A., elk, 401 Chestnut, h 321 Clinton av Humes Sarah J.. saleslady. 318 Market, It 1513 N 5th Hummel Alfred. contractor and builder, 623 Briggs, h do Hummel Anna, wid John B., h 123 S 14th Hummel Carrie Mrs., h 328 Peffer Hummel Carrie M . saleslady, 326 Market. h 328 Peffer Hummel Catharine E., wid Samuel W., h Reel's la nr 6th Hummel Darius S., laborer, h-1080 S Cameron Hummel Edgar C., deputy sheriff. C H., It Hummelstown Hummel Edward F., h 330 S 14th Hummel Edward W .. h 21 S 4th Hummel Eliza B., wid Richard H., h lU7 S Front Hummel Elmer c., clk prothonotary, C. H., h Steelton Hummel Emma,h 702 N 3d Hummel George W., h 330 S 14th Hummel Jacob L., trucker, h Reel's la nr 6th Hummel Jeremiah, laborer, h 343 Kelker Hummel J. Fred, tinsmith, h 1621 Penn Hummel John K., h 929 N 6th Hummel John W., laborer, h Reel's la nr 6th Hummel Lulu M., milliner, 334 Market, h 1226 Walnut Hummel Margart't, cook, 1631 N 2d Hummel Mary, saleslady, 318 Market, h Reel's la nr 6th Hummel Philip T., asst yardmaster P. R. R., h 631 Maclay HUllmlel Revery L., agt, h 2139 N 7th Hummel Richard H., real est, h 107 S Front Hummel Susan K., h 1931l N !ld Hummel \Varren, waiter, an!! ~darket, h dl) Hummel \Yillialll C, patternmkr. h Hli Balm Hummelbaugh Harry A .. salesman, a:~4 Market, h 119 S 2d Hummer Frank H., helper, h :11:{ HetT Hummer Harry C, fireman, It 313 Herr Hummer May, shirtmkr, h 1231 Bailey

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.. To find a name you must know how to spell ft."

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Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory.



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.. Hummer Samuel R . lalJorer. h 128 Linden Humphrey Anna E., wid John, h 1417 N 4th .a. Humphrey John 1'., bolt cutter, h 666 Calder _ Humphrey Thomas, florist, 101 N 4th, and Greenwood nr ~ l!1th, h do Humphreys Charles, rig"ger. h 618 Wiconisco Humphreys :-';ellie B., weaver, h 14a7 Shoop 1! Humphreys Susan Mrs., h 1437 Shoop ~ Humrichouse Edgar K., soapmkr Lunatic Hospital, h 1531 Wallace II Humrichouse l"red K., baker Lunatic Hospital, h 1531 Wallace - Humrick Samuel K., pemion atty, h 119 S 2d Hunsecker Charles F., labroer, h 226 S 15th Hunsecker David E., elk, :!2 N 3d, h 1511 Penn II) Hunsicker Charles I., painter, h 410 Hamilton Hunsicker William, carriagemkr, h 410 Hamilton Hunt George W., warehou!'cman P. R. R .. h 1130 Market Hunt Robert c., vardmaster P. & R., h 1:310 Vernon ~ Hunt \Villiam H.: engineer, h 16116 Logan av Hunter Caroline P., wid Rev. John, h :~!J Balm C Hunter Charles, fireman, h 141f1 N 6th Hunter Charles H., coacluDail, h 433 SOllth Hunter Edward A.. checkman P. R. R., h 1113 Kittatinny ~ Hunter Elmer, janitor. h 704 State Hunter Forrest, h 206 Walnut Hunter George 'V., conductor, 16111 O Hunter James H., restaurant, 601h South,N 6th State h 704 Hunter Jennie, charwoman, h 1413 Marion ~ Hunter Jennie Mrs., laundress, h 175 Indian av lIE Hunter Joseph c., fireman, h 407 Hamilton . . Hunter Robert L., engineer. h 1528 N 6th Hunter Robert W., elk, h 1528 N 6th Hunter Sallie, domestic, :!3 S 2d u Hunter William J., salesman, h 21 Evergreen ~ Hunting'don Julia B. Mrs., music teacher, 815 N 2d, h do. . Huntsberger David G. brakcman, h 42:! Hamilton Huntsbcrger Elizabeth, h 1115 N 3d u Huntsberger Joseph L, laborer, h 436 Muench CI Huntzberger Harry, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Huntzinger Benjamin K., sec, 1 S 3d, h 920 Green Hurley George 'N., laborer, h 1 Paxton Furnace Row ~ Hurley Mary Mrs., cook, 709 North av Hurley Wesley F., ins agt, h 609 N Front CI Hurley William M., contractor, h 38 Balm ~ Hurlock W. Spry, dentist, 25 N 3d, 11 814 N 2d Hursh Elmira J., wid Augustus L., h 1740 N 3d ~ Hursh Harry, horse dealer, h 44 Balm


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8-e1 . , _ . Bell 'Phone 161 X.

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Y~=";c:::: lOB PlPr IIIlD1d01 SIIOb ifill A. B. TACI...

Boyd's Ranisbug (ll) City DireetGry.

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Hursh Jay N., painter, h 1740 N 3d Hursh J. Frank, h Front c Seneca II nrsh Joseph, h 418 Forster Hursh L. ~Hnnie, teacher, h i08 Capital Hursh Sarah A., wid George R., h 70~ Capital - Hurst Charles, wrapper, 6 S 2d. h 1:.m5 .\larket Hurst James, helper, h 1409 Penn Hurst Joseph, brakeman, h 1205 Market Hurst Mabel J., ~aleslady, 6 S 2d, h 1205 Market Hurst William M., barber Lunatic Hospital, h do Husler William, furnaceman, h 233 Hummel Huson John, laborer, h 628 Reily ,. Huson Samuel, laborer, h 628 Reih' Hustler Cyrus, car repairer. h 41:} Balm Hustler May, cook, 207 N 2d Huston Frederick W., driver. h 80G Green cr Huston George 1'1., engineer. h 4:l7 Verbeke Huston George M., jr., butcher. h 437 Verbeke R Huston H. Elizabeth, cigarmkr, h 437 Verbeke !!L Huston John, engineer, h 61:3 Cumberland Huston John B., engineer. h 1222 N 6th GO Huston John L., elk. 2111 Market. h 208 Liberty ;: Huston John \V., laborer, It 437 Verbeke l' Huston Levi A., brakeman, h 1114 Plum av Huston Lillie. h 408 Forster ;: Huston \Villiam H .. baggage master. h 1427 N 6th Hutcheson John L.. carpenter, h li24 Fulton Hutchinson Christiana. wid Israel C, h 1111 Capital Hutchinson I<1a, h 104 Walnut Hutchinson Mary M.. looper, h 1918 N 6th Hutchinson William R., mgr, 617 'Walnut, h 914 Green Hutchiiion Alice :M., ~id James W., It 1511 Penn Hutchison Calvin P . engineer, h 1918 K 6th Hutchison Catharine. matron Home ior the Friendless Hutchison Emma M .. wid Joseph B., h 12071 N 7th Hutchison George G . elk Dairy Commissioner, Capitol, h 606 Briggs Hutchison J. Frank, elk. 214 Market, h 118 Chestnut Hutchison Joseph B., chief of police. h 1207i N 7th == Hutchison Joseph B., jr., elk. 1207 N 7th, h 1205 do ~ Hutchison Julian W., liquors. 1207 N 7th, h 1205 do Hutchison ~fatilda. wid Edward. h 1918 N 6th ~ Hutchison Sarah L . wid David H., h 1523 N 2d en Hutchison William R., express messenger, h 1502 Penn -J Hutman George A., watchmkr. &c., 803 N 3d, h 1703 do ::r Hutman Henry H . machinist, h 1426 Marion Hutman Martha, wid William, h 123 Nagle en Hutman Mary Mrs., h rear 121 N Cameron

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Try & Toll 01

H MKELLEY & CO'S Sl:r..DI..._ ........ ... k ..... . . . . .-

{I Harth 3d SIrMI. 10th .... Side s...

...; 352

Boyd's Harrisburg (I) City Directory.







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HUTTER FRANK L, bookbinder, blank book mfr, printer and ruler, 329 Market, h 808 N 8th see adv Hutter John R., machinist, h 550 Woodbine Hutter Mary, telephone opr, 227 Walnut, h 550 Woodbine Hutton Annie, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Hutton George J., gauger, h 345 :\luench Hutton George W., salesman, 326 Market, h 345 Muench Hutton John c., physician, 5 S 4th. h do Hyde Curtis, foreman, h 416 S 17th Hyde David, lather, h 421 State Hyde Matthew, laborer Capitol, h 30 N Dewberry av Hyer Annie, cigarmkr, h 1040 Herr Hyer John M., h 1040 Herr Hyers Alice M., wid William E., h 210 Locust Hyers Charles W., laborer. h 210 Locust Hyler Annie, domestic, 4:11 Verbeke Hynicka Catharine M. Mrs., h 1102 N 7th Hynicka Edward 0., laborer, h 113 Balm Hynicka George, contractor, h Hotel Columbus Hynicka George W., molder, h 113 Balm Hynicka Mary A., h 129 Walnut

.. Ibach Catharine, bookkpr, h 419 Strawberry av

:& Ibach Florence, elk, h 103 North

.. Ibach Grace, milliner, h 103 North u ! Ibach Harry C, mgr, 26 N 3d, h 419 Strawberry av =- Ibach John, laborer, h 103 North .!! Ibach Joseph W., elk Hotel Columbus, h 419 Strawberry av -:::; Ibach Lydia A., wid Charles, h 419 Strawberry av :> Ibach Wittiam, jr., ironwkr, h 103 North 1&.1 Ickes S. Ritter, physician, h 1709 N 3d I- Ikelberger James H., laborer, h 626 North I- Ikelberger, see Eichelberger South, h 111 do Ikeler Raymond G., stable, 230 161 Imboden Harriet, wid Henry, h 1253 Bailey I:t Imes William S., laborer, h 1123 N 11i Imfang Anna :\1., wid Henry, h 106 S Court av Z Ingram Alice. cigarmkr. h 1409 Penn Ingram Charles, laborer, h 1406 Vernon Z Ingram Clayton, laborer, h 1406 Vernon Ingram Daniel, laborer, h 2541 N 6th I:t Ingram Harry c., bricklayer, h 320 Harris 1&.1 Ingram J. Geiger, salesman, 317 Chestnut, h Mechanicsburg INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS OP SCRANTON, W. R. Houser, supervisor; 1. Elmer Watts, aut supt; N. K. Hoffert, solicitor, 122 Market



ANDREW REDMOND, .f::::=:-.;.'::::-:. {3d I.d Reily Sis.

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w.u Paper. Thebel&lID4lOW1RDd-. W ..... { _pl_ wtcIt. ~ aDd NIII'I



Boyd's Barrisburg (J) Cit.y Direotory.

353 ..

Irons Robert H., supt Nlill No.1, C. 1. and S. Co., h 102 State Irugani Amedeo, waiter Harris House Irvin Amanda, domestic, 1432 N 6th Irvin Sarah, wid James, b 1316 Fulton Irwin Caroline L., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 917 N 6th Irwin Charles M., baggage master, h 917 N 6th Irwin Edna Mrs., h 1103 N 3d Irwin George T., student, h 225 Herr Irwin Howard C., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 225 Herr Irwin Ida, forelady, h 629 Camp Irwin James B., laborer, h 1216 Hickory av Irwin John E., engineer, h 225 Herr Irwin Mary E., housekeeper, 1216 Hickory av Irwin Minnie H., stengr, Mulberry c Crescent, h 917 N 6th Irwin William H., engineer, h 1426 Penn Isaacman Aaron, grocer, 321 Boas and 452 Cumb, h do Isaacman Benjamin H., grocer, 518 South, h do Isaacman Daniel, laborer, h 452 Cumberland Isaacman Joseph J., grocer, 234 Verbeke, h 452 Cumberland Isaacman Max B., grocer, 1308 Wallace, h do Isaacman Rebecca D., elk, 234 Verbeke, h 452 Cumberland Isenberg William J., lineman, 11 N 3d, h 1823 Fulton Isenberg, see Eisenberg Isert Harry c., brakeman, h 1426 Market Ishey Christian, switchman, h 1922 Wood av Iungerich Calvin L., salesman, h 158 N 15th IUJ'lgerich Isaac S., salesman, h 1607 N 3d



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Jack George c., printer, h 342 Cherry av Jack Lydia, wid William, h 1010 James av Jack Theresa C., wid Joseph L., h 342 Cherry av Jackson Alice, domestic, 118 Tanner's av Jackson Amelia, domestic, 106 Christie's av Jackson Andrew, letter carrier, h 1500 N 5th Jackson Andrew, trimmer, h 418 S Cameron Jackson Andrew L., butler, h 325 S 14th Jackson Annie, h 26 N 2d Jackson Annie, h 1117 N 2d Jackson Arthur, laborer, h 20 Lochiel 2d Row Jackson Champion, laborer, h 1182 S Cameron Jackson Charles A., barber, h 5141 N 5th Jackson Charles A., butler, h 1204 Capital Jackson Charles H., laborer, h 811 SlOth Jackson Charles H., laborer, h 503 North av Jackson Charles H., laborer, h 1406 N 4th Jackson Clarence, h 108 Short

Cal Q.


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T9 find a name you must know how to spell it." Digitized CoogIe


MdEll'S COMPlEXIO. PillS. :"~l::J:iid~~;>.r~~t!: {3Da Bna.



Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory.

Jackson Daniel, driver, h 319 Calder

:I Jackson David, laborer, h 824 Paxton

Jackson David R., laborer, h 212 Meadow la Jackson Edward, laborer, h 343 S Cameron &a lACKSOB EDWIli W., lawyer, 222 Jlarket, h 117 Cheetdut Jackson Eliza, laundress, h 210 Mary's av 3 Jackson Eliza K., h 224 N River av 1! Jackson Elizabeth, wid Joshua, h 341 S Cameron - Jackson Ellen, housekeeper, 1417 Marion ~ Jackson Elma L., teacher, h 50 N 13th Jackson Emma, charwoman, h 514 South :: II;; Jackson Emma S., weaver, h 1202 N Front i!i Jackson Ernest, laborer, h 515 South -! Jackson Fenton, laborer, h 1115 N 11i :. Jackson Fenton, jr., laborer, h 1115 N 11i - Jackson Francis 'W., blue printer, h 530 Maclay ," Jackson George, laborer, h 1018 S 21i VI Jackson George, laborer, h 1524 Vernon Jackson George W., alderman, 1 S 4th, h 50 N 13th I&J Jackson George W., porter, h 108 Short ..J Jackson Helen F. Mrs., dressmkr, 108 Short, h do Jackson Horace, laborer, h 337 S Cameron I&J Jackson House, (R. C. Birmingham), 1306 N 7th C Jackson Irene, domestic, 205 State Jackson Isaiah, conductor, h 652 \Voodbine I&J Jackson Isidora, teacher, h 507 South Jackson h 514i N 5th O Jackson James, barber, I. and S. Co., h 117 Chestnut _ James, elk C. Jackson Jennie, domestic, 209 State ~ Jackson John H., laborer, h 234 Meadow la Jackson John H., laborer, h 1230 N 11i ~ Jackson John J., laborer, h 554 Primrose av E Jackson John T., barber, 145 S 3d, h 507 South C Jackson John T., carpenter, h 1108 Calder Y Jackson Joseph H., barber, h 636 Briggs ..... Jackson Josephine Mrs., laundress. h 436 South av Jackson Julia V., domestic, 132 Locust u Jackson L. Estella, teacher, h 507 South Q Jackson Lillian, nurse, h 507 South Jackson Lizzie Mrs., cook, 1417 N Front _ Jackson Lucy, domestic, 211 Forster ..., Jackson Luther, hatman Commonwealth, h 507 South Y lACXSOB MA:RUFACTURI:RG CO., steel barrewa, miDiDg wagons, charging barroWs, &0., William lenllinga, sec Q and treas, 4th c Boyd av see adv ~ Jackson Martha c., wid John W., h 813 SlOth - Jackson Mary, wid John. h 1204 Capital ~ Jackson Mary l\irs., charwoman, h 341 Muench





188 S I ,.'" EDW G ROBERTS wlll lOon 10ur bond. Bell 'Pbone - "X,k .".X. bonda are executed. 8&1
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A. B. TACK t:a'::.=.:-:t II PODer 0IIII1181101_ ;lr~:

355 Jackson Mary F., proofreader Independent, h 1117 N 2d Jackson Mary J., charwoman, h ~16 James av Jackson May E., stengr ins dept, Capitol, h 102 N 2d Jackson M. Foster, elk, 2015 N 6th, h ~017! do Jackson Moses, laborer, h 713 Race Jackson Rebecca, domestic Maple Grove Hotel Jackson Rebecca B., cook, 2001 N 3d Jackson Richard E., scullion, h 506 South Jackson Robert, waiter Commonwealth, h 341 Muench Jackson Robert, bootblack Lochiel, h 131 Short Jackson Sarah A., laundress, h 177 Indian av Jackson Simeon, blacksmith, Paxton nr Cameron, h 120 ... Mary's av Jackson S. Matilda, wid Moses, h 436 S Cameron Jackson Sylvester, messenger, h 341 Muench Jackson Thomas S., laborer, h 177 Indian av Jackson Walter H., laborer, h 234 Meadow la Jackson William, laborer, h 120 Mary's av Jackson William J., brakeman, h 2146 Howanl av Jackson William M., laborer, h 9th c Paxton Jackson William M., laborer, h 1434 Vernon Jackson Wilson, laborer, h 125 Short Jackson Winnie, domestic, 17 N Front Jackson Zachariah, puddler, h 7 Lochiel1st Row Jacobs Abraham, laborer, h 1123 N 7th Jacobs Caroline, wid S. Kirk, h 354 Crescent Jacobs Charles H., labort>r, h 19118 Moltke av Jacobs Elizabeth, domestic, 225 Market Jacobs Ella I., bookkpr, 9 S 2d, h 1326 N 2d Jacobs Elma G., wid John A., h 1326 N 2d Jacobs Emma, domestic, 1022 Market Jacobs George, h 1226 N Front Jacobs George W., elk, 5 N 2d, h Carlisle Jacobs Harry E., molder, h 639 Verbeke Jacobs John A., packer, h 1223 Bailey Jacobs John c., packer, h 1223 Bailey_ Jacobs John H., cabinetmkr. h 1226 N Front Jacobs John M., delinquent tax collector, h 2024 N 6th Jacobs Maria Mrs., housekeeper, 125 Chestnut rn Q Jacobs Mary, wid George L., h 405 Reily c:I

Boyd'. Harriaburg (J) City Directory.

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...... Can. ebu.I Barn-. Chala BI.".... Wire Rope. . " ,



,. To ftnd a name you must know how to spell it."



~~~ ~~J H.

M. KELLEY & CO. nc:::.yJ.'1:;

Jacobs Mary A., bonnetmkr, h 405 Reily .... Jacobs Mary E., domestic, 1202 Chestnut lACOBS . WU.UAJI, lawyer, referee in bankruptcy,_ .... lIarket, h 1017 Ii Front Jacobs Samuel S., brakeman, h 1532 Wallace Jacobs Sherman, laborer, h 1105 N Cameron ~ Jacobs Ward E., motorman, h 310 Muench :: Jacobson Morris E., elk, 6 N 2d, h 128 S 2d =!! Jacoby Arthur M., confectioner, 266 Verbeke, h do :.: Jacoby Frank, wrapper, 6 52d, h 229 ,do en Jacoby Harry, conductor, h 229 S 2d :: Jacoby Mary E., wid David B., h 266 Verbeke - lAJIESEUGEBE H., physician, 808 Ii 3d, h do ~ James Sarah A., laundress, h 242 Meadow la __ James William c., steelworker, h 356 Crescent I&J James William T., physician, 1900 N 6th, h do Jameson Gertrude, wid Rush E., h 21 S 4th Jamison Adaline E. Mrs., dressmkr, h 1024 Market ...... Jamison A. Eugene, electrician, h 1313 Wallace Jamison Benjamin H., painter, h 1212 Cowden Jamison Charles 5., matcher, h 1212 Cowden Jamison Kate Mrs., milliner, 1213 N 6th, h do . Jamison \V. Grant, fireman, h 614 Granite av Jarret William B., telegrapher, 401 Chestnut, h 419 Walnut Jauss Anna c., wid Christian E., h 1113 N 6th Jauss Christian E., physician, 1323 N 6th, h do Jauss David F., stoves and tinware, 202 S 2d, h do I&J Jauss David F., jr., driver, h 202 S 2d Jauss D. Luther, (D. L. Jauss & Co.), h 310 Chestnut lAUSS D. L & CO., coal and wood, 701 Race lAUSS EDWARD E., stenographer Dept Public Grounda anel .IIi Buildings, h 633 Boas _ Jauss Harold R., stengr Soldiers' Orphan Com'r, h 202 S 2d Jauss J. Ross, cook, 3119 Market, h Fairview en Jauss Lizzie F., teacher, h 202 5 2d :: Jatlss William L., tinner, h 200 S 2d ~ Jay William, h 211 Cumberland ~ Jean Stanley G., elk, h 123 South =-= Jeannat Frank c., draftsman, hiOI ~ 6th ~ Jefferies Annie M. Mrs., h 1843 Swatara ~ Jefferies Charles A., mill hand, h 101 Filbert 11 Jefferies Fyanna. wid James M., h 610 Granite av - Jefferies Myra D., cigarmkr, h 610 Granite av Jefferis Ellen L., h 209 5 2d ~ Jefferis Mary E., h 209 S 2d g Jefferis William L., agt, h 936 N 2d C Jefferis William M., watchman gas works, h 209 S 2d Jeffers James c., elk aud genl's dept, h The Commonwealth

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Boyd" Harrisburg (J) City .Directory.



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:-:.:~~~:!r.~:..: AND R EW

RED M0N {3d lid Rilly Sis. D.

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workmeD, beDee A B TACI, 1.18 {BlDPloJI.DOlle ba& WorkdoDelDu1.,.,nof 348t. . . . . . UldIDaDJaI\.



Boyd'. Harrilburg (J) City Directory.


Jefferson Frank L., elk recorder, C. H., h Steelton Jeffries Arthur E., elk, h 519 Woodbine Jeffries Christopher, heater, h 504 Woodbine Jeffries Oarence, doubler, h 522 Forrest Jeffries George E., doubler, h 520 Forrest Jeffries Isaac, heater, h 519 Woodbine Jelley William E., salesman, h 22 S 4th Jenkins Albert, bookbinder, h 1706 Penn Jenkins Alfred, stenographer, 16 N 2d, h 125 Enrgreen Jenkins Annie, kindergarten, h 216 Harris Jenkins Annie Mrs., h 719 N 2d Jenkins Edward L., elk banking dept, Capitol, h 1706 Penn Jenkins Harry c., h 216 Harris Jenkins H. Stanley, salesman, 14 S 2d, h 216 Harris Jenkins Jane M., stenographer, 2 S 2d. h 1706 Penn Jenkins J. Edward, sexton, h 1126 Herr Jenkins John, waiter Hotel Columbus, h 524 Brown av Jenkins John W . laborer, h 9th ab Reilv Jenkins Lewis D., roIler, h 125 Evergreen Jenkins Robert D., elk, 615 Walnut, h 216 Harris Jenkins Thomas M., collector. h Hotel Columbus Jenkins William No, laborer, h 9th nr Reily Jennings Charles W., physician Hbg Hospital, h do Jennings Elizabeth, domestic. 1408 N 2d Jennings Emma J., wid William W., h 223 State Jennings George W., laborer, h 255 Kelly av Jennings Gloma. cigarmkr. h 621 N 18th Jennings Harry E., engineer, h 638 Boas Jennings John, showman, h 1720 Logan av Jennings John c., ( Jennings Mfg. Co.). h 1426 X 2d Jennings Mfg. Co., (John C Jennings), shirt mfrs, 414 State Jennings Marion A., usher P. R. R. depot, h Riverton Jennings. William, pres Hbg Steam Heat and Power Co., sec and treas Jackson ~Ifg. Co., h 232 State Jerauld Adeline W., wid Alfred, h 33 Evergreen Jerauld Arthur K., trimmer, h 106 Linden Jerauld Dwight P., (jerauld & Co .. Ltd.), h 3!l Evergreen lERAULD & CO., LTD., boots, shoes, &c., 310 )[arket Jobe Ray, domestic, 1311 N 3d Johannes William, laborer, h 1116 S Cameron John Tersie E .. cigarmkr. h 2!l5 S 2d Johns Alice, housekeeper. h 1(1416 S 9th Johns Calvin B., carpenter. h 1812 North Johns Eli, laborer, h 1221 N 6th Johns Franklin H .. policeman. h 1319 Bartine av Johns Harry. repairsman. h 322 Peffer Johns :\Iilton C. cooper, h 10116 S 9th Johnson Addie G.. charwoman. h 12118 Apple av

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To Bod name you must know how to spell It."

Di9itiZ~d by Coog Ie

.: 358


Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory,

:: Johnson Agnes P., charwoman, h 123~ ~ 11! ~ Johnson Albert, laborer, h 1232 N 11i - Johnson Albert C, hod carrier, h 191U Logan av =- Johnson Andrew, carpenter, h 3~7 Granite av - Johnson Andrew, fireman, h 656 Cumberland ~ Johnson Anna, asst elk Lunatic Hospital, h 1500 Walnut - Johnson Anna E., wid Jacob, h 339 Hamilton ~ Johnson Benjamin F., helper, h 345 S Cameron ~ Johnson Bessie E., book sewer, h 1429 Regina Johnson Charles, laborer, h 14U6 ~Iarion :: lOHNSOB CHARLES, resident clerk House of Representa~ tives, h The Lochiel Johnson Charles A., brakeman, h 617 Cumberland Johnson Charles c., huckster, h 16U7 Elizabeth av Johnson Charles E., laborer, h 227 ~ River av Johnson Charles G., supervisor Lun Hosp, h 1500 Walnut fI) Johnson Chas. H., barber, 1425! Derry, h ~119 Greenwood Johnson Charles H., laborer, h 5Ua South Johnson Charles L., carpenter, h 7U7 State' Johnson Charles L., hostler, h 312 Blackberry av Johnson Charles W., janitor, h .t1l2 Filbert Johnson Charles W., laborer, h 1953 Rudy c( Johnson Clement B., elk Hotel Columbus, h !na N 2d Johnson Cora A., weaver, h 3.19 Hamilton ... Johnson Daisy, weaver, h 1523 Wallace Johnson Daisy E., charwoman, h 1113 N 1l~ Johnson David E., machinist, h 267 Briggs Johnson David H., h 1318 Fulton Johnson Dora J. Mrs., h 114i Liberty Johnson Edith E. Mrs., boarding, 1432 N 6th, h do . : Johnson Edward, laborer, h 108i Christies av Johnson Eleanor, nurse, h 508 S 13th ~ Johnson Elizabeth, charwoman, h :321 Hay av IE Johnson Ellen, wid Henry, h 1113 N 11! Q Johnson Ellen N., wid Benjamin, h 3 N 9th U Johnson Ellie 1\1., dressmkr, h 113 Tanner's av : ; Johnson Elmer S., bookkpr, 17th c Derry, h 1410 Derry Q Johnson E. Olive, weaver, h 1523 \Vallace U Johnson Eugene A. Rev., h 317 Forster .Q Johnson Fannie L., teacher, h 819 N :3d Johnson Frank, hod carrier, h 1124 Herr - Johnson Frank, porter, h 116 Liberty ~ Johnson George Q., conductor, h 611 :\Iac\ay - Johnson Geo. \V., waiter The Com'wIth, h 111 Tanner's av Q Johnson Howard, waiter Commonwealth, h 60~ ~ortlt av ~ Johnson James C, foreman P. R. R., h 617 Boas - Johnson James E., laborer, It 1104 ~ 12th ~ Johnson James H., constable, h 16n9! N :ld



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aad 8.eo. BeU. EDW G ROBERTS , ......,Ide.'. LI 8t. Bell 'Phou eJ. X. or 1848 x: 108 .ort. -.-.d Digitized CoogIe



A. B. TACK, WaD Paper and Window ShacIa.

{UI~:.c.~.:.: Boyd's Harrisburg (J) City Directory. 359


Johnson James H., waiter Commonwealth, h 1113 N 11i Johnson James R., laborer, h 617 Boas Johnson Jeremiah R., brakeman, h 163~ N 4th Johnson John, laborer, h 1605 Elm Johnson John, laborer, h 321 Hay av Johnson John, laborer, h 1182 S Cameron Johnson John, repairsman, h 2102 N 6th Johnson John, waiter, h 516 Brown av Johnson John A., laborer, h 37 Lochiel 4th Row Johnson John E., conductor, h 610 Muench Johnson John H., laborer, h 240 Liberty Johnson John H., laborer, h 426 South Johnson John T., labolier, h 1426 N 4th Johnson Joseph, huckster, h 1635 Wallace Johnson Joseph J., h 215 S River av Johnson Julius, hostler, h 117 Cowden Johnson Landis, driver, h 21130 Elizabeth av Johnson Lavina F. Mrs., h 1419 Fulton Johnson Levi M., elk, h 403 Kelker Johnson Lewis, fireman The Bolton, h do :;:; Johnson Lewis c., blacksmith, 1;{()3 N 4th, h 432 Reily "' Johnson Lloyd, laborer, h 515 Adams av Johnson Margie, housekeeper, 1429 Regina Johnson Martha, domestic, 309 N 2d Johnson Martha, domestic, 1:?:~9 N Il! Johnson Mary, domestic, :~:?3 X Front Johnson Mary B. Mrs., dressmkr, 1200 N 3d, h do _ Johnson Max, paperhanger, h 1104 N 6th g 10H.SOB XAX P., Harrisburg Bottling Works, 26 Grace av, a

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Johnson Minnie B. Mrs., dressmkr, 267 Briggs, h do Johnson Nelson M., clk.113 N 2d. h 1338 Susquehanna Johnson Oscar G., boilermkr, h 1414 N 6th Johnson Richard E .. laborer, h 1118 Cumberland Johnson Samuel, laborer, h 1310 N 111 Johnson Samuel E., upholsterer, 427 State, h 418 Cranberryav Johnson Sarah, wid John, h 1228 K Cameron Johnson Selina, wid William, h 111 Tanner's av Johnson Selina, wid William, h 12116 Apple av Johnson Seth B., laborer, h 1607 Elizabeth av Johnson Solomon, laborer, h 414 S Cameron Johnson Stewart M., canvasser, h 1429 Regina Johnson Stewart M., huckster. h 509 Reily Johnson Thomas. waiter. h 1208 Apple av Johnson Walter J.. elk, 16 K 2d. h :~()9 Cumberland Johnson Warren K.. postal elk. h lCl9 S 2d Johnson William. laborer, h North nr 7th



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To find a name you must know how to spell it."





M. KELLEY &. CO.~I.::"~t~f.~


Boyd'. Harrisburg (J) City Directory.

5 _

~ Johnson William, motorman, h 2030 Elizabeth av

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Johnson William, waiter, h 511 S 2d Johnson William H., brakeman, h 12U3 N 6th Johnson William H., car inspector, h 309 Cumberland Johnson William H., hostler, h 508 S 13th Johnson William H., porter, h 614 Church av Johnson William T., boilermkr, h 208 Calder Johnston Andrew P. W., civil engr P. R. R., h 405 N 2d Johnston Daniel R., rodman, h 1607 Derry Johnston Edwin F., postal elk, h 1610 Regina Johnston Emery P., packer, h 1232 Mulberry Johnston Florian F., brakeman, h 627 Hamilton Johnston Frances, charwoman, h 116. Liberty Johnston Frank, porter, 28 S 2d, h 116 Liberty Johnston Frederick, bookbinder, 201 N 2d, h 144 N 13th Johnston George F., bookbinder, 320 ~Iarket, h 117 Calder Johnston Harvester Co., M. H. Whittaker, mgr, 214 Locust Johnston John K., asst engineer P. R. R., h 2001 N 3d . Johnston Louisa, forelady, h 1607 Derry Johnston Paul, Oohnston & Co.), h 14 N 3d J ohnston Robert, salesman, 113 N 2d, h 144 N 13th Johnston Robert A., Oohnston & Co.), h Germantown Johnston Thos. H., rubber stamps, 418 N 3d, h 117 Calder Johnston Thomas 0., chief clk The Commonwealth, h do Johnston Truman L., bedmkr, h 1232 Mulberry Johnston Wilbert, laborer, h 1216 N Cameron Johnston William, foreman, h a39 S 16th Johnston William B., blacksmith, h 502 Cumberland Johnston William H., elk ins dept, Capitol, h 700 N 3d Johnston Zachariah Rev., h 428 South Johnston & Co., (R. A. and Paul Johnston and W. M. Donaldson), wholesale paper and printers' supplies, 113 and 115 N 2d. Jones Aaron, laborer, h 1106 N 12th Jones A. Laura, stengr, h 1205 N 2d Jones Alfred, laborer, h 502 Strawberry av Jones Annie, domestic, 512 \Vest av Jones Annie Mrs., h 16 Haehnlen av Jones Annie c., wid Josiah, h 1424 Wyeth av Jones Annie E., telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 621 Poas Jones Annie J., h 1427 Marion Jones Belle, cigarmkr, h 2014~ N 5th Jones Bertrand B., asst supt, 14 S 2d, h 422 Market Jones Burton A .. chemist, 223 ~Iarket, h 618 Muench Jones C. Edward, molder, h 7 SlOth Jones Charles B., conductor, h 5:30 Peffer Jones Charles E., brakeman, h 413 Reily Jones Charles T., laborer, h 1330 Fulton

BIC~~~:~~':,RE.} ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d lid Reily Sts.

Digitized by



" B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,

{12Ir::. 'T=~-:""

Boyd'. Harrilburg (J) City Directory.

Jones Clifton, cook, h 128 Indian av Jones c. Maude, stengr banking dept, Capitol, h 210 N 2d Jones Crawford, laborer, h 715 Ash av Jones David M., tinworker, h 630 Peffer Jones Edwin S., shearsman, h 569 Forrest Jones Elmer, brakeman, h 511 North Jones Elmer, laborer, h 1512 Vernon Jones Emma, domestic, 317 N Front Jones Emma Mrs., h 109 South Jones Emma, saleslady, 5 N 2d, h 621 Boas Jones Emma E., wid Collin, h 1235 N 11i Jones Ephraim N., engineer, h 504 Calder Jones Eva Mrs., domestic, 450 S Cameron Jones Evaline S., wid John D., h 1205 N 2d Jones Fannie B., domestic, 1815 N Front Jones Frank c., elk E. & H. B. T. Co., h 1631 Green Jones George A., laborer, h 1915 Fulton ~ Jones George H., hostler, h 231 Blackberry av Jones George K., driver, h 618 Muench Jones George R., laborer, h 1603 Elm Jones Hannah, domestic, 1928 N 3d Jones Hannah Mrs., music teacher, h 134 Tanner's av Jones Harriet, domestic, 812 James av Jones Harry c., pianist, h 21 S 4th Jones Harry D, elk aud genl's dept, h 358 S 13th Jones Henrietta, wid Oscar, h 128 Indian av II Jones Henry, wood turner, h 603 Boas Jones Hiram D., painter, h 306 North .0 Jones Howard., molder, h 1942 Kensington I~ lOBES HOWAJm W., supt St. Lawrence Life Association, 21 B 3d, h 439 Walnut Cal Jones Ida L. Mrs., h 322 Peffer Jones Irene, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Jones James, laborer, h 47 Lochiel 4th Row Jones James McC., boarding, 2146 N 6th, h do Jones Jennie, wid Peter, h 432 South av Jones J. Miley, teller First National Bank, h 214 N 3d Jones John, engineer, h 328 S 15th Jones John F., laborer, h 315 Nectarine It Jones John G., laborer, h 502 South av Jones John I., brakeman, h rear 1737 :\f 7th Jones John L., laborer, h 46 Lochiel 4th Row Cal Jones John M., h 80 Elm Jones John P., h 214 N 3d Jones John W., molder, h 408 S 19th Jones John W . puddler, h 1022 Fox av Jones John W. Rev., h 1125 N 11i It Jones Joseph, laborer, h 106 Filbert


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--.. To end a name you must know how to spell it."

Digitized by


IIclEIL'S PAil EXTERMIIAIOR ~~t:or.~~':t=~~Yl{~,\~.



Borel'. Jlarriaburg (J) City Directory,

Jones Joshua W., h 214 N 3d Jones Laura E., domestic, 236 N Court av Jones Laurence S., dentist, 209 Walnut, h do J ones Leonard, h 1252 Swatara - Jones Leonard, porter, h 412 Cranberry av - Jones Lewis E., butler, h 512 N 5th Jones Livingstone W., telegrapher P. R R, h 412 Herr - Jones Lizzie, domestic, 228 :\'leadow la 1!! Jones Lizzie M., wid George, h 512 South av (!! Jones Lorenzo, driver, h 432 South av Jones Louisa, wid Edward. h 504 Strawberry av Jones Louisa, wid G. LeRoy, h 111 Angle av ~ Jones Lucius, porter, h 406 N 5th Jones Lucy, domestic, 101 Locust .; Jones Madison, waiter The Bolton, h 541 Primrose av Jones Marcus, laborer, h 1418 \Vyeth av Jones Margaret, domestic, 1246 Market (/) Jones Margaret E., shoe operator. h 1942 Kensington Jones Maria, wid Henry E., h 812 James av 1&1 Jones Marie ~lrs., h 1415 Fulton -I Jones Martha Mrs., cook The Bolton, h 512 West av c( Jones Mary, wid Jeremiah. h ;U5 ~ectarine I&J Jones Mary, wid Joseph. h 436 South av Jones Mary Mrs., domestic, h 130 S Dewberry av C Jones Mary A., wid Josiah, h 1122 N 3d 1&1 Jones Mary B., charwoman. h 2!l6 N Court av Jones Mary E. Mrs .. h 514 Primrose av Jones Mary J., wid Peter. h 432 South av Jones Mary R Mrs., housekeeper. 1101 S 9th . : Jones Mortimore. porter Hotel Russ, h 1610 Walnut Jones Myrtle Mrs., h 1818 State ~ Jones Nathan 1., driver, h 1106 N 12th E Jones Norman M., brakeman. h 514 Maclay . C Jones Richard A., conductor, h !l27 Dauphin av U Jones Robert L., porter. h 412 Cranberry av ..... Jones Robert R, electrical engineer, 105 S 2d, h do : Jones Samuel, doubler, h 5th nr Maclay u Jones Samuel, porter P. R R. h 425 South av Q Jones Samuel, switchman, h 1104 Wallace z Jones Samuel E., brakeman. h 13!l1 N 4th c Jones Samuel J., laborer, h :W2 :\Jary's av ...., Jones Sarah Coo cl1arwoman, h 5414 Strawberry av u Jones Thomas 1., laborer, h :315 Xectarine - IOns TJlOKAS M., political reporter Telegraph, h 823 lei c:a Jones Thomas :\-1., salesman. 22!l Market, h 1024 do ~ Jones Thomas W .. catcher, h 1324 S 13th iii IOnS WELLINGTON G., reporter Telegraph, h S04 Calder :::I Jones William, h 214 N 3d

= _.=





Tile A_eric. . . . . .dl C .,.aay, BalUmore, lid.

.DW. Q. BOB_Il'I'II, General Agent Central Penna. DIstrict, loa If .... 8 Belt 'PhoneMl X. _ _ X.
Digitized by



PZN~':'~~,!":~~~.!." H216 101111116 II. Boyd'. Hani.burg (l() City Directory. 363

Jones William, laborer, h 408 S 19th Jones William, wood turner, h 621 Boas Jones William C, molder, h 1419 Penn Jones William E., driver, h 554 Primrose av Jones William E., ins solicitor, 15 N 2d, h 1410 Zarker Jones William H., flagman, h 2145 N 4th Jones William H., laborer, h 1942 Kensington Jones William H., messenger State lreasury, h 434 South Jones William H., physician, 402 State, h do Jones William H., state mechanic Capitol, h 702 East Jones William ~l., laborer, h 1419 Penn Jones William T., printer, h 1024 Market Joppey Roben, laborer, h 554 Primrose av Jordan Edward .1., porter, h 129 Cranberry av Jordan Frank S., laborer, h 1202 N Cameron Jordan Harry c., bolt cutter, h mu N 6th Jordan Pearl, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Jordan Richard,laborer, h 1135 S 9th Jordan Robert, laborer, h 46 Lochiel 4th Row Jordan Stephen, steam fitter, h 129 Cranberry av Jordan Thomas B. L., asst med exr P. R. R.,413 Market, h Maple Grove Hotel Journey Edna I., bookkpr, 426 Market. h 1162 Mulberry Journey William, loom fixer, h 1162 Mulberry . Joyce William H., car inspector, h 19 N 15th Julius Forrest E., apprentice Independent, h 426 Hamilton Julius George H., painter, h 25 Balm Julius Jacob T., warehouseman. h 420i Reily Julius O. Lincoln, tallyman P. R. R. frt depot, h 648 Boas Jung Hing, laundry, 618 N 3d. h do J upee Sarah, wid John, h 408 N 5th J upee, see Dupee Juricks Caroline C, charwoman. h 167 Indian av Juricks John W., waiter, h 131 Cranberry av Jury Hiram, brakeman, h 1407 Currant av

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Kable Levi B., brakeman, h 1620 N 4th Kadish Harrv, school, 505 \Valnut, h do Kahle Bertha, domestic, 21 N 4th Kahle William A., laborer, h 2029 Forster Kahn Joseph, clothier, 304 Market, h 113 Locust Kahnweiler Miriam, wid Joseph, h 234 N 2d Kaile Harry E., laborer, h 1713 N 4th Kain James M., machinist, h 1130 S Cameron Kain Martin P., blacksmith, h 1130 S Cameron Kain Nora, housekeeper, 1130 S Cameron Kain William M., machinist, h 1132 S Cameron


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.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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364 Boyd'. Harrieburg (K) City Directory. +~ Kaiser Annie c., wid Dominicus, h 530 Filbert ~ Kaiser Edward c., brakeman, h 927 Rose av Kaiser Frederick W., laborer, h 1109 Plum av ~ Kaiser John H., engineer, h 1062 S 9th Kaiser Missouri, h 1124 S 9th g; Kaiser Sarah, charwoman, h 1124 S 9th :z:: Kaiser Sarah, winder, h 1862 S 9th en Kaiser William, puller, h 1062 S 9th :: Kaiser, see Keiser, also Keyser - Kalbfus Joseph, dentist, 818 N 6th, h do ;Ii Kale Anna, domestic, 280 Briggs ..., Kamarer Joshua C., postal elk. h 228 N 3d to- Kambeitz Lee A., milk, 124 Linden, h do to- Kamerer Andrew, contractor, N 9th nr Market, h 17 N 13th ~ Kammerer George H., barber, 1712 N 3d, h 19011 do Kammerer John A., machinist, h 1901! N 3d ~ Kammerer Pedm J., printer, 20 N 2d, h 1901! N 3d Kammerer Sarah E., stengr, h 1901! N 3d Kammerer, see Kemerer Kane Bfidget, wid Dennis, h 1311 S 12th u Kane Bridget M., wid Flan, h 334 Hummel Kane Charles A., flagman, h 464 S Cameron ~ Kane Daniel c., foreman E. & H. B. T. Co., h 21 S 3d ;::::: Kane Dennis, jr., laborer, h 1225 Mulberry ~ Kane Edward J., laborer, h 1311 S 12th ~ Kane John, laborer, h 334 Hummel !C Kane Kate, domestic The Commonwealth =:;: Kane Lawrence H., laborer, h 44 Linden 2 Kane Maggie, domestic, 319 N Front C ) Kane Michael W., laborer, h 1311 S 12th g: Kane Patrick, laborer, h 44 Linden &.1.1 Kane Ralph c., leverman, h 511 North ~ Kane Sarah A., forelady, h 44 Linden c.:t Kane, see Cain ~ Kann Frank B., physician, 722 N 6th, h do ~ Kann William S., telegrapher, h 1608 N 4th ffi Kantor Effie, cashier, h 1316 N 4th CI Kantor Mary Mrs., grocer, 1316 N 4th, h do a: C) Kapp Arthur, laborer, h 1417 Vernon 111_ Kapp Charles, car repairer, h 626 Reily Z" Kappes Hattie, weaver, h 306 S Court av OJ Kapphan Charles L., hotel, 324 Verbeke, h do Kapphan Dorothy, wid Louis, h 327 Sayford av II: Kapphan Dorothy E., saleslady, 334 Market, h 324 Verbeke Iii: KAPPHAN LOUIS V., saloon and restaurant, 207 Chestnut, 1110 h do ~Z Karle Caroline H., wid Augustus, h 532 Filbert ~C Karle Henry A., elk, 41~y~be~e~ h 532 F_il_b_ert _ _ __ _

== ==


-= =-


ANDREW REDMOND, R~~:':~'!.~::d ~h,~o';:. {3d .Id Rill, SfI. CoogIe

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P - ' . I I Public Bulldl.... I. Plaia TI.... .tJ..... 81....

-MAttEa A a,.EOIALT'I OF.-

{1216 II. 3d St.




Karm212ky Anna O. Hickok tlHg. Co., h 231 North Karmany Florence, shirtmkr, h 231 North Karmany Kate Mrs., h 231 North Kamer tlertha, 124 Pim~


~:~;~; tlk~~rn?deieey,1Y1~ ~'2mm2~1 Humme! Karper Charles A., h 317 Hummel Karper Emma E., dressmkr, h 317 Hummel Karper Hattie I., saleslady, 4 S 2d, h 317 Hununel KarkOY Sosan M., h 317 e! ummel KarpYT Susan M., kamuel J~ HummYI Kase ey H., postul h 15 N Kassen Dora, cigarmkr, h 1125 N Cameron Kassen George W., laborer, h 1032 Herr Kassen John R., brickmkr, h 1125 N Cameron KaSY2kO jptary E., j;2mes, h Camerun Kas:;m:;y tlnna M~~ i'lik Bernhanl 1442 Zerklr Kasllmer John F., mspedor, h tlarker Kast Luther F., carpenter, 1331 Susquehanna, h do XAST 'MTIJ.ER I., architect, 219 Market, h Mechanicsburg Kating Mary J. Mrs., h rear 121 N Cameron Kate Aml Mrs., a~ e!atz & 600 Walnut Kata Mrs., uotioos, 510 h 17

2 Q

11 :II

Katz]. G. & Co., (Joseph G. and Mrs. Ann), notions, 600 Walnut Kat:; G., (J~ e!atz & ymcer, 12:% Aewberry

~:!~ H:~~~~~ik~~~l Ma~:;~~t231 Boas

Kata Mapor, mgr, klarket, C~owden Katzman Adolph, grocer, 630 Boas, h do II Katzman Moses, grocer, 1200 N Cameron, h do Gl O Katzman Sam'l, .book~~~~, 1021 Mar~et, h 1200 N Cameron 0 Kauoo :;lmk, tadu:; :1UY Market, y,teelton KautimoRl Anna kra22smkr, Cumberlunk Charles keakeman, Camp Kauffman Daniel B., stone mason, h 442 Cumberland Kauffman David A., foreman, h 2011 N 5th Kauffman Edward L., fireman, h 2136 N 5th Edwin, 21ke;Ast, h 42k AnmHton KauyPmen Elizabelk Isaac, N 3d Kaukn2an Elmer, 227 \ti h Wm w m'mrg Kauffman Fannie B.. cig-armkr, h 442 Cumberland Kauffman Forest A, call~r, h 506 Camp Kauffman Forrest A., weighmaster, h 1810 N 5th KauCmoT Frank k;2gman, h 5th Frank e(Hkductor, N 6th


- - - ..

.. To mel a name you must mow how to spell It!'

Co]dB, QuiIl8)', Rheumal.llllll. Tootbaebe, BoreTh~.tpe, ~

McNeil'. P.I. Ell...... I o' ellr.. Cholera )Ior"-,

n,.en&erJ, Cram... DIarrbcJea,

_=_. . . .



Boyd'. Harrisburg (K) City Directory.

1 =-

Kauffman Harry 608 Walnut = Kauffman Ida C,),1., col\ector,hhh2007 NN5th Kauffman Harry :VI., fireman, 2007 5th seamstress. -




In a:

: :.







..... Q





~ -

Kauffman I va ),1., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Kauffman Jacob, painter, h 1413 Zarker Kauffman Jacob B., fireman, h 230 Say ford av Kauffman Jacob C, conductor, h 1504 N 6th Kauffman James A., marker, h 1713 Fulton Kauffman James B., laborer, h 1802 Susquehanna Kauffman James H., engineer, h 514 Calder Kauffman John, h 156 Linden Kauffman John A., conductor, h 1945 N 7th Kauffman John C, conductor, h 1821 Fulton Kauffman John R, trucker, h 424 I-Jamilton Kauffman Joseph C, trucker, h 424 Hamilton Kauffman Lillian, wid Adam, h 1810 N 5th Kauffman Lizzie, weaver, h 239 State Kauffman Mertie D., cigarmkr, h 442 Cumberland Kauffman Milton, fireman, h 1100 N 6th Kauffman Theodore, fireman, h 1705 ~ 7th KauffmanWilIiam F., grocer, 960 S 21st. h do Kauffman William H., engineer, h 1838 N 5th Kauffman William M., engineer, h 506 Camp Kauffman, see Cauffman, also Coffman Kaufhold Charles, laborer, h 918 Cowden Kaufhold Magdalena Mrs., h 918 Cowden Kaufhold Margaret. cigarmkr, h 918 Cowden Kaufhold Peter, molder, h 317 Clinton Kaufman Adam, hostler, h 505 Strawberry av Kaufman Carrie V., retoucher, 16 N 3d, h 318 N 2d Kaufman Clarence F., dentist, 26th c Derry, h do Kaufman Clyde H., elk. Herr clOth. h New Cumberland Kaufman David, treas and gent mgr Baltimore Mdse Co., Inc., h 1629 N 2d KAUFJIAN DAVID L., lawyer, 321 lIarket, h Highspire Kaufman Edgar M., cigarmkr. h 1609 N 5th Kaufman Elizabeth. wid John F., h 26th c Derry Kaufman George W., h 2004 Green Kaufman Harry, news agt P. R R depot, h 232 N 15th Kaufman Harry c., bookkpr, h 403 N 2d Kaufman Ida P. Mrs., h 232 N 15th Kaufman Isabella H., wid George W., h 318 N 2d Kaufman Levi, grocer, 330 Reily, h do Kautz Alfred, wiper, h 1203 Wallace Kautz Christian, conductor, h 409 Kelker Kautz Christian L., fireman, h 400} Reily Kautz Edwin J., engineer, h 1603 N 3d Kautz Edwin P., fireman, h 1224 Green
'or ... EDW. G. ROBERTS, ____ .......

-- - - - - - - - - - 1. . . . . . Bell'~ 1&1 :x, 01' ~ X.

Digitized by


~=~-: lOB Par IBId DdO'MlIfOI A. B. TACK...t,..
Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory.


Kautz Florence M. :\lrs., h 1334 Penn Kautz George H., machinist, h 17051 N 5th Kautz George M., planer. h :-t!7 Reily Kautz George W., supervisor 2d dist, h 327 Reily Kautz Howard E., driver, h 5th ab Seneca Kautz James B., h 515 Race Kautz James B., jr., clk P. R. R. frt depot, h 432 Hamilton Kautz J. Frank, trucker, h 5th ab Seneca Kautz John A., engineer, h 515 Race Kautz Mary E., ironer, h 327 Reily Kautz Robert E., paperhanger, h 409 Kelker Kautz Robert F., helper, h 1327 Penn Kautz Samuel H., foreman, h 927 ~ 3d Kautz S. Herman, laborer, h 1116 Plum av Kautz Susan, wid Jacob, h 5th ab Seneca Kautz Thaddeus S., asst yardmaster, h 1203 Wallace Kautz William H., clk, 27 N 3d, h 243 North Kautz William S., fireman, h 921 Sarah av Kawel John H., shoemkr, h 37 Sassafras av Kay George, machinist, h 1320 Kittatinny Kay Mary C, saleslady, 334 :\Iarket, h 1320 Kittatinny Kaylor Harvey H., salesman, 318 Market, h 1314 Berryhill Kaylor Henry, carpenter, h 1159 Derry Keagle Edward, h 222 N 10th Keagle H. Edward, warehollseman, h 218 N 10th Keagle John E., conductor, h 425 Peffer Keagle John W., tinworker, h 425 Peffer Keagle Ross E., molder, h 425 Peffer Keagle Thomas L., driver, h 222 l\ 10th Keagle William L.. clk, 315 Market, h 222 N 10th Kean Robert B., salesman, 19 N 3d, h 719 N 2d Keane Dennis, engineer, h 516 Maclay Keane James, fireman, h 514 l\Iaclay Keane John, engineer, h 628 Harris Keane Michael A., saloon, 167 Paxton, h do Keane Nora A., domestic, 167 Paxton Keane Patrick, fireman, h 514 Maclay Keane William A., fireman, h 514 Maclay Keane, see Keene Kearney William E., bricklayer, h 125 N 10th Kearns Joseph E., watchman Capitol, h 1112 Montgomery Keath John H., carpenter, 422 State, h 61 Linden Keath John H., painter, h 1531 Fulton Keats John T., driver, h 1825 N 7th Keck Thomas E., fireman, h 533 Camp Keech William G., conductor, h 1402 N 6th Keech Wilmer, ladleman, h 2126 Moore Keefauver John W., plasterer, h 27 N 10th

o o
I -I I

.. To find a name you must mow how to spell it."

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-a .....


'rrJ'. Toll 01

H M' IELLEY &CO'S BI.ell 01_ _ _ ...


)Oe. 8e:&1

{' Narth 3d !I....t,. 10th ... Stat .)11.

..... CD


Boyd'. Harrisburg (K) City Directory.




_ .... ::.














z o THE



Keefe Annie J., dressmkr, h :?28 S 2d Keefe Margaret C. buyer. :l:J4 NIarket. h :!~s S 2d Keefe Mary J., h ~~8 S 2d Keefe Richard, h 228 S 2d . Keefe Rose E., buyer, 3:34 ~larket, h 228 S 2d Keefer Angeline. h 712 Green Keefer C Dean, It :?38 ~leadow la Keefer Charles S., acting lieut police, h 1312 Vernon Keefer Eden M., laborer, h 36 N 12th Keefer Elizabeth, wid Heilman H., h :-Ja8 S lith Keefer George G., advagt, 334 Market, h 216 Hamilton Keefer Grace]., elk, 171 S Summit, h 107 S Cameron Keefer Ira H., laborer, h 36 N 12th Keefer John B.. U. S. A .. h 16:n N Front Keefer Joseph P., laborer, h 36 N 12th Keefer Maggie, dressmkr, h 1129 N 7th Keefer Mary, wid Robert A., h 643 Dauphin Keel Charles, laborer, h 147 Ann av Keel Grace P., housekeeper, 1418 N 7th Keel Irvin C, stock fitter, h 1418 N 7th Keel Jacob, nailer, h 1418 N 7th Keel Jacob E., brakeman, h 1418 N 7th Keel John H., puddler, h 147 Ann av Keel Joseph W . trackman, h 1817 N 7th KEELEY INSTITUTE, (THE), C. W. Bank, mgr, 4th c North see adv Keely Charles C, conductor, h :?136 Moore Keenan Jane M., wid Francis, h 216 N 2d Keene Benjamin, laborer, h 1845 Berrykill KEENE C. EDWIN' L, physician, 1849 Berryhill, h do; office hours, 8 to 9 a. m., 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p. m. KEENE GEORG;! W., photographer, 813 N 3d, h do Keene, see Keane Keenen Elmira E., wid James, h 139 N Cameron Keener Elijah, blacksmith, h 307 S 2d Keener Elizabeth. h 68 N 13th Keener Ellwood F., tobacconist, 1328 N 3d, h do Keener John H., teacher, h 68 N 13th Keener Viola P .. h 114 Mulberry

4th fl. O. BOX 694.

---ABKOLUT& CURB 0 ..- - - _

S t r e e t . Cor. N o r t h . HarriaburK. IDa.

Drink and Drug Addictions .


ANDREW REDMOND, If:::::::d~=:::. {3d Ind Rell, StS.

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w.u PRper. The baA and 10"., pftcee. W' _ _ { 1.18

, !!I.......

oomplek with rtx&uzel aDd I'riDpI


N. 34 at.

Boyd's HarriJburg (K) City Directory.



Keener William, mailer Patriot, h 1:!53 .Mulben:y Keener William H., painter, h 1:!53 Mulberry XEBlIEY URTIB t., grocer and wholesale and retail dealer in pure Bradford County Buckwheat Flour, 114 Wash ington, h do Keeney William L., postal elk, h 1521 N 2d Keenportz Olive, sewer, h 658 Woodbine Keenportz William H., carpenter, h 658 Woodbine Keeny Emma A., stengr, 1 K :!d, h 916 Green Keeny John B., engineer, h 106 Tuscarora Keenzie Harry E., driller, h 545 SlOth Keepers Stephen, tinware, 50:! Cumberland, h do Keepers Susanna, tailoress, h 50:! Cumberland Keesberry John H., elk, h :!O:!2 N 6th Keesberry Marian E., wid John H., h 20:!2 N 6th Keeseman Ira K.,laborer, h 1324 Vernon Keeseman William H., driver. h 1:l-U Howard Keesey John T., linotype opr Telegraph, h 32 S 2d Keesling John,. attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Keet Alphonso G., printer Star-Independent, h 315 S Front Keet B. Elinore, copyholder Independent, h 315 S Front Keet Charles R., trav salesman, h 317 Chestnut Keet Fannie, wid Ashel, h 806 N 2d KEET FB.ANX S., druggist, 433 Market and 133 State, h 23 S~ Keet Laura, domestic, 211 S River av Keet Martin M., elk, 924 Capital, h 315 S Front Keet Wayne M., elk, h 315 S Front Keets Thomas, driver, h rear 209 Verbeke Keever Allen K., molder, h 1201! Derry Keever Charles E., elk, h 1520 Green Keever Edith M., cigarmkr. h 1520 Green Keever George M., machinist, h 1421 Vernon Keever John A., foreman, h 407 Market Keever Rebecca E., wid William W., h 1520 Green Keever William H., jr., brakeman, h 1520 Green Keffer Annie M., wid Peter B., h 1602 Penn Keffer Charles F., cigarmkr, h 1602 Penn Keffer Edward R., elk, 432 Market, h 1432 N 2d Keffer Frank M., elk, 432 Market, h 1432 N 2d Keffer John J., (Smith & Keffer), h 1432 N 2d Keffer John J., jr., elk, 432 Market, h 1432 N 2d Keffer Washington B., painter, h 211 Reily Keffer, see Keefer, also Kiefer Kehl Caroline, wid William, h 5:J3 Filbert Kehr Geo. W., adv agt, 1402 Vernon, h 1318 Susquehanna Kehr Henry, mason, h 1318 Susquehanna Kehr Jacob, mason, h 1318 Susquehanna


PI ~

0 0


II ,0



Z o .,


W 0-

"To find

a ;;-am;-y~~ust know how to spell tt.Digitized by



Kehr John W., laborer, h 637 Camp Kehr Margaret, wid Peter, h 687 Camp .i Keible Francis, machinist, h 232 S 15th II Keicher Christian F., laborer, h 418 Clinton av - Keiffer Agnes J., waitress The Central i Keiffer Dean, laundress, h Meadow la ab 2d :: Keiffer John, foreman, h 407 Market Keiffer Stewart, laborer, h 1202 N 12th ~ Keil Benjamin F., barber, 1024 Market, h 238 S 13th - Keil Benjamin F., jr., driver, h 933 Grand Keil Catharine E., saleslady, 308 Market, h 537 Race u Keil George M., brakeman, h 238 S 13th ~ Keil Harry, patternmkr, h 537 Race : Keil J. George, planer, h 545 Race :a Keil John, butcher, h 537 Race Keil John, jr., machinist, h 539 Race Keil Mary, h 537 Race Keil William H., barber, h 238 S 13th Keil, see Kyle LLI Keiler George W., grocer, 618 Cumberland, h do ..J Keiler John F., policeman, h 1109 N 6th c:t Keilholtz James Mc., telegrapher, h 1602 Susquehanna LLI Keirn Bertha P., tobacco stripper, h 635 Walnut Keirn C Keirn Charles F., dentist, 208 Locust, h do Charles 0., barber, h 635 Walnut LLI Keirn Mary E., wid Henry, h 635 Walnut Keirn Samuel S., carpenter, h 329 Boyd av _ Keirn William H., laborer, h 329 Boyd av Keiser Elizabeth, wid Emanuel H., h 1940 Berryhill ~ Keiser George G., engineer, h 1722 Green Z Keiser Jesse E., engineer, h 1937 N 6th ~ Keiser Joseph T., conductor, h 639 Calder :IE Keiser Kate E., wid P. Ebert, h 140 Linden C) Keiser Samuel E., bookkpr, 22 N 2d, h 639 Calder U Keiser Susan E., domestic, 250 Hummel ....I Keiser Willard F., laborer, h 140 Linden ~ Keiser, see Kaiser, also Keyser U Keisling William, laborer, h 1906 Moltke av CI KEISTER CATlIARINE :MRS., wines and liquors, 500 J[ar. z ket c 5th, h 426 North .a Keister Daniel L., supt, 10th bel Chestnut, h 316 Crescent &a.I Keister Edwin, elk Hbg Trust Co., h 213 Kelker U Keister Ellen B., warper, h 310 Boyd av - Keister Harry, mgr, 500 l\larket, h 426 North CI Keister L011isa, dressmkr, h 263 Briggs ~ Keister Matilda E., ruler, h 316 Crescent - Keiter Frank M., watchman, h 237 South ~ Keith Henry c., laborer, h 337 Muench

-= -

McNEIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. :.~f::J~d(~~~Il:m~~'.!: {306 Bro

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory.

..: 370



loa r " ..... EDW G ROBERTs wIllKQOnyourbond. Bell 'Phone 85: or8848 X. bond. are ueentecL x.

Digitized by


A. 8. TACII::&':::r:::t II PtIDIlr DIld IIndOi _

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory.


Kelcbner Ida I., candymkr, h 1228 N 7th Kelchner Isaac S., laborer, h 1228 N 7th Kelchner Isaac W . laborer, h 1228 N 7th Kelker Frederick, h 5 N Front Kelker Henry A., h 25 S 2d Kelker Henry A. jr., h 25 S 2d Kelker John P., h 128 Walnut Kelker Louisa, wid George B., h 309 Walnut XETKER LUTHER R., h 128 Walnut KELKER RUDOLPH F., h 9 S Front Kelker Rudolph F., jr., electrical engineer, h 128 Walnut Kelker Street Market, Kelker c 4th Kelker William A, h 9 S Front Kell Charles, laborer, h 319 Clinton av Kell Effie, ruffler. h 319 Clinton av Kell Elmer J . laborer, h 418 Hamilton KeIl Grace M. domestic. 1937 N 3d Kell Henry A. bricklayer. h 1216 N Front KeIl Jacob L., frog builder. h 432 Muench Kell Jerry. tailor. 4 S 2d. h Mechanicsburg Kell Josephine E., printer. 20 N 2d. h 1216 N Front KeIl Maude B.. domestic, 1521 Fulton Kell Myrrha E., winder. h 432 Muench Keller Agnes M . wid Michael S., h 724 Race KeIler Alfred J.. brakeman, h 2027 Logan av Keller Anthony. engraver, 334 Market. h 215 Herr Keller Catharine. wid Valentine. h 1522 Vernon Keller Charles, h Fulton ab Say ford av Keller Charles H., hammerman, h 421 Kelker Keller Charles R., salesman, 336 Chestnut, h 1537 N 6th Keller Charles W., laborer, h 1318 Fulton KeIler Christian K, druggist, 405 Market, h The Bolton Keller Christian K., jr. artist, h 37 N 2d Keller Croll, druggist, 405 Market. h 37 N 2d Keller Dorothy, stengr, 19th bel Derry, h 1522 Vernon Keller Edgar F., teacher, h 1537 N 6th Keller Edith B., laundress, h 1620 N 5th Keller Elmer E., brakeman, h 913 Capital Keller Francis J., engineer, h 1537 N 6th Keller Frederick, puddler, h 1326 S 1;~th Keller George F., laborer, h 1218 Derry Keller George N., laborer, h 322 S Court av Keller Harry, laborer, h 249 S Cameron Keller Harry L., (Plack & Keller). h 231 :\lulberry Keller Henry R., h 1718 Susquehanna av Keller Hiram, laborer, h 255 S Cameron Keller Horace P., stone cutter, h 1313 N 6th Keller James G. B., salesman, 304 ~farket, h 421 Kelker

o o ;a

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I' !I.

- -



"To find a name you must know how to spell it."




D?f~Mti~IJ ~&ii>.} H.

M. KELLEY & CO. no:~SSZta!~Tt::

City DireciiPry.
1;;:n 6th

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KelI'r J'c;se


;:!: Kel<:r JOlm, Iaboc;'r,

.; en






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~ }~~:l~'~: :j~!~~iiHI~:~~;~;~;~~~'~~f~h~~~\;:'~~L'h ~~R:~~8~:~'II~:j:;

2; ;;114 < Rlaer KelIer John flagman, h 1(j20 N 5th Kelkr John J, molder h (;4>6 Brigg;, Keller John P., h 37 N 2d Kell'r John, jr elk Yielhani;';;' Rmk, 37 2h KeIler John W., carpenter, h 1322 N 2d Keller Joseph, CO;'ope' l%H5 9th Keller Kate A., dressmkr, h 1322 N 2d Kelkr ,dh,' R. maehinic,t, h '4<1 ~ elkre Keller L. \~iesley, helper. h 1H22 N 2d Kell'r will h 0 kast Keller :Martha. domestIc. 50R Filbert ,e 'r E" h011;,ek;;'pei :lUi River Keller Mary A., wid John. h 2:l!I ~tate Kellvr /1,., ;'a\''i, h :~2:i ~ ~eller Oliver P., engineer.~ 11:t'i ~ 6th Keller i{,~,be; CO;;]}{'' 11 I 2;,5 ~"1 "th Keller Samuel C. ;llachinist. h 1:W5 (;reen Keller ~~ilas ,.. coupe' h '0/l 'Ith Kl'ller \Villiam H., ell'vatorman. h 11117 ~Iontgomery Keller \\,illial11 dentist, ~~7 2(L lJ do Kelley Annie ~l., wid John, h 624 Herr KeHs syesnj;mlin ., hrem;m, h iOU Paxton Kelley Larpenter II .. laborer. h IHI4 Paxton Kelley 'harh; E" brid;~e lmilder. h llll Current av l,elle\' Charles E .. lahorer. h U()!! ~ Cameron Kdk;' Farl, 1II17 Hemlo;h Kelley Estler S., laborer, h 1417 :\Iarion Kellevrank lahorer h1~ Stete Kelle)' George W., blacksmith, h 6U9 N Cameron Kelky ,'orh;; W lah;;rei h lIhUH Cmleron Kelley Ha~ry S., (H. }L Kelley & Co.). treas Bay Shoe Co., h :;:S:I Bo,;s Kelley Hem)" 1\1., (H . .\i. Kelley & Co.), h 1545 Vernon KEI,LEk H. H. (JO., (He:?lry (It and Hoery KaUey), coal and wood, 10th c State and 1 N 3d see adv top lines Kelley J;mH';;, laborer h Hll Kelley James :'II.. laster, II H24 Herr Kelkybmee \V ~.t011, CUI er, 10 Uz'; Kelley Jerome C, plumbl'r, h 1(112 Paxton I,)hn t'~., :,;;}esrnall :s;; :~(L h 1 1 Kelley John .T., firl'man. h 1!!12i l\' 7th Kl'llp\, L',lw I "eJv,nrk,T h 'Y4l'1 ulhz"rrv

~eller J~hn, ,laborer, ,hB(4)a~es av


12 'urreiP! ao ~!El'~,}o~e~~~I~.jL,bridgl' builder. h 1l~2 Currant av


Reily St(.

A 8 TACKJ N.1.18 {Bm~ - bat ftm.e~ warbleD, heee 0IIlY.... 3d 8t. eIaIi 1lirillD41D1ure11L WorkdGDeluaD7panof . . . .
Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory. 373 Kelley Maggie E., weaver, h fi24 Herr Kelley Nora, wea Ycr; h 246 North Kelley Peter W .. pipe bender, h 1103 ~ Cameron Kelley Richard T., engineer, h 611 Harris Kelley Samuel, laborer, h 1417 :\Iarion Kelley Samuel ]., driver, It 1112 Currant av Kelley Thomas P., wiper, h 1014 Paxton Kelley William, laborer, h 1223 N Cameron Kelley William D .. plumber. h 1011 Berryhill Kelley \Villiam H., elk, h tHI Harris Kelly Alonzo, laborer, h 137 S ;M Kelly Glarles, linotye operator Independt.'nt, h 1009 ~ 7th Kelly Charles E., bricklayer, h 22 Linden Kelly Edward, fireman, h 18:~2 N 6th Kelly Eslar. laborer Lunatic Hospital KELLY GEORGE C., chief clerk Adjutant General's Dept, Capitol, h 411 Walnut Kellv Honora, domestic, 307 ~ 2d Kell} James, agt. h 2d c :Ylulberry Kelly John H . elk. 210 Walnut. h 32!) Chestnut Kelly John W . waiter. h 247 X River av Kelly Mav Mrs., h 140 S 2d Kell)' Neilie. housekeeper The Lochiel Kelly Nicholas. bartender. 517 Walnut. h clo Kellv Samuel R.. laborer, It Mill Hav av Kelly Sarah, wid John. h 1125 N 6tl1 Kemble Katharine E., h 230 N 15th Kemerer Ira \V., carpenter, h 6:H :\Iahantongo Kemerer, see Kammerer Kemp Clara, tailoress, h 110l N 6th Kemp Conrad, brakeman. h 42t1 Cumberland Kemp Elmer. laborer, h 17 Lochiel 2d Row Kellner William P., caller P. R. R. frt depot, h 71H ~orth Kendall Lizzie B., wid Henry. h 1507 Market Kendall Lucy, timekeeper, h'1507 Market XEBDALL OPTICAL CO., (W. Fred and N. D. Kendall), opticians, 333 Market Kenclall W. Fred., (Kendall Optical Co.). h 142~ N 2d Kendig Abrahanl H., expressman, h 1410 N 7th Kendig Daniel W., shoemkr, 717 North, h do Kendig Harry, carpenter, h 1731; N 6th Kendig John S .. laborer, h IUO N 7th 1,enclig Samuel L., carpenter, h 412 Cumberland KC:1ldlehart John L., elk sec commonwealth, h 20 N 4th Kennard James D., laborer, h 5:!2 ~fuench Kennard ~fan ~1rs., h 6~6 North Kennard Wilt"iam H .. elk P. R. R. rrt depot, h !ld cReel's la Kennedy Anna M., seamstress. h !l51; S UHh




II ,0 0


.. ,.



" To find a name you must know how to

spen it."


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CoogIe ..-




Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory.

..: 374 Kt'Dlled)' ~ Kenneth' .a. Kenned)' =- Kennedv Kenned\' i Kenned)' Kennedy


Denjamin A., fireman, h 5Ll Cumberland Carrie R, weaver, h 7:!6 Race Glarles A., brakeman, h GIl7 Cumberland Charles E., laborer, h Gf;l Yerbeke Charles G., bar cashier The Commonwealth, h do Edward W., tlorist, h 1113 X Cameron Elijah C, laborer, h 1413 X Cameron XEImEDY GEORGE G., Bec Water and Lighting Dept, h

Kennedy George M., conductor, h 1~! X 7th l'ennedy Gwrge W., roller, h lO,1lj S Cameron Kennedy James P., teamster, h :l56 S 13th Kennedy J. Calvin, tinsmith, h H 13 X Cameron Kennedy J. Lemuel, engineer, h 511S Calder Kennedy John X., millwright, h 7:!(j Race Kennedy John \V., grocer, 1082 S Cameron, h do Kennedy Leslie A., laborer, h 606 Church av Kennedy Luther R., laborer, h 119 Hanna Kennedy Lydia A., wid John, h 225 Driggs Kennedy :Margaret A, saleslady, 318 ~larket. h 356 S 13th Kennedy :Marian H., wid Samuel H., h 14011 Green Kennedy Maude M., teacher, h 508 Calder Kennedy Michael, laborer, h 200 S 3d Kennedy Minerva, h 50S Calder Kennedy Kancy J., wid Robert, h 914 Crand Kennedy Robert J., laborer, h 1709 Fulton Kennedy Rosa, wid John :\.. h 1302 :\Iaytlowcr av Kennedy S. Alter, chemist, 22:-l :\Iarket, It 224 Cumberland Kennedy Sarah c., saleslady, 318 ::Vlarket. h :~:)6 S 13th Kennedy Shelburn W., inspector, h 51H Dauphin av Kennedy S. Howard, h 1400 Green Kennedy Thomas A., watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Kennedy Virgil B., paperhanger, h 726 Race Kennedy William H., (W. H. Kennedy & Co.), h Peach Bottom Kennedy W. H. & Co., (W. H. Kennedy and 1'. K. Hensel), patent medicine, 30 S 3d Kennedy \Vilson A., laborer, h 1521~ X :~d Kenney Anderson R., laborer, h rear 1114 Filbert Kenney Annie, chambermaid, 423 l\Iarket Kenney l\largaret M., domestic, 212 Forster Kenney William L., postal elk, h 15:!1 X 2d Kenny Frank, laborer, h 70a Race Kenny :Mary, housekeeper, 7115 Race Kenny Patrick J., piler, h 7115 Race Kenny Peter, laborer, h 705 Race Kent Chester & Co., mfrs drugs, 627 Walnut Kent Orion H., expressll1an. h 24 ~ Sull1_ll1_it _______
tt .M a..... Beller I r EDW 6 ROBERTS I .t.. . . . .rto areo.1I ar. Bell 'Phone 851 X,or 6M3.,... loa L

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WaD Paper and Window Shadu. {U~~c:r':M.


Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory.


Kent Zach. B., vet surg, 214 Strawberry av, h 34 N Summit Kenyon William, car inspector, h 1011 ).larket A. Clayton, laborer, h 589 Showers av Kepford Clyde D., craneman, h 58!} Showers av Kepford George ~L, bricklayer, h 15:l4 N 6th Kepford Melvin \V., laborer, h 58!} Showers av Kepford Walter R, bookkpr, 1019 X :M, h 1534 N 6th Kepford William H., policeman, h 589 Showers av Kephart John C., carpenter, h 1107 N 7th Kepner Benjamin L., car repairer, h 41H Harris Kepner Oyde L., steelworker, h 666 Boas Kepner Edna D., stengr, h 2Cl2Cl N 6th Kepner Edward A., salesman, 212 )'larket( h 3118 do Kepner Edward W., shoe operator, h 1547 \Valnut Kepner Frank E., laborer. h 21~ )'lary's av Kepner George L., mill furnisher, 114! Liberty, h do Kepner Harriet R, wid Philip M .. h 13.14 N 2d Kepner Ira V., restaurant, 622 Maelay, h do ~ Kepner Jno. A., bookkpr, 1402 Vernon, h New Cumberland ~ Kepner May J., stengr, 326 Market, h :!II'!() N 6th Kepner Minnie K., wid Elias, h 334 Cherry av Kepner Sallie R., wid Smith C, h 2112Cl N 6th Keppel Philip A., supt, 5()() Race. h an5 S 2d Kf'pple Amelia Mrs., h 253 Reily Kepple Catharine 0 .. housek<:eper, h 255 Reily Kepple Edwin c., elk, h 2:!U State Kepple Emily 0., teacher, h :!;'):l Reily Kepple Henry L., machini,;t, h 255 Reily Kepple John A., elk, h 221; State Kepple Mary L., wid John, h 226 State Kepple William H., foreman, h 1313 Green Kerby George J., laborer, h lOl!} S !lth Kerby George W., nailer, h 1021 S 9th Kerb)', see Kirby Kerchner Ethel J., printer, 20 N 2d, h 67() Boas Kerchner Lizzie, wid Charles S., h 670 Boas Kerlin John W. S . inspector K. Y. C. R R.. h 1615 N 2d Kern Franklin, steam heat inspecTor, h 13n~ Green Kern Frederick ]., blacksmith, h 1221 Swatara Kern Harry, shoemkr, h 220 S 2d Kern Luther, driver, h Hope Engine House Kern Philip, laborer, h 1114 Eartine av Kern Rachel, wid Jacob, h 1303 Green Kern William c., caller P. R R. h 1:W3 Green Kerns Ada Mrs . boarding. 27 Forre~t av, h do Kerns Anna E., nurse, h 12114 Penn Kerns Charles, sub elk P. 0 .. h 12Cl1 Penn Kerns Edward, lahorer, h 131171 Green

I -I I

,. To find a name -yo~-~ust know how to speII iL"

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M. KELLEY & CO.Hc:::.~..=


..: 376

Boyd'. Harrisburg (K) City Directory.

~ Kerns George P .. laborer, h :!7 Forrest av




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Kerns James A., fireman, h 1457 Regina Kerns John A .. lineman, h 27 Forrest av Kerns Katie, llomestic, 5li \Valnut Kerns Laura, wid John E .. h H113 S 1IIth Kerns Mary, wid John, h 229 Lihert~' Kerns ~L Elizabeth, book folder, II 1:'11 Syh'an ter Kerns Michael, laborer, h 257 Sayford av Kerns Michael, jr., laborer. h 2;;7 Say ford av Kerns Rachel, domestic, 142~ X 2d Kerns Sarah, wid John H., h 120-1 Penn . K{'rns Thomas. lahorer, h 1307i Green Kerns William H., engineer. Ii 1511 Sylnn ter Kerper Elizabeth H., nurse, h l3Hi Penn Kerper Harry W., grocer. :!34 ~orth, h 701 Green Kerper John F., h 15 1\ Front Kerper John F., jr., student, h 15 X Front Kerper ~laria H., wid Samuel F .. h 13U, Penn Kerr Alice S., weaver, h I:WU X Front Kur Glarles A .. meat, 45 Linden, h 1415 Shoop Kerr Florence Mrs .. h 1106 S Cameron Kerr Gertrude, milliner, 36 ~ ad. h ~lechanicsburg Kerr Harris, elk, 222 ~larket, h 1!J:-l5 ~ 3d Kerr Isabella S., wid William. h 2;) S Front Kerr J. Albert, foreman job dept Patriot, h 520 State Kerr Lydia, wid Peter J., h 1541 ~ (ith Kerr :\1arv E . weaver. h 12241 :\ lith Kerr William W .. flagman, h 1541 :\ (jth Kerr X. Joseph, laborer, h 930 N 2d Kersey Florence E., teacher. h 11111 Evergreen Kerson Solomon, mgr, 411 Verbeke. h 1221 Cowden Kerstetter Albert T., watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Kerstetter Daniel 0., salesman, 117 S 2d. h :\1ilton Kerstetter David G .. coachman, h 1!l:t:~ Logan av Kerstetter George W . baggagemaster. h 122:1 ~1arket Kerstetter Thomas C.. salesman. 117 S :M, h ~1ilton Kerwin Lizzie G., knitter. h HIGl :\loItke av Kessack Caroline R., wid George. h H Balm Kessack James, mason. h 44 Balm Kessler Annie L.. picker. h :n5 Briggs Kessler Beulah I.. winder. h :H5 Briggs Kessler Hannah A. :\lr5 .. h :n5 Briggs Kessler Tohn H .. molder. h 1:!25 Wallace Kessler Lenora. knitter. h :H5 Briggs Ketterman John. painter. h :H ~ Hith Kettner Frank. lahorer. h 1]2 :\Ian"s av Kettner Lena. wicl Casper. h 112 ~(ary's av Kevill Alma. cigar roller. h 4:U1 S 2<1 ______


REDMOND. ~3d .Id Rell, Sts.

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A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,


Boyd'. Harrisburg (K) City Directory.

Kevill Thomas H., brakeman, h 444 Muench Keyes Charles W., laborer, h 124 Paxton Keyes Florence Mrs., warper, h ::n7 Cumberland Keyes John, hostler, 324 Blackberry av, h do Keyes Samuel 1., plumber, h 124 Paxton Keys Abraham L., shoe nltter, h H18 Penn Keys Alfred c., nail feeder, h 103 S River av Keys Amantha Mrs., h 1407 ~larion Keys Arthur W., nail feeder, h 122 Mulberry Keys Charles H., houseman, h 712 N 7th Keys Clarence E., laborer, h 1115 X Cameron Keys David B., plumber, h 342~ S River av Keys Edward, hostler, h 434 Kelker Keys James \V., patternmkr, h Susquehanna nr Kelker Keys John, jr., laborer, h 4:14 Kelker Keys Joseph, hostler, h 440 Hay av Keys Louisa, wid John, h 434 Kelker ~ Keys Mary, housekeeper, 402 State Keys Maud, ironer, h 434 Kelker Keys Rebecca Mrs., h 342i S River av Keys R. Edward, roller, h 1129 N Front Keys Samuel T., flagman, h 431 Kelker Keys Stephen W., laborer, h 103 S River av Keys, see Keyes, also Kies Keyser Ada, waitress, h 117 Tanner's av Keyser John, waiter, h 119 Tanner's av Ke~'ser ?\Iary, wid John, h 117 Tanner's av Keyser, sec Kaiser, also Keiser 0 KEYSTONE BOTTLING WORKS, J(ahlon S. Foreman, propr, ~ soda water bottlen, 114 S Dewberry av see adv KEYSTONE BREWERY, (R. Fink's Sons), 312 Forster see adv KEYSTONE CARPET CLEANING WORKS, (William G, Wilson), 1115 J(ontgomery see adv Keystone Dyeing and Cleaning Co., (Bernard J. Campbell), 1512 ~ 3d Keystone League Journal, Samuel L. Wiest, mgr, 201 N 2<1 KEYSTONE URBLE AIm GRANITE WORKS, (Beatty & Bro.), Cameron nr State It

r " PI'

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MAHLON S. FOREMAN, Proprietor.

Soda and Mineral Waters,

BAII-ROOM AID HOTEL SUPPLIES, GUSSES, FLASKS, ETC. 114_.SoDtb Dewberry Ave. (T.IDPhDRI~.!!!1'~fsb~rf.




.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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lIe.EIL'S PAil' EXTERIII.UDR ~r~:o:'ta:e=~~;Z:l. {308"'l~.



Boyd'. Harrisburg (K) City Directory.






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~ CI


Keystone TJpewritcr Co., C. F. Smith, supt. Send S Cameron Kibler Calvin M., (Schriver & Kibler), h ~j3 Herr Kichkr Clara, dom~slic, 21i8 Briggs Kichmann Conrad, lauurer. h H::5 Vernon Kichmann Conrad, jr., laster, h H:l5 Vernon Kidman John P., yardmaster P. & R., h 1016 Berryhill Kiefer Mary, wid Andrew R., h 1233 Mulberry Kies George A., driver, h 2~8 Sayford av Kies Samuel, painter. h !'i SlOth Kics, sec Keyes, also Keys Kiester Robert E., blacksmith. h 53 Balm Kiger Harry, laborer. h 1HU ~lulberry Kiger \Varren E., fircman. h 1!...~)4: N 7th Kiger WiIIiam J.. engineer, It 610 Boas Kilborn James W . elk aud genl's dept, h 1121 Green Kilgore Adelia, h 2166 N 7th Kilgore Frank D., physician, 2021 N 6th, h do Kilgore \ViJIiam M., grocer, 2166 X 7th, h do Killian Thomas R., fireman, h 1620 Susquehanna Killinger Amos D. E .. teacher, h 194:1 State Killinger Brooke S., cutter, h 146 Balm Killinger Ira ]., glazier, h 17th c Vernon KilIinger Jacob J., painter, h 4:13 Pear av Killinger John, wheelwright, Paxton nr Cameron, h 54 Balm Killinger John H., laborer. h 1074 S 9th Killinger Sarah A., boarding, 138 S 2d. h do Killinger William, carpenter. h 17th c Vernon XILJ..IN'GEB. WULTAJI H., hardware, paint, oil and glall, 27 S 13th, h do Killough Mary, saleslady, 312 Market, h 4:18 Forster Kilmore Carrie, domestic, 125 S 3d Kilmore Harry, elk. 22 N 3d, h New Cumberland Kilner Anna c., cigarmkr. h 419 ~orth Kilpatrick Bertha R.. h 1638 ~ 6th Kilpatrick Charles, elk. h 1638 N 6th Kilpatrick Thomas. conductor. h 1638 N 6th Kime Mary E., wid Harry B.. h 312 Verbeke Kimes Joshua F., lunch tender. h 1303 N 3d Kimes Mary J., wid Benjamin F .. h 1224 N 6th Kimes Mary W., plate tipper. h 1224 N 6th Kimmel Benjamin C .. laborer. h 1124 Bartine av Kimmel Gertrude M., music teacher, 319 Verbeke, h do Kimmel Lottie I., elk, 319 Verbeke, h do Kimmel Mabel, saleslady, 312 ~Iarket, h Camp Hill Kimmel Norma B., milliner, 36 ~ 3d, h 319 Verbeke Kimmel William, grocer, 319 Verbeke, h do

Tit. A.erl.... B dl C_P"~' Baltimore. Md. .DW. Q. KOBBaTS, OeDeral ApUSt:eunal Peuna. DIItrlcl, 108 . . . . SI. Bell 'Phone 851 X. or _ X.
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a B yaCK , ft

P~NS ART WALL PAPS.. -D.aoUTlJf8 .& lP.:uLn.-

{I'll I"nh 1IIIrd .. I. VIII 01.


Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory.

Kimmel William E., clk, 100 N 2d, h Lemome Kinch Bella c., wid Charles J., h 565 Forre~t Kinch Clara F., wid Jefferson, h 1825 N 4th Kinch Frank H., clk P. R R, h 1825 N 4th Kinch Harry G., motorman, h 1825 N 4th Kind Hudson A., brakeman, h 112 Calder Kinderman Charles, laborer, h 339 Granite av Kinderman William, bicycle repairer, h 3:~9 Granite av Kindler Charles A., baker, h 317 Herr Kindler Christian, h 618 N 2d Kindler Frank L., paperhanger, h 618 N 2d Kindler John c., baker, 618 N 2d, h do Kines Bertha, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Kines Ellen Mrs., cook, 23 S 2d Kines Laura M., cigarmkr, h 2028 N 7th Kines Mary, waitress, 23 S 2d King Annie M. Mrs., h 1819 N 5th King Charles, h 1419 Marion King Charles, brakeman, h 303 Briggs King Clarence E., salesman, 334 Market, h 1601 Hunter King Cornelius, laborer, h 127 Cranberry av King Edward S., oiler, h 604 North King Elizabeth, wid John, h 648 Verbeke King George J., flagman, h 1902 )l' 5th King George J., jr., brakeman, h 1902 N 5th King George K., hardware, 303 Market, h 2005 N 6th King Grace Mrs., grocer, 1601 Hunter av, h do King Harry R Rev., h 445 S 13th King lone L., wid Edgar L., h 1226 Derry King Joseph M., laborer, h 2002 State King Joshua T., helper, h 132!) Penn King Lena, domestic, 106 Che:"tnut King Mamie, cook, 1627 N 2d King Mary E. J., housekeeper, tbI9 )l' 5th King Matilda Mrs., h 115 Tanner'& av King Sallie Mrs., h 302 S 2d King Searight H., puddler, h 604 North King Theresa G. Mrs., h 2005 N 6th King William, fireman, h 1206 N Front King William L., laborer, h 604 North King William S., express messenger, h 4261 Boas Kingsbury Bertha R, music teacher, JOO N 3d, h do Kingsbury George ;0.1., foreman, h 700 N 3d Kingsbury Walter E., music teacher, 700 N 3d, h do Kinnard John N., mgr, 305 Verbeke, h 1118 N 3d XI10IAllD LEOllARD H., (est), hats and men's furnishings, 3015 Verbeke

o ;a




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-To 8nc:l a name you must know how to spell it."

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Boyd'. Harrisburg (K) City Directory.

KINNARD LEONARD H., gen! mgr Penn'a Telephone Co., h ; 1116N 3d ::z: Kinnard Marv E., wid Leonard H., hIllS N :M t- Kinsey John k, shoe operator, h 2:.") S lith K.insey William J.. engineer. h 4:!4 Kelker c:: Kinsinger Samuel T., elk, h 159 N 5th Kinter Anna, wid Isaac, h 1503 N' 2d en Kinter Anna E., marker Lunatic Hospital, h do ::: Kinter Charles H., mgr. 1!;:; K Hh, h loin4 N td - Kinter Elizabeth. wid John. h :.n" Harris Kinter Fannie A .. h uma N :!d "'" Kinter George. h 1:\ ~ 4th .... Kinter George D., engineer. h 2111 Harris .... Kinter George G., shipper. h 537 Violet av ~ Kinter Cieorge H .. gateman P. R. R., h ~3 X 4th Kinter J. Carroll, conductor, h 408 Cumberland : ; Kinter John F .. engineer. h 210 Barris z Kinter Joseph H., car inspector. h 5:!7 Violet av a:: Kinter Katharine :\1., cashier, :l:J4 ~farket, h 210 Harris ~ Kinter Louis. grocer, 1218 ~lulberry, h do Kinter Lydia A., housekeeper, h 210 Harris U Kinter S. \\'ilt, conductor, h 14:l0 N 2d Kinter ''''alter ~L. brakeman. h 17:l0 Green ~ Kinzer Harry M., barber. 1111 N 3d, h 1117 do Kipp Abraham. driver, h 603 State Kipp A. Russell, postal elk, h 229 Forster c Kipp George H., brakeman, h 426 Hamilton ta.. Kipp Harry c., (Harry C. Kipp & Bro.), h 331 Kelker 2 Kipp Harry C. & Bro., (James K.). meat, 1812 N 4th ~ Kipp James K., (Harry C. Kipp & Bro.), h 331 Kelker g: Kipp Laura A., elk. h :1:n Kelker L&.I Kipp Myrtle A .. l11u!'tician. h 1Ii44 :'IIarket Kipp Nelson. brakeman, h til5 Korth ~ Kipp Peter, patternmkr, h 1644 Market L&.I Kipp Sherman W., laborer, h 1644 Market a: Kipple John P .. car repairer. h :1:!9 Hamilton Kipple J. \Villiam, laborer, h 182;' X 7th ~ Kipple Margaret. h :!56 Sas!'afras av a: Kirby Anna, h 922 N 6th : Kirby Annie, wid William c., h 922 N 6th -Ii Kirby Charles A., trav salesman, h 922 N 6th ZJ Kirby Harry J., physician, h 922 N 6th 0- Kirby James F., h 922 N 6th IC Kirby John A., broker, 15 N 2d, h 256 Cumberland II Kirby William A., stable. 225 Sassafras avo h 922 N 6th tiD Kirby, see Kerby Kirchner Henry, engineer, h 1725 N 6th toC Kirk A~_n~., wid _[ohn C~ h 910 H_em_lo_c_k_ _ _ _ __

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ANDREW REDMOND, u':.;:.r:....ra::'d ~~o';:~. {3d and R.11y SII. CoogIe

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8 TICI "


_AWEII A II,.EOIALrr 0 " -

{121' Ie. 3. St. Pabllc BalldI8._ la Plaia Tlata. f . U _ .,..".

381 Kirk Bertha, domestic, 1927 K Cameron Kirk Elizabeth, h 1007 S 9th Kirk George W., plasterer, h 331 Boyd av Kirk Jacob, plasterer, h 607 Calder Kirk Jeremiah W., repairsman, h Cameron ab Maclay Kirk John D., roller, h 1007 S 9th Kirk Joseph Y., checkman P. R R., h 26 N 10th Kirk Lewis B., laborer, h 642 Woodbine Kirk Martha, picker, h 910 Hemlock Kirk Peter E., brakeman, h 19:m Wood av Kirk Ralph G., student, h 607 Calder Kirk Samuel S., engineer, h 6411 Hamilton Kirk Victor M., brakeman, h 642 Woodbine Kirk William E., teacher, h 237 S 1:1th Kirk W. Scott, flagman, h 1114 Montgomery Kirkessner Mary, domestic, 262 Herr Kirkham John E., civil engineer, h 21)3 Kelker Kirkland Fenia Mrs., h 133 Vine Kirkland Jennie :M., bunchmkr, h 133 Vine Kirkland Joseph A., clk, h 1727 Penn Kirkland Maude J.. bunchmkr, h 13:1 Vine Kirkpatrick John A., cooper, h 605 Maclay Kirkup Elsie R.. domestic, 1412 S 13th Kirkwood William, h 328 North Kirkwood William S . salesman, h 32S North Kise Aaron, huckster, h 1100 Cowden Kise Harry E., huckster, h 1100 Cowden Kishpaugh Cory M., clk dept int affairs, h 215 Forster Kishpa\tgh Florence ~L, (Women's Exchange), h 215 Forster Kisner Charles C, laborer, h 1:-l04 S Cameron Kissinger Emanuel, laborer, h 15th c Briggs Kissinger Henry 0., laborer, h 1939 Kensington 0 Kissinger Irvin M., laborer, h 302 S 2d Kissinger Jacob, laborer, h 1939 Kensington I~ Kissinger Katharine, dressmkr, h 304 N 2d Kister John F., milk, 310 Cumberland, h do Kister Julius, watchman P. R R. frt depot. h 310 Cumberland Kistler Charles, watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Kistler Elizabeth, wid William H., h 1320 :\-Iaple av Kistler Ella V .. we2ver. h 13211 Maple av Kistler James A . laborer, h 1524 Wallace Ki!'tier Joseph D .. laborer. h 1524 \Vallace Kistler Robert J. laborer. h 1320 :\-laple av Kistler Sarah R, milliner, h 1524 Wallace Kitchen Amos H., h 2015 N 7th KITCHEN AlIOS P., grocer, 1401 N 2d, h do

Boyd'e Rarrieburg (K) City Directory.



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To find a name you must know how to ~pell it."

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Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory. ..: 382 __ Kitchen Clemuel D., engineer, h 2015 N 7th -= ~ Kite Louis S., mgr, ~11 Market, h 9 N Front JI Kitner Harry S., laborer, h 1a:!5 Wyeth av II Kittle Edwin H., mgr, h 1130 :\-Iontgomery Kitzelman Charles E., elk, h 33t, Reily Kitzclnlall Charles H., carpenter, h 336 Reily KitzndIIer Augusta, housekeeper, 1331 Derry ~ Kitzmiller Clarence A., driver, h 123 N 10th '(!!! Kitzmiller Dixon G., agt P. & R., h 1145 Derry _ Kitzmiller Edgar S., brakeman, h 537t Woodbine u Kitzmiller Frank K., mgr, 119 Market, h 1331 Derry Kitzmiller Ralph, laborer, h 1~03 Berryhill :: Kitzmiller William A., carpenter, 1402 Vernon, h 21 Balm Kitzmiller William H., driver, h 35 N Cameron Klawansky Elias, grocer, 329 Calder) h do U) Klawansky Louis, junk, 1327 William. h 317 Calder It Kleckner Paul 5., barber, h 261 N 2d Kleeman Harry M., brakeman, h 1615 Logan av Kleiber Joseph c., salesman, h The Central ~ KLEIN CO., (Otto Klein), merchant tailors, clothiers and hatters, 30 N 3d C Klein Otto, (Klein Co.), h 30 N 3d It KLEIN THEODORE B., chief clerk Department Internal Affairs, h 704 N 3d ~ Klein, see Cline, also Kline Klemm Charles A., (Klemm & Orth), h 1829 Derry KLEltIJ4 & ORTH, (C. A. Klemm and W. E. Orth), City Star Laundry, 414-U6 State Kline Abraham, drilier, h 1835 N 4th ~ Kline Allan H., master carpenter P. R. R., 413 Market, h z: 423 Forster ~ Kline Andrew J., buyer, 334 'Market, h 105 Evergreen E Kline Caroline, weaver, h 125 North Kline Carrie, domestic, 304 Verbeke U Kline Charles, baker, h 1312 Derry ..... Kline Charles E., brakeman, h 1003 Cowden C Kline Charles, flagman, h 1506i N 5th Kline Charles A., asst P. O. msgr P. R. R., h 423 Forster KLINE CHARLES P., conductor, h 1702 N 8th Q Kline Conrad, h 1519 N 3d : : KLINE CYCLE AND AUT0J40BILE CO., (lames A. Xline), bicycles, &c., 12 N 2d see adv opp page ~ Kline Daniel, (Kline & Himes), h 15 5 2d Kline Ephraim, puddler, It 1400 5 13th CI Kline Esaias 5., laborer, h 332 5 14th .., Kline Frederick K., cooper, h 818 Myrtle av !:: Kline George, h 1506-1 N 5th ~ Kline George A., postal elk, h 1316 Berryhill


McNeil'. Pal. Esta,mlaator Ilunll Cbolera Jforbui, I)JIeDtery. cram.., DI&rrJIcM, Cold., Quinl)'. RheumatllJll, Tootbaebe. Sore Throat, APe. l>JIpe..... .te. ......



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8_." S,...,. :Bell 'Pbone 8111 X, or esc3 X.

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Y~=~ IDB POIIr III 1IDd0l SIJOra ttOi A. B. TACK.ILt\L

383 Kline Harrv H., bar elk, 309 Market, h do Kline Harry M., carpenter, h 63 Linden Kline Ira J., car repairer, h H;3~ K lith Kline Izamiah T., wid William; h 3 .i'\ 13th Kline James A., (Kline Cycle amI Automobile Co.), h 317 S Front Kline John C, engineer, h 1519 N 3d Kline John C, fireman Lunatic Hospital Kline Josilh W., clk, h"3 N 13th Kline Kate, h Home for the Friendlesf. Kline Mary A., wid George W., h W Cowden Kline Mary E., domestic. 1156 Cumberlanci Kline Milton, heater, h 8 ~ 5th Kline :\mton S., laster, h 2:~8 1\ 15th Kline Rebecca, h Home for the Friendless Kline Regina, clk, 206 Chestnut, h :U8 N 2d Kline Reuben, laborer, h 1928} ~ 5tb Kline Robert M., carpenter. h 192~ Briggs Kline Samuel, plasterer, h 4:~5 Verbeke Kline William, h 1325 K Front Kline William E., carpenter, h 1822 Swatara Kline William E., jeweler, h zan Muench Kline William H., machinist, h 435 S 17th XLIBE & Bl](ES, agents, (Daniel JOine and George W. Himes), stoves and house furnishings, 10 11 2d Kline, see Cline. also Klein Klinedinst Fannie R, wici Charles W., h 23 N 4th Klinedinst Joseph S., trav frt agt, 16 N 2d, h 254 Boas Klinepeter Anna, wid Samuel, h 430 Muench Klinepeter Bessie E .. saleslady, 312 Market, h 611 Walnut Klinepeter George R, fireman, h 430 ~I uench Klinepeter Jacob W., flagman, h 520 ~Iuench Klinepeter \Villiam B., conductor, h 1820 ~ 5th Klinesmith Augustus. laborer, h 1106 ~ Cameron Kling Anme M., h 63!) Herr Kling Charles T., laborer. h 1104 Plum av Kling James P., cleaner, h 63!) Herr Kling Joseph, shoemkr, h 1842 Boas Kling Maude, domestic, 213 State

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory.


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12 lri .ubt SqFI, HARRISBURG, PA.

AutomomleS,BICJCI~S,8~ortin~ Goo~S, fiSmn~ locll~ i


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'l'rJ. ToD of

H M KELLEY 8. CO'S 81,.............r... ...11 01............-

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Boyd'. Harrisburg (K) City Directory .



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Kling Selinda, domestic, 315 \Yalnut Kling Tillie, charwoman, h 130 ,~iberty Kling William H., conductor, h 1104 Plum av Klinger Albert, h ~34 X 15th Klinger Charles, produce, 103 Hanna. h do Klinger Charles, jr., confectioner, 115 Tuscarora, h do Klinger George W., laborer, h 1502 Thompson av Kiinger John, laborer, h l:m :Mulberry Klinger William E., laborer, h W3 Hanna 1< ~itch Harry, tailor, h 1629 0l' 4th Klock Minnie, domestic, 440 North Klopp James H., printer Independent. h 19 S 4th Kloss David H., telegrapher P. R R. h 300 N 2d Klotz George 0., flagman, h 6:34 Verbeke Klucher Mar\' A., wid Bartholomew, h 1638 N 3d Klugh Charies H., \\'arehouseman P. R. R., h 1313 N Front Klugh George A., h 404 ~Iarket Klugh HalTY R, conductor, h 1~IU8 X 7th Klugh Henry E., weighmaster, h 214 N 15th Klugh' John, blacksmith, h 125 N Cameron Klugh John F., butcher, h 1207 Derry Klugh Oliver R, physician, 105 X 2d, h do Klugh Palmer E., laborer, h 125 N Cameron Klugh Peter, carpenter, h 1313 N Front Knabe Benjamin F., con:mkr, h 1105 Wallace Knabe Charles H., engineer, h 1105 Wallace Knabe William H., laborer, h 1108 Currant av Knapp Ella, weaver, h 1427 Susquehanna Knapp James, helper, h 10 Chesapeake av Knaub Carrie, domestic, 1000 S !Ith Knaub Forest, brakeman, h 1116 N 6th Knaub Jacob, carpenter, h 1529 Fulton Knaub John E., laborer, h 19031 X 3d Knaub \YiIliam L, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do KNAUFF H. wnsOIi, dentist, 20 Ii 4th, h do Knauss James 0., mess dept Public Instruction, h 431 Boas Kneisley John. laborer, Ii :!06 \'erbeke Kneisley, see Knisely, also Knisley Knell John D. stonecutter, h 51 N Summit Knepley Fannie I.. h 1802 N :~d Knepley George \'., machinist, h :>41 Maclay Knepley George W., salesman, .100 ~larket, h 1112 Capital Knepley Joseph H" laborer. It 4.i50 Verbeke Knepley Mary M., wid Harry A., h 1119 N 7th Knepley Susan, wid William J.. h 650 Verbeke Knepp James A .. helper, h 10 Chesapeake av

ANDREW REDMOND, ::::!:::".;.':=:~:. {3d I.d RII~ Sfl.

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B TICK , ....... complew wt&la UId 10..- Dri-. WfeR... { I.'.'8 w.n P...... The bid ..... ft UId J'rIDpI 34 It.

Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Direotory.


Knier Harry G., machinist, h 16:~0 Logan av Knier Leroy, brakeman, h 1630 Logan av Knier M. Pearl, copyholder Independent, h 1630 Logan av Knier Rachel A., wid Harry L., h lti3U Logan av Knight Harry \Y., salesman, h 305 S Front K.night Matilda, wid James, h 214 :\1ulberry Knighton Albert L., boilermkr, h 126 Charles av Knighton Charles L., collector, 402 Verbeke, h 132'2 S 13th Knighton George A., molder, h 46 Balm Knight Harry C, laborer, h 46 Balm Knighton Harry R., laborer, h Front cReel's la Knighton James A., pud{:ler, h 1026 S 9th Knighton J. r rancis. laLorer, It 11126 Stith Knighton William L., molder, h 1322 S 13th Knipe Benjamin F., carpenter, h 1410 Maple av Knipe Benjamin F .. jr.. carpenter, h 320 Hummel Knipe Manolia ~lrs., dressmkr, h :{20 Hummel Knisely Abraham H., cigarmkr, h :306 ~orth "DISELY All.CHIBALD G., real estate and oounty treuurer, Court House, h 406 If 3d Knisely Bernard R., elk, 115 Market, h 2:32 S 14th Knisely Charles E., fireman, h 1733 N 5th Knisely Cora, milliner, h 927 N 3d Knisely Daisy B., seamstress, h 1811 Penn Knisely Edwin J., elk R. M. S., h 306 North Knisely Frank, elk, 230 Market, h 306 North Knisely Hannah E., h 231 Pine "DISELY 1. REDAlf, olerk Select Council, Court House, h 231 Pine Knisely John H . laborer, h 16..'~3 Susquehanna Knisely John V., motorman, h 232 S 14th Knisely Levi K., molder, h 14th ab Forrest av Knisely Lincoln L., h 231 Pine Knisely Martha, seamstress, h 2031 Logan av Knisely Russell, bookbinder, h 232 S 1-1th Knisely Samuel H., h 231 Pine Knisely William N., tobacconist, 200 Market, h 221 Pine Knisley, see Kneisley, also Knisely

XNElUI. HARllY, oontraotor and builder, 411 Brina, h do see acl~


r PI




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Main Office, 411 Briggs Stred, Harrisburg. Pa.



Contractor and Builder Or

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PIatt_vII 1_.


lIelEIL'S COIIPLEXIOI PILLS. ~.~\::J:nd~n~r~~l:t!: {316 Iroa.



Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory.

Knisley Daniel, carpenter, h :!1I8 Sayford av Knisley Harry, cigars, 411 Market, h :!06 Verbeke ' C. Knislev Rosanna, h 7111 South Knisle;" see Keisley, also Knisely Knobl Andrew 1\1., laborer, h rear 9a~ Paxton Knobl Andrew M., laborer; h 1628 Fulton .!I Knobl Annie C, domestic, 115 S 13th ... Knobl Frank J., piler, h 164:! Fulton Knobl Martin, laborer, h 1628 Fulton ~ Knobl :\IIary E., cigarmkr, h rear !'~1:-; Paxton Knobl Pearl S., h 1232 Cowden II g;:;: Knoble John, steam fitter, h 212L X 6th 15 Knoche Frank, salesman, 112 Market, h :m8 Hummel .: Knoll Charles R., mgr, 407 .Mark~t, h :m S 4th :. Knoll Rebecca, wid Jacob S., h au S 4th Knorr ~lary A., wid Samuel, h :i 17 N 2d Knouff John H., plasterer, h 1412 Penn Knouff S. Catharine, wid Henry, h 1412 Penn Knouse Harry C, artist, h 1246 Bailey La.I Knouse Ira P., blacksmith, h 1246 Bailey - ' Knuuse Jacob H., (Forney & Knouse), h 23 N 13th C Knollse Ralph E., elk, 1276 Market, h 1246 Bailey La.I Knouse Viola A, foxer, h 42 Linden ~ II~nox EElizabetdh S., tekachher \5h92B59 Boas ... ,-nox mma, ressm r, ~ oas La.I Knox Frances J.. wid Hiram, h 259 Boas Knox J. Lewis, tinsmith, 171 S Summit, h 1118 Kittatinny _ Knox Samuel, laborer, h Friendship Engine House Knox William R., (Knox & Meckley), h 259 Boas ",: KNOX & IlECKLEY, (W. R. Knox and F. B eckley), grocers, 1302-1304 Ii 3d ~ Knull Harry C. salesman, h 204 Reily E Knupp B. F. & Bro., (B. F. and E. 1\1.). marble. State c 13th. e: Knupp Christian, plasterer, h 266 Cumberland U Knupp Daniel W., painter, h 2151 Herr ~ Knupp Harvey E., lawyer, 15 N 2<1. h 266 Cumberland Knuth William C, laborer. h 1337 Howard U Kobler Annie M., h 637 Boas Kobler Christian F., laborer, h 6:17 Boas ~ KOBLER GEORGE, propr Gramm's Hotel, 1018 11 7th, h do ~ Kobler John F., laborer, h 602 Boas .... Kobler Lizzie, h 6:17 Boas u Kobler, see also Cobler Koch Annie A., charwoman, h 552 Woodbine C3 Koch Caroline, wid John H., h 552 Woodbine ~ Koch C Frederick, blacksmith, 2110 N 7th, h do - Koch Charles H., elk, 16 N 2d. h 1319 Penn ~ Koch Eli, carpenter, h 1639 Market ~ EDW G ROBERTS wlUgoon your bond. loa 1'1. s -t .......



bondl are uecuWd. Bell 'Pbone 8111

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A. B. TACK ~~::t II PODer and IIndOl_LT.3:

Bo,d's Harrisburg (K) Cit, Directory.


Koch Frank W., driver, h 1022 Market Koch Henry, laborer, h 318 Sayford av Koch James, laborer, h 1211 N 11i Koch John, cigarmkr, h 516 Cowden Koch John B., laborer, h 1319 Penn Koch John W., miller, h 40 Balm Koch Lulu, domestic, 1211 N 11i Koch Mame, domestic, 1211 N 11i Koch Maud, saleslady, 334 Market, h 1319 Penn Koch Susan L., wid Charles H., h 1319 Penn Kochanour George E., brakeman, h 2018 Penn Kochanour Jacob F., livery, 2016 Wood av, h 517 Maclay Kochanour Lillie, candymkr, h 35 S Court av CD Kochel James I., mattressmkr, h 21i Evergreen Kochel Jennie Mrs., h 211 Evergreen Kochel Walter, machinist, h 211 Evergreen Kochenauer Lillie, candymkr, h 35 S Court av Kochenour David N., h 2018 Penn Kochenour Joseph C, brakeman, h 342 Reily Kochenour, see Gochenour Kocher Amelia, wid Josiah, h 1406 N 6th Kocher Milton, Ranger, h 183 N 15th Kocher Walter L., c1k, h 1406 N 6th Koehler Casper, h 205 Meadow la Koehler Conrad, saloon, 24 Grace av, h do Koellner Rosa, cigarmkr, h Derry nr 14th Koellner Sadie, packer, h 1226 Bailey XOElUG ALBERT, propr ltaple Grove Hotel, 2101 Ii 6th Koenig Edward, asst baggage agt P. R. R., h 24 S 3d Koenig Frederick L., bottler, 6U6 York av, h 612 do Koenig George R., v-pres and sec C B. & B. Co., h 571 S iii Front Koenig Harry H., tinsmith, h 208 Cherry av =Koenig Jacob F., laborer, h 208 Cherry av Koenig John, butcher, h 571 S Front Koenig John M., printer, 201 N 2d, h 571 S Front Koenig Louis, c1k, h 24 S 3d Koenig Louise, cook Hotel Columbus Koenig Mary M., h 215 Chestnut Koffer Samuel, notions, 602 \V alnut, h do Kohl Annie, domestic, 711 Capital Kohl Elizabeth. domestic, 706 N 6th Kohl. Henry, laborer, h 1816 Wood av Kohlenkamp Nicholas, h 156 Sylvan ter Kohler Agnes R'.. wid Edward S . h 2001.N 7th Kohler Barbara, wid George, h 227 Verbeke Kohler Edward S., barber, h 1623 N 4th' Kohler Elmer B., laborer. h 110 S 4th


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To Sod name you must know how to speD It."

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D~~ ~~DJ H.

M. KELLEY & CO. nO\":'Y..t1:::

10&.1 10&.1 10&.1 III:



Boyd's Harrisburg (K) City Directory.

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Kohler Flora B., hemmer, h 327 Hamilton Kohler Frederick, brakeman, h 1633 N 3d Kohler George V., molder, h 237 Sayford av Kohler Jacob c., carpenter, h 327 Hamilton Kohler Jacob G., carpenter, h 230 Verbeke Kohler Kate, domestic, 119 S Front Kohler Katharine M., messenger, 210 Walnut, h 230 Verbeke Kohler Walter T., laborer, h 327 Hamilton Kohler William H., real estate, 1838 N 6th, h do Kohler, see also Koller Kohli Frederick J., ironworker, h 414 Delaware av Kohnen Alva C., nurse, h 1806 N 6th Kohnlein August, laborer, h 9 N Cameron Kohr Charles W., laborer, h 13 N 5th Kohr Joseph J., hostler, h 338 Cherry av Kohr Martin H., laborer, h 1624 Susquehanna Kohr Martin S . postal elk, h 1628 N 6th Kohr Reba, cigarmkr, h 426 Herr Kohr Sarah, wid Samuel, h 1628 N 6th Kolbenschlag Anna E., milliner, 223 Market, h 231 Briggs Kolbenschlag Etta M., milliner, 223 Market, h 231 Briggs Kolbenschlag William, h 231 Briggs Kolbenschlag William F., elk P. R. R., h 414 Spring av Koller Adam, carpenter, h 911 N 6th Koller George W., engineer. h 911 X t:th ~oller Harr~: 1\1., carpenter, h 1HUO Green Koller. see Kohler Kolp Fannie E., saleslady, :UH l\1arkct, h 4ali clo Konn Miles, salesman, 334 Market, h Camp Hill Koomes Frances M., bookkpr, 318 Market, h 1418 N 3d Koomes John W., tinsmith, h 1418 N 3d Koomes !\Jabel L., salesladv, 326 Market. h 1418 N 3d Koon Oementine Mrs., h a07 S 2d Koons Calvin H., carpenter, h 14 X 15th Koons Carrie, h 219 S Front Koons Charles P., meat, 1313 N 2d, h 1315 do Koons Edward, repairsman, h 2024 N 5th Koons Ellen L.. domestic, 1315 N 2d Koons Harry H., postal elk, h 14()6 Derry Koons Harvey c., meat, 2()9 Cumberland and 1629 Penn, h 207 Haniilton Koons Henry D., meat, 428 Walnut, h Linglestown Koons 1acob, h 201 Hummel Koons )acob B., carpenter, h ]8!"-la North Koons Jacob L., supt, h 1247 Mulberry Kcons James J., foreman, 17th c Derry, h 6 S ]8th Koons J. Grant, electrician, h 2(1] Hummel

:~R:~"~:!~i~:~ ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d .Id R.11y Sts.

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I B TIC" ft


Id'" cluiWrtUlls.anet" WorkdODeblaD7PM'oIl11a&e.

tal. {BlllJIloJI! DOlle ba' 1lBklJa. wwlaD8II. bIDe. OD17""

Boyd'. Harrisbvr (K) City Directory.


Koons John, laborer, h 1108 N Front Koons John H., plasterer, h 131 Linuen Koons John W., carpenter, h 4 S 18th Koons Mame P., milliner, h 1n:! Linden Koons Maria A., wid Jacob, h ~13 1\ 3d Koons Mary E., dressmkr, 1019 l\ 7th, h do Koons McClellan, laborer, h 226 S 2d Koons Milton, butcher, h 1835 State Koons Thomas R, engineer, h 606 Kelker Koons Thomas W., plasterer, h 14 N 15th Koons William E., grocer, 172{; ~ 4th, h <10 Koons William I., carpenter, h 313 Verbeke ~ Koons William I., carpenter, h 1~ North :II.. Koons W. Turner, stone cutter, h 152 Linuen ",'" Koons, see Coon. also Kuhn - to Koontz Clinton 1\1., (Koontz & Ayres), h Lebanon .. n Koontz Lillian, domestic, 1429 N Front .~ Koontz Stephen, laborer, h 1409 Susquehanna Koontz & Ayres, (Clinton :\1. Koontz and Charles E. Ayres), dentists, 8 S 2d Koovel1 Frances c., housekeeper, 211 N Front Kope Adam M., flagman, h 1a30 N 2d Koppenhaver Amos L., laborer, h 912 S 19:\ Koppenhaver Bessie, domestic, 217 State Koppenhaver Cora, domestic, 1117 X Front Koppenhaver William A., grocer, 11 N 13th, h 9 do Koppenheffer Harry W., blacksmith, h 1H40 Derry Koser A. Stewart, dentist, 219 N 2d, h 1114 do Koser Otarles "V., blacksmith, h 1112 K 6th Koser Edward c., laborer, h 11]2 ~ 6th Koser Henry J., wrapper. :!2.3 ?\larket. h 43:1 Hamilton Koser John A., boltmkr, h 1115 N 7th II Koser John A., driver, h 345 S River av Koser Josephine H., t~aC'her, h 1112 N 6th 0 Koser Sarah A., housekeeper, 1112 N 6th 13 Kosher Lucy A . wid John, h 1221 :\Iarket Kost Charles, laborer, h 90G S 9th Kost Curtis E., brakeman, h 112 Verbeke Kost Samuel 1\1., brakeman, h 526 Forrest Kost Thomas R, tinworker, h 526 Forrest Kost William C, fireman, h :'i:!6 Forrest I Kosure Bertie E .. h 26~ Herr Kough Catherine E., wid jarob K. h 15Hl N 6th Kough Harry E . elk P. R. R ticket office. h V)01 :\ 6th Kough John, elk. 22 X 3d, h 212 Verbeke Kozel John. helper. h 7114 Race Krab~r Alcinda. wid Christopher, h ()2!1 S Front II' Kraber Charles L . nailer, 11 Ij!ll) S Front I



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~. To

fIDei. name

you must

know how to speIIlt."

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Boyd'. Harrisburg (K) City Directory.



en a:




,. Kraber Cora, dressmkr, h 627 S Front - Kral>er Elizabeth, wid John 0., h 621 S Front Kraber George E., carpenter, h 629 S Front .m Kraber Howard C, nailer, h 512 Race Kraber John H., ironworker, h 627 S Front .;: a Kraber Nannie I., elk, 1!!24 N 3d, h 621 S Front Kraber Raymond ~I., ironworker, h 627 S Front Kraft Elizabeth, wid Henry, h 9114 Ash av Krait John, engineer, h 131:l Bartine av _ Kraft Ludwig, laborer, h 547 SlOth Kraft Mary, winder, h tlII4 Ash av Krall Charles, machinist. h :!:!HII X 6th KralI Christiana. wid \ViIliam, h la:~7 James _ Krall John C., laborer, h 441 Verbeke Kramer Ambrose. plumber, h U:!6 X 3d Kramer Arthur R., jeweler, 4211 i\larket, h do KB.AIIER CHARLES F., druggist, 301 Verbeke, h 1638 B' 3d. Kramer C11ristian D .. varieties, 1429 X 3d, h do Kramer Christian D., jr., laborer. h 1429 ~ 3d Kramer Cora D., packer, h 122 Balm Kramer Edward C, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Kramer Florence G., vamper. h 10 Aberdeen av Kramer Frank F., plumber, h 912 N 3d Kramer Frederick ]., optician. 420 :\larket, h do Kramer Harry, peddler, h 118 Short Kramer Ira \V., grocer. 4011 Cuml)crianll. II do Kramer James F., brakeman. h 1615 Fulton KRAJ4ER 10D A., plumber, 912 N 3d, h do Kramer John F., baggage transfer, h :!115 X 15th .. Kramer Martha L., wid John :\1.. h 111 Aberdeen av ~ Kramer, see Cramer, also Creamer Kramlich John, laborer, h 1203 X 6th a.. Kranszdorf William, furniture, 352 Verbeke, h :t3t Calder E Kranzman Samuel, laborer, h 328 Chern' ;IV Kratzer Charles P .. conductor, h 1837' X 4th U Kraus Fred 'W., stained glass, h 1207 :\Iarket ~ Krause Andrew]., cigarmkr. h 315 Boas Krause Annie E., saleslady, 326 ~larket, h ()411 Dauphin U Krause Barbara A., h 116 Short Q Krause Frank L., (Hbg News Agency). h 444 \Valnut Krause George C, coroner, C H., h 116 Short Krause Hannah A. :\1rs., dressmkr, :n;) Boas. i1 do ~ Krause Leonard, watchman P. R. R.. h fi4!1 Dauphin Krause Mary A., wid George \Y., h 5:!6 Cowden c:::a Krause Susan, wid Joh11 A., h 116 Short ~ Krause. see Crouse, also Krouse Kraybill Martin E., grocer. 19~!} Forster. h do ~ Kraybil\ Rose. wid Irvin R.. h t:l:t! Vernon



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A.III_a, L'altllll)' _d . . . . . . . . ._ I ........,..



8 _ lila. Bell 'Phone 851 X. or 6848 L

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A. B. TACK, waU Paper and Window ShIdu.

{UI::~~~:: Boyd's Harrisburg (Ie) City Directol'J. 39l


Kraybill, see Graybill Kreamer John H., (Kreamer & YanOrmer), h 2130 N 6th Kreamer & VanOrmer, (J. H. Kreamer and S. F. VanOrmer), produce, 213:! ~ 6th Krebs Augustus A., laborer, h 131~ ~Iaple av Krebs Mary, domestic National Hotel Kreider Anna M., wid Samuel D., h 60~ Cedar av Kreider E. Caum, engineer, h 6U5 Forster Kreider Frank E., fireman, h 6th nr :\'iuench Kreider George W., hostler, it 1712 ~ 6th Kreider Harry E., helper, h :!67 Forster Kreider Margaret, bookkpr, UU:! Vernon, h 2332 N 6th Kreider Minnie M., teacher, h 1712 N 6th w. Kreider Peter H., contractor, h HU8 ~ lith Kreider Samuel W., engineer, h 2332 N 6th Kreider Sara E., bookkpr, :!U !\ :!d, h 171:! i\ 6th Kreider Solomon, hostler, h :!332 N 6th Kreider Tobias, carpenter, h 1628 Wallace Kreider William H., machinist, h 2118 l'.Ioore Kreidler A. H. & Bro., (A. H. and H.). grocers, 100 N 2d Kreidler Amelia R., bookkpr, IOU X 2d. h 8119 Capital Kreidler Augustus, h 809 Capital Kreidler Augustus H., (A. H. Kreidler & Bro.), h 809 Cap- ~

I -I I

~I Kreirllt:r Clara M .. hookkpr, 1111/ X 2d. h S09 Capital Kreidler Edith, dressmkr. h !1114 Penn Kreidler Edward J., elk, 326 :\farket. h 1207 :\Iulberry Kreidler Ferdinand. wagonmkr. h n04 Penn Kreidler George W., tinsmith, lnt-} ~ iitll. h do Kreidler Harry, (A. H. Kreidler & Uro.), h 1'l1l!l Capital Kreidler Herman A., elk. 1011 X 2d, h ROll Capital Kreidler Jam~s C, elk, tOO X 2d. h 8m) Capital Kreidler John H., laborer. h 1311 Tanner's av Kreidler Lawrence F., warehouseman. h 904 Penn KJ tidier Robert S., driver, h 904 Penn Kreig Lewis, meat packer. h 1:!~ Sa~ ford av Kreiger Catharine :\1rs., boarding. :~:!8 Xorth. It do KJ eigt'r Grant, laborer. h 127 Ci1e!'tnllt Krc:ger Milton, conductor, h 1:!68 Jllnipl'r Krtitzer Andrew. puddler. h 1400 S l:ah Kreitzer Charles A . butcher, h 67 X )I)th KJ'.:itzer William, plater, h 67 !\ 10th Kremer Ellis N. Rev., h 224 Chc~tnlit Kn'ml'r G. Frank. salesman, h The Bolton Krenll'r John, special ins agt. h HOi :\ Front Kl entz Ernest \Y . finisher, :1 Ii:!:! Herr Krl'm7. George. shoemkr. 12lC1 Fulton. h 6~2 Herr Krentz George L.. laborer, h li:!2 [-tt'rr

! :; =-




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H--:~-c~JH. M. KELLEY & CO.H'::::'~J.'1:: lloyd'. Harrisburg (K) City DirectolJ. 392
Krcntzman Harry, grocer, 648

h do


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t:; Krepp!- George \V., civil engineer, h :!J)oot Crescent

K"cp$ Harry, brakeman, h 622 .Maclay Kretzer Harry, toolmkr, h 26 S :Id Krichbaum Emma R., h 1121 N :!d Krichbaum Maggie B., saleslady, 308 ~larket, h 1121 N 2d Krieg Adam, meat, 130 Charles av, h 1:!9 '."erbeke Kritg Adam G. butchu, h 129 Yerbeke Krieg Albert, laborer, h 529 Peffer Krieg Charles, butcher, h 1318 ~ 7th Krieg Harriet, h 129 Yerbeke Krieg Ludwig, laborer, h 129 Sayfon.l av Krit g, see Craig Kri(ger Mary E., domestic, 3 S Front Klint'! 10hn, laborer, h 313 Verbeke K...incr Leo, slater, h 211 :\1 ulberrv Kri1.ak John, laborer, h 9!i5 S 19til KJOft John 0., brakeman, h 314' 'lucnch Kroft \\-'iIliam, cigarmkr, h 26th ab Derry Kroh Jesse T., watchman, h 1989 X 7th KJOh Samuel J., brakeman, h ]7:!1! X jth Kroh William c., brakeman, h 2 La;~ :\Ioore Kroll Frederick, hamessmkr, h UI54 Boas Kroll, see Crull Kroncbitter Catharine, wid )'Iartin, h 11:16 S l'amcron Kronsberg Abraham. clothing, 401 Kelker, h 619 Herr' Krontz Dallas H., laborer, h 2(1 X 5th Krontz John P., laborer, h 427 Strawberry av Klotzer Annie M. Mrs .. h 8 S 4th Krouse John W" produce, h 2404 K 6th Krouse Joseph W., bricklayer, h 2129 Atlas av Krouse Louise, charwoman. h 821 :\I"rtle av Krouse Lydia, domestic, 624 Verbeke Krouse Milton M., laborer. h 311 Forster Krouse, see Krause, also Crouse Kruger Kate P., wid Charles F .. h 1513 Green Kuebler Frederick A .. baker. h 14:!O Green Kuebler George, gardener State Lunatic Hospital, h do Kuebler Lizzie, warper. h 905 Capital Kuebler Robert, bookbinder. h 1420 Green Kugle Ezra, flagman. h 1327 Bartine av Kugle John S., brakeman, h 21!l5 ~Ioore Kugler Paul D., fireman. h 2128 X 5th Kuhlwind George, machinist. h 1316 KittatinllY' Ktthlwind Harry, engineer, h 2]4 Reily Kuhlwind William. flagman, h 322 Clinton av Kuhn Charles F., barber. h 10UI Hemlock Kuhn Charles L., salesman. !{O Sad. h 645 Boas

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REDMOND. {3d lid R.I~ Sts.

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A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,

Kuhn Kuhn Kuhn .Kuhn Kuhn Kuhn Kuhn Kuhn Kuhn Kuhn


Boyd'. Harriaburg (K) City Direetol'J.

Emory P., carpenter, h 1324N Front Florence M., bonnetmkr, h 533 Woodbine George, laborer, h 533 \Voodbine Harrison A, carpenter, h 533 Woodbine Howard M., fireman, h 1807 Penn Jacob, bartender, h 1114 Grape av John L. L., barber, 919 S 9th, h 1028 S Cameron Henora, winder, h 1038 S Cameron Mary, wid Napoleon B., h 1038 S Cameron Napoleon, h 32 S 2d X1JD SAlIlJEL, clothier, 6 II 2d, h 29 do Kuhn Smith A., motorman, h 626 Hamilton Kuhn Solomon, (Solomon Kuhn & Co.), h 29 N 2d Kuhn Solomon & Co., (A. Hirschler), carpets, 2 S 2d Kuhn William J., fireman, h 533 Woodbine Kuhns William H., car inspector, h 2112 Turner av Kuhns, see Koons ~ Kulp B. Robert, student, h 631 :\Iuench Kulp Edwin T., engineer, h 236 Hamilton Kulp George R., brakeman, h 631 Muench Kulp James c., storekeeper P. R. R., h 115 Calder Kulp John D., train receiver P. R. R., h 631 )Iuench Kulp Robert L., foreman P. R. R., h 625 Muench Kulp William A., brakeman, h 610 Dauphin Kunkel Chas. A., cashier Mechanics' Bank, h 221 N Front Kunkel Elizabeth, wid George G., h 1113 N 3d II KUlIXEL ELIZABETH C., wid lohn C., h 17 S Front 0 Kunkel Elmer E., conductor, h 528 Emerald KUlIXEL GEORGE, lawyer, RUls bldg, 15 N 2d, h 131 Walnut Kunkel George B., physician, 204 Walnut, h do Kunkel George Z., :\Iechanics' Bank. h 1524 X 2<1 Kunkel James D .. upholsterer, h ~2~ Emerald Kunkel John c., h 11 S Front Kunkel Mary E., wid Samuel A., h l:HO N :M KUlIXEL PAUL A., lawyer, not&1'J public, 2 N Court nv, h 1607 If 2d Kunkel Samuel, asst cashier Mechanics' Bank, h 901 N 2d Kunkel, !Oee Cunkle II' Kunkle Gamie W., h GG N 14th Kunkle E. Bertha, h 1:526 N 5th Kunkle Edward D., foreman, h 1614 Green II) Kunkle Elizabeth S., wid Jacob C, h 1:;26 X :jth Kunkle Emma J., h 1805 N ~d De Kunkle Harriet, wid Samuel, h 1805 K ad Kunkle Henry 0., bicycles. 112;) ~,Julberry, h 411 S 16th Kunkle Mar" E .. h 1~1I5 X a~l It Kunkle Milton, laborer, h 1104 K 6th

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"To Bnd a name you must know how to spell it."




IIclEIL'S PAil mERlLlIATOR ~urlo:~::e =~~t'll. {1I08"'l.~.

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IoJ4'. Harrisburg (L) CitJ Directory.

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Kunkle Thomas, laborer, h 1635 N 4th Kunselman Charles A., laborer, h 109 Filbert Kunselman Harry F., driver. h 1119 Filbert Kuntz George B., puddler, h 1409 N 2d Kurritz Stephen, laborer, h 6 Paxton Furnace Row Kurtz Amy J., h 1504 Wallace Kurtz Arthur J., laborer, h 4;~4 S Cameron Kurtz Benj. W .. foreman Capitol Grounds, h Middletown Kurtz D. Charles, elk C I. and S. Co., h 126 S 2d Kurtz John E., driver, h 39 ~ 12th Kurtz John H., painter, h 61 N 10th Kurtz Lydia, wid John, h 1114 K 7th Kurtz ~lartin L., laborer, h :W() South Kurtz William B., brakeman, h 1114 N 7th Kurtz William C, carpenter, h 126 S 2d Kurtz '\'iIliam H., brakeman. h 47 N Summit KlIrzenknahe Flora F., dressmkr, h 1010 X :~d Kurzenknabe Francis E. H., draftsman, h 1010 N :{d XURZEliXNABE HARRY 1., job printing an4 binding, 138 Short c South, h 128 Verbeke Kurzenknabe J. H. Co., pianos, organs, &c., 1010 N 3d Kurzenknabe John E., elk. lOW !\ 3,1, h l:~OO X Front Kurzenknabe John H., (J. H. Kurzenknabe Co.), h 1010 N !ld Kurzenknabe Paul E., plumher. h 1010 X :Jd Kurzenknabe Richard L.. elk, 111111 N ;M, h do Kurzenknabe Susan M., bookkpr, h 1010 N 3d Kuster Emma E., bunchmkr, h 137 Vine Kuster John W . puddler, h 1:t7 \'ine Kuster, see Custer Kutz Forster L., salesman, 324 l\larket, h Carlisle Kutz Harry C, painter, h 19:n X iith Kutz William C, h l:t!!l X 6th Kyle Edward. carpenter. h 'WI N lSth Kyle, see Keil

Lack Olaries H., tailor, 3f) X De\"'berrv avo h flo Lack Fred S . tailor, h HO K Dewberrvav Lackey Otarles, h 1404 Regina . Lackt:y John, engineer, h ();{/i Peffer Lackt:y John A., brickm\<r, h 14114 Reg-ina L2ckey John A" jr . C. S. A .. hUll.! Reg-ina Lacke) ~Iabel E .. cigarmkr, h W'li Pcffl'r La(:key l\Iervin F .. laster, h 912 Hcmlock LaCrosse Arthur E., plater, h 146 Linden ' .... Ladenberger Christian P., h U:! S Camuon L."lde:nberger Irene S., bundler, h H:! S Call1t'ron _L_a_ct_e_n_b_~_g_e_r_J_._P_h_i_li_p_.I_a_b_o_re_r_,_h__ __ __ _________ l4_2 S_C_a_m cr_o_n T A._.a- B C_.".7. Baltimore. Xd. BDW. G. RO. . . . . . . General ~t ceutral Penna. Dlltrlct, loa N .... al. Bell 'Phone 861 X ... 810 X.


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BoJd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory.


Ladenberger Lillie E., forelady, h t.J2 S CanlCron Lady Albertha, h 119 Calder Lad)' Amos, carpenter, h 119 Calder Lady Charles W., carpenter, h 1 Ul Calder Lady Lawrence W., brakertlan, h HIS Boas Lady Mary E., dressmkr, h 119 Calder Lc.i.,\ette Hall Rescue Mission, T. :\f. Curwin, supt, 512 State ' Lafferty Harry, carpenter, h 702 East Laird Jane Mrs., nurse, h 444 Cumberland . Laird Minerva L., telephone operator, :.!1I1 \Valnut, h 133 Sdvan ter Lain' '~annie B., domestic, !Ja7 Derry LALARCE & GROSlEAN KFG. CO., '1. P. Luce, mgr, tin plates and sheet steel, Division nr 8th Lalcy John F., steelworker, h 1:~2 Vine Lamh H. Mervin. salesman, 3118 ~Iarkct, h :\[echanicsburg L'.mberson David L., brakeman, 11 :U,O Hamilton Lamberson Oscar \V., brakeman, h MO Hamilton Lamhet1 Charles B., car repairer, h H31l :\ mh Lamhert Frank P., roller, h 1311 Fulton Lambert Harvey R., painter, h 1733 N 4th Lambert Henry, laborer, h 1n3 .N 4th Lambert Myrtle, looper, h 1133 ~ 4th Lambert Oscar L., laborer, h 2112 }; 4th Lambert William J., milk, h 168 N 15th Lambert William T., catcher, h 2021 Fulton Lamberton Annie B., wid Robert A .. h 111 !\ Front LAMBERTON' lAKES II., lawyer, 218 lIarket c Court IV, h 111 N' Front Lamey Edward C, elk, 2145 ~ 7th, h 22~4 N 6th Lamey Mary B., forelady, 2145 N 7th, h 6:U Muench Lamey Philip H., (Hbg Knitting Mill), h 634 Muench Lamkins Benjamin F., laborer. h rear 1028 State Lamon Edwin C, puddler, h ]400 S 13th Lampas Charles T., elk, 414 :\Iarket, h do Lampas Theodore J., baker, 4L4 Market, h do Lancaster House. (Jacob Eckinger), 21 Cowden Lander Benjamin J.. agt, h 424 Forster LANDIS AARON' II., alderman, 1421 N' 3d, h do Landis Addison H . steam fitter, h 1712 .N 4th Landis Alexander C, h 543 Race Landis Alfred M., mgr Park Hotel, h do Landis Anna M., elk, h 1421 N 3d Landis Annie M., wid Reuben, h 2011 Penn Landis Arthur F., laborer, h 1809 Berrvhill Landis Carrie I., seamstress, h 1421 N 3d Landis Charles A., motorman, h 612 Race

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"To find a'twne you must know how to spell it!'



H. M. KELLEY .. CO .. COAL AND \WOO {_: Io."":.LIIIJt


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Boyd's Harrisburg (L) Cit,. Directol'J'.

~ Landis Charles F., produce, 2011 Penn, h do

~ Landis David D., laborer, h 1~9 Berryhill

Landis Charles E., cashier, Division nr 6th, h 1630 Green Landis Clara A., domestic, 27 S Front

~ Landis Elmer W., laborer, h 1~9 Berryhill


Landis Edward D., huckster, 2:n 5 2d, h do


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Landis George A., cook Park Hotel, h do Landis George 5., drug elk, 405 Market, h 1520 N 2d Landis Harry, carpenter, h 316 Harris Landis Henry, mason, h 1809 Berryhill Landis Henry B., elk, h 1007 ~ 3d Landis Howard .s., machinist, h 1014 ~ 7th Landis Jennie Mrs., dressmkr, h 14291 Susquehanaa Landis Jennie L., h 1014: State Landis John A., h 1126 Montgomery Landis John D., brakeman, h 423 Peffer Landis John ~1., h rear 1308 Wallace Landis John R., conductor, h 423 Peffer Landis Leona G., elk, 221 S 2d, h do Landis Martha, wid Abraham, h 333 S Front Landis Mary, h 333 S Front Landis Mary A., shoe operator, h 1809 Berryhill Landis Mary E., saleslady, 328 Market, h 1126 Montgomery Landis Oliver T., printer, 1110 ~ Front, h do Landis Rebecca Mrs., h 1185 Bailey Landis Rossiter B., laborer, h 221 S 2d Landis William E., carpenter, h 661 Sayford av Lane Asbury, laborer, h 14201 Marion Lane Charles, laborer, h 1409 Marion Lane George A., laborer, h 1123 N 11i Lane Max, shoemkr, 1026 Market, h do Lane Rollin, laborer, h 1409 N 4th Lane W. Henry, laborer, h 1126 N Cameron Lang Alexander, warehouseman, h 218 S 2d Lang John, tailor, h 310 Forster LANGDOB AVEBETT L, gen! freight agent C. V. :a. :a., ren! eastern agent Great Southern Despatch Fast Freight Line, 401 Chestnut, h III Locust Langdon Claude A., civil engineer, b 1312 Kittatinny Langdon John F., h 1114 N 7th Lange Herman, lathe hand. h 406 Cumberland Langletz Annie M., buricher, h 615 Race Langletz Charles B., carpenter, h 615 Race Langletz Chas. W. H., weighmaster. 903 Cowden, h 916 do Langletz Harry, photographer. 611 Race, h 615 do Langletz Henry. baker, 611 Race. grocer, 615 do, h do Langletz John. tohacconist, 329 Herr, h do Lang-let? Minnie M . teacher. ~ 61~ Ra~e_ _ _ _ _ __


H'/.~~:~a.~:d ~k,~or;:~. {3d lid RI'Iy Sts.

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B ft.. TAC.


---IIAIlE' A ,,.Eo/At" {IZI' II. " St. P_la. PDIII. Balldta.. la PlaiD TID'" Ifti..... ,,_.


Boyd'. Harrisburg (L) City Directory.


Langletz, see Langlitz Langlitz Anna L., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 419 Kelker Langlitz Catharine, wid Casper, h 419 Kelker Langlitz Mary M., trimmer, 36 N 3d, h 419 Kelker Langlitz Minnie C.,stengr, 14 S 2d, h 419 Kelker Langlitz, see Langletz Langlotz Bransby, elk, 400 S 2d, h do Langlotz John, laborer, h Cameron ab :\1aelay Langlotz Martin, grocer, 400 S 2d, h do Lansburgh Sidney, sec Balto. Mdse. Co., Inc., h 1629 N 2d Lantz Catharine, wid Philip, h 417 :\'1aclay Lantz Elizabeth H., wid Jacob, h 1612 Green Lantz Harry A., student, h 417 Maclay Lantz J. Harper, grocer, 1948 N 6th, h 330 Peffer Lantz Joseph F., elk, h 1722 N 5th Lantz Sarah, wid William, h 1415 Shoop Lantz William, lineman, 210 Walnut, h Pen brook Lantz William A., fireman, h 417 Maelay Lantz William J., fireman, h 332 Blackberry av Lantz William L., 11 417 Maclay Lantz William R., laborer, h 222 N 15th Lantzer Mattie M., housekeeper, 312 Chestnut Lapp Samuel, office dep U. S. marshal, P. O. bldg, h 216 Kelker LAPPLEY lOHR~ boot and sho~ dealer, 1800 .. 4th 0 Kelker,

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Larkin Charles W., typewriter adjuster, h 422 Market Larkin Thomas P .. U. S. A., h 314 Market Latchaw William H., painter, h 25 N Dewberry av Lathe Carrie R., milk, 5th c Woodbine, h do Lathe William H., machinist, h 5th c Woodbine Latherow William W., brakeman, h 2023 Fulton II Lathrop Emma Mrs., h 315 Muench Latsbaugh H. Park, stengr, 1804 N 4th, h do .. 0 LATTA lAKES W., seo of internal a1fairs, Capitol, h The 13 Commonwealth Lau Annie, laundress, h 107 S Cameron Lau Henry, laborer, h 1525 Swatara Lau John H., machinist, h 161 S Summit Lau John S., laborer, h 131 S 2d Lau Lillie, cigannkr, h 1525 Swatara Lau Pearl E., knitter. h 255 S Cameron Lau :\Iervin B.. brakeman. h Hit S Sumll,it Lau Zula. bunchmkr, h 1525 Swatara Laube Moritz. hotel. ~01 S 2d, h do Laubenstein Ezekias. foreman . .uo 1larket. h 32x S 16th Laubenstein Jennie, wid Ambrose. h 1218 Market Laubenstein Lee A., salesman. 440 Market, h 328 S 16th








To find a name you must know how to spell It."



McNeil'. P.ln ExlerDlln or eurel! Cbolera lIm-bUl, DJleDter'J, Cram.., D1arrbm&, Colds, QulDI,., RbeumatllDl. Toothache, 8oreThroa&. AlUe, DYlpeJ!lla, _.!III .....



Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Dire'ctory,

.. Laubenstein :\Iary :\1., milliner, h 1218 :\'larket Laubenstein Peter. pavement layer, h 1519 Derry JI Laubenstein William I., h :~28 S 16th Lauber John W., brakeman, h 636 Reily Colt ..: Lauck Jerome K., salesman, 223 Market, h Hummelstown ~ Lauck Jesse F., brakeman, h 622 ~Iac1av 1!! Laude~berger Eva, weaver, h 1413 N :{d j!! Laudenberger John, laborer, h 1413 N 3d Laudermilch Isaac L" laborer, h 50 Lochiel 5th Row Laudermilch Robert G., tailor, h 424 Forster ~ Lauer Hannah V., h 147 Sylvan ter Lauer William M., livery, 1122 Green, h 1124 do -! LauRe Albert G., U. S. N., h 2118 N 3d ~ LauRe Edith 11.1., elk, h 2118 N 3d LauRe Gebhard. (G. LauRe & Son), h 2118 N 3d (I) LAUFLE G. & SON, (G. and W.l.), plumben, &c., las 1134 LauRe William J., (G. LauRe & Son), h l!lCt~ Susquehanna Laurie Annie K., teacher, h 212 North I- Laurie John B. F., bookkpr, h 410 Market chief O Laurish Harry S.,Green officer dep C. S. marshal, P. O. bldg, h 1719 C Laury Ella, domestic, 3UO Verbeke Lausch A, Lincoln, laborer, h 1812 N 5th I- Lauster Frederick, (Wagner Bros.), h 627 Boas Lautsbaugh Harry E., laborer, h 1210 Apple av Lautsbaugh Samuel, elk, h 910 Penn Lautsbaugh Sidney C, wid Samuel G., h li:?9 Walnut Lautsbaugh William B., brakeman, h !HO Penn Lauver Alice !o.lrs., laundress, h rear 12.13 Bailev . : Lauver Annie M., domestic, 727 State . Lauver J. Edward, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do a.. Lauver William E. E., Ragman, h 2302 ~ 6th E Lavender Amos H., laborer, h 47 Lochiel 4th Row Lavender Lizzie, chambermaid, 711 N :1d U Lavender Susan, domestic, 223 N Front - ' Laverty Alice L., h 11 S 2d ~ Laverty Annie L .. saleslady, 334 Market, h 11 S 2d U Laverty Charles K., (est). druggist, 1325 Derry, h do CI Laverty Ella K., h 11 S 2d :2 Laverty Fannie, wid Charles K., h 1325 Derry C Laverty Frank R., junk, 407 S 2d, h 19:16 Briggs w Laverty Jesse W., stenographer, h 403 Herr U Lavertv Maggie Mrs., laundress, h rear 212 Mulberry Laverty Martha A. !\1rs., h 403 Herr CI Laverty Mary A., wid Daniel, h 11 S 2d ~ Laverty Mary E., wid Charles L., h 21 S 3d Laverty Ralph W., foreman, 329 Market, h 1841 Fulton Laverty William A., mgr, 329 Market, h 122 Sylvan ler

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.W8fTRAIICII:. _ .... EDW G ROBERTS , ACClDII:WT Bell 'PboDe .1 X.loa 1818 X. or

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~=;C:II_IIIDdOlSb.IIrOIA. B. TACI, ..'\"

Boyd's Harrisburg, (L) City Directory. 399

Lavia Guiseppe, s'hoemkr, h rear 118 S 2d Law Harvey B., flagman, h ;;34 S Camerun Lawler Anna B., dressmkr, h ~25 Reily Lawler Gertrude, cigarmkr. h 432 S ~d Lawler John, heater, h 432 S 2d Lawler ~ellie P., cigar roller. h 432 S 2d Lawler William J., laborer, h 432 S 2d Lawless Joanna, telephone operator, 227 Walnut, h 542 Race Lawless Mary]., housekeeper, 542 Race Lawless Thomas, foreman. h 542 Race Lawrence Grant, brakeman, h 21;) Xorth Lawrence John F., brakeman, h In27 Penn Lawrence Julius, llistributor. h :!;I!) State Lawrence Mary :\irs., housekeeper, ~u2 :\'ectarine av Lawrence \ViIliam. laborer, h ~52 Xectarine av Lawrie Fannie :\irs., h l:l9 S :~d Laws Pa~ton, laborer, h ] 14:l S 9th Lawshe William, driver, 227 Walnut, h 700 Calder Lawson BelIett, sec Paxtang Cemetery Asso., h Paxtang Lawson Fredt:rick C, laborer, h 404 Cranberry av Lawson Willard ]., dentist, 215 1Iarket. h :tOO Chestnut Lawson \\'illiam, laborer, h 80 Elm Lawson William. laborer, h :~~W l1uench Lawver Bertha. cook. 11:3 Reily Lawver Jacob 1.. braken~an. h '6:36 Reily Lawver J. Wesley. brakeman. h 1i:16 Reily Lawyer Albert E., laborer, h 1H56 Swatara Lawyer Annie M., r:ook, h 607 South Lawyer John W .. laborer. h 2005 Swatara Lawyer Maggie Mrs:, h 107 Filbert Lawyer Samuel B .. laborer, h 607 South Laylon Harry, engineer, h 1737 N 6th Laylon Howard. inspector, h 1737 N (jth Laylon William. machinist, h 17H7 N 6th Layman Charles G., flagman, h 1617 N 4th Layson Ina, milliner, 36 N 3d, h Camp Hill Layton Morris H., teacher, h 7()8 East Layton William. contractor, h H23 N 2d Lavton William H., foreman, h 440 S 2d LaYton William H., jr.. brakeman, h 900 Commerce Lazarini David, bartender, 423 Market, h do Lazarini Vincenzo, cook Hotel Columbus Leach Albert G., watchman, h 652 Calder Leach Julia, laundress, h 118 Liberty Leader Sallie A., h 224 N 1:>th Leahy William, laborer, h 1717 N 7th Leak Emma. h 602 State

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"To ftnd a name'you must !mow how to speD it."

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RIa:' H. M. (ELLEY & CO. 'S ~~~=.D!=~=~.~ {:o~rta~"=:

Leakway Agnes, bookfolder, h 2511 Hummel Leakway Elizabeth ~1rs., h 251i Hummel "a Leakway \\'ilford H., brakeman, h 822 Crescent .. :;: Leaman Bertha M., saleslady, 1300 X :ld, h 225 Verbeke t- Leaman George W., fireman, h 21m Calder -'= Leaman Jennie, wid Joseph B.. h 1812 N 5th 1:: Leaman Warren H., engineer, h 642 Boas o z: Lear John W., laborer, h :Ul Dauphin av 2! Leas Charles I., foreman P. & R., h 328 S 1:3th _ Lease Edwin, cooper, h 626 Race ~ Lease Franklin M., cooper, h 129 Hanna Lease John B., elk, 312 Verbeke, h 312 Cumberland ::. Lease John W., salesman, h 312 Cumberland .. Lease Robert B., salesman, 8 ~ 2d, h 312 Cumberland Lease William W., cooper, h 1078 S 9th ~ Leavenworth Edwin A., insurance. 1i15 N 2d, h do ;$i Leavy Nathan H., conductor, h 319 Hummel - Lebar John J., butler, 313 N Front i! Lebo Anna, wid James, h :;33 Peffer a : Lebo Arthur, bookkpr, Herr clOth, h 50i Cumberland Lebo Clarence E., elk, 2001 N 6th, h 600 Peffer - Lebo Cora M., bookkpr, 7 N 2d, h 507 Cumberland Lebo David F., driver, h 12UU Bailey Yo! Lebo Dora, laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do .. Lebo Elizabeth, wid William, h 212 Hummel LEBO EMANUEL N., contractor and builder, 1922 Berryhill, .. hdo see adv g Lebo Grant F., laborer, h 2103 Greenwood Lebo Harry E., laborer, h 1934 Briggs .!! Lebo Mary, shoe operator, h 906 S 2fll _ Lebo Mary, wid Joseph, h 230 N 3d Lebo Rebecca, wid Daniel, h 50i Cumberland ::> Lebo Rosa, domestic, 43 Balm l&J Lebo Sadie, shoe operator, h 9(1) S 20i ~ Lebo Samuel, laborer, h IH36 Briggs ~ Lebo Selena E., student, h 1922 Berryhill l&J Lebo Thomas E., laster, h 138 Hoerner Lee Arthur S., asst to dentist. 25 N ~ld, h 61i8 Briggs Lee Bertha M., dressmkr, h 66:1 Briggs Lee Charles A., bo~~~~~2 ~arket, h 125 Pine

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Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory.


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a: >

Contractor f Builder
All Work Promptly Attendt'd to.


N. L E B O ,

'922 Berryhill Street,


ANDREW REDMOND, J'::::::::d~:::::. {3d Ind Rell, Sfs.

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wan Pap... ThebeRaD41o.....'lldoeL w ..... { I_Ie I!f~." pie", wish nzauz. ana I'rI.Daw rc.... II. U at.


Boyd's Harriaburg (L) City Directory.


Lee George H., laborer, h 1219 N 11! Lee Harriet, wid Robert, h 1219 N 11i Lee Harriet, wid Robert, h 526 West av Lee Harry J., barber, h 663 Briggs Lee Henry c., laborer, h 500 Strawberry av Lee Hugh, tailor, h 1117 James Lee Ida F., wid James, h 831 SlOth Lee James H.,laborer, h 5 Paxton Cottage Row Lee John F., waiter, h 412 Walnut Lee John H., laborer, h 663 Briggs Lee Julia Mrs., h 506 South Lee Kwong, laundry, 416 Walnut, h do Lee Laura 1., cigarmkr, h 831 SlOth Lee Leathe, wid Richard, h .232 N Court av Lee Martha J., housekeeper, 128 Say ford av Lee Mary F., dressmkr, h 663 Briggs Lee Mary F., dressmkr, 412 \lValnut, h do ~ Lee Mary J., laundress, h 721 North Lee Maurice T., bell boy Com'wlth, h 663 Briggs . Lee Susan, wid John, h 721 North Lee William, laborer, h 512 South av Lee William H., barber, h 663 Briggs Leech Annie, wid William, h 222 South Leech John, shears man, h 222 South Leech William A., janitor, h 222 South LEEDHAJ[ 1. H., agency director New York Life Insurauce II Co., 227 Walnut, h do 10 Leeds Daniel, fireman, h 476 S Cameron 0 Leeds Edgar V., elk P. & R., h 1464 Zarker 13 Leeds Emma, saleslady, 406 Market, h 476 S Cameron Leeds George W., engineer, h 476 S Cameron Leeds Malinda, wid Richard, h 476 S Cameron Leeds Richard, engineer, h 207 N 15th Leeds Thomas B., ins solicitor, 15 N 2d, h 1224 Swatara Leedy Anna M., hemmer, h 1616 N 4th Leedy Charles D., grocer, 35 S 3d, h 1802 Penn Leedy David, brakeman, h 1702 N 5th Leedy David S., caller P. R. R., h 1616 N 4th Leedy Frances P., h 20 N 16th It. Leedy Frank D., milk, 20 N 16th, h do Leedy George I., signal inspector, h 2043 ~ 5th Leedy Harry, laborer, h 1616 N 4th Leedy Louise B., penmkr. h 1822 Penn Leedy M. Louisa, wid William, h 1802 Penn 0Leedy Samuel K., telegrapher P. R. R., h 648 Muench Lees A. Catharine, wid Benjamin, h 1436 Vernon Lees Bertha A., shoe operator, h 1436 Vernon It Lees William J., gagger, h 114 Nagle I

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'If To find a name you must know how to spell It.

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McNEIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. :,~I::;J:iid\cU:U~I~::t.a~\:: ~ 306 Br...

Boyd'. lIarriaburg (L) City Directory. ..: 402 ... Leese Oscar B., elk, 638 Verbeke, h 1300 Wallace Leeser Charles E., fireman, h 1126 S 9th Lefever Anna M., sewer, 201 N 2d, h 1:117 Wallace _ Lefever Charles L., harness, 309 Verbeke, h 131i Wallace c.:t ... Lefever Emma R., teacher, h 411 Cumberland Lefever Esther, domestic, 1501 N Front ~ Lefever George H., fireman, h 708 Green 't LeFevre Arthur K., elk Telegraph, h :?37 S 15th i!! LeFevre Benjamin G., agt, h 237 S 15th LeFevre Charles E., salesman, 318 Market, h 237 S 15th :: LeFevre Clara M., dressmkr, h 237 S 15th IS Leftridge George E., hostler, h 554 Primrose av Lego Alfred P., janitor, h 1114 Calder : Lego Frank D., laborer, h 1829 Berryhill Lego George E., laborer, h 1114 Calder Lego Rachel A., janitress, h 1114 Calder UJ Lego Russell c., machinist, h 1829 Berryhill ,.,. Lego Samuel W., blacksmith, h 1103! Cowden .... Lego Stephen B., conductor, h 303 Calder LLI Lego Stephen B., jr., laborer, h 1114 Calder .J Lehman Alfred R., engineer, h 51 Balm . C Lehman Alonzo G., bookseller, 1204 N 3d, h 922 Grand LLI Lehman Alva, h 216 S 16th Q Lehman Charles, couductor, h 9112 S 211! Lehman David 0 .. carpenter, h 52 N 12th 1&1 Lehman Ella D. Mrs., saleslady, 318 Market, h Royalton Lehman Ellen, wid Albert, h 705 East _ Lehman Emanuel ""'1., boarding, 5()6 :\'Iarket, h do _ Lehman George W., carpenter, h 1440 Regina ~ Lehman Frank, elk, 14311i N 6th, h 705 East Lehman Irvin L., salesman, 4()8 Market, h 506 do a.. Lehman Jacob A., driver, 9 S 2d, h 506 Market E Lehman John, brakeman. h 2120 N 6th ~ Lehman Luella M., elk. 12()4 N 3d, h 922 Grand U Lehman Mary A., wid John, h 127 Sayford av ..... Lehman Samuel W., bartender, 300 Verbeke, h 127 Sayford av ~ Lehman William D., motorman, h 127 Savford av Q Lehmer Gayton, baker, h 2()9 Calder _ Lehn Annie, wid Abraham K., h 5()9 North _ Lehn Ella J., laster, h 5()9 North &1.1 Lehr Cora A., bookkpr, 320 Market, h 341 Peffer U Lehr Frank A., machinist, h 341 Peffer Lehr Grace E., milliner, h 341 Peffer ~ Lchr James M., inspector, h 922 S 9th t- Lt.-hr Jessie M., weaver, h 2022 N 6th LEJlR J. FRAlIX, druggist, 8M If 8th, h do Lehr J. Henry, dentist, h 824 N 6th


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108 ............ EDW G ROBERTS wmgoon your bond. Bell 'Phone 811: X, or II8G X. bonda executed.

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A. B. TACK t::&~-:r II PUDer ond lIDdOi _

Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directol'J.


Lehr Joseph W., engineer, h 2022 N 6th Lehr Lillian Mrs., h 922 Ash av Lehr Lottie E., domestic, 109 N lath Lehr Mina A., wid Henry, h au Peffer Lehr Philip, heater, h HI18 Paxton Lehr William H., engineer, h 1(103 Berryhill Lehrman Ada P., saleslady, h Ill) Strawberry av Lehrman Allison I., laborer, h 119 Strawberry av Leib Albert, bar elk, a09 Market, h 50:! 1\ 3d Leib Clarence L., laborer, h HI 1\ 16th Leib Emma E., stengr, 112 Market, h 10 X 16th LEIB FB.ABX B.., insurance and real estate, 12 N 3d, h :New Cumberland Leib John, carpet layer, h 228 Liberty Leib John C, upholsterer, h 22S Liberty Leib Margaret, wid George J., It Hi37i N 3d Leib Sarah, wid John, h 10 ~ 16th Leib Sobieskie, conductor, h :313 Cumberland Leib Warren C, laborer, h HI K Hith Leibengood John C, carpenter, h 1011 :\Iarket Leibengood John W., shoe finisher, h lUll Market Leibengood l\ettic C Mrs., dres!>mkr. HIll :'Ilarket, h do Leiby Percival, laborer, h 12th c ~luench Leiby Samuel, machini!>t, h U:l3 Derry Leidich Katharine 3., physician. 211j Harri,;, h do Leidich Percy G., druggist, 333 S Front, h do Leidig John B., carpenter, h :!O:~il Logan av Leidig Samuel H., laborer, h 1762 Logan av Leidy Charles 1\1., molder. h 8 S l:~th Leidy James C. postal elk. h 1236 Derry Leidy Kate, wid Samuel, II 8 S 13th Leidy Mary F., h :n 1 Cumberland Leidy M. Jane, seamstres,;, h 8 S l:ah Leifter Isaac. peddler, h 51}5 Cowden Leifter Morris A., conductor, h ;)44 S tilth Leighton Clarence E., carpenter, h 121m N 6th Leighton Emma K. Mrs., h 213 Barbara av Leighton George F., carpenter, h 1722 Logan av Leighton Joseph W., carpenter. h 120:l ~ 6th Leighton Samuel. carpenter, h 1:!6 Evergreen Leinbach Oliver T., (Wilbur & Leinbach), h 224 South Leipsic Harry. varieties, 101 Cherry av, h do Leisher Oscar W., baker. h Vi511 Fulton Leisman Frederick. fireman, h lOtiO S Cameron Leisman Herman, fireman, h 11211 S Cameron Leister Grover D., laborer, h 418 Market Leiter Henry A., brakeman, h 307 Clinton av Leiter Nelson E., warehouseman P. R. R., h 5 S 13th
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" To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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Leiter Oliver W., fireman, h 2120 6i .... Leitzell Damascus A., pipe cutter, h 2121 Boas Lerner John D., photographer, h 814 N 3d ... LenleT LeRue, photographer, h 213 S Front II: C Lerner LeRue, jr., photographer, h 213 S Front ~ Lerner Mary A. teacher. h 213 S Front ... Lerner May, teacher, h 213 S Front - LEVER JlILT01l ., lawyer, room 3, 8 11 Court av, h 220 =E! 1Iorth - Lemmey Wm. ]., foreman, 101 N Cameron, h 1101 Market Lemon Charles, laborer, h 507 Walnut := Lemon Edward, puddler, h 1400 S 13th ~ Lemon Samuel H., elk dept int affairs, h 119 Sylvan ter Lemory David A, bricklayer, h 1!l27 James ..... Lenhart Bertha, cigarmkr, h 2019 ~roltke av I- Lenhart Blake G., brakeman,h 1204 N 7th I- Lenhart George W., laborer. h 2019 Moltke av ...... Lenhart Lewis, laborer, h 103 Ann av Lenhart Lewis D., brakeman, h 1204 ~ 7th Lenhart WilIiam S., postal elk. h 1327 N Front Lenig Grant c., blacksmith, h 1403 Vernon Grant \V., fireman, h 1030 O Lenig John E., elk Post Office, h HerrHerr Lenig 617 Lenig Margaret, wid John S., h 617 Herr Lenig William F., sawyer, h 1403 Vernon 1.1 Ltnker Amelia domestic, 1304 ~ 3d ... Lenker Damel " packer, h 23 N 15th Lenker Elizabeth, h 928 X 2d Lt:nnox Bessie E., tacker, h 1468 Regina Lentz Catharine, shoe operator, 11 16:!3 Derry ~ Lentz Charles E., painter, h 948 S 21st ... Lentz Cyrus M., laborer, h 948 S 21st Lentz Esther M., typesetter, h 624 Verbeke _ Lentz George, brakeman, h 17 Evergreen ~ Lentz James J., laborer, h 14 S Dewberry av ::; Lentz Joseph F., h 6!!4 Verbeke ~ Lentz Joseph M., driver, h 1117 Grape av z: Leonard Allen A, flagman, h 1640 1'\ 6th ~ Leonard Annie Mrs., domestic. 522 Xorth av ~ Leonard Della B., milliner. 6 S 2d, h 328 North _ Leonard Ellen ~L, domestic. 119 S Front Leonard Florence, bookfolder, h 543 Race LEONARD FRED C., U. S. marshal middle dist of Penna., P. ~ O. bldg, h 212 Fonter g Leonard Harry, conductor, h 1729 N 6th c Leonard James, foreman. h 50 ~ 10th .: Leonard John c., h 2015 N 7th I-

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ti ....


BOJd'. Harriaburg (L) City Directol'J.



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~-:R:~~i~~~i'~:;;! ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d II(Relly Sts.

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... __ A . TACK I N.1.18 {................ It. B 3d at.


bln~wmbleD.blDeeOlll7 .... WOl'.~IDIID7,.nCln. . .

Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory.


Leonard John H., genl eastern agt Southern States Despatch, 16 N 2d, h do Leonard Johnson, oil, 1204i Bailey, h do Leonard Joseph L., elk, h 119 S 2d Lt-onhard Edith J., vestmkr, h Derry c 22i Leonhard Edward A., tailor, Derry c 22i, h do Leonhard Frank c., stamper, h Derry c ~~! Leopold August F., molder, h 237 Hummel Leopold Edward, laborer, h 938 Paxton Leopold Mary, wid Otto, h 938 Paxton Leopold Otilla, bunchmkr, h 938 Paxton Leopold Otto, laborer, h 938 Paxton Lepperd Leo A., fireman, h 607 Cumberland Lerch Marion, saleslady, 334 Market, h Steelton Lerew B. Annie Mrs . h 420 Market Lerew Edward B., printer, h 1840 Boas Lerew Harry M., carpenter, h 1840 Boas Lescure David P., trav salesman, h 315 Chestnut Lescure Edward H., machinist, h 437 S 13th Lescure Emma, charwoman, h 1309 Wn'th av Lescure Frank H., machinist, h 1310 Green -Lescure Joseph H., paperhanger, h 1310 Green Lescure J. William, policeman, h 1310 Green Lescure William J., mgr, 3 N 2d, h 921 do Lesh Mae, domestic, 1306 N 7th Lesher H. Elmer, buyer, 334 Market. h 200 Pine Lesher J. Herman, painter, h 427 Hamilton Lesher Lizzie, domestic, 2018 N 3d Leslie Jacob W., salesman, h 1722 Penn Leslie Margaret, wid William H., h 1629 Wallace Leslie Randolph, bellman, h 410 South Lesser Nora, cigar roller, h 1623 Swatara Lessig Albert, laborer, h rear 1217 N Cameron 10 Lessig Samuel, laborer, h rear 1217 N Cameron .0 Lessig Susan. wid William, h rear 1217 N Cameron 13 Lester Joseph, ironworker, h Derry c Evergreen Letford Clara, wid Richard K., h 1207! Mulberry Cal Lett James, photographic goods, 27 ~ 2d, h 218 Pine Lett Theresa B., wid James, h 218 Pine Letzner Frank II., brakeman, h 518 Calder Levalla Catharine. wid Oliver. h 1115 Plum av LevalJa James, Larber. h 1115 Plum av Levan Bessie, h 326 Cherry av Cal Levan Charles W., elk P. & R., h 14:n Derry Levan Erskin 1\., engineer, h 123 S 14th Levan Howard A., conductor. h 13 Evergreen Levan ~Iary A . dressmkr, h 1431 Derry It Leyan Samuel F . elk P. & R.. h 14:n Derry


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,. T~ find a name

You must know -how to spell it."

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... Levan Samuel K., carpenter, h 1431 Derry Levan William F., engineer, h 17o.'l Derry Levegood Warren D., agt, h 22 N 2d _ Levenson Philip, confectioner, 502 Walnut, h qo -..: Levey Benjamin, laborer, h 122 N River. av 3 Levi Annie, wid Moses, h 708 North av 1! Levi Benjamin F., laborer, hElm c lith - Levi Jacob, notions, 25 N 5th, h do (!! Levi Lena, seamstress, h 708 North av Levin David, peddler, h 720 N 7th Levin Ellis, peddler, h 714 South is Levin Isaac, grocer, 520 Filbert, h do oS Levin Marks, peddler, h 714 South Levin Moses, peddler, h 507 Primrose av Lewis Alexander, porter Franklin House Lewis Annie ~I., wid George H., h 513 Xorth UJ Lewis Archibald, machinist, h 1066 S Cameron Lewis Bertha E., dressmkr, 114 ?\lary's av, h do Lewis Betsy ~Irs., h Home for the Friendless Lewis Catharine, domestic, :WS Verbeke Lewis Charles, laborer, h 1182 S Cameron Lewis Charlotte, wid Lindsey, h 43 Lochiel 4th Row c( Lewis Daniel, policeman, h rear 334 S 15th Lewis David H., fireman, h 15!JOi N 4th LEWIS EDWARD W., marble and granite works, 10th c Z State, and grocer, 1849 Derry, h do see adv Lewis Emily, wid Alexander, 718 O Lewis Emma J., teacher, h 718hXorthNorth av av Lrwis Evan, laborer, h 630 Woodbine - Lewis Frederick. laborer Hbg Hospital, h do Lewis George B., agt, h 946 X 7th . . Lewis George H., rubber stamps, 515 ~orth, h 513 do Lewis Granville, portlr P. R. R.. h 70J Xorth av Lewis Harry A., tally man P. R. R., h :!:! :\ Uth U Lewis Harry B., coachman, h 114 ~Iary's av - ' Lewis Herbert S . draftsman, h 276 Briggs . . Lewis I. Alfred, engineer, h 17H N 5th Lewis Ida 11rs., laundress Cum\vlth. h 5417 South a\' U Lewis Irving C, draftsman F. and ::\L Works. h 5:m ::\Iaclay CI - - - - - -----



Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory.

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!:! Marble and Granite Monuments

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Cor. JOtb and State St Harri.burfl. Pa,

lNIIo"'ADDEN. lNII_n __

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Arcltle." LI.....It" tI II.". B.lle. I ...r" ...... , loa r'lI I ..cootl I,. Bell 'Phone 861 X. or 684S L
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Wall PaPer and Window Shades. {l.::~.~~~':. Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory. 41)7

Lewis John, laborer, h Isa2 Logan av Lewis John, tinworker, h lS:!S Fulton Lewis Joseph J., laborer, h 508 South Lewis Kate, wid \Villiam B .. h 1Il61i S Cameron Lewis Katharine, nurse, 1517 l\ Front . Lewis Laura Mrs., charwoman, h 507 South av Lewis Lottie, domestic, 144 S :3d Lewis Louisa. domestic. 718 North av Lewis Mary, wid Phineas, h 113 ~ l:1th Lewis Matilda, wid Henry, h 1176 S Cameron Lewis Moss S., barber, h 21.m Brigg:; Lewis Oscar G., elk, 1&J!l Derrv, h do Lewis Rebecca Mrs., ironer, h 9~1l Grand Lewis Robert H., laborer, h rear 110 Filbert Lewis Roger R., laborer, h 1176 S Cameron Lewis Sadie, wid Charles A., h :.m ~ 15th Lewis Sarah, wid George, h 1904 ~ 6th Lewis Sarah S. Mrs., matron, 1119 Locust, h do Lewis Walter L., machinist, h 513 ~orth Lewis William c., brakeman. h 237 X 15th Lewis William E., draftsman dept int affairs, h 709 Capital Lewis William H., butler, h 114 Marv's av Lewis William H., tinsmith, h 208 Cherry av Lewis William H., jr., waiter, h 114 Mary's av Lewis William H. H., hod carrier. h 1:m4 Mavtiower Lewis William 1., laborer, h H41 ~ 7 t h ' Lewis William R., laborer, h 1:!2 Short Leyder James S., telegrapher P. R. R.. h 319 Peffer LICHLITER IlARCELLUS D., chief clerk Department Agri. culture, Capitol, h 19 S 2d Lichtenberger Charles, laborer, h ~:!5 S Front Lick Harry, puddler, h 143 Hanna Lickel Chester H .. molder. h 1.i18 ~luench Lickel George C. molder, h Ul8 Muench Lickel Kate. wid William, h :!1:m 1\ 7th Lickel Tolbert c., laborer, h :!1i31.i ~ 7th Liddick Charles c., carpenter. h 1411:~! Regina Liddick Harvey S . brakeman, h 1;;151 ~ 5th Liddick Jacob L., blacksmith, h Ii:W Verbeke Liddick Jacob L., fireman, h 1737 ~ 7th Liddick John E., brakeman, h 662 Woodbine Liddick Joseph, ironworker, h 145 Ann av Liddick Joseph, laborer, h 412 Hamilton Lid.dick Myrtle Mrs .. h 6~7 Woodbine Liddick Worcester, brakeman. h 3:37 Boyd a v Liebtreu Conrad H., h 1732 N 3d . Liebtreu Henry, bartender, 937 X :~d, h 602 Forster

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an~~; y~~~~~~~o~how to ~ it."Digitized by




Boyd's Harrisburg (L) City Directory.


~ LIB8JUl1l1 FBEDEllICX W., (F. W. LiesmlUUl 41: 80n), pub-



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lisher Penna. StaatsZeitung and Dauphin County lournal, 634 Race, h do Liesmann F. W. & Son, (George W.), ins, 534 Race Liesmann George W., (F. W. Liesmann & Son), city assessor, h 534 Race Liesmann William F. stengr C. 1. & S. Co., h 534 Race Liggett LeRoy, mailer Independent, h Shiremanstown Light Cyrus M., h 48 Balm Light Daniel S., coal elk P. R. R., h 26 Evergreen Light Isaac, laborer, h 320 Clinton Light Magdalena, wid Henry J., h 48 Balm Light Sarah A., shirtmkr, h 808 Cowden Light Solomon, baker, h 1042 Herr Light Stephen H., laborer, h 48 Balm Light William H., laborer. h 1604 N 5th Lighthiser Anna M., domestic, 1610 N 3d Lightner Andrew conductor, h 619 Peffer Lightner Ann J., wid Charles ~L, h 1904 N 6th Lightner Augustus J., brakeman, h 1423 Green Lightner Charles E., elk, h 1904 N 6th Lightner James B., molder, h 619 Peffer Lightner Kate E., dressmkr, h 120 Calder Lightner Lewis, switchman, h 1223 Currant av Lightner Richard, engineer, h 234 Hamilton Lightner Richard c., brakeman, h 209 Harris Lightner Theo. 11.. pianist, 4 S 2d, h 1904 N 6th Lightner, see Leightner Liken Eliza D. Mrs., grocer. 1322 N 6th, h do Liken Thomas, mgr, 1322 N 6th, h do Liles George E., hostler, h 213 Cranberry av Lilley J. Pursel, mess factory inspector, h 429 Boas Linah Alice, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Lind David 0., laborer, h 144 Cranberry av Lindecukle Hannah. wid George, h 136 N 13th Lindemuth Hiram E . sawyer, h 1709 Penn Lindemuth Susan L. F .. domestic, 810 N 6th Lindenberger Charles F., car inspector, h 2029 N Cameron Lindenberger Sophia. wid Philip. h 1618 Wallace LINDENJIUTH BRIGHT C., wholesale and retail groca,136 Crescent, h do Lindle William, conductor, h 324 S Court av Lindley William S .. fireman. h 1644 N 3d Lindsav Ambrose P., laborer, h 1164 S Cameron Lind~ay Chri~topher H .. brakeman. h 1115 Capital Lindsay Harry A.. bricklayer, h 1328 X Front Lindsay Lucy housekeeper, 1164 S Cameron Lindsay Robert B., machinist, h 1:-i28 N Front




BIc~~t:~~RB:} ANDREW

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REDMOND. {3~ lid RaU,:511.

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A. 8. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,

Harrib!il:'g (L)

{12Ir::h 'T~:~.n...


Lindsay N., lirTe'TIeTI, h 1106 Dmden Line Albezt elk, h 191 Line Max, shoemkr, 1026 Market, h do Line William A., shipper, h 173 N 15th Lingle Amos carpenter, h 1942 North Lingle 1., pe'TItez 312 go ,ingle C, h 13:~b Derry Lingle S., (Montgomery & 1338 Decry Lingle David H., painter, h 1941 Boas Lingle Edward 0., mgr P. & R. Tel. Co., h 1119 N 6th Lingle Fremont W., painter, h 1941 Boas




Lingle B., papr'edTIger, h Hi: Lingle John cabinetmkr, h 236 N 15th Lingle Josiah grocer, 646 Peffer, h do Lingle Lizzie, domestic, 107 S 2d Lkias ,,!ngle, "w~d " h LIngle N D., mll1met ee3 bn38 Den'b Lingle Otoi1ln H., elk, 1It'ffer, h Lingle Ralph G., jeweler, 23 N 3d, h 1611 Regina Lingle Ruth A., wid Levi, h 1119 N 6th Lingle Sarah E., wid Joseph H., h 103 Washington ,ingle H., driyut bOO N 41 1420 Penn Lingle ]., labmnz 407 Wc,nbbine Lingle paintec, b4108 Brigge Lingle William H., car builder, h 514 Peffer Lininger Joel A., elk sec commonwealth, h Carlisle Link Harry A, claim elk. 16 N 2d, h 1243 Mulberry Linn Annie, dnmestic, 6th Linn Emma milliner bb()7 !\1agrc? jnn Tames L" brakemrm, 7(14 East Linn Lemuel G., carpenter, h 413 Pear av Linn Mabel G., book stitcher, h 119 Washington !--!nn !\fa:~A., wid Philip, h 119 Washington

I o o

g,~~~:~!r~:~cr lCIon~~~41luc

1086 S

Linsenmu)'ee Ddgar, Linsenmayer Jacob, laborer. 448 S 14th Linsenmayer William, machinist. h 448 S 14th Linville Harrv K.. engineer, h 2128 6t jpman (). Lip'TIe,a Son), h Lipman elk. fi01 den. h Lipman J (J. & Son). . GlH Hen do Lipman J. (Jacob and Israel), grocers, 622 Reily Lipman :Moses S .. grocer. 70U Korth, h do Lipman Rosa A., hOllsekeeber. h 619 Herr Lippert laborer :nn S ,r'llkit'Wn



'kSlust know


McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~rnto:':a:~=~~i-ed~;~l. {108'''l.!~.

Lippert John D., hooker, h 1310 S Cameron Lippert Sylvester D., helper, h 1310 S Cameron Lipphard Albert E., h 278 Briggs Lipphard Wiiliam A., mgr, h :m~ Briggs l: Lippi Benjamin F., fireman, h 1632 Wallace Lippmann Bruno G., meat, 632 :Mahantongo, h do ~ Lipsl~um Dennis, coachman, h 231 N River av Lipsitz Louis, junk, h 320 Blackberry av ~ Lisse Heinrich F. F. Rev., h 1106 Capital t= Litch John B., (Litch & Hage), h Steelton Litch John E., salesman, 100 N Cameron, h Steelton II Litch & Hage, (J. B. Litch and H. B. Hage), leaf tobacco, 100 N Cameron .S!! Little Albert C, elk adjt genl, Capitol, h 328 North :I Little Bertha, seamstress, h 208 5 Court av Little Elva, shirtmkr, h 1233 Bailey U) Little Emma, wid Augustus, h 248 Liberty It ,Little G. Frank, (G. F. Little & Co.), h 502 N 3d LITTLE G. FRANK & CO., (G. Frank Little and Walter l&I Hey), furniture and bedding, 110 Market see ad .J Little Mark E., driver, 17 N 2<1, h 248 Liberty c( Little Milton c., laborer, h 227 5 River av l&J Little, see Lytle Q Livezey Ella E., wid William H., h 1812 \Vood avo Livingston Amanda, cook Lunatic Hospital, h do l&I Livingston Esther, wid Benjamin, h 20(16 X 4th Livingston J. B., steward Lunatic Hospital, h do _ Livingston Morris, heater, h 616 \Viconisco .. Livingston Morris 5., catcher, h 616 Wiconisco Livingston Samuel J., engineer, h 623 Reily c Lloyd Charles B., cooper, h 829 SlOth D. LLOYD C. HOWARD, architect, 16 S 2d, h 1707 N 3d E Lloyd Felix G., tailor, 139 N 4th, h do Lloyd Isaac, teacher, h 1707 1\ 3d Lloyd James W., carpenter, h 1115)0( 5 nth ~ Lloyd Mary L . housekeeper, 1114 Short Loban Isabella, wid John, h 622 Muench ~ LOBO 10HN, gardener and lIorist Capitol, h 622 :Muench Q Lobb Elizabeth, nurse Hbg Hospital, h do



Boyd's Hanisburg (L) City Directory.





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-= - --- -c ..., G. FRANK LITTLE &, CO., ; Furniture and Bedding

-~---~ ~ ~ -~


The Cheapest Furniture and Bedding House in the World

110 lWI_rk_t S t r__ t , H_rrlaburK, P - .
Wede,,'. Old 8 nd, Telep ne Co eell. - - - - - - ---Til. A eric.," Bandtn. (:... p ", Baltimore. Md. BOW. G. KOBBRTfIJ, General Agenll:entral Penna. District. 103 ad 8,. Bell 'Phone 8M X, or 68CS X.
---~ ~ -~~~---~-


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{l216 IOrlD lDlld II.

411 Locher Paul, mech engineer, h 815 N 2d LOCHIEL, (THE), Charles Ddy, propr, Karket c 3d Lochiel Mdse Co., (A. C. Logan, A. A. Clark and W. F. Barry), genl store, Lochiel Furnace l.ockard Alice, domestic, 513 N 4th Lockard Clara, h 509 Cowden Lockard Emma Mrs., h 1404 Penn Lockley Mary Mrs., h 715 North Lodge Florence, h 4~8 Walnut Lodge G. Horace, grocer, 1622 N 4th, h do Lodge John G., h 162~ 1\ 4th Loeser William L., supt, h 2135 ~ 4th Lolllin James D., brakeman, h 616 Delaware av Logan Arbour C. (Lol:hiel Mdse Co.), h 210 Reily Logan John V., bookkpr, h 1136 Jonestown rd Logan John W .. laborer, h 30 Lochiel ad Row Logan Sam.uel D., puddler, h 311 Lochiel 3d Row Logan Samuel D., jr., laborer, h :lO Lochiel :M Row Logan \\'iIIiam M., plumber, h 4114 Boas Lomax John. cook Hbg Club, h 638 Briggs Lomax Sarah :\1rs., h 11tH Libertv Lomman Otarles F., carpenter, h J15 Cumberland Long Andrew. stone mason, h 4112 Reily Long Anna E., saleslady, 326 Market. h 2122 Turner av Long Annie S., dressmkr, h 1505 N 2d Long Annie T., h 7115 S Front Long Arthur W .. sander, h 1:!2:l X 7th Long Barbara, wid John, h 422 Reily Long Benjamin F .. bricklayer, h 1214 Cowden Long Bertha, knitter, h 1407 William Long Lnarles \Y. R., postal elk. h 432 Market Long Cyrus W., brakeman, h 60 N 12th Long David R.. laborer, h lUll N 12th Long David L., engineer. h 1424 N 6th Long Edward, laborer, h 1407 William Long Elmer. laborer. h 111 Aherdt:en av Long E. R., carter Lunatic Hospital, h do Long Eu.gene, carpenter, h 1104 N 6th Long Fannie, wid Jacob, h 1220i Derry Long Florence. warper. h 1916 State Long Forrest W., bookkpr Tyrone Iron Co., h 200 Chestnut Long Frank W., timekpr, h 1214 Cowden Long Frederick W., v-pres Rettew Mfg. Co., h 1552 N 2d Long George D., conductor, h 11 S 2<1 Long George R., brakeman, h 1127 Cowden Long George R., warehouseman P. R. R.. h 1426 N 6th Long Harry B., laborer, h 1341 S 12th

Boyd'. Harrisburg tL) CitJ Directory.

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"To fD1 a name you


mow how to spciCft."

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H. M. KELLEY 8. CO., COAL AND WOOD {onlCea: Ioa."':.r..=

412 Boyd'. Harrisburg (L) City Directory.


a: Long Harry J., jr., laborer, h 1426


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lith ~ 6th Long Harry P., cashier, 15 N :~d, h 42 N Summit Long Harvey H .. grocer, 1827 ~ 7th, h do Long Henry F. Rev., h :140 S 13th Long Ida M., forelady, h 11:)02 Wood av Long Jacob M., agt, h 2122 Turner av Long Jacob W., carpenter, h 1220! Derry Long Jane. seamstress, h 211) Herr Long Jennie E., wid William, h 51U ~ 3th Long John A., laborer, h 22:0;9 ~ 7th Long John J., helper, h 2289 :.\ 7th Long John W., carpenter, h 20:~6 ~ 5th Long Joseph A., motorman, h 1553 Walnut Long Julia A., assorter, h 1802 Wood av Long Lewis A., brakeman, h 2122 Turner av Long Lewis A., foreman, 10th c ).{ulberry, h 12201 Derry Long Lewis H., laborer, h 2141 N 4th Long Lightner, ()'li1ler & Long), h 1';1)9 N 2d Long Malcolm W., electrician, It 1505 X 2d Long Margaret E., seamstress. h 316 Briggs Long Martin, laborer, h 519 N 5th Long Martin I.., laborer, It 1515 Penn Lcng Mary, candy coater, h 318 Hummei Long Mary, wid Frederick, h 318 Hummel Long Mattie J., wid John J., h 6:l2 Calder Long Maud, saleslady, 334 :Ylarket, h 1214 Cowden Long M. Grace. saleslady, 334 ~Iarket, h 1214 Cowden Long Michael G., laborer, h 1802 Wood av Long Minnie F., h 1625 Penn Long Olive B., dressmkr. h 15:~3 Wallace Long Perry, pressman, h 1553 'Walnut Long Roy, laborer. h 1407 William Long William H., hod carrier, h 1125 X 11i Long William J., brakeman, h 213 Atlas av Longacre Ambrose, laborer, 11 1419 Susquehanna Longacre Annie E., weaver, h 1419 Susquehanna Longacre D. May, weaver, h 1419 Susquehanna Longacre Frank W .. carpenter, h HilS ~luench Longacre Laura A., weaver, h 1419 Susqnehanna Longacre Sarah B., wid Joseph, h HI!} Susquehanna Longenecker Edgar M., salesman, :~34 l\larket, h Progress Longenecker Emma Mrs., domestic, 1625 Green Longenecker John, brakeman. h 16li ~ 3d Lungenecker Louis C. L., laborer. h 1329 James Longenecker ~lati1da, moccasimnkr, h 1:133 James Lcngenecker Reu~~".!:l____ ~ay ~atchman~_h 1710 N 3d

Long Harry J., hostler, h 1426

ANDREW REDMOND, Hc:.;::.-.a::d ~::'~o~:'.{3~ I.~ Rill, StS~

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A .no/At" 'le. I 8 T 1\. . - - --MAIfE. 8.lIdln.. I.0"-Tillta. {IZI. III. " . .,..,11c Pial.



413 LOliGUECXEJL TOBllElfCE H., book and job printer and dealer in stamps, 1406 11 3d, h do Longenecker William, watchman, h 1:333 James Longenecker \Villiam G., brakeman, h 13~9 James Longenecker William H., engineer, h 1:!50 Swatara Longfeld Emma, houseket.'Per, 11)~:! S U t h ' Longfeld Frederick L., laborer, h 1118:! S 9th Longfeld Godfrey R., h 1082 S Uth Longmore Joseph, laborer, h :!:!:!(j ~ mh Longo Annie, seamstress, h Forster nr mh Longo Rose, domestic, 814 Market Longsdorf George, laborer, h 1129 ~ 6th Longsdorf Ida, wid Horace, h 2031 Logan av Longsdorf Mary Mrs., layer out of dead, 1129 N 6th, h do Longsdorf William, brakeman, h 2U35 K 5th Lonoghan Patrick, baker The Lochiel, h do Look Charles, salesman, 318 Market, h Almshouse Look John, salesman, 401 Market, h Almshouse Look William, steward Almshouse, h do Looker Catharine B., h 501 North Looker Charles H., elk, 501 North, h 522 do Looker Edward, produce, 501 North, h do Looker Edward B., electrotyper, h 521 ~ 5th Looker George W., bricklayer, h 501 Xorth Looker Jacob B., salesman, 4:!4 N 3d, h 501 North Looker John, helper, h 432 State Looker Joseph W., elk, 501 North, h do Looker Samuel W., flagman, h 1824 State Lookingbill David C., warehouseman, h 265 Forster Loomis Harriet, wid William, h 338 S 2d Loomis John laborer, h 688 Briggs LOOS 1ULIA C., physician, 102 N 2d, h do Loose Elizabeth, wid J. Wesley, h 805 Green Loose Mahlon, machinist, h 9321 S 21st Loose Wesley S., h 805 Green Loper Christian F., flagman, h 1118 Wallace Loper John W., brakeman, h 1308 Maple av Lorenz Amelia B. Mrs., h 1320 N 3d Lorey Charles, laborer, h 1119 S 9th Lorey Frederick W., heater, h 1339 S 12th Lorey John, laborer. h 1119 S 9th Losch Charles A., laborer. h 1:~21 ~orth Losch George c.. laborer, h 13:!1 Xorth Losch J. Jacob, laborer, h 1321 ;\;orth Loser Kate, vamper, h 1119 Grape av Loser Lucetta Mrs., h 1119 Grape av Loser William A., (Loser & Fesler), h 518 North

Boyd's Harriab1ll'g (L) City Directory.

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.. To find a name y~ must know how to ~Il it."

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McNeil'. Pal. Eater.lnator CUnII Cbolera Morbus. J)yIeDtery. Crampe. Dlarrhala, Colds. QuiDSY. Rbeumatlllll, Toothacbe, Bore Throa&, Ape. DJI1lepata, k _ ......

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Boyd'i Hanilburg (L) City Directory.

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Loser & Fesler. (William A. Loser and James G. Fesler), barbers. t2 S Dewberry av Lash John, bricklayer, h 1314 Fulton Lott Anna G., wid John W., h 609 Forster Lott \'lilliam W., piano tuner, 212 Market, h 609 Forster Lotz John D., h 1312 Fulton Loudenslager Charles E., patternmkr, h 1415 Regina Loudermilch David R., laborer, h 1815 Briggs Loudermilch Henry c., carpenter, h 2001 Forster Louer Charles E., laborer, h 26 N Dewberry av Loughery Annie M., wid William c., h 715 North Loughery Mary P .. saleslady, 6 S 2d, h 715 North Loughran James E., conductor, h 2144 N 6th Love Belle, centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Love C. Paxton, brakeman, h 1527! Derry Love Richard, machinist, h 1039 S 9th Lovejoy Marion T., salesman, 32 N 3d, h 1603 N 4th Loveland George c., civil engineer, h 115 Reily Lovell Daisy B. ~'lrs., h 628 Walnut Lovett Daniel, watchman, h 506 South Low Charles E., laborer, h 1414 Herr Low Fulmer 1\1., elk, h 408 Filbert Low Jennie D., wid WiJlis B., h 7th nr Calder Low Preston V., stone cutter, h 1414 Herr LOW WILLIAM H., marble and granite workl, 14th 0 Herr, h 1414 Herr Lowe Annie, domestic, h 107 S Cameron Lowe Daniel S., tinsmith, 1333i Fulton, h 1335 do Lowe David, laborer, h 1911 Wood av Lowe David P., laborer, h 1911 Wood av Lowe Edward, laborer, h 1911 Wood av Lowe Ella J., wid William J., h 1636 ~ 3d Lowe Thomas, inspector, h 821 SlOth Lowengard Harry, student, h 416 Briggs Lowengard Jacob S., salesman, 28 S 2d. h 416 Briggs Lowengard Sophia, wid Joseph, h 416 Briggs Lower Benjamin, hostler. h 1620 Fulton Lower Lewis N., brakeman. h 1707 Penn Lower Lillie :Mrs., dressmkr, 1620 Fulton, h do LOWERY BROS. (D. D. and 10hn H.), mfn of the Lowery Medicinel, 1IJ31J Derry and 320 S 18th Lowery DeWitt D. Rev., (Lowery Bros.), h 1535 Derry Lowery Frank, elk, 1743 N 6th, h tHO Reily Lowery Harry E . elk. 438 Walnut, h 1705 Derry Lowery Ira DeWitt, h 1535 Derry Lowery John H., (Lowery Bros.). h 1705 Derry Lowery John H. Re\' . h 1535 Derry Lowman Sarah P., wid William M .. h 220 Pine


ror ACCIDIDRTI."'-U-RA-.-C-ID-. 8_'" lIell 'Phone 811 X, or eMIl X.



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y;=~c::: Ion POPer ODd IIndOISbodes "am A. B. TACK, ,.,'lJ\..

Boyd'. Harrisburg (L) City Directory.

Lowrey Charles B., bartender, 1:.!35 ).; lith, h 308 Calder Lowrey Charles' R., brakeman, h 402 Cumberland Lowry Edward, porter The Bolton, h :.!36 Liberty Lowry Maude E., housekeeper, UOO Penn Lowry Sadie, domestic, 20i S Front Lowry Samuel, bookkpr, ~:.!o Market, h 28 S Cameron Lowry \Villiam c., scale inspector, h 1500 Penn Loy Albert H., ironworker, h 1211 Fulton Loy Edward H., laborer, h 1850 Swatara Loyd Thomas, cook, 314 Market Loyer Catharine M., wid Jacob, h 1:1:34 N 4th Loyer George W., laborer, It 1326 N 4th Loyer Matilda Mrs., nurse, ti15 State, h do Lucas Addison, laborer, h 416 Cranberry av Lucas Charles E., waiter, h :155 S Cameron Lucas Charles L., mason, h 1400 Juniper Lucas Florence G., dressmkr, h 355 S Cameron Lucas George. laborer. h ll1ti Hickory av Lucas Henrietta. wid Robert A., h 11:!1 N 6th Lucas Henry H., blacksmith, h 1521 \Vallace Lucas Howard S . laborer, h 43ti S Cameron Lucas Hyle G., laborer, h 355 S Cameron Lucas Isaac N., brakeman. h 1319 North Lucas Jane, wid Charles E., h 355 S Cameron Lucas Robert M., barber, 414 N 3d, h 302 North Lucas Sarah Mrs., h 1417 N 4th Lucas William A., laborer, h 1410 Williams Luce John H., h 5th c Camp Luce Joseph P., mgr, Division nr 6th, h 5th c Camp Lucknow Iron and Steel Co., James B. Bailey, pres; Henry L. Champlain, sec and treas, 14 S 2d Ludlow D. Stanley, laborer, h 1101 S 9th Ludwick Albert C. plumber, h 122 Verbeke Ludwick John H., carpenter, h 122 Verbeke Ludwig Jerome. foreman, h 2023 Forster Ludwig Oliver J., welder, h 2023 Forster Lukens Andrew N., confectioner, 302 Reily, h do Lukens Frank S., molder, h 302 Reily Lukens Harry S., sign painter, h 1063 S 9th Lukens Haven G. attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Lukens Herbert 1., puddler, h 1063 S 9th Lukens John E., cab driver. h 1329} Howard Lukens John S., laborer, h 1061 S 9th Lukens Nelson C, helper. h 1038 S 9th Lukens Wilbert, puddler, h 906 Hemlock Lukens William, h 1424 N 3d Lum David. laborer, h 1507 Derry Lum James, laborer, h 1507 Derry

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.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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a Ton of

H MKELLEY &CO'S BI ....k Pl....... _to {'10th .... Id tltreA Harth 8tat.'"
I I I " ".1 . . . . . . . .



Boyd'a Harriaburg (L) City Directory.




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Lum Martha, housekeeper, 15117 Derry Lum Susan, wid David, h 1507 Derry Lundy Benjamin, laborer, h 1204 N Cameron Lupfer James H., laborer. h ~07 Dauphin av Lupoid John, scale inspector, h 643 Boas Lusardi Catharine, wid Mark, h 1101 Market Lusardi Louis, waiter European Hotel, h do Lusk Charles P., inspector, h 925 N 2d Lusk E. May, telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 1302 Wallace Lusk Flora c., h 1302 Wallace Lusk Grace E., saleslady, h 2128 :\<loore Lusk Herman c., pipe cutter, h 13412 \Vallace Lusk James c., h 1302 Wallace Lusk Jennie N., weaver, h 1aU2 Wallace Lusk Robert E., conductor, h 2128 Moore Lusk Robert W., brakeman, h 216U N 7th Lutes Britton H., bar elk, 401 Verbeke, h 311 do Luttringer Leo A., employee State Arsenal, h 35 N 17th Luttringer Otto T., lineman, h :35 N 17th Lutz Amanda M., wid William F., h 119 Herr Lutz Augustus, ice cream, 413 ~ 2d, h do Lutz A. Wesley, molder, h 8 S 16th Lutz Bernhard, bar mgr U. S. Hotel, h do Lutz Bessie L., h 324 S 14th Lutz Clara :\1., teacher, h lUI Herr Lutz Edith, packer, h 1848 North Lutz Edward E., milk dealer, h 171 N 15th Lutz Edward J.,laborer, h 1345 Howard Lutz Felix A., drug elk, h 11)19 S 21i Lutz Frank L., machinist, h 1:345 Howard Lutz Frederick M .. boilermkr, h 124 Charles av LUTZ GEORGE W., fire manhal and chief engineer Harriaburg Fire Dept, h 1710 Ii 5th Lutz George W .. jr., blacksmith. h 1710 N 5th Lutz Harry B., fireman, h 1522 Susquehanna Lutz Harry S .. plumber, 2119 Verbeke. h 233 Sayford av Lutz Henry F .. h 119 Herr Lutz Horace, transfer elk R. :\1. S., h 13:J Herr Lutz Isaac D., druggist Lunatic Hospital, h do Lutz Jacob, trucker, h 12th c Paxton Lutz James H., laborer, h 1345 Howard Lutz James H .. plumber, 324 S 14th, h do Lutz James H., jr., plumber. 11 324 S 14th Lutz Jennie B., teacher, h 13!:l Herr Lutz J. Howard, salesman, 320 Market. h 30 N 2d Lutz John L., engineer. h 1522 Wallace Lutz John S., driller, 11 1811 Berryhill Lutz Joseph, salesman, 35 N 3d, h 1019 S 211

ANDREW REDMOND, ~:::~:"~'::::~:. {3d and Rail, Sts.

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B TACK , ......... ..... Thebel&aa4lowe1tlll'l-. WI_ _ { ..34,It. Wall P ,. . _pIe", wt&ll I'IdaIW aDd ~ far...
Boyd'a Hattiaburg (L) City Directory.


Lutz Mary, wid Samuel, h 140 Hoerner Lutz May A., saleslady, 308 Market, h 324 S 14th Lutz Minnie A., saleslady, h 324 S 14th Lutz Minnie E., dressmkr, h 119 Herr Lutz Richard L., (Gerlock & Lutz), h 1345 Howard Lutz Sophia M., housekeeper, 428 Harris Lutz Susan H., wid Amos, h 1811 Berryhill Lutz William, shoemkr, 1004 Capital, h 119 Herr Lutz William D., engineer, h 428 Harris Lutz William F., inspector, h liHl N 5th Lutz William W., brakeman, h 41 N 16th LYBARGER 1ESSE 1., mgr Singer )(fg. Co., h 2018 .. 3d Lyme Edwin L., la!>ter, h 145 Balm Lyme Harry S., brakeman, h 65:1 Dauphin av Lyme Irvin R., (I. R. Lyme & Co.), h 1301 ~Iarket LYlttE I. R. & CO., (I. R. Lyme and C. C. Forney), plumbing and gaa fitting, 1014 Market see adv Lyme John C, mason, h 7 Crooked av Lyme John H., mason, 427 Herr, h do Lyme Victor D., plumber, h 7 Crooked av Lyme William J., molder, h 153 Sylvan ter Lynam Nicholas, asst :\<1. M. P. R. R. shops, h .u3 Market Lynch Charles, locktender, h Send S Cameron Lynch Charles A., painter, h 1209 !\l' 6th LYNCH CRB.ISTIAN' W., pres W. O. Hickok )(fg. Co., h 211 State Lynch Edward C. mgr, 10th c Slarket, h 2;m S 1:~th Lynch James J.. brick mason, h 131 Fulton Lynch John D., janitor, h 305 Herr Lynch John S., h 224 North Lynch John T., h 1209 N 6th Lynch John W., laborer, h 1209 ~ fHh Lynch Mary E., shroudmkr, h 1221 Mulberry Lynch Peter, laborer, h 1121 Grape av 4nch Thomas J.. elk sec commonwealth, h 710 Capital Lynch William H., molder, h 314 Boas Lynch William H .. jr.. student, h :n4 Boas Lynch William W.o roller, h 1221 '.\lulberry Lyne Emma C, h :l2 S 2d -- - c. c. FORNEY. 1.1l. LYMB.

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PlumblnA ond 605 flttlnA

JOaalNO A S . . EOIAL.... V.


No. 1014 Market Sf.,


Eatlmatee furnished on application. Prompt and personal attention given all work.

.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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McNEIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. ~.~l~:;d~~n~~=ral:~: {30& Broa'



. Boyd'. Harri.burg eM) City Directory.

.. LYne Frederick Rev., h 131~ Swatara L)-ne John ~l., h 113 Tuscarora :. Lyne rohn W., laborer, h 623 Cumherland Lynn Elsie, laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do Lynne Henrietta B. Mrs., h 1642 Market Lynne Karyl V'., pressnlan, h 1(;4~ ~Iarket 5 Lynne W. Roy, bookbinder, h 1642 Market Lyons Annie, warper, h 311 Cumberland 1! Lyons Jonathan J. F. L. Rev., h 1:{:t1 ~ 4th t= Lyons Kate. cigarmkr, h 11~4 Cowden Lyons Kate J., wid Robert, h 1124 Cowden :: Lyons Lillie xL, cigarmkr, h 1124 Cowden Lyons Margaret E., cigarmkr, h 1124 Cowden -= Lyons Thomas, jr., printer, 200 N 2d, h 25 Forrest av Lyons William H., (Lyons & Treon), h 1210 Chestnut Lyons William S., machinist, h 1923 Logan av Lyons William T., brakeman, h 1710 Penn U) LYONS & TREON, (W. H. Lyons and H. H. Treon), bottlen~ 900-902 Market ..... Lyter Carrie, cook, 19 S 2d ..J Lyter Charles E., brakeman, h 525 Peffer Lyter Ouistian H., carpenter, h 1!140 State III( Lyter Frank H., teamster, h 312 S 2d ..... Lyter Han), E., brakeman, h :l27 Herr C Lyter Harvey F., foreman P. & R. h H~ Linden Lyter John F., collector Telegraph. h 220 Forster ..... LYTER 10SEPH A. REV., pastor Derry Street U. B. Churoh, h 1508 Derry Lyter Mary E., weaver, h 525 Peffer L'ter Rodv W . car inspector, h 1151 Market L~ter Samuel ]., carpenter, h 1928 Boas 4: Lvter Sarah A., wid l\loses, h 1151 Market a.. L~ter Wavne F., draftsman F. and :\1. Wks, h 220 Forster E L~ter W. 'Edward, h 1006 N 2d l.)ter William H., h 10116 N 2d Lvter William H .. lahorer. h 525 Peffer ~ L,-tle Charles S., brakeman, h 1307 Green Q L)t1e George D., tinsmith, h 1326 Green U Lytle James H., carpenter, h 1331 Green Q Lvtle MarY F., seamstress, h 1331 Green z: I.~tle Maud L., book folder. h 1331 Green 4: Lvtle Oscar, hal' elk, 1108 Market, h do ..., l.)tle William J., milk, 1531 N 3d, h 1331 Green


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:\[acAdam Jeannette ~Irs., dressmkr, h 237 North MacAdam Susan H., dressmkr, 237 North, h do MacAvoy Charles G .. electrician, h 1938 N 6th l\facAvoy Eugene F., elk P. R. R. depot, h 1938 N 6th

EDW G ROBERTS wlllBOonyour bond. Bell 'Phone _or 88ClI X. bond. are executed. 108 X. 8 lllil X. 1., wh_

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A. B. TACK 1::&=::1 IOU POPer DOd IIndOII0d88 fI,WG:

419 MacAvoy Thomas D., elk P. R. R. shops. h UI:38 N 6th Macbeth Martha, dressmkr, h 1317 Derry ](acCARTllEY BENIAl1IB F., economic zoologist, Capitol, h~N~ MacCreary Etta B., cook, h 18 Aberdeen av MacDannald Addie B. ~Irs., matron, 12 S :!d, h 1242 Walnut MacDannald J. Guy, laborer, h 1242 Walnut MacDonald Harry J., asst inspector, h lUU7 ~ :.M ..I MacDowell Minnie E., wid Calvin, h X 3d , Mace Speedy I laborer, h 525 South Macey George M., electrician, 2U4 N 2d, h 1624 Swatara MacFarland Charles E., ironworker, h 5:{ X Summit CD MacGinn James A" blacksmith, h 910 Capital Machamer Charles W., laborer, h 1935 Log-an av ~ Machamer Clara E., h 2124 Turner av Machamer David J., engineer, h Hi26 ~ 7th a Machamer Frank J . fireman, h 1828 ~ 7th cr Machamer Harry H., puncher. h :!ua Moore Machamer John S., carpenter, h 2124 Turner av Machamer Samuel K., pickler, h 448 Delaware av Machamer Vernon A" laborer, h 1826 ~ 7th Machamer William 0., brakeman, h 13:18 ~ 7th Machemer Augustus, laborer. h 1826 N 7th Machen George S., teacher, h 1:~OB Market Machlan Ida K., seamstress, h a4 Evergreen Machlan James A., foreman, h 222 Briggs Machlin Anna B. Mrs., mgr, 410 Market, h do :Machlin William E . janitor, h 4]0 Market Mack Harry H., finisher. h J302 :Vlarket Mack John H .. laborer, h 3 N 9th Mack Kate, shirtmkr. h Bartine av nr Herr Mack Nora. domestic. 4H Market Mackenson Clarence T., grocer, ] 17 Paxton. h 436 S :!d Mackey E. Virginia, seamstress, h 331 Hamilton Mackey Henrietta I. 11rs .. h 139 Paxton Mackey John. bar elk, 501. State. h 111119 Cowden Mackey Louisa, wid Lorenzo D., h 331 Hamilton Mackin Harry S . cigarmkr, h lwm N 5th Mackin John, steelworker. h IfiU!} ~ 5th Macklev Calvin L., cab driver, h HUH Cowden Macklev Catharine, wid Samuel. h 110!l Cowden Mackley Charles E .. caL driver. h nil!) Cowden Mackley Emma, housekeeper. HIlH Cuwden Mackley Harry F., cab driver. h lW!) Cowden Mackley John \V., bartender. h 11m) Cowden Macklin John S., printer, h 4:n ~larket MacPherran John P .. conductor. h 823 N 6th

Boyd" Hani,burg (M) City Directory.




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.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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M. KELLEY & CO.{:~:"\~f~~

:;; .....


Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.

Madden Abraham, laborer, 1\ L1to\~ S Cameron CD ..... Madden Alexander c., fireman, h 417 Kelker Madden Annie M., dressmkr, h 171to\i N 5th ..... Madden Edward W., trainmaster P. R. R., h 222 North :iii Madden HOllora, wid Patrick, h BOa,S 9th ;; Madden James, laborer, h 563 S Front .. Madden Jeremiah M., liner, h 3 SlOth Madden John P., bartender Hotel Columbus, h 1103 S 9th =!! Madden J. William, waiter, h 137 Cowden . Madden Lizzie E., book sewer, h 1103 S 9th en .Madden Margaret E., teacher, h 171to\! N 5th xladden Mary, domestic, 409 N td -_ Madden Mary E., teacher, h 131 Hanna ~ Madden Michael, car inspector, h 171~i N 5th :::::::- Madden Regina S., wid Dr. \Villiam B., h en Hanna I&J ;\ladden Rose A., cashier, 326 1\1 arket, h 131 Hanna Madden Samuel H., printer Independcnt, h ~2 S 4th I- Madden Sylvia Mrs., h 1432 Fulton I&J Madden William, waiter, h 107 Cowden Madden William A., elk, h 131 Hanna Madden William ]., laborer, h 106 Kaglc Maddux George, shoe cutter, h 1711 ~ 15th Madenfort Charles c., fireman, h U:J7 N 7th Madenfort Franklin B., bricklayer, h 9a7 N 7th Madenfort Grace, wrapper, h 937 K 7th ;\Iadenfort William F., brakeman, h 410 Herr Mader Alvira 1., domestic, 402 N td I&J ;\1ader Benjamin F., fencemkr, h 61 Balm Mader Carrie, cigarmkr, h 234 S 2d Mader Elizabeth, wid Amos, h 621 Forster ;\1ader Lillian R., laundress, h 61 Balm JIa Mader Samuel H., fireman, h 234 S ~d Mader Sarah]., ironer, h 67 Balm ~ c;;; .Mader Simon H., laborer, h 61 Balm en )lader Styles B., laborer, h 2:14 S td :: Mader William W., salesman, a34 l'.Iarket, h 234 S 2d :::i Madison Annie M., wid Isaac, h 34Ui S Cameron ~ l\ladison Hattie, domestic, 1U~ Short II: Madison William H., laborer, h 512 South av ~ 1-'laeyer David, (Fager & l\laeyer), h 914 N 2d ~ ;"Iaeyer Hummel K., bookkpr, 111~ ~larket, h 255 Boas _ ~1aeyer John W., tinsmith, h 1211 Penn :; Magaha John W .. helper, h 1219 Fulton Magaro Gabriel, laborer, h 213 l\1eadow la ~ Magaro George, fruit, h 3~5 S River av g ~'1agaro l\lichael, (Boschelli & ~lagaro), h 309 S River av c Magaro Peter, salesman, h 1aOl llarket :\\agaro Salvatore, fruit stand, :l S 2d, h 325 S River av



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:;,::::a~::!~i~:~ ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d IDd Rell, Sts.

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B TAC. I.U18 ldalittiirl:ud IIIIureIIL WorltdODelDUI)'panofBCat.e. JBmplOJl! DODe but IIDkll_ Workmllll. heDee ODI:r'" 1\, 3d 8t.
Boyd'. Rani.burg eM) City Directory. 421

Magee Anna, dressmkr, h 451 S 13th Magee J. Roberts, screwsman, h 451 S 13th Magill Abraham M., fireman, h 1722 'Susquehanna IVIagiU Adam R, carpenter, h 432 Peffer Magill Claude M., weaver, h 1802 Susquehanna Magill David, machinist, h 320 Verbeke Magill Maggie, domestic, 123 Paxton Magill William c., brakeman, h 172.3 Penn Maglauchlin Christina, wid Wallace, h 2124 N 7th Maglauchlin Ellen, wid William J., h 703 N 2d Maglauchlin Jacob J., painter, 703 N 2d, h do Maglauchlin Robert C, wall paper, 1414 1\ 3d, h do '11-4 Maglauchlin William J., jr., painter, h 703 N 2d Magnani Antonio. restaurant, S 5th c P. R R, h do :II" l'vIagnelli Paulo, fruit, :31 S 2d, h 323 S River av r- ~z Magruder Samuel D., brakeman, h 417 Cumberland ... 17 Magruder Verne, saleslady, 117 Market, h 41i Cumberland !'In Maguire Catharine M. Mrs., boarding, ml5 l\larket, h do .~ Maguire John ]., watchmkr. :m7 Market, h 612 Boas Maguire Michael T., mgr, 305 :\1arket. h do Maguire Walter P., elk Hbg Kat. Bank, h H ~ Front Maguire. see McGuire, also :\leguire Mahan Frank R, engineer, h 14aa N 2d Mahan John, fireman, h 601 ~1aclay Mahan Maggie E., h 14~J:3 N 2d Mahan Marv E .. h 1433 N 2d Mahaney Clara Y., stcngT F. and :'1. \\ks. h ]620 Park Mahaney Curtis J.. machinist, h 41H Cumi>eriand "lahane~' Edith. wid William J., h 11i:!O Park Mahin ""'alter T., trav salesman. h ;')23 N 4th Mahon J. Montgomery. chief elk, 413 Market, h Carlisle Mahon Nora, h 110 Nagle Mahon Patrick C. foreman. h 110 :\agle Mahon Patrick H., laborer, h 110 l'\agle 0 Mahon William. machinist. h 110 :\agle I~ Mahone\' Annie, domestic. 107 S Front Mailev Amos A., nailer, h 11122 Paxton :Maile)' Amos A .. jr.. machinist. h 11122 Paxton Mailev Elizabeth. wid William. h 212 S River av Maile~' Emory :\J., agt, h 212 S River ~v Mailey Eva C, salesladv, h HI:!2 Paxton lVJaile~ Herbert Coo steelworker. h 112 Ann av Maile~' William :\01.. tledr:l::an, h !lU9 Penn Main "John W., lahorer, h 411:; \'erbeke Maines 'nlomas Do, laborer. h :n!l Chestnut Major Edgar ;\f.. elk, 1402 Vernon. h ~Iechanicsburg Maior Jacob .\/., watchmkr. 2H:!1 Hummel, h do liMajor John ;\I., collector. 227 \Valnut. h lUI S 2d I


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,. To ftnd name you must know how to spell it."

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Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.

.. Major ~1argaret J., wid Davis, h 407 Filbert Major 'William .\., policeman, h 1:!01 Market ~fakibbin Clara]. Mrs., saleslady, 406 Mkt, h 2008 N 6th _ ~lakibbin James G., enginet:r, h 1Ul2 N 5th ~ Makibbin William J. A., machinist, h 1806 :\ 6th ~ ~ Malaney Annie B., nurse, h 223 Briggs Malaney Imogene I., tel operator, :no Walnut, h 22:~ Briggs ~ ~blaney John, watchman P. & R. depot, h 223 Briggs \\aley Charles \Y .. laborer, h 4:tr S Il1th Maley Eli H., puddler, h 437 SlOth :& Maley Frank, elk, h 4:!4 S :!d J; Maley George \\'., fireman, h 4511 SlOth : Maley James L .. laborer, h 5(;:~ S !lith Maley John, shoemkr, 563 SlOth, h do Maley Mary A.. cigarmkr, h :111 S :!{l ~Ialey Thomas]., conductor, h 311 S 2d Malick Daniel E., engincer, h 1:1~2 N 4th Malick George A., repairsman, h 6:10 Delaware av ~lall ~loses. tailor. 71 (j X :1d, h (10 Malloy I- ~lalone Edward, labon'r, h 8H7 S Hlth IH:!4 Crecn James A. . elk Post Office. It Malone :Martin W., P. O. inspector, h 1624 Cret'n C Malone Thomas c., linotype opr Independent, h 19 S 3d lVIaloney ElIen C, wid Thomas F., h 633 Forster I- MALONEY lORN H., saloon, 306 Strawberry av, h do Maloney l\Iary A., hOllsekeeper, 111 Short Maloney Michael, flagman, h 1::m7 N 7th Maloy, see ~1eloy IVTalseed Charles H., laborer, h 522 Race .. Malseed George W., helper, h 5 Lochiel 1st Row ... Malseed Harry F., helper, h 124 Nagle : : :Malseed Harry H., electrician, h 591 Showers av a.. Malseed Minnie, saleslady, 11 591 Showers av IE Malseed William, puddler, h 591 Showers av Q :Malsh Emil, laborer, h 528i Race U Manahan Don F., car inspector, h 1514 X 5th Manahan Elizabeth, stengr, 210 Walnut, h 5111 Camp Q Manahan Elizabeth, wid William L., h 510 Camp U l\fanahan George, shoemkr, h 320 Hamilton Q 1lanahan George, jr., conductor, h 320 Hamilton ~Ianahan Norman G., painter, h 2100 :\ 6th 11anahan William T., fireman, h 510 Camp ~ Manbeck Edwin S .. elk, 6 S 2d. h !!!!7 Herr - Manbeck Frank, brakeman, h 601 North CI ?vlanbeck Leah S., wid Lee, h 424 Muench ~ l\Ianbeck P. Wellington, salesman. h 192() X Hth :\Ianees Claude c., wheelwright, h 249 Hummel ~ Mangel Daniel, h 551 Race

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--------------------------------Ilad 8ten .. Beller EDW 6 ROBERTS , Acel"eat, SCHad I'll. Bell'PhoDe 81>1 X, or 6843 X. 108


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A. 8. TACK,

Wall Paper and Window Shadu. {",::~:':~~k. Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory. 423

Mangel Samuel, machinist, h 551 Race Mangold Karl, carpenter, h 1714 Fulton Manherz George, ins agt, 14 S 2d, h Middletown Manley Abner B., contractor, h 1419 Fulton Manley Benjamin F., laborer, h 1427 Derry Manley Frederick W., machinist, h 1~00 N 7th Manley George H., carpenter, 619 N 2d, h do Manley Harry A., salesman, 326 Market, h 619 N 2d Manley John B., carpenter, h 1200 N 7th Manley Norman S., steelworker, h 1813 Berryhill Manley Washington S., telegrapher, Division c P. R. R., h Fort Hunter Mann Annie E., wid Caleb \-V., h 2126 :\Ioore Mann Charles R., (Soper & Mann), h 235 Briggs Mann Edward, painter, h 2130 Moore Mann Harry E., repairsman. h 2126 Moore Mann Robert E., brakeman, h 2126 ~Ioore Mann Samuel, butler, h 1322 James Manning Anna, wid John, h 5119 \:Valnut Manning Charles J., physician, 1519 ~ 6th, h do Manning Harry C, blacksmith, h 2009i N 5th Manning Jennie Mrs., h 159 ~ 4th Manning Nellie 1., bunchmkr, h 159 K 4th Manning Rama A., cigar roller, h 159 N 4th Manser Edward, trav salesman, h 127 State Mantey Gustave, h 211 Yerbl'ke Manuel Israel, conductor, h 424k Cumberland Manuel Samuel S . coachman, h 229 N River av Manum Clinton S., crane runner, h 2020 :I\:ensington Manum Lenus G., driver, h 451 S 2d Manum Michael S., wheelwright, h 211~O Kensington Manyan Peter, fruit. h 323 S River av lIAPLE GROVE HOTEL, Albert Koenig. 2101 N 6th Marburger John C, elk The Commonwealth, h 106 Balm Marburger Sarah E., housekeeper, 117 South March Bessie E .. teacher, h 422 S 13th March Daniel, supt, h 422 S 13th .March Joshua B .. heater. h 432 ~Iarket March l\'label, elk, h 422 S 13th March Paul D., h 422 S l:~th Marchand Caroline. wid Frederick, h :n 7 S 2d Marchi Joseph, bartender Hotel Russ. h do Marion Bullion Co., H. C Demming. sec and genl mgr. 17 NM Marion Improvement Co., \V. T. Hildrup, pres: H. C. Demming, sec and genl mgr. 17 ;.J :ld Mark Chee, laundry, 125S ~Iarket, h do Mark John N .. h 1:11) \'erbeke

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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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....... Cool,. a - WeiPt-


lH .M KELLEY~' CO 1lOtll ..d3d Strtllt. jl North r . liiata atl.




Boyd'. Harrisburg eM) City Directory

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-=- Marker Sarah, shoe operator, h 420 S 16th :: Markley David M., asst supt, 15 N 2d, h 1340 N 6th .... Markley Elmer G., mgr American Telephone and Telegraph Co., 210 Walnut, h 1712 Market . -=- Markley James, laborer, h 1207 Wallace : Markley Mary, cashier, 334 ~arket, h ]207 Wallace :: Markley Wayne L., stengr, ~22 ~1ulberry, h 1340 N 6th Markley William, helper, h 10 Lochiellst Row Marklev William A., elk, 13 S 2d, h 1207 Wallace Markley William A., mgr, 209 Market. h 113 do MARKLEY WILLIAJrI D., contractor and builder, 541 Wood bine, h do IIARXLEY & APPELL, (G. H. Markley (est) and N. Appell),. mgrs Opera House and bill posters, 9 S 3d Marks Annie, wid Leonard S., h 1103 Hickory av Marks Daniel B., contractor, h 1944 N 6th Marks Edgar S., salesman, 4(H Market, h 4a5 do Marks Harry Z., fireman, h 414 Herr MARKS REDAN, clothier, 401-403 Market, h 435 do Marks John G., machinist, h 16:H N 4th Marks John H., machinist. h 1211 N 7th Marks Levi, engineer, h 1402 Vernon Marks Samuel A., elk, 1119 S 2d, h 414 Herr Marks Samuel A., jr., elk, 1116 N !1d, h 414 Herr Marland Frank, driver, h 446 Boyd av Marple Josephus G., dentist, 221 N 2d. h do Marquart Augustus W., paperhanger. h.28 Balm Marqnart Everett E .. shoemkr, h l:~:l~ N 7th ~ Marquart Robert B., laborer. h 1:~:~~ N 7th a: ::Vlarquctte Nosa, laundress, h Hili S Court av -=- :\1arquette Rosa. wid \Villiam. h lll1i S Court av _ ~ :\Jarquctte William, cigarmkr, h 141 UalJ1l :. Mars Cassius H .. waiter. h Hill :\ 4th ~ 1Iarseilles Elizabeth, h :{(11 Briggs -=- l\'1arsh Elizabeth J., wid Thomas. h 21st c Market ..... Mar!'h Fannie R., teacher Children'" Industrial Home, h dO' i= ~Iarsh Fred H., mgr. H2ii Walnut. h 2:W X 2d g; Marsh Harr\' L. S .. farmer. h :!lst c ~Iarket ~ Marsh Jennie A., bookkpr. h 10)0( Balm ~Iarsh :\laria A., wid David. h 2:!1i :;\ :!d _ ;\farsh Sarah J., wid Elisha C. h HI~ Balm ~ ~Iarsh \\"111. T .. janitor, :!1II Walmit. h ]:!1:! Susquehanna Marshall Annie ~L, wid John L .. h lill7 Walnut ..... :\larshall Charles G., plumbt~r, h 1iU7 Walnut :: :'.Iarshall Elisha B. h 711~ East ~ l\Iarshall Ellen E .. wid 'WilliaJJ1. h In7 Cowden oC _ __

~ Markell Charles I., messenger, h 1508 Green t; Marker Daisy M., saleslady, 347 S 13th, h 4~O S 16th


~ w a:



BIC~~.!:~c;,RE.} ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d lid Rell, Sts.

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Boyd'. Harriaburg (M) City Directory.

Marshall George L.. laborer, h 415 Verbeke Marshall George W., laborer, h 511~ Camp Marshall Ida E., elk, :!O N 2d, h 315 Herr Marshall Jennie F. G., wid Samuel M., h 403 ~ 3d Marshall John A., supt, !J S 2d. h 4HI Muench Marshall John B., ins agt, 14 S 2d. h 412 Strawberry av



, :.

MARSHALL 1. STEPHEN, plumber, gal and .team Atter, 1306 N' 6th, h do Marshall Stanley, engineer, h :!2~6 ~ 6th Marshall Thomas, helper, h 1i Lochiel 2d Row Marshall Thomas B., foreman P. R. R.. h Hila :'Ii 2d Marshall William G., laborer, h HlII9 Cowden Marshall William H. Rev., teacher, h 516 K 5th Marshall William H. S., plumber, Reily c Fulton, h do Marshbank Andrew J . machinist, h :!:!!)~ X 6th Marshbank Anna, teacher, h 2:!HtI N lith Marshbank Carl "V., draftsman, h 2:!H~ 1\ 6th Marshbank Charlotte, saleslady, :~34 ~larket, It 3:37 Chestnut Marshbank Clara, housekeeper, 115 S Front Marshbank Edgar W., machinist, h 40'J Woodbine Marshbank Frantz B., lJ. S. A., h 2298 X 6th Marshbank John, machinist, h 2:!!I~ X lith Marshbank Ross, U. S. A., h 22HS ?'\ 6th Marsili Louis, bartender, 437 ?\larket. h 411~ X Summit Marston Asher \V . student. h 1518 Green Marston James, machinist, h 1518 Green Martch Jesse M., brakeman, h 1217 S 9th Mart! Benedict, h 115 S l:lth .. . Martm Abraham L. B., buyer, .l:34 :\larket, h 1.14 Sylvan ter Martin Abram E., postal elk. h 45 1\ 17th Martin Abram H., bridgeworker, h 1410 N 7th Martin Algernon L.. dep sec Agrl Dept and director Farmers' Institute, Capitol, h 715 Capital Martin Alice ~lrs., h 517 South Martin Alonzo. engineer. h 621 I>.luench Martin Ann, wid James, h 1~:!4 Hickory av Martin Calvin. printer, h Ha6 ~ 5th Martin Catharine, domestic. :!(i5 Herr Martin Charles. restaurant. 487 Market, h <10 Martin Charles A., laborer. h :-t31 Clinton av Martin Charles E., machinist. h 1224 Derry Martin Charles H., laborer, h 1824 Hickory av Martin Charles L.. upholsterer, 1168 :\luli>erry, h do Martin David. blacksmith, h :106 S 2d Martin David K., carpenter. h 1736 X 5th Martin David S., laborer. h 1726 Log-an av Martin D. Frank. brakeman. h 423 Harris lVlartin Edgar L., ins solicitor. h 21:3 Harris



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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~iir.o~~~a~':,=~~~;~l. {~'\~.



Boyd'. Harrisburg eM) City Directory.

... Martin Edgar M., puddler, h 424 Reily :; -.:: IVlartin Edmund S., salesman, h 17:n Green J: Martin Edward, laborer, h 1801 X 3d ~ Martin Effie M., lacquerer, h 3111 Crescent -c.:t Martin Frances, wid John, h 1227 N Hi Martin Frank, real estate, ~'!3 !\larket, h \Vest Fairview Ji Martin Frederick c., musician, h 1168 Mulberry Martin George c., roll turner, h 1626 Penn ~ - Martin George W., ins solicitor, h :301 Crescent .t= Martin Gertrude J., forelady, h :~01 Crescent fD Martin Harry E., laborer, h 663 Verbeke .!! Martin Harry J., elk. h 117 Pine .~ Martin Harry N., printer Independent, h 187! N 15th : Martin Harry W., fireman, h 1914 Susquehanna ~ Martin HalTY X., machinist~ h 1852 Derry Martin Harvey E., laborer, h 1014 Berryhill :fI) Martin Herman G., tmcker, h Front nr Seneca Martin Howard \V., templetmkr. h 3116 S 2d Martin rrvin H .. salc~ man, h 1731i ~ 5l h Martin Jacob, laborer, h 1724; Logall av .... Martin James, laoorer. h I;)U!J Derry C Martin Jane, elk. 339 Walnut, h do IIJ Martin Jennie, h u:n Sarah av C Martin 'jeremiah D., h 1311 Sylvan tCI' Martin J. Martin, ioreman, h 181l:~ (;recn l&J Martin John, elk. :~:)4 Market. h l:!U Sylvan tt:r Martin John L., driver, h 436 Hamilton ._ Martin John R, laborer. h 150H lJerry .. Martin John \V., polisher, h :Wl Crescent Martin Jonathan Q., saddler, 309 Verbeke, h 1317 Wallace . . Martin Joseph E., heater, h 1012 Berryhill ~ Martin Laura S., teacher, h 213 Harris IE Martin Lawrence, bartcllder, 4:~7 l\larket, h do Martin Levi E., h 1643 N 6th Martin Levi G., flagman, h 21:{ Harris ~ Martin Louis C., h 1168 Mulberry Martin Marne E., packer. h 17(1~1 X :llh U Martin Margaret c., wid S. Boyd. h 117 Pine CI Martin Mary A., \vid John. h ;jun FiilJcrt ,z Martin Nora A., packer, h 1702! 1'\ 5th . . Martin Percy L., templetmkr, h 3116 S 2d ..... Martin Philip J., iorcmall, h 1134 Market U Martin Ralph E., craneman, h 14112 Berryhill CI Martin Randolph ]., houseman Com'wlth, h 721 North ..... Martin Samuel, car inspector, h ] :~5 Balm I - Martin Samuel A., laborer, h 621 Muench _ XARTI:N SAMUEL X., cigan, tobacco and notions, 1498 .. 7th, h 604 Dauphin

a: w.:



AmerlcRa a.adlal( CampaB", Baltimore. Md. BOW. Q. ROBBRTII, General Agent Central Penna, District. loa N. lid 8t. Bell 'Phone 851 X. erlllM3 X.

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{1216 IDrIb mlrd XI.


Boyd', Harrisburg (l\{) City Directory.


Martin Sarah ]., wid William H., h HI.:!;} :\ ;jth Martin Sophia, wid Philip, h 806 Green l\lartin Thomas B., engineer, It i51 S l!lth :Martin Vincent W., postal elk, h 11 N :lth Martin William B., messenger, h 23 S 4th ';Vlartin William F., brakeman, h Htl2~ .i\ :Jth ~lattin William H., gardener, h 18th c Calder ~lartin \Villiam H., laborer, h 19:!~ State ::\lartz Adam, car inspector, h 512 Woodbine ~lartz Calvin F., teacher, h 235 Verbeke Martz Catharine L., h 301 Boyd av Martz Charles A., fireman, h 512 Woodhine :Martz Clara D. Mrs., boarding, 1410 N lith, h do ~Iartz Claude E., laborer, h 512 Woodbine ~lartz Edward l\1., salesman, h 1847 Herr Martz George E., elk, 300 ~ orth, h 312 do 11artz Grant A., elk Mer. Nat. Bank, II :!:l5 Verbeke Martz Harry C., fireman, h 1220 Swatara Martz Isaac, engineer, h 171 N 15th Martz J. Adam. fireman, h 817 S Front l\Iartz John H., jr., repairsman, h 1118 :\Jarkct 1!artz Katharine L., h 3(11 Boyd av Martz Milton D., elk, h 1847 Herr ~lartz William A., brakeman, h 912 Grand ~larzolf Albert, bricklayer, h Seneca nr Front :\'Iarzolf Elwood, elk, 317 Verbeke, h Seneca nr Front ~larzolf Frank J., machinist, h 1516 Walnut Marzolf Frederick G., foreman, h 919 Rose av Marzolf George, h Front nr Seneca Marzolf Jacob, warehouseman, h 1~16 Susquehanna ~J arzolf John, h 931 Grand Marzolf John A., fireman, h ~13 Verbeke ;\Iarzolf J. Ross, butcher, h ~1~ Verbeke l\larzolf Michael, h Seneca nr Front :\larzolf Michael, jr., plasterer, h Seneca nr Front Marzolf Oscar C, laborer, h 1727 N 3d lYlarzolf Robert R., bridge builder. h 9~1 Grand ~larzolf William H., butcher, h 1523 N 3d ~asner Charles F., laborer, h 1536 Wallace Masner William E., laborer, h 1033 S 9th ::\1ason Anna R., housekeeper, 1321 S Cameron }Iason Annie J., tailoress, h 49 S Court av Mason Emma, h 1::121 S Cameron ~'Iason Henrietta, wid Joseph, h 49 S Court av :\Iason Huldah, wid John, h ~ Lochiel 1st Row Mason Jessie Mrs., h 1112 N 12th Mason Major A., laborer, h 414 South Mason Sarah J., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1321 S Cameron

-I .I
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To find a name you must know how to speD it."

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Boyd'. Xarriaburg (M) City Directory.


Mason William, laborer, h 1182 S Cameron

!5 Masoner John H., molder, h 124 Sayford av


Masoner John \\1. S., gas fitter, h 124 Sayford av :z:: Massamore A. James, telegrapher P. & R., h I:!05 Chestnut Ii: Massner Emma, wid John, h 647 Verbeke C) Massner William H., engine inspector, h 258 Cumberland z: G ) ~1assner William H., laborer. h la28 Fulton - Masters James c., stengr factory inspector, h 33!J Market ::: Masterson Jennie xlrs., bonnetmkr, h 1~14 Fulton Masterson Robert D., janitor, h 16:J4 Wallace Masterson \V. Edgar, plumber, h 16401 Wallace ~ Matchett Charles T., roller, h 154:1 Swatara ~ 1Iatchett Emery A., roller, h 154:1 Swatara 1.1.1 Matchett George A., laborer. h 1543 Swatara a:: IHatchett Isaac K. engineer, h 18117 N 6th ~fatchett Samuel G., bridge builder, h 1717 Logan av ~ Matchett Winfidd L.. brakeman, h 1302 Wallace a:: Mateer Alexander. baker. h 1:!1:1 Market ...., Mateer George W .. car inspector. h u~:tn N.orth Mateer Irene, weaver. h li35 Fulton c..S Mateer Jacob A., engineer. h 17:!fl Penn z: Mateer John B., laborer, h 1:!I:t :\larkct ~ Mateer Robert B., h 91)1) ~ ad ~ Mater Anna B .. housekeeper, Hi:H X 7th ~ Mater Harrison J., upholsterer. h lli:n !'Ii 7th Mater John A. B., laborer. h tH:11 X 7th Mater l\1ervin A . fabric cutter. h lfI:U ~ 7th t: Maternity Hospital. 2:!() Liberty 2 ](ATHER ED1tIUND, steam engineering appliances and sup~ plies, 36 N 2d, h 133 Walnut a.. Mather Frederick H .. laborer. h 21:!0 H! ~ Mathews George. carpenter, h :n I Clllliberland y:; Mathews ~orris, fireman. h 615 Harris ~ Mathias Anme. domestic. 1613 ~ :~d a: Mathias Benjamin H., woodworker. h H07 Vernon Mathias Caroline xL, dressmkr. h 1:!1)!l Kittatinny ~ Mathias Edward J., motorman, h 2:!5 50uth ~ Mathias Ernest L.. tailor. h filS Forster C) Mathias Gearv H .. brakeman. h 4:U Kelker W1 Mathias George D .. foreman. h 121)n Kittatinny ZJ Mathias Harry A .. brakeman, h ISH Wood av 0- Mathias Robert K.. woodworker. h 121)9 Kittatinny Mathias Rov. elk silk miII, h 1:!09 Kittatinm' I Mathias Sin"lOn C. foreman, h 548 S tilth ' ~ xIathiot Horace \fl.' . draftsman. h 41:1 Cumberland JD Mathiot Joseph H., laborer, h 41:1 Cumberland IiIZ Mathiot Owen G .. h '!!09 Harris Mathiot Samuel H,. machinist. h 209 Harris

-= =-


ANDREW REDMOND, H(;::.!r;~"'W::d ~k,r;~~:~. {3d and Reily St CoogIe

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--MAilE. A .,.EOIALTr A B TACK lIne"'a. Public BaUdlDp la0 " -T..... {IZUIi ... 3d St. Plaia

f.lI..... 8IN..

Boyd'. Harrisburg eM) City Directory.

429 ,.

Mathiot William H., music teacher, 11~ :\1 kt, h 209 Harris Matson Harry E., laborer, h G50 Calder Matson Jacob D., foreman, h 650 Calder Mattein Harry 0., carpenter, h 1S;{U State Matteoli Sebastian, bar elk The Commonwealth, h do Matter Carrie, domestic,' 21~ S 2d Matter Glaries F., elk, ~11 Chestnut, h 91f) S ~lst Matter Charles R, clk, :!2 1\ 2d, h 1~1I7 ~ 3d Matter Cora A., h 1933 1\ 7th Matter Edward, plasterer, h 9lU S ~1st Matter Harry F., caller P. R. R, h 1Ii:!5 Wallace Matter Harry S., painter, h 16:!5 Wallace Matter Harvey 0., engineer, h 1!1:13 t\ 7th Matter H. Homer, lawyer, :wr; Walnut, h 1319 Kittatinny Matter Jacob 0., plasterer, h 1933 Derry Matter Jeremiah J., expressman, 4tH Chestnut, h 740 S 21st Matter Jonathan R, carpenter, h 9:W S :!1st Matter Joseph \\'., cleaner, h 521 Muench Matter N. Frank, asst stationmaster P. R R depot, h 1633 Park Matter William J., molder, h 544 Woodbine Matter, see Motter Mattes William, flagman, h 224 Hamilton Matthew Charles B., elk, 422 Market, h 1333 Derry Matthew Nellie G., buyer, 318 Market, h 1333 Derry Matthews Annie, domestic, 410 South Matthews Charles H., driver, h 325 S Cameron Matthews Clinton B., warehouseman P. R. R, h 320 Verbeke Matthews David H., elk aud gent's dept, h Grand Hotel Matthews Frank F., driver, h 1622 Walnut Matthews Georgiana Mrs., h 710 South Matthews Harry, carpenter, h 1105 Cowden Matthews John B., laborer, h 320 Verbeke Matthews Lewis, waiter, h 313 Nectarine av Matthews William, laborer, h 508 Strawberry av Matthias John, painter, h 618 Forster Mattis Charles S., tobacconist, 1301 N 6th, h 507! Muench Matzinger Emil, laborer, h 1060 S Cameron Matzinger Henry, laborer, h 1060 S Cameron Matzinger John W., h 1128 S Cameron Matzinger Margaret. wid Jacob. h Reel's la nr 5th Matzinger \Villiam J., trucker, h Reel's la nr 5th Maugans Alvey H .. foreman F. and 1\1. Works, h 518 Emerald Maugans Cora Mrs .. weaver, h 1415 Penn Maugans Emmert F., barber, 1938 Derry, h 2014 Kensington




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-To find a name you must know how to spell It."

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McNeil'. Pain Ellterminator curel! Cbolera Morbu., Dy.entery, Cram... DlarrbCJ!&, Cold., Quinsy, Rheumatism, Tootbache, Sore Tbroat, Alue, DJlpeJl8la, _.;_ 1II1II.



Boyd'i Harrisburg eM) City Directory. \Valter 0., hammerman, h 518 Emerald


~ ::\Iauger Harry, trimmer, h 15:lj Swatara

11auger James A., laborer, h 121 ~lulberry .. \Iauger l\lary, wid Henry, h 615 Briggs -..: MAUK CHARLES H., funeral director and embalmer, 1743 N 6th, h 1741 do ~laul Belle, wid Allen L., h 1233 Derry Maul Gertrude E., stitcher, h 1~33 Derry ~ Maul Harry L., foreman silk mill, h 1233 Derry _ Maul James B., bridge builder, h 1233 Derry IE Maul Nellie \1., folder, h 1233 Derry is Maulfair Edward W., watchman, 11. 914 S 20th : Maulfair John S., brakeman, h 1020 Fox av ~ Maun John A., carpenter, h 120 Chestnut Maurer Frederick c., elk, h 1214 N 2d fI) Maurer Irvin R.. postal elk, h 1402 Regina II: :Maurer Laura c., saleslady, 1300 N 3d, h 329 S 16th Maurer Oscar, engineer, h 329 S 16th Maurice George H., civil engineer, 27 S 2d, h 202 Locust I- Maury Elmer G., driver, h 246 Meadow la Maury Jennie, cigarmkr, h 1333 N 6th c:[ Maus Della, domestic, 209 Pine II: Maustellar William B., dentist, 1723 N 6th, h do I- Maxwell Arthur P., fireman, h 1627 N" 3d Maxwell Catharine D., wid William, h HI06 N 5th Z Maxwell Charles W . elk P. R. R., h 1709 N 5th Maxwell Edna M., dressmkr, h 412 Harris Maxwell Jacob B., conductor, h 1709 K 5th Maxwell Joshua, laborer, h 23d bel Derry ~ Maxwell Oliver P., conductor, h 1940 N 5th Maxwell Sarah B., teacher, h 412 Harris ~ Maxwell William H., frog builder, h 127! Paxton E 2'-'1axwell Wilmer B .. buYer, 3M Market, h 270 Cumb'd C) May Charles A., brickla~'er, h 34 Evergreen U Mav Charles A., laborer. h 8(19 S tilth ..... May Elmer E., laborer. h 1146 Cumberland ~ May Harry, laborer. h ~09 SlOth u May Harry H., barber, ~1 1215 Currant av May James K., brakeman. h 1316 James ~ May John K.. contractor, 14 S 13th. h 16 do C May Mabel 1., charwoman, h 109 Tanner's av 1.&.1 May Nathan, painter, h 2010 State ~ May Samuel R., flagman, h 1907! X 6th ~Iay Sarah E. Mrs .. h 1224 Currant av Q Mav William F., h 1215 Currant av ~ Mayberry Frank P .. printer, h 11 ~ 5th Maver Edna, elk, 1:~04 N 6th, h do ~ Mayer Leon F., laborer, h 1607 Hunter av


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_ _ 8l1'eel. Bell 'Pbone 861 X. or 81MB X.

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y~~ ~~~~~gV;()r::~~ lOll PQper ollll WindOW Shodes Irom A. B. TACK, N.t~\t.
431 Mayer :Mary :\irs., nurse, h 110i 1\ ~d ~layer Minerva E. Mrs., h 116 Hanna j,vlayer Nathan, collector, h 16 S Court av ~laver Otto, ice cream, 161); Swatara, h do Ma)'er Thomas, confectioner, 1304 1\ 6th, h do Mayer, see Meyer, also Moyer Mayers Abraham, furniture, 1005 X 3d, h 1017 Green Mayers John, h 517 Woodbine Mayhew Allison J., salesman, 222 ~It1lberry, h Steelton Mayo Eli, porter Hotel Russ, h 63~ Briggs Mayor's Office, 16 N 2d Mays Helen Mrs., h 516 N 2d McAdams James, machinist, h 1\ational Hotel McAdoo William, mgr, Paxton c ~th, h 1021 Green :McAfee Edward, driller, h 1:~()4 :\ 7th :\lcAfee Ettie P., wid Adam, h 424 :\Iarket McAfee Harry M., elk, h 1a7 S 3d ~rcAfee Jacob M., barber, h 1:302i N 6th McAfee Mary V. :\lrs., h 1:1; S 3d McAfee 1\ evil H., fireman, h 31a Verbeke l\IcAlarnev Ada, wid ~Iatthias W., h 214 State 1[cALARNEY IOHN H., solicitor Penna. Telephone Co., 208 Walnut, h 214 State McAlarney Martha W., h :?14 State McAlicher Alexander, engineer, h 1920 X 5th McAlicher Charles J. H .. student, h 1626 Wallace McAlicher Chester U., elk, i23 N 6th, h 1920 N 5th l\IcAlicher George K, brakeman. h 1907 X 3d McAlicher Harper L.. fireman, h 1920 N ~th :McAlicher Howard W., laborer, h 1626 'Vallace ~tcAlicher John, flagman, h 1626 '\7 allace McAlicher Sherman G., carpenter. h 6aa Dauphin McAlicher William H., laborer, h 5th ab Seneca :\IcAEster Annie M. Mrs., dressmkr, 1417 Shoop, h do McAlister Deborah S .. wid James. h 523 Emerald KcALISTER JOHN B., phYlician, 234 N 3d, h 232 do :YIcAlister John J., motorman, h 519 Emerald 1IcAllister Catharine. wid Daniel, h 122 Ann av l\IcAllister Garfield. elk, n N 2d, h 432 Market ~fcAllister Tames B., machinist, h 21110 N 4th ~'1cAllister john C, foreman F. and M. Wks, h 2010 N 4th ~IcAlli5ter John H .. postal elk. h 432 Market McAllister M. Ella, h l~O:~ N (lth l\IcAllister William, laborer, h 122 Ann av !\IcAlvain James P .. laborer, h 1223 N Cameron McAlvain. see Me Ilvain McAtee Frank. laborer. h 105 Ann av McAteer Emanuel, laborer, h 409 Strawberry av Boyd'i Harrilburg

City Directory.

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.. To find a name you must !mow how to spell it."

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Mc Blair Annie. wid Tames. h 1!l!17 X 7th xlcBride \\"illiam I,.. hrakeman, h :l!fj Buyd av -a ~lcBilmey Andre\\", machini!'t, h :!2S S 1;)lh .:; lY1cHume)' Jerome T .. tekgraph<:r P. R. R.. h 4~1 S 17th t- McCabe Annie. housekeeper, 15W 1\ 4th ~ McCabe Annie. wid Samuel, h HII!I Capital o ~fcCabe Frand:; iI., bartcnf:er, :!1:! Stra\\berry av, h 404 Z Briggs ~ ~lcCabe James A., ins, h 41)4 Briggs I\lcCabe Jalnes A . laborer, II 614 Race McCabe Jane, wid Frank, h 4114 Briggs ~lcCabe -'lary. cashier. 1:~3 State, h :!:!7 Har ~ ~lcCabe Thomas, hostler, h 15111 X 4th McCabe William G., bricklayer. h !lOll Capital _ '\lcCachran Thomas ~I., elk P. R. R., h 132 Locust ;; McCafferty George W., helper, h 629 Herr . ; McCaffrey Mary, domestic, :n~ N Court av _ :\1cCahan Alice M., h 619 Harris a: _lVlcCahan David E., cleaner, h 3:!2 Herr McCahan George C, switchman, h 425 Peffer -! McCahan John L., fireman, h 615 Dauphin 1ii ~lcCahan Thomas, civil engineer, h 132 Locust ..... i\'IcCahan Wiliam A., engineer, h 619 Harris McCahan WilIiam L., fireman, h 16311 Wallace a: McCALEB WILLIAM B., supt middle division, P. R. R. depot, .. h 27 N Front :! ~lcCa)] Anna. domestic, ::24 X :!d == McCall Carlton C., teadler, h ;j1 :\ 13th McCall Hugh B., steelworker, h 1:!69 S 9th .::; McCalley J. Leo, tinner, h l!!U~ Chestnut ::> McCalley Lavinia R, wid James n., h 1:!08 Chestnut I&J McCallionJohn F., elk P. R. R., h !HS N 6th McCamant H. Clay, elk aud genl, Capitol, h 610 Briggs .\IcCamant Samuel, wart-houseman, ~:!2 Mulberry, h 218 Boas I&J ~IcCa11lant Thomas. lawyer, 1~ :\ ad, h in1 ~ :!d ~IcCann Abraham, lahorer, h l;:: Lochicl 5th Row McCann Alexander, pipe line, h 110 Dock l\lcCaim Alexander, jr., ironworker, h UO Dock McCann Amos R., laborer. h 11U5 N Cameron McCann Charles, ironworker. h 1111 Dock ~cCann James. watchman Dauphin Co. Prison, h 572 Race :\IcCann James P .. phltllber. h 57:! Race I&J McCann Jane, wirl James. h 7H1 Showers av i\lcCann John, drivcr. h w~ S Riyer av McCann John. engint'er, h lUlltl} N 7th McCann :\t'lIie M. Mrs .. h 21H Herr

... 432

Ton of


H M KELLEY 011. BI..." ....." .rder... {t10th and 3d Street. o. CO'S DI...........North State SII.

Boyd'. Harrisburg ()-[) City Directory.


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ANDREW REDMOND, If:rr::':::;d~::'~:~~. {3d and Reily Sts.

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Boyd'i Harrisburg (M) City Directory.






- S. I

433 Ii 719 Show


av McCann \\"iliiam A., laborer, h 1:;13 ~ U ~ McCanna Elizabeth, wid John, h 1441 Derry Mct :;n;;;a h 144 DernMcC";;;;s \Vilbm; S., c;;;;;luctor, 1;3:!:!


Mell.U bRELL bb11lUEL M., U. district uttornuy middlu district of Penna. and lawyer, (Iurviving partner of Fleming & McCaruull) 16 N 2d; h 121 Locult
Me; :;;noll McCarroll McCarroll McC;;sroll Mct roll McCarroll l\IcCarroll McCarroll 1\lct McC;;rthy McCarthy McCarthy )'lc;,.rnhy l\IcCnrthv McCarthy McCarth)' Me( kinMc(;;rth;' McCarthy McCarthy l\Ie( lk;;jamin, h Herr 1:ertha, pCl1mkr, h :5:;;; lerr Clara ':\1., dressmkr. h ;~:!II Herr ciga;;., \1:\5 ~ ;~d. h 1i:!1 For,;ter :\1..:\1 dres;;;; 1;r;h ':!t;;~ Forster ~lary \\'. r;:.., shir;;;;k;, h r );r i'itl; Sue, pellmkr, h :~:!II Herr William, h :>i)I) Forster AlE;" I., do;;;a:-tic. !n :!d don;;,.;;;', :!14 :!d Bridget, domestic Hotel Columbus C.a!~aughan A, tailo.r. ~l ii:!: State Li;laughan hotel ,;u4 ::-itatr. do h Cow; Cornelius A., machinist, h Gll'l State Dennis, mason, h 1:~ X alh Denms F., b;;rlencie; l;;l;4 Stat; do h;;;uer, h I " , !lth Frank A., signal operator, h 1l'l:!l'l State James B., bar elk, 5:!4 State, h do Jerl'm;ah, lah"rer, h S !Ith



~i~~:~~\~~ j~~~~~~a~.:., ma~~i,;~st, h ~(;:itl~owdcn

~~~f;;rl~~ J;:;~::::l;= {~ tl'b~~I~~~~d:p;~;:;or
Mc t ;hv J-v;;.nhine McCarthy Joanna, domestic, 1()8 X :!d

11{(~lkl (:;~vde!l
:-;';4 ~tat;'


I\IcCarthy John J., paperhanger, h 1:!OL X 7th McCar::? ~Josephine, telephone operator, .:!:!7 W~lnut, h

Z 0
") ,..

McCar~hy J~;i~: telephone ope';~t~r, h 'i107-S lIth .. .McCarthy Julia. domestic, ~()!I i\Iarket
l\1;:u'; ciga; h ~ nth :\Ic{ don ;;t c, ;):!:? 'dfer McCarthy l\lar)', wid i\lichael. h 1~1() Bailey :McCarthy Man' A., dressmkr, h 806 Cowden !vIe( X G., ;;;f)n Cow kn McCartney! L., (;;1rpl'lllcr, li:11 av McCartney "Maria, domestic, :!5 S Front

icl Cl;-;.rI;,s F


1'1 ct








'1: McCarty ~lary, wid Charles, h HOi :'-l' Cameron McCarty Roy W., messenger P. R. R., h u:!1 Dauphin av -B- IVlcCarty William, puddler, h 31 Lochiel :~d Row _ McCarty \Villiam ]., car cleaner, h 5:!1 Dauphin av - nlcCarvel Terrence, machinist, h 12G~ S lIth i l\lcCarville Mamie E., teacher, h 2:n Verbeke ::; McCarville William, charger, h 231 Verbeke l\lcCaskey James N., dentist, :!15 ~larket. h :!:!4 ~ 2d "f! McCASKEY 10SEPH A., wholesale produce, 1621 Swatara, ~ h do ~lcCauley Bessie 0., milliner. h 548 Race :: ~lcCauley Charles E., clk C. I. and S. Co., h 548 Race S ~fcCauley Daniel E., elk, h 1203 N 6th .. McCauley Elmer E., flagman, h 627 Kelker :iI McCauley Sarah E., wid Gilbert ~L, h 13 S Front ~I(;Oain Barbara A. Mrs., h Vernon ab 14th nlcClain Charles, baker, h 14:!4 William 11cClain Edward, basketmkr, h 13:!5 Susquehanna ~lcClain Elmer, laborer, h 21141 N 5th IaJ ~IcClain George, laborer, h 430 S Cameron ..J ~IcC1ain Harry, houseman Hotel Royal, h do ~ll Clain Harvey, engineer, h 946 Paxton c:t nlcCIain John, gasmkr, h 1440 Vernon IaJ McClain Sarah :\lrs., h Vernon ab 14th C ~IcC1arin George Q., car inspector, h HlH Elizabeth av McClaughen Andrew E . laborer, h 4141 Reily IaJ l\JcClaughen, see :\'Iaglachlin, also ~IcGlaughlin, also McLaughlin l\IcCleaf Flora, dressmkr, h 1413 X ~d ~ ~JcCleaf Helen D., binder, h 836 S Cameron z: ~fcC1eaf Lindsey J., miller, h 8.16 S Cameron C ~IcCIean 1\lichael. hostler, h 15H X :ld ~ McCLEAN ROBERT B., news editor Telegraph, h 21711 2d ~ ~fcClean William M . machinist, h 2:l2 Hamilton '-' McClearv Abraham S .. boilermkr, h H21 Rose av .... ~lcC\eary Alice, cigarmkr, h 921 Rose av C ~IcCIeary BlaQche, cigarmkr, h 921 Rose av C ~rcCleary Ephraim. engineer, h :l:l6 S 16th u :\IcCleary Kate, wid Scott, h 605~ State Q :\\cCleaster Alexander. fireman. h 1240 ~Iarket :\lcCleaster Anne :\'1.. !'alesladv, 223 Market, h 2038 N 5th )'kClea!'ter Catharine E .. dr('~smkr. h 2038 N 5th ~ ~IcC1easter Charle!' F .. brickmkr, h 248 Hummel ~IcCleaster James, inspector. h 1240 ).Iarket Q ~IcCleaster Sarah. wid James. h 20:lS ;\ 5th ~ l\lcClellan Benjamin F., engineer. h ZIt c Brookwood z: l\icClellan Edward H .. tinsmith. h 212 Calder McClellan James J., elk U. S. Hotel, h do

McNEIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. :~.~I:;J~/~~!~~::S-al~it!: {306 Broa'

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.

.: 434

en a:

J0811.11 ..... wh_ EDW G ROBERTS W\llgoonYOUrbond. Bell 'Phone d81 e848 X. bonda are X. or
execut~ 85~

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A. B. TACK l::.'::.o~:~t IOU PODer und IlndOI 8Il0\le& rzl~~:1.:

Boyd'a Harriaburg eM) City Directory. 43!l

McClellan Kate W., telephone operator. h 212 Calder McClintock Amelia, wid William, h 1211 Liberty McClintock Charles W., trainmaster P. R R, h 1418 ~ 21 McClintock Frederick T., elk P. R. R . h IUS N 2d McClintock George E.; laborer. h IS52 Swatara McClintock Jane ~lrs., h 406 Verbeke McClintock Joseph H., elk P. R. R., h 1418:\" 2d McClintock Nellie c., h 18117 Green McClintock Norah E., packer, h 1852 Swatara McS:lintock Ray. laborer, h 1852 Swatara McClintock Thomas J., fireman. h 15117 ~ 5th McClintock vVashington S., carpenter. h 1412 ~ 7th McClintock William J., engineer. h 16tH Susquehanna McCloskey Anna E., notions, 12:l6 ~larket. h do McCloskey Hugh J., machine hand. h 11S Boas McCloskey ~Iary, domestic, 118 Verbeke McCloskey Rose A., wid Michael, h 12.16 ~larket McClune John S., elk. 1:~22 N 3d, h 220 Harris McCLUNE THOMAS R., pictures and frames. 1322 N 3d, h 220 Harris see adv McClure Alice E., domestic. ::124 )J' 2d McClure Amelia. wid John, h 1000 S 9th McClure Anna M., h 226 N"orth McClure Charles \V .. elk, h Franklin House McClure Eliza J., h 226 Xorth McClure Elmer A., pressman Telegraph. h HlOO S 9th McClure Elwood S., janitor. 217 Chestnut. h 2:12 Mulberry McClure Esther M .. forelady silk mill. h 911 Grand McClure Florence E., laundress, h 314 Cumberland McCLURE GEORGE S. School of Commerce, 24-26 S 2d, h 116 do McClure George T .. elk. 426 ~Iarket. h 1125 X 6th McClure Harry. agt. h 31 N 5th McClure Ira L.. millhand, h 466 S Cameron McClure James E., laborer, h 122H S 9th McClure Jennie V., cigarmkr. h Franklin House McClure Jessie. nurse Hbg Hospital. h do McClure John c., baker, h 519 N 5th McClure John M., agt. h 314 Cumberland McClure Milton B.. h 323 Granite av McClure Saidie, h 624 Walnut McClure Sarah, elk, h 327 Crescent McClure T. Haves. machinist. h 1125 X 6th McCLURE WILi:.1.A1I F. L., Franklin House, 217 Walnut, h do aee adv next page McClure Wm. R. asst custodian P. O. bldg. h 31)4 Crescent McCollum Edward. fireman. h 191 H X 6th McCollum l\lichael. engineer. h 192~ X 6th

0 0

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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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H M KELLEY & CO {I10th and3d Street. North State SII.


Boyd'. Hani.burg eM) City Directory.


..... McColm Harriet, centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do ..... Mc.Comas WiIIiam J., flagman, h 1~18 N 5th ~ McCombs Albert H., flagman, h 1H91 N 7th ..... McCombs Emma, wid David J., h 17 N 7th McComsey Harry, elk, h 444 Walnut :M:cCONXEY CHARLES B., lawyer, 219 :M:artet, h 209 S Front :;; McConkey Fannie W., wid Eldridge, h 209 S Front :; McConkey John, elk, 4 N 3d, h 209 S Front ~ McConkey Sarah B., h 209 S Front McConnell Lavinia, matron, 1102 N 3d, h do _ McConnell Lewis c., repairsman, h 535 Violet av ::: McConnell Minnie K., teacher, h 13H N 13th McCool Joseph H., laborer, h 614 Showers av '::i McCord Annie, boxmkr, h 331 Clinton av ::> McCord Caroline 0., wid John, h 121 1\orth l&J McCord Charles H., conductor, h H1R Dauphin ~ l\IcCord Edward, laborer, h 2122 N 7th ~ McCord Elizabeth Mrs., h 114() ~larket I.&J McCbrd John M., elk Mer. Nat. Bank, h 1844 State McCord Laura H., candymkr. h 121 North McCord Mary, wid Joseph, h 342 Boyd av McCord Mary, wid Samuel. h 1m7 )J 6th McCord Robert, laborer, h 2122 N 7th McCord Sara F .. saleslady, 326 ~Iarket, h a27 Crescent :\1cCord Thomas B.. huckster. h 121 :'\orth \1cCord William D., shoemkr. h 121 North McCORMACK HARRY S., dist mgr Remington Standard l&J Typewriter, 19 Ii 3d, h The Lochiel McCormick Annie c., wid Henry, h 3111 N Front McCormick Bushrod. stone mason. h :Ul Blackberry av McCormick Cameron. h 1716 N 6th .:- McCormick Charles E., engineer, h 216 Reily McCormick Christina, wid William. h 111118 Green ~ McC.~~~~k Donald, clk Dauphin Deposit Bank, h 101 N


o Z
a: >

~ FRANKLIN HOUSE McCormick Eliza. h 1111 I\' Front McCormick Eliza F .. h 227 State ~ McCormick Frank H .. pressman Telegraph. h 524 Muench :z: McCormick George H., brakeman, h 1260 Market !:i McCorll1ick Harris B.. elk ~f('r. Nat. Bank. h 314 N 2d




W. F. L. McCLURE, - Pl"'opl"'iefol"'

Rates, $1.00 to $2.00 Per Day. Electric lights.


! --- Court A",r.. and Walnut St., Oppositr. Post Office. Cor. :-:R:~':!~8~!i~!!:'j.;! ANDREW REDMOND. {3d and Reily Sfs.
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'. 8 1ft.. TACK

1.18 {BlllploJI_. baS 1laH1_ _Irma. beDee OD/l:: I N. 3d St. cIaIi . . . udlll8ureals. WorlldODelDaDJpartol

Boyd's Harrisburg (M.) City Directory.


McCormick Harry E., brakeman, h 6:!:l Dauphin McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., Sla Market McCormick Henry, (est), :!2:l ~larket McCormick Henry, 223 "-'larket, h 101 ~ Front McCormick Henry B., treas, 223 Market, h 305 N Front McCormick Henry c., (McCormick, :\ead & McCormick). h Williamsport McCormick Howard W .. painter, h la2 Dauphin McCormick Jacob H., yardmaster, h 234 ~Iulberry McCormick Jacob I.. elk, 'j :\ 4th, h Ill:) <10 KoCORKICK lAKES, (deceased), estate, 223 Kartet McCormick James, 223 Market, h 101 ~ Front McCormick James. jr., h 101 )oJ Front McCormick James P., actor, h 1716 ~ 6th McComlick lames S .. hrakeman. h (i:~2 Hamilton McCormick john L., insurance. h 1II11S Green McCormick Kate. wid Levi J., h 1)31 Briggs McCormick L. ~fargaret, teacher. h l()U~ (;reen McCormick ~largaret J .. wid Howard, h li!~:! Hamilton McCormick :Marie E .. attendant Lunatic llospital. h do KcCORltICX, NEAD & McCORlrlICK, (Henry C. IIcCormick, Benjamin II. Nead and Seth T. McCormick), lawyeR, Russ bldg, 15 N 2d McCormick Park, cantlvmkr. h 1201 :\ Frunt McCormick Robert. elk Dauphin Depo~it E:nk. h 101 N Front McCormick Samuel :\1.. asst supt. 21 N :~<I. h 1:.!60 ~larket McCormick Sarah. wid \\,illiam, h 12114 ?\ Cameron McCormick Sarah R.. wid George T., h fit2 Dauphin McCormick Seth T .. (\lcCormick. :\ea<l & ~lcCormick), h Williamsport IIcCORIIICK VANCE C. HON., mayor, 18 N 2d, trustee, 223 lIarket, h 301 N Front McCormick Walter 11., jeweler. 1600 N' 6th. h 612 Dauphin l\IcCormick \Y. Elmer, pressman. h 1il2 Dauphin McCormick \Yilliam. bag-g"gema~ter. h 42:1 Market McCoy Avril, notions. 510 :-:outh. h do McCoy Catharine, cigarmkr. h 1117 Wallace McCoy Catharille. wid lames F .. h 11114 Plum av Mceo:' Harn A . ho!'tkr. h !121i (;ranrl ~kCo\' H linter \ ... artist. h !I S lIith l\1c("~\ John. huotblack. :n;") ~Iarkl't. h 4117 ~ !jtll 1\'Ic("o)' l\Iary E.. seamstress Lun<ttie Ho~pital. h do Mc("O\' T. Amhrose. lahorer, h :):t~ Primr']se av l'vIcCo~ \,\'iIliam C. plumber. h 261 Forster McCoy \Villiam F .. machinist. h 2m Forster Ml'Cr~'a Harn. hrakeman. h 1!I:~-l Fulton Md. n'a R\1il1~. watchman Ilhg- Clnh, hi ,\berdt'en av - - - - - -- --- - - - - - - - - -


Q .....
.. -t


... .-. ,


21" ..r~z




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Z -I Z

" To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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Boyd's Harrisburg {M) City Directory.

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:\lcCrea West B .. laborer, h ~1)43 Logan av McCrearey Mary, weaver, h 246 North McCreary Charles. pitman, h VB -! X 7th ~lcCreary Elijah P .. ins agt. 14 S ~d. h Middletown ~JcCreary John, shoe cutter, h 12~7 Bailey :\fcCreary Joseph F., laborer, h 465 S Cameron McCreary Vernon. puddler, h 441 Boyd av McCREATH ANDREW S., chemist, 223 Market, h 811 N Front :\IcCreath Andrew S., jr., student, :!:!:! 1Iarket. h 811 N Front :\kCreath Lesley. chemist, :!~:3 l\larket, h 811 ~ Front l\lcCrcath Robert, student, h ~1l X Front :\~cCrecry Catharine L., wid Ceorge J.. h :!Ilfj South McCrery Ella, domestic, 1741 :-.J 6th :\lcCroJle Edgar L., repairsmall, h )Ij~t1 Chestnut :\lcCrone George S., elk, h ~l1n Hemlock McCrory James W., h 41~ Forster McCue S. Alice. wid John, h 1~~!J Cowden McCue Thomas B.. boilermkr, h ll'lo:J4 Swatara McCulla Edmund. restaurant. 111114 Market. h :~4 S :!d McCu\1a John, puddler, h 27 Lochiel 3d Row ?llcCulla Joseph F., electrician, h :U S :!d :\IcCu\1a Michael. huckster. 34 S 2d, h do :\lcCulloch John X., elk, ~:!~ :\Iarket, h :!:; S :~d :\lcCulloch Ivlargaret, wid Stewart T .. h 1~1I:! X :!d McCULLOCH SAlIUEL W., dept insurance commissioner, Capitol, h 1202 N 2d McCullough Amelia R., wid James H .. h 4~5 Harris McCullough Emma P., saleslady, 406 :\Iarket. h 4~5 Harris McCu1\ough Ethel M., saleslady, h 4:!5 Harris McCULLOUGH lAl1ES P., bus mgr Patriot, h 25 Evergreen l\JcCu\1ough Mary Mrs., h rear 121~ Market McCullough :\httie, shoe operator, h nar 1~1:! :\Iarket McCully William H., (Reliable Art Co.). h l". s. Hotd l\lcCune Mattie, housekeeper, 14:!3 Yernon McCune Robert \V., roller, h nus S !Hh McCurdy Frank E .. elk, 571 Race, h (il~ du McCurdy George 'vV., puddler, h 61~ Race McCurdy Geo. W., jr., pressman Telegraph. 11 14:!!1 Shoop McCurdy Ralph B., laborer, h 620 Race ~lcCurdy Ross S., laborer, h 618 Race ~1cCurdy \\'arren E., brakeman, h 6Uo; Race ~IcCurdy William E., inspector. h ti:!O Race ~kCurdy \\'iIIiam E., jr., linotype operator, h 171:~ P,'1l1l ~IcCurtin George P., machinist, h 1~57 S 1:1th McCutcheon Hoine M., wid Robert. h 17~:1 ~ fith McCutcheon Katharine :\'Irs., h 17~:1 ~ lith

.... 8'eHIR aell"r EDW G ROBERTS -,-.."Ideal,..LI.htll",81. Bell 'Pbone 851 X,__ ....ace. 103 Nort 8,,_... or 68flI X. Digitized CoogIe


RBD FRO."', Wall Paper.and Window Shadu. f .118 Nerllo '1II.rd Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory. 439


To find a name you must know how to spell it.

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McDade George. adv agt, ~:.W :\Iarket. h :!H7 Xorth McDaniel George A., machinist. h 1:!1I~ Bailey McDermott (;eorge, puddler, h 1:J1I7 S l:.!th McDevitt John J., boilermkr, h ;;:t! :\laday McDevitt Sarah, wid John, h 1117 Calder McDevitt Thomas H., chief elk P. }{. R.. h :n:t Chestnut McDevitt William H., machinist. h 1~1I7 Green McDonald Charles A, elk, 115 ~Iarket. h 4lfi X :~d McDonald Clyde B., press feeder. h 1:!U4 ~Iarket McDonald Frank C, laborer, h 1:!114 :\larket McDonald James W., laborer, h 14:!:.! Derry McDonald John R, machinist. h 14:!:! Derry McDonald Joseph C., shearsman. h 1:!04 :\larket McDonald ~label, saleslad\. :~:!Ii ~larket, h H:.!:! Derrv McDonald Mary A, wid Oliver. h :]07 S 15th . McDonald ~laude, seamstre~s. h 1aUi Green McDonald Samuel A, engineer, h 1511i Green McDonel Charles L.,laborer, h 1:~:.!1 Thompson av McDonel Thomas B., laborer, h 1:n9 Howard McDonnell Alfred A., plasterer. h 141:1 Green' McDonnell A. Ruth, student, h 141:~ Green McDonnell C. Hilbert, fireman. h H:!fi Susquehanna McDonnell Harry, car inspector, h 141:1 lireen McDonnell John, laborer, h 14115 :\Iarion McDonnell William K .. laborer. h liH:.! \\'oodbine l\lcDonough John. grocer. :.!IUI Herr. h do McDougal Willis D., engineer. h IHII!} X ith McDowell Ida L., printer, h l:~a:! \'emon l\IcElhaire Catharine. wid TanH'S :\1.. h 11:~:~ X lith McElhanev Frank. brakeman. h 417 Harris McElhoe Rose, domestic. 214 X :1d McElhoes Samuel E .. bookkpr. Wth bel Chestnut, h The i i Central _ ... ~ :::D McEllhenny Alice ~I., domestic. 91!1 X 2d :.. McElroy Harry, butcher. h 1:.?:!1I Bailey c-, McElwee Andrew J .. plasterer. h 41i Hamilton !" McElwee Edward. cigarmkr. h 417 Hamilton McElwee Evans H .. h 417 Hamilton :McElwee William H., plasterer. h 41:1 Hamilton McEnroe Charles H .. machinist. h !H 7 Green McEntee Margaret G., trimmer, Ii S 211. h Steelton Me Evoy Catharine T .. wid Thoma!' D .. h :?!I X l:?th McEvoy T. Charies, machinist. h :?!l X 12th McEvov Theresa, seamstress. h :?!l X l:?th McEvo~' William. machinist. h 2!l X 1:.?th en McFadden Andrew B .. h U~:.!l Creen McFadden Annie. h 1II1:? X :1<[ tD Me Fadden David. painter. h Hit:.! Penn

I -I I

o o

... -



~,~- ---~-----"'




-OUR MOTTO.Hoaut Coal. Hoaut We/jrht. f .

tH M KELLEY & CO JlfOUl and 3d Street. ftorth , 111111 SII.

ttl McFadden Edward G., student, h :!6:J Sassafras av :: McFadden Elizabeth :\1.. stengr, h it:! X Hth ", McFadden Frank. conductor, h :l411 S lith McFadden Grace, capmkr, h 131 Yerbeke McFadden James, grocer. 1:!50 'Valnut. h do z McFadden James F., fireman, h :!01i X 5th :\fcFadden John C. conductor, h !l16 ~ :Jd iI McFadden John E .. stone cutter. :!H:l Sassafras av en :\fcFadden John F .. engineer. h 5141 ~laelay :: ~fcFadden John Vv., grocer, l:Jl ""erbeke. h du -_ 1\Ic Fadden Mary E .. wid Samuel, h U~:l5 N 4th :> McFadden :\1ason S .. engineer. h ltm~ Green ;::::. McFadden Sara, tel opr. 227 Walnut, h ::wa Sassafras av 1&.1 McFadden Thomas F .. mgr, 10th c State. h 1009 Market !vlcFadden Yictor H .. brakeman, h 71:! ~ lith McFadden William C. h 1:!4~ :\Iarket 1&.1 McFadden William F., watchman, h :!fi:l Sassafras av l"fcFadden William H .. yardmaster. h i1:! X 6th ~kFadden William J., transfer elk P. R. R .. h ltl12 N 3d Z McFall Frarik K, mgr. :n 7 Chestnut. h 45 :\ lath McFalls Mary J .. (Hoffman & :\1cFalls), h l!)fll N 3d l\Ic Farland Addie. wid George F . h 133 N 13th McFarland Charles A., driver, h 16 N Cameron l\fcFarland Edward S .. yardmaster. h 158 Sylvan ter I . I :\IcFarland George, elk; 42:! l\[arket. h 1H35 North McFARLAND GEORGE G. bicycles, &c., 310 Cumberland,. 11161118 N 3d and 14 N Market sq, h 235 Boas McFarl~.nd James R.. salesman. h :t!5 Chestnut ~IcFarland J. Horace. treas J. Horace :\lcFarland Co., h cC 129 S 13th :5 McFARLAND 1. HORACE CO., (Mt. Pleasant Press), 1. ~ Horace McFarland, treas; printers, electrotypers, engravg; . ers, binders, &c., Crescent c :Mulberry ~ :\IcFarland Katharine :yr.. teacher. h lfi~ Svlvan ter ...., :\lcFarland William C. elk P.O., 11 1!)~ Svivan ter ~ McGaghey Samuel. machinist. h 4:!H Harris :\fcGann Albert \V., helper, h l!I33 !\ 5th ,\-1cGann Anna J .. tacker, h 44 ~ Wth ~ :\IcGann Laura. tacker. h 44 ~ Wth :: :\IcGann ;\Iarv A .. h 14117 N (jth fe \-eGann Park W., carpenter. h 1:!:!1I X nth ", :\lcGann Ross P .. car cleaner, h WI i X 6th t:; ..\IcGann Susan. wid James R.. h 44 ~ lllth ~ ..\IcGann Thomas. planer. h 44 :\ lIIth i= ~IcGann William C. elk P. R. R.. notary. h 11117 }.; 6th ...., ..\eGarvey Annie A .. cigarmkr, h :W:!l ',,"ood av c:; .\IcGarvey Cora ,,\1., bU\1cher, h ;)j~ Showers av ~ MC<;arvey Hugh. timekpr. h :!fl21 Wood av



Boyd's Harrisburg eM) City Directory.


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~-- ~- - - ---~~

REDMOND. {3d and Relly.SIs.

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A. 8. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger, {t21l':.:h -;':;~~-:....

Boyd'. Hani.burg (M) City Directory, 441
McGarvey John, laborer, h 5j~ Showers av McGarvey John A., laborer, h 6:t~ Verbeke McGarvey ~Iartin, fireman, h 6:!5 Calder McGarvey Sophia c., cigarmkr, h :!Otl Wood av McGary Harry W., laborer, h rear 6tn Walnut McGary Susan, nurse Children's Industrial Home, h do Mct.;eehan Stasia T .. milliner, a6 N 3d, h Steelton McGeehan Thomas D., ~teel melter, h 519 North McGill Blanche V., stengr,:n j Chestnut, h 4114 Filbert McGill Philip F., elk, a:!6 :\larket, h 404 Filbert McGinley Daniel E., h 14:!4 Eerryhill McGinle)' John, laborer, h Send S Cameron McGinley John K., h 11114 James av McGinlev ~lan' F. :\Irs .. h V~5 N 4th McGinnes E. \Valton, elk, 227 Walnut, h 1619 Derry McGinnis P. Howard, polisher, h 1:!1I6 X 6th McGlaughlin Katharine :\Irs., h 1:!()5 N :~d McGlaughlin Lemuel B., assembler. h 2!l S:!d McGlaughlin Nellie. weaver, h 2:!H State McGlaughlin Sherman W., reamer, h la06 S Cameron McGlaughlin, see :\laglatlchlin, also ~lcClaughen, also McLaughlin McGonigal Alice, housekeeper, IR2~ Hickory av McGonigal William A .. elk, h 118 South McCovern Bridget, wid Patrick. h 523 Cowden McGovern Edward, laborer. h 731 State McGovern :\lan' A. E. :\Irs . h WIR Hemlock McGovern Pct~r, shoemkr. h 5:.m Cowden McGovern Thomas, elimber, h 523 Cowden McGowan Alice c., teacher, h 718 N 3d McGowan Anna, domestic. III State Mc(;owan Cornelia A., stengr, h 71H K :ld McGowan Edward. candymkr, h 1:!1I6 Fulton McGowan Ceorge S., confectioner, 7l~ X :ld. h do .McGowan Hannah A., wid James, h 3:~3 Peffer McGowan Henrv \V., ironworker, h l:~a Hanna McGowan Hiral~l, physician. 23(i State, h do McGowan James J., nail feeder, h 1:~3 Hanna McGowan John, puddler, h 1:~:~ Hanna McGowan John, jr., brass molder, h 1:~:~ Hanna McGowan John W., engineer, h :U6 Xorth Mc(;owan John \V., jr., fireman. h alii Xorth McGowan Jm-ephine, beader, h 133 Hanna McGowan Pearl, cook, t14 Pine Mc(;owan William P .. carpenter. h 1:!:!II X 6th l\fcGrail Blaine G .. salesman, h 1121 X Front :McGrail HO\\'ard S .. elk. 122~ X 2<1, h 1121 K Front


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,. To find a name you must !mow how to spell it."

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...... lIeIEIL'S PAil EXTERIlIIATOR give. you all appetite. Many {306 BrZitd. millions have been cured by It.



Boyd's Hani.burg (M) City Directory.

__ ~lcGran John S., grocer, 1608 Walnut, h 1602 do :; -c ~IcGran Joseph H., cutter, h 1602 Walnut McGran Sarah, seamstress, h 1602 Walnut =- :\-IcGranagan Agnes, housekeeper, 1425 :\Iarket ~ McGranagan Annie G., trained nurse, h 1614 Penn McGranagan James \V., machinist, h 161-l Penn McGranaghan John E., machinist, h 1715 Penn ... McGRATH lAMES REV., h 1425 Market McGrath Mary :\.Jrs., h Home for the Friendless McGregor Lc~is J., elk Ins Dept, Capitol, h Carlisle .. McGrew Diatha, wid John, h 406 Cranberry av ~ McGrew Ella, housekeeper, 406 Cranberry av McGrew Mary, domestic, 406 Cranberry ay : :McGuffin Lee, laborer, h 207 Nectarine ay 2 McGuire Charles A., fireman, h 2120 N 6th McGuire John A., brakeman, h 1927 K 7th fI) Nl cGuire Joseph c., chemist, h 660 Calder McGuire Margaret A.. saleslady, :US ~Iarket, h 660 Calder t&J NIcGuire Mary, wid John, h 218 South ..I McGuire \\iilliam H., fireman, h 1116 Wallace McGuire William J., machinist, h 660 Calder 1&.1 McGuire, see Maguire, also Mcguire McHazeli Robert W., driver, h 212 X lIIth Q McHenery Catharine A., wid William. h :!:!;~ S 15th t&J McHenery Daisy M., vamper, h 215 Cre~cent folder, h O McHenery Gertrude M ..223 S 15th215 Crescent McHenery Mary M., h MrHenery :Millard F., publisher. h 22:~ S 15th ~ McHenery William H., shear~man. h 215 Crescent z: McIlhenny Agnes R.. wid Ceylon P .. h 8 S 13th ~ Mcllhenny George W., deputy sheriff. C. H . h 2;; ;-.; 13th IE McILHENllY JOHN H., warden Dauphin County Prison, h do o McIlhenny Kate A.. matron Dauphin County Prison, h do ~ McIlhenny Minnie c., h Dauphin County Prison ..... Mcilhenny Sarah R., h Dauphin County Prison C McIlhenny Susan S., h Dauphin County Prison Mcllhenny William A .. dep recorder. C. H .. h 1217 ~iarket CI McIlvain Charles K.. (Decker & :\Iclh'ain), h :H16 ~ 6th z: McIlvain Lizzie, h Home for the Friendless . . Mcilvain, see McAlvain McIntyre Charles J . fireman. h 1023 X 7th ~ McIntvre Ellen. wid William. h 121 :\lulberrv McIntyre George E., artist. h 2":l:~ Logan a,~ c:::a McIntyre James, laborer. h 424 State ~ McIntyre :\fary c.. h 515 ~ 5th McIntyre Walter D., laborer. h 121 :\Tulherry ~ M_cI_n_tyre Wilson .T . laborer. h 41S S Ri~~r_a_y__ __ _

... = ... a



The Amerl,,"n Boadln. (!ompa.y. BaltImore. Md.

KOW. G. ROBBRTA. General Agent Central Penna. DIstrict. 10311. I. S&. Bell'Phone S.~! X. or 68C3X.
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"IN':~~~Il~:::r~~~i..!:...R. {l216 10M Boyd's Harrisburg (ll) City Directory.

mlrd II.

)(cKAJJJP ROBERT W., propr Park Hotel, 307 Walnut, h do see adv ~IcKay Daisy M., cigar roller, h SOj S Front ~fcKay Louisa, cigar roller, h 80j S Front McKay Sylvester, puddler, h 807 S Front McKay William S., h 203.S 2d ~lcKeage Anna F., h 324 S 13th McKee Abner C., genl agt Brookwood Improyement Assn, 14th and Argyle, h 116 S 13th :\lcKee Annie M., h 109 N 4th :\JcKee Catharine M., h 109 X 4th ~dcKee Edward c., plumber, 1342 K 3d, h do . McKee George W., h 109 K 4th l\lcKee Harry, brakeman, h 142:-q Regina l\1cKee James T., engineer, h 1718 N 3d McKee James T., jr., engineer, h 1326 Fulton McKee Mary J., wid Andrew J., h 335 Walnut McKee Rudolph F., machinist, h 516 N 2d :\IcKeehan Don 0., laborer, h 2628 61 McKeehan Margaret A., wid Francis, h 2628 6! :McKeever Charles B., roller, h 510 Emerald :\IcKeever George A., tinner, h 511! Kelker McKelvey Oyde M., dentist, 6 ~ 2d, h do Me Ke1vey H. Albert, salesman, aa4 Market, h 22~ S 15th McKelvey Westley, laborer, h 228 S 15th McKELVY lACOB 1., carpenter and contractor, 1316 Bartine av, h 1311 Ii. Front :\lcKelvy J. Alfred, carpenter, h 1311 N Front :.\lcKelvy Jennie S., dressmkr, h 1:n1 N Front McKILLIPS ALEXANDER, machinery, belting, pulleys, hangers and printers' supplies, 421 South, h Lemoyne McKillips Andrew G., laborer, h 416 S Cameron McKiIlips J. Howard, asst mgr, 421 South, h Lemoyne McKiIlips John E., brakeman, h :1:~11 Kelker :\IcKillips Sarah J., wid Philip G.. h 416 S Cameron :\lc Kinney Bertha R., stengr, h 1312 Vernon McKlinsey Winnie, floorlady, h 1024 Market McKnight Samuel S., salesman, h 415 Maclay :\lcLain Annie L. Mrs., h 203 Walnut :\IcLaine Eli C, foreman P. & R., h 135 Linden

o o





is ~


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:::i o

R. W. McULLlP, Proprietor.

A. M. UNOIS, Manager.



3 0 7 'WV.lnut St., - H . r r i e b u r l r , P ~ It OO.r fI Op.ra Ratl'. $1.2& per Day; $&.00 P.r W
8~1 Rates to Organizations. AnheuserBusch Beer, Bottled and D:au,ht. Choice Wines and LiqUOri. Finest Brands of Clgan In the Cit,..




-To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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H. M. KELLEY &, CO., COAL AND WOOD {Ollices: :O~o~d\~~~1::

444 Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.

to ~ 'z

.c= z: .~ ;:: .







;:: ~ McLAUGHLIN 1. T. W., pattern and modelmaker, 425 South,

l\lcLaine John. laborer. h Vernon a1> 14th McLanachan Francis, baker, h fJ:t! Briggs ~lcLane Thomas, laborer, h I Hi ~ Camcr,.:.ln McLane William, helper, h 115 S Cameron ~lcLanichan Christopher, shoemkr, h 1j"1:~ ;-.: 4th :\lcLaren Agnes 1\Irs., h 411 Strawberry av McLaren Daniel F., C. S. A., h 411 Strawberry av ~IcLarin George Q., car inspector, h 1!1l j' EI(zabeth av l\IcLaughlin Aiice, wid John, h 142;~ .\Iarket McLaughlin 111arIes A., car repairer, h un l\Iaclay "'lcLaughlin Charles E., shoe operator, h 12:\:l Mulberry ~IcLaughlin l'rederick C;., hrakeman, hUN 2d ~kLaughlin (;race, teacher, h :!fi:! \"erbeke McLaughlin Grant 1\1.. inspector P. R. R., h 1212 N 6th McLaughlin Horace, draftsman, h 14lU Market McLaughlin James, engine hostler, h :!6:! Verbeke McLaughlin James A., elk Central Guarantee Trust Co., h 26:! Verbeke McLaughlin John, shoemkr, 1:!2:\ Mulherry, h do McLaughlin John, varnisher, h 1223 Mulberry McLaughlin John G., telegrapher P. R'. R., h 436 Peffer McLaughlin John H., brakeman. h 2t115 .\Ioltke av McLaughlin John J., elk P. R. R. frt depot. h 14:!:J ~larket McLaughlin John \\'., hrakeman, h :!II!I Calder

h 1106 N 6th Luther II., laborer, h 4W Boyd av Ii: McLaughlin .\Iarie D .. bookkpr, :l:U :\Iarket. h 142:J do :IE l\lcLal1ghlin 1\lar). saleslady, :l:t4 .\Iar;,et. h Mechanicsburg ~ l\IcLaughlin Robert B., huckster. h tju~ ~[aclay a.. McLaughlin \\'e:;ley C, laborer, h :!U:!:! ~ Cameron ~ McLaughlin. see .\laglat1l'hI:n. al,;o ~h-Uaughen, alsu 1\1c~ C;laughlin Y:i McLE4N-BOWMAN CO., INC., lohn A. Borland, pres; Hara: vey M. Boyer, v-pres; C. Raymond Bowman, sec and ColO treas; Robert McLean, mgr; The People's Department ffi Store, 326 Market see adv front cover ~ McLean Rohert. mgr. :t~6 Market. h :!1!1 S l:tth McLinn Susanna, wid Ezra. h 2:m S l:Hh 'Ii~ ;\1cMahon Daniel, laborer, h 11:m ~ Cameron ZJ ~IcMahon Jacob, hostler, h 1101 ~Iarket 0- Mc.\1ahon l\iargaret. wid ~lichad. h ll:!H X Cameron IC ~lcl\Iahon Thomas I'., plumher. h IJ:.!:q X 3d AI l\lcManamy C;l'orge ~ .. helper. h IS1~ ~usquehanna Mc~Ianaway Omcr, carpenter. h 11111 ~larket ~D :\ldlanigal Harry R.. civil eng. h :!O:! Locust liZ McManllas ).[a1"),. wid John, h 1:!15 Applc a, .. C ~ldlanl1s Clara. domestic. III S Front

;: -


ANDREW REDMOND, Hc:.,::.z;.~1I8rr:::d ~~ooi:~. {3d and Reily Sts.

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-_AilES A S,.EOIALTY O F {1216 II. 34 St. Prncolnc Public Bulldl... In Plaia Tlnu. Eatima"a 9Iu ....

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.


:\ldlauus Edward. h ;;:!1 Strawb~rr\" av Md\IantlS James B., tobacconist, itl; L" :\1acla\', h do l\'JclVIanus John, lineman, h 441 State . Mcl\lanlts Margaret :\1., tipp~r. h a:!l Strawberry av :Mcl\lanus Patrick, laborer, h fill;; South av :\Idfanus Thomas. laborer. h f.itI:~ SmIth av Mdlaster William, helper, h l!J Lochid :!d Row Mc~lechen George E., laborer, h Hilt; Stak McMechen George E., jr., laborer, h Hllli State McMechen James W., laborer. h Hllli S 11th McMeen Foster C, salesman, laUIi l\larket, h 1!1;~~ :\' 5th ~fcMeen Henry H., elk P. R. R., h 1!1:!S X 5th l\1cl\Ieen John A., yardmaster P. R. R., h 1l):t8 :\ 5th Mdt ichael Houston c., engineer, h 1:!r-) Paxton :\lcMorris Isaac G., salesman, :JlU :\Iark~t, h 411 Reily Mdlorris Jessie A., tel operator, :!l() Walnut, h 2024 N 5th :McMorris Samuel S., wt:ighmast~r, h :!:!U S 15th McMorris William J.. motorman, h 411 Rl'ily McMullen Catharine, h :!:!:! l\luench Mdlullen Eli7.abeth. h :!:!2 :\luench l\lc~lullen (;eorge. lahorer, h ~lI2 Salmon av 'McMurtrie Ellen, h Home for the Friendless McKaer Sarah 1., wid Joseph, h W:!li X ad Md\aight John G., Hagman, h tnti Kelkcr l\Ic1\aight William A., brakeman, h lilti Kelker Mc~air vVilliam, blacksmith. h ltit):~;\ ~ ad l\Ic~ally Annie E., laundress Lunatic -Hospital, h do McKally Annie E., wid Eugcne c., h HIIH \\"allace Mc~a1lv Blanche, h li:!~ Green McKally Eugenc E., brakeman, h 1:W!I Wallace Mc~ally Harry G., engineer. h lallH \\'allace McKally William Rev., h Ii:!!; Green McNamara Patrick A .. laborer. h 49 X ltlth Mc:'\aughton Charles M., bookkpr, :!:! :'\ ;~d. h 114 Locust 0 Md\aughton James, packer, h (jilt) Korth 13 Mc~aughton James :\1., hostler, h (jOH Xorth McKeal Daniel W., laborer, h 11):!1I Drigg~ Mc:\'eal David R., painter, h 21:!H Boas McKeal Harry, brakcman. h 1:332 X ith Mci\eal Harty A., engineer, h 1208 X lith lVlci':eal Hattie F., wid William D., h 51 0J 17th Mc:'\eal Jacoh F .. hrakeman. h 1~:!!I X lith ~IcXeal Jt.s~c, laborer. h 1145 Cumberland ~IcXeal :'lichael R .. carpenter, h 1;~:!4 '\Iaplto a\" Mc:\'eal Philip D . carpenter. h 1211) Derry Md\'eal Sarah. housekeeper. h 1:!IH Derry McNeely Fredcrick K., fireman, h 16;~1) Susquehanna It McNeely John, brakeman, h 1104 N lith

11 I

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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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_ McNEn MEDICINE CO" loseph N, Clark, pres; Dr. 1. IT. 0= == Clark, sec and treas; patent medicine, 306 Verbeke .: (Broad) see adv top lines I ~lc~ei11 Frances E., cigarmkr, h 1010 Cowden ~ ~1c~eill George F., elk, h 1010 Cowden :=; i\lcX eill i\Iarv i\Irs., h 1010 Cowden ~ ~Ic~ elly Harry L., fireman, h 946 ~ 7th l! ~IcXew Clara B., wid William T., h 8 S 13th ::iii ~ :\ld\iff M. Katharine. teacher, h 605 N 2d _ :\lcKiff Patrick, h 605 N 2d ~IcPherson Jennie, demonstrator, h 927 N 3d _ ~IcPherson vViIliam, laborer, h 414 Crescent :: McQuate Harry P., ironworker, h 130 Vine ~ ~1cQuate Ida, elk, 210 Walnut, h 130 Vine McQuate Peter, laborer, h 130 Vine McReynolds Mary Y., stengr dept Public Instruction, Capitol, h 201 State :\lcRevnolds Sarah C, wid H. Franklin, h 201 State l\fcVeigh John M., bookkpr, h 946 N 7th ~ Mc\\'illiams Belle. centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do :\1cWilliams John, cigars, 214 Liberty. h do c( i\IcWilliams !o.lartha, wid John, h 119 ~orth 0: :YlcWilliams Ralph, engineer. h 119 Xorth McWilliams Robert S. Rev., h 1729 N 6th ~ ~lead Marv, wid Ebenezer, h 930 Penn Z i\Iead T. Dwight, molder, h 1020 Herr Mead 'William L., molder, h 930 Penn Meadath Jesse, carpenter, h 1712 N 4th O Meadath Jesse E., foreman. h 2037 Kensington ... Meadath Oscar A., raIler, h 227 :\Iuench z Meadath Sadie C. weaver; h 2037 Kensington ~ l\feadows Carrie F., housekeeper, 1426 Derry E Meadows Clinton A., laster. h 428 Buckthorn av Q Meadows Edward, genl foreman, 20~ Walnut, h 11 N 4th U Meadows Emanuel, shoemkr, 1426 Derry, h do ~ Meads Joseph, barber, h 4Ii West av . C Meagher Joseph C, postal elk, h 32 N 13th Q Meals Buddalva S .. brakeman. h 1227 Mulberry U MEALS EZRA S., physician, 700 N 3d c North, h do Q :Meals Georgia E., domestic. 202 Locust Meals Harry S., fireman. h 700 N 3d Meals I. Dale. druggist. h 700 N 3d ~ Meals Jessie C, chief opr. 227 Walnut, h 112 South Meals Theodore S., ice cream mfr, 9 N 4th, h do Q Means Joseph M., salesman. 5 N 2d, It ~18 North ~ l\lears Charles A., press feeder Telegraph, -h Mechanicsburg Z ;\Ieas John, driver, h 320 Verbeke ':\leas Margaret, domestic, 207 State

McNeil'. Pain Fxtermlnator CUrei' ('boJen MorbuI,I'aen1ery, Crampe. Dlarrbrea, Colds, QuinBY, Rheumatl_, Toothache, Sore Throat, Ape, I>JIpeJllla, lie.



Boyd's Harrisburg (l\l) City Directory.





8 _ _d Street.

for AC(~IDEIIT III!lURAIICB. 108 lIorli. Bell 'Phone 861 X, or 68d X.

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Yt; =~T;=:: 101\ puoer and WIndOw ShOdes lrom A. 8. TACK, N.'IJ\t.
Boyd's Harrisburg

City Directory.



11eck Benjamin F., brakeman, h 130~ Penn )'leck Charles II., bridge builder, h 11111 Cowden ~1eck Charles P . foreman Telegraph, h :!6 K 5th ~leck Charles S .. (Roberts & Meck), h 1:!:{0 N 6th ~Ieck Elizabeth J., saleslady, 318 Market. h 411 ~fyrtle av Meck Ella. milliner, 14 ~ 3d, h 231 Crescent Meek Emma. housekeeper, laOS Penn Meck George E., painter, h 411 :Myrtle av ~feck George W., hoister. h 1011 Cowden ~feck Henry E., elk, h 320 Boas Meck Hiram, fireman, h 1120 ='-Iontgomery :Meck Ira, baker, 1421 \\"iIliam. h H2l do Meck Joseph H., printer, It 1241;; Green ~Ieck Lewis S., carder. h 2:11 Crescent Meck l\lary C, h :{29 Granite av ~leck Mary H., agt, h ;'i4lli :\orth ~Ieck l\Iarv R. Mrs., laver out of the dead, h 5116 North Meck Rohert P .. driver: 114 ::.; 2d, h 11111 Cowden ~Ieck Warren Z.: elk c. 1. & S. Co., h 1215 Chestnut I,Ieck \\"iIIiam J., conductor, h 11111 Cowden ~Ieckle\' Bessie 1\1., elk. 1::04 K 3d. h 1311 Wallace Meckle~ Charles D., laborer, h li4G Verbeke . Meckl\' Edward A., motorman, h 1424 \\'alma Meckle~' Frank fL, (Knox & :\Ieckley), h 1315 Wallace Meckley Michael, hlack!'mith, h 1311 Wallace ~Ieckle~' Samuel J., farmer. h Cameron ab Maclay Meckley Sarah ]., wid Samuel, h 511 Seneca )fcchan Daniel. civil engineer, h 210 Pine ~Iet:han James, \\"atchman Dauphin County Prison, h 8 :\ ~th KEEHAN PATRICK H., county commissioner, Court HOUle, h Williamstown Meek ;\cllie. wid \\'alter E., h 218 S 13th ~Iegal1ghey Xellie 1\1., dressmkr, h Hi2; Log-an av ~Iegal1gh('y \\'illiam A .. machinist, h Hi:!; Logan av Mcguire. see Maguire, also ~IcGuire ~ldlaffie Anna V., elk, HI:.!l Green, h :.!12 Hamilton ~I('haftit: Charles. lahorer. h 4411 Muench :'.fehaffie David L. janitor. h :!12 Hamilton Mehaffie George elk. h 212 Hamilton ~iehaffie George W., shoemkr, 17a4 ~ 4th, h 432 Kelker Mehaffie James A., laborer, h 7119 Love av ~fehaffie Tames 0 .. trackman, h 212 Hamilton Mehaffie j('nnie A .. weaver. hl:!2 Kelker Mehaffie Lillie M., bonnetmkr, h 432 Kelker Mehaffie Samuel f" catcher, h 2127 Herr :;\Iehaffie Stephen' H., tlagman, h 643 IJal1phin av

o o

-I I




a. s:

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To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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Ton of

H M KELLEY aCO'S BI,."' ""er... {'10th an4lState St&. D. t. .... k Plam_d" w .... North 3d Btnet.
Boyd'. Harrisburg

..... 448

City Directory.

Mchaffie William B.. molder, h :!12 Hall1:!ton -a. Mchaffie William D., elk. h HII15 ~ 7th ~Iehaffie William S., laborer, h 1905 ~ 7th I - ::\Iehring Charles A., elk, 1:J1I6 N :~d, h 1:!1 j do .c }lehring Charles S .. elk. l7:!!' N 4th, h do Mehring Elmer 1'., grocer, H)::~ N 4th. h do z :Mehring- Harry L., tailor, tHO ~ lith. it 1:!17 !\ :~d CD Mehring Jacob c., h 1:!17 1\ :{d _ Mehring John, hakeI', 1114:! Ht-rr, it do ~ Mehring Louis W., plumber, :WOO ~ .4th, h :3:l2 Peffer ::: ~lehring Sarah J., domestic. 50a X Front ~ Meily Charles W., h 1118 ~ 2d


~ :\Iehaffie Thomas ~l.. laborer, h l!IO;) X 7th




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KElLY COJ(PANY, department store, 312 Barket Meily George P., student, h 409 ~ :!d Meily George W., h 409 ~ td Meisenheimer Philip l;., laborer. h 1:!11 Apple av Meisenheldcr Henrv. laborer, h 50 N 10th Meisenhelder Nora'C., weaver, h 1427 Susquehanna Meisenhelder Rohcrt L. Rev .. h 115 L(X'ust Mcixel C. Lyman. electrical engineer, :!41~'Walnut, h 205 Hamilton Meixel Zachariah T .. teacher, h 205 Hamilton Melcher Harrv H .. laborer, h :n:-( S I{iver av Melchior Harry S., fireman, h 6:!9 Kelker Mclester \ \' illiam. flag-man, h lii:!:l 1\ mit Melhorn Edward L., foreman, h 240 Hamilton Melick Emily D., wid Justus A., h Stili Capital Melick John P., sec State Capital Savings and Loan Assn, 2 S :!d. h !'ill!' X :!d Mcll Edward A., carpenter, h .tllli Stra\\ herry av Mell Edward A .. jr.. ins agt. !I ~ :!d. h ::!:-(:! Calder Mell Harry J., fireman, h l:~:m Susquehanna Mell Samuel S., mgr, 426 l\farket, It 1144 Derry Mell Sarah B., wid Harvey L., h l:li Paxton Mell William c., machinist, h 1:17 Paxton Mdl William L.. lahorer. It llH~ Wallace Mellen Hc.rl~1a. plate tipper. It 1:!fi2 Derry :\fellen \\ Illlam A .. car IIlspector. h It!'i:! Derry :\Icllinger Matthias II.. hrakeman, It liZ,;) Dauphin Mellinger Rena B., shoe operator, h 2:19 State l\Jellon A. Katie. dressmkr. h 15:m N 4th :VJ ellon Bertha B.. salcslach'. a:!1i :\Iarket. h 15:m :\' 4th Mellon :Mary :\1., tailoress: h I!):m X 4th Mellon Sarah J., wid Jeremiah B., h 15:m N 4th Mellon S. Irene, cashier. :~:'!(i :\[arket. h 15:~O N 4th Meloy John B., (Wellein & :\leloy), h :1:!5 Granite av ~'Icloy ~_~~ip_~ .. gatem~n, It 17f)~ ~ 7th

ANDREW REDMOND, ~::::!:::~..':;::r:.:. {3d and Reily Sts.

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w.n Paper. The belt and low.., pries. Wi...... { JflJft !!Iliad.. completo. with Ft&CUreI and Frlna- for 86a. N. 3d at.

449 Meloy Samuel L., telegrapher P. R. R.. h 1au State Meloy Thomas H., motorman. h Hill ~ 6th Meloy Thomas :\1., mgr. :!6 N 3d, h 1:l:!5 Kittatinny Meloy William, laborer. h l70H ~ 7th Meloy, see l\laloy llELROSE FLORAL CO., lin. Annie B. lIachlin, mgr, 4:10 lIarket .. Meltzer Harry, peddler, h 5l1i \Valnut Meltzer Harry L., bookkpr, :1;1U Market. h 7119 N 6th l\ Meltzer Samuel, clothier, 516 Walnut, h do " Melville Michael J., installment, -til:! Verbeke, h 1203 N Front Melvin John E., storekeeper, h 1257 Walnut IHelvin Michael H., brakeman. h 1257 \V alnut Mencer Joseph, fireman, h :!41:!l-! ~ 5th Menchey Chester T., barber, 25 :-.: :!d, h -tllti Spring av Mendenhall A. Jane. saleslady,. :!2:1 :\Iarket, h :n 7 Walnut ~ l\Iendenhall Clarence H .. elk. h 21:15 ~ -tth I, Mendenhall Emma A., housekeeper. 5:m :-':orth Mendenhall George A.. teamster. h 5:l6 :-';orth Mendenh~ll Mary A., wid James, h 21:15 :-.: -tth Mcnear George R., sand flatter, h 1726 Susquehanna Menear Ida, laundress, h 23:! S l:lth Menear Laura E., cigarmkr, h 1726 Susquehanna Menear lIary P., cigarmkr, h 1726 Susquehanna Mf:near William A., laborer. h 1726 Susquehanna II Menge Hans G., printer, 201 ?\ 2d, h 1117 )J :{d l\lengel Howard, elk P. & R. frt depot, h 1:l2 Locust 0 Menkey Frederick, laborer, h l:!th nr Kelker 13 Menninger Harry, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Menold Leroy, elk, h 3()5 Briggs JlERTZER G. EDWARD, contractor and builder, Cumber- Cal land c Fulton, h 1206 N 6th Mentzer John, carpenter, h 51 N Summit MENTZER SA1tIlJEL F., contractor and builder, 1430 Market, h do Mercer S. H. Bailey, draftsman, 15 S :!d, h Mechanicsburg Merchants' and ~lanufacturers' Assn, Job J. Conklin, genl counsel, mercantile agency, Calder bldg, room 5, 16 It N 2d Merchants' Hotel, E. E. Rickert. propr, 125 Chestnut MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK, 1230 N 3d see adv ).iercurio Mariano, (Boova Fruit Co.), h :l:!H Strawberry av Cal Mercurio Salvatore. (Boova Fruit Co.). h :t!6 Strawberry av Mercv Home, 603 N 2d Merc)' Joseph, laborer, h 540 Violet a\' Meredith Albert S .. machinist. h 1:'140 State It :r..leredith Arthur R., elk. 4H;j Market. h 1111 Locust

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.


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McNEIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. :.~~:J:nd~~n~~~~ {30& Bre.'



Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory.


_ :'.lereditlt Benjamin W., elk, 445 Verbeke, It 1425 William ,; ~leredith Charles S., painter, h 1213 N :!d :; Meredith Charles W., elk P. R. R. depot, h 119 Locust -E Meredith Clara L., teacher, h 119 Locust =c.:I Meredith Edward F., plumber, h 1402 \Villiam Meredith Eliza M., wid William, h 119 Locust :. Meredith Elizabeth, wid Adrian, h 1206 Bailey c.:I Meredith Fannie, domestic, 1731i N 6th .a :Meredith George, engineer, h 642 .. uench M -:iii _ Meredith Harriet M., cigarmkr, h 1106 N 7th ~Ieredith Harry L., elk, h 1106 N 7th :: ~llcredith Harry P., janitor, h 1425 William S Meredith Isabella B., seamstress, h 115 Calder .. Meredith John H., laborer, h 1213 N 2d iii ~ Meredith Lowry, brakeman, h 432 :\Jarket Meredith Pearl, boxmkr, h 1206 Bailey MEREDITH PHILIP T., lawyer, 219 Market, h 32 :N 2cl U) Meredith Sarah D., h 1015 N 6th Meredith Sue A., wid Kirk F., h 1106 N 7th I.&J Merkle Charles E., inspector, 210 Walnut, h 1722 N 6th ..I :Vlerkle Emma L., cigarmkr, h 409 Hamilton c:a:: .\Ierkle Norris S., elk, h 1722 N 6th I.&J :'.ferkle Philip A., switchman, h 1722 N 6th Merkle Silas A., expressman. 15 N 3d, h 409 Hamilton C Merkle William L., elk, 305 Verbeke, h 409 Hamilton I.&J Merrill Caroline Mrs., h 246 Crescent Merrill Clement F., chief elk, h 210 N 2d Mersereau James B., private sec sec'y agriculture, Capitol, h 115 State . : Mersereau Mary M., wid James S., h 115 State Z Messersmith Hoso, brakeman, h 2006 N 5th ~ 11essersmith J. Harry, men's furnisher, 228 Market, h 228 E North ~Iessiah Home Orphanage, Bailey bel 12th U Messiah Rescue and Benevolent Home, 1185 Bailey - ' Messimer A. C. Mrs., layer out of the dead, 304 Cherry avo ~ It do U I\lessimer B. Frank, blacksmith, 304 Cherry av, h do Q :NIessimer Ella c., seamstress, h 612 Church av Z Messimer George F .. candymkr, h 419 North ... ~1essimer George L., boilermkr, h 419 North ~ :Messinger Jacob L., engineer, h 1318 Green ~Iessinger Margaret. wid Jacob, h 181 Paxton Q 'lessinger William P., elk, h 713 N 2d ~ Messner Kate Mrs., dressmkr, 410 Briggs, h do Mester Frederick, tailor, :no Blackberry av, h do ~ Mester Samuel A., supt, 223 Market, h 267 Herr


on 101 N. M_nd EDW G ROBERTS will goare )'our bond. Bell 'Phone 851 X.8t88t8 X. bond! uecuted. or

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A. B. TACK =,~~e:::: IOU PODer ond IIndOl8hOOOS rz.~~3~ns1:

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.


:METHODIST BOOK ROOKS, S. C. Swallow, supt, boob and stationery, 20 B 2d lIETBOPOLITAR LIFE INSURANCE CO., Howard K. Bird, 8Upt, Russ bldg, 15 and 17 2d Metz Elmer H., real estate agt P. & R., h 318 S 2d Metzger Abbott R., ins solicitor, 15 N :!d, h 804 N 3d Metzger Albert J., molder, h ~a5 S 2d Metzger Anna, wid William B., h 718 Capital Metzger Bessie M., elk, 1402 Vernon, h 1M1 Berryhill Metzger Bessie M., saleslady, 15 S :!d, h :!:l5 do Metzger Charles E., agt, h 23 N 4th Metzger Edward, carpenter, h :!:~5 S :!d Metzger Edward, laborer, h 1211 N Cameron Metzger Hannah, wid Jesse, h 1211 ~ Cameron Metzger Harry G., molder, h 1841 Berryhill Metzger Howard G., stenographer, 2711 :'\orth, h ~U4 do Metzger John A., h 1417 Vernon Metzger John H., laborer, h 1211 N Cameron Metzger LaRue, linotype opr, h 211 Hummel Metzger W. Calder, student, h 301 S Front Metzger Wesley, laborer, h 1116 N Cameron Metzger William, driver, h 1112 N 7th Metzger William A., (Atticks & Metzger), h 217 Verbeke Metzger William H., molder, h 1841 Berryhill Metzger William H., jr., molder, h 1841 Berryhill Metzger William H., .sec and treas Commonwealth Trust Co., h 301 S Front Metzler David E., brakeman, h 1705 Penn Meyer Bertha, wid Henry, h 514 Walnut Meyer B. Frances, h 514 Walnut Meyer Clara, weaver, h l:n Hanna Meyer Edward, laborer, h 1232 Cowden :MEYER EDWARD A., saloon, 521-523 State, h 521 do Meyer Emma, domestic Hershey I louse Meyer Magdalena M., wid Cbarles, h 137 Hanna Meyer May A., teacherJ h 1224 :Market Meyer Robert L., machinist, h 1224 Market Meyer Sybilla, wid Charles, h 1224 ~[arket Meyer Theodore W., laborer, h 717 Showers av Meyer, see Mayer, also ~royer Meyerowitz Henry L., teacher. 712 South, h do DYERS BE.lAKIN F., publisher Star-Independent, 18 S 3d, h 11 Front Meyers George B., carpenter, h 4241 S Cameron Meyers Henry F .. baker, h 126 S 13th Meyers John, draftsman. h Green ab Forster Meyers Mary, stripper, h 400i Reily Meyers Minnie L., cigar roller. h 420 S Cameron


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.. To find a name you must mow how to spell it."

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H M KELLEY & CO {'North 3d Stnet. . 10th.ntI State Stl.

DYERS WILLIAJI K., lawyer, 16 N 2d, h 206 Walnut CD .... Meyers, see Mayers, also xlyers Michael Charles N., tallyman P. R R, h 426 S 2d .... Michael Edgar D., engineer, h 1833 N 6th a: .. Michael Ella, wid Elias, h 826 S Cameron :;; Michael Freeda, wid Henry, h 718 South _ Michael Geo. D., conductor, h S 13th nr Catholic Cemetery Michael Harry, laborer, h 535 Race =E Michael James. puddler, h 1405 N Cameron ~ Michael John S .. laborer, h 535 Race en ~1ichael Katie, cigarmkr. h 535 Race Michael Samuel R, watchman, h 143 Paxton -_ ~lichael Samuel R, jr., laborer, h 143 Paxton ::::. ~1ichael Wiliiam C, driver. h ~3ii Race :> ~'fichad William H., laborer, h 1247 Centre av I.&J Michaels Abraham. laborer, h 12th nr Muench ~ Michaels George A .. painter, h 1:~4(} Vernon ~ Michaels John H .. cutter, h l:l!O \'crnon I.&J lIIClIIGAN :MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF DETROIT, lohn F. Daniell, diat gen! agt. 21 N 3d :Vlichlovitz Abram, (Michlovitz & Abramson), h 624 ~orth Michlovitz Fivel. pedtller, h ri4!1 Primrose av ylichlovitz Joseph, laborer, h 1:121 William Michlovitz Lena, tailoress, h 549 Primrose av Michlovitz Simon, h 512 North ~Iichlovitz & Al?romson. (.-\. l\lichlo\'itz and A. Abromson), I.&J rags, li2~ 1\ orth Ylickcns James, laborer. h 712 ~ 7th Mickey Catharine. wid Lewis. h 1:!15 X Cameron ~1!ckey ala~les ~ .. switchman,~h. 1!1~~ Logan av O .Mlckev [javld W., laborer, h 1I2.l ~ .th ;;; Mickey Edward \V . flagman, h Hi:~:l N 4th _ Mickev Ellen B., wid Edward J., h 172:l N 7th :Mickey Frank B., elk C. I. an~ S. Co., h 22!1 Hummel en lVJickey George \V . cOllclnctor, h fil4 Reily ~ Mickey Harril't, wid David, h llt'5 Hailcy :::; Mickey K~lte B.. stitcher. h 5117 Hamilton ~ Mickey l\larv. teacher, h :~:!fl North ~ Micke,' Susa'n. wid Christian H .. h :.!:!!I Hummel ~ Mickles William. fireman, 11 lIIall Herr ~ Middaugh Claude E .. brakcman. h (i:.!/'i Peffer ?lliddaugh Fitch K.. conductor, h li:!:-; Peffer - Middaugh Odessa, bUl1chmkr, h 81:l East 1\1 iddaugh R. Charles. student, h (j2~ Peffer ~ ~1iddlekauff Jennie, chambermaid. 518 Market Middleton Burrel T., steelworker. h 5:.!l South .. Middleton }\[argaret Mrs., ice cream, !i21 South, h do Middleton Mary E., wid William A., h H25 X 2d

r;; ....


Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.


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RED M N {3d Ind Rell, SIs. 0 D.

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N.3dSt. dGNvortaDdlDiureelt. WorltdooeloanJpartofState.

1.18 {EmPlOY. none but ftnt,.el_ workmen. hence ooly JInl.

Boyd's Harrisburg eM) City Directory.


Middleton Robert H., trav frt agt, 401 Chestnut, h Boiling Springs

JllDDLETON Wll.LIAV H., lawyer, Trust Co. bldg, 222 Market, h 114 State
Midlam Anna )'1., teacher, h 616 Boas Midlam Frank E., bricklayer, h 616 Boas ~idlam.J. Edwin, machinist, h UlI) Boas Mi(lIam ~larv A., wid John F . h 616 Boas :\1ight James F., roller: h 21](; Moore Miinch Georg-e, (W. :\1iillch & Son). h 5711 Race ~1iinch William, (W. ~liinch & Son). h :>70 Race ?\liinch W. & Son. (William and George). barbers, 570 Race Mikle Frank H . conductor, h :U5 :\lac\av l\likles William, brakeman. h 171H limiter Milburn Wagon Co., A. F. Xewcomer, genl agt. :!lIi Locust :\Iiles Alfred l; .. supt Jackson :\Ifg. Co., h 4114 Reily . :Miles Benjamin C, machInist. h !115 Penn Miles DIaries, brakeman. h tU07l X 7th Miles Charles P .. elk Jackson :\Hg. Co., h 4114 Reily Miies Edward. laborer, h 1!l2f1 X 4th Miles Gear\", brakeman. h 1107 Cowden Miles George W . cabinetmkr. h fl15 Penn Miles Giles. laborer. h t:l:!9 X 4th Miles James, apprentice Independent, h !It;) Penn Miles James E . laborer. h HItS KensingtOll Miles Richard. elk W. O. Hickok :\lfg. Co .. h 1427 N" 2<1 Miles Walter. elevator opr Com\vlth. h 1!l2!1 ~ 4th Miles \ViIliam A .. 5tlidellt, h 4(14 Reil\' l\.liley Susan E .. wid Jacob. h 179 X inth 1\Iilisincinak Crias. laborer. h 4!1 Lochiel 5th Row

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t\ U JfiLLAB ALBERT, lawyer, district attorney. rooms 1 and 2, 7 N 2d, h 1628 N 3d II

Millar Millar Millar Millar Millar l\Iillar :\liJlar Millar Albert. jr., lahorer. h 161(; Park Emma E .. h lei2ti X :1d Harry. employee State Arsenal. h Hilli Park James H .. machinist. h 5!lfl Woodbine John. laborer. h 1616 Park . Kellie A .. trimmer. a6 X :~d. h 5:m Woodbine Rowena, teacher. h 16:!fi ~ :~(I William. laborer, h 1:~6 Hoerner ~Iillard Susan C. tel opr. :!111 \Valnl1t. h ).liddldowll ~Ii1Ieisen Arthnr W .. foreman. h llH6 :\larket 0

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XlLLEISEN G, FRANK, coal and wood, 1019 N 3d, h 707 do Milleisen Jacob }1.. laborer, h t Hl6 :\Iarket
l\1il1eisell Jacoh).1., jr .. shoe operator. h 11111i ).[arket Mil1('r Almer T.. lahorer. 11 :!!i:! Xectarine av Miller Abraha'm C. grocer. nOI \\'alnl1t. 11 214 Xorth Miller Ada. hilokkpr. Hlth l' Derry. h 12!! ~ 1:1th



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'" To find a name you must mow how to

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Miller Ada ~J., domestic, 14:!9 N 2d :; Miller Adam, carpenter, h 1:!31 Bailey -.:: .: Miller Adam R., carpenter, h 140 Hoerner I: Miller Adrian M., h 1623 Park ~ Miller A. Gertrude, teacher, h 1802 ~ 4th ::; Miller Agnes :M., book sewer, h 5i5 S Front ~ Miller Albert, laborer, h 1424 Regina ~ ~liller Albert, porter The Central, h (;2." Primrose av ~ Miller Albert, shoe operator, h as x Summit ~liller Albert M., barber, h Boyd av nr ad :: nliller Albert Y., flagman, h 1217 X Cameron E Miller Alexander S., (Miller & Long), h 180:! State c:t -= JrULLER ALVIN I., physician, (specialist, electrical and -medical), nervous diseases and diseases of women, 15 S :IE 3d, h do j office hours, 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m.; Sunday, 10 to 12 a. m.; closed Monday and Thursday II) eves ~Iiller Amelia E., wid Eugene. h 1:l32 ;..; 2d ::\1iller Anna, stenographer, 619 Walnut. h 11;) Evergreen Miller Anna :\1., cashier, 204 Market, It W:!7 X 6th ~ Miller Annie M., liner, h :!59 S Cameron ~liller Annie S., \\ id N'icholas R., It 1:1:! S Cameron c( :\:li\ler Arthur R., laborer. h :!148 :-.i lith Miller Austin X., student, h :1:n S Front l\liller Benjamin, laborer, h 409 Cowden ~ Sliller Benjamin F .. carpenter, h 129 \" l:lth Z Miller Benjamin F .. eng-inel'r, h 1:3:!;; \" Front 1Iiller Benjamin F., fireman, h 1:!:!Ii Wallace ::\liller O l\I!lIer Benjamin H., engineer. hN1;)21 Penn Bertha, domestic, 1100 Front ~ l\liller Bertha, nurse Hbg Hospital, It do z l\liller Bertha E., dressmkr, 22a Market. 11 4i):! S Cameron C Miller Bertie, teacher, h 2as Muench a.. l\lillcr Bessie M., shirtmkr, h 6 S 18th ~ :'.liller Bradford, draftsman. h 2.~7 Forster u ::\iiller Calvin c., engineer, h 510 Reily .... Miller Caroline, wid Frank J., h 1:3115 Wallace C :MilIer Carrie .M., seamstress, h 21S Reilv Miller Charles, attendant Lunatic HOSllital. h do Q ~Iiller Charles, butcher. h 1519 K ad :IE Miller Charles, laborer, h rear 18:!7 ~ 7th C l\Iiller Charles A., laborer. h 1926 Elizabeth av LI.I MILLER CHARLES A., city clerk, Court House, h 615 Briggs u ~fi1ler Charles A., engineer, h 305 Cumberland Q ~Iiller Charles E., brakeman. h 642 Pefft'r LI.I :\liller Charles F., carpenter, h 650 Boas !:: ::\filler Charles F., laborer, h 619 Boas ~ }filler Charles F., jr., carpenter. h 1:!:!1; Baiky

-= _


Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory.




"""ldeDt. Liability RDd 81eRID Boller In~Dl'tla.... 108 Rortb 8eeond 8r. Bell 'Phone 861 X. or 6843 X.
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A. B. TACK. Wan Paper and Window Shades.


Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.

Vrr.LE'B. CHARLES G., reporter Telegraph, h 327 Chestnut Miller Charles H., contractor and builder, shop 129 N 10th, h 11 N 13th Miller Charles H., laborer, h l~:W Hickor\" a\' Miller Charles H., stone mason, h :~~ Bah'n Miller Charles J., U. S. K., h 5i5 S Front Miller Charles K., repairsman, h 1623 X 3d Miller Charles L., engineer, h 1612 Penn Miller Charles L., huckster, h 82:! James a\" ~1iIler Charles M., brakeman, h 6;{4 \'erbeke Miller Charles K., agt, h Hotel Columbus :Miller Charles N., laborer, h 452 S Cameron Miller Charles R., plasterer, h 26 Linden Miller Charles W., cigarmkr, h 50!,) Kelker Miller Charles \V., laborer, h 1958 X 7th Miller Christiana Mrs., meat. 15:?O Logan av, h 1519 N 3d Miller Christiana, wid John G., h 3411 Boyd av Miller Christiana L., wid David R., h 1:!5 Paxton Miller Clarence B., elk sec commonwealth, h 617 ~ 2d Miller Clarence C, machinist, h :?15 Reih' l\liIler Clarence H., bookkpr, 6 S :?d. h :\fechanicsburg Miller Oarcnce W., blacksmith. h l:!:m Wallace l\Jiller Claude, laborer, h 1411 X :3lI Miller Claude, miller, h 227 Mulberrv :Miller Clayton G., elk Hbg Trust Co .. h Penbroak Miller Conrad, carpentt:r. h 42:; Verbeke Miller Conrad, tailor, h 1317 Penn :\IilIer Conrad C, butcher, h 15!!1 X :M Miller Constantine. laborer. h 57ii S Front Miller C. Victor, elk. :!4lH Market. h 315 Reih Miller Daniel B., brakeman, h 2109 Greenwood :MilIer Daniel F., produce, l:?fi:! }Iarket, h do Miller Daniel I., stamper, h lft!3 Park Mil!cr Daniel K., hotel, Wl-40a \erhcke. h do Miller Daniel S., cuni('ctioner, Hn:3 X :~d. h do Miller David C, molder, h 114 Canoy l\lillcr David H., brakeman. h 1414 Penn ~liiler Davin H., laborer. h 11;23 Park 'tiller David H., notions. 1t125 ~ lith. h (10 Miller David I., physician, 1627 N 6th, h no ~riller Davin To, caqJenter, h 3;:)1 Hummel l\Jilier Da,id W., patternmkr. h U;;~1 Regina Miller Donald Z., elk, h 1313 Derry l\li11er E. A. & Co .. (E. A. and K. 'E. :\Ii!ler). grocers. 100:!

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Miller Edith G., asst chief opr, 210 Walnut. h 1004 S Hth Miller Edmund ] .. undertaker. 524 Race. h 560 do Miller Edna A .. saleslady. Z:.!3 :'.farket. h HZ:! N 6th




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find a name you must know how to spell it."

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Miller Edward, fireman. h :!1:! Kelker Miller Edward, cashier P. R. R. dining rooms, h 444 Walnut Miller Edward, laborer. h 1411 Marion :\eliller Edward, "hoemkr, h 611 Mahantongo :\eJitler Edward A .. elk Star-Independent. h 141i!! Zarker :MilIt:r Edward C. telegrapher P. R. R .. h 625 Dauphin :Miller Edward W., brakeman, h !{40 Boyd av Miller Edwin E .. salesman, 3:U ~Jarket. h :!18 Reily Miller Elizabeth, dressmkr, l!J:!7 Logan av, h do 11il1er Elizabeth Mrs., h. 11~5 Bailey MiIlt'r Elizabeth, wid Conrad, h faa Cedar av ~Iiller Elizabeth A., wid Xavier. h 2(1:l7 ~ 5th Milier Elizabeth P., wid David H .. h !1II4 ~ :!d Aliller Elizabeth V .. teacher, h 1~(1:! N 4th Miller Ellen M., wid John, h 711 North ~lilll'r Ellie M. L., laundress, h 514 South av :YIiller Elsie G., artist, 1:!1 ~ 13th, h do ~li11t'r Emanuel H., salesman, h :!:!3 Boas Miller Emerson, brakeman. h :!1:!1I Turner av Milil'r Emily E., wid Alfred C. h 11:!1 ?\ 7th Millel Emma 0 .. stengr, 9 Sad. h 19:UI State Miller Emmet S. B.. foreman Eagle Works. h Hi:!:! N 5th Miller Emory, waiter P. R. R. dining rooms, h 41!1 Walnut Milkr Emory B.. carpenter. h 59 ~ lath Mil!er Enos]., agt. h 1117 K :~d MilIt-r Ernest A .. (E. A. Miller & Co.), i1 lllU Capital Miller Ethel ]. R.. teacher. h Hi:!:! ~ ;)th ~liller Eugene C. blacksmith. h :!15 Reily ~liller Eugene S .. hrakt'man. h I !I:!:! Elizabeth a v Miller Eva, wid Gottlieb, h laa S ad ~iiller Eva V., shoe operator, h 1H39 State }Iiller Florence, cigarmkr, h :!:!7 ~Iulberry ~Jiller Florence, salesladv, 2:!:{ Market. h -i5:! S Cameron l\Iiller Florence, stripper, h 11:!4 Cowden :\liller Florence E .. domestic. III () ~ :M ~lilIer Frances. wid Tohn. h Hl!I Penn ~li11er Frank. brakeman, h fia~ Walnut ~'liller Frank. laborer. h 4:!~ South :\li11er Frank H., carpenter. h 5fiU Forrest :\[iIler Frank L., brakeman. h 1:!1~ ~ 7th ~liller Frank W .. electrician. h 21 ~ 17th ~Iiller Frank X .. elk P. R. R.. h 211:{7 ~ 5th ~Iiller Franklin F .. conductOT. h 1224 K :Jd ~riller Frederick. lahorer. h 211W~ Penn }iIler Frederick. machinist. h :~4!l Bonl a l\1iller Frederick A .. lahorer. h 1:~1I4 X Cameron :\iiller Frederick C. lawver. :!13 Walnut. h 1518 N 2d _~J_i_"~r F~e_(_le~~_k_J.. ~aker. 5(111 State. h do ________ _


ANDREW REDMOND. {3d aa. Reily Sfs.

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A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,


Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.

Miller Frederick J., barber, 11 5 2d, h 2:.!O Chestnut Miller Frederick K., engineer, h 16:.m N 3d lIIIJ.EB. F. wu,IJAX, florist, 900 to 912 S 20th, h do Miller G. Emmett, teacher, h U!II2 Green Miller George B., puddler, h la7 Linden Miller George E., machinist, h 601 Boas Miller George F., prt,ssman Independent, h ?\ew Kingston Miller George F., edgesetter. h 21 N 17th Miller George G., brakeman, h 1816i N 5th ~1iller George J., paperhanger, h 427 Verbeke Miller George M., tailor, h 91!J Penn Miller George P. W., puddler. h 12~ ~Iulberry Miller George R., postal elk, h :{46 S 14th Miller George W., telegrapher C. \'. R. R., h 2:.!7 )tlulberry Miller George W., machinist, h 609 Briggs Miller Geraldeous N., brakeman, h 215 Reily Miller Harriet, wid David Z., h 115 Evergreen ~ Miller Harriet, wid Harry, h 822 James av Miller Harriet, wid John, h 1735 N 6th Miller Harry, elk, h Hl07 Market Miller Harry, engineer. h 1518 X 2d :Miller Harry, huckster, h l:t~2 Fulton :Miller Harry, laborer, h 409 Cowden Miller Harry B., engineer, h 1428 K 6th Miller Harry c., elk P. R. R., h :~1 5 Front Miller Harry c., molder, h Hl211 Wood av II Miller Harr" G., molder. h 1129 Wallace ,0 0 Miller Harry J., driver, h 22(10 Logan av Miller Barn' 0., salesman. :J:l4 ~Iarket. h In:l X :{,l 13 Miller Harry 5., ()'Iiller & Hanson), h 206 Locust Miller Harry 5., cutter, h 21 ~ 17th Miller Harry W., sec, 716 State, h 51a ~ 4th Miller HarrZ, \\'., elk, :!:!2 :\larket. h :!2:l Boas !t.liller Harvey, electrician. h 1411 Hoerner Miller Haryev, scullion, h 1;~O Tanner's av ?liIler Harve~' J., cigar mfr. 1;~a S !1d. h do MILLER HARVEY 0., cashier Merchants' National Bank and treaB Central Guarantee, Trust and Safe Deposit Co . h 1405 N Front It !t.filler Harvey W., plasterer, h 21124 Kensington Miller Henrietta. moccasinmkr. h Bonl av nr ad Miller Henry. cooper. h 111 Hanna . Miller Henn' F" laborer. h 11104 S !lth ltILLEB HEBMAN P., Senate librarian, Capitol, h 2117 Q. N 3d Miller Howard R.. machinist. h (i511 Hoas Miller Ida :\1., dressmkr. h 115 Evergreen It :Miller Ida T .. stengr, 7tt; State. h 7115 S Front

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"To find a name you must know how to spel1 it."

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uclEll'S PAil EXTERulIATOR glvee you an appetite. Man y{306 B..... .,.." rtf mllllolUl have beeu cured by It.
Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.

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Miller l\liller CD Miller Aliller ~ Miller

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Irvin L., stengr, 214 Locust. h 11:l9 Derry I saac, carter Lunatic Hospital, h do Isaac, insurance, h 620 Reily Iverson 0., laster, 1.1 Hl:m Briggs Jacob, (~l. Rude & Co.), h 12:J~ ~larket =.; ~liller Jacob, brakeman, h 1941 :\ 7th f: ~ Miller Jacob, laborer, h 4:56 S Cameron KILLER IACOB A. DR., druggist, 35 S 2d, h 327 Chestnut ~ Miller Jacob F., laborer, h 4:56 S Cameron :a .... Miller Jacob ~L, carpenter, h 111i Bartine av Miller Jacob M., laborer, h 1:!ao Wallace :: l\1iller Jacob R., conductor, h 16~7 N 6th ~ Miller Jacob R., livery, ::J5t1 Verbeke, h 1:J16 ~ 6th _ Miller Jacob R., jr., brakeman, h 16:!i ~ 6th Miller James A., laborer, h 184:9 Fulton Miller James D., elk, h 1004: S 9th Miller James H., carpet cleaner, h 510 N ;)th lOLLER lAKES M., cashier Telegraph, h 1219 N 6th Miller James W., yardmaster, P. R. R. c Division, h Fort l&J Hunter .-I Miller Jane, wid John, h 1:!:1:! Bartine av c( Miller Jason W. Rev., h 19:19 State I&J Miller Jennie, beader, h 140 Hoerner Q Miller Jennie ~I., wid Adam. h 2148 :\ 6th Miller Jesse L., puddler, h 528 Race Ia.I Miller J. Harvey, physician, 18 :\ 4th. h du Miller John, h 409 Filbert _ Miller John, bre\\'er, h :.m Cowden .. Miller John, contractor, h 1409 James ~ Miller John, laborer, h 335 Boyd av Miller John, sand, h 1007 ~Iarket a.. Miller John, stationmaster C. V. R. R., h 1:313 Derry EMilieI' John A., repairsman, h 51i5 F0ITl'St Miller John A., salesman, 6 S 2d. h :m S 11h U Millel John A., variety. 1312 :\ Camcron, h 1:JIl-l do ~ Miller John B., butcher, h 12;~U \Vailacc ~ Miliel John c., teamster Lunatic Ho!"pital. b do u Miiier John E., h mm Briggs C MlIier John F., h 1:!OH Market 2: Miiler John F., brakeman. h 1:111::; '.\allace ... Miller John F., elk P. & R. frt depo!. :1 t:!30 Mulberry LI.I Miller John F., laborer, h 208 \'erbeke U Miller John H., baggagemaster. h 1+11:-, Z.\rkcr Mi!ler John H., farmer, h State nr :!4th Q Millel John H., laborer, h 131i Penh ~ Miller John J., carpenter, h 120 Limkll Miiler John L., engineer, h IUIi ~ Hth ~ Miller John ~., laborer. h ;')04 Delaware av




Til" A...erl ...... B dl Comp y, Baltimore. Md. BDW. Q. ROBBR..... General Agent ceutral Penna. District, 103 N d 8t. Bell' Phone !I.~l X. er 8843 X,
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{1216 1000 mlrd II.


:Boyd" H53,:rri:rburg (1\[


Mill:rr Jz}lm P., en53,niZTZ h 1~39 :Miller John P., timekpr, h 105 Lin<1t:n Miilc t John R., carpenter, h 19::!7 Lug-an ay ~liJJt-r John R., carpenter, h 1116 ,~ :~d }1:11:rr J:rhn S., . 0., h [ummel ~1ilkr W., , h a38 av Mil)e:z4 Jizkzn "V., switchman, h C)wdl'n!ler Joseph A., bookkpr, Penn C" ?\lucnch. h Penbrook ~~iI!el Joseph A., engineer, h 208 Kelker ~lijh~ JUijrph E., rUhznner, h 5:5~t ~1rclay )Iilkr JOirph E., 4etter, jnd~n ~jii\i:r Jos4ph F., h iiillberland }liller Joseph J., Hagman, lfH 1 lith }lilJer Joseph L., brakeman, h l:W;) Wallat"c :}Iiller Joseph L., engineer, h 2:!~ ~ Uith ~-lil1er Joseph Oa, \\arehouseman Pm R. R., h 2:!7 \Iulberry ~ :Y!ii1n JOi4ph "V., h 14:7;7 srnon l\lijl=i~in~~~ph ~:! S iil'iT\' ay S 3d 11ili~r l;~~liUa A., ,U~H .\1<1rion 11iller Joshua A., jr., laborer, h l-t:!O }lariol1 ~!iller J. Warren, h 120 S ::d ::I.lilJel J \V. Franklin, labore, 11 1:?; ~l1L1th a" }IiJln T~Tiijharine 5aliisla::ly, h Front ~1J])5r riatharine milliner, :~li 11 151 i% }lil:B, I~~:iijharine A. }1ill'1~0.). h -1;.!'zbeke l\IiJlfr Laura B., telephone '')peralOr, :!](l Walnut, h ;l:U S c Miller Laura J., salesladv, 223 :\Iarket, h 1122 N 6th }JiIln ,ana :\Irs., boarding, 20 h do ).Iil ,~ riena S. H.~ h ]:1!l,~r ,ii,i,laborn:r, 820 SWaiii? }fi1ler Leyj C, foreman, h 14:3 lhnna ::I.Illler L(wis A., driver, h 1:302 '-",rnon }liller Lillian G., bookkpr, h l:!:i \erbeke 1Ililn _illie M., , h l~O kt't ~liIler Lillie M. Mrs~ (kessmkr, N 2d ~IiIliir ,iizie, h 11 :B53,iley )'IiJlu Lizzie J., domestic, 4]2 :.J 2<1 ~Til1er Mabel C, saleslad,-. :308 :\larket. h 2Hi Reil\' ~1iIler Maggie E., dre~smkr, h 228 Verbeke ~Hilki "hlon R.~ 11:'1 h :115 Miller ~'dinda, h 21 10th Milkr iirgaret, 5eanistress, h :\liIler l\[argaret, wid Le\"i, h GO; ::I.Iuenrh ::I.1iI1er Margaret C, seamstre~s, h 1519 N 3d Miller Margaret P .. wid David h 2115 N :3d Miller Margaret i53,leslady, 'J 3d, h Calder Miller I'Earia, wid h ll1b Cameron
F~t ~


"T0 find a name you must lmow how to spell it."

H. M. KELLEY" CO .. COAL AND WOOD {OnlCes: :olI.~. '-:'f.'1::



Boyd'. Harriaburg (M) City Directory.


en ~li1ler c:::a Miller a: Miller ~ Miller :\Iiller




:z ~ ::


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:\Iaria S .. wid David 11., 11 1ll!1 N Cameron ~larie, saleslady, I; S :!d, h li:':~ ~ ::d :\lartha. wid John H., h ll'i:!a X :itl. ~Iartha A., wid Theodore, h :!II ~ 13th Martin L., laborer. h 1:?:!5 Currant av ~Iil1er Mary A., graduate Ilurse. h 17::3 ~ :ld :\liller :\lary A., \\id Daniel, h 4 ~ ISth ;\liller ;\Ian' A., Davill G., h Islll Mark!'f, Miller Mar~' A., wid W. Scott, h .to!1 Boas Miller Mar) E., h 4;~:l Strawherry av Miller Mary E .. domestic, 1:311 \Valnut Miller Mary E. Mrs., h 431 South av yliller Mary E. ~lrs., h 606 (jranile av Miller Mary F., milliner, a6 N ad, h 11127 Logan av Miller l\lary F., wid J. \\'eslt>y, h :!:n S River av Miller l\lary J. ~lrs., dressmkr, 19:?;; 1\ I,th, h do yliller Mary J., wid William, h 3l1i llriggs Miller :\larv K., h 1:l:38 Mavflower Miller ~lar}' X., wid Abraham 1'., h :W; S 14th Miller Mary R., wid H. Alexander, h Park Hotel Miller Mary S., wid William F .. h :?57 Forster Miller Matilda 0., saleslady, h 17:t3 ~ ad Miller Maude E., cigarmkr, h l!H 1 X 7th Miller l\lalld~ M., elk, 111 c Mulberry, h 1:!2.J. N 3d Miller Maude Q., saleslady, h Ha9 S 1\)1 :Yliller l\Iichael, conductor, h Bovd av I1r :M Miller :\Iilton C .. bottler, h :ni Boyd av Miller ~Iinnie. charwoman, h 106 Filbert Miller :'.Iinnie M .. weaver, h 1!1211 Wood av 1\-{iller Minnie \' .. weaver. h fil:t Cedar av :\filler l\lontgomery M .. stengr F. & Yl. Wks, h 121 N l:lth Miller Moses, carpenter, h 31;; Reily Miller 1\1 vrtle, domestic, :!Oll Pine ;\li11er M~'rtle C. cigarmkr, h llO:J Cow(\cn MJIler Olin \Y., vocal teacher, h 121 ~ 13th Miller Oscar K., engineer, h U2!1 ~ :!d Miller Oscar L.. engineer, h 61)7 :\1 uench Miller Peter F., carpenter. h ll:!fi ~ Hth :V1iller Philip. brewer, h 18.~!1 :\filler Rachel, \VltI William. h 4119 Cowden yliller Ralph L.. elk. li:!7 Walnut, h ;j:!~ Race Miller Raymond I I.. pre~s feeder. h !I:!:t Rose av yIiller Rebecca L., wid John J.. h 127 \Y alnut :\li11er Regina, wid Christian, h 2:i7 S Cameron }lilIer Richard elk, !l20 :\<Iarket, h 15:?:l Penn :\<liIler Rohert, Bartender, h :~24 ~trawherry av :\<Ii1ler Rohert. upholsterer. h :!18 Reily :\'li1le~~ol~e~t ~., laborer. ~10fi Filhert


ANDREW REDMOND, Hc.;.~:;:~".f::d ~:"o~o~:... {3d and R.lly Sts.

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E.u..... (11_. Boyd'. Harri.burg (M) City Directory, 461

PnKOln. PubliC a.lIdln.. In Plain Tlnta.


{IZI6 II. 3d St.


Robert P., car repairer, It VOla4 Walnut Rose :\Jrs., h 211 :Yleadow la Ross ~I., leverman, h 1958 l\" jth Sadie, charwoman. h 1~2(i Hickorv av Samuel, flagman. h l(il~ ~ 4th . Samuel D., switchtender, h :!IIU N 7th Samuel H . elk county comm'rs, C. H., h 1729 ~larket . Miller Samuel H., conductor. h 1!)10 X 6th t\ Miller Samuel J., laborer, h 1941 ~ jth V Miller Sarah, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Miller Sarah, cigarmkr, h 227 :'.lulberry Miller Sarah, domestic, 51l:! Camp Miller Sarah, wid Hiram, h au Strawberrv av . Miller Sarah J., domestic, 1124 ~ ad Miller Sarah J., wid James, nurse, h 1:n Linden Miller Shelley E., train disp'r P. R. R. depot, h 1al6 N 6th Miller Simon L., watchman, It 21 ~ 1 jth Miller Sophia, housekeeper, h 111th c Derry Miller Stephen A., flagman, h 1211 Sylvan ter :\filler Susan, domestic. ti2j Boas Miller Susan, domestic, 91t; ~ ad MilIer Susan A., wid Oliver H., h H:~U :\ t;tlt Miller Susan B., cigarmkr, h 1124 CO~'den Miller Susan P., wid }[orris P., h 1n:~ :\ :~(l MiIIer Sylvester, C. S. A., h 1H27 Logan av Miller Thomas J., coffee roaster, H:!4 }luench, h do Miller Thomas J., conductor, h 1424 Susquehanna Miller Tillie, laundress, h 2:{!) State Miller Verna, bookkpr, 14 S 2d, h 129 :\ I:Hh MiIIer Walter B., elk P. R. R., It 6:~8 i\[ uench MiIIer Weiler J.. laborer, It 1424 Susquehanna II Miller Wilhelmina Mrs., h 514 ~ :3rl Miller William, furniture, 216 South, h do 0 Miller William, laborer, h 1246 ~ Cameron I~ Miller William, molder, h 114 Conoy Miller Wm. A., asst wire chief, 210 \Valnut, h 1419 Zarker Cal Miller William A., buyer. ~34 Market, h 11H4 :\lulberrv Miller William A., machinist, h 427 Verbeke . Miller William A. B., elk, 222 Mulberry, h HI.2 Race Miller William B., sec, 222 i\lulberry. h :~:H S Front Miller William C. lahorer. h 214R ;\[ 6th Miller William C. laborer. h l!1Zl~ :\ 7th Cal :.\Iiller \\'illiam D .. hrakeman, h :nl Clinton a\' Miller William D .. hrakman. h Inll :\ orth Miller William E .. lahorer. h :!7Zl Calder Miller William Edward, collector, 28 S 2rl. h 1,31) Harris If" Miller William G .. engineer, h 1425 Green Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller

1'1 ~


I 2 -I 2




.. To find a name


muSt mow bow to speD ft!'

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McNeil'. Pain Exterminator cures Cholera Morbua, l>JIeDterr, CramJll, Di&rrhrea, Colds, QuiDs)-, Rheumat!lUI. Toothache, I:!ore Throat, Alue, Dylpepe1a, 1Ic. . _ I . . .

William H., h 6:l6 Harris \\"illiam H., brakeman, h 2148 Atlas av 1\liller William H., caller P. R. R., h 112 Calder _ Miller William H., car cleaner, h 1110 Grape av ~ :\liller William H., fireman, h 1941 N 7th :5 ~filler William H., helper, h 838 S Cameron ~ 11illcr William K., driver, h 452 S Cameron .\liller William L., hostler, h 409 Filbert ~ Miller William L., machinist, h 2146 N 6th Miller William 1\1., conductor, h 338 Bovd av :: Miller William K., carpenter, h 1451 Regina ~ ~filler William 0., engineer, h 532 Woodbine -= )1i1ler William P., elk Senate Library, h 2115 N 3d :; Miller William R., postal elk, h 819 N 3d ~lillcr William S., carpenter, h 1207 N Front Miller William S., engineer, h 1802 N 4th Miller Winnie G., domestic, 51 Lochiel 5th Row l\liller W. Oliver, brickmkr, h 1924 Wood av Miller Zachary, salesman, h 823 Myrtle av I- MILLER & BUTLER, (Charles A.. Miller and lames Butler), proprs Star Carpet Cleaning and Hot Naphtha Cleanaing CC Works. 28 to 34 N Cameron ~filler & Hanson, (H. S. Miller and G. Hanson), florists,. 1221 N 3d I- Miller & Long. (A. S. ~liller and C. L. Long), contractors, .Z State c 18th .\1il1er's Mutual Fire Ins. Co., B. K. Huntzinger, sec, 1 S 3d Augustus S., foreman, h O MillhouseEllen D., wid John, h 21261326 Derry Milligan N 7th . : l\lil1igan Harry H., painter, h 619 Delaware av z Milligan Samuel A., puddler, h 108 Conoy ~ :\lilliken Gertrude V., bonnetmkr, h 1801 Penn E Milliken Harry I., cleaner. h 1220 N 7th 4::) Milliken James T., flagman, h 538 Peffer U Milliken John, laborer, h 1220 N 7th ....I Milliken Mary R., candymkr, h 1220 N 7th C Milliken Nevin J., brakeman, h 2006 N 5th Milliken Sarah D., centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Mills Edgar P., brakeman, h 1622 N 6th Q Mills John H., billiard elk Hbg Club, h 1206 Capital Mills Lewis R., huckster, h rear 104 Filbert Mills Martha J., h 668 Boas ~ Mills l',fary 11. '\irs., laundress, h 440 South Milne Joseph S .. tray agt, h 202 Locust Q Milnor George W., contractor, 719 Capital, h do ~ Milton Maude, weaver, h 1702 N 3d Milwaukee Harvester Co., 424 Market ~ ~limnaught '\lichael J., helper, h 122 Nagle


~liller ~filler

Boyd's Harrisburg eM) City Directory.

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en a:

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for ACCIDElIT 11I8flRAlICE. 1011110.'. ........ SIreel. Bell 'PhoDe 8111 X, or elMS X.
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Yt~ :!~s:rv;:u~= 101\ POIlII[ ond IlndOw ShOdeS lrom A.

Boyd's Harrisburg

B. TACK.\t.

City Directory,

Minahan Cathern, layer out of the dead, 1314 William, h do Minahan Harry F., upholsterer, h 1314 William :Minehart Charles, brakeman, h 918 N 6th Minichan Harry R, engineer, h 1210 Mulberry Minichan Horace S., brakeman, h 1415 ~Iaple av Minichan Sarah E., wid Samuel E., h 1415 Maple av Minick Benjamin F., carpenter, h 2148 N 6th Minick Charles H., heater, h 1404 Penn Minick David R, car inspector, h 2150 1\ 6th Minick Elmer E., laborer, h 121 Sayford av Minick Harry R., plasterer, h 12:!:~ Cumberland w Minick Irvin E., fireman. h 121 5ayford av Minick Jeremiah. h H211 Penn ~linick j. Henry, h 121 Sayford av cr Minick John 1., carpenter, h ti:15 Woodbine Minick Lawrence, laborer, h 121 Sadord av Minick WiIliam N., blacksmith, h 128 Sayford av Minium John, helper, h 111i :\ :M Minnich Agnes, dome ... tic, ill :\ L:Uh D Minnich .\merica, wid John, h 1215 X it11 Minnich Charles E., brakeman. h 1413 '\laple av Minnich Ephraim. laborer, h 125:: N 111 ~ CD Minnich George. elk. a24 :'larket. h 1215 N ith Minnich Harry H., brakeman. h -130 Kelker av Minnich Harry \V., fireman. h 529 \\'oodbine c::t Minnich JohnH., laborer, h J!l54?\ ith :! IHinllich ) oseph. laborer, h 111:;4 :\ ith 0 1\Iinnich. see also ~1 uench Minnick Amelia, wid \\illiam, h 59 :\ 111th Minnick Annie l". 1\Irs .. boarding. 125 X 10th, h do Minnick Cicorge H . brakeman. h 60:~ Peffer l\Jinnick John. laborer, h Canal bel ~Iaelay C Minnick Norman, paperhanger. h 12:> :\ 1IIth D Minnick Shelby 1., warehousl'man, h 12;:; N 10th Minnier Williain T., engineer, h 222 Reily : II Nlinnig Charles F., driver, h lII:n Market c -, ~1innig Francis, driver. h w:n Market ~ Minnig Melvin, driver, h lO:n :'larket Minnig Roy G., driver, h 11131 Market Minnis Emerson S., dri\er. h 1:':2i )laple av CI) Minnis Susannah A .. wid TimOthy D .. h 922 Penn ~linnis Yemon R.. letter carrier, h :122 Penn =r Minor Anderson L.. laborer, h 622 Briggs Q. Minor Sarah. cook. 215 Cranberry av .. CI) Minsker Alice, domestic. 253 Boas
~ ~

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.. To find a name you must know how to spell It."

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Ton of .J


H MKELLEY aCO'S BI."k 01_.......... {'10th and 3d Street. D. Narth t. . .,r... Statl SII
)'0 .,Jl:1 . . . .


Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.





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> o

:\Iinsker Harriet. dressmkr. h 1~1i4 Market :Minsker Harry H., lather. h 5th c Seneca Minsker John \Y., elk P. R. H.. frt depot, h 27;j Calder ~1insker Mary J., hotl~ekceper, 1214 ~ :!d Minskey George. heater. h 2()40 6t :Minskey Harry \V . laborer. h :!Ii4U H} :Minskey Jo:;eph. produce. h :!6!fI fi1 Minskey Joseph, jr., labo~er, h :!6W 4>-1 .\linskey wttie M .. domestic, li42 \Valnut MINTER CO., (THE), Luther ](inter, book publishen, 4: N 3d ~1inter Tacob L.. miller. h 1O! Cono," ~linter Luther, (fhe :\Iinter lo.), h 22 Evergreen Miraglia Leonarda, shOl:mkr, :m:t Cbestnut. h do Mish George S., (Capital City Quarries), h Middletown ~1ishlcr Michael J., driver, h i5:1 S 191 Mitchell A. EIIen, milliner. h III X 5th Mitchell Alexander. laborer. h HIl7 Marion Mitchell Alexander H., Illes~ dept int affairs, h 820 N 6th :\Iitchdl Catharine B., wid George. h ~5:! S Cameron Mitchell Erlgar H., laborer, h 11 I:! James av :MITCHELL E1IB.ltUN B., lawyer, Calder bldg, 16 N 2ci, h 315 N Front 'iitchdl Eliza. cook. h 112 :\n~l.~ av ~l itcheII Ethel, domestic, 1114 ~outh MitcheII George B., ll1achin~t. h 10 X 5th Mitche!1 George F., ice cream mir, rl'ar UOt; Vernon and 1:!1!1 Cowden, h do Mitchell Harry. laborer, h 1l:! Angle a ... MITCHELL H. B. & CO., coal dealers, 5 N 2d Mitchell Horace B., (H. B. Mitchell & Co.), h HOO N 3d r.,1itchell James, laborer, h 169 Indian av ~Iitchel1 James, laborer, h 64~ Brig-g,; Mitchell Jennie F., teacher, h ~;;:! S Cameron Mitchell Joseph c., motorman, h 1:!:3 Verbeke Mitchell Lewis G. Rev., h 1314 Marion Mitchell !\!argaret H. ~frs., h 1418 ~ 4th ~litchel1 :\lary. domestic, 417 \Vest av ;\'i~tcht::l Mary: music ~eacher.~ h ~52 S Cameron lVhtchell Man M., h hIlO N "d ~1itchc.1l :\Iatflda. wid James, :1 JOI State Hitl'helI ~[jJlard F., elk, h 12:1 \e~bekp. Mitch~ll M. Wilson, salesman. ::!l4 :\hrket. h III N 3th Mitcht'll Percival, laborer, h la4 Cranl)(,l'ry av Mitchell Ross T., illustrator, :1 ~:!o ~ lith Mitchell Samuel. laborer, h 211 Cranlwrry av


ANDREW REDMOND, J':::::::d'::'~:::. {3d and Rell, Sta.

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I A..

B TACK , .....d . . completoe with FlunI aDd J'rlDpl for.SIlo. { N..fl18 w.n P..... The belt aad low.t prleee. WI. . . 3d st.
Boyd's Harriaburg eM) City Directory.

465 Mitchell Samuel 1\1., repairsm:m, h :!O:!)02 X 7th Mitchell Sarah, domestic, 35:l S Camero)1l Mitchell W. Francis, laborer, h 4:37 S tilth Mitchell William A., laborer, h 1004 Fvx av Mitten Crarles E., elk, h 414 Haas MiUt'n John, puddler, h 1326 S l3th :MiJ\.dl Tamh L., bottler, h 1(100 1[al'kct MiscH J'iJrker J., car inspect.)r, h :n:m 1\ ~ooro> !'\oat:: Abraham L., salesman, 112 Market, it -422 dn Mobley William, puddler, h 1:t!H S l:~th Mock Mow, laundry. 131H1 ~ 6th, h do Mock I t,en, laundry, 121 Mark~t, h d) Moeller Agnes. h 116 1\ l:~th Moeller C. Adolf F., drug elk, 35 S 2d, h 116 ~ 13th Moeller Carl E. F., elk. h 116 X 1:lth Moeller Catharine, wid Dietrich, h 116 K 13th Moeller Marie L. C. milliner, h 1 L6 ~ 1~th Moeller Matilda E . teacher, h 111) ~ 13th Moeller Minna c.. bookkpr, 428 ~larket, h 116 ~ 13th Moeslein Adam E., (A. E. Moeslin & Co.), h 1109 N Front Moeslein A. E. & Co., (Adam E. and Edward ~Ioeslein), shoes. 1223 N 6th Moeslein Olarles ]., (Moeslein & unger), h 1414 Derry Moeslein Christian, helper, h 16(13 N 5th Moeslein Edward, (Gordon 1Hg. Co.). pres Hbg Match Co., h 422 North Moeslein Edward, jr., carpenter, h 645 Boas Mocslein Elizabeth Mrs., boarding, 645 Boas, h do MOESLEIN FERDINAND, hotel, 1235 ]I' 6th, h do Moeslein William E., bricklayer, h 710 East Moeslein & Unger, (c. J. Moeslein and C. D. Unger), grocers, 1416 Derry Moessner John G., h 614 N 3d Moessner Josephine Mrs., milliner, 614 X 3d, h do Moffitt Charles A., car repairer. h 1206 \Valla~e Moffitt George H . shipping elk. 208 Walnut, h 322 Sayford av Moffitt George R., student, h 1705 ~ Front MOFFITT 10HN 1., D. D. S., office, 200 Pine, h 1705 N Front Moffitt Luther R., teacher, h 1705 N Front Moffitt Robert H., h 1705 N Front Moffitt Robert H., engineer. h 1829 N 4th Moffitt Robert H., jr., mining engineer. h 1705 N Front Moffitt Ro~r~ W . sales~n. 212 Market0 182~ N_4~


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.. To find a name you must know how to spe1l1t..

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McNEIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. :.~l::J~d~~!e~~~aI~'t!: {306 Brol6



Boyd'. Harri,burg (M) City Directory.



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Moffitt William H., machinist, h 1829 ~ 4th Mogalski Eva, wid Michael, h 850 S Cameron Mogel Levi F., postal elk, h 1331 Kittatinny Mohler Abner E., molder, h 646 Calder Mohler Elizabeth !\1., seamstress, h vnn Penn Mohler Katie Mrs., h 605 State Mohn David, stable boss, h 111 S Cameron Mohn David, jr., packer, 39 :\ 2d, h 111 S Cameron Mohry John T., asst yardmaster P. & R., h :!4 N 15th Moltz G. Warren, postal elk, h 4 N 13th ~Ionasmith William, steelworker, h llHl Wallace Monath Eliza, wid George, h 215 Mulberry

L&J ..J ct L&J

en a:














will go on 10ur bond. 108 lV. ,,_... 8t .. whenbond. are ueeured. Bell 'Phone 85: X, or ~ X.
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A. B. TACK l:ct~~~t lOll pooor ond IInd018ll000s rzlll~~

467 Monath Frank H., elk Peipher Line, h 215 ~Iulberry Monday Edward, hostler, h 505 Strawberrv av Monday Jacob, laborer, h 122 Short Monegan Richard E., tinner, h 313 Clinton av Mongan Annie, cigar roller, h 563 Race Mongan Martin L., carpenter, h 563 Race Mongan William E., shoemkr, 208 Herr, h do Monmiller George D., driver, h 126 Hanna Monn Josiah, h 2104 N 6th Monongahela Melting Co., L. D. Brechbill, mgr, oil, 10th ab Division Monroe Clyde W., helper, h 1731 N 6th Monroe Effie F., saleslady, 334 Market. h lj:H ~ 6th Monroe Harry C, fireman, h 523 Emerald Monroe John L., pickler, h 1731 N 6th Monroe W. Scott, conductor, h 1731 K lith Montelle Elsie, saleslady, 334 Market, h Wormleysburg Montelle Lulu, tailoress, 36 ~ 3d, h \Vormleysburg Montelle Mary M., tailoress, 36 N 3d, h Wormleysburg :Montgomery A. Margaret, wid Samuel, h 458 Cumberland Montgomery David, laborer, h 514! N 5th Montgomery Emma L., wid James B., h 3119 Chestnut Montgomery Frank S .. elk, 36 S 3d, h 3U9 Chestnut Montgomery George P., elk, 36 S 3d, h 3119 Chestnut Montgomery Graham A., laborer, h 923 Capital Montgomery' Harry B., mgr, h 902 N 2d Montgomery Henry B .. conductor, h 125 S 14th ltO:NTOOltERY JAltES B., (est), cltontgomery & Co.), coal, 38 S 3d c Chestnut see adv Montgomery Joseph, painter, h 105 S River av Montgomery Joseph, (Montgomery & Co.), h 227 State Montgomery Oliver B., druggist. h 309 Chestnut Montgomery Peter H., laborer, h 264 Oliver Montgomery Sarah E. ]\lrs., h 118 Locust Montgomery Walter L., elk, 36 S 3d, h 309 Chestnut

Boyd's Harrisburg eM) City Directory.

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-'-DY.A.I.ER I N - -

-en o

Lykens Valley. Brooulde and Lincoln Coal a Spec"lty. Beet Grades of Hard White Ash. Bituminous and Blacksmith Coals In Stock. 311618. Yard: On P. '" R. R. Tracks. near Mulberry St. Bridge.

COAL and \VOOD ai! en

OFFICE: 36 South Third St., Corner Chestnut.

.... ~


"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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Dffh.n~ ~&1;'} H.

M. KELLEY & CO. n':::'\~f:Tt!

== =



Boyd's Harrisburg eM) City Directory.

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MONTGOMERY & CO., (loseph Montgomery and est lamel B. Montgomery, William X. Alricka and Charles S. Lin gle). Peipher Line Fast Freight to Philadelphia andBew York, ft of Market lee adv MONTGOMERY & CO., storage warehouses, general transfer and distributing agents of agricultural implements, &c., 816-827 Walnut 188 adv opp page :vlonyer John E., elk, h 404 Spring av M.oGdv Adaline Mrs., h 5th cReel's la ::\Iood)' Charles W., laborer, h 5th cReel's la Moody George \V . laborer, h 1708 Walnut Moody William H., laborer, h 510 Brown av ?liood" \Villiam H., trucker, h Front cReel's la Moog Bros., (John F .. Louis and Paul), shoes, 13 S 3d :\foog Ferdinand. h 13 S 3d IVloog John F., (Moog Bros.), h 1;~ S 3d Moog Louis, (Moog Bros.), h 13 S 3d Moog Paul, (:\loog Eros.), h 13 S 3d Mooney Ellis E., huckster. h 1611 :'\ lth Moore Alfred C, genl ins, 2m) Walnut. h 21ao Moore Moore Anna, telephone operator, :!:!j Walnut, h 502 Brown av Moore Austin A., tailor, 1210 Marht. h do Moore Blanche, tailoress, h 1223;\ Bailev Moore Bridget, wid Patrick, h 258 Cuniberland Moore Charles, ironwkr. h 1023 S ~Jth 1ioore Charles, waiter The Bolton ~loore Charles \V., waiter, h :340 ~1uench Moore Cordelia J., wid William. h 12:!3l Bailey Moore Curtin. engineer. h 1411 :\T 3d Moore Edward, butler, h 14:t! ~ 4th Moore Edward. laborer, h 1 Paxton Cottage Row Moore Elmer E., switchman. h 604 Granite av MOORE UItA B., genI sec Y. W. C. A., 1102 N 3d, h do Moore Fannie Mrs., h 441 State



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TII.,II lit! "'-pi hln",.

'Io _.4/ro... PlaU.,d..''',. ..., 11.." J' wk d Bono . - 111 811d, Cllllt PEIPlULJIE. _ DBPOTS: _ __

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_ _ _ ....



PHILADELPHIA-Willow Stn-et Wharf. Phil&. '" Reading Rwy. eo. NEW YORK-Old Pier 14. North River. Central R. R. of N. J. NEW YORK-Foot Fifteenth Sb'eet. North River. Central R. R. of N. 1. BROOKLYN-Fulton Terminal. foot Fulton Street, Central R. R. of N. J. BROOKLYN-Foot Bridge Street. Eaat River. Central R. R. of N. J. BROOKLYN-Palmer's Dock, East River. Central R. R. of N. J. JERSEY CITY-Depots, Central R. R. of N. J. NEWARK.-Depota, Central R. R. of N. J. BOSTON-NORWICH LINE (Depot South Boston). HARRISBURG-Foot Market Street, Phlla. '" Reading RaIlway 00.




~-:R~':J'iI~:!~j'~:";;! ANDREW REDMOND. {3d and Rell, Sis. Goog Ie

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A B TACI, ,.

N. 3d St. daIIt-*aDd IDIuns It. WoradooelnUl:rpartof State.

1.1. {Employ. JlOIle but ftrat-cl_ workmen. henee 0D1:r /If'e-

Boyd'. Barrilburr (M) City Directory.


:Moore Frank A .. employee State Arsl'nal, h 122:l1 Bailey Moore Franklin W., laborer, h 1:!24 Currant av Moore George F., waiter, h 14:14 N 4th Moore George S., fireman, h H69 S 21st Moore George S . huckster. h 1111 Plulll av :Moore Grant l\L. wall paper, ;')13 State. h 114 Hanna Moore Harlin R., foreman, h 1:~6 Linden Moore Harry H., l'. S. A., h 19117 ~ ad .l\[oore Ira, tinsmith, h 2:i0 Verbeke, Moore Ira D., messenger P. R, R, h 250 \'erbeke Moore Irvin S .. presser. h 2162 N 7th Moore James. laborer. h 6 Che~apeake av Moore Tames. laborer, h 514 South av Moore 'Tames K.. elk. 16 N ad. h 25t1 \'erbeke :\loore Jane. h ::m~ Boas Moore Jesse T .. catcher. h 21111 Turner av Moore john, waiter, h 4111 1'\ :;th Moore John H .. engineer. h 605 Herr Moore John H., huckster. h'!124 Ash av Moore Tohn H., laborer, h 1:125 Tames Moore john H., lahorer. h 211:: :\'ectarine av Moore )ohn \Y .. lahorer. h :!llG Turner av Moore Joseph B .. hauling, 1H07 :\ :~d, h do Moore T. Patton Rev .. h 1724 Green Moore 'Katharine. domestic. lUi) ?\ Front Moore Leedom h., engineer. h 1;-10 ~Iuei1ch Moore Lile :\Ir:'.. nurse. h 67.t Boas Moore Louisa A .. wid William, h 1:!24 Cl'rrant av ~loore Lvnn. fireman. h una CO\\den Moore ~iaggie R .. wid Samuel. It 2162 ~ 7th Moore Malinda. wid Edward. h Chri~tian nr S\'lvan ter Moore :vrargaret, cigarmkr. h 1H Hanna ' Moore .\Iargarrt ,\. Mrs .. h rear :I:!G Cherry av Moon Maria. hoarding. 204 :\Iary's avo h do Moore Martin. assessor, h 5112 Brown av Moore ~Iar", cook, 204 State ~loore !\rar~', housekeeper. 6 Ch"~apeakt' av M00re Mattie B., wid Frank B.. h Ijll6 Church av

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PI ~





err. and
General Transfer and Dlltrlbuting Agenl8. Agricultural Implements. Machin, Repair!! for same, and Generalllferchandise received. stored and prompth' forwarded upon order of owner!! or authorized aKents. separate locked rooms for Bo_hold Goods. Low Rates of Fire Insuranee. Flrst'cla88 Te ,mB for Hauling and Moving 000<18. Pianos and Extra Heavy Hauling a Specialty. Dealer!! In Bay. St.raw and Oat8. OPFICB. 11 8B7 WALNI1T STREET.


Storage VVarehouses
WAftEROUSE,'1: NGII. 6VIJ ...tfflV7 W.." ."s,... ee. Ca .. .., .....k<ot..... " T ....tla S,reet bolo ... M"rkee. --- - - ---- - - - - - U


... fI)

To find a name you must know how to spell ft."

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CURl'S ::::t~~ DRU6 AND PATENT MEDICINE STORE. {=,:'J:!:J1;,. 470 Boyd's Harrisburg eM) City Directory.
1100re Perc)" waiter Commonwealth, h 515 State Moore Ralph, elk, h 1~17 N 6th Moore Ralph D., laborer, h tllti TurnFr av Moore Theodore, shoe finisher, It j' S 1lith Moore Upton, painter, 114 Hanna, h do Moore W. Brooke, pass trainmaster P. R. R .. 11 :n2 Chestnut Moore William, h 256 Boas ~-1oore William H., grocer, 1217 N 6th, h ,10 Moore William H., salesman, h 21~O ;\loore ~Ioore William L., huckster, h 12U~ Dock ~loorehouse Margaret :\-1rs., h 7U' X 2d ~loorhead George \V., cleaner, h li2:) Harris ~loorhead J. Milton, laborer, h J.t,:!I) X I;th ~loorhead Joseph S., engineer, h 6:!:i Harris Moorhead William A., salesman, 3;H Market, it 1!;~1) N 6th MI,ose Lizzie, domestic, 505 N Front :\loran George J., fireman, h !2~ Hamilton Moran Mary B., wid Thomas D., h :!OO:) X fith Mordan Frank C, brakeman, h 2012 ~ ,th Moreland Effie M., wid Kewell, h lSUjJ X :ith Moreland Ida, h 1519 Walnut . Moreland Mary, wid Herman, h ]519 \\'almlt l\loretti Frank, bartender Hotel Rus.>, h 114-1 :\Luk"t IV[oretz Hiester C, brakeman, h IHI) \V.)odbilH! Moretz Lawrence R., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Morey Frank, adjuster, h 127 Pille J\lorgan Anna L., housekeeper, 52 Lochiel 6th Row Morgan Annie L., teacher, h l W Calder Morgan Christian H., agt P. & R. ir: depot, 11 HOO :.'.larket Mcrgan Cora, wid William, h 1415 Penn Mc-rgan David, laborer, h 1247 ~ I L} Morgan David 5., laborer, h 1:!59 S Uth l\[qrgan Frank W., pool, 120R N lith, h 11lH do l\lorgan Frederick B., dispatcher, h 137 Balm :Morgan George F., photographc ..., h 410 Brigg., Mo~gan James W., cleaner, h ij:~~ ,\taday Morgan Jesse B., electrician, il It L1 ~ Front Morgan John, laborer, h 2 ~ !lth Morgan John H., laborer, h 2 ~ Htit Mc.rgan John P., city detective, h 1:!11 ~ Front 1\} organ' Margaret, wid George P.., h rt'ar !t~5 N ;~d Morgan Paul, laborer, h 1232 \V al1al'~ Morgan Susan F., wid James 'V., 11 UI) Calder Morgaridge \Villiam W., clk bureau r'ways, h 212 Forster Morgenthal Edward, laborer, 11 ; X :ltb Morgenthal Edward H., brakeman, h 818 Cowden l\[orgenthal John A .. laborer, It 7 N Hth
.nd ....... Boller a_. EDW -G ROBERTS ACCident, Liability81. Bell' Phone 851 X. or 684a lOa North .".,..nd





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Wall Paper and Window Shadrs, {l.::~~r!~~~.!.r.


Boyd'. Harrisburg CM) City Directory.


Morgenthaler Christian. foreman, 18 Sad, h IJ~3 Green Morgenthaler Fred'k L., elk, 627 Walnut, h 213 Hamilton

MORGENTHALER 10HN L., 5th Ward Hotel, 937 N 3d, h do Morgenthaler :\lary R, saleslady, 3:14 Market, h 1123 Green

Morley Arthur, actor, h 12:lU Derry Morley Emma :\lrs., gron~r, 14:l2 ::;us'i> it 212 Harr:s ;"lorlev Florence E., elk, h :!L:! Harris Morne William H., engineer, h 141i N 6th ~lorning Hannah, domestic, :!\ia ;.; Front Morning-wake Annie, dressmkr, 313 S :!d, h do Morr Anthony, shoemkr. l1:!S N Cameron. h do Morrell Edward, driver, h l:IS Cumberland l\lorrett Eduer :\1. C, salesman, H S :!d, h 3:!3 Chestnut Morrett Ella, saleslady, :l2!1 Market, h tillS Briggs Morrett Frank \\'., carpenter, h 117 Balm Morrett George, bartender Franklin House, h do Morrett Jesse S., laborer, h H2 Showers av Morrett John W .. carpenter. h 6U8 Briggs l\Iorrett Lawrence, brakeman. h 1103 Cowden Morrett Oliver F., painter, h 16:l6t WalJace ::V[orrett Reuben, contractor, &c., 608 Forster, h do ~Iorrett Sarah E., stenographer, h GUS Briggs Morris Alice, cook. 14:!7 ~ Front ~lorris Emma F., dressmkr, h :!3:l Harris :\Iorris Ceorge C, cuncluctor. h :!3:l Harris Morris George E., watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Morris George H., florist. h !146 ~ 7th Morris Harry E., driver, h l;l:~tI Susquehanna Morris Jacob, grocer, 63-1 Walnut, h do Morris John laborer, h rear 145 S :1.1 Morris John, laborer, h 12th nr Kelker Morris John N., helper, h 41~ S Hth Morris John W., conductor, h :!lI1tl Penn Morris Louis W., laborer, h 17113 ~ 7th Morris Sarah, stripper, h 6:{-1 Walnut Morris Susan, h 10:!1 ::--J" 7th :Morris Thomas L.. conductor. h l5l!! X 5th Morrison Almeda E .. student nurse Hbg Hospital, h do :\-lorrison Amos. brakeman, h 14111 ~ 6th Morrison Charles H., collector, !!2H Chestnut, h 105 Filbert Morrison Charles 1\., fireman, h 15:~5 Vernon Morrison Ettgene T., h 1526 N 2d Morrison Henry, waiter Park Hotel, h do


-I I

MORRISON JOHN W.. deputy commissioner of bankiug, Capitol, h 212 Chestnut MORRISON 1. RALPH, genl agt Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., 105 N 2d, h 207 State
Morrison Lenher :\I., elk. 11114 X

h HOG Regina

hTofinda name


must know hoW~ to -spdi

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--OUR MOTTO:Haaat CooL HDDat Wdlrht.

lH M KELLEY & CO 110111 and 3d Strett. jl .orIh r. IStall StI.



Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.

~Iorrison 1fargaret, nur~e, h 315 X Front _ ~lorrison William H .. laborer, h 140:~ Regina .:: 1Iorrissey Harry L., elk, h 1405 S 12th _ Morrissey James, heater, h 1405 S 12th ~ :\1orrissey James E., ironworker, h 1403 S 12th Morrissey Mary, domestic, 301 K Front Morrissey l'vlichael, puddler, h 1 Lochiel 1st Row ~ Morrow Catharine A., wid William W., h 1230 Derry' :: Morrow E. Boyd. elk, h 207 S 2d - Morrow Edward ~I., boilermkr, h 425 S 17th ~ 1>Iorrow Ethel, book sewer, 4 N 3d, h 207 S 2d LaJ Morrow Frank, carpenter, h 2148 N 6th Frank S., I- :\lorrow Hannah Lmusic teacher, ~f13 Green, h do :\lorrow .. teacher, h 424 Forster I- Morrow Herbert A., tobacconist, 207 S 2d, h do LaJ Morrow James M., fireman, h 8 S 13th Morrow ~1abel.R., teacher, h' 307 Briggs Morrow Samuel c., painter, h 65 1'\ 16th Z Morrow Samuel H., fruit, &c., 517 Willow avo h 307 Briggs Morrow Thomas A.. piorrow & Titze\1), h 560 Woodbine l\Iorrow William W. G.. elk Peipher Line. h 307 Briggs Morrow & Titzell. (T. A. Morrow and J. :\1. Titzell), bakers, 560 Woodbine LaJ :\forry George E., hostler. h 246 :\Ieadow la }forsch Jacob. carpenter, h 43f! South :\forsch Mavbeth I.. elk. 1402 \"ernon. h 438 South (.) :\forsch Sophia. forelady. h 438 South 1I0RSCH & HARTIIAII, (1. R. Hartman It wool pullera,. hides, calf and sheep skins, 10th bel State ~ :\iorse Adelbert E., machinist, h 5f17 Emerald a: Mortimer Anna xL, h 1:no State :: 1fortimer James X .. asst supt. h 13111 State ttl 1Iorton Annie. wid Edward, h 524 Filbert ~ :\forton Harry G .. foreman, vm Short. h 5~4 Filbert >= ~Iorton Joseph S .. waiter. h 14]2 William 'lorton Katharine A., housekeeper. l:l N Cameron "" :\Iorton Robert F .. brakeman, h 420 Market ~ :\Iorton V,'illiam C, laborer. h 13 X Cameron a: :'.Iorton \Villiam J .. h 13 N Cameron ~ '[orton \\Tilliam T laborer. h 614 South av .. ~ :\Iosbv Albert. laborer. h 113!'i S nth ~ :\[osee Joseph. laborer. h 509 S 2d :\Iosee Thomas T. shearsman. h u/l!1 S 2d .... :\[oses BenjaminF., meat.l~27 X 6th. !'i:~2 Forrest, h 534 do' :i Moses Benjamin F .. jr .. butcher. h 5:l4 Forrest :: :\105e5 Charles R .. butcher. h 5~4 Forrest ~ :\foses HO'ward E .. draftsman F. and :\1. Wks, h 1317 Derry

~ 1Iorrison Levi K., laborer, h 16:!4! N 5th a:






B.C~~t.?~;~RB. (ANDREW



REDMOND.13d Ind Relty Sis.

Digitized by




A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger, {12Ir:.:. ay=y~

Boyd'i Hamlbug eM) City Directory.


Moses James B., flagman, h 1206 Christian Moses John \V., plasterer, h 1206 Christian Moses Penfield D., butcher, h 5:14 Forrest Moses \Villiam M. S., h 2135 Atlas av Mosey Harry P., asst foreman P. R. R, h 67 N 14th Mosey Ira J., engineer, h 221 Verbeke Mosey Sarah )., wid Daniel ~1., h 23 N 13th Mosley Thomas, hostler, h 3211 S 14th Moss Edward, barber, 5119 State, h do Mosser Anna ~1., wid George F . h 615 Harris Mosser ). Charles, (J. C. ~losser & Co.), h Xew Cumberland J(OSSER 1. C. & CO., (1. C. J(osser and J(n. I. E. Oylter), broken. 15 S 2d Mosser S. Wirt, salesman, 432 Market, h 408 Briggs Most William M., student, h 25 Forrest av Mote Frank P., laborer. h 412 S 19th Mote Mabel 1., shoe operator, h 412 S 19th Moten Lewis, porter, h 523 Brown av Moten Mary, wid James, h 120 Cowden Motter Amanda, cook The Commonwealth Motter Annie c., wid John, h 333 l\larket Motter Gordon, craneman, h 1543 Swatara Motter Harry P., cashier, 318 Market, h 1925 Derry Motter S. Lewis, elk :'.Iechanics' Bank. h 119 South Motter Susannah. wid Jeremiah, h 1925 Derry Mottu William B., salesman, h 1(119 K 6th Motter, see Matter Mottier Philip, laborer, h 319 S River av Mount Albert. laborer, h 1519 Hunter J(T. PLEASANT HOTEL, (Sebastian Cozzoli), 11th c J(arket see adv J(OUNT PLEASANT PRESS, (1. Horace McFarland Co.), Crescent c Mulberry Mountz Annie, laundress. h 67 KlOth Mountz Bertha. domestic, 60 Balm Mountz Daniel A., conductor. h 201a Log-an av Mountz Elias K.. elk. ]7 N 3d. h 145 Balm l\lountz Emory E .. stone cutter, h 415 Cumberland Mountz Frank L., salesman. :l34 ~larket. h 1117 Capital Mountz Irene. laundress. h 67 X 10th Mountz Josiah. laborer. h Herr ab 21st Mountz l\Iary K :\lrs .. boarding. 415 Cumberland. h do Mountz Maude A .. domestic. 115 S Front Mountz :\linnie K.. weaver. h 415 Cumherland J(OURER ALEXANDER. propr Wagner's Hotel, 400-402 Forster, h do Mourer. see also :\laurer ----------- ----

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.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~rl~:o~~::e=t!~~~~l {806"'l..!~d

_ Mower Emma C.,h 808 N 6th :; Mowers Bertha ~1., domestic, 917 N 2d ~ .as .Mowers Grace L., packer, h 125 Liberty =- Mowery William D., flagman, It 7U4 East ~ Mowry Abraham, carpenter, h 1205 Derry :. Mowry Anna A. Mrs., h 1203 Green ~ Mowry Bessie A., cigarmkr, h 12U3 Green -- Mowry D. Albert, driver, h 936 Penn .~ Mowry Jane, h lOS N 2d Mowry Margaret B., h 108 N 2d Mowry Morgan A., h 1203 Green :: Mowry Napoleon B., stone mason, h 1127 Capital ~ Moyer Alfred J., engineer, h 536 Peffer _ Moyer Andrew, (est), shoes, 404 Market iii Moyer Andrew A., brakeman, h 1317 Maple av 2 Moyer Anna M. Mrs., dressmkr, h 404 Forster Moyer Bros., (M. S. and N. S.), meat, 20th c Brookwood 'VI Moyer Caroline, wid George, h 1208 Susquehanna II: Moyer Catharine D., dressmkr, h 1334 N 3d I.&J Moyer Charles c., yardmaster, h 12t15 Chestnut ...J Moyer Charles D., yardmaster P. & R., h 205 Chestnut C Moyer David, brakeman, h 1816 North I.&J Moyer Elizabeth, wid Andrew, h 705 N 6th Moyer Fannie S., saleslady, 326 Market, h 536 Peffer Moyer Frances, domestic, 1518 Derry lLI Moyer Frances B., teacher. h 705 N 6th (,) Moyer Frank, laborer, h 925 Bartine av Moyer Frank c., laborer, h 1117 N 7th Moyer George F., mgr, h 227 Hummel ~ Moyer George 1., laborer, h 1816 North Moyer Henry B., driver, h 1024.S 9th a.. Moyer Hiram, h 418 Market Moyer Homer, elk, h 447 Verbeke Q Moyer Jacob N., elk, 1402 Vernon, h 1268 State c.:t Moyer Jennie S., seamstress, h 2n2 Kelker - ' Moyer John, assembler, h 207 N 2d ~ Moyer John A., mgr. 404 :Ylarket, h 705 N 6th U Moyer John H., baker, 135 S 14th, h 211 S 15th Q Moyer John H., brakeman, h 61)7 Cumberland z: Moyer John W., brakeman, h 1f1:J5 N 6th c Moyer John W., electrician. h 517 Walnut t..I Moyer John \V., laborer, h 531 ~Iuench U Moyer Joseph S .. barber, h 5:Jl ~Iuench Moyer Joseph W., flagman, h 1217 :Ylulberry Moyer Joseph W .. elk P. R. R. depot, h Canal nr Walnut ~ Moyer Kate, housekeeper, 3d cReel's la z: Moyer Luther, flagman, h 1384 X 3d Moyer Mary, laundress, h fl25 Bartine av


...= 474

Boyd's Harrisburg eM) City Directory.




Th" .\m"rl".. n Boadln. (:ompaa,.. Baltimore. Md. BOW. G. ROBBRTS, General Agent central Penna. District, 103 N. Sd St. Bell 'Phone 8.'H X, or 6843 X.
Digitized by


Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory.


Moyer Mary, wid Henry, h 1117 N 7th Moyer Mary M., rag sorter, h 1117 N 7th Moyer Matilda, tailoress, h 1208 Susquehanna Moyer Mayanna, wid Joseph L., h 251 Hummel Moyer Michael S., (Moyer Bros.), h 20th c Brookwood Moyer Noah S., (Moyer Bros.), h 20th c Brookwood Moyer Rose G., teacher, h 236 Hamilton Moyer Samuel S., elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 424 Market Moyer Solomon, laborer, h 1024 S 9th Moyer Walter, polisher, h 231 Liberty Moyer William, tailor, h 1208 Susquehanna Moyer William D., music teacher, 721 Capital, h do Moyer William 0., grocer, 1412 Market, h do Moyer William S., fireman, h 23 Forrest av Moyer, see Mayer, also Meyer l\Iuckler George H .. flagman, h 308 Muench Muckier John G., elk, 3 N 2d, h 308 Muench Mudd Agnes Mrs., h 519 South Mudd Benjamin H., blacksmith, h 108 Angle av Mudd Kate, wid Harrison, h 108 Angle av Mueller Henry H., jr., tailor, h 629 Briggs !-.fueller Mary P., wid Paul, h 1614 Hunter av l\Jucller Sarah Y., tailoress, h 115 N 4th l\luench Adelaide E., wid Isaac S., h 1352 State 11'[ uench Elizabeth A., music teacher, h 13;')2 State lHuench, see also Minnich l\Iuffett Sarah, wid Charles, h 1114 Penn Mulcahy Michael J., hostler. h 416 Boas Mull George D., tinsmith, h 1639 ~ 4th Mull George \V., laborer, h 221 Mulberry Mull George \V., tinware, 439 State, h 163!) N 4th Mull Tacob R., tinsmith, h 1639 i'J 4th 1\'lull John F .. laborer, h 221 Mulberry l\Iullen Augustine L., laborer. h 119 Tanner's av Mullen Caroline, wid William T., h 279 Hamilton Mullen Christian F., hostler, h'521 Brown av Mullen Daniel B., laborer, h 13111 N Front :Mullen James F., civil engineer C. I. and S. Co., h 119 South Mullen John J., pressman, h 709 East Mullen John Y., paperhanger, h 133 Linden Mullen Joseph A., laborer. h 521 Brown av Mullen Lillie. salesladv, 334 Market. h Steelton l\lullen Lizzie. domestic. 19 N Front Mullen Mary, wid Israel. h 521 Brown av Mullen Mary A., housekeeper, h 709 East Mullen Minnie B., timekeeper, 1402 Vernon, h 512 Walnut Mullen Peter J., linotype operator, h 709 East Mullen Sarah E., wid Thomas F., h 512 Walnut

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-To find a name you must lmow how to spell it."

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Goog Ie

H. M. KELLEY" CO., COAL AND WOOD {Ollices: :Ot\o~dl1.~!Tt!:

Boyd's Harrisburg .... Mullin Eliza, gatherer, 21Jl

(M) City Directory.

.=; ==
~ W


1\ 2d, h 424 Briggs ~ :'Ilullin Elizabeth, wid ~Iichael, h 424 Briggs

~'Iullin ~lullin

~lullin Mary A., tipper, 201 N 2d, h 424 Briggs


Kate A., bookkpr, 2'.!;3


h 42-t. Briggs





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\Villiam A., elk aud genl's dept, h :'lit. Holly Springs Amos, agt, h 215 Cumberland 1Iumma Amos c., telegrapher, 11 X :~d, h :m6 Crescent ~lumma Charles, h 21:-l2 Atlas av Mumma C. Xisslev, bookkpr. 12:W X ad, h Steelton =-.Iumma David D.: h :no 1\ ad ~Iumma Edward c., h 12 S 4th Mumma Ella ~lrs .. h 126 Hanna 1Iumma Enos B., fireman, h 1516 Hunter av :Mumma George W., bricklayer, h 613 Calder ~Iumma George \Y., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h :~ S 13th :\Iumma Harvey \Y., brakeman, h 1722 X 5th Mumma Jacob \V., conductor, h 627 ~1aelay Mumma John A., linotype opr Patriot. h :!1:34 Moore Mumma John ~l., letter carrier, h 1526 Derry Mumma Joseph ~L, fireman. h 1324 Green Mumma Kate, h 2132 Atlas av Mumma Levi H., salesman, 308 ~Iarket, h 215 Cumberland Mumma Lucv A., wid David 11.. h 104 S 13th Mumma Lvd'ia, wid David, h 210 X 3d Mumma Lydia H., saleslady, 3118 ~\farket, h 215 Cumb'd Mumma Ralph ~I., salesman, 321 Market, h Mchsbg Mumma Sallie J., wid Joseph. h 632 Delaware av ~Iumma Theresa, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Mumma Thomas F .. Ictter carrier. h 911!) X 2d Mumper Harry :\., stengr P. R. R. frt depot, h :'.lchsbg Mumper Willis D., laborer. h 18:~7 Berryhill Mundis John N .. horscman. h 25:~ Liberty Murdock Isabclla, domestic. 31 S 3d Murlatt William H., flagman. h 1514l X 4th Murnan Thomas J., laborer. h 12th c Peffer Murnane John, laborer, h 546 SlOth Murnane ~'lan', wid Patrick, h 546 S 111th Murnane Patrick H., laborer, h 546 SlOth Murphy Andrew E .. boilermkr. h 81n X 2d Murphy Annie. roller, h 11115 S Hth Murphy Bridget, elk cafe The Commonwealth, h do Murphy Charles. hostler, h 515 South 815 N 2d Ettie, ironer, h 107 N 4th Frank J., plasterer. h !H6 N 7th George, shocmkr, h 107 X 4th George H., student. h 134~ State


Murphy Murphy l\furphy Murphy

ANDREW REDMOND, Hc:.:.::.r;.~".rz:::d ~io~o';:~. {3d and R.ny Sts.. Digitized CoogIe

A 8 TACK ,

Prueol Public Balldl.p I. Pial. TI.ta. E.II_


{IZIIi 1'. 34 St.


477 Murphy James, laborer, h 11111 Cowden Murphy James, shipper, h 1006 Hemlock Murphy James M., engineer, h 134S State Murphy John, laborer, h 6:!5 Briggs Murphy John T., boilermkr, h 14US Penn Murphy Joseph J., collector, h 1417 .\larket Murphy Julia F., shirtmkr, h 12:!7 Cowden Murphy Kate, elk cafe The Commonwealth, h do Murphy Lillie, dressmkr, 126 Liberty, h do Murphy Maria, wid Andrew E., h l:t!S Susquehanna Murphy Martin, helper, h 111 Tuscarora Murphy Mary, domestic The Commonwealth Murphy Michael, foreman, h 13 ~ 5th Murphy Michael, machinist, h 41S .\larket Murphy Neil J., salesman, h 255 North Murphy Thomas J., plumber, h 1510 Howard Murphy William, roller, h 1006 Hemlock Murphy William P., watchman, h 1416 Susquehanna Murr Christian H., fireman, h 631 Herr Murray Addison E., clk gas works, h 349 S 13th Murray Albert G., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 317 Boas Murray Anna C, wid George T., h 225 lloas Murray Anna M., domestic, 120 Paxton Murray Annie, wid William, h 14:~() '\larion Murray Charles, hostler, h 317 Hay av Murray Charles E., watchman, 11 205 S :311 Murray Charles F., conductor, h 232 S 2cl Murray Edith, domestic, 314 Market Murray Emma :YL, elk, 34 N 2d, h 225 Boas Murray Flora Mrs., h 826 James av Murray Francis M., switchman. h 349 S 1:3th Murray Frank, hostler, h 522 North av Murray George C., brakeman, h 1619 Swatara Murray George C, watchman, h 1306 N 2d 0 Murray George C, jr., bookkpr, h 1306 N 2d I~ Murray George E., brakeman, h 1608 Wallace Murray George H., machinist, h 1532 Green Cal Murray Harry E., painter, h 1532 Fulton Murray James B., helper, h 23 Lochiel 2d Row Murray James H., janitor, h 1818 Fulton Murray J. Edward, machinist, h 806 Green Murray Jeremiah S .. laborer, h 1532 Fulton Murray John H .. waiter. h 1:~3 Shqrt Cal Murray Kathryn, centre asst Lunatic Hospital. h do Q. Murrav Lottie .\1.. weaver. h 1627 N 5th Murra;' .\fary J. Mrs., h Ifj27 X 5th Murray .\Iichael J., brakeman, h 1528 :-.J 4th It Murray Milton, janitor F. and M. Works, h 1818 Fulton

Boyd'. Harriaburg eM) City Direotory.




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.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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McNeil'. Pain F.xterlllinator eUre6 Cholera lIforbu8, DYBentery, Crampl. DlarrbO!A, Cold., Qulnay, Rheumatl8lD, Toothache, Sore Tbroa', Ague, Dyapepaia, Ao. ........



Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory,

... l\furrav Porter, conductor, h 19:m X 7th == :\!urray Raymond W., laborer, h 1627 N 5th Murray Sarah ~I., dressmkr, h 1306 N 2d ::0 Murray Stephen, laborer, h 406 South ~ ~lurray Thomas, sexton, h 128 Tanner's av 3 :Murray Thomas W., machinist, h Hotel Columbus - ~lurray William A., supt E. & H. B. T. Co., h 313 Walnut -e Murray William E., baggagemaster, h 1619 Swatara ~ i\Iusgrove Alice M., saleslady, 326 Market, h 1212 N 2d _ ~1usgrove Sarah N., wid William, h 1212 N 2d IE j\,Iusgrove William H., surveyor, h 1212 N 2d c:::t :\Iusselman Bernard, blacksmith, h 121 N 10th : ' Musselman Jacob M., driver, h 121 N 10th :. Musser Agnes, tailoress, h 208 Strawberry av Musser Amos B., h 68 N 12th (/) Musser Benjamin F., salesman, h 15 N 13th :\fusser Charles E., canvasser, h 1235 Cowden Musser Emma F., photo printer, 16 N 3d, h 7 do Musser Hbg Traction Co., 220 I- MUSSERFrank B., supt photographer, 16 N h3d, h S 13th 8th FRANK E" 702 N O s e e adv c( Musser Henry, carpenter, h 15 N 13th Musser James E., elk P. R. R., h 918 N 6th , I- MUSSER 10ES H., lawyer. real estate, insurance and publisher The Sun, 209 Walnut, h 215 N 2d ' Z Musser Raymond, ~tenographer, h 609 Boas Musser Susan E., wid Benjamin, h 7 X ~d Musser \arren, elevator opr The Lochiel, h do Musser William H., teacher, h 215 N 2d >-0- Mutual Guarantee Building and Loan A~sn, D. H. Burwell, -=: dist mgr, ~~21 Market ~ MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK, Franklin E Suydam, dist mgr, 113 Market Q :\<Iutzabaugh Charles G., fireman, h 912 S 9th U Mutzebaugh David L., salesman, h 1333 Kittatinny ..... Mutzebaugh Evelyn G.. h 1333 Kittatinny ~ Mutzebaugh Joseph, roller, h UJ33 Kittatinny U Mutzebaugh Langhorne, carpenter, h 16:l6 N 6th

a: o




---- ---




Rfrb-Class Water Colors. Sepias and Pastels.

ACCIOElIT Il'lltilURANCII:. lI.r EDW. G. ROBERTS , ...r d Stftel. Bell 'Phone 851 X.103 68tS X. See or

~ 16 North Third Street.

Harrisburg, Pa.

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Y;=v;~~ 1011 POper ODd IlndOW ShOdeS /rom A. B. TACK, N.ll~\t.

479 M utzebal1gh Lorena L.. domestic, 2C17 S Front :\Iutzebaugh ~lartha E . wid John W .. h 4:n S 2d Mutzebaugh Mary. wid Isaac. h 42!1 S 2d Myers Abraham D., collector. 27 :\ :~d. h 112 Herr Myers Abraham W., adv agt, h HI:!:~ State Myers Adam L., engineer, h :U7 Reily Myers A. F. & E. A., dressmkrs. aM X 2t1 !vlyers Alfred E., laborer, h 1415 James av M vers Alvin G., salesman. h 12(17 Green :r\I~'ers Amelia, wid William. h 1242 :\'larket M~'ers Amos F., (A. F. & E. A. !'dyers). h H13 Penn Mvers Anna L.. salesladv. a:~4 :\Iarket. h 219 Boas M)'ers Annie :\1., dressnlkr. h 1111 Cowden Myers Arnold, agt. h 32~ Xorth :Myers Augustus H., h 505 Kelker :Nlvers Catharine F., saleslady. a:14 :\[arket, h 1632 N 3d M)'ers Catharine J.. laundress. h Hl~ Penn ~hers Charles. cutter. !lut :\ :~d. h 16:t! do Myers Charles A.. flagman. h 6a4 Reily 1vhers Charles E .. elk. 1:nll :\ lith. h do ::\1"ers Charles E .. laborer, h 1224 Currant av M~'ers Charles H . flagman. h 1 Hl7 X 7th ~I vers Charles ::\1.. brakeman. h {)(I!' ~I uench M)ers Christian W .. elk aud genl's dept. h 1612 Green Myers Daniel B.. telegrapher P. R. R.. h 228 Hamilton :\Iyers David H .. policeman P. R. R . h 10241 Green 1\'lvers Edith R.. elk. 1:{)(1 N {ith. h do xI)'en; Elizabeth A .. (.\. F. & E: A. ::\Iyers). h 913 Penn :\fvers EBen. domestic. !Ill N 6th. Mvers Ellen S . h HI S ~d l\lyers Elmer G . carpenter. h 1:124 Kittatinny Mvers Emma. weaver. h ll2~ X 6th Myers F. E. & Bro .. agrl impIts. 627 Walnut l\lyers Florence :NIrs., h 2~8 ?leadow la Myers Forrest J.. salesman. 21 N 3d. h 1 S Front Myers Frank A., cashier. 401 Chestnut, h 1215 Mulberry 1\lyers George A . elk. h 1~2~ N ad Myers George H., laborer, h 505 Kelker IHyers George W .. salesman, 325 Market, h 219 Boas :\hers Harry, laborer. h 1714 }larket M;'ers Hatde J.. housekeeper, 1312 Penn Myers Henry LT., conductor, h 1830 N 6th Myers Henry W., blacksmith, h 141 N Cameron Myers Herman M., painter, h 128 Sylvan ter Myers Howard S., blacksmith, h 1517 Penn Myers Ida, domestic. 218 ~ :!d Myers Ida ?Irs., nurse, h 1~16 K 3d

Boyd's Harrisburg (M) City Directory.

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.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."


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Try a Ton of

H MKELLEY &CO'S ....on n ...." o {'10th and 3d StrHt. Oh... k w .... North Stat. St..

..... 480
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Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory.



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Myers Irwin, track layer. h 7 SlOth Myers Jacob, laborer. h 21158 Derry Myers Jacob P., conductor, h 343 Harris Myers James A., laborer, h 1611 Wallace l\lyers J. David, brakeman, h 2n:n ~ 7th Myers Jessie, student nurse Hbg Hospital. h do Myers J. Kerr, h 317 Hummel Myers J. Milton, painter, h 1129 \Vallace Myers John, laborer, h 639 Briggs Myers John A, brakeman, h 1728 N 7th Myers John H., draftsman, h 917 Green Myers John H., flagman, h 1708 Penn Myers John L., grocer, 1310 K 6th, h do Myers John 1\1., h 1Hl5 Bailey Myers Joseph, watchman. h 236 Charles.av Myers Joseph F., engineer, h 1511 N 4:tb Myers Katherine A, stengr, 213 Walnut, h 1242 Market Myers Lillian B., domestic, 21)8 N 3d Myers Lydia A, wid Charles, h 353 S Cameron Myers Mary, wid l\Iichael, h 164:l Susquehanna Myers Mervin H., elk Cen. Guar. Trust Co., h 1230 N 3d Myers Milton, painter P. R R, h 1129 Wallace Myers :Milton P., brakeman. hUll) N 6th Myers Myrtle V., seamstress. h 131tl N 6th Myers Nellie, saleslady, 334 Market, h Mechanicsburg Myers Rena M., housekeeper, h 112 Herr Myers Robert L., (R. L. Myers & Co.), h Camp Hill MYERS R. L. & CO., (R. L. Myen and H. W. Fishel), publishen, 101 Market Myers Samuel J., elk, 1643 N 6th, h :H8 Boyd av Myers Samuel T., laborer, h 919 S 9th Myers Sarah, wid Elias, h 1941 Briggs Myers Sarah R Mrs., hiS Front Myers S. Mark, janitor Court House, h 1948 ~ 5th Myers Susan A., wid Amos, h 913 Penn Myers Thompson, laborer, h 239 State Myers Wilbert. laborer, h 604 North ~1yers \Villiam, bootblack Com\vlth, h 1405 James av Myers \VilIiam D., repairsman, h 35 Sassafras av Myers William H., brakeman, h 615 :Ylahantongo Myers William H., clltter, h 164 N 15th Myers 'Villiam H., fireman, h 17:lUt )J 5th Myers William Ir., reporter, h 17m) Green ~iyers William J., conductor. h 60!) Dauphin Myers Wilson J., carpenter. h 152:3 ~ 5th Myers, see Meyers

ANDREW REDMOND, ~!:::!:::~d':h,~~~:':. {3d and Ren, Sta.

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" B TAnK"


Wan PapEr. The bflst . aod lowest prices. W.i..,_{ U' ..6 !! oompiet.J wttil Fl:i:CUfei and. F~ for ~ N. 3cE


Boyd's Harrisburg eN) City Directory.


I\ace Annie ,\1., dOl1l@'stic, la07 S 1:!th Nace Charles E., pile .. , h 4: Lochiellst Row Nace Isaac, carpenter, h 419 FOister K ace Lillie A .. domestic, 4 Lochie! 1st Row I\ace Mary I., saleslady, 1.4 N ad, h 419 Forster Nace Samuel, helper, h 4 Lochiel 1st Rm" Nachman Joseph, (The Hub), h 1617 ~ :.;d Nagel John F baker, h 16 N 5th Nagel lYlary A., wid John, h 16 .~ 5th Nagle Albert, baker, h 58 N lath l\agle Calvin, brakeman, II 1:304 \\'allace Nagle Charles E, machinist, h 1.:s16 N 8d Nagle: Christian 1L ehief engineer. h IHHi N 3d Nagle Claire, cigarmkr, h 410 Strawherry av Nagle George F .. laborer, h 12-1 Huyer's av Nagle John, laborer. h 1008 S Hth N agIo John E., machinist. h ] 5:.!5t :'J 3d Nagle John H., machinist, h 1814 N :~d Nagle Linnie, domestic Hershey House Nagle Louisa, seamstress, Ii 1110 :cJ 3d Nagle 1\,1innie, domestic Hershey House Nagle Samuel, helper, h 1304 S C:ameron Nailor David N., carpentc:r, h 120 :\fulberry Nalen Annie A., h 50t) North 1\ :tlen James, h 5011 North Nalen James J, steelworker, h 5:n Filht'rt N alen Julia, h 500 j\ orth Nalen. see Nolen NaIl Edward, laborer, h 510 Cowden Napier Daisy D., packer, h 1116 Kittatinm Kapier Eliza ]., candymkr, h 1116 Kittati'lI1Y Napier Irene, wid Robert \V . h 80(3, Briggs !\apier James, machinist. h 820 Verbeke Napier John, machinist, h IlJ6 Kittatinny :~apier Robert W., brakeman. h 30;) Briggs Kapper Susan, wid Charles N _, h i19 St;J.t@? K ary Maggie, domestic, 1:J5 S 2d "Nary Thomas, machini!';t. h 1124 S :Ith Nathan Simon, tailor, 24 Aberdeen av, h do Nather Annie, ,,,caver, h 243 Cre,.ccnt Nather Cl1arles. laborer. h 243 Crescc:nt I'~ ather Lena, weaver, h 24:~ Crescent l';ather Paul R, poli('eman, h 1l4;{1: Derry 1,ational Biscuit Cu., \'1. R. Hutchinson, mgr, 617 \Valnut NATIONAL HOTEL, F. W. Ebel, propr. State c 4th NATIONAL PARCEL CO., W T. Butler. propr, local eXpre8!3, 1:38 Market iJee adv

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~T~~~(a-1;'1~~-y~~-~ust know how to spell it."

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McNEIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. :.~I~~ndWn~~=r-&I'.;1t!: {30B Broa

;; '11 lIATIOllAL TEA AliD COFFEE CO., F. A. Giblon, mgr, 11


Boyd's Harrisburg (N) City Directory.

N 4th Naughton John 1\1., brakeman, h 1117 ~ 7th _ Naughton John M., elk P. R. R., h l:!:n Cowden ~ Naughton Mary F., telephone opr, :!H1 Walnut, h 1231 ! Cowden c'S Naughton Michael, watchman P. R. R., h 1.2;14 Cowden __ Naughton Timothy, laborer, h 1231 Cowden ~ Naugle Grace M., wid John, h 711 S :!It .- Nauman George, civil engineer, h 222 Chestnut _ NAUSS CHRISTIAli, plumber and gas fitter, 34 11 2d, h do !E Nauss George M., student, h a4 N td Ci Nauss Lizzie H., wid Charles H., h 11413 N td : Nave Jacob R., brakeman, h 436 SlOth Naylor Carrie H., domestic. 316 N 2d Kaylor David A.. carpenter, h 11UI S Cameron ", Naylor Edward G., piler, h 105 Filbert VI Navlor Galen L., salesman, h 567 Race Naylor John, laborer, h 2640 61 LLI Kaylor Joseph, weighmaster C. 1. & S. Co., h 30 N 2d -I NEAD BENIA14IN It., (McCormick, Nead & McCormick),. c:( lawyer. Russ bldg, 15 N 2d, h 417 Briggs LLI N ead B. Frank. student, 15 N 2d, h 417 Briggs C :\ead Hugh Z.. installer, 210 Walnut, h 417 Briggs Nead Robert H., student, h 417 Briggs LLI Neagley Ella. laundress, h 331 Clinton av Neal Albert S., driver, h 1427 William _ Neal R. Franklin. junk, h 333 Hamilton Neal Emma c., domestic, 1932 N ad ,.: Neal Harold c.. elk, h 21 N Front z Neal John W . laborer, h 1150 Cumberland ~ NEAL ROBERT C., pres Harrisburg Rolling Mill Co., lec and E treas Tyrone Iron Co., h 21 N Front o N~al Robert c., jr., supt Hbg Rolling Mill Co., h 21 N Front U ~eal Susan R., cigar roller. h 1427 William - ' Neale William A . elk bureau of railways, h 211 Forster ~ Nebinger Andrew, carpenter, h 1121 N 6th U Nebinger Eliza B., saleslady, 4 S 2d, h Steelton CI Kebinger George. paperhanger, h 1302 N 2d Z Nebinger Lewis 1\1., carpenter, h 13412 N 2d I\'ebinger Mary E .. saleslady. 4116 Market. h 1302 N 2d .... Nebinger William, lineman, 11 N 3d, h Riverton U ~ee Bridget, wid John. h 1111 S 9th Q Kee John. laborer, h 1111 S 9th ..... NEEFE LEON F., coal, wood and hauling, 18th c Derry and ~ 1306 Market, h do ~ Keely Francis C, elk. 11 319 S Front



will goon 10111'.8_ wheN EOW G ROBERTS bond. are )'our bond. Bell 'Pbone 851 8,..e8C8 X. elliecuted. X. or
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A. 8. TACK =~t~~:-:110U pooer ond IlOdOW 8bOdes ~1~~3oJ~:

Boyd's Harrisburg (N) City Directory. 483 NEELY JAIES I., livery, 117, 119,121 S 3d, h 113 do see adv Neeter George F., engineer, h 624 Muench Neeter William L., engineer, h 1415 Wallace Neeter \Villiam L., jr., fireman, It G06 Dauphin Neff Amos, brakeman, h 15:!i Penn Neff Augustus A., painter, h 16UII N 6th Neff Bertha, dressmkr, h 17:14 Wood Neff Charles R, grocer, 5111 }luench, h do Neff Cyrus M., laborer, h 151:! Hunter av Neff David H., restaurant, 1S;1~ N tith. It (\') Neff Ellen M., knitter, h li:34 \Vooc\ av Neff Isaac. huckster. It u;;w.\ :\ lith Neff James, laborer, h li:-:14 \\'ood av Keff John B., laborer, h 51 :1\ Summit Neff ?vlary 1'1., wid Dr. Henry K., h to!'; Walnut, N eff ~lelvin B., glass cutter, h UHII Susquehanna Neff Oscar Iv1., salesman, 3:! N :{d. h IS;{U~ :\ fitl! Neff Samuel G., electrician, h :!lIll ~[oltk~ av . Negley I. Milton, driver, h 1:!:!fl :\ Front :1\ eidig Anna c., bookkpr, ao Sad, h :!:J:I SOllth Neidig Annie, wid Titian. h 11 Grace av :1\ eidig Jacob, planer, h :!:m Sout h i\eidig John, carpenter, h :!:I:! North N cidig Samuel, laborer. h :!a:1 South Neidinger Maggie Mrs., sorter. h :!:t!J State Neiffer Lewis :'It, lawyer, 11; :\ :\d. h 7011 :\ lith Xciii Ellen :'Ilrs., charwoman. 1110 S 9th X eill Elva E .. cigar roller. h 111U S !tth Neill Herbert, laborer. h 1110 S !Hh Keill J. Wesley, plumher. :~IIX Strawberry avo h 21'\11 Briggs Neill Maude E .. wid Harry. h :!HII Briggs Neill Robert, engineer. h 518 Market Neiman CIvde L., brakeman. h :na Verbeke Neiman Luther. engineer. h lHlO :\ 4th Neiman 1Iarv, domestic. 4:~H North Neiswanger 101m B., salesman. 1:~no :\ :Iri, h Mechanicsburg Neitz John D., teacher, h 4:13 Boas Nell Anna, stenographer, 10th c ~1arket, h Camp Hill

I 0 0 1ft


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117119121 South Third Street,


(TIII,gll ConnletiOIl.)

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To find a name you must know how to spell it."

Goog Ie


D~I~ ~~DJ H.

M. KELLEY & CO. {l~~~ta~!Tt!:

Boyd's Harrisburg (N) City Directory.


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Mark T., plumber, h 628 Race Nelley Mary F., miliiner, h 133 N 4th Nelley 11ichael, engineer, h 628 Race Nelligan Harry F., helper, h 820 Capital Xelligan Thomas W., engineer, h 820 Capital ;'\eIligan William F . h 820 Capital Nelson Arthur F., roIl designer, h 1Rth c ~fulberry Nelson B. Frank, printer, h 449 S lath Kelson Earnest F., bartender, 314 Market, h do Kelson George, laborer, h 112 Hanna Nelson George 0., butcher, h 1420 Derry Nelson George W., foreman, h 432 S 14th Nelson Harrv, puddler, h 355 Hummel Nelson Ravn"lOnd H., laborer, h 4a2 S 14th Nelson Wesley, laborer, h 1547 Walnut Nelson ~il1iam c., machinist, h 272 Cumberland Nelson WiIIiam N., meat, 1420 Derry, h do Nesbit Joseph B., laborer, h 313 S River av Nesbit Mary, tocr, h 250 Verbeke Ness Jo~iah K., contractor, 220 Peffer, h do Ness Walter S., elk Hbg Nat. Bank, h 220 Peffer Nessel Charles, driver, h 138 Linden NESSEL WALTER, grocer, 1020 Berryhill, h 1018 do Nessinger Enoch A.. engineer, h 1609 N 6th NessIe Margaret J., bookkpr, 12 S 2d. h 231 S 13th Nester Frank R.. cook Lunatic Hospital, h do Nester Maggie, wid Joseph. h 1641 Susquehanna Nestor Edward W., elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 35 S Summit Nestor John L., mgr, 701 Race, h 417 N 2d Nestor Joseph P .. flagman. h 35 S Summit Nestor Thomas E., elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 35 S Summit Neuer Annie ),1., wid George, h 629 Mahantongo Neuer Branche, h 144 S 3d Neuer E. Frederick, puddler, h 144 S 3d Neue!: Florence E., wid J. George, h 629 Mahantongo Neuer William W., helper, h 629 Mahantongo Neumeyer Mary. wid Edward c., h 9:!5 Grand Neumyer Herman, musician, h 320 Peffer Neumyer Herman G., cigarmkr, 174U N 4th, h 2130 Fulton Neumyer Howard, stripper, h 320 Peffer Neumyer Joseph. planer, h 216 S River av Nemnyer Oscar 1\1.. cigar mfr, 1740 N 4th, h 320 Peffer Neumyer Walter J., elk, h 320 Peffer NeveU vVilliam H., grocer, 1925 ~ 7th. h do NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., William K. Schick, mgr, 18 N 3d New System Dental Parlors, B. E. Wright, mgr, 23 N 3d

:A.t:~8.~:!~r~:a! ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d and Rell, Sfs.

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1818 {EmPlOY' DODe but fInIt-elua workmen, benee only jirrl. N. 3d 8t. daII_hod IDIurea it. Worlr. done in any partofStat.e.

Boyd's Harrisburg (N) City Directory.


BEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., 1. H. Leedham, agency director, 227 Walnut see adv Newby T. Frank, mgr, 423 South, h 402 N 2d Newcomer A. Earl, bookkpr, 216 Locust, h :!:!7 S 13th Newcomer Andrew F., genl agt l\lilburn Wagon Co., 216 Locust, h 227 S 13th Newcomer L Luther, car builder, h 140 S :!d Newcomer Ira, lineman, 210 \Valnut, h 161J3 Logan av Newcomer Ira D., bookkpr, 840 :\iarket, h :!:!7 S 13th Newcomer J. Elmer, salesman, 1014 N 3d, h 35 N 12th Newcomer Rush J., salesman. 334 Market, h 442 Walnut Newcomer Sarah E., h 308 Chestnut Newlin Edwin P., engineer, h :l36 Hamilton Newlin Frank J., fireman, h 626 Reily Newlin ).Iargaret I., wid James F., h 1f':l5 Fulton Newman Annie L. :\irs., h 1:!1 S Dewberry av Newman Benjamin F., elk, h 16U5 S Came"ron Newman Daniel, laborer, h :!4U Libert\" Newman Edward, laborer, h 507 N 4tl1 Newman Frances, domestic, 5:!3 Brown av Newman George \V., carpenter, h 631 Forster Newman Harrv \Y., electrician, h 444 Cumberland Newman John-H., laborer, h 469 S Cameron Newman Luther \-Y., laborer. h 615 Forster Newman Nancy, domestic, 554 Primrose av 1\:ewman Oscar .-\., physician. 619 Race, h do Newmver Frank, driver, h 16:n Park Newmyer George, driver. h 1208 Fulton Newmyer Joseph, driver, h River ay nr l\Iary's av N ewpher Theodore, agt, h 108 S Court av Newton Abram, waiter Park Hotel, h 51tH! South Newton Lottie. domestic. 127 State Nev Florence ::\1.. milliner, 223 l\larket. h :!J1 X 15th ~ev Harry. fireman. It \Yallace nr Hamilton Ne\' Tohn\\'., conductor. h IS31 Fulton Nev Solomon, cabinetmkr. h 211 ?\ 15th Ne'\' William C. student. h 211 ~ lfith Ney William H., fireman, h 534 Peffer Ney William W., postal elk. h 430 S 14th

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The Best of Ere,.,thinq in Life Insu,.ance.
AR"ency Dlreotor.



Harrisburg Hranoh Offioe. - 227 Walnut St. ,..

't To find a name you must know how to spell It." Digitized CoogIe



Boyd'. Harrisburg (N) City Directory.

~icholas ~icholas ~icholas



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~ Z

Elizabeth, wid Jacob, h 5:!U Filbert David, h 1 i:!9 Green George, laborer, h lSI i Zarker George, puddler, h SolO S Cameron Xicholas ,Harvey E., flagman. h ol:H :\1 uench ~icholas John B., alderman, druggist, li:!l Race. h do ~icholas Margaret F. :\[rs., h l:!a S l:lth ~ icholas Marv H., teacher. h 19:!6 I\ ad ~ichols Harry, laborer. h l:!a:~ Currant av :\ichols William S., h i05 State i\icholson Andrew, hostler. I:!4 Pine Xicholson Eliza, wid James, It :!:!I) :\Iulberry Xicholson Irwin. sewing machines. h lIni} ~ ;~d Xicholson John, coachman, h :!ol5 X Rh'er av :\icholson William. h 447 \'erbeke Xickel Frank R., conductor, h :!U5 :\[ lllberrv Xickels Frank. pumpman. h HIl:! ~ 7th . Xickels Frank H .. fireman, h HI1:! :\ ith ~ickens Philip. waiter Commonwealth. h 4:!!J State Nickey Harry H., lahorer. h 5111 S Wth Nickey John 0 .. ins solicitor. 15 X :!d. h ol:l~ S 14th ~ ickle Elmer J., hrakeman. h l:!U~1 Derr~ Nickle Harrv, lahorer. h :!:!:! S 15th :\icodemus Luella. elk. :!US Walnut. h 14:n X :!d Xicol George B .. flagman. h 5:?~ :\111ench Xieman Ceorgia W .. teacher. h lI:!7 X lith !\ieman Isahella. wid George W .. h 1i:!. X lith )Jiemeyer Carl H .. supervisor P. R. R.. 41:t :\Larket. h do ;\:i('J1le\'er Will. (; .. (;\:iemever & HilIett). h !I:~:.t :\Ivrtle av Xieme\'er & Billett. (\Villiam (;. Xieme\'er and f.rank S. BilIett). horseshoers, 411 Spring av . Xies Daniel :\L. puddler, h 1111 :\IlIlberry Xies Florence. tailoress; h l:!OO Market Xics Harrv G., lahorer, h I:!OIl :\Iarket Nies Lillia'n M., forelady, h 1(11 :\IlIlberry Xics Martin L., lahorer. h 1111 :\illlhcrrv Xics Montgomery G., laborer, h 130 Hoyer av Xies Robert H., cigarmkr, h 1111 Mulberry Xies \ViIliam .\., laborer, h 1201) :\Iarket Xies William J., engineer. h l:?on :\Iarkt't \'iess Ephrain, H .. bricklayer. h 11i DOl'k ;\:iess Grace. seamstress, h l:!Ol Baile'y ~ iess Jane E .. wid Harry H .. h 1201 Bailey :\ iess :\leredith. milliner, h 1:!nl naile\' \iess Sarah n .. wid John H .. 11 l:l~:~ {rowan! ;\:it'ss S. Ella. fort'lady, h l:?O] Baile\' Xicth Charles C, conductor. h fH~ F,;r.,ter ~ieth Jane E .. \irs .. h 14li Lindcll
lIad Slenm Bolle ln. . . . . EDWI G ROBERTS , "....Ideal, LiabilityMI. Bell 'Phone 8.~1.. X. or .6843_X~ I 103 .0.'" Seeoad
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Wall Paper and Window Shacks, {l.::~~"~c:.~J.t. Boyd's Harrisburg (N) City Directory. 487

~ieth Joseph D., baker, a;t~ Reily, It 3:JS do Xightingale Edward, confectioner, h 611 Herr

BINETEEN-HUNDRED WASHER CO., 1. Frank Bou8h, mgr, office, 107 N 2d Kipple Clara, weaver, h 9111 S Front Nipple Jeremiah, heater, h HOl S Front ~ippie Jeremiah, jr., helper, h 901 S Front Nisbet 1largaret, wid John. h 11a~ ~larket Nisley Clara L., h ]26 Sylvan ter l'\isley Elmer E., postal elk. h 1482 Regina Nisley Ida E., seamstress, h 126 Sylvan ter l'\isley Isaac L., elk P. R. R., h 24116 X 6th Kisley J. Harper, stengr, ;mfi :'.lkt, h 126 Sylvan ter Nisley Martin H., laborer, h 2124 Boas Nisslcy Christian (;., printer. 14n5 ~ :ld, h :!:!2 Hamilton Kissley David F., underkeeper Dauphin Co. Prison, h do Nissley Edward S., elk Dauphin Dep. Bank, h 16 Evergreen Nissl~y Emma, saleslady, ;{:!f; Market. h Pen brook BISSLEY HADON L., lawyer and notary, 7 N 3d, h 308 N~ BISSLEY HARRY R., slate and tile roofing, 14 N 3d, h do see adv Nissley Ira H., elk, no S :!d. h Penbrook BISSLEY 10HN C., lawyer, 29 N 2d, h 115 Locu8t Nissley John P., sec, 4, X 3d. h Hummelstown Nissley Martin, driver. 11.11 S 2d. h Boas nr znth Nissley :\I[innie B.. saleslady. :t,!f) :'.Iarket. h 414 Boas ~isslev Samuel G .. laborer. h ft!f) Showers av Nixon' John H., elk P. R. R. pass depot, h Kew Cumberland Kixon :\Iaria. wid George. h 11:{ Cowden Nixon Obson, laborer. h 412 Cranberry av Nixon Philip, waiter. h 4:?!1 State Nixon Robert, porter, :?~ S :?d. h 2:;7 Cranberry av Nixon Robert B .. elk. 1~:m X 6th. h :!:!!l2 do ~oeckcr George A .. postal elk. h 1IH4 Park Noel Augustus, pipe tester, h 1111, :\lontgomery l'\ oel Elizabeth A .. h 1llf) :\lontgomery N'oel J. Anson. dentist, 25 X 3d. h 11 S 2d NOEL MARY D. MRS., grocer, 43 S 13th, h do


-I I


~ r:;; ""


.. g


= ==


Roofs in Slate or
14 North Third Street.


Tile ~

= : :r


.... -

B.Umalea Faml.....

~4 To

find a name you must know how to spell it."



HaDoat Coal. HaDoat W debt. f .


tH M KELLEY &. CO 1 fOUl aDd 3d 8t....t. JI North State 811.



Boyd's Harrisburg (N) City Directory .


J., brakeman, h 43 S 13th

t; Noell George W., carpenter, h 5 SlOth

_ Noell Kate, domestic, 215 N Front :: Noell Rose, domestic, 1020 Market ..... Noell W. Edward, barber, h 5 SlOth Noffsinger Albert c., laborer, h 1262 Juniper lIE: _ Noffsinger Harry, elk, 401 Market, h 1262 Juniper : Noffsinger William H., laborer, h 1262 Juniper _ Noggle George N., helper, h 7 N 9th ;\ oggle Robert S., laborcr, h 214 S 3d .::;; Nolan George T., boilermkr, h 625 Boas :> Nolan Maggie M., forelady, h 1504 N 5th I&J Nolan Mary, book gatherer, h 15114 N 5th ~ N'oldc Charles F., barber, 1320 N 3d, h 269 Calder L... l'olen Isaac H., h 610 1\ :~d Nolen 1\1. Louisa, teacher, h 610 ~ 3d ... Nolen, see N alen Noll Arthur V., laborer, h 415 Muench Noll Carrie, dressmkr, h 136 S 3d Z Nolte John S., train despatcher P. R R, h 228 Harris O' Nophsker .-\nnie A., saleslady, 3(1~ ~larket. h 337 Peffer Nophsker saleslady, 4 S 2d, 337 Z I\' ophsker Bessie E.,brakeman, h !l46 ~h 7th Peffer 1. Burd, Nophsker John W., telegrapher P. R R, h :{:l7 Peffer I&J Norman Harry c., waiter, h 554 Primrose av Norris Elizabeth, wid J. Alexander, h 26 E\'crgreen Norris George, porter, 6 S 2d. h 219 ~leadow la Norris John B., spt'cial agt. 2ut-: Walnut. h :!O7 S Front :\lorris Marv, domestic, 407 1\ Front ~orris Mirtie M., wid A. Wilson, h :!tlj S Front ~ ~orth Bella Mrs., h 18311 State lIE: ).Jorthamer Henry G .. conductor, h 1641 X 4th :: Northamer William H .. bookkpr, h 1M1 X 4th ~ Northern Central Railway Passenger Depot, ft Chestnut; ~ entrance, 413 Market; freight depot. ft 3d ~ NORTHWESTERN JroTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., 1. Fr



> o


Eaton, general agent, 226 N 3d

Xorton Samuel, laborer, h 24th nr Poor HOllse ~ote Frank, engineer, h 1535 N 4th

~ ~~::::::;: t~~c!;~ (~~s~r~k~.. Jk~(~ ..(~~11;;~ Calder

:\' otestine Samuel R. laborer. h HI~ Calder X otestine Sherman E .. elk P. R R. frt depot. It :!28 S 14th ~ i\'m'inger Lucy. dressmkr. h HIm I\ Tth .... X owell Paul. labort'r. h llO0 ~ 1:lth ~ ~oye Charles E .. coach buiJdt'r. h 1~:!5 Susquehanna : Xo\'e lohn, brakeman. h ;:!fI X 5th ~ ~uget;t l:.~\LE~coacl1tl1atl. h 211 X River av .. _ ~_
~ ~


REDMOND. ~ 3d and Rell, Sts.

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,

{12Ir:.~ -Y~~~r .... Boyd's Harrisburg eN) City Directory. 489

Null Clara E., dressmkr, h 2004 Kensington Null Frank, tobacconist, 301 S 2d, h 3t do NulI Grace, saleslady, aa4 :Market, h 2004 Kensington Null Jennie, milliner, h t004 Kensington Null John R., cigars, h 2004 Kensington Null Thomas, driver, h 119 Cherry av Numbers Thomas, bridge tender, h 421 Forster ~unan Charles \V., elk. a23 Yerbeke, h 2tt Kelker Nunemacher Amanda, h 312 Korth NUNDIACHER AJrIBROSE W., druggist, 300 North, h 2221 N 3d Nunemachcr Samuel, ins solicitor, 15 X :!d, h 312 North Nunemaker Daniel H., h 118 Linden Nunemaker John, stockkeeper, h 223 Crescent Nurick Isaac N., grocer, 5()OI South, h 408 Cowden Nuss Anthony H., supt, 320 Market, h 21L Barbara av Nuss Charles W., mgr, 320 Market, h 341 Peffer NUSS PLATING CO., C. W. NUll, mgr, electroplaten and ~ band instrument mfra, 320 Market lee adv Nutt John c., elk Peipher Line, h 1429 Regina Nutt Tohn T., machinist, h 517 Walnut Nutt "Rosa S., wid Frank S., h 1623 N 4th Nye Aaron, laborer, h Holly beyond limits N \'e Annie R., domestic, 1204 N 2d Nve Claude A., laborer, h 112 Sylvan ter Nve Emanuel G., brakeman, h 32 Linden II N~'e Frank, laborer, h 811 East :\')'e Harry c., steelworker, h 233 Kelker 0 Nye H3rry F., fireman, h 1114 WalIace I~ Nye Harry]., laborer, h 614 Dauphin Nye Ida ~L, weaver, h 1936 Berryhill fI) Nye John A., carpenter, h 339 Boyd av N ye John E., foreman, h 208 Nectarine av Nye Robert. boilermkr, h 332 Boyd av Nye Solomon, laborer, h 1936 Berryhill Nye William F .. foreman, h 112 Sylvan tel' Nyman Harry E., switchman P. & R., h 128 Yine Nyman Otho R., engine wiper, h 128 Vine

-: z

I o o

-. -



M;;.slcal Insnuments. WE MAKE ASPECIALTY of PIIltIng T.;,t;I~ware.- Trlmmln(':s and Hou"" It Bicycles. Small Machine .. Furnishing Goods. Polishing, Refinishing. OxldI7.ln(,:. Bronzing. Brassin(': anrt I.acquerlng of Chandelier and Ornamental Work. Special attention given to Sliver Plating and Gliding. IF Twelve YearB' Practieal Experience.

o ,

Prac!i!1"~~!~!!.~~!!,,i~ ,.!!..!!!~.ches, ~
'\N. NUSS. lVI_n_._r.



No. 320 Market Street. Patriot Buildin"

Harrisbur" Pa.

"To find a name you must !mow how to spell it."

Digitized by



ucNEIL'S PAIN EXTERulNATOR gives you an appetite. lIany { 306 B ....... f'rJI rtl mlllioni have been cured by it.
Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory.


.. i

Oates William, insurance, 5 N 2d, h 143 N 4th Ober B. Frank, (Ober Bros.), h Penbrook


1 If!!





la.I la.I


la.I o _
.. ;: ..



OBED. BROTHERS, (B. Frank and David W.), livery, 114 Strawberry av see adv Ober David W., (Ober Bros.), h 13~ Sylvan ter Ober Frank n., driver, h 13 S Court av Oberholtzer Harvey, helper, h 1526 Derry Oberholtzer John H., boilermkr, h 713 S 21! Oberholtzer ?I'lary E., shoe opr, h 713 S 211 Oberholtzer Samuel. .ir., boilermkr, h 1706 N 5th O'Brien Catharine E., wid James. h 53:! ~orth O'Brien James, h :l20 Verbeke O'Brien James B., puddler, h ]2 Lochiellst Row O'Brien Louisa, wid John, h If)14 :\larket O'Brien Martha Mrs., domestic, 1620 N 2d O'Brien Sarah, wid Edward, h :319 Strawberrv av O'Brine Catharine Mrs .. h 5aa Race . O'Brine Catharine R., milliner. h 5aa Race O'Brine Ross A., plumber. h Ei:la Race O'Brine William H., cutter, h 1:35 Paxton O'Brosh Dora, cigars, 51) Strawberry av, h 12 Cowden Oby Beverly, driver, h 411) Cowden Och John G., salesman, :-l:!4 Market. h 121fl N 7th Och Sylvester, laborer, h 1210 N 7th Ochs Christian P .. genl agt Adams Express, h 209 Crescent O'Connell Annie G., teacher, h 1467 :\Iarket O'Connell Dennis, inspector water dept. h 1467 :\'Iarket O'Connell John, elk, 12 S 2d, h 1467 ~Iarket O'Connell Lawrence. laborer. h 1a1i S 12th O'Connell Mary C, teacher, h 1467 Market O'Connor Delia, dressmkr. h !11I5! Capital O'Connor Ellen, dressmkr. !l1Ii)! Capital, h do O'Connor Haldeman J .. h 1:~ X Front O'Connor :\largaret, wid \Villiam. h rlln East O'Connor Patrick, laborer. h fi:m Forster Odell James. baker, h fi27 Cmnberlaml O'Donnell Anna, dressmkr; h lft7 North O'Donnell Barney, laborer, h 126 N Cameron
T ..... phone 3082-W.

Z . B. F.OBER. .




: livery Bnd Boardini Stables

~ Cor. Court and Strawberry Avenues,
Tire Carriages for funerals. Weddings. Receptions and Pleasure Driving.

Harrisburg', Pa.

The Amerl .."" Boadlnl( Compnny. Baltimore. Md. EDW. G. KOBHRTa, General Agent Central Penna. District. 103 N. lid St. Bell 'Phone 8M X.er6843 X.
Digitized by


A. 8. TACK,

PIN':~~~:::;~!,,~:'-.!.." {I218 lonb Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory.


O'Donnell Charles J" sergeant of police, h W7 Korth O'Donnell Edna ~l., housekeeper, 107 ~orth O'Donnell Eliza, wid John, h 920 Grand O'Donnell J, Donald, foreman, h Ha2 Yerbl'ke O'Donnell Joannah, wid Robert, h 1107 S lith O'Donnell ~Iargaret, wid William, h 51~ Filbert O'Donnell Marv, elk, 12"21 N 3d, h 107 Korth O'Donnell Mary B., stengr, 402 Yerbeke, h 118 do O'Donnell ~lichael, h 13 X 5th O'Donnell Thomas, laborer, h 11S Yerbeke O'Donnell vVilJiam, h 52 Lochiel 6th Row Oenslager Frank, painter, h 272 Briggs Ocnslager Harriet, wid John, h 709 X 3d Oenslager John, physician, 711 X 3d, h do Oenslager Ross, h 709 1\' 3d Offener E, Israel, h 1212 X 3d Offerd Harry, porter ~ational Hotel, h 426 State Ogden Caroline E" h 921 1\' 18th Ogden Cornelius 0" machinist, h 1:~44 Y cmon Ogden Robert, finisher, h 1311~ K 2d Ogden Samuel R., elk aud genJ's dept, h filII Briggs O&iS;Y Boyd ~I., stenographer, h 109 K 2d





BY 10SEPH 1., furniture and undertaking, 111 N 2d,


Ogelsby Joseph X" elk, 111 X 2d, h 1612 Regina Ogelsby Warwick ~I., trust officer Com, Trust Co" h 919 rN2d ~ Ohail James N., salesman, h 2:m Forster "' Ohail William L., elk, h 414 Boas .. ()hio Cultivator Co" agrl implts, fi27 Walnut Ohio Rake Co., agrl implts, 627 Walnut Ohl Florenz. laborer. h lSI Paxton ~ Ohlinger William, fireman, h 1924 N 5th ~

S =

~ K

= =

O'LEARY EDWARD 1" Hotel O'Leary, 1415 N 3d, h do

O'Leary John, h 12111 \Vallace O'Leary Joseph F., machini!'t, h !l28 Grand (YLearv ~lan', wid Cornelius, h !128 Grand O'Lear,r Patrick, brakeman. h 1212 X 7th O'Leary Timothy, laborer, h 1212t N 7th O'Leary Timothy, jr" helper, h 428 Boas O'Leary William, plumber, h 928 Grand Oletz George, laborer, h 4 Paxton Furnace Row Olewine A very E" blacksmith, h 147 Paxton Olewine Benjamin, conductor, h 1923 Fulton Olewine George, flagman, h 633 ~Iuench Olewine Harry B., telegrapher p, R. R.. h 1~38 State Oliver Barn' B., laborer, h ti05 N 7th Oliver John' B., miller, h 1:'~ Paxton


o c:

::::; en

-t :r

en .,


.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

Digitized by


H. M. KELLEY & CO., COAL AND WOOD {OIfICIlS: Iotl.~d\c:.f.~

....: ~


Boyd'. Harrisburg (0) City Directory.

!5 OLM:STED MARLIN E., lawyer, 3, 5 and 7 N 3d, h 105 N :z::

Front Olsen Hiram H., boilermkr, h 1115 ~ ~rl ~ Olsen John H. F., engine eleaner, h 1115 N 2d :z Olsen Joseph W., elk, h 1115 N 2d ~ Olsen Samuel E., electrotyper, h 1115 ~ :!d ::: Olsen William B.. machinist, h 1115 N ~d - Olsen William W., boilermkr, h 1115 ~ :.!rl O'Marrow William H., laborer, h 1113 ~ Cameron ...., Ommert Jacob F., carpenter, h 1~4 \Vashington ~ O'Neal Millard F., messenger, h :33 N 16th ~ Oplinger George \V., laborer, h 605 South ~ Opperman Charlotte. milliner, 13(1) N :~d, h l:U Paxton .z: Opperman Henry, jr., contractor, 131 Paxton, h do .Q Opperman Johanna, housekeeper, 133 Paxton z:: Opperman Karl T., draftsman, h 1201 Chestnut a: Opperman Lina S., fancy goods, 1208 N 3d, h 133 Paxton ~ Opperman \i\'iIIiam H., contractor, 13:l Paxton, h do Orcutt C. H., real estate and ins, 267 Cumberland, h 315 cJ Peffer :z Orcutt Jennie E., saleslady, 334 :\Iarket, h :U5 Peffer ~ Orcutt William L., bartender, 421 \Yalnut. h 2:~'3 North :z Orem Thomas J., carpenter, h laO!) ~ 3d ~ Oreil George \Y., laborer, h 2029 Kensington ~ Oren Howard c., elk, 36 N 2d, h ~ew Cumberland Ii: Oren James, fireman, h 2136 Greenwood 25 Oren Rachel E., wid :\lichael, h 2003 ~ :>th c= Orndorff William H., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do g: Orner Carrie )"Irs., h 713 State ...., Orner Charles E., bartender, 3117 \Valnut. h 442 ~orth ~ Orner Edward c.. bartender. h 442 l\orth ~,Orner Harriet, domestic. 14:{ Hanna ~ Orner John L., grocer. 700 East, h 442 Xonh ~ Orner John R., h 442 ~ orth ac: Orr Addie A., wid Ellis c., h 2~8 Verl>L'ke ~ ORR DAVID A., pres The Patriot Co., 320 MlM'ket, h The ~ Commonwealth L. Orr Grace V .. pcnmkr, h 203 )J"orth 111m ORR HARRY B., real estate and fire insurance and a88t sec ZJ Board of Trade, 112116 Market, h 1003 Green see adv 0PP 0page IC Orr James c., janitor. 1~~ Chestnut. h 2o;.~ )J"orth 1.1 ORlll0n. confectioner and tobacconist, 623 N 2d, h do Wa Orr John c., warehouseman. h 173 Paxton ~Z ORR JOlIN G. treas The Patriot Co., 320 Market, h Cham.C beraburg ~ ~ ___ ~ _~ _________

~ Olley William L., salesman, 200 N

Oliver Robert, engineer, h 1705 N 7th

:!<l. h 404 Boas



ANDREW REDMOND, Hc:.~:::~",f:::d ~i!,~~r;:~. {3d and Reily $tl. CoogIe

Digitized by

I It_

B ylCK,P_lalr Public: Bulldlnp In0"-Tlnte. {tlt6..... 3d St. --IIAKES A S,.EOIALrr _ " Plaia f.I1. .
Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory.




Orr Joseph A., brakeman, h 13~6 Penn Orr Lewis G., laborer, h 1311S Vernon .orren George W., laborer, h 2029 Kensington Orrick Humphrey L., houseman, h 642 Primrose av Orris Adam, puddler, h 220 N 10th Orris Adam E., laborer, h 129 N 10th Orris Bertha F., boxmkr, h ~20 N 10th Orris Fannie E., boxmkr, h 129 N 10th Orris Francis L., blacksmith, h 333 Harris Orris George W., laborer, h 220 N 10th Orris George W., repairsman, h 3;~3 Harris Orris Joseph H . laborer, h 220 N 10th Orris Theodore, laborer, h 1~9 N 10th Orsinger Joseph, printer, h 177 Paxton Orsinger Lillie E., h 447 Verbeke Orsinger Stella, cigarmkr, h 177 Paxton ORSINGER VINCENT G., hotel, 300 Verbeke (Broad), h do Ort Catharine, stenographer, 110 S 2d, h Wormleysburg Ort Margaret, wid Peter M., h 306 Chestnut Orth Anna :\'1., !.tenographer, 16 N 2d, h 1317 do Orth Barbara, wid Leonard, h 2114 Herr Orth Carrie L., teacher, h 237 Briggs ORTH CHARLES M., grocer, 224 Harris, h 1600 Green Orth C. Mary, wid George, h 219 Verbeke Orth Conrad. h 206 ~ 2d Orth Elizabeth M., wid Tohn G., h 27 S 3d Orth George J., shoemkr, 320 Briggs, h 1322 Green Orth George L., printer, h 204 Herr Orth George W., baker, 423 State, h do Orth Gertrude V., stenographer, 22 N 2d, h 2H4 Herr Orth Hannah W. Mrs., h 214 South ORTH HENRY C., fire, life, health and accident insurance and pianos, 17 S 3d, h 205 Chestnut see adv side lines ORTH HERMAN A., supt United Ice and Coal Co., branch office, 328 Harris, h 1317 N 2d Orth Hiram c., tailor, h 6 Aberdeen av ORTH H. L., M. D., supt and physician Penna. State Lunatic Hospital, h do Orth J. Andrew, postal elk, h 111 N 13th
Are. Cycl Pllte BillS Ilurllee.

, :.

:II Z -I Z Q


11 0 0




General Agent Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. ~



Board of Trade Bdilding, Nos. 112116 Market Street, REAL ESTATE. HARRISBURG,



m ttr

.. To find a name you must mow how to spell It."



McNeil'. Pain Exlermlnalor curet! Cholera Morbu., l>JienteJ')', Crampe, Dlarrhma, Cold&, Quinsy, Rheumatlml. Toothache,l!ore Throat, Alue, n,.pepeta, Ac. .. _ .......


.. Orth J. Harry, patternmkr. h :!:17 Briggs == Orth John, laborer, h 1122 Market .. Orth ~lary C, teacher, h 21H Verbeke _ Orth ~1. Elizabeth, student, h 206 N 2d c.:I Orth Rebecca, teacher, h 204 Herr :5 c.:I Orth William, laborer, h 2()30 Boas '1! Orth William E., (Klemm &.orth), h 916 Sarah av t= Orth William H., tailor, 32l:l Strawberry av, h 6 Aberdeen av Osborn Amelia G., domestic. 15 S Front _ Osborn Frank F., fireman. h 1211H ~ 7th ~ Osborne D. 1\1. & Co., agrl impits, 627 Walnut Osborne Edward, laborer. h 14:J Hanna : Osler Allen 0., plasterer, h IHII5 N 6th Osler Charles F., plasterer, h 19115 N 6th Osler G. Bailey. plumber, h 2:n S 15th Osler George \V., h IH05 N 6th Osler Mary C, tobacconist, 19m N 6th. h l!105 do Osler Oliver E., printer, h 3:Jl S 16th Osman Agnes L. ~lrs .. h 1932 Swatara ()sman Caroline. wid Benjamin. h 612 Buttonwood av Osman Clara E. )'lrs., h 19] 1 Elizabeth av C Osman Daniel, pumpman, h 1501! N 6th Osman Edwin C, molder, h HI:JfI Swatara Osman Henrv, brakeman, h 1422 N 4th Osman Henri" laborer, h 612 Buttonwood av Z Osman Horace K., elk, 4:{3 Market, h 49 N Summit Osman :\1ay II .. teacher, h 19:J2 Swatara Osman Milo. laborer. h 557 Camp Ossman Charles H., shipper. 617 Walnut. h 240 S 14th ~ Ossman Charles S., salesman. 408 ;\larket, h 240 S 14th Ossman John R., cashier P. & R. frt office. h 814 N 6th ~ Osteritch ~leley. laborer. h 4!1 Lochiel 5th Row E O'Sullivan Elizabeth. wid Patrick, h 526 Xorth Q O'Sullivan Jeremiah F .. special officer. h 5H1 North U O'Sullivan Joseph. bookkpr. h 526 :-.iorth ..... O'Sullivan Joseph, plumber, h 61:J Xorth ~ O'Sullivan :\Iargaret '\1., teacher, h 61S Walnut u (hwald Ephraim T .. carpenter Capitol. h :J N 4th CI Oswald Sadie, charwoman, h 2d nr Chestnut :IE O'TOOLE lIARTIN 1., publisher Thespian, 320 Market, h c 1210N2d LI.I O'Toole Sarah E., janitress, h rear 21:J S Court av :! Otstot Benjamin F., conductor. h 6:!4 Reily Otstot Charles L., brakeman, h 110ft Plum av CI Otstot Christianna, wid Benjamin. h 525 Emerald ~ Otstot Edna, domestic, 218 Forster :IE Otstot George B., special officer P. R R, h 636 Woodbine Otstot Harry R, engineer, h 624 Reily


Boyd's Harrisburg (0) City Directory.


en a: o Io



o o



108 50p.1t Be.,..... Sar_.. Bell 'Phone 8111 X, or 6818 X.

Digitized by



Y'l,~~~~~V~~= 1011 puper ODd WindOW Shades Irom A. B. TACK, N.l1~\t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (p) City Directory. 495 Otstot Jacob, laborer, h I:! :\berdeen av Otstot Mervin J., repairsman, h :!020 \Vood av Ott Annie, wid Louis, h :!1I1 Hamilton Ott Carrie ~Irs., h 305 ~larket Ott Charles M., driver, h l!t!8 'Fulton OTT FREDERICK 11., lawyer, notary, Trust Co. bldg, 212 lIarket, h Susquehanna twp Ott J. Harry, polisher, h IS:!1 Briggs Ott Louis, machinist, h 201 Hamilton Otterbein Emil, orderly Hbg Hospital, h do Otto George W., beamer, h 1121 Cowden Ouley Lillie, h 1844 State Overholser Joanna ~lrs .. janitress. h 5la Seneca Oves Gilbert M., elk, 5 S 3d, h 116 Washington Oves Harry F., (H. F. Oves & Co.). h 116 Washington OVES H. F. & CO., (Harry F. Oyes), coal, 5 S 3d Owen Charles ),1., milk, :!Ol X 5th, h do ~ Owen Da\id. collector. h Ii'll) X lath Owen Evan S., laborer. h 516 Calder Owen John E .. lahorer. h 516 Calrler Owen L. Grace, h Hil3 X 2d . Owens Anna. nurse Hbg Hospital, h do Owens Elizabeth G., wid Stephen, h 220 Kelker Owens Georg-t' R, machinist, h 14 Cowden Owens H. Morris, h 806 N 3d Owens J. Lewis. hricklayer. h 820 James av Owens Paul, bricklayer, h 8116 N 3d Owens Ralph C, watchmkr. :!3 X 3d, h 806 do Oyler Harvey j., fireman. h :m S Wth Oyler J. Clayton. mgr, 112 :\Iarket, h 1229 Bailey Oyler John H., veterinary surgeon, 331 Blackberry av, h W 14 S 4th . ~ OYster Albert L.. h 126 State !O}'ster Elmira J., stenographer, 15 N 2d, h Bridgeport Oyster lola E. l\lrs .. (J. C l\'1osser & Co.), h New Cumber- ;;


I -

Oyster John H., salesman.7 S 2d. h 17371 N 3d c: Oyster Laura L.. dressmkr, 1700 N 2d, h do Oyster Xapoleon K.. (Hbg Real Estate Agency), h 33 N 2d :: Oyster Reuben, laborer, h 522 'Xorth av ~ Oyster, see Eyster


= =

Paar Edward H. Rev .. h 338 S 13th .., PACIFIC lIUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CALI- ::r FORNIA, E. W. Quackenbush, genl agt, 270 North see :::;adv Q. Packer Reuben. lahorer, h 1107 Plum av

.... '" .. To find a name you must know how to speD it."


Toll of


H MKELLEY GCO'S BI."k PI..........r. {'10th and3d Street. D. North Il. earder... Stale SII.



Boyd's Harrisburg <P) City Directory.


~ Paden Ida, weaver, It 1618 X :>th .::; Paden 'Iv'. J."rank, driver, h 111:J \\"allace ~ Padgett A . .\laxwelI, cutter, :~:!:! '\larket, h :t:!8 ~ orth ... Padgett Francis L., v-pres. a:!:! .\larket. h a:!8 xorth t: Paganelli Joseph l\I., bar elk Com\vlth. h 1147 Derry z:. Paganelli Leonard, waiter Harris House. h 1141 Derry 1:: Paganelli Lewis, huckster. h 1147 Derry o z: Page Anna F., marker. h 6l:! Showers a\' Q) Page Charles c., cab driver, h 1:")1:> \'ernoll Page Daniel R., molder. h :!:!fj ~ 15th - Page Elias, laborer, h :38 X t:~th Page Elizabeth .\Irs., saleslady, h :!46 Xorth :::. Page Georgc, fireman, h 16:!4 ~ 6th -. Page Harry E., electrician, h :!:!6 X l;)th Page Harry G., laborer, h 54:! S Wth Ii . Page John]., driver, h ua4 Regina ~ Page John W., e1k,.IS:!7 X 6th. h 5:m Forrest - Page Joseph, laborer. h :!1:l Cranberry a\' Page J. Pearl, stengr, lJ S :Id. h Oberlin a: Page Lizzie Mrs., saleslady, :n:! .\larket, h :!46 North Page :Margaret, stengr, 111:\ X :!d. h :!:!Ii ~ l:5th : Page Mary L. Mrs., nurse. h 5:!5 Yiolet a\" Page Mercie, domestic, :!llJ Pine ..... Page Samuel S., (Page & Zerbe). h Oberlin 'iii PAGE & ZERBE, (Samuel S. Page and William H. Zerbe), ~ general fire insurance and real estate agents, 103106 _ N" 2d see adv g Paget John, gardener Lunatic Hospital, It do ;; Pague Christianna G., wid Peter D., h 1:!18 X Front .ii Paine Frederick J., baker, h :!42 Hummel _ Paine George F., brakeman. It 1:n!l Fulton ~ Paine Ida M., weaver, h 1617 Logan a\" Paine Robert, h Canal ab Reily I.&J Paine William J., laborer, h 16i 7 Logan av ... Paine William \V., laborer. h 1617 Logan av Painter Fannie E., h 212 Hummel I.&J Painter Henry B., h 212 Hummel Painter Henry H., laborer, h 1317 Howard Painter Jaco1l E .. bridge builder. h 261 Forster Z Pa!nter N~ary, ~ome~stic, 1415 N 3d ~ ____ _


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> Real Estate Bought and Sold. All Legal Businus Attended to. OFFICE, 103 and 105 NORTH SECOND STREET, o .....
ond FI"or, Ro,,,n- 8 nnd '7.
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f5 General Fire Insurance Agents


ANDREW REDMOND, .f::::::-':d':~~:~:. {3d and Reily Sts.


B ft.. TACK

Willi Pllper. The best and loweet prices. WI ...ow { '1I1f. I !!Ilk..... completoo wIth F1lt&ulel aDd FrID", for 150. N. 3d St.

Boyd's Harrisburg


City Directory:


Painter Mary :\1., wid Christian M., h 1710 Briggs Painter Rosa Mrs., h 14:!1 Penn Painter Samuel T., brakeman, h 1710 Briggs Painter William, conductor, h :!12 Hummel Painter William H., dentist, 34 S 3d, h do Painter William P. L, elk, X 3d c :\Iarket, h 114 Locust Palm Cyrus \V., junk, Cumberland c 9th. h do Palmatary Susan, wid James, h 1:l:n James Palmer Alfred S., laborer, h 516 Cowden Palmer Annie c., winder, h 65~ Verbeke Palmer Bertha, domestic. 4118 Cranbern' a\' Palmer Charles, milk. 516 Cowden, h d'o Palmer Charles E.. laborer. h 26 X Dewberrv av Palmer Charles \\'., laborer, h 1:!2 Balm . Palmer Clifford A .. plasterer. h 12:! Hoyer's a\' Palmer George \V . carpenter. h H5S Verbeke Palmer Harry c., laborer, h 1:!1 X 16th ~ Palmer Harry c., laborer, h 125 Linden Palmer Harry H., molder. h 12115 X :ld Palmer Herbert W., laborer, h 26 ~ Dewberry av Palmer J. Arthur, tobacco stripper, h 26 N Dewberry av Palmer J. Frank, elk Hbg Nat. Bank, h 811 Green Palmer John W., switchman. h 1618 Susquehanna Palmer Lafayette, planer, h 1105 Capital Palmer LeRue, laborer, h 404 Cumberland Palmer Margaret J., winder, h 658 Verbeke II Palmer Mary S. Mrs., cigars, 1332 N 6th, h do 11 0 Palmer Matilda c., wid Clayton W . h 26 N Dewberry av 0 Palmer May, tailoress, h 1424 Derry 13 Palmer Michael. laborer, h 122 Paxton Palmer Minnie F., cigar roller, h 122 Hoyer's av Palmer Rachel. wid Benjamin. h 404 Cumberland Palmer Thomas C., driver, h 175 Indian av Palmer Walter, laborer, h 122 Hoyer's av Palmer 'WiIliam, planer, h 14:!4 Derry Palmer William L., caller P. R. R.. h 1332 N 6th Pamplin James, foreman Paxton 1. and S. Co., h 901 Shaonis Pancake Albert L., elk, h 1054 S Cameron II' Pancake Alfred A., h 1501 N 2d Pancake Edwin, machinist, h 121 Paxton Pancake Ellwood L., carpenter, h 1513 Logan av Cal Pancake Howard E., machinist, h 121 Paxton Pancake Margaret E., wid George, h 705 S Front Q. Panelli Joseph. bartender. 437 :\Iarket. h do Pannebecker Samuel; cooper, h 203 State Pannell Charles F., fireman, h 929 S 20! It Papenfus Lizzie, domestic, 451 State



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" To find a name you must mow how to spel1lt..

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Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory .: 498 Parailo Dominick, laborer, h 1727 Walnut 'i Parailo Joseph, laborer, h 1727 Walnut "5 Pardoe Edward 0., elk ins dept, Capitol, h Camp HiIl Parfet Charles W., brakeman, h :!150 i\ 7th c.:I Parfet James A., confectioner, 1541 ).J' 4th, h do i Park Annie E., cigar roller, h 632 Race :a; Park Arthur, foreman, h 331 Reily c.:I Park Catharine J., cigar roller, h 632 Race ~ PARK HOTEL, Robert W. ltcKallip, propr, 307 Walnut see ~ adv Park James S., engineer, h 331 Reily :: Park John H., engineer, h 6a2 Race I Park John H., jr., elk, 621 Race, h 632 do .. PARK 1. WALTER, physician, 32 :N 2d, h do .. Park William J., water tender, h 104 Nagle ~ Parker Andrew, laborer, ho 1112 Florence Parker Carl S., repairsman, h 517 Dauphin av (/) Parker Cloyd M., watchman, hO 621 Harris Parker Edward, laborer, h 5U2 South av LaJ Parker Eu\\'ard L . conductur, h 1ill7 X ;)th ..J Parker Effie M .. shoe operator. h 17(17 ~ 5th Parker Elizabeth, domestic, 14;~O ;\Iarion C Parker Eugene. waiter, h 5112 South av LaJ Parker Frank, laborer. h 16115 Apricot av Q Parker George, waiter, h 1112 Short Parker Hannah, wid Joseph Bo, h 112!) ~ 11i LaJ Parker Harriet A., music teacher, h 436 Muench Parker Harry c., elk. h 621 Harris Parker Harry]., wheelwright, h li14 Briggs ~ Parker Harvey, laborer. h 1314 l\Iarion :IE Parker James, laborer, h 1129 ~ lIt ~ Parker Jemima c., dressmkr, h 22!) State A. Parker John Ao, laborer. h 41 Lochiel 4th Row ~ Parker John c., butler, 107 S Front. h 209 Kline av U Parker John R, lahorer, h 1601 Apricot av ..... Parker Joseph, laborer. h 12a5 N lit . . Parker Martha, cook. h 311 Nectarine av Parker ~laude Eo. ruler. 201 N 2d, h 132 Verbeke Parker Mazie, cook, 1616 Green CI Parker Nathaniel, lahorer, h ]617 Elm : : Parker Rebecca. wid Hiram. h 702 ~ 6th Parker Redeener :\I., domestic. ] tn Evergreen ~ Parker Rohert I.. laborer, h 311 Xectarine Parker Rose, domestic. 15]7 N 2d CI Parker Samuel. florist, 1Rth c Calder. h 235 Hamilton ~ Parker Sarah M. :\[rs.. grocer. 621 Harris, h do - Parker Sarah R.. vestmkr. h 312 l\ 2d :IE Parker Viola, It 217 :\1 ulberry

McNEIL'S CouPLEXIOII PILLS er,pm., loe Cure DYlpeJllla, Llv JI 306 Ir..... 40 Blood and Kldne, Compl&lnta.


w\lll(oon 108 'N.lllw where' EDW G ROBERTS bonds are ,ouroond. Bell 'Phone 8M dX.8t ..11848 X. executed. or CoogIe
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A. B. TACK t:st~e:.::t lOD PODer Dod WlndOI lOdeS :Iln~~

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory.


N~ Parthemore John A., motorman. h 19:!3 Derry en Parthemore John G .. salesman, 120fi X 3rl. h 4:!O S 17th PARTHEJrlORE LINCOLN, stoves, furnaces, roofing and ~ spouting, 37 N 13th, h do -PARTHEltORE LOVIER H., pianos and organs, 1126 N 3d, h~ Parthemore Nisley Y., adjuster. h 131~ Kittatinny Ul Parthemore Rav F .. laborer. h 271 Verbeke Parthemore Toibert F., salesman. 324 :Vlkt. h 238 Hummel Parthemore \\Tarren E., elk. UO:! \' ernon. h 1n~ X 6th

Parker William H., conductor, h 436 :'Iuench Parkhill Charles H., postal elk, h :Wf) Chestnut Parkhill Frederick M., h 615 Harris Parkhill George W., ins sol, 9 S :!d, h 1:!55 Derry Parkhill John F., casketmkr, h 615 Harris Parkhill Margaret W., saleslady, :n2 :'Iarket, h 615 Harris Parkhill William D., coachmkr, h 41 Linden Parkhurst George, h 10111 Cowden Parkin William S., employee State Arsenal. h ISH) Briggs Parkison Charles, gardener Lunatic Hospital. h do Parks Carrie, bookkpr. 8 K 2<1. h Steelton Parks George \V., sewing machines. l" :\ :!r1. h Steelton Parlett Bertha M., tobacco stripper, h 1:!1I Strawberry av Parlett Mary E . h 14 Cowden Parmer Edward E., elk, h 12:l:! Bailey Parmer Thomas P., ins agt. 14 S 2d, h 1:!:l:! Railey Parsons Archie, caller. h 2145 Atlas av Parsons Benjamin, keeper, h 1018 S 9th Parsons George B.. brakeman. h 61 j Peffer Parsons Harry E., laborer. h 1018 S 9th Parsons Harry E., laborer, h 1513 Derry Parsons Henry G .. laborer, h 1141 Liberty Parsons Irvin. bellboy Com'wlth. h 1 Hi:! S Cameron Parsons Isaiah. laborer. h 1162 S Cameron Parsons Robert B .. shoemkr. h HI18 S !tth Parsons Theodore :\1., elk. 14U'.! Vernon. h 1!I!l5 Swatara Parsolls \Valter, waiter.. 4(17 N" Front Parsons \rVilliam, laborer. h :!1I4 :VIan"s av Parsons William H .. horseshoer. h 449 S :!d Parthemore Annie, domestic. :!U3 ~ Front Parthemore Christie, domestic. 37 X 13th Parthemore Clayton Y., printer, h 623 N 18th Parthemore Daniel H., laborer. h 6:!3 X 18th Parthemore D. S. Earlv, elk, 140:! Vernon, h 1738 ~ 6th Parthemore Edwarrl, conductor. h 410 Boas Parthemore Elwin S., engineer. h 1114 X 6th Parthemore E. W. Scott, (Parthemore & Quigley), h 1738

o o



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-- -- - --

'''To find a name you must know how to speD it.'

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D~~~I~l~ ~~DJ H.
...: .500

M. KELLEY & CO. {lo~:~\~~:;;!

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory.


a: a:

Z o

~ PARTHEMORE & QUIGLEY, (E. W. S. Parthemore and lohn "'" X. Quigley), fire insurance, &c., 1219 N' 3d ~ Pasquini Pellegrino, scullion, 423 ~Iarket, h 1144 do ..., Pass Charles E., elk F. and :\-1. Works, h 221 S 14th II: Pass Emma K., h 327 Hummel _ Pass George L., operator, h 1619 X 6th Pass Harrv E., screwsman, h 601 S Front ~ Pass Mary c., h 327 Hummel =!! Pass William 0., furnaceman, h :t!7 Hummel :: Passmore Clarence, printer, 1238 )'larket, h 60 :'II' 16th 1ft Pastor Charles H., conductor, h 1609 Green ~ Pastor Jeane L., elk, 1402 Vernon, h 1()l)9 Green Patrick Edward, flagman, h 4~~9 Herr ~ Patrick James, huckster, h 1262 1Iarket ::> Patrick James, marketmaster, h H~:> N 2d LaJ Patrick James ~I., huckster, 200 S lath, h 1262 ~farket Patrick John B., elk sec comm'th, Capitol. h 206 Locust \atr~ck Mary. dom~stic, 1~1 X F~?nt LaJ I atnck Polly A., wid DaVid. h 1.U~ ~ ~d Patrick William H., conductor, h 133;) K 6th Patrick William W., car repairer, h 2~ Summit PATRIOT CO., (THE), publishers The Patriot, David A. Orr, pres; 10hn G. Orr, treas; lames P. McCullough, bus mgr, 320 Market see adv Z PATRIOT, (THE), The Patriot Co., publishers, 320 Market

! __

P atnotlcad('!1eaner, :, ..\.1. H amer, elltor, - .,~ee. J ~ ',f l' ')(1 'I.' ')d ... Patterson Andrew S., elk Dauphin Dep. Bank, h 1425 N Front Patterson Annie L., teacher, h 211~ S 1~th Patterson B. ~lurrow, teacher, h 208 S 13th .=i' Pattel'~on Cllarles E., draftsman P. S. Co.. h 224 Boas .. Patterson Charles H., student, h 1425 N Front ~ Patterson Charles R, elk P. & R. h 2031 Forster _ Patterson Clara A., h 625 Reily ~ Patterson Frank S .. agt. h 209 Herr :::i Patterson George \V., laborer, h 1178 S Cameron ~ Patterson Henry, laborer, h 1176 S 9th :I: Patterson Henry B., laborer. h 34 Lochid 3d Row ~ Patterson Henry R, conductor, h 208 S 13th ~ Patterson Hugo. electrical engineer, h 3d cReel's la .. Patterson Ida }I., cigarmkr, h 1936 N 6th Patterson Jall1t's fL, cashier, 15 X 2d, h 66 N 16th tiE Patterson James c., car builder, h 1936 N 6th ~ Patterson James H., elk P. R R, h 1425 N Front g Patterson John, laborer, h 157 Lndian av - PATTERSON'10HN' D., chief clerk Commissioner of Soldien' Ory~an Sch~o~, _h ~ N' 3d

> o

~AR:~~"s~~!~j'~:;;! ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d and Reily Sfs.

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The Petri



1l_~",." Coil a,DcI SlI>hool Public.tion..

C ........

Why "Gn'Y wldl cb..p PrW. 1111', ..... JOU CD. cit lh. W. aM IO'KI ....... trood type. I'DOd . . - . &IICI bay. fine. cJea."ark. Our prIc_ are _aeIII.. We aim 10 81y. ,.011 proaapt ~c : : ~ : :



1) lpUD



Blanl\ B~Mal\inlll Bool\ Bl"dlng.




Opp. 501]


O. W SOHN, Cashier. .

CHARLES S. BOLL, President.

1217 North Third Street. lIarrisbur Pa.
Incorporated October 25th, 1901. Commenced Business Nmmber 4th, 1901.


J. X. QUIGLEY, VictPruidtnt.

Authorized Capital, - $200,000.

Tranlll\CI. 0 Geaeral B.nkln. Buala_. Loan. ltloa.,y oa Bond, Morl ..... aad olber Appro'l'ed ColI.leral. P.y. InlercOl OD TIlDe Ce~tlftc,u.,..

W. H. Boyd Co.





I B TICK ,N,3dS', 11118 ft

{EmP10YII Done but f\nlt-el_ wormeD, hence onl)' jfr" claulllfriand1naureelt. Work done lD an:r part of Stale.

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory,


PATTERSON 10D E., lawyer, Trust Co. bldg, 222 Market, h 265 Cumberland Patterson John J., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Patterson Joseph M., fireman, h 2143 Atlas av Patterson J. Otis, carpenter, h 1803 N 5th Patterson Lillie, 66 X 16th Patterson M. Gertrude, elk, 208 Walnut, h 403 ~ 2d Pattison Ethel :i\1., weaver, h lS02 Susquehanna Pattison Hugh, supt, h 202 Locust Pattison Rachel A .. wid George 11 .. h Ito'l!:! Susquehanna Patton Ann, wid John. h 1927 Wood av Patton Arthur L., barber, h 3111 Reily Patton Edwin F., barber, 206 S 2d, h do Patton Grace, saleslady, 312 :\farket, h 28 S 4th Patton Harry L . (Patton & Co.). h :!8 S 4th Patton J. Hervey, pres Hbg Pipe and Pipe Bending Co., h 1924 K 3d Patton Mary A.. wid William, h 1437 Susquehanna Patton Ra~'mond, decorator. 3M Market, h :no Reily Patton Robert, P. O. messgr P. R. R. h 1240 Walnut Patton Rush R.. checkman P. R. R.. h 1240 Walnut Patton Walter E., barber. 310 Reily, h do Patton & COl. (H. L. Patton). g-rocers. !!8 S !th Paul Clinton P., flagman, h 550 Forrest Paul Daniel, carpenter. h 30 S 4th Paul Edwin F., elk. 222 ~Iulberrv. h 1704 X 3d Paul Emma P .. dressmkr, 121 :\iarket. h 3Hl X 2d Paul Etta, h 2()4 Herr Paul l\fargaret K .. dressmkr. 264 Herr. h do Paul \Villiam. carpenter, h 139 Balm PAUL WILLIAM F., boots and shoes, 33 N 3d, h 3d c Seneca Paules Frank!in, laborer, h 1329 Bartine av Paulhamus Harry B., laborer. h 435 \Valnut Payord William J., foreman. 1402 Vernon. h 1226 :\farket PAXTANG CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, Bellett Lawson, jr., sec, office, Paxtang Cemetery, Paxtang see adv Paxtang \Yater Co., J. F. Rohrer. sec, 19 ~ 3d Paxton Catharine, domestic, 1705 N Fr~nt _ _ _ _ _


r PI



:a 1'1


112, ., ..

Z ..I , -




II ,0

All Lots Sold With Perpetual Care.
Strictly a Madera Ce.etery.

Inquire Into Our System of Easy Payments.

If' Telephone Connection. Office on the Grounds. ---- - - - - - 44 To find a name you must know how to spell it."
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CLARI'S :'::~t~~ DRU6 AID PUUT MED'ICINE STORE. {= ,!'::f:!tt



Boyd's Harrisburg (p) City Directory.

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en a: o ro C a: r Z o o


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PAXTON FLOUR AND FEED CO., (McCormick est and Levi, D. B. and 1. A. Brandt), Canal bel State Paxton Furnaces, (Central I. and S. Co.). P. R. R. and Shaonis Paxton Hotel, John Robertson, 110~ ~Iarket Paxton Iron and Steel Co., J. AI. Cameron. pres; \r.. C. AlcCormick~ v-pres; D. McCormick, sec and treas, 223 Market Paxton Rolling Mills, (Central Iron and Steel Co.), P. R. R. and Shaonis Paxton Samuel B., elk State Treasury, Capitol, h Franklin House Paxton Sidney, domestic, 4~2 i\ orth Payne Aaron S., screwsman, h 5:;1 Showers av Payne Anna M. Mrs., housekeeper, 124 Hoyer av Payne Bess 1\1., elk, h 5S1 Showers av Payne Elwood R., iron inspector, h lit! Conoy Payne Frank, laborer, h 642 Briggs . Payne George H., laborer, h 24:{ S 14th Payne G. Frank, conductor, h 1525 N 6th Payne Jacob M., laborer, h :{57 S Cameron Payne Jefferson, weighmaster, h 547 S Front Payne Jennie V., picker, h 581 Showers av Payne John H., footman, h 721 North Payne Richard A., laborer. h 1416 X 4th Payne Thomas E., hostler, h 2:33 Blackberry av Payne William, bookbinder, h 1617 Logan av Payne William S., telegrapher P. & R.. h l:!Ui) Chestnut Payton Annie Mrs.,, h 115 Tanner's av Payton John H., porter, 313 Verbeke, h do Payton Mahala, wid Richard, h 1412 X 4th Payton Alary, seamstress, h 1410 N 4th Payton Michael, tinsmith, 42~ Cranberry av, h 115 Christie's av Peace Ashton D., engineer of tests C. I. and S. Co .. h 1205 Mulberry Peace Clifton ~I., screwsman, h 827 S Front Peace Ella, saleslady. 334 Market. h 9115 S front Peace Samuel S., laborer, h 91)5 S Front Peach William H., hostler, h 226 Briggs Peale Theresa E., h 112 State Pearce Percy, machinist, h 587 Showers av PEARCE T: STEWART, cashier treasury, Capitol, h 104 State Pearce \Villiam, engineer, h 587 Showers a\' Pearce, see Pierce Pearl Harry \V., carpenter. h 330 Delaware av Pearson Ah'erna l\lrs .. h 66:~ Verbeke
RDIII 8.en lll aeller In.arn.~ EDW G ROBERTS A...",.deD'. L'D"IlI,I'8r. Bell 'Phone 851 X. or 684;1 X. 108 North 8r....d

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WaU Paper and Window Shadts. {I.t:~~r:~~~.!.f. Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory. 503

Pearson Amor S., fireman. h :t!:! Peffer Pearsoll Caroline. housekeeper. 6119 S Front Pearson David W., helper, h 609 S Front Pearsoll Edward, laborer, h :n7 S River av Pearson Evangeline, domestic, 101 S Front Pearsoll Frederick J., elk C. I. and S. Co., h :>64 Race Pearson Isaiah, bricklayer, h :!117 l\loore Pearson John, puddler, h 6119 S Front Pearsoll John H., brakeman, h 647 Calder PEARSON LEONARD, state veterinarian, Capitol, h 408 Briggs Pearson )Iargaret, seamstress, h 609 S Front Pearson :Mary H., wid John J . h :!7 S Front Pearson Phoebe, domestic, 5113 X Front Pearson Sarah E., seamstress, h :n 7 S River av Pearson Sarah E., wid John, h 6:!6 Reily PEARSON WILLIAM, lawyer, 2 N Court av, h 27 S Front Pearson, see Pierson Pea)' George K., supt F. and 1\1. Works. h 71:3 ~ 6th Peck Annapolis K, brakeman. h 63:! Hamilton Peck John E., shoemkr, 14:!:! K 3d, h do Peck Katie A., dressmkr, 635 Boas. h do Peddicord Fletcher M., painter, h 14:!7 Susquehanna Pee \Valter, engineer, h 640 Harris Peebles Henrietta, wid Frank. h 111115 S mh Peebles Truman, carpenter. h 4:!4 S :!<i Peeples Hannah E. :Ylrs., cigars. &c .. ti45 Verbeke. h do PEERLESS HAND LAUNDRY, (D. F. Heffner), 208 Chestnut Peerless Portrait Co .. (Duhbs & Cobaugh). 118 S :!d Peffer Caroline, wid Jacoh. h 1605 Elizabeth a\' Peffer Carrie :\1.. feeder. :!11l K :!d. h 1917 1\ 6th Peffer Franklin \V., hrakeman. h 16116 Wallace Peffer I. Kewton, car cleaner. h :!1I2!) Logan av Peffer Jasper 0., conductor. h ::w::m Logan av Peffer John c., painter, h HH7 N 6th Peffer Kieffer G .. roller. h !!IIUi X Ilth Peffer Louis W .. engineer. h :!1117 .:\[oltke av Peffley Grace C, milliner. 223 1Iarket. h 5:n :\1ac1ay' Peffley Harry c., wiper. h 2014 Penn PeIHey Oscar B., wiper. h !!014 Penn Peffley Tamar E .. wid John H., h 21114 Penn Peifer Charles F .. machinist. h 1:!1 Hanna Peifer Harr\' E.. laborer. h l-i2i'i James av Peifer John; stone mason. h 322 Reily Peifer John. jr.. laborer. h 322 Reily Peifer John c.. messenger P. R. R .. h WII:~ X 5th Peifer Louis. plumber. h 3:?'.:! Reily Peifer l\'Iichael, laborer. h lfi14 X ;;th


I -I I





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iii en


To find a -~am~ you ~ust

know hoW to spell-it.,i

Digitized by


..: 504



Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory.

.t; Peifer Thomas, helper .. h :n 1 Reilv

Peifer Oscar .-\., laborer. It 5 X nth

CI Peifer TraceY, weaver, h 32:! Reii,' :: Peifer William, laborer, h 4:?:! Kelker ~ Peifer William H., laborer, h 418 Harris == Peifer, see Piper :; Peiffer Darius, gasmkr, h 2:m Hummel Peiffer Edwin R., bartender. ~2:i Walnut. It ~!) X 13th Peiffer Elmer, bartender. :Ul6 Strawberrv avo h 26 S 3d ; Peiffer Jacob D., bartender. 11111 :\larkct. h 1115 do - Peiffer Tacv, ironer. h llUi }Iarket Peightal John C, fireman, h 2015 X 6th LaJ Peightal William M., carpenter, h 615 Harris L Peiper Levi F., engineer. h 2 S 4th PEIPHER LINE FAST FREIGHT TO NEW YORK, ft of r Market see adv LaJ PEIPHER LINE FAST FREIGHT TO PHILA., ft of Market see adv Peiter Frederick, draftsman. h 14:~ X 4th Z Pelen Blanch, dressmkr. 1:l44 State. h do Pelen Harry M., painter, h 222 Cumherland Pelen John W . machinist, h 12(18 X 6th Z Pelen Kathrm C, salesladv. 3~4 :\Iarket. h 1208 N 6th Pel en Samuel L., bricklayer Lunatic Hospital, h 1344 State LaJ Pel en Susan M . teacher. h 1~44 ~tate PELGRAM & MEYER, (Harrisburg Silk Mills), North c 24 Pelham Edward E .. salesman. :nn :\Iarket. h 7(11 Green Pelton Charles Y., engineer. h 231 Harris O Pelton Lester C. polisher. h 2:n Harris a: Peltz Annie, wid \\"illiam. h In! ~ Cameron Pendergast Annie T., h 142:l! -N 3d a:: Pendergast John T .. elk, h 651 Boas CI Pendergast Katharine F .. stengr. l1:?j ~ :ld. h 65] Boas ~ Pendergast Mary E . teacher. h 6!)] Boas ~ Pendergast Peter, engineer. h 651 Roas Pendergast Peter F . elk Hotel Russ. h 651 Boas






~ ~:~~f:t~~stM~:~~~: :l~~!~il~~ ~C.~.~2~dWalnut, h 651 Boa~

Penman Charles B .. elk bureau of statistics, h 801 N 6th
a:: Penn Laura. housekeeper. 1646 :\rarket


PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF PHILA., 10hn W. Eckenrode, genl mgr, 103 N 2d t::i Penn Theodore \V .. machinist. 61!1 Walnut. h 1646 Market c ,:, Pennabaker Edward, laborer, h Front c Division ;:::::: ~ Pennell James. flagman, It 164~ ~ 6th ::i Pennell Tohn, foreman. h 629 Peffer ::: Pennell john A., fireman. h 629 Peffer ~ Penne~Loh~~~ :!.o~ves. 612 ~Iaelay and 601 ~:ff~~,~do _ _


REDMOND. ~3d and Reily StS.

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,


Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory.

-- - -.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."


Pennell Paris G., tinsmith, h 601 Peffer ,. Pennell William B., laborer, h 1915 lIoltke av Pennington :'.Ioses, janitor, h 122 Cowden Penna. Ammonia and Fertilizing Works, (A. \V. Carlisle), P. R R ab Woodbine , Penna. Anti-Saloon League, 15 S 2d ~ PENlfA. CANAL CO., Thomas T. Wierman, chief engineer, office, 405 Market PENNA. CASUALTY CO., E. G. Roberts, dist mgr, 103 N 2d ft PENNA. ENDEAVOR, The Endeavor Co., publishers, 18 S 3d V Penna. Land Co., D. L. Kaufman, mgr, 321 Market Penna. Methodist, Rev. S. C. Swallow, editor, 20 N 2d III PENlfA. R. R. CO.'S DAILY FAST FREIGHT LINES, division W freight office, 413 Market Penna. R R Dining Rooms, passenger station Penna, R R Freight Depot, ft S 3d Penna. R R Pass Station, ft Chestnut, entrance, 419 :\{kt Penna. R R Voluntary Relief Dept, 413 lIarket Penna. R R Young :\len's Christian Association, F. H. Gregory, gen'l sec, 1128 :!'oJ 6th _ PENNA. STAATS-ZEITUNG AND DAUPmN COUNTY _ 10URNAL, P. W. Liesmann, publisher, 534 Race Penna. State Agrl Society, J. P. Nissley, sec, 4 X 3d ., PENlfA. STATE ARSENAL, Herr ab 18th '. PENlfA. STATE LUNATIC HOSPITAL, Maclay c Cameron PENNA. STEEL CO., (THE), E. C. Felton, pres, Steelton see adv back cover 10 0 PENlfA. TELEPHONE CO., A. R. Shellenberger, pres; 1. H. i Crosman, jr., sec and treas; L. H. Kinnard, genl mgrj 1. E. Wilkinson. auditor, 208-210 Walnut U Pensinger William S., motorman, h 22d c Greenwood W Pens} I Urgie D., plasterer, h 1529 Logan av Pentz Charles H., machinist, h 16()6 K 6th Pentz David G., telegrapher, 4111 Chestnut, h ~Iechanicsburg Pentz Lillie I.. teacher. h 16()6 i\ 6th Pentz Silas W., elk P. R R, h 16116 N lith ., Pentz William. leverman P. R R, h HiII6 X 6th ,.. People's Bridge Co., E. Z. Wallower, pres; F. R Leib, sec lIP and treas. 12 N 3d ~ PEOPLE'S CREDIT CLOTHING CO., Edward S. Collins, mgr, u 28S3d W PEOPLE'S DEPARTMENT STORE, (McLean-Bowman Co., Q. Inc.), 328 Market see adv front cover PEOPLE'S FURNISmNG CO., house furnishers, W. H. fA Brown, mgr, 330 Verbeke (Broad) VI People's Gas and Gaseous Fuel Co., 27 N 3d It



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ucIEIL'S PAil EXTERMIIATOR glvel you an appetite. Many {808 .read. """ Itt millions have been cured by It.

n06 Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory. zj _ PEOPLE'S ICE CO., C. H. FORNEY, PRES; lOU S. SPOTTS, :; V-PRES; C. C. FORNEY, TREAS; H. A. SHERK, SEC; :. S. H. ALEXANDER, ASST SEC; WILLIAII FARNER, ... .GR, 1516 If 3D .- People's Tea Co., Geo. L. \\,ingeard, mgr, 1007-1009 N 3d i Perdue Annie :'.lrs., h :14 Linden Perdue Elizabeth ~I., cashier, a:~4 ~larket, h :U Linden .- Perdue Barn', driller, h :14 Linden ~ Perdue :\Iary' W., saleslady, :1:14 :\larket, h :14 Linden :a Perine Annie ~L Mrs., h :!1I8 Calder Perkey David F., stone mason, h 1519i X 5th == Perkey John, stone mason, h 1:!lS Currant av I; Perkey \Villiam S., broommkr, h l51!)t X :'ith Perrington Florence E. Mrs., h :!~9 :\fulherry : Perry Charles F. A., carpenter, h 10':>0 S 9th 2 Perry Charles P., helper, h ::WH Verbeke Perry Daniel W., foreman. h 11119 X lith (I) Perry Etta M .. stengr. 1411~ \'etnon, h 15119 :\Iarket Perrv Naomi E., wid Richard H., h :!fi\) \'erbeke ta.I Perry Oliver H., elk H. of R., h 2li9 \' erbeke .J Perr}' Robert, bellboy C. S. Hotel. h do Perry Thomas, elk dept int affairs, Capitol, h 1509 Market c( Perty George, embalmer, h 4:12 Harris 1&1 Pessagno Louis ).1.. bar elk, h !n~ Grand Q Petcher Etta E., knitter, h 2141l X 5th .I.. Petcher 1Iyra X .. stengr, Ii S :!cl, h ~1tI4 X 5th ... Peters Adam, pipe fitter, h 21147 Herr Peters Albert H., puddler, h 1:126 X 7th Peters Annie, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do . : Peters Carrie I., domestic, ViOl S Cameron ~ Peters C. Earl, asst P. O. msgr P. R. R., h :317 Chestnut .r Peters Cect:iia, housekeeper, 14:1H Regina L Peters Charles F., elk, 16 X 2d, h 12:! Strawberry av Peters Charles F., lahorer, h :!:W S River a\' ' U Peters Christian, carpenter, h 21:!4 6! ..... Peters Dallas T., brakeman, h 51 X 10th . . Peters Edgar :\'1., printer Telegraph, h 12112 X 7th C) Peters Edward S .. lather, h lim) ~raelav u Peters Elizabeth :'\1., wid Harr\' ~I.. h'121l2 X 7th Q Peters Emorv P .. fireman, h 1inZl X 7th Peters George, laborer, h 1~.a Hickory av Peters George X .. pressman, h 1211:! X 7th ,~ Peters George \V., printer Patriot, h 12111 Derry Peters Harry, linotype opr Patriot. h 1210 Derry Q Peters Harry F., press feeder, h l:!O:! X 7th ...., Peters Henry, gasmkr, h :UIJ Cherry av !:: Peters Henn' G., brakeman. h 648 \\'ooclbine ~ Peters Herbert A., brakeman. h :Ui Chestnut




Tile A... ~rl"Rn Bondlo C:olllpanJ', Baltimore. Md. ROW. O. ItOBERTS. General Agentl.:entral Penna. District. 108 lid 8" Bell 'Phone 8.'i\ X, or 6M3 X.

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PZN~~~:~N'!"::;~r~.!..R. {1216 loon Boyd's Harrisburg (p) City Directory.

Third 31.

Peters James, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Peters Jennie V., wid Harry C, h 317 Chestnut Peters John, mason, h 1706 :Market Peters John E., laborer, h 14041 James av Peters John E. E., machinist, h 137 N lath Peters Joseph, laborer, h 1619 Logan av PETERS 10SEPH M., civil engineer, 222 Market, h 121 Linden Peters Katharine L., presser, h 1110 Penn Peters Levi, laborer, h 326 N 15th Peters ~lary ::\Irs., h 113 Mulberry Peters }.Iervin C, (R. J. Peters & Son), 11 ails Xorth PETERS 1tULTON G., grocer, 1021 Green c Herr, h 927 N 3d Peters Richard J., (R. J. Peters & Son), h 267 ~orth Peters R. J. & Son, (~lervin C.), grocers, 62U N 3d Peters Salome H., milliner, h 1202 N 7th Peters Sarah :r-.;., feeder, h 1202 N 7th Peters Thomas S., real estate. 9 S 2d, h !l:m Chestnut Peters Viola, cigarmkr, h 2047 Herr Peters \Villiam C, physician, 206 State, h 2114 do Peters \Villiam P., laborer, h 144 S Court av Peters Willis, plasterer, h 60!1 ~Iaclay Peters Wilmot ]., plasterer, h 609 ~Iaclay Peterson Bertha C, seamstress, h 26a Herr Peterson l\fargaretta, h 263 Herr Peterson Mary, domestic, 133 \Valnut Petery George, elk, 1743 1\ 6th, h 5:17 Harris Petri Anthony, tailor, 1931 Derry, h 1H51 Swatara Petri Elizabeth, wid ~lichael, h 1851 Swatara Pettit Laura M., h 1618 Swatara Pettit Pearl, housekeeper, 1618 Swatara Pettit William H. H., foreman, h 1618 Swatara Pfarr Jacob, brakeman, h 2136 Atlas av Pfeffer \Villiam, salesman. h 267 Herr Pfouts William C, druggist, h 1!l0 State PFUHL 1. GEORGE REV., pastor St. Michael's German Lutheran Church, h 317 S 2d Pfuhl ~Ian' D .. teacher. h 317 S 2d Phelps Enlma E., \vid Anson H., h 323 Walnut Phelps Harvey, h 1802 Green PHILADELPHIA DENTAL PARLORS, 25 N 3d Phila., Harrisburg & Pittsburg R. R., lOth ab Berryhill Phila .. Reading & Pottsville Tel. Co., P. & R. depot PHILADELPHIA SHOE STORE, (F. A. Duttenhotrer), 228 Market Phila. & Reading Ry. Division Frt Agt Office. 16 N 2d Phila. & Reading Ry. Freight Depots. l\larket nr 9th Phila. & Reading Ry. Passenger Depot, :\Iarket c Canal

o o :u






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-To find a name you- must know how to spell it."

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H. M. K.ELLEY &, co . COAL AND WOOD {OIllCtS: :Ot~O~dlc:.~~


Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory.

Phila. & Reading Ry. Round House, Paxton nr S Cameron Phillips Alfred, laborer, h 564 SlOth E5 Phillips Charles, laborer, h 1512 Vernon :c t- Phillips Charles E., machinist, h 1:!63 S 13th Phillips Charles W., bootblack, h 1419 ~larion ~ Phillips Clarence R., physician, 1646 N ad, h do z: Phillips Daniel, laborer, h 41~ Walnut ~ Phillips Daniel, waiter, h 1417 Marion ;: Phillips Erma E. ~L, domestic, 420 Cranberry av - Phillips George E., waiter The Com'lth, h rear 324t North ;Ii Phillips Harriet F., teacher, h 4:!O Cranberry av LW Phillips Irene ~lrs., h ]329 ~ 2d t- Phillips John, student, h 564 SlOth t- Phillips Leroy, h 2 Aberdeen av ~ Phillips Lewis 0., h 116 Locust z: Phillips Lewis 0., jr., elk, 1402 Vernon, h 116 Locust Phillips Lina,.chanvoman, h 1419 Marion Phillips Marcellus E., machinist, h 1310 Howard a: Phillips ~lary A., wid George W., h 1:t!9 N 2d ~ Phillips Maude I., accountant, 334 ~Iarket, h 1010 Hemlock Phillips Mazie, cook, 311 Nectarine a\' U Phillips Peter J., conductor, h 1208 Derry ~ Phillips Samuel, hostler, h 3:n Blackberry av i= Phillips Samuel L., printer Telegraph, h 342 Brook av z: PHOENIX MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., Hartford, ~ Conn., 1. Ralph Morrison, genl agt, 105 N 2d !:C Pickel Harry, brakeman, h 1131 Wallace t - . Pickel William H., caller P. R. R., h jOl Herr Pierce Edward R., mgr, 2 S 2d, h 161a ~ 2d C ) Pierce George W., boilermkr, h 1194 Christian g: Pierce Mary, wid Samuel, h 5()9 Filbert 1.1.1 Pierce Rebecca, seamstress, h 1619 Penn Pierce Robert, machinist, h 1619 Penn c:t Pierce Theresa E., domestic, 1924 :r\ 3d ~ Pierce "V. Dean. expressman. h 410 Chestntlt ~ Pierce William, laborer, h 509 Filbert ffi Pierce, see Pearce CI Pierson John I., bookkpr, 1402 Vernon, h 1214 Derry g; Pierson, see Pearson MAo Pietzsch Emma, housekeeper, 914 S 191 Zli Pietzsch Gustav, fireman, h 914 S 19! OJ Pifer Joseph S., tailor, 6 S 2d, h :Ylechanicsburg Pike J. Shannon, bricklayer, h 1408 Zarker ! Pike Lillie l\.frs., h 310 Boyd av II Pike Willard G., laborer. h 811 S Front Pilkay Joseph J., elk Hbg Nat. Bank, h 308 Chestnut ~Z Pilkay Mary R., teacher, h 308 Chestnut toe ~inka~ Fa~mie, wid_Columbus, h !41~_N 4th


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ANDREW REDMOND, HC:::';'~~II..Ir:::d ~~oo'i::.. {3d and Rilly Sts. CoogIe

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--MAKES A SPECIALTr OF-{IZUS ". 34 St. PrescoinC Public BUlldlnzs In Plain Tints. E,II.IIt., BI

:;09 Pinkerd Charles, laborer, h 1315 N Cameron Pinkerd William c., laborer, h 1a5 Short Pinkerton Frank, grocer, 1a17 N 6th, h 266 Herr Pinkney Edward A., mgr, h 1513 Green Pinkney Margaret H. Mrs., h 202 }Iary's av Piper Catharine 11. l\lrs., teacher, h 1a:! Locust Piper Franklin D., engineer, h 416 Crescent Piper Robert V., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Piper, see Peifer, also Peipe~, also Peipher Pipes Harry S., boilermkr, h 123 S 13th Pipes William S., foreman, h 425 S 13th Pipes William S., jr., laborer, h 425 S l:lth Pipp Conrad G., sponger, h 331 Granite av Pipp Henry B., laborer, h 331 Granite av Pipp Joseph, laborer, h li19 Logan av Pipp Josephine, wid Conrad, h 1719 Logan av Pipp William, laborer, h 1719 Logan av Pipping Paul, laborer, h 11103 N 7th Pittenturf Alma 1\1., domestic, 2:n Forster Pittfie1d Frank, elk aud genl's dept, h 104 State PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS CO., Thomas Hill, resident agt, 222 Market Place ROia ~I., stengr dept int affairs, h 219 ~ 2d Plack Albert H., elk, 119 S 2d, h 1101 Capital Plack Esther L., elk, h 426 Cumberland Plack Ferdinand T., watchmkr, &c., 1326 N 6th, h 1328 do Plack Gustav, (Plack & Keller), h 1731 Susquehanna Plack Helen, dressmkr, h 1101 Capital Plack Herman, planer, h 426 Cumberland Plack Herman, jr., watchmkr, h 1840 Logan av Plack Herman F. \V. 0., lather, h 1731 Susquehanna Plack Lillian, saleslady, 326 l\larket, h 11lll Capital Plack Otto, boots and shoes, 1101 Capital, h do Plack Otto W., decorator, 36 N 3d, h 3:l5 Crescent Plack Rudolph, filer, h 426 Cumberland Plack Wilhelm, jeweler, 119 S 2d, h 616 N 2d Plack William, elk, 1101 Capital, h do Plack William O. H. R, machinist, h 332 Hamilton PLACK & KELLER, (Gustav Plack and Harry L. Keller), planing mill, 824 N 7th see a d v .

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory.


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Union Planing Mill and Lumber Yards. PLACK & KELLER, W

---Dl~ALERS IN ~






.., To find a name you must know how to spell it."



McNeU'. Pain Fxtarm.nator C'UreI Cholera lIIorbllll, Dysentery. Crampa, Dlarrbrea. t:olds. QuinBY, Rbeumallam, Toothache, Sore Throat, Ape, DJapeJl81a,.tc. . . . . .,

Plank Albert W . supt, h 1!l2!l Derry Plank Harry, postal elk, h ]327 Kittatinny 'C .. Plank Hennes A., salesman. :t~4 ~1:arket, h 8 N 13th I Plank ~Iattie J., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do c.a Plank ~Iilton H., paper, ]421 N Front, h do Plank Percy A., h 1~:!3 Derry c.a PI<!no ~lfg. Co., N. Wetzel, mgr, agrl implts, 630-632 Wal~ nut ~ Plant Catharine. cigarmkr, h 1216 Cowden Plant John W., laborer, h 1216 Cowden == Plant Lovina, wid William, h 1216 Cowden Plant Victoria ]., cigar roller, h 1216 Cowden :; Platt Clarence N., elk C. J. and S. Co., h 119 South a Platt James, slater, h 317 Briggs Platt William R., driver, h 629 Walnut (/) Pleam Reuben R., agt, h 612 Briggs Pleasant Sylvester I., waiter. h 4 Aberdeen av Pletcher 1\1. H., agt, h 530 Cowden Pletz Kathryn E., saleslady, 334 Market, h 206 Harris Pletz Theodore, messenger Hbg Nat. Bank, h 206 Harris Pletz Theodore A., elk, h 206 Harris C Plough Elsie A., candymkr, h 39 S Summit Plough :Mervin 5., ~alesman, 33 N 3d. h 39 S Summit L. Plough Samuel, ins agt, 14 S 2d, h 39 S Summit r- Plowman Clara R., wid \Villiam E., h 117 Linden Plowman John W., telegrapher, 3 N 2d, h 1339 do Plum Charles E., custodian aud genl's dept, h 1114 Green Plummer Amos J., telegrapher P. R. R., h 15 S 13th Plummer Charlotte S., saleslady, 6 S 2d, h 15 S 13th ..: Plummer Jlary E., telephpne opr, h 15 S l!lth z: Plunkett James, oiler, h 2132 Atlas av ~ Plunkett Kate, seamstreRS The Commonwealth, h do E PNEU1tIA.TIC CARPET CLEANING WORKS, (1. B. Pownall), 128 and 130 N Cameron U Pob :'.lary c., h rear !l26 Cherry av ..... Poet H. Jennie, wid Samuel T., h 1917! N 6th ..: Poffenberger Charles Fl .. conductor, h 1227 N 6th Poffenberger Charlotte G., dressmkr, 135 N l!lth, h do Q Poffenberger Irwin :'.1., mattress weaver, h 214 S River av z: Poffenberger Isaac R., conductor, h 418 Boas ..: Poffenberger John F., conductor, h 135 N 13th ...., Poffenberger Luther L., nail feeder, h 621 Forster u Poffenberger Martha M., wid William H., h 115 Locust - Poffenberger ~lary E .. bookkpr, h 135 N 13th Q Poffenberger :'.lil1ard P., leveller, h 115 Balm ~ Poffenberger Thomas, dentist, 807 N 3d, h do Z Poffenberger Uriah A., conductor, h 1942 N 6th Pogue Bdward, brakeman, h 711 Love av

"" _



Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory.




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IN"'URANClI:. N .... h EOW G ROBERTS , .-r ACCIDENT Bell 'Phone 851 X,loa 68t8 X. Btreet. or
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Boyd's Harrisburg (p) City Directory,


Pogue Elmer, engineer, h 711 Love av Pogue Henry, forgeman, h 711 Love av Pogue J. William, laborer, h 330 Hummel Pohl Elmer E., elk, h 1235 K 6th Pohl Laurence, blacksmith, h 1235 K 6th Poindexter Charles, blacksmith, h 44() South Poindexter Henry, bottler, h 703 North Poindexter Jesse, laborer, h :!26 Meadow la Poist Albert A., caller, h 1813 N 6th Poist Annie M., music teacher. h una x 6th Poist Edward, boat builder, h 228 Cranberry av Poist Jacob A., painter, h 1813 N 6th Poles Warren, laborer, h ~M S 15th Pollak Alfred, ins sol, 15 X 2d, h 1124 N Front Pollard Lidia l\'irs., boarding. 1111 ~ 4th, h do Pollinger Annie E., dressmkr, h 1417 William Pollock Cora E., cigarmkr. h 1411 S 12th Pollock Daniel, elk, h 1411 S 12th Pollock E. Walton, elk P. & R., h 1619 Derrv Pollock Frank H., conductor, h 1619 Derry Pollock Harry C, elk F. and ~L Works, h 1619 Derry Pollock Joseph B., conductor, h 341 S River av Pollock Joseph E., h 1411 S 12th Pollock l\Iartha H., physician, 2:l2 N 2d. h do Pollock ~lary, shoe apr. h 13th bel ~Iagnolia Pollock Rachel, h 232 N 2d Pollock William A., ironworker. h 1:~30 S 13th Pollum William S., junk, h 532 \Vest av Polston James A., teamster, h 251 S 14th Polston James 0., laborer, h 13:l2 Thompson av Poltl Hermann, timekeeper, h 426 Cumberland Pomeroy G. S., (Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart), h Reading POMEROY SILAS S., grocer, 2 N 2d, h 1211 do Pomeroy Stephen \V. Rev., h 1211 N 2d Pond Annie E., wid James S., h 211 Calder Pond James S., foreman, h 1228 N Front Pond Lyle, cigarmkr, h 211 Calder Pond Ross E., shoe apr, h 1:~25 Penn Poole Frances M., wid Charles, h 1917! N 6th Poole Washington I., plumber and gas fitter, 126 S 2d. h do Poolman Augustus, laborer, h 1015 S 9th Poorman Effie J. Mrs., h 308 S River av Poorman Fannie K., h 246 North Poorman James B.. musician. h 2115 Brookwood Poorman Joseph O. S .. elk First Nat. Bank. h Highspire Poorman Rose, wid William A., h 1200 Bartine av Poorman William J .. postal clk. h 180;; Green Pope Rachel, wid John, h 15251\ 6th

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To find a name you must mow how to spell it."

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Goog Ie


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H U 'KELLEY & CO'S Blnrk DIn............. J1lfri 3d SttMt. m .. x, .rder... t10th.nd Ilta'.St..

.; 512

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory.







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Popel Joseph G., letter carrier, h ill!l State. Popel Laura Mrs., charwoman, h 515 South Popel Samuel W., cigars, 1118 Filbert, h 1111 do Popel William H., waiter, h ill:1 State Porr Alfred L., stone cutter. h !!lSl Swatara Porr Annie E ..Mrs., h :n:n Swatara Porr Irvin M., stone cutter, h :!1l7 Swatara Porr William C, milk, :21:3:1 Swatara, h do Port Miriam W., saleslady, :~6 X :~d, h 625 Dauphin av Porter Alonzo :\1., elk State Treasury, h 90i Capital Porter Charles L., puddler. h 1128 Cowden Porter Charlotte. wid Charles, h i1:! X 7th Porter Daniel, laborer, h 111i X 111 Porter Elizabeth A. l\Irs .. dressmkr, 118 Paxton, h do Porter James, lahoreI'. h 213 Cranberry av Porter Jennie E . h 1:!1l0 X :!d Porter Jennie ~I., saleslady, 31:! :'.Iarket. h 32:~ Herr Porter John, molder, h 9!l2 Grand Porter Joseph, laborer, h 811 K 1lith Porter Joshua, stocker, h 1:!5 Hanna Porter Kate S., tailoress, h :32:~ Herr Porter Martha A., h 32!l Herr Porter Mary V., attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do Porter Maud 0., shirtmkr. h 1128 Cowden Porter Samnel, laborer, h ~12 Cowden Porter Samuel Me., elk, 15011 N :ld, h 1128 Cowden Porter William R., laborer, h 118 Paxton Porterfield Willard M., traY salesman, h 1117 Green Portner Frank, molder, h 21115 N 6th Portzline Cora. domestic, 1202 N 2d Portzline Maggie S., domestic, -lila \\'alnut Posey Rufus R.. driver, 113 N 2d, h 81:1 SlOth POST OFFICE, Edward 1. Stackpole, P. M., 3d c Walnut, sub station No.1, 2027 N 6th, lohn B. Foltz, supt; sub sta: tion No.2, 1255 Mulberry, Edward 1. Roe, suptj sub station No.3, 1917 Derry, Luthella Wilcox, supt; sub station No.4, 301 Verbeke, Charles F. Kramer, suptj sub station No.5, 901 S 9th, Harry F. Sheesley, supt; sub station No.6, 191 N 15th, Daniel Runkle, supt POSTAL TELEGRAPH CABLE CO., Clark E. Diehl, mgr, 7 12 N3d POTH F. A. & SONS, Charles S. Bux, agt, bottlers, 818 and 820 Market Poticher John. shoemkr. 115S :'.1arket. h 1424 Green Potteiger Aaron A., laborer, h 1917 Forster Potteiger Amandus, fireman, h 21!l4 N 7th Potteiger Daniel V .. gardener. h 441 Peffer Potteiger Harry J., miller, h 414 Cumberland

ANDREW REDMOND, ~1:::!:::~d'::::r:. {3d and Rell, Sis.

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Paper. The best and low.t W' _ _ A B TACK , Wall.. complete wIth Flxmr. ana lPrtn&a for... { II. 34 at. !!Ito.d


Boyd's Harrisburg <P) City Directory.


Potteiger Harry W., machinist, h 2148 N 6th Potteiger Harvey A., driver, h 414 Cumberland Potteiger Jacob, grocer, :!4 N 13th, h do Potteiger James H., laborer, h 959 S ~lst Potteiger John J., carpenter, h ~33 N 15th Potteiger Sophia, h 1185 Bailey Potter Albert A., paperhanger, h 1366 Vernon Potter Annie, cigarmkr, h 1518 Wallace Potter Annie Mrs., domestic Home for the Friendless Potter Charles c., painter, h 149 Balm Potter Charles H., musician. h 1::t:!5 N 4th Potter Daniel G., laborer Capitol, h 1325 N 4th Potter Elizabeth, charwoman, h 1325 N 4th Potter Frances. seamstress, h 500 N 13th Potter Frank P., coachman Lunatic Hospital, h do Potter George, waiter Commonwealth, h 1120 Hickory av Potter Ira W., fireman, h 534 Violet av Potter Irvin, paperhanger. h l:l6t1 \' ern on Potter Levi, salesman, h 1::t66! Vernon I Potter Martha R, domestic, 500 N 3d Potter Maude, cigarmkr, h 1518 \Vallacc POTTER OSCAR R., paper hangings, room mouldings and . painter, 1018 Market, h 80 Balm Potter Richard, laborer, h 1325 N 4th Potter Richard, waiter, h 607 State Potter S. Ella, wid James, h 1504 Wallace Pottorff Auruba A., saleslady, h 1119 Capital IJ Pottorff J. Albert, bricklayer, h 1119 Capital 0 Pottorff John W., bricklayer, h 1119 Capital Ii Potts Andrew B., scientist, 11118 IVlarket, h do POTTS GEORGE C., druggist, 1101 If 3d, h 1513 If 2d Potts George N., laborer, h 7 Haehnlen av Potts Howard D., U. S. Naval engineer, h 409 Briggs Potts Lewis, salesman, h 507 Cowden Potts Lillie E., h 1520 N 2d Potts Milton G., notary public, 1520 N 2d, h do Potts Ross R, barber, 4::t3 Verbeke, h 321 do Potts W. Baird, elk P. R R pass depot, h' 409 Brigg:; Potts William c., electrician, 321 Verbeke, h do Pouell Reese, laborer, h 703 East Poulick Michael, laborer. h 5 Paxton Furnace Row Poulton Catharine S., h 804 N 6th Poulton Charles W., mgr. 31 N 3d, h 408 Forster Poulton Charlotte A., h 804 N 6th Q. Poulton Emma L., vestmkr, h 454 Cumberland Poulton Joseph S., sign painter. 400 Walnut, h 1217 Green Poulton Lewis G., printer, 33 N 2d, h 804 N 6th Poulton Silas W., signs. 1103 ~ 6th, h 916 do


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To find a name you must know how to spell it."


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McNEIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. ~.~~:J'!iid~D~=rast;~ {306 Brol'

_ Poulton Susan A., wid Joseph L., h 804 N 6th ~ Powell Albert T., laborer, h 2101 Greenwood .. Powell Cornelius, laborer, h 323 S 14th I Powell Elmer P., elk, 430 Market, h 1~36 ~ 7th c.:t Powell Emanuel, laborer, h 1154 S Cameron E Powell Howard G., elk, 22'2 Mulberry, h 2012 N 3d ~ Powell James, laborer, h 210 S Court av Powell John, laborer, h 2101 Greenwood ~ Powell John, jr., flagman, h 2101 Greenwood ~ Powell Joseph c., laborer, h 32.'l S 14th _ Powell Lettie, domestic, 127 State U Powell Mary, housekeeper. 1215 X 111 Ii Powell Rebecca, wid \\'illiam H., h 21t) S Court av -! Powell Samuel R., machinist, h 229 ~I ulberry ~ Powell Thomas, laborer. h 169 Indian av Powell Walter L., mgr, 22"J Mulberry, h 2M2 :N 3d Powers Elias, laborer, h 315 Clinton av fI) Powers James, hostler, h 424 Harris Powers Mary M., seamstress. h 424 Harris I.&J Poweri Norah' A., housekeeper, 424 Harris .J Powers Simon laborer, h 315 Clinton av III( Powley Joseph N., h 15115 N 12th I.&J Powlev William S., fireman, h 11(17 \\'allace Powmill Joseph H., (Pneumatic Carpet Cleaning Works), h C 422 Briggs I.&J Pownall Mary L., elk silk mill, h 706 East Pownall Phoebe D., milliner, 334 ~1arket, h 706 East Pownall Simeon B., h 706 East Pratt George \\!'., driver, h 123 S ~d ..: Pratt Jeanne T., music teacher. 9 X Front. h do z: Preble Albion E., civil engineer P. R. R., h 708 N 6th ~ Preisler Blanche M., elk, h 106 Tuscarora E Prescott James N., brakeman, h 245 Kelker Pressel Agnes Mrs., domestic, 117 Locust u Pressel Samuel J . elk. h 404 Cumberland - ' Pr('ssler Charles W" elk. 723 N 6th, h 307! S 2d ..: Pressler Henry, boilermkr, h 573 Race Pressler Joanna F .. wid George, It 9 N Cameron Pressley Chester H., laborer, h 1il3 ~ 7th CI Pressley George W .. foreman. h 1709 N 7th Pressley John P., fireman, h 1929 N 7th Pressley ~Villiam H .. engineer, h 17] 1 K 7th ~ Pressley William l\J., engineer, h 1959 Moltke av Preston Atlee B . conductor, h 2012 ~ 7th CI Preston George c.. laborer. h Cumberland bel 9th ~ Preston H. Pierce. brakeman, h 2022 ~ 5th Preston John E., brakeman, h 611 Muench ~ Preston Kate, wid John, h 1635 N 4th



Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory.



EDW G ROBERTS wllIlWon),our bon4. Bell 'Pbone ......d81or68CS X. bond. are executed. 861 X.

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A. B. TACK t:&'::.o=::r 1011 PUDer and IlndOI lOdeS :f1~~:Yt:

Boyd's Harrisburg (P) City Directory. 315
Preston Mary R., wid George C, h 611 :\Iuench Preston Sallie Mrs., h 1419 Fulton Preston Samuel F., laborer, h Greenwood nr 21st Preston William G., caulker, h 1411 X Hi Pretz Elias, laborer, h :na Chern' av Pretz Elizabeth, h 114 Cumberlaild Pretz William, pitman, h na5 Camp Price Abraham F., hostler. h Ull Chestnut Price Amanda J., h 19!J:l X 4th Price Annie Mrs., h 10!} Xorth Price Carlton Rev., h HI X 1:lth Price Charles A., bookkpr, ~:!:! l'.lulberry. h 10!} Cllestnu~ Price Charles F., brakeman, h liU Dauphin Price Edwin, laborer, h 4:35 Walnut Price Ellen l\Irs., h 23!) State Price George, "aiter The Bolton Price George E., laborer, h 1324 N 7th Price Jacob F., laborer. h 10~7 N" Cameron Price Julia A.,. wid Abram P .. h HI!} Chestnut Price Ralph, cigars, 14)14 l\Iarket, h do Price William, caller P. R. R. frt depot. h 12:: Xorth Pries Benjamin F., foreman, h 1s:m Fulton Primrose Edward. nail feeder, h ~1I5 S Front Primrose Ellen, wid Thomas, h 8115 S Front Primrose George, laborer, h ~Ilu S Front Printz Charles \V., fireman. h 1i)~2.~ X 4th Printz Harry, conductor, h 2 S 4th Pritchard George R.. laborer, h 1!1()5 X :~rl Pritchard John C, driver. h 817 SlOth Pritchard Jonathan A .. driver, h ~17 SlOth Pritchard William, cah driver, h ~1 7 S lIIth Pritchard William T., heater. h 1744 N :3rl Pritchard Wilmer C, heater, h 1744 N :~d Prizer Benjamin H., clk dept int affairs, h 101 Evergreen Proctor Alfred, laborer. h (;42 Primrose a\' Proctor Mary E., domestic, 514 X 5th Prospect Hill Cemetery Co., W. C Armor, sec, 4 N Court av Prosser Lewis W .. repairsman. h 524 Maclay Prothero Elizabeth, domestic. 2llll Pine Proud Alice C, trimmer. :Ui ~ lld. h ] 148 :\larket Proud Helen E., saleslarly. !1fi X !1rl. h 1148 :\Iarket Proud John, machinist, h 1148 ?\Iarket Proud Kate, h 1148 ?\Iarket Proudfoot Edward. laborer, h 2J7 ~orth PRUDENTIAL mSUBAliCE CO. OF AMERICA, W. H. Bush nell, supt, 14 S 2d Pruss Benjamin. (Pruss & Cohen). h 12 Cowden Pruss Lewis, clothing, 418 \Valnut. h tlo

I -I I

.. To find a name you must !mow how to spell it."

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~ Pruss & Cohen, (D. Pruss & H. J. Cohen), clothiers, 12 .....


Boyd's Harriaburg (Q) City DirectorJ.

a: a:

Cowden ~ Pry Juniata E., laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do ..... Pryor James A., baker, at:! Boas, h do Pryor Laura J. ~lrs., h 1926 N 4th Psilander Charles A., civil eng, h 120 Chestnut ;;; Publishing House of the Church of God, 329 Market ~ PUBLISmNG HOUSE OF THE UNITED EVABGELICAL CHURCH, S. L Wiest, mgr, 201-203-205 I 2cl == Pugh A. Judson, bookkpr, h aU! Boas :.: Pugh Ella Mrs., housekeeper, 115 ~lulberry Pugh John, civil eng, h 210 Pine ~ Pugh Josephine Mrs., h 144 Indian av - Pugh ~l. Elva. teacher, h :ns Beas ~ Pugh Sarah A .. teacher, h :111'< Boas LLI Pugh William A., plumber, h alH Strawberry av L. Pugh \Villiam E., elk,:! X 2<1. h :H8 Beas r- Puller Alice, domestic, :~7 ~ :!d ~ l'tiller Leanna :\lrs.. housekeeper. h 14(18 :\Iarion LLI Puller Lillie, domestic. 1415 ?\larion Puller Susan Mrs .. h 1147 Cumberland Puller Travis. laborer, h 1417 ~Iarion Z Puller \Yarren. laborer, h 141U Mar:on Putman Frederick H . motorman, h 241 Xorth Putman George D., roller, h 241 North Z Putt Edward R, linotype opr Patriot, h 'Wormleysburg Putt Franklin,h HilG N :id LLI Putt Harry. agent. h fa:> Boas Putt Mamie. milliner, :1~:4 Market, h White Hill Pve Annie M., buncher. h 450 S 14th p}'C Charles R .. barber. 2U111 O Pye Coover, sweater, h 4]61\ ~ 6th. h do 3d 1& Pye John S., musician. h Cumberland nr :ld -: Pye Joseph X., expressman. h .1;;0 S 14th Pve Kellie V., elk. h 4;;1) S 14th :3 P~'e Richard D., laborer, h 261 Sassafras av c:; Pve Samuel A., lahorer, h 441 S l:1th ~ l'y. e Samuel H .. laborer, h 450 S Uth ~ Pyke Harry E .. salesman. h 1fi1ll ~ 2(1 ~ Pvne Florence :\1.. h SUI Green PYIE IOHI, hatter, Opera House block, 31 I 3d, h 819 ~ Green Pyne Joseph. h fili X tel :. Pyne :\Iary .\ .. wid Joh", h 81H Green




-= !

:.: ..... a

c:; QUACKEliBUSH EDWARD W., genl agt Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. of California, 270 Iorth, h do Bee adv oPPpage

:;AR:~8~:!ii~:~ ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d and Reily Sfs.

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Harri,burg (Q) City Directol'J.


Quaid Catharine, wid William. h t15 Bla,,:kberry av Quaid Elizabeth. wid John, h :{4t S River av Quaid John. salesman. U S :!d. h Hi:.t4 X !th Quaid John J.. laborer. h 1;n2 S Cameron Quaid Margaret, domestic, :!IIU S Front . Quaid Patrick. laborer. It :142 S River av Quaid Peter W . puddler. h il42 S River av Quaid \\illiam. oiler. h :!15 Blackberry av Qualm Albert P .. bootblack. h ;)(Jt; South Ql1ann Josephine F .. domestic. ;')06 South Quann :\lartha, wid Preston, h 5116 South Quann William. laborer. h :.!;;4 :\ lourt av Quay David A . laborer, h 176~ X Cameron Quay George J., laborer, h 1768 X Cameron Quay Gertntde E., h 1768 N Cameron Quay :\larshall, iaborer, h 176~ ~ Cameron Quay Thomas R., laborer, h 1768 N Cameron Ql1enzler George, brakeman, h 1722 Fulton' Quenzler Valentine, watchman, h 1728 N 5th Quenzler William E., laborer, h 6231 Peffer Quickel Harry F., machinist, h 123 Pine Quickel :\lary J., wid John, h ;U5 Herr Quiggle John R., conductor, h 24 S 3d Quigley Albert S., c1k. h 800 Green Quigley Charles A., molder, h 421 :\laclay Quigley Daniel. puddler, h 27 Lochiel3d Row Quigley J. Earle, stenographer, 6ao Walnut, h 800 Green Quigley John A.. conductor, h 421 Maclay Q\1igley John X., (Parthemore & Quigley), v-pres Commercial Bank, h 263 Boas Quigley Joseph A., laborer. h 421 Maclay II Quigley Walter S . machinist, h 1620 K 3d Quigley William, "C. S. :\ .. h 1733 :\Iarket 0 Quinn John. hostler, It 416 Strawberry av 13 Quinn Joseph P., employee State Arsenal, h 1441 Den'y Quinn Kate, domestic The Commonwealth Quinn Michael, puddler, h 508 SlOth



Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. ~





To find name you must know

General Agent.
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how to speIllt." CoogIe

(I fI





Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory.

Rabuck Annie L., wid Aaron, h 1::!6 S 13th Racoitz Stanko, laborer, h 49 Lochiel 5th Row Radabaugh Harry E., dep col int rev, h::!4 S 4th Radabaugh Margaret, seaIllstress, h 11~3 X 6th Radcliffj)avid, laborer, h l::!17 Apple av Rader Bertha Mrs., h 144 Indian av Rader James D., laborer, h 1126 S 9th Rader Nellie Mrs., housekeeper, 1119 S 9th Radibaugh, see Raudibaugh Radle Lizzie L., housekeeper, ~115 Greenwood Raff George, h S09t S Front Raffensperger Charles A., boilermkr. h 1100 X 6th Ragans George H . laborer. h 1158 Cumberland Rager Leonard, barber, 1125 N 7th, h do Rages Elizabeth, wid Samuel, h 511 S 2d Rahe Charles D., asst supt, h um9 N 7th Rahe Henry J.. salesman, h ~51 Forster Rahe John L., engineer, h 1917 :\loltke av Rahe Mary E., h :!ii1 Forster Rahe Samuel E .. Sl1pt, h :!OIH; X lith Rahm Ambler. pre~ser. h 18(l:~ :\[arht Rahm Ann, wid Harris. h 1f'01 Bern'hill Rahm Charles E., laborer, h l~IJ;~ :\Iarkl't Rahm Edward .\ .. lahorer. h l~lt~ :\larket Rahm Ida :\1., cigarmkr. h Il'n:~ :\larht Rahm John. laborer. h 439 S 1:1th Rahm William, laborer. h 1~1l1 Bern'hill l<alm Aaron S., driver, h 1:!1I11 Bailey Rahn Elizabeth. wid Henry, h 12110 Bailey Rahn George H., laborer, h 1114! Wallace Rahn Harry, molder, h 1009 Hemlock RAHTER C. A., physician, 110 Ii 2d, h do Railing Annie E., candymkr. h 101 Hanna Railing Clark, laborer, h 1310 Penn l<ailing Jeremiah, helper, h lOl Hanna Railing John A., stocker, h WI Hanna Raimer Dayid A., laborer, h 112 Libert\' Raine Archibald S . salesman, 4 S :!d. h ins ~ lith Raine Charles E., elk, h 571 Race Raine Mary A.,' grocer, 571 Race, h do Rame M. Gertrude, teacher, h 511 Race l{aine \\ enddl P., elk Telegraph, h 511 Ract! Rainier George. puddler, h 11102 S Uth Raisner ~laggie S., dressmkr, h 6::!2 I [amiltoil naisner l\largarct H., wid John J., h Ii:!:! Hamilton Raisncr l\Iary B., drcssmkr, h 6~:! Hamilton Raisncr Rehccc'a R .. seamstress. h Ii:!:! Hamilton
Ratl 8, .... Beller ..... EDW I G ROBERTS I A_Ideal. LlablillY",. Bell 'Pbone 851 X. or raa_. I 103 Korlb S.,...atl ti843 X. Digitized CoogIe



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a: o



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c a..


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A. 8. TACK.

Wall Paper and Window Shades, {l.r.~~-:'~J"c.


Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory.

0 0 I -I I

Ralston Gustavus c., broker, h 3:!4 Peffer Ralston .\J iller, grocer, 17111 :\ 4th, h do Ralston Rebecca, (Wallis & Ralston), h Phila Ralston Sarah A., wid Christopher, h 131:i S l:!th Raman .\Laurice, notions, 6:!7 Cumberland, h do Rambler ~lary A., wid Henry B., h l:3a7 :\ lith l{ambler Robert A, physician, 13~7 :\ lith. h do Ramho Andrew ~l., journalist, h :l:!6 S Hth Rambo Frank \V., repairsman, h St!neca nr 6th Ramp Margaret J. Mrs., housekeeper, 19 ~ 13th Ram!'ay Katbarinc B., wid Georgt! D., h lUI Locust Ralmay Rus:;ell 11., tuolmkr, h :!11 Briggs Ramsay Samud A., tailor, ~ S :!u, h :!11 Briggs Ram!>ey Alkt! A., h 1~ Evergreen Ramsey Catharine, dressl11kr, h l-U;j :\ -tth Ramsey Charles. janitor. h ] 18 Tanner's a\' Hamsey Frank, elk adj genl's dept, 11)8 Evergreen Ramsey Odi. laborer, h 11:1 Christie av Ramsey Rt!becca '\1., h 18 Evergreen Ram~cy William, attenuant Lunatic I' ospital, h do Ranck Elmer, shoe cutter, h 7 S Wth Rand Harry T., molder, h lUn!) Hemlock Rand, McNally & Co., W. Anderson, agt. book pubs, 200 Walnut Randall Dais\' K., sale~lad\. :n:-: Market, h 4el ~ 13th Randall Lizzie, vamper, h' 4U :\' l:1th Randall .\1ary A., wid Scott. h -tel:\' l:lth Randolph Charles \Y . student, h ;:;117 :\orth av Randolph Cyrus \V., houseman, h ;:;117 :\orth av Randolph Lulu R., domestic, 5117 :\ orth av Randolph .\Iary, domestic, lIt5 Chestnut Randolph Xancy l\1r,;., la\lndre~s. h 711 Xorth av Randolph (llivia F .. domestic, :H2 .\[ uench RANK CHARLES W., mgr Keeley Institute, 4th c North, h do Rank William A., plastt'rer, It 1!J51 Rudy Rankenberger Edward W .. rar inspector, h Itl:n \Vood av RANKIN E. B. & CO., (E. B. Rankin), genl insurance agents, 200 Walnut Rankin Edmund n., (E. n. Rankin & Co.), h :;13 N ~d Rankin James A .. hraKl'man. h :!:!Il Kelker Ransom \\,iIliam. laborer. h!) Paxton Cottage Row Ranson \ViIliam H., porter. h ] 157 Cttlllbt'rland Raper Harry P., salesman, h 513 ~ 4th Rap)) Alice ~Irs., h Ull X 2<1 ltAPP BURD G., editor Advocate of Labor, h 1209 N Front Rapp Charlt's 11.. harber, h 121!) :\ Front Rapp Charles \\'., hrakeman. h 141:; Susquehanna Rapp Elmer E .. harnessmkr. h 1':115 ~ Ilth


::::; !::;




~ :; ....

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"'To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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...: 520

h 1504i N ;)th


..., .....

Beycl'. Hani.burg (R) City Direetory.

a:: Rapp John

c., flagman,

t; Rapp Levi, repairsman. h 32H Hamilton

CD Rapp Mary Mrs., dressmkr, 1315 X 6th, h do ~ Rapp Percy G., loom fixer, h 1209 N Front I - Rapp Simon, laborer, h 1415 Susquehanna .: Iii: Rarick Joseph, puddler, h 1055 S 9th Rathbone Maggie. wid LeGrand, h 1624 Swatara _ Rathfon Hanson E . fireman. h :HU N !Jth :: Rathfon John \\'., brakeman, h 5att Maclay Rathfon Maud R .. h smt Maclay Rathfon William S., carpenter, h 539 ~Iaclay Rathvon Horace S., laborer, h 425 Harris Rathvon John F., repairsman, h 4211 Harris 1&1 Rau \\"illiam decorator, 326 .Market, h ::nll l- Rauch Carrie 1-1 teacher, :!22 Market, h 1516 N Peffer R., 5th I- Rauch Curtis i'l1.. painter. h :!01l8 State 1&1 RAUCH EDWARD C., plumber, 213 N' 2d, h 120 South II: Rauch Florence. stenographer. 15:! N 4th, h 1516 N 5th: Ranch \Y. Grant. elk Com. Trust Co .. h 1516 N 5th Rauch William M., carpenter. h la16 N ath Rauch, see also Roush Raudabaugh Annie c.. lodging, :12 S :ld, h do Raudibaugh Abraham D., carpenter, h 3118 I-Iarris II: Raudibaugh Alfred. carpenter, h ::i21t Woodbine 1&1 Raudibaugh Benjamin F .. carpenter, h Hi:!Ii Fulton Raudibaugh George H., brakeman. h 20119 Moltke av Raudibaugh Isaac. carpenter, h :n!l Boas Raudibaugh John, laborer, h 1116 James av Raudibaugh William. molder, h 1f,;lG Fulton Raudibaugh. see Radibaugh ~ Ranhouser Etta, domestic, 18th c ),1 ulberry Rauhouser Jennie l\Ir~ .. h 18th c Mulherry : Raunick John ~1.]., physician, 4th c Xorth, h do ~ Raup Kimber C. snpt, h 1406 ~ :!d :.: Raver Clara H., wid John E., h 3 Lochiel 1st Row Raver Elizabeth, wid August, h 34:1 Harris CD Raver John H .. brakeman, h 11i!!O Fulton .... Raver Joseph. rougher. h 18 Lochiel 2d Row == Raver William H., brakeman, h 1:l!!G N Front :; Ra,Yn ~'Iary ]., wid Edwin. h 2211 Pine ~ Ray Calvin W., elk aud genl. Capitol. h 50:l X 2d ~ Ray Frank P., elk. Wth bel Chestnut. h Ift Evergreen _ Rav John T .. conductor, h 4!l4 Herr ~ Ra~' "Mary. h 6ar Briggs I - Ray \Villiam S .. State printer, Wth bel Chestnut, h !l1 Ever:i green :: Raymond Charles W .. stables. 214 ?\ Court av, h 1101 N ~ Front c



>. o



BIC~~~:I.~-:,RB.} ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d aDd Reily StS.

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As B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,

521 ,.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (R) City Directory.

Raymond Frederick 0., inspector, t:!7 Walnut, h 720 N 6th Raysor Bertha, music teacher, 15011 N 2d, h do Raysor B. Helen, h 1509 .N 2d Raysor Harry B., elk P. R. R., h Penbrook Raysor Harry B./ machinist, h 240 N 15th Raysor L. Blanche, artist, h 1509 .N 2d Raysor l\lary W., druggist, 1802 N 4th, h 1509 X 2d 1N RRaysor ~ ~l.llile P , wdeav er, h 2410 ~ 9 5th ~d aysor vv el s K ., ra ftsman, 1 100 ~ Raysor William F., printer, 1507 X 3d, h 417 Harris Raysor William H., ticket ex'r P. R. R. depot, h 240 N 15th Rea Charles E., letter carrier, h 16U4 Penn Read Charles D., elk, 7 ~ :!d, h 209 Briggs Read Mary Ellen Mrs., h 209 Briggs Read, see Reed, also Reid Ready James B., fireman, h 1727 Penn Reagan Daniel, laborer, h 1403 S Cameron Ream Alvin, laborer, h 416 Reily Ream Catharine, wid Israel, h 13118 Susquehanna Ream Edward B., barber, h 1308 Susquehanna Ream Edward E., laborer, h 1606} Logan av Ream George, carpenter, h 416 Reily Ream George \\T., machinist, h 1308 Susquehanna Ream Harry, laborer, h 406~ Reily Ream John W., laborer, h 62 ~ 16th Ream Levi, salesman, 318 )'Iarket, h 264 Yerbeke Ream Levi E., brakeman, h 1308 Wallace Ream William, laster, h 1310 Shrub av Ream William A., helper, h 421 Hamilton Ream William L., printer, 201 X 2d, h 1308 Susquchanna Ream, see Rheam Reamer Ernest D., elk, h 505 Reily Reamer Harry D., artist, h 505 Reily Reamer Isaac H., brakeman, h :317 Hamilton Rcan,ler John, laborer, h 21211 6t Reamer ~Iabel B., shoe operator, h 1514 Susquchanna Reamer !vIargaret L. :'IIrs .. h 6 Aberdeen av Reamer :'lIar), :M., wid Daniel D., h 1410 ~ 6th Reamer \Vilbert \V., brakeman, h 621 Delaware av Rcamer William A., wall paper, 1400 X 6th, h 505 Reily Reaver Annie c.. wid James, h 1538 N' 4th Reber Elizabeth M.. housekeeper. 443 Yerbeke Reber Jackson K., foreman. 1214 Fulton, h 443 Yerbeke Reber James, electrician, h Franklin House Reber John M., broommkr, h 1206 Fulton Rebert James A., ins sol, 21 ~ 3d, h 412 Strawberry av Rebuck Charles E., dairyman, h 637 Forster Rebuck Charles S., physician, 2021 ?\ 6th, h do


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7 II



To find a name you must lmow how' to spell


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ucNEIL'S PAIN EXTERu'IiATOR gives you an '-0 curedMany { 306 B ....... appetite. '1'.." n t _tit mllllonl bave by It.
Boyd's Hanisburg (R) City Directory.
Rebuck Harvey ~I., laborer, h 1232 Wallace lAlt1ES M., furnaces and roofing, 1849 Derry, h do Rebuck 'WilIiam E., laborer, h 1216 Currant av Reckford Charles M., elk, h 123 Washington Reckford Ellen, wid Thomas, h 316 Chestnut Reckford Ida, wid Thomas J., h 411-1 Walnut Reckford James F., elk, 3()2 ~Iarket, h 123 Washington Reckford Samuel S., bar elk Franklin House, h 316 Chestnut Rectiff John, laborer;h 169 Indian av Redd Anderson, laborer, h 1178 S Cameron Red<iing Frances E., waitress, 518 }Iarket Redfearn Martha W., nurse, h 11112 N 3d Redfearn Rebecca, nurse, h 110t ~ 3d Redington Susan, wid John, h 1023 S 9th Redman Albert D., detective, h 263 North Redman James L., brakeman, h 1221 \Vallace Redman Joseph L., engineer, h 1111 \Vallace Redman Lucy, cook, 1625 N 2d Redmon Thomas, laborer, h 17117 Elm







-~ ...

1.&1 REDMOND ANDREW, carriages, wagons, harness and biey.J cles, 1500 Ii 3d c Reily, h 1835 Ii 4th, telephone see adv

a 1.&1 o


bottom lines
Redmond Annie E., cook, h 412 South Redmond Elizabeth J., stengr, 1500 ~ 3d. h 1940 Fulton Redmond Joseph, fireman. h 1936 Logan av Redmond Louisa, wid John, h 412 South Redmond Thomas H .. carpenter, h 1940 Fulton Redmond Thomas H .. jr., fireman, h 1925 ~ 4th Reed Amanda, wid William. h 416 N :~d Reed Annie Mrs., h Herr nr 15th Reed Arthur A., laborer. h 739 S 211 Reed Benjamin F., elk, h 210561 Reed Carrie, domestic. 416 Cranberry av Reed Carrie A., laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do Reed Carson W.,laborer, h 1817 Briggs Reed Charles, brakeman, h 1704 N 7th Reed Charles E., brakeman, h 1!l31l ~ 4th Reed Clara E., teacher, h 1321 William Reed Daisy B .. roller. h 1832 State Reed Eliphas W., carpenter, h 1412 :\Iaple av Reed Elmer E., cigarmkr. h 1 j:1:! Logan av Reed F. Edna, tobacco stripper. h 1334 N 7th Reed George, musician. h 510 Xorth av Reed George B . barber, h 2041 Herr JI.EED GEORGE EDWARD DR., State Librarian, Capitol, h




..... ~




The Loehiel
Reed C;eorge H., painter. 1929 Elizaheth Reed George R.. heater, h 1!l:lll K 4th


h 1ft:!::!


General A!reDtt.:eDtral Penna. District, 108 N. lid 8t.

T.e A ..e ....... n Bendlnc Cempany, Baltimore. Md.

BOW. G. ROBERTS. Bell 'Pbone SSt X. orfl8O X.

Digitized by






{l216 IOIlD lDlnlSI.


Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory,

Reed George \Y., pumpmall, h 1539 ~ 3tl Reed Gut rude A., domestic, lti4~ ~ 3d Reed Harry 1\.., baker, h 2041 Herr Reed Herbert A., heater, h 1930 ~ 4th Reed James, driver, h Hill Susquehanna Reed Jennie 1Irs., h 320 Briggs Reed Jennie .M., domestic, 2l1:! State Reed jennie K, housekeeper, tin .Maclay Reed john, laborer, h 418 Crescent Reed John c., harnessmkr, h 933 S ~1st }{eed john F., carpenter, h 1441 Shoop Reed John L:., foreman, h 614 Verbeke Reed Laura E., dressmkr, h 2041 Herr Heed Levi, carpenter, h 1410 Regina Reed Lewis. laborer, h 6!~6 Briggs Reed Lewis \\'., brakeman, h 618 \-crbeke Reed Lillie Mrs., h 1:!6 Liberty Reed Margaret, wid James L., h 1538 Derry Reed Margaret B., wid George E., h 1311;; Berryhill Reed Martha. wid Horace J., h 1:~:!1 William Reed .Mary E., housekeeper, 1434 l{egina Reed Minnie, sorter, h 1422 Herr Reed Pearl, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Reed Philip, bricklayer, h 1305 Berryhill Heed Raymond E., elk, la06 N :Jd, h 16:!!) Green Reed Rena, charwoman, h 417 Strawberry av Reed Reuben S., foreman car inspector, h 624 Maclay Heed Robert F., laborer, h 1154 .\rarket Reed Robert F. Rev., h 4a4 North Reed Robert G., blacksmith, h 19ao N 4th Heed Robert M .. blacksmith. h 1932 Fulton Reed Rudolph K.., elk, h 32ti Perfer Reed Samuel P... livery, :lO2 Muench, h :~26 Peffer Reed Samuel E .. brakeman, h :!1:!0 ~ Gth Reed Sarah J., wid David. h a14 Boyd av Reed Sarah P., domestic. 1101 X Front Reed Seymour, laborer, h :!4 Lochiel 2d Row Reed Silas c., cig-ar mir, 1154 )'Iarket, h do Reed Thomas \\' .. flour, 21142 Boas, h 2041 Herr " Reed Thomas \,y., jr., brakeman, h 1850 ~orth . / Reed \Yarren E .. puncher, h ]532 Thompson av Reed Wilfred S .. foreman. h ]07 Evergreen Reed Wilhelmina, wid Peter, h H!l9 Calder Reed William, laLorer, h ]25 ~ lIIth Reed William D., car repairer, h 2022 ~lizabeth av Reed V/illiam E .. laborer, h Paxton nr 2d Reed WilIicrm R .. waiter, h 2:~!; Liberty Reed, see Read, also Reid

I 0
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: :r

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To find a name you must know how to spell it!'

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H. M. KELLEY &. CO., COAL AND WOOD {Dlnces: :o:.-="1.~

: : Reeder Elizabeth. domestic, 160:~ Green a: REEDER FRANK, commissioner banking, Capitol, h The



Boyd'. Harrisburg (R) City Directory.


ilia dz .. e

: ; Reedy James. conductor. h 16 Aberdeen av ~ Reef John. hricklayer, h Hotel Royal ~ Reel Adam, h UiII4 ~ :Jd z: Reel Anna L .. dressmkr, h !HO Green !2 Reel Annie C. lUusic teacher, 131)4 :K 3d, It tlo - Reel Augustus. h !Iln (;reen - Reel Bessie S .. elk, :!utl Walnut, h 1119 S Cameron Reel Charles, dentist, :ua Walnut. h do LW Reel Cl1arles P .. machinist, h 1114. S Cameron I - Reel C. Howard. draftsman, h :n3 \Valnut Reel Edith K .. stengr. (;15 Walnut. h 1119 S Cameron a: Reel Emma S .. h jtllj X ad z: Reel George K., student, h 313 \V alnut Reelliertrude E .. h tHO l~reen z: Reel Harry D., salesman, :m~ ~<larket, h 1~29 Mulberry Reel Jacob, h 13tn X ad Feel J. Harry, casket trimmer, h 1119 S Cameron Reel John S., machinist, h 910 Green U Reel l\Ian. wid Peter. h 1119 S Cameron . : Reel M. l\Iargaret. tailoress. H:l4 ~larket, h 1119 S Cameron ; : Reel Nettie. wid David, h 1130 :\lontgomery ~ Reel Ross B., linotype opr, h 50 Linden ~ Reel Samuel 0., (Hbg :Metal Works). h 161:J Green '!:C Reel W. Sherman, (Hbg l'.letal \-Yorks). h 1627 Green ti: Reeme Mary, wid Thomas D., seamstress, h 211 Briggs Reeme, see Rheam, also Ream ~ Rees Sarah B .. wid Luther. h 925 X 6th : : Reese A. Estella. stengr. 336 Chestnut. h 306 do ..... Reese Alexander D., solicitor, ~08 \Valnut. h 260 Cumberland ~ Reese Amos. shifter, h 1004 Cowden ~ Reese Benjamin ~I., engineer. h 16M ~ 5th c-o Reese Blanche :\1., telephone opr. 21U Walnut, h 1111 a: Montgomery ~ Reese Carrie W. Mrs., notions, 1419 N 3d, h do ,g; Reese Charles H., elk, h 1439 Derrv .... Reese Clel1lcnt A .. blacksmith, h 1434 Grcen Reese Cornelius E., conductor, h 126 S 1Hth ZJ Reese George \V., asst yardmaster. h 51lH Cumberland Reese George \V .. laborer. h 707 North av I Reese G. Roseherrv. machinist. h 14H9 Derrv II ReeSe! Harry, (Rei(& Reese), h 531 Camp . Reese Harrv. huckster. h 435 North av Reese Isaiah. h 1:J22 N :Jd Reese Isaiah. jr.. asst foreman P. R. R.. h 1!l27 N 6th



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R<j.~::~~a.w:::;, ~i!,~o';:~. {3d and ReUy

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-MAKES A '''EG/AL" O~{1216 II. 341t. P_la.....bllc 8alldl... I. Pl... T...... EatJ_ ,,,,.

Boyd'. Harriaburg eR) City Directory.


Reese Isaiah W., machinist, h 312 :\[uench Reese Jacob J., h 1312 ~ 3d REESE JAKES 5., wholesale liquors, 109 S 2d, h U39 Derry Reese J. Frazure, tinner, h U;!7 Peller Reese John M., engineer, h 1419 ~ 3d , Reese John .M., laborer, h 312 ,Muench ~ Reese John N., asst supt, h 1419 ~ :~d Reese Mary 1\., h 306 Chestnut Reese Paul P., student, h 1419 ~ 3d Reese Richard, constable, h 12:n :\ tHh Reese Samuel F., conductor, h 627 Peffer Reese Samuel R., brakeman, h 512 Reily _ Reese Thomas D. Rev., h 1101 S 9th ~ Reese Thomas 0., tinworker, h 1112 ~ 2d ~~ Reese Walter E .. bridge builder. h 5UH Cumberland rReese William, laborer, h 1202 Bartine av ~o Reese William A., engineer, h 621 Cumherland':! Reese William D., conductor, h 509 Cumberland ., r Reese William G., laborer, h 435 North av Reese William P., bookbinder, h 1111 :\Iontgomery Reese W. Raymond. tin opener. h li2. Peller 'II Reeser George \V., car inspector. h 623 Delaware av N Reeser Harry, laborer. h 101 S River av Reeser RiChard, huckster, h 11)37 :\ ad Reeves Charles W .. engineer, h 256 Verbeke .J Rehm Mary, wid Anthony, h 313 Briggs , Rehpenny John D .. laborer, h l2th c :\[uench Rehrer Charles, driver, 9 S 2d, h 323 Chestnut Rehrt'r C. M. Miss. h 223 N Front Reiber Hattie M., stenographer. h 12:13 Kittatinny Reiber Milton G., architect. 425 Strawberry av, h 1233 Kit- tatinny II Reiber Nelson H., brakeman, h 621 Camp Reichard Isaac, hootmkr. 1303 ~ 6th. h do 0 Reichard Mary E., h 227 Briggs 13 Reichardt Samuel S., car repairer, h 1928 State Reichart Annie M., housekeeper, 119 Paxton Reichart Caroline F .. cigarmkr, h 119 Paxton Reichart Harr". butcher, h 119 Paxton Reichart Rachel. wid Frederick, h 119 Paxton Reichart William, laborer, h 119 Paxton Reichert Benjamin H., salesman, 28 S 2d. h 1709 ~ 4th Reichert Christian F .. baker. 1:H8 \' 6th. h do Reichert C~corge R.. brakeman. h ;)17 \Voodbine " Reichert Tohn A .. meat. Race cHanna. h 104~ S 9th lAo Reichert )ohn S .. iarmer. 17th c .-\spen Reichert Joseph H . elevatorman. !l:J4 :\Iarket, h Penbrook Reichert Mary, wid Jacob, h 54 i Race ~

11 r PI







"To find a name you must know how to apeJllt."

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McNeil'. PaIn Extermlnato, cure!! Cholera Morbua. DyleDteJ'y. Crampe. Dlarrhrea. Colds. Quio&y. Rheumatism. Toothache.l:klreThroat. Alue. DJ-pepela, &e. . 11tIIII.


...:: 526

Boyd's Harrisburg (n) City Directory.

'Z Rt.ichert Sallie )1.. h 17th c Aspen - Reichner George A., lineman, ::!27 Walnut, h 435 do R('ic1m-ine Elkn E., milliner. 334 :\Iarket, h 209 State """ R~id Thomas H., assembler, h 3li Chestnut ~ Reid, see Reed, also kcad Rt.idinger {;corge, engineer, h 61:3 Herr ~ Reidinger Harry \V., machinist. h 613 Herr ~ Reidinger Paris, baker, h 613 Herr '(!!! Reidlinger Calvin, hostler, h 1411 N 6th _ Reidlinger Frederick W., switchman, hUll N 6th U Reidlinger Horace E., engine timer P. R. R., h 1529 N 6th ~ Reidlinger William ~I., laborer, h 1411 !\' 6th : Reif Fulmer J., (Reif & Reese), h 561 Woodbine Rcif & Reese. (Fulmer J. Reif and Harry Reese), grocers, . 565 Woodbine fI) Reiff Harry E . driver, h 35 Balm REIFF JOHN S., sherift: Court House, h Lykens Reiff Logan S., elk, 222 Mulberry, h New Cumberland L... Reiff William H., elk sec comm'wlth, Capitol, h 916 Green r- Reiffcrt Conrad, laborer, h 410 Reilv Reiffert Henry, repairsman, h 410 Reily c( Reifsneider Irvin K., elk banking dept, h 3 ~ 4th Reifsnider Emma, wid John, h 416 ~ 3d L... Reifsnyder Henry L., h 650 Boas r- Reigart Benjamin F., carpenter, h 15111 Derry Z Reigel Charles C, machinist, h 135 Sylvan tel' Reigel George F., brakeman, h 1203 Derry Reigel Gertrude R., cigarmkr, h 1409 Currant av Reigel Rebecca, wid John, h 1409 Currant av ~ Reigh William H., inspector, h 2004 N 4th z: Reighter John M., elk P. R. R. frt depot. h 239 Crescent ~ Reigle Amanda ~lrs .. h 11th ab Cumberland E Reigle Collin C, stone mason, h 159 S Summit C) Reigle Edward, boilermkr. h 1238 ~ Cameron U Reigle Edwin S., laborer, h 917 S 22! - ' Reigle Harry T., laborer. h 913 S 22! Reigle John H., laborer. h 11th ab Cumberland U Reigle Lincoln M., laborer. h 915 S 221 Q Reigle Mitchell, h 91a S 2::!1 . z: Reigle, see also Riegle . . Reiley James McK., bookkpr, h 262 Herr ..... Reilly J. Frederick, confectioner. 51:1 Kelker. h do Y Reilly Peter, laborer, h 627 Forster Reily B. Frank, 314 Market Q Reily Della E .. wid Charles, h 314 X Court av ~ Reily Elizaheth H., wid George W., h Front c Reily Reily George. fireman. h 409 Filbert REILY GEORGE W., national bank examiner, h I'ront 0 :Rei},.





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8ecoad 81reel. Bell 'Phooe 1!61 X. or 68t3 X.

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108 No... ~


Boyd's Harrisburg (U) City Directory.


Reily Margaretta A, elk, h 7(l~ X 3d Reily Susan, wid James L., h 70~ N 3d Reily, see Riley Reimert Oliver U., conductor, h 21 S 3d Rein Harry A., tinsmith, 18114 Wood av, h 1802! N 5th Reindel Katherine F., saleslady, 33-1 Mkt, h 201 S River av Reindel William H., barber, 40 N 3d, h 201 S River av Reinhard Anna M., wid Adam, h 1524 Susquehanna Reinhard J. Albert, engineer, h 214 Cumberland Reinhard Jennie A., h 1803 N 3d Reinhard John, brakeman, h 1524 Susquehanna Reinhard Walter L., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 1803 N 3d Reinhold Frederick G., stoker, h 22 Lochiel 2d Row Reinoehl A Harry, laborer, h 1~07 Bailey Reinoehl Charles W., salesman. h 801 Green Reinoehl Jacob, varnish, h Slit Green Reinoehl Kelson A, planer. h :'olen Green Reisch Jacob M., mounttr, h 159 S Summit Reisch Levi E., cab driver, h 46 S Court av Reisser Charles. laborer. h ~;::~ SlOth Reisser lharles .1 . laborer, h ~a:l S IIIth Rei!'~er Frank (; .. laborer, h 8:l~~ S lIIth Reissl'r H. Joseph. helper, h ~:::l SlOth Rt:isser Lucas ,., laborer. h 8"3 S Wth Reist Fanm' K .. dres~mkr, h !{:!7 S Front Reist ,J. B. &: Son. (J. n. and J. K Reist), grain graders, 327 S Front Rei.t Jotlas B .. O. n. Reist & :';011). h 3:!7 S Front Reist Jonas K.. H. Reist & Son). h :t!7 S Front Reist ~fartha,K .. dressmkr. h :~~7 S Front Reith Karl. briclg-e huilder, h 13::0 Maple av Reitzel David S .. flag-man. h 122 Sayford av Reitzel Emma. val11)Jer. h 1206 Olestnut Reitzel John \r .. carpenter, h 1:U6 Yernon Reitzel Philip A .. h 11 U" N ~d Reitzel Samuel. trackman. h 1fi:~O \\" allace Reiver John. bartender I'ark Hotel, h do Reliable Art Co . (W. n. McCulIv and E. L. Grim), pic. tures. 204 S 2d REMINGTON STANDARD TYPEWRITER, H. S. )IcCormack, dist mgr, 19 N 3d Remmer Reuhen. g'roccr. 12~O and 500 N Cameron. h do RElIPPIS WILLIAM F. CO., MFRS WROUGHT IRON R.AILINGS, BUILDERS' IRON WORK, IRON STAIRWAYS, FIRE ESCAPES AND IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS, WATER AB LANCASTER BRIDGE, READING, Pa. see adv front cover Renn Roland D . postal elk, h 1249 :VIulben),

I -I ..I

o o




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. .. To find a name you must know how to Sf)dI it."


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~:f H. M. KELLEY &. CO. 'S B".~;::!:=~::.:~.~ no~~\1.~~



Boyd'. Harrisburg (ll) City Directory.


Rennecker John R .. hrakl'man. h 14111 ?\ lith Rennen Charle,;, laborer, h l:!th nr ~llil'nch "'a Rensel Fannie ~L. domestic, ti:la ;\Iahantungo .:;; Rense1 George H., baker. :!:!(j ~ollth, h do ... Rensel Samuel. \ .. hrakeiliall, h :!tIf15 ~ :ith ~ Renshaw Edmund L, laLorer, h :\Iaclay bd :ld o Renshaw Isaac, laborer, It 11:!5 GI ape av Z Repka \ViIliam, postal elk, h 4211 :\larket CD Repper Roy S., stable, rear 914 );' 3d, h 824 do - Resch John P., laborer, h 2 Pa:-.ton Furnace Row Reservoir Park. 18th c Walnut Resh Esther M. :\-lrs., h :!5:! Lihert\' j:: Reside Amy S., stenographer, h lui! Derry -. Re~ide \\. Edgar, elk, 1;; N ::d, h 1;:'11 Derry Ressing Ross R., tiagman, h 1116 Cow<:en .; Ressing Susanna, wid Scrrell, h :n7 Dauphin av en Rt'ssler Emma J. :\1 rs., h :n5 Briggs ~ Ressler Samuel H .. fire:llan, h 41. ~orth .lI Rettberg Christie, h 121!1 N mh _ Rettberg Harry, laborer, h 411 :\luench == Rettberg Louisa A., wid :\lartin, h 411 :\ll1ench Rettberg Philip, machinist, h 411 :\Iuench -;; Rettew Charles B., conductor, h 111)9 Green ..... RETTEW C. VERNON, fire insurance and real estate and == steamship agent, 1119 N 3d, h do see adv side lines ~ II: Rettew Mfg. Co., C. Vernon Rettew, pre~: garment mfrs, Penn nr ~Iuench i! Reuter :\Iartin V., 'conductor, h :!O:!5 X 6th ;: REUWER HENRY, baker, 115 S 13th, h do Reuwer Henry, jr., elk, 16 N 3d, h 115 S VHh ; -::; Reuwer Lisette :\1rs., baker, 304 Verbeke, h do ~ Revie Joseph, watchman State Library, h :!5 N 16th La.I Rex Hilary S., salesman, 334 Market, h 1:n Sylvan ter Rexroth Ada G., saleslady, 36 N 3d, h 1617 do L... Rexroth Albert F .. foreman, h 21114 N 5th Rexroth Clayton A., laborer, h 10Ga S 9th I.&J Rexroth Ida, salesladv, 1;~nll X 3d, h 1617 do Rexroth Kate. ironer-, h 1617 X :M Rexroth ~Iargaret, wid Michael, h 1617 ~ ;ld Rexroth ~lan' :\Irs., h 185 Paxton Rexroth "-illlalll G., transfer agt. h HI41 ~ 4th Reynders John V. W .. supt, h 115 Pine Reynolds .-\lice F., cigarmkr, h :~:l2 ~1aelay Reynolds Arthur G., laborer. h :~:l:~ :\1ac\ay La.I Reynolds Calvin, car repairer, h :!127 ~Vloore Reynolds Daniel A., carpenter, h ::l:~2 ~lac\ay Reynolds Fannie L., cigarmkr, h 3aZ :\Iaclay Reynolds G. Ch_arles,_ fl_agm~~~ ~ ~22_ ~!l_le_n_c_h_ _ _ _ __


.e -=



a: Z o Z a: >

ANDREW REDMOND, .f:::!:::;.. '::'~:~:. {3d and Reily Sts.

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Wall P.p..... The beee and lo"at PriCel. W."'_ A B TACK I "'lIad.. complete with 1I'UCUzeI uil Frio. . for 8150. { N.11118 3d st.

529. Reynolds Jennie L., cigarmkr, h 332 ~faclay Reynolds Jesse S., engineer, h 6:!:! ~luench Reynolds John, hostler, h 118 Strawberry av Reynolds John 0., barber, h 332 ~IacIav " Reynolds Julia A., dressmkr, h 622 ~1t.iench Reynolds Laura E., elk, :!lfl Walnut, h 622 :\Iuench Reynolds Lewis J., brakeman, It 124 Syh'an ter Reynolds Lottie ~I., h 1406 :\larket Reynolds :Margaret J., seamstress, h 6:!:! Muench Reynolds Mary S., wid Reuben D., h 18119 X 6th w Reynolds Robert A., h 622 ~Iuench Reynolds Tilton c., policeman Capitol, h 21) S 3d Reynolds Weston, laborer, h 17th c Walnut Reynolds Vv'. Scott, ticket ex'r P. R. R. depot, h 1809 N 6th Rhea George B., cable splicer, :!OS Walnut, h 32 S 3d Rheam Benjamin C .. laborer, h 2016 Elizabeth av Rheam, see Ream, also Reeme ~ Rhine Charles A., brakeman, h 6:~(i Muench ~ Rhine Edward 1\1., baker, h :J:J X 5th Rhine Francis, supt, h 315 Hummel Rhine Joseph F., molder, h 315 Hummel Rhine Joseph M., laborer, h 33 N 5th Rhinehart Emma, domestic, 25::i-! Boas Rhinehart Granville, puddler, h in ~ 14th w Rhinehart Lawrcp<::e, laborer. h 2~ ~ Dcwuerry av Rhinehart Lydia A., wid George, h 11)27 Fuitol1 Rhinehart Waidley A., laborer, h 233 S 2d .. 0 Rhinehart, see Rinehart .... 0 Rhinesmith D. Harry, brakeman. h 1Ii X 16th 13 Rhiver Annie 1... domestic, 1307 N 6th Rhiver Edith c., h 112 S 4th Cal Rhiver John H., puddler, h 9 Lochiel 1st Row Rhiver Sarah, domestic, 59 Lochie1 Cottag-e Row Rhivel' William, puddler, h 606 Showers av Rhoads Bessie, domestic, 1343 \' crnon Rhoads Charles D., elk, Cowden c Forster. h 1201 N 2d Rhoads Charles E., brakcinan, h 17240 ~ (ith Rhoads Charles H., (c. H. Rhoads & Co.). h 21;8 Cumber- , land ,.. Rhoads Charles L., switchman. h 552 Woodbine ... RHOADS C. H. & CO., (Charles H. Rhoads), lime and cementa, ~

Boyd's Harrisburg eR) City Directory.


0 0




Rhoads Rhoads Rhoads Rhoads Rhoads Rhoads



Daniel D., car repairer, h 2636 ~ fit Daniel H., bricklaver. h 823 Green Edward. helper, h "13UI S 12th Elizabeth. wid Adam. h 500 S Cameron Elmer E., car inspector, h l'iHi Emerald Elmer R.. elk, 7th c Briggs, h 268 Cumberland

u Q.



To find a name you must know how to spell



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McNEIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. ~,~l~:iidk~.Pe~s~=-al:~: 1306-Broall



Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory.

'11 Rhoads Fredt:rick C, trackman, h





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..: - - - -

ti.,ll.t Dauphin Rhoads Hannah E., wid Peter, h 1iBI Penn l{llOaris Henrv K., meat, 1612 Swatara, h do Rhoads Ida ).L, h 268 Cumberland Rhoads Irene C, chief operator, 210 Walnut, h 1726 Green Rhoads janles C. B., student, h 1726 Green Rhoads James ~l., (S. L. Bigler & Co.). h 1726 Green Rhoads John \V., carpenter, h 1417 Currant av RHOADS 10SEPH E., lime, coal, wood, terra cotta sewer pipe~ Cowden c Forster, h 1201 If 2d see adv Rhoads Joseph E., jr., physician, h 12111 ~ 2d Rhoads Margaret, wid Augustus, h !i44 Boas Rhoads 11ary F., milliner, 223 Market, h ~23 Green Rhoads May, bookkpr, 7t.h c Briggs, h 268 Cumberland Rhoads Minnie V. ~Irs., h 5:l0 S Cameron Rhoads Ross R., elk, Cowden c Forster, h 1201 N 2d Rhoads Solomon, bridgetender, Front c ?\Iarket, h do Rhoads Thomas B., watchman, h 2016 X 5th Rhoads William D., roller, h 1602 N 3d Rhoads William H., laborer, h 1728 \Valnut Rhoads William S., bricklaver, h 324 Xorth Rhodes George W., blacksmith, h 1617 N 3d Rhodes Harvey, hostler, h 214 Strawberry CiV Rhodes Joseph c., h 21!; S 13th Rice Amelia, shoe operator, h 1423 Zarker Rice Anna M., tailoress, h 29 N 16th Rice Benjamin, laborer, h 1321 Howard Rice Christiana. wid Edward, h 312 S River av Rice Clarence D., brakeman, h 2136 ~ 7th Rice Daniel S., lineman, h 1317 William Rice Elmira. wid William, h 29 N 16th Rice Frank E., stenographer, h 247 Hummel Rice George A., grocer. 42 Balm, h do Rice George H., laborer, h 312 S River av Rice George \V., engineer Com'wlth, h 1433 Zarker Rice Hannah, wid Jacob. h 119 ~orth Rice Harry, laborer. h 307 Walnut Rice Harry F., livery, 217 Blackberry av, h 138 S 3d Rke Hiram R., bricklayer, h 1323 James Rice James R., salesman, h 14 Evergreen



--DEALER I N - -


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W~...III. lad tl., Lllle, C.e.t, Terri Cettl, Se r Pipe, fire Brick In Fir.

Offlue alJd Y.urd8. Cowder and Su..

wllfgoon 108 N. wh_ EDW G ROBERTS bonda are your bond. Bell 'Phone 86: X,III ..8848 X . eJlecuted. or CoogIe

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A. B. TACK l::c'!::::~? 1011 PUDer and IlOdOI I . ;w.~

Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory. .531 Rice J. Ernest, elk, Howard ab Forrest av, h 14 Evergreen Rice Minnie B., domestic, 501 N Front Rice Sarah E., wid Frederick, h l:JO S 3d Rice William A., brakeman, h 313 Verbeke Rice Willis S., car inspector, h 18;):! :'\orth Ricedorff Levi H., fireman, h (i:J:! Peffer Rich Augustus, mgr, Rtll Chestnut, h 58 X 13th Rich Charles H., clk, 7th c Korth, h 101)6 Green Rich Prentiss N . brakeman, h :!0l5 )J 6th Richard Elizabeth, wid ,~. ashington, h lIS;) Bailey Richards Ada M., ~aleslady, h 711 S Front Richards John, roller, h 6111 Wiconisco Richards Lillian, wid George, h 183 X l;)th CD Richards ~rartin H., roll turner, h 711 S Front Richards Mary A., housekeeper, 415 Kelker Richards Rebecca J.. wid Thomas ]., h l:!:!H )J 6th Richardson Albert P., engineer, h 1:!7() Juniper Richard!;on Alice B.. domestic. 1711 Elm Richardson Benjamin. waiter. h 14a S ad Si' Richardson Brady S .. supt Hbg Pipe and Pipe Bending Co., h 133 Evergreen Richardson Carrie S .. machine operator. h 121)1; Juniper :: Richardson Clyde S., messenger. h 14aa X :!d "' !%: Richardson Eliza, wid John T .. h 18 S lath Richardson Gertrude ~Irs., restaurant. :nn Cherry av, h 515 R

I -I .I

o o


Harry S., barber, h 8112 Capital Irvin, printer, h 1114 James av James ~L, waiter, au ~larket. h 515 State JohnM., laborer. h 1266 Juniper Richard~on Marv E .. teacher, h 18 S 13th Richardson Sarah M .. wid Joseph W., h 802 Capital Richardson Thurlow D., pipe cutter. h 7:!a S 21st Richardson 'William E., coachman. h 12 N 9th mCHARDSON WILLIAJI F., supt State Arsenal, h 47 N 13th telephone Richer Anna J., wid Charles W., h 710 Green Richer Ivy c., stengr, 4th c Boyd av, h 711) Green Richer Myrtle S., stengr, :'rlulberry c Crescent. h 710 Green Richerd Wesley, brakeman. h :!:!n4 N 6th Richmond Augustus D., laborer. h Front ab Seneca Richmond Charles H., en~ineer. h :!09 State Richmond Forrest, h Fro~t ab Seneca Richmond Robert L.,salesman. :l:~4 ~Iarket, h Front ab Seneca Richwine Atillia L .. h 1936 Fulton Richwine Charles A., engineer, h 5:l7 ~faelay R_i_ch!,!n~ ~arles M .. brakeman. h 1!l!l6 Fulton

Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson







::r a

::r """


4. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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H M KELLEY & CO {I10th l1l4I3d Street. North Stat. StI.

::3 lID



Boyd's Harrisburg eR) City Directory.

~ ~



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.:_ en

!:i c

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Richwine Ellsworth F., conductor, h 341 S 14th Richwine Samuel J., brakeman, h 1936 Fulton Richwine Susan, wid John, h 1936 Fulton Rick Alexander, laborer, h 2201 Mulberry Rick Alexander .M., laborer, h 2201 Mulberry Rick Jacob H., U. S. A., h 2201 Mulberry Rick John W., laborer, h 2201 Mulberry Rickabaugh Harry, laborer, h 2138 Greenwood Rickabaugh John A., laborer, n 2117 Greenwood Rickabaugh Samuel, farmer, h 2138 Greenwood Rickabaugh Samuel G., laborer, h 2138 Greenwood Rickabaugh William, boilermkr, h 109 Balm Rickard Eliza ]., housekeeper, 1631 Regina Rickard Mary H. Mrs., h 146 Linden Rickenbach J. William, brakeman, h 1125 Capital Ricker Irvin S., jeweler, 817 N 3d, h 1618 Penn Ricker Rebecca, wid John S., h 1208 N 6th Rickert Charles M., physician, 718 N 6th, h do RICKERT EWER E., propr Merchants' Hotel, 125 Chestnut, hdo Riddell James D., stableman, h 1119 l\Iontgomery Riddle Daniel F., pitman, h 660 Verbeke Riddle Franklin P., plumber, h 660 Verbeke Riddle George W., pipe bender, h 660 Verbeke Riddle Sophia, h 610 Buttonwood Ridenour Charles D .. florist, h 1309 S Cameron Ridenour Frederick E., florist, h 1309 S Cameron Rideout Matthew, waiter, h 510 Brown av Rider Adam, laborer, h 1929 Swatara Rider Alice c., saleslady, h 433 Kelker Rider Georgiana. domestic, 21130 N 3d Rider Jacob H., brakeman, h 1222 Wallace Rider Jacob R., shipping elk, h 1501 S Cameron Rider J. Paul, elk C. 1. and S. Co .. h 1501 S Cameron Rider Phoebe A.. wid Josiah S., h 4:13 Kelker Rider \\Tilliam S .. motorman, h 7 S 14th Ridgdv :\'oah. laborer. h 1160 S Cam~ron Ridgway Edwin H., elk, :!:!2 Market. h 132 Locust Ridle John, lathe hand, h 406 Cumberland 1{ieg-el Amanda l\irs., h -Hili Fill.ert Riegel Bertha. \\ cayer, h SIl!' Green Riegel Vaniel. h 1illU Briggs Riegel Hansol1 S .. engineer, h ~12 Green Riegel Henry J., carpenter, h 1515 'N 5th Riegel J. DeWitt. elk. 204 ~ :!d, h 812 Green Riegel Ross .M., student. h ~12 Green Riegel Sherman G., tinsmith, h 4115 Verbeke Riegel, see Reigle - - - - - --- - - - - -

r.~;:~':J8~:!~j'~:;:! ANDREW

REDMOND. {3dan(Relly Sts.

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N. 3d St. claaIvirillDd lDaurea It. Worll doneiD aD1 J)art of State.

1818 {EmPlOY. none but IIrst.-c11lllB workmen, hence only jlrr4.

Boyd's Harrisburg eR) City Directory.


Rife Harry E., expressman, 15 N 3d, h 35 Balm Rife Harry L., flagman, h 209 Kelker Rife Jefferson (3., flagman, h 143U Green Rife Thomas K, watchmkr, h 1211 Bartine av Rife \\lilliam H., propr Hotel Rife, 3:!5 vValnut, h do Riffle Anna G., weaver. h Sdvan Heights Riffle Martha E., weaver, h Sylvan Heights Riffle Sallie, bookbinder, h Syivan Heights Riffle William A., laborer, h Sylvan Heights Riffle William A., jr., laborer, h Sylvan Heights Riggs Benjamin \V., barber, h 511 South Right Frank, laborer, h l::12:~ Penn Right, see Wright Rigle Katie A . domestic, 322 ~ 2d Riley Alfred E., ice creammkr. h 1419 Regina Riley Charles, laborer. h 14(14 Fulton RileY Charles H., engineer. h 1;44 ~Iuench Riley Edwarci L., laborer, h 3(1 S Cameron Riley Emanuel, laborer, h 408 Cranberry av Riley Emma H., h 17(10 N 3d Riley Harry M .. elk. -1 ~ :ld, h HUll do Riley John M .. policeman, h HI!! Reg-ina Riley Joseph, fireman. h 28 X Cameron Riley Joseph S .. laborer, h 12l'!6 S Cameron Riley Joseph W . boilt'rmkr, h 1238 Herr Riley Sarah A .. wid George, h 212 ~Iulberry Riley, see Reily Rimel Jacob F., carpenter, h 1010 Hemlo::k Rimel Owen L.. laborer, h 831 SlOth Rinderknecht Daniel K., bartender The Bolton, h do Rineard Harrv C. trucker. h Front ab Seneca Rineard Samuel, h Front ab Seneca Rineard" Samuel \V .. trucker, h Front ab Seneca Rineer Annie F .. !'ilk picker. h 1424 Green Rineer Elsie 1L cigarmkr. h 5fi6 Race Rineer Joseph H., laborer. h um:l Wallace Rineer Samuel E .. foreman. h !'ifi6 Race Rineer Viola E., bnncher. h 566 Race Rineer William A .. book folder. h 219 S 15th Rinehart Annie E .. domestic. lOS Locust Rinehart Susan. domestic. 122 Chestnut Rinehart. see Rhineheart Rim-I Owen L., car repairer. h :--.'H SlOth Ringland Harry. jeweler. Fo:n~ N ad. h 1!'i17 ~ 6th Ringland John A .. foreman P. R. R.. h 1517 ?\ 6th Ring-land ~Iarg-aret. Ilurse. h 1517 X 6th Rinkenhach Edward L.. watchmkr and jeweler. 1215 N 3d, h 216 Forster


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To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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.. Rintz John H., laborer, h 1741 Susquehanna ~ Ripley Joseph F., elevatormall Capitol, h uu 1\ 17th .: Ripper Chas. E., printer Independent, h 3m Blackberrv av Ii Ripper Charles H., press feeder. h am Blackberry av . Rishel William 0., ins sol, 14 S :!d, h \Vormleysburg ..: Ritchie Dora, dressmkr, h 60U Peffer a Ritchie Harry, laborer, h 37 :K Summit 1! Ritchie Herman A., dentist, 1411 }larket, h do ~ Ritchie James W., agt, h 111 S l:Jth Ritchie Josiah, h 10 S l:1th :: Ritchie )'lelancthon 11., physician. :ltj S l:3th, h do ~ Ritchie Simpson R.. elk"h 141~ ?\ 4th _ Ritner Henry C, car inspector, h 115 :\ 4th ~ Ritner Ira D., tailor, h 4:35 Reily Ritner J. Howard. cutter, h lalla Susquehanna Ritner John P., watchman, h 1ao:~ Susquehanna U) Ritner Thomas }f., tailor, h l:!ft! Capital Rittenhouse Euward. foreman. Division nr 6th, h 14:!2 ~ ~~J Ritter Ailen H., laborer, h 411 :\Iarket Ritter Charles \\'., painter, h 1H:1 Delaware av Ritter Clarence H., attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do Ritter George A., telegrapher P. R Roo h 152(; Susq c:( Ritter Harry \V., telegrapher. 11 ~ ad. h iii I Harris Ritter Harvey A., packer. h 1241 Kittatinny L Ritter Howard W., plumber, h 418 Market r- Ritter J. Frank, elk. h 53 N' l!lth Z Ritter Mary, wid Tempest T .. h !!5!l Hummel Ritter :\[ary C, dressmkr, 1124 X Front. h (10 Ritter PerC\' \'., student, h u~:m X 6th Ritter R \'inton, salesman, 440 1larket. h 18:~:i N 6th . : Ritter Walter C. shoe operator, h 25!l Hummel Z Ritter William A., salesman. h 1255 Kittatinny ~ Rittler Charles A., salesman. !l34 Market, h l~:!n Wood av E Rittler George W., bricklayer, h 1820 Wood av C) Rittler John, stone mason, h 18:33 Logan av U Rittler Mary E., seamstress, h 18!l3 Logan av - ' Ritts Hervey L., laborer. h 1846 ~orth ~ Ritts Joseph, shoemkr, 140 S 13th, h lS46 North U Rivers William. engineer, h 118 Cowden CI Roat Abraham B., detective P. R R.. h :!:!8 Hummel Z Roat Abraham B., jr., bar elk, 229 Walnut, h 302 CumberCI: land ~ Roat Albert B., checkman P. R R, h 2:!8 Hummel Roat Catharine E., saleslady. :!:!!l Market. h 3():! Cumherland Q H.u,t Harry, con stahle, h :11):! Cumberland ~ H.uat Harry A .. jr., ground keeper H. A. C. Island Park, h dn ~ Ruath C \,ictor. laborer. h 146 Indian a\



Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory.





O. O


Aeelde , Liul.. Jib .. ad 8. "'".. B.Uer l ...u. ........ 103 lIIur.h 8_ad Ih. BeJl 'Phone 851 X. or 6843 L
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Wall Paper and Window Shadu.

RED II'R01ll' 1', 1.18 Nor... ard St. ....

Boyd'i Harrilburg

eB) City Directory.


Robb Irvin C. lineman. :!'27 \Valnut, h Franklin House Rohb Lucy, cook, :na ~ Front Robbin~ Mar) J., wid Wiliialll, Ii 1:!:!3 X 7th Robf:ck Hertha L.. dressmkr, h H:!5 :\Iyrtle av RobeLk Sarah C, wid James A . h !I:!5 ~lyrtle ay Roberts Alexander, civil engineer. h 111 S :!d Roberts Alexander II .. (Roberts & :\It:ck), h 5th c Camp Roberts- Benjamin, h 18:lU ~ mit ROBERTS EDWARD G., insurance and Trust Company bondi, 103 N 2d, h 1611 do see adv bottom linel Roberts Ella M., bunchmkr, h 14.:! Dock Roberts Emma G., wid Daniel, h 55:! Race Robuts (;lO., civil engineer. 15 S River avo h 5n:! Emerald Roberts George S., asst yardmaster P. R. R., h 1836 N 6th Roberts tieorge \V., shipper, 5un Race. h 14:! Dock Roberts Harris L. Capt., C. S. A. recruiting officer, :!:!j' Walnut. h 17112 ?\ :!d Roberts Harry]., engineer, h 1~t15 Penn Roberts James W., h 111 S :!d Roherts J. Campbell, roller, h :!140 ~ 5th R&berts John B., artist, :!11t1 Derry. h do Roberts lohn H., draftsman, 5 N :!d. h ';47 Woodbine Roberts 'Lewis, lahorer, h 14.:! Dock . Roberts L. Robert. variety. la14 S Cameron, h do Rohcrts ~lary, cook, }(n:~ :\ 2d RobllOrts ~larv E., dOlnestic. :!U:!U :\ :;th H.oherts Rohert, h la4fj S lath Robl'rts Thomas, coachman. l:!~ Pine Roberts William R, hookkpr, li:!j' v\'alnut. h 114 Locust Roberts William H., helper. h l:l,!f; S lath ROBERTS & )lECK, (Alexander H. Roberts, Charles S. )leck and Vincent W. Stanford), wholesale stationers, 116 )larket . Robertson Emll1a E., h The Bolton ROBERTSON JOHN, The Paxton, 1108 )larket, h do Robins Marie F., bookkpr. :~:!6 .\larket. h 14H5~ Regina Robinson Alexander. laborer. h :! Hachnlen a\' Robinson Amos, painter, 1~ X lath. h do Robinson Annie. wid Henr\,. h 12:1:~ X 1 H Robinson Burd, laborer, h i35 Short Robinson Charles A.. , fireman. h ~lfi :\!' Court av Robinson Charles H., porter P. R. Roo h 10 Haehnlen av Robinson Clarence T .. laborer, h lfHij Elm Robinson's Cigar Emporium, Rohert :\1. Rohinson. mgr, :102 ~1arkct Robinson David Foo laborer. h 115 Tanner's av Robinson David :\1.. h 118 Cowden Robinson Effie J.. domestic. lin:! ~ :~(I

0 0 I ..J , I

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:; :. ~



To --fU;-ch nam-;-you - mu~t know how to

sPell ~i"

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-OUR & JI Morth 3d Street. " - eo.r.MOTTO.- f . Haaat Wellrbt. 1 lOt. and litat. Sis ...: 536 Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory.



...... ......



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.c:::a .....

Robinson Ellen E., milliner. 36 K :ld. h :l!l!l Kelker Robinson Frank X., caterer, h 431 State Robinson George K .. laborer, h 1115 ~lyrtlc av Robinson George \V., laborer, h 51 X Summit Robinson Harry A., (Robinson & Co.). h 1429 N Front Robinson Harry B., barber. 1427 X 6th. h 1712 Logan av Robinson Horace, laborer. h 123:l X II! Robinson James, hostler, h 2:13 Blackberry av Robinson James W., janitor, h 1615 Elm Robinson Jennie, actress, h 118 Cowden Robinson Jennie c., milliner, 36 X :ld, h 3:m Kelker Robinson Jennie R., wid \Vilson. h 307 Cumberland Robinson J. Harry, flagman. h 1829 Susquehanna Robinson John, laborer, h 1323 \\'iIliam Robinson John, laborer. h 173 Indian av Robinson John, porter. 214 ~larket, h 412 S Cameron Robinson John, storekeeper dept public grounds and buildings, h do Robinson Joseph T., laborer. h 117 Tanner's av Robinson Julia Z., stengr aud genl's dept, h :U7 N 2d Robinson Kenney \V., bridge builder. h 11115 Cowden Robinson Laura S., wid James, h lS-'n Susquehanna Robinson Maggie E. Mrs .. h Logan av nr Hamilton ROBINSON MARIA L MRS., chiropodist, 14 N 3d, h 610 do Robinson Marshall, rag picker, h 1184 S Cameron Robinson ~Iary .-\ .. wid George. 11 rear 1342 Penn Robinson :Mary J., wid Joseph, h 119 N 16th Robinson ?Iilton T., brakenlan. h l~O:~ Penn Robinson Nathan, laborer. h 108 Christie's av Rohinson Otho, laborer, h 1115! N 11! Robinson Richard, driver, h 1:m Short Robinson Richard R.. laborer, h 41i Lncltiel 4th Row Robil1Sun Rebert J.. salesntan, h 181:l Penn Robinson Rohert 1\1.. mgr, 302 ~\larket. h 707 ?\ 2d Robinson Roy B., salesman, ~:!4 :\Iarket. h 253 :\'orth Robinson Tavlor, btickmkr. h 3:n S 15th R(tbinso~Tjiomas B., salesman, h lilO X ad Robinson \Valter H .. salesman, 3(18 :\farket, h 713 N 6th I<obinson \Yilliam H . carpenter. h :~:l:1 Kelker Robinson \YiIliam L.. steelworker, h :~::3 Dauphin av Robinson \Yilmer. laborer, h G40 "almlt ROBINSON & CO., (H. A. Robinson), Department Store, 1300 N3d . Rohison Annie l\1.. cook. 11 13:16 Fulton Rohi~on Carrie C. cigar packer. h 107:! S Cameron Robi~on Charles. inspector, h lli) ,,'ine Rohi~on Harry fl.. lahorer, h w,:! S Cameron Robison James E., conductor, h 1::;11, X 6th

i1c{:~t:~~RE. f ANDREW

REDMOND. :3d and ReUy Sis.

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,


Boyd's Harrisburg (U) City Directory.

Robison John c., laborer, h 120 Hanna Robison i\lay, telephone operator, :!10 Walnut,.11 ,1507 ~ 6th Rohison \Villard, assembler, h 115 Vine RobisoJl William, h 1072 S Cameron Robison William D., fireman, h 1037 S 9th , Roche Catharine, wid ~lichael, h 13 S River av :lit Roche Richard, h 518 Filbert Rochman Abram, grocer, i t j Cowden, h do H.ochman ~latlrice, elk, 5111 Market. h 713 Cowden Rockafellar Sarah, wid John, h !J3:! N 2d

11 r PI

0 0

ROCXAFELLAR THOKAS B., real estate and ins1ll'&Jlce .. agent, 272. North, h do
Rockwell Harry E., motorman, h 511 ).:orth Rockwell James T., brakeman, h 1~:!7 ~ 4th Rodd Charles S., tinworkcr, h 214:! ~ 5th H.oddy Jennie, wid Lloyd, h 14:m X 3d

RODDY 10SEPH STOCTON REV., pastor Olivet Presbyterian Church and editor Penna. Endeavor, h 118 S 13th

Rodearnlel Harriet, wid Henry, h 25 N 4th Rodearmel Helen L., h 604 N 3d Rodearmel William, journalist, h fiO1 X au Roclenhabcr Hiram W., brakeman, h 51}2 State Rodenhatlser Henry, salesman, 412 Market, h 11 N 5th Rodenhaver Charles, brakeman, h 1227 \Vallace Rodenhaver David F., elk, h ::UO Boas Rodt'nhaver Joseph, h 310 Boas H.odenhayer J. William, tobacconist, :!:W ~larket, h 133 Locust Rodenhaver Mary E., saleslady, 406 Market, h 310 Boas ., Rodenhiser Rollins M .. fireman. h 2146 N 6th' ;J

., 'I

r I

RODERICK lAKES E., chief Bureau of Kines, Capitol, h The '-' Lochiel W Rodgers Alfred P., caller P. R. R., h 2141l\foore
Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Clarence, jeweler. h 540 Maelay Edward. h 112H Capital Frank E., steward The Lochiel, h do Frederick, brakeman, h 54 N 12th George W., flagman, h 540 Maclay Herbert C, brakeman. h 540 Maclay Hettie ~Irs., variety, 2141 Moore. h do James. laborer. h 1533 Huntt'r John. laborer. h Paxton ab 13th John L., elk P. & R. frt depot. h 2141 :\loore Leman E .. driver, h 18 N 5th ~Iar, janitor Harrisburg Ho~pital. h do Margaret, wid John. h 846 S Cameron


RODGERS 1. FRANKLIN, executive clerk, Capitol, h 125 Pine

1 W




.. To find a 'name you must know how to spell it."

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IIcNEIL'S PAIN EXTERIlINATOR ~"~:~~:e=t~~""'~;~l. {_"'1~.

.. Rodgers Richard C, laborer, h 1110 Currant av Rodgers ~alyador. laborer. h rear 1:!4 Paxton :. Rodgers Thomas J., policeman. h 8-16 S Cameron .. Rodimaker Peter, !aborer, h 3a3 Boyd av .~ Rodkey Charles E., detective, h 7:!:! Capital :. Rodkey Charles W., driver, h 17:l6 Fulton Rodkey Elmira ~lrs., grocer, 722 Capital. h do ~ Rodkey George \\'., jr., cigarmkr, h 722 Capital ... Rodkey Harry E., laborer, h 'i22 Capital ~ Rodkey Harvey G., painter, h 1102 ~ Cameron Rodkev John. h 17:U ~ 4th :: Rodkey ~laggie E., nurse, h 17:n !\ 4th . Rodkey Milton L., barber, 17:n N 4th, h do Rodkey Sarah J. Mrs., h :!6:12 64 : Rodkey Theodore. painter. h 1615 X 4th Roe Adda S., librarian, h 12;)5 .Ylulberrv Roe Carrie A .. h 1!!55 Mulberrv (/) Roe Edward J., (F..M. Roe & Son), h 1166 Mulberry



Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory.


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ROE F. I. & SON, (Ed. 1.), druggists, 1255 Mulberry

Roe Sarah A . wid Francis "~l.. h 1:!55 ~lulberry Roen Rosie. h :l:! S td Roeschlaub Walter. draftsman, h :lIm X Front Rogers flertha R.. laundreSS. h :!:m ~tate Rogers David, asst supt C. 1. & S. Co .. h 7m) S Front Rogers Elliott, machinist, h 1315 North Rogers Ida L., upholsterer, h !H1 l;rand Rogers Jacob :\1., brakeman, h Uli \\"allace Rogers John H .. watchman, h :!140 X ;;th Rogers Susan. h 7em S Front Rogers Thomas E., laborer, h 709 S Front Rogers William, cooper. h 1019 S Hlth Rogers Zephaniah, blacksmith, h 19:!n Forster Rohde Elmer J.. car inspector. h 5:!7 Violet av Rohm Edward L., employee State Arsenal. h lei!} N 15th Rohm Ferdinand F., policeman Capitol. h 1425 N 2d Rohm Frederick W .. brakeman. h 14:!5 :\T 2d Rohr Annie, domestic, Rot K :~d Rohr Lizzie, domestic. 8111 X 3d Rohrbach Adam. laborer. h 1016 Paxton Rohrbach Conrad. laborer. h !leU) S Cameron Rohrbach Daniel H .. laborer. h 5tH; S Cameron Rohrbach Elizabeth ]., h 64:! :\1 uench Rohrbach George, mason. h nUIi ~ Cameron Rohrbach Georg.e N., tailor. Inc I :'\iorth, h do Rohrbach William, barber. 11121 X 7th. h do Rohrer A. Edward, screwsman, h ad c Seneca Rohrer B. Frank, screwsman, h t3 N 17th Rohrer Charles P., telegrapher, h lCI:~ \Vashington -----


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The ,tmerl.... n Bondln. (:om J', Baltimore, Md.

General Agent Lennal Penna. District, loa N ,. Ben 'Pbone S.'H X, or 6lM8 X.
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{I216 10nb lhlrd SI.


Boyd's Harrisburg (U) City Directory.

Rohrer Charles \V., c1k weather bureau, 1'. O. bldg, h 19li N 6th Rohrer Daniel, engineer, h 103 Washington Rohrer Deborah, domestic, 1424 ~ 2d Rohrer Elizabeth, wid ~Iartin, h 581 S Front Rohrer Elmer, screwsman, h 555 S Front Rohrer Frederick, junk, 1117 Cumberland, h do Rohrer George F., h 1124 N 3d Rohrer Harry S., brakeman, h 423 Maclay Rohrer Howard A., roller, h 581 S Front Rohrer Jacob H., engineer, h 633 Herr Rohrer Jay Frank, (J. F. Rohrer & Son), h UOO X 2d Rohrer J. F. & Son, (J. F. and Jay F.), real t'state, 19 N 3d Rohrer John c.. brakeman, h 1105 Montgomery Rohrer John F., (J. F. Rohrer & Son), sec Paxtang Water Co., h 1400 N 2d Rohrer William H., cigarmkr, h 10~ Washington Roland Frank A., baker, h 115 S 13th Roland Harry D:, brakeman, h 630 \Voodbine Roller Aurelius P., bootblack, h :l26 Calder Roller Charles, brakeman, h 2020 Elizabeth av. Roller Ferdinand, engineer, h 1720 X 3d Roller George J., machinist. h 1720 N 5th Roller Jane A. Mrs., h 324 Calder Roller John, brakeman. h 2136 ~ 7th Roller Kate rv!., domestic. 324 Calder Roller Minnie F., h 234 South Roller William, shoemkr, 234 South. h do Rolles Bros., (John and Joseph), confectioners, 409 ~farket and 433 State RoBes John, (Rolles Bros.), h 43~ State R(,lles Joseph. (RoBes Bros.), h 433 State RoBes ~lichael. candymkr, h 4j3 State Ralles Peter, cand) mkr, 11 .!:l;-J State Rollins Charles S., laborer, h II! nr Cumberland Rollins Charles S., laborer, h 1230 N U~ Rollison Charles \V . carpenter, h !112 S 22l Roman Alice. domestic. 241 S 14th Romherger Harvey D., aS5t \\fire chief. 2111 \Valnut, h 5L






:g = ,.,


Romich George \V., barber, h rear 561 Rac:! Romich Harry, horse traiuer, h 565 Race H.omi('h Henry, h 51;5 Race ROlllich Lillie ~1., h 565 Race Romich William, tinner. h ij(jij Race Romig Calvin S., postal c1k, h 142 S 13th Romig \Villiam H., elk P. R. R., h 62q PetTer Rooney Bessie A., telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 2224 ~ 6th

g :r



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To ftnd-a ;'-;mc y~ m~stlmow how

to spelI -it."
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H. M. KELLEY &CO COAL AND WOOD {Oillces: :Jh~:d\~~~


Boyd'. Harrisburg (R) City Directory.

Roolley Christopher F., engineer, h :!:?:?! ~ Hth ~ Ruoney James E., elk P. R. 1<.., h :!:!:!4 X I,th Rooney J. Harry, elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 1803 N 2d to- Roonev ,Marv, wid Edward, h 2224 ~ lith


~ Roap Bessie: weaver, h 310 Reily

c= Roop Emmett C, student, h 427 Boas :z Roop J. Howard, student, h 427 Boas
en Roop J. \Varrcn, physician, 427 Boas, h do ::: Roop William 0 .. teacher, h 4:!7 Boas - Root Frank, machinist, h 124(; ~Iarket Roots Daniel, laborer, h 334 ~ 15th ~ ..... Rorer Robert ~I.. elk aud genl s dept. h 11!l S :!d .... Rorke John J., elevatorman Capitol, h 5()7 )J'orth .... Rose Annie, wid Edward F., h 124:! Walnut ~ Rose I.;ertha ~l., packer, h 1242 Walnut Rose Daniel :\1., harber, 401 Filbert, h do ~ Hose Edward G., vocal teacher, h 911) N 6th z Rcse Elizabeth, wid Harry, h U14 Forster a: Rose Harry, engineer, h 614 Forster , ~ Rose Harrv M., elk P. R. R., h 18m, x :Jrl Rose Harv'ey J., jr., caller P. R. R., h 1221 :\larket U Rose Jacob A., agrl implts, 840 ~larket, h Paxtang :z Rcse John A., confectioner, 35 N :!d, h :!:!8 ~ 3d ~ Rose Lucy B., telephone operator P. R. R., h 12:n Market :z Rose l\Iargaret C, wid Harvey J., h 12:!1 :\larket ~ Rose Xellie C, telephone operator P. R. R., h 1221 Market !C Rose !\cvin G., salesman, h :m Evergreen . .... Roseberry George, laborer, h 1332 .Pt:1l1l a.. Roseberry George, jr., laborer, h 816 Cowden ~ Roseberry Harry, laborer, h 346 Hamilton g: Rosenberg Morris A., wall paper. 512 South, h do 1.&.1 Rosenberger Catharine G .. dressmkr, h 117 Evergreen :> Rosenberger D. Webster, foreman, h 117 Evergreen ~ Rosenberger Henry E., jobber Lunatic Hospital, h do ..... Rosenberger John F., (Rosenberger & Son), h New Market : : Rosenberger John W., (Rosenberger & Son), h 117 Evera:: green ~ Rosenberger J. W. & Son, (J. F.), carpet mfrs, 1016 Market :is Rosenberger Percy M., molder, h 117 Evergreen UA. Rosenthal George J., salesman, 324 :'.larket, h 1627 N 2d -If Rosewarne John, draftsman, h 143 N 4th ZJ ROSBON 1. WILLIAM, photographer, 34 N 3d. h 1814 Green 0- Ross Albert H., laborer, h 1236 N 11i %~ Ross Albert L., brakeman, h 51lS Reily I,; Ross Anna G., h 340 Reily ~D Ross Antonio F., laborer, h 324 S River av .. Z Ross Charles A., laborer, h 609 Race ~C Ross Charles F., h 315 S River av




ANDREW REDMOND, Hc:.::;r;.':.rr:::'d ~~o:,:~. {3d and relly Sfs. CoogIe

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--//lAKES A SPECIALTY 0 ' " - {IZI~ ... 34 St. Prncolnll Public 8alldllllls In Plaia TlaU. fall_ Ill

Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Direotory.

Ross Charles T., wireman, h !!19 Pine Ross Edward, laborer, h rear 607 Race Ross Edward S., brakeman, h 2U:!U N 7th Ross George F., h 1 S Front Ross Gertrude E., h 616 Race Ross Hannah M., lodging, 1 S Front, h do 11.088 HAlI.1I.Y C., merchant tailor, 21 N 3d, h 219 Pine Ross Hiram, engineer, h 508 Reily Ross Howard Z., elk, h 1421 N 2d Ross Irene, saleslady, 36 N 3d, h 609 Walnut Ross James c., laborer, h 5118 Reily Ross Jessie Mrs., h 340 Reily Ross John A., fireman, h 1809 Penn Ross John F., fireman, h 2024 N 7th Ross John H., elk, 14;~O! N 6th, h 51}8 Reily Ross Joseph D., tailor, 21 N 3d, h 609 Walnut Ross Kersey S., brakeman, h 340 Reily Ross Lucy Mrs., h 228 :\leadow la Ross Robert F., flagman, h 13071 Green Ross Sarah, wid Adam, h 616 Race Ross Walter K., student, h 1 S Front Ross William G., brakeman, h 340 Reily Ross William K., conductor, h 1521 N 6th Ross, see Russ Rossback Albert, foreman, h 2296 N 6th Rote George G., employee State Arsenal, h 203 N 15th Rote Harry L., brakeman, h 1520 Wallace Rote John'R., pres, 322 Market, h 1727 N 2d Rote Mary, wid Lewis, h 1520 Wallace Rote Stewart B., trav salesman, h 1727 ~ 2d Roth Alice, h 230 S 2d Roth Bella, dressmkr, h 230 S 2d Roth Charles B., helper, h 1521 Vernon Roth David M., tallyman P. R. R. frt depot, h 226 S 15th Roth Ellen, wid Girard, h 230 S 2d Roth Franklin J., notary, 16 N 2d, h 226 Hummel Roth Harry c., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 1603 Derry Roth Martha, 'saleslady, 334 Market, h Steelton Roth Stuart c., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 1315 William Rothrock Adam, molder, h 1211 Green Rothrock Charles V., conductor, h 2038 Fulton Rothrock Cora, dressmkr. h 2028 N 5th Rothrock Eustic :\Irs., h 2112~ X 5th Rothrock Florence P., dressmkr, h 21128 ~ 5th Rothrock Jane ].. wid William, h 208 S 13th Rothrock John W .. tailor, h 203 Sassafras av ROTHROCK 10SEPH T., commissioner of forestry, Capitol, h 221 N 2d


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To find a name you must know how to spell iL"

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McNeil'. Pain FlIle ... lnator cures ('hol.,. Morbup, DyM'D'.rr. Cramp8, Dlarrbl1'll, Colds. QUiDI)', RbeumallnD, Toothacbe, 8oreTbroat, ABUe, D)"pepaia, Ac. IIIK

Rothrock \Yilliam .\., motorman, h G31 \Voodbine Rott Anna. embroiderer, h 114 Barbara av .: Rott Casper, bridge builder, h 1266 State Ii Rott ~Iar)', trimmer, a6 N 3d, h 1266 State ~ Rott \Vilhelm, piano repairer, h 114 Barbara av 3 Rouch George T., salesman, 334 ~larket, h 1211 Chestnut Rouch Jesse J., machinist, h 1211 Chestnut Rouff George, optician, h 2112 Derry Rouillot Victor B., aligner, h 1314 S 12th _ Roumfort Augustus L., news, The Commonwealth, h 712 Capital Roupas Nicholas, bootblack, 3d c Walnut, h 433 State : Rourke Bernard, engineer, h 1423 N 6th Rourke Edwaru c., storekeeper P. R. R., h 1423 N 6th RQuse Alvin H., carpenter, h 1621 Derry (/) Rouse Harry c., elk, 1402 Vemon, h 1621 Derry Roush David A., agt, 4111 Chestnut, h 34 Balm Roush Frederick, laborer, h 1334 Penn Roush George, flagman, h 309 Reily Roush l\Iary, h 1311 Walnut Roush Samuel 0., laborer, h 1421 Zarker C[ Roush William B., conductor, h 4115 Reil" Roush, see Rauch . Rovai George. (Rovai & Gonnella). h Harris House Rovai and Pietro Gonnella), Z ROVAI & GONNELLA, (George3d proprs Harris House, 20 N Row C;eorge A. L., elk directors of the poor, h 57 N -l3th Row Lottie ~r., book folder. h 57 X l:lth Rowe Flora D .. music teacher. h lS:lS! X :lth ~- Rowe George W., boilermkr, h !l{)fi S Inth Rowe Harry, laborer. h 9116 S 19th a.. Rowe John ]., boilermkr. h $106 S 1!l1h IE Rowe Mary A., wid George G.. h 818 Capital Q Rowe l'vlary E., domestic. 506 ~Iarket U Ro\\~~ 'Mary V., milliner. h !lOr, S 19th ..... Rowe William E., printer. h 16(19 :;\ :ld C Rov Alice, domestic. 1415 Fulton Roy Harriet, wid Robert. h 1415 Fulton CI ROYAL lOHN K" city treasurer, Court HOUle, and sec Burial :IE Case Co" h 119 Pine c Roval Marv E., teacher. h 204 Locust loW Royal Rebecca E., wid Josiah 5., h 2(14 Locust U Royce George G.. cigars. 1135 Wallace. h do Royce Mary, domestic. 413 Briggs CI Rozell Isaac. shoemkr. !!14 Verbeke. h do ~ Rubendall Charles C.. laborer, h 1215 Fulton :IE Rubenstein George 5 .. salesman. 6 S 2d. h :l!!9 Chestnut Ruby Amelia Mrs., cigars, 211 S 2<1. h do

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Boyd'. Harrisburg (R) City Directory,


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for AC()(DENT INliluRAlIca:-i081I... h Seed 81reet. Bell'Pbone 8M X. or estS x.

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~=~-= I0Il POPer ODd 1Ind01 Shodes lrom A. 8. TACI. N.1lJ\t.

Boyd'. Harrilburg (R) CitJ Directory. 543
Ruby Annie M., wid William, h 900 Capital Ruby Charles W., enameler, h 2288 ?\ Uth Ruby Harry T., engineer, h 211 S 2d Ruby John I., machinist, h 22&1 X 6th Ruby Joseph W., brakeman, h 472 S Cameron Ruby Mary E., roller, h 572 S Cameron Ruch Harry C, paperhanger. h ]535 Logan av Ruch Nellie J., seamstress, :US Market. h 102 S Court av h ke RRuch RS aly. AE sal~sJmTahn, 334 MF arh 1t. ,hSlO~ S Court av , uc a lie ., WiC omas., 0:. Court av . Rude Morris, (M. Rude & Co.), h 123~ ~Iarket Rude M. & Co., (lHorris Rude and Jacob Miller), pictures, 1238 ~Iarket Ruder Andrew, ironworker. h 532 ~orth Ruder Jacob, grocer, 213 Crescent. h do Ruder William, puddler, h 2111 Greenwood Rudisill I!'aac P., conductor. h 1413 Green Rudolph Frederick F .. roller. h lll1i Market Rudolph (;eorge W., laborer. h 6 Chesapeake av Rudolph Lizzie, dressl1lkr. h 111ft :\larket Rudolph Mary, wid John, h lR.~l Swatara Rudolph 1'\ ellie ~I rs .. h 58 K ] 6th Rudolph Peter, laborer. h 1116 ~Iarket Rudy Ahraham F., contractor. h 1701 Derrv Rudv Adam. warehouseman P. R. R.. h 1425 Zarker Rud)' Addie. housekeeper. 212 Pine Rudy Alice :\1., press feeder, h 16:l4 X 3d Rmlv .'\nnie E .. dressl1lkr. h 524 :\faclav Rl1d}' Barbara. wid Joseph. h 180(i Derry Rudv Bertha 1.. dressl1lkr, h 524 ~aclay Rudj. C. Day. artist, ]!l13 N 3d, h 819 -do RUDY C. DAY & CO., (C. Day Rudy and Karl Steward), art .tained glas., 1513 :I' 3d Rud\' Charles R.. machinist. h 433 Kelker Rud~' Darius E .. h ]ft:~4 N 3d Rud~' David K., plasterer, h 1911 State Rudy Edna :\1., housekeeper. 1~07 Berryhill Rud\' Fannie M .. weaver, h 1800 Derry Rud}' Fietta. wid Jacob. h Imn State' Rudy Frank, harber, h 249 Korth Rudy Frederick. warehouseman P. R. R .. h 1800 Derry Rudy George B., car repairer, h 1123 Wallace Rud,' Harry K.. signalman, h 11113 State Rudy Harry :\-1.. laborer, h 2142 ~ mh Rudy Howard E .. flagman. h 1634 ~ ad Rutiv Ira D .. laborer. h ~154 ~ 7th Rudy Jessie I., housekeeper. amo Derry Rudy John J., carpenter, h :!158 X 7th

I 0 0 I ..J, , I







.. i

i i:

"To iiDc:I a Dame.YOU must lmow how to apc1l Ito"

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-rrj. H M KELLEY & CO 'S Ton of

BI ... k IIlam da w .... {' Nerth Itl Streit. )'0. . . .:0 order... 10th aM 8tat. Sill.

: Rudy Jonas, shoemkr, h 180~ Boas ~ Rudy Jonas F., milkman. 1807 Berryhill, h do -a Rudy Jonas J . conductor, h :!14~ N (ith



Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory.

~ Rudy Joseph, driver, h 34~ S 17th

.c Rudy Lena, shoe operator, h

... Rudy Jonas M., stengr, 17

3d, h ll'o1IJ4 Derry


J!. __ ::. _ 1i



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~14~ :\ mil Rudy Levi, h 524 Maclay Rudy Lizzie, domestic, 1ill i X Front Rudy Mabel B., packer, h 649 Maclay Rudy Mamie M., telephone opr, :.!10 \Valnut. h 11i34 N 3d Rudy Michael L., repairsman, h 524 Maclay Rudy William H., laborer, h 5Hl'oI State Rudy William H., jr., laborer, h 573 Showers av Rue Marion M., h 2:W Pine Rue Mary E., wid Samuel, h 220 Pine Ruess Anthony, meat, 135 Indian av, h do Rugani Amadeo, waiter Harris House. It do Ruggles Edward, laborer, h 422 S Cameron Ruggles Susan, wid Alexander, h 4311 S Cameron Rumberger Peter J., patent medicines. 2020 Derry, h do Rmumler John 11., fore~llan, 7th c ~orth, h 2525 N 6th Rumpf Charles, machinist, h !:) ~ Cameron Rumpf Charles C, foreman P. R. R.. h 15:W ~ 6th Rumpf Joseph A., machinist, h 1526 N 6th Rundio Annie, domestic, (jll(j Kelker Runk Aldun A., blacksmith, h 1!Jo7 \,,"00,] av Runk David H., machinist, h 916 Penn Runk Edward B., machinist, h 1206 Chestnut Runk Sarah C, wid George, h 1907 Wood av Runk WIlliam H., steam titter, h 916 Penn Runkle C Herbert, assembler, h 1514 Dury Runkle Daisy E., shoe operator, h 1514 Derry RUNKLE DANIEL, grocer, 191 IT 15th, h 187 do Runkle David, shoemkr, 1514 Derry, h do Runkle Edward D., elk, 18th c Derry, h 1431 Regina Runkle Elizabeth 1'l'1rs., h 534 Violet av Runkle Enoch, h 1U~5 State Runkle Estella, domestic, 27 S 13th Runkle George E., cigar mfr, 1600 Derry, h 1514 do Runkle George E., grocer, 1!J48 State, h do Runkle Harvey E., student, 15 N 2d, h 187 N 15th Runkle John A .. driver, h 1610 Swatara Runkle John K .. student, h 1941 State Runkle Kate C. shoe operator, h 1514 Derry Runkle M. Gertrude, teacher, h 1610 Swatara Runkle Nelson D., civil engineer P. R. R., h: 721 N 6th Runkle William K, elk, h 12;33 Bailey Runkle Wil~ia~L~ shoe~pe~t~,_ ~ 1514 D_erry _ _ __ __

ANDREW REDMOND, ~::"":!:::"';d'::'~~~::. {3d aid Reny Sis.

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and lowell JJdceL w ..._{ A B TACK , w.n P.per. The - ,J'U&unI and I'dIIPI _... 1.18 " ...... complete '111m U It.

545 Runkle William ~1., elk, h 14:l3 Regina Rupert Isabel Z., saleslady, :!23 Market, h 248 Hummel Rupert John S., pattcrnmkr, h 248 Hummel Rupley Catharine B., milliner, h 1113 Plum av Rupley Edward c., laborer, h 1:!32 Bartine av Rupley John P., tallyman, h 1113 Plum av Rupley Mary M., saleslady, h 1113 Plum av Rupley Walter B., laborer, h 1410 N 3d Rupp Abraham B., elk, 306 Verbeke, h 1215 ~1arket Rupp Amos B., elk, h 502 North Rupp Charles, tray sall!sman. h :lO9 Crescent Rupp Charlt:s L .. foreman Patriot, h 614 N ~d Rupp Oara, dressmkr, h 1742 N 3d Rupp Frank K., brakeman, h 621 Peffer Rupp Henry, (H. Rupp & Son), h 101 Xorth Rupp H. & Son. ~H('nry), carpenters, &c., 140 S 3d Rupp John, driver, h 4th au Reily Rupp Katie E., dressmkr, h 101 Xorth ~ Rupp Minnie t .. wid John F., h Calder nr 7th I Rupp Olive E., h 608 N 2d Rupp Peter, laborer, h -t N 9th Rupp Sadie R. tailores~. Ii 101 i\ orth Rupp Sol01110n S., lawyer. i-I ~1arket, h Shiremanstown Rupp Sue E. Mrs., h 608 1\ :.M Rupp W. Adin, music teacher, 1215 Market. h do 'II Rupp Warren R, patternmkr, h 1306t N 6th Rl1PP William J., laborer, h 1632 N 4th II Rupp Winfield S., salesman, 318 Market, h Wormleysburg Rush Albert H., bookbinder, 4 K 3d, h 310 N 2d WI g Rush Alfred L., engineer, h 106 Cumberland :J Rush D. Erwin, brakeman. h 1913 N 7th Rush Reuben, jr., driver, h 714 Ash av Cal Rush, see' Resh ( Russ Adolino, elk, h 1001 Market Russ Adolph B., h 1119 Green Russ Annie N. Mrs., h 304 Cherry av Russ Augustus, steward Com'wIth, h 603 State Russ Building, 15 N 2d . Russ Emelio, restaurant, 1001 Market, h dr, Russ Hector, laborer, h 510 Brown av IT RUSS lAKES, The Commonwealth, Market c S 2d, h do RUSS 10D, saloon, 212 Strawberry av, h do Russ Lewis, h The Bolton Cal Russ Louis A., bar cashier The Commonwealth, h do Q. Russ Maurice E., (Russ & Russ), h Hotel Columbus Russ Narcissus, h 1700 Regina ,. RUSS PATRICK, Hotel RU88, 423 and 426 Market, h do VI Russ William. (Russ & Russ), fish, &c., 19 N 2<1., h 12 do

Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory.


PI ~

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To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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IIdEIL'S COMPlEXION PILLS, :.~~!:J~d~n~=ra.~~ {aos arD.I



Boyd's Harrisburg (R) City Directory.





0: W -I C W Q


W o








CI ~ -

BUSS & BUSS, (William and lIaurice E. Bun), Hotel Col1UDbus, 229433 Walnut Russ, see Ross Russell A. Fisher, U. S. A., h 103 Locust Russell Charles R., brakeman, h 1611! N 4th Russell Elizabeth F. Mrs., registry elk P.O., h 103 Locust Russell Enos M., messenger adjt genJ's dept, h New Cumberland Russell Erma G., wid Samuel T., h 1818 State Russell Frederick, sweeper, h 1533 Fulton Russell Frederick J., laborer. h 15.~l Fulton Russell Harry, driver, h Filbert ab Walnut Russell Joseph H., laborer, h 1139 S !lth Russell Joseph Y., washer, h 34 S l:lth Russell Lizzie Mrs., h 1611! N 4th Russell Samuel E., inspector, h 1915 X 6th Rust George E., painter, h 134 Indian av Rust Mary F., wid Joseph, h 1~4 Indian av Rutan Flora T., elk, 201 N 2d. h 21~ Verbeke Rutan Jennie M., matron, 213 Verbeke, h do Ruth Bessie E., saleslady, 326 Market. h ~'Iechani<::sburg Ruth Carrie L., wid Elmer L., h 15 Evergreen Ruth Harry. patternmkr. h 414 S 17th Ruth H. :Morgan, elk aud genl's dept. h filII Briggs Ruth John, tailor, h 30 S 4th Ruth Maggie, waitress U. S. Hotel Ruth Stanley G., stengr, 2 S 2d, h 15 Evergreen Ruthenberg Marcus, civil t'ngineer. h The Bolton Rutherford Eleanor G., h 24th ab Derr\' Rutherford Elizabeth l\L. h 24th ab Derry Rutherford Howard A., teller Hbg Nat. Bank, h Rutherford Rutherford J. Edmund. supt, h Lochiel Farm Rutherford .ft-nnie. matron, 615 State, h do Rutherford John Q. A .. jr., elk, 22(\ N 3d. h Rutherford Rutherford Joshua E .. elk Che!'apeake Nail Works, h Rutherford Rutherford J. Parke, supt. h 329 Chestnut Rutherford Margaret S .. h Lochiel Farm Rutht'rford 1\farshall, adjuster, h :!07 N 2d Rutherford Rams~y. foreman, h 250! Verbeke Rutherford Richard, laborer. h 1202 Bailev Rutherfonl Thomas W .. elk Mechanics' B~mk. h Paxtang Rutherford \Villiam ~ .. mgr, h 200 !\ 3d Rutledge John C. foreman, h 1:!51 Kittatinny Rutter Adam C, engineer, h 1409 \Valtace Rutter J. Harvey, h 1150 ~1arket Ryan Alice, teacher. h 515 N (th Ryan David A., machinist, 14-02 Vernon, h 14 N 16th
on 101 8 EDW G ROBERTS wlllJJOaft )'our bond. Bell 'Phone _ " ......... boDCIII e:leeutecl. 8111 X, or INS X. CoogIe
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A. B. TACI t:&~-:t I. PODer II1Id 1_ _ fI..T~:

Boyd'. Hanilbug (8) City BirectHy.
Ryan John H., laborer, h U2 S River av Ryan Joseph, packer, h 412 S River av

.B.YAlI lOSIAH P., contractor and builder, 517 .. 4th, h &1& do Ryan Julia J., teacher, h 257 Boas Ryan Mary, wid Patrick H., It :!57 Boas Ryan M. Ella, teacher, It :!57 lloas Ryan Michael, huckster, It rear :~4U Reily Ryan Patrick, laborer, h 625 Briggs Ryan Samuel T., carpenter, h 225 Mulberry Ryan Walter, brakeman, h 1925 \Vow av Ryan vVilliam F .. carpenter, h 257 Buas Ryder Alice C, saleslady, 400 Market, h 4:1:: Kelker .RYDER lIARDWARE STOBE, (Snively Ryder), lla~ware, cutlery, &c., 1228 B 3d Ryder Snivdy, (Ryder Hardware Storc). h 1111 l:h}as Ryder William, elk, 1228 N :3d, h do Rynard John A., physician, 5li2 Race. h do RYllard ~fary E., teacher. h ali:! Kace Rynard Xorman 8., plumber, h rear a:!:~ Walnut

J ..J
.... ... .. ..

i :;


Sacks \ViIliam J., machinist, It 51:J "Valnut Sadler Charles J., flagman, h 2007 ~ 6th Saeder J. Adam, carpenter, h 3:10 Boyd av Saffell lohn W., horseman, h rear 11 S Front St. Clair Albertus, tailor, h 1151 Bailey St. Oair Bessie M., weaver, h 1153 Dailcy St. Clair B. Frank, toolmkr, h :!:JO :\ 15th St. Clair Clara :\1., charwoman, h un5 James St. Oair Douglass, elk, :!1O Walnut, h :!O:! Harris St. Clair Jennie Mrs., h :!02 Harris St. Clair Margaret V., shoe operator. h lli):l Bailey St. Clair Mary A., wid David, h 1405 James St. Oair Maud R., weaver, h usa Bailev St. Clair Robert P., machinist, h 1153 Bailev St. Clair Stuart, elk, 210 Walnut, h :!02 Harris St. Clair William, coachsmith, h 115:1 Bailey

ST. GEBEVIEVE'S CONVENT, conducted by the Sisten of )(ercy, &00 )(aclay St. Lawrence Life Assn., H. :\1. Jones, supt, 21 N 3d Salem Marv B. Mrs., h 458 Cumberland Sales Edward. laborer, h 1006 Cowden Sales John, supt, h 1006 Cowden Sales Richard, coremkr, h 1006 Cowden Salinge Lewis, gardener, h Lochiel Farm Salisbury Leah, h 239 State Salter James, laborer, h 1509 Derry

- -----



To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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H.M' KELLEY &" CO {'lOUt 1M3d 1ItnIC. lIorth Stat. Sta. .

...: 1148

Boyd's lIani1burg (8) City Directory.



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~ C;

Saltsman Berton H., operator P. R. R., h 1706 Market Saltsman George A., paying teller ~Iechanics' Bank, b 2223 N 3d Saltsman Henry W., sexton, h 1643 Susquehanna Saltsman James D., elk, h 2013 N 5th Saltsman William c., car inspector, h 1503.. Derry Saltsman William H., laborer, h 15H Walnut Saltzer Harvey F., postal elk, h 440 S 14th Saltzer James E., ins sol, 227 Walnut, h 513 N 4th Saltzgiver Elmer 0., packer, h 52 Linden Saltzgiver James c., art store, 223 N 2d, h do Saltzgiver Sarah, wid Michael, h 52 Linden Salvation Army Barracks, Verbeke c Capital Sample Ada E., saleslady, 1722 N 4th, h do Sample Alexander, (A. Sample & Son). h 1722 N 4th Sample A. & Son, (John B.), notions, H22 N 4th Sample Belle F., stengr, 2"207 N 7th, h 1506 Green Sample Channing L., expressman. h 1101 ~larket Sample Clara B., h 1506 Green Sample Frances A., dressmkr, 410 Verbeke, h do Sample Frances M., dressmkr, h 17:!:! N' 4th Sample James, laborer, h 1509 Derry Sample John B., (A. Sample & Son), h 1722 N 4th Sample Laura I. Mrs .. h 614 :\fuench Sample Mar)" E .. boarding. 422 )'farket, h do Sample 1linnie E., teacher. h 1506 Green Sample Peter H .. caterer, h 410 Verbeke SAlrIPLE TROnS G., Bupt public printing, 10th bel Cheatnut, h The Lochiel Sample Virginia F., teacher. h 1506 Green Sanders Annie M., cigar roHer. h 615 Showers av Sanders Annie R., wid Jacob. h 316 Briggs Sanders Arthur K .. machinist, h 2 S 4th Sanders Augustus, laborer. h 1516 Drummond av Sanders Daniel, printer, h ::121 Hummel Sanders Elmer. laborer. h 421 State Sanders Frances, wid George W .. h :>26 '''est av Sanders Franklin, h 311 Hummel Sanders Frederick, laborer, h 3:l0 Delaware av Sanders George. laborer. h 1444 Derrv Sanders George L .. stretcher. h 615 Showers av . Sanders Harry F., engineer. h 1417 Regina Sanders Henry K., watchman, h 615 Showers av Sanders Jacob 0., painter, h 1910 Moltke av Sanders James E., hostler., h 5 Haehnlen av Sanders James M., baker, 1631 N' 6th, h do Sanders Jane, wid Isaac W., h 8H East Sanders John c., adjuster, h 302 Cumberland

:':R:~.~:!ii~:8! ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d .Id Reily Sis.

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A B ' "Ie"



{lI:mJlloJl! DOD- bat lIIIIt-el_ wonmen, benee ODI)' ~

. . . . . . UI4lD1oreell. WorkdOlleiDIIIl)'partotBIate.

Boyd" Jlarrisburg (S) City Directory.


Sanders John D . laborer, h 21::13 Atlas av Sanders Katie A., domestic, ~5 S 2d Sanders Levi, dnver, h 906 Capital Sanders brakeman, h 1413 ~larket Sanders Loring A., foreman, h 217 Crescent Sanders Roy A., elk, 2:!5 ~larket. h 4:!S Kelker Sanders Samuel, laborer, h 14UO S lath Sanders Winfield. baker, h 5~ N 13th Sanderson Alfred, journalist, 211 X 2d, h :!06 South Sanderson Frank, elk. It tn 7 Camp Sanderson Harvey E., photographer, h 316 Herr Sanderson Jane F., wid Theodore C~ h 617 Camp Sanderson Mary. wid George, h 151:! Derry Sandt:rson Minerva E . h 1)1 7 Camp Sandler Isaac, tailor, h 47 Balm Sandoe Anna C. teacher, h 1421 X 6th Sandoe John L., engineer, h 1421 N lith ~ands Franklin B.. laborer. h 4:!8 Cranherrv av Sangree Milton H. Rev.. h 15n8 lHarket SAlIXEY lAJIES W., wholesale and retail saddlery, hardware and leather, 323 Verbeke, h 212 Boas Sansom Charles. elk. h 11 N 5th Sansom Joseph .T .. elk. 4111 Chestnut, h 6:~:l Kelker Sansom Samuel D., elk C. 1. & S. Co... h 21:{ Forster Sansone Antoni, laborer. h 117 Mulberry Sansone Y gnczio, laborer, h 117 :\1 ulberry Santo Harriet xl rs., h 4:!4 Kunkle av ~nto Isaac. hoilermkr. h Ino Susquehanna ~anto Jacob H .. hardware. Hi43 K 6th, h 16 .. 5 clo ~anto Mary E .. wid John, h 2 N 9th Santo Solomon. coal, h 5:19 5 Front Santo William H., fireman, h 2 N 9th Santuch Isadore. huckster. h '157 SlOth Sarch Henry C, engineer, h 674 Boas Sarch lane. wid Samuel R.. h 674 Boas Sariano Frank, (Boova Fruit Co.). h 29 S Court a\" Sarver Martin W .. caterer, :lOff ~Iarket. h do Sarvis George L., messenger P. & R., h 1431 :\1arket Sarvis George 0., trainmaster P. & R .. h 1431 ~\'farket Sas~amaJl Oliver. laborer. h 1l:l8 Herr ~atchen George A., sale~man. h l~:?j N Front ~atchell Gl'or~e P .. sllh letter carrier. h 1:!27 ~ Front Satr Lewis. shoemkr, h lII:W :-Iarket ~attler Johanna Mrs .. charwoman, h 109 S River av ~aul'erman Catharine. wid \VilIiam. h 419 \\'<!lnut ~al1er~ Elmer E .. laborer. h (j45 CaMer Sailers Joseph ~1.. huckster. h 1122 N Cameron ~<lI1cr~ ~all1uel ).1.. lalwrl r. h 11~2 ~ Cameron



To find a name


must .know how to spell it!'

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_ ..


Boyd's Harriaburg (8) City Directory.

~ Saul Charles, brakeman, h


... ~



O I-


o C







Saul Anna !\l.. teacher, h 19tti X 5th 411 Delaware av Saul Charles E .. h :.wu:: State Saul Chrystie A., rag sorter, h ~57 S Cameron Saul David, laburer, h 1117 Calder Saul David F .. elk. 4:t! Market. h :n S Summit Saul Edwan.l H .. brakeman, h 2300 ~ 6th Saul Frank, laborer, h Uth ab Reily Saul Harvey W., fireman, h 2300 N 6th Saul James B., tester, h 112 Dock Saul Jennie ~1., housekeeper, 1527 Derry Saul Joseph E., fireman, h 6th c Camp Saul Joseph ~1., engineer, h 2:'JI)O ~ 6th Saul Joseph S., h 15:!7 Derry Saul J. Russell, elk. 5 S 2d, h 15:!7 Derry Saul Katharine E., saleslady, 6 S 2d, h 157 N 15th Saul Levi, jr., engineer, h 2003 State Saul Mary E., wid Joseph, h 542 Woodbine SAUL IIIu..RD F., plumber and livery, 1519. 4th, h 1511 do see adv Saul Wesley J . flagman, h 1719 N 5th Saul William S., h 1916 N 5th Saum Charles W., tallyman, h 11lU Wallace Saunders Charles S., cashier P. R. R. dining rooms, h 1210 Bailev Saunders 'Ethel R., telephone operator, :!lO Walnut, h 12S Chestnut Saunders James, laborer, h 1512 Vernol1 Saunders :\Iartha F., wid Singleton S., h 4:!8 South Sannders:\j inerva R., saleslady, 2:!3 :\larket, h 128 Chestnut Saunders Ross L., salesman, 300 Market, h 128 Chestnut Saunders Thomas J., elk P. R. R., h 424 S Cameron Saur Edward, driver, h 211 Meadow la Sam ~fatthias, h 208 S Court av Saurs Jacob, driver, h 417 Strawberry av Savage George G., tool dresser, h 1310 Howard Savage Helen ]., wid Edward G.. h 1:110 Howard Savarcool Benjamin H., bricklayer, h 1442 Vernon Sawyer Annie. cigarmkr, h 310 S 2d
-------- -

M. F. S A U L ,


~ ~I~m~m~, li~~r1 ~~~ ~~mmmm~


~ No. U519


4th Street.


A .... I...DI. LI... III,,.

108 .onll

.D. St m BoII.r ..... 8_." !;h. Bell'Phone 861 X. or r6843ee. X. CoogIe

Digitized by


Will Paper and Window Shada. { .. ~ ~ .... Boyd's Karriaburg (8) City Directory. 551

Sawyer Edgar H., heater, h 204 S River av Sawyer Ella, housekeeper, 310 S 2d Sawyer Frank, laborer, h 1040 S Cameron Sawyer Jacob, puddler, h 310 S 2d Sawyer Jacob, jr., laborer, h :UO S 2d Sawyer Lillie. charwoman, h 1405 N 3d Sawyer William A., heater, h 1042 S Cameron Sayford Fanny R., h 217 State Sayford Herman K., elk P. R. R., h 104 Calder Say ford John ~1., elk Hbg Xat. Bank, h Camp Hill Sayford John Milt, checker P. & R. frt depot, h 23 N 4th Sayford S. Newton, asst foreman P. R. R., h 104 Calder Sayford William, h 217 State Saylor Clinton B., car repairer, h 1730! N 5th Saylor David H., brakeman, h 1622 Fulton Saylor Edgar A., laborer, h 111~ Bartine 'av Saylor Harry H., mgr, 424 ~Iarket. h 110 South Saylor John R., bookkpr, 4t4 Market, h 214 Briggs Scantling Filmore, puddler, h 1217 Derry Scarboro William E., ins solicitor, 15 N 2d, h 414 Boas Schaeberle Louis, watchmkr, 23 N 3d, h 104 State Schaefer John A., laborer, h 3l'm Hummel Schaeffer Amanda, wid George G., h 152 Sylvan ter Schaeffer Charles S., pressman, h 152 Sylvan ter Schaeffer Harry A., foreman, h 20 N 15th Schaeffer Lewis J., grocer, 15:!l-I Derry, h do Schaeffer Margaretta D., h 1528 Derry SCHAEFFER NATHAN C., supt public instruction, Capitol, h The Bolton Schaeffer William J., shearsman. h HI)' S 19th Schaeffer, see Shaffer. also Scheffer Schaff Jacob N., painter, h 153.1 Vernon Schaffner Anna M., laundress, h 8 ~ 9th Schaffner Cornelius E., painter, h 8 ~ !)th Schaffner Emanuel, h Ma S 16th Schaffner Emanuel B., edge setter, h 343 S 16th Schaffner Harry. cik, 70 ~ lath. h 1262 Walnut Schaffner Jennie, domestic, 817 N 2d Schaffner Jennie N .. waitress, h S ~ 9th Schaffner Sadie K, laundress, h 8 K 9th Schaffstall Cora 1.. domestic, 2014 Penn Schaffstall Edward c., switchman. h 2115 ~Ioore Schaffstall Edward R., assembler. h 1126 N 6th Schaffstall George W., repairsman. h 11)16 Penn Schaffstall John H .. machinist. h 1126 ~ 6th Schaffstall :\Jollie E., shoe operator. h 1126 ~ 6th Schaffstall Sarah. wid Christian. h 1616 Penn Schafhirt Alexander F .. elk. 401 Chestnut, h Mechanicsburg


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------- --------... To find a name you must know how to speU it."

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H-eat Coal. H-eat WclPt. f .


H M KELLEY & CO .110t11 3d Streit. I lIorth titate 8'"




B8yd'l Barrilburg (S) City Directol')'.

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IIlIJ a:

a: lIJ >.


Schafmeister Frances L., dressmkr, h 1810 N 3d Schafmeister John , florist , 1812 N 3d, h 1810 do Schaner Charles W., laster, h 1432 Derry Schaner WiIliam H., ~ub letter carrier, h 1432 Derry Schaner William J. Rev., h 1623 Penn Schaub Charles, salesman, 336 Chestnut, h Carlisle Schaum Charles V., laborer, h 1012 State Schaum Edmund J" painter, h 171~ Logan av Scheele Theodore G., patternmkr, h 1330 Vernon Scheffer Frederick W., elk, h 1320 N 2d Scheffer Lizzie ~ . Mrs., h 800 K 2d Scheffer Louis K., job printer, 21 S 2d, h 275 Hamilton Scheffer :Maria. h 21 S :!d Scheffer :\,fartin L.. printer, h 21 S 2d SCHEFFER THEODORE F., (eltate), bookseller, ltationerp printer and binder, 21 S 2d lee adv Scheffer Theodore K .. h 21 S 2d Scheffer T . Jefferson, bookkpr, 21 S :!d. h 00 Scheffer Warren D., elk Post Office. h 1724 :\ ;~d Scheffer William T .. elk. h 8(10 K 2d Scheficr, see Schaeffer, also Shaffer Sche~b1c Kate. h227 Verbeke _ _ _______ _ _


Binding and Printing

DEP .<\ IlT ...\ll!,NTS.



Flat-Openlnt Blank Books a Specialty.
Bo ...." ...." Re-.H_"" ... t"e ---ESTATE

orrlce SIOIiOnerJ on~ Roilroo~ SUPplies


- Books. Magazines and Sunday-School Ubrarres


""Nt '.'11'" "..,' .., Beo.fIftfIble 1'rWu,.

0 ... - - -





Stationer, Printer and Book Binder.

21 South Second Street, - HARRISBURG, PA.

B.C~~~:~~c;,RE.} ANDREW

REDMOND.13d In. Reily Sts. COOS Ie

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A. B. TACK. Practical Paper Hanger,

{12Ir:.:. -;~~~r~.
553 ...

Boyd's Harrisburg (IS) City Directory.

Schdhas Angust, baker, h 31 N Cameron Schclhas Carl, brakeman, h 31 X Cameron Schelhas Gottlieb, tailor State Arsenal, h 31 N Cameron Schell Anna c., milliner, h 1103 N 2d Schell Annie c., housekeeper, 1135 Derry Schell Annie M., twister, h 1192 Christian Schell Caroline, wid Frank R, It 119 State Schell Charles, brakeman, h 33:1 Hamilton Schell Charles A., mgr, 110 S :!d. h 12M Hoerner Schell Edward H., policeman, h 1103 ~ 2d Schell Edward M., baker, 1512 Derry, h do ScheH Ephraim H., bricklayer, h 212~ Greenwood Schell Herman .1., bookkpr, :!:! ~ 3d, h 1103 X :!d Schell Joseph P., engineer, h 14119 Vernon Schell Margaret H., proof reader, h 1135 Derry Schell Mary, wid Michael, h 1192 Christian Schell Myrtle, elk, ~lulberry c Crescent, h lla:; Derry Schell Orville H., student, h 119 State Schell Thomas, h 1135 Derry Schell Walter S., elk, 101 S 2d, h 1135 Derry Schell William D., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Schell William F., mess Com'wlth Trust Co., h 1103 N 2d Schell William P., student, h 119 State Schell. see Shell Schellenberg Otto P., machinist, h 549 Race Schellenherg Peter, h 549 Race Schellenberg, see Shellenberger Scher Louis, shoemkr, h 1026 Market 0 SCmCK WUJ,TAlf K., manager Hew England ltutual Life I~ Insurance Co., 18 B 3d, h 1&07 B 2d Schifiman Abram, grocer, 514 Cowden, h do Schilling Elmer S., editor Penna Endeavor, h 1109 ~Jontgy Schiliinger John E .. laborer, h 1:125 Thompson ay I) Schimele Clemens. jr., stable. 419 Verbeke, h 719 North Schimele Frank X., molder. h 1995 X 7th SchiPlele Irene M., housekeeper, 13411 Penn Schimele John, molder, h 7Ut North Schindler Augustus. checkl1ian P. R R, h 1246 \Valnl1t Schindler Charles, laborer, h 19(il Moltke av flo Schlager Joseph, laborer, h 132 S 3d Schlayer Annie C, teacher, h 413 Boas Schlayer Edward, painter and cigars. :!fI1 \"erbeke, h do Schlayer Elizabeth, wid Andrew, h 41:3 Boas Schla;er Emma V., student. h :!OO Charles a\' Schla)cr Jacob F., h 111110 N 3d Schlayer Julia N., cashier, 12(1ti X 3d. Ii 41:{ Boas S('hlayer Lillie, accountant, :{:.J4 Market, h 41:J Boas fit Schks,:-el 1-1. Franklin H.e .... , h 213 Hamilton

r PI I


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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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IIcNEIL'S PAll EXTERILINATOR :!iiWo:~.~':,~:ecsa::w. {aoe"'l..:!..



.,d's Harrisburg (8) CitJ DireotorJ













Schlegel John, h 1123 N Front Schlehr \YilIiam H .. molder, h 123 Say ford av Schlepfer J. Vlrich, cellamlan; h WU4 ~1itllin av S~hlcssengl'r Emanuel, foreman. h 550 Race Schlicher Joseph, laborer, h 169 Paxton Schlicher \-,,"illiam. bricklayer, It H)9 Paxton Schlick Agnes G .. teacher, h 182~ N (\th Schlick Frances H., saleslady, h 1~22 N 6th Schlick Frank J., watchmkr, 214 Market, It Utt! N 6th Schlick Gracense. milliner. h 1822 N Hth Schlick Hannah F., saleslady, 3!34 Market, h 1822 ~ 6th Schlick John P., h IS:!2 ~ lith Schlick Katie C. dressmkr, h IS22 N 6th Schlick Louisa, housekeeper, h IH:!2 :-; lith Schlick Philip. laborer, It Ut!2 N 6th Schlick Rose E . dressmkr, It 1822 N 6th Schlitzer Benjamin, frog builder. h 573 S Front Schlosser Joseph i.... car inspector, h 1844 North Schlusser Gazzam M., laborer, h 6 Lochiel 1st Row Schlusser Hiram F .. laborer, h 6 Lochiel 1 st Row

SCHMIDT BEDARD, baker, 340 Chestnut e'th and 18 .... 13th, h do see adv c( SClDIIDT CHARLES L, florist, 44 B 3d, h 111 Cumberlaa4 1&1 see adv opp page Q Schmidt Charles W., tailor Lunatic Hospital, h :ns Herr Schmidt Christina E., wid John, h 21lH Chestnut kI Schmidt Clara l\l., elk, Crescent c :\lulbern', h 2011 Chestnut Schmidt George, brewer, h :U3 Verbeke Schmidt George A., jeweler, h 209 Chestnut . : Schmidt Henry 0., boilennkr, h 569 Race z Schmidt James H. E., laborer, h 122 Charles av C Schmidt John. laborer, h 607 Race A. Schmidt John. jr., laborer, h 607 Race Schmidt John C, laborer. h 2001 ~ 7th ~ Schmidt Joseph. h 222 Forster ..... Schmidt Leopold. trucker, h 12th nr Paxton C Schmidt Max, salesman. 3!lO :.'.larket. h 309 Briggs C Schmidt Robert L., elk, h 209 Chestnut U Schmidt, see Smith





The Hill Bakery.

AhraY8 o. Hnnd Pull SUPI.!:r of

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MoU.en' B .... " .. O.r MpeclRlly. Ol",e

U . . . .all.

~ 68 ~ Thirteenth St., .Id thl STATE UlERY, Clr. Flurth C ....... Ita.

-- -----Tile A ..erl ..nn B tll Compaay. Baltimore. Md. BOW. G. ROIIBa.... General Acent Central Pen Da. District, lOS N 81. Bell' Phone 831 X. or _ X.
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{I218 lorIIDlrd 31.


Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.

Schmiedel Henry E., laborer, h 1837 Rudy Schmiedel Martha, weaver, h 1837 Rudy Schmiedel Otto E., laborer, h 1837 Rudy Schmiedel Paul E., salesman, 432 Market, 11 1536 Derry Schmiedel William F., laborer, h 632 l\Iahantongo Schmiedel William F., patternmkr, h 44a Boyd av Schmink Frederick, elk, h 225 N River av Schmink Henry, tailor, 225 N River av, h do Schmink Mary, domestic, 225 N River av Schmucker Joseph, brewer, h 535 N Cameron Schmucker Parker R., baggagemaster, h 4:U; Ylarket Schnader Harry E., elk, 1402 Vernon, h 2 S 16th Schnader Jacob, salesman, 110 S 2el, h :! S 16th Schnader Jonathan, carpenter, h 2 S 16th Schnader William E., postal elk, h 2 S 1Iith Schnatterly Charles B., thread cutter, h 1:n1 :\J aple av Schnatterly Melvin, laborer, h 1311 Maple av Schneider Benjamin, laborer, h 525 \Vest av Schneider Jacob, rag sorter, h 525 \Vest a v Schneider Philip, baker, h 313 Verbeke Schnyder James W., brakeman, h 427 Harris Schnyder William E., baker, h 1806 Susquehanna Schnyder, see Snyder Schoch Benjamin J., saw filer, h a33 Granite av Schoener Addie B., monitor, 2HI \Valnut. h 1403 N 3d ~ Schoener Clarence A., elk Mayor's office, 16 ~ 2d, h 1242 ~

I -f .I



Scho1! Charles G., motorman, h 2115 Brookwood Scholl Sarah L., wid Jacob S., h 1139 S 9th Schomberg Mina A., teacher, h 14 Aberdeen av Schomberg William M., tailor, 14 Aberdeen av, h do


Suc:cessor to JOS. SCIlIlIOT.

.. -""

Floral DecaraUons and _so :;

44 North Third Street.


:< :::i en o
::r ..,

.. --K



Bouquets, BaIIkets, ~8. CroWIl8. Plllow8, &c., for Weddlnga, Receptions, Commenoementll, &c. Anything in my line promptly furnished or made 10 order. Satlefaction gUlU'&nteed. Loe.' .... Loe. DI.ranee Telephone l!Io.31'.

(I) (I)

en :;~

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To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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Goog Ie


H. M. KELLEY ,. CO., COAL AND WOOD Wilices: :o:.~a~,,=:

Boyd" Harriaburg (S) City Directory.

.. 1)56

~ SCHOOL OF COJOIERCE, (1. Calvin Shumberger and George

Schook Charles ~lc., laborer, h 1210 Penn

S. IIcClure), 24-28 S 9d ~ Schooley William G., bottler, h 1529 ~ 3d ..... Schory Emma, domestic, 217 S Front ~ Schory John R., florist, h 23d nr Derry ~ Schreadley Andrew E., salesman, 35 N 3d, h 1019 S 21i ~ Schreadley John E., ice cream mfr, 1615 N 5th, h do - Schreadley Saul T., engineer, h 1936 N 5th - .. Schreadley William F .. timekpr P. R. R., h 18:17 N 7th Schreck August. laborer, h 1122 S Cameron .... Schreck Frank F., fireman, h 1945 Moltke av ~ Schreck Frederick, laborer, h 1116 S Cameron Schreck Jacob, carpenter, h 1635 ~ 4th a:: Schreck John, h 1635 K 4th Z Schreck John, jr., puddler, h 1635 N 4th Q Schreckengust Charles T., laborer, h 1314 James Z Schrcckengust Mary A., wid John, h 1314 James Schreckengust Mary V., dressmkr, 207 Briggs, h do Schreckengust Samuel W., switchman, h 552 Forrest U Schreckengust William c., elk, h 207 Briggs Schreffler Harry, carpenter, h 139 Balm !i Schreffier Jared 1., ins sol, 15 N 2d. h 1504 Penn t= Schreffier John R .. salesman, 22 N 3d. h 1504 Penn ~ Schreffier Tires, tanner, h 1362 Vernon ..... Schreiner Blanchard T., agt, h 1335 Penn Schreiner Carrie N .. weaver, h 517 Cowden Ii: Schreiner Frank 1., agt, 35 N 3d, h 1219 N Front :E SCHREINER GEORGE H. REV., evangelist and distributor, ~ h 830 Calder a.. Schreiner Harry J., laborer, h 1335 Penn ..... Schreiner Harry S . printer, h 1335 Penn ~ Schreiner Matilda W . wid Ira L .. h 21ft Cumberland c.:a Schreiner, see Shreiner ~ Schriner Minnie, domestic. 107 Locu!'t C'-t Schriver Charles c.. (Schriver & Kibler). h 232 Forster ffi Schriver Frank, laborer, h 1901 Derrv c:::::a Schriver Oliver, mechanical dentist, Ii 8 S 2d g; Schriver Samuel, treas W. O. Hickok :\Ig. Co., h 434 Boas ii~ Schriver William H., grocer. 1438 Regina, h do Zll Schriver & Kibler, (c. C. Schriver ami C. M. Kibler), phoJ tographers. 1213 N 3d Sc1!oeder Grace E., saleslady, 36 N 3d, h Mechanicsburg I Schroeder Jacob D., foreman, ~1ulberry c Crescent, It Middletown "Q Schroll Gertrude. domestic, 512 Strawberry av ~Z Schroll Lydia A.. wid Henry, h ti2!1 Kelkct' ~C Schubauer Charles A .. blacksmith, h 1(11) Green








ANDREW REDMOND, H~~!r;.~"'W::d ~:"o~o'::~. {3d and Reily SfI. CoogIe

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8 TI"(I ltV

P_laa Pabllc Balldln la Plal.Tlata. E.rI. . . . "..-.

-:'-IIAKE' A 'PEOIALrr 0 " -

{121d II. 'd St.

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.


Schubauer Robert, heater, h .,lOti Harris Schubauer William J., laborer, h 2630 ()i Schuchman John N., jobber Lunatic Hospital, h do Schuddemage Catharl11e M., teacher, h 2002 N Front Schuddemage Clara ~1 . teacher, h :!002 N Front SCHUDDElIAGE HENRY, contractor, 2002 Ii Front, h do Schuler Louisa, domestic, 115 Pine Schuler Louisa. wid Jacob, h 506 S 13th Schultheis Mary J., tailore~s, h 212 ~orth Scliultz Albert, dyer, h 602 Walnut Schultz Catharine F. Mrs., h i1l6 South Schultz L1arence F .. elk, :?111 \\alnut. h :!28 N :.M Schultz Harry R., laborer. h 706 South ;:~ Schuster Annie B.,.h 1510 Derry :11111 Schuster John H .. elk F. and ~I. Works. h 15111 DeITY;!: Schuster Raymond M .. salesman. h 1510 Derry ~: Schuster, see Shuster IIIn Schutt George L .. watchman, h 1146 Derry ~ Schutt Gertrude E., elk, 10th c l\Iulberry, h 1146 Derry 11' SCHUTZEliBACH AliDREW, hotel, 1232 Ii 8th, h do SCHUTZEliBACH AUGUSTUS A., bottler, Canal c State, h 'II 318 Verbeke ", Schutzenbach Barbara Mrs., shoes, 318 Verbeke, h do _ SCHUTZENBACH HUGO, wholesale wines and liquors, 418 Verbeke, h 318 do Schutzenbach Theresa M., elk. :n8 \' erbeke, h do ~ Schuyler Annie E. Mrs., mgr, 9 S 2d, h do _ Schwab Christian A., fireman, h 1624 N 6th Schwartz Forest E., foreman, 201 N 2d, h 416 Cumberland ft Schwartz Joseph. puddler, h 1400 S 13th Schwartz Reuben K., teamster. h 306 S Court av ., Schwartz Sarah, domestic, :!lO!J X !ld Schwartz, see Swartz Schwartzbach Ammon E., laborer, h 1211 S 9th Schwarz Frederick J., stone cutter, h 209 Cherry av Schwarz J. Grant, sec Witman-Schwarz Co., h Camp Hill Schwarz John, shoemkr, 206 Cherry av, h do Schwarz John H., shoemkr,30 S 2d, h 104 Balm Schwarz William. shoemkr, h 2fl6 Cherr" a\' Schweitzer Carrie, h 559 Race . Schweitzer Catharine, wid C11ristian F .. h :n5 Cumberland Schweitzer Hettie, h 5!)!} Race Schweitzer fohn F .. driver. It :U:) Cumber~an'l Schweitzt'r Lizzie. ruler. h :n:) Cumberland Schweitzer Rose ~l., milliner, :{3-l ~Iarket, h 56!1 Race Schweitzer, see Sweitzer Scicchitano Antonio, tailor, 215 S 2d, h 117 Mulberry tIScott Adeline~ domestic, 425 South av

1'1 ~






.. To flnd a name you must

mow how to spell ft."

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McNeil'. Pain Elillerml.ator _ Cholera lIorbm. D71eDt.erJ. CraIII~ lIIan11Q!&, Colds, QuIDlY. Rbeulllatlam. TOO\~e.I!OreThrMC, Alae, DJ.~ . . _ ......

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.

Scott Anna E .. h 2Hl X 2d Scott Annie, coater. h !I:!U Grand Scott Annie E .. wid William P., h 425 South av Scott Arthur, laborer, h 1215 N 11i c.:t ~C'ott Bertie ~lrs . ice cream, 431 State, h do =:; Scott Charles E., waiter, h 110 Filbert c.:t ~l'ott C. Linford, supt. 1!1th c Derry, h 2108 Derry 1!' Scott Elizabeth F., h 25 S 4th i! Scott Ellen ~1., shoe operator, h 226 Locust Scott Elmer, expressman, 15 ~ 3d, h 6 N 9th : Scott Francis, h 132 Balm _ Scott Frederick. finisher, h 25 S 4th .!E Scott Frederick, laborer, h 1215 N 11i :I Scott George H., lineman, 227 Walnut, h 435 do Scctt George M., brakeman. h 647 Woodbine Scott Henry, laborer. h 335 Calder Scott Howard K .. inspector, h 925 N 6th Scott James, cook Hbg Club Scott James, laborer. h 502 South av ~ Scott James !\., waiter, h 1234 N 1l~ Scott John, engineer. h 1104 N 6th C Scott John H., laborer, h ii47 Woodbine Scott John P., teacher. h 605 South Scott John R., laborer. h 1417 James av ~ Scott John W., laborer. h 710 Korth av Scott Joseph, huckster. h 517 Walnut Scott Julia, wid :\1ichaeI, h 412 Walnut ::'.1argaretta M .. h O Scott Martha R., h 6Uij :.!5 S 4th Scott South . : Scott Mary, h 104 Calder Z Scott :Mary, charwoman. h 1628 Elm , ..: Scott Mary A., dressmkr, 422 Herr, h do Scott Owen. steelworker. h 920 Grand Scott Rebecca, wid George, h 605 South u Scott Samuel, laborer. h 4~8 ~orth av ..... Scott Sarah Mrs., h 1704l Walnut . . Scott Susan. wid Michae( h 647 Woodbine Scott 'Walter, laborer. h 17il0 Walnut U Scott Walter, printer. h 917 Green Q Scout Charles \V., huckster. h 417 Boyd av Scovern Anna, wid John. h 238 Ha~iIton Scovern Anna G., saleslady. 312 Market, h 238 Hamilton ~ Scrawford John. driver, h 1237 N 11~ Scrivener Elizabeth. wid Richard, h 1202 Fulton CII Seabold Edward D .. chemist, h H;21 Walnut ~ Seabold Harry J., driver, h 1113 James av Seabold Samuel, shoemkr, 14tn Regina, h do ~ Seabold, see Sebold, also Sebolt

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fDr ACCIDRIIT III.VRAIICR. loa 11_" - . -. . 811'ee1. Bell'~ 1m :X. 'CII' 1818 X.
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y~~!~~,,;o~:: 1011 PODer ODd WIndOW ShOOOS lrom A.

B. TACK, N.'~\t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory,

Seacrest Alton, elk, h 1803 N 6th Seacrest Ruby, stenographer,6i N 2d, h Steelton Seager Dennis, laborer, h I:U!) ~Iarket Seal Charles W., elk, h 654 Boas Seal Frank M., salesman, 32 N 3d, h 615 Boas Seal James E., paperhanger, h 654 Boas Seal John B., hostler, h 615 Boas Seal William A., laborer, h 654 Boas Seaman Eustace A., conductor, h ll1all S Cameron Seaman Henry G., painter, h 55 Balm Seaman ~Iary E., stengr dairy comm'sr, h 55 Balm Seaman Rebecca Mrs . h 537 N Cameron Seaman Rosseel R, elk dairy commsr. h 55 Balm Searfauss Albert, h 60 N 14th Searfauss Elizabeth, elk, 414 State, It 60 N 14th Searfauss Henry M., machinist, h 1455 Regina Searfauss John, horseshoer, 10th ab Market, h 60 N 14th Searfauss John A., brakeman. h 1021 Green Searles Amos, inspector. h 1:328 \'ernon Searles Edward }I., millwright. h 1328 Yernon Sears Frederick D .. laborer, h Ion Ann av Sears Harry A., ins solicitor, 15 X 2d, h 1642 N 4th Sears Mar): B.. cigarmkr. h 1642 ~ 4th Sears Willard T . mechanical engr, h If) !\ 2d Sebastian Angelo, bar elk Europectn Hotel. It do Sebasti'an Joseph. European Hotel, 507 Market, h do SEBOLD BROS., (H. O. and G. W.), hardware, stoves IUld housefurnishing goods, 1318 N 3d Sebold George W .. (Sebold Bros.), h Frackville Sebold Harry 0 .. (Sebold Bros.). It 1316 X 3d Sebold. see Seabold, also Sebolt Sebolt Daniel W . brakeman. h 2141 X 4th Sebourn Charles W .. inspector, h 1517 Penn Sebaurn Harry B., car inspector. h 1244 \Valnut Sebaurn Jacob H .. grocer, 827 Green. h 226 Forster Sebourn Robert F . laborer, h 632 Harris Sebourn Washington C.. engineer, h 6.12 Harris Sebourn \Villiam A., elk. h 632 Harris Sechrist George H .. (Gettys & Sechrist), h 345 S 14th Sechrist Milton A .. brickiaver, h 415 S 14th Seckendorf T. vValrlemar, 'rodman P. R R depot, h 310 N~ Secrist George E .. engineer, h 333 Crescent Secrist William H., elk. h 1252 Swatara Seebold James L., lumber, 207 N 2d, h do Seeger Augustus F .. driver, h 1110 Penn Seeger Catharine. housekeeper. 200 Verbeke Seeger Conrad. carpets. 5 S 2d. h 200 Verbeke

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-------To find a name you must know how to speD it."

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~:r H. I. KELLEY &. CO. 'S ~I.~;=:===,:~.~ Uo'3.-:'\1.~~

~ Seeger John \\'., hostler, h 1110 Penn U) Seeger ~\lay, music teacher, h 1110 Penn -a Seeger Nettie ~L, telephone opr, :no Walnut, h 200 Verbeke ... Seel Annie c., saleslady, :!:m Market, h 7U3 N 6th ~ Seel Elizabeth M., saleslady, :!:!:~ '\larht, h 711a N 6th ~ See! Joseph F., h 703 ~ 6th Seel Kathryn E., h 703 ~ 6th z See! Willi;}m E., (\Valler & Seel), h 7U:J ~ 6th !! Sees Carrie :VI rs., h 212 Chestnut _ Sees Catharine, roller, h 1117 N Front - Sees David K., molder, h 1117 N Front Seesholtz Jean, operator, h 1710 N 5th Seesholtz Jennie ., seamstress, h 1324 N 7th _ SEFTOlf CHARLES A" carriages, 1207 Capital, h 1006 Greell == Segelbaum Charles S., h 120 S 2d I Segelbaum Horace A., student, h 120 S 2d t; Segelbaum Samuel P., dry goods, :!15 Market, h Me:! chanicsburg :; Seibert Adam A., engineer, h :!11 Blackberry av ~ Seibert Arthur C., laborer, h 211 Blackberry av Seibert Clarence F., steelworker, h 120 Locust : Seibert David S., paperhanger, h 1315 Penn .. Seibert Emma J ..vIrs., teacher, h 1000 Green 1;; ..... Seibert George A., elk, ij 1404 Green I i Seibert Helen A., h 1000 Green ~ Seibert Homer G., jeweler, 1215 K 3d, h 114 Boas fi Seibert John M., paperhanger, h 319 Herr ! Seibert Raymond S., elk, 101 S 2d, h 1404 Green :: Seibert W. Frank, printer Independent, h Hummelstown ..-. Seidel Edward R, salesman, 7th c Korth, h 231 Forster .::,; Seidel George P., molder, h 1804 Susquehanna :> Seidel Ralph T., elk, 1 N 2d, h W Fairview 1&1 Seidel Samuel W., driver, 19 N 2d, h 309 Reily J., molder, h I- Seiders Charles R, brakeman, 614 Delaware av Seiders Emorv h 1635 N 6th ... Seiders George M., laborer, h 1036 Herr 1&1 Seiders George W., warehouseman, h 240 S 13th Seiders Israel. laborer, h 1536! WalIace Seiders Jeremiah, conductor, h 614 Delaware av Z Seiders John I., brakeman, h 605 Dauphin av Seiders John W., teacher, h 6 N 5th Seiders Julian, wid Samuel D., h 1635 N 6th Z Seiders Samnel 1., laborer. h 1635 N 6th Seiders, see Siders, also Zeiders 1&1 Seidle Caroline c., wid Samuel, h 109 North Seidle Mabel M., elk, h 109 North Seidle Preston, helper, h 109 North Seif Angelin~.~ ~OO ~ald~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.



> o


ANDREW REDMOND, If::::::;d'::::::. {3d ~ Reily Sts.

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a A.




P.P.... ThebelillllGaoweltDrlcea. WI..... { IfI.8 complete w1&1l FIldunI...a lPrlDpI for... N. 3d at.

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Direotory.


Seif Anthony J., machinist, h 500 Calder Seif Ursula, wid Anthony, h 500 Calder Seifert Alfred A., elk, h 320 Reily Seifert Edward E., elk, h 320 Reily SEIFERT KOSES X., grooer and huokster, 320 Reily, h do Seifert Susan, wid Emanuel, h 320 Reily Seigler Aurelia A., winder, h 1418 Susquehanna Seigltr C. Matthew, laborer, h 1418 Susquehanna Seigler Lewis c., laborer, h 1418 Susquehanna Seiler Bertha, trimmer, 36 N 3d, h 649 Boas Seiler Clarence E., messenger H. of R., h 239 South Seiler Frank \V., are sampler, 223 Market, h 117 South Seiler George H .. bricklayer, It 649 Boas Seiler Jacob F., principal Hbg Academy, h 401 N Front Seiler Lavinia. wid Herman, h li4H Boas Seiler Marcy 0., teacher, h 401 X Front Seiler Susan. kindergarten, 401 l\ Front, h do ~ Seiler William E., ore sampler. 2:!3 Market, h 117 South Seiler William R., canvasser, h 2:!1 South Seiler, see Siler, arso Seyler Seilhamer George R., car inspector, h 1147 Bailey Seilhamer William A. G., enameler, h .no Strawberry av Seiple John, driver, h 508 Cowden . Seiple Lizzie, domestic, 31 S Front Seiple Martha, wid Simon, h 621 North Stiple M. Ella, domestic, 621 X orth II Seiple Sallie, h 603 South av Seiple Samuel, engine cleaner. It 621 Xorth 0 Seitz Anna E., saleslady, 326 :\1arket, h 1610 Susquehanna 13 Seitz Charles H., fireman, h lUI0 Susquehanna SEITZ DAl'lIEL S., lawyer and city solicitor, 222 Karket, h Cal 123 Paxton Seitz Grace E., housekeeper. 442 Boyd av Seitz Harry G., conductor, h 15 Brady av Seitz Harry G., machinist, h 121-1 N Front Seitz Harvey E., brakeman. h 1718 Susquehanna Seitz J. Landis. physician, 914 X 6th. h do Seitz John P., ins agt, 14 S 2d, h :\1iddletown Seitz Joseph, laborer, h 442 Boyd av flo Seitz Mary M., saleslady, h 1214 N Front Seitz Reuben J., engineer, h 1610 Susquehanna Seitzinger Frank W., butcher, h 2 Argyle Selhev Isaac, laborer, h 1329 Wyeth av Cal S('\fon Robert, tailor, h 5f13 Cowden , ~elheimer Guy A., fireman, h 232 Verbeke Seligman Alfred, salesman, 6 N 2d, h 10 do Selin Harry A .. telegrapher, h 1411 ~faple av flo Sell H. Warren. agt, h 657 Briggs

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.~ To. find a name you must kn~w how to



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. . Sellers Alice ~L, cigarmkr, h 10110 Berryhill .!!! Sellers Bail F., engineer, h 5071 Muench .i Sellers Caroline, milliner, h 1105 Cowden Sellers Charles c., plumber, h 1119 ~ Front SeIlers h 515 :- Sellers Charles R, clk,1606 N Calder f: Charles W., h ad .a Sellers Clarence E., carpenter, h 19:!1 X 4th 1!!' Sellers David G., engineer, h ull9 Muench :;;; Sellers David H., brakeman, h 2102 N 6th - Sellers Elizabeth, seamstress, h 561 S Front _ Sellers Emma Mrs., laundress, G15 State, h do oS! Sellers Esther L., cigarnlkr, h lao Indian av Ii Sellers Fannie E., mocassinmkr, h G1G Calder : Sellers Frank R, harness cleaner, h :!:!~ Cranberry av :IE Sellers George L., carpenter, h 19:n N 4th Sellers Harry, brakeman, h 654 \Voodbine SeIlers John E., machinist, h 32 S 2d Sellers John F., bricklayer, h 1119 N Front II: Sellers John R, butcher, h lao Indian av LaJ Sellers Jonas, engineer, h 616 Calder . ..J Sellers Mary E., saleslady, h 509 Muench Sellers Reuben, flagman, h 612 Muench LaJ Sellers Ruth H., saleslady, h 509 Muench Q Sellers T. Henry, sand flatter, h 111!) 1'\ Front Sellers William, plasterer. h 1224 Walnut LaJ Sellers William F., fireman. h 1116 K 6th Sellers William G., conductor, h 521 Emerald _ Sellers William H., butcher, h 132 Indian av SelIers William H., plasterer, h 1309 Bartine av ..: SelIers WiJliam L., conductor, h 515 Calder SelIers William W., bridge builder, h 11115 Cowden A.. Se1sam John T., grocer, 400 Verbeke. h 1716 Green E Seltzer Alfred, decorator, a34 Market. h 1204 N 6th Seltzer Joseph ]., decorator, 334 Market, h 1204 N 6th U Seltzer Peter E., carpenter. h 1204 N 6th - ' Selvey Isaac, lahorer, h 1329 Wyeth av Selway Joseph, laborer, h 1414 Susquehanna y Senft Tenna, dressmkr, 4a2 Cumberland, h do CI Senior Albert H., conductor, h 603 Dauphin z Senior Mabel S., milliner, h 603 Dauphin ..: Senseman Alfred J .. drygoods, 1206 N 3d, h 266 Forster .... Sense man Harry, agt, h 705 N 6th U Sen!;eman LeRoy H., c1k, 1206 N 3d, h 266 Forster Senseman ~li1ton A., machinist. h 623 Reily Scnseman Thomas, conductor, h 154 Sylvan ter to- Senseman WiJliam G., carpenter, h 657 Briggs - Sensenig Isaac B., physician, 310 Herr. h 1125 N Front ~ Sensenig Oliver H., florist, h 1125 N Front

McNEIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. :.~f::;J~d(~u::e;~--::-'::t!: {30"Br"

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.

..: 562


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on loa , , wh EDW G ROBERTS wUl BOare your bond. Bell 'Phone- - 'X, or 8848.... bond. ueeuted. 86: X. CoogIe
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Boyd'. Harriaburr (8) City Directory.

=-=::t 1011

PODer ODd 11Bd0l_~:r.~


Sentz Alvin, brakeman, h 27 Balm Sephus Joseph, laborer, h 125 Short Serafini Vittorio, tailor, 3(14 Market, h S 5th c P. R. R. Sergeant Eliza E., wid William, h :.t!l N Front Sergeant Mary, teacher, h :l21 N Front Sergeant Sarah H., teacher, h 3:!1 X Front Sersch Nicholas, helper, h 752 S 19! Sessemann Haydn C., piano tuner,112 Market, h 415 N 2d Settles Catharine, charwoman, h 616 Church av Settles Helen, wid Jacob, h 616 Church av Severns Julia G., wid Andrew, h Home for the Friendless Severs John, car inspector, h 15:17 Swatara Seward Jessie M., cigarmkr, h 20:16 Boas Sewell John, laborer, h 1176 S Cameron Sexton Alt.xander D., elk, 222 Market, h 16:!0 N 2d Sexton Gayton. elk, h 511(; Market Sexton Edmund A., elk P. & R., h 116 Sdvan ter Seyler Clayton E., stengr P. & R., h 143i Derry Seyler, see Seiler, also Siler Seymour Aldema, cigar roller, h 709 Showers av Seymour Edward F., pipe line, h 7011 Shower" a~ Seymour George W., helper, h 1041 S 9th Seymour Ida L., domestic, 6H4 Briggs Seymour Lillie M., finisher, h 709 Showers av Seymour Mar\,. h :n2 ~Iulberry Seymour Samuel. h 12(; l\'agle Seymour Samuel W., puddler, h 126 Xagle Shaak Caspar S., salesman. 22 ~ 3d, h 264 Forster Shaar Jacob, bottler, 230-232 Meadow la, h Steelton Shack Albert. waitt-r, h la10 Currant av Shade Adam, driver. h 11139 S 2:!-! Shade Alfred T., carpenter, h 1215 Penn Shade Elizabeth. wid Benjamin C, h :n2 \'erbeke Shade Emory E . flagman. h 595 Emerald Shade Francis R., laborer. h 4117 Reily Shade Hattie. cook. 2 S 4th Shade John, laborer, h 1235 Currant av Shade John E., stockkeeper, h 308 Cumberland Shade John S., sexton. h l:1~2 Susquehanna Shade Robert \-"., carpenter, h :ms Cumberland Shade Robert \V., telegrapher. :!ll :\Iarket, h 13:12 Susq Shade Susan. waitress, 517 \\'alnut Shade William, plumber, h 407 Reily Shade William H., laborer, h 1215 \Vallace Shadel William A., flagman, h 13:m N lith . Shader Bertha M., saleslady, 1200 Market, h 1233 Bailey Shader Catharine, wid John, h 1114 ~\larket Shader Frederick G., laborer. h 12:~:l Bailey

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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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D~~~ W~DJ H.

M. KELLEY & CO. {lot:''Itaf~'=:


Boyd'. Harrisburg (S) City Directory.

~ :t!




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Shader Harry J., laborer, h 1405-! Regina Shader Henry F., laborer, h 14051 Regina Shader John E., molder, h 1714 ~larket Shader John H . coremkr, h 1714 Market Shader Leonard J., bottler, h 40 Linden Shader William W. B., barber, 1270 Market, h 1424 Zarker Shadle Charles H., brakeman, h 416 Hamilton Shadle William H., restaurant, 441 .\larket, h do Shadney Nelson. laborer, h 500 Strawberry av Shadow Elizabeth, h 1911 Wood av Shadow William E., car inspector, h 1999 N 7th Shadwell Charles B .. laborer, h 11:i9 N 11i Shaefer Catharine, weaver, h 47 N Summit Shaefer William H., (Harrisburg Knitting Mill), h Phila Shaeffer Augustus F., laborer, h lIllS S 191 Shaeffer Catharine, wid Cornelius R., h 925 Ash av Shaeffer George, special officer P. R. R, h 525 Violet av Shaeffer Helen, cigarmkr, h 7 Aberdeen av Shaeffer James L . laborer, h 14 N Hth Shaeffer John, brakeman, 11 :!142 N 71h Shaeffer John H., conductor, It :!37 Crescent Shad!er J?hn conductor, h l3U~ X :!d Shaeitcr Kate C. casemkr, It 131 ~ 1IIth Shaeffer Mary B., binder, h 14 N 14th Shaeffer Mary No, wid Henry, h 53:! Race Shaeffer Michael, fireman, h 1118 N Cameron Shaeffer Pearl A., cigarmkr, h 1305 N 2d Shaeffer Samuel E., patternmkr, h 1113 Capital Shaeffer Samuel R., steam fitter, h 137 S 3d ~haejTer Sarah c., tailore!>s, h 925 Ash av Shaeffer Viola, buncher, h 118 Nagle Shaeffer William, h 2142 N 7th Shaeffer William F., puddler, h 15:!0 N (lth Shaeffer William G., laborer, h 20tH Kensington Shafer Birney H., supt, 10th c 1lulberry, h 124 Chestnut Shafer John C, laborer. h 448 S 11lth Shafer Lil:ian B., saleslady, 2d c Walnut. h 1253 Kittatinny Shafer l\[innie A., boarding, 143 N 4th, h do Shaffer Alfred H., blacksmith, h 1:!3:,! Derry Shaffer Alice, domestic. ;)115 Reil" Shaffer Annie T., cigar sorter, h'505 Reily Shaffer Barbara. wid Harry, h 1032 Pa.,ton Shaffer Carrie H., stenographer, h 21} c Brookwood Shaffer Catharine, wid Samuel, h 709 North av Shaffer Catharine E., h 317 Reily Shaffer Charles A., salesman, h 1:{f) Sylvan ter Shaffer Charles A., student, h 1232 Derry Shaffer Charles E., linotype operator, h 1126 1Iontgomery


r;-:R:~':t.. -:!~~~:;:r ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d .ld.R.11y Sts.

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B ft.. TACI,. .

1.18 {BlDJIkIJI! _ . bat~'" warbDeD. heDee Daly ~ 3d'.t. eIaII ..... udluanllt. WorlldollelDanYl*'of8t&f.e.

Boyd'. Rarri.burg (8) City Directory.


Shaffer Charles H., laborer, h 1613 Penn Shaffer Challt:s H., laborer, h J228 N Cameron Shafl'er Charles T., shoe operator, h 1~5:! Derry SlL\FFER CLINTON E., wagona and carriages, 5 N Cameron, h 1232 Deny Shaffer David A., molder, h 925 S 201 ~haffer Edna, waitress, 19 S 2d, h do Shaffer Edward M., brakeman, h 2164 N 7th Shaffer Elizabeth N., wid Samuel, h 1933 N 4th Shaffer Ellen ~f. Mrs .. corsets, 207 N 2d, h do ~haffer Emma, wid Eiias, h 317 Reily Shaffer Frank D., laborer, It 2138 Greenwood Shaffer Frank E., brakeman, h li41 Woodbine Shaffer Frederick J.. laborer, h 21:38 Greenwood Shaffer George, fireman, h 617 Harris 5haffer George B.. justice of the peace. lU.J.i Swatara, h do Shaffer Gottfred, polisher, h 74 N 10th Shaffer Harry, laborer, h H)43 Rudy Shaffer Harry B., fireman, h 1100 N 6th Shaffer Harry H., lineman, 227 Walnut, h Franklin HOllse Shaffer Harry W., window trimmer. 13110 N 3d, h 2117 N 2d Shaffer Harvey, laborer. h 134 S 2d Shaffer Hugo; cigar packer, h 12H S 2d Shaffer I. Costa, saleslady, 334 ~Iarket, h 1232 Derry Shaffer Ida, domestic. 1820 Fulton Shaffer Isaac N'., fireman. h 914 S 20! Shaffer Jacob. shoe operator, h 754 S i9~ Shaffer James H .. laborer. h 134 S 2d Shaffer Jeremiah, tanner, h 525 Cowden Shaffer Tohn, baker. h 19(12 N 6th Shaffer John, boilermkr. h 754 S 19! Shaffer John, fireman. h 446 SlOth Shaffer John A., h 754 S 19! Shaffer John E., shoe operator, h 1M2 Derry Shaffer John R., laborer, h 911 S 19th Shaffer Lawrence, shoe operator, h 754 S 19} Shaffer Lylia A., h 1~2 Derry Shaffer Margaret Mrs., h 7th nr :\lac1ay Shaffer l\fargaretta Eo, domestic. 714 N 6th Shaffer Martin, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Shaffer Michael ]., laborer. h 925 S 20! Shaffer Peter D., laborer, h 1721 Fulton Shaffer Reuben B.. plumber. h 184U Fulton Shaffer Samuel, hostler. h 709 North av Shaffer Sigmund, cranetender, h 134 S 2d Shaffer S. Tilden, wagonmkr. h 8 S 1!lth Shafl'er Theodore. carpenter. h 512 N 2d Shaffer "Tarren. bricklayer. h 193:3 N 4th

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" To find a name you must know how to spell it!'

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Bo)'d's Harrisburg (S) Cit)' Directory.

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Shaffer William, laborer, h 1407 Susquehanna Shaffer William H., tobacconist, 1852 Derry, h do Shaffer William H. A., photographer. h :!20i BerryhiII Shaffer William ~I., laborer, h HI:n Derry Shaffer, see Schaeffer. also Sheffer . Shaffner AIIen, laborer, h 6411 Woodbine Shaffner Amos, tinner, h :!:.~ \' erbeke Shaffner Bertha, bonnetmkr, h :l24 Clinton av Shaffner Catharine E., elk, h 1i24 :\ 4th Shaffner Charles, fireman, h 19:n ~ 6th Shaffner Charles E .. l'oIIector, 1127 X :M, h 415 Herr Shaffner Clyde B., special agt, 2n~ Walnut, h 1119 Green Shaffner Edward W., cJk, h 415 Herr Shaffner Edwin 0., drygoods. :Ui \'erbeke, h 1618 ~ 3d Shaffner Elda ~1.. saleslady, ;l24 Clinton ay. h do Shaffner Frank W., cJk, h ino Green Shaffner Gertrude. milliner, h 11111 Green Shaffner Henry C, cabinetmkr. h 415 Herr Shaffner Jac01>. tray salesman, It 2'24 Herr Shaffner Jacob 0 .. hutcher, 1721 Logan a\'. h 1724 ~ 4th Shaffner Jennie. domestic National Hotel Shaffner John J.. salesman. h HI21 ~ lith Shaffner John ~r., printer. a29 l\larket. It ath c ~eneca Shaffner Margaret ~L wid Gabriel. h -l111 Herr Shaffner Marion G., frogmkr, h 1921 ~ lith Shaffner ~lan'. wid HarrY. h lao Charles av Shaffner ~Iar'v C. hat bieacher. 4tl1 Herr. h do Shaffner Rachel. wid David. h 1618 X ad SHAFFNER R. FRANK, stenographer and general insurance agent, 16 N 2d, h 224 Pe1rer Shaffner Sarah, h 134 Sylvan ter Shaffner William A., carpenter, h 324 Clinton av Shaffner, see also Schaffner Shakespeare David, roller, h 2114 Moore Shakespeare David, jr., roller, h Seneca nr 6th Shakespeare Walter, ro1J turner, h 2132 N 5th Shahspeare Walter, supt, Division nr 6th, h 2226 N 6th Shakespeare Walter, jr., roller, h 2132 N 5th Shakespeare WilIiam, catcher, h 2226 ~ 6th Sha1Jenberger John B., elk sec commonwealth, h Franklin House Shambaugh Albert A., laborer, h 630 Hamilton Shamhaugh Charles J. E., brakeman, h 2()06 Wood av Shamhaugh Edward R., brakeman, h 312 Harris Shambaugh haiah C, laborer, h 630 Hamilton Shambaugh Samuel A., laborer, h 630 Hamilton Shambaugh Samuel G., brakeman, h 612 Granite av Shambaugh William]., laborer, h 630 Hamilton
...... enla Boller I_rna_. EDW G ROBERTS " .."lde.I, Llablll", Bell' Pbone 851 X. or 8843 L 108 Norl" .pee.d
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TACK; CaU Pahnlf and Wiallnm Shad;;l,

1.::~K,fK:~~~.!'lL Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directol'J. .367

Shamer Daaid E., brahman, h 1~l;{2 l\ 7th Sh;mlmo B., h State Shammo Charles A.. elk. h f)h~ State Shammo Harrv L.. leveler. h 6tl!} State Sh;Hllmo L;;th(lr C. ~nmer. 6m. State. h do Shammo J.,'l;I'e1er, StaT;' Shamp Emma M., skudent. h ~raclr,y Shamp Mary. wid Silas A., h 15:!3 N 6th Shamp William P., fmaman F & ~1. Wks, h 607 Sbinahan W. Rev., D., of


0 D

h 21h ,

brakeman. h 19:!:! Boas Shlm;'r Arwi;; E. ~lr;", h 1:!1 "'mth Shaner Charbs E., elk, ;~:!9 KiTtnkinny Shaner Eliza C, ironer, h HlOh Cowden Shaner Emily, bookkpr, h lOII8 Cowden . cr Sha;;;r EV;lns B., wall 1931 Derry, h 2141 Greenwood .... Shanar HorlE'; D., all Gr;am;;ood :iii Shaner Jacob, repairer, h 15th c Briggs !" Shaner Jacob V., blacksmith, h 1008 Cowden Shl;mlr Jes;,ll, bar elk European Hotel. h do Shansr John blacksmith, ;i08 Co;cden Shaner Pearl, packer, ~102 S ::;1 Shaner Robert S., pipe fitter, h IO08 Cowden ~hensr :nH.'odore, .hlal'ksmith, l:2th _c Bri;ltg;>, h do Shlln;'r Th;odore, Jr., l.,th !'Srtggs =Shaner, see Schoener ~ CO2 Shank Benjamin 1'1., junk, h l:!th ab Kelker ~ a Shlmk W., h :~:,m Harris dres;mkn, h ill 4th "" Shank Mihon '1., conductor, Z~ ~ Shank Samuel S., flagman, h 210 Calder

Shan~~~~ ~Iichael,


~~::~I~h~:I~::~:'b~::I:~~,~~;: h 6t~ ~err

Shanhlin John, hridJayer: h Penn Shanklin John, jr., bricklayer, h !I:!7 Penll Sh;mklin l\bnion, elk, :'Il:! '\larket, h 710 Capital Shnnhlin h no apital Shannahan bennis. lahmer, h 5th Shannahan Jeremiah, laborer, h 517 Walnut Shennahan Philip, h,::atnr, h 517 Walnut Shmnessy D.. h 2 Chnctlan Shannessv nnc\' B., John h 1::';1::'; Chriskilin Shannon Joseph: sawyer. h 446 SlOth Shannon Laura. wid James, h :n3 Chestnut Shennon Snt R., Inmulress. d;{:! ~ Shannon VJillillm E., 446 nth Shantz Augustus C .. upholstcrer. h 1140 ~larket








munt know



-OUR t - . . wapt. ""'-t Coal.MOTTO:-

lH M KELLEY & CO 1 lOtI! and3d Streit. JI lIart" tibt. Btl.. r.

:;:; Sharon Carrie J.. st'amstress, h 1934 \\' ood av _ Sharon David P., fireman, h 1934 Wood av ill: Sharp Albert R., cabinetmkr, rear 605 Forster, h 812 East Sharp Albert R., laborer, h 266 Oliver av Sharp Annie E., h rear 332 Boyd av :; Sharp Carrie J., h 109 S Dewberry av - Sharp Charles B., driver, h 532 Race en Sharp Elizabeth G. wid Samuel W., h 15 S Front _ Sharp George F., floor walker, 334 ~Iarket, h 812 East - Sharp Harry G., heater. h 1538 Wallace Sharp James H., roller, h 11417 N Front LaJ Sharp John R., car cleaner. h 812 East . Sharp Robert, laborer, h 1411 Hanna Sharpj Augustus K., cigars, 1311 Fulton. h 1313 N 6th ... Shartle Jacob M., harnessmkr. h 4115 Strawberry av LaJ Shartle Mark J., bookbinder, 201 N 2d, h 405 Strawberry avShartzer Adam B., cutter, h 1349 Vernon Shartzer Annie M., roller, h 212 l'\ 15th Z Shartzer John 0., foreman F. & M. Works. h 212 N 15th Shartzer Katie h 212 O Shartzer Lizzie,G., button holemkr.Regina N 15th dressmkr, h 1425 Z Shartzer Mary, wid Isaac, h 114 S 14th 0: Shartzer Mary A., housekeeper, 212 X 15th LaJ Shatto Alexander M .. gardener. h 18:n Logan av Shatto Benjamin F., coachman. h 117 N River av Shatto Bessie E., cigarmkr, h HH4 Susquehanna Shatto O Shatto George, conductor, h 5410 Reily 636 Calder Harry B., driver, 3418 Market. h Shatto Harry E., messenger P. R. R.. h 1514 Susquehanna~ Shatto Harry 1., bar stamper, h 627 Harris ill: Shatto Irvin A., engineer, h 627 Harris - Shatto Ross W., elk, 24 N 3d. h 500 Reily ~ Shatto Solomon F .. train dis't P. R. R.. h 1514 Susquehanna_ ~ Shatto William H .. brakeman. h 24104 Wood av >= Shatzer Amos, riverman. h 1005 l\Jyrtle av ~hatzler Harry, boilermkr, h 11414 N 6th .... Shaub Alhert A.. loom fixer. h 12411 Green Shaub George H., filt'r, h 913 Myrtle av ill: Shaub "'ilIiam M .. brakeman, it I i1:l! N ::d ~ Shaud Joseph H., c1k. 701 Race. h 1417 Paxton Shaull Ira. pressman. 2111 N 2(1. h Fairview ~ Shaull Tillie M., saleslady, 318 ~larket, h W Fairview eo:. Shaum William F .. lahorer. h 3 N 9th ~ .... Shaup Joseph. blacksmith, h l1()i N Cameron ~ Shaver Charles H., brakeman, h Walnut nr 13th :: Shaver Charles X .. concltKtor. h 12':8 \Valnut Shaver Chester. bookbinder. h \\"alnut nr 13th

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory. ..: 568 t::S Sharon Bertha 1\1., seamstress, h 1934 Wood av ill:

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REDMOND.13d IDd Reily Sis..

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A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,


Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory.

Shaver Frank E., laborer, h vValnut llr 13th Shaw Bessie. domestic, 517 Brown av Shaw Daniel F., puddler, h 1328 S 13th Shaw Joseph S., laborer. h Hnl! Hickory av Shaw Mary A., wid Edward S., h 5Ui Calder Shaw Maude, h 15:!7 Wallace Shaw Richard, engineer, h 517 Brown av Shay Charles, piler, h :{ZI Lochiel 3d Row Shay Cyrus G., laborer. h 35 Lochiel 3d Row Shay Harry W., laborer, h 8 Lochie11st Row Shay Robert C.. engineer, h :J29 Race Shay Wilson, laborer, h 11103 Hemlock Sheads Charles W., engineer, h 4:18 S 16th Sheafer Daisy A., grocer, 1201 N 7th, h 1119 do Sheafer Edith, weaver, h 47 N Summit SHBAFER H. 1. & CO., (lohn A. and Ralph Westbrook), insurance, 32 B 3d Sheaffer Albert N., fireman, h 623 Camp Sheaffer Anna L., weaver, h 325 Granite av Sheaffer Annie, wid David c., h 1630 Wallace Sheaffer Annie M., tailoress. h 24105 X 5th Sheaffer Arthur C, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Sheaffer Benjamin F., packer. h 129 Linden Sheaffer Charles E., brakeman, h 1826 Fulton Sheaffer Charles E., fireman, h 333 Hamilton Sheaffer Charles E., switchman, h 1306 Susquehanna Sheaffer Olarles L., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Sheaffer Charles L., horseshoer. 1508 N' 3d, h 415 Hamilton Sheaffer Cha'l'les \,y., baker, h 129 Linden Sheaffer Clarence D., brakeman. h 2005 N 5th Sheaffer Edith. weaver, h 1116 Penn Sheaffer Elmer E.. salesman, 108 S 2d, h 435 SlOth Sheaffer George c., bartender, 401 Yerbeke, h do Sheaffer George W., laborer. h 20fl5 N 5th Sheaffer Harriet Mrs., h :-15 Balm Sheaffer Harry H., car inspector, h 2129 :Moore Sheaffer Harry P., laborer, h 1630 Wallace Sheaffer Jacob. shoe operator, h 1212 ?\Iulherry Sheaffer John. laborer. h 1112 N Cameron Sheaffer john B.. janitor, h 13th c Magnolia Sheaffer John F .. harnessmkr, h C11arles av nr 2d Sheaffer John F., repairsman, h 1323 N Cameron Sheaffer John W., conductor, h 540 Violet av Sheaffer Joseph W., engineer, h 458 S Cameron Sheaffer Katie. domestic, 2117 N 3d Sheaffer Michael 0 .. laborer, h 1)10 SlOth Sheaffer M. Lizzie, domestic, 1738 N lith Sh('aff~r Philip L.. laborer. 11 331 Chestnut






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To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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MCNEIL'S PAil EXTERMINATOR ~"~:o:'::e =~~;~l. {.. "'l..!:!..

~ .: a


Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directol'}".

1: Sheaffer Reuben W., bottlcr, h 1~2~ Fulton

Shcafter Rebecca


housekeeper, 1501 X









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.... CI ....


Sheaffer W. Edward, flagman. h 1~n2 Shrub av Sheaffer \Nendell A., laborer. h 1323 N Cameron Sheaffer William B., janitor, 16 N 2d, h 510 SlOth Sheaffer William F., saddler, h 2414 Charles av Sheaffer \\Tilliam W., foreman, h 187! X 15th Sheaffer, see Schaeffer, also ShatTer Shearer Abraham L., carpenter, h 1111 Calder Shearer Amelia, wid John W., h 17 N Cameron Shearer Aquilla B.. marble cutter, h 143 Sylvan ter Shearer Blanch M., cigarmkr. h 12t) Balm Shearer Charles c.. machinist, h ll'i1l6 ~ :ld Shearer Christian, driver, h 1224 N Cameron Shearer Christian c., huckster. h 15U7 N 12th Shearer Christian G., laborer, h 1117 Calder Shearer Clara, tipper, h 17 ~ Cameron Shearer Eliza, wid Leander, h 612 Showers av Shearer Gertrude A.. domestic Harrisburg Cemetery Shearer Harry W., h 1250 Bailey Shearer John, laborer, h 212() Greenwood Shearer John A., brakeman, h 1Ii05 Penn Shcarer Joseph G., puddler, h 612 Showers a\' Shearer Joseph L., men's furngs, 2114 ~larket, h 16 N 4th Shearer Joseph L., jr., shirt mfr, 2()4 ~larket. h 16 N 4th Shearer Margaret. wid Joseph. h 107 Rl'ily Shearer Park, laborer, h 211i Sayford av Shearer Samuel. machinist, h 16 ~ 4th Shearer Tolbert, laborer, h 2120 Greenwood Shearer William c., elk. 431 North, h 12:>0 Baikv Shearer Wil1iam T., laborer, h 1320 :\,laple av . Shearer Willis, painter. h VUi2 Mayflower av Sheasley George \"l., flagman, It lfj21 Wallace Sheats Frank N., elk, h 222 Liberty Sheck Eli JU., coremkr. h 152i :\ 5th Sheck John 1\1.. brakeman, h 1i4:1 Susquehanna Sheehan Margaret E., housekeeper, 212 State Shechey George A., puddler, h 842 S Cameron Sheesley Amelia M., h 100l S 9th Sheesley Byron F., insurance, 11; i\ 2d. h Progress Sheesley Daniel, real estate, h 901 S 9th Sheesley Geor~e L.. elk. Hemlock nr 9th, h 926 S 9th Sheesley Harry F., grocer, ~1I1 S Hth, h do Sheesley J. Harry, coal. Hcmlock nr tlth. h 10H5 S 9th Sheesley John, laborer, h !1:?5 ~lyrt1c av Sheesley John B., butcher, h 1308 ~ Front Sheesley John H., carpenter, h lIn:l Hunter av Sheesley lo~~~, ~a~ore~ h_~~ S_21st __
The A.Derlc-nn Doadln. C ......y, Baltimore. Md. BOW. G. KOBBRTS, General Agentt:eDtral Penna. District. 103 !r. lid 81. Ball'Pbone 851 X. or 81MB X.
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Sheesley Sheesley Sheesley Sheesley Sheesley . Sheesley Sheesley Sheesley Sheesley Sheesley


U216 lonn lblrd St.


Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.

Kate Mrs., dressmkr, h 515 Muench Mary, dressmkr, h 617 Race Ross R., craneman, h 617 Race Samuel, h 617 Race Samuel W., h 71 N 16th Sarah, dressmkr, h 1613 Hunter av Sarah, housekeeper, 909 S 9th Sarah, wid Daniel, h 909 S 9th Sarah A., saleslady, 334 Market, h 617 Race Sarah M., \"'id Abram, h 1465 Market ~hecsley Tilden, fireman, h 1515 Green Sheesley \Villiam, h 1001 S 9th Sheesley William D., machinist, h 1711 Penn Sheesly Harrison E., cutter, h 957 S 21st Sheets A. Coleman, teacher, h 415 Briggs Sheets Earl C, leveler, h 607 N Cameron iii: Sheets' Edwin J., carpenter, h 31 S 13th Sheets George F., fireman, h 1:U4 Kittatinny Sheets Isaac, janitor, h 31 S 13th Sheets Joseph, wagonmkr, h 1101 ~Iarket Sheets Katie, domestic Hershev House Sheets Lin, watchman, h 1258 Juniper Sheets Minnie, waitress, 23 S 2d Sheets Thomas G., laborer, h 1 i16 Briggs Sheetz Annie L., h 114 Mulberrv Sheetz Blanche E., domestic, 227 State Sheetz Charles S., laborer, h 607 ~ Cameron Sheetz Joseph, engineer, h aao Strawberry av Sheetz Salome, tailoress, h 1001 Green Sheffer Lisle J., wid Emanuel. h 1628 Logan av Sheffer Scott, fireman, h 1116 N 6th Sheffey Albert B.. postal elk, h 101 N 13th Sheffield James W., laborer, h 1002 N 15th Sheibley Harry :\1., flagman. h 1620! K 5th Sheibley Jacob E., genl agt. :!1 N ad, h 310 North Sheibley Laura C, elk. 21 N ad. h Duncannon Sheibley \VilIiam J . ins agt. 14 S 2d. h 6.'3 N 10th Shein Max, junk. 329 Cherry av, h do 'i Sheldon Jennie Mrs . h 60 Balm rn o Shelenbarger John N., barber. h 3 N 4th ~ Shell C Catharine, domestic, 9 S Front : :r Shell, see Schell Shellahammer Elizabeth B., domestic, 111 N Front ~hellehamer i\nnie, wid Harrv, h 330 S 13th ,. Shellehamer George, conductor, h 330 S lath ca. Shellehamer Harry, pipe cutter, h 330 S 13th !l Shellenberger Augustus R., pres Penna: Tel. Co., h 212 CD N~ ~

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To Bnd a name you


mow how to spell it."

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H. 'Mj-KELLEY ,. co,; COAL'AND WOOD {Ollices: ~o:.~l1J.1::



Boyd's Haniaburr (8) Cit)' Directory.


en Shellenberger Jeremiah, helper, h 1618 N 6th ~ Shellenberger John H., light trimmer, h a:n Dauphin av Shellenberger Lucy, shirtmkr, h 3L7 Boas to- Shellenberger William G., candymkr, h 201:) N 15th ;: Shellenberger, see Schellenberger Shelley Abraham c., grocer, 1312 ~larket, h do ; E Shelley Elwood R., drug elk, l;WG :\ ad, h 1464 Regina CD Shelley Glenn P .. mgr, 1312 -'brket, h do ::: Shelley Harry c., laborer, h 11.144 Kensington - Shelley Isaac F .. flagman, h 6U9 Peffer Shelly Chester A .. elk, h 921i N 6th ..... Shelly Christian G., salesman, :326 Market, It 226 Peffer ...... Shelly Christian \V., (c. W. Shelly & Son), h 809 Green Shelly C. W. & Son, (E. Ray), cIgar mfrs, :305 Strawberry .a: av Shelly Daniel W., elk Post Office, h 226 Peffer C Shelly David A., cigarmkr, h 809 Green z Shelly David M., special officer P. R. R., h 2007 N 6th .a: Shelly E. Ray, (c. W. Shelly & Son), h 225 Forster .~ Shelly Irwin B., brakeman, h 623 Harris Shelly John '\1., traY salesman, 22 N 3d, h 215 Briggs U Shell) Manassa B., machinist. II 9:!6 !\ 6th ; E Shelly Mary C, saleslady, :~:!9 IVIarket, It 926 N 6th ~ Shelly Oliver W., agt, h 926 N fith ; E Shelly Rebecca, cigar packer, h 809 Green ~ Shelly Silas A.. salesman, HI :Market, h 809 Green !C Shelly W. Howard, elk, 10th c ~1ulberry, h 1521 N 5th ~ Shenberger Jennie, domestic, 13 S Front a... Shenk Lillian E .. saleslady, 36 N :ld, h :103 Briggs ~ Shepherd Joseph, puddler, h 555 SlOth &: Shepherd Richard T., engineer. h 1417 N 6th ..... Shepler Annie Mrs., h Home for the Friendless > Sheplf-r Catharine K, wid Elias. h 219 South ~ Shepley Charles S .. motorman, 11 1914 N 4th ..... Shepley Edward B., carpenter, h ~024 Berryhill ICIC Shepley Emma. domestic, 9 N 5th Sherbocker John. laborer, h 2118 Greenwood ~ Sherger John A .. student. h 267 Herr ~ Sherger Kate L. Mrs., dressmkr, 223 Market, h 267 Herr Sheridan John L., laborer, It 115 Ann av III~ Sheridan Mary, wid George W., h 1705 N 3d ZJ Sheridan Peter, h Send S Cameron Sheridan Richard, elk, h 17()5 N 3d I Sherk D. Austin, stengr, 627 Walnut, h 149 Sylvan ter II Sherk David L .. driller, h 14.9 Sylvan ter Sherk Edna L.. operator, h 1464 Regina Sherk Galen A .. motorman. h 1224 Walnut Sh~k Harr~_~~ s~c_~e~~~~~ce_~~~ ~03 N 13th



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ANDREW REDMOND, Hc:.::;~08W:::d ~~'!,i:~. {3d aDd Rilly SII. Digitized CoogIe



p,...laC Public Bulldlnc. la Plaia TlaU.


{1:l1I1 If. '4 \It.

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Boyd'. lIarriaburg (S) City Directory.

Sherk Henry D., h lOa ~ 1:1th Sherk John A., laborer, h H64 Regina Sherlock Charles F., foreman, 19th bel Derry, h 913 S 20th Sherlock David G., foreman, h UWi Derry Shemlan Benjamin, laborer, h 404 Hay av Sherman Chester, laborer, h 41~ Market Sherman Lewis, labon:r, h 9 Grace av Sherman Margaret, mattress wrapper, It 674 State Sherman Minerva, waitress Franklin House Sherman Reuben, peddler, h 710 South Sherman Samuel, peddler, h 9 Grace av Shertzer Cora E., elk, 10th c Mulberry, h 519 Race Shertzer George E., carpenter, h 12;);) Bailey Shertzer Joseph vV., carpenter, aa4 ~larket, h Penbrook Shertzer Mary, domestic, 608 !\ ad Shertzer William H .. tobacconist, ;)1!! Race, h do Sherwood Blanche; h 64a Briggs Sherwood L. Marion, elk, h 1107 Capital Sherwood M. Maud, teacher, h 1107 Capital Sherwood Norman J., plumber, h 1107 Capital Shetron S. Wilbur, machinist, h 35 N 12th Shetron W. Henry, elk, Division nr 6th, h 50 ~ 13th Shettel Ida, picker, h 1703 N 5th Shettel Jacob B., carpenter, h 17113 :\ 5th Shetter George ~., grocer, 19114 State, h do Shetter Marlatt A., grocer, 1049 S 9th, h 1054 do Shetter Sallie E., elk, h 1904 State Shetter William x., laster, h 17 N 15th Shickley Peter, puddler, h 1017 S 21t Sllields James D., patent medicine, 2:!4 S 2d, h do Shields Martha ~lrs., domestic, 325 Cherry av Shiels Ralph, laborer, h 1156 Cumberland Shiffer Daniel B., watchmkr, 410 Market, h 219 Crescent Shiffler Mary, janitress, h 260 North Shiffler William, watchman P. R. R., h 2liO North Shiley Harry, brakeman, h 342 Hamilton Shillenn Annie E., dressmkr, h 124 ~lulberrv Shillenn Regina C, saleslady, 334 ~1arket, h i24: Mulberry Shillenn Thomas E., shoemkr, h 124 ~lulberry Shillenn Thomas T., cabinetmkr, 124 ~Ittlberry, h do Shillenn William F., baker, h 1213 S 9th Shilling John E., brakeman. h li45 Dauphin Shilp Charles H .. brakeman. h 1:;12 ~ 4th Shimmell Louis S .. teacher, h 4:!4 Xorth SHINDLER GEORGE F., clerk, h 139 1-2 S 3d Shindler John R., ironworker. h l:mo S l:~th Shindler Louis B., roller, h 333 Chestnut Shindler William H., steelworker, h 1:l7 S 3d


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.. To find a name you must know how to speU it."

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McNeil'. Pain EXI.r.tutor cures Cholera Morbul, D7~n'e..,., Cram... Dlal'rbo!a, t;oldl. QulnlY, Rheumalllm, Toothache. Sore Throat, Ape. DJlpepda, 1Ie. . . . . .

.; ..., _ :!


Boyd" Harrisburg (S) City Directol'J',




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o C






.... U C

~ ~

Lydia, wid John. h 2il5 Crescent Shingler l1larles L .. conductor, h 211:la Fulton Shinneman Claude. watchmkr, 23 N 3d, h ;) S 14th ~hipley Bertha, cashier. a::a :Market. h 48 N 13th Shipley Bessie B., cigarmkr, h 1il3 Green Shipley Joseph B., laborer, 11 15:; Paxton Shipley Lewis E., ironworker, h 504 S Cameron Shipley Louis H., laborer, h :Jut S Cameron Shipley Robert W., laborer, h 502 S Cameron Shipley Walter E., helper, h 2001 Mulberry Shipp Elizabeth M., h 102 Balm Shipp Irvin N., conductor, h 102 Balm Shipp John M., conductor, h lOt Balm Shipp Maggie Mrs., tailoress, h 102 Balm Shipp Mary A., wid Jacob M., h 102 Balm Shireman Clara S., teacher, h 444 Walnut Shireman Daniel W., blacksmith, h 1310 Vernon Shireman Edward L., machinist, h 146~ Regina Shireman Harry P., molder, h 929 Grand Shireman :Mary C, press feeder, h 444 Walnut Shireman .\1ervin E., machinist, h 1468 Regina Shireman Rosa A., wid John, h 444 Walnut Shireman Rufus K., painter, h 826 James av Shirey Almer E., printer Telegraph, h 714 N 3d Shirk Bertha M., dressmkr, h 41 S 13th Shirk Charles A., conductor, h 1843 N 4th Shirk David H., fireman, h 1:n3 Penn Shirk Foster J., driver, h 41 S 13th Shirk George, shipper Hbg S. and T. Co., h Penbrook Shirk Ida H., waitress Franklin House Shirk Martha, wid Amos, h 711 North Shirk Mary B., weaver, h 711 North Shirk Philip 1\1., blacksmith, h 41 S 13th Shirk Sarepta B., wid Jacob P., h 1232 N Cameron Shirk William H., laborer, h 711 North Shirk William H., steelworker, h 1232 K Cameron Shirley John N. Rev., h 1321 Marion Shirley Lucy Mrs., dressmkr, 1321 Marion, h do Shirley, see Shiley Shirly Catharine Mrs., h 647 Boas Shirly John P., laborer, h 647 Boas Shisler Albert H., bicycle repairer, 1408 N 3d, h do Shisler Ellen, wid Josephus. h 216 Forster Shiskr Ellen May, bookkpr, 12 K 2d, h 1408 N 3d Shisler Jennie, seamstress, h 932 S 2f1! Shisler John A., checkman P. R R, h 240 Harris Shisler Mamie, dressmkr, h 1123 N 6th Shisler Mamie, forelady. h 403 Walnut



8_ad 8'reel.

Bell 'Phone Slil X, or II8l8 X.

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108 1'1.....

Coog Ie

~=~e:: I0Il PUDer ond 1\111101 ShOOOS If011 A. B. TACI, ..'lJ\..

BoY.'1 Harrisburg t 8) City DiredoJ'f.


Shisler Sarah J., domestic, 1310 N 3d Shisler Sarah J., matron Y. M. C. A., h 214 Herr Shisler Theodore E., machinist, h 240 Harris Shissler Annie, dressmkr, 214 Herr, h do Shissler David B., carpenter, h 506 Market Shissler Edward A., track foreman, h 1623 Regina Shive Adolphus R., laborer, h 828 S Cameron Shive Mary E., cigarmkr, h 828 S Cameron Shive Sarah R., telephone operator, 227 Walnut, h 828 S Cameron Shlol1lberg Samuel H., furniture, 4271 Verbeke,h do Shneidman Isaac, tailor, h 815 West av Shneidman Jacob, merchant tailor, 7 S 3d, h 521 N ,th Shneidman Maurice, salesman, 6 S 2d, h 815 West av Shneidman Samuel, clothier, 4:!4 Walnut, h do Shneidman Sarah, tailoress, h 815 West av Shoaff Annie B., press feeder, h 122 Sylvan ter Shoaff Jacob L., conductor, h :m3 Kelker Shoaff Lewis W., rodman, :!:!:! ~larket, h 333 Kelker Shockey Charles, carpenter. h 411 ~Iarket Shoebridge Thomas. brakeman. h 137 ~ 4th Shoemaker Benjamin, bartender, 6111 Cumberland, h do Shoemaker Catharine. wid George J., h 110 State Shoemaker Charles, h :~:{:!i S 2<1 Shoemaker Charles L., plumber. h 332! S 2d Shoemaker Francis R.. C. S. ~ . h 1401 X Front Shoemaker Fred'k, barber, 30 N' Court av, 'h 1609 Swatara Shoemaker Barn' F .. coremkr, h 1521 Derr\" Shoemaker Har~v \V .. elk. 311 SM. h 1:!7 Evergreen SHOEIlAXER HOliER, lawyer, 9 Ii 3d, h 1527 Ii 2d Shoemaker Ira H., eliv frt office P. R. R.. h 217 N 2d Shoemaker Jerome R.. gardener Lunatic Hospital, h do Shoemaker John L.. elk aud gen's dept. h 119 S 2d Shoemaker John P., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Shoemaker Joseph. laborer. h !l35 S 19th Shoemaker Lewis C. hookhinder, h 110 State Shoemaker Lewis C. shoe laster, h 127 Evergreen Shoer11aker Marv. wid Samuel K.. h 1521 Derrv SHOEIIAXElI. SAIIlJEL W., granolithic paving, i833 1( 8th, h do lee adv Dext page ShOt'llIaker S. Pearl. dressmkr. 223 1.-Ikt, h 127 Evergreen Shoemaker Stella R.. domestic. 127 Evergreen Shoemaker William M .. fireman. h 6.'l6 Hamilton Shoemaker William T., h 127 Evergreen Shoemaker. see Schomaker, also Shumaker Shoeman Elmina. wid Hiram. h 1715 X 4th Shoe man Ernest K.. engineer. h 322 Hamilton Shoeman Mabel B., weaver, h 1715 X 4th


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To Sod a name you must know how to

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HMKELLEY. & CO'S 81 ..........". order... {' lIort11 3d StNIt. Pl............. " .. .,yo andlitate
10th Sta.



Boyc\:. Harrisburg (8) City Directory.


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Sholly Catharine, wid John H .. h H:!l For~ter Shomo Harry P . elk aud genJ's dept. Capito\. h ill; Capital Shook Byron T . telegrapher P. R. R.. h 129 Evergreen Shook George W . carpenter. h llt4! :\ Front Shook John M . brakeman . h 11:34 Jonestown rd Shook Maggie E . wid Louis E .. h 12114 Rartine av Shook v\tilliarn H., laborer, h 551 S lHth Shoop Alexander, brakeman . h 611:l ~laclay Shoop Amos N . repairsman. h HW8 State Shoop Anna M., elk. 1402 \ernon . h 1~H8 dl) Shoop Bernard J . bookbinder. 4 :\ :M. h 4:Uj Har Shoop Carrie L.. saleslady. 2:!:~ }larket. h 141 Paxton Shoop C. Maurie." pressman, h 1103 ~lonlg()llIery Shoop David K .. foreman . h 4111l ~luench Shoop Edward C. clk, h 1708 ~ 4th Shoop Edward J.. carpenter. il 1!1tI:3 State Shoop Edwin W . h Uill N 2d Shoop Ella P ., saleslady. h 719 ~ :!d ~hoop Eva B. 1., demonstrator. h 719 K 2d Shoop G. Davis, carpt>nter. h (;0:3 Maclay Shoop Georg~ W ., carpenh'r. h !,:!5 S 19th Shoop George \V., elk P . R. R. frt depot. h 1;)t1 N 2d Shoop George W . frog planer. h 4:m Walnut Shoop Gertrude V .. saleslady, l:.!OH :\ :3d. h 110:3 Montgy Shoop Harry ~., boarding. 4:\;j Walnut, h do Shoop H . Edward. foreman . h 14111 State

.. SHOOP HENRY, undertaker, Walnut c 14th, h do

:;: Shoop Henry B., cabinetmkr, h Walnut c 14th Shoop John, h 719 N 2d Shoop John C, laster, h 1272 Juniper .. Shoop John H ., car cleaner. h 1272 Juniper ~ Shoop John H . painter. h 11107 ~lIsqtlehanna L&J Shoop John W .. carpenter, h 1708 ~ 4th . Shoop Lillian E ., h 400 Muench t- Shoop Mabel S., weaver, h f)03 ~Iac\ay t- Shoop Maggie M ., bonnetmkr. h 1708 N 4tlt L&J Shoop Margaret A., shirtmkr, h f.03 Maclay Shoop Martha. wid Christopher. h 400 Muench Z Shoop M. Jennie. _ Bernhart J.. h 1103 Montgomer~ _ _ wid




f5 ~m~mimi~of CementMili~im ~I~~~ ~~~m~. ~~~ Work. Vitrified Bricks, &c. > All kinds
ANDREW REDMOND, ~::::!:::~.':::'~:~::. {3d aad R,III,S".
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o OFFJCE,---:~688T~~~~~~~!~~~REET. HARRISBURG, PAl




8 TACK , W.IIP.per. Thebeetaa4lowstprt-. wfor... II.2.'8 ....~{ N at. If......... complete 'Ifi&Ja Fb:.CIUeI &lid ~
Boyd" Harrisburg (S) City Direotory. 577

Shoop Samuel M., undertaker, h Walnut c 14th -. Shoop Sarah E., cigarmkr, h (iU3 Maclay Shoop V. Mabel, saleslady, 1206 N 3d, h 1103 :\lontgy Shoop Walter W., student, h 435 Walnut Shoop William, watchman, 223 Market, h 1368 Vernon , :lIa Shoop William E., laborer, h 1508 Wallace Shoop William F., brakeman, h 430 Cumberland Shope Albert, patternmkr, h 1852 Walnut Shope Augustus B., tailor, h 115 S 14th Shope Benjamin F., machinist, h 1852 \Valnut Shope Carrie M., vestmkr, h 115 S 14th Shope Cornelius B., foreman, 1402 Vernon, h 23 S 13th Shope Edna C, tailoress, h 206 S 13th Shope Elias L., physician, liOO N 2d. h do Shope Frances B., domestic, 1207 ~ 3d SHOPE GEORGE F., merohant tailor, 1264 ]l[artet, S 13th . SHOPE JACOB W., physioian,25 S 13th, h 32 do; oflloe hour" 7 to 9 a. m., 12 to 2 and 8 to 9 p. m. Shope James E., machinist, h 1229 Bailey Shope John T., tailor, h 19 S 13th Shope Katie, domestic, 1705 Green Shope Mary, domestic, 223 N 2d Shope Robert M., tailor, h 19 S l:~th Shope Samuel, brakeman, h 1332 Maple av Shope Samuel Z., physician, 1642 N 3d, h do Shope Wesley W., baggagemaster, h 21 S 13th II Shope Wesley W., jr., telegrapher, h 1429 Zarker 0 Shopp J. Milton, brakeman, h 1332 N 7th Shopp John H., lawyer, 331 Market, h 510 )J 3d Shopp Mary J., wid William, h 1332 N 7th Shorb Clara S., h 112 South Short Charles R, helper, h 611 S Front Short D. LeRoy, shearsman. h 611 S Front Shorts Jesse R, laborer, h 636 Briggs Shott Charles C, laborer, h 1813 Briggs Shott Frank, laborer, h 1813 Briggs Shott Franklin, driver, h 433 Verbeke Shott Peter, carpenter, h 1947 Swatara Shotwell Melancthon S., architect. h 1613 N Front Shotzbarger David T., painter, h 2012 State . Shotzbarger Samuel, plasterer, h 1838 N 7th Shover John E., brakeman, h 114 Charles av Shover John R, fireman, h 1609 Derry Shover Joseph, conductor, h 1433 Vernon Shover May, stengr, 213 Walnut, h 150CJ N 6th Shover Robert, driver. h 1600t Logan av Shover William B.,engi!leer, h 1509 N 6th .



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~. Tq tiJ;ld a

name You m~t lalQ,,! bow to 1Pd:IiL.

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.. Shover William c., conductor, h 1&09 Dern ~ Showers Annie, cook, h 289 State . Showers Eli, laborer, h 1104 Cowden .. Showers Jeremiah, engineer, h 334 S 16th Showers Samuel A., carpenter, h 1934 Logan av Shrade Charles, laborer, h P. R. R. nr Walnut Shradley Christian H., laborer, h 4:17 S 16th '2 Shradley Elmer M., laborer, h 437 S 16th ~ Shreadley Allen E., car builder, h 1725 Fulton Shreadley Samuel A., h 1725 Fulton II Shreck Mary F., warper, h 136 Balm Shreiner Adam H., tree dealer, h 1424 Regina Shreiner Charles 0., carpenter, h 1013 S Camer()n Shreiner Edwin H., painter, h 258 Calder Slueiner Francis H., draftsman F. and M. \Vorks, h 142-1 Regina II) Shreiner Geo. A., foreman F and M. Works, h 1507 State ", Shreiner Howard R., plasterer, h 101!l S Cameron . . Shreiner, see Schreiner .... Shrenk Alexander H., ins sol, 15 N :.M, h 1906 N 6th ..I Shriner Margaret, domestic, 1313 N 3d C Shriy Frederick, laborer, h rear 3111 Cherry av III Shroad Andrew H., engineer, h 1:138 N ad Shroad Cecelia A., dressmkr, h 1338 ~ 3d Shrom Joseph, machinist, h 524 Maclay .... Shubert William D., conductor, h 1321 Kittatinny Shue Samuel R., fireman, h 1015 X 6th _ Shuey Adam, carpenter, h 1324 Derry _ Shuey Addison W., laster, h 1915 North Shue\' David W., inspector P. R. R.. h 6:15 Peffer : : Shuey Eden L., laborer. h 1324 Derry a.. Shuey Edward L., molder, h 420 Boas Shuey George M., machinist P. R. R., h 416 Herr Shuey Harvey F., clk P. R. R., h 620 Peffer U Shuey John iI., h 2107 Herr .... Shuey John H.. laborer, h 191:~ North Shuey Johll J.. heeler. h 21160 Derry U Shuey John S., pipe cutter, b 2107 Herr ~ Shuey Kathryn, milliner. h 2(i1 Cumberland _ Shuey Leah, wid George, h 26l Cumberland . : Shuey Russell \V .. brakeman. h :S29 Violet av ..., Shuey Sarah T wid Henrv. h 1913 North .. ~ Shuey StanIc)' G . pipe bender, h :?U06 State SIlIIey William H .. carpenter, h Ha2 Walnut ~ Shucy William R., machinist. h 261 Cumbf'rland .... Shuey William W .. carpenter. h t:i!l4 Thompson av - ShulT John, watchman. h Holly beyond limits Shuff William, puddle boss, 11 Holly beyond limits



.yd', :Karrialturr (S) City Directory.



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1. . . " < . . EDW G ROBERTS wtUJQOIIJ01U'lIoJld. Bell.'l'JIone-11&1 I .....W..X.. bondJi are ueeuted. X. or
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A. B. TACK t:.-='=::1 IINDer IIId IhllMI . . ;:II~~~:

Bord'. Harrilb1ll'l (8) Cit, Direotol'J. 579
Shugar Anthony E., elk, 2030 N 7th, h 1223 Apple av Shugart Cnarles. laborer, h :H8 S :!d Shugart Clara, domestic, 121 Locust ~hugart George A., laborer, h 1~16 \\"ood av Shughart Cora .M., domestic, 1116 N !ld Shuler Edward ~l.. laborer, h li36 Logan av Shuler George A., laborer. h 19:!-! Berryhill Shuler George W., fruit. 209 N 2d, h 144 Cranberry av Shuler James M .. laborer, h 1736 Logan av Shuler Jennie M., domestic, 8114 N :!d Shuler John A .. laborer, h 1924 Berryhill Shuler Joseph R., blal~ksmith, h n:m S 19~ Shuler Reuben M., lahorer, h 118 Washington Shuler Sallie A .. housekeeper. 144 Cranberry av Shull Andrew, engineer, h 625 Kelker Shull Edward S .. brakeman. h 425 Kelker Shull Elsie, domestic. 1:!4 Pine Shull Harvev E .. broommkr. h 6~5 Kelkt'r Shull Ida wid Alfred. h 1108 James av Shull John J., laborer. h 43 ~ Summit Shull Marion A .. domestic, 1522 ~ 2d Shull Martin L.. laborer. h 67 N 16th Shull Sallie. domestic. :W5 N Front Shull Samuel C. engineer, h 1543 N 6th Shull Samuel P .. check man P. R. R.. h 522 Calder Shull William H., engineer, h 522 Calder Shultz Amos, engineer. h 1617! N 3d Shultz Byron E .. condm'tor, h 628 Muench Shultz Clarence F., h 2'~ N 3d Shultz Danael A .. laborer. h :~ S Hfth Shultz Elizabeth. wid Jacob. h 1113 N 7th Shultz Fernando R.. laborer, h 2034 Boas Shultz Frank 0 .. elk. 1001 Capital, h 91!l <d'and Shultz George, laborer, h 112 S 4th Shultz George K., card writer. fl S 2d. h !:?8 Cumberland Shultz George W .. foreman. 14-02 Vemon, h 1625 Regina Shultz Harry 0., drug elk. 1342 N 6th, h 1617! N 3d Shultz James M., h 1617! N :ld Shultz James W .. h 2060 Derry Shultz John A., carpenter. h 221 Reily Shultz Maggie Mrs .. h 2120 Turner av Shultz Nathan \\T., laborer, h 2036 Hoas Shultz Robert A .. salesman, :m! :\1arket. h 1207 do Shultz Robert E .. inspector, It 4.JS S lIlth Shultz Theodore G., laborer. h :!l:!!) Boas Shultz William J., tallyman P. R. R.. It 121 Sylvan ter Shultz, see Schultz Shumaker Jacob C, laborer, h 416 Clinton av

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To find name you must know how to speD iLl'

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.~ 'a.l!;AN WOOD. DilY iQlfDLlNG COAL. }


J. CO 10t11 ... State S.... ur.. {' North 3d StneL

b80 t;;

Boyd'. Hani.burg (S) City Directory.

= = ii

~ Shumaker JOhn E., elk, h 30 S 13th

.... Shumaker Lizzie, saleslady, 31:2 Market, h 246 Clinton av Shumaker Lulu M., elk, 12 N 3d, h 1625 Park .... Shumaker Samuel, h 1625 Park Shuman Charles A, repairsman, h 1130 Market Shuman John, h 1130 Market Sliuman Theodore B., switchman, h 615 Peffer :; Shuman Theodore R., conductor, h 615 Peffer :es Shuman William A., repairsman, h 1130 Market Shuman William G., brakeman, h 1926 Elizabeth av en Shuman William H., notions, 2028 N 6th, h do Shumbarger John F., carpenter, h 1717 N 4th - Shumbarger Mabel F., saleslady, h 1717 N 4th , ; Shumberger Jacob S., laborer, h 1727 Wood av ;;::. SlIUJIBERGER 1. CALVIN, School of Commerce, M-18 S Up &&I h 116 do Shumberger Simon, carpenter, h 1139 Derry Shunk George B., pumpman, h 932 S 201 L&.I Shupp Annie J., warper, h 1320 Penn Shupp Boyd, painter, h 1320 Penn Shupp Eliza J., wid George M., h 1320 Penn ' Shupp George. molder, h 1523 Derry Z Shupp William, laborer, h 1320 Penn Shur Howard W., laborer, h 557 S Front Shure Austin }l., conductor, h 24 S 3d Shurtl('ff Roswell H.; pilcr. h 145 Paxton Shurtleff Thomas \1.1., nailer, h 145 Paxton &&I Shurtleff Thomas W., jr., helper, h 145 Paxton Shust('r Clayton, collectoc, 330 Verbeke, h 1413 Wal1ace Shuster, see Schl1!\ter Shutt Charles, trackman, h 1935 N 7th ,J;' Shutt Ger~rud~, bookkpr, 10th c Mulberry, h 1146 Derry 3! Shutt Harrv c., brakeman, h 1923 N 7th c: Sh~ltt H.arry W.o carpenter, h 1760 Logan av M Shlltt Biram E., cab driv('r, h 441 Verbeke ~ Shutt Lottie G., cigarmkr, h 1760 Logan av =:i Shutt Martin. h 1937 N 7th ~ Shutt Mearil, cigarmkr, h 412 Delaware av Shutt Norman, laborer, h 12th ab Kelker !:i Shutt Sadie, student, h 1760 Logan av ; Shutt William, driYer. h 1400 Regina _ Shutter Charlotte, wid Henry, h Home for the Friendless :; Sibbett James A., salesman, 26 S 3d, h 156 Sylvan ter Sible Charles H., carpenter, h 309 Dauphin av ~ Sible Elizabeth S., wid Joseph, h 230 Charles av . c:; Sible Eugene M., gents' furnisher, 1300 Market, h 1308 do. ~ Sible George H., elk, 903 Cowden, h 259 Sassafras av , Sible Jeannette M., saleslady, 318 Market, h 309 Dauphin av



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:~R:~~~:!lr~:..: ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d Ind Reily StSr

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... B ft.. TACK

1.18 P107' DIme bat 1IIIt-c1_ workmen. heaN onl7 jlrnII N. 3d 8t. ...........lID1Dre1IL Worlldonel.a1lD7]l1111018cate.


581 SIBLE 100 S., pres United Ice and Coal Co., h 266 Herr Sible J. Sidney, student, h 256 Herr Sible William H., h 1308 Market Sickel David C, paperhanger, h 207 Hummel Sickels Avery C, h 1513 Green Siders Charles W., laborer, h 1971 Moltke av Siders John E., foreman, h 324 Harris Siders John H., car inspector, h 523 Woodbine Siders John H., laborer, h 324 Harris Siders John H., salesman, 35 N 3d, h Penbrook Siders, see Seiders Sides Andrew T., printer, h 52 Balm Sides James]., cigarmkr, h 6th c Cumberland Sides Rebecca A., wid William H., h 716 N 6th Sidle AmanQa, wid John D., h rear 1432 Susquehanna Sidle Harry A., carpenter, h 1732 Walnut SmLE JOHN P., Grand Hotel, 314l1arket, h do Sieber Addison R., packer, h 1845 N 7th Sieber Alfred. motorman, h 1621 Regina Sieber Barbara, wid John]., h 1632 N 4th Sieber Carl T., laborer, h 1845 N 7th SIEBER CHARLES F., soap and candle mfg., 112-116 Cowden, h 1209 N 2d Sieber David A., laQorer, h 1845 N 7th Sieber Frederick C, elk, 112 Cowden, h 1209 K 2d Sieber Lldyd V. B., stengr. 222 ~larket, h 1621 Regina Sieber Louise, domestic. 1403 N 6th Sieber Mary, charwoman, h 1632 N 4th Sieber :\1. Blanche, stenographer, 16 X 2d. h 916 Green Sieber Paul K., machinist, h 1621 Regina Siegel Emma L., moccasinmkr, h 1421 James Siegel George A., h 1421 James Siegel George A., jr., molder, h 1407 Penn Siegel John F . bookbinder, 201 N 2d. h 326 Hamilton Siegel William H., molder, h 1407 Susquehanna Siegfried John R., brakeman, h 518 :\larket Siegfried W. Irvin, elk, 16 N 3d. h 104 State Siegrist Mary 1\1., h 20th c Brookwood Sierer Adam L.. physician, 2003 N 6th, h do Sierer George \V .. driver. 1218 K 3d. h 251 North ~ierer H. Hubert. stl1dent, h 2003 N 6th ~ierer John, cab driyer Com'\\"l~h, h Fain'iew Sierer Joseph S., h 1111 ~ Front Sierman l\Iaurice. laborer. h 1236 Cowden Sigler Clarence H .. elk Com. Trust Co., h 266 Briggs SIGLER CLARENCE M., pianos, organs and musical goods, 212 Market. h 24 Evergreen Sigler Harry ~ . laborer. h 412 Cranberry av

Boyd'. Harri.burg (S) City Directory.

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"To find name you must know how to speIllt."

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582 Boyd's Harrisburr (8) City Directol'J. ~ _ Sigler Martin A., notions, 1308 N 3d, h do .1 Sigler William A., salesman, 326 Market, h Mechanicsburg Sigler Sarah E., elk, t01 N 2d, h ,\Hddletown Sigler, see Zeigler, also Ziegler Sigmund John A., conductor, h 62 ~ 12th :5 Sigmund Lillian M., packer, h 62 N 12th Silberling John L., bartender, 200 Sad, h do Siler Plummer E. W., dk, h 1315 Fulton 't! Silk Edward C, h 121 V~rbeke SILK HARRY R., cigars and pool room. 1520 3d, h 121 Verbeke Silk James, cigars, 121 Verbeke, h dol .. Silk Rosie. music tt'acher, h 1:!L \'erhekc Silks Abrahalll L.. laborer, h 17:~7 K 7th Silk!; George \V., brakeman, h :!om; ~ :)th Silver Harr\". conductor, h 1:~:!4 X 6th Silverwood 'Clarice \'., h H3H Boas It Silverwood Florence L., saleslady. :t:H ~Iarket, h 631i Boai =-,ilverwooti Barve\, ~I., machinist. h !HG Gret'n Silverwood \'elma' .-\ . h 634) B,)as .... Silverwood \'incent \\'., stengr. 16 X :!d. h !11I) Green Simcox Meh'iIle L., ins agt, 14 S :!d, it 1:117 Kittatinny c( Simcox Scott A .. crancman, 11 en 7 Kittatinll\' Simmars Alfred J., printer, h 710 Cowdcn ' Simmars Andrew J .. laborer, h jl() Cow(len ~immars John S., pre"small Patriot, h '(tel Cowdt'n Simmars Reuben \1.. lahorer. h jlO COWde:l Simm~rs Abram P .. checkl11an P. R. R .. h l;;:t;o( I krr\' Simmers A. Decatur, assembler. h 411 \Iarket . Simmers Clarence H., bridge builder, h 1115 \\'allace .,: Simmers Edwin B., painter, h 1538 Derry Simmers Elizabeth Mrs., h 328 Muench ~ Simmers Ceorge W., bookkpr, h ]705 ~ 3d Simmers Hiram ~fcG., bookkpr, h 1741r. ~ Sd Simmers Jennie, seamstress, h 1527 \Vallace U Simmers John. laborer, h a36 S 2d - ' Simmers 'Joseph H., bridge Imilder. h 1115 \\'allace . ~ ~il11mers Katharine D., saleslady, aos l\Iarket. h 2:!1 South u Silllmers Mar\' N., h uno Elizabeth av CI ~iml11ers Samtlcl M., watchman Capitol, it 221 South IE Simmers Sarah F" weaver, h 1705 ~ :td . . :-;il11l11ons Abraham, salesman, 326 ).farket. h 1413 do ..... Simmons Chas. K . employee State Arsenal, h 1:1t1 Vernon !:::! Simmons Charlotte E., bookkpr, 105 :\ 2d, h 1413 ~larket CI Simmons Clarence E., fireman, h Un3 X 7th ~ Simlllons Frank H . elk. 2:!1 Harris, h, :n7 Cumberland Simmons (;eorge \V., (0, B. Simmons & Son). h :H S 13th ~ Simmons Laura R.. wid John, h 1913 :\ 7th










Ar.el"_l, Lt " .. ',. . . . . . . . . . lIe"er l.-.r.~ 1N a .., .. S - . 81. BeU 'PboDe 8&1 X. or Ii8I8 X.
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p., ..

Window ShacIa. {d:ftD~C:::...


Beyd'. Jlarrilburr (8) City Directol'J.

Simmons L. D., waiter, h 507 South Simmons :Ylaud R., teacher, h 1413 Market Simmons Oliver B., (0. B. Simmons & Son), h 1620 Park Simmons O. B. & Son, ~ George \V.), plumbers, 37 S 13th Simmons Walter P., fireman, h 1505 K 5th Simms Albert J., (Simms Bros.), tailor, 1 S 4th, h 128 S 2rJ Simms Bros., (Albert J. and Harry Simms), dyers, 815 N 3d SDIIIS EDWARD, up1l.ollterer and decorator, 206 LocUlt, 11. 119 S 2d see adv Simms Harry, (Simms Bros.), h 128 S :!d Simms James, houseman, h 424 State Simms William, laborer, h ltIO ~ 9th Simms, see Sims Simon Annie E., h The Bolton Simon Clara L., h The Bolton Simon Mollie E. :Mrs., dressmkr, :Wl:) Strawberry av, h do Simonetti Harry, huckster, h 22 Aberdeen av SDIOBETTI HOJlER R., oommis.ion merohant, W l\l 3d, 11. 443 Walnut Simonetti Irvin, salesman, h 403 Filbert Simonetti Jacob, fruit, 422 Market, h 4.t=l Walnut Simonetti Jacob, 2d, fruit, 401 Boas, h 110ll! Capital Simonetti Lewis S., fruit, &c., 408 Walnut. h 40S! do Simonetti Maurice, huckster, h 4:17 Walnut Simons Frederick, puddler, h 1103 ~ 7th Simons Henry H.. puddler. h 11113 X 7th Simons John, machinist, h 3li Chestnut Simons John T., puddler, h llU:~ X 7th Simons Joseph M., molder. h 1133 Wallace Simons Minerva M. Mrs .. h 306i Cherry av Simonton Calvin E., fireman, h 1615 Wallace Simonton Charles, laborer. h 706 Xorth av Simonton Charles A., brakeman, h 18211 X 5th Simonton Jesse S .. flagman. h 428 Kelker Simonton John W . president judge. C. H., h :n7 N Front Simpson Charles, machinist. h 919 X 6th Simpson EliZabeth ~Irs., h 614 Church av Simpson Elizabeth, wid Robert. h 16:11 Park Simpson George A., h Cowden or \'erbeke Simpson Joseph H., huckster, h 712 N 6th

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E. SIIVIIVIS, General Upholsterer, c:~et:J~:~~g Awning Maker.


S. ::r

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"'To find a name you must know how to spell it."
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-oUR MOTTO:- l HaautCooI,Haaut'We/Pt.f..

H M KELLEY ur. CO ,lIOt11udlltu.Sta. J. 1 Nerth 3d StreII.


~ ~ Simpson Pinckney, hostler, h lU! Strawberry av t; Simpson Robert W., gunsmith, 434 Strawberry av, h 533
_ :


Boyd'. Harriaburg (S) City Directory.

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N Cameron Simpson William, huckster, h 1217 Cowden Simpson William, puddler, h 533 K Cameron Sims Carl, laborer, h 1901 Wood av Sims Jane, wid William, h 1143 S 9th Sims William C, laborer, h 1143 S 9th Sims, see Simms Singer Charles ~1., bookkpr, 2207 N 7th, h 2:W9 N 3d Singer C. Vlayne, teller Commercial Bank, h New Cumb'd Singer Cora, centre assi' Lunatic Hospital, h do Singer Edwin 1\', mgr Atlantic Refining Co., h 1531 Green Singei George, h 21H S 13th Singer John, tinsmith, h 1417 Susquehanna Singer John B. draftsman, h 1~4 Derry SINGER lIFG. CO., lee 1. Lybarger, mgr, 2OO:R lei Sing'iser Eher J., telegrapher, h Ht!2 Park Singiser John W., butcher, h ]62~ Park Singiser Margaret A., domestic, 307 N Front Singleton Henry, porter, h 506 West av Sinninger Joseph H., jr., laborer, h 112 S 4th Sipe A. Derlan(l, laborer, h li'i34l :\ 4th Sipe Henry P., cab driver, h 118 ~trawberry av Sipe John D., elk, 1~20 K ad, h 118 Charles av Sipe Maria, h 25 Sassafras av Siple James L . elk, 428 Market, h 70 N 12th ~ister Agatha. h Sylvan Heights Sister Aloysius, h Sylvan Heights ~ister Ignati\ls, h Sylvan Heights Sister Xavier, h Sylvan Heights Sisters of Christian Charity, Sister Columbana, superioress,. h 107 Short Sites Albert "V., yardmaster P. R. R., h 11tl8 Capital Sites Daniel, cooper, h 4U) Herr ~ites Emma :M., teacher. h 7~0 N 6th ~ites Frank C. watchmkr, 214 l\brket. h 1008'N 6th Sites Frank E., boxmkr, h ~11 Harris Sites Harry M., painter, h 511 Harris Sites Robert, carpenter. h 720 N flth Sites Wilbert, laborer, h 614 Showers av Sites William A.. student. h ::ill Harris Six David. fireman, h un 7 ~ 7th Six Jacob. fireman, h ~018 N 7th Skane Alberta, teacher, h 4115 J,elker Skane Daniel. painter. h 405 Kelker Skane John. painter. li:{Ut :K 4th. h 4115 Kelker Skane Laura W., milliner, 36 1\ ~{d, h 405 Kelker

B1C~~~:~~c;,RE.} ANDREW



REDMOND. -: 3d .Dd Rell, Sts.

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A.B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,

{,2Ir:.!:_ "'~~~'frMt.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (8.> City Directory,

Skane Mary E., teacher, h 405 Kelker Skeen Susan, wid William, h 17:!2 N 6th Skeen William E., machinist, h :l007 ~ 6th Skt'lly James, laborer, h 418 Market Skelly Martin, machinist, h 133 S 2d Skibbe Rudolph, laborer, h 1023 N 7th Skiles Henderson J., warehouseman P. R. R, h 6(17 Boas Skiles Howaru c., tallyman P. R. R., h 607 Boas Skiles l'ora, w~aver, h 607 Boas Skiles Stella, weaver, h 6U7 Boas Skinner Charles E., messenger P. R. R., h 175 ~ 15th Skinner Lizzie, dressmkr, 17:; N 15th, h do Skinner William H., janitur P. R R., h 175 ::\ lath Slabach Edwin G., meat market. 123 S 3d, h 12(; Sylvan ter Slade Roman, porter P. R. R. pass depot, h 14 Haehnlen av SLAUGHElilIAUP WUT.TA)I P., Eagle HOUle, 946 7th 0 Bou, h do Slaughter David, laborer, h 710 N 7th Slaughter Ephraim, houseman Com'wlth, h 903 Capital Slaughter John, driver, h 2 Haehnlen av Slaughter Matilda J., dressmkr, h 104 Filbert Slaybaugh Charles T., elk, h 1127 N Front Slaybaugh Howard, hod carrier, h 2115 :V[oorc Slay~ough Reuben W., carpenter, h 609 Maelay Slaysman Tillie, dressmkr, h 1105 Cowden Slentz Charles J., watchman, h 32 SlOth Slentz J. Alfred, letter carrier, h 208 Verbeke Slentz Luther, elk, h 32 SlOth Slentz William M., paperhanger, h 1303 N 2d Slicer 1\[artha J., cigar packer, h 430 Reily Slicer Thomas W., carpenter, h 430 Reily Stichter Emma, wid Jacob, h 412 Market Slichter Emma S., music teacher, 412 Market, h do Slike William H., salesman, 8 N 2d, h Steelton Sliker Arthur G., elk P. R. R, h 506 Calder Sliker Augustus H., conductor, h 506 Calder Sliker Clarence \V., elk, h Cowden nr Herr Sliker Elva, stengr F. and l\1. Works, h 506 Calder Sliker Ross G., helper, h 506 Calder Slitzer Andrew, grocer, 1020 Market, h do Sloan Annie L.. wid Samuel, h 1727 K 3d Sloan Charles F., laborer, h 1312 Penn Sloan Cleora K.. milliner. 223 Market. h 1727 :!II' 3d Sloan Grace ~L. saleslady. ~34 ~Jarket. h 512 Walnut Sloan J. Alex., horseshoer, 110 Tanner's av, h Hl5 N 4th Sloan John S., horseshoer. h 116 Verbeke . Sloan Samuel L.. student. h 1727 N 3d Sloan \Villiam B., salesman, 440 Market, h 118 State

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-To fmda name you must !mow how to spell it."

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IIcNEIL'S PAil EXTERIiIIATOR ~r!Wo~~~:v'!~~:re..t~l.{ .. ~~.



Beyel'. Harrisburg (8) Oitr Direeterr.

Sloane Barbara, wid Lafayette, h 1111 ~larket Sloane John Q., h 1111 Market Sloat Alice T., wid William W .. h 657 Dauphin 11 Sloat Chestie L., laundress. h 657 Dauphin ~ Sloat Clara :VI., laundress, h 657 Dauphin i Sloat Joseph M., car cleaner. h 651 Dauphin - Sloat Laura ~L, teacher, h 1415 N 6tb ..:: Sloat Mary]., wid :Vlichael, h 1415 N 6th .. Sloat Samuel J., conductor, h 1415 N 6th Sloathaur John W .. gasmkr. h 587 S Front Sloop Susanna, cook. 1237 ~ 7th, b do i Slothower Charles A., traveling salesman. h 210 Hummel 15 Slothower Jacob E .. salesman. h 214 S Vlth Slough Charles, brakeman. h 342 Hamilton Slovanek Mary, wid Matthias. h 1109 Hickory av Slusser Martha, matron Children's Industrial Home, h do Smaling John]., cutter. 9 N 3d, h 300 Chestnut U) Small Bertha. finisher. h 292 S Cameron Small"Charles H., elk recorder, C. H., h 501 N Front 1&1 Small Daniel J., clk, h 19M State ..J Small Effie c., housekeeper. 96 Tuscarora C Small George W., elk 1st ~at. Bank. h 119 Chestnut 1&1 Small Mary, wid Lawrence, h 292 S Cameron . Small Oscar A., clk aud genl's dept. Capitol, h Paxtang Q Small Svlvester M., laborer. h 1934 State IaJ Smalley'Iowa c., cigarmkr. h 633 S Front Smalley Joseph. engineer. h 633 S Front Smallwood Thomas W .. elk. 433 Herr. h 419 Forster Smallwood ~~illiam, flour, 4~3 Herr, h Paxtang ..: Smedlev Mary E .. wid Francis, h 1745 N Cameron - Smedley Win'field T., flagman. h 1616 Susquehanna ~ Smee George W .. laborer. h 1418 Herr Smee Myrtle. rlomestic, 805 N 2d Q Smeigh Annie, domestic, 239 State U Smeigh Jesse. carpent~r. h 1549 Walnut ..... Smeigh Mary. wid Charles W .. h :142 Hamilton . . Smell Martha J. ::\1 .. h 1318 Fulton Smeltz Carrie M .. domestic, 1930 N 3d Smeltzer Chalmer F .. nailer. h 116 Dock ~ Smeltzer David H., car inspector, h 1845 Derry . . Smeltzer Edwin R.. laborer. h 1423 Regina ..., Smeltzer France!'; S .. cook. 517 South u Smeltzer Harry, fireman. h 430 Cumberland - Smeltzer Ira A., farmer Lunatic Hospital. h do CI Smeltzer John. laborer, h 1450 Regina ~ Smeltzer]. Wesley, puddler. h 116 Dock - Smeltzer l\1ae. domestic. 216 North ~ Smielau Franklin C. Rev., h S12 N 2d




Th .. A_rl.... n Bendl ... Cempll.,.. Baltimore. Md.



Penna District.

- --BOW. Q. ROBBa..... loa N Ill. Bell 'Phone s.n x. _11M3 X.


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,-DS()GAUIII8 ~ "8ClI~n.-




y4', Ham,burr (S,) Ci'J DireetHy.

Smiley Charles H., engineer, h 1851 Fulton Smiley Claud .Nt, brakeman, h 613 Dauphin


SlIILEY EDWDD W., chi,f clerk Senate, Capitol,



Lochiel Smiley Frank L., brakeman, h 601 Dauphin Snliley George, ins sol, 21 N 3d, h 1702 Fulton Smiley G. Herman, enameler, h 513 Hamilton Smiley Harvey F., (Dyer & Smiley), h 50UHamilton Smiley Henderson, laborer, h 509 Hamilton Smiley Jennie, h 614 Wiconisco Smiley John G., car inspector, h 430 Hamilton Smiley Miriam M., dressmkr, h 430 Hamilton Smiley Sarah A. Mrs., h 614 Wiconisco Smiley Susan R, h 509 Hamilton Smiley Thomas M., car inspector, h 430 Hamilton Smiley W. Herman, elk, h 614 Wiconisco Smiley William T., air brake machinist, h 256 Calder Smith Adam H., motorman, h 1319 N 6th Smith Agnes, stenographer, 8112 N 3d, h 1829i do Smith Agnes M., charwoman, h 329 Basin av Smith Agnes S. AIrs., (Hbg Brokerage Co.), h 229 Pine Smith Albert W., electrician, h Hotel Royal Smith Alice, cook, 1601 N 2d Smith Allen G., brakeman, h 1813 N 7th Smith Amy, domestic, 309 Herr Smith Andrew, laborer, h 1217 N 11i Smith Andrew c., trucker, h Front bel Division Smith Anna, weaver, h 1629 Susquehanna Smith Annie c., wid William, h 1722 N 5th Smith Annie E. Mrs., boarding, 8 N 5th, h do Smith Annie L., nurse. h 229 State Smith Annie M.. candy packer, h 1301 N 3d Smith Annie N. Mrs .. nurse, h 429 Pear av Smith Arietta H., weaver, h 1629 Susquehanna Smith Arthur, electrician, h 411 Market Smith Arthur R, porter P. R. R, h 114 Liberty Smith Augustus, driver, h 1313 Howard Smith Austin, waiter The Com'wlth, h 241 S 14th Smith Benjamin, cigars, 1322 Marion, h 1325 William Smith Benjamin F., cooper, h 1410 North Smith Benjamin F., laborer, h 321 S Cameron Smith Benjamin M., laborer, h 823 S Cameron Smith Benjamin S., h 600 Forster ~mith Benjamin S .. conductor, h 206 Hamilton Smith Bessie I., salesladv. !If) N !ld: h 221~ N 6th Smith B. Frank Dr., 37 N 3d, h 206 Hamilton Smith Blanche, laundress. h 117 Cowden Smith Blanche A., milliner, h 206 Hamilton


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.. To find a rwne you must know how to spell it."

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Boyd" Ha.rriIburg (IS) City Directory.


Smhh Breamrh L., h lr;~H :\ 6th Smith Carey ftagman~ h 1t:~;~ Bailev Smith Catharine, domestic, 21:; irleadow la Smith Catharine Ao, wid \Villiam Coo h un:J ~ 7th SmiK :harIe5~ barber~ h 821 Grrrn SmIth Charles~ driver~ ;'"i1l8 Stn,vberrv Smith :harles, waiter, h:!2 Herr ~ Smith Charles Bo, machinist. h 15:n ~ .tth Smith Charles C, labor~v h 611~ Dauphin ~ Smith Chark, opem:r h 8rY~;," Ca\11er:~m Smith Charles hostlev, h :!1:~ Csanbezry av L&.I Smith Charles Eo, screwsman, h 60S Boas ~ Smith Charlz::: E~, shearsman, h 1620 Walnut ; Smith Charier blackz:ziiith, h ~ 13th Smi Charlez~ 0, supt, ;'":n SonTh Smith Charles Go, (Smith & Keffer). leaf tobacco, 432 MarC ket: h 2103 N :~d ~- Smith L"harles ,barhz"l" 82:! .... Smith Charlez~ t, butcher, 665 , l:Uh 7th SMITH CHARLES Ho, county commissioner, Court HOUle, h oLinglestown Smlf.l: tharks mil! h ~ 3x1 C; Smith Charles 0, salez~mon. :m hd, h i= Smith Charles L., brakeman. h ~54 S l:~th ~ Smith Charles Mo, driver~ h 1736 :\ 7th :~ Smil Charlec madmzist, h ~ orth : -: Snlith ~=harle:" w, elk, 1=iH4 K 15UH\ 4th ..... Smith Charles Wo, conductor, h 1921 ~ 5th a.. 2 Smith Charles Wo, laborer. h 1942 Brigg" Smii Charlotte~ h 10:;h Creen Smith Chester h JaI1lZ~-Z Smith Christian Bo, engineer, 1402 Vernon, h 1246 !l.1arket Smith Christianna, wid John Ao, h 333 Clinton av Smi Ivde 4~79 Vz~rbeks~ 1 nn 79th Smith Cora z~achez physical culture 79P6 N ~ Smith Daniel Ao, flagman, h 1725 K 4th ~ Smith Daniel Mo, contractor. 16:!4 ~ 4tho h Wormleysburg "'~"~ Smik ])avid. saliesman. 63!l Smith ulavid turnksy Dauph:noo h Smith Dora F .. saleslady, 22~ :'I'Iarketo h Wormleysburg Smith Edgar Zo, brakeman. h 10 N l!lth Smith Edna, Z::j;zzrmkr~ 16 Hnm:a Smith Edward bral:nm::n o h :--r 5th Smith Edward Boo brakeman. h 2126 )J 7th ILl Smith Edward No, laborer. h 450 S Cameron SMICl:IhDWthE den;'"]i3;'", 931 h do wC Smith Edwin solicitor Patriot h New HloonmEh Smith Effie \1.. e1k o 170n N (jth o h 515 Dauphin av ---------0









-"AftE. A .nCIALT' 0 " -

Pabllc aalldl... la Plaia Tlata.

{tIUi ... ,. St.

I.,..,.. -,....

BOld'. Harrisburg (8) City Directol'J.

Smith E. Grant. draftsman P. R. R., h 503 ~luench Smith Elizabeth, laundress, h 1222 Dartine av Smith Elizabeth A., wid jesse n., h 1703 Green Smith Elizabeth E. Mrs., cigars, 657 Briggs, h do Smith Ella Mrs., h 1120 Market S111ith Emma, cigarmkr, h ~15 :\Iuench Smith Emma A. Mrs., janitress, h 2004 Penn Smith Emma K., wid Irvin, h 1~291 N ;ld Smith Emma K.. wid T. Rockhill, h ao. N 2d Smith Emma M .. weaver, n 121-1 S 14th Smith Emma R, domestic, 311 Boas Smith Emory E., driver, h 1410 ).iorth SIIITH ERlIlESr F. REV., rector St. Stephen'. Episoopal Church, h 309 III Front Smith Esther K.. bonndmkr, h 515 Dauphin av Smith Ethel, elk, h 1117 N 7th Smith Ettie Mrs., h 31;) 1 orstcr Smith Eva A., cigarmkr. h 1068 S !Ith Smith Eva 0., bookkpr, 321 :\larket, h 635! Muench Smith Fannie, wid Henry, h 814 james av Smith Florence :\1., cigarmkr, h 114 Dock Smith Forest T .. car builder, h 620 Delaware av Smith Frances M., saleslady, 334 Market, h 10 N 13th Smith Frank A., (Hbg Brokerage Co.), h 229 Pine Smith Frank B.. elk, h 206 Hamilton Smith Frank M., brakeman, h 1415 Wyeth av Smith Frederick. laborer, h 1124 N Cameron Smith Frederick A., tinsmith, h 1317 James Smith Frederick c., conductor, h 1::;14 N 6th Smith Frederick J., elk adjt gent's dept, Capitol, h 424 Boas Smith Frederick R., elk C. 1. and S. Co., h 58(; S Front Smith George A., packer, h 122 Balm Smith George c., plasterer, h 255 Forster II Smith George G., storekeeper Lunatic Hospital, h 222 South 10 0 Smith George H. L., baker, h 2114 N 6th 13 Smith George La Rue, h 255 Forster Smith George P., plasterer, h 249 North Smith George W., agt, h 1727' N 4th Smith George W .. laborer, h 243 N River av Smith Grace A., cigarmkr. h 114 Dock Smith Grafton. waiter, h 224 Blackberry av Smith Hammond, printer Patriot, h 526 Cowden Smith Hampton. waiter. h 24!l X River av Smith Hannah. wid ~athan X . h 450 S Cameron Smith Hannah. wid \VilIiam D., h 100!; N Front Smith Harriet. charwoman. h l:lll Cr<tnbcrry av ~mith Harriet. wid Albert, h 1~5 S 3d Smith Harry, elk, h 513 Cowden



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Boyd'. Harri.burr (8) City DirecHI'J. .. Smith Han-y, hostler, h 1il6 Briggs .!!I Smith Harry, laborer. h 1711 Elm Smith HalTY D., molder, h 1636 :\ 4th _ SllIith Harrv E., fireman, h 1911 K 7th e.a ~Illith Harr)' E., laborer, h 11 N 4th =i Smith Harry E., pressman Patriot, h 526 Cowden .: Smith Harry E., repairsman, h 18:!! Susquehanna Smith Harry F., coremkr, It 1629 Susquehanna ~ Smith Harry L., student, h 15U N 6th Smith Harry M., lineman, :!10 \\ialllut, h \Vormleysburg == Smith Harry S., laborer, h 1:!06 N 12th Smith Harry T., bartender, h 600 Forster -I Smith Harry T., fireman, h 200~ N 5th Smith Harry W., m otoml an , h :!'24 Briggs Smith Harvey, carpenter, h 1154 Derry (IJ Smith Harvey F., physician, 826 :\ 3d; h do Smith Harvey T., painter, h 351 Crescent ~miih Helen, charwoman, h 238 Libertv SIUTH H. ELIIOU, adT mer Patriot, h White Hill Smith H(~nrY S .. laborer, h 1206 N 12th Smith Herhert L., salesman, 611 Walnut, h 17U3 Green C Smith Herman A., barber, 414 N 3d, h Fairview Smith Ida B., wid Amos H., h 10(13 :\ 3d Smith Ida R., h 1270 Juniper Smith 1. Howard, elk, 1001 N 3d, h :!13 Calder Z Smith Isaac G., h 1010 James av Smith Isaac L., plasterer, h 1402 Green Smith Isaac R., carpenter, h 213 Calder Smith Jacob, barber, h 211 Kdker ..: Smith Jacob, shoemkr, h 1313 Howard Smith Jacob H., letter carrier, h 652 Boas . : Smith Jacob L., carpenter, h 1154 Derry &. Smith Jacob M., laborer, h 1936 North Smith Jacob R., cabilletmkr, 30'J Calder, h 256 Verbeke ~ Smith J. Albert, civil engineer, h 202 Locust ..... Smith James, driver, h 14!!9 Marion . : Smith James, helper, h :\ 7th ab Cumberland Smith James, shipping clk, :!10 Walnut, h Wonnleysburg U Smith James, teamster, h 50 Lochiel c::::a Smith James B., driver, h 109 Tanner's av Smith James E., car repairer, h 1814 Xorth Smith James F., engine cleaner. h 1514 N 6th ~ Smith James F., laborer, h 825 S Front Smith James H., organ builder, h 1319 Susquehanna o Smith James S., puddler, h 114 Dock ~ Smith James T., laborer, h 243 N River av Smith James W., puddler, h 608 Boas Smith Jennie, domestic, 1234 N 6th




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A. B.

Boyd's Harrisburg (s) City Directo.ry.

Smith Jennie, domi:e,tie~, 1415 ~Marion Smith Jess: S., :~S5 Dauphin av ~~mith Jess,~' ., ), h :3 ~I uench Smith Johll, carpenter, h 14~2 Herr Smith John A., waiter Lochiel, h 607 Stl>te 't:t:i1h John ma::tmist, h Clint:::: l>V Senith John hi., hOL:1h, h t;;a41 \ViIIil>m Smith John E., helper, h 808 S Cameron Smith John H., teacher, h 1H46 Walnut Smith J02::: ., moldl>L h 4:5h :horth Sm:th John mott:tman, h Locutt Smith John physician, 8~6 !\ :td, h do ~mith John ~L, elockmkr, h 131H ~llsquehanna Pt::::hJohn M., h \\'a11:HT Smith John )1., h Greem:cood Smith John ::'II., roller, 6U8 Boas Smith John ~., electrician E. & H. R T Co., h 35 N 16th h John elk \erhd:e. h N 4th Smith Job: lal:q::c:c, h 7th Smith John R., laborer, h 2U:17 Fulton Smith John W., bottler, h UII4 Cowden S:::i:h Jodn \V., btehman, 7U7 N ~tmhh Joh:: \Y., c::s n:spectot h 5:l7 E::let au Smith John W., engineet. h 162:l ~ 4th Smith John W., waiter Hotel Russ. h 607 State J02121than, e::;:~:::eer. S 14th h Jo::eph. lah::tl>c h l:~:~;i Penn Smith Joseph C ~Iajor, h 1417 X Front Smith Joseph F., h 1405 X 6th 'h:::i1h Smith Journey. jr., carter. h Primrose nr Cowden Smith J. Patterson, brakeman. h 640 Boas Smith J. er, (W Smith Son) 215 t:cheke Pmizh J. Ritchie Re:,: h 12h ::tc Smith Kate B., cigarmkr. h 116 Hanna Smith Kate E., dressmkr, h 918 ~ 6th Kati: N., wi:l ::hn ,,: 116 2::nna 'h:::ith K",:e L., cU" 68:t\ h1 h Smith Laura F. Mrs .. h 509 Primrose av Smith Leah P., dressmkr. h 602 Dauphin S:l1ith Lemuel R., h Brmvn ev Smith Li: , driunc h 2000 Renn Smith Lester, fineman, 227 \Valnut. h Steelton Smith Lewis A., laborer, h 1413 William Smith C, :q:le::ladv. MacOeL h 60h Fro::t 'h:::ith Lilliq M. :\:J do~e::tie. 107 ront Smith Lillie R., saleslady. 215 Market, h Mechanicsburg

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HI 1\ .ELLEY a l l . .'.ell 01a_'. ........ {'10th I11III 311 strid.' o. CO'S ,. . . . . . .11_ Nd Stat. SIa.
Boyd'. Harrisburg (8) City Directory.

592 Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith

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Lizzie, domestic, 116 Tanner's av Lizzie R., domestic, 141H N 2d Lizzie S., housekeeper, 17:l3 ;\; 7th Louis "V., barber, tl:tt Verbeke. h 114 Charles av Lydia, h 122:l Bartine av Lydia, wid David, h 515 .Muench Martha, housekeeper, 1116 KittatillllY Martin H., laborer. h 1138 Jonestown ru Mary, wid Godfrey, h 1629 Susquehanna Mary A., h 2122 Turner av Mary A., teacher, h 1417 N Front Mary A., wid George, h 516 Hamilton Mary E ..Mrs., boarding, 607 State, h do Mary E .. domestic. 6 N 5th Mar\' E . wid Israel W., h 17!W I, ulton ~mith Mary If., wid Joseph, h lfi:~6 Wallace ~mith Mary J.. wid David H .. h 1406 Derry Smith Mary M. Mrs., h 1205 N 111 Smith Mary T., confectioner, 1:101 :\ ad, h do Smith Michael H .. conductor, h 1222 N Front Smith Milton R .. 1I1gr. ;) S !ld. h 21 N 2d Smith Myrtle M., stenographer. h 325 Hamilton Smith Nellie, dressmkr. h 113 S D~wberry av Smith Nelson, lahorer, h SO; SlOth Smith Nicholas. driver. h 122;) N Front Smith Nimrod postal elk, h 214 Harris Smith Olive. attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Smith Oliver H .. laborer, h 165 Paxton SMITH ORSON V., chief clerk Bureau of ](ine., Capitol, h 1213 Kittatinny Smith Paul (-; .. ~tl1dent. h 926 N 3d Smith Percival R .. brakeman, h 2C1:!8 X 5th Smith Pett'r. agt, It 414 S River av Smith Peter .-\ .. harnessmkr, 501 vValnut, h 1002 Cowden Smith Phebe E .. h 1417 N Front Smith Philip W .. harher. 1204 N 3d, h 211 Kelker SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO., Henry N. White, mgr, 78 4th Smith Rachel Mrs .. h :?43 N River av Smith Ralph 1.. (R. 1. Smith & Co.), h 412 Ylarket Smith Ranllond R. fireman, h 325 Hamilton Smith R. I. & Co., (Ralph I. Smith), drygoods, 412 Market Smith Robert. waiter Lochiel, h 116 Tanner's av Smith Robert C. master mechanic P. & R.. h 129 S 14th Smith Robert C .. student, h 1417 X Front Smith Robert L.. elk cigar stand Com'wlth, h 209 Chestnut Smith Robert N .. heater, h 1fI12 S 9th Smith Rohert R .. laborer. h 1427 William

AN 0R RED M0N If:::!::~d '::,~:~::. {3d .Id R.I~ Sts. EW 0, CoogIe

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B TACK I w.n P.per. The bels IIIlG low.t PI'l_ Wfw lie. { N."ue ...... I ........ _pieCe willa I'r1DaeI 341 at.

Boyd'. Harrisburg (8) City Directory.



Smith Rosa A., Mrs., h 341 Kelker Smith Sadie S., student, h 602 Dauphin Smith Samuel. laborer, h 516 South Smith Samuel. la.borer, h U~; James Smith Samuel H., wlllluctor, h tHO Verbeke Smith Samuel R, (S. R Smith Co.), h 192!J Boas Smith Samuel T .. laborer, h 1432 ~ 6th Smith Samuel \\'., conductor, h 2:IS Kelker Smith Sander E .. weighmaster, h 1231:1 Cowden Smith Sara L.. domestic, 325 :\ Front Smith Sarah, domestic, 1:;18 X 6th SIIITH S. R. CO., noodle mfn, 28-40 N Cameron Smith Stanley G., stuuent, h 1417 N Front Smith Susan }'1., charwoman, h 1423 James Smith Sylvia \\'., milliner. 1300 N 3d, h 122'2 N Front Smith Theodore. motorman, h 1S36 V,,' alnut Smith Thomas C, alul'rman. 2218 X 6th, h do Smith Thomas c., huckster, h 335 Harris Smith Thomas E., laborer, h 932 James av Smith Thomas G., machinist, h 534 North Smith Thomas H., laborer, h 825 S Front . Smith Thomas H., waiter, 314 ~farket, h 116 Tanner's av Smith Verne c., painter, h 1914 N 7th . Smith Walter H., printer Independent, h 1022 Green Smith Wesley C., brakeman, h 1921 N 5th Smith William, coachman, h 130 Cranberry av Smith William, engineer, h 1437 Zarker Smith William, laborer, h 1521 Wallace Smith William, machinist, h 18:~4 Fulton Smith William, shoemkr, 534 ~orth, h do Smith William A., elk, 1001 ~ 3d, h 1522 N 5th Smith William B., laborer, h 1118 Hickory av Smith William D., h 600 Forster Smith William E., brakeman, h 238 Kelker Smith William E., laborer, h 23d ab Derry Smith William G., elk P. & R. frt depot, h 609 Forster Smith William G., laborer. h 825 S Front Smith William H" h 1010 N 2d Smith William H., h 1125 Cumberland Smith William H., brakeman, h 608 Showers av Smith William H., brakeman, h 1208 Penn Smith William H., driver, h 1238 Bailey Smith William H., engineer, h 210 Kelker Smith William H., engineer, h 2222 N 6th Smith William R., laborer, h 619 Race Smith William H" trackman, h 1813 N 7th Smith William H. Rev .. h 2146 Atlas av 5mith William J., elk, h 515 Dauphin


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II.EIL'S CDIIPLEXIOI PILLS. :.~:::J~(~u:.:~I~~':: {......

;; 594 Boyd's Harrilltorg (8) City Direetory.

.. Smith William J. Rev., h 114 Liberty _ Smith William K., h 8 N 5th Smith William K., carpenter, h 515 Dauphin Smith William L., h 127 State ~ Smith William M., brakeman, h 15231 N 3d Smith William N., flagman, h 2130 N 7th Smith William P., engineer, h 602 Dauphin . Smith William P., student, h 206 Hamilton :; Smith William S., fireman, h 1127 Wallace .:: Smith Wilson B., broom mfr, 1214 Fulton, h 1405 N 6th Smith Wilson 0., (W. O. Smith & Son), h 1200 N 2d Smith Wilson O. & Son, (J. Porter), grocers. 1200 N 2d Smith Winton c., salesman, 424 Market, h 223 S 13th -I! SJtUTH &; KEFFER, (Charles G. Smith and lohn 1. Keifer),. ji wholesale tobacconists, 432 market Smith, see Schmid, also Schmidt, also Schmitt, also Smythe Smock Smith, fireman, h 411 Market I/) Smoley Iowa c., cigarmkr, h 633 S Front II: Smoley Joseph, engineer, h 633 S Front LaI Smolizer Arthur P., warehouseman P. R. R., h 1318 Vernon .J Smolizer John, brakeman, h 1318 Vernon .", Smolizer John L., cutter, h 1318 Vernon ~ Smothers Charles S .. laborer, h 211 S River av 1&1 Smothers Emanuel. driver, h 213 S River av C Smothers H. William, laborer, h 564 SlOth Smothers Simon, laborer, h 213 S River av 1&1 Smou~e David B., elk C. I. and S. Co., h 1427 Market Smoyer J. Seybert, printer Independent, h 917 Green Smucker David E., painter Lunatic Hospital, h 1837 N 6th ..: Smucker Edwin S . barber, 1630 N 6th, h do _ Smucker Joseph, laborer, h 535 N Cameron ~Smull Sarah L., wid William P., h 402 N 3d E Smyser Albert, machinist, h 508 Emerald c= Smyser George W., conductor, h 402 ~luench U Smyser Henry W .. conductor, h 1502 N 6th - ' Smyser William H., collector, 32 N ad, h 1502 N 6th C Smythe Theobold A. Rev., h 527 Maclay Snader Philip, shoemkr. 651 WaUace, h do Snavely Alfred, h 231 K 2d Q Snavely Archie L., conductor, h 222 Cumberland : : Snavely B. Frank, engineer, h 105 Calder Snavely Carrie M., bookkpr, 200 N 2d, h 577 S Front ~ Snavely Charles W., confectioner, 213 S 2d, h do - Snavely Clara c., wid John W . h 603 N Cameron Q Snavelv Cvrus, conductor. h 203(t N 5th ~ Snavely Eila c., dressmkr, h 266 Cumberland - Snavely Elmer E ... h 222 Cumberland ~ Snavely Harry P., brakeman, h 222 Cumberland


wtl1goonyourbonci. 1_ ............... wbawEDW G ROBERTS boDda are executed. Bell 'Phone SIll X. 01''' X. Goog Ie

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A. I. TACl t::.~-:t 1111 PUDer and IlDdOI _

Boyd'. Bal'IUburr (8) City Direotol'J.


Snavely Harry W., elk, 400 Cumberland, h 401 Herr Snavely J. George, h 231 N 2d Snavely John, laborer, h 603 N Cameron Snavely John E., mattressmkr, h 577 S Front Snavely John R., tree agt, 16 N 2d, h 123 Liberty Snavely John W., puddler, h 577 S Front Snavely Linda M., teacher, h 561 Forrest Snavely Margaret, wid Frederick, h 2:11 N 2d Snavely Mary S. ~Irs., patent medicines, 1011 N 3d, h do Snavely M. Grant. mgr, 451 Verbeke, h do Snavely Michael F .. h 928 N 6th Snavely Park W .. laborer, h 622 North Snavely Sallie, cigarmkr, h 2(1;'l9 N 5th SNAVELY S. ED., livery. 236 Blaokberry av, h 120 Cheatnut Snavely Susan P., h 719 N 2d Snavely William, h Cameron nr State Snavely William H., painter. h 222 Cumberland Snavely William J., mgr, 3 N 2d, h 412 North Snedden John W., elk State Treasury. Capitol. h 1523 Green Snedeker Charles E., laborer. h 1429 James av Snedeker David A., laborer, h 1429 James av Snedeker Samuel E., laborer, h 1429 James Sneeringer Annie, wid Gregory, h 10m Green Sneeringer J. Ross. elk, h 1007 Green Snell Aaron, laborer, h 1203 Bailey Snell Charles R., h 1203 Bailey Snell John L.. laborer. h 21 Linden Snell Joseph, engineer. h 1343 Howard Snellings James, puddler, h 1310 S 13th Snider Caroline, wid Daniel, h 339 Chestnut Snider, see Schneider. also Schnyder, also Snyder Snively Eveline, wid Joseph. h 219 Meadow la Snoddy Calvin S . mgr. 5 S 2d. h 1324 James Snoddy C. S. & Co., c. S. Snoddy. mgr. pool. 5 S 2d Snoddy Deames c.. brickmkr. h 434 S Cameron Snoddy Elizabeth E., wid Calvin S . h 1:\24 James Snoddy Emma c., dressmkr. h 257 Sassafras av Snoddy Harry c., blacksmith. 1:U5 Vernon, h 126 Linden Snoddy John. laborer, h 434 S Cameron Snoddy Samuel G.. blacksmith. 1:\15 Vernon, h Penbrook Snoddy William S . fireman. h 46~ S Cameron Snoddy Zachariah, wheelwright. 1301 ~ 4th, h 257 Sassafras av Snodeal Charles M . laborer, h 121 Vine Snodgrass Anna B., wid William L.. h 413 Herr Snodgrass Frank P .. (Snodgrass & Snodgrass), h 112 State Snodgrass Horace W., sec and treas Anthracife Wagon Co., h 112 State

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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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~~ ~&1;.l H.

M. KELLEY &. CO. {t.:...:.~ta~'1::

Boyd'. Harrisburg (S) City Directory.

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Snodgrass Marcie A . forelady, 716 State, h 413 Herr Snodgrass Robert, (Snodgrass & Snodgrass), h 112 State Snodgrass Robert 1\., boilermkr, h 45 Balm SNODGRASS & SNODGRASS, (Robert and Prank P.), lawyen, 17 N 3d Snoke David M., driver, h 924 Grand Snoke Ellen, wid George, h 1410 Penn Snoke Harry A., elk, 320 Verbeke, h 916 N 6th Snoke Hiram F., flagman, h 1228 N 6th Snook Arthur A., train receiver P. R. R., h 1604 N 3d Snook Herbert F., tinner, h 1548 Fulton Snook Martha Jane, wid Oliver, h 1548 Fulton Snook William H., tinsmith, 334 Kelker, h 1829 Logan av Snow Alfred S., laborer. h 1605 Logan av Snow Earl c., fireman, h 619 Camp ~now Harry, tailor, h 3 1\ 4th Snow Howard \V., fireman, h 602 Granite av Snow James D., laborer, h 619 Camp Snow James H., tailor, h 310 Verbeke Snow John F., machinist, h 2122 Greenwood ~now William A., cand"mkr, h 15118 Howard Snowden Charles c., porter Hbg Hospital Snvder Aaron H., machinist, h 437 SlOth Sn~'der Abraham L.. distributor, h 1121 Grape av .~nyder Agnes ~., trimmer. h S Aberdeen av ~nyder Am~s H., ins sol, 15 ~ 2.d. h Wormleysburg Snnler Anl1le C. 1\lrs .. h 1111:.. ~ 3d Sn\'der Annie E., h 437 S 1nth Snyder Annie E., tacker. h :)40 Korth Snyder Annie T .. cigarmkr. h 577 Showers av Snyder Armor, installer, 2111 \Valnut, h 1012 ~ 3d Snyder Arthur, laborer. h 117 Ann av Sn)'der Berenice. laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do Snyder Caroline, wid John P., h 339 Chestnut Snyder Carrie. shirtmkr, h 1110 }lontgomery Snyder Catharine, h 515 Calder Sll\'der Catharine, domestic. 331 S Front ~n\'der Catharine 11rs., nurse, h 22 'X 14th Sn\der Catharine, wid Ahner, h H28 S 9th Snyder Charles, laborer. h Hl18 Fox av Sll)'der Charles A .. shoe cuttt'r, h 1507 Logan av Snyder Charles R.. conductor. h 17I1S ~Iarket Snyder Charles D., warehouseman P. R. R., h 21 Brady av Snyder Charles E., puddkr. h $21 S Front Sm'der Charles F., driver. h 4 N 9th Sn)'der Charles L., elk P. R. R., h 17 S 13th ~nyder Charles T., engineer, h 1617 N 5th ?~y~~~~_la_r_a,_w_i~~a~l~~ ~,_,h_1? ~~3th

:;~::~"M~~:~~I!::wr;! ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d .ld.Relly StS.

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B TACI, I,Ule {BllDJIlO7I! - -tIIImeIll. WOI'.dCllleIDUl1I*'of 3d 8t. .......... 1111\ tlaHlaa wwbMm, - - CIIlI~=
Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory. 597

Snyder Clarence F., messenger P. R. R., h 631 Kelker Snyder Cornelius W., laborer, h 1::!20 Wallace Snyder Daniel F., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do S~)der Daniel W., shoe operator, h 1534 Thompson av Snyder David A., elk, 210 Walnut, h 10~:! S Cameron Snyder David B., laborer. h 1082 S Cameron Snyder David F., engineer, h 1713 Green Snyder Edward, real estate, h 213 State Snyder Edward A., helper, h 421 S 13th Snyder Eli T., machinist, h 2220 N 6th Snyder Elizabeth, wid Jacob, h 36 N 13th Snyder Elizabeth, wid John H., h 520 N 5th SBYDER EUGENE, lawyer, 10 N 3d, h The Commonwealth see adv Snyder Flora A., milliner, h 405 Herr Snyder Florence, domestic, 432 North av Snyder Frank M., elk P. R. R.. h 643 Boas Snyuer Frank T., brakeman, h Hi01 ~ 2d Snyder Franklin. laborer, h 603 N Cameron Snyder George E., conductor, h 405 Herr Snyder George F., conductor, h 1814 N fith Snyder George H., engineer, h 1814 N 6th Snyder George H., laborer, h Greenwood nr 21st Snyder George W., blacksmith, 215 N Court av, h 405 Herr Snyder Geo. \V., asst stationmaster P. R. R.. h 227 Brig-gs Snyder George W . real estate. 1312 ::\ 6th. h do Snyder Gertrude, beader, h 1708 Market Snyder Harris. E., postal elk, h 1741 :\larket SnYder Harrv. brakeman, h 2031 N 7th Snyder HarrY C, plasterer, h 20:36 Kensington Snyder Harry E., h .a!l9 Chestnut Snyder Harry L., driver, h 516 North Snyder Helen, h 401 Reily Snyder Henry, carpenter, h 1721 Green ~nyde0enry, !aborer, h 821 ~~r~~ _ _


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Attorney-at-Law ~
18 !'Iortb Tblrd Strett, Rn:-rlsbul1. Pn.
.... Debts Collected and Business Transacted in any part of the United States, Canada and Europe through Reliable and Responsiblf' Agencit's.


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... To find a name you must know how to spell ito"

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culrs ~ 8106 AI. PATEn IUlCIlE STIlE. {=-:=::!t.

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BIrd'. Harritbvr (S)

City Direetory.






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Snydcr Henry W., h 1605 N 2d Snyder Herman E., asst baggage agt, h :l31 Crescent Snyder Hilda :\1., housekeeper, h 17 S 13th Snyder Ida F., bundler, h lr28 SlOth Snyder Isaac, brakeman, h 412 Strawberry av Snyder Jacob, conductor, h 1601 1'Ii 2d Snyder Jacob, laborer, h U97 Bailey Snyder Jacob T., stenographer, 4 N 3d, h 270 Briggs ~nyder James B., brakeman, h 1529 Green Snyder James H., fireman. h 5-10 :\orth Sn.vder James 0., laborer, h Cumberland nr 9th Snyder Jane ~Irs., h Hi Boyd av Snyder Jane, wid John, h :!:.~ :-J River av Snyder Jane M., wid John, h 516 :\"orth Snyder J. Gayton. stu~ent, h 1t)05 :\" :!d Snyder J. Edwin. decorator, 3:!4 ~larket. h 101~ N 3d Snyder Jesse E .. elk. 3:!'2 Verbeke, h 1:!07 ~ ad Snyder Tesse 1\1.. machinist, h 1();)'''c\ S Cameron Snyder j. Gordon. salesman, :~:H ~larket, h 1~t~6 ~~ 3d Snyder John, carpenter, h l!1!6 Kensington Snvder Tohn. laborer. h 11~!I Christian Snyder john A., letter carricr, h ;)77 Showers av Snyder John A., jr., weighman. h 577 Showers av Snyder John B., laborer, h 12U Chestnut Snyder John B., laborer, h 117 Verbeke Snyder John C, laborer, h U04 ~ 3d Snyder John C, laborer, h 1MO Wallace Snyder John F., deaner, h 540 North Snyder john F .. telegraph operator. h 1 w:~! Capital Snyder John G., fireman, h 1036 S Cameron Snyder John ~f., barber, h 4~t! ~orth a\' Snyder John P., laborer, h 420 Hamilton Snyder Joseph, brakeman, h Hi01 ~ 2d Snyder Joseph B., laborer, h 325 Kelker Snyder Joseph F., laborer, h 1121 Grape Snyder Joseph H., laborer, It 125 Balm Snyder Joseph K, student. h 577 Showers av Snyder Julia S., wid Isaiah, h 11108 ~ :!<l Snyder Katie 1\1., tel opr, 210 Walnut. h 1708 Market Snyder Lavinia, wid John c.. h UCla! Capital Snyder Levi, brakeman, h 8 ~ 5th SI1Vder Linda, h 36 N 13th Sn~der Lizzie L., hemmer, h 1322 N 4th Snyder Lloyd \V., elk, Canal bel State. h 427 Harris Snyder Mabel, housekeeper. 17 S 13th Snyder Malinda, wid Michael, h 631 Walnut Snyder Margaret, bonnetmkr, h 171:~ (;reen ~1~de~ l\I~r~aret Mrs., h lH02! ~ ~t~

' OW aad .,e.. oa B-;Ji~r--i";.;,;;'~ E 6 ROBERTS "'"eldeM', LI ..~iII'...II. Bell 'PboDe 861 X., or ea.s x: loa lIror,b "_ad Digitized CoogIe

A. L TACt.

Wall Paper aM Window Shades. {::~~-:r.:


"'. Jla.rri8bur (8) cnty DiIettIaI'J. :>99 Snyder Margaret E., wid Emanuel K., h 435 S 13th Snyder Martha M., domestic, 520 N 5th Snyder Mary, waitress, 19 S :!d, h do Snyder Mary C., domestic, 115 Reily Snyder Mary E., topper, h 554 Forrest Snyder Mayme K., music teacher, 917 Green, h do Snyder Michael, laborer, h 553 SlOth Snyder Michael, jr., laborer, h 553 SlOth Snyder Minnie V., bookkpr. 324 Market, h 101:! N 3d Snyder M. Louisa, h 1ill~ ~larket Snyder Ned H., student, h Hm5 K 2d Snyder Nelson, conductor, h 6:n Kelker Snyder ~oah W., laborer. h :..'O:!4 Kensington Snyder Permilla 1\1., wid Benjamin. h 54U ~orth Snyder Peter, miller, h 231 Muench Snyder Ralph R., elk P. R. R., h \Vormleysburg Snyder Robert H., h 213 State Snyder Roscoe F., fireman, h li/)8 :\-larket Snyder Samuel F. W., waiter, h 52H ?\ Gth Snyder Sarah, wid John B., h 1155 Derry Snyder Sarah F., bookkpr. 424 :-.; 3d. h 1012 do Snyder Simon, laborer, h 554 Forrest Snyder Susan, h 1814 N 6th Snyder Susan, wid Andrew J.. h 556 SlOth Snyder Sylvester L . driver. 330 Market. h 928 S 9th Snvder W. Havs. barber. 134 Mulberry. h 130 do Snyder William E., cab driver. h 129 S':M Snyder William H., cigars. 1:!i2 :\-Iarket. h 434 North Snyder William H., driver. h 29 X 10th SliYDER WILLIAJI S.;lawyer and notary public, 11l td, h 119 South Snyder. see Schneider. also Snider Sober Edwin I.. fireman, h 630 Reilv Sober Martha G .. stengr State Library, h 317 N 2d SOCIAL CLUB, 302 lIarket Socks Harry ).cT.. conductor. h 16:l S Summit Socks Maria. wid Thoma!', h 113 Cowden Sofi~ld Alice D .. dressmkr. h 2(;3 Briggs 'SOlIN' DAllIEL W., cashier Commercial Bank, h 1419 It !'ront Soleliac Charles. mgT. h 217 S Front Soles Charles E .. engineer. h 618 Delaware av Soles Daniel M . driver, h 1~22 Cowden Soles Ida. bonnetmkr. h lfJ8.1 N 7th Soles Samuel P .. driver, h 1222 Cnwden Soles T. Edward. brakel1lO'ln . h 198:1 N 7th Sollenberger Christian F., sale;,man, h ~6~ :-';orth Sollenberger Clinton A .. salesman.\} S 2d, h 19:t4 :\ flth Sollenberger David L .. printer P~'tri,:t. h 415 Cumberla.nd

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bOw to spell it." CoogIe

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M KELLEY & CO 110t11 8IId 3d Streit. JI lIart. litata StI.


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Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.

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Sollenbergu, DilIt'r S . contractor, 5:!:3 Peffer, h do Sollenberger Le\'i, salt:sman, h 5:!:1 l'efter Sollenberger ~laltha H., domestic, ::!liO X 3d Sollenberger l\laurice G., carpenter, h :123 Peffer Sollenberger, see Sullenberger Sollers Annie R.. wid James W .. h 1138 Market Sollers Charles G .. stereotyper Patriot. h 321 Reily Sollers 'Emma ~I rs., laundrtss. h ~tate c Filbert SoUers Tames E .. laster. h J l:l8 Market Sollers )ames T .. laborer. h :~21 Reily Sollers Kate E. 1\Irs .. h :!11 Y!ulberry Sollers Rebecca ~1 rs . h 321 Reily Sollers William ~L, laborer. h l:!M Market Solol11on Hlnry "V., clk. 224 ~'larket. h 414 Strawberry av Solomon Joseph W., flagman, h 1619 Wallace ' Solomon .\tartin L., conductor. h 6:!:'i Calder Solomon Xellie Y.. music teacher, 1416 Creen, h do Solomon Rebecca. wid Han'y G., it 1416 Green Sommer Augustus, brakeman, h 1404 Vernon Sonman Shaft Coal Co., J. ~f. Cameron. pres; Vance C. McCormick. sec and treas, 223 ~Iarket Soper Anna 1\L. wid Leander V. B.. h 226 Liberty Soper & Mann. (,Morris J. Beakley and Charles H. Mann)r watchmkrs' supplies, 1 X 3r1 Sophes Charles, laborer. h Cowden nr South Sophes ;\'aomi E .. domestic. 115 Cowden Sophes Paris. laborer. h lUi Cowden Sophes Susan, wid W. Harry, h 412 South Sornberger Adam. h 336 Hummel Sornberger Daniel, conductor, h 144 Sylvan ter Sornberger David. driver, h :m6 Hummel Sornberger Elmer C. elk. h 336 Hummel Sornberger L. Maude. forelady, h 144 Sylvan ter Sornberger Olive C .. telephone operator, h 144 Sylvan tel"' Soth Henrv. laborer. h 620 \\'iconisco Souder Annie. buncher. h 104~ S Cameron Souder Jacob A., cabinetmkr. h 3!'i S 13th Souder Sadie. buncher. h 1048 S Cameron SourbeerAaron. laborer. h 18:~4 Walnut Sourbeer Anna E. Mrs .. grocer. 11311 X Front, h do ~ourbeer Blanche B .. student. h 13:?1 ~ 6th Sourbeer Charles E., flagman, h 165 S Summit ~ourbeer Edwin L., laborer. h 101 South Sourbeer E. MaY, h 423 S 14th Sourbeer F. 1\1a~ion. music teacher. 1314 Maple av, h do' ~ourbeer Grace E .. dressmkr. h 42:~ S 14th Sourbeer Henry, jr., drygoods. 1~21 X 6th. h do Sourbeer Henry J., tile setter, h l1~O ).; _____ ._______ _______________ _ Front

iiiC~~t:~~IlB. f ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d lad.RIUy Sts~

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A. B. JACK, Practical Paper Hanger,


Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directol')'.

Sourbeer Henry S., grocer, 500 S 13th, h do Sourbeer Jacob L., heater, h 214 Mulberry Sourbeer James H., draftsman, h 1245 Kittatinny Sourbeer J. Frank, janitor, h 246 Hummel Sourbeer Lila E., shoe finisher, h 1342 Vernon Sourbeer Mary K., stenographer, h 801 N 6th Sourbeer Mary W. Mrs., grocer, 1245 Kittatinny, h do Sourbeer Oscar F., carpenter, h 157 N 15th Sourbeer Samuel J., heater, h 423 S 14th Sourbeer Uriah c., laborer, h 1130 N Front Sourbeer William B., marker, h 42:J S 14th Sourbeer \Villiam H., puddler, h 1302 X Cameron Sourbeer 'William W., hooker, h 1342 Vernon Sourbier Charles J., accountant E. & H. B. T. Co., h 332 Verbeke Sourbier George H., (George H. Sotlrbier & Son), h 332 Verbeke SOtlrbier George H., jr., (G. H. Sourbier & Son), h 338 ~ Verbeke Sourbier George H. & Son, (G. H., jr.), funeral directors and embalmers, 338 Verbeke. telephone Sours James E., machinist, h 1219! Bailey South Bend Chilled Plow Co., agrl implts. 627 Walnut Southard Catharine Mrs . matron Lunatic Hospital. h do Southard Charles M., elk. 401 Chestnut. h 308! S 2d Southard E. Albert. lumber, h 80S! S 2d Southard Emilv, wid Alexander. h 30R! S 2d II Southern States Despatch, J. H. Leonard. genl Eastern 0 agt.16N 2d 13 Southworth James, laborer. h 1334 S 13th Sowers Carrie P., warper, h 1832 Fulton Sowers Elmer c., repairsman. h 450 Cumberland Sowers George, shoemkr, 503! Kelker. h 18.'32 Fulton Sowers George W., brakeman. h 635 Peffer Sowers George W., puddler. h 52 Lochiel 6th Row Sowers Ida M .. elk. 320 Verbeke. h 18.12 Fulton Sowers Tohn A . laborer. h 1214 Christian Sowers Lizzie, domestic, 400 N 3d Sowers Lydia. wid John H .. h 52 Lochiel It Sowers Mary. domestic. 1727 N 6th Sowers Myrtle M., housekeeper. h 1832 Fulton Sowers Sarah A. Mrs., h 1014 State Sowers William A.. flagman, h 417 Muench Spades Peter. laborer. h 719 State Q. Spahr Charles M . brakeman. h 327 S 16th Spahr Charles S. warehouseman P. R. R., h rear 1222 N 3d Spahr Harry L.. switchman. h 1831 N 3d Spahr Harry M .. laborer, h !l23 Kelker

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,. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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1.lfl'S PAil EllERIIUTU ~T:":'':::'=''~~;':r. {_~.

Boyd'. Barrilburl (8) Cit)' DireotorJ.

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Spahr Harry W., supt stock yard, h 2137 N 4th Spahr H. Brooks, stationer, 1:!:m N 3d, h 1221 do Spahr John H., driver, 3 Cowden, h 323 Kelker Spahr Mary E., wid George, h 1164 Mulberry Spahr ~I. Emma, stenographer, 7 S 4th, h Steelton SPAlIR llURRAY H., merchant tailor, 9 N 3d, h llechalli. . burg Spahr Sophia, tailoress, h 219 Herr Spahr Thomas L., tailor, 110a N ad, h do Spahr Walter G., elk, h lsal N 3d Spahr Walter S., driver, h 32a Kelker Spahr William A., stable, 1326 ~larion. h 1714 N 3d Spain Mary, wid Martin, h 500 Brown av Spangenberg Bruno R., ice cream, 507 Reily, h do Spangler Alvin M., h 1413 !\ 3d Spangler Blanche F., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 1413 do Spangler Charles, patternmkr. h 535 Camp Spangler Charles E., ins agt, 14 S 2d, h Steelton Spangler Charles S., machinist, h 1231 Derry Spangler Charles 'Iv'., warehouseman. h 1800 Boas Spangler Daniel j., helper, h 1413 ~ 3d Spangler George W., laborer, h 338 Cherry av Spangler George W., carpenter, h 1120 N Front Spangler Harry L., stitcher. h 1120 N Front Spangler Henry c.. machinist, h 1120 N Front Spangler Jacob, puddler. h laM S 13th Spangler Jacob H., blacksmith. h 1120 N Front Spangler John K., laborer, h 108 Che1"ry av Spangler Julia 0 .. milliner, h 13:l4 S lath Spangler Lydia H., matron, 239 State, h do Spannuth Amelia, domestic, 119 Pine Sparrow Charles M., laborer. h 956 S 21st Sparrow David. laborer. h 235 Cranberry av Sparrow Della H., milliner, ~4 ~Iarket, h 1715 Hunter av Sparrow Edward. janitor, h 110 Tuscarora Sparrow Florence Mrs., dressmkr. 910 Hemlock, h do Sparrow Jacob, blacksmith, h 1715 Hunter av Sparrow John, laborer, h 235 Cranberry av Sparrow Minnie, saleslady. 215 Market, h 110 Tuscarora Sparrow Susan H .. teacher, h 1715 Hunter av Sparrow Thomas F., laborer. h 1a1 Vine Sparrow William G., machinist. h 1715 Hunter av Sparver Leonard, enginet"r. h 1918 N 5th Sparver Mary A. l\hs .. matron P. R. R. depot, h 1419 N 6th Sparver William J., fireman, h 1639 N 6th Spayd Edith A. :\frs .. proof reader Indpdt, h 1220 Derry
The A",erl".D Bondln. (Jo", ,.. Baltimore, Md. BOW. G. ROBBR...S General Ageut\:euual Penna. Dlatrlct. loa Bell 'Phone 851 X. or 6INa

s.,.. at.


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PZN~~~",::~-::..!!.." {J216 IDrIIIlIIlrG II. Boy" Harriaburg (8) City Director)'. 6ua

SPAYD ROllUT E., alderm&Jl aU. cipr mfr, 148 S 3d, h do, telephone 1811 Spc-akes Calvin, laborer, h 624 Briggs . Speakes Charles W., laborer, h 513 North av Speakes George W., laborer, h 1102 Cowden Speakes William, driver, h 513 North av Spealman Albert, coachman, 505 N Front Spealman Claude, dragger, h 18 Lochiel2d Row Spealman Geo. E., cafe, Mulberry c Derry, h 227 Hummel Speas Harry E., elk P.O., h 1925 State Spece Catharine R, candymkr, h 526 Muench Spece David, flagman, h 526 Muench Spece Sarah, domestic, 10lt N 7th Speck Cyrus D., car repairer, h 312 Reily Speck George, tailor, h 504 State Speddy James ~L, telegrapher P. R R, h ::!tl3 Hummel Speel Alexander R, h 124 Walnut Speel John N., paymaster U. S. N., h 124 Walnut Speelman John, butcher, h 828 James av Speelman Lewis W., elk, 16 !'J 3d, h 312 Crescent Speese Albert S., checkman P. R. R., h 1108 ~ 6th Speese Charles H., blacksmith, h 1708 Briggs Speese Charles R, inspector, h 438 Boas Speese Ellen E., wid Joshua :\1., h 26i N 5th Speese Florence L. Mrs., h 2200 Logan av Speese Frank, salesman, 31 S 2<1, h 212 Mulberry Speese Gertru<k M., bookkpr, 440 Market. h 26! N 5th Speese Harry R., salesman. h 438 Boas Speese May 1., bookkpr, 26 S 3d, h 26} K 5th Speese Milton D., laborer, h 236 Hummel Speese Samuel S., mgr. :U S 2d, h 128 Chestnut Speese Sarah A., wid John H., h 1708 Briggs Speier Abraham. bookkpr, 10 S 2d, h 1101 !'J 3d Speier Emma, wid Theodore H.. h 1101 N 3d Speise Frank, huckster, h 115 Xagle Speise George W., laborer, h 115 Nagle Speise Mary A., wid Lewis, h 115 Nagle Speise William, brakeman, h 2020 N 6th Spence Forrest. hostler, h 640 Walnut Spence ~Iarshall, laborer, h 640 \Valnut Spencer Annie L., wid William]., h 1468 Regina ~pencer Frederick W., (Burnell-Spencer Co.), h Milwaukee Spencer :\Iary, wid Robert, h 554 Primrose av Speraw Harry F., brakeman. h 1122 Montgomery Sperling Abraham, peddler. h 423 Strawberry av Sperling Louis, clothier, 503 Walnut, h do Spicer Charles A., furniture, 111 S 2d, h do Spicer Charles F., mgr, 440 Market, h 128 S 2d

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-To fine! a DaJDC you


mow how to speIllt."

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Goog Ie

H. M. KELLEY" CO .. COAL AND WOOD {Omc8S: :o:.0~\~=



Boyd'. Harrilburg (S) City Directory.

en Spicer.T. Henry, supt Durial Case Co., h 22 N 4tli ~ Spicer Rudolph K., elk Hbg Club, h 44U S lath ~ Spickler Alice, bookkpr, 12 S 2d, h 1106 N 2d :c Spickler Carson L., printer, h 110li ~ ~d t - Spickler Mabel, bookkpr. 12 S 2d, h 1106 N 2d g; Spickler Martha, wid Martin, h 1106 ~ ~d Spigelmyer Samuel, helper, h 1112 S Hth CD Spire Charles W., car marker, h 120 S 14lh _ Spitler Alfred, detective Penna. Steel Co., h WU Swatara - Spitler Alfred, (B. F. Spitler & Son), h Vt!:J Thompson av Spitler Benjamin F., (B. F. Spitler & Sup), h 13~3 Thomp~ SOil av ...,;.. SPITLER B. F. & SON, (Benjamin F. and Alfred), house painteR, 1323 Thomplon av lee adv a::: Spitler John A., engineer, h 1622 Swatara _ ~pitler Laura J., elk, 1402 Vernon, h 1614 Swatara C Spitler Rebecca, wid Adam, h 1323 Thompson av z: Spitler Robert R., fireman, h fl05 Korth Spitz Josephine, h 416 Briggs Spitz Philip, foreman, h 632 Herr Splawn Lee, laborer, h 440 S Cameron c.,,) Spofford Kate R., bookkpr, 10th bel ),brkct, h lOt) Statl! :z Spofford Mary E., h 106 State Spofford S. Ella, elk, 32 N 3d, h 106 State :z Sponenberger Frederick, h 18<19 ~orth ~ Spong George W., yardmaster C I. and S. Co .. h 1501 Penn ~ Spong James, lineman, 210 Walnut, h Wormleysburg t - Spong John D., elk Central I. and S. Co., h West Fairview ~ Spong Lemuel R.. mgr, 223 Market, h \"'est Fairview c::: Spong Norman, elk C I. and S. Co., h West Fairview : : Sponhauer Frank. laborer, h ]4~4 Walnut ..... Sponsler Catharine, wid Henry. h 917 N ~d > SPONSLER EDWARD R., lawyer, rooml 20 and 21 Trult ~ bldg, 222 market, h 106 Cheltnut ~ Sponsler George C, painter, h 274 Briggo; ~ Spcnsler George H., ins agt, 14 S 2d, h 12i Sylvan ter lIZ: Sponsler George M., elk, 308 Strawberry av, h 904 Cowden ~ Sponsler Harvey W., pipe cutter, h 1022 Herr ~ Sponsler Howard C. bookkpr, 330 Verbeke. h 27fi Briggs .. ~ Sponsler Id~~I.~sal~~~d~,:'J~~d. h :!7fi Briggs






B. F. SPITLER. &, SON, House Painting of all Kinds Dona at Short Notice
NONI: BUT till: BI:ST MATERIALS IJSED. 1323 Thpson A_v_cD_UC_, _ _ _ lIarrlsbul1, Pa. ANDREW REDMOND, Hc:.;:.~~.~~ ~::'';''oi::.. {3d Ind Belli Sit.
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-MAttES ~ S,.EOIAL" {t2t~ 11.34 st' PrelCOtall P.bllc B.lll1lnp In pi.l. Till... ElII_e. 9t


Boyd'. Harrisburg (8) City Directory.



Sponsler J. Edward, salesman, 326 Mark,:t, h la:J Briggs Sponsler Joseph A., engineer, h 91 i N :!d Sponsler Mary A., wid Andrew, h :!60 ~urth Sponsler Mary J. Mrs., h 276 Briggs Sponsler William A., h 1:J21 Bartine av Spooner Elizabeth, h 111 N 2d Spooner Gertrude, bunchmkr, h 45~ Cumberland SPOONER WILLIAM H., china, glasl, lamp. and fancy goods, 5 If 2d, h 117 Loouat Sposito Nicholas, bootblack, 314 Market, h do Spotts Abner, h 1323 Thompson av Spotts Charles H., brakeman, h :!03:! Fulton Spotts Harry c., elk, 340 Chestnut, h 222 N 3d Sputts James A., packer, h 222 N 3d Spotts John S., v-pres People's Ice Co .. h li1:i ~ 5th Spotts Sarah Mrs., domestic, 605 N Front Spotts William A., conductor, h 2106 N 4th Spottswood Bessie D., laundress, h 13t8 William Spottswood Edward c., bricklayer, h 528 North Spottswood Jesse S., porter, h 132~ William Spottswood l\lary J., wid David, h 1328 William SPOTZ ALLEN U., broker, rooml4 and 5, 18 N 3d, h 111 Calder see adv Spratts Emma J., saleslady, 215 ~larket, It 134 Vine Sprenkel Peter K., salesman, h 711 Capital Sprenkle J. Webster, foreman, h 4U9 S 14th Spriggs Alice, h 703 North Spriggs Edward, waiter, h 1H21 William Spriggs Frank, laborer, h 110 Angle av Spriggs George W., laborer, h 431 South Spriggs Henry W., waiter. h 626 Primrose av Spriggs William E., laborer, h 110 .\ngle av Springer Edward J., brakeman, h 24 S :Jd Springer Edwin N., grocer, 1341 Vernon, h 1345 do Springer Emma c., h 1335 Vernon Springer George N., elk. 206 Market. h 5:l8 ~orth Springer James P., flagman, h 538 North Springer James P., jr., light trimmer, h 5:J8 North Springer John \V., upholsterer, 1261 Thompson aV,h 1418 Derry


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Rooms 4 and 5, No. 18 North Third Straat, Harrisburg, Pal
Leenl and Len. Dle.a.c.. 'PhD....


.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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BoJcJ.'. Jlarriaburg (S) Cit,


_. Springer Oscar C, printer, h 1illS S 13th Springer Sadie, dressmkr, h 1418 Derry Springer Uriah, engineer, h 11;~2 Wallace _ Springfield Harry, fireman, h 1103* Cowden &:t Sprout Alfred, laborer, h 1901 Derry Sprout Charles B., foreman. h 928 S 201 Sprout George B., nailer, h 928 S 2(1.* ~ Sprout Mary E., elk, 223 ~1arket, h 91 Tuscarora i= Sprout Stewart, helper, h 1947 Swatara Sprucebanks Charles, driver, h 1231 Bailey Sprucebanks George W .. hostler, h 312 N Court av ~ Spruce banks James, molder, h 312 N Court av - Sprucebanks Laura A., weaver, h 312 N Court av Sprucebanks \Villiam W., bar elk, 29 S Dewberry av, h 113 Korth (I) Squibb Lloyd, toolmkr, h 124 Chestnut Squires Thomas G., conductor, h 525 Emerald Stabler Catharine, wid Ephraim. h 6O:-l Herr Stabler William A., shoemkr, 712 l\hrtle avo h 603 Herr I- Stack Thomas A., warehouseman, h'125 SlOth STACKPOLE EDW.AllD 1., editor and mgr EveBiDg TeleC graph, po.tmuter ancl cutoclian U. S. Court HoUle . . . Post Ofilce bldg, h 1930 B 3d Stacks P. R. R., h I- Stadler Elmer E., elkbookkpr, 619 106 Calder The Central George M., Walnut, h STAGER LEIGHTOB B., agt U. S. kpreu, h 1211 Karbt Stager Maria, wid William, h 910 S 9th Stahl Aaron F., watchman, h 2028 Elizabeth av Stahl Carrie A., cigarmkr, h 11'42 N 7th . . Stahl Catharine Mrs., domestic, .'l28 Chestnut _ Stahl Glarles. fireman. h 20:W N 6th Stahl Charles L .. linotype opr Tndpdt. h 47 N 16th Stahl Daniel F., laborer, h 2051 Swatara Stahl Harry H . laborer. h :lHl Crescent U Stahl James B., painter. h 1M2 N 7th ..... Stahl John A .. h 28 S .'ld ~ Stahl, see Stoll. also Stull Stahler Edith M., elk, h 12-1 Evergreen U Stahler Fannie L., cigar packer, h 1220 N 6th CI Stahler George W .. flagman. h 1946 N 5th Stahler Harry M. laborer, h 1101 Calder Stahler John. engineer, h U Lochiel, 2d Row ~ Stahler JohnA.. toolmkr, h 1906 State Stahler Kate. seamstress. h 714 Capital CI Stahler Kate Mrs., h 124 Evergreen ~ Stahler Melissa :\1., telephone apr. :!27 Vv'alnut, h 1906 State ~ StaHy Alfred H., foreman, h 58 N l~th


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y~=.~ IOU Papef 0IId IIndOl ShOIlS IfOlD A. B. TACK, N.1~\t. Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory. 607
Stair Edward, cigarmkr, h :tW S Court av Stair Ellie, cigannkr, h a20 S Court av Stair (;eorge W., carpenter, h 320 S Court av Stair Robert, bartemler, h 136 S :ld Stakley Frederick, laborer, h 550 SlOth Staley Byron E . Commercial Academy, 3114 X :!d, h 253 North Stalipar Louisa, domestic, 526 Cowden Stallman Horace, foreman, i16 State, h 7 SlOth Stambaugh Bertha. domestic Hotd Royal Stambaugh Cyrus E., cooper, h 10:16 S ~th Stambaugh Harry F., student, h 1:n5 Derry Stambaugh Harvey, lahorer. h 143!I \'ernon Stambaugh John K., cooper. h 1015 S wth Stambaugh Mary M., wid Jacob, h 220 Briggs Stambaugh Roy B., laborer, h 1015 S 1IIth Stambaugh Samuel P., teacher. h 1:n5 Derry Stambaugh. see Stumhal1gh STAJDI A. CARSON, lawyer, 3, 5 and 7 N 3d, h 311 H1UDJD.e1 Stamm Henry n., laborer, h l!l:) \'ine Stamm ~lartin Rev .. editor, 201 N 2d, h 282 Gnion av Standard Bottling Works, (N. Freidberg), 420 Walnut Stanford A. Leroy, plumber, h 261 Sayford av Stanford Vincent W., (Roberts & Meek), h 804 Green Stanford Wesley M. Rev .. h 2:!6 Reily Stanford Zelia C. artist. h 226 Reily Stanley Augustus J. K . baggagemaster, h 1615 Swatara Stanley Frank E., salesman. 223 Market, h 246 North Stanley James, conductor, h 57 N 10th Stansbury Isaac L., laborer, h 1070 S 9th Stanton Elizabeth. domestic, 132 Locust Stanton Emilv. cook, h 237 Cranberry av Stanton Emma J.. h 1428 N 4th ' Stanton James. houseman. h 237 Cranberryav Stanyard f''.dward. agt. h 13 S Court av Stapf George. carpenter. h 47 N 14th ~tapf John, (Stapf & Renfer). h :110 S 13th Stapf Margaret Mrs . confectioner, 47 N 14th, h do Stapf & Benfer, (John Stapf and Joseph Benfer), contractors. 510 S 13th STAR CARPET CLEAlmiG AND HOT NAPHTHA CLEANSING WO:axS, (Killer & Butler), 18 .. Cameron see adv

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Star Dye Works. (Jall1es Butier), dyers, 28 N Cameron ~ STAR-INDEPENDENT, B. F. Keyen, pub; Wilmer Crow, :r mgr, 18, 10 and 21 S 3d see adv Stark George W., nag-man. h 15:!5 Stark Leah, wid Charles, h 90:3 i\ 3d ~

.. To fbi a name you must know bow to spell it."


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'Try. "OD of

H MKELLEY & CO'S BI"..k Pin............ ,.oa .... o

{' North 3d StNIt. 10th ud IItate SIa.


Boyd'. Harrisburg (8) City Directory.






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Stark Lucinda :\lrs .. h 4:n State Starkey William, mech engr, h :!3:! X :M Starn Mary A., matron, Bailey bel 12th, h do Stamer Bertha, domestic, 1iU5 N Front Starn('r Wilson W., Hagman, h 11101 Berryhill Starr Aletha]., (Starr & Co.). h 1118 X 6th Starr Bertha A., penmkr, h 36 Balm Starr Charles F., barber, h 1327 Fulton Starr Estate, office, 1300 X 6th Starr Frank J., h 1210 K 2d Starr Hiram H., stenographer, h 1:327 Fulton Starr Morris, tinsmith, h 13"27 Fulton STARR & CO., (Aletha 1. Starr and lin. lIaude 1. Wilbar) , furniture, carpets, &c., 1300 Z. 6th Starry Adam, stone mason, h 1327 N 2d Starry Edgar, carpenter, h 2106 Brookwood Starry Wallace G., (Hbg Collar and Cuff Co.). h 1366 Vernon Starry William F., carpenter, h :!106 llrookwoorl Startzman Rose, h 622 Halnilton STATE CAPITAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Edward R. Pierce, mgr, 2 S 2d State Y. M. C. A., H. B. llcConuick, chairn~an; J. B. Bailey. treas; S. :\1. Bard, sec, 16 N 2d Staub Frances, stenographer, 813 Market, h 19 S 4th Stauffer Anna :\l., cigar roller, h 1945 Swatara Stauffer Benjamin G., agt, 2111 Brookwood, h 21U2 Derry Stauffer Carl. fireman, h 502 Reily St.. uffer Charles E., machinist, h 1426 Walnut Stauffer David S., conductor, h 310 Muench St~,uffer Edgar E. Rev., h 1731 :\1arket Stauffer Edith M., elk, 201 N 2d, h 1846 Swatara Stauffer Elva :\1., seamstress, h 1846 Swatara St~ltlffer Emma N., stitcher, h 112 Linden Stauffer Frank, brakeman, h 1001 Cowden Stauffer George N., miller, h 1226 Walnl1t Stautier Gertrude, wid Joseph, h 1431 James Stal1ffer Harry C, flagman, h 1434 Grl!en StadIer Harvey L., laborer, h 1945 Swatara Stauffer Herbert, engineer, h ~~O Lo~ _______

S T A A _ _... m

~ e~wet me~m~~ ~~~ ~OIN~~m~~ me~~sm~ Wor~s. Clo'''."" LaJ d., pem8, ".tlc .,M........,.,...."'erlc.r > cH... IIIUER & BlInER. PnprIetln. o
of a" Iri"d. f"lflCIned fr.od P...."".,. Pur..., ..,.. CI_...,d Brigh' all Nevi ....d Mot/. ""re/led. , .... q, aU 1ri.. Dr.. or C"",.flt~, A.l,..,.... 1c


-~-------~ --~-

ANDREW REDMOND, ::::!:::".;.':~:~::. {3d and Rally SII.

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. . . . . 1 A B TACK I w.u P ...- . ThebelClllldloweltlll'lO& W,.... { ... " ....... _ple&e wtala I1Uura aIIil I'rlDaw It.

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.



Stauffer Ira, brakeman, h 714 N 3d Stauffer Jacob B., elk adjt genl's dept, h :\-Iechanicsburg Stauffer Jacob W., driver, h 1945 Swatara Stauffer John H., molder, h 1822 Logan av Stauffer Joseph, carpenter, h 313 Verbeke Stauffer Lottie L., domestic, 21 5 Front Stauffer l\lary E., assorter, h 112 Linden Stauffer May F., tailoress, h 1116 :\-Iontgomery Stauffer :Minnie B., cigar roller, h 1945 Swatara Stauffer Sallie, housekeeper, 2102 Derry Stauffer Samuel G., h 2104 Derry Stauffer Samuel T., carpenter, h 112 Linden Stauffer Sarah, wid John, h 1846 Swatara Stauffer Tolbert ~L laster, h 112 Linden Stauffer "Valter J.. brakeman, h 628 Mahantongo Stauffer William A., flagman, h 1804 N 5th


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Steadman Mary Mrs .. h 209 Barbara av ~ Steager John A., carpenter, h 914 Cowden Stecher Franklin Z., stable, Singer av nr Chestnut, h 1302 , M~~ _ Steck Clarence C., brakeman, h 1806 Elizabeth av _ Steck Martha M. Mrs., h 1806 Elizabeth av , Steckley Elizabeth A., wid Matthew, h 1808 N 4th , Steckley Frederick W., grocer, 417 Reily, h do II Steckley George W., barber, 405 Kelker, h 1728 Fulton II Steckley Joseph, stone cutter, h 417 Reily. 0 STECKLEY M. &; SOli, (William W.), boots and shoes, 404 .01 0 Verbeke (Broad) 13 Steckley Paul B., student, h 1808 N 4th Steckley Warren M., elk, 404 Verbeke, h 1808 N 4th U Steckley William W., (M. Steckley & Son), h 404 Verbeke W Steele Cheyney, engineer, h 1612 Susquehanna ., Steele Frank M., engineer, h 237 Hamilton Steele Ida, wid Thornton, h 1413 ~Iarion Steele Ida K. Mrs., boarding, 200 Pine, h do Steele J. Harry, postal elk, h 1013 ~farket Steele John D., brakeman, h 1728 N 3d , Steele John M., h 200 Pine It STEELE 100 M., grocer, 1002 Market, h 1013 do ~ Steele Kate, wid William H., h 1728 N 3d wi Steele Leon E., fireman, h 1100 N 6th '-' Steele Mabel M., milline1", 312 Market, h 237 Hamiltoll W Stef'le Marne, cigarmkr, h 237 Hamilton Steelton and Harrisburg Brick Co., S. M. Brightbill, pres; E. E. Fiese, treas; W. E. Abercrombie, sec, 5 S 3d Steely McClellan L., switchman, h 1845 Fulton ~ Stees Alma. roller, h 1227 Wallace

0. (I)


To find a ~~ -you must

blOw how to spell it."

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IIC.EIL'S CDIIPLEXIO. PILLS. :.PJ~~:nd~n~~':.!: {3061r1l6

.. Stees George W., plasterer, h 335 Clinton av _ Stees Harriet, wid George W., h 115 S Cameron Stees Harriet R., wid Theophilus, h 636 Muench Stees Harry, carriagemkr, h 326 Qinton av - Stees Harry H., h 104 Walnut Stees Harry M., huckster, h 1311 N 3d Stees Harry W., laborer, h 1227 Wallace Stees Henry, janitor, h 326 Clinton av :; Stees Isaac, oricklayer, h 1937 Briggs i= Stees Jacob 0., elk F. and M. Works, h 2632 6i Stees Joel E., laborer, h 1937 Briggs :: Stees Lawrence W., painter, h 231 Sayford av Stees Mary E., weaver, h 239 State ~ Stees Ossie P., machinist, h 209 Blackberry av :ii Stees Rebecca, wid Abraham, h 335 Clinton av Stees Rebecca J., housekeeper, 720 Race Stees Robert, bricklayer, h 1937 Briggs (/) Stees T. Harry, ins agt, 9 S 2d, h 324 Kelker Stees William H., laborer, h 1227 Wallace LaI Steese May, student nurse Hbg Hospital, h do ~ STEEVER AAllOB' II., druggist, 933 B' 8th, h 931 do C Steever Anna R., wid John W., h 602 Cumberland LaI Steever George W., laborer, h 602 Cumberland A Steever John W., driver, h 1219 Wallace ... Steever Mary L., h 602 Cumberland Steever Robert F., brakeman, h 1834 N 7th LaI Steever Wesley M., brakeman, h 2124 Moore U Steever William F., elk, 933 N 6th, h 9a1 do Steffey Laura E., boarding, 47 N Summit, h do ..: Steffy Samuel B., polisher, h 1938 Briggs Steflek Michael, roller, h 1205 N 3d C Stehley Mary, wid Jacob S., h 235 Boas ~ Stehman Benjamin D., machinist, h 2]3 Mulberry Q Stehman Benjamin H., engineer, h 213 Mulberry c.: Stehman l\-1ary, domestic, 1220 Chestnut . .... Steiger Henry J., elk, 1311 N 3d, h 444 S 14th C Steigleman George F., car inspector, h 2121 Moore Stein Emma, shoe operator, h Calder c 11} Stein J. Rauch Rev., h 1705 Green Q Stein Lewis H., cigars, 25 S Court av, h do Stein Mary, wid Lewis, h Calder c 11! ..., Stein William. laborer, h Calder c 11} u Steinberg Frank, laborer, h 58 Lochiel Cottage Row - Steinberg l\lartin J., laborer. h 58 Lochiel Cottage Row Q Steinberg William J., baker, h 108 Hanna ~ Steinbright Chas. A., (Hbg News Agency), h 124 Chestnut - Steiner Charles C, linot~'pe opr Telegraph, h 614 Briggs ~ Steiner Charles E., bricklayer, h 414 Clinton av



Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.





EDW G ROBERTS bondl are uecuted.


lO " -....f WbeeBell 'Phone 8111 X, or . . x.

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A. B. TACl=--=.-:t II POD8r O\1IIlmdOi I . ::IW~

Boyd'i Harrilburg (8) City Direotory.

Steiner Eugene c., driver, h 1810 State Steiner William L., carpenter, h 614 Briggs Steiner, see Stiner Steinmeier Mary, laundress, h 1535 Swatara Steinmeier William R., boilermkr, h ],535 Swatara Steinmetz Augustus S., conductor, h 620 Hamilton STEIlOIETZ BESSIE II., reporter Patriot, h 524 Emerald STEIlO[ETZ GUS II., managing editor Patriot, h 524 Emerald St~inmetz Sarah E., wid Samuel S., h 620 Hamilton Steinmetz William B., engineer, h 524 Emerald Stem Mary, h 22"2 Liberty Stemler Frank H., engineer, h 1943 ~ 7th Stence Benjamin F., baker, 905 N 3d, h do Stence Samuel, carpenter, h 2018 Elizabeth a\" Stence William A .. driver. h 417 State Stenger Walter R., h 105 Chestnut Stenner Margaret, saleslady. 6 S 2d. h 121. do Stephen Annie, h 1100 N Front Stephen Sarah, wid William, h 11011 X Fmnt Stephens Bessie P'., stengr, 1222 ~ 3d, h 2711 :\orth Stephens Eva, domestic, 217 S Front Stephens George W .. blacksmith. h 1915 Forster Stephens Jesse K., collector. !l30 Verbeke. h 1437 Regina Stephens Mary, domestic. 217 S Front 1JTEPHDS SHARON, ooal and wood, 3d 0 Verbeke (Broad), Stephens Thomas, warehouseman P. R. R., h 903 Shaonis Stephenson Catharine. wid Jacob. h 2416 S 13th Stephenson Ellen Mrs .. h 50!l Cumberland Stephenson Frank P .. bricklayer, h 323 Peffer Stephenson Gomer L .. bricklayer, h :n9 Maclay Stephenson Harry F., bricklayer, h 2009 Penn Stephenson Jenkin E .. candymkr. h 616 State Stephenson John D., bricklayer. h :U9 ~1aclay Stephenson Levan, contractor, h :U9 ~laclay Stephenson Thomas E., mgr, 268 Verbeke. h do Steptoe Josephine, domestic. 224 Cumberland Sterick Ambrose L., laborer. h 1531 N 5th Sterick Lewis A., laborer, h Ui31 ~ 5th Sterick Sylvester T. F.: painter. h 15:n ~ 5th Sterick William W .. laborer,h 1531 N 5th Sterling Edward I.,laborer. h 2ft! S Cameron Sterling George W., laborer. h 216 ~ 10th Sterling Rhuan, wid Isaac, h 215 S 2d Sterling Susan C. Mrs., h 216 1\ 10th Sterling William B .. h 216 N 10th Stern Emanuel, shoes, 320 Market. h 412 Briggs


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M. KELLEY & CO. ~;c:..OI:'~ta~!~


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Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.


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Stern John F., carpenter, h 70 N 14th Stern Louis, (t:st), clothing, 331 xlarket Stern Minnie NI., saleslady, 326 ~larket, h 70 N 14th Sterner Lillian A., housekeeper, 58 Balm Sterner Samuel, drivN, h 608 Church av Sterrett Franklin G., rougher, h 929 S 2t1! Sterrett Mary E., wid Alexander W., h 929 S 201 Sterringer Emma ~f., housekeeper, h 1310 Wallace Sterringer F. Blair, helper, h 634 Hamilton Sterringer Joseph R, engineer, h 6:!8 Verbeke Sterringer J. Rush, foreman, h 1310 Wallace Sterringer Mervin, elk, h 628 Verbeke Sterringer R Elwood, laborer, h 1717 Penn Sterringer Su.san R, domestic, 1829 N 4th Stetler Emma L., domestic, 300 Chestnut Stetler Philip G., shoemkr. h 239 State Steube Anton G., gltler, h 850 S Cameron Stevens Annie J. :\Irs .. h Home for the Friendless Stevens Benjamin F. Rev., h 2'2S S 13th STEVENS CLARENCE C., cigars and tobacco, 1031 Karket, II. 1206 do Stevens David, drh'er, h 1412 Fulton Stevens Edwin A., clk, 1402 \. emon. h Steelton Stevens George \V., waiter, h 505 South av STEVENS 10HN C., physician, 230 S 13th, h 228 do, oSee hours, 8 to 9 a. m., 12 to 2 and IS to 9 p. m. Stevens Thomas H . asst supt. 9 S 2d, h 2 S 4th Stevens William, elk, 421 K 2d, h Shiremanstown Stevenson Frances J.. wid Theodore, h 42 S Court av Stevenson Frank G., painter, h 1215 K Front Stevenson Frederick S .. cabinetmkr, h 116 S 14th Ste\'ens"'" H. Alice :\Jrs., (Stevenson & Stevenson), h 719 N oth Stevenson James E., waiter The Bolton. h 414 South Stevenson Jenkins G .. candymkr, h 616 State Stevenson John F .. (Stevenson & Stevenson). h 719 N 6th Stevenson John F .. frescoer. h 1325 X 2d Stevenson & Stevenson. (J. F. and Mrs. H. A.), physicians, 719 N 6th Stevick A. Lincoln. bar elk. h 279 Calder Stevick Daisv B.. domestic, 406 K 3d Stevick Dani'el A .. (Ste\'ick & Co.). h 1313 N 3d Stevick David B., driver. 2207 N 7th. h do Ste,,;ck Frank E., bookkpr, 223 Market, h 520 Calder Stevick Franklin F . agt, h 1019 N 3d Stevick Ida V., wid Harvey, h 429 Maclay Stevick J. Christ, student, h 429 Maclay Stevick William, machinist, h 1420 N 3d

:~::~ ~:~i:~:a! AND R EW


RED MO N {3d IDd Reily Sfs. D.

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A B TACK I 1.18 U8t.


........... blnrwlt.. WorlldClllelau,panof


_e bat 1JD.c1_ WClI'men. hence 0II1~=-

Boyd's Harrisburg

City Directory.


Stevick & Co., (Daniel A. Stevick, Amanda Hartzell and Fiania Halter), milliners, 925 N ad Steward Carrie E., c.1k, 1513 N 3d, h 809 do Steward Charles A., elevatorman Court Huuse, h 809 N ad Steward George W., trimmer, h 400 Reily Steward Jacob W., elk, 1008 N 3d, h 923 Myrtle av Steward James F., grocer, 400 Reily, h do Steward John W., agt, h 1614 N 4th Steward Karl, (C. Day Rudy & Co.), h 1513 ~ 3d Steward Kate R., wid Michael, h 400 Reily Stewart Alfred c., blacksmith, h 420 Cunlberland Stewart Augustus, coachman, h 108 Mary's av Stewart Charles W., frog planer, h 625 S Front Stewart Charles W., checker, h 1510 Green Stewart Clara B., stengr The Lochiel, h Steelton Stewart Corinna I., wid George 'V., h 818 ;\ 3d Stewart Craig G., h 1427 N 3d Stewart Emma T.. witl Theodore, h 1219 ?\ IH Stewart Frank iI., printer, &c., 1427 ;\ 3d. h do Stewart Frank S., elk. h 224 Crescent Stewart Harry G . laborer. h 213 Cra:nberry av Stewart Henry J., (Forney & Stewart). h 3:!Ol Chestnut Stewart Ida, wid George. h 1406 Yernon Stewart Ida M., teacher, h 420 Cumberland Stewart Ira F., plumber, h 818 N 3d Stewart John H .. laborer. It 113 Cowtlen Stewart John L.. car repairer. h 1H41 Briggs Stewart John ~I .. grocer, ~OUl N 6th, h jillO Peffer STEWART Ion Q., dep supt public instruction. Capitol, h 1404112d Stewart Joseph H., firemar.. h (j23 Hamilton Stewart Linsey, laborer. h :H4 Muench Stewart Margaretta. wid William, h 113 Cowden Stewart Matilda, wid Jeremiah, h 418 South Stewart Percy F., news agt. h 1427 X 3d Stewart P. Ross, elk P. R. R. Ert depot, h 420 Cumberland Stewart Ravmond L., bartender. 423 Market. h do Stewart Rohert, laborer. h 127 Cranberry av Stewart Sarah I .. seamstress, h 4.20 CmnherlaD(l" Stewart Sarah J.. wid Thomas R .. h 9 N 5th STEWART THOMAS 1., adjutant general, Capitol, h 126 Walnut Stewart \Veslev, lahorer. h 211 Lochiel 2d Row Stewart William, h 517 Walnut Stewart William, hutcher. h S1~ Capital Stewart William. cartt:r. h 11::\ Cowden Stewart \Vil1iam E .. contractor. h 2f.i3 Herr Stewart \\"iIli<:n1 H., laborer, h 1!!!!1 N 111


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.. To find a IWDC you must know how to spell It."

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Boyd" Harrisburg (8) City Directory. 614 Stewart \ViIliam \tV., conductor, It 1510 Green Stewal1, sc<! Stuart Stibgcn J.\lary E., wid Abraham, h 1071 S 9th Stickel Bruce H., machinist, h mm Boas Stickel Daniel, conductor, h 66(/ Boas Stickney Frank D., proofreader, ~lulberry c Crescent, h 1:!:i Pine I Stief! Charles ~I., pianos, 3~ N 3d Stigelman Benjamin F., salesman, h 1:!3 X 13th Stigelman John, press feeder, 201 X td, h 1t3 N 13th Stigelman William G., h 1t3 X 13th Stiles Margaret, milliner, ali 1\ ad, It West Fairview Stiles Natalie J. ~lrs., dressmkr, fi09 guttonwood av, h do Still Harvey E., elk. 340 Verbl'ke, h Hllm Cowden Stills M. Jennie, h l"lI.i Capital Stimeling Agnes, domestic, 31. S Front Stimeling ~lollie, domestic, 4117 ~ Front Stimer Andrew, helper, h 1646 Fulton Stimer Barbara. wid Martin. h 15au ~ :;th Stimer Ella. It t:m S 14th Stimer John E .. laborer, h 4:::; Walnut Stimer Robert. fireman, h 15:16 N :5th Stimer Samuel. molder, It ~3!1 S 14th l.itimer Samuel. jr.. molder, h t:m S 14th Stimer William. engineer. It {jlltl~ Boas Stimmel Rebecca R., h Hilla Penn Stine Anna. \\ id (;eorge \\"., h !t06 X :!<1 Stine Beulah ,\1., h 1308 Currant av ~tine Charles :\1. A .. chemist, h 1all [)erry Stine Glarle); W .. repairsman, h 182:~ N 4th Stine Elsie, warper, h 14t4 Green Stine \,.eorge L., laborer, h 749 S 21st Stine Hen!"\". laborer, h 2044 Kensington STINE lIE!lRY M. DR., surgeon dentist, 211 Locut, h do Stine Mary. wid John W .. h 113 N 13th Stine Millie. sewer, h 113 N l:~th Stine Milton If. Rev., h 1!l1l Derry Stine Rebecca. silk picker, h 1424 Grecn Stinebaugh John]., fireman, h 1010 Berryhill Stinefelt Henry P .. carpenter, h 1993 N 7th Stinefelt John :\1., brakeman, h 1993 N 7th Stineman Charles, postal elk, h 1258 Swatara Stiner Charles, conductor, h 220 Herr Stiner Charles. ir., electrician, h 220 Herr Stiner James, boarding, 23 S 2d, h do Stiner. see Steiner Stingle James F .. car inspector, h 12:31 Wallace Stinney Tholl1a~. lahorer. h 51fi \Vest :tv

.... ..... .. EDW G ROBE-RT-S-A--'d..~~. Lla'nll&,.8r. -I"-_~;.--.-._-I-_-.-_-~ , 108 rlil 8 _... Bell PboIle 851 X. or 88C8 X.
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A. B. 1Ae1. Wall'Paper and Window Shada.


Stinson ~laggie E., dressmkr, h 1829 Fulton Stinson Samuel, machinist Lunatic Hospital, h 1609 N 6th Stillson Samuel T .. cable splicer, :W8 Walnut, h 1~29 Fulton Stinson Sarah R., wid James, h 1~29 Fultoil Stinson \Villiam H .. baker, :!214 6A, h do Stipe Sarah, wid John, h 19117 N 3d Stipe \VaIter T., laborer, h 25 Sassafras av Stiteler Richard E., heater, h 123 Hanna STITES HARRY, .Ill. D., physician, 826 N 6th, h do; oftioe honn, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. and 5.30 to 7.30 p. m.; diaeaaea of women and rectum a lpeOialty; telephone call1831W Stites Lillian F., teacher, h l":!5 N 6th Stites ~label C.. kindergarten, lll" S lath, h ~2.'j N 6th Stitzel John, h mt! Penn Stoak .Mary A" wid Frederick, h 210!1 Herr Stoak Pierce 'ltV., laborer, h :!l'O!I Herr Stober Alexander L., molder, h 1U04 N 15th Stober Lewis W. P., molder, h 21127 Briggs Stober Marv E., h 2118 Strawberrv av Stober Sarri'uel, h 111114 K 15th . Stober Samuel J., laborer, h 1740 Herr Stobinskv Fannie, weaver, h 81a vVest av Stobinsky John, peddler, h 81:1'West av Stock Nelson H., laborer, h 906 S 9th Stocker Annie Mrs., hOllsekeeper, lOon ~ 2d Stocker, see Stucker STOCKTON DAVID, SUPT BOYD'S DIRECTORY, OFFICE,32 N 3d, room 8, h Franklin HOUle STOEY JOO R., paper hangings and window shadel, 1121 Stoey Washington L., salesman, h 2ij;l Cumberland Stoey William W., taxidermist, 1126 Front, h do Stokens Frank, elk, h 13::! LoclIst Stokes Clara E., dressmkr, 239 Cranberry avo h do Stokes James A., expressman. h 2:19 Cranberry av Stokes Theophilus, porter. h 239 Cranberry av . Stoll George M., conductor, h 2ao Harris Stoll George W,. mason. h 7::!3 Showers av Stoll J. Ellsworth. driver, h 723 Showers av Stoll Peter M., roller, h 607 Race Stoll Sylvester, mason, h 1131 X ll~ Stoll William F., foreman, h 161 Paxton Stoll, see Stahl, also Stun Stone Adeline. wid David, h 1266 State Stone Bertha, domestic, 1624 ~ 6th Stone David L., cigarmkr. h 1109 N Cameron Stone Ellen C. Mrs., ice cream, 1109 N Cameron. h do
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Boyd'i Harrilburg (8) City Direotory.

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--OUR J I lri StrMtr """** ea...MOTTO:- lr. M KELLEY & CO 110tll lid3d.... 8ta. """** VleIKht. H Ii

ttl Stone Harry W., sec, 153 X 4th, h 213 Cumberland III: :;; Stone Mary, wid Harry H., h 213 Cumberland _ Stone Pete"r, tailor, h il09 X Cameron III: Stone Tolbert R., elk P. & R. round house, h Camp Hill Z _ Stone Walter c., assembler, h 403 \\'alnut == STONE WILLIAM A., Governor, Capitol, h Executive Xaa :; ,ion, 311-313 N Front :.: Stone \\'i1son P., laborer, h 1109 K Cameron ~ Stonebraker Kate G., asst matron P. R. R, h 101 Filbert :: Stonebraker :\Iaggie ~lrs., asst matron P. R R, h 101 Filbert Stoner Annie E., wid Samuel, h 416 Forster ~ Stoner Elizabeth, hemmer, h 1726 Fulton bI Stoner Florence M., warper, h 1726 Fulton Stoner Frank, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Stoner Franklin R, weighmaster P. R R. h 1726 Fulton bI Stoner Harry, laborer, h 3 Lochiel 1st Row h II: Stoner Harry E., foreman,bar 319 ~luenchColumbus Stoner Harry W., lunch elk Hotel Stoner Hugh E., elk, 1319 X 6th. h Iff27 Wood av Stoner James c., h 405 Boas Stoner John R, tinsmith, h 122 Balm Stoner domestic, 406 Z Stotler Kate, L., seamstres~. ~orth \\"ood av Kate h 1817 II: STONER lIARTIN G., engineer, h 618 Calder -laJ Stoner Mav. elk, 20 N 2d. h 670 Boas Stoner M. Elmer, custodian P. R R. depot. h 1508 Walnut Stoner Samuel, warehouseman P. R. R .. h 1110 N 6th Stoner Susan, wid Ephraim. h 1104 Wallace Stoner Wilbur, waiter, h 24 S 4th :5 Stoner William E., printer Patriot. h 1~20 Derry ~ Stoner William R, conductor. h 1522~ X 5th :; Stonesifer Clarence D., huckster, h 22ft South ~ Stonesifer Daniel, hostler. h rear !l:l:3 Market .... Stonesifer Flora H., wid James c., h 511 Cumberland ~ Stonesifer Florence M. Mrs .. dressmkr. !I17 Penn, h do Stonesifer Frank D., tinsmith. 1818 State. h do - Stonesifer John A., helper. h 917 Penn ~ Stonesifer John W., elk, 1014 N 3d, h 511 Cumberland :: Stonesifer Millie, domestic The Bolton ~ Stonesifer William L.. laborer. h 759 S 19th en Stoops Ira, barber, h 257 Briggs ~ Storey Ada V., wid James B., h 26 N 14th ~ Storey Charles A., printer. 1fI22 ~Iarket, h 24 N 14th ;::: Storm George W., artist, h The Bolton ::i Storm James, helper, h 32 SlOth ~ Storm Lewis A., laborer, h 937 S 19th iii ~ ~~r~ Wil1iam~~_ driver, I~~~ S~\~~~~. ___ . ____



Boyd" Harri,burg (S) City Directory.


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BJC~:.!:~~':,RE.} aNDREW

REDMOND. {3d lid Rel"~Sts

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A. B. TACK. Practiced Paper Hanger,

617 . .

Boyd'. Harriaburg (8) City Directory.

Stomlfelt William F., machinist, h 424 Forster StormfeItz Alice V., dressmkr, h 910 Cowden StormfeItz Elizabeth, wid Harry, h 910 Cowden Stott James H., laborer, h 230 Hamilton . Stott J. Holden, elk, 414 State, h 230 Hamilton , STOTT lOHN E., corporation clerk, State Treaa1l1'J, Capitol, ::.hmN~ Stott William 0., heater, h 136 Dock Stouch Adam W., yardmaster, h 155 Sylvan ter Stouch lkrbert J., car repairer, h 626 Reily Stoudt Charles ~\1., driver, h 1709 N 4th Stoudt Elizabeth M., apronmkr, h 618 State Stoudt Ida, domestic, 42 Balm Stouffer Annie Mrs., h 39 Brady av Stouffer Catharine, seamstress, h 218 Briggs Stouffer Charles A., poultry, Spring Lake, h 447 Verbeke Stouffer Charles R, driver, h 1415 Zarker ~ Stouffer Elizabeth, wid J. Harvey, h 1020 Green Stouffer E. Susan, wid William W., h 304 Reily I Stouffer George R, brakeman, h 113 S Cameron Stouffer George R, dyer, h 304 Reily Stouffer Gertrude L., saleslady,326 Market, h 1401 Green Stouffer Harry, orderly Hbg Hospital, h do Stouifer Henry H., meat, 449 Verbeke, h 319 S Front Stouffer I. Henry, flagman, h 1606 Susquehanna Stouffer Jacob H., h 1401 Green Stouffer James M., engineer, h 609 Muench Stouffer John E., flagman, h 1818 Wood av Stonffer John G., repairsman, h 1229 Fulton Stouffer John H., lineman, 227 Walnut, h 1828 N 7th Stonffer John W., salesman, h 39 Brady av Stouffer Laura M. Mrs., dyer, 3(14 Reily, h do Stouffer Lemuel T., baker, 309 Herr, h do Stouffer ~lary A., wid William, h 39 Linden Stouffer Minnie, domestic, 21 S Front Stouffer M. Rebecca, wid Jacob, h 1828 ~ 7th Stouffer Sarah A., wid Daniel H., h 1230 N 6th Stouffer W. Henry, helper, h 39 Brady av Stouffer William, laborer. h 2620 6t Stouffer William S . engineer, h 635} ~'luench Stouffer, see Stauffer Stough Amos, carpenter. h 1332 Wiiliam Stoughton Frank J., civil engineer P. R R, h 132 Locust Stoughton Oliver P., shoe cutter, h 1431 Zarker Stoughton William S., painter, h 1431 Zarker Stoup Harry, brakeman, h 1515 Green StOllt Harry F., driver, h 1714 N 3d Stout Robert, expressman, 401 Chestnut, h 410 do



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must !mow how to spell it."

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MelEIL'S PAil EXTERMllnOR ~UWor.~~ =~~~l. {... ~::..



Boyel's Harriaburg (8) City Direotory.

Stover Amos H., letter carrier, h 233 S 13th STOVER HARRY C. DR., dentist, 231 S 13th., h 233 de .:.- Stover Jesse, laborer, h 1829 Rudy _ Stover John D., laborer, h 225 S ~d .- Stover Raymond G., cashier, 2 S 2d, h 2aa S 13th i Strachan Blanche l'\., cigarmkr, h 1002 N 7th ;; Strachan Edward A., U. S. A., h 1002 N 7th - Strachan Mary J., wid James E., h 1002 N 7th l! Straining Catharine, domestic, :!1!!2 N 7th :If! Straining Charles, laborer. h 175~ N Cameron Straining John E., phosphate, Cameron ab Maclay, h 1752 N Cameron Straining John E., jr., laborer, h 1752 N Cameron Straining William, shoemkr, 1000 Cowden, h do . STB.ANAlIAB' lAllES A., lawyer, 15 II 2d, h 607 II Front Straub Albert N., barber, 814 N 3d, h 1225 Fulton Straub Alexander, laborer, h 1327 Susquehanna (/) Straub Carrie R. Mrs., h 1225 Fulton Straub Charles, foreman. :Ull Cumberland, h 1224 N 6th 1&1 Straub Conrad A., cigars, nOi N ad. h 1109 do -I Straub Henry A. Rev., h 1851 Berryhill C Straub Henry K, bicycle repairer, h 1225 Fulton I.&J Straub Joseph, laborer. h 919 S 19th Straub Lena, stengr, 1iOl N 3d, h 919 S 19th Q Straub Moses N., barber, h 1225 Fulton 1&1 Straub William J.. paperhanger, h 1109 K 3d Stram:e Alice R.. bunch breaker, h 203 Sassafras av Strause David F .. driver. h 203 Sassafras av Strauser Edward L., gardener Lunatic Hospital, h do ~ Stratlsner Frederick, patternmkr. h 2294 N 6th Strammer Karl, printer, h 1440 Derrv ~ Strauss, see Strouse . E Straw Clara S., h 1711 N 3d Ct STRAW GEORGE W., reporter Star-Independent, h 31 Jr ~ 15th .... Straw Jacob, carpenter, h 1711 X lld C Straw John N .. laborer, h 141 Paxton Straw Michael B .. laborer, h 2143 Herr Q Straw Stephen S., baker, h 1711 N 3d Z Straw William H., c1k, h 2143 Herr C Strayer Caroline, wid Theophilus, h 1912 Susquehanna .... Strayer Cynl~, switchtender. h 59 N 10th ~ Straver Barn R.. c1k. 1220 1'\ ~d, h tat5 N 2d Strayer J. Harry, driver, h 1!1:!.t} James Q Strayer Mary J., seamstress, h un2 Susquehanna ~ Strayer Oliver F.; hardware, t220 N 3d, h 2124 do - Strayer Rosie, dressmkr, h 1912 Susquehanna ~ Streams Anna, domestic, 1507 State

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TIle Amer ..... B.ndlnlr ..... ,.. BaI'lmore, ald, &DW. G. ROBBR.... General AceDtCoIlU'a1 Penna District, loa Lt ,. Bell'PhonefIDl I, er8lCl1[~
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,-DJIOOR.ATlRG .A I r I l l l l . L ' J ' T . - '


{I'll 1111 'III'nllI II1II1.


Boyd" Harri,burg (S) City DirectGry.

Stret:per Frank, fireman, h 313 Verbeke ~treet A. Max, fireman, h 18~0 Penn Street John, engineer, h 313 Verbeke Stretch William G., patternmkr, h :!:m4 X I)th Stribling Frederick, h 1605 Elm Stricker Lizzie, boarding, 1~2 Locust, h do Strickland Elizabeth, teacher, h 410 Spring av Strickland Esther A., organist, h 410 Spring av Strickland Lavania, wid Benjamin H., h 410 Spring av Strickler Catharine E., cigar packer, h 3~4 S 16th Strickler Charles B., bedmkr, h 1615 Derrv Strickler Clayton B., tinner, h 324 S 16th . Strickler Dayid H., laborer, h 324 S 16th Strickler EJward D., carpenter, h 1531 Swatara Strickler Fannie R., dressmkl', h 616 Kelker Strickler Frank S., elk ~lechanics' Bank. h Hummelstown Strickler Joseph, brakeman, h 100:! N 7th ' Strickler Paul A., stengr, :!Hj Market, h Hummelstown Strickler Robert A .. machinist, h 416 S l:~th Strickler William H., carpenter, h 2006 Penn Striewig Irvin E., foreman, h 302 Crescent Strike Frank H., helper, h lOW Hemlock Strine A. Edward, brakeman, h 1321 ~ Cameron Strine Charles, coachman, h {j()7 Briggs Strine George, helper, h 667 Briggs Strine Isaac B. K., iaborer, h 1120 N Cameron Strine Jacob, brakeman, h 1203 X 6th Strine Jacob G., brakeman, h 120 Balm Strine Jennie. h 1120 K Cameron Strine John F., elk, 408 Walnut, h 1111 N Cameron ~trine i\I orris, fore,man, MO :Market, h Progress Stripling Alexander, waiter Lancaster Hotlse Stripling Benjamin, janitor, 401 Chestnut, h 306 Mulberry Strock Abner, grocer, 2030 ~ 7th, h do Strock Angie, dressmkr, h 1310 Vernon Strock Catharine, wid George, h 2030 N 7th Strock Hannah M., cigarmkr, h 1612 N 6th Strock Jsaac, car inspector, h 1612 N 6th Strock Isaiah, hostler, h Hil2 N 6th Strock John H., chief elk Co. commrs, C. H., h 128 S 13th ~trock Katie S., mltsic teacher, 128 S 13th, h d o ' Strock ~Iaggie, bookfolder, h 128 S 13th Strock Samuel M., laborer, h 606 Granite av Stroh Amelia M., seamstress, h 416 N 3d Stroh Charles, laborer, h 1732 N 4th Stroh Charles B., laborer, h 1417 Fulton STROH CHADLES C., lawyer, 222 Market, h 613 Boas Stroh Clara B., elk, 1215 N 3d, h 653 Boas

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., To find a name you must know how to speD it."

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H.I. KELLEY" CO., COAL AND WOOD winces: :o:.or:tI\1.~

Stroh Frederick, laborer, h 1732 X 4th ~ Stroh Frederick, laborer, h 1738 !\ 4th Stroh Harry, laborer, h 173~ K 4th t- Stroh Harry, student, h 1715 N 6th ; : Stroh Harry c., florist, Capitol, h 6;j:3 Boas ~ Stroh Henry E., elk, h :!U2 K 6th :z Stroh John E., bartender, h 653 Boas ~ STROH W. SCOTT, coal and wood, 1713 N 6th, h 1711 do ::: Strohm Annie L., wid William, h 3411 Cherry av - Strohm Carrie M., h 1313 N 3d Strohm Edith, bookkpr, 224 Harris, h 210 Hamilton .... Strohm Elmer, laborer, h 6 N 5th .... Strohm Emma J., elk, h 15a4 Derry I - Strohm John A., plasterer, h 1534 Derry ~ Strohm Leah, wid Jacob, h 1320 William Strohm Margaret, clk, 2 S 4th, h do : ; Strohm Morris M., cigars, 11th c Market, and contractor, z: 1534 Derry, h do ac Strohm Sadie B., housekeeper, 15:34 Derry ~ Strohm William, driver, 401 Chestnut, h :340 Cherry av Strohman Lillie, domestic, 236 ~ranberry av c.J Stromgreen Clara, laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do :z Strominger Albert, plasterer, h 818 Capital ~ Strominger Bertha ~I., tel opr, 227 \-Valnut, h 118 Calder :z Strominger Elizabeth M., h 118 Calder ~ Strominger Elmer E., salesman, 9 S 20, h Mechanicsburg" Strominger Emma J., domestic, 1411 K 3d to- Strominger Frank, railroader, h 238 State a.. Strominger Frank, jr., car cleaner, h 2:38 State ~ Strominger Hugh P., elk, h 238 State " Strominger James, plasterer, h 927 Grand u.I Strominger Joseph, plasterer, h 927 Grand > Strominger Ralph, (Strominger & Flickinger), h 118 Calder ~ Strominger Robert M., carpenter, h 1411 N 3d u.I Strominger William A., machinist, h 118 Calder : : STROIIINGER & FLICXINGER, (Ralph Strominger and a: lohn Flickinger), wall paper, window shades and room ~ moulding, 420 N 3d Strother Anthonv, hostler, h 214 N Court av Strother John W~, laborer, h 212 :'.lary's av M~ Strother Richard. laborer, h 510 Brown av ZJ Strothers Charles, waiter, h 430 North av Strothers Colonel W., pool. 432 South. h 1407 James I Strothers Louisa. wid Anthony. h Ut:l2 Thompson av ILl Strothers McArthur, bellman. h 429 State MO Strothers Susan Mrs., h 119 Cowden Stroub George W., laborer. h 129 Balm I-C Strot~ ~~wtOtl, }~~or~._ h 1~_Balm_


Boyd's Harriaburg (S) City Directory.








H(:::'!~~D.W::d ~i='~'!,~:~. {3d

aId Reily Sts.

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-//lAKES A "'EOIALTr 0 " P_18a P8bllc a811111np 18 Plal8

n.u. {IZI6 ... ''I8t. feu.... fI'H_.

621 Stroup Oay G., ins solicitor, 15 X 2<1. h H:!3 Logan av -. Stroup Edward, laborer, h 913 S 19th Stroup Elizabeth, shoe inspector, h 1623 Dern' Stroup Florence, wid Edward. h 1723 Logan Stroup J. Harry, dep register, C. H .. h ~lillersburg , Stroup Lizzie, domestic, 518 Market :. Stroup Lottie, elk, h 1623 Derry Stroup Simon P., laborer, h 161t6 Logan av Stroup William H., helper, h 75:1 S Wi Stroup William H., laborer, h 503 Hamilton STROUP wnsOli W., physician, 1623 Derry, h do; ofIice .. hours, 6 to 8 a. m., 12 to 1.30 and 6 to 10 p. m. _ Strotlse Benjamin, (W. & B. !Strouse). h lli25 X 2d ;:~ Strouse Bros., O. and M.). clothiers. :n:t also a23 Market 211'1 Strouse Joseph, (Strouse Bros.). h 3la Market StroUSt: Joshua, salesman, 325 Market, h 11)19 N 2d ~: StrotlSe Michael, (Strouse Bros.), h ~n:~ ~Iarket Strouse 'Walter A . engineer, h 919 Capital ~ ~trOIlSC William, (\'V. & B. Strouse), h 413 Briggs 11' Strouse W. & B., (William and Benjamin), Globe Clothing Store, 322-324 Market .. Strunk Lulu ~L, stenographer, 19 N 3d, h 230 Forster III Stuart Albert F., bricklayer, h 1119 ~ 7th Stuart Emma M., darner, h 1931 X 7th Stuart Emma S., saleslady, 334 ~Iarket. h 1119 K 7th Stuart Harry F., fireman, h 11111 X ith .Stuart H. Chalmers, cable splicer, 21lS Walnut, h 906 Green _ Stuart Hugh c., elk, 7 ~ 2d, h 906 Green Stuart James, teacher, h 814 East Stuart William A., clk R. M. S .. P. O. bldg. h 1931 N 7th ft Stuart William P., bricklayer, h 1119 ~ 7th V Stuart William P., salesman, 222 Market, h 901) Green .. II Stuart, see Stewart Stuckenrath Robert 0., draftsman dept int affairs, h 514 Gl O N 2d .0 Stucker Anna J., vestmkr, h 218 Herr 13 Stucker Arthur, laborer, h 2014 Penn 'Stucker Charles D., h 206 Reily Stucker Elizabeth, wid Peter, h 3fl4 S 2d Stucker George B., contractor, 304 S 2d. h dlJ Stucker John A., bookkpr, h 304 S ~d I Stucker Lavina, dressmkr, h 218 Herr STUCKER ROBERT, lawyer, 1511 2d. h 304 S 2d Stucker, &ee Stocker Stuckey Adam. carpenter. h 814 Cowden Stuckey Elmer. rodman. h 814 Cowden Stuckey John, h 2211 S 17th tlStuckey John L., laborer, h 1~24 Mulberry I

Boyd" Harrisburg (8) City Directory.


r PI




W 0-


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To ftnd a name you must

mow how to spe!ltt."

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M,eN.II. Pain Eater.lnat.' curea Cholera MorbUl. DJieDterJ. Cnm.-,!Dlamc:ea. Ooldl. Qul1l81. Rbeumatlam. Toothache, Sore ThroM, Aaue, DJIpeJlIIa,'" :.I .....




Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory.

:; StuB George D., buyer, 334 ~Iarket, h 119 South i= StuB. see Stoll. also Stahl Stumbaugh .\tinnie. h 3:!!I Cherry av II Stumbaugh, see Stambaugh Stump Frank A . student. h 1704 N' 6th Stuntz Edward H., agrJ implts, Howard ab Forrest av, h : 114 Evergreen Stuntz Mabel S .. music teacher, 114 Evergreen, h do 1ft Stuppy George, laborer, h 2006 Kensington VI Stuppy Lizzie, domestic, 914 N 6th Sturgeon Edna M., stripper, h 1213 Cowden Sturgeon Elmer E .. brakeman, h 440 Peffer ~ Sturgeon Kate E., wid Timothy S., h 406 Reily Sturgeon Lillie F., wid B. Frank, h 1213 Cowden Sturgeon vVilliam H., flagman, h 15111 Wallace C Sturgis William, laborer, h 450 S Cameron Sturm Adolph. laborer, h 912 Capital ~ Sturm Gothardt, laborer, h 9~9 James av Z Sturtevant Louis L., brakeman, h 410 1\1 uench Stutsman David P., grocer, 416 Calder, h do Stutsman Frank V., student, h 416 Calder Stutsman James 0., elk P. R. R.. h ~17 Reily ... Stutsman John L., student, h 217 Reily Stutsman Tohn P., conductor, h 217 Reilv Stutsman ivlartha A. ~Irs., h 1335 Fulton' a. Stutsman l\'lary D., wid Jonas, h 1427 N 6th E Stutsman l\larv L.. dressmkr. h 416 Calder Stutzman John M., elk P. R. R., h 1718 Penn Stutzman Lizzie 1., wid John H., h 1941 :\Ioltke av - ' Stutzman Martin. inspector, h 561 Race ~ Stutzman ~lartin Rev., h 1718 Penn u Stutzman Thaddeus. mess Dauphin Dep Bank, h 561 Race c:::I Styers Emily, wid George, h 1185 Bailey _ Styers Oliver, plasterer, h 6:~6 Cumberland C Styers William A .. shoemkr, 1911 N 6th, h do 1.1.1 Styles Rufus E .. carpet layer, 1417 N 2d. h 1532 N'th u Suffel Sallie. domestic, ~21 Pine Suhr Richard A., laborer. h 929 S l!lth Sullenberger Fannie E., musiC' teacber. 14:13 Susq, h do .... Sullenberger Jessie :\'1., h 3.10 Cherry av Sullenberger John, foreman, h 2006 Forster Sullenberger John W'J brakeman, h 644 Calder


William H., pictures, lulU :-.J 3d, h 1518 Susq William H., plasterer, h 145~ Regina Studeb;!ker Anna L., h ~fH Briggs STUDEBAKER CLEJ(ENT, grocer, 421 N tel, h '19 do STULEN CO., (Fritz Bergengren), civil 8J1gineen, l' B lei,


a: o


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f.r AClClIDE.T 1 URA.ClE.


loa . . . . ~ Bell 'Pholae .1 X. or . . . X.

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Tt~ :!~~"~:~:: Inll PODer nod IlndOW Shodes trom A. B. TACK, N.'lJ\t.
Boyd'i Harrilburg (S) City Directory.


Sullenberger Samuel A., laborer, h 1433 Susquehanna SuIlenberger Thomas H., architect, 1331 N 2d, h do Sullenberger WiIliam E., shoe cutter, h 1331 N 2d Sullenberger, see SoIlt.>nberger Sullivan Cornelius, laborer, h 1115 Cowden Sullivan George W., brakeman, It 1112 Wallace Sullivan J. Edward, laborer, h 1115 Cowden Sullivan Julia, laundress, 309 Market Sullivan .Mary A. Mrs., h 1115 Cowden Sullivan Michael, h 1269 S 9th Sullivan Robert B., brakeman, h 1115 Cowden SulIivan Thomas J., brakeman, h 1119 Cowden SulIivan \Villiam W., florist. h 1115 Cowden Sullivan, see O'Sullivan Sultzbaugh Salome, domestic, 19 S 2d Summt.>rhill John, roller, h 21311 K 5th Summers Albert J., caterer, h 511 South Summers Arnold c., barber, 1451 Rt.>gina, h 1604 Elm Summers Augustus, brakeman. h 14114 Vernon Summers Charles, firt.>man. h 6ao vVoodbine Summers Charles, waiter, h 712 N 7th Summt.>rs Charles c., porter, h 113 Tanner's av Summers Howard \V., teacher, h 1604 Elm Summers Laura l'vlrs., domestic, 1527 Green Summers Richard,lahorer, h 1604 Elm Summerville James. laborer. h Filbert ab State Summons Abraham. laborer, h 404 Hay av SUN, (THE), lamel H. MUlier, pub, 209 Walnut Sunday Alfred, steelworhr, h 1404 N 3d Sunday Annie D., wrapper, h 1931} N 7th Sunday John, brakeman. h 2136 N 7th Sunday Kate. wid John A., h 1358 Vernon Sunday School Evangelical, Samuel L. Wiest, mgr, 201 NM Sunday Sylvester, t.>xpressman, 101 Chestnut, h 133 Sylvan

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Sunderland Charles S., machinist. h 2288 N 6th Superior Drill Co., agrl implts. 625 Walnut Supplt.>c P. Clement. engineer, h Verbeke nr 7th Suskey John, painter, h 227 Kelker av ~utch Lillie A., bonnt.>tmkr, h 507 Hamilton Sutch Mvron L., laborer. h 231 S 15th Sutch Robert D .. engineer, h 231 S 15th Sutch Robert W., plumber, h 916 Grand Sutch Thomas. printer. 201 N 2d, h 507 Hamilton Sutch Thomas M., molder, h 563 Forrest Suter Frank]., press feeder. h 235 ~ 15th Suter Harry. cutter. h 235 N 15th







"To find a name you must !mow how to speI1lt."

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Goog Ie

frJ of Ton ..

H M KELLEY aCO'S Bla. Da-tl1i . . . . {'tOth.... ad SIrMt. t. t . M II1II Stat. Sta. ..

YOO ...,.1 .........


Boyd'. Ranisburg (S) City Directory.


... ~


Sutt'r l\lary E .. wid Rudolph, h 1217 Cowden Suter Theresa. wid Frank X., h ~:~5 ~ 15th Sutliffe Simon, laborer, h 1:J04 :..; 7th Sutton Daniel, brakeman. h 15:!7 \Vallace Sutton Irvin. brakeman. h t t:J:t ~ 6th Sutton Emma F., elk, 411~ ~larket. h Camp Hill Sutton William, brakeman. h !I:!I ~ ~d SUYDAJ( FRANKLIN, district mgr Mutual Life Insurance

Co. of New York, 113 Market, h do


:::. _



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r 1.&.1

a: >

Swartz Charles. laborer, h :n~ S :?d Z Swartz Charles 0 .. carpenter. h 5t1~ Filbert ~wartz C:harles w.. salesm:~l. t~ S :!d. h 45 N 16th Swartz (lara B. :\1 rs .. h 1a.)1 \ ern on Z Swartz David. laborer. h 511i Cowden Swartz Edward. laborer. h :~:!:? S River av 1.&.1 Swartz Elijah G., (Swartz nros.). h :.\Iiddletown Swartz Elriler E .. lahorer. h 17:t:! Wood av Swartz Emanuel. puddler. h l:l7 S ad Swartz Emma C, housekeeper. 1711 X 4th ---- - - - - - - - - - - - -


Svensson Charles F., engineer. h WI:! Hemlock Svensson Cora A., cigarmkr. h 11112 Hemlock Swab Christian A., fireman. h :!:!96 ~ 6th Swab Daisy J .. seamstress. h :!2!16 ~ 6th Swab George C .. mgr. h 14111'1 :\larket Swab Jacob D .. h :!:!!lfi ;\ 6th Swab Nlary V. ~lrs .. h ao~ S 2d Swab Theodore, fireman. h 22M ~ f)th Swab Wellington. postal elk. h !I ~ 13th Swain Harry 1\1 .. laborer. h lilll Showers av Swallow Silas C Rev .. snpt. 20 ;\ :!d. h ~1f) ~ 6th Swan Charles. driver. h Z>1:! ~orth av Swan CharlesJ .. bookkpr. h t 117 ~ :!d Swan Mary E .. hOl1"ekeeper, 111 Lochiel :!d Row Swang-er David. brakeman, h l:n 7 ~ Summit (;eorge W .. laborer. h l:n7 N Summit Swarger Catharine R.. wid George. h 1545 N 6th Swarger Charles A.. trimmer. h (i2:? Forster Swarger Edward F. D., druggist. all3 Verbeke, h do S\\'arger Edward F. D. Mrs .. fancy goods. :l03 Verbeke. h do Swarger John H .. machinist. h 1545 X 6th Swartz Albert E .. laborer. h l:t4:? Penn Swartz Alma. domestic, 410 N 2d Swartz Amanda J., wid Abram A .. h 139! S ~d Swartz Ann~e l\Irs' ..h 201l! ;\Iull~~rry Swartz Anl11e ~r., ctgarmkr. h l.M4 State Swartz nenjamin T .. machinist. h 1Il03 Susquehanna SWARTZ BROS., (1. W., I. B. and E. G.), lawyen, 2 S 2d c


ANDREW REDMOND, :::::::-.;..'::::~::. {3d lid R.I~ Sta.

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wan Pa. .r. Tbe"" A B TACK I!Jlla4_ IlGDlple&e wt&b.


IOw.t 1Jrice&. w ...._ { 'fllf. aDd I'rlDpe for Il1o. N. 34 st.

Boyd's Harrisburg (S) City Directory.

Swartz Emma 1\1., h 2UO! Mulberry Swartz Frank c., driver, h (t.... Race Swartz Frank H., woodworker, h H14l'! N mh Swartz Frederick K., jr., elk, h 23a Boas Swartz George E., bridge builder, h 5U8 Filbert Swartz Harriet, domestic, 3:!'..! N 2d Swartz Harn-, brakeman, h aaa Hamilton Swartz Harry R., presser, h 5a5 Woodbine Swartz Henry, brakeman. h 14a Hanna Swartz Henry A., special Officer, h 110 Cumherland Swartz Isaac B., (Swartz Bros.), h Penbrook Swartz James c., upholsterer, h 1242 Derry Swartz Jol:m L., laborer, h 161H Logan av Swartz Joshua W .. (Swartz Bros.), h 211l'! ~orth




PI ~

SWARTZ 1. ROSS, physician, 238 N 3d, h 233 Pine Swartz L. Frank. elk, 440 Market, h 11:.n N 2d Swartz Louisa, wid Frederick, h 427 Kelker av Swartz Margaret G., h 129 Pine Swartz Margaret M., domestic, ;~(ln ~ 2d Swartz Martha V., wid George B., h 1i41 !\ 14th Swartz Martin, laborer, h 621 X l~th Swartz Robert H., paper, wholesale, 114 S 2<1, h 16()5 Green Swartz Sarah E., teacher, h 110 Cumberland Swartz Sidney E., h 13051 Green Swartz Susan L., saleslady, 22:l Market, h tall5! Green Swartz William K., elk State Librarv, h Duncannon Swartz, see S c h w a r t z ' Swavely George W., elk, 61~ Cumberland, h do Swavely Hiram, stone mason, h 216 N 15th Swavely Hiram H., engineer. h !!Hj :-J 15th Sweeney Catharine, h 31a Forster Sweeney George, laborer. h 152H Vernon Sweeney Jacob c., butcher, h 511 Cumberland Sweeney James, solicitor, hIS 18th Sweeney Jessie. bookkpr, 312 Market. h fi2:1 Muench Sweeney John F .. stengr Com'wlth Trust Co., h 1 S 1Rth Swewev IVlalachi. tailor, h 70:'1 Herr Swecne)' Margaret, domestic, 17 S Front ~weelley l\larv, domestic, 17 S Front Sweene,' Mary A .. teacher, :t!2 Market. hIS 18th Sweeney P. Joseph. stengr P. R. R. pass depot. hIS 1Rth Swt't'ne\' Solomon H .. watchman. h It!:! Muench Sweets~r Lott 5 .. h 105 l\1arket Sweetl'cr ~amuel G., (S. G. Swet'tser Electric Cn.), h 105

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SWEETSER S. G. ELECTRIC CO., (Samuel G. Sweetier), , . electricians, 107 Market see adv next page VI Sweet wood Cora c., tailorcss, 326 Market, h 1220 Derry It

"To find a name you must know how to spell It..

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-= -

lIe.EIL'S COIIPLEXIO. PILLS. :t~t~~drKU::J~=-al~t!: ~ 306 Brl.'

Boyd's Harrisburg (8) City Directory. Swt.'gt'r Cora :\1., elk, 10116 N 3d, h 246 North SWt>ger George W. 1\1., brakeman, h 630 Mahantongo Sweger Jacoh, huckster, h 1721 ~ 'jth Sweger John. warehouseman, 222 l\lulberry, h Bridgeport Sweger Pearl, knitter, h 1721 N 7th S,,"eger S. Lizzie, knitter, h 1721 N 7th S\H'ger Walter G., dairyman Lunatic Hos~ital, h do Sweger 'William H., car inspector, h 111m} Elizabeth av Sweigard John A., h 207 N 2d Sweigard John W., notions, 1240 Derry, h do Swt'igart Irvin, brakeman, h 1304 Wallace Sweigart Jacob K., driver, h 1318 N 4th SWl'igert Abraham B., blacksmith, h 1211) :-.J 7th Sweigert A. Theodore, ins agt, 14 S 2d, h 1711 X 4th Sweigert Catharine, wid Jacob, h 420 State Sweigert Charles M., laborer, h 1216 i\ 7th Sweigert Emma S. J., presser, h 1216 N 7th Sweigert Fannie E., wid Andrew, h 1813 Marht Sweigert Goldie B., bonnetmkr, h 1318 X 4th Sweigert John F., hostler, h 1926 1\ 4th Sweigert Samuel H., fireman, h 2211 Mulberry ~weigle George, motorman, It 59 Balm Sweitzer Charles, painter, h 218 S 2d Sweney John T., elk, 332 Verbeke, h 1!l28 X 4th SWl'ney Thomas J., conductor, h 1328 X 4th Sweney \Villiam J., conductor, h 617 Muench SWENGEL A. WILKER REV., insurance and real estate, 351 S 13th, h do Swift & Co., F. H. Davis, mgr, 311 S 2d Swigart Augustus, laborer, h 618 State Swigart Bertha E., forelady, h 618 State Swigart Mer! C.. caterer, h 618 State Swiler Carrie, wid John c., h 1637 Susquehanna Swiler David, baker. h 309 Herr Swiler David H., salesman, h 1721 Hunter av Swiler Joseph H., elk, 431 Verbeke, h 1637 Susquehanna Swiler l\'1aggie J., forelady, h 1637 Susquehanna Swiler William E., sub letter carrier, h 1637 Susquehanna Swilkey Henry H., s~~e ~lt~er, ~_429 S 13t!t~



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187 Market Street. lIarrlsburlt. Pe



= EDW G ..........

DeIoIer ..... Jo66er 6 . . . . . . ",_,.... PY",,--, M ........ ...... 6'.... fer call , _..de_..' 6Ge ' ...ltt., .,."..., " . - ..... 8unUee.

Electric Construction and Repair Work.

C"-fod'" , ..,.....,."".
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"'lll.oon~urbond. loa II-U., wbere ROBERTS bond. are executed. Bell 'Phone 86: X, or 8841 X.


A. B. TACK I::&':::=:!t II PUDer IIIId IlDda _

Boyd's Harrisburg (T) Oity Directory.


Swimer JIendel. carpenter, h i1~ South Swindells Alice S., wid Samuel, h 646 Calder Swindells James K., upholsterer, h 1406 Penn Swinn William J., milk, 1922 Briggs, h do Switzer Bertram W., photographer, h 12:14 Bailey Swonger Elmer E., conductor, h 1:324 Fulton Swonger Niles K., brakeman, h 548 Woodbine Swope A. Carl, timekeeper P. R. R. depot, h 626 Boas Swope Anna M .. teacher, h 626 Boas Swope Blanche L., teacher, h 1706 ~ :!d Swope Charles P., stengr.p. R. R., h 626 Boas Swope C. May, operator P. R R, h 626 Boas Swope David H., contractor. h :!tJO~ Elizabeth av Swope Emma M. Mrs., tailoress, 4 S 2d, h 17116 N 3d Swope Frank H., brakeman, h 1720 Penn Swope Harry R, brakeman, h 1:326 Susquehanna Swope Ida F .. saleslady. 22:3 Market, h 231 Brigf::"s Swope Jennie E .. wid Abraham B .. h 21;~ Haas Swope Ralph R, lampman, h 1124 N 6th Swovelin Harry N., hostler, h 618 Kelker Swoyer Thomas. laborer, h 271 Verbeke Swoyer Walter D., postal elk, h 142 :\ 13th Sydes J. Jordan, cigars, 422 N 3d. h Globe Hotel Syfrig Alfred. foreman silk mill. h 2:.!8 V crheke Sykes Mabel E .. cook. 1611!1 N 2<1 Sykes Thomas M., (Army and Navy Record Co.), pension attorney, 14 S 2<1, h 23 d.) Sylvan Heights Home for Orphan Girls, 12th c Derry

31 -I .I

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c:: C!

TACK ALBERT B., paper hangings and window shades, 1218 "' If 3d, h 127 Herr, telephone connection see adv top lines en Tack Albert B.. ir . paperhanger. h 127 Herr == Tack Louis R., paperhanger, h 127 Herr :; Tack Nicholas, paperhanger, h 632 Muench ~ Tack Sarah L . elk, 1216 N 3d. h 127 Herr Taddeini Angelo, waiter, h 24 S 4th Tagg A. Pearl, saleslady, 334 Market, h 1330 Green Tagg James D.,.1aborer, h 517 Kelker Tagg John D .. foreman. h 212.!l N 4th Tagg Marian E .. elk. h 1823 :\ 4th . Tagg Martha E .. wid \i\Tilson, h 631 Jlahantongo Tagg Richard D .. car inspector, h 1823 N 4th Tagg Sylvester W., tinsmith. h 1:1~0 (;reen Taggart James M., ins sol, 227 Walnut. h 217 Pine Taggart John A., engineer, h lao:.! :\ ith Taggart John "V., laborer, h 1411 \Vyeth av Tagg-art :\1ary F., dressmkr. 132a Jfarion. h ni)


"To find a name you must know how to spell it!'



DFvJdMD~ ~&~J H.

M. KELLEY & CO. {lC::~~taf!Ttt

::=::: Taggart Theodore T., blacksmith, h I6011 N 4th .... Taggart Thomas J., laborer, 11 9:!a Grand ~ Tait Elila A. Mrs., h 4:!4 Forster ~ Tait Joseph L., machinist, h 50a Cumberland - Tait Sarah A .. h 50:l Cumberland ;; Tait William M., adv agt. h 424 Forster _ TaU Charles A.. barber, h 412 Cowden TaU George, waiter, h 412 Cowden 1! Tann Wil\iam G . waiter. h 518 N 5th Tarman Edward, brakeman. h a:!:! Peffer .. Tarman \'Villiam, laborer, h 322 Peffer _ Tate Annie, domestic, fili!I South _ Tate Edward. driver, h 50!) South ~ Tate Filmore. laborer, h 5(19 South la.I l:ateKat~, wid ~ath~~:) h j 1\ River av 1 ate LO\1lsa Mrs., h a:'_ ~orth av I- Tatc Mary Mrs., nurse, h 11:!1 Capital I- Tate Mercer D., elk city treasurer's office, C. H., h 21~ N :!d la.I Tate:: Rachel. domestic, 50n South It Tate Rosa Mrs., domestic, 118 Tanner's av . Tate S;lrah, domestic, :H 7 N River av Taubert Frederick, h 1142 S Cameron Taubert George, meat. 114fi S Cameron, h 1142 do Taubert Jacob C, baU player, It 1148 S Cameron Z Taubert ~richael H., laborer, h lao Hoerner It Tallrman Arthur \V., lineman, h 517 \Valnut la.I Tausig Edwin F., (Jacob Tausig's Sons), h 704 N titl, Tall~ig Herman, (Jacob Tausig's Sons), h 71H ~ 6th Tau~ig Jacob, h 7114 N lith T.lnsig's Jacob Sons, (H. and E. F.), pawnbrokers, 430 Mkt Ta~ lor Abraham L., Globe Hotel, lith c Cumberland, h do .= Taylor Alhert A., engineer, h :w;m Fulton 3 Taylor AUen S., brakeman, h N 3d c Harris ;; Taylor Anna J., wid William J., h 1111 N fill ." Taylor A. N. Raub. molder, h 410 Cumberland c:; Taylor Anthony H., machinist, h 1113 Green S Tayior B. Edward, elk, 315 Market, h 1M Conoy a.. Taylor Glarles, U. S. A.. , h la35 !t.laple av z: Taylor Charles E., yardmaster, h 17:!a Susquehanna ~ Tavlor Charles F., heater, h 115 Conoy ~ Ta)'lor Charles H., waiter, h :~2R Calder Taylo:- Charles R., brakeman, h II:?/) Grape av - T;;v\or Dennis, laborer, h Front ab S(~neca '- Ta~'kr E. Bruce, stengr, 2d nr Vine, h W:!rlJ Swatara ~ Ta) lor Edward T., huckster, h IH} ~ 16th c:; Tador Effie. bonnetmkr, h 51i3 Forrest ~ Ta~'lor Frank E., stable, 312 Blackberry av, mgr, 428 \VaJnut, h New Cumberland

..: ."


Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory.




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:-:::~~'i.~:!~i!::;;! ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d and. R.I~ Sis.

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1.le {Bmplop _ . bat a.t\1_ wanmeu, heDo. GIlly". . . .rhadIlllurelIL Wor.dODeIDaDy)lllrt.oI8Cate.

Boyd" Harrisburg (T) City Directory.


Taylor Gt-orge A., watchman, h 563 Forrest Taylor Geo~ge E., wagonmkr, h 1445 Regina Taylor George W., elk P. R. R. shops, h :WOll N 6th Taylor George W., laborer, h 108 Nagle Taylor Harry, laborer, h rear l:.WO Christian Taylor Harry B., bookkpr, 25 N 3d, h 114 Locust Taylor Hattie, h 214 Kelker Taylor Henry, laborer, h 525 Brown av Taylor Heyward G., civil engr C. I. & S. Co., h 119 South Taylor Jacob S., flagman, h 2146 N 7th Taylor James, laborer, h S16 James av Taylor James C, engineer, h :147 Boyd av Taylor James E., laborer, h 16112 Elm Taylor James H., foreman, h 563 Forrest Taylor James P., carpenter, h un5 Elizabeth av Taylor J. Clark, brakeman, h 656 Calder Taylor J. Clark, watchman, h 307 Cumberland Taylor John A., fireman, h 1120 K 2d Taylor John H., rubber, h RII9 S Front Taylor John W., laborer, h l7nO N 5th Taylor Joseph, machinist, h 1903 N 3d Taylor Julia A., wid \ViIliam J .. h 1111 ~ 6th Tavlor Kate, domestic, 509 N 2d Taylor Lawrence B., porter, 7 N 2d, h 315 Calder Tavlor Lorenzo, laborer, h :n5 Calder Taylor Louisa ]., wid Peter, h 515 South Taylor Martha, domestic, 816 James av TaYlor Martin S., teacher, h 410 Cumherland Taylor Mary, domestic, :n4 Market Tavlor Marv, wid David, h 23R State Ta)'lor Mary, wid John, h 1120 ~ 2d Taylor Mary E. )'Irs .. houo:ekeeper. 25 Lochiel :~d Row Taylor :\lary J., wid James R., h 171 Paxton Tavlor M. Harvey, foreman, h 545 S Front Tavlor Minnie, w'id Isaac. h 505 South Ta\'lor Morris C. detective. h lUi Conm' Tavlor Moses D .. h Elm nr 17th . Ta~'lor Nathan, carpenter. h l3:~5 :'.laple av Taylor Ralph J., inspector, h 108 Kagle Taylor Reuben, laborer, h 440 S Cameron Ta~'lor Ross. driver. h 1126 Grape av TaYlor Samuel H .. laborer. h 1221 Railev Ta~'lor Samuel L.. bookhinder. h 1111 ;-.i nth Ta~lor Samuel ~L. salesman. h !l1l3 X 2d Ta)'lor Samuel ?\., salesman, h 1fi25~ Swatara Taylor Samuel W., ('ooper, h ~(I!) S Front Taylor Thomas, boothlack. h 4111< Cranberry av Ta;'lor Thomas, cigars, 171!l N 7th, h do .


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- - --- --- ,. To find a name you must know how to 'spell it."

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Taylor Thomas E., nailer, h 417 S 14th Taylor Thomas H., laster, h 1 'jOO ~ 5th _.- Taylor Thomas 5., watchman P. R R., h 1124 ~ 6th .. Taylor T. Ingham, (.\rmy and ~a\'y Record Co.), h Pittsburg ~ Taylor William, laborer, h 203;~ Kensingtun - Taylor William C, laborer, h 1126 Grape av ~ Taylor William If., helper, h 1420 Herr := Taylor William R, laborer, h 226 :\Iary's av Taylor William 5., ironworker, h 313 5 Front :: Taylor 'Wilson R, brakeman, h 563 Forrest sTealey William, laborer, h 122:1 N Cameron -= Teats Theodore \V .. fireman. h 6:!:~ Herr :I Techmeyer Harry W . salesman, h 124 Locust TELEGRAPH BINDERY, Charles E. Aughinbaugh, 4 11 3d see adv . fD Templar Fannie :\I. ~lrs., grocer. 1:~0l :\Iarket, h do Templar Frank X., elk, 219 :\larket. h 2;~! Evergreen Templar ~'lary A., bookkpr, 17111 X :Id. h 1aOl :\Iarket Temple Arthur J., laborer, h 2115 5 2d ~ Temple Joseph. gardener, h lI)1n Walnut Temple Lomax, gardener, h 1610 Walnut C Temple Mary E., weaver. h 205 5 2d Temple Robert, coachman, h 1815 X Front ~ Temple Samuel, frog builder. h 205 S 2d Templin William, h 18 N 3d Tennis Jerome E .. machini~t. h 11114 S Cameron Teplin Catharine. h 220 5 River av Termin Hiram. janitor P. R R, h 1819 X 5th .. Termin Lillie, domestic, 313 Verbeke ~ Testi Enf'a. cook, h 24 S 4th Tettemer Harry, fireman, h 622 Boas . a. TEUPSER EMILE A., mgr Western Union Telegraph Co., 11 E N 3d, h 812 do Teupser Frank D., telegrapher Com'wlth, h 812 N 3d Tewev Sarah, wid Thomas H .. h 656 \Voodbine ~ Tharp Samuel D . laborer, h 1136 59th Theal Katharine. domestic, 503 N Front U Theal Mary A., cigarmkr. h 476 S Cameron c:::I THESPIAN. Martin 1. O'Toole, pub, 320 Market Theurer Benjamin L., telegrapher, h 209 Mulberry Theurer Charles. cigarmkr, h 209 Mulberrv ~ Theurer John H., elk, 11 N 3d. h 209 Mulberry - Theurer William. bottler, h 209 Mulbern' Q Thoma Robert, laborer, h 1114 Paxton' ~ Thomas Ada G .. charwoman, h 513 Primrose av _ Thomas Adam. coachmkr. h 1408 Regina Thomas Alfred K. elk Comm'th Trust Co., h 44U 516th



Boyd's Harrisburg (,1') City Directory.

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Ar."ldent, LI .... llln nad ., ..... B.Uer la rna_. loa ar.rt" SOl_ad St. s.ll 'PboDe ,861 X. or 6843 ~
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Pa~~s Wind,,~ dhadu. nEf:~~liC:E~g~~J.i" Boyd'. Harrisburg (T) City Directory. 631

Th"mE1S Anmi', uomestgg 3:W (]g'E1tnut ThoEE1i1S Bei,i,g' d0I11Ci,11s2 Conmlllnweahh. 1331 4th Thomas Blair .'\., steelworker, h Race nrNagle Thomas Charles, printer. h 5 SlOth ThzlllEls2 tinnggs 511 gsth av Thnms2S waikr 513 Pnmrose Thomas Charles Voi., laborer, h 519 Primrose av Thomas Clara ~I., packer, h 46 N 10th ThoIl111S Dagid. machinill1, h 6ili hViconil.lp Thoml1S Ed Wlll d, barhes h 43'~ ~Jtete Thomas Edward, potter. h Cumberland bel Hth Thomas Edward J., butcher, h 1~:{ Balm Thml1Egs Elissl cook Commonwtalth, 1 );0111 liV Thon1ns wid h 14Uilliamt 'j homas Elmira V., laundress, h Tl~ South av Thomas Emma, cook, 329 Chestnut Thomns Fangf" \Irs., cF111rwon1Em. h 51:{ Grth ao Thom11S 1., h S 16th Thomas Frank, laborer, h 410 South Thomas Gardner J. caterer Hhg Club. h 130 Liberty ThomGS drivGr 3~~ ,.~ (';lI11er0l1 Thomas F., inm 1HspeC1C l h 46 hilth Thomas George \V., ironworker, '1 46 N 10th Thomas George W., barber, 501) :Market, h 98 N 10th Thcll1lcS HasSi laborn 104 'hl'istie's Thom11!' Hasl' waiter C16 Cllk1tl1\ Thomas Harry F., fireman, h 6l() h.elker . Thomas Harry H., engineer, h fnll Kelker Thllm11l1 Han., h noas Thomlls Ida M. domeslll' ~1 Nmnt Thomas James R., h 144 Cranberry av Thomas Jean H., domestic. 21 ~ Front Thomes J. Heskrt. elk. kk2 :\Ialket. h 72:,? Capital Thlgml1s John. fini:.her h 614 Thomas John A., laborer, h 326 S Court av Thomas John W. VV., laborer, h 2117 }Iarket House al Thomlli1 Josz1ph H .. jr. wlliter 1 Club. h16 1 JOSkh L., (Thnmas & h 4h:% O,tate Thomas Josephine ~lrs., cook, h 714 N 7th Thomas Levi, laborer, h 1166 S Cameron Thoms.s Lillie :t!9 Chl1i.tllUt ThomllS Lizslll ". 63h ~siggs, Thomas Lucretia \V., candvmkr, h 46 ;\; 10th Thomas Martha. charwoman, h 1~~ Tanner's av Thoml1s Marl' H .. te;l;her. h 1 :)ii }[OI1l0 lmery Thomos M:an homestlc $.Il~;\;l .. Thomas Milford, bootblack, h -ill!) ~ 5th Thomas Nelson G., flagman, h 1734 ~ 5th

I 0 :II I
~ ~



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-OUR MOTTO:Haaat Coal. ...... " ...Jat.

lH M KELLEY & CO llOUI and !Stale S... jl IIortII3d Streit.r.

Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory. ..; 682 ~ Thomas Percy, ticket receiver.P. R. R. depot, h 723 Capital II: t; Thomas kosa, music teacher. 617 ~Iahantongo, h do a Thomas Roy E., laborer, h 51:l Primrose av II: Thomas Sarah E. Mrs., grocer, 11tH Market. h do ..... Thomas Susan ~lrs . charwoman, h lall Cranberry av :II Thomas \Vesley, driver, h 14:t~ Fulton Thomas WiIliam,laborer, h 4;{ Lochiel 4th.Row Thomas William, laborer, h 612 Wiconisco ~ Thomas William. peddler. h 12 Cowden :: Thomas William, stone mason, h 714 Capital _ Thomas William, tin sorter, h fit2 Wiconisco ~ Thomas William. waiter. h 511 North av I.&J Thomas William D., butcher. h 118 Balm Thomas William H., real estate, 21:~ Walnut, h 1209 Green Thomas William H . jr.. elk. :n;{ Walnut, h 12119 Green Thomas William K., elk, h !l26 S Court av I.&J Thomas William 1\., engineer. h 1~27 Berryhill ~ Thomas William S., coal operator, h Hil1 ~ 2d THOMAS 4: HILL. (J. L, Thomas and H. A. Hill), funeral

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directors, 429 State

Thompson Andrew S., mason, h 2114 Kelker Thompson Annie :\Irs., cook. !lU!I Blackherry av Thompson Annie E .. h 518 Brown av Thompson Annie L.. centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Thompson Annie;\1. C. Mrs .. h 41:l Pear av Thompson Benjamin P .. watchman Treasury. h 915 N 2d Thompson Bessie ;\f.. winder. h 41:l Pear av Thompson Calvin. laborer. h !)1!) Brown av Thompson Charles A.. painter, h 21:!4 C-;reenwood Thompson Charles H., policeman. h :!!lli :\leadow la Thompson Claire. saleslady. !l:l4 :\larket. h 4:~4 North Thompson Clarence, brakeman, h :!1I116 N' 4th Thompson Clarence E., laborer, h H:!~ Briggs Thompson Daisy :\frs .. h 21:~ S River av Thompson David H .. carpenter. h I!I!)) Rudy Thompson Domer R., jeweler, I9IU :\ lith, h 627 Kelker 2 Thompson Edith E .. clk. h :!(}4I6 l\ 4th Thompson Edwin C, bookkpr. Crescent c :\lulberry, h 1304 Derr\' Thompson Elizabeth. wid Charles. h :!1I111i N 4th Thompson Emily D .. nurse, hIll!) l\ Front Thompson Florence. laundress. h 6:!~ Briggs Thompson George A .. mason, h 2414 Kelker Thompson (;eorg-e L., mason. h :!fl4 Kelker Thompson C;eorge \\' .. caIJer P. R. R., h 214 N 10th Thompson Georg-ianna. hOllsekeeper. 50!l South av Thomps(J1l Harr~. plasterer. h 14:m Vernon Thompson Harry. port~r, h 42~ Cranberry av



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REDMOND. {3d an~ Reily Sis. CoogIe

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A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,


Boyd'. Harrisburg (T) City Directory.

Tnompson Harry A., brakeman, h I:!O:3 N 6th Thompson Ida, domestic, 5ua South av Thompson James, driver, h 611 Forster Thompson James, laborer, h soa South av Thompson James, shoe operator, h I;}O~ N Front Thompson James, jr., laborer, h 7t1!) Xorth av Thompson James C, bookkpr, 5 N :!d, h 706 N 3d Thompson James C, planer, h 561 Race Thompson james E., carpenter, h 611 Forster Thompson Jesse, laborer, h 1617 Elm Thompson John C, driver, h 611 Forster Thompson john \V., barber, h 1!l:!5 Vernon Thompson joseph P., sergeant of police. h 110!) Capital Thompson Lucy 1\1., laundress, h 611 Forster Thompson Luh: R., weaver, h River av bel 'Washington Thompson Maggie l\1rs., h 5U8 South av Thompson ~Iargaret, wid Thomas. h lU7;} S 9th ~. Thompson Martha E., wid Andrew F . h 6!lO Briggs Thompson ::'vlartha l\1., wid James B.. h 1:!7 S l!lth Thompson Rachel A., wid William, h 401 Reily Thompson Robert. barber, 1827 Derry, h 1828 Swatara Thompson Robert, laborer. h 1111 Christie's av Thompson Robert J., machinist, h 5:!!l Muench Thompson Robert K. B. T., electrician. h 413 Pear av Thompson Samuel. waiter. h 626 Briggs Thompson Sarah E., wid Robert, h 627 Kelker II Thompson Thomas H., waiter. h 628 Briggs Thompson Warren ::\1., engineer. h 270 Calder .0 Thompson William, barber, h 1!-C'l9 Swatara 13 Thompson \VilIiam. brakeman, h HlOl Berryhill Thompson William, driver, h !l21 Grand Thompson William, laborer, h 1416 Filbert Thompson \VilIiam B.. musician. h 539 Primrose av Thompson William F., drug elk, 916 1'\ :~d, h 1:!7 S 13th Thompson William F., florist. h !115 N 2d Thomp~on William H .. elk. 1m ~larket. h 4 Aberdeen av Thompson William H., mason. h 204 Kelker Thompson \Villiam T., huckster. h 1115 X Front Thomson Colin l\1., (Glen ~Hg. Co.). h 1150 Mulbern Thomson J. \\Tesler. elk hureau rwys, h 8211 N 6th j Thorley John D .. h I9n2 ~ 6th Thorley Joseph H., baker. 1nll2 N 6th. h do Thorle\' C;;;amuel E., student. h 708 ~ 6th Thorle)' Thomas A., druggist. 449 State. h 708 N 6th THORN GEORGE D., chief elk sec Commonwealth h 20 N 4th Thorne Chase. upholsterer. :UfI ~ 2d. h clo Thornton Esther. dome~tic. 106 Christie's av T~ornton Gowen. laborer. h 15H1 Vernon


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To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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lI.cIEIL'S PAil EXTERIIIIUOR ~u'i{o:~:e =t~::..s~Yl. {808'"'1~.

634 Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directol'J.

Thornton John, waiter The Bolton Throne Charlotte A., wid John F., h 108 Herr Throne Joseph C., flagman, h 14t3 Vernon .. THRONE PENN L, reporter Star-Independent, h 108 Herr .~ Thumma Jean, shoe opr, h 1240 Walnut -- Thurston Albt:rt, laoorer, h 334 Boyd av ! Thurston G. B. ~lcClellan, flagman, h 427 North CIt .- Thurston M. Virginia Mrs., teacher, h 1314 Marion ~ Thurston Robert ]., molder, h 510 State Thurston Virginia, wid William, h 510 State Thymon Drug Co., A. C. Young, mgr, 226 Briggs B Tibbs ElIa ~Irs., h 14:U ).Iarion E Tibbs Joshua, laborer, h 82 Elm Ct Tibbs William, hostler, h 1431 ~Iarion : Tilghman Ann, wid William, h It6 Ann av ::. Tilghman John T., nailer, h 112 Tuscarora Tilghman John 0., laborer, h 112 Tuscarora (/) Tilghman William J., laborer, h 183 Paxton Tillett Edward, blacksmith, h uno Green IaJ Tillett Jennie, (Misses Tillett), h 18W Green -I Tillett ~Iamie E., (Misses Tillett), h uno Green ." Tillett Misses, Oennie and Mamie E.), dressmkrs, 1810 ~ Green l&J Tillison Samuel, hod carrier, h 1703 Elm Q Timmons William P., h 1607 Susquehanna Timothy David T., laborer. h 2 Lochiellst Row I.&J Timothy Reuben c., laborer, h 2 Lochiellst Row Tindall Cora]. Mrs., h 709 State Tippery George H . butcher. h 529 Cowden ..: Tippett Bertha A .. h 707 S Front _ Tippett Carrie, dressmkr. h 707 S Front ~ Tippett George A . gen del elk P.O., h 1509 Penn E Tippett Mary, wid Robert, h 707 S Front o Tippett Maud 1\1., h 707 S Front u Tittle A. ~la\'. teacher. 11 641 Boas ~ Tittle Darius' J., crackers. :lCHI Calder. h do C Tittle E. Levi, h 1625 Green Tittle John c., tailor. h 641 Boas Tittle Lizzie S., teacher. h 641 Boas Q Tittle Mary Ann, wid Jacob, h 1401 N 3d Tittle Minnie A., dressmkr. h aOIl Calder Tittle Sarah L .. milliner, 22a ~rarket. h 300 Calder ~ Titzel Amos, conductor. h :no Jlucnch Titzel Charles F., foreman P. R. R. frt depot. h 1261 Bailey Q Titzel William W., fireman, h 319 Clinton av .... Titzell James M., (Morrow & Titzell), h 502 Woodbine Tobias Kate, domestic, 256 Verbeke ~ T~?ias ~~y c., ~i~ John ~2-~622 ~e1awar~_ av_ _ __

_ -




Tb. Am.rl ..... B ... ,lIn. C:omp 7, Baltimore. Md. EDW. G. KOBBRT8. General AgItDU.:eDual PtlllUa. District. lOB II. lid 8t. BeU 'PbOile 8.;1 X. or 08t3 X.
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PIN~~~~:::r~r~i..!.. {1216 IOnD Boyd's Harrisburg (T) City Directory.

mira sr.

Tobias Roy F., conductor, h l1S Nagle Tobias Sallie, domestic, 1603 N 2d Tobin James A., elk, h 1419 1\ 6th Tobin William )., laborer, h 1106 S 9th Todd Charles c., engineer, h 1441 Regina Todd Charles K., elk P. R R, h 311 Cumberland Todd Charles K., elk, 30 S 3d, h 2222 N 6th Todd Donald c., machinist, h 313 Verbeke Todd F. Neta, telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 33S N 17th Todd Frank, machinist, h 410 Forster Todd Grafton, laborer, h 113 S River av Todd Harry E., patternmkr, h 12:~2 Market Todd Ira A., engine inspector, h 410 Forster Todd Ralph, elk, 112~ K 6th, h do Togan Lewis, laborer, h 1526 Vernon Toland Charles F., engineer, h 1725 Penn Tolbert Charles, hostler, h 216 Cranberry av Tolbert George, coachman, h 20 S 4th Tolbert Harvey L., brakeman, h Cameron ab :\laelay Tolbert John H., laborer, h 444 S Cameron Toliver Thomas, laborer, h 1331 X 4th Toliver Walker Rev., h 1407 James Tolmie John G., molder, h 310 S 2d Tomlinson Annie E., cigarmkr, h 130 Indian av Tomlinson Charles A., laborer, h 1638 Wallace Tomlinson Francis c., flagman. h 625 Hamilton Tomlinson Francis E., screwsman, h 220 Briggs Tomlinson George W., cigars, h 259 Briggs Tomlinson Harry B., office asst. 223 Mkt, h 625 Hamilton Tomlinson Helen, teacher, h 259 Briggs Tomlinson Isaac R, painter, h 269 Forster Tomlinson ,Tennie, candymkr, h 269 Forster Tomlinson Tohn K.. h 413 Boas Tomlinson Sarah M.. wid John B., h 269 Forster Tomlinson Wtlliam R, inspector, h 625 Hamilton Tomlinson \VilIiam V., messenger councils . h 1619 Regina Toole Eliza. wid James. h 603 S Front Toole Nora A., wid John, h 603 S Front Toomev Charles E .. fireman, h 629 Muench Toomey Effie S., weaver, h 402 Cumberland Toomev Garrett S., fireman. h 617 Harris Toomey George D., tinsmith, h 1534 Wallace Toomey Henrv E., telegrapher P. R. R, h 1520 Susq Toomey J. Calvin, telegrapher. h 402 Cumberland Toomey Jeremiah F .. driver. h un5 S 12th Toomey LoUie G.. h 617 Harris Toomey Mary, wid Cornelius, h 1403 S Cameron Toomey Mary E .. hotlsekeeper, h 60S Race

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-To find a -na~c ~-

urust know hoW to spelrit."

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Boyd'. Harrisburg ('I') City Directory.




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blas~bmith, h :'1' ~ 5th Thoznas, feeder, h 6zYd f{ace Toomey Thomas ~I., laborer, ;)2:~ S Toomey Wesley A., shoemkr, 1604 Wallace, h 617 Harris vVillinm. labnrz'r, h Front cReel's la Tnnnz~r Maggle, domz~zlRic, 31 Front Toszen Maggie, houaekz:eper, _ \'erbdx Townsend Frederick, elk, h 21:!7 ~ 4th Townsend Howard C Zlrinter~ h :!1:!7 '\ 4th TowZlsend cz:ley I ~ ~ ,1On 3d, h ~'7 ~ 4th Towsen Edwzzcd, roug!rzT, h 1:!rl S 1:1th Towsen Harry H" baker, 511 Walnut, h do Toz~~ sen J. Albert, mtfrr cab line~ The Commonwealth~ h do


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llz:rgnret znd Towsen '\iaria, wid James A., h 509 Walnut TOWSEN THOMAS F~~ slate roofer, 509 Walnut, h 818 If 2d rae adn TGVi~Zl)n h S 13th Towson Charles W .. rougher. h l:!t)!) S 1:1th Towson Thomas. finisher. h 14011 S 1:~th TZlzln~ Chaz ticket elk P R. h 20fZ Tzaz'c Emmn .\Irs.. :!:!7 Trace Frederick S., nlachinist, h 11):! Calder Trace]. ::Vlontgomerv elk, 'h :!:n State Tnce Sarah wid I~ 41)0\ Annil~ s., h Sllsqllt~hanna Tracy David E., gelll supt Hbg Pipe and Pipe Bending Co., h :!tl07 :'\: :ld Emma, z\~id Thomas. h ;1 Susq lz:liallna Ferqulzon E .. nllzille tinHlr. h 14 Tracy Helena C .. telephone opr, 2\0 \Valnut, Tracy Joseph P., elk h \.1\1 Susquehanna Marz id Fet)'nz~on. h q%fZ:Z Race TT%lCZ '\Iath~s' A., aZZI z~ttpt, c Herr, 22f1 ~lZZ"ust Tracy Thomas]., electrician, h HO~ Race Trafford William. fla~~rnan. h l!l:)11 Wood av TzzzmH Pat ]., polkz~ ~apit, 6:!~ :umberland T clmtwein czmk, h 1 .\Iariuzl


~V~hZlm l}.~~~z Wa~~~h

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dealer In U,x,fs puz
kinds 07 BZszszn ... !!I%Z,,~~ ZBld.... %%y ExpelZzm'lZD SI&teB~~~ zepalrlnz

Pnp .. p, at shz,~z


OFFICE, 509 Walnut Street,


B ft.. TACK

I PreKOl.1l Pllbllc Blilldln,,1 In P'lle neu.


{1216 It. 3d Sl-

f.,,_ BI....

Boyd'. Harrisburg (,r) City Directory.

Travitz Charles A., laborer, h at1 Uauphin av Treadwell Charles P., baggagemaster, h 1t:U Market Treadwell John W., Hagman, h 1t4 Sylvan ter Treas Francis, fireman, h t77 Hamilton Trego Edwin T., elk, h 4:i~ Korth Trego H. Edward, fireman. h ml7 Cumberland Trego James S., engineer, h tll Crescent Trego Joseph G .. engineer. h 4:~~ !\orth Treichler Mary A., wid John C, h ttms tj~ Treon Harry H., (Lyons & Treon), h 25:! North Tress Bessie. cigarmkr, h 21:> S td Tress Charles A., laborer, h tUi S td Tress Daisv, skiver. h 215 S td Tre"s Florence H., folder. h t15 S td Tress John S., laborer, h tll7 ~Ieadow la Tress Lewis, supervisor 1 st district. h 211i S td Tress Lewis W., laborer. h 52l'1 S Cameron Tress Mary, wid George, h 12t1 Conoy Tress William, laborer. h 215 S 2d Trewick Patience .:\1.. wid Walter L., h t2tl Pine Triest David, brakeman, h 1:~:~tI ~ 7th Triest John A., engineer. h Itlt Currant av Trimble Edna 1\1.. salesladv. Sl!I N ad. h t62 Cumberland Trimble Samuel B.. salesman. t2:1 :\lkt. h 262 Cumberland Trimmer Emma C ~lrs .. h la3 S 3d Trimmer Laoma, paperhanger. h 417 X Cameron Tripner Cora J., saleslady. h Ui40 N :M Tripner George C. (W. A. Tripner & Son). h 1640 N 5th Tripner Grace E . elk. :U2 Verbeke. h 1640 N 3d Tripner John H .. elk. :n2 Verbeke. h Ui40 N 3d Tripner W. A. & Son. (W. A. and G. C), grocers, 1640 N 5th Tripner William A., (W. A. Tripner & Son). grocer, 312 Verbeke, h 1640 N 3d Tripner William A .. jr., salesman, 615 Walnut. h 172fl! N 3d Trippstein Ida E. Mrs., stenographer, h 214 Chestnut Tritle Fred M .. iinotype opr Telegraph. h 1127 Capital Tritle Martha, h 1317 N ad Troeder Hulda. nurse. 115 Pine Trombino Salvatore, laborer, h 31R S River av Trombino Sarafino, fmit, S 4th c Mkt. h :318 S River av Tromblee ~Ian. wid Solomon. h :n~ Blackberry av Tromblee :'\ elson. laborer. h 31 ~ Blackberry avo Trostel Catharine. wid William, h 1216 Wallace Trostel David P., engineer. h a25 Hummel Trostle Annie E .. wid George C. h 2111'1 Harris Trostle Catharine, wid Isra~l S., h 1727 N 3d Trostle David B.. elk P. R R, h 1601 N 2d

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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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McNen'. Pain Fx'er .. lnator t'Urft Choll.ra Morbus. DyM'n'err, Dlarrhas, Cold" Quln.,.. RheumalilDl, Toothache. Ii1ort' Throat, Ape. D)".peJl8\a."eo _ .....




Boyd's Rarrisburg (T) City Directory,

== Trostle Jesse, fireman Lunatic Hospital, h do _.- Trostle John, fireman, h 14221'\ 6th =- Trostle ~lary F., bonnetmkr, h 1531 Wallace c.:t Trostle ~laud E., domestic, 214 North Trostle Oliver "V., bedmkr, h 1524 Wallace c.:t Trostle Sallie E., h 1410 ~ 6th 1! Trostle Samuel P., warehouseman, h 1403 William ~ Trotter Alison, wid Robert, h 1308 Vernon Trotter Jessie D., tipper, h 1308 Vernon Trotter Thomas, fireman, h 1308 Vernon _ Troup Ada, watchwoman Lunatic Hospital, h do : Troup Bessie N1., cigarmkr, h 406 Harris Troup Edith, w~aver, h 422 Harris Troup Elizabeth, wid Paul, h 1417 Penn II) Troup George A., h 507 Harris II: Troup Harman, expressman, h 1535 N 5th Troup Harry, salesman, 9 S 2d, h 1456 2\1arket Troup Harry M., steelworker, h 1732* N 5th .- Troup Ira J., candymkr, h 1535 N 5th Troup Jacob, laborer, h 1218 Currant av C Troup Jacob, trimmer, h 722 Capital II: TROUP lORN R" pianos, organs, &0" 9 S 2d, h 24 ]I 4th Troup Joseph B., elk P. R. R., h 2206 N 6th .- Troup Lewis, fireman, h 15081 N 5th Troup Lucinda c., wid Harry H., h 2115 Moore Troup Martha H., wid John A., h 1913 N 6th Troup Mrs., buneller, h 12th O Troup Mary A., wid Frank c.,1311 S Calder Mary h 511 ~ Troup Merril, driller, h 530 Cowden z Troup Nellie, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do ~ Troup Samuel E., carpenter, h 1923 N 4th IE Troup Wesley L., steelworker, h 1n2! N 5th C) Troup William A., candymkr, h 1535 N 5th U Troup William F., salesman, 9 S 2d, h 323 Chestnut ~ Troup William L., car inspector, h 406 Harris C Trout Agnes Mrs., dressmkr, 100 Cowden, h do Trout Alice A., dressmkr, 1538 Wallace, h do Trout Benjamin F., civil engineer, h 230 Liberty Q Trout Brooke, salesman, 114 S 2d, h 100 Cowden : Trout Chester E., machinist, h 2022 N 5th Tront Emery F., carpenter, h 1818 North ~ Tront Frank H., blacksmith, h 1538 Wallace - Trout Homer, drawer, h 1538 Wallace C Tront Jacob W., blacksmith, h 1538 Wallace ~ Trout Joseph B., elk, h 6th ab Maclay Trout Susan, wid Nathaniel, h 620 Verbeke ~ Trout William, brakeman, h 2002 N 5th -- ---EDW. ROBERTS r.r ACCIDII:.T ~URA.CII:. 1011 ......

1: Trostle Jeremiah M., fireman, h 2019 N 5th


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, 8_'" BINeI.

Bell 'Phone l1li1 X. or 6818 X.

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TCC==;=:: Ion POoor ODd WlOdOI ShOlieS lrol A. 8. TACK. N.'lJ\t.

Boyd's Harrisburg ('1'). City Directory.


Trout William L., brakeman, h 2022 N 5th TrDutman Charles, paperhanger, h 5 SlOth Troxel Ellen Mrs., boarding, 1205 N 3d, h do Troy William A., chiropodist, 120 Cowden, h do Trullinger Walker S., laborer, h 241 N 15th Truman Ross, waiter P. R. R. dining rooms, h 518 N 5th Trump Samuel, stone mason, h 1846 State Tru~t Co. Building, 222 Market Tryman Reuben, driver, h 121 Cherry av Tryman Susan, wid Reuben, h 626 Primrose av Tschopp George F., bartender, 1237 N 7th, h Progress Tschopp Jacob D., carpenter, h 615 N 18th Tucker Frederick T., laborer, h 2138 N 5th Tucker Samuel, roller, h 138 N 5th Tucker William J., laborer, h 2138 N 5th Tuckey Charles W., laborer, h 1626 N 5th Tullock George A., conductor, h 300 Chestnut Tunis Charles H., machinist, h 609 North TUNIS WJJ.LTA'M S., bookseller and stationer, 8 3d, h 488 North Turner Charles W., bell boy, h 1424 N 4th Turner Edgar G., student, h 2008 N 5th Turner James, laborer, h 34 SlOth Turner James E., hostler, h 118 Strawberry av Turner Jesse P., engineer, h 1317 Marion Turner Lewis W., agt, h 2008 N 5th Turner Robert T., bootblack, 18 N 3d, h 1424 N 4th Turner Thomas, laborer, h 102 Short Turner William H., laborer, h 1424 N 4th Turns Edward D., carpenter, h 1613 Wallace Turns Edward R., car repairer, h 313 Verbeke Turns Hettie, wid Owen, h 1101 Calder Turns Kate, domestic, 421 Walnut Turns Martin, car inspector, h 1221 N 6th Turns William, taborer, h 1828 Wood av Turpin Bertha B., nurse, h South nr 5th Turpin James c., fireman, h 504 South av Turpin \VilIiam, hostler, h South llr 5th Tuttnan Etta, wid William. h 215 N River av Tutt George, laborer, h 175 Indian av Tuttle Horace. boarding. 642 Walnut, h do Twa\' Amelia. h 610 Buttonwood Twa~' Ellen, nurse, h 321 N Front Ty:er Anna A. Mrs .. charwoman P.O., h 245 North Tyler Carrie, domestic, 412 Cowden Tyler Josephine, milliner, h 245 North Tyrone] ron Co.. R. C. K eal, sec and treas, Lochiel Tyson Frederick J .. trimmer, h 808 East

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.. To find a name you must know bow to IpCII It..

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1'rJ & Ton of

H M KELLEY & CO'S Bt"rk nt.mrder... .rs ....... I I I ~.a

{' North IStat. StI. 10th .nd . ......

..; 640

Boyd's Harrisburg (U) City Directory.

e Tyson Jennie, dressmkl', 638 Peiter, h do ;;; Tyson Jerome. laborer, h 2022 N 7th -,:, Tyson Lewis H., asst chief elk R. M. S., h 1238 Derry ~ Tyson Lincoln C, caller P. R. R., h 1985 N 7th .... Tyson Maggie M., dressmkr, h :!022 }.j 7th ~ Tyson William H., lineman P. R. R, h 638 Peffer


~ U 5! Ubaud Philip, chef The Lochiel, h do

.e 1:


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a: I.&J >

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Ubil May J., domestic, 2015 N 7th Ubil Oliver S., engineer, h 303 Crescent Ubil Susan R., saleslady, 334 Market, h 303. Crescent Uglow Charles E., brakeman, h 2113 Greenwood uher George E., laborer, h 5 Lochiel 1st Row Uhl Blanche, cashier. 1014 N 3d, h 617 ~ 18th Uhler Annie B., dressmkr, h 1812 North Uhler James M., watchman aud gelll's dept, h 1808 N ith Uhler Jeremiah, real estate, 1421 X :!d, h do Uhler Margaret, h 2:!5 Market Uhler M. Elizabeth, wid Henry, h 1:!4 State Uhler William A., carpenter, h 1812 North Uhler William H., conductor, h 1513 K 5th Cllrich John].. fireman, h 1208 Wallace l:llrich \Villiam C, laborer, It lUll! Derry Ulmer William H., engineer, h 1804 Green Ulrich Annie 1\1., wid Henry, h 545 SlOth Ulrich Carrie, domestic, 1:308 i\ 3d Ulrich Edwin H., laborer, h 1831 Rudy Ulrich Frank H.o shoe operator, It u45 SlOth Ulrich Frederick S., electrical engineer, h 1525 Derry Ulrich George E., laborer, h 500 S Cameron Ulrich Henry B., pipe welder, h 141 Linden Ulrich John. laborer, h 141 Linden Ulrich John C, laborer, h 545 SlOth Ulrich Peter, hostler, h 1111 Market Ulrich Solomon, laborer, h 18:n Rudy Ulrich William, laborer, h 14a2 \V alnut Ulrich William :\rl., mattressmkr, h 1432 Walnut DIsh Bertha N., seamstress, h Hi27 Susquehanna Vlsh Eva L., dre~smkr, h 1827 Susquehanna DIsh George, h 1827 Susquehanna Ulsh George E., fireman, h 1827 Susquehanna Ulsh Sherman W., baggage transfer, h 244 Crescent DIsh William R, motorman, h 423 Kelker Umbenhauer Edna, milliner, h 1218 Market Umberger Benjamin F., lawyer, 306 Market, h 2034 N 5th Umberger Calvin S . steam fitter, h 638 Harris Umberger Catharine Mrs., h 620 Cumberland

ANDREW REDMOND, ~::::!::::;.':=:=. {3~ lid Reily Sts.

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W"II P. per. The be<t r.n4 lowellt price&. Wi ...... 8 A B TACK I !!tll.d.. comple'" wlLh Flx&urell &lid I'riIIIeII for... { II.J U It.

641 Umberger David, laborer, h 633 Woodbine Umberger David P., laborer, h 633 Woodbine Umberger Harry D., laborer, h 633 Woodbine Umberger Henry H., watchman, h 1637 N 7th Umberger Jacob, carpenter, h 633 Woodbine Umberger John, repairs man, h 633 Woodbine Umberger John A., conductor, h 2128 N 6th Umberger :\largaret, wid Benjamin F., h 926 Capital Umberger Margaret E., wid Calvin, h 638 Harris Umholtz James F., carpenter, h 645 Boas Umholtz John, laborer, h 2020 N 6th Umholtz Josiah P., carpenter, h 645 Boas Umholtz Leonard M., brakeman, h 645 Boas Umholtz Mary E., saleslady, 318 Market, h 319 Hummel Umholtz Virginia, domestic Hershey House UWDERWOOD HEny D., mgr Equitable Life Aslurance Sooiety, U. S., 14 S Market sq, h 1632 N 2d Unger Bertha M., elk, 414 State, h 14U Derry Unger Charles D., (Moeslein & Unger), h 1414 Derry Unger Clara J., dressmkr, h 1407i Vernon Unger David J., laborer, h 1351 Vernon Unger Frederick F., mail agt, h 11 N 4th Unger John T., machinist, h 14071 Vernon Unger John 'vV., pressman Telegraph, h 24:! Crescent Unger Levi B., shoe operator, h 1407i Vernon Unger Martin H., elk F. and M. Works, h Seneca nr 6th Unger Mary Mrs., housekeeper, h 1407i Vernon Unger Rosa, shoe operator, h 1414 Derry Unger Susan, wid William E., h 1414 Derry Union Carbide Co., 627 Walnut UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., H. W. Balabaugh, genl agt, 6 1-2 N Market Iq Union News Co., Pa. R Rand P. & R depots UNITED GAS IltIPROVEMENT CO., L S. Williams, agt and lupt, 27 N 3d UNITED ICE AND COAL CO., main offioe 3d 0 Cumberland, branoh 01l\.0el 903 Cowden, 828 Market, 10th bel Market, 326 Harril and Howard 0 14th see advaide linel United States Army Recruiting Station, 500 Market UNITED STATES EXPRESS CO., LB. Stager, agt, liS N 3d United States Hotel, Jesse Hedrick, propr, 508-520 Market United States Internal Revenue Office, P. O. bldg United States Marine Corps Recruiting Station, 26 N 3d United States Pension Examining Board, P. O. bldg UNITED TELEPHONE AND TEL:EGRAPH CO., W. L. Helfenstein, dilt lupt, 227 Walnut Updegraff William H., conductor, h 1108 N 7th Updegrove Albert R, laborer. h 1012 Fox av

Boyd's Harrisburg (U) City Direotory.


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W D. (I


. To find a name y~ must know- how to spell It!'

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McNEIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. :.~~~:id~l~n~r=alt;t!: {306 Br.~



Boyd's Harrisburg (V) City Directory.


.. Updegrove Angelinc, wicl Ellis, it 658 Calder ~ Updegrove C. }lay, h I:.!U State updegrove MaLel, stengr Patriot, h 658 Calder Updegrove Philip S., brakeman, h 120 State ~ Updegrove Sarah E., ruler, h ()5S Calder Updegrove \\'illiam C., tnolder, h 120 State Urban Emma, h 434 S Imh Urban Frank J., laborer, h 4a4 S 16th 1! Urban John W., ironworker. h 1l:.!4 S Cameron ~ Urban Joseph R., laborer. h .J:l4 S 16th Crban ~largaret A., strippcr, h 11:.!4 S Cameron Urich Alice M., cigarmkr, h 929 N 2d ! Urich Benjamin, rags, h ao!) Blackberry av - erich Carrie, housekeeper, H:.!!} i'\ :.!d Urich Charles, helper, h :t! :\ Summit Urich Edward L., plasterer, h 1!I05 ~orth Vrich Elwood H., shocmkr. h 1:3:!!1 lames f/J lJrich Emanuel \V., machinist, h li5:! Boas Crich George A., carpenter, h 1I:!9 :\ 2d ..... Vrich Tola E., teacher, h Rl1 N Hd .J Urich Jacob, plasterer, h l!lIIii ~orth C Urich Jacob I., painter, h 915 S ]9th Urich Jacob M., plasterer. h 1H:IT Briggs ..... Urich John, carpenter. h 11)26 Xorth C l}rich John B.. elk, h Chestnut nr 13th 1.1 Urich John H., blacksmith. h 32 N Summit ... Urich Maggie S., cigarmkr, h 1905 North Urich Perry S .. carpenter. h 418 Muench Urich Rebecca E. Mrs .. h 915 Capital Urich Samuel, 'bartender. 94() N 7th. h 727 State Urich Samuel. shoemkr. 1815 N 3d, h 1817 do c Urich Samuel B., real estate, h fill N 3d ~ Ur!ch Samuel T .. plas.terer, h 1905 Xorth Urtch Sue L., h 811 l'\ !I(I Urich Tillie. shoe operator, h 19n5 North Urich William. carpenter. h 929 N 2d Usaw Melancthon, printer Telegraph, h 418 Market Uston Charles, laborer, h Mulberry nr canal Utzs John S . asst stationmaster P. R. R., h 107 N 13th Utzs Susan, wid Jacob, h 216 Meadow la


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Valentine Edward. repairsman, h llaO Market Valentine George \V .. conductor, h 357 Hummel Q Valentine John B.. conductor, h 2041 Logan av ~ Valentine Mary E .. wid George W .. h t308 S Cameron _ Valentine William H .. laborer, h 1308 S Cameron VALLERCJLU(p 10D DR., dentist, 8 .. 141, h do

WI\lJ!OOII,.our bond. 10111. SHe EDW G ROBERTS bond, are executed. Bell ')'bo..Jl' l1li1. . " Of' . . s. x. w .....
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\...:.oog 1e

Boyd's Rarrisburg (V) City Directory.


Valmaseda William H., chef Grand Hotel, h 501i South Vanaman Bessie B., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 1251 Derry Vanaman Luke T., flagman, h 1251 Derry Vanaman W. LeRoy, telegrapher, h 1251 Derry VanAsdlan Amy F., bonnetmkr, h 1627 N 4th VanAsdlan Frank E., laborer, h 1627 N 4th VanAsdlan Gordon, painter, h 1428 K 3d VanAsdlan Jacob, engineer, h 1627 N 4th VanAsdlan John, painter, h 1428 N 3d VanAsdlan Spencer, painter, h 1428 K 3d VanAsdlan William, mason, h 1520i N 4th VanAsdlan William, painter, h 142M N 3d VanCamp Joseph M., policeman, h 153:3 N 5th VanCamp Maud, domestic, 825 N 6th VanCamp Rebecca, wid James, h 1518 N 6th VanCamp William L., grocer, 1518 N 6th, h do Vance James J., supt, ~lulberry c Crescent, h Belle Vue Vance Robert H., (Bates & Yance), h 1410 N 2d Vandergrift Ida B., wid William G., h 236 Ht1mmel Vanderloo Peter, tailor, h 2113 Derry Vandersloot Lewis, stenographer dept Agrl. h 1858 Walnut Vandling Lizzie, h 107 Locust V andling Mary, h 107 Locust VanDyke Arthur D., asst med exmr P. R. R., 413 Market, h Marysville VAIrnYXE T. XITTEBA, lawyer, 9 N 3d, h 800 N !ad VanFosen Lottie, housekeeper, 1223 Bailey VanGilder George, machinist, h 326 North VanHorn Birt B., cigars, 400 Chestnut, h 701 South VanHorn Floyd A., messenger, h 336 Cherry av VanHorn Harry, laborer, h Boas ab 21st VanHorn Harry A., printer, h 113 Market VanHorn Ida, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do VanHorn Ira, messenger, h 336 Cherry av VanHorn John W., trucker. h 627 Camp VanHorn Mary, saleslady, 334 Market, h 627 Camp VanHorn Minnie G., dressmkr, h 627 Camp VanHorn William, h 304 Boas VanHorn William H . trucker. h 7th c Mahantongo VanKirk Anna, wid Daniel P., h 1622 Park VanLeer Charles, laborer, h 27 N 5th Vanmeter Jacob M., restaurant, 14 ~ 5th, h do VanOrder Linn D., h 803 N 2d VanOrmer James N., agt, h 2132 N 6th VanOrmer Joseph, h an6 Cumberland VanOrmer Louisa, housekeeper. :lOr, Cumberland VanOrmer Maude E., saleslady, 334 :\Ikt, h 306 Cumbl'd VanOrmer S. Frank. (Kreame'r & YanOrmer). h 2182 N 6th

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.. To find a name you must know how to speI1 iLl'

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D~~ ~~DJ H.

M. KELLEY & CO. {lo~~'.~~ta"tr;:

Vanorsdale Cyrus, laborer, h 531 Maclay VanRiper Benjamin A., laborer, h 462 S Cameron i= VanRiper H. Thomas, pitman, h 462 S Cameron YoI Vanwachter Arthur, hostler, h 511i South VanWagner George W., engineer, h 2027 Fulton VilnWagner Lawrence, elk, 1304 ~ 3d, h 2027 Fulton ;; VanZandt Harry M., office, 14 S 2d, hIS Front ~ Varnes Edward B.. letter carrier, h 8 X Cameron :t!!! VASTINE HARRY KONTIS, osteopathic physician, 108

...: en


Boyd's Harrisburg (V) City Directory .


Locust, h do
Vaughan Annie M., wid John E., h 2022 N 6th Vaughan Mary M., h 312 N 2d Vaughan Phoebe W., wid George, h 312 K 2d Vaughn Christina, wid John D., h 508 Boyd av Vaughn Edward J., tlnworker, h 227 Herr Vaughn Edward L., janitor Telegraph, h 925 N 3d Vaughn Elizabeth J . weaver. h 925 K 3d Vaughn Ira G., loom fixer, h 925 K 3d Vaughn John S., (Vaughn Mfg. Co.). h Hi] 1 N 6th Vaughn Kate M., music teacher. 142 S 2d, h do Vaughn Mabel E., teacher. h 142 S :!d Vaughn Mfg. Co., (John S. Vaughn). no\"(:lties, ]611 N 6th Vaughn Mary,wid Patrick, h 925 ~ 3d Vaughn Patrick H., plumber, 14:l2 ~ 3d, h do Vaughn Robert. h 142 S 2d Vaughn Robert B., tinworker, h 2120 Moore Vaughn Roberta, teacher. h 142 S 2d Vaughn Thomas, stone cutter, h 1542 N 6th Veacock Margaret S .. wid Samuel S . h 344 Brook av Vt'aner Aaron. shoemkr, li09 Verbeke, h 1209 N 7th Veaner Joseph, upholsterer. 209 Locust. h 1,209 N 7th VeJder Charles A .. jobber Lun. Ho~ .. h 2021 ~ Cameron Velder Wilmer, machinist. h 20::n X Cameron Venia Thomas, laborer, h 811 SlOth Vennie Joseph, laborer. h 509 South av Verbeke Gertrude. milliner, 334 :\larket. h 119 Conoy Verbeke Marion. c1k city controller. h 119 Conoy Verner John. laborer, h 233 Cranberry av Verner 'Margaret Mrs., h 517 State . Vernes Nettie. cashier, In S 2d, h do Vernon Edward, laborer, h 510 Strawberry av Very Ernest F . cook Lunatic Hospital. h' 315 :\Iuench Viavi Co .. Mrs. Annie E. Schuyler, mgr, 9 S 2d Vickery Gilbert S., civil engineer, h 1222 ~farket Viehweg Samuel, laborer, h 306 S River av Vivaldo Giovanni, tailor. h 103 Cherry av Via tisch Joseph, porter, 518 Market' Vogel Adam, laborer. h 2136 Greenwood







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:'tR:~88~:!~r~:~ ANDREW

REDMOND. {3~ lB' Rei" SIL

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but workmen, b8lle8 ouly j/rrfA B TACK I N.1818 {EmPIO)'I DonelDIureII It. Wor. douelDIoDYpaRof Slate. 3d 8t. . . lIIIriaud

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.



Vogel Edward S., laborer, h 620 Dauphin av Vogel Edwin L., machinist, h 33 N 13th Vogel Harry G., elk, h 33 N 13th Vogel Samuel D., engineer, h 620 Dauphin Vogel Samuel H., shoe operator, h 15:!:l Walnut VogclbaC'h Adolph G., elk, 426 Market, it ).lechanicl>burg Vogelsong Frank E., laborer, h 1825 Rudv Vogelsong Harriet, wid John, h 15s25 Rudy Vogelsong Lucetta, wid Thomas F., il JUliOl S Cameron Vogler Frank, driver, h 755 S 191 Vogl Charles, baker, h 32 Lochiel 3d Row Vogt Elizabeth, wid Adam, h 32 Lochiel 3d Row Yogt Frederick, laborer, h 32 Lochiel ::cl Row V ogt Guy S., h 824 N 3d Vogt Max J., meat, 800 N 3d, h Wormley~b\:rg Volk J. Andrew, carpenter, h ii:10 Woodbine Voll Reinholdt, shoemkr, h 1032 S Cameron Vollmer Christina, wid Charles F., h 1111:-: X 2d Vollmer Frank H., upholsterer, h 22R Liberty VoHmer Harry A., upholsterer, 202 N 211. h tlllS do Vollmer Mary M., teacher, h 110S ~ 211 , VonNieda Frank M., telegrapher, 71 X 3d, h Franklin House VC'nstattan John, engineer, ~ .i:HHerr Vorndran E. Irvin, barber, h :ilS ~ 2d Vorndran R. Harry, barber, h 410 \Valnut Vorndran Richard A .. barber The Lochiel, h 518 N 2d Vow William, laborer, h 195 P'lxton

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Wachendorfer John. laborer. h 13:n Maple a\' Wachter Catharine, wid Martin, h 1:115 ~larion /1 \Vachter Lizzie, laundress. h 1315 Marion Wachtmann George. jeweler. h 1644 Fulton 0 Wachtmann Henry \V., conductor, h 1644 Fulton 13 Wachtmann Robert E., laborer, h 625 Mahantongo Waddell Joseph G., conductor, 11 H20 Kelker \Vaddy Laura, domestic, 119 Cowden \Vade Samuel, carpenter, h '301 Herr W:H!sworth James W., h 1810 Penn Wadsworth William J., fireman, h 1810 Penn I Wageley Joseph D., repairsman. 11 1914 Elizabeth ~v Wagener Arthur, cook Lunatic Hospital. h do Cal Wagenheim Harry ~f . varieties. 1121 S 9th, h do ~ \Vager Anna C, cashier, h 292 S Cameron Wager John M., car inspector, h 292 S Cameron ", Wager l\targaret ~I., telephone opr, 210 Walnut. 11 !;92 S Cameron ,.. I


... To find a name


must know how to spell It"

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Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.

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Wagner Albert J., fireman, h Hi:.m N 5th Wagner Alexander T., h Ht-J N 3d Wagner Augustus, paperhanger, it 26 S 3d Wagner Bertha E., elk, 1127 N 3d, h 120 Verbeke Wagner Bros., (j. Wagner and F. Lauster), bakers, 621 Boas vVagne1" Caroline, wid Ezra, h 1234 Herr Wagner Caroline, wid Jeremiah, h Hi S 1:Uh Wagner Carrie J., forelady, h 2119 Moore Wagner Charles, bookbinder, h 12:14 Herr Wagner Cora E .. h iII1 N 6th Wagner Daniel, brakeman, h 120 Verbeke Wagner Daniel M., flagman, h 638 Calder Wagner Edward M., carpenter, h 415 S 16th Wagner Elias, loom fixer, h 1341 N 2d Wagner Elmer, trucker, h 1229 S 12th Wagner Emma, domestic, 2:~ S :!d Wagner Emma C. domestic, 1430 K :!d Wagner Frank A.. cutter, h ll15 ~oltth Wagner Fred. F., pianos. 411 N 2d, h 121 South Wagner r"'ederick, baker, 511 State, h 513 do 'Vagner Hannah. domestic, 1 Aberdeen av Wagner Harry B., elk. 1:304 N 3d, h 13:!2 I'enn Wagner Harvey. heater, It 1341 N 2d ",ragner Hiram. glazier, h t:~:!7 Thompson <IV Wagner Hotel, Alexander ~loltrer, 400-10:! Forster Wagner Howard R., brakeman, h 534 Maday \Vagner Jacob. h 1:141 N :!d Wagner Jacob E., tinplater, h 1!110 N 5th Wagncr James 1'.1., master mechanic P. 1. & S. Co., h 2d c Vine Wagner Jessie. tailoress, h 511 Xorth Wagncr John, (Wagner Bros.), h 627 Boas Wagner John H., cigars. 1639 N ~d. h (!o Wagner John II.. hostler. h 305 Blackberry av Wagner John S .. conductor, h 1119 Calder Wagner John W .. salesman, h 1259 Bailey Wagner Joseph D .. supt, h 420 Kelker Wagner Julia A .. wid George. h 701 N (jth Wagner Kate D., wid John W., h 927 ~ 6th Wagner Lilia B .. trimmer, 27 S 2d. h 1:!i)!I Bailev Wagner Lillie H., bookkpr. 110 Market. h 121 South Wagner ~rabel A., bookkpr. 21:1 X 2d. h 714 Capital Wagner Maria. wid 1saa(', h :l1l5 Cumberland W agner ~'lary A., h 121 SOl1th vVagner l\Iary A.. wid Frc<ieri(k F., h 121 ~outh Wagner Mary G. ~lrs .. (Capital City Cigar Co.), h .j, 54th \-Vag-ner ~[ary II., "ill Ht'nry .I., h 12!J \'crheke


",,,,,Ideal, Llabllll,. aad 8' nn Boller roo_. 108 I!fortb !!Ieeoad ~I. Bell PhoDe 851 X. or 684a L

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Coog Ie


Wall Paper and Window Shaclu. {l.::~~",t~~::~.


Boyd'. Harrisburg (W) City Directol'J.

Wagner May E., seamstress, h 251 North Wagner Minnie, elk, 511 State, h 513 do Wagner Olie, roller, h 1623 N 5th 'Wagner Oscar, hostler, h 1210 Susquehanna Wagner Rae, h 63i Briggs Wagner Reuben L., stone cutter, h 714 Capital Wagner Samuel A., brakeman, h 53(1 Woodbine V\'agner Samuel c., brakeman, h 19:!9 N 5th Wagner Samuel P., plumber. 1626 X 6th, h do Wagner Samuel R., hostler, h 420 Kelker Wagner Susan, wid John, h 1M2 Fulton Wagner Tillie, weaver, h 1a41 N :!d \Yagner Warren A., stereotyper, h 1~I;j Susquehanna Wagner \Y. Howard, carpenter, h 5:J0 Emerald Wagner William, machinist, h 21~() 6~ Wagner William B., jeweler, 1510 ~ 6th, h 1:!1I \'erbeke 'Vagner William H., contractor, 751 S 21st, h do Wagoner Frederick F., cooper, h 11109 S 9th Wagoner Lionel 0., barber,618 Race, h 1009 S 9th Wahl Frederick W'J brakeman, h 1a54 State \\'aid Bartholomew D., woodworker, h l:!O Evergreen vVainwright Naomi E., wid John, h 151H Wallace 'Vaite Howard B., switchman P. R. R., h 1419 Wallace WALBOU AARON, grocer, 638 Verbeke, h 1300 Wallace Walborn Elizabeth, wid Elijah, h Verbeke c Wallace Walborn Franklin E., laborer, h W3:!~ Walnut Walburn Mary A., h U4 Herr Walck J. Wilson, machinist. h 210 ~orth Walde Charles E., laborer, h l!I95 X ith Walde E. Henry, blacksmith, h 19!15 !\ ith Walde John, laborer, h 1995 N' 7th Waldemyer Gottlieb G.. h 143(1 Susquehanna Waldschmitt Joseph, shoemkr, 1624 Park, h do 'Nales Stephen S. Rev., h 12i Short. Wales William F., machinist. h 1~'1:'! ~ 12th \Valford Charlotte, wid John, h lOll Cumherland Walford Elizabeth S., weaver, h til!! Cumberland \Valhay Dale W., shoe cutter, h 1!1l5 X ith Walkemeyer Fred R.. h 551 S Front Walkemeyer H. A. William, elk, h 5n1 S Front Walkemeyer Henry A., h 549 S Front v"alkendaffer Charles, laborer, h 1:?;m Hartine \\Talker Arthur. laborer. h 21 Lochiel :!d Row "'alker Blaine. cigarmkr. h 123 Mulbern' 'Walker Calvin H .. steelworker, h Hl4 T~nn\!r's av Walker Catharine J., domestic, :!:lll ~ayford av Walker Charles, waiter The Bolton Walker Charles ~f., elk, 1801 X fith. h do

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To find a name you must know how to speD it."

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-OUR ..... Welaht. Haaut eo.l.MOTTO:- f .

lH M KELLEY & CO 110tll ud 3d Street. JI "ort~ state Ita..

~ Walker Clement B., brakeman, h 822 Capital :;; Walker Dean F., bookkpr, 10th c State, h 235 S 15th 1m \\'alker Elizabeth F. L., massage, 102 State, h do :: Walker Ella H., domestic, 109 Washington _ \Valker Elmer, carpenter, h It22 Currant av ~ \Valker Gertrude, domestic, 603 K Front Walker Harry E., baggage transferman. h 1211 S 2d Walker Hayes, laborer, h 229 S 15th :! \Valker Jacob K, elk, h 1215 Derry :: \Valker James H., laborer, h 7 Paxton Cottage Row _ \Valker Jennie, domestic, 814 James av :::. Waiker Jesse, bottler, It 421 State ::> Walker John, fireman, h 1116 K 6th 1&1 \Va!ker John F., pressman, h 421 State .- Walker John L., special policeman, h 1616 Swatara .- Walker John M., horse powders, h 421 State IIJ Walker John \V., laborer, h 38 N'Summit Walker Joseph F., engineer, h 421 State Walker Joshua c., waiter, 206 Walnut, h 4211 Cranberry av Walker Julia A. H., physician, 102 State, h do \Valker Kate, charwoman, h 1424 ~larion Walker Laura, bunchmkr, h 1427 William Walker Lucy, wid Richard, h 535 Primrose av \Valker Mary, laundress. h 426 South 1&1 Walker Mary J., wid George, h 505 South \Valker Oliver. machinist. h 418 Nlarket Walker Percy R., telegrapher, 11 X :1d, h l~n;J! Market \Valker Rebecca, domestic Hotel Columbus O Walker Taylor, laborer. h 113 Cowden ~ Walker Washington. elk. 227 Walnut. h 11 X 4th ~ Walker \Villi<.m, waiter Commonwealth. h 124 Short >- Walker William H . laborer, h 818 James av Wal1 Annie, housekeeper, 416 Walnut ~ Wall Frank L., stenographer. h 908 N 2d ' Yo! Wall Hartwell S., telegrapher. 11 ~ ad. h 27 K 15th ~ Wall Jesse J. B.. civil engineer. h !l08 N 2d Wall John, warehouseman. 443 Market. h 416 Walnut 1m Wall John G., hotel. 1122 and 1124 Wallace, h do ~ Wall J. Sutton. draftsman dept int affairs, h 908 N 2d :: Wall Laurence B .. elk, h 908 N 2d Wall Richard T dentist. 1811 N mh. h do . _ Wall Thomas },L baggagemaster, h 313 Chestnut t:; Wall William H., plumber. 105 Tanner's avo h 1120 Wallace :: Wallace Catharine A . wid Reuben, h 1102 Wallace t= Wallace Elmer F . laborer, h 138 Linden ~ Wallace E. Verdella. bookkpr, 30 N 3d, h 103 Filbert 1m \Vallace George, laundry, h 223 Mulberry C; ~ Wallace George ~1.. painter. h 2144 X 7th oC _~ _____ _



Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.

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BIC~:~:I.~-:'RE.} ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d and Rell,!Sts

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A. 8. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,' {'21r:'!:h (l'l.::~~'frMt.

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory
649 Wallace George T., (Eureka Hand Laundry), h 223 Mulberry Wallace George \V., laborer, h 13 Lochiel :!d Row Wallace George W., laborer, h 426 Herr Wallace Horace M., flagman, h 567 Forrest Wallace Jackson Rev., h 1527 Hunter av \Vallace James E., laborer, h 1527 Hunter av Wallace James F., flagman, h 2148 N 7th Wallace Jennie M., housekeeper, 31 Lochiel 3d Row Wallace John M., warehouseman, h 6111 Herr Wallace John M., laborer, h 1325 William Wallace Joshua, hostler, h 1325 William Wallace Lewis, laborer, h 424 South av Wallace Mary M., wid John F., h 2144 N 7th Wallace Maude M., saleslady, 36 ~ 3d, h 1008 X 7th Wallace Richard, laborer, h Hickory av nr Muench Wallace Robert B., lawyer, 16 N 2d, h 202 Walnut Wallace Robert W., teamster, h 200 Charles av WALLACE TBOltAS L, soliciting agent P. R. R. and B. C. Rway and Empire, Union and Anchor Transportation Lines, also manager Harrisburg Storage and Transfer Co., P. R. R. freight office, ft 3d, h 202 Walnut Wallace Walter A., laborer, h 31 Lochiel 3d Row Wallace Warren W., motorman, h 412 Delaware av Wallace William H., conductor. h 2132 Moore Wallace William L., driver, h 16 N Cameron Wallace William T., U. S. N .. h 202 Walnut 'Wallace. see Wallis Waller Alice S .. domestic, 19111 N 7th Waller Jacob, laborer, h 1102 Market Waller John. (Waller & Seel). h 1211 Green Waller Marv A .. wid Reuben R.o h 1518 N 5th WALLER &. SEEL, (lohn Waller and William E. Seel) , wholesale liquors, 319 Market Wallis Frank J .. mgr. h 12ilO Derry Wallis Jean ~f .. ('Vallis & Ralston), h 14tta Derry Wallis Ralph M . livery. Haehnlen av c Prune avo h 236 S , 13th Wallis R. Earl, ag-ent. h 236 S 13th Wallis Robert. h 2:{6 S 13th Wallis Walter L., brakeman, h 1H77 N 7th Wallis William. jr.. printer, h 236 S 13th Wallis & Ralston, (J. M. Wallis and R. Ralston), notions, 1403 Derrv Wallower Aar~n, car inspector, h 424 Cumberland Wallower Anna 1\1.. domestic, 22 N 4th Wallower Charles S .. leverman P. R. R.. h 317 Kdker Wallower Christian L.. painter, h 2134 Atlas av


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.. To fmd a name you must know how to

spen it."



IIcNEIL'S PAIN EXTEIlILINUOR ~uWo~~a~~=~:..s~l.{~~.



Boyd'l Harrisburg (W) City Direotory.

11 \V allower Edgar Z., student, h 410 N 3d ~

_ Wallower Edward A., tallyman P. R. R., h 424 Cumberland .. Wallower E. Z., pres Harrisburg Light, Heat ami Power .Co. and People's Bridge Co., h 4111 N ad :. Wallower Frank C, student, h 410 N 3d Wall ower George E., molder, h 435 Strawberry av .- \Vallower John H., foreman, h 319 Kelker ~ Wallower John J., brakeman, h 801 East ~ Wallower L. May Mrs., h 1110 James av Wallower May Mrs., h 1242 Walnut _ \Vallower May E. Mrs., h 908 Capital ~ \v'allower Robert F., caller P. R. R., h 4:!4 Cumberland Wallower Samuel A., carpenter, h 328 Reily : Wallower William S., engineer, h 1606 N 5th Wallower William W., circulating mgr Star-Independent, h The Lochie1 U) Walls Thomas M., brakeman, h a13 Chestnut II: \Vaimer Annie M., wid Joseph, h 1:!42 Bailey 1&.1 Walmer Edith M., teacher, h lUi N lath -I \Valmer Frank, laborer, h 1109 N 7th Walmer Henry, carpenter, h 24 Balm c( Walmer Howard. laborer, h 1109 N 7th 1&.1 Walmer Howard C, salesman, 1200 N ;{d. h 115 X 13th Q Walmer Israel, laborer. h 1109 N 7th \Valmer Israel, jr., laborer, h 12H4 N Cameron I.aJ Walmer John F., motorman, h 1262 Walnut Walmer Mary E., h 1242 Bailey WALKER NOAH A., agt, harnell, trunks, &0., 24: S 3d, h 111 .: N 13th _ Walmer William W., elk, 1200 N 3d, h Progress Walmsley John \V .. engineer, h 1625 S\\'atara Q. Walsh Emmett R., brakeman, h 1736! N 5th Walt May, stitcher, h 1anO Vernon .u Walt Peter E., engineer, h 13611 Vernon - ' Waltemeyer Ruth, housekeeper, 1213 Kittatinny c Walter Charles M., draftsman, h 626 Verbeke WUTER CHARLES P., alderman, 449 State, h do Walter Edgar, butcher, h 1:!R7 Cowden C Walter Franklin C, butcher, h 4a4 State Walter George W., repairsman, h 626 Verbeke Walter Harry B., physician, lR17 N 3d, h do ~ Walter Harry G., meat, 616 Herr, 19 N 2d, 434 State, h do Walter Henry, meat. 913 N 3d, h 915 do CI Walter 1. Belle, h 1317 N 3d ~ Walter Isabella L., wid William G .. h 407 Walnut - Walter Jacob. butcher, h 449 State ~ Walter James T., county detective, 7 N 2d, h 591 S Front

Wallower Cyrus L., tollman, h 206 N 2d




The A._rlnn .. B dl ... Co.nlmn,., Baltimore, Md. BDW. G. ROBBR'N. General ABent Central Penna DIstrict, 108 ~ SI. Bell 'Phone 831 X. ar1M3 X.

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A. 8. TACK,


{J216 10nh 1Iura I.


Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.

Walter Mary, wid John B., h 1:!2 Locust Walter Ross S., conductor, h 40IJ Walnut Walter Samuel A., draftsman P. R. R., h 626 Verbeke Walter Samuel c., asst foreman, h 231 Kelker Walter William R., dentist, IJ21 N 3d, h 915 do Walter William S., ticket agt P. & R. depot, h407 Walnut Walters Alice, wid Webster W., h 1518! N 4th Walters Charles N., hostler, h 104 Filbert Walters David, ins sol, h 1820 Fulton Walters Elmer E., edgesetter, h 932 S 21st Walters George, foreman, 716 State, h Bellevue Walters Gertie. h 604 South WALTERS HARRY A., cigars, tobacco and railroad men'. supplies, 339 Reily, h 1427 lames av Walters Harry L, huckster, h 17111 \Vood av Walters Jacob, laborer, h 14 N 13th Walters John L., edges etter, h 1428 Derry Walters Kate, wid John S., h 1428 Derry Walters Levi, grocer, 1642 N 6th, h do Walters Margaret, wid John, h 234 N 15th Walters :\fary H" h 628 Forster Walters Michael, pluI11oer, h 1428 Derry Walters Roy A., printer Independent. h 1701 Wood av Walters William, grocer, 628 Forster, h do Walters WilHam ~L, brakeman, h 403 Reily Walther Louise, domestic. 214 State Walton Edgar A., conductor, h 504 Camp 'Valton Edgar W., letter carrier, h 1607 Penn Walton Frank, laborer, h 116 Charles av Walton Harry H., patternmkr, h 1739 Market Walton Havard, fireman, h 607 Cumberland Walton Isaiah H., flagman, h 616 Verbeke Walton John H., h 1937 N 6th Walton Lillie M. Mrs., boarding, 607 Cumberland, h do Walton Maggie Mrs., grocer, 2027 N Cameron, h do Walton Samuel H., elk, h 119 S 2d Walton Stone Quarries and Lime Kilns, 223 Market Walton William A., elk, 416 Market, h 1937 N 6th Walton William c., lathehand, h 1015 Market Walton William H., foreman silk mill, h 328 North Waltz Alfred M., laborer, h 1610 Logan av Waltz Charles H., milk, 1740 Herr, h do Waltz Edward K., brakeman, h 339 S 14th Waltz Frank W., laborer, h 1006 Fox av Waltz George W., h 16 Cowden Waltz Harry, laborer, h 339 S 14th Waltz Mary, wid Peter, h 1114 Cowden Waltz Mary V., winder, h 1610 Logan av

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.. To find a name you must mow how to spell It.."

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H. M. KELLEY &CO' COAL AND WOOD {OlllCes: I~~l~~


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Boyd'. Harrisburg ('V) City Directory.





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Waltz Sarah A., h 1610 Logan av Waltz William, pressman, h 1324 Kittatinny Walz F. Eugene, It 125 N 4th Walz George J., student, h 125 N 4th Walz Ida M., teacher, h 125 N 4th Walzer Anna M., teacher, h 1800 N 3d Walzer Blanche, saleslady, ~7 S 2d, h 1800 N 3d Walzer Emma Mrs., milliner, 27 S 2d, h 2221 ~ 3d Walzer Jessie M., saleslady, 1300 N 3d, h 1837 Fulton Walzer John A., laborer, h 234 Charles av Walzer John M., meat, h 1837 Fulton Walzer John W., drover, h 1800 N 3d Walzer Luther L., switch board inspector, 208.Walnut, h 1800 N 3d Walzer Luther W., conductor, h 611 Briggs Walzer Martin L., butcher, h 2221 N 3d Walzer Martin L., elk, 315 Market, h 1800 N 3d Walzer Sarah J., bookkpr,1127 N 3d, h 1800 do Walzer William L., butcher, h 1837 Fulton Wampler Edward M., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Wampler Katie, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Wanamaker George W.,laborer, h 1154 Cumberland Wanamaker Minnie M., saleslady, 326 Market, h 317 Dauphin av Wanamaker William, driver, h 1411 N 11i Wanbaugh Anna M., saleslady, 410 Market, h 1522 Green Wanbaugh Bailey H., watchman, 334 Market, h 2 S 4th Wanbaugh Catharine, wid Levi, h 1110 Plum av Wanbaugh Edward L., hostler, h 1110 Plum av Wanbaugh Ellen, wid Lewis, h 1808 Penn Wanbaugh George M., newspaper correspondent, 26 N 3d, h 1516 N 2d Wanbaugh John T., brakeman, h 1330 Susquehanna Wanbaugh Lewis F., brakeman, h 1808 Penn Wanbaugh Linwood B., linotype opr, h 107 Cumberland Wanballgh Mary Mrs., nurse, h 1522 Green Wanbaugh Samuel I., flagman, h 1110 Plum av Wanballgh Wm. W., cabinetmkr, 209 South, h 1702 Green Wanner Qlarles H., laborer, h 1014 Berryhill Warbeck William, laborer. h 416 Cranberry av Ward Annie F., laundress, h 514 N 5th Ward Banks, fireman, h 120a N 6th Ward Celia, wid Andrew, h 516 South Ward George, brakeman, h 1202 Christian Ward Harry, driver, h 163 Indian av Ward Israel G., carpenter, h 1518 Walnut Ward John A. D., bellman, h 516 South Ward Jo~n c.,~~!~~i~o~ ~5y 2d, h 1518 Walnut

ANDREW REDMOND, H~~::r;~a.~::d ':h,~~r;:~. {3d InCdReily St,.

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Preacolac Public aalldlnc. la Plaia Tl... &11..... ",.".


{12U5 ... 3d It.

Boyd'. Harrisburg ('V) City Directory. Ward Margaret, wid James F., h 57U S Front \Vard Samuel W., laborer, h 418 Crescent Ward William M., fireman, h 64:7 Boas Warden Bellina Mrs., h 420 Hamilton Warden ,Blanche E.., student, h 202 Herr Warden Elizabeth, wid Samuel, 611 North Warden George W., laborer, h Reily c Susquehanna Warden George W., letter carrier, h 202 Herr 'Warden J. Alexander, painter, h 1318 Penn Warden }. Edward, sergeant of police, h 1423 William Warden John M., evangelist, h 1U12 N 6th 'II Warden William, carpenter, h 1603 Penn Warden, see Worden Ware Walter H., bartender The Bolton, h do Warfield George W., brakeman, h 2212 N 6th Wareham Oara, domestic, 213 Locust Wareham Milton V., telegrapher P. R. R., h 207 Calder Warehime Harry M., mer tailor, 27 S 3d, h 306 Chestnut Warlow Thomas A., postal elk, h 41 N 17th \Varner Alice Mrs., laundress, h 46 Balm \Varner Andrew, laborer, h 634 Verbeke Warner Bertha, typesetter, h 308 Calder Warner David E., laborer, h 2116 Greenwood 'Warner Emma c., charwoman, h 1107 Plum av Warner Isabella, wid William, h 1107 Plum av Vv arner J. Albert, flagman, h 121 Herr Warner James A., molder, h 110 S 13th Vv'arner Kate Mrs., boarding, 1134 Jonestown rd, h do Warner Lawrence M., brakeman, h 519 Muench Warner Samuel A., driver, h 110 S 13th Warner William D., laborer, h 34:3 S 16th 'II Warren Daniel H., laborer, h 341 Boyd av II Warren Elizabeth, wid Granville, h 12 N 9th Warren Frank, laborer, h 125 N 10th 0 'Warren Grant, laborer, h Canal bel State 13 Warren Henry c., laborer, h 126 Liberty Vv"arren Margaret :Mrs., cook, h 1530 Vernon II) Vv"arren U. S. Grant, laborer, h 1606 Walnut Warren William, laborer, h Canal bel State Washabaugh Samuel G., telegrapher, 26 N 3d, h 1247 Kittatinny I Washington Caroline Mrs .. h 1117 )I" Cameron Washington David, laborer, h 1249 N HI II) Washington Edward, laborer, h 1247 N III Vvashingtotl Frank, laborer, h 137 Short Washington Frank, laborer, h 1622 Elm Washington George, laborer, h 516 South tlWashington George, laborer, h 707 North av I

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.. To find a name you must 1mow how to apeJllt."C

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McNeil'. Pal. Ester.lna.or eures Cbolera Morbus, D)"ieDterr, Cramps, lJlarrbcza, (',oldJ, Qulmy. RbeumatllJD. Toot.baebe, Sore TbroM, .\Iue, D7IJIepBIa, ok. _ .....


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Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory,




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"'ashington George A., laborer, h:!l1 S River av 'Washington Gertrude ~Irs., charwoman, h 1:17 Short \Vashington Henry. laborer, h ;;33 Primrose av \Vashington Henry, porter P. R. R., h 424 Cranberry av \Vashington Hester E .. charwoman, h 14:!6 Fulton \Vashington House, John A. Brougher, propr, 517 Walnut Washington Jesse, h 1174 S Cameron Washington Laura, cook, 518 Market \Vashington Martha, charwoman, h 1117 X Cameron Washington Mary J. :\Irs., charwoman, 141:! William Washington !\ancy, domestic, 41~ Crescent Washington Xathaniel J., porter, 36 ~ 2d, h HOt) Walnut Washington Robert, mgr, a5i S Cameron, h 325 S 14th Washington Sallie, wid Alexander, h 1124 Herr Washington Solomon, hod carrier, h H24 Herr Washington Virginia Mrs., laundress, h 1706 Walnut \Vashington Walter, bell boy Com'wlth, h 114~ Liberty Washington \ViIliam, laborer, h lOG Filbert Washington William H., porter P. R R, h 1127 1'\ 11i Wasson David C, foreman F. & M. Wks, h 558.Woodbine Wasson Howard J., machinist, h 1:l Evergreen Wasson Warren H., mgr, h 1531 ~ 2d Waterbury \Vm. H., (Capital City Repair Co.), h 119 North Waters Alice M., wid Robert, h 919 Grand Waters Bessie 1\1., forelady, h 917 Penn Waters Charles R, actor, h 919 Grand \Vaters E. H. Co., Inc., W. Jennings, sec, shoe mfrs, 1420 WYetil av Waters"Evan H., (E. H. Waters Co., Inc.), h 134 Verbeke Waters George W., (E. H. Waters Co., Inc.), h 229 Sayford av \\'aters Robert, laborer. h 1:!27 X 11i Watkins Arthur, musician, h 521 Woodbine "'atkins Charles, laborer, h 1204 K 12th Watkins Edith, knitter, h 5:!1 Woodbine "'atkins Elizabeth ~Irs., h 5:!1 Woodbine Watkins Frances, wid Hiram', h 638 Briggs Watkins George, laborer. h 1228 Cowden Watkins Gwilym, planer, h 521 Woodbine "'atkins John, scullion Com'wlth, h 430 North av 'Watkins Lizzie, domestic, 108 Christie's av "-atkins Thomas. laundryman, h 514 Xorth av Watkins Walter T. Rev . h 436 S Cameron Watkins William H., laborer. h 1247 ~ lH Watson .-\<1<1i", C, wid Daniel H., h 1620 Chestnut 'V3tson Amy :\L, teacher, h 18n~ 1'\ ad Watson Am-iie. wid Henry, h 16:~ Indian av 'Yatwn Charles J.. salesman, ~24 :\Iarket, h 701 N 6th
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r... AOOIDB.T I URA.CB. 188 . . . . ....... I h _ . Bell '~l X. X.

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Y;::s:r";~~= lOll pooor ODd IIndOIShodes nom A. B. TACK. N.'lJ\t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory, 655 Watson Elnler J., elk, h 1 it 7 Penn Watson Frank 1\1., steelworker, h 1443 Regina \Vatson Frank W., trav salesman. h :!:lU State Watwn George E., barber, h HIle; ~ 7th \Vatson George ~., engineer, h 140a Market Watson George W., flagman, h 19Hi N 7th Watson Grace A .. elk, :!OH Walnut, h Hi:!O Chestnut "Vatson Harry S., expressman, 15 N ad, h 1HII3 do \Vatson James D . car repairer, h 20:31 Fulton \Vatson Sarah A., dressmkr, h :n7 Herr \\'atson Thomas, ironworker, h 4;l\i S Cameron \\latson Thomas, laborer. It Island Park Watson William :\1., elk. h :W3I Fulton av Watson William T . laborer. h IHII5 Hickory av \Vatters Maggie. shoe operator, h IS:!4 State \~"'atts Alexander. waiter. h IiO; State Watts Andrew K., barber. h Hi:!4 N 6th Watts David, solicitor, :mH "Valnut. h 3d cReel's la "Vatts Galen W. S . postal elk. h H04 Green \Vatts Hannah. domestic, :!:!1 N Front. Watts J. Elmer, asst supt. 1:!:! l\larket, h 313 Chestnut \Vatts Lester A.. trucker. h Island Park Watts Marian B. C, wid David. h 3d cReel's la Watts Robert V., postal elk, h Island Park \Vatts Samuel A., trucker, h Island Park Watts Shirley B., collector. :!10 Walnut, h Island Park Waugh Sarah S . wid Beverly R., h 221 N Front \Vavne Annie Mrs., h 1 ~ 9th .W2)ne William F . machinist. h 1 ~ 9th Weakley Charles S., (Hench & Weakley and C S. Weakley & Co.). h 8112 Green WEAKLEY C. S. & CO., (Charles S. Weakley), furniture and carpets, 7 N Market sq and 12 N Court av Wealand Adaline, domestic, 1400 Regina Wealand John P., elk, :!11l Brookwood, h 2106 Derry Weand Hiram B., painter, 611 Myrtle av, h 212 Reily \Veary Clarence B., laborer, h 1132 Market Weary l\Iorris 0., watchman. 32f1 Market, h Us37 Logan av Weast George B., (George B. Weast Mfg. Co.), tinsmith, 823 Paxton. h 1701 Park Weast George B. Mfg. Co., (George B. Weast), corrugated conductors, 1008 Market and 823 Paxton Weast Mary L., elk. 1402 Vernon, h 1701 Park Weaver Albert E . laborer. h 409 Strawberry av 'Weaver Alfred W., engineer. h 1938 Fulton \Veaver Alvin M . carpenter. h 11'120 North \Veaver Alvirus D .. lahorer. h ~17 Briggs Weaver Anna E., elk. 1607 N nth. h do

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"To find a name you must !mow how to spelIlt."

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~:, H. M. KELLEY &, CO. 'S ~I.~""!:=:::~::- {Mr:.~~



Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.

Weaver Annie, presser. h 1616 Penn

U) Weaver Annie, wid Winfield S., h 2'S 4th

Weaver Benjamin G., foreman, h 2118 Turner av ... Weaver Bertha M., roller, h 821 SlOth .c I - Weaver Bertha M., winder, h 1315 Bartine av .c Weaver Charles A., molder, h 912 Cowden Weaver Charles c., h 1848 State Z Weaver Charles H., salesman, 304 Market, h 1522 Penn Q) Weaver Charles R., lather, h 558 Forrest Weaver Cora M., shirtmkr, h 1823 Briggs - Weaver Daniel B., shoe trimmer, h 1412 Zarker _ Weaver Daniel S., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do :! Weaver Edward C., laborer, h 1820 North .:- Weaver Edward D., brakeman, h 16261 Wallace ;; Weaver Edwin F., salesman, h 1535 Hunter av .; Weaver Ellen, wid George, h 821 SlOth en W caver Ellen, wid Hezekiah, h 1517 N 4th .; Weaver Ellen L., saleslady, a1~ ,Market, h 1823 Briggs Weaver Elmer, cooper, h ~21 SlOth Weaver Elura S., shif'tmkr, h lS23 Briggs _ Wt'aver Fannie, housekeeper, 1711 N 5th a Weaver Francis J., h 1 S Front 1! \V'caver Frank T., laborer, h 1314 Howard 1.&.1 Weaver Fl1lmer G., cigarmkr, h 501 Calder Weaver George A., agt, h 425 Strawberry av Weaver George H., h 1413 N 2d Ii Weaver George R., cabinetmkr, It 421 Forster -= :! Weaver George R., laborer, h 104 Dock Ii Weaver George W., laborer, h 1106 Calder - Weaver George \V., laborer, h 1202 Bartine av .::;; Weaver Grace E., housekeeper, 930 Grand :::::- Weaver Hannah, wid John 1\1., h 1330 Maple av l&J Weaver Harriet M., wid John L., h 558 Forrest ~ Weaver Harry, laborer, h 1703 N 7th ~ Weaver H. Creswell, (W. O. Weaver & Son), h 2020 N 5th l&J Weaver H. Cyrus, salesman, h 346 S 13th Weaver Jennie, cigar packer, h 333 Harris Weaver John A., herbist, h 317 Briggs Weaver John F., printer, h 120 Paxton Weaver John H., brickmkr, h 558 Forrest Weaver John H., car inspector, h 1315 Bartine av Weaver John H., molder, h 715 Cowden Weaver John I., h 421 Forster l&J Weaver John N., mgr, 226 Briggs, h do Weaver John P., conductor, h 1633 N 3d Weaver John S., grocer, 1607 N 6th, h do Weaver John S., (Weaver & Hubley), h 205 Pine


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ANDREW REDMOND, :~:!::::d'::::::. {3d .Id Reily S~.

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Wall Paper. The bella &DCIlo".t prices. Wi ....... { lIl1ft l!I~a"_ oomp\e&e wtSll &lid I'rIn&eI for 8Iio. N. 34 St.


Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.


Weaver Jonathan, agt, h 1823 Briggs Weaver Joseph F., stenographer, h 1 S Front Weaver Joseph J., brakeman, h 127 Pine Weaver Joseph L., floor walker, 334 Market, h 1111 N 2d Weaver J. Wesley, wire chief, 210 Walnut, h 1611 Penn Weaver Lou, wid C. Edward, h 446 Delaware av Weaver Lucy M., wid George F., jr., h 432 Reily Weaver Maggie, h 1511 N 4th Weaver Mary Mrs . boarding, 436 Market, h do Weaver Mary A. Mrs., housekeeper, 29 S 3d Weaver Mary E., saleslady, 1308 N 3d, h 1315 Bartine av \lVeaver Matilda, wid James R, h 4:!1 Forster Weaver May Mrs., h 122 Boas Weaver Milton, foreman. 1519 N 4th, h 1517 do Weaver Minnie, laundress, h 315 Dauphin Weaver ,Niles L., elk, 916 N 3d, h 2020 N 5th vVeaver Oscar W., bookbinder, h 19:{8 Fulton \lVeaver Pearl M., seamstress, h 112:{ N ad . 'VVeaver Philip, watchman, 3a4 Market. It 930 Grand Weaver Richard H., letter carrier, h 1522 Penn \~leaver Robert H., laborer, h !'i58 Forrest Weaver Samuel, car inspector, h 2010 Wood av "Yeaver Sara R., chief elk, 2'2 N 2d, h 1111 do \Veaver Sarah, wid Louis, h 1111 N 2d W caver Stella 1\1., millint'r, h 238 Meadow la Weaver Susan P. Mrs., h 257 Sayford av Weaver Thomas V"~ slater, h :U7 Briggs Weaver Warren 0., (\\'. O. Weaver & Son), h 2020 N 5th Weaver William, steel inspector, h Franklin House W caver William R., molder, h 1207 Bailey Weaver W. O. & Son, (W. O. and II. C), architects, H S 2d Weaver & Hubley, (J. S. Weaver and A. T. Hubley), confectioners, 24 N 3d Webb Charles Ho, brakeman, h 1822 Fulton Webb Clara, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Webb Clayton E., craneman, h 56 N 12th Webb Dora, watch woman Lunatic Hospital, h do Webb Richard, coachman. 406 N 3d Webb Silas Mo, h 58 N 12th Webber John M., laborer, h 1324 Maple av vVebber Rosa A., housekeep!:r, 549 SlOth Webbert Harry S., elk, 1101 N 3d, h 1012 do \Veber Andrew, laborer, h 537 N Cameron Weber Charles M., shoemkr Lunatic Hospital, h do Weber Gayton, salesman, h 213 Calder Weber C. Reah, machinist, h 317 Chestnut Weber Edwin W"~ musician, 11 1M S 2d
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"To find a name you must know how to

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40 PIli;;, ( ure D:';;~;;;paIa, LIT er. BJ,x,j :;:;~ Kidney ;;;;mpJainlL


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Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory. 658 \Veber Gcor:'e ,-\ .. miller C. Land S. Co" h :!41 Hummel \V Harr~' fire n" L h :!U Cacm,,;'," \Y John. GLrpente;;, h 411 ,nHlen Weber John E., ioreman F. and M. Vvorks. h 140:~ Regina Weber Joseph M .. asst scc Y. ~I. C. A., h 2:!8 ?\ :~d W Jos;'phme ~lr;"" :;:H Came: W Minni,,, wid A.,:n 7 N \\ieber 'vV-. Fred. musician, h Ian S :!d Weber William. mcssenger, h :;:n X Cameron \Nebe;; \Villi:!H mol, h ~1 F::st h do \Y \ViIH;m, F., ml::'H teacher 1:16 "icber \\Pilliat11 H.~ en~il1eer, h :it;; I\Iaclay Webster Amclia S., h 11:\1 ~ Cameron W Da:!lil L., :14 ~ \Vel:!,LZ'r Ciei}r;:,:!' A., q:t'ntcr. hln:~ Webstcr John B., puddler. h !l1I:1 Shaonis \Vebster Mary \'., wid (;eorge. h 71O} Creen \\' et:l'ter Ralpb L., h Calck;; \V tzl:n Charles P.. h Ral'e Weeber John D., tinsmith, h 1~:!4 Susquehanna

H20 B:!'s :::( \Vep learrv cany!'!]::';;, h 14iOO \l" 5th 1&.1 "'Teeks Austin L., cleaner, h fi15 Calder C \V eeks Bettie. domestic. :!l!i X :!ci Wee7:s Fran!':'l: '0' wi: ,orus. 5 Ca !ii'i 5 Caldn vVed,;, Samlld ., car d:':i\)('r. Wehler Charles C, shocmkr, h 40R Spring av ~ Wehler Estella 1\1., domcstic, 1:! ~ 2d \Vehhl' John h 4117: 'Tring \VehTr see 'h'eler C Wehling Harry Ao, clk. h :wa Mulberry D.. Wehling Henry. carpenter. h 2113 Mulherry IE \Vehn',in Annn 0, hOHs:,keeper 7:n~9 Kl'Hsington \Vehrwin Job; h Kemingtol1 .... Wehrwin Rosa ]., shoe operator, h 21139 Kensington C Weible Edward L., telegrapher, :!d ab Herr I'd , , Wei!:kl Joseph 0' c1k commonwealth, 007 224 kdalnuk Hl07 Weihle Josephm:! E., C Weible Lewis So, carpenter, h IriOn Walnut Weibley Adam L.. salesman, h l:n N 13th an Cha: A., brnkl'man. ~l25 :n N l:~kh Chad:'l: Eo. Weible), George. bicycle repairer, h l:n N" 13th Q Weihley Harrv So, salesman. h l:n N l:lth ' 'Tis: 0 C, ;;::I:~,man, \" erhek{' h0134&7: WaI-

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Weibley John, salesman. h 131


A. B. TACK l:&t~:!t IOU pouer ond 1181101_ ffl~~aTst

Boyd's Harrisburg OV) City Directory. 659 Weibley M. Isabella, music teacher, 1:307! Wallace, h do \\' t-ibley Rosa, domestic, lu~H Grecn W' eiblev Sarah l\lrs., h 5:30 Cowden W cidef Caroline, h 441~ S Wth Weidel Cyrus, laborer, h 1141~ .:-\ Front Weideme)'er William A., bookkpr, ~01 N :!d, h 1800 ~ 5th Wddenmey('r Albert C, baggage transfer, h 1~4S Walnut Weidler Annie E., wid William W., h 104 Locust Weidler George A., engine rcpairer, h 104 Locust Weidling Henry C, h !JII:~ X :!d Weidman Eva, wid Philip, h ll:~ Tuscarora Weidman Frank, baker, 10:311 S !Ith, h do Weidman George, meat, 132 S :!d, h do en Weidman Harry, driver, h :311 Linden Weidman Jacob, foreman, 311 S 2d, h 316 do ;" Weidman Joseph, driver, h 1411 Indian av WEmKAN SA.K11EL B., Architectural Sheet Ketal WorD, -=:. 800 N 7th, office 802 N 3d, h do !!. Weidner Bertha J., dressmkr, h ~!) N 17th .... Weidner Laura F., music teacher, h 211 N 17th Weidner Theodore A., machinist, h 29 N 17th Weier Charles L., bar elk, 29 S Dewberry av, h 427 S 17th Weier Rudolph A., elk, h 427 S 17th Weier Rudolph W., foreman, h 427 S 17th Weigand Harry c., bricklayer, h 1521 Wallace Weigand ~Iichael J., laborer, h 1521 Wallace Weigand William, glazier. h 313 Verbeke Weigel Edward H., printer Telegraph, h 1719} N 5th Weigel Emma, wid William, h 417 Strawberry av Weigel Harry 1\1., insurance, 14 S :!d, h 314 Crescent Weigel Samuel l\1., carpenter, h 1719} N 5th Weigle Gilbert H., pat med, 906 N 2d, h do Weigle Lucy A., wid Henry, h !.ofi N 2d Weigle Mary A. Mrs., h 1713 N 5th Weihmann Richard c., draftsman, h 221 N 2d Weikert Albert D., driver, 1111 Market, h 707 East Weikert Alvin W., carpenter, h 1615 N 6th Weikert Amelia J. Mrs., h 1615 N 6th Weikert Elmer E., watchmkr, 441 Verbeke, h do Weiler Henry J., agt, 703} N 3d, h Paxtang Weiler Nicholas M., baker, h 224 South Weills Bertram A., carpenter. h 1324 N 2d Weills Lizzie W., wid Abram, h 13()3 N 2d Weills William E., student, h 4th c Maclay Weills William M. L., physician, 1811~ N 4th. h 337 :\-Jaclay Weimer George M., conductor. h 1!1:l8 Logan av Weimer John J.. carpenter. h l!1aS Logan av Weinhold Daniel. stengr, 1H X 2d, h 12115 Chestnut

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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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D~~ ~~DJ H,

M, KELLEY & CO, {lo~:':!'4\dta~~



Boyd's Barrisburg (W) City Directory.


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Weinman Frank T., carpet layer, 202 N 2d, h 432 State Weinmann E. May, saleslady, 334 Market, h 112 Boas Weinmann Jacob, h 112 Boas Weinstock Lron, elk, 401 Market, h 227 S 2d Weir Anna C, h 26 N 2d Weir Sibyl M., h 26 N 2d Weirich Harry C, laborer, h 1052 S 9th Weirick E. Carl, student, h 1276 State Weirick Elizabeth, wid Michael, h 1913 Elizabeth av Weirick H. Clifford, messenger P. R. R. frt depot, h 1276 State . Weirick Ivy C, teacher, h 1276 State Weirick J. Clair, stengr P. & R. frt office, h 1276 State Weirick John C, agt, h 1276 State Weirick Mary E., h 1913 Elizabeth av Weise Charles D., laborer, h 409 Strawberry av Weise Darius S., shoemkr, 409 Strawberry av, h do Weise Robert, engineer, h 118 Washington Weiser John L, engineer, h 1204 Bailey Weiser Laura, domestic. 431 Boas Weiser Samuel S., transfer agt P. & R.. h 11111 Cowden Weiser Urias P .. laborer, h rear 212 ~1t1lberry Weiser Walter, (Fisher & Weiser), h 1114 N 6th WEISS EDWARD W., stoves, tinning, &c., 1221 N 8th, h 1~~ . WEISS 10llN FOX, lawyer, 218 Barket, h 206 Pine WEISS 10llN B. BON., additional law judge, Court BOUIe, h 208 N 3d Weiss Lena 1\L, salesladv, h 1820 N 6th Weiss Nettie, dressmkr:h 1820 N 6th Weiss Rudolph F., baker, 1820 N 6th, h do Weisser Anton, carpet weaver, 1004 N 7th, h do Weistling John G.. machinist, h 2115 Moore Weitmyer Annie L, teacher, h 1721 N 3d Weitmyer John H., machinist, h 1721 N :1d Weitmyer John H., jr., machinist, h 1721 ~ 3d Wt:itmyer 'WilIiam F., machinist, h 406 ~1uench Weitzel Annie E., h ]200 N 6th \Veitzel Edgar E., conductor. h 1:143 Vernon Weitzel Elizabeth A .. wid \Varren W . h 1242 Market Weitzel George A., postal elk, h 214 Crescent Weitzel Harry]., bolt cutter, h 1622 N 6th \Veitzel Harry S., engineer, h 1343 Vernon Weitzel J. Columbus, h Hi! N 15th Weitzel ~raggic ~L Mrs . h 626 Reily Weitzel \Varren W., boltcl1tter. h 1622 N (ith Weitzell Bartel. watchman, h 44;' S 2d ~el~h.!ee -"V~lsh .. __ ________

~':R::::8~!i,~:;.:! AND R EW

RED M D. {3d aDd RelirlSfI. ON

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N. 3d St.

lUG {BmP10JI none but IInt-cl_ workDIeD. henee onlY .... cla.vworJ,and Insureelt. WoUdooelollDJ'pu1oflJt&t.e.

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.


Welchans Joseph F., carpenter, h 6 N 5th Welcome Catharine A., wid Martin, h :!:!Ii ~lary's av , Welcomer William W., fireman, h 152fi Wallace Welker Charles, carpenter. h 130(it X fith Wellein John, (Wellein & Meioy). h 41:~ ~Iuench Wellein & Meloy, (J. \Vellein and J. B. ~leloy). barbers, 500 Kelker Weller John 1\1., laborer. h (ifiO Woodbine Weller Leslie, caller P. R R, h 6UO Woodbine \Veller Lincoln, laborer, h Seneca nr 6th Weller Tobias K., elk, h 1152 ~,farket WeUhausen Elizabeth. domestic, 1524 ~ 2d Wells Caroline Mrs., tailoress, 326 Market, h Hil:; ~ 5th \Vells Carrie, domestic. 2U5 State 'Wells C. Decatur, coppersmith. h 629 Maclay Wells Charles A., laborer, h 1141 S 9th 'Wells Charles R, cooper, h 1 X 9th \-Vells Charles R, cooper. h 725 State Wells Elmira J., wid Joseph E .. h 1245 Kittatillny WELLS GEORGE B., hats, &0., 300 lIarket, h Phila. Wells Harry c., plumber, nos Penn, h do \Vells James B., road foreman P. R R, h 309 Boas Wells James R, cooper, h 1 X 9th \Vells Jesse D., cooper, h 11)20 S 21t 'Wells Joanna, wid John, h Home for the Friendless Wells John H .. laborer, h 426 South \Vel1s Jonas, cooper, h 107 Ann av \Vells Lewis H .. engineer, h 519 Emerald Wells Mabel V . quiller, h 3()4 Boyd av Wells Martha Mrs., h 1234 N Hi Wells Mary c., ,'rid Laben A .. h 3(14 Boyd av \Vells Mary E., domestic. 821 :"J' 2d Wells Maude Mrs .. h 107 Ann av Wells Maude T., domestic, 107 Ann av Wells Paul H., helper, h 6ill Calder 'Nells Thomas H., laborer, h 1417 Marion Wells William E., cooper, h 1018 S 21! Welper Albert L . bricklayer, h 1230 Bailey Welper Hannah W . wid ~el1is. h 1230 Bailey Welsh Andrew, laborer, h 911 Capital Welsh Arthur Vi., tray salesman, h 242 Harris \Velsh Bertha B.. weaver, h 1122 Penn Welsh Catharine, h 1111 N Cameron \V elsh Chal'les, blacksmith, h 35 N 12th Welsh Charles S., laborer, h 325 ~Iaclay Welsh Clayton L., plasterer, h 922 Penn Welsh David E .. conductor, h 325 l\Iac\av Welsh Edward C. bartender, 125 Chestnut, h t122 Penn




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61)2 Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory. 11 WELSH FRANCIS 1. REV., h 702 Race -2 Welsh Frank L., laborer. h 325 :\\aclay .: Welsh Franklin J., tallyman P. R. R. frt depot, h :!5 Brady av ~ Welsh George M., engineer, h U. S. Hotd :5 Welsh Jacob, flagman, h :!05 Verbeke ~ \Velsh James. engineer, h 117 Hanna ~ Welsh James A., elk The Commonwealth. It 111 Hanna t!! Welsh John, h 25 Brady av \Velsh John. jr., policeman. h 242 :\lcadow la :: Welsh John B., machinist, h !)22 Penn ~ \Velsh John J.. repairsman, h fi9 N Wth -= Welsh John S . laborer. h 239 State :I \Velsh Katie 1\1., knitter. h 325 "-belay Welsh Louisa, domestic, 6(1:~ ~ 2<1 Welsh Mary c.. vv'id \\ iIliam J.. h !I22 Penn (/) Welsh Robert B., fireman. h U. S. Hotel Welsh Robert c., scaJemkr, h 242 Harris Welsh \Villiam F . marker, h 117 Hanna Welsh \Vinifred, dressmkr, 117 Hanna, h dQ \Veltmer Frank S., elk Hcrshev House, h 12!O \Valnut \Veltl1ler Harry, laborer, h 13 Bradyav \'Veitmer Isaac, laborer, h 13 Grady av C \\eltmer Jamcs L., brickmkr. h lSi S Cameron Wcltmer John, shocmkr, ,W:i Verbcke. h (10 Wc1tmer LaUla Y., hookkpr, III N ad, h 2116 ~Ol1th \Veltmer Mary E. Mrs., boarding, .J05 Vlrl)('ke, h do Welty Elmer E., flagman, h 1326 ~1aple av \\e1zel l.narles F., elk. 11 S :~d, h :~3~ S I:~th WELZEL FREDERICK L" merchant tailor, 11 S 3d, h 338 ~ S 13th Z Wendling Nnnie M., domestic, 561 Woodbine ~ \Vcngel Emma, housekeeper. 102 N 2<1 JE \Vengert Albert \,V., carpenter, h 1432 Walnut Wengert Daniel W., huckster, h :104 Reily U ""cngert William A .. carpenter. 11 14:l2 \\"alnut Wengle Emma. matron, h 102 S 2d Wennel Charles E .. salesman. 1111 S 2d, h 111) Balm Wennell 1lary A. :\Irs., dressmkr. H N 5th. h do Wennell William J. steam fitter, h 31 Balm \Venrich Charles. butcher. h 1i:!11 !\orth \Venrich Christian, blacksmith, h lfi:U; Sweetbrier av \Vcnrich David L.. lalJorer. h 1:!2l't Herr Wenrich Enos S .. jr., foreman, h ~II~ Cowdcn CI Wenrich Fanny A .. h 1'\1~ Capital Wenrich (;corge c.. telegrapher P. R. R.. h l:~a~ :\ 4th IWenrich John J., carpenter. h l:!:W Herr Wenrich John J., jr .. lahorer, h l:!:lfi Herr


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A. 8. TACK.

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.

Wall Paper and Window Shadu {l.r.~~r~~~~~"l. 663


Wenrich John W., laborer, h 11147 S 9th Wenrich Joseph, cigarmkr, h 620 Xorth Wenrich Josephine L .. music teacher, 14:17 ~larkd, h do Wenrich Maria, wid Enos, h 19~O Forster Wenrich Ross P., pressman, h 620 Xorth Wenrich Samuel, watchman, h 595 S Front Wenrich Sarah A., cashier, h 620 North Wenrich Sarah E., bundler, h lO47 S 11th Wenrich Thomas A., laborer, h 14Hi Herr Wenrich William B., elk, h 11147 S !lth 'Wenrick Agnew C, laborer, h 15!{7 Logan av Wenrick Annie Mrs., shoe operator, h 14~1I Susquehanna Wenrick Arthur G., cutter, h 78 K 14th Wenrick Charles A., cutter, h 7H ~ 14th \Venrick Daniel, carpenter, h 78 X 14th Wenrick David E., car repairer, h 78 N 14th Wenrick David S., carpenter, h 14tH N lith Wenrick Elmer E., engineer, h 1322 !\ 7th Wenrick Frederick, watchman. h 15112 Howard \\ienrick George W., fireman, h 11)12 Logan av Wenrick Jonas B., carpenter, h 131~ \ViIliam Wenrick Matthew F:, brakcman, h 1~~7 Fulton Wenrick Peter, bricklayer, h 229 State Wenrick Sadie V .. dressmkr, h 7~ X 14th Wenrick Sarah M., elk. 10th c Mulhern', h It!H Xurth Wenrick. Thos. S., shocmkr, 1!l~ !\ 1;)tl1, h li47 Cumberland V\Tenrick William E., flagman, h 1:iU Penn Wensell John C, genl mgr Hbg ~avings and Loan :\ssn, h Paxtang W l'nsell William c., inspector, h 454 Cumberland W{:ntling William H., laborcr. h 11/71l S 9th V\:entz Bertha, domestic. 1:t45 Vernon Vv' entz Carrie, domestic. 411l-' Briggs Wentz Carrie NI.. mIlliner. h 12~4 X 7th \Ventz Emma, saleslady, :l:a ~larket. h 1:!:~4 X 7th Wentz Jacob, machinist. h 1:!:{4 N 7th 'Wentz John \V., foreman. Crescent c Mulberry. h Hill Hunter av Wentz Lillian F., dressmkr, h 1234 N 7th Wentz Mary A., wid George W., h a:-m Chestnut Wentzel Carl, draftsman, 211l'! "Valnut, h 1327 Kittatinny Wentz.ell Thomas W., decorator, 2:!:~ Market. h :!71i Briggs \\lenzel Clarence D., expressman, h 4111 Chestnut Werderbaugh William' 0 .. brakeman, h t:{!) K l:Hh Werner A. Frederick. baker. :n:3 Chestnut. h do "Verner Alvin M., conductor. h 1154 Mulherry Werner Charles A., brakeman, h il411 Xorth Werner Emma C. h 2109 l\Ioore

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.. T.o .find a n~;- you - m~st- kn()W how to spel1 iLl'

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-OUR MOTTO:HaDooe CoaL ~ Wdebt. f .

lH M KELLEY & CO 110tll and IItate Su.. jl ftortll3d Btr.....

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Boyd's Barrisburg (W) City Directory.

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Werner George A., conductor, It li29 Green Werner Harry, laborer, h 1318 Maple av Werner Harry N., conductor, h 619 Cumberland Werner Ida M. lVlrs., h ]702} Fulton Werner Lcrue, car inspector, h 21:!8 N 7th Werner Miriam, wid McClellan K., h 21~8 !\ 7th Werner Oliver, engineer. h 745 S19t \Verner Samuel B., brakeman, h 171:3 Penn Werner Thomas C., chipper, h 60; Granite av Werner William L., laborer, h 302 Boyd av Wert Anne U., teacher, h 221 Herr Wert Charles H., laborer, h 2043 Herr WERT EDWARD B., lawyer, N 3d c Market, h 221 Berr Wert Emma, domestic, 126 Walnut WERT FRANK L., city editor Patriot, h 221 Berr \Vert Harvey J., warehouseman P. R. R.. h 35 Brady av Wert Howard H., postal cIk R. M. S., h 919 N 3d Wert Ira A., gents' furnishings, 926 N 6th, h 402 Boas Wert J. Howard Prof., h 221 Herr Wert John H., h 2045 Herr Wert John M., laborer, h ]116 N Cameron Wert Lewis C, car repairer, h 2132 Boas Wert Margaret 5., domestic, 11 S Front Wert Sadie E. :\'lrs .. dressmkr, 1116 ~ Cameron, h do Wert Samuel S .. elk, h 221 Herr Wertz Charles H., laborer, h 5th nr :\IacIay \Vertz Edward B., pipe cutter. h 1105 N Cameron \Vertz E. WilIiam. laborer, h 1105 N Cameron Wertz Frank H., baker, 217 Calder. h do \Vertz Haryey F., telegrapher Bolton House, h 214:7"' Atlas av Wertz Henry. foreman. 1402 Vernon, h ]39 Linden Wertz John, flagman, h ] 923 X 5th Wertz John H., molder, h 1105 N Cameron Wertz Joseph. laborer, h n05 N Cameron Wertz Mary C, cigarmkr. h :n5 Hamilton Wertz K ellie E., milliner, 36 N 3d. h 337 Crescent Wert? Oscar I., laborer, h 58 N 14th 'Vertz Peter, brakeman, h ]926 'Wood av 'Vertz Reuben, laborer. h 1411 N It! Wertz Roy 5., tinsmith, h 624 PefferWertz Solomon, h 215 Calder Wertz Solomon S .. laborer, h :H5 Hamilton Wertz WiIliam, mason, h 125 ~ 10th Wertz William H., brakeman, h 1310 Wallace West Ansel G., carpenter, h 27 N 12th West Charles F., carpenter, h 1617 Derrv West)~nnie C, !orelady, h 27 N 12th .

iIc~~t:~~KB: t AN DREW

REDMOND. {3d IDd Reily Sts.. CoogIe

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A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,

{121r::.ay~:? ......

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.

West John Y., cigarmkr, h 27 N 12th West Joseph, laborer, h 24th nr Poor House West Samuel, carpenter, h 227 S 15th . West Samuel A., molder, h 227 S 15th West Sophia, wid Chester, h 1801 Green West William H., physician, 1801 Green, h do West William M., helper, h 27 N 12th Westbrook Cherrick, h 1234 N 6th Westbrook Cherrick, jr., dentist, 132 Walnut, h do Westbrook John A., (H. J. Sheafer & Co.), contractor, h 910 . N 2d Westbrook Ralph, (H. J. Sheafer & Co.), h 910 N 2d Westen S. Frank, livery, Prune av c Haehnlen av, h 327 Hummel WESTEUUNIOIi TELEGRAPH CO., 11 Ii 3d Westhafer Emma, wid Harry, h 1625 Fulton Westhafer Kate, wid John, h 218 Boas \Vethers Fanny, wid Charles, h nH Christie's av 'Wethers :\1ary, domestic, 110 Christie's av Wettich Andrew, laborer, h !llulberry or River av Wetzel Aaron, laborer, h 946 S 21st Wetzel Carrie L., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1965 ~Ioltke av Wetzel George W., laborer, h 123 Dock Wetzel Harry B., blacksmith, h 1217 Currant av Wetzel .T. Edward, helper, h 502 Reily Wetzel Jennie W., saleslady, 223 Market, h Carlisle Wetzel John F., machinist. h 1221 Bailey Wetzel Luther, agt, h 419 North Wetzel Nathan. mgr, h 115 South Wetzel Theodore W .. fireman, h 1700 N 7th Wetzel William H., engineer, h 629 Boas Wetzler Thad S., telegrapher P. R. R., h 125 Sylvan ter Wevodau Mary, seamstress. h 330 Delaware av Weyant B. Frank, laborer, h 1311 Maple av Weyant Catharine S .. wid Ephraim. h 317 Hay av Weyant Jacob c., barber, h 928 James av Weymss Catharine K., nurse, 105 N Front Wharton Alfred D., flagman, h 527 Wo<;>dbine Wharton Anna C. h 1335 Fulton . Wharton Elliott B., linotype apr Telegraph, h 554 Woodbine Wharton Jennie B. l\'Irs., h 442 SlOth Wharton John A., foreman, 1402 Vernon, h 1405 Regina Wharton Paul H., shoe cutter, h 554 Woodbine Wharton Richard ~1. H., supt Hbg Pub. Co .. h 201 Kelker Wharton \Villiam A .. conductor. h 425 Forster Wharton William H .. hostler. h /)54 Woodbine Wheaton Amanda. wid Charles, II 3 Haehnlen av

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.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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MclEIL'S PAil EXTERMINATOR ~"~;o:':::e=~~ied~~l. {ao&~01

~ _ Wheeland Benjamin A., h l~OO Pel1l1 Wheeland James, engineer, h l~(lO Penn :. Wh{;eler Blanche E., saleslady, h 610 Peffer .. Wheeler Daniel, huckster, h 403 Walnut Wheeler Edith, dressmkr, h 822 ~ 3d :. Wheeler Elizabeth J., dressmkr, h 822 :\J ad e Wheeler Ellen, wid John C, h 406 Forster ~ Wheeler Harry E., blacksmith, h 107 Linden '!!' Wh{;eler Harvev B., baker, h 512 Peffer Wheeler Helen; cashier, 300 Market, h 610 Peffer \Vhec\er Jennie. dressmkr, h 206 N 2d _ \Vheeler John E., ioreman P. R. R., h 114 Locust ca :E \\'heeler J. Parker, baker, 512 Peffer, h 610 do Wheeler Mary M., weaver, h 822 N 3d .!!! Wheeler.:v1. Fannie, housekeeper, 607 Showers av :II Wheeler Percy L., laborer, h 607 ~howers av Wheeler Ralph, baker, h 610 Peffer (/) Wheeler Robert C. elk, 214 Locust. h :\11 :\ 2d Wheeler Roy P., shoe cutter, h filii Peffer I.LI WI\leler Russell n.. roller, h X22 N :Jd Wheeler William M .. puddler. h ~22 X 3d ..J \Vheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co .. Wilbur & Leinbach, mgt's, c( sewing machines, 8 S 2<1 LaJ \~;heeler. see \Vehler Q Wheelock Frank A.. salesman, 112 Mkt, h Hotel Columbus Wheler Harvey. engineer. h lil7 N ad I.LI Wheler William II., supplyman, h 1717 X 3d Whey.Lawrence. h !waa Kensington ~'hichello Morris 0., engineer, h uHU Camp .. Whinery :\Iary Mrs., dressmkr. 1l1~ Capital, h do Whinery William B.. bridge tender, h 111~ Capital CE \Vhislt-r Adeline B. :\rs., h Hii N 15th a.. Whis;er Cora D., h tIli ~ 15th ~ ~'hisler John E .. brakeman. h :12fi S 13th c..:I Whisler Josiah A., baggagt'noaster, h Hi02 Walnut .... \Vhisler Xormall. messl'nger 1'. R. R., h 167 ~ 15th CE \Vhisler Parker, laborer. h 2:!15 Brookwood \Vhisler Samuel, laborer. h 2:~d nr Brookwood c..:I Whisler William H., carpenter. h lH:l6 Briggs c:::::a Whisler William H., jr .. engineer, h :I:!U S 1:3th Z \Vhistler Frank B., machinist, h 14112 Market -S Whistler Grace G., teacher, h 14:m Market ~ \Vhistler John C, carpenter, h Ii:m \Voodbine \\'ll1!'otler ~oah, driver. h m7 S l!lth CI Whistler Sallie C. Mrs., hoarding, mm Woodbine, h do ...., Whistler Simon :\1., physidall, 14:m ~larket, h do !:: Whistler William L.. laster. h a;m :\larket ~ \Vhitakl'r Robert, carpentcr, h :n:: Ycrbeke


Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.



The A,nerl"nn Bnndln_ C:olllpnny, Baltimore, Md. ICUW. u. KOBBRTS. General Agenttentral Penna. District. 103 N. lid Ill. Bell'PhoDt! 8.'>1 X, or 6848 X.
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{l218 1000 lblrd 81.

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory. 667 Whitcomb David, huckster, h lUI) Mulberry Whitcomb Edward B.;forcman F. and ~J. \\'orks, h :!fH6 6* \Vhitcomb Florence, st'amstress, h ; S Wlh Whitcomb Frank P., laster, h ; S 111th \\'hitcomb George. huckster, h III! I ~lulberr\" \Vhitcomb Kate Mrs., matron P. & R. depot, h ; SlOth Whitcomb Mary, bunch breaker, h ;01 X l~th Whitcomb :\lary E., polisher, h ; SlOth \Vhitcomb Wilson F., stoves, &c., 1:.!11 N fjth, h do White Albert F., .::ar repairer, h 6:.!1'I Hamilton White Albert J., Penna. Hotel, :n3 \erbeke, h do White AI~xander, waiter, h :.!a7 Cranbury av White Annie ~lrs., h South IIr 5th White Annie E., accountant, ::;:11 ~Iarket, h 140; N 2d White Annie E., wid Rudolph, h 1ll:.! Green White Arthur B., civil engineer, h :.!U Pine '''hite Baker, barber, HIS X ad, h :;U :Muench "'hit~ Charles E., elk, :.!:~4 :\orth, h :.!:);~ Liberty White Daniel. teacher. h 1:n:l N :~d White David A .. laborer, h 1.14 Lmdcll White Edward, helper. h 4a:! S Call1l'ron \Vhite Edward R., (.'ram'man, h :.!:~ llrad" av White Esther E., bookkpr. 1:0; :\larket: It lH Linden White Ettie B. accountant, :1:l4 :\iarket, h 140; N 2d \\ hite Harper S .. laborer, h :,:-; r\ 14th White Harriet, wid TIahr. h t-tHi ~larion White Harry, waiter. h JHS Cranberry ay White Harry C, detective, h 11:.!l ~ ad White Henry X., mgr, ; S 4th, h Paxtang \Vhite Isabella. h l:m S Dewhern' av White Jacob Bo, brakeman, h :iOS Reily \,"hite James. laborer, h IX! nr Derry ',"hite Jamcs, waiter. h 10:-; Libert~ White J. Burns. cataloguer State Library, h 25a :'Ilorth White John W., car record elk P. R. R., h 1407 N 2d White Joseph. barber. h :J44 }Iuench White Lulu A. Mrs . h J15 Cumberland \Vhite Margaret M. Mrs .. charwoman. h 508 Strawberry av \Vhite Mary, wid Joseph. h 108 Nagle White ~Iaude. nurse,'h 1517 X Front ','nite :\filton C, conductor. h 115 Linden White ~Iil1crva I., stengr, 21'0 \Valnut. h 903 ~ ad \Vhite Xcttie T elk. 414 State, h Steelton .. White Rohert. puddler. h 815 SlOth White Robert B., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 1407 N 2d 'White Sallie E .. seamstress. h 441 State White Sue R.. salesla<lv. :U14 :'vJarket. h 407 Herr 'Vhite Thomas C. conductor. h !loa K ad




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-To 8nc:1 a name you must knoW-how to spell-it."

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H. M. KELLEY & CO COAL AND WOOD {OIliCes: lo:.o~.. \1J.~


Boyd'. Harrisburg (W) City Directory.

.., White Thomas J., elk, h 34 SlOth ~ White William, cabinetmkr, h 141 S ad z White William, laborer, h 4:1:! S Cameron .... White William B., carpenter, 425 Strawberry av, h 401 Herr ~ White William B., machinist, h 313 Verbeke c= White William B., jr., laborer, h 401 Herr z: White William L., carpenter, h 1814 Fulton av CD Whiteman Chas. c., elk P. R. R. ticket office, h 1332 N 2d _ Whiteman George, stationmaster P. R. R., h 209 Hummel - Whiteman Harrv W., elk, 1001 N 3d, h Hershey House Whiteman Jacob N., asst trainmaster, h 209 Hummel ..... Whiteside George A., h 122 Mulberry ~ Whiteside Harry I., blacksmith, h 122 Mulberry ~ Whiteside Margaretta P., h 122 Mulberry ex: Whiting Bennett, laborer, h 169 Indian av :lIE Whiting Edward B., laborer, h 515 S 2d C) Whiting Joseph G., laborer, h 515 S 2d Z Whiting Ruth B., domestic, 515 S 2d Whiting Thomas, waiter, h 515 S 2d Whitley Reuben, laborer, h 325 Cherry av c.:i Whitman Benjamin, elk Mer. Nat. Bank, h 18 N 16th Whitman Charles E., carpenter, h 209 N 15th ~ Whitman Edgar 0., printer, h 18 N 16th ;:: Whitman Edward F., paymaster P. R. R., h 122 State ~ Whitman Emma C., wid Daniel P., h 1321 Fulton Whitman Frederick 0., printer Independent, h 18 N 16th _ Whitman George B., motorman, h 106 Linden t: Whitman Irvin J., laborer, h 1321 Fulton :! Whitman Mary c., h 317 Walnut iii: Whitman Mary c., h 815 N 2d a.. Whitman Ross W., dyer, h 1321 Fulton YoII Whitman Sarah J., wid George, h 106 Linden Whitman William A., laborer, h 122 Hoerner ~ Whitman William S., engineer, h 528 Peffer ~ Whitman, see Witman .., Whitmer Joseph, carpenter, h 1947 Swatara ffi Whitmer Mary A., wid John, h 1436 Derry ca Whitmore Mary V., saleslady, 36 N 3d. h 1217 N 6th g; Whitmore William H., engineer, h 1608 Susquehanna w~ Whitmoyer Christie, domestic, 1006 .N 2d ZJ Whitmoyer Diana, domestic, 118 South Whitmoyer Frank S., brakeman, h 710 N 6th C Whitmoyer Harry E., cigars. 63 N 13th, h 189 N 15th I Whitmoyer Harry E., engineer, h 220 Hamilton II Whitmoyer Howard B., student, h 710 N 6th ~D Whitmoyer John A., molder, h 189 N 15th wZ Whitmoyer John Eo, laborer, h 189 N 15th Whitmoyer Simon, yardmaster, h 710 ~ 6th





ANDREW REDMOND, H~';.::.~~tt,,~::d }rk:~!!'i:~. {3d IDd Reily Stl.

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-MAKES A S"ECIALTr 0 ' {12Ui II. It. Pre_eoln. Public Bulldln._ In Plaia TlaU. hU..... til


669 Whitmoyer William G., conductor, h 710 N 6th Whitmoyer William H., mixer, h 50 Balm Whitmyer Wesley c., driver, h 2024 Elizabeth av Whitmyer William M., boarding, 2120 Gi, h do Whitney George M., elk, 7 N 3d, h 133 Sylvan ter Whittaker Marvin H., mgr The Johnston Harvester Co., 214 Locust, h 802 N 6th Whittaker Mary, stripper, h 10lU Cowden Whitworth Harry, bartender, 523 State, h do Whitworth John F., elk sec commonwealth, h 600 Forster Wian Emma, domestic, 1801 N 6th Wickenheiser Henry, laborer, h 23d nr Brookwood Wickersham Charles]., bracketmkr, h 407 Market WICKERSHAJI FRANK B., lawyer, 6 12 N 2d, h Steelton \Vickersham Howard, postal elk, h :U3 Chestnut Wickersham Lizzie M., lodging, 407 Market, h do Wickersham Morris S., asst supt, 15 N 2d, h 4117 ~larkt:t Wickert Mary Mrs., h 121 Cranberry av Wickey Charles W., hostler, h 1219 Apple av Wickline Thomas M. R, fireman, h lti24 Wallace \Vicks H<!ster A., domestic, 305 S Front Widder D. Harry, elk, h IflHi Derry Widder George H., physician, 124 Derry, h do Wieand John H., flagman, h 1701 ~ 7th Wiebner John D., machinist, h 1308 S 12th Wieger Catharine, wid Peter, h 331 Crescent Wiegel' George, cutter, h 331 Crescent Wieger Joseph G., baker, h 331 Crescent Wierman David E., produce, h 440 Boyd av 'Wierman Edward c., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Wierman Sarah E., h 116 Pine WIEB.IIAN THOnS T., chief engineer Penna. Canal, 40G Market, h 116 Pine Wiesemann Catharine, wid John, h 1927 N .!th Wiesemann Charles, elk, h 1160 Mulberry 'Wiesemann Emma M., seamstress, h 1927 N 4th Wiesemann Frederick A .. cigar mfr, 610 Race, h do Wiesemann George F. W., shoe operator, h 610 Race Wiesemann Jonas, broommkr, h 1927 N tth Wiesemann Wilhelmina Mrs., cigars, 610 Race, h uo Wiesemann William A., grocer, 128 S 2d, h 219 Briggs Wiest Bertha, shoe operator, h 725 S 19th 'Wiest Preston C .. warehouseman P. R R, h 7:!5 S 19th \Vic!';t Samuel L. Rev., mgr, 201 N 2d, h 170:! Penn Wiest Stephen M. Rev., h 111 Short Wiest Warren W., elk, 201 N 2d, h Stone Glen Wiestling Ralph G., sub letter carrier, h ~ ~ :!d Wiestling Samuel c., h 600 North

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.





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.. To find a name you must know how


spell it."
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. McNeil'. Pain Estar.lnator cure& Cholera Morbus, DyIK'D1err. CramJll, DiUTbcM. Colds. QUiDf)', RheumatilDl, Toothache, Sore Throat, Ague, DJJPepe1a, ,,~. _ ......



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Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.






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Wit'stling Susanna H., wid Jacob (; .. h R 1\ :.!II Wiestling Valentine H .. driver, h 1!I:~r) Briggs Wiestling William B.. blacksmith. il l!);n Lo~an av Wiggin~ Gertrude l\1., wid Edwin J . h 150!) Wallace Wiggins Isabel. stengr, :U:! ~Iarket, h 15011 Wallace \Vigington Galen. hostler, h a:!o l\1u~nch Wigington Josephine, wid William, h 3:!5 S 15tl: Wigington Thomas, laborer, h H:!O :\Iuench Wigington William. laborer, h 325 S 15th Wig-ner Henry. blacksmith. h 1215 X 7th Wigtoll Wade H .. elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 2118 ~ :M Wikel Ouistine. wid Peter, h 12:! Buas Wiland Reuben, brakeman. h 1216 X I;th vVilbar Bertha. housekeeper, 259 Cumberland \Vi!bar Charles L., pressman Telegraph, ;1 ::!59 Cumberland Wilbar Elizabeth, wid Josiah P., h 25!1 Cumbt:rland Wilbar George H., expressman, h 259 Cumberland Wi:har Lillian, teacher, h 1625 Derry Wilbar Maude J. Mrs., (Starr & Co.), h 11l~ ~ lah Wi!har Ralph 0 .. elk. h lliR X fith Wilbert Harry E., foreman, h 1424 Wyeth av vVilbert William, mason. h 419 \-Vest av Wilbur Horace L., (Wilbur & Leinbach), h !H4 X C011rt :l,V Wilbur & Leinbach, (Horace L. Wilbur and Oliver T. Leinbach), sewing machines, 8 S Market sq \Vi!cox Ella, saleslady, 1917 Derry, h do Wilcox Isaac T., h 1121 N 7th Wilcox Josepi1 P., grocer, 1!)17 Derry, h do Wilder Edward Coo laborer, h 517 Walnut WILDIIAN AUGUSTUS, contractor and builder, 2116 11 4th.



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Wiley Andrew J., laborer, h I:l34 Penn \-Vilev Calvin. laborer. h 1121 Grape av Wiley Caroline M., wid Wesley J., h 429 Kelker Wiley James, painter, h !)l'i Walnut Wiley William R., shoemkr, h 4211 Kelker Wilhelm Charles A., machinist, h 1706 Green Wilhelm Ella E., h SIll S Front Wilhelm Hannah M., wid Jacob, h 813 S Front \Vilhelm James H. G., laborer, h 813 S Front \~'ilhelm Katherine E., saleslady, 6 S 2d, h 1706 Green Wilhelm ~'Ian' L.. h 17116 Green Wilk Edwanl'C., brakeman, h 4i2:5 Calder Wilk Harvey. car inspector. h 17113 N 7th Wilkin Archihald D .. elk adjt gent's dept. h 4:?-.! Market Wilkinson AldahM. Mrs., h 14(}R Wallace Wilkinson Anna L .. cigarmkr, h 1408 Wallace Wilkinson James E .. auditor, 210 Walnut, h 210 Pine


fer .... CCIDS.T '."ORA..C&. lea .~. SHend Street. Bell 'Phone 851 X. or 111M3 X.

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Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.


Wilkinson Susan, h 14U8 Wallace Wilkinson William, laborer, h 1408 Wallace \\'illett Persie, housekeeper, :na N Front Willetts Geary M., elk, h 114 Chestnut WILLETTS THEODORE L., physician, 114 Cheatnut, h do; office honn, 6 to 8 a. m., 12 to 3 and 6 to 8 p. m. Willey George W., waiter, h 510 North av Willi John R., engineer, h 1~38 N 7th Willi Maggie A., seamstress, h 5:n Race Willi Samuel c., brakeman, h 1838 N 1th Willi Sarah A., wid George W., h 531 Race WiJliams Addie A., liningmkr. h 102 East Williams Albert, laborer, h 502 Strawberry av Williams Alexandra, drcssmkr. h :n3 ~ Front Williams Alfred L., laborer, h 1422 Penn WiJliams Alice, wid Henry. h ~15 S River av \ViIliams Amanda E., shoefitter, h 319 Chestnut Williams A va :r..lrs., saleslady, 308 Market, h Steelton Williams Carrie, domestic. 132 Cranberry av Williams Charles, brakeman, h 918 N 6th Williams Charles, laborer, h 213 S Court av Wiliiams Charles, mgr sales dept. Penn nr Muench, h do Williams Charles S., barber, H S Court av, h 132 Cranbt"rrv av Williams Daniel, restaurant, 414 Verbeke. h 1411 William Williams Daniel G., waiter P. R. R. dining rooms, h 1624


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Williams David R., waiter, h 1331 Wyeth av Williams Edward A., laborer, h 830 james av Williams Edward L., driver, h 76 ~ 10th Williams Eliza, cook Commonwealth, h 1333, N 4th Williams Elizabeth A., housekeeper, 1422 Penn Williams Ella Mrs., h rear 104 Filbert Williams Elsie Mrs., laundress, It 215 S River av \\'iIliams Emma, wid John, h 134 Tanner's av Williams Emma E. Mrs., dressmkr. 408 Muench, h do Williams Eva L., bookkpr, h 1206 N 2d Williams Frank, laborer, h 21 Lochiel 2d Row Williams Frank E., upholsterer, 113 Market, h 328 North Williams Freeda, sprinkler, h 523 West av Williams George, hostler, h 109 Angle av Williams George, hostler, h ~40 Liberty Williams George, laborer, h H20! Marion WilIiams George, waiter, h 1329 N 4th Williams George B., electrician. h 211 N 3d Williams George C, lahorer, h 708 N 7th Williams George L., repairsman, h 1522 N 4th Williams George T., laborer, h 335 Calder ------If








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H M KELLEY & CO'S Bl,......x d. wk {'10th ... .d , ..... Harth State a... ..... Pl..... rder...
Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.





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vVilliams George W., boxmkr, h 1422 Penn Williams George W., butler, 2030 N ad Williams Harrison, laborer, h 167 Indian av Williams Harry J., barber, 18 N 3d, h 1504 Thompson av Williams Harry J., carpenter, h 819 ~lyrtle av Williams Heater, laborer, h 1530 Vernon \\'illiams Helen Mrs., janitress, a34 Market, h 13:35 N 4th Williams Horace, junk, h 523 West av Williams Horace A., barber, h 433 South av Williams Ida, domestic, 47 Lochiel 4th Row Williams Isaac S., laborer, h 47 Lochiel 4th Row Williams Jacob, teamster, h 215 Meadow la Williams James H., laborer, h 3 Paxton Cottage Row Williams John, laborer, h 107 Cowden Williams John, laborer, h 1331 K 4th \Villiams John A. F., laborer, h 123 N 16th Williams John c., asst supt, 15 i\ 2d. It 1601 Green Williams John F., supt, h 1206 X 2d Williams John J., laborer, 11 :3 rear 102S State \\iilliams Joseph, laborer, h 1~3 ~It11berry Williams Joseph H., laborer, h 123 :\Iulberry Williams Joseph N., engineer, h 408 Muench vVilIiams Joseph 0., postal elk. h 1103 Cowden \\'illiams .To~hua, waiter, h 215 ~ll'adow la Williams Lillian, cook, h 7U8 ~ 7tll Williams Louis D., ins, 9 S 2d. h Hotel Columbus Williams Louisa Mrs., domestic, 4:W South William!; Luther S., supt, 27 N 3d, h 1204 N 2d Williams ~1arguerite, teacher. h 112 Short Williams Mark, laborer, h rear 125:~ N 11i Williams Marks, (Williams & Freeuman), h 504 N 5th 'WilIiams Mary, d01l1estic, 211 S Front Williams Mary, domestic, 215 S River av Williams Mary, seamstress, h 13:n James Williams Mary, wid Thomas, h 212 Meadow la Williams Mary J., cook, h 1213 N 11i Williams Morgan, roller, h 1253 S 13th Williams Nellie R. Mrs., h 421 State \Villiams Newton, laborer, 11 13:13 i\ 4th Williams Oliver M., laborer, h 47 Lochiel 4th Row Williams Rachel, domestic, 1331 Wyeth av Williams Richard, laborer, h 1149 Cumberland Williams Robert, laborer. h 1333 N 4th \ViIliams Robert E., molder, h 138 Vine Williams Robert E., trainmaster P. R. R., h 1524 Green Williams Samuel. junk, h 51:{ N 5th Williams Samuel, laborer, h 4 Paxton Cottage Row Williams Samuel (;., ins sol, 9 S 211. h 233 Walnut

ANDREW REDMOND, ~::::!::r:d'::::~~. {3d lad R811, Sts.

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Paper. Thebesl.ndlo"estprlcel. W ..... ,.,8 A B TACK J Wall.. complete willa l'1xSUlel aDd I'dDceI b . .w{ II." It. I!t.all .

673 Williams Sarah, domestic, 132 Cranberry av Williams Sidne'Y Mrs., h 11~0 Verbeke Williams Susannah, wid James P., h 12:!4 James av Williams Sylvester C. c., car inspector, h 523 Peffer Williams Thomas M., h 821 N 6th Williams Walter W., porter, h 112 Short Williams William, gardener, h 903 Shaonis Williams William, janitor, h 232 Liberty Williams William, laborer, h 1428 Fulton Williams William c., laborer, h U~33 N 4th Williams & Freedman, (M. Williams and W. Freedma.n) . iunk, 427 North av Williamson Albert E., bicycle repairer, h 312 Reily Williamson Bertha, domestic, 19 N 4th Williamson Clover n., molder, h 1323 Vernon Williamson Daisy E., laundress, h 5Hi South av Williamson Florence M., h 1055 S 9th Williamson George J., machinist, h 312 Reily Williamson Harvey, miller C. 1. and S. Co., h 228 ~ 3d Williamson Jessie G., dressmkr, h 1323 Vernon \\hlliamson John H., engineer, h a08 Reily Williamson John M., nailer, h 916 S 9th vVilliamson Joseph B., rigger, h 916 S 9th Williamson Peter, laborer, h 1640 N 4th Williamson Sidney A., wid William H .. h 1112 Verbeke Williamson William, laborer, h 43:! Market Willis Charles, elk, h 1218 Market II Willis Clara T., h 921 N 18th 0 \Villis Edward c., buyer, ~H4 ~Iarket, h 20:~2 ~ 5th Willis Fannie, wid Samuel, h 268 Calder I~ Willis Ida B., saleslady. 334 Market, h 163:{ Wallace fa) vViIlis John A.. h 2032 N 5th Willis John G., clk, h 432 Market Willis Latimer. buYer, !l34 :Market, h 1633 Wallace Willis William F., brakeman, h 323 Peffer Willis William F., teamster, h 1512 Penn Willits Charles R., elk sec commonwealth, h 716 Capital Willoughhv George B., engineer, h 2033 N 5th Willoughby Sophia W. Mrs., boarding, 2102 N 6th, h do ll'Willow George F., foreman, h Canal c Division ".Vills Arthur J., !iraftsman, h 403 Walnut \Yi!ls Grant D., fireman, h 1930 Wood av fa) Wills John S., postal elk, h 259 Herr \\-iIIson Elizabeth B., h 230 N 2d Wilison Marilla, wid Hiram, h 509 N 4th vVilsoll Agnes, dressmkr, h 526 West av \Vilson Alexander M., engineer, h 666 Boas liWilson Alice. saleslady, 3!l4 Market, h 810 East I

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.



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To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.



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\Vilson Alke L.. salc."ladv, -l1l6 ~larket, h 150n Hunter Wilson .-\nnie, wid james, h :H4 lloyd av \\Tilson Annit: c., music teacher, h 511 ~luench Wilson Benjamin, laborer, h The Lochiel \\Tilson Blanche, seamstress, h 15:!a ~ 6th Wils(.n Calvin j., motorman, h 1::;117 Berryhill \\Tilson Carrie E., supervisor Lunatic Hospital, h do Wilson Charles D. C, h Hill Briggs Wilson Charles ~., shoe cutter, h 4UI Filbert Wilson Charles S., machinist, h 1247 Dailey WILSON DAVID, grocer, teas and coffees, 723 N 8th, h do Wilson David, laborer, h 439 S :!d Wilsoll David A., mgr C. ~. Hotel, h do Wilson Edwin E., postal elk, h 1Ii:!5 Derry Wilson Elizabeth, wid :\loses G., h 1506 Hunter av Wilson Elizabeth C, wid Henry H., h :!7 S 13th Wilson Ellis, laborer, h -iii :\ 1I)th ~:ilson Elmer E., engineer, h IS}!) Penn \Vilson Esther A., wid Clark, h 1:!1i'i \Vallace Wilson Frank C, foreman. h ;j~H S Front Wilson George, laborer, h 5fl!) Calder \Vilson George F., conductor, h 511 ~luench Wilson George L., oiler, h lSU6 Hunter \\Tilson Harriet A., teacher, h 601 Briggs Wilson Harris B., (Hench & Wilson), h !J:!1i N 2d Wilson Harry, bill poster, h 143!ll Regina \Vilson Harry, brakeman, h l!1:!O ~ 4th Wilson Harry, conductor, h 120ai ~lulberry Wilson Harry G., finisher, It lOS Tuscarora \\'i1sun Henry j., steward. :m:! ~larket, h 1412 James av Wilson Howard, waiter. :!OO Pine Wilson Hunter L., laborer, h 314 Harris Wilson Isabella S., wid Samuel, h 13:!2 Kittatinny \Vilson James, teamster, h 1144 Cumberland Wilson james E., painter, h 1422 William Wilson James H., laborer, h 401 Filbert Wilson James R, brakeman, h 344 Boyd av Wilson James R., driver, 19 N 3d, h 416 Cranberry av Wilson Jennie 1\1., weaver, h 1506 Hunter av Wilson Jesse C, student, h 601 Briggs Wilson John, lamp lighter. h 259 Delaware av Wilson John F., jr., laborer, h 1847 N 7th Wilson John W . butcher. h 502 S 13th Wilson Joseph T., engineer, h 434 Cumberland Wilson J. Robert, stengr P. R. R., h 601 Briggs Wilson Kate, wid Jacob. h 72 N 14th Wilson Lewis, C\k, 6 S 2d, h 119 S 13th Wilson Luella Mrs., laundress, h 133 Cranberry av
wllIROODJOII,I' bond. 10 w...... EDW G ROBERTS bond. are executed. BeD. " -.......-.x_ 'PbcJfte 1&1 X ....
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Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.

=t=::1 IOU PoPer ond IlOdOW 811.


Wilson Lula A., charwoman, h 321 Hay av Wilson Mary A., wid John F., h 1847 N 7th Wilson,Mary L. Mrs., housekeeper, 417 State Wilson Mary V., h Home for the Friendless Wilson M. Foss, stengr, 208 Walnut, h Mechanicsburg Wilson Missouri, dressmkr, h 412 Walnut Wilson Paul D., c1k, 35 N 3d, h 108 Tuscarora Wilson Ray, ball player, h 432 South av Wilson Robert D., h 111 S River av Wilson Robert L., janitor, 15 N 2d, h do Wilson Rose M., h 300 Boas Wilson Samuel A., car cleaner, h 274 Briggs Wilson Samuel D. Rev., h 1311 Vernon Wilson Stanton, brakeman, h 27 S 13th Wilson Sue F., Home for the Friendless Wilson Thomas, elk dept int affairs. h 424 Market Wirson Thomas, tailor, h 118 S 3d Wilson Thomas B., shearsmall, h 1\)8 Tuscarora WIL80I THOJ(AS C" wall paper and paintiJag, 1317 J(artet, h 1406 Zarker Wilson William A., salesman, :U8 Market, h 401 Filbert Wilson William c., catcher, h 308 ~ulberry Wilson William c., labOler, h 1404 Fulton Wilson William F., carpenter, h 119 S 13th wnsOli WJLI.IAJ( G., propr Keystone Carpet Cleaning Works, 1115 J(ontgomery, h 263 North see adv .Wilson William H., h 519 Brown av Wilson William H., laborer, h 5231 Maclay Wilson William J., caller, h 2017 Kensington Wilson William W. T . laborer, h 1711 Fulton Wilt Carrie E., milliner. h 911 N 3d Wilt Edward c., brakeman, h 625 Calder Wilt Harvey, car inspector, h 17m~ N 7th Wilt William F . c1k, 303 Verbeke. h 1830 N 6th Wilver Ella c., domestic, 230 State Wilver Elmer L . bridge builder, h 1248 Bailey . Wilver Frank, machinist, h 530 North Wilver Harris B., laborer, h 735 S 21! Wilver John. shoemkr, h 44 N 13th --------

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Keystone Carpet Cleaning Works ~

..... Carpe&l Carefl1lly and Promptly Cleaned. Moth Destroyed. C&rpeta Called for and Delivered. FIR~T CLASS STOlt \GE. T,.lepho .... C neel


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M. KELLEY &.'::='\~~~

Wimer Amos, wagonmkr, h 240 North "" Wimer Charles J., laborer, h 240 North Wimer Harry, laborer, h 1242 Walnut "" Wimer ~1aude, candymkr, h 240 North Wimer William, foreman, h 240 North Wimmer John, brakeman, h 1431! James ;; Winand Clarence, elk C. 1. and S. Co., h 123 Sylvan ter : Winand Jacob, shipper C. 1. and S. Co., h 123 Sylvan ter ~ Winand Lula M., milliner, h 216 N 2d - Winand William, h 848 S Cameron en Win and William, jr., engineer, h 848 S Cameron ;: Winder Bertha, housekeeper, h 714 N 7th - Winder Clara, domestic, 714 N 7th -:;; Winder Mary J., cook, h 714 N 7th :> Winder Samuel, laborer, h 714 N 7th 1.&.1 Windle Benjamin B., cigarmkr, h 1265 Bailey ~ Windle Mollie Mrs., h 636 Walnut L Windle Nellie G., seamstress, h 636 Walnut C Windowmaker Charles E., teamster, h 1225 Cumberland ... Windsor Calvin L., warehouseman, h 225 Mulberry Windsor Jesse L., elk, 19 N 2d. h 520 Woodbine Windsor Mary, saleslady, h 231 Mulberry Z Windsor Mary, wid Jesse, h 231 Mulberry Windsor Maude, cigarmkr, h 231 Mulberry Z Windsor William H., inspector, h 1:U5 Green Windsor William L., engineer, h 110 Herr Windsor William L., jr., constable, 200 Walnut, h 318 North 1.&.1 Winemiller Amy, h 615 Cumberland Winemiller Edgar M.. laborer, h 615 Cumberland Winemiller Mary E., wid Jefferson D . h 615 Cumberland Winfield Bertha Mrs., midwife, h 606 State Winfield tailor. h State .:- Wingard Mark E.,L., hostler,,;06 GaOl Peffer _ Charles h i5 Wingard George E., laborer, h 5th nr \Vooclbine :: Wingard George H., variety, 544 Woodbine, h do "" Wingard Harry E .. broommkr, h u44 \Voodbine ~ Wingard John C, bridge builder, h Park Hotel ~ Wingate A. Wayne. laborer, h 44.1 Cumberland s: Wingeard Annie. wid Luther, h ril!) Cowden !:; Wingeard Daniel, machinist, h ::31 Granite av :5 Wingeard David, Iwlpcr, h 520 Camp s: Wingeard Dayid 0., foreman F. & M. Wks. h 520 Curtin Wingeard George L.. mgr, 1007 N :~d. h ::!20 Reily Winger l;eorge E., elk, :!06 1-Iarket, h 111;!;'i N 7th ~ Winger Harry c., physician, 1025 N 7th, h do C; Winger Harry C, jr., letter carrier, h 37 N 12th ~ c Winger Russell C, molder, h 11125 N 7th Wingert Harry F .. laborer. h !\ectarine av c Reese

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Boyd's Rarrisburg (W) City Directory.



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JEmplOflnonebutflnlt.-ela&lworkmen.heneeool,,,. A B TACKI N.1.18 1-- tllriaDd IDaW'el It. WorkdooelDuJpenofBtate. 34 at.

Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.


Wingert Jesse, h 1336 Susquehanna W-ingert Simon L., laborer, h 261 Delaware av Wingrove Willis G., salesman, h 15U Derry Wink William J., driver, h 51 N Summit Winn George, heater, h 609 Showers av 'Vinn Harry c., conductor, h 1920 Logan av Winn Lizzie M., domestic, 221 Briggs Winn Michael, jr., painter, h 611 Showt:rs av Winn Rebecca, wid William, h 109 Calder '''''inn William, engineer, h 1611 Susquehanna \\'inn, see Wynn Winslow Moilie E., wid John, h 1627 N 4th Winter Amos F., repairsman. h 27 S Court av Winter Ida, cook The Commonwealth, h 35 S Court av Winter Ignatius, h :m S Cullrt av Wintermute Charles \V., ioreman, h 946 X 7th \\'inters Annie, wid William, h i13 Rare 'Vinters Catharine, wid John, h 1625 Penn Winters Catharine. wid William, h 213 llarris 'Vinters Charles H., patternmkr, h 2000 N 5th Winters Charles \V., h 236 S 2d 'Vinters Edgar R.. weighmaster, h 15:m Swatara 'Winters Edward M., stengr, 22:! Market. h 1U9 S :!d Winters Emma E., booksewer. It 1541 ~watara Winters Francis D., fireman. h 943 ~ 7th \'Vinters George 5., elk, h 713 Rare Winters Harry, painter, h 7HI X 2d Winters Henry c., laborer. h 806 Capital Winters Isaiah D .. h 236 5 2d Winters James A., engineer. h !l43 X 7th 'Vinters James E . laborer. h 649 Verbeke Winters John, foreman. h HI4H :\loltke a\' Winters John B.. engine cleaner. h !143 N 7th Winters Joseph A., hooker, h 1541 Swatara Winters Joseph B .. engineer. h 616 Reily Winters Joseph c.. brakeman, h 1624 N 3d Winters Kathryn E .. h 616 Reily Winters Laura. cigarmkr. h 2:16 S 2<1 Winters Mary A., wid Th011las .T., h 943 N 7th Winters Mary E .. wid George. h 109 S 2d Winters Maud. cigarmkr, h 236 S 2d Winters Thomas 0" fireman. h 1217 Fulton Winters William. flagman. h 11i41 N 7th Winters William c.. messenger P. R. R., h filG Reily Winters William H., driver, h 1541 Swatara Winters William L .. tlorist. h 94!-J N 7th 'Vintersteen Grace, physician Lunatic Hospital. h do \Vipperman Charle~ G.. !'aJesman. !!~ X 3d. h 18!!4 Fulton



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.. To find a name you must mow how to speIllt."

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Boyd's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.


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Wire William, heater, h 1104 Grape av "Virt George H., forester, Com'mr Forestry, It :!21 N 2d ~ Wise Ada, waitress U. S. Hotel Wise Albert, orderly Hbg Hospital. h do ~ Wise Alexander J., salesman,:J4 S :!rl, h do Wise Anna, wid Jacob, h 1210 Mulberry ~ \Vise Annie Mrs., grocer, lUG Cumucrlaml, h 1242 Herr Wise Bertha M., saleslady, a::H Market, h 124 Balm Wise Charles E., boilcrmkr, h 13:! Hanna 1$ Wise Charles M., student. h 1112 Penn _ "Vise David H., cutter, h 1112 Penn .. Wise Edward S., laborer, h 1a14 Pelln Wise Elizabeth Mrs .. h 1112 Penn Wise Elizabeth, wid Jeremiah, h 11::l:! Wallace Wise Elmer E., cigarmkr, h 132 Hanna ~ Wise Foster T. A., brakeman, h 12(1 Strawberrv av Wise George J., boilermkr, h 1242 Herr Wise Grace, domestic, 709 N 6th ~ Wise John, carpenter, h 415 Cumberland Wise John, molder, h 191U N 6th c( Wise John, shoe cutter, h 39 S Court av ~ \Vise John A., elk, 406 Market. h Shiremanstown Wise John A., tinsmith, h Hi:!8 Penn ~ Wise John G .. laborer, h 1242 Herr .Z Wise John H., shoemkr, h 132 Hanna \Vise Tohn \V., woodtumer, h 124 Balm Wise Harry G., cigarmkr, h 1335 Howard \Vise Lewis F., laborer, h 120 Strawbern' :1\" .. Wise Lula Mrs., h 522 Race . ~ Wise Susan E., housekeeper. 585 S Front ~ Wise Theodore, grocer, 4::l1 :\orth, h do E Wise Walter, brakeman, h 269 Caldoer C) Wise William, brakeman, h 1410 N 6th U Wise William R., coachman, h 2;;0 Kelly a\' ..... \\-'ise \\iilliam C, boilennkr, h 132 Hanila Wise William H., boarding, 15 S 2d, h do Wissler Augustus R., laborer, h liU5 Boas Q Wissler Christian R., laborer, h 12th llr Reily z: \Vissler Jacob H., fireman, h ()44 Boas - Wister Charles, express messenger. h 410 Chestnut "'" \Vitche~' Ceorge H., car builder, h 12i4 Juniper U Witherow Alice, teacher, hIll Chestnut C) Witherow Louisa ~I., wid Frank l., h 111 Chestllut ~ Witherow Sallie :\1.. scamstrt:ss. h lIi25 X Jth Witht'row \Villiam H., elk. Jill Chestnut. h a:t2 do ~ \\'ithro\V James n.. t'11g-illl'er. h W:!;; X 4th

-= Wippennan Julius D.,market master, h IM24 Fulton =Wippennan William, mattress weaver, h 1824 Fulton




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Wall Paper and Window Shadu, {l.l-:~~r!~::.'.

Boyd's Harrisburg t W) City Directory.

Withrow Jane R., dressmkr, h 15:!!) 3d Withrow Mary, ~hirt111kr, it lti:.!5 ~ 4th Witman Edward L., h 1705 N Front Witman Emanuel "V., laborer, h :!~m X 15th \Vitman Harry K., brakeman, h 1a3~ ~ 7th Witman Horace .M., elk, 615 Walnut, h :!:!8 X :!d Witman Mary, wid Alfred H., h 115 S 14th . Witman Peter B., car repairer, h 11:!3 Capital ,. Witman Sadie E., shoe operator, h 115 S 14th N WITJIAlfSCRWABZ CO., William Witman, pres j 1. Grant Schwarz, sec; wholesale grocen, also salt fish, 613-615. 617 Walnut \Vitman W. Frank. salesman, U15 Walnut,. h 8li ~ :!d Witman William, pres Witman-Schwarz Co., h 228 ~ 2d _ Witman, see Whitman Witmer David H., buyer. 3:~4 Market, h lUI!} Green !!1 Witmyer Maude A., bookkpr, 21 ~ 3d, h New Cumberland !i' Witmyer William G., brakcman, h 16:!1i Susquehanna ..., Wittich Andrew, watchman, h 214 S :!d ~ \Vittle George, driver, h l51S Susquehanna Wittle Harvey J., brakeman, h 1314 X Front Wittle John E., engineer, h l:!7 Verbeke Wittle Kate, wid Jacob, h 18:!7 Fulton Wix James M., bartender, h I:!1I6 Penn Woemle Herman L., blacksmith, h I6:!1 X 5th Wohlfarth Albert J., bartender. 3:!3 Reily. It du ='Vohlfarth Catharine. liner, h 11 X Cameron Wohlfarth Charles, shoe operator. h 11 ~ Cameron Wohlfarth Charles F., policeman, h !IH) Ash av C; 'Wohlfarth John, laborer, h :!W Crescent Wohlfarth John H., mattress11lkr, h 441) S 14th i ii -WOHLFARTH 10HN L., Star Hotel, 32326 Reily, h do c: Wohlfarth Leopold, it 11112 Cowden :=III Wohlfarth Minnie 'N., wid Charles. h 11 ~ Cameron Wohlfarth William F., pipe fitter, h 211:!f) Elizabeth av ,.., \Vohllcben Henry. carpenter, h 1428 Susquehanna \Voland John P., watchmkr, 12fl2 X lith, h 714 ~ :~(I Woland Lydia, dressmkr. 714 X Hd. It do en Wolbert Horace B., grocer, 717 ~ :ld. h 3111 Brigg-,; o Wolf Albert, timekeeper. h 903 Shaonis c: Wolf Alton, nurse Hbg Hospital, h do : :r Wolf Annie G., wid John A., h 1414 ~ 7th ::r \\-'olf Benjamin W .. engineer, h 83t1 S Cameron Wolf Charles c., inspector, h 124 Hanna Wolf Charles R., dairyman, h 234 Hummel en Wolf Oair, painter, h 1129 Grape av tD Wolf C. Raymond, printer Patriot. h 1114 James av ~ Wolf Dallis, conductor, h 332 S 16th


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- - - - ----- "'To find a name you must know how to speD it."

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M. KELLEY & CO.Ho~-:'\~f.~

~ ~ Wolf Edward F., blacksmith, h 36 N Summit t:; Wolf Edward T., molder, h 1635 Fulton

Boyd's Hanisburg (W) City Directory.

11::1 Wolf Ella Mrs., saleslady, 334 Market, h 7 S 16th :: Wolf Elsie C. Mrs., h 902 Capital ..... Wolf George, h 1006 Berryhill i= Wolf Harvey, molder, h 1901 State a: 11::1 Wolf Jacob C., milk dealer, h 1423 Shoop \V olf James H., laborer, h 1537 Logan av Wolf John, driver, it 656 Woodbine :: Wolf John B., conductor, h 1515 Walnut _ Wolf John c., carpenter, h 709 Green Wolf John G., :lk, h 1237 Kittatinny 1.1 Wolf John H., marble cutter, h 1901 State ... Wolf John L., paver, h 1129 Grape av ... Wolf Joseph, laborer, h 26th ab Derry ... Wolf Joseph H., carpenter, h 1632 Walnut 1&.1 Wolf Lula c., domestic, 1414 N 7th Wolf Mary R.. wid Harry, h 333 Chestnut Wolf Matilda, wid William. h 1101 N 3d Wolf Melissa H:'Mrs . h 1129 Grape av wid Lewis. h Home for O Wolf Nancy A.,laborer. h 1510! Logan the Friendless Wolf Norman, av Z Wolf Ralph l\L, patternmkr, h GOO S 13th Wolf Robert. salesman, 334 Market. h 2 S 15th 1&.1 Wolf Robert P., elk. h 222 S 15th 'Wolf T. Claude. carpenter. h 1213 N Front Wolf William H., laborer. h 1114 Tames av Wolfe Benjamin W., steelworker: h 913! S Wi O Wolfe Charl~s A., electrician, h 9131 S 201 IfIIi Wolfe Charles F., puddler, h 912 Iron av ~ Wolfe Clinton H .. barber, 203 Walnut, h 257 Briggs ~ Wolfe Frank L.. foreman, h 1437 Derry Wolfe Harrv M .. collector Patriot. h :i3 Sassafras av ~ Wolfe Henr)' G.,asst supt. Ht"rr clOth, h 1207 Chestnu~ ~ Wolfe Hugh B., molder, h 1224 Bailey Wolfe Leah, beader. h 1224 Bailey :::; Wolfe LeRoy .1 .. (Wolfe & Bailey), h 132 State . : Wolfe Korman E .. carpenter, h 702 East i= Wolfe Robert K.. car repairer. h 51] Calder a: \Volfe Sarah A. Mrs. domestic, 13 N Front ~ Wolfe Sarah 1\-1., wid Samuel, h 112 South en Wolfe Terrv M., conductor, h 313 Verbeke I:i Wolfe William H.. shoe cutter, h 1224 Bailev ::: Wolfe William H., jr.. molder, h 1224 Bailey :: WOLFE & BAILEY, (LeRoy 1. Wolfe and Charles L Baile~. f:5 jr.),lawyen, 16 N 2d 11::1 Wolfensberger Oscar, elk, 401 Chestnut, h Lemoyne U ~ Wolfersberger Earl B.. sign writer. h 622 Harris




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BIC~~:~~':,RB.} ANDREW



REDMOND.': 3d .Id Rilly Sts

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A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,

{t21r:.~ ayW::~~Triet.
681 , .

Boyd's Rarrisburg (W) City Directory

Wolfersberger Gabriel E., foreman,26 N Court av, h 622 Harris Wolfersberger Harvey, laborer, h 1222 N Cameron Wolfersberger Levi, farmer, h 12th c Walnut WoUersberger Walter S., elk, 1532 N 6th, h 622 Harris , Wolff Gates H., laborer, h 126 Dock ~ Wolfgang Francis E., laborer, h 322 Kelker Wolfgang James 1\1., laborer, h 32~ Kelker Wolfinger Catharine E., h :313 Chestnut Wolfinger William, elk, h 31:~ Chestnut Wolfley Oarence N., fish, &c., .tOO N 2d, h do Wolfley Harry A., checkman P. R. J<., h 160 N 15th Wolfley Jennie G., sorter, h 41111 N :!d Wolfley John c., elk, 400 N 2d, h do Wolfley Kate, witl Jacob B., h -lOll X 2d Wolford George W., agt. 30J Harris. h !liO:'; X 3d Wolford Howard J., salesman, 1200 N 3d, h 1605 do ~ Wolford John, elk. h !l28 01estnut WOLFOllJ) JlARTIB L., physician, 328 Chestnut, h do I Wollard Virginia, charwoman, h 1253 N 11i Wollerton Eliza, can<lymkr, h 12'28 Cowden Wollerton Harry, boilermkr. h 15~2 N 6th VVollerton Mary E., wid Charles E., h 1228 Cowden Wollerton Theodore F., engineer, h'I532 X 6th Wollerton William 1\1., machinist. h Hi16 X 6th 'Volpafe William. oventender. h 1065 S 11th II Wolpert Charles J., jeweler, 2~ N 3d, h !)()9 N 2d WOLZ ElDIA, reporter Patriot, h 313 Walnut 0 Wolz Nellie, wid Herman T h 810 East .. Women's Exchange, (M. M. Campbell and F. ~L Kish- Ii paugh), fancy goods, ~06 N ad Cal ~\Iomer AIda, salesladv, :~34 Market, h 617 Calder Womer Catharine. saiesladv. 3!H Market. h fi17 Calder Womer John. fireman. h '(i17 Calder Wommer Jacob H., labnrer, h 2138 Atlas av Wonder John. carpenter. h 72 N 14th Wonderly Clyde E., salesman, :~26 :Market, h 722 N 6th Wood Annie J., wid John, h 1340 N 3d Wood Charles H" engineer. h 603 Showers av II' Wood David R, lunch bar elk, 441 Market, h 2~m State Wood Ezra B .. mgr, 406 Market, h 1;)32 Green Wood George I., dispatcher P. R. R, h 1624 N 3d Wood Jacob c., engineer, h 613 Muench Wood John, barber, h 207 N 2d Wood John B.. machinist, h 603 Showers av Wood Walter A. M. and R. :\1. Co., agrl implts. 627 Walnut Wood William 1\1.. printer, 2111 1'\ 2<1, h 12~S Derry II' Woodburn Aaron (i .. laborer, h 12415 N Hi



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.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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Boyd'. Harriaburg (W) City Directory.

..: 682

Woodburn Albert, laborer, h 1205 N 11i Wooden Annie L., wid J. Wesley, h 15 Cowden _ VVooden (.lara R., h 15 Cowden "& \Voodfield Thomas G., policeman, h 65 ~ 10th .- Woodley Elizabeth, domestic, 401 N Front :. \Voodley James, laborer, h 706 N 7th S; Woodley Lydia, domestic, 20 N 4th .- Woodmansee Barton n., h 649 Calder 1! Woodmansee Edgar T., elk, h 649 Calder t= Woodmansee Fannie, wid John, h 649 Calder Woods Ethel, h 705 South _ Woods Harry B., brakeman. h 310 Calder Woods Isaac, puddler, h 1027 S 9th Woods John E., barber, h 207 N 2d : Woods John J., laborer, h 505 Primrose av a Woods Rachel V., domestic, 2:12 State Woods Robert W., elk, 35 S 2d, h 914 Sarah av \V oods Stella M .. domestic, 106 Filbert \Voods Thomas A., nurseryman. h 919 ~ Hth I&J Woodson Bettie, wid Gilbert, h 133:J N 4th \\ioouward Abigail Y., h 9 N Front .J VV oodward Ella R., domestic, 273 Herr C Woodward Harriet L.. governess. 1~4 Pine I&J Wondward Joel M .. laborer, h 1!!12 Apple av Q Woodyard Caroline. cook. h 717 Cowden \\. oof 'Edward. baker, h 521; Forrest ~ Woof Tames. laborer, h 528 Forrest Woof 'Russel W" baker, h 528 Forrest vVoof Thomas, draftsman, h 528 Forrest .. \\'oof Thomas A.. laborer, h 5ts FOlTest Wooleott Henry J., miller, h 329 S Front . . Woolley Elizabeth A .. bookkpr, 12 N 3d. h :350 Crescent ~ Woolley George, lahorer, h 1004 Berryhill ~ Woolle~' John E., watertend(r. h 350 Crescent .u Woolley Mary J., hookkpr, h 350 Crescent .... WOOLWORTH F. W. & CO., E. B. Wood, mgr, nrietiea,_ .. Karket and 5 N 4th Worden H. :\1. Fuller, mgr Brelsford Packing Ca., h 637 lVlacla \. ca \Vorden J~mes H., sec an(J treas Brelsford Packing Co., h :: li:l5 Maclay \Vorden Priscilla. housckecplr. 125 Liberty ~ ""orden. see Warden Work Carrie ~1.. saleslady, h 54fi vVoodbine Q Work Euward F . fireman, h 546 Woodbine ~ Work Emma 1'1., saleslady, aa! Market, h 546 \Voodbine Work Hugh ~1.. engineer, h 54H \Voodhine ~ Work Irla \\T . h 212 Locust





Tile ABlerla.lI. Bondlne C .... p .. n,., Baltimore. Md. ROW. G. ROBBR.... General AgentCcnlral Penna DI.trlct, loa 11. ad 8.. 8el\ 'l'hone851 X. ..aX.
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A. 8. TACK,


{l218 IOrlb 0111111.


Bold's Harrisburg (W) City Directory.

Workman Alfred E., boilermkr, h 1427 Zarker Workman John F., janitor, h 1427 Zarker 'Workman Raymond W., machinist, h 1427 Zarker \Vorlev Clinton \\1'., brakeman, h 1423 Yemoll Worley Frank, passenger transfer, h 1422 Walnut Worley Jesse E., elk, 500 Market, h 1202 N 7th \Vorley Margaret M., seamstress, h 1306 X Front Worley Mary E., music teacher, 111 Paxton, h do Worley Philip, laborer, h 13:l8 N 4th Worley Samuel A., linotype uperator, h 20j Kelker Worley William, foreman, 2d nr \line, h 111 Paxton Worley William H., forcman Telcgraph, h 1:lO6 X Front Worley William H., repairsman, h 1121 Capital Wormley Frances ~L, teacher, h 15;n :\ 2d Worst Jacob H., elk Grand Hotel. h 11 :\ 5th Wn'n Joseph, pUddler, h :WH 11eadow la ~ Wrenshall John R. C, supervisor P. & R., h 230 K 2d Wright Ambrose W., brakeman, h 644i Woodbine Wright Bessie D., h 244 Korth Wright Burchard E., mgr, 2:l N ad. h The Bulton Wright Charles E., brakeman, h 32!1 Harris Wright Charles T .. huckster, h 2122 X 7th Wright Oara B., looper, h 22S7 N 7th Wright Elizabeth, domestic, 111114 Cowden 'Wright Emory E., shoemkr, h 1110 Montgomery Wright Frederick, driver. h a47 S Cameron Wright Frederick, jr.. drivt'r, h :l47 S Cameron Wright George, hostler, h :!0l6 :\ 7th Wright Harry, wheelwright, h 1110 Montgomery Wright Harry E., plumber, h 227 Crescent Wright Harry L., driver, h 226 Charles av Wright Hattie M., looper, h 2287 N 7th Wright Howard L., boilermkr, h 226 Charles av Wright Isaac, laborer, h 520 North av Wright James C, conductor, h 423 Cumberland Wright John, laborer, h 215 S 2d Wright John B., telegrapher P. & R., h 932 Penn Wright Lydia, ctomestic, 1008 N 6th Wright Milton J.. planer, h 1410 Derry WRIGHT ROBERT C., division freight agent P. R. R., 413 Market, h 309 N 2d Wright Robert N., grocer, 439 Verbeke, h do Wright Samuel A., carpenter, h 913 Boas Wright Thomas, laborer, h 2016 N 7th Wright William, brakeman. h 2120 N 6th Wright Wm. E., physician State Lunatic Hospital, h do Wright William F., laster, h 1110 Montgomery Wright William F., laborer, h 2287 N 7th

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-To find a name you

must know how to spell it."

Digitized by


H. M. KELLEY &COil COAL AND WOOD {OnlCes: lo:.-:.rJ.'=:

Wright William P., elk, 439 Verbeke, h do ~ Wright Willis A., laborer, h 1716 Logan av :z: Wright, see Reith, also Right t- Wrightstone Grant, laborer, h 225 S 2d ~ Wurster Edward F., polisher, h 1807 Market ~ Wurster Ella N., wid William H., h 1429 Vernon :IE Wurster John, h 1431 Vernon ~ Wurster John, jr., grainer, h 1429l Vernon _ Wyant Lizzie D., dressmkr, h 609 Boas - Wyant Samuel P.,laborer, h 1112 N Front Wyant William H., librarian C. H., h 609 Boas &.1.1 Wyant William W., stenographer, 219 Market, h 609 Boas ... Wyble Charles, helper, h 406 Boas ~ Wyble William N., elk, h 406 Boas a: Wyeth Sarah C., wid Francis, h 201 N Front z: Wykoff Marian, cashier, 10th c Mulberry, h 715 N 3d Wykoff William c., plumber, 456 Verbeke, h do Wyman Cylistian R, driver, h 24 N Summit Wyman Nettie M., domestic, 1849 Berryhill Wynekoop Amanda Mrs., h 511 N 2d c.J Wynekoop Bertha A., housekeeper, 126 Cherry av Wynekoop Laura L., domestic, 126 Cherry av ~ Wynn Albert, laborer, h 1608 Logan av ~ Wynn Ida Mrs., charwoman, h 417 Pear ~ Wynn,.see Winn Wyre William, laborer, h 420 Market y



Boyd's Harrisburg (Y) City Directory.


= -= ffi


2 Yake Belle, wid Joseph, h 1822 State ~ Yake J. William, chief elk P. & R. frt depot, h 1822 State

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Yaney Mary A., wid Lewis, h 1708 N 3d Yaple Albert A., flagman, h 627 Muench Yaple L. Ross, printer, h 1627 Fulton Yaple McCune, brakeman, h 627 Muench Yarman Alfred, messenger, h 1324 N 4th Yarnall John L., stengr, 210 Walnut, h 1617 Regina Yarnell Edgar, brakeman, h 407 Market Yates Lena, domestic, 311 Walnut Yeager Augustus L., laborer, h 241 Muench Yeager Catharine, h 311 S Front Yeager Charles F., laborer, h 525 Race Yeager Elmer E., brakeman, h 625 Herr Yeager Frank c., laborer, h 203 S River av Yeager Frederick W., molder, h 30 N Summit Yeager Henry, car inspector, h 662 Boas Yeager Lizzie, wid Charles, h 203 N 15th Yeager Margaret, h 311 S Front ~~~r ~ichae~ laborer, h 1130 S 9t~~ ~_ _ _ __

ANDREW REDMOND, Hc;.:,~~~tJ"W:::d ~:"O~o';:~. {3d lid Rilly Sts. CoogIe

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'.eK A B T I "

-MAKES A SPEOIALT' 0 " - {i21C5 It. 5d St. PrHCOla. PIIltllc Balldlep la Pla'a TIIIU. E.u_ ,,_.

Boyd'. Harrisburg CY) City Direotory.



Yeager Pearl Mrs., h 47 N Summit Yeager Philip R, asst foreman P. R R, h 311 S Front Yeager Philip S., elk, 223 Market, h 311 S Front Yeager Rebecca, wid Daniel, h 1012 N 7th Yeager Samuel, expressman, 401 Chestnut, h Steelton Yeager Samuel J., laborer, h 1954 Swatara Yeager William G., machinist, h 1932 Briggs Yeager William J., tallyman, h 30 N Summit Yeagley Aaron H., elk The Central, h do Yeakel Mary A, wid Charles, h 1214 N Front Yeakle Jeremiah W., elk, 101 S 2d, h 1418 Derry Yeakley Rebecca E., wid Adam, h 1810 Wood av Yeater A Cloyd, engineer, h 1932 N 5th Yeater A. Cloyd, jr., fireman, h 1932 N 5th Yeater Clara L., housekeeper, h 1815 N 5th Yeater Clayton A., machinist, h 1717 N 5th Yeater James L., engineer, h 1815 N 5th Yeingst John A, laborer, h 12th nr Harris Yeisley John W., h 102 Locust Yentzer George W., brakeman, h 822 Cowden Yentzer J. Urie, watchman, h 822 Cowden Yentzer Lena, wid George D., h 331 S 16th Yeoman Morris, engineer, h 633 Verbeke Yessler Prudence, h 418 S 17th Yetter Milton, insurance agt, 14 S 2d, h Steelton Yewdell Ida H., wid Benjamin, h 224 N 3d Yinger Harry M., laborer, h 605 Race Yingling Maynard F., salesman, 321 Market, h 4:22 do Yingst Allen, grocer, 343 Peffer, h do Yingst Catharine, wid William, h 4- Chesapeake av Yingst Catharine R., weaver, h 1723 Green Yingst Charles D., (J. C. Yingst & Son), h 1505 ~ 6th Yingst Charles F., elk Post Office, h 1132 N Front Yingst Charles W., driver, h 429 Kelker Yingst Emma D., cigarmkr, h 1721 Green Yingst Ephraim, motorman, h 321 Peffer Yingst Frank p" salesman, 308 Market, h 1505 N f)th Yingst Frederick c., electrician, h 1505 N 6th Yingst Frederick W., genl mgr, 39 N 2d, h 1521 do Yingst Harry M" electrician, 204 N 2d, h 105 South Yingst Harvey, cooper, h 141 Ann av Yingst Harvey A., gt:11l foreman, :!:!7 Walnut, h Franklin House Yingst Ida, shirtmkr, h 516 Cowden Yingst J, Charles, (J. C. Yingst & Son), h 1505 N 6th YINGST 1. CHARLES & SON, (1. Charles and Charles D.), furniture and bedding, 1506 N 6th .ee adv next page Yingst John, carpets, 1132 N Front, h do


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To find a name you must !mow how to spcIllt."

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McNeil'. PaiD Elltermlnator cu_ Cbolera Morbu.. Dreentel'J. CramPS. marrbcr.. ('.old Quin.).. Rbeumatlam. Toothache. SOre Throat. Alue. I>JIpepsla.lI:e.........



Boyd's Harrisburg (Y) City Directory.


Yingst John B., messgr ~Ier. Xat. Bank, h 1230 N 3d Yingst Kate E., h 1:i1l;) ~ lith Yingst Luther G., laborer. J-. -1 Chesapeake av ~ Yingst Ralph A., elk, l:;n5 X 6th, h do ... Yingst Robert ~l., postal elk, h 1521 N 2d ~ Ying'st William, driver, h 429 Kelker Yocum Charlotte, h 1253 ~1arket i!! Yocum Charlotte, h 1341 Vernon Yocum Ezra H. Rev., h 1341 Vernon :: Yocum Henry X., carpenter, h 1539 N 6th Yocum John W., switchman. h li24 Susquehanna Yocum \ViIliam H., engineer, h 1721 Green .5 Yocum \ViIliam 111., brakeman, h :n08 Turner av _ Yoder C. William E., steam fitter, h 826 Cowden Y oeier Elizabeth, domestic, 1:!48 Market (I) Yoder Forrest L., student, b 826 Cowden Yoder H. Rudy, engineer, h 1934 ~ 5th Yoder J. Lemon, engineer, h 1635 Wallace Yoffc Harry, bottler, h 1:!3 S Cameron Yoffe Isaac, grocer, (ion ~orth, h 123 S Cameron 0 Yoffe Jacob, chinaware, 1a01 Fulton, h do C Yoff{: Morris, (:\1. Yoffe & Bro.). h 123 S Cameron Yoffe Moses, laborer, h rear 413 State Yoffe M. & Bro., CM. and T.), bottlers, 294 S Cameron Yoffe Tobias, (M. Yoffe & Bro.), h 127 S Cameron Z . Yohe Olarles E., barber, 1257 Derry, h 1254 do Vohe Henry, laborer Capitol, h 1220 Currant av Yohe John H., motorman, h 1912 N 4th .. Y ohe 1'1 inerva, seamstress, h 1625 'Wallace Yohe Samuel, laborer, h 1220 Currant av : . YOn BROS., (E. W. and O. S.), pianos, organa, muioal a.. goods and furniture, 112 Market IE Y ohn Charles A., carpenter, h 1BOa \V ood av C Yohn Ezra W., (Yohn gros.), h :\<lechanicsburg U Yohl1 Oliver S .. (Yohn Bros.), h :\lechanicsburg .... Yohn S. Catharine, laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do ~ Yolem Remedy Co., patent medicines, H. C. Ross, pres; C. u E. Covert, sec, 21 X 3d Q Yontz Harry F., painter, h l5U; N 6th



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CHAB. D. YING,,'f.

~ Tha Naw Furnitura Housa, . ... 1505 NORTH SIXTH STRUT, -= = c....ctI...





fer ACCIO T I.S1TRA.CB. loa . . . . .



Bell 'P!IoDel!Iil X. or... 'X.

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.,~~!~~v~o'!:~~ 1011 pooer ODd IIndOw ShadeS Irom A. B. TACK. rt.'lJ\t.

Boyd's Harrisburg (Y) City Directory 687 Yontz John H., painter, h l!mO Buas Yontz Joseph S., painter, h Ul30 Boas Yontz Joseph S., jr., laborer, h 1930 Boas Yontz Marcus Me., machinist, h 1515 N 6th Yontz Margaret, wid William H. H., h 1515 ~ 6th Yontz Newton R., laborer, h :!59 S Cameron Yontz Richard L. H., painter, h Vi15 N 6th Yontz William S., brakeman, h 1507 Penn Y ooss Catharine, wid Florin, h 1527 Logan av York Henry, scale inspector, h 711 N 6th York Lois, h 711 N 6th Y ork ~laria, h 711 ~ 6th Yosolovitz John, grocer, &c., :!25 Meadow la, h do Yost Annie E., h 270 Calder Yost Annie E., wid Zacharias, h 414 Muench Yost Catharine, wid Levi, h 664 Boas Yost David, fireman, h 435 Walnut Yost Edward "V., butcher, h 414 Muench Yost Elmer E., helper, h 1052 S Cameron a Yost Florence, waitress, 418 ~larket iii' Yost Frank S . laborer. h 414 ~Iuench Yost George W., helper, h 17:n Fulton ;: Yost Harry Z., laborer, h 401 Reily Yost Jeremiah D .. detective, h 664 Boas 1= Yost Lulu M., winder, h 323 Granite av Yost Mary C, stenographer, 101 S 2d, h 1804 N 4th Yost Mary]., wid Charles, h 1322 N7th Yost Nellie M., roller, h 1052 S Cameron Yost Susan, wid Jacoh, h 20 Aberdeen av Yost Thomas H., engineer, h 18114 N 4th a Young Advertising Co., Arthur C. Young, mgr. 9 S 3d ~ Yottng Albert, laborer, h 16011 Elm Young Amos W., supt Hbg Cemetery, h 221 Forster Young Annie Mrs., layer out of the dead, 106 Christie av, -

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Young Arthur C, (Young's Livery and Boarding Stable), mgr, 9 S 3d and 226 Briggs, h 222 Forster Young Benjamin F., conductor, h 418 S 16th Young Bertha M., telephone opr, 227 Walnut, h 1056 S 9th Young Charles H., weighmaster, h 10001 S Cameron Young Charles W., brakeman, h 127 Linden Young Charles W., laborer, h 724 Race Young Charles W., stenographer, h 221 Forster Young Clarkson L., laborer, h 130 Mulberry Young Cora R, h 123 Mulberry Young Cora M., h 599 S Front Young Daniel \V., driver, h 451 Hay av ':oung David F., expressman, 401 ~hestnut, h 1102 N 2d


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. -To find a name you must know how to speJllt."

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~:'H. M. KELLEY" CO.'S ~~~;~.~-==.:!'.~no':t.-:..t'~



Boyd's Harrisburg (Y) City Directory.


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a: Z o Z a: LLI > o

Young David K., plumber, ~13 N 2d, h 119 Mulberry Young D. Webster, laborer, h 451 Hay av Young Edwin C, h 227 Forster Y oUllg Elizabeth, wid David, h 1412 S 13th Young F. Harry, track walker, h 1004 S 9th Young Frank, elk, h 1056 S 9th Young Frank M., fireman, h 235 Kelker Young George A., foreman, h 2029 Logan av Young George G., grocer, 1056 S Cameron, h do Young George M., butcher, h 323 Crescent Young George M., elk, 101 S 2d, h 242 North Young George W., planer, h 1056 S 9th Young Harry C, letter carrier, h 121 Conoy Young Harry F., machinist, h 242 North Young Henry F., meat, 506 Walnut, h 508 do Young Henry H., track walker, h 1004 S 9th Young Howard R., helper, h lil5 Hanna Young Jacob R., brickmkr, hElm c 16th Young James E., driver, h 1 N 9th Young James H., barber, h 2 rear 1028 State Young John, pool room The Lochie\, h 1125 Capital Young John, potter, h HlfI~ N 7th Young John G., genl agt, ()19 Walnut, h 109 N 13th Young John H., foreman, h 599 S Front Young John J.,janitor, h 111 Short Young John L., brakeman, h H46 N 7th Young Joseph, fireman, h 946 N 7th Young Julia, domestic, 104 N 3d YOUNG'S LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE, (A. C Young), 226 Briggs Young Martha, housekeeper, 422! State Young Martha E., wid Adam, h 2 rear 1026 State Young Mary E., h Hl08 N 7th Young Mary E., h 221 Forster Young Mary E., cook, h 554 Primrose av Young Mary P., wid John W., h 2L1 Walnut YOUNG liEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, Homer Black, genl Bee, 228 N 3d Young Rebecca, housekeeper, 702 Race Young Robert, janitor. h 522 North av Young Robert, laborer, h 417 West av Young Robert G. N., laborer, h 422! State Young Ross W., cigars, H3n! N 6th. h 508 Walnut Young Sarah, wid James B., h 452 S Cameron Young Theodore. puddler, h 1112 S Cameron Young Thomas S .. fireman, h 2034 N 4th Young Wi\lard S., elk, 223 l\larket, h 221 Forster Young William, laborer, h 946 N 7th

ANDREW REDMOND, If:::!::~d'::::~. {3d lid Rilly Sis.

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B ft.. TACK

w.n P . . .r. The bel, aD4 low_t pries. W I ...ow { IIU8 I ........ eomplelie nuu- and I'l'1II.- fIX'" . U St.


Boyd's Harrisburg (Z) City Direotory.


Young William, waiter, 314 Market, h do Young William H., brakeman, h 132 Hoerner Young William H., asst supt, 14 S 2d, h New Cumberland Young William H., driver, h 1411 N 4th Young William H., transferman, h 221 Meadow la YOUNG WOJ(D'S CHBISTIAN ASSOCIATION, )[iss Emma B. Koore, gen! lee, 1102 N 3d Yount Charles E., drygoods, 320 Verbeke, shoes, 322 do, h 1502 Green Yousling George E., clk P. R R, h 234 N 15th Yousling John Y., carpenter, 119 Verbeke, h 1213 Green Y owler Charles E., clk Hershey House, h 44 N Summit Yowler William H., baker, 5~4 Peffer, h do Yungel Joseph P., foreman, 1402 Vernon, h 1471 Regina Zacharias Harvard C, (Delaware ~lercantile Co.), h 211 Walnut Zacks Ettee, h 720 N 7th Zacks Hyman, optician, h 104 Tanner's av Zacks Louis, clothier, 332 Verbeke, h 1415 Green Zaepfel Albert, brakeman, h 1003 N 7th Zarger Boyd U., patternmkr, h 1346 State Zarger Clarence E., machinist. h 1346 State Zarger Jacob, .foreman, h 1346 State Zarger, see Zorger ZARKEB. Ali.DREW U., (Zarker & Hoerner), pres East Harrisburg Farmers' Karket Co. and treu Eut Harrisburg Building and Loan Association, 100 S 13th, h do . Zarker Benjamin F., conductor, h 526 ~[aclay Zarker Charles C, painter, h 20 N Cameron Zarker Frank K., fireman, h 526 :\laclay Zarker George, laster, h 140 S 13th Zarker Gertntde, weaver, h 22H Verbeke Zarker Jacob S., painter, h 20 N Cameron Zarker John H., watchmkr, 1314 N 3d, h 526 Maclay Zarker Lewis H., laborer, h 1541j Vernon Zarker Mary ~L, wid William H., h 1915 N 6th Zarker Rachel S., wid John H., h 126 Evergreen Zarkcr Robert E., varnisher, h 20 N Cameron Zarker Simon B., driver, h 223 Verbeke Zarker William H .. painter, h 20 N Cameron Zarker & Hoerner, (A. U. Zarker and W. M. Hoerner), real estate, 100 S 13th Zastrow Elizabeth, wid George, h 73 N 16th Zearfoss Robert M., car repairer, h 626 Maclay Zearfoss Samuel A., laborer, h 1540 N 6th Zearing Harry B., motorman, h 533 Peffer



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"To find~-~e you must know how to


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McNEIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. :~.~::iJ~df:':n~~I~~t;.:: {306 Bra

Boyd's Harrisburg (Z) City Directory.
Zears Henrv. laborer. h 1227 1\ 7th Zedricks CIlester Wo, barber, h 305 Chestllut Zedricks Eliza C ~lrso. jallitress, h 305 Chestnut Zedricks Harry Ho, barber, 418 Market, h 305 Chestnut Zedricks Lydia Ao, laundress, h 517 State Zeiders Agnes Ho, h 1264 ~1arket Zeiders Banks Wo, elk, 4:J8 Walnut, h 282 Union av Zeiders Catharine, wid Henrv. h 1264 Market Zeiders Edward, grocer, 145i) Regina, h Palmyra Zeiders Edward 00, carpenter, h 1421t Regina Zeiders Elmer C. elk, 1450 Regina, h do Zeiders Emma, dressmkr, Hi!) X 15th. h do Zeiders Fannie Eo, music teacher, 1264 :\Iarket, h do Zeiders Gertrude, watch woman Lunatic Hospital, h do Zeiders Harry, heater, h 24 SlOth Zeiders Ho Austin, printer, 201 K 2d, h 1524 Penn Zeiders Ida B., shoe operator, h 46 X 13th Zeiders Ira, laborer, h 14511 Regina Zeiders Jay, collector, 1419 N 2d, h 151) X 15th Zeiders Jeremiah Ho, teacher. h 159 1\ 15th Zeiders Jeremiah Mo, carpenter, h 14511 Regina Zeiders}. Henry, h 1450 Regina Zeiders John, carpenter, h 38 N 13th Zeiders John Do, janitor. 228 N 3ct, h 282 Union av Zeiders Jonathan, contractor, h 46 N l:Uh Zeiders Katherine Mo. teacher, h 1264 :\Iarket Zeiders Laura A.. shoe operator, h 46 1\ 13th Zeiders Lewis S., laborer, h 14571 Regina Zeiders Mo Henrietta, teacher, h 1264 Market Zeiders Theodore M .. elk. 128 Short, h 39 Linden Zeiders William Do, laborer, h Fox av nr Boas Zeicters William Do, wood finisher, h 65R Sayford av Zeiders William Wo. laborer, h 159 N 15th Zeiders William Wo, tinsmith, h 1628 Park Zeiders, see Seiders Zeigenthaler John R.. shearsman, h 5!j;'; Race Zeigler Amos \Vo, conductor, h 520 Emerald Zeigler Annie Eo, wid Henry So, h 527-1 Peffer Zeigler Catharine Ao, trimmer, 27 S 2d, h 118 Cumberland Z~igler Charles C, brakeman, h 527t Peffer Zeigler Charles No, brakeman. h 1623 Wallace Zeigler Clarence, elk, h 266 Briggs Zeigler Daniel Mo, upholsterer. h 157 Paxton Zeigler Elizabeth Ao, wid Jacob, h :n N 15th Zeigler Florence B .. domestic. 324 Strawberry av Zeigler George B. ~L laborer, h 605 Showers av Zeigler George C. hostler, h 2006 Elizabeth av Zeigler Harold. steelworker, h 1119 Wallace
loa ......... EDW G ROBERTS WUlgoOD)'GUrbondo Bell 'Phone l1li: X.8 or _w-. bond. are uecuted. X.
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A. B. TACK ~~~::t II PoDer ond IlndOI . . ;Wam:

B01d's Harrisburg (Z) Cit}' Directol'J'.
Zeigler Hester, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Zeigler Isaac M., carpenter, h 134 Balm Zeigler John G., laborer, h 1152 Cumberland Zeigler John M., conductor, h 512 Emerald Zeigler Maggie P., h 259 Liberty Zeigler Margaret B. Mrs., h rear 326 Cherry av Zeigler Mary, cigarmkr, h 411 Filbert Zeigler Mary, wid John, h 111:; Cumberland Zf'igler Mary A., wid Elias, h 421 Herr Zeigler Solomon B., carpenter, h mm Wainut Zeigler Victor, postal elk, h 442 S 14th Zeigler William S., conductor, It 625 Reily Zeigler, see Ziegler, also Sigler Zei! J. Thomas, salesman, h ::l53 Briggs Zei! Margaretta, wid Wilham, h 248 Oliver av Zdl William F., salesman, 228 Market, h 253 Briggs Zdic Eciward, waiter Com 'with, h 2:m Cranberry av Zell Bessie, housekeeper, 1223 S 9th . ZeU B. Frank, laborer, h 1223 S 9th ZeU John n., puddler, h 106 Cowden Zell John D. B., engine inspector, h 611 Cumberland Zell John W., laborer, h 122:~ S 9th Zell Samuel A., laborer, h 1223 S 9th ZeU Thomas Z., barber, h 530 S Cameron Zell William S., harber, 1427 1\ 6th, h 15110 do Zeller Annie M., dressmkr, h 411 Hamilton Zeller Ephraim, machinist, h 411 Hamilton Zellers Albert K., fireman, h 1512 Wallace Zellers Alfred M.,. carpenter, h 1901 N 7th Zellers Annie M., sorter, h 1901 N 7th Zellers David, brakeman, h 2102 N 6th Zellers George A., supt, 14U2 Vernon, h 1475 Regina Zellers George W., brakeman, h 11n5 N 7th Zellers Isaac W., vet surg, 404! Verbeke. h 1220 N 6th Zellers James P., elk, 1020 Berryhill, h 1018 do Zellers John F., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Zellers Mary T., wid Emanuel. h 1018 Berryhill Zellers Susan, saleslady, h 12211 1\ 6th Zentmeyer S. James, painter, h il54 Crescent Zerbe Edna, saleslady, 334 Markd, h 220 N 15th Zerbe John S., postal elk, h 1254 Swatara Zerbe Silvia, teacher, h 220 1': 15th Zerbe William H .. (Page & Zerbe), h 220 N 15th Zerbey Jacob, laborer, h 122 Charles av Zerby Arthur S., plasterer, h 2150 Atlas av Zerby Francis, plasterer, h 21ilO Atlas av Zerby Mary E., wid Joel R.. h ~15t1 Atlas av Zerby Sylvanus 'Y., lather, h 21:iCl .\tlas av .


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To find a name you must know how to speD it."

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: :: Zercher Bmjamin F . conductor, h 313 Verbeke ...., Zerfoss Samuel B .. draftsman. h 2115 Moore ~ Zettler Reinhold, laborer. h U:U S Wth ~ ZIEGLER FRANX E., lawyer and notary, 18 N 3d, h 110 .. Calder ;; Ziegler Jacob H., mgr, 1004 N 3d, h Rowenna _ Ziegler John H., h 1:!:~ State Ziegler Joseph G., tZiegler & Hayes). h 63 ~ 14th ~ Ziegler William L., jr., drug elk, 4tH Market, h Steelton - ZIEGLER &; HAYES, (loseph G. Ziegler and Harry F. ~ Hayes), roofing. spouting, stoves and furnaces, III _ Hummel . - Ziegler, see Zeigler, also Sigler ~ Zigner Harry B., salesman. :HS Market, h 407 do LLI Zimmerman Aaron A., brakeman. h 640 Calder Zimmerman Aaron S .. special officer. h 104 Cherryav Zimmerman Alberta, teacher, h 157 Paxton ... Zimmerman Amelia C, wid Henry, h 103 Tuscarora LLI Zimmerman Anna, laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do Zimmerman Annie E .. wid Conrad 0., h :107 S Front Zimmermc;.n Annie M., h l:H Hoerner Z Zimmerman Carrie. sakslauy, ;::{.l ~tarket, h MiddletO\vn Zimmerman Glarles. dentist, :!7a Herr. h do Zimmerman Charles F., elk 1st Nat. Bank, h 1333 Derry Z Zimmerman Charles J., elk P. R. R., h 1617 N 6th Zimmerman Charles L., scalemkr, h 214 Peffer LLI Zimmerman Christian T., fireman, h 448 SlOth Zimmerman Daisy, housekeeper, 1329 Howard Zimmerman Daisy, toer, h H09 Currant av Zimmerman David A., boilermkr, h 111 Brady av Zimmerman David R. :\1.. driver. h 1)111 Cumberland .=- Zimmerman Edward L., telegrapher P. R R, h 618 "CII Forster :; Zimmerman Edwin S., laborer, h 104 Cherry av Zimmerman Elizabeth, wid John B., h 1543 N 6th ~ Zimmerman Emma B.. wid George Z .. h 1515 N 2d ::::; Zimmerman Florence, h 4:11; S 2d . .. Zimmerman Frank c., laborer, h 14 Lochiel 2d Row ~ Zimmerman George E .. laborer. h 517 Kelker .. Zimmerman George \V., ironworker. h 1617 N 6th ~ Zimmerman Harriet, wid Tcssc, h ::i6f1 SlOth -- Zimmerman Harrison \V .. "laborer. h 11131 Forster Zimnlerrnan Harrv, laborer, h 14 Lochiel 2d Row ,. Zimmerman Harry J., planer, h 560 SlOth ~ Zimmerman Harry S., lahorer, h 1fI3 Tuscarora g Zimmerman Harvey. carpenter. h 1197 Bailey .. Zimmerman Harvey G. draftsman, h 1329 Howard Zimmerman Jacoh. boilermkr. h 5110 SlOth


D~flt: W~,} H.

M. KELLEY &. CO. {1o~~\dta~!1::

Boyd's Harrisburg (Z) City Directory.



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~':.::~':t8~:!~j'~:';;! ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d Ind Rill, SII.

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B TACK , 3d st.


dcw...,;"tand ll111U~ Ito Wort Clone In an1 JIIII1ofB&at.e.

none but ftrst-el_ wormeD. 11__ oal~"

Boyd'. Harrisburg (Z) City Directory.



Zimmerman James B., laborer, h 1Ii:J9 ~ 7th Zimmerman James C, porter Hershey House. h do Zimmerman J. Irvin, hrakeman, h :!040 FuitOll Zimmerman Johanna, wid Leonard, h 117 Ann a v Zimmerman John A., puddler. h HIl5 Hemlo.:k Zimmerman John H., carpenter, 1329 Howard, h do Zimmerman John H., asst yardlllaster, h lIit!' N Hth Zimmerrrian John J., messgr 1st Nat. Bank, h 157 Paxton Zimmerman John W., broom mfr. 60!} Reily, Ii ]543 N 6th Zimmerman Joseph C., engineer, h 131 Sassafras av Zimmerman Josiah C. brakeman, h 13]6 ~laple av Zimmerman Kate, h :m7 S Front Zimmerman Laura. h 5119 Harris Zimmerman Lillie E .. seamstress, h 1114 Cherry av Zimmerman Luther R., grpcer. :!1I15 :\ lith, h do Zimmerman Lydia Mrs., domestic. :!:n Straw!Jerry av Zimmerman Mary J., book gatherer. h 157 Paxton Zimmerman Matilda 1\1., wid John W., h 1617 ~ 6th Zimmerman ~1a\" C, elk. 211 :\ :!d. h :!:)5 South Zimmerman Michael, brakeman, h 2137 Atlas av Zimmerman Morris. conductor, h 2H5 South Zimmerman Peter S . chief elk. 16 N 2d. h 42:'i :\laelav Zimmerman Robert ~L. printer. h 129 Paxton Zimmerman Rufus A .. helper, h 237 South Zimmerman Samuel H., lawver. 213 Walnut. h :1:J1I Macla\' Zimmerman Samuel N .. enitneer. h ~55 Briggs . Zimmerman Samuel S .. milk. 211 N 2d. h 12:m ~111lberrv Zimmerman Theophilus F., yardmaster P. R. R.. h 516 K 3d Zimmerman Thomas J .. car inspector. h 171H :\ 4th Zimmerman Thomas ~1 . lahorer. h 1Hali S 1:~th Zimmerman William. laborer. h 42Lochiel 4th Row Zimmerman William G .. foreman F. amI ~I. Works, h 522 Woodbine Zimmerman William H .. laborer. h '::0311 Logan :l\' Zimmerman William 0 . brakeman. h l:JO!l Wallace Zimmerman William W., engineer. h 15:U; X fith Zimmerman William W .. laborer. h 1.:-l4 Hoerner Zink David c., ins sol. h Hotel Columbus Zink George A., mgr. hIll Washing-ton Zink Joseph, car repairer, h 1432 ~ 6th Zink William D .. carpenter. h 917 Myrtle a\' Zinn Abbie M .. wid Levi R.. h 1940 N fith ZIlO' ANSON B., baker, 1409 N 3d, h do Zinn Edward c., postal elk, h 11)40 ?\ 6th Zinn Edward P., h 14()9 N 3d Zinn Frank H .. car repairsman. h 1602 X 6th Zinn J. Newton, machinist. h ] 1114 ~J arkct




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To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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Boyd's Harrisburg (Z) City Directory.



.: Zitch Margaret, wid James, h tuut ~ iith I Zoll Addison M., bartender, 1415 ~ 3d, h do ~ Zoll Salome, saleslady, 334 Marht, h Oberlin Zoll William M., laborer, h 222 S 17th ~ Zoller Gertrude L., forelady, 322 Market, h 93t S 20! '1!! Zollinger Charles S., salesman, a34 ~Iarket, h 421 Xorth ~ Zollinger Elizabeth B., tel opr, 210 Walnut, h 1628 N 3d Zollinger George c., h 1628 "K 3d B Zollinger Geo. J., stoves, 30S Blackberry av, h 2109 ~ 3d Ii Zollinger Ida J. Mrs., h 421 Korth _ Zollinger Jennie 1\1., cashier, 4!)S Walnut, h 602 Xorth :I Zollinger John, elk, h 602 North Zollinger John F., blacksmith, 115 S Dewberry av, h 602 North (I) Zollinger Julia B.. wid John H., h 304 Chestnut ZOLLINGER SAMUEL W., wines and liquon, 4315 J(arket, h 2109 N 3d Zollinger Susan, wid William G., h 2109 N :ld ZOLLIBGER WARREN A., hats and caps, 13 S 2d, h do Zollinger William G., blacksmith, h 602 Xorth C Zone William L., driller, h 19 Brady av Zorger Anna c., wid Peter F., h 923 Bartine av Zorger Calvin, heater, h 2127 Swatara Zorger Daniel H., brakeman. h In5 Fultl)11 Zorger Frank, laborer, h 1849 Swatara Zorger, see Zarger, also Zarker Florence O ZortmanJohn, hotel,B.. wid Daniel.h hdo708 X ::d Zudrell 501 l'.Jarket, .,: Zudrell Joseph, brushmkr. 1513 Walnut, h do Zug Frank V., buyer. 334 Market. h 113 du ~ Zullinger J. Warren. elk, 4tn Chestnut, h I:WI Penn E ~w~ifel Thoma~, forem~I'!' h 67~_Bo~s :) ZWieg Frank \V., mach11llst. h L).):t \ crnon

-= Zinn Percy c., laborer, h Ist1 i\ 7th 7th =Zinn William, machinist, h 1821






11. BOYD

Standard , Directories,


A. .."ldeol, LI .,llIlY .... BleH .. Beller I_rao-.

103 Norlb 8 _ " BI. Bell 'Phone 861 X. or II8CI L

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Wall Paper and Window Shacia. {1.::-:~.:~~~":.'.

Boyd's Steelton Directory. 695

ABlla.VlAlrIOK. U8&D IN TillS DuuwroaY.-Ab., above; al., alley; av., avenue; bel., below; beL, between; bIde.. building; bookkpr., bookkeeper; clk . elerk ; c., comer: do., ditto; E., eut ; ft., foot; h., home; Inl., lneurance; Ia.. Jane; mfr., manufacturer; mgr., manager; mkr., m"ker; Dr., near; N.. nortb; Pa .. Penneylvanla; P. 8. Co., Penna. Steel Co.; rd . road; R. R., railroad; 1Iq., .quare; S., lOuth; 8. S. Co., Steelton Store CO.; W., WeBt; wid widow.

o o





Burgess-Edward Lewis. Borough Solicitor-Frank B. Wickersham. Borough Treasurer-Leroy H. Sutton. High Constable-John T. Buser. ;: Council-Harry H. Campbell, pres.; Samuel F. Barley, !" H. O. Smith, Michael Harclerode, Jacob Good, Jerome rHite, Joseph H. Gerdes, James McDonald, William S. Mills. ~ Secretary of Council-John D. Young. ~ School Directors-William F. Darby, pres.; James A. :. Bell, sec.; William A. Attick, Mason D. Pratt, vVilliam:\1. !::i James, Albert B. Smith, George E. Coulson, ]. B. .\[artin. - :z: Daniel F. Gilbert, Israel V. Buser. Abbott Francis E., keeper, h H51 S 2d :. Abercrombie Utley S., purchasing agt S. S. Co., h 3411 g Spntce C; ABERCROJrtBIE WYJrIAN E., genl supt Steelton Store Co., h ;: 349 Spruce : Acker Harry, steelworker, h 24:1 S Front en Acker John, laborer, h 243 S Front :;; Acker John, laborer, h 758 S 2d Acri Augustus, laborer, h 385 S 3d ~ Acri Frank, laborer, h 205 Mohn Acri Gabriel, laborer, h 205 Mohn Acri James, laborer, h 223 S Front en Q Acri John, laborer, h 385 S 3d c Acri Lewis, laborer, h 385 S 3d :; Acri Nicholas, laborer, h 385 S 3d Acri Tony, laborer, h 223 S Front ;t Acrison Martin, machinist, h 383 S Front ADaS EXPRESS CO., T. V. Gardner, agt, 140 If Front Adams Heywood, laborer, h 1091 Adams Adams Ira, laborer, h 430 Swatara Adams Marshall c., h 109! Adams Adams Robert M., blacksmith, h 735 K Front

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... To find a name yo~ must know how to spell-!i"

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M. KELLEY & CO. Hc:::.~taf.'=:



Boyd's Steelton Directory.


~ Adams Wilbur, laborer, h 109! Adams


== c:a


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a: LLI >


Agney Kate, wid David, h 346 Swatara Agollrup John, laborer, h 223 Canal al Aikey Thomas c., painter, h 519 S Front Akens George, laborer, h 3::17 S 4th Albert Henry V., salesman S. S. Co., h 121 S Front Albert John A., laborer, h 547 Christian Albert Joseph E., butcher S. S. Co., h 2ill S :!d Albert William W., elk S. S. Co., h 164 S 2d Albright Amelia, wid William, h 49 Frederick Albright William M., restaurant, litl N Front, h 605 do Alden Charles A., civil engineer P. S. Co., h 401 Pine Alkisic Stojan, laborer, h 55 Trewick ALLEIIAB' BROS., (F. H. and . R.), general insurance and real estate agents, 145 N Front Alleman Ethan C, elk. :!;n N Front, h 236 N 2d Alleman Frederick H., (Alleman Bros.). h 145 N Front Alleman George R., coal (wholesale). 145 ~. Front, contractor, 326 Lincoln, h do Alleman Leah. wid ~lichael R .. h 144. !\ 2d Alleman Lemuel H., laborer. h 69 Frederick Alleman l'Ian' A .. elk. h 144 ~ 20 Alleman M. Rudy. (Alleman Bros.). h 147 !\ Front Alleman Virgilia, teacher. h 2:!;~ l\ Front Allen Charles L . machinist, h If;; S 2d Allen Maggie, h 35f! Ridge Allen Thomas, machinist. h IH Swatara Allison John B.. miller. h 16a Frederick Allsbary Henry. laborer. h 82 Furnace A. M. E. Church, Adams c N 2d


~:~~0~r~:~1:~~~e;:i~ ~S;,,~r~;~~;H Christian

Andermann Reinhold. blacksmith, h 711~ ~ 2d Anoerson Beauregard. laborer, h rear !I:~4 S Front Anderson Elizabeth R.. wid Yalentine P., h 169 Lincoln Anderson Ernest c.. hricklayer. h 4th nr Swatara : Anderson EYan G . elk P. S. Co .. h Hbg Anderson John H., painter. h :~411 Myers III: Anderson John W .. elk S. S. Co.. h 11m Lincoln ~ Anderson 'Robert L .. crane tender. h :l40 Mvers - Anderson Thomas .T .. laborer. h 129 Ridge . ~ Anderson William. laborer. h 129 Ridge ~ Andes Charles B .. laborer. h 372 S 2d i= _ Andrew George B., riveter. h 4iiH l\-1ain :!i Anfang Frank, laborer. h 611 S Front c:I c:; Antonowitch Donas, mason. h 415 Catharine ~ ~~mstead_Erasmus, laborer, h 216 Ridge _.

c:a Amon Katrina. wid Johann. h li21 S Front



REDMOND. ~3d Ind Rill, Sis. CoogIe

Digitized by

A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,


Boyd's Steelton Directory.

Armstrong Frank, butcher, 196 S Front, h 224 Locust Armstrong James W., laborer, h 246 Canal al Armstrong Joseph S., laborer, h 229 S Front Arnold Christian H., laborer, h 3fi5 Myers Arnold Jacob, laborer, h 325 N Front Arnold John, laborer, h 356 Swatara Arthur Richard F., engineer, h Cumbler's Row Ashbrook Joseph, machinist, h 1113 Main Ashby Thomas, laborer, h lIIHi Adams Ashenfelter Walter G., machinist, h 347 Poplar Asper Josiah, engineer, h 336 Cbristian Asse1n Emil, draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Atkinson Horace G., engineer, h 122 Frederick Atkinson John ]., helper, h 32 S 2d Atkinson McClellan H . elk S. S. Co., h 365 S Front Atkinson William, blacksmith, h :{1)5 S Front Atkinson William B., helper. h 32 S 2d Atland William, baker, h 4115 Bessemer Attick David M., conductor, h &1~ N Front Attick Edward C, letter carrier, h 22 Chestnut Attick John K., elk P. S. Co., h Highspire Attick William A., heater, h :157 S 2d Attick William C, bricklayer, h SHS N Front Atticks Abraham, h 412 N Front Atticks Charles H., chargcr, h 217 Lincoln Atticks Charles W., barber, h 204 :\lyers Atticks John C, carpenter, h 640 N 2d .Atticks Mary E .. wid John W .. h 209 Lincoln Atticks Robert R, laborer. h 6:U N 2d Atwell John, laborer, h rear U~9 Adams Atwell Thomas, laborer. h rear I3n Adams Audenried William G., jr., pres E. :\1. & E. Co., h Phila. Aughenbaugh Lewis F., laborer. h 321 Trewick AZBE FRANCIS 1. REV., rector St. Mary's R. C. Church. h S lad nr Hoffer Babb Charles H., notary public. 117 X Front, h do Babb Harry J., yardmaster P. R R, h 230 Pine Babble Samuel C, elk P. S. Co., h 342 Pine Babble William H.. bridge builder, h 2d nr Elenor Ba~hauec Ferdinand, laborer, h 941 S 2d Bachman Augu!'t, laborer, h 4:13 Mohn Bachman Frederick. jr., machinist, h Mohn nr limits Bachman Wilhelm, furnaceman. h 423 ~Iohn Badlam Stephen, asst supt merchant mill P. S. Co., h 309 Pine Baer Anton, shoemkr. 157 ~ Front, h do Bacr Mary M., elk. 121 S Front, h 157 ~ Front

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.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR gm:o~':.::e =~~i-ed~~l. {~~.

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Boyd'. Steelton Directory.


.: ..: A.




Dailey Frank E., jeweler, mgr Postal Telegraph Cable Co. and Western Union Cable Co., 7 S Front, h 9 do Bailey John F. Rev., h 221 Adams Bailey Lloyd E., telegrapher, h 9 S Front Bailey Newton, blacksmith, h 267 N Front Bailey Silas, laborer, h 352 Ridge Bailey Stephen, laborer, h 352 Ridge Bailey Taylor, laborer, h 247 Adams Bailey William, laborer, h 174 Ridge Bailey William, laborer, h 310 Ridge Bailor George, laborer, h 308 Ridge Bailor Grant J., engineer, h 168 Ridge Bailor John W., h 216 N Front Bailor Washington, laborer, h 216 N Front Bair Joseph W., laborer,h 407 River al Bakaley John, laborer, h 24 N 2d Baker Albert E., laborer, h 320 Christian Baker Charles P., elk P. S. Co., h 229 Walnut Baker Edward, hooker, h 40S S 2d Baker George, fireman, h 155 Frederick Baker George, laborer, h 305 S Front Baker George, laborer, h 947 S Front Baker Henry, laborer, h 109 Adams Baker John, laborer, h 23 Walnut Baker John A., molder, h 372 Myers Bakovic Yanko, laborer, h 634 S 3d Baldwin Cemetery, S. F. and A. W. Dunkle, trustees, I9:.! N Front Baldwin Commandery, No. lOS, A. and I. O. Knights of Malta, C. J. Reidel, rec; meets ~lOnday eve., 22 S Front Baldwin Edward S., hricklayer, h 382 Myers Baldwin Hose Co., No.4, 402 River av BALDWIN HOUSE, Reuben N. Laudermilch, propr, 373 S Front Ball James H., elk. h 1:!7 Adams Ball J. Sydney, laborer, h 407 Bailey Ball Milford Rev., h 127 Adams Ballet William, steelworker, h 565 S :!d Balmer Samuel H., elk, h IU; Lincoln Baltimore Jacoh. laborer, h 16i Adams Baltimore Nero. laborer, h 16i Adams Bamberger Frank, laborer, h 266 Myers Bamberger Herbert, U. S. A., h 266 Myers Bancovich Marco, laborer, h 150 Frederick Bancovich :\[ichael, laborer, h 18 N 2d Bankovic Mato, laborer, h 220 Frederick Banks Charles, laborer, h 312 Ridge Banks John II., fOn~lllall, h 230 ~fain
Tbe A..erl"BD BODdln. (:omp.a:r. Baltimore, Md. BOW. G. ROBRRTII. General Agent L'encral Penna. Dlatrlct. 103 I!f ,. Bell 'Phone 8:11 X, or fI8a X.
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P~':~~~Jf,:~:r~::..!!..& {If IS Boyd'. Steelton DireotOl'J.

IOnD lDlrd II.


Bannan Annie D., elk S. S. Co., h 121 S 4th Bannan Harrison \V., machinist, h :mo Elm Bannan William F., machinist, h 1:!l S 4th Banowic Marks, laborer, h 913 S 2d Barber Jeremiah, laborer, h 453 Orchard al Barber Louis, laborer, h 249 Adams Barborette Thomas, laborer, h au S 3d Barbudo Gabriel, laborer, h 377 53d Barbush Michael, fruit, 221 5 Front, h 223 do Baricevic Mijo, laborer, h 27 N 2d Baringer Oscar, painter, h 30 5 3d Barksdale Jefferson D., laborer, h 121 Ridge Barkus Wtlliam H., laborer, h 209 Adams Barley Abraham, painter, h 6 ~ 4th Barley Christian E., plasterer, h 1 S 4th Barley Harry E., plasterer, h 2H9 Locust Barley Ralph c., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Barley 5amuel A., plasterer, h 1 N 4th Barley Wilson 5., student. h 1 N 4th Barnes Harvey, laborer, h 327 5 2d Barnes Jacob, electrician, h 636 5 2d Barnet Harry X., carpenter, h 212 1\ Front Barnet John J., carpenter, h 2117 ~ Front Barnet John R., carpenter, h 2417 N Front Barnet \Valter H., carpenter, h 2(171\ Front Barrick Frank, ironworker. h 527 Bessemer Barrick George, patternmkr. h 25 Chestnut Barrick John W., elk, h 45 S 4th Bartels Charles W., laborer, h 2:10 Lincoln Bartels Henry, laborer, h 220 Lincoln Bartels Luther G. \V., laborer, h 426 Swatara Bartholomew John, civil engineer P. S. Co., h Hbg Bartolet Thomas, laborer, h 59 Pearl Baskin Oliver P., snpt water works, h 150 Main Basom E. Scott, stamper, h 321 Poplar Basr Frank, laborer, h 821 S Hd Bassett Robert J., constructor, h 25 N 4th Batcher Stieve, grocer, 602 S 3d. h do Batdorf Elsworth, laborer, h 166 Frederick Batdorff Frank E., laborer, h 328 l\Iain Batdorff John W., blacksmith. h 328 Main Bates Henry L., foreman, h 26 Chestnut Battis William, laborer, h 537 Iron al Battle ~forris. laborer, h 12.1) Ridge Rattle Samuel 0 .. laborer, h 125 Ridge Ratton William, blacksmith. h 565 S Front Bauchmoyer Joseph W .. laborer. h 244 Christian Baughman John C, laborer, h 201 S 2d

:II -I I

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-To Bnd a name

yoo must lmow how to spell it."

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H. M. KELLEY &. CO .. COAL AND WOOD {OIllC8S: :o:.~r~



Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

~ ::z:: ~ .... :;

a-o Baukwitch John, laborer, h 18 N 2d

Baum Abram, steelworker, h 111 Christian Bausher Carmi 1., civil engineer P. S. Co., h Hbg Baxter Carroll H. Rev., h 247 Adams Baxter David, watchman, h 179 N Front Baxter James F., telegraph operator, h 179 N Front Beachan William, laborer, h 327 Swatara Bealor Alvin, laborer, h 372 S 2d Beals Joseph, laborer, h 210 Adams Beam Samuel, laborer, h 36::~1 S Front Bear Joseph K., brick burner, h M30 N Front Beard George W., laborer, h 601 S 2d Beard Herman T., engineer, h 228 Main Beard Herman T., heater, h 537 S Front Beard Lewis c., frog builder, h 440 Main Beard Samuel G., watchman P. S. Co., h 440 Main Beasley Addison, laborer, h 108 Ridge Beasley Letitia, cook, 349 Spruce Beatty Olivia, domestic, 245 Pine Bechtel John M., laborer, h 361 S Front Beck Charles H., frog builder, h 26~ Main Beck Charles L., hotel, 129 S Front, h do Beck Cnristian F., blacksmith, h 512 S 2d Beck Christian F., electrician, h 335 Swatara Beck Emma A., staver, h 229 S 2d Beck Esther E., wid John c., h 229 S 2d Beck Ferdinand F., blacksmith, h 211 Swatara Beck Frederick, machinist, h 337 Swatara Beck Harry E., machinist, h 248 S 2d Beck James, laborer, h 171 S 4th Beck Jeremiah A., carpenter, h 601 N 2d Beck John A., laborer, h 270 S 2d Beck Lauritz F.,. -pumpman, h 337 Swatara Beck Peter. bottler, h 337 Swatara Beck William H., molder, h 229 S 2d Becker Stanislaus, laborer, h 109 Frances Beckley Ross L., laborer, h 14 N 3d Beckwith Edward L., laborer, h 856 N Front Beckwith Harriet, wid Warren, h 856 N Front Beckwith Jesse, laborer, h 856 N Front Beeuwkes Rienier K., electrical engr, h 25 N 4th Behman Henry, laborer, h 219 Christian Behman Jacob H., laborer, h 448 Swatara Behny C. Thomas, grocer, 31H Main; h do Behny G. Walter, shirtcutter, h 354 Locust Beide1 Charles H., barber. 4l'i S Front, h 43 do Beidel Clarence]., barber, h 175 N Front Reidel George B., stenographer P. S. Co., h 24 S 4th


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ANDREW REDMOND, H~;:;:~D.f:::d ~k,'j.o'i:~. {3d .Id Reily Sil,

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PrHCOIDIr Pabllc BUlldl"IrS In Plain TlnU. fall_ _ """.

_AteEB A 8,.fCIAL"


{121' ... '4 St.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.


.. .-. ,

Beidel Henry F., laborer, h 1:.J4 S ~d Beidel John M., shoemkr, 41 S 2d, h 136 do Beidel John W., laborer, h ~ Pine Beidel Joseph E., elk, h 26 S 4th Beidel Philip D., grocer, 26 S 4th, h do Beider Emma, h 366 Main Beider Philip, rigger, h 365 Main Heider Philip, jr., laborer, h 365 l\lain Beinhauer Sherman S., steelworker, h 152 Bessemer Beinhower Kate, wid Adam, h 203 ~:lyers Belknap Frazee L., draftsman, h 19 N 4th Belknap Robert E., sales agt P. S. Co., h 19 N 4th Bell George, steelworker, h 31 N Front Bell James A., time inspector, h 340 Pine Bellamy Samuel W., laborer, h 907 S Front Bellows W. Scott, engineer, h 629 N Front Benciz Joseph, laborer, h 25 N ~d Bender Daniel G., laborer, h 315 N Front Bender David, helper, h 534 N 2d Bender George, laborer, h rear 355 N Front Bender George H., salesman, h 625 N Front Bender Joseph H., laborer, h :J75 S 3d Bender Lewis P., laborer, h 228 Canal al ' Bender Margaret, wid Ephraim, h 228 Canal al Bendorf Benjamin, steelworker, h 274 Myers Benfer Arthur E., steelworker, h 418 Harrisburg Bennett Edward, laborer, h 27 Locust Bennett John. helper, h 232 S 2d Benson Charles G . rigger, h 315 S 2d Bent Henry B., steel inspector P. S. Co., h 334 Spruce Bent Luther S. School Building, 3d c Bessemer Bent Quincy, laborer, h !!04 Pine Bentley Artalissa I., teacher, h 17 Swatara Bentley Margaret A., housekeeper, 17 Swatara Benton Gilbert L. Very Rev., rector St. James' R. C. Church, h 407 N Front Bentz A. Westley, laborer, h 403 N 3d Bentz William A., driver, h 315 N Front Bentzel Irvin, painter, h 356 Myers Benzing Mary, wid Edward, h 130 S 2d Benzing Samuel B., asst chemist, h ~38 S 2<1 Bergengren George 0., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Berjak Alois, laborer. h :1O N 2c1 Berkheimer Joseph ~L, carpenter. h 5!l9 S Front Berkstresser Willis L., elk P. S. Co., h Middletown Bernardo Louis, laborer, h 3691 S 3d Berry Lucinda, wid George, h 227 N 2d Bertolette Benneville S., butcher S. S. Co., h 341 Lincoln



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m II'


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McNeil'. Pain Ext.rmlnator eunsCbolera Morbul. D,.~n!elJ. Cnm ... Dlarrhcra, (olds. Quln.,.. Rbeumatlsm. Toothache. Soft Throat, AlI1e. D,.pepma. ;at'. _ ......



Boyd'. Steelton Directory.



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Beshore Amos H., dairyman, h 2:{5 Swatara Beshore Charles F., elk Steelton Nat. Bank, h 235 Swatara Beshore Harry A., stenographer P. S. Co., h 347 Main Beslitz Nicholas, laborer, h 517 Christian Best Charles N., ins sol, h 245 Christian Bethel John, patternmkr, h 546 N 2d Beyrent Harry J., planer, h 246 S 2d Bickle Christian A., laborer, h 467 Myers Bickle William A., asst supt P. S. Co., h Hbg Biddinger Charles W., laborer, h 124 Lincoln Bielic Mike, laborer, h 923 S 2d Bielic Peter, laboru, h 923 S 2d Bigler Raymond, laborer, h :{27 S 2d Billet Benjamin, helper, h 324 Myers Billet Harry, laborer, h 241 Myers Billet J. Emmet, elk P. S. Co., h 324 Myers Billitich John, laborer, h 221 Canal al Bingaman Edith, ironer, h 255 S Front Bingaman John H . bricklayer, h 394 S 2d Bingaman Ray L., jeweler, h 394 S 2d Bird Thomas A., laborer, h 173 S 2d Bishel William, laborer, h 405 Mohn Bitala Martin, laborer, h 765 S 2d Bitner George B. McC., laborer, h 414 Swatara Bitterman Jacob W., elk P. S. Co., h 3 N 4th Bitting John W., foreman, h 555 N 3d Black Andrew K., jr., stengr P. S. Co., h Hbg Black Benjamin G., janitor S. S. Co., h 19 S 2d. Black Carrie F., elk S. S. Co., h 19 S 2d Black James Me .. elk. h 3i1 S Front Black Margaret c., wid Robert, h 19 S 2d Black Williard R., elk P. S. Co., h Wormleysburg Blackstone William, laborer, h 325 N Front Blackwell Peter S., grocer, 116 Adams, h do Blain James G., rigger, h 102 Frederick Blain William R., machinist, h 102 Frederick Blain Winfield S., h 102 Frederick Blair David 0., boilermkr, h 319 Lebanon Blakey Battle, laborer, h 344 N 3d Blakey Bernard, janitor P. S. Co., h 200 Adams Blakey Doctor, laborer, h 213 Adams Blakey George, laborer, h 340 Frederick Bland James E., laborer, h 251 Adams Bland Thomas. laborer, h 251 Adams R1ank Eberhardina, wid Frederick, h 352 S 3d B1attenberger Daniel W., keeper, h 26 Adams Blazekovic Andre, laborer, h 214 Frederick Blazina Patti. laborer, h 866 S 2d EDW ROBERTS r.r ACC.DIIUIT ....1JR.A.C lee .....

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Bell 'Pbooe 851 X, ar 8MI X.

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Boyd's Steelton Directory.


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Blaziner Jacob, laborer, h 5571 S 3d Bleyer John W., laborer, h 435 Catharine Blick James W./ barber, h 4~4 Myers Bloser Benjamin c., carpenter, h 258 :Myers Blue Bedford, laborer, h 174 Ridge Boardman George P., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Bobb George F., elk P. S. Co., h New Cumberland Bodmer John, stonemason, h 384 S 2d Boganowitz MiChael, foreman, h 761 S 3d Bogner John F., laborer, h 153 Lincoln Bogner Mervin, driver S. S. Co., h 153 Lincoln Bogner Samuel V., leverman, h 663 N Front Bogner Walter T., steelworker, h 150 Bessemer Bogowich Levi, laborer, h 921 S 2d Boland Margaret, wid John, h 207 Myers Boland Mary F., elk, h 207 l\lyers Boland Thoma! N., chemist P. S. Co., h 152 :\lain Bolbeher Adam, laborer, h 615 S Front Bolbeher Kate, wid Adam, h 613 S Front Bollinger George W., laborer. h 315 Christian Bollinger Josiah, laborer. h 525 Christian Bollock Joseph, machinist, h 538 N 2d Bollock Michael, engineer, h 5a4 N 2d Bolton Edward I., steelworker, h 143 N Front Bolton Edward J., gasmkr, h 143 N Front Bolton George S., elk Steelton National Bank, h 11 S 3d Bolton George V., barber, 183 S Front, h 143 N do Bolton John F., bridgemkr, h 143 N Front Bomgardner Abraham, jr., elk P. S. Co., h 3891 S Front Bomgardner Andrew P., laborer, h 64 Furnace Bomgardner Newton J., laborer, h 46 Furnace Bomgardner Stephen M., laborer, h 170 Ridge Bonbrake Dise, laborer, h 453 Main . Bond Frederick, helper, h 376 S 2d Bond J. Harry, elk, 20 S Front, h 346 Locust Boner John W., teamster, h 965 S Front Booher James G., salesman, h 449 Myers Booher Milton F., laborer. h 118 Frederick Booker John, fireman, h 340 N 2d Booker John H., driver S. S. Co., h 343 S 3d Books Elizabeth, wid Samuel J., h 372 S 2d Books Grace, elk S. S. Co., h 372 S 2d Books Jennie, elk S. S. Co., h 372 S 2d llooser Aaron, sec S. L. H. and P. Co., h 327 S Front Booser Henrv, h 449 S Front Boozer Elias'F., laborer, h 336 Lincoln Boroskei Frederick, laborer, h 511 Myers Bosnak Theresa, wid Ivan, h 514 S 3d

o o
:II -I I

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T". T,,'II of

H M KELLEY & CO'S BI ,.0&Itln........ w .... {t10th anti 3d ........ ... k North .. ,,' order... Stat. SIL
Boyd's Steelton Directory.



:!:? Botts Frank A., laborer, h 362 Myers Ci) Boudman Clarence E ., foreman Merchant Mill, h 172 S 2d "'0 Boudman John H., foreman, h 113 S 2d ~ Bowen Charles, stone cutter, h 350 Myers to- Bowen 'William, conductor, h 223 S Front J : Bowen William P., steelworker, h 350 Myers 1; Bowers Charles J ., butcher, h 221 Jefferson z: Bowers David M., laborer, h 362 Myers ~ Bowers Edwin N., laborer, h 360 Swatara Bowers Frank A., laborer, h 247 Christian .. Bowers Frank R., laborer, h 401 Catharine " Bowers George J.,steelworker, h 247 Christian _ ::. Bowers Hernlan R., steelworker, h 247 Christian Bowers Letitia, wid Andrew, h 247 Christian Bowers Samuel, h 128 Lincoln Bowker Thomas, laborer, h 459 Myers Bowman Charles F ., machinist, h 369 S FroIft Bowman Edward, barber, 175 N Front, h do Bowman Frank B., laborer, h 283 Main Bowman Harry E., blacksmith, h 369 S Front i Bowman Robert, machinist, h 369 S Front _ Bowman \\'iI1iam B., black"mith, h :-t69 S Front .. t:oyd Harry ?\I.. timekeeper P. S. Co .. h Hbg ;n Boyd Harv ey H ., planer, h 215 :\'lyers Boyd Margard J ., wid Irwin, h :H9 Main a:: Boyd Stephen J ., planer, h 215 ?vlyers



BOYD W. H. CO., Guy 11. Boyd, mgr, publishers Harrisburg, Steelton and other standard directories; home office, Wanner bldg, Reed c Court, Reading, Pa.

a: a:



Boyer Clayton T., laborer, h rear 355 N Front Boyer David N., sawyer, h 410 N Front Boyer Frank M., machinist, h 410 N Front Boyer George E., steelworker, h 154 Lincoln Boyer George 11., weig-her, h 164 Lincoln Boyer John B., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Boyer John c., laborer, h 32 S 3d Boyer Martin T., foreman, h 608 N 2d Boyer Maude A .. housekeeper, h 32 S 3d Boyer Samuel, laborer, h 24 Adams Boyer William. hooker. h 630 S 2d
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AND R RED M0NO, ~::r":!::':_.;d':=:~:;. {3d .Id R.I~ SU. EW COOS Ie

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A B TACK, Wall Paper. Thebeslandlow.tPriCel. WI..... { .J U at. complete with FlxlUl'el and I'rIDpa far'"

705 Boyer William H., crane man, h 183 Christian Boyles Harry H., helper, h 390 S 2d Boyles James, laborer, h 327 S 2d Bradkin Geo., shoemkr, 185 S Front and 200 N do, h 104 do Bradley Michael J., laborer, h 337 Orchard av Bradley William H., barber, 247 N Front, h Hbg Bradshaw James G., hammerman, h 176 Lincoln Bradshaw Samuel W., draftsman P. S. Co., h 176 Lincoln Brady Cora, elk S. S. Co., h 636 N 2d Brady Mary N., wid John P., h 636 N 2d Brady Wesley A., laborer, h 636 N 2d Brair Frank, laborer, h 415 Mohn Brajkoulo Sela, grocer, 243 Frederick, h do Brajkovic Evan, laborer, h 209 Canal al Brajkovic John, laborer, h 209 Canal al Brandt Aquilla, sawyer, h 331 :Myers Brandt Elmer G., justice of the peace, 127 S Front, h 377

Boyd's Steelton Directory.



1'1 ~

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Brandt Herman A., steelworker, h 331 ~Iyers Brandt John A., liquors, 51 S Front, h 53 do Brandt Samuel, driver, h 541 N Front Brandt Samuel, laborer, h 57-1 S 3d Brant Charles, laborer, h 36 Furnace Brant Charles H., laborer, h 846 N Front Brant Charles S., laborer, h 565 S 2d Brashears Charles V., machinist, h 139 S Front Brashears George R., laborer, h 139 S Front Brashears G. Webster, elk, h 139 S Front Brashears Harry M., laborer, h 116 S Front Brashears Robert E., laborer, h 395 S 2d Brashears William M., laborer. h 158 :\Iain Bratina Fabian, grocer, 519 S 2d, h 521 do Brechbill Charles H., steelworker, h 333 Lincoln Breckenridge Edgar, boilermkr, h 323 Myers Breckenridge John, foreman, h 235 ~ Front Breckenridge William W., planer, h 258 S 2d Brehm Fannie c., wid Samuel, h 234 Locust Breh'm Samuel A., inspector, h 9 N 4th Brenizer Harry, laborer, h 260 Frederick Brenizer Jane Mrs., h 260 Frederick Brenizer William L., laborer, h 521 Lincoln Brent Jackson J., laborer, h 313 Adams Bretz Abraham T., conductor, h 607 S 2d Bretz Benjamin F., laborer, h 393 S Front Bretz Clarence H., engineer, h rear 935 S Front Bretz Jesse, laborer, h 437 Catharine Brewer Charles, laborer, h 386 S Front Bria Frank, laborer. h 578 S 3d



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Boyd's Steelton Directory,

Bricker Daniel. laborer. h :.!6!l Christian Bricktr Godfrey, laborer, h :i:.!5 nessemer Bricker John, bridge builder, h 377 S Front .. Bricker John G., laborer, h 13 N 3d ~ ... Bricker Joseph W., engineer, h 13 N 3d E Bricker \Yinfield B., machinist, h 13 N 3d a Brieski Joseph, laborer, h 921 S 2d . . Brightbill Samuel M., pres S. and H. Brick Co., h 103 S 4th .:;; Brink Wesley, brakeman, h 125 S Front t- Brinser Abram F., elk, 51 S Front, h 49 do _ Brinser Christian L., (c. L. Brinser & Son), h Hbg .!:! Brinser Clarence W., elk S. S. Co., h Hbg IS Brinser Claude E., (c. L. Brinser & Son), h Hbg :: Brinser C. L. & Son, (Christian L. and Claude E), hardware, 140 N Front Brinser Olivia !\1. wid 'arob, h rear 15 Locust Brinser Sarah E., wid Levi ~1., h i13 S Front Brinskele Frank, laborer, h 25 N :!d Brinskele Valentine, laborer, h 25 N 2d l&J Brinton Alonzo, planer, h 366 Myers ...I Bdnton Edwin S., steelworker, h :166 :\Iyers c( Brinton George E., blacksmith, h ~4 Pine l&J Brinton John M., steelworker, h 335 Myers C Brinton John W., helper, h 252l\Iain Brinton Savill a, wid Jacob G., h 366 Myers I.LI Brinyad Anton, laborer, h 821 S 3d Brinyad Joseph. laborer h ~21 S :~d _ Brisco William H., laborer, h rear 144 Myers Broadus Edward A., laborer, h 219 Adams . : Broadus Robert, laborer, h 219 Adams Broadus William, laborer, h 141 Adams A. Brock James L., labort.'r. h 234 Ridge E Brock J. Lindsay, laborer, h 328 N 2d Brock Roy K., laborer. h 1!l8 Ridge Co.) Brock William, gasmkr, h 148 Ridge - ' Brogno Pasquale, laborer. h 367 S 3d ~ Broitonic Joseph, laborer. h 25 N 2d Co.) Brookhart Benjamin, laborer, h 235 Christian CI Brookhart James H., driver, h 23 Locust z Brookhart Sallie A. Mrs., h 23 Locust , . Brooks Archie, laborer, h 22~ Ridge a.I Brooks Charles W., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Co.) Brooks Harry M., butcher, h 212 N 2d Brooks Lewis, laborer, h 222 Ridge ~ Brooks Robert, laborer. h 258 Ridge ~ Brooks William, laborer, h 166 Adams iiiii Broskovitz Steplien, laborer, h 26 N 2d Brougher Miles M., cIk, h 105 Pine -





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loa 11, 8_" ..... EDW G ROBERTS will goon ,.nur bond. Bell 'Phone l1li1 .w. X. bond. eneated. X. or CoogIe

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A. B. TACK l::ct~=::1I011 PUDer ond IIndor SbOdeS :=1~~3orn:

Boyd's Steelton Directory.
Brown Arthur L., laborer, h 84 Furnace Brown Catharine, wid Charles, h 74 Furnace Brown Charles A., blacksmith, h 142 Myers Brown Charles F., driller, h 45 S 4th Brown Charles H., laborer, h 105 Adams Brown Charles M., laborer, h 62 Furnace Brown Ella Mrs., h 117! Adams Brown Ellis Y., elk P. S. Co., h 119 Pine Brown Emma, wid Alexander, h 539 Iron al Brown Eugene, laborer, h 121 Adams Brown Farmer T., porter S. S. Co., h 62 Furnace Brown Frank E., laborer, h 546 Lincoln Brown Frank H., driller, h 546 Lincoln Brown George, laborer, h 134 Ridge Brown George E., laborer, h 546 Lincoln Brown George H., laborer, h 110 Ridge Brown Gilbert, steelworker, h 123 Ridge Brown Gilbert, steelworker, h 56::i S :!d Brown Harry, helper, h !H2 S 2d Brown Jackson, laborer, h 110 Ridge Brown James :\l., bookkpr P. S. Co., h 142 Myers Brown John B., laborer, h 148 Ridge Brown John W., barber. 122 :\dams, h 115 do Brown Joseph, filer, h 5114 S 2d Brown Lewis, laborer, h 44 Furnace Brown Mack, laborer, h :no Ridge Brown Rachel A., wid Alexander, h 110 Ridge Brown Rebecca, wid Jeremiah. h 110 Ridge Brown Reuben. shoemkr, 637 N Front, h do Brown Richard R., fireman, h 862 N Front Brown Sallie, domestic, 44 Furnace Brown Theodore, fireman, h 204 Pine Brown Thomas, laborer, h a:t! X :!d Brown Uriah c., crane tender. h :H4 Main Brown Vance A., laborer, h 862 X Front Brown Walter T., civil engineer P. S. Co., h Hbg Brown William H., bricklayer. h 26 Walnut Brownell John R., civil engineer P. S. Co., h 201 S 2d Brubaker Anna, wid Andrew, h 268 Main Brubaker Harry D., laborer, h 268 Main Brubaker John Z., laborer, h 777 S 3d Brubaker Walter, laborer, h 29 Locust Brubaker William c., tapper. h 322 Pine Brubaker William L., engineer. h 352 Swatara Brubaker William P., laborer, h 268 ~fain Bruce Oliver, laborer, h 145 Adams Brune Charles. laborer, h 367 S 3d Brunhouse Alfred. barher. h fl5~ N 2d


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.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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D~~ ~~D.} H.

M. KELLEY & CO. n':::'\dJ:~

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Brunhouse Charles F., catcher, h 658 N 2d .... Brunhouse Lena, wid William, h 658 N 2d == Bruno John, laborer, h 750 S 2d .... Bruno Michael, laborer, It 303 S 3d Bryan Daniel E., laborer, h 764 S 2d ;;; Brymesser Frank, boilermkr, h 337 S 4th Buccieri Joseph, laborer, h 567 S 3d : Buccirio Frank, laborer, h 312 S 2d ~ Buch Calvin, laborer, h 423 Catharine _ Bucieri Pietro, laborer, h 581 S 3d en Buckler Clarence, labor~r, h Reading c Ridge ~ Buffington Charles D., laborer, h 393 S Front Buffington Lewis, laborer, h 170 Frederick ~ Bukofsca Stephen, laborer, h 547 S 3d ==- Bukovec Michael, laborer. h 575 S 3d l&I Bulak Simon, laborer, h 636 S 3d ~ Buluck Stoyan,laborer, h 913 S 2d ~ Burger Andrew c.. driller, h 101 Frances l&I Burget Lawrence,laborer, h 253 Christian ",. Burkhart Otto c., supt furnaces P. S. Co., h 207 S 3d Yo. Burkholder Charles, laborer. h 23 S 2d Burkholder Noah S .. planer, h 258 S 2d Burley Frederick J., laborer, h 303 S Front Burley George, laborer. h a03 S Front Burns George, brakeman, h 327 Swatara Burns Harvey. laborer, h 327 S 2d Burns James D., laborer. h 109 ~1ain l&I Burns Martin, foreman, h 67 Frederick Burns William F .. labort'r, h 220 Franklin Burrell Kevan, laborer, h 125 Adams Burton Charles E., engineer, h 111 S 2d ;;; Buser Curtis E., stonecutter. h 248 S 2d _ Buser Israel V., elk, h 230 Main Buser John T., high constable, h 410 Swatara M Bush George F., blue printer P. S. Co .. h Hbg ~ Bush Harry E., foreman, h 237 Swatara ~ Busic Michael, laborer. h 328 Franklin ~ Butala Martin, labort'r. h 765 S 2d :I: Butcer Mato, laborer .. h 61 Pearl ~ Butler Charles W., laborer. h 207 Adams ~ Butler Charles W., lahorer. h 549 Iron al _ Butler Eber, health officer, 195 S Front, h 33 S 3d -= .. Butler Horace, laborer, h 224 Bailey Butler Richard, laborer. h 162 Ridge ~ Butler Willis, lahorer. h 222 Ridge g Butrokoric Kuzman. laborer, h 765 S 3d c Byers Albert H., blacksmith, 333 Frederick, h 323 do Byers James. laborer, h 539 S Front

:;; ~


Boyd'. Steelton Direotory.



&'tR:~'i.::!ir~:;.;! ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d IRdlR'1IJ Sts.

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B TACK, N.1.1. {EmPlOY' nOlleloau,.. It. Work donein any panot 81a1le. but tllIIkl .... workmen. beDeeODly~ 3d 8t. ... tIiri aDd
Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Byers Peter, laborer, h 223 Christian Byers \Villiam H., laborer, h 351 Swatara Byrd John D., h 409 S Front Byrd Sidney, laborer, h 4117 River av Byren William A., elk S. S. C6., h 31 River av Byrod George B., letter carrier, h 11 S 4th Cajner Anton, laborer. h 1;)7 :\lain Calder A. Russell, supt foundry P. S. Co., h 2:!:l Walnut Calder Wallace R., electrician, h 347 Pine Calhoun Charles W., laborer, h 325 N Front Callaghan Charles F., h 323 Lincoln Callaghan Dennis j., grocer, 265 N Front, h !l25 Lincoln Callaghan John j., helper, h 32:J Lincoln Callaghan Julia, laundress, h :t!3 Lincoln Callaghan Matthew M., bricklayer, h 32:l Lincoln Callaghan Michael. laborer. h :t!:l Lincoln Callaghan Rose, elk, h 323 Lincoln CaIman Arthur H., helper, h 432 Swatara Cameron Ravmond D., draftsman P. S. Co .. h :l46 Locust Campbell Charles A., laborer, h 173 S Front C.ampbell Edward, laborer, h 125 S Front Campbell Elizabeth, h 2d ab Pine Campbell Elizabeth, wid William J., h 407 Bailey Campbell Gertrude, milliner, h 173 S Front Campbell Harry H., genl mgr P. S. Co., h 2d ab Pine Campbell John, laborer, h 23 N 4th Campbell Joseph A., laborer, h 363 :\'Iyers Campbell Ju~tin W., supt testing dept P. S. Co., h 2d ab Pine Campbell NewtC'n, laborer, h 166 Ridgl' Campbell William A .. engineer. h 616 S 2d Camphor Charles, laborer, h 227 Adams II Canning James A., pump runner. h 149 :\Iyers Cannon David K., butcher S. S. Co., h Hbg 0 Cannon John, steelworker. h 6341 S 2d 13 Cannon Peter. laborer, h 340 Main Capello Benjamin A., laborer, h 548 Lincoln II) Capital Shirt Co., W. :\1. Hoerner. sec. 182 ~ Front Capital Steam Laundry. (D. L. Kingston). 166 ~ Front Carbaugh Nicholas N .. helper, h 457 ~Iyers Carey Benjamin. laborer. h 224 Bailey Carey Edward L., laborer. h 161 Adams Care)' James. laborer. h 388 S Front Cargill Samuel S .. laborer, h 412 Swatara Carl Charles. laborer. h 425 S Front Carl Henrietta. teacher. h If'6 S 2d Carl John F .. elk P. S. Co .. h 186 S 2d Carli!'le William H .. _ _ _ _ J.. 544_:\_3d _ _ _ __ ironworker. h __ _ _ _

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find a name you must know how to spell ft."

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~ _ Carlson Erik J., steelworker, h 319 ~ Front == Carney Frank D., asst Stlpt P. S. Co., h 422 Spruce .= Carothers George, mechanical eng, II 35 S 3d I Carpenter Birch, laborer, h 325 N Front c.=t Carpenter John H., laborer,'h 334 N :!d Carpenter Sallie C. J\lrs., h 61 Conestoga c.=t .,; Carpenter William L., conductor, h :!3~ Christian - Carr David G., machinist, h 347 Poplar (!!:! Carr Edward J., laborer, h 51 S 2d Carr Ernst W., laborer, h 408 Reading :: Carr Frederick, gasmkr, h 347 Christian Carr John, laborer, h 344 Bessemer c:: Carr Margaret, h 137 Lincoln Ii :. Carr William, laborer, h 404 Reading Carson Harry, elk, 181 N Front, h :U9 do Carter Douglass, laborer, h 214 Ridge Carter Frank, laborer, h 405 Bailey Carter James L., laborer, h 848 N Front Carter J. Nelson, barber, 123* Adams, h do Carter Lewis J., steelworker, h 405 Bailey Carter Richard, laborer, h 133 Adams Carter Samuel, laborer, h 109 Adams c:[ Carthage Lodge, No. 194. K. of P., meets Wednesday eve. at Ziegler's Hall Cartic Stanko, laborer, h 923 S 2d Casey Annie K., elk, 1 S Front, h 538 X :!d Casey John, helper, h 5:~8 N 2d Caskey Jennie ~l., wid James, h 453 Myers Cass Walter S., laborer, h 242 N 2d .. Cassel David H., rigger, h 461 Myers ~ Catel), William, carpenter, h 410 S 2d Celap Sto),on, laborer. h !It!J S 2d CL Cenjen ?vlatthew, laborer, h :mo Canal al E Centenary U. B. Church. 222 S 2d Central Baptist Church. 181 l\fain Ceraso Frank, laborer, h 601 S 3d ~ Cernitz ~icholas. laborer, h 153 Main Q Challenger Charles W., helper, h 318 Christian c..:t Challenger John D., laborer, h :U3 Frances CI Chambers Charles, laborer. h 260 Mvers Chambers William A .. elk P. S. Co:, h Hbg Chapman Edward, rigger, h 428 Main ~ Chapman Edwin J., laborer, h 428 ~Iain Chapman Elton L .. draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Q Chapman James ~1., laborer. h 428 ~[ain ~ Charles Ada E .. teacher, h 1112 X 2d Chatman George. laborer. h 22fi ;\dams ~ Cilt'rnitz John. labor('r. h 222 Frederick


Boyd's Steelton Directory.


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-S--A;':I.i"'-'.-L-I-A-"I~II-'''-R-.-''-8-,-e.-'''-'''-II-er-,- . EDW G ROBERT , 103 1I0P'1I S_." 81. Bell Phone 9111 X...-.-....... , or 684S L
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Wall Paper and Window Shadu. {d::~:"'~::" Boyd'. Steelton Directory. 711

Chemitz Matthew, laborer, h 868 5 ~d Chick Walter.E., draftsman, h 321 Poplar Chrisinger Clarence, laborer, h :!05 Christian Chubb William H., helper, h rear U43 S Front Chunn Charles, fireman, h 74 Furnace Church of God, 909 5 Front Ciley B. Bridget, h 55 Trewick Citchillio Petro, laborer, h 389 53d .. Citizens' Band of Steelton meets TlIe~Ja\" and Frillay eves. III at 162 5 Front, H. H. Moser, sec . . Citizens' Fire Co., No.1, 58 N Front City John, laborer,.h 386 S Front Clair Frederick H., bricklayer, h 2:~6 Pine Clancy Annie V., laundress, h 419 i\ 3d Clancy James, laborer, h 41H N 3d Clancy James P., laborer, h 419 N ad .... Clancy John, laborer, h 419 N 3d Clark Charles, laborer, h 308 Ridge Oark Daniel, laborer, h 3:! 5 2d Clark Washington, laborer, h 152 Ridge r:;; Clarke Ellen, wid John, h 406 N 3d ..... Clarke 5010mon, laborer, h 78 Furnace Clarkin John, laborer, h 67 Conestoga Clarkin Mary A., wid Michael, h 67 Conestoga Clarkin Michael, rail shipper. h 241) Christian Clause Eli P., laborer, h 151 S Front Clause George W., shirt cutter, h 151 S Front Clausen Erasmus, rigger, h :H2 Swatara Clausen Jacob, electrician P. S. Co., h :342 Swatara Clave Angus, laborer, h 330 S 2d Cleaver Henrietta E., wid David, h H07 ::-.r Front Clemens George E., local express. h 17 S Front Clemens John H., hooker, h 211 Pine Clements Sarah A., wid Jesse, h l:~ Swatara Clendenin Charles, elk S. S. Co.: h 2:3 S 4th Oepper James F., laborer, h ~23 Trewick Clifton Adaline, charwoman, h 152 Ridge Cline Chester H., elk P. S. Co .. h :14 SPine Clipp Eugene, craneman. h 141 S Front Clore Harve\', lahorer, h 529 Iron al Clouser Emory I.. charger, h ~4;} S :!d Coates Richard, laborer, h 60 Pearl Coats Clinton. laborer, h 543 Iron al Coats Thomas, laborer, h 224 Bailey Coble Aaron, h 832 S 2d . Coble Herman, laborer, h 8:12 S 2d Coburn Charles A., U. S, A., h 6~ Conestoga Coburn Charles F., fireman, h 1):1 Conestoga


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-OUR MOTTO_ tH M R. JIII,"1I3d 81... ...... ea......... Welcbt.f.. KELLEY w. CO .ltOtiliMlitnlll. 712 Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

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Cocklin Frank c., heater, h 579 S 2d Cocklin '\lary A., wid William D., h 258 ~lain Cocklin Samuel A., charger, h 256 ~lain Coder Clark M., rougher, h 303 Myers Coder Edward, steelworker, h rear 284 '\lain Coffman Oark S., (W. E. Coffman & Bro.), h 155 Lincoln Coffman Olive B., h 155 Lincoln Coffman W. E. & Bro., (\V. E. and C. S.), furniture, 146 N Front Coffman Wm. E., (W. E. Coffman & Bro.), h 155 Lincoln Cohen Frederick W., erecting engineer P. S. Co., h Hbg Cohen John, dry goods, 61 Trewick, h do Cohn Benjamin, clothing, 102 K Front, li do Cohn Harry M., notions, 518 Sad. h do Cohn Henrietta A., clothier, 37 S Front, h 43 do Cohn Max, clk, 37 S Front, h 43 do Cole Charles H., laborer, h 112 Adams Cole Israel,labprer, h 474 :'vlyers Cole Jeremiah, laborer, h 858 N Front Cole John W., clk S. S. Co. h 415 S Front Cole Samuel, laborer, h 415 S Front Cole Samuel, jr., laborer, h 415 S Front Coleman George C. Rev., h :t12 Ridge Coleman George \,y., stenographer P. S. Co .. h Enhaut Coleman Harry F., (Kraemer & Coleman), h 23 S Front Coleman Margaret, wid William J . h 369 :\Iain Coleman Samuel, laborer, h 166 Adams Collier William J .. civil engineer P. S. Co .. h 34;' Swatara Collins Edward, civil engineer, h 2111 S 2d ColIins James. hammerman, h 434 Swatara Collins James J., clk P. S. Co., h 24:~ :\Iain Collins John, laborer. h 167 :\-Iain ColIins Michael, h 152 Lincoln Collins Michael :\'frs., grocer. 152 Lincoln. h do Collins Patrick, grocer, 40G Lincoln, h do ColIins William, plasterer, h 267 ~Front Comerv Edward I., steelworker, h :~3:l Lincoln Compton William. messenger P. S. Co., h 402 Ridge Coning-sby Alfred, machinist. h 661 X 211 Conklin Daniel ~I., U. S. N., h 515 N Front Conklin David P., butcher, h 466 K Front Conk!in Edith L. :\Irs., h 327 S 2d Conklin George H., h 515 N Front Conklin WiIliam W., meat, 1f;1 N Front, h 328 do Conley Cordelia L., dressmkr. 43 N Front, h do Conner Benjamin F., laborer, h 149 Christian Conrad John W., agt, h 328 Locust Conrad Milton, laborer, h 328 Locust

BJ(l~~:~~-:'RB.} ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d Ind R.I~ Sll~

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A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,

{'2Ir:.~h 1jW::::~~.
713 ...

Boyd's Steelton Directory.

Conrad Solomon K., elk P. S. Co., h 260 S 2d Conte Frank, laborer, h 38U S 3d Conte Joseph, machinist, h a8U S 3d Cook Emory, laborer, h 26 S 2d ('ook Harry, laborer, h :J!!6 Franklin , Cooke William B. Rev., h 105 S 4th ~ Coombs Robert D., jr., civil engineer P. S. Co., h Hbg Cooney Catharine E., wid David L., h S 2d or ~Iohn Cooney David B. S., elk P. S. Co., h S 2d nr 110110 Cooney Harry B., elk P. S. Co.. h S 2d nr xIohn Cooney M. Isabella, elk S. S. Co., h S 2d nr ~Iohn Cooper Edward. elk, h 4~ K Front Cooper Edward M., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Cooper Frank M., draftsman P. S. Co., h ~o Spruce CooperIrvin F., bridge builder, h 973 S Front Cooper Walter, driver, h Cumbler's Row Coover Harry, elk, h 1~4 1Iain ~ Coover Sarah c., h 142 Lincoln Corbet William A., laborer. h 256 Frederick Corder Charles, laborer, h ~27 Swatara Corey Patrick R., civil engineer P. S. Co .. h 198 S 2d Corl Aaron H., driller, h :n71Iyers Corman Anna E., wid Samuel. h 340 :\flyers Costley Alexander, laborer, h 8.50 ~ Front Costly Emory, laborer, h 219 ~ 2d Couffer Charles M., trucker, h 452 N Front COUFFER HOUSE, Edward 1. Sheesley, propr, 189-171 Ii 0 Front Couffer Samuel, (Couffer & Sultzaberger and Dauphin 13 Hosiery Co.), pres S. L. H. and P. Co., h 256 N Front Couffer Samuel S., laborer. h 236 ~ Front Couffer & Sultzaberger. (S. Couffer and D. Sultzaberger), Cal coal and feed, 2ilR N Front Coulson George E . h 220 Elm Coulson James V .. driver~. ~. ('0., h 182 S Front Council Chamber and Lockup. 114 \Valnut Coup David E., laborer, h 501 1Iain Coverdale George R. Rev . h 254 Lincoln Cox Horace. elk P. R. R., h 265 N Front It Crabb Wellington P., laborer. h 541 Iron al Craig John c., roll turner, h 161 Lincoln Crall Jennie, domestic, 171 N Front Cal Cramer George, blacksmith. h 223 S Front Cramer Harry J., slate roofer, 264 N Front, h do Crampton John L., laborer. h 256 Ridge Cranston John P., elk P. S. Co .. h Hbg Craver George l\J., laborer. h 872 N Front It Creamer Carl ]., laborer. h 176 S 2d



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"To 8nd a name you must mow how to speD it."

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ucliEll'S PIIN EXTERulNITOR jt\vew you an been curedXan y { S08 ........ appetite. .,..." lit It " ." millions bave by It.
714 Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Creamer Clyde J., laborer, h 176 S 2d Creamer Reese S., laborer, h 176 S 2d : . Cresswell Harry M., tracer P. S. Co., h 408 Spruce -;; Cresswell Joseph F., elk P. S. Co., h 408 Spruce ~ Crist Annie M., wid Henry, h 153 S 2d :. Crist Clayton L., elk P. S. Co., h 178 Myers ~ Crist Curtin L., elk, h 178 Myers ~ Crist G. Addison, car inspector, h 177 Christian Crist Henry A., helper, h 178 Myers ~ Criswell John W., music teacher, h 319 S 4th Critchley Arthur 1., steelworker, h 149 Lincoln :: Critchley Frank 0., overseer, h 31 S 4th ~ Critchley William E., foreman, h 253 Lincoln Cromwell Mary M., wid William, h 215 N 2d :: Crone Nora, domestic, 21 N Front Croninger Frederick G., butcher, h 328 N Front Crosby Thomas F., laborer, h 151 Main UJ Crosman EIIen H. Mrs., h 4th c Spruce Crosman J. Heron, h 4th c Spruce IaJ Crosman Louis H., elk, h 4th c Spruce ...J Croson Charles, laborer, h 362 Myers Cross Mary, wid Nicodemus, h 101 ~fain c:t Crowley Dennis, laborer. h 457 N 2d IaJ Crows George, laborer, h 551 Iron al Crumlich Jacob A., laborer, h 407 Catharine 1.1 Crummey Sheridan, laborer, h 86 Furnace 1M Crumware George. laborer, h 126 Adams Crusade Castle, No. 73, K. of M. c., meets each Tuesday eve. in \Voodmen's Hall, J. Gallagher, sec ~ Cuckowiz Gayo, laborer, h 919 S 2d z: CUddv Annie, cutter. h !IH5 S Front ~ Cuddy James, janitor, h 4:!7 S Front IE Cuddy James, jr., laborer, It H77 S Front Q Cuddy Jennie. housekeeper, 905 S Front U Cuddy Julia .-\., wid John. h HII5 S Front ..... Cuddv Thomas. laborer, h 425 S Front -Z Culic'Stephen, laborer, h 27 N' 2d Culiz Aloys, laborer, h 821 S !ld Culp John F., chief surgeon P. S. Co., h 343 Spruce ~ Cumbler Elizabeth E., wid Jacob n .. h 33 S 3d c Cumbler George \V., pres Steelton Planing Mill Co., SteelLI.I ton Stone Quarries, S Front nr limits, h Highspire U Cumbler Horace M., student, h a3 S 3d Cumbler Wilmer H., elk, h 985 S Front Q Cummings Owen T., machinist. h 42() Spruce LI.I \'~l1mmings William, steelworker, h :l3 S 3d t:: Curran Samuel B., elk P. S. Co., h 349 Swatara ~ Curry Catharine. shirtmkr. h 464 ~~~~nt~ _...~ _______





Tile ADlerl_n B .... ln. C.m".ny. Baltimore, Md.

IIIDW. 8. ROBBaft, General Agent Central Penna District. 108 N .... 81. Bell 'Phone SlIt X, . . X.
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{l216 IOr1ll1blnlll.

Boyd's Steelton Directory,

Curry Georgianna, wid Joseph, h 23 S 2d Curry Levi. watcrtender, h 464 l\ Front Cussack John J., bookkpr, h In ~lyers Cussack l\latthew l\I, timekpr P. S. Co., h In :\Iyers Cussack Matthew ~L, timekpr P. S. Co., h 177 Myers Cussack Thomas P., tel operator P. S. Co., h 177 Myers Dadao Carl, laborer, h 547 Myers Dailey Cornelius, foreman, h 19 Walnut Dailey Cornelius M., student, h 19 Walnut Dailey James, laborer, h 85 l\lain Daiky James H., oiler, h 216 Conestoga Dailey Morris M., elk S. S. Co., h 19 Walnut Dailey Patrick, charger, h 47 S 2d Dailey Thomas, laborer. h 1fiS Frederick Dailey William P., elk P. S. Co., h 19 Walnut Daily James H., laborer, h a59 Frederick Daily Patrick F., engineer, h 359 Frederick Dalstrom Oscar F., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Dalton James H., lahorer, h 1::t4 Ridge Daly Anna, h 226 X 2d Daly James P., steelworker, h 226 l\ 2d Daly Margaret, wid Philip, h 226 N 2d Danbach Irvin, bartender, h 1]2 ~ Front Daniels (;eorge W., foreman P. S. Co., h Hit Frederick Daniels William, laborer, h In Adams Danley Harry H., engineer, h SI5 S 3d Danley John, laborer, h 425 S Front Dannaker John Rev., h 407 N Front Danner Cora E., cigarmkr, h 710 S 2d Danner Daisy c., saleslady, h 710 S 2d Danner Edna A., elk S. S. Co., h 7111 S 2d Danner Edwin G., helper, h 7H) S 2d Darby George W., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg DARBY W. F., lawyer, 145 Ii Front, h 245 Pine Daron E. & Son, (Edward L.), pianos, 41 N Front Daron Edward Rev., (E. Daron & Son), h Hbg DAROIi EDWARD L., (E. Daron & Son), jeweler, 41 Ii Front, h 19 Locust Daron Ellsworth M., printer, 50 N Front, h 52 do Darr Reuben L., laborer, h 328 Myers Daugherty George F., carpenter, h 420 Lincoln Daugherty Harry D., laborer, h 420 Lincoln Daughters of Liberty, No. 158, meets every Friday night at \Voodmen's !Iall, William Otstott, sec Daughters of Naomi, ~fary Logan Assembly, No. 26, K. of M. C .. meets every Monday evening at Woodmen's Hall, Mrs. M. Pisle, sec

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"To find a name you must mow how to spell it."

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H. M. KELLEY" CO'I COAL AND WOOD {OlllCes = Io:.~Laur.

Dauphin Hosiery Co., (S. Couffer and E. A. Hirner), 120 N Front !5 Davidson \Yilliam H., electrician, h 470 N Front ::c to- Davies Frank H., elk P. S. Co., h aUO! S 2d Davies Henry, ins solicitor, h 604 N 3d ~ Davies Joseph N., craneman, h 161 Frederick :IE Davies Lawrence, engineer, h 604 N 3d CD Davies William H., insurance, h 604 N 3d :: Davis Charles S., teacher, h 183 S 2d - Davis David, laborer, h 236 Lincoln Davis George H., laborer, h 405 S 2d ..... Davis Hattie, housekeeper, 123 Adams +- Davis John L., laborer, h 249 Myers t=; Davis John W., elk P. S. Co., h 185 S 2d a:: Davis Joseph, laborer, h 407 River av Z Davis i\lorris M., laborer, h 337 S Front Davis Robert, laborer, h 125 Ridge z: Davis Robert, laborer, h 321 Trewick Davis Robert, laborer, h 348 N 2d Davis Thomas, machinist, h 347 N Front U Davis Thomas J., laborer, h 265 Main Davis Walter A., laborer, h 241 Pine ~ lJavis William, laborer, h 256 Ridge ;:: Day Alden A., laborer, h 419 Christian ~ Day Alfred, buggyman, h 313 Ridge I - Day Arthur. laborer, h 247 Adams ~ Day Peter R., constable, h 417 Christian ~ Dayhoff harry L., laborer, h 420 Lincoln 2 Daylor ).Iichael J., bar elk. 347 N Front, h do ~ Daylor William J., steelworker. h 510 N 2d Q,. Deabler George, grocer, 485 Myers, h do ..... Dean Charles, laborer, h 340 N 2d ~ Deats James B., fireman, h 227 Franklin ~ Deckard Lewis, laborer, h 973 S Front ~ Decker Harvey, patternmkr, h 323 Poplar C'-t Defranchi Raffele, truckman, h 207 Mohn ffi Defranko Salvatore, machinist, h 817 S 3d ~ Dehner Catharine M., elk S. S. Co., h 171 Lincoln g; Dehner Joseph F .. sawyer, h 171 Lincoln Dehner William E., letter carrier, h 171 Lincoln Z Deibler Charles E., laborer, h 345 Myers OJ Deibler Frank J., laborer, h 334 Christian C Deibler Harper, laborer, h 107 Frances Ie Deibler James M., blacksmith. h 345 Myers Ie Deik Carl, laborer. h 379 S 3d tla Dejanavic Michael. laborer. h 771 S 3d Delaney William, gasmkr, h 125 S Front Dl'luca Raffaele, grocer, 502 S 3d, 11 574 do __



Boyd.'s Steelton Directory.








ANDREW REDMOND, Rc;.'::;~~",.W:::d ~~o';:~. {3d II' RIIIt!: CoogIe

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-MAKE' A '''EOIAU' 0 ' It , . ItPrMCOI Pllbllc Pa.I. nata. Eeu..tte .,....

B.lld.... .


Boyd'. Steelton Directory.



Demmy Avery 5., mail carrier, h 181 5 Front Demmy Bessie, shirt waistmkr, h 701 N Front Demmy Christian A., stripper, h 26 Pine Demmy Cora A., domestic, 343 5 Front Demmy Harry M., jr., test roller P. S. Co., h 23 Walnut Demmy.Henry E., h 701 N Front Demmy John C., driver, h 181 S Front Demmy John L., driver, h 181 S Front Demmy Riley W., rougher, h 701 N Front Dengler Frederick, h :!:n S Front Dennis Charles H., laborer, h 311 Ridge Dennis Joseph, laborer, h 531 ~ Front Derr Harry A., laborer, h 327 Lincoln Derr John D., machinist, h 240 Main Derrig Emily, wid John, h 45 Frederick de Schweinitz P. Bernard, mech engr, h 333 5pruce Detomosa Lewis, laborer. h rear 417 S Front Detweiler Charles G., elk, h 217 N Front Detweiler James P., h 217 N Front Detweiler John c., engineer, h 519 Lincoln Detweiler Samuel G., mgr United Ice and Coal Co., h 217 N Front Devlin David c., h 515 S 2d Devlin Joseph c., laborer, h 65 Conestoga Devore George G., machinist, h 168 S 2d Devore George W., laborer, h 168 S 2d Devore Harry, steelworker, h 117 S 2d Devore Nellie, h 168 S 2d DeWitt Elmore, civil engineer, h 348 Spruce Dice John, laborer, h 2:!3 Franklin Dice William, driver, h 223 Franklin Dickinson Bayard T., physician, 343 N Front, h do Dickinson James L., steelworker, h 305 N Front Dickson Alexander, helper, h 832 N Front Dickson Alexander, jr., molder, h 832 N Front Dickson William M., molder, h 832 N Front Diegel David L., laundry, 116 N Front, h 432 Lincoln Diegel Jacob, steelworker, h 446 Lincoln Dietrich Franklin P., laborer, h 150 Main Dietrich John H., canvasser, h 33 5 3d Diffenoerfer Abraham. crane tender, h 348 S 20 Diffenderfer Isaac T., foreman. h 3605 2d Diffenderfer Tohn. laborer. h 413 S Front Diffenderfer Jonah G.. prothonotary, Hbg, h 187 5 2d Dill Hiram Y., laborer, h 330 Franklin Dill William, draftsman P. S. Co .. h Hbg Diluca 5avero, laborer, h 864 S 2d Dintiman Eliza, wid George, h 138 5 2d
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"To find a name you must !mow how to .peIItt.Digitized by


McNeil'. PaIn E"termlnator cures Cholera Morbua, })'~DIeJ')", CramJlll, lJIarrba, ('old&, QulnFY. Rht'umatiJm. Toothache. bOre Throat. Alue. Dppe(lllla, M. : - .....



Boyd's Steelton Directory.



Ditlow William, engineer, h 141 S Front Ditman Harry H., laborer, h 340 Myers ::; Dively Charles A., laborer, h 627 Catharine ~ Dively George L., laborer. h 349 Christian l! Dixon Bates, laborer. h 543 Iron al ;: Dixon James, laborer. h M8 N :!d Dixon John W., laborer, h 363 :\Iain :: Dobric Tyler, h 913 S 2d S Dohmia Mike, laborer, h n~4 S :!d :: Doldz John, laborer, h ~:!1 S 3d Doldz Joseph, laborer, h S21 S 3d Dolinar Michael, laborer. h 821 S 3d Dolinar Peter, laborer. h 759 S 3d Dolinea Stanko, laborer, h 821 S 3d Dolson Howard, machinist, h 160 Myers Dolson Thomas A., laborer. h 160 Myers ~ Donitel Jeremiah, laborer. h 820 S 2d Donley George D., laborer, h 209 Christian C Donley John Woo rigger, h UO Frederick Donley Thomas E .. engineer, h 2{)9 Christian Donnelly George H., watertender, h 404 S 2d ~ Donovan Elizabeth, housekeeper, 21 N 3d Donovan John,laborer, h 21 N 3d Donovan John ]\1., elk P. S. Co., h 21 N 3d h 21 N O Donovan Joseph Poo engineer,32 S 3d 3d Donovan Loretta. student. h ~ Dorwart Emma M., wid David, h 24S Myers z: Dougherty James, gas supt P. S. Co., h 19 S 3d Dougherty John W., genl supt P. S. Co., h 323 Pine E Dougherty Kate. knitter. h 134 S 2d C Dougherty Sabina, wid Hugh A., h 134 5 2d U Dougherty William J" steelworker. h 19 5 3d .... Douglass Charles. laborer, h 216 Ridge ..: Douglass Charles C, laborer, h 230 N 2d Douglass Francis R., laborer, h 43 S 4th Douglass Francis R., jr., timekeeper, h 113 54th Q Douglass Jeremiah B., helper, h 167 Main Douglass.Tohn, laborer, h 126 Adams Douglass John C, helper, h 345 5 2d ~ Douglass John W .. laborer, h 345 52d - Downing Albert, laborer. h 34 Furnace Downing A lhert 5., elk, h Furnace bel Trewick ~ Downs Abraham, stable boss, h 236 Locllst Downs Clara, nurse, h 249 N Front ~ Downs Fred W., student, h 249 N Front

Jacob H., = I>intiman Jennie Yoo.. wid dressmkr, S.h Co., Swatara 2d Dintiman Luther L draftsman P. h 138 S - Dintiman :Margarct \ .. h laS s td






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11I8URAIICB. EDW G ROBERTS "'r A(l(lIDIDIIT Bell 'Phone I6J X.loa1l...X. or eMS CoogIe
, llere...

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y~~~~,,;== 1011 puDer ondllndow ShOdes IromA. 8. TACK. N.'n\..

Boyd's Steelton Direotory.


Downs Harry I., boilermkr, h 122 Lincoln Downs Henry J., draftsman P. S. Co., h 249 N Front Downs John B., supt rail mill P. S. Lo., h 331 Short Downs Lawrence A., elk S. S. Co., h 236 Locust Downs Thomas, supt Forge Dept P. S. Co., h 249 N Front Doy James, laborer, h 215 Adams Drabenstadt Amos, special officer S. S. Co., h Hbg Drake WilIiam F., elk S. S. Co., h Hbg Drasasich Youra, laborer, h :U9 Frederick Drawbaugh E. Allen, teacher, h 383 S Front. Drawbaugh Eli c., teacher, h 11 N 4th Drayer Adam, laborer, h 73 Frederick Drazanwic Yosa. laborer, h 91:1 S 2d Dreisbach Alfred F. Rev., h 358 Spruce ~ DRESS GEORGE W., grocer and printer, 551 S 2d, h 553 do a. Dress George W., jr., metalographist P. S. Co., h 163 S 4th cr Dress John J., laborer, h 165 S 4th Dress Wilhelmina K., elk S. S. Co., h 163 S 4th :.. Dress William, laborer, h 163 S 4th _ Drummonds Alexander, shoemkr, 67 Conestoga, h do Dubel William H., paperhanger, h 45 S 4th :Duey Mary, wid George K., h 629 1\ Front S Dugans James, h 260 ~lain g Dugans Samuel, helper, h 260 l'fain ~ Dugans Florence, housekeeper, 260 Main Duncker William F., carpenter, h 346 Main I: Dunkle Abraham B., (Dunkle & Knoderer), h 120 Lincoln ; DUNKLE AliOS W., (1. A. Dunkle, Sons & Co. and Dunkle :& Bros.), justice of the peace, 192 Ii Front, h 2d 0 Linooln Dunkle Arthur J., elk, 122 N Front, h 120 Lincoln . So DUNKLE BROS., (Samuel F. and Amos W.), insurance and if real estate, 192 Ii Front ~ Dunkle J. A., Sons & Co., (Josiah A. (estate), Samuel F. and Amos W. Dunkle), real estate and exchange, 192 N Front ~ Dunkle Mary, wid Josiah A., h 2d c Lincoln .Dunkle Mary E., elk S. S. Co., h 363 Pine Dunkle Peter F., carpenter, h 363 Pine == Dunkle Samuel F., (J. A. Dunkle, Sons & Co, and Dunkle Bros.), h Hbg ~ DUNKLE & XNODERER, (Abraham B. Dunkle and D. Frank _ Xnoderer), funeral directon and furniture, 1n-128 Ii . . Front (l) Dunlap James, engineer S. S. Co., h Hbg Dunlap Joseph E., puddler, h 519 Christian :; Dunley John, foreman. h 539 S Front ;: Dunn Catharine V., telephone opr, h 535 N Front Dunn Henry, steelworker, h 109 Adams ~ .----

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"To find a name you must mow how to speD It."

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~:, H. M. KELLEY" CO.'S ~I.~.~==,:~ {1o~~~

Dunn James, laborer, h 535 N Front ;:; Dunn Uriah K., foreman, h 262 Main -a Dunn William, laborer, h 535 N Front ..:; Dunn Wmiam ]., laborer, h 535 N Front P- Dunning Leona W., teacher, h 1!.J S 2d ..c Durborow Harmen B., letter carrier, h 26 S 2d ~ o Duman Joseph B., foreman, h 207 Myers Z' Durnbaugh Irvin M., bartender, 171 N Front, h 112 do .(I) Durolle Ura, laborer, h 220 Frederick Durr Charles F.,blacksmith, h 973 S Front ~ Durz Leonard S., farmer, h Lincoln opp cemetery Dutton Francis B., laborer, h 23 N 4th ;::: Ealy John, helper, h 383 Main .. Earisman Charles E., molder, h 122 S 2d Earle Thomas, asst supt B. and C. Dept P. S. Co., h 324 Catharine ;; Earnest Frank N., machinist, h 25 S 2d ~ Earnest Jane E., wid Franklin c., h 25 S 2d _ Earnest John M., h 4 N 3d :: Earnest Luther]., patternmkr, h 25 S 2d Earnest May 0., h 25 S 2d - Earnest Ralph W., machinist, h 25 S 2d ~ EASTERN MILLING AND EXPORT CO., W. G. Audenried, jr., pres; lohn Hoffer, mgr, Trewick 0 Frederiok Eaton Lewis, laborer, h 210 Adams a::: Eaton William W., mech eng P. S. Co., h 347 Spruce .:i Eby David, laborer, h 112 S 3d :! Eby Susan, housekeeper, 187 Swatara == Eckard Jacob, painter, h 453 Myers Eckenrode James A., foreman, h 327 Walnut - Eckert Joseph H., driver, h 18 Pine ~ Ecton John W., laborer, h 118 Main 1.&1 Eder John, steelworker, h 383 S Front ... Edgerton Ralph W., civil eng P. S. Co., h Hbg 'L- Edlemanan Steffan, h 421 Mohn r- Edwards Jacob, laborer, h 162 Ridge '1&.1 Edwards Joseph, blacksmith, h 59 Frederick Edwards William, steelworker, h 607 S 2d Egan James H., ins agt, 22 S Front, h 311 S 2d Z Elam Joseph, laborer, h 115! Adams '0 Elden A. Mary, wid Charles D., h 109 N:,;!d Z Elias Andrew, laborer, h 238 Frederick . Ellenberger Francis, baker, h 412 Reading Ellenberger Sarah J., wid John, h 360 Swatara 1&.1 Elliot James 0., lahoreI', h 129 Ridge "> Emerson Frederick V., teacher, h 35 S 3d Emery Jacoh c.. assayer, h 337 Bessemer Emery Maude, domestic, 175 N Front

1S :!


Boyd's Steelton Direotory.





AND R REO M 0, J::::'::::d':i:::::. {3. lid RIllY Stat EW ON

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I B TICKI ........ _pie. wlSb. rusan. and J'riIIpI for... II.Ifl,e W.II P.P Tbe ""'.nG low.t w .....w{ A 14 at.

Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Enders Walter, foreman, h 356 Myers Engle Eli, laborer, h 175 Myers Engle Henry B., stockkeeper, h 3 N 4th Engst Stephen, laborer, h 545 Myers Enney George W., jr., foreman, h 354 S 2d Ennis Bridget, wid Patrick, h 547 Myers Ennis Frank, laborer, h 547 Myers Ensminger Charles E., carpenter, h 266 S 2d Ensminger Henry R., elk S. S. Co., h 174 Main Ensminger John W., laborer, h 819 S 3d Ensminger Samuel H., laborer, h 429 Catharine Ensminger William H., laborer, h 423 Catharine Epler Uriah, laborer, h 175 Myers Eppinger Charles D., agt, h 210 N Front Eppinger Oscar L., h 103 Lincoln Epples Charles, chief engineer P. S. Co., h 66 Furnace Epting William F., helper, h 164 Frederick Erdman Gustave, inspector, h 173 S 2d Erny William, driller, h 126 S 2d Ertman Joseph, laborer, h 773 S 3d Eschenhour Annie F., wid Jacob G., h 416 N Front Eschleman Amos R., carpenter, h 364 S 4th Eshelman Jacob K., laborer, h 120 Frederick Eshelman Reeder H., elk, h 120 Frederick Eshelman William I., butcher S. S. Co., h 251 S 2d Esterly John W., laborer, h 61 Frederick II Ettele Henry, foreman, h 4:02 Spruce Ettele Truman P., elk, h 3GO Spruce ,0 Etter George W., asst supt, h 244 Pine ~ Ettinger Henry c., laborer, h 941 S Front I:I Evangeline Degree Lodge, No. 163, Daughters of Rebekah, u meets first and third Wednesday of each month at Odd W Fellows' Hall, George H. Roberts, sec . Evans Emma, wid Wesler, h 407 River av Evans George J., laborer, h 215 N 2d Evans John W., machinist, h 13 S 3d Evans Weslev, iaborer, h 413 S Front Evans William B., laborer, h 411 Main Evans William B., steelworker, h 856 N Front ~ Everett Glen, laborer, h 42 Furnace Everhart Howard W., laborer, h 705 N Front Everhart John W., foreman, h 705 N Front Everhart Minnie M., knitter, h 705 N Front Evitts Arthur W., conductor, h 313 N Front Ewing Frank V., laborer, h 120 Main Eynon James H., laborer, h 342 N Front Eynon John, laborer, h 342 N Front ~ Eynon Lewis, laborer, h 342 N Front





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Boyd's Steelton Directory.



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Eynon Thomas, elk, l~j ~ Front h do Eynon William G., laborer, h 342 N Front Faber John, machinist, h 4 N 3d Fablam Frank, laborer, h 228 Frederick Fackler Michael H., elk P. S. Co., h Enhaut Fahnestock Charles, machinist, h 544 N 3d Fair George, laborer, h 511 N Front Fair George D., laborer, h :n2 Main Fair Margaret, cigarmkr, h a~o Myers Fairfax John A., laborer, h 157 Adams Fairlamb Emma 0., elk, ~ S Front, h 25 N 4th Fairlamb Jane, milliner, 8 S Front, h 25 N 4th Fairlamb Joseph V., elk, 1 S Front, h 222 Myers Fairlamb Louisa, h 25 ]I; 4th Fairlamb Robert V., news, 1-3 S Front, h 222 l\lyers Fallinger Elias B., laborer, h 340 S 2d Farkas Martin, laborer, h 27 N 2d Farley Cora M., bookkpr, 50 N Front, h 228 Elm Farner William, riveter, h 55 Conestoga Farver Jonas, laborer, h :350 S Front Faulk Winfield S., laborer, h 121 Adams Feddero George, h 539 N Front Feehrer E. Ross, machinist, h 22 S Harrisburg Feehrer George W., draftsman P. S. Co., h 137 S 4th Feehrer Newton S., butcher S. S. Co., h 137 S 4th Feeman Frank, carpenter. h 211 N 2d Feight Frank, molder. h :{05 Swatara Feight Peter, patternmkr, h 305 Swatara Fein Abraham, laborer, h 529 Christian Feirick Edward, laborer. h 181 Christian Feirick Jacob G., boilermkr. h 181 Christian Feirick Percival A., helper, h 181 Christian Feirick Richard. driver S. S. Co., h 181 Christian Feister Harvey J., brakeman, h 165 Christian Feister \\'esley B.. engineer. h 341 S Front FELKER ABRAlLUI S., watchmaker and jeweler, is ..

Front, h do

Felker John R., section boss, h 319 S Front CI Felton Building and Loan Assn, J. Barnet, sec; meets Tuesz: day, 171 N Front I11III: FELTON EDGAR C., pres Pennsylvania Steel Co., h Jlaver-



Felton Hall, Walnut c 4th Fenci! Nathaniel S .. stoves, &c., 46 N Front, h 5 S 2d CI Fera Pasquale, laborer, h 617 S 3d ~ Ferencic Anton, laborer. h 212 Frederick iii: Ferguson James W., laborer, h 154 Ridge Ferguson l'brtin, pitman, h 174 Ridge

----------------------wmgoon)'Ourbond. 1_11. _ EDW G ROBERTs bonde are exeeuted. Bell 'Phone_......... . . 86: X. or 8848 X. CoogIe
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AI BI TACK ~t~::t lOll POoef 0Ild IIDdOI _

Boyd's Steelton Directory.



Ferguson Richard, laborer, h 310 Ridge Ferguson Robert H., elk P. S. Co., h 152 S 2d Ferguson Turner, laborer, h 242 Ridge Ferguson William H., laborer, h 222 Ridge Ferlan Joseph, laborer, h 540 S 3d Fembaugh Charles, baker, h 3(a Main Fernsler Irvin, foreman, h 347 Myers Femsler Morris E., laborer, h 971 S Front .Ferraro Ralph, (Steelton Boot and Shoemaking and Repairing Co.), h am S ad Fessler George A., salesman S. S. Co., h 231 S Front Fessler Maxwell W., barber, 2:n S Front, h do Fetrow Abram M., foreman, h 325 S Front Fetterhoff Austin 1., elk, h 421 Main Fetterhoff Ephraim B., laborer, h 125 S 2d Fetterhoff William, laborer, h 210 l\; 2d Fickes Alice, wid Jacob, h 307 S 2d Fickes Clifford, trimmer, h 307 S 2d Fickes Edward K., laborer, h 307 S 2d Fickes George W., steelworker, h 301 Bessemer Fickes William S., elk P. S. Co., h 418 N 3d Fields James, laborer, h 134 Ridge Fields James L., janitor, h 446 Ridge Fields Pelon F., laborer. h :US S 2d Fields Robert M., laborer, h 1115 Adams Fields Thomas, laborer, h 334 l\; 2d Fiese Elmer E., treas S. and H. Brick Co., h 311 S Front Fiese Josiah K., watchman, h 2:n Swatara Fijanic AOlla. wid Joseph, h 607 S 3d Fijanic Antoni, h 568 S 3d Fink John c., teacher, h 7 N 4th Fink Robert W., laborer, h 242 Ridge Finklestine Samuel, grocer, 451 Myers, h do Finley John A., elk P. S. Co., h 215 Lincoln Finney Harry, ironworker, h 406 Reading Finnigan Baynard. foreman, h 712 S 2d First Baptist Church, Adams nr Bailey First Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. A. F. Taylor. pastor, Front c Pine First Presbyterian Church, S 2d c Elm First Reformed Church, 2d c Swatara Fish William c.. laborer. h 315 S 2d Fisher Addis, laborer, h 84 Furnace Fisher Charles P., laborer, h 232 Ridge Fisher Daniel, laborer, h 243 S Front Fisher Edward H., elk P. S. Co .. h New Cumberland Fisher Frederick A., engineer, h ~~a6 Swatara Fisher Harry, laborer, h a42 S :ld

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"To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

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Fisher James A., fireman, h 168 Ridge Fisher James F., civil engineer, h 341 Spruce Fisher John L., h 308 Lincoln Fisher Levi A, engineer, h 257 Adams Fisher Joseph H., jr., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Fisher Paris F., molder, h 618 S Front Fisher William P., carpenter, h 36 N 4th Fishinger Charles A, laborer, h 25 S 3d Fishinger Lena, h 167 Main Fishinger Margaret, wid Bartholomew, h 167 Main Fitting Jacob, butcher, h 319 N Front Fitting Jacob, driver, h 337 Bessemer Flanck Mike, laborer, h 214 Frederick Hasher Lucetta, wid David, h 519 Lincoln Fleager Simpson, laborer, h 261 S Front Fleisher John W., planer, h 305 S 2d Flejior Musuljik, laborer, h 561 S 3d Fletcher Alfred, elk, 117 S Front, h 18 Walnut Fletcher Henry L. T., laborer, h 237 Christian Fletcher Joseph A, hotel, 117 S Front, h do Fletcher Martha J., housekeeper, ~43 Myers Fletcher Robert. laborer, h 141 Adams Flickinger Edmond B., elk S. S. Co., h Hbg Flickinger William R., barber, h 43 S Front Flowerfield David E., fireman, h 415 Catharine }<lynn James, laborer, h 365 Myers FLYD WILLIAl( X" Steelton Bottling Works, 18 S Front, h 210 S 2d Foley Edmund, h 23 Locust Foley Margaret elk S. S. Co .. h 176 Frederick Foley Richard E., pitman, h 176 Frederick Folk Isaac, laborer, h 500 Myers Folker Oara M., elk. 165 S Front, h 335 S 2d Folkers Catharine M.. elk, h 335 S 2d Folkers Harvey W., machinist, h !l35 S 2d Folkers Samuel V., laborer. h 344 S 3d Folkers Siebelt B., laborer. h 335 S 2d Foltz John A, steelworker, h 383 S Front Foltz William. laborer. h 51 Frederick Foose James B., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Ford Henry. laborer, h 1fI!'~ Adams Ford Lucy Mrs., h 107 Adams Ford Taylor, laborer. h lOll! Adams Foresters of America, No. 186, meets Wednesday, G. A. R. Hall Forney George W .. laborer, h 814 N Front Forster Arthur G., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Fortina John, laborer, h3~1 ~~~ __________

:~::~~~~!~:~:~ AND R EW

REDMON D. {3d .Id RellJlStI.

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N.3dSt, dIw.-.tand Imurealt. Worldoneinanypu1ofBiat.e.

IS18 {EmP)o,. none but ftlllt.cr_ workmen, lleDee CIIIly ~

Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Fortney Charles, laborer, h 425 S Front Fortney Harvey 5., helper, h 151 Christian Fortune Westley, laborer, h 109 Adams Fosnot William J., conductor, h 317 Christian Foster Benjamin R., machinist, h 27 Sad Foster Robert R., machinist, h 27 S 3d Fothergill School, 2d c Mayberry al Fouke Robert F., carpenter, h 159 Christian Fox Anna M., music teacher, 247 Swatara, h do Fox Emma Mrs., domestic, 304 S 2d Fox George W., bricklayer, h 247 Swatara Fox Harvey H., bricklayer, h 247 Swatara Fox John A., laborer, h 476 Main Fox Minnie E., dressmkr, 247 Swatara, h do Fox Peter, l!iborer, h 463 Myers Fox Robert 0., bricklayer, h 247 Swatara Fox Sarah L .. wid John H .. h 247 Swatara Foy Elizabeth c., wid Samuel G., h 319 Conestoga Foy Samuel R., lahorer, h 309 Frances Frady George M .. laborer, h 482 Myers FRAXER JOSEPH E., real estate, 31 S Front, h 268 lIain Franke W. Berkley, timekeeper P. S. Co., h 228 Locust Franklin Charles, laborer, h 2611 Ridge Franklin Edward, laborer, h 123 Ridge Franklin Henry, laborer, h 173 Adams Franklin Leah, wid James, h 226 S Front Frantz Allen R., elk, 131 S Front, h 169 ~Iain Frantz Daniel E., laborer, h 169 ::Ylain Frantz Edward S., saddler, h 169 Main Frazier Virginia, wid Fate, h 308 Ridge Frederick William L., steelworker, h 34:~ Christian Free John A, oiler, h 61 Frederick Freeburn J. Morris, machinist, h 268 Myers Freeburn John M., ins solicitor, h 268 Myers Freeburn Laura l\J., saleslady, h 268 Myers Freeburn Walter W.o steelworker, h 270 :\Iyers Freeburn's Hall, 284 Main Freed George W .. laborer, h 155 Main Freed J. Daniel, laborer, h 157 Main Freeland Annie, wid R. Emory, h 985 S Front Freeman Harry K.. dentist,161 S Front, h 332 5 2d Freese Ralph, planer. h 512 S 2d Freet Henry H., carpenter, h 93 Main Freidinger Christian, laborer. h 364 5 2d Frelen George, laborer, h 411 S Front Frelen John, laborer. h 411 S Front Freling Eliza J., h 312 Lincoln Frey Robert M., general store, 109 N Front. h do





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Frey Ross :\1., elk, h 109 X Front :; Fries John A., printer, h 323 Swatara 'I: .z Fries Joseph C, foreman P. S. Co., h H2:1 Swatara I: Friskey Jacob S., engineer, h 866 K Front ~ Fritch Alonzo G., plasterer, h 315 S :!d :ii Fritz Adaline M., wid Robert, h 15U Lincoln ~ Fritz Bertha Mrs., h 150 Lincoln 1! Fritz William D., elk, 140 N Front, h :UI:! K 2d ~ FRUlrtIN UX G., optician and jeweler, 37 N Front, h 55 do Frutiger Jacob, laborer, h 3661 Main :: Fry Alonzo, laborer, h 12U S 2d Ii Fry Edward G., laborer, h I:!U Furnace -= Fry Eliza ~I., wid Daniel, h 120 S :M Fry Franklin S., laborer, h 211:! ~lyers Fry Jefferson D., helper, h !:!I) Furnace Fry John, laborer, h 1113 Adams Fry William 11., laborer, h 1~6 S 2d Fuller Charles M., laborer, h 9 N Front Fuller Waiter B., draftsman 1'. S. Co., h Hbg Funk David W., 376 I- Funk Edward L.,laborer, hh:n S~lyers laborer, 2d Funk Jacob L., laborer, h 47:! Main C Funk Jacob 1'1., laborer, h 47:! Main Funk John E., charger. h 47n :\lain I- Funk Luther A., engineer, h 259 ~lain Funk William P., engineer, h 21ll Christian Fuquay William, steelworker, h 220 Myers Furie Charles, laborer, h 359 S 3d Furie Frank, laborer, h 303 S 3d .. Furie Joseph, laborer. h aHa S 3d ~ Furie Peter, cigars, &c., 196t S Front, h 3:l5 S 3d Furjanie :\Iichael, laborer, h 1a7 Canal al a.. Fury Louis, laborer, It 30:1 S 3d IE Gabler John R., driver. h 256 Franklin Gabriel Feravo, laborer, h 75:! S 2d Gabriel Leon. laborer. It a87 S 3d ~ Gaffner James F., operator P. S. Co., h 114 X :!tl Gaffney James, inspector, h l:n S Front U Gaffney John, meiter, h 517 X Front Q Gaffney ~dary A., wid Thomas, h 114 N 2d Gaffney :'.Iary C. elk S. S. Co .. h 114 ~ 2d Gaines Anna. wid Charles, h :!lS Bailev ~ Gaines Henry :\1., watertender, h R58 ~1'\ Front Galhraith William E., drug elk, 1~!l S Front, h 2:m Myers Q Galeias .\dam. laborer, h !ll;) S 2d ~ Gallagher .\mos L .. watchman. h 1941 S :M Gallagher Charles .\ .. foreman. h 5fH S Front ~ Gallagher Charles A .. jr., rivetmkr, It 565 S Front

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Boyd'. Steelton Directory.





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A. 8. TACK,

Wall Paper and Window Shacks, {l.::W:~r:~~':k. Boyd's Steelton Directol.'Y. 727

Gallagher Frank B., laborer, h 951 S Front Gallagher George H., coremkr, h 3634 S Front Gallagher Joanna T., telephone opr, h 113 Lincoln Gallagher John M., machinist, h 561 S Front Gallagher Michael, shearsman, h 113 Lincoln Gallagher Thompson K., laborer, h 951 S Front Galloway Arthur H., laborer, h 125 Adams Gally Dragectic, contractor, h M6M S ~d Gamby Henry E., laborer, h 482 Main Gardner Eliza A., elk S. S. Co., h 7 N Front Gardner Fannie c., wid Adam, h 142 Lincoln Gardner George S., draftsman P. S. Co., h 142 Lincoln Gardner George W., painter, h 223 Myers Gardner John, steelworker, h 7 N Front Gardner Margaret, wid John, h 7 N Front Gardner Mary L., wid James E., h 146 Ridge Gardner Thomas V., agt, 140 N Front, h 5 do Gardner William H., painter, h 374 S 2d Garland John W., heater, h 965 S Front Garlinger Daniel, driller, h 418 Swatara Garnett Reuben, laborer, h 30~ Ridge Garraty George, machinist, h 363 Spruce Garraty George D., asst chemist P. S. Co., h 36a Spruce Garrett Franklin K., laborer, h 24~ ~Iain Gassul Antonio C, painter, h 126 Frederick Gates Jane, charwoman, h :ilia Iron al Gatewood Charles, laborer, h 111 Adams Gaul Ross 0., elk, 1411 i'J Front, h Lochiel Farm Gaul William T., harnessmkr, la6 X Front, h 6n; N 2d Gault Edward'L., elk S. S. Co .. h -itil N 2d Gault William S., mgr,l.iS Conestoga, h Hbg Gayles James, laborer, h :!Ui Adams Gayman Eugene, rigger, h ~83 Main Geary Mary, charwoman, h 38 Furnace Geary Robert, laborer, h 11191 Adams Geer George D., patternmkr. h 532 S 2d Geesey Robert, barber, h 43 S Front Gegan John, laborer, h 229 Christian Geiger Harry W., elk P. S. Co., h 229 S Front Geiger William E., rail straightener, h 554 N 2d Geistwhite George M., grocer, 329 S Front, h do Geistwhite John H., heater, h 333 S Front Geistwhite William F., steelworker, h 333 S Front Gelnett Seth K., helper, h 362 Myers Gelsinger Amos, machinist, h 707 N Front Gem Council, No. 98, O. U. A. M .. mct'ts Saturday evening of each week in G. A. R. Hall. H. L. Sheaffer, sec Gemmill Lewis A., timekpr P. S. Co., h :n N Front

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" To find a name



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M KELLEY & CO 110thad3d SInIL J 1 North lill.. 511.



Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

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::::s Gemmill William N., watchman P. S. Co .. h 158 Lincoln

Genl. Reynolds Circle, No. 34, G. A. R., meets every other Thursday, 2 P. M., G. A. R. Hall, ~Irs. Mary Gallagher, sec . George Annie R., wid Edwin, h 42 S 3d George Charles L., clk P. S. Co., h.n S 2d George Isaac W., clk P. S. Co., h 42 S :3d George J. Elmer, clk P. S. Co., h 355 Pine Gerberich Enos S., shoes. 159 N Front, h Hl5 X 2d Gerdes Albert B., patternmkr, h a47 N Front GERDES lOSEPH H., Hotellerome, 347 :R Front, h do Gerhard John F., bricklayer, h 543 N Front Gerhart George, machinist, h 223 S Front German Lutheran Church, 209 S 2d Gerretz Augustine, laborer, h 226 Frederick Gersic George, laborer, h 25 N 2d Gessner David, laborer, h 329 Conestoga Getson Jacob, laborer, h 213 Canal al Getz Edward, fireman, h 619 S Front Geukes John H., laborer, h 515 S Front Geyer George W., miiler, h 345 Poplar Gibb John H., laborer, h 529 S Ftont Gibbs Emma. housekeeper. a15 N Front Gibbs James E., laborer, h 146 Ridge Gibbs James M., heater, h 155 S 2d Gibbs Sallie r..L, teacher. h 155 S 2d Gibson Henry. driver. h a48 N 2d Gibson Jacob T., janitor. h l1R~ Adams Gibson James, laborer, h 242 Ridge Gibson James R., laborer. h nal Adam:Gibson Robert, laborer, h 76 Furnace Giffin Mary. wid Henry, h 157 Frederick Giffin William ",.,r., laborer. h 157 Frederick Gilbert Daniel F . steelworker. h 622 S :!d Gilbert Harry, laborer, h 101 Main Gilbert John M., steelworker. h 622 S 2d Gilbert Rachel, wid William. h 115 S 4th Gilbert William J.. draftsman P. S. Co .. h 4116 X 3d Gilbert W. Kent, elk P. S. Co .. h Camp Hill Gilger David M .. driller. h 23 S 2d Gillard George, timekeeper, h 4 N ad Gingrich Sallie, wid George. h 203 J\fyer!' Gistwite Annie. wid H. Romanl1s. h R9 Main Gistwite Hervev. !'teelworker. h 89 Main . Gistwite Jennie, cigarmkr. h 89 Main Gistwite S. Morris. oiler. h 89 Main Given Frank, laborer. h 180 Myers Given William V\" .. plumber. h 158 Myers ___

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BIC~:t:~;.g~B.} AND~REW REDMON[).~i3d~I~ld R'" StIr

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A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,

{121r::..1f=V .....

Boyd'. Steelton Direotory.

Gjekir Y ovo, laborer, h 182 S Front Gjumber Simon, laborer. h 27 K 2d Glancy Margaret D., mgr. 44 S Front, h 419 N 3d Gland Andrew J., h 321 Swatara Gland Jacob M., helper, h 321 Swatara Gland Samuel T., planer, h 321 Swatara Glaser Benedict, laborer, h 310 Frederick Glass David W., trimmer, h 91 Main Gledhill James H., draftsman P. S .Co., h 131 S 2d Gleim LeGrant, elk P. & R. depot, h 705 N Front Gloss John, carpenter, h 404 N ad Goff John, laborer, h 132 Adams Gojkovic Stefan, laborer, h 543 Myers Golden Mary, wid Benjamin, h 173 Adams Golden Willow Tabernacle, Xo. 78, Galilean Fishermen, (colored), meets every Tuesday evening at 132 N Front, Mrs. Millie Jefferson, sec Golitz Mayo, laborer, h 18 N 2d ~ Golles Andrew, laborer, h 621 S 3d Good Arthur, molder, h 243 S Front Good Enos W., furniture, 431 Mohn, h do Good George E., laborer, h :U9 Pine Good Harry, laborer, h 437 ;\1ohn Good Jacob, foreman P. S. Co., h 212 Myers Good Jacob W., laborer, h 243 S Front Good John, laborer, h 532 N 2d Good Lulu L., cigarmkr. h 243 S Front ,0 Good Mary, wid Amos. h 243 S Front 0 Gordon Harvey, laborer, h 4H1 S 2d I~ Gore Alice Mrs., domestic. 128 Adams Gore Joseph, laborer, h r 120 Adams Gorrup Thomas, laborer, h 365 Frederick Gorse Joseph, laborer. h 821 S 3d Gottlieb Raymond. laborer. h 555 S 3d Gouse Joseph, laborer, h 612 N 3d Grace United Evangelical Church, Lincoln bel Harrisburg Grand Army Hall, 144 N Front Grand Army Post, No. 351: org June, 1883: meets Friday eve., G. A. R. Hall, Peter F. Dunkle, sec Grass Joseph, laborer, h 662 N 2d Grass Peter, sawyer. h 662 N 2d Gray Emery, laborer, h 373 S 3d Gray John W., laborer, h 404 Swatara Gray William, laborer. h 1451 Adams Q. Gray William H., engineer, h 371 S 3d Graybill Wilson, brakeman, h 317 Frances Green Abram H .. laborer, h 239 S Front Green Bessie A., elk S. S. Co., h 239 S Front



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Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Green Charles, laborer, h 315 Adams Green Charles W., laborer, h 11 N Front Green Christian S., heater, h 650 N 2d . , Green Frank, laborer, h 817 5 3d .~ Ijreen Frank M., elk P. 5 . Co., h Hbg .; Green Harry B., student, h 131 5 2d ~ Green Isaac, laborer, h 227 N 2d ~ Green Mary, wid Thomas, h 3495 2d ~ Green Mary A., h 248 Main . Green Oliver, laborer, h 239 5 Front ..... Green William F., laborer, h 145 Christian _ Green William M., steelworker, h 349 S 2d :IE Green William N., elk 5. 5. Co., h 2:-J2 S 2d c::t Greenawalt Charles W., helper, h 5125 2d : Greenawalt Harry B., heater, h 512 5 2d 2 Greenawalt ~L Howard, draftsman P. 5. Co., h Hbg Greenawalt Winfield 5., asst supt O. H. dept P. S. Co., h (/) 332 Pine Gregory Benjamin, laborer, h 82 Furnace .LaJ Gregory J ames, foreman P. 5. Co., h 174 Main -I Greist William P., timekpr P. 5. Co., h 30 Walnut ." Gress John, cattle dealer, 401 5 Front, h do ~ Gress John A., restaurant. 4111 5 Front, h do LaJ Grexon John, fireman. h 7 X 4th Q Gribble Jacob L.. laborer. h 303 5 Front .... Griener William A., steelworker, h 152 Bessemer ... Griffee Edward, fireman. h 343 Lincoln Griffin Lizzie, wid Jackson, h 219 Franklin Grigsby Eldridge, laborer, h 140 Ridge . : Grigsby Thomas, laborer, h 409 S Front z Grigsby Thomas A.,. laborer, h 82 Furnace ~ Grill Sadie :\lrs., h :U9 Trewick '& Grills William R, laborer, h 13!'i Adams Grim Nettie, wid John, h 379 S 2d U Grim William. bridge builder. h 973 5 Front .... Grimacy William, laborer. h :121 53d C Grimes Emanuel J., laborer. h 136 Lincoln Grimes James W., laborer. h 707 S Front Grimm Henry B., laborer, h 124 Frederick C Grismaier Anton. laborer, h 57 Trewick Griva Pavao laborer, h 919 S 2d Groff Charles A., elk P. R R, h 265 N Front ~ Grolbosh' Paul. laborer. h 3R.':J Main Groom Ernest. buggy runner. h 387 S 2d Q Groome Jacob L., finisher, h :{57 Pine ...., Grooms Tempie Mrs., h 446 Ridge +- Gross Andrew ~I., laborer. h 419 Catharine ~ Gross Frank 1., weighmaster, 11 122 Main



Tile AlDerl" Bo.dlo. (lomp ,., BaIUmore, Md. BOW. e. HOB.aft, Qeneral Agent Central Penna. District. 108 5 ,. Bell'Phone 8$1 X. OI"",X.
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Goog Ie

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.


Gross Henry S., supt .\lerchant Mill, h Spruce c 4th Gross J. Parker, laborer, h 250 .\lain Gross Philip S., steelworker, h 256 Frederick Gross TUfa, ironer, h 252 Main Gross \Vendell, blacksmith, h 2~ S Front Grove Charles J., laborer, h 40~ Swatara Grove Jacob F., laborer, h 360 S 2d Grove John L., tax collector, l:!; S Front, h 1i~ S 2d Grove John W., foreman, h 49 S 4th Grove John W. F., laborer, h 165 S Front Grove Lulu, seamstress, h 165 S Front Grove Victor R., steelworker, h 414 Myers Grover Oscar 1... draftsman P. S. Co., h Oberlin Gruber Alaker, laborer, hI):!:! Sad . Gruber Charles J., bricklayer, h 155 Christian Grober Frank J., laborer, h :!26 S Front Grober Harry J., bricklayer, h 36~ Myers Gruber Katie, domestic, 45 S Front Grunden Alva R, teacher, h 301 S :!d Grunden Edward J., foreman P. S. Co., h 363 S 2d GRUBDEN II. H., coal and wood dealer, 240 S Front, h 301 Grunden Percival E., druggist, h :l63 S :M Guistwite Charles. laborer, h :!5~ Frederick Guistwite Samuel, shoemkr, :!~4 .\.[yers, h 422 do Grumbinger Joseph, laborer. h 621 S Front Gunderman John, laborer, h a:n Bessemer Gust Frank, laborer, h :mr S 3d Gustin George, laborer, h 56; S :!d Gustin John, laborer, h 548 S !ld Gustin Matto, laborer. h 21~ Frederick Gutlip David, grocer, 555 Sad, h do Guttenberg Myers, laborer, h 282 ~lyers Gwosdic Todore.laborer, h 915 S :!d Haas Charles, rail straightener, h :154 Swatara Haas George J., laborer, h 4:!C1 Swatara Haas lames V .. machinist, h 44ti Swatara Haas John, engineer. h 215 .\lain Haas John W., foreman. h 245 Myers Haas .\Iartin L.. roller. h :10~ Frances Haas Samuel. laborer, h 389 S Front Habbarde Thomas F., laborer, h 20~ Swatara Hag l\'icholas. laborer. h 545 Myers Hagen John F., laborer, h 425 Catharine Hager John W . laborer, h 79 Main Hagerman John A . laborer. h 356.Myers Hagerty James. gasmkr. h ~47 Chnstlan Hagerty John, gasmkr, h 347 Christian


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-To find a ~a;;'e y~ n:.~t mow how to spell it."

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H. M. KELLEY & CO .. COA~ AND WOOD {OlllCes: :o:.~rJ.~

c::a Hagner Harry, foreman, h 639 S Front a: Hagy Henry W., molder, h 623 S 2d Z Hain George W., laborer, h 66 Frederick ~ :z: Hain Harry B., clk P. S. Co., h Progress f - Haines James W., elk, h 322 S 2d a: C ) Haker John, laborer, h 41M Swatara z: Haker Ross 0., machinist, h 428 Swatara en Hale Daniel M., barber, 2M3 Main, h 217 do - Hale Edward, shearsman, h 424 N Front - .. Hale Lewis H., butcher S. S. Co., h Hbg Hale Rosanna, wid Jacob, h 301 S 2d LW Haley Benjamin, laborer, h 2d c Ridge ~ Hall George W., laborer, h 106 Frederick LW Hallman Christian, laborer, h 464 Myers a: Hamacher Daniel A., teacher, h 609 S Front ;IE Hamacher John K., salesman, h 609 S Front Q Hamersly Florence Mrs., h 315 Myers Hamill Brazillia, civil engineer, h 353 Main L&.I Hamilton Cordelia H. Mrs., tailoress, h 17 S 4th Hamilton Frank P., clk S. S. Co., h 13 S 2d cj Hamilton Frederick 0., laborer, h 319 Conestoga Hamilton Georgianna, dressmkr, h 273 Christian ~ Hamilton John B., laborer, h 317 Frederick ;:: Hamilton John T. Rev., h N 2d c Ridge ~ Hamilton Martin L., laborer, h 242 Canal al Hamilton William B., laborer, h 17 S 4th - Hamlin Allen, laborer, h 409 S Front Hammaker George H., laborer, h 405 Catharine :IE Hammaker John, student, h 509 S Front Hanby George W. laborer, h 442 Swatara a.. Hand Daniel, laborer, h 711 S Front ~ Handley Charles P., machinist, h 259 Christian i:iJ Handley James, engineer, h 304 Main ~ Handley John, engineer, h 259 Christian a: Handley Michael, watertender, h 536 N 2d c.-o Handley William J., bricklayer, h 259 Christian ffi Haney Robert W., engineer, h 20 Walnut ~ Hanley James, craneman, h 243 Main ~ Hannis John, laborer, h 619 S Front II~ Hanshue Sarah, wid Samuel, h 343 N Front ZJ Hanson Gustav, florist, 136 N Front. h Hbg 0- Hanson William, laborer, h 347 Christian IC Harclerode Albert P., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 233 S 2d ILl Harclerode Carroll E., machinist, h 233 S 2d II Harclerode Catharine, wid Philip, h 233 S 2d JO Harclerode Charles E., tracer P. S. Co . h Enhaut liZ Harclerode Emma B., stenographer. h 233 S 2d ~C Harclerode George A., planer, h 352 S 2d

...: c.-o


Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

= =E: ==


ANDREW REDMOND, H~';:::~".f:::d ~::'~oi::.. {3d



.1' SII.

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PnKolna Public Bulldlnal In Plaia Tlata. 6.11. . . .

-IIAItE8 A 'PEOIAL" 0 ' -

{12Ui M. 341ft.


Boyd" Steelton Directory. Harclerode ~1ichael, laborer, h ~33 S 2d Harclerode William M., laborer, h 233 S 2d Harder J. Bert, machinist, h 363 Main Hardy Benjamin F., chipper, h l:ID Main Hardy Warren c., clk P. R. R., h 265 N Front Harlacher Joseph,laborer, h 5U6 S 2d Harlacher Leopold, laborer, h 364 Swatara Harlan Horace, laborer, h 52M S 2d Harlan Louis T., miller, h 244 N 2d Harlan Millard F., grocer, 163 S Front, h 273 S 2d Harlan WiIliam, laborer, h 402 S 2d Harm Christian, machinist, h 648 N 2d Harper WiIIiam H., laborer, h 157 S 4th Harr Leonard 0., painter, h 391 S 2d Harris Alexander, laborer, h rear 367 Frederick Harris Charles H., laborer, h 56 Furnace Harris Dallas, laborer, h 235 Christian Harris Daniel W., laborer, h 168 Adams Harris Samuel, laborer, h 249 Adams Harris Sarah, wid John, h 311 Orchard av Harris Sarah, wid John H., h 79 Main Harris William H., laborer, h 479 Myers Harrison James, laborer, h 166 Ridge Harrod Arthur A., laborer, h 1491 Adams Harrod Hayes, laborer, h 48 Furnace Harrod Lewis, laborer, h rear 139 Adams Harry C. Walter, machinist, h 603 S 2d Hart Edward, laborer, h 856 N Front Harten Daniel L., laborer, h 433 Catharine Hartman Aaron, laborer, h 256 Lincoln Hartman Edward M., ironworker, h 256 Lincoln Hartman George N., ice cream, 307 Myers, h do Hartman Harry, molder, h 124 S 2d Hartman William H., baker, 409 Befsemer, h 405 do Hartzell Oliver, laborer, h 402 S 2d Harvat John, laborer, h 821 S 3d Harvey William N., laborer, h 316 Main Hassler Isaac, laborer, h 253 Christian Hatcher Wilson, laborer, h 227 N 2d Haudlein Adam, laborer, h 445 Catharine Haudlein Peter, laborer, h 445 Catharine Haulman Jay W .. elk P. S. Co., h Mechanicsburg Hause Jacob, bricklayer, h 329 Myers Hawk George E., C'arpenter, h 455 N 2d Hawk James C., helper, h 352 Myers Hawkins Charles, laborer, h 107! Adams Hawkins Edgar M., chief eng P. S. Co., h 324 Pine Hawkins John H., laborer, h 21 Walnut




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To find a name you must know how to spellit."

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MeNe"'. PaiD Ell'at.lnetor _ Cbolera Morbus, DyleD1err, Crampa, Dlarrhc!I, Colds, QUID.,-. RbeumaUlID, Toothache, Bore Tbroat, Ague, Dppe......eo .....


Boyd'. Steelton Direotory.


fer ACCIDElIT IlI"VRA.lICE. J. --X" 1!1. . . . . . .,....... Bell 'Phone 8111 X, or elMl

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~=.;:.: IOU purer IRId ImdOI ShOdeS lrom A. B. TACK, NoI:';\.. Boyd's Steelton Directory. 735
Hepler John G., laborer, h 27 ~ 3d Hepler Minnie R., h 34 N 2d Herald Walter, civil engineer, 11 117 S 2d Heran Frank, laborer, h 18 N 2d Heran Lovre, laborer, h 22 ~ 2d Herman Adam D., laborer, h 832 S 2d Herman Agnes, housekeeper, 166 Bessemer Herman Applebaum S., interpreter, h 558 S 3d Herman Charles S., helper, h 43 N Front Herman Frank G., engineer, h 166 Bessemer Herman George W., machinist. h 260 Franklin Herman John B., laborer, h 168 Bessemer Hernel Frederick, butcher S. S. Co .. h 267 N Front Herring John D., laborer, h 30 S 3d Hersey Arthur, draftsman, h 173 S 2d Hershberger G. Ettie, boarding, 261 Myers, h do Hershey Daniel E., molder, h 146 S 2d Hershey Edward W., laborer, h 147 Lincoln Hershey Grace C., teacher, h 133 S 4th Hershey Harry L., grocer, 168 Lincoln, h do Hershey Harvey T., foreman, h 168 Lincoln HERSHEY HENRY F., postmaster, 2 S Front, h 133 S 4th Hershey Isaac, laborer, h 539 S Front Hershey Justus V., elk P. S. Co., h 133 S 4th Hess Abraham R., grocer, 28 N 4th, h do Hess Christian, surveyor, h 353! S 2d Hess Edna E., wid Samuel c.. h 346 Christian Hess Edward, elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Hess Harvey G .. planer, h 328 Lincoln Hess Hiram A., planer, h 459 N 2d HESS 100, ooal, wood and sand, 400 N Front, h do Hess Linnie A., teacher, h 28 N 4th Hess Merton W., carpenter, h 353! S 2d Hess Minerva D., bookkeeper, h35Si S 2d Hess S. Agnes, wid William, h 319 Lincoln Hetrick Amos, laborer, h 356 Myers Hetrick George W., laborer. h 531 N Front Hetrick Nicholas laborer, h 134 Lincoln Hettinger William. laborer, h 337 Bessemer Hetzel Augustus W., machinist, h 656 N 2d Hetzel Jacob, watchman, h 656 N 2d Hicklin Edward, helper, h 258 Franklin Hicklin Henry, laborer, h 258 Franklin Hickman George L. K.. vet surg. 185 S Front, h do Hickman L. Blanche, elk, h 1~5 S Front Hickman 1\1. Luella, h 1~5 S Frori! Hickman Samuel P., elk. h 185 S Front Higgins Charles H., supt yard dept P. S. Co., h 519 N Front

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-To find a name you must know how to spcJIlL

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TrJ. Ton of

H M KELLEY I ICO'S BI .....s._II. ",10- {'10th and Slall SII. D. MariIIl....... I. ..... DI _ ...........


Boyd's Steelton Directory .

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Hilderbrand Harry, laborer, h 519 Myers Hiler John H., ladle runner, h 641 N 2d Hill Andrew, laborer, h 555 Iron al Hill Benjamin, laborer, h 216 N Front Hill Edward, foreman P. S. Co., h U6 Pine Hill Frank, elk P. S. Co., h 219 Lincoln Hill George W., laborer, h 407 S Front Hill Harriet, wid John W. S., h 162 Adams Hill John A., janitor S. S. Co., h 138 Ridge Hill Maggie C., wid Mahlon, h 219 Lincoln Hill Warren M., elk, h 219 Lincoln Hill William, laborer, h 126 Ridge Hill William A., laborer, h 107 Adams Hillon William, laborer, h 241 Christian Hilton George E., steelworker, h 243 S Front Hilton Joseph E., foreman P. S. Co., h 573 S 2d Hilton Marshall, laborer, h 128 Ridge Himebauch Ledman, roller, h 337 Bessemer Himes Samuel A., laborer, h 68 Furnace Hindle Paul, contractor, h 421 Mohn Hiney George F., steelworker, h 224 S Front Hiney Isaac S., supt, h 414 Spruce Hiney Solomon, jr., asst chemist P. S. Co., h 40-! S Front Hinkle John W., laborer, h 36a! S Front Hintermey~r Franz, driver, h 1)74 S 2d Hirner E. A., (DaUI1hin Hosiery Co.), h Allentown Hite Isaac, laborer, h 2!l1 S Front Hite Jerome, h a49 N Front , Bite Sadie V., boarding, 151 Main, h do Hite Sarah, wid Jacob, h 349 N Front Hoch Benjamin S., laborer, h 389 S 2d Hoch Howard R., laborer, h 389 S 2d Hoch Sadie E., wid Edgar H., h 267 N Front Hock Frank, tailor, 6U9 S Front, h do Hock Mary, wid Charles, h 609 S Front Hockenberry David L., laborer, h 53 Frederick Hockenberry William c., laborer, h 53 Frederick Hocker Martin M., heater, h 359 S Front Hocker Martin P. Rev., h 103 N 2d Hocker Mary, h 380 S 2d Hockey Joseph E., laborer, h 216 N 2d Hoerner Charles E., driver, h 244 Christian Hoerner Robert K., elk, 24:i Main, h 621 N Front Hoerner William l\J., sec Capital Shirt Co., h Hbg Hofberg Olaf. draftsman P. S. Co., h 17 N 4th Hoffer Jacob H . elk, Trewick c Canal, h 146 N 2d Hoffer James M., foreman P. S. Co., h 320 Pine ~offer John, ~gr !)ax~o~ an~d ?teel~~n F. M. Co., h Hbg

ANDREW' REDMOND, ~l:::!=:-';d'::::~. {3d .Id Reily Sta. CoogIe

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I!Ib.... oompie&e


Pap Thebel&andloweltlJl'lceL WI. . . wlm JIU&uIeI aDil.~ far . . . . . . . '"

W{ I.,e

Boyd'. Steelton Direotory.


Hoffer John, jr., elk, Trewick c Frederick, h Hbg Hoffert Charles P., machinist, h 340 S 2d Hoffman Annie Mrs., h rear 923 S 2d Hoffman Carl, laborer, h 621 S Front Hoffman Charles, machinist, h 125 S Front Hoffman Cora M., knitter, h 220 Myers Hoffman David R., carpenter, h 125 Lincoln Hoffman Ellen M., domestic, 220 Myers Hoffman Franz, laborer, h 619 S Front Hoffman George, laborer, h 664 N 2d Hoffman George W., steelworker, h 220 Myers Hoffman Harry, carpenter, h 364 S 2d Hoffman John H., foreman, 154 S Front, h Hbg Hoffman Mary E., dressmkr, h 159 S Front Hoffman Matthew, butcher, h 721 S 2d Hoffman Max, laborer, h 833 S 2d Hoffman Samuel H., steelworker, h 272 Myers Hoffman Samuel S., laborer, h 254 Myers Hoffman William L., elk S. S. Co., h 175 Christian Hoffman Zacharias, engineer, h 220 Myers Hoffmaster Erwin, plumber, h 260 S 2d Hofford Jacob, h 145 S Front Hogan Ellen, h 1!l6 Ridge Hogate Anna P., teacher, h 31 S 4th Hoke Harry B., plumber, 263 N Front, h do Holden Matilda B., wid Thomas, h 365 S Front Hollenbach Harry B., painter, h 618 S 2d Holler Louis, fireman, h 461 Myers Holler Morris A., machinist, h 254 Christian Holler Philip T., laborer, h 254 Christian Hollern David, laborer, h 153 Christian Hollern Dennis, foreman P. S. Co .. h 106 N Front Hollern Margaret, wid Daniel, h 15:~ Christian Holley Charles, laborer, h 150 Lincoln Hollinger David, bricklayer, h 181 S Front Hollis Thomas B., carpenter, h 135 Adams Holmes Alfred, watertender, h 503 S Front Holmes Catharine Mrs., h 309 Ridge Holmes Charles, laborer, h 255 Adams Holmes Daniel, laborer, h 402 Ridge Holmes Frank W.,laborer, h 503 S Front Holmes George, laborer, h 123 Adams Holmes Harvey M., helper, h 503 S Front Holmes Henry, laborer, h 128 Ridge Holmes James R., laborer, h 503 S Front Holmes Walter A.,laborer, h 856 N Front Holmes William, laborer, h 226 Adams Holth Edward, mechanical engineer P. S. Co., h 5 S 2d



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-- To find a name you must know how to spell it!'

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McNEIL'S COMPLEXION PILLS. ~,~I~~d~D~6:m~~I; {306 Brol'

Boyd's Steelton Direotory,

Holtz Marko, laborer, h 205 Christian Home Building and Loan Assn., J. C. Fink, sec; meets last Tuesday evening of each month at 144 N Front Hood George, laborer, h 238 Lincoln Hood LeRoy, laborer, h 337 Bessemer Hoon Clarence B., mgr, ft Frances, h do Hoopes Charles A., laborer, h 256 Myers Hoopes George, hooker, h 1~ Pine Hoopes Howard, tinner, h 354 Locust Hoopes John B., laborer, h 256 Myers Hoover Anna M. Mrs., ironer, h 311 Orchard av Hoover Annie, domestic, 31 K Front Hoover Charles, bartender, 947 S Front, h do Hoover Charles A., elk P. S. Co., h 122 S 2d Hoover Mary C, wid Daniel H., h 122 S 2d Hoover Susan, wid Harry, h 356 Main Hard F. Marion, laborer, h 854 N Front Horn Christi~n 1., laborer, h 47 S 2d Hornf'1l Ralph G., draftsman P. S. Co., h 179 S 2d Horvet John, laborer, h 642 S 3d Hose John, cooper, h 231 Christian Hose John, jr., carpenter, h 231 Christian Hose Solomon, fireman, h 231 Christian HOTEL lEROME, loseph H. Gerdes, propr,347 :R Front Hottenstein Elizabeth, teacher, h 243 Swatara Hotz William H., timekpr P. S. Co., h 27 Locust Houdeshel George M., foreman P. S. Co., h 164 Main Houdeshel John H., steel tester P. S. Co., h 304 N 2d Houdeshel Levi F., test roller P. S. Co., h 430 Lincoln Householder Tohn T., laborer, h 356 Locust Housman Charles, heater, h 343 S 2d Housman John J., molder, h 343 S 2d Houston William A., asst supt P. S. Co., h Hbg Howard Charles F., teacher, h 213 N 2d Howard Harrv H., bookkpr P. & S. F. M. Co., h 129 S 2d Howard John', barber, 323 N Front; restaurant, 321 do, b 325 do Howard John M., laborer, h 216 S 2d Howard Lewis, boarding, N 2d c Ridge, h do Howe George A., laborer, h 271 Main Howerter Alvin E., telegrapher P. & R. depot, h Hbg Hoy Clarence S . laborer, h 29 Locust Hoy William C, laborl'!r, h 29 Locust Hoy William R.. helper, h 29 Locust Hover B. Frank. h 125 Lincoln Hoyer John. jr., laborer, h 500 Lincoln Hoyer John B., rougher, h 503 Lincoln
"bII'I' EDW G ROBERTS wll1 ROon your bond. Bell 'Phone llil X. or.... X. bond, are uecut.ecl. CoogIe
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== Holtzman Joseph H., stocker, h 323 Conestoga


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A. B. TACK l:':::c::t lOll PODer 01lIl1101101 _

Boyd'. Steelton Direotory.

rzl~~3Wt: i39

Hoyer Thomas J., laborer, h 24 N 3d Hoyle William H., machinist, h 21 Walnut Hren Frank, laborer, h 30 N 2d Hren Lovro, laborer, h 28 N 2d Hrovat Joseph, laborer, h 311 ~ 2d Huber Rakin, machinist, h 347 N Front Huber Roy, machinist, h 267 N Front Hudak Andro, laborer, h 326 Franklin Huggins Elmer E., laborer, h 528 S 2d Huggins Robert. laborer, h 348 N 2d Hughes Hudson, inspector, h a69! S 2d Hughes Winfield 5., plasterer, h 225 S 2d Hull John, laborer, h 215 Main Humer William H., painter, h 367 ~1yers Hummel Charles F., carpenter, h 249 S Front Hummel Oara W., h 249 S Front Hummel Dora J.~ bookkpr, h 255 S Front Hllmmel Elmer c., elk, h 247 S Front Hummel Jacob G., planer, h 152! Lincoln cr Hummel Joseph B., mess Steelton Nat. Bank, h 303 Swatara ... Hummel Margaret, wid William, h 49 S 4th if Hummel Mary, wid Joseph, h 255 S Front Hummel Ralph E., machinist, h 3U3 Swatara Hummel Roy E., mail carrier. h 247 S Front Hummel William E., ironworker, h 130 Frederick H ummel Winfield S., carpfnter S. S. Co., h 231 Frederick Hummer Jacob, cigars, HI S 2d, h 543 Bessemer Hummer Samuel H., mgr Baldwin Cemetery, h do Humphrey Thomas. laborer, h 93 Main Humphreys James W., driller, h 156 Main Hunter Emma M .. wid James H., h 852 N Front Huntsberger George L., shearsman, h 361 Myers Huntsberger Russel c.; laborer. h 361 Myers Huntsburg Walter H., carpenter. h 153 S 2d Hurley Thomas, laborer, h 229 S Front Hursh Abra'ham B., h 348 Myers Hursh Daniel 0., machinist, h a48 :Vlyers Hursh Lawrence R., elk P. S. Co., h 348 Myers Husic Mary, wid John, h 152 Frederick Husk Peter; laborer, h 224 Frederick Hutchison William P., blacksmith, h 416 Swatara Hygienic Hill Scho'OI, Bailey bet Adams and Ridge Hypsch Frances, wid William. h 305 Swatara Hypsch William. laborer. h 305 Swatara Ickes William H., laborer, h 167 Lincoln Imboden Norman B., butcher. 196 S Front. h 223 do 1mboden Walter 5., butcher. 196 S Front. h 226 do Imes Aura c., teacher. h 223 Ridge

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To find a name you must mow how to speI1 it."

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M. KELLEY &'::':'~~

Imes Cindie C, wid George H., h 223 Ridge .., Ingram Harry L. bricklayer, h 712 S 2d ~ Intrieri Antonio. laborer, h 303 S 3d .., Intrieri Emilio, laborer, h 576 S 3d Intrieri Joseph. laborer, h ~U9 S 3d Iogamic John. laborer, h :;; Irrgang Edward. laborer, 565 S 3d h 245 Christian ~ Irvin Alvin G., teacher. h 613 S 2d !! Irvin Elmer G. meat. 326 N Front. h 300 do Irvin John F . foreman, h 24 Chestnut _ Irvin Russell. frog builder, h 181 S Front _ Isham Henry S., draftsman P. S. Co . h Hbg - Iskric Ilya. laborer, h 921 S 2d -::; Jacks Sherman S., timekpr P. S. Co., h 357 Spruce __ Jackson Allen, laborer, h 316 Ridge LaJ Jackson Andrew, laborer, h 51 Trewick . ... Jackson Earnest, laborer. h 453 Orchard al ... Jackson Elta, domestic, 129 S 2d LaJ Jackson James, laborer, h 219 Adams Jackson John E., laborer. h 332 N 2d . Jackson Kate, charwoman, h 126 Adams Jackson Lafayette, laborer, h 220 Bailey Z Jackson Martha, wid Jeremiah, h 220 Bailey Jackson Martin, laborer. h :U3 Adams Z Jackson Nelson L . laborer, h 25R Ridge Jackson Reuben, laborer. h 132 Ridge Jackson Simon, laborer. h 330 N 2d LaJ Jackson William. grocer. 139 Adams, h 260 Ridge Jackson William,laborer, h 129 Adams Jackson William, laborer. h 167 Adams Jackson William L., machinist. h 150 Lincoln ;;;- Jacobs Carrie, housekeeper. 104 Trewick :5! Jacobs Charles F. Rev., h 254 N 2d Jacobs Norman. helper. h 237 Myers - Jacobson Andrew, labort'r. h 603 S 3d .., c:; Jacoby Charles E., laborer. h 439 Mohn ~ Jaleylas Vasily, laborer, h 919 S 2d James Charles, laborer, h 348 N 2d ~ !:; James Charles R., laborer, h 227 Adams :5 James Charles W., laborer. h 227 Adams ~ James Clinton L . elk S. S. Co., h 168 Adams James John, laborer. h Cumbler's Row _ James Julia, cook, 334 Spruce ::a: James Lewis E .. laborer. h 166 Adams c:; James Nathaniel, laborer, h 166 Adams ~ James Stephen, laborer, h 407 River av James William H., driver S. S. Co . h 115i Adams

ti =:


Boyd's Steelton Directory.







:':::'='::!ii~:8! AND R EW

RED M D. {3d dRilly Sts. ON

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but Ilrl'lr<'llINI workmen, henet! only JlrfII. A. B TACK, N.1.1e {EmPlOY' nnnelDIurealt. WorlldooelDuypar&ofl!iace. 3d 8t. dcwvorhDd

Boyd's Steelton Directory.


lAllES WnIJAV M., sec, treas and supt Steelton PlaniDg JIill Co., h 220 Main Jankoivic Stephan, contractor, h 868 S :!d Jefferies Joseph C., jr., helper, h 364 Locust Jeffers B. Butler, physician, 36 K Front, h :14 do Jefferson Frank L., elk, h 213 Adams Jefferson Henry, laborer, h 302 Ridge Jefferson John B., watertender, h 176 Adams Jeffries William A., steelworker, h 332 S :!d Jenkins David J., electrician P. S. Co., h 243 Main Jenkins Edward A., planer, h 344 Locust Jenkins Edward R., elk, h 344 Locust Jenkins Samuel R., planer, h 344 Locust Jenkins S. Frank, letter carrier, h 764 S 2d Jenkins William, laborer, h 154 Ridge Jenkins William, laborer, h 325 X Front Jennings Larkin, laborer, h 3118 Ridge Jiras Joseph, elk S. S. Co., h :n Chestnut Jobson Lizzie, domestic, 383 ~Jain Johns Harry, laborer, h 41 Frederick Johns William c., elevatorman. h 41 Frederick Johnson Alonzo. laborer. h 141 Adams Johnson Annie B., wid Oscar Y., h 556 ~ 2d Johnson Charles F., teacher, h 141 S 4th Johnson Earley M., tracer P. S. Co., h HI S 4th Johnson Floyd, gasmkr, h 215 Adams Johnson Frank, laborer. h 107 Adams Johnson Franklin, laborer, h 3116 Ridge Johnson George. laborer, h ~6 N Front Johnson Harry. labonr. h 126 Ridge Johnson Henry c.. gas producer. h 311 .'-dams Johnson Heywood. laborer. h 132 Ridge Johnson Isabella B.. teacher. h 556 N 2d Johnson Jacob. fireman, h 2-15 Christian Johnson Jeremiah, laborer. h 166 Ridge Johnson John S., watchman. h 163 S Front Johnson John W., laborer. h 12R Ridge Johnson Joseph, laborer, h 166 Adams Tohnson Lewis E., civil engineer P. S. Co., h 241 S 4th johnson Martin. laborer, h 244 Ridge Tohnson Oscar V .. driller. h !'i!'i6 N 2d johnson Ottoway, laborer, h 147 Adams Tohnson P~vton \Y., blacksmith, h 864 ~ Front 'Tohnson Richard. laborer. h 126 Ridge johnson Richard M .. laborer, h 222 ~ Front Tohnson Samuel. helper, h 437 Lincoln johnson Thomas. carpenter. h 465 ~Jyers Johnson Thomas. laborer. h 342 ~ 2d


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Boyd's Steelton Directory.


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Johnson Travis, laborer, h 140 Ridge Johnson vVilliam, laborer, h l~S Ridge Johnson William, laborer, h 216 N Front Johnson William M., laborer, h U4 Ridge Johnston Annie M., seamstress, h 155 S 2d Johnston Julius, blacksmith, h 165 Lincoln Johnston Rachel J., seamstress, h 155 S 2d Jones Ashby, laborer, h 217 Franklin Jones Charles A., laborer, h 316 Frederick Jones Clinton, laborer, h 140 Ridge Jones Edna, wid George, h 860 N Front Jones Elmer, laborer, h 124 Adams Jones Fannie, domestic, 860 N Front Jones Harry, baker, 6as S 2d, h do Jones Hugh, steelworker, h 323 Swatara Jones Isaac D. Rev., h 254 Lincoln Jones James, laborer, h 313 Adams Jones John H., laborer, h 860 N Front Jones Joshtta, steelworker, h 166 N 2d Jones Lewis, laborer, h 147 Adams Jones Lewis H., laborer, h 111 Main Jones Marshall L., laborer, h Cumbler's Row Jones Mary, wid Kinsey, h ~07 Adams Jones Mary E., wid James, h 340 Swatara Jones Maud, domestic, 207 Adams Jones Priscilla Mrs., h 210 Ridge Jones Reuben L., steelworker, h 366 S Front Jones William B., laborer, h 210 Ridge Jordan Edward, laborer, h 565 S 2d Jordan Frank, laborer, h 157 Adams Jordan Gilbert, heater, h 121 Ridge Jordan Mary E., wid Washington, h 157 Adams Jordan Rachel, domestic, Spruce c 4th Jordan William, steelworker, h 565 S 2d Judge Elizabeth E., wid Thomas. h 517 N Front Judy William, laborer, h 381 S 2d Julius Charles, laborer, h 109 Adams Jumper Ephraim W., well digger, h 259 ~lyers Jttngit Milan, laborer, h rear 208 ~-Iain Jurina Joseph, laborer, h 546 S 3d Kaffenberger John, laborer, h 418 Harrisburg Kaffenberger Peter, fireman, h 418 Harrisburg Kaiser Michael, laborer, h 54;) :\Iyers Kaleta Victor, laborer, h 6~1 S :ld Kambic Joseph. laborer, h 542 S ad Karako Charles, laborer, h 508 S :lrl Karper Samuel B.. millhand. It 617 S 2d Karpf William, laborer. h 38!l ~Iain

-------.Dd 8'e.1ll f EDW G ROBERTS , A""'''_l... LI.ltlll&:rSl. Bell Beller X........... 103 I!I..., S ....... or _ X. Digitized L.OogIe


Will Paper and Window Shacla. {..~~. . Boyd'. Steelton Directory. 743


Kauer Frank, tailor, h 545 Myers Kauffman Edward, asst chemist P. S. Co., h Hbg Kauffman George M., general store, 383 S Front, h 385 do Kaufman Mary, h 241 Myers Kaufman Stephen, crusher, h 517 N Front Kautz Benjamin F., laborer, h 133 Lincoln Kautz Walter A., steelworker, h 129 Lincoln Keadle Christiana, wid George, h 182 Main Keadle Mabel, dressmkr, h 182 Main Keagle Howard E., steelworker, h 373 :\Iyers Keagle Sarah E., wid George W., h 353 Christian Keammerer John, h 545 Bessemer Keammerer Martin, engineer, h 307 Bessemer Keammerer Milton F., engineer, h Lincoln opp Cemetery Keammerer Peter, farmer, h 545 Bessemer Kearney Joseph H., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 6;1-t S 2d Keckler Flemming G., steelworker, h 250 Main Keefer David J., laborer, h 101 Locust Keefer Henry c., carpenter, h 310 Main Keefer John E., oiler, h 314 Main Keefer Morris W., buyer S. S. Co., h 329 Pine Keener Charles, laborer, h 327 S 2d Keener Thomas c., restaurant, 355 N Front, h do Keeney Frederick E., supt, 118 N Frqnt, h 319 Short Keet Wayne M., drug elk, 27 ~ Front, h Hbg Keil John, butcher S. S. Co., h Hbg Keirn Charles E., elk, h 383 S Front Keirn Edgar W., planer, h 175 Lincoln Keirn Harry A, steelworker, h 309 :vrain Keirn Hubert I., elk, h 175 Lincoln Keirn Laura A., wid Oliver I., h 175 Lincoln Keirn Mary A, wid William, h 262 ~lyers Keirn Thomas L., laborer, It 385 S Front Kdm William H., steelworker, h 552 N 3d Keirin Mike, laborer, h H23 S 2d Keiser Austin A., elk P. S. Co., h 3 X 4th KEISTER WILLIAM A., grocer, 187 N Front, h do Keiter Monroe P., laborer, h 324 S 2d Kelleher Patrick, laborer, h 557 N 2d Keller Ambrose A W .. barber, 369 S Front, h 367 do Keller Daisey L .. elk. h 30 Pine Keller Edward c., h 338 Locust Keller Henry W., laborer, h 367 S Front Keller Isaac B., supt, 182 N Front. It 30 Pine Keller Jennie A., dressmkr, 309 S 2d, h do Keller John G., wall paper, 32 N Front, 11 30 do Keller M. Luther, elk, h 30 Pine Keller Samuel D., fencemkr, lv:~lm S 2d



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Keller William W., laborer, h 241 S Front ca Kelley Clarence 0., painter, h 461 X :!d ~ Kelley Earl, oiler, h 311 Frances .... Kelley Forrest R., laborer, h 266 :\Iyers Kelley Jerome c., plumber, 154 X Front, h Hbg Kelley Margaret A., asst postmaster, h 18 Adams -= Kelley Mary A., wid James, h 1~ Adams ~ Kelly John L., finisher, h 155 Lincoln :: Kemper George M., helper, h 467 Myers Kennedy Anna, wid James, h 554 S :!d .~ Kennedy J. Griffith, shearsman, h !l9 1\ Front Kennedy L. Jane, h 39 N Front I&J Kennedy Thomas L., steelworker, h 39 X Front Kenney Eliza A., housekeeper. :!a3 Locust Kenney James, laborer. h 2:-13 Locust I&J Kenney Patrick, foreman, h 143 1\ Front Kenney William, steelworker, h :!:13 Locust Kerns John, engineer, h I:!:! Main Kersher John, laborer, h 24 Z Kerstetter Harvey c., driver X 2d Co., h Highland S. S. KESTY CHARLES E., Y. ltI. C. A., h 47 S 341 Kevill John P., laborer. h 1811 .\Iain Kidman Lucinda, candies. 182 S Front. h do Kilmore Oscar, patternmkr. h !l34 Lincoln I&J King John T .. shoemkr, !l:!2 ~ :!d. h do King Pearl, wid George. h 13 Swatara King Thornton, laborer, h 234 Ridge King William E .. engineer, h a:!2 1\ :!d Kingston David L.. (Capital Steam Laundryl. h 340 Locust :5 Kinneard Harrv H., elk, It ~55 Main :: Kinney Emma "D . wid John P., h 18.'l S 2<1 ca Kintch John, laborer. h 609 S Front ~ Kintch Robert, laboru. h 114 ~ 2d ~ Kinzer George S .. physician. 263 :\Iain, It do Kirby Cecelia B. !\[rs., h 18 Adams Kirby Thomas T., electrician. h 4!l1 Catharine :: Kirk' Alfred \\T.: machinist. h 122 S 3d Kirk Jacob E . paperhanger. h 178 :\Iain Kirkhan John E .. draftsman P. S. Co .. h Hhg ~ Kirkwood John. laborer. h 551 Christian '" Kiselic Joseph, labon'r, h 2!U Canal al Kistler William H .. engineer. h 196 S:!d c:t Kitchel Joseph. elk. 149 S Front. h 151 do ;::: ..... Kitchen Richard. machinist. h River av c Blackherry ~ Kittner Allen, laborer. h 161 Christian :: Klaiss Abner W., puncher. h 149 S Front ~ Klaiss~~~e.:ic.k, st::I~ork!r, h 149 ~ Front .~ __

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~ Keller Sebastian, machinist, h 19 Chestnut &Ai

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

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B1c~:~:~~~RE.} ANDREW

REDMOND.': 3d Ind R.11y SIL

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A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,

{'211r:.~ lj-::~~~

745 Klaiss George 0., steelworker, h 207 Lincoln Kleckner Henry 5., laborer, h ~50 Swatara Klepech Peter, laborer, h :W~ Frederick Klemer George F., laborer, h 21 Walnut Kline Charles E., elk P. 5. Co., h 616 S 2d Kline Clarence, elk, 135 5 Front, h do Kline Curtis H., paperhanger, h 147 Christian Kline Elizabeth, wid William E., h 504 N:!d Kline Emma, domestic, 161 N l"ront Kline Ephraim, bricklayer, h 13 5 ~d Kline Joseph, laborer, h 147 Christian Kline Victor, laborer, h 267 N Front Kline William, produce, 301 Frances, h do Kling Albert, laborer, h 203 Christian Kling Franklin B., physician, 3U:! N Front, h do Klugh John, laborer, h 412 N Front Knisely Abraham Y., men's fumgs, 175 S Front, h 371 S 2d Knisely John P., grocer, aoo S :!d, h do Knoderer AQdrcw c.. carpenter, h 661 N Front Knoderer D. Frank, (Dunkle & Knoderer), h 164 N 2d Knoderer Jacob, carpenter, h 412 N Front Knoderer Milton A., butcher, h 205 Swatara Knoll Jennie M., laundress. h 126 Frederick Knuth August, laborer, h 525 Myers Knuth Augusta, cook, 2.29 S 4th Knuth Frederick, laborer. h 6111 N 3d Kocevar Joseph, laborer, h 18 N 2d Kocevar Martin, butcher. 5211 S 2d. h do Kocevar Stephen, laborer, h 564 S 3d Koch Frederick W., carpenter. h 323 S 2d Koch John F., ins agt, 22 S Front. h 267 S 2d Koch Maria, wid David W. J .. h 541 N Front Kocher Walter, elk. 3U2 ~Iyers. h Hbg Koenig Frederick. laborer. h !l17 S 2d Kofalt Marco. (Starasinic & Kofalt), h 860 S 2d Kohler David, laborer, h 415 :'.'101111 Kohler George, laborer, h 415 Mohn Kohler Jacob, laborer. h 4U7 :\Iohn Kohler John, fireman, h 556 S 2d Kohlhaas J. George H., timekeeper, h 338 Swatara Kohlhaas John F .. laborer. h 227 Swatara Koics Seva, laborer. h 213 Christian Kolb Henry J., draftsman, h 17 N 4th Kolix John. stocker. h 144 Frederick Koloski John, laborer, h 549 Frederick Kombic Joseph, laborer, h 573 S 3d Kone Jesse D., laborer. h 143 Main Konecny John, laborer, h 61H S 3d

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

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Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

. . Konkolr Michael, laborer, h 53 Trewick Koons Jacob L., buyer S. S. Co., h Hbg _ Koontz Harry, steelworker, h 383 S Front Korkut George, laborer, h 648 S 3d ~ Koser Sarah E., wid George, h 48 N Front - Kosovan Peter, wheelwright, h 207 Christian Kostellac John, laborer, h 593 S 3d .~ Kostellac Matthew, laborer, h 557 S !ld 1!! Kostellac Michael, laborer, h 557 S 3d :a Kostello Catharine, wid Ura, h 216 Frederick .... Kosteltz Marko. laborer, h 18 N 2d Kostetter David W., laborer, h 181 Christian .~ Kostetter Weston, laborer, h 181 Christian Kostrabar Joseph, elk, 149 S Front, h 27 N 2d : Kotrinnez Michael, laborer, h 545 Christian ~ Koucher George, laborer, h 32 N 2d Kough Harry B., engineer, h 472 Myers .(1) Kovacevic Michael, steelworker, h 152* Frederick Kovacevic Stephen, steelworker, h 152* Frederick I.&J Kozeran Marko, laborer, h 8~1 S :ld '..oJ Kozuh Stephen, laborer, h 27 N 2d c( Kozzan Marco, laborer, h 763 S 3d Kozzin Joseph, laborer. h 516 S 3d I.&J Kraemer John H., (Kraemer & Coleman), h 26 S Front .0 Kraemer & Coleman, (J. H. Kraemer and H. F. Coleman). barbers, 26 S Front I.&J Krall John E., laborer, h 468 N Front Kramer Anton, laborer, h 611 S Front Kramer Earl, laborer, h 274 Frederick ..: Kramer Joseph, h 146 S 2d z: Krancewic Barney, boarding, 915 S 2d. h do ~ Kraszewic lVlartia. laborer. h 5~ S 3d IE Kraszewic l\Iartin, laborer, h 28 N 2d Q Kraszewic :Martin, milk, h 154 Frederick ~ Kraszewic Stephen, laborer, h 915 S 2d ..... Kratzer Joseph, h 605 N Front CE Krause Albert C, baker, h 361 :\.Jain Krautheim Jacob, laborer, h 441 Catharine .Q Kraybill Benjamin, student, h 630 S 2d z: Kraybill John E., farmer, h 630 S 2d CE Kraybill Walter E., elk P. S. Co .. h 630 S 2d Kreider Francc3 Mrs .. h 519 ;\1 vers ~ Kreiner Minnie M., domestic, i9 Locust Kriner George, he]per, h aS7 Myers Q Koston Joseph, laborer, h 207 Canal al '~ Krohn George P., h 213 Swatara Krohn John, blacksmith, h 213 Swatara .Z: Kroise\'iC' Peter. lahorer. h 2:'1 N 2d

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General AputCentral Penna. DIstrict.

-The Amerlenn a..dln. CompRoJ'. Baltimore. Md.

loa N III.

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Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Krosnor Lyubomia, laborer, It ~68 S :.!d Krout Spangler G., laborer, h ~ Main 1(runjwlch Adam, laborer, h 9::!3 S :!d Krunjwich Benjamin, laborer, h 923 S 2d Krunjwich George, laborer, h 9:!3 S 2d Krupp Bertha, domestic, 171 N Front Krzyzosiak Kayeton, laborer, h 347 Frederick Kuebler Mary, wid David, h 7:!6 N 2d Kuhn Charles, trucker, h 701 S :!d Kuhn Ernest, laborer, h 167 }Iain Kuhnert Samuel J., laborer, h 405 ),'Iohn Kukler Frank, laborer, h 415 Catharine Kumpare Frank, steelworker, h 1521 Frederick Kumpare Matthew, steelworker. h 1521 Frederick Kuntz William, laborer, h 326 Christian Kustrebic Joseph. laborer, h 27 ~ 2d Kvako George, laborer, h 603 S 3d Lafferty James, laborer, h 419 Main Lafferty Samuel, helper, h 419 ~Iain Lafferty William H . laborer, h 419 :\lain Lamke Albert, laborer, h 416 Reading Lamke Bertha, wid August, h 416 Reading Lamke Charles, hooker, h 840 S 2d Lamke Frederick T., machinist. h Bessemer ab 3d Lamkins Andrew:laborer, h 203 Adams Lamparter John M., laborer. h 909 S 2d Lance Frank, laborer, h 3fl3 S 3d Lancher Joseph, watchm2n, h Half-Way House Landis Benjamin 5., mason, h rear 903 5 Front Landis Harry J., laborer, h 226 5 Front Landis Henry B., elk, 6 S Front, h Hbg Lane Joseph R., machinist. h 21 Chestnut Lang John. cabinetmkr, 166 5 Front. h Highland Langdon Claude A., civil engineer P. S. Co.. h Hbg Lanom John, laborer. h 521 Christian Lapcic Peter, laborer, h 568 5 3d Lapp C. Leon, draftsman P. 5. Co., h Hbg Lascomb Jane E., wid William H .. h 23 Locust LAUDERliILcll REUBEN N., Baldwin lIoule, 373 S Front, h do Laughlin Henry, laborer, h 463 Myers Laurie John B.. elk P. 5. Co., h Hbg Lawless Cecelia V., laundress. h 417 N 3d Lawless Mary, wid John. h 417 N 3d Lawless Thomas F., !'teelworker. h 417 N 3d Lawless Winifred, bookkpr. h 417 N 3d Lawson James c., laborer, h 856 N Front Lay Robert, blacksmith, h 101 Main

I' -f' .I
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H. M. KELLEY & CO COAL AND WOOD {OlllCa: lo:.~rt!'1t

,..: 748
Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
: : Layton Charles, laborer, h 255 Adams .QC Leader George E., laborer, h 480 Main. Leader Joseph, laborer, h 474 Main .:;; Leader ~vlorris,laborer, h 474 Main Leahy Patrick, steelworker, h 616 N 2d ~ Lechthaler Roy M., elk P. S. Co., h New Cumberland :2 Leckner Margaret, wid William c., h 230 N 2d ~ Lee George W., laborer, h 13U Adams - Leedom Alice, wid David, h 2U5 Swatara Leeds Albert F., stenographer P. S. Co., h 483 N Front Leeds Isaac N., station agt P. & R. depot, h 135 Lincoln ...., Leeds Warren L., elk P. S. Co., h 135 Lincoln ::: Leedy James A., steelworker, h 13 N Front .LI.I Leeper David, engineer, h 324 Christian a: Lees John, florist, h 171 N 2d 31: Lees William, elk, h 171 N 2d Lefski Rosa, wid Heman, h 25 N 2d Lehman Alonzo B., rail stamper, h 455 ~Iain .LI.I Lehman Benjamin F., laborer, h 541 N Front Lehman Harry K., carpenter, h 369 :\1yers U Lehman John W., iaborer, h 455 Main Lehman Lloyd, puncher, h 4U1 N 3d ~ Lehman Simon c., confectioner, 171 S Front, h do t= Lehr George B., laborer, h 300 N 2d ~ Leichty Moses, h 258 Frederick Leichty Watson K., laborer, h 258 Frederick - Leidig John B., laborer, h 351 Main ~ Leidig Joseph L., forem-an, h 322 Myers 2 Leidig Mahala, elk S. S. Co., h 351 ~Iain ~ Leisenring William P., laborer, h 252 N 2d G.. Lendle John, laborer, h 502 N 2d ~ Lendle Roman, laborer, h 502 N 2d w Lenhart Susan, domestic, 101 Locust .fir Lentz Jos., confectioner, 157 N Front, h S Front nr Locust a:: Lentz Peter, laborer, h 246 Main ~ Leonard James H., laborer, h 391 S Front ffi Leone Antonio, laborer, h 382 S 3d ~ Leone Frank, laborer, h 382 S 4th c:::t Leone Peter, laborer, h 301 S 3d Leonhart George W., elk S. S. Co., h 20 S 2d ZJ Leonhart Jacob J., bricklayer, h 648 N 2d Lerch Nelson D., carpenter, h 235 S Front LLeschanenc M~rie: wi.d Michael. Nh 91d3 S 2d 1.1 es er amel, Jamtor, h 520 2 Lesher Jeremiah, laborer, h 246 Myers ~D Lesher Wilson. molder, h 312 l\lain IIIZ Lesko Andrew. laborer, h 610 S 3d foe !~~,:it7. ~ax, ~lothier, 40_N Fr?~t. h_ do____ _



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ANDREW REDMOND, H;'~::';.~".~:d ~io~or;:. {3d .Id Rilly SII.

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I 8 TIC" p-ea. Pabllc Balldl... Ietw-::-TI.... {1116 It. ,. It. ,,1\, -MAItE' A 'PEOIAL" Plale ..1IIIIdII ,,..,,.
Boyd'. Steelton Directory.



Lewis Anna, wid Alexander, h 170 Ridge Lewis Annie, wid Laban, h 528 Lincoln Lewis Charles, laborer, h 417 Catharine Lewis Daniel, laborer, h 105 Adams Lewis Daniel B., steelworker, h 528 Lincoln , Lewis Edward, burgess and foreman P. S. Co., h 211 Myers :. Lewis George E., foreman, h 119 S 4th Lewis Gideon B., undertaker, h 166 Adams Lewis Jacob, helper, h 340 S 2d Lewis James E., foreman, h 378 S 2d Lewis Jane 0., h 262 Main Lewis Sarah, wid Ephraim, h a61 S ad Lewis Walter, laborer, h 240 Ridge Lewis William H., blacksmith, h 154 Ridge Lewis William R, planer, h 528 Lincoln Lichtenberger Florence, h 25 N 3d Lichtenwalner Nathaniel, laborer, h 216 Elm Lickel Lewis H., laborer, h 320 S 2d Ligan Edward H., meat, 148 S Front, h 159 do Ligan Peter B., h 161 S Front Light Samuel, laborer, h 254 S 2d Lightner Charles E., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Lightner Frank, laborer, h 318 Frederick Lighty Albert, blacksmith, h 547 Lincoln Lighty Frank M., blacksmith, h 167 :\lain Lighty Margaret, wid Daniel B., h 405 Lincoln Lighty Susan, teacher, h 4115 Lincoln Lighty Thomas B., elk S. S. Co., h 405 Lincoln Lilv Charles A., laborer, h 124 Frederick LilZak Joseph, laborer, h 919 S 2d Lilzak Juro, laborer, h 919 S 2d Lincoln Abraham, laborer, h 227 Adams II Lindsay Alexander :M., teacher, h 235 Pine Lindsey James S., carpenter, h 222 Lincoln 0 Lingle John H., laborer, h 546 Lincoln 13 Linn Cletus c., driver, h 108 S Front Linn Frederick c., machinist, h 426 Swatara Linn John A., laborer, h 348 Swatara Linn Joseph F., laborer, h 348 Swatara Linn J. Wister, machinist. h 348 Swatara Lio Samuel, laborer, h 615 S 3d Lipp Benjamin F., salesman S. S. Co .. h 424 ~ Front Liprud Yoso, laborer, h 184 S Front Litch John B., h 49 S 3d Q. Litch John E .. draftsman, h 49 S 3d Litch Milton B., student, h 49 S 3d Little '\J\."i11iam F., mason, h 61 Conestoga Litzenberg Homer L., stenographer P. S. Co., h 3d c Locust


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"'cNell'a Pal. Eater.lnater CIlleI Cholera MorbUi. DJIeDter)', Cram~ Diantlcn. ('oldl. QulU6Y. RheumatllllD. Too\hache. Bore Throat, Aaue, 1>JIpe]llla, 4c. ......

;;; 11: Loderstrom Albert. draftsman P. S. Co., h 341 S Front

_ ifiO

Boyd's Steelton Directory.

i.. _

Loesch John P., laborer, It 514 S ~d Logan Richard, h 15:! Ridge Loncaric August, milk, h 614 S 3d -..: Loncaric Magda Mrs., h 614 S 3d 3 Long Amanda E., wid George W., h 434 Swatara Long Chester A., elk Steelton Planing Mill Co., h New 1! Cumberland ~ Long George M., dry goods, &c., 21 N Front, h do Long Samuel D., cabinetmkr, h 162 S 2d E Longenecker Albert P., steelworker, h 418 S 2d Longenecker Annie c., wid Warren F., h 67 Conestoga : Longenecker Samuel, laborer, h 393 S 2d a Longenecker William H., rail chipper, h 380 S 2d Longnaker Harry J., carpenter, h 337 S Front (/) Longnaker Hiram P., barber, h 337 S Front Longnaker John c., h 337 S Front Benjamin, laborer, h O Lontar Louis, laborer, h 209 923 S 2d Lonzo Mohn ~ Losch Adam, foreman, h 363 Christian Loveland George E., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg c:( Low Hilliard. laborer, h 1071 Adams Lowe Russell S., laborer, h 203 Swatara ~ Loy Frank P.,laborer, h 237 Walnut Luckett William, laborer, h 149 Adams Z Ludes Harry G., student, h 547 N 2d Ludes Matthias F., shoemkr S. S. Co., h 559 N 2d Ludwick Charles C., laborer, h 212 Pine Ludwick Edward S., rougher, h 257 Main ~ Ludwick John J., roll turner, h 352 S Front Ludwick Peter M., policeman P. S. Co., h 212 Pine Q.. Ludwig James G. engineer, h 255 Christian IE Lukatz !\1ichael, laborer, h 623 S 3d Lukonic Annie, wid Peter, h 361 Frederick U Lundberg Erk. draftsman P. S. Co., h 324 Pine - I Lupfer Albert N., elk P. S. Co., h 222 Pine ; ; Lupfer Henry F., steelworker, h 111 S 2d u Lupp George W., carpenter, h 410 S 2d Lutz Lavina, wid John, h 160 Myers ~ Lynch Catharine. wid Thomas, h 251 N Front c Lvnch Charles A . laborer. h 251 N Front ..... Lvnch Mar\' A .. h 251 N Front U L)'nch Thomas F . postal elk. h 251 N Front Lynch \ViIliam, laborer, h 337 Bessemer C) Lyne Albert L.. laborer,h 260 Christian ~ Lvne Emma C. Mrs., h filn Christian _ L~'nn William J .. laborer. h 931 S Front Lyons Mary A. Mrs . h 931 S Front



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'er ACCIDBIIT I ...ITRA ..CB. 108 Bell 'PhoDe 811 X. or'" .


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Lysko Andrew, laborer, h 610 S 3d Lyter Amos, carpenter, h Hi3 S Front Lyter Cyrus,laborer, h 554 ~ 3d Lytle James H., laborer, h 6f)() N 2d Lytle Mary E., wid Ephraim, h in S 3d Maanelli Peter, laborer, h i50 S 2d :Mace U. Grant, steelworker, h 369 S Front Mace William, tinsmith, h 3211 Frederick Mach Frank, laborer, h 417 ~rohn Mack Frank, jr., laborer, h 417 Mohn 1>.lacklin Thomas, laborer. h 115i Adams Macqueen James M., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hummelstown Madden George F .. fireman, h 402 Ridge :Madden Peter A., elk Merchant l'.lill, h :142 Spruce Madden Rebecca, wid Richard, h 409 S Front Madison Alexander, laborer, h 60 Furnace Madison William, conductor, h 311 Adams ~fagaro Andonic, laborer. h 572 S 3d Magaro Calmen, laborer, h :H7 S 3d Magaro Charles, laborer, h 572 S 3d Magaro Gabriel. fruit, 1 N Front, h rear 389 S 3d Magaro Peter, laborer, h 359 S 3d l\.fagaro Salvadore. laborer, h 312 S 2d Magee Thomas, bricklayer, h 834 S 2d Maginnis William F., mgr. 183 N Front, h 127 Lincoln Magna Charles, laborer, h 363 S 3d Magna Peter, laborer, h 363 S 3d Maguire Joseph, asst chemist P. S. Co., h Hbg Mahan Walter F., conductor, h rear 355 N Front Mahoney Cornelius, gasman, h 168 Frederick Mahovlitz Powell, elk, 149 S Front, h 151 do Main Street Church of God, Rev. J. Ross Stonesifer, pastor, 336 Main Maizel Zan, laborer, h 30 N 2d Malehorn John B., painter, h 212 Lincoln Malehorn John G., painter, h 212 Lincoln Malehorn Omri E. B., painter, h 522 Lincoln Maley Patrick, laborer, h 383 S Front Malseed Edgar, machinist, h 212 Myers Mamuziz Adam, laborer, h 919 S 2d Manahy Daniel. laborer, h 539 Christian 1\fanherz John H., molder, h 336 N Front Manlev Fannie Mrs., charwoman. h M8 N 2d Mann "John W .. painter, h 348 Christian Manning John H., laborer, h 252 Myers Manning William S .. laborer, h 319 Frederick Mansberger Harry R.. steelworker, h 325 Bessemer Marburger George. h 359 S Front



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Boyd's Steelton Directory.








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:Ylargolis Nathan, laborer, h 245 Frederick :Ylarikowitz Peter, laborer, h 32 N 2d '\Iarinjak George, laborer, h 603 S 3d '\Iarkley Abraham A., h 345 S Front '\larkley Daniel, laborer, h 620 S 2d :Ylarkley Edward c., grocer, 3il S Front, h 345 do Markley Jacob A., butcher, h 377 S Front '\larkley John W., laborer, h 38~ S 2d :Ylarkley Sadie, dressmkr, :~45 S Front, h do .Markoontz John, laborer, h 533 Christian .\1arkoontz Marie Mrs., h 533 Christian :Ylarkovic Evan, laborer, h 18 N 2d ~larkovic Ivan, laborer, h 606 S 3d ~Iarkovic Michael, laborer, h 610 S 3d :vIarkovicz August, laborer, h 24 N 2d .\larks Albert W., machinist, h 153 Lincoln .\tIarks Lillian, wid Carlton, h 473 Christian '\larks Mary E., h 473 Christian .\tlarney Stephen, laborer, h 147 :YIyers ~larquette John H., hammerman, h 436 Swatara .\1arquette John H., jr., heater, h 436 Swatara '\lars Ada :\1., milliner, h 156 Bessemer .\lars Harry, laborer, h 156 Bessemer .\larsh Aaron D., laborer, h 326 Christian .\Iarshall Edward, laborer, h 348 N 2d .\Iarshall John, laborer, h 66 Furnace .\Iarshek John, laborer, h 211 Christian l'.larshitz Anton, laborer, h 167 Ouistian .\Iarsico Frank, laborer, h 612 S 3d ~larsico Gabriel, laborer, h 382 S 3d .\Iarsico Joseph, grocer, 355 S 2d, h 382 S 3d Marter Carl, tapper, h 447 Catharine ~1artin Edgar L., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg .\Iartin George W., frog planer, h 222 Elm Martin Gustav F., elk P. S. Co., h 167 Myers Martin Harry J., elk P. S. Co., ,h Hbg l'.Iartin Harry S., plumber, h 266 Main \brtin Henry, bricklayer, h 215 :VIain JrrARTIN HOWARD F., genl sale. and adY agt P. S. Co., 1& Philadelphia .\'lartin Jacob B., supt Bessemer dept, h 141 Lincoln Martin John, roll turner, h 174 Lincoln Martin Levina, wid John, h 205 S 2d Martin Mary, wid Abraham, h 174 Lincoln :Vlartin Mary, elk S. S. Co., h 174 Lincoln Martin William, carpenter, h 23 Walnut !'.Iartiz Stanko, laborer, h 919 S 2d Martz C. Sophrona, dressmkr, h 55 N Front

AND R It E0M0NO, J:::::r:::4':~~:i::. {3~ .Id B.U, ,S1I. EW

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wan Tbe'--&U14JOwatprica. w ...... { . . . . . . _plete wI&b ftDuIeI &lid I'rlo. . , . . . .

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Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Martz Elizabeth, wid William K., h 55 N Front Martz George H., helper, h 52 Conestoga Martz Roscoe L., elk S. S. Co., h 622 S 2d )(AJI.TZ WU.JJAV X., druggist, H li Front c Pine, h do Martzan Frederick, laborer, h 519 N 3d . Masic George, laborer, h 915 S 2d Mason James W., laborer, h 150 Ridge Mason Sallie A., wid William, h 84M N Front Masters Valentine, engineer, h 842 S 2d Masterson John, bricklayer, h 965 S Front Matan Iva, laborer, h 240 Frederick Matase.vic Frank, fireman, h 503 S 3d Matchett Arthur R., machinist, h 250 S 2d Matchett George, machinist, h 250 S 2d Matchett Vincent G., laborer, h 250 S 2d Mateer William, h U9 Pine Mathias Benjamin F., carpenter, h 25:{ S Front Mathias Charles F., tracer P. S. Co .. h 261 S 2d Mathias Geo. D., foreman Steelton Plan. Mill Co., h Hbg Mathias Margaret M., dressmkr. h 253 S Front Mathias William H., elk P. S. Co., h 155 S 4th Matjasic Michael, grocer, 550 S 3d, h do Matthews Charles F., laborer, h 334 Swatara Matthews Louisa Mrs., h 147 Adams Mattis Joseph, laborer, h 213 Christian Matzinger John W., special officer S. S. Co., h Hbg Maurer Henry, machinist. h 20 Adams Maurer Jennie A., shirtmkr, h 20 Adams Maurwitz Bauer, laborer, h :32 ?\ :!d Maurwitz Frank. laborer, h 32 N 2d Maurwitz Jacob, laborer, h 32 N 2d Mavretic Marko, laborer, h 767 S 2d Maxwell Aaron M., laborer, h 850 N Front May Adam. laborer, h 541 Myers Mayes Anna, wid William, h 254 Franklin Maze Benjamin, laborer, h 234 Ridge McAfee John H .. watchman, h 411 Main McAllister Elizabeth Mrs., h 822 S 2d McAllister David, laborer, h 542 N 3d McAllister George W., machinist, h 370 S 2d McAllister John; steelworker, h 44 N Front McCaffrey Bernard, oventender, h 145 Main McCahan James A., laborer, h 15 S 2d McCall Andrew, laborer, h 137 Lincoln McCall Catharine. elk S. S. Co., h 137 Lincoln McCall Ellen. wid Patrick.h 137 Lincoln McCall Hugh. watertender. h 173 Myers McCall James J., laborer, h 137 Lincoln
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_ McCall William P., foreman, h 137 Lincoln ... McCarthy John E., laborer, h ~mo Christian E McCarthy William, laborer, h 114 Main 3 McCaully Daniel E., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg 1! McClellen' John, laborer, h :1611 Canal al t= 1\IcCloskey William R., foreman, h 13 S 4th . McCloud Jacob E., painter, h 7()5 S Front II McClurg James, laborer, h 267 :\lain :t:: :\lcCord Abraham A . molder, h 628 S 2d c:. :\lcCord Edward J., driver, h 412 Front :: ~.fcCord Hugh J., laborer, h 105 :\Iain ~ McCoy Charles \V., steelworker, h 552 S 2d :\fcCoy Edgar, machinist, h 552 S 2d 1ft McCreary Elizabeth 2\lrs., milliner, 159 S Front, h do UI McCue William, laborer, h 312 Ridge McCURDY lORN A., druggist, 20 S Front, h 204 Locuat I.&J :McDonald James, plumber, h 363 Myers .J :\IcDonnell George R., frog builder, h 67 Conestoga C( McDonnell Patrick J., laborer, h 147 Myers IIJ 2\IcElroy Charles W .. laborer, h 17 S 2d C :\IcElroy Ernest B., elk S. S. Co., h 17 S 2d 2\-IcElroy Frank T., (Steelton Hosiery Mills), h 14 N 3d IIJ McElroy Margaret E., wid Robert, h 17 S 2d McEntee John J., ironworker, h 223 Main _ McEntee Thomas, supt O. H. Dept P. S. Co., h 477 N Front . McFadden Edward, laborer. h 140 MYers --: McFarlan Albert, laborer, h 257 Adams : : McGeehan Ambrose A .. melter, h 214 Myers A.. McGeehan Edward F .. steelworker, h 225 Myers IE McGeehan Edward P .. melter, h 214 Myers c:: \fcGeehan John, bricklayer, h 214 Myers U McGeehan Marie Mrs .. h !l35 N Front - ' McGinnes Lemuel E .. supt schools, h 158 S 2d ~ McGraw J. Harvey, laborer. h 511 S Front U ~fcGuire Julius, laborer, h 856 N Front CI McHazelI Wilson J., laborer, h 363 Myers ;II!: McIlhenny John K., laborer, h 185 S 2d C McKamey Caroline, wid Joseph. h 218 Bailey ...., McKamey George. laborer. h 218 Bailey U :\lcKamey Lee D .. driver, h 153 Adams McKay Arthtlr, bricklayer, h 114 N 2d .~ McKtlvy George G .. laborer, h 136 S 2d .... McKim William J.. helper, h 320 Main E McKinney William J .. laborer, h 314 Frederick McKune George W., laborer, h 379 S 2d

John J., h 318 Main = McCall William steelworker. Co.,h h137 Lincoln McCall Nellie ~lk S. S. Co., i McCall F., elk P. S. 173 Myers _



Boyd's Steelton Directo1'1.


on 1. 11 ........ ..... EDW G ROBERTS wll\ 110are your bond. Bell.'Pbnae ....: X.1Io rw" X. bond. ezeeuWd. Goog Ie
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A. 8. TACK :::,t~:!1IOU pur oDd 11nd0'_ ;n~:r.:

Boyd'. Steelton Direotory.



McKune James H., ladleman, h 308 Frederick McLaughlin Horace S., tracer P. S. Co., h 164 S 2d McLoughlin Hugh L., grinder, h ::!6::! Christian McLucas Charles A., barber, :H7 N Front, h 31 do McNamee John, laborer, h 51::! Lincoln McNamee John, jr., laborer, h 503 Lincoln McNaughton William F., puddler, h 3::!6 Main McNeal Harry H., telegrapher, h ::!::!9 Locust McNeal H. Lee, elk S. S. Co., h a67 S::!d McNear Benjamin F., laborer, h 144 S 2d McNear Benjamin F., jr., planer, h 426 N Front McNear Gertrude, elk S. S. Co., h 144 S 2d McNear Harry K., printer, 154 S Front, h 144 S2d eft McNear William H., laborer, h 144 S::!d McSwine Harry, laborer, h 36~ Myers Meals Ferdinand V., butcher S. S. Co., h 364 Myers Mearl Letitia, charwoman, h 134 Ridge :: Mechanics' and Helpers' Relief Asso meets vVednesday eve. !! ::. after each pay day in G. A. R. Hall, C. E. Scott, sec Meckley Benjamin F., engineer, It 15 N 3d Mecolic Martin, laborer, h 526 Sad Megary Adam, painter, h 3 N Front Megary Irvin, laborer, h 756 S :!d Megary Joseph, h 756 S 2d Megary Walter J., fireman, h 756 S :!d Mehalic Anton, laborer, h 577 S 3d Mehorsevic Steve, laborer, h 559 S 3d Mehring Sarah J., h 636 N ::!d Meisenheimer Christ, milk, h ::!77 :\lain Meisinger Conrad, laborer, h 421 Catharine Meisinger Henry, laborer, h 421 Catharine Meliz Rade, laborer, h 775 S ad Mel1en Annie, knitter, h 357 S Front Mellen Nancy Mrs., h ?57 S Front Mellon Benjamin, eating house, 143 Adams, h do Melman David, grocer,615 S 3d, h do Mengle Edwin H., elk P. S. Co., h 235 Walnut Mercer Charles H., civil engineer P. S. Co., h :~56 Spruce Meredith David B., h 131 S :!d Merryman George L., pipe coverer, h 203 Lincoln Meshey Jacob G., street commissioner, h 316 Pine Messersmith James, laborer, h 345 ~{yers Messt:rsmith James W'o engineer. h :149 S Front Messinger Bros., (\V. L. and H. S.). marble, 124 S Front Messinger Harry S .. (Messinger Bros.). h 13 Swatara Messinger William L., (Messinger Bros.), h 15 Swatara Messner Harry E., timekpr P. S. Co .. It 10 N 3d Metzenthin Ernst Rev., h 107 Lincoln

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ti .... Metzenthin Selma, music teacher, 1117 Linc~n, It do .. Metzenthin Waldemar Prof., h 107 Lincoln Metzger Albert G., elk P. S. Co., h 227 Locust ..... Metzger Edward, elk P. R. R., h 15 S Front Metzger William, engineer, h 225 Locust Meyers Bessie D., elk, h 274 Frederick ;; Meyers Mary, wid Danie,l, h 274 Frederick : Meyers William L., laborer, h 169 Myers \Iickey Mary, teacher, h 133 S 4th i ?vliddleton William J., physician, 155 N Front, h do _ Midland Cemetery, S. F. and A. W. Dunkle, trustees, 182 N Front Mihal John, contractor, h 604 S 3d .::; Miles Samuel S., laborer, h 166 Frederick :\mlar Jabe H., timekpr P. S. Co .. h 126 Lincoln I&J Millard John A., carpenter, h 19 ~ 4th Millard Michael, h 390,\ S 2d 11illard Robert K., draftsman P. S. Co., h 19 N 4th Miller Albert, laborer. h 610 ~ 2d I&J Miller Anna E., wid John F., h 543 Christian Miller Anna R., wid George c.. h 355 Myers :!vliller Benjamin K., laborer, h 269 Myers Z \IilIer Charles A., driver, h 641 N 2d Miller Charles J.. steelworker. h 325 N Front MILLER CHARLES R .. physician, 198 S 2d, h do; dice hom, 7 to 8 a. m., 1 to 3 and 6 to 9 p. m., telephone Miller C. Wil1iam, miller. h 235 Christian I&J ~1iller Donald Z., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg ]\iiller Edward, laborer. h 126 S 2d Miller Edwin, laborer. h :l37 Bessemer Miller Elvin E., driver S. S. Co., h 255 S Front Miller Harr.v A., elk, h 172 :Myers JI!i' Miller Harr" G., electrician, h 355 Mvers \filler Harvey c., laborer. h 258 Myers _ Miller Henry, constable, h 641 N 2d .... ~1il1er Henry, laborer. h 325 N Front c:; =:; ~1il1er Irvin, laborer. h 337i S Front 2 Miller Jabe H., elk, h 126 Lincoln :I: Miller Jacob, jeweler, h 37 N Front :; ~filler Jacob, laborer. h 455 Myers i:5 Miller Jacob M., driller, h 416 Harrisburg :I: _ Miller James, steelworker, h 565 S 2d 'HIler James G., laborer, h 327 Swatara Miller). Frank. jr. tracer P. S. Co., h 254 S 2d ~ 'filler John, laborer, h 337i S Front c:; Miller John F., carpenter, h 254 S 2d - Miller John M., elk S. S. Co., h 38 S 2d !. Miller John N., driller, h 536 S 2d

~~JH. M. KELLEY & co.nct':.~.J:: Boyd'. Steelton Directory. 756



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:,::i~~~~!r.~:~~ANDR~EW -RtOMOND. {3~ .D~ ReIlJlSII.

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B YICI ,N.1.18 JEmplo,., nnlleIlIIIun... lt WortdoneIDaD1,.noflJtate. but "110&-<'1.... workm_. beaeeaaly .... " 30 St. ldo.ur -"and
Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Miller John S., steelworker, h 160 Lincoln Miller Joseph K., laborer, h 349 Lincoln Miller Lee H., laborer, h 414 Harrisburg Miller Mary A., wid James, h 258 Myers Miller Mary]., wid David ~L, h 735 N Front Miller Matilda, wid Henr\', h 150 Bessemer Miller Monroe S., pla~ter: h 315 Myers Miller Nancy M., wid George, h 641 ~ 2d Miller Peter M., elk, h 119 Pine Miller Robert J., foreman, h 553 N 2d Miller Sallie M., wid Joseph S., h 224 Main Miller Samuel, bricklayer, h 327 S 2d Miller Scott R., laborer, h 1.50 Bessemer Miller Thomas c., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg :." Miller Thomas F., elk P. S. Co., h 511 Lincoln r"z Miller William F., laborer, h 171. Christian ~o !'In Miller William G., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Miller William H., laborer, h 455 Myers Miller William ~L, laborer, h ~34 S 2d Miller William R.. laborer, h 337i S Front Miller Winslow A., elk P. S. Co., h 180 S 2d Millhouse Emanuel, h 339 Orchard av Mills S. Ralph, elk P. S. Co., h !-l89 S Front :Mills William S., machinist, h 389i S Front Miner Charles, painter. h :l67 Christian Minick Francis W., laborer, h 230 Locust Minnich Daniel. laborer, h 325 N Front Minnich Howard. frogmkr, h 347 N Front Minor Amos E., laborer, h 172 Ridge Minor Harry, elk. h 1.16 Adams Minor Henry A .. laborer, h 222 Bailey 1finsker Henry. laborer. h 119 Conestoga II Minter Allen W., laborer, h 217 Christian Mirtic Nikolai. laborer. h 30 N 2d 0 Missemer Benjamin F., 0. R. Missemer & Sons), h 270 13 Christian Missemer George \V., printer. h 270 Christian Missemer Jacoh R., (j. R. :\Iissemer & Sons), h 270 Christian Missemer John J.. (J. R. :\lissemer & Sons), h 270 Christian JlISSEJ(EB. 1. B.. Ii SONS. (lohn 1. and Benjamin F.), pubs Steelton Advocate and Verdict, 144 N Front Mitchell Amos, fireman, h 61. Conestoga Mitchell Arthur J.. painter. h 317 Trewick Mitchell George M., lahorer, h :U 7 Trewick Mitchell Millard F . elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Mixell Jacob, laborer. h 473 ;\1yers Mixell Lewis H . pUddler. h 473 Myers

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.. Mlatkoveic Joseph, laborer, h 778 S 3d == Moats Landry S., steelworker, h 544 N 3d 'C .JI Mobley Benjamin l laborer, h 23:! Ridge 1:1 ~lobley Martha A., wid Dennis, h 162 Adams ~ ~lockley David, laborer, h 255 Adams ~lockley Oscar, laborer, h 255 Adams :\lodem Woodmen of America, H. ""-. Whitebread, sec, ~ meets every Thursday evening at :\larket House Hall i!: ~loffet Frank D., elk, 11'9 N Front, h do Mogensen Olaf E., civil engineer P. S. Co., h Paxtang B Mohorick l\lichael, laborer, h 227 Canal al Monahan David A., elk P. S. Co., h 16M Myers _ Monahan Elizabeth L., h 16S Myers :II :\lonahan Michael P., foreman P. S. Co., h 168 :\lyers ~longhan Edward B., machinist, h 221 Swatara :\lonismith Henry, laborer, h 3:W Christian :Ylonk Samuel A., laborer, h 64 Furnace 0: Monmiller Joseph, laborer, h 149 Christian Monn Elizabeth, wid James, h 346 Main Monroe Burrel, contractor, h 565 S 2d . :\Iontgomery Samuel L., laborer, h 176 Adams :\lontt William A., laborer, h 216 Ridge C :\looney :Mary B., seamstress, h 162 Main 0: ~loore Aldridge, laborer, h 222 Ridge I- Moore Bessie, dressmkr, h 164 Frederick :\Ioore Carroll, laborer, h 311 Adams Z :\-Ioore Cliff, laborer, h 174 Ridge '\-loore Henry, laborer, h 407 River av :\loore Isabella A., saleslady S. S. Co., h 25 K 3d _ ~loore John F., cooper, h 25 N 3d :\loore John "V., laborer, h 64 Furnace }Ioore Philip W., draftsman P. S. Co., h 324 Pine a.. :\loore Samuel B., bricklayer, h 426 Main E ~loore Vincent, plumber, h 260 S 2d :\loore William Q.. laborer. h 15~ ~fain :\loravic John, laborer, h 55:3 S 3d ~ :\Iordhorst C. Julius, chemist P. S. Co., h 3a X River av \lorell Frank, laborer, h 6119 S Front U :\[oretto Carl, laborer, h 355 S 3d c:a \[organ Allan, machinist. h 165 S Front Morgan Clifford, civil engineer. h 117 S 2d .\Iorgan James L., machinist, h 221 Walnut ~ :Morgan Philip J., laborer, h 2:16 ~Iyers \[organ William J., machinist. h 2:18 :\Iyers c:a :\lorningstar Lawrence E., laborer. h 3:lj, N Front ~ :\Ioro Temple, No. 4,1. L. C. E .. meets every Thursday eve. z in Old Grand .-\rmy lIa11. Jennie A. Keller, sec :::::: Morrett Albert A., engineer, h ;jUS l\lyers



Boyd's Steelton Directory.




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.. e't 1_ EDW G ROBERTS .....I_or'DLI.bIU,,. ...... eHID BellerX, or ........ lOB .e_.....1. Bell 'Phone 861 8843 L
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Wall Paper and Window Shadu. h.~~r:'~~~.t. Boyd'. Steelton Directory. 759

Morrett Oayton D., boilermkr, h 625 X Front Morrett Dayton C boilermkr, h 358 Myers Morrett George E., plainer, h 117 Conestoga Morrett George E., reamer, h 355 Frederick Morrett Jacob W., engineer, h 440 Swatara Morris Howard F., h 129 S 4th Morris John, laborer, h 205 Christian Morris John J., painter, h 145 Main Morris Milton D., machinist, h 107 S 4th Morris :!\:Iilton K, master mechanic, P. S. Co., h l:.m S 4th Morris Robert L., bricklayer, h 346 S 2d Morris Spottwood D., laborer, h 248 Canal al Morrison Ephraim, boilermkr, h ~u ~lain Morrison Eugene T., chief draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Morrison Harry L., foreman P. S. Co., h 203 S 2d Morrison Joseph S .. h 41t) Reading Morrison Miles B., laborer, h 410 Reading Morrison T. Edward, draitsman P. S. Co., h lU:~ X :!d ~lorrissey Michael, laborer, h 635 X Front Morrissey William, laborer, h 635 N Front Morrissey William J., laborer, h 6:15 X Front Mortorff Benjamin F., driller, h 463 Myers Moser Charles, blacksmith, h318 S 2d Moser Henry H., foreman Merchant SIiU, h 115 S 4th Moss Richard, messenger, h 312 Lincoln Motch Stanley, constructor, h ~1:!2 Pine Motten Alfred, driver, h 3116 Ridge Motten George, laborer, h 402 Ridge Motter George, patternmkr, h 125 S Front Motter William H., laborer, h 484 :\Iain Moulton Richard, laborer, h 326 K 2d Moulton Turner, laborer, h r 139 Adams Mount Zion Baptist Church, Locust nr 2d Mousley Rufus, contractor, h Cumbler's Row Mowery Adam A., laborer, h 1534 S 2d Mowry John G., straightener, h 339 Pine Moyer Anna, wid Henry B., h 107 l'.Iain Moyer Charles, steelworker, h 383 S Front Moyer Charles W., laborer, h 50l Bessemer Moyer George R., laborer, h 156 Bessemer Moyer Jacob, laborer, h 321 S 3d Moyer Jeremiah, laborer, h 520 Lincoln Moyer Margaret M. Mrs., h 153 S 2d Moyer Ralph, cJk S. S. Co., h 3il S Front M uiza Martin, laborer, h 921 S 2d Muldoon Joseph M., weigher, h 43 Frederick Muldoon Margaret Mrs .. h 39 Frederick Muldoon Thomas J., laborer, h :m Frederick


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CO.Hc::rt':'~ta~~ Boyd'. Steelton Direotory.


t:::: Mullen William F., helper, h 630 S 2d :; Mulvihill Ella E. Miss, h 407 X Front _ Mumma C. Nissley, h 3 S ::ld a= Mumma Isaac, steelworker, h ~05 :\fyers iii !vlumma Jacob B., electrician, h 205 Myers ~ i!!: Mumma Mark, tobacconist, ~2:i K Front, pool. :J91 S do. h :; !!32 Pine Murphy Charles R., asst chemist P. S. Co., h 151 S 2d Murphy Jacob W., blacksmith, h :i34 Myers ::: Murphy James, laborer, h :ia7 Orchard av ~Iurphy John, laborer, h 11;1 Frederick ~lurphy John H., machinist. h 5a9 N Front Murphy Joseph. fireman. h 540 N 2d lIJ Murphy Richard, laborer. h 453 N 2d ~Iurphy Thomas, h 151 S ~d ?-.Iurphy Thomas E., laborer, h 161 Frederick lIJ ~Iurray Charles F., brakeman. h 2.1 S 2d James R., laborer. h 5a9 II: ~Iurray John, laborer, h :l21 S 3dChristian ~Iurray ~furry Frederick. machinist, h 389! S Front :M urry Perry E .. laborer. h 547 I ron al Murvos Vaso, laborer, h !lHi S 2d Musoonc Mike, h 585 S :ld II: Myers Abraham R. Rev .. h 241 Swatara Alvin-G . salesman ~. ~. lIJ Myers Anna. music teacher. 241 Co .. h Hbgdo Myers Swatara, h M)'ers Bessie, elk S. S. Co .. h 274 Frederick Myers Charle~ E., laborer. h ~~3 Franklin :\1vers Florence. asst cashier S. S. Co .. h 138 N 2d ~fyers Frank. laborer, h 1~6 S 2d ~ Myers George S., machinist. h las N ~d a= Myers Hewitt physician. :i:~2 S 2d. h do Myers Ira F., cashier S. S. Co .. h 138 X 2d ~ Myers J. Edward. printer. h 7:l:~ N Front ; Myers John H .. draftsman P.~. Co .. h Hbg - Myers Joseph H., laborer. 11 7:l3 ~ Front Mvers Lucinda. wid Barn. h 733 ~ Front :: M~'ers Mary, h 733 N Front i!!: M~ers Peter B .. blacksmith. h 152 Main a= ~\'Iyers Samuel T .. laborer. h :l1l9 Frances ~ Myers Sarah, elk. h 733 ~ Front Myers Thomas. weigher P. S. Co .. h 138 ~ 2d ~ Myrtle David. laborer. h HIl! Adams ~ace Oscar c., timekeeper P. ~. Co .. h 123 S 2d ~ Nagle George ~I., laborer. h 63 }lain :: Naglic Stoco, laborer, h 27 N 2d ::: Xang-Ie Edward F., laborer. h 116 Main !iI ~aseff Isaac, salesman, h 367 Frederick -




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Blc~~t:~~RE.f ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d au Rilly Sis.

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A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,

{aIr::.. -Y:V .....


Boyd'. Steelton Direotory.

Naseff Peter, salesman, h 367 Frederick Nathan Simon, tailor, 34 S Front, h Hbg Nauss Abraham B., elk S. S. Co., h 356 S Front :Nauss Bertram S., foreman P. S. Co., h 315 Pine foreman, h 11.1 Pine Nauss Delanson Nauss George H., elk. h 315 Pine Nauss George R., steel tester, h 19 Pine Nauss Harry W., molder, h 214 S 2d Nauss John W., helper, h 422 Swatara Naylor Catharine G., knitter, h 43 Penn :Naylor Ernest W., draftsman P. S. Co., h 243 Main Naylor John D., watchman, h 43 Penn Neagley Joseph, sawyer, h 16 Adams Neagley Mary J., wid Daniel c., h 17 N 4th Nebinger Clayton, finisher, h 233 i'.lain Nebinger Eliza B., elk, h 157 S 2d Nebinger Jacob, blacksmith, h 214 Pine Nebinger Jacob A., laborer, h 157 S 2d Nebinger Oscar C., helper, h 214 Pine K ebinger R. Sigmond, machinist, h 157 S 2d N ebinger Russel H., laborer, h 409 Catharine Neff David, rail straightener, h 339 Myers Neff George W., elk P. S. Co., h 12 S Front Neff Jacob, helper, h 343 ~Iyers Neiffer Frederick, laborer, h 1 S Front Neill Herbert, baker, h 4115 Bessemer Neilson Andrew N., laborer, h 622 S 2d Nein George, bricklayer. h 12!l S 4th 0 Nein George F., bricklayer, h 232 Elm I~ Nell J. Elmer, teacher, h 220 Pine Nell Levi H., h 258 Lincoln II) Nell William H., teller Steelton ~at Bank, h 19 Locust Nelley Thomas]., hotel. !)47 S Front, h do Nelley Sarah Mrs., h 947 S Front Nelson John, laborer, h 214 Ridge Nelson Samuel S., laborer, h 24)01 :Myers Nemanic Martin, laborer, h 5:~5 S 3d Nemanic Matthew, laborer, h 640 S 3d BERON DAVID W., notary public and fire insurance, 392 fit S 2d, h do Keron Elmer E., painter, h 392 S 2d Nesbit John H., helper, h 26 S Harrisburg Nesbit Winfield S.. ironworker, h 262 Myers Nessley John H., elk, 183 N Front, h Oberlin Ow . Neubaum Frederick A., laborer, h 381 S 3d Neubaum Louisa, wid William, h 411 Reading Neukam Carl, laborer. h 355 S 2d 1ft Neusbaum Clark, plumber. h 45 S 4th




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.. To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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f'Iy Ir1 McIlEIL'S PAIII EXTERulliATOR give, you an appetite. Man, {lI08 llhad. II II II ml11ioDB bave been cured b, 1\.

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Newbaker Hiram A., trucker, h 365 S 2d John J., master mach Merchant '\lill, h 192 5 2d ?\ewcomer Frank, butcher S. S. Co., h 267 N Front Newcomer John, h 3 N 3d Newcomer Samuel S., tailor, h 3 N 3d Newlin Harry 1., elk, h 102 N 2d Xewman Mary, wid Henry, h 34i S Front )l ewton Sarah Mrs., h 212 Adams X ey Ellen E., h 545 Bessemer Ney Jacob H., elk S. S. Co., h 30 Chestnut Ney Sarah Mrs., housekeeper, 521 Christian )licholas Howard, carpenter, h 255 Christian )licholas John P., carpenter, h 243 Myers ~icholas Morris, U. S. A, h 243 Myers Nicholas Joseph F., laborer, h 326 Main Nickens Rollin H., laborer, h 130 Ridge Nickey William J., laborer. h 213 Lincoln Nipple Thomas, laborer, h :U7 Frances )lisley Maria, wid Samuel, h 1:n Lincoln Nissley Amos H., elk Steelton Nat Bank, h Oberlin Nissley Martin L., machinist. h 216 S 2d Noggie John T., laborer, h 212 S 2d Noll Harley H., laborer, h 122 S Front ~oll Jacob, shooting gallery, 137 S Front, h 122 do Xoll John ]., grocer, 267 !\ Front, h do Noll Wilson P., driver, h Hit S 2d Norris Allison H., elk P. S. Co., h 364 Spruce Norris Francis A, foreman P. S. Co., h 364 Spruce Norris Patrick, steelworker, h 604 N 2d North George W., laborer, h 311 Christian Norton Harriet, wid Theodore. h 545 Iron al Novosel Torno, laborer, h 544 S 3d Nunemaker Benjamin, laborer. h 346 l\lain Nunemaker Benjamin A., laborer, h 346 ~fain Nunemaker Daniel, laborer, h 502 Main Nunemaker John N., laborer. h 502 Main Nunemaker John \V., laborer. h 45 S 3d Nunemaker Nicholas, h 502 :\fain Nunemaker William H . laborer. h !l46 Main Nunnemaker Tohn H., laborer. h :t!6l S 2d Nusbidle Rudolph, fireman, h 229 Swatara Obercash Julia, wid Jacob, h 243 Main Obercash Michael A, Bessemer House, 243 Main, It do O'Brien Daniel, laborer, h 237 Christian O'Brien John, brakeman, h 61 Conestoga O'Brien John, chief police P. S. Co.. h 32 S 4th O'Brien Lulu D .. embroidery, 32 S 4th. h do O'Connell John, fireman, h 61 COll_es_t_og_a_ _ _ _ _ __

The AlDerl.... Bo.dln. (lolDpa.y, Baltimore. Md. BDW. Q. KOaBaft, General Agent Ulntral Penna. District, 108 N d lie. Bell'Pbone 851 X, or
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{l218 10111 lDIId 31.


Boyd's Steelton Direotol'J. Odd Fellows' Hall, l;{lS Adams Odell James B., teacher, h ~m S 3d O'Donnell A. Curtin, laborer, h 402 S :.!d O'Donnell Patrick, fireman, h 63:.! K 2d Ogelsby Boyd M., stenographer P. S. Co., h Hbg O'Gorman Jeremiah, steelworker, h 51 S 2d Ohlson Charles G., draftsman P. S. Co., h 19 N 4th Ohmit Annie M., wid Christian, h 340 N Frollt Ohmit Byron M., elk, h 117 Lincoln Ohmit J. Christian, laborer, h 340 N Front Ohmit Laura A., milliner, h 340 N Front Oken Annie, wid Joseph, h ~nu S 2d Olsen John, laborer, h 315 S 2d O'Neil Calvin N., steelworker, h 406 S 2d O'Neil Charles H., laborer, h 264 ~Iain O'Neil James, laborer, h 123 Adams O'Neil Kirk M., helper, h S8 Furnace O'Neill James J., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 350 ~Iyers Opperman Karl T., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Orndorf Clyde B., elk P. S. Co., h 322 Locust Orndorff Samuel J., blacksmith, h 322 LoCllst O'Rourke Martin, laborer, h 222 Franklin Orsinger Paul, engineer, h 963 S Front Ortenzie Jacob, laborer, h 369 S 3d Orth John G., baker, 11 S Front, h 9i do Osburn Rose, wid Edward. h 13 N Front Oskovic Peter, laborer, h 769 S 3d Ostoich George, laborer, h 915 S 2d Ostoiz Adam, laborer, h 919 S 2d Ostoiz Benjamin. laborer, h !1l9 S 2d Ostoiz Demitar, laborer. h 919 S 2d Ostoiz Ilya, laborer, h 919 S 2d Ostoiz Joseph, laborer, h 919 S 2d Ostoiz Juro, laborer, h 919 S 2d Ostoiz ~lili, laborer, h 919 S 2d Ostoiz Nicholas, laborer, h !lUI S 2d Ostolz Peter, laborer, h 919 S 2d Ostoiz Stoyan. laborer, h 919 S 2d Ostoiz Vasilv, laborer, h 919 S 2d Ostovic l\lesou, laborer. h 913 S 2d O'Toole Edward, laborer, h 229 Christian Otstot Franklin G., student, h 211 N 2d Otstot William F., laborer. h 211 N 2d Ott Levi. laborer, h 425 S Front Otto Charles, laborer, h 126 S 2d Otzen Carl, electrician. h :n 7 S 2d Ovler Charles, elk, h 364 S 2d Oyler Charles. steelworker. h 371 S Front

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H. M. KELLEY &. CO COAL AND WOOD {OfI!Ces: :O:l.~\~=

764 Boyd'. Steelton Directory. +c:n Oyler Daniel A., h 364 S 2d Oyler George A., laborer, h 24 S Harrisburg Z Ozanic Stanko, laborer, h 921 S 2d +- Page Braxton, laborer, h 134 Ridge Page Charles, laborer, h 134 Ridge Ct Page Daniel A., driver, h 646 N Front z: Page George W., laborer, h 134 Ridge ~ Page J. Edward, steelworker, h 646 N Front _ Page John W., laborer, h 2;W Ridge - Pain Harry, laborer, h 334 N 2d Painter Charles F., car inspector, h 273 Main ..... Painter David, blacksmith, h 155 Frederick ..- Painter Susan, mender, h 212 Conestoga t:; Palmer Charles, laborer, h 267 N Front .cae Palmer John R., laborer, h 413 S Front .z: Pannell Clarence M., elk P. S. Co., h 151 S 4th C Parks Carrie, elk, h 179 S Front Z Parks George W., sewing machines, 177 S Front, h 179 do ffi Parks Robert R., student, h 179 S Front Parmus Reuben, laborer, h 131 Ridge U Parrock Percy H., elk P. S. Co., h Pine nr 3d Parsons C. Robinson. elk P. S. Co., h Spruce c 4th ~ Parsons George W., supt P. S. Co., h Spruce c 4th ~ Parsons Harry H., painter, h 154 Main ~ Pasack Anthony, laborer, h 330 Franklin t= Patillo Hezekiah. laborer, h 76 Furnace c Patriotic Sons of America, Camp No. 102, meets every Ii: Tuesday night at Odd Fellows' Hall, J Prowell, sec -:E Paturico Mike, laborer, h 184 S Front ~ Paul George W., mason. h 322 Franklin 0.. Paulus Conrad J., laborer, h 49 Frederick ..... Paxtang Council, No.2, D. of P., meets Tuesday eve. at 12 ~ S Front ~ Paxtang Hook and Ladder Co., 320 N Front ~ Paxtang Tribe, No. 243, I. O. R. M., organized Jan., 1882, .fn J. Oscar Russell, C. of R., meets Thursday eve., 10 S ffi Front ,g Paxton and Steelton Flouring Mills Co., W. G. Audenreid, c:;, jr., pres; John Hoffer, mgr, Trewick c Frederick ... ~ Paxton John M., laborer, h 231 Myers IJ Paxton Lodge. No. 16, A. Y. M., (colored), meets at 1(0 0Adams, second and fourth Tuesday eves. of each C month; John Beasley, sec Ie Payne James, laborer, h 109 Adams Ie Payne James H., laborer. h 119! Adams ~D Payne Jesse, laborer, h 364 S 2d IIIZ Payton Whitney, laborer, h 219 Adams ~c Pazak John, cutter, h 605 S 3d



ANDREW REDMOND, H~;:.x::ru:d ~~cl:'. {3~ ~ Rilly 511. CoogIe

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_AlCf3 A Bllfe/ALrr 0 " {III. P_1na Public lSulldlllKS In Plaia TlaU.

3. . . f.IlaNJUI""".

Boyd's Steelton



Peace Charles L., craneman, h 140 l\Iyers Peace Cloyd, laborer, h 317 S Front Peach Clarence, laborer, h 129 Adams Peachy Thomas, fireman, h 145 Lincoln Pearson James W., laborer, h 342 N 2d Peck Alvin M., laborer, h 338 Christian Peck Elizabeth, wid Harry, h 237 Myers Peck Frances ),1., elk, h 237 Myers Peck Jacob, steelworker, h a:lO Myers Peel John, machinist, h 163 S Front Pejakowitz Stanislaus, laborer, h 26 N 2d Pelen John W., planer, h 357 S 3d Pelen Joseph, laborer, h 357 S 3d Pendleton Frederick, laborer, h W!lt Adams Penner Charles \V., blacksmith, h :l05 Frances Penna. R. R. Depot, ft Trewick PENNSYLVABIA STEEL CO., (THE), mfrs steel raill, railroad switches, bridges, &c., E. C. Felton, pres see adv back oover Penna. Telephone Exchange, John A. McCurdy, mgr, 20 S Front Penteck ~Iatthew, steelworker, h 152} Frederick Penteck Stephen, steelworker, h 152} Frederick People's Building and Loan Assn, E. H. Mengle, sec; meets Tuesday evenings at 144 N Front Perjonitscz Martin. laborer, h 22 N 2d Perri Michael, laborer, h 389 S 3d Perri Raphael, laborer, h 312 S 2d Perry Clarence, machinist, h 243 S Front Perry James, laborer, h 107t Adams Perry Theodore V., elk P. S. Co., h 129 S Front Person William, draftsman, h 131 S 2d Peters Cassadella, wid Lewis, h 300 S 2d Peters Dallas W., molder, h 238 Christian PETERS D. AUGUSTUS, pharmacist, 189 S Front, h 191 do Peters J. Markwood, physician, 195 S Front, h 193 do Peters William, laborer, h 304 Ridge Pet raise Joseph, laborer, h 562 S 3d Petrie Peter, laborer, h 25 N 2d Petrina Blaz, laborer, h 227 Canal al Petro sic John, grocer, 868 S 2d. h do Petrosic :'.Iarco, laborer, h 866 S 2d Petteroff Michael. laborer, h 310 Frederick Pezdiric Ulena, 'wid Martin, h 558 S!ld Pfeiffer John P., laborer, h 419 Mohn Phillips Harriet, teacher, h 162 Adams Phillips Joseph R., miller, h 155 Lincoln Phillips Warren, laborer, h 313 Adams

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McNeil'. PaIn Ellt laator eures Cholera Morbwl. Dysentery. CnmJlll, Dlalrbc!a, \ oldB. QuiDIY. RheumaUlDI, Toothache, Sore Throat. APe. D;ppeJllla,Ie. ......

Phillips 17'6 S = PhoenixWilliam A., machinist,h h:!1l0r'ront2d Phoenix Edwar<l. watchman. S Front .: Wilmer. laborer. h S _


Boyd's Steelton Direotory.

Pickel Francis, machinist, h 453 Main c.:t Pickle Harry, machinist. h 243 Main =i Pierce Jordan, laborer, h 128 Adams c.:t Pike Otto S., draftsman P. S. Co., h 416 Spruce Piservic Jacob, laborer, h 481 Myers ~ Pisle Charles A., frog builder, h 26 S 2d Pisle David T., blacksmith, h 22:l S Front If Pisle Etta M., sleever, h 2:!3 S Front Pisle George B., elk S. S. Co., h 24 Walnut .. Pisle Samuel H., helper, h :!23 S Front ~ Pisle William K., steelworker, h 555 N 2d Pizzino Peter, laborer, h 377 S 3d (J) Plank John R.. physician, 143 N Front, h do II: Plasac Michael. laborer, h 2:l:! Frederick Platt George W., conductor, h 523 S Front Pleuter Martin, helper, h 365 Frederick ~ Plough John, elk S. S. Co., h 121 S Front (.) Plouse Hetty, wid John, h 174 l\Tain c[ Plowman Charles W., carpenter, h 357 Main II: Plut John, laborer, h 155 Main Pogue George, brakeman, h 147 Main ~ Poindexter James, laborer, h 140 Ridge Z Polar David c., elk S. S. Co. h 404 N 3d Poles Samuel R., laborer, h 121 Ridge (.) Poles Woodson, laborer, h 58 Furnace Polston Lloyd, pool, &c., 120 Adams, h 119 do . : Ponsil Caroline, wid Lurlwig, h 435 1\10hn z Ponsil Paul G., laborer. h 435 Mohn ~ Poorman John H. c., engineer, h 203 Swatara E Poorman Viola, shirtmkr, h 203 Swatara Pope Elizabeth c., laundress, h 304 N Front U Pope Frank, laborer, h ~W4 N Front .... Pope Mary A., laundress, h 304 N Front C Popowyz Stephan, laborer, h 919 S 2d Porr John L., druggist, 147 N Front, h 139 do Porter Dudley, laborer, h 223 Franklin Porter Joseph, laborer, h 529 Iron al Porter Leonard, molder, h 407 Bailey Porter Maior. laborer. h 856 N Front ~ Porter Robert, laborer, h 112 Ridge Porter Sallie. domestic. 302 Ridge Posanek Paul. lahorer. h 212 Frederick ~ POSEY HENRY G., real estate, insuranoe and notU'7,lIbUe, 110 If Front, h do ~ Posey Susan, wid ~athan. h 378 S 2d





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UI@lUIlARC&, .... . EOW. G. ROBERTS , '.r ACCIDENT Bell 'Pbone 851 X,1 -.... x. @I_ad .......... or
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Boyd's Steelton Directory.


POST OFFICE, Henry F. Henhey, P. lI., 2 S Front Postal Tel. Cable Co., F. E. Bailey, mgr, 7 S Front Poston Jane, wid George H., h 164 Ridge Poston Thomas, laborer, h 164 Ridge Poston William J., laborer, h 164 Ridge Potrabic Joseph, laborer, h 6~9 S 3d Potter Philip, draftsman, h :3~4 Pine Potticher Elmer A., roller, h :{:W Swatara Pottiger Morgan J., hooker, h 540 S 2d Pottiger Thomas, laborer, h 4.09 X :Jd Powden Charles E., elk S. S. Co., h 367 S 2d Powell James S., helper, h 2~ Adams Powell Lewis, laborer, h 133 Adams Powell Samuel E., engineer, h ~u S Harrisburg Power John, laborer, h 147 Ridge Powers Charles M., machinist. h 510 S 2d Prate Frank, laborer, h 31~ S 2d Pratt Frank ",,'., templetmkr, h 232 Myers Pratt Mason D., civil engineer P. S. Co., h 3aO Spruce Pretz George R., elk, h 1115 l\: 2d Pretz Samuel L., salesman, 159 X Front. h 105 N 2d Price Reese, steelworker, h :J21! S Front Pritchard Andrew J., jeweler, 145 Adams, h do Prosser E. Clyde, elk. h 343 S Front Prosser William H., bricklayer. h 343 S Front Protestant Episcopal Church, Pine ab N 2d Proud Anthonv, machinist. h 218 Elm Proud Robert B., machinist, h 234 Elm Proudfoot Edward, laborer, h 324 S 2d Prowell Abram :\1.. laborer, h 273 Christian Prowell Albert. laborer. h 359 Christian Prowell Amy M., saleslady, fl N Front, h 544 N 2d Prowell Andrew S., carpenter, h 253.Christian Prowell Charles H., engineer, h 32 S 2d Prowell Edward, fireman, h 258 Frederick Prowell Frank M., engineer, h 367 Christian Prowel1 Jacob A., carpenter, h 359 Christian Prowell Jeremiah M .. bottommkr, h 544 N 2d PROWELL WILT.TAlI, groceriel, proviliou, hay, straw, , 1lour and feed, 204 N Front, h do Prowell William R.. physician and druggist, 27 N Front, h 25 do Pryor Willard. laborer. h 51 Trewick Psitander Charles A. mech eng-ineer P. S. Co., h 356 Locust Pugh John D., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Pugliese Benjamin, laborer, h a69! S ad Pugliese John. laborer, h !JIm S :ld Pugliese Joseph, laborer, h 369t S 3d

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~ . "To find a name you must know how to spell it..

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H M KELPry at CO'S BI, l10111_ Ia_s... O. Lt: ...11 DI ",., ..... wIt_lt ,...... .......
Boyd's Steelton Direoto!')'.


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~ Puller Edward, laborer, h :!!W Adams U) Putney Austin, laborer, h IOU Adams "'CI Putney Yell H., laborer, h 109 Adams Putnic Michael, laborer, h 523 Christian t- Putnik Stanco, elk, 247 S Front, h 860 S 2d .c Putt Harry Y., agt, h 117 Walnut .Putt Harvey 1<.., steelworker, h 117 Walnut :IE Quick Edward, rigger, h 110 Frederick 0) .kadelja Thomas, laborer, h 243 Frederick Radonervich Peter, laborer, h 632 S 3d Rahn Charles, fireman, h 115 Lincoln "ii Rahn Irwin ]., boilermkr, h 115 Lincoln i= Rahn Mary E., elk, h 115 Lincoln Railing Silas, asst surgeon, h 141 S Front I Rakaric Evan, laborer, h U13 S 2d _ . I Rakaric Tanko, laborer, h U13 S 2d Rakaric Thomas, laborer, h 913 S 2d Rakic Bozio, laborer, h U15 S 2d _ Rakic Lazzo, laborer, h 915 S 2d III: Rakovski F. Lyubomir, grocer, '571 S 3d, h do Ralph Alexander, engineer, h 303 S Front .a Ralph Wiliiam, tender, h 329 Walnut i! Ramp Charles, laborer, h 327 Swatara .... Ramsey Lizzie; domestic, 308 Lincoln Ramsey Uliver H., elk P. S. Co., h Enhaut III: Ransom Carl, laborer, h 601 N 3d :i Rantz Isaac P., coremkr, h 713 S Front ~ Ratkovic John, laborer, h 30 N 2d Ratkovic John, laborer, h 357 Frederick .!5 Rauch Clarissa, wid Peter, h 39 S Front Raunick Augustus, cupolatender, h 43 S 3d ::> Raullick Sarah, boarding, 383 S Front, h do LLI Ray Jacob E., laborer, h 351 Main ... Ready Felix B., laborer, h 467 Myers L Reagan Cornelius, laborer, h 619 N 3d r- Reagan John H., laborer, h 523 Christian bJ Reager Samuel H., laborer, h S Front nr limits Rebeck Jacob, laborer, h 325 N Front Reber Robert G., elk S. S. Co., h 19 S 2d Z Rebert George, carpenter, h 265 N Front Rebling George B., engineer, h 238 Pine Rechter Benjamin, laborer, h 64 Furnace Reckord Frank M., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Redcay Aaron V., laborer, h 512 S 2d bJ Redman Minor. laborer. h 78 Furnace Reed Andrew, laborer. h 145i Adams Reed Blanche L., operator, h 313 S 4th Reed Carrie, operator, h ~13 S 4th






ANDREW REDMOND, ~:::~:"~d'::::~:. {3~ II. Rtl~ Sts. '

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B TICK I . . . . . . ._plete mala J1a-....a ........ tIar... { ..,.,. w.n P . . . ThebedUl4IoWll& _ _ w ..... " N It.

Boyd'. Steelten Directery. 7tJ9 Reed Grant, laborer, h 321 S 3d -. Reed Harry F., fireman, h 47 Frederick Reed John c., foreman, h 429 Lincoln Reed Samuel, laborer, h 313 S 4th Reed William M., laborer, h 58 Furnace , Reehling Bros., (c. A. and C. F. A.), grocers, 302 Myers ~ Reehling Charles A .. (Reehling Bros.), h 304 Myers Reehling Cliarles F. A., (Reehling Bros.), h 304 Myers Reehling Charles H., elk, h 304 Myers Reehling Mary A., saleslady, 302 Myers, h 304 do Reehling Mary A., wid Charles F., h 304 Myers Reel Charles H .. tracer P. S. Co., h Hbg Reese Cornelius, elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Reese John N., asst supt, h 150 S 2d Reeves John T., laborer, h 48 Furnace Reeves William, elk, h 872 N Front Regan Eliza, wid Malachi. h 616 1\ 2d Regan Ellen B., h 616 N 2d ~ Regan James P., laborer, h 616 N 2d Regan Lizzie, milliner, h 616 N 2d Regan Michael c., laborer. h 87 Main Regan Thomas J. M . laborer, h 616 N 2d Rehl Joseph, laborer, h 325 N Front Reidell Grant S., painter, h 227 Christian Reider John R., furnaceman, h 210 Myers Reider William]., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 447 Lincoln Reigart Daniel M., engineer. h 435 Lincoln II Reigart William M., roller. h 435 Lincoln 0 Reiley James M., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Reinhart Harry, laborer. h 482 Myers 13 Reinhart John. laborer. h 350t Christian Reinoehl Charles W., sales agt P. S. Co., h Hbg Reisch Charles F., painter. h 461t Myers Reisch Louisa. wid Daniel A . h 413 Main Reist Harry W., helper, h 356 Myers Reist John H., laborer. h 356 Myers Reitzel Frank S., elk P. S. Co., h 346 Pine Reitzel John H., foreman P. S. Co., h 341 Pine Reitzel Samuel E., carpenter. h 316 S 2d ttRelich John, laborer, h 765 S 3d Rendle Leopold, laborer, h 543 N Front Renner Joseph, laborer, h 122 Ridge Republican Club, 541 N Front Resinschek Simon, laborer, h 545 Myers ARex Reed. laborer, h :-l63t S Front Reynders John V. W., supt bridge dept, h Hbg (I Reynolds Charles, laborer. h 229 S Front tlReynolds Isaac, laborer, h 74 Furnace I


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Boyd'. Steelton Direotory.






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Rheam Annie. salcslad\', h 66:l ~ Front Rheam John H., grocer, 663 ~ Front, h do Rhoades Henry \V., helper, h 169 ~lyers Rhoads Edward, laborer, h ;{37 Bessemer Rhoads Jesse, driver, h 4111 Lincoln Rhoads Levi J., conductor, h 401 Lincoln Rhoads ~1ima, wid Albert H., h 159 Christian Rhodes Joseph B., supt, 1241 K Front. h Hummelstown Rice Jeremiah, patternmkr. h 169 S 4th Richardson Alfred, lahorer. h 214 Ridge Richardson Harold, elk, h 2:l2 S 2d Richey Charles R.. packer, h rear !I:m S Front Richcreek Jesse, steelworker, h 440 Lincoln Richman Zacharias, contractor, h Cumbler's row Richmond Charles H., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Rickabaugh Frank, laborer, h 231) S Front Rickert George B. ~I., loftsman, h ;{39 Christian Ridenour Victor I., elk, 136 N Front, h Hbg Rideout Horace, laborer. h Cumbler's row Rider Charles H., elk S. S. Co., h 327 Conestoga Rider Edward, elk S. S. Co .. h Highspire Rider William, molder. h 327 Conestoga Ridinger John E., driller, h 254 l\Iain Ridinger Robert c.. weigher boss, h 248 :\Iain Rilev Alfred W., laborer. h 550 S 2d Riley John, gasmkr, h 347 Christian Rilev Oscar, riveter, h 410 S 2d Rittase William F., painter, h 473 Myers Ritter James 'V., engineer. h 104 Frederick Ritter J. Frank, elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Ritter John G., brakeman. h 104 Frederick Ritter Lizzie C. Mrs., h 104 Frederick Rittner Erdman, laborer, h 463 Christian Roberts Albert G . lahorer, h 258 Ridge Roberts B. Howard. laborer. h 66 Furnace Roberts Charles, drug elk. 20 S Front, h 142 ).fain Roberts Charles A., machinist, h 346 Locust Roberts David W., laborer, h 261 Myers Roberts George H .. foreman. h 142 Main Roberts George W. H., machinist. h 142 Main Roberts Hugh, laborer. h 527 S Front Roberts Joseph E. R.o letter carrier, h 142 Main Roberts Mary E. Mrs., h 208 Ridge Rohin Joseph, grocer. ~Ol ]\John. h do Robinson Ashby, steelworker, h 311 Ridge Robinson Harriet. wid William, h 311 Ridge Robinson Joseph, laborer. h 312 Ridge Rohinson Ovelton. lahorer, h Cumbler's row

EOW. G. ROBERTS =~r.::~,=?' ~~,~o::-mi~~:W.::r. Goog Ie

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A. B. TACK t:&t:::=.-:t II PODer ODd II0dO'_ tIl~~:v.:

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Robinson Thomas, laborer, h 308 Ridge Robinson Thomas R., laborer, h 111 Adams Robinson William N., laster, h 364 ~Iain Robison Malinda Mrs., h 515 N Frollt Rock George, driver, h 147 Main Rock George S., laborer, h 4;J~ ~lain Rock Jacob E., laborer, h 376 ~lain Rockey Oren, laborer, h 3:.!6 Christian Rockey William D., watchman, h 65 Conestoga Roden David, laborer, h 4t4 Swatara Rodfong Walter K., car tracer P. S. Co., h Middletown Rodgers John, fireman, h 71 Frederick Rodgers William, craneman, h i1 Frederick Rodnie John, laborer, h 650 S 3d Roebuck George W., laborer, h 304 Ridge Rogers Robert, laborer, h t46 Christian Rogers Thomas c., engineer, h t46 Christian Rohacek Andrew, laborer, h t!!7 Canal al Rojic Tue, laborer, h 184 S Front Rokvic Milos, laborer, h 919 S 2d Rolar David c., elk, h 404 N ad Rolland Herbert, draftsman, h 17 ~ 4th Rolland William, clk, 133 S Front, h 32 "vValnut Rcmiz Pava, laborer, h 919 S 2d Rone Solomon, contractor, h Cumbler's row Roper Ralph R., clk S. S. Co., h 461 N 2d Rosankawich Stanko, laborer, h 9:n S 2d Rosankawich Yunko, laborer, h 921 S 2d Rosankiwic Evan, laborer, h 913 S 2d Rose Jacob, laborer, h 417 S Front Rosenberg Ellis, clothier, 112 ~ Front, h do Rosenberg Isaac M., elk, 112 N Front, h do Rosic Mato, laborer, h 646 S 3d Ross Belle, domestic, 131 S Front Ross John E., painter, h 360 Myers Ross Mary Mrs., dressmkr, 360 Myers, h do Roth Anna M., teacher, h 25 S Front Roth James P., bricklayer, h 25 S Front Roth Levi B., letter carrier, h :!5 S Front Roth Nicholas, shoemkr, 154 S Front, h 2:-:2 Locust Rothrock Adam, molder, h 244 Chri!'tian Rothrock Bessie F., salesladv S. S. Co., h 226 Elm Rothrock James A., enginee~. h 112 Frederick Rothrock John H., elk, h 226 Elm Rothrock Levi, watchman S. S. Co .. h 145 S 4th Rothrock Mary H., wid John H .. h 118 Frederick Rouch Harvey U., laborer. h 211l N 2d Rouch Jacque:,; W., laborer. h 2S3 ),Iain


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Rouch Noble H., machinist, h 214 Conestoga Row Albert L., foreman, 120 N Frollt, h 153 Frederick Row Eva L., wid John H., h 327 Frances Row George W., laborer, h 153 Frederick Rowan Robert, brakeman, h 32~ Christian Rowinskey Amos W., h 935 S Front Roy Edward, laborer, h 167 Adams Roysic Nicholas, laborer, h 919 S 2d Rubendall William H., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 223 Christian Ruby Thomas, helper, h 304 Main Rucker Webster, laborer, h 128 Ridge Rudisill Paris, carpenter, h 51 K l~ront Rudolph George W., laborer, h 372 S 2d Rudy Jacob, shoemkr, 401 N 2d, h do Rudy S. Clarence, elk P. & S. F. M. Co., h 414 ~ Front Rumberger Emanuel, laborer, h 303 Bessemer Rumple John P., helper, h 241 Christian Rumple Lottie Mrs., boarding, 2:17 Chri~tian. h do Runk Daniel, machinist, h 515 Lincoln Rupp Abraham L., elk, h 225 N Front Rupp George F., laborer. h 225 ~ Front Rupp H. Russell, elk P. S. Co., h 225 X Front Rupp Mabel, bookkpr, 198 S 2d, h 225 ~ Front Rupp Mary E., wid Patrick, h 317 S td Russ James, laborer, h 302 S 3d Russ John, laborer, h 55 Pearl Russ Matthew, steelworker, h 152i Frc .krick Russ Mike, steelworker, h 152i Frederick Russell Albert S., engineer, h 3!l:! Chri:;tiall Russell J. Oscar, teacher, h 138 Lincoln Russell Joseph P., laborer, h 2lt S :.!d Russell William H., laborer, h 138 Lincoln Ruth Wilbur M., draftsman P. S. Co., h 406 Spruce Rutherford John P., shipping elk P. S. Co .. h Paxtang RUTHERFORD ROBERT 11., pres Steelton :National But,

h 247 S 4th

:::; Rutherford Urias A., carpenter, h :l05~ S Front ~ Rutherford William S .. elk P. S. Co .. h Hbg -= Ryan Andrew, machinist. h 213 Myers ; Ryan Bridget Mrs., h 269 ~fain ~ Ryder lfardware Store, W. F. Maginnis. mgr, 18:~ N Front St. James' Convent, Sisters of Mercy. 427 N Front - St James' Parochial School, 2d bet Conestoga and Jeffer~ son St. James' R. C. Church, Rev. G. L. Benton. n!ctor, 423 N Front - St. James' Temperance Legion. 1\1. J. Sh:u1t10'l. seC', 259 Myers


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:;AR:~.~:!~:~:-.;! ANDREW

REDMOND. {~IIII "lilt Sts.

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Boyd" Steelton Directory.


St. John's Lutheran Church, Rev. ~1. P. H.xker, pastor, 2d c Pine St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church. Lincoln c 2d St. Mary's R. C. Church. Rev. F. J. Azbe. pastor, 773 S 2d Salager Michael, laborer. h 55 Trewick Salerna Antoni, laborer. h 8185 2d Salerna Charles, laborer, h 818 S 2d Salerna Frank, laborer. h 752 S 2d Sale rna Gabriel, laborer. h 818 S 2d SaJerna George, laborer, h 752 S 2d Salerna Maggie, housekeeper, 818 S 2d Salinger Joseph, laborer, h 767 S 2d Salinger Leros, laborer, h 230 Frederick Salinger Lovro, laborer. h 767 S 2d Salvatore Lio, laborer, h 349 S 3d Sample Jerome, foreman. h 1165 S Front Sample Samuel, watertender, h 420 N' Front Samsel William A., engineer, h 440 Lincoln Sandana James, laborer, h 609 S :~d Sand ana Michael, laborer. h 609 S 3d Sanders David F., laborer. h 113 S Front Sanders George H., laborer, h 113 S Front Sanders Harry J., molder. h 3211 S Frollt Sanders John W., laborer. h 447 l\lyers Sanders Penrose 0., repairsman. h 11 ..~ S Front Sands Anna ?vL, teacher, h 424 Harrisbllrg" Sansom Chambers R.. engineer, 11 2fi Adams Sansom Philip \V .. engineer, h 265 Main Sansom William. laborer. h 400 Lincoln Sarviz Rado, laborer. h 919 S 2d Sasic Nicholas. laborer. h 633 S 3d Saul Charles H .. physician. 28 Locust. h do II Saul Charles Y., laborer. h 351 S Front Saul James B., asst chemist P. S. Co., h Hbg 0 Saul Ross D .. chemist. h 357 S Front 13 Saul Samuel S . foreman P. S. Co .. h 357 S Front Saul William J .. laborer. h 357 S Front II) Savage Harry F .. hrakeman. h 517 N Front Saviz Nicholas. laborer. h 625 S 3d SavIor Charles F .. laborer. h 266 :\fain Sa~lor Harrv. fruit. l~~ )II Front, h 2&~ ~Iain Scavomilla Raffaele. confectioner. 121 S Front. It Hbg Schade Gustave H., tracer P. S. Co .. h 348 Lincoln II) Schade Herman, machinist. h 348 Lincoln Schade ~largaret. wid Henry P., h 348 Lincoln Schadler Albert, laborer. h 223 Locust Schadler Andrew C. engineer, h 223 Locust It Schaefer Augustus C. piler. h 16!! ~fyers

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.. To Ond name you must know how to spell It."

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Schaefer George, heater, h 169 ~lyers Schaffer Charles, laborer, h 47S ~Iain Scheaffer Murray W., butcher, h 6 X 3d Scheetz George W., carpenter, h 3=!2 Franklin Schell Albert \Y., steelworker, h :!:n '\lyers Schell Benjamin F., carpenter, h 4:m :\lohn SCHELL HENRY X., carpenter and contractor, 614 S 2d, h do Schell William H., driller, h 301 Main Schimele Frank, molder, h 124 S :!d Schlein Charles, laborer, h 21=! S :!d Schlesier Philip, laborer, h 621 S Front Schlessman John P., laborer, h 411=! Reading Schlessman Theodore H., letter carrier, h ill3 X Front Schmick Charles, laborer, h 445 Christian Schmick l\Iartin, laborer, h 443 Olristian Schmidt Joseph, butcher, h 182 ~Iain Schmiedel vYilliam, elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Schminkev Bertha, music teacher. h :!() .\dams Schon Richard, laborer, h :n5 S 2<.1 Schools George Rev., h 243 Main Schraedley Kate, domestic, 329 Walnut Schriver William, laborer. h 514 Lincoln Schriver William J., driver S. S. Co., h li5 ~Iyers Schroll Charles, carpenter, h 23 Walnut Schroll Edgar H., laborer, h 863 S 2d Schroll Jo!teph, carpenter, h 23 Walnut Schroll Samuel, driver. h 863 S 2d Schubauer Carrie, wid William, h 227 Swatara Schukofski Ferdinand, roller, h 413 .\'Iohn Schukofski Frederick, roller. h 411 Mohn Schukofski Louisa, wid Adam. h 411 Mohn Schultz Hugo, elk S. S. Co., h Enhaut Scott Charles E., elk P. S. Co., h 37 S 2d Scott Joseph A.. laborer, h 306 Ridge Scott Mayberry H., timekeeper P. S. Co .. h 321 Poplar Schwartz Adolph. laborer, h 435 :\Iohn Scull John. conductor. h 162 Main Seabold Edward D .. asst chemist P. S. Co., h Hbg Seacreist Ruby, stengr.. h 105 X 2d Seacreist Sudie E .. stengr, Trewick c Canal. h 11)5 ~ 2d Scars Stanley c., student. h 340 Locust Sears Willard F .. mechanical engr P. S. Co .. h Hbg St'ase James P., laborer. h 471 :\fyers Seasholtz Daniel R., helper, h 4111 :\ :!d Seaver Edward. jr., draftsman 1'. S. Co .. h :t.!:! Pine Seedhouse John, laborer. h 2211 Christian Seeth James, laborer. h :US Franklin Scgin Peter. lahorer. h :U'!l S :ld

-------------------------------- e 1_.raaM, EDW G ROBERTS , A"".tI_t. LI.blll',.81. Bell .... BellerX. or 6841 L 108 1I...'1t S - . Phone 8M
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Wall Paper and Window Shada. {u::SW=.. Boyd's Steelton Directory. 775

Seibert Annie M., h 29 S Front SEIBERT WUJJAM' Ho, physician and surgeon, 31 S Front, h 28 do Seibert William J., frog builder, h 383 S Front Seidel Edward H., conductor, h 416 N Front Seidel George P., molder, h 3211 S Front Seiders Emanuel, foreman, h 977 S Front Seiders Morris E., steelworker, h 768 S td Seiferd Harrison, bricklayer, h ~57 S :!d Seifert Charles K., electrician, h 2011 K :!d Seitz Emanuel c., rail straightener, h a3:1 S ~d Seitzinger Frank, butcher S. S. Co., h Hbg Sellers Albert J., foreman P. S. Co., h :!67 ~Iain Sellers Benjamin F., pumpman, h 177 Main Sellers Edward H., frog planer, h 161 Christian Sellers Frank V., engineer, h 315 Swatara Sellers Harry c., elk, h 4~5 Lincoln Sellers Harry L., steelworker, h 17 Pine SeUmyer George D., fireman, h 246 ~Iyers Selock Stoyian, laborer, h 923 S 2d . Seltzer Charles K., plumber, h 15:3 ~lyers Selway George, laborer, h 7 S 4th Semanc George, laborer, h 604 S 3d Send Michael, laborer, h RS:l S 3d Sendi Grat, laborer, h 357 S 3d Senseney John 0., oiler, h a:!7 Walnut Sentz Edward B., laborer, h 5112 :\Iain Serences Frank, laborer, h 332 Franklin Serforse Charles, laborer, h 5a9 S Front Sermay John, laborer, h 606 S 3d Settine Pietro, laborer, h 369! S :ld Severs George VV., laborer. h t.'l4 Ridge Sevoy Robert, hostler, h 225 Adams Sexton Stephen, laborer, h 21 Walnut Seye Frank, laborer, h ~2H S Front Shaar Charles 0 .. h 101 Locllst Shaar Jacob, bottler, h 1111 Locust ~ Shadle Mark, baker, h 301 S Front en Shaffer Geary, bricklayer, h 307 S Front CI Shaffer John, lahorer. h 266 ~I~.. ers = Shaffer L. James, driller. h 206 Pine ::r Shaffer Nelson, laborer. h 157 S 2d -t ::r Shaffer Samuel J., fireman, h 554 S 2d Shaffer Sarah A .. wid Joseph B.. h :nn Lincoln Shaffner Frank vV' .. storekeeper P. S. Co .. h Hbg en Shaffner John F., steelworker, h ~4 K :ld Shaffner John H., helper, h 31n Frances Shaffner John H., laborer. h ~11 Orchard av

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~ Shambaugh George, laborer, h 266


~~~~;JH. M. KELLEY &. CO.H':':::'\~'1:: Beyd'. Steelton Directory.


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Shambaugh Joshua S., engineer, h 112 ~1ain Shaner George, laborer, h H5 ~lyers Shaner Harry G., laborer, h 550 S :!d Shank Lyman c., tracer P. S. Co., h Enhaut Shannon Ellen, wid Patrick, h HI4 N 2d Shannon John, steelworker, h 225 Christian Shannon Johnson F., jr., elk S. S. Co .. h Pax tang Shannon Martin J., yardmaster P. S. Co .. h 104 N 2d Sharer George \\'., machinist, h :147 ~ Front Sharer J. Harry, bla'cksmith, h :347 N Front Sharavskey Ellis M .. grocer, 202 Frederick. h do Sharavskey Israel, elk, 149 S Front, h 151 do Sharavskey Minnie, clothier, 149 S Front. h 151 do Sharon Elizabeth E., wid Laurence, h :J55 Christian Sharon Thomas L., rivetmkr. h !l55 Christian Sharp William, gasmkr, h 226 S Front Shatto Charles M., molder, h 317 Conestoga Shatto Edward L., steelworker, h !l8~~ ~Iain Shattoo Michael. carpenter. h 423 Catharine Shaull George R., helper, h 245 Christian Shaull Levi. laborer. h 245 Christian Shay Charles W., elk P. S. Co . h S Front nr limits Sheaffer Charles E . laborer. h 344 Swatara Sheaffer Harper L., molder. h 115 Frances Sheaffer John L .. laborer. h 241 Christian Shealer William ~L. watertender. h :J40 Christian Shearer John, laborer. h 421 Catharine Shearer \Vilson. mechanical engineer. h 1l1S S td Sheedy Clara Mrs .. h 229 S Front Sheehev Daniel, laborer. h :U6 Christian Sheely Augustus. laborer. h 777 S ad Sheesley Adam c.. stop liner. h 241 Lincoln Sheesley David. carpenter. h 350 S Front SHEESLEY EDWARD 1., Couifer HOUle, 189171 If Fi'oDi,. h do Sheets Abraham. driver. h 401 N 2d Sheets David F .. laborer. h 521 Lincoln Sheets George. laborer. h .tI5 Reading Sheffer Peter, h 2fi3 X Front Shell Daniel, driver. h 822 S 2d Shell Edwin H .. caller. h ~:!4 S 2d Shellenberger Harry }r.. meher. h 2:~3 Christian Shellenberger John S .. laborer. h 31n Christian Shellenberger Lizzie, wid William. h 161 Christian Shellenberger Robert, millman. h 266 ~Iyers Shellenberger Susan. 0. l\1. Zimmerman & Co.). h 18 S 2d Shcllenb~rg~r ~~iIIi<lm_ B .. laborer. h tll() ~:Iyers



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A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger, {12I1r::.ay~~vt/.et.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Shelley Abraham, elk, 35 X Front, h 33 do Shelley Bertram, restaurant, 131 S Front, h 32 \\'alnut Shelley Clarence B., laborer, It 368 S 2d SheIIey Edith C., student, h 33 ~ Front Shelley Henry C, m'gr, :l5 ~ Front, h 3:J do SheIIey Prudence B. Mrs., oysters, 35 X Front, h 33 do Shelley Ralph, restaurant, :~8:~ S Front, h 384* S :.!d Shelly Kirk, restaurant, 1113 S Front, h do Shepherd 1. Wilber, elk, h 39 S 4th Shepherd James E., fireman, h 857 S Front Shepherd James M., laborer, h 151 Ridge Shepler Uriah, shoemkr, 171 S 2d, h 214 Elm Shepler William H., plasterer, h 214 Elm Sherbocker Harry, helper, h 470 Myers Sherbocker William, laborer, h 470 Myers Sheriff George B., laborer, h 4611 ~1yers Sherk Andrew L., foreman, h J 72 Main Sherman Edward, laborer, h 15 S Front Shertzer James \"'1., laborer, h 340 Lincoln Shibley Jacob E., gasmkr, h 237 Myers Shickley Wilson, laborer, h 543 Christian Shields Rachel, nurse, h 323 Pine Shields W. Weslev, laborer, h 620 S 2d Shierman E. L., cik P. R. R. Co., h 15 S Front Shimko John, laborer, h 605 S 3d Shipe Samuel E., laborer. h 313 Christian Shipley Barbara A. Mrs .. h 3~!9i S Front Shirer Arthur E., drug elk, 55 N Front, h 401 l\Iyers Shirer George, supt, h 41H ~Iyers Shires Harrv B., steelworker. h 413 N 3d Shires Jacob S., laborer. h 413 N 3d Shires 'William B., shearsman. h 625 N Front Shirk Eugene :M., fireman, h 528 S 2d Shirk Lucius J., laborer, h 128 Frederick Shirk Sarepta B., wid Jacoh P .. h 128 Frederick Shirk WiJIiam H., laborer. h a46 Christian Shively Frederick. laborer. h 167 :Main Shively Harvey, laborer, h 266 Myers Shoop Catharine Mrs., h 17 N 4th Shoop George \V., driller. h 378 Main Shoop Harry, carpenter, h 3 N 3d Shoop Jerome, driller, h 122 Lincoln Shope Charles E., elk P. S. Co., h 33 S 3d Shores Tohn, laborer, h 235 Christian Shores john \V., laborer, h 235 S Front Short Robert E., steelworker. h 182 ~lain Shott Ida, wid James. h 857 S Front Shrauder Arthur R.. steelworker. h 319 France!'


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Boyd's Steelton Directory.

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__ Shrauder Samuel, planer, h 337 Christian - Shrauder Winfield S., laborer, h 330 Christian _ Shubauer Carrie, wid William T., h 227 Swatara Shugars Otis H., crane runner, h 103 Frances .c.:t Shughart John A., miller, h Conestoga bel Front ... Shuler Edward E., laborer, h 418 Lincoln 11 Shultz John W., bricklayer, h :l79 Myers :s .c.:t Shumaker John E., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg '!! Shumaker Samuel D., laborer, h 3561 S Front t= Shuman Luke, machinist, h 221 S Front Shumberger Wilson, laborer, h 256 Christian II Shunk Francis R., heater, h 223 Myers 1i Shunk Royal, elk P. R. R., h 128 Lincoln Shupp John, buggy loader, h 403 S 2d .: Shupp John E., elk P.O., h 403 S 2d a Shuster Matthias, laborer, h 551 S 3d Shutt William L., laborer, h 339 S 4th (/) Shutter Charles, plumber. 1~7 S Front, h do II: Siccola Eugene, laborer, h 3691 S 3d 1&1 Sicils George, laborer, h :l67 S ad ..J Sicils Peter, laborer, h a67 S 3d . . Sides Milton 0., planer. h 459 N 2d ..... Sidle Leah, wid Latimer c., h 383 S Front 1&1 Sieg James Y .. printer, 154 S Front, h 150 S 2d Sicg P. William. laborer, h 417 Main _. SIEG WII.J.IAJ( H. H., publisher Steelton Reporter, 1M-158 ... S Front, h 150 S 2d see adv Sieg William P., machinist, h 25 S 4th Sieg William S., laborer, h 417 Main Siemons James A., laborer. h 218 N 2d z: Simonic Frank. laborer. h :l69 Frederick ~ Simonic John, laborer. h 18 N 2d :IE Simonic John, laborer. h 161 ~Iain Q Simonic Michael, laborer. h 18 :'IJ 2d U Simons George, laborer, h :l62 Swatara ..... Simons H. \Valter. boilermkr. h 362 Swatara ~ Simpson Samuel, laborer. h 40 Furnace U Simpson William, laborer, h 222 Ridge



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....: JOB WORK z



All Home Print. aDd the Only Paper PriDted Bnttre in 8&eelton. The Best AdYer-tiling Medium In the Oount)'. GoeIlnto &11 Homa.

of Every De80rlptlon Neatly Exeouted The Latat Styles of Types aDd Fast I'rMIes dri"ntn by electricity. PrIces Low for Good Wort. Addra..

W. H. H. SIE6, Publisher, 154 S. Frolf, cor. EllII, STEELTOI, PA,

Tile A..erl __ a._dl Cempll.J'. Baltimore. lid. BOW. Q. BOBBR..... General .lpnt Central Penna. District. loa LV 8t. Bell 'Phone 851 X. _180 X.
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Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Simtich Martin, laborer, h 351 Frederick Singer Annie, wid George, h :W~ l\lain Singiser Harry c.; blacksmith, h 1119 ~ :!d Singiser :r-.;ellie V., music teacher, h lOU X !!d Sinkfield Richard H., constable, h 137 Adams Sites Fred R., civil engineer P. S. Co., h Hbg Sites :Milton, laborer, h 253 Christian Sizer Jacob D., brakeman, h 411 Catharine Skirska Nico, laborer, h 182 S Front Slabonich Michael, heater, h 848 S 2d Slanovec John, laborer, h 30 ~ 2d Slat Michael, laborer, h 57 Trewick Slater Angus L., laborer, h l:!O Adams Slater Henry, laborer, h 124 Adams Slater Park, laborer, h 121 Adams Slavon Sophia, domestic, 151 S Front Slaybaugh Charles T., elk, h 29 Locust Slaybaugh Irvin, draftsman P. S. Co .. h a27 Frances Slaybaugh Samuel S., carpenter. h 265 :r-.; Front Slaybaugh Stella 1\1.. h :!G5 ?IJ Front Slaybaugh William W., bartender. h 265 X Front Slike Jacob F., collector, h an S 2d Slike William H., agt, h 375 S 2d Sloger Joseph, laborer, h 18 :K 2d Sloger Martin, laborer, h 18 X 2d Sloop David, steelworker, h :~:18 Lincoln Sloop George W., student, h WI Lincoln Sloop James W., molder. h 573 S 2d Sloop Samuel, shoemkr S. S. Cu .. h 101 Lincoln Smee Elmer H., blacksmith. h 505 S Front Smeigh Frank H., chemist P. S. Co., h 262 Christian Smeigh Jesse M., carpenter, h 212 X 2d Smeltzer Charles E., steelworker, h 426 Harrisburg Smielowitz Lazar, laborer, h 624 S 3d Smith Albert B., stengr P. S. Co., h 640 N 2d Smith Alvin, laborer, h 32H Conestoga Smith Arthur A., stengr P. S. Co . h 139 S 2d Smith Charles F., laborer, h 315 Orchard av Smith Clement G., student, h a40 Locust Smith Danie1 A., teacher, h 148 Lincoln Smith Daniel K., teamster. h 963 S Front Smith David, laborer, h 214 N Front Smith Edward, laborer, h 504 S 2d Smith Elizabeth Mrs., dressmkr. 215 Christian, h do Smith Emilia. wid Henrv. h 123 S 2d SlUTH FREDERICK E., 'wholesale liquors, 237 If Front, h do Smith George. laborer, h 302 Ridge Smith Harry E., foreman. h 155 Frederick




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-To find a name you must mow how to

spen it."
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H. I. KELLEY" COl' COAL AND WOOD {I~: :o..~\1..--=

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Boyd'. Steelton Directol')'.


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Smith Henry 0., foreman, h 221 S 2d Smith Henry V.f., steelworker, h 401 Bailey Smith Hugh B., machinist, h 306 Pine Smith Isaiah, laborer, h 146 Ridge Smith James, baker, h 405 Bessemer Smith James M., painter, h 705 S Front Smith John, laborer, h 236 Myers Smith John c., foreman, h 616 N 3d Smith John H., laborer, h 337 Bessemer Smith John H., roll turner, h 28 S ~d Smith John L., machinist, h 36 S Front Smith John N., laborer, h 135 Adams Smith John N., laborer, h 411 N 3d Smith Joseph, clothing, 29 N Front, h do Smith Joseph, laborer, h 940 S Front Smith Leopold L., elk P. S. Co., h Enhaut Smith Leroy, boilermkr, h 180 Main Smith Letta Mrs., h 348 N 2d Smith Lizzie Mrs., milliner, 36 S Front, h do Smith ~1ilton A., draftsman, h 616 N 3d Smith Minnie, cook, 356 Spruce Smith Robert A., engineer, h 325 S 2d Smith Samuel, laborer, h 2d nr Conestoga Smith Simon, rail cutter, h 215 Christian Smith Susan H., wid William D., h 31 S 2d Smith Walter J., hooker,h 503 Main Smith William, heater, h 8.'32 N Front Smith William G., laborer, h 412 S 2d Smith Willis, laborer, h 257 Adams Smothers John, laborer, h 314 Ridge Smothers Sylvester, gas producer, h 310 Lincoln Smrekore John, laborer, h 159 Main Smythe Elizabeth, wid John A., h 418 N 3d Snare Henry H., driver, h 36 N River av Snavely John H., notary, 32 S Front. h do Snavelv Tohn N., laborer, h 181 S Front S!lavel)" Susan G., wid John, h 205 Swatara Sneigh Wilber, laborer, h 451 Main Snell Asher L., puller, h 336 Myers Snell Elizabeth H., wid Henry, h 306 Main Snell Harvey, craneman. h 26!) Main Snell John A., heater, h 336 Myers Snell Lloyd, roller, h 258 Main Snell Robert L., laborer, h 237 Mvers Snell William H., driller, h a8:! S'2d Snowden William, laborer. h 405 Bailey Snyder Emory A., ice cream. 229 S Front. h 511 do Snyder George S . elk P. & R. depot, h 121 S Front

ANDREW REDMOND, Hc;.,::;:~a.~::d ~:!'~oi:~. {3d lid R.I~ 511. CoogIe

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--41AlCtI A ,,.Eo/AL.,., f I ' {IIII II. ,. It. PrMCIDI.......11. Bulldlap I. Pial. 1'IIIta. .,.... . . . .

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.


Snyder Henry B., janitor, h 346 Main Snyder James E., foreman, h :161 Christian Snyder Lydia K., wid Christian D., h 341.1 Main Snyder Philip E., painter, h 9 N Front Snyder William K., elk P. S. Co., h Middletown Sobolewski Joseph, laborer, h aau Franklin Sollenberger Charles M., laborer, it :3:;::! Christian Sou;er Joseph H., (Heishley & Souder), h :l76 S 2d Souders Mary E., wid John,.h a55 S tel Soulliar<i Adam J., laborer, h :jO N Front SoulliarJ John H., auctioneer, it GO:) ~ Front Sowers Joseph 0., laborer, h ~ti9 ~ :.!.i Spahr George W., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Spahr Jeremiah, laborer, h :321 Swatara Spahr lyt.ary E., typewriter, h 14:t) Lincoln Spangler Adam, laborer, h 36-1 Main Spangler Charles E., jeweler, h ~(i4 :\fain Spanglt:r George A., puddler, h .J.fl~ .Ylyers Spath William L., elk, h 172 ~lyers Spencer Rubert T., hostler, h 112 ~\dallls Spid!e Edgar A., elk, h 396 S 2d Spidle Harry H., laborer, h :~!)-l S :.!d Spidle Sallluel, foreman, h 396 S :M Spillman John, laborer, h nal Adams Spink Arnold B., extractor, h aUG Main Spink Frank B., operator, h 219 S\vatara Spire Harry A., conductor, h 352 Lincoln Spivy Oscar J., laborer, h 24 N 3d Spong J. William, laborer, h 166 Frederick Sponowiz Ilya, laborer, h 919 S 2d Sponsler William L., boilermkr, h 359 ~lain Spoth John, salesman, h 617 S 3d Spotts Elizabeth J., wid William, h 220 'ylain Spotwood John A., barber, 237 S Front, h Hbg Spradley Daniel, laborer, h 2(19 Adams Spratt William, crane tender, h 713 S Front Sprow Charles B., riveter, h 359 Myers Sprow Edward B., laborer, h 303 S :!d Sprow John A., helper, h 38 N Front Sprow John H., foreman. h 359 Myers Sprow Philip, rigger. h 359 ~Iyers Stabnaue William, roller. h 333 Swatara Stabonic Jacob, laborer, h 569 S 3d Stacks Charles M., elk. 27 N Front, h 25 do Stahler Adam ]., steelworker, h 244 S 2d Stahler Frank W., steelworker. h 244 S 2d Stahler James Y., engineer, h 250 N Front Stahler Margaret M . elk, h 244 S 2d



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McNeil'. Pol. B."r.I.otor elllel Cholera Morbul, I}Jienterr, Crun.-, Ularrbca, ('Old Quinsy. RbeumatJlJD, Toothaehe, Sore Throat, Aaue, D)'IpepaIa, _ : . .....

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Boyd's Steelton Directory,




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Stahley Joseph, laborer. 11 24.t Canal al Stair Robert W., bar clk. 117 S Front. 11 do Stair \\tilliam J., brakeman. h 358 Swatara Staley Abraham, foreman, h 323 S Front Staley John, ladle runner, 11 114 Main Stambaugh George B., stengr, h 29 S 4th Stambaugh John c., carpet mfr, h 29 S 4th Standard Saving and Loan Assn., A. B. Smith, sec, 40 S Front Stannard Beverly, laborer. h 120 Ridge Stanton Lee, laborer. h :!19 Franklin, Starasinic )1:ichacl. (Starasinic & Kofalt). h 598 S 3d Starasinic & Kofalt, (l\Iichael Starasinic and Marco Kofalt), grocers, 247 S Front Stare John, cleaner, h 530 S 2d Starerinic Anton, laborer, h 158 Frederick Starner Alfred N., machinist, h 471 Myers Staudle George, steelworker. h 335 Lincoln Staudt Daniel E., foreman, h 173 Lincoln Stauffer Harris c., laborer, h 356 :\Iain Stazewski Lawrence, laborer, h 433 l\lohn Stebantic Miko, laborer, h 519 S 2d Steel Workers' Building and Loan Asso., J. Barnet, sec,171 N Front Steele Clarence H., ins, 22 S Front, h 33 X Front Steele Permilla J. Mrs . h 112 S 3d STEELTON ADVOCATE AlO) VERDICT, publithed every Friday by 1, :a. Enemer & Sons, 144 N Front; terms $1.00 per annum STEELTON AlO) HA]tJUSBURG BBlCX CO., mc., S. )[. Brightbill, pres j E. E. Fieae, treaa j W, E. Abercrombie, sec j brick mfn and general hauling, 8 S Front Steelton and Harrisburg Local Express, 17 S Front Steelton Board of Health, Dr. J. M. Peters. sec, 195 S Front Steelton Boot and Shoe Dept S. S. Co., 4 N Front Steelton Boot and Shoe Making and Repairing Co., (Ralph Ferraro), 305i S Front Steelton Building and Loan Asso., C. Scott. sec; meets Saturdav. 171 N Front Steelton Camp. No. 5689, M. W. of A., meets every Thursday eve. in \Voodman's Hall, 130 N Front, W. H. Whitebread, elk Steelton Clothing Dept S. S. Co., 2 N Front Steelton Conclave. 1\0. 106. 1. O. of Heptasophs, J. T. Newbaker. sec, Front c Locllst . Steelton Conservatory of )1:usic, E. J. Decevee, director, 185 1\ Front

ED G~ROBERtS~ =::~:':"~:r ~r~~~~x.l:: :::!l

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783 Steelton Council, 1\0. 16:!, Jr. O. U. A. :\1., Charles Bitting, sec; meets e"ery \Vednesday eve. at Ziegler's Hall, 284 Main Steelton Council, Royal Arcanum, ~o. 9:Ja, Albert Lupfer, sec; meets second and fourth \Vednesdays of each month, 2 S Front Steelton Encampment, Ko. 28;, I. O. of O. F.; org. Aug., 1888; George H. Roberts, scribe; meets second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, 22 S Front Steelton Ferry Co., C: B. Hoon, mgr, ft Frances Steelton Free Libraray. L. E. McGinnes, sec, Felton Hall Steelton High School, 4th c Elm STEELTON HOD GAS CO., A. C. Sickels, pres; C. E. Wolbert, treuj 1. C. Durbin, sec; E. A. Pinkney, genI mgr, 50 N Front Steelton Hosiery Mills, (F. T. McElroy), 120 N Front STEELTON ICE AND COAL CO., ice, coal and wood, W. S. Gault, mgr, 88 Conestoga STEELTON LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER CO., S. Coder, pres; Aaron Booser, lec; F. E Keeney, supt, U8 II Front Steelton Lodge, A. O. H., Div. No.1, meets first and second Tuesday each month, William J. Dunn, pres, 144 N Front Steelton Lodge, No. 411, K. of P.; org. June 10,1892; meets Thursday eve., 22 S Frontj James Grimes, K. of R.

::Boyd's Steelton Directory.

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Steelton Lodge, No. 184, 1. O. of O. F.j org. Aug., 1896; Edward E. Zerby. sec; meets Friday,22 S Front Steelton ~1arket Co., M. R. Alleman. mgr, 130-136 N Front STEELTON NATIONAL BANK, 18 S Front; capital, ,76,000; Robert II. Rutherford, pres; W. E. Abercrombie, v-pres; H. W. Stubbs, cashier STEELTON PLAlJ'ING IIILL CO., G. W. Cumbler, pres; W. lamel, lee, treal and lupt; mill work, &c., 620 N Front lee adv STEELTON PRESS, P. S. Blackwell, 118 AdamI STEELTON REPORTER, William H. H. Sieg, publisher, 1M168 S Front lee adv
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A rid General DealerR In LUM BBR.

To find a name you must

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R,h:, H.I. KELLEY" CO. 'S ~~~ no~~J.~



Boyd's Steelton Directory.

STEELTON STOllE CO., LTD., general merchandiae, wholesale and retail, Locust nr Canal, W. E. Abercrombie, renl "a supt ... Steelton Trading Stamp Co., M. D. Glancy, mgr, S ~ Front .c STEELTON TRUST CO., capital, ,125,000; Robert II. Ruth~ erford, pres; W. E. Abercrombie, v-pres; H. W. Stubba, z sec and treu, 18 S Front ~ STEELTON WATER DEPARTllEBT, O. P. Bukin, ,upt, 281 Christian J!!.- Stees Daniel R., elk 5. 5. Co., h 243 5watara ... Stees Edith G., teacher, h 115 5 2d ::. STEES URDOCHEUS F., furnaces, metal rooing and cor_ nicemaker, 198 S Front, h 115 S 2d Stefani Martin, laborer, h 26 5 2d !II Stehman Edward, laborer, h a65 5 :M ~ Stehman Jacob, laborer, h 365 5 3d .J!i 5teigleman Jacob G., molder, h 119 Lincoln Steinman John A., keeper, h 26 5 Front -= Steinman William H., foreman, h 443 Lincoln Steinman William W., driller, h 443 Lincoln Stengle Elizabeth, wid Isaac, h 313 5 :!d ~ Stengle George A., ladleman. h 313 5 2d u.I Stengle Jobn, steel\\'orkt!r. h l~H Lincoln Stengle Samuel E., lahorer, h 466 Myers a:: Stephanovitz ~Ieho, laborer, h 18 N 2d :i Stephens Sylvester, laborer, h 145 Adams ! Stephey Luther C, elk, h :J7i) 5 Front Sterline Charles, asst chemist P. S. Co . h New Cumbld ~ Stern Samuel X . elk, :~7 S Front, h 43 do ":. Stevens Edwin A . elk. h 13~ Lincoln . Stevens Henry G., labon:r. h 170 Main l&I Stevenson Charles 0., engineer, h 848 N Front Stevenson Jefferson. laborer, h 1:-m Adams Stevenson Joseph H., laborer, h 139 .-\uams Stevenson \\"illiam, engineer, h HI8 Ridge l&I 5tever John, laborer, h 628 S 2d II: Stevick ~e\\'ton E, laborer, h 451 Myers Stewart C Earl, purchasing agt. h 26() 5 2d Z Stewart Clara B., stengr, h 152 5 2d 5tewart ~dward.laborer. ~ 854 N Front Stewart Frank 5., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Stewart James D., helper, h 402 5\vatara II: Stewart John, laborer, h 223 5 Front l&I Stewart John R. draftsman P. S. Co .. h 1525 2d Stewart ~Iatilda, wid William J., h 152 5 2d Stewart Nellie ~I., teacher. h 152 5 !!d (,) Stewart Roger, elk P. 5. Co.. h 152 S ~







ANDREW REDMOND, J:rr:::::d':I:::::. {3~ .111 Reily 511.

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Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

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Stewart Roy, laborer, h 312 Ridge Stewart William J., planer. h 41~ N Front Stidler Levi, laborer, h 334 Locust Still Jeremiah, constable, h 366 S Front Still Levi H., motorman, h 504 S 2d Still William E., machinist, 132 Frederick Stimeling Samuel E., laborer, h Christian bel Conestoga Stimeling William L., laborer, h 554 X 3d Stimer John E., engineer, h 3 ~ 3d Stimer Martin, helper, h 31:)3 Main Stitler William, laborer, h 5:16 S 2d Stober Bertha M., retoucher, h 9 S 4th Stober John W., machinist, h 1.1 S 4th Stoey Elmer E., bricklayer, h 9~9 S Front Stoll George H., chief engineer, h 2i1 Qlfistian Stoll Howard E., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Stoll Margaret A., wid Reuben c., h 17 N 4th Stoll Mathias, laborer, h 2-14 Christian Stone John W., driver S. S. Co., h 105 Pine Stoner Ellwyn M., agt P. R. R., depot, h 179 Myers Stoner Eva F., teacher, h 28 N 4th Stonesifer George H., tailor S. S. Co., h 233 Pine .Stonesifer J. Ross Rev., h 332 Main Stonesifer Victor, foreman, h :.!67 N Front Stonesifer William H., cutter S. S. Co., h 204 Pine Storey Charles, brakeman, h 4;; S 3d Stotz Andrew, machinist, h 153 S 2d Stoudt Sallie M. dressmkr, h 3:!9 Lincoln Stoufer Frank E., grocer, 18~ Main, h do Stouffer Albert B., roll turner, h 339 S 2d Stouffer Cyrus E., laborer, h 385 S 2d Stouffer Elizabeth B., wid Augustus T., h 301 S 3d Stough George E .. laborer, h 163 S Front Stough Lanah, wid Jacob P., h 16.1 S Front Stout Daniel, laborer, h li3 Lincoln Stout Edward W., foreman. h 211 Pine Strather Newton, laborer, h 122 Ridge Straub John A., watchman, h 323 l~essemer Straw Benjamin F., helper, h 406 Swatara Straw John G., cutter, h 276 Frederick Stribling Lucy, wid William, h 165 Adams Stricker Henry, laborer, h 421 Catharine Strickler Howard K., teacher, h 325 Walnut Strine Charles, bartender, h 38:3 Main Strine George c., hotel, 383 Main, h do Striplin Charles W., laborer, h 246 Canal al Strock Frederick, molder, h 159 Christian Stroud Joseph E., conductor. h 113 Frances

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Boyd's Steelton Directory.

Strusa Peter. laborer, It :i:!:i S 2d STUBBS HARRY W., cashier Steelton :Rational Bank, h au



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Stubler Joseph, steelworker, h 160 Frederick Stubler Lewis, laborer, h lflO Frederick Stuhler l\lichael. steeh\ orker. h 160 Frederick Stuctz Louis, laborer, h :\;:1 Swatara Stugaly Rado, laborer, h !l19 S 2d Stula Borser. laborer, h H15 S 2d StYles Frank C .. laborer. h :!i Chestnut St)'les Margaret L.. wid R. Henderson, h 219 Swatara Styles William H., laborer, h 2Ul Swatara Suckle Joseph. laborer, h 311 N 2d Sugar Joseph S., laborer. h ;1019 :\lyers S __ tllin Joseph, laborer. h 1;50 S 2d Sullivan Agnes .\1.. bonnetmkr, h 125 S Front Sullivan Annie E .. ironer. h 125 S Front Sullivan Bridget. domestic. 2:il Myers Sullivan Catharine E., honnetmkr. h 125 S Front Sullivan Dennis, laborer, h 87 .\[ain Sullivan James A.. elk P. S. Co., h 125 S Front Sullivan James J., ladle turner, h 251 Myers Sullivan John A., brakeman, h 125 S Front Sullivan John L., laborer, h 147 Myers Sullivan Mary A., wid John D .. h 125 S Front Sullivan Mary F., dressmkr, 125 S Front, h do Sullivan ~Iichael. laborer, h 251 Myers Sullivan Patrick, ladle turner h 2;')1 Myers . Sullivan Timothy. helper. h !):\9 Christian Sullivan Willis, machinist, h :n3 Orchard av Sultzaberger Daniel 0 .. (Couffer & Sultzaberger), h 223 N Front Summers Howard H .. teacher, h 46 Furnace Summy Harry, helper. h !~21 Frances Sunday William H .. steelworker. h 636 N 2d Susquehanna Tribe, ~ o. 298, I. O. R. :\1.; org. Dec. I, 1890; Henry K. Schell. C. of R.: meets :\londay eve. old G. A. R. Hall Sustersic Henry, lahorer, h 227 Canal al Sustersic John. laborer. h 227 Canal al Sutton Leroy H., clk P. S. Co. h :\24 Pine Sutton Rankin B., foreman. h :\42 Pine Sutton Scott D., helper. h !'i71 S 2d Suydam Eugene W .. laborer. 222 Locust Suziz George. laborer. h 919 S 2d Sveriskopa Pa\'a. laborer, h 92:\ S 2d Swain Newton A.. laborer, h 408. Swatara Swain Rodney R., laborer, h 158 Main
will bond. 108 1I.1lHe_'!:S, . . . . EDW G ROBERTS bond. are ezeeuted. Bell 'J.>hone a: 01''' . . X. CoogIe

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A. B. TACK t:~~~n:::t 1011 PODer ODd 1IDd0l_ mW:\l:

Boyd's Steelton Directory.

Swamberry Jacob, foreman P. S. Co., h 176 :\Iain Swan Rena, wid Samuel, h 407 River al Swartley Benjamin, engineer, h 415 Main Swatara Council, No. 55, Pocohontas Lodge, meets Tuesday eve. at old G. A. R. Hall, Mrs. Jane Roberts, C. of

Swatara Lodge, 1901, G. L. O. of O. F. ; G. Frank :\Iadden, sec; meets 140 Adams Sweeney Ellen c., wid James, h 107 S Front Sweeney Grant W., bartender. h 1117 S Front Sweigard Aaron M., laborer, h ~;n S :!d Sweigard Noble T., fitter, h 8:n S 2d Sweigert Albert M. Rev., h :!'28 Lincoln Sweigert Samuel H., brakeman, h 321 Bessemer Sweitzer George W., molder, h 81 Main Sweitzer Howard, engineer, h 112 Frederick Sweitzer James c., riveter, h 541 Lincoln Sweitzer William, rougher, h 81 Main Switzer Bernard. photographer, 170 S Front, h Hbg Swope Charles P., stengr P. S. Co., h Hbg Swope Joseph, laborer, h 421 ~lohn Syre Francis, machinist. h H47 Swatara Szerencses Franz, laborer, h ~:?(j Franklin Talbert Douglass, laborer, h 247 Adams Talbert Frank c., laborer, h 1m~ Adams Taley Alexander. laborer. h ~06 Ridge Tate Kate Mrs., h 130 Adams Tate William, laborer. h :!53 Adams Taubert Michael H .. laborer. h :~47 Main Taylor Alfred F. Rev., h 3011 Pine Taylor Andrew. laborer, h 34 S 2d Taylor Grace E. Mrs .. saleslady S. S. Co., h 25 S 2d Taylor Henry F . laborer, h 68 Furnace Tavlor Horace, driver. h Cum bIer's row Taylor James R., laborer, h 62 Furnace Telekovac Tanko. laborer, h 913 S 2d Temple Samuel. laborer, h 254 Christian

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TOBEY FBANK, 8,jIst to pres P. S. Co., h Haverford Terrell Edward, laborer, h 55:J Iron al Terrell John W., laborer, h 103 Adams Terrell Oscar, laborer. h 545 Iron al Tessmer Herman. fireman, h 352 :\lain Tezek Anton, laborer. h 206 Frederick Tezek Joseph, laborer, h 2111 Frederick Tezek Martin, laborer. h 14ti Frederick Theisinger Emma L., vamper. h 1 S Front Theisinger Frank W .. laborer. h lOti Trewick Theisinger Margaret. wid Jacob. h 1 S Front

To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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c: Thomas Cyrus W., molder, h 321 S:M ..... Thomas Eliza, wid ] oshua, h 300 ~ 2d Thomas George \V., machine hand, h 541 X Front Thomas Mary,. wid Adam, h 173 Lincoln ;::; Thomas Walter G., filer, h a~5 Conestoga := Thomas William D., butcher S. S. Co., h Hbg @.ThompsonCharles,e1k,181NFront,h639N2d _ Thompson Charles, laborer, h 174 Ridge .. Thompson Charles W., steelworker, h 268 Christian :: Thompson Clinton W., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 349 Poplar -: Thompson Edmund, laborer, h 122 Ridge '::Ii Thompson Edward, laborer, h 335 Pine ~ Thompson Ellsworth, painter, h 6.19 N 2d 1&.1 Thompson Gehret W., engineer. h Conestoga bel Front Thompson George, driver, h 565 S 2d Thompson Hoyt, laborer, h 6:l9 N ~d 1.1 Thompson lames, carpenter, h H39 N 2d ... Thompson Tames B., laborer, h 1i39 N 2d It Thompson James V., laborer. h 3551 S 2d Thompson Owen ]., laborer, h 432 ~ 3d Thompson Richard Boo asst chemist P. S. Co., h 335 Pine Thompson Richard J., frog builder, h 268 Christian Thompson Richard P .. driller. h 383 S 2d ,.,. Thompson Robert B., engineer, h 335 Pine II.- Thompson Sandy, laborer, h 149 Ridge 1&.1 Thompson Sarah A. Mrs., h 161 Christian Thompson Sarah A. Mrs., h 126 Adams .. Thompson Thomas. laborer, h 639 N 2d Thompson Walter S .. weigher P. S. Co., h 335 Pine Thompson William B., laborer, h 6:{9 N 2d .:- Thompson William P .. h Conestoga bel Front Thompson William V.,laborer, h 525 S Front :: Thompson William W., engineer. h 175 ~Iyers u.I Thompson Wm. W., printer, 154 S Front, h 268 Christian ~ Throne Robert 1\-1., laborer, h 475 Myers ~ Thumma Barbara, wid Henry. h 3BO! S Front =-= Thumma Harvey E., roll turner, h 3S;)! S Front ~ Thumma Otis, steelworker, h 385! S Front :: Thumma Samuel 0., engineer. h 341 S 2d =-= Ticaric Mato, laborer, h 363 Frederick Tinsley Lewis, laborer, h 128 Adams Tinsley Lewis, laborer, h 140 Ridge ~ Tinsley Lydia, wid John, h 128 Adams c:; Tinsley William H., laborer, h 140 Ridge ~ Tirpak Michael laborer, h 610 S 3d Tkalc Valentine, laborer, h 868 S 2d

!Ii Thomas Charles, laborer, h ~14 Ridge


~~JH. M. KELLEY & CO.{1c:r:.~~ Boyd'. Steelton Directory. 788

Theisinger William H., foreman, h 1 S Front

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oREVfREDMOND. {3d II~ Rilly Sts..

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tIuoI-.tud luunslt WOrllClnneiDu)'pu&of .....

Boyd's .Steelton Directory.


Tobias George W., laborer, h 210 N :!d Tobias Morris G., elk, 383 S Front, h Oberlin Tolbert Charles E., laborer, h 537 Christian Toomey John T., laborer, h 156 Lincoln Toomey Michael J., melter, h 367 Main Trace Harvey E., laborer, h 63 Frederick Trautmann Carl, laborer, h 438 Swatara TRAVER DAVID B., physician, 146 S Front, h do, telephone connection Traver John B., laborer, h 271 Christian Traver Samuel K., asst surgeon P. S. Co. and physician, 28 S Front, h do Travis William, laborer, h 153 Main Travitz Harry H., dri11er, h 411 Main Trawitz Mary, wid Henry, h 1:!1 Lincoln Trawitz William E .. laborer, h 162 Lincoln Traxler William, laborer, h 511:~ S Front Trego Edward T . elk P. R. R .. h Hbg Tressler Charles. farmer, h Lochiel Farm Trice John C, laborer. h 310 Ridge Triece Amanda :\1. ~Irs .. h 321 Bessemer Triece Charles E., asst chemist P. S. Co . h 3lt5 Bessemer Triece Daniel, engineer. h 348 Christian Triece Xathan, helper, h 319 Lincoln Triece Sallie. wid Isaac, h 121 Lincoln Triece William, laborer. h 550 S 2d Trinity Episcopal Church, Pine ab N 2d Trinity German Lutheran Church, 2d bel Swatara Triolo Giulio M. Rev., h 368 S 2d Troup Daniel L.. foreman P. ~. Co .. h 534 S 2d Trubv Sara B., teacher. h 17 Swatara Tucker James. civil engineer. h 201 S 2d . Tuckey Anna, packer. h 333 Lincoln Tuckev Jacob. janitor Y. M. CA .. h 333 Lincoln Tuckev James A., laborer, h 108 Frederick Tucke)' John W .. chipper. h 108 Frederick Tuckey Samuel E .. lahorer, h 256 Frederick Tucke,' William H.. lahorer, h 406 Reading TUlcholski John. engineer, h 415 ~fohn. Tuptenowski Frank. fireman. h 503 ~Iyers Turan Louis. h 389 S 3d Turan Michael. laborer. h 389 S 3d Turk Wheeler, laborer. h 2()8 Ridge Turkovic Joseph, laborer. h 26 N 2d Turkowich Nicholas. laborer, h 921 S 2d Turkowich Tilier. laborer. h 921 S 2d Turkwic Nikoln. laborer. h 913 S 2d Turner Charles S .. laborer, h 34 Furnace

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,. Turner Edward, laborer, h 1:!9 Adams Turner Emanuel, laborer, h 109~ Adams .: Turner George W., laborer, h 142 Ridge !: Turner Joseph, fireman, h 74 Furnace Turner Margaret, wid Philip, h 1:!9 Adams :; Turner Marshall 0., laborer, h 142 ~Iyers Turner Robert, laborer, h 530 S:!d "E Turner William L., laborer, h 222 Ridge f!! Turpin Mary E., wid James P., h :l75 S :3d Tuso Louis, laborer, h 3691 S ad :: Twyman Delmore, laborer, h 401 Bailey Twyman Luther, laborer, h 453 Orchard al .. Tyler George \Y., laborer, h 234 Ridge ~ Tyson Xewton H., engineer, h 658 ~ td Lhler George M., molder, h 157 Ridge Uhler Mary A., domestic, 113 S Front (/) Ukovis Zan, laborer, h 30 N 2d [ Ulrich John A., milk, h 239 Lincoln Ulrich Samuel, steelblower, h 639 ~ Front Ulrich William, laborer, h 424 Harrisburg Underdue Jackson, laborer, h 1119 Adams enderwood J. Arthur, elk P. S. Co., h t:: X 4th c( Gnion Veteran Legion Encampment, ::\0. 67, meets first [ and third Tuesday eve. of each month at G. A. R. Hall 1.: nited Brotherhood of American \\' orkmen meets every Sunday afternoon at 144 K Front. J. W. Fleisher, sec t"nited Evangelical Church. Lincoln bel Harrisburg UNITED ICE AND COAL CO., S. G. Detweiler, mgr, 208 Front United Telephone and Telegraph Co., 41-4a K Front . : Updegraff Clyde H., steelworker, h 517 S Front ;IE Crich Kate ~lrs., boarding, h 166 Frederick ~ l:rich William J., boilermk,r, h 166 Frederick . IE L S. Express Co .. Isaac ::\. Leeds, agt, P. & R. station C Utz Charles A., laborer. h n:H S Front U Valentine George ).1.. laborer, h ~44 Bessemer .... Valentine Wells 'V., laborer, h t67 1Iyers ~ Valo John. laborer, h 613 S 3d U Vanatta Henry c., engineer. h U:l Catharine C Vanderoef \Villiam P .. draftsman P. S. Co .. h Hbg ;IE Vanier George P .. chemist P. S. Co .. h tt!l S 4th C Vamiele Samuel A., laborer. h 407 Catharine ..... 'arrick l\lartha ~lrs., h 349 Frederick U Vasiliewic Lazzo, laborer. h 915 S tci C Vasiliewic 11ichael, laborer. h 11t5 S ttl ..... Vass Aidrich, laborer, h 4111 Bailev !:: Vass James K, laborer. h 78 Fu;nace ~ Vataha Joseph. laborer. h UlO S ~d



Boyd's Steelton Directory.



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EDW G ROBERTS A ....lde.'. 108

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Bell 'Pbolle 8&1 X, or IS8Q x;:
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Wall Paper and Window Shades. {1.1~~!:rr.~~~8c.

Boyd's Steelton Directory. Vaughan Frederick J., planer, h 321 S Front Vaughan James B., planer, It 321 S Front Vaughan Theophilus, laborer, h 5:U S Front Vaughan Thomas E., laborer, h a:n S Front Velencia Antoni, laborer, h 359 S 3d Vencia Antoni, laborer, h 209 Mohn Verbon Thomas, laborer, h 135 Canal al Verbos Joseph, laborer, h 563 S 3d Verbos Lovro, laborer, h 512 S 3d Verbos Michael, laborer, h 141 MaUl Verbos Michael, laborer, h 511 S 3d Vernowich Yowan, laborer, h 9:!3 S 2d Viher Miko, grocer, 536 S 3d, h do Vincent Frederick, laborer, h 125 Adams Vogel' George, ironworker, h 764 S 2d Vogt Louisa M. Mrs., h 405 Mohn V 011 Reinhold, shoemkr S. S. Co., h Hbg Voncas Michael, laborer, h 231 Frederick Vorkabic Michael, laborer, h 76; S 3d Vorkapic Nicholas, laborer, h 923 S 2d Wade Peter W., laborer, h 407 Bailey Wagenbach Ernst F., engineer, h 132 Lincoln Wagenbach John A., machinist, h 16a 1Iyers Wagner Benjamin F., steelworker, h 318i S 2d Wagner Charles E., stamper, h 212 Conestoga Wagner Elizabeth A., wid Jesse, h 261 Main Wagner Emma Mrs., h 212 Conestoga \\-agner Frank H., elk P. S. Co., h Highspire Wagner Frederick K., laborer, h 45 Frederick Wagner George M., frog builder, h 228 N 2d Wagner Harvey L., planer, h 833 S 2d Wagner Jacob M., bricklayer, 11 35; :\Jain Wagner Jesse S., laborer, h rear 425 Lincoln Wagner Joel E., laborer, h 476 Main Wagner John, laborer, h 405 ~lyers 'Wagner John, laborer, h 212 Conestoga Wagner John c., ironworker, h 314 :-.I 2d Wagner John 0., barber, h 212 Conestoga Wagner John S., driver S. S. Co., h 833 S 2d \-Vagner Lewis stonemason, h 171 Cbristian '\\-"agner Veron. laborer.. h 327 Swatara Wagner Wilhelm F., laborer, h :\10110 c 3d Waidley Frank K., barber, 175 N Front, h do Waidley George W., planer, h 301 ~lyers Waidley Jacob, planer. h 383 ~lain Walker Charles H., laborer, h :~84 S Front Walker Charles L., planer, h 165 ~ 2d Walker Doctor F., engineer. h li:\ Adams



To find a name -you- must know how-to spell it."

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Boyd'. Steeltoh Directory. 792 Walker George W., laborer, h 253 Adams Walker Henry, laborer, h 210 Adams Walker James, laborer, h :no Adams \Valker James, laborer, h 860 N Front Walker John, laborer, h 407 River av vValker John L., special officer S. S. Co., h Hbg Walker Kersey, laborer, h lI:J S Front Walker William laborer, h 128 Ridge Wall Lawrence A., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Wallace Calvin, laborer, h 857 S Front \VaIlace Edward, laborer, h :18 Furnace Wallace Henry, driver, h 565 S 2d Walley George W., steelworker, h 201 Lincoln Walsh James, laborer, h 229 Christian Waltemeyer Mahlon, laborer, h a05 S Front Walter Lewis B., steelworker, h 128 S 2d Walter Lewis H., buyer S. S. Co. h 241 Pine' \Valters Amos. laborer, h 223 Christian Walters Charles A., laborer, h 454 ~ Front Walters John l'.1., grocer, 227 Christian, h do Walters John W., charger, h 321 S 4th Walters Samuel, bricklayer, h 307 N Front Walters William W., laborer, h 241 S 2d Walton Robert W., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg \Vanamaker Edward, laborer, h 541 Lnristian Wanzer James E., porter S. S. Co .. h 226 Bailey vVarner David. laborer. h !l45 Bessemer \Varnner Harry E . steelworker. h :tn Lebanon \Vashington Carro)). laborer. h 1119 Adams vVashington Frank. laborer. h 11:1 Adams Washington James, hod carrier. h 226 Bailey Washington James. laboreI:. h 314 Lincoln Washington Jane, wid Albert, h 122 Adams Washington John P .. laborer. h 402 Ridge \Vashington :Maria. cook. :mfl Spruce \Vashington Robert J., conductor. h 122 Adams Washington Sallie ~lrs., h 113 .-\dams vYashington William K. laborer. h 112 Ridge \Vaters James T., steelworker. h 31 N Front Watkins John ,,' .. helper. h 54 Furnace Watkins William T.. fireman. h 125 Ridge Watson Frank, conductor, h 362 Myers Watson Harry C. planer. h 414 Reading \Vatson Hayes. carpenter. h 45 S 4th Watson Jacoh E . planer. h 2:16 Elm Watson John H . watertender. h 19 N 3d \Vatson \Yilliam :\1.. steelworker. h 371 S Front Way Harry T., foreman. h 206 Myers
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REDMOND. ~3.11' Reily Sts.

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" B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger, {'2Ir::.~=v .....

Boyd'. Steelton Directory. 793

Wayne William, tinsmith, h 325 N Front \Vea\'er Anna, wid John K, h 190 S 2d Weaver Benjamin L., fireman, h 223 Franklin Weaver Bent L., elk P. S. Co., h 209 Main Weaver Charles, laborer, h 361 Myers Weaver Edward W., tailor, h 24 Walnut \Veaver Ella, cook, 3:lli Spruce Weaver Elmer, tinsmith, h 237 M vers Weaver George W., expressman, 11 40::1 Reading Weaver Harry A., frog builder, h 19 S 4th Weaver Jacob S., laborer, h :m.; l\lain Weaver John A., driver, h :l55 Frederick Weaver John S., foreman, h 172 Frederick Weaver Robert, roller, h 504 S :!d 'Veaver Samuel H., laborer, h :314 Christian Weaver Samuel R., elk S. S. Co., h 19 S 4th Weaver William E., elk S. S. Co., h 6115 S 2d Webb Clayton E., laborer, h 250 S :!d Webb Harry W., painter, h 260 S 2d \Vebb Samuel T., laborer, h 112 Adams Webster Nicholas, laborer. h 214 Ridge Webster William, buyer S. S. Co., h 201 S ::1d Weiger George, helper. h 221 Main Weigle Oliver, boilermkr, h 325 Myers Weimer Rachel A" wid John. h 411 S 2d Weinhold Edward, laborer. h 419 Catharine Weirich Jacob L., dentist, 161 N Front, h do \Veisenford Carrie, domestic. :n1 S Front Weisenford John ~I., craneman. h 415 Christian \Veisenford John \V., laborer, h 311 Swatara \Veisenford Mary A., shirtmkr. h :U1 Swatara 'Weiss Nicholas, laborer. h 421' Catharine Weiss Peter, conductor. h 617 S Front Welker Philip, laborer, h 167 Christian ~'ells Austin, laborer, h 74 Furnace Wells Charles E., steelworker, h 22 S 2d \Vells Elma c., housekeeper. h 7~ Furnace Wells Frank, laborer. h 215 N Front Wells Joseph Co, confectioner, 215 N Front, h do \Vells Samuel K, elk. 215 X Front, h do \Vells Thomas, lahorer, h 7R Furnace ~'ells William, laborer, h 216 N Front Welsh John W., watertender, h 17 N Front Weltmer Jacob A., boilermkr. h 607 N 3d Weltmer l\'lartha, wid Henry S .. h 607 N 3d Wenrich Adam. plumber. h 61 Conestoga Wentz Samuel, leverman. h 321 Conestoga Wertz Ella, housekeeper. 4114 Swatara





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.. To find a name you must know how to speI1 it."


McNEIL'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR ~r.~to:,:::e=t!~ied~;~l. {808~.



Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

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West Clinton, elk P. S. Co., h Highspire West Side Hose Co., No. 3, ~85 Myers West Side School, Main ab Conestoga Westbrook Albert A., steelworker, h 375 Myers Westbrook Harry S., rail straightener, h 333 S 2d Westbrook John A., laborer, h 445 Lincoln Westbrook Nancy, h 374 Myers Westbrook Ralph C, printer, h 374 Myers Westerhold Herman, civil eng P. S. Co., h 159 Christian. Western Union Tel. Co., F. E. Bailey, mgr, 7 S Front \Vesthafer Ancevilla, wid Daniel, h 315 N Front Westhafer Lucius A., hammerman, h 315 11; Front \Vesthafer Oscar, steelworker, h 220 N Front Wetzel Charles A., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 147 S 4th \Vetzel Earl, molder, h 337 Bessemer \Vetzel John c., oiler, h 22 Adams Wetzel Miles, tinner S. S. Co., h 147 S 4th Wetzel Stanley E., elk S. S. Co., h 309 Pine Wetzel William, mason, h 22 Adams \Vguy Pedro, laborer, h 921 S 2d Wheeler John W., fireman, h 762 S 2d \Yhipp Florence, domestic, :183 S Front Whisler Annie M., wid Jacob, h 272 Main Whistler Grace G., teacher, h 102 N 2d White Alexander R., laborer, h 500 Lincoln White Arthur B .. draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg \Vhite Bessie, elk S. S. Co., h 500 Lincoln \\ihite Dennis, laborer, h 537 Iron al White James, foreman, h 377 S Front White John S., rail marker, h 130 S 2d \\'hite Lewis A., rail straightener, h 162 Myers White Myrtle, elk, 177 S Front, h 130 S :!d White Nettie J., elk, h 54111 Lincoln White Robert, laborer, h 947 S Front White Ruth E., teacher, h III S 2d White William, laborer, h 348 N 2d White William S., laborer, h 140 S 2d Whitebread Annie E .. h :!Ii ~ 4th Whitebread William H., fruit, &c .. 251 X Front. h 26 X 4th Whitehead Charles E., molder, It 246 S 2d ''''hitenack Frank H .. draftsman P. S. Co., h 17 X 4th Whitley Annie Mrs .. h 346 N 2d Whitley Elias, laborer. h 38 Furnace Whitley Julia E., domestic, 39 S Front Whitman Henry, stationer, 165 S Front, h 465 ~ 2d Whitman John S., machinist, h 249 Lincoln Whitmoyer John C, blower, h :149 N Front Whitney D_a\_'iu, ~arp_e_n_te_r, h 3_3_7_S_4_th _ _ _ _ _ __ _

Tb.......rl" Bo.dln. Cl......y. Baltimore, Md. BOW. Q. BO. . ....... General Agent Central Penna. District. loa II . . . .c. Bell 'Pbone 851 X, or . . . L
Digitized by




U!18 lonn lblnlS!.


Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Whitney Everett E., auditor P. S. Co., h 137 S 2d Whitney George E., elk P. S. Co., h 327 Pine Whittaker James, laborer, h 154 Ridge Whittington Joseph, steelworker h :J:n Bessemer Whittington Richard C, rigger h S15 S 3d Whittle Ephraim S., helper, h 237 Myers Wickenheiser Emanuel A., laborer, h 405 N 3d Wickenheiser John A., laborer, 162 N 2d Wickenheiser Robert, laborer, h 320 N 2d Wickersham Charles, elk, h 109 N 2d Wickersham Charles J., bracketmkr, h 107 N 2d Wickersham Frank B., lawyer, 22 S Front, h 156 S 2d Wickersham Joseph C, inspector, h 325 Walnut Wickersham Matilda, h 270 Myers CD Wickersham Morris S., asst supt, h 1t19 N 2d II WICXElI.SHAJ( OSCAR G., lawyer, 22 S Front, h Walnut 0 !L Penn Wickersham William B., ins, 22 S Front, h 31 N Front Wieger Frank, grocer, 172 :Myers, h 176 do Wier John, laborer, h 140 Myers Wierman Ellen W., wid John, h 141 S Front Wierman Rose M .. housekeeper, 141 S Front Wigfield Frederick, elk S. S. Co., h 119 Walnut Wightman Edwin E., draftsman, h 206 Pine Wikel John ]., bricklayer, h 215 Main Wilbert Ellen, domestic, 37:t S Front \Vilders l\lartha; domestic, 42:{ Catharine Wilhelm Charles \V., laborer, h 2115 Christian Wilkshelm Mary A., wid John, h 105 Adams \,,"ilI David H., brakeman, h 342 ~Iain Willi Charles E .. brakeman, h 367 Christian Williams Abraham, laborer h 221 Frnklin Williams Ava Mrs., elk, h 33 S 3d Williams Carroll, laborer, h 12!J Adams Williams Char\cs, iaborer. h !-lOS Ridge Williams Daniel W., laborer, h Cumbler's row Williams Edward, laborer, h 221 Franklin ::; Williams George, plasterer. h 1a1 Ridge \Villiams Henrv c., laborer h 221 Adams en o Williams Isaac: puncher, h 2.11 S Front c Williams John, laborer, h 242 Ridge : :r Williams John H., laborer, h 166 Ridge Williams Loren L., molder, h 22 S 2d \Villiams ~athan, laborer, h 221 Adams \VilIiams Otto, laborer. h 126 Adams Williams William, laborer, h 125 Adams Williams William, laborer. h 240 Ridge Wi1Hs Albert, laborer, h 223 Frances

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-To Snd-;:namc you must mow how to spell it."

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Willis John E., laborer, h 247 Adams ~ Willis Viney, wid William, h 247 Adams Wills Arthur J., architect P. S. Co., h Hbg ~ Wills Bud, laborer, h 221 Swatara ...- Willsbauch Lawrence, steelworker, h 371 S 3d a:: c::: Wilmore Isaiah c., laborer, h 64 Furnace z: Wilson Abraham, filler, h 407 River av ~ Wilson John, blacksmith, h 322t S 2d ::: Wilson John, laborer, h 83 Main Wilson Joseph, laborer, h 539 S Front : . Wilson Lizzie, wid Charles \-V., h 326 N 2d W Wilson Percy, laborer, h 327 S 2d : : Wilt Francis R., blacksmith, 300 S Front, h 331 S 2d "'" Wilt George L., elk, 101 S Front, h 108 do a: Wilt Hannah R., wid Jacob, h 449 Myers z WllT JlARBY, furniture, carpets and undertaker, 48-10 S Q Front, h 48 do ~ Wilt Harry, jr., tracer P. S. Co., h 48 S Front ..., Wilt Lee G., elk, 46 S Front, h 48 do :> Wilt W. Russell, elk, 46 S Front, h 179 S 2d U Winand Charles M., steelworker, h 931 S Front Winand John A., elk S. S. Co., h 57 Conestoga ~ Windowmaker Joseph E., laborer, h 506 Main ;::: \Viner Abraham, laborer, h 539 M vers ~ Wing Lee, laundry, 204 N Front, 'h do Wing Moch, laundry, 42 N Front, h do - Winkelman Charles, car inspector, h 206 Myers :;: Winkelman Henry, laborer, h 437 Mohn ::. Winkelman William F., laborer, h 239 Christian ~ Winks William E., laborer, h 217 Myers a.. Winn John, bricklayer, h 167 Main ~ Winrick Adam, plumber. h 61 Conestoga i:U Wirren John, lahorer, h 539 S Front c:t \Vise Aaron B., steelworker, h 223 Christian ~ Wise Frederick D., machinist, h 344 S 2d Mt \Vise Henrv, machinist. h 344 S 2d ffi Wise J 0110: laborer, h 233 Christian g Wise Joseph, laborer, h 623 S Front c::: Wise Peter, laborer, h 62.'1 S Front Wise William H., carpenter, h 344 S 2d Z Wiseman Charles M., rigger, h 225 Franklin OJ Wisler Alonzo, blacksmith. h 101 Main Wolf Benjamin, shoemkr, 150 N Front, h do c Wolf Clayton, laborer, h 243 S Front 1l1li: Wolf Edward E., laborer, h 386 S 2d ~D Wolf George, bridge builder, h 973 S Front wZ Wolf George A., patternmkr, h 408 Lincoln I-C Wolf Henr~' M., machinist, h 246 Lincoln



Boyd's Steelton Directory.




ANDREW REDMOND, Hc:.;:.z;.~....~::d ~~~~:.. {3~ .1' RII., SII. Digitized CoogIe



B ylCK, P _ '- A u t Bulldlnp Intw.-TIIIta. {Itlt ... ,.Ift. A ."EOIAL." " n . Pial. latJ_ .....
Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Wolf Leroy, laborer, h ~17 Christian , Wolf Uscar B., draftsman P. S. Co., h 40~ Lincoln Wolf Robert c., machinist, h 40t:! Lincoln " Wolf Samuel H., laborer, h ~17 Christian Wolhafe William, laborer, h :!69 Main , ~ Wollens James, laborer, h 1~5 Ridge Wollet Benjamin F., laborer, h 36i:i ~lyers Wollet Chester A., painter, h 159 Frederick Wollet Harry, laborer, h 370 xIyers Wollet John F., cooper, h 161 Frederick Woman's Christian Temperance Union meets ~Ionday eve. at homes of members, Mrs. L. Campbell, sec Wonderly Benjamin F., helper, h 513 N Front Wood Ellsworth R., conductor, 326 S :!d Wood John, laborer, h 216 Ridge Wood Richard, laborer, h 255 Adams Wood William, laborer, h 255 Adams Vv' oodcock Emma, wid Calvin, h 35 S :30 Woodcock Walter H., laborer, h 35 S 3d Woodman's Hall, 130 N Front Woolcott Alfred, miller, h 707 N Front Worley William, laborer, h 53 Frederick Wormell Robert G., draftsman, h 179 Swatara Wravic Joseph, laborer, h 24 N 2d Wren \Villiam H., steelworker, h 308 Christian Wright Alden P., machinist, h 234 Locust Wright Arthur R., carpenter, h 362 Locust Wright Ephraim B., contractor, 362 Locust, h do Wright George F., blacksmith, h 985 5 Front Wright Harry c., contractor, 271 S 2d, h do Wright James c., laborer, h 985 5 Front Wright James N., miller, h 265 S 2d II Wright Jessie M., teacher. h 362 Locust Wright John, timekeeper P. S. Co., h 234 Locust .. 0 Wright Moses, laborer, h 317 S 2d I~ Wright Thomas, helper, h 242 5 2d Wuechinski Albert W., planer, h 309 Swatara Wuhrl Augustus, watertender, h 306 N Front Wuschinski August, elk P. S. Co., h 409 Mohn Wuschinski Frederick, laborer, h 409 Mohn Wuschinski Gottfried. elk S. S. Co .. h 409 ~Iohn Wyble William N., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Wynn Harry, laborer, h 17 S 3d Wynn Margaret M.. elk S. S. Co., h 17 S 3d Wynn Mary, wid Thomas, h 17 S :~d Yaffe Sarah, domestic, 151 S Front Yancy James, laborer, h 145 Ridge Yavorscak Kasimir, laborer, h 27 N 2d


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"To find a name you must know how to spell I."

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McNeil's Pel. Elllte,.I.etor _ Cholera Morbaa. Dyaenter)'. DlarrbcBI. ('olds. QUID.Y. RheumatillD. TQotbaehe. Bore Throat, AI11e, DJIpepIIa."Co _ .......




Boyd's Steelton Directory.






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Yavorscak Yuro, lahorer. h 27 ): 2d Yt!ager Francis, laborer, h 147 :\lain Yeager John, blacksmith, h H N Front Yeager Samuel F .. labort!r. h 147 Main Yestadt John W., foreman P. S. Co., h 154 Myers Yetter David H., heater. h 355 S Front Yetter Henry, heater, h :U8 ~Iyers Yetter Jeremiah, heater, h 367 Christian Yetter Jeremiah 1\1., helper, h 416 Harrisburg Yetter John A., heater, h :~01 Myers Yetter John R., laborer, h 301 Myers Yetter LeRoy, frog builder, h 276 Myers Yetter Melvin A., c1k S. S. Co., h 367 Christian Yetter Milton, ins solicitor. h 304 Main Yinger Mary, wid Henry c., h 342 Spruce Yinger Oscar, laborer. h 444 Swatara Yingling Samuel, laborer, h 339 Orchard av Yoder Frank E., draftsman P. S. Co., h 103 N 2d Yoder James, laborer, h 328 S 2d Yoffee Kopel, varieties. 5~H :\Iyers, h do Yost Andrew, engineer, h 225 S 2d Yost Charles H., buYer, 4 N Front, h 330 Locust Yo~t Charles W., miller, h 185 N Front YOnG BROS., (Harvey G. and Charles 1.), grocen, 101 . and 203 S 2d Young Cadville D., oiler, h 45 S 4th Young Charles J., (Young Bros.), h 201 S 2d Young Edith E. D., teacher. h 227 Walnut Young Ella. operator, h ;)30 S 2d Young Harvey G., (Young Bros.), h 201 S 2d Young Jacob c., blacksmith, h 45 S 4th Young Jennie c.. housekeeper, 201 S 2d YOnG lOHN D., sec of borough council, 114 Walnut, h 227 do Young L. Ray, teacher, h 227 Walnut Young Maria N .. teacher, h 329 S 2d YOnG KEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, C. E. ]testy, genlsec, 2d c Walnut Young Moses B., helper. h 329 S 2d Young Oscar \V., laborer. h 112 Main Young Samuel, engineer. h 947 S Front Youtz John, h 177 Lincoln Youtz Lizzie. domestic, 43 S Front Youtz \\'alter T.. foreman. h 177 Lincoln Zacks Joseph. 'c1othier, 1l:~ S Front, h i09 do Zaric Nicholas, laborer. h 915 S 2d Zarker Ezra 0 .. blue printer P. S. Co .. h Hbg Zeager Reuben. laborer, h 17 N Front

--RO-BE-R-T-S-'-I' EDW. G.

ACCIDBNT IN~~M-=U-=-RA-:-:.-:-:C-="-I-_-J.II-- . __

8",0 'Nel.

Bell 'Phone 8&1 X. or 81M3 X.

Digitized by


~==;=:: lOB POOOr ODd IIndo.ShOdeS lrom A. B. TACK,\..

Boyd'. Steelton Direotory.

Zebic Joseph, laborer, h 27 N 2d Zebic Stevo, laborer, h 27 X 2d Zeiders George, laborer, h 411) Catharine Zeiders Harvey Ao, craneman, h 317 Frances Zeiders Ja11les Wo, laborer, h :t29 Lincoln Zeiders Samuel E., laborer, h 317 Frances Zeigler Charles Fo A., bridge builder, h 321 S 3d Zeigler Charles Wo, laborer, h 265 Myers Zeigler George W., rec elk S. S. Co., h 643 X Front Zeigler Harry J., laborer, h 321 S ~d Zeigler Irving J., painter, h au Main Zeigler Isahella, wid William, h 2(;7 ~lyers Zeigler Jacob Mo. engineer, h 242 11yers Zeigler Joseph H., laborer. h :313 Frederick Zeigler Mary E., h 64~ N Front Zeigler )'lary Po, domestic, 28 Pine Zeigler Obadiah J., laborer, h 328 Locust Zeiner Antonio, laborer, h 26 N 2d Zell Thomas, barber, 323 K Front, h Hbg Zeller John, laborer, h 37 River av Zentner Frantz, fireman, h 617 S Front Zerance George. laborer, h 2.16 Frederick Zerance John, boarding, h 513 S 3d Zerbe Raymond A., bricklayer, h 663 ~ Front Zerby Charles 1\'1., laborer. h 222 Main Zerby Cyrus. messenger P. R. R., h 209 Main Zerby Edward E., elk P. S. Co.. h 203 Pine Zerby Melville C, tOllgsman, h 334 S 2d Zerby William H .. elk, h 211 :\fain Ziegier Ellen ]., wid Joseph, h 2:-l5 Christian Ziegler Elmer, laborer, h ~61 Main Ziegler George. laborer. h 5:19 S Front Ziegler's Hall, 284 Main Ziegler Sarah Jane, wid Daniel. h 15 N Front Ziegler William L. Dr., druggist, 284 Main, h do Ziener Franz. laborer. h 619 S Front Ziener Josef, laborer, h 619 S Front Zimmerman Amos c.. molder. h 344 Main Zimmerman Charles W" driver, h :12:3 Frances Zimmerman Elizabeth, housekeeper, 283 Main Zimmerman Jas. ~L, (J. M. Zimmerman & Co.), h 18 S 2d Zimmerman Jeremiah F., melter. h ~65 Christian Zimmerman J. ),1. & Co., (J. ~l. Zimmerman and Mrs. S. Shellenberger), house furngs, 14 S Front Zimmerman John D., well digger, h 903 S Front Zimmerman John Fo, laborer, h 547 Christian Zimmerman Joseph H., steelworker, h 575 S 2d Zimmerman J. Weir, elk P. S. Co., h 350 Pine

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"To fIDd a name you must know bow to . . I..

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'l'ry & Toll of

H MKEllEY & CO 'S 81,......s roIer... ..... n............

Boyd'. Steelton Direotory.

J' IIwIII 1111 ......

ltOlh and State ....

..; 800





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I I:

Zimmerman Peter S., bricklayer, h 4:15 Christian Zimmerman Philip A., dairyman, 241 S 2d, h do Zimmerman Samuel c., h 413 Christian Zimmerman William, laborer, h 441 Mohn Zoll Joseph, laborer, h 415 Catharine Zoll Martin, laborer, h 439 Catharine Zone William, conductor, h 267 N Front Zook Asa M., sawyer, h 361 Myers Zook Harry, elk, h 7 N 4th Zorger Martin M., auctioneer, 338 S Front, h 863 S 2d Zoriz Adam, laborer, h 919 S 2d Zuegel Martin, laborer, h 26 N 2d Zugel Martin, steelworker, h 152! Frederick Zugel Mary Mrs., h 57 Pearl Zuguy Stanko, laborer, h 921 S 2d Zuner Frank, h 109 Christian Zuner Rudolph, laborer, h 109 Christian Zunic Michael, laborer, h 22 N 2d Zunic Sylvester, laborer. h 535 Christian ZUllic Stephen, laborer, h 26 N 2d Zuwish Stanko, laborer, h 921 S 2d Zweier Adam F., laborer, h 415 Catharine


t a:



z o z a: IIJ >.

~~EADIN(i, PA.~

ANDREW REDMOND, ~:::=:;d':~~:~::. {3d R.I~ Sts.

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.. B raCKJ Wall Paper. Thettel&Ul4low_tPricel. w1m... .J.,8 .....W{ " _ple&e wtth ftdaNI aua PrtDI:U It.
!I .. a ....

Benevue, &c., Busineu Directories.


, r

.. OFTH!:...

Principal Towns in Dauphin County. ~

Kolva J. M., saw mill Brlner .. Zeigler, coal CLUGSTON J. Lo, Irelll .ton, Miller I. 0 . confectioner Miller I. P., agrl Implts coal, po.t..uter I\ll\1er Michael H .. live stock Demaree B. F., coal Paul" Mllllir. Baw mill Gorman Samuel, merchant Shirley George. blacksmith Lukena H. E . coal Snyder Henry A., shoemkr Snyder H. H . hotel Wertel Joseph, shoemkr BERRYSBURG. Zimmerman Jacob. Baw mill Bishoff P. W., undertaker Brugger J., brooms CURTIN. Deibler P. F., huclutter Dubenderlr Samuel, blackBmlth Deibler W. R., barber Lebo Jonathan; harness Voster H. G., genl store ROMBERGER B. A., Irelll Hartman Jacob, flour mill .tore _4 po.tma.ter Heller Samuel P ... Bro., saW7en SchreMer Aaron. vet Burg Hoover Bros. Mfg. Co. SchreMer Isaiah. carpenter Hoover H., contractor Hoover John R .. contractor DAUPBIX. Hoover W. L., undertaker Kambel J., dlnlng Ballets W. A., notary Keboch Charles. meat Brooks Maggie. dressmkr Keboch J. H., huckBter Coble A. C. Dr. drugglBt Klinger T. S., stage Crouae W. K., meat Kocher F. E., Insurance Dauphin Bridge and ConstructiOll Co. Lebo Charles, carpenter Garverlch W. G., genl store Lyter E. E., vet Burg Oelbach C. D., harness Matter H. H., barber Gerberlch H. I., cigars Miller A. N., blacksmith Gordon Ellwood A., shoel lIrIILLER J. FRAJfK, po.tau- Hinkle George H., Bhoemkr Hoffman David, hotel ter Kinter George M., R. R. agt Ml\1er W. H . harness )1orrlB Dlmlel. shoemkr Kinter John F . genl store Kinter W. D., undertaker OBman F. B., hotel Romberger J. F . genl store Lenhart D. V .. boat builder Romberger W. H., carpet weaver LYTER J. B., coal Shaffer D., milk McNeely Etta, mt11lner MUltken T., justice Sboop Emanuel. hides Mowry Samuel, painter Snyder Henry H.. shoemkr Poffenberger W. L., blacksmith Snyder J. D. foundry Sttne P. E., creamery Porter John H., baker Stroup H. W., huckster Reed W. F., genl store Stroup J. C., physician Reynolds H. L. Mn . barber Wade George, agrl Impltll Rhoads H., barber Walters Wl\1lam. Blater RIFFERT W, C., .taUoller Weaver D. E., painter _4 po.tmuter Weaver Henry, palnter Shade G., new. "Woodside A. N., paperhanger Shoop G. W., Ice

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.. To find name you must know how to spell It."

Digitized by


Me.Ell'S COMPlEXIO. PillS. :.~~:nd~n~=-I~\!: {30B Br'

802 Dauphin, &0., BlUineu Directories.
Hawk Lydia, milliner Hawk PblIlp, timber Sboop S. T., grist mill Singer David W .. bricklayer Sponsler J. C., genl store Sweitzer T. G., tinsmith Talley C. W., shoes Thompson &: Garman, flour Umberger J. R., physician

HOKE L lII., hardware


' 1i

Hoke James W., plasterer Lebo J. B., barne_ Lykens Tel. and Tel. Co. Lykens Valley Mut. Fire Ins. Co. Lyter George K., carpenter Mattis I. W., barber DEODATE. Miller Edward F., painter Enderlin R., blacksmith Miller James, lnaurance Farver J. S .. fencemkr FOLTZ CHRl8TIAN II., Ceal Miller M. 101., clothier Miller Nathaniel, distiller dore a.d pod__ ter Radel George W., station agt Foltz J. E., creamery Reist WIlliam, carpenter Ho/fer John M., carpenter BOMBERGER A. M., celll. Landis J. C., meat store Shenk S. K., meat Romberger J. A.. warehouse Shenk S. N. &: J. N., horsell Romberger S. B., hldea Stoll John G., wagonmkr Shreftler H. W., carpenter SMITH A. B., prtater . . . ~_


FOX J. 8., orca.s

Brecht J. A., tobacco

Snyder John. maBon Spacht Henry W.. blacksmith Sponsler A. G., notions Stine H. W .. genl ~tore

iLl ..I




o -


.. .... ..

Hershey A. E., creamery Hershey Bros., creamery Heralley M. 1.., physician 8TROUP C. B., druC....t He@s D. B., huckster Stroup Nathan W .. physician Keiser F., meat Swab Aaron. coachmkr Miller J. H. K., shoemkr Swab I .. foundry Moyer J. H., coal SWAB WAGON CO. Patrick R . live stock Sweesy John, harneu Rider H. M., barber Uhler G. W. &: Co .. genl store Shaffer E. B., physician and dentist WEA YER & 80N, dlstllle_ Shenk A. H., stone Western Union Tel. Co. Sprecker Levi. mason Zeigler Lewis H . tinner Strickler J. M., justice Weltmer U., live stock ELLENDALE FORGE. Weener W., barber See Dauphin. Yetter J. 1.., blacksmith Zentmoyer Henry, painter

ZllIIlIIElUIAN H. lII., store _d post__ ter

See Penbrook.




Adams Expret18 Co. Am. Telephone Co. BaudE'r W. A.. baker


E I:)

Bixler C., creamery Brandt C. H., miller I!armar.; Fred. blacksmltb Hoft'man B . huckster Kehrea Charles, carpentllr Lebo J., miller Rettinger D. &: Son, carpenters Sl:eetz Wash .. saw mill


Bowman Urlab. painter

= u


Breuler J. P., meat Bressler Sarah, dressmkr Buftlngton John W .. painter



.... ... -

Colllna H. H., vet aurg Cooper Harry, alloemkr Daniel Isaiah, ahoemkr u Daniel T. S . justice Dubendorf John. blacksmith Q Eby C. F .. candy Eby Joseph M jeweler Elizabethville Creamery Co. Elizabethville Hosiery Co. ; IE Frank W. D. Mrs.. shoN Gaupp &: Swab. tanners


BUFFINGTON & pla.l.c _Ill, &0.

ENDEBS, Bowman S. F . hotel ENDERS G. W. D ..

Erb Peter. shoea Fawber J. A., carpenter Killinger J. G., juatice Killinger &: Snyder, agrl Implw Kocber E. E .. blackBDIlth Laird &: Co., genl Btore Lebo O. G . pnl alare Loudermllch F. C., painter Noblet Joseph. carpenter Noblet U. J., carpenter




will pOD Jour belliet lOS !I. MHe................ bonds are ueeated. Ben 'Phone !IIi! X. X.
Digitized by



A. B. TACK :::,t~=::t lOll PUDer DIId IIndOw 8bOileS gt~lta"Jt

Fort Hunter, 4e., BUlineu Directories.
130FT HUN'1'E:a~ HA.LIFAX. l3SLgS5ilER DAvm" giSnl .toiSe Bake, C. C" undertaker
aDd podm.a.ter Brown George L., physi :RaiS Gh,R:::tmaiS J. M, ptlstl Dawson T. B., dining Hoover CtltlrR5S, flottll Hottle, J. E. 8< getl "tore HOWIeI' Henry. carpenter J"IDlSt. H., jUStRClS W. H., genl store Meore S., shoemkr (!?T'A' F. M., laWHiSr Hearn L. A. 8< H R., flour Reily J. W . Iron forge lEudy H., pa\lltel' Straw William, carpentel' '1"rlbbens W., w:::go:::myl' Welter" Unlln Uet Wllllon Cora J., R. R. agt Bishoff H. W., physician Blti.ettllan tec(tl.:, (ret,Sutllr Bottomstone J. S 3tone cutter Bowruan G. W., meat Br(tbal.:ec HlSrrlt, It(aiiil.:smltl( Cadwallader S. I., physician i'hub" Hitaill ('ar"en(er CLEMSON 'J. W., pnl.ld",ce Cratzer F. B., genl store CumbIeI' n .. ttXitrelllil and egt ."'e(telhoff GeoRne A" hotel


o o

FI..*1'TERHOFr H. L.
l"irOl.lDOln Forne", H C., saw m1l1 Gilbert I., genl store GrlY W. B., jUiltlciii



Shope, prop



GRAKTVILLE. laa",c Lyten, n",.H1RliS HALlr."X SHOE CO. Bickel A . .J . lliacklmhh Koppenhetrer C., stoves. 8<c tt",ss,,1 KOhpenht(ffex' J. P., waStl(n Fausnacht Lehr H., dentist HessW. Ldbrlch G. T .. surveyor Kelm l.l is., Rtotel Lodge G. W .. ptlmer SHERK JACOB S., genl .tore Loudermllch R., gardener _d l.loetma:ztel.l Lyter J. E .. genl store SteM.zer R F, harness Mettgilr tohn, len; sxorn Wagner R. tinware Motter H. E .. carpenter Watll J. n, nl,v~l~lcn Nace john E., gtm; sture ;:Jate WI11;al" .I., .truhgRllt Novinger Cyrus. jeweler GRA'J'Z" 'Ik: M., BAyleI' rtf., lalmln (tr(:nzR I CXl .. sh(le mt!'!! BOWMAN C. T., clothing Putt A. H . tailor BulfingilOn taCt' b, salRdl:ill Hottelher S. xlarpentell DtnIels IsteeR. hltteK PROWELL F. &; CO., geDI DORNHElliIi RUDOLPH, fur.tore Dhuee iUchlei' C" Tterltrr In., jllrtil:e Elllttt t~l1tr Richter G, M . news agt Fiddler Frank, contractor Rutter T. B., oysters }J[zsr:znan M.lcllaeL :tn leI' RoY AN L. W p(lahmnatiSr Hllilltr luac, merchant !'lawyers Thomas J., surveyor Hepler George, huckster ,(helsley x'al'pentel Hlffma, J. "'l., lltOyet. tlhel"slllY GeiiiRgR 0., btk(tx' KiehneI' J. G .. carpenter Shultz G. W., notary Klinger T. S., stage lltrlw hat'neils KHnller 8< Itl''' .. yenK atllre l]tz M. E.. millineR Krotzer C. U . blacksmith Waldron C. D., Ice cream Lebo W. E., :tlty"Rclln 'V'eaheR Lf.wlf. lOUt n:tll McNOI.DY JACOB. Zimmerman C., rustic work and _dertaker ZIMMERMAN C. C., ?liver,. 14m"t J. R . lllldttrtlket Mtltlel' Jonts, ttllte HIGHSPIRoE. PHILLIPS J. W., poahiuLlilter Rabzstk tUton, &llOOn Lilt" B.. tltstHle, Ritzman A. S" justice Allen Pearl. dressmaker Ritzman F. M .. saloon i:Wcks M., Itve rtiiit(k SoNinlinltlt M:., phlisillian AurRnh R. E . milt Schmlnky I. S" physician BLUNDIN J. N . mgr Schollstall H. It., ahitemkr HodmeR Edwtttd. hiltel SltRre JttilOll. ltl:nl stllrl Bonlloliler A . bllcktmltb Tobias H. W., drover Buser Ira, flour mill Tobias ., (:a(Kie( WlSaver ("x"'x'r mailhhtis:


., To find a name you must know how to speD it.

DFv~~ ~&1>'} H.
Cover H. v., meat Cumbler Martin, mgr

M. KELLEY & CO. {10r::~!4~ta~~~

Encle B. H., lime Engle John S., lime Ernest R. J., shoemkr Espenshade L. C., dreBBmkr Ettele W. H., milliner

Highspire, &0., B1IIinea Direotoriel.

E8lILE1II.AN J., lumber, e_1

Btter W. H., aand Faha Samuel, wheelwrlcht Gemmll David, carpenter Gingerich J., muon Good Martin, woolen mlll Green O. P., hotel Hoover John, contractor Kaufman B. S., Justice Kaufman D. L., lawyer Keister R.. tinsmith Kelley H. B., barber Klugh J. F., Justice Learch R. W., liquor. Leedy Boarding Houae Lehman J. J., genl store Mathtu K. F., genl store McDannel H. Dr., druggist Mohler B. R., genl store

.: en


FARMERS' BANK, _pita!,. ,50,000; iDeorporatea Apr.,. 1885; J. H. B_keDatoer pre.; W. H. 11lrIeh, __hier
Fasnacht J. L . blacksmith Frantz Frank, barber Gardner Theodore F., tailor Garrett Simon. Ice Garrett W. H., painter Gerberlch H. T., shoemkr Good J. H., baker Greenawalt &: Bro., marble Groff S. L., carpenter Haln &: Wise, bakers Harvey John S., florist

MeNEAL SUE, po.t....tar MORROW BROS., eoal

Musgrave E., barber Poorman Bdward, shoes Raudlbaugh J., tinsmith Raudlbaugh S., dressmkr Roher&: Horrow, glue Rupp H. J., milk Ruth 1. C., genl store Shelley J. P., candy Shope H., milk Siple W., tailor Spahr L. W., carpenter Stauffer Edward. ltve atock Stoner M. J., station agt WenseU Emily, milliner




HlckerneJl H. H., grocer Holler Charles, coal Holler C. I., eating house Hoover A. D., restaurant Hummel Carrie E .. notary Hummel F. L., harness Hummel Harry J .. genl store Hummel L. G., genl store


B11MMELSTOWN BROWlfSTONE CO., B.. J. Waite. . supt. Post Omee, WaiteDyille. Dauphin CouDt7
Hummelstown ElectrIc Light, Heat and Power Co. Hummelstown Hoalery Co.

>. o


WILSON DISTILLERY CO., HUMMELSTOWN NAT. LTD. BANK, eapltal, ,50,000 faZImmerman Sol., lime eorporated Noy., 1882; Job J. Nislle,.. pres; Joha P. Nissley, cashier HUMlIIELSTOWN B11MMELSTOWN SHOE 00., Joseph S. Striekler, pre BAKER WILLIAM C., physlHaryey E. Hetriek, aee . . . elaD BALSBAUGH HIBAM W., B11MIlELSTOWN S1JlIf, W. B. Hendrieks, prop lasuranee, FaJ'Dlers' Bank Hummelstown Water Co. bldg
Bare M. E., photographer Bender DavId, carrIages Blessing F. D. genl store Bolton John J., Insurance Boltz John, barber Bordner J. P., cigar mfr Brightbill J., lumber BrInser D., meat Imboden Albert, livery Karmany WillIam, Curnlture Keller George H .. sboemkr Keystone KnItting Mills Bale &: Burns, blacksmiths


KILLOUGH druggist



Kilmer U. J., watchmkr Kopp W. G., mason BROWNSTONE STORE CO., LandIs D. B., shirt mCr Miller C. H., men's Curngs geDI.tore BURKHOLDER JOSIAH, eoal Miller H. F .. grocer Murray John Moo grocer Bums F. Mrs., milliner Muth F. T., jeweler Cassel M. S., tanner

CBlST NILE, deDtlst

Early Joaepb, blacksmith Earnest Napoleon, trees ll:amest W. H . l..wyer Ehrman C. E., hotel Emerich Levi, meat


NlsBley J. P .. lJisurance NIssley Martin F., genl store Nye John B., justice

&A"R:~~~~:!ii~:-.;! ANDREW

REDMOND. {3d IDd Rel~ S1l.

Digitized by


but llno... .... workmen, h_ee OBly JInl. IB TACK , N,1.18 {EmPIO,.. Done1l1li1_ It.,,)Worl doneIDIIDJPM'of8iate. 3d St, dcIII_taud

Hummelstown, &0" Buaineaa Directories.

NYE " CONRAD, Iaa1'tlwU'e
Pace Jacob, hotel Pennington W. H., barber Phlla., Rdg. &: P'vllle Tel. Co. Phlla. &: Reading Rway Co. Porter A. G., hotel Reigel D. H., sewiDg machines Remsburg John T., real estate Rhoads D. C., horae dealer Sandera Philip, blacksmith Saunders F., watchmkr Rhein E., dentlat Rhein E. R., saloon Schaner J. H., harness Seltzer A., harness Shuey William, shoemkr


SMITH C. H pll71iclaa
Smith G. C., hotel Smith J. P .. physician Zimmerman W. G., cabinetmaker

LOYALTON. SCHAEFFER UlLIAlI B., .1l7Boyer J. W., agrllmplta alclaa

Schalfner Frank J., laW)'er Shoemaker W. P., contractor Shope P. H., sewing machines Shuey W. P., contractor Shull William M., physician Stecher H. F., harnesl Stoner &: Lerch, carriages Eby J. M., watchmkr Fisher J. C., miller

GOOD D. A. "

wriglltl Grall P. F., shoemkr Harner Charles, constable Holfman Sybilla A., &BIIt postmuter

SONS, m.Ul-

STRICKLER m . .ter
U. S. Express Co.


Thomas Jacob, livery Wlh Tung, laundry Wall Richard, 0111 Walmer H. G.. carriages Waltera Joseph, agrl Implt. Weher F. H., tailor Wheeler M. M. Mrs., candy Wikel J. S. Mrs . candy Wolaver Harry, stoves Yingst Daniel, meat Yingst P., meat Zearfoss I. M., miller

WILLIAM POlt- HOFFMAN pOltmalter Holfman & Johns, genl store Kessler R., distiller
Lower C. W., wagonmkr Miller Joel A., blacksmith Schalfstall William. carpenter Snyder N. E., blacksmith Wiest D. hott'l Zerbe J., hotel


KLINGER DANIEL, watollmkr and JUltice


Adams ExprE'tls Co. ZEITER. SAMUEL. genl ltore Atlantic Relining Co. Zeiter William C., tailor Baker J. S .. dentist Zerfos8 Samuel E., Justice Belli9 W. H .. grocer Zug W. B., meat Bingaman G. J., hoteol Bingaman John, livery LINGLESTOWN. Boeckler Henry, barbt'r BALTHASER ELIZABETH E., BoeC'kler William. bnrbt'r Boedde Mary B .. mllllnE'r pOltmalter Bowman Ht'nry, meat Bergner John, carpenter w Bre~lIn H. llrs., eating bouse Care C. B. &: Son, genl store CARE R. SHERMAN, law7er Bue.,k Frank. liquors Bumngto" H. E., lawYE'r C8IIIIel E., fencemkr Coble R. & ilons, gE'llI store Clay W. F., blacksmith 0 Coles GeorgI' ,,'., la" yer Daniels Elmer, shoemkr Collier A. F .. marble Farling M., flour mill Cook Asley. grocer Feeser E. T., painter Cooper E. C .. clothing Feeser J .. mason Delaney Joseph I., genl store Feeeaer U. F., mason Felty W., genl Btore Douden F. J .. cont.ractor DUNCAN JOSEPH, founder Good Samuel H., painter Good William, painter and machinist He!s Mosea, produce Dum'an WaltE'r & Co., hosiery Hesa &: Bros., tinsmiths Eby J. H., barber Kleopfer Alfred, wagonmkr )':by J. H. &: Co .. sbade brackets Koons H. D . cattle deller Felndt Hpnry, cigars KOONS IRVIN, auctioneer Fennpl E. H .. painter Koons Michael, meat Fisher John R., groete ,Lenker Luther, carpenter FI~her & Jone~. hosiery Lingle C. D., barber }<'ox H. W., grocer METZGER D coacllmkr Fritz Albert. restaurant Painter Valentine. blacksmith GE'mberling H. H .. baker Reigle D. &: S., well diggers Gtordom H. E .. photograpber Relmert J. H., meat Glbbl<' S. S .. dry goo<ls

II ,0




m It


.. To fmd name you must know how to spell It"

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l\'utt J. J., shoes Omalla Paul, shoemkr Overholl>er A. C., cigars Parfpt George W., store . : HENSEL T. A., mea'a furaga Powell Thomas. grocer EI Holr, Raymond &: Holr, hardware PI'u:lential Insurance Co. : : Holrman Joseph, clothier Radel Kate, milliner Holrman Lewis, hotel Reiff Johll S., furniture ..: Holrman M. P., hotel Rettinger Edward, meat : : Holwlg Monroe, varieties Romberger Cyrus, flour HUBEB J. H., drugglat Homberger 'V. H .. Raloon Irving William, hotel Row George, Icc Jame~ R., laundry Rudlalll A., grocer Kalnes A. W., physician KAVDERKAN W. F., hard- Rudisill Da,ld. grocer S ware, tlaware, plumblag, Sheesley H., brush mlr Skelton G. W .. I,aPlThangcr g::; &c., Market c N 2d Smith E. G. Mrs., mlJllner C5 Keen &: Knlley, hosiery _ Klingler K. E. Mrs., dreeemkr Smith Harold E . tailor SlIIITH WELLINGTON J,. "iii Kolva George, blacksmith ph,.aldaa Kopprnhelrer &: Son, meat Snyder B.. II very Kosier George, express Kramer Joseph, hotel SI\)uer Chal'les T . saloon Snydt'r N. E., jeweler ' " Kuntzelman A., sewing machines VI Lebo Edward, IItoves STANLEY A. G., druKslat Lehman Emanuel. shoemkr mfr of StaBle,.a Celebrated. Lehr Henry, box mfr Iadlaa Bittera, Mala c Mar-

~ _


Lykens Businell Directory.

Grow Frank, restaurant Haverstick H. W., station agt Henry Emmet, baker

:ii ....


a: a:


LEBR 1II0NROE D., ph,.alciaa

Lltz John, candles Long A. C., books Ludes John M., barber

ket aee ad"

Stein Charles M., drygoods

SV_IT BRANCH MINDIG CO., Morria Williama, aer. LYKENS BREWING CO., S 2d ~ Weabler Broa., propa, South Summit Branch k. R. Co. ~ ar lIIarket Tallman H. B., hotel LYKENS REGISTEB, J. A. Thompson A. F., lawyel' Kull, prop Trout Jal.'ob, blacksmith LYKENS STANDARD, S. B. Troxell C. W . sho~lDkl' Colea & Soa, puba ULSH JOSEPH A., ph,.aici&a LYKENS VALLEY COAL CO., u. S. Express Co. 1II0rrla Williama, mgr, S 2d United Telephone and Telegraph Co.



Martz Jos~h E., shoemkr Matter Daniel S., bottler Matter William, Ice ~ MlJler C. H., drygooda Z Ml1Ipr John C .. (est), stationer

'Verner Jacob, truck Werner John, grep.n grocel' Western Union Tpl. CO.


. . lIIINERS' DEPOSIT BANK, J. Williams Valley R. R. Co. Q.. B. Whitae,., prea; F. B. Vo.., '\"Itmer John ""., hal'Dess caahler Wolcott Charlp!!. ju.;ticc

Mumma Charles, grocer Myers G"orge, dentist l-tycrs John F .. confpctioner

Wynn Frank, musio'

YOUNG WALTER S .. justioe of the peace, 308 Market


!=:~c:+lndian Bitters



~ DR. A. B. STAILEY, Cor. Illn Ind Ilrklt Stl., Lyklnl. 'I.




A_ld_&, LtaltIUl,. ..... Slea .. Boller la... r" .....


108 m.", 8 _ 8,. Bell Phone 851 X. or ti&I3 X.

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Goog Ie


WaD Paper and Window ShacIa. {1S~~=" Manada Hilll &e' l BUline88 Directoriel. 807
DEMMY E. R., poatma.ter
Detweiler H. C., meat Detweiler J. C., grocer Detweiler J. R. L., baker Doup Jacob, shoemkr Doup Jacob W., cigars Earisman C. B., meat Earlsman C. B., jr., grocer

Bashore David, produce Cassell Christ, justice Hinkle Frank, blacksmith Kramer R., flour mill Rauch John M. painter Schubauer Jacob, grocer

Baker J. H., undertaker Chubb Alfred, merchant Chubb H. W., blacksmith Chubb John, shoemkr Enterline James, blacksmith Fry J. W., carpenter Horrman Samuel, candy Horrman & Landis, saw mill Matchett George V., shoemkr

EMAU8 O:aPJIAlI(8' HOUSE. W. A. Croll, prin

Enterprise Mtg and Repair Foundry Ette le & Co ., stoves


IV ..J

ETTER A. L., p rop town J oumal


Eves P. W. Mrs. (est), milliner

FARMERS' BANK, oapital, $50,000; surp l ua, $35,000; B. S. Peters, prea; A. H. Rel- .. der, cashier

Farrington G. W., JUBtice Few C. S., druggist MIDDLETOWN. Io'lshburn & Mateer. flour Fisher Walter R., stationer Ackerman John M., meat Fortney J. J .. blacksmith hdal118 Ex. Co., J. Entrekin, act Fry J. M. boarding Albert M. F., barber Fuernelsen Walter, jeweler Antrim A. J., cigars Fuhrman N. C., barber Antrim Js1l1le, grocer George W. H., physician Antrim T. J., confectioner Gilbert Charles, coal Antrim Tillie, milliner Gilbert M. H., grocer Arndt A. P., grocer Glpe R. M.. shoemkr Atlantic Relining Co. Gotwald W. D .. milk 'Baker Charies H., baker Hammaker & Bro., plumbers Baker Cyrus G., barber Harley S. P . barber Banks Bros., varieties Harley William T .. barber Barr Frank H ., Insurance Hartline C. C .. Justice Bauder A. &: Son, hides Hartman )Ol. H., grocer Bauder Bros., florists and grocers Hartman U. A., grocer Baumbach Adam, contractor Hatz Harry. meat. Baumbach Guido, baker Hoodrlckson 'VI'., Jr., grocer Baumbach Henry, shoemkr Hlckernell H. 0., tailor Baumbach Valentine, shoes Hlckernell Ross, coal Baxtresser Bros., shoes Hippie Henry, justlc(' Beard C. F., grocer Hipple John H., coal Beck William, shoemkr Borland J A., drygoods and grocer- HippIe R. D . coal Borr & Raymond, harrlware Ies BOWERS CHARLES E., M. Horrer C. H .. sun'eyor D., druggi.t Horrman J . E. Mrs .. milliner Brandt B. F., liquors HOSTER A, W., penaion atBrehm H. B., plano tuner torney Brestle G. E., undertaker Huntzbl'l'ge" D. \V .. grocer Brestle .Joseph. milk HUTCHINSON CHARLES H., Brestle Michael G., undertaker in.urance Brinser Bros., cornmeal KE'enel' H. 0 .. bricks Brinser E. C. &: Son, agrl Implts Keever \\'. F . . stO\'ps Buck Henry W., cigars' Kelm LewIs C., hotE'l Burwell D. H., Insurance Klahr E. H .. jeweler 'Cain Levi, grocer Klawansky A., clothier Claster E. Mrs., clothier Klelndopf J., birds Cohen I., agt, drygoods Kline Henry H., hotel Croll Abuer B.. agt. hardware Klineline G. M., patternmkr Croll Harry, meat Kramer J. A., hotel Croll William A., jUBtl~e Landis J . H . coal Dalley George, laundry Landis J. J .. saloon Dasher H. D., genl store LAUMAN W. M., lumber and Deckard I. K., vet surg mill wOl'k. 32 E Main Deckard Jacob B., agt. flour LAVERTY DEWITT C., phyDeckard Levi L., dentist dcian



To find a name you must know how to spell it."

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- ------



~&:..":e!.!'i;eIJIIat. ~ H.

M. KELLEY &. CO. ~ tJ..-:'\~f.'1:::

Roop Jobn S., grocer Roth H. S., undertaker Saul Harry R., carriagemkr Scbaeffer M. B .. bottler Scbaeffer O. 0 .. drugpt Scbleter H. G., eboemkr Scbuetz Frederick, meat Scbuetz William, sboes SeIser Samuel S., stoves Seltzer C. C., ..ddler Shaneor George W., painter Sbellenberger H. H., barnesa Sbepler J. H., candy Sblreman W., coal Sbrelner G. W .. news dealer Side.. W. S., contractor Singer D., second-band goode Slack F. D., cigars Smeltzer Jobn, oils Smith Jobn, cigars Snyder John H . hotel Snyder Martin, botel Snyder W. H., barber Sobn Arthur E., tobacconist Spera H. B., blacksmltb Springer Robert H., varleUes Stehman J. B., tax collector

ltfiddletown, &0., Duness Directories.

BURL JOJlllf B., ph,.81oiaa




LAverty Eugene. drugglllt Lazar Ley,1s, cigars Lenney J. M., pbotograpber Lingle John C., physician Longenecker I. K., confectioner Lcngenecker & Bausman, cattle Lorentz Andrew. meat Loyd Charles S., botel Luckenbill A. H., marble Lutz W. V., barber Mansberger J. W., grocer McCord K. R., liquors McCreary W. W., ..loon McDonald S., laundry McKinley W. J., cigars McNair W., dentlet McNeal Frank W., pool McNeal H. B., InBurance and J. P. Melcholr John, sboemkr Metropolitan Life Ins Co. Middletown Car Works Middletown Drainage Co.

MIDDLETOWN I'UBlfITUBE 00., E. L. 01'011, prop, Em_u. c Wood

Middletown Gas Llgbt Co.


lIIIDDLETOWN JOURNAL, (dall,. and weekI,.), A. L. EtSWARTZ BROS., law,.e_ ter, prop

MIDDLBTOWN PRBSS, Swartz O. M., grocer

Middletown Roller Mill Miller A. L., plumber Miller E. J., auditorium Mish George F . pbyslclan Moek Toy. laundry

>. o


Sweigard S. A., cigars Tegbtmeyer A. E., dre..smkr Trump M. Mrs . dressmkr Ulmer B. E., bard ware Union Clotblng Co. MUNIOIPAL E LEO T RIO United States Express Co. Vance SamuE'1 B.. flour LIGHT PLANT Wagner A. L .. grocer Musser C. E., dentist Wagner Jobn, meat Myers F. W., livery Weaver Webster. blacksmith National TUbe Co. Weller J. L., coal Nicely A. T., aboemkr Wendling Hiram, tailor Nisley J. L., agrl Implts Western Union Tel. Co. NIBBley John H., flour Wbleler N. I., grocer Nissley Joseph H., notary Whitman Morris, baker Partbemore F. A., cigars Wise Edward. grocer Pease Cbarles E., pbyslcian Wltbauer William B.. restaurant. Penn'a R. R. Co., E. O. HendrickYeagley Kate M., dreaamkr son. agt Yetter S. 1... Insurance Penn'a Telepbone Co. Yingst Andrew D., tailor Peters B. S. & Son, drygoods Young Leab. milliner Phlla., Rdg. & P'vllle Tel. Co. Phlla. & Rdg. R. R. Co., W. H. Howden, agt MILLERSBURG. Po 1st Charles B .. barbE'r Adams Express Co. Rambler 1.. C., men's turngs Atlantic Refining Co. Rank W., barber Bowman John F., physician Raudabaugh W. A., grocer Bowman John R., genl store Raymond llltg Co.. stOVetl Bowman Levi B., stoves Reitzel W. W .. grocer Bowman Levi E., drygoods Rewalt John W., druggist Bowman R., plumber Rban Francis L . bottler Bowman Simon S . lawyer Rbodes C. M., pbyslclsn Brubaker W. 1.. & Brol., dl_ Rite John W. Leatber Co. Campbell & Co., bard ware Rite J. & Bro., real estate Carmany H. August, grocer Ringland J. H., dentist Corbett J. I.. justice Rogers B. W., contectloner Culp E. H., brooms Romberger H. A . b08lery Day C. W., brooms - - - - - - - -- - - - " - - - ----~----~ ~ ~ -~

(weekl,.), L O. Ni..le,., prop Sweigard Daniel, coal

BIC~~~:~~Ri:} ANDREW

----REDMOND. {3d Ind Re'ly '''_

Digitized by


A. B. TACK, Practical Paper Hanger,

Day W. F. &: Co., Jewelers Ditty Joeeph, Jr., cigars DOUDEN ALFRED, pllUliac aat.1l Etzweller Jerome, candy Etzweller Josiah, candy Faust F. M., barber Feldt David E., fUrniture FIB.8T NAT. BANK, J. W. Ho.m.... o_hier Fralick Frank, dining Frank John N., dl")'goods Frank P. M., furniture Freck N. M., hotel Gilbert A. C. Mrs., genl store Gilbert G. W., (est), hardware Gilbert Harr;y S., tobacconillt Harman J. H., hotel Hatter G. W. Mrs., undertaker Heckert J. S., marble Helnllilng J. H., physician IIBB.ALD WEEKLY, J. B. Seal, pub Herrold Alfred, grocer Johns J. R. Mrs., dressmkr JOHNSON BAILLIE SHOE


Killerab1l1'l, &e., Buaineu Directoriel.

Richards Emma, mllllner ROWE J. H. 41: SONS, lDeuraace BauBBer Jeremiah, harnesll Schaeffer Leander M., shoes Seebold Frank P., dentist Seltzer S. C., meat Sherk 1.. A., physician Snyder CharleB, shoemkr SNYDER C. J 'ouDdr7 STANDARD AXLE WOBKS Starr J. W., druggist Steever C. C., druggist Troutman H. M.. meat Troutman .r. B., flour Ulrich M., physician Ulsh I. E., flour VOA Mal")', genl Btore Walborn Harr;y H .. baker "'eaver John H., shoemkr Weaver W., dog kf'nnels Wllliamaon A. N., cigars Wingard F. H., broome WOODSIDE :a. E., iasuranoe ADd postmallter Yeager John, carrlageB

Z o

o o

CO. Johneon Samuel, plumber Jur;y Thompeon, candy Keer L. W., flour mlIl Kline G. W., carPetB Klucher J. L., Insurance Knouff Frank L., shoemkr Kreeger M. L . flour Landon F. L., planing mill LARK H. Lo, law;yer Lemer Erastus H., dentist Lehman C. E., barber Lenker D. P., meat Lenker H. C., dlstillel")' Light S. T., flour LONG, ][AWBL & 00., genl store Mackert John, bottler Martz J. C., tailor Matter C. E., baker Meek J. E. &: Son, shoes Meck N. C., varieties Meek &: Shrelber, meat Meyer C. H., sale stable lIULLERSBURG BANK, J. S. Gilbert, cashier lIIILLERSBURG BOARD OF TRADE. S. S. Bowmaa, pre.; H. W. Bowman. seo MILLERSBURG FIFTH WHEEL MFG. CO. JlILLER.8BUR.G SENTINEL, H. W. Bowman, pub Neagley E. J., genl store Neagley H. C., genl Btore Noll C. W., photographer Novinger R. 0., carpets Pick S. S., clothing Plambeck William, tailor Poffenberger W. L., blacksmith Polk A. J. &: Son. dif'S Ransom Thomas H .. barber

OBERLIN. Attlckll Harry, milk AtUckll J. B., milk Berkheimer J. M., milk Rlnf'hour Isaac, unrlertaker Bishop W. J., milk BROWN S. S., cenl store and polltm_ter Durr John, blacksmith Eshenawer G., carpenter Eshenawer H. G., milk Hocker John, coal Jones Harl")', meat Mehring W. J., hotel Miller E. G., baker NIssley C. M., milk Pf'ck John H . barber Putt M. 0., physician Smee John, plasterer Stouffer E. A.. painter Yf'ager Ira, genl store Yottey W. F., painter PAXTON. Chubb Simon. shoemkr Kauffman Webster. genl store Lemon &: Snyder, phosphate Messner I., carpenter ORNDORFF C. NELSON, postmaster Searer H. W., carpf'nter PENBROOK. l:IonhoItzer H., blacksmith Booser Jacob, Insurance Booser Joseph, milk Bowman J. H .. grocer Brennaman W. C" milk ('ondran J. H., barber

., .
II ,0 0



Z o .,

... " aIt

.. To find a name you must know how to speD it."

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McNEIL'S PAil EXTERMIIATOR ~iiWo:~~~=~~~l{~rw~.


Penbrook, &0., Buine.. Directories.

POWELL'S v ALLEY. DAUPHIN COUNTY TIllES, C. W. Dunipher, editor Baker John H., undprtaker E>lcenser P. C., tailor BOWlI[AN C., poat.ader
Chubb Alfred, genl storE' Chubb Elizabeth. weaver Chubb H'!Dry W., blacksmith Chubb Henry W., Jr., painter Chubb John. shoemkr Dunkel WllJiam, weaver Glace C. I., genl store Hoffman James M., phoephate Kelter Henry, 1I0ur mill Landis H. R., saw rullJ LUDWIG E. S., geDI "tore a.d Meredith D. F., genl store poatm. .ter Meredith J. E., produce Ludwig George, meat Rutter U., Jr., agrl lruplts Ludwig M. I . & Bro., live Btock Sweigard C. C., produce McElhenny A., meat Sweigard John H., carpenter McGarv!.'y J. W., painter !>'filler A. D., contractor PROGBE88. Mumma J., milk Packer J., milk Hoernpr Isaac R., hotel Ream Ed., meat Hoke G. I., milk Heam Shell. real estatE' Holtzman Bros., thrashers Itclchert D. E. Mrs., dresamkr Knupp George, stock Rohrer & Son. rE'al estate Knupp Henry, meat Shope A. 1.., physician Kramer Calvin, milk Snoddy John. wagonmkr Packer Reuben, milk Strickler BpnJamln, milk PETERS WILLIAM 11.. seal Urich Daniel. plastprer atore, miller a.d poat _ _ te2> Weaver J. W., milk Reichert Daniel, carpenter Wlrt C. 1.., hamessmkr Rldell McC., painter Wirt W .. barbpr and constable RldelJ William. painter Wise E. W., stoves Rudy William, meat Wolf W. H., bakpr SaUl William, milk Z"lgler J. B., physician Sheesley .JOM. limE' Fishburn S. A., genl store Heck J., well driller Heck U. A., pumpmkr Hoover David, milk Houck George, agrl Implts KeE'vE'r Fl P., tinsmith Knupp John, milk Knupp & Bro., marble Koons J. A., contractors LimE' D., mBson



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a.. :IE

Andre John, sboes .. Aunspach J. S., photographer ~ Bingaman & Buffington, marble Z ~ohner D. M., genl store C Bohner H. ]\f., grist mill Bowman W. H., undertaker Boyer Isaac, mill roller

Shuey Daniel, shoemkr Strine Daniel, bla('ksmlth Tru!llng('r Walker, milk Weaver W .. milk

See Fort Hunter.

BBUA JOHN, poat. . .ter

Boyer Philip, carpenter Curry J. B., grain. coal Emerich S., ahoemkr GIngrich S. M.. lime Hoerner John, hotel Longeneeker BenJamin. coal SeIlE'r George H., station agt Staulfer Addison, surveyor Swatara Stone'and Lime Co. Zimmerman Levi, lime

Buffington C. F .. JURtice Buffington & Bro., whE'elwrlgbts .... Deibler W. H., hotel .~ Dockey E. W., Justice U Garis Jamps, sbopmkr Messner Cbarlee, painter C Moyer H. J., genl store Z :-Iovelett J., barness C Pillow Grange Store Raker W., phy'!lclan &.1.1 Reed F. J., 'phYSician <..:J Reider & Fansoh!, hotel Shealfer J. A . barber

Allen J. M., agrl Implt8 Bates Peter, hotel

SNYDER. FRANK, irOD fOUD- CUBBEY WILLIAM , der niture, uJldertaldag Snyder I.. A. Mra., mllIinu podma.ter Wiest ]\f. T. & Bro., meat Earnest S. F., physician
Wllller DaVid, barber EI8enbower Israel, tiDBlDlth
Tlae Amerl.,.. ; B-;; Comp...,.. Balttmore,-Md. BOW. ROBBa..... Oenetal A8t'blCentral Penna. D1atrlct, 108 N 81. Bell 'Phone 8.')1 X, X.
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U21610nn lDlnll.

Union Depolit, &0., B1lIineas Directories.

Fauanacht John, candy Fausnacht U., meat Fishburn B. B., physician Hetrick Daniel, meat Jones John, carpenter Killinger Peter, wheelwright Koehler Philip, shoes Kuhns A. M., wire fence mfr Landis A. L., justice Long Frank, blacksmith M1l1er Amos, harneB8 Pfeil William, stage Ramler John, mason Rapp William H., genl store Schaefer Frank, tailor Shertzer Henry, cooper Shertzer Mary, drsssmkr Shoop John, painter Stauffer C. L., genl store Stauffer F. H. &: Co., millers Wsgner Henry, bricks Wagner John S., constable Walmer Monroe, painter Zerfu88 Jacob, pumpmkr Harman C. H., justice Harman E., tinsmith

BENSEl.. M.J.CBAEL, poatmaa. ter Higgins &: Bro.. pool Israel Daniel, shoes and J. P. Jones Evan MrB., grocer Kaufman John, grocer Keen &: Bro., druggists Kelter I. A., physiCian Kelley WilHam, grocer Kimmel &: Co., drygocds Krauthotr George, hotel Lebo W. H., meal Long John J., genl store Marke John H., shoemkr Metz H. G., tinsmith Miller Adam, candy Miller &: Bro., drygoods M08Bop &: Co .. hosiery Murphy J. J., hotel Parfet C. H., confectioner Pontlu8 J. H., hotel PROUT JACOB S., quCPd Schindler John, barber Schotratall C. F., grocer WAYNESVILLE. Steever &: Son. news LEBO W. B., grocer aDd poat. Tippins Lizzie, candy Wiconisco Dyeing Co. maater Wiconisco Knitting Mill Miller Charles, blacksmith Wiest E. T., genl store Wiest W.O., grocer WEST HANOVER. BOYER D. A., geDI atore _d WILLIAIISTOWK. poat.aater Adams Landis, barber Early Amos, gunsmith Allen C. 1., physician Early Bros., mUlers ArmbrustEll' HE'nry, baker Fisher &: Son, cattle dealer. Baddorf Daniel, grocer Hoover Jeremiah, tailor Baird RobHt R., InstaUment Hoover Peter, mason Raker J. N., de-ntlst Hummer Benjamin, cider Barthel Ernst, tailor Hummer Samuel, blacksmith Batdortr Jacob. overall mfr Keeney F. E., vet Burg Bnttorf William, candy Kern AmOll, hotel Berry Edward, candy Koona John H., merchant BLANNING JAIIE. E., poat. Lingle Adam, carpenter maater Lingle W. P., cablnetmkr Blannlng Wl11lam. notary Rhoads John, carpenter Bordner W., grocer Shell William E., JUBtice Stout Reuben, shoemkr Brennan P. B., candy Thome C. V., physiCian Brown Simon. genl store Budd Richard, timber Wagner E. N., coachmkr Buggy J. P., genl store "'eaver Elmer, pumpmkr CARL LINCOLN C la.. Chellter A. R. Mrs., genl store WICONISCO. mouser P., station agt Cox James, grocer Botdortr John H., news Curtis Charles F., hotel Bctdortr S. P., teas Dando James, Ilquors .. Christman C. D., physician Davis T. B .. druggist Coles Thomas, mUk Day H. G., sewing machlnea Cook A. E., baker Day Richard W., furniture Donnelly James B .. barber Donley Cyrus, bottler Driscoll Mary. milliner Durbin J. W. &: Son, genl store Evans Reese, candy Eby Aaron, watchmkr Fetterhotr Samuel. blacksmith ENDERS LBVI J., ph,.alciall Fulton B. W., restaurant Gordon T.. grocer Feldt W. W., physician Gingrich Hettie, dressmkr Fetterhoff George, painter


I -I .I


"T0 find a name you must

mow how to speD it."

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Coog Ie

H.I. KELLEY &. CO .. COAL AND WOOD{OUlCes:t"~'~'1::

Williamstown BUlineas Directory.
Moss Robert, genl store Moyer E. E., hotel Moyer J. R., genl stort' Myers C. 1.., barber Parry C. A., baker Paul S. S.. sewing machines PhllIlps John, genl store Pritchard A. L., contractor Ralph Aaron, furniture Halph Allen, hotel Rank E. D., dentist Rank J. H . shoes Rank P. B. (est), genl store Reisig Val (est), baker Riedinger Charles, hotel Ro~' W.O., meat Rowland James, genl store Rowland M. &: E., millIners Fitzpatrick E. Mrs., mUliner Frisch Joseph, clothing Galhley Patrick, candy Geist John H., hotel Golden J. Mrs., candy Green Walter, tallor Grltllth J. W., grocer Gross Jacob, aboes Haas Richard P., physician Haln G. W., justice Hall W. T., dining Hancock Richard, clothing Hartman Jacob, shoemkr Heberling J. F., hotel Hess Sol., hotel Hess T. M., furniture Higgins J. J., Installment Hoff H. C" expreBB agt Hoffman Bros., green grocers Hoffman D. E., eating house Hoffman &: Shelton, underwear mfrs Holler Hiram, grain Hummel C. Mrs., grocer James W. Mrs., candy Jones &: Berry, genl store Kemp David, novelties Kingston Samuel, shoes Klinger Levi, grocer Lautenbacher 1. L., druggist T.ebo Amos, stoves Lebo D. F., meat Leininger William, blacksmith Lenker C., saddler Lesher J. B., genl store Lester Joseph, musiC Lykens and WIlliams Valley Jlll.ectrlc Rway Lynch Charles, barber Lynch John, plumber Mace J. 1.., meat Mason E. W. Mrs., fancy goods McNalus J. P., barber Messersmith John, blacksmith Metropolitan Ins. Co. Miller E. C., grocer Morgan T. A., tailor Morris James, barber

ROWLAND T., photolP'apher

Rumberger J., carpet weav.. Schaeffer ltloses, livery Schoffstall S., builder Segner Edgar, jeweler Shadle F. M.. justice Shissler Joseph, candy Stine Daniel M., Insurance SUtes Q. M., phYSician Thomas RolJert. hardware Thompson J. C., genl store Thompson J. \V., green grocer Thompson R. B.. cigars Wahl G., jr., Mrs., grocer Walklngshaw A. novelties WALKINGSHAW .A., Jr., Ireal

Watkeys D. G. barber Weir Andrew, candy Western Union Tel. Co. Williams James. grocer

WILLIAMS VALLEY BANK WILLIAIIISTOWK T I II E B, Times Pub Co., pubs Wren G. W., tailor Zimmerman A. D., shoes Zimmerman A. S., barber Zimmerman J. F., barber



Standard ~ Directories, .

~READING, PA.~ ANDREW REDMOND, Hc:.,::;~~e.~::d ::"o~c:;:~. {3d .Dd R.I~ Sfl.
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